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January 2014 A Quarterly Publication www.nasa.gov PhoneSat 2.4, NASA's next generation smartphone cubesat has phoned home. The tiny spacecraft that uses an off-the-shelf smartphone for a brain has completed checkout and are "go" for the spry spacefarer. PhoneSat 2.4, a cube approxi mately four inches square, weighs only about 2.2 pounds, and was developed family to use a two-way S-band radio, allowing engineers to command the the viability of using smartphones and other commercially available electron ics in satellites destined for low-Earth orbit. "It's great to hear from NASA's most recent cubesat spacecraft," said Michael Gazarik, NASA's associate administrator for space technology in Washington. "NASA is committed to opening up the high frontier to a new generation of explorers who can take advantage of these sorts BY RACHEL HOOVER AND JAMES SCHWAB of small satellites to do science and technology development at a fraction of the cost of larger, more complex spacecraft."continued on page 11More than three-quarters of the planet candidates discovered by NASA's Kepler spacecraft have sizes ranging from that of Earth to that of Neptune, which is nearly four times as big as Earth. Such planets dominate the galactic census but are not represented in our own solar system. Astronomers dont know how they form or if they are made of rock, water or gas. The Kepler team this month re ports on four years of ground-based follow-up observations targeting Kepler's exoplanet systems at the American Astronomical Society meet ing in Washington. These observations ies are indeed planets and yield mass measurements of these enigmatic worlds that vary between Earth and Neptune in size. new rocky planets ranging in size from ten to eighty percent larger than Earth. Two of the new rocky worlds, dubbed Kepler-99b and Kepler-406b, are both forty percent larger in size than Earth and have a density similar to lead. The planets orbit their host stars in less making these worlds too hot for life as we know it. A major component of these follow-up observations were Doppler Chart of Kepler planet candidates as of January 2014. NASA Image BY MICHELE JOHNSON continued on page 14 NASA Ames engineers are building PhoneSats, seen here, demonstrat ing how "off the shelf" consumer devices can lead to new space ex ploration capabilities.NASA photo by Dominic Hart
2 Astrogram January 2014 BY JESSICA CULLER On Dec. 23, 2013, President ers, including Joshua S. Alwood of Ames as recipients of the 2012 In December 2013, John Holdren, the senior advisor to President Barack Obama on science and technology issues through his roles as Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, dents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), visited Ames. Holdren also was the special speaker for a short town hall-style all hands with Ames staff (Holden is above right dur ing the all hands and Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden is on the left). As the principal advisor on the effects of science and technology on domestic and international affairs. NASA photo by Eric JamesJoshua Alwood, in the Bone and Signaling Lab at Ames, recipient of the 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). He received the award for his research into the temporal changes in skeletal tissue density, cancellous orientation and vasculature during recovery from musculoskeletol disuse.NASA photo by Dominic Hart Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). These recipients, and 97 other federal researchers, will receive their awards in a ceremony early this year in Washington. The PECASE awards represent the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on scientists and engineers beginning their research careers. The award recognizes recipients' exceptional potential for knowledge and their commitment to community service as demonstrated through professional leadership, edu cation or community outreach. "These early career scientists and engineers represent some of the best and brightest talent in our agency and our university partners," said NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan. "We are delighted to see them win this pres tigious award. Their contributions, ranging from micro-gravity and space radiation effects, X-ray spectrometry, advanced composites, remote sens frontiers." The 2012 NASA recipients were nominated by the agency's Science nologist. The recipients are: -Joshua S. Alwood, at NASA Ames for research into the temporal changes in skeletal tissue density, cancellous orientation and vasculature during recovery from musculoskeletal disuse. -Douglas C. Hofmann, at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasade na, Calif., for his innovative research in metal-matrix composites for future NASA missions. -Randall L. McEntaffer, at the University of Iowa, for development of high resolution and high through put X-ray gratings for use in the next generation of space-based X-ray spectrometers. -Tamlin M. Pavelsky, at the University of North Carolina, for outstanding research and leadership advancing satellite remote sensing of river discharge, including enabling the broader community to develop and improve algorithms for SWOT, a future NASA satellite. -Patrick C. Taylor, at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hamp ton, Va., for exceptional early career achievements and innovations that continued on page 13
3Astrogram January 2014 NASA Ames established a nonreimbursable Space Act Agreement with Breakthrough Prize in Life Sci ences (BPLS) to host an awards ceremony at Ames Dec. 12, 2013 in Hangar One. The BPLS is a not-for-ing breakthrough research, celebrating distinguished scientists and generating excitement about the pursuit of sci ence as a career. The BPLS award ceremony, for approximately 350 invited people, honors achievements in life science and physics and is on par with other In November 2013, NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan presented an all hands at Ames entitled "Looking Outward, Inward and Homeward: The Value of NASA Science." NASAs investments in science began with the agencys inception and have evolved into a complex portfolio spanning multiple disciplines and centers. As the principal advisor on the agency's science programs and science-related strategic planning and investments, she shared insights and perspective from the vantage point of the agencys top leaders. NASA photo by Dominic Hart awards such as the Draper and Na tional Academy of Sciences Awards. NASA is a recognized world leader in life sciences and physics with key by people at NASA Ames. This highneeded attention to the importance of Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) education, which is one of the Agencys primary missions. The invitation-only event was pro duced and directed by the internation ally acclaimed Don Mischer Produc tions. Presentations were provided from supporters and key members of the technology and sciences com munity. There also was recognition of the great work being done in the life sciences and physics community both around the world, at NASA and at Ames highlighted throughout the evening. BPLS will broadcast the awards ceremony Jan. 27 for the Discovery Channel that will promote life scienc es, physics and other STEM-related Hangar One seen here in brilliant blue. The historic hangar was lit up in an array of colors, courtesy of the event planners and sponsors of the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences event held at Moffett December 2013.NASA photo by Paul Langston
4 Astrogram January 2014NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) will few months. Twelve two-person teams have been selected for SOFIA's Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors program, representing educators from 10 states. Each will be paired with a professional airborne infrared astronomy is con Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors will take what they learn back to their classrooms and into their communities to promote science literacy. (2.5-meter) effective diameter tele sadors teams have witnessed SOFIA's world-class astronomical science and have used this experience in hundreds of science, technology, engineer ing and math teaching opportunities throughout the United States." Astronomers Association and Fox Astronomical Observatory, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Marcella Linahan, Carmel Catholic High School, Mundelein, Ill. and Lynne Zielinski National Space Society, Long between 39,000 and 45,000 feet (1214 kilometers), above the water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere and collects data in the infrared spectrum. "SOFIA offers educator teams unprecedented access to infrared as tronomers and the unique capabilities of an airborne observatory," said John Gagosian, SOFIA program executive at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Previous Airborne Astronomy AmbasSOFIA's Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors for 2014 are: Megan Tucker and Dan Molik, The Palmdale Aerospace Academy, Palmdale, Calif. Barbel Sepulveda, Lincoln High School and Chris Rauschenfels, Sierra Middle School, Stockton, Calif. Nathan Mahoney, Pine Crest Hllen Tavora, South Florida Amateur Grove, Ill. Judi Little and LeeAnn Vaughan, Burke High School, Omaha, Neb. Margaret Holzer, Chatham High School, Somerset, N.J. and Theresa Roelofsen Moody, New Jersey Astronomy Center at Raritan Valley Commu nity College, High Bridge, N.J. BY NICK VERONICO continued on page 10 Astronomer Jim De Buizer (left) talks to SOFIA Airborne Astronomy Ambassador Marita Beard (foreground) while FORCAST instrument principal photo by Nick Veronico Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors (from left to right) Constance Gartner, Vince Washington, Ira Hardin and Chelen Johnson at the educators workstation aboard the SOFIA observatory during photo by Pam Harman
5Astrogram January 2014 BY RUTH DASSO MARLAIRE NASA and Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) of Seattle, Wash., are making a large collection of NASA climate and Earth science satellite data Climate change projections for the United States, such as the data shown in this image of average springtime temperature changes by the 2090s, will be available on the cloud through an agreement with Amazon Web Services. This data was produced by the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX), a research platform of the NASA Advanced Supercomputer Facility at Ames. available to research and educational users through the AWS cloud. The system enhances research and educational opportunities for the U.S. geoscience community by promoting community-driven research, innovation and collaboration. "NASA continues to support and provide open public access to re search data, and this collaboration is entirely consistent with that objective," said NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan at the agency's headquarters in Washington. "Earth science research is im portant to every person on the planet, and we welcome contributions from all researchers in improving our under standing of Earth and its climate." This agreement allows NASA and AWS to experiment with a new way to provide data services. By using the cloud, research and application users worldwide gain access to an integrat ed Earth science computational and data management system they can use on their own. The service encompasses selected NASA satellite and global change data sets -including temperature, precipi tation, and forest cover -and data processing tools from the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX), a research platform of the NASA Advanced Supercom puter Facility at Ames. "We are excited to grow an eco system of researchers and develop ers who can help us solve important environmental research problems," said Rama Nemani, principal scientist for the NEX project at Ames. "Our goal is that people can easily gain access to and use a multitude of data analysis services quickly through AWS to add knowledge and open source tools for NEX is a collaboration and analyti cal platform that combines state-ofthe-art supercomputing, Earth system NASA remote-sensing data. Through NEX, users can explore and analyze large Earth science data sets, run and share modeling algorithms, collabo rate on new or existing projects and and among other science communi ties. NASA has uploaded terabytes of data from three satellite and com puter modeling datasets to the AWS platform and will upload more in the future. One data set, the NEX downscaled climate simulations, provides high-resolution climate change projec tions for the 48 contiguous U.S. states. The second data set, provided by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spec troradiometer (MODIS) instrument on NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites, offers a global view of Earth's surface every one to two days. Finally, the Landsat data record from the U.S. Geological Survey provides the lon gest existing continuous space-based record of Earth's land. NASA climate data sets provided to AWS will continue to be available to the public in a full and open manner. The effort continues NASA's adoption of cloud platforms to enhance digital services, enabling NASA to make more U.S. government data easy to download large amounts of data. In line with the Obama Administration's Open Data Executive Order, this new collaboration encourages citizen entre preneurs to create businesses, inno The NASA datasets will be avail able through the Amazon Public Data Sets program at: http://aws.amazon. com/datasets This website provides a centralized repository of selected public data sets that can be integrated into AWS cloudbased applications to reduce the time and cost associated with transferring large data sets. "By bringing these NASA public data assets into the AWS cloud, we help NASA engage a larger commu nity for global change impact modeling and analysis as well as data sciences innovation in general," said Jamie Kin computing. "Together, NASA and AWS are delivering faster time to science and taking the complexity out of ac cessing this important climate data."
6 Astrogram January 2014 Earth and space science topics at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) held in December 2013. The meeting took place Dec. 9-13, 2013 at the Moscone Convention Center in topics such as the latest discoveries from Mars and Saturn's moon Titan, prospects for the recovery of the Antarctic ozone hole, Comet ISON, and close-up views of the sun from a NASA spacecraft launched this year. In addition, NASA scientists and their colleagues John Grunsfeld, Associate Administrator for Science Mission Direc torate, NASA Headquarters (left lower photo) is seen here speaking at the recent AGU meeting in December. NASA's Assistant Administrator for Procurement, Bill McNally, visited Ames in October 2013. He hosted a meeting with the Ames Contractor Council as well as a center town hall for the resident staff. McNally spoke about the need to reduce transaction costs in NASA procurements and other new initiatives in the procurement environment from a NASA Headquarters perspective.NASA photo by Dominic Hart NASA photos by Eric James
7Astrogram January 2014 Thirteen California organizations, includ ing NASA Ames were recognized with the 2013 Governors Environmental and Economic Leader ship Award (GEELA), the states highest environmental honor from the California Environmental Pro tection Agency, for eral facility to receive LEED Platinum rating for new construction. Features include a graywater reclamation system and an intel ligent adaptive control system.NASA photo by Eric JamesNASA photo by Dominic HartJohn Greenleaf recently received the 2013 Far West Region Federal Labora tory Consortium (FLC) Award for Outstanding Commercialization Success of his "Rehydration Beverage." The rehydration beverage was developed to help keep astronauts at peak performance during missions. The beverage was formula that maintains and restores optimal body hydration levels quickly and conveniently. Developed as a remedy for dehydration, it helps prevent the loss used to treat and prevent dehydration caused by altitude sickness and jetlag. Greenleaf is seen here, right, holding the FLC award following the recent award ceremony held at Ames.
8 Astrogram January 2014 In September 2013, Ames employees were invited to listen to NASA's Asteroid Grand Challenge Program Executive Jason Kessler at an all hands meeting at the center. This meeting included a presentation of NASA's Asteroid Grand Challenge followed by a question-and-answer session. Since 1998, NASA's Near Earth Object Observation (NEOO) Program has has successfully found 95 percent of the potentially devastating 1 km wide near-Earth asteroids. More needs to be done; aster oid impacts and explosions from objects much smaller than 1 km, have the capability of rendering massive devastation. It will take a global effort with innovative solutions to accelerate the search for all of these potentially hazardous asteroids. Earlier this summer, NASA announced the Asteroid Grand Challenge to do about them. Recognizing the power of traditional and in novative collaboration including the use of public private part nerships, citizen science, crowdsourcing and incentive prizes, in addition to international and other cooperative partnerships NASA will lead a dialogue addressing how to best use these methods to aid in solving this global problem, together. NASA photo by Dominic Hart On Oct. 17, 2013, Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden stood at the Ames front gate (above) to personnally and enthusiastically welcome employees back to the center post-furlough. The furlough lasted Oct. 1 16, 2013. Worden addressed Ames employees and their questions (left) during the post-furlough all hands Oct. 18 and updated them about the latest information regarding the startup following the furlough. NASA photo by Dominic Hartphoto by Astrid Albaugh
9Astrogram January 2014 The Ames Honor Awardees received their awards during a cer emony in November 2013, in the Syvertson Auditorium. Thanks to every employee who submitted a nomination this year and congratula tions to these deserving employees. The list of the 2013 Ames Honor Awardees follows: Administrative Assistant Support/ Secretary: Arelene C. Spencer Administrative Professional: Dolores D. Beasley Heather H. Logan Best First Paper: Laura J. Simurda Commercialization/Technology Transfer: Michael J. Aftosmis Contractor Employee: Anna Bui Cordrey, Deltha-Critique Jennifer R. Campbell, Orbital Sciences Corporation Dennis R. Gaskins, ASRC Research & Tech Solutions Michael A. Gross, Universities Space Research Association Donald J. Kalar, San Jose State University Foundation Laura K. Kushner, Aerospace Computing Inc. Lynne H. Martin, San Jose State University Foundation Duy D. Nguyen, Jacobs Technology Inc. Thoth Nowland, Jacobs Technology Inc. Laura E. Plice, Metis Technology, Inc. Scott Prevost, Computer Sciences Corporation Shawn Seader, SETI Institute Shivanjli Sharma, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc. Rosa C. Yancy, Ames Child Care Center Education and Outreach: Beverly E. Girten Engineer: Karen L. Gundy-Burlet Nghia D. VuongGroup/Team: Ames Photo/Video Group Bion-M1 Project Team Cell Bio Tech Demo Team Exploration Ground Data Systems (xGDS) Development Team IRIS Project Mission Group Kepler Spacecraft Operations Team Millimeter-wave Thermal Launch System (MTLS) Team PhoneSat Team Sea Grass/Coral Reef UAV Team SOFIA Observatory Pointing Team SpaceShop Team Mentor: Mark A. Beskind Dean P. Giovannetti Manuel O. Herrada John A. Hogan William G. Warmbrodt Diane H. Wooden Project Management: Nicole A. Rayl Scientist or Researcher: Jeffrey M. Moore Special Appreciation: Michael T. Downs, Kennedy Space Center Michelle M. Munk, Langley Research Center Marc A. Seibert, Kennedy Space Center Student: Aileen V. Aniciete Young Sang Park Supervisor/Manager: Andrew G. Demo Technical Support/Professiona l: Steve Jara Lauren Nguyen Ladwig Technician: James B. Scott In August 2013, the Adaptable, Deployable Entry Placement Technology (ADEPT) team installed the cloth cover on an engineering prototype model. The ADEPT concept is a mechani during entry suitable for a variety of planetary or earth return missions leveraging Ames' exper tise in thermal protection system material and entry system design, development and testing. NASA photo by Eric James
10 Astrogram January 2014 the glory of science and space travel to everyone he encounters. continued from page 4NASA photo by Dominic HartMichael Maccarone and Elizabeth Rosenberger, Avenues: The World School, New York Tom Jenkins, Dayton Regional STEM Center, Enon, Ohio, and Heidi Steinbrink, Oakwood Senior High Robert Black, North Medford High School, and Dave Bloomsness, Southern Oregon Skywatchers, Medford, Ore. George Hademenos and Diane Watson, Richardson High School, Richardson, Texas Kim Abegglen and Anna-Melissa Lyons, Hockinson Middle School, Vancouver, Wash. Kathy Gustavson, Nicolet High Jean Creighton University of Wiscon sinMadison, Manfred Olson Plan etarium, Milwaukee. "Educators are selected through a rigorous peer-reviewed process for this yearly professional development opportunity," said astronomer Dana Backman, manager of SOFIA's education and public outreach programs at NASA Ames. "To date, the Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors' program has from 17 states, and we look forward to working with this new cadre of educa tors as they take NASA science into their communities." SOFIA is a joint project of NASA and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The aircraft is based at the Dryden Aircraft Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif. NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center in Edwards, Calif., manages the program. Ames manages the SOFIA science and mission operations in cooperation with the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) in Columbia, Md., and the German SOFIA Institute (DSI) at the University of Stuttgart. For more information about SOFIA, tion about SOFIA's science mission dsi.uni-stuttgart.de/index.en.html
11Astrogram January 2014 On Nov. 19, 2013, Charles Bauschlicher, left, presented the fourth presentation in a series of Ames nity. His presentation was entitled, From Computational Chemistry to Computational Materials. Bauschlicher gave an overview of the computational methods that are used to solve problems of interest to NASA. He discussed the methods used to study large molecules and materials. Several examples were given to illustrate the range of problems that have been studied. In April 2013, NASA successfully demonstrated a one-week mission with PhoneSat 1.0. With an expected orbital lifetime of up to one year, PhoneSat 2.4 will measure how well commercially developed components perform in space over a long period of time. This innovative application of commercially developed technologies for use in space provides for low-cost, low-risk, highly repetitive missions to meet some unique NASA science and exploration needs. The spacecraft was among 11 agency-sponsored cubesats deployed Nov.19 by a NASA-built Nanosatel lite Launch Adapter System aboard an Orbital Sciences Minotaur 1 rocket for the U.S. Air Force from the MidAtlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. PhoneSat 2.4 also will test a system to control the orientation of the cubesat in space. Like the earlier PhoneSat 1, PhoneSat 2.4 uses a Nexus S smartphone made by Sam sung Electronics running Google's Android operating system. Santa Clara University in California is providing the ground station for the mission. The smartphone provides many of the functions the satellite needs to op erate, such as computation, memory, ready-made interfaces for communi cations, navigation and power, all assembled in a rugged package before launch. Data from the satellite's sub systems, including the smartphone, the power system and orientation control system are being downlinked over amateur radio at a frequency of 437.425MHz. The next PhoneSat, version 2.5, is scheduled to launch in February 2014, hitching a ride aboard a commercial SpaceX rocket. That spacecraft also is expected to perform in Earth orbit for several months and continue test ing the two-way radio and orientation systems. The PhoneSat Project is managed by the Engineering Director ate at Ames. The PhoneSat series of missions Spacecraft Technology mission, the Edison Demonstration of Smallsat Networks (EDSN). The EDSN mission is composed of eight identical 1.5-unit cubesats, which are each approxi mately four inches by four inches by six inches in size and weighing about 5.5 pounds, that will be deployed during a launch from Kauai, Hawaii in 2014. The EDSN mission will demon strate the concept of using many small spacecraft in a coordinated cluster to study the space environment and space-to-space communications techniques. The eight EDSN satel lites each will have a Nexus S smart phone for satellite command and data added as a payload on each space craft. During EDSN, each cubesat will make science measurements and transmit the data to the others while any one of them can then transmit all of the collected data to a ground station. This versatility in command and control could make possible large swarms of satellites to affordably monitor Earth's climate, space weather and other global-scale phenomena. The PhoneSat Project is one of many development projects within NASA's Small Spacecraft Technology Program, one of nine programs within NASA's Space Technology Mission Di rectorate. The Small Spacecraft Technology Program develops and matures technologies to enhance and expand the capabilities of small spacecraft, with a particular focus on communica tions, propulsion, pointing, power and autonomous operations. For more information about Phone Sat, the Small Spacecraft Technology Program and NASA's Space Technol ogy Mission Directorate, visit: http:// www.nasa.gov/spacetechcontinued from front pageNASA photo by Tom Trower
12 Astrogram January 2014 Masayuki Mas Omura was born in San Jose, Feb. 12, 1939. He passed away Oct. 26, 2013. He was a 1957 graduate from Campbell High School and in 1962, received his bachelor of science/master of science from MIT in electrical engineering. He was a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi 1961. In 1967, Mas received his doctor of philosophy from Stanford in electrical engi neering. He was known for his research in shock waves, plasma diagnostics, microwave radiometry and avionics. He published papers on plasma diagnostics and shock wave precursor. From 1967 to 1997, Mas worked at NASA Ames. He spent a year at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. as a program manager for Data Sys tems in the Guidance Control and Information Systems Divisions. Mas retired from NASA in 1997 as the deputy director of Center Operations and had made great contributions to many Ames science and engineering projects. He also was very active with the Asian American PIAG) before his retirement. NASA photo by Roger BrimmerMasayuki Mas OmuraMas had three main passions in his life. First and foremost was his family, particularly his grand children, who loved him dearly. His second passion was singing. He was a member of a Japanese karaoke club for 30 years. He sang in Honolulu, Kobe and Hiroshima, Japan and throughout California from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Finally, Mas loved to travel. He loved airplanes and boats. After retiring from NASA, he traveled to the Middle East, Asia, Costa Rica, Mexico and all over Europe. He is survived by his wife Claire (Fujita); daughters Jeanne (James Kim) and Anne (Whitty Somvichian) and grandkids Sarah, Mari, Sean, Tomiko and Emiko; his mother Shizuko of Morgan Hill; broth ers Jim and George; and sisters Akiko (Dave Kubo) and June (Tom Crow). Private memorial services were held at the Morgan Hill Bud and koden, please donate to your favorite charity.Darryll R. Stroud Darryll R. Stroud, 84, passed away Sept. 25, 2013, after a twoyear battle with cancer. A native of San Francisco and graduate of Washington High School, he was a Navy veteran and retired NASA Ames employee of 34 years, starting his career with the National Advisory Comittee for Aeronautics (NACA) then NASA, as a technical illustrator and branch chief for the Graphics and Exhibits Branch and merged Publica tions Branch within the Technical In formation Division, Center Operations Directorate. He and his wife, Dorothy, raised three children in Sunnyvale, Calif., before retiring to Lake of the Pines, Calif., in 1990. Darryll was active in the Ma sonic Lodge (Mountain View), Indian Guides, Eastern Star (Past Patron) and was a volunteer for many years at the Sacramento International Airport, the Sacramento Jazz Festival and with the Special Olympics. He was a member of the Retired United Airlines Employees Association and National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE). Daryll and Dorothy travelled exten sively to Europe during retirement and enjoyed many hiking trips in Switzerland with friends. Daryll is survived by his wife of 57 years, Dorothy; daughter Diane (Steve) Haag; son Kenneth Stroud; daughter Nancy (Brian) Pantiga; and six grandchildren: Brian, Sarah, Jennifer, Hannah, Taylor and Kyle. A memorial was held October 2013 at the Eureka Masonic Lodge of Auburn. memory to The Shriners Hospital or a charity of your choice.
13Astrogram January 2014 Martin A. Marty KnutsonNASA photoFormer research pilot and Dryden site manager Martin A. Marty Knutson passed away Dec. 11, 2013. Best prior to and during his NASA career, Knutson led the center through the operations and was responsible for obtaining several SR-71 Blackbirds for use as high-altitude, high-speed research platforms. Born May 31, 1930, in St. Louis Park, Minn., he attended the Univer sity of Minnesota, majoring in electrical career as an Air Force aviation cadet in 1950. Following service in Korea and participation in developmental testing and operational missions in the F-84 and F-86, he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency in stint in covert intelligence, he became Soviet Union. In 1970, he ended his CIA service and retired from the Air Force, having logged more than 6,500 Ames were trying to obtain two U-2C aircraft for the agencys Earth resources science program. Carl Duckett, the CIAs deputy director for science and technology, persuaded Knutson to sign on as project manager and in 1971 Knutson helped draft an operational plan and made arrange ments for Lockheed to overhaul two airplanes that had been in storage. He also served as one of several NASA updated model that joined the NASA In May 1984, Knutson was ap pointed Director of Flight Operations for Ames, and was also assigned additional duty as site manager of the Dryden Flight Research Facility, then subordinate to Ames. During the next six years, he maintained the facility at operational readiness for space shuttle landings, replaced Drydens with modern F/A-18 Hornets and programs including the X-29 forwardswept-wing technology demonstrator; the Controlled Impact Demonstration, an intentional crash of a remotely piloted airliner loaded with an experi F-15 Digital Electronic Engine Control project that integrated propulsion and Pegasus air-launched rocket for plac ing small payloads into low-Earth orbit; the CV-990 Landing Systems Re search aircraft, which tested improved braking systems for the space shuttle; and the F-18 High-Alpha Research Vehicle. After the Air Force announced the impending retirement of the SR-71, the only aircraft capable of sustained above 85,000 feet, Knutson success fully sought to acquire three Blackbirds for Dryden. In late 1990, he returned to Ames where he served as Chief of Flight Operations until his retirement in 1997. His awards include the Meritorious Service Medal and the Distinguished Flying Cross, both from the Air Force, NASA's Outstanding Leadership Award and the Presidential Rank of Meritorious Executive. He twice received the CIA Intelligence Star. He was an Associate Fellow of the Soci ety of Experimental Test Pilots and a charter member of the federal govern ment's Senior Executive Service. He is survived by his four children grandchildren Eric, Brandon, Saman tha, Joshua and Natasha. ing of the Earth's climate system. The PECASE awards were cre ated to foster innovative developments in science and technology, increase awareness of careers in science and engineering, give recognition to ing agencies, enhance connections between fundamental research and many of the grand challenges facing the nation, and highlight the impor tance of science and technology for America's future. For a complete list of 2012 award winners, visit: http:// www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-of ors-outstanding-early-career-scientistscontinued from page 2 COURTESY OF NASA DR YDEN
14 Astrogram January 2014 measurements of the planets' host wobble of the host star, caused by the gravitational tug on the star exerted by the orbiting planet. That measured wobble reveals the mass of the planet: the higher the mass of the planet, the greater the gravitational tug on the star and hence the greater the wobble. "This marvelous avalanche of information about the mini-Neptune planets is telling us about their coreenvelope structure, not unlike a peach with its pit and fruit," said Geoff Marcy, professor of astronomy at University of California, Berkeley who led the sum mary analysis of the high-precision Doppler study. "We now face daunting questions about how these enigmas formed and why our solar system is devoid of the most populous residents in the galaxy." Using one of the world's largest ground-based telescopes at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, scien discovered by Kepler and determined the masses of 16. With the mass and diameter in-hand, scientists could im mediately determine the density of the planets, characterizing them as rocky or gaseous, or mixtures of the two. These density measurements dictate the possible chemical composi tion of these strange, but ubiquitous planets. The density measurements suggest that the planets smaller than Neptune or mini-Neptunes have a rocky core but the proportions of hydrogen, helium and hydrogen-rich molecules in the envelope surrounding that core vary dramatically, with some having no envelope at all. The ground-based observation re search validates 38 new planets, six of which are non-transiting planets only seen in the Doppler data. The paper detailing the research is published in the Astrophysical Journal. A complementary technique used to determine mass, and in turn density of a planet, is by measuring the transit timing variations (TTV). Much like the gravitational force of a planet on its star, neighboring planets can tug on one another causing one planet to ac celerate and another planet to deceler ate along its orbit. Ji-Wei Xie of the University of Toronto, used TTV to validate 15 pairs of Kepler planets ranging from Earthsized to a little larger than Neptune. Xie measured masses of the 30 plan ets thereby adding to the compendium of planetary characteristics for this new class of planets. The result also was published in the Astrophysical Journal in Dec. 2013. "Kepler's primary objective is to determine the prevalence of planets of varying sizes and orbits. Of particu lar interest to the search for life is the prevalence of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone," said Natalie Bat alha, Kepler mission scientist at NASA Ames. "But the question in the back of our minds is: are all planets the size of Earth rocky? Might some be scaled-down versions of icy Neptunes or steamy water worlds? What fraction are recognizable as kin of our rocky, continued from front pageThe Ames Exchange held a barbeque picnic in the fall of 2013 at NACA Park that coincided with the Ames Safety Street Fair and Fun Run Walk and Fitness Challenges. Safety: Its in our DNA was the theme.terrestrial globe?" The dynamical mass measure ments produced by Doppler and TTV analyses will help to answer these questions. The results hint that a large fraction of planets smaller than 1.5 times the radius of Earth may be comprised of the silicates, iron, nickel and magnesium that are found in the terrestrial planets here in the solar system. Armed with this type of information, scientists will be able to turn the fraction of stars harboring Earth-sizes planets into the fraction of stars har able environment beyond the solar system. Ames is responsible for the Kepler mission concept, ground system development, mission operations, and science data analysis. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., managed Kepler mission devel opment. Ball Aerospace & Technolo gies Corp. in Boulder, Colo., develsupports mission operations with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The Space Telescope Sci ence Institute in Baltimore archives, hosts and distributes Kepler science data. Kepler is NASA's 10th Discov ery Mission and was funded by the agency's Science Mission Directorate. For more information about the Kepler space telescope, visit: http:// www.nasa.gov/keplerNASA photo by Jon Pierre Wiens NASA photo by Dominic Hart
15Astrogram January 2014 homes for cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to abandoned/lost pets. They are tested, altered and inoculated. Call Iris at ext. 4-5824 if you or someone you know are interested in fostering or adopting a cat.Ames Cat Networkcontinued on back page continued on back page continued on back page continued on back page Ames Ongoing Monthly Events CalendarAfrican American Advisory Group (AAAG) Mtg., last Tuesday of each month, 12 1 p.m., Bldg. N-255, Rm. 101C. POC: Rose King, ext. 4-3442. Moffett Aikido Club, Monday and Wednes day evenings, 6:30 p.m., Bldg. 944. Aikido is a non-competitive, defensive martial art known as the Way of Harmony. POC: Diane Pereda (650) 575-9070 or Robert Dean (650) 787-1007, email: mfaikido@aol.com Ames Amateur Radio Club, third Thursday of each month, 12 noon, N-T28 (across from N-255). POC: George Tucker, at ext. 4-2200. Ames Bluegrass Club, every Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bldg. 944. Players of all instruments and all levels are welcome, but we are particularly interested in experienced play ers willing to help improve the groups musical skills. POC: Bob Haberle at ext. 4-5494 or email: robert.m.haberle@nasa.gov Ames Bocce Ball Club, Ames newest Exchange-sponsored club is seeking members. POC: Mike Lindsay email: michael.c.lindsay@ nasa.gov Ames Bowling League Homestead Lanes Thursdays at 6 p.m. Need substitute bowl ers. Sign up questions: Steve Howard at ext. 4-4884. Ames Contractor Council Mtg Wednesday of each month, 11 a.m., Bldg. N-200, Committee Room. POC: Herb Finger at ext. 4-6598. Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg, third Wednesday of each month, noon. Bldg. N-204, Rm. 101. Guests welcome. Check for schedule changes at: http://www. afeu.org. POC: Paul K. Davis, ext. 4-5916. Ames Golf Club Members have the opportu nity to play approximately 13 tournaments per year at a variety of 18-hole golf courses in the Bay and Monterey Area. POC: Barry Sullivan: Barry.T.Sullivan@nasa.gov. Ames Green Team (formerly the Green Ames Tuesday of each month in Bldg. N-237, Rm. 101, from 10-11 a.m. For information, call Roger Ashbaugh, Ames Environmental Management Division, ext. 4-5660. http://environmentalmanagement.arc.nasa. gov/reports/eo-13514.html The Hispanic Advisory Committee for Excellence (HACE) Mtg each month, 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m., Bldg. N-255, Rm. 101C. POC: Jeanette Zamora, jeanette.zamora-ortega-1@nasa.gov. Ames Jazz Band Club, Bldg. 944, 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. POC: Ralph Bach, email: ralph.e.bach@nasa.gov Jetstream Toastmasters Mondays, 12 p.m. 1 p.m., Bldg. N-269, Rm.179. POC: Tim Steiger, ext. 4-0195, tim.steiger@nasa.gov. Web: http://jetstream.freetoasthost.com Ames Nimble Knitters Club, every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m., Bldg. N210, Rm. 141. POC: Rosalyn Jung, knitfan2@yahoo.com or Diane Alexander at ext. 4-3140. URL: http://knit.arc. nasa.gov Ames Roller Hockey Club, meets daily from noon to 1 p.m. at rink on north end of the 80-foot-by-120-foot wind tunnel. Players should have experience skating and must wear protective equipment. Ames Safety Committee third Thursday of each month, 10 a.m. 11 a.m., Bldg. N-237, Rm. 200. POC: John Livacich, jlivacich@ mail.arc.nasa.gov, ext. 4-3243. Wednesday of each month, Bldg. N-232, Rm. 227, 12:00 1:00 p.m., POC: Wendy Holforty, wendy.l.holforty@nasa.gov Ames emergency announcementsTo hear the centerwide status recording, call (650) 604-9999 for information announcements and emergency instructions for Ames employees. You also may listen to 1700 KHz AM radio for the same information. Exchange InformationBeyond Galileo Gift Shop N-235 in the cafeteria, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-6873 Mega Bites Cafeteria N-235, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-5969/Catering ext. 4-2161 Barcelona Caf Bldg. 3, 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-4948/Catering ext. 4-4948 See daily menus at: http://exchange.arc. nasa.gov/cafe/menu.html Visitor Center Gift Shop (Exploration Center), Tues-Fri, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sat. Sun, 12 4 p.m., ext. 4-5412Remember to purchase your baby shower, birthday and holiday gifts at Ames two gift shops! Information about products, services and opportuni ties provided to the employee and contractor com munity by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit our web site at: http://exchange.arc.nasa.govNASA Lodge (Bldg. 19) (650) 603-7100The swimming pool is now open. Hours of operation are as follows: Lap swim only: MWF 10 a.m.1 p.m. MWF 3 p.m.-6 p.m. TTH 10 a.m.-1 p.m. TTH 4 p.m.-7 p.m. The pool is heated year round. The pool normally is available for lap swim, pool parties and special events. POC: Ryan Storms, Pool Manager (650) 603-8025. Memberships: single memberships: $60/yr. Family memberships: $80/yr. After purchasing a membership, there is an entrance fee: daily entrance fee $3/day or lap pass fee $50 for 20 uses. Platinum membership $380/ yr. (no daily fee). Special events: include military training, swim team events, kayak role practice, etc. The cost for special events is $75/hr, or $50/hr for military. Exchange Basketball Gym is now open, Bldg. 2 (650) 603-9717 Hours of operation: M-F 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. M-F 4 p.m.-7 p.m.Ames Swim Center (N-109) (650) 603-8025 RV Lots available. Call to reserve a space at (650) 254-1808.Where to stay when youre too tired to drive home? What about the lodge?! Two types of rooms: Bldg. 19 (43 rooms), rate: $65/night ($5 ea addl adult); Bldg. 583 A&B (150 rooms), rate: $55/night ($5 ea. addl adult); B547 rate $60/night (for large groups)Moffett Field Golf Club with Tee minus One Grill and Sports Bar Catering avail able. Call (650) 603-8026. Extended Happy Hour Thursdays, $5 and $6 pitchers of beer starting at 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Civilian/Contractors, $50/mo; military $25/mo Chase Park reservations call ext. 4-4948 NACA Park reservations call ext. 4-4948 Orphanage Without Borders Mtg., Mon days, Bldg. 211, Room 205, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The mission of Orphanage Without Bor ders (OWB) is to improve the lives of children living in orphanages and abandoned children. Our goal is to create a network of organiza tions that work together to provide children worldwide with the acceptable standards of life such as education, health, hygiene, discipline, affection, responsibility, hope of future, shelter, nutrition, clean water, joy and safety. We aim to apply these standards universally, meaning that they will be inde pendent of the nationality, religion, culture, race, political opinion or social class of the children or orphanage location. For additional information contact Miguel at mvcharcos@ orphanagewithoutborders.org or mcharcos@ Ames annual 100 percent wall-to-wall physical inventory for NASA tagged, bar-coded property is proceeding as scheduled. As a reminder, all controlled equipment documented on a NASA Form 892 Employee Property Pass/Loan Agreement and Removal Permit must have their NF 892 up to date. Employees are en couraged to bring in that property for scanning. Property passes are assigned to those people authorized to carry government equipment on and off Ames Research Center. If you have questions, contact Nelson Japlit at ext. 4-3428. Physical Inventory Underway
16 Astrogram January 2014 Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Managing Editor..............................Donald James Editor, Layout and Design...............Astrid Albaugh email at: astrogram@mail.arc.nasa.gov or by phone at ext. 4-3347. For downloadable pdf copies of each issue, visit the Astrogram website at: http://www.nasa.gov/ames/astrogramNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationPLEASE RECYCLE Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 85 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 Astrogram NP-2014-01-01-ARC A statistical summary of activities of the Protective Service Divisions Security/Law Enforcement and Fire Protection Services units for the three-month period ending December 2013 is shown below. Security/Law Enforcement Activity Fire Protection Activity On Dec. 17, 2013, Ames employees were invited to help celebrate the 110th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' Wright Flyer. Free cake was served in the Mega Bites Caf in celebration of the anniversary. Ames Ombuds and Senior Advisor to the Center Director Jack Boyd (right) cut the cake. NASA photos by Dominic Hart