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About Archivo Histórico de Vieques / Vieques Historical Archives

The Vieques Historical Archives (AHV) was established in 1990 as a center for research on Vieques with an important amount of documentation related to a wide variety of topics: archeology, architecture, literature, African slavery and the sugar industry of the nineteenth century, twentieth-century sugar mills, the worker’s struggle of 1915, the presence and activities of the United States Navy on the island and the historic and heroic struggle against the military presence. The Vieques Historical Archives (AHV) documents the socio-historical processes of Vieques from the perspective of people and community struggle.

Our Mission

  • Preserve documents, audiovisual materials and artifacts related to the history, development, culture and social struggles of Vieques through the use of sustainable techniques that make community participation viable and guarantee the continuity of the archive.
  • Give physical and virtual access to the collections of the Historical Archive of Vieques to a wide public.
  • Promote the use of the collections of the Historical Archive of Vieques through educational activities that promote social justice and the sustainable development of Vieques
  • Train community members on preservation and archival knowledge as part of a community self-governance model.

For more information on Vieques Historical Archives, please communicate via phone: 787-375-0525 or email: archivohistoricodevieques@gmail.com. You can also request a conference on Vieques topics for schools, cultural centers, university or community groups. The AHV also coordinates visits for academic/cultural groups to know about the history of Vieques, its struggles, possibilities for academic research and current issues.

See related materials, projects, and initiatives from the Diaspora Project Digital Humanities Center. > 

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