The State Defense Council was created in November 1940 by Governor Frederick P. Cone to direct a concerted effort leading toward total preparedness for Florida. The Council was authorized in 1941 (Ch. 20213, Laws). Spessard Holland, as incoming Governor, headed the Council, with Carl Borerin serving as Vice Chairman. The Council directed local, county, and regional defense councils. It was comprised of twelve divisions: Industry and Material Resources, Labor and Personnel, Civil Protection, Fire Protection and Water Supply, Agriculture, Food, Health and Housing, Communications and Transportation, Power and Fuel, Finance and Budget, Home Community Service, and Information, Education and Moral. The Council was terminated by Executive Order in 1945 with the ending of World War II. [Source: Florida State Archives.]

This collection primarily consists of reproductions of information bulletins and news releases created by the State Defense Council of Florida from 1941 to 1945. In addition, there are memoranda, correspondence, legislation, and reports related to the activities of the Council during World War II. A small portion of the documents were created by the Office of Civilian Defense in Washington, D.C.