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About the National Recovery Administration:
The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was established in the United States by Executive Order (EO) 6173, on June 16, 1933. Created to develop and administer an industrial code system that would exert controls over industrial pricing, production, trade practices, and labor relations, thereby promoting economic recovery, it was an integral part of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) (48 Stat. 195).
The NRA encouraged industries to create "codes of fair competition" as a means of reducing competition and setting minimum wages and maximum hours for workers. In 1935, the Supreme Court ruled that the activites of the NRA were unconstitutional and the administration quickly ceased operation, however many of the labor provisions, developed under the NRA, reappeared in the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act), passed later the same year.
The NRA, symbolized by the Blue Eagle (a blue-colored representation of the American thunderbird) was popular with workers. Businesses that supported the NRA put the symbol in their shop windows and on their packages. Though membership to the NRA was voluntary, businesses that did not display the eagle were very often boycotted, making it seem to many mandatory for survival.