The Florida Map Collections holds maps depicting Florida, one of the United States of America. Located in the southeastern section of the North American continent, Florida is, for the most part, a large peninsula with the Gulf of Mexico on its west and the Atlantic Ocean on its east.
Maps collected here show contemporary and historic Florida, dating from 1564 through the present. Many of the maps in this collection document historic Florida (1564-1926), illustrating territories of the Spanish, French, English, and United States in Florida, as well as coastal Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia and other southeastern states. While many of these maps were originally published as maps independent of any other publication, some were published with atlases, books, government documents, railroad schedules, land promotions, etc.
Maps in this collection include municipal and county maps as well as maps depicting the entire state. The historic and highly detailed Sanborn Fire Insurance Company's pre-1923 maps of Florida may be found in a separate collection.
Maps in this collection are held in large part by the University of Florida's Map and Imagery Library and by the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History in the Department of Special Collections.