Below is a breakdown of the data included in this collection from the Long Term Monitored Reef Project.
Click on a row below to view the data.
File Name | Nickname | Type of observation |
LTR_PhysicalChar | Reef Morphology | The dimensions of each reef (e.g. size, depth) |
LTR_PercentVisualCover | Estimated Percent Cover | Benthic cover on each monitored reef based on visual estimates |
LTR_PointContact | Another, more exact estimate of Percent Cover | Benthic cover based on a different estimate of percent cover |
LTR_ThalassomaSurveys | Labrid-Scarid surveys | Counts and sizes of fish in the families Labridae and Scaridae, these surveys also include settlers (small, individuals that recently arrived at the reefs) and predators |
LTR_Pomacentrid | Damselfish surveys | Counts in size classes of fish in the family Pomacentridae |
LTR_VermetidSizes | Sizes of gastropods (vermetids) on each reef | Sizes of sessile gastropods commonly called vermetids on each of the monitored reefs |
LTR_VermetidCounts | Counts of gastropods (vermetids) on each reef | Number of 1 species of vermetid (Dendropoma maximum) on each patch reef |
LTR_BranchingCoral | Branching corals on reefs | Genera and sizes of branching corals on reefs |
Please email the author: Craig Osenberg (osenberg at before data are used.