The Jaqi Collection : Aymara, Jaqaru, and Kawki Language Resources is comprised of archival and published texts as well as recorded sounds and images related to the Jaqi family of languages. The Jaqi linguistic family includes three languages: Aymara, Jaqaru and Kawki, languages rising out of the Wari (Huari) culture of the South American Andes. Resources collected here include some of the first resources in printed Aymara together with later reprints. The collection is particularly indebted to the work of Dr. Martha James Hardman. During her fifty years of research in the region, Dr. Hardman recorded more than 93 audio interviews with speakers of the Jaqi languages - many now deceased village elders - and transcribed these recordings in as many field notebooks documenting Jaqaru and Kawki linguistics. The Collection is augmented with visual resources, the bulk taken between 1959 and 1975 of villages, farms, market scenes, homes, and schools.