The University of Curaçao is contributing to the Digital Library of the Caribbean project from their extensive archives.

On March 9th 2010 the Library of the University of Curaçao (formerly named The Scientific Library) celebrated his 60th anniversary. On Saturday March 6th 2010 "De Algemeen Dagblad" published an article about the Library of the UC as the "Scientific Information Point" of the Netherlands Antilles. Click here to read this article (pdf-file). 

Aside from its function as scientific library, the library also administers an important cultural historical legacy and contributes to the compilation and safekeeping of a national collection for posterity. This special collection housed in the Antillean Room in the Library, contains for example the full book collection of the Dominican Fathers, and is accessible to anyone who wishes to use it for education, research and societal - cultural and educational reasons. In the UC Library's Online Public Access Catalogue the file containing this national collection can be referenced via the Dutch Caribbean Collection. The Bibliography Dutch Caribbean (BDC) is also included. The bibliography includes publications in many forms that relate to the Curaçao and Aruba, without being limited to a specific field, language in which it is written, or year or location of publication and that are not necessarily part of the UC library's collection. In the Antilles Room one can also find most of the theses of the graduates of the UC. These are also available for perusal. Sections of these theses may also be photocopied.