Peter Hildebrand

Dr. Peter E. Hildebrand

Peter E. Hildebrand, who retired July 1, 2003, joined the University of Florida faculty in 1979, after living abroad and working on international development projects for 15 years. Hildebrand's international background encompasses work in over 31 countries over 35 years. He developed many of the basic ideas and approaches that are the foundation for the Farming Systems Research and Extension methodology. At the University of Florida, Hildebrand developed innovative methodological approaches to training research and extension programs to reach food producers in the United States and abroad. He was the founding president of the global Association for Farming Systems Research and Extension. He coordinated the University-wide Farming Systems Program and coordinated the Women in Agricultural Development Program for four years. He provided support for the Gender, Environment, Agriculture and Participation Program. His research is in the area of farming systems research-extension methods, gender analysis, small-farm livelihood systems, and tropical conservation and development