Florida International University is contributing materials to the Digital Library of the Caribbean from the FIU Libraries Special Collections Department, the College of Law Library, the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center and the Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum. This project supports the broader mission of the University Libraries to collaborate with the University community to build collections, facilitate access to global information resources, and provide services in support of the University’s teaching, service, and research missions.
FIU Libraries is contributing materials to the Digital Library of the Caribbean from the Special Collections & University Archives. The Special Collections’ Caribbean collection has as its foci the history, literature, culture, architecture and arts of the countries of the Caribbean basin. The collection includes documents, photographs, maps, videos, music, artwork and rare books.
Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center at FIU, a US Department of Education National Resource Center on Latin America, served as the initial administrative home for dLOC and continues to support dLOC as a partner and a financially contributing member. LACC actively collaborates with dLOC adding videos of select LACC lectures and events, leading K-12 educational outreach to Miami-Dade County Schools and contributing lesson plans and developing the Haitian Art Digital Archive using Titile VI funding.
FIU College of Law Library contributes legal materials from XIX and early XX century Cuban codes, laws and regulations from the Mario Diaz Cruz collection, as well as early XX century civil codes from Haiti, the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean countries.
FIU: Special Collections
FIU: College of Law
FIU: Kimberly Green Latin
American and Caribbean Center