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About the Elsevier Collection

The George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida (UF) and Elsevier have embarked on a pilot project to maximize visibility, impact and dissemination of articles by UF researchers that have published in Elsevier journals. Article links and metadata are automatically delivered to UF’s institutional repository (IR@UF) through ScienceDirect application programming interfaces (APIs) that are freely available to libraries. The content for these materials is held by Elsevier but is accessible through the IR@UF.

The pilot includes both open access and subscription articles. Open access articles, which are available to everyone, are identified by an icon in the search results. Users who are off campus should remember to log in to their instutional VPN or otherwise connect to a campus recognized IP address to facilitate access to subscription materials.

For more information about the pilot project, please see the press release.