The Catalog of Digital Historical Newspapers (NewspaperCat) is a tool that facilitates the discovery of online digitized historical newspaper content from newspapers published in the United States and the Caribbean. NewspaperCat was funded by a grant from the George A. Smathers Libraries.

Search by keyword, newspaper title or by city, county or state to locate titles. From your search result, click on the link(s) to connect to the digital newspaper(s). In many cases, this content is keyword searchable, depending on the hosting organization.

NewspaperCat currently links to over 1,500 full-text newspaper titles with a goal to include links to as many US and Caribbean newspapers with archival digital content as possible. Plans are to expand the Catalog as newly digitized newspaper titles are located. If you would like to suggest a new title or become a project partner please click here!



In 2012, the MARS: Emerging Technologies in Reference section of the Reference and User Services Association of the American Library Association (ALA) selected NewspaperCat as one of the MARS Best Free Reference Web Sites of 2012.  Voted for by member librarians from around the United States, NewspaperCat was one of 26 web sites to be recognized by MARS as an outstanding site for reference information.

In 2009, NewspaperCat began through an internal mini grant from the UF George A. Smathers Libraries.