Title Page
 Table of Contents
 Maximum performance (MaP) Test
 Conclusions and recommendation...
 Appendix A
 Appendix B
 Appendix C
 Appendix D

Title: Maximum Performance (MaP) Testing of Popular Toilet Models
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/WC03807743/00001
 Material Information
Title: Maximum Performance (MaP) Testing of Popular Toilet Models
Physical Description: Book
Creator: Gauley, William
Koeller, John
Publisher: Veritec Consulting, Inc. & Koeller and Company
Publication Date: 2005
Subject: Toilets
Abstract: 4th ed.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: WC03807743
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: Conserve Florida Water Clearinghouse
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.


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Table of Contents
    Title Page
        Page i
        Page ii
    Table of Contents
        Page iii
        Page iv
        Page v
        Page 1 of 4
        Page 2 of 4
    Maximum performance (MaP) Test
        Page 2 of 4
        Page 3 of 4
        Page 4 of 4
    Conclusions and recommendations
        Page 4 of 4
    Appendix A
        A -1
        A -2
    Appendix B
    Appendix C
    Appendix D
        D - 1
        D - 2
Full Text

Maximum Performance
Testing of Popular Toilet Models

A Cooperative Canadian and American Project

4th Edition

Veritec Consulting, Inc. & Koeller and Company

Prepared by

William Gauley, P.Eng.
Veritec Consulting Inc.
1495 Bonhill Rd., #12

Mississauga, ON

L5T 1M2


Tel (905) 696-9391 x102
Fax (905) 696-9395

bgaulev(tt5flushmeter. com

John Koeller, P.E.
Koeller and Company
5962 Sandra Drive
YorbaLinda, CA 92886-5337

Tel (714) 777-2744
Fax (714) 777-2267


4h Edition May 2005




1.0 BACKGROUND ............ ... ........................ ...... ... .... ....... .. ... ...... .... 1
2.0 MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE (MAP) TEST ............................................................ 2
2.1 C critical A aspects of Test......................................................... ...... .................... 2
2.2 Minimum Level of Acceptable Performance Medical Data....................................... 2
2.3 Soybean Paste T est M edia .................................................. ..................................... 3
2.4 M edia Source .............................................. ................................ ....... ......... 4
2.5 Test Protocol ..................................... ..................... ... .............. 4
3.0 CONCLUSIONS ..................... ...... ...... .......... ........ ................ .... 4
4.0 R ECOM M END ATION S .................................................. .................................. 4

Protocol: Maximum Performance (MaP) Toilet Fixture Performance Testing

MaP Results Sorted by Manufacturer

MaP Results Sorted by Performance

Flush Volumes when Adjusted to Waterline

Maximum Performance Testmg of Toilet Models

4h Edition May 2005


Initiated in 2003 by municipalities and other interested organizations in Canada, the Maximum
Performance (MaP) Testing program was a cooperative effort between Canadian and American
partners, including:

Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) -LEAD AGENCY
B.C. Capital Regional District, Victoria, British Columbia
B.C. Buildings Corporation, Victoria, British Columbia
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Calgary, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hamilton, Ontario
Montreal, Quebec
Ottawa, Ontario
Region of Durham, Ontario
Region of Halton, Ontario
Region of Peel, Ontario
Region of Waterloo, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Winnipeg, Manitoba

California Urban Water Conservation Council, Sacramento, California
East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland, California
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, California
Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle, Washington
Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, Florida

We gratefully acknowledge the contributions from these participating agencies and

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models

4h Edition May 2005

The information in this report is believed to be an accurate description of the units tested and the
results obtained. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the findings including, but not
limited to, preparation of a detailed test protocol, careful selection and procurement of the
products to be tested, and third-party oversight of testing protocol implementation. However,
because only two units of each model were tested, these results should not be considered as fully
representative of the typical or average production of the models tested. The results shown in
this report should be viewed only as an indication of expected 'field' results.
Although the test protocol utilized a media whose physical properties closely resembles typical
human waste, the reader is reminded that there is an enormous variation in human waste from
person to person, and from one day to another.
Neither the authors, reviewers, project supporters, sponsoring partners, CWWA, nor their
employees make any warranty, guarantee, or representation, expressed or implied, with respect
to the accuracy, truth, effectiveness, or usefulness of any information, method, or material in this
document, or assume any liability of the use of any information, methods, or material disclosed
herein, or for any damages arising from such use. Readers use this report at their own risk.
Neither the authors, reviewers, project supporters, sponsoring partners, CWWA, nor their
employees endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein not
as an endorsement but solely because they are considered important to the object of the project.
Readers are invited to distribute this report in whole or in part but any changes made to the
document must be approved by the CWWA or one of its agents.
Readers are reminded that this report represents a 'snap shot' of the performance levels achieved
by certain toilets at a particular time and with particular trim. Manufacturers sometimes make
permanent or temporary changes to trim components or to model designs without changing the
model names. As such, changes to the models tested in this report may have occurred since the
testing was completed.
Manufacturers tend to make periodic changes and improvements to their various models. As
such, it is expected that several models tested as part of this study may be improved over time (in
fact several models were improved and re-tested even during the course of this project).
Performance results, therefore, may need to be periodically updated.
The selection of toilets tested as part of this program is in no way intended to represent all of the
various makes and models available, nor is it intended to provide a comprehensive list of all
toilets that might be expected to perform either well or marginally in the field.
The results obtained during this testing program are not guarantees of performance.
The reader should be reminded that there are criteria in addition to solids removal that should be
considered when selecting a toilet model, e.g., bowl wash, availability of replacement parts,
potential for leakage, etc. MaP testing addresses only a single issue: the ability of a toilet model
to completely remove solids in a single flush.
Both consumers and manufacturers are encouraged to provide feedback to the authors of this
report, especially regarding issues such as incorrect model numbers, models that are listed but
are no longer available, etc.

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models

4th Edition May 2005


Although virtually all toilet models sold in Canada and the U.S. meet both the flush volume and
performance requirements of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and the American
National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME), there
remains some question as to whether models that meet the minimum certification requirements
meet the expectations of the consumer. What's more, since certification testing offers only a
pass/fail grading, there is currently no easy way to distinguish between superior and marginal
toilet models available in the market.

Most residential toilet models exceed customer performance expectations while flushing with no
more than 6 litres (1.6 gallons). However, recent research in Canada and the U.S. conclude that
there are also certified and commercially available models that do not meet customer
There are two key concerns:
1) Fixtures that fail to meet the maximum 6-litre flush requirements of the Canadian
Standards Association (CSA) or the 1.6-gallon requirements of the American National
Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME)i result in
toilets that flush with either too much or too little water;
2) Fixtures that do not flush effectively result in customer complaints and the need for
double flushing.
Currently, however, there is no convenient way for the customer to distinguish between good and
marginal performers. In addition, this lack of information on toilet performance levels has
served to create a negative perception regarding 6-litre (1.6-gallon) technology in general, as
opposed to identifying only those "bad apples".

Although other toilet performance studies have been completed, none of these have been
performed using test media as realistic as that used in this test, nor has a quantifiable
performance benchmark -based on the results of relevant medical data -been established.

The Maximum Performance (MaP) testing project was developed to identify how well popular
toilets models perform using a realistic test media, and to grade each toilet model based on this
performance. A soybean paste having similar physical properties (density, moisture content) to
human waste was used in combination with toilet paper as the test media. In addition to using a
realistic test media, all toilet samples are adjusted to their rated flush volume (typically 6 litres /
1.6 gallons) prior to testing to ensure a level playing field.

The developed testing protocol required the soybean paste to be extruded through a 7/8-inch (22-
mm) die and cut into 50-gram specimens (each specimen approximately 100 mm or 4 inches in
length). Toilet models were subjected to progressively larger loadings (in 50-gram increments)
until the unit failed to completely clear the bowl in two of three attempts.

1 Certification testing is intended to ensure that each model meets a specific set of minimum requirements for health
and safety, product integrity, and performance There is no differentiation in certification between a toilet model
that just meets the minimum requirements and one that surpasses those requirements
Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models page 1 of 4

4th Edition May 2005

This 4m Edition of the MaP testing report supersedes earlier editions of the report. Thirteen new
models have been added since the last edition. Beginning with the 4m Edition only a single
sample of each toilet model was required to be submitted for testing (previous requirement was
two samples). This change was made because of the relative consistency in model performance
noted in earlier MaP testing and to better align MaP testing requirements with those of other
testing agencies.

The original MaP report contained information on replacement flapper interchangeability.
Information on checking and replacing toilet flappers can now be found on the web at:

Whereas MaP testing is strictly performance-related, it is also important that rebated toilet
models sustain their water savings over the life of the fixture. Information regarding long-term
water savings, as described in the L.A. Supplemental Purchase Specification (SPS), can be found
at: http://www.cuwcc.com/Uploads/product/LADWP-SPS-ULFTReqs.pdf.

The performance benchmark adopted by MaP is 250g. This value is based on the results of a
British medical study (Variability of Colonic Function in Healthy Subjects) that identified 250g
as the average maximum fecal size of the male participants in the study. Any toilet that meets or
exceeds the 250g performance threshold should meet customer expectations for flushing.

Overall, the MaP testing protocol appears to be well received by both water providers and
manufacturers alike. It is expected that many agencies and municipalities will consider the
results of MaP testing when evaluating which toilet models to subsidize or rebate.


2.1 Critical Aspects of Test
MaP testing includes four significant advancements from earlier studies:
* Non-realistic test media (sponges, plastic balls and beads, kraft paper, etc.) replaced with
combination of extruded soybean paste and wads of toilet paper. Most agree this media more
accurately replicates "real-world" demands upon a toilet fixture.
* All models are adjusted to rated volume, generally 6 litres (1.6 gallons) prior to testing.
* A minimum level of acceptable performance was identified.2
* Results are presented by flush type to help assess whether differing flush technologies impact
toilet performance.

2.2 Minimum Level of Acceptable Performance Medical Data
A British medical report3 outlines the results of fecal tests completed on 10 male and 10 female
subjects eating normal diets. The study identified the average maximum fecal size of the male

2 Although the NAHBRC report scored performance levels from 0 to 82, there was no indication of what score
would constitute an acceptable level of performance
SJ B Wyman, K W Heaton, A P Manning, and A C B Wicks of the University Department of Medicine, Bristol
Royal Infirmary, Varability of colon functon in healthy subjects, 1978
Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models page 2 of 4

4th Edition May 2005

This 4m Edition of the MaP testing report supersedes earlier editions of the report. Thirteen new
models have been added since the last edition. Beginning with the 4m Edition only a single
sample of each toilet model was required to be submitted for testing (previous requirement was
two samples). This change was made because of the relative consistency in model performance
noted in earlier MaP testing and to better align MaP testing requirements with those of other
testing agencies.

The original MaP report contained information on replacement flapper interchangeability.
Information on checking and replacing toilet flappers can now be found on the web at:

Whereas MaP testing is strictly performance-related, it is also important that rebated toilet
models sustain their water savings over the life of the fixture. Information regarding long-term
water savings, as described in the L.A. Supplemental Purchase Specification (SPS), can be found
at: http://www.cuwcc.com/Uploads/product/LADWP-SPS-ULFTReqs.pdf.

The performance benchmark adopted by MaP is 250g. This value is based on the results of a
British medical study (Variability of Colonic Function in Healthy Subjects) that identified 250g
as the average maximum fecal size of the male participants in the study. Any toilet that meets or
exceeds the 250g performance threshold should meet customer expectations for flushing.

Overall, the MaP testing protocol appears to be well received by both water providers and
manufacturers alike. It is expected that many agencies and municipalities will consider the
results of MaP testing when evaluating which toilet models to subsidize or rebate.


2.1 Critical Aspects of Test
MaP testing includes four significant advancements from earlier studies:
* Non-realistic test media (sponges, plastic balls and beads, kraft paper, etc.) replaced with
combination of extruded soybean paste and wads of toilet paper. Most agree this media more
accurately replicates "real-world" demands upon a toilet fixture.
* All models are adjusted to rated volume, generally 6 litres (1.6 gallons) prior to testing.
* A minimum level of acceptable performance was identified.2
* Results are presented by flush type to help assess whether differing flush technologies impact
toilet performance.

2.2 Minimum Level of Acceptable Performance Medical Data
A British medical report3 outlines the results of fecal tests completed on 10 male and 10 female
subjects eating normal diets. The study identified the average maximum fecal size of the male

2 Although the NAHBRC report scored performance levels from 0 to 82, there was no indication of what score
would constitute an acceptable level of performance
SJ B Wyman, K W Heaton, A P Manning, and A C B Wicks of the University Department of Medicine, Bristol
Royal Infirmary, Varability of colon functon in healthy subjects, 1978
Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models page 2 of 4

4th Edition May 2005

participants to be approximately 250 grams and the 95th percentile size to be 305 grams5. The
average maximum for women was slightly less at 237 grams, with the 95th percentile at 275
grams. The average fecal size of all participants was 130 grams.

Based on this medical study, it appears that for sanitary reasons as well as
satisfaction, toilets should flush a minimum of approximately 250 grams of solids.
the purposes of this study, 250 grams (250g) was set as a performance benchmark.
The photos below help to illustrate some of the aspects involved in MaP testing.

for customer
Therefore, for

Test ng (top left), bulk & extruded media (top right), media (bottom left), and adding media to bowl (bottom right).

2.3 Soybean Paste Test Media
Soybean paste was selected as a test media because its physical characteristics (density, moisture
content) are reasonably similar to those of human waste. The test media has the following
properties: moisture content 51.5 percent, pH 4.78, and density 1.16 grams/mL. The media is
extruded through a 7/8-inch (22mm) diameter die, each specimen being approximately four
inches (100mm) long and weighing 50 grams (5 grams).

4 The average of the largest individual "samples" collected from each participant during the program
5 It would be expected that only 5% of male samples would be larger than 305g
6 A toilet only capable of flushing the average loading (130g) would be expected to plug/clog or fall about 50% of
the time, therefore, the benchmark of 250g (average male maximum) was selected for this project

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models

page 3 of 4

4th Edition May 2005

2.4 Media Source
Although several media with varying physical characteristics were evaluated during initial
project development, the specific media used in the MaP testing was obtained in 20-kg (44-lb)
containers from a single Canadian importer (the product originates in Japan). Readers wishing
further information regarding the paste should contact Veritec directly.
2.5 Test Protocol
The complete MaP test protocol is included in Appendix A. All toilet fixtures are assembled,
placed on the test stand, and connected to a water supply (50 psi static pressure). Tank water
levels are set to the water line and flush volumes recorded. Adjustments made, if necessary, to
ensure all samples flushed with the rated volume, generally 6 litres (1.6 gallons).
The ability of a toilet to completely remove waste in a single flush without plugging or clogging
is considered by many to be one of the most important test criteria. Testing was conducted by
loading the fixture in 50-gram increments of test media until it failed to pass 100 percent of the
media in two of three attempts. Four loosely crumpled balls of toilet paper (six sheets each)
were included in each test. The toilet paper used in testing had the following specifications:
single ply toilet paper conforming to ASME A112.19.14-2001, section Minimum
level of acceptable performance was set at 250g. Test results sorted by manufacturer are
presented in Appendix B and sorted by performance level are presented in Appendix C. Flush
volumes when models are adjusted to waterline (at 50 PSI) are presented in Appendix D.


The test program revealed a significant range in the maximum performance levels of the toilet
fixtures tested -yet all of these toilets are certified as meeting the minimum standards set forth
All of these fixtures met the water exchange requirements of the national standards -indicating
that this test may not be meaningful in determining overall effectiveness of flush performance.
Appendix B and Appendix C colour-code (color-code) models clearing less than 250g of media,
models clearing between 250 and 500g, and models clearing greater than 500g. Pressure-
assisted models, both 6- and 4-L (1.6- and 1.1-G), and dual-flush models are also identified.


1. All toilet models should be required to remove at least 250g of solids as part of qualification
or certification.
2. Municipalities and other rebating agencies should consider giving priority to toilet models
that meet the L.A. SPS as these toilets are be more likely to sustain water savings over their
lifetime. Proprietary flappers (unique to the particular toilet model) are preferred to early-
closing models as they are more likely to be replaced with the correct flapper. Proprietary
flappers are, however, generally more difficult to locate and purchase.

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models

page 4 of 4

4th Edition May 2005

2.4 Media Source
Although several media with varying physical characteristics were evaluated during initial
project development, the specific media used in the MaP testing was obtained in 20-kg (44-lb)
containers from a single Canadian importer (the product originates in Japan). Readers wishing
further information regarding the paste should contact Veritec directly.
2.5 Test Protocol
The complete MaP test protocol is included in Appendix A. All toilet fixtures are assembled,
placed on the test stand, and connected to a water supply (50 psi static pressure). Tank water
levels are set to the water line and flush volumes recorded. Adjustments made, if necessary, to
ensure all samples flushed with the rated volume, generally 6 litres (1.6 gallons).
The ability of a toilet to completely remove waste in a single flush without plugging or clogging
is considered by many to be one of the most important test criteria. Testing was conducted by
loading the fixture in 50-gram increments of test media until it failed to pass 100 percent of the
media in two of three attempts. Four loosely crumpled balls of toilet paper (six sheets each)
were included in each test. The toilet paper used in testing had the following specifications:
single ply toilet paper conforming to ASME A112.19.14-2001, section Minimum
level of acceptable performance was set at 250g. Test results sorted by manufacturer are
presented in Appendix B and sorted by performance level are presented in Appendix C. Flush
volumes when models are adjusted to waterline (at 50 PSI) are presented in Appendix D.


The test program revealed a significant range in the maximum performance levels of the toilet
fixtures tested -yet all of these toilets are certified as meeting the minimum standards set forth
All of these fixtures met the water exchange requirements of the national standards -indicating
that this test may not be meaningful in determining overall effectiveness of flush performance.
Appendix B and Appendix C colour-code (color-code) models clearing less than 250g of media,
models clearing between 250 and 500g, and models clearing greater than 500g. Pressure-
assisted models, both 6- and 4-L (1.6- and 1.1-G), and dual-flush models are also identified.


1. All toilet models should be required to remove at least 250g of solids as part of qualification
or certification.
2. Municipalities and other rebating agencies should consider giving priority to toilet models
that meet the L.A. SPS as these toilets are be more likely to sustain water savings over their
lifetime. Proprietary flappers (unique to the particular toilet model) are preferred to early-
closing models as they are more likely to be replaced with the correct flapper. Proprietary
flappers are, however, generally more difficult to locate and purchase.

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models

page 4 of 4

Appendix A: Protocol for Maximum Performance (MaP) Toilet Fixture Testing

Scope of Protocol:
* Maximum media loading (in 50g increments) at which toilet successfully clears all media from
bowl without clogging or plugging in two of three tests.
* Percentage of water exchanged when flushing toilet without a media load.

A. Solid Media Performance Test
* Media specifications: Fermented soybean paste having a moisture content of 51.5%, a pH of
4.8, density of 1.16 g/mL8, extruded through 7/8" diameter die9, each specimen approximately
100 mmlo in length and weighing 50g (5g).
* Toilet paper specifications: Each ball of paper comprises six sheets of single ply toilet paper
conforming to ASME A112.19.14-2001, section
* Drop guide specifications (used to ensure media is dropped into bowl in same manner for all
toilets): Plexiglas rectangle large enough to fit across the top of the bowl, 3mm1 thick with a
50mm12 diameter opening in centre (center) of opening.
* Remove tank and bowl from packaging; assemble on test rig according to manufacturer's
instructions. Ensure tank and bowl are level.
* All tests are completed at 50 PSI1 static pressure.
* Set tank water level at waterline; flush three times taking note of the flush volume. Adjust
volume to 6 litres/1.6 gallons if possible. If unable to set the volume to 6 litres/1.6 gallons,
measure and record the actual flush volume.
* Media shall be created in 50g (5g) increments for testing
* Mass of media selected for initial (first round) testing shall be determined by the experience of
the laboratory technician. Technician will adjust subsequent mass loadings as required.
* Place drop guide across the top of bowl, with opening aligned directly over toilet sump
(approximately one half inch in front of the trap entrance).
* Drop 50g media specimens through opening until the desired mass of media is in the bowl.
* Drop four balls of toilet paper into bowl. Wait 10 seconds. Flush toilet fixture.
* If 100% of media completely flushed from fixture, increase loading by 50g and repeat test.
* NOTE: Each toilet is flushed without media between each test to ensure that all media has been
removed from bowl and trap, and that the bowl water is properly recharged.
* If less than 100% of media is completely flushed from fixture, decrease loading by 50g and
repeat test.
* Record the maximum weight of soybean paste media successfully removed from the bowl in
two of three attempts.

B. Water Change-Out Capability Test
* Flush the fixture two times to remove all solids, if any, from the fixture.
* Conductivity of the clean bowl water is measured using a conductivity meter (municipal water
supply at test facility has conductivity range of approximately 310-330 gS).

7 Approximately 0 11 lb
8 Approximately 72 4 lb/ft3
9 Approximately 22 2 mm
10 Approximately 4 0 inches
11 Approximately 1/8 inches
12 Approximately 2 inches
13 Approximately 0 34 megapascals
Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

Appendix A: Protocol for Maximum Performance (MaP) Toilet Fixture Testing

* Add approximately 20 mL4 of an 18 g/L5 salt solution to the bowl and stir gently to ensure
uniform mixing, while assuring that there is no water loss over weir.
* Measure conductivity of diluted salt solution in bowl.
* Flush toilet, wait for flush cycle to complete.
* Measure new conductivity of water in bowl, i.e., volume of residual salt solution present.
* Determine approximate water change-out efficiency as percentage.

14 Approximately 0 68 oz
15 Approximately 2 4 oz/gal
Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

Appendix B: Results Sorted by Manufacturer



Model Number

Am Std Cadet 2898, with 4112 tank & 3459 bowl 125 2 *
Am Std Cadet 2798, with 4112 tank & 3454 bowl 150 2 *
750 *
Am Std Champion 3110 bowl &4260 tank 475 *
Am Std Champion 3225 bowl &4260tank 500 3 *
Am Std Champion 3121 Bowl, 4260 tank 575 3 *
Am Std Colony/ Afton 4392 tank & 3038 bowl 775 2 *
Am Std Colony/ Afton (lined) 4392 tank & 3038 bowl 775 2 *
* Am Std FloWise 2073, with 3018 bowl & 4023 tank 550 3 *
800 *
Am Std Hamilton 2092-0170-20 150 2 *
Am Std Plebe 4392 tank & 3344 bowl 225 2 *
Am Std Ravenna 4096 tank & 3454 bowl 200 2 *
Am Std Sonoma 4392 tank & 3338 bowl 325 2 *
1000 *
Briggs Abingdon III 4229 4440t/4875b 150 2 *
Briggs Altima III 4232 4430t/4320b 150 2 *
Briggs Hathaway Vacuity 4360-130 bowl, 4460-130 tank 700 2 *
Briggs Vacuity 4200 375 2 *
Briggs Vacuity 4400-130 tank & 4310-130 bowl 500 2 *
Briggs Vacuity 4345-130 bowl, 4400-130 tank 650 2 *
Capizzi Capizzi 0778-2 bowl, 1278 tank 475 -* *
Caroma Caravelle 2000 tank & 270 Bowl 500 *
* Caroma Royale 624530W tank & 609151W Bowl 600 *
Caroma Tasman 270 Bowl, Tasman tank 550 *
Corona Orchid 8510 200 2 *
-rane Cranada Pro II / Galaxy 1- n *
Crane CranaPro / Galaxy 3372 bowl, 3742 tank 375 2 *
Elite II
-Cran~ ~ Cranada Pro II / Galaxy *
Crane l Pro / Galaxy 3352 bowl, 3742 tank 450 2 *
Elite II

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

m Less Than 250g
m 250g to 500g
C Greater Than 500g
M 6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1. l-G) Pressure-Assist

Appendix B: Results Sorted by Manufacturer



Model Number

725 *
750 *
Crane VIP 3992 bowl, 3976 tank 550 2 *
Crane SureFlush 31192 bowl, 31242 tank 350 3 *
Crane SureFlush 31212 bowl, 31242 tank 500 3 *
Crane SureFlush 31202 bowl, 31242 tank 500 3 *
Crane VIP Flush 3976 tank & 3991 bowl 350 2 *
Crane VIP Flush 3995 3990 bowl, 3976 tank 725 2 *
550 *
El er Canterbury 081-1620-00 150 2 *
ElIer Patriot 091-2120, with 141-2120 tank/131-2120 bowl 150 2 *
ElIer Patriot 141-0220-00 tank & 131-2175-00 bowl 425 2 *
Elier Patriot Savoy 131-2120-00 bowl, 141-0220-00 tank 425 2 *
ElIer Patriot Savoy 131-2120-00 bowl, 141-0223-00 tank 500 2 *
ElIer Savoy 141-0260-82 tank & 131-2120-82 bowl 325 2 *
* Eljer Titan 091-0777 (141-0777 tank, 131-0777 bowl) 900 3 *
* Foremost Premier/Lilas TL-5101-WL 325 2 *
Foremost Premier / Lilas T-8207-W tank & LL-8207-W bowl 375 2 *
Foremost Premier / Lilas LL-8207-HC bowl, T-8207 tank 850 2 *
Foremost Regent T-5207-W tank & LL-5207-W bowl 350 2 *
Foremost Victorian T-1207-W tank & LL-1207-W bowl 275 2 *
Gerber Aquasaver 21-712, with 28-790 tank 150 2 *
625 *
900 *
Glacier Bay Aragon IV 164963 175 2 *
Glacier Bay Westminster 455-685 tank (lined) and 445-684 bowl 550 2 *
* Jacuzzi Era BM06 250 3 *
* Jacuzzi Perfecta BN30959 bowl, BN30-BN31 tanks 300 3 *
* Jacuzzi Perfecta BN31959 bowl, BN30-BN31 tanks 350 3 *

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

m Less Than 250g
S250g to 500g
C Greater Than 500g
M 6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1. l-G) Pressure-Assist

Appendix B: Results Sorted by Manufacturer

m Less Than 250g
m 250g to 500g
SGreater Than 500g
S6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1.1-G) Pressure-Assist



Model Number

4286-0 bowl, 4634-0 tank 675
Kohler Cimarron 3 *
(larger value @ 1 6G, smaller value @ 1 4G) 450
4287-0 bowl, 4634-0 tank 675
Kohler Cimarron 3 *
(larger value @ 1 6G, smaller value @ 1 4G) 425
Kohler Devonshire 4269-0 bowl & 4619-0 tank 250 2 *
Kohler Memoirs 4257-0 bowl & 4454-U-0 tank 125 2 *
* 800 *
Kohler Santa Rosa 3323-0 500 2 *
Kohler Sterling Rockton 402021-0 bowl, 402022-0 tank 325 *
Kohler Wellworth K3422 toilet, with 4620 tank/4276 bowl 125 2 *
Kohler Wellworth K3423 toilet, with 4620 tank/4277 bowl 250 2 *
Komet Deco DE 611 tank and DE 627 bowl 75 2 *
Mancesa Cyclone 2282W bowl, 2281W tank 650 -* *
Mancesa San Marino 2262W bowl & 2261W tank 200 2 *
Mancesa St Michelle 4260 tank, 2360 bowl 350 2 *
Mancesa Windsor 2700W bowl & 2711W tank 225 2 *
Mansfield Alto 130-160 275 *
600 *
* Mansfield Maverick 102 101 (tank, bowl) 650 3 *
* Mansfield QuantumOne 153 146 (tank, bowl) 675 -* *
* Mansfield QuantumOne 153 147 (tank, bowl) 525 -* *



153 148 (tank howli

675 *
825 *
850 *

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

Appendix B: Results Sorted by Manufacturer

m Less Than 250g
m1 250g to 500g
7m1 Greater Than 500g
6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1. l-G) Pressure-Assist



Model Number

Mansfield Quantum 148-123 (tank, bowl) 925 -* *
Niagara Flapperless N2216 725 *
Niagara Niagara Turbo N2220 150 2 *
Orion Iris 51073 tank & 50073 bowl 150 2 *
St Thomas Marathon 6201 01 200 2 *
TOTO Carlyle MS874114SG 625 3 *
TOTO Carusoe ST706 tank & C715 bowl 650 2 *
TOTO Clayton (nee Baldwin) ST784S tank & C784SF bowl 675 3 *
TOTO CST703 CST703 550 2 *
TOTO Dalton ST733 tank & C734F bowl 650 2 *
TOTO Drake CST744S 900 3 *
TOTO Plymouth MS924154F 675 3 *
TOTO Ultimate MS854114 325 3 *
TOTO Ultimate MS853113 400 3 *
TOTO Ultramax MS854114S 700 3 *
Vitra Altantis 5051 bowl, 6853 tank 750 2 *
Vitra Altantis 5050 bowl, 6853 tank 800 2 *
Vitra Cornna 5068-003-0075 bowl, 5070-003-0122 tank 825 3 *
Vitra Corina 5069-003-0075 bowl, 5070-003-0122 tank 850 3 *
Vitra Dual Flush 5076 bowl, 5055 tank 475 *
Vortens Dual Flush 3208-02-V bowl & 3420-02-V tank 375 *
Vortens Genova 3421-02-V tank & 3121-02-V bowl 450 2 *
Vortens GTA 3412 tank, 3200 bowl 300 2 *
* Vortens Palermo 3126 350 2 *
Vortens Vienna II 3412 tank, 3208 bowl 550 2 *
Western Pottery Ars 822 bowl, ULF8 tank 375 2 *
Western Pottery Clinton 832 bowl 300 2 *

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

Appendix C: Results Sorted by Performance

m Less Than 250g
S250g to 500g
C Greater Than 500g
M 6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1. l-G) Pressure-Assist



Model Number

Komet Deco DE 611 tank and DE 627 bowl 75 2 *
Am Std Cadet 2898 012, with 4112 016 tank & 3459 016 bowl 125 2 *
Kohler Memoirs 4257-0 bowl &4454-U-0 tank 125 2 *
Kohler Wellworth K3422 toilet, with 4620 tank/4276 bowl 125 2 *
Am Std Cadet 2798 012, with 4112 016 tank & 3454 016 bowl 150 2 *
Am Std Hamilton 2092-0170-20 150 2 *
Briggs Abingdon III 4229= 4440t/4875b 150 2 *
Briggs Altima III 4232=4430t/4320b 150 2 *
Eljer Canterbury 081-1620-00 150 2 *
Eljer Patriot 091-2120, with 141-2120 tank/131-2120 bowl 150 2 *
Gerber Aquasaver 21-712, with 28-790 tank 150 2 *
Niagara Niagara Turbo N2220 150 2 *
Orion Iris 51073 tank & 50073 bowl 150 2 *
Glacier Bay Aragon IV 164963 175 2 *
Am Std Ravenna 4096 516 020 tank & 3454 016 bowl 200 2 *
Corona Orchid 8510 200 2 *
Mancesa San Marino 2262W bowl & 2261W tank 200 2 *
St Thomas Marathon 620101 200 2 *
Am Std Plebe 4392 312 tank & 3344 312 bowl 225 2 *
Mancesa Windsor 2700W bowl & 2711W tank 225 2 *
* Jacuzzi Era BM06 250 3 *
* Jacuzzi Perfecta BN30959 bowl, BN30-BN31 tanks 300 3 *
Kohler Devonshire 4269-0 bowl &4619-0 tank 250 2 *
Kohler Wellworth K3423 toilet, with 4620 tank/4277 bowl 250 2 *
Foremost Victorian T-1207-W tank & LL-1207-W bowl 275 2 *
Mansfield Alto 130-160 275 *
Vortens GTA 3412 tank, 3200 bowl 300 2 *
Western Pottery Clinton 832 bowl 300 2 *

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

Appendix C: Results Sorted by Performance

m Less Than 250g
S250g to 500g
C Greater Than 500g
M 6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1. l-G) Pressure-Assist



Model Number

Am Std Sonoma 4392 562 020 tank & 3338 012 020 bowl 325 2 *
Eljer Savoy 141-0260-82 tank & 131-2120-82 bowl 325 2 *
* Foremost Premier / Lilas TL-5101-WL 325 2 *
Kohler Sterling Rockton 402021-0 bowl, 402022-0 tank 325 *
TOTO Ultimate MS854114 325 3 *
Crane SureFlush 31192 bowl, 31242 tank 350 3 *
Crane VIP Flush 3976 tank & 3991 bowl 350 2 *
Foremost Regent T-5207-W tank & LL-5207-W bowl 350 2 *
* Jacuzzi Perfecta BN31959 bowl, BN30-BN31 tanks 350 3 *
Mancesa St Michelle 4260 tank, 2360 bowl 350 2 *
* Vortens Palermo 3126 350 2 *
Bnggs Vacuity 4200 375 2 *
Crane Cranada 3372 bowl, 3742 tank 375 2 *
Foremost Premier T-8207-W tank & LL-8207-W bowl 375 2 *
Vortens Dual Flush 3208-02-V bowl & 3420-02-V tank 375 *
Western Pottery Aris 822 375 2 *
TOTO Ultimate MS853113 400 3 *
Eljer Patriot 141-0220-00 tank & 131-2175-00 bowl 425 2 *
Eljer Patriot Savoy 131-2120-00 bowl, 141-0220-00 tank 425 2 *
Crane Cranada 3352 bowl, 3742 tank 450 2 *
Vortens Genova 3421-02-V tank & 3121-02-V bowl 450 2 *
Am Std Champion 3110 016 020 bowl & 4260 016 020 tank 475 *
Caplzzi Caplzzi 0778-2 bowl, 1278 tank 475 *
Vitra Dual Flush 5076 bowl, 5055 tank 475 *
Am Std Champion 3225 016 020 bowl & 4260 016 020 tank 500 3 *
Bnggs Vacuity 4400-130 tank & 4310-130 bowl 500 2 *
Caroma Caravelle 2000 tank & 270 Bowl 500 *
Crane SureFlush 31212 bowl, 31242 tank 500 3 *

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

Appendix C: Results Sorted by Performance

m Less Than 250g
m 250g to 500g
C Greater Than 500g
M 6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1. l-G) Pressure-Assist


Model Number

Crane SureFlush 31202 bowl, 31242 tank 500 3 *
Eljer Patriot Savoy 131-2120-00 bowl, 141-0223-00 tank 500 2 *
Kohler Santa Rosa 3323-0 500 2 *
* Mansfield QuantumOne 153 147 (tank, bowl) 525 *
* Am Std FloWise 2073, with 3018 bowl & 4023 tank 550 3 *
Caroma Tasman 270 550 *
Crane VIP 3992 bowl, 3976 tank 550 2 *
550 *
Glacier Bay Westminster 455-685 tank (lined) and445-684 bowl 550 2 *
TOTO CST703 CST703 550 2 *
Vortens Vienna lI 3412 tank, 3208 bowl 550 2 *
Am Std Champion 3121 016 020 Bowl, 4260 016 020 tank 575 3 *
* Caroma Royale 624530W tank & 609151W Bowl 600* *
625 *
TOTO Carlyle MS874114SG 625 3 *
Bnggs Vacuity 4345-130 bowl, 4400-130 tank 650* 2 *
* Mansfield Maverick 102 101 (tank, bowl) 650* 3 *
Mancesa Cyclone 2282W bowl, 2281W tank 650* **
TOTO Carusoe ST706 tank & C715 bowl 650 2 *
TOTO Dalton ST733 tank & C734F bowl 650 2 *
4286-0 bowl, 4634-0 tank 675
Kohler Clmarron 3 *
(larger value @ 1 6G, smaller value @ 1 4G) 450
Kohler C n 4287-0 bowl, 4634-0 tank 675
Kohler Clmarron 3 *
(larger value @ 1 6G, smaller value @ 1 4G) 425
* Mansfield QuantumOne 153 146 (tank, bowl) 675 *
* Mansfield QuantumOne 153 148 (tank, bowl) 675 *
TOTO Clayton (nee Baldwin) ST784S tank & C784SF bowl 675 3 *
TOTO Plymouth MS924154F 675 3 *
Bnggs Hathaway Vacuity 4360-130 bowl, 4460-130 tank 700 2 *

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005

Appendix C: Results Sorted by Performance

m Less Than 250g
S250g to 500g
C Greater Than 500g
M 6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1. l-G) Pressure-Assist


Model Number

TOTO Ultramax MS854114S 700 3 *
Crane VIP Flush 3995 3990 bowl, 3976 tank 725 2 *
Niagara Flapperless N2216 725
750 *
750 *
Vitra Altantis 5051 bowl, 6853 tank 750 2 *
Am Std Colony / Afton 4392016 020 tank & 3038 012 020 bowl 775 2 *
Am Std Colony / Afton (lined) 4392500 020 tank & 3038 012 020 bowl 775 2 *

Vltra Altantls 5050 bowl, 6853 tank 800 2

Vltra Corna 5068-003-0075 bowl, 5070-003-0122 tank 825* 3 *
Foremost Premier LL-8207-HC bowl, T-8207 tank 850 2


Vitra Corna 5069-003-0075 bowl, 5070-003-0122 tamk 850 *

091-0777 (141-0777 tank, 131-0777 bowl)

Drake CST744S

900 3 *
900 *
900 3 *
925 *
1000 *

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4th Edition May 2005


* Eljer


Appendix D: Flush Volumes when adjusted to Waterline

Flush Volume
= at Waterline
F Less Than 250g
m 250g to 500g
| I Greater Than 500g
M 6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m E 4-L (1.1-G) Pressure-Assist

Make Model Model Number

Am Std Cadet EL 2898 012, with 4112 016 tank & 3459 016 bowl 58 1 53
Am Std Cadet RF 2798 012, with 4112 016 tank & 3454 016 bowl 57 1 51
62 164
Am Std Champion RF 3110 016 020 bowl & 4260 016 020 tank 6 1 1 61
Am Std Champion EL ADA 3225 016 020 bowl & 4260 016 020 tank 68 1 80
Am Std Champion EL 3121 016 020 Bowl, 4260 016 020 tank 6 1 1 60
Am Std Colony /Afton 4392016 020 tank & 3038 012 020 bowl 54 1 41
Am Std Colony/Afton (lined) 4392500 020 tank & 3038 012 020 bowl 61 1 61
* Am Std FloWise 4023 013 tank & 3018 013 Bowl 42 11
60 159
Am Std Hamilton EL 2092-0170-20 5 1 135
Am Std Plebe EL 4392 312 tank & 3344 312 bowl 72 1 90
Am Std Ravenna RF 4096 516 020 tank & 3454 016 bowl 52 1 37
Am Std Sonoma RF 4392 562 020 tank & 3338 012 020 bowl 60 1 59
67 177
Bnggs Abingdon III RF 4229 = 4440t/4875b 6 9 1 82
Bnggs Altima Ill RF 4232 = 4430t/4320b 7 3 1 93
Bnggs Hathaway Vacuity EL 4360-130 bowl, 4460-130 tank 56 1 48
Bnggs Vacuity EL 4200 5 6 1 48
Bnggs Vacuity RF 4400-130 tank & 4310-130 bowl 55 1 45
Bnggs Vacuity EL 4345-130 bowl, 4400-130 tank 52 1 37
Caplzzi Caplzzi EL 0778-2 bowl, 1278 tank 44 1 16
Caroma Caravelle RF 2000 tank & 270 Bowl 56 148
* Caroma Royale 624530W tank & 609151W bowl 60 1 59
Caroma Tasman RF 270 (Dual-Flush) 60 1 59
Corona Orchid RF 8510 63 166
Crane Cranada EL & RF 3372 / 3352 bowl, 3742 tank 60 1 59
54 142
58 153
Crane VIP (RF) 3992 bowl, 3976 tank 60 1 59
Crane SureFlush RF 31192 bowl, 31242 tank 54 142
Crane SureFlush EL ADA 31212 bowl, 31242 tank 53 1 40
Crane SureFlush RF 31202 bowl, 31242 tank 54 1 42
Crane VIP Flush EL 3976 tank & 3991 bowl 55 1 45
Crane VIP Flush RF 3995 3990 bowl, 3976 tank 60 1 59
45 119
Eljer Canterbury RF 081-1620-00 56 1 48
Eljer Patriot RF 091-2120, with 141-2120 tank/131-2120 bowl 6 6 1 74
Eljer Patriot EL ADA 141-0220-00 tank & 131-2175-00 bowl 60 1 59
Eljer Patriot Savoy RF 131-2120-00 bowl, 141-0220-00 tank 62 1 63
Eljer Patriot Savoy EL 131-2120-00 bowl, 141-0223-00 tank 64 1 69
Eljer Savoy RF 141-0260-82 tank & 131-2120-82 bowl 60 1 59
* Eljer Titian 091-0777 (141-0777 tank, 131-0777 bowl) 57 1 50
* Foremost Premier/Lilas TL-5101-WL 60 1 59
Foremost Premier/Lilas T-8207-W tank & LL-8207-W bowl 57 1 51
Foremost Premier EL ADA LL-8207-HC bowl, T-8207 tank 50 1 32
Foremost Regent RF T-5207-W tank & LL-5207-W bowl 56 1 48
Foremost Victorian RF T-1207-Wtank & LL-1207-W bowl 60 1 59

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4h Edition May 2005

Appendix D: Flush Volumes when adjusted to Waterline

Flush Volume
= at Waterline
F Less Than 250g
m 250g to 500g
|. I Greater Than 500g
M 6-L (1.6-G) Pressure-Assist
m 4-L (1.1-G) Pressure-Assist

Model Number
Make Model

Gerber Aquasaver EL 21-712, with 28-790 tank 65 1 72
56 148
58 153
Glacier Bay Aragon IV RF 164963 73 193
Glacier Bay Westminster RF 455-685 tank (lined) and 445-684 bowl 53 1 40
* Jacuzzi Era BM06 56 1 48
* Jacuzzi Perfecta BN30959 / BN3159 bowl, BN30-BN-31 tank 60 1 59
Kohler Cimarron EL ADA 4286-0 bowl, 4634-0 tank 60 1 59
Kohler Cimarron RF 4287-0 bowl, 4634-0 tank 57 1 51
Kohler Devonshire EL 4269-0 bowl & 4619-0 tank 50 1 32
Kohler Memoirs RF 4257-0 bowl & 4454-U-0 tank 58 1 53
Kohler Purist K-3492-Power-Assist 54 1 43
Kohler Santa Rosa RF 3323-0 65 1 72
Kohler Sterling Rockton RF 402021-0 bowl, 402022-0 tank 56 1 48
Kohler Wellworth EL & RF K3422 / K3423 (4276 / 4277 bowl, 4620 tank) 60 1 59
Komet Deco RF DE 611 tank and DE 627 bowl 95 251
Mancesa Cyclone EL 2282W bowl, 2281Wtank 36 0 95
Mancesa San Manno EL 2262W bowl & 2261W tank 59 1 56
Mancesa St Michelle RF 4260 tank, 2360 bowl 58 1 53
Mancesa Windsor RF 2700W bowl & 2711W tank 59 1 56
Mansfield Alto RF 130-160 58 1 53
34 090
Mansfield Maverick 102-101 (tank, bowl) 5 6 1 48
60 159
Mansfield QuantumOne 146/147/148 bowl -153 tank 39 10
Niagara Flapperless RF N2216 65 1 72
Niagara Niagara Turbo RF N2220 59 156
Orion Ins RF 51073 tank & 50073 bowl 60 1 59
St Thomas Marathon RF 6201 01 76 200
TOTO Carlyle EL MS874114SG 63 1 66
TOTO Carusoe RF ST706 tank & C715 bowl 62 1 64
TOTO Clayton EL ADA (nee Baldwin) ST784S tank & C784SF bowl 61 1 61
TOTO CST703 RF CST703 59 1 56
TOTO Dalton EL ADA ST733 tank & C734F bowl 62 1 64
TOTO Drake EL CST744S 63 1 66
TOTO Plymouth EL MS924154F 59 1 56
TOTO Ultimate EL MS854114 55 1 45
TOTO Ultimate RF MS853113 68 1 80
TOTO Ultramax EL MS854114S 65 1 72
Vitra Altantis EL & RF 5050 / 5051 bowl, 6853 tank 60 1 59
Vitra Conna RF & EL 5068 / 5069 bowl, 5070 tank 6 1 1 61
Vitra Dual Flush RF 5076 bowl, 5055 tank 65 1 72
Vortens Dual Flush RF 3208-02-V bowl & 3420-02-V tank 56 1 48
Vortens Genova EL 3421-02-V tank & 3121-02-V bowl 6 1 59
Vortens GTA RF 3412 tank, 3200 bowl 56 1 48
Vortens Palermo 3126 61 1 61
Vortens Vienna II RF 3412 tank, 3208 bowl 59 1 56
Western Pottery Aris RF 822 72 1 90
Western Pottery Clinton EL 832 bowl 54 1 42

Maximum Performance Testing of Toilet Models 4h Edition May 2005

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