Front Cover
 Title Page
 Results and discussion
 Summary and recommendations
 Appendix A
 Appendix B

Group Title: Special publication - St. Johns River Water Management District; SJ2005-SP21
Title: Evaluation of wetland and lake constraint sites in Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia Counties
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/WC03049423/00001
 Material Information
Title: Evaluation of wetland and lake constraint sites in Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia Counties
Series Title: Special publication - St. Johns River Water Management District; SJ2005-SP21
Physical Description: Book
Creator: CH2M Hill
Publisher: CH2M Hill
Publication Date: 2005
Subject: Saint Johns River Watershed (Fla.)
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: WC03049423
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: Conserve Florida Water Clearinghouse
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover
    Title Page
        Title Page 1
        Title Page 2
        Unnumbered ( 4 )
        Unnumbered ( 5 )
        Page 1
        Page 2
    Results and discussion
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
    Summary and recommendations
        Page 7
    Appendix A
        Page 8
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    Appendix B
        Page 34
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Full Text




Evaluation of Wetland and Lake
Constraint Sites in Lake, Orange,
Osceola, Seminole and Volusia

Prepared for
St. Johns River Water Management District

September 2005

Gainesville, Florida

Te chni ical





Section Page

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................1
Background and Purpose................................................................................................1

M methodology and Approach.................................................................................................
Site Selection........................................................... ...............................................
Field Data Sheet ..........................................................................................................
Results ...................................................................................................................................... 3
General Conditions .................................................................................................... 3
Site Specific Conditions ............................................................................................. 3

Sum mary and Recommendations.....................................................................7
References....................................................................... .... .................7


1 Site Location ................................................................................................................ 4

2 Summ ary of Constraint W etland and Lake Sites.................................... ............. 5


A Aerial Photographs ....................................................... .....................8

B Field Data Sheets ......................................................................................................34



Background and Purpose
The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) manages water supply primarily
through its Water Supply Planning, Minimum Flows and Levels (MFLs), and Consumptive
Use Permitting (CUP) programs. These programs are based on the premise that sustainable
water sources must be able to supply the needed amounts, as defined by projected
demands, without incurring unacceptable, adverse impacts to the water resource, the
natural systems dependent upon the resource, and existing legal users. These restrictions
are termed water resource withdrawal constraints.
The objective of this Constraint Site Evaluation is to assess the condition of selected
constraint wetlands and water bodies used in the east-central Florida (ECF) ground water
optimization model. SJRWMD proposes to use the results of this evaluation to determine if
these constraint wetlands and water bodies continue to have value as indicators of
unacceptable impacts. The work effort consisted of the following activities:

1. Develop plan for a systematic inspection of 25 selected constraint wetlands in the ECF
model domain.
2. Develop a data sheet for summarizing field observations.
3. Inspect each wetland and assess the relative value and hydrologic condition of the
wetland, including landuse impacts.
4. Compile a summary report noting exceptions to a wetland status of good functional
value; include the field data sheets as an appendix.

This Technical Memorandum (TM) is organized as follows:
* Methods and Approach development of the list of sites, and the field data sheet.
* Results of Site Inspections
* Discussion of Findings
* Recommendations

Methods and Approach

Site Selection
25 sites associated with groundwater model grid cells were selected for their high marginal
value in the ECF optimization model by SJRWMD staff for this field verification effort. The
25 sites are distributed across four counties (Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia

Field Data Sheet
A four page field data sheet was developed to provide a means for rapid assessment and
characterization of each wetland or lake site. It was anticipated that the data sheet could be
completed in approximately 30 minutes from the time the observer arrived at the site.
The data sheet allows for assessment of the following:


Structure and composition of the vegetative community
Plant community health and vigor
Condition of hydric soils
Hydrologic conditions
Wildlife observations

The data sheet also allows for characterization of the range of general site conditions, as
addressed by the following questions:

Habitat gradient How much of a full habitat gradient is present at the site from
aquatic and/or wetland habitat up gradient to and including adjacent native upland

Habitat qualities- Are the habitats present in relatively natural condition in terms
of plant species composition and structure?

Hydrology and landscape position-Has surface hydrology been significantly
altered? Is the site hydrologically isolated (is not a flow-through system), or does it
have a high-water level outflow?

Stormwater inflows and outflows-Are there any signs of significant adverse
effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflows of urban or
suburban stormwater?

Shoreline development-What percentage of the shoreline is cleared or altered for
agricultural, residential or commercial development?

Land protection-Is the wetland or lake on publicly-owned land, or does some other
form of land use protection exist?

Site Disturbance Are there signs of recent land disturbance either within the
wetland or water body, or on the adjacent upland perimeter?

Drainage Alteration- Are there signs of recent drainage alteration either within the
wetland or water body, or on the adjacent upland perimeter?

To the extent possible, observations relating to the above listed eight site characteristics
were recorded. Also, whenever possible the water level at the time of the site visit was
related to an indicator of high water level, such as lichen lines or water stains on dock
supports or pilings. Also, one or more photos were taken at each site. Spatial coordinates
(latitude and longitude) for each site were obtained either with a hand-held Global
Positioning System (GPS) or from digital topographic quadrangle maps.

Several other location-related characteristics were noted for each site, such as whether the
site has one or more of the following features: 1) located in SJRWMD or South Florida Water
Management District (SFWMD), 2) site is monitoring site under a current consumptive use
permit (CUP), 3) site is a wetland or water body for which minimum flows and levels
(MFLs) are established or are scheduled to be established, 4) site location relative to


Results and Discussion
The 25 lake and wetland sites were spread across four counties (Lake, Orange, Osceola, and
Seminole) (Exhibit 1). All site inspections were done by Bill Dunn of CH2M HILL with the
assistance of Robert Fewster, an environmental scientist with SJRWMD. All 25 sites were
visited over the course of 4 days, August 10th, 11th, 23rd, and 24t. This TM provides the
general characteristics of each site (Exhibit 2), an aerial photograph of each site (Appendix
A), and the field data sheets for each site (Appendix B).

General Site Conditions
Sites were generally found to be good candidates for continued use as constraint points in
the ECF ground water optimization model. All sites were found to be of sufficient habitat
quality and function such that if the area were significantly, adversely impacted by a
groundwater or surface water activity, then mitigation would be required.

Site Specific Conditions
General categories of sites are described as follows.

CUP Monitoring Sites and MFL Sites
Fourteen of the 25 sites are being monitored either as an MFL site, or as part of special
condition of a CUP (Exhibit 2). Eight of the twenty five sites are CUP monitoring sites, and
11 have established MFLs or are scheduled to have MFLs set in the near future. Five of the
sites are both CUP monitoring sites and MFL sites: Trout Lake (No. 50), Gleason (No. 53),
Sylvan Lake (No. 75), Crystal Lake ( No. 87) and Lake Lucy (No. 136). A number of sites
were included in the Sentinel Site Survey (CH2M HILL 2004).

Sawgrass Lake (No. 170) in SE Lake County is in a CONSERV grove irrigation area.
CONSERV I and CONSERV II are areas within Orange County receiving recycled water
discharged into either rapid infiltration basins (RIBs), or as citrus grove irrigation water, both
of which result in some level of groundwater recharge. More importantly, however,
irrigation and RIBs also augment levels in the surficial aquifer system (SAS) locally, and thus
can affect levels within adjacent lakes and wetlands, and the use of the site as a constraint.

Isolated Versus Flow-through Systems
Dead River Marsh (No. 65) is a lobe on the west side of Lake Griffin, thus it is part of the
complex of large connected lakes in the upper Ocklawaha River basin and is thus less
sensitive as a constraint site.

Water Quality impairments
Most sites showed little to no obvious signs of water quality impairment from stormwater
inflows. One site, the Lake Cecile Wetland (No. 186) did show signs of adverse impacts
from urban stormwater inflows. Stormwater inflow zones at this site contained a great deal
of trash and debris, and in general the water body appeared eutrophic with dense stands of
cattail, floating mats of filamentous algae, and other nuisance species.


Exhibit 1. Wetland and Lake Constrain Sites in East Central Florida


Summary of Constraint Wetland and Lake Sites

Site Name Site County System Type Monitoring Site or MFL Surrounding Land Use Comments
No Site
1) Lady Lake Wetland 46 Lake Small depressional marsh with open water Rural, mix of residences, pasture,
areas planted pine and citrus groves

2) Dead River Marsh @ Lake 65 Lake Dead River marsh is mosaic of cypress-mixed At Lake Griffin State Park, connected to Wetland is part of a very large flow
Griffin hardwood swamp, shrub swamp and Lake Griffin, this site is surrounded by through system of connected lakes in
emergent marsh urban and suburban development the upper Ocklawaha River basin.

3) Fisher Lake Wetland 109 Lake Wetland and lake mosaic composed of many Rural, mix of residences, pasture,
interconnected depressions planted pine and citrus groves

4) Horseshoe Lake 123 Lake Small depressional lake with littoral marsh Rural, mix of residences, pasture,
planted pine and citrus groves

5) Sawgrass Lake 170 Lake Lake with extensive mosaic forested and MFL site Residential areas border east side, Surrounding uplands are citrus
emergent wetlands, and floating mats remaining shoreline surrounded by groves most of which are irrigated
citrus groves, with reclaimed water under the
CONSERV reuse project.

6) Boggy Marsh 180 Lake Lake with extensive mosaic forested and MFL site Rural, mix of residences, pasture,
emergent wetlands, and floating mats planted pine and citrus groves

7) Wolf Lake 98 Orange Small depressional lake with littoral marsh CUP monitoring site, City Surrounded by pasture and planted Wolf Lake is connected to other
of Apopka Permit No. pine, residential development occurring nearby lakes under high water
3217. nearby conditions.

8) Lake Lucy 136 Orange Small lake with mosaic of emergent and CUP monitoring site, Surrounded by residential development
aquatic vegetation Orange County Permit No. and roadways
3317, MFL site

9) Wetland near Lake Speer 158 Orange Small, isolated wet prairie near the northwest Open flatwoods adjacent to new
corner of Lake Speer residential development

10) Lake Pearl 131 Orange Lake with fringing wetlands on 25% of border MFL site Surrounded by residential development
and roadways

11) Lake Irma 132 Orange Lake with fringing wetlands on south side MFL site Surrounded by residential development
and roadways

12) Lake Como 143 Orange Small circular lake, lacks fringing wetlands Small neighbor hood park, surrounded It appears that herbicides are used
by residential and urban development, within the lake to control growth of
south of East-West Expressway aquatic macrophytes.

13) Lake Cecile Wetland 186 Osceola Mosaic of forested and emergent wetland Urban, borders US 192 Wetland is connected to Lake Cecile.
and open water Water quality and habitat conditions
in the lake are affected by stormwater

14) Poinciana Cypress Dome 201 Osceola Cypress dome Pine plantation adjacent to residential
areas in Poinciana

15) Lake Sylvan 75 Seminole Lake with fringing wetlands along 50% of CUP monitoring site, Suburban, park borders west side
shoreline Seminole County Permit
No. 8230, MFL site

16) New Uppsala Wetland 78 Seminole Emergent marsh and open water CUP monitoring site, Urban, suburban Wetland edges are nearly linear due to
Seminole County Permit encroachment by development on all
No. 8230. four sides



17) Island Lake @ Heathrow 82 Seminole Lake with littoral fringe CUP monitoring site, Suburban, surrounded by residential Lake is connected to other nearby
Seminole County Permit neighborhoods lakes under high water conditions.
No. 8230.

18) Hidden Lake Wetland 85 Seminole Forested wetland Suburban, surrounded by residential

19) Crystal Lake 87 Seminole Lake with extensive marsh areas, and some CUP monitoring site, Suburban, small parks border east &
fringing swamp Seminole County Permit west sides
No. 8230, MFL site

20) Wetland 106 Seminole Forested wetland Urban, suburban

21) Wetland 111 Seminole Forested wetland Suburban, surrounded by residential

22) Lake Mills 126 Seminole Lake with forested fringe on 50% of shoreline MFL site Suburban, Lake Mills park borders west Lake has inflow and outflow, Mills
side Creek, which is tributary to the Econ

23) Three Island Lake 43 Volusia Lake with forested fringe on 50% of shoreline MFL site Surrounded by low to moderate density Lake is connected to other small lakes
residential nearby under high water conditions.

24) Trout Lake 50 Volusia Lake with some areas of emergent marsh CUP monitoring site, Park on west side, surrounded by
Volusia County Permit residential neighborhoods
No. 50157, MFL site

25) Lake Gleason 53 Volusia Lake with some areas of emergent marsh, CUP monitoring site, Urban, west side borders 1-4
and floating-leaf aquatics Volusia County Permit No.
50157, MFL site

Landscape Setting -Urban, Suburban, or Rural
None of the sites is located in a pristine setting, that is they are not surrounded by
undisturbed native upland habitat. Nine sites are in rural areas or areas with low density
residential development (Exhibit 2). The remaining 16 sites are in urban or suburban
settings with moderate to high density residential areas, commercial and retail business
areas, and busy, multilane roadways. All of the rural areas had significant land
development activities going on nearby to them and are expected to be surrounded by
residential and commercial development in the near future.

Access to Sites
For the purpose of monitoring hydrological and ecological conditions at these sites in the
future, access is needed for both installation of monitoring equipment and for ongoing data
collection. As already noted 14 of the sites are already part of a CUP monitoring program or
are current or future MFL sites. Two of the remaining sites, Dead River Marsh (No. 65) and
Lake Como (No. 143) are parks (Exhibit 2) and therefore it is assumed that the SJRWMD
could arrange for access. Access to the remaining 9 sites would have to be arranged with
adjacent property owners. Access to some of these 9 sites may be available from adjacent
permitted stormwater management facilities.

Summary and Recommendations
The 25 sites meet the requirements for continued use as Constraint Sites for the ECF
optimization model and District's ongoing regional water supply planning efforts.
Fourteen of the sites are already being monitored for hydrological and ecological conditions,
or are scheduled to be monitored as an MFL site or as a condition of a CUP. Most sites are in
either urban or suburban landscapes. Those sites that are still in rural areas are likely to be
surrounded by residential and commercial development in the future. Even with
development, the wetland and lake sites retain high value in terms of the water resource,
habitat and socioeconomic benefits that they provide.
Many of the sites are hydrologically isolated, others are connected to other nearby lakes or
wetlands, and a few are a part of flowing water systems. Constraint sites that lie within
major flowing water systems are likely to be less sensitive than hydrologically isolated
systems to the effects of groundwater withdrawals. Dead River Marsh in particular should
be evaluated in this regard, as it is part of Lake Griffin in the upper Ocklawaha chain of
If all sites need to be monitored in the future, then access to many of the sites will have to be
negotiated by the District. This TM assumes that for the fourteen sites that are either CUP
or MFL sites, the District has already secured access. For the remaining sites access, if
needed, will have to be negotiated with one or more of the adjacent property owners.


CH2M HILL. 2004. Inventory and Ranking of Candidate Sentinel Monitoring Sites in East
Central Florida (ECF) for SJRWMD's Adaptive Management Monitoring Network Project.
Technical Memorandum prepared for St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka, FL.


Landscape Setting -Urban, Suburban, or Rural
None of the sites is located in a pristine setting, that is they are not surrounded by
undisturbed native upland habitat. Nine sites are in rural areas or areas with low density
residential development (Exhibit 2). The remaining 16 sites are in urban or suburban
settings with moderate to high density residential areas, commercial and retail business
areas, and busy, multilane roadways. All of the rural areas had significant land
development activities going on nearby to them and are expected to be surrounded by
residential and commercial development in the near future.

Access to Sites
For the purpose of monitoring hydrological and ecological conditions at these sites in the
future, access is needed for both installation of monitoring equipment and for ongoing data
collection. As already noted 14 of the sites are already part of a CUP monitoring program or
are current or future MFL sites. Two of the remaining sites, Dead River Marsh (No. 65) and
Lake Como (No. 143) are parks (Exhibit 2) and therefore it is assumed that the SJRWMD
could arrange for access. Access to the remaining 9 sites would have to be arranged with
adjacent property owners. Access to some of these 9 sites may be available from adjacent
permitted stormwater management facilities.

Summary and Recommendations
The 25 sites meet the requirements for continued use as Constraint Sites for the ECF
optimization model and District's ongoing regional water supply planning efforts.
Fourteen of the sites are already being monitored for hydrological and ecological conditions,
or are scheduled to be monitored as an MFL site or as a condition of a CUP. Most sites are in
either urban or suburban landscapes. Those sites that are still in rural areas are likely to be
surrounded by residential and commercial development in the future. Even with
development, the wetland and lake sites retain high value in terms of the water resource,
habitat and socioeconomic benefits that they provide.
Many of the sites are hydrologically isolated, others are connected to other nearby lakes or
wetlands, and a few are a part of flowing water systems. Constraint sites that lie within
major flowing water systems are likely to be less sensitive than hydrologically isolated
systems to the effects of groundwater withdrawals. Dead River Marsh in particular should
be evaluated in this regard, as it is part of Lake Griffin in the upper Ocklawaha chain of
If all sites need to be monitored in the future, then access to many of the sites will have to be
negotiated by the District. This TM assumes that for the fourteen sites that are either CUP
or MFL sites, the District has already secured access. For the remaining sites access, if
needed, will have to be negotiated with one or more of the adjacent property owners.


CH2M HILL. 2004. Inventory and Ranking of Candidate Sentinel Monitoring Sites in East
Central Florida (ECF) for SJRWMD's Adaptive Management Monitoring Network Project.
Technical Memorandum prepared for St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka, FL.


Appendix A

Aerial Photographs of Constraint Sites in Lake, Orange, Osceola,
Seminole and Volusia Counties


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St Johns River Water Management

Systems.Program Management.
SP.O.Box 1429, 4049 Reid Street
Palatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.
.rC --



0 0.05 0.1 Miles


The St Johns River Water
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St Johns River Water Management
District. Geographic Information
Systems.Program Management.
P.O.Box 1429. 4049 Reid Street
SPalatka. Flonda 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.



The St Johns River Water
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Further documentation of this
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St Johns River Water Management
0 0.05 0.1 Miles Distict.Geographic foration
Systems.Program Management,
SP.O Box 1429, 4049 Reid Street
Palatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.

~ r

The St. Johns River Water
Management District prepares
and uses this Information for
its own purposes and this
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Further documentation of this
data can be obtained by contacting
St Johns River Water Management

Systems.Program Management,
S I P.O.Box 1429,4049 Reid Sreet
Palatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.

_ __



The St Johns River Vater
Management District prepares
and uses this Information for
its own purposes and this
information may not be
suitable for other purposes. This
information is provided as is.
Further documentation of this
data can be obtained by contacting:
St Johns River Water Management
0 0.05 0.1 MileS District. Geographic Information
Systems.Program Management,
,B P O.Box 1429. 4049 Reid Street
Palatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.

., ........

I__ _

The St Johns River Water
Management Distict prepares
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information is provided as is
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St Johns River Water Management
0 0.05 0.1 Miles strict graphic Informato
Systems,Program Management
2P.O.Box 1429, 4049 Rad Steet
Palatka, Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.

The St Johns River Water
Management District prepares
and uses this Information for
its own purposes and this
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information is provided as is.
Further documentation of this
data can be obtained by contacting:
St. Johns River Water Management
Systems.Program Management,
I P.O.Box 1429, 4049 Reid Street
1 i Palatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.

_i_ 1 _~__~1_1~1 _I ~_I_


The St Johns River Water
Management District prepares
and uses this Information for
its own purposes and this
information may not be
suitable for other purposes. Ths
information is provided as Is.
Further documentation of this
data can be obtained by contacting:
St. Johns River Water Management

Systems.Program Management.
SP.O.Box 1429. 4049 Red Street
Palatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.

.. .._.. li_ I ~ ___

The St. Johns River Water
Management District prepares
and uses this Information for
its own purposes and this
information may not be
suitable for other purposes. This
information is provided as is.
Further documentation of this
data can be obtained by contacting:
St Johns River Water Management

Systems.Program Management.
P.O.Box 1429, 4049 Reid Street
Patatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel; (386) 329-4176.

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L IlnC


The St. Johns River Water
Management District prepares
and uses this Information for
its own purposes and this
reformation may not be
suitable for other purposes. This
information is provided as is.
? Further documentation of this
data can be obtained by contacting:
St. Johns River Water Management
0 0.05 0.1 Miles District. Geographic information
Systems.Program Management,
W ZP O.Box 1429, 4049 Reid Street
Palatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 329-4176.


't d4





The St Johns River Water
Management District prepares
and uses this Information for
its own purposes and this
information may not be
suitable for olher purposes. This
information is provided as is.
Further documentation of this
data can be obtained by contacting:
St Johns River Water Management
0 0.05 0.1 Mles : strict. Geographic Information
Systems.Program Management.
I 1 P.O.Box 1429. 4049 Reid Street
Palatka. Florida 32178-1429
Tel: (386) 3294176.

_ ___ __

Appendix B

Field Data Forms


Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Three Island Lake SJRWMD SITE ID: #43 COUNTY: Volusia
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: enter at Glen Lock Court cul de sac

PERSONNEL Bil Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/10/05 TIME: 9 00
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 56.233 Longitude: W 8112.678
Roll _new Photo Frame #s 1-5 pan of lake
Descnption of photos) lake w/emergent and aquatic zones, but mostly open water
Water Depth up to lower edge of pines Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION......lake with other zones
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, shrub scrub, X marsh, _X aquatic,
pond, X lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,2) 25%25% < 50%, 4) 50%0 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Polygonum
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Salvina
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Spartina baken
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Eleocharns
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species httle to none

SHRUB....transition zone mainly
Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Mynca
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Cephalanthus
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Hypencum fasciculatum
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs little to none

CANOPY (TREE)...pine forest border in sections
Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 slash pine
Species/1/2/3/4/5 cabbage palm
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nuphar
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nympholdes
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species: large grove of dead pines directly across the lake @ large home (see photo in the middle of

Does community show unusual signs of stress? not m lake or wetland Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (foliage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green foliage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health: somepine trees dead along edges

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains, pine edge)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators pine linewater w/ 0 0 5 of tree line, descnbe type of
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)

Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient 50% 2.5

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: inter-connected to other nearby lakes

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline:

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe
Additional Comments on Drainage

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Wetland near Lady Lake SJRWMD SITE ID: #46 COUNTY: Lake
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: on Richardson Rd, off Lake Griffin Rd
PERSONNEL BillDunn andBob Fewster DATE 8/25/05 TIME: 10:00
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 55.536 Longitude: W 81 52.487
Roll Photo Frame #s 3
Descnption of photos)
Water Depth Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, shrub scrub, X marsh, aquatic,
X pond, lake, other (list):

HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,5% 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Dogfennel
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Pontedena
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Rhynchospora cormculata
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense localized patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition % cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover Total % Cover
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover 10% 15% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nuphar
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
mdistmct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology Water level is high. with 0 5 ft of edge of pasture

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient Surrounded by pasture

Habitat Quality........in wetland /pond

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline pasture

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Additional Comments on Drainage

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

OTHER LOCATION NOTES: Trout lake, east side, enter (, back end of Albertson's parking lot

PERSONNEL Bil Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/10/05 TIME: 9 30a
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 54.525 Longitude: W 8116.019
Roll Photo Frame #s pan of 4 shots
Descnption of photos) I-4 visible on far side. Albertson's Parkin Lot
Water Depth high, up to upland edge Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION ...........lake w/ emergent and aquatic zones
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, shrub scrub, X marsh, X aquatic,
pond, X lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,2) 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50%0 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 httoral fnnge Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Spartna baken
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Muhlenberga sp
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Carex lupulna
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover 5% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Mynca
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

CANOPY (TREE)...........pines come down to edge, with some live oak
Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 scattered bands of trees Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 No forested wetlands
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Speciessome pines dying back, see photo's, live oak also

AQUATIC..........patches of water lily
Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover 5% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health encroaching wax myrtle and pines on edge are stressed

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators _up to pine edge, describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology w/in 0 0' to 0 5'

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient _some pine flatwood edge (narrow) in place

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality _stress shown on encroaching species

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position:

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development = 60%

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline _I-4 on east, major road (Graves) on North

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance some development ongoing

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, describe none observed, check aenal
Additional Comments on Drainage

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Lake Gleason SJRWMD SITE ID: #53 COUNTY: Volusia

PERSONNEL Bil Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/10/05 TIME: 10 30
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 53.457 Longitude: W 8116.020
Roll Photo Frame #s pan of 4 from the boat ramp
Descnption of photos) park on the SW side, mostly open water (see photos)
Water Depth w/m 0 5' of water stams on fence post @ boat ramp Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION......lake with emergent border
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, shrub scrub, X marsh, X aquatic,
pond, X lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition emergent zone edge of lake
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,2) 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50%0 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Groundcover 90% m littoral zone Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Pamcum sp
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Torpedo grass
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Pickered weed
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Cattail
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

SHRUB....sparse and scattered shrub zone up of emergent
Composition __ cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover 25-50% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Button Bush scattered, isolated small stands
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Ludwig pemvlana
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Willow
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

CANOPY (TREE)...slash pine flatwoods edge in a few places
Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species no forested wetland border observed

Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species: Not as many dead pines around this lake, as compared to the last 2 visited today Three
Island and Trout lakes

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;___
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health: no dead pines observed

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology water marks on fence post (@ boat ramp w/ 0 5' of HW marks

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient mostly developed edge

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: check

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline:

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection park on SW side

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance no observed disturbance (recent) m lake or on the edge

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe
Additional Comments on Drainage closed system

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Dead River Marsh SJRWMD SITE ID: #65 COUNTY: Lake
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: at boat ramp in Lake Griffin State Park

PERSONNEL Bll Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/25/05 TIME: 9 20
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 51.461 Longitude: W 81 54.003
Roll Photo Frame #s 7 photos
Descnption of photos) large mosaic of forested, shrub and marsh
Water Depth Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present) 58 9 ft

Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: X forested, X shrub scrub, X marsh, aquatic,
pond, lake, other (list): mostly forested & shrub at this location

HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,2) 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50%0 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 _some Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Sagittana
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Sawgrass
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense localized patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

SHRUB ................shrub swamp i
Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Willow
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Ludwigia peruviana
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Cephalanthus occdentalls
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation Most of the Wetland here is successional shrub swamp

Most of the wetland here is successional willow/maole

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub speces cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%

Zone 1

Zone 2

Total % Canopy Cover 50 90%_
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Taxodium distichum
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Acer rubrum
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Ilex cassne
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nyssa biflora
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Willow
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3)
Additional Comments on Tree Species

Total % Cover

multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover

Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%

Zone 1

Total % Aquatic Plant Cover 100% in canal

Zone 2
Total % Cover

Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea <1%
Species/1/2/3/4/5 100% Salvima
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Mature forest and successional forest mixed in with areas of emergent marsh

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, lichens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology water marks for pilings ( staff gage are a@ + 0 5

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient good in the park; live oak & pine uplands

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position Part of Lake Griffin

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development = 50%

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelne/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelne/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection in park

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land
Disturbance 0%

Drainage Alteration

Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Additional Comments on Drainage

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Lake Sylvan SJRWMD SITE ID: #75 COUNTY: Seminole

PERSONNEL Bil Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/11/05 TIME: 3 45
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 48.241 Longitude: W 8123.001
Roll Photo Frame #s pan of 6 shots from board walk lake near flood stage, board walk
Descnption of photos)
WATER LEVEL-lake @ flood stage
Water Depth Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: X forested, _X shrub scrub, _X marsh, X_ aquatic,
pond, X lake, other (list): wetlands border parts of lake
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,2) 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50%0 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 _80+% cover Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Littoral fnnge Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense localized patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% <50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 button bush scattered
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

CANOPY (TREE)-forested border present around 50% of lake
Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Red maple
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Bald cypress
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Water oak
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Total % Cover
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species: large wetland area on east side and west (park), less on North & South See aenal

Does community show unusual signs of stress?_No_ Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
mdistmct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology lake @ flood stage

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality except logging in flatwoods on North

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: check; BF says that Sonny Hall says outflow rare

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows.................... 1.5

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline 50%

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Additional Comments on Drainage

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Wetland m New Upsala SJRWMD SITE ID: #78 COUNTY: Seminole
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: Wetland disturbed, Brush Creek Dr.

PERSONNEL Bill Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/11/05 TIME: 14 45
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 47.687 Longitude: W 8119.329
Roll Photo Frame #s 8 photos
Descnption of photos) floating mats & open water
Water Depth water level h h wl 0.5 of HW Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION--marsh & open water
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, X shrub scrub, X marsh, X aquatic,
pond, lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW species to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,5% 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Limnoblum sponpa
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Hydrocotyle
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Pickerelweed
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Salvmia
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense localized patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover Total % Cover
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

CANOPY (TREE).......not in this area, but adjacent areas to the NE
Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 scattered bands of trees Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maple
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Willow
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Sweetgumr
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 floating mats see herb list
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;___
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health encroaching maples @ NE may be dead/dving

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil can not tell


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology within 0 5 ft of HW

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed: great blue heron, snowy egret

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient little upland present, surrounded by urban and suburban development

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality Edges of wetland are linear due to encroachment on all four sides

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: check maps and photo's

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline:

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, descnbe

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe
Additional Comments on Drainage

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Island Lake SJRWMD SITE ID: #82 COUNTY: Seminole
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: Lake Como Park off of Bumby

PERSONNEL Bil Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/11/05 TIME: 16 30
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 46.605 Longitude: W 8122.417
Roll Photo Frame #s pan of 5 shots lake with mostly open water patches of water lilies, shoreline mostly developed
Descnption of photos)
Water Depth w/m 0 5' of H W, Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, shrub scrub, X_marsh, aquatic,
pond, X lake, other (list): littoral edge
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW species to nearest 10%)-No significant marsh areas
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,2)5 25, ) 25%o < 50%, 4) 50%0 80%,S 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense localized patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

SHRUB-- No significant shrub areas
Composition %_ cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover Total % Cover
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

CANOPY (TREE)-- No significant forested areas
Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant 15% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Water hhes
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;__
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology within 0.5-1.0 ft of high water

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of perimeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient < 25%

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality whole edge is gone, remaining is ok

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: connected to other lakes

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water swales w/ pop off

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline >80%

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection full development

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance land already developed

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Additional Comments on Drainage

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Hidden Lake Wetland SJRWMD SITE ID: #85 COUNTY: Seminole
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: Hidden Lake wetland, enter from SE side of swamp (, stormwater pond

PERSONNEL Bil Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/11/05 TIME: 13 45
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 45.599 Longitude: W 8117.489
Roll Photo Frame #s 4 photo's of maple swamp
Descnption of photos)
Water Depth 0 5' @ upland edge Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION -forested wetland, red maple swamp
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: X forested, shrub scrub, X marsh, X aquatic,
pond, X lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW species to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition hummock swamp
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,5% 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 10% Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Osmunda regalis
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Osmunda cinnamomea
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nettled Chain Fern
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover 60% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Itea viwrgnca Magnoha viwrgnana
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Mynca cenfera
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Red maple
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Cephalanthus occidentalis
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub speces cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub speces cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover 50% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Red maple
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Quercus nigra
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Magnolia virg
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nyssa biflora
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

AQUATIC....80-90% standing water Vs. ?
Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 95% Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 _Salvmia
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Lemna amencana
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

dense air Dotato on frine

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;__
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury? stom (hurricane) damage to maples
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health: Storm damage only

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators with 1 0 ft of water marks on trees
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient little to no upland, narrow band of pine woods in some places

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality referring to wetland

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: check landscape connectivity on maps

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline:

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance no evidence of recent disturbance

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, descnbe

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe
Additional Comments on Drainage

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Crystal Lake @ community center SJRWMD SITE ID: #87 COUNTY:
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: Site visited previously during Sentinel Site Survey

PERSONNEL Bill Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE _8/11/05 TIME: 13 00
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 45.724 Longitude: W 8119.424
Roll Photo Frame #s 3 pan on east, 4 pan on west
Descnption of photos) ***lake is motored by Seimnole County, park on west side 28 45 559, 81 19 991
WATER LEVE................gage at park on west side
Water Depth up to the edge of maintained lawn at community center Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present) 43 25 ft

VEGETATION ---complex mosaic of wetland and aquatic habitat
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: X forested, X shrub scrub, X marsh, X aquatic,
pond, X lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW species to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition httoral zone
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,5% 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Ludwiga peruvana
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Torpedograss (Pamcum repens)
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Pontedena cordata
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Cattail
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Polygonum punctatum
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

SHRUB.............shrubby border in places
Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Willow
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Lugwigia peruviana
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

CANOPY (TREE).......on fringe and on island
Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Acer rubrum
Species/1/2/3/4/5 SaLx carolmana
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Pmus ellottu
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea odorata
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation

Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Lake is mostly onen water

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No

Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;__

Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury? None
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health: young maples on island looked to be stressed after colonizing during drought

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be applicable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil

can not tell due to hiph level of water


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators within 0 5 ft of high

descnbe type of

Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season

Additional Comments on Hydrology

current level is close to hilh water, uo to edge of lawn at commumty center

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient

Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality _1.5 primrose willow on the border

Hydrology and Landscape Position

Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: check aerial photos

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline:

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection small parks on east and west sides of lake

Site Disturbance........none
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance

Drainage Alteration

Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe
Additional Comments on Drainage

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

OTHER LOCATION NOTES: entered from Ponka Road

PERSONNEL Bll Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/23/05 TIME: 15 45
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 43.653 Longitude: W 8131.996
Roll Photo Frame #s pan of 3
Descnption of photos) NE comer of lake from Ponka Road
Water Depth Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION--lake w/ several lobes w/ mix of marsh and fringing trees
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, shrub scrub, marsh, aquatic,
pond, lake, X other (list): open water 80%
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,5% 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 15-20 Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Pontederna
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Dog fennel
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 _scattered Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover 5% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Cephalanthus occdentalis
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Rubus
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

CANOPY (TREE)-no canopy stratum
Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

AQUATIC-no aquatic zone
Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology Water level significantly higher than previous visit w/m 1 0' of HW live oak line is 3-4' higher

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient _oak forest in places

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position:

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline _pasture

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance 0%

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Additional Comments on Drainage

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Wetland No 106 SJRWMD SITE ID: #106 COUNTY: Semnole
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: enter (, stormwater pond at southeast corner

PERSONNEL Bil Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/11/05 TIME: 11 10
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude:_N ? Longitude: W ?
Roll Photo Frame #s 2 photo's of wetland edge @ pond, 2 photo's of swamp tenor **Bob F says that this is a monitonn site for
Orange Co
Descnption of photos)
Water Depth 0 25 ft in shallows Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION-forested wetland
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: X forested, shrub scrub, marsh, aquatic,
pond, lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,2) 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50%0 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Groundcover 50% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Osmunda regalhs
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Osmunda cinnamomea
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Peltanda virgmica
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Boehmena
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition % cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 90% Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover 90% Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Rubus Dioscorea
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Acer
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Magnolia Quercus virarmana
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Mynca
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs little, camphor

Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 50% Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Acer
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Magnolia
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Ouercus mgra
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species some canopy opening due to storm (hurricane)

AQUATIC....not present
Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health: some storm damage, from hurricane

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators = 1 0 ft descnbe type of indicator lichens
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology_

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient houses surrounding

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: need to check map

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water stormwater basin next to where we parked

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline:

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection may be monitoring site for Orange County

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance no observable disturbance in wetland

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe
stormwater system on uplands
Additional Comments on Drainage

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Fisher Lake Wetland SJRWMD SITE ID: #109 COUNTY: Lake
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: entered from Spanish Oak Dr on North end

PERSONNEL Bill Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/25/05 TIME: 8 35
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 41.269 Longitude: W 81 46.602
Roll Photo Frame #s pan of 3
Descnption of photos) large forested wetland system
Water Depth Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION ...........lake w/ several lobes w/ mix of marsh and fringing trees
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, shrub scrub, marsh, aquatic,
pond, lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW species to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,5% 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 httoral zone Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Pontederna
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Saittana latifolia
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover species cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition %_ cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover m narrow littoral area Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Hyperncum
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Mynca
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Ilex cassme

Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation Most of the Wetland here is suc

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 scattered bands of trees Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Bald Cypress
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

AQUATIC...........patches of water lily
Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nymphaea
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil Water is high


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
indistinct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology Water is high, looks to be w/m 0 5' of edge of pines

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient pine forest on east side

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position..................mostly isolated
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: high water connects to other ponds/lake

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development = 60%

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline 60 %pasture or grove

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance 0%

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site) No If yes, describe

Additional Comments on Drainage

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Wetland i@ Panama Circle SJRWMD SITE ID: #111 COUNTY: Seminole

PERSONNEL Bil Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/11/05 TIME: 10 30
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 40.880 Longitude: W 8118.782
Roll Photo Frame #s 3
Descnption of photos) 3 shots of swamp inside of oak hammock
Water Depth 0 5' in wetland Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: X forested, shrub scrub, marsh, aquatic,
pond, lake, other (list):
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,2) 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50%0 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 10% except L Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Osmunda cinnamomea Peltandra
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Blechnum
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Osmunda regals
Species/1/2/3/4/5 duck weed
Species/1/2/3/4/5 poison ivy
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species none

Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 75% Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Button bush
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Sahlx Comus foemina vitis
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Acer
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Liquidambar
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 50% Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Taxodium distichum
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Sabal
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Acer
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Nyssa
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

AQUATIC-surface water covered with duckweed
Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 80% Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Lemna
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? Yes Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury? _storm damage to maples
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health: Maples have been injureded by hurricanes

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil exposed root crown. 6-9" Tnplet lake wetland site nearby


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators _6-9" descnbe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
mdistmct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology current hngh water 6-9" above current

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of penmeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient oak hammock 100+ m wide

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position:

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline: _oak hammock

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site?_no_ If yes, descnbe

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe
Additional Comments on Drainage

Wetland Assessment Field Form--SJRWMD Constraint Wetland Project

PROJECT: Horseshoe Lake SJRWMD SITE ID: #123 COUNTY: Orange
OTHER LOCATION NOTES: (, bend in County Road 561

PERSONNEL Bill Dunn and Bob Fewster DATE 8/24/05 TIME: 15 00
GPS COORDINATES: Latitude: N 28 38.253 Longitude: W 81 44.881 @road
Roll Photo Frame #s 2 from road
Description of photos) NE comer of lake from Ponka Road
Water Depth Staff Gage or Piezometer Level (if present)

VEGETATION .........complex of marsh and open water
Major Vegetation Zones Present in Wetland or Water Body: forested, shrub scrub, X marsh, aquatic,
pond, X lake, other (ist): open water 70%
HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER (% cover of OBL and/or FACW speces to nearest 10%)
Zone 1: Composition Zone 2: Composition
Dominant Groundcover Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%,5% 2 25 3)25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 20 -25% Zone 2
Total % Groundcover Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Maidencane
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Red Root
Groundcover Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal groundcover donation, 2)
Somewhat abnormal donation -some signs of abnormal groundcover donation mainly limited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal groundcover
Additional Comments on Groundcover
Composition-Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all groundcover
species cover is weeds (either dispersed throughout wetland or in dense locahzed patches), 3)< 10% of all groundcover speces cover is weeds
or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Species

Composition cover OBL and/or FACW shrub species to nearest 10%
Dominant Shrub Species Cover Classes: 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5)> 80%
Zone 1 5% Zone 2
Total % Shrub cover _scattered shrub Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Cephalanthus occidentahs
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Hypencum fasciculatum
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Ilex cassne
Species/1/2/3/4/5 dead Hypencum water level came up
Shrub and Small Tree Species Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation many signs of abnormal shrub and tree
donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal donation some signs of abnormal shrub and tree donation mainly hmited to the wetland edge, 3) Normal
shrub and tree donation

Additional Comments on Shrubs

Composition Circle the appropriate category 1) > 50% of all shrub species cover is weeds, 2) > 10% and < 50% of all shrub species cover
is (either dispersed throughout the wetland or in dense localized patches), 3) < 10% of all shrub species cover is weeds or weeds are absent
Additional Comments on Weedy Shrubs

Dominant Canopy Species Cover Classes 1) < 5%, 2) 5% < 25%, 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Canopy Cover Scattered trees on edge Total % Cover
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Willow
Species/1/2/3/4/5 Ilex cassne
Tree Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation multiple signs of abnormal distnbution and cover, 2) Somewhat
abnormal donation with moderately abnormal distnbution and cover, 3) Normal donation with normal distnbution and cover
Additional Comments on Tree Species

AQUATIC ............not applicable, no aquatic zone present
Dominant Aquatic Species % Cover Categories: 1) < 5%, 2) 5 < 25 3) 25% < 50%, 4) 50% 80%, 5) >80%
Zone 1 Zone 2
Total % Aquatic Plant Cover Total % Cover
Aquatic Zonation-Circle the appropnate category 1) Abnormal donation -many signs of abnormal plant donation, 2) Somewhat abnormal
donation -some signs of abnormal donation, 3) Normal aquatic plant donation
Additional Comments on Aquatic Species:

Does community show unusual signs of stress? No Visually estimate % of wetland zone exhibiting signs of stress;
Type of stress observed (e.g., dead or dying plants, discolored foliage, wilted or rolled leaves, premature leaf fall or senescence,
Does stress appear moisture related, or is there sign of disease or insect injury?
Overall Condition of Plant Community is:
Circle Appropnate Category 1) Plants are dead or dying, 2) poor vigor with obvious decline (fohage discolored, wilted, premature leaf fall), 3)
fair vigor, some signs of stress or decline, 4) medium vigor, some yellow-green fohage, or signs of leaf wilt or leaf curling 5) appearance good,
foliage green but foliage thin, less than normal growth for the season, 6) excellent vigor, foliage green in color, normal growth for the season

Additional Comments on Health Hypericum die back with water level rise

Look for signs of subsidence, oxidation or abnormal desiccation and select the category which best descnbes the current conditions of the
wetland soils This assessment may not be apphcable (NA) if site is inundated

Circle Appropnate Category 1) Substantial subsidence/oxidation, 2) Moderate subsidence/oxidation, 3) Little or no evidence of

Circle Appropnate Soil Condition 1) Inundated, 2) Saturated, 3) Moist, 4) Dry

Additional Comments on Soil


Current Water Level Indicators (e g, mosses, hchens, stains)
Estimated depth of water relative to high water marks or indicators describe type of indicator
Circle the Appropnate Category 1) None of these indicators are present or indicators are at ground level, 2) Indicators present, however,
mdistmct or abnormally low in companson to the histonc normal pool, 3) Indicators are distinct and at the appropnate level for the season
Additional Comments on Hydrology recent nse in level of water has stressed the Hypencum. water w/m 1' of high

Listed Flora and Fauna Observed (Include activity information for fauna)

Wetland-Dependent Fauna Observed:

Activity codes (M = mating, F = foraging, FT = flyover/travelig, N = nesting, OT = other)
Observation codes (O = observed, S = sign [scat, tracks, call or other signs of presence])


Habitat Gradient
Circle Appropnate Category 1) full habitat gradient present from aquatic/wetland up gradient to native upland habitat, 2) native upland
habitat is present along 50-75% of penmeter, 3) native upland habitat is present along 25-50% of perimeter, 4) native upland habitat is present
along less than 25% of perimeter
Additional Comments on Habitat Gradient

Habitat Quality

Circle Appropnate Category 1) habitats present are m relatively natural condition in terms of community structure and plant species
composition, 2) habitats are m degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition, 3) habitats are m severely
degraded condition m terms of community structure and plant species composition
Additional Comments on Habitat Quality

Hydrology and Landscape Position
Circle Appropnate Category 1) wetland/aquatic system is isolated, with no regular surface water inflow or outflow, 2) system has surface
water inflow or outflow only at high water condition, 3) system is flow-through with surface water inflow and outflow
Additional Comments on Landscape Position: high water connected to other lake

Storm Water Inflows and Outflows

Circle Appropnate Category 1) no significant adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality due to inflow of stormwater
system, 2) habitat conditions are generally good, but adverse effects to habitat, hydrologic regime, or water quality are evident due to inflow
stormwater inflows, 3) ) habitat conditions are degraded by adverse effects of stormwater inflows
Additional Comments on Surface Water

Shoreline Development

Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 2) 10 to 30% of shorelme/perimeter is developed, 3) 30
to 60% of shorelne/penmeter is developed, 4) greater than 60% of shorelme/penmeter is developed
Additional Comments on Shoreline _pasture on part

Land Protection

Circle Appropnate Category 1) site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or land use is limited to conservation/preservation, 2)
some but not all site and surrounding lands are m public ownership, or protected by easement, 3) site and surrounding lands are m not public
ownership, nor protected by easement
Additional Comments on Land Protection

Site Disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% wetland/water body recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to 30% of wetland/water body
is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
wetland/water body is affected by recent land disturbance
Circle Appropnate Category 1) less than 10% uplands adjacent wetland/water body affected by recent land clearance or disturbance, 2) 10 to
30% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 3) 30 to 60% of upland is affected by recent land disturbance, 4) greater than 60% of
upland is affected by recent land disturbance
Additional Comments on Land Disturbance 0%

Drainage Alteration
Are significant drainage features present on the site? No If yes, describe

Additional Comments on Drainage

Are there significant drainage features on lands bordering the wetland/water body? No If yes, descnbe

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