Building Bridges: the Impact of Dual-Modality Instruction in Introductory Programming Coursework

Material Information

Building Bridges: the Impact of Dual-Modality Instruction in Introductory Programming Coursework
Blanchard, Jeremiah J
University of Florida
Publication Date:

Thesis/Dissertation Information

Doctorate ( Ph.D.)
Degree Grantor:
University of Florida
Degree Disciplines:
Computer Engineering
Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Committee Chair:
Committee Co-Chair:
Committee Members:
Wilson,Joseph N
Manley,Anne Corinne
Weintrop,David Nathan
Graduation Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Unknown ( sobekcm )


General Note:
Blocks-based programming environments have become commonplace in introductory computing courses in K-12 schools and some college level courses. In comparison, most college-level introductory computer science courses teach students text-based languages which are more commonly used in industry and research. However, the literature provides evidence that students may face difficulty moving to text-based programming environments even when moving from blocks-based environments, and some perceive blocks-based environments as inauthentic. Bi-directional hybrid programming environments, which provide multiple representations of programming language constructs (such as blocks and text) and allow students to transition between them freely, offer a potential solution to issues of authenticity and syntax challenges for novices and those with prior experience in blocks by making clear the connection between blocks and text representations of programs. While previous research has investigated transition from blocks-based to textual environments, there is limited research on hybrid environments. The goal of my dissertation work is to identify the impacts of the use of bi-directional hybrid environments on learning in introductory programming instruction at the college level. I have developed a bi-directional hybrid Java language plugin and propose to evaluate the impact of said tool within an introductory computer science (CS1) course. Specifically, this work will seek to identify the impacts of the use of hybrid environments in CS1 courses in understanding and retention of specific computing / programming concepts, how any impacts vary according to prior programming experience, and in what ways hybrid environments affect the classroom learning experience.

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University of Florida
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University of Florida
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Copyright by Blanchard, Jeremiah J Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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2020 Jeremiah J. Blanchard


To my dear departed Pops , who pushed me never to settle for less th an the best of my capabilities, and who always engaged with a gentle touch and kindness. While the world is poorer for your absence, your words continue to echo inspir ation in your progeny, and your actions have set an example of love we can on ly hope to someday achieve. We miss you!


4 AC KNOWLEDGMENTS I thank my advisors, Drs. Lisa Anthony and Christina Gardner McCune, for the endless hours working with an unconventional student. The time they have spent helping me to hone my research and writing skills is a gift I hope I can pay forward t o others in the future. Looking back, it is hard to convey how much I have learned and how much they have changed the course of my life. Thanks also go to my committee members – Drs. Kristy Boyer, Corrine Huggins Manley, David Weintrop, and Joseph Wilson – for reading drafts, providing generous feedback, and helping and providing expertise throughout the proposal and defense process. I also than k David Bau, whose invitation to work on the Pencil Code project opened the door to my eventual dissertation research. From the bottom of my heart, I thank my kind and ever patient spouse , Kyoko, for supporting my long and winding path through graduate school for nearly two decades. Without her constant encouragement and incredible resolve, I could never have complete d this journey. Her sacrifices – not only supporting me, but also caring for our children during my long writing nights and conference trips – were instrumental in the completion of this dissertation .


5 TABLE OF CONTENTS page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................... 4 LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... 10 LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. 12 ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. 14 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 16 1.1 Research Motivatio n ..................................................................................................... 17 1.2 Research Opportunities ................................................................................................. 19 1.3 Rese arch Quest ions & Hypotheses ............................................................................... 20 1.4 Overview of Work ........................................................................................................ 22 2 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 24 2.1 Learning to Program ..................................................................................................... 24 2.1.1 Language Challenges .......................................................................................... 24 Syntax ...................................................................................................... 25 Semantics ................................................................................................. 26 Perceptions ............................................................................................... 27 2.1.2 Developing Expertise .......................................................................................... 27 Sensorimotor ............................................................................................ 28 Preoperational ........................................................................................... 29 Concrete operational ................................................................................. 29 Formal operational .................................................................................... 30 Summary .................................................................................................. 30 2.2 Programming Assessment ............................................................................................. 31 2.2.1 Concept Inventories ............................................................................................ 31 2.2.2 Item Response Theory ........................................................................................ 33 2.3 Visual Languages & Environments ............................................................................... 35 2.3.1 Development of Visual Programming Environments .......................................... 36 Early visual programming systems ............................................................ 36 Blocks based interface development ......................................................... 37 2.3.2 Contemporary Blocks Based Environments ........................................................ 39 2.3.3 Effica cy of Blocks Based Environments ............................................................. 40 Effectiveness as learning environment ...................................................... 41 Moving from blocks to text ....................................................................... 42 Special considerations environments are not equal .................................. 44 2.4 Multi Modal Environments .......................................................................................... 45 2.4.1 Hybrid Modality Environments .......................................................................... 45


6 2.4.2 Dual Modality Programming Environments ....................................................... 48 Unidirectional translat ion (blocks to text) .................................................. 49 Bidirectional translation ............................................................................ 51 3 STUDY OF PERCEPTIONS OF PROGRAMMING ......................................................... 54 3.1 Study: Construct Perceptions in Children (Summer Camp) ........................................... 55 3.1.1 Study Context ..................................................................................................... 55 3.1.2 Procedure ........................................................................................................... 55 3.1.3 Qualitative Measures .......................................................................................... 57 3.1.4 Coding Process ................................................................................................... 58 3.1.5 Progra mming Definition Themes ........................................................................ 58 3.1.6 Findings – Perceptions of Programming ............................................................. 59 3.1.7 Findings – Perceptions of Constructs .................................................................. 60 3.1.8 Influence on Course of Research ......................................................................... 61 3.2 Position Paper: Bridging Blocks and Text ..................................................................... 62 4 STUDY OF DUAL MODALITY PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTS ......................... 64 4.1 Development: Python Variant of Pencil Code ............................................................... 64 4.1.1 Description of W ork ........................................................................................... 65 4.1.2 Development ...................................................................................................... 65 Language interpreter runtime .................................................................... 66 4. 1.2.2 Python routines ......................................................................................... 66 Palette (text to blocks mapping) ............................................................... 66 4.1.3 Results ................................................................................................................ 66 4.2 Development: Custom Dual Modality Assessment (Python Text/Blocks) ..................... 68 4.2.1 Description of Work ........................................................................................... 68 4.2.2 Developm ent ...................................................................................................... 68 4.2.3 Impact on Course of Research ............................................................................ 70 4.3 Study: Perceptions and Concept Assessment (Middle School) ...................................... 71 4.3.1 Study Context ..................................................................................................... 71 4.3.2 Participants ......................................................................................................... 72 4.3.3 Study Design ...................................................................................................... 73 4.3.4 Data Collection ................................................................................................... 73 Surveys ..................................................................................................... 74 Assessments ............................................................................................. 74 4.3.5 Data Analysis ..................................................................................................... 75 4.3.6 Findings ............................................................................................................. 76 4.3.7 Discussion .......................................................................................................... 79 5 FINAL STUDY: LEARNING & DUAL MODALITY INSTRUCTION ............................ 82 5.1 Research Questions & Hypotheses ............................................................................... 84 5.1.1 Perform ance Comparison i n Dual Modality vs Text Instruction .......................... 85 5.1.2 Performance Comparison by Prior Experience .................................................... 86 5.1.3 Classroom Experience of Dual Modalit y Instruction ........................................... 88


7 5.2 Amphibian: A Dual Modality Representation IDE Plugin for Java ............................... 89 5.2.1 Using the Amphibian Pl ugin ............................................................................... 90 5.2.2 Architecture ........................................................................................................ 93 The Droplet Editor .................................................................................... 93 IntelliJ IDE Plugin Fr amework ................................................................. 94 Logging mechanism .................................................................................. 95 5.3 Dual Modality Curriculum ........................................................................................... 95 5.3.1 Instruction .......................................................................................................... 96 5.3.2 Assignments ....................................................................................................... 97 5.3.3 Ethical Considerations ........................................................................................ 98 Faculty review .......................................................................................... 98 Delay of pure text instruction .................................................................... 98 Cognitive overload.................................................................................... 99 5.4 Instrument Evaluation Study ......................................................................................... 99 5.4.1 Context & Data Collection ................................................................................ 100 5.4.2 Q uestion Analysis ............................................................................................. 100 5.5 Study: Dual Modality Instruction, CS Learning, and Classroom Experience (CS1) ..... 102 5.5.1 Study Design .................................................................................................... 103 5.5.2 Participants ....................................................................................................... 106 5.5.3 Data Collection ................................................................................................. 107 Examinations, a ssessments, a nd de mographic surveys ............................ 107 Perception surveys and usage logs .......................................................... 108 Bias control ............................................................................................ 108 5.6 Analysis Methods: Dual Modality Instruction and Learning ....................................... 109 5.6.1 Examinations and Assessments ......................................................................... 110 5.6.1 .1 Hypotheses & expectations ..................................................................... 110 SCS1 assessment questions ..................................................................... 112 Course examination questions ................................................................. 112 Analysis tes ts .......................................................................................... 114 5.6.2 Surveys, logs, and notes .................................................................................... 114 Qualitative data ....................................................................................... 115 Quantitative data ..................................................................................... 116 Surveys ................................................................................................... 116 Usage logs .............................................................................................. 116 Instructor notes ....................................................................................... 118 5.6. 3 Summary ......................................................................................................... 118 6 LEARNING & DUAL MO DALITY INSTRUCTION: FINDINGS & DISCUSSION ..... 119 6.1 Performance Comparison in Dual Modality vs Text Instruction .................................. 119 6.1.1 Course Exam Results ........................................................................................ 119 Code reading & definitional questions .................................................... 120 Code writing questions ........................................................................... 120 6.1.2 SCS1 Results .................................................................................................... 121 6.1.3 Performance Comparison Discussion ................................................................ 121 Course Exa m performance compar ison discussion .................................. 122 SCS1 performance comparison discussion .............................................. 124


8 6.1.4 Performance Comparison Summary .................................................................. 125 6.2 Performance Comparison by Prior Experience ............................................................ 126 6.2.1 Course Exam Results ........................................................................................ 126 C ode reading / definitio nal questions ...................................................... 127 Code writing questions ........................................................................... 129 6.2.2 SCS1 Results .................................................................................................... 132 6.2.3 Prior Experience Discussion ............................................................................. 132 Course exam disc ussion .......................................................................... 133 SC S1 discussion ..................................................................................... 136 6.2.4 Performance Comparison by Prior Experience Summary .................................. 137 6.3 Classroom Experience of Dual Modality Instruction .................................................. 139 6.3. 1 Student Perceptions of Dual Modality Instruction ............................................. 140 Participants with only text experience ..................................................... 143 Participants with only blocks or with both blocks and text experience ..... 144 Participants with no prior programming experience ................................ 145 Perceptions of dual modality instruction discussion ................................ 146 6.3.2 Use of Dual Modality Materials ........................................................................ 148 Dual modality materials results ............................................................... 148 Dual modality materials discussion ......................................................... 151 6.3.3 Instr uct or Experience ........................................................................................ 152 6.4 Findings & Discussion Summary ................................................................................ 155 7 CONTRIBUTIONS .......................................................................................................... 157 7. 1 Foundational Studies (Perceptions of Programming & Dual Modality Representations) ........................................................................................................... 157 7.2 Technical: Python Pencil Code Variant & Amphibian Dual Modality Java Plugin ...... 158 7.3 Empirical: Learnin g and Dual Modality Approaches to CS Instruction ....................... 158 7.4 Instructional: Perceptions in Dual Modality Programming Environm ent .................... 159 8 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................. 160 8.1 Problem ...................................................................................................................... 160 8.2 Proposed Solution ...................................................................................................... 160 8.3 Early Work ................................................................................................................. 161 8.3.1 Perceptions of Programming Investigations ...................................................... 161 8.3.2 Initial Evaluation of Perceptions & Learning .................................................... 161 8.4 Final Study ................................................................................................................. 162 8.4.1 Amphibian Dual Modality Java Language IDE Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA .......... 162 8.4.2 Dual Modality Instruction & Curriculum .......................................................... 163 8.4.3 Instrument Evaluation ....................................................................................... 163 8.4.4 Study of Dual Modality Instruction and CS Learning ....................................... 163 8.4.5 Analysis of Learning and Dual Modality Instruction......................................... 164 8.4.6 Examination of Student Perceptions and Instructor Experience ......................... 165 8.5 Contributions .............................................................................................................. 166 8.6 Future Work ............................................................................................................... 166 8.7 Summary .................................................................................................................... 168


9 APPENDIX A CONFERENCES, PUBLICATIONS, & DEVELOPMENT ............................................. 170 Publi shed / Completed ...................................................................................................... 170 In Progress ....................................................................................................................... 170 B TIMELINE FOR DOCTORAL WORK ........................................................................... 171 C MI DDLE SCHOOL STUDY: DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONNAIRE ............................. 172 D MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDY: PERCEPTION QUESTIONNAIRES ................................ 173 Personal Perceptio ns (Pre, Mid, & Post) ........................................................................... 173 Mid Survey Only, By Condition ....................................................................................... 173 Text Condition .......................................................................................................... 173 Block s Condition ....................................................................................................... 173 Hybrid Condition ...................................................................................................... 173 Post Survey Only, All Conditions ............................................................................. 174 E CS1 STUDY: DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONNAIRE ...................................................... 175 F CS1 STUDY: PERCEPTION QUESTIONNAIRES ......................................................... 177 Personal Perceptions (PreSu rvey Only) ........................................................................... 177 Blocks/Text Perceptions (Pre, Mid, Post) ......................................................................... 177 Hybrid Instruction Perceptions (Mid, Post) ....................................................................... 177 Weekly Survey ................................................................................................................. 178 G CUSTOM ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................... 179 H ITEM ANALYSIS: CUSTOM ASSESSMENT IN CS1 COURSE ................................... 208 I ITEM ANALYSIS: SCS1 IN CS1 COURSE .................................................................... 209 J CONDITION AND EXPERIENCE INTERACTIONS .................................................... 210 K PLUGIN EVENT COUNTS AND CATEGORY MAPPING ........................................... 211 L CS1 STUDY CODEBOOK AND RESULTS TABLE BY MODULE NUMBER ............ 212 M DISCUSSIO N WITH CURRICULUM COMMITTEE CHAI R ........................................ 216 LIST OF REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 218 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ................................................................................................... 229


10 LIST OF TABLES Table page 21 Questions on SCS1 by Discrimination Factor & Difficulty (Parker & Guzdial, 2016) .... 33 22 Summary of Visual Environment Affordances ............................................................... 45 23 Summary of Multimodal Environment Affordances ....................................................... 53 31 Interview Questions by Topi c ........................................................................................ 56 32 Expectations of Perceptions based on Programming Experience .................................... 57 33 Programming Definition Themes ................................................................................... 59 34 Percentage and Number of Participant Responses by Theme .......................................... 60 35 Percentage of Participants Saying Constructs EASY for N > 4 (14.3%) ......................... 61 36 Percentage of Participants Saying Constructs HARD for N > 4 (14.3%), & If / Loop ..... 61 41 Number of Quest ions by Concept, Type, Difficulty ....................................................... 71 42 Questions Comparing Blocks & Text Programming....................................................... 74 51 Course Topics & Mode for Instructional Intervention .................................................... 97 52 Module Survey Questions (Weekly) ............................................................................ 103 53 Demographic Groups by Condition .............................................................................. 107 54 Measures by Research Question .................................................................................. 109 55 Independent Variables ................................................................................................. 110 56 RQ1 – Dual Mo dality Instruction and Question Performance Hypothesis .................. 111 57 RQ2 Dual Modality Instruction vs. Text Instruction by Exper ience Hypothesis ...... 111 58 List of Topics in Common by Exam ............................................................................ 113 59 Dependent Variables .................................................................................................... 115 510 Time Window for Lecture Slide Usage by Module ..................................................... 117 511 Time Window for Plugin Usage by Module ................................................................. 118 61 Results Summary for Course Exams (Scores as Percent) .............................................. 121


11 62 Results Summary for SCS1 (Scores as Percent) ........................................................... 121 63 Cou rse Exam Interactions: Condition x Experience ..................................................... 128 64 Mean & Standard Deviation, Final Exam: Condition x Experience .............................. 128 65 Mean & Std. Deviation, Exam 1, Writing: Condition x Experience .............................. 130 66 Mean & Std. Deviation, Exam 2, Writing: Condition x Experience .............................. 131 67 SCS1 Interactions: Condition x Experience (See Appendix J for Means / Std. Dev.) .... 132 68 “Dual Mode Instruction is Helpful”, Range by Experience .......................................... 141 69 Common Codes and Examples .................................................................................... 142 610 Responses: Why Dual Modality Instruction is Helpful (n=63) (>5% of Students) ........ 142 611 Responses: Why Dual Modality Instruction is Not Helpful (n=63) (>3% of Students) . 142 B 1 Doctoral Work Timeline (Chronologic al) .................................................................... 171 J 1 Mean & Standard Deviation: Condition x Experience .................................................. 210 K 1 Table of Event Counts and Percentages by Module (Chronological) ............................ 211 K 2 Mapping if Event Name to Event Category .................................................................. 211 L 1 Codebook: Why Dual Mo dality Instruction i s Helpful / Not Helpful ........................... 212 L 2 Table of Code Counts of Responses Indicating Instruction was Helpful, by Module .... 214 L 3 Table of Code Counts of Responses Indicating Instruction Not He lpful, by Module .... 215


12 LIST OF FIGURES F igure page 11 “Hello world!” program in Scratch (blocks based) and C (text based) .......................... 18 21 Standard Item Curve . (Sudol, 2010) ............................................................................... 34 22 Guttman (a), Easy ( b), Linear (c), & Descending (d) Curves (Sudol, 2010) .................... 35 23 Early versi on of AgentSheets (A. Repenning) [107] ....................................................... 37 24 Blocks Based Interfaces: L ogoBlocks [54] .................................................................... 38 25 a) Alice environment [104] (left) and b) Scratch environment [77] (right) ...................... 40 26 Hybrid modality environments: a) BlueJ [63] and b) Greenfoot [51] .............................. 48 27 Pencil Code: Blocks based mode, text based mode, output window [9] ......................... 53 31 Eclipse IDE [141] .......................................................................................................... 63 41 Pencil Code architecture, with added Pythonvariant modules highli ghted in gray ......... 67 42 Pencil Code Python variant : Blocks based mode, text based mode, output window ....... 67 43 Custom assessment: a) blocks / text variants (left) and b) isomorphic variants (right) .... 70 44 Timeline of time spent in text / dual / blocks modes by condition .................................. 70 45 Distribution of survey Likert responses .......................................................................... 70 51 Amphibian Blocks Mode editor s howing a) tabs for switching between modes, puzzlepiece connect ion, b) blocks representation of the current prog ram, and c) block toolbox from which users can drag and drop constructs ........................................ 92 52 Amphibian Blocks Mode editor showing a) Java object oriented constructs and b) dropdown menus used for ty pes and modifiers ............................................................. 93 53 Amphibian architecture with new elements highlighted in gray: a) Modifications to the Droplet Editor and b) Architecture of the IntelliJ Plugin ........................................... 94 54 Example of switching from text to blocks mode: a) successful change to blocks mode and b) syntax error message ........................................................................................... 95 55 Instr uctional material – presentation in blocks, followed by conversion to text .............. 97 56 Curriculum assignment documentation – sample code in blocks and text ....................... 98


13 57 Gantt chart showing date ranges for surveys, examinations, and SCS1 assessment ....... 105 58 Definitional (left) and code reading ( right) que stion samples from Exam 1 .................. 112 59 Code writing question from Exam 1 (abbreviat ed) ....................................................... 113 61 Boxplot of Final Exam sc ores b y condition and prior programming experience ......... 1288 62 Boxplot of Exam 1 writing scores by condition and prior programming experience ..... 128 63 Boxplot of Exam 2 writing scores by condition and prior programming experience ..... 128 64 Percentage of students indicating dual modality instruction was helpful, by module .... 141 65 Percentage of students accessing lecture slides and using plugin, by module ................ 150 66 Percentage of events of each type by module ............................................................... 150


14 Abstrac t of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy BUILDING BRIDGES: DUAL MODALITY INSTRUCTION AND INTRODUCT ORY PROGRAMMING COUR SEWOR K By Jeremiah J. Blanchard August 2020 Chair: Lisa Anthony Cochair: Christina Gardner McCune Major: Computer Enginee ring Blocks based programming environments have become commonplace in introductory computing courses in K 12 schools and some college level courses. In comparison, most college l evel introductory computer science courses teach students text based language s whic h are more commonly used in industry and research. However, the literature provides evidence that students may face difficulty moving to text based programming environments even when moving from blocks based environments, and some perceive blocks bas ed env ironments as inauthentic. Bi directional dual modality programming environments, which provide multiple representations of programming language constructs (such as blocks and text) and allow students to transition between them freely, offer a potenti al sol ution to issues of authenticity and syntax challenges for novices and those with prior experience in blocks by making clear the connection between blocks and text representa tions of programs. While previous research has investigated transition from b locks based to textual environments, there is limited research on dual modality programming environment s. The goa l of my dissertation work is to identify how use of bi directional dual modality programming environment s connects with learning in introductor y programming instruction at


15 the college level. I have developed a bi directional dual modality Java language plugin and evaluated th e use of said tool within an introductory computer science (CS1) course. In my work I analyzed understanding and retention of specific computing / programming concepts, how any co nnections vary according to prior programming experience, and in what ways dual modality programming environment s affect th e classroom learning experi ence.


16 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION When learning compute r science, students must master several skills, including computational thinking, fundamentals of programming, an d computer science t heory [125] . To practically apply computer science skills, students must work in a language’s semantic structure and syntax w hile learning about programming environments. The y must also progr ess through stages of exper tise over time. To draw on the NeoPiagetian framework, students must develop expertise in programming by moving from the sensorimotor stage (in which they know what a program does, but not how it does it) to later concrete and f ormal operational stages (in which they can understand programs by breaking t hem into chunks and considering their abstract function) [71] . Finally, students must be able to translate their ideas into code that runs within the target environment. Computer science instructors and educational researchers have recognized the positive role that appropriate scaffolding can play in programming instruction to help address these challenges; this has motivated the development of instructional programming environments to scaffold the le arning of computational thinking [58] . For example, blocks based environments, such as Scratch and Alice, were developed by researchers in computer scie nce education to decouple the learning of syntax from programming, computational thinking, and computer science t heory by allowing st udents to program without text, eliminating sy ntax barriers [54, 30, 77] . The elimination of syntax errors may contr ibute to a reduction in student cognitive load, allow ing students to master computational thinking skills without needing to master syntax at the same time [72] . W hile blocks based environments have shown promise in improving learning and perception by obviating syntax issues [89, 31] , they do not currently address syntax challenges students must ultimately face when transitioning to production language


17 envi ronments. Dual modal ity programming environments, such as Pencil C ode and its Droplet Edit or, may be able to help bridge this understanding and help students delve into syntax by providing blocks and text representations of the same program [8, 7] . In my disser tation work, I investigate the use of blocks, text, and especially dual modality programming environments for int roductory CS learner s at varied stages of their education, culmina ting in a study to evaluate how and if the use of dual modality instruction in CS1 courses correlates with learning and how said instruction affect s the classroom experience. 1.1 Research Mo tivation My motivation to conduct computer science education resea rch springs from my experience teaching in K 12 classrooms and at the college level, especially concerning accessibility of computing education. Much of my early work focused on students’ pe rceptions of program ming and constructs (e.g., loops, variables, blocks) . I explored how these perceptions related to student motivations, inte rest in, and learning of, computer science in blocks based environments. As researchers began to note challenges that rema ined even w hen moving from blocks based to text based env ironments (such as difficulty learning syntax) [134] , the focus of my work shifted to analyzing the perceptions of bloc ks and text . My recent work aims to identify how to allev iate those remaining challenges (in student perception and learning) when tra nsitioning from blocks to text, particularly in the CS1 course that I teach. Programming instruction ha s traditio nally mad e use of text based production languages [124] , such as C++ [1] , Java [111] , and Python [38] . Whi le this has the b enefit of anchoring instruction in practical languages used in the industry , it presents difficulties for students. Even for languages with sim ple structure, syntax errors and semantics are a hurdle [ 136] . Th ese language challenges are coupled with learning computational thinking and basic computer science theo ry , which compounds cognitive load in early CS instruction [72, 87] .


18 Blocks based languages are also now frequently used to teach computing in K 12 classrooms, so many students enter early p rogramming c ourses with blocks based experience (Figure 11) [10] . H owever, research accounts suggest that, even when star ting in bloc ks, some student s nevertheless struggle with the same syntax chal lenges of text based languages as learners who begin learning in text [74] . In particular, stude nts who move from blocks to text have noted the disparity in difficulty between some blocks based environments and text based languages [74] ; my early work (outlined in later sections) provides evidence that s tudents who move from blocks directly to text perceive text based programming as more frustrating than those who work only in text from the sta rt . Student frustration may also stem from an inability to connect blocks constructs and their text counterparts. Dual modality blocktext systems, offering both text and blocks based representation s , were developed to provide a connection for students bet ween blocks based representations common in learning environments and text used in production languages [7] . These environments offer promise in tha t they may be able to help students overcome s yntax challe nges and reinforce semantics when moving between blocks based and text based representations. By linking textual and blocks based modes of the same language, dual modality blocks text systems may facilitate chunking and abstraction in text [71] by visually nesting code blocks , such a s function or condition constructs. Figure 11. “ Hello world!” program in Scratch (blocks based) and C (text based ). int main() { printf("Hello worl d!"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }


19 1.2 Research Opportunities Dual modality programming environments are relatively new developments and there is limited research into t heir effectiveness and connection to learning , with only a small number of studies conducted, and many of those on a small scale [136, 134, 9] . In particular, David Bau ’s work with Pencil Code – an educational, web based programming platform – s tudied how students use bidirectional dual modality programming environment s [9] . Bau conducted a study with eight public middle school students across four after school sessions who had no prior programming experience. Students were permitted to fr eely use blocks and text modes. While on the first day, all studen ts used blocks most of the time, the y progressed to using text more often each day. By the last day, they were working in text 95% of the time, of their own volition. It is possible that thi s transition occurre d because students became more confident worki ng in text, suggest ing that they no longer perceived text as intimidating. Wh ile Bau’s work did not directly address perception or learning, it did offer insight by providing evidence that s uggested the student s became more accustomed to text representatio ns in dual modality programming environment s . David Weintrop’s is among the m ost comprehensive body of work on the subject of dual modality programming environment s [136, 134] ; he studied students moving from dual modality programming environment s to text only development. Weintrop’s study was conducted over the course of a year with 90 students enrolled in a public high school’s introductory programming class. Weintrop dev eloped mechanisms – assessments, surveys, and tool log files – to measure student attitudes, perceptions, and conceptual understanding in blocks and text modes. His work also compared how student experiences differ by starting in pure text, pure blocks, and dual modality programming environment s before moving to pure tex t environments. Weintrop’s studies suggest that dual modality programming environment s provide some of the affordances


20 of both blocks and text – they helped foster confidence in students (li ke blocks) but are a lso perceived as authentic programming experie nces (like text languages). The dual modality programming environment used a different language (JavaScript) than the development in pure text (Java) [134] due to the curricula r requirement to teach in Java and tool limitations (which were only availabl e at the time in JavaScript and CoffeeScript variants) . These important studies open new questions and opportunit ies for research. It is an open question as to whether c hanging la nguages in addition to changing environment mode s –as was done in Weintrop’s s tudy–may constitute a significantly higher cognitive load [118] than merely transitioning from a dual modality programming environment to a text based one. It may also inhibit transfer [126] , as the differences between the languages could constitute farther transfer [6] in comparison to working within the s ame language, but merely a different environment . As blocks based languages are now frequently used to teach computing in K 12 classr ooms [10] , an evaluation of dual modality programming environment s –and in what ways they provide an ef fective bridge to te xt –is particularly usefu l at the college level , where most students first encounter textual languages. 1.3 Research Questio ns & Hypotheses Previous work studying dual modality and multimodal environments opened new questions to explore regarding their pote ntial use and place in e ducation which have ex plored as part of this dissertation. Specifically, my work address es the foll owing open questions in the literature: RQ1. How do students perform in code reading and writing after learning w ith dual modality in struction, as compared t o students learning wi th traditional (textbased) approaches to instruction in CS1 courses? Learner s progress through multiple stages of development as they grow via problem solving practice to eventually become experts [71] . The


21 benefits of dual modality compared to pure text environments are lik ely to differ depending on the student’s cur rent state of cognitiv e development. Some research has been done to evaluate student perceptions and patterns in classrooms using dual modality programming environments [134] ; in my own work with middle school students, those who worked in dual modality programming environme nt s held positive perceptions of text more often than those who moved straight from blocks to text [14] . However, no comparative analysis of learning outc omes as compared to traditional (text based) environments has been done. Examining how dual modality instruction connected to student cognitive development, and in what conditions , would help advance early computer science instruction. RQ2. How does prior programming experience affect students learning in dual modality instruction as compared to students learning in traditional (text ba sed) approaches to instruction in CS1 courses? Students in early computer science courses are a diverse population with dif ferent experiences. Some have prior text experience programming, so me have worked in bloc ks, and others have none . In m y early resear ch , students with prior programming experience more frequently held nuanced perceptions of programming compared those who had none [15] . Short of offering com pletely separate or tailored instruction for each student, i ntroductory courses must find effective ways of serving all of these populations. I dentifying how these environments can support learning and how that s upport might differ based on prior experienc e can help instructo rs and researchers improve student experiences . By helping instructors and researchers tailor tools and instruction to stud ents with different varied programming backgrounds , we can create development appr opriate experiences for student s to engage with programming and computer science content to build their skills and knowledge .


22 RQ3. What are student perceptions of dual modali ty programming environments and instructional approaches , and how do they change o ver time, in the context of a C S1 course? There are reports in study interviews that suggest some students perce ive text languages as hard and intimidating [54] . Blocks based environments have shown promise in alleviating the syntax challenges when le arning programming concepts [133] , but some students who work in blocks continue to struggle with negative perceptions when they move to t ext [74] . My early work showe d that some students who move from blocks directly to text find the experience frustrating [14] . If dual modality programming environment s alleviate these negative perception s, they may contribute to improved motivation and confidence, which have been shown to improve retention within the discipline [80] . Identifying how the student and instructor experience change w hen using dual modality instruction would provide guidance for instructors considering their use in the classroom . 1.4 Overview of Work My disser tation work aims to identify how dual modality (blocks to text) le arning environments support computer science instruction , how learning outcom es change based on prior programming experience, and in what ways they affect the classroom learning experience. Research to investig ate the efficacy of dual modality programming environment s would be a valuable contribution to computer science education b ecause, if it can be shown that they are effective in helping students learn computer science, they can be used t o bridge from blocks based learning environments —which provide hel pful scaffolding for novices —to production l anguages which are used in resear ch and industry [78, 81] . My work seeks to provide the tools to facilitate use of dual modality programming environment s, an em pirical study of how they support learning, and evidence of their effectiveness within a classroom setting. To me asure support of learning in dual modality programming environment s:


23 I have developed a general purpose Java language IDE plugin providing bloc ks to text transition in real time (and vice versa) based on Pencil Code’s Droplet editor ; I have constructed cu stom dual mode repre sentation curricul a materials with text and bl ocks representations, for use in UF’s CS1 course; and I have conducted a study in which I collected survey responses and assessment data from a baseline group taught using traditional, text based approaches to instruction in UF’s CS1 course, and separately an intervention group using dual modality tools and instruction in a differe nt semester of the same CS1 course. My contributions include a) an analysis of dual modality tools and curricula and how they suppor t the learning of computing concepts ; b) a dua l modality blocks to text IntelliJ IDE A plugin for the Java language; and c) analysis of student perceptions of dual modality instruction and the classroom experience from my perspective as an instructor implementing the use of dual modality tools and inst ruction in an introductory CS college classroom . The first part of this disse rtation describes the relevant background (Chapter 2). This is followed by three descript ions of three related but distinct studies – perceptions of programming (Chapter 3), perceptions of dual modality programming environment s (Chapter 4), a nd learning in dual modality programming environment s (Chapter 5). The final section describes my findi ngs (Chapter 6), work ti meline (Chapter 7), identifies my contributions (Chapter 8 ) , and e nds with a conclusion (Chapter 9 ) establishing how my work fit s into the body of literature within computing education.


24 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND Computer science education research is built upon a fusion of genera l educational theory with computer science spe cific practice and research. In this section I outline the background work wh ich builds upon traditional educational theory to develop CS specific approaches and tools. 2.1 Learning to Progr am Learning to progr am requires concurrent development of multiple skills. In addition to general problem solving and computational thinking competency, students must also learn theory. At the same time, students must evolve through the stages of expertise development – from seeing programs as a black box to advanced chunking and abstraction [71] . These abilit ies are distinct and each carries its own cogn itive load —that is, mental effort in working memory required when solving problems [118, 95] . P rogramming has also historically been taught using text based languages, meaning those chal lenges specifically ass ociated with learning syntax often surface in early programming instruction. Additionally, in order to improve the efficacy of programming instruction, it i s helpful to have measurement instruments to identify if and to what degree l earning has taken place [117] . This section identifies the general challenges of learning to program, as well as t hose specific to text based instruction, and describes the development of con cept inventory instrume nts that can be used to assess learning in programming. 2.1.1 Language Challenges Text lan guage s, which are co mmonplace in industry and college education, present challenges to the novice programmer with respect to syntax and semanti cs. This section addres ses these challenges from the perspective of the development stages that learners go through as they progress from novice to expert .


25 Syntax Language syntax has been recognized as a barrier students face when learning computer science [72] . McIver and Conway developed t he GRAIL language in an attempt to minimize syntax errors ; the main goals were to maximize readability and minimize unproductive errors [86] . In a follow up, McIver studied student s using GRAIL and LOGO to compare error rates [85] . Participants in this study were provided with development environments that were identical, with only the languages differing; the part icipants were given a s eries of eight exercises to complete. When participants attempted to run their programs, a snapshot of the program text was captured and stored, and program errors were then analyzed and split into syntax errors (such as use of an incorrect keyword) and logic errors (such as an algorithm with incorrect steps). McIver found that students using G RAIL —designed to minimize syntax problems —had not only a lower num ber of syntax errors, but also a lower number of logic errors, suggesting tha t student s who face fewer syntax challenges can reduce their logical errors as a result. Later, Ko et al. identif ied syntax as a cont ributing factor in four of six learning barrie rs they examined within programming systems [61] . They found that identifying the right interface for a task —such as when a user knows what task to accomplish but cannot determine (select) the correct construct —created select ion barriers . For ex ample, a user in a simulation environment may know that a task requires moving a character to a particular locati on on the screen but may have difficulty ident ifying which syntax will accomplish that goal. A s construct names / text are not necessarily intuitively tied to what they do, syntax challenges can act as use barriers – even if a user know s that an “if” statement provides conditional execution, they may not be able to properly construct the conditional expression. Difficulty in knowing which constr ucts can connect to and work with one another establish coordination barriers , such as trying to break out


26 of a l ooping expression using a “switch” statement ( which cannot be done in many languages); and misassembly of constructs can re sult in difficulty u nderstanding why a program does or does not do something ( understanding barriers ) – a user wh o misunderstands ope rator precedence may miscalculate a value by arranging the operators incorrectly. Semantics In addition to unique s yntax, each programm ing language construct has specific semantics – the meaning of the construct. Deciphering thi s meaning requires an understanding not only of the syntax of the language, but also the overall context of the construct within a block of code. Programmers at co ncrete and formal operational stages of reasoning development, when reading code, perceive text as a composition of constructs using an internal mental model o f those constructs – they chunk out blocks of code and summarize their meaning [71] . S tudents in the preoperational stage, by contrast, see lines of code as indivi dual elements, rather than as abstract chunks; this increases their cognitive load and limits their ability to re ason abstractly [71] . Ko’s work also noted that semantics were a key aspect of two of the six learning bar riers, specifically use barriers (such as usin g the wrong parameters) and coordination barriers (e.g., misunderstanding how constructs interact with one another) mentioned previously [61] . Seman tics also play a critical role in debugging, as practitioners must read, trac e, and develop abstr act models of sections of code [2] . Taken together, syntax and semanti c challenges represent a potentially significant hurdle for students to overc ome . Further explora tion of the relationship between syntax / constructs and perceptions of difficulty and intimi dation could help re searcher s and teachers address those negative perceptions that may impact student interest and learning.


27 Perception s Text based languages, especially production languages, have been noted as presenting perception based challenge s; the literature su ggests that text based languages can be intimidating, especially for women [12] . Begel and Klopfer, in developing StarLogo TNG, conducted focus groups to identify the strengths and weaknesse s of the previous and new platforms; they found that women and girls consistently felt intimidated by (text based) programm ing languages, who viewed them as maleoriented [12] . This may impact future motivations to study computer science [59] . Results also suggest that text based languages suffer from association with “uninteresting” tasks [134] . Association with uninteresting / boring / “uncool” work tasks has also been implicated in limiting motivation among students in minority populations [37] . Visual languages attempt to a ddress many of these issues by making the environments more inviti ng and approachable and by incorporating games, simulation, and multimedia [107, 54, 104] . 2.1.2 Developing Expertise Early attempts to understand development of programming skills followed the constructivist / Piagetian tradition [96] . In this framework, students learn by construct ing their own knowl edge via assimilation (bringing new information into existing f rameworks) and accommodation (reframing mental representation to match new experiences). The Piagetian framework, however, is closely tied to mental development and age based maturity [20] . In Piaget’s framework , the sensorimotor stage encompasses infancy (through age of 2) and is characterized by a lack of internalized thinking, while the preoperational stage is described as intuitive (rather than logical) and lasts until the age of 7. In the concrete operational stage (through age 11), children apply logic, but only to their concrete inputs; finally, in the formal operational stage (from age 11), children can reason fully in the abstract. Lister instead proposed


28 applying the NeoPiagetian framework – which decouples age and maturity from development of skills – to account for cognitive development in t he domain of programming [71] . Lister proposed four stages of reasoning development in programming within this framework: sensorimotor – knowing programs produce a result, but not why , preoperational – understanding lines of code, concrete operational – reasoning about familiar , real world situations, and formal operational – reasoning about unfamiliar , hypothetical situations. This framework is supported by empirical evidence from Corney et al [32] and think aloud studies by Teague et al [120] . In this section I briefly summarize each stage as it relates to programming skill development. It is establishe d in psychology literature that humans have limited capa city in their shortterm or working memory , as argued by Miller in 1956 [90] . In order to cope with these limitations, experts employ chunking as a mechanism to recall information and ideas [45] . Information is broken i nto chunks which are stored in longterm memory; these c hunks can be recalled as a single concept in working memory, reducing the number of unique ideas that must be in the working memory at a particular moment in time, and thereby reducing cognitive load [45] . As such, the development of chunking and abstraction me thods is tied intimately with the evolution of advanced stages in the Neo Piagetian framework of development. Sensorimotor In the sensorimotor stage, students see programming as a “black box” – they know the code produces a result but do not see the executing program as a sequence of instructions on a machine. They lack conceptual understanding of constructs and programs, even at a definitional level. Lister (and later Corney et al) identified students in this stage as those who could not read code and trace its execution with at least 50% accuracy [71, 32] . Students in this stage, lacking an understanding of the constructs themselves, are unable to engage in abstraction.


29 Pre operational Students in the preoperational stage understand the function of individual lines of code . They understand the deterministic nature of computer programs functionally and conceptually – that is, they understand the definition of constructs – but often cannot summarize sections of code to determine overall meaning or function. According to Lister’s framework [71] , these students can accurately read code and trace its execution with at least 50% accuracy but struggle to relate the function of lines of codes with respect to one another, to explain what a section o f code does, or to develop diagrams describing the function of code. They may be able to write simple programs but cannot meaningfully think abstractly about programs. Concrete operational Concrete operational reasoning requires the ability to enga ge in abstraction and to understand the meaning of sections of code as they relate to concrete and familiar situations. Students in this stage of development can read, trace, and write code. They can also engage in abstract thinking about program s, explain blocks of code, and draw diagrams describing code, but are restricted to those situations with which they have experience – they typically cannot abstract away solutions and apply them to distantly related problems – i.e., apply them to a new ta sk. Notabl y, the McCracken working group identified abstraction as a key challenge students continue to struggle with at the end of most introductory computer science (CS1) courses [84] . Being able to break code into sections, and then evaluate the function of that code as a whole – rather than merely tracing cod e executio n – is a fundamental distinction between preoperational and concrete operational development stages. This chunking mechanism facilitates abstraction of code into ideas that do not require line byline tracing [71] . Lister also argued that students in this stage understand three key properties – reversing , conservation, and transit ive inference [71] :


30 reversing – computational operations can be “undone”; e.g. after s hifting items in a list to the left, the operation can be reserved by shifting the same items in the list to the right. conservation – equivalence of code across transformations that maintain the specification (targeted task); e.g., equivalence of two programs that find a minimum value in a set of values. transitive inference – relationships in data (often math); e.g., if a program organizes data to guarantee that x > y, and separately that y > z , then it also organizes the data such that x > z . Formal opera tional As the most developed stage, formal operational reasoning is, in the words of Corney et al, “what competent programmers do, and what we’d like our students to do” [32] . These students can read, trace, and write code; they unde rstand the constructs conceptually; and they can reason abstractly about programs. Lister described these students, based on the work of the McCracken working group, as capable of engaging in abstraction and deconstruction in order to develop solutions and iterate o n them [71, 84] . In addition to being able to reason about familiar situations, persons at this stage of development can reason abstractly about unfamiliar ones. Summary The Neo Piagetian framework suggests student s progress through four stages of development as they move from novice to expert in a field such as computer science: sensorimotor (seeing a program a s a “black b ox”), preop erational (understanding lines of code and being able to trace execution), concrete operational (able to apply abstractions of solutions in similar situations), and formal operational (able to apply abstractions of solutions to unfamiliar situations). Rese arch has suggested that while most students progress beyond sensorimotor levels in CS1 courses [73] , the majority are at preoperational or concrete ope rational stages (with most showing a limited degree of concrete operational thinking) [32] .


31 Prior research provides clues as to intervention strategies that may be applicable when helping students progress in the development stages. Code traci ng has been identified as a key skill differentiating sensorimotor and preoperational stages of development, while abstraction is noted as critical to concrete and formal operational stages. Evidence suggests that techniques such as lightweight sketching – stepping t hrough instructions while using a written memory table to track variable values (rather than trying to keep them memorized) – helps students learn to read code and trace through programs [138] . In his consideration of abstraction in computing instruction, Kramer suggested abstractions could be effectively taught by building on the work of Huitt and Hummel [55] namely, by having students explore hypothetical questions, encouraging them to explain their problem solving process, and by approachi ng instruction from a conceptual (rather than fact based) perspective [68] . 2.2 Programming Assessment Several approaches can be used to evaluate student learning in tech nical fields, including examination of artifacts created by students and formal assessments [52, 70] . Standardized assessment instruments, if developed in a way that makes strong arguments for their validity and reliability, can provide compelling evidence of the effectiveness of approaches to instruction [122] . It is also important to be able to identify the validity of an instrument within a specific context by analyzing questions on an assessment individually and collectively [123] . This sectio n identifies key aspects of learning assessment and instruments used for this purpose. 2.2.1 Concept Inventories A concept inventory is one type of instrument that can be used to measure competency. Tew and Guzdial proposed a language independent assessmen t of CS1 concepts [123] . Tew and Guzdial proposed a multi step process to define the test’s content and verify its validity and reliability. Tew later developed the F oundational CS1 (FCS1) Assessment to evaluate basic


32 computer science competency in a language independent manner [122 ] . The FCS1 is made up of multiple choice q uestions that are categor ized as definitional, tracing, and code completion questions. Content of the exam was defined by an examination of topics from textbooks used in CS1 courses and ACM/IEEE guidelines. The topics covered by the test include variables, operators, program contr ol, arrays, and recursion. Tew conducted three separate studies to verify programming language independence [122] . Building on the results of the work by Tew and later the 2013 ITiCSE w orking group under Utting, Parker and Guzdial developed an isomorphic version of the FCS1 in order to expand on the instruments available to the research community [98] . Isomorphic variants of questions are developed by changing variables and answer choices but keeping the topica l area and style consistent with the original [98] . This new instrument, the Second CS1 Assessment (SCS1), was developed to mitigate the risk of saturation of any one assessment (and any impact on its validity). In a study with 183 participants, Par ker and Guzdial found a strong correlation between participant scores on the FCS1 and the SCS1, which were given to participants one week apart from one another , and argued on this bas is that the SCS1 is valid . It is notable that both the FCS1 and SCS1 que stions are, on average, conside red very difficult, and not all questions provide the same level of discrimination (Table 21). Most questions on the assessment (22 of 27) were answered correctly by less than 50% of the participants, and none of the questions were considered easy (85% 100% answering correctly) [ 98] . There were also limitations with respect to discrimination quality of questions, with 7 of 27 questions considered to be poor discriminators (discrimination factor of less than 0.1), 15 of 27 considered fair discriminators (factor of 0.10.3), and only 5 of 27 considered good discriminators (factor greater than 0.3). Luckily, these limitations can be addressed, depending


33 on the circumstance. While the SCS1’s difficulty poses challenges when measuring lower levels of performance, this difficulty also means that the assessment has a higher ceiling – i.e., there is more “room” for high performance to be measured. In addition, the majority of the questions (20 of 27) provide fair or better discrimination. Table 21. Questi ons on SCS1 by Discrimination Fact or & Difficulty (Parker & Guzdial, 2016) Discrimination Factor Hard ( < 50%) Medium (50% 80% Easy (85%+) Total Poor (<0.1) 7 0 0 Data Fair (0.1 0.3) 14 1 0 Data Good (0.3+) 1 4 0 Data Total 22 5 0 Data 2.2.2 Item Response Theory Item response theor y (IRT) is a common way that an argument for the reliability of an instrument can be made. It is rooted in the probability that a person of a certain ability level will score correctly on a particular item on an inst rument (such as a question on a test) ba sed on a response curve [5] . IRT is used around the world for large scale assessments, including extensive ly in research and use by Educational Te sting Service (ETS) , which develops and administers the SAT, GRE, and AP examinations [25] . Two commonly used IRT models are one parameter (1PL/Rasch) and two parameter (2PL) logistical models. IRT can be applied to a set of data via item analysis . A n item analysis can be performed on questions to identify the difficult y parameter of a question and, if a multi parameter logistic model is used, a discrimination parameter (which measures how well an item discriminates between those of higher and lower ability – also called a slope parameter) [101] . Sudol and Studer presented one approach to item analysis of a set of response samples using the R language. Their work allows researchers to easily build graph visualizations of difficulty and discrimination on a per item ba sis [115] . Sudol and Studer also described several


34 item curves ; these graphs plot ability vs probabili ty, where mean student ability is zero. First among the described curves is the Standard Item Characteristic Curve (Figure 2 1). They suggested that items (questions) that best discriminate among average participants mirror this gra ph. These questions have a steep and positive slope at zero in ability , indicating that performance increases with ability . M ost performance difference is within one standard deviation from the mean in such questions . They also discussed a Guttman Item cur ve (Figure 22a), which is seen when measur ing knowledge that is likely recallbased or when there is poor item fit , and an Easy Item curve (Figure 22b), where most participants – even those with low ability – perform well. Sudol and Studer also descr i bed problematic curves . These include Linear Items (Figure 22c), which may indicate mixing of multiple concepts into a question – a violation of the assu mptions of the model – and possibly other problems , and Descending Curves (Figure 22d), which indicate an inverse relationship between performance and ability. Using Item Analysis, instruments such as concept inventories can be evaluated for reliability a nd validity with different populations. Figure 21. Standard Item Curve . (Sudol, 2010) .


35 Figure 22. Guttman (a), Easy (b), Linear (c), & Descending (d) Curves (Sudol, 2010) . 2.3 Visual Languages & Environments In addition to providing a pedagogical framework and methods of measurement, instructional tools and environments can help facilitate learning in computer science and other fields. T o address the challenges of text based languages for novices and provide scaffolding, vi sual and (especially blocks based) languages have been in development that have shown promise in helping more students learn computer science concepts [31] [34] [34][34] [3 4][34] [31] . The earliest of these are graph systems, which evolved from flow charts and diagrams, and were intended to be accessible to nonprogrammers [56, 83] . Later systems integrated simulations and were rooted in the constructionist philosophy; they inte ntionally provided an area for play and engagement with learning as an explicit target [96] . Modern blocks based languages incorporated the ideas of these earlier systems, but also added additional scaffolding to facilitate (d) ( c )


36 educational goals [54] . These blocks based environments usually use colorful palettes to create an approachable environment for novices of computer science and denote semantic roles (such as control or statement b locks). They also often use visual and/or audible cues (such as puzzle piece connectors and clicks) to convey construct connecti ons and semantics [54] . 2.3.1 Development of Visual Programming Environments Visual e nvironments and representations of algorithms were inspired by the desire to make programming more accessible and easier to understand [54, 56, 83] . Modern visual environments aim to decouple syntax from algorithmic t hinking (through the use of visual constructs that snap together), reduce intimidating perception (through friendly color schemes and recognizable shapes), and introduce interesting functionality to boost motivation (via multimedia integration) [77 , 54, 28] . This section evaluates the historical motivations of these visual languages —many related to the challenges of text based instruction—and examines their design, application, and evaluation. It also considers their evolution over time, evaluations of their efficacy , and open questions in the literature regarding them. Early visual p rogramming s ystems Work in visual programming environments evolved in part from visual flow charts and diagrams , such as Prograph and Fabrik [83, 56] . These early system designs were in part meant to create executable variants of data and control flow diagrams (a la flow charts). Graph based symbolic systems laid the groundwork for object and agent based visual simulation frameworks as the object oriented paradigm developed and influenced computer science resear ch and languages [109, 11] . These simulation environments were designed around object (agent) manipulatio n and constructionist philosophy, which is based on learning through the building of mental models over time through exploration [107, 112, 97] . KidSim and AgentSheets (Figure 23) integrated spatial and temporal affor dances through which agents could be created and


37 modified via grid structured containers [108, 33] . These containers were the early precursors to blocks based programming systems [43] . Figure 23. Early version of AgentSheets (A. Repenning) [107] . Blocks b ased i nterface d evelopment At MIT , systems inspired by robotics were being developed with a focus on accessibility to wider audiences . These eventually gave birth to blocks based programming environments, beginning with LogoBlocks. LogoBlocks (Figure 24) is a puzzlestyle, blocks based programming environment, built on the ideas of prior diagram based and agent based systems [54] . LogoBlocks was based on earlier work on LEGOsheets, which itself was based on AgentSheets [43] . LogoBlocks also was created to serve as a development environment for the LEGO Programmable Brick [11] . LogoBlocks programs are written to be perfectly translatable into Brick Logo, a variant of Logo used for the LEGO Programmable Brick. I t was paired with a compiler that first converted LogoBlocks programs into Brick Logo.


38 T he design work in LogoBlocks focused on visual affordances and cues to facilitate understanding. E arly iterations of LogoBlocks used a gridbased model a la Agentsheets [107] . Later iterations, seeking to depart from the rigid nature of the gri dbased approach, removed the grid itself. To maintain spatial relations hips between elements, visually interlocking connectors were added. Connectors varied by block type. For example, action blocks in a sequence were listed vertically; each action block contained an ACTION_TOP and ACTION_BOTTOM connection point. The ACTION_T OP connector of one block could connect to the ACTION_BOTTOM of another block. Blocks with matching (complementary) connection points were also built to snap together (both visually and audibly) when in close proximity; this allowed for more free form use of the blocks. To make blocks easily identifiable, each block type had a unique color, shape, and label [54] . The latching mechanism was devised to simplify connection of construc ts and relieve student s of the need to precisely place blocks on the can vas. Figur e 24. Blocks Based Interfaces: LogoBlocks [5 4] .


39 2.3.2 Contemporary Blocks Based Environments While work on LogoBlocks progressed, simulationbased, object oriented development —and work to make it more accessible to a wider audience—cont inued with the Alice environment (Figure 25a ). Alice was at first developed as a scripting environment for 3D computer graphics for storytelling [104] . Alice focused especially on usability concerns (principally, the law of least astonishment ) for the nonprogrammer audience; its principal goal was to reduce the dependency on mathematical underpinnings when working in 3D graphics [27] . To this end, Alice abstracted hardware, graphical APIs, and linear algebra into a simplified, “plain language” programming interface [26] . Later work on Alice focused on its potential as a platform for learning to program and for practicing algorithmic thinking by building and scripting 3D worlds, as it allowed for exploration with real time visualizations [34] . While Alice started out as a text scripted environment in Python, later versions converted to a blocks based approach to sequenc e commands in an object oriented style inspired by Java [29] , and as of Alice 3, visually constructed code is perfectly translatable in Java to make transition to Java from Alice easier [23] . Scratch [77] (Figure 25b), started i n MIT’s Media Lab, built on the puzzle piece style block constructs of LogoBlocks [54] and real time visualizations of Alice [27] . While the environment of Scratch was 2D (compared to Alice’s 3D environment), it incorporated many of the usability features from both Alice and LogoBl ocks to create a platform that was friendly and accessible to children [77] . Scratch’s env ironment featured the same interlocking and snaptogether mechanisms developed and r efined in the LogoBlocks project [54] and added the multimedia elements from Alice [104] . Scratch’s web centric design encouraged students to share their creations with other users, helping users to develop a vibrant community based on


40 remixing the work of others [92] ; this practice has b een shown to increase interest in continuing to program [37] and helped disadvantaged students connect as a community in local computer clubs [76] . Scratch was also explicitly designed to include parallel execution affordances as a main feature; the event driven structure of the system allows multiple instruction threads to execute concurrently, usually engaged through input or messaging between agents in the environment [110] . Figure 25. a) Alice environment [104] (left) and b) Scratch environment [77] (right) . 2.3.3 Efficacy of Blocks Based Environments Effectiveness of these environments can be measured according to different criteria and by using a few different metrics. For example, the goal may be to see if the environment can be an effective instructional tool; to compare the performance of students using a new environment or language and one already in use; to prepare students for more advanced programming and computer science coursework; or it may be some combination of these. The scaffolding provided


41 by these environments aims to reduce or eliminat e syntax errors (by eliminating syntax through the use of blocks), facilitate understanding of semantics and construct relationships (via colors and puzzlepiece style snapping), and improve motivation and interest (by providing multimedia environments to work within). Effectiveness as l earning e nvironment In general, these tools have been used successfully to help students to learn. Studies have provided evidence that the scaffolding provided by these environments eliminates problems with syntax errors, allowing students to employ computational thinking, while also nurturing an appreciation of trial and error approaches necessary for programmi ng and debugging [75, 132, 94] . Some studies, particularly those with Alice, also show students developed a strong sense of objects and their contexts within programs [31, 131] . Cooper et al. ran an experiment with a small number of college students (N=21) identified as weak CS majors (those who had no prior programm ing exper ience and were not prepared for calculus) to test the effectiveness of Alice as an environment to help students learn computer science [31] . Eleven (11) s tudents t ook an Alice based preparation course, either before or alongside CS1; ten (10) students did not and served as the control group. The students who took the Alice based course in addition to CS1 performed better in the CS1 course, suggesting a prior course in Alice can help students succeed in CS1 courses. However , a s the authors noted, these results may be biased by self selection of motivated students into the Alice course. Meerbaum Salant et al. evaluated instruction using Scratch to teach 9th gr ade boys and girls (N=46) [89] ; they found that students using Scratch improved their knowledge of computer science and programming through its us e. They a lso found that students internalized core CS concepts (including initialization, loops, variables, and concurrency) and improvement in cognitive performance levels (including understanding, applying, and creating). However, the impact was not unif orm – som e concepts were more


42 readily internalized than others. For example, while 75% of participants correctly answered questions regarding conditional loops, only 52% answered correctly regarding bounded loops. With respect to effectiveness compared to other env ironments, results diverge somewhat depending on the circumstances and are mixed. Wang et al. conducted a quasi experiment at the high school level with two groups of students (N=166), one learning C++ and the other learning via Alice [131] ; they found that students in the Alice coursework performed slightly better overall than those in the C++ group. However, in a study comparing students (N=154) receiving instruction via pseudocode and those using Alice, Garlick and elikel found that students using Alice performed more poorly than those learning via pseudocode [42] . I t is possible that method of instruction or differences between the C++ and pseudocode approach played a role in the difference in results; more research may help elicit in which situations Alice and similar environments may be helpful. Weintrop studied th e differe nce between blocks based and text based environments with two groups of students in high schools. One group started in a blocks based environment, while the other started with text (JavaScript or CoffeeScript); at the midpoint, both groups changed to the J ava language in text. He found that those students who worked in the blocks based environment outperformed the text based group on an assessment of algorithm construct concepts used in programming at the midpoint (before the switch to Java). Howev er, their scores at the end of the course —after the completion of the Java portion—were comparable; in other words, the students were not worse off, performance wise, for having used the blocks based environments . Moving from blocks to text While studies ha ve shown that blocks based environments can be effective learning tools, some data suggest that students struggle to switch from blocks to text later. In Weintrop’s study [134] , participants starting in blocks reported statistically significant increased levels of


43 confidence from the start to just before changing to Java (the midpoint of the study), but a statistically significant decrease in confidence in the second phase (afte r switching from blocks to text). The text condition students, however, did not show statistically different changes in confidence over the course of the study. One possible explanation may be that, while blocks based environments boost mor ale and motivati on —and possibly early learning—over time this benefit decreases as students become more accustomed to computational thinking and thus get less benefit from the reduced cognitive load of the blocks based environments. It is also possible tha t the motivation al challenges of text based languages impact performance in similar ways regardless of when they are introduced (whether before or after learning fundamentals), possibly related to perceptions of difficulty and authenticity, resulting in th e same overall ability level in participants upon completion of the entire course. Data collected during my own study with middle school students (Section 4.3) suggests that students who start in blocks perceive text more negatively after switching from bl ocks to text, unlike their counterparts who have worked exclusively in text. The scaffolding provided by blocks based languages is intended to address issues related to perception and the challenges of syntax; however, more research is needed to determine how this scaffol ding impacts student learning and motivation in the long term. It is also notable that , while Weintrop’s results showed improvement in student performance on ability tests while in the blocks based environments, once student s moved to text, th e learning outcome advantage dissipated. While not the primary topic of this dissertation, a dditional study of how switching student s from blocks to text environments compares with teaching them exclusively in text environments could help identify the i mpact these envi ronments have on learning over longer periods. This dissertation will help provide a foundation for later research comparing purely text based and blocks to text approaches to instruction.


44 Special considerations e nvironments are n ot e qual It is important to note that the blocks based environments discussed are targeted to different age groups. For example, while Scratch targets elementary through early high school students, Alice was originally created to serve students at the unde rgraduate level , though today it is used in K 12 classrooms [26, 75] . Design differe nces change the implementation of scaffolding and structure of the language representation. For example, Scratch makes use of brightly colored, snaptogether puzzle piece blocks meant to appeal to younger children, while Alice utilizes simp le rectangular b locks in more subdued colors [77] . Likewise, Alice’s variants empl oy an explicitly objectoriente d data model, while Scratch’s interface is limited to a handful of base object types (most notably sprites and backdrops) [77, 132] . The differences in sca ffolding implementation could also impact the effectiveness of the environments and the evaluation of them. For example, Scratch uses puzzle piece affordances that help novices associate constructs that can be used together with one another visually and audibly; Alice’s drag and drop object creation mechanism reinforces the concepts of classes as blueprints and objects as entities. Further research of these differences, and how they impact student s of different ages, could help instructors and researchers d etermine which features are more effective with different age groups. Modern blocks based environments, like Alice and Scratch, also provide unique affordances for some aspects of programming. For example, parallel, multithreaded programm ing is a topic tha t is becoming more crucial with the proliferation of multicore processors. Both Alice and Scratch provide visual, message and event based frameworks that simplify multithreaded execution in a form accessible even to children. If research showed that these approaches help students learn parallel programming more easily or quickly, teachers could more effectively prepare students in less time. Previous studies comparing text and blocks have


45 differed; however, those studies used different te xt based languages . Research comparing different text based languages to blocks based environments, in the same situation , could help determine if language played a role. Scaffolding to smooth the transition from blocks to text may also reduce the friction of changing to te xt based languages. Further research could help determine if this is the case. Knowing this could help the teaching community identify the best approach for introductory programming. Table 2 2. Summary of Visual Environment Affordances En vironment Type Pre decessors Snap Color Shape Icon Prograph Graph [83] No No Yes Yes Fabrik Graph [56] No No Yes Yes AgentSheets Grid [107] No Yes No Yes KidSim Grid [112] No No No Yes LEGOSheets Grid [43] Ag entSheets, Logo [43] No Yes No Ye s LogoBlocks Blocks [11] BrickLogo [11] Yes Yes Yes No Alice 2.0, 3.0 Blocks [132, 35] Alice 1.0 No Yes No No Storytelling Alice Blocks [59] Alice 2.0 No Yes No No Scratch 1.0, 2.0 Blocks [77] LogoBlocks [77] Yes Yes Yes Part Scratch Jr Blocks [105] Scratch 2.0 [105] Yes Yes Yes Yes 2.4 Multi Modal Environm ents Another approach to introducing students to programming is to use multimodal development environments —that is, environments that use different types of representations (such as blocks and text) to represent code and/or relationships . For purposes of t his d issertation, I will refer to hybrid mod ality environments as those where different representations are used for different ty pes of information and/or different relationships, and dual mod ality programming environments as those which provide multiple r epres entations of the same information and/or relationships. 2.4.1 Hybrid Mo d ality Environments The earliest multimodal environments used different representations distinctly to represent different types of information (i.e., hyb ri d modality ). BlueJ (Figur e 26a ), an evolution


46 of the Blue Environment [62] , mixes graphical representations of class and object relationships in the Java language with text representations of their def initions [63] . BlueJ is centered on an objects first design; early on it distinguishes between classes, which are designed as templates, and objects, which must be explicitly, and visually, created from those classes [67] . The classes and their relationships —including inheritance —are displayed using diagrams, similar to earlier systems like Prograph and Fabrik [83, 56] . Objects, meanwhile, are displayed in a separate object bench to distinguish them from the classes. Users can e dit the code for a class by “opening” the class, which displays the class’s text in an editor. Users can also run methods for tes ting purposes and inspect object values through a context menu. Preliminary studies using BlueJ have suggested it holds promise for student s in computer science courses. Hagan and Markham surveyed 120 college students who used BlueJ asking them to answer t he question “How much does BlueJ help you learn Java programming?” on a scale of 1 to 7 (1 being “a great deal” and 7 being “very little”); 62% of respondents answered “1”, “2”, or “3” (more helpful), 16% answered “4” (neutral), and only 22% answered “5,”, 6”, or ” (less helpful) [50] . In comparing students who used BlueJ for an introductory course and those who did not, Borstler et al. found tha t students using BlueJ had lower dropout rates and higher pass/fail ratios [19] . Van Haaster and Hagan surveyed students in the two earli est computer science classes where BlueJ was optional; all students elected to use BlueJ, and their failure rates were reduced co mpared to the previous two years of classes (though they noted that the language was also different, previously having been C++ ) [48] . Greenfoot (Figure 26b) was later developed by many from the team that originally created BlueJ; it takes its inspiration from BlueJ and Karel the Robot, a robot simulator for learning programming [63, 51, 103] . Similar to BlueJ, Greenfoot is based on an objects e arly


47 model. It is meant to address younger populations —including high school students —and to combine the simplicity of microworld s (in the vein of Karel) with the flexibility and object modeling of BlueJ. Greenfoot uses a gridbased world similar to the one used by AgentSheets and KidSim [107, 112] . It also carries over many features directly from BlueJ, including class/object distin ctions, direct method invocation, and object inspection [63] . The combination of the world model and object/clas s visualization model allows for complex development [64] . Greenfoot was designed specifically to, among other things, motivate student s when studying computing. Research has suggested working in Greenfoot may help student motivation, though it is not c lear if it has helped students learn more effectively [129, 3] . Vilner et al. surveyed 325 students who worked in Greenfoot. Most of these students said they enjoyed using Greenfoo t, and about half said it helped them understand inheritance; however, these was no statistical different in grades attributable to using Greenfoot [129] . Al Bow et al. worked with students in a high school summer camp (9th and 10 grades). These students showed improvements in attitude, including enthusiasm and pride, and they were able to complete the tasks in the camp [3] . Recent versions of Greenfoot have implemented framebased editing [66] . The framebased editing model seeks to prevent syntax errors, as blocks do, whi le maintaining the expressive nature of text valued by experts [65] . In frame based editors, scoping is defined by frames – which represent the boundaries of programming construc ts – and which contain other constructs. As in blocks based environments, the constructs are delineated visually; howe ver, in frame based editors, new frames are created using key combinations – such as pressing the “V” key to create a new variable – rather than dragging and dropping of constructs from a toolbar [66] . Generally, framebased editors are intended to work with a keyboard workflow – and


48 therefore maintain similarity with textbased source editing – with the stated goal of being useful to learners for a longer period than blocks based programming environments [65] . While some initial work has indicated that students ha ve positive perceptions of frame based editing environments [106] , t here is limited research in how the effectiveness o f multimodal environments compare s to other environments, especially after moving to pure text environments [36] . further work would be needed to determine how these environments compare to text and blocks based frameworks. Figure 26. Hybrid modality environments: a) BlueJ [63] and b) Greenfoot [51] . 2.4.2 Dual Modality Programming Environments Dual modality programming environments provide a means to translate between representations – usually from blocks into text or vice versa – to help student s understand the relationships between visual representations of constructs and their text based counterparts [134] . Some of these allow only translation from blocks to text, while others also allow text to be


49 translated into blocks (i.e., they have bidirectional translation) [7, 35] . B y providing a practical and usable environment that allows quick t ransition between blocks and text of the same program semantics, these en vironments may be able to overcome the actual and/or perceived difficulty of textbased languages. In addition to more clearly connecting constructs to their syntax, these environment s may provide scaffolding for students to develop skills in chunking and abstraction [7 1] by “blocking” sections of text – i.e., creating blocks from the text (and thereby associating these text constructs with a visual area). By combining the affordances of blocks based environments that show how constructs can be used together and how the y connect, and by showing explicitly the equivalence to text variants of the same constructs, they hold promise in addressing coordination and understanding barriers [61] . If language difficulties and learning barriers as sociated with text representations could be alleviated, student s may be able to develop competency in computing more effectively. In this section, I explore current frameworks offerin g translation between blocks and text and explore open questions in the l iterature regarding them. Unidirectional t ranslation ( b locks to t ext) Many environments offer one way translation of blocks into text code. While Alice’s early versions were t ext based, visual programming (and eventually blocks based programming) was used in later versions. Alice 2 introduced a “code export” feature that all owed users to export a printable HTML file [79]. Later, Alice 3 displayed a grammatically correct Java tr anslation of blocks in a separate w indow which users could turn on and off via the menu. In addition, Alice 3 projects can be converted into a complet e Java project. Dann et al. studied the use of Alice 3’s translation features and how they impact transfe r when moving to Java [83]; they found that student performance on final exams improved dramatically—from 60.8% in a prior semester using Alice 2 to 85 .0% and 81.5% in semesters using Alice 3 and Java translation


50 features. This lends credence to the notion that connecting blocks and text representations explicitly – such as via a multi modal environment – provides strong support for transfer of student knowledge from blocks to text. It should be noted that final exams were not identified as valid CS assessm ent instruments and that only one of the instructors taught both the old and new versions of the course; either or both of these concerns could influence the data gathered in the study. Some exam questions may not be measuring core computing concepts, but other related factors – such as language or platform specific applications. In the same vein, different teachers are likely to present materials in ve ry different ways and using different approaches, potentially impacting student learning and retention. A nother unidirectional blocks to text tool is Google’s Blockly library. Blockly allows developers to build blocks based programming editors. It provides a blocks based development environment that can be translated into multiple programming languages. Users of Blocklybased applications can drag and drop blocks representing constructs to build algorithms, and these blocks representations can be translated into syntactically correct code in textbased languages [139] . Several languages are supported by default, including JavaScript and Python, and additi onal language implementations can be added. Blockly was designed and updated based on feedback and obs ervations from user testing [40] . An explicit goal of Blockly’s blocks to text design is to provide an “exit strategy” and also support the authenticity of the blocks representation [40] . The design aims to facilitate movement to pure text representations by providing direct conversion of blocks into text in production languages. Blockly is currently in use in several environments, including App Inventor and [139] . Wagner et al. studied the use of App Inventor specifically in a K 12 summer camp [130] . They found that showing


51 students the blocks representation of Java using Blockly, then the text representation of the same Java constructs, helped students understand how to build an application. B idirectional t ranslation The Pencil Code project in troduced a dual modality development editor —the Droplet Editor —that allows users to switch between blocks based and text based representations of the same program in real time [7, 9] . A crucial difference is that, unlike one way translation features (like those in Alice and Blockly), Droplet is bidirectional —it can convert from blocks to text, but also from text to blocks (Figure 27). This allows users to transition between blocks and text at their own pace, as they can return to the blocks mode (or switc h to text mode) at any time. Bau et al. found that, in a small group of middle school students (N=8), use of the text based editor increased over time wit h experience, suggesting that as students became accustomed to computer science and programming, they began using the text mode more often [9] . Later work by Weintrop & Holbert showed that students most often switch from text back to bloc ks when adding new or unfamiliar constructs [135] . Together, these findings suggest that that students ma de use of the scaffolding of the blocks based environment to reduce cognitive load for new concepts in order to gain familiarity, but once those concepts were mastered, they moved to text. In addition to blocks based environments (noted above), Weintrop also tested bidirectional environments, and in particular the JavaScript variant of Pencil Code. [134] . He found that, like students who began in a blocks based environment, students working in the bidirectional dual modality programming environment (Pencil Code) scored more highly than those who began in the text environment [134] . Like those starting in the blocks based environment, those starting in the dual modality programming environme nt scored about the same at the end of the class after switching to Java [134] . However, unlike the blocks based environment students, the dual modality programming environment students had an increase in


52 interest in taking computer science courses in the future after switc hing to text , matching the trend in their performance, which also rose. The reason for this is an open question. It may be evidence that students in a dual mo dality programming environment experienced less of a shock moving to the text environment, resulti ng in a lower negative impact on their perceptions and performance alike. It should be noted that students in the dual modality programming environment had a decrease in interest in taking future courses in computer science until the switch to Java, unlike the students working in the blocks based environment; further study could help researchers understand if this change in interest is related to the languages, the programming environments, or other factors . There are contextual considerations that may limi t the impact and applicability of this study’s results more broadly within computer science. In Pencil Code, the Droplet Editor’s use is limited to drawing ap plications and animations using a turtle interface; as the study’s population consisted of high sc hool students, th e interface may not provide sufficiently interesting material to motivate students. Age may also be a factor; younger students may more readi ly take to the blocks based and dual modality programming environment s and view them as more authe ntic than older students. Weintrop’s work in particular was also done in an environment that involved changing languages at the midpoint of the course (as the latter half of the course was in Java, rather than CoffeeScript or JavaScript); this required stu dents to learn not just new syntax, but also new control structures, potentially increasing the cognitive load on student s and impacting student perceptions a nd/or learning. My work , as outlined in this dissertation, has focused on investigating how the us e of dual modality programming environment s and instruction influence s perceptions of text programming as well as how such instruction supports learning in th e classroom , including work with middle school and college age students in a single language


53 – Pyt hon and Java, respectively . As such, m y w ork benefit s the research and education communities by providing evidence of student perceptions and learning in othe r age groups and without changing the instructional language . Figure 27. Pencil Code: Blocks based mode, text based mode, output window [9] . Table 2 3. Summary of Multimodal Environment Affordances Environment Type Predecessors T o Text ? Bi Dir.? Alice 2.0 Block s [132] Al i ce 1.0 No No Storytelling Alice Block s [59] Alice 2.0 No No Alice 3.0 Block s [35] Storytelling Alice, Alice 2.0 [35] No Yes Blockly Block s [139] No No Pencil Code ( Droplet ) Dual [7] Pencil Code – Text No Yes BlueJ Hybrid [67] Blue [63] Yes Yes Greenfoot Hybrid [51] BlueJ, Karel [51] No Yes


54 CHAPTER 3 STUDY OF PERCEPTIONS OF PROGRAMMING My work in the area of computer science education research has been largely shaped by my professional experiences within the teaching field, in which I have been working for over 15 years on a full time, part time, and volunteer basis. The challenges faced by underrepresented groups at varied age groups – from Kindergarten to the college level – first inspired me to examine how students’ perceptions of programming and the design of different tools impact learning and interest in computing. Eventually, my studies of perceptions led to questions about the efficacy of learning environments and how they can be improved. As such, my early work involved examinations of perceptions, environments, and le arning measurements. I began my work by examining perceptions of blocks based environments (Section 3.1) and how students move from them to text languag es (Section 3.2). I wanted to explore how children perceived programming: specifically, how do children perceive the act of programming, what constructs do they perceive as hard or easy, and how does it differ based on prior experience? To identify these perceptions and explore their connection to learning , I conducted a study during a summer camp with young children in 2015 and presented a poster at SIGCSE 2018 [15] . I also devel oped instruments to measure perceptions of blocks based constructs with elementary school students for use in the study. In addition , based on my own teaching experience and available literature, I believed that students with experience in blocks based lan guages nevertheless sometimes struggled when moving to text environments; I wondered, how can we help ea se students into text from blocks based environments? As such, I submitted a position paper at IDC’s “Every Child a Coder” workshop, which focused on br idging blocks and text representations (Summer 2015) [57] .


55 3.1 Study: Construct Perceptions in Children (Summer Camp) I conducted an initial study of programming and language construct perceptions of elementary school students as part of a summer camp program in 2015. The purpose of this study was to identify what role prior programming experience played in perception of the act of programming and specific language constructs. This study’s results provided guidance for my work focusing on blocks, text, and dual modality prog ramming environment analysis. I presented the results of this study as a poster at SI GCSE [15] . 3.1.1 Study Context The study was conducted as part of a children’s summer camp pr ogram held at a medium sized university in the southeastern United States in 2015. Tw o separate week long summer camps on game development were conducted (one each in July and August of 2015), eight hours each day (9AM to 5PM). During the camps, participants learned programming through video game development and created games for about four hours per day. The summer camps used the Scratch environment and a modified variant of Google’s CS First curriculum for games [140] . They also visited campus studios, heard from industry guests, and played computational thinking games. All activities were guided by three camp facilitators without backgrounds in computer science who we re trained for one week in the CS First curriculum by computer scientists. The camps wer e not designed around the purpose of this study; instead, I studied how participants’ perceptions of programming changed after experiencing these camps, which are like many other computing camps offered around the world. 3.1.2 Procedure I recruited children to participate in the study from the camp attendees; no compensation was provided to the children. Participants were recruited via an email that was sent to guardians of summer camp attendees before the camp began, with IRB approved consent forms available


56 to guardians on the first day of camp. Voluntary assent was also obtained from the children at the beginning of the camp before the questions were asked. It was made clear to guardians and children that participation or nonparticipation in the study would not impact their experiences or opportunities during the camp. Of 51 summer camp attendees, I collected data on the responses of 28 / 55% of the children (16 in Jul y 2015 and 12 in August 2015). Seven participants were female and 21 were male; 13 of 28 (46.4%) children indicated they had prior programming experience (generally, Hour of Code [102] or Scratch [110] activities). I collected data over two weeks about the participants’ perceptions of programming via a series of semi structured interview questions which I verbally administered on the first, second, an d last days of the summer camp (Table 31). Most interviews were audio recorded; some pa rticipants preferred their responses be written down. I asked participants if they had ever programm ed before and what they thought programming was on the first day, as well as their initial impressions of programming . I asked about their opinions on Scrat ch programming constructs on the second day, after they had started using them. Follow up questions on the last day were planned, but not asked in the July cohort due t o logistical issues. In August, I also asked questions on the last day. Specifically, I repeated questions about their impressions and asked about their desire to program again in the future . Table 3 1. Interview Questions by Topic Topic Question s Prev . E xperience Have you ever programmed before? Prog . Definition Do you know what programming is? What is it, in your own words? Prog . Impressions Do you think programming is fun or interesting? Why do you think that? How do you think programming can be usefu l to people? Construct s What programming ideas were hard / easy / fun? Why do you think that? Future Interest Do you want to program again in the future? Why / why not?


57 3.1.3 Qualitative Measures Based on existing literature and my own experience teac hing children programming, I had some expectations regarding student percept ions about programming. Since children without experience lack understanding of what programming involves [46] , I thought I would see evidence that they conceptualize pro gramming according to results, e.g., artifacts they can see and interact wit h or have learned about from peers, parents, and teachers, but not the lower level processes and functions involved in creating artifacts – e.g., providing instructions and communi cating with devices (Table 32). T his would also align with the Neo Piagetian sensorimotor stage of development , in which learners know what an artifact is and does, but not how it works. In contrast, I thought children with experience would have gained insight and understanding through practice and appl ication, allowing them to conceptualize these low level functions – in line with what we might expect from learners at preoperational or later cognitive stages. If this expectation were confirmed, it would be possible to tailor instruction for children bas ed on experience level as their knowledge matures. Past work has shown that some constructs are used more often than others by novices [24, 21] , so I expected that perceived difficulty of constructs would follow similar patterns. Based on my own anecdotal experience teaching young children in the TurtleArt environment [18] , students took naturally to loops, but sometimes struggled with if else branching, so I expected that children would identify loopbased constructs as easier to work with than if ba sed ones, and vice versa. Table 3 2. Expectations of Perceptions based on Programming Experience No Prior Programming Experience Prior Programming Experience Conceptualize programming according to results, e.g., artifacts More mature understanding of process and functionality Conceptualize programming according to what they have learned from peers, parents, and teachers insight & understanding gained through personal practice & application to create artifacts


58 3.1.4 Coding Process Using an inductive qualitative coding approach as described by Auerbach and Silverstein [4] , my advisors and I created and as signed codes to the participants’ interview responses. Responses to questions addressing specific constructs (blocks in Scratch) were qualitatively coded by participant identification of the construct. Sometimes participants referred to specific sets or su bsets of constructs (e.g., “the green ones” or “the ifs”); these were assigned to set or subset codes (e.g., “SUBSET: IF”). To validate the reliability of the code book for characteriz ing the participants' interview responses, I computed interrater reliabi lity on the second round of coding, in which all 3 researchers qualitatively coded all responses from 33% of the August participants. Since there were multiple raters, I used Fleiss' kappa [47] . Since each response could have multiple codes, each possible code was transf ormed into a yes/no variable to c ompare raters' consistency in assigning codes. Interrater reliability was computed for each question and possible response code, and average agreement between coders was kappa = 0.8045, characterized as substantial by typic al interpretations of kappa [128] . 3.1.5 Programming Definition Themes For questions about perceptions of programming in general, codes were grouped into themes using an inductive cardsorting approach (Table 33) [114] . I performed the initial card sort on codes for the relevant questions . These themes and the codes were reviewed and discussed by all researchers until conse nsus was reached. I identified themes that emerged related to my expectations, including responses that focus on results of programming: (1) Creation – a way to create an artifact (such as a program or media content); and (2) Helping – aiding people or soc iety through robots and assistive technology. I also identified themes for responses that dealt with the process and function of program ming: (3) Control – exerting cont rol


59 over something / someone (such as a computer or robot); and (4) Communication – tra nsfer of messages or using an encoding medium to transfer information (such as instructions or ideas). Table 3 3. Programming Definition Themes Theme Description Example Response Creation way to create an artifact “Programming is making things for a compu ter” Helping aiding people / society “It could help the elderly walk” Control exerting control over some entity “making any character do something” Communication transfer of messages / information “It is telling the computer what to do” 3.1.6 Findin gs – Perceptions of Programming Before the study, I had expected that children without prior programming experience would perceive progr ammin g in terms of its results, and that children with prior experience would have a more mature understanding of proces s and functionality. Participants were asked at the beginning of the camp a) if they knew what programming is, and if so, to provide a defini tion; and b) how programming can be useful to people. Their responses to these two questions were then coded and combined (Table 34). Many with and without experience defined programming in part by referring to creation of artifacts (67.9% , n=19 ) and help ing people (50% , n=14). However, few students without experience referred to communication (6. 7% , n=1 ) or control ( 13.3% , n=2 ); this is in contrast to students with experience, who referred in larger numbers to communication (30.8% , n=4 ) and control ( 69.2% , n=9 ). This pattern matched my expectation that children without prior experience tend to perceive programming in terms of its results, especially of artifacts and helping people. It also provided evidence that participants with prior programming experience perceive programming at least in part in terms of function and process (though not to the exclusion of other ide as like creation). It also suggested that children’s perceptions broaden to include lower level aspects of programming as they gain expe rience.


60 Table 34 summarizes the percentage of participants whose responses fit in each theme; as responses could have m ore than one theme expressed, numbers do not sum to 100%. Table 3 4. Percentage and Number of P articipant R esponses by T heme Experience ? Creation Helping Communication Control No 66.7 % (1 0 ) 40.0 % (6) 6.7 % ( 1 ) 13.3 % ( 2 ) Yes 69.2 % ( 9 ) 61.5 % ( 8 ) 30.8 % ( 4 ) 6 9.2 % ( 9 ) All 67.9 % ( 19 ) 50.0 % (1 4 ) 17.9 % ( 5 ) 39.3 % ( 11 ) 3.1.7 Findings – Perceptions of Constructs Based on my prior experience teach ing young children to program, I believed that some control structures would be more intuitive to inexperienced children than others: specifically, that loopbased structures would be easier and if based branching would be harder. To explore whether participants perceived loopbased co nstructs as easy compared to other constructs, on the second day, I asked students which c onstructs they found easy and why. Again, I compared par ticipants with and without prior programming experience, and in particular I examined how loopbased constructs compared with if based constructs. The 15 inexperienced participants most often identifi ed loops (40%), simple events , (60%), and motion (53.3% ) as easy – and loops were indicated far more often than i f constructs (13.3%). I t is notable that both of the students who identified if based constructs as easy also identified loopbased constructs as well. These results suggest that these novices found loopbased constructs – particularly the variants found i n Scratch – easier to l earn and work with than other constructs. By comparison, among the 13 participants with prior programming experience, a majority identified both loopbased (53.8% , n=7) and if based (53.8% , n=7) constructs as easy, along with events (61.5% , n=8 ), motion (5 3.8% , n=7 ), and visuals (“ Looks” blocks in Scratch) (46.2% , n=6 ). This suggested that the difference in perception of these control structures subsides with experience. Table 35 shows the percentage of participants who identified


61 co nstructs as easy within the most commonly mentioned sets; again, participants could identify more than one construct in a response. I also aske d participants which constructs they found hard and why on the second day. Table 36 shows the percentage of participants who identified at least one construct as difficult within the most commonly mentioned sets. Among participants without prior experienc e , only 13.3% (n=2) identified loopbased constructs as hard. Other construct types were noted much more frequently – particularly coord inate based motion (26.7%, n=4) and sensing (26.7%, n=4) blocks. For the 13 participants with prior experience, other co nstruct types wer e more often identified – specifically, broadcast (23.1%, n=3) and events (30. 8%, n=4). Table 3 5. Percentage of P artic ipants Saying C onstructs EASY for N > 4 (1 4 . 3%) Exp? If Loop Color Events Motion Visuals Sound No 13.3 % (2) 40.0 % ( 6 ) 1 3.3 % ( 2 ) 60.0 % ( 9 ) 53.3 % ( 8 ) 20.0 % ( 3 ) 26.7 % ( 4 ) Yes 53.8 % ( 7 ) 53.8 % ( 7 ) 30.8 % ( 4 ) 61.5 % ( 8 ) 53.8 % ( 7 ) 46.2 % ( 6 ) 30.8 % ( 4 ) All 32.1 % ( 9 ) 46.4 % ( 14 ) 21.4 % ( 6 ) 60.7 % ( 17 ) 53.6 % ( 16 ) 32.1 % ( 9 ) 28.6 % ( 8 ) Table 3 6. Percentage of P articipants Saying C onstructs HARD for N > 4 (1 4. 3 %) , & If / Loop Exp? If Loop Coord. Events Broadcast Sensing No 13.3 % ( 2 ) 6.7 % ( 1 ) 26.7% (4) 6.7% (1) 13.3% (2) 26.7% (4) Yes 7.7 % ( 1 ) 15.4 % ( 2 ) 7.7% (1) 30.8% (4) 23.1% (3) 7.7% (1) All 10.7 % ( 3 ) 10.7 % ( 3 ) 17.9% (5) 17.9% (5) 17 .9% (5) 17.9% (5) 3.1.8 I nfluence on Course of Research The constructs students identified as easy and hard differed – particularly wi thin control structures . H ow students perceive constructs may be dependent in part on the representation of those constr ucts – particularly whether they ar e presented as blocks or text – rather than an inherent feature of the construct . As the students programmed in Scratch, all constructs were blocks based; if constructs were presented to students as text, they may have pe rceived them differently. In addition, it was notable that some students also differentiated between


62 “programming” and “coding” in inter views; for example, one participant said, “ I know how to code, but I don't know how to program ” . The direction of my wor k shifted based on the results of t his study; in the next phase of my research, I began to focus on the differences between blocks and t ext representations, the perceptions users held of each, how they interact with learning, and how we might develop a bri dge to help students move from blocks to traditional text representations used in industry. 3.2 Position Paper: Bridging Blocks and Text Early in my work I presented a position paper at a workshop on computer scienc e education at the ACM International Conf erence on Interaction Design and Children [57] . In that work, I posited that, while blocks based learning tools help facilitate th e learning of computer science concepts at younger ages, students encounter challenges translating their experiences into production languages. Blocks based learning tools and e nvironments had made significant gains in engaging a younger audience and making programming more accessible by incorpor ating visual elements, drag and drop program construction, and media rich environments, but while platforms were friendly for young chil dren, they were largely built as sandboxes and at the time used languages that were environment specific [77, 28] . I argued that, although these tools had shown great promise in exposing younger audiences to computer science and computational th inking concepts, what was still lacking w as that bridge from the simplified and abstracted languages and tools to more advanced, complex environments. These more advanced environments had shown success at the high school and college levels in transitioni ng students to production programming languages used by programmers today such as Java and the more complex IDE tools used for these languages (e.g., Eclipse, Figure 31). A bri dge would facilitate transfer of knowledge and skill from the early educational environments to an applied one while rem aining accessible. I had further argued that this bridge could be explicit scaffolding that


63 facilitates movement from existing education al environments to production languages, or a completely new environment developed explicitly to grow with students as t heir cognitive abilities mature. Thus, in this paper [57] I proposed that the robust and effective development of such a bridge pr esents a key research challenge of introducing programming to younger audiences . This research challenge laid the founda tion for the next phase of my research, namely, dual modality programming environments, which I anticipated might serve as that bridge f rom blocks to text representations. Figure 31. Eclipse IDE [141]


64 CHA PTER 4 STUDY OF DUAL MODALITY PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENTS Based on my position paper and work during the summer camp, my work evolved to fo cus on dual modality programmi ng environments, which I anticipated could help bridge the gap between blocks and text rep resentations. I developed dual modality representation tools in the form of Pencil Code’s Python variant (Section 4.1), developed a cust om assessment instrument using blocks and text representations (Section 4.2), and explored dual modality programming environment s from a perception and learning perspective using the Python variant of Pencil Code (Section 4.3). This work was principally ce ntered on work with middle school students working in dual modality programming environment s, as by this age students ha ve more developed reading and writing skills that provide the foundations for text based programming. In this phase of my work, I conduc ted one study with middle school students (Spring 2017), presented a paper and poster at ICER’s doctoral consortium (Sum mer 2017) [13] , and presented a paper at VL/HCC (Fall 2019) [14] based on the middle scho ol study. This work also provided the foundation for my final study at the college level. 4.1 Development: Python Variant of Pen cil Code Pencil Code , discussed earlier, is a turtle based web application inspired by LOGO and blocks based environment s. Its D roplet Editor allows users to switch between blocks based and text based representations of the same program in real time [9, 7] . The first version of Pe ncil Code allowed users to write programs in CoffeeScript; later, JavaScript was also added. However, JavaScript ’s syntax can be ve ry complex, and CoffeeScript has limited use in industry and academia. By comparison, Python has been recognized as a la nguage that can help students learn computer science in early courses [8] which also is in common production use. In order to explore dual modality programming environment s in the context of learning and perceptions of


65 programming, I needed a dual modality prog ramming environment that would avoid perceptions of inauthenticity of the text based programming language. I integrated a Python runtime into Pencil Code in order to make available a language in common industry use – compared to CoffeeScript – while mainta ining low syntax threshold – compared to JavaScript. After developing this tool, I used it when running a study with middle school students (detailed later in this chapter). Pencil Code’s Python variant is available for download via GitHub: . 4.1.1 Description of Work The work to add P ython to Pencil Code involved several steps: Integration of a Python interpreter and runtime into Pencil Code’s web appl ication Writing Python routines for all language features and functions present in Pencil Code Developing a “palette” that mapped Python language constructs to block representations Existing work on Droplet (Pencil Code’s editor) provided Python parsi ng w ithout integration of a n additional language parser, allowing me to focus on the runtime and representation. The architecture of Pencil Code ’s Python variant is shown in Figure 41; Python specific modules, which I developed with others as described be low, are highlighted in gray. 4.1.2 De velopment The development of the Python variant of Pencil Code was done by a team composed of myself a s the team lead and five undergraduate students1. This section details how the work was divided and completed. 1 Undergraduate students Stevie Magaco, Julien Gaupin, Scott Settle, Jackson Yelinek , and Kristofer Soto contributed to this project.


66 L anguage i nterpreter r untime Before other my work could begin on the Python variant, a Python interpreter and runtime needed to be integr ated into the web application. I completed this work in Summer of 2016. The majority of this work in volved integrating e lements of the Brython interpreter [142] , which I used to package user generated Python scripts as web requests, and integration of the full Skulpt interpreter [143] , which I used to execute the scripts after they were packaged. These interpreters wer e used to parse and run python text within the webbased Pencil Code runtime. Python r outines Using the integrat ed language runtime, our team (undergraduate students and I) created a binding layer to wrap the existing Pencil Code function calls so that they could be called from within the Python interpreter. I completed the initial subset of basic features and the binding layer design; the undergraduate students on the team worked from this basis to add additional functionalit y and correct issues th at arose. The binding layer was composed of both JavaScript side and Pythonside elements from wrapping and unwrapping r outine calls. Palette ( t ext to b locks m apping) I oversaw the palette development. The mapping was complet ed primarily by the undergraduate students on the team. This is part of the “ Python Blocks ” module in Figure 41. 4.1.3 Results The initial Python variant of Pencil Code was completed in January 2017, allowing several months of testing before the variant w as used with students. Once completed, the Python variant ( Figure 42) of Pencil Code was used to investigate the relationship between percepti ons / performance and blocks / text / dual mode environments. More details of this study are outlined in Section 4.3.


67 Figure 41. Pen cil Code architecture, with added Pythonvariant modules highlighted in gray. Figure 42. Pencil Code Python variant : Blocks based mode, text based mode, output window.


68 4.2 Development: Custom Dual Modality Assessment (Python Text/Blocks) In addition to having a suitable dual modality programming environment to study student perceptions, an asses sment was also ne eded t o measure any notable knowledge differences in such a study. No assessment existed that pro vided both text and blocks representations, but I intended to study programming knowledge separately from syntax, necessitating t he development of a new assessment. Some assessments, such as the FCS1 [122] , are not available to th e research community due to copyright limitations, while those available, such as the SCS1 [98] , were only suitable for a single measurement (li miting assessment to a single point in time), and I intended to measure knowledge at mul tiple points with middle school students [98] . I sought to address this issue by creating an assessment with three isomorphic variants of each question so that the same concept could be tested at three separate points in time to measure change in performance over time. This cu stom dual modality assessment was developed in the spring of 2017. 4.2.1 Description of Work Development of the initial version of the assessment proceeded in several phas es: 1. Selection / construction of questions 2. Development of multiple representations 3. Creation of isomorphic variants Question topic, style , and in some case content were influenced by existing testing materials, including the SCS1 and AP Computer Science Pri nciples Exam descriptions [98, 144] . 4.2.2 Development I started developing the custom assessment by working from the SCS 1 (Figure 43a ). However, it was already known that the SCS1 and its predecessor, the FCS1, measure as too difficult for college student s [122] ; that meant that many questions were unsuitable for middle


69 school students. Together, my advisors and I determined that some questions should be replaced. I developed new questi ons using the AP CSP exam guide [144] to replace those SCS1 questions considered unsuitable as part of the assessment. Some CSP question samples use a graphical display to represent programming output (e.g., a character moving on a gr id); I elected to use Pencil Code style turtle displays to present a familiar visualization for students after the y had worked in Pencil Code. I developed these questions in same multiple choice format as the SCS1 and other concept inventories. Once created, the questions were reviewed by myself and my advisors. Our goals included a) creating questions of appropriate difficulty for middle school students, with some questions being easy, medium and hard; b) considering the specific cons tructs / programming t opics that should be covered; and c) developing appropriate distractors to detect student misconceptions. All ques tions involved one or more code snippets as part of the questions and/or answers. Over multiple passes, we refined ques tions using these cons iderations until we agreed that these objectives had been met and that the assessment was ready for use in the stu dy. The first version of the questions was developed in text. Once a text version of the question was developed, the Droplet editor was used t o visualize the blocks based version of the same code snippets. This was done for each question and variant ( Figur e 43a ). For each question developed, two additional isomorphic variants were also developed s o that the same concept co uld be tested at up to three points in time. This was done by changing strings, variable names, and/or code ordering; and sometimes by m odifying images representing graphs to change positioning ( Figure 43b). I developed questions based on a) computational concept, b) level of r easoning, and c) level of difficulty ( Table 41). Computational topics included if else , while loops , for loops , a nd


70 functions . There were four (4) unique questions for each concept. Where practical, questions addressed level of reaso ning by using simple tracing questions (for preoperational reasoning) and codecompletion questions (for operational reasoning). These question types were selected to align with question types from the SCS1 [98] . Each concept also had questions at easy , medium , and hard difficult y levels. I increased the difficulty of questions by adding multiple layers of abstraction (such as nested function calls) and increasin g the complexity of code blocks to be traced or completed. The assessment is included, in its entirety , in Appendix G . 4.2.3 Impac t on Course of Research The development of this assessment played an important role in charting the course for my research. It enabled the first study of dual modality programming environment s I conducted (detailed in Section 4.3) and served as a compariso n point, via item analysis, against the SCS1 when evaluating information from the CS1 data set (detailed in Section 5. 4). This was instrumental in deciding upon the form of the concept inventory for my final dissertation study. Figure 43. C ustom assessment: a) b locks / text variants (left) and b) i somorphic variants (right)


71 Table 4 1. N umber of Q uestions by C oncept, T ype, D ifficulty Concept Easy Medium Hard Tracing 2 5 3 If Else 1 1 0 While Loops 1 2 1 For Loops 0 1 1 Functions 0 1 1 Completion 2 3 1 If Else 1 1 0 For Loops 1 1 0 Functions 0 1 1 4.3 Study: Perceptions and Concept Assessment (Middle School) Following up on my earlier work studying perceptions of programming and constructs, I wanted to examine bridging blocks based languages to production environments. Based on my teaching experience and work by Tabet et al [119] , I surmised that middle school students could grasp and work in Python. Following the development of the Pyt hon branch of the Pencil Code environment and the custom dual modality assessment, I conducted a study at a midd le school in Central Florida to collect data on and identify trends in student learning and perceptions of programming and computer scie nce when using bi directional dual modality programming environment s . The focus of the initial analysis of the results w as perceptions of programming specifically: i.e., how do bi directional dual modality programming environment s interact with student per ceptions of programming? In designing a study to answer this question, I was particularly interested in examining studen t confidence in their own ability to program, and student perceptions of text and blocks based environments. 4.3.1 Study Context I ran my study at a large public middle school in Central Florida in 2017. The study involved participants in a single technol ogy course (with six class periods) under the supervision of a single instructor. Prior to participation in the study, the course instru ctor had planned to offer


72 programming instruction as part of the curriculum of the course . I partnered with the teacher to use curriculum I designed and my study framework to offer this instruction. The curriculum focused on variables, loops, selecti on, and functions. Of 24 school days, nine were dedicated to state standardized assessments, leaving 15 days of instruction and three days of surveys and assessments for this study . Depending on the testing schedule, participants received multiple days of CS ins truction per week. Each class period was 38 46 minutes, for a total of 12 contact hours. The classroom teacher and I co instructed the course during the instructional period. 4.3.2 Participants I conducted my study with six classes of eighthgrade st udents . Before the study began, participants took home an IRB approved letter describing the study’s purpose and informing gua rdians of their rights to opt their child out of the study. I also asked students on the first day if they voluntarily assented to parti cipate in the study. No compensation was provided . Of 158 students in the six classes, 129 students agreed to participat e in the study. Students who did not agree to participate received the same instruction and in class programming assignments but did not take study surveys. I obtained demographic data by self report. The participants ranged in age from 12 to 16 years old at the time the study was conducted: 86.0% (n=111) were 13 to 14 years old; 2.3% (n=3) were 12; and 5.4% (n=7) were 15 to 16 years old. Eight participants did not provide their age. 39.5% (n=51) of participants identified as female, and 51.9% (n=67) identi fied as male; one participant (0.8%) identified as gender neutral. Ten participants did not provide a gender. The classes were eth nicall y diverse. Of participants reporting one ethnic background, 25.6% (n=33) identified as white; 30.2% (n=39) as Hispanic/L atino; 4.7% (n=6) as black or African American; 4.7% (n=6) as Asian; and 1.6% (n=2) as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. 29.5% (n=38) of participants reported multiple ethnoracial backgrounds. Five did not note a background.


73 4.3.3 Study Design The enti re study spanned the course of five weeks. Classes were taught using three tailored versions of the Pencil Code environment’s Python language variant which limited mode of use based on condition . I subdivided the six classes into three condition groups of two classes each: Blocks, Dual Modality , and Text. Figure 44 summarizes the amount of time each condition spent in blocks, dual modality, or text mode and on assessments. Participants in the Blocks condition spent eight days using a blocks based environme nt, followed by seven days using text; those in the Dual Modality condition spent four days in blocks, five days in the dual modality pr ogramming environment , and six days in text; and participants in the Text condition used a text only variant of Pencil C ode for 15 days. N ote that text syntax was available to all students at all times due to the design of the Penci l Code blocks, which pre sents the full text syntax of the constructs on the blocks. Th r ee days were dedicated to assessments and surveys throughout the study. Figure 44. Timeline of time spent in text / dual / blocks modes by condition. 4.3.4 Data Collection I collected dat a about participant demographics ( Appendix C ) as well as attitudes and programming competencies via computer based surve ys ( Appendix D ) and assessments


74 ( Appendix G ) on the first day, at the midpoint, and on the last day of the programming in struction period. 4. 3. 4 . 1 Surveys Participants were surveyed about their general attitudes on programming using variants of questions f irst proposed by Ericson and McKlin [39] . Ericson and McKlin’s questions were general computing questions, so I modified them to specifically address programming. For example, I asked s tudents to rate agreement wit h this statement: “ I can become good at programming. ” In addition, at the midpoint and end of the study, I asked partici pants about their perceptions of blocks and text ( see Table 42). S urvey questions used a 7point Likert sc ale to rate agreement/disagreement (“Strongly Disagree”, “Disagree”, “Somewhat Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Somewhat Agree”, “Agree”, “Strongly Agree”). Each question about perceptions of blocks and text was paired with a free response prompt: “Why do you feel t his way?” All students who agreed to participate in the study (n=129) t ook the initial (pre study) survey. Due to class absences, of the 129 particip ants, 38.8% (n=50) participated in the midsurvey, and 57.4% (n=74) participated in the post survey. Table 4 2. Questions Comparing Bloc ks & Text Programming Num Prompt Q11 I think programming in text is easier than programming in blocks. Q10 I think pro gramming in blocks is easier than programming in text. Q12 I think programming in blocks is frustrating or hard. Q13 I think programmi ng in text is frustrating or hard. Q15 I think learning to program in text is more useful than blocks. Q14 I think lea rning to program in blocks is more useful than text. Q16 I would pr efer to program using text as opposed to blocks. Q17 I would prefer to program using blocks as opposed to text. Assessments I assessed participants’ learning using the custom as sessment I developed (Section 4.2) based on questions from the SCS1 [98] instrument and sample questions in the Computer


75 Science Principles AP course and exam d escription [144] . Each question focused on a different programming concept, with an equal number of questions assessing for loops, while loops, selection (if else), and functions. Blocks based and text based isom orphic variants of each question were developed at multiple levels of difficulty. As most students (n=87) had prior experience in blocks , t he initial assessment used only blocks, while the final assessment used only text. The midassessment was dependent u pon condition, with blocks condition participants receiving a blocks only assessment, text condition participants receiving a text only assessment, and dual modality condition participants receiving a mixed assessment. 4.3.5 Data Analysis To investigate th e programming environment and students’ perception s of blocks and text, I analyzed the Likert responses and free response question answe rs . I converted all Likert responses to numeric values (1 to 7), inverted the value for blocks preference responses, and calculated the midpoint of the two variants for question pairs. I grouped responses with midpoints of 13.9 as “disagree”, 4.0 as “neut ral ”, and 4.17 as “agree”. I present the proportion of students who agreed, disagreed, or were neutral for each question in Figure 4 5. The n varies per question since not all students opted to answer all questions . I qualitatively coded the free response s t o identify themes related to participants’ perceptions of blocks and text programming. Using an inductive qualitative coding approach [4] , I created and assigned codes to each response. If there were tw o or more distinct ideas addressed by a response, I assigned multiple codes to that response. Each code included an over arching theme as well as a sub code to identify the specific reasoning. Each response fell into one of these themes: Pro Text , Pro B locks , Anti Text , Anti Blocks , Neutral . The subcodes included descriptions of the mode they liked / disliked, such as E asy , Hard , Efficient , and Fun. To compute interrater reliability for each


76 question and response code [47] , a second researcher coded 16 % of the responses2. The average agreement between coders was Cohen’s kappa = 0.7845, which is characterized as substantial agreem ent [128] . Figure 45. Distribution of survey Likert responses . 4.3.6 Findings My findings focus ed on key patterns from my survey on participants’ perceptions of programming in blocks or text by condition after switching to textonly repr esentations . I examined the distribution of participant responses to Likert scale questions regarding participants’ perceptions of text as e asy ( Q10/ Q11) and frustrating (Q13) and also th e coded responses to the accompanying free response questions. Dual m odality condition participants most often rated text as easier than blocks compared to blocks condition participants (Q1 0/Q11, Likert). On t he final survey, 18.5% (n=5) of those in the dual modality condition identified text as easier than blocks, while 14.8% 2 Pedro G. Feijo -Garca coded 16% of the student responses as part of this study.


77 (n=4) were neutral and 66.7% (n=18) disagreed. In contrast, fewer participants in the blocks condition agreed that t ext was easier than blocks (agree: 8.3% (n=1); neutral: 25.0% (n=3); disagree: 66.7% (n=8)). Text condition students rated text representations as easier about as frequently as dual modality students but disagreed less often (agree: 16.0% (n=4); neutral: 48.0% (n=12); disagre e: 36.0% (n=9)). Dual modality condition participants perceived text more favorably than blocks condition participan ts ( all free response). For every one of the text blocks comparison questions I asked, dual modality condition participa nts were 1) more oft en pro text and 2) less often anti text than their blocks condition counterparts. Dual modality condition participants also frequently responded using comparisons between the environments when giving a neutral response. One common reaso n given by dual moda lity condition participants for why they liked text was that they felt it helped them make rapid progress, with students noting: “it is a lot faster and easier to understand” [H002] and “I think text is faster and makes it easier to c hange the code” [H024]. These responses suggest that dual modality condition participants developed an appreciation for the benefits of text in terms of efficiency in programming. Another common reason cited by dual modality condition participants for pref erring text over blocks was that they found text to be more organized and easier to debug: “It's faster for me to recognize the error in my code when looking at text and it is easier to organize” [H002]. They also felt text offered more flexibility than blocks: “text is more free in what you can do while blocks have very restrictive ways of coding” [H099]. Dual modality condition participa nts who perceived text less favorably than blocks cited syntax issues as their biggest challenges: “because when you [ar e]


78 programming in text t here is a million ways you can mess up the coding. and it[‘]s not always easy remembering the codes” [H042]. Man y responses given by dual modality condition participants were comparative, noting pros and cons of a particular mode. O ne dual modality student said, “because [blocks are] easier but at the same time you need to get used to it [text]” [H126], while another noted that “I think that they both have their advantages” [H065]. The comparisons expressed in these responses are ev idence of a more nuanced view of programming representations, weighing the benefits and drawbacks of blocks and text. On the other hand, participants in the blocks condition were more negative about text programming, frequently mentioning syntax and detail issues that they felt g ot in their way: “it takes to[o] long to write and any little mistake can mess up the whole thing” [B047]. Another blocks condition participant said, “Any small mistake will make it say ‘script error’” [B043]. From these responses, we see that blocks parti cipants primarily focused on the difficulties that text presented and were not able to recognize the strengths of text in terms of organization and flexibility that dual modality participants noted. D ual modality and blocks conditio ns participants both fou nd text frustrating, unlike text condition participants (Q13, Likert and free response). 56.0% (n=14) of dual mo dality condition participants agreed that programming in text was frustrating or hard, while 16.0% (n=4) were neutral an d 28.0% (n=7) disagreed. Similarly, the majority of blocks condition participants agreed that text was frustrating or hard (agree: 52.9% (n=9); neutral: 23.5% (n=4); disagree: 23.5% (n=3)). Meanwhile, only 33.3% (n=8) of text condition participants agreed that text wa s frustratin g or hard (neutral: 37.5% (n=9); disagree: 29.2% (n=7)).


79 Many text condition participants described feeling comf ortable using text despite the challenges they noted: “I feel it's really easy, I just need a little more practice” [T08 2]. In contrast, dual mo dality and blocks condition participants mentioned similar obstacles and were more discouraged, rating text as m ore frustrating. One blocks condition participant noted that “[text is more frustrating than blocks because] the text ha s to be perfect” [B040] and one dual modality condition participant said, “You have to beware of many errors because when you do it wron g you have to figure out where you messed up and it takes a while” [H122]. These responses show that participants in all conditions referred to experiencing obstacles in using text related to syntax. Text condition participants framed them as challenges to master, while dual modality and blocks condition participants interpreted them as impediments that limited their progre ss. It is notable that t ext students spent the entire study within the text environment, and thus had more time to achieve a high level of comfort in text. 4.3.7 Discussion In this study, I surveyed participants who transitioned from blocks to text directl y and via a dual modality programming environment , as well as participants learning only in text about their perceptions of blocks, text , and programming in general. Participants who used dual modality programming environment s rated text easier to use when compared with those who moved directly from blocks to text. B oth dual modality and blocks condition participants experienced more frust ration in text. However, I also found that, in general, dual modality condition participants held positive perceptions of text more frequently a cross questions regarding difficulty, frustration, usefulness, and preferred mode of programming , compared to bl ocks condition participants. Perhaps not surprisingly, the blocks condition participants had a less favorable view of te xt than either dual moda lity or text condition participants. Responses may reflect the


80 frustration of moving directly from blocks to text, suddenly losing the scaffolding on which they had come to depend, which was also supported by my classroom observations during the study. Aft er moving to text, blocks students especially expressed frustration related to usability and increased errors. D ual modality participants, notably, expressed more positive views of text representation, overall, than their counterpar ts in the blocks condition. Many dual modality participants expressed positive views of working in text, stating that text was easier to understand a nd helped support their learning, while others described it as fun – suggesting that they had developed a l evel of comfort in text programming. Classroom observations during the study sessions confirmed that students frequently flipped back an d forth betwe en blocks and text – taking advantage of the scaffolding that bidirectional dual modality programming envir onment s provide. This allowed each participant to transition at their own pace, making the transition from blocks to text less jarring a nd more invit ing. This complements prior work showing that students in dual modality programming environment s often swit ch between blocks and text when new constructs are introduced [9] . The self paced transition is particularly important as increase in co nfidence is one of the major motivations for creating visual (and especially blocks based) languages [54] and suggests that dual mo dality pro gramming environment s may help achieve the educational goals of blocks based environments. These differences b etween conditions provide insight that will help contextualize and facilitate further development of environments for learning programmi ng. Perceptions of programming can impact perseverance in the field by newcomers [37] ; my study demonstrates how those perceptions differ based on the tools used to transition between blocks and text. These findings suggest that educator s can reduce the hurdles and frustrations students face when


81 moving from blocks to text by using an environment that bridges representations. By deve loping approaches to computer science instruction that reduce perception of difficulty and frustration, and improve perceptions of usefulness, we remove obstacles that participants face when first engaging with programming and transitioning to text based p rogramming.


82 CHAPTER 5 FINAL STUDY: LEARNING & DUAL MODALITY INSTRUCTION My early work focused on identifying how programming environment s impact novice programmers in terms of learning and perception. This included understanding student perceptions of the discipline overall and of specific programming constructs. While my work began in blocks based environments common in K 12 computing education, dual modality programming environment s presented an interesting and unexplored area of research. As discussed in Chapter 4, I began to investigate dual modality programming environment s with my study at a middle school with the Pencil Code Python variant. Building on that work, final study focuses on exploring in detail the relationship between dual modality program ming environment s in production languages and learning of programming, particularly in college. Many students receive some programming i nstruction as part of their K 12 education in blocks based environments [10, 14, 16] . At the college level, however, computer science instruction is primarily in textbased languages [8 4, 127] . Though dual modality representations offer students the opport unity to seamlessly transition between code representations —allo wing them to build a conceptual bridge between blocks and text —they are also largely tied to sandbox environments, and f ew (if any) tools exist that facilitate use of dua l modality representat ions for general purpose programming in compiled languages (e.g. , Java, C, and C++), making them more difficult to use in undergraduate instructional settings. I sought to build tools for and investigate the use of dual modality programming environment s at the college level for this reason. To investigate the relations hip between dual modality programming environment s and learning , I first conducted a study to evaluate the SCS1 in the c ontext of the target population in UF’s introductory computer science ( CS1 ) course in the Fall of 2017. I then conducted a


83 comparative s tudy of dual modality vs text based instruction with a baseline and intervention group that spanned t wo semesters. I ran this study while teaching UF’s CS1 course in Spring of 2018 with a traditional text instructional approach and in Fall of 2018 using dual modality tools and curricula developed as part of my doctoral work. My final study was composed of four distinct parts: a) developing a plugin for a n Integrated Development Environment ( IDE ) providing dual modality representation of the Java language, b) deve loping a dual modality curriculum for a CS1 course, c) validating the SCS1 for use with the CS1 population at the Universit y of Florida, and d) designing, conducting, and analyzing data from a study of the relationship between dual modality representations , lear ning , and student perceptions in the classroom. In this chapter, I will describe development work and studies that toget her constitute the capstone of my dissertation work. Section 5.1 describes my research questions, which explore dual modality programmin g environment s and their support for learning and perceptions of programming and computer science. Sections 5.2 – 5. 4 de scribe the key components of my dissertation work needed to conduct the final evaluation of the connection between dual modality program ming environment s and learning, with studies and analys e s described in sections 5. 5 – 5. 6. o Section 5.2 discusses the sof tware development work I completed to create a dual modality programming environment that allows students to switch between blocks and t ext programming. o Section 5. 3 discusses the curri cular changes I made to the existing text based CS1 course at UF (COP 35 02) to incorporate dual modality instruction, as well as the ethical issues considered. o Section 5.4 discusses the validation and evaluat ion of a CS concept inventory I used to evaluate student knowledge and performance. Sections 5. 5 & 5. 6 describe the final study that I conducted to evaluate how dual modality instruction connects to student learning (5. 5) and approach to analysis of data c ollected (5. 6).


84 5.1 Research Questions & Hypotheses My dissertation work seeks to evaluate the connection between dual modality instruction and learning among student s with and without prior programming experience in blocks and/or text environments , especially as it relates to cognitive developme nt . My early work ( Section 4. 3) with middle school students has shown that students perceive text as easier when a dual modality programming environment is used to transition between blocks and text. Additionally, prior research has suggest ed that students in dual modality programming environment s may use blocks when learning new constructs, but transition to text over time [9] . This is a benefit in CS1 courses that have students who come with a variety of prior experiences – including those with no prior coding experiences, blockbased experience, and text based experiences – because dual modality programming environments allow students to self scaffold themselves, transitioning when they are ready. In my work, I sought to uncover how dual modality programming environment s might help novices develop computer science knowledge and skills, including c hunking and abstraction. R esearch suggest s that chunking and abstraction are important mechanisms employed by experts th at may be challenging for novices to learn [71] . By learning to employ chunking and abstraction, practitioners reduce their cognitive load, allowing them to more efficiently think about information by abstracting it to tac kle complex problems [7 1, 72] . In programming, abstraction and chunking are employed by practitioners when writing code [32] , and there is evidence that chunking and abstraction aid in reading and tracing of programs [121] . I anticipated that the afforda nces of blocks (such as the puzzle piece mechanism) would promote understanding of how constructs fit together (“what goes where”). B y e xplicitly “blocking” text (associating text constructs with puzzle piecelike blocks), dual modality programming environment s would promote chunking and abstraction via their block-


85 representation affordances . I further anticipated that the explicit display of text on blocks would help students learn syntax, and that dual modality programming environment s would link text con structs via their blocks with connective cues in the blocks environment (e.g., puzzle piece connectors), which would provide scaffolding for new construct uses while students are learning them. As such, I hypothesized that dual modality programming environment s would support learning of conceptual programming knowledge by helping students overcome several challenges related to syntax, abst raction, and chunking, and in so doing, aid students’ cognitive development. In addition to the connection to conceptual programming knowledge, I hypothesize d that dual modality programming environments w ould promote student confidence and self efficacy in programming . It has been shown that textual languages pose challenges to novices due to difficulties with syntax and pe rceptions of text languages as hard and/or intimidating [72, 54] . O n the other hand, text languages have the benefit of being perceived as more authentic than blocks based languages [134] . I expected that t he association of blocks and text w ould reinforce authenticity of the experience, while the blocks scaffolding of the dual modality programming environment w ould provide an inviting, rather than intimidating, interface. 5.1.1 Performance Comparison in Dual Modality vs Text Instruction RQ1. Ho w do students perform in code reading and writing after learning with dual modality instruction, as compared to students learning with traditional (text based) approaches to instruction in CS1 courses? H1. Students learning using dual modality programming environments and via dual modality instruction will gain more knowledge and reach higher levels of cognitive development and expertise in programming as compared students learning via traditional (text based) approaches.


86 Reasoning. Corney et al.’s work dr ew on the Neo Piagetian framework for novice programmers to examin e student learning in a traditional CS1 course , which us ed text based instruction [32] . This work suggests that, while most students progress beyond the sensorimotor stage , in t hat they know a program functions but not how or why [73] , the majority of students are at the preoperational stage or early concrete operational stage . In ot her words, t hey are capable of simple syntax evaluation and tracing (pre operational) or have the ability to engage in limited abstraction and chunking when reading code (concrete operational stage) . Comparatively, a minority of students show mastery of concrete operational thinking ( in which they can reason routinely with abstractions about concrete situations) [32] . Dual modality programming environments delineate programming language constructs visually, providing connective cues in addition to the text itself . These affordances scaffold code chunking and abstraction. In this way, dual modality programming envir onments have the potential to reduce cognitive load which would allow students to engage in concrete and formal operational reasoning m odes – in which they can reason with abstractions about hypothetical situations – more readily by facilitating chunking an d abstraction. This in turn will help students to generalize code problems based on prior experience and develop solutions for them. A s such, I expect ed most students learning via dual modality instruction w ould show mastery of concrete operational thinking by the end of the course . 5.1.2 Performance Comparison by P rior Experience RQ2. How does prior programming experience affect student s learning in dual modality instruction as compared to students learning in traditional (textbased) approaches to instr uction in CS1 courses? H2. When comparing those learning via dual modality vs text based environments at the end of the course , there wi ll be more of a difference in programming knowledge between students with


87 no prior experience than those with prior expe rience. Programming knowledge will differ the least for student s with prior experience only in text when comparing those learning via dual modality vs purely text based environments. Reasoning. As students progress from sensorimotor to concrete and formal operational levels of development, they must develop mental models of programming, including the ability to abstract and chunk code [71, 32] . Students with no prior experience (in the sensorimotor stage) have no mental support structures or mental models of programming; as a result, they sta nd to gain the most from approaches that scaffold chunking and abstraction, as I hypothesize d dual modality programming en vironments do. Students with prior experience – in blocks or in text – are likely to have reached preoperational or concrete operational stages and would have already developed some mental models of programming that aid them in abstraction and chunking. Ho wever, the literature shows that students may continue to face difficulties with syntax even after working in blocks based environment s when transitioning to text [74] . This suggests that, for students who have p rior experience is in blocks, some of those mental models may be tied to blocks based representations and may not transfer to text based environments. Dual modality programming environments provide scaffolding in the form of a bridge between blocks and text representations. This is reinforced by the presence of text on the blocks themselves. Direct transition between blocks and text, scaffol de d by dual modality instruction and dual modality programming environments, w ould reinforce the students’ connections between blocks and text representations, helping students associat e new text representations with block representations already familiar to the m .


88 Students with prior experience only in text already have developed mental models of programming. As these students do not need to learn to program, they are unlikely to benefit from the blocks based programming construct scaffolds that blocks repr es entations provide. I felt that they m ight still benefit from the chunking mechanism provided by dual modality programming environments , but if so, I anticipated that it would likely reinforce existing mental models rather than help develop new ones, so I hypothesize d that the result w ould a be modest (if measurable) difference in ability to trace (read) and complete (write) sections of code. 5.1. 3 Classroom Experience of Dual Modality Instruction RQ3. What are student perceptions of dual modality programm in g environments and instructional approaches, and how do they change over time, in the context of a CS1 course? H3. Dual modality progr amming environments will promote, strengthen, and support student confidence, motivation, and self efficacy in programmi ng coursework. Reasoning. There are accounts in interviews in the computer science education literature that suggest some students perce ive text languages as hard and intimidating [54] . In contrast, block based environments were developed spe cifically to support student engagement and motivation while minimizing anxiety [54, 88] . However, some students continue to struggle with negative perception s of text based programming when they move from blocks to text [74] . Dual modality programming e nvironments provide a bridge between blocks and text representations, in effect providing the affordances and i nviting c ontext of blocks based environments, while also providing scaffolding for learning text based programming syntax. My findings in working with middle school students (Section 4.3) suggested that dual modality programming environments help alleviate some neg ative perceptions of text. In addition, dual modality programming environments allow switching between blocks and text in real time, so students can switch into text easily as they come to understand constructs and integrate them into their mental models .


89 This self paced nature of the dual modality programming environment w ould provide students a level of control that is empowering. As suc h, dual modality programming environments w ould alleviate the negative perceptions of text, thereby contributing to impr oved motivation and confidence, which have been shown to improve retention within the discipline [80] . 5. 2 Amphibian: A Dual ModalityRepresentation IDE Plugin for Java A significant challenge to using dual modality programming environments in instruction is that the dual modality tools have been built into sandbox environments with functionality tailored to a specific purpose. For example, Tiled Grace [53] and Pencil C ode [9] are two website based environments that allow students to program in the browser without any additi onal tools , but programs are limited to turtle graphics sandbox features ; users cannot use other standard or thirdparty libraries and features . However, students in introductory programming classes at the college level usually use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which provides a suite of tools for programming support, including integration of standard language libraries . The use of IDEs is common in indus try, and thus bring additional authenticity to the learning experience. As such, I could fa cilitate instruction and rese arch via dual modality representations in existing college level curricula by integrating dual modality tools within these general purpose development environments . At the time I began my work, there were no dual modality tools for standalone IDE based de velopment outside of tailored sandbox environments , so I developed a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA based on Pencil Code’s online opensource Droplet E ditor [7, 145] . Matsuzawa et al. previously developed a blocks text tool for a subset of the Java language, but this was al so limited to a turtle graphics environment [82] . Two undergraduate st udents helped develop the IDE p lugin – a software component that adds functionality by “plugging into” the existing


90 software – to enable switching between blocks and t ext within a production environment1. The plugin I developed, which I dubbed Amphibian [146] , enab les instructors to more easily incorporate dual modality instruction into courses and enables more rigorous investigation of dual modali ty representations in classrooms by allowing researchers to reduce other potentially confoundi ng variables , such as diff erent languages, software systems, and development environments. The Droplet Editor’s extensibility allowed me to integrate the language of choice into Amphibian. I noted that many introductory computer science programs at the high school and college level s, including those at my institution, use Java as the target language. To facilitate practical study of CS1 student performance in a “re al world” environment, I focused development on a Java variant. Amphibian allows users to switch back and forth between text and blocks modes, thereby enabling teachers of Java courses, including those of AP CS and many introductory college courses, to bui ld blocks/text transitions into curricula. 5. 2. 1 Using the Amphibian Plugin Amphibian uses IntelliJ’s plugin API and can be installed in the same manner as other plugins. Once installed, Amphibian adds two tabs to the bottom of the editor pane of any Java file (Figure 5 1a). The tabs allow users to s witch between the text of a program (Text Mode), which is the default mode upon startup, and its blocks representation (Blocks Mode), and back again. In Text Mode, the editor retains all features of the IDE’s te xt editor, including syntax highlighting, pre diction, error identification, recommendations, and code region identificat ion. When the “Blocks” tab is selected, the editor switches to Blocks Mode, which uses the Droplet 1 Undergraduate students Benjamin King a nd Trevor Lory contributed to this project.


91 Editor to present a toolbox from whic h blocks can be dragged to add them to the pr ogram (Figure 51c ) as well as to display and enable editing of blocks base d constructs (Figure 51d). When in Blocks Mode, the program can be modified by adding new blocks to the program, with correct construct ions signified by the puzzle piece style snaptogether construction (Figure 51b) often used in blocks based environment s. Text in light colored areas may be edited directly; in the case of variable value assignment, users may also drag and drop blocks representing variables / objects. At any time, a user can change modes using the same tabs. To facilitate Java programming specifically, I added object oriented blocks, including classes and methods (Figure 52a), while access modifiers such as “public” and “private” can be selected from dropdown components on the blocks themselves. Similarly, builtin variable types for param eters of variables can be selected from a dropdown menu on the blocks (Figure 52b), and users can enter text for custom and imported types. Whenever a block is added to the program via the dragand drop interface, the embedded Droplet Editor variant adds the construct to the program’s text and its blocks based representation in real time. It is important to note that, as the plugin only c hanges the interface for editing the program, all IDE features remain available. Users can follow the typical workflow t o build and run programs, including developing and running unit tests. Any Java project can be used with the plugin, including typical t ext based and graphical applications, Android apps, and libraries.


92 Figure 51. Amphibian Blocks Mode editor showing a) tabs for switching between modes, puzzlepiece connection, b) blocks representation of the current program, and c) block toolbox from which users can drag and drop constructs .


93 Figure 52. Amphibian Blocks Mode editor showing a) Java object oriented constructs and b) dropdown menus used for types and modifiers . 5.2. 2 Architecture Amphibian was developed in two distinct phases. In one, I incorporated the Java language into Dr oplet, and in another, I developed the plugin into which I embedded Droplet. 5.2. 2 .1 The Droplet Editor To enable Droplet to process Java language constructs, I integrated a customized Java language parser. To do so I constructed a custom variant of the Ja va 9 grammar specification and used ANTLR [100] to generate a parser program. Once the parser was in place, I developed a D roplet “palette” – a set of blocks text mappings – for Ja va language constructs, including control structures, common statements, and object oriented constructs such as classes and methods.


94 5.2. 2 .2 IntelliJ IDE Plugin Framework The plugin connects to two m ajor IntelliJ systems: the User Interface (UI) and the Do cument Manager (Figure 53). Whenever a Java file is opened, Amphibian adds the “Blocks” and “Text” tabs to the standard text editor. At the same time, in the background t he blocks editor is loaded. This is accomplished by embedding a browser component via JxBrowser [147] , which is preloaded with the Droplet Editor variant and custom JavaScript files, that can receive notifications from the plugin. When the user is in Text Mode and the “Blocks” t ab is selected, an event is sent to the Droplet Editor which includes the current document text state. The text is loaded and processed, after which the embedded browser is displayed in the UI. The Java parser can interpret incompl ete programs as blocks even when some constructs are missing. However, if the text syntax cannot be parsed due to irrecoverable errors, such as missing brackets, a modal dialog is shown to the user indicating the syntax error and directing the user to fix it in text mode. Otherwis e, the browser editor window is shown, and user can edit the program using the blocks interface (Figure 5 4) . Figure 53. Amphibian architecture with new elements highlighted in gray: a) Modifications to the Droplet Editor and b) Architecture of the Int elliJ Plugin.


95 Figure 54. Example of switching from text to blocks mode: a) successful change to blocks mode and b) syntax error message . 5.2. 2 .3 Logging mechanism Any time the toolbox palette changes or a block is dragged or dropped, the event is s ent to the log. This log entry by default is displayed in the console, but the plugin can be configured to forward the message to a remote server so that study data can be collected from multiple users, as was done in my study. In addition, whenever the pr ogram is changed, the updated t ext is sent to the IntelliJ Document Manager. This ensures that the program text is synchronized between Blocks Mode and Text Mode (the standard IDE text editor). In addition, this means that there is always a text representation of the blocks; incomplete programs will not prevent conversion from blocks to text. When the text tab is selected from within Blocks Mode, the current text state is sent again to the IntelliJ Document Manager and the display is changed back to the def ault text editor for the IDE. 5. 3 Dual Modality Curriculu m To facilitate student use of and learning via the dual modality programming environment, I updated the UF CS1 (COP3502: Programming Fundamentals I ) course materials to address blocks and text repre sentations. Previously, materia ls we re based entirely on text representations; I added blocks based representations to connect the classroom lectures with the dual modality


96 representation IDE plugin. Based on these dual modality representation materials an d collected data, I evaluated student perceptions and the classroom experience when using these tools during the full semester course offering which I taught in Fall 2018. 5. 3.1 Instruction I adjusted l ecture materials – particu larly slides and other visua ls – to take advantage of the blocks to text dual modality re presentation made available in the plugin. In lecture slides, r ather than individual lines of text , code w as presented in individual blocks, transitioning via animatio n to text to connect the rep resentations for students ( Figure 55). While most of the course was taught using dual modality instruction, students will ultimately need to work in pure text environments in fut ure coursework and their careers , so the latter p art (about one third) of the class was taught in text ( Table 5 1). Aside from the add ition of dual modality representations to materials, the presentation of materials was not changed – all lecture slides and materials were otherwise the same between the t wo conditions. In other words, the lesson plans, lecture sequence, and assignments we re the same, and the blocking mechanism was not explicitly highlighted separately in the intervention semester. In lab sessions, teaching assistants and tutors explained and demonstrated use and function of the dual modality IDE plugin within the IntelliJ environment. Inlab demonstrations of code and concepts were conducted directly in the plugin’s dual modality programming environment as appropriate. In the first lab ses sion, students were instruct ed on use of the plugin: 1. Installation of IntelliJ and Plu gin 2. User interface for swapping between blocks and text 3. Short live coding demonstration of “Hello World” in blocks, converted to text 4. Demonstration of changes made in text translating to blocks when mode is switched


97 Figure 55. I nstructional material – presentation in blocks, followed by conversion to text . Table 5 1. Course Topics & Mode for Instructional Intervention Unit Topic (Approx. 1 Week per Topic ) Instruction Fundamentals of Computing D ual Modality Variables & Arithmetic Dual Modality Contr ol Structures Dual Modality Data Types & Objects Dual Modality Methods & Collections Dual Modality Engineering Process Discussion Mathematics of Computation Discussion Classes Dual Modality In heritance Text Input, Output, & Files Text Truth & Logi c Discussion Programming paradigms Text Memory management Text 5. 3.2 Assignments Assignments w ere updated to include text and blocks representations in Droplet style wherever sample or demonstrat ion code wa s provided ( Figure 56). The assignments in the course served two primary functions in this study: They provided students with a setting in which to apply concepts learned and make use of the dual modality IDE plugin, which facilitated the colle ction of log data, and Assignment scores w ere used as one of several measurements to evaluate student knowledge throughout the class.


98 Figure 56. Curriculum assignment documentation – sample code in blocks and text . 5. 3.3 Ethical Considerations As a ma tter of caution and to ensure the integrity of the curric ulum, it is important to address ethical considerations in performing studies within classrooms where they may impact student learning. The study hypotheses in Section 5.1 lay out benefits I believed students would receive from the curriculum. As this inte rvention took place in a core required course, a faculty review by course committees was undertaken. In this section I also address potential concerns and criticisms of using dual modality instructio n or tools in a university course and its potential impac t on students , such as concerns about preparation of students for future courses. 5. 3.3.1 Faculty r eview To ensure the curriculum adjustments were in line with expectations of the department, t he proposed changes were reviewed by my advisors and other faculty members. Specifically, changes were presented to and accepted by the Undergraduate Curriculum Review and Undergraduate Curriculum committees in the CISE D epartment. This pr esentation and approval were noted in meeting logs and written correspondence ( A ppendix M ). 5. 3.3.2 Delay of p uret ext i nstruction The use of blocks constructs as part of the dual modality programming environment could be argued to take time away from, and therefore delay, intro duction of text based programming instruction. However, i n the case of dual modality programming environments, text is introduced alongside blocks. In other words, dual modality programming environments


99 did not delay introduction of text instruction in my study. Preconceived perceptions of inauthenticity of blo cks could have led students, and even some faculty, to construe dual modality programming environments as a mental “ crutch ”; however, as quizzes and exams were text based, students we re incentivized to learn text representations. 5. 3.3.3 Cognitive overload Dual modality programming environments introduce two different representations of the same program. It could be argued that these dual representations require more mental effort to consider when programming, inhibiting performance. However, in Droplet’s m odel, text is always present, and blocks are presented as colorful highlighting of text . Thus, the text syntax and blocks constructs are presented together in blocks mode, not as separate, disconnect ed representations . In addition, instructions presented blocks and text representations together as a single concept in order to minimize duplication of mental effort. 5. 4 Instrum ent Evaluation Study In order to assess knowledge in the CS1 course I studied – COP3502 at the University of Florida – I first investigated existing computer science concept instruments to find one suitable to the course’s student population. Using a computer science concept inventory instrument allow ed me to evaluate student abili ty in the programming topics I am studying using an instr ument developed by the research community for this purpose [122, 127] . I looked to the SCS1 , which was available to the research communi ty . However, the SCS1’s authors have noted that their initial results suggested its potential to discriminate by ability is limited by its high difficulty level [99] . Item Response Theory (IRT) measurements [5] , taken for each question, suggest that the assessment skews toward hard difficult y, with most questions being considered fair , rather than good , discriminators [116] . As such, I also considered the cus tom dual modality assessment I had developed during my middle school study. To evaluate the applicability of the

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100 SCS1 and the custom assessment for use in future studies, I administered the SCS1 and custom assessment at the end of the Fall term of 2017 in the CS1 course , which was taught using traditional textbased instruction. 5. 4.1 Context & Data Collection I collected respo nses on both the custom assessment and the SCS1 from students at the end of UF’s COP3502 course in Fall 2017. Student responses to each question were recorded, individually, via Qualtrics. In addition, demographic data were collected from p articipants at t he end of the same computer based survey. Participants co mpleted the assessment, demographic, and attitude questions in a dedicated room with a proctor over a period of one hour fiftyfive minutes. The assessment assigned to each student wa s determined ran domly, with half of participants being assigned to the SC S1, and the other half being assigned to the custom assessment. In all, 203 students completed the custom assessment, and 199 students completed the SCS1. This study’s data collection was classified as exempt by UF’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). No co mpensation was provided to participants, but students who participated received extra credit in the course. These data were also used to decide the direction of my final dissertation study. 5. 4.2 Que stion Analysis I performed an initial item analysis of student responses to the SCS1 and custom assessment using the method outlined by Sudol & Studer [115] to determine if either or both were appropriate for the CS1 student population and to make a decision on an instrument for future work. After initial item analys is of data collection in the Fall 2017 term, I determined in consultation with my advisors that the SCS1 was of appropriately difficulty and covered the correct concepts for it to be an effective assessment instrument for future work at the college

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101 level . The methods used in this analysis and the results are described and summa rized in this s e ction . I analyzed the responses to the Fall 2017 Custom Assessment and SCS1 results using the approach es described by Sudol and Studer [115] . As I wanted to evaluate both the difficulty of the items as well as their abilities to dis criminate between students of different abilities , I used the two parameter logistical model (2PL) approach they described. The 2PL model provides a difficulty level, which measures how difficult each item in the set is, as well as a discrimination factor, which measures how effective the item is at differentiating test takers of different ability levels. The results of the s e analys e s are included in Appendix H and Appendix I . The item analysis revealed that the custom assessment’s questions were both too l ow in terms of difficulty and insufficiently discriminating according to ability with the tested population (Appendix H) . Sudol noted that items typically fall in a difficulty range of 3 (easy) to +3 (hard) and discrimination values between 0 and 2 [115] . Six questions (37.5%) on the custom assessment fell outside of these ranges f or difficulty or discriminati on. In addition, most of the questions (9 of 16) were “ea sy” – i.e., having a difficulty rating of 1 or lower, and none had a difficulty of 1 or higher (i.e., none were “hard” questions). Thus, the custom assessment exhibited a ceiling effect with the stu dents in the CS1 course, which would make it difficult to identify knowledge and cognitive differences that might manifest due to an intervention. This is likely due to the custom assessment’s design for middle school students (described in Section 4.2). B y comparison, the SCS1’s questions closely matched ideal ranges for ability discrimination and level of difficulty, suggesting that the SCS1 could be an effective tool with this population. All of the questions on the SCS1 in t he analysis fell within the e xpected

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102 difficulty range ( 3 to +3) and the ideal discrim ination factor range (0 to 2). In addition, for this population, the SCS1’s difficulty range appeared to be an excellent match; 21 of 27 questions (77.8%) fell within a difficulty range of 1 to +1 ( “medium” difficulty), with only two questions (7.4%) unde r 1 (“easy”) and four (14.8%) over +1 (“hard”) ( Appendix I ) . As a result, I decided to use the data collected via the SCS1 to assess knowledge in the study outlined late r in this chapter . 5. 5 Study: Dual Modality Instruction , CS Learning , and Classroom Experience (CS1) I investigated the use of dual modality instruction and student learning in a study at the college level in a multisection CS1 course (UF’s COP3502) , which is taught in the Java language, across two 16week semesters (n=673). The course con sisted of two large weekly lecture meetings and a weekly small lab meeting. I taught the class in both semesters. The first semester (n=248), acting as a ba seline group, was taught using traditional, text based instruction. The second semester (n=425), act ing as an intervention group, was taught using dual modality instruction and a dual modality IDE plugin I developed. I measured participant learning via the SCS1 [98] , which stu dents took at the end of the course just befor e the final examination, as well as course examination questions, which I classified as either definitional / code reading or code writing [121] . The course covered all concepts test ed by the SCS1 and course examinations . I also collected student responses to several surveys (Appendix F ) throughout the intervention semester to help m e understand the mechanisms behind any effects I might see. This included regular surveys during each m odule – weekly excepting exam and break weeks (Table 5 2) – as well as surveys and at the beginning, midpoint, and end of instruction, about student perceptions of blocks, text, and dual modality ins truction. Based on m y hypothesis that dual modality instr uction and tools would help students better chunk and abstract sections of code , my

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103 expectation was that students in the intervention group would score higher on exam questions and the SCS1 than thos e in the baseline group. As noted previously, many K 12 c urricula focus on blocks based environments; as such, many students in CS1 cour ses like UF’s have some prior experience in blocks based programming environments. Students without experience could benefit from scaffolding, and s tudents with only blocks base d experience needed to transition to programming in text, with all of the chall enges and difficulties that entails. These students in particular stood to benefit from the representations provided by dual modality programming environments, though I expect ed these environments to help students with prior experience as well. I hypothesi zed in Section 5.1 that students in the intervention group would learn more about programming compared to those in the baseline group , and that differences between the groups would be most pronounced among those with no prior programming experience. Table 52. Module Survey Questions (Weekly) Q Prompt 1 Did you program in “Blocks” mode since the end of your previous lab (i ncluding this lab)? 2 Did you program in “Text” mode sin ce the end of your previous lab (including this lab)? 3 What was your primary mode since the end of your previous lab (including this lab)? 4 Does instruction in dual blocks text modes help you lea rn better? 5 Why do you feel this way? 5. 5.1 Study Des ign This study used a quasi experimental design with repeated measures and two groups. Both semesters used the same lecture and lab format. The first semester, Spring 2018, acting as a baseline group, was taught using traditional, text based instruction; t he second semester, Fall 2018, acting as an intervention group, was taught using dual modality instruction and the dual modality IDE plugin I developed for the study:

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104 a) Students in the baseline group (n=248) were provided with standard development tools, in cluding the IntelliJ IDEA, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE ). All lecture slides and assignment descriptions used only text programming representations. b) Students in the intervention group w ere provided with IntelliJ IDE A and the Amphibian Dual Mo dality IDE Plugin for Java I built, which presented text and blocks representations of the code they wrote and allowed them to move freely between representation modes . They were also instructed in t he plugin’s use in lab sessions. 66.7% of the course (8 of 12 topics) used blocks and text representations on assignment descriptions and lecture slides (Section 5.3) . The remaining topics were not represented in the blocks construct models of the plugin ( e.g., inheritance) or were non programming topics (e.g., ethics and version baseline). In general, the topic ordering between the semesters was the same, but some topics were replaced as part of typical course content adjustment in preparation for later courses. In the baseline semester, introductory Data Structure and Generics were covered, while in the intervention semester, Algorithm Complexity and Propositional Logic were covered – none of which are facilitated by dual modality instruction . D uring the first lab session, students in the intervention group com pleted a personal perception survey; as in middle school study, the questions were based on the work of Ericson and McKlin [39] . As in the middle school study, since Ericson and McKlin’s questions were general computing questions, I modified them to specifically address progra mming (Appendix G). Each week, students in the interventi on group completed a short survey during their laboratory period as part of the course ( Figure 5 7). The survey contained questions about student use of the blocks and text modes (“Did you program in ‘Blocks’ mode since the end of your previous lab?”) and perception of the effectiveness of the dual modality instruction (“Does instruction in dual blocks text modes help you learn better?”), along with a free response prompt (“Why do you feel this way?”) . Students also completed three longform perception surveys at the beginning, midpoint, and end of the course with five point Likert scale evaluations to

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105 measure their comparative perceptions of blocks and text (e.g., “I think programming in blocks is eas ier than programming in text”). In addition, I collected logs from study participants vi a the Java dual modality IDE plugin (detailed in Section 5.2 ), which tracked usage of blocks, mode switching, and time spent in each mode. Participants in all groups took the SCS1 at the end of the course 5 10 days before the final examination. I evaluated performance through a combination of scores on the SCS1 and score on course exams in terms of both overall scores as well as scores by question type . This study made use of lessons learned from my early work, especially my w ork with middle school students (Section 4.3), to improve upon study design. The CS1 population was comp osed primarily of students majoring in Computer Science and/or Engineering who are personally i nvested in and driven to learn the material (unlike some students in middle school study who found the technology courses uninteresting or boring). The population was also be much larger (n=673) – which should reduce statistical noise and improve statistic al rigor. The study was over a longer time period (16 wee ks instead of 5) and p rovided more time between class meetings, allowing time for students to learn / iterate on content and develop skills through practice. Figure 57. Gantt chart showing date r anges for surveys , examinations, and SCS1 assessment .

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106 5. 5. 2 Participants This study’s data collection was classified as exempt by UF’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). However, I still asked students who completed the SCS1 and demographic survey to explic itly consent to having their scores and demographic data included in the study. No compensation was provided to participants , but students who completed the SCS1 and demographic survey received extra credit in the course. Students who did not participate w ere offered an alternative assignment to earn the same am ount of extra credit in the course . Students who did not complete the SCS1 or demographic survey received the same instruction and in class programming assignments and took the same examinations , as these a re part of ordinary classroom activity assigned by the instructo r . In all, 58.1% of the baseline group (n=144) and 59.1% (n=251) of the intervention group optedin to the demographic survey , and their exam scores were included in my analysis . The CO P3502 course is the first required course in the "F undame ntals of P rogr amming ” sequence at UF; as such, this class has a mix of students with some prior experience and those with none. Transfer students with programming coursework usually have CS1 waived a s an equivalency via transfer credit . 36.8% (n=53) of students in the baseline group and 40.2% (n=101) in the intervention group had some prior programming experience; 19.9% (n=29) of the baseline and 22.1% (n=94) of the intervention groups had taken the A P Computer Science or AP Computer Science Principles cour ses in high sc hool. Participants came primarily from the young college student age range (1822) and represented diverse ethnic, racial, and gender backgrounds in both the baseline and intervention groups due to the course’s size and the university’s demographics ( Table 53) . While the populations are similar, there are some notable differences. There was a higher proportion of

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107 men in the intervention group, and more intervention students indicated they were from white, Asian, or multiple racial backgrounds . Table 5 3. D emographic Groups by Condition Demographic Group Baseline Intervention Men 66.7%, n=96 74.9%, n=188 Women 33.3%, n=48 25.1%, n=63 Asian 27.8%, n=40 30.7%, n=77 Black / African Ameri can 11.1%, n=16 5.2%, n=13 Hispanic / Latino 20.8%, n=30 24.7%, n=62 Native American 0.0%, n=0 0.4%, n=1 Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 0.7%, n=1 0.4%, n=1 White, Non Hispanic / Latino 49.3%, n=71 52.6%, n=132 Other 0.7%, n=1 1.6%, n=4 Multiple 7 .6%, n=11 15.5%, n=39 5. 5. 3 Data Collection I collected several types of data for this study which varied by condition. Initially, data were collected along with contact information in order to facilitate follow up interviews if needed. Personally identi fying information had been collected in order to link par ticipant responses to performance in the course during the study. Once this link had been created , the data set was anonymized by removing all identifying and contact information to protect the priva cy of participants as much as possible. Examinati ons, a ssessments, and demographic surveys I collected exam question scores from each participant via the university’s learning management system (LMS). These examinations were purely text based in both semesters, using the same framework and modeled from exams in previous terms. The midterm exams – Exam 1 and Exam 2 – were noncumulative, and the F inal Exam was cumulative. Exam 1 and Exam 2 which were broken into two sections: a multiple choice / sho rt answer section with definitional and code reading ques tions, and a free response pseudocode section requiring code writing. As is typical for this course, the F inal E xam had only definitional and code reading questions; since

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108 code writing questions require significant time for students to complete an d instruc tors to grade, it is logistically difficult to fit a handscored, rubric based cumulative examination into the allotted final exam blocks of two hours and also to have grading completed in time for g rade submissions. I proctored the SCS1 at the en d of the semester for both groups and recorded participant responses. In addition, I collected demographic data from participants at the end of the same computer based survey. Participants completed the asses sment and demographic questions in a dedicated r oom over a period of one hour fiftyfive minutes. The SCS1 was voluntary, so a subset of students opted to participate in this part of the study across the baseline and intervention semesters ( 58.7% , n=395). Perception s urveys and u sage l ogs I collected ans wers to Likert scale perception survey questions in each course module (Appendix F) , as well as download logs for online resources such as lecture slides. Additional surveys were given at the beginni ng, midpoint, and end of the semester. A se cure server was also used to collect logs of how students used the plugin itself during the semester. Bias control In order to protect the integrity of data collection and prevent subconscious bias, neithe r I, a s the principal investigator and inst ructor, nor my advisors, had access to information about who took or planned to take the SCS1 during either semester. Instead, this information was controlled by the teaching assistants until after final grade submission. On c e I had submitted final grades for the course , the teaching assistants shared the assessment and participation data that w ere collected so that it could be analyzed.

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109 5. 6 Analysis Methods : Dual Modality Instruction and Learning In this section, I describe the analysis methods I used to e valuate the data I collected, with the findings and discussion following in Chapter 6. To complete my dissertation work, I perform ed an analysis of the data collected in my final study via several methods, includi ng analysis of student scores, survey responses, examinat ion of student logs, coding of student responses, and review of instruct or notes . This allow ed me to identify differences in dependent variables, such as overall computer science knowledge and cognit ive development level, according to independent variables – particularly instructional condition, demographics, and experience ( Table 5 4) . These analyses w ere then used to draw conclusions about how student knowledge dif fered between conditions (RQ1 & RQ2 ) and student / instructor perceptions of the classroom e xperience (RQ3). Analyses consider ed independent variables ( Table 5 5) including instructional condition (intervention / baseline) , prior experience, an d type of pr ior experience. Specifically, prior experience was categorized as text only, blocks (which m ay include some text experience) , and none. Table 5 4. Measures by Research Question Research Question Independent Dependent RQ1 – Knowledge / Condition Instructional Condition Demographics Overall Knowledge Material Use Instruction Perception RQ2 – Prio r Experience Instructional Condition Type of Prior Experience Demographics Overall Knowledge Material Use Instruction Perception RQ3 – Perceptions of Experience Type of Prior Experience Demographics Material Use Instruction Perception Blocks & Text Percep tions Instructor Perceptions

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110 Table 5 5. Independent Variables Measure Instrument Prior Experience Type Background Survey Demographics (Gender, Age, & Ethnicity) Background Survey Instructional Condition (Intervention/ Baseline ) None 5. 6.1 Examinati ons and Assessments To investigate student learning, I investigated scoring on course exam questions and the SCS1. I broke down my analysis according to question type, which I also associate with the Neo Piagetian stages of development. This section focuse s on the examination and assessment data and what it reveals about student learning of programming between these two different conditions. Hyp o thes e s & expectations Examination and a ssessment scores were used to evaluate programming ability and cog nitive level in the Neo Piagetian framework , which I used as the primary measures to identify patterns in differences between the intervention and baseline conditions ( Table 5 6) . My hypothesis wa s t hat dual modality programming environments would help stu dents develop the ability to use abstraction and chunking, so I expect ed students to perform better on questions that make use of them. Code reading and writing depend on chunking and abstraction and are associated with concreteand formal operational reasoning [71, 32] . As such, within the intervention group, and compared to the baseline group, I expec t ed students w ould show higher performance on code comple tion and tracing questions on the SCS1 and reading a nd writing questions on course exams , which would suggest that they ha d developed expertise in chunking and abstraction , and by extension ha d reach ed the concreteoperational stage of cognitive development in the Neo Piagetian framework . However, I believed the intervention was unlikely to play a role in performance of tasks that depended on preoperational skill sets (those without

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111 abstractions). Def initional questions depend on understanding of construct function, but not abstraction or chunking; as a result, performance on such questions would not be significantly impacted by the hypothesized advantage granted to abstractionbased questions by dual modality programming environments. As a result, I anticipate d that students w ould score about the same on definitional questions . As with the analysis of conditions, my exploration of how prior experience and dual modality instruction interact used the e xa mination scores when drawing conclusions. I explored the intera c tion of prior programming experience type – text only, blocks, and none – and condition with respect to assessment performance. I had hypothesized that, among students in the intervention group, students with no experience would see the greatest pos itive d ifference in knowledge compared to those in the baseline group, followed by students with blocks experience ( Table 5 7). I expect ed students with text experience to show the smallest differenc es in scoring between conditions. Table 5 6. RQ1 – Dual M odality Instruction and Question Performance Hypothesis Question Type Intervention Baseline SCS1: Definitional No difference No difference SCS1: Tracing Higher than Baseline Lower than Interventi on SCS1: Code Completion Higher than Baseline Lower than Intervention Course Exams: Definitional / Reading Higher than Baseline Lower than Intervention Course Exams: Writing Higher than Baseline Lower than Intervention Table 5 7. RQ2 Dual Modality I nstruction vs. Text Instruction by Experience Hypothesi s Question Type No Experience Blocks Experience Text Only Experience SCS1: Definitional No change No change No change SCS1: Tracing Much Higher Somewhat Higher Slightly Higher SCS1: Code Completio n Much Higher Somewhat Higher Slightly Higher Course Exa ms: Def. / Reading Much Higher Somewhat Higher Slightly Higher Course Exams: Writing Much Higher Somewhat Higher Slightly Higher

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112 5.6.1. 2 SCS1 assessment questions We collected student responses on the SCS1 assessment in order to compare student performa nce in the baseline and i ntervention semesters. Students in both semesters were offered the option to sit for the SCS1 assessment at the end of the semester for extra credit. All students in both conditions took the same assessment , whose questions are cat egorized by type into definitional, tracing, and code completion questions [98] . I computed overall scores on the SCS1 as well as scores by question type . 5.6.1. 3 Course examination quest ions In order to contrast code readi ng and code writing skills, we also collected s t udent res ponses and grades from course examinations. M idterm E xam 1 and Exam 2 had two sections each – one with code reading and definitional questions (Figure 58) and another with a code writing question (F igure 59) – while the F inal Exam had only definitional a nd code reading questions due to logi stical limitations and grade dea dlines. Figure 58. Definitional (left) and code reading (right) question samples from Exam 1.

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113 Figure 59. Code writing question from Exam 1 (abbreviated). For the course exam definitional and code reading questions, not all question topics and formats appeared across semesters due to exam date variation. To eliminate these differences as a confounding factor, I identified a subset of questions for Exam 1, Exam 2, and the F inal E xam that were in common across semesters ( Table 5 8). While Exam 1 and the F inal E xam had nearly or exactly the same number of questions, Exam 2 differed in length: the baseline group’s exam was short er. For Exam 1 , 10 of 16 (62.5%) questions from the basel ine semester overlapped with 10 of 15 (66.7%) questions from the intervention semester, while for Exam 2 , 5 of 10 (50%) questions in the baseline overlapped with 5 of 16 (33.3%) in the intervention t erm. Finally, on the F inal E xam, 11 of 16 (68.8%) questions overlapped between the exams. Table 5 8. List of Topics in Common by Exam Midterm 1 Midterm 2 Final Instructions Classes Instructions Arithmetic Encapsulation Arithmetic Selection Overloading D ata Types Data Types Inheritance Functions Functions Ov erriding Arrays Arrays Loops References Versioning Data Streams

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114 The code writing exam section questions were isom orphic variants of one another between semesters ; that is, they required empl oying the same skills and tested the same concepts. For e xample, on the first midterm in both classes, the code writing section required students to write and invoke simple methods and engage in console I/O . By the same token, on the second midterm for bot h classes , the writing section required writing and extending classes, overloading, and overriding . As such, I w as able to directly compare the results. As with the definitional / code reading section, I calculated percentage scores for each exam befor e co mparison. 5.6.1. 4 Analysis tests Once I had collected the scores from all of the exams and assessments for overlapping questions, I compared the scores in the baseline group to those in the intervention group. As the scores did not follow a normal distribution, I employed the nonparametric two tailed Mann Whitn ey U test [93] to compare the groups. Further, I calculated the eta2) value to identify the effect size and report it with my findings. In order to identify interactions between students with different prior experience level s – those who have worked previously only in te xt, those who have wor ked in blocks, and those with no prior experience – I used Aligned Rank Transform (ART) [137] to transform the data and make it suitable for use with ANOVA. When interactions were significant, I also performed inter action contrasts to id entify differences in scoring by condition dependent on differences in experience [79] . 5.6. 2 Surveys , logs, and notes In this study, I used several measures to collect sets of qualitative and quantitative data via surveys ( Table 5 9). These included Binary, Likert, and Free Response questions. In this section I describe the methods I use d to analyze these data sets.

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115 Table 5 9. Dependent Variables Measure Instrument Data Collected Analysis Material Use Plugin Logs Canvas Logs Sessions Frequency of Use Time Series Time Series Instruction Perception Module Survey Mi dPost Survey Binary Response Free Response Likert Response Free Response Time Series Codes ANOVA Codes Blocks & Text Perceptions Pre Mid Post Survey s Likert Response Free Response ANOVA Codes Instructor Perceptions Notes Text Review 5. 6. 2 .1 Qualitati ve d ata I collect ed qualitative data from s urvey answers to free response prompts. Of the 252 students who completed the demographic survey, I qualitatively code d responses from these prompts f or a sample of 63 ( 25. 0 %) students. I selected these students t o maximize coverage of ethnoracial, age, educational level, gender, demographic and experience groups . I coded the responses in modules 1, 3, 4, 7, and 11. Modules 1 and 11 were included as they are the first and last module sur veys, respectively; 3 and 4 were selected because they cover programming funda me ntals (loops, data types, and functions) just before Exam 1 ; and I coded module 7 as it covered the period in which I changed the instructional approach from dual mode to text only instruction . I complet ed the coding in a fou r step process. In the first step, to establish an initial set of codes for the responses, I use d the qualitative coding approach described by Auerbach and Silverstein to develop a list of repeating ideas an d refin e them via iteration [4] . In the second step, two other researchers and I independently c oded responses from three participants and discussed disagreements in order to refine the codebook. We adjusted some codes based on t he discussion, and we also combined codes we determined overlapped significantly. In the third step, the other researchers and I coded an additional 8% of the samples, which I used to perform an inter rater reliability analysis using Fleiss kappa [47] . Finally, in the fourth step, I coded the

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116 re maining samples to complete the data set . The average agreement between coders was Fleiss kappa = 0.601, which is characterized as moderate agreement [128] . 5. 6. 2 .2 Quantitative d ata I collected quantitative data from several measures, including Likert and binary responses to survey questions, and logs from the plugin and Canvas . Likert scores w ere analyzed via ANOVA [44] to identify differences between the baseline and intervention groups. I plot ted responses to module ( weekly ) questions about material use, perceptions of dual modality instruction, and plugin and Canvas logs by module in a time serie s so that they c ould be compared time wise for triangulation [22] . Surveys Survey responses were use d to provide insight into student perceptions and the relationship between the condition of ins truction and the overall classroom experience of students. I analyzed module surveys to elicit patterns in student perceptions of dual modality instruction . For module surveys, I examined responses to detect differences in perceptions over time and also co nsidered them in the context of differences in usage patterns for the dual modality IDE plugin and materials. Usage logs Plugin and Canvas resource logs w ere examined to identify trends in student use of scaffolding. Plugin logs w ere evaluated to i dentify programming sessions , while Canvas resource logs were examined to determine frequency of use . I sought to identify how often students us ed the dual modal ity IDE plugin and materials in order to more clearly link the dual modality programming environments to differences in knowledge, cognitive level, and perceptions . I also explored how often students switched between blocks and text. I examined logs in segments by module to help me identify changes that occurred over the course of the term.

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117 To ident ify usage of lecture slides on Canvas, I identified a twoweek timeframe for each set of slides that covered the introduction, conclusion, and first quiz or exam covering the topic (Table 510). If access to the slide set occurred within this coverage wind ow, I marked the slides for that module as having been used by the student for the purposes of this analysis. For plugin usage, I identified a window covering the beginning of the module to the end of the module (corresponding to the beginning of the next module – Table 511) , and if the plugin was used in that time window f or interactive events (such as using blocks or switching modes), the plugin was marked as b eing used by the student. Interactive plugin events were grouped into the categories of “Block Use”, “Palette Viewing”, and “Mode Switching” for the analysis (Appendix K ) . Palette Viewing actions were those in which the student selected a category of blocks to view (such as “Control”, “Classes”, or “Variables”); M ode S wapping was logged whenever a s tudent switched from blocks to text mode or vice versa; and B l ock U se actions are those in which a student selected (dragged) a programming block and/or placed ( dropped) a block within the program window. For each module , I then calculated the percentage o f students who used the lecture slides and plugins . I also cal culated the average percentage of students using the lecture slides and plugin over all module time windows. Table 5 10. Time Window for Lecture Slide Usage by Module Mod ule Date Range 0 2018/0 8/22 – 2018/0 9 / 04 1 2018/08/29 – 2018/09/ 11 2 2018/09/05 – 2018/09/1 8 3 2018/09/12 – 2018/09/ 25 4 2018/09/19 – 2018/10/02 5 2018/10/03 – 2018/10/16 6 2018/ 10/10 – 2018/10/23 7 2018/10/17 – 2018/10/30 8 2018/10/24 – 2018/11/06 9 2018/11/07 – 2018/1 1/20 10 2018/11/14 – 2018/11/27 11 2018/11/28 – 2018/12/11

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118 Table 5 11. Time Window for Plugin Usage by Module Module Date Range 0 2018/08/22 – 2018/08/28 1 2018/08/29 – 2018/09/04 2 2018/09/05 – 2018/09/11 3 2018/09/12 – 2018/09/18 4 2018/09/19 – 2 018/10/02 5 2018/10/03 – 2018/10/09 6 2018/10/10 – 2018/10/16 7 2018/10/17 – 2018/10/23 8 2018/10/ 24 – 2018/1 1/06 9 2018/11/07 – 2018/11/13 10 2018/11/14 – 2018/11/27 11 2018/11/28 – 2018/12/11 Instructor notes Instructor notes w ere used t o provide insight into the instructor ’s (i.e., my) perspective of the classroom experience when using dual modality instruction. These notes helped establish rel ationships between instructor observations and student experience . 5.6. 3 Summary T hrough analysis of the study data, I attempt ed to answer questions regarding dual modality instruction (intervention) and its connection to student learning and perceptions as compared to text based instruction ( baseline). In addition to exami ning the overall connection between the instructional approach a student knowledge , I also examined the role prior experience plays – including the differences between prior experience i n blocks and text only programming. When analyzing r esults, I examine d student use of the dual modality IDE plugin and materials to verify that students did indeed make use of them . Finally, I examine d the impact of using dual moda lity tools and curricula on the classroom experience a nd detailed student and instructor percep tions, including receptiveness, perception of effectiveness, and appropriateness for various programming topics. In Chapter 6, I discuss the findings of these analyses and discuss their implications.

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119 CHAPTER 6 LEARNING & DUAL MODALITY INSTRUCTION: FINDINGS & DISCUSSION In this chapter I describe the findings of my study on the use of dual modality instruction in UF’s CS1 course. This chapter is organized in parts by research question. Se ction 6.1 describes the findings and implications of RQ1, in which I c ompare the performance differences between students in the baseline (t raditional, text based instruction) and intervention ( dual modality instruction ) semesters . Section 6. 2 describes th e findings and implications of RQ2, in which I examined connections be tween prior programming experience and instructional condition (tradit ional, text based vs dual modality instruction ) . Section 6.3 describes the findings and implications of RQ3, which i s focused on student and instructor perceptions when utilizing dual mo dality instruction. Finally, S ection 6.4 summarizes my findings from the research study. 6.1 Performance Comparison in Dual Modality vs Text Instruction To answe r my first research quest ion (RQ1) – “ How do students perform in code reading and writing after learning with dual modality instruction, as compared t o students learning with traditional (textbased) approaches to instruction in CS1 courses?” – I compared student performance on ex ams and assessments. This included midterm Exam 1 , midterm Exam 2 , and the F inal E xam , as well as the SCS1 assessment taken at the end of the semester . In this section I outline my findings for each examination and assessment. 6.1. 1 Course Exam Results I e valuated student performance on the course exams according to exam section question type s (i.e., definitional / reading or writing) . I used the Mann Whitney U Test to analyze the exam scores due to their nonnormal distribution. Co urse midterm exams were d ivided into two sections – one section included code reading and defin itional questions (Section 5.6.1) , while the

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120 other section had code writing questions. The F inal E xam had only code reading and definitional questions. In this s ection I examine these sections individually. 6.1. 1 .1 Code reading & definitional questions For the code reading / defi ni tional sections, I compared questions on topics shared between the exams (e.g., Arithmetic, Data Types, and Classes – see Table 5 8) . O n these questions, students in the intervention group , which learned via dual modality instruction, scored higher on both midterm exams t han the baseline group, which learned via text instruction, and th e difference between the groups on both exams was sta =0.05) . On Exam 1, the intervention average ( intervention=85.4% ) was higher than the baseline average ( b aseline=58.3% ) with a large effect ( , and once more the result comparing the groups (Z= 4.1, p< .001, 2=0.03). In summar y, the students in the intervention group outperformed the students in the baseline group in every code re ading / definitional section of the course exams (Table 6 1) . I discuss these findings further in Section 6.1.3. 6.1. 1 .2 Code writing questions T he co de writing sections of the exams tested the same content across semesters, w ith the intervention semester using isomorphic variants of questions from the baseline semester. In these sections, I saw significant differences between t he conditions on Exam 1 , but on Exam 2 I did not. For Exam 1 , students in the intervention group ( inter vention=76.1% ) scored significantly those in the baseline group ( baseline=68.9% ) with a smallto medium effect size ( Z= 2=0.03), while for Ex am 2 , means were not statistically different ( baseline=68.0%, intervention=68 .7%, Z= 2=0.00). In short, the intervention group outperformed the baseline group on the code writing section of Exam 1, taken earlier in the semester, but not on the code writing section of Exam 2 , taken later in the semester (Table 6 1) .

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121 Table 61. Results Summary for Course Exams (Scores as Percent) Questions Baseline 6.1.2 SCS1 Results To com pare the results on the SCS1 assessment across the intervention and basel ine conditions , I used the MannWhitney U T est as the scores did not follow a normal distribution. The results from the SCS1 assessment did not differ significantly between the baseli ne group, who learned via text instruct ion, and the intervention group, w ho learned via dual modality instruction ( Table 6 2). In other words , t here was no meaningful difference in the scores of the baseline and intervention group on the overall SCS1 score , despite the baseline students scoring 1.5% higher than the intervention group . There was also not meaningful difference by question type. This may be related to the attributes of the specific SCS1 questions (e.g., discrimination factor and difficulty) , w hich I discuss in Section 6.1.3 . Table 6 2. Results Summary for SCS1 (Scores as Percent) Questions Baseline 6.1.3 Performance C omparison Discussion I had hypothesized that students would learn more effectively under dual modality instruction , as it supports a nd scaffolds student learning of abstraction and chunking . As abstraction and chunking are critical to later stages of cognitive development [71] , I believed s tudents would score higher on exams and assessments in the dual modality instructional

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122 condition. My results show that s tudents in the intervention group outperformed students in the baseline group on questions dependent on concrete and formal operational reasoning for most course exam sections, but not on the SCS1. In this section I detail these results by assessment, exam, and section . 6.1.3. 1 Course Exam performance comparison discussion When I compared scores from questions covering shared topics acros s semesters on in class examinations , scores between the groups differed significantly on both the definitional / code r eading section and writing section of Exam 1. All topics from E xam 1 (Section 5 . 6) were covered using dual modality instruction. As such, I expected students in the intervention to outperform students in the baseline group, and that is what I found for bot h the definitional / code reading as well as the code writing s ections of the exam. On Exam 2 and the Final Exam , the intervention group outperformed the baseline group on the de finitional / code reading section s , though to a lesser degree than on Exam 1. It is notable that the definitional / code reading sections of both Exam 2 and the Final Exam included a mix of topics covered in dual b locks text instruction (using dual modality representations) and pure text instruction (using only text representations) . As such, I would expect to see less of a difference between t he groups in these sections . In line with these expectations, compared to Exam 1, the average scores on Exam 2’s and the Final Exam’s definitional / code readi ng sections were closer between the baseline and intervention groups , though the difference s w ere still statistically significant . Further, Exam 2’s definitional / code r eading section had fewer questions in the baseline semester, but the exam was given in the same amount of time, giving baseline students more time per question. Despite this advantage , students in the intervention semester scored higher than students in the baseline semester.

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123 By comparison, there was not a significant difference on the code writing section of Exam 2 . T he topic of the code writing section of Exam 2 was inheritance; this topic was not covered by the dual modality instruction and instead was t aught exclusively in text , because it was necessary to transition students entirely to text before the end of the course . For this r eason, I did not develop visualizations for inherit ance relationships in Droplet. In other words, for those exam sections wh ich included topics covered exclusively in text instruction, there was not a differenc e in scores. In summary, c onsidering the exams over time, a consistent pattern emerges. Students in the intervention group outperformed those in the baseline group on eve ry section of every exam that incorporated content that was covered in the dual modality instruction ; only Exam 2’s code writing section, which exclusively covered material that only used text mode instruction, did not show significant differences in score s. In addition, the performance differences extended through to the Final E xam , which covered topics from Exam 1 and Exam 2 . T hese differences were not limited to the time period of the dual modality instruction but persisted to the end of the course, even after the change to text only instruction. In other words, in line with my hypothesis, when tested on topics covered by dual modality instruction, students scored better in the inter vention than the baseline ; when I tested on topics covered exclusively in text, the students in the two conditions sc ored about the same as one another . This suggests that the concepts covered in dual modality instruction were clearly anchored in students ' minds, and as a result, they retained this knowledge through to the end of the course. When comparing scores between the baseline and intervention groups, it is useful to do so within the Neo Piagetian fram ework for novice programmers [71] . This allows us to review my results in terms of cognitive stages of development. Students can trace and write simple,

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124 individual lines of code at the pre operational level. However, reading and writing multi line, co mplex blocks of code – such as those present in the course exams – is tied to students’ abilities to recall and apply chunks [113, 45] and engage in higher level reasoning (e.g., abstraction) [73] . This reasoning about abstract meaning is in line with the Neo Piagetian framework’s concreteoperational stage (applying abstractions to familiar situations) and formal operational stage (applying abstractions to unfamiliar situations). On the reading and writing sections of the exams, the students in the intervention scored h igher than those in the baseline group. Thus, I concluded that students in the intervention group were more often functioning at the concrete and formal opera tional reasoning stages when compared to the baseline group. 6.1.3. 2 SCS1 performance comparison d iscussion In my study, I found that the SCS1 did not help distinguish between the baseline and intervention group – as both groups scored near 50% – despite t he large sample size. As a result, the SCS1 data did not help me evaluate whether student learning was different in the baseline and intervention group. The authors of the SCS1 determined in their work that the SCS1 questions overwhelmingly skewed to hard levels of difficulty, and most questions they classified as fair , but not good, in their effectiveness at discriminating betwe en students of different ability levels [98] . Thus, in my study, the lack of difference in and general low value of the scores on the SCS1 between the bas eline and intervention groups may be due in part to the SCS1’s difficulty and limited capacity to discriminate between students of different ability levels. Th e results on the SCS1 contrast with my findings on the course exams . In particular, I had antici pated that the subset of questions identified as “code completion” questi ons by the assessment’ s authors [98] would align with the code writing sections of the exams , but they did not . This may be due in part to the fact that, while the code completion questions on the SCS1 are m ultiple choice and scored as either “right” or “wrong”, the course exam q uestions wer e free

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125 response pseudocode questions. These free response questions were graded with a rubric to award partial credit, captur ing more nuance in scores regarding student understanding. In addition, the course exam questions were developed to address the spe cific topics covered in the course, including some topics that were not covered by the SCS1 (e.g., object oriented programming), though all SCS1 topics were cover ed in the course. 6.1.4 Performance C omparison Summary In this study, I investigat ed student l earning and dual modality instruction using course examinations and the SCS1 assessment. I had expected to see differences in groups through both the course exams and SCS1 . My analysis showed differences between the intervention and baseline gr oups in the course exams, but not the SCS1. When considering the course exams, students in the intervention group outperformed those in the baseline group on every section of every ex am that incorporated content that was covered in the dual modality instru ction . These questions involved code reading and code writing. Code reading and writing are built on the ability to recall patterns via chunking and engage in abstraction ; t hese skill s are central to the later stages of cognitive development in the NeoPia getian frame work – namely, concrete operational reasoning and formal operational reasoning. However, as noted, I did not see differences in the SCS1 assessments; this may be related t o the SCS1’s shortcomings in discrimination ability and high difficulty, as noted by the SCS1’s authors, as well as differences in topic coverage and free response question grading in the course exams versus the exclusively multiple choice approach of the SCS1. Thus, the SCS1 may not yield a complete picture of the knowledge and abilities of the students in this particular course. This work has important implications regarding student learning in early course science courses such as a typical CS1 course. Pr ior w ork by Corney et al [32] found that most students who c omplete a typical CS1 course are at the preoperational or early concrete operational stages ;

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126 as Corney et al point out, those students at the preoperational stages are “woefully under prep ared” for traditional programming assignments – those which students are likely to encounter increasingly in coursework. The higher performance among students in the intervention group compared to the baseline group on questions focused on skills fundament al to these later Neo Piagetian stages suggests that dual modality instruction may help students progress beyond the preoperational stage and master concreteoperational thinking, thus preparing them for programming tasks they are likely to see in advanced courses and the industry. The results on the SCS1 also merit consideration. Based on the results from this study, as well as the evaluations of the authors of the SCS1, there are limitations to the SCS1 (e.g., difficulty, discrimination, and binary r esponses). As a result, the SCS1 may not be well suited for some populati ons of students. I discuss these in further detail in Section 6. 2 .3 . 6.2 Performance Comparison by Prior Experience My second research question (RQ2) focused on the relationship between in structional condition and prior programming experience: “ How does pr ior programming experience affect students learning in dual modality instruction as compared to students learning in traditional (text based) approaches to instruction in CS1 courses?” To explore the relationship between prior experience and instructional condition , I analyzed the interaction between course examination section (code definition / reading and code writing) and the SCS1 assessment scores and type of prior experience – tex t only, blocks, or none . In this section I outline my findings among thes e interactions . 6.2. 1 Course Exam Results I analyzed the exam sections (code definition / reading and code writing) separately when investigat ing interactions between the instructiona l condition and prior programming experience .

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127 I expected to see differences between reading and writing questions , which depend on more advanced skills (e.g., chunking, recall , and abstraction ) associated with later cognitive development states (e.g., conc reteand formal operational reasoning). To identify the interaction betw een condition and type of prior experience , I used Aligned R ank Transform (ART) [137] to transform the nonparametric data into suitable for m for use with ANOVA and performed interaction contrasts. In this section I describe these result s. 6.2. 1 .1 Code reading / definitional questions F or the questions on topics shared between midterm exams (i.e., Exam 1 an d Exam 2) that focused on definitions and code reading, there was no significant interaction between the instruction al condition and t ype of prior experience (e.g., text only, blocks, or none) with respect to the exam scores (Table 63). However, o n the F i nal E xam, which was composed of only code reading and definit ional questions, I found an interaction between prior experience type and condition with respect to exam score on question topics shared between the baseline and intervention semesters (F2, 360= 4. 4 , p = .0 132= 0. 0 2) (Table 63). In particular , there were differences between students with no prior experience and those with prior experience between conditions (Table 6 4, Figure 61) : Students with prior text only experience scored higher in the intervention ( =7 9 . 2, =13. 2) than those in the baseline ( = 66. 5 , =16.7) (p < 0.0 01); Students with prior blocks experience scored higher in the intervention ( =7 4 . 8, =13. 9) than those in the ba seline ( = 58. 8 , =1 7. 4 ) (p < 0.0 01) ; S tudents with no experience scored simila rly between the conditions ; and There was no significant difference between students with blocks and text experience between conditions .

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128 In other words, on the Final Exam, students with prior experience – whether blocks or text – scored higher in the inte rvention group than the baseline group. However, among those with no prior experience, the scores were about the same in the two condition groups. Table 6 3. Course Exam Int eractions: Condition x Experience Questions F 2,360 P val.

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129 6.2. 1 .2 Code writing questions On the writing sections of both midterm examinations , the interaction between prior experience type s and condition with respect to exam score was sig nificant, even when a main effect was not present ( Table 63, Appendix J ) – that is, even when overall I did not see a difference between the condition groups, when I examined performance broken out by the students’ prior experience (text only, blocks, or none), there were differences. For Exam 1’s code writing section, on whi ch there was a main effect of the condition overall, the interaction between condition and prior experience was significant (F2,360=5.7, p=.004, 2=0.03) ( Figure 6 2) . T he difference between conditions among students with only prior text experience was sig nificantly different than the difference between conditions among students with blocks experience ( p=.012) . Likewise, the difference between conditions among students with only prior text experience was significantly different than the difference between c onditions among students with prior experience ( p=.012) . Specifically, there were differences between students with text only experience and those with no experience or ex perience in blocks between conditions (Table 65, Figure 6 2): Students with prior te xt only experience scored higher in the intervention (p< 0 .001); Students with prior blocks experience scored similarly between conditions; Students with no experience scored similarly between the conditions; and There was no significant difference between students with no experience and those with blocks experience between conditions. In summary, the students with only prior text experience performed better in the intervention group on Exam 1’s c ode writing section, but there were no differences between the conditions for students with blocks experience, nor for those with no experience.

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130 Table 65. Mean & St d. Deviation , Exam 1, Writing : Condition x Experience Baseline Intervention Prior Experie nce Mean ( 2=0.0 2) ( Figure 6 3) . T here we re differences between students with only prior text experience and those with no prior experience ( p=.0 21) . Additionally, students with no prior experience did slightly worse in the intervention group compared to the baseline group (Table 66): Students w ith prior textonly experience scored similarly between conditions; Students with prior blocks experience scored similarly between conditions;

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131 S tudents with no e xperience scored slightly worse in the intervention ( = 58. 1, = 25.9 ) than in those in the baseline ( = 67 . 6, = 27.2) (p=0. 023) ; and There was no significant difference between students with blocks experience and t ext only experience between conditions. In short, the students with prior experience – blocks an d/or text – performed about the same in the intervention and baseline groups on Exam 2’s code writing section, but students with no prior experience performed more poorly. Table 66. Mean & St d. Deviation , Exam 2, Writing : Condition x Experience Baseline Intervention Prior Experience Mean (

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132 6.2.2 SCS1 Results To identify in teractions between condition and type of prior experience on the SCS1, I used Aligned R ank Transform (ART) [137] to transform the data and then performed interaction contrasts. T here was no significant interaction between the instruction al condition and type of prior experience with respect to the results from the SCS1 assessment ( Table 6 7, Appendix J ) , mirror ing the results I found when examining the main effect between the intervention and baseline conditions . T his was true on the over assessment scores , as well as scores I computed by question type (definitional, tracing, and code completion) on the SCS1 . In other words, I did not find any difference between students with different types of prior programming experience on the SCS1 asse ssment. Table 6 7. SCS1 Interactions: Condition x Experience (See Appendix J f or Means / Std. Dev . ) Questions F 2,360 P v al. SCS1 All 1.8 0. 17 0 SCS1 – Definitional 0.4 0.6 8 3 SCS1 – Tracing 0.3 0. 7 07 SCS1 – Completion 2.3 0.10 0 6. 2.3 Prior Experience Discussion I hypothesized that those students with no prior experience would have the most to gain from the scaffolding and cognitive support provided by dual modality programming environment s (e.g., construct visualization and association of blocks with text syntax) , as they would have limited mental models of programming constructs and algorithms ; in other wor ds, those with no experience would be at the sensorimotor stage in the NeoPiagetian F ramework for novice programmers [71] . On the other hand, I had hypothesized that those with prior text experience would stand to gain the least , as prior to taking the class, they would already have established mental models of text based constructs which they could depend on and recall – they

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133 would be more likely to be at the concrete operational or formal operational stages of the NeoPiagetian fra mework . While those in the intervention group overall scored higher on m ost exams than those in the baseline group, I most consistently saw significant differences among those with prior text experience, and least among those with no experience. This is a contradiction of my hypothesis : I had expected students with less experience to gain the most from the intervention, and that those with the most experience would benefit the least. I now believe that the students with prior experience performed higher in the intervention because of rei nforcement of existing mental models which helped students with prior experience move from concreteoperational to formal operational stages of expertise. In this section, I will discuss the implications of my findings on th e interaction of prior experience type and condition. Course exam discussion While those in the intervention group scored significantly higher than those in the baseline group overall, I saw greater and more frequent differences between the student s with prior text experience whe n comparing the baseline and intervention conditions than those students with no prior experience or experience in blocks . This was contrary to my hypothesis that those with the least experience would show the greatest posit ive difference between the inter vention and baseline group – i.e., that those students with the least prior experience in the intervention group would outperform those in the baseline group by the greatest margin. I saw higher performance differences among those with text experience on t he written portion of both midterm examinations (Exam 1 and Exam 2) and the final examination (Final Exam). In other words, while student scores overall were higher on most examinations in the intervention group compared to the baseline group, the difference was most stark among those with prior text experience. While I had hypothesized that students with no experience in the intervention would

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134 outperform those in the baseline , on the writing sections and final examination, t heir differences compared to the baseline group were smaller than those with prior programming experience. Additionally, I had previously hypothesized that there would be difference on code reading sections of the exams, but there was no significant intera ction on the definitional and co de reading sections of the midterm examinations . Perhaps as one might expect, students with no prior experience lagged behind those with experience on the Final Exam , but at the same level in the baseline and intervention . H owever, my analysis provides evi dence that suggests students with prior blocks experience perform ed on about the same level as those students with text only experience at the Final Exam in the intervention, and better than those in the baseline . This sugge sts that dual modality instruction may provide students support in reach ing the same levels of expertise as those who learn exclusively in text by the end of a CS1 course . This also suggest s that dual modality instruction may be a viable instructional appr oach . On Exam 1’s code writing section, students with textonly experience performed better in the intervention. With respect to the se differences, it is prudent to consider the expertise level of these students, their cognitive level, and how it might impact learning. W hile code reading and writing both depend on abstraction and chunking, there are differences in how they are employed. C ode writing depends on chunkbased recall of concepts and patterns which are used to construct new code to solve a proble m or b uild functionality [45] . By comparison, code r eading questions re ly on recognition of constructs in order to trace and understand how a program functions which can lead students to develop a mental model of a program and its function [91] . D ual modality instruction scaffolds learning by helping st udents chunk code into meaningful functional pieces, which may help l earners without experience develop this

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135 recognition effectively and may also help those with prior experience reinforce their pre existing mental models of programming. However, th is scaf folding – which helps students chunk code – was not available on examinations . Students with no prior experience may not have sufficiently developed the chunkbased recall mechanisms employed by experts [45] . I believe that t he more experienced learners were able to rely on their morerefined existing menta l models for chunkbased recall during Exam 1 . Exam 2’s results are warrant reflection , as those with prior experience performed the same in both instructional conditions, but those with the least experience performed slightly worse in the intervention than the bas eline condition. The differences between those with and without experience ma y rise from the timing of the end of the dual modality instruction, which coincided with this exam. Though evidence I have presented suggests that students with prior experience m ay benefit from the scaffolding and cognitive support provided by dual modali ty instruction, due to their previous experience, they had existing mental models they could depend on in addition to the dual modality scaffolding. However, it may be that studen ts with no prior experience were disadvantaged by losing a scaffolding that t hey had come to know and use in their learning of computer science too soon. T he F inal E xam went beyond the material covered in Exam 1 , which was covered exclusively in dual modal ity instruction, and Exam 2 which was covered partially in dual modality instruction, to content covered only in text , as the tools and environments in my study did not have blocks representations for advanced concepts such as programming paradigms and mem ory management. On the Final Exam, which comes at the end of the course, I fo und that students with no prior experience in the control and intervention semesters were similar , as they we re in Exam 1. This may be because those students with no prior experie nce continued their

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136 cognitive development and adapt ed to text instruction in the final weeks of the class as they spent more time without the dual modality scaffolding. Prior studies have shown that students working in dual modality programming environment s become less dependent on blocks representations over time [9] , and as experienced students would have beg un the term with more knowledge than those new to programming, I would have expect ed them to grow beyond dependence on the scaffolding provided by the dual modality programming environment s sooner – in some cases, and in larger proportion, before the F inal E xam, compared to those with no prior experience. It is important to note that in the absence of dual modality instruction, I would have expect ed a similar pattern – i.e., students with more experience would make more rapid progress than those without expe rience in a typical classroo m setting. Nevertheless, s tudents in the intervention overall outperformed those in the baseline on all code reading exam sections, suggesting that students without experience may also have also benefited from the intervention. SCS1 discussion Like the overall comparison between the intervention and baseline conditions (RQ1) , I did not find any significant interactions in the SCS1 assessment scores . This was true even when I found interactions on the course examinations . As a result, I was not able to draw conclusions about the answer to my research questions from this analysis. As noted in Section 6.1.3, the SCS1 has high difficulty, only fair discrimination ability, and does not allow for partial credit [98] . In addition, the SCS1 uses a pseudocode language [98] that is distinct from the languag e students learned in the course (Java) . These aspects of the SCS1 suggest there may be room for future CS concept inventories to build upon the work of the SCS1, and the work in this study , to investigate refinement of question styles and approaches. Whil e the SCS1’s pseudocode was intended to make the SCS1 broadly applicable in computer science instructional contexts using various programming languages [122] , its syntax is based on

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137 mar kupstyle opening and closing keywords for code section in functions and loops (e.g., “ WHILE condition ENDWHILE ” ) . This is very different from Java’s C based curly braces style (“while co ndition {.}”) , which makes the syntax potentially challenging for student who learn using C family languages . Future concept inventories might be more effectively tailored to language families (e.g., C family) to reduce the cognitive load of learning and applying a new syntax while taking an assessment. The increase in c ognitive load is especially problematic when attempting to measure learning of novices, as t hose with little or no experience are less likely to have developed nuanced chunking mechanisms t hat allow experts to effectively transfer knowledge from one progra mmin g language to another [118] . Additionally, some topics – such as object oriented programming – are commonly covered in CS1 courses, like UF’s, but these constructs are absent from the SCS1 and its predecessor, the FCS1 [122] . I ntegration of basic, common object oriented principles – such as methods and attributes – into concept inventories like the SCS1 would allow instructors to test a broader spectrum of generally accepted CS1 topics. 6.2.4 Performance Comparison by Prior Experience Summary When investigating interactions between prior programming expe rience and instructional condition (dual modality or text instruction), I f ound interactions on the code writing sections of Exam 1 and Exam 2, as well as the Final Exam, which was limited to code reading and definitions. I found no interactions on code re ading / definitional sections of Exam 1 or Exam 2. Specifically, on the code writing sections Exam 1, there was a significant positive difference between the intervention and baseline students with only text experience – i.e., those students with prior text experience performed significantly better in the intervention semester. This was contrary to my hypothesis – I had hypothesized that students with prior text experience would have more developed mental models of programming, and as a result I anticipated that

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138 they would have less to gain from the scaffolding. Instead, this group performed the strongest i n the intervention when compared to the baseline. On the writing section of Exam 2, the students without experience performed slightly worse in the intervention compared to the baseline, suggesting that more time with the scaffolding provided by dual modal ity instruction may have benefited them. On the Final Exam, among those prior experience, text only or blocks, there was a greater positive difference bet ween the intervention and baseline groups – i.e., students with experience performed significantly bet ter in the intervention group – and the students with no prior experience performed about the same in the intervention and baseline. Considering the resul ts in the context of the NeoPiagetian framework [71] and its connection to abstractio n and chunking, we can find suggestions as to the reason for these results. While reading and tracing code requires students to be able to recognize constructs and, especially for large programs, to develop mental abstractions of sections of code [73] , writing code additionally requires students to recall constructs and abstractions from memory [45] . In other words, code reading depends on skills associated with concrete operational reasoning (reasoning abstractly about fami liar situations), including developing abstractions of code they can see. By comparison, code writing depends on skills associated with formal operational reasoning (reasoning abstractly about unfamiliar situations) . For example, code writing requires recalling patterns stored as chunks in memory in order to apply these stored abstractions to new, unfamiliar problems – e.g., code that must be produced from a problem description [45] . This suggests that students with prior experience were reaching the stage of formal operational reasoning by the end of the course, whi le those without experience progressed to the point where they were demonstrating concrete operational reasoning. As such, the students in the intervention – those with and without experience – were performing in the concrete operational to form al -

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139 operatio nal range, compared to those in the baseline and those in typical CS1 classrooms, which Lister noted fall in the preoperational to concrete operational range [73] . There are important implications for this work for students with different prior experience entering a CS1 course. Students with prior experience performed better in the intervention semester and never worse, suggesting this type of instruction may be us eful even with experienced students. Beyond that, it is worth considering the timing of removal of scaffolding – in this case, the end of dual modality instruction – and how it will impact less experienced students. In my study, in the exam just after dual modality instruction stopped – Exam 2 – students without experience performed worse in the intervention than in the baseline. It is possible that the end of dual modality instruction was premature for these students, and that they make have ben efited from a longer intervention. Though beyond the scope of this dissertation, work explor ing the timing of removal of this scaffolding could help future students and instructors in CS1 courses. 6.3 Classroom Experience of Dual Modality Instruction In my third and final research question I asked, “What are student perceptions of dual modality programming environments and instructional approaches, and how do they change over time, in the context of a CS1 course?” To investigate student per ceptions of dual modality pr ogramming environments and instruction, and how they change over time, I qualitatively coded student responses to survey questions about dual modality instruction ’s usefulness and analyzed the results. I also examined trends in log files detailing student use of the plugin and lecture slides. In this section I discuss both the student perceptions revealed by these data, along with my personal experiences teaching the course using these materials. This section uses randomly genera ted pseudonyms for each stud ent in the study, which are composed of adjective animal pairs produced by the PetName module in Python [60] .

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140 6.3. 1 Student Perceptions of Dual Modality Instruction During each course module, students completed a survey that included the binary response question, “ Does instruction in dual blocks text modes help you learn be tter? ” , along with a free respo nse “ Why do you feel this way? ” prompt. I first coded each free response in the sample . T hen , for each code, I counted the number of participants whose responses at a given module time fit that code and divided by the total number of participants to arrive at a percentage of participants whose responses fit that code. From answers to these module survey questions, I found that more than half students (54.6%, n=137) perceived the dual modality instruction as helpful in learning to program at the beginning of the course . O ver time, th e number of students that perceived dual modality as helpful decreased – slowly until Module 7, when instruction switched to text only (47.2%, n=183) , and then decreased more rapidly. B y the final survey in Module 11, 38.7% ( n=136) felt the dual modality instruction was helpful (Figure 6 4, Table 6 8). When I analyzed the qualitatively coded sampl e ( Section 5. 6 . 2) of student responses (25.0%, n=63) to the openended prompt about their reasons for saying dual modality instruction w as helpful in modules 1, 3, 4, 7, and 11, the most commonly cited reasons were Visualization (cited by 41.3%, n=26), Structure (22.2%, n=14), Underst anding (20.6%, n=13), and Introduction (19.0%, n=12) (Table 6 9) . While the reasons students cited (Table 6 10, Table 6 11, Appendix L ) varied according to prior programming experience, as I discuss later in this section, Visualization was consistently cited by participants from all prior programming experience backgrounds as a reason they found blocks based instruction helpful.

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141 Figure 64. Percentage of students indicating dual modality instruction was helpful, by module. Table 6 8. “Dual Mode Instruc tion is Helpful” , Range by Experience Prior Exp erience First (M1) Highest Lowest Last (M11) None 61.7% 61. 7% (M1) 40.9% (M10) 43.8% Blocks 56.9% 58.3% (M4) 36.2% (M9) 37.1% Text Only 44.0% 45.1% (M2) 31.0% (M9) 34.8% All 54.6% 54.6% (M1) 36.6% (M10) 38.7%

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142 Table 69. Common Codes and Examples Code Definition Example Introduction Introduc ing cons tructs to beginners “ It should be used as a beginner introduction. ” Structure Structuring code or understanding structure “ It... makes your work more structured ” Understanding Understanding code / concepts generally “ For block programming... the logic is easier to understand than text. ” Visualization Related to visualization of the code, facilitating or inhibiting learning (function) “ I (t) helps visualize the code. ” Table 6 10. Responses: Why Dual Modality Instruction is Helpful (n=63) (>5% of Students ) Code No Exp (n=27) Blocks (n=19) Text (n=17) All (n=63) Blocking 11.1%, n=3 21.1%, n= 4 11.8%, n=2 14.3%, n=9 Colors 14.8%, n=4 10.5%, n= 2 17.6%, n=3 14.3%, n=9 Formatting 3.7%, n=1 10.5%, n=2 5.9%, n=1 6.3%, n=4 Introduction 7.4%, n=2 31.6%, n= 6 23.5 %, n=4 19.0%, n=12 Learning (General) 7.4%, n=2 15.8%, n=3 5.9%, n=1 6.3%, n=4 Learning (Syntax) 11.1%, n=3 5.3%, n=1 0.0%, n=0 6.3%, n=4 Lectures 14.8%, n=4 10.5%, n=2 5 . 9 %, n= 1 11.1%, n=7 Organization 14.8%, n=4 5.3%, n=1 0.0%, n=0 7.9%, n=5 Reading 7.4%, n=2 10.5%, n=2 0.0%, n=0 6.3%, n=4 Scaffolding 18.5%, n=5 15.8%, n= 3 1 7. 6%, n=3 17.5%, n=11 Sequencing 7.4%, n=2 5.3%, n=1 5 . 9 %, n= 1 6.3%, n=4 Simplicity 11.1%, n=3 0.0%, n=0 5 . 9 %, n=1 6.3%, n=4 Structure 22.2%, n=6 31.6%, n=6 11.8%, n=2 22.2%, n=14 Understanding 14.8%, n=4 36.8%, n=7 11.8%, n=2 20.6%, n=13 Visualization 40.7%, n=11 47.4%, n=9 35.3%, n=6 41.3%, n=26 Table 6 11. Responses: Why Dual Modality Instruction is Not Helpful (n=63) (>3% of Students) Code No Exp (n=27) Blocks (n=19) Te xt (n=17) All (n=63) Accustomed 14.8%, n=4 15.8%, n=3 0.0%, n=0 11.1%, n=7 Confusing 7.4%, n=2 0.0%, n=0 11.8%, n=2 6.3%, n=4 Dependency 7.4%, n=2 15.8%, n=3 17.6%, n=3 6.3%, n=8 Distraction 0.0%, n=0 0.0%, n=0 11.8%, n=2 3.2%, n=2 Experienced 3.7%, n =1 5.3%, n=1 0.0%, n=0 3.2%, n=2 Learning Syntax 3.7%, n=1 5.3%, n=1 0.0%, n=0 3.2%, n=2 Lecture 0.0%, n=0 5.3%, n=1 5 . 9 %, n=1 3.2%, n=2 No Longer Needed 14.8%, n=4 0.0%, n=0 0.0%, n=0 6.3%, n=4 Speed 3.7%, n=1 10.5%, n=2 0.0%, n=0 4.8%, n=3 Unnecess ary 7.4%, n=2 0.0%, n=0 5 . 9 %, n=1 4.8%, n=3 Visualization 3.7%, n=1 0.0%, n=0 5 . 9 %, n=1 3.2%, n=2

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143 6.3. 1 .1 Participants with only text experience Among students whose only prior experience was in text, 30.0% 45.1% of students said that dual modality instruction was helpful to them throughout the semester, with the highest percent saying it was hel pful in the Module 2 survey (45.1%, n=32) and the lowest in Module 9 (30.0%, n= 22) ( Figure 64). T ext experience students felt the dual modality instruction was helpful in understanding concepts before writing text, with 35.3% (n=6) citing help in Visualization on at least one survey. One student said, “i t helps me to learn the simpler way (blocks) before having to put concepts into practice (text) ” ( neutral narwh al : Helpful, M3). Other text experience students (11.8%, n=2) said that the dual modality instruction and tools make for a handy Structure reference: “Just in case I forget something, I can see how its [ sic ] put together in blocks ” (keen kid: Helpful, M4 ). Several students with t ext experience empathized with new learners, pointing out that the dual modality instruction could help students as a n Introduction to programming (23.5%, n=4). For example, one participant refle cted on the experiences of new progra mmers, stating, “ Blocks is good for new programmers ” (fondfalcon : Helpful, M7 ), and another saying, “blocks is a nice visualization of the code, which should help to see the scope of blocks and variables ” (correct crane: Helpful, M1 ). Another pointed out that the dual modality instruction was helpful in lecture when introducing new concepts: “ Dual block text in class is helpful for highlighting general structured [ sic ] when they are introduced” (current chipmunk: Helpful, M3 ) . When looking to the coded fre e response samples, 17.6% (n=3) of students who said dual modality instruction was not helpful pointed to issues of authenticity and dependency, with students referring to the blocks scaffolding as a type of crutch: “ I feel the usage of programming with bl ocks creates a programmer who is reliant on preset syntax ” (pseudonym bigbuzzard: Not Helpful, Module 3). Another 11.8% (n=2) said they found the blocks distracting, with one

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144 student noting, “ I feel like the different colors in block mode distracts me. I feel like I can visual (lize) [sic] what I am programming better in t ext mode ” (fond firefly: Not Helpful, M1). 6.3. 1 .2 Participants with only blocks or with both blocks and text experience More than half of students with prior blocks programming experienc e, on average, indicated that dual modality instruction helped them learn in their answers to the first four module surveys (i.e., 56.9%, 51.4%, 51.4%, and 58.3%) . In later modules , as students further de veloped their skills, the percentage declined . On th e 11th and final survey, 37.1% (n=44) said they felt dual modality instruction helped them (Figure 64) . When asked why they indicated that dual modality instruction helped them learn, participants with b locks experience – similar to those with only text e xperience – also ranked Visualization most often (47. 4 %, n= 9), with one participant stating, “ It helps to visualize more the regions of the code with the uses of colors shaped areas around the areas of the code ” (ideal ibex : Helpful, M1 ). Other commonly ci ted reasons included Understanding (36.8%, n=7) , such as the student who said, “ The blocks help make the code easier to comprehend in the end ” ( modest manatee: Helpful, M4 ) . Some students indicated the dual modality instruction helped them with Structure (31.6%, n=6) ; for example, one student mention ed , “ i t is easier to visualize the code and see which statement belongs where” ( becomingbasilisk : Helpful, M3 ). Students with blocks experience also mentioned usefulness as an Introduction to programming ( 31.6 %, n= 6) and the effect of the Blocking mechanism ( 21.1%, n= 4) , with one student saying, ” When learning a new programming language, the syntax and structure of the language can be confusing. Block code is a little easier to read and share with other beginne rs as well. Being able to switch back and forth between block and text, can help with ide ntifying where a function or loop begins and ends, and what is encapsulated within it. ” ( equippedemu, Helpful, M1).

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145 In later surveys, some students indicated that the y had progressed in their skills over time and used the blocks constructs less often as a result ; their early survey responses (e.g., M1) described their use of blocks constructs, and their responses to later surveys (e.g., M 4, M7) indicated that they no l onger needed or used blocks constructs. On the first survey, for example, one participant said, “ When learning a new programming language, the syntax and structure of the langua ge can be confusing. Block code is a little easier to read being able to switc h back and forth between block and text, can help with identifying where a function or loop begins and ends, and what is encapsulated within it ” (equippedemu : Helpful, M1 ). In the third survey, the same participant noted “I primarily code in text mode, but sometimes it helps to jump into block mode to see the color code looping” (equippedemu : Helpful, M3) . O n the fourth survey, the same participant noted that they no longer depended on blocks: “ I didn't really use blocks this time around. I am just more c omfortable using text ” (equippedemu: Helpful, M4). 6.3. 1 .3 Participants with no prior p rogramming experience More than half of participants (50.5% 61.7%) with no prior programming experience indicated they found dual modality instruction helpful during e very module that dual modality instruction was used, from the first survey through the seventh, in a range of 61.7% (n=58) to 50.5% (n=51) (Figure 64). As students progress ed in the course and developed their skills , the percentage of students in dicating that dual modality instruction was helpful gradually decreased over successive modules ; nevertheless, even at the end of the course (M11) , nearly half (43.8%, n=39) still found dual modality instruction helpful . This finding suggests that the scaf folding provided by dual modality instruction continued to provide constructive support for student learning at the end of the course. Similar to the responses provided by participants with prior blocks experience, the responses from the participants with no prior experience most frequently cited Visualization ( 40. 7 %, n=1 1), Structure (2 2 . 2 %, n= 6 ), Understanding (18.5%, n=5), and

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146 Scaffolding (18.5%, n=5), and similarly their responses showed growth and change over time. On the first survey, one participant said, “[i t] a llows for better visualization of Java language with blocks, but also allows for necessary learning of Java language through text (strings, variables, etc.) ” (sure shrimp : Helpful, M1 ); by the final survey, the same student responded different ly: “[it] better visualizes the way the code is set up and should run, but now I feel as though I do not necessarily need it to understand the text code ” (sure shrimp: Helpful, M11). Perceptions of dual modality instruction discussion T he findings from this study suggest that the instruction provided affordances for students to identify meaningful chunks of code which assists students with abstraction of code functionality. C onsistently, students from all experience backgrounds indicated that dual modality instruction was helpful throughout the course. At the end of the course, 34.8% of students whose prior experience was exclusively in text said dual modality instruction was helpful, along with 37.1% of blocks experience students and 43.8% of students with n o prior experience. Irrespective of prior experience, students noted Visualization, Structure, and Understanding as the top reasons for their answers when they indicated that dual modal ity instruction was helpful. Students with textonly experie nce cited v isualizations on lecture slides as helpful. They also empathized with new learners, identifying ways in which they felt those new to programming might benefit from the dual modality ins truction. Similarly, students with blocks experience noted t hat the dua l modality instruction was helpful as an introduction to programming, and others said it helped them block out chunks of code. Students with no prior experience also brought up the role the dual modality instruction played in providing scaffoldi ng for chunking and abstraction. As such, the findings support my initial hypothesis that dual modality instruction provided a blockingmechanism support that would help students chunk to

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147 develop code abstractions . Thus , these affordances of dual modality instruction directly support chunking and abstraction skills characteristic of concrete and formal operational stages in the Neo Piagetian framework for novice programmers . Am ong those with blocks experience and those with no prior experience, the findings suggest st udents grew in their understanding of programming and reli ed on the scaffolding less over time – growth we would expect to see as students develop their computing skills. 56.9% (n =41) of those with prior blocks experience felt dual modality instruction was helpful in the beginning of the class . By Module 5, just under half ( 49.3 %, n= 34) still said the dual modality instruction helped them learn better. Students with no prior experi ence also showed progression toward lower use of dual modality rep resentation s. This progression occurred over a longer range of time – i.e., they found the dual modality representations helpful and made use of their supporting scaffolding longer. C omments at the end of the course suggest some students no longer made use of the dua l modality representations as frequently , noting that their dual modality instruction had helped them learn and that they had reached the point where they acted independently of t he scaffolding. Despite their perceptions of dual modality instruc tion – and blocks programming in particular – as an unnecessary dependency, impediment, or otherwise unhelpful instructional method, experienced stud ents in the intervention scored more high ly on course examinations than those in the baseline . By comparison, students with little or no prior experience held positive perceptions of the dual modality instruction and tools – including the dual modality plugin. These differences further highlight the challenges of managing classrooms with students of mixed exper ience level s . These findings may justify separate sections for different student s based on prior experience as has been discussed in the CS Education community and

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148 implemented at some institutions [41] . In addition, the positive response to lecture materials using blocks representations – even among those students with only text experience – suggests that this approach could be useful even in later, more advanced programming courses when presenting code. 6.3. 2 Use of Dual Modality Materials As evidence of use of dual modality instructional materials, I focused my analysis on logs of students’ access to the lecture slides on the Canvas LMS and use of the dual modality Amphibian plugin. In both cases, I anal yzed overall trends as well as trends broken up over the instructio nal modules , usually one week long, except around exams, when additional time was set aside for reviews and the exams themselves. I numbered the modules 0 (introductory week and tool instal lation) through 11 (the last module before the final exa mination). 6.3. 2 .1 Dual modality materials results On average across all weeks , 58.9% of the students accessed the lecture slides for the module s while they were being covered in class ( Median =58 .3 %; =27 .3 %) ( Figure 65) . The highest percentage of accesses was in th e weeks immediately before Exam 1 , when 70 .1 % of students accessed the slides (Module 4) , and before and following Exam 2 ( M odule 5, 70.7 %; M odule 6, 71.8 %). 88. 0% o f the students in the class ( n= 374) installed and registered the plugin and used it in at least one session , with a total of 148,931 logged events. Logs also indicated that an additional 48 unique unregistered plugin IDs were in use, but I could not determi ne if any of these were duplicate logins already accounted for . Logs of plugin events show ed that most of the pluginregistered participants used the plugin during each module (Figure 65) . These logs tracked events within the plugin itself – such as switching between blocks and text modes or dragging and dropping blocks . The plugin logged thre e major types of events : Palette V iewing

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149 (selecting a category of blocks), M ode S wapping (switching from blocks to text or vi ceversa), and B lock U se (dragging / dropping blocks) . When examining the plugin logs, I found that , aggregated across a ll weeks an d students , the majority of participant actions when using the plugin were Palette Viewing ( 73 . 2% , n= 108,674 ) followed by Mode Swapping (2 3. 9 % , n=35,503) , with Block Use being the smallest category ( 2 . 8% , n=4,279 ). Examining the usage patterns b y module da tes , I found that the number of P alette V iewing ( 43 . 7% , n=2,450 ) and M ode S wapping (45. 9 % , n=2,577) event s during the fir st module w ere comparab le , with fewer B lock U se events (10. 4% , n=582) . O ver time , the percentage of M ode S wapping and B lock U se events decreased while percentage of P alette V iewing events increased . B y the final week, most events were P alette V iewing (8 1 . 9% , n=19,132) with a smaller number of M ode S wap ping events (17. 9% , n=4,182 ), and very few B lock U se events (0. 1% , n=46) ( Fig ure 6 6) . O ne student with only prior text experience said of the blocks mode, “ it’s nice to have a simpler looking format to reference back to if I get stuck ” ( soundsloth, Helpful, M2 ). There is also evidence in the surveys of students identif ying how they used the dual modality materials in practice. For example, one student who used the plugin in 10 of the 11 modules said the dual modality instruction was helpful because “ i t ’s nice to have a simpler looking format to reference back to if I get stuck ” ( s oundsloth : Helpful, M2). Another student , who used the plugin during e very module responded on a survey that “ It allows me to see two ways of coding the same program, and sometimes blocks are more structured” (sharp stingray: Helpful, M7).

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150 Figure 65. Percentage of students accessing lecture slides and using plugin, by module. Figure 66. Percentage of events of each type by module.

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151 6.3. 2 .2 Dual modality materials discussion These results suggest that students were using the le c ture materials and p lugin throughout the semester . The lecture slides being used each week, but most frequently before examinations . This is w hat I had expected, as students typically use lecture slides during the lecture , but also return and study from them before exams. I h ad expected the participants to use the plugin for a variety of tasks, including using blocks mode to write code by selecting, dragging, and dropping blocks . However , t he most common event in the logs, Palette Viewing, involves students switching between displays of blocks based code snippets . C ombined with the student free responses noting the use of visualization as a reference for code structure, this suggest s students are referring to the palettes as a quick lookup mechanism for sections of code. A fter P alette Vie wing, the second m ost common events were those associated with Mode Swapping. S ome students noted in surveys that swapping modes helped them visualiz e their code and understand the structure of the code. While previous literature studying users of dual modality tools have noted that students swapped less often as they became accustomed to programming [9] , findings from my resear ch extend t he community’s knowledge to include the types actions students engaged in and how those actions changed over time. For example, students used blocks to program in the first module (10. 4 % of events) and did so rarely by the last module (0.2%) . Th ey engaged in Palette Viewing more often as a percentage of events . This change in behavior suggests that the scaffolding of blocks mode to write and construct programs was not a highly utilized featured and that it was utilized less often over time . Inste ad, student s used the tool to remember how to use certain structures they had already learned in text. I further consider and discuss these plugin events, and how they differ among students based on prior experience, in the next sect ion of this chapter.

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152 6. 3. 3 Instruc tor Experience Like many new course innovations , I found that the usage of dual modality instruction required a significant amount of additional preparation in advance of the course launch, such as the development of tailored slides and assignme nt instruct ions, and some adjustments to instructional method – for example, extra time needed to be set aside to instruct students on the setup and use of the dual modality plugin. However, overall, I was able to incorporate the instructional approach int o my typica l course structure without a complete rewrite of the lesson plans . A significant part of the preparation was modifying course materials (such as lecture slides, lab manuals, and project descriptions) to include blocks representations of code in addition to text representations . Additionally, course staff (such as graduate Teaching Assistants and undergraduate Peer Mentors1) had to be trained in t he use of the dual modality tool use, as well as how to address and navigate student problems in this space. Over all, the instructional approach was effective, and students and instructional staff responded positively to the integration of dual modality to ols and materials. The Amphibian plugin played a key role in the study. Its addition on top of the existing tech nology stack (including the Java runtime environment and IntelliJ IDEA) introduced a new level of complexity, necessitating additional preparat ion for potential troubleshooting challenges. In previous work with middle school students, I had empl oyed a simi lar instructional approach, but using a variant of the webbased Pencil Code environment . H owever, in that environment, we were not able to wri te programs that could exist outside of the Pencil Code turtle graphics sandbox. Based on this previous experience, I developed the Amphibian plugin, and in practice, I 1 In UF’s Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, undergraduates serving as course assistants are referred to as Peer Mentors to distinguish them from Graduate Teaching Assistants.

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153 found that the flexibility it provided to students – compared to a sandbox like Pencil Code – proved crucial to encouraging student exploration of programming in general. The student experi ence and us e cases were surprisingly different from what I had originally anticipated in designing the study and instruction. In particular, I had expecte d students to make heavy use of the blocks programming available in Amphibian, but in fact this was ra re. Instead , students used it for a variety of supporting functions – such as identifying structure, helping them understand the connections between blocks, help with debugging, and as a quick reference for common constructs and library functions. This sug gested to m e that the block structures were important, but rather than helping students to write new code, they were more often used by students to make s ure they understood the structure of their own code and to ensure its correctness. Beyond offering a block progra mming environment, students found value in the visualizations in slides and materials. Expanding on these visualizations, and adding more objec t oriented constructs, may further aid student conceptualization and learning of computer science. In addition, despite the voluntary nature of the blocks programming – no student was compelled to use the blocks mode in the class – some students with text experience indicated in surveys that they felt strongly that the availability of blocks mode programmi ng was detr imental to other less experienced students, with many suggesting new learners should be forced to work in text and/or that it was a disservice to new programmers. When utilizing dual modality instruction in the future, I plan to specifically add ress this p erception by explaining the motivation and function of the dual modality instruction , as well as by outlining the findings of this s tudy – that those students who learned via dual modality instruction outperformed those who learned via text on c ourse exams .

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154 Based on my experience in the course, in the future I would make adjustments to how I employ dual modality instruction, and these may be instructive to other teachers considering use of the approach. In particular, developing separate paths for students with prior experience and those with no prior experience is important , as these learners reacted to – and learned from – dual modali ty instruction in different ways. While more than a third of students found the plugin helpful across all experience levels, their perceptions varied according to prior experience. The students with the most prior experience largely appreciated the dual mo dality presentation materials (slides, manuals, and descriptions ), but some did not show the same enthusiasm for the dual mo dality plugin (and especially blocks programming support ) . On the other hand, students with less experience more frequently said the y felt that the plugin was helpful for them. This is supported by our results, which generally show students perf orming bett er in the intervention compared to the baseline. Future research could help make clear how much the dual modality plugin, vs class p resentation materials, contributed to the performance of students with and with no prior experience . Where practi cal, a separate instructional environment for inexperience and experienced students [41] would allow the findings of such an investigation to be put into practice. For example, if it were found that students with prior experience benefit exclusively from the presentatio n materials , but not the dual modality plugin, targeting the plugin toward students without or with little experience would allow th ese students to benefit from the plugin without introducing it to experienced students who may perceive it as a crutch . In t his study, t he dual modality representations in presented materials had support from students at many experience levels . As such, it is worth exploring whether dual modality instruction could be utilized in later coursework (such as a CS2 or dat a structures course) as well.

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155 6.4 Findings & Discussion Summary In this study, I examined dual modality instruction and learning in a CS1 course. Overall , I did not find differences in participant scoring on the SCS1, but students performed better on most course examinations in the intervention than the baseline semester . Notably, where topics were not covered in dual modality instructio n, I did not find significant differences on exam scores . The course examinations had more nuanced grading with partial credit and w ere tuned to the topics of the course, unlike the SCS1, which may explain these findings . I also examined interactions between instructional condition and students’ prior experience. W hile I had expected those with no prior experience to show the greatest difference between intervention and baseline groups, and those with text only experience to show the least difference, I found that the opposite was true . W hen I examined the interactions (where present) between prior experience and condition, t hey were mo st pronounced among those with text experience, where the intervention performed better, and the least pro nounced differences were among those with no prior experience. Interestingly, this was exclusive to the code writing midterm sections and t he F inal E xam . Code writing uses recall (unlike code reading which relies more on recognition), so students with more experience may have been building on and strengthen ing pre existing mental models . By the same token, there are indications that by the en d of the cl ass, most students – but especially those with prior experience – had dispensed with the dual modality too ls; as such, students with prior experience may have “graduated” beyond the need for the tools. Further work in this area could examine whether dual m odality tools representing advanced object oriented concepts could be developed. Finally, I looked at the perceptions of students and the instructor experience . Students across all types of prior experience identified Code Vi sualization as a key factor in helping them learn via dual modality instruction, and those with prior blocks experience and no experience

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156 also noted help with Code S tructure and Code U nderstanding frequently. Even though students with prior experience exclusively in text show ed the greatest difference when comparing the intervention and baseline groups, these students were least likely to say they found the dual modality instruction helpful – with only a minority indicating as much from the very beginning. By contrast, t hose w ith prior b locks experience felt it was helpful for the first few weeks, while those with no experience found dual modality instruction helpful for as long as dual modality instruction was used in the classroom . This suggests that it would be valuabl e for further res earch to investigate how far the benefits of dual modality instruction might extend – perhaps into later coursework – and i dentify additional ways to help students with experience learn while supporting positive perceptions among them of t he eff icacy of th e instruction.

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157 CHAPTER 7 CONTRIBUTIONS Here I enumerate the contributions to the field of computer science education that come from my dissertation work – specifically, (1) foundational work: initial studies with elementary, middle, and CS 1 stud ents on per ceptions of programming, prior experience, and dual modality code representations; ( 2) a technical contribution: building the Pencil Code Python variant and the Amphibian dual modality IDE plugin for Java ; (3) an empirical contribution: id entifi cation of t he connection between dual modality instruction and learning in a CS1 course; and ( 4) an instructional contribution: analysis of perceptions of students and instructor experience for the dual modality instructional approach. 7.1 Foundational Stu dies (Perceptions of Programming & Dual Modality Representations) My early work with K 12 students focused on how student perceptions and prior experience mold their views of programming moving forward. In working with elementary school students, I discove red that th ose students with prior experience held more nuanced vi ews of programming – focusing not just on artifacts that can be created, but the role of communication and how it can be used to help others. I followed up on this work with middle school st udents, wit h whom I investigated how experience in different repre sentations related to student perceptions of text programming. The students in this study who worked in the dual modality programming environment held positive perceptions of text more often and negati ve perceptions of text programming less often than thos e students who moved directly from blocks to text , demonstrating the potential of dual modality programming environments to alleviate negative feelings about text programming.

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158 7. 2 Technical: Python Pen cil Code Variant & Amphibian Dual Modality Java Plugin Java and Python are common introductory language s in K 12 and college levels. Before I began my work, dual modality programming environment s d id not support Python of Java languages, nor did they support IDE based development or development of generic programs . By integrating Python into the Pencil Code environment will support instructors who wish to introduce the Python language using a dual modality instructional approach in K 12 schools. Further, t he Java plugin I developed will enable instructors to more easily incorporate dual modality instruction into such CS1 courses and also enable more rigorous research in to these approaches by allowing researchers to reduce the impact of other varia bles (such as different languages, software systems, and development environments). Historically, blocks based environments have been geared toward children and have largely been limited to sandboxed environments; the Amphibian dual modality plugin I built makes bloc ks based programming accessible broadly for any type of development. In addition, those dual modality programming environment s that existed previously are currently limited to the imperative language paradigm, even when working within languages that suppor t object oriented programming. The addition of a fundamentally objected oriented language to the Droplet Editor has necessitated design of object oriented blocks based constructs which will enable other object oriented languages to be added more easily in th e future. The plugin, along with its source code, is available on a public source repository on GitHub: . 7. 3 Empirical: Learning and Dual Modal ity Approac he s to CS Instruction Based on my analysis of the CS1 study’s results, this research identified : 1. relationship between dual modality instruction and student learning; differences correlated to prior programming experience by type; and performance differences by instructional condition on as sessments (e.g., writing vs reading) .

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159 My work showed that the students in the intervention group (dual modality instruction) outperformed those in the baseline group (text instruction) on course exams , but not on the SCS1 . By using the demographic survey to account for prior experience , I found that there were differences in how students scored based on prior experience (none, blocks, or text only) – students with prior experience outperformed those with no prior exper ience on the code writing sections of the exams and the final exam. These results from the SCS1 and from the course examinations contribute to the literature by helping researchers and educators understand how dual modality instruction connects to l earning in computer science. 7. 4 Instructional: Perceptions in Dual Modality Programming Environment Using data I collected in the CS1 study (as outlined in section 5. 5), I analyzed student perceptions and summarized my experience in emplo ying dual modality instruction in a classroom environment . I also examined problems encountered, solutions employed, overall results, and made recommendations. I found that, even at the end of the class, more than one third of the students still found dual modali ty instruction helpf ul, and this was true for all prior experience groups (no experience, blocks, and text only) , suggesting that students can benefit from dual modality instruction even at the end of a CS1 course. This analysis provide s guidance to comput er science educators for using dual modality programming environment s in their classrooms while providing researchers with a case study to consider in later research endeavors.

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160 CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS This dissertation has answered open questions w i thin the literature of comp uter programming learning environments and particularly those using dual modality representation s . In this section I summarize the problem, solution, my work, and my contributions to the field. 8.1 Problem Students of programming in computer science must m aster several skills, among them syntax, semantics, chunking, abstraction, computational thinking, and troubleshooting [125] . Blocks based environments show ed promise in helping students develop skills [8 9, 31] . However, the literature suggested students may struggle when moving to text based environments [134] . In addition, even once students have m astered syntax, they must s till develop general expertise in programming – and the ability to translate their ideas into running code – while moving from the sensorimotor to preoperational to operational stages of re asoning in the Neo Piagetian framework [71] . 8.2 Proposed Solution Dual modality blocktext systems, offering both text and bl ocks based representations , were developed to provide a bridge for students between learning environments and production languages [7] . Specifically, these environments offer ed promise in being able to allay the difficulties studen ts face when working in text based representations by adopting some of the scaffolding and affordances of blocks based representations [14] . In addition, by linking textual and blocks based mode s of the same language, dua l modality blocks text systems may facilitate chunking and abstraction by visually nesting code blocks (such as those of function or conditional constructs) [71] . My work evaluat ed the use of dual modality instruction to facilitate

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161 learning in early programming coursework and differences in performance and student perceptions that ar ose due to prior programming experience [16] . 8.3 Early Work My early work include d (1) an examination of perceptions in blocks based and text based programming with children, and development of a custom dual modality programming e nvironment variant, and (2) creation of a dual modality curriculum and a custom dual modality representation programming assessment for middle school students, and an analytical comparison of perceptions of blocks, text, and dual modality representations f rom a study with middle school students. I summarize this work in this section. 8.3.1 Perceptions of Programming Investigations I conducted a study of programming and specific construct perceptions with children in a summer game in 2015. I posited that, while blocks based tools can help facilitate the learning of computer science concepts at younger ages, students encounter challenges translating their experiences into production languages; I suggested development of a bridge betw een blocks and text. This i nitial study ’s purpose was to identify how prior programming experience connected to overall perception of the act of programming and specific language constructs. This study’s results , which showed that the children with and wit hout prior programming expe rience ha d distinct patterns in their perceptions of programming, provided guidance for later work which focused on qualitative coding and analysis of perceptions of blocks vs text paired with quantitative score analysis. 8.3.2 I nitial Evaluation of Percep tions & Learning I conducted a study at a middle school in Central Florida to collect data on the use of dual modali ty instruction and learning and perceptions of programming. The purpose of this study was to identify how use of bi directional dual modality programming environment s

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162 connects to student learning and perceptions of programming and computer science. The foc us of the initial analysis was perceptions of programming specifically and learning generally. To facilitate this work, I integrated a Python runtime environment into Pencil Code and worked with a team of undergraduate students to create a Python API for P encil Code. This work allowed instruction using Pencil Code in the Python language. To measure learning, I develo ped a custom dual modality assessment with representations in blocks and text. I created an assessment in dual text blocks representations with three isomorphic variants of each question so that the same concept could be tested at three points in time to measure change in performanc e over time . I found that students who started in blocks and then worked in hybrid environments before moving into t ext held more positive views of text programming compared to students who moved directly from blocks to text programming. This prompted me t o further investigate how dual modality programming environment s and tools could be used in college level coursework and how it might change the classroom, affect perceptions, and connect to learning. 8.4 Final Study The final wo rk for my dissertation study is summarized here. This includes development of the Amphibian dual modality Java language IDE plugin for IntelliJ IDEA , development of dual modality classroom materials, analysis of responses on the custom and SCS1 assessment s , and data collection during the dual modality instructional intervention . 8. 4.1 Amphibian Dual Modality Java Language IDE Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA I developed a dual modality plugin for the IntelliJ IDE in order to lay the groundwork for my proposed work. At the time of the plugin’ s development, there were no dual modality tools for standalone IDE based development, or development of gener al purpose programs. A group of students and I developed a dual modality IDE plugin from Pencil Code’s Droplet Editor t o enable switching between blocks and text within a production environment. To facilitate

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163 practical study of CS1 student performa nce in a “real world” environment, I developed a Java variant of the dual modality IDE plugin , which I dubbed “Amphibian” . This tool will enable teachers of Java courses – including those of AP CS and many introductory college courses – to incorporate a bl ocks/text transition into the curriculum. The plugin was used in my study of dual modality instruction and learning in a CS1 cl assroom . 8.4. 2 Dual Modalit y Instruction & Curriculum I developed new materials for the CS1 (COP3502) course materials utilizing dual modality representations in order to facilitate student use of and learning via the dual modality programming environment in the study. These materials, along with student responses to surveys and instructor notes, w ere used to analyze student perceptions and the instructor experience during the intervention. This analysis can be used by future instructors of early programming courses to identify potential strategies for introduction of dual modality programming environment s into classroom instruction. 8.4. 3 Instrument Evaluation In Fall of 2017 I collected SCS1 assessment results from participants in the CS1 course at the Uni versity of Florida (COP3502) at the end of the term. Students were offered extra credit to participate in a concept inventory test just before the final examination. Both the custom assessment described earlier and the SCS1 were used during this collection phase. I used data collect ed during this phase to determine that the SCS1 was an appropriate instrument a nd to decide on the structure of the intervention in my final dissertation study. 8.4. 4 Study of Dual Modality Instruction and CS Learning I conducted a study at the college lev el in a multisection COP3502 (UF’s CS1) course in Spring of 2018 and Fall of 2018 to examine the dual modality instruction and learning in a CS1 course. The participants from Spring 2018 learned via a traditional, text based ins tructional

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164 approach (the ba seline group), while the participants from Fall of 2018 learned via dual modali ty instruction (the intervention group). The intervention group used the Amphibian dual modality IDE plugin and materials. Participants also answered survey questions throughout the term about their perceptions of dual modality representation IDE plugin and materials. Both groups ( baseline and intervention) completed the SCS1 at the end of the semester for extra credit . 8.4. 5 Analysis of Learning and Dual Modality Instruction I a nalyzed the data from the intervention and baseline groups to identify differences in programming knowledge, particularly as it related to stages of cognitive development. As primary measures, I used student scores on the SCS1 and course examinations ( two midterms and one final) . Surveys, logs, and notes from the intervention group w ere used to contextualize results and provide supporting evidence for findings. Course examination sections (code reading and code writing) were analy zed separately. I also exam ine d the role prior programming experience play ed in student scores. I anticipated that students in the intervention group w ould score more highly on tracing and code completion questions on the SCS1, and on code reading and code writing questions on the c ourse examinations , while students in both groups w ould sco re about the same on definitional questions. While I did not see differences in the SCS1 questions, even by type, there were significant differences in the course examinations, with students in the intervention scoring higher than those in the baseline. Di gging deeper, I found that significant results were more pronounced – and had a bigger effect size – on examinations for which all topics were covered in dual modality in struction, compared to thos e that were covered partly in text or only in text. I also anticipate d that the largest differences between the baseline and intervention groups w ould be among students with no experience, followed by experience in blocks – and t hat students with prior tex t experience w ould differ the least. However, my resul ts sh owed the opposite : students with textonly prior experience performed

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165 better on all three course exams in the intervention group compared to the baseline group, and with a greater positive differen ce than the difference among those with blocks or no prior experience. 8.4. 6 Examination of Student Perceptions and Instructor Experience I also analyzed student perceptions of dual modality instruction and reported on my experience as an instructor employing dual modality instruction based on surveys, usage logs, and instructor notes. The analysis includes student perceptions of dual modality instruction and how i t changed over time. I had anticipated that students would find the dual modality instruction more helpful at the beginning of the course, but that over time they would find it less useful , and that is indeed what I found when examining student survey responses. I also found that more than half of students whose prior experience was exclusively tex t felt the dual modality instruction was not helpful throughout the course – especially blocks based programming – which ran counter to the course examination res ults. By comparison, among those who had previous experience in blocks, or no experience, more than half said dual modality instruction was helpful at the beginning of the course, but fewer found it helpful by the end of the course, with some students expl icitly mentioning that had out grow n the support provided by the dua l modality instruction. Fin ally, I detailed my experience in the classroom, identifying challenges, successes, and suggestions for other instructors who are considering the employment of dual modality instruction in early programming coursework. Th is analy sis will also help research ers to explore when and how transitioning from dual modality instruction to pure text instruction is appropriate in the classroom setting.

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166 8. 5 Contributions My contributions include three main elements: a. a technical contribution –dual modality IDE plugin for the Java language; b. an instructional contribution – analysis of perceptions and experience, and materials ; and c. an empirical contribution – analysis of dual modality instruction and learning. The plugin and perception analysis provide tools and guidance to educators and researchers in the classroom, while the empirical work provide s insight into how and where dual modality programming environment s can have the most positive connection to learning. 8.6 Future Work My work sugges ts several avenues for futu re consideration and exploration in research. I have examined dual mode instruction as a whole, but I found that s tudents with different experience levels reacted differently to dual modality presentation materials (e.g., lecture slides and lab manuals) than to the dual modality plugin that allowed programming in different modes. The benefits of dual modality presenta tion materials may extend beyond early programming courses, and identifying whether such approaches help students i n later courses (such as CS 2 and Data Structures courses) would help instructors tailor CS course materials . In addition, the different react ions from students with and without prior experience suggest that employing the dual modality plugin in earlier cur ricula – such as a “CS0” or AP CS Principles course – may help students learn even before reaching CS1 courses by helping them to link blocks and text representations . I also noted that my dual modality instruction ended at basic object oriented structures , and notably did not include such concepts as inheritance, interfaces, and abstract classes; integration of representations of such concepts into dual modality tools – such as incorporating the visual inheritance m odel ing in BlueJ and GreenFoot [49, 51] – would allow for further investigation of the effect iveness of dual modality instruction and tools in helping

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167 students learn more complex computer science conce pts . Finally, the benefit to even experienced programmers from the dual modality representations in presentation materials suggests that there may b e value even to experts in such a blocking mechanism . T he students in the course used the blocks mode of the plugin to check their understanding of code structure and ensure its correctness ; this could be explored within professi onal IDEs – for example, by graphically delineating boundaries of constructs within text modes. The data collected in these stud ies als o provides fertile ground for future work. Though outside of the scope of this dissertation, artifacts collected during the study with middle school stud ents could be analyzed to identify how and when students used different types of constructs , and indep th item analysis of student performance on the custom assessment could provide insight into how that custom assessment, a nd potentially other concept inventory assessments, could be improved. T he plugin logs from my final CS1 study could be further analyzed to identify sessions in blocks and text modes, which could then be examined over time to see if the usage patterns my e xpectations that students w ould use the blocks mode less as they gained experience in programming. Chat logs collected from instructor discussions could also yield further insight into the classroom environment and perspectives not just of the main instruc tor (myself) but also those of graduate Teaching Assistants and undergraduate Peer Mentors. Additionally, expli citly analyzing student perceptions of helpfulness and plugin usage patterns for interactions could provide further evidence of and directly link the plugin’s connection to student perceptions and learning. There are important limitations of my work that c ould be a source for exploration in future work a s well. In the final CS1 study, i t is possible that a selection bias played a role in student di fferences, as the data were collected in different semesters, and did not use a random -

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168 control model. As I coll ected demographic responses from participants including educational history, I or others can use propensity score analysis [69] to address this limitation and provide supporting evidence for a causal relationship between the dual modality instruction and improved performance and learning. I c ould also i nvestigate whether the re are meaningful trends in performance, tool usage, or perceptions along ethnoracial, age, o r educational backgrounds . I nvestigation of these data coul d further help us craft ins truction and curricula that best serve a diverse population in our community. 8. 7 Summary My doctoral work was inspired by my personal experiences in teaching and focused on early programming instruction, especially blocks based environments. I began by examining how student perceptions are shaped by prior experience and programming constructs, and I suggested in my early work that a bridge between blocks and text could facilitate novice programmers moving into production language s. Later, my work focus ed on the connection of dual modality programming environment s to perceptio ns and learning, especial ly Pencil Code. In order to study these dual modality programming environment s, I participated in and led the development of several instructional tools, including a Python variant of Pencil Code and a custom dual modality representation CS assessment. As evidence of the potential role of dual modality programming environment s became more evident in the literature and my experience, my work shifted to focus on dual modality instruction in CS1 classrooms. To investigate the role dual modality programming environment s c ould play in early programming courses, I developed a plugin architecture and Java language IDE plugin, as well as dual mo dality instructional materi als for use in a CS1 classroom. These tools allowed me to conduct a study of dual modality instr uction in a CS1 classroom. I have analyzed that data and report ed in this dissertation on how dual modality instruction connects with student learning, and

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169 how it varies according to prior programming experience. I have also analyzed student perceptions an d analyzed them within the context of the classroom experience in order to provide a template for future instructors who wish to empl oy dual modality instructio n in college classrooms. My work contribute s an understanding, grounded in pedagogical theory, of how dual modality representations connect with learning and provide s tools and guidance to educators and researchers in the classro om environment.

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170 APPENDIX A CONFERENCES, PUBLICATIONS, & DEVELOPMENT Published / Completed Blanchard, J., Gardner McCune, C., and Anthony, L. 2020. Dual Modality Instruction and Learning: A Case Study in CS1. Accepted to the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (2020) , 818824. (Research Track, Best Paper, 2nd Place) Blanchard, J., Gardner McCune, C., and Anthony, L. 2019. Effects of Code Representation on Student Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Programming. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Language s & Human Centric Computing (2019) , 127–131. (Best Paper, Runner Up) Blanchard, J . , Gardner McCune , C. , and Anthony, L . 2019. Amphibian: D ual M odality R epresentation in I ntegrated D evelopment E nvironments. 2019 IEEE Blocks and B eyond Workshop (Blocks and Beyond) , 8385. Blanchard, J., Gardner McCune, C. and Anthony, L. 2018. How Perceptions of Programming Differ in Children with and without Prior Experience. Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (2018), 1099. Blanc hard, J. 2017. Hybrid Environments: A Bridge from Blocks to Text. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research. (2017), 295–296. Blanchard, J., Gardner McCune , C., and Anthony, L. 2015. Br idging Educational Programm ing and Production Languages. “Every Child a Coder” workshop, Position paper, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Interaction Design and Children (2015). Pencil Code, Python Variant (2017). . Droplet Variant with Java Support (2018). Droplet IntelliJ Plugin with Java support (2018). . In Progress Bridging Educational Environments to Production Languages: A Survey Effects of Dual Modality Instruction on the Classroom E xperience

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171 APPENDIX B TIM ELINE FOR DOCTORAL WORK T able B 1. Doctoral Work Timeline (Chronological) Period Task / Activity Sp ring 2015 Paper: “Every Child a Coder” workshop – position paper ( accepted ) [57] Summer 2015 Da ta Collection: Construct Perceptions in Children Fa . ‘ 15 – S p. ‘ 16 Data Analysis & Writing: Construct Perceptions in Children Summer 2016 Development: Pencil Code’s Python Variant Fall 2016 Development: Pencil Code’s Python Varia nt Qualifying Examination S pring 2017 Development: Pencil Code’s Python Variant Development: Custom Blocks/Text Assessment Study Design: Middle School Study Paper Submission: ICER Doctoral Consortium ( accepted ) [13] Summer 201 7 Data Collection: Middle School Study Data Analysis: Middle School Study Fall 201 7 Data Analysis: Middle School Study Paper: SIGCSE – Middle School Study ( reworked for VL/HCC) Poster: SIGCSE – Construct Percep tions in Children ( accepted) [15] Development: Dual Modality IDE Plugin Framework Data Collection: S CS1 & Custom Assessment in CS1 ( instrument eval . ) Study Design: CS1 & Dual Mo dality Programming Environ ments Spring 2018 Item Analysis: Custom Assessment and SCS1 Study Design: CS1 & Dual Modality Programming Environments Data Collection: SCS1 in C S1 course ( baseline ) Development: Java Dual Modality IDE Plugin Summer 2018 Study D esign: CS1 & Dual Modality Programming Environments Develop ment: Dual Modality R epresentation M aterials Development: Java Dual Modality IDE Plugin Fall 2018 Study Interventi on: Dual Modality IDE Plugin & Course Materials Data Collection: SCS1 in CS1 cour se ( intervention ) Data Col lection: Surveys, Plugin Logs, Course Grades Spring 2019 Dissertation Proposal Writing Summer 2019 Proposal Defense Paper: VL/HCC – Middle School Study ( accepted , 2nd Best Paper ) [14] Data Analysis : CS1 & Dual Modality Programming Environments Fall 2019 Paper: SIGCSE – CS1 Amphibian Study ( accepted, 2 nd Best Paper ) [16 ] Paper: Blocks & Beyond Wo rkshop – Amphibian Plugin ( accepted) [17] Fa. 19 – Su.’20 Complete and Defend Dissertation

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172 APPENDIX C MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDY: DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. We want to learn if some tools help students learn to pr ogram better than others. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill out questionnaires on three days over the next five weeks while working with different programming tools. These questions will not be used to grade you, and there are no know n risks to participation. You do not have to be in this study if you don’t want to and you can quit the study at any time. Other than the researchers, no one will know your answers, including your teachers or your classm ates. If you don’t like a question, you don’t have to answer i t and, if you ask, your answers will not be used in the study. I also want you to know that whatever you decide, this will not affect your grades in class. Would you be willing to participate i n this study? [Yes] [No] (If a part icipant answers “No” to th is question, they will be redirected to a “thank you” page with no further questions.) 2. What is your gender identity? [Male] [Female] [Prefer to Self Describe:_] [Decline to answer] 3. What is your age? [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [1 5] [16] [17] [18] ______ [ Decline to answer] 4. Please specify your ethnicity (check all that apply): [American Indian or Alaska Native] [Asian] [Black or African American] [Hispanic or Latino] [Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander] [White] [Other:______] [Decline to answer] 5. Whi ch environments/tools have you used before? Check all that apply. [Scratch] [Alice] [Pencil Code] [Hour of Code] [Others: ] 6. Which languages have you used before? Check all that apply. [ Logo] [Python] [ JavaScript ] [HTML ] [Others: ] [Blank]

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173 APPENDIX D M I DDLE SCHOOL STUDY: PERCEPTION QUESTIONNAIRES Questions used a Likert scale [Strongly Agree] [Agree] [Neither] [Disagree] [Strongly Disagree] Personal Perceptions (Pre, Mid, & Post) 1. Computers are fun. Computer jobs are boring. Programming is hard. I want to find out more about programming. I can become good at programming. I prefer to solve my own computer problems. I like the challenge of computer problems. My family, friends, and/or classmates ask me for help with computer problem s. Mid Survey Only, By Co ndition Text Condition 1. I think programming in text is easy. 2. I think programming in text is frustrating or hard. 3. I think learning to program in blocks is more useful than text. 4. I think learning to program in text is more useful tha n blocks. 5. I would have pre ferred to program using blocks as opposed to text. Blocks Condition 1. I think programming in blocks is easy. I think programming in blocks is frustrating or hard. I think learning to program in blocks is more useful than text. I th ink learning to program in text is more useful than blocks. I would have preferred to program using text as opposed to blocks. Hybrid Condition 1. I think programming in blocks is easier than programming in text. 2. I think programming in text is easier than pr ogramming in blocks. 3. I thi nk programming in blocks is frustrating or hard. 4. I think programming in text is frustrating or hard. 5. I think learning to program in blocks is more useful than text. 6. I think learn ing to program in text is more useful than blocks. 7. I would prefer to program using text as opposed to blocks. 8. I would prefer to program using blocks as opposed to text.

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174 Post Survey Only, All Conditions 1. I think programming in blocks is easier than programming in text. 2. I think programming in text is easier than programming in blocks. 3. I think programming in blocks is frustrating or hard. 4. I think programming in text is frustrating or hard. 5. I think learning to program in blocks is more useful than text. 6. I think learning to program in text is more useful than blocks. 7. I would prefer to program using text as opposed to blocks. 8. I would prefer to program using blocks as opposed to text.

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175 APPENDIX E CS1 STUDY: DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. We want to identify the strengths and weaknesses of computer science assessments. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill out a demographic questionnaire. These questions will not be used to grade you. You will also be asked to take an assessment on computer scien ce concepts, for which you will receive extra credit. The as sessment will take 60120 minutes. You will receive 25 points of extra credit to be applied to your exam grades (out of 1000 points in the course.) You may also elect to do an alternative assignme nt, a course reflection essay, to earn the extra credit. You r assessment results will be connected to your class performance for research purposes only. No one other than the researchers and your teachers will know your answers or grades. There are no know n risks to participation. You do not have to be in this study if you don’t want to and you can quit the study at any time. If you don’t like a question, you don’t have to answer it and, if you ask, your answers will not be used in the study. Would you be willing to participate in this study? [Yes] [No] (If a part icipant answers “No” to th is question, they will be redirected to a “thank you” page with no further questions.) 2. What is your name? (This will be used to connect your participation to the course) [Name] 3. What is your UFL.EDU email address? [Email] 4. May we co ntact you in the future about possible participation in follow up studies? [Yes] [No] 5. What is your gender identity? [Male] [Female] [Prefer to Self Describe: ________] [Decline to answer] 6. What is your age? [________] [Decline to answer] 7. Please specify your ethnicity (check all that apply): [American Indian or Alaska Native] [Asian] [Black or African American] [Hispanic or Latino] [Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander] [White] [Other(s): ________] [Decline to answer] 8. How many years of programming do you have... In College: [Number selector] In K 12 Schools: [Number selector] Self taught / practice: [Number selector] 9. Have you taken any of the following courses in high school, and if so, what was your score on the AP exam? [Choices: Did not take course; T ook course but not exam; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

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176 [ ] AP Computer Science [ ] AP Computer Science Principles [ ] AP Calculus AB [ ] AP Calculus BC [ ] AP Physics 10. Have you taken any of the following courses (other than this one) at the college level? [ ] Calcu lus I [ ] Calculus 2 [ ] Computer Science 0 / Computational thinking course [ ] Computer Science 1 / Programming class in computer science [ ] Physics 1 11. Which programming environments/tools have you used before? Check all that apply. [ ] Alice [ ] C [ ] Scratch [ ] Pencil Code [ ] Python [ ] Java [ ] C# [ ] C++ [ ] C [ ] Logo [ ] Other(s): [________]

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177 APPENDIX F CS1 STUDY: PERCEPTION QUESTIONNAIRES Questions used a Likert scale [Strongly Agree] [Agree] [Neither] [Disagree] [Strongly D isagree] Personal Percept ions (Pre Survey Only ) 1. Computers are fun. 2. Computer jobs are boring. 3. Programming is hard. 4. I want to find out more about programming. 5. I can becom e good at programming. 6. I prefer to solve my own computer problems. 7. I like the challenge of computer problems. 8. My family, friends, and/or classmates ask me for help with computer problems. Blocks/Text Perceptions (Pre, Mid, Post) 1. I think programming in bl ocks is easier than programming in text. 2. I think programming in text is easier than pro gramming in blocks. 3. I thin k programming in blocks is frustrating or hard. 4. I think programming in text is frustrating or hard. 5. I think learning to program in blocks is more useful than text. 6. I think learning to program in text is more useful than blocks. 7. I would prefer to program us ing text as opposed to blocks. 8. I would prefer to program using blocks as opposed to text. Hybrid Instruction Perceptions (Mid, Post) 1. What benefits do you think hybrid blocks text instruction provides, and why? [Free resp onse ] 2. Wh at concepts or constructs do you think hybrid blocks text instruction helps students learn or understand, and why? [Free response] 3. How frequently in a week do you refer to the lecture slides to study, prepare, and/or do assignments? [Never] [Rarely] [Somet imes] [Frequently] [Always ]

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178 Weekly Survey 1. Did you program in “Blocks” mode since the end of your previous lab (including this lab)? [Yes/No] 2. Did you program in “ Text” mode since the end of your previous lab (including this lab)? [Yes/No] 3. What was your pr imary mode since the end of your previous lab (including this lab)? [Blocks/Text] 4. Does instruction in dual blocks text modes help you learn better? [Yes/No] 5. Why do you feel this way? [Free response]

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180 Q 2

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182 Q3

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183 Q4

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185 Q5

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186 Q6

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188 Q7

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190 Q8

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194 Q10

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196 Q11

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198 Q12

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200 Q13

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202 Q14

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204 Q15

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206 Q16

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210 APPENDIX J CONDITION AND EXPERIENCE INTERACTIONS Table J 1. Mean & S tandard Deviation: Condition x Experience No Experience Blocks Experience Text Only Exams Basl.

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211 APPENDIX K PLUGIN EVENT COUNTS AND CATEGORY MAPPING Table K 1. Table of Event Counts and Percent ages by Module (Chronologi cal) M Date Range View Palette Get Block Put Block Go to Blocks Go to Text 0 08/22 – 08/28 2450 (43.7%) 323 (5.8%) 259 (4.6%) 1308 (23.3%) 1269 (22.6%) 1 08/29 – 09/04 3543 (48.7%) 377 (5.2%) 402 (5. 5 %) 1488 (20.5%) 1460 (20.1% ) 2 09/05 – 09/11 5206 (5 2.0%) 514 (5.1%) 584 ( 5.8 %) 1882 (18.8%) 1826 (18.2%) 3 09/12 – 09/18 8159 (61.1%) 461 (3.5%) 475 ( 3 . 6 %) 2159 (16.2%) 2100 (15.7%) 4 09/19 – 10/02 7577 (69.2%) 154 (1.4%) 124 ( 1 . 1 %) 1566 (14.3%) 1527 (13.9%) 5 10/03 – 10/09 7048 (74.0%) 109 (1.1%) 85 ( 0 . 9 %) 1146 (12.0%) 1132 (11.9%) 6 10/10 – 10/16 8511 (76.2%) 65 (0.6%) 116 ( 1 . 0 %) 1228 (11.0%) 1251 (11.2%) 7 10/17 – 10/23 4798 (76.3%) 32 (0.5%) 23 (0.4%) 717 (11.4%) 715 (11.4%) 8 10/24 – 11/06 12066 (81.1%) 40 (0 .3%) 28 (0.2%) 1380 (9 .3%) 1359 (9.1%) 9 11/07 – 11/13 10849 (83.3%) 9 (0.1%) 7 (0.1%) 1055 (8.1%) 1099 (8.4%) 10 11/14 – 11/27 19029 (84.7%) 6 (0.0%) 5 (0.0%) 1704 (7.6%) 1726 (7.7%) 11 11/28 – 12/11 19132 (81.9%) 23 (0.1%) 12 (0.1%) 2046 (8.8%) 21 36 (9.1%) Table K 2. Mapping if Event Name to Event Category Event Category View Palette Palette Viewing Grab Block Block Use Place Block Block Use Go to Blocks Mode Swapping Go to Text Mode Swapping

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212 APPENDIX L CS1 STUDY CODEBOOK AND RESULTS TABLE BY MODULE NUMBER Table L 1. Codebook: Why Dual Modality Instruction is Helpful / Not Helpful Code Definition Example Accustomed Student is used to blocks/text “ I am used to programming in blocks. ” Aesthetic Related to the look (form); visual appea l; includes style “ I like the look of text better than blocks ” Boilerplate Used (blocks) to provide boilerplate / setup code / syntax “ I use blocks to initially set the project up, but the text is what I use for t he majority of m y work. ” Blocking S eparat ion / identification of specific constructs / grouping of code into blocks “ The colors make the grouping of code easier to follow for a beginner. ” Colors Related to /mention of colors (usually of blocks) “ I like seeing the comman ds color coded in instruct ion. ” Confusing Contributes to c onfusion / misunderstanding “ Blocks make things slightly more confusing. ” Connection Establish / follow connections between constructs “ Blocks... shows how... blocks fit together and how the logic flows ” Correctness Relat ed to correctness / validity of code “ Because doing it in both blocks and text mode is very useful in showing how organized and valid my code is. ” Debugging Finding mistakes in code “ Blocks make it very hard for one to decipher i ssues within the text ” De pendency Dependency on blocks inhibits learning of programming as done in the “real world” “ U ltimately I believe this will hurt you the more you rely it, and then it's harder to switch to pure text while learning harder material. ” Distraction More/fewer distracti ons in environment “ I find blocks mode to be rather distracting to the eye, it sometimes takes my focus off the content ” Enjoyability E xpression e njoy ment “ I like coding as I type ” Experienced Student indicated they had prior programming experience “ I wrote most of my codes in text because I think people who have experience with java should use that. ” Formatting Related to formatting of code “ It allows me to see the proper way to format my code if I am confused. ” Freed om Noted freedom of using either / both modes as a strength “ Greater freedom with my coding ” Functionality Related to understanding / conceptualization of functionality “ I believe that it helps students understand the function of each block better than co ding in t ext. ” Importance Mention of general importance “ Because I feel this more important. ” Introduction Introduc ing constructs to beginners “ It should be used as a beginner introduction. ”

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213 Learning (General) F acilitates / inhibits learning in general “ I learn better in text be cause I program in text ” Learning (Syntax) Facilitates / inhibits learning of new language syntax “ I think the block coding will make it easier in the beginning of the class to write code when I still am learning Java syntax. ” L ectures Help or hinder stu dent(s) understand the lecture material “ Especially when I am sitting far back in the lecture hall. ” Links Blocks & Text Connecting concepts / ideas between blocks and text “ It allows you to see the structure of the code in blocks while gaining the unders tanding of every part from the text. ” Organization Related to organization of code / concepts “ Helps me organize my thoughts better. ” No Longer Needed Student no longer needed blocks (suggesting they previously found them useful ) “ I have just stopped usi ng block altogether because I have improved in my coding ability. ” Perspective Seeing things from multiple perspectives / points of view “ It just helps me see the same material twice ” Preference Stude nt noted a preference “ I lik e text more ” Puzzle Like Resembles puzzle piece systems “ Blocks feels like a visual puzzle ” Reading Reading / readability code “ I think by programming in blocks you make your code easier to read ” Scaffolding Provides cognitive support; helping students get "unstuck", reminders, framework, enumeration, etc. “ I mainly used text, but switched if I couldn’ t remember the syntax for a command or function. ” Scope Related to program scoping for elements “ Blocks is a nice visu alization of the code, which should help to see the scope of b locks and variables. ” Sequencing Facilitates conceptualization of sequencing / logic / execution “ Because it is easier to visualize the sequences ” Simplicity Simpler “ I think blocks simplify the code ” Speed Impacts how fast use r can program “ It allows you to move faster ” Structure Structuring code or understanding structure “ It... makes your work more structured ” Transitioning Relating to the transition between text and blocks mod es “ Learning in blocks then transitioning to t ext is the most helpful fo r me. ” Understanding Understanding code / concepts generally “ For block programming... the logic is easier to understand than text. ” Unnecessary Not needed for some reason “ The blocks seem unnecessary at times, especially if you know what to type ” Visua lization Related to visualization of the code, facilitating or inhibiting learning (function) “ I (t) helps visualize the code. ”

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214 Table L 2. Table of Code Counts of Responses Indicating Instruction was Helpful, by Module Code M1 M3 M4 M7 M11 No Exp Block s T ext All Accustomed 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Aesthetic 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Boilerplate 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 9 3 Blocking 2 3 3 2 4 3 4 2 9 Colors 3 3 2 4 2 4 2 3 9 Connection 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 3 Correctness 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Debugging 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Enjoyability 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Formatting 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 4 Freedom 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Functionality 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Importance 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Introduction 7 5 3 4 3 2 6 4 12 Learning (General) 2 3 1 0 2 2 3 1 6 Learning (Syntax) 3 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 4 Lectures 0 5 2 1 1 4 2 1 7 Links Blocks / Text 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Organization 2 3 2 0 1 4 1 0 5 Perspective 1 0 1 2 4 3 2 0 5 Preference 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Reading 3 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 4 Scaffolding 4 4 1 3 1 5 3 3 11 Scope 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Sequencing 2 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 4 Simplicity 1 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 4 Speed 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 Structure 5 4 5 6 3 6 6 2 14 Transitioning 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Understanding 4 2 4 5 5 4 7 2 13 Visualization 13 9 7 11 10 11 9 6 26

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215 Table L 3. Table of Code Counts of Responses Indicating Instruction Not He lp ful, by Module Code M1 M3 M4 M7 M11 No Exp Blocks Text All Accustomed 2 4 1 3 4 4 3 0 7 Aesthetic 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Colors 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Confusing 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 2 4 Connection 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Depe ndency 2 2 4 2 6 2 3 3 8 Details 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Distraction 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Experienced 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 Frustrating 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Learning (Syntax) 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 Lectures 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 No Longer Needed 0 1 2 1 1 4 0 0 4 Practice 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Puzzle Like 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 Reading 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Speed 0 2 1 1 0 1 2 0 3 Unnecessary 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 Visualization 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2

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216 APPENDIX M DISCUSSION WITH CURRICULUM COMMITTEE CHAIR The following is the correspondenc e seeking and receiving ap proval to use the hybrid instructional approach in the COP3502 course. The following message was sent to the department’s Curriculum Committee Chair, Arunava Banerjee: From: Jeremiah Blanchard Sent: Tuesday , April 3, 2018 9:23 PM To : Banerjee, Arunava Subject: Curriculum committee Hi Dr. Banerjee, I am working on some updates to the Programming I course, and in hand with that I am looking into conducting a study about some of these changes and some tools I would like to bring into the course. Since I have a research interest in the results, it was suggested that I might see if there are a few minutes that I could come into the curriculum committee meeting briefly to describe the changes. In a nutshell a lot of our youngest students come in with prior experience. Some of those are in text, but some are in blocks languages. I'm working on a tool that is intended to help students move into text more easily, and I would present multiple modes of the same source to s tudents to build a connection between what they've learned previously and the content. (This won't involve any change in language or topics covered.) Regards, Jeremiah Blanchard The following was the chair’s response: From: Ban erjee, Arunava Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2018 10:15 PM To: Blanchard, Jeremiah J Subject: Re: Curriculum committee That is wonderful Jeremiah. We do not have regularly scheduled curriculum meetings (in fact, we do not have any physical meetin gs). When I need something passed by the committee, I simply run it via email. So long as you are not changing the curriculum, I would say that you should feel free to experiment. In fact, I would encourage you to do things that you believe in your heart will help the students learn better. Not all experiments turn out for the good, but so long has you genuinely intend it for improvement, I am happy to stand behind you. Arunava ____________________________________________

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217 Aruna va Banerjee Associate Prof essor Computer & Information Science & Engineering University of Florida unava

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229 B IOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Jeremiah Blanchard is an Assistant Engineer at the University of Florida in the Computer & Information Science & Engineering Department, where he is a full time faculty member. Previously, he served as Program Director of Game Development at Full Sail University in Winter Park , Florida (in the great er Orlando area), where he worked for 10 years and taught the Artificial Intellig ence for Games and Game Networking courses before moving into administration. Before coming to Full Sail, he worked as a freelance game and application developer and lived, worked, and studied in the Osaka region of Japan. His game development experience i ncludes work with the National Flight Academy in Pensacola, Florida, with whom he worked to develop flight simulator scenarios to help teach at risk mid dle and high school stu dents mathematics, physics, and history. He’s also worked with Design Interactive on CogGauge, a game based cognitive battery system developed on grant funding from NASA with the intention of testing brain injuries in space. He began his graduate work at t he University of Florida in August 2005 and completed his M.S. in Computer Engine ering in May 2007. He worked full time at Full Sail University from January 2007 to January 2017. From January 2017 until May 2017 he taught part time a t the University of Florida, moving to a full time position in May 2017. His passion for the education a nd computer science fields drove him to return to complete his PhD in 2014 while working.