Project Profile
Project Number: 5501478-16 PI: DI Trilio
Sponsor: Japan Foundation
Contract #
Title: Japan Foundation: Library Support System
Start Date: 04/01/1995 End Date: 11/30/05
Award Amount: $22,741.00
Cost Share:
University Project # Q'41 DeU 03.
Title of Proposal: Japanese Books: Monetary Grant
Submitted to Agency/Program: Japan Foundation: Library Support Program
(NOTE TO THE P.I.: Please provide mailing instructions on page 2)
UNIVERSITY ENDORSEMENTS: The attached proposal has been examined by the officials whose signatures appear below. The principal academic review
of the proposal is the responsibility of the Department/Center and College. If additional space is needed for signatures, please provide them on a separate
sheet of paper.
Principal Investigator: (Project Director)
NAME: Frank Di Trolio Date
TITLE: Humanities Bibliographer
CAMPUSADDRESS: 140 Library West
Co-Principal I yetigator: (If Applicable)
AA/JU t R ::U, 0-1014_/I
NAME: Nobuko Pourzae -Boushehri Date
TITLE: Archivist
Department Head:
than one)
Approval by Dean or Director: (If more than one)
NAME: Date
Other Endorsement (If Needed):
Approval by Vice-President for Agricultural Affairs
(For all projects involving IFAS Personnel)
NAME: Date
Approval by Vice-President for Health Affairs:
(For all projects involving JHMHC Personnel)
NAME: Dam Ijowanl
TITLE: Associate Director for Collection
Date NAME:
Official Authorized to Sign for the University:
Approval by Dean or Director: (Leave Blank) /
V --
NAME: Dale Canelas
TrLE- Director of Libraries
Division of Sponsored Research
University of Florida
DSR-1 (6/88)
The University of Florida
Division of Sponsored Research
219 Grinter Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611
(904) 392-1582
Date: AyW' /I
Spostmark O receipt
JJ 1~I~-~ ~ ~ ~ -~
Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures 470 Grinter Hall
Tel: (904) 392-2422
Fax: (904) 392-1443
11 October 1994
Michael Paschal, Research Associate
The Japan Foundation, New York Office
152 West 57th Street, 39th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Dear Mr. Paschal:
We, the faculty in Japanese Studies at the University of Florida, want to express our appreciation
for the support extended to our institution and faculty in the past two years. We were delighted when
our proposal for the Staff Expansion Program was funded this year, allowing our department to add a
tenure-accruing position in Modem Japanese Literature. We are now conducting a search to fill the
Modem Literature position to begin in the fall semester of 1995. Furthermore, Dr. Ann Wehmeyer
received support from the Japan Foundation Fellowship Program, and was sponsored by Professor
Hasegawa Michiko of Saitama University to conduct research on kotodama during academic year 1993-94.
We realize that our efforts to strengthen and expand the program in Japanese Studies could not have been
achieved without the generous support from the Japan Foundation.
The list of reference materials and multi-volume collections compiled in our application reflects
the research needs of Dr. Wehmeyer (Linguistics), Dr. Hulvey (Premodern Literature) and the new
tenure-track specialist in Modem Literature. Reference materials are not available through interlibrary
loans, but large collections (e.g. premodern literature, etc.), even though available through interlibrary
loan, are not easily used without accompanying volumes and indices to facilitate research. Moreover, it is
mandatory that our library purchase collections in premodern and modern literature so that we can
support graduate programs in Japanese Studies in the near future.
The University of Florida is geographically isolated from research libraries specializing in
Japanese Studies. The nearest research library is the Library of Congress located in the nation's capital.
Our faculty have taken advantage of travel grants to visit research libraries, but have found it difficult to
satisfy all research needs on this basis. At the request of the faculty in Japanese, the humanities librarians
at the University of Florida agreed to resubmit their application to the Japan Foundation Library Support
Program. The purchase of the requested volumes would enhance our basic reference collection
considerably, and enable the faculty to do the groundwork necessary for any research.
If there are any questions about this proposal, please feel free to contact me at (904) 392-4916 or
FAX (904) 392-1443. I look forward to hearing from you concerning this and other Japan Foundation
related matters.
6 (A Wa~u}^
S. Yunm~o Hulvey
Assistant Professor of Japanese
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
Application Form for the Japan Foundation Library Support Program
S07 7P
B ft Date
To the President of the Japan Foundation:
A Mo. 1 Day
/ 10 20
We hereby apply, under the Japan Foundation Library Support Program, for a donation of books in (please mark appropriate box.)
O 9 -Al Category Al 7
S 5i- 9 -A2 Category A2 !
O r-i 9 -Bl Category B1 D 02tMA Donation of books
[] : 9 B2 Category B2 J E / 9 v7 Donation of a monetary grant
((A)) V g
fl* Japanese name
(O ) Applicant NJ X
Library/ C
Institution (Institution) University of Florida
X-fi English name
(Dept. ,Div) George A. Smathers Libraries A c
t Frank Di Trolio Af7&t--,'c*ag(tf 9)-B1, B2XXW*~ H)
Name Shipping & Delivery Method Requested (for applicants in
ai' Categories Bl and B2 who prefer to receive donations of books.)
(towhich George A. Smathers Libraries
letterand f P.O. Box 117001 0 Air Cargo O Sea Cargo
materialsshould Address P.O. Box 117001
best) University of Florida 0AirMail SeaMail
i s Galu vlle, FL 32611 -OSAL D f( )(
PhoneNumber (904) 392-4919
M -fttR Head of Institution/Consortium A $Xjf Librarian Responsible for the Titles Requested
W& Position Director of Libraries Ws Position Humanities Bibliographer
Dr./Mr.s) Dr/Mr./Ms.
lk3Name Dr./Mr. NameS
SName Dale Canelas Name Frank Di Trolio
W Signaatur 1 ignature
C a i.tE~X5 To be filled in only by applicants for Cost-Sharing (B) Program]
_t-rtSt Bursar or Accounting officer
7-~Z Jo Dr. W Signature
Position Deputy Director Name Cn Henderson
Dirsetor of R~ar _& Carolyn Henderson
'/ V
Please fill nothing in the columns marked X.
I 44jk
I I I nW X.
Applicant Library/Institution/Consortium George A. Smathers Libraries/
University of Florida For JF use only
Library holdings in total: 3,000,000 volumes Year institution was established
5 19E05 R ,R____ 1905
Number or description of present volumes pertaining to Japan
In Japanese: 5,000 volumes Total number of students at institution 36,804 A
In other languages: 13,000 volumes 3,
Total: 18,000 volumes Total number of faculty members at institution _
Total number of specialist librarians Total number of instructors
for books on Japan 5 A for courses in Japanese Studies 7 A
Titles and instructors' names, and descriptions students in
of courses in Japan studies, if possible. I each course
Beginning Japanese 1&2 Kubota, Wehmeyer, Hulvey 95
Second Year Japanese 1&2 Kubota 30
Second Year Lab 1&2 Kubota 30
Third Year Japanese 1&2 Hulvey, Wehmeyer 15
Japanese Culture Hulvey, Wehmeyer 40
Structure of Japanese Wehmeyer 40
Japanese Literary Heritage Hulvey 25
Modern Japanese Fiction Hulvey 25
Japanese Women Writers: Classical Hulvey 25
Japanese Women Writers: Modern Hulvey 25
Waka: Traditional Japanese Poetry Hulvey 25
(see Attachment 1 for other courses)
a ',E R StS4it Total 644
K-.C_ L I _C4 L <3K u cT -ICt L '
Describe in detail the means to be used for disseminating information on library holdings and contents. These may include not only in-
terlibrary loan systems, on-line catalogs, and accessibility to outsiders, but also additional methods for reaching users outside your in-
The University of Florida has an online catalog (LUIS), which is also part of the
combined online catalog of the State University System. About 99% of the Libraries'
holdings have now been converted to machine readable format. The OPAC uses a
modified NOTIS system and is accessible throughout the U.S. through the Internet. It
contains 2,000,000 bibliographic records (as of October 1994) and the Statewide
online catalog contains 8,000,000 records, one of the largest bibliographic database
after OCLC and RLIN. Japanese titles are cataloged according to the Library of
Congress modified Hepburn system. The Libraries are a member of both OCLC and RLG
and their holdings are in both OCLC and RLIN databases and are available for
interlibrary loan requests. The State of Florida maintains a courier system for
document delivery.
As a State Institution, the Libraries' holdings are fully available to the general
public for consultation and research.
Past donations of books from the Foundation within the last 5 years. (Please indicate years and numbers of books
In 1990, Dr. Ann Wehmeyer, Assistant Professor of Japanese Linguistics in the
Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures, received a 121,000
donation of textbooks, audio-visual materials, dictionaries, reference materials
and miscellaneous teaching aids from the Japanese-Language Teaching Materials
Donation Program.
Ft iE R George A. Smathers Libraries/
Applicant Library/Institution/Consortium University of Florida
For JF use only
Other relevant information about the applicant library/insititution/consortium which may be helpful in the screening process.
Please refer to V Application Procedure 8 of application instruction (on page iii)
The University of Florida offers a B.A. degree in the Japanese track of East Asian Languages and
Literatures (established in 1988) carried by the Department of African and Asian Languages and
Literatures, the only public institution with an undergraduate program in Japanese Studies in the
southeastern region of the United States. Present faculty consists of two tenure-track specialists in
Premodern Literature and in Linguistics and one lecturer (Culture) housed in African and Asian
Languages and Literatures (AALL), and two tenure track faculty in the Departments of History and
Economics. It is a dynamic and growing program that includes an active exchange program, for majors
and minors, with Kansai-Gaidai (Foreign) University. A maximum of five students per academic year are
accepted to study in Japan under this exchange program. It is the goal of the Japanese faculty at the
University of Florida to develop graduate programs in Japanese Studies in the future. The first step
toward that goal was realized this yearwhen the Japan Foundation Staff Expansion Program grant
submitted by the Japanese faculty was funded, creating a new tenure line position in Modem Japanese
Literature. The Japanese faculty are now conducting a search for this position, which will commence in
the 1995-96 academic year. With the addition of a Modern Japanese Literature faculty member in the
African and Asian Languages and Literatures Department, required courses in the undergraduate degree
program for majors in the Japanese track of East Asian Languages and Literatures can be offered more
frequently, thereby facilitating quicker completion of requirements toward graduation for majors. There
is a dire need for library reference materials to meet the short-term goal of providing support for the
research endeavors of Japanese faculty members and to begin working on the long-term goal of
establishing graduate programs in Japanese Studies at the University of Florida.
The Library is fully committed to provide all the appropriate resources in support of this goal. This is all
the more crucial since Gainesville is not a major urban center with easy access to other research
institutions in this field. The nearest research collection is the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
A number of disciplines cumulatively spend about $14,000-$15,000 a year in support of Japanese Studies
for serials and monographs, in both Japanese and English language. Besides Japanese Studies the
following disciplines regularly buy material related to Japan: history, linguistics, film studies, theatre,
business, economics, religious studies, sociology, education, and political science. Unfortunately the
Library budget during fiscal years 1991-1993 suffered a thirty-two percent reduction in the State
allocation for library materials. While the budget for fiscal year 1994-1995 has increased, the Library has
not been able to develop or strengthen its holding for major reference works or sets in Japanese Studies,
which are necessary for the present program and to support faculty research. Basic reference tools
necessary for research such as geographical diconaries (Gendai Nihon chimei yomikata daijiten), modem
literary dictionaries (Nihon kindai bungaku diepteO). premodern collections (Shink6 gunshot ruij2 and Gunsho
kaidai), historical dictionaries (Kokushi daijite). modern biographical dictionaries (Gendai Nijon jinmei
roku), premodern annotated collections (Shinrpm NAon koten bungaku zenshf) and the like are not held by
the University of Florida Library, and are not among items which facilitate research through interlibrary
Loan. Therefore, Japanese research faculty have had to exert considerable effort and time writing grants
to fund travel to research libraries to conduct basic research to fulfill tenure review requirements in the
area of publication. If these basic reference tools were procured by the University of Florida Library, it
would not only facilitate research but would also form the core of the collection from which a graduate
program could eventually be developed. Without substantial enhancement of the Japanese collection,
especially in the area of reference works, the establishment of a graduate program in Japanese Studies
cannot be realized.
This is the area that the present proposal is particularly trying to address, as well as trying to strengthen
holdings in the literary fields, which are not quite as strong as those in history. The titles were carefully
chosen by the faculty and are essential for reference and consultation. The Library hopes that the
Foundation will find this proposal fully justified and grant the maximum financial donation allowed.
The Library will, naturally, pay for all postage related to the grant.
lefs 9 eaw ffiW L-C( t#. FOR APPLTCANTI I
George A. Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
Titles of courses in Japanese Studies
and instructors' names
Readings in Japanese Literature (4th Year)
Bungo: Literary Japanese
Japanese Folklore
Language in Japanese Society
Modern Japan*
Economies of East Asia
Japanese Cinema
Individual Study in Japanese
Special Topics in Japanese Studies
Honors Thesis for Japanese Majors
Internship (with Morikami Museum)
Wehmeyer, Kubota
Wehmeyer, Kubota
Nygren, Turim
Japanese faculty
Japanese faculty
Japanese faculty
Japanese faculty
Number of students
in each course
Total on Page 2
* The History Department is currently conducting a search for an East Asian historian
(McCord's replacement) for the 1995-1996 academic year.
7 = 9 -B1, B2W 1) I7M2-LSF
Books and Materials Requested in Categories B1 and B2
Applicant Library/Institution/Consortium George A. Smathers Libraries/ File No. (For JF use ONLY)
University of Florida
No. of Year of
Priority Title Volumes Author/Compiler Publisher Issue Price
(in progress)
gg ;4 $8 Jfk AS g iL~j
B gi gfc ^f
wt~a 3w^^^m~lk~4
)0- $2250
90- $2000?
70-79 $1300
77-78 $540
39-91 $2222
85 $807
92-93 $961
Sr Vt
* ^t
a E y
19 9-40 $888
1979-90 $1288
19 8-39 $383
19 7-79 $2500?
197-72 $2000
19 2 $888
193-56 $1500
19 9 $760
19)-91 $1000
1972-73 $600
1968-69 $1200
-t Page Total
& R Grand Total
gaB l&te o-tJBALC
Titles and other bibliographical particulars on the books requested should be fully listed, in order of priority.
Applicants requesting video cassette tapes should indicate, without fail, the system (NTSC, PAL, SECAM) and type (U-matic, VHS, Beta I, II, and III
of the video machines on which they will be used.
4figA, -Mtiti--B
WMA-^& O
Ae s-VI
_tAA Etr~J
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