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FREE CONSULTATIONNo Fees Or Costs Unless You Win HelpingInjuredPeople.com HOLLIDAY KARATINOSLAW FIRM, PLLC813-868-1887Call AttorneyJIM HOLLIDAYÂI Will Aggressively Fight To Protect Your Legal RightsÂŽ352-597-0009OR 80% u p t o VE V SA SEEOURA 80% AG E 3 PA SEE OUR A ON P AD % 3 A AD ThereÂslikeSPECIAL SECTION inside this week no place Trails putting Florida on the mapBy Kathy Steeleksteele@lakerlutznews.comHillsborough County Commissioner Pat Kemp wants to get residents moving when it comes to supporting and building a network of trails and greenways. The first-time county commissioner recently invited trail experts to give residents an overview of current and future projects in Hillsborough and the Tampa Bay region. Regional trails coursing through Pasco County include the Coast to Coast Trail tying together east and west coasts; and, the Suncoast Trail, with trail heads in Hillsborough, Pasco and Hernando counties Nearly 75 people attended the April 4 meeting at the Robert W. Saunders Sr. Public Library in Tampa. Speakers included Dale Allen, executive director of the Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation; Wade Reynolds of the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization; and Anthony Matonti of Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority, or TBARTA. “Trails are just exploding,” said Kemp. But, she came away disappointed when she attended a regional meeting on trials in Venice in February. At least seven counties made presentations. “Pasco had a great demonstration, good programs,” Kemp said. Hillsborough didnÂ’t have as much going on, but that wasnÂ’t always the case, she said. “It seemed like something happened in Hillsborough because they went dormant.” Kemp hopes that the April 4 meeting will spur efforts to follow through on trail projects in Hillsborough and regionally. An annual summit on trail development in Hillsborough also would keep momentum going, she said.On April 5, Hillsborough County commissioners asked the countyÂ’s staff to prioritize a list of hiking and bicycling trails for future projects, and to make a biannual report on progress. All across Florida, a trail system is taking shape. ItÂ’s one that largely began with local projects, but now is emerging as a statewide network, Allen said. The Coast to Coast trail, for instance, includes about 14 individual trails built by local governments. When the trail opens in 2020, it will connect Volusia County in the east with Pinellas County in the west. A portion of the 250-mile trail will cut through Pasco. People can ride bicycles from the Kennedy Space Center to the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Allen said. “The economic impact of this is tremendous,” he said. FloridaÂ’s trail system benefits from a number of factors, including year-round warm weather. But, Allen said the state has other assets as well, including its state parks. Florida is the only state in the nation to win the National Gold Medal Award for Excellence three times for the maintenance of its parks. The state also has thousands of miles of abandoned rights-of-way along railroad lines. Many trail systems around the country are being built on those old routes, including the Coeur dÂ’Alene Trail in Idaho along 71 miles of the Union Pacific rail line, and the High Line in New York City on an abandoned, elevated rail road trestle. Allen said the High Line is the second biggest tourist attraction in New York City. In Pasco, a trail is proposed to follow the Orange Belt rail line. Pasco County Commissioner Kathryn Starkey often mentions the trail as an economic boon to Land OÂ’ Lakes. Dade City often is cited as a future hub for bicyclists traveling the trail network. The Coast to Coast trail could benefit Dade CityÂ’s efforts, said Allen, in response to KATHY STEELEDale Allen, executive director of the Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation, left, received an award given to the foundation by the Florida Bicycle Association. J. Steele Olmstead is the associationÂ’s president; Pat Kemp is Hillsborough County Commissioner.Symposium spotlights mental healthBy Kevin Weisskweiss@lakerlutznews.comCollege life can be exciting, but also can be challenging. Besides searching for independence, there comes a new level of responsibilities — academically and socially. ThatÂ’s why administrators and student leaders at Pasco-Hernando State College organized a Community Resource Fair and Symposium on mental health and wellbeing, at the collegeÂ’s East Campus in Dade City. Research conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness on mental health on college campuses shows:  25 percent of students have a diagnosable illness  40 percent do not seek help  80 percent feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities  50 percent have been so anxious they struggled in school About a dozen organizations were present during the April 19 event — part of the collegeÂ’s ongoing community awareness series. Several local mental health and wellness agencies were on hand, including BayCare Behavioral Health, and Sunrise of Pasco County Domestic and Sexual Violence Center. Representatives from those groups, along with a college staff member, led a panel discussion on mental fitness among college students. One of the panelists was Jacqui Turner, a liaison for BayCare Health SystemÂ’s Student Assistance Program (SAP), which provides support to students in dealing with personal, academic, or relationship problems via By Kathy Steeleksteele@lakerlutznews.comResidents of Quail Hollow subdivision packed the boardroom at the Historic Pasco County Courthouse seeking to persuade county commissioners not to allow a developer to swap a golf course for houses. “It betrays the existing residents who have expectations of a golf course remaining. It (houses) would change the character and sense of place of our neighborhood,” said Edward Glime, who lives in Quail Hollow. He and others spoke during public comment at a hearing on April 12 in Dade City. The Quail Hollow Neighborhood Citizens Group Inc., presented county commissioners with a petition signed by about 380 people who oppose the closure and residential development of the golf course. But, the contentious public hearing didnÂ’t end in a final vote as normally happens — that is scheduled for May 9 at 1:30 p.m., in Dade City. The voting delay will give Pasco CountyÂ’s planners and legal staff time to review a prior decision to recommend approval of the project to the county commission. Staff members will make a presentation to the commission prior to the vote. No additional public testimony will be taken. Kris Hughes, the countyÂ’s director of planning and development, described the delay as “prudent,” though he said nothing he heard during the hearing was likely to change the staffÂ’s recommendation. David Goldstein, the countyÂ’s deputy attorney, said the additional review is needed to “cross every T, and dot every i, to make sure itÂ’s bulletproof.” Property owner Andre Carollo, of Pasco Office Park LLC, wants to build a maximum of 400 single-family houses, 30,000 square feet of office/retail and 10,000 square feet of day care. In support of the project, land use attorney Barbara Wilhite recounted the history of the golf course, which dates to the late 1960s. “ItÂ’s always been a privately owned golf course open to the public,” she said. “The golf course came first.” It was nearly a decade later that houses were built around the golf course, which was closed for several years before reopening in 2011. Despite expensive improvements, Wilhite said the golf course is not profitable. She also noted that the proposed development is less dense than the 800 dwelling units the countyÂ’s current comprehensive land use plan would allow. “ItÂ’s always been zoned for residential units,” Wilhite said. The attorney also pointed out that her client is taking the unusual legal step of making the proposed site plan “binding.” “IÂ’ve never seen anyone do what weÂ’re FRED BELLETLand use attorney Barbara Wilhite spoke in support of a proposed project to redevelop the Quail Hollow golf course.See VOTE, page15A See HEALTH, page15A See TRAILS, page15A By Kathy Steeleksteele@lakerlutznews.comPasco County planners hope a study will point the way to consensus on whether to open more north/south roads that link Pasco and Hillsborough counties. More than 100 people attended a public meeting on the topic on April 18 at PascoHernando State College, off Mansfield Boulevard. The boulevard dead-ends at the county line, just before reaching Kinnan Street, a two-lane, divided roadway in New Tampa, on HillsboroughÂ’s side of the dividing line. Connecting the two is one of three road projects that the study will consider over the next six months. Consultants with AECOM also will look at the potential for southern extensions of Meadow Pointe Boulevard and Wyndfields Boulevard that would link with existing and future roads in the K-Bar ranch development in Hillsborough. Opening up Mansfield and Kinnan drew largely negative reviews from Pasco residents, specifically those living in Meadow Pointe subdivisions. “More through roads will be needed,” said Meadow Pointe resident Michael Kaufman. “IÂ’m not against development.Seeking connections between countiesSee CONNECTIONS, page15A Redevelopment project teed up for a vote
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MEMBER: Central Pasco Chamber, Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber, Greater Zephyrhills Chamber, Greater Dade City Chamber, Florida Press Association, Free Community Papers of Florida, Southeast Advertising Publishers Association, Association of Free Community Newspapers, Independent Free Newspapers of America.Advertising and editorial content by Manatee Media Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without prior written permission from the publisher. The LAKER/ Lutz NEWS ADVERTISINGTERRI WILLIAMSONSenior Account Managertwilliamson@lakerlutznews.comCHERYL MICHELAccount Managercmichel@lakerlutznews.comRACHEL THOMPSONClassified & Directory Salesrthompson@lakerlutznews.comDESIGN ACCOUNTINGMATTHEW MISTRETTAArt Directormmistretta@lakerlutznews.comSTEFANIE BURLINGAMEGraphic Designersburlingame@lakerlutznews.comMARY EBERHARDmeberhard@lakerlutznews.comLOCATION: 3632 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Suite 102 Land O Lakes, FL 34639 MAIL: P O. 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MANIONEditor bcmanion@lakerlutznews.comKEVIN WEISSStaff Writer kweiss@lakerlutznews.comMARY RATHMANEditorial Assistantmrathman@lakerlutznews.comEDITORIALDISTRIBUTION: Florida Circ, LLC ken@floridacirc.com ANNE KIBBEAccount Managerakibbe@lakerlutznews.comCUSTOMER SERVICE CAROLYN BENNETTcbennett@lakerlutznews.com Did you know...813-996-1895 3632 Land OLakes Blvd, #105-7 Land OLakes, FL 34639WWW.DUROJAIYELAW.COM*2016 Gallup The hiring o f a l awyer i s an i mportant decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Befor e you decide, ask us to send you FREE written i nformation ab out o ur qualifications and experience. ONLY 50%*OF AMERICANS HAVE A WILL? We can help you plan for the future and make sure your family is protected. Call Babatola Durojaive today. His mission is to help you plan ahead with wills, trusts and estate planning. The cost is likely much less than you think. COURTESY OF DIANE KORTUS
CROCHET CLASSHarvester Methodist Church, 2432 Collier Parkway, will host a crochet class, for all levels, every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., for adults. No child care provided. Guests should bring yarn and crochet hooks. Admission is free.SMART DRIVER CLASSThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will host the AARP Smart Driver Class April 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Some insurance companies offer a discount for this refresher course. The cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. Preregistration is required. For information, call (813) 9073908.TAMPA HISTORYThe Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W. Bearss Ave., will present “The History of Tampa” April 27 at 1 p.m., for adults. The program, presented by the Tampa Bay History Center, will include the Spanish conquistadors, the Tocobaga and Seminole Indians, Fort Brooke, Henry B. Plant, Cigar City, MacDill Air Force Base, Central Avenue, Gasparilla and more. For information, call (813) 273-3652, or visit HCPLC.org.LOCAL AARP MEETINGLand OÂ’ Lakes AARP Chapter 4764 will meet April 28 at 10:30 a.m., at the Land OÂ’ Lakes Community Center, 5401 Land OÂ’ Lakes Blvd. The guest speaker will be Terri Dusek, president of the Central Pasco Chamber of Commerce. There also will be a bake/bakeless sale, as well as a small plant sale, to raise funds for Joshua House. For information, email pebross@verizon.net.FAMILY BIKE RIDEMoms Clean Air Force, a community of moms and dads united against air pollution, will host a family/kid-friendly bike ride on the Withlacoochee State Trail, Trilby Trail Head, 37451 Trilby Road in Dade City, April 29 at 12:15 p.m. There is no skill set required, no finish line, and no time limit. The event is rain or shine. All riders age 16 and younger must wear a helmet. For information, email Elise Mysels at PascoActivists@gmail.com.MAKE A BOOKMARKThe Land OÂ’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will offer a bookmark-making class, for ages 9 and older, April 29 from 10 a.m. to noon. Participants can learn the basics of block printing, and design, carve and print a completed bookmark. Proper dress code, registration and a signed liability waiver are required. For information, call (813) 929-1214.ART RECEPTIONBugÂ’s Splatter Gallery, 5718 Sixth St., in Zephyrhills, will host a free exhibit opening and wine reception April 29 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., featuring artist Arlene Wells. For information, email fbyers1@tampabay.rr.com.SONGS OF FLORIDAThe Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will host “Songs of Florida” with musician Chris Kahl April 29 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. For information, call (352) 567-3576.COMMUNITY BARBECUEConneton will host a community barbecue April 29 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:20 p.m., at 8743 Savory Walk Drive in Land OÂ’ Lakes. At 2 p.m., there will be a dedication ceremony to welcome the David Roca family to their new home. THE PRINCESS BRIDEThe Tampa Theatre, 711 N. Franklin St., in downtown Tampa, will present the movie “The Princess Bride” April 30 at 3 p.m., as part of its Family Targeted Films Series. Tickets are $10 for adults, and $8 for kids ages 2 to 12. For information, visit TampaTheatre.org.MONASTERY OPEN HOUSEThe Benedictine Sisters of Florida will host an Open House for Holy Name MonasteryÂ’s new guest/retreat wing April 30 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., at 12138 Wichers Road in St. Leo. Refreshments will be served. For information, call (352) 588-8320.SUPPORT FOSTER CHILDRENDuring Child Abuse Prevention Month, all Florida Community Bank centers will participate in a Sneaker Drive during the month of April. All sneakers will be donated to local children in foster care. Donations can be dropped off at the FCB Tampa Village Banking Center, 13128 N. Dale Mabry Highway in Tampa. Those wishing to donate also can call (813) 5092200 for pickup. GREEN HILLSBOROUGHHillsborough County Commissioner Pat Kemp, District 6 Countywide, will host a Community Conversation May 1 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Bloomingdale Regional Public Library, 1906 Bloomingdale Ave., in Valrico. The event will aim to inform residents about the countyÂ’s commitment to environmental, economic and social sustainability. Seating is limited to 90 persons, admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be a questions-and-answer session after the presentation.SHADE PLANTINGThe UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office will present “Planting in Shade” May 2 at 6:30 p.m., at the Land OÂ’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway. Participants can learn about the different plants for the shade, and how to save money by putting the right plant in the right place. For information, call the Extension Office at (352) 518-0156.ART IN THE AFTERNOONThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will host “Art in the Afternoon” May 2 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., for teens to seniors. The group is open to all levels of art enthusiasts. Guests can bring their own supplies or borrow a few. For information, call (813) 780-0064.SOLDERING BASICSThe Land OÂ’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will offer “Basics of Soldering” May 2 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., for ages 16 and older. Participants can learn about safety, the equipment used, and practice soldering wires on a circuit board. Proper dress code, completion of a liability waiver and registration are required. For information, call (813) 929-1214.GARDEN MEETINGThe Land OÂ’ Lakes Garden Club will meet May 2 at 11 a.m., at the Asian Buffet, 1742 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., in Wesley Chapel, for its annual May lunch. For information, call Marie Woody at (813) 961-2697.DIVERSITY FILMThe New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, will present last yearÂ’s movie about three African-American women who helped launch an astronaut May 2 at 11 a.m. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. For information, call (813) 788-6375.BOOK DISCUSSIONThe Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will host a Mystery Book Discussion Group May 2 at 2 p.m., on the book “The Lake House” by Kate Morton. New members can attend. For information, call (352) 567-3576.HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONThe Zephyrhills Historical Association will meet May 2 at 5:30 p.m., at the Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St. Refreshments and drinks will be provided. Members will bring food to share. For information, call (813) 7800064.GIVE TO MARINE CENTERGive Day Tampa Bay is May 2, and the Marine Discovery Center in St. Petersburg needs help raising funds for its renovations. Mark Luther, chairman of the board of directors of MDC and associate professor in USF College of Marine Science, will speak live at noon on the GiveDay.org website to discuss the centerÂ’s plans. The 24-hour online giving event showcases the missions of nonprofits. To support the discovery center, visit tinyurl.com/nygjbvq.PHOTOGRAPHY CLUBThe Land OÂ’ Lakes Photography Club will meet May 2 at 7 p.m., at the Land OÂ’ Lakes Community Center, 5401 Land OÂ’ Lakes Blvd. The topics will be lighting and portrait photography. All levels of photographers can attend. For information, email LOLPhotoClub2017@gmail.com.MAKE A BATH BUDDYThe Land OÂ’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will host a class to make a terrycloth duck that can be used as a washcloth May 3 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., for ages 16 and older. Participants must have basic sewing experience. Proper dress code, completion of a liability waiver and registration are required. For information, call (813) 929-1214.LUTZ SENIOR CENTERThe Lutz Senior Center, 112 First Ave., N.W., will offer these events:  May 3 at 1 p.m.: “Spanish-American War: LetÂ’s Learn About It Together”  May 5 at 1 p.m.: Cinco de Mayo Bingo For information, call (813) 264-3804.LUTZ GARDEN CLUBThe Orange Blossom Garden Club of Lutz will meet May 3 at 10 a.m., at the Lutz Civic Center, 98 First Ave., N.W. There will be a plant show, and a presentation from Hollies Farm and Garden Center on preparing a garden for summer. Members can bring a small rooted cutting to trade and a canned good for the food bank. For information, visit Facebook.com/Orange Blossom Garden Club of Lutz, Florida.CARROLLWOOD TOASTMASTERSThe Carrollwood Toastmasters will meet May 3 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W. Bearss Ave., in Tampa. Participants can take the first step toward improving public speaking skills. For information, visit Carrollwood.toastmastersclubs.org.MOBILE ONE STOPCareerSource Mobile One will make a stop at the New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, May 4 from 9:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. The unit is a selfcontained resource room with 12 computer stations; satellite internet and telecommunications; and printing/copying capabilities, to assist in job and career searches. For information, call (813) 788-6375.FERN GARDEN CLUBThe Fern Garden Club of Odessa will meet May 4 at 10 a.m., at the Keystone Community Center, 17928 Gunn Highway in Odessa. The guest speaker will be Peggy Gretchen on wildflowers, vines and groundcovers. For information, call (813) 854-1308.DADE CITY FIRST FRIDAYThe Dade City Merchants will host First Friday “Music & Margaritas” in historic downtown Dade City May 5 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., and every first Friday of the month. This is a family night, and more than 20 stores, including Lori AnneÂ’s, will be open until 9 p.m. There also will be live entertainment, refreshments, and specials with children. The event is petfriendly. For information, visit Dade City Merchants Association on Facebook.CITIZEN SURVEYPasco County has launched its annual Citizen Survey to get feedback from residents on a variety of topics related to the future of the county, such as transportation, parks, emergency services and growth. The survey is intended to help the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners with planning discussions and decision-making. The survey will remain open until May 31 at PascoCountyFl.net (click on survey link). and Plumbin g Ex p ert A ir Condition i rusted r o Y our T W e J i n g Ju m p ( 813) 4 4 p Wh e 4 4-9474 e n Y o a mily O wne d F ou Ca d & O perated a ll € 22 years experie € No surprises Â… a c € Free estimate o n nce c curate quotes up fr o n unit replacementAC: CA C o nt C 1818869 Plbg:CFC1429720 ~ Ow n e r R on w hen y ou p lace y our t r e take our responsib e ÂW ils A t A d or F ll CA our Next Repair Yo $50 OFF Y € Free estimate on re-pipe € Financing options available et r ust in us.ÂŽ b ility very seriously 4A www.LakerLutzNews.com April 26, 2017 Your Community Calendar  Submit 2 weeks in advance to: news@lakerlutznews.com  All listings free of charge WhatÂs Happening What  s Happening Library fundraiserPDQ, 27757 State Road 56 in Wesley Chapel, will support Friends of the Land OÂ’ Lakes Library April 27 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. When purchasing meals, either by dining in or using the drivethru, guests should mention Friends of the Library and PDQ will donate a portion of the total bill to the organization. For information, call (813) 528-8770.Wheelchairs 4 Kids benefitJuan Fontanez Jr., service center manager at Suncoast Credit Union-Holiday, will ‘steal the spotlightÂ’ April 28 at CharleyÂ’s Steak House, 4444 W. Cypress St., in Tampa, and participate in “Jail and Bail.” Juan will be locked in a mock jail until he makes bail, raising money for the charity, Wheelchairs 4 Kids. Donations will be accepted at the restaurant or can be made online. For information, visit Wheelchairs4Kids.org. Boots and BBQBoots and BBQ will take place May 4 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Dan Cannon Auditorium, 36722 State Road 52 in Dade City, to benefit the Lewis Abraham Lacoochee Boys and Girls Club. There will be music by the DC Country Band, barbecue with all the fixings and an auction. Tickets are $100 per person. For information, call Jennie Yingling at (813) 769-7536.Kentucky DerbyThe Cheval WomenÂ’s Club, and the Cheval Golf and Athletic Club, will host the annual Kentucky Derby Charity Classic Event May 6 from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Cheval Golf Club. There will be drink specials; drawings and silent auctions; contests for Ladies Most Creative Hat, Best Dressed Lady and Most Creative GentlemenÂ’s Attire; and, a plated dinner after the race. Tickets are $28 per person. Seating is limited and payments must be received by May 1. All proceeds from the drawings and auction will benefit Paws for Patriots, Operation Helping Hand, and Joshua House. For information, contact Billie Byers at (813) 948-3939 or rbers16@tampabay.rr.com.
*Free 77pt AC Cleaning and Inspection is one per household. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Certificate has no cash value and must be redeemed within 90 days. Limited to the first 50 donors. Cornerstone Pros encourages you to get involved give the Gift of Giving back.Give blood. Give life. EvEry 2 sEConds, somEonE in thE U.s nEEds b lood and morE than 41,000 blood donations arE nEEdEd E vEry day When you donate your blood, it can be used for those who are suffering from cancer, sickle cell disease, or victims of accidents. a single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood. this means that your time and gift could save the life of someone immediately. What a wonderful feeling to know that your donation has given hope and a future to someone in need.Please consider donating blood at cornerstone Pros location 4946 land o lakes blvd, land o lakes, Fl. Join the cause toda y and donate blood!will be h olding a blood drive to give back to the community 7:30am-12:30pm May 5th As our special thanks to the community members that are willingly to give up their time and energy to give back to those in need, we will be offering a Free 77 Point AC Cleaning and Inspection gift certificate* as well as raffles items for those that donate on May 5th. Also, OneBlood will be giving away free t-shirts and raffle items. Cornerstone Pros stays involved in the community, and will be holding a blood drive to give back on May 5th from 7:30am-12:30pm at their location. 4946 LAND O LAKES BLVDIN THE HEART OF LAND O LAKES 813-949-4445 All of our Cornerstone employees are encouraged to participate, and we are also requesting the community to come out and donate as well. GIVE-A-WAYS & RAFFLE ITEMS IN V A HAIRS-CO CVENTE Ven V V V e e n ndors n d d o o r s The Conco rda u u Sat u tu S a a t t r d d a a T h e e C o o n c o o ry a a ourse Rot ay, May 6 a ta a a y M a a y 6 o o u r s e e R R o o ot t a r y Pav v vilion 00 p.m. o 9: 5: 0 6 00 t o to 6 5 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t o 9 9 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 p m P P a a v i i l i i o o n (Adld (Adld (Admission include ( A A d d m i i s s i i o o n i i n c l u d d e bld : s t e k c Ti bld es beer sampling and t Ti Ti Ti c k k e e t s : : e e s b e e e e r s a a m p l i i n g g a a n d d nir glass.) n souven s o o u v e e n i i r g g l a a s s ) ttMiL For more in f ormati o Ages 21+ only. A A g g e e s 2 2 1 + + o o n l y i o n AP ENDORSEMENT Y DOESNOT IRSBY A AFF DIVISIONOFCONSUMER T T THEOFFICIAL OF COPY A REGISTRA IMPL Y # BrewfestForH o A K E L Th e Medi m aria.lewis @ ghppc at 727-845-5707 o Medi THE TIONBY T E T A A LL FREEWITHIN O T CALLING B Y Y T INFORMA ANDFINANCIAL ION T IONMA THEST PROV AL ORRECOMMENDA Medi con t ac t M ar i a L e w o s p ic e E W S N L u / u u tz ER iaSpons or g or ia Spons s or: s ERE T T #CP1528 ION T # 7 352 ) REGISTR A ( 1-800-4357 THE 7 INE A A BEOBT ST s s E DFROM iaSpons wis A THE TION BY A ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT IMPL Y APPROV AL OR RECOMMENDA E RE T A ST # #CP1528 A n s tate s W i ne e sts a uni q u e t wines we can y y y o f r hi stor e the sales a r o -owner of Florid a nin e -li te r cases of an d e up 4.4% w e r consuming coun owth e sales gr orts the Unite d ve r n e than e ustr e ry ear c o o m t h F ange y y Flo r y beledwines a m o pical ca r h e t r y L ime F lorida Ke v orites includ e a a riety of Florid a v r idians enj o biance and laid y O ur wine r q y and the a e st in i nte r v v S t r S pic e April30 y y a rt of wine tastin g y of y o wn in popu v e g r u e bottle h sweetness bu t i s o rt o wberr r White and Red e, beled wines a y P the histo r Sunda .florid e asco C a at t h .m aestateswine.com e classes and , r o o C ount y R oad 5 2 exit 2 85 a t located , h e wine r April 30 , Sunda y y T egister tisement aidadver p tisement aid adver a p
erans Benefit Veterans Benef Veteranse Veteran enef n n t s t a i i an t t n a f r s r e n a a f n i t n e e t t e e e e r t t s a e a i f s r B t f s s e e i n t t s n s e s e s e s a t a t n t t r a e s f i e s r e e s e e n n e i e n t t e e e e V Aid Aid d d id d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d Attendance nce c c ce a e e e e n A e e n e d e n d e d e e A d n A c d e n e Join us to learn how Aid Attendance can assist a Veteran or surviving spouse with the cost of assisted living. Wednesday, May 10th | 6:00 7:00pm e Legacy at Highwoods Preserve b h basedonthe e voStore hours: Mon Fri Service Areas: Pasco C o Cha pel, Carrollwo o h ome i mp r s wner ideathathomeo Our business is e ment. ro ce f our sour w T V ounty 8:30am 4:00 pm Sat and y, Brandon, Va a l r ico, Ta am o d, Rivervie w, Land O Lake s is y ojects orprf ON LABOR VE $25 AV Sun by apt only. m pa, Mango,Wesley s Odessa,Trinity. SA Y c o a r e q s b WELLHELP c r af t s m a n e d rk o of the w vide a o a n d p r e asonable p ied ho m q uali f e e shouldhav A RETILEB AT THROOM based on the WELL HELP Y OU ACCO M NO MATTER HOW SMA L er $250 vo ojects or pr fON LABOR VE $50 er $100 vo ojects or pr AV our y med b or d perf arranty itten w ear wr a one y ther go a step fur e We ice. r ofessionals at a m e repair pr enient access to v con y, s wner idea that homeo easy .com a mpa B ay Ta 6 00 | REP ING C KSPLASHES A IRS EXTERIOR D S V ICE MAINTENANCE, PA AIRS AND TUNE UPS. AndyOnCallT f S A W M PLISH EVERYTHING ON YOUR HONEY DO LIST, L L OR LARGE THE PROJECT MIGHT BE.License: CRC1331649 B U ILD O R RE P P C IA RE P AND F INST INST A RETILE B AT THROOM TA ALLCRO WN MOLD TA ALLC ABINETS / BA C SOFFIT FA A PA A PA A INTIN G INTERI O R & FLOORS TILE & WOO D PA A IR DE C K S AIR CONDITIONER SER V Call: (813) 961-2 6 AND WINE NEW E T HE P NEIG H AND P ERFECT ... H BORS NEW IRI A A P NG etizers. O FRMeet Astu O NT POR C Please join D a ria neighbors a n Y, AY C H FRID A Y a vid Weekley Ho m n d guests while e APRIL 28 Y, Y m es for Front P o e njoying delicio u 8 th, 2017 o rch Friday. u s wine and app mes All o yH leek e We a t2017D hgirypo ts.Cemen vorp edimet lp David Weekley Home s 14823 Caravan Blvd. From 6 RSVP to Diane by 4/26 / vidW C1257289 aFLCB pm a Ta ed vre tsRes h lRig mco mo r fr er f .T f ty o li i b ab ia v av n als, a i ter s, ma n tioca da s Mendocino Model Odessa FL 33556 8 PM / 17 to 813-422-6165 la C1257289 a FL CB pm a Ta ed vre ts Res h mes All Rig oy H leek e We at 2017 Dhgirypo ts. C emen vorp ed imet lp vidW .T
Thereslike 21100 FOUNTAIN GARDEN WAY LAND O LAKES, FLORIDA 34637 813.996.5800 e biggest showcase of new homes is happening now and this year Connerton is the designated Showcase Community. In prior years, the Parade focused on a single showcase home. However, this year, Connerton is oering a collection of showcase homes, featuring ve unique models from our renowned builders all in one location. e Parade runs all of April and weve packed the entire month with special events you wont want to miss. Our exceptional builders have an array of oerings to highlight the latest building trends, interior designs and new home styles youve got to see to believe. So, dont miss your best chance to nd your next dream home at Connerton, the leader of the parade. To learn more, come out and visit us any day of the Parade to tour our models and the long list of the amenities youve only dreamed of, or visit us online to see why we truly are the Community of More! e Community ofTHE PARADE HAS ARRIVED AND WE ARE THE STAR! CONNERTON.COM Most Models Open Mon-Sat 10-6 and Sun 12-6 Visitor Center Hours 10-6 Daily.
more than 17 homes in its rental an active property management di Hernando and Hillsborough countie and commercial property primaril representing both buyers and sellers is a full service real estate com Real Estate Ser Advantag l program. ivision with es. It also has ly in Pasco, s of residential mpany rvices ge UN, ODESSA, FL 33556 a th with upstairs bonus room on Wide plank Brazilian Oak floors, wood s, custom windo w trea tments, wide ng and custom lighting throughout. and will sell quickly Priced a t Hernandez a t 813-918-5765. 13127 OLD FLORID A CIR, HUDSON This stunning, meticulously maintained 4 be car gara ge home with 1,975 sq ft is a MUST kitchen with wood cabinets, Corian counter a ppliances inc luded. Home loca ted on cons a t $195,900. Contact P a trick Harpe a t 813edroom, 2 ba th, 2 T SEE! Upgraded tops and all er va tion. Priced -382-8888. 1233 ROLLING STONE R Gorgeous 3 bedroom 2 ba premium pond/lake lot. W cabinetr y tile in wet areas baseboards, cro wn moldin This home is a must see a $314,900. Contact Karen 3228 STONEGA AT TE F ALLS DRIVE, LAND O LAKES, FL 34638 Beautiful 4 bedroom, 3 ba th, 3 car gara ge pool home with spa in highly desirable Stonega te. Oxford floor plan with 510 P PA AINTED LEAF DR, B Move right in to this 4 be sq ft home in T rillium. Ope BROOKSVILLE, FL 34604 edroom 2 ba th 2 car gara ge 1,684 en floor plan, 42" cabinets and all a t loca tion, c lose to Suncoast parkContact Linda Ruhlig a t 813-494stone eleva tion on premium pond homesite. Gourmet kitchen open floor plan. Priced a t $350,000. Contact Jodie Maddaloni a t 813-382-2692 a ppliances inc luded. Grea way Priced a t $157,500. 5433. 3948 La 22503 SOUTHSHORE DR, LAND O LAKES One of the last wa terfront lots in Lake P adg V acant lot loca ted on wide canal to East Lak tance from lake. Lake P adgett community h and 1 fishing lake plus horse stables, tennis parks on East Lake and Lake P adgett, boa t Lake, Lake P adgett and Lake Saxon. F ishing Jo yce. Priced a t $150,000. Contact Sharon a t 813-245-4971 NOW INTERVIEWING Land O Lakes, F r ake Padgett Dr gett Esta tes. ke only short dishas 3 ski lakes s courts and ramps on East g dock on Lake Molnar Johnson 21410 HOPSON RD LAN Super s weet LAKE FRONT bedrooms, 1 ba th, 1,370 Property is ver y priva te w home a must see. Priced Hernandez a t 813-918-57 G AGENTS! FL 34639 813-996-4747 ND O LAKES T Old Florida style home fea tures 2 sq ft and huge screened in porch. with lush landsca ping make this a t $259,900. Contact Karen 765. g tz.u L t of rt er in the He ar yle Homes wi t tecutive S estigiousnewcomm esisapr t obaEsta droC Ex ge or Lar Half-Acr ecutive-style x munitywith286et h Homesites of chase price a n e not included in the pur ar t tor suggestions tha a other items shown may be decor tion and subject to change without publica te of fect iv e o n t h e da ff plans and terms ar ices, rlAtlanticHomes.com aC isit or V ll (813) 388-2981 a ase C Ple tion, Informa e r Mor oF om the $400s to $900s ro xury Esta uL 33559 L tz, u L d, anch Boulevar doba R ro 2516 C ee Model Homes Open Daily r h Th ur our o To communities. ed to other new h o compar between you and your neighbors, oviding unrivaled space and priv a pr e plus homesites, Half-acr t e te ag te concier ual gat vira clusive Enver x ted Entry with e Ga .e ound and mor s playgrnechildr d o ts, s cour t spor ach-entry pool, x includes be e amenity comple tivarP mp a a Ta ollwood and Downtown arr C mpa, a Ta New ach of e sy r a within e whil e ,ae this ar Old-Florida charm of al, homes in the acclaimed rur e homesites and elegantly appointe d g homeowners will enjoy lar t ar ted in the he cao L s.e ely 800-acr timaxo ed on appr t homes situa ecuti x estigious new community with 286 e es is a pr t oba Esta droC T T T T FL P e ef t e Homes f r o g park, a e being te d esta tz,u L of ve-style o me a cy e ndant. Q1038741). Florida (C cic of a P d andar t S n d availability may vary H a tist conceptions. e ar es ar ur t a ther fe ho m es o r o f notice. Depictions of landscape and scape, d a r *500 s q ft minimu m til e l am i nate wo o $ 5 0 esent cou p on. m Must pr VP mater i a l a V O 0 .00 od or L 0 / 17 es 5 /1 Ex p i r a n d i nsta ll at i on O F F 5 132 Land OLakes B lvd ., Suite 1 04 Land OLakes Fl 34639
ALS LAWN CAREProducts & Service, Inc. 18905 N. Dale Mabry Lutz, FL 33548(813) 949-1384 or (813) 949-3963All prices are DSRP. Available at participating dealers while supplies last.The actual listed guide bar length may vary from the effective cutting length based on which powerhead it is installed on. 2017 STIHL STIHLusa.com Hours: Monday Friday 8am 5:30pmBG 50 HANDHELD BLOWERThis is absolutely the best blower I have ever purchased. It is a great piece of equipment for the price, plus with the STIHL name, it has dependability I can count on. user TL805$139.95Check out these reviews and others on the product pages at STIHLdealers.com. JOIN US. STIHL makes work fun. Jen Owen | Homeowner FSA 45 BATTERY TRIMMER $12995POWERPICK YOURFS 38 GAS TRIMMER GAS OR BATTERY $179.95 MS 170 CHAIN SAWIm glad I went with the 170--the price and reliability are outstanding. user prutsmanbros9316 bar 11,612 Reasons32% of our readers are planning home improvement projects, including remodeling and additions.* Thats 11,612 local homes becoming more beautiful this year! And 11,612 reasons to advertise your service! *June 2016 CVC Audit The LAKER/Lutz NEWS813.909.2800 www.lakerlutznews.com ING & C T AT AIR H A HEA C OOLING A WKledgeable wKno dn a yhtrowtsu Trecivr SeygencEmer24/7 es May 17, 2017OOLING ING & C T AT WK AW MAINTENANCE1/2 OFFYA 727-SAME-D WK 813-929-HA CALL AIR HA C.comkA w @AirHa t ntac o C mo C.ckA w .AirHa wwwOpinions ond ce ee S rF es t ee Estima rF ricing ir P aF ed ta and Oper denw O ylim HEA FaExpir
54. d vd lv Bl a la lla el Be aiV B e l ll l B l v Road Livingstona y a rk w e r P i l ol C54 Veri ed Level II Trauma CenterTrauma Awareness Month Registration/Lunch 11:30 | Tutorials begin at NoonReservations RequiredVisit our website RMCHealth.com or call 727-869-5498 | 1-888-741-5119 5/2/17 Wound healing in TraumaPRESENTER: Doug Kwazneski, MD 5/9/17 Stop the Bleed: Intro to Stop the Bleed CampaignPRESENTER: Isabella Discepolo, RN 5/16/17 Life Link: Organ Donation in the CommunityPRESENTER: Sandra Riedinger, Hospital Development Liaison 5/23/17 Falls: Fall PreventionPRESENTER: Mike Imbimbo, PTA, Director of Rehab 5/30/17 Osteoporosis: Hips of SteelPRESENTER: David Otis, DO Tuesday Tutorials with Complimentary Lunch for the Community atREGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BAYONET POINTRAO MUSUNURU, M.D. CONFERENCE CENTER14100 Yosemite Drive, Hudson, FL 34667 (Back Campus of the Hospital) Provider of EXCEPTIONAL MEDICAL CARE WITH NO EXCEPTIONS
www.bernierdental.comPLEASE CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!813-601-1122Evening and weekend appointments available.MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for a payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for free, discounted fee, or the reduced fee, service, examination or treatment. 5420 Land O Lakes Blvd, Suite 103 813-601-1122 Let us give you something toSmileaboutCleaning, exam, consultation and all necessary x-raysADA D1110, D0210, D0150NEW PATIENT EXPERIENCE$9900 *New patients only. Not valid with any other offers or insurance. Does not include periodontal therapy. Limited time only. *EXPIRES 5/31/17 Send health news to news@lakerlutznews.com N OT NO TI T I ME T A A O A T T W AST! AST E T rn 1 a ear P Ye 12 Y Cash R e ear Labor warr Ye 1 2 up t o a rts warranty Y e bate up to $1500. 0 v in g our com m 100% Sati s r anty* ear unit repla Ye o 12 Y 0% 0 0* Instantly s faction Guarante e a cement warranty Interest for 18 M o e * & extended o nths *wac 813-99 0 OR N C CAC1816 60 -0561 N ERST O EC0001103 6 47 & CFC1428982CO M .ROSP O NE M April 26, 2017 813-909-4888 2153 Collier Parkway Land O Lakes www.FranklinJeweler.netSINCE 1946 Franklin JewelersMON-FRI 10AM-6PM SATURDAY 11AM-5PM CLOSED SUNDAYSGIA & EGLDiamonds AvailableJeweler on Premises 10% OFF $5.00 OFFFREE EXPERTWATCH& JEWELRYREPAIR Lay Away & Gift Certificates Available ALL JEWELRYREPAIRSNot valid with any other offers. With coupon. Expires 5/31/17WATCH BATTERYLimit 1 per customer. Including installation. Not valid with any other offers. With coupon. Expires 5/31/17JEWELRYCLEANINGWhile You WaitNot valid with any other offers. With coupon. Expires 5/31/17Laser Welder Repairs!Let us fix your eyeglasses & much moreWe Buy Gold & Diamondsat the guaranteed highest price and paid in cash! Continued on next page Resgistration form available atwww.HeartsForOasis.org/oasis-golf-tournament/or call 813-406-4965 SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLELexington oaks | 26133 Lexington oaks BLvd | WesLey ChapeL Judith L. Reese
New customers only. Must purchase intial clean.Expires 5-31-17 Some restrictions apply. Call for details. Expires 5-31-17 Checklist Wash Baseboards Wash Windows Wash Floors Disinfect Bathrooms UP TO 5 YEARS BUMPER TO BUMPER WARRANTY UP TO 5-YEARS BUMPER-TO-BUMPER WARRANTY THE MOWER WITH MORE MUSCLE FOR YOUR MONEY. The Zee 2 is the best residential mower in its class with big engines, big decks, and big value. No other residential mower gives you more muscle for your money High Horsepower A 23 horsepower engine from Briggs & Stratton Kawasaki or Kohler to power you at up to 3.1 acres per hour NO MONEY DOWN FINANCING REDEFINE YOUR MOWING EXPERIENCE The BlackHawk provides the ultimate mowing experience with superior value, advanced operator controls, commercial grade components, and unmatched performance. P roven P ower Eq ui pped with the industry p referred K awasaki FS and B riggs & S tratton C yclonic engines for trusted reliability an d p erformance. As low as $78.00 a month (with a pproved credit ) 8820 GALL BLVD (HWY 301) ZEPHYRHILLS FL 33541 813-788-1779 WWW.CAHILLSMOTORSPORTS.COM Come Grow With Us! New Patients WelcomeConvenient to: Odessa Trinity Land OLakes Primary care pediatrics for infants, children, and adolescents Physician owned and locally grown, with 12 neighborhood locations throughout Tampa Bay Evening & weekend hours open to all patients (select locations)1850 Crossings Blvd. Odessa, FL 33556 Behind shopping plaza at SR 54 and Suncoast Parkway Suncoast Office (813) 475-7100 www.PediAlliance.comMelody Baade, MD Ignatius Tan, MD 813-996-1211 4005 Land O Lakes Blvdon U.S. 41 in Land O Lakes Monday Night BUFFET$7.995pm-8:30pm COURTESY OF KETH LUKE COURTESY OF KETH LUKE Get all your favorite local news stories online TheLaker / LutzNews
eMedicine SpecializinginConcierg e stin g NutrientT Food Se n siti v ities otocols NutritionalPr mones Bio IdenticalHor HCG eig ht Los s MedicalW mone Th e r & Ho r eight M ed i ca l W r ap y Loss fices located i n La n d O Of otalBala o 8 1 3 5 2 8 -4 064 tified in Obesit y d C e r B oa r e M e Specializing in Concierg ala EvolutionT Consulta FREE t Ri c h e y Lakes & Ne w Por ance.com e men t e e and Medicine W ance.com Ba l a n ce otal o to T eight Manag ation ained60lbs a fatigued, w libid o y l o Ihadaver eatment tr s t ca m e t o Erin a n d D s estimonials: e RecentT Wh e n I f i r andIhadg when you mention t ning Injec t Bur Fat FREE OR Consulta FREE sthatIjust y asver a o, e n o for M or . Dr Iw t his ad t ion ation A g e om L an d OL a k es, D av id fr M . eat! f eel g r e p t 40 lbs off for the last four y k eased l i incr O n top o f m wi t h i t. T or the s y m p w verlo ferfromse ecommend Evolution! I I highly r A g om Land OLakes Krist y f r v er a n d Iv e n e , o e pt them lostthose60lbsandk After a y ear of t r couldn tlose ained 60 lbs fatigued, and I had g is back with vig or y Thanks Erin and Dr e 52 e n o !! Mor andI s, s v e I h a i bido o o e r su fe g e 36 r fe lt b e tt e r! libido m off, I ve eatment r s that I just y no long ptoms that g year HOMES FOR SALEEAST LAKE PADGETT 3-2-2 1850 sf. On canal with awesome conservation view. Large screen lanai with outdoor pool table and spa. Call Cody at 813-909-0712 VERY RARE VILLA POOL HOME IN DEVONSHIRE 2-2-2 On conversation, tile, crown molding upgrades and more upgrades. Wont last $249,900! Call Cody at 813-909-0712DEEP WATER CANAL WITH BOATLIFT 2,800 Sq ft. 3-2 Five lots from open Tampa Bay. Ruskin Call Cody at 813-9090712 FOREST HILLS 3200+ sq.ft. 3/2/1. Exquisite beautifully updated 2-story pool home with open floor plan. Centrally located for an easy commute. Debbie Coscia 813-7670583 CHARMING DUTCH PROVINCIAL COTTAGE BACK ON MARKET!!! No CDD and No HOA FREEDOM!! 2/1 with new septic and drain field and new roof $99,900! Call Faith Garcia 813-503-6610 SPRING FED SKI LAKE 5/4/3 pool home plus office on a .71 acre with no HOA and no CDD! Two master suites, Jack and Jill bath between the 3rd and 4th bedroom and the custom built-in office has a full bath! Call Faith Garcia 813-5036610 for an appointment today! DUPREE LAKES Impeccable 4/3/3/ 2,460 sf Call Phil Tamm at 813-408-1357 EAST LAKE DRIVE ON LAKE FRONT Beautiful 3/3.1 3,000 Sq.ft home with open floor plan with split bedrooms. Enjoy white sandy beach with huge dock with boat lift, oversized lanai and pool. Many upgrades including new roof, AC and impact windows. NO CDD C all Cody Adams at 813-9090712. LEASE RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIALC2 Land O Lakes Blvd with highway Frontage 1800 sq. ft. 3/2 with 3 Car Garage. 100 ft. of Bell Lake Frontage. Call Cody Adams at 813-909-0712LAKE LOTSSKI LAKE 300 road frontage & 250 lakefront. Property is large enough for 2 homes. On lakefront with white sandy bottom. No Deed Restrictions Call Cody Adams 813-909-0712. GATED 1.66 ACRELAKEFRONT LOT IN ODESSA! Call Rick Tarr 813-245-5507 or Faith Garcia 813-503-6610. LUTZ 80x200 LOT ON LAKE KEENE!This is the last lot on this ski lake just minutes to shopping at Sunset and 41! Call Faith Garcia at 813-503-6610VACANT PROPERTYPRICE REDUCTED just $79,900 for a 2.5 acres fronting on U.S. 41 next to a book store! Call Faith Garcia 813-5036610 for the address! HORSE PROPERTY, 60 acres mol, 9 stall barn, 12 X 24 tack rm. w/AC. 12 X 12 feed rm. Lighted arena 180 x 200. Fenced X-fenced. Pole barn, Older MH, needs work 4/2.CALL AVA by apt. only N.Pasco area. 727-992-4974. 8.62 Acresin Winding Creek. Call Phil Tamm at 813-4081357 Spring Hill 5 Acresconvenient to Highway 41 & the Suncoast Parkway. Call Sally Huppke 813-693-9054. WESLEY CHAPEL 1.65 Acres in Quail Hollow Pines.Contact Phil Tamm at 813-408-1357. FLORIDA COMMERCIAL LAND & BUSINESSESFOR SALE Call Joe Vegafor Details at 888-663-9903.Russell Adams Realty, Inc.2502 Land O Lakes Blvd.Corner of Carson Rd. & US 41949-3603 www.russelladamsrealty.com OUR AGENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS!Serving the Pasco area for over 40 years! RED M S A F RE 3940 Lake Padgett D 813-38 8 SHWATER F I LTWATER FI S M E CO RAL S DSEAHIKA 5 /31/17 h or Salt Water o ral fra g s D r. Land OLakes 8 -9772 7, Sat 10-7, Closed Thurs I SH & PLANTS S H & CORALS CARIBSEA A RI COBALT PECTRUM RED Sun 12-5 M M on-Wed & Fr i 11 D SEA HIKA NEW LIFE S Must me n B u y ANY 3 Fish a n 2 0% Off al n t i on t hi s a d Exp i res 5 n d g et 2 FREE! Fres h OR l corals and c o 21501 Village Lakes Center Land O Lakes, FL 34639(813) 949-7484PizzaVillaLOL.com Baked Chicken, Stuffed Pepper & Tomato, Gyro, Briam, Mousaka, Dolmades, Spanakopita, Souvlaki, Large Greek Salad w/Potato Salad $2 OFF* ANY GREEKENTREE *Cannot be combined with other offers. One coupon per ticket/table. Expires 5/31/17. TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SUNDAYWEDNESDAY AND SUNDAYSATURDAY ONLY $5.99$10.95 $10.95 SPAGHETTI OR PENNEWITH ONE TOPPINGGREEK STYLE CHICKENLARGE ONE ITEM PIZZA We d o a ll we can for y our h do so m u H AND S Be c au s e trigger finge r & wr i s t, h an d, wrist pain w t enn i s e lbo eSpecialistofW HandCar re We esleyChapel providescomprehensiv h an d s u ch for y ou, e r & f orearm f rac t ures ve e Specialist of W Hand Car re We esley Chapel provides comprehensiv evaluation and customized treatment plans for acute or chronic conditions and injuries of the arm, elbow, hand and wrist. 2050 Ashley Oaks Circle, Suite 101 Wesley Chapel813-895-5581Luis A. Laurentin-Perez,MD PhDHand and Upper Extremity Surgeon e ve STUDENT ARTWORK EXHIBIT SUNRAY JUMPS FOR THE HEART LACOOCHEE COLOR RUN JAZZ N AT THE RITZ STUDENTS ON DEAN S LIST HILLEL ACADEMY APPOINTS WENDY LEIGH LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY DIRECTOR NAMED PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER
N O W O PEN! b Re j uvenate y our m i nd b od y and s pi r i t w i th all-n a a n i c herbs al or g a tu r otal P To 1 0 % O FF T P urchase from April 10 April 30 All N A romat h er a O rgan i c H er bs HOURS: MON FRI (813) 713-3028 yr Zeph Ave, 38330 5th N atura l B at h & B o d y Ca y Oil y O rgan i c B a b a p s (b u lk) H an d bl en d e d 9:30AM 5:30PM; S A .facebook.com/the h www FL 33542 (one block hills, a re o w d e r & P eas d H er b a l T T 9:30AM 3PM A h erbalkitchen west of Gall Blvd.) 37023 Pepper Drive, Zephyrhills, FL 33541-3613B&N LENZENTERPRISES BUSINESS/ INDIVIDUALACCOUNTANT Start Up Counseling Bookkeeping Are you having problems with the IRS? Nils R. Lenz, MBA, RTRPGive me a call.813-782-9491ENROLLED AGENT QUALIFIED TO PRACTICE BEFORE THE IRS Tax Planning Preparation Tax Resolution April 26, 2017 ASTI TA April30 y Sunday (4 miles west of I-75)(813) 996-2113 25241 S.R. 52 Land O Lakes, FL 34639Winer y Estates WINE T Florida y bl o g t a ee kly Wine B l o g : ww w W .floridaestateswines.com www $25 in advance; $30 at the d o 1:00 4:00 pm April 30 y, Sunday alk k ra d io.com / a ll a b outwin e a cebook.com/floridaestateswi n f a oo 1 1AM 6 PM Y Y n er y OPEN DAIL FREEDR Be g inners Welco m I Zeph y r hills Under Par RAFTBEER me n c A IN S A FOUN T FREE DR ( sma ll) S OFT DRIN K RAFT BEER ue-Sat, 7am 6 Open T m co ook b ce .fawww e Z e v Av t 38201 10 5 15 71 1(8 3) 7 1 hA show mom some love 6 pm Mon, 10am-2pmy r ke dba oo ngf i v i m /l FL 33542 s ll i rh y h e p2 2 62 5 -0 6 must order by 5/7 t y c Ake s Lt sandwiches and wraps homemade soups & salads Fresh Baked Goods1 0% o FF s pe c iA L TRAILS, from page 1A VOTE, from page 1A HEALTH, from page 1A A caravan of buses travels along Mansfield B oulevard, twice a day, delivering and picking up students at three schools. Pasco County residents worry that linking Mansfield to Kinnan S treet in New Tampa will increase traffic.CONNECTIONS, from page 1A
y W ry 8 74 3 Sa v or Location: BBQ Lun c 12:30pm 1:30pm:APRIL 2 9 Y, AY AT SA TURDA Y and his family to their new h Please join us for a special d R oca alk Drive Land O Lakes, FL W Dedication Ceremony 2:00pm: c h 2017 9 h ome in Connerton! emony to we l come U S A rmy S gt. D av id Dedication Cer APRIL 29TH 12:30 2:30 HELP US HONOR A HERO! PUBLIC W W ELCOME
Feather is a sweet man that will need a follow-up with a veterinarian for dental care. Despite his dentition issues, Feather loves temptation treats, and will chase and search for them. If you are interested in meeting him, come to the shelter, or check out Feathers video on our Facebook page. bugs. PET of the WEEK Bella is a 9-month-old Havanese that loves soaking in the Tampa rays! Her very proud parents are Randy and Rhonda Baughcum, of Land O Lakes. Write a short paragraph about why your pet is special along with a photo and mail to: or email to Bella is very stressed in the shelter and is desperate to find her home. She is one of the pups that has passed the Canine Good Citizen test, which means she has demonstrated her ability to show good behavior in the community.Bellas skills include sit, down, stay, come, calmly passing another dog on a walk and basic grooming.Pasco County Animal Services also offers continued basic obedience training for any pet adopted at the shelter. www.gentlecarepethospital.comFacebook.com/Gentlecare Pet Hospital SPAY & NEUTER CLINIC: Call for appointment: Subject to $3 medical, infectious & records fee.(Includes pre-anesthetic exam, anesthesia, pain & antibiotic pre-medication) Cat Neuter: $40 Cat Spay: $50 Dog Neuter: Dog Spay: up to 11 lbs $50 up to 11 lbs $60 12 33 lbs $55 12 22 lbs $65 34 66 lbs $65 23 44 lbs $70 67 88 lbs $80 45 66 lbs $80 89 132 lbs $95 67 88 lbs $100 89 132 lbs $120(813)949-441621515 VILLAGE LAKES SHOPPING CENTERLAND OLAKES(next to Beef O Bradys in old Wal-Mart Plaza) MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 AM 6 PM SATURDAY 8 AM 12 PMPETS SHOULD BE HEALTHY & NOT PREGNANT. MUST BE CURRENT ON RABIES & DHPP/FVRCP VACCINES. VACCINES CLINIC: Monday-Friday 1 2 pmWalk-Ins Welcome. Subject to $3 medical, infectious & records fee. Includes exam & economy vaccines. Consult is addl $30 on request. Rabies 1 yr $15.00 Feline Leukemia 2 yr $25.00 Feline Distemper Combo 3 yr $30.00 Rabies 3 yr $30.00 Canine Distemper Combo 3 yr $30.00 Bordetella/Kennel Cough $18.00 April 2 6, 2017 PUT YOUR PET IN THE SPOTLIGHT! We are looking for photos and information on your favorite pet. Include in your short story your pets name, age, and breed. Dont forget to include the owners name and city of residence! Send photo and information to: The LAKER/ Lutz NEWSEmail to: mrathman@lakerlutznews.com SUBJECT: Pet of the Week Mail to: Pet of the Week, c/o The Laker, P.O. Box 479, Lutz, FL 33548
ULTI M ATE SUMMER CAMP The LAKER/ Lutz NEWS OVER 60,000 READERS WEEKLY! Ads start at just $41 per week!CALL RACHEL FOR CURRENT SPECIALS & TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! 813-909-2800 SUMMER CAMPTHE GO-TO GUIDE FOR YOUR KIDS SUMMER ACTIVITIES!813-909-2800 Fax 813-909-2802/ The LAKER Lutz NEWS / classifieds@lakerlutznews.com ULTIMATE You Do the Dishes Call 813-975-1700 to reserve your spot 15357 AMBERLY DRIVE, TAMPA www.youdothedishes.com is offering SUMMER WORKSHOPS Workshops will include experienced expert instruction. Students will be offered projects to include: watercolor, acrylics, pastel, drawing, print-making, sculpture and advanced pottery painting. Children: 7-13 years old Times: 10am-4pm, Monday-FridaySessions June through August:JUNE 5-9, 19-23 JULY 10-14, 17-21 AUGUST 7-11Cost: $260.00 per session(includes all materials) *children should bring their own lunches Must sign up in ad vance! Space is limited.If your child loves art, this is the camp for them. S UMME R TIA MAR y wr Lo ri p s to MOSI Tield Excitin g F an d Movies, Games, Learn Self Defense & Stran ons of Fun with To T R C AM P T S AL AR & More! the Ice Rink ark Zoo Pw! ale nt Sho Ta d a echniques! Te ger Danger riends! h New F T T A A 4 1 *SP 19 AC E I S LIMITED OLD 4-14 YEARS 8139481067 FL Lutz, ,y Dale Mabr 9247N. Lutz Lake Crossing .Keikoshin.com/Lutz www Call us or visit our websiteSIGN UP NOW! ,y p, g 813-948 1067 NEW! Academic classes for stude n Go on an adv e n t ur e L e Have a grea t n ts in Kindergarten to Grade 12 earn something ne w t summer! e e me me 7 1 01 LOO H CH S R ER ME MM UM SU & P MP AM C Y AY D A A M S U M M E 20 2 om.c es ke a .summer www TION AT ONLINE BROCHURE AND REGISTR A NEW! For-credit classes for high school students PLUS more than 60 day camps to choose from including arts, recreation, sports, STEM, and Camp InventionAcademy at the Lakes Summer Camp & Summer School 2331 Collier Parkway, Land OLakes813-948-7600 tthelak C 0 Su S Su Su um um mm mm m m er er r a a a a t t th th h h La La La La Lak ak k k er a th Lak .saintleocamps.com | See robotics w. More information & registration at: M o n i k a K iss r. Camp director: Dr www three days, July 24-26, $110 : TELEVEL CAMP AT INTERMEDIA five days, July 10-14, OR July 17-21, $180 BEGINNER CAMPS: for girls, ages 10-15 Affordable, fun STEM activities SAINT LEO UNIVERSITY T AT ROBOTICS CAMPS A Girls Can! 52 33701 S.R FL 33574 SAINT LEO The LAKER/ Lutz NEWSWORD SEARCH & SUDOKU Ability Above Acre Acts Ages Army Array Asia Batter Blaze Blush Bread Bugs Cases Cash Clause Clock Confuse Crest Crowd Cycle Debt Ease Else Evil Faintly Felt Flung Fourth Gears Hers Hour Imagination India Inks Lids Live Miners Need Nice Nines Park Possibilities Role Ruin Sake Scent Site Solar Solid Spare Spray Stuns Subtle Tend Tick Uses Verse Weak Wear Wheels Wide Wore Yarn Yeah Year www.LakerLutzNews.com April 26, 2017 SEE SOLUTIONS, PAGE 6B Provided locally by: Pet Loss Support GroupLast Thursday of the Month from 3 4:30 p.m. Upcoming Dates: April 27, May 25 & June 29Gulfside Center for Hospice Care 5760 Dean Dairy Road in Zephyrhills Our relationship with our pets is very special. For many of us, they are members of the family, and when the bond we share is broken, the resulting sense of loss and grief can be overwhelming. At Gulfside Hospices Pet Loss Support Group, you can share your feelings with others who are going through a similar experience. Facilitated by Chaplain Mike Merritt For more information or to RSVP, call 727-484-7995. Media Sponsor:
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Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical TM 2012-2016 GARAGE DOORS813-447-3874 www.TrinityGarageDoorService.com"A Christian Company" Deuteronomy 6:5 SPRING REPLACEMENT LIFETIME WARRANTY Licensed Bonded Insured Lic# GDI-09484 GARAGE DOOR REPAIR & NEW INSTALLS AIR CONDITIONING 813-990-0561CORNERSTONEPROS.COM Air Conditioning Plumbing ElectricalLOCAL & FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Everything you ever wanted for home cooling YES, EVERYTHING! The Cornerstone difference i sn't j ust i n our same-day, 24/7, family-friendly, nationally-accredited, above-and-beyondawesome cooling services. It's k nowing that spectacular comes standard. Call or vIsIT and see! CN1 CN1 $39.95A/C TUNEUP INCLUDES 6 MONTH GUARANTEE *Must present coupon at time of service. Can not combine with other coupons. Exp. 5-31-17. 1lb FREE FreonWith purchase of 5lbs or more Minimum purchase of 5lbs requiredExp. 5-31-17. We accept credit cards & 100% financing #CAC1816647 AC #CFC1428982 Plumbing #EC0001103 Electrical 2012-2016 TM COMPUTER REPAIR CLEANING Licensed, bonded, and insured Guaranteed satisfied KERZNER KLEANINGLeaving houses klean and eshJulia KerznerOwner 813-401-1633 jbabes101@gmail.com20% off*first cleaning*new customers AIR CONDITIONING 813-909-2800 TheLAKER/ LutzNEWS advertising WORKS in Best in Small Business e ALUMIN STEVES ALUMINUM & r r ALL Y r F Fo o r Yo o u r S c re e eni ng N P ool Enclosures Sunrooms Screen R ooms Glass R ooms R escreening r e c t t Fr re e e Es ti ima te e s Li ce e n s ed d & I n s u re e d s d d e e NUM & SCREENING, LLC & 727-847-6216 DRYWALL SPECIALIST Call Ron 813-784-5999DRYWALL SPECIALISTNOT A HANDYMAN Repair i n g water damaged ceilin gs & walls. Retextur i n g, Popcorn r emoval, Room Addition s. C r acks, holes, plaster stucco r epair & PAINTING.FREE ESTIMATES AFFORDABLE, QUALITY WORK Now Accepting Credit Cards State Certified SCC131149699 We Keep Appointments Best in Small Business Best in Small Business 813-909-2800 classifieds@lakerlutznews.com ELECTRIC SERVICE 30 yrs. Experience / Quality Work / Free Estimates 813-973-1141 Residential / Commercial WESLEY CHAPEL ELECTRIC Licensed (#EC13005404) and Insuredwww.WesleyChapelElectric.net Service Upgrade Remodeling Generator Transfer Switch Hook-up Special LANDSCAPING Scott Gilronan Owner/Operator 813-428-5779Specializing in Hedge & Shrub Trimming Seeding & Planting Mulching Top Soil*No weekly lawn maintenance ALUMINUM Tate Pierce ScreeningLicensed Insured SCC 131149839(813) 714-9668Pool Enclosures Screen Rooms Rescreening & Repairs CLEANING SERVICE MOVE-INS OR OUTS WEEKLY & BI-WEEKLY 30+ YEARS EXPERIENCERESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL10% OFFFORNEWCLIENTS Lady L CLEANING SERVICEFREEESTIMATES SERVINGTAMPABAYAREA, LUTZ, LANDO LAKES& WESLEYCHAPEL 813-263-7966 Lady L 1 0% OFF 10% OFF 10% OFF 10% OFF s rs a Quality W Pa Pr Ta T ampa Bay P ro P inter Facebook! Find us onwhen you mention this ad!ork at Affordable Prices Qualityy 727-851-3492 TED AT AINTING PA VETERAN OWNED & OPERA P F py akes L a n d O ampa, & L a esley Chapel, e Z ep h yr , .J.E. Lawns Pr oudly serving Dade City h i ll s W A Ne w T VICE MOWIN 8 1 3 8 41-711 2 C all Thomas at FULL SER J WN C AW LA s est R Abovethe C ut A G s C ARE CIA L R ESIDENTIAL / COMME R LICENSED & INSURED L L AYNE&TRICIA esley Chapel, LLC of W I A A PRO K DU OTE P AINT PA e e e e e i x e x e i r e xt e e r i t e r i t e e e e e e e e r r r r r r r eyape, P A I M T I OFF OFF % % MATES MATES I I EST EST 10 10 FR FR NCHA A ING ING V INT T FREE FREE I MATES EST MATES I FREE EST OFF F % OFF 10 % 10 FREE AD n n n g g g g g g T INGWITH THIS CALL TEXT AYNE&TRICIA DU NCHA A A V OR EMAIL PEST CONTROL NO JOB TOO SMALL!LICENSED, BONDED AND INSURED Hernando: AAA0048560 | Pasco: SAC09366 Hillsborough: SD14169 | Pinellas: C-11174 PEST CONTROL SERVICE Termite Treatments Uncommon Pest & Rodent Removal In-wall Pest Service (tubes) Termite Monitoring Service Pest & Termite Bait Combo Service Lawn & Garden Service Call us for aFREEEstimate! Termite & Pest Control www.mdtermite.com Termite & Pest: (352) 848-1005 GUTTERS NO JOB TOO SMALL! $50 OFFWITH ANY GUTTER PURCHASE OVER $500EXP 4/10/17 SEAMLESS GUTTERS We offer many options for your home or buildings style, with a variety of colors, shapes and sizes: K Style 6 and 7.027 Gauge Gutter Coil 21 Colors Aluminum Pop Rivets Hidden Hangers Soffit & Fascia Seamless Gutters www.tampamdseamlessgutters.com Seamless Gutters: (813) 996-7151 Call us for aFREEEstimate! LICENSED, BONDED AND INSURED Hernando: AAA0048560 | Pasco: SAC09366 Hillsborough: SD14169 | Pinellas: C-11174 HANDMADE JEWELRY Check out our Etsy shop reamsterandstret.etsy.com Get social: facebook.com /ReamsterAndStret @reamster.and.stret on InstagramReamster & Stret Handmade jewelry from fabric and original art April 26, 20174B
PLUMBING Upgrade your 40 gallon tank to 50 FREE! (up to $100 value)Not valid on Power Vent Gas Heaters.Robbies/Pines Plumbers 813-304-4183 Plumber/Co-Owner Chris MarshallWell save you $400 compared to Big Box installationsLIC# 1428020 UPGRADE YOUR HOT WATER HEATER 25 years experienced plumber Fast, clean, professional service No surprises price always matches estimate Best in Small Business Best in Small Business 813-909-2800 classifieds@lakerlutznews.com ROOFINGImperial Roofing Contractor, Inc. Licensed Insured State Cert. #CCC 029597 FREE ESTIMATES Call Ron, Chris, Ronnie &Jason 813-996-2773 PLUMBING 813-977-0066 ROOFINGCARL MARTINROOFING specializing in roof repair FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1972Guaranteed Roof Repairs 100% Financing licensed bonded insured CCC 1325565 FREEEstimates TREE SERVICE 813-265-3224 Certified Arborist Lic & Work Comp Insured FREEESTIMATES TREE REMOVAL TREE TRIMMING STUMP GRINDING PEST CONTROL www.nvirotect.comProud to be locally owned & operated First Green Certified Indoor Pest Control Service FREE! UP TO $150.00 VALUE* C C a a l l l l T T o o d d a a y y ! 813.968.7031 Green Pest Control Residential Commercial Wildlife Trapping Rodent Management Termite Prevention Tube Systems Lawn & Shrub Care It's Time to Go GREEN. *SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY TAXI SERVICE DRIVERSWANTED! PASCO 727-843-0000 PRESENT THIS AD TO YOUR DRIVER FOR $2.00OFFYOUR NEXT RIDE! TREE SERVICE T.C. WOODSpecializing in Dangerous Removals Tree Trimming Tree Removal Stump Grinding Prep your trees now for hurricane season Licensed & Insured Call for FREE Estimate813-991-6674 813-310-6674 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE FAST & RELIABLE PLUMBING EXPERTISE INCLUDES: Fixtur e i nstallation Plumbing r epairs Whole h ome r e-piping Hot w ater h eaters & tankless g as w ater h eaters Drain cleaning Plumbing inspections Backflow pr evention W ater p urificationPlumbing maintenance agreements PLUMBING $75.00 OFFWater Heater InstallationFREE WATER QUALITY TESTPlus save up to $400 on a complete water treatment system *Plumbing only. Must present coupons at time of service. Limited time only. Exp. 5-31-17.CN1 Air Conditioning Plumbing Electrical TM 2012-2016 CORNERSTONEPROS.COMLOCAL & FAMILY OWNED & OPERATEDWe accept credit cards & 100% financing #CFC1428982 Plumbing #CAC1816647 AC #EC0001103 Electrical813-990-0561WHAT DOES A SPECTACULAR PLUMBING SERVICE LOOK LIKE? Fully Capable S ervice, 24/7 Free S econd Opinions & Estimates Fast, Same-Day Friendly, Family-Owned Fair O n B udget PRINTERS Repair and Maintenance Printers Copiers Fax MachinesAll Major brands 24 hr responsesWe sell re-manufactured printers and fax machines813-748-435420 years experience PLUMBINGANYTIME PLUMBINGOF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. Lic # CFC1425923 Bonded/Insured 24/7/365 No Overtime Flat Rate Pricing Hydro-Jetting Re-Pipes Pasco/Pinellas (727) 822-1742Hillsborough (813) 792-2264Fax (813) 929-6972 Slab Leak Repair Sewer Replacement Drain Cleaning & Repairs Backflow Repair Sewer InspectionFREE ESTIMATES www.PlumbingAnytime.com FREESERVICE CALL with this ad Expires 5/31/17$30 offANY REPAIR with this ad Expires 5/31/17 PET SE R U D P E 81 3 Cats W oom with any grnd i l Gr iNa V ICES RV R FREE D irty Dog E t GRoomiNG 3 -948-2400Lutz W elcome 19025 U S HWY 41 N ROOFING COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIZING IN ROOF MAINTENANCE & RESTORATION Built-Up M etal E PDM Shingles T PO W aterproofing Gutters DownspoutsLic# CCC1325569 FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE WWW.ELITEROOFINGSERVICES.COM 813-630-0800 877-630-0081 Fax: 813-630-0801 PEST CONTROL 813-948-0229 Your Affordable Pest Control and Termite Specialist. Residential / Commercial / Lic#JB5950 WRIGHT TERMITE & PEST CONTROL WRIGHT TERMITE & PEST CONTROL 24 / AIR CO /7 NDITIONING T T FEA AirConditioningS isafamilyo wnedbu siness locally of the wee k T URED BUSI N Solutions N ESS Financing avai l a ble Honest 2nd o p inion s Repair & Insta ll atio n Air Conditionin g Service V S UPERI O R S E R I C E V T E S AT Conditioning Geothermal Air Ask aboutBoudreau ddo resa & T eT y b ta & oper ned w o y Locall ed b F REE E S TIM A a i rcon di t i on i n gs www Air Conditionin g Solu t e ducation w hile pr satisfaction. The y p ride themselves o e xper i ence i n t h e H m echanical and p l es r e e Air Conditioning S operated by T S s o l ut i ons.net t ions 813-394-7444 o viding honest, and qual r e at v alue f or ex pe fer gr f o n p ersonal attention to d AC and plumbing fields A l umbing licenses and has o o odd B oudr o is a family own Solutions a a n d T eau T HV o f ity w ork. e rience and d etail and customer s eau s The B oud r over 30 years odd h o l ds m as t e r ned business locally 8 1 3 39 4-7 4 .airconditio airconditio www www 4 44 net net net net onin ngsolutions oningsolutions ngsolutions ngsolutions CallRachelat8 g Call Rachel at 8 8139092800tofindouthowyourbusinessca EW S NE Lutz/AKERL Theclassifieds@lakerlutznews.com N 813 909 2800 to find out how your business ca anbefeatured an be featured PRESSURE WASHINGLICENSED & INSURED Driveway & Walkway Pool Decks & Screen Enclosures Low Pressure House/Roof Cleaning Vinyl Fence Cleaning Debris Removel & Light Tree Trimming Mulching & LandscapingPRESSURE WASHING OUTDOOR SERVICES Tampa BayProPRESSURE WASHING 10% OFFWITH THIS AD 813-892-0738 April 26, 20175B
GAME PAGE ANSWERS 813-909-2800 € classifieds@lakerlutznews.com Classifieds Classifieds One call, one price delivers suburban Tampa 47,000 CirculationCLASSIFIED RATES Liner Ads . . . . . .starting at $48 per week Display Ads . . . . .starting at $68 per week ASK ABOUT COLOR! 813-909-2800 FREEÂgarage sale adsGet 3 lines of text FREE € Additional lines just $4 eachNo commercial ads,based on space availability € Free ads WILL NOT be accepted by phoneTo place your ad...fax: 813-909-2802or email: classifieds@lakerlutznews.commail: CommunityNewsPublicationsP.O.Box 479 € Lutz,FL 33548 DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 12 NOON We care about the people we serve, and we care about the people we employ. We are a vibrant, innovative place to work, where employees are valued for their talents.THE GOODWILL CYPRESS CREEK STORE IS NOW HIRING THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: Sales Associates: responsible for assisting customers, stocking, displaying and rotating store merchandise, and conducting cash register transactions. Processing Associates: responsible for greeting donors, accepting donations, preparing donated and new goods for sale in stores through sorting, cleaning, categorizing, sizing and pricing. Retail Store Attendant: responsible for a variety of cleaning duties inside the store, in store processing areas, and outside premises to ensure a clean and safe retail environment and a positive presentation of the store to the public. Job Requirements: High school/GED or equivalent preferred. Prefer some experience in retail. Subject to criminal history background checks. Subject to alcohol and drug testing. Apply online at www.goodwill-suncoast.org/careers or in person at our Cypress Creek Superstore, 2390 Willow Oak Dr, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer/Disabled/Veterans and a Drug Free Workplace. Service availability and access/coverage on the AT&T network is not available everywhere and at all times. 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