Board-certi“ed pediatrician Kousalya Sara, M.D., is accepting new patients, same-day appointments, and walk-ins. Now two locations! To schedule an appointment, call 352-437-5003 .13933 17th Street, Dade City NEW LOCATION: 6747 Gall Blvd., ZephyrhillsBayfrontHealthPediatrics.comMember of the Medical Sta at Bayfront Health Dade City. WeÂre with you every step of the way. LAKERLUTZNEWS.COMThe LAKER EAST PASCO EDITION The LAKERFree APRIL 19, 2017 Auto Accident? Slip and Fall? FREE CONSULTATIONNo Fees Or Costs Unless You Win HOLLIDAY KARATINOSLAW FIRM, PLLC813-868-1887Call AttorneyJIM HOLLIDAYÂI Will Aggressively Fight To Protect Your Legal RightsÂŽ352-597-0009OR 80% u p t o VE V SA SEEOURA 80% AG E 3 PA SEE OUR A ON P AD % 3 A AD Delivering business concepts in ‘bite-sizedÂ’ piecesBy Kevin Weisskweiss@lakerlutznews.comA nationwide program for budding entrepreneurs is coming to Zephyrhills. Co.Starters is a program aimed at teaching entrepreneurs how to start their companies and grow their business. The Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce will begin offering the program next month. Adopted by more than a dozen entrepreneurial organizations in cities around the country, the 10-week program applies lean business modeling methods popular among highgrowth startups and businesses of all kinds. SMARTstart Business incubator director Krista Covey, who oversees the Co.Starters program in Pasco County, was the featured speaker at The Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast on April 6. In Co.Starters, weekly sessions are led by a trained coach in a small, supportive group setting. And, enterprise-level concepts are introduced in “bite-sized pieces.” “Each week is a different topic,” she added. “We talk about taxes. We talk about legal entity selection. We talk about everything.” The program demystifies business concepts. It uses easy-to-understand language and takes away the feeling of intimidation that some people feel when theyÂ’re venturing into the entrepreneurial world, Covey said. The program largely helps potential entrepreneurs decide whether they want to pursue turning their idea into a business. ThatÂ’s critical, considering only about 20 percent of all companies last five years or more, Covey said. The program also is open to existing business owners, who may look to “rethink” their existing business model. “Some of the best things you can do to serve entrepreneurs is get them around other entrepreneurs,” Covey explained. “Get them collaborating, working together, sharing ideas.” In Zephyrhills, the 10week program runs from May 4 through July 6. Classes will be each Thursday, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at The Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce office, 38550 Fifth Ave. The program costs $295. Registration is due by 4 p.m., on April 28. Similar programs will be offered later this year in Dade City, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and Land OÂ’ Lakes. Besides Co.Starters, other countywide resources are available for entrepreneurs and See BUSINESS, page11A B INSIDE, PAGE 1B Using the power of music to help othersBy B.C. Manionbcmanion@lakerlutznews.comEmma Skantze was a 9-year-old student at Turner Elementary School when she decided she wanted to get involved to help others.After brainstorming with her mom, she came up with the idea of organizing a concert. The first event featured her and some of her friends. But now, as she prepares for the seventh annual Helping Hands benefit, sheÂ’s working out all of the details for having two concerts, at two venues. One concert features about 30 performers, ranging in age from 5 to 18. The other showcases professional musicians from across the Tampa Bay area. Besides lining up the musicians and the venues, sheÂ’s also organizing a bake sale and working on lining up food trucks, too. ItÂ’s a lot of work, but the 17-year-old said the satisfaction she derives after it is all over makes it all worthwhile. Last year, there was one event, which raised $7,200. This year, with two concerts, the fundraising goal is $15,000, said Skantze, a junior at Land OÂ’ Lakes High School. The student concert is scheduled for April 23 at 5:30 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church, 15102 Amberly Drive in Tampa. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Those attending will be able to purchase baked goods. A couple of food trucks also are expected. Concert-goers also are encouraged to donate baby food and diapers, because the items are in great need by Metropolitan Ministries, she said. The student concert also will include a performance by Eden Shirmohammad, of Land OÂ’ Lakes. “I want to show the younger students, especially, what they can do if they keep with their music,” Skantze said. The professional concert is scheduled for May 27 at 6 p.m. at Barness Hall, at the University of South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa. There will be a bake sale there, too, and sheÂ’s trying to line up food trucks, but is still working out what needs to be done to make that happen at USF, she said. Tickets for the professional concert are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Skantze said thereÂ’s a feeling of satisfaction that comes from staging the concerts. “Metropolitan Ministries has really expanded in the past couple years,” she said, and added, “I love being able to be a part of it.” The organization has a day care, an elementary school and a considerable amount of job training. In the beginning, organizing the event was difficult because she hadnÂ’t done it before. Over time, sheÂ’s become more comfortable in seeking sponsors and handling the logistics. “IÂ’m always talking to people who are older than me. But, with a lot of practice, I think my confidence has gone up, and it has gotten easier to talk to other people,” she said. “I think itÂ’s very cool when I can find adults who take me seriously,” she added. She also noted that she doesnÂ’t have to do everything by herself. “I have a great support team,” Skantze By B.C. Manionbcmanion@lakerlutznews.comFinding ways to celebrate Mother Earth and to recycle, upcycle and preserve its precious resources are the themes of Earth Day celebrations planned around the region. One of the largest area events planned for Earth Day, known as Earth Day Tampa Bay, got its start as EcoFest at Learning Gate Community School in Lutz. Now, in its eighth year, the event has become TampaÂ’s signature Earth Day event, and it has grown into a collaboration between Learning Gate, the University of South Florida Office of Student Affairs and the City of Tampa. The event is set to take place at the Lowry Park Zoo Bandshell area, at 7525 N. Boulevard, in Tampa, on April 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission and parking are free. Thousands of people typically attend the event to learn the latest in earth-friendly practices and products, and to check out the fun activities offered for kids. The event celebrates the principles of sustainability: Ecology, Equity and Economy. This yearÂ’s sponsors are Tampa Bay Water and Tampa Electric Co. Planned highlights include a parkourFestivities set to honor Earth DaySee EARTH, page11A B.C. MANIONEmma Skantze has devoted many hours of her life to the quest of helping others through an annual benefit she organizes. Sometime there is one concert; sometimes, two. But, the goal is always the same: To raise money for people in need.Sports complex wins crucial approvalBy Kathy Steeleksteele@lakerlutznews.comPasco County commissioners agreed to push ahead with a proposal from RADD Sports to build a $25 million sports complex at Wiregrass Ranch. About $15 million in funding would be from a bank loan, secured with a proposed 2 percent increase in the countyÂ’s tourism tax. Nearly $11 million would come from previously pledged tourism dollars, and sales tax revenues. County commissioners unanimously voted to pursue the project, and send out bids for the bank loan at their April 12 meeting in Dade City. The sports complex, and an $18.5 million, 120-room hotel, would be built on land donated years ago by the Porter family – developers of Wiregrass Ranch and The Shops at Wiregrass. Over the past eight years, several proposals fell apart, including one for a baseball complex in 2015. RADD Sports wants to build a 98,000square-foot indoor facility for sporting and recreational activities including basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, dancing, wrestling, gymnastics, curling and badminton. In addition, there would be outdoor sports fields, an amphitheater with an event lawn, trails, pavilions and a playground. See COMPLEX, page11A Seventh annual Helping Hands concerts to benefit Metropolitan MinistriesSTUDENT CONCERT 2017WHAT: Concert will feature about 30 performers, ranging from age 5 through 18WHERE:Grace Episcopal Church, 15102 Amberly Drive, TampaWHEN: April 23, 5:30 p.m.COST: $10 in advance; $15 at the door (Also will be collecting baby food and diapers for Metropolitan Ministries)AN EVENING OF MUSICWHAT: Concert will feature professional musicians performing on piano, classical guitar and violin.WHERE: Barness Hall at the University of South Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave., TampaWHEN: May 27, 6 p.m.COST: $20 in advance; $25 at the door (Also will be collecting baby food and diapers for Metropolitan Ministries)INFO: Go to, or contact Emma Skantze at (813) 892-4868 or See MUSIC, page11A
S T O P Y OU R B US Let A Compute DONT LetACompute DONÂT DONÂT LetACompute orstayon? e s all your data? S INE SS r Disaster rDisaster rDisaster ourcomputerrefusestoturnon o A crash los e T WOULD YOU DO IFƒ T W H A Y € Phone Consultin g u o o o o e € W € Locally Owned o un d urnar u € F ast Experience ears IT e € 30 Y! Y T US e vent these work-stopp in P r A virus sl o our compute o Y C AL L O D A Y T Come T Y ALUT A n g d i saster s o ws your system to a r refuses to turn on EV ALUT VA WITH FLA S FR E EV crawl? or stay on? TION APPOINTMENT TIONAPPOINTMENT COMPUTER FIRST S H DRIVE E E 16GB € Business Phone S y stems e d Cablin g € Structur Re p airs and Data Recover y € Com p uter ( 813 ) 563-4242 € ( 813 ) 514-1597 € S.G. S B Hatch HIRE THE PROS, NOT THE GEEKSE x € esley C hapel, FL W D. Communication s C omputer S ervice s ÂŽ sooner e e re We  W ewishweÂdmovedher Come see for yourself. Call or visit us today in the future. f and knowing they have access to the care they may need staf mind that comes with our maintenance-free apartments, caring s because they quickly come to appreciate the peace of That hear it all the time. People wish theyÂd moved here sooner e sooner e re We W e wish wed moved her TMound in Senior Living eaking New Gr re (813) 400-2262 Zephyrhills, FL 33540 etty Pond Road 38130 PrAmerican House ZephyrhillsAmericanHouse.comB r Assisted Living license number 12384 Neighborhoods e Assisted Living | Memory CarW April 19, 20172A By Helene RubensteinGrand HorizonsSeveral women attended a luncheon April 4 at BJÂ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse that was hosted by June Weinle. This was a nice gathering considering that many people have already left for their winter homes. We all sat at a long table. There were 16 of us, it was a lively group and we all had a great time. The menu was varied, and everyone had a tempting dish. There was much conversation going on and friendly bantering. Pictures were taken, and there were two women who were celebrating their birthdays the following week. The restaurant was lovely. Some women had desserts, and they sure looked yummy. Our thanks go to June who organized this luncheon. At our community center, we had a coffee/doughnut hour on April 5. There was a crowd gathered for this and conversation was heard throughout the center. We also heard the highlights of the week to come and any birthdays and/or anniversaries that were coming up. After the meeting, the social club met and discussed the activities that we can expect for the summer, like ice cream socials, which are always fun. It sounds like everyone will have a fun time, and we will be with them in spirit, as we are going to Tennessee for a week and then home to Connecticut. Residents gathered in the community center on April 10 for a weekly game of dominoes. We had quite a crowd there on Monday night. There were several tables of either four or five players. Again, there was much discussion, and at times, when we accidentally knocked the train over, we mentioned that our train was out of commission. We always have fun at Mexican train, and this day was no exception. COURTESY OF HELENE RUBENSTEINJune Britton, Joyce Bell and Mim Gardner at BJÂs Restaurant & Brewhouse.Dual birthdays to celebrate AROUNDTHE PARKS Diane Taggart and Rudi Lawson celebrated their birthdays on the same day. Judy Fischer, Sue Richardson and Donna Lynn Urbshott (sitting) attended the ladies lunch. Sue Parker and Siggi Ziotowsky catch up during lunch at BJÂs Restaurant & Brewhouse. A casual meal with friends Things are quiet in our bit of paradise. Several neighbors have returned to their northern homes. Jim Nagle and his awesome kitchen crew hosted one last walkin breakfast. What a nice, convenient event to get pancakes hot off the grill with no pressure to arrive at a certain hour! Helping to ‘restore hopeÂ’ Pasco County Tax Collector Mike FasanoÂs staff in Dade City, Wesley Chapel and Land O Lakes raised $3,500 to benefit Restored Hope, a nonprofit organization based in Dade City. Restored Hope serves residents of East Pasco, in particular those that are homeless, on the verge of being homeless or are in need of immediate help. From left: Pasco County Tax Collector Mike Fasano; Linda McNally, manager of Dade City tax office; Liz Riley, Dade City tax office; Kathy Hunt, Restored Hope; Penny Morrill, Restored Hope; Amy Polk, manager of Wesley Chapel tax office; Tammy Dziedzic, manager of Land O Lakes tax office; and, Michelle Vancuren, director of branch operations for the tax collector. Feeding PascoÂ’s Elderly raises more than $41,000 The Pasco County Board of County Commissioners has recognized the board members of Feeding PascoÂs Elderly with a resolution highlighting their hard work and dedication in supporting the Pasco County Elderly Nutrition Division. The resolution celebrates the $41,934.90 that was raised at the organizationÂs second annual AmbassadorÂs Breakfast. The Elderly Nutrition Division provides meal services to more than 800 senior citizens in Pasco County. To see the full resolution by the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners, which was presented March 28, visit OF PASCO COUNTY COURTESY OF PASCO COUNTY TAX COLLECTORÂ’S OFFICE COURTESY OF MABEL BUDZINSKI
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The Spring Season is Rebate Season THAT MEANS GREATER COMFORT & GREATER SAVINGS FOR YOU SAVE $ 2 350 WITH COMBINED REBATES PATRIOT PCOWhole House Air PurierRevolutionary duct mounted PCO technology which uses a combination of Activated Carbon, UV light, and titanium dioxide to ght odors, germs, viruses, and mold without producing SAVE $2,350WITH COMBINED REBATESup toFIND COUPONS GOOD TOWARDS A/C OR PLUMBING MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS In our ads in Section-B April 19, 20173A SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Laker/Lutz News is a free newspaper distributed to 44,800 homes and businesses in Pasco and Hillsborough counties. Mail sub scriptions are sold to cover postage cost: $40/3 months, $80/6 months, $160/12 months. DELIVERY PROBLEMS:If you do not receive your paper, or want to stop home delivery, email Or, to stop delivery, go to www.lak, select ÂAboutÂŽ tab and complete ÂOpt OutÂŽ form. ADDITIONAL COPIES: A listing of boxes and business locations is on our home page at EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS: Suggestions for stories and news coverage are welcome. Please send ideas to, or call our newsroom at 813 -909-2800. ADVERTISING ERRORS: Publisher is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the space cost for the first insertion, or for the validity of cl aims made by advertisers. MEMBER: Central Pasco Chamber, Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber, Greater Zephyrhills Chamber, Greater Dade City Chamber, Florida Press Ass ociation, Free Community Papers of Florida, Southeast Advertising Publishers Association, Association of Free Community Newspapers, Independent Free Newspapers of America.Advertising and editorial content 2015 by Manatee Media Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without prior writt en permission from the publisher. The LAKER/ Lutz NEWS ADVERTISINGTERRI WILLIAMSONSenior Account Managertwilliamson@lakerlutznews.comCHERYL MICHELAccount Managercmichel@lakerlutznews.comRACHEL THOMPSONClassified & Directory Salesrthompson@lakerlutznews.comDESIGNACCOUNTINGMATTHEW MISTRETTAArt Directormmistretta@lakerlutznews.comSTEFANIE BURLINGAMEGraphic Designersburlingame@lakerlutznews.comMARY EBERHARDmeberhard@lakerlutznews.comLOCATION: 3632 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Suite 102 € Land O Lakes, FL 34639 MAIL: P O. Box 479 € Lutz, FL 33548 PHONE/FAX: ph: 813.909.2800 € fax: 813.909.2802 IT SUPPORT: STEVE MISTRETTA WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: EMAIL: € sales@lakerlutznews.comPUBLISHER & OWNER: DIANE KORTUS, LUTZ, ODESSA, LAND O LAKES, WESLEY CHAPEL, NEW TAMPA, ZEPHYRHILLS, DADE CITY Serving Pasco since 1981 / Serving Lutz since 1964 KATHY STEELEStaff Writer ksteele@lakerlutznews.comB.C. MANIONEditor bcmanion@lakerlutznews.comKEVIN WEISSStaff Writer kweiss@lakerlutznews.comMARY RATHMANEditorial Assistantmrathman@lakerlutznews.comEDITORIALDISTRIBUTION: Florida Circ, LLC € ANNE KIBBEAccount Managerakibbe@lakerlutznews.comCUSTOMER SERVICE CAROLYN o n SpeQuali t OVER 2000 WECOULD n your Medi c nding a Sm a ve truste d t y thousands ha c ations? a ll Fortuneears! ver 10 y d for o % 80 OU O VE V HELP WE COULD SA Y FIR S T O RDER! $5 OFF YOUR eceive... r quote today and Call for your AILABLE VA AV T I O N S AT MEDI CA A V . . 10mg/30 tabs ZETIA* . 20mg/28 tabs TO LT XARE L . 20mg/20 tabs LEVITRA* . . 20mg/20 tabs CIALIS* (daily dose) 5mg/3 0 CIALIS* . 100mg/ 20 tabs VIAGRA* 0.05 % ASIS TA REST 40mg/3 0 NEXIUM 100mg / JANUVIA 200 m CELEBREX* 60 m A* TA LT CYMBAL T A 15mg/3 ABILIFY* $55 . . . $99 . . . $99 . . . $99 . . . $52 . 0 tabs . . . .$96 $65 . . . . . % /12ml $25 . . . . . 0 tabs $83 . . . . / 28 tabs $52 . . . m g/30 caps $45 . . . m g/30 caps $63 . . . . . 0 tabs Ad This *Mention Equivalent Generic *$99 . . . . 150mg/60 tabs PRADAXA $33 . . 0.625mg/28 tabs PREMARIN $54 . . . 1000mg/30 tabs TREX* LT A VA V L $70 . . 160/4.5mcg 120 T* SYMBICORAd This *Mention Equivalent Generic *$99 . . . . . 5mg/60 tabs ELIQUIS $67 . . . . 18mcg/30 caps A* VA SPIRIV $96 . . . . 250/50 1 diskus AIR VA ADV $155 . . . . 400mg/60 tabs Q A TA LT MUL ARPON SPRINGS TA 727-551-4926 ZEPHYRHILLS 813-788-2007 A PA TA 813-381-5220 T AMP T T PAIN RELIEF SOLUTION We Can Help You € Chiropractic Care € Robotic Muscle Therapy € Hydro Therapy Massage € Foot Detoxes € Cupping Therapy € Deep Therapeutic MassagePROVIDING PAIN RELIEF FOR SHOULDER, NECK AND BACK PAIN, FIBROMYALGIA, CHRONIC FATIGUE AND NUMBNESS. 2414 Raden Drive Land O Lakes, FL 34639 www.lolchiropractic.comTHE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAY MENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCE D FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT.Accepting Florida Blue, United, Medicare, Medicaid and Cigna.813-948-2225We spend more time per patient than most other chiropractic clinics $10 Off* MASSAGE THERAPY*UP TO 1 HOUR € EXP. 4/30/17$35 FIRST VISIT($150 VALUE)Includes exam, consultation, 2 xrays (if needed) and spinal adjustment. EXP. 4/30/17 By Betsy Crisp, MS, LD/NSpecial to The Laker / Lutz NewsAs we prepare to celebrate Earth Day — on April 22 —I thought IÂ’d share some facts about how much food the average American family wastes each year, and then focus on how we can reduce food waste. Depending on what figures you look at, the average family of four in the United States wastes from about $1,350 to $2,275 every year. When broken down by components, it turns out that fresh fruits and vegetables are the food we waste most, making up 22 percent of the food we throw away. Trying to cut down on that waste is not a new effort. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been offering advice on this topic to consumers since World War 1. One campaign poster offered these keys to making the most of our food:  Buy it with thought  Cook it with care  Serve just enough  Save what will keep  Eat what would spoil  Remember: homegrown is best  DonÂ’t waste it These principles still hold true today. The Environmental Protection Agency also offers tips for reducing food waste on its website. My personal favorite is “Be Creative: If safe and healthy, use the edible parts of food you normally would not eat.” The EPA offers examples of using stale bread to make your own croutons and to saut beet tops for a delicious side dish. Besides avoiding waste, tips like that can help you stretch your food dollars. When it comes to vegetables, for instance, most of us only consume the most common, or best known, part of the plant. But, many vegetables have a secondary — usually lesser known and overlooked, but edible — part that I refer to as the “unusual edibles.” If you buy your produce at the grocery store, these parts of the plant often have already been removed and discarded before packaging. But, if you grow your own produce, you can easily take advantage of these lesser-known options for consumption. Although many of these secondary parts are edible, the flavor and texture may be an acquired taste. For example, there are many species of cabbage and all the leaves are edible, but the leaves of some species are too strong for most peopleÂ’s liking. Edible leaves and stems of the sweet potato are eaten in many parts of the world, but some are very bitter. Since there is such a great variety of plant species, the flavors of their parts also vary greatly. Some parts need to be cooked to improve their edibility, but some leaves may be eaten fresh. Use care: Some leaves can be mildly poisonous.Here are just a few examples of the most common vegetables with edible parts that might surprise you: Besides eating the parts of the beets, carrots and radishes we are familiar with, the leaves of those plants are also edible.We generally eat the flower parts of broccoli and cauliflower, but we can also eat the stems and leaves. We commonly eat stalks of celery, but the lesser-known edible parts are the leaves and seeds. And, as watermelon comes into season, I am reminded of my personal favorite – watermelon rinds can be made into pickles (see recipe).My grandmother, like many who survived the Great Depression, did so by being “thrifty.” She was a great cook, and taught my mother and me to “waste not, want not” by saving all the vegetable scraps such as celery leaves, onion skins and so on, to make stock for soup. Soups are a great way to reduce food waste and stretch your food dollars.ItÂ’s never too early to learn how to be better consumers of Mother NatureÂ’s bounty.At camp one summer, we taught Pasco County youth about “upcycling” and highlighted some of these principles by having a sampling of “unusual edibles” — including pickled watermelon rinds. They also learned how to plant and grow more produce from kitchen scraps, including fruit and vegetable tops and seeds. Betsy Crisp is a Professor Emeritus, UF/IFAS Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Easy-to-Make Watermelon Rind Refrigerator PicklesINGREDIENTS:4 cups water 1 tablespoon coarse/kosher salt 2 cups peeled watermelon rind, cut into 1 x 1/2 x 2 inch pieces, leaving a thin layer of pink 3/4 cups granulated sugar 1 allspice berry (whole allspice) 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 4 peppercorns 4 whole cloves 1/2 teaspoon pickling spice 1 long slice of fresh gingerroot, preferred (but 1 tsp ground ginger to a 1/2-inch piece of fresh) 1/4 teaspoon celery seedsINSTRUCTIONS: In large pot, bring water and salt to boil over medium high heat.  Add pieces of rind and boil until tender (about 5 minutes).  Place in colander to strain liquids from rinds.  Transfer rinds to a large metal bowl.  In saucepan, combine remaining ingredients.  Bring to a boil over medium high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves.  Simmer for 15 minutes, until slightly reduced.  Pour over watermelon rinds in bowl.  Place plate over top to keep rinds submerged in liquid.  Cover and refrigerate for one day to improve flavor.  Transfer to a glass canning jar (one quart or two pint jars) and keep sealed in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.Makes 4 cups = 1 quart / 2 pints Note: These are not processed in a boiling water bath canner and not intended to be stored on the shelf. They must be kept in the refrigerator.‘Waste Not, Want NotÂ’ – Reducing food waste WhatÂs Cookin Watermelon Rind SlawINGREDIENTS:Dressing 1/4 cup fat-free, plain Greek yogurt 1/4 cup low-fat sour cream 1 1/2 tablespoons stone-ground mustard 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon poppy seeds 2 teaspoons olive oil dash salt and pepper (to taste) Slaw4 cups grated watermelon rind (with fruit and green peel removed) 1 cup carrot, grated 1 1/2 cups fresh pineapple, diced INSTRUCTIONS: In a small bowl, blend dressing thoroughly and set aside.  Place watermelon rind on several layers of paper towels to soak up excess fluid.  In a medium-sized bowl, add dressing, rind, carrot and pineapple. Toss to thoroughly coat.  Serve. Makes 4 servings (1 cup each)
and Plumbin g Ex p ert A ir Condition i rusted r o Y our T W e J i n g Ju m p (813) 444 p Wh e a F 947 4 e n Y o mily O wned & O p e ou Ca e rated by Ron a ll € 22 years experie € No surprises Â… a c € i f we make a mi s nce c curate quotes up fr o s take, we correct it t o AC: CA C o nt o your satisfaction C 1818869 Plbg:CFC1429720 il s A A or F ll C A our Next o $50 OFF Y det € e xclusive written guarantee € Always clean up and never leave a m e ~ Ow n e r R on w hen y ou p lace y our t r e take our responsib e ÂW t Repa ir e ss r ust in us.ÂŽ b ility very seriously 4A April 19, 2017 Your Community Calendar  Submit 2 weeks in advance to:  All listings free of charge WhatÂs Happening What  s Happening CROCHET CLASSHarvester Methodist Church, 2432 Collier Parkway, will host a crochet class, for all levels, every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., for adults. No child care provided. Guests should bring yarn and crochet hooks. Admission is free.SUPPORT FOSTER CHILDRENDuring Child Abuse Prevention Month, all Florida Community Bank centers will participate in a Sneaker Drive during the month of April. All sneakers will be donated to local children in foster care. Donations can be dropped off at the FCB Tampa Village Banking Center, 13128 N. Dale Mabry Highway in Tampa. Those wishing to donate also can call (813) 509-2200 for pickup. SALSA NIGHTIn The Loop Brewing, 3338 Land OÂ’ Lakes Blvd., will host a Salsa Night April 20 from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. The class is designed for beginners. The session costs $10, and must be paid prior to the start of the class. Guests should show up by 7:45 p.m. For information, visit In The Loop on Facebook.LIBRARY BOOK SALEThe Friends of the Land OÂ’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will host a Spring Book Sale preview April 20 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., for a $5 admission. The libraryÂ’s free semi-annual book sale will be April 21 and April 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, call (813) 929-1214.MOBILE ONE STOPCareerSource Mobile One will make a stop at the New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, April 20 from 9:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. The unit has 12 computer stations; satellite internet and telecommunications; and printing/copying capabilities. For information, call (813) 7886375.GARDEN MEETINGThe New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, will host a community garden meeting April 20 at 6:30 p.m., for anyone interested in learning about gardening. For information, call (813) 7886375.GENEALOGY 101The Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will present Genealogy 101 on April 20 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. The program is a beginnerÂ’s guide to the genealogy process. For information and to register, call (352) 567-3576.BOAT SHOWThe Shops at Wiregrass, 28211 Paseo Drive in Wesley Chapel, will host the TOMG Boat Show April 21 to April 23. There will be new boats, boating accessories, fishing gear and more. For information, visit EVENTThe Brooksville Main Street program will kick off the Florida Blueberry Festival with a “Victorian Epicurean Tasting Event” April 21 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Saxon Manor Garden Room, 103 S. Saxon Ave., in Brooksville. The event will offer tastings, hors dÂ’oeuvres and a memento glass. There will be craft libations from Island Grove Wine, Fishhawk Distillery and Marker 48 Brewery. The cost is $50 per person. All proceeds will go to the Brooksville Vision Foundation/dba Brooksville Main Street. For information, contact Ryan Malloy at (352) 540-6409 or HOUSING SYMPOSIUMHillsborough County Affordable Housing, along with the Tampa Bay Fair Housing Consortium, will present a symposium for housing providers, real estate agents, property managers, homeowners, renters, government officials and anyone interested in learning about a wide variety of practical issues related to affordable housing. The program will be April 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Tampa Convention Center, 333 S. Franklin St. The cost is $35 in advance, and $40 at the door, by check or cash. The cost includes lunch. For information, call Sabine von Aulock at (813) 274-6649.DROP-IN TECH HELPThe New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, will offer drop-in tech help April 21 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Guests can get help with computers, tablets or smartphones. Assistance will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. For information, call (813) 788-6375.VETERANS RESOURCE FAIRU.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) will host a Veterans Resource Fair for local veterans and their families April 22 from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Verizon Event Center, 8718 Trouble Creek Road in New Port Richey. There will be information about Veterans claims services, education benefits, employment and housing programs, and more. For information, all (727) 232-2921.MAKE A HANGING VASEThe Land OÂ’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will offer a class, for ages 9 to 15, to make a stained-glass hanging vase April 22 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. A proper dress code and signed liability waiver are required. For information or to register, call (813) 929-1214.NISSAN LAUNCH PARTYWesley Chapel Nissan will celebrate its launch as the first Motor Trend Certified dealer in the Tampa/Orlando area April 22 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., at 28519 State Road 54 in Wesley Chapel. Mario Lopez, host of the Emmy award-winning TV show “Extra,” will attend the event. Admission is free. For information, call The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce at (813) 994-8534, email, or call Wesley Chapel Nissan, at (813) 7511300.SADDLE UP BENEFITSaddle Up For Charity will take place April 22 at Diamond “B” Ranch, 21309 Kettering Road in Dade City, to benefit the Bridging Freedom Equine Therapeutic Program. Gates open at 8:30 a.m., followed by the ride at 10 a.m. Riders must bring their own horse. Non-riders can enjoy music, vendors, wagon rides, and drawings. Preregistration is $30 and includes a T-shirt. Registration is $35 on the day of the event. A meal is included with every riderÂ’s registration. A non-riderÂ’s registration is $10 (without lunch). For information, call (813) 2208459.STORYTELLING FESTIVALThe Robert W. Saunders Sr. Public Library, 1505 N. Nebraska Ave., in Tampa, will host the 37th annual Storytelling Festival, “Color Your World with Stories,” April 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be professional and youth storytellers, strolling characters and performers, crafts, a book fair, and a character parade. Christopher Agostino, who tells stories through face painting, will perform at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. For information, call (813) 273-3652, or visit LUNCHEONCongregation Kol Ami, 3919 Moran Road in Tampa, will host a Kiddush luncheon April 22, following the 9:30 a.m. Shabbat services. Admission is free, but nonmembers are asked to RSVP. For information, call (813) 962-6338.BUBBLES & BUTTERFLIES GALAThe sixth annual Bubbles and Butterflies Gala will be April 22 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the Glazer ChildrenÂ’s Museum, 110 W. Gasparilla Plaza in Tampa. The event is black tie optional, will have an open bar, complimentary hors dÂ’oeuvres and desserts, guest performances, a featured presentation, silent auction items, a photo booth and more. All proceeds will benefit Redefining Refuge Safe House and Schooling Projects. For information, call Kristin Mauro at (813) 997-9128.CONVERSATIONAL SPANISHThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will offer conversational Spanish for beginners April 22 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Topics will include greeting people, chatting with neighbors, ordering food, and useful phrases. For information or to preregister, call (813) 780-0064.FAMILY MOVIEThe Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will host a free family movie and popcorn April 22 at 2 p.m. Kids ages 12 and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Juice also will be provided. For information, call (352) 567-3576.STUDIO 28 RECITALStudio 28, of The Shops at Wiregrass, will host its Spring Music, Art & Dance Recital April 22 at Victorious Life Church, 6224 Old Pasco Road in Wesley Chapel, with 700 music, art and dance students. There will be two music recitals at 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., a dance recital at 7 p.m., an art contest throughout the day, and an award ceremony after the 7 p.m. show. Tickets are $10 per person. Children age 3 and younger are free. For information, contact Amy Elmore at (813) 469-2437 or HAMILTONThe Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W. Bearss Ave., in Tampa, will host two Alexander Hamilton events:  April 23 at 2 p.m.: “Alexander HamiltonÂ’s Debt Deserves Credit.” Rand Scholet will discuss the financial plan that Hamilton created, and the controversial solutions that astonished the nation.  April 24 at 6 p.m.: “Hamilton Throwdown!” Dress up as your favorite Revolutionary War hero or Schuyler Sister. There will be trivia and refreshments. For information, call (813) 204-2612.PETEÂ’S DRAGONThe Tampa Theatre, 711 N. Franklin St., will show the movie “PeteÂ’s Dragon” April 23 at 3 p.m., as part of its Family Targeted Films Continued on next page Earth Day workshopsUF/IFAS Pasco Extension will offer a rainwater harvesting workshop April 22 at 11 a.m., at Crews Lake Wilderness Park in Spring Hill. The cost is $25, one rain barrel per family. Preregistration and prepayment are required. For information, visit There also will be a composting workshop the same day at 12:30 p.m. The cost is $34.50, one rain bin per family. Preregistration and prepayment are required. For information, visit at the zooLearning Gate Community School, USF Office of Student Affairs, and the City of Tampa will host the eighth annual EcoFest April 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Lowry Park Zoo Bandshell area, 7525 N. Boulevard in Tampa. There will be live music, a yoga kid zone, costumed superheroes, demonstrations, informational booths, a parkour agility course, green living products and services, local artists, green businesses, environmental organizations, alternative health practitioners, renewable energy specialists, organic farms and gardens with produce, and more. Admission and parking are free.
5A IN V A HAIRS-CO CVENTE Ven V V V e e n ndors n d d o o r s The Conco rda u u Sat u tu S a a t t r d d a a T h e e C o o n c o o ry a a ourse Rot ay, May 6 a ta a a y M a a y 6 o o u r s e e R R o o ot t a r y Pav v vilion 00 p.m. o 9: 5: 0 6 00 t o to 6 5 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t o 9 9 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 p m P P a a v i i l i i o o n (Adld (Adld (Admission include ( A A d d m i i s s i i o o n i i n c l u d d e bld : s t e k c Ti bld es beer sampling and t Ti Ti Ti c k k e e t s : : e e s b e e e e r s a a m p l i i n g g a a n d d nir glass.) n souven s o o u v e e n i i r g g l a a s s ) ttMiL For more in f ormati o Ages 21+ only. A A g g e e s 2 2 1 + + o o n l y i o n AP ENDORSEMENT Y DOESNOT IRSBY A AFF DIVISIONOFCONSUMER T T THEOFFICIAL OF COPY A REGISTRA IMPL Y # BrewfestForH o A K E L Th e Medi m aria.lewis @ ghppc at 727-845-5707 o Medi THE TIONBY T E T A A LL FREEWITHIN O T CALLING B Y Y T INFORMA ANDFINANCIAL ION T IONMA THEST PROV AL ORRECOMMENDA Medi con t ac t M ar i a L e w o s p ic e E W S N L u / u u tz ER iaSpons or g or ia Spons s or: s ERE T T #CP1528 ION T # 7 352 ) REGISTR A ( 1-800-4357 THE 7 INE A A BEOBT ST s s E DFROM iaSpons wis A THE TION BY A ENDORSEMENT DOES NOT IMPL Y APPROV AL OR RECOMMENDA E RE T A ST # #CP1528 A Closer Look an advertiser Profile Relaxation and Beautybelle me Day Spa & Salon Special to The Laker / Lutz News After 21 years in information technology management for a large financial services firm in the Tampa Bay area, Lisa Huston was ready for a career change. A life and health changing experience with massage therapy led to her new passion: operating a European-style luxury spa featuring organic and natural products. I had suffered physically from the effects of a stressful, high pressure job for years. The long hours were taking a toll on my body, as well. I had chronic back and leg pain for a long time. I tried a variety of medical treatments, but nothing really eliminated the pain, said Ms. Huston. Trying to find some relief, I visited a new massage therapist who did body work. Literally from the first session, my pain improved. Soon, the limp Id had for several years disappeared, and I was walking normally again. That dramatic change inspired her new career direction. She decided to start a spa and salon dedicated to helping clients destress, relax and look great, using all natural and organic products. Ms. Huston had visited some of the best spas in the world in her travels, and she wanted to make that experience available locally. She named the spa belle me beautiful soul in French. belle me Day Spa & Salon is housed in its own 3,300 square foot building at the back of Osprey Cove, away from traffic. Clients are transported into a different world the moment the moment they walk through the door of the areas premier day spa. The spa offers different types of massage therapy, body wraps, manicures, pedicures, facials, microdermabrasion, Photon/LED treatments, eyelash extensions, waxing services, PEMF treatments and a full-service hair salon. Packages of multiple services are available. Spa and salon services, which are available to both women and men, are performed by some of the most talented professionals in the area. All services provided by the spa use natural or organic products. People are becoming aware that many beauty products contain ingredients that are potentially harmful, said Ms. Huston. The spa also sells natural and organic products by Oway, Surface, Bella Lucc and Skin Script Rx in its retail area, so that clients can have those same products available for use at home. Another goal Ms. Huston had in opening the spa was to create a place that would be fun for group events. We love hosting groups, and we love working with our clients to plan their special events at the spa, she said. Its so rewarding to see a group of friends have a great time relaxing here. As a way of giving back to the community, belle me Day Spa & Salon also has a program called belle me Gives Back. Local charitable organizations who schedule an event with the spa that day receive half the proceeds from all services performed. All of the events held to date have been very successful. Anyone interested in scheduling a belle me Gives Back event is welcome to contact the spa for more information. 813-949-8400 belleamedayspa.com21758 SR 54, Lutz, FL 33549(Behind Suntrust off St. Rd. 54) HOURS: 9-9 MONDAY-SATURDAY 10-6 SUNDAY N N a a t t u u r r a a l l a a n n d d O O r r g g a a n n i i c c B B e e a a u u t t y y T T r r e e a a t t m m e e n n t t s s Quitting tobacco isn't easy. Finding help should be. Tobacco Free Florida offers free tools and services to help you get started. FREE Nicotine replacement patches, gum or lozenges.**If medically appropriate and 18 years of age or older. FREE Participant workbook and materials. More than DOUBLES your chances of success! Programs cover all forms of tobacco. Is the in-person option of Tobacco Free Florida Quit Your Way services. This program is sponsored by: Pre-registration required. To register please call: 813-929-1000 For more information, visit us at Class ScheduleFriday, April 21, 2017 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Florida Hospital, Zephyrhills (Wellness Center) 38233 Daughtery Road, Zephyrhills Tuesday, April 25, 2017 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Zephyrhills Library 5347 8th Street, Zephyrhills Wednesday, May 3, 2017 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Morton Plant, North Bay Hospital 6600 Madison St New Port Richey Friday, May 5, 2017 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Premier Community Healthcare 2114 Seven Springs Blvd, Ste 100, Trinity Wednesday, May 10, 2017 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Good Samaritan Clinic 5334 Aspen Street, New Port Richey Wednesday, May 17, 2017 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Regional Medical Center, Bayonet Point 14000 Fivay Road, Hudson Friday, May 19, 2017 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Florida Hospital Zephyrhills (Wellness Center) 38233 Daughtery Road, Zephyrhills Saturday, May 20, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Zephyrhills Library 5347 8th Street Zephyrhills Series. Tickets are $10 for adults, and $8 for kids ages 2 to 12. For information, visit CLUBThe Republican Club of Central Pasco will meet April 24 at 6:30 p.m., at Copperstone Executive Suites, 3631 Land O Lakes Blvd., in Land O Lakes. The guest speaker will be Corporal Alan Wilkett on the subject of human trafficking in the Tampa Bay area. For information, call (813) 996-3011.BOOK CLUBThe CCC Book Club will meet April 24 at 7 p.m., at the Carrollwood Cultural Center, 4537 Lowell Road in Tampa. The group will discuss The Escape by David Baldacci. For information, visit, or email David Brayshaw at FINANCESThe Lutz Branch Library, 101 W. Lutz Lake Fern Road, will present Raising a Financially Independent Teen April 25 at 6:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Lori Nadglowski, a certified financial planner, on the topics of strategies for savings, identifying what financial skills a teen should know, and how to approach the three most important decisions about money. Younger children also can attend. For information, call (813) 273-3652, or visit IN THE AFTERNOONThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will host Art in the Afternoon April 25 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., for teens to seniors. Bring your own supplies or borrow a few. The group is open to all levels of art enthusiasts. For information, call (813) 7800064.TEEN ART CONTESTThe Land O Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will host its ninth annual Teen Art Contest April 25 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., for ages 12 to 18. Entries will be accepted until 5 p.m., April 24. There will be cash prizes awarded in three categories: 2D, 3D and computer/photographs. Each entry must include full name, grade, school (if any) and phone number. Participants can submit up to five entries. For information, call (813) 929-1214.TAMPA ORCHID CLUBThe Tampa Orchid Club will meet April 25 at 9:30 a.m., at the Northdale Recreation Center, 15550 Spring Pine Drive in Tampa. The meeting will feature a hands-on workshop on mounting an orchid. All supplies will be provided. There will be a potluck lunch after the 10 a.m. meeting, a plant sale, a bloom table, and a silent auction. Members who renewed their annual membership can take home the mounting for free. The cost for nonmembers and guests is $10. For information, call Sharon Hartley at (727) 202-8505.BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERSBig Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay will have an orientation April 25 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., at Wesley Chapel Honda, 27750 Wesley Chapel Blvd., for anyone interested in becoming a volunteer/mentor. For information, contact Deb Kristol-Irwin at (813) 997-6881 or CONTEST & READINGThe Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will host a Poetry Contest & Open-Mic Poetry Reading April 26 at 3 p.m. The winners of the contest will be announced during the poetry reading. For information, call (352) 567-3576.COOKBOOK BOOK CLUBThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will host the CookBook Book Club April 26 at 11:30 a.m. Those interested can browse through this months selected cookbook at the library, choose a recipe to make at home, pick up a review form to complete, bring your review and recipe samples (optional) to the meeting, and enjoy a taste-testing discussion. For information, call (813) 780-0064.CARROLLWOOD TOASTMASTERSThe Carrollwood Toastmasters will meet April 26, and every Wednesday, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W. Bearss Ave., in Tampa. For information, visit FOR PARK MAKEOVERThe National Recreation and Park Association is sponsoring a contest, Meet Me at the Park, to give away a $20,000 grant for a park makeover. Guests can vote for the City of Zephyrhills Zephyr Park, or nominate your own city. Go to to cast a vote. The city with the most nominations will win the grant. The deadline to vote is April 30. CORRECTION:Jennifer Motsinger is a member of a committee studying ways to pay for school construction in Pasco County. Her first name was incorrect in a story published in editions of The Laker/Lutz News on April 12.
Oil Changes are up to 5 quarts of oil and standard filter (most cars). Includes our 14 point inspection and a FREE Car Wash. Y ou must present coupon at time of service. May not be combined with any other. This coupon is valid at our Bruce B. Downs (Trout Creek) location. WASH open 7 days 8am-8pm LUBE open M-Sa 8am-6pm & Sun 10am-4pm $19.99 OIL CHANGE SPECIALFREECar Wash with every Oil Change CHECK OUT OUR NEWREWARDS PROGRAM 24124 SR 54 Lutz, FL 33559 813-949-7297 SR 54 INTERST ATE 75SR 54COLLIER PARKWAYFOGGY RIDGE RO AD 6A April 19, 2017 b h basedonthe e voStore hours: Mon Fri Service Areas: Pasco C o Cha pel, Carrollwo o h ome i mp r s wner ideathathomeo Our business is e ment. ro ce f our sour w T V ounty 8:30am 4:00 pm Sat and y, Brandon, Va a l r ico, Ta am o d, Rivervie w, Land O Lake s is y ojects orprf ON LABOR VE $25 AV Sun by apt only. m pa, Mango,Wesley s Odessa,Trinity. 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AndyOnCallT f S A W M PLISH EVERYTHING ON YOUR HONEY DO LIST, L L OR LARGE THE PROJECT MIGHT BE.License: CRC1331649 B U ILD O R RE P P C IA RE P AND F INST INST A RETILE B AT THROOM TA ALLCRO WN MOLD TA ALLC ABINETS / BA C SOFFIT FA A PA A PA A INTIN G INTERI O R & FLOORS TILE & WOO D PA A IR DE C K S AIR CONDITIONER SER V Call: (813) 961-2 6 i n g an d r o v v Offer F e e erPrescr ansf r r T W Fla FREE H O erPrescr ansf r Tr T ou ill y F y Bli s y /month l e ek l d w Met F REE Antibiotic s e $1 tions & R ip eceiv O ME DE L e$1 ve tions&R ip eceiv iptions in Min u r Prescr ks! c a s ter P m in for tCard! 0 Gif Y RY LIVER tCard! 0Gif u tes! 8138037303 ance AcceptingMostInsur es Pha Lak Land O y 9 y 8:30am 6pm; Saturda ida r y-FMonda 813 803 7303 ance Accepting Most Insur SeHablaEspanol mac y ar 9 am-12 pm Se Habla Espanol ALDI PLANS NEW STORERepresentatives of the discount grocer, Aldi, filed conceptual plans for a store in Cypress Creek Town Center, on the southwest corner of State Road 54 and Wesley Chapel Boulevard, according to Pasco County records.The pre-application outlines an approximately 19,000-square-foot grocery store, located on about 5 acres owned by Pasco Ranch Inc. The company is owned by the Sierra family, one of the town centers developers.Aldi is a German-based grocer with a singular outlook on shopping. Customers pay a quarter to rent a buggy, which they return before leaving the store. They also must bring their own bags or buy reusable ones sold by Aldi. Though a typical grocery store might have up to 30,000 items for sale, Aldi stocks about 1,400 most often-used food items, including fresh produce, meat, dairy, wine and beer. The goal is to keep overhead expenses low and pass savings onto customers in discounted prices.UNCLE MADDIOS PIZZA AIDS AUTISM AWARENESSUncle Maddios Pizza is partnering with Autism Speaks during the month of April, which is National Autism Awareness Month. The Italian eatery, at 3949 Van Dyke Road in Lutz, is sponsoring a Give $5 Get $5 promotion. For every donation made at Maddios Pizza, each guest will receive a $5 bounce back offer to be used the following week at the restaurant. It is important to the Uncle Maddios team that we display our served with love culture by supporting causes that affect our local communities, said Matt Andrews, in a company press release. Andrews is chief executive officer of Uncle Maddios.Every guest who donates will be able to display his or her donation on the wall at Uncle Maddios. Participating restaurants also will light their buildings blue to create a fun atmosphere and mirror the Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue campaign during April.Uncle Maddios launched in 2008 and anticipates having 350 restaurants open in the next five years. Customers create their own pizza, which is cooked in fast-bake ovens and delivered to the table in less than eight minutes. For information, visit and FAIR ON WHEELSCareerSource Mobile One: Job Search and Career Assistance will take place April 20 from 9:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., at New River Library, at 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills. The event is free. Participants will get help in searching for jobs, creating and printing resumes, accessing local and statewide job listings, and getting information about programs provided by CareerSource. The mobile unit is a self-contained resource room on wheels with 12 computer stations; satellite Internet and telecommunications; and, printing/copying capabilities. For information, call the library at (813) 788-6375. ZEPHYRHILLS MIXERThe Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce will host a mixer at the Zephyrhills Brewing Company April 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at 38520 Fifth Ave., in Zephyrhills. The event is free. Come tour Zephyrhills new micro-brewery and sample beer or ale from award-winning home brewer Robert Hilferding. For information, call the chamber at (813) 782-1913.LUNCH N LEARNThe Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce will host a Lunch n Learn luncheon April 20 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Don Porter boardroom at the chambers office, at 6013 Wesley Grove Blvd., Suite 105, in Wesley Chapel. KMACC Solutions representatives will discuss Emotional Intelligence (EQ): The Critical Link to Success in Business. The cost is $15, including lunch. Space is limited so pre-registration is recommended. For information, call the chamber at (813) 994-8534.NISSAN LAUNCH PARTYWesley Chapel Nissan will celebrate its launch as the first Motor Trend Certified dealer in the Tampa/Orlando area April 22 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., at 28519 State Road 54 in Wesley Chapel. The event is free. Mario Lopez, host of the Emmy awardwinning Extra television show, will attend the celebration. For information, call The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce at (813) 994-8534, or call Wesley Chapel Nissan, at (813) 751-1300. Send business news to
54. d vd lv Bl a la lla el Be aiV B e l ll l B l v Road Livingstona y a rk w e r P i l ol C54 EARTH DAY LIVE REMOTE with Hits 106 10am-1pm Saturday, April 22nd 9:00am 3:00pm For information, call727-856-2917 x201 Bring your mercury containing thermostats and thermometers for a $5 gift card. Bring your old electronics (first 2 TVs Free, all others $7 each) and household hazardous waste. Shredding Available. FLORIDA NATIVE PLANT SALE, RAIN WATER HARVESTING& COMPOSTING WORKSHOPS Pre-Register JOIN US FOR Lady Bug Release Croc Encounters Childrens Crafts Tour the Water Ventures Learning LabCrews Lake Park off of Shady Hills Road 7A ASC ASC PA PA LT LT TO PREVENT SEXUAL TOPREVENTSEXUAL ASSAUL ASSAUL T IN P TINP ty tatus, gender identity e conomic status, y, t ion, religious beliefs y. a nd volunteers at n the front lines domesticandsexual CO COUNTY COCOUNTY V Sexual Assault A The month of April is national Aw w areness M ont h (SAAM), during which survivors and advocates engage the greater community in prevention efforts. This years theme, Engaging New Vo oicesbuildsontheideathatwe regardless of e immigration s t sexual orienta t and/or ethnici t The staff a Sunrise are o n respondingto For more information about Sunrise of Pasco, or if you or your organization would like to get involved, please contact Sunrise at 352-521-3358 or for more information. on S. R. 52 in Dade City Sinn. life-saving emergency shelter County not to l erate d T County are stronger together V Vo oices, builds on the idea that we r, an d t h a t new partners and community members are needed to expand sexual assault prevention efforts. Sunrise Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center of Pasco y, h as d etermine d t h at k e y elements to end domestic and sexual violence in Pasco County are prevention and fostering community-connectedness to create a culture where violence is To oward this end, local educational fundraisers are scheduled throughout the month of April. Located in eastern Pasco y, Sunrise is one of 4 2 certified domestic violence centers affiliated with the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Built in 2007, the center provides critical, r, services, and programming to survivors and their children. All services are free and confidential. They are available to anyone responding to domestic and sexual violence by providing a place of safety, security, healing, and empowerment to survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their children fleeing violent homes, said Sunrise CEO Kelly A As a non-profit organization, we depend greatly on community financial support and involvement. In addition to the educational fundraisers, Sunrise operates the Solutions thrift store year around y, FL. S ales help raise much-needed funds to support their services. Special discount days are scheduled throughout the month, and donations of clothing and household goods are always needed. Local organizations can help spread awareness by hosting an event, attending the luncheon, or by participating in the National Denim Day campaign on April 26 as an act of solidarity for violence against women.
Y ust Us F T Tr r Fo or All Yo our LOCKSMITH NEEDSAFFORDABLE AND F FA A S T Car Lock Outs Home Lock Outs Reke y in g Master Ke y s Exp 5/31/17 e chnician. p ecial when booking & show R VICE A NY al 3 77-3674 r% OFF 8133 coupon to t e *Must mention s p SE R A y r G ive us a call toda y !10 % IF ITS ON A DOOR, WE HANDLE IT! ygy and Deadbolts Keyless Entry Door Repair and Replacements Alarm Systems Surveillance Systems HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCEThe New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, will offer health care assistance April 20: Medicare 101 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A SHINE representative will be available to answer Medicare enrollment questions. Premier Community Healthcare from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. A representative will offer free help with Medicaid, food stamps, Florida Kidcare, Affordable Care Act and other community resources. For information, call (813) 788-6375.COLORECTAL CANCERThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will host a Lunch & Learn Health Education Series on Colorectal Cancer Awareness April 20 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A Moffitt Cancer Center community education specialist will share information on health-related issues. A light lunch will be served. To register, call (813) 780-0064.SUNRISE CENTER FUNDRAISERSSunrise Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center in Pasco County will host these educational fundraisers in support of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. April 20, from noon to 1 p.m., at the Dade City Womens Club, 37922 Palm Ave., in Dade City. Admission is free with RSVP. Call (352) 521-0766. April 23 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at Painting with a Purpose, 1924 Oak Grove Blvd., in Lutz. The cost is $45 per seat. Register online at Fifty percent of each registration will be donated to support Sunrise. For information, contact Aryn Rathbone at (352) 521-3358 or CHI PROGRAMThe Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W. Bearss Ave., in Tampa, offers a recurring Tai Chi program with Bonnie Birdsall every Monday at 1 p.m. Tai Chi can reduce stress and increase stamina, flexibility and alertness. Participants should bring a mat or towel and wear comfortable clothing. For information, call (813) 204-2612.DIABETIC EDUCATIONBayfront Health Medical Group, 13100 Fort King Road in Dade City, will offer a free diabetic education class April 21 at 10 a.m. Topics will include nutrition information, how to read food labels, what to look for when dining out, monitoring insulin, managing diabetes, medication education, and exercise and diabetes. For information or to RSVP, call (352) 567-6763.ACCESS HEALTH CARE LECTUREAccess Health Care, 5350 Spring Hill Drive in Spring Hill, will present Become a Child Again: Reawakening the Child in You Painlessly & Happily April 20 from 5:15 p.m. to 7 p.m. For information or to register, call (352) 688-8116, ext. 4344.MYELOMA SUPPORTThe North Tampa Multiple Myeloma Support Group will meet April 22 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at Floortime Studio, 6250 Yellowhammer Ave., in Tampa. All myeloma patients, family and friends can attend. A complimentary lunch will be served at noon. For information, call (813) 624-3872.NUTRITION SEMINARSamantha Taylor of Pure Health Studios, 2206 Knight Road in Land O Lakes, will present a free nutrition seminar April 22 at 12:30 p.m. There will be a guest speaker, healthy desserts and gourmet coffee. To RSVP, visit HEALTHThe Lutz Senior Center, 112 First Ave., N.W., will offer these senior health lectures: April 24 at 11 a.m.: More Bounce per Ounce: Water Consumption and Your Health April 26 at 1 p.m.: Getting a Good Nights Sleep, presented by Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services. For information, call (813) 264-3804.SMOKING CESSATIONThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will offer the IQuit Smoking Cessation class April 25 from 10 a.m. to noon.Participants can learn strategies for quitting all forms of tobacco. Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy patches, gum and lozenges will be available, while supplies last.For information, call (813) 780-0064.RENAL & BLADDER DISEASERegional Medical Center Bayonet Point will offer a seminar on Renal & Bladder Health & Wellness N OT NO TI T I ME T A A O A T T W AST! AST E T rn 1 a ear P Ye 12 Y Cash R e ear Labor warr Ye 1 2 up t o a rts warranty Y e bate up to $1500. 0 v in g our com m 100% Sati s r anty* ear unit repla Ye o 12 Y 0% 0 0* Instantly s faction Guarante e a cement warranty Interest for 18 M o e * & extended o nths *wac 813-99 0 OR N C CAC1816 60 -0561 N ERST O EC0001103 6 47 & CFC1428982CO M .ROSP O NE M 8A com es m e n c hi e valid only on frozen yogurt purchases. cannot be combined with any other offer. valid thru April 30, 2017. men402buy one get onehalf off!the shops at wiregrass stheshopsa enchie e W ay illet W 28356 W s the shops a menchie atwiregrass pelChay e sle at wiregrass discounted yogurt of equal or lesser value.. cannot be combined with any other offer. valid thru April 30, 2017. men40215% off!the shops at wiregrass WWW.THEGREATCATCHSEAFOOD.COM $3.00 OFF$20 OR MOREMust present coupon. Not valid on daily deals or with other coupons. Exp 4/30/17.BOGO 1/2 OFFMON-FRI IN HOUSE OR TAKE-OUT 11AM-3PM1 per table. Excludes all you can eat, senior meals, and lobster. Exp 4/30/17. Specializing in New England Seafood, Ipswich Whole Belly Clams, Best Lobster Roll in Town, Lobster Bisque & Steak SPECIALSMONDAY: $6.99 Cheeseburger & Fries. Dine In or Take Out. THURSDAY: KIDS EAT FREE. 12 & under only. Valid w/adult entree purchase only. THURSDAY: 12oz Prime Rib w/2 sides $14.99. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY: All You Can Eat Seafood Specials.5039 1st Street Zephyrhills 813-782-7770 HOURS:Mon-Thurs 11-8 Fri & Sat 11-9 Sun 11-8 1930 Land O Lakes Blvd., Lutz, FL 33549 813-994-9797 HOURS:Mon-Thurs 11-9 Fri & Sat 11-10 Sun 11-8
Disease in the Elderly April 25 at the Rao Musunuru MD Conference Center, 14100 Yosemite Drive in Hudson. Registration and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by the tutorial. Admission is free. Reservations are required. For information, call (727) 869-5498.MENTAL ILLNESS EDUCATIONThe National Alliance on Mental Illness will offer its NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program every Tuesday, for 12 weeks, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., starting April 25, at 5637 Marine Parkway in New Port Richey. The course is designed to help all family members understand and support loved ones living with mental illness, while maintaining their well-being. There will be information on illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disease, major depression and other mental health conditions. For information, contact Gloria Strother at (727) 848-5169 or, or call NAMI Pasco at (727) 992-9653.STRENGTH & BALANCE CLASSA Silver Sneakers Strength & Balance Class takes place every Wednesday at 9 a.m., and every Friday at 10:30 a.m., at The Groves Golf and Country Club Civic Center, 7924 Melogold Circle in Land O Lakes. These are low-impact classes for men and women designed to improve flexibility and balance, to help prevent falls, broken hips and more. The class is free for Silver Sneakers members, and $5 per session for non-members. For information, contact Tom Marbell at (352) 409-2984 or send him an email at NEEDEDFlorida Hospital at Connerton Long Term Acute Care is looking for enthusiastic, committed individuals to join its volunteer team. The hospitals mission is to extend the healing ministry of Christ.As a volunteer, there are opportunities to apply your skills and talents to create a positive experience for patients, visitors and staff. For information, contact Anthony Cappellini at (813) 615-7286.DONATE TO NAMIThe Pasco County Tax Collectors Office has designated NAMI of Pasco (National Alliance on Mental Illness) as its featured charitable organization for the month of April.Funds raised will stay in the community and be used to offer free classes, including materials and support groups, as well as maintaining a website, brochures and manuals, a small administrative office, and on-going training for new volunteer teachers and facilitators to conduct programs. For information, call Greg Giordano at (727) 847-8179.NEW CHIEF OPERATING OFFICERRegional Medical Center Bayonet Points CEO Shayne George announced the appointment of Joe Rudisill as its new chief operating officer. Rudisill comes from Henrico Doctors Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, where he served in HCAs Chief Operating Officer Development Program. Prior to joining HCA, Rudisill was the director of operations at Virginia Urology. He received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Health Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University. THESECHILDRENINCO OUCANSPEAKUPFOR Y VOLUNTEER, A GU Y UN S AFE. BY BE CO MIN G Y AND EM O Y Y PHY VED FR O ARE REM O Y C HILDREN IN OU R CO MM U NIT Y Y EA C H D A SICALL TI O NAL L 4 93 F SU PERHER O E S G THEMIN ANDKEEP T T ADLITEM U ARDIAN ARE T T O M H O ME S THA OUR PLEA S F O R M O RE INF O RM A WWW PERMANENT H O ME A S AFE OU CAN SPEAK VOLUNTEER, 72783 43 ALL S E C TEAM OF T I O N O N JO ININ G OU R T A .OR ACHIL D O T .HERO THESE CHILDREN IN CO UP FOR W www.bernierdental.comPLEASE CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!813-601-1122Evening and weekend appointments available.MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for a payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for free, discounted fee, or the reduced fee, service, examination or treatment. 5420 Land O Lakes Blvd, Suite 103 813-601-1122 Let us give you something toSmileaboutCleaning, exam, consultation and all necessary x-raysADA D1110, D0210, D0150NEW PATIENT EXPERIENCE$9900 *New patients only. Not valid with any other offers or insurance. Does not include periodontal therapy. Limited time only. *EXPIRES 4/30/17 April 19, 20179A 21501 Village Lakes Center Land O Lakes, FL 34639(813) Baked Chicken, Stuffed Pepper & Tomato, Gyro, Briam, Mousaka, Dolmades, Spanakopita, Souvlaki, Large Greek Salad w/Potato Salad $2 OFF* ANY GREEKENTREE *Cannot be combined with other offers. One coupon per ticket/table. Expires 4/30/17. TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SUNDAYWEDNESDAY AND SUNDAYSATURDAY ONLY $5.99$10.95 $10.95 SPAGHETTI OR PENNEWITH ONE TOPPINGGREEK STYLE CHICKENLARGE ONE ITEM PIZZA FREE Cleaning When You Schedule Weekly or Bi-Weekly ServiceNew customers only. Must purchase intial clean.Expires 5-31-17 $30 OFFSPRING CLEANING Over 3 hours of cleaningSome restrictions apply. Call for details. Expires 5-31-17 Treat YourselfHire Maid Brigade! Checklist Wash Baseboards Wash Windows Wash Floors Disinfect Bathrooms 813-961-5900 THERA P LASER DEEP TISSUE INFLAMMA LASER THERAPY RE AT TION AS Fibromyalgia Neuropathy Plantar Fascitis 813-996-9800d O Lakes Blvd. #105 H IROPRACTIC CLINIC educed fee service, i scounte d f ee, or r esult of a n d p idf py d py hif g g ht to r e fuse to p a y y lfd cancel payment, or be ddf PY atment that is performed as a r SOCIA LIEVES P AND AT TEDWITH: Disc Herniation Rheumatoid Arthritis Compression Fracture Bursitis Carpal Tunnel FREE TMENT AT Call and Get your First GET BACK IN ACTION examination within 72 hou ihi72h r p ibdf The patient a e i m b urse d f TREA 5420 Lan V EN CH AV Y AY eatment. or tr ee, di p tt u rs o f r di py f ppy hiii yp ffh a nd an y other p erson r g esponsible for payment has a rig y dihdifhf for payment for any other service, examination, or tr ea esponding to the advertisement for the fr TODA C R A Rotator Cuf Migraines ff f UP TO 5 YEARS BUMPER TO BUMPER WARRANTY UP TO 5-YEARS BUMPER-TO-BUMPER WARRANTY THE MOWER WITH MORE MUSCLE FOR YOUR MONEY. The Zee 2 is the best residential mower in its class with big engines, big decks, and big value. No other residential mower gives you more muscle for your money High Horsepower A 23 horsepower engine from Briggs & Stratton Kawasaki or Kohler to power you at up to 3.1 acres per hour NO MONEY DOWN FINANCING REDEFINE YOUR MOWING EXPERIENCE The BlackHawk provides the ultimate mowing experience with superior value, advanced operator controls, commercial grade components, and unmatched performance. P roven P ower Eq ui pped with the industry p referred K awasaki FS and B riggs & S tratton C yclonic engines for trusted reliability an d p erformance. As low as $78.00 a month (with a pproved credit ) 8820 GALL BLVD (HWY 301) ZEPHYRHILLS FL 33541 813-788-1779 WWW.CAHILLSMOTORSPORTS.COM COURTESY OF GRISWOLD HOME CARE Foundation gives back The Jean Griswold Foundation, a private charity established in 2010, was created by Griswold Home Care to raise awareness that care for the elderly and disabled should be available to all. The foundation presented $1,000 to The Volunteer Way for its efforts in assisting more than 23,000 families each month in Pasco, Hernando and surrounding counties. From left: Arthur Moseley, certified senior advisor and co-owner of Griswold; Martha O Brien, assistant CEO, The Volunteer Way; and Frieda Moseley, co-owner of Griswold.
oudly announces pr Realty & Investment Co Dennis (813) 949-7444 D UCERSation porr MARCH 2 OP PRO D T017 P ec xe o To T Ex P Producer vel ecutiveLe xe op Sales To T Ex ROCHLIN ROB Sales Individual op To T KINCHELOE AMY P roducer vel c utive Le o p Listing P EERCY BOB Listings Individual op To T WEBSTER TTI AT PA P A M P o To T Wand Listings Group Sales e am / Te To T op T TEAM SMITH Manager ty Proper op Leasing To T BURNSIDE ANDA WA W M anager ty P roper o p ListingILLIAMS JOHN Manager ty Proper wing op Rene To T ROBINSON SCOTT eMedicine SpecializinginConcierg e stin g NutrientT Food Se n siti v ities otocols NutritionalPr mones Bio IdenticalHor HCG eig ht Los s MedicalW mone Th e r & Ho r eight M ed i ca l W r ap y Loss fices located i n La n d O Of otalBala o 8 1 3 5 2 8 -4 064 tified in Obesit y d C e r B oa r e M e Specializing in Concierg ala EvolutionT Consulta FREE t Ri c h e y Lakes & Ne w Por e men t e e and Medicine W Ba l a n ce otal o to T eight Manag ation ained60lbs a fatigued, w libid o y l o Ihadaver eatment tr s t ca m e t o Erin a n d D s estimonials: e RecentT Wh e n I f i r andIhadg when you mention t ning Injec t Bur Fat FREE OR Consulta FREE sthatIjust y asver a o, e n o for M or . Dr Iw t his ad t ion ation A g e om L an d OL a k es, D av id fr M . eat! f eel g r e p t 40 lbs off for the last four y k eased l i incr O n top o f m wi t h i t. T or the s y m p w verlo ferfromse ecommend Evolution! I I highly r A g om Land OLakes Krist y f r v er a n d Iv e n e , o e pt them lostthose60lbsandk After a y ear of t r couldn tlose ained 60 lbs fatigued, and I had g is back with vig or y Thanks Erin and Dr e 52 e n o !! Mor andI s, s v e I h a i bido o o e r su fe g e 36 r fe lt b e tt e r! libido m off, I ve eatment r s that I just y no long ptoms that g year NOMINATE A TEACHERU.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) is accepting nominations for his annual Teacher of the Year awards to honor outstanding educators in Floridas 12th District. Teachers and educators from all schools and all grades are eligible. Nominations should be emailed to, and include the name, school and contact information of the nominee. The deadline for nominations is April 21. There will be an awards ceremony in May.COMMON GROUND CLUBRidgewood High Schools Common Ground club will host an Autism Awareness Walk April 29 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the school, at 7650 Orchid Lake Road in New Port Richey. Club students meet every Wednesday to build bonds through conversation, games and other activities, and food. Peer students from the general education curricula participate in community-based instruction, where they model good behavior and teach ESE students social and financial skills. Students, including those from the Ridgewood Interact Club, will participate in the walk. There will be activities, disc jockeys and a snow cone truck. The entry fee is $10. To learn more, call Patty Hanley at (727) 774-3953.ASTRONAUT SPEAKS TO MIDDLE-SCHOOLERSPasco Middle School students participated in a Skype presentation and discussion with retired astronaut Don Thomas on April 7.Thomas completed four space flights on the Columbia and Discovery space shuttles. His last assignment was at the International Space Station program overseeing NASA experiments. He retired in 2007. As part of the students Space Exploration unit, Thomas gave a PowerPoint presentation on living, working and conducting science experiments in space. A question-and-answer session followed the program.THE POWER OF DIVERSITYLacoochee Elementary School students and staff, and the community, hosted a Unity in Diversity Day on April 8, a multicultural event to celebrate diversity in the community. The school invited families and community partners to share elements of their culture and ethnicity through stories, food, dance, arts and more.STUDENTS AGAINST TOBACCOGulf Middle School Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) club members and school staff took part in the Coastal Cleanup April 15 at Green Key Beach, Robert K. Reese Memorial Park in New Port Richey. The event raises awareness for the environment and teaches students the value of taking care of both the local and collective environment. Students properly disposed of litter and other debris throughout the park, making it a safer, cleaner place for visitors and natural inhabitants.TOP DOGS RECOGNIZEDThe Pilot Club of Zephyrhills hosted a Hungry Howies lunch for its Top Dog winners from Stewart Middle School. The club started the program more than 30 years ago to honor students for academics and leadership in the school.The third quarter Top Dogs who received a certificate and gold dog tag were: Ireland Sinclair, Joshua Pellegrino, Gabriel Glazebrook, Anna Rood, Caitlyn Regan, Jane Gillrie, Jessica Womack, Trent Peters and Angelique Braxton.PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISERThe third annual pasta dinner fundraiser for the Sean Bartell Memorial Foundation will be April 29 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., at Trinity Church of Wesley Chapel, 33425 State Road 54. There will be a special ceremony and announcement at 5 p.m. The dinner will be prepared and donated by Carl and Jessica Myers, of Little Italys Family Restaurant and Catering. The Magic of Scott Barhold will provide entertainment. Local vendors will be on site. The cost is $10. Kids ages 4 and younger are free. To-go boxes will be available. To purchase tickets, contact Paul Bartell or Jamie Bartell via IM on Facebook, or email SUMMER VPK PROGRAMPrimrose School at Collier Parkway, 23021 Weeks Blvd., in Land O Lakes, will offer a Summer VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten) program for eligible families and their children.The free program is for children who have not yet used their VPK voucher, and turned 4-years-old before September 2016. Classes begin on June 6 and run through Aug. 3. VPK hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with lunch/rest time from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. For information about the school and enrollment, contact Angella Hart, school director, at (813) 242-7800.SAINT LEO RANKS FIFTH FOR MILITARY SPOUSESSaint Leo University has earned the 2017 Military Spouse Friendly School designation by Victory Media, publisher of G.I. Jobs, Military Spouse, Vetrepreneur and STEM Jobs resources. The school ranked fifth in the nation among private institutions with 10,000 students or more. The latest Military FriendlySchools survey included questions that not only evaluated whether a schools admissions, retention, career counseling and mentoring programs are better for veterans, but also whether they address concerns of military spouses and families. Colleges earning the Military Spouse Friendly Schooldesignation were evaluated using both public data sources and responses from Victory Medias proprietary survey.Saint Leo University is featured along with the entire list of 2017 Military Spouse Friendly Schoolsin the April issue of Military Spouse Magazine and on TECHNICAL RANKED SECOND IN has ranked Marchman Technical College second on the list of Best Community Colleges in Florida for 2017. The ranking demonstrates to the more than 100,000 weekly visitors to that this program provides a quality education that students can afford in their home state. For information about Marchman, visit 10A 813-996-1211 4005 Land O Lakes Blvdon U.S. 41 in Land O Lakes Monday Night BUFFET$7.995pm-8:30pm Resgistration form available call 813-406-4965 SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLELexington oaks | 26133 Lexington oaks BLvd | WesLey ChapeL COURTESY OF SAINT LEO UNIVERSITY Saint Leo gives back
N O W O PEN! b Re j uvenate y our m i nd b od y and s pi r i t w i th all-n a a n i c herbs al or g a tu r otal P To 1 0 % O FF T P urchase from April 10 April 30 All N A romat h er a O rgan i c H er bs HOURS: TUE FRI (813) 713-3028 yr Zeph Ave, 38330 5th N atura l B at h & B o d y Ca y Oil y O rgan i c B a b a p s (b u lk) H an d bl en d e d T 9:30AM 5:30PM; SA h www FL 33542 (one block hills, a re o w d e r & P eas d H er b a l T T 9:30AM 4PM h erbalkitchen west of Gall Blvd.) 11A Highest Quality Beef at Exceptional Prices! y t i l a u Q t s e h g i H i t p e c x E t a f e e B y s e c i r P l a n o i y t i l a u Q t s e h g i H i t p e c x E t a f e e B y s e c i r P l a n o i agility course created by a participant in American Ninja Warrior, a kid-friendly Yoga Zone with classes, crafts, games and other fun activities. Costumed superheroes will be roaming around; bands will be performing, and there will be plenty of chances to pick up some pointers on sustainable living. Michele Northrup, organizer of the event, has been involved since the beginning. Its going to be exciting this year, said Northrup, noting we have over 138 vendors. We have sustainability experts Well have hybrid and electric vehicles. We have one vendor who will demonstrate wind power, she said. The Owl Sanctuary will be bringing the beautiful owls that it protects, Northrup said. There also will be interactive booths and chances for people to purchase everything from local honey to handmade soap to all sorts of other eco-friendly items, she said. While EcoFest is expected to draw thousands to Lowry Park, Pasco County also is hosting an Earth Day celebration. The family friendly event will take place at Crews Lake Wilderness Park, 16739 Crews Lake Drive in Spring Hill. It is scheduled for April 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Were excited that the event will actually fall on Earth Day this year, Lottie Kelley, event chair for Earth Day, said in a release. This year, were adding the Suncoast Trail Earth Day Ride and Ricks Raptor Rescue, she said. Other planned activities include: Childrens crafts and education displays An Interactive Water Ventures Learning Lab A Florida native plants sale Pet adoptions A ladybug release Upcycle vendors An appearance by Spike, the 10-foot alligator from Croc Encounters Household hazardous waste collection Electronics recycling A pill take-back program (for unwanted or expired medications) Concessions will be sold by Mary Giella Elementary School as a PTA fundraiser.Also, the University of Floridas IFAS/Extension will offer two workshops: Rain Water Harvesting at 10 a.m., and Composting at 12:30 p.m. Preregistration is required for both workshops. Sign up online at sign up, click on April and scroll down to event 1 of 2. For more information about the festival, contact Keep Pasco Beautiful Coordinator Kristen King at (727) 856-7252 or Even with experience, she said, its a time-consuming task. For some reason, theres not less time that you need to put it into. You have to reach out to the same amount of people, she said, estimating shell log 100 hours on the project by the time it is completed. Still, she is gratified by the results. Weve been able to grow the concert every year and raise more money, said Skantze, who manages to balance taking four Advanced Placement classes, doing soccer and track, and managing the details of the fundraiser. I organize my time, she said. I make a lot of lists. Sometimes I just have to prioritize what I think is more important. Helping others, in this young womans eyes, is important. established business owners, Covey said. One is the Pasco Enterprise Network (PEN), a collaborative effort of nonprofit agencies committed to ensuring the success of small businesses, through consulting, counseling, education, and technical assistance. Among the partners are local chambers of commerce and colleges like Saint Leo University and Pasco-Hernando State College. Those arenas, Covey said, are particularly useful for networking and hiring a workforce. The Pasco County Library System, another PEN partner, can be a valuable aid for startups, providing a wide variety of market research tools, databases and trade journals. Meanwhile, the SMARTstart Pasco Business Incubator managed by Covey since 2013 remains available for entrepreneurs. Located at 37837 Meridian Ave., in Dade City, the mixed-use facility offers co-working space, dedicated desk space, meeting space, classrooms and private offices. Covey stated entrepreneurs typically spend about two years in the incubator program. The incubator offers microloans for small businesses, too. Available up to an amount of $35,000 with a fixed interest rate, the term of loans may range from 12 months up to a maximum of 72 months. Launched in 2012, about 30 borrowers have participated in the microloan program, creating over 170 jobs, Covey said. Were very passionate about job creation and helping our businesses in Pasco be as successful as possible, she said. This is a good program, said Pasco County Commission Chairman Mike Moore. Over the years, for whatever reason, commissions in the past have not moved forward. We have a great opportunity. Lets stop kicking the can down the road. Dirt wont be flying any time soon, however. It will take additional votes to finalize the project, including an ordinance to increase the tourist tax. Four of five county commissioners need to approve the increase. Though the initial vote was unanimous, Pasco County Commissioners Mike Wells and Jack Mariano had concerns about linking new tourism dollars to one project. Wells would like to see boat ramps built in western Pasco in future. County officials said the bank loan possibly could be increased to $16 million or $17 million to fund those. Mariano said tax revenues should be spread around to benefit the entire county, not just focused within the Wesley Chapel area. Whats the fairness to the other side of the county when theres no return coming back? he said. But, prior to voting in favor, he added, I know this is going to be a top-shelf product. Details are still being negotiated, but the county will receive a portion of the profits generated from the sports complex. The entire county will benefit from this project, Moore said. However, the project and the tax increase drew a notable objection from Thomas Dempsey, owner of Saddlebrook Resort. It makes no sense to use the tourism tax as backup for a loan that cant be obtained in a normal way through a bank, said Dempsey, who spoke during public comment. I cant run a business that way. Nobody should. Its a burdensome tax on Saddlebrook. The upscale resort in Wesley Chapel contributed a large share of the $8.5 million already collected in tourist taxes. A rebate program is being proposed to compensate Saddlebrook and other hoteliers. Details will be negotiated as the project moves forward, but Wells said, It should have been done before yesterday. RADD Sports estimates gross revenues of $3.8 million in the first year, with increases each year after. Company officials pledged that the loan debt would be paid first before RADD Sports got paid. Research shows that the complex will have a regional pull, drawing people willing to drive four hours to eight hours, said Anthony Homer, vice president of real estate for RADD Sports. About 1.2 million people live within a 30-minute drive, he added. An estimated 30 to 40 special sporting events can be held at the complex, along with weekday activities for local amateur leagues and recreational visitors. On average, more than $208 is spent daily per person during tournament weekends for the event, as well as at hotels, shops and restaurants in the area. We didnt pull these numbers out of a hat, Homer said. However, county officials said banks wouldnt accept RADD Sports revenue projections as the only collateral source for the loan. Hope Allen, president of The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce, urged commissioners to support the project. The timing is right, she said, during public comment. Everybody is ready to move forward, Allen said. 37023 Pepper Drive, Zephyrhills, FL 33541-3613B&N LENZENTERPRISES BUSINESS/ INDIVIDUALACCOUNTANT Start Up Counseling Bookkeeping Are you having problems with the IRS? Nils R. Lenz, MBA, RTRPGive me a call.813-782-9491 Tax Planning Preparation Tax Resolution The Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce is asking the community to vote for Zephyr Park to win a $20,000 grant from the National Recreation and Park Association. In the Meet Me at the Park initiative, one written-in community will be chosen to win the grant for park improvement projects. Individuals can vote daily at, and be entered to win a tablet; nominations are accepted through April 30. The city with the most nominations and park project with the most votes will win and be contacted by NRPA at the beginning of May. Voters can also vote for their favorite park project in 15 pre-designated communities to receive $20,000 each. The NRPA contest, in its third year, is in collaboration with Disney, ESPN and ABC as a way to connect children to nature and encourage families to lead healthier lifestyles. The city of Zephyrhills, meanwhile, has sought to upgrade Zephyr Park for several years. In November, the Zephyrhills Community Redevelopment Agency unveiled a draft master plan for the redevelopment of the park, 38116 Fifth Ave. The draft, compiled by the design-build team of Burkhardt Construction and KimleyHorn, calls for several upgrades, including a family fun zone, dog park, splash pad and fitness zone. The forthcoming renovation, city officials say, will create a destination for downtown Zephyrhills, in turn providing more opportunities for local business and residential development. Gail Hamilton, CRA director for Zephyrhills, last year told the Laker/Lutz News a great park system is critical for the city, particularly for increasing property values. Were really looking to not only build a park, but also improve the surroundings around it, Hamilton said. For information about the grant initiative, visit Zephyrhills vies for $20,000 park grantFILE
CYPRESS CREEK MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOLCOACH: MIKE JOHNSON (1ST YEAR) 2016 RECORD: N/AA brand-new program, Cypress Creek likely will face significant challenges in its first few seasons. The 2017 campaign, for instance, will feature no seniors, as current freshmen and sophomores zoned for the school will be pulled from both Wesley Chapel and Wiregrass Ranch high schools. Meanwhile as spring ball approaches, Mike Johnson — entering his first year as a high school head football coach — is still finalizing his assistant staff. There are other logistical hurdles, too, as the weight room and athletic fields remain under construction at the schoolÂ’s campus. The CoyotesÂ’ offensive and defensive schemes remain a mystery, though Johnson recently said heÂ’ll gear the playbook toward the strengths of his eventual roster and coaching staff. For comparisonÂ’s sake, other recent upstart programs in Pasco County have struggled in their early stages. Sunlake High, for example, went a combined 5-25 its first three years of existence, from 2007-2009. Wiregrass Ranch, likewise, went a combined 7-23 its first three seasons, also from 20072009.LAND OÂ’ LAKES HIGH SCHOOLCOACH: BRIAN WACHTEL (7TH YEAR) 2016 RECORD: 2-6Put simply, the Land OÂ’ Lakes Gators have endured a rough couple years on the gridiron. Since its last winning season in 2013 (8-2), the program went 4-6, 3-7 and 2-6. The 2017 campaign wonÂ’t be easy either, as four of the teamÂ’s first five games are on the road, including slates against Wesley Chapel and Sunlake. To generate a turnaround, the Gators must find some consistency on offense — a unit that scored just eight touchdowns all year. That wonÂ’t be easy, with the team losing three of its top four receivers (Justin Kren, Hunter Carlisle, Brayden Lyman) from 2016; leading rusher Kyle Leivas (308 yards) does return, however. The departure of kicker/punter Dylan Hohenthaner (38.2 yards per punt) shouldnÂ’t be overlooked, either. The Indiana State University signee was a valuable weapon, averaging 38.2 yards per punt. On a positive note, the Gators return rising junior linebacker Myron Bloom, one of the regionÂ’s most productive defensive players. An SAC East First-Team All-Conference selection, Bloom racked up 119 tackles and six tackles for loss. PASCO COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLCOACH: TOM MCHUGH (10TH YEAR) 2016 RECORD: 1-9The Pasco Pirates look to regroup from last yearÂ’s 1-9 debacle — the programÂ’s worst record since 1978. While the season was troublesome all around, perhaps the toughest moment for Pirates fans to grasp was a 49-0 home loss to crosstown rival Zephyrhills. In 2015, the Pirates also experienced another setback to their nine-mile rival, losing 50-16. Lopsided defeats aside, a bounce-back season could be in store for 2017. Consider that several of PascoÂ’s top contributors were just sophomores last season, meaning thereÂ’s room for development and progress. Expect players like running back Jamar Hicks Jr. (386 yards rushing, three touchdowns) and receiver Jacquez Mobley (20 receptions, 200 yards) to make significant strides as juniors. Other key cogs — including linebacker Cameron Smith, and linemen Camron Craig and Cody Mercer — also return. All three were named to the 2016 SAC East All-Conference team. ThereÂ’s an opportunity for early-season victories, as the Pirates play four of their first five games at home, including matchups against Ridgewood, Gulf and Cypress Creek.SUNLAKE HIGH SCHOOLCOACH: BILL BROWNING (11TH YEAR) 2016 RECORD: 7-3Entering his 11th season as head coach, Bill Browning has the Sunlake Seahawks running like a well-oiled machine, compiling seven consecutive winning seasons. However, the program could be in for a slight rebuilding year in 2017, as heavy reinforcements are needed on both sides of the ball. First off, the Seahawks must replace one of the countyÂ’s top quarterbacks in Justin Hall (1,945 yards, 13 touchdowns, eight interceptions in 2016). Other skill players will need to be groomed on offense, since the Seahawks will be without its top four contributors in Tyler Peretti (40 catches, 866 receiving yards, six TDs) Cris Galdos (666 all-purpose yards, four TDs), Ryan Clark (23 receptions, 412 yards, five TDs) and Justin Metzger (562 yards rushing, four TDs). Defensively, Sunlake will miss three of its top four tacklers, losing linebackers Izzy Aquino (67 tackles, 18 tackles for loss, five sacks) and Chris Williams (74 tackles, nine tackles for loss, three sacks), and safety Jabriri Davis (55 tackles). But, if history is any indication, new standouts may quickly emerge for the Seahawks. And, that could be sooner rather than later, considering the programÂ’s junior varsity squad went 6-1 in 2016.WESLEY CHAPEL HIGH SCHOOLCOACH: ANTHONY EGAN (2ND YEAR) 2016 RECORD: 7-2In his first year as head coach, Anthony Egan oversaw a remarkable turnaround for Wesley Chapel football, a program that hadnÂ’t experienced a winning season since 2011. Now, Egan looks to take the next step — a district title and a corresponding playoff appearance. Though the Wildcats will be without two-year starting quarterback Jacob Thomas (806 yards, nine touchdowns, two interceptions), other offensive standouts return, including leading rushers Dexter Leverett (1,249 yards, 10 touchdowns) and Malik Melvin (358 yards, seven touchdowns). The teamÂ’s top returning player, however, is cornerback Isaiah Bolden, a 6-foot-3, 170-pound Florida State commit. A consensus four-star recruit, Bolden is ranked as the nationÂ’s 22nd best cornerback for the 2017 class, according to ESPN. The rangy athlete will once again be tasked with locking down the oppositionÂ’s top receiver and also contribute on special teams, where he averaged nearly 15 yards per punt return in 2016. Another Wildcats player to watch is middle linebacker Austen Wittish, who led the team with 93 tackles last season.WIREGRASS RANCH HIGH SCHOOLCOACH: MARK KANTOR (3RD YEAR) 2016 RECORD: 7-3It appears Wiregrass Ranch football has finally turned a corner, following last seasonÂ’s program-high seven wins — good enough for District 8-8A runner-up. DonÂ’t be surprised to see the Bulls have another fruitful season, considering the bevy of talent returning to the field. While a new quarterback must be groomed, the Bulls return 1,000-yard tailback Dada McGee (1,063 yards, 11 touchdowns), along with its top five wide outs, including 5-foot-8 slot back Adrian Thomas (17 receptions, 207 yards). Meanwhile, the Bulls again feature one of the most feared secondaries in the region, thanks to the return of uber-skilled cornerbacks Jordan Miner and Shamaur McDowell. Both heavily touted Division I prospects, Miner claims more than 20 scholarship offers, while McDowell has 10. The BullsÂ’ X-factor, however, may be newcomer Raymond Woodie III, a 6-foot-2, 185-pound dual-threat quarterback transfer from Carrollwood Day School. The rising junior likewise is being courted by major Division I programs, holding offers from the likes of Southern California and Michigan State universities. (Woodie III is the son of Raymond Woodie Jr., former University of South Florida defensive coordinator and current inside linebackers coach/special teams coordinator at the University of Oregon.) Early season matchups against Zephyrhills, Wesley Chapel and Sunlake should provide a good barometer of how the 2017 Bulls stack up.ZEPHYRHILLS HIGH SCHOOL:COACH: NICK CARROLL (2ND YEAR) 2016 RECORD: 8-3Even with a first-time head coach, the Zephyrhills Bulldogs maintained their consistent level of success in 2016. Last year marked the third consecutive eight-win season and sixth winning season overall for the program, leaving Bulldogs fans eager for the future. The 2017 edition could prove equally generous to the Bulldogs, with the return of major pieces from a potent, balanced offense that averaged 341 yards per game and scored 50 touchdowns last season. Some key returnees include quarterback Charles Harrison III (2,038 total yards, 26 touchdowns, five interceptions), leading rusher Elijah Thomas (649 yards, five touchdowns) and leading receiver TreÂ’Pavis Mobley (39 catches, 802 yards, 11 touchdowns). Defensively, the Bulldogs return its top two pass rushers from last season — Sterlin Williams (8.5 sacks) and JaÂ’varrius Wilson (eight sacks)— along with middle linebacker Zac Masci (66 tackles, 2.5 sacks). The Bulldogs, however, have some early tough tests, facing Wiregrass Ranch and Sunlake the first two weeks of the season.ZEPHYRHILLS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY:COACH: MIKE SMITH (3RD YEAR, 11-MAN) 2016 RECORD: 7-2Though the Warriors lose three key playmakers in Serion Bellamy (Shorter University in Georgia), Mykh'ael Chavis (Minnesota State) and John Emmanuel (Minnesota State), the team still has enough pieces to remain competitive in District 2-2A, in 2017. That starts with leading rusher Calvin Samuel, who racked up 695 yards and seven touchdowns on just 44 carries last season. Other contributors, like leading receivers Kollin Eckel (133 yards, three touchdowns) and Eugene Davis (145 yards, two touchdowns), are also expected to return, marking the programÂ’s third year of playing 11-man football. Productive defensive players like lineman Jalen Spencer (24 tackles, 10 tackles for loss) and linebacker Alonzo Sampson (47 tackles, eight tackles for loss) should be back, too.Next week The Laker/Lutz News will preview Hillsborough County teams in our coverage area. Brian Wachtel Bill Browning Mark Kantor Dexter Leverett Nick Carroll Tom McHugh Mike Smith Mike JohnsonBy Kevin S pring football practices are one week away for high schools across the state. Though the first games of the 2017 season remain several months away, Florida high schools are allowed a maximum of 20 practice sessions from April 24 to May 31, according to Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) guidelines. HereÂ’s a look at what schools in our coverage area in Pasco are working with: PASCO COUNTY SPRING FOOTBALL PREVIEW Your Neighborhood Sports Source Community Sports Community Sports SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SEND SPORTS NEWS TO KWEISS@LAKERLUTZNEWS.COM CHECKTHIS OUT COURTESY OF PAUL WYRICK Tournament Champs The West Pasco Soccer ClubÂs U10 girls squad took first place in the 2017 Best of the Bay Tournament. The event ran from March 31 through April 2, in St. Petersburg. The team, based in Land O Lakes, also won the 10th annual Largo March Madness Tournament last month. For information about the club, visit LINEMAN SIGNS WITH KEISER UNIVERSITYEvan Hogan, a 6-foot2, 300-pound senior lineman and long snapper at Wiregrass Ranch High School, has signed to play football at Keiser University, an NAIA school in West Palm Beach. Hogan, a three-year varsity starter for Wiregrass Ranch, will be part of KeiserÂ’s inaugural football season in fall 2018. Last October, the university announced the addition of football to its slate of 21 varsity sports; the program will compete in the Sun Conference. COURTESY OF SHARRON DEMBELELand O Lakes High freshman Santy DembeleLOCAL HOOPER COMPETES IN NATIONAL 3-ON-3 TOURNAMENTSantara “Santy” Dembele, a freshman at Land OÂ’ Lakes High School, recently competed in the 2017 USA Basketball 3-by-3 U18 National Tournament for Women in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The 5-foot-8 forward teamed up with Kali Barber (Palm Harbor University High School), Nicole Nanos (Palm Harbor University High School) and Shayleese Vazquez (Weeki Wachee High School) to form Hard2Guard. The group went 1-4 in the 10-team tournament, April 8 and April 9. Dembele was the lone freshman on the Land OÂ’ Lakes High girls varsity team, during the 2016-2017 season. COURTESY OF WIREGRASS RANCHEvan Hogan 12A April 19, 2017
C Sh 2 0 a r C ong wcase Co m ho 0 17 Para d a t ul at i r p m munit y d e o f H o A C i on s r il 13 0 o me s Co nn er to n r A I N A 21100 FOUNT Y L Y A N GARDEN W A L AND O LAKES, FL O O RIDA 34 6 37 81 3.99 6 .5800 CON N N ERTON.CO M INSIDE: Directories, Classifieds, Games & More B Tom St. Peter, a volunteer at the Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum in downtown St. Petersburg, has always been attracted to plants and trees. My family always had a huge garden. I used to help my dad with a secondary small landscaping business, back in the small town I grew up in. When I was in the corporate world, my lunch breaks used to consist of running around to the local nurseries, picking up plants of my own, St. Peter said. The palm arboretum, at 901 North Shore Drive N.E., in St. Petersburg, is a special place, he said. The best way I can describe it is, its like my cathedral. Theres an aura about it, he said. This is like a little hidden gem, agreed Phil Stager, another volunteer. The 2-acre park was once a city-owned miniature golf course. But, that was closed because of increasing maintenance costs. The arboretum began in 1976, after Elva Rouse, a concerned resident, suggested the area would be ideal for a palm arboretum. The St. Petersburg City Council adopted the proposal, and Gizella Kopsick, a longtime palm admirer, contributed a gift of stock which established the unique park. It began with 60 palms, representing 10 species. Now, there are more than 500 palms and cycads, representing about 200 species from all over the world. Citizen volunteers and city workers deserve the credit for collaborating to make the arboretum the special place that it is, St. Peter said. Stager said hes not aware of another place like it in the western hemisphere. Stager, who frequently leads free tours, is a font of knowledge about cycads and palms, and he rattles off facts as he shows off the collection. Palms are native to every continent, except the Antarctic, Stager said. Cycads are native to every continent, except Europe and the Antarctic. The park features about 100 species of palms and about 100 species of cycads. Stager shares information hes gleaned about the various species, while making his way around the park. Cycads are the oldest seed-bearing plants on the planet. They go back approximately 300 million years and have survived three major extinctions on the planet, Stager said. Palms, on the other hand, are about 60 to 65 million years old in the evolutionary scheme of things, he added. Theres an easy way to tell the difference between a palm and a cycad at the arboretum. The cycads are labeled with bright green signs; the palms are labeled with gray signs. The arboretum has every palm species thats native to Florida, said Stager, who enjoys sharing his knowledge. He said he tailors the free tours he gives to match the interests of the groups hes leading. If its for a Girl Scout troop, itll be one thing. If it is for a couple of dedicated plant nuts, itll be something else, Stager said. Not everyone who visits the arboretum is there for a tour. Moms push baby strollers through. Some take exercise classes there. Others simply relax on one of the parks benches. The venue has been used as a backdrop for photo shoots. And, Stager added: There are two Segway groups downtown. They come through here with great regularity. When Stager moved to Florida, he said he recognized two types of palms: Coconut palms and all others. But, then he planted a few palms at his house and wanted to find out more about them. So, he joined the International Palm Society, which has local chapters. It was a good move, according to Stager. Thats the best way to learn about palms, he said. B.C. MANION St. Pete gem offers a paradise for palm lovers If you goGizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum WHERE: 901 North Shore Drive, N.E., St. Petersburg, FloridaWHEN:Open daily, sunrise to sunset for self-guided toursCOST:Free admissionDETAILS:The arboretum, which began with 60 palms, representing 10 species, now has more than 500 palms and cycads, representing more than 200 species. For free tour information and times, call (727) 893-7441.
If you would like to adopt either Prynce or Tony, be sure to visit Pasco County Animal Services at 19640 Dogpatch Lane in Land O Lakes. The adoption center is open Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 6:30 p.m. All adoption fees include spay/neuter, microchip and vaccines. For more information, email A handsome prince Prynce is a handsome Siamese mix who is about 5 years old.When he first arrived at the shelter, he was a bit shy but as of late, hes been coming out of his shell.Prynce loves attention so much that he even drools a little (this actually does happen with cats) because he is so happy. A morning stroll Betsy Crisp, of Land O Lakes, was surprised to see this little guy out greeting customers at the Central Pasco Professional Center. The bird was undaunted by visitors or the slight breeze that ruffled his feathers. L L O O C C A A L LW W I I L L D D L L I I F F E E PET PAWS PET LOSS SUPPORT GROUPGulfside Hospice offers a Pet Loss Support Group the final Thursday of the month, from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Gulfside Center for Hospice Care, 5760 Dean Dairy Road in Zephyrhills. Upcoming groups will meet April 27 and May 25. For information or to RSVP, call (727) 484-7995.BIGDOG PHOTO CONTESTBigDog Mower Co., is sponsoring a BigDog Best Friends Photo Contest, to benefit nonprofit dog rescue groups and to recognize the bond between dog lovers and their canine companions. Dog lovers can enter the contest by simply submitting a photo of their best (canine) friend at month, BigDog will select a winning photo. Winners will receive a $300 gift card to their local pet store and will select a local nonprofit dog organization to receive $5,000 and a new BigDog Alpha zero-turn mower.The contest runs through Aug. 30. Each dog organization selected by the photo contest winners must be a 501c3 organization approved by BigDog. For more information and official rules, visit YOUR PET NEWSIf you have pet news about adoptions, walks or other events for pet owners and their pets, you can let us know by sending us an email. We just need the basics: who, what, when, where and why. Information should be submitted two weeks prior to the desired publication date. We also need a contact name and number; in case we have questions. There is no guarantee of publication, but we consider each item we receive. If youd like to make a submission, send it to Meet Tony Tony is a sweet one who has been at the shelter for three months. You may first see him napping, but once he realizes you are there to see him, he will crawl over to you for some love. Tony is vaccinated, neutered and microchipped. 24416 State Road 54, Lutz 33559 813-428-6994At the corner of SR 54 and Oak Grove EXAMS VACCINES WELLNESS PLANS DENTAL CLEANING SURGERY PET BOARDING HOUSE CALLS TENDER LOVING CARE (TLC) Open Monday-Friday 8am-6pm Saturday 8am-4pm VACCINE HOURS: WEDNESDAY 2-4 Dr. Moses Kawalya, DVM, DABVP(Board Certified by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners) $22 INITIAL EXAM FOR ALL NEW CLIENTS MULTI-PET DISCOUNT SIGN YOUR PET UP FOR A WELLNESS PLAN TODAY!Membership fee waved if you sign up in March or April April 19, 20172B STEPHEN JOHN PHOTOGRAPHY
ULTI M ATE SUMMER CAMP The LAKER/ Lutz NEWS OVER 60,000 READERS WEEKLY! Ads start at just $41 per week!CALL RACHEL FOR CURRENT SPECIALS & TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! 813-909-2800 SUMMER CAMPTHE GO-TO GUIDE FOR YOUR KIDS SUMMER ACTIVITIES! The LAKER Lutz NEWS ULTIMATE You Do the Dishes is offering SUMMER WORKSHOPS Workshops will include experienced expert instruction. Students will be offered projects to include: watercolor, acrylics, pastel, drawing, print-making, sculpture and advanced pottery painting. Children: 7-13 years old Times: 10am-4pm, Monday-FridaySessions June through August:JUNE 5-9, 19-23 JULY 10-14, 17-21 AUGUST 7-11Cost: $260.00 per session(includes all materials) *children should bring their own lunches Must sign up in ad vance! Space is limited. S UMME R TIA MAR y wr Lo ri p s to MOSI Tield Excitin g F an d Movies, Games, Learn Self Defense & Stran ons of Fun with To T R C AM P T S AL AR & More! the Ice Rink ark Zoo Pw! ale nt Sho Ta d a echniques! Te ger Danger riends! h New F T T A A 4 1 *SP 19 AC E I S LIMITED OLD 4-14 YEARS 8139481067 FL Lutz, ,y Dale Mabr 9247N. Lutz Lake Crossing www Call us or visit our websiteSIGN UP NOW! ,y p, g 813-948 1067 NEW! Academic classes for stude n Go on an adv e n t ur e L e Have a grea t n ts in Kindergarten to Grade 12 earn something ne w t summer! e e me me 7 1 01 LOO H CH S R ER ME MM UM SU & P MP AM C Y AY D A A M S U M M E 20 2 om.c es ke a .summer www TION AT ONLINE BROCHURE AND REGISTR A NEW! For-credit classes for high school students PLUS more than 60 day camps to choose from including arts, recreation, sports, STEM, and Camp InventionAcademy at the Lakes Summer Camp & Summer School 2331 Collier Parkway, Land OLakes813-948-7600 tthelak C 0 Su S Su Su um um mm mm m m er er r a a a a t t th th h h La La La La Lak ak k k er a th Lak | See robotics w. More information & registration at: M o n i k a K iss r. Camp director: Dr www three days, July 24-26, $110 : TELEVEL CAMP AT INTERMEDIA five days, July 10-14, OR July 17-21, $180 BEGINNER CAMPS: for girls, ages 10-15 Affordable, fun STEM activities SAINT LEO UNIVERSITY T AT ROBOTICS CAMPS A Girls Can! 52 33701 S.R FL 33574 SAINT LEO PET of the WEEK Maxwell is a lovable little lap dog This is Maxwell, or Max for short. He is a 4-year-old, mixed Yorkie and Chihuahua. He does not care to have his picture taken, so his owner has to sneak up on him. Maxwell also abhors taking a bath and will hide under a chair, table, bed or wherever he can when the word bath is spoken. He loves people, and Maxwells proud owners are Cliff and Joyce McDuffie of Zephyrhills. The LAKER/ Lutz NEWSCROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS1. Sin city 6. Chucklehead 9. Drag 13. Gladiator setting 14. Bauxite, e.g. 15. Like a drill 16. Perfect, e.g. 17. Malcolm X director 18. Attack ad, maybe 19. Core 21. Religious service in the late afternoon 23. Toni Morrisons ___ Baby 24. Arid 25. Aint ___ Sweet 28. One teaspoon, maybe 30. Rugged mountain ridges 35. Brandy flavor 37. Brickbat 39. Milk-Bone biscuit, e.g. 40. ... or ___! 41. Rabbit food 43. Active 44. Cloudless 46. Battering wind 47. Be a snitch 48. Anything that unites 50. ___ tide 52. Artists asset 53. Bringing up the rear 55. Bar bill 57. To give a title 61. Like ice cream 65. Control, symbolically 66. Tarzan extra 68. Slender European fish 69. Sports event in which teams compete to win70. Big ___ Conference 71. Astrology sign 72. ___ terrier 73. Dig in! 74. Sealskin wearer, maybeDOWN1. Fill 2. Assayers stuff 3. Animal shelters 4. Attack 5. Raging woman 6. Exclusive 7. ___ we having fun yet? 8. Annoy 9. Protruded bruise 10. Arch type 11. Back 12. Blows it 15. Declare 20. Angry 22. Victorian, for one 24. Leak preventative 25. Eyeglasses 26. You there? 27. Artists stand 29. Smeltery refuse 31. At one time, at one time 32. Crows home 33. Before the due date 34. Class 36. Go through 38. Drone, e.g. 42. End 45. Gusto 49. Amscrayed 51. Spanish dish 54. Affirm 56. Barbecue 57. Kind of dealer 58. Busiest 59. Compassion 60. ___ bitten, twice shy 61. Cast 62. Honey 63. Almond 64. ___ does it! 67. ___ green April 19, 20173B SEE SOLUTIONS, .O. Box 4 , P M ai l to: S UBJE C m rathman @ m Email to : EW N Lutz L L The AKER / EW N Lutz / L R/ L The AKER / Send photo and information t s name and s rg Dont f o r get to include the owner s name, ag e Include in your short story your pet e looking for photos and information on yo ar eWPUT YOUR PET IN THE S P 4 7 9, Lutz FL 33 54 8 e ek e : CT : Pet of the W WS WS o:esidence! city of reed. e and br ur favorite pet. P OTLIGHT!
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Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150(GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN) 6096C MB16-NM001Gc 813-909-2800 Classifieds Classifieds One call, one price delivers suburban Tampa 47,000 CirculationCLASSIFIED RATES Liner Ads . . . . . .starting at $48 per week Display Ads . . . . .starting at $68 per week ASK ABOUT COLOR! 813-909-2800 FREEgarage sale adsGet 3 lines of text FREE Additional lines just $4 eachNo commercial ads,based on space availability Free ads WILL NOT be accepted by phoneTo place your ad...fax: 813-909-2802or email: classifieds@lakerlutznews.commail: CommunityNewsPublicationsP.O.Box 479 Lutz,FL 33548 DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 12 NOON We care about the people we serve, and we care about the people we employ. We are a vibrant, innovative place to work, where employees are valued for their talents.THE GOODWILL CYPRESS CREEK STORE IS NOW HIRING THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: Sales Associates: responsible for assisting customers, stocking, displaying and rotating store merchandise, and conducting cash register transactions. Processing Associates: responsible for greeting donors, accepting donations, preparing donated and new goods for sale in stores through sorting, cleaning, categorizing, sizing and pricing. Retail Store Attendant: responsible for a variety of cleaning duties inside the store, in store processing areas, and outside premises to ensure a clean and safe retail environment and a positive presentation of the store to the public. Job Requirements: High school/GED or equivalent preferred. Prefer some experience in retail. Subject to criminal history background checks. Subject to alcohol and drug testing. Apply online at or in person at our Cypress Creek Superstore, 2390 Willow Oak Dr, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer/Disabled/Veterans and a Drug Free Workplace.MAKE A CONNECTION. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call now 1-888-909-9978 18+. SAPA(s) CHRONIC PAIN? BACK or joint pain, arthritis? Recent Medicare/health coverage changes may benefit you! Products are little to NO COST, if qualified. FREE Shipping. Accredited Pain Specialists. CALL 1-800-498-9321(z) DRIVE WITH UBER. No experience is required, but youll need a Smartphone. Its fun and easy. For more information, call: 1-800-578-9366 (z) ATTN:DRIVERS-$2K Sign-On Bonus Love your $55K Job! We Put Drivers First! Avg $1100 Weekly +Newer KWs CDL-AReq(877) 258-8782 (x) OXYGEN -ANYTIME. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. Only 4.8 pounds and FAAapproved for air travel! May be covered by medicare. 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Sat, April 22, 8 am to 12 pm. 900+ homes; tons of items for sale! Located on Lutz Lake Fern Road; 4 Miles West of Dale Mabry Hwy. Exit 16 on the Veterans Exwy, then turn left. ENTRY LEVEL HEAVY Equipment Operator Career! Get Trained Get Certified-Get Hired! Bulldozers, Backhoes and Excavators. Immediate, Lifetime Job Placement, VABenefits 1-866-362-6497 (x) VIAGRA & CIALIS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-743-5419 (n) MAKE A CONNECTION. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-737-9447 18+ (n) STOP OVERPAYING FOR your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy, compare prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-800-749-6515 Promo Code CDC201625 (z) SAFE STEP WALK-In Tub: Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included.Call 800-701-9850 for $750 Off. (s) STOP OVERPAYING FOR your prescriptions! SAVE! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy,compare prices and get $25.00 OFF your first prescription! CALL 1-800-265-0768 Promo Code CDC2016251 (s) STRUGGLING WITH DRUGS or ALCOHOL? Addicted to PILLS? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 1-800-511-6075. (s) PRESCRIPTION MEDS Verified and Approved Pharmacy Affiliate,40%-80% Less! (Viagra,Cialis, Lipitor,Advair,Crestor,Lantus Solostar,Cozaar,Nexium) and Many More! Prescription 1-800-786-1237 (z) STRUGGLING WITH DRUGS or ALCOHOL? Addicted to PILLS? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 855-995-3142 (x) PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 A Week Mailing Brochures From Home! NO Experience Required. Helping home workers since 2001! www .W orkingCentral.NET (n) VIAGRA #1 VIAGRA100MG/ CIALIS 20mg. 52 Pills, only $99.00! No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save Now. Call Today. 1-800-224-0792 (z) ANNOUNCEMENTS MEDICAL / DENTAL GARAGE / YARD SALES LEGAL NOTICES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MEDICAL / DENTAL GENERAL EMPLOYMENT PERSONALS GENERAL EMPLOYMENT HEALTH & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE CHILD / ADULT CAREGIVER HEALTH & EQUIPMENT WORK FROM HOME MEDICAL / DENTAL GENERAL EMPLOYMENT Dorothy Busse Anderson was born on August 25, 1920 in Roseau, MN. She was married to the love of her life, Orrie, for nearly 70 years until he passed in 2010. She and Orrie lived in Milwaukee,WI until 1970 when they moved to Florida. They lived in Land O Lakes FL from 1979 to 2012. In 2012, Dorothy moved to Anacortes,WA until she went home on April 7, 2017. She worked for many years as an art teacher and homemaker. She is survived by sons Lawrence Anderson and wife Jan of Roswell, GA and Gilbert Titus and wife Frances of Oak Harbor,WA and grandchildren Kirsten, Daven, and Alexandra Anderson and Mark and John Titus. She is also survived by two great granddaughters Taryn Rose and Liv Frances. There will be a graveside service at Lutz Cemetery on April 26 at 11:00 AM. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Dorothy and Orrie Anderson Memorial for the school at Northdale Lutheran Church, 15709 Mapledale Boulevard Tampa, FL 33624. In Memoriam April 19, 20176B
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Call 800-519-6058 (z) DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast -FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398 (v) REAL ESTATE WANTED VACATION / TRAVEL AUTOS LAND FOR SALE AUTOS MOTORCYCLES NORTH/SOUTH CAROLINA AUTOS CAMPERS & RVS SERVICES OFFERED WANTED HOME REPAIR ADULT EDUCATION FINANCIAL COMPUTER SERVICES ADULT EDUCATION LEGAL NOTICES SERVICES OFFERED ADULT EDUCATION OUT OF AREA Service availability and access/coverage on the AT&T network is not available everywhere and at all times. Current GPS location may not always be available in every situation.Order Now & Receive a FREE Lockbox!1-855-312-9650 To be truly independent your personal emergency device needs to work on the go.A Help Button Should Go Where You Go! At Home In the Car On a Walk On Vacation At the Park Shopping Traditional Help Buttons ADOPTIONS April 19, 20177B
April 19, 20178B Retirem e Healthcare d e ntingur Y Yo ou and a gue are invited to join u educational se m s tanding of c are provisions e ars. 0 a.m. inity T r y, FL. 34655 w ide Financial Services minar us f e st fo or an r. .com. s advisor ea@wf 727-815-3026 or karen.rely ea at RSVP to Karen Rely T ING IS LIMITED AT YLoseV ed/NOBankGuarantee/MA Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC-Insur AY Va alue Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. WllFCliSiLLCAllihtdCAR041701492 SE A David Cravatta,Associate Vice President InvestmentsDirect: 727-815-3032, Toll Free: 800-759-3599 david.cravatta@wfadvisors.comThis seminar provides a basic understanding of how to plan for and implement healthcare pr throughout your retirement year DISCUSSION WILL INCLUDE: or y ight f ch o i ces th a t are r er and mak med decision-mak or Be an inf Medicare/Medicaid availability Supplemental Insurance options Future Health Care Expenses Long Term Care coverage. fo rm ke ke e ri fo yo o u April 26, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. A SEMINAR WILL BE HELD AT T :Wells Fargo Advisors 11300 SR 54,TGUEST SPEAKER:Robert E. Lee, MBA, Regional Vice President Nationwide Financial SerThis event is educational in nature and no company-specific products will be discussed. W e ll s F argo Cl ear i ng S erv i ces, LLC All r i g ht s reserve d CAR 0417 01492 INTRODUCING... T N I O R T U D O N I C U G N . a N NE J C a t NEW AC FA C Audi EWF g W Hearing A ampa B Ta T Y ITY IT s Y y s y y y CIL s ology p Aid Hospital s B ay s s l Audiolo Judith L Dr Hearing A THE E d 813 15 1NE e E xpert 49 49 ofes fessio fes alm a Hwy lm om W lm 3North Fork om oss fr (Acr 19 Dale Mabry Hw AC FA EWF 9-1331 o nal Center) 9 9 mart in the m m uite 105, Lutz Suit uite Y Y LI CILI 1 LITY C 1 1 1 He e e e W 813 g it by for ds! 3 a F 9 1331 onth. mo od odels Call f SPEC ew IAL PRICING FOR w Facilit y ck and test d AIR A y Specia A PREMIUM P drive t R chno nology! $ ( not a FRE E O Ex p ires Ma y 1 $ 100 off manufa c ba tt e app licable to tubin g E IN-H OUS E HEA R HEARING AIDS O F 2 0 1 7 1, c turer re p air s broken p arts ) y doors er AIRS A R IN G M ONTH! THIS AIDREP S Thank you for s Thank you for s T h a a n k k yo yo o u fo fo o r s supporting Gulfs iGlf s u p p p p o o r rt i i n g g G u lf lfs fs side Hospice! side Hospice! s i i d d e e H o o s p p i i ce ce e ! p atients in g et h er, we ra i s o o Hittin the Ro a Thank you to ev Thankyoutoev T Thankyoutoev d Pasco County f acing en d d o e d more t h an $ 13,000 t o o da a d for Hos p ice on Satur d d t eryonewhosupportedt eryone who supported t th th eryonewhosupportedth d o f li f e. o h e l p h osp i ce a y, A p ril 8 annual th annual annual he5 he 5 he5 amp a W ings & W heels Fundr Chrome Divas of T d av vi D v a B p a B a y By raising Award: s es s a v i dso n vid D d: an a id st Poker H k en e G old e Best C C Cl Classic S p onsors: n Eagles Motorcycle Club Motorcycl lubParticip at i on : L Th N L /L Media Sponsor: L Th e EN L utz / AKER L Cruiser Sponsors: E WS
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