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rfntbb rfn tbr Mandarin page 3 page 16 bbpage 13 rf page 5 Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.Creeks rfntbrfntnb nnt ntbn tnt r(904) 230-7840 www.creeksair.comounded by artist Craig Erskine, e Art League of Jacksonville has served a vital role in fostering the growth and spirit of the arts within the community. e non-pro t organization o ers a broad range of art centered educational programs for all ages. Providing a ordable art lessons and promoting interaction, collaboration and exhibition opportunities for both professional artists and community members, the Art League has made a positive di erence in many lives. Artists can join in on many classes held throughout the week at one of the two locations. Classes can be found in the following specialties at the Burnett Park Community Center in Mandarin (3740 Burnett Park Road) or at the Murray Hill location near Riverside: Drawing Charcoal, Pencil, Pastel, Ink & More Printmaking Drypoint, Zinc-plate, Copper, Plexiglass, Litho and Lino Painting Watercolor, Acrylics, Tempera, Oils & Mixed Media Sculpture Pottery, Clay, Stone, Plaster & Metal A $10 nger drawing class is held on Sundays from 11 a.m. 2 p.m. We have held literally hundreds of classes ranging in di erent sizes. e larger classes are 20 25 students. We thrive on welcoming any community member with any type of experience in art. We want to help each artist grow through critiquing, so that everyone learns from one another and we have a very diverse student body of children through retired citizens, said Murray Hill artist and teacher, William McMahan. In an e ort to service service all arts, the Art League is dependent upon artists around the community who are willing is was the year for perfect weather and large crowds that combined to make the 49th annual Mandarin Art Festival a big success. A record number of patrons arrived Saturday by shuttle to enjoy the festivities and stroll the more than 100 exhibiting artist booths as well as more than a dozen participating Green Market vendors. Hundreds of children and parents visited the Childrens Art Show showcasing the artwork of 14 local schools in the historic building. Schools awarded Best in Show were San Juan Del Rio Catholic School, Mandarin Oaks Elementary and Crown Point Elementary. Patrons also enjoyed a variety of choices at the food court and goodies at the bake sale while they were entertained by live art demos, music and performances throughout the show grounds. Judges Ted Head and Lorna Jean underhorse had their work cut ff tf fftff t rfntbr rnbnf tftftfftfftft tftffand able to teach, so that more classes can be o ered. With county school budgets strained, a generation is left with few choices to attain pro cient cultural arts education. e Art League strives to help ll the gap in Duval and the surrounding counties. Giving back to the community by assisting with other nonpro t organizations, and also helping within the public school system, is an endeavor that the Art League actively pursues on a regular basis. Our goal is to strengthen programming and also continue to maintain our teaching centers. We want to continue to reach people and living out Craigs legacy. Its very rewarding to watch an artist transition from a particular class to becoming a professional in their passion. Weve even had art openings in Mandarin and a student sold a few pieces of their art, McMahan said. Support and donations from the community are both vital in keeping the Art League of Jacksonville a oat and able to continue helping others. With a motto of imagine and create, the Art League encourages the community to imagine what can be created with your help. For information on ways to become a member, donate, volunteer and for class information, visit www.artleaguejax.org or contact William McMahan at (732) 742-9237.ftfftbfffttff tffffbf ff brf tb f ff ff ffff tfF bttf
nnbn ntb rfn tb t f ft fbnt rfnnn tb rfn ff tfffbf rtffft ftrf fftf fttff ffff fftfftttf ff ftfttftf ffffft ffff tftffffftf fn r frrfff t nbnnbffbrt brr fff rff ftf ffftb tfrt nfb rfbtbr fr rfbrn rftbbn f frf rfrbb frrf rf nf ff ffft f t Garden of the Month b
ntbnbn take We can take a memory thats fading, and help it flourish. Assisted Living Facility License #12829At Arbor Terrace San Jose, we have a progressive approach that redefines the traditional idea of memory care. Our focus is on the memory that remains, not what has been lost. Let us show you how we can provide your loved one with peaceand everyone in your family peace of mind. Schedule a tour of our transformative community today. Call (904) 438-3996 or visit us online at www.at-sanjose.com nntrJob readiness workshops are being offered for young adults aged 16 24 at several Jacksonville Public Library locations. Interview skills, resume writing, dressing for success and more will be reviewed so that those ready to enter the workforce have the skills to land a job. Workshop attendees receive an early access pass into the Young Adult Job Fair on June 6 at the Main Library. e early access pass provides entry into the job fair at 10 a.m., one hour before the general public. Job seekers can practice their new job readiness skills with local and national employers. Visit jaxpubliclibrary.org/yajobfair for a workshop schedule, including those at Mandarin and South Mandarin Branch Libraries and more information about the Young Adult Job Fair.brrfCongregation Ahavath Chesed (e Temple) will hold its sixth annual Jacksonville Jewish Food Festival on Sunday, May 7 at e Temple, at 8727 San Jose Blvd., from 11:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. e event will include the sixth annual Jewish baking contest, Bubbes Bake O, with expert judges including food bloggers and recipe book authors. ere will be a childrens division for younger bakers to participate in as well. is years event will also feature the LChaim Wine Wall, where for $18 attendees purchase a ticket and get to pick a mystery bottle of wine from the wall. Individual tickets to the Jewish food festival cost $25, and family passes for up to two adults and their children 16 and under are $75. Kids three and younger are free with a paid individual admission. Visit thetemplejacksonville. org for more information and to purchase tickets.ftnt Mandarin Museum & Historical Society announces its next ceramic frog painting fundraiser, to be held Saturday, May 20 from 10 a.m. 12 p.m., weather permitting. Attendees purchase a plain concrete frog for $20 and the Mandarin Museum supplies the paint. is event is an opportunity for kids of all ages to be creative. Reservations are required; email mandarinmuseum@bellsouth.net to reserve your space. Mandarin Museum & Historical Society is located at 11964 Mandarin Road; visit www.mandarinmuseum.net for more information.nnrnf rAt its May 25 luncheon, the Mandarin Womens Club will be entertained by Sapphire Quartet, a female a cappella group. ese singers are also members of Jax Harmony; the Small Chorus Division recently won third place in regional Florida competition. is luncheon program meets at the Ramada Inn in Mandarin and all interested ladies are invited to attend. Doors open at 10:30 a.m., and the cost of $16.50 includes both a lunch and the Sapphire Quartet program. Reservations must be made and check received by May 18. Email reservation requests to gerimarch23@gmail.com or contact Geri at (904) 993-7649. Visit www.mandarinwomensclub.com for more information about this fun, social club, its activities and membership.nr River City Science Academy will hold a free event including games, food, activities and free health screenings in addition to science and educational fun on Saturday, May 20 from 11 a.m. 3 p.m. e event will be held at River City Science Academys Beach Boulevard location in the gymnasium. is event allows students the chance to showcase their science work in a fun and unique venue, with learning opportunities for the entire family. Visit for more information. Visit www.rivercityscience.org for more information.ftffttftffbtffn
nbn ntb rst coast calendar save the date!nnbbnnnbtr nnbnbnnrtrn rfff nbbbnntt nnbnbnrb f brft nnbnbn tbbt nnnbbbnnbnnnrb nbbnbbbbtn nbnrb nnnrbbnbt btbtntt nbnr We proudly carry: Get Fresh!12627 San Jose Blvd Suite 602 Jacksonville, FL 32223904-800-2459 www.strandz-hair.com rfn nntb fnrfntffbf nnbb n ft f fftf btbbbtn n nffrn bffffnbnbrnf bn n rn tff nbnbn n fr fff bn n fftbr n fftff fnfbr fftbr fnn bbt nn r fftbftbf nff brffftffb ftffrfntbr trfr n nn brnbntbrbr nbnb ff ttfbnnbn bbn ftr n nbnnrbnfbnnr n rnn tt nbbrnbnn n rff nntnbnbrnbn br n fttf nnbrb b n ffrnt tfttftf bb fftr ftfff nnbrnbnn n rff nntbtbnnrnn rbn nn ftrnbrbnf f n fr nn bnbnn nff rff nnt fbrnbn n n rff nntbnnrbn nff fftr fttffbrbnbn n fttfr f ff nbnbn n fr fffbtfbrnbnn r ff nnt nbnnb nn rnf f ttn nbnnrbnf n frn ttbt r f
ntbnbn ftbft fftftf & & & Get your ad in front of *42,000+ readers. rf nftfb fbbt b bbf Healing Waters Therapy3697 Crown Point Court | 32257 904-886-0847 | www.healingwaterstherapy.comSpecializing In Neuromuscular Therapy and Deep Tissue MassageSaturday, May 6~noon to 6pm free chair massages, refreshments, door prizesIn business since 1997mm11558/ma25061 Prudential Financial Planning Services Andrew Laino, CLU, CFP, CLTC CA Insurance License Number 0E93910 Financial Planner 701 San Marco Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32207 904-313-4553 Comprehensive Financial Planning O ering nancial planning and investment advisory services through Pruco Securities, LLC (Pruco), doing business as Prudential Financial Planning Services (PFPS), pursuant to separate client agreement. O ering insurance and securities products and services as a registered representative of Pruco, and an agent of issuing insurance companies. 0223493-00004-00 r nnr n A: e pension plan is ready to pass. It is not a perfect bill; unfortunately we have to wait 13 years for it to take e ect. But it is the best we have. A millage rate increase wouldnt have worked since that is not a dedicated source of revenue. If cities and counties were able to increase the sales tax and we had increased ours by a percent, we could probably knock out the pension de cit in eight to 10 years. But Tallahassee thinks they know better how to run a local government than the local governments themselves. fr r A: Jacksonville does not seem, overall, to get any respect there. Only 37 percent of all local o cials in the state have term limits, including Jacksonville. is puts us on an uneven playing eld with the other cities o cials who are not term limited and get to keep their institutional knowledge and build relationships. I believe Jacksonville is not able to be fully engaged in the state process due to us being term limited. rnfr A: For instance, this year has seen the formation of the Constitutional Revision Commission, which meets every 20 years. Of the 37 members on this committee, 15 are appointed by the Governor, nine by the Speaker of the Florida House and the nine by President of the Florida Senate not one of them rfft trtn frr tf fffnominated a single person from Duval County. Only the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who makes only three appointments, selected a Jacksonville attorney to serve. Northeast Florida has one member on this committee all the rest are from South Florida, the Tampa area and the Interstate 4 corridor. I nd this incredibly disappointing. rrr nnrrnn n A: e developers have introduced a PUD (planned unit development), which allows conditions to be put on it if they decide to build (as opposed to a straight rezoning, which would not.) ey are proposing 90-foot lots and a total of 21 houses. Following the Town Hall meeting in Mandarin on May 1, the proposal will go to the Land Use and Zoning committee (LUZ) on May 3 and then the Planning Commission on May 18. rrr A: Every year for 49 years, the Mandarin Art Festival has been an asset to our community. It is wonderfully hosted each year by the Mandarin Community Club. Be sure to mark your calendars for the 50th anniversary show to be held next Easter weekend. rrf A: Community members can email me at MattS@coj.net or call (904) 630-1388.brn rfft trtn frr brn ftfnt A recent shing trip brought waste into focus. Cigarette lters ipped into the water carry 50 concentrated carcinogens bad for humans. e tiny organisms sh feed on are at risk in the vicinity of a lter and their cellulose acetate plastic materials last 15 years. You also will ingest a cocktail of whatever marine life has eaten when you eat seafood. Since the boating environment is the Auxiliarys domain, it is our responsibility to do what we can to preserve the marine environment. We educate boaters about the impact of trash discarded in nffrfnavigable waterways in our About Boating Safely courses and Vessel Safety Checks. If it seems like a small issue, imagine the impact if each boat traveling through local waters dropped one plastic bag or bit of trash overboard there are more than 100,000 boats registered in northeast Florida. Its not about that one lter, but the cumulative amount of millions. Federal regulations make it illegal to dump plastic trash anywhere in the ocean or navigable waters of the United States. Oddly, discharging some types of trash is tf
nbn ntb ftr ftfr & & & Water Problems? CALL TODAY FOR STRAIGHT ANSWERS, NO HIGH PRESSURE! Residential Commercial Industrial We carry a complete line of Water Treatment Systems to meet your needs and your budget! Family Owned & Operated for Over 25 Years Ask Us About Salt Delivery Or Rental Systems FREE WATER TESTINGwww.affordablewaterjax.comLicense #W-32 Are you frustrated your vet doesnt spend the time with you? Are you tired of long waits? Is your pet not getting better? Would you like to have virtually everything covered by insurance? Do you want your own personal veterinarian? 9776 San Jose Blvd Suite 5 Jacksonville, FL 32257M, T, TH, F 7am-6pm Sat 8am-12pm Wed 8am-12pm FREE 1st Ofce visit for new clients (904) 262-2953 Animal Clinic of MandarinHospital & Boarding doesnt spend the time with you? everything covered by insurance? Do you want your own personal www.drkaisersanimalclinicofmandarin.com Animal Clinic of Mandarin Animal Clinic of Mandarin voted top vet in 2016 rfntb ntbnt Brian E. Floro DMD, PA General and Family Dentistry rfntbrfntfrrrfrbff ffbfrffNew Patient Special$99 rfrt trb ftfrftfrtrtf ffrfr r Whitening for Life!$99 rrrftfrtrtf ffrfr r rfrntrbfr rrr Fast. Friendly. Neighborhood Pharmacy. 4239 Sunbeam Rd. Suite 1 904-448-1713 www.rxpertinc.com frrrrrrtftfrr rnr A: Dr. Vitti was o ered the superintendent of schools position in Detroit and he is very excited about returning to his hometown. His contract negotiations were delayed, but are now underway. Once he knows the timeline for his transition, the Duval County School Board can have the conversation about interim and ongoing leadership. rrt ttrrtfnt rr n A: is meeting was well-attended by parents both in and out of District 7. Dr. Kelly Coker-Daniel, Assistant Superintendent of Accountability and Assessment, led the meeting and provided information about what led to the decision to make changes to our gifted program. Parents had the opportunity to ask questions and all were answered. ey could also make suggestions for their speci c school. Dr. Coker Daniel was speci c that the idea of gifted inclusion throughout all elementary schools, a one size ts all approach, was not the intent. Feedback from parents will be compiled and presented to the school board when it is time to make a decision on this matter. It is important to note that it has been well over a decade since Duval County has made any changes to its gifted program and we are trying to align with current standards. Any parent who was unable to attend the meeting and would like to provide input may email me directly. rtn nt rt A: ese too were well attended. Community members were able to hear from Dr. Vitti about where we are, where we have been and where we are going as a school system. District support sta were also present to answer questions and do individual follow up if necessary.fffAn old fashioned egg hunt was held the afternoon of April 1 at the home of Gail Clark for her granddaughters, CeCe and Rosie Bonano, as well as several neighborhood children. e children played Pin the Tale on the Bunny, and Toss the Rings on Bunnys Ears, along with hunting eggs. ey enjoyed watermelon, chips, cookies, brownies and drinks, along with the candy they found. Four of the dads attended along with the grandmother of a day old new baby girl, just born into a family of three brothers. rfr t A: We have a school in the district that is well noted for working with students who have dyslexia and other learning challenges called the GRASP Academy. One thing I realized from listening to parents at these meetings was the need to take some of the speci c strategies used at the GRASP Academy and implement them in our neighborhood schools. e million dollar question, of course, is how to accomplish this. rrr A: Mandarin High School will have its graduation ceremony on May 25 and Atlantic Coast High School will hold graduation on May 26. A School Safety Zone meeting will be held to discuss creating a school safety zone for Twin Lakes Elementary, which currently does not have one, on May 11 from 6 p.m. 7 p.m. Establishment of school zones is determined by the Jacksonville City Council and I believe there is a shared responsibility between the council and the school board for student safety. e public is invited to attend this meeting. A: ey can email me at HersheyL@ duvalschools.org or call me at (904) 3163609. ftffffr hey you! Are you interested in site for our Pet Supply Drive First Coast No More Homeless Pets? r
ntbnbn nrtnrtnnrn tbrn nn fffffrn frt fnnn tfbr tfrnn tftrfttf tfrnn bfrnnnn rfntbbnrb ftffftrfftfr nn frftfrf tfrnn ftt ftfrt rnn brbrb ffftfff trnn fffftffr nn rbrb ftfff frnn f frn ftrnn DISCOVER THE NATURAL CHOICE IN SENIOR LIVINGFall in love with a stunning natural setting, nestled on the waterfront of beautiful Julington Creek. Enjoy a variety of spacious choices in residences, from beautiful villa homes to waterfront and garden apartments. And let us make life easier with services and amenities to enhance your lifestyle, from maintenance-free living to dining, housekeeping and 24-hour security plus the assurance of a full complement of supportive services. WESTMINSTER WOODS ON JULINGTON CREEKCall (904) 429-3385 today to learn more www.WestminsterWoodsFL.org 25 State Road 13, Jacksonville, FL Pageants for mature women rfntb Now Accepting Applicationsnt rtElderSource, the Area Agency on Aging and Aging & Disability Resource Center for Northeast Florida was recently awarded a grant to support a National Council on Aging (NCOA) nationwide eort to help older adults struggling to buy groceries. e eort is for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) designed to put more fresh groceries on seniors tables. ElderSource is one of more than 30 community organizations across the country that received this grant to assist seniors in applying for SNAP. e purpose of the grant identify and assist individuals who are potentially eligible to receive SNAP benets, but are not taking advantage of this assistance. For example, in Duval County 69 percent of the population age 60 and older are receiving SNAP benets; however, there are still almost 8,000 individuals who are potentially eligible for SNAP assistance and not tapping into this resource, leaving the opportunity for groceries and better nutrition untouched. Individuals interested in applying for the SNAP program should call (904) 391-6688. A program counselor will call to set an appointment and meet the client at a convenient site, such as the public library. Also, because there are so many seniors needing assistance, many volunteers are needed to help them complete the applications online, as well as educate the community against stigmas that prevent older adults from utilizing this program. For more information about how to enroll in SNAP or become a volunteer, call the ElderSource SNAP Champion, Sherrie Keshner at (904) 391-6688.fnfrr nJacksonville-based Community Hospice of Northeast Florida has changed its name to Community Hospice & Palliative Care to reect its growing line of services and programs. With the new name, the organization also is introducing a refreshed logo, with colors that represent the four elements of self that impact the overall quality of life of its patients and families: physical, emotional, spiritual and social. Since 1979, Community Hospice has served the end-of-life needs of patients and families in Northeast Florida. In February, Floridas Agency for Health fCare Administration (AHCA) awarded Community Hospice a Certicate of Need to begin providing hospice services to the residents of Service Area 3A, an 11-county region of north and north-central Florida, including Gainesville, Palatka and Lake City. e new name and logo better reect all of the services and programs oered, as well as the communities the organization now serves. Despite the name change, the organizations leaders stress that it will continue its longstanding commitment to serving the community by providing the highest quality hospice and palliative care, as well as veteran-centric services, caregiver education and support, grief and bereavement services open to all, comprehensive advance care planning services through Honoring Choices Florida, and the award-winning pediatric palliative and hospice program, Community PedsCare. Visit CommunityHospice.com to learn more.br ft More than 500 people attended the recent Jewish Family & Community Services (JFCS) Centennial Celebration to honor the nonprots 100 years of service. e event was JFCSs most successful fundraiser to date, raising a record $200,000-plus that will be used to support the wide array of community services the agency provides. Community services ranging from adoption coordination and foster care to mental health counseling and emergency nancial assistance will benet, said JFCS CEO Colleen Rodriguez. e Centennial Celebration was held at EverBank Fields US Assure Club West and had record-high attendance. e event included a retrospective documentary about JFCS and speeches from former clients who received aid from the nonprot. e organization plans to continue celebrating its centennial with events throughout the year. ese include the grand opening of a new headquarters building, the dedication of the rst and only Holocaust memorial gallery between Orlando and Atlanta and a family festival at the unveiling of renovations on its current building. Visit jfcsjax.org for more information. rfntrb hey you! Are you interested in site for our Pet Supply Drive First Coast No More Homeless Pets?
nbn ntb Baptist Health Baptist South is honored to be named among the nations Top 100 hospitals by Truven Health Analytics. To give your family more convenient access to our top-ranked care, our expanding campus offers a growing array of medical services for every stage of life, including: Maternity with LDRP suites Newborn intensive care Gynecology and GYN oncology Cardiac services Minimally invasive surgery 24/7 emergency care Neurology and stroke Orthopedics Spine and back Mens health and urologyFor a physician referral, call anytime: 904.202.227314550 Old St. Augustine Road Interstate 95 Exit 335 Jacksonville, FL 32258 904.271.6000 rf Cold Steel HAIR STUDIO (904) 527-8444 Near Lowes, between Vinos & Rosys rfnt HAIR STUDIO (904) 527-8444 rfnrtfbf Coldsteelhairstudio.com Facebook.com/airicuts ftftrftffnnr frftfrttffrt tfrfrffnnff rffftf ttffffftffftffrtft ffffffrfffrf ffttfnfLocal historian and archivist, Hazel Mack will have plenty to share about Jacksonvilles rich Jewish history that goes back to the 1850s. Bring your lunch and join us for her informative discussion on Monday, May 8 at 12 p.m. at Mandarin Branch Library. Beverages and dessert will be provided. Children aged six 12 learn about Mountain Chef, Tie Sing on Wednesday, May 31 at 3:30 p.m. at South Mandarin Branch Library. Sing was a back country cook who prepared large meals for cartographers and conservationists in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Sing Peak, in Yosemite National Park, is named after him. Plus, whats the real story about the origin of the fortune cookie? Come to nd out. While the internet is a treasure trove of information, it can be di cult to know what is credible and what isnt. And when it comes to your health, misinformation can be dangerous. Learn how to use the librarys respected online health and wellness resources, such as the Health and Wellness Resource Center database and Medline Plus on Wednesday, May 10 at 7 p.m. at Mandarin Branch Library. Feel con dent about the information youll learn about alternative medicines, nutrition, disease, public health, herbal remedies and more. In preparation for the Young Adult Job Fair at the Main Library on June 6, Mandarin and South Mandarin Branch libraries are o ering workshops to help young job seekers land a job. On Saturday, May 13 at 3 p.m. at Mandarin Branch Library, get the rundown on vast library resources for any stage in your career search. Take a career-matching quiz and access free resume templates. Get helpful interview tips and sample interview questions. Remember, rst impressions matter, so learn how to dress to impress on Saturday, May 20 at 3 p.m. at South Mandarin Branch Library. Go to jaxpubliclibrary.org/yajobfair for a full schedule of workshops at other locations. Find information about additional upcoming events at Mandarin and South Mandarin branch libraries at jaxpubliclibrary. org/events or call Mandarin Branch Library at (904) 262-5201 or South Mandarin Branch Library at (904) 288-6385. To learn more about the Friends of the South Mandarin Library, contact Ed Zoller at edzoller2@gmail.com. Deidre Hicks is with the Jacksonville Public Library.ffffftb tbtbnrnbr btbnrnbr hey you! Are you interested in site for our Pet Supply Drive First Coast No More Homeless Pets? r
ntbnbn Summer Camp Guide BEAT SUMMER LEARNING LOSS WITH MATHNASIUM What Is the Summer Slide?Summer slide is the loss of knowledge over summer vacation. Summer learning loss can diminish a students academic success and con dence, but fortunately Mathnasium is here to help in more than 750 locations worldwide. Multiple independent studies carried out by EyeCues Education Systems*** since 2004 have found Mathnasium to substantially improve student performance on standardsbased tests in 20 sessions or fewer. AUG AUG JUN Johns Hopkins University study about summer slide: http://education. jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/Journals/spring2010/why-summer-learning/ ** Rand Corporation study on summer slide: http://www.rand.org/news/ press/2011/06/13.html *** EyeCues independent study results on mathnasium.com/our-results 20 Summer math programs can prevent learning loss and help students get ahead.* Most children lose about two months of knowledge in mathematical computation skills during the summer months.* Learning loss during summer months has a cumulative effect. **Summer Learning Gap201520162017Summer learning loss in elementary school has been linked to consequences in later academic life, affecting whether students drop out of high school and whether they attend college.* Fruit Cove/Julington Creek(904) 287-2874104 Bartram Oaks Walk, Ste 102 Near Tropical Smoothie $50 off registrationexp. 5/31/17 L OWEST C OST B RACES IN 1/3 THE T IME Appointments Before & After Work Or School NEW PATIENTS AL WAYS WELCOME! As Low as $99/mo. 12058 San Jose Blvd. #102 Jacksonville, FL 32223 Call (904) 880-3131 or Text us at (904) 584-3777 www.KrantzDentalCare.com SALE 10601 SAN JOSE BLVD MANDARIN LANDING CENTER (904) 513.3910*Closed Sunday, May 28. Not good with other offers. 20% OFF APPAREL & SHOES MAY 26-29 Our #1 Priority: Your Children!Classes are exciting and motivating! Fun Additional Programs! (904) 260 4866www.starlightjax.com 2017-2018 Early Bird RegistrationApril 25-May 28th$10 OFFSummer Camp May 30-Aug.11 e arrival of spring means owers are in bloom, the pool is open and the sun sets later. But spring also means kids will be hitting the eld for seasonal spring sports. In Northeast Florida, spring sports season includes track and eld, baseball, softball, lacrosse, soccer and many others. Dr. Lance Snyder with Memorial Orthopedic Surgery has some advice for families to help keep their young athletes safe while playing baseball:rnrt rtnnf Start slow Properly warm up Stretch Adhere to the pitch count Rest in between practices/games/ seasons (Avoid pitching on multiple teams with overlapping seasons) Dont pitch on consecutive days Dont play year-roundrftftr trSome say as young as six, you can weight train; however, body weight exercises can be started very young bnbfnbnf tanywhere from eight years old.rr rfMost pain is related to overuse. Overuse injuries include: Elbow pain (Little Leaguers Elbow or throwers elbow) due to repetitive throwing Shoulder painn rrr rrfr rfr rntr rtrtFirst thing, if your child is having pain, they shouldnt continue to pitch with elbow or shoulder pain. Rest and ice If the pain persists, see a doctor Just because you take them to an orthopedic surgeon, doesnt mean they are going to have surgery. You need to see a medical professional that specializes in sports injuries.nf rtrtrr nrI like to encourage kids to play as many sports as they are interested in. Even in high school, kids should play as many di erent sports as they can manage in their schedules. I like to say that the sport will choose the child and it becomes self evident as kids/teens get older. Richard Lance Snyder, MD is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine and served as a Major League Baseball team physician with the Kansas City Royals for ve years, and college team physician for four years. For more information, visit memorialorthopedicsurgery. com or call (904) 396-2804.
btnbn ntb Summer Camp Guide NEW ST. JOHNS LOCATION NOW OPEN!Doctors Village Race Track Road-next to Memorial Emergency Center111 Doctors Village Drive, Ste. 400 St. Johns, FL 32259ST. AUGUSTINE LOCATION22 St. Johns Medical Park Dr. St. Augustine, FL 32086 rfnrtbrrfffnrtb rrfnttbr r 12412 San Jose Blvd., Suite 203 | Jacksonville, FL 32223 Phone: 904-432-3321 | Fax: 904-432-3324 www.nautilusbehavioralhealth.com Let us help you and your family be at your best!rfnt fbbbn fnnn rffntb n fnf n WITH THE BEST www.debbiesdanceco.com 268-1410 11570 San Jose Blvd. #10 Jacksonville, Florida 32223 COME WITH THE BEST FREE INTRODUCTORY LESSONTap Jazz Ballet Pointe Pre-Pointe Lyrical Acrobatics Conditioning Modern Hip-Hop Pre-school Combo Jumps and Turns Summer Classes Begin July 10th Starting at 2 1/2 Years old DEBBIES DANCE COMPANY DEBBIES DANCE COMPANY Pediatric Associates of Julington Creek, PAO ering care for Infants, Children & Adolescents Mary Ann Garcia, M.D., FAAP Victor Luz, M.D., FAAP Board Certi ed Tami Newbern, ARNPOpen Mondays through Fridays 8:30am 5pm 1631 Race Track Road Suite 101230-7977Most Insurances AcceptedSummer is here! e sun is out. e kids are out of school and so are the dangers associated with summer, kids and water. With all of these great fun activities, comes an increased necessity to be vigilant about the dangers around water. One way to help minimize these risks is to follow the S.W.I.M tips for summer water safety: Share with your children the risks: One of the easiest things you can do this summer is share with your children the risks of swimming alone; there should always be an adult present. It is important to emphasize that they always need to ask permission before going into the pool. Water Watcher tags: Water Watcher tags are an easy and simple tool that you can use to make sure there is always a set of eyes on the pool. A Water Watcher is a person who is designated to watch the pool for a short set of time. is is all they do, watch the pool and the children in it. ey do not talk to others. ey do not go get a drink. ey do not talk nor text on their cell. All they do is keep the pool area safe, by watching vigilantly. e Water bbnnb tWatcher is symbolized by wearing a Water Watcher tag.You can easily make or obtain a tag through Water Safety Organizations.After a person has performed their Water Watcher duty for 10 minutes, they pass the tag on to the next adult who now assumes the Water Watcher responsibility. Install and use layers of protection around your pool: Pool safety isnt as simple as buying one device that will keep your family safe all summer long, such as a fence. e key is to have numerous ways to make sure everyone stays safe. Install double fences one around the yard and one around the pool. Install pool and door alarms. Install upper and lower locks on the doors. Other ideas include have children wear a bracelet (Safety Turtle) or a device that will signal you especially if you live in a neighborhood with a pool or you have one in your own backyard. One of the most important layers of protection to keep children safe is swimming lessons. SUMMER TUTORING ~ REDUCED RATES! rfnt rfr ntbrt Reading Language Arts English Elementary Math Study Skills Organizational Skills Prioritizing SUMMER TUTORING ~ REDUCED RATES! bbbbbbntf
ntbnbnbb Summer Camp Guide TWOCONVENIENT LOCATIONSJULINGTON CREEK OFFICE112-203 BARTRAM OAKS ST. JOHNS FL 32259ORANGE PARK OFFICE1584-1 KINGSLEY AVE. ORANGE PARK, FL 32073We are in-network providers for MetLife, Delta, AETNA, Cigna, United Healthcare, and most other PPO insurance plans. rfntnbnnn bnn ttn nnb b r b b t rt bt rfntbftt $10 OFFReg. Fee With this Ad r fntbr Summer Camp (2 week sessions) 9am-3pm*~Ages 41/2 -11Session 1~June 19-30 Session 2 ~July 10-July 21 Session 3 ~July 24-Aug. 4*Afternoon Classes available in Dance and Gymnastics b 3749 Crown Point Rd 32257 EarlyBloomersJax.com 904-559-5509 rfrntbtr rrr rr ttrrr Early Bloomers Learning Centerrfntfbrtbt Early Bloomers Learning Center Early Bloomers Learning Center Early Bloomers Learning Center Early Bloomers Learning Center B f Pre-K3 through 6th Grade7423 San Jose Blvd. www.sjeds.orgLimited spaces available for the 2017-2018 school year. Call for a personal tour:(904) 733-0352 Academic excellence begins with our unique preschool program that is fueled by creativity, individualized attention, and fun! Come see for yourself why an education at San Jose Episcopal Day School is an investment in a brighter future. (And thats all before lunch time.) Monitor for new potential hazards: Summer presents a new and constantly changing set of water safety hazards. One of the biggest potential hazards is temporary above ground pools. (Take down the ladders after use.) Another is ooded retention ponds or storm run-o s that are a result of heavy rain. Finally, when you go on vacation it is important to identify all of the potential hazards that are present around your hotel, camp area or even a friends home. Swimming Safari Swim School o ers all levels of swimming instruction, from infant to adult, including swim team. Water safety education seminars are available for your group or class for free by calling (904) 260-1836 (limited availability).bbntfn
bnnbn ntb Summer Camp Guide Marinela M. Nemetz, D.D.S.Robert J. Nemetz, D.D.S., M.S.| | Marinela M. Nemetz, D.D.S. www.nemetzdental.comWe are in-network providers with Metlife, Delta, Cigna, United Healthcare and most other PPO Plans.Mandarin South Business Center Academy of Dance rfntb rfnt bt rnttr(Across from Care Spot) tf In the cool of the evenings WEEK NIGHTS in Mandarin Stingray Flag Football presents competitive co-ed ag football for your insatiable youth athlete, ages 5-17. Lighted score clocks and timers, DJ music, concessions, and three referees per eld (ages 10 & up). Plenty of room to practice and play. For $110 your child will receive a reversible NFL team ag jersey, a popping style ag belt, and an 8 game season, including playo s. REGISTRATION IS OPEN Please visit our website at: www.StingrayFlag.com Call/text: 904-315-5485 E-mail: StingrayFlag@aol.com for summer time NFL FLAG football!FOR INFORMATION & REGISTRATION tbnbb n f
ntbnbnb Get to Know . .f t Get to Know . Get to Know . f Get to Know . . rf rBorn and raised in Indiana, Stephanie Murphy moved to Jacksonville in 2000. She completed college at the University of Evansville, receiving her masters in counseling. Stephanie Murphy and her late husband have two children and three grandchildren. She and her husband, Eric, have been married for two years and they are proud to call Mandarin home. Much of their time is spent traveling and doing mission work with Life Impact for Eternity missions. A licensed marriage and family therapist for 30 years, a former guidance counselor in both Duval and St. Johns County schools, also a private practice owner for 10 years, Murphy retired four years ago and has found her new place in both missions and writing. Her book Strong and Courageous o ers guidance and encouragement through all stages of autism. As a grandparent of a child with autism, Murphy shares her own experiences and those of the families she has counseled. Later this year, her devotional will be released giving encouragement on grief, widowhood, marriage later in life and developing courage throughout these life changes. Passionate about her family and work, Murphy loves helping others all over the world and also staying active in the Mandarin community. r t Living in Mandarin is like having your own small town. Its such a nice little area and convenient to everything. rntI had written for magazines and I always wanted to write a book. My grandson has autism and I would also counsel families on autism. I wanted to write something to encourage others and also help the community and churches understand autism better, so that we can all be more supportive of it. ttf rr rnt trDont spend your days grieving about what could have been. Focus on what is happening. Realize the beautiful gift youve been given and how strong and courageous both the supporters and ones with autism are.rtn I love to travel. I enjoy swimming in our pool, taking walks, and staying active in Fruit Cove Baptist Church. Weve been taking our grandkids to Disney since they were all very young, so we enjoy that a lot. My husband ftfffout for them this year. Winners in the exhibiting categories ranged from local artist Sergei Orgunov of Orange Park as Best of Show to Mike Guyot of Ohio in Mixed Media. Exhibitors new and returning enjoy the unique setting, hospitality and relaxed atmosphere of the Mandarin Art Festival that has made the event a tradition for almost 50 years. In fact, next year the show promises to be a major event celebrating those 50 years. e festival is held at the historic Mandarin Community Club every year on Easter weekend. e club is a non-pro t located on Mandarin Road and the oldest civic organization in Jacksonville. Proceeds from the art festival go toward supporting the club and its mission of preservation, education and beauti cation. Visit www.mandarinartfestival.org for more information and complete results from this years show. Get to Know . Get to Know . r t Living in Manlittle area and rnt and I have become connoisseurs of sunsets. We love looking at the sunset over the St. Johns River.rrt nrnn I can be very laid back and I think many people may be surprised by that. I love to get down on the oor and play with my grandchildren. bttf 13241 Bartram Park Blvd. Suite 1509-1513 Jacksonville, FL 32258904-680-0055 | www.nfobgyn.com Most Insurances Accepted Personal Philosophy answer their questions and our patients can access our B. Veeren Chithriki, MDpermitted beyond speci c distances o shore. Pertinent to the river, three miles or less from shore (everywhere), it is illegal to dump plastic, lining and packing materials that oat, garbage except gray water (dishwater, etc.) and sh parts. How many sherpersons know that? Discharging oil or oily waste into navigable waters or bordering areas is a no-no if it causes a lm, sheen or discoloration on the water, or causes sludge or emulsion beneath the surface of the water. It is also illegal to remove a sheen left by spilled petroleum products with soap or any emulsier. Petroleum products simply sink to the bottom and cover subaquatic vegetation, which may be consumed by sh, crabs, turtles and other marine life. You also cannot discharge waste of any kind in or near marine parks and sanctuaries. Our Vessel Examiners will address trash and oil discharge measures and all boaters should have a trash bag on board. Visit www.SafeBoatingJacksonville.com to join us, see boating links, request a Vessel Safety Check or inquire about taking a safety course on the rst Saturday of each month. You may also call Bob at (904) 721-1346 for more information. Ralph Little is a member of Flotilla 14-8. tf hey you! Are you interested in site for our Pet Supply Drive First Coast No More Homeless Pets? r
bnbn ntb Jacksonville Center for Reproductive Medicine 904-493-22297051 Southpoint Parkway Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32216 www.jcrm.org Infertility Endometriosis PCOS We can HELP! Jim Register Jr, Agent 12058 San Jose Blvd, Suite 302 Jacksonville, FL 32223 Bus: 904-268-5522 www.jimregister.comSome things in life just go together. Like home and auto insurance from State Farm. And you with a good neighbor to help life go right. Save time and money. CALL ME TODAY. rfntnbnnnfnfnn nntnbntttfbtnfntn nntnbnfnnfntnbnfnn*Average annual household savings based on 2015 national survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm.Home & Auto go together. Like you & a good neighbor. Since her mother always told her to Go big or go home, Abigail Fixel decided to go big with her Bat Mitzvah project. Her project, known as Camp Fixel, is a two-week musical theater summer camp, including lunches, for third through fth graders at Brentwood Elementary. ese are kids who otherwise might not be able to attend a summer camp. Fixel, a seventh grader at Martin J. Gottlieb Day School said, is is more hands-on than most Mitzvah projects, but I wanted something more meaningful. I wanted to see the people I was helping. And I intend to continue to volunteer with these kids tfftfffftff ftafter the camp is over. Fixel said she is passionate about musical theater and wants to share it with other kids because students who participate in musical theater are more condent and do better in school. Fixel, who has participated in many musical theater productions with the JCA, Players by the Sea and the Ponte Vedra Cultural Center Camp at the Alhambra, has selected Princess Whatsername as the production for Camp Fixel. is will be Fixels rst time directing and producing, but she chose this particular play because it has lots of parts so each child at the camp will have the opportunity to sing and dance. When I was nine, this was one of the rst real plays I participated in, Fixel said. e princess is a girl who wakes up one day and wanders through the woods, meeting Goldilocks and the ree Bears, Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel and other fairy tale characters while learning life lessons along the way. Fixel says she is about halfway to her monetary goal to be able to put on the camp and has two of ve daily lunches donated by Cruisers Grill and Winn Dixie. She is actively talking to other potential business donors for lunches and snacks. e camp will be held in June at Brentwood Elementary and the school will select 20 to 25 participants who they feel would most benet from going to the camp. ftftt If you would like to help out, visit gofundme.com and search for Camp Fixel. Visit https://mybatmitzvahblog.wordpress.com/ for other donations or additional information.
ntbnbnb Hearing Care is Health Carerfntb rfntb rfntb rffntb Serving Mandarin and St. Johns County since 2009. b tbrrbb r fntbrBetter Hearing Is Guided by Science and Delivered by Experience. NON-DRUG TREATMENT BIOFEEDBACK ASSOCIATESof Northeast Florida904.646.0054 www.biofeedbackassociates.comMost Insurances AcceptedUse Neurofeedback to diagnose and treat: Depression Anxiety Cognitive Decline ADD/ADHD Migraine/Tension Headaches Autism Asperger Syndrome Closed Head Injuries Sleep Disorders Hypertension Toxic Exposures Addictions NON-DRUG TREATMENT NON-DRUG TREATMENT NON-DRUG TREATMENT NON-DRUG TREATMENT s rfntbb bb bb ffrr bbtnbft bb f rfn rf ntnbt rf frntrbfnbnfb rft rKindergarteners at Crown Point Elementary School celebrated Dr. Seusss birthday during the week of Feb. 27. ey read books and participated in various Dr. Seuss themed activities. On Monday, they wore stripes and read e Cat in the Hat. Tuesday was a mustache day; the kids wore mustaches and read e Lorax. ey wore their crazy socks and read Fox in Socks and e Foot Book. on Wednesday. On ursday, they wore a t-shirt from somewhere they have visited to go along with the book, Oh! e Places You Will Go. e children came to school on Friday dressed in their pajamas and read Im Not Going to Get Up Today! and e Sleep Book. In Beverly Sterrets kindergarten class, the students cooked green eggs and ham on Friday for breakfast.bnrbn tr e National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) at St. Joseph Catholic School completes many service projects each year bene ting other students as well as the community. Ongoing tutoring is held for St. Joseph students from 7:15 a.m. 7:40 a.m. and recently, club members read a short Disney story to the schools youngers students in observation of Walt Disneys birthday. A bigger service project completed recently was a school-wide book drive that ftffftftfflasted for two weeks. Close to 1,300 books were collected and then packaged and delivered by the NJHS members to the UF Health ER and Trauma Center. e books were speci cally meant for the childrens emergency room lobby area. In return, the sta gave the students a very educational tour of the hospital. Another recently completed project was a Soles for Souls collection where the NJHS members collected gently used or new shoes to give to kids and adults who cant a ord shoes of their own. is collection was also held for two weeks and more than 380 pairs of shoes were collected and delivered. rrRecently several creative Loretto Elementary School students were honored for their artwork. At the Main Library downtown, Evan Minnich and Ken Spinella were named Best of Elementary. At the Mandarin South Library, kindergartners Olivia Hipp and Krishang Parmar; rst graders Anthony Odeh, Sophia omas and Aashi Verma; second grader Cole Ellsworth; third graders William Gee and Baongoc Tran; fourth grader Kaitlyn Boyd; and fth graders Vivianna Echavarry, John Meister and Johnathan Piper were all honored. ftffftfttf ff
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Suite 140 Jacksonville FL 32257 Pressure Washing Interior/Exterior Painting Popcorn Removals Trim/Build Ins www.aaaresidentialrehab.com 904-654-4934 Massage Therapy Alicia Nordman LMTOnly $50 an hour #MM12329/MA53865 ( 904 ) 514 5788www.hunterlmt.comA New U Massage located in San Jose Office Center, Next to Sonnys and Ace Hardware $5 OFF with this ad. rrfntb brtfff rrr rrb ftf rrr rrb SPRINKLER SYSTEM SERVICE AND REPAIRTUNE-UP SPECIAL $60 We are advertising Garage Sale Ads for FREE! Fax approval or one set of changes to: (904)-379-5250 This proof was created based on the information provided to Mandarin NewsLine by you or a representative of your company. There is no charge for correcting errors that we have made or one set of minor changes however any major redesign or multiple sets of changes are charged at $90 per hour broken out in 15 minute increments with a $30 minimum charge. I have seen and checked the attached proof. 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bnbn ntb G. Quadir Khan, MD, FACOG We Specialize in: Normal and High Risk Pregnancy Hysterectomy and Prolapse surgery Laparoscopic Surgery LEEP/Laser Surgery Urinary Incontinence Surgery Menopause Endometriosis Infertility TreatmentNEW LOCATION! 904-288-6910 13241 Bartram Park Blvd. Suite 1309 Jacksonville, Florida 32258 Accepting New Patients Most Insurances Accepted New Location Near Baptist South Hospital! Complete Health Care for WomenFLORIDA WOMAN CARE (JACKSONVILLE OB/GYN) Inc.Since 1981 (904) 260-4820Carpentry Pressure Washing -v A rf Terry Pasket CFA, MBA, CRPC Senior Financial Advisor 12412 San Jose Blvd, Suite 204 Jacksonville, FL 32223 Direct: (904) 660-0163 Terry.Pasket@wfafinet.com http://www.terrypasket.wfadv.com/Investment products and services are oered through Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC (WFAFN), Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank aliate of Wells Fargo & Company. Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC. All rights reserved.Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured NO Bank Guarantee MAY Lose Value rfrn tbttn bnnntn nttrrr nntftnf fnn Life and the markets change over time. Take control of your future with an investment plan that helps you know exactly where you stand now, tomorrow, and in the years to come. An Envision plan does just that. Call when youre ready to talk.Terry Pasket CFA, MBA, CRPC Senior Financial Advisor 12412 San Jose Blvd, Suite 204 Jacksonville, FL 32223 Direct: (904) 660-0163 Terry.Pasket@wfanet.com http://www.terrypasket.wfadv.com/rfnrtnbfntnbr fnrfnrtnbtr Plan for tomorrow, today. Elegant Earth Solutions rf rfntb rfrn trb rfrr fnrr rrr trbn bnbbn tMillions of tourists ock to Italys Rome, Venice, Florence and Milan yet Turin, in northern Italy, stands underappreciated. e city is home to the famous Shroud and was once Italys rst capital. More than 50 museums and monuments o er visitors intriguing options. Mystery draws those curious about the Shroud of Turin, a linen relic that many believe is the burial cloth of Jesus. It displays a nely detailed negative photographic image front and back, of an anatomically correct man. He appears to have been tortured, beaten, and crucied. e sacred cloth lies securely hidden in a vault in Turins Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and only makes rare public appearances. In 1988, carbon dating of a small piece of the Shroud determined the bers from AD 1260 thereby proclaiming it a fake; however, new technology and research reveal many clues about why the carbon dating could be wrong. Currently, momentum is growing for new analysis. If you nd the Shroud fascinating, I suggest a visit to the church where a copy is on display. e second reason I recommend a visit to Turin concerns the Egyptian Archeological Museum, the worlds oldest Egyptian museum and largest outside of Cairo, Egypt. It houses objects obtained by collectors throughout the centuries, as well as in the Italian Archaeological Missions excavation sites between 1900 and 1935. I spent an entire day examining sarcophagi, mummies, tomb treasures, pottery, jewelry and ancient scrolls. e museum was remodeled when Turin hosted the 2006 Winter Olympics and again renovated in 2015. Today, modern lighting and technologically designed cases present the stories of ancient Egypt in an understandable way. Children and adults nd the place mesmerizing. e Savoy kings ruled the region for a thousand years before 1861, when Italy declared its independence. e demanding UNESCO World Heritage Centre deemed the complex of 14 royal abodes worthy of their list. e Savoy family used the Palazzo Reale or Royal Palace from 1646 until 1865. Climb the ingenious marble Scissor Staircase and feel the grandeur and wealth they possessed. Neighboring Palazzo Madamma, formerly a medieval fortress, also graces the heart of the city making both easily accessible. A 10-year-long restoration, costing approximately $250 million, rescued the must-see Royal Palace of Venaria from ruin. e Versailles of Savoy is a former socalled hunting lodge on the outskirts of the city. e 20-acre UNESCO site showcases a spectacular Hall of Diana, reminiscent of Versailles Hall of Mirrors, a Great Gallery brimming with priceless paintings and statuary, the Chapel of SantUberto, and period furnishings, ftftt barmor, and monumental gardens. A roundabout trip to the top of Superga Hill brings you to the Basilica of Superga, the underground Royal Tombs and site of a tragic air crash. Ascend steps to the roof and enjoy magical views of the snow covered Alps, the Po River and the city center below. Film and movie bu s delight in the National Cinema Museum inside a building known as the Mole Antonelliana. Visitors can recline and watch the museums vintage lms. e Moles spire, the tallest city landmark at 550 feet, rises above a grand vault. For 360-degree views ride the elevator to the observatory. Football fans inaugurated Juventus Stadium in 2011. e state-of-the-art soccer facility bestows no barrier views and contains the memorabilia of the Juventus Football Club. While Turin misses the celebrity status of Paris or Rome, dont pass it by. Tourists nd prices far less and can still indulge in ne Italian food and wine. Explore its wonders soon. Visit www.bylandersea.com to read more of local travel writer Debi Landers stories and travel tips.
ntbnbnb Authentic Mexican Cuisine MEXICAN RESTAURANT MEXICAN RESTAURANT MEXICAN RESTAURANT Visit: donjuansjax.com PRE-CINCO COUNTDOWNMay 1st thru May 7th 2-4-1 House Margaritas All DayFajitas Tostadas Burritos Nachos Happy Mothers DayCelebrate Mothers Day with usFood and drink specials all dayExtra parking available across the street $3 Off Lunch or Dinner Special with purchase of 2 lunch or dinner entrees CINCO DE MAYO FRIDAY, MAY 5thDrink Specials All Day Cinco Promos: Casa Noble Tequila 7-9pm LUNCH DINNER TAKEOUT r f tSo we had a last minute cold snap, just a few days before our last projected frost date. I hope you all didnt lose any precious new (or old) plants. Luckily we had a good downpour beforehand, which invigorated our plants. Unfortunately, as of mid-April, we are still low on rainfall, although for the next few months we can expect precipitation to be average (https:// tinyurl.com/lnxujms). Of course, this is our dry season. In addition, we are looking at a 40 percent chance of higher than normal temperatures for the next few months (https://tinyurl.com/kuq67z4). If you havent done so already, consider how you water your yard and if possible switch to a water-wise system of drip and soaker hoses. Check the coverage on the system you use for your lawn to ensure that water is reaching the whole lawn evenly. Only apply water when needed when the blades close and take on a blue cast, and footprints remain in the turf when you walk on it (http://edis.ifas.u edu/lh025). e title of my article may seem odd, but I have a cautionary tale. A seasoned Master Gardener, with more than 25 years experience, raises monarch caterpillars on Mexican milkweed for use in the Junior Master Gardener Program which operates in some of our local schools. With the caterpillars happily chowing down on her plants, to the point that they were almost defoliated, she bought some more from a store which shall remain nameless, for obvious reasons. To her horror, every single one of the caterpillars she placed on those plants immediately died. I would simply like to say, if you are buying milkweed plants, ask the seller in the store, Have these plants had any insecticides applied to them? eir answer should be an unequivocal no and they should also be able to answer for their growers. In this case, it is highly likely that the grower wanted to deliver good looking plants to the seller. At this time of year we can begin to nd butter y eggs on milkweed, and a completely pristine plant is probably to be avoided. Monarch caterpillars will munch holes in the leaves, usually beginning with the tender new leaves, and this is exactly what we want to see. As the weather warms up, so will our compost heaps. By paying attention to proper practices keeping the moisture level just right, turning regularly, and adding the desired ratio of brown to green material we can expect to produce wellrotted compost in as little as six weeks, rather than the months it can take over the cooler part of the year (http://edis.ifas. u .edu/ep323). Compost makes a good top dressing and can be used even if it hasnt fully rotted down and still contains larger pieces of material. If you are tilling it into beds, though, the compost needs to be completely nished in order to avoid microorganisms being robbed from the soil and used to continue the composting process. I recently took a trip to the Panhandle, and spotted native azaleas blooming in a few places along the Interstate 10 corridor. Spring was de nitely shifting to summer, with the majority of trees taking on darker shades of green. Not such a welcome sight, however, was the cultivated lantana near Pickering Fort on the Gulf Islands National Seashore. is is a designated National Seashore, and although its possible that lantanas were originally planted in the area, since there are some cottages near the fort, they were growing in scrub areas where they certainly werent planted by human hand. Closer to home, on San Jose Boulevard on the soon-to-be-developed wooded strip south of University Boulevard between La Vaca and Dupont Avenue, you may have spotted lantana growing it shouldnt be there either, sad to say. While plenty of our introduced plants do well without becoming nuisances, and we should be happy about that, others are moving into natural areas where they dont belong (https://tinyurl.com/kr9qfom). Please be aware that when plants spread uncontrollably think kudzu we are losing food for our native insects, which simply dont have a taste for them, and thus for our birds and the other small creatures that prey on them. Its a big, wide web out there, and not just the electronic kind. e links that bind the web of life are precious, and once broken are costly, if not impossible, to mend. Lesley Arrandale is a Master Gardener with the Duval County Cooperative Extension Service/City of Jacksonville Agriculture Department, which is a partnership between the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/ IFAS) and the City of Jacksonville.Carol Fitzsimmons is the proud owner of a lovely little oasis this viridescent shade garden is nestled between bustling San Jose Boulevard and Scott Mill Road. Recently retired, Fitzsimmons has been on a mission to replace what she calls the nightmare of maintaining grass in a deeply shaded yard. Her goal is to drastically lower her gardens maintenance, while increasing the pretty factor. e bonus for her accomplishment is more time to enjoy the beauty of her garden. Under the canopy of majestic oak trees, Fitzsimmons has used Mondo grass, Dwarf Mondo and Asiatic jasmine to replicate a lush green grass look. Large ligustrum trees provide shade and perfume the air. A circular paver walkway winds around the garden and is anchored with a shed in the center. e space is lled with hibiscus, azaleas and various gingers. Bromeliads brush against begonias and blue daze blends with apricot geraniums. e Fitzsimmons garden is a certi ed Wildlife Habitat, which means the yard supplies the three basic habitat elements: food, water and places to raise the young. Fitzsimmons has accented her space with bird houses, self-watering bird baths, bird feeders and plenty of vegetative cover. e Mandarin Garden Club continrfnrtbt nrfb rfntbttntt rfnr ttttbtbDr. Christopher Railing serving the area since 2011 Introducing our new Class 4 Medical Laser which treats: t tt rtff f tues to search for people committed to demonstrating care and beauti cation of the Mandarin community. Residents interested in having their yard considered or who would like to nominate a yard should email information to mandaringardenclub.org or contact Mandarin Garden Club, P.O Box 23193, Jacksonville, FL 32241. Donna Crosby is the Education and Community coordinator at the Mandarin Garden Club. ftf
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