The wire

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The wire
Uniform Title:
Wire (Guantánamo Bay, Cuba)
United States -- Joint Task Force Guantánamo
Place of Publication:
Guanta´namo Bay Cuba
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba
362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Joint Task Force Guantanamo
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Subjects / Keywords:
Navy-yards and naval stations, American -- Newspapers -- Cuba ( lcsh )
Prisoners of war -- Newspapers -- Cuba -- Guantánamo Bay Naval Base ( lcsh )
Military prisons -- Newspapers -- Cuba -- Guantánamo Bay Naval Base ( lcsh )
Detention of persons -- Newspapers -- Cuba -- Guantánamo Bay Naval Base ( lcsh )
Detention of persons -- Newspapers -- United States ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Guantánamo Bay Naval Base (Cuba) ( lcsh )
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Description based on: Vol. 3, issue 5 (Jan. 3, 2003); title from caption (publisher Web site PDF, viewed on Sept. 15, 2005) .

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Copyright 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Joint Task Force Guantanamo. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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01 THE WIRE | WWW.JTFGTMO.SOUTHCOM.MIL/XWEBSITE/INDEX.HTM L MASTER SGT. BRANDON MUSSO NCOIC, Joint Operations Center HONOR: A JOINT CORE VALUE Whether you’re a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Coast Guardsman or Marine, there is one core value that is depicted throughout all branches of service and it as someone with high regard, reputation, or respect and personal integrity. Many people frequently use the word for a wide variety of circumstances, but only a few understand the true meaning of its intent. Though we like to think of ourselves as honorable people, some of us miss the mark. When your moral compass does not shoot straight, when your integrity comes into question or when fair, to you, means taking the easy wrong over the harder right, then you have lost your honor. often referred to as the “Father of the U.S. Navy,” wish to have the most active part in it.” To have honor, or to live honorably, is to live with integrity and to be honest and reasonable in your dealings with individuals or groups, regardless of disappointment, pain or embarrassment. You must be able to be called upon to do what is right when “right” will not work in your favor and even when “right” is uncomfortable. To have honor is to have trust. When you carry out your orders or duties, accomplish them to the highest conceivable standard. How do you want to be remembered? want to leave behind? Honor is not given, it is earned. Some people will never have honor or be an honorable person in their lifetime. However, each one of us can achieve with integrity, have good moral character, strive for excellence, and be the example you want to see in MASTER SGT. BRANDON MUSSO NCOIC, Joint Operations Center LEADERSHIP SPOTLIGHT haplain’s olumn Surprised, she said, D.” “Not anymore,” he said, then took her ticket happened. college in Tennessee. She probably looked like she was a trooper coming back home or traveling to accosted by an unsung patriot – a true American everything for our country. He gave up his seat for her and she didn’t even deserve it, which is why, when Yeshi told me what happened, she shared her not a Soldier?” baby, that anonymous man treated you as if you were me. His intention was to show honor and this kindness to you, he did it to me.” True story. “He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins we deserve so that we could be treated the way He deserves. His ruck for yours. THE UNDERSERVED SEAT UPGRADE CAPT. LUIS F. ACOSTA


Commander / Deputy Commander/ Sergeant Major / NAVY REAR ADM. KYLE COZAD AIR FORCE BRIG. GEN. RON PAUL MARINE SGT. MAJ. JUAN HIDALGO, JR. NAVY CAPT. TOM GRESBACK AIR FORCE MAJ. WAYNE CAPPS ARMY 1ST LT. MACARIO MORA SGT. 1ST CLASS ROBERT FREESE STAFF SGT. DARYL MADRID SGT. RICK HOPPE SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA SGT. REBA BENALLY SGT. CHRIS MOORE SPC. MONIQUE QUINONES SPC. AMBER BOHLMAN SPC. LIZ SMITH SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA SGT. RICK HOPPE VOLUME 17: ISSUE 22 COMMAND STAFF STAFF COVER ILLUS. task guantanamo @ jtf gtmo gtmo / jtf gtmo 1 3 7 9 11 13 COMMAND & CHAPLAIN GTMO NEWS / COVER PHOTO PHOTO STORY SPORTS LIFE & FITNESS ENTERTAINMENT GONE PHISHING? You will get an email asking you to go follow a link to a website that you need, like your bank. The email will say something that sounds important, like you need to update your password or you’ll get hit with a fee. They want you to click on a link in the email. When you click the link it takes you to a fake website that looks almost identical to the real one. When you enter your username and password, the hacker will use it to log into the real bank website and steal all your money. This type of cyber crime is PVT. NICOLAS WISEMAN SENIOR AIRMAN AVERY SHAW BEEF MOTIVATOR OF THE WEEK TABLE OF CONTENTS


03 THE WIRE | WWW.JTFGTMO.SOUTHCOM.MIL/XWEBSITE/INDEX.HTM L Once a month, both male and female service members from every branch gather to coach and mentor each other in an environment of trust. This Arms. When hearing the term “Sisters in Arms,” many people assume it is a tool for only women in the military. When in reality the program is there for service members to learn how to work together whether you are a male or a female. designed to give service members the tools they need to learn and grow professionally, while being able to identify and confront certain challenges mentorship, in a place where they can trust those around them. “We want to break down these biases, and say Genelle Lee, this month’s event coordinator. Each month, the events hosted are broken a wide variety of learning opportunities to service members. “We do social events, we do formal panel events, general discussions or have a guest speaker. They are all opportunities and venues to get professional development,” Lee said. Lee said the program was originally for females but has since morphed into a program where service members who have female subordinates are given the opportunity to learn how to mentor and coach them without having to worry that what they are doing is going to be perceived in a negative way. there is something valuable to take away from the of service is,” said Tech. Sgt. Lacey Schafer, equal opportunity advisor. The most recent meeting, held March 12, was in the format of a senior leader panel; its focus was on standards of professionalism through misperception. The forum was held so males and females of all ranks and services had the opportunity topic was interesting, and it was an opportunity to show support for the program as well as the to provide a new perspective on various topics,” Schafer said. TECH SGT. LACEY SCHAFER GTMO to perform a concert.” NAVY PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS ANDREW CARPENTER Brothers to reunite and play for us here.” SGT. ORA ROCHELLE has done for GTMO so far, but it would be cool to have another magic show here.” YOU LIKE TO SEE COME TO TROOPER ON THE STREET SPC. AMBER BOHLMAN SERVICE MEMBERS ARM-IN-ARM Members of the Guantanamo Bay Sisters in Arms gathered here March 12 with the senior leader panel to discuss a misperception in today’s military, receive guidance and develop new ideas on methods to help mission cohesion. NEWS FEATURE


| | THE WIRE 04 NEWS FEATURE U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay and show their appreciation to the many volunteers who have given so much of their time here, at a special dinner March 17 at the Bayview. Cross here are exceptional people. They do a to the Guantanamo Bay community,” said Gerry GTMO. “That’s why they volunteer – because they want to give back to their community, and they want to help the community grow.” 33 years and related quite a bit of history about the World War and again during the second World Cross station here at Guantanamo Bay, and we have been here ever since.” volunteers give considerable personal time with back or a reward. a volunteer after only being on the island for two months. new building to get it ready and did some of the yard work outside to help Gerry.” Caribbean Division Service to the Armed Forces and Caribbean Division Service to the Armed Forces Chair. Bailey mentioned there are many opportunities here to volunteer for if you choose. “We have volunteers working in the veterinary clinic. We will be placing individuals in administrative positions at the hospital; we route volunteers over to the thrift store, and we have a dogs,” Bailey said. And coming soon will be a new spot to go relax be opening a place for base personnel to come relax, much like the liberty centers on base. “We will be opening a new respite center at will be looking for volunteers to help man it. The center open in the evenings and on weekends,” Bailey said. The culmination to the night’s dinner was an RED CROSS SERVES APPRECIATION DINNER FOR VOLUNTEERS STAFF SGT. DARYL MADRID Gerry Bailey, the American Red Cross Station Manager at Guantanamo, speaks during a Volunteer appreciation dinner at the Bayview here, March 17. A wide assortment of food keeps warm on the buffet line, ready to serve approximately 30 attendees during the dinner at the Bayview here, March 17. THE RED CROSS HAS BEEN IN AND OUT OF GUANTANAMO BAY SINCE THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR


05 THE WIRE | WWW.JTFGTMO.SOUTHCOM.MIL/XWEBSITE/INDEX.HTM L in stress resiliency programs via an interactive System. Soldiers, all that was required was a username and The reason why these service members have the point is to combine modern technology with instruction on how to remain resilient in the face of stress. its application has been funded by the Defense under the direction of the Naval Center for Combat and Operational Stress Control, and honored to people here who are doing a very important task for our country.” training at their own pace, before or after work, and on their free time, they will be able to log their basic information, such as heart rate, for the next eight “We are going to reassess their stress levels, neurophysiology measurements, and their it will help Soldiers engage in resilience training. this training. Younger service members are always looking for the right piece of technology to improve “They will get to see their physiology in real think as this is a younger generation that will help them buy into the technology and resilience which said. The easier to use and understand factor of the training and interface was not lost on Spc. Thomas in the eight week training. we were used to, like power points,” Gibbs said. with it.” app is a personal one for Chartrand, who took the training to heart and into his family. “We began using these resilience building tools at home to help deal with issues that many people in the military face today. That’s why it feels like i GENERATION STRESS MITIGATION SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA Specialist Pierce Lewis, a member of JTF GTMO, relaxes while his iPad and SRTS application along with an attachment monitors his heart beat. THEY WILL GET TO SEE THEIR PHYSIOLOGY IN REAL TIME ... NEWS FEATURE A Joint Stress Mitigation and Restoration Team member powers on iPads with a new Stress Resiliency Training System app for a Troop introduction class here, March 19.


| | THE WIRE 06 military tradition that help instill a sense of pride and ownership in service members’ work spaces Force Guantanamo service members gathered at the headquarters building to volunteer their time a point of pride. represent us, so we want them to look nice. We want everybody to see that we keep our environment Flores said that she doesn’t mind giving a helping hand to help beautify the community. She and give back to their communities. but also serve to strengthen the community by allowing service members to network with other no interaction with during their daily duties. out and having fun,” Flores said. Community relations are vital to building a strong sense of pride and camaraderie within an installation. Creating an environment that service members can be proud to pass on to the next rotation. “The big thing that we did at the headquarters building here was to paint the ‘Honor Bound’ sign doing that took a lot of pride in it; basically, we are leaving a legacy. Most of us working here are only here for a short period of time. Being able to go out lot of pride and increased the esprit de corps of all the troopers in the command element.” With the month of March coming to a close, it also winds down the Department of Defense Women’s History month. Established March is dedicated to highlighting extraordinary achievements of women throughout history. to the past. After traveling thousands of miles into Astronaut Ellen Ochoa, a participant in the special tribute said, “We wanted to show how far women have come in this century and to honor the people who fought for our rights.” This month is not only about the obstacles women have overcome throughout the years, it is also about the women who bravely donned uniforms and fought for our country. Forces, assisting the mission stateside and abroad. These women included the Women’s Air Force aircraft under the supervision of the Army Air women pilots freed up the men originally assigned Two years later the records were unsealed after an Air Force press release mistakenly said they were the U.S. the recognition they deserved. CLEANING UP FOR COMMUNITY DOD WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH SGT. CHRIS MOORE SPC. AMBER BOHLMAN NEWS FEATURE


The sounds of two diesel engines roaring to life and sirens wailing broke the silence of the early morning air reacting to an emergency medical evacuation call from the Marine Corps Security Force Company. There was needed medical assistance at the base the tactical coxswain operating the hesitation as he expertly maneuvered the boat toward its destination, exercise, with the help of his team and the Marines from MCSFCO. have completed this mission and gain an overall understanding of what the service members; he has a unique and familiar roommate, his older brother, also a tactical coxswain, and a member “We even room together; we know each other’s limits and can The Smith brothers have a special bond that allows them to help each other, and push one another, to exceed even their own rivalry, but they know each other’s limits and that helps them to create an unstoppable team. This is not unseen by the rest of the unit – the example they set pushes others to excel and help make the of the fact that we know we’re brothers, and we want to outdo the This is the Smith brother’s second deployment together. They on this deployment so that the brothers could be together and support one another. “Both Smiths work well together, they both have the same way STAFF SGT. DARYL MADRID PHOTO STORY 07 THE WIRE | WWW.JTFGTMO.SOUTHCOM.MIL/XWEBSITE/INDEX.HTML


for a joint Medical Evacuation training exercise with the Marine Corps Security Force Company and the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Mar 14 here. tactical coxswain assigned to the U.S. Coast Guard’s Port Security Unit 308, Maritime Security Force, stand together on a Transportable Port Security Boat Mar 19 here. PHOTO STORY | | THE WIRE 08 The MCSFCO evacuate an injured role player onto the port security boat during the joint MEDEVAC training exercise March 14, here. The boat will transfer the role players to the NAVSTA Hospital pier to receive notional medical care. 1st Class Smith operates his 32-foot port security boat near the western fenceline as his team prepares to receive an injured role player during the joint training exercise here.


09 THE WIRE | WWW.JTFGTMO.SOUTHCOM.MIL/XWEBSITE/INDEX.HTM L / FIFTY SHADES OF GREY / / THE DUFF waiting and hoping that we would Dornan on the big screen, playing the elusive Christian Grey in “Fifty Shades of Grey.” around, which is the expected month able to accurately bring a book to life. chance to watch it recently, and the anticipation brought out from the previews did not disappoint. Having happier when comparing them to Yes, the books were poorly story wasn’t very good, which made the movie even worse, but in the end it’s all about the way you look at it. background information and came given it no stars and ended it at that. more about the characters, through the way they acted and why they were a certain way. For those who have never read the book, and have yet to watch the movie, here is a quick synopsis of what’s to come: Anastasia Steele (Dakota Washington State, does an interview for her sick friend and meets the was all downhill from there; she was charmed by everything that had to do with him and ended up falling madly in love with the brilliant billionaire. with erotic tastes and this is all new to the young and innocent Steele. with what she wants and what it will take to make this man hers, but in the process she feels as if she’s giving up more than she bargained for. This movie will frustrate and confuse you, sometimes even bore accuracy. “The DUFF” starts with a around a high school, along with an explanation of a typical high school itself. “The DUFF” moved away from the generic outdated stereotype of high school students into a more modern take on this generation’s teenager. The only real stereotype seen here is the usual high school story. is known around school for being the DUFF, or designated ugly fat friend, so named by her group of popular A DUFF apparently doesn’t always have to mean that you are the friend in the group who makes Bianca, who is the hilarious, comedic friend of the group who can make everyone laugh, but is not necessarily the girl who guys are looking to date. One of the great morals found in this movie was it showed how and there was a good message about So, Bianca goes to her friend DUFF, and enlists his help for her reinvention, which means a distraction from crush Toby (Nick deal with Bianca, because he wants to The plan is for Bianca to tutor Wesley in chemistry if he shows her how Madison comes in. Madison wants to get Wesley back, of course the queen plots to destroy her, if she doesn’t leave “her” Wesley alone. the hilarious comments coming. She took a character that could have been This isn’t necessarily something adult, but for teenagers and young adults it’s a good updated version three stars for the good laughs. SPC. LIZ SMITH SPC. AMBER BOHLMAN ENTERTAINMENT


| | THE WIRE 10 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYStay classy, GTMO! No alcohol or tobacco at the Lyceums. Call the Movie Hotline @ 4880 or visit the MWR Facebook for more info. The Downtown Lyceum showtimes are shown in the top row and the Camp Bulkeley Lyceum showtimes are displayed in the bottom row. Concessions closed until further notice Lyceum on Friday night after movie in the Divergent trilogy. But barely grossed half of that amount on its opening weekend, not surprising. This happened to be another to it being released in theaters, and expecting any similarities between extremely high expectations and had some positive thoughts that they might continue following the One of the most important scenes in the book was left out entirely from the movie and that was a sign right happy with how this movie was going to play out. disappointment on the fact that they allowed a new director to get his compound, which is the home of outskirts of the city. the loss of her mother and father, the city with Four and her brother a solution to the madness that her world has become. The movie bounces from one location to the next way to fast to portray through words; leaving me and Akiva Goldsman even took the time to read the book before they took on the responsibility of writing the screenplay. and tension grew between the factions, creating an unlivable world for those within the faction system. Making them doubt the way their world is supposed to be. Secrets unfolded as the storyline progressed and some questions were answered, but some were still left those who didn’t take the time to read this book because there are so many things that they would no longer be questioning. surprised me entirely; it made it impossible for me to imagine how they are going to start the next movie because untrue events were added into the story to give it a happy ending twist. While listening to people talk as they left the theater, some said also heard complaints and some questioning remarks from people know where the writers were going with all of the changes that they made SPC. AMBER BOHLMAN / / / DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT IN THEATERS THIS WEEK The DUFF PG13, 8 p.m. Jupiter Ascending (LS) PG13, 8 p.m. Kingsmen (NEW) R, 8 p.m. Divergent Series: Insurgent PG13, 10:15 p.m. Get Hard (NEW) R, 8 p.m. Home (NEW) PG, 10 p.m. Home (NEW) PG, 8 p.m. Get Hard (NEW) R, 10 p.m. Kingsmen (NEW) R, 8 p.m. Divergent Series: Insurgent PG13, 10:15 p.m. Jupiter Ascending (LS) PG13, 8 p.m. Midway Special Presen tation: US Navy Chief Birthday PG, 8 p.m. The DUFF PG13, 8 p.m. Seventh Son (LS) PG13, 8 p.m. McFarland, USA PG, 8 p.m. Focus R, 8 p.m. ENTERTAINMENT


11 THE WIRE | WWW.JTFGTMO.SOUTHCOM.MIL/XWEBSITE/INDEX.HTM L MWR SCHEDULE Starting dates are subject to change. All leagues last 2-3 months, including playoffs. Contact the MWR for more information on each event or to sign up. x77262 March 28, at 7 a.m. March 30 April 6 April 11 April 13 April 20 April 25 May 9 May 15-16 May 24 June 8 June 13 June 15 June 22 July 4 July 4 July 13-16 July 20 July 25 August 8 August 22 September 5 September 14 September 26 September 28 October 5 October 24 November 14 November 26 December 11 December 19 December 24 Sprint Triathlon Softball League Flag Football Color Run Basketball League Golf League Olympic Triathlon JPJ 5 Miler Captain’s Cup Event Fitness Festival Racquetball League NE Gate 12 Mile Run Soccer League Sand Volleyball League Softball Tournament Ridgeline Trail Run Walleyball Tournament Badminton League Relay Race Cable Beach Run Sprint Triathlon Wood-bat Tournament Co-Ed Softball League Trail Triathlon Flag Football League Basketball League Paddle, Pedal, Paintball Duathlon T-Day Half Marathon Army / Navy Game Holiday Basketball Jingle Bell Fun Run MONTH / DAY ACTIVITY you’re only a third of the way done with your workout. Gym. Base Engineer Emergency Force commander, Soldiers met while training in Morale, Welfare & competition he approached Bayne about forming a team. compete as well.” Other than working out during Max workouts, the team placed a high importance on eating right. They didn’t have any team plan for their diet, but according to Losee, they were careful about what they consumed. Losee said about their diet plan. “You have to watch what you’re feeding your muscles.” placing seventh in the competition. were going to approach each quad, what order we were going to go in. We’ve all been to the GTMO and U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay showed up throughout the day to show support to the athletes competing. The class itself brings Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and civilians together, who otherwise “We like the community adhesiveness that it competing alongside Airmen. “You know this is going in ‘The Wire,’’’ SGT. 1ST CLASS ROBERT FREESE WARRIORS EXERCISE MAX PERFORMANCE IDFC team members, Andrew Phillippi and Hollie Losee, rest between sets as Jacob Bayne and Adam Massey do pull-ups during the Max Performance Games Saturday here. The team completed 275 pull-ups in eight minutes SPORTS WINNERS OF THE MAX PERFORMANCE GAMES THE GTMO GAINERS: CONGRATULATIONS ON THE VICTORY!


| | THE WIRE 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 21-1 25-1 12-0 21-2-1 13-1 34-6 24-7 18-3 15-1 25-10,1NC John Jones Jose Aldo Chris Weidman Demetrious Johnson Cain Velasquez Anderson Silva Rafael dos Anjos Anthony Pettis Daniel Cormier Robbie Lawler No. Record NAME THIS WEEK IN LA LIGA BARCELONA VS. REAL MADRID El Clasico began with both sides looking active and making runs in the area for promising chances that Barca hoped weren’t going to run out, like and connected with him, but all he could manage was a shot to cross bar for a ricochet. with a header into one of the corners of the goal and Neymar made their presence felt, as they connected with a cross that landed at Neymar’s feet for a shot on goal that landed in the hands of Casillas. last defender and in for the goal. This gave Madrid the momentum to hold Barca on its heels the remainder of the half. Thoughts of a repeat of last instance crept in as Gareth Bale tried his best to time he was on the receiving end of a long ball in, where he manipulated the pass well and moved at home. SEVILLA VS. VILLARREAL minutes to break the stalemate. Sevilla’s Diogo Figueiras, who drove the defense into, then come back. and eventually put him in a guillotine choke that performance put on by Silva, who has a reputation for starting out strong in the early rounds. Erick Silva’s stand up was the whole setup to his Ellenberger only four weeks earlier. to endure it with the likes of Chuck Liddell and only question is: when is Dana White going to do something about it? After a long absence from the Ultimate Fighting Championship, welterweight Damian Maia made his return in his home country, proving that at 37 years old, he still has some dominance in the ring. That experience was showcased at his return LaFlare. He waited as LaFlare chased him around strikes, but over and over Maia would take him down the last bit of the rounds and impose his will upon him. Take downs, short strikes, a constant dominant position on the ground and surviving SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA LA LIGA SOCCER 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (22-4) (21-6) (18-4) (18-5) (17-7) (14-7) (13-10) (11-11) (9-10) (9-11) (11-15) (9-12) (8-15) (7-14) (7-15) (6-14) (6-15) (6-15) (4-13) (3-16) Barcelona Real Madrid Valencia Atletico Madrid Sevilla Villarreal Malaga Athletic Bilbao Real Sociedad Celta Vigo Rayo Vallecano Espanyol Getafe Eibar Elche Deportivo La Coruna Almeria Levante Granada Cordoba No. Standings TEAM NAME SPORTS


13 THE WIRE | WWW.JTFGTMO.SOUTHCOM.MIL/XWEBSITE/INDEX.HTM L GUANTANAMO: For some of us the most important soda, chocolate, or plain old candy, that extra boost of energy can be a vital part of keeping us on track. But as with any good thing, how do we know if we’re taking it too far? According to studies, mild to how our intake can add up, a single can of contains around 135 mg and an NOS combined with other liquids and food we ingest throughout the day, can quickly add up and place us into the “high dose” Some of the signs that we’ve ingested nervousness, being easily excited, insomnia and headaches. One ironic alertness and performance, too much by racing thoughts and an inability to in performance due to distraction. beverages can lead to dehydration, which energy and mood. we should remember to replenish ourselves with other vitamins and minerals, and be mindful of how much PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS RANDALL KELLEY PETTY OFFICER 2ND CLASS ROBERT MCQUEEN HOW MUCH CAFFEINE IS TOO MUCH? Fishermen’s Point pictured here in the early 1920’s. Photo courtesy of Stacey Byington, USN Hospital GTMO PAO. Now called Ferry Landing, the point is where most people cross to and from the Leeward Side of GTMO. Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Robert Freese. SLEEP TIGHT We all know sleep is important, but sometimes it to a new schedule, have too much to do or might not be able to relax. Sleep gives your body a chance to repair and day. partying, won’t ruin your body. The problem comes from chronic sleep problems, including staying up late some nights then sleeping more on other days. food consumption the next day. More importantly, try to make changes to avoid missing out on sleep in the You may need to tweak your time management skills or learn new ways to relax before bed. Everton does yoga at least once a day and usually does it before bed. All your hard work will wear you out if you don’t recharge. So grab your teddy bear, cuddle up and get the rest your body needs. SPC. MONIQUE QUINONES LIFE & FITNESS “Slp is e golden chain at ties heal and bodies togeer.” – Thomas Dekker JSMART SPOT JSMART HELPER: TITAN Best & Worst Foods for Sleep BEST: Cherries Milk Bananas Turkey WORST: Cheeseburger Wine Dark Chocolate Heavy Spices Chicken


| | THE WIRE 14 BUS SCHEDULE Camp America Camp America NEX Camp Delta HQ Building CC Gold Hill Galley NEX NEX Laundry Downtown Lyceum NEX EXP. BUS Camp America Gold Hill Galley NEX Downtown Lyceum : BEACH BUS NEX Cable Beach *Saturday & Sunday ONLY FERRY SCHEDULE MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Ferry Windward Leeward Utility Boat Windward Leeward SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS Ferry Windward Leeward Utility Boat Windward Leeward ROMAN CATHOLIC PROTESTANT SERVICES Friday night movie PROTESTANT SERVICES Traditional* Contemporary* Gospel OTHER SERVICES 7th Day Adventist Beginners Bible Study* Christian Fellowship Easter Sunrise Service ( ) Saturday* Sunday* 0900 ( ) Sunday* 0900 Friday ( ) Sunday Sunday Sunday Friday Saturday 0900 Saturday Sunday 0900 Sunday Sunday Monday Wednesday Saturday Main Chapel Main Chapel Main Chapel ( Windmill Beach ( SERVICE SCHEDULES : *Closes at 3 p.m. on Friday : Wednesdays 8 – 11 a.m. TAX TIME 3RD ANNUAL EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA For more information see our ad in the Roller.


Photo by Madonna Nazareno

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