01 THE WIRE | haplain’s olumn I had been planning for my family to come visit for months. They were supposed to be here this week, which is Spring Break for my sons. I scheduled their for them on the rotator, booked a house in East Caravella, and rented a car. I was looking forward to taking my wife to the beach and taking my boys to play paint ball. I wanted to take them to chapel services and brunch at the Bayview. You know how it goes – anticipating a reunion is half of the fun. The weather in the States didn’t cooperate, however. The night before my family was to leave, the held the phone outside so I could hear the freezing rain coming down. Though they had their bags packed and the airport was shut down for several days – Airport. To say we were disappointed is an understatement. I still have four months left at Guantanamo, so I won’t see my family until mid-summer. I’ve tried not to have a pity-party. After all, service members on other deployments don’t get to see their families either, and I still get to talk to my loved ones every day. How do you handle disappointments? This passage from the Bible helps me, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Another resource that helps me deal with disappointments is Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I I look forward to seeing you in Chapel. Sunday LT. CMDR. HUNTER ABELL Chief of Military Justice, JAGC DISAPPOINTMENTS INTEGRITY levels of government. Richard Nixon said, “It’s not the that’s only half right. For those of us in uniform, the high value placed on honor means the crime and any integrity issues accompanying it are treated seriously. Every branch of the military proudly proclaims its core values. The Army values include honor and values. Every branch prizes the ability to tell the truth, even when inconvenient, because people who tell the truth are likely to be trustworthy in other situations – like combat. misconduct, ranging from the serious to the seemingly the subject is found not to have committed the original offense. Unfortunately, military members involved in an investigation sometimes attempt to cover up their mistakes and lie to their chain of command, Investigation Command or NCIS. When this happens, the situation gets much worse. prohibits intentionally making or signing any false CID agent, or anyone in your chain of command falls dealt with by non-judicial punishment or even a courtmartial. There are also personal consequences. Your command, friends and family will no longer trust you. A reputation for integrity takes a long time to acquire, but may be squandered in a single action. Warren Buffet said, “In looking for people to hire, look for three will notice your honesty. Your relationship with them will strengthen or weaken because of it. No one wants to lose their friends respect, be punished administratively or receive a federal conviction for lying. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of men and women in uniform adhere to core values, even when inconvenient. If you provide a statement as part of a military justice investigation, tell the truth, even if it is discomforting or frightening. In the heat of the moment, a small lie may seem like the best course of action. In reality, it only makes things worse and dishonors the uniform you wear. Trust your with your head held high. Doing so will make you, your command, and whoever raised you proud. JOINT TASK FORCE SAFE HUMANE LEGAL TRANSPARENT GUANTANAMO Article by LT. CMDR. HUNTER ABELL Chief of Military Justice, JAGC Article by LT. CMDR. TIM FOSTER JTF Deputy Command Chaplain Leadership SPOTLIGHT
Commander / Director / Deputy Director / Command Information Senior Editor / Copy Editor / Layout Editor / Staff Writer / Staff Writer / Staff Broadcaster / Staff Writer / Staff Writer / NAVY REAR ADM. KYLE COZAD MARINE SGT. MAJ. JUAN HIDALGO, JR. NAVY CAPT. TOM GRESBACK AIR FORCE MAJ. WAYNE CAPPS ARMY 1ST LT. MACARIO MORA SGT. 1ST CLASS ROBERT FREESE STAFF SGT. DARYL MADRID SGT. CHRIS MOORE SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA SGT. CHRIS MOORE SGT RICHARD HOPPE SGT. REBA BENALLY SPC. MONIQUE QUINONES SPC. AMBER BOHLMAN SPC. LIZ SMITH SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA VOLUME 17: ISSUE 20 COMMAND STAFF STAFF COVER PHOTO / joint task force guantanamo @ jtf gtmo / photos / jtf gtmo / jtf gtmo 01 COMMAND & CHAPLAIN A common theme among every service’s core values is the ability to gives us scriptural advice to help overcome disappointment. 03 GTMO NEWS Scouts camp at South Toro Cay, two Sailors show us how teamwork 07 PHOTO STORY / COVER PHOTO a fun run, they run for fun. Run, children. Run, children. Run, run, run. 09 SPORTS each weekend of action. 11 13 LIFE & FITNESS gives us some high carb snack ideas to fuel our dives. ENTERTAINMENT & REVIEWS KEEP WORK AT THE WORKPLACE Do you have a notebook in your pocket that has information about work? Things like watch rotations, important phone numbers or people to notify in the event of an emergency? How about a copy of our standard operating procedures? This information is important to know and studying it can help you to remember. This information is sensitive so it’s better to read at work and commit it to memory rather than write it down or take a copy with you. The less information you take from the workplace, the less likely it could end up in a trash can, dumpster workplace CPL JONATHAN SANTIAGO-MEDINA SPC SAMUEL EMERY MOTIVATOR WEEK
03 THE WIRE | starting an improvement project on the Roosevelt gate access control point, located on Kittery Beach road, of operation, plan accordingly for expected delays and detours when leaving. The purpose of this project is to widen the members who stand guard there, making sure it’s almost $2 million project is expected to be completed within 24 weeks. “It will be business as usual, the only thing is that gate, which is where we will be directing all outbound hours a day, seven days a week until the project is Begazo said the speed limit will be reduced during the project. Engineering Squadron, Base Engineer Emergency reopening. They have cleared the road, which has not been used in quite some time and cleared the sight for the temporary guard shack. “There was a lot of overgrowth and we had to clean up the shoulders to make it safer. Then we cleared Senior Airman David Rollins, member of BEEF. Begazo estimates construction to start about two weeks after equipment and materials arrive. months be patient and plan to leave a little earlier to exit the area of operations. STAFF SGT. DAN ZUKOWSKI “I think it will directly impact morale for people in Camp America who don’t have a vehicle and take the bus, they’re going to have a longer ride or SPC. SHAWN WOODS “It’s going to take longer to get to and from work, now we’ll have to wait SPC. JESUS VALDEZ “It’s going to be a longer commuting distance, I’ll be leaving work right around chow time so it’s going to be TROOPER ON THE STREET Story by STAFF SGT DARYL MADRID JTF ROOSEVELT CLICK IT OR WALK! NOT WEARING YOUR SEATBELT COULD COST YOU A 30-DAY SUSPENSION OF YOUR DRIVING PRIVILEGES. NOT ONLY THAT, IF THERE IS ONE PERSON IN YOUR VEHICLE NOT BUCKLED UP, THE DRIVER AND ALL THE PASSENGERS COULD LOSE THEIR DRIVING PRIVILEGE. STAY SAFE ON GTMO AND BUCKLE THOSE BELTS!
| | THE WIRE 04 Energetic boys scramble in and out of the scout hut grabbing their gear and wondering if there was anything they might have forgotten. The truck is loaded high above the top of the bed; they are ready border. Station Guantanamo Bay, along with their leaders participated in a three-day, two-night camping trip and advancements, strengthen troop cohesion and have some fun. escorted the scouts to the Northeast Gate, which was humid afternoon, but the boy’s spirits remained high as they walked the fence line to their campsite. “I help them go through their steps, I help new scouts with opportunities to rank up and I also watch A few of the boys needed to work on their cooking merit badge. They planned the meals for the weekend, bought food from the Navy Exchange, and prepared meals for the other boys in the troop. were a big hit with the scouts. “For this campout we are helping the newer scouts with getting the Scout Badge, their Totin’ Chip supervised training, grant a Boy Scout the right to carry and use wood tools and the right to carry The morning of Feb. 28 came early as the boys cooked pigs in a blanket with charcoal briquettes in an oven they made from a printing paper box, aluminum foil and wire. “We are also working on our camp gadget and we want to be able to have some fun while working on found at the campsite and items packed in with them. They chose to construct a lean-to, so that they could learn lashing skills and have shade from the hot afternoon sun. They lashed sticks together and secured tarps to the structure, which helped some of the newer scouts work on requirements for advancement. After eating sandwiches in the shade of their lean-tos, the scouts headed off on another hike to Commandant’s Hill, the sight of an abandoned enjoyed the views and were given a chance to see into Cuba from their vantage point on top of the hill. at Commandant Hill for one last look into Cuba, and then home. BOY SCOUTS CAMP ON THE BORDER Story and photos by STAFF SGT. DARYL MADRID Marshall Ellis, senior patrol leader for Boy Scout Troop 435, cooks pigs in a blanket using a camp stove counstructed by the troop, during a camping trip to South Toro Cay. Bill Condon, the troop committee chair, helps Boy Scouts construct a lean-to, during a camping trip Feb. 27 to March 1. without matches.
05 THE WIRE | the Caribbean Sea sounds more like a vacation and Seaman Apprentice Amber Turner, two Sailors with U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Harbor if it comes with the perks of driving a boat around a harbor every night. Both Sailors are masters-at-arms, what the Navy calls its law enforcement personnel. Turner, a crewmember, joined the Navy at 25 and was “Their energy and their enthusiasm shows us who Yusten and Turner’s shift supervisor. “Everyday both of them show me that our Navy’s getting greater by Yusten and Turner’s energy is evident when they discuss their job and when they talk about each other. “You can’t drive a boat without a crewmember and the boat’s not going to go anywhere without a “And if you don’t communicate, there could be big Both Sailors favor working the harbor to what they “It’s so different being on the water. It’s more relaxing. Even if you’re just roving around, looking for “When we do, it’s for high-speed stuff like recovery The pair was also excited about a recent Guantanamo Coast Guardsmen, transporting “I thought it went very well – the communications doing joint operations they have a different radio we going to communicate with each other?’ Turner said continuing communications after a joint exercise is invaluable. something wrong, you might not know it. It helps to have someone there to say, ‘Hey, you could have done this a little bit better.’ Then the next time we work together we know. Because, we do not get many chances to work alongside the Coast Guard, or Turner and Yusten do their job exceptionally well, according to Bair. “They’re incredible young Sailors. If I could have them COMMUNICATION: Story and photos by SGT. 1ST CLASS ROBERT FREESE THEY’RE INCREDIBLE YOUNG SAILORS. IF I COULD HAVE THEM ON EVERY SHIFT I WOULD Bay Harbor Patrol, navigates her boat during an evening patrol of the bay. Seamen Apprentice Amber Turner, a crew member for U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Harbor Patrol, scans the bay as she patrols with Yusten at the start of her evening shift.
| | THE WIRE 06 1991, by the United States Congress, to pay tribute to all Irish-Americans. honor the achievements and contributions of Irish immigrants and their descendants living in the United States. Unlike other ethnic cultural celebrations, IrishAmerican Heritage month is one of the few that isn’t widely known. The impact that Irish-Americans have on the United States’ history often goes unrecognized, yet they helped form the nation we are today. Nine signers of the Declaration of Independence, over 190,000 Irish-born Americans who fought in as the month to pay tribute to Irish-Americans is because it is the same month one of the most widely Day. cultural and religious celebration that is observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, the the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, as well as a day for celebrating all things Irish. from the Declaration, which is said to be written by a slave to Gaelic Ireland. For the next six years of his life he worked as a shepherd on the green hillsides of Armagh. This is the place, it is said, that he “found waiting to take him back home to Britain. on to become a priest, later returning to Ireland, where he converted pagan Irish to Christianity. of Ireland’s most well-known Saints. According to For that one day, Lenten restrictions are lifted and people are encouraged to indulge themselves in food and alcohol. While many of us think of this holiday as a day to dress in all green and pinch anyone who doesn’t, we must remember who and what this day HERITAGE COMMEMORATED: Story by SPC. AMBER BOHLMAN Photo courtesy of WWW.SWIDE.COM
07 THE WIRE | As the sun neared the horizon, sweating faces could be seen for a mile along the fence line near the Northeast Gate . These faces aren’t of who partook in the 4th Annual Dr. Seuss Fun Run. W. T. Sampson Elementary School ran a half mile section of fence line road and back to complete this year’s fun run, held nearest to the famous author’s birthday, and capped off a week of Read Across America. to come out. Some of the military volunteers have come out as Dr. Seuss characters and we always put the word out there that dressing up is The spirit of Dr. Seuss showed, as family members and volunteers took the dressing up part to heart. “Considering that we have volunteers who are deployed here and they still manage to come Damp said. “Seeing the Grinch, Thing 1 and The Cat in the Hat was also in attendance but it was Thing 1 and Thing 2 that garnered the most attention, both before and during the run. Students and parents alike lined up to take photos with Thing 1 and Thing 2 in the elementary gym during registration before the run. That’s what volunteering is all about for those service members – connecting with the community. “It’s runs like these that tie everyone in the society, there isn’t a lot of cohesion between people, so events like these bring people together have happened without integral leaders, like the and motivated the runners along the way. As for how Thing 1 and Thing 2 volunteered; The Cat in the Hat found them in a 21st century way. “The Cat in the Hat emailed us looking for participate; the Cat in the Hat gracefully bestowed Running along the American and Cuban fence line isn’t something you get to do every day and it brought a welcomed change of pace for Lamelin. “This was a big change from what I’m used around the track at Cooper Field, looking miserable, hating life. It was cool to see the kids From the word go, every student ran as fast as they could to beat the rest of the runners. “It was fantastic; there was a little bit of want to get passed by Thing 1 or Thing 2 so it made them run a little harder and that made us For Thing 2, this was a bitter-sweet run because if he were back home he’d run with his family like he would normally do. “It’s a little sad that I don’t get to run with my family here, since I’m deployed without them, but Encina said. The run brought the students, families, closer to their neighbors, their fellow service members and their extended Guantanamo family. Story and photos by SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA THE THE THE RUNNING OF CAT , HAT , THINGS 1 2 AND
| | THE WIRE 08 Photo STORY line March 6. Some volunteers for the run dressed up as their favorite Dr. Seuss character such as Thing 1 and Thing 2 and the Cat in the Hat. Students from W. T. Sampson Elementary School sprint from the starting line at the start of the fun run March 6 near the Northeast Gate. A W.T. Sampson Elementary School student befriends the Grinch, a JTF GTMO volunteer, before the 4th Annual Dr. Seuss Fun Run. Volunteers of the fun run dressed up as Dr. Seuss characters on U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The parent teacher organization brought together students, their families, and volunteers to run along the fence line near the Northeast Gate. Run March 6 that was organized by the Parent Teacher Organization and held near the Northeast Gate. With a little help from the Marines stationed here, Marine Corps Security Force Company, the race went off without a hitch.
09 THE WIRE | This was one of those movies that could have gotten to the point a lot faster than it did, and the end was anti-climatic. takes care of different town’s supernatural problems is called to a particular town to help a little girl possessed by something, and queen of all the other witches. Immediately, we that see Gregory and I liked Gregory, minus whatever it was they were trying to do with his voice. It sounded like Bane and Batman’s voices smashed together, which failed miserably. He was the one person left of an old order that fought witches, ghosts and any other number of mythical creatures. Since he is getting older, he needs an apprentice. Everyone he has started training so far has died, until he Tom is a farmer’s son, dreaming of doing something bigger than feeding pigs for the rest of his life. As he’s feeding the pigs we’re introduced to him having visions. This is where Gregory and Tom come looking for the seventh son of the seventh son to take on as his apprentice, Gregory buys Tom from his parents and and sends him off with a talisman of some kind. The stereotypical love story is forced in somewhere in this mess. At the beginning of Tom’s journey with Gregory they stop in at a town for supplies, which meant Gregory went to drink, while Tom picked up what they needed. As Tom walked around he sees a mob of people he steps in to save the day. There is a lot of back-and-forth with the two during some poorly written scenes. Wait! The entire screenplay was poorly written. good and bad guys lasts way to long, which happens a lot in Hollywood. Even though one of the main story lines was the animosity between Gregory and me. I really want to tell you exactly what happened at the end, but you’ll just have to go see the movie for yourself. All-in-all, even though it could have give a few laughs here and there, and for that I’ll give it two stars. Movie review by SPC. LIZ SMITH / SEVENTH SON Hate it or love it, thats the only thing I could think as I walked out of the Downtown Lyceum Saturday night. Director Neil Blomkamp takes us back to his favorite backdrop of a police department relies heavily on robots created by a weapons company part that caught my interest was Hugh who is concerned with having robots in the streets that lack human judgment. In our tech-heavy world, computers are getting faster, more compact and able to do so much; the movie does a good enough job to make the viewer ask the question, “Are we ready to let go of some of our human judgment for the sake of Further complicating this question is think and feel for itself. This is where holes start to show in the plot, but for the software and installs it into a robot who earns the name Chappie. It is here that Blomkamp provides us with a portrait of our current standing as a species I know what you’re thinking, a bit Chappie, the newly created being that has the same developmental stages introduction is to a bunch of gangsters, so he immediately learns the worst about human nature while having the mindset of a child. It was this juncture that the director uses Chappie as the innocence that man has lost and the city wrong with the world. You can feel the innocence slipping away from Chappie, and it’s uncomfortable. It’s meant to be. It’s how we should feel when we expose the beauty of youth and innocence to the ugliness of hate, destruction, ignorance, racism, bigotry and degradation. It’s become common place to rob each other of what makes us great and what can truly change the world. What we are left with is the human spirit that can only feel fear. It is in this fear that Chappie loses those around him. In the a question that needs to be asked more often. This is what I believe the director and cast were trying to show. Throw in a couple of shoot-outs, car chases and the occasional comedic relief, and you have a movie that can entertain just about anyone. And that’s the problem. If the director was going for something more serious then he should’ve committed to one or the other. Instead we have a middle of the road movie. / CHAPPIE Movie review by SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA
| | THE WIRE 10 IN THEATERS THIS WEEK FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYStay classy, GTMO! No alcohol or tobacco at the Lyceums. Call the Movie Hotline @ 4880 or visit the MWR Facebook for more info. Concessions closed until further notice DOWNTOWN BULKELEY DOWNTOWN BULKELEY by the members of the House of Abrasax to produce a youth serum for elite members of other planets. day, but doesn’t make enough money for the thing she she decides to make the money by selling her eggs. At the clinic, the doctors turn out to be the keepers sent to kill her. Cue the hero! You may be wondering when I am going to talk wondering when I would see them at this point in the movie. is complete, she ends up with Titus. He plans to marry who demands she give up her claim to Earth in return for her family. I actually love that Balem was very straightforward favorite if it weren’t for his weird whisper. What was the point of that? I feel like it was to make his yelling more intense but it didn’t work too well. His yelling just reminded me a toddler’s temper tantrum. has returned to her housekeeping job. Let me just say, if I owned the Earth, I wouldn’t even be cleaning my own toilet, much less anyone else’s. Full of rat-faced men, lizard guys with wings, an Instead of weeding out some of the bad ideas, these writers seemed to open up the forum and throw hit or grabbed and how fake a few falls were. I will say I did not have a scowl on my face through about two or three times that made me smile. For that, let’s go with 2 stars. Movie review by SPC. MONIQUE QUINONES / JUPITER ASCENDING Cinderella (NEW) PG, 8 p.m. Run All Night (New) R, 10 p.m. McFarland, USA (NEW) PG, 8 p.m. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (New) R, 10:15 p.m. Run All Night (New) R, 8 p.m. Cinderella (New) PG, 10 p.m. Jupiter Ascending PG13, 8 p.m. McFarland, USA PG, 8 p.m. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (New) R, 10:15 p.m. Chappie R, 8 p.m. Chappie R, 8 p.m. Selma (LS) R, 8 p.m. Jupiter Ascending PG13, 8 p.m. The Boy Next Door (LS) R, 8 p.m. Seventh Son PG13, 8 p.m. Selma (LS) R, 8 p.m.
11 THE WIRE | MWR SCHEDULE Starting dates are subject to change All leagues last 2-3 months, including playoffs. Contact the MWR for more on each March 14 March 28 March 30 April 4 April 6 April 13 April 20 April 25 May 9 May 15-16 May 24 June 8 June 13 June 15 June 22 July 4 July 4 July 13-16 July 20 July 25 August 8 August 22 September 5 September 14 September 26 September 28 October 5 October 24 November 14 November 26 December 11 December 19 December 24 Softball Tournament Sprint Triathlon Softball League Color Run Flag Football Basketball League Golf League Olympic Triathlon JPJ 5 Miler Captain’s Cup Event Fitness Festival Racquetball League NE Gate 12 Mile Run Soccer League Sand Volleyball League Softball Tournament Ridgeline Trail Run Walleyball Tournament Badminton League Relay Race Cable Beach Run Sprint Triathlon Wood-bat Tournament Co-Ed Softball League Trail Triathlon Flag Football League Basketball League Paddle, Pedal, Paintball Duathlon T-Day Half Marathon Army / Navy Game Holiday Basketball Jingle Bell Fun Run MONTH / DAY ACTIVITY If you are looking for a way to de-stress, stretch out and still get in a good workout, look no further. Gym four days a week. Hylton is one of the Fitness “What I like about yoga is it’s a mind-body type workout. Here, at this facility, we focus on yoga for the physical well-being of ourselves, enhancing physical Hylton said. Hylton mentioned that the class is open to everyone; most of those in the class are active duty members and contractors along with military spouses. It doesn’t matter who you are, pressures of a deployed environment can affect you. “It is good for stress reduction. We all work in very stressful environments, and you’re away from your means to create some balance in your life and yoga is one form you can really get into and bring calmness According to him, the classes are geared to all levels. He teaches in the middle, so whether you are that is what is most lacking for people. That is why recommend that if you do any form of physical activity to always come to a yoga class, even if you just sit on your couch. It is not vigorous but at the same time it is The type of yoga they practice here is called Vinyasa and requires a little bit more muscle work, “You want to try to practice on an empty stomach, because if you do it with food in your stomach, anytime you start bending or twisting you become nauseous. restrict movement, and at the same time just be yourself. It’s not a competition – each and every one So if you were looking for a way to get a good night’s sleep, de-stress, or stretch and workout, attend Story and photo by SPC. LIZ SMITH SHARPENING YOUR MIND, BODY AND SOUL at the G.J. Denich Gym on U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. NOTICE FISHING SEASON CLOSURES CORRECTION closures that where not yet released. NAVSTAGTMOINST 1710.10B until the changes become effective. Tuesdays and Thursdays 6 a.m. Wednsdays 4 p.m. Saturdays 3 Class Schedule:
| | THE WIRE 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 21-1 25-1 12-0 18-2 21-2-1 13-1 33-6 15-1 25-10,1NC 16-3 John Jones Jose Aldo Chris Weidman Anthony Pettis Demetrious Johnson Cain Velasquez Anderson Silva Daniel Cormier Robbie Lawler Johny Hendricks No. Record NAME THIS WEEK IN THE MLS SEATTLE VS. NEW ENGLAND If there’s going to be a team in the Western conference that gives the L.A. Galaxy a run for their money this season, it’s going to be the Seattle Sounders. Their display of communication and strategy completely outgunned the New England Revolution in front of an excited and motivated Seattle home crowd of close to 40,000 strong. From early on, it seemed as though the Revolution forwards couldn’t get on the same page and slowly lost any even footing they had and quickly became as they put together some penetrating crosses into to the New England box. The Revolution’s inability to clear the ball from their half led to a total of six shots at their goal, three of which found the back of a questionable tackle in the box. The second came the half, Seattle continued the pressure, as Dempsey triangle passes into the box which confused the New England defense and goalie. In the end, Dempsey ORLANDO VS. NEW YORK CITY more anticipated matches included the face-off York City Football Club. The anticipation proved to a bit too much for both sides, as simple passes and one down a man for diving, an act which is beginning to It wasn’t until the full regulation was up and into tying goal and sent both teams home with a draw. CARLA ESPARZA VS. JOANNA JEDRZEJCZYK Women’s Straw weight champion Carla Esparza is also defending her title against the undefeated have developed a good enough ground game to take it’s going to be all about keeping it on the feet and champion to overwhelm and smother Esparza. off a disappointing loss against Robbie Lawler in December 2014. If you think Hendricks looked a bit out of shape, you’re not the only one. His weight held him back and eventually led to Lawler imposing his will, but against brown, he’s going to have to prove lost to Lawler and are looking for a rematch but the road there is through each other. I say Hendricks takes it in a split decision. Anthony Pettis vs. Rafael dos Anjos Rafael dos Anjos could be the opponent that really after having a successful 2014 season, with victories Diaz. The only thing that would totally convince me won against Khabib Nurmagomedov, but his loss in April 2014, to him leaves doubts. And while I have match his stand-up and it will come down to who will have the right ground game. Article by SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA Article by SGT. ADRIAN BORUNDA MLS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 (1-0) (1-0) (1-0) (1-0) (0-0) (0-0) (0-0) (0-0) (0-1) (0-1) (1-0) (1-0) (0-0) (0-0) (0-0) (0-0) (0-1) (0-1) (0-1) (0-1) Western Confrence Seattle Sounders FC Las Angeles Galaxy FC Dallace Houston Dynamo Sporting Kansas City Colorado Rapids Portland Timbers Real Salt Lake San Jose Earthquakes Vancouver Whitecaps Eastern Confrence Toronto FC DC United New York City FC New York Red Bulls Orlando City SC Philidelphia Union Columbus Crew Montreal Impact Chicago Fire New England Revolution No. Standings TEAM NAME
13 THE WIRE | A WHOLE NEW WORLD Some of you may be getting a really great workout every weekend without even realizing it! Your leg muscles and cardio system are getting strengthened every single time you let air out of your dive vest. Diving is a great workout. Even though dealing with a powerful current can be annoying, it’s helping you get stronger. Kicking out, or a bit of surface swimming, is also physically demanding. Even breathing the compressed air is very different from ambient air. Fitness Director, Alec Culpepper, said because kicking is the main mode of movement your leg You get a workout above the water as well. Lifting scuba tanks and carrying around equipment is Even though you are in the water, it’s still important to stay hydrated. Compressed air tends to dry you out. It’s also good to eat complex carbs for your dive days, because they work well to provide long-term energy. is also good for your mind. With nothing to distract you but the soothing sound of bubbles, you can focus on the beauty that lies below the surface of the ocean. “Scuba Diving can be a dangerous activity, but if undertaken safely and responsibly it is something that you can do for the rest of your life. It can be very relaxing and rewarding, not to mention a heck of a lot THE NAMES OF GUANTANAMO BAY Article by SPC. MONIQUE QUINONES OVERCOMING SHYNESS experience, as we get to learn about other cultures, backgrounds, ideas, and ways of life. For others, this is a day-today struggle, requiring additional energy, resources and preparation. Shyness is a trait some of us come by naturally. We’ve just always felt more comfortable by ourselves or with close friends and family. We prefer familiarity and safety in others, rather than reaching out and talking to people we don’t know. Unfortunately, the biggest drawback to this approach is we may miss out on meeting interesting people who have the potential to become good friends and supporters. Fortunately, there are many actions we can take to get out of our shell and become more social. An important part of meeting new people is to be a good listener. When someone feels we are actually interested in what they have to say, they’re more likely to be forthcoming and open. Encourage others to talk about what they like. Ask open-ended questions, requiring more than just a yes or no response, up with current events can give you things to talk about. Encourage people to share their opinions on these various topics. Then, notice the ideas you have in common and discuss them further. A stranger, who appeared distant or intimidating a few moments earlier, may suddenly share a funny story and carry the conversation. By using these tricks and others like it, you will take small step towards overcoming your shyness. original inhabitants, the Tainos. When Christopher Columbus landed here Cumberland Bay. Vernon arrived with eight warships and 4,000 soldiers planning to march on Santiago de Cuba. However, he was defeated by local Creole guerrilla forces and Spaniards. He was forced to withdraw or face becoming prisoner. Article by PETTY OFFICER 2ND CLASS ROBERT MCQUEEN and PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS RANDALL KELLEY Article by SPC. LIZ SMITH Photo courtesy of WIKIPEDIA.ORG “If it doesn’t chaenge you, it doesn’t change you.†Fred Devito JSMART SPOT JSMART HELPER: TITAN Barkley Beans (black, kidney) Corn Strawberries Melon Apple Orange Fat-free yogurt Fat-free milk Whole-wheat bread Whole-wheat tortilla Whole-wheat pita bread Whole grains Potato Sweet Potato Yams Squash Pumpkin Steamed brown rice Steamed wild rice Lentils couscous Organic energy bars Bulgur Whole-wheat pasta Oatmeal British Admiral Edward Vernon seized Guantanamo Bay in 1741, Vernon arrived with warships and soldiers with plans to march on Santiago de Cuba but was defeated by local Creole guerilla forces and Spaniards. GOOD COMPLEX CARBS TO GET IN ON YOUR DIVE DAYS:
| | THE WIRE 14 BUS SCHEDULE CAMP AMERICA GAZEBO CAMP AMERICA NEX CAMP DELTA CAMP 6 HQ BUILDING TK 1 TK 2 TK 3 TK 4 CC JAS WINDJAMMER / GYM GOLD HILL GALLEY NEX NEX LAUNDRY C POOL DOWNTOWN LYCEUM NEX EXP. BUS CAMP AMERICA TK 1 WINDJAMMER / GYM GOLD HILL GALLEY NEX DOWNTOWN LYCEUM :00/:20/:40 :01/:18/:21/:38/:41/:58 :02/:17/:22/:37/:42/:57 :04/:13/:24/:33/:44/:53 :07/10/:27/:30/:47/:50 :55/:15/:35 :01/:17/:21/:37/:41/:57 :02/:16/:22/:36/:42/:56 :03/:15/:23/:35/:43/:55 :04/:13/:24/:33/:44/:53 :00/:19/:20/:39/:40/:59 :14/:34/: 54 :02/:17/:22/:37/:42/:57 :04/:15/:24/:35/:44/:55 :06/:13/:26/:33/:46/:53 :07/:27:47 :10/:30/:50 :11/:31/:51 09:55 19:55 hourly :48/:55 :05/:36 :11/:31 :14/:29 :16/:27 : 17/:25 BEACH BUS WINDWARD LOOP / E. CARAVELLA SBOQ / MARINA NEX PHILLIPS PARK CABLE BEACH RETURN TO OFFICE SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY 0900/0930/1200/1230/1500/1530/1800/1830 0905/0935/1205/1235/1505/1535/1805/1835 0908/0925/1208/1225/1508/1525/1808/1825 0914/ 1214/1514/1814 0917/1217/1517/1817 0940/1240/1540/1840 FERRY SCHEDULE MONDAY THRU SATURDAY FERRY WINDWARD LEEWARD UTILITY BOAT WINDWARD LEEWARD SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS FERRY WINDWARD LEEWARD UTILITY BOAT WINDWARD LEEWARD 0630/0730/0930/1030/1130/1330/1530/1630 0700/0800/1000/1100/1200/1400/1600 1630/1730/1830/2030/2230/2330 1700/1800/1900/2100/2300/0000 0730/1330 0800/1400 1030/1530/1730/1830/2030/2230 1100/1600/1800/1900/2100/2300 *These services are conducted by Army or Navy chaplains / For more information call ext. 2218 ROMAN CATHOLIC PROTESTANT SERVICES PROTESTANT SERVICES Traditional* Contemporary* Gospel OTHER SERVICES Latter Day Saints Beginners Bible Study* New Christian’s Inquiry* Christian Fellowship (NAVSTA CHAPEL) Saturday* 1700 Sunday* 0900 1730 (JTF TROOPERS’ CHAPEL) Sunday* 0900 1900 (NAVSTA CHAPEL) Sunday 0930 Sunday 1100 Sunday 1300 Friday 1315 Saturday 0900 Saturday 1100 Sunday 0900 Sunday 0800 Sunday 1700 1900 Wednesday 1900 Saturday 1900 Sunday 1800 (Side Chapel) Annex Room 1 (Liturgical Service) Annex Room 2 Annex Room 19 (Sabbath School) Annex Room 19 (Sabbath Service) Annex Room 19 Annex Room D Annex Room D JTF PRAISE BAND You’re the resource! We need you! Community hours for volunteer service medal. Guitar Basses Trumpet Saxophone Weekly practice at 11 a.m. on Saturdays To volunteer, at x2218
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