A Bibliography on the use of hydrocyanic acid gas as a fumigant

Material Information

A Bibliography on the use of hydrocyanic acid gas as a fumigant
Wilmot, R. J. ( Royal James ), 1898-1950
University of Florida -- Dept. of Horticulture
University of Florida -- Agricultural Experiment Station
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, Fla.
Agricultural Experiment Stations, University of Florida
Publication Date:
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Physical Description:
110 leaves : ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Fumigation -- Bibliography ( lcsh )
Hydrocyanic acid gas ( lcsh )
Fumigation ( jstor )
Cyanides ( jstor )
Wildlife damage management ( jstor )
bibliography ( marcgt )
government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent) ( marcgt )


General Note:
Cover title.
General Note:
"April 18, 1935."
General Note:
"A contribution from the Department of Horticulture."
Statement of Responsibility:
by R.J. Wilmot.

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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University of Florida
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Resource Identifier:
63982367 ( OCLC )


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A*tio1raOajuL JEIz2aWW BATIOW




Specialist, Fumigation Research

A Contribution from the
Department of Horticulta

April 18, 1935


This bibliography is offered to those interested in the field
of hydrocyanic acid gas fumigation in an attempt to bring together as much
of the literature as possible. Such a work could not possibly be complete
because in many papers the use of the gas is not mentioned in the title and
the reviewer did not consider it important enough to mention in his abstract.

The Review of Applied Entomology, Experiment Station Record,
Chemical Abstracts, Rasch, Frickhinger, Bellio and Wolf furnished most of
the foreign titles. Those not actually reviewed by the writer were checked
from one source to another as far as possible.

Abbreviations are used according to the "List of Periodicals
abstracted by Chemical Abstracts" published by the American Chemical Society
in 1931. Those not included in this list follow it as closely as possible.

The writer would appreciate corrections and additional citations,
which would, as far as possible, be compiled as supplements to this paper.

Papers to which are appended long bibliographies are marked with
an asterisk.

The writer wishes to take this opportunity to acknowledge the
assistance of H. J. Quayle in the preparation of this list.

Complete to October 1, 1934.


Abbey, G. Cyaniding vines when in growth.
Gardeners Chron, 71:170. London. 1922.

Achard, 2. Note sur l'emploi de quatre insecticides.
Syrie: Minist. Agr.etc. 12 pp. typescript. Damascus. June 22, 1927.

Adams, J. J. Disease and insect pests. Dept. Agr. B. E. Africa Ann. Rpt.
1915-1916:44-47. Nairobi. 1916.

Adamson. Fumigation. Pacific Rural Press. 84&301. 1912.

Abearn. Fumigation of greenhouses. Kan. Ind. 44: 1. 1918.

Ahlberg, 0. Fumigation of greenhouse thrips. (Trans. title). Iedd.
Centralanstalt f6rsoisvasendet jordbruks. no. 233 14 pp, 1922.

Ahlmann. Weitere Untersuchungen fiber die Giftigheit der Blausdure.
Dissert. Wiirzburg. 1905.

Akin, C. V. Ridding the plant of rats.
Food Ind. 2: 298-302. 1930.

and Sherrard, G. C. Durchgasen mit Cyanpr¶ten. Z.
Desinfekt. 21: 99-104. 1929.

Fumigation with cyanogen products.
Pub. Health Rpts. 41: 2647-70. 1928.

Ship fumigation determined by observed rodent infestation.
Ibid. 42: 861-867. 1927.

Allen, R. C. The mealy bug in San Diego.county.
Claremont Pomol. Club Bull. 1: 11-13. 1909.

Allen, W, J. Cost of fumigating an orchard of 275 trees.
Agr. Gas. N. S. Wales. 11: 754-756. Sydney 1900.

Fumigation. Ibid. L4: 597. 1903.

Idem. Ibid. 24: 153-169. 1913.

Fumigation versus spraying for scale insects.
Ibid. 32: 542. 1921.

__Some notes on fumigation of citrus trees.
Ibid. 4: 897-898 1923.

and Stokes, W. B, Calcium cyanide for citrus fumigation. A com-
parison with sodium cyanide. Ibid. 35: 664-666. 1924.

Allison, J. B. Studies on the toxicity of hydrocyanic acid.
Iowa State Coll. J. Sci. 2: 243-252. 1927-28.

Almasio, P. L'Acido cianidrico nei Publici Servizo di Disinfestione.
Riv. ing. sanit. edilizia modern. 17: 97; 105. 1921.


Althouse, R. C. Shipment of oranges from the State of Sonora, Iexico, through
the United States in bond to Canada permitted.
S. R. A. P. H. B. .: 68-69. 1914.

Altson, A. M. Beetles damaging seasoned timber, with an account of their
ravages and the methods of treatment,
W. Rider and Son, Ltd. 24 pp. 1922.

Beetles damaging seasoned timber. IV. Methods of treatment.
Timber Trades J. 19: 1170-1 1922.

Alvah, P. A preliminary report on the use of sodium cyanide for the control
of the peach tree borer. J. Econ. Entomol. 13: 201-207. 1920.

Amari, S. Note on fumigation. Sangyo Shikenjo Hokoku. 5: 214-222. Apr. 1921.

On the hosts of a Pediculoid mite, parasitic on the silkworm, with
a note on fumigation experiments. Ibid. 5: 475-483. 1921.

Anderson, L. A. P. A note on a method of fumigation by hydrocyanic acid gas
on a small scale.
Indian J. Med. Research. 10: 1119-1122. Calcattat 1923.

Anderson, 0. G. and Roth, F. C. Insecticides and fungicides.
John Wiley and Sons. (133-134). 349 pp. New York. 1923.

Andres, A. Beitrag zur Bekampfung der R&udemilben der Pferde.
Munch. tierrrztl. Wochschr. 69: 2. 1918.

Bekimpfung der Kleidermotte (Tineola biselliella) durch Blaueaure.
Z. angew. Bntomol. 4: 366-368. Berlin. 1918.

Zur Biologie von Dermestes frischi, Kugel. (Speckklfer).
Anz. Schadlingsk. 1: 105-106. Berlin. 1925.

Die Durchgasung von Gewachshhusern mit Blausaure zur Vernichtung
von Bldttlausen und anderen Schidlingen.
Die Gartenwelt. 1S: 139-140. 1919.

Etwas iiber die Kupferrote DSrrobsmotte Plodia interpunctella Hb.
Z. angew. Entomol. J: 316-317. Berlin. 1919.

Ueber den iessinkafer (Niptus hololeucus Fab.).
Ibid. 6: 406-407. 1920.

Bin Schadling an Azaleen in Gewachshausern. Ibid. 6: 404. 1920.

Der Zigarrenkafer in getrocinetem Tabak. Ibid. 6: 407-408. 1920.

and Muller, A. Bin einfaches Verfahren der Blausaure entwicklung aus
Natriumcyanidlsungen und seine Verwendung zur Bekimpfung
schadlicher Insekten. Ibid. 6: 372-389. 1920.

Annon, An additional vacuum fumigation plant provided.
S. R. A. F. H. B. 85 1925.


Additional vacuum fumigating plants provided. Ibid. 84: 67. 1925.

Administration of first aid to persons suffering from exposure to
chemicals or gases. Chemical Warfare. 12 No. 6: 10-16. 1926,

Adsorption of cyanide gas by foodstuffs.
Pub. Health Rpts. 5: 1597. 1920.

Annuaire international dA Statisque agricole 1931-32.
Inst. intern. d'Agric. Rome. 1932.

Annual fumigation recognized necessity deciding success or failure
in groves. Covina Fruit Exchange. Covina Argus. Dec. 15, 1916.

Anweisung zur Bel-ampfung des Fleckfiebers (Flecktyphus).
Amtl. Ausgabe. Berlin (Springer). 1920.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers discovers scientific
Washington. Chem. & Met. Eng. 29: 1095. 1923.

Apples affected with wooly aphis.
Gardeners' Chron. 58: 344. 1915.

Articles of incorporation and by-laws of the Cooperative Fumigation
and Supply Co. of Upland. California. 1911.

- Bekanntmachung betr. Ausfuhrung der Verordnung iber die
SSchlidlingbeklmpfung mit hochgiftigen Stoffen vom 29.
January, 1919. Vom. 7. February 1919. 1919.

Bekanntmachung betr. Ausfihrung, etc. Vom. 10 Juli 1920.

Bekanntmachung des bayerischen Staatministeriums fur Landwirtschaft
an die Bezirksverwaltungs-und Gemeindebehdrden betr.
Muhlendurchgasen. Vom. 23. Oktober 1920.

Bekanntmachung vom 17. Juli 1922 iber de Schidlingsbek&mpfung mit
hochgiftigen Stoffen. Nachr. blatt deutsch.
Pflanzenschutzdienst, Berlin. 2t 86. 1922.

Bericht der Landwirtschaftlichen Kreisversuchstation fiirden
Regierungsbezirk Unterkranken und Aschaffenburg in WUrzburg uber das
Jahr 1919. Landw. Jahrb. fir Bavern, 10: 321. 1920.

Black scale control. Hadar. 5: 303, 305. Tel-Aviv (Jaffa). 1932,

Blausaure als Disinfektionmettel. Chem. Zeit. 46: 281. 1922.

Blausaureverfahren. J. Off. de la Repub. Francaise. Lois et
Decrets. 61. Jhrg. Nr. 190, 14 August 1929. S. 9571.
Z. Desinfekt. Gesundh. 22: 63-64. 1930.

Das Blausaureverfahren.
Wein. klin. Rundschau. 34: 9-10, 11-13, 14-15. 1920.

C___alcid-Mitteilungen von der Degesch Frankfurt a. M., Weiss-


frauenstrasse 7-9, erschienen ir. 1 (Dec. 1931) mit Nr. 7
(Dec. 1932) mit zahlreichen Literaturauszigen.

Chemical warfare gas used as a fumigant.
Chem. & Met. Eng. 27: 39. 1922.

Chermes attacking spruce and other conifers.
Forestry Comm. London, Leaflet 7: 7 pp. 1921.

Chrysomphalus aurantii. Hadar 3: 228. 1930.

Citrus fumigation with calcium cyanide. Research in the development
of cyanogas calcium cyanide. American Cyanamid Co. 1 1-1 5.
3 3
The control of insects, fungi, and other pests.
Tenn. State Bd. Entomol. Bull. 1: 35-36, 39. 1905.

Cyaniding to destroy mealy bugs.
Gardeners' Chron. 55: 75, 106, 135, 151, 189, 223, 256 and 398.

Cyanogas: Handbook for greenhouses and nurseries.
American Cyanamid and Chemical Corp.

Damaging insects held in check.
U. S. D. A. Yearbook 1924: 70. 1925.

Department activities: Entomology.
J. Dept. Agr. U. S. Africa. 1: 293-296. Pretoria. 1923.

Departmental activities: Entomology. Ibid. 9: 98-100. 1924.

Desinfektion, Anwendung zur SchAdlingsbelnTmpfung. Bundegesetzblatt.
360 aus 1928. Bundegesetzblatt 14 aus 1929.

D6sinfecion des v6getaux par les fumigations dlacide cyanhydrique.
Vie. Agric. et Rur. J: 399-400. Paris. 1917.

Destroying housebugs. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales. 14: 1232. 1903.

Destruction of rats on vessels.
Pub. Health Ser. Ann. Rpt. 1917: 83-86. 1917.

Determination of cyanogen in NaCN.
J. Assoc. Official Agr.Chem. 10: 27. 1927.

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Schidlingsbekimpfung.
Z. angew. Entomol. 6: 413-414. 1920.

Directions for destroying woodchucks or "groundhogs".
U. S. D. A. Biol. Sur. Sheet. Bio-768. 1924.

Effect of hydrocyanic acid gas on foods, fabrics, metals, etc.
The Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Co. Dec. 1931.

Eleventh annual report.


Growers Fumigation and Supply Co. North Pomona, Calif. Mar. 1922.

Entomological work of the year.
Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ept. 1924-25: 43-46, 51-53. 1926.

Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. 42nd. Ann. Rpt. 1930-31: 47-49. 1931.

Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. 46th. Ann. Rpt. 1926-27 Bull. 417: 42-50. 1928.

Idem. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. 41st. Ann. Rpt. 1928: 42-49, 42nd.,
1929: 41-47, 146-147. 1930.

Entomology and parasitology.
Agr. Exp. Sta. Calif. Bpt. 1923-24: 37-39, 42-43. 1924.

Erlass des preussichen Ministers fir Volkwohlfahrt IM 111/28 vom.
13. Febr. 1928. Folkwohlfahrt No. 5: 253. 1928.

The evolution of hydrocyanic acid gas from cyanogas calcium
cyanide. Research in the development of cyanogas calcium cyanide.
American Cyanamid Co. G -G5.

_ W. Braun re-enters field with new device and product.
Calif. Citrog. 8: 121 1923.

First annual report. Covina Valley tumigating Co. Apr. 24, 1922.

Fifth annual report.
Growers Fumigation and Supply Co. Pomona, Calif. Feb. 1915.

The Florida method of citrus tree fumigation.
American Cyanamid Sales Cot Leaflet 291 1923.

Four men were fatally gassed. Chem Age. 13: 474. 1925.

Fourteenth annual report.
Growers Fumigation and Supply Co. North Pomona, Calif. Mar.1924.

To fumigate cotton cars. Chem. & Met. Eng. 29: 1160. 1923.

Fumigating citrus trees in California.
Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales. 14: 492. 1903.

Fumigating hedges for scale and other insects. Ibid. 14: 326. 1903.

Fumigating the orange tree with "Zyklon B".
Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Co. May 1928.

Fumigating a plant stove. Gardeners' Chron. 62: 184. 1917.

Fumigating with hydrocyanic acid gas. Calif. Cult. 11: 179. 1897.

Fumigation. Calif. Citrog. 8: 373. 1923.


Funigation of cargoes of crated vegetables.
Pub. Health 1pts. ,J: 2747-2748. 1922.

Fumigation of citrus trees by means of "Cyanegg".
The Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Co. 45 pp. 1918.

Fumigation for control of scale insects of citrus trees.
N. S. Wales Dept. Agr. 9 pp. Sydney. 1930.

Fumigation of dwelling houses. Research in the development of
cyanogas calcium cyanide. American Cyanamid Co. 3-1 -- 3-3.

Fumigation of flour mills by hydrocyanic acid gas generated from
Cyanegg (R & H sodium cyanide 96-98%).
The Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Co. 32 pp. 1932.

Fumigation of green houses and nurseries by hydrocyanic acid gas
generated from cyanide of sodium. Ibid.

Fumigation with HCN gas. Meeting of Ass. Offic. Hort. Inspectors,
Nov. 1903. Expt. Sta. Record. 15: 528. 1903-04.

Fumigation of imported cotton. S. R. A. F. H . jO: 29. 1918.

Fumigation of imported cotton at Seattle. Ibid. 49: 16. 1918.

The fumigation of nursery stock.
Tenn. State Bd. 3ntomol. 3ull. 2: 11-17. 1905.

Fumigation practice up-to-date. Calif. Cult. 61: 3, 10. 1923.

_umigazione degli aranci e dei limoni con il Cyanogas. "Fumigadores
Quimicos S. A." di Valenza. Strano Francesco. Catania. 1929.

A gas attack on destructive bugs. Sci. Am. 124: No. 22: 431. 1921.

Gas tar and mealy bugs.
Gardeners' Chron. 4-. Nos. 1399, 1401, 1407, 1409: 279, 309, 407,
427. London. 1913.

Gerichtsentscheidung betreffend Blausbureverfahren.
Z. Desinfekt. Gesundh. 22: 69-70. 1930.

Gesichtspuikte fir die Be -ampfung der Lauseplage.
Merkblatt des preussichen Kriegsministeriums. 1919.

Grain weevils: a menace to wheat stacks.
J. Dept. Agr. S. Australia. 20: 977-979. 1917.

Here and there. Sci. Am. 130: 231. 1924.

SHow fumigation tents were applied and withdrawn in 1891.
Calif. Citrog. 6: 214. 1921.


SHydrocyanic acid gas and the white fly (Aleyrodes).
The Rural Californian. .5: 210-212. 1911.

Hydrocyanic acid ,as used in control of hide beetles.
Chem. & Met. Eng. j2: 259. 1925.

Hydrogen cyanide fumigation.
Am. J. Pub. Health 21: 542-543. 1931.

Improved fumigating apparatus.
Calif. St. Bd. Hort. Ann. Rpt. 1890: 469-472. Ig90.

The Indian Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914.
Planter's Chron. 12: 550. 1917.

Injurious insects and other pests.
Kan. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rpt. 1924-26: 71-84. 1927.

Insecticides and fungicides.
J. Ministry Agr. J: 628-631. London. 1921.

Insect pests and diseases of plants and animals.
Calif. Agr. Exp, Sta. Rpt. 1888-1889: 50. 1890.

Insect pests and fungoid diseases in Barbados 1912-13.
Agr. News Barbados. J1: 170-171, 186. 1914.

Insect pests and remedies. Calif. Cult. 14: 248. 1900.

Insect pests and their control.
Agr. Gas. N. S. Wales 45: 255-260. Sydney. 1934.

Insect pests in Idaho in 1927.
Idaho Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 160: 21-23. 1928.

Insect pests in New Mexico in 1930-31.
N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. 42nd. Ann. Rpt. 1930-31: 32-37. 1932.

Instrucciones, que deben observare en los trabajos de fumigacion con
el acido cianhidrico. Valencia. 1920.

Instructions relative to marking, inspection, cleaning, and disin-
fection of cotton under regulation.
S. R. A. F. H . 9: 117. 1920.

Killing rats with calcium cyanide.
State Coll. Washington. Leaflet Bi.-825. 1925.

Laredo fumigation plant destroyed by fire.
S. R. A. F. H. B. /I : 131. 1922.

SLiquified cyanide fumigation.
J. Dept. Agr. Union S. Africa. J: 192-193. 1923.

Luche contra el zompopo (Atta sexdens).
Bol. Agri. Ind. y Com. de Guatemala. i: 54-55 1924.


La lutte centre les parasites des v6g6taux. Rev. agric. egyt., no.
spec. Expos. gen. Agric., Mars 1926: 32-36. Cairo. 1927.

__ Making chemicals from air. American Cyanamid Co. New York.

Manchester meeting. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 42: 1103R. 1923.

Necessity for fumigating lifeboats.
Pub. Health Rpts. 36: 1636. 1921.

Das neue Entlausungverfahren durch RAucherung mittels
Blausauredampfen. Deutsche Gold-und Silber-Scheide-Anstalt-
Frankfort a M. icht im Buchandel. 1916.

A new aphid attacking citrus.
Fla. State plant Bd. Qtrly. Bull. 8: 93-94. 1924.

New federal fumigation house. S. R. A. F. H. B. 75: 91. 1923.

Notes from the Entomological Laboratory.
Rhodesia Agr. J. 23: 920-925. Salisbury. 1926.

Nr. 724 der Koniglichen Bekanntmachung betr. Abanderung der 6, 6, 9,
12, 26, und 39 des Giftgesetzes vom. 7. December 1906. (Nr. 114).
Erlessen zu Stockholm, den 10, Oktober 1919.

_r. 725 der KOniglichen Bekanntmachung betr. Anwendung von
Zyanwasserstoffgas zum Ausrotten von Ungeziefer und andern Tieren.
Erlassen zu Stokholm den 10. October. 1919. 191'9.

Nr. 726 der Kbniglichen Bekanntmachung. Bekinntmachung des
Medizinalamtes betr. Verfahren und Massnahmen bei Gasbehandlung mit
Zyanwasserstoff fur Ausrottung von Ungeziefer und anderen Tieren.
Erlassen su Stociholm den 17. November 1919. 1919.

Outline of administration in controlling insects and fungi injurious
to agricultural plants in Japan.
Bur. of Agr. 1913: 3-32. Tokyo. 1913.

Peace time uses of war chemicals. Chem & Met. Eng. Sept. 13, 1922.
Abst. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 41: 419R. 1922.

Permanent identifying marks on containers of poisonous fumigants.
Pub. Health Rpts. .4: 1419-1420. 1933.

Plant protection ordinance, 1924 Regulations.
Off. Gaz. Gov't. Palestine. 112: 589-591. Jerusalem. 1924.

Poisoning by hydrocyanic acid gas. Lancet 220: 362-363. 1931.

Preliminary report of the board appointed by the Surgeon General to
investigate the subject of fumigation of ships.
Pub. Health Rpts. U1: 2744-2747. 1922.

Protection des cultures centre les parasites d'importation.
Rev. Hort. de 1'Algerie. 21; 25-29. Algiers. 1916.


Protection from disease (plants) orders.
Jamaica Gaz. 40: no. 14. Kingston. 1917.

Rapports sommairs sur les Travauz accomplish dans les Laboratoires
et Oomptes Rendus des Missions d'Etudes.
Ann. Service des Epiphytes. 6: 336-351. Paris. 1919.

Regulations governing fumigation of citrus orchards.
Calif Cult. 25: 3031. 1922.

Report of meeting of Cotton States Entomologists, Dallas, Texas,
Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 1921. J. Econ. Entomol. 15: 105-112. 1922.

Report of the Plant Protection Section during the period 1925-1931.
Min. Agr., Egypt. 49 pp. 1933.

Report on advisory work 1924-25. Economic entomology. Agr. and
Hort. Res. Sta., Long Ashton, Bristol, Ann. Rpt. 1925: 137-142.

Reports on the state of crops in each province of Spain. (Trans.
title). Bol. A:;r. Tec. Econ. 9: 71-92, 163-185, 251-257, 259, 354-
375, 711-733, 809-824, 946-965. 11adrid. 1917.

Reports on the state of crops in each province of Spain on the 20th
of November, 1923. (Trans. title). Ibid. j5: 1065-1080. 1923.

The ruby wax-scale, an insect injurious to citrus. (Trans. title).
Shizuoka Agr. Exp. Sta. 17 pp. 28th Feb. 1918.

__Safeguarding fumigation with HCiT.
Chem. & Met. Eng. 25: 1155. 1921.

San Jose discussion.
Ont. Dept. Agr. Entomol. Soc. 32nd Ann. Rpt. 1901: 4. 1902.

Ship fumigation. Engineering. 114: 399. 1922.

Idem. Pub. Health Rpts. 37: 2744-2747. 1922.

Southern California orchard fumigators and tents available 1927
season. Calcyanide Co. Los Angeles.

Study of insecticides.
South Carolina Agr. 3xp. Sta. Rpt. 1927: 40-41. 1927.

Summary of the Programme of the Swedish State Institute of Experi-
mental Forestry for the period 1921-22. (Trans. title).
Med. Stat. S.:ogsf8rsW6sanst. J1: 75-78. Stockholm. 1922.

Sur 1'emploi de 1'acide cyanhydrique pour la destruction des rats et
des parasites a bord des navires.
Arch. de med. et pharm. nav. 120: 491. 1922.

Tavola dosimetrica del Cyanogas, per la macchinetta a giri.
Societa An. Fumigazioni di Catania. Catania. 1929.


- Tavola dosimetrica del Cyanogas, per la macchinetta a misurini.
Societa An. Fumigazioni di Catania. Catania. 1929.

Tavola dosimetrica per la fumigazione con acido cianidrico.
Comm, Gen. Anticocc. di Catania. Catania. 1929.

Tavola dosimetrica protvisoria per le fumigazioni con acido
cianhidrico. Comm. Gen. Anticocc. di Catania. Catania. 1929.

Two-hour fumigation required for foreign cotton.
S. R. A. P. H. B. k5: 120. 1917.

Useful information on fumigation of citrus trees.
Pac. R. and H. Chem. Corp. 1923.

Use of calcium cyanide in destroying Columbian ground squirrel.
State College of Wash. Ex. Ser. Leaflet. Bi.-759. 1924.

Ungeziefertilgung BlausAureverfahren.
Der praktische Desinfeator. 11: 25-28. 1919.

Vacuum fumigation facilities at El Paso, Texas.
S. R. A. F. H. 3. 81: 127. 1924.

Vacuum fumigation of citrus nursery stock.
Calif. Cult. 58: 350. 1922.

Idem. Ibid. 62: 728. 1924.

Verftlgun, des preUssischen Kriegsministeriums. Vom. 9.
Nr. 486/5 19, p. 2. Juli 1919.

Verhandlungen bie der technischen Besprechung fiber die Ehrfahrungen
mit BlausAuredurchgasungen.
Technisher Ausschuss fur Schkdlingsbejampfung. Berlin. 1918.

SVerordnung iiber die Schadlingsbeikcmpfung mit hochgiftigen Stoffen.
Reichsgesetzblatt. 31: 165. 1919.

Idem. Vom. 29. January. 1919.

The weevil pest of grain. Summary of proceedings of conference held
in Melbourne, Oct. 15, 1918.
J. Dept. Agr. Victoria. 16: 695-700. Melbourne. 191S.

SWerbeschfift der Societa Italiana Pumigazioni Gas Tossici.
Rome. Violi and Company.

SThy grow oranges to feed insects?
Hadar. 1: 138, 148. Jaffa. 1934.

Why, when and how to fumiate.
Calif. Cult. 62. No. 23: 643, 683. 1924.

SZoology and entomology.
Penn. A7r. Exp. Sta. 38th Ann. Rpt. 1924-25. Bull. 196: 32-33. 1925.


Zoology and entomology. Penn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 39th Ann. Rpt.
1925-26. Bull. 204: 35-38. 1926.

"Zyklon B" for control of insects and rodents causing great economic
loss. Roessler and Hasslacher Chem. Co. May 1928.

Anson, H. L. and Mirsky, A. E. The reactions of cyanide with globin
hemochromogen. J. Gen. Physiol. _14: 43-54. 1930.

Arisz, W. H. Verslag over het jaar, 1925
Meded. Besoe'lisch. Proefst. 41: 58 pp. Djember. 1926.

Armbruster, L. Wachsmottenbekampfung mittels Zyklon.
Arch. fir Bienenkunde 2: 5/6. 1920.

Zerlegbarer hasten zur Desinfektion und Ungeziefervernichtung sowie
zur Entwic :lung von Blausiuregas. D. R. P. Nr. 316: 660. Kl. 30i.

Zur 3rhbhunt der Wachsausbeute und zur 3ekampfung der
Wabenschadlinge. Leipzier 3ienenzeitung. 16: 4. 1921.

Arms. Fumigation of mills. Am. l:iiller. 52: 998-999. 1924.

Idem. Natl. Fire Protect. Assoc.Quart. 18:no.l, 25-33. 1924.

Arnold, G. F. Uniformity of nursery stock. fumigation requirements.
J. Econ. Entomol. 16: 161-168. 1923.

Arthur, J. M. and Harrison, T. H. Calcium cyanide dust for fumigation of
citrus trees. Agr. Gaz. N. S. Wales. 3J: 245-248. 1926.

Azenard. Les Insectes parasites des Arachides au Senegal.
L'Agron. Colon. 1: 106-110. Paris. 1914.

de Azevedo Marques, L. A. Pragas do algodoeiro iv. (Lagarta rose dos
Bol. Minist. Agr. Ind. e Com. 16: 502-512. Rio de Janeiro. 1927.

Babick, G. Die Notwendigkeit der Atemschutzgerate.
Der prak. Desinfe!'tor. 24: 73-76. 1932.

Back, E. A. Carpet beetles and their control.
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