STAR Newspaper

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STAR Newspaper
Alberto Orlando August ( Santa Elena, Cayo, Belize )
Creation Date:
July 7, 2013
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Sunday, March 15, 2015 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Page 1 *STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR* STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STARSTAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR No. 432 Sunday, March 15, 2015 Price $1.00 *STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR*STAR* FF FF F or your building needs, large or small or your building needs, large or small or your building needs, large or small or your building needs, large or small or your building needs, large or small Knowledgeable of native building styles—mud and daub, adobe Knowledgeable of native building styles—mud and daub, adobe Knowledgeable of native building styles—mud and daub, adobe Knowledgeable of native building styles—mud and daub, adobe Knowledgeable of native building styles—mud and daub, adobe Unique designs—treehouses, Colonial style houses Unique designs—treehouses, Colonial style houses Unique designs—treehouses, Colonial style houses Unique designs—treehouses, Colonial style houses Unique designs—treehouses, Colonial style houses WW WW W e build according to your budget e build according to your budget e build according to your budget e build according to your budget e build according to your budget Contact Mary Cariddi at 652-6403 Email: nn rr Cariddi construction, over 40 years experience building in Belize Cariddi construction, over 40 years experience building in Belize Cariddi construction, over 40 years experience building in Belize Cariddi construction, over 40 years experience building in Belize Cariddi construction, over 40 years experience building in Belize We do designs, plans, building authority permits and PUC approvals (Public We do designs, plans, building authority permits and PUC approvals (Public We do designs, plans, building authority permits and PUC approvals (Public We do designs, plans, building authority permits and PUC approvals (Public We do designs, plans, building authority permits and PUC approvals (Public Utilities Commission) as well as all your construction needs. Utilities Commission) as well as all your construction needs. Utilities Commission) as well as all your construction needs. Utilities Commission) as well as all your construction needs. Utilities Commission) as well as all your construction needs. SAN IGNACIO TOWN, Cayo,T uesday , 10 Mar ch, 2015: The Police from the CrimesInvestigation Branch and the SpecialBranch are cracking down on drugpeddlers in the twin towns of SanIgnacio and Santa Elena. Their latest bust was on T uesday , 10 March, based on the informationthey received of a cream Geo Prismwith taxi licenses plate BVO-00289.Police acted swiftly and interceptedthe vehicle between mile 68 and 69,right in front of the InglewoodCamping Grounds. There were four occupants including, a male driver and threewomen passengers. All occupants were ordered out of the vehicle with DRUG TRAFFICKER BUSTED their belongings. Police thenconducted a search on each individualhowever nothing incriminating wasfound on the occupants except for oneof the female occupants, whompolice found as Merikita Castillo , 28 year old domestic of Belize City . Castillo had a grey crochet bag in her hand. Upon searching the bagpolice found a dark blue Everestschool bag what contained someclothes, cosmetics, personaldocuments, a clack plastic bag and atransparent Miltex plastic bag.Further search of the black plasticbag, led to the discovery of green leafysubstance suspected to be marijuana.The other Miltex plastic bag was also Merikita Castillo, 28 Continues On P ag e 1 5 Suspected Cannabis SAN JOSE SUCCOTZVILLAGE, Cayo, Sunday , 10 March, 2015: A third-form student of Eden High School in Benque V iejo Del Carmen drowned in the MopanRiver on Sunday while swimmingwith friends. Family members believe thatseventeen year old Michael Quintanilla caught a cramp while attempting to cross the river . They got the call at around fourSunday evening, after his friends hadtried unsuccessfully to save him.Police was call immediately after , and upon arrival found Quintanilla’ s lifeless body on the bank of the MopanRiver . The body was transferred to the San Ignacio Hospital where he waspronounced dead on arrival. Father of Deceased, Alfr edo Quintanilla, said that he was told Teenager DrownsIn The Mopan River by the father of one of the kidsthat they had lunch a couple ofminutes before taking a dip in thein the Mopan river and uponswimming across, Michael,unfortunately did not make it. Michael Quintanilla, 17


Page 2 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Sunday, March 15, 2015 W ester n Har dw are has all y our Plumbing , Electrical & Construction supplies under one roof at reasonable prices. Ask for what you do not see, we can find those hard to get items. Why travel out of town to buy y our supplies w hen W ester n Har dw are can satisfy all your Plumbing, Electircal & Construction Needs. New Tires F or Sale W e ar e your One S top Shop!! So V isit us today!!!! “Y our One S top Construction & Home Improvement Shop” Phone: 824-2572/3494 Fax: 8243240 E-mail: W e of f er the best in Pr of essional Building Maintenance Ser vices 54 Burns A venue, San Ignacio, Cayo District, Belize C.A Hode’ Hode’ Hode’ Hode’ Hode’ s Place, where T s Place, where T s Place, where T s Place, where T s Place, where T aste, Quality and aste, Quality and aste, Quality and aste, Quality and aste, Quality and Comfort makes the difference!! Comfort makes the difference!! Comfort makes the difference!! Comfort makes the difference!! Comfort makes the difference!! Savannah Ar ea, San Ignacio T own, Cayo T elephone: 804-2522 Free Delivery within town limits. HODE’S PLACE W e offer d el iciousl y pr epar ed food in an amazing l y r el ax ed at mospher e. W e al so cat er for l ar g e or small gr oups . W e ar e located of f Joseph Andr ews Drive, near the Falcon Field in San Ignacio T own. Call us at 824-2076 or 610-0408. E-mail: W ash, V accum, Armoral & Engine W ash As W ell As Pr essur e W ashing Outside of Houses Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be A Litter A Litter A Litter A Litter A Litter Bug!!! Bug!!! Bug!!! Bug!!! Bug!!!


Sunday, March 15, 2015 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Page 3 Belmopan, T uesday , Mar ch 10, 2015: The BELIZE Natural EnergyCharitable T rust (BNECT) today signed an Agreement with the Belize Enterprise for Sustainable T echnology (BEST) to expand the T rustÂ’ s Student Loan Program to theunderserved areas of the Cayo andBelize Districts. The initial investmentof $350,000 will be made availableto BEST in two tranches of $175,000each. The overall objective of thepartnership is to create a revolvingfund to provide loans for Belizeanstudents attending or planning toattend Belizean educational The Belize Natural Energy Charitable T The Belize Natural Energy Charitable T The Belize Natural Energy Charitable T The Belize Natural Energy Charitable T The Belize Natural Energy Charitable T rust Signs An Agreement rust Signs An Agreement rust Signs An Agreement rust Signs An Agreement rust Signs An Agreement With The Belize Enterprise F With The Belize Enterprise F With The Belize Enterprise F With The Belize Enterprise F With The Belize Enterprise F or Sustainable T or Sustainable T or Sustainable T or Sustainable T or Sustainable T echnology T echnology T echnology T echnology T echnology T o Ser o Ser o Ser o Ser o Ser ve ve ve ve ve As Implementing Agent Of The T As Implementing Agent Of The T As Implementing Agent Of The T As Implementing Agent Of The T As Implementing Agent Of The T rustÂ’s Student Loan P rustÂ’s Student Loan P rustÂ’s Student Loan P rustÂ’s Student Loan P rustÂ’s Student Loan P rr rr r ogramme ogramme ogramme ogramme ogramme institutions of secondary , tertiary and vocational designation, accredited bythe Ministry of Education. The BELIZE Natural EnergyCharitable T rust shares the same agenda of our partners and envisionsthis collaboration as a joint effort toempower and uplift Belizeans sothat they can become the consciousarchitects of their own future. To obtain information on the specificeligibility criteria for the Student LoanProgram, please contact BEST bycalling telephone numbers 822-3043or 822-3150 or visit their office atMile 54, Hummingbird Highway , Belmopan, Cayo District. In BelizeCity , visit their of fice at No. 1 13 Cemetery Road or call telephone number227-0946. W e AMS T o Please


Page 4 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Sunday, March 15, 2015 The 2015 La Ruta Maya tookcenter stage in the Jewel over theBaron Bliss weekend. At the start of the 4 th and final stage of this canoe race, were 50 vessels afloat on thecalm of the Belize or Old River atHenderson Bank in Burrell BoomV illage, the starting signal brings an outburst of unrestrained energy as thecompetition comes to life. At LordÂ’ s Bank, OCEANA W avemakers display their intention to make it 2 stage wins in a row with theoverall victory mathematically; almostinaccessibly grabbing the 2 nd premie en route to Belize City . Behind them, the 2 real challengers for the 2015 titleB.T .L. CobbÂ’ s Arm and NICH continue to bitter struggle forsupremacy as NICH boasts only a 2second lead over the Corozal basedteam that has displayed a tremendousimprovement in a year Â’ s time. The Belize bank Bulldogs in 2015 has become a mere shadow of its La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2015 La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2015 La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2015 La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2015 La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2015 former self. A team that had already secured 10 wins now shows real signof struggle. Indeed thereÂ’ s no place for complacency at the top. While W ateva Boys with a man down is destined to fall even loweron the totem pole of the big timeplayer . The turn at Haulover Creek displayed the determination ofB.T .L.Â’ s CobbÂ’ s Arm as they survive the challenge from W avemakers. NICH, some 50 seconds behind arenow cognizant of the hard fact that inthis last stage, CobbÂ’ s Arm and W avemakers are churning the waters at a higher level. Lo and behold, at the finish line, itÂ’ s OCEANA W avemakers launching a desperate chase on B.T .L. CobbÂ’ s Arm that has been buoyed by the smell of victory . And they do prevail to take the win in2015 and relegating W avemakers to 2 nd place in the stage win. Some 3 minutes later , a fatigued NICH rolls in for 3 rd in the stage win and their position in the overall standingssubject to the of ficial time keeper . They would be pronounced to haveofficially finished 2 nd while the OCB W avemakers is of ficially 3 rd overall. For the Belize bank Bulldogs, it wasunthinkable to lose this sprint to thetape so they burn W estrac S tingers. W e say congratulations to W estern Home Supplies as they roll in tocapture the Intramural Division. W att a Thing is master in the Master Â’ s Class and thatÂ’ s big especially after edging out Grumpy Old Men. Print Belizewinds the Pleasure Craft Division. Bigrespect to Koop Sheet Metal whofought off a tough Belize BankBulldogs Female T eam to grab top honors. Contributed by: Karim Juan On Friday night, Cayo W estern Ballaz (5-0) hosted the Belize City No Limit (1-4) team at the Sacred Heart College Auditorium in San Ignacio T own, as they tried to keep their record unblemished. However , the visiting team jumped out to an early 8 0 start, taking a 5point lead into the half. W ith 3 minutes to go, Cayo W estern Ballaz was nursing a 6 point lead, but they were able topull out the 64 57 victory at home,to remain undefeated. The hometeam was led by Richard Tr oyer who scored 27 points, and had 4rebounds, 4 steals and 3 assists.Giovanni Lennan had 9 points with 12 rebounds, while Akeem W atters finished with 8 points and 7 rebounds. Kurt "Chengo" Burgess scored 7 point and Cayo Western Ballaz Survived A Cayo Western Ballaz Survived A Cayo Western Ballaz Survived A Cayo Western Ballaz Survived A Cayo Western Ballaz Survived A Scare Versus Belize City No Limit Scare Versus Belize City No Limit Scare Versus Belize City No Limit Scare Versus Belize City No Limit Scare Versus Belize City No Limit to take on Belize City No Limit(1-4)at the BirdÂ’ s Isle. On Saturday night Belize Hurricanes (2-3) will travel tothe UB gymnasium in Belmopan tochallenge the Belmopan RedT aigaz(4-1) who is presently riding a four game winning streak, as theBelize Hurricanes will be trying torecord back-to-back wins for the firsttime in the season. Also on Saturday night, Cayo W estern Ballaz (5-0) will take their undefeated record to SugarCity to take on the Orange W alk Running Rebels (2-3) at the Orange W alk Multi Purpose Complex, where theyhave won all their home games for thisseason. The two teams down southwill do battle on Saturday night at theEcumenical College in Dangriga, asT oledo Diplomat (0-5) will take on the home team Dangriga W arriors (23) for supremacy of the south. Gameson Thursdays and Saturdays tip offat 8 p.m., while all Friday night gamesstart at 9 p.m. Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything In The In The In The In The In The UniverseHas UniverseHas UniverseHas UniverseHas UniverseHas Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Dances. Dances. Dances. Dances. Dances. finished with the game high 19rebounds. For the visiting team, Belize CityNo Limit was led by Gregory "Chippy' Rudon who had 15 points, 4 rebounds and 3 steals,while Lennox Bowman had 13 points with 2 rebounds andKevin Domingo chipped in with 8 points. Upcoming Games O n Friday night, the defending champions, San Pedro T iger Sharks(4-1) will travel to Belize City


Sunday, March 15, 2015 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Page 5 Apply NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW for the busy season at du Plooy's Jungle Lodge W W W W W aiter/ Bartender aiter/ Bartender aiter/ Bartender aiter/ Bartender aiter/ Bartender Call: 824-3301 or Email: SANT A ELENA T OWN, Cayo, W ednesday , Mar ch 1 1, 2015: The renovated Rotary Park,complete with new playgroundequipment, was officially inauguratedT oday . Members of the San Ignacio Rotary Club, with assistance from theRotaract Clubs of San Ignacio andBenque V iejo del Carmen, spent the long holiday weekend workingalongside members of the RotaryClub of Jasper , Canada to complete the installation of the newequipment. The installation included see-saw , swing-set, a circular slide andmonkey-bars. The sound of excited children at play filled the park on a bright, sunnyafternoon, following the officialspeeches and ribbon-cutting. Guest speaker at the inauguration was Mayor-designate of San Ignacio/Santa Elena, Earl T rapp. In his address to the gathering, Mayor -designate T rapp said that the twin towns of San Ignacio and SantaElena are blessed with beautifullandscapes, rich natural resources anda vibrant mixture of rich cultures. It is important he said, that we recognize the value of our resourcesand more significantly that we teachour children to value them. Being an ardent advocate for parks and playgrounds himself,Mayor -designate T rapp says these public spaces are places where Inaguration Of The Rotary Park children can explore their imagination,develop social skills and embark ontheir athletic potential. “Playgrounds are the start to creative thinking, communityinteraction and individualdevelopment,” said Mayor-designate T rapp. In her address, the president of the Jasper playground committee Libby W eir said that for her and her group, it is a great honor to be Rotarians andto be able to help people in other partsof the world. She used the Rotary 4-way test to drive home the or ganization’ s motto of service above self saying that thisplayground renovation is exactly whatthe spirit of the 4-way testexemplifies as it brings benefits to allconcerned. President of the San Ignacio Rotary Club Sheree Fukai noted that for years the Club has beeninvolved in educating our youths andthat playgrounds are a part of thateducation initiative. And so without apologies, Fukai said she begged for playgroundequipment and when a positiveresponse came from the Canadiangroup, it was in answer to those manyrequests. Fukai also explained that the old playground equipment that weretaken down from the park will berefurbished and installed in anotherplace where no such equipment isavailable to the children.


Page 6 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Sunday, March 15, 2015 BY : Suzie Eller Contributed by: Janice Swift "Y et you, LORD, are our Father . W e are the clay , you are the potter; we are all the work of yourhand." Isaiah 64:8 (NIV) The local grocery store in my newtown wasn’t just a grocery store. Itwas where women gathered to talk. I wanted to casually saunter overand chat with a potential new friend,but I didn’t. I worried about what Imight say or whether I’d be able totalk at all. Everyone else could easily talk.Why couldn’t I? I felt unfinished anduncomfortable in this new situation. So I became pretty good atoutmaneuvering all their efforts. If Isaw someone across the way , I’d duck down the soap aisle. If they triedto catch my eye, I’d pretend I didn’tsee them. Sometimes my savvy movesdidn’t work, and I would end uptrapped in the produce section,tongue-tied. It wasn’ t that I was just shy , though there was that element. Growing upin a home of chaos, I learnedearly that my words could bemisinterpreted. So I retreated, ratherthan try to speak up. Looking back on that season of life,I wish I could pull my youngerself close and tell her she was worthtalking to, and that one day she’d feela little less unfinished in this area. I wish I could tell her God was100% tuned in to the beauty of whoshe was becoming. And I’d tell her we are all a little unfinished in some way . Even those who seem to live in easy confidence.Even those who call out your name inthe grocery aisle. Because here’ s what I’ve learned: Unfinished doesn’ t equal unworthy . Unfinished just means we’re stillgrowing. I had no idea that one day I’dbecome a speaker , or that I’d love nothing more than meeting a newfriend. I didn’t know that one day I’d Having issues Having issues Having issues Having issues Having issues isn’t the isn’t the isn’t the isn’t the isn’t the absense of absense of absense of absense of absense of Victory in our Victory in our Victory in our Victory in our Victory in our lives it might lives it might lives it might lives it might lives it might L L L L L ysa T ysa T ysa T ysa T ysa T erk erk erk erk erk eurst eurst eurst eurst eurst be be be be be the very call to action the very call to action the very call to action the very call to action the very call to action needed to get you Victory! needed to get you Victory! needed to get you Victory! needed to get you Victory! needed to get you Victory! Unfinished Doesn’t Equal Unworthy feel complete in God’ s hands, like our key verse reminds us: "W e are the clay , you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8). Do you ever feel unfinished like Idid? Do you feel insecure in any area? If so, here are three ways that havehelped me feel more secure and mighthelp you, too: 1. Acknowledge there’ s work to be done and that’ s okay . I didn’ t realize back then that some of the verywomen calling out my name struggledwith their own insecurities. W e all battle this to some degree. 2. T rust God knows what’ s inside of us. W e are all waiting to be shaped with His tender touch. And most importantly? The more we trustGod’ s abilities, the less power our insecurities hold. 3. Our last step is to start the growthprocess. I know this is the hardpart, but every step we take helps usdiscover who we really are and whatGod knows we are capable ofaccomplishing. Over time, that once oh-so-unfinished girl started taking babysteps. I held a conversation with apotential friend and chose not to beatmyself up over what I said (or didn’ t say) on the way home. I started offering myself the samegrace I gave to others. I embraced the truth that spiritualand emotional growth isn’t a one-time deal, but rather a lifetime ofdiscovery . God’ s hands are on my life in every area. And that’ s where the Potter ’ s wheel keeps on turning. I’m still unfinishedin many ways, but now it’ s an adventure rather than an obstacle. Dear Lord, many things shape the way I see myself, but today Ichoose to see myself in Y our hands. Shape me. W ork through me. Shine through the cracks to showothers who Y ou are. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. CELL: 610-3503 or 627-9966 TEL: 824-4971 Sale Sale Sale!!!! Come shop for the month of March and get a discount pluss a free gift we sell: Digicell & Smart phones, Laptops, T ablets, Kitchen Appliances, Cosmetics, Shoes, Sandals, Furnitur e, LCD TV’S, Air Conditioning Units, W ashing Machines, S toves, Refrigerators, Bicycles, Motor cycles, and so much more! Getting the best price guranteed! SHOPPERS’ CHOICE SHOPPERS’ CHOICE SHOPPERS’ CHOICE SHOPPERS’ CHOICE SHOPPERS’ CHOICE BY : Rick W arr en Contributed by: Janice Swift “Don’ t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.T ell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.Then you will experience God’ s peace, which exceeds anything wecan understand. His peace willguard your hearts and minds asyou live in Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 4:6-7 NLT) The past few days I’ve givenyou several ways you can test animpression to know if it’ s from God. There are two final questions you canask to test your idea. Y ou need to ask, “Is it convicting or is it condemning?” A lot of Christians go through life living under condemnation and guilt,thinking it’ s the voice of God. But it’ s not. That’ s the devil! Conviction comes from God.Condemnation comes from the devil.The purpose of conviction is tocorrect something that’ s out of whack in your life. The purpose ofcondemnation is just to put you downand make you feel miserable andguilty and ashamed. The motivationbehind conviction is that God lovesyou and wants to help you be better . The motivation behind condemnationis that Satan hates you and wants tomake you miserable. When Godspeaks to you about an area in yourlife for conviction, he’ s very specific. Condemnation is general. God will give you a specific area ofyour life where something is outof whack. Then, he gives you thesolution. Y ou confess it to God, and the feeling of conviction leavesinstantly . Condemnation, on the other hand, goes on and on and on. Romans 8:1 says, “There is no God’ s V oice W ill Bring Peace condemnation for those whobelong to Christ Jesus” (NLT) . God will never attack your value. Ifyou hear a voice that says, “Y ou’r e hopeless! Y ou’r e wor thless! Y ou’r e unlovable!” you can know that is not the voice of God. Finally , you need to ask about your idea or impression, “Do I sense God’ s peace about it?” If you get an impression and itmakes you feel pressured,overwhelmed, or confused, you needto question whether that impressionis from God. Because God doesn’twant us to live under pressure. Hewants us to sense his peace. Satan wants to drive uscompulsively . But God desires to draw us compassionately . Peter Lord used to say , “Ninety percent of what God says to us isencouragement.” Have you sensed God saying anything encouraging toyou lately? Or is it all about pressure?God has some encouraging things tosay to us. There is a word for the pressure thatcomes into our lives that drives usaway from God’ s peace: worry . But Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Don’ t worry about anything; instead, prayabout everything. T ell God what you need, and thank him for allhe has done. Then you will expe-rience God’ s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. Hispeace will guard your hearts andminds as you live in ChristJesus.” These verses tell us that worry isnever from God. It only creates pres-sure in our lives. Those verses alsogive us this incredible promise: T ake your worry to God, and leave it there.Listen to his voice. It will bring peaceif you only obey it. Receive A FREE Gift For Every $500 Or Mor e Y ou Spend With Us. SALE SALE SALE!!! For the entire month of March only at Shopper ’ s Choice! Also r emember to follow us on Facebook..




Page 8 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Sunday, March 15, 2015 A Parish Minister was walking down the street when he cameupon a group of about a dozenboys, all of them between 10 and 12years of age. The group had surrounded a dog.Concerned that the boys werehurting the dog, he went over andasked "What are you doing with that dog?" One of the boys replied, "This dog is just an old neighbor hood stray . W e all want him, but only one of us can take him home. So we'vedecided that whichever one of uscan tell the biggest lie will get to Thou Shalt Not Lie keep the dog." Of course, the reverend was takenaback. "Y ou boys shouldn't be having a contest telling lies!" he exclaimed. He then launched into aten minute sermon against lying,beginning, "Don't you boys know it's a sin to lie," and ending with, "Why , when I was your age, I never told a lie." There was dead silence for about aminute.? Just as the reverend wasbeginning to think he'd gotten throughto them, the smallest boy gave a deepsigh and said, "All right, give him the dog." A man was sitting down next to a pastor at the bus stop. “I never go to church," boasted the man. "Perhaps you have noticed thatpastor?" "Y es, I have noticed that," said the pastor . I Never Go T o Chur ch " W ell, the reason I don't go is because there are so manyhypocrites there." "Oh, don't let that keep you away ," replied the pastor with a smile. "There's always room for one more." Pat and Mike were walking down the street, when they came to thechurch, Pat says, 'Mike, you wait here, I'm going to run in forconfession, it's been a long time'. Pat enters the confessional andsays, ' Father forgive me, I have sinned with a married woman'. The priest asks, 'was it Mrs Murphy'? 'No, Father', he replied. 'W as it Mrs O'Boyle'? Learning Information 'No, Father' . 'W as it Mrs. O'Grady'? Pat said, “Father , I'll not be telling you the lady's name!” So the priest told him to say twoHail Mary's for each time he hadsinned with the woman. Back on the street, Mike said,'W ell, how did you do'? Pat said, 'Just fine, I kept me mouth shut and got 3 newprospects'! Looking for a special gift for that special someone that’ s yet so unique? Come shop with us! W e have an array of ladies & gents watches, perfumes, fashion jewelr y , electr onics, games and so much more! Venus Photos & Records, where the prices are unbeatable Venus Photos & Records, where the prices are unbeatable Venus Photos & Records, where the prices are unbeatable Venus Photos & Records, where the prices are unbeatable Venus Photos & Records, where the prices are unbeatable and service is our #1 priority!!! and service is our #1 priority!!! and service is our #1 priority!!! and service is our #1 priority!!! and service is our #1 priority!!! W e also of fer the best & latest in music CD & DVD Movies for only $1.00!!! Don’t forget our one minute photo for passports, permits, and V isas Following a great sermon onlifestyle evangelism one family thoughtthey had better do something towitness to Jesus. So they invited theirneighbours to dinner the followingFriday night. When it came to the meal, thehostess was keen to show theirneighbours that they upheldChristian standards in their home. So she asked little 5 year old ,“Johnny can you say grace.” Just the T ruth Little Johnny was a bit shy . "I don't know what to say"replied Johnny . There was an awkward pause,followed by a reassuring smile fromthe boy's mother . "W ell darling," she said, " just say what Daddy said at breakfastthis morning." Obediently , the boy repeated, "Oh God, we've got those awful peoplecoming to dinner tonight" The two thousand member churchwas filled to overflowing capacity oneSunday morning. The preacher wasready to start the sermon when twomen, dressed in long black coats andblack hats entered thru the rear of thechurch. One of the two men walked to themiddle of the church while the otherstayed at the back of the church. Theyboth then reached under their coatsand withdrew automatic weapons. The one in the middle announced,"Everyone willing to take abullet for Jesus stay in your What W ould Y ou Have Done seats!" Naturally , the pews emptied, followed by the choir . The deacons ran out the door , followed by the choir director and theassistant pastor . After a few moments, there were about twenty people left sitting in thechurch. The preacher was holdingsteady in the pulpit. The men put their weapons awayand said, gently , to the preacher , "All right, pastor , the hypocrites are gone now . Y ou may begin the service." A newlywed farmer and his wife were visited by her mother , who immediately demanded aninspection of the place. The farmerhad genuinely tried to be friendlyto his new mother -in-law , hoping that it could be a friendly , nonantagonistic relationship. All to no avail though, as she kept naggingthem at every opportunity , demanding changes, offeringunwanted advice, and generallymaking life unbearable for the farmerand his new bride. While they were walkingthrough the barn, during theforced inspection, the farmer'smule suddenly reared up and kickedthe mother-in-law in the head, killingher instantly . It was a shock to all no matter their feelings toward herdemanding ways... All Booked Up At the funeral service a few days later , the farmer stood near the casket and greeted folks as theywalked by . The pastor noticed that whenever a woman would whispersomething to the farmer , he would nod his head yes and say something.Whenever a man walked by andwhispered to the farmer , however , he would shake his head no, andmumble a reply . V ery curious as to this bizarre behavior , the pastor later asked the farmer what that was all about.The farmer replied, "The women would say , 'What a terrible tragedy and I would nod my headand say 'Y es, it was.' The men would ask, 'Can I borrow thatmule?' and I would shake my headand say , 'Can't, it's all booked up for a year .'" There was a man who worked forthe Post Office whose job it was toprocess all the mail that had illegibleaddresses. One day , a letter came addressed in a shaky handwriting toGod with no actual address. Hethought he should open it to see whatit was about. The letter read:Dear God, I am an 83 year old widow , living on a very small pension.Y esterday someone stole my purse. It had $100 in it, which wasall the money I had until my nextpension check. Next Sunday is Christmas, andI had invited two of my friendsover for dinner . W ithout that money , I have nothing to buy food with. I have no family to turn to,and you are my only hope. Can you please help me?Sincer ely , Edna The postal worker was touched. Heshowed the letter to all the other workers. Each one dug into his or herwallet and came up with a few quid.By the time he made the rounds, hehad collected $96, which they put intoan envelope and sent to the woman. The rest of the day , all the workers felt a warm glow thinking of Ednaand the dinner she would be ableto share with her friends. Christmascame and went. A few days later , another letter came from the sameold lady to God. All the workers gathered around while the letter wasopened. It read:Dear God, How can I ever thank youenough for what you did for me?Because of your gift of love, I wasable to fix a glorious dinner for myfriends. W e had a ver y nice day and I told my friends of your won-derful gift. By the way , ther e was $4 missing. I think it must have been thosetheives at the Post Office. Letter T o God




Page 10 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Sunday, March 15, 2015 Herpes zoster (or simply zoster) , commonly known as shingles and alsoknown as zona, is a viral diseasecharacterized by a painful skin rashwith blisters in a limited area on oneside of the body (left or right) , often in a stripe. The initial infection withvaricella zoster virus (VZV) causes the acute, short-lived illnesschickenpox which generally occurs inchildren and young adults. Once anepisode of chickenpox has resolved,the virus is not eliminated from thebody and can go on to cause herpeszoster often many years after theinitial infection. Herpes zoster is notthe same disease as herpes simplex,despite the name similarity; both thevaricella zoster virus and herpessimplex virus belong to the same viralsubfamily Alphaherpesvirinae. After the initial episode of chickenpox resolves, the varicellazoster virus remains latent in the nervecell bodies and, less frequently , the non-neuronal satellite cells of thedorsal root, cranial nerve orautonomic ganglia, without causingany symptoms. Y ears or decades after the initial infection, the virusmay break out of nerve cell bodiesand travel down nerve axons to causeviral infection of the skin in the regionof the nerve. The virus may spread Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster considered the most effective way toreduce incidence of herpes zoster andpostherpetic neuralgia, and to reduceseverity of any outbreak. Antiviral drug treatment is considered asecond-line approach, but canreduce the severity and duration ofherpes zoster if a sevento ten-daycourse of these drugs is started within72 hours of the appearance of thecharacteristic rash. Signs and Symptoms The earliest symptoms of herpeszoster , which include headache, fever , and malaise, are nonspecific, and may result in an incorrectdiagnosis. These symptoms arecommonly followed by sensations ofburning pain, itching, hyperesthesia(oversensitivity) , or paresthesia ("pins and needles": tingling,pricking, or numbness). The pain may be mild to extreme in the affecteddermatome, with sensations that areoften described as stinging, tingling,aching, numbing or throbbing, and canbe interspersed with quick stabs ofagonizing pain. Herpes zoster in children is oftenpainless, but older people are morelikely to get zoster as they age, andthe disease tends to be more severe. In most cases after one to two days,but sometimes as long as three weeks,the initial phase is followed by theappearance of the characteristicskin rash. The pain and rash mostcommonly occurs on the torso, butcan appear on the face, eyes or otherparts of the body . At first the rash appears similar to the first appearanceof hives; however , unlike hives, herpes zoster causes skin changeslimited to a dermatome, normallyresulting in a stripe or belt-likepattern that is limited to one side ofthe body and does not cross themidline. Zoster sine herpete ("zoster without herpes") describes a patient who has all of the symptoms ofherpes zoster except thischaracteristic rash. Later the rash becomes vesicular , forming small blisters filled with a serous exudate, as the fever andgeneral malaise continue. The painfulvesicles eventually become cloudy ordarkened as they fill with blood, andcrust over within seven to ten days;usually the crusts fall off and the skinheals, but sometimes, after severeblistering, scarring and discolored skinremain. Prevention There is a live vaccine for VZV , marketed as Zostavax. It must bemaintained at a temperature notexceeding -15 °C during shipping andstorage, although it can be storedand transported at refrigeratortemperature for up to 72 continuoushours before reconstitution. Theincidence of side ef fects is low . There is no recommended upper age limit. A systematic review by the Cochrane Library concluded thatZostavax can reduce the absolute riskof shingles by 1.75%, i.e. 1 episodeof shingles prevented for every 70patients vaccinated. This equatesto a 50% relative risk reduction.The vaccine reduced incidence ofpersistent, severe pain after shingles(i.e., PHN) by 66% in people who contracted shingles despitevaccination. Duration of protection was notknown as of 2013. In the ShinglesPrevention Study (SPS) , vaccine efficacy was maintained through fouryears of follow-up, and a larger andlonger study was in progress;evidence suggested that protectionpersists for up to 7 years. The needfor revaccination had not beendefined. An episode of HZ has an immunizing effect, greatly reducingthe probability of a subsequentrecurrence. However , patients with a history of severe HZ are ofteninsistent on receiving the vaccine, andthere have been concerns about thevalidity of patient histories of HZ. Boththe Centers for Disease Controland Prevention and the ACIP recommended the vaccination ofadults regardless of a previousepisode of HZ. It has been recommended thatpeople with primary or acquiredimmunodeficiency should not receivethe vaccine. The likelihood of vaccinationcausing a case of HZ appears to bevery low . Tr eatment The aims of treatment are to limit the severity and duration of pain,shorten the duration of a shinglesepisode, and reduce complications.Symptomatic treatment is oftenneeded for the complication ofpostherpetic neuralgia. However , a study on untreated herpes zostershows that, once the rash has cleared,postherpetic neuralgia is very rare inpeople under 50 and wears off intime; in older people the pain woreof f more slowly , but even in people over 70, 85% were pain free a yearafter their shingles outbreak.Analgesics People with mild to moderate pain can be treated with over-the-counterpain medications. T opical lotions containing calamine can be used onthe rash or blisters and may besoothing. Occasionally , severe pain may require an opioid medication,such as morphine. Once the lesionshave crusted over , capsaicin cream (Zostrix) can be used. T opical lidocaine and nerve blocks may alsoreduce pain. Administering gabapentin along with antiviralsmay offer relief of postherpeticneuralgia.Antivirals Antiviral drugs may reduce the severity and duration of herpeszoster . They however do not prevent postherpetic neuralgia. Of thesedrugs, acyclovir has been thestandard treatment, but the newdrugs valaciclovir and famciclovirdemonstrate similar or superiorefficacy and good safety andtolerability . The drugs are used both for prevention (for example in HIV/ AIDS) and as therapy during the acute phase. Complications inimmunocompromised individualswith herpes zoster may be reducedwith intravenous acyclovir . In people who are at a high risk for repeatedattacks of shingles, five dailyoral doses of acyclovir are usuallyeffective. Prognosis The rash and pain usually subsidewithin three to five weeks, but aboutone in five patients develop a painfulcondition called postherpeticneuralgia, which is often difficult tomanage. In some patients, herpeszoster can reactivate presenting aszoster sine herpete: pain radiatingalong the path of a single spinal nerve(a dermatomal distribution) , but without an accompanying rash. Thiscondition may involve complicationsthat affect several levels of thenervous system and cause manycranial neuropathies, polyneuritis,myelitis, or aseptic meningitis. Otherserious effects that may occur in somecases include partial facial paralysis from one or more ganglia along nervesof an affected segment and infect thecorresponding dermatome (an area of skin supplied by one spinalnerve) causing a painful rash. Although the rash usually heals withintwo to four weeks, some sufferersexperience residual nerve pain formonths or years, a condition calledpostherpetic neuralgia. Exactly howthe virus remains latent in the body , and subsequently re-activates, is notunderstood. Throughout the world, the incidencerate of herpes zoster every yearranges from 1.2 to 3.4 cases per1,000 healthy individuals, increasingto 3.9–1 1.8 per year per 1,000 individuals among those older than65 years. Over a lifetime, a largefraction of people develop herpeszoster , though usually only once; a 1965 16-year British study proposedthat, of those individuals living to age85, 50% would likely have had at leastone attack, and 1% had at least twoattacks. The zoster (shingles) vaccine is Continues On Page 14


Sunday, March 15, 2015 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Page 11 ELECTIONS AND BOUNDARIES DEP AR TMENT MUNICIP AL ELECTION OFFICIAL RESUL TS Cubola Productions is looking for aperson to work as farm and apiaryassistant.Applicants need to have some expertisein handling bees and be prepared to workin the apiary and other assigned taskswithin the farm. Interested persons please call 823-2083 VACANCY VACANCY VACANCY VACANCY VACANCY Farm and Apiary Assistant Farm and Apiary Assistant Farm and Apiary Assistant Farm and Apiary Assistant Farm and Apiary Assistant You never know how Strong You never know how Strong You never know how Strong You never know how Strong You never know how Strong you are until being Strong is you are until being Strong is you are until being Strong is you are until being Strong is you are until being Strong is the only choice You have. the only choice You have. the only choice You have. the only choice You have. the only choice You have. -Bob -Bob -Bob -Bob -Bob Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar ley ley ley ley ley


Page 12 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Sunday, March 15, 2015 ARIES: Mar ch 22 to April 20 Compared to the rest of th e week, Monday through W ednesday are going to be the days you want toremember . Maybe not days for the history books, but you’re certainlysolid-gold happy with the abundanceof energy and creativity you sensearound you. Or maybe you’reembroiled in professional sports.Anyway , you’re grinning from ear to ear until Thursday — a day ofobligations and details. It’ s a great day to do something to get fit, though,and a great day for athletic games.This weekend is relatively quiet, whichwill likely come as a relief. Lucky numbers: 77, 83, 95. T AURUS: April 21 to May 21 As you watch the pompous people parade down the street on Monday , you consider them and decide to betolerant. And anyway , there are times when you have been mistaken aboutothers. In any case, by T uesday you’ll be spending time around people youknow like the back of your hand.People you love. Romance (andcaressing in particular) figures intoyour life on Thursday . And Friday , companionship and attraction remainkey themes. The routine of yourweekend — especially following sucha jam-packed week — seems morefun and stimulating than usual. Lucky numbers: 08, 17, 29 . GEMINI: May 22 to June 21 Y ou surround yourself with like-minded people, and this week,your crowd is feeling especiallycerebral. The conversation shootsinto abstract directions and evendisagreements, in these settings, areentertaining. A light debate on T uesday or W ednesday puts you on your toes, and keeps you on yourtoes for the next few days. Thursdayand Friday you are careful and quick,although make sure not to let your facefall into a sour-looking expression ifyou stare off into space — someonemight misread you. This weekend:romance, energy and a ton of newprojects. Lucky numbers: 36, 49, 51. CANCER June 21 to July 21 Why settle for anything less thanthe biggest and the best? That’ s your opinion on Monday . And T uesday and W ednesday . All big days in the spending department. Make sure youcan afford whatever doodad it is youhave your heart set on, and then enjoyyour indulgence. Thursday is a great day— the lines of communication arestrong, you’re feeling social, the brainis working nicely — and you’re happy Your Weekly Horoscope and Lucky Numbers and relaxed on Friday . Plans and details seem taken care of by the endof the week, but then Saturdaycomes along and everything goes outthe window . Chances are, it will be a frantic weekend. Lucky numbers: 19, 33, 55 . LEO: July 24 to August 21 It may be sweltering outside, butyou’re burning up inside, too. W ith excitement. About everything. Share this incredible warmth of yours with yourfriends and hug them tight. How youever got to feeling this goofy is beyondyou, but you’re happy to enjoy it.W ednesday is a creative day , but by Thursday everything changes — yourmood is still up, but your focushas changed. Y ou’re introverted and thinking financial thoughts. Y ou’ll stay this way for about a day or two — until theweekend, that is, which returns you tohugging your friends, jumping up anddown and kissing people enthusiastically . Lucky numbers: 01, 12, 22. VIRGO: August 22 to September 21 The underdog has captured yourimagination on Monday . Y ou were a fan of someone else, but recentinformation has led you to changeyour mind. Y ou have the capacity to be flexible, which is a good quality rightnow . The only drawback to the flurry of excitement at the beginning of theweek is that it will leave you exhaustedby W ednesday afternoon. That’ s right about the time your week really startsto get good. Thursday and Fridayare terrific, top-of-the-summit days.Unfortunately , Saturday brings your fearless streak to an end.Indecision hampers you this weekend,but only somewhat. Lucky numbers: 43, 57, 69. LIBRA: September 22 to October 23 For some reason, when there’ s a question at the beginning of the week,all heads look to you for the answer . Y ou are tapped into the bigger picture right now , and friends, as well as perfect strangers, can sense it.T uesday and W ednesday are great days too. The details? Don’t worryabout them — you’re operating on ahigher plane. Thursday and Friday , show off your talent for listening toothers. The way to be social is to aska lot of questions. This is the kind ofweekend when you may find yourselfblown away by some incredibleart or architecture, and flirting comesinto play on Saturday . Lucky numbers: 05, 27, 71 . SCORPIO: October 24 to November 21 A challenge can be invigorating, but on Monday and T uesday , the challenge you face stresses you out.Y ou almost feel like demonstrating how stressed you are, but thatwould be flamboyant of you — andflamboyance is not the way to go rightnow . W atch yourself on W ednesday as well. Thursday returns you tohappier waters, and a couple ofunexpectedly free hours in theafternoon on Friday give you the timeto make plans. Decisions might betough over the weekend, so the feweryou have to make, the better . Don’ t feel like you have to exhaust yourselfSaturday night. If the mood strikesyou, stay home. Lucky numbers: 20, 39, 53. SAGITT ARIUS: November 22 to December 21 If you are traveling at all Mondaythrough W ednesday , luck is on your side. There’ s a first-class upgrade with your name on it. Cheerfulnessabounds the first half of the week,which is why Thursday — when a run-in with an authority figure or olderfamily member rattles your cage —will come as such a shock. Fridaywon’ t be a banner day either . But this weekend? This weekend, luck is onyour side again. Y ou are back in your comfort zone, and your friends aredelighted to see you. Sunday wouldbe a fine time to make your life goalsknown to a new friend. Lucky numbers: 46, 74, 88. CAPRICORN: December 22 to January 20 Monday might not be the easiestday in the whole world, but don’t takeanything to heart. What you’reseeing may not be what’ s actually going on. Still, resources are tight, andon T uesday or W ednesday someone may ask you for your last piece ofgum. Whether or not you give it tothem is up to you. Connecting with a family member or old friend centersyou on Thursday — the telephone isamazing, isn’t it? — and Friday ispacked with accomplishments and theresulting pride and good feelings. Theweekend sees you thinking nonstopabout your career . Lucky numbers: 68, 85, 93 . AQUARIUS: January 20 to February 18 A strange contradiction presents itself on Monday; pursue it, andyou may stumble upon a discovery . Experiments and extraordinary stridesfigure into T uesday and W ednesday as well — you feel a bit like amad scientist making a series ofbreakthroughs — but by Thursdayyou’re more careful, taking care andcovering the details. Y ou know as well as anyone that oftentimes things arenot as they seem. Keep this in mindon Friday . And this weekend, someone who seems to have little todo with your life will tell you a storyyou find endlessly fascinating.Amazing what you can learn fromother people. Lucky numbers: 1 1, 30, 79. PISCES: February 20 to March 21 As long as you mind your own business at the beginning of the week,you’ll be spared any unnecessarydrama. Not that you mind drama. Butyou have enough things going on inyour own life right now to let yourselfbe distracted. Keep your mind fromwandering, especially on W ednesday . On Thursday , maintaining good relationships is more important thanknowing all the facts. T rust your friends. Believe in your gut. OnSaturday , a small financial crisis encourages you to collect on an olddebt — as well you should. There’ s a chance that whoever owes yousomething merely forgot. Lucky numbers: 10, 25, 97. 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Sunday, March 15, 2015 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Page 13


Page 14 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Sunday, March 15, 2015 NOTICE Dear Readers & Contributors: We thank you We thank you We thank you We thank you We thank you all for your all for your all for your all for your all for your continued continued continued continued continued support over support over support over support over support over the years. the years. the years. the years. the years. Kindly forward all Ads, Letters, Articles, Comments and Humor to Call 626-8822 for further information Agro Tech & Hardware Supplies “Of fers low prices everyday!” #1 W est S tr eet, San Ignacio, Cayo Phone #: 824-3426 W e carry an array of Home, Farming and Constructions supplies. Get everything under one roof, you ask and we deliver! Our assortment of supplies includes: V isit us and shop T oda y!!! Plumbing Supplies, Electrical Supplies, Bui lding Supplie s, P ain ting Supplie s, Gar dening Supplie s, F arming Supplie s, As w ell a s Household F ixtur es (usually temporary) , ear damage, or encephalitis. During pregnancy , first infections with VZV , causing chickenpox, may lead to infection ofthe fetus and complications in thenewborn, but chronic infection orreactivation in shingles are notassociated with fetal infection. There is a slightly increased riskof developing cancer after a herpeszoster infection. However , the mechanism is unclear and mortalityfrom cancer did not appear toincrease as a direct result of thepresence of the virus. Instead, theincreased risk may result from theimmune suppression that allows thereactivation of the virus. Although herpes zoster typically resolves within 3–5 weeks, certaincomplications may arise:* Secondary bacterial infection* Motor involvement, includingweakness especially in "motor herpes zoster"* Eye involvement: trigeminal nerveinvolvement (as seen in herpes ophthalmicus) should be treated early and aggressively as it may leadto blindness. Involvement of the tipof the nose in the zoster rash is a strongpredictor of herpes ophthalmicus.* Postherpetic neuralgia, a conditionof chronic pain following herpeszoster Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster Herpes Zoster Continued F r om P ag e 1 0 Liquor License Notice Notice is hereby be given that under theIntoxicating Liquor LicenseOrdinance Chapter 150 of the Laws ofBelize, Revised Edition 2000,GOMER ENRIQUEZ is applying for a MAL T AND CIDER liquor license for the year 2015 to operateParadise Auto Spa located on Geor ge Price Boulevard, Benque V iejo Del Carmen T own, Cayo District. A grey whale (Eschrichtius robustus) dives into the Ojo de Liebre Lagoon in Mexico on 3 March,2015. A record number of grey whales has been spotted off the Mexican coastthis season A Canadian woman died after a grey whale crashed into the touristboat she was on off Mexico's Pacificcoast. The woman had been snorkellingoff the north-western resort of CaboSan Lucas. The exact circumstances of theincident are unclear . Firefighters say the whale jumped up and landed onthe boat, throwing the victim into thewater . But the tour company said thewoman was injured when the captainhad to make a sudden turn to avoidthe surfacing whale, which hit one sideof the boat. She later died in hospital. T wo other people were also injured. A grey whale (Eschrichtius robustus) emerges from the waters of the Ojo de Liebre Lagoon on 3March, 2015. Grey whales breed and nurse their calves in the lagoons and bays Local media said the unnamed woman, believed to be 35 years old,was on a boat with 23 other people Tourist Killed By Whale Crashing Into Boat Off Mexico Tourist Killed By Whale Crashing Into Boat Off Mexico Tourist Killed By Whale Crashing Into Boat Off Mexico Tourist Killed By Whale Crashing Into Boat Off Mexico Tourist Killed By Whale Crashing Into Boat Off Mexico whales had gathered in the area, oneof the highest numbers in the past twodecades. The lagoons and bays off BajaCalifornia Sur are popular withpregnant females who bear theircalves here. Grey whales can reach a length ofalmost 15m (50ft) and a weight of 36tonnes. when the accident happened. The vessel was returning fromtaking tourists on a snorkelling trip. Boating accidents involving whalesare relatively rare although two yearsago a US sail boat sank off westernMexico after a breaching whale fellonto it. In July a sightseeing boat wasoverturned by a whale off the coastof California. On W ednesday , Mexican authorities said more than 2,500 grey Who Jah Who Jah Who Jah Who Jah Who Jah Bless No Bless No Bless No Bless No Bless No Man Man Man Man Man Curse Curse Curse Curse Curse Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Be A Be A Be A Be A Be A Litter Litter Litter Litter Litter Bug!!! Bug!!! Bug!!! Bug!!! Bug!!!


Sunday, March 15, 2015 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Page 15 “The Newspaper that cares and dares to bring out the truth” #42 George Price Highway , Santa Elena, Cayo Belize, CA For further information please call 626-8822 Or Email: Publisher: Nyani Azuet a-August Editor: Sherlene Dawson search and also contained suspectedcannabis. Castillo was cautioned and was escorted to the San Ignacio PoliceStation. The suspected cannabis Continued From Front Page DRUG TRAFFICKER BUSTED was weighted in her presencetipping the scales at a total of 2,041.2grams equivalent to 4.5 pounds.Castillo was formally arrestedand charged for the offence of DrugT raf ficking. The decapitated body of apolitician has been found in one ofMexico's most violent states,Guerrero, where she had beenstanding for mayor in June's elections. Aide Nava's body was discovered on a road near the state capital,Chilpancingo. She had beenkidnapped on T uesday . A note near her body threatened the same treatment for otherpoliticians. V iolence in Guerrero has cast doubt over polls scheduled there for June. The note near Aide Nava's body said if politicians did not "fall into line" they would be executed. It was signed by Los Rojos, one ofthe main criminal groups in the state. Last year Aide Nava's son was kidnapped and has never been found.Her husband, a former mayor , was also murdered. Guerrero and eight other Mexicanstates hold local elections in June, butthere are doubts elections can takeplace in Guerrero because of the highlevels of violence. Last year , 43 students in Guerrero disappeared, and remain missing. According to the government the students were abducted by corruptlocal police and handed over to acriminal gang for execution. The disappearances sparked aninternational outcry over criminalviolence in Mexico. President Enrique Pena Nietopromised to restore order to Mexicowhen he took office in 2012. Mexican Mayoral Candidate Murdered Mexican Mayoral Candidate Murdered Mexican Mayoral Candidate Murdered Mexican Mayoral Candidate Murdered Mexican Mayoral Candidate Murdered


Page 16 STAR Tels: 626-8822 & 804-4900 Sunday, March 15, 2015