St. John tradewinds

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St. John tradewinds
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Saint John tradewinds
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St. John tradewinds newspaper
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St. John, V.I
Tradewinds Newspaper Inc.
Creation Date:
July 8, 2013
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Newspapers -- Saint John (V.I.) ( lcsh )
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Spatial Coverage:
United States Virgin Islands -- Saint John


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Description based on: vol. 3, no. 5, May 1979; title from caption.
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Successor to The St. John Drum.

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By TOM OA T St. John Tradewinds Amidst concerns about St. John marine issues and the future uses of Virgin Islands Port Authority property in and around Cruz Bay, VIPA Executive meet with the public on March 23 at 6 p.m. at the St. John Legislature Building. At the behest of the V.I. Port Authority, St. John Administrator Camille Paris said he issued an “invitation” for the public to “come and listen to upcoming plans” of VIPA for St. John. There were no further details. The meeting was scheduled on the heels of public concerns raised that VIPA is planning to convert the public parking lot at the Theovald Eric Moorehead Marine Terminal from free to paid and other VIPA development plans for the St. John properties under its control. The meeting was scheduled at the request of the Port Authority, St. John Administrator Camille Paris for the meeting, according to Antara Wilkins of the “It’s just a town meeting — whatever issues people want to discuss,” Paris added. Nothing speNumerous Topics In addition to the paid parking lot issue, it is expected that a proposal for a permanent festival village site on the undeveloped inner portion of the Enighed Pond port and a marina in the port’s mangrove mitigation area which surfaced again last year will be a prominent if not predominant topic of discussion. It is not known if Gov. Kenneth Mapp’s nominee for the vacant “St. John” seat on the VIPA Board of Directors, Michael Watson of St. Thomas, will be in attendance at the “open forum,” but his nomination — and residency — could be another topic for discussion. St. Johnian Senator at Large Almando “Rocky” Liburd has tactfully questioned Watson’s eligibility for the St. John position on the VIPA board because of his St. Thomas residency. the character or abilities of Mr. Watson,” Sen. Liburd said in a letter to Gov. Kenneth Mapp on February 19. “The Mr. Watson I know quite well on St. Thomas is a very capable and competent individual, however it is my duty to ensure that St. John is duly represented as required by law.” “Virgin Islands Code Title 29, Section 541(c) clearly indicates that one of the Port Authority Board members shall reside on St. John and this is a critiJohnians have over the operations of our Government as a whole,” Sen. Liburd continued in his letter. “Furthermore, residents of St. John rely on the services of the Port Authority more regularly than those living elsewhere in the territory given that many utilize the ferry or barge docks on an almost daily basis for work, school and to address other essential needs,” Sen. Liburd concluded. “I hope that you can clarify this matter for me and I thank you in advance for your response. Gov. Mapp subsequently resubmitted Watson’s it is pending action. B.J. Harris Volunteers for VIP A When informed of the VIPA Town Hall meeting, St. John business and community leader and activist Realtor B.J. Harris reiterated her offer to represent St. John interests on the V.I. Port Authority board. “Please tell Rocky I would like to serve,” Harris told St. John Tradewinds nominate me.” The Port Authority’s position on the controver sial development of Coral Bay Harbor could also be a topic of discussion. “If everything works well” another town meeting will be scheduled,” Administrator Paris told St. John Tradewinds. 2 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 EDITOR/PUBLISHER MaLinda Nelson WRITERS Jaime Elliott, Tom Oat, Amy Roberts, Judi Shimel, Andrea Milam COLUMNISTS & CONTRIBUTORS Mauri Elbel, Chuck Pishko, Yelena Rogers, Tristan Ewald, Andrew Rutnik, Craig Barshinger, Jack Brown, Mares Crane, Dan Boyd, Bob Malacarne, Raven Philips NEWSLINE (340) 776-6496 ADVERTISING MAILING ADDRE SS Tradewinds Publishing LLC P.O. Box 1500 St. John, VI 00831 CIRCULATION Call the newsline to be added as a newsstand outlet SUBSCRIPTIONS U.S. & U.S.V.I. only $90.00 per year email: THIRD CLASS PERMIT U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3 St. John, VI 00831 COPYRIGHT 2015 All rights reserved. No reproduction of news stories, letters, columns, photographs or advertisements allowed without written permission from the publisher. There will be a Caribbean Counselors Association’s Spring College Fair at MCM Center on Wednesday, March 25, at Antilles School from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. All high schools are invited to this event. The Coral Bay Community Council (CBCC) Forum on Monday, March 16, at 6 p.m will be about “Lazy Gardening in Coral Bay” – using simple backyard composting, terracing, brush berms and other local tricks and tips – provided by you – and all of us. The public is invited to this roundtable discussion – and CBCC cal gardening, backyard composting and keeping yard waste “at home” by using it to build brush berms, compost, mulch etc. Since we have had so much recent rain, a “Cuttings Swap” will also be held just before the start at 6 p.m. Bring your extra cuttings and plants to share them out to others – and perhaps you can bring home some new plants or groundcovers to enjoy! Interested persons are welcome to send photos and explana tions of your ideas before or after the meeting, especially if they involve reuse and recycling of what would otherwise be waste going nights from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Johns Folly Learning Institute in Coral Bay on Route 107 (sign on left that says “Catholic Mass, Sundays”). There will not be a Forum on March 23rd. The Virgin Islands Audubon Society will have its March genThe Marketplace. The guest speaker for the evening will be Barbara Crites of Snorkel St. John and she will discusss “The Underwater World of St. John.” The Animal Care Center ‘s Wagapalooza fundraiser will be on in Cruz Bay. The Fifth Annual Pets and Vets Yard Sale will be on Saturday, March 28, across from Pickles in Coral Bay, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you have been before, you know we have stuff you want at great prices! Come on time for best selection. This year all proceeds will go to St. John Rescue, St. John ACC, and to Pets2Vets. For more information or to donate items, please call 340-227-8349 or email Sen. Clifford F. Graham can meet with the senator and his staff on Thursday March 26 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the V.I. Legislative Annex Building. Persons interested in scheduling an appointment in advance can call 340-693-3513. John for March 27, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the V.I. Legislative Annex Building. Please call Ms. Kamaria Penn, St. John Community Liaison, at 340-776-6285, ext. 6108, to make an appointment.


St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 3 St. John Tradewinds News Photos by Tom Oat By TOM OA T St. John Tradewinds CRUZ BAY — The annual St. Patrick’s Day parade in Cruz Bay celebration started early Saturday, March 14 — by about three days. Propriety was maintained as a light rain cooled off marchers and observers before the almost-on-time noonish kick-off of the island’s typically truncated trek in annual celebration of beer and all things green. The actual March 17 event was conducted three days early at noon on Saturday, March 14, since the bars were already open and no one would have to miss work. The historic recreation was well received and very few of those in attendance realized or cared if it was the wrong date. There were numerous self-appointed dignitaries marching in the event, although there were no politicians apparent. Babies and babes were kissed, as required. There were rumors of informal plans to do it all again on the actual St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, although the celebration that began Saturday was expected to still be going on in some Cruz Bay establishments by that time.


4 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 Open TuesdaySunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tel: 693-5579Beautifying America’s ParadiseHUGE DISCOUNTon volume sales Happy Holidays! St. JohnTradewinds News Photos by Judi Shimel By JUDI SHIMEL St. John Tradewinds GREA T CRUZ BAY — Close to two hundred people showed up in the ballroom at the St. John Westin Resort March 10 to view private collection paintings and original pieces by local artists. The event, hosted by the St. John Historical Society, was billed as a fundraiser, one of the steps being taken to create an archive and museum at Estate Bellevue. The display of paintings, original artwork and auctions being put up for bid as part of a silent auction created an atmosphere of excitement on a weekday evening at the Westin. The crowd, dressed in business attire and tropical prints, milled about sampling wine, catching up with acquaintances and admiring the displays. About 40 elegantly-framed paintings lined the ballroom while spectators moved from scene to scene, viewing each one. “All of these paintings are donated for the night so the people of St. John and St. Thomas can look at this wonderful art,” Willis said. Along with the artistry came an interesting tale or two about the way some paintings reached the ballroom, including a large painting entitled Cruz Bay at the Battery by Fritz Melbye. According to art historians, Melbye was a Danish artist who took on a talented St. Thomas painter Camille Pissaro as a student in the 19th century. The painting was one of four created at the time focusing on the natural beauty of Cruz Bay in colonial times, Willis said. “We have a painting that was commissioned by the administrator,” Willis elaborated. “When he left St. John he went back to Denmark and he took it back to Denmark.” The painting stayed in the administrator’s family, she said, until it went up for auction a couple of years ago at a Copenhagen art house, Bruun Rassmussen. “And somebody from St. John bought it and it came back to the island,” she said. The anonymous owner made the painting available to the historical society to display for the event. Another of the other notable works was a Leo Carty painting entitled, St. Thomas Market Square. It depicted daily life on the island when the Market Square was bustling with commerce. “That was painted for the St. Thomas Synagogue Auction in 2005, I believe, and someone bought it and it’s here on St. John,” Willis said. Proceeds from the sale of loheld during the event are to be used towards an archaeological survey of the proposed site for the Historical Society’s archive and museum. The site is being leased to the society by the St. John Community Foundation, Willis said. The show at the Westin also included works by local artists and items donated by businesses as prizes. A portion of sales by local artists go to the St. John Historical Society.


St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 5 By TOM OA T St. John Tradewinds tique large sailing vessels plying Virgin Islands waters this season requesting tickets for the St. John Blues Blowout Festival and planning to call on Cruz Bay to attend the March 28 festival could be considered a good sign for this year’s “second coming” of the Ronnie “The Pizza Mon” Klingsberg. After a challenging start-up in 2014, organizers Ronnie “The Pizza Mon” Klingsberg and partner Ian Samuel aren’t singing the blues, they are busy playing promoter once more and bringing forum they created for their favorite form of music after a rocky This year’s festival Saturday, March 28, at 6 p.m. at the Winston John Rotary and will be supporting the St. John School of the Arts and the Julius E. Sprauve School, according to the promoters. Klingsberg acknowledged of the anything is screwy.” “And I am happy to say that I did it; we raised some money for St. John Rescue,” the blues fanatic averred. “I kind of thought it would be cool to do again.” dance was a modest 350 — “not counting those watching and listening from outside,” according to Klingsberg. “We knew there was a call for it since Steve and Helen (Simon, founders of the renowned St. John Blues Festival) stopped doing it,” Klingsberg explained. “So I made some calls. Helen was like our spiritual advisor.” The St. John Blues Blowout Festival 2015 will feature a lineup cluding Mitch Woods, who is setting up a band of local musicians; Biscuit Miller from Chicago; Lydia Warren and the Back Track Blues Band. The St. John School of the Arts musical ensemble comprised of student musicians from all the island schools which performed at the recent School of the Arts smash hit Broadway fundraiser will open the St. John Blues Blow Out. Tickets for the Saturday, March 28, show are available at Ronnie’s Pizza, the St. John School of the Arts, Connections, Chelsea Drug Store, Kilroy’s Dry Cleaners, Cruz Bay Landing, St. John Hardware and Gecko Gazebo. The event’s website is www.“We knew there was a call for it since Steve and Helen stopped doing it. So I made some calls. Helen was like our spiritual advisor.”St. John Tradewinds The St. John Blues Blowout Festival is just around the cor ner! To help you get into the mood, join the party at Virgin Fire with Hudson and the Hoo Doo Cats on Thursday, March 26, from 6 to 9 p.m. Check out Butter on the Bandstand on Friday night, March 27 from 8 to 11 p.m. Give thanks to Paradise Lumber for sponsoring the Friday night event where there will be a surprise guest! The main event is chock full of amazing blues bands: Mtich Woods, Biscuit Miller, Lydia Warren, Back Track Blues Band and to open the showSt. John School of the Arts student music ensemble! Come out to the Winston Wells Ball Field on Satur day, March 28, starting at 6 p.m. Tickets are $35 in advance and $40 at the door. Stop by Chelsea Drug Store, Connections, Cruz Bay Landing, Gecko Gazebo, Kilroy’s Dry Cleaners, Ronnie’s Pizza, St. John Hardware and St. John School of the Arts. and the St. John School of the Arts student music ensemble. There will be concessions provided by St. John Rotary, plenty of beer by the guys at The Tap Room and barbecue from the Blues Soceity. Join Dan Zuckergood at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UUF) Service on Sunday, March 22, at 10 a.m. at Gifft Hill School Lower Campus for the topic: Pete Seeger: This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces it to Surrender.


6 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 By TOM OA T St. John Tradewinds CORAL BAY — In what must Administrator Camille Paris was responsible for refurbishing and securing the Guy H. Benjamin School property in Coral Bay while several community leaders were making proposals to use the property for something other than a school. Despite purported questions about the ownership of the property, with some claims that the school property may in fact be part of the neighboring Moravian Church property proposed for development, community elders territorial government property. Coral Bay area St. Johnians have held out hope for the reopening of the last of what used to be three public schools on the eastern end of St. John in the Horace Mann School in Johns Folly, GBS in Coral Bay and the East End school on Round Bay. Early Education or Vocational Parents have proposed the school be reopened to serve only the earliest grades instead of busing small children from the east end of St. John the length of the island Bay on the treacherous mountainside Route 10 to the Julius E. Sprauve School in Cruz Bay or to a new school outside of Cruz. Residents, especially the school children involved and their par ents, remember a near catastrophic accident several years ago when an afternoon school bus transporting GBS students to Cruz Bay at the end of the school day went up on a guardrail on a steep portion of the ramshackle roadway. There have been proposals to turn the facility into a community center although Coral Bay area youth and community leaders have voiced support for a vocational and after-school facility. High-school students from the community have outlined a broad range of educa tional programs the facility could support. In the meantime, the classrooms are ready to go and Administrator Paris is holding the keys. wednesday March 25th Antilles School MCM Center 8:30 10:30am Participating Colleges: BPP University, London, UK Bryant University Elon University Florida International University Johnson and Wales University Marymount Manhattan College Marywood University New York University Pace University PennsylvaniaState University Rider University Siena College Simmons College Stevenson University Syracuse University University of Dayton University of Wisconsin-Madison St. John Tradewinds The Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA), the VI Department of Education and other entities are gearing up for a Caribbean region tsunami exercise, Caribe Wave LANTEX 15, to evaluate local response plans, increase tsunami preparedness, and improve coor dination throughout the region. The exercise will be conducted on Wednesday, March 25. As part of the exercise, at 10 a.m. VITEMA will activate all of its 24 tsunami sirens located in atrisk areas territorywide. VITEMA will also test its 9-1-1 Emergency tion protocol and the Emergency Operations Center on St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas will activate for a tabletop exercise. The V.I. Department of Education will also participate in the exercise by conducting evacuation drills at seven schools located in the coastal areas considered at-risk in the event of a tsunami including Julius Sprauve School on St. John; and Ivanna Eudora Kean High School and Addelita Cancryn Junior High School on St. Thomas. “At approximately 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 25, more than 2,000 students, teachers and other staff will practice evacuating their schools to a safe zone,” said Mona Barnes, VITEMA Director-Designee. “On St. Thomas, the Addelita Cancryn Junior High School students will be required to cross the Veteran’s Drive and Back Street to reach a safe area and on St. Croix, Juanita Gardine Elemen tary School students will cross Northside Road. Motorists should proceed with extreme cautious in instructions.” “We implore the motoring public to take note of the date and time of the exercise and to be extremely mindful of the students and educators practicing the how to reach a safe area if a tsunami is imminent,” Barnes said. “We apologize for any inconvenience but it is critical that these schools prepare by conduct ing full scale evacuation drills.” Other participating entities that will exercise their emergency of the Lieutenant Governor, the V.I. Waste Management Authority, and the V.I. Legislature, Department of Finance, U.S. Marshal’s gin Islands and the V.I. Police Department on St. Thomas. LANTEX simulates a wideContinued on Page 18


St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 7 Creating unforgettable vacations since 1996 toll free: 1-888-693-7676 tel: 340-693-7676 fax: 340-693-8923 RENDEZVIEW — This 4 bed, 3 1/2 bath beachfront villa is a perfect for newlyweds, families, small groups & is a 5 minute drive to Cruz Bay. Just below the villa is a short path to Hart Bay beach which is excellent for beachcombing & snorkeling. This fabulous villa offers a combination sophistication and romantic charm. This W eek’s Feature Gretchen Labrenz Margie Labrenz Amanda Arquit SELLING? BUYING? RENTING SEEKING? GET RESULTS!St. John Tradewinds crane ROBERT CRANEARCHITECT, A.I.A.P .O. BOX 370 CRUZ BAY, ST. JOHN U.S.V.I. 00831(340) 776-6356 St. JohnTradewinds News Photo by Judi Shimel By JUDI SHIMEL St. John Tradewinds ENIGHED — The shutters of the St. John public library don’t open the way they have for many in charge of libraries and archives says efforts are being made to see that they can. The opening of the wooden shutters that protect the windows and doors on the restored plantation house have signalled the daily opening and closing for the Elaine I. Sprauve Library since its restoration. But since the retirement of 23-year veteran librarian Carol McGuiness in December the shutters no longer open at 8 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. Planning and Natural Resources in place while they search for a new, permanent librarian. A sign posted on the green jalousy shutter that protects the white French doors at the entrance welcome visitors between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. The change occurred at the start of the winter tourist season and according to the termporary worker who occupied the check out desk on the third week of March, tourists, snowbirds and locals still keep the place busy. St. Thomas Staff Fills Gap St. Thomas librarians have, by serving one week tours of the St. John library desk in rotation. Three librarians have teamed up to keep the doors open. The head of DPNR’s Division of Libraries and Archives, Ingrid Bough, said her agency has been trying to replace McGuiness since she left, and wanted to encourage her to stay until a replacement was found. But, Bough said, the veteran librarian was ready for retirement and looking forward to traveling. “She was an icon in her own right, an absolutely amazing librarian,” Bough said. As a result, Sprauve Library is division chief said it may take a while longer than expected for that to change, since the applicapassed in early March. A new posting for St. John librarian, at a salary range of $37,571 to $55,000, is expected to be published soon, Bough said. Those seeking further information are encouraged to contact Ingrid Bough, director of DPNR’s Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums at ingrid.bough@dpnr. Bough also offered her thanks to the group, Friends of the Elaine Sprauve Library, for the retirement reception they held to honor McGuiness and for the donation of shelving and fuRniture to enhance the library visitor’s experience.


8 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 GET IN YOUR CUSTOMERS’ F ACE AD V E R T I S E ON. . . ISLANDTREASUREMAPS@GMAIL.COM WhatT App-solutely Fabulous W hatT oDoV I“Be here even when you are there”Coral Bay, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands 340-779-4982 Follow us on facebook Tradewinds News Photos by Tom Oat Wharfside Village, St. John By TOM OA T St. John Tradewinds ENIGHED — It gets a little crowded in Little Olive, the green food van in the Inspection Lane parking lot, when Val Brakas and her family are running their Greek food assembly line. Launched with the help of her sister Georgia, niece Elana, nephew Leo and friend Kiah, Little Olive started pumping out its tasty fare on Saturday, February 14, fortuitously while the island’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade was forming in the public parking lot around the landmark food emporium. The subsequent post-parade business put the crowded kitchen to a test. From mouth-watering lamb Gyros — pronounced like heroes — and Funky Falafel to Spanakopita (spinach pie) and Greek Salads and honeyed Baklavah for desert, the Greek specials were an international hit. On island for 21 years, Val’s cooking is well known after having done the restaurant at Tamarind Court for 15 years. Now teaching at The Gifft Hill School, Val brought in family reinforcements to open restaurant effort and she has gone to her and the island’s roots. “We’re trying to be as local as we can as far as sourcing,” said Val, who listed local suppliers Josephine’s Greens, Estate Contant Hen House, Hall’s Garden in Chocolate Hole and Ridge to Reef Farm on St. Croix. Little Olive will be open six days a week — and closed on Sunday — and Val will be in the kitchen on wheels on Saturdays.


St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 9 Gallows Point Resort (above lobby) Cruz Bay, St. John, VI SUNDAY BRUNCH11 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Dine with Sunset Views on St. John” Lounge Opens 5 pm Dinner Starts 5:30 pm Open 7 Days Reservations Appreciated Full Bar Resort Casual Dress Credit Cards Accepted PET SUPPLIESCanines, Cats & CrittersOur new location is 2.5 miles out of Cruz Bay on Centerline Road (next to Moses’ Laundromat) BOARDING GROOMING FISH tel: 693-7780 l email: k9 catscritters @yahoo .com FULL VETERINARY SER VICES Don’t miss this wonderful evening! FRIDAY NIGHT FETE BEST OF BOTH WORLDSFriday, March 20, 6-9 p.m. Mongoose Junction, St. John PAINTINGS BYJENNIFER ROBINSONWEARABLE ART JEWELRY BYANIA MOU By TOM OA T St. John Tradewinds P AST ORY headquarters on Route 10 in Pastory, an aging rescue boat, rescue vehicles and several pieces of antiquated Jaws of Life extrication equipment which no longer work, the lead ership and trained membership of St. John Rescue the 20-year-old island emergency response institution have been challenged by the demands of a recent series of three serious motor vehicle accidents involving 11 people with nine injured and two deaths. When the overburdened volunteers of St. John Rescue put out a call for “civilian” help with the operations of the business side of the volunteer force, they got fervid competition and blunt, heartfelt offers of volunteer management for the organization which has taken on a vital role in island life — and death. The membership could have been forgiven for simply choosing whomever stepped forward that would volunteer to do the or ganizational and bureaucratic work, instead vent supporters of the St. John Rescue. “Thank you for saving my son’s life,” said resident Martha Toomey who made a very personal presentation to the member ship of her professional and volunteer background from the states and her gratitude to the members of the volunteer organization for their response in medical crises suffered by her son. “I have a personal interest in all of you.” Fundraising Experience Toomey said she would bring her experience in volunteer organizational fundraisexpert” — in Virginia before relocating to St. John with her family. “The rest of St. John is more interested in homeless cats,” Toomey added. “I want to do whatever I can do to help this group.” Backing up her heartfelt support for St. John Rescue, Toomey already had concrete plans for fundraising on the national level in Virginia, Washington, D.C., in the Virgin Islands and on St. John. “I want every villa and every property manager to support St. John Rescue,” Toomey told her small voting audience in the true spirit of campaign promises. “If you guys don’t have what you need, I want to do whatever I can do to help this group.” St. Johnian Ian Samuel made a pitch for a leadership position in the organization without ducking lingering controversy with St. John Rescue over Samuel’s fundraising efforts on behalf of St. John Rescue in 2014 through the inaugural St. John Blues Festival. Samuel said he would work to increase government funding of the important island volunteer resource. “I want to be the person to hold whomever responsible,” Samuel said of territorial and federal government funding and support edging there were lingering hard feelings over problems with the fundraising aspect which was intended to be a fundraiser for St. John Rescue. cult conversation,” said Samuel said in his presentation to the membership before their secret ballot vote. “I want this organization to be something.” “We need to attract the kids,” Samuel added. “Let’s get some kids involved.” At the onset of the meeting, Ronnie, the Pizza Man, Klingsberg had volunteered his organizational services to the organization in a new position he christened Public InKlingsberg voiced his support for the organization and admitted his limited nonthan his own decades-old pizza emporium in Boulon Center. The Pizza Man subsequently was elected unanimously to do whatever he for the organization by every member who enjoyed pizza. There was a secret ballot vote of mem bers after which Martha J. Toomey was elected president; Ian Samuel, vice president; Cindy Edge, secretary; Cassandra More, treasurer; Amy Raymond, transition liaison; Bob Malacarne, training; and Ronnie Klingsberg, public relations. Priorities for the upcoming year include replacing the organization’s Jaws of Life, establishing a community information system patterned after FEMA, purchasing new headquarters and adding more EMTs to the squad, according to St. John Rescue PIO Klingsberg. In a later discussion of setting up an postponed until it could be determined if training, according to Klingsberg. As the business meeting wound down, of major rescues. “Thank Bob (Malacarne) for years of training,” said one member, who praised the responders’ “civility under that incred ibly stressful event” in reference to the truck accident which killed the passenger and trapped the driver in the cab of the vehicle during a six-hour extrication by St. John Rescue members who used the rappel ling training to reach the victims in a ravine above Annaberg. “The service that you did for those two guys and this community is commendable,” responders who conducted the entire extri cation — and broke the organizations only Jaws of Life. “We lost chains; we lost Jaws (the group’s Jaws of Life pneumatic extrication equipment was irreparable damaged in the six-hour extrication in the truck accident),” Malacarne. A fund-raising effort is being planned as Large Almando Liburd, are seeking private, territorial and federal funding sources to replace the emergency equipment.


lowed the injured donkey through the trails. Apparently, he had gotten into male donkey the night before. The poor guy had been bleeding for almost 24 hours. He was weak but still very wild. It took the three of us a while to get a halter on him and tie him to a tree. Dana then called Dr. Laura Palminteri. We tried to get him to walk to Dana’s farm, the Carolina Corral, but he had lost too much blood and was very weak. He went down in the middle of the road. Now what?? It was getting dark and we were afraid we were going to lose him. Vet Operates by Headlight W ith Help From Tourists Luckily, Dr. Laura called back and said she was on her way. She arrived with Scarlett Steer, who settled herself down at the donkey’s head, while Laura immedi ately started the castration procedure via car headlights. It took all four of us women to try and hold him down and keep his back legs from kicking Dr. Laura. Luckily, too, a couple visiting from New York City appeared and jumped in to help; she holding the surgical implements and he a After he was stitched up, we rolled him on a sheet and lifted him into the back of Dr. Laura’s pick up truck with the additional help of Matt Trayser. Dr. Laura drove him to Dana’s farm and he was carried into a private stall. After a short while, he was up and eating a banana out of our hands. Like Suzie Q, though wild, I think he knew he was in a safe place and that we were trying to help him. Though Sandy had originally called him Stubby, as he was missing the end of his tail, Dana renamed him Ali (as in Muhamwith the male donkey as well as us! Ali is recuperating at the Car olina Corral and getting proper medication for his wounds. He will be released once he is healed. Thanks to Dr. Laura, Donors and Visitors A huge thank you to all for giving up their Saturday night to 10 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 St. John Tradewinds News Photos By PAMELA HOLMES Special to St. John Tradewinds CORAL BAY — When I tell you that I’m pretty sure I could write a story every month about Dana Bartlett and her animal rescue efforts on St. John, I’m not kidding. I was no sooner in the process of writing an updated story about Suzie Q, the wild donkey found missing a rear hoof on February 1, and also about TJ, a male donkey born on February 6 who initially required bottle feeding as he was not nursing, that I received a text from Dana at 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 7. Another donkey was found near Zootenvaal with one of his testicles bitten off. I couldn’t believe what I saw when I met Dana at Sandy Stein’s house on Eden in Coral Bay after Dana had folTHE SIS FRANK CONCERT SERIES 2015 AZIKIWE ST. JOHN SCHOOL OF THE ARTS The Lumberyard/Mon-Thur 10-5/Fri 10-3/Closed 3-4 Daily See our menu at / 340-693-3333 Nature’s Way, your healthy alternative Health food store and vegan deli, is now restocked with your essential supplements, teas, and natural groceries. Shop online at Vegenaise (original) and Earth Balance butter spread (original) now in stock. Continued on Page 18


St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 11 St. John Tradewinds ST. JOHN — As the sun slowly begins to arc its way across the horizon, the public high school students of St. John wearily make their way to their designated mode week, they are forced to commute to St. Thomas to receive a public school education. The idea of a public high school on St. John is a long-standing point of discussion that has puzzled par ents, students, teachers and legislators alike. The debate has picked Guy Benjamin School, and is still under the consideration of Gover nor Kenneth Mapp and Lieutenant Governor Osbert Potter. The public high school students of St. John were asked to share their opinion on the matter, and the most consistent argument was about how early the students are forced to wake up. “I hate having to get up so ear ly,” one student remarked. “When I get up, the sun isn’t even out yet!” Up Before Dawn Some explained how waking up so early affects them. “I feel so groggy in the morning. It can be so hard to function. I make a lot of mistakes and I forget things” one student explained. “Being up before the sun makes it hard to function,” one student disclosed. “I honestly feel like a zombie while I walk to the dock.” The early start coupled with a long commute was another common issue. The majority of the public high school students reach the ferry dock in Cruz Bay by riding the school bus. “A long bus ride can actually make your morning harder you know,” one student pointed out. “It’s like, you end up falling back to sleep during the ride. It isn’t even that satisfying because as soon as you start getting a good sleep, you’re already in Cruz Bay!” School Bus Issues Preexisting issues with the school bus was another concern. “The bus doesn’t always work on a regular schedule,” Taevion Calixte explained. “If you miss it, you usually end up missing the boat. Once you miss the boat, you class!” Some students cited other problems with transportation to school. “Getting to school on St. John is not like how it is on St. Thomas,” another student explained. “If you miss the bus on St. Thomas, you can just catch a safari. Miss the bus on St. John, and you’re stuck for an hour!” The main concern is the effect the commute has on a student’s academics. Several students agreed that it affects them in a negative manner. “I am very tired by the time I riod,” one student explained. second period classes struggling to keep my head up,” another student admitted. Long Day Is Tiresome The effects of the commute are apparent not only in the morning, but by the end of the day as well. “Once the bell rings at 2:50, I feel so exhausted. It’s like there’s a big weight on my back!” one student exclaimed. “Many adults try to tell me to just go to bed earlier, but it’s not that simple.” “It takes so long to get from Continued on Page 16


12 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 By JAIME ELLIOTT St. John Tradewinds With one stunning, popular rental villa already completed and one impressive stone and masonry home under construction, opportunity awaits at Southern Cross and Dolce Vita. Southern Cross is a four bedroom, four bathroom home which enjoys robust short term rental business. Also located on the 0.68-acre parcel in Estate home planned to include four bedrooms and four and a half baths. The property, with both structures, is for sale for $3.495 million, explained Abigail Schnell O’Connell of Holiday Homes of St. John. O’Connell and Holiday Homes owner/broker Miles Stair are colisting agents on this unique property. “This is really a unique property because there are two houses on one lot,” said O’Connell. “The proper The property is conveniently located in Estate Chocolate Hole, just a few minutes drive from the shopping, dining and nightlife of Cruz Bay. The ala baster beaches of the island’s famed North Shore are also a short drive away from Estate Chocolate Hole. The property affords jaw-dropping views with the homes situated perfectly to take advantage of the cooling trade winds, O’Connell explained. “These homes hover above the clear aqua blue waters of Chocolate Hole and afford expansive views south towards St. Croix,” she said. Southern Cross is the established four bedroom, room with charming exposed beam ceilings and beautiful native stone details. Graceful archways lead seamlessly from the living and dining room to the open plan kitchen where four bedrooms are tastefully decorated and boast en suite bathrooms and private sitting areas. Expansive deck space offers both plenty of space to work on that tan and shade for taking a break from the tropical sun. A refreshing swimming pool is the perfect place to soak up the sun and impressive views, O’Connell explained. “The gracious pool hugs the cliff side and affords sweeping views from the bay to the Caribbean,” said O’Connell. “Sunny decks and breezy spots for relax ation make this a very popular rental villa.” Also found on this property is the still-in-prog ress Dolce Vita, which will appeal to anyone looking to leave their own stamp on their new property, O’Connell added. “This is an ideal compound for an individual that struction shell. When complete Dolce Vita, will be a four bedroom, four and half bath house with a grand great room, den and pool.” “The property was designed and built with lots of detail including arched openings, slate tile roof, O’Connell. New owners could live in Southern Cross while completing Dolce Vita or continue renting the villa to help offset construction costs. “This is really an exceptional opportunity for struction shell while enjoying, Southern Cross the already completed and successful rental villa,” said O’Connell. For more information on Southern Cross and Dolce Vita, call O’Connell at Holiday Homes of St. John at (340) 776-6776 or on her cell phone at (340) 998-1934. Holiday Homes owner/broker Miles Stair is the co-listing agent on this property. St. John Tradewinds News Photo St. John’s Exercise Hot Spot! The Lumber Yard Complex Cruz Bay, St. JohnFor more information or to book an appointment, call 877-249-WORX (9679)or visit www.pilatesworx.comTime-honored exercises and the latest equipment to treat and strengthen the entire body.Healthy Bodies Do Pilates!TM 340-693-8500 Wedding Consulting Travel Coordination Accommodations KatiLady since 1997 Rogers Photography PO Box 554, St. John, VI 00831 340-774-4027 603-401-4757


sions, next door to Best of Both Worlds. For more information, please contact Best of Both Worlds at 340-693-7005 or by e-mail at St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 13 rstbankvi.comFirstBank Virgin Islands is a division of FirstBank Puerto Rico. Member FDIC. Branch Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm Relocation NoticeVisit our new branch located in Estate EnighedThe FirstBank Cruz Bay Branch has relocated to The MarketPlace, 5000 Estate Enighed, St. John.A full service staff for retail banking, consumer lending and commercial services. Extended lobby hours Express deposit service Night depository for business clients 24 Hour ATM access to the largest network across the islands The new FirstBank MarketPlace location will offer: St. John Tradewinds Ania Mou, creator of wearable art hand-made jewelry and water colorist Jennifer Robinson will be the featured artists at The Best of Both Worlds Fine Art and Craft Gallery public Friday Night on Friday, March 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Mongoose Junction, St. John. Born and raised in Moscow and now living on St. Thomas, Ania’s travels have taken her places with very diverse cultures. With her varying interests in art, music, cooking and fashion, it is her passionate endeavor in jewelry design that has assimilated all of her experiences. As a mother of three living on a Caribbean island, the elements of nature are the guiding force in her life and creativity. The vibrant colors, textures and patterns that surround her are manifested in a unique line of jewelry that is pure and sophisticated. Ania welcomes you to browse the designs she has created and hopes that you will appreciate their versatility, style, and affordability! Jennifer Robinson moved to St. John from New England more than 25 years ago. It was after hurricane Marilyn a friend encouraged her to take a watercolor class for something fun to do. Always enthralled with the medium, but never dabbling in the visual arts other than photography, she jumped at the opportunity to learn. A few more classes then weekly painting sessions with a group of artist friends and she was moving forward with her craft. “There are always new chal lenges with subject matter, techniques, color mixing or composition to help me improve and grow,” Robinson explained. “I and laugh out loud!” Robinson paints when she]s not working at the Lime Inn restaurant or instructing kids in the Kids and the Sea “KATS” program. This year her paintings focus on Coral Bay. She loves where she lives and is very concerned about the proposed developments in the Bay and the impact they will have on the environment and the community. Robinson is contributing 10% of the evenings’ sales of her artwork to the Save Coral Bay Fund, which Best of Both Worlds will match with an additional 10 per cent bringing the full donation to 20 percent. Thepublic is invited to explore many new items and enjoy a glass of wine as Ania and Jennifer discuss their work. Best of Both Worlds is constantly changing displays to highlight the eclectic and diverse art and jewelry offered. To go with the wine that will be served in the gallery, Virgin Fire will be providing a delicious selection of appetizers to enjoy as well as live music by Inner Vi-


Living on St. John is an experience like no other we have ever had. The eclectic population of St. Johnians is what makes this island unique. The passion and devotion of St. Johnians to such a wide array of causes never ceases to amaze me and is what makes life on St. John so special. We love the small town that St. John is. It is a comforting feeling to know so many people everywhere you go whether it is doing errands in Cruz Bay, happy hour, the beach or a road trip to Coral Bay. St. John has given us memories to last a lifetime and stories to tell that always put a smile on our faces. So it is with heavy hearts that we say the time has passed for living in a dream world. Life goes by fast and it is hard to make the good things last! Weso and I are moving to our home on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. We are ready for another adventure and the next chapter in our lives. We are ready to work less, be near our other family again and do some traveling. Strangely there are some very simple things we are looking forward to. Fresh reasonably priced food. Being able to afford to run the AC. Not having everything we own be covered with mold or Sahara dust. Flat land. Riding a bike. Hitting a bucket of golf balls. Road trips farther than Coral Bay. More beach peanuts for Weso! friends who have made our life on St. John so wonderful. We will miss the beautiful beaches, warm water and Sundays at Maho. We will miss our island vehicles! Our two Suzukis were our original vehicles we bought used in 2002!! We will miss locals corner at the Gecko. Again, we will miss everyone on this quirky rock that we have come to know. We feel very fortunate to have lived on St. John and to have called Love City our home for over 13 years. So while it is sunny outside it is raining in our hearts and deep down in our souls we are really going to miss St. John. But when it is happy hour and Weso has a Miller Lite and I have a Stoli cran, we will watch the sun go down and the sea roll in and think of you St. John. Lastly, we would like to thank everyone for the Much love, Mary and W eso 14 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 I was astonished the new Governor raised salaries for his appointees, especially, since he was the one, who said the government is strapped for cash. At least there are a few in the Legislature, that realize, how absurd this is. Not only, should there be a “freeze on salaries”, their should be a “reduction”, starting with the “top brass”. May I remind these “honorable” politicians, act 6905, was enacted in the last days, of an outgoing administration and this increase of salaries they experienced,was hasty at best. THERE IS NO MONEY...I suggest the following... It has been said the Executive Branch and the Legislature gets paid paid last! What do you think? Best Regards, George Hollander, St. John resident Not having a good day? Anxious to try something new? It’s for the fearless folks to do! WELCOME to our South Shore Road Where danger awaits your soul! The road by the basketball court Gives new meaning to “shake, rattle, and roll!” Is your rental car all shiny and new? It surely won’t be for long. When it hits the South Shore Road Those shock absorbers will soon be gone. Are you a serious thrill seeker? Then follow this descriptive ode To start you trip along our path To energize your rage! Then continue on your journey It surely won’t be too long Does danger surely await you? Is this the way? Right or Wrong? After passing the petrol station You really won’t believe Be prepared for a narrow fright That even I cannot conceive. Now heading up Jacob’s Ladder Where more fun awaits your expedition Pots to the left; trucks coming on the right Is your back really tight and sore? Need treatment, you really thought? Just keep along South Shore Road Where bumps give the massage you sought. WOW! At least the huge washout! It has been there now for years! You risk your life in passing Repairs have fallen on deaf ears. It surely won’t be long Before the washout does collapse And cause a bad accident With loss of my life, perhaps! The washout can’t be blamed No snow nor ice the cause So slow down and skirt the area Repairs would bring loud applause. Oh please, Mr. Street Repairman I hope you will remember To make our road safe By time we return next December. – Muse of Reef Bay Oh, what a night! Fantastic historical art on display, a wonderful cross section of work done by local artists, an incredible variety of food and drink, mellow music by Bo, interesting art commentary, and an appreciative and supportive St. John community. A huge success, by any measure! Thank you one and all. We extend a very special “thank you” to Mike Ryan and staff of the Westin, without whose support the event could not have taken place. Thanks, too, to David Knight Jr. and Priscilla Hintz Rivera for their commentary on a number of the historical pieces, and thanks also to Tom Oat and the St. John Tradewinds for the wonderful publicity and promotion of our event. I hope you will be able to join us for our April members meeting, which will feature a potluck supper, a presentation by board member coming year. Lonnie W illis, St. John Histrical Society President


St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 15 St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Tom Oat St. John Tradewinds The St. Thomas-St. John Chamber of Commerce 2015 Annual Awards Banquet,“An Ole Time Fete,” will be Saturday, April 18, at the St. Peter Greathouse. At this year’s gala, the Chamber will present the Wilbur “Bill” LaMotta Community Service Award to outstanding Virgin Islanders and deserving organiza tions. The Wilbur “Bill” LaMotta Community Service Award was established in 1983, the award recognizes the contributions to the U.S. Virgin Islands of his death in 1980, Mr. LaMotta was President of the St. Thomas-St. John Chamber of Commerce, a Small Businessman of the Year, a civic leader and renowned Caribbean composer and musician. The award is presented to individuals who exhibit dedication, sincer ity, forthrightness and ethics in the performance of his or her duties or in the practice of his or her business or profession. The 2015 Wilbur “Bill” LaMotta Community Ser vice Award recipients are: I. Levin Properties Karishma C. Jagtiani, Co-Owner, Bobby’s Jewelers Shirley G. Monsanto. Thirty-three year owner of Monsanto Travel Agency In addition to managing their successful businesses, these women have contributed to the success of many groups on St. Thomas and St. John includ ing: Rotary, United Way, the Girl Scouts, Partners for Health, Gift Hill School, Historic Preservation Commission, St. John Historical Society, Friends of the V.I. National Park, St. John School of the Arts, All Saints School, and the St. Thomas-St. John Chamber of Commerce. In 1999, the Board of Directors added the recogni tion of an individual involved in the leadership of a tion for the service it provides to the community. The Chamber of Commerce is proud to honor: Corinne Lockhart, Dinner and a Cause Charitable Organization Join us for this special event. The evening will begin with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 7:45 p.m. Entertainment will be provided. Attire is colorful island elegant. Tickets are priced at $140 per person and include a gourmet dinner, complimentary wine and an open bar. Please call 776-0100 to reserve your tickets.


16 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 St. John Tradewinds welcomes notices of community-orient 776-6496, e-mail or fax 693-8885. Monday, March 16 — The Coral Bay Community Council Forum on Monday, March 16, at 6 p.m. will be about “Lazy Gardening in Coral Bay” — using simple backyard composting, terracing, brush berms and other local tricks and tips — provided by you — and all of us. Tuesday, March 17 — The Virgin Islands Audubon Society will have its March of The Marketplace. Saturday, March 21 — The Virgin Islands Audubon Society is sponsoring a sail adventure in the waters off of St. John aboard the catamaran Calypso on Saturday, March 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, March 23 — Amidst concerns about St. John marine issues and the future uses of Virgin Islands Port Authority property in and around Cruz Bay, VIPA Executive Director Carlton Dow and other VIPA John Legislature Building. W ednesday, March 25 — There will be a Caribbean Counselors Association’s Spring College Fair at MCM Center on Wednesday, March 25, at Antilles School from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. All high schools are invited to this event. Saturday, March 28 — The Fifth Annual Pets and Vets Yard Sale will be on Saturday, March 28, across from Pickles in Coral Bay, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 9 — The Animal Care Center ‘s Wagapalooza fundraiser will be on Saturday, May 9, from 5 to 8 p.m at the Winston Wells Sunday, May 24 — The 12th annual Beach-to-Beach Power Swim will be on Sunday, May 24, in the protected waters of Virgin Islands National Park along the north shore of St. John. Friday and Saturday, January 29-30, 2016 — Broadway Comes to St. John 2016 has been scheduled for Friday, January 29 and Saturday, January 30! ALCHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETINGS All meetings are now open. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 6 p.m. Nazareth Lutheran Church, Cruz Bay; Thursday 7 a.m. Nazareth Lutheran Church, Cruz Bay; Sunday 9:45 a.m., Hawksnest Bay Beach; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 6 p.m. at Moravian Church, Coral Bay NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS MEETINGS Narcotics Anonymous has open meetings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. every Saturday at St. Ursula’s Church. AL-ANON MEETINGS For Al-Anon meeting location and times, please call (340) 642-3263 St. John Tradewinds The Friend of the Virgin Islands National Park annual Scholarship Program is again being offered to Virgin Islanders at the university level natural resource management and protection. Eligible students must have Virgin Island residence, have completed high school in the Virgin Islands (or are currently in their last semester of high school senior year), and have attained a “B” (3.0) average during their previous three semesters of high school or university. In addition, Friends is offering a scholarship for children of VINP staff at the university level. Eligibility requirements are the same as those listed above. Priority will be given to students pursuing a degree related to cultural or natural sciences. Both scholarships will be in the amount of $1,000 per academic year. Applications for Friends of VI National Park Scholarships can be obtained from Friends of VI guidance councilors. The deadline for applications is May 1, 2015. Contact Karen Jarvis at the Friends for more information, call (340)779-4940 or email St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Judi Shimel St. John Tradewinds The Virgin Islands Audubon Society is sponsoring a sail adventure in the waters off of St. John aboard the catamaran Calypso on Saturday, March 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sail with the Audubon birding team; visit and snorkel three separate spots including in the Lovango Key area, Leinster Bay, and along the Northshore of St. John. The trip includes breakfast snack, drinks, buffet lunch, snorkel gear and the great company of fellow birders and nature enthusiasts. This trip is lim ited to a maximum of 32 people Audubon members rate: $130 includes the fullday trip and gratuity for the crew. Just bring a towel and prepare to have fun. Non-member rate: $150 per person. Please email Phyllis Benton at crabbys@earth if you plan to go. Send your check (made payable to VIAS) to The Virgin Islands Audubon Society, 5000 Estate Enighed, PMB 402, St. John, VI 00830 and include names of passengers and contact email and phone number.


By JAIME ELLIOTT St. John Tradewinds With a new CD in hand and a fourth member joining the trio, Groove Thang will back touring the Virgin Islands for the 13th year this week. Escaping record-setting snow in the North East is just one of the draws for Groove Thang founder and lead vocalist and guitarist Dave Gerard. “What keeps us coming back is the love,” said Gerard. “It’s become a great tradition and from day one everyone has been so appreciative, especially early on. Things have gotten a little smoother, that’s the nature of things.” “But early on when we used to come down then people were very grateful because they realized what you had to do to make the effort bring all this equipment,” Gerard said. “We bring the travel amps, the travel kit, because we want to put on the best show we can while we’re down here. That’ a part of our duty, to put on a really quality show.” Groove Thang fans anticipate quality music and quality shows from the multi-talented and genrebending band. In addition to Gerard, Groove Thang consists of David Bailey on bass and vocals and Mike Gendron on drums. Joining that trio for O’Brien. Gerard and Bailey have been playing together for more than two decades during which time they’ve collected numerous “Best Duo” awards from New England’s Jam Music Magazine. The two are also co-founders of the national they’ve played across the country and shared the stage with the likes of Phish, Widespread Panic, The Band and more. Gendron, who is also Truffor his driving and diverse style. O’Brien is bringing his voice and the St. John leg of Groove Thang’s USVI tour. “We’re bringing the usual three piece and this year’s we’ve got a fourth musician, Connor O’Brien, joining us on the St. John,” said Gerard from his home in New Hampshire. “He did a lot of singing and some playing on the new record which we’re also bringing down.” Along with O’Brien, Bailey and Gendron, Gerard’s new CD “Five” also features the talented bassist from Little Feet, Bill Payne. “He couldn’t make it while we were in the studio because of scheduling,” said Gerard. “But the week after we laid down all the basic tracks, Bill Payne from Little Feet came from upstate New York to New England and played on every tune. He did a tremendous job.” In addition to performing Gerard’s diverse original material, Groove Thang’s live shows incorporate many different styles. From blues, soul, and New Or leans R&B, to reggae, bluegrass and world beat, many roots music bases are covered by the band. “The goal is to keep a tight but loose feel through improvisation with an emphasis on big fun and honest, sweaty grooves,” said Gerard. This W eek’s Schedule Don’t miss Groove Thang’s 13th annual U.S. Virgin Islands tour this week. Catch them Monday at Shipwreck Landing at 7 p.m., Tuesday at Skinny Legs at 7 p.m., Wednesday and Friday at the Beach Bar at 8 p.m., Thursday at Inn at Tamarind Court at 6 p.m. and Sunday, March 22, at Heidi’s on Water Island some time in the afternoon. Bursting with color and creativity, Island Muse Boutique recently opened in the Town and Country Building across from Skinny Legs in Coral Bay. The “local creative collective” is exactly that; an inviting space where the discerning shopper will bug spray, delicate jewelry and more. Island Muse Boutique is the brain child of three talented women, Emily Kernan, Thais Taylor and Lena Adeline Greenstone. The idea of opening a space to share their creations and inspire others to create had been simmering for quite a while, explained Kernan. “We had this idea last season to open a place but we thought it would be more a studio space,” Kernan said. “We looked a few right location. Then this space became available and we decided to do more of an artists collective instead of a studio alone.” With open space located just next door to the shop, however, Kernan said the ladies do hope to offer some classes in the future, so the studio idea has not been entire ly abandoned. “We’d like to host an activity that brings people together,” Ker nan said. “We’re thinking things like wine and watercolor classes and things like that.” While all three partners sell their creations at the shop, the eclectic collection at Island Muse Boutique includes everything glassware. Kernan makes an all natural bug spray called Citizens of Nature and creates heat press jewelry and bookmarks featuring bold geometric patterns and beautiful St. John beach scenes. Taylor, a yoga and Stand Up Paddle Board instructor, also sells her Solshine line of lavender eye masks, herbal tea blends and healthy victuals at Island Muse Boutique. in the group and her cheerful and whimsical paintings are offered in a variety of sizes throughout the shop. Her series of cupcakes and colorful tarts look good enough to nibble on while her portrait of a woman sporting oversized sunglasses is magnetic. In addition to the owners’ art work, Island Muse Boutique also offers hand-painted glasses by Stepho, Caribbean Hook Bracelets by Maya, gold plated custom necklaces and rings by Katherine Allen, rings, pendants, bracelets and wall hangings by Tiny Tile Mosaics, woodwork, underwater photography and more. “We have a total of about 15 local artists who we are currently featuring,” said Kernan. “We are really advocating local artists and hand made creations. We are trying to get as many people involved as possible.” “We want to generate that energy and that spark when an artist feels that need to create,” she said. Since opening their doors in early February, the women have enjoyed strong positive response from the community, Kernan explained. “It’s done a lot better than any of us thought,” she said. “We just shocked at how well the store was received and the energy and excitement about it. People really enjoy the local art and products that we offer.” In addition to offering visitors and residents a place to support local artists, Island Muse Boutique has also been a labor of love for Kernan, she added. “We’re having so much fun,” said Kernan. “The best part for me is when an artist comes in to drop off her stuff and you see that light in their eye. They usually say something like, ‘Thank you, I’m so inspired to create more work now.’” Get inspired and stop by Island of the Town and Country Building across from Skinny Legs in Coral Bay. The shop is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information about Island Muse Boutique and the shop’s latest happenings, check out the page on Facebook at https://www. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 17


18 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 Baha’i Community of St. John For Devotions and Study Circles, call 714-1641 7:30 p.m. Fridays; Study Circles 9 a.m. Sundays 776-6316, 776-6254 Bethany Moravian Church Sunday School 9 a.m., Divine Worship 10 a.m. Calvary Baptist Church 13 ABC Coral Bay, 776-6304 Sunday School 10 a.m., Sunday evening 6 p.m., Thursday 7 p.m. Christian Ministry Cinnamon Bay Beach Inter-Denominational, Sunday 8:30 a.m. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sun. 9 a.m., on St. Thomas . 776-2379 Sun., 5 p.m., STJ, Lumberyard Cruz Bay Baptist Church Sunday 11 a.m., 6 p.m. 776-6315 Emmaus Moravian Church Coral Bay, Divine Worship 8:30 a.m., 776-6713 Freshwater Church Freshwater Church St. John USVI Sunday Worship 10 am at Hawksnest Beach Follow us on Facebook, 340.514.6578 Jehovah’s Witness 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays; 7 p.m. Saturdays (Espaol), 10 a.m. Sundays, 340-715-053 Missionary Baptist Church 9:30 a.m. Sunday Services, 10:45 Worship, Tuesday 7 p.m. Bible Study 693-8884 Nazareth Lutheran Church Sunday 9 a.m., Sunday School 8 a.m. 776-6731 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church Saturdays: 6 p.m.; Sundays: 7:30 & 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. in Coral Bay at the John’s Folly Learning Institute & 6 pm. in Spanish; Mondays: 12:15 p.m.; Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays: 7 a.m. & Fridays: 7 p.m. Call 776-6339 for more information. Prayer House of Faith Sunday Morning Service at 8 a.m; Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. on Mondays Prayer services at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays; 340-690-3820 St. John Methodist Church Sunday 10 a.m, 693-8830 Seventh Day Adventist Saturdays, 779-4477 St. John Pentecostal Church Sunday 11:05 a.m., 6:30 p.m.Tuesdays Prayer 7:30 p.m., Thursdays Bible Study 7:30 p.m. 779-1230 St. Ursula’s Episcopal Church Sunday Church Service, 9 a.m. Bible Class on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. 777-6306 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 9:45 a.m. Sunday, 776-6332 Church Directory spread Tsunami Warning and Watch situation throughout the Caribbean which requires implementation of local tsunami response plans. As part of the exercise play, a major earthquake will generate a tsunami just off the Caribbean coast of Panama at 10 a.m. Atlantic Standard Time on March 25, 2015, that is expected to reach the USVI within two-and-a-half hours. Private and parochial schools, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private sector businesses and individuals are encouraged to also participate in the CARIBE WAVE/LANTEX 15 exercise by testing their emergency response plans in areas such as communication and evacuation. “I also want to take a moment to remember those who lost their lives in the tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, 2011,” Barnes said. “It is a stark reminder of why we must be prepared.” On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake off the Japan coast generated a local tsunami with waves of about 40 feet. Almost 19,000 people lost their lives in the tsunami while 22,000 residents were left homeless. The exercise is sponsored by the UNESCO/IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG-CARIBEEWS), the Caribbean Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), the Centro de Coordinacion para la Prevencion de los Desastres Naturales en America Central (CEPREDENAC), the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program and by the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP). If any real tsunami threat occurs during the time period of the exercise, the exercise will be terminat ed. take care of this poor helpless guy. I don’t know what we would’ve done if Dr. Laura wasn’t able to come. She has been helping Dana save animals since 1997. Thank you also to all who made donations to Dana in support of rescuing Suzie Q as a response to my article last month. Suzie Q was checked by Dr. Laura on February 11 and given a good bill of health and encouragement that her hoof would grow back over the next six months. She lets us change her bandage on a regular basis and is so sweet, (maybe even appreciative)! The baby donkey, TJ, who the hang of it after a couple weeks and he and his mom, Cinnamon, are doing well at the Carolina Cor ral. Dana has been the only handson, all-volunteer donkey and other large animal rescuer on St. John for the past 23 years. She has continued to do it all these years because care for the larger animals who have nowhere else to go. Despite the challenges and/or because of them, her work at the corral is able to make a difference in people’s lives as evidenced by two recent couple and the other from a part time resident. They read: “Dana, We enjoyed spending time visiting with you and your special animal friends. Meeting and knowing how your kindness helps so many animals on St. John and your beloved donkeys will forever be in our hearts.” “Dear Dana, Thank you for helping the animals. Your example and energy make a profound difference for all of us. A kinder community. Grateful.” Dana is looking to become a forts of assisting the animals becomes bigger than just herself and it can continue long after she cannot care for them. If anyone is able to assist her with this process, please reach out to her. Donations Are Needed In the meantime, her animals are always in need of support via feed, hay, medical supplies and general maintenance materials. Donations through the local feed shops, Home Depot gift cards, gift cards and veterinary services would be greatly appreciated and accepted. Dana is also trying to secure a pick up truck and a horse trailer to enable her to rescue future injured donkeys. If you would like to make a contribution to help sponsor Suzie Q, Ali, TJ or any of the other rescued animals, you can visit her website at Contributions can also be made via PayPal at the Carolina Corral’s email, or by check to The Carolina Corral 16133 Spring Garden, St. John, VI 00830. Keep up to date with her animals and their stories on her Carolina Corral Facebook page! Thank you for your support! Continued from Page 6 Continued from Page 10 St. John Tradewinds News Photo


school to back home, and it’s even longer if you do stuff after school,” the student explained. “You usually end up having to stay up late doing homework.” One student maintained a somewhat optimistic view of the commute. “Yeah I don’t like it and it makes me nauseous, but I can at least get some homework done on the boat” Bonika Bartlette explained. It was an overwhelmingly accepted belief that a public high school on St. John would be ben“It would be easier on parents and students if we had our own public high school,” proclaimed LaTiah Jackson. “That way students wouldn’t have to travel so far to learn, and parents wouldn’t have to miss so much work to check in on their children” proclaimed LaTiah Jackson.” “If we had our own school terschool programs!” one student claimed excitedly. “I think we would have an easier time in school if we didn’t have to travel so far,” another teen elucidated. Support and Some Doubt Despite all the support, there was some doubt. “It’s a nice idea, but where would we put it? Where will they dent questioned. “It’s nice and all, but it won’t really help me. By the time they already graduated,” another student said. Though a decision on the mat ter will not affect the current generation of public high school students on St. John, they each still maintain their own opinion on the matter. Most people agree it is essential that schools are easily accessible environments that are conducive for learning. On St. John, most also believe that an island high school can ease the lives of high school students on St. John in the future and that easier access to school may improve focus and in turn improve academic performance.St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 19 St. John Tradewinds As members of communities in the Virgin Ising team helping law enforcement control crime. If you know something, say something. St. Thomas On Sunday, March 1st at about 9:10 a.m., police responded to a shooting in the Anna’s Retreat wounds, who later succumbed to his injuries at the Roy L. Schneider Regional Medical Center. St. John On February 27th about 1:30 p.m., a woman reported at Leander Jurgen Command that at about 11:00 a.m. her wallet was stolen from her vehicle. She stated that she parked her vehicle in the Kilroy’s Dry Cleaning lot while she picked up her clothing. It was not until she arrived home that she realized her wallet was missing from her purse. Missing from the wallet were a Georgia driver’s license, credit cards, a health insurance card, and about $200 in cash. St. Croix Major Crime detectives continue to investi gate the death of a man whose body was found by concerned citizens in shallow waters just south of Rainbow Beach at about 10:30 a.m. on May 12, 2014. The victim, 29-year-old Curdillius Monchery, had a deep laceration to the back of his neck. His family reported him as missing about 9:30 a.m. on May 12th and last saw him the day before at about 7:00 p.m. To tell what you know about any crimes go to or call 1-800-222TIPS (8477) or text “USVI” plus your message to CRIMES (274637). Continued from Page 11 Call 340.779.4940 to book today!Visit or pick up a brochure for more details!Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet:Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: 6 Jan. 16, Fri. Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet:Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: 16 Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: 11 Meet:Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet:Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet:Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet:Bring: Seminar Fee:Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: 6 Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: 27 Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: 6 Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Fee: Max Group: Meet: Bring: Seminar Fee: Max Group:


20 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 ROMAN INVASIONACROSS heavyweights DOWN


St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 21 Commercial/Storage Space Available 3 ACRE LOT ABRAHAM FANCY Adjacent to National Park Gentle grade, easy build. Convenient beach access. $819,000. Peter Briggs John Foster R. E. 340-513-1850 STORAGE: SECURED LOCKERS, AUTOS FROM $35 MONTH. 643-3283 St. John Tradewinds SUBSCRIPTIONS TRADEWINDS PUBLISHING LLCSend check payable to Tradewinds Publishing LLC P.O. Box 1500 St. John, VI 00831 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION $90.00 USD Name ____________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Telephone _______________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ BUYING? SELLING? RENTING? SEEKING?CALL 340-776-6496 Email: Boats For Sale INCREDIBLE OPPOR TUNITYCONCORDIA ECO RESORT PROPERTY AND 15 ADDITIONAL BUILDING LOTS AVAILABLE FOR DISCERNING BUYER(S) Serious Inquiries only to: Real Estate Coral Bay Domain 16 units on 8 lots Off grid-solar-wind Compost-H2O recovery Pre-const, $397,500 EVERYTHING YOU NEED ON EVERY LEVEL GREAT PLACE TO SHOP, DINE AND WORK COME JOIN US WE HAVE SPACES AVAILA BLE — RETAIL, OFFICE OR STORAGE340-776-6455 Business/Real Estate For Sale SPECTACULAR OCEANFRONT LOT FOR SALE Reduced price. Level build. www.stjohnoceanfrontlot.comCall Derick 404-219-0231 PASTORY ESTATES CONDO FOR RENT Furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Cathedral ceiling, Clean tile, $2,300 Pool, deck, Ocean view. 340 228-1710 For Rent FOR RENT: GUINEA GROVE AP AR TMENTS One and two bedroom apartments with washer/ dryer, stove and refrigerator, across the street from Westin Resort. $1050-$1700 per month. Contact Carolyn at St. John Properties, 340/693-8485 FOR SALE “MALABAR” – HINCKLEY B40 Classic sailing yacht, lovingly maintained, exquisite mahogany interior. $99,500. Stu 340-643-3283. 4/1/15 Chocolate Hole East Furnished Long Term 2 bed, 1 1/2 bath. AC, W&D, Electric included. $1950/mth. Or add a 3rd bed and bath for $2800/ month. No dogs please. Text or email Ron 715-853-9696


Real Estate 22 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 | www.SeaGlassProperties.comO: 340-776-6666 F: 340-693-8499Yellow Bird | $748,000 3 Bed | 3 Bath | 2,229 sqft Serving St. John for Over 40 Years Villa Firenze | $1,295,000 3 bed | 3.5 bath | 2,893 sqft Bente’s Fancy | $2,350,000 4 bed | 3 bath | 4,812 sqft Pebble Cottage | 450,000 4 bed | 3 bath | 2,665 sqft Tranquil Breeze | $859,000 3 bed | 3 bath | 1,900 sqft Tree-Top Hideaway | $399,999 4 bed | 3 bath | 2,040 sqft Milkmoon Cottage | $895,000 2 bed | 2 bath | 1,475 sqft Cruz Views Unit 10 | $510,000 2 bed | 1 bath | 933 sqft 15 Unit 4 Enighed | $325,000 1 bed | 1 bath | 646 sqftCall Today for Your FREE Island Living Magazine Providing professional rental management and marketing services for St. John’ s finest vacation villas and condominiums.For reservations For St. John or brochures business call1-800-338-0987 340-776-6152Vi e w o u r v i l la s a t w w w . c a r i b b e a n v i l l a . c o m Lumberyard Complex P .O. Box 458 St. John USVI 00831 C a r i b b e a nV i l l a s & R e s o r t sM A N A G E M E N T C O . St. John Tradewinds News Photo by Judi Shimel


St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 23 COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SE R VI C ESST . JO HN’S OLD EST R EAL ESTATE F I R M SE R VI N G ST. JO HN F O R 55 YEA R S! TOLL FREE: WWW.HOLIDAYHOMESVI.COM SEARCH ENTIRE ST. JOHN MLS, VIEW PROPERTY VIDEOS AND NEWSLETTER/SALES HISTORY AT WWW.HOLIDAYHOMESVI.CO M “ROTUNDA” “VI FRIENDSHIP VILLA” “CINNAMON STONES” “SOUTHERN CROSS” & “DOLCE VITA”Two houses in Chocolate Hole! “CASA MARE” “VILLA MARBELLA” LOTS OF LAND LISTINGS!! MOTIVATED SELLERS!! SOME SELLER FINANCING!!“THE RETREAT” “THE BOAT HOUSE” “VILLA VENTUROSO” “STONECOURT” “VILLA DIVERTIMENTO” “SAGO COTTAGE” FISCHER HOUSE BEST DEAL IN CORAL BAY! “CARIBBEAN COTTAGE” CAROLINA FISH BAY EMMAUS GLUCKSBERG SAUNDERS GUT CHOCOLATE HOLE HANSEN BAY VIRGIN GRAND ESTATES CALABASH BOOM CONCORDIA FREEMAN’S GROUND UPPER MONTE BAY/RENDEZVOUS LOVANGO CAY SABA BAY PETER BAY/NORTHSHORE WESTIN TIMESHARES “The Company that gives back to St. John” $499,000 MLS 14-20 $1,400,000 MLS 15-57 $1,600,000 MLS 15-130 $350,000 MLS 14-457 $249,000 MLS 14-253 CRUZ VIEWS CONDO $545,000 MLS 15-115 $7,485,000 VIDEO MLS 12-424 NEW LISTING $1,300,000 MLS 15-83 $3,650,000 MLS 15-68$1,950,000 MLS 14-335 $1,325,000 MLS 14-79 $825,000 MLS 14-254 OWN A MONTH IN A LUXURY HOME From $50,000 FRACTIONAL $2,990,000 MLS 13-481 VIDEO$1,950,000 MLS 14-484 WATERFRONT $4,900,000 MLS 13-512 WATERFRONT VIDEO BEACHFRONT GRANDE BAY RESORT $759,000 MLS 14-399 GRANDFATHERED HOA FEES WATERFRONT $3,495,000 MLS 14-504 VIDEO NEW LISTING St. John Tradewinds Check out the latest work by St. John artist Rick Hathaway at Now and Zen in Cruz Bay on Friday, March 22, at 6 p.m. Hathaway will be showing his recycled art sculptures and will be donating 40 percent of his proceeds to the environmental conservation organization Seacology. Call Now and Zen at 776-1989 for more information.


24 St. John Tradewinds, March 16-22, 2015 Gifft Hill School is so grateful to all of the supporters of the 29th Annual Auction! Our event was a huge success, and we could not have done it without you! Congratulations to Miles Stair, our honoree. Auction Donors Featured Artists and Student ArtistsOur Generous Program Advertisers Auction Planning, Preparation & Solicitation Committee Volunteers Student Volunteers

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