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March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 1 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAIDWEST PALM BCH FLPermit NO 4595Renew your subscription before the expiration date shown in the label below. The Abaconian Stuart Web Inc. 5675 SE Grouper Ave Stuart, FL 34997 Change Service RequestedVOLUME 23 NUMBER 6 March 15th, 2015 By Erica Pinder Generations and Generations of the legendary Wyannie Malone attended the Hope Town Heritage Day Festival on Saturday, March 7 along known “Heritage Day” took place in Hope Town Heritage Day Features Sculling, New Museum ExhibitsAbove: A scene that would be as familiar to residents 100 years ago as it is today; a lady dressed in Loyalist attire stares across the harbour full of dinghies and sail boats. The Lighthouse stands proudly in the background. Please see Heritage Page 12 Missionaries to Teach Sign LanguageA Deaf Awareness and Sign Language Community Event was held last month for persons who are deaf as well as those who have an interest in learning sign language. The event was organized by the International Christian Centers for the Deaf (ICCD) in conjunction with Abundant Life Bible Church in New Providence to reach the deaf in The Bahamas. The goal of ICCD Is to reach out to deaf individuals who do not have access to language See Page 17. BEC Chairman Discusses Submarine Cable to GuanaAbove: BEC Chairman Leslie Miller. The Bahamas Electricity Corporation held a town meeting on February 26 at the Anglican Parish Hall to publicly present their power expansion plans which include a submarine cable from the mainland of Abaco to an area near Baker’s Bay on Great Guana Cay. He said that while BEC possesses the technical know-how to carry out the project, the people of Abaco know their island and environment, and so BEC is holding the forum to get feedback from the public. See Page 5. What’s Inside Red Cross. 2 Police Report. 4 Local Gov’t. 4 People to People. 6 Guana Reef Report. 13 Remembering Everette Roberts. 14 Letters. 9 Visitors’ Guide. 19 Yellow Pages B13 Follow the Parrot. B11 What’s Happening March 17: World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day Parade March 20-22: Great Abaco Family Fitness Weekend March 20: Treasure Sands ECC Fundraiser March 28: Little Harbour Spring Art Show April 17-18: Agribusiness Expo Community Calendar A8


Page 2 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 Central & All Abaco By Canishka Alexander The staff of CIBC Canada and CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank were on a mission early this year to lift up the needy people of Abaco with a shipment of donated goods that arrived on the island recently. According to Frank and Phyllis McVicker, the project was initiated and spearheaded by their daughter, Sue Cronacher, who works out of one of CIBC’s Ontario branches. Mr. McVicker explained that once the bank’s customers observed the donations being brought into the bank, their excitement led them to join the effort with donations of their own. Throughout four months of collecting, and sorting through donations of clothing and footwear, blankets and toiletries to determine those suitable for shipping, the products were packaged for their voyage to Abaco. Bahamas Red Cross members Barbara Johnson and Christine Lightbourne arrived at the Marsh Harbour Port Department with Nakera Symonette, product and sales training manager of CIBC FirstCaribbean in Nassau, to clear the goods. Symonette shared that she was pleased to be present for the occasion and to see CIBC Canada & CIBC First Caribbean Partner with Bahamas Red Cross for Donation on Abacoeverything come together so successfully. She further stated: “The team in Canada did such an amazing job with driving the donation efforts, and we at CIBC FirstCaribbean were thrilled to have been able to partner with them and assist in the process of transporting the items from Canada to Abaco. “We’re also very pleased to have collaborated with the Bahamas Red Cross in this worthwhile initiative, and are very hopeful that this donation will be of great value to the people of Abaco.” Mr. McVicker added that they were fortunate to partner with Pastor Rudy McKinney of Full Gospel Assembly because he knows where the need is and has agreed to lend his support with distribution of the goods. Both Mr. and Mrs. McVicker were employed at CIBC in Canada collectively for almost 60 years. The McVickers have been visiting Abaco for the past 27 years with Sue since she was a child. After hearing of devastation on the island, they set out to provide some sort of community outreach for those in need. “It’s been a journey all for a great cause and for helping communities,” Symonette concluded. Crossing Beach StripedBy Timothy Roberts As a part of the Marsh Harbour Spring City Town Committee’s commitment to restoring and beautifying the Crossing Beach area in Marsh Harbour, Bill Simmons Construction and Heavy Equipment Company striped the parking areas on Sunday, March 8. The Committee had planned the striping of the parking lot for some time now, and after months of talks with the Central Government, were able to get the bill picked up by them. Bill Simmons Company is also currently striping the roads from the Marsh Harbour International Airport to the Ferry Dock at the Crossing. They are using a thermoplastic striping machine which is heated and applied. The biggest advantage of hot applied thermoplastic paint is the durabillast up to several years when compared to regular road paints. Above: Bill Simmons Construction & Heavy Equipment striping the Crossing Beach Parking lot. Above left to right: Pastor Rudy McKinney, Christine Lightbourne, Peter Williams, Nakera Symonette, Frank McVicker, Phyllis McVicker and Barbara Johnson.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 3 Damianos


Page 4 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 FULL SERVICE MARINA WATERFRONT VILLASBahamian Breakfast Sat. & Sun.Enjoy a delicious dinner with us Happy Hour Daily 5 pm 6 pmOpen Year RoundCome lounge at The Helm, our indoor barBoat House Restaurant For local transporation to Sea Spray call VHF 16 or 366-0065email : www.seasprayresort.comWhite Sound, Elbow Cay Sea Spray will pick up from Hope Town Central Abaco District Council Meeting March 5, 2015By Dave Ralph Eight members of the Central Abaco District Council were present at their March 5 meeting. The Abaco manager of a government department addressed Council members about a Council employee who dresses poorly and shows poor social skills. It was suggested that he needs coaching or mentoring on how to act, dress and conduct himself in the public as a government employee. He will be approached about his appearance and public conduct while on his government job. Another guest thanked the Couna park in Marsh Harbour. One agenda issue related to the approval of building plans and Council’s authority in conjunction with the engineer with the Ministry of Works. Administrator Preston Cunningham advised the Chief Councillor to stamp approved plans as mandated by the Local Government Act. However, the Central & All AbacoChief Councillor was urged to consult with competent persons when necessary, either those in government agencies or the private sector as appropriate. Council members were advised by the Administrator to avoid involvement with Town Planning matters since the appeal by an aggrieved applicant of a building permit. Involvement could cause Council members to be excluded from the appeal process. A request for additional lighting at the Murphy Town Park will be reviewed. Various sporting groups would like better lights for night events. The park now has marginal lighting. The Council is studying the most economical way to clear a 25-foot pathway along the Northwest boundary of Central Abaco Primary School. An original track road along the school property has become heavily overgrown. Apparently vagrants and undesirables are using the thick underbrush to intimidate students walking to and from school. to see where funds might be better spent.Police ReportSUDDEN DEATH – ABACO Police in Abaco are investigating the death of an American male on board a cruise ship. Reports are that on Sunday 1st March 2015, shortly after 7:00am, police received information that a 56 year old American male of Cleveland U.S.A, reportedly died while on board the cruise ship. The matter was later reported to Bahamian authorities at Castaway Cay, Abaco. Police are investigating and are appealing to the general public for anyone with information that can assist the police to contact them at telephone numbers 350-3107/8,911/919 or call your nearest police station. STABBING INCIDENT – ABACO Police in Abaco are investigating a stabbing incident that has left a 34 year old male of Moores Island with injuries. Reports are that on Saturday 28th February 2015 shortly before 1:00am, Police received a report that a male while at a local liquor store in Moores Island was involved in an altercation with another male when he was stabbed about the body. His injuries are said to be listed as serious. Police have in their custody a 39 year old male of Moores Island who is assisting police with their investigation into this matter. BUILDING FIRE – ABACO Police in Moores Island, Abaco ports are that on Saturday 28th February 2015 shortly after 6:00am police received information that a local liquor sponded and upon arrival at the scene discovered the interior of the building ed injuries. The building is said to be valued at $70,000.00 seventy thousand dollars and is reportedly not insured. Police are investigating. POLICE INVESTIGATES REPORTED DROWNING OF AN AMERICAN VISITOR – ABACO Police in Abaco are investigating an alleged drowning that occurred on Castaway Cay in the Abaco’s on Thursday 26th February 2015. Sandy Point Police Station, Abaco, after 4:00pm. The deceased is a 38 year old American male visitor who was a passenger on board a cruise ship was alleged to have drowned while swimming in waters on Castaway Cay. Police are investigating this matter.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 5 Furniture Plus Central & All Abaco BEC Chairman Discusses Submarine Cable to GuanaBy Timothy Roberts The Bahamas Electricity Corporation held a town meeting on February 26 at the Anglican Parish Hall to publicly present their power expansion plans which include a submarine cable from the mainland of Abaco to an area near Baker's Bay on Great Guana Cay. Member of Parliament and Chairman of BEC's Executive Board, Leslie Miller tions concerning the project and also pleaded with Abaconians to change their mind on Heavy Fuel Oils (HFO) as he claimed it would make the cost of electricity cheaper. BEC said an Environmental Management program (EMP) has been produced and they want the public to view it and tell BEC what they think of it. They said that they spoke with the district councils, then with Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) to see how it might impact the environment, the Port Department and now the general public. Kevin Basden, Manager of BEC, said “the purpose is to improve reliability and capacity to Great Guana Cay and the other outer cays.” He said that while BEC possesses the technical know-how to carry out the project, the people of Abaco know their island and environment, and so BEC is holding the forum to get feedback from the public. The difference between this submarine cable and others BEC has done in the past is that they intend to bury the cable in the seabed in the hopes of preventing the regular damages that tend to occur to other cables connecting the cays. Leslie Miller said BEC and the Bahamas government “is strongly committed to the Abacos.” He said that Abaco is the corporation’s largest distribution center outside of New Providence. He said that BEC is looking to build on the capacity of the Wilson City Power Station and continue improving the reliability of supply to Abaco and the cays. “Too often there are damages due to the heavy to do will improve the reliability of supply into Great Guana Cay and subsequently the other cays as well,” he said. “The reality is that we must not be outpaced by the development in the cays, including the Baker’s Bay and other smaller developments.” Mr. Miller said that BEC intends to up its commitment to provide a safe a reliable supply of electricity in Abaco. Aside from engaging several employees from BEC out of New Providence to assist in the laying of the cable, Mr. Miller noted that they would outsource some jobs locally including the services of a barge and several divers. Mr. Miller asked Abaconians to be diligent in paying their bills, and noted that Abaco is no different than other places in The Bahamas as BEC suffers shortfalls in their accounts receivables. He then urged Abaconians to reconsider the use of HFO to fuel the Wilson City plant saying that the change would result in large savings in the cost of fuel. He noted that the fuel used at Wilson City is 33 percent higher than in New Providence because of this.The Leisure Lee Property Owners Association made a presentation at the Marsh Harbour Volunteer Fire Station on March 3, donating funds to assist High Banks Fire Department, Abaco Crash Fire and Rescue in Treasure Cay, and Marsh Harbour Volunteer Fire and Rescue. President of the Association, Peter Lorenz was accompanied by vice-president Ted King, who expressed their gratitude to the volunteer organizations for their work in making their community safe. Pictured L-R: Ted King, vice president of Leisure Lee Property Owners Association; Danny Sawyer, Fire Chief of Marsh Harbour Volunteer Fire and Rescue; Peter Lorenz, president of Leisure Lee Property Owners Association; Bruce Smith, Fire Chief of High Banks Fire Department. Leisure Lee Property Owners Association Donates to Fire Departments


Page 6 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 Marble and Granite counter tops, showers and floors installed Made in Marsh Harbour Call 367-6867 or 367-4726 View installations on our web North Abaco Treasure Cay Library Organizes Book Sale and Yard Sale By Canishka Alexander For the past 25 years, the Rose Mary Roberts Library in Treasure Cay has organized an annual Book Sale and Yard Sale. This year the fundraisers were held on March 7. According to Ellen Kuhnle, head librarian, the fundraisers allow funds to be raised for the library and the community of Treasure Cay, and many have come to look forward to the events over the years. “Every year, the big fundraiser for the year is the Yard Sale,” KuhnBy Mirella santillo The yearly “People to People” event was organized by the Ministry of Tourism to acknowledge and thank secondhome owners and visitors to Abaco was held this year in Treasure Cay at Coco Bar on February 25. By 6:00pm a large crowd of people had assembled on the deck facing the sea, taking photographs of the amazing sunset, collecting complimentary drinks offered in partnership by the Ministry of Tourism and Burns House Ltd, or sitting at tables socializing while waiting for the entertainment to begin. On cue, Wynsome Ferguson, the Dicomed and invited people to partake of food and drinks and enjoy the various activities. Several ladies from the MOT helped serve drinks at the Burns House bar, contributing to a jolly atmosphere. Inside the bar, Chris Russell at the guitar provided the musical entertainment, lar oldies. Then the audience was quizzed on Bahamian trivia to keep occupied while models prepared themselves for a fashion show. Several young women paraded the Island Girl Boutique. The Master of Ceremony for the evening, Ashley Clarke with the MOT kept Second Home Owners and Visitors Entertained at People to People Function the activities rolling. The dancing area was replaced by limbo poles, a popular event that had people participating and watching. ning entertainment as Superintendent of Police Mortimer and AssistantSuperintendent Hamilton for North Abaco shared a table with Chief Councillor Stephen Pedican. The Treasure Cay Hotel Resort and Marina’s Manager Stephen Kappeler and AssistantManager Paula Morley watched attentively to make sure everything was going smoothly. Soon rhythmic sounds of drums and brass could be heard coming from outside as some of the Spring City Junkanoo group members made their approach. Rushing through the bar and the deck in their colourful costumes and hypnotic rhythm, their parade marked the end of an eventful and entertaining evening.le explained. “People give donations throughout the year, we set up tables and other people in the community set up booths and sell things, too.” Between the Book Sale and Yard Sale for the library, she was pleased to share that the response had been great. In addition to books, there was also a large donation of furniture and clothing, which were popular among shoppers. “It was great – it really was. We ended up this year with so many donations of books that we’re going to have a lot left over,” she observed. In that case, Kuhnle said books that are left over are donated to other organizations or communities. “A lot of times the ones that have sat on our sale booth for a couple of years are given to the Cancer Society, and we’ve also been sending them out to schools and other libraries in the Abacos too, so it’s not just for this library. “This community is giving out to the other communities.” During the winter, the Rose Mary week from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and during the summer when it’s a slower period, the library opens two days a week. Kuhnle said that many of the library’s members are Bahamians as well as second-homeowners who access the library.Above: People to People group having fun in Treasure Cay.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 7 JOHN CASHREALTY J J J J J J J J O O O O O O O O O H H H H H H H N N N N N N N N C C C C C C C C A A A A A A A A S S S S S S S S H H H H H H H Lots 23 & 70 Block 3 Casurina Beach Estates prime adjacent single family homesites across the street from world famous Treasure Cay beach $99,000 NEW LISTING! Lot 6 Orchid Bay Yacht Club 34,00 sq. ft. elevated beachfront homesite with spectacular ocean views on Guana Cay $995,000.00 NEW LISTING! Cash Property on Guana Cay Harbour 60 ft. wide parcel along the public road, approx. 400 ft. of depth. Excellent location for commercial or residential development. $499,000 NEW PRICE! Harbour View on Guana Cay Harbour 2 Bed 1 Bath waterfront home situated on 2500 sq. ft. lot with unobstructed view of harbor. Perfect for rental cottage or easily converted to oce or retail space. $179,000 NEW PRICE! Lots 72, 74, 76, Block 167, Anchorage Estates Three multifamily lots can be purchased separately or together for condo, villa or single family development. $59,000 each Lots 22, 23 & 24 Block 208 multi-family harbourfront lots with 147 159 & 138 of seawall. $499,000 each. NEW LISTING! Royal Palm 2381 2 Bed 2 Bath lower fully furnished condo on Brigantine Bay with 14 wide boat slip and storage unit $249,000 Royal Palm 2433 3 Bed 3 Bath fully furnished upper level condo with boat slip and storage unit. $279,000 NEW PRICE! Royal Palm 2338 2 Bed 2 Bath newly furnished lower condo with boat slip & storage locker, very smart upgrades $265,000 NEW PRICE! Lot 32 Block 3 Homesite on Treasure Cay Drive across from golf course $59,000.00 Lot 25 Block 208 multi-family harbourfront lot with 90 of seawall. $449,000 NEW LISTING! Galleon Gem 3 Bed 2.5 Bath fully furnished 3000 sq ft CBS home with 2 car garage and dock $849,000 NEW PRICE! Lot 5 Block 191 Brigantine Bay canal front homesite with serene water views. $275,000 NEW PRICE! Bahama Beach Club 2024 3 Bed 2 Bath 1645 sq. ft. Luxurious fully furnished second oor condo at Treasure Cay beachfront resort with pool bar/ restaurant. $675,000 Mariners Cove 1510 Townhouse 2 bed, 1.5 bath, professionally decorated, lovely marina view $199,000 NEW PRICE! Royal Palm 2321 2 Bed, 2 Bath tastefully furnished marina condo, end unit with pool in front, boatlift and storage $209,000 NEW PRICE! Royal Palm 2337 2 Bed 2 Bath lower fully furnished marina condo with boat lift and storage unit Beach Villa 606 2 bed 2 bath villa just 5 minute walk from Treasure Cay beach at a very aordable price! $179,900 NEW LISTING! Palm Bay 8 Fully furnished 4 bed 3.5 bath, two level, second row marina front home $399,000 NEW LISTING! Lot 8 Block 198 Brigantine canal homesite with 90 ft. of seawall in Treasure Cays most protected canal. Choice water views. $229,000 NEW PRICE! Lot 6 Block 198 canal front homesite with 91 of seawall on Treasure Cays most protected canal at THE best price! $219,000 NEW LISTING! Britt House 3 BR 2 BA Elevated canal front home on Galleon Bay Rd. with 45 dock. $459,000 NEW LISTING! John CashABR,BRI,CRB,CRS SRS,RSPS, Broker SOLD SOLD By Timothy Roberts The Abaco Club at Winding Bay, recently acquired by Southworth Development, LLC in partnership with a group of home owners, hosted a media familiarization weekend at the property to show off what the Club presently offers and share the plans of what is to come. Writers from a variety of Golf, Real Estate and Travel publications played golf, took in some sunshine on the beach and visited several places on or nearby the property, including a quick tour of Hope Town and the lighthouse. Southworth is planning a multimillion dollar renovation of the existing facilities which will begin immediately and includes a new state-of-the-art world-class golf practice facility among other things. David Southworth, Principal, President & CEO of Southworth Development, LLC, said that renovations will take about two years, with $25 million earmarked to setup and “to cluding the clubhouse.” He said “we have owned the club for two and a half months now and we are getting some action, some people are joining which is good. There’s about 6 construction sites that are before architectural review right now.” He added that the Abaco Club South Abaco Abaco Club Holds Media Weekend cording to owner Mr. Southworth.presently has 153 lots available, of which about 25 are estate lots and there rest are cottage lots. Mr. Southworth said that construction of homes on the property can be handled in-house, or by one of a number of local contractors. “There are some really good Bahamian builders here in Abaco; everything you see has been built by Bahamian builders, and the houses can stack up with anyone,” he said. He said there are presently about 70 to 80 guests at the Club, while around the Christmas holidays the number was around 300, but he expects that when everything is built out the number will be around 1000. He said that he does business in Bermuda and the Dominican Republic, but he is presently working on getting residence here in The Bahamas. “I love The Bahamas and I love this spot,” he said. “The weather speaks for itself; the beauty speaks for itself; there’s not much crime; there’s not poverty like other locations,” he remarked. “Abaco is a very balanced place; there’s peace and harmony no matter where you go. There’s a grocery store here that’s as Manhattan. There’s good doctors, and it’s close to Florida.” Speaking of the Abaco Club property and the surrounding environment, he said it is “everything money can’t buy.” By Lee Pinder The weather channel predicted rain, but the sun shone all day Saturday, Feb 28 in Cherokee Sound for a medical Fund Raiser for one of its own, Andrew Roberts, who has had a long battle with cancer. It was a typical Cherokee event and people came from all over Abaco to support the cause. At the end of the day there were no outstanding bills for the food and supplies sold that day and they were able to clear more than $16,500.00. They had a very successful auction with many valuable items. As usual, The Saturday Afternoon Cherokee Ladies Quilting Group donated a lovely handmade quilt that was much sought after, but there was also numerous other items donated such as a large oven, a toaster and an electric drill, plus some original artwork painted by Jo-Ann Bradley, a local artist, just to mention a few. The sold steak dinners, hamburgers and hot dogs and the bake stall was a popular stop for anyone with a sweet tooth with a wide variety of cakes and cookies, fudge and locally made macaroni n’cheese. Another big favourite of the day was homemade guava, soursop and chocolate ice cream. to meet and greet old and new friends, many with Cherokee roots. Cherokee Medical Fund Raiser


Page 8 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 From the Editor's Desk // Spend it Before They Know Bradley M. Albury Reporters/Freelance Contributors: P.O. Box AB-20213 Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas Phone: 242-367-3200 FAX: 242-367-3677 U.S. Address: 2022 Aero Circle, New Smyrna Beach, FL. 32168 Free at over 100 Abaco locations 8,000 Copies Published Twice Monthly Subscribe Today!! Name: Address: Address: City: St. Postal code: + Country: E-mail or Tel # I f you want to renew this gift next year, please give us your address below NAME ON CARD: CARD NUMBER: EXP DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: Master Card VisaWE NOW ACCEPT MASTER CARD/VISA One Year Subscription US$ or B$ $27 Bahamas via surface $49 USA via 3 rd Class US$70 Canada via Airmail US$105 UK, Europe Surface The above subscription is a gift from: ORDER Your Abaconian Today GIFT Give a Subscription as a Mail to: 2022 Aero Circle, New Smyrna Beach, FL, 32168 or: P.O. Box AB 20213, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, The Bahamas Why subscribe? Welcome to The Bahamas: where your government can raise taxes without license, spend your money without oversight and dictate your children’s future without your input. We as a people haven’t said anything to the contrary. We haven’t raised any fuss worth noting. So they continue. This isn’t about party politics. It’s about what is right and wrong. Whether this administration is voted out or in, whoever the successor is of grit from the Bahamian people. We can be walked over. We can be ignored. We can be bought. Are you angry yet? There are no Saviors to be found in Parliament. Good people? Sure. Some even have good intentions. Let’s talk about our own MP’s. Despite your thoughts about them, Mr. Key has had more years of serving the public under his belt that I have been alive, and Mr. Curry shows a genuine love for his people… for our people. But have they fought tooth and nail with their respective parties when they were in party to help realize our community’s full potential? Good people. Sure. Just as there are other good people in Parliament. But no one’s perfect. And Parliament seems to have attracted the least perfect. Those we have voted in to serve our best interests seem to either be cowards toeing the party line, ineffective blowhards making a name for themselves, or, at worst, traitors selling out the Bahamian people to further themselves. I do genuinely feel sorry for the good men and women in Parliament. We’re being sold to the Chinese. We’re being taxed to fund vanity projects. We’re being involuntarily conscripted to bail out our government’s mistakes. Need more votes? Hire the incompetent into the public system in return for loyalty. Need to impress the international community? Enforce a new “solve everything” tax that does not mesh with our economic model. Need to hang your hat on a legacy? Why not healthcare reform? Let me be clear. I don’t have anything against universal healthcare. I’m not smart enough to pretend to know the perfect system to care for our sick. What I do know is that our government is too corrupt to trust with more money. What I do know is a January 2016 deadline for a new healthcare system rollout is too short. What I do know is that we don’t know enough. Our government got an idea in its head and declined to inform us until 10 months before implementation. But then again we don’t need to know, do we? This is THEIR country after all. We just vote for them. We don’t know many details because our government decided it is against THEIR best interest for us to know. Ask yourself, though. What is in OUR best interest? Community Calendar(See for More Calendar Events) rade Dance-a-Thon sources & Agribusiness Expo


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 9 WhereÂ’s the Community Dialogue?Dear Editor, Please print my open letter to Mr. Southworth, Dear Mr. Southworth, On Feb. 22, 2015 you wrote a letter to the Association of Little Harbour Property Owners stating that you intend to proceed with your marina project "without additional consultation with Little was that certain ALPHO members have over-dramatized effects of the project and based remarks on things they knew to be untrue. I'm glad you were careful enough to qualify your statement with "certain ALPHO members" because I am certain your statement does apply to everyone in Little Harbour. I would expect a businessman who leads a property development company bearing his name to react in a more measured fashion than to outright reject local input. A person in your position should understand that people sometimes overreact when offended by the actions of others. You need look no further than your point. Since it appears as though you've been offended, perhaps you'll be able to appreciate that some people are offended by your plans for a large marina complex in Little Harbour. It would surprise me if this was the tion to a development project. But it is clear that there are competing interests at ly begins with an airing of concerns. That is what is being done, so it's surprising that you seem to be taken aback by that. I also perience would think that a single meeting could mitigate every concern that residents might have. You cannot be a naive man, so your actions make it appear as though you're the type of developer who is simply unwilling to hear, let alone address, the concerns of local residents. You have painted Little Harbour residents with one very broad brush by severing communication. I know many residents to be rational and well-reasoned. Here are several reasons you might want to reconsider your position: cord as saying that communities need to have a voice in development plans. 2. It appears that, upon meeting a modest amount of opposition, you decided that communication wasn't important after all (a decision that might be viewed as convenient). 3. Some might interpret a single meeting with locals as an attempt to check the box that says you got input from the community (until you didn't like the input). 4. Some might conclude you are only willing to have a dialog if it's a one-way dialog where your plans and terms are quietly accepted by residents. Regards, Doug Petersen Little Harbour Property Owner Green Turtle Being IgnoredAbove: The GTC dump. The only dump out of the Cays that must burn its trash. Dear Editor, Please allow me to express my concerns on the deteriorating conditions of Green Turtle Cay. Once the jewel of the Bahamas, Green Turtle Cay has now become only a faded gem. Our roads are so deplorable that some of them are almost undrivable. Public services such as BEC, BTC, road a week. Some weeks BEC and BTC do not even show up. These public services all come on Thursday from 10:00 to 2:00. Some of these businesses close for one hour for lunch in order to do their own business banking. This leaves less than three hours that they are open during the week. Imagine the people of Green Turtle Cay having to do all of their business transactions in this short period of time. In my opinion, First Caribbean International Bank should consider the longterm loyalty that Green Turtle Cay provides to their bank and reconsider coming two days a week. Shame on them if they donÂ’t. Not everyone can get to Marsh Harbour to do their banking and other business every week. 11:30 to 2:30 three days a week. This is not the only problem; sometimes three months of bills show up at the same time. years old and sent from one of the local hardware stores on Green Turtle Cay. Our Police Jeep was taken away and replaced by a truck that has been broken down since its arrival with no sign of it being repaired in the near future. Now, the policeman has to patrol all of Green Turtle Cay by foot. Our garbage dump is truly the centerpiece of our island. Garbage is almost out to the plague Moses put on the Egyptians. It is drifts over Green Turtle Cay or over the tourist resorts. We are the only Cay on Abaco that has the luxury of smoking our own dump. Hope Town, Man O War and Guana Cay all have their garbage barged to the main land. Why is Green Turtle Cay being neglected the same service? All what our fore fathers fought for seems to be all in vain if the people of Green Turtle Cay do not unite. I sometimes wonder if it is because we are politically, racially and religiously divided. It appears to me that the government is deliberately strangling North Abaco. To my Honourable Representative Mr. Curry, please come and spend some time on Green Turtle Cay walk around and talk to the locals and see how bad our island has become. In the bi-election, the Government of today made a lot of promises to the people of Green Turtle Cay. It for our little island. Respectfully, Randy SawyerMore Letters: Page 14


Page 10 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 Damianos


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 11 Damianos


Page 12 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 Standard Hardware 1978 but was called “Abaco Week” instead of “Heritage Day.” The festival took place at Jarrett Park where there was the food stand, baked goods, cold beverages, Museum T-Shirts and the game tables of Hoopla and Pick the Lollipop for the kids. Heritage Day began with the raising the National Anthem followed by the introduction of board members. everyone gathered to celebrate. Kids played at the game tables winning prizes and candy while others played on the playground. The Hope Town locals, visitors from the surrounding cays and mainland, and tourists from all over also enjoyed the Heritage of Hope Town. ing in the Hope Town Harbour was reminiscent of the past. As in previous Heritage Days, designated scullers took people out for a sculling experience around the harbour like “back in the day;” Harold Malone was in charge of the ‘Learn to Scull’ activity. Boat tours to the Elbow Reef Lighthouse, which recently turned 150 years old and is also the only hand wound lighthouse left in the world, were offered. Not only were there food and games tables, but also a Live Auction handmade crafts and art featuring Hope Town. The Museums committee and volunteers dressed up in their Loyalist costumes for the day as is tradition. If all those activities weren’t enough for some, the museum opened their new exhibit on that Saturday as well: restored photographs taken in 1910 from on top of the Elbow Reef Lighthouse. These are understood to be some of the oldest known photos of Hope Town. Celebrating the cultural heritage the entire day, those who attended and volunteered were supporting the Wyannie Malone Historical Museum whose mission is “Working to Preserve Hope Town’s Past for the Future.” If you would like to know more information or simply show your support by becoming a member and unable to visit the museum located in the settlement of Hope Town, the site is or ‘like’ the Facebook page conveniently named after the Wyannie Malone Historical Museum. The CaysHeritage From Page 1 Above left to right: Dp Patterson Volunteer, Linda Spiegel, Suzanne Bethel Vice Chairman, Candace Key Chairman, Samara Cole -9th generation descendant & Volunteer, Rudolf Verspoor.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 13 “Now Open To The Public” **Tear out this ad Bring it to Sandpiper Inn for a Complimentary House Cocktail** (Limit 1 round per party)Inn, Restaurant, Bar & Pool Located on Harbour at Schooner Bay Village Contact: info@sandpiperabaco or Call: 242-458-5181 or 242-699-2056 Open for Lunch Daily, ursdays Sundays for Dinner, Live Music Sunday AernoonsŽ The Cays By Alice Chenault The thirteenth annual “Writers Read” presentation was held February 25 and 26 at Hope Town Harbour Lodge. This annual program is free and open to the public, but tickets are both evenings’ performances. The men and women who read their work were selected from the ranks of the Hope Town Writers’ Circle, which is open to all. It meets at the Hope Town Sailing Club on Thursdays from 10:00 am to noon, to share ideas, encouragement, information, feedback and friendship with fellow wordsmiths. A packed-house crowd of local residents and island visitors delighted in the assortment of readings. Selections ranged from the hilarious to the poignant, and the authors themselves from eight to one hundred years of age. This year’s Writers Read featured tion, fact, humor, and memoir, including two outstanding young writers: Journey Higgs, a fourth-grader at Hope Town Primary School, and Summer Aberle, a sixth-grader at Forest Heights Academy. In the Commonwealth Writing Competition, Miss Higgs won third place in her age group, and Miss Aberle won runner-up. The capstone of each evening’s production was Adelaide Cummings, Poet Laureate of Cape Cod as well as Hope Town’s local diva, who read several of her own poems to a passionately cheering audience. Ms. Cummings is year. We wish her many more. Thirteenth Annual Writers Read Held in Hope Town Press Release The Save Guana Cay Reef Association (SGCRA), which mounted a groundposition to the Baker’s Bay development, warned of serious implications for the surrounding reef – recognized as one of the best dive sites in the world – as well as for the rest of the previously unspoiled island. The group fears now that their predictions have come true. “There has been environmental desecration out here,” said leading environmental advocate Fred Smith, QC. “They burned the entire forest, they tore down the mangroves, they dug it all up.” Smith, chairman of fast-growing social and environmental movement Save The Bays, fought alongside the SCGRA between 2004 and 2009 for the rights of Guana Cay residents. During a recent visit to the island, he dove the reefs along with association president Troy Albury to witAlbury explained that nutrients applied to maintain the health of the golf course drain into the surrounding water and lead to accelerated algae growth. “We know the nitrogen is running off the course,” he said. “We know that from algae samples we’ve taken right close into the shore and algae samples we've taken at the reef. We have lost 40 percent of the coral cover in the last two years. “Algae is always in competition for turf area on the reef. When you have algae growing, coral cannot grow and even when there is coral growing and existing, the algae gets close to it and starts to destroy it.” The situation is dire, Smith said, but not yet past the point of no return. Smith added that Guana Cay is a perfect example of the destructive power of the “Anchor Project” theory of national development, which many assert ruins traditional communities – often without living up to the many promises made by the developers and the local politicians who facilitate the deals. Albury said the once idyllic community has been severely affected by the location of a large-scale resort on the island, undertaken without proper consultation with the locals. crime, we have car accidents. We actually now have a policeman on the island, because we are having problems with people breaking into houses. Before, you knew everybody,” he said. Albury said it is important for all tratheir rights, as they have the most to lose. If the environment ends up being ruined by an anchor project, the wealthy developer can simply “pick up and start again someplace else”. The SGCRA president said the community has been waiting “for a long time” der the heads of agreement that allowed the project to go forward. These included building a community center, reserving the water sports business exclusively for Bahamians, creating a beach park, building a solid waste facility for the whole island, and providing hous“In addition to that, there were also promises of environmental monitoring, and none of that ever came into play,” he said. A newly released video of Smith’s visit to Guana Cay is part of an ongoing seviewed on Save The Bays website, www. & SGCRA Claim Guana Reefs Suffering Extensive Damage Above: Divers examining the Guana Cay Reef.Above: this year’s Writers Read featured the young and old.


Page 14 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 HT Hideaways CAR SALESDriven for DependabilityFor a Limited Time Only Shipping to Marsh Harbour FREE OF CHARGE!Ask About Our Test Drive Program*Terms and conditions apply Facebook: Avis Bahamas Call: 242-377-7185E-mail: 38 Airport Industial Park Western Road Nassau, Bahamas(near Nassau Airport) Lifestyles By Jennifer Hudson It was a special occasion at the Abaco people gathered for a book talk, signing and lunch to celebrate the 12th volume of poetry by Adelaide Cummings. Mrs. Cummings has been a second home owner in Hope Town for many years and is well loved within the community; so friends were delighted to come and help her celebrate on this memorable day. ‘Swan Song’ Book Reading Shares 100 Year Old Author’s Best WorkAbove: Abaco Inn Manager Tom Hazel presents bouquet to author Adelaide Cummings. The most remarkable thing about this lady is that she is a very sprightly 100 years of age. Having spent a lifetime of writing, Mrs. Cummings says that this book, entitled 'Swan Song' will be her last. 'Swan Song' is the title of the last poem in the book and in it she portrays her love for all of the beauties of nature, her acceptance of aging and her gratefulness for her long and beautiful life and peace for what is to come. Although a native of Tennessee, Mrs. Cummings has spent the last portion of her life in Massachusetts and in 2012 was began her writing career as an English Major at Radcliffe, going on to write for magazines such as ‘Harpers Bazaar,’ ‘Country Life,’ ‘Town and Country’ and ‘LIFE.’ In 1938 she resigned from ‘LIFE’ to travel the globe for a year and among other exciting things was guest of the Maharajah of Jaipur. She then continued with her writing which included four books in addition to her anthologies of poetry. She focused throughout the rest of her life primarily on poetry for she said “it is such joyous fun.” She is known for her rhyming verse which is witty and full During the luncheon Mrs. Cummings read three of her poems showing her contrasting styles. Several people paid tribute to Mrs. her step daughter, Sally Goodrich, who tween Adelaide and Lev Cummings and when they stayed with Dave and Phoebe Gale on Parrot Cay. She also mentioned that her stepmother was a tennis player and this remarkable lady did in fact win four Olympic gold medals in the senior division when she was in her 80’s. Ann Gearen spoke on Adelaide’s genius for friendship. “She has been blessed with many gifts – a strong body, agile mind and talent for poetry and the ability of knowing how to be a good friend. She has so many friends because people are drawn to her wit, warmth and charm,” she commented. Ann’s husband John mentioned that Adelaide’s favourite hymn is ‘It is Well with My Soul” and that every year a choir sings it for her. At the end of this special occasion at the Abaco Inn all of the guests stood to join in the singing of a verse and chorus of that special song for Adelaide. Ruth Harkin and Trudy Eagan also spoke of Adelaide’s strength, determination and love for life. Following these tributes and the reading of her poetry, Adelaide Cummings was presented with a beautiful bouquet of red roses by Tom Hazel, Manager of the Abaco Inn. Nine copies of ‘Swan Song’ signed by be donated to Every Child Counts School. Remembering the Man Who Kept the Lights OnBy Annie Potts I was very lucky to spend an afternoon with Everette Roberts on Green Turtle Cay in May of 2008 when, thanks to his extended family, we sat together talking of his days at sea servicing the active lightstations of The Bahamas. Mandy and Dale were there that day, and his wife Peggy, and it was a wonderful afternoon spent laughing together, reminiscing with Everette about his long voyages in those earlier times. Somehow, thankfully, I thought to record our words, and at his passing this past week I sat down to listen again to those conversations. How great it was to be reminded of some of the pieces of history of which his life was so full. I am not old enough to have strong memories of the Colonial days of The Bahamas, but I do feel the kinship of the timeless bond shared by all of us who have spent long hours of time at sea. This connection can transcend nationality and race to link us to each other and to the history of the maritime world in which we have spent so much time. I have found this especially true in The Bahamas where it is just about impossible to be far from open water— and otherwise we all have seawater in our veins which also seems to join our hearts. In the 1970s, Everette and his brothers and crews were the vital lifeline for 9 lightstations of the Out Above: Everette Roberts and his daughter, Crystal, singing Bahamian ballads in the 90’s. Please see Roberts Page 17


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 15 AES


Page 16 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 The Moorings Yacht Charters The Best Sailing Vacations In The World! Prestige Class The Conch Inn Resort Come and experience the beauty of the Bahamas. We are waiting for you. The Conch Inn Marina Compliments of The Moorings and The Conch Inn Hotel and Marina Tide North Bar Channel April 2015 Cruise the Abaco Sound in one of our new sailing yachts 38 ft. mono hull or 44 ft. catamaran SAILING VACATIONSSunsail Lifestyles 7th Annual World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day ParadePress Release The Strawberry Monkey’s 7th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade again welcomes all “Irish for the Day” boaters and Abaconians. Participants will stage at Memorial Park to receive their free Irish beads and then parade no more than 300 steps to Snappas for an evening of merrymaking. Snappas again will have a special brew and grog to welcome the green wave of paraders led by a special surprise as our Grand Marshall. Sands Beer will again be available compliments of Jimmy’s Wine and Liquor and Bahamian Brewery and Beverage Corporation. The parade will start at 5pm on Tuesday, March 17. Those who wish to participate are asked to meet at Memorial Park no later than 4:45 pm to receive their free green beads. The wearing of green is a must. This is a family event so be sure to include your children, pets, wagons, golf carts and noise makers. The Strawberry Monkey Yacht Club continues to sponsor Sunday BOCCE at their club house across from Snappas. Listen to the Cruisers Net for further updates. Hope Town Library Undergoes RepairsBy Erica Pinder The Hope Town Library: where chilfrom their island life, where the community gathers for meetings, or where the dressing room is for the oh-so-famous Christmas plays of Hope Town. Regardless for the use, the Library is a special pin point for the community of Hope Town. It is not only a Library. The building is shared with one of the three Fire Stations and hasn’t been comprehensively repaired since, surprisingly, until now. Very deserving of the restorations, the building is located in Jarett Park. The Library and Fire Station building is now under construction by Andrew Russell and funds provided by a private donor. The building will be getting a new roof, windows, strengthened walls and a door which were desperately needed. Before the construction, even the slightest rainfall would lead to a leaky roof. We all know a leaky roof and a library are two that should never meet. Early construction has already begun and should be Thank You to Albury’s FerryDear Editor, Thank you goes a long way. I have been traveling the ferry for many years, and I am thankful for not only their service to the islands, but also their generosity and support of the local fundraisers. Recently, the Flea Market was in Man-O-War and there were people at the event from all over the place. It was a huge success for the local Man-O-War Primary School, which has grades 1-6. The Flea Market has been a tradition on Man-OWar for 29 years, and Albury's Ferry has helped get people to the island for the big event every year. Without the ferry boats not be the fundraiser it has become for the school. I think I speak for everyone on the island of Man-O-War when I say thank you to Albury's Ferry. Thank you for your continued support of our community, and thank you for being an advocate for eduLettersMore Letters: Page 18 communities of Abaco. All of the children at Man-O-War Primary School say "Thank you!" to Albury's Ferry, and they look forward to the 30th Annual Flea Market in 2016! We appreciate your service to our island. Sincerely, Happy Customer


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 17 Islands. Their monthly circuits provided the tools, man power and food supplies necessary to keep the stations functioning, the keepers fed and the lights actively shining. The vessels Everette skippered regularly traveled hundreds of miles to windward, “rolling and tumbling” as Everette called it, usually into strong headwinds and seas to accomplish their work. These GPS, Loran, or even Radar, something unthinkable to a 21st century mariner. And it must be recognized that without the dependable supply runs of the manned lightstations would not have survived much past Independence in the early 1970s. The importance of the Bahamas lightstations as navigational aids has faded — but their place in the history of the small maritime archipelago of The Bahamas should not be allowed to dim. These lightstations can continue to guide in new and important ways if we focus on their histories and preservation. Thank you Mr.Everette. And thank you, Roberts family, for your part in keeping the lights on. We have so much for which to thank you. The Roberts family asks that in the Bahamas Lighthouse Preservation Society. In The Bahamas these cheques can be sent/delivered to Lory Kenyon, Hope Town Abaco — In the USc/o Annie Potts700 Southwest 31st Street, Palm City, FL 34990. LifestylesRoberts From Page 14 LIGHTHOUSES O S 242-366-0121 Symposium Of SupportStatement Of Success Sending out a monumental Thank You to everyone who attended or supported our first ever symposium for the lighthouse in January 2015. We were delighted to get together with persons also fascinated and concerned about her future. By Canishka Alexander A Deaf Awareness and Sign Language Community Event was held last month for persons who are deaf as well as those who have an interest in learning sign language. The event was organized by the International Christian Centers for the Deaf (ICCD) in conjunction with Abundant Life Bible Church in New Providence to reach the deaf in The Bahamas. The goal of ICCD Is to reach out to deaf individuals who do not have access to language, and to give them a basic education while teaching them about God. Leading up to the community event, ICCD Missionaries Kayla Rohr and Tali DiPalma travelled with LaSasha WilliamsHarry as their guide to Abaco on Feb. 24 to Feb. 27 in search of school-aged children and young adults who are deaf or hard of hearing. Williams Harry is a member of the New Providence Association of the Deaf, and president of the National Com-Missionaries to Teach Sign Language, Gospel to Deaf Individuals mission for Persons with Disabilities. She is the daughter of Lluellyn and Deborah Williams. The trio visited select schools as well as the Haitian communities of The Mud and Pigeon Pea to conduct a survey of those who are deaf in those communities and to see who was interested in the services they are offering. Throughout the week, they travelled to North Abaco and South Abaco schools and communities as well. Williams-Harry said that the information collected will be used to formulate and hard of hearing on Abaco and other Family Islands. Additionally, ,she and the ICCD missionaries met with representatives from the Department of Social Services in Marsh Harbour and Cooper’s Town; District Superintendent of Education Dr. Lenora Black; and various educational institutions and churches. According to Williams-Harry, there “There are inadequate measures currently in place to educate children with hearing loss; there are no sign language educators; there is a lack of documentation, resources and deaf awareness; we came to know of 18 deaf/hard of hearing persons through connections and six of the 18 are children; we met 10 deaf/hard of hearing persons during our travels from Sandy Point to Crown Haven; and educators at various schools claimed to identify several hard of hearing children although The Sign Language Community Event Team was comprised of Cranston Knowles, Pastor of Abundant Life Bible Church; Williams-Harry; DiPalma and Rohr. They met with approximately 25 persons, who were shown a Deaf Awareness PowerPoint presentation highlighting facts about deafness and the deaf community in The Bahamas. Those in attendance were taught songs, basic sign language i.e. the alphabet, numbers, greeting and basic everyday words. There were games, food, drinks and a prize giveaway. William-Harry said: “It was a pleasure to travel to my home island Abaco Please see Deaf Page 18 27 Albury Brothers 2011 FOR SALE .27 Albury Brothers 2011 .18 Taco outriggers .Twin 225 Yamahas .Hard top mounted teaser reels .530 hours total .Twin Garmin 5212 screens .YCOP immobilisation system . Chart plotter, sonar, GMR 24HD radar (48 miles) .Always Yamaha maintained .Twin VHF . Too many extras to list This Boat has Always Been Kept in a Lift or Ashore & is in Excellent Condition Ideal Island Hopper & Oshore Fisherman, a Proven Fish Raiser BAHAMAS REGISTERED BOAT DUTY PAID $149,000 OBO Lying at Marsh Harbour Boatyards Tel: 242.367.5205 or Email: info@mhby.comICCD Missionaries Kayla Rohr and Tali DiPalma and LaSasha Williams-Harry's visit to Abaco from Feb. 24-27. They were in search of deaf or hard of hearing children and


Page 18 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 Area Code 242 unless listed otherwise Island-wide Abaco ListingsAbaco Cottage 114 hse 366-0576 Abaco Vacation Planner + 25 hse 367-3529Casuarina PointSea Grape/Coco Plum 2 Units 367-2107CherokeeLee Pinder 3 hse 366-2053 Marina Albury Cottages 5 cottages 366-2075Grand CayRosie’s Place 352-5458Green Turtle Cay Abaco Breeze 13 hse 577-4570 Bluff House Club 12 units 365-4200 Cocobay Cottages 6 cott 800-752-0166 Green Turtle Club 35 rm 365-4271 Island Properties 34 hse 365-4047 Leeward Yacht Club 5 hse 365-4191 Ocean Blue Properties 34 hse 365-4636 Other Shore Club 365-4226 Roberts Cottages 3 cott 365-4105 Guana CayDive Guana 11 hse 365-5178 Dolphin Bch Resort 4 rm 10 cott. 365-5137 Guana Sunset Beach 13 units 365-5133 Ocean Frontier 6 cott 519-389-4846 Ward’s Landing 4 units 904-982-2762 Ruth Sands 9 hse 365-5140Hope TownAbaco Inn 22 rm 366-0133 Crystal Villas 5 villas 321-452-0164 Elbow Cay Prop 53 hse 366-0035 Hope T Harb Lodge 25 rm 366 0095 Hope T Hideaways 63 hse 366-0224 Hope Town Inn 6 rm 4 Villas 3 Suites 366-0003 Hope T Villas 3 hse 366-0266 Lighthouse Rentals 4 cott 366-0154 Sea Gull Cottages 4 hse 366-0266 Sea Spray Resort 6 villas 366-0065 Tanny Key 43 hse 366 -0053 Turtle Hill 4 villas 366-0557Lubbers Quarters CayLubbers’ Landing 4 villas 577-2000Man-O-WarIsland Home Rentals 2 hse 365-6048 Waterway Rentals 14 hse 365-6143 Marsh Harbour areaAbaco Beach Resort 82 rms 367-2158 Abaco Real Estate 6 hse 367-2719 Abaco Towns 16 apts 367-0148 Ambassador Inn 6 rms 367-2022 Conch Inn 9 rms 367-4000 Living Easy 16 hse 367-2202 Island Breezes Motel 8 rms 367-3776 Lofty Fig Villas 6 eff 367-2681 Pelican Beach Villas 6 cott 367-3600 Regattas 32 apts 577-6764 HG Christie 11 hse 367-4151Sandy PointOeisha’s Resort 366-4139 Pete & Gay’s Resort 14 rm 366-4119 Spanish CaySpanish Cay Resort 18 rm 6 hse 365-0083Treasure CayAbaco Estate Services Mult hse 365-8752 Bahama Beach Club 88 units 365-8500 Brigantine Bay Villas 5 units 877-786-8455 Treasure Cay Resort 95 rms 365-8801Turtle RockVillas at Palmetto Beach 3 villas 262-820-1900 Hotels and House Rental Agents Web Sites with Abaco Information www.bahamas.comHope Town..cont ere & Back.....AgainEFFECTIVE: Jan 2015Ph: 242-367-0290 Fax: 242-367-0291 REGULAR FERRY SCHEDULE Marsh Harbour to Hope Town20 minute ride7:15am / 9:00am / 10:30am /12:15pm 2:00pm 4:00pm / 5:45pmHope Town to Marsh Harbour8:00am / 9:45am / 11:30am /1:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm / 5:00pm / 6:30pmMarsh Harbour to Man-O-War20 minute ride7:15 / 9.00am / 11.00am / 12:15pm 4:00pm / 5:45pmMan-O-War to Marsh Harbour 8:00am / 10:30am / 1:30pm / 3:30pm/ 5:00pmMarsh Harbour to Scotland/Guana Cay30 minute ride*6:45am / 10:30am / 1:30pm /3:30pm 5:45pm * 6.45am ferry leaves fron Union Jack DockScotland/Guana Cay to Marsh Harbour8:am / 11:30am / 2:30pm / 4:45pm / 6:30pmAny stops outside the main harbour will be a minimum charge of two persons. Two persons or over will remain at regular charge.During the month of August through December there are some adjustments made to the schedule. You are advised to contact the oce for any changes.REGULAR FERRY FARESOne Way: $19.00 Round Trip Open Return: $30.00Children 6-11: One way $11.00/ Round trip $17.00Children 5 and under: Free Hope Town and Man-O-War ferries depart from the Ferry Dock at Crossing Beach. Guana /Scotland Cay depart from the Conch Inn. Prices subject to change without notice.Albury’s Ferry Service“Honesty and Quality You Can Count On”Brandon ompson Residential and Commercial Customized to suit your lifestyleSales and Service Quality boat lift dealer for 10 yearsOffering unsurpassed attention to detail with almost two decades of hands on experience Cell: 242-357-6532 Ph/Fax: 242-367-2704 Above: On Feb 5th the Abaco Bahamian Craft Association held an elecSecretary, Cleopatra Burrows; Assistant Secretary, Yvonne Wilmore; Treasurer, Veronica Rahming; Assistant Treasurer, Audrea Thompson; Chaplain, Stephan Knowles, and Public Relations Coordinator, Jo-Ann Bradley. Craft Association with the ICCD missionaries and Pastor Cranston Knowles as their guide because I believe the goals they wish to achieve for deaf people in the Family Islands is very important. “In Abaco and other Family Islands where there are no sign language educators or proper accommodations for deaf/ hard of hearing students, they are faced with isolation and communication challenges, which in turn affects their ability to learn effectively. Although inadequate, the local government departments and private institutions try to provide assistance within their means. “There is a dire need for resources on the island and deaf awareness among educators and the community in general.” She noted that with the passing of the Persons with Disabilities Act in July 2014, and the establishment of the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities, there will be expectant changes in the coming months that will address these issues. Additionally, the ICCD missionaries are proposing to establish a boarding school for deaf and hard of hearing children in New Providence for students from the Family Islands. This proposition intends to address the need for suitable education for deaf children. Williams-Harry said although the boarding school is needed, it is not completely embraced by the parents because their child will have to leave home and relocate to Nassau. “Parents are very protective of their let go, so we are looking into others ways to address the lack of suitable education for deaf children in Abaco,” she said. “The ICCD has a proven record and are well intentioned; therefore, I will continue to work with them for the betterment of the Deaf community.” She thanked all those who helped to make their trip a success namely the Marsh Harbour and Cooper’s Town Department of Social Services for their cooperation; Diana Strachan; Canishka StuartAlexander; Deborah Williams; James Williams; and Jeannine Dorsett. LifestylesDeaf From Page 17 Letters Power Expansion?Dear Editor, I read with interest the article in the February 1, 2015 edition of The Abaconian titled “Power Expansion Plans Presented to the Public.” Our family has owned property in Treasure Cay for over 40 years, often experiencing power outages of various lengths right up to today. So I was pleased to read of the efforts by BEC to upgrade the power infrastructure within the cays that comprise Abaco. I couldn’t believe, however, that nothing in the article mentioned anything about plans for alternative energy sources – namely solar and/or wind. If there is a country on this earth that is better suited to capture/create energy through these two means, than the Bahamas, I certainly can’t think of it. The technology for both solar and wind has progressed so far now that on both an individual house basis as well as larger one, the economics are beginning to make sense. Plus these means can more easily be scaled to avoid the need for construction of large power plants and miles of cable. That’s even before considering the issue of global warming. Many, if not all, of the islands of the Bahamas are at risk in very real ways as seas rise, and to me it’s irresponsible for the government and BEC not to be moving forward aggressively towards solar and wind energy sources. Respectfully submitted, Vic Pfeiffer


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section A Page 19 Dive ShopsDive Abaco Since1978, Marsh Harbour.................................. 367-2787 Dive Time, Man-O-War............................................................365-6235 Froggies, Hope Town.............................................................. 366-0431 Treasure Divers, Treasure Cay.........................................357-6796 Brendals Dive, Green T. Cay......................................... 365-4411 Dive Guana............................................................... 365-5178 Marsh Harbour A & P Car Rentals .............................................367-2655 Abaco Dorado Boat Rentals ..............................367-1035 Bargain Car Rentals ..........................................367-0500 Blue Wave Boat Rentals ...................................367-3910 Cruise Abaco Sailboat Rentals ..........................577-0148 Quality Star Car Rentals ....................................367-2979 Rainbow Boat Rentals ......................................367-4602 Rental Wheels Scooters, Bikes, Cars ..................367-4643 Richs Boat Rentals ..........................................367-2742 Sea Horse Boat Rentals ....................................367-2513 Sea Star Car Rentals .........................................367-4887 The Moorings Boat Rentals ..............................367-4000 U-Save Auto Rental...........................................699-3346 Green Turtle Cay Brendals Dive Bikes & Kayak rental ..................365-4411 C & D Cart Rental .............................................365-4311 Cruising Cart Rentals ........................................365-4065 D & P Cart Rental .............................................365-4655 Donnies Boat Rentals .......................................365-4119 Harbour View Golf Carts....................................365-4411 Kool Karts ........................................................365-4176 Reef Boat Rentals ............................................365-4145 Roberts Hardware Boat Rentals .......................365-4122 Sea Side Carts & Bikes ......................................365-4147 South Beach Cart Rentals .................................365-4375 Sunset Marine Boat Rentals .............................365-4634 T & A Cart Rentals ............................................365-4259 Guana Cay Alburys Property Management, Cart Rentals ..365-5175 Dive Guana Boats, Golf Carts & Bikes ................365-5178 Orchid Bay Cart rentals .....................................365-5175 Lubbers Quarters Cruise Abaco ....................................................577-0148 Man-O-War Conch Pearl Boat Rentals..................................365-6502 M.O.W Marina Boat Rentals .............................365-6013 Ria-Mar Golf Cart Rentals .................................365-6024 Waterways Boat Rental ................357-6540 & 365-6143 Hope Town Abaco Padelboard Rentals ...............................475-0954 Cats Paw Boat Rentals .....................................366-0380 Elbow Cay Cart .................................................366-0530 Hope Town Cart Rentals ..................................366-0064 Island Cart Rentals ..........................................366-0448 Island Marine Boat Rentals ..............................366-0282 J Rs Cart Rental ................................................366-0361 Sea Horse Boat Rentals ....................................366-0023 T & N Cart Rentals ............................................366-0069 Treasure Cay Abaco Adventures Kayaks .............................365-8749 Blue Marlin Golf Cart Rentals. ..........................365-8687 Cashs Carts ......................................................365-8771 Cornish Car Rentals ..........................................365-8623 JIC Boat Rentals ...............................................365-8582 Triple J Car Rentals ...........................................365-8761 Wendals Bicycle Rentals...................................365-8687 Schooner Bay Ts Carts............................................................557-1015 DSB Bike Rentals...............................................376-9858 Bonefish Guides Visitors’ Guide Restaurant GuidePrices $ Low, $$ Moderate, $$$ Upper Marsh Harbour/Murphy/Dundas Abaco Pizza. ................................$ ..................367-4488 Anglers ...................................$$$ ..................367-2158 Back 2 Da Island.........................$....................367-0150 Bayview ...................................$.....................367-3738 Casiahs.......................................$................... 367-0514 Conchy Joes .............................$$ ..................375-9115 Curly Tails ...............................$$$ ..................367-4444 Foxies Pizza................................$................... 367-2058 Guava Du & Stu ......................$ ..................699-3016 Golden Grouper .........................$$ ..................367-2301 Island Family Rest .....................$$ ..................367-3778 Java Coee House .......................$ ..................367-5523 Jamies Place .............................$$ ..................367-2880 Jakes .........................................$$ ..................367-5253 Jib Room ..................................$$ ..................367-2700 Junovias.....................................$$..................367-1271 Just Chicken ...............................$ ..................367-6365 Kentucky Fried Chicken ...............$ ..................367-2615 Jib Room ..................................$$ ..................367-2700 Lovelys .......................................$ ..................699-0310 Mangoes .................................$$$ ..................367-2366 Mother Merles .........................$$ ..................367-2770 Nathans Bar & Grill ..................$$ ..................699-3247 Oasis ..........................................$$................. 699-4000 Rumrunners...............................$$.................. 367-0171 Snack Shack ...............................$ ..................367-4005 Snappas ....................................$$ ..................367-2278 Wallys ....................................$$$ ..................367-2074 Hope Town Abaco Inn ..............................$$$ ..................366-0133 Capn Jacks ................................$$ ..................366-0247 Firey.......................................$$$................. 366-0145 Harbours Edge ......................... $$ ..................366-0087 H T Coee House (B & L) ..............$ ..................366-0760 HT Inn & Marina.........................$$................. 366-0003 H T Harbour Lodge ..................$$$ ..................366-0095 Lubbers Landing ......................$$ ..................577-2000 Munchies ....................................$ ..................366-0423 OnDa Beach ..............................$$ ..................366-0558 PapanastyBBQ...........................$$.................. 366-0654 Sea Spray ‚ ...............................$$ ..................366-0065 Sugar Shack + ............................$ ..................366-0788 Wine Down Sip Sip.....................$$.................. 366-0399 Little Harbour Petes Pub ..................................$$ ..................577-5487 Lubbers Quarter Cracker Ps .................................$$ ..................366-3139 Man-O-War Islanders Seaside Rest ................$ ..................365-6380 Guana Cay Grabbers ...................................$$ ..................365-5133 Nippers .....................................$$ .................365-5143 Orchid Bay ...............................$$$ ..................365-5175 Treasure Cay Bahama Beach Club.................$$$...................365-8500 Coco Beach Bar & Grill. ..............$$ ..................365-8470 Creative Hands Bakery.................$...................365-8153 Florences Cafe .............................$ ..................365-8185 Spinnaker Restaurant .............$$$ ..................365-8469 Touch of Class ........................$$$ ..................365-8195 Treasure Sands Club ................$$$ ..................365-9385 Green Turtle Cay Blu House .............................$$$ ..................365-4200 Jolly Roger Bistro ......................$$ ..................365-4247 Green Turtle Club ....................$$$ ..................365-4271 Harveys Island Grill ...................$$ ..................365-4389 Lizard Bar & Grill........................$$...................365-4191 McIntoshs Restaurant ..............$$ ..................365-4625 Miss Emilys Restaurant .............$$ ..................365-4181 New Plymouth Inn ....................$$ ..................365-4161 Pineapple Restaurant Bar & Grill $$ .................365-4039 Plymouth Rock Cafe ..................$$ ..................365-4234 Shorties Take-a-Way...................$$..................365-4342 Sundowners ..............................$$ ..................365-4060 Sandy Point Nancys......................................$$ ..................366-4120 Schooner Bay The Blacky Lodge ..................$$$ ..................376-0321 The Red Marlin Bistro...............$$....................426-5440 Judy Maes Kitchen....................$.....................475-7626 Beach Cabana Bar......................$.....................376-9858 Emergency ServicesEmergancy Medical Services (Ambulance) 367-2911 Police Hope Town 366-0667 Police Man-O-War 365-6911 Police Treasure Cay 365-8048 Police Green Turtle Cay 365-4550 B. Electricity Corp 367-2727, 367-2846, 367-4667 Water & Sewerage 475-1499, 475-5518 Fire Marsh Harbour 367-2000 Fire Man-O-War 365-4019 Treasure Cay Fire & Rescue 365-9111 BASRA Bah Air Sea Rescue......Marine VHF 16...............366-0282 Hope Town 366-0549 Marsh Harbour 367-3752 Guana Cay 365-5178 Treasure Cay 365-8749 Medical ServicesAbaco Family Medicine, M.H ......................................367-2295 Abaco Medi-Center, M.H.............................................367-9999 Auskell Advanced Medical Clinic, M.H ........................367-0020 Chiropractor-Dr. Lewis, M.H........................................367-0020 Corbett Clinic, Treasure Cay ........................................365-8288 Integrated Medical Center ..........................................367-1304 Treasure Cay..............................................365-8092 Emergency ...............................................458-1234 Marsh Harbour Medical Centre ...................................367-0050 Government Clinic, Marsh Harbour ...........................367-2510 Government Clinic, Coopers Town .............................365-0300 Government Clinic, Green Turtle Cay ..........................365-4028 Government Clinic, Hope Town ..................................366-0108 Government Clinic, Sandy Point .................................366-4010 Kidney Centre, Marsh Harbour....................................367-3310 Abaco Marinas Slips Fuel PhoneGreen Turtle CayBlu House .......................38 .........F ................365-4247 Green Turtle Club ..............40 .........F ................365-4271 Black Sound Marina ..........15 ............................365-4531 Other Shore Club ...............10 .........F ................365-4226 Abaco Yacht Service...........10 .........F ................365-4033 Leeward Yacht Club............ 28............................365-4191Treasure CayTreasure Cay Marina........ ..150......... F............... ..365-8250 Man-O-WarMan-O-War Marina ..........28 .........F .................365-6008Marsh HarbourBoat Harbour Marina ......200 .........F .................367-2158 Conch Inn .......................... 80. .........F.................367-4000 Harbour View Marina ........33 .........F ................367-2182 Mangoes Marina ...............29 ........... .................367-4255 Marsh Harbour Marina ......80 .........F .................367 2700Hope TownHope Town Marina ............62 ............................ 366-0003 Lighthouse Marina ..............6 .........F ................366-0154 Sea Spray ..........................60 .........F ................366-0065South AbacoSchooner Bay ....................15 .........F ................475-7626Spanish CaySpanish Cay Marina ...........40 .........F ................365-0083Guana CayBakers Bay Marina ..........158 ........... ................365-5802 Guana Hide-aways ............37 ........... ................365-5070 Orchid Bay .........................66 ........F ................365-5175Boats can clear Customs at Green Turtle Cay, Treasure Cay or Marsh Harbour Airlines Serving Abaco New Smyrna Beah.......................1-386-478-0600 Miami .....................................................367-2231 US Reservation..............................1-800-433-7300 Nassau,W. Palm B, Ft Laud .............................367-2095 Jacksonville...................................................877-893-4619 Ft. Lauderdale, New York....................1-954-318-3327 Freeport .......................................699-0312/351-4963 Freeport...............................................................367-0446 Orlando, Ft. Laud, WPB, Tampa .....................367-3415 US Reservation...................................1-800-231-0856 Nassau .........................................................367-0996 Reservation.......................................1-242-377-8993 Nassau ...........................................................367-3722 Local air charters serving Bahamas & S.Florida .........................................................367-1920 Taxi Cab Fares one or two passengers Extra $3 for each passengers above two ective Dec 08Clinic, Downtown, Stop Light, ........................................................$10 Ab Bch Resort, Eastern Shore close, Ferry ........................................$15 Spring City ........................................................................................$15 Dundas Town, Nat Ins bldg, C Abaco Primary Sch .............................$15 Murphy Town & Great. Cistern ..........................................................$20 Snake Cay ........................................................................................$35 Casuarina Point.................................................................................$60 Cherokee, Winding Bay, Little Harbour .............................................$80 Bahama Palm Shore .........................................................................$90 Crossing Rocks ................................................................................$105 Sandy Point ...................................................................................$150 Leisure Lee .......................................................................................$50 Treasure Cay Airport, G Turtle ferry ...................................................$80 Treasure Cay Resort...........................................................................$85 Fox Town ........................................................................................$165 Clinic, downtown, Ab Beach Hotel .................................................$ 10 Nat. Ins. Bldg, Murphy Town, Gr. Cistern ..........................................$10 Wait time $0.40 per minute, Hourly rate $40 per hour Luggage $0.75 each over two, large bags $1 ea. Eective Dec 08Green Turtle Cay ferry dock ...............................................................$10 Madeira Park ....................................................................................$20 Sand Banks ......................................................................................$25 Treasure Cay Resort...........................................................................$30 Leisure Lee .......................................................................................$45 Black Wood ......................................................................................$20 Fire Road & Coopers Town ...............................................................$40 Cedar Harbour .................................................................................$60 Wood Cay .........................................................................................$70 Mount Hope .................................................................................... $80 Fox Town ..........................................................................................$85 Crown Haven ...................................................................................$90 Marsh Harbour airport .....................................................................$80 Green Turtle Ferry to Marsh H Airport ..............................................$80 Treasure Cay Hotel to Marsh Harbour ................................................$85 Treasure Cay Hotel to Green Turtle Ferry ...........................................$25 Treasure Cay Hotel to Blue Hole ........................................................$30 Attractions Albert Lowe Museum ................................Green Turtle Cay Capt Roland Roberts House, reef exhibits ..Green Turtle Cay Memorial Sculpture Garden .................... Green Turtle Cay Wyannie Malone Historical Museum .................Hope Town Elbow Cay Lighthouse .......................................Hope Town Swim Mermaid Reef o Marsh Harbour ........Pelican Shore Drive to & swim in Blue Hole ...........Treasure Cay farm road Art studio & working foundry ......................Little Harbour Man-O-War Heritage Museum...................Man-O-War Cay Man-O-War Boatyards ..............................Man-O-War Cay Hole-inWall lighthouse -very rough road......South Abaco Cedar Harbour plantation ruins need guide...North Abaco Blackwood blue hole & sisal mill......................North Abaco Bird watching ask tourism.................................367-3067BeachesPocket Crossing Beach in Marsh Harbour Witches Point 3 miles S. of Marsh Harbour Little Harbour 20 miles S. of Marsh Harbour Cherokee 23 miles S of Marsh Harbour Miles of beach (most exposed to ocean) Marsh H.>Guana Cay/Scotland cay. F (Phone after hours 359-6861) advised to contact the oce for the changes. Green Turtle Ferry Abaco Adventures Pinders Ferry Service Between Abaco & Grand Bahama Call Abaco 365-2356 for information Bahamas Ferries Due to changing schedules please 242-323-2166 for dates and rates or visit Marsh Harbour to Hope Town or Man-O-War 20 minutes, Guana Cay 30 minutesMarsh Harbour cont... Terrance Davis .......... 375-8550 Buddy Pinder ............ 366-2163 Justin Sands ............. 359-6890 Danny Sawyer .......... 367-3577 Jay Sawyer ............... 367-3941 Abaco Lodge..............577-1747 North Abaco O’Donald McIntosh ... 477-5037 Edward Rolle ............ 365-0024 Pedro Thurston ......... 365-2405 Sandy Point Valantino Adderley .... 366-4323 Anthony Bain ............ 366-4107 Rickmon’s..................366-4233 Pete’s Guest House...366-4119 Patrick Roberts..........366-4285 Treasure Cay Capt. Joe Pritchard ...559-9117 Carey McKenzie.........365-8313 Casaurina Point Junior Albury ...............366-3058 Cherokee Donnie Lowe................366-2275 Marty Sawyer .............. 366-2115 Randy Sawyer ............366-2284 Will Sawyer .................366-2177 Crossing Rocks Tony Russell ...............577-1968 Green Turtle Cay Rick Sawyer ................365-4261 Ronnie Sawyer ...........357-6667 Hope Town Maitland Lowe ............366-0234 Tom Albury ..................366-3141 Marsh Harbour Jody Albury ................375-8068 Sidney Albury............... 4775996 Richard Albury ............577-0313 Dental ServicesAgape Family Dental, Marsh Harbour..........................367-4355 Abaco Dental Asso......................................................367-0164 Diamante Dental, Marsh Harbour................................367-4968 Man O War Dental Clinic..............................................365-6508 PharmacyAbaco Island Pharmacy, Marsh Harbour......................367-2544 Chemist shoppe, Marsh Harbour.................................367-3106 VeterinaryCaribbean Veterinary Centre, Marsh Harbour..............367-3551 Island Veterinary Clinic, Marsh Harbour......................367-0062 Everyone reads The Abaconian Bring errors & revisions to our attention Revised March 2015All phones use area code 242 unless notedTours & Excursions .......... ....367-2936 ..................... ....367-4117 Abacos Nature Adventure ........................... ....577-0004 Adventure on Prozac T Cay ........................ ....365-8749 .................. ....365-4411 ....................... ....365-8506 ...... ....367-2787 ......... ....366-0024 ............ ....376-9858The Great Abaco Express Eco & Historical bus tours Call 367-2165 or 559-9160 Charter Fishing BoatsLucky Strike Hope Town.............................366-0101 Sea Gull Hope Town.................................366-0266 A Salt Weapon Hope Town........................366-0245 Down Deep...................................................366-3143 Local Boy......................................................366-0528 Back Breaker................................................365-5140Marsh Harbour: Abaco Beach Resort Snappas Grill & Chill Curly Tails Mangoes Restaurant Hope Town: Abaco Inn Capn Jacks H.T. Harbour Lodge Sea Spray Wi-Fi HotspotsGreen Turle Cay: Sundowners McIntosh Restaurant Jolly Roger Bar & Bistro Leeward Yacht Club Bluff House Guana Cay: Guana Grabbers Nippers Bar & Grill M-O-W Cay: Man-O-War Marina Islanders Restaurant


Page 20 Section A The Abaconian March 15, 2015 Insurance Management


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section B Page 1 VOLUME 23 NUMBER 6 March 15th, 2015 By Jennifer Hudson -ECC Raises the RoofMarsh Harbour School of Dance Performs ‘Frozen’Above: Students of the Marsh Harbour School of Dance put on two outstanding performances of ‘Frozen’ at the Grace Gym on March 28. The young singers and actors did a remarkable job. They had obviously worked very hard in their preparation, their lines were perfectly recited, their acting convincing and their singing delightful. See Page 2.Please see ECC Page .12 Follow the Parrot.Solve the Puzzles. Decode the Clues. Win the Prize.Your Adventure Starts on Page 11 Above: ECC principal Lyn Major (center) with her students during the Raise the Roof Concert held March 6 at the Abaco Beach Resort in Marsh Harbour. The Concert was a two night event that showcased the talent and hard work on many of the Every Child Counts students. Section B Of the WeekBy @ladyerii YELLOW PAGES Page 14 Swim ClubPage 7 Sports Page 6 Church NewsPage 12 Classi“eds Page 14


Page 2 Section B The Abaconian March 15, 2015 By Jennifer Hudson School & Youth NewsMarsh Harbour School of Dance Performs ‘Frozen’Above: Elsa (Mykayla Marshall) with admirers following the show. Above: Anna (Racquel Cartwright) with an audience member.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section B Page 3


Page 4 Section B The Abaconian March 15, 2015 30 YEARS overEXPERIENCE Phone: 242.577.DOCK (3625) Home: 242.367.6066 Fax: 242.367.6066 E-mail: OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Dock Construction Boat Lift Sales & Service Dock Accessories Sea Walls Demolition & Removal Building Abacos nest docks OURSERVICESINCL We are now the Authorized Dealers ForABACOS FINEST DOCK BUILDERS Better Docks Better Prices & Better Service Perscriptions Vitamins Supplements Glucose & Cholesterol Testing Health & Beauty Supplies Accepts all Major Insurance Plans Accepts National Prescription Drug Cards Accepts US Perscriptions Fast and reliable service! Ph: 242-367-2544 Fax: E-mail: abacoislanpharmacy@gmail.comMon-Sat: 8:30 6pm Sun: 9am-4pm By Mirella Santillo School & Youth NewsAbove: Teacher Agatha Simms speaking with students. ACH Celebrates Career & Technical Education Department Above: Desmond Bootle rapping.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section B Page 5 Man-O-War HardwareNon-Corrosive HardwareAn Extensive Selection of Brass, Stainless & MonelBolts, Nails & Screws Hinges & Barrel BoltsStainless Steel Hurricane Clips#1 LumberPlain & Pressure TreatedPine, Fir, Cypress Teak & MahoganyInterior, Exterior & MarinePLYWOOD For quotes or information Call Walter Sweeting Man-O-War Cay, Abaco, BahamasPh: (242) 365-6011 l Fax (242) 365-6039 Quality Star Auto Service Station And GarageDon MacKay Blvd., Marsh HarbourTHE PLACE FOR YOUR ENTIRE AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK NEEDSWe stock a wide variety of parts and tyres. If you need an item that is not in stock, we will quickly import it for you Open 7 am 7 pm Monday thru Thursday 7 am 8 pm Friday and Saturday Tel: (242) 367-2979 I f y School & Youth News By Mirella Santillo Caribbean Youth Environment Network Creating Bahamas Chapter Press Release Above left to right: Archbishop Patrick Pinder, Ann Dennis-Morley (the awardee) and Catholic Board of Education Chairman Lambert Longley. St. Francis Educator Receives Three Awards Please see Awards Page 13 Above: CYEN volunteers and students.


Page 6 Section B The Abaconian March 15, 2015 For SaleLenco Trim Tabs JBL Stereo with 4 speakers ICom VHF M504 Armstrong swim ladder Electric Marine toilet with holding tank Raw Water washdown Fresh Water System Life Jackets & Flares25.4 2012 PARKER 2530 EXTENDED CABINLightly used & well maintained 2 200Hp Yamaha Engines (520 hours each) New Bottom Paint (Nov 2014) New Batteries (Feb 2015) Lewmar ProshŽ Windlass Fortress Anchor with chain & line rode Ritchie Compass Garmin 4208 GPS map CUSTOMS DUTIES ALREADY PAID!! $ 84,900 For more details contact Wilson at: 242.551.8925 or Email: Sports By Canishka Alexander Above: Photo of Creters Bulldogs who won back-to-back Bahamas Softball Federation’s (BSF) National Round Robin Championships in 2013 and 2014 for Abaco to become The Bahamas' National Softball Champions. 2015 Softball Season Opening set for May 8-9New Softball Hall of Fame Inductee Provided by Courtney Chandler. Above: Courtney Chandler.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section B Page 7 E-mail: Call 561-313-5678 for a Free Consultation regarding your U.S. tax reporting obligations and the terms of this amnesty program.ATTENTION: U.S. CITIZENS LIVING IN THE BAHAMAS HAVE YOU FAILED TO FILE U.S. INCOME TAX RETURNS AND/OR DISCLOSE YOUR BAHAMIAN BANK ACCOUNTS ON FBAR IN PRIOR YEARS? DO YOU WANT TO CLEAR UP YOUR PRIOR NON-COMPLIANCE BEFORE YOUR BAHAMIAN ACCOUNT IS DISCLOSED TO U.S. UNDER NEW FATCA LAW? U.S. AMNESTY PROGRAM WITH RECENTLY REDUCED PENALTIES MAY NOW BE AVAILABLE TO U.S. CITIZENS LIVING ABROAD FOR FAILURE TO FILE U.S. INCOME TAX RETURNS AND FBAR ti on 205 Worth Avenue, Suite 201 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Law Office of Michael K. Miller, P.A. By Mirella Santillo SportsAgape Eagles Compete at the Hugh Campbell Tournament Abaco Swim Club Continues Win StreakAbove: ASCÂ’s Brayden Dam (center)won the High Point Trophy in his Age Group. By Mirella Santillo -Abaco Church Sporting Association Schedules Basketball Season


Page 8 Section B The Abaconian March 15, 2015 Sports Press Release GAFFW to Feature Competition in Beautiful Surroundings Above: the beginning of the swim during the 2014 Great Abaco Family Fitness Weekend.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section B Page 9


Page 10 Section B The Abaconian March 15, 2015 GROUP LTD CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING ESTATE SERVICES DEVELOPMENT & CONSTRUCTIONPlanning, Management, Execution of all Stages of Residental, Commercial, Infrastructure or Renovation ProjectsENGINEERING DESIGN & CONSULTINGStructual & Civil Engineering Licensed Professional EngineerESTATE SERVICESProperty Management & MaintenanceAbaco Shopping Center, P.O.Box AB 20200 Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas jnicksims@gmail.comnick sims PRESIDENT & ENGINEER 242-577-7467 Tel/Fax: 242-367-sims BETTER BUILDING SOLUTIONS Elijah “Eli” Lowe, son of Karen Huff-Lowe and Robert Lowe of Hope Town, shown (2nd from left) with 3 of his fellow Easley High School (Easley, SC USA) football teammates on National Signing Day, signing a letter of intent to continue playing football at the collegiate level at Limestone College in Gaffney, SC USA while furthering his education in the fall. Behind him is his mother (right) and his aunt, Elaine Huff-Lowe (left). Eli was also awarded MVP (Most Valuable Player) for the football offensive lineman, is in the National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society and has been chosen to compete at Skills USA which has over 1,700 students in May. Congratulations to Eli for his outstanding achievements studying abroad. Sports Local Youth Plays College Football “Blues Brothers” Excel in Swim Meet Above: Miller Albury & Joshua Wong.


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section B Page 11 Follow the Parrot. Solve the Puzzles. Decode the Clues. Win the Prize. Your Adventure Starts Here nian Section B Page 1 1 s . Win $250 CASH Over the next three issues the clues found here will ultimately lead you to someand participants. Abaco ImagingSigns Banners Boat Names& MORE.1(242)367-7000 1: Lighthouse 53, 65, 53, 65; 52, 55, 51, 53, 58; 52, 51, 68 This week Â’ s extra scavenger hunt: "In this modern age, telling north from south is as simple as downloading a phone app . But if you want to find treasure at your destination you still better follow the parrot. " Cruise Abaco thanks you for Cruising Abaco!


Page 12 Section B The Abaconian March 15, 2015 By Canishka Alexander Church NewsThe Latterrain Ministries IntÂ’l Praise Team led in the praise and worship segment of Zion BaptistÂ’s Ladies Ministry Conference 2015.Zion Baptist Cathedral hosts WomenÂ’s Conference Thank You e Youth Baseball Association of Abaco & our 13-15 team, e Rebels, would like to thank all the individuals that assisted us as well as those who came out to support us on Saturday evening, March 7th, 2015. We look forward to your continued support throughout our season. We will do our best to make everyone proud. The Youth Baseball Association of Abaco ECC From Page 1 Please see ECC Page 13 School News


March 15, 2015 The Abaconian Section B Page 13 THE NEW GOVERNMENT COMPLEX TELEPHONE NUMBERS Administrators Oce..........................242-699-0000 Dept of Education.................................242-699-0016 Dept of Environmental Health............242-699-0032 Min of Finance/Business License..........242-699-0052 Dept of Immigration.............................242-699-0067 Magistrates Court................................242-699-0092 National Insurance Board.....................242-367-2639 Public Treasury.....................................242-367-2647 Dept of Social Services.........................242-699-0150 Ministry of Tourism.............................242-699-0152 Local Government Council.................242-699-0165 Auditor General Dept..........................242-699-0171 Bahamas Mortgage Corp.....................242-699-0177 Dept of Information Technology...........242-699-0182 Dept of Housing...................................242-699-0187 Dept of Labour.....................................242-699-0200 Dept of Marine Resources....................242-699-0202 Road Trac Dept.................................242-699-0217 Ministry of Youth Sports & Culture.....242-699-0228 Prime Ministers Oce........................242-699-0241 Passport Oce.....................................242-699-0244 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TO CUT OUT AND SAVE Awards From Page 5 School & Youth NewsAbove: The Ministry of Education Abaco District 4th grade Spelling Bee was held on Friday, February 27. After almost 30 intense rounds the winner was Luke Prosa of Hope Town School. Hope Town Primary School students showed their appreciation to parents & grandparents on Friday, February 27 with a lunch prepared by the children. They proudly showed off their green thumb with delicious salad greens and basil cilantro pesto pasta all from the schools garden. The garden is maintained and cared for by Ms. Amanda and the students. Students Feed Folks with Fresh Food Hope Town School Wins Spelling Bee ECC From Page 12


Page 14 Section B The Abaconian March 15, 2015 PROPERTY & HOUSES FOR SALE Casuarina Point, South Abaco, Bahama Coral Island Guana Executive Rental, Marsh Harbour, RENTAL HOUSES AND APARTMENTS PROPERTY & HOUSES FOR SALE Moving to ABACO? Home for sale: Treasure Cay, Green Turtle Cay, Coco Bay, Abaco. Lots for Sale. PROPERTY & HOUSES FOR SALE RENTAL HOUSES AND APARTMENTS NOTICE: Please note that all rates shown below are inclusive on the new Government Value Added Tax of 7.5 % starting January 1, 2015 CLASSIFIED RATES: 3 lines of info-$12per issue (Minimum) Colored Photo-additional $20 Picture and 4 lines-$27 B&W Spot Color highlight on wording, additional $10 Additional lines-$2 per line 3677 Email: AbaconianNews@gmail.comMarsh Harbour, Hope Town, North End, THE PINK HOUSE. RENTED Casuarina Point, South Abaco, DUPLEX, NOW ONLINE ONE PRICE, MORE COVERAGE!! 1 4 S t i B 1 4 S t i B Abaconian Yellow Pages Abaco Bay Properties Abaco Beach Resort Abaco Cays Realty Abaco Estate Services Abaco Freight Abaco Glass Abaco Gold Abaco Hardware Abaco Imaging Abaco Insurance Agency Abaco Island Pharmacy Abaco Marble & Granite Abaco Marine Props Abaco Motor Mall Abaco Real Estate Agency Abaco Shipping Two Ltd Abaco Tug & Transport Aisle of Palm Realty AlburyÂ’s Ferry Service AlburyÂ’s Trucking Arawak Agency Auskell Medical Centre Avis Bahama Beach Club Bahamas National Trust Bargain Radiators Big Cat CapÂ’n Jacks Cherokee Air Cherokee Aviation Cherokee Food Fair Coldwell Banker Conch Inn Cruise Abaco CurryÂ’s Food Store Damianos Dive Time Drill Rig Marine Fitco Five Star Ag & Turf Forest Heights Academy FrederickÂ’s Agency Furniture Plus HarbourÂ’s Edge Harolds Marine HG Christie Hope Town Hideaways IJet Charters Island Family Restaurant Island Marine Island Properties Its a Mans World JMJ Electric John Cash Realty Jupiter Golf Carts K&S Auto KFC LBT Marine Lighthouse Marina Lubbers Landing Man-O-War Hardware Marsh Harbour Boatyards Marsh Harbour Marina Maxwells Moorings Ocean Blue Properties Outboard Shop Pine Woods Rental Wheels Roberts Marine Rubis Sandpiper Inn Sea Spray Resort Seahorse Marine SidÂ’s Food Store Sims Group Snappas South Island Solar Standard Hardware Treasure Cay Resort 557-7584 877-533-4799 365-4648 365-8752 561-689-1010 367-2442 367-4405 367-2170 367-7000 367-2549 367-2544 367-6867 367-4276 367-2916 367-2719 367-2091 367-2933 367-0080 367-0290 367-2976 367-2089 367-0020 377-7185 365-8500 367-6310 367-0501 367-2655 366-0247 367-1920 367-1900 366-2022 367-2992 367-4000 321-473-4223 365-4171 367-5046 365-6235 577-3625 367-5939 357-6975 367-3539 367-2333 367-7587 366-0087 365-8556 367-5454 366-0224 888-462-0464 367-3778 366-0282 367-0737 367-0006 367-5145 365-8467 561-747-8362 367-2655 367-2615 367-2704 366-0154 577-2000 365-6039 367-5205 367-2700 367-2601 367-4000 365-4636 367-2703 367-2674 367-4643 365-4249 367-2979 699-2056 366-0065 366-0023 365-4055 577-7467 367-2278 458-7734 367-2660 365-8801 A Quick Reference Guide to our Loyal Advertisers


Page 16 Section B The Abaconian March 15, 2015

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