The Key West morning journal

Material Information

The Key West morning journal
Uniform Title:
Key West morning journal
Alternate Title:
Morning journal
Place of Publication:
Key West Fla
Key West Journal Pub. Co.
Publication Date:
Daily (except Monday)
normalized irregular


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Key West (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Monroe County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Monroe -- Key West
24.559167 x -81.784031 ( Place of Publication )


Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
In English and Spanish, <1912-1915>, <1919>.
General Note:
Description based on: Vol. 3, no. 314 (Nov. 23, 1911).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. This item may be protected by copyright but is made available here under a claim of fair use (17 U.S.C. §107) for non-profit research and educational purposes. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
33273315 ( OCLC )
sn 95026771 ( LCCN )

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Key West journal


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" r,>C 1/1':\;; VOLIJ1bh,4XLIX; ; \ No.: 21 ii." THmTV.3IX:PAti&SnDKI1Y: ,WEST,, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY! !, ., ANt AKY. 25, 1928., 'THmTY-&I3t: ; ?AGES TODAY: ' :' 1.,2lCITEk'; ;;lf! : J

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f808DR; SKING ''gpEciiLFUGHT"MADE'JQ.UA: \ :: I 13, 8/CITIZENS.: :: coUNciL\P:PASSES S 1 nUct { : '


:{< ' '! :: ' ' '' FOR NEW YORKER WILL, CUT: 'COSTS.. t i

.fi : '


1 .



''L,16' ... .. .."__. . ... l f f
.LL.: 'uur'nocbe .... The ordinance cut
J< N. residents s- -- aLHICKMM'sFATE : --.. providing a '
t' 'oiNQUIRIES.CO&UNG"IN: . . . .e . 0 .1) yesterday frew from this to I of 10 per cent, in pny of all city 1'
I SHotJLD I havana, after having charter, 1 MEMBERS: OF.. :JOHNNY employees and reducing the force COUNTY, CllY, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ROTARY -. V \
; i of the J'an-Alii'erioaii'B giant I in Rome derailments passed
FROM ALj one
M . SECTIONS ISSUE OF'THE IN TODAY'S CITIZENToday's Fokkera for the triji.Bo I MAOE SETTLED ,i JONES CARNIVAL CO. on! final reading| by j 'MOST VERY'SEC110N to voto of the<< city codicil ut n le- I
impatient were they
: ''Op'COUNTRY I Y issue i of The Ciliren ,- the experience that they paid fare C B8t111 session night.

, ..1 ,,I.. -"The Over-Sva Highway '0 for' a capacity load": for the ma- SHOW CAR, NABBED Tlip! measure 'was imlJlcdiatelyligH.od ON FIRST "OFFICIAL" TRIP OF FERRYTODAY I .:
. Edition"--contains six
Acting C.:
/: chine which accommodates eight by Mayor Uoaa
) sections of six Detach. SLAYER or ; --- I.
L they told bawycV::; and City Clzrkllui'+' ..
Carrier boy should. delfverevery 0 persons .although :were : ._ _'
: Everybody' wanting to subscriber a compl.t. that they could go today at the lAM PARKER WILL IIANG ij j cal l immigration officers finder, and will bccom ua law
know about the Over-Sea ' *' .
February I. .
. paper of 36 pafes. regular rate. OR GET LIFE IMPRISON lIi': !
; H'thway.Queries. I o Any subscriber who do. Mr. and Mrs. Rex W. Faulkner : fotflNl aliens hidden Tim place of aaa'sUtnt' engineerof The Over-Sea Highway'ppened officially today with' T
4s to whether it's o not rot his paper or gel. less 0'I and Mr. and Mrs. Win C. Daley, ; MENT TO BE DETERMINED in carnival \'\va/Jjjfcus when the Lie; 'wutoi'Moika ijl be 10111. .

open} what the ferries tolls less than a full issue shouldtelephone all of Rochester, were the four ,I shows\ arrived frornHuvuiia' billcddl.l.. that of the day watth n .

.it..a.t ephow: often 'the ferries Th. Citizen office, .. ( man. Four' police officers are A motorcade, the, like of which the city has never be-
No. 31, before 7 o'clock.FOURCfflLDREN. making the trip. (fir ".... ."ted Preee* I l y
\to' t .rtB| and almost every other . "I Mr. Faulkner,. shortly after 'I LOS ANGELKS, Jan. :fa.-Culifornia : yeslerdiiy .afternoon i emoului eUmigated.! : \" The; number of firemen 'fore seen, marked the occasion. )

( sort:btj quettion is being . ,. .. ,. ,. ,. ,. 0 . reaching 'the city: Monday, justicevns today under.1 > Tampa;> Jrtid13. m'ell JJC' remain the uiiuv pit at |i'renpiit. With a capacity, load which didn't accommodate all

t . ,faked 0(. somebody here by "I hoard that passenger planes ply '''stood to be about lo determine1 I I Johnnie} Jones \1. : TJutien\ of moat Inspector those who would: have come had there been room, the ,

oiitsiders'from'' almost every -. between Key West and Havana the punishment: of William 1 Edward : the } aggrega- are combined wish that of "stini-- 'first'ferry palled! i to- the 'pier at'No None Key around I.o'clock' : 1 >

) :4 4ectierpf the,country. '. lie drove:to Jleacham AVport and Hickman, youthful kidnapper t tk.i i are IcJduy being "held in ry'ufflcel'. ,"ahdfhpl'' (E1>r...*&iox4afterjw'those; :-who,,bad roadertb, ,e l i, ''\1 .1\.1trip

r ]; In:'Jaeki o yiik yeaterdayrC . DIE 'WHEN'WIND>: .was for the told duy tba..t.but the'(that plane accommodations had gone Miriam. and.Parker.murderer of 12-ycai-old. 'f.Hitkman the county jail for investiation .. '' s,.Councili. .. ataidr'to) i W.rems l1ie, citf aad f,'. \ down' raid the scores; of ari'romrthis! .eftd 'which%had;. I}fWone

,T.; Bragassa, local cus ". .J ,, ., .'tooQld'' be r provided .tor. him, ; was brought into the ij; ,:.". ,. v pf.sent) Ghat this'.i;' 'wai:taia .' to."meet' therlstartedon.; .he'return'tr1' to the. 'city// I i I ',
?t ltI. toms inspectorf, reports that, on oday'p trip. court. room at 9:33: 4n the .custody i I' io I If ...:-- ...; _motor'. truck,..!astr-vani with ; '!'1 '
I. :Inquiries. ti beings'received l I'JJfif..f' : .' WRECKS- h. d.cld.d of a deputy sheriff and' a Tlto, aliena..,.were In wag-f:; heingdons' urgent eec- and 'I".atlnai' and banner- #
' \': cfty> are'by I 'the'hu! ,< c1'redi: .-. .,H>w :Jgtt. /'L -, ......'..,-. ,I ::W.. tei'4elira"waie'. :Ha asked. :; I j jailor'but'iaftei'i ', :, 40, 'b\i.-.t.e\ ,; "ottJ t ,. .i, g'f hir i; 't t 0 "".show' }{, .*A UV' aDd:,halV\- *'.i-:- "Ji.: 1UR (; li.pway. There were dozens
HOUSE1 I ) t
K' ,why th. .:G.aeral) New.which' : session 'of >o\ rt ;was "uUJowned! / ?T Y"i** fh'eity ..u., "' Ioeegelo
,t. illt'Q\ !'...r a &: "'O'b;: bffictat.'told'binithst RURAL SCHOOL w..' tUtin In lb.' .baagar'couldnt }' I until aftenfoan. !( ,* ""' i "'''' :* ,,;; of the, curpivt1Moutfjt, ( , La, :,; tb'salarie) wilhbe. put'i R gaily decorated can.
> ,ho has had betters) fiom auto- ': The defense'hopo.faiave: the 1!!borers', tonnecled" with. the 'I'- was represented by
: ,.i..Via' md''lil.' ..; ;. ; bask to the ..._ fiiur..r! county .. .
,\. ? 't.J' $ ; I lb! >:Mn.P ttsbureh, Wash- 'MOLISHED ''IN. TENNESSEE. } party .T.r. v ' A young .criminal' from hanging byj outfit"were I'! taken ,Jntq ctis-- 71Mi of'the'! board of commission/ .'
I having him''declared insane ''while'I J "
t v"' ..tneton, and New York, asking' BUILDINGS DAMAGED INI Told that It could b.. -atato'exeete ,to send .him to' tody> and are aaid 'to have ,.. tiuwyer. BLutod!,. ,,thul the.. reduction '
O' 'whan the hignwaywill be' opened; j promptly. chartered;' 'th. plan death'' 'gallows.PEKING ;: onHibiJ ty 'general and uniform ractic: llyevery..member of the' '.
:'f'. J" v,,how" clr'-'the. ferries will,ncI 'NEW. YORK CITY .by paying.fare .for.I.h',. per. ,,.. managers oavticulal. .was / ,'cpuncilwas' oh hand to wel 1- .1'
many this .
,.. x-t' ... 4.A .. '. of .< that there'was. ; ,no';jiersonal 1' feel l,-; GOVER ; .
I ? r comodatv daily; and 'numerousothvr . .. . ; , i Customs on* 'tI' iirinigrallon\ and GENERAL : part"gf Mhc: .carnival.' ". a lr\g\ In the muller,. no: -delreto the-'visitors, ia the absence ,; . .
. .
,1'' .. > ( : ) > ... .
about the roud : A lM.t )
} things front till* He.e> I'r. i ,' mb DE '
1 ; niurimthan ,1Jop""off"1celrtBintn r8 of tnofcrccas \
<; .be.lty ,
W" health officers the 1 tt"o' fromt t.u | : of Mayor, Curry : :-. ;
arranged necessary WilY ,
,."Rthe'.malrilund: The': : <'btory he! \e.y eolnesfromal-": I'' 1 .ttl/ ,} ( ')rwlndstorm! that yeeterda#j I : papers .f li 1.leseithanai) \, hour '') -fANDADESSLA1 nOO, hud ,boeri'f fpald :for.: ' ..,'.ffoualp 1 ")had! been stating; ; : : ,! ',,\ ltllt.ln.of''the : )local I.,
amo .
. ..J ,
[ spread:"wreckage across :eastern I the General : tthelt'UnitedStatethe : t'f, %;Q f r.: t 44i : ltl; .
and with
New took off 1 r '
:. ; r. '. ,1 most every source 'Jin Miami. and southern states continued I ,j I i'rjg;Splt1glCle into :,! ;i ",'It will 'Brtvellho i ": city .rrum I... {; i : ot, Commerce, Was there / ,
: rJ I 'it> f'Wo- are having an almost end without abatement today. In Ten- the four at 12:24.i at 11:00: .reaching' Havana I >- \, aliens.'are;:said 'to hove $15,000; tp $18,000'a'year' ," Mr. . ; ,several r other. front the board' ,>
',:, leqs\ string of I inquiries about the nessee a rural school house was : claimed' ,I' Sawyer sUtM. "and hiM Is the \ *.' '
The General New left POLICE OFFICIAL EX. RI
)'.1"..",., trip to Key West," Munutcer D. .J.. blown over and four children I|I her schedule thismorning HIGH Attni1 local immigration buicuO only* thing the council can do to t Robert Sputt*wood,;.of
.2' of the Alhnmbra Hotel I i pn regular tuday no Information wou'du better cunditiuus-" with
York felt
: ] piloted by C. B. D. ; mak- local Rotary Club a mem-
Collyer the WM
'writes! ,. The Citizen, "and'we ')lI'C- I|i > 'given out except to confirm ,
: the full force of wind that '
1. i' 'dlt. wonderful future for tjeroad. gale ling'I his first!; .trip a -pllot of pne the -'nPOI'1.: hat( 18 aliens were : of the welcoming delegation, .
, c.',.' f.; .., Any_ information ym ran) approached A two-Btory 70 miles untenanted mn (of the big Fokkcra A New York- 'a' ,ti ,mpturcd: and,I the same number.of I REED: IN:CLASH federal < -numerous. other local Ro- -
I I:to-Cleveland mail pilot for live > detained for investigation his ,
"' (t :( to the \ >nci a e being
,y mi4nywho\ : be passed along was torn from its foundation and I' prfor to Which he made and : motorcade reached this city ,
t. years .. .. ,, .
l frees
A lr
; are planning to !make Unr i ) WITH GENERAL
'. lolled along the street until it fell '
: : more than 1,.000 flights as a "lIkI )' Iti'*was learned there; 'however, him : .- < t '
".:, ;1 thy wonderful trig"i apart in the Coney Island -section. I' writer" Mr. Colyer) In said to' be "I<:KING, Jun. 26.-KJxccullonofGrneral Ihntttwu 15-year-old/ Armenianswered'inchdrl .......... 'derer I '! entry was marked by such I t '
Tb.local'Chamber chief .
I Shu \
of Com- Chen Chiang -
i i a Part of the roof of the Hotel\ An- ,, ,
1 :one of the most experienced pilots ( ,in the Catch tho ,fought i of auto horns andContinued
, ,( Continue,( on P.iiro- Throe) Sofia, ut Broadway# and yeventythird f I in the country. nspc tor of the licking gendarmes others, all males, being Russians, REFUSAL: OF JADWIN TO Assi ; ;; ; !
his officers "ge-Tbe )
of "?
and four IH -
street, were torn off as announced Ifungariuns Rumanians and n ( on )
For the he
10 has
( t' t past days ney !
; . 'pedestriamt.on the crowded sidewalks officially today. TESTIFY BRINGS HOT .
rl/adoea/ \
--- been making trips between this negro. who ,
by Chen wan arrested recently on In II I
were imperilled
falling ,
city and Havana: with either Pilot r :C1tldo( Albury inspector *
\ DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT Jcbrit Muslck or Wells. to acquaint him- Qhargcs: of blackmailing wealthy l'Irae\ of the' local immigration .,WORDS' OPENING
*> citizens by arresting them on falso I'
? bateau Klajcn) that an investlgaUonwill .
elf with the h+ ----- first
\r\ii'". .I f, .'K. C. HUTSandpapered I I'J COSGRAVE WILLSe went alone: for course.the first Today time lie. changes and accepting money for git, under way by this Inv AIserniled, Preeet 1(.1'death '
their release. statement
l FloorCARBONEWlS made the) trip well within the IIftel'1 oon. IInl l that 'no WASHINGTON, Jan. 26-Af. I .The
I The executions took place Sun will hegivcn out unU.It.! is coindlyt' .- 1 TON 1C II'r' AT ,
', .') VISIT SHRINE scheduled Imc. ter refusing' to answer questions hands 1
., ,j. .. '. --- I -.------;-. -- --- _.... -- day. "edy of Senator Reed at the house flood I I CORAL ISLE CASINO,
;, I r."t' T '--'--- -- -,' -_. ." control hearing today Major Gen I1', -.. ,.. 4 __
: r-- "-'- eral Edgar 'Jadwin, chief of army I IenrIDe 'I l .- ---- .,
MASONICNOTICERegular rs,,was directed by the
; 70pr.
i> .. vendor to of the witness KEY WEST
t GO TO MT. VERNpN: LATE. We Thaftk: You! get out
of. J \ P.
chair. '
.';"t.i i oj; t THIS! AFTERNOON. i I I I communication- 'o1Palm r '" 1:, ,.., \.,. Jadwin not only did? so, but left I D V i: "

.\1", \ .. ,,), Lodge of fprfection. No. ; the... room; , VIWRLCOMI. s'A 10
1'" I I 10, tonight at 8 o'clock.All '
1 ('llj Ammnrlmlfll t'ffmft! edition The ;;.7 W .t'Ciflx n was
1 fJ.' members are hereby : ; ;
''' In mind. ",' :
two object
,; !' f';' ': W WAHH1NUT6N, Jan. 2ft, William summoned Yom t t 10
...'. Cpygittvcuedldent\ { : of the' Wear glad to stale th.t jot4'qsjicta( have beB. 'ined. +; ; '' F1' I
I( "r.'. t: N 9 r.t lush! Fr. c :Mf ltt'. today will pay 4iililted.Visiting' brethren cordially The first was to advertise Coy( West to the world In nil .. ; I i, 100 ( '
li.( j tribute. to America's first ]Keel- 'her quaint charm and .pag.ifietat. winter( climate a. well e e TQUR1S1a '
t,, den when he visits Mount 'Vern W. E. HUSTON. V.: M. her commercial opportunities f.erllsR lav.rtor.The (

1st'v''f '''' after a luncheon. at tho cajn.. A:: C. LJUND..S.C,, second was to pr.p. ..t.dl'io" far tbo. folk who > THE PALMS I I't
tol : w
; and a visit! to congivsa. ,
'1 .........-- .\ r -- f hero not'visited Key W..t and. convince tbem that wo not I :
., LI ./ GO .. alone have climate and rare eearmjjknt, a live, progressive labored.b..l- PRIVATE. HOTEL. lbSo I'f t
I i ness community? So we discevntejjuip'fpectacaUr and "
t1'I 1'I ";'; 2 x ..o.VERSEAHIGHWAY., to .have every" business! ..0..., |afe .,. small, represented isi LARGE. AIRY ROOMS w
.' 3' this edition. '< *'". ALL 'OUTSIDE

PRIZE Contrary t. the |' ..'p1ltlt.d'| propeienda olF; the an.I 1 Phone 110 Diival St.

3 '1 f .- I I Ihinkias, booster,, adverlisemeaU: ; Ven: sowelbiDg tans/lble to. 10' f

:". ,p t I DANCE the outside Investor. ." ,'* giMp' r 1 : .4
"" .f t i. / )tt f several hnndred. ......... honiM; tbi.V enongh of their .' 30 .. \ '

:ir..!\i 6 .. AND . I ctt,. oV.slst l..dvertidapil'' t. tk* V,rM, W. believe that tlf : SPONGING, ',( 20 .

BUFFET SUPPER t u I will Impress potonlial lasio'eis .,elk rf,t. lure their. attention. i ., .
.' ,-<<, i: ., Apply'at Qnce at 4 i .and: their' capita .Key.. ,W.dw.r"\i' : ' DINGHIES' 10 "I I
'f; : .
: ;
By' Mhry\ I 'IcKnight :+r,+ 1 I 1Th. fin :,.snpport that, .has Veen Accorded The Key WestCilicen ,I !" : .
} ,, 1... d',..Mi 4 4P ' { ''rn ,I..' preparation, .f thi.'i4Ilbn, a real task for. : qj
f : and Jack Herman ,Avith JOE PEARLMAN'S.BlgSAlE :' email city. daily. is _..tIa.. Ul.. r.t". | st of the coop.ratieatha0, I :'SALE" a t J ,
f\, his,20 cabaret girls.. o.ef'th., in the. \ :(
., , : 4'.4. make I Koy" West! ,.fine.} ttisd.b.rt. little cities. Sealed. Md.'rsieei.edentil. ; .I... -. ;'
: :' world. t. &'I { .. /.
;t. P 'rt1. 31.1 h.sohI telbigb r
IS ,.7 ;! V5
COttAL CASINO. : sy ......
ISLE pr..nttbt..ditioa; .lo .
'lt.1. 'We. ,
/ wisj .ppveciation bidder: for eeh;;:. Can+b. seen. : .
lit. 'T-J } Ai ..r ..FEB..1ST., -. ._ .... ; :who undo I it r,er.ry wayTiekanically, nditortaUy. wd "r'.l.'. 900'P.alia.Ssra.SIPNEYF : r '', '
,. I'
-I.,, advortlsins. ; ; r
: 'l'i', i PICKED ORCHESTRA taTAIiTS -FJimAY\i- \ . lineage.,. > rt-t. {jt : : VANS. 't ',I.. I :() ? I j h 40
ij. ; :.u .. ".. 'I' (': '. ;,." ,. PUBLISHER. .' t'i
yi .. . \ .. : . .. .HE OFFER'
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J4 J I I .. GROCERY' ;STORE. ... '. : When au'l:qIj'Pe Into, JFijy West. , Yf ut Can/ Find: Whatever or" ., ,R, "Ess... ;"J 'y ., .'
\ PUOnt> .t
tl .. I, A.1t. ETHENCOORT;{ PIDivision .... J ", I ">'II'Y .
--4l '- 81, ''''....... r . Tau'' ;;: At 'T't..e' ;:'0 Stores C . .."+-lw!' .w'idiw.t4jo0r'" \ '. .
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j '1 Dry Go.d..of; All D.*."|.tIe.I .s WILLARD; 'IE'. WAKE, pr9P. > .' t PURINA. ,CHOWS I, Wp; repair ., all; ,make' of. .SJORE JOSE PLA'Prop.,...rut,,. . S

;i. 1 ., J. ''P. JONES., rrnf. 4 ( ,-..., .. '- '.. ,-- CORNER/ FLEMING:. .,AND__ WHOLESALE- .AND RCTML _. machinery.. 'OIJ.I. /tati'Whdtor/ .. t.._ oiO-
I! J Corn.r ;r.......* and An| U St. -- --.808 Thoma SI. 'TkIOMAS'STS." .'." DlvltUa and ThomaiJ'} S...' 702 DUV AL STREETPIERR BENJAMINTYNES, P..p. CORE1N. :.A cpLA' AND Ss-
P 5 PHONE IBJ Phon..2944M PHONE '216 i GARCIA, ,i Prop. PHONE 449.3rt , ; WHITEHEAD .STS.
.:; Yi ,
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:. ,. Order*:.a Specialty PROP'
Y;... II 800 Duval) St. Phone 294-W CABALLO 331 WiJIiam St. ,Phone 864-J --
;/,/'. II .. A* i Phone .825-W 322 Olivia Street .
'l 4 .. Sll FLEMING, ST. .
i. a i \ : -

i t TI'); Island City British Vice: and Consul Swedish? .. HELP' YOURSELF WHITE ROSE CAFE Lewis Motors Co.

; : : '' I. Beauty ParlqrFI.ORENCE Lloyd Agent GROCERY .' '*-OPEN- ALL- MIGHT'- ,'' .. ; ' r "
I 4' and St.. CAROLINE STREET: :?"YiT' '.-.
Corner DlvUlort Emm. Y t I
w. J. H.
PHONE S8G ,''f.' '. + [ ',
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I I; ', 'j : 'E L COM" E "t'O' ()\ ,KEY .WE ST-, I. ,", :II;, .'NIt OLIVIERI'SPHARMACY: I I. ADELE. A SPLENDIp. coa.r..t.'WORKw. MonreCaonly -. . .. , ':;!; SAW}' R'S'' BAKERY .- '*< ,. .: '

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/ UOf. i ip ikU re tTk' ptyjaattTIIOMI'SON " ' ) : 1 '
I :: '
: We Have Many Surprises for You; pnri Our ; .. : ,. .td .. ,ro" '- .< a.roSe HI.";" .,.. "
t ,. Cuban' Coffee t Is,Delicious.Felo " Mrs A.. D. Olivier! SPRING HATS IN ALL THE Pies and Cookies S
4 t. : fRO LATEST STYLES Cakes a Specialty .' ...
811 Street
J jFleming BLANCHE SAWYER Prop. '
Al .. S 1111, Duval! Street. :;5 '.i' .Key.West t,, Fla. PHONE. ,84 728. FLEMING. STREETiTHErGlFTSHOPPE Simonton St..Phana S3* .OB WINDSOR LANE
: ,
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.' '"I h'<,. -. ,...", !-"--' 'm"W' -.-'-" '-."" -.-. .. ',",.-. ,. ... '< . . .. ... -.V ....

,I.. "M".3&. f..! ,.'I'I'C'O.'; :.\ ;.(' '\\. $, 'GRAXU-UT.I-O-n' -"td.r'" '.-."T.;H":.'.. jHOMEfDRUITSTORE, : ; f "MAYGTGROCERY'U'A ..'r 1 'i is BA -'- -,BlLLIARDi' "M*,', I .. '
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i-1 > : *> jnnti-**' > -, . '' '\ ''( '' ' ' ,_
' if' !
s' To;the ouicerB and ciiizena of'Monroe'Cotuity.' : : .i : L. GOMEZ,; Pros), MRS.,,;,:O. SODERBERG and. :" E.MAYGProp.A'Wf-i. : 1\\, . :'RECREATION .: ROOMPJOSEPH : .ntl! F. A i'\" 1 II' -

.:> '"A W )3obrVeU.done.Jt .,I' .. '.. CORNER DIVISION WHITE STS.AND.. .. Prop. CORNER DIVISION AND W. WAKE, Prop. : \ .S ,



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'i' 1 .


220. Duval St. Phone 180 CORNER WHITE AND *' 4 : PHONE 294-J. '

t . . -, .
' 2 1.2 Block. From Station
'. . MEDINA'S 'GROCERY, UP: TO DATE Noarxt: to Railroad Station ABE ROSENTHAL '' "

I : -J C. C. COLEMAN, Prop.
't' I ." '.. O ly Firtt CUt, K..Uur M .In 'K.y W..t :ail'4 r rr Corner i Vareta and Catherine St. SEA FOOD 'A SPECIALTY GREENE AND DUVAL 3TS.I ft _
Service la Cart .
.' ..;' ,' ,. FARTO ' PHONE 893, ? _!{k?:. KEY WEST, FLA", I : :: .
i "
... ,1 .. .. .. ,.' .
: '\ '\" "

t-fc ,, ,, ' SHOP t MARTINEZ ,& FAllCY F: GROCERY ISLAND CITY ': . BROS. : ; .

j _

.r'. ,G4; ,.., " 1 .. ROMERO DRUG' .. STORE. NOVELTY WORKS I . MA OSInc. .' d;;,, ,

1l< > -::' Hugo Di ), aaancli i, Prop. 'STORE; ;, ,J CEtlDO. MENDOZA, M. A. I..ORD.Prop.' '. : I 118 DUVAL STREET
., PROP. 218 Simonton Slreol. ,
. 1103 DIVISION ST.Phbrte20l .,
'. ..,. '' .' 612 DUVAlI STftEET h 831 Thort. St. Phone 1B9-J PHONE 749 PHONE 4O1.W'Magnolia I..
.. ,. . . . : 1"
r '
I .-.... '',. .. .! . .. '. .. r.iIIE. _

I : .'?fV \ :' Wells '* Room ,' : ; OVERSEA: (CLEANING; : .
....,' . ...It.. : .,..... :' \i--" I ,
": ,k. I i"' : . '" '' '. :"- ''... .. SHOUT" \'ORDERS .'' : , ... .. '. ." ,"P: "i.1.' ,..,.",,,, ,., r TAURANT.. O. ,SAWYEKv; Prbpri . JUAN LOPEZ, Prop S '
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:. iY \". : t+4 1"' '' 1t1 :, 'I .. . 'Sett.. .Md1 io I. n t AENM '.. *
', :ftesh Oystenltagrved, ..n 'style. Fit, St71e .e4 Ipi-le6' ., YJS 913 EATON STREET PHONE 542.J' .
,1'l : : Y 1 ,. ,'
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... .. j. (t 5 CROWTU I, ,<, ANY CHANGE : "
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'ifII" ,"::1i't .: FAST BOUTS BETWEEN::LOCAL ..PJRATES. .'. ;' TOO" GOOD: "FOROPPOSITION : ..f 44i..Ia..4 rr.eap .. :.. .& ''.I1'\r''., ., 5 .'. PRTSREPORTSAY3" I II' ',Per.... ;Jfl!If; .'A m.j.rftyif. = .;".f ' ': -

'; .,. :. '..... ., .SCRAPPERS. I. I '. 7.NrA;: ij.. .?5. Firemen\ : The, .DavltI., Mortgage. r :'Company. 'It; '--. S .11. A_..". '........,." . I :,..... c >y, ,!!;,."Of4. ,

>i,, '. ;::f \ f t ,AT :ATH- WHEN; HITS I today''..searched' the1':.!ui.a .of 'the: of' :-West, wa.V organized ''in (BrWASHINGTON AII_..... P""M" )'. DETROIT, Jan.. 25.-Eighteen ,e.urs. h., ..t a' f.w.. .,... t .' .'

:f.! :' 'U.. 1 ;J 'LT'C.UBj' ) MIGHT '"i E.t.tE:: ',RUNS' B stsbiflotei' for: ;; tb.body; of a.' AprlM-Key! 2 !/oSjthe: ,purpose:of ; 'Jan.:; 2-- : of'r the 21'' federal'" prisoners who I' S (-y' AU.P.RSC.i 'r-.i "'' :-tsl.pLoss. .'..'..''!' .' .. .r.) ..

.;.ff/.ffr :. '. ." "' ... ( ; W.: Uroo!' :78. believed I to )har' < : escaped: ; yesterday from jail here ORLANDO ; ' ; '
+ ,, '1. ** .I . "*" -V;, granting l lo.ns only, on tmpro'edproperlea Senator:Curtis; ;of%*flsas'a cahdU were FJa..J.n,2S."Thee ; ...r.p.1. \ .. ,. } j'.Malcotm'
', .. still, at
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r.tJI. ,<.. .. : -- ." ',I " burned :,to e.t"h. the fire: that : these .loansnottOjCx-] date'for. the' republican .liberty today -as a e l snap; of early this .. : .
, ., I > "- (><1 ' '' ; r1v f presidential wide'' march for them continued. ; Meacham, who,.his;,*
.y"' . I Baby,Reyes Jait might, woYoujig r .. The' Plrateiyesterday'defeatej' ( destroyed, that ,building. yesterday. I cced 60 pet cent :of. the onservAtive nominaflbn: declared. today; : damage'.Florida citrus ,, ; "
, .I TWl', were : as rouchas wide alnlance cities "
t recaptured
". ,." :r. j n'tO! I c \ .yesterday .cq }Jn many, ;,; a. !
iT.y.:i'" ((00", .. .. ., It >Flrn mdeby; knockout' :'Alacrancs'for'' 'the- jleaped f..'..........!.*......f* appraisalalue.. :?;: . for. *. plankin. the" next party plat- and,a> third todayi i* '.that: ,of;,.last; year,'and i truck reports that'he jhas received:"telegraphic :(
";...''f.}'> : ', ; straight, time., .The.scpre-Vas: : The titles are guaranteed b.the form pledging "strict) enforcementof An investigation, by federal : I.
.:" \" .Ii''". .,:, I jf f t to' ".fourth :'stanra of, the!'; to 4. i' '*; EINC$ DAY NOTSMatkey' $ New",York Title''Company 'ant% all IbitiOD.1aw., _, ' thorities is already :'under au crops, ..fncluding"cabbage: ; "celeryand \: !'inquiries from .s far.iawa, ..". ,\. :..
k\ ..;. .... :wt : , Pubi who pitched for the:Pirates loans 'are'covered. by, storm:! ,and He also'announced.hisj opposition way. ,lettuce,;:;'although"set,bscV'In a< New York from pe"!"> n.h\; ,
t' ,",. :, j j l cieduld) I ;' 1Orni. b tat, ,ue, .allowed 'only lit.bIU.ancj; struck f ... .1 .. fire' insurance.-: .r to a state's determining' :: what thUIJtI T1Iw'.' growth; "ca'meshrough| withr i but wish' to start south,'1 by auto' .iru*. ;-

.J.. I .' ' The, ''l has made. a QdyprOgTeIlS' alcoholic! content will be th" mediately% if they can come, all hi. '
t; .f At.hletle' c1ub.. out. 10 men. \ .. ., -,Company, permittedand l little daimyre. 'S : .
W ''oJ.; '
.. 1 : '
\ > '
..... '
'- ., ,. I he to Key West. '
its said
J .
since inaugurationshowing against way
"" ... .js :the .
. '. "" '" .;...Soilo Uhe f.Alacrahjcswas'" hit repeal This is t
. '- thejglst...of. '
; .. ;;:the.atcaJI\erIU.jR'j: Mallory. r- ; a. ,.
. !
" : 1. \The nili'! the headline attraction freely when hits, meant-runsTtbe-\ I : :' healthy and ..normalftowllv either of thet! Eighteenth, Amend- SUB IS on'citrus' Not a-littlo of this is.due,. 1t.1 If '
: t .
; rived IrCm-Nc"' York af7i4&fU: DAMAGED) and true crops'of'the' '
. 6'J, '", ..., ./$ of:> %oo'd ftard>,staged Vy.iRwpertni i lag touched.for/nine hit*. :' : night .and saflerf. for Galvcfiton.:. ( **** - 4rfcpThjc '' ment or JheryolsteadAct.; I state, prepared by H. 'A:", Marks, shoVn"; to'the fact that .no, elf Col.$' 4 : I
1" ,, ' ) mortgages range from His views are stated in. J I l has ,been made'to dissemlnot Jn*
Manuel ri: .
:. J :(, 'tuowIell, 'Wal fat(and' got three safe,blows'out'of "* leper --r-, t'statistician- -for--the : ,. *
: furious as agricultural I
'; \> : tries $1,000 to. $7GOO, nettIn'pur.- to, Senator Borah, :of, Idaho who ; ,formationaboutthferryservlc"|,. _
I Carlo'cofraled '
) f Jour f.: two. Many So.fl..w_r., !PERUVIAN CRAFT bureau of .
, fas'jti4n: economics
WIRELESS. 'gTlculturaJ'
'W _: : ..) ,j Honors, wer.l ap- out of four' tries: II. In I chasers eight per'' cent per ..nnvm.I is questioning all republican presi' ..1 Until now. Because they were op*:
,. ... .. The 'of''sunflowers: a ES LT, .S. agriculture. '
-.' *rentlyeven l ..:until 'the, fourth array The .ut.horlzedapit.l of the dentiar candidates tho' 'I' THAT IT HAS SUFFER. department 'of crating on an experimental jsched .
;71.: .: : --e These'teams meet again portion of the Mallory Lino en I on wet-dry' > 1 f "
'ED 'The''prolong drought and cool
; bl1ei.ed> idai1teriartheubbuw ,company' is t$200,000with" $U ,. issue.1ELD. IN. CRASH j Julc; thecounty: commissioners.: "
011' i\ **vn4. when) Kc'yes man- .. : Closure! weather immediately precedIng I II '
$ flflnbaer1biL'i.. I that it would wise Wood
, not be
The box ( to !'
; agod to land score: ,
a clout on Fernandez' ton} /A nunibcr'-bf roses, planted the,cold 4
.. pell this had causedlnrtrrestoIce4na.durmaimteea '
" '. YLAUSFI5.I .
I'.r !
A Tho.l loans are guaranteed by'the year cast the sailings until the'schodale' .
;t 11} mld-Boctlon 1 Ilona, time ago in tho grounds, 1 I \ !
" \ which spelled!l curtains J COLON t .
,:\:"i I" --. j.1.1. : : . ',
: fr? ktt tl,youngbopefuL,( j;jje .:wal Justo, rf .....,...__. 4 O' 11 '1.:. 0 ..' ., ,York, 8S principal and interest commander of the-Peruvian'cruiser dition, and maturetrees escapedwithoutapparent'damage rough' spots in. tho service worked; \,

., ;1' ..Ii o cL, ,- Carlo 2b ...'......... 4 1, .2, 5:; '2 olt.r. Pass Tliro. .|.k payments. :ON GROUND) YET Almlrnnto ;Grua reports' by wire the report out. .' r S
"' oA' 4 ''In the-scmUwlndup: Oscar Pita Oscar, cf .........._.. 4 0' 0' 0 0 .. The Winter Golf League' of the The officers are as follow): less that his ship had been damaged says. S Now) however, it Is understood-
" ', :r' 1 .was', awarded. ..the// decision in the Pancho ss .... ..... 3' 1 -.1 '0: 2 Advertising; Interests,. comprising Hugh Bancroft, president; Robert I in.\ a collision with'the Peru.vlanuubmam.jne *' ....... .. ..... ....e that'nil possible publicity Is to' be '

... ': ,. f fiflhvon> foul. Joe Baker his Baby, Ib ...........,.. 4 01. -'71: tome TO persons, arrived here ')'ves-! D. Austin; treasurer; 3. Lancelot : I, R-l off Balboa. given tho matter and the p
,- :.::1., l..opponent, forgot1! '.for' moment' Rosy,'' If, .T..4;.: *0 0 00' tcrdy'' afternoon from Cuba} en Lester secretary; .K l>ert B.. Au- .. I IT LANDED.IN:YESTERDAY : i. 5 .. 5 5 0 -';- C C S. '1 CONVENTIONS nil\ over Florida acquainted vwltl I ' ..

. v. tb,th.s ras4n a Lpong'match/ '; and Umbas, c. .._.:.,.,.+.4 ,1 04' I route north.. tin, Jr., assistant secretary..' "The AT-ASHEVILLET-00 ..-- -WEATHER CONDITIONS OPENING the hours at which the ferries-!:,pail.

.. f w; lh Piu OD the ropes, applied a Funny 3b>> .........> 4 A O. 8 ..0Sollo. . board; of directors .consist of the 1 1 i. SS -TODAY !find_ what 1 is nepesoary to sesrQ'! _

... -1 wteUIng..bol4 'which': the .referee p ......?,.?.,.y.4. .1 l' 0 0 Home Remodeled'. . following: .Hugh Bancroft, RobertB. SMALL TO RISEASHEV1LLE. The storm of marked: in, .........!,........... reservations thereon., ,.1 m ,

. r itHerprcted:a.!-I'':fouL 'The C going - - The home' of J. H: Roberts, .. Austin, .1. Lancelot\, Lester, "VVil- .. I; S tensity that was over the Montreal .-. "

.. S had 'beeti-Hvely' ''up' thls' point Totals .."..........:.35 4 6\, 21, 9 1120\) Washington street, has .recently liam R. Porter Norberg Thompson, : S ? Mississippi Valley is this upper and Paper Association.Que.--Cunadian I'ulp I ," '

SS. ./j and...: (the. rowseerned. .!. to .regret . -- \ been remodeled, refinished I Malcolm Meacham, J. Otto ,Kirch- Ctl,. AS..Ii5.d ....-.. S morning central in extremesoutheastern' .. ,, S ,, ...

&vine; DOU\eOUldn.t progress.Young Plr-l '... I Inside andpainted on. the out homer, George T. Mumford, Boston N. c':< Jan. 26.> I i" Ontario in -the San Francisco. American ,

I.p Berlin Sawyer;. went :tour a . .ABI1HPOAPapito side. ; John' Richardson; Boston;; Harry Brooks who late yesterday. -1: vicinity of Lake Erie Buffalo -.. Honey Producers' Association. : '*

) .1 \: round with Kid Goldberg to a Ib .......... 62 2 10 8 -. .- -. Clark D. Stearns.CALENDAR brought his miniature airplane ,S reporting IJ& pressure: of .. Hudson; .
: .ft t draw.n, the second preliminary. Alfredo, c............ 4 0 0 9 1 "Highway' Dance"A down on a small field near here, ,S .29.32 inches. SS St. ( '

f, The,.boys: were evenly'matched. Angel, ,8b ............ 3 21 I ::3 dance celebrating, the open- ........................ could not get the plane'Into their i % This movement of the. nation Louis Society.Mo.-Amerle.n- Gar- .

'I* In the curtain raiser, 'Dalbert Manuel, us .'........... 4230,0 I ntf of'the highway is to be held OF SPORTS a this morning because' of the i. Btorm was attended by pre\ S L Essex '

: .Jy: Bethelwon a decision over Bobby Manuel, ss .......... 4 2 :8 I .0 0 I at the i Coral Isle Casino tonight. restricted tfrea. S ciprtction: over most of the St.' Louis, Mo. Box -
Paper .
-T-" :: !J WaugbTln,":' 10ur.r und fracas; Chileno.If ... ...=--2,---0J2ft,L I The casino.. promises'excellent. Ie. ses..ssse..eess.... The plane was taken'to the Bilt- S country from the Mississippi Manufacture Association.- .

,\I The .crowd which, attended the Publ p-................. 31 0 1''. 0 mueic.. :- *- - -- ..* -. Raring:-Continuation. of" m ore, estate six miles away where S River to the Atlantic coast, :

., !bout wai larger'than' usualhere.Jt Mario, 2b .\......... 4 (r 1 2 0 S S ings at New Orleans. Havana and ,, another- attempt "wnrDe-'made"tq-, .--jthgales over the Great Kansas City,. Mo. Suuthw J Will Show *

size'and,, tho reception it ..e.j Abreau, cf--.......... 2 1 '1' p 2 0. Miami-Trip" ijuana. ?' get it into the air. S Lakes, i1ds'trongwmason: ". sierLumbormeri'BAi ucial. o { -. ; .. .. .;: .

' /'corded: the'ffchters led Promoter Prieto, rf ........ ... 2 0' 0 0 0 Mayor Leslie A. Curry, British the Atlantic 'coast southwird I I

ji 4! announce. that he will Joe, 2b ...........'... 2 1 1 0 .. Vice Consul W. J. 1I.Taylor.Dr.\ Tennis: Canadian indoor championship .S to Hatteras. SS Chicago Ill. Roofing Con .

.....w!._ !i L stage another show' in. the near - 1- - 1 I. C, Galey, and other Key West tournament at Mon JURY J Jreat. IN BOOZE S Colder weather following tractors'! Association. \ New
.L. the
A _
4 jl future. _- Totals ....... _,..31 10 9 25> 9 ers have been guests at the Al- t S storm bo's overspread '

4 It ,Score. by innings t," h4mbra hotel in Miami for the past CASE STILL OUT S the west Gulf States and. the '. ? Detroit, Mich.-Michigan Auto- '
whole country from the Mis.'' .
NERO TO BATTLE R.ILE. several days, according to advices Track: Annual indoor games ofSt. I I __ S sis lppi Valley eastward m bile Trade' Association.: Models''I" '

\ I' TQP-NOTCHER Alatrancs 200"010 001-'. 4' 6 B reacting this city. They- are ex. ? Joseph's C. C., at Newark, N. >, S the Atlantic coastal except -- \ :
.. Pirates ...1200: 800 60x-10 '0 2 pectsd to return -today.S .. J- a I Cincinnati, O.-6hi Association ' ., .. I it
l' J NO DECISION YETVIN NOTED plain. On the south Atlanticcoast
: "
; CHANCE TITLE' -.- I S S : S temperaturea are unchanged ;-'. of .Retail Lumber Dealers, : ,
I. '," .. Alter Guild. To Meet Billiards: National amateqr ST. AUGUSTINE 'LIQUOR S I- -- i'
I I ENDURANCE TEST I : but in New England $ -I a- That reflect t m rrow's 'f
/ rHILAPELPHIAi;>> ,;. Jan. 25.- I: The Altar Guild of St. Paul' Class A 18.1 balUiiiC championship S and on the middle Atlanticcoaai ". .
'1. ' Pete'.Nebo'a. hand i Is temporarily hurch: wilt hold Jta.annual meeting at New 'York. Frank Tab- TRIAL S it (II materially',warmer JOHN C. p& \" ..

TO: BE :REPEATED i Thursday afternoon at :5; el ski vs. Arthur Woods, ''for S 5 '
II out of commission, and in order J -. "unseasonably high tem .. '
' .
o'clock. members world's )pocket billinrd: championship S j.te. VogueGATO :
AH. are ,," .
ii not tor.lnjure it any more the little *" '" ' ' \' 1>erat re. ,1 At. 8 *u raj the '
q quested to attend. at Schenec'tady. (HjAM.elat4JACkspNVILLBJ P-' h .highest I 1'V'.1:1: _j ., \
1 rlfew, York ..fighter has boer. cornpljoqte' '" re'l temperature reported . I" ,
\ .. .
.. lJan.25 I
" **I *1 ask for a postponement match CLARENCE. C:: 44". EIt"'N" Reception; Tonight& .Golf: Men's Florida Ea t'C. atchampionship ( .Tie jur1..wttteb-itlc .i.fester day, ,?_. lowesttwos was 70 at two Key at West Williston.; the, I $*.....* ..,;....... r.a........ .#.
1'> j rot J ,proposed special at : ... -
.vaL. eve. : Piuih..t .
'- ."the! ,, Arena, :which Ben Felnberg 'WILL TR}:..41". !FOR LONG The, reception 'for Father Im""i., at St.' Augustine..: has been considering the easy: of ."i-JC-lM. \- *. ,i? !'ATonight It I All., .!...' :>( Pip.' FIItaaS.T&r. -sea..
.' .
; Annual .Lake t the United : S .
Dtd'nchcduled) for Friday nighty mick 'which will be held at; the .Worth,tournament,S States'ajralnsV,Truman and .Thursday the ,, .. Ad !....r,1I'a11..
.I. i f\ '\'hch'| : Nebo was to have fought.Tony DISTANCE. .. 'MARK rectory. of St. Paul's churchthis a t'Palm'Beat'fla.. ," Pacetti, EmoVy PacetU," and Leon S winds' at Key West will be". & NAVAR80.
1"! evening at 8o'clock.will, be under ., ;o-S-. __. Canova of St Augustine, men- E'' ,lnodea ate north and north- OVMV KLHOTRIC; PUMPS! AMU '
-Carfzontri, the little .. .
,. .' sturdy --, the auspices of the Organ Guildof ...S C.. charged .with conspiracy 'to' .cast.,. i iH. 5 MEHBIO.f! WATiOR Inc. "
York: who looks ; r '
New to
(. be the only scrapper real rival, for the crown : (1S7. ''A......... ...?... i the church. It is intended togive TODAY'S g l late national prohibition Jaws,, 5-, B. BOYER A........ T. All f>.*. .. I
" pf Bass JUCHMpNl% >, J"n. '2s.-Clarence every member of the church t tMsi morning continued VIO-I S .Official in Charge. !>.....* sea .s W 81...,.. ... La Concha Hotel Bldg., {
.Penny ", featherweight .
.f ;
Chamberlin, New;:York-to-..., and- their friends opportunity ................... .... l locke hon the case. . a . .. .;; ..q '. S..e I '
'".... .. champion.. a a ,_,_ __- ____ :
.,.; I : : ,, S p .-'
'./ , j. 1 Germany; flyer, and rCi'Roget/ W1Ilianri of-meeting-the rector.A special -'S. / *? '- I '. . . .
' This' circumstance has'causod -- -- >
'' .. j I l Ms' co-pilot, will. make -anotlicrjitteu'ipt program-will; \ be staged and.. re- :Son* And1. daughters 'of, scot -, '" '" - -
; ; + -
,.' , pftrgen1atcwne,1f4heAr.aa.toLhango: t I to bmitk tliu woildia.endaranee freshmgnts! served.. . l lend th. world over today-will pay ? : / : .. : '-
/ ;
'J" S--- ' '
his lansij

''If.' .ff_. .. the'1! thing meJ'hat.!,, ver,carefully. Afterthinking ,; .flight record, '., using Auto ;',St. ,. .-. S, -.-''f."f---- IrjbJitfijtolJhejncmory Burns, onjithe 9f'tjjo poet.j jof'his. : 1 TOT WEATttBtv.Wcath : ,, : ' : /b..t: ; . :a <' S ; .- ,, '
.. Byrd FJcld) here as a Btartufg! point : rgi Ro4rtt ', ;; 19thannivernary; ; _. CITYEDITION .
( 'it.ilimU -D LATE lJ,3rt
''Ill. f. Ben;has decided )ho., w'ould"lIet'theI .
.. ; Si- birth. .
ThetagoGato'buUdiug'on "
It was'. announced today':!; ; ; ( J .arleU."lee'" 'm'D '
...., Canconerl-Nebo fight back to !J onton.street, -near La Brisa,'has : .,,;,' :.----:"" .SGi'ectlugs'to .. .flout" eeucli.. ud.. t'1.,. nt g. : mitt I j jYol. ,

., I' Jnntry 30 !and put the pair of '' been- Converted! into tin automo- : 'Senator Charles '\.0010.. "' I".,., .. ., .' J. '. '.. 0, . ,,,, ,,1.' .
I( ;: 4I { little battlers 01for that night. GET AUTO: TAGS ; bjlc storage. paratrc', It is of con- Curtis of Kansas, candidate for' '

ill. He ,anxious to got this match ftc: and fireproof,. wCth: Vast. ''the Republican presidential nomi. :\ : ,

I t,, IN staged as soon HS )>o niblc, as there I 'NOWlSADVlti t floor room. The rocoiid floor of i j i nut ion,. on bis OStli birthd ly I Wednesday. January 25, 1928 '

4' '.: f (s an inccvflHni demand for information -I thc'alructure: : will also lie used for I j|i anniversary. j : .DANriE ;
"(" \
J... ...:J,4t -,< and rcKcrvatlons. fur the storing cars, should the present! j jnpaco. US ;

t ;' \, t4110wln which'j thatpalr, of battlers prove. insufficient.. I|' The annual State dinner will be DAN MeGREW SHOT :
1"111'meet. OFFICER sAts MANY I *-; _Ottawa. tonight on the .
1. UII Vaughn Feinberg's secret Trafl'Wlrii; ; CilUen eve of the formal opening of the .
e Dane Hall Girl MurJ.riOn.
i iary. states that they lire having I 'WiLL BE LEFTMi'ILJTE IN LAST-. ( The Citizen is today 'in receipt) t Parliament of the Oominiun,, of : I DIAGRAM 'OF' DANCE HA14.-TRAGEDY *

about 100 telephone calls every : Rl14lO. of 'a telegram from Senator Park Canada. 4 New Old Gold : 1 of Gold Diet T n

,' day asking something about thc II T-rammell confirming now*, dispatches I ; "Dangeroua Da.n MClGl' ,;
\ 1 nropdccd .Nebo-CnnBonerl battle. out:'of Washington yesterday -j Houston, 'Texas,, will be the = ::;!:: 5 once the tei'ror' of the Tuko.,-l ii .

0 All hands nt the Arena office are I ;...;.1.'.... P.s1 which show that .the! senator meeting |)lace today of the mutual I; Factory now quite. docile aa only dad
bfr f feeling in fine fcttlo over the out. has Introduced a resolution in the J:buslnoHa. session of the National I ; man can be. the big DuUet and
TALLAlIASSEE1a.. ,., ,.
,,' R>ok. fur this contcrt, jind they feel I .. Jan. 25.> pcnate' which would direct the secretary Association of. Real Estate1 1 "Doe" Farrell, wba runs the ri'TMilp" , gold: man from Nome having
-Owner otuot: r ivchicles In Hoards. . and been shot last night la the .Ilala--
certain that there will be a sellAiOTOkCADE 'of the : drug store, sandwich shop
n vt restore the
,. Florida 'w utd do ,well to get their route BaJoon. .
: of .1
= down at the corner
; ? : local I -- --- Sheik Club
cub base active
f-ou4 102 license too operation It was bitter cold, _th Ui omet.r -
__ _ _ tugs, and ce them flatus Svlthin 00 dayt- The sanity .trial (of William K. Main and First streets, Bays a cigarette "- .lJI; I aDd
The 40
) resolution registering< below
; jI quickly. This, in substance', is a'' 1 JI'ekmon told him that ,
; 1. : '' confessed salesman dHS
'will be considered by the j kidnapper and #f IWt ui :JXm walked Into thBI. oiihe
1. .warning' sent out by .WV F. Allen. senate committee on naval affairs, layer; of little Mtirinn Parker, is pretty soon 30,000,000 Old Golds -cv .}NT ww.liI < 'boy had started to wnoop' It -

; MARKING OPENINGS ttatfi! motor vehicle' commissioner. I Mr.. Trammcll wires. scheduled to begin in Los Angolca. a day won't be enough tojfceep I t14p.r WO': 1JrJw .If uj>. and the ragtime kid at the..Brit''.
1928 should the supplied.. He>say.>' ,. ;; '
country _
tags be i toduy. wr of the mahogany bar wa "'f
GftEETED'BY CITY 1.uiTc' ... .. .
i .
f .
Is *. :
bought at once to avoid a last' '" the P.. Lorillard Company going lag a merry tune ,

L2i huur ruth which the motor vehicle Key W.>l la.seners;' t p 1, The 10-Htory Pythlan Temple ,to open another plant down. in . "To '..'' GM 11,11'...".,. _"What are we going te --., .
: .
' I H department declares Is bound to,,I ruascngers arrh'iiiar fro i Now I recently completed in New York touiavlllo very soon that will ... .-I ... men," roared Dan, .
:4 4 Cpiitinued from Page One), 4'qrk 'on the II. R. Mallory at booat .the production up to 60- .. s. now?" .
( S
I City at i
come leaving ,uiany .motor vehicle n coal of $2,000,000 will .. ... The with BdMfft.
4l' .I.-, -' - 7.:1: (> included 1 for Key 000.000 cigarettes dally. ., words spoken a
along the route as has! I owners to be trrestcd and prose I WcBt MiM A. Pressing, W. llfnd le dedicated to. |ny with imposing f burr* w re hardly out of Mf
A cbecrlnic ;
# 4 here before. ,. on Feb. 1 for. failure to obtain ceremonies. 'Doc," who is always right up ::3400? O.r* bai ..IS.iSd the Uni. mouth when a notorious daaee '
nevct bceufhourd( raun, Mrs. W.Vilcox, Edward HAPPENINGS ,
to date only got his first stock LOCAL I Highway brtSu first, tompamtlvely few were tags. I Bouty, F Brady, J. Burns and .'. H* MfcllMl M' bat a 'At ; !
and'a a4w6r:
of Old Gol4s about a year .i. .. Dan," ptof
; a proached "Dangerous
'I Uruguay is to be the KoHt A "nun. mxUotl Mhool nr "pale. d OlMriHt* ( a :;
% out to.welcome the party because ,.. : ... ..:, .. ,. Wlllir.m' Qavis} ; for 'Miami. : Mrs. day to the first to half ago, so an output of 60,000 Tp. .lUnll vim to tow J:"" t wn ..Skt'h.. "SCoW aftT. ,Jftror. **,tl.e ovS.C .e.B't led her rod and .plugged hm;
ItK.r ,"
i r.0'.- ,urtccfUinty. as' to when It i WHilarn! 'Jordan, Mi*, G. P. Lan- Congress Pan-American 000 cigarettes a day Isn't a bad IdM....*.of Rink praotlllnK tA'''k. told u a till throatt.t.I. h.'.. .$4rs- LM S kirk Himlla.' wit, .of..-... Sss'of th.'MII birr.." OM through tIM heart and as>. fell

*, would.irrlve. It took only a-few !N TIlE .ps.:: NV \!oner, \Mrs.. J. Bcsaelt: Mrs. Jl'. the scsslonf o(' Secondary Jo Education record for a product less than to <..lh If !>. hung out hi.. ..hIbli ..10'1..$. In flit,*. .trill* In t.w..,, eft..htaDAILY .nra af. 6mm to the floor he kissed him, ..4-.
; of which will MUSt "M 'PoI1ds. t
burr bwxiiHM .VITYbOd sir. mm 6510r05.rt-
continue r. cording to wltne of the tri
nlnutis.-| for: .the word to spread fldtlsett.Stiiing on -the U Uory two years old. .t- old 0ol M.. a5sr--4.-15." e r-
: ik ..
.. .iei
eeee tax.,,ono week.
j about the city, however and the e.e e *, e rtoni'thllport', for Giuv'eston were ., r-. . i edy- se she frisked' him for hj..I' I

rest of the route traveled by the'sfures Col. Blanton WinHhlp! ; who has I ftobcrt Kony,. xMa*' Schlrmcr, C S S W . S S -S -S S S S. .SMILE PUZZLE I bag"Sore.-of yellow killed du*t. ." ri
him. Lou -
of cars was lined with been directed to- scUrnpnyGov."rnorGefle'raI ] Mr. ..and, Mrs -- en)) Han is.SOUGHT. _
.1 W> t istt.a l mlMrlnl" from the t*lI enl,' told Trooper Otaeberjt 'who (
,cheering hundreds. Stlm'soh to Manila '" "'vEATHEJj FORECAST . I l.l I*'wer : I-Wllal.
,?*" '. The ,eltyT- l least a good part7i : vn the capacity of learnl'advi er, EU:5: OP "wttiO( S :.....- S ..wronr_ ..wllli,".. Olp tl>J OOK.D Mntmc Olcthi. )- much be beat me, for that nl
"1, .
? taken tho afternoon to i3 known as oho 'of the Army, : I-ra';; . only hi* way of abowlng"' his ..affection.
1 I It- -had I Florida: Partly cloudy tonight tu. ..( .t. iqi is ..... to '
Many retail stores I best diplomats.l 'Colonel-. WinshlpV -1NDIANjARE: ; ]I 'and '-t.>;&:. ba,;--- ---- (01. 1 put up with histoela 3i.q l' .
'J'celebrate.. > Thursday; som ..,,.,,,. .. too for I wiui his t .
street who' wear severalwan decoralonii : ] '. _ _ _
and the downtown what
;5foBod ... colder tonight in north friend and couldn't tell him. Btitj ::
': I Pi ,Ai.IA(4 .. -
1 f gaily decorated as ,4)n'.ny / did 'much ,ti) ,hc'Ip) rCubufranip i I f and central ,
Voi-e ,
as poYtrona. ITiceiiaoolli when be aeoffed at' when: Ibegg.d .. :
1J day'Th Elks'CJub,, the Cu. her laws.! 'Hs| hooie- in I 1 r":- ron MYERS, :'Jan.. '25.-A j II !' South Atlantic: Moderutu ,. : ,.' . ,4Ns'ERsi % j. him .to amok*m-.j Old) O4td

J lb'bin consulate; anda'do( en. other UacoHr Ga., his ance t to.r 'befng ,.uchor relics,to 'be used In determining ,, to fresh northwest winds! r aiidbetter a--... I..t. "0<",I''<4 .".... ,.. 'iHlnir.tHf and get rid of that ilrt14g* .

: stood out for.the elabor "arnnle the first ettjeyi.J ..of that I Florida's'early: history 5' diminishing Thui-sday = ":'IO Jr:1 cough of hi. Z bum *d him ott"Lou

; f:tnblls: >paCC3! of their decorations. ,, .cty.He; waSxWuh Gen; Fun t n and. its original Inhabitants\ Is boing -, \ moderate variable over except extreme ,:cigarette says ah.'I 8O".to8n"" ti.i.'I
it Vera' 'Cr (arf'offlidf'Jnrcha'rgeof ( conducted, In1 I I chance of venue to .
this section 'by . Chicago wheip
south ,
Pt: "There' :wasn't a ::jisltor In theiovd I portion.
'v/ F"c which( ei'lll.ti(, 1on-s 6 farai : elvil..affairand -ddring '.the, H. ,8.",,Collins/\ Jr.,. archeologist. of 1 I ", v> EastGulf: Moderate. north. .. 'd&r& F N.ta.1 Indicted.. After of that he In TWM iellwbod ted .. ,I )\
a couple pictures I .
WQplt1Var, he'wa Jn'FVance with) :the Smithsonian, Institute I *
I with the .. .
\ . east wlh uLs and :z4IU."Y
? s : ,:& anybody ,could 1 e.rn'whoW thyamous[ Fort \-secon4 Division,, fid'ofSsmlriole' Indians. mostly over- I' before aeoepUnK a .l lueratl"$ r-t 'f
easte"tb81' /Herr. ,
14> vaudeville '
within. JlI'1n-eb'of' tonight and" oontraot
8.'t tickled"' > : '"1' & .* -
Tte; s'uw 'nctiyeijervJie: at( (.hi, :The Indians"nave' dug''nto old *? OT" * !
'k&'.life with the!, trip.' TheI' I front,"also. trained man' : 4lf.ihe, : '(bftrial) mounds near'Shady Cypress Thursday... ,. I ..t. .. . !*KOT 4- otttf* H <>!* _>.'*_ _ _'t bet o* 1I&1a-'; f ..-. '
,a hithlng'', :,else..'like',U anywher( injoW .. combat i troops thaCwtbt. t>vertbtop .I Obtaining'pottery, bones and perornaments. -S f ,* '; :e4{ f'.- 4 ,. 4 .. : I Z ]r4e.J' !
beD1bp ero. If :roy'lf let s I In'tho "memorable, wir' days! OtlIl. .. : L i :

/hi)Jority 9f them teHJt; ,An auto Colonel WlWhifl already AAa, .. .. -... :;
ro'ad wlt1 :'an'' can: oln ..iri t s, ;lorredJn' 'PhtlipphifcB.! .' .He'has' .V Oyi' ; :; a .''n.Wproceas' ) : revagJ- '."if J J'KiUarwastes' ., /'ibWEoiTId J I toiL" GILD, : ; i T. :
ddedatittlOn. ta-'em all 1 I been .D" . ,
'\ a.\ : /! ; : awarded ".\l1e. btila'UIBbedService $ I arc being. convert- rl ao( tie"4oN.," Tieit. i '4, *'. :
: Y "If Medal ar.vl the French: I ,fd into .fur UMhoijl In -(1 .tbeni ,I ..
: .
caa; use ctrnaUy witbjS ; I ..
:'f 1iniej'Ve! >9t'oniyvpomU,, >
\ .*, ortnr! and ' -- - .' / : WS '., if OUJ1fl ,a'aarioa; i + '1
; .
.. ; 'S;; supply "of :a- popUtatfonaf .t"M', )\ a ; :1.:". .

10(..L'_ ; .)..,' '..""' ...... '....ii..they.IICI"tBIJ,l.,1'\!<< ,"", '1:I' S; dcn'l labor/-J ;'haa, ,, ,:a.'" '."shortage t I' _I{ !
; _
a I\t\ ', .' ; .:,:,,1.. ._ 'ege -at ,Cress. !,'ZUt er, ; ", j f ,-I'.
: .i ,<* I.. ',." . ' I ,r''' .' .- V. I" .'.,,' ,... '. :
j J'. I V;
( I /
*4L j, p-2 '.'., "- ., ,, ''. .' t ,. I > .. ".\ ) I :::1.\ "' '", .' I .. .. .
' : : J .
\ \ '
i '" . .
: SS < .
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'. ) : ... - - \
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-vf : \ '
- \ f .
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.A j; : i; '.
;:,.!|-h :f :':.""' ... v.. .i. '. ,-J,.. # ... fr'W.. .#- ... .,... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. . .' .. . .:, '. '\ .. .. \. .4;, '"t' "
. .
/\) .1.?>... '.,...*-' .;,,,"f" !' ;'t. . .: ' I ' .,' "NJ\\,,', ,. ,,' .. '.fI"t' .!. ,%w''o4.-.. . . . .. '. " .A. "' ,. ? ..., P'Sj __. S.SS65 1\ ..,. . 5S SSSSs. ...". 'Ps-iS.,.. 'a.i "-
r '' I ,;:, .I-, ,,, ,' "' '... j' ,,, .): ,,..;; .. .'. \ 'J' '1 .. '"" Ii '- 4 .Si :,' ', 'r--d . "" . ........ .. ,, .. ,... \...". ....\. ... I
.' .'.!,., .' ... '))1.. ,. '.':! J"" '. 1 ,- : :: ,''i'! ,t. . W4I" . .. ... ... A 0 .......... .;, .""V\. "1. ('Oo ":.,"'; .fVtw"'I r'.t.. ."J\ ;, .
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I . : : ar ', ..' .; ' . ::_i sfAf. ?.... iy .1 .. ' ,
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..fifjlNWI. / .!' !' 'Of.<'#.,""'""""' "..; '. .i ..r' 'r1'' :t'il. 'w''):;'''5'1:1)'f: ;' y-.a'; 'ktl.;' ' ;, 'r' 't'lr,'!!rhri.w..vk, ' ''Y-r':: "" ,,,',wr' >' *'..,'!ftiH! W k"VWW" l"Y ;V"'IJ":" ... "'+ . ,' ?r9veyreY.' . ...rT .iti! . . '. ..JoJ-- '. -'> . //I'' '' ','if. '' '. '

;. r" '' '" .", .
..1 .... i< .,

:.t :. ., '.. ' I ;,.. '1.. ,., l. ('''1 ....... .....'.. THC ,
# .
. ,
I" .
., ..
.. .,, ( tit "
.. ". tt'. .. 'l , 4 U. "," /1, a' .' '- f'\ ' '. I . I ,. .1: '" '. 2 ., ,. .' ..
: ,; : I I1 .
I I ...'.1. . . \ : .. tI . .-: -J'ff!, I. ,.''.'
i' '.. <( ', "
\ .
.., 1:1":
I' 1 .
,( ;!:::'J: ; > i r A'i""" ..f I" :U.QTION X' ': ': .' .:.'.' >, ., :.,. '. 1' .I=.. ". '1'. ER' :: 1 :. AN IA RY. .' ',,;!

1, "a''a' 'a ;;. ,I _. 1' ) t ,. '. r- .I:. .. I .. ' .I".i'". .. .'' WE. .$. $1. >,4J". i V :26, . 1

". :.' / f'.I1. ;"' '..' ... . ", ..,." .... :.- '- .-.r.!... "_ .'xr' ""J.'''' ;' . .. ...... '..-...,.:.. ..........'"....... .'. . .. \ . .. S / ,;. .. .-_'" . .r - '. ,ti.

: 'r.' ,/il : '", \ ''t _____ _ . !i"I':: k HEARST . HIS"WORST"( / ,;. .J,,.. .' , ,. ,.$oXUIC? ; ,D\U. :: tEApgjSWANSEAYV .1' ..Quoen Aane. ''fit'> .FIIJiLradbad a 1 i"h< ','1'-j J ",,.
\ r.1
'i ," '. yVifT'f' fiUiiai '' tiIHit ., I
.. Vf ; \I'd uI- : t .''W ,I ry i iYlct largest rH!! ;J'ose, f renv k Idrinking. ;.1.1.i ;
1 g 't 1. f#! '' . . ,' f' '1'I" t 1'1 Jitl" ' tWltl \ 6 ,
I *, ) *< .i:41r..V": ; r.-1"
d j,. ./: .++..x.. , .....IIJ1I. .,.. 1'1' i ( then She.w.'tyahed'"lir.hSrNan". .i 1 f s r, ; : d"rA :. .
" i ,. .J." ;>I)", ,. , a. p. .A4"ItAf. >.. ......\ ;' ;',. ,Ib appearUMi., 6ft., W(, !''I'a.1..t"ant ..,sttnUijj) .;.:to. .... ,.;. ? .;. .. .. .. rme\ ;,, .......ifJ'.1tJ'.. wrts 1.-' del ; > $ i : ,} by ., 1", ''' .. i.:..::, ;
1) ; jJ. -. __ .4.'w .' ; \ "', '. : ( 'iltT..f.:i'o" ::1':1:: t
i : ;;; I
( he'urnslaalgltjl iurvdAK : .
:1' -- (o4 J. |JI..t ; Cft pt 1'j j .JH I1 !? 1f
hted '
| ; ; .. I" \ .
.ba.! .Feet .t 'Xe"welto rtonda." ad ....... tear tnetG.I : St.tloa r-v1" 1Y. 1threw; . ,bimnpl'f.I 1 : t .' ; '.', \ I ; : t' 1
" ': . : ', reached lf I In' hla l'eeHIublllatlon""' of-"- fake ..?: .. .. e..ore.11 truck., '!
vhlms Abilene.' (clear) :....n. v* ..311Atlellla. . d : /
I ;
: .i. :
It .
: t. v't'iiit:
\ .. .
(c'\t\ ... .. N&Ah .n.t.l Prss . ; r : r; )\\0 .
,,' 'F' 'l'tIe I '.__ Mexican' f I 'dyyrtemihv, which r>arjwr Al ',to "nI !et ;a ........ .. ..1.. .,36 -, r t '
t.d Pr.., 1..hla.ItI..t.. 1. .M ) It '&' . l I ". h ,.' "' . r't nf : I" \ : : : ;.
.'",".,, Y.f'Jt '. : r"h.. .. ....It.a t. l t't'bt'b' .t .... '. :>.4S ae f f . I, I 'I . 'i'
plot four UnMd | Sft
8tatgiyaeiatw. 'MS
. .: .' It.M. ..t otberu... credited I. this ,., )Poston (clouiijy. ) ;, mech. QII '*, Rf \ ., ; .. ry)
1"f U,..,-1 aiwa ...ub'....... ., ...... .paps!': fad lit., "To"pnblish' J such drcumeatsswbcb) +) hlii: own''. s:, Buffalo' '(cloudy) ...............u.. ..24 looked. "Upon. as* a'.Monopolist> > !OON C'_tA"-ULt\, TtONSTO : .. "ffl' Z7" I ..-1\ If ,' .. ..'. '..,1".
.' r e
/'P. Q
ItJ : '' < .
"., 'J .- atntwtlrtroJS'IamS. 'i : tlntg.have since..declared: W'be) '. .clumsyforgerJeB. Ch rr.a\C:.."' (cloudyf( .*> ,.&0 THE. OFFitSI ts 1"J"1' q I. ' : . '.

,," I 1 ',.. 'Ysr ,., $11.11 viewpoint: Chicago ((Clonr). "......,:."..-4..-...l.t ' ,,, .q tU.y it! ,, : I. .

rw...III't.7.'ti.. " '._J. . I t:: was an Indefensible we e4uia from say Christi (clear) ..48 SUITS AND CITIZBNSxOFMONllOE 1 le. :. ::5; . .t' n
.' ,, .,..',, .. 'CJn.rM" _"_ ',.,< ;"',, "\ ,. . .' _. '.... Their publication Racedaenatots'; 'J?91-ah. Norris' Corpus J Dodge'City".(clear), ;:.. ..<.22Galvraton ELOERLV J ',,. .' .. .1 ,.. .r. 1 > .'A. l '< t.. ,! I,,"1.?:a1 .. .. 'II \':"... '< ; "
i .." .11'" ,tv...It IF ',--_." . .II tt. and' :antler} a cloud,. .-loMY1.46) PEOPLE ,. COUNTY \ \ .
I 14.1t :, JfefUsi 'mfntmrOy .j f pt.;' . ,' . . , ':\J; t
s f I ,If i ..*.IJIW.U, ....... Wok'WM happily dispelled **.'I/iot .a the light :was HurSn', (river) u. ....*..i. ,14 ',' "i. : ';' '[,' "f"Ali '. .. f"ii; (

: "lI4a kllowtl'oa appU..tlo. ., ,, 'I/ (Jacksonville clear( ) .-..54 Foley'BI'-'HoiWY and_ : n';' .' .:....' :'f. '
titr .d..on.No;: renponsible;, personbelievedsfor'; a e. .
:1 ; : .. .. VISITORS ,
.JAil.. .....1... ..t...., .....4 N of twits' vMMaU.i. .. eneeaeiit that either I of t trie siesta} Bamed:; was. IZYI LoU&& \VIIlo.'!EST /1 *ni ct ubllunry notlcnn. e...., will be 0..84 (.r it (( teasing'hat \ .- ; I : t
\ .
... .
O'. ,*!. rate .C H* !!... '- .> ": .. "8 s gps, : J' > .. . ,t '. ,
repo : ;
i irwilty of colluMon w+th tfce 'M*.Wwii government, MI & idear"( ) iw /" \ I' 'J i 'i '.
., ;
inure .... .. # : ... ; ;
"'( .Jo for flr..I. t>7 ehwrchas t rwa, .$1110. ,. ; New Ortrahil (cloudy),. 40ljmuia sassing epochs. that i :Y : .. "
1"1 / r.YPDU' la Ie b. daflv.ear. .eau a U... Ifearaf action 'whjsprrlng t ; I. ; .J. Jlts.IENEDO.: . .
/ 'The Olllsea I. Os ..-' I.rlela ,."eI4t... 4ia.lq. but ] .' .gave; gbssipers % : | (clear) 24 .tire out and pfeveptFlsleep..3io ) ... . ; 1 "',": a" f., .
1 ,* toy pr fiuUJic. !.... aa4 _b,..,.* of iooal ttr r,__l choice' rmorflel. for a :. lajK'; '''''nW ,he*.UWny. of, :1ondy), 02' i : ... .
Jeor-j chloroform '
,11 f! > lilorest. put It will,. sot "."II.b anoarmou..aa, I It : Tenppa? f I 1 '\ : :, ) ,'./ 1. : .. .
l; 'nuolc.t/on.. i bus1niisl) ; ..vxpiied. (.1..a9') .l. 4(1Williston (\ i ER azfAENTI .
t { q tde'whote. dirty . w* Washington to dry, tp.secretiotts'and .I : : .6 j. '. ., . r,
....'. 2Kxactly' no opiates . . < I
- f "--- v (cloudy) I r ', '
ai ,.. fjeiAty jLLbqu ;llMI"fbrged'dtlvlmentllpret.ndiag ..;: Cause '
r ....l.----I I. I TS1 ._ : : ' ". ,\ I, . ,. '
>11 I" j
n FOR to .t bact been stolen fro tn Ide l ---
{ IMPROVEMENTS KC.Y WEST!: -tIIt7, nffo Finn constipation. ;,
; a. crbtury J Our ta Atisami-ta" tOO.l1ty..or : .
f ' ;- .ADVOCATED' BV' THB CITIZEN. the fiieJ j ef"heMexican goreminent He publWid Manufcld<<: .wldovA, (..f'n *nimnKhlpowhfr I for chiefly per on R. (.kAY .: .ctrtKr', .' ". -- ; --
1 f' '' died ipav.ftB A' f. Mun* : . . (, t. '" : ,
them,, evn d. that he' htnd.; W1tE rE ,
[ '
1\. 'L.- believed! of 15.000.> 'She' fv!y\lt. \ f'C1 l it Intojjctlifr SOLD, EVER11: off.( 'Hour ,a to ,, \12-" '2 to HFliooa : ficiala and residents "Cf! Monroe County : "
. : never '. that'a four sen a tars were imp icatHepublishedthemwlthout *,. ith' : .
/1 .w.ragi. England It w oll n..t.alnlnR..t.hcprilyj >t. '. ; 'I'? "
Water-.nq'8 ._ __
j-r r- I2J eHn- : : tnklnst- ? LiUnt l property R ,.do Bldg, '
r pnynayr HONEY ... .
; < TARCOMPOUND i of the Over-Sea
z"t :
; Road to th* Malala0d. awl FOLEYS t.comJ! : i ,
II the find out whether, they were' gjpiralne.or ,. mist; be' !invrntc-d ( "' rennin ,'" . : _
troublelto fOT
\ : '. I .
J- 3. Onnpreb.altve' catJ'MdL': unlouoiir for; f80 )'CI. when it ; .
i -!( 4. Hotels"'and ApartnieaU.B. tot an he')might have!" eailly done! lie'brazenly could be' clallucd Jry: htv ''efeeud, I '. .: 4nlghway. ' J : .
I ... 'defended'hia'acUon After the documents hnd been ants' TJ; .,..orSwnyl: l $7GOOO()<)() liar -- -. ,1 ''I' -' - ;.,' .. 't .T .

i I ; : Hatlog'PavW.ti.a proved: to be frfrJea., / ,1 lnw>.H :Xrt -7r)0nMI() ( ,, ... .. ..; ... ... ........... .S 2 Se.....4.......i.. ...I. a. '. I
.j Aq.ul. Already' 2iO! |x'<>plc hive advanced :.:. .. ... ... .. .... .... . ,..... ... ....... .- 1 :

"I j ,j"' It is.. gratifying: to mote that the decent section claims to a j-ltue In (th '.. ..

//t," Of-. the--press of t the'-couatry' U-unaniroous' -in con. h.Jeg'acy:-' !.._ ,? . L-_ i THE AFRO-AMERICAN'' LIFE .

I 'Ji. demnine. the nefhodi employed; Beant.1n what w..... .......... Ira" $1.e4..r Feel. ,. i ROAD''' BRINGS 'CLOSER THE -

THE KEY wzsiC1TlZRf appears, to have been a studied attempt to besmirch ""Iiappear' after it fofw nppllcatloniImpr THIS .
-,lal 0\rcpm Ilrnifdv. All i. INSURANCE CO. !
innocent men and'f urihev aggravate the 'difficultiesvtrhfch d..IIK.Ja\ am nutliorUHil to refund .
.. yoifr money If It fall.Adv.LEGALS :
j. "" have existed';.between tbe rrontnm'enta of' the -- .. (lncorprated Under the Law.. of Fl rich) :. i RELATIONS OF OUR .STORES r t

Ii' \y WILL'always peek the troth.. print It,,. United" States and M ]ldco. .
: .
J J P..W..p Capital Stock: $150.0OO.OO :
,. w'thout fear and without( fatorj; nfv r fc s ;
I : I"vea'ted in U. S. Bond $10O, OO.OO. : MIAMI AND KEY WESTMonsalvatge
} I C'CHI'I'iula'l''!; ( 1'olal'I'! '
afraid to'attack wrong or 'to applaud right; RISE OF A BARMAID, IN 01 t'HM-' MOMIOIJOl.VI'V.! ... '..

I aJway. fight for progress; nerer k s the organ In rmnlfl Ri IvurrliuoruMunroe I..canf: \ CounlyUectnHfil. : FEATURES : FEATURES ; : .J.

) ,' or the mouthpiece of any party clique, Some years. ago Rachele Agostinl was a 5mely< T" <
faction or elaM; always do Its utmost for the barmaid la a' modest Italian tavern. She has also tvihutonfe. Hint. ri-i-Honx ,ilnvlnif, Industrial Sick & Twenty P.ymeritAccident .: .4'.
riulniH or liciiinii'lK AKuliiHi SiiMKntkto. I i
r, public Welfare.; never tolerate corruption ..r been _a worker in the fields, a shepherdess and a : Premium Endowment : .
Ton nod each f uu 1herllby
t In justice; denounce vice and praise virtue; household servant. 'wIlCI..d and, l frviiutrcd' r> .>lir-prcwnt. nnv --- .
(]Sane and denmnilH. which lou or Child a n ..ine.Policy" "
T .. commend good done by indlvidosior. organ While a barmaid her employer warned her ellh'er of you may luive afralnHt tho, Industrial Straight Life : i" & -
'( ,i ; eKlat of ITunlpI, l.Hrrlmorirto- S Life' for :
Izatloprlp0 tI | ant .of others' rights views and her Into Group
.. r against" attachment for his son, saying: "Do ccHBPd. of Monroe County
..f.alllCounty : :
Endowment 75 Ministers
Florida to thi- .11111) JuchrC't | Age
;!:.. I .: oplnloast print' Only newt that will elevate not let yourself think of him. It would be better In hln office, at the Court v o.

: .. ; and not t bontaminate the reader; never compromise that you 1Ih'Jd die.. Married to him you would the 11011',".'.....within. pul>ll.''atl w'I..lvi n >pr I 1\I0II.h.(hie notice from, : HOME" OFFICE.. 101-105. EAST UNION STREET. :. i "r' Drane "

I with vHi: January Ihth 1 1l3S.!
principle. ? '
E; have! no happiness. All nlalnm. or dtfinandH not no. pro- : JACKSONVILLE : : .
:: .ntejl) ";*tll' be bai'riKl by IlmltntlonUnder I .
.. But Rae ele had a will of her own ..aad despitethe the provifhtiiR. of f'hn'l..r,' :
< KM 18, I>awn of T'-lurlda, approved BRANCH OFFICEi 707 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST : 'VlIOWS.f\tE GROCERS 'l"
,{ ::1 :Ti'( t'-; : .THE OVER-SEA -HIGHWAY Warning of her prospective father-in-law she Juno 4, 1425. : (

';t 1't' ..'. .S .i married: Tils-son., It has turned out*that she. "might.{ JAMRfl NAl'Ot.KON(Rlcnoil:/) WDWARDK : It is one of the old'Rt. strongest' and best insurance : : .

.have done worse.. ; fl-8-l-S2-| Ailmlnixlriilor.JanlRZS ;l inar7\>14. : companies in the State of Florida. ...Itha 250 : ... \ &..t. Key, West-Miami '; ,1'' j :
Thin should ever stand out as a day :
redrjetter. .Last. month she. secured the releaseof 300 -.--- T : branches with 650 employee The people of Key : : .
In,.}KeyWelt history I ADVF.UTIIIIJo1111F.XT Felt 1110" ONTAVI'1nlli.n \ 'I
A anti-fascist..exiles through'' her .influence1 with. thedtctator : TIII'HM! : Went should be proud of this company and patron : : I :
t '!04ki.'i;: \ I -\o..ltA doeethe, ..PlIlng-t. they Over OldlC will Ito roeeidrd. l liy tho : I \ ; .
1 :
: \ :, Beeito MvssoUnU And- how did this former Board of County fir ,Tze same. Pays all legal.1 claims. :" - -" -+ "'"
Sea to 't'he then I
Highway by general pnblie,
use .
barmaid obtain such the master Monroe County Klorliln. at theOounty. : / :
can be no' question but that it should usher in.anew" sway over of Court 1-toimn ill 'Key Went .. . ...............0... .N .......... .. ...
"Ii, all, ,Ita171 Florida bruary.. 2, fi2K.n8la"for .thepurnJahielr . .... ...... ................ .. .... .. ...... ...... .
tnt'SMIt' eratef .' pt .I IYt..l ", .
this 4 fa -
; cityrrr1'! 0fprecedented, .
One'evpianation. is tact i t Taroi-nfer, 1"lerlli' t I .. ,
1 r/ and that she has and goon t, SpoclflcatloDa, fttrens ,eet. and, #-- . . . a ---
activity growth unmatched
/ ; era by anything ,
lotftll plane will 10.I furnlshinl. Uvloa '
judgment. Another i that ahe is his wife. iriI .
in the ity'n history destined not end a
. ; an era to un _
--:.. roller |planed) at a ,.MII..n which will >
. til Key West hns'' taken her place &1elte of the :": give the KronlfHt ""Ir".n the IrtiHH, ",0'c"-" --"- I
., .
a :., The moonfish are biting as'they have seldom. or a uniform. live. toad of lUll .
leading industrial and resort cities, of the state. ; paled per aguin r< foul. In elthiTraxu ,
done before: << Hint load uill' hit deed.A'IiI.h. .
/ Wbcthet it will or not depends upon-Key... : West will "give the urri'iili'Ht" I Ktri-RH. fll""- .
: elfp'atlona| for xi.-rl I iiiply with
lo of>
" f'' herself. For'evenwith,,, theroad to the' mainland X00 I A..H. T: M. ntAiiilnrilH.j. : ,,; :
s ( ,They caught ,, moonf ish--at e.Ql I Thft.. nrlc-e-oii TriiHR will ;'lnrlnio 1 ) .

.:1 .; .f ;<.pea.L the. city wiurgrow.: prosper1>1'' poly. U she P. 'AV;' del..Th Ivsry- At ,Tavernlnr Florida, .' I : : ..
: dockyesterday ItuauMrecorVea iii. right In '
< \
.'.,'. fit eserves.. :only .as* sh4[ proves herself worthy of r',. ) " ., :1\.1'\ ., .',.. ; '. ..e4. .: { \ :: : t. i'' J.., /OTTO I K I HMIOINKU.: '. a/ ,
) .row1.11") aacl,of pro perlY.'I .- -'> 4; '.- 7, -, ..-i% vj-u.: """ t fjjfcc Now' c" -Is'- -(' ; .ta' w.: ChalrmanuBonrd County, COlD mi., Ii'Ii'a ''J e r e :"f,. . :\, \:; ,
r'i. .
,fhotgm&forwpverylEeyWeate: der f!.!' +MI, FlL / ,
: .rrii :: .. .:
It la net too'much to Ray that to ocher { bee I tworld 1 ,' '"JanEIAE5.2e'IN :! .........,ft'. .. ..Pl'JI'. .., ''' '
that f -
share in :,t lUng .the the'hlghweyiaopeald. . ".'T"' JI1tfuo; . ... -m
in the whole United '
Slates -
t perhaps; has the opportunlty -. 'lf14 anr"I' ('tit HT nv THKWIONTIKTII / I .
: I ,
/ which ] 1114I. fillI'IT -
now before Wost.
opensup Key (' UV THI: NTtTK OF" KI.OHIOA. ,
l.., Slip has bountfful( I '41V AMI I'OH' 1IIu "Clr:: a 1 1i. (
everything a providence The road td the mainland i, officially opened C>""NT" The fine vision and splendid! ; foresight of the citizens* of Monroe
Annl M. InMcp.1u" : 1'1. I. >rkiami' 1
could '
I provide except water. !It la entirely possible aad a. soon the i".c1II. ("Coiiiplulnants, fruit in the '
as news gets abroad look out for .Alison t i. County have.borne .great "
that site l have that She her climate VH.CJ a
ratty even
seat .
the" totirists. AlihrVf. Nlr-Ulns fit Iary R. Nh-Itlii..
end to no city on the globe. Thic'. Q1d''Insure her lilltrr'niid' 11.-,.... d.i Rh"wllt'lIl| .. ,.
.. .lefendante.lull '
f peraian o as aresort. She has a strategic location : !J'o .itrerlose Mortmain* .
Strange *-"rai pju-adJng about the streets have 1RPItt.'r/ "c'h l \ worn hill fllril '
f. which\! should make her One of the leading In 'tlift ahov* 'a.1, ) rnimo' that. <:. ,.
lately, become such a common'sight that they} 'no Aubrey. Ntcklax and,) ''Mary 8. Ni.'itlai : OVERSEA : I' '
commercial cities of the elate. ., nlnvic">) and ponKlaii de lllchi.
9 longer 1 Attract attention.. lieu arllJon.r."I"'n. I" of the :StnlA ,
I I; In building! the road 'Jp the mainland, Key Went . of Florida; Unit l inMI hi r?. .A ehr.y, a

.nxl McmroCi county Lave 'shown}' botch courage andHjtorprLsolieyond Nlnklak.v r.*hl.11I mid Mary HIP, l.ilv,M. of Nlcklan New. ,yarltand. hlnWlf . .
; '
rI The Woman's Club campaign for more Stale of Now. ." "rk : llinf 'Hi4 : ,. .\ .,' \ I

f.I \ the aycrageAll'tkhalhow.ev.r: ,. batches to place about the. .. city ieon.. it', a move- last knownadtlrrxH, |IN 140 Ku; l of hind:PrM.Avenue.glide| dunicnclltli .H A. ''I
; i IR tint enough.; The earl of > GHW V
: same courage aad" J- ttie'f ateot ealcul4hid. to,.do-the city. ReRtI able goad.j4ew ton New age York of N.Iwrntl-"ne Y ; 'Unit they yearn are, over and 3: ,

utmn JlCrt''Qf cooperation is futMie.if ; < .
,necessary hj"the that there 1. no un In. IM"' Hluli< nfflorlilu. ,
hi,. ,
the nprvli'inf n *i> Hiia"
,,1 the read IH to'be capitalised as it should and the } that outsiders uiion whom would hind Mild do- . '
f are coming? here in unprecedented : / aWe
n city forgo ahead as it may.. : I
: numbers! it ggity be well for It I Is therefore Onlfrcil" AdjudKeit. 0
every Key; : ,
and D..rrI that cold' non r ;
RlilHtitmarcBi I .
to The peqcle? of Key West must learn always, defwldabla. are' A'r\
r Wester to remember that 8 lekm.c. folks" has done 1)0 and they hereby :

in- matters affecting the city's general good to I Florida more harm.than everything tl' 'combined. regplre4 romplatnf.riled,to ,....war lu. .11101 I.. .u'.fln ten' bill orbefore ot , will do our part to connect Key West with the mainland. : "
; .
Monday, (th.' Mh day or
it think in terms of I ,
unity they must
; present an unbroken *
<< --A. D., lH2n. mnerwiiin tina / *I lib...
j-l front. to the outside i world BllcKRtlon o/ paid lilll will l>o taken.
; they mt'Te< Maicolni Meacharn aay a three-day-old us confffmoi by paid. defendants.It 1 44 .
member that like copy, of In further irdrrrd( dJudgod Our Begins Thursday Jan. 26th f," -
frI a community, an individual I. can The v.; Service -
Citizen is responsible for his coming to Key'. Malt Decreed tbnt HIH| order 4"puhlHh.Pd -
.. bope to draw interest it once PBrh wi'i-k for four <-inHfnutlv "
upon What has .Invested. .:
West. Score another fee Tha' II" Ky :
I' I, Cltisen. That.wae wenkR In I Went '
CltlM, a new.p..r., uulillSlioil. In.ald .
good year's work If it did aot.hlaaelle for County anil Slat". The ae
12 .
j1 This, every Key Wester Must remember. when, moaths. IUS Thl. Z

matters &looking loathe. general of the. (ISJUA-L. ). P.,Z. FlLl R. i .
Clerk.o( !tho ( Ircul C'ollrl, I ,
city' up. U" i Is'*.t en,< for to WILLIAM If. MAT-ONR.' e ._ .
i eonto agh a .man contribute Key West. baa lone needed "lounging place i Solicitor. for Complainants. e .r SAFER --CHEAPER! '

I only to the cause' from which be --cxpecta" to for those j'who. come here to enjoy. the scenery and I Jnn25; febl-IR15.2L/;

get direct benefit H ia only 'when Wbav* ,.laid .'the ,wintr Bun'hine. 'The Woman's club la out toprovide EXCEPT .,1 .

I . e4 the point where we' are.willing to .oaitdbute\ \ these. Every '
progressive Key Wester YORK
'1". liberally. to'anything- which;,bida fair tahptp.the, weald c lend) 'a 'helping hand. NEW. I.. 1 ; . .,

;: city aa whole that we will grow: as'we may. By Sea

t./ f In the. roast Pfol'feJIRlve, cities, any' iuljectI They'ye started something .up In\, Port .'Pieroecakatlated DIRECt OCEAN) SHIPS "

i ;' Mbkh.W: 1l elp to advertise the town gets the unstinted , ,
l l / : : to nake that) city like Jonah'V West
grow MiamiKey
.,.,: support .t the .whole} .eoj,le. The( ame gourd;vlae.". They are going. to. 'send!' special( edltioaa ,Solid Comfort

t.. Must ...' trae here ahead and Excellent Cuisine !
.,f'. 'i Wild.. . .,U/we' 5 ... W.UJ1- !' go a we. of the home, town"'paper weekly 'f a. long "'I, .' ;1."; ;- I I .

flat< re..on jell over the country. They haven't' '
f/I II 'b" d.I"t'f. )!' l| ..t.;- ?we hanls1e''R' \' !.r'* j .t tentt! n;on ,the 'Idea,,'though and Key'Vestwtil ; ,/fEXAS; I Overland Express; '

i .
-f most exeefent'stort: : thladirection& It ii aseplrt. ally', fbl1q T .their example. :
Steamer to Galveston : .
toxeerr: taab1bi41thaI ..i .
"4rr ,tk } ;, ; ,, +a Mr1.+td cs: ,J; \\jI' ."; '

spirit in tb. Ian matters aff th "" (",,'1(.; Direct Rail Connectionsfor ,,.. .... . ,\\'j .
uture .ceding i ito pMbp ,:: V-nM'raik, W. LeVering 'Qenti '
t' t'
I ;. here.' .l ., all 'Texas "SG. L. SITES, Mgr. .'d., :
'. lie.- d ,. ak*;.eerUi. thU vHjrV.. HimaU ..ate k.11pb' f. .. " '. .
>> : Neehrthe IJ '" >' .
: :
.. f ..... ;. : Vf .c t. }J omr:. Arizona; New Mexico, : . "J. I

1 [ I'.'...,,- Ijgc'\0",!;,J . <' .." ) .aIqfl' tlme'tle' ; : city ,ougTat :.atago"_:get.te ., Ciliforniatc.'sjWALtORY'LIN11. a E : :' :' ;: :.. q'i .; J.I''1 Main Office 325 West Flagler St. Phone M-566- .'Miaml'. . .:jt 4l.:;.
.1 :: .o-- tet eif dinher : .
,; T \ fer : tart > q .
. .
, ,
1:' >. ry ? atra !4e eserjl. . . .: : \ ;::"'I'
U ov lealslatli' eiu'h H oiji'a practical( m.aa. Zovering.Wrlght.Geo; ; \ '. / ' '
.. ,
All Er .
gJaDJf. \mel ; : 1
: .. .
t.r) t'ttt+ of r.1.: :< .p' W' ; m '; \ \ '" . ">( . ... A.... J. .,' : "".,. '. ,4 f 1" ,
; .lf "".... ., '", ..M >>,4 A'.. and;.tlileiiii4" kQ ktia' t. 'ull s i ; .'\b: cI'f: \ :J 'J, : ", <'i, :;.I" '
\ ' \ ;
rr': _' ..;...... (: : \ (
_"' : ", .. ..' ", I4t. _4Ntt is'.t t+,'bhadofthe: "o I ? "
"" bl. of I K. Florida
*"' *" '!f.\J\ : .'' "1.. ," .;.. .. ... . ... . une., . I .j 7'Wa.t.: ,,: '" .I.JIT.I-.I" .I. I".II'I'I"I'I".III' 'j ,

. ) ' *, 'ly%,*v', ' ,, '.'\;:'$; /""'tfrZ"' : ; "T":"! '. ",, "....<.. ..iv )... ,.,. , ",...t. ," '. r', .( , '' < . ,__ \ ,, \ .,... .,: ." ..' .. .. 1 ... ', .' .. .. . ,'" ., ' ,

--' ; .-; ."..r' ,'-PI: "' ;>: " ?' \ : '; i: ., .:x'j '' ... . ( /--' . 't. I f
: " ., .. '
'i. ,"'<" .\ .. "I"*. :'V"i!:' :'. -). ?2d''J; .,'j".,'", ." .',- '. ". ,I. '. ; ,. '\' :.,' {; ::' ,I E' ' .t'l.. .. '. '\, ,_ .... '

1; .t'J'I,''! "f-'JI," J'o ; : : \ .' 'f ,, " ':.. ',:I.,. ... ,,', .' '1 > ''',.\''' : .:. :. ,f I '. f. \. \' ,:
{ . .. ,, i ... '. .," "' i I t. ;, . ., ( .
1 ( : :.1 ,
i/ : ", '< I"I' .'' '.,.. ,,.;.11l:<,..\,.,,.....lil4 ; ( r'; ,: ?' ;,|' ,,..' n'ul'l:, $' !:>i ," " : ' .., ."; ..t.<:C.. ,1 JA4a;If..Ji. ./ . ., ,. : .4.; ; ::1,,J';.: .. . .. ." I'. . vr \
: j. . ".' """"'." j .. . j:' : "' <. \ IJrt. ". \. '.,, . '
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'r. j / i; f '. .1. '- :
LQCATIONSFOR S-: CONCHA ,A VA1.S'' ......,..,..... .wAi! ?;' Rld "* M .. ,.j 'I,' ,... ---r- ,t.J.. .y. "' 't'' r..,... .'!t.;I -....,n. ." ;}.- ..-'., ; .- '. .' , 1.. //tt.
>" or. .JI''i''i""I.
; "
< t
-Hr -,- t tfD"Y: S : 4Q.vj'dfl.; .' fry, K .'* ... .
.. .
'.. "-, .. '" ''J', .. .,.,... -", . ..... .,
7 St.'Louis ., ''''" .
't" } '
R ,
K..HIH' t ,
BENCHES" : f Miss' M., ; A. i LONPON, Jan.- 28.-British '" / " .
na 1 CHOSEN: .PASIDON'SHOW : ANNIVERSARIESA I I . ...; ;. . : ' .t'' ., .
TOPIC Coachman, Jr., Miami; 'W. R.! chemists are developing an irri- //,1. ;\ ( ; ; : :
: SERMON York R J. Boat- .................. tant'tor' be f '. -:!:. . . I ,
4.i . Kiinneg, New ? .... put in cu'to. prevent ., ," .... .....;....;'J" : '
t r BY'L ty 4L .' .. Jas. E,, Hart suicides. .' ; ...' ...,.p. >1 '
Jackspnville .
woME ; I" ,
.i : I'' right,' ; 176a--Robert: Bum.rthe' famous I.. it F f. ?t II, .. . '.." \. '" ". 'J' . ;: I .
r 1k, .
and "
Palaika T. C. Brady Joseph r ..
< I .
,. ; , born k, I., ,
PASTOR' poet;; near Ayr, Scotland. 4 '
y Y BEAUTIFUL, SHOWING MADEf, BAPTIST '. Burns, New York) Miss Willa Jer. J Died; ''at'Dumfries! ; July, 21, 179&.' of the Royal Academy,, died t In,.. " I WE'SELLt" .r '. ,,,'_.., j. .iJr "' ': yi' \ .

: WOMAN'S, CLUB"PREPARING: ; OF tGOWNS, HATS 'AND, ANOTHER .SERMON -ON UNUSUAL > don arid.Mrs.' .H. W, 'Londoner, / -" London.** 'forum* "'In 1830.. ', ... ., ...,,. '...I ..."......,.", ,'' .\!',".' ,'" .... ,, 'I, ,. _. 1I't"' I
Bi'oaklineMans. .
,' .. ', ,''I' ,.'. . I .. ... I' J.
; .' .*. PUCE 30,SEATS TIN NEXT SHOES :i '. ?,;SUBJECT > 'E. Bonley, Bostoni# Al Puljatlt, 1847-Birth of Martin ,.DI :NJchols i, 1012-r-The Duke of ConnaUght, . "" : ,
'. '. acid lo hare ... ; I. ,
been the
I York' Grove first ,
New Mr* Raymond. G4rernor.Genlral of "
; Canada,, Y \
was IT R TY .
;; N PEW,, DAYS, DR'VE' .FOR -' '' "' V" fifurderem l 'inl fciy; West-Who Miami; Palmer\ .. WaltonAtlanta';, ) child born fa ,San Francisco !4 4I' received' :al the mite Jtouse' by ',.'.' ..: ,.'.t.C.; :. ), RI0.PE. : : ., .:.' '1 \ : .,

., OTHERS"'PLANNED) 'A""crowded .house'witnesses tl M Ae' ef''wu'th'tople' ; of !Jr. ,
Clara 'April 28 f
1025. ,
: Mr, and Mrs.:, F. 1.. Cr ," .
; fashion chow under'thoauspicesof R.'E. Carr's sermon last ville/ Iowa; : .. . '" ,, "JO.,
i .; i,1, ; : the First!' Baptist'.church' where: a Howard Detroit; Mrs.C.: Walwlti, fiSTX-The Duke /andbschelp, 4 .'t'y I ,1\\ ,' v I .. ,
.' r the Store of Fashion; at the Miehj:, Mr4 and 1867 The) Precedent of'York'In, a British,truaUr :.. AND''HAVE' OFT ; ,
Locations for 80 ; seria'et revival services U i in pro Wyandotte; ; Mts. vetoed : pass.pd ; SOME.. TiE M0.. T ':c,,+' II
benches\ 'now Garden theatre last night, whew ', through the .. .
greb. . : 1"1" 11 PeraonkeDetroit. '. r the Colorado admission bilL Panama;Canal on ." '
: /" '
under! congtructlo'n. "" '.forthetoeal) 1 advanced showing' 'of. I springstyles ..Taking 'for: v hisitextNo. ; mur- M., G;/ "Mann; Miami';', :Frank ,---':", 4! rout\ to'..AQlltratla.oR ;\ ' ,\' .I I", ...- ... J. .. .. :r'1,1'
Woman's;Club; were selected at a for' morning, afternoon.\.; dercr' hath 'eternal.: life_-abiding i tn Frauwn, DeLand; A. E.!"s Sargent, 1887f-W.l'B.' ;:. Bate,, former gev -' y.., : '

t : ., tneetfng.'of: the civic department of evening and sport wear well,. .djsplayid. -, him," the,, minister.,.
a that organisation'yerterday. ., VS1 forms of murder, declaring Walter Snell, Chicago: Paul Perk, senator.' from'Tennessee. .. REAL- MTATE-AND DESIRABLE .. :: :: ,. , fr s , : :
noon. y, that Key 'West has surprising Miami Mr>; and "Mrs., Ned Ely, .
; a ; -. '
Key, West girls'aeted models' < 4
; k"4 ;i .Several." : oftihe Beats.\will: be for;. the 'pro&!!. as. was an ntnberwho'are goiltyof' this sin Pittsburgh:j.1: Mr-; and Mm.;, 'C. T. 1890-...Nellie' Ely completed RENTALS'{ SEE THE J. .-. ..--: I : 1 ; I .. '.. ''tt: (
placed the'driveyvay: in_ .:.shape.. another. Jacksonville. ( a BU'SI""IN'ESS---- .... .
on from the exquisitely arranged demonstration one or . Doty, trip..around the. world in seventy. '. c
:' F; E;'- Co station} others at the under the ,personal supervision He said In part; '"MK 'and. Mrs:' J. E. McDerwitt, three- -da'll. :i.:-' ,S'', ,. __ ,, ........ .;. ..<:'
- north end'of, Duval: l''street; other of Mrs. ''Isadore.AppelrouthtThe. ; : yTscre! are more Murderers in Marion, Ind.)" Mr. and.Mrs: : S. S. . I. KEY \WEST T1 / "II'.. r S \.r iY ,
'' .
a" "still;; tvthe"s6uth"en'd Key, Welt than' anyone '''dreams' Clark,CbjrJlgo 'C. S.'Smith, New '
'C1)f ; 4
Whit" program' was divided IntodIfferent' 1892---Chill withdrew. ', .
\ tk 'of. ,
: .
: and they commit the- crime 'of AND I.
street; and,' the remainder of the scenes to further enhance . York: Neil' Austin Daytona; fcnsive note to the UnltM Statin: INVESTMENT CO. .. ..' .
r 30. at place where it ia believed the, arrangements of murder in various wys. . f. Wonder,. CMcasfo; S. Missel, L. and apologised.ttt -the Valparnfllo . .' ,;; l'
/ thpywIU: be most accessible to the dresses, shoes, lingerie' and hats "I. Direct, deliberate Murder ROle, H. Harris, .Ta") ai\ S. T. riots. / '
?, vGraC ", that with knife?, gun club;' hands, or H.f.Blanvirrln" .... .. :. 121Davt-St.. t :Rhot eas-w : r
i 'd: visitor. were ordered especially for poison:' Murders of this kind are Morris aDd Wm. / } ::, : , ./ .R RESIDENTIAL: l
rr 'i The a 0 will' be ready for''evelope this occasion. Washington, D; C.J, Mr- and Mr: 18!><5Sir 'Frederick .
laws ;
but WM.
few the
--'- comparatively Lelghton, GATES, Maaa.r '\
i1t? ,, ; ,.at J3eauUful "evening goWns, cling '''fecognUethis E. C. Blast, Hershey, Pa.; W. the famous' -artist and > ,
yaw" meeting and more will ing lingerie, late mode ihows JLjLDatlphs! as Kunty..JJaytOMi. C. ,Fi .ScJeiyeYounprstonyn !! . president. 't), ; ;1 :
fvailable' the worst or elf crimes| ; and r ...... ; :
,:': :. bo '' shortly thereafter If all colorsijand designs were' in. -'' \ , O-; '. .1 .. ... ,' PROPERTY j' j
morse later seizes the .. .. -
.,,, ,the women' plan of financing eluded There were street, ballroom I'sees the eyes'of his J. W. Bricker, C.;, C. Ttaly Joe '''1'.1. _____.. - -. -- .- .. I ___ \';,; r
Justifies the purchase of others 'a; cabaret and wedding I victims looking at him everywhere I I Richstone, Youngstown, Ohio; W;, --.0-: -:" -..,All' AT"AI". r AV.I'.I'I ""7. ,

:: this time.' -I scenes the that delighted the .patronsof and lives in constant misery W. Buhrman, Mrs. Ceo.,(Weeks; H'I '. S ON Oltil: I.ISTR. ,, t

Much of the meeting was given show through fear of detection and Purdey, Bayslde,. L. I.J j., Mr. and '
,:i .- --over-to.dlscussloh plans_tos The girls Included who,assisted Mrs. Ap- punishment./ i Mrs. H. R, Kistler, Miami; Mr. and I '
pelrouth Mabel
; cure funds Sharp .7th MI'*. I. U Hutchintra! Valparaiso f' '
: to buy additional) 'Vengeance is mine, the ,
., benches..' It was the sense, of -the ley Pease, Elizabeth, Mary'Sharpley Curtis Williams Dorothy, Lord; and the penalty)( of murderin Ind.; Mr.and .Mrs. J. 'Aithford, This is a wonderful: l day for every person in The opening of the-Over-Sea Hieh- "' '

rk : ,, 'meeting that the cost should be re., Margaret Ladd Eva Dennis, Elms any fornr is eternal death without Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. '. Monroe .
1 S duced sharply" and efforts-in this LIghtbourn,' Mary Lijrhtboiirnt 1 thorough repentafince. W, J. Stine, Jacksonville# Mr. and : County.. .w7.Y' has i increased the value of ICey; -

x w. Imctlonwillbemade'immediate', Jane Curry, Constance Lytle, "1L By poison food and MM. J. S. rr'ogt,-Burlington, N. C. ._ :. . '
,, -Jy, it- i.',unJ!$ntood.: Information Betty Maloney. drnik. Those who sell spoiled P. H. Conniff; JaR Conniff, W. West property.: .
i about this cut' will be available Elola Cervantes pleased the foods to save loss of money,. G. Bell, F. E. C. Ry.; J.'J, Rels. j The ..courageous vision and enterprise that S 'I

;' ;, within the next two or three daysit crowd with an excellent demonstration knowing they will.injure the DeLand; Wm. Cole and H. C. 5 'has made. the Over-Sea .. .
w .a is said,'an . benches'will' begin immediately --- destroy cr shorten life, are mur Orlando; E. O. Hinton,.Baltimore; \ is typical of this IS TIIE' TIME TO INVEST
county. jw
thereafter. I CARD OF THANKS derers for money, just the sameas Paul Hintchmann Rumnon, N. J.; S .
a highwayman who kills to rob. Mr. and, Mrs. M. A. : 'I1ERE ,
Saunders, 'I !
I ;:;; ; Adulterers of medicine are also I
Wo Memphis Mrs. J. J. i
Drowned Miami desire to express our deep ; Madison, .
. murderers. WILL '
qa.. appreciation and profound thanks!! Memphis; Mrs. G. A. G&KR, Terre FIND A WARM ,

: : Son 01 ,Miss Saunders to our many friends for their sympathy "Those intoxicating,. who sell vile liquors and poisonous are- Haute, Ind. WELCOME( HERE CALL OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION tj I

yw! )' : : Former Key West Girl their automobile and kindness and, the the use floral of not only traitors to their country, ..................-.-.- ..... s I II ITHEKEY
but murderers of their fellows :
r Richmond;; offerlpgs at the time ot-the death Tens thousand", ", of murders TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS .
Carl ,
; ; 16, one of the are We'caWy everything that
: : three boys drowned in Biscayne of Clark.our brother-in-law, Joseph thus committed for money by ........................ "u milady, ll edsJOE .. I WEST INVESTMENT I CO. .
y 1r', : :' Bay and their bodies recovered bootleggers the U. S. each .
; . yesterday, was a son of a former MR. AND MRS PAT KELLY. yea ,'. Senator Charles; Curtis of Kansas W .
124 Duval St.
: :. Key West 'woman. jan25ltCLASSIFIED/ "III. By abortion. The physician , who has announced his candidacy PEA R L MAN' I P. O. Box 474. S t, '
- '--' .S
: /' His''mother's maiden'name was ........................ or mjidwife! who destroys an for the Republican presidential KEY WEST FLA.
iatt{ : : -* Mid Sadie Sounders, daughter of unborn child, and the father or nomination, born in Shawnee :

: :' .-.i! Mrs. Mary) Sane 'Saunders. and a mother of It who consents to, or county, Kas., 68 ,years alto Jfc I QUALITY SHOP u
. sister aids the crime, era all murderers '
yet? jto Stanley Sounders, :315
A . !
And whether is marriedor
a woman -
:S .o::1, William Peacon, Lane.P. Richmond She, was married The to COLUMN' single, the 'Destruction of an Matthew- Wall," BcrvinfTi his DUVAL'ST. Licensed Real Estate Broker 'S I.

: :: 'drowned was born In New York son ........................ unborn, just child aa It'is would deliberate be to ktU murder a twentythird'lerm the International as Photo-Engrav president of f '

F 4 :' .: .. .:,'\, .b e forIlJ.he tamilylocated In!..Miami. .- .FOR RENt.. .child _already born. There arecountless er?' Union, born' in Luxemburg . I ,, :
,. s- - ,.' 'M1'I. Richmond's mother had '- women who are< ruining 48 years jjgp today. : / .

' .; been living with her in Miami, but FOR RENT-Furnished'- apart and morals and losing ,. "'--- "' .I.1.1.1'.I.1.1".JT.I'.I.I.I.I.IJI .I..1.1.I'.i"i.l"I'.I.1.1'I Z ]
% ;
.. was in Key West on a visit when ment at524 street their souls' with such Antonio Scotti the ,
Ir ' Elizabeth ; murders .world-fa-j .. .. . .
occurred. She " --- -
the tragedy left ------ .
' ,*Mb UpsUirt i.Phone__720J.____ _jan4 and it were better for a moa operatic baritone; born I irJ .1 -- ". - -------- -- ---- ---- ; ;- 'T }"'
for 'Wiamf upon receipt of the woman to stand before the judg Naples, Italy: 81 years todn .. >> '"
ago .IIf".I.1 "
'JII .IfII/1" .1.1.1..1'.1
n a, accompanied by her (rrandkter [FOR RENT-Two-story residence ment bar of 'God with a* dozen .I''AIf.I'.I"r_ # "" ,

t A.; dsu Miss Vivian Saunders corner Greene and! Ann streets' ; children to her "credit than for her Dr. John' .1*.' Seaton,' ; 'WIHl m R': Cooper) and Ralph' unfurnl hed. Apply to L. P. to stand there with one missing of .Albion College, born in Manchester ,

1.4 Miller wo>c the other two boys Artman, Citizen office. .which she had, murdered. Iowa, 55 years ago to .

H rY drowned. '' Thor were all of MI. FOR RENT-Room with private I "But if these' men'' and wonvenwill day. ., .J.Y.

;. ami, -and. students in the tenth I confess to God, that they are .
family, separate bath, hot and .
., jrrnde. At n highs boo there.. cold water South Beach. Phone I murderers, and plaad' for God to that offend ., ,
cleanse their hearts .and deliver us, :ove them, pray 1'rF.
r 187-W; call'' Mrs. M., E.:. Mar- I them. from bigod-gviltlneAS, and for them orict seek to bless (them,:' . .; :
.'''tinez./ corner 'Alberta and Semt-: if we, vlOulc{'('really be Chfistians. -., lt "
l .
. prove they, mean it, God wiU pardon Q( (
tt.VJX '
tiid 4 44PERSONAMEfffiOt.rN. Q ,nole, '(-' JanZl-Gt even them.. But, oh, the 'AH of the have glory slimed of and God.'eomeshort' In ::; ,; :;&{> ,: ; ,-. : ; ; , :a. .
of U'See'the! Met Psalm. ; .
i .
memory . ,, .
.. FOR RENTr-House/.. modern some .way most ', of at some N.; ," ] ,' ,,, ,' .. 1 .. -+
"IVV By" furious anger and J Y' '
Improvements: 419 Southard hate. Have -w&nted kill time haveicommitted m.urd.r.:: in ,.. ": < : : I .:;,//i.: I' i -. ,
7 Mrs. Clark D*Stearns, of Miami}:) Street. 'jan2(?-6tx you .to .. !)
1 our hearts. Anal only' 1- 1.
lama oust Have wished by i>cnltcnce ;
wan expected to arrive this after you .Welcome'ln'NeyWesl' < .t
r.nd earnest
prayeiand ,
naon for a visit of a few days. FOR RRNT-First class apart- sore ono were dead 'As a manthiYketlr deep consecration soul '. ,
Almighty ,
ment 'Upstairs, four rooms, in his heart, so is lie.
God, mid lifo
a of riffhteoosnew
+s: ,.' Sam Stevens, purser for the facing South Beach, large God Bees murder in your heart, in Christ: can we ever find' . .., .
'"*:'Ji f: vcrnor Cobb, was among the arrivals porches, hot and cold running if you 'hate anyone. 'lie- khan with Go'd and ;pcatc : .
r escape eternal
from up state this morning. water electric heater, completely hatcth his brother is a murderer, ." condemnation :
', r1r / futnished, garage. Phone Hays St, John, 'ana yc )linow: thatno I \

8" Mrs.- Dwight Morrow, wife of '182-W; call Mrs. W: -$. Mar- murderer! hath' ec! < nal life "- f : '

the U.) S. ambassador" to Mexico( tinea) corner Alberta andxSemi- abiding.. in him COMPLEXIONIMPROVED '
''Oh' someone 'I do; not Ride Oversea: andS
c arrived/ on the Cuba yesterday, en nole. fan2l ;t Kays over our Highway
.... halo a ertain percon. I would not ,
route north
WANTED Hill him, cripple him or burn down .
l ug' house even; but just let him . QUICKLYCsrtefsUttltLhwrai !Ii. with '
fr James McE. Bowman of ,t hA) 5 ',\. o buy bicycle for stdy-away from: me! I do not wish I .. .. ; yisit us"You'll -.-- ,' '

Bowman Hotel system! came over cash. 611. Grinnell St. to speak, to him, see him, hear ....v.c.............. .
k lCo! from'Havana and )ect.On:thif'TJa.' jan26-3tx him, },ear '-Q.f( him; or have anything _,;.,a' .eAwebfretfro.,:' ; < : : .
Special yesterday. y paino.Plea.+ .",t.h/rl |\H| dJi! : i..
:: to do with hinr'"Sol 51H.' _a..1 + | like it her .
pei.o.a w4k6 catt: : .
I would annihilate hjm : S \
you R..rmb.r ear w :,=:;: pmnipdo.l I I.. ; '' '
L. T. Bragassa, deputy collector + and he .... '
WANTED MALE-American and drown his very memory in us ukm 6r ends faIaU '"
in charge of the local customs bureau cook, experienced, small ho- the black sea of oblivion l( I hI!o..lau tae and wee Rid. r I I :

;; returned this morning from tel," $80, per month with room. "NoI We must forgive those CARTER'S ESi PILLS .\ : 'j
n business trip to Jacksonville. "
Address Box 0, Citizen office. .... '

tI P. J: Sounders, vicepresidentantl jan25-tf I '.I"I'II'.I"' 3 .
.I"'I'.I' I'.I''
.I'1'i that' S .
buyers find
,,,, f ii' general manager of the P. &: FOR SALE' Discriminating we carry ,
>,. : -J
O. S. S. Co., arrived from Havanainn .. .

::,'j.j S., the- Cuba yesterday-----4- afternoon., OLD a nickle.PAPERS''The for Key sale.West Citizen 26 far. J.' G. KantorALWAYS I the kind of ,'Men 9s Furnishings they need. .1 : ..

'. Mrs Wallace R Kirk and baby, -126 Duval street tf '

,.i' ;' 1 of New York, arrived this morning FOR SALE-General Electric '

';;5'.,' ." to spend some time with Mr. and Motor. Five horsepower, 1,800 \. 1
I'"I' J Mrs. Wm. R. Porter, parents of R. P. M., 22.1 Aznpheres, 110 RELIADLE- ;: S.

: '. Mrs., Kirk- Volt, 60 CvcV, This motor is ; .

.a., tt. Mrs., G. W.-Drummond and a and In splendid the price working is right. condition Apply to WE EXTEND A 6 .Our congratulations to the county. \

.!if; party of friends left by auto today Citizen office. mar2 .

rj "' ". for the Tampa Qasparilla where they celebration.'\will attend FOR SALE Comer !in the heartof WELcOME fc officials and citizens 'of Monroe fi .'

v's. to be'. twb weeks. Key West. Ideal apartment .. ,
;Y' .':; They expect way, house site. .Corner ,- j- "

; : Southard and Elizabeth Silt TO ALL wno COME TO KEY WEST "
Walthour, f
i' Palmer president of I' County on great day. : \
J. ,, .. the Walthour, Hood Company of One block from Fleming and ., .
t '1 L Atlanta, and his niece, while fishing two blocks from Duval Street, .f' '

4 .- on' the upper keys yesterday, the main thoroughfares of Key Ride the OverSca: highway "' .1'
West. 100 feet 8 inches ono '
could not resist the 'lure of the ,' f
4i. ferries so they drove dQwn tA Southard, 69 feet 6 inches on f .

\ Key West;' .returning this morn Elie;+beth. Moderate. price I ., SA:beautiful "scenic route to a charming city. 3 :, r 4
ing. easy terms. One--fdurtb cash, remainder .

In one, two and three. 5- 5 I '

Telephone' service has ,be ell ,..eara. Apply at tai' office. of V- We ,ctrry. .. co iplet "''line of Men's Fun :bln"l Jl.BRoAEW4Y.SHPP: ; j
opened between England d The Citizen, 9' addtessP.;. i O. .
y '; .' Czecho-Slovakift ant Hungary.fci +? .Y. box 116. phone M.v\ ;?, cI.t2 % '.'I',) ffr your' -c' nv.... ViP.,. J[ ; : : : .. I
'1. & : s i "

,_ t r CI ICH. nR tlS'A. WANTED: False .t eth. We\ pay' y f I,et uS add our: :felicitations to the others, to S \, ,

A. p,...,. high aa $10 for full sets. Any W "ihe. citizens of,;.this county oh' the' opening % S: : / ., ' : .
;. ou+u. ''condition. We buy crowns, I .' '.. ' r'r; : . .I. '
W, of threat' > I if
__ highway : .v '-
"If'r::' ..-1Mo ""- ." .. ? ,,bridges: ,' gold, )platinum, dia r . s ; : ,. ( .
a --l" monds.( Western Metal Company /f. "J. ,,- "
sv' '

I //1'iW'J' ;, i'p b.'' I .t-: 1tL.-: ; Bloomington, .Illinois.V .. r\ #' #i "jrjrirjr' '' rjr S .Ii".I'''''' ''.I I I .., .I'; i-.l..tJ.., ''; y.jrJ,; ..;. : ,: .,

(t"+l ''iI'idf.,,.. ,"' ,'-,,r"',.. ....',,''''f.'f'a. r.."'N..taI.,.."ItIN19I, ' 't' '''f. *'' "- :tr'r! If "' ' < -I' k > <. ,' 'Y'IIfIT.,'. "' 1'i'7.'' "--r" '. ;I.' , ,' ,. ..... / .
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I \.. YVO t um:: 2" \, r > : .. ';:{/ '; a' 1.f.t! :: ;:.... ", ';:I 01' WEST.\ 'LQRJ PA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARy. 25;, 19ZIJ'1.. ./ ) : .;<,., l *,/-.:,' 'J.. :y/.t .: ,. .,.
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: > "ijrJi''fu'. .,OLYea. 'fS". :And4ctivc. VisionjADecade . -.' ,.l i.: t:;: .',.i'MONROE OVN1XjOf"JCI ',. S lt -6. ,1I Back: In' ;Paradise: Says' ;::/4 i iEiad -

, ,
1 .
\ I: ... : \. Ij{Iio'b, f o oeeoe ooeo oEFT oee oooe *o, ao \ ""
I r J''I'f IW Eeconz cAFactAsa : tl -' f CfGeo&) ' : ;;
5- 5-
; .f.t < Allan :
; -7
: .: !: ;.
IC a .L sa. .
; ,
I' / "
., . . : i : 'I 4utmnoi: est 5/ / S S ; .","
: ; : Jerrie Bting-/B.irs S "
: ; : a. sny'ioTi\ / x S .:
; ,, '. : ., .h T'r.' . '. ,' astute /aort.r. c.. '!>. convinced"' h"
; 'm' .em rnftiqi City J""O' ,written' "opocially'' fear of lb. obvioa "fact that ICe,: ':. ,' .
3': ;ij..1(,: :'" : r, n.: ,_ ': CitUn by F. r../ II.. I w.r West has the most divlno elk,: .101. S

J.. ,I/J\., .. "'. -' ',' ,"'"..".,' . N S land,, noted mat .. mats w oartk.. \I: .Jr'
t I ? .
& 'j.I .. \
,\ /'; fvo'l;\f'II ; R.Qwlt'e' '.J .. ,.' ,: .' / who IMo K.yW..t to Tho 'Key West climate is' Just .
: .
a ,, s"", ( ., : j' I 1,. . : : .. 'I Li.; Jburtim>o nec.tivexiirSnter -' what I'd have heaven be, if .1 had,' >
< \ .
, t. ",L ,I I' . . .... '_-0 .. .. .. __.-1 rf-article ,
.' : .' -- < explain 1 the making 3of heaven. But the .
'Ifl'::: .j. ? t ; '- r .
I ) .a.1t1 tV .\: ; .w1a). outside ,
; i' great, world won't listen, \
the pu'n'ty"fftk'nj> jti'step: by lIt4p I t

.. ., l, ': .MQNR. JCO1JNTY: BOAl ) OF- '?. COMMISSION-, rfij).I i..tttr:':wr>v , .. -- H- t '5 BY GEORGE-ALLAN ENGLAND. tothat message. It ts still runf f:'': ; S
nil1lr after .
false climatic. gods..
1 ,, -' :t'.a\: -. ::4EftSLOOK: ;: WITH PRIDE ON $UCCESSFULTEI1NTION With this js ammij.i Borland 'It was "Back gaiD') paradile" is how I II Just as the good Mohammedanptoelini ; \
reaDzeUithatt to.the '
thq._ ,road.. 'it'seems I to I f
jaa on 'finding our- $ that there in no God. I''
OF TEX YEARITa14S PUOCJRAM mainland ,:Vva JJIoIIit1c' cumple.UoA.a4
1'7"; ." : ;the 4| fntiro; .prdJmctook) jsolVes oncp,hiore TiT"Key West. I but Allah, and Mohammed' in hia I

; : \ :' :'t ';:;1 ; WON,. ADMIRATION OR4 )ifeW.,.H iC'' wiih.. the entire! : One )has to bo away from this prophet, in my hul11bleway\ I am I

.I . .41f.f''IA'Nf , etrt b oFket; ) 'involved'in\a great'thetvork 1 ** delectable bit of, heaven, for a 1 trying to declare"unto a stubborn
,.Ji" ',VI 7" r---_ I. lo e''t' IpUsh. ., f"t-I, r y to appreciate there
is no divine American cli-
: .y" S '
,: ; '' \ ? g 1. J \ SContraC' (
",'I'.' oi, ii VA sByR.HodgesMarden.( < ,'- 1 ; one has to live through a mate save in Key West, and that I II ,
j'S ?; wer llet. for the road .'
y f' northern autumn the leaves should much like to be its
& S see very
:r.: :?.:i_
S ; Mc'! ., : c\.ve. vtslonrbf) ft county .for a 'decade, emerged from Its Und 'and rom' \ViiidlcJr. Islanid to of ou l' geoull. .fortuna in the since arriving, that I have ,
written a 60,000 word article for )

I : > :].5 ., ._< \\theoretical.stnju.,;,.,,!,.t. t,,, J., ,.**,._,, today 'jnlo .a...,,living-.* .; pulsing, part of the Lower jMatec'umbc.X'The biggest this shape of what the poet Charles tho press on Key West. Alas,
1 .> systems sairr1nIte1y4L.5 probletn#io. .b' t cklcjLin id'-Orlaana-caUs "cold and-wind and
r K : the. Y"i.te fill "I1ot1lu-t---That-"WOUld btra''W'Ilolt't. -
.of work 8 Ihex cntraL'supply bitter'ruin "
: .. S.linking Rey.WcBt and the Florida Keys with the main- between' Ih) f two\ Matecumbes painful nip; of one frost has, and to feel the book, and tho outside press ,
boosting Key West to that extent,
1aid4 \. where'ih* Toad:had to crofts'6pu the i
'I : 1 i threat of snow and ice, to "not nohow." The fact is, I have j
.' :.' Ah of the first negotiate) the water;; O 'diBtancek .of ,about jiwo prize Key West it should be '
: as ;
;,\, ,. utompbile. one trip and three 'quarter miles' aluo the I V : S S prized. had the pleasure of placing a mod- ,
',. from' the north to Key West lying 'within ; RWfllT. Qr Curry Carl Bervaidi : board 'e ia cJ'at.elenJrthedtide' on Key
S : 11 "Key'Largo on reconditioning: of t the Kf{' Largo ( TO mcirlcrv Monry count) mi88ioner ; William Perhaps the J

ss, f; the ;shadow of Cuba's great city-Ilavaha,_emerged from .i' >ad.- '''Th1swbrlc>; totalling a lit-, FT Mafone. attortiey.. for,boavdj-AVilJittni IU- l'orterand4jraxtowPrWafTon"nJembersTftouii-' tIve'-Kcy We s_ters trouble-,,1s ""that"thfey with na-' West .jyith. !UTnmlMagaaine," )

., th.i..wrlte'rihbon of roacUhathad fltrctche'.'be ore it dowy tie iplHion dollars. 1.* board.Orioxofithe.newJiJonr .. / )iavcnt ..Buffered1 enough, elsewhere This article -"il pjybabjy published \
( : in the January I issue, and
the' 'Y1nding.cbal of.keys onto the new'sbC-miIt5bojiJe- S. S / S..., S
fJ.M ' S ; to be able to love their
j j.f..Z.
S .5 5 n.--- will be well Let .
/S illustrated.:
!\ j sr vard,: driving into the. Island City under ,its own pjorwerl . .S ,5...' .,.. 5 .;. ...... .,... ..." ....'../ .. ..'...... ..... ..a. ./. .s .... .-S, as we outsiders love It.Geol'ae hope it1-may convert some of the ns "

Stti Concrete'evidence, tothe 15,000 residents of this J island'on ,/ : fro L Bernard Shaw's dictum Philistines) ; ,ope*' their eyes, and
C ,, the fringe of the Caribbean, that thcy'were4atst.iinke4 / : Jd. ; 'v- UjN VOYAGE. /" f / that "in heaven an angel is nobody bring then, hither.& Let them

S 1 '. \ .Wib.thc'znainandby'aroad.' y' \\s ,,y.;;....".\ s..,...::'....;.................'....a.e.'..,..'.....C.. e...., .. ... ;... .., n. in. particular"applies to Key forsoottH-4fcere'. warmth IQme. .
.) rf *. There- Is little to mark the fact that thesecars;, have S S / West lierc, a lovely summer and ,boauty'.nugh ,in Key'W L

i-S.. ,.1' ,Juat crosseu :opc ''of' the "grcate8enlftne9 projectSTthe? a, : day'Is-' nothing particular. Youfortunate'ones'who fo."aUI! t'j rr.L't'i.. ./ .

!' '; Wj ; -ld'has' known, nothing--about .theif 'graceful'iprojri'esa It too'..manyiperf live t here. have !'.Tu\st1Jow.'W: $ I5Ut:J : ordO\-f6t"? .In ''
: / t 'ylll.Ph. what
f1:.<; 5 torcvca1the\ 5background'of strugglq and studyi'privation 1 Is"so'taWtaia' day in' June; asks tG.\express: imy.iX.Bratitud6, and

;. t 1' and vision that handjrf han" !r,. ovef a4 period" 'of J' 0 '8rs..' LQ1Vcll. i Calm' answer that qus, thanks to various friends who, byturnlapgfl4ato.1nd' '

'j"'I': :.1'. .- made th| 'f possjble.. X tloJ4.,. A'dlaarrecablo.dayJn.Key ;\ 'pbot'o.e
Ill'tpttll, 1svo' tdeNld 'portiblethe .
):. ;. ".' '\W.Thu*.'aiapei ed.oHe"; the 1inestpIaSrouPd6ftH' L1a1re Wellt..t, .,even ,farerl , ? attlt1an'qudstlon.1 ) ,, If, Key I,

\: : 1w'Or f.tnjJcs.of'uncxcel1 .d scenic:splendor-into'an. liithetv..' Now all matter ia time West benefit from its ,
__ reaps OJ
J -S
.,n.tQ'runexPl., d area fprlouto-.tourists.: "K" li.Ltr'vein! ..Id., lot mo say publication, 'let* the' credit go .to

?,:: .' \ 'On the trail 'of.those,. rseaTS., :! as pt pesentvas.; f r.that : '" la deep *in oriiy that to >.. those; who deserve"It-the helpful /. //
\" S Carat to KeyWestIo l fousaiwoedro. >i '
thousands ofi' the proposed! route ran ,throuih' < once ,whose, 'contributions lmv, ,
f !a.';:.'. aFetbu411d3:; upon : low/'4ounry difficult' to; workAui'pt f joy,. ... of .lif!! .' brought'It to'p II.', I
. I to H8t. .who awpit the' ran through/sections tjI ,In''J rt hmppinjutj What paio. :, '. '.. .. _
---5..5 '. wh ,t.h ye: n cllc.a t 'aCI.OK9 ,tho.) ke8 thaLW ) .bl lllow.J f.,4ee1.. uCanJ .J..T..-.. allittlo un-' S SS

- 5 - Ybeattfu1tt4hot.keY8 t. to- even opmeint yajwT,would not-'mpan: The CDrftPP4JI...a.Jaow-, o 'few' ,I' S, Tfci.:.wts>l.r.for tho firstiL'&LBasIa4..a&iseS- _
TT--- S .
.,.. S S 1 1S 4 )frtUaUy.afvlv) ..' touer .tha'j'u.g-i! eW a, vcfiJ1 Jfltga. .part' ; ? .' I __ .

1I I I &p<1I W!i iWj, t' I I'f : II S.qut oter bak., W. wn. 3 .
S S -'.>r Canc.rj and.bring} thm) toxa city /; 5 h ntnld-sunmer os' and S ; bare by tho construction<; 'the I, amased.'deliibieL thrilled.4 ; S
,, Xlhat,amhors' andJ.Voctsnave'; exp' the, lioredaxvvcjrc still unsold: ,the p Over-Seal, Highway-Nor:. bus41 :Wim.n'..'left.K.S''; ia tpring .

:< -, j iHoid> ,".tD.lIto"YY'lIone';': unit 1 jJi I6tnre --j:board "p C9:'BsionerB' "gof tor 5. been the charm and qualntness of thitm.(nlficnt public -
'J" a'.btt-of.lhq.AVest, InUUrtCati ol Key West nor the ..wondorrulfllJhinJ'
5i ; gcthy Comm *
; wtlJhe9kamber work w..I.r from -
'tathed 'atOt11 'mainland- th6UniUd II ) and 'recreation possibilities compUtion. S
,co and at..a mectjng definite :- Ja I .
J;: ,,StaW. And jCayo UUClJo'Bono' '] plan/were worked'.out for;tho do.I 'of Ihe- keys. These fuels ., Now it i I. a reality" I .
to ene it, literalifa'rijilwtiotifiKeyOVeBf ] I scream then our lUelllll1lC. once end what a roalityl I Its cmoioth
-5 ; : Key I I velopinen) ; .... and iconlo
/ us Nordic find huge road program, with the I II Otto Kirthheinciv, chuirmutt '. seen. The real story thut has paoon| I
,S .. _brevity l h"s4t.-b' which lutterljianle I ultimate 'object of uponnihg' the- Monroe. County Conimlusioncrs. been humnicring. at my brqlnlorexprCollBlon charm' truly in the> grand I If

.J')S-'kI\ W1'! Jn .every xpart I I epre1 1?;lIgtb. of'ho keys with'ihlgrhWay. a bf1 has been that of the manor, and a concidoraol r r.r

_, 'of Ufco. v has>,ioucho4, hands .wl b' the I'fue ]:Otto Kirchhelner proposed at this I ar.em.burned, in'the J41L .d ? of Monroe Cojinty' -who, although In declaring that it I. roallrono .
in order
.-pS-; United!8tatep in a nunaMfi j jcenrBe time that the comnliasloncr call through,summer heat divided- at tinier torn, by S of the world finMt

$ture'thntAhBB focused the ]I|for a bund i issue of $300H)00) "e County. fet'ri,s, "Tho Florida' KeyV enroutc from 'jtulocunilie to No Name turn' the marl! of keys doubt-swept by : Judice-i-&n' boulevard. .

1.r_ attention' of'a-wonirlorJng world J JWpott. which would be 'used to opciv up |jv
5 2'5p her charm, possibilities and Key l&rgv and give the county anHoppurtunity . . .J. ''j .._., _'_' tourist. ; to speed across. 'that few such boards have West, and largely help to, spread I
------- --- -'-- --- - such
-; r It was. road building eel hid to'' meet-have throughIO the'fame this delightful : a .
ejvkourdge. 5- to work' down; lo I / of; spot. \ .
.' ..The..f11'J11 ate 'lp.1'he C'oneh'uc1.lolJl6f Lower Matecumbe. ." was l t;: tox eiitur' Brother, ofDavenport"Iowa. Dredging! Company in Miami and ,IWaor"roUte. fro.n. 'J.icksoriville to had ;not been attempted befoeMangrove years since ..1917kept Joined with the new Motor Road, \ "

_____ vn /wpi-a lIIghwllY / ., On the south this concern completed the. road 11Vest.. swamps'yielded)J r1ho their vision and their'indominat-[It should insure Key West's future' -

S:C ', w s>the decision oftho-euuntj to The will Jom 6f$ ,thls .a actlonywaa, end the: road-extended along Sad to,.Sugar Loaf and the boulevard i Two- of the Tel ries, the. Monroo crawling cranking*, creaking cater-' able .4letermination- finally 'as the winter resort par ..excellence

S t''., S I''bullA a road front )he city limits seen and court actjon which ha4 dle: Bunches. "to thesextrome; end around the island of Key West, ;ICjuntjr and the Florida Keys 1 pillaVs that polled them down, 'I know the gloW that comes with of tike discriminating1. May .

S ,7 ( 1 of' cyW( tt.o tnd end of tho l iaJatfdr. been pending, because of a mil of .Sugar Loaf .Key .to' the Tidewaier concluding their/work in the latter I made ,this tl'p. Tho. third ferry I the* work of' clearing was begun. success achieved-.-.and after a theMe new highways be' only h.r'tJ..

',., } 'This was-'in, 1 11117. and the'toad'was understanding tis to the results Constru t on. Company. at' IN part of' 1927. Tho Oroven I will be''. brought, to Matecumbe I Thb scarifying; leveling- and finally I- decade vf stoilna'altel fair bf rireri' of still greater Improvements -
S .55 and objectives, was droppejd and I co'gf'bfabout; ; project) during the month and I the- dredging of the marl %Weather '
S .jj. ;expended from Key $14QQO'S was completed [during; the prese/.t have found ,themselves yet to come! 'v S
the Chamber 5of,, Commerce and ; : Vnd latter part of Nov/jilnber and jumijateservice, I and) 9 packing into the width'of aro stiU planning still
WeWStQckl8and, nt- thc same From the li.i cast of'.SugarLoaftoCudJoe'toVWest' 1 IL-iiiier* put inlo : active on the Certain philosopher tell us that
'. .county' board Join d'bandll In a I this i< ft.Jenner Brothers with the aa'emcr rency d.and l, Ha final reincarnation! duy the Over Se becomes '
time'that, highway was contemplated $ummer. ? ; or held in reserve as. I Highway u certain kind of inability to learn '
S ''.. ._.;.. I| ,at Key ;Largo,, the japldlywlng e nS'tructivc and intelligent' pro- lin:Key. and .fromn- that key to Lit. Lower.Mal.Bcnhibc fill to 'lie' completed ferl'). 5I as a level/' ''whjte, ribbon of hard a fact. till\ called "invincible ignorance." In .' .

5g..' gt'O ,"agriculturai. back co vpj 1tram'of highway development. tie: Trch, Middle Torch,, Big Pine in time for:the'operation.i On the trip down the cast-t'ast surface aa smooth as any/ asphalt Five men, in addition to the ,race of it, all attempts at enlightenment
/ With all of the units 'that were ot th '( which wa .done. l gfett deal uftd u base'os- sound 1U uny rockor routine of their work 'have handled
S S 1 tryionnhft; latter)key-'creating ,Key ,t9 ,'No'Jlame--J; > :Jniles of i $ el'riellr i the fc.ries,utlrai-: < must fall. If you ted '
S ; -: "| Je>nnjntf.for ,tt bond_ itw\iex\ and 1- Intere W' in the future -of the road ntT ,three.miles;: of bridges, The onlyp cooL work nc-w in of atliutloii, Htoppintf/ overnight concrete"baaoyould be, can- a $4,000,000 project and I and elI of uS tell the %9 rid 1 > .

.' bltbaV. .. SS jity and the keys working ha'rmoiously eontrAetthat were 'let to the S. progress} ( the entire stretch, Is lit, cities; wlierc the.uaand$ were I not' be told 'in''the chapters deal- brought it to. a'' successful conclusion. about Key West and much of,.the . I

:, :' "-'A. -oad< eiollll Pjno Ke)-, con- the $300,000.. road bond J, Groves and Sons: Company, totaling a sm,-section :an Key Largo !.a.en g a choice to view them and Up*; with contracts and figures. [world fails to atten- '' ,. : S
"1 1 i4ue. 815 carried. .tho bonds were mainland which is nil about the high- ,' Thousands, of men'have labbred In when S pay \18 any '
; 5 S ilrtic'tedxat' t.ln\e thatStocks about 11,000,000. area 'praoticallx i I ;lso f imKout 1B17 the Over-Sea
.5. 5 aoI4, contracts let'rnd 'workHJ i! Illon '.the .th y'' keys stretching tion, we can comfort ourselveswith :
: a1and. joined" tov-Key "" completed. a toTxey West Highway was first talked about [ "
( Wy
; )II V
5.5 \. th reflection that much of
i the ;d. g S *. days of trial away front time;: mainland almost with that it .
. several
t\re8t by. >l4'hwaYJlhow.d' I '. I The l legislature of' 1927 paused V''After any assurance might the world is afflicted with 'In-/' $" ,,.
S possibiHtfes ,of highway: building .B |U Work On ROIl On-the. 'Island of Key We t ,the an act enabling the county ' fsohcdules I the ffi-ry. service .'wasipronocjccd into the heart >? f 'the ,Caribbean, become a fact Messrs. Kirchhel I vincible ignorance" anyhow, and',')r" S ,
S : ..n.v..howe fiirermore 5- to..the$ hlghwafwas ex- ready and today tho'r'r8t with-.the. "waters! of the Atlanticon ner, Porter, Warren, and .
; inat tjiei keys I'' approach I Curry
.The1"idewater ConKtrUctiunbegamurk5on ;I to issue time -wart ants let It that I A certain '
mlBsioner" at
'5 that if: probably tendedirogndet1eshore, line of ferry r.mkes a trip .4ieone? ..sid.- and the gulf on Bervaldi were the go pe.rcentngej -' ...
was official county commissioners -
i in'the < ,
..Company! : the first I ; uiu of ?200OQO fc'i'' tho Mate \.h .other. A :ot-TKe; seed, however, is ,< <
a oDSstbleto end tho highway : the: ifJand_.nd 1s' IcnownT a, the either No Nameto S of Monroe County. ,
,, ra. ..contract in''August, 1623, IroIU ,built With construction and operation of fer- yay 1be to NoNar5e With the first' ferry in opera- ,)bound to, all\ on good ground; and Iti i
5 ,Key Wegt to' the' mainland. KtyV West boulavai.' cmiibe and Mllto' \: [ These uante five men rod the -
from '
mainland this rieJJ i IwhicV.ll': o>ernte for -.theVI.ewlUt.'bHw it do.-the' will foflow. .'
to $the,1.
Key Largo ldewalkg the first ferry Lion, between.TUatecumbe and No once crop
-builtsrough And > first
'Tbeflr roads": that were concrete retaini1ig.walI ;> initiating ferry -acrossthe big '
S. S unit' calling for the"''Conatructionof j' . r Name Xey.JS.y.. West u .1
: projects, 'calling' elmS t'l1riteh mtbCk .'uP. t1\e. aemviceyer the birj tap.S connecting the county with the I
be end' No Nauio '
six IImalf'bride-e.,: long Key /40-mile/ with in the work of din S.
good ,
one- ; -definitely and pr *
ahapsi4l1ing..the.road.wlth L wair a tdt strengthen the 'Toad. commissionerB are permanently outside world by .highway travel
fbr'eteariiigi '
e- -
County ,
{ brJdgc, 'the'' la teTv. at Barnes- stretch of water. Later, when' mainland and, by the ,samotokenareallItheTlwingstretch I H tko Key West .p\\. 1, for '
the g
conlri.ct for I the .1
a The bonds.Verp'idatetk, JanuaryJ''il Planning let -still tho guiding spirits of a. I'I'I
| flas aound.wIth> an80ff:, .ojf'..TdraWTbHdge to-Qrk, ion Kcy-Vrcu a.i-J Grasqy -. ,to ", of . 'onowiUovor 'do
rtad 01Gr *- I tl'7. my
eJr.b" :P: rr.t, t and. /.contr&ct5. completion f the ? I tremendous project* I.
thct were "
: J. out'fOQ ; JCey, is completed! .there will) <
/ of
ay and .
.' 1Tbes.-tent1ltellf.npballlle< the .'. ,nUlcs( let and,actual ionstruction on'the 8) Ke/V.Kcy Vacas and the 'keys .w4th ',their picturesque The, world"'1. 4ntorestej chiefly r ,bit: Ke yiW_ tfn cnrrontphrato j
bo two. ferry .cac1a9.t-j..t U "
thisKted ,vtrip', :
highway, ; t9 n ectwith 'ioup. distance of I names, beautiful tropical settingsand results. 'ims-te good. It'sup
r : :, projects began 'shortly; ; affercthe duu.Uoa\1"and? Crawl Key n .
1eedr'9f1inore.fOBd.'and..dun1ll jnorth ,. south e slcr' Tieffotiate. ( I
S M c "and( > n'ta',0 'KeyT4argor;: ;;hlghwajtn first oj 'u tr>.ftr. ?;, : .Th \\contrac, Va fpr the: ferilosaejet.f4 rbout 14.niilc-i;, hk1i 'when' ; trip maoto
,: I \ y"Project'was discussed pro", and. ) tJ ; bs.qum7deMshion> In tho G'bbs' Gas Engine I will reduce th{ ferry *. all the ,minor-thing that are 1 .1s.tcarry! .> S/
.t; wlthoabNdetinite; ; 'BctionC 'ontoutend: a,.bridgoP rwal ;: iKeJrealty urfcetVand1 the 'September Company. 'of- -South Jacksonrille to two"12mila< run lhutwill :doorstep' Alontoe county has gone attendant upon'any great'project.; 'lko PWiLtln" ;;; .
.t 1 -t J1'i.1t2r"L, b d issue, in the .planned Connecting! gtock'.Jalandwith" i tbAt'13: "Viaited the tl.i' .boats take nbo. e'an hour and a QW- :a step furtheri-than other coun I while' annoying and tot times 5For ome 10 years I have been
}stoml '. and -of 20 S .j
: / capact I : I tesfor'bg.b ie, at a tremendous .West. My '
o.a at4. . .0of$4OQOOO-.Wa( ? voted to BocVChicaaW* two "am.1l1 '. bond tor each. seemingly insurmountable Ire |talking Key on'J'i're- -
Easfc)coaslL": stowed np,,the !llywe're.: ouihb.T c will lsoace6mc'.ojdate 'world'sgregtest "
:1 7 )n5trUt'the; ,highway ma long"brdg} r''(. sales.t Bbirto iextentt>Andithls.inonneptfotv'.wiithatbe ( ;: ::160>:p passengef r' I'I'I The x>oaa wil'.tim; :: tollowbf [conf'to-Belfr'b.ade; available the forgotten,in % successful- results grer" te-ifhatyi. didn'tknow. Key '

::25 ''.t, : Sarvr,Loaf, a distance, of feet aofross Simlar- Soundwhicb I high pricespaiafeis I .* The firstie; was. launched toy. totowcr MttecuKbe where playgmotindj. '**" 't o .a chIsved.t''- '' o "\ .'I West sooner,, in my 1 lsrgelysnlsa.ntUfRowmsnya ,

.,..,f i f .JD11e" > ; .. I' tied'up: the,',Saddle \.Bupche.>*nd;,' 'iriateri I Svhich'"pushed, Noveiaber: ..' 'dnd ry; a :week:!rlaterthe,8ecciidferry. 1 retries -will take the cars to-Oresy. .- I the humblest; % uri t.oIn' S ? the;; 8os that'tWIs. 'notlon' *a ; wasted t

:, t'1ieae 'bcnh'W re,not absorbed 'Geig rsvKey\extendJng;; the..highway - up'the. coat 0".'actlu l xonBtryctlonabovoX slid 'off:bi>ay. KejThe cars will then forIpw the 1earuuture, when great day'for the citizens; Mon winter' was mine, 'and how "many 'a
fC "from.,Key:> : to Knights Key stote5.;begins 'JtsJ-construction; of County but, alao--fti board a paJilful''one-before'thel' 'trnth--/ "'
bud- JD8rkepr1n Ipal'y' -t.oWN'4th..1 :made -the hlghwa.Y roe 4'
1 '. \\ty estimated-figures. ;. ; an eo week, later,,the third the o-'grettftut* of 'bridges, : '.
( .
I will .take : _
,J'r l caua :,at1tbethne 'if was.con-1!..mainland but S e ;. addItional'f SOMOtt. bond-f Issue fcrry-wtts* .tn.the ,:.te."i,January where bR tJ1et' ferry and 1 No of county" :outmIsaioners'ineluJmI dawned that h.r/sad .here tone.- :;, .
; : Matecurabe ,
I ' .'a'.th.; amo nt.W'oted"B l S S The1 aaecM >t'.the.two'l'pto,!.necBskarj[>but tbJa was yoted earljrBdVased'ifo'complete 20lh.a party"of.Key. We titlzensand. them to,,No- Name Keyr.A , 'J Name"between Keys t th'fIn.l1ltep will be : ;J. Otto. Kirehheltjer "chairs. funshineand flowers < ea-br'ee ze'.; :V: f': .
fldieiL 'fof the. coneti'ucthu l l'j. f -' FiaikJ man of the board,and a memberfor and rf.ncl/lhlnln&.nds.opat./ : .: ,
>, ; l. ; Jecta c watj'.fcp pt'arent.haC;, 'wBen. iD"'lt1 JthehettJeVi officials, }n;luding>the oa.rd. .Ci.aatie p.ject in'' . of.$he'greatestroad .
taken :
ect.,.' Mhellt' ofer 'reJ.I'1 the ,.work.qn-rBoca .. "I'' '10 .e""WDUam; R.. Porter* and arching beauty' of 4/ : i _
I \ Chlea.'com COJ\F >Uw4';:; J ot.county commiasioners.Vwent'' to This of Over c "*
story conceived. '
,. tV .' >.t(: iv8d1"w, far,,.below' -the',amount pleted} ,)ia MarcV 25rf a"1>ond I*., '.:> ..latter'>art oCJ926, theTidewatapt JacksonyiUea'vlicre. 'the"lfCnie, Se.t Highway i is.the. in its 'bar cbroflb ,projects"' ever. ,< /-' .. .land Braxton 'Rj Warren with US purtst/ai'ure, kl.s ,;make of'Key'[ .'. 1
,lai . .V ' '; '. lue or' 'wu ', S Officla1aSijucseuTh'sorbav.1 ,. years of s.rtlc ; Hilton Curry 12 West a4heaven: on) earthwhereS! '
'v; : If qu .d : < : ; ..l. :;2,660,000; ,; : vote4 oucUontompaneOnacti I were formally' ,turnedu, 'over-'ito logical SItdoan't "', :
Mnyestigatjoil"* b., '.with but : II .sequence. ; '-wanied"k' a :member 'and Carl Bervaldtlyoungest -beallt)". elf atanda''clel-re. I :. -'J'JW
: t'-r. :1tbor u ; two d1ao.nUngrotei; in turned', 'epUt4 ;: to4theKeet.constrctIonConrpeny them, and wnddp the*,piloting i of take -into 'considera-- ; years ; very ''

'J, "'C4Wt1m4" 11" ne Af conS fk the{county. XJp to,.this..time ,,the i their>own": captains; began a tri 1i1 OD.Jbo mile ifr .1-o\Ue o .'" WOtCSYWSS.. !.nd])onr.or hi.aeniee'mem... ,"" '" : .cI.a tt a11.tlJtnr t.wok'o-' .J, : ;

x." tJn'o f lmi1l.m ..rsnllIf .work'-had"been', ,done,>*..eaotiou8ly" *, a lIub tdiryto: ,;thef1''' T.'.Swoet i, limpbat. : the,,''inland dr\vJnIr can trttetlon; wbere ?olnty'iae. otbeCfleomlc.., ' rned bar'f_' rn' years. other.tol'. . j gco'd. . "; "4 .'...'..1 I J. .'-:'.
: .
-t. I. r'
\ 1,;. 1. .J ":' ,."""" ''IJ :"w "". V : j iih''t: i'oiJ. : ,"t.J..,.. .fro 'P'tOW1i1 > ; '. '. ; " . !' . . ,." 'f Y .
; .I- .. ." \ . 1\.' "" .' ,1: / 'jJ \: 'j 1 '!" .. ,. \ ., S' \ ;:
J .J:' : ' !IJI' : -,!. ,. -\1 I. .. ,. ',.\ '' -. cSS. '; ". At/"W'' ; .1t#. ; : '' ''6 : : c- r'.<. '!.' I".I",.' ,tt.'o )'. ,.i. ,{ // .' '. ,. ..II.oI .' .. 1'0/-1. 'j! ,..' '_< : 1'1.

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, .I ,,. ,.' I 1' ... !III !' 1Ph. ..J , ..JANUARY 1928 ,. J
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.I' ;.. 1 ." \ '\ ,t, # 1"1'' ':' r ," 'r .". ,- ; STra' : ,. : I, "
; I.t I1 POMP"I-N EN R S"lt'K K E : .
-.1 F 1. ;.. : .. .. '''j :"4 .1 .,"1 -w.",Il; a t Ii I!; ((1ft (; l-fe '. : :...

, .t ... .. . >
: ,
) ,
.j y. : .
. ,.. d, ;'I 1.i\W.\ '.,Y- r., ., '. t. f h" '-': to, .. t t'' ,{If/I-t'/ .; "t!:' .'!' . .. .c\tj .arj -: .......,:.
.T.' :" ;" '-I i* .$:F'; '' ' .....' .. ,(., .. ,. .'a I'i\\ y' I. '{ io' \
: .
yjX5v ... ,
.;, ;,,;q :, .f)."... I "" d. : ":; L--" were toother, {oars aitowhen.he. FORGERY Y f CLEVER THAT
' '.. .. I FROM 1
j\ ,4// ." tl'Mt' roilroaddewlf'through . ,
/ etM oasl ,:va nuaVnar .
I'l'I' : \ '' '' ". ; tM .eacro"f; ;, ...:.....:...

..k ,1.. : ;:",..,\o.,': HNECllANE, .ALWAYS: OPENS .,- 4wamp&.'anathey promptly Jot to MANCHE8TEK Enll.-Irt or. I

\: . >t tA : : awpppingreminiaaen4ee;: f;! .,: der that, kn wl lgw *f ,.;remarkable -

.; :.. jij(. ,, ,rl\D. MERE\ 3IIr..' Seiiutt", want! wit%' the 'EaabCamt"39ty..ranJn'and'w I \ ':trtetkod,forgery: should not\ i 1 M t'ld t'xti M f n, ,

A ;w\ iTrmE .4 in l uauausl t lecreeywM S M'r
r. ** '> ;-rua\ ; ,.}> tht> prnblic ; ; tr a
,: ,, ? J: -, "f ".1. r::' r, r NMss ,Cr JII9O... cosainr to, th e / ;'
If. ; ; ;"' .J' '., i" : \.... .i iainUii d atthe;;; trial o'f'dUmen'w&ncetf 'j ., ,
1 :., . \ I 9'J' ." ti..w.// IS J ': 1 r,( k.7* 'In- 'tm'tto' : !'supervise, ; 4hei > I : ..t
j ; J : ; wHV c tm, GEISIAE: ,-.uu.o at' LMttt i ''Xy andlater, of counterfeiting cur: '' C: ,Ch. 1Irl ColoraLur.d \
f} OPENING' MICfWAir WILL : tamp! '', '. R ,t''t" u .dkw: fallltA6'rn 8y ,1 .. :
,Olf. ', outfit seized In j : :-
raid : -
/ a '
v y "Y.. v > ;year! 'are' ,taking; over' the renfy.'The \T E .'' f c,4Ij.1.suist WYA' Trer+c.IBuch to an .
,i ; ? ?* ,./.':"STiMUIATLBUi1.pING: L."aV LL: V, ",t, ,UJf... is HEARD' .' ,*. EVERY. management*of the- La""CaSa Marina was carefully wrapped ul*, in court f"" 7 I LAND C OLDilNCIARMC.; ,
I., , ... .: . ,--., ;-. tti' Key West. .the tint rear'eL.t1L.otera.lH. and'only:' photographs +retp shownyoth..Jury.Juetke ,
_._::.J2J ttlA/ .:'K>LY. ::131MNGUfrFv .,; BODY KNOWS.jjTHE,1CASA. "' 'FInlay:! ruled a LO ID f H f ST ,
- 'j1'1\ .. . '1.---. o ? ,'. -J .... 'f 'h1 : OPEJJ : :.. .thtFjAL/ ? : .. 1
\ i .'.f A I IS Xt. : ' i that it was, : w / Tins OLD'SUN1fIt' :! J V' ; rfyrtenr. ;::i' deelrableieto et ' .
. i" w, ,,' t "'\ : f" '.. : ) i He> al.'Ii'14 ks'lforw..d to hw kinowledc of i et from 1
." 11/I"./. )( 3r \I \
I .. . ..., '... ;, Jk if.: '..}' .'., '. I' ':. _''I:.. J d,, "i: i ; : "" rr '\<' .\I I'Ko,' Wtest 'ao"u"r with lu>en ,.deI\ithe'public. Five' of the' priHonerj I .

) 1" * !"!" 7b I I. r6at'a 7.ane' Grfl. Alan ing; light 'iind Is 'chock'' full of' plans were convicted anden to priimn': are 'Runf1 r '
S.. Ni .. !'{: .'<' /T6o, t.. iTohn/'CompftBy) "" ..o ..M1-., and' Ideas t. 'make' nhf hotel, theperlet .. ; .
J ? ""."'" \\'onl&' & and Key/West; ; bU'.nc;'ot ,alnnraider( a '' thai. home tnackerek. > retuwt 4 Afrht rseason. thb. Florida J.. : The emerald'i.
-" ; ; "' rSw ; ....: CMMtdh''*..ipem tb ., 'north hy ,
: : -th. kfnderfwits', \ /lt ' .- "' 4 ; ia A*
t / got in u-N.. ,Brutia.,J lck ail boat i about the"htd day of last -- -
"'I\ ,..,.. / .... !. ) thq ,ohuiv'fiutif'ng' : ife ;'tt n 4S': '. tpttlh"OOfttat-t. JIM first'' few daYIi here trftW. the! month 7 and l .ki'makhrg'er'rylhhyf. \ '\ X
< > In the.tit Mftwoi.fcavl Grl'Y. work m Into" shallow.iwhimnelj 1 opening )
I' ;-.rnnltlo. / AS b.\ u.iti of "old friends and then right 'for the Me ball:' little ta hee nv OH
:' 'v: '| e. fonthw.ridyy l4;
4r., 7 ," th;( eontratting1'Thualn(w+' for .oh th \ rock I J.UI.r .... kMfi. IM. _aditiaitkortllh'efke.MdrsdeiALrd ... hotk'aal.. w.. art Ioetmtr for rr.. r
.. I .. MBw
"" .
: were
) ; :: big feeO pertiryfirrde'
: _
fo 'over' 17-yrais-Itwra I fnirnitedHx '
tOheJl' *he
'T !speakeiy: :: > M'va
" l-TJ : jiiltinjr c .., L:ilad-"E1raJuaa a
V .. cake M.kt', Mm after tb. tsia -
,I'' !v.;. ; t3t.J.krl': '' n4 )We .".... h. ( .w '' .. rearalleeat. . <
< ,
I tiv.; t. hit awivef\eP! f t a esY lint of ark yl+r, bi t U .th vela cut find lining
> .J" -.X *>>. st:; :I raikroa/, data', ,.Jt."t'l Ik \
: ''R tha- .tt.eeu the Cua M4kna ,I;lie Iiad'*.......... to asatlt 0' 'P"- j I '

.h:'\ trrfdfronr, "tpt'. bttahwiai, .Naeweraly.ara , JUoUl/in: & L:,:',.. > ( oPnC to a ..r.0 .w.jr ol help. that keys. w' And *et with, gold,' and

;'. : ": ago :o f"Au& It"/'Se..,Jibn= :, UtiMr; dews iekMtttI Lore, *for' hheigkkli .,- '. ., -:"" '" ..' Nailon*'; bow '
Who U How. jirtuWenf of tb: !rori '
....- ..... -- "- '>' .. ,the. .Wore kler., it.. HMMMM .(tOTa fail WF, 'thrilW ,.J111ftr".I,.. ,' I .I '!I'.JIII$ BE4 their "matchlea DAYl' A
... / Y : : \ !! tha -l1 od'' upon Win from-the. Jim* :'" I .' xbtautu ,
:. 1eoward Ia ",twit.ill. yk" prPBr. )' .. ",
,1a ,
/ .. he! 'Jeaves J tk ; u r.r''b:' m4f .at EAH .Irrtuar
r stlim ie r vt:s t
d.M.nNnJ '- ea"lrfIl.([, ) xlfew Torl4: nntiThe. 4' tlt l pll boiatd chorus shall aa t' !

>'thA 1 y : 'Rk wanes .....T," Key' Went Citizen' :
Joh..- Com "d E.Lez:
dri :
'k 'S p "{ a n "lb.. In. December ; 7"z"r z.ITheir
ta have "
>, 1 / (* o6trUHa o.h.u uu a.; ,
I .. Y..0r4I.I&J'YJ -. his first "Lo 1M". .>f tkM easoaaa4 > thank'jo thy Cra\
>11111II d "any -
ap centrae t a 1Mf' /
fhtd out what
the folk in ;
/ } Key I /
; ,/ ./ bun n.tur..nd' of 'moo terPII- Went: have.. beV. i in''fine' l he. ler. VS
J ?4? PJwI
i n th4 JreApnd'dele )neat =
) !<
\ t' U'L'!! the'' kSS '\. always' glad te1 lack w lo did thee hus en K
Jet i

/ Co$1\' 't'ef/t'bNi4 Its/ "aatlviuen to': n".J1IU1Jcu.l'! ;nave ,actb'I' v, Mt'et;
.. nprd and action bear\out fete: as- ,
.; I
emit(' coon. ,: bpt, |nelud"evry / s ,. *V
/ C.
.... 5'a uattr serUpn.XJ If. talks iiv,.a bunVhy<< . .. .vty SingiNe 'tl
,- t. eomrntnilrth; p sort of, wa"" packing ezperieaceanto .. .t .\, ." ., ,'// / N + y N '
a- / t pftrkaee '
>*rt eorerhiK
1J 1Jp
Y \privMe.' The company* hajitHe. >dies- i" _A lip year ' / "
II p:e"ILe'-r.dJt
':,: "I MiKdhrir>>>irtimf: .nut.-des',the' ffrM I wkit '.Lla em dart.all awed andy :/ )Mn cttirer 1)1 J 1 : r : .

7"/>i, and! line of x*7
f( . ,
a, v;: .f tfcc rteldeiteea and > ,
e/l y
ant .being ads for\the doing" \ /', 'K y 4 5
'aaelot orderBdOi 1r
,1 \ >r> the bcK. n\ Vectteredaround 1 season, ," \ < s s > a, .
, Miami C ut aft!- Miami ::0. '
t ; '"Yes-I think w& ai*' *lngft "
" ,. ....t triet! tf'Y8 I > have,.. fln.a.saoqbe; ofcaenr Glear : flkflagarsNExcusiyejy- -S
"' .lIfM nt 0.R4
, 11 :bi !WI precise spoeeh., nka"Telka I .. .
iorlurfp) ev ralMrhool ) ure1l. rand unxorth .. / /
I are looking. to Floridathis : .. ;' :
t bvitdlngra aR: Iro... hinter; 1 / y. r'y" ,
.' Apartment) nesses,' f' t 'Wa've'pu in two .
. \ w golf, I
.. "
t The etfittevof tWr' falnpny for .." he eoatinuediC > it >
.. C&mea !A.rtA.TICI.
'have;, not been 'cof bud. Miami .
to '
* &. towarda th. gr'est {lawns I : : / Y .
iJ T-nt Miami\ Bea 'li' al!. e, kHrt : .
r. hiy about' Ue /
Jninjotur ob
e > h.te11 .
,. intlwted work from' Va4m' BeaeK coif edursei sad mirtVteshpt : 1 ".... ', 'c )< S F' n.a+ <
.OCf N"
-, :to Key ,West, when they kavfJ4yaat 1 golf dial' .l .' -. .... ", ,, .
oZAelbcli pd we > : .
: .,, ., arectNthsy rkluddtpartuu I .... ., <. . ... ..... --
!iIj )terlntlfa.tberladiei'ef |C.. : ..
I ',aeh..h kulVUn** jf'' ,X cS'A io. .-*' : ,, -- .' '. '-.. ...
,,' 'IIt):" ,; etlttltor ttAtnaetopttta'end I i ....
t MUm len1a1 to'th r . .
aa intcfrUjp ? .. .
I compete; for the silver .tre- i iri' I N r x :.: ....
a .
I \\o.Avd hip tabdJ; r of The St. J h hi.e. 1 / :' 1 ...
I < ..- 9 l. t. .....
Compiuty % At.Mfabb! fx t'tt.4as :lba11' 1. I Uu1 jelBrXtss. .. X .
+ '
I 41n charge of all the, e.a.trnctlon walked Into the. office :and ,ea It 1 ... .. -.. "... .. / '.,,, 1. ........- ..... . . b \, ,
' I at Chapman Field for th. Ua ite.l geems hftt .... r" fi f --. hq .
LoufSs ,and "L ,JP, --. ..: +v ''y"r' S lkdf .
%;Uitee Eoverntne: 1k. !%. 4.v: 4 r : \ (. .... I' : / lrt ; .'-.
i f A complete Hut' .' the contracts -- 1 > ':' .

b, v,'''would Dandled I .be by so' The>;long St.. ,that Join,Tei4 Company nt' &it .Is: West : o{ aJ ( :D. -.''" ..-..-... N

i i\ would beco'nve inonetoaouR, but the ; '- ': '' "

I'1' . v total .am unt-ot/t"e' 'construction 'ilj I '. ".1" ... :- __. ,,'Z.. c' . A E '6 PAT E.R-2.
:/woull''a, ': cat. ::j>rob*AIjr I in 'ex- > <.\\'y.,: ,' : '"

0'.' ,. eea// of 19eoo.oOO.eo. REACH .. ...... "lb. ,'. ..,j.&U / '" -.....: 1 -PAL'MBEACHl;
'1i a''j" J+;Tk St; Jebar,( irgarlyt: dit; 1 i \ '>...1'It... J . J. . Jif.... .
/ ; p.-t. ; .I .. /'' h' : ...... ... .... '. ... a a r ,, i iN
j ;> rsoM l .v |111' tbe1 55 :4SS. .. _...J>'" " .. ., I '). ; 1 1' sm a+t' r+ :it .r'
/ .... .. / i'
.future' of Florid WpeclaJlyjthe 2- : 'r :/ : f :
+ I lower ,Put. 'C.a.k all" ,MVT- W 'have everything I in 1 li1 r > s +t.

tienlarlytta' d".iopmmt wfclca tito 7/ '
b. opened up hry the' Over-Sts . '4 ? ;
< :
:. *..* K' 'DRUG. ACCESsoRIES 1 >. ?:: :" = ? ,

k1ALLROOM Roa&AIiCas A* .' 1 '
/ CADDY IVattufacufer'I : t .
; . I ./ ';' # 1.
,- y. :
LEEDS gif / .. ,
?', ; K* -The. .- trade ", .
i. things In life are tragprilnt 1 : Make This Your ..
; >
.;:lag from, deeper *cqo4utaa 1 / 01 CIe3 n'itR:7

,than that of the it aUM k.T TM IleadgllarternKY5WDR I / ( oI I ./ : CJ OI S Q lIC1lJEJQr.

.../' ..waa' j.he deckaraaon.. roadby: Prv / .
'. U wiry Gray, tkk 'infat! ,, aieio.l 1 -r. oJ

l '..::1Iid. iaaJ) .etu e.tnebeioqt; ,nniS : i : tZ aco rck MMl
"... f1aanaigar ,, z o. ? > '
-S _vlrakty. pt\\J '.iglyttulg : : : 4 -
... .. : i 1
"....11t rH.'m' i't.l' f. : K j t I4x w n ,

: ': \ '-uy I alandard : .Y1nltight '.;.1".... Y j,, '., ,,,$ O"'J" .' :.....l. .. JI'.. .1 j , fl1F19S ; 7)) .. "
? follow;.tha nlheh,101 ..i.S.. N'to' "/ ; ," .II.'.," .) 'i 1"'t\; .1 .S: ::1 .t '

...//'j f.a lov'based OD kkadn.s.I :'.rj ; ,st. "vSimonton iIi. i\\ : : tl / mtsgeactrK I
/ } .111' s
/ ;"E" 118 and& avoid isWwttioa4bueMi 1 "
.. : bn a l.s.lcory Mgnaitltance; I Ii "
I / .. . .. . . ., ... '
,/ )0' ', t r ... '1 I.. '; \ ? r'
'. I /

/ i, "f(''.l .I .Ii'.Jir..tii.i: T. li..l.lI S States tt Qr
..... '.. /' r rb

-, "/. '..-' ,.+''I.!t.' .' .,: " t ._ .I.,' r/ r .. ..,... . .. . .. .. . ho' G C i

.,- .'....: .. We;.Belt J / '
.. .. .. '\ / .: S
: .., \-.
of'S SHOES S : /:'. ,,1' ", :

iS* .. } >' . s* ,I.. -. ,p.. .. -.. -. . fr 4 ix PIR1D15Et ?

:: ." 0 lyEf
.,/ ; : 0
,,' .Repair x f 0 0
J' .. BrajriTds- .
', .., .J<.. : ..

!i ; r' ::: / HOES : ". . . . __ :.,. I

;.:. "
Averseasdry E W S ''i

/ Amil ar ll 1 r, !if a drr lori lPiiA+J S4 aoast"
ke*p'ldtb grade x .
1 ; : :;
,, : f. I S Lf MaFeffitoSa Comal & Fbr Information about KEYWEST and '
( ? ar 4NrT Y'
l "
; GOdftS
-r A/f.BER.: :
r ;-t,. .. 'L. : : . MONROE COUNTY apply to SECRETARY

; ; & .....
,t ;/ ',,"', r ]wit 'TOR TRAVELLER. ; Polpnius KEY WEST, FLORIDA, or The Philadelphia ......

'. ....... "'- ,., .r"i'. '" : vnf"1.' "''oI'1" ! \ ..,. . : t' ,III: -' ... '


,} ':1"'i { j.::'" ". "'''t j'. ,, "":'1'1.31.: "o"e'" fr 011 .I: ,... ', .. ;; : ,, .; ,:, ,.1r:4.Jt: ",i.,<. .::1"" : .; ...w' -"'5 ., Elveraon RoildinY, N d 't IJUP1J.fl4S .jI '-.'-
'P2ff. f
i. " .: .::'' 1r ..:.. ,. .. . .4 ";' '" " .i . ". ......',. " ., -, *. / Philadelphia, Pa.t1'r p _,, ,3 r
; r: "
r .
f\ .V ,"r b; ; .. ; {
\ . \ : ,. ':'Ilf : : ; '
'ST. '. ; : < :
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I t"l"" r lS
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.. .
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I / W.t: ; L_ t!! __ .U" ,. I' : : :; se 've R'd'esr
'. ., '. \ .' : .. '- ."""' 0.: "" '1. I 'it I u "'-, rat! nutte' _' I'"S t a

1. .. ,'. .. ; .",r. .\- '!C' ; 1t, ''1tr.,':';;' r II .. .' ,.' I. "1"1' ,.1-' t'_ ;,'. ;;. ,, ,. ..J'I I ''.jtrt!: ", .... .. )";' !Itt ..,.. r : _
\ 'S
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( "' \J :v \ .. w\\ t. R? 1ft, I'3 : '- : .l'. !':' >' ', l.1t. 1f Nr . '-4, ':.t 'S S S.

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lpv Y, :. .} r.+ w ,I;.:yY.ib.PRrra. 'r..f.. .. "". .. r.1'1'r' : :' ': ,.,'.:.., w.: '\. 11.''! ... .' .. .. ..,., ,.,..,, 'i "IJ.' . .. : ... .: ,:, ,f"."! "' f. ... .. .,.... .' .., . ...,...'.. ....-. .'..... ..!f.yr> .'t#" r,1, rir. .rrrlr'..,.Yr " r.vrf., ...1 ...' '.,'l" '

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+ .
.. '
, ,,5E n rra., if"q"i,.'. ,,1\;'' -T-' -,o 4i.uimTJy. yiyiBfty\ "aftMhiiai':It.\\!! .,.';,."'.."..'..' "...''J.Lf'/"t'i', .'., ...' : /;! r'."........,,.'./..........",,.',..:'..I....'".."."\\.r.".':..,...,.!..,......... ,(I{ ., .t,.;; -..,' ,. .",. .......-"r.4"'J'v'. .. ":,* .".... :II.?,..1... ,,. .:- .J.;.,... ,' ....,'_ ,..,.,. -" .... .'....;...,..,.,,'...., .;.....:........- .... --'.)...... -..,....,.,,,..-:.,..... "....'............-. .' .:.....................,kJVv. J....... .yy. ,,+yy.'K ''''''''.:'''"itl ,, 1'''''T''' '''''' .

+ 1, :b r: ( ., :.: ' '/.;' '. : 'r :tJ. . JIifi:: ;' r. ,'! '. JC.: I .iJ1: ,::,;, .;:X''.' ; f. ),l:,' ;; {;':r1\: \ .;;';;.r:; / ('. ':.'. /, ,I' . ;I I. '1'yl ': '. !'f.: ;,,;.,':' .i 1. .:, ',' : '" I'1. ,,'it l yr'i, i: ::\ '. : '; / '; ' . :" . '.1'' '!\
.' j i : s.r.y: ; ,r ."
"'.... .' ', .. '.. ' '. >,. r"' ,..... + / ... ... . ." "", "I'r .., ., A. / YA. . c: I.; : . .. v' ; .. .. .. .. ..:..., .. ... '. ..i; t"., .: .: ,:f. ;:. ; :. ... ." .. .' . '- _. ; ,+\ ."o. .
: ."f ,.. .71.. i. fF./' ,' .t )f r,1""I", ;! ;';" :", ..' . .' j". . .. . -.. . . ,.. . ,; ,
.. . i ; ,. .": ... . .. ; ... ; ; . : ": .i -: : ,... ,. ,' .- ,.-, !1t. .
.1 /Ii"-f.'( '
: ( .ttr\ ,
ir.\ : ; : .
.. ;0 >>j '. :.:. : '. ;' \ ( '\.v. '. i" h" ""I. I ,. ,. . .. . , ., " .' 1 1.
.p5" .l/ 'r. :,' : 1.t.'I."" < ti
: . .
: :
7 , .I-,1y..J-t.7.r.t.i.; ",' : : ,/ 3'I,1: \ : .. ',:. ',. ' . 'J: . .. t .J
. : rit. .," ;( .. ... : '.0).1" . ;. : .."" ,; : ,.1.,1".1,:. '. ," '
.to ,,'. s' '- It. L-ri/v.i "q -.: .- :'SV,I ,4".; //{// i' i --o,.,;'v",,If'.,'>, " ;> v ' :,., /"'\:'* .d J-> ",%: ,,. '. ". "v <,,, ' ., , w** ,
. ft,6., < .' '. '' f: ''r ;; J', "'j'' "' *. '"f. V'-- '. '"" '. : . >> ty", ,I, .r" j" -' . .' -" r" '*. '',;. :' -. N,' .. 44 ; \ ",, : y .' 'v .
i >, ... ; : \\'W'; : V .. - ( ., ,. .' .V .; .. > / r- V :4't .4fJt. H' <"r .' > r .'T' ", l
; '' -
.,: ., 1' : I .. ': t ,i'c: ;.; : : :'.;' \ ; : '"/ \; >\' . \':;.: ,, :. :: ... f ' .' "' ." : .-1't r ': ., W', '
te ". v\N'i': : fln ; ;: : "1t .' . .
; :
i : 2'
1JrC1. \ : . .f:!' C"11.r" .;. ,, ',: i 'i. '" ; :
v': : : ; .
'rt' y .
= .. '" .. .,.. ," Qft.. ; : ;: ,. :. ..'.;' '" 1. ... .!'_ 't. : ,4. : ..: _.....::!::.,:.. . . .,, ._ t / : .. .., .. Y 'f i1' Y ; o'i-.i, ,.LA"-G. .""
.. .L .Y.I. .".'. "" : .. ,.,+ _._ .J_ .,., _\::. .._._._...___u._ .__ _, _.LL..L: _ ..... __;_ .,.. .. L._.._. ."SE\J" .1. .. .. . "". ,. ,:
{ .m - ---' -- --- -' -- - .A' '

\\r', : ; r,,+K ,4-' m r : :. : ,r ,....i.\ .." ',, .,." ,.-. ". ... \. ","' ' ii--'''' '. .'"! \I' :Ji r ..311', .' . I

'; , ; : 1 G 1 j!+ il' i nS:prr' :Wii'Mml ; &:< 5 0 Nr ijl'N I'"......,.,.:...q.:' .W''LORI,...,'.....''.. .. *....P...." "..;ji :.,tri....11,.'o'',.4 A r,' ,1.I.t..": 1'J'i......'1 4t,'r.......t..,, ; J', -,'""., ,.........'.,...... '", ...f.. .1'",.I'.... ,'wo.:. ,.J.. I:', ., .. ,

FiiJleB'i.Eart'a'.rtlni.on'UM, : : .
,. : ,
. . 'i .
r: ,!t' ;,:......:..:., :... '::,d_ ;_ __ : '. ; .. :--. .t .. oo- : .>0( ...:...:..-.. outskirts,::01 ;qujncy, Iri GadsdeW ,It 8' "trI. 'C' "K' S. "' "
\ County\ .Is the latgeeofttedt' .
I .
1 :

1NISUQUE'RADEP+ ...., r : .. !PHOENIX ASPHALT ,I"FAMILY, KEEP. FiGHTS COIti"stop>:c>LicETd. FATHER' in LakeCounlf the world/: / '; 1 f 5. khe>" \.. ..10''.. II ; ,....'. .. ." . Of ',.,,'", I
possesses" .
' ' :: :: ::: MEETS :::::: : .+ ;: 1..Urgtsst.t. known-deposits diatom'He ,'.. . t\ : : r.... 110 . .. '. ..

7' : ;ConLlTl] :: poll' .of., . ,- : I? . :.' ." .. ,_ .
: ED. t ee.e... j ..ep. e... ..........e..e. ) ,PAVING COMPANY : : ] je of Pots>: -In, the world, : Q' ," ... St T. .
. ; dam had to arrest Boris-arid ''daugh-- ; ':The Iflret'Govoport'ot'Florid.( /''' : j i :..;. i ;. ", '.', . .WILL '" '. '" .," '. ,"Ii, .. :.. . .
. , : \. Le'ra of HcrmanGlorhen,. ;ja jwell: : |tcr Its ,: ; .'N."J .. ..: "' :, "
as purchasefroin.Spalq lati
.t : I' \ I .' "
r I' .. 'A L'O'N' : HAS FINE RECORD his P-6ecaaul: .11'. . ;' " ;,
M'g able ,
S widow before'they- wefq President. of-the. United},. .t', . t to t r"lt, I J ', I ,
., .t ": ,. ..-.... . n % r". to. "removeClochinie''hodx'fromhi& ; { Statbw. ,,. I", .. t1, +, 'f'J'l' ;: . ; ;, .I.t': .,t. ) .. ,1' '. ., ..., .
. J. ,.. ., .' ,- nf . '. home for burial.;; The) :Qlochen Flo ,j"-orlirina111; Was" 'divided "fJ-.:' 10,. ., l\..\. ', '"' ."'' .t... ..!., .T', ' .. .f"
J4< ,
:.. .'...4'n' o : JY.Q.RT.H"f ; SURFACING OF.? OVER-SEA family belong to.a egct.which rile- t into two>,Dnttes,, St." J hnefgn ; .t. '. ; ', .r .r I'MAKE F" J ;' ,' r. .' ,; p'' ..
+ f: '0. '--, .- ,,,". "- 'ales':itle.e-is--a. yydeath'tand-se7it' Eseaanfiie. .. : M. } . . '. : .
S JtS 6 OLD ERk DUR'y. : ,Tho rn- : '- I +' >! '+.Y+ _". ... .. ''! ,-. -- -.- .. ; .-LDRIVJG' .
1. ;. + ; 'HIGHWAY. .. UNDER.: "DIRECT.. in, no report';'4the: father'B..dehWever ; : r worj'"PineUce' ,'. thenanoof : .I', :", r.---- ..r'Jr : n.. (., ":: f--. -- -- --. --- "'

+ iH4' 'YE r.l,1" JOSEPt(': NEI. n8e. Neighthprs-Iearned'of'It: ', ; a peninsula and County on tit* I''t".l ,!' ..> .o"iJ. I;; . A < ,
yt' .1: r. . ... '... '" ". "." SUPERVISION OF 'I. ,T.1 Mc. and,* DotWed'tbe.f'Police.( lower: i We8t,'@ Coast}; IB :the >nlV ,; .{ft. "i"< .OJ' .' .. . I ,.,
> .
.' ,. ".,.US. 'CO, x. ,ii'AN.DLE' FARUN ..OF'MIAMi". '" \'YJcalled for ? ,' sVody.i'"They\ : term 6f Its 'kind'' 14'Itthe5tongue" *" ... ",1""." ,.. .. ' *.', '. I .
\ 'fI' .' ; Were attacked by the..familywhenthey ? of. man.. : ; r I" ..' . .. .
'. .r .... .. ", i "P.olk) and ,- : r .
>< -PineJ.las /CouBJliic; : : '
. . .... .: .. 'j. entered J'anfl: a;'pitc'hed-bottle. .i .. . '. "'
I ; .Ar" .It. each have'R 7 ;. ; : : : '
L\ \, w..t":.!." t..1 t .,...... When ,Tide the newly ensued abou' ,-the .corpse.f':. :'aa population today j ascrest ,,, < .J .O'N !TEOVER.SEA''H'E: .. .. . ,
you over < iliatof'theentiro. ; U td '0\ . .aL': .
. .
1' .
etf. d. :
... I.r..t .; yon .! In. 1850.. : . . .. I
completed Over-Sea Highway: 4' \' 0 "
,1.1. "''P..t t. .... 'co..: I COURT: ;CLEAS'PARSISN, (, Wish ,. I'1 -,.. . . ; '.' . .' "i
find! ..... .,. tine exccyUon, '
l* ... fro t..J.i.. Nt.fctu will notice that an .unusually ,: : .4.--. : Okeocbo- \ *. '
: .
,' ... '1 I ? bee J.) the .Jargcsf) lake""wHolW ' j
:" ..L._., .K.. '", 'I. Job' ot asphalting has made auto LONDONChargcs"; : brought by.j withinthe: -'! 'ynitcd.St, l : >itcs.t, .: .'.L ..' ...' \. : ".. . ". .':." . .. .,

yp .}Jn.j 1811yee, =the', : mobile driving .a pleasure; < hiij' flockWainstJ't Rev.: ;Q.'J.-:; ;'Fra n", ...G..ccxJn. # ;Jackson ' C n nt1. 1- ,; ..,:. : ;, .. . ". .... .., .... ". .';' .,("
I. .t..r ". eis were''' triIpd, nl"ajsccret"churchcourt u. ., I, .' '
; : .(t": A- "coa ; { ; . . ,, ... .... ', ".
been done the. : //l1\I1ually''ships morowaterm ) .! I. ..
This work hall by 'I'"
.... ons ; i;
.l. tlo' .. .. .. .. '' was '
h siT be' .
it" IN \ ; '
f -
r ,
ri a and than :q, other 'L.' ; . :. 'It. : r" ::
: ''t : 5 CT Phoenix; Asphalt Paving Co., Inc:r V 'q:1' ::1 poijst the1wotlfli I ; .. .J
litCb"u, . .''iN..YOr..r. ( ... . PrG of Fort Laudcrdale and_under'thedirect : ; , .. I Jefferson .County produce' *, go '. .:. ' j. "' . ..F"HI..C' .D"W' A.t' ' :. ' '
Japan will hie'. ..n ian.fillths. 1 . .1'.: 't. . ,
percent '
: of the .. ". '
( . . : .. .
i ; : _of the ' world'arsuppfy6twatcrmelbn'seed &
: .1a,1 of .. '
.( ; .*Ma| I. t.; ckII : supervision one t> rlcy.. y: /'ioo : - ; .. f. , ,-' ;; ' ."' -i r"<". .. :-".. ,. .

1 !!K Y.;Weet''eepopgoltidust. i ex- best asphalt experts in the south,; :/ : .. . ... 't': ", .... ' '.. . '- '- ' .- '"' . .. ,l' '' .
( Name .. .::.: : .. . 1 ? ( .' \ .
Miami.. .. .
of '
II .i..( ncedP-! phonoineiinl) Increase No. where; -auto l .enter ferrY-Xor 40-mile trip across1! bigt J. T. McFarlin, organized "-- Vf -'\- ,.* - ; -. '' ,. ... !.\ .. ..t" ....' ,I' "A' REAL. ,. "' .' 'J' ........ :; ;. \ .-
This .A "
6 rvpluirae; ; W: busiiiess"done .c 'leapafter' leaving KpK est. \ concernwas ( ri r ., ."' "" '.1"" .
t4 .
I ; > ; ; about two years-ago-and has ape-. r At 1 i, fT'. . .. .. ;.; 'J"i': : '
i rind the! past.yenfIt'J',is slated and .. '. w. d #:' . ... ..;.ltT'.r., 'Ii .. ,.. ..' ., .. "i". ".
:.reliable: i clalized asphalt. pavings ''it 11 ,1} + ; : v" . ...\.. '!\ -. . .. "
authority thAt thet 1 '0(1 ; : !
r . : .
.antlt)'.,'., "sponge sold Jn 'loculftrkets surfacing. : Ir. .: ...' .:. "' '07
i'J t during, 1027 showed( on Bbosting Highway They'al"o did thework ; : : '. :PLEASUREWhen .. ,'..
; : -
: crease on the S. J. Groves contracts R'1EN 'Itj iN 'j'J5 :. i ; '. : :' .' . .
"of: 50- .
; : Vpprcjtlmdtely! per the Jew ; : .
the work| on -
'j i t :lIt'.over that done during 11>2C. -supervised ... ; i. :-. : : ., \ I
/ .
I. "
:4 It} pun to ,Jhe long" .dry .opellqego Amv d In Feb. 19>%2FirsfCar rtr units- of'the highway. .J S MrAMI": 1'LSiTTIIE': ., 1 '.. .;t\.J. .... ". .' .

> ftshermcn'were' ableitu "! : .
tract : . ,
. .
j' choice'' bunches 'of( spongus \ JILTED YOUTH STEALS TO ; : .... f' ; I- tits: ". 1 r I

,. '11 llch' ] brought excellent prices.: XVthe EASE A DISTRACTED MIND i M. ;.. "' , < better ' 'are .. :. '

[11 *14! { estimated. that the; total The opening. of the ferry service 'also pictures of thosc 4i'? -' 1 1l .HOTEL "
\r/ I onge' 'sales. ''during ''the' year to- across the big gap on' the Over who mad \\h'e trip; including Mr. l GO-'Have you ever,I ; I
:: : 1injld'
bee nXinVlovet" asked StanJcyj : built Buick will'.
: I'
RI' led Ware than $200,000.: this nnd Mrs. Sebastian Cabrera and -' : .' .
.!1 : Jo Niekaus Company Sea Highway opening rbad of and Mra W. L. Clarke) d 17, when arraigned : 1 .. \
TjhoJ| .pb' ", : Mr. .Bates. '
I W" .
\ ; % ,
-- - 1 Q"p: ' I.lunt.d: : BlerILJll..K inUrtmtlortal- interest"to t.ravel. e- This!'! was theXfirst i ', Attempt to for Rtealng\a)?, I -watch. The court, "EJIE ALL !KBVWESTERS S . a, them. ,/ I
tallsto! the mind -of- Sebastian while admit nothing asked i : "
: ;:; est liiq I : : "
sponges, purchased ?35,000rth "
i l ell the outside''v< I"about the : :
: .
I Cabrera, of the firm of Cabrera t the meaning \ the question. .' STOl' .
: > during,tlic pust year; ,_ lami fur!. the gigajxtifev road progrumX \eff !, ; ./ .. ., ..
Pros wholesale the 18th "I in
grocers "Well said th boy, I
Since 18.48'( Wont has been am : .
Key Mr. Cabrera' and M/Bates , . ., ,
.. .
01 cognized day of" Feb. 1925, when this road ( )love and have been jilted. I took 110' I. I '"- '" . .i .. .
as the? market: for the I : r a ,
a .
\ [ T' rtonio'Ga
Were delegates to Rotar NUFI . : :
rid's finest .Bpbngps, 'and ranks was in its'infancy, that.he arrived.'( advantage I the watch to get m troilble off my I i iI r : < ., :- .SElr I 'j' .
city meet on" day and too '. .
cuirQ: ;in. the wo .eomm"lcinlVorld; in Miami, his\ automobile decorated .mind." The court'sludiedHhe defendant .. '
of the opportunity 1 1bOCKt. I ;
I, with Signs announcing the and then handed ttown ,
: from the Mediterru'an4iolJing [
sponges '
-.- first, placu...wDut..inr plan! for the.. road for .Monroe_ :__ the futura of the highway ,[>his i decision : "Herc'sVa. further ELECTRICALJ.Y: HEATED :
r '.odyctlon> Key West and other county. : Key j Idirtrnctlon-for-your troubled mind.' b..: ._ \ .
.ciao.Garage !
ongo jjiarkots in Florida, give "At that time," Mr. Cabrera We t. -::46 Hours: from' roadway." Just i \ pass threfjponths far-Jail., NN :: ISO RCWM\-, : : .. .ISO. ATHS'; ) .r l'4

,. oridn.. first place, for -the quan- told a representative of The Citi- 'This"is, the .Iogan' tho lint at- ...t *< 'Ji V Vf
.y",of .sponges.,taken from Flor- zen, "wo' were just beginning to"Visualise' tracted the outside worldVsptten- HOAR IN .OLD SOFAS
a'WFtere far e;ceods the qjanS : what the Over-Sea Highway Lion I !. t,, the Island}City:: highwaya" / *
'' 't4kcm:; 'from' the Meditcrrann could mean to 'the' 'o nty an'd : huge thermpmeler'calling attentlbt ST. LOUIS,\Mo.--Mrs. J.HQiothers 4. \HOTELLOBERtS.: :

,'<..uI\ Contiguous.! ', waters. to Ole 'thousands of tourists as to .our ideal climate.CVTS sold an'o sofa in whj Ithe . ,:, ,, i .
Thelupongc! business begun well as year.round residents' of the : husband? .had,hidden $1,200. Itwiis r ;- 20-32' Flagler St. i
*i.vcntute'nnd! proved to be the state." OF V/IFE1' 1 ;; ;
I VALUE recovered. three weeks! later : ; ,
I ____ \
c&tts' of' placing) ,Kcy. West'.Ce 'The.'automobile wa5deslgne-l 1 1 \ N \' Miami, FUS ; 'W. H. SturmVr. ,.. t HONE471: { s I.f" .
I re tlo. world ap the' home of the the official car to boost the. high LONDON- D. Parsons, A mach: 't.l' .
.- scat<<: Hpungcs.) \ Until] the OO's it along the East Coast' I'awarded I 3,750 tk : : .
way of Flor-I damages against bC rRw\ lIk Nn-ead by pulling <; ' :SiMONTONST:: : "
. yved a' bunness which'nettd anally ida and on February 19,. the man he panted in his divorce fibre+ incchunicajly l 'has been invented ( .t

. to'. 'Monroe county more .arrived in'Miami to begin Its work. I suit: refused to accept more than i .by, K>lzo\Ton.hashi,.;." nn". 't.J.II"
t.f,.}.. aiija mtiron: JoUars.,. __A.ClectoC'' j jV''ycBiel3..cnta&cl The Chamber of Commerce, lea I U, OO.. r--: .' . .. .' I !engineer: nfc',Tpkyo. ?..J : #n. the ti'ado '' ". y } _
tarS: 'C1undExehango-olub were ) t. :_ __,, OM_.! ".y'li.'r.. L'\r.< ; :* r .gg1 -
1 that tinio. represented >.this movement. A -. : ---' 7': -"- "; -'--< ,,X.TC-9 ; ;
t ; "
: : r- ;
T ,' Boinio yours ago, Greek divers, ;lIcturo' of' the t'ar-which -appearedin f ; !" 4v4wr ;; ; ,.I', ;;' jT.jI 1"ji.jjJJrr.i":/ i .. rr. ; .

(din! ,undersea uniforms and The'Miami ' .',!. ' :
Herald of that datephuwerit ,, : . .
wing'.heayy' bootfltrod the '"" 'Noj' ." .i'' .. "f.
,/, with .the'signs, boosting .
1 r".':; ,'.. ; Qnge bods'*and killed the'' YOUI::; .; .. 4'., ,. I ,", i'x, \' : '" ,...-..... .. a. T's' ... . "' :;", :t1 1 '" ,.. ,, .,.110 . .j' I ,
.This occasioned 'a set* ; 'I->
c- owlh. linn 'l "removed : .; . \ : .. : : "t" '; ... .' .. , ':. .. , :, ,, .'<......;;"lj".c'.,': f. ....""' ',. :. . ,. tf .,:. "" .' .
ck to the iitduatry,- as- pppnA'e >ocn and apiece ,of .' .. .. .. . ., > 1>-... :;- !;. .' I'1 .,. .' -- .
window 1 The .. . ../. .. "" -:., : '1 '- . 1'l' '{
. 1 tnins .foil gro\vh In about 18 "glass fitted in. The but ,' ; "') \'of' .r. \ > : I' 'f
torn of,: the : ''i i , ) 'r: ., I '. ,.1 .,.... \: '".' "" :...I'IU"J \ '/ ;\ .....r rtte .J.M "" ,1.
,' N (Qthe, ipring'the) Limo required 'bucket. held; a few :; ,. ,.'.11 ( 1; [,"\\'tI: t ":;( : t&& t., \ : S ." 'I: Y' i4rol1i"" : ; . h . ""j.., ,:<. .
\-t !
( '
} '
: 1 r/hc( :>pongo beds, .to .mature, (Inches' -below/! the surface of the . .I'. .. At ; "l-iaHf'U'/If\ l 'J "." "
.' I ,"'; ; .. oi' '\. '',. . .. j{ i .. .. .ti A I .4fM ;' ..r '
.. ,' .ll .i-i'
'f '
'.. O''bu"'nc8s"! was pi-actJcully at ,-ahndtftlll \ti r.l1nd..tbe.Jlooker., with- his ., . ", ., ; (, ": 1fl 1 .. .:, ,
.1flrg .
t' .
- '
t: I
and ''It v/its pot until, face held down inside .the'buel et, : First : I .. ," : .,.,., .t.. ". '. 1 . , ',
: !ban I. .... .1'.= ... . , ,
flshorpn "
|few.yell.'s:> ego that the!, plainly see the sponges as . .. .. ... .
: : 1\: (' 10 ", -
; wore able to gather the ma they cling to the .bed. .""I. ; '- .
""growth. > : .'As soon as the sponge is located '\ 'r'' i/) : '

y Flighty yenr ago, "Williamrau \ the boat "Is 'stopped, and by 1. '. "' I ... ,., .. .;.' .. .
I : : : / .f .
;':'10.. ,brought a load -of sponges means* of' a tri-pronged.$ hook
Key! .W, at. 'These had been ',Cached to (ihe' end of M l long' pole, .. : i. ', ". : '.,. : I .J1g. that,'w'. h.:the.! 'plin! tbf-.9Ur.g< Ve : c ', '\. '

1 : '''', leered, In the waters around the the spongek torn loose from lU e ''' .-. ,'r _,''>. .... _c,_. I : .
..' tflc asible 'tb 'oat I I.I I.
. Jhghv.ayn !
I I :
; Key theuutdis
ys'ln! Monroe county. It wasPCemp'i i "hod and bought to the -surface ....... "'. : .: .. :.

', ': purpose' to establish and' deposited' In the bout. : You ..... I : State'and, tho ho will l 'visits:Friuaxthis, winter,. there- will bo ',. . : t
liarkct\ here for sponge, but his Viewing sponge as it comes i. ..

' Dje.ct net with no. success from the wtter, it is an object "of :. ........ > (quite J some. ..activi real es.iat! ; I riJte ; Weft and the Florida. '., ,.... : r I t
; i \ : ,
on'g, local 'residents. ritru| (' t, covered, as It is with > .. > '
The following tear he took a'' .huk slimy substance. After the I ' I S Keys as it will afford hpse, 'whoixl"'de ove/km* highway into KcyWx. ' .' ; I!
> rgo of. .lPon New -York curing process, to. which all r' C:. :PI ar' .. 'Vf jiif '* L- "**" 'r

; \ ....... . :ro-h not nly 'aUebded'in. sponges are Subjected, the ,sponge j : s .:" "' West an. opportunityNto not ,t1if.ia.ny/ adjutages. offered for -.I' .. -> .;. t
.... but'..contracted tomes mass of soft and .: ... ,..
ircHtlng buyers, out a : 1. .! '. ", "'* investment . '. t.' ..' : '. ... ,
vail future Mpl 1e.1ti1.! It-.was Hilly;) resiliency/ / \.... .. 6. .....
West gained When thoroughly cleaned, : ..... .\. ., ..,. ''' ........
ri that. Key recog i. In 's ......It: ... ,...<. ;" ,. < "m" . .. '..".... : '
.if' '
".... Ion:-i( the -commcrclal>.8pongrid. i tliese"' sponges ere strung( on ropes : .,.;. .. I . ;; ... j "
'\ ). > . . - the< ndsofwhich;" are 1 tied togetherto seAre Solicit mealr X.
> :icesr during* the first few I 'furjn'iwreaths.\ :. w \. .....' ,- : : : ; : ttJl! f" : t r
riVayeraged-xfrom: 10 lo SStsa calletT' .;buncl ll"" .., "' ; : .

... nges: ,'-which pound, .to.. sheep those wool who I are from: i.aoua': [ the lPO"I as'-,the-'O-groundll vessels ,return their ;,,: Estate in' 'Key West Wftdl<< :&: ; 1Ol ridiKftys"Z;; ; '

ow, ."'appearifH-ldiculous in-'view{ !catgoesare/ ; < placed 'ori the: dock ,. I = < ,. I t-5,. .I 1 > \,, ". !.-2 1 1 ? .' !. \. -:.. .' ..
' the _fact that -sheep,rjnges w'dol,<< u hete wuetion'ta 'beld. "Tile cargo EH7.wEsT .... ..
something to f f r; will >ie l tohaVe a'l: listing : : ..
you' have w glad <
bring from '?4 to $6 a. 11)' ;'eacb vessel -is placed together, ; : ; : Ifj : : ; ; ,

'nd, ;and not --Infrequently, blghce' r tbe'.'"'' rlCuiradell! 'Then'T v f. sponger! t : : : : I" Is., on it; providing yoii'r price'f Jjs not'inflated' or a boom rice.: 'c J,
", rl are paid\ depending on placed| in'pift'S.' anetion"Is'unnouhtNd. : ,

S .. uaUty'aitd.the' state pf "the '' : .' .:' .. ,i .f. ..'.' ;.:.1..L/\,/ .\'... . .... .i 0'1", . / j.' ,. -, / : .- .:line ,.i-- .\. > -- vv .
f rket-i :at the timis.. A. is -qu'.te:: dif.. 'e S .; If..your price is :right'and ui ..with'theftrarket/' we will ap.x ;I
r:' : S Second ,to JhecIgar l industry, fi'-rant) fromother, factions in : .. '. : _

;sponge, business) of Key .Westarthgttnterelt. that all bidding: 4s silent.: ..ThepniftpecttVa. e. '." - '." ., preciate'your. listing, . ./: %. . : vi"' t-r-. ::'7'V Io. ; --7': I; .
1 of real- \ I uyerxantlnel the' ;
; : .
d every .
it and.-'when the'sponge vessels different cargoes, inspects; the : .. : : .S If not,.. eWI1l'efJf8eiroa: 4it tJtas't'IS our i im to.give ,,the ; '-vurchas4X .... .. .
bed! punlity of' the-. then: ; . ."-. . .
: the-sponge spocu- lipon'gesj; B. .
for" 1 .B' .
o. .
on ,Is\prevalent os to the HUC- makes his. bid .on 'ux piece of. 'pa"is '-" :. .u1 .ee. : "tOO per cent value: oiis: .., mot1 y.: .." .: '. . ',. ., ....
.10 ; '
; .
'tYbtcJ\ .e.m ,' eatl. wUhave.. .'ter. .' e.' .. ,..... .......... ,. .. : ; ". *' ' ' >'! *-v."f > \< 3' ': I I '.
ICfl:: '\\the return all bids" in, the . . 1,1.1. : :
ebbd i\ a1nUI soon as are .. :
:;"J8i made,'''''f'n1t'} :. known highest! bidder': is announced.However ; : ..... -'. .--- .. ........---.' -- -" .-_. ....,.. .'" ......' .- : . . \yidi are now recejving. jnqul.fie's'w'Reference' : to property' ila .. .
r cther'-or-: .' not ;the sponqrers ,' the "owner retalgs' the o.i' : 1 KeyWest'and the Florida. keys, ilj fact wi are making. sales.;, : ... ,.
Cfltix nd. joQ&r9t 1 eee.:'S : ;>v s < light to'reject any bid which he.ttfnajders ; .. : . .

tctpgPr45)i ; : m\; freque8tllrr \ below the value of. the : 'I'e .. I ..\, : offer at the 'right nrc 6t know "' : . ....
If have
,,1 anythihgr } us
l\ifJ\ .M..eanon8'tbe',"eis I sponges.,bid on>: . 13"l" w5 D-t., IS ", I '. you y > J ', . f'j ........
.tb't C n\"in I I'Vl ,,cl : '" '
C.peq'lorf \ >
p" "tlfh tom: o ) \I' '- is be ouitntixf' sale l : \
' + { qOradde? } .,ffigla The"Water "In, places;'U"hlheep_ wool Sponges -In . ..... ......... ;: ,as' yours may ,1 ', .
. '
.. .' : ; '* ,
". .
i ; ... s :: *( : ..
jC 4 I. I 1311 ..tIIPQ\ gee \ere f?taken, the lead. "Witb. others, a* 'OUowtl] : .. .
. .
e, __. .C.. .. ... ., +-,._, i -. '
,, fe,4 --m- "
r ..IId.ePt.htro ,., feet I yellows grtt s .ilk) grasv glov yr J!> 6r> Gi'.theYpvee\ go..:+delth bc.'r1' reef;/ hard hed, turkey. ., cup," toilet -' . .' : : Jrl 0. "

+ O'feet.SA1''X, : '.. ,Q j jptn ;.-. : ImorcaC 'bath v add,' elephant f ' J : ;

'1lshtlllt"i"Qi ynlqueL: end I *'nf<-ti"iL'iM'-x < T. *.ff. ,, "'.,. : Shriw ,rooms at :trances': '.andjQlivia, i J' h' IS tf ; &: ;b11jsoii : : ,

]lpoddenor4! ] :"rT .\sponge' '"Strange, as.j Jt'vW' )".>. ..ttg.piQthoduomplgYed'lbar' . ', Vrfl. ,.t' ',... .''"'i ' . .. .. . D .. ,
.. / . .
\ f. .
; :i ;.11. ,
:> ; ( I"e1' 1i.: rO 'J , . '
"o71' rnonrnivls.s lovr'orfr' Wealepodgers > '
. .
', .
; ...... S .. "< i iTr ...
J.JoI .
"''t ' .... : ,. t- ';1'" :. \ .t7'' ..; ,' I + ""''I/J'.1dv: ,. :: ) .f"1: .; .... t
"" nnisuil; ; l HfggYrivhigh! faalcneitl \ has feverb tmpr.oVed: -. '.. . +""",;.;. .' ""'rh'AESH'i i'>._... \0>> : ; 1. .._ .... ,, .r'., ', 'I;',.. . .. 'jn 1'fN1 .1'...: '" r.. .," ., .-. ,." , .". I ,. '. . ,- :'ii l!,
,1, ;. t:1: botto:1.'of "ht 'ocean'' ,gn'4uring'thq,80 years it."h s been "" "w' ,. 1 S. 1: ...' : " ':. .r.,'. ., .... .: '' ... ,I:: .t.I.\': ..;,: .: ;.I". ;",fili:,, .t-1.1. 4t':1' '. .. . ., .' \i'
} 1''* 1$U, }:l C Q.' ugno 'It uccdAThe tri-pronfedhookdoeigned'by,4 ,0 : .BAKEDLIKEMOTHER. ; JAK.. BREAD: :> ; .: -'j"; '', T. !"(" ; ,. lIotel.litf Cone ira'Iiug'; ,.. I .." J4'I' i.' . i r fi
... .... .. 't : ;
. .. ... . . "
Benja'itiih 't.r .
aucl1'UJlJe. ..
rdmovcdshy ty
; : ; Archer: of .."... ... .... . < -t. .. .
::1 LlIr "f"
a ( .
:?' 'y@> .I"IJ'. tbere.:untll. tip. .,et Key"Wast/ / ';hw been 'con8tavtlyjij, ; r. :"' ;: .''i>'-'\ '" \ -' '\; _'.. .. .; . ;1'',y :: r , ,lie:(.41t'.d. ;; .$ --t:: I .. .) . ; ,'" . . . :r :
.. : '
1 'C ..". .... '. boadcngageld"Jrsponge! ; :\ -ft. i _..i: ; ", .' i .. w'f.. ., ' .;::, ...) : "s' i.! ." . :.. 1"I. I!" :'
". .ci ca*;\ __", "," '7 ) r. 't:''''', ) I''N.' ;;.' .\\i'/. : > ;r.PHHE4Z0. > c',. *< '1. I. ,'.. J' .' .*"' '.iD'U.fIJ. ; ", I". ",. of i) .
Pt'! .
1" '
has ever 1 .
sad '
rom '
fl/fhJtlt .
.dope / J beeaijmArav6d It >! ,
( 'iF ' "f '
.PIr"I""la. 't. .
I 1 1i .POn,, JPrk>" : ... .. : ., A.''J"1fo'. ' . .J/,....f... . .. .. '...... .. '!':.t." ... .. .t.. .; .. .,";I.( "I, .,"r'..; . '.".... .,'.t"1 '.. .. .. ., ''I'.' ,'.,,
't. mly, longlywbilaan4ther: the hook ever been1 )patented- B.'ElBRAOTLEYdwncr' ... ,. .. '
.. .
: -' .: : ; ,;1 o' I t1 : .. ." : >
ut.tlll'; ' eThl1p Dgeli Mr. Archer was the' tether. ;of ,., '. .,. ''' '.. ,"''t J1' ': '< '' .. . :: ". '. " ,; .
\\0 "r.' : '' '1' ,1{ . . j ...
ti; :;0. """, i ,. 5'. 'r I ?
spa '" I..11 ? :4' ; .. .i .11' ;, : v tJ" .. .
loot .
":.Wd; ..; } : oltingod Charles T.. Vincent, Henry '- ? I' , ,. :;" ; .., ''I,1' : ; .or. "d. : I :1t. .. 1. '
'i. : t..r. -'f '
iough:'dlt 'ordin8ry' 't toad:. Oftc:>!'!;" Milton; William and Ed- : .. r'1.' 1! ',..". .\". > " : i? : .P"l: \ ; \ :!! :;{ '/ ; it..Itl ...; '; ; t :;: ; : =:, .' : i. ': t

1fucL'ttl U1!:i.: }p'.ot, thtc' ))1t win (Arcbor. ul'' thlll'! \city.o . ' .' . .. ..' ,, 1; ifjJitf.:4':7.: :: : !!f !Jiti': # Jft .J!'#" ': :; .

\ I. "t. :v' ." ,, . ., . : . ,. .. :r.- , l
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',; ; .. ;.t : TJ, : ... .. 4 .._ ., ..., ..tll, ., .. ,. .1. J' '>!I "", . ). NW.I : '.
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:- \: \ : w 1r;. '. \,,: ( ; .,' I}" :f "i'''' : : 'a' '' } . .:,. 1"" tF 1t... .'t'. ." j'j'I:I'' < 'I' ..t\\ lt' ; ';? :" ;"'I\ \ f 1:
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,'i&./'.:"'5. ..t*',':'... '" '1 ', ...:,. ' <'If' .. (' .'I'r.o" I , .,,>.,.. ..i h erse. -'f. "t "l'tI', .j1 't-h. wa. V "Y',) / I ,. Bou1eard I \ ., '. /.R." .3 ra, ; <\"'t". "e", "' > I" 'M t": e ::e.' I .,, 't"'m'. .,. .: .. ,.,,' J'ii">.r. .:1",". r","f.'at''j. . *./, ) ., :,.,,"" t.\."td }>,\'!f"f-",:}':.

i"'BvvV. 'if. .. 'i1't 'i\
; ;
... '
: \ :
( :r 4 . ". "'L'. ,
''J.>;\ 1'!', ('r,, 't.' ''i 41'T ::...."" (,,l....!' ''J ;' -, . -. __ _. ,. ,,-> ,'' 1 .- . .' ,,, .." { .', ". I" ., .';'i,."";"'',,. ".

!!M,> :t y '' : "' .r' +w.r+r y-r'k' sv -- iT' ." ' ;"- ," ;;'; "fi" .-. .'.,":. .\.I., .. .! : .. .. '. :'. 'e 31530/009'MOTOORS' : ,ber.' .. n4, .19,000,000"pounds" \ (' ' !" ofcbttotiJ I'. .. .LD,'jtj r; t1 IfII! .Ift Ut'" ":AN6, ; ;' :..,..>.',''/1B".:,! ,,:.'..
; : !
; j ,
; :: : ]
i 6 "ff r--r-:; : t .
T'': :: / sTf SAllTimEfiZESfOFFOCEAtf 1 f tr*' T.." SWfeETXOHTRACTS*"' ; .U S4927; OUTPUT Statesand.anadatotsI1ed,643,000 ', ,: Lt;
: $ FfillNBWlOl .. .... .. .... ...... !.' +Etptltta"fholh'tMe wYAited! I' .<.,Id'' dt i feimtt'ilt\ ClonU-' 'wits' ;
r'r'KEv'W ; 4..:...............e. .....w : 'rIf ii INCLUPK felQ PROJECTS: .... ., % : ,.e. keg r ' 1\'IIl.t.1 1I
; '
f N, :AU, OV :,.THE, .'COUNTRY'. .vII,; '<*....; '* Metes, e...hlelyrtlthpart. ,.) >t bedUrea. ''''ttt'; 'CtA1I\t'y\1It' / ;, aghan. Irelaoo'\ ;; ,' "' ;
t'S -' )..t iwJ: :* kK., hn t6..+.-Ataer-: .c .w I lOOtH a!, ttt I,tit* beln''. , i' TTrtiiflSfe /! :.
'' \rft"tM eltpetttvc "' :
, .
: : : : 'Fnhowihi'are lJmtJe' ofihe.'.* (It(,** .Mot itae': and truck:N+aaa' ;, 11, A' I .J: _:!o. "-Ii :1 1 .
:i : VALUE Of AN bill,: contracts wtffch have' 1 k'{ '
\\ kpj }
f.-i f.ct1aM' ,tft'l,6 \ oonsotldWd i :schools, 3,000by
: .. be Ob00'gebteler. + i by
t 'Abwnb
i' :: I ri ri b r5 ,Ft v6 Yy r; been fulfilled '.or are''in 'pro-' tMter ewN hrehntlt aM 1,17ft' hy' .. : : i!. ,'
worth, $"U8UG,"':, wlroleiNkie. . ,Meet TOllwaK :
Casa it .MbMlB. rawi II
""" : of completion;'by th1l'. 't, 1Mkt"t ti'" J s r ,, ,, ,"s '
I 1 :,T,, Sweet, Dredging: ''. Company.!*" dwlht. ttin, Me .Uu"" Acts. 1tiooe !oy'! \hbss d,1AN',', ..]I 4..,.,ft" > tkllreltls;.; ",, . ", ' ?"!'r'' !'j:' I" '
... \\iJ '.
- iNVESTMEN1DERENOw ; S of Miami; ol which the key mobile" Chainbifjwf" C.'tnmcr *-;*- ....- __ "- .". ...... ' .-!' ..........:. \\u. I.. ,.... '"- ... u> ,(.. L.: .fIti.; .; '1t:

t4" 1JJ .Went 8ttll !tlO"LQm\.n. Ot'\e-4mt"\I: 'jf..ihe..l'IItaLi" jp"" 'il ', \ : Z '

rt which, bunk the' iCe y l' oeet09n erm.$0 pet cent .t I "il .-..
_.;.f...... ; ; :west- JLrtftf unit' 'I1ndthe' .'
: :
: . ugar' them"enelossdl! and'Id4b00'tleretTeckS < : :; t
kh t r t'w i ', : ( ; : ;
1 1Clean.
y ) boulevard, in Key West : .
. .. ( : r '. ; ; .
f ; rr ( lea subsidiary t '! .1 >"rbdnctlotiwrtey : ?oft... BtlRtattt ; ADD OUR CONCRATULATTONSYOU tir;?
) ,'"
"i' ; STEADY GROWTh IS IDENCED: BY LAhEi(; '',' 4 .
: .r
, ConKmcted B I s C c! e'y n" *'I fleas 11118;: trheess ,(\\tl'Ot barecad ,. '. ", "I/JIJ.F\ / I": '
-- NUMBER: KEYWEST%VESTORS WHO Drainage Can.l and Little : "" ,'011 truck'were butte: 1M . -. : :
i j River All ,L" ; : i.rt ; .. c ;
, Drainage' 1 decline belhg! bttt4buttd1l.r3elyto < '
,' excavation''of' Hialeah railroad -" the " .of one! THIS GREA DAY FO1MONROgcOUNTY., ; \..l
\ . ; OWN LOTS I IH'THlferCpilpAJY'S, ; SITE pNrBEA'UTIFUL : I .. ; -ji ,.4. _i
; . yards toe the 1'<. 1 K., C.:"* r.he 1lkt'1t'e1lI."t :....' D.1I1'1\ie ,tike / . '

; ,, :; SPUTH.E'ACH Railway 'done, by this tom"" >:, 4eclln IM.. prodOelion' result In I 'InrMlngto' '1 : : : -: : : ''i;'
t. y' '
: :. 't>any.: lightly'' WiorV 'that "tm'muc' :
' f- ,. ,; '., ..t"':"' ,Contract Vfth Cain 1 Gables ',e aeveh! the dumber .t WB per'mfetravttlint' 11IE' YI ,

,{. S r r Corporation to, amount -of. <<, American .highways,' and i S ,. ,, lI., 'Ii1' ' < .. ,L .....'. ''". '-".
; -., ,' -The' thousands" of toiirlJits1! !! an lu KEY CITY.. $2,600,000.00 for . , .7,7'S ;: .
1'., ': .. hydraulically gives' the United tAltt8.;'80 |percent i ..... ....,.. -- ., ro'" .
''' N v ,; .
: : :
t: filling streets and side- of-'the 'total'world : ,: ;
oihor visitors who drive over the tlll1.rtJ'tion ,I" '... rP'p9 '
,. :. '" Over-Sea Highway from: the'"a.ri.. 'A'eT1t13ISaTH H ;:'W A ; to' l sweep of boulevard! / and'sea'fhowing picturesque(| xtrptch nr.the f' rva!ke., ThU-work' in ,60, per. IU ,OOoOIO.,) vehicles., : : : ;, "". : ,.. .., .' ;. : ;' ::'

700,000 MeJlle boulevard that nklrts the' l lsl.n.d\ months'' and completed! miles of trucks '
j./. Innd In the ensuing ; was $963 and $1OG3.
THEWAINLAND port ,of the Mcncham', tract. of idewa1k\ for city of Coral. of the S. I r \ : '
themaTiiThigKw Pifty-eiirht
leave percent cars :
will, when they "
-____years _. Onl>,1cII/'ahead of schedule of I > SEA S ;
'1- y and enterTCey! West, '-- J' t. --- - - and 55 per cost' the trucks WHEN: YOU: TRAVEL TIE'0Vfitt? ; ;; .
'smaller ,
A largo number
the !
a were purchased on '
6'! *
six mile 'bou1tra'r.t.. '
onto .
fSconstrrreted'; : nt a cost of halt"a' J ': .PlCTUftE! DRAWNBY e eon, tracts. plan.vehicles.Total during'taxes the paid year on tnotor.'was l .HIGHWAY INT4 ,. y. WEST; .: YOUV : : ;:

d million dollars, which '''for''n large MR.AND: MRS' : E. C. fiAL.. MaSs cre' At t In i tan .Key ,. . .. .. . ." aae. . .i $7$6,666fi12;; ,
part of its route, faces the ocean Some .87tsOOO persons wet> bttI&ItIGI1T .
Side and ia bounded by the ,LARD OF MIAMI I. '
at" op Imo employed in automotive manufacture :
r West' Recalled By Old TimersMany 1 HOOCH$ IN ..flE.Juticu. ;: ,
of the Key Foundsticn -
:, I' STATE . and'allied, lines during!!: the ;,
Company on the other. ; .
,, Here on the south aide of the -- I. ; ' NAIHORT, Kenya ColonyUundrodH -','j(year.per cent The of industry the country's bought:rubber 64j + 4 + .I !*::

lalanh'a/ith the brond vista of the of natives In Nyasaland imports. J liO per cent of plate! glass .
t .1"' ocean stretching to the hori- Key West, a great city' with th.keoYs' Jegendo abound throughout the Florida 1
; away i. dove- constructed' 'illicit stills for production 12 per cent of the copper
won: is located one of tile most I' ..lIl1tUed10 lIeI Iy'"II the way \lo key, but of all* ,the lories that have been handed making alcoholic! : \ liquor/ from grain production nnd 14 per cent of FRANK LEWINSKY'S( FURN1WRES :

choice properties in the tropic!, the mainland i 114 the picture of down through the years, there is always. the tale of sail| sweet potatoes.A the iron and steel output. In addition ,

k No attempt! has been made to Monroe county 'by Mr. and the maseatre iIndian Key to interest the searcher ,. motor vehicles consumed I :. .

't.t! I'xplolt'thlH property na a boom 1 RI<: C. Ballard, of Miami i, for historical data. lintel and restaurant will be! y97,000"WuO< ; t) gallons, of gasoline. STORE .
'' ; prop6sitlon ; rather It has been have spent a great deal of' JoIrs.J o.-According to, the old timers this key was inhabited -: frature.H of the airport to beeiwUH .(and l :sno,000,000 gallons! of. motor .v
.. Hold and developed along the lines brf Big Pine..Key for the'pal'll' .: ., ,
.. . by a large of settlers chief them i by! I the Chamber of Com- otl. Th-p mnntifartori!! Alone 're "
group among -- "
c -t of logical demand and growth-yet erul years. mcrce of l.yolFrance.. quired. fiftO.OOO.Oflrt:! ; )pounds of rub ,+i .I-.II' II'I'.I"JjL -
being family the of Howe. !
: : today, a great section lying back : Tho keys are not only In the a by name .. Ii .. ..._..., .... .'. .
.. -- ", __
from the ocean and across what is midst of the till,".." The |Indians attackedthe. key !and destroyedisland. -,-- : ; .- j-. .4. ...._ .:..

I. known as the county road. is completely grounds 'in' the world, Mr. ''and' .

'" .;1 closed-wit.. Mrs tlUr4l. .. paint J !aut, but' they the home and massacred the inhabitants of the ,.
.::5 : Another large tract of land with have fOuhUesn other j Advantages( -Qnly two survivor are reported to have ''I _

. full sized loin fronting on the calculated to make them one of1 reached the mainland. They hid under a ruJe J\
". boulevard nnd the ocean is still Lhe9'Itnder.' spots of the WM'1".1 t t
bridge and \ undiscovered the -
'.: : to be opened to the I'm1' 1Ic"" Wheft t.! discussing! their: future' Mr.3IIttrd were by s' vages.flido ... .... .- .... . ,
I -
'0> .
. ..
s .
11 :, this event will take place\ depends; says:, } \ .' :
\ "For the three -" -' - '-- _. .
past we -' "
it is learnedfrom'Robert, B. Austin years! -- .. /
have theFtirIda distance 7 Vi mike. Also bAily's ASHES .
; vice-president of the company been inventing' in n s SCATTERED . f .
upon public demand and ether con- Keys with a view, of ,pleas,' >* around in the gulf, (to Porpoise! ,. ., f f

.- ; is:.rva+ cll"--atlendant..upon-tbe"- growth ire !nnd., profit.. With the., completion ) Key also LtUo) 1'iro and ,No Nnmo I. / ItERKFORn<: : .Jo;n .--.Tho body \ ," 1 !liMre ... "

': : and progress ofthe; Uland, City.:*, of the .Over-Sea; HighwayOUTV Keys. In 'many InotaneeH I .wo of Mr. and .1.Il's..I..c.I.'V.; : : ,' ......'!, i --- "' ,, ...._. . :
., 1 "' In the meantime"'work\ ot-'Cob" *.nt.* ato' assured;; .. 'to'' the 'caught more fish than .we could Imby';.WIIH .crcninlc<) fliiil' I the nshea. '' - '---- -.. --+ .., ,- ". .
.ptruction I, in p easure,.it'ia"all' <'ours"'when'' consume and other',.families'on scattered over a fj '. "' .. .. .< 1. 'I : \. ,
: is'going s on n quietdrive i ,/
/ ( .
t'l. > \/ot. 'I'Jf .t '
visit therto' wonderful Keys and the island were benefittetl! J>y out 1 h .

.1 j' J . : tann Planstentatinue'way.! for n large Inland canal tj' r-njpr the f'r'bat': .f. J Mng fth4.l bunting i t""tWO" 'catehdW c t Parts' -1s(.--tnWnf' f/l/ :noVl11.: '"bii-yf, \ .P' -I 0fl. ./ ... b: .A..4t. <-, ,, .: ,\ rn,. t r '.

that they affoid. "There is no market at Biff races, ,' 'ffi '
nnd yacht basin, made possible1 ,
I "
/ j "DuriiiK/ the last threo monlhs; Pine now, $HI+u; when your t'nlcliC'O I n, \ ,
the fact that the drains I into % ,
ocean :
j wife oitx* I have been e Mj joylngoursplves run 'large/ !, you cnn only divide ".tif'l1 1'Q .
nn urea between two sections'of (r Lr.4T, I'I 4 ,
1 on Big& Pine Key.. We with your nelKlibora l or throw ,.. ,
"' the I tract demanding only the most I fished from the ocean to the gulf them back" . .. . . .... . ... . ... 'v"r ," ,,
j simple of dredging/ operations to, ",

,. develop it, are now completed although T" - .. a a v. triosQ .

it is not definitely known .ss .e...... ..e.-. .... .e. .. . .v -
,; when these operations. will com.inence. l t THE. COUNTY OFbslMONROE
r f' S ,
,j '. ''TIS ALL'BREEZEt'.; AND NO FREEZE, '. e
-''r'ff9; '::;' oJ''. 'Thd'Meacham'Alr' rt'the* rim ,, ;, \ __ ,S A fi atv''tr 3 qS J ti .
{ t' ,.
THE : fir
', ; .. OVER ; 5t'
.; 7' designated port;of-enlry In the .; 1/:/... ,. I: 55f I ., . '., < ,.X- -
,United States far alrplahe," Is l I located ., .. .,.......'., .. ........5 ...... .. ...? ..<...4....-/...... .h5"r 5 a.e ':: .?f n'
," -' ? ; . 'J'I| L. "" : : J h
; onthe eastern end, of'.thei : '\\3110.1'," ,, Mlgrr
\ Hip "
' \J ?
i tract and adjoining! what' is known 'TlsWlsunshine- ..winter-.: 1. :, 1 ; ,.t'>cr! w tt. : .
i V t" -
'\ as"v Second Martello Tower, a When o'er the Florida Keys, v ....-- .

> Kovcrtiment' reservation formerlyI Rde! the sedans, without covers, . .

I i. y I, : ns a.fort in the Civil War, I Finned by the Tropicjs)!. balmy breeze. -- -

t "'t Tho plata that, ; have been din- I i .5. a : S's j i

.' I posed of and those .
now open to C The highway, is l paved with coral .rAnd .' 1
? the public consist of some of the shaded with stately palms, '. A

; most available and choice locations And every breem*,''. lik*, floral', ", .. -- ,, r! ,

I. : and durjng the past year they have i Is charged with healing. balms A" 1 I V :itiall'J - .
'hQen put on the market and rapidly t r .

' take advantage of on a": plan C. \ L
The heflron.: In, gorrcous radiant hoes, S "-
evolved/ by the company. The,purchaser .
Race izjorlously with the flowers, GOODJOB1 "
by paying $45 down nd' c
$9!) n month, l is able to purchase ft- ..And the jewels of the morning dews, .Iv r

lot on easy terms. The;,total cost vMake us think we are in Eden's Bowers.To t 1. l't t . ,,' t-i:Si. .
of the tuna between' 9aO aMd I

$1,105.00. They, are 60 by .100 "Frost Free key West," the'slognn: . .... .. ,. .. \ "

IQ?t. ; ,-.,. All.tho, *ay, trop) Maine end.Bo'sto; f , 'oF': .' M I' II'
ri. :
The county rpad'wh'tclN' leads directly '. .'Meal w.'H rWe_ ..n and en', .'Ovr Sen'n, ," I' : ;; _t. WELL 'v Yi f l a .
into .. ., (
the Over-Sea Highwaycuts And all .. ,
through Florida's Coral .
.. the tract in the middfe""andthe' '. . Keys.,. ,'e a ., 5 5 ..
C .. shore boulevard of the Tslnnd which!, fronts skirts'' ;: .'tie the). Prom Xej' ,' La.rgto.1' to, key West-, .' i .,e : ;. \:': \ ,': DONE t. e y1 .

t property the ocean aide.With It'Is all the way; sun lost ..

f the location the Hnre,, Nature. lavishes, her best ,.
of Mrfc' .... : .. M xb &a
t' port the completion of the! Over- .... Without I cold,'snow. frost,: or mist .: :' ,,' -- -= fhf/a JOL .a Calrlrtacfr En neerr'nd co. h.,1o-Ifw.t MIr

Sea, Highway and the attehdaht n/ery Jir Build rw lee 4 r r y .
-- attention focuuied on Key West, .'Tis !f'Cool summ r," all winter, __ "" + .

t '.. this property has, become fortker} "Tyetemp, | cpitur U n\% cold nor bitter, .; 0'- .y
? .
i enhanced in 'vnlud during the .. .
past You--ne d .neither coat .wwIMSdrni
| ; nor sweater, --- .J .. . .
< few
: months. .
All tho/year/ 'tis tropical weather. ,:' '.
!\ Many, well known folks have already .; .1 ',,,"> 75ro k. f '-,011" .A"r. '. '

: : .,, acquired homesites there, I Felka jiathetnd) bask p tn sunshine- Go f 6ntttl .
; ever, :EWE WKLCOMKS .
/ .. ) .
"' o ; one of the latest to get a deed be- I .' "
'... '..' Without heat, dlpeoa* 6f fever .. ; -v ,
: ing Hamilton Wright, the well > '\ : '1:1:: . .,-, .... A.I
\ .. known publicist and writer. .5 5 The ondr'plck.r' proved io tell I'.l" :.,"? .:NISj TO KKY ()r'.A"'f" -- -"'--

'. '.: "It la' the only -she re front'' property That-hqwlhrot.were J | made well/ ",n/II-/ ; . .d 8 ht H ''K. r t:>I'-J ':'" 'HIfHW4Y, .

'. ;; in the state that I could find .. .. :; .i,. "' ., ., WEST ;' t jPM A'7-. I L 1'11 -
' . :
i .5 , that was reasonable and at the Here, ftehing is the sfMrtamaM'sA delht ." -. ;' } ,km; .
I and
'liame time had location," Mr/ , ;'eptteV'wants' to piny all night. l. '. ''.1.1'j m." K-y. ",J ; KIJ"i:: 7; P'-'A.
.... . Wright stated when {lie purchased + tourist's'' h the .1 ,: _--- ..F'Mr.)" r "" 1- .
.. I : Tty pleasure* Coral site, . OWl Jne.,. lrlc.
.. .
-- .. his lot. < '" , '
Verona U llke kite ? .o'M /.R .
Arid fly a "r 't'!:; \ 1! : n.r ,
,... : "It is a most dosiiablo/ epos" : Af. "y
...... I : .. MILEAGE __ .
." "
"'. ,,:,4 ., George Hack: Allan In ;Paradise England, ,is expressed the -way 5 Th '", Concha -and their customs queer, 1 : k. Y.W4fr 1 o t..o. N. tqa.*' Y: M "'I. 7b ''MAsaosMelln; :,

'... ( -.5 A'rVl beyond,reproach oi: sneer, ; MS 77, MIt.1S ., 1
7'D ,
.. r himself when)he got .back!!).: toKey Mnat3Mi '0 IT .MJ'LIfD ." '
.. 'a aft'eria Whle'tla 19 "Pagosy land} "Coons" t :. ... 00 .t'eyN/e.f 19. "" '!I! _'. .. "re:>'
....... : L 'Wc t sumnver, of ''discon, f fIIU 40 NDv,ao/kbd.s Sr o. .52. ro P Slo. ..0, .....-' """" ,,:
; Are .. nul-
'-I-I .... 0. z,...tent. and tbia'ia, ..ths opinion<< held s.boFpltable forks and''spoons.' > '.M"--l' ,-', >..i. rJUAW.CALLEJA . t-" o. W o un, a u:; 3s. i d.p." ;Mf/M !oo4LA.-: .
I. -... ..;r by hun'dreds, of 'other* Who have I/ yi,! ??f.wX f.. li.4ffj &:--m .3f - ie..l1iWJ".1:1: c: .- S. US& A.1 'et 1'J 2 rr

'. ..... ,'eomq x!1W ;'. ytaited' ..tht''' > *-&} !r,} '''M e keavenl, ,lik.tMr ;4'' S ; -rsP- -J cI '' 'O 0-1. ri Q.l1 .87.!JS, I +. .,d/ ,__,._ ; Ao ,

....... ..ti I" ; "'\1.1eachAm'I ;, r ct".and: :decided: \ 'tit Ii c nss ti} blight of 'frost and now, '.' "'" ," ? ., .{ ,1 -" lailf"'QQd. 1$ S- ,.. ,. i 1M .. ,I .>> '

.... : : :. ,l rnke their f }, \\P te i.1 ore:l ane ( Ik .u Aqd you ''arW' 114'iM a nter 9 : 1:v; .. ", .. ,01' ''' st. i
e /"'hoJno'a1\;: ) ia l ;; ,", Wherohlartt 'wlt :' r I'.ii" / '//r i' \ &; _: S :'" " '
j: : ga'ribbean' v ;; )! ghdtwe cernne.grow. + : : "G' "y i !. !rf -no . ; ;

...... i."-....,..:..'.r ''4'onthe'' '"'hIltes'of. .. ,; . ... ;; 2I,1r J)''. lrj 1t"Vl'i' j( .., II.' "j ,'f.', R'.ocm' '\' 1. ....'. If'0': .' ; ., ''' IJ> : .' H" N.ii -t' "r", Y .1 "
.1' ". ::: .... . ., ,
Come, Pd. Paradise ii ' :
... *nar oofrj brother, ; ''' I .. r . .
.... ... : :} DRiFTS| TO ANKRUPTCY ; 'j:. : : : ;'.r-J "
.. ;
...... ..... : .. Goind,. k0 t tb isl.edlof'th' 'b '
... .. ... A cJ/hFJcrcl C nIr c-hh6'"E r. c,,: Ott .. .'.. .
0. '
J ,
STORE: 'l ;
.- ... w. .. ,'I-!.,,.,',-. 55.... LpHAM''Eng' "': ::" ,"and"o I ,'1't'f. !-. .r Y' t'nepd Mel, } ntlfuttber; ,,; " ..' ,' i'; ("( .. . .v, 'fa < ',/I ',. ". :, ,"'''tJ1.!" .,. .' ,... ""I;. '' '''';NzComI'TIlf78 ;l: .r
,1'ie onnd.'in nlm.dKey'Went ;: '
. realde 1ta.. who, bought'mill shares ": .c 110' "f, ,.
"v :' '; 7b1'} ;CAROLINE' ST1 fx"". b 55y'C \ \\.1 r 't '
ing'thqboom'are 6
u ; slowly beingprewjed : t : !' r .
'- .' toward bankruptcy,>as the 's5 'yonr i-ii tvlth s "Conch's1welcome!; ,.'-,', V," 1' dJ.4 ..... .J. '... > + 1 w ', 4 ? r f .., Nl:, $X.6} M n 1 >'' .'." aI' "

.......... 'itfN 'Mills/i .: Ho ln.'down.nd.rth.j, \ > Gr '"''k Y1CTDIY'JI.zB'NEE, r gN .:. .,..,",:.iaii.i.. .. ., '...... ., ... 45- *? ? fk'iI ; .. ,:>:. '.t.:.
...... '. ..MaJae' ftT'101"u.. ."..' t \ S "h, ..
-: ... 't .If. w1 -
. S' ''rr6ntl' .
'; ""(''S.'I' ,' ." .r'I,, . "' ...... .,, ,.r'. i"IIIIJlrII..i/J -I I'JI Y, ,t..< t.'I t.
: "
: '
t, : : :
1i.. ,
.: ."'4"" > ''',
'r o
.;; ,
.. i! ; h" ; I. ; .
i '
11" " f Y" ".... .J., ) '17' : I1r ".:i1.:! ? ,- '. ' . .a;-r.!&: r' . ' .: '.l" t .'.

: ." / .
: , ,, 1 .;, ,-.'.'j I , ' ... ,-; . r r } fJ!
' ,,'
'. 1:' .. ",, '. .' ',' .,.: "r (:? b *'. .,! tf< 'I\....\,' t1I1f' . ". '1'':' .': "r; s',. jIw ,n t' ?I y. .N 1 1 ,,7,41 I r . 'k'ff\ .,. ; '
t'l,'. : \h. ." ,.,;.I .' '.I" .I)' ,,\ , ,- 1 '}r
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:! u"": {" ', :r' '''7..r, ,.I. ;1i '. .'I'.. . I' ''.'''l "i .
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W Di ) Yf A N Ar ( .' ..' .
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; .." -. .' ". .. ... '; ta ; : / \....._ ''a !.O -p ; VEYd.51.HtrEsC<
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i'' :' "Ii.'' I" f.}' ..T:4jaLR;}"' ,:': t ,' t '., .*'''ip, $I...;:.NEW, : :,.,,,), 'CHAJ, \; '.R.'I' '" ,,"":/' ,'U"m", " ' \()7N"1'I' .' \,." .,. ENTERING' : I "I. : "Ii\.1,',,.'CAr \I I : \ .I.. .

,. .. .: : :\. ., ,. .,, ,i.l., ., h 1. \ ,: . , :. 4< (."" -- ": 1 ; . :
r r4 w C 'f -. 1 ,, '. 1 w: .
f-: jv; ; v# & J 1 .. I. . . \ \ ,
: .a.. .. t. ;' : 1 f . . j, ._' ,I I j' I' .
L { KEY'", WEST iS' ::1 I,. ,I" , I, ,. t i0'L: : STOWEDSTORE COMPLETE:.C'LOC\1. '" ." 11 HOURS : '' I ..3.4'wL. s'"'i ioVLEF' l;
I" Ij A'"T'TIBOCK I.. ) i ,,1 : 1,i 14.1'' Left; to. 'Key' Largo; tight *, **.. : ( ; + : ., .

L . .:: f""" : J'L' ".. _.. n' to: Cutler: ::6 I,' , : '. :; "':- ..f + -- MJ I ....
'. ..B f L ,OF: M; ---- "---- - - f lGlWAY '1 'LO PDC Nher:' ud I ,c: : ..
43 : ,wd, t O E12j; .! ,20.3 H.; Bridee.Bridge,, slow.slow.) 1--' ,, ;, ",.J,< Clinton''MANCHESTER' toot. 'iaught,' l fcng.-V-I John' bertDefter. \ wejketl n Kffe'ffhm\ ;: ( OlaSabscrlbe =:.*- .

: -.... '' n.> ." ... 'a, .. a, heist,I dietanie ""
:WESt ; --- - L'"a fUthTgrtatWm.. '" gowt: .f U41nUell. ,
I'H' .: :. tlNWES'HANGS' .. : ,ft.3 .' . ...',k; wfe ..,w..,' ..wV1l :. ' '
t'N ... . I.. EVEHTTHIWG ftf'THE J SHOWlNh tHrWk. .; ". ",, I';; ",)., ,. '''',
\ :i' HAS : : : : ?- ,. i"1r( .jt.;( J4.! Prheeet.a;. ihtcA.g . IS h.nrt..' r[ ales; 'The' Katlaantods: .. ,
.tc. .
I I \ MUSIC LIME' r"OR.,.,'NOSEWHOO ,FROM"' ,MIAM'I TO iI rY': kNarttraaja.. 'erwgs. railroad. . ""lr ", , ". "
fir'' F 0 j R. "IJC'.1fi ''ATMfSI"R j I j ...f. ',. !1' '.. "
: E:, \\f v < ,. .:\, , ; I ,,, ,
'. I' .. ,,'.. OWN' INSTRUMENTS. , WEST''' 28: fl.;, iro sgA ... I. S .. " i',

'. ,. ,",OVER' ,I ISLAND. .cirrANDiyHE.VISITOR \:','" !1' ". 'D.t8I'1> :', r "., r (' ..., ... l'li ''I ,

'.1 !!.>r C .railroad, rtgkt ,, ,
) !' ; d ; ." .
/ ,.J Ff1tdS r "" fAj. '.J / :
u* : ,, Il West l fortvnate: !; in -htov- Tlje fohowladllloR ofthe, .! 'ab.4( JI ......, S
Key OvorSa"iijrhway"iyaa'prelpred'bj ; '
''V': ..... 'MANY.. ..ATTRACTIONS.CAPPICK,wv' , =lag !air I' C1U"'pri"dpa'-bu.' ; -thelirjii't ..:."1 L.ft"" .tlt.. .right at. fmin.r :THE I: L : i iSitEll I I IiS 'il I :or
." itasa.n.a 1'
y.. '''',''''' 1'i." .. nesses; the. J.- 'U, "Stowww'MusleQdmpany. ; ROAD: IS !
l 1I 1\\ ::r Miami Mbtot'. ( Jab* from ''a bloc ,, .) ,
I with' pahh eff burtnos 1 .
I ; "J : ; "w'\\ /. : '-.- 0' furnkahed'b.tbe.eouny' f",. straight mad.mac, '. ,: ,
) Duval street. right iivtneheart cm.gineer'a vu .
M,(R1E. : on II
( .
K" Bi. ,, );, 'i rrdr hffioe 4M. m.MIe'"le stow. '
u .
i 'of the city.. i;;' > :: ; .i, M nro. .
NuL"d"l'f'' ;" ,on-s ;' .PyrWestr I ''f maaager4dfythoKey ::' ' n.s Log bridge; stow., J y. .t/ -
J. It. C.naty.'i
r \ 'IJ :'[ ;:.T, r'> Stwwers ,411.2 i iffi
: Right ea' Key La"p. :' Meltr .Cwmty .. the City of Key' '
ban that rrioIoreign. ; ,' w.Mporr. ) I West store!!,. meu 4)f; a. cbahi. F.n.wtBc "k ai\ enmpsetq log: e4 W.. Key LargoCity," 1 ,, "

*r;, ; of any city":'fn 'thq) :UnJtJcI\stiite';,\ ,'; which 'Includes. a in largrnumberatbuslaess Cubed\ ;*;;' J J. a keenstudent ; 1 the! .trip start lr t".MI_ : A.S. Aaghvs'park, through. ,:, West weltonk all 1 whotrmnc: : tWer'th ., J; :,
And this'; fwlth By' war eiHl '".1
X41 j' topLhgtu L ;; 'ita| our P.nInfoI A. A. A. fit lag JIt.Mw.'' '

r meroiis gttrgc. |jbnrlttnites.) {d[:iEl1'ett'frk ; : 1 }' ?y :rnoHfl! .field at tw where.Lat1a-Am.rirebuua; t tb, I buik-of'tbo' -. frll nee: .ratPt"oert,. (the;. :,,Peeving, Iti/i Mutate Miami tartleft ave-I', "'11&ash, hock .UIMftX': "'. '. I 'N 'beautiful t Over-Son Hljrhwrfyv.>< . ' _.'
4r I In which)thejyiiit 'npaf'nwc! -to :Slower:; LUlllneM ,ja.ley clipped: > 'Yoit'fl fl. lIfA:, cordiality as Warm" ,
--4 : ) at firt. \Jn>?; _ f interest t him. \- -1 W&V, WA ,', ,; Theji. M>k!"the famous Howard l!r -Htng g 4*"* rt .thraTr 'I RI.O b1um.rada. thr'. .
: urKllote lrenilll l mir '
rwj trrtpJoal nwnlt-
: sThe.stbdeat>; : 'phShNgnome : pianos which arc;|>olftrj;ll non jr right on' slat' de. TiwwA. y. :--. ..4Mateeumf0RuaaPiSIttvu J as! Run I

fi( I sd ,'n'wldeNran... f/r''i'" ......1'L'.. -vodYi.T JHg' ixnklrJe: bertn; at Key. yVcstThoi! ;: ntro! 'U. S.'Navy, can:! be;' ac- and lovers l to of the music south., in They tbet.'eection)t' d'all', . MiamI.Ll1rkhlR. ).:mesh unit board "" Il yu! T'T'H 1.i -

,f for on\ the.a\rHU,ar.y* he', oAoervedS ; 'ir. .i1',; v. \*'t/sommodated'' .,' !in''the' hsgfio t of':C,Key'-West.- .' .! companies: In Bale in! Havana and 0:4 0.0: KendaL , 113.2 05.0) Ferry. through.' >
f types!. of mkny'countries.i A close or , Key :iWtat-aa.' well 'fl!!' ilther.4itICK.; : '
14.Q) 4ft.O .
r Miles.:
t lnorveri.will; note the chftVacterim; oY'' f afford :? E'he. Key Weft store occupies: a 17,0Pornnp., . 1315.0>> '' WE CARRY ". JNE 4W.: t
I t tics .Spaniards, ,Greeks, < the 'aabA1 l; station a the home 'of J Cabanq '
spacious "
w A rmenlnns,'.Tu k., Syrians,,Polee splendid >lace' to 'study' tropical) Int rlor'Is,very interesting. Erected and hanUlcn everything in ;'J7.. Petl'nburlt. 17(5.0.( Key: West. / '. &. , I
)'1' J pleat Whjtehead-streetorigindlly, street, .ZS.p Gouldm" .. ' "". lAD S" COOKS ,.
; ; Blouses;; Sic u igtfltssiStiati'eaaae grow on- the line of musical. instruments! .
.F '
9' ) Frenerr! rAd':derk'e ed'hahatn:: : ..'''' )Inthe-''waiters that) : ?.surround the home -was'.later, moved> totl radio wits,' rartjolns"and;, HC* Cutler r BT"-way to of Goulds Coconut:,'iWhoj-e;Grove bethroadltlnterseet' and I CARDINAL LABORER'S: SON'

e' they'travel the 'cit's .street --,felf Key.Wpj 1: there!'are more thaM,600 present location .One-feature! of products.., '
tra I
A writer nt11"WJ"ot"o1"K"; Key varinw-of'tillh., .If Key Wcst t had Interest is thetceiling of the rooms Mr. StowerA, .Is a\nr'cmler)? ,of poutsd'through' thetVnest'is/ oaf tomato scenic\ I BUDAPEST -.,ather. ;, Seredyi.; I

d Mrpst, and:menUeaed JU Datives I Nt. no other attraction to offer"the pn the twcondfloorwhich? are of the board ofr director of the Slnit district> ftf !HorMa._. !:,. the, new' Hungarian cardinal. ; is the THEO HOLTSB M SON ;_

u rathe..ta1rI. manner In vWt.r, 4 tttdy;,of the -fishes from'tf cedar wood.Curious National Bank andi has* betn I! 'The log; I[son of n-. bricklayer.; .

i*. di'' contradiction-\ ) > .may beIsalrf;Hhat e waters would prove both interesting sea growth and specimens. prominent In the business and.. civic 0.0. Miami. To Doerinpr DUVAL ST.; '

d( in the tarly'ny.. of ,its'history;' and profitable entertain- from' the .deep are to 1 bb e life of the community., . Miami avenue, EKtat"1' ..
'', i few cities fortunate' ment. A recent visitor remarked: on'1I Curio t The most talked about ladies' store Key !\
were as .as seen at Thomp Shop on ll ath. ]I Allan B. Cleare & Co. H XI
c Key Wee*,bt early/ ;.ttiera.- JI'H **1 Wonder: why an ,effort has not Margaret street. 'A :wide varietyof ; FORGIVEN BUT SENTENCED'. 2.' Peering: Rotate, !'straight i vva.r..l. r..r. 1 West. .

too .well known to 'call;attention been made to"attract'more atten- 'sea fans and sea feathers in ------ through gate ]rlr .. M.rea.. .
'', tion from the salt water fraternity.I CLAPTON,. Eng. .-Mrs. Wigs /
to the Spanish famnieiTthat!! num- gorgeous colorings, shells of all descriptions 1 t 4.3!) Coconut (frove. ]Right In I . .\
f r i b re4the; 'nnt U MMK* ,ffce island have visited the Naples,;; (Italy) ; marine life preserved fred Smith forgaveFrodoriqk Mary street follow M.ary\ 1 an rnnnr' sTRaw' .
1 the' rihdma i \ 1)/,'rh.trrtanie..) f amille 1 1 s Brighton, ()England' / ) and the New' in alcohol, funny. ))Jittlo sea horses, 1 Curl for throwing acid on' liar. ; //I{.reet. j. at* traffic inter- ,P. O. Bmi 1* KT w.... Th. !l ,1'.I.1..I'.I.1.1.1.I, :.I.1I.'O:

"i4t roVn-.. South: ,= ..Carolina '-Virginia, York aquariums; the UnitedStates stabled in glass, are of Interest to>> but was forced to give:! testimony!! ." ectHm. Str.{(Tht.i h-lid In- ..:-.- - -.-- .- .---- .- ----

: Connecticut, Alabama,' New York, fish., commissions'l fish 'ex tb r : '' ..................*..............................
*j f New Jersey, withcountries' into hibits in several: large cities, rend I'' that live and grow on.the 'toeean's, 6.7 William Jennings Aryan -- -- ... ... .......... .. ................... ............ .. .
have .visited the fish markets of I ... : -------- .- --
Europe represented by their'quota. bed. Jaws! of.the man eating shark memorial. G. C. ROBERTSWALTER'S .. '
b When congrejw',in 1825 legis the Old World as well as many in :, and those 'of the leopard sharksare the Over-Sea Highway i is'now 8..i-Ii on DoiTplnR! : street. .. .. .. ,
9 1ated'against. fcftrefgfl'' vessels "en the United States, and I must say displayed, as are'also'lhe.. large Straight, out. .
'" .a gaging- in salvage!: operations on that during any one week of good trumpet shells, now so much usedin open Key to Went traffic.-city of fragment 6.. R, fork. o..!.. I. G.a.ralM _....cll.. :: : :
weather, a far greater number of 7.0 .. . .
i' this coast, a number of families radio. memories and sentimental attachments GALVANIZED

Sr9, ; 1 from the Bahama islands migratedto species may be caught here San; Carlos, a building'\erectedby Key West. way..have its- 7.1 Cocoplum Plaza, L. TIN,SHINGLES =: -- --:....-----.-- ": : :
than in of above
were one 7.2 Cross bridjre.
this city. They were a God mentioned, places. the Cuban government, is the faults (and doubtless does}, it Is 'a ahead. Straight nv.1I Board, Sash, {: .. : : \\1

fearing law -abiding; industrious. ; c..w. w ly .one of its kind: in the United city of wonderful charm for those &.'..L, Doors Blinds, Carey's Cement . . .
li people, who greatly assisted in' de- Turtle : . .
States. To erect this buildingwhich who have found Joy in the blithe, Roofing; H. B. Davis) 100 Per .
G.O' It, danger, curve. .
t' veloplng the resources of the A tour of the city without a : : -'
'' Includes a club, theatre and\ panoramic setting and happiness In ", Cent Per Paint and 01.... .
r islajhd. O'f their ancestors, Colum- visit to the turtle "crawls" 10.0 1 Danger, curve, L. / .: .
J : pens or sch..l far the Cuban population of the cordial warmth and neighborliness .: .
hirti(;wrote to Ferdinand and hal' would be missing one of the moat Key West, the Cuban governmenthad of its friendly inhabitants. IO/.1 R, curve, bridge, danger.< PHONE 2.8 .. . .

belle Of,Spain as'follows: "Thenausea \!! Interesting attractions. Here/ !!, large obtain permission from the Throughout' the the charm) 10.5 L, curve. William and Caroline. St.. .: ) .' .

of .these islands love their turtles are kept awaiting ,shipmentto.N..York )V.nlted.State.. .. This club building lingers, drawing yearn back again and 11.0 Chapman field. R; straight :: .'. In 1925 the first car :i '
1---- "
,4'11''' neighbors as themselves, their ; markets or slaughter ' Wandered : I '
"prevented.. to the Cubans of again, those who have '
Aqr4piis l' '. conversation is the sweetest!! for local 0.... In this city is.the this city I la orderthat- the ideals away, holding those who'remaln (twilling ;. .I i.l'I".fII'li.l'.I'j".I'I' .,,: '" .\ ,' \ .,,:"' from Key Welttonred ''::::
'fmagl able, their faces!! always worlds only turtle Lp'lhMd '
soup cannery.
of'that government might be kept ) captive.Always Interesting \!! ,
.I '
eti1 .Kmilingnnd. so gentle and: aff.I ..- This delectable soup. finds its way before the 'minds of the CubYOllthll ) to resident. .,and Visitor,1ike. \ \ :! ,, the ,East Coast urgingpassage :: :
"that I to t.h menu's of the t S ; '.?. ... .
? I ttanate"ar, they swear on leading hotels of this land.It waif dedicated 'DUHgsTO, K :yWIST'OVER! THE',NEW.. "''V "q .f. .. .
1'' your highness that there is1; not a and restaurants of the United. I '
; Oct. 10, 1924'with international -" 1'-- .,It' ..1 1 1I ? of the .OverSea ::
{ \
i 1 t
\ better people!! in the world. States and 'Europe. A small can- ceremonies I .. .
The characteristics noted by nery operated in Jamaican-it-, "f'OVERSEAIuGHWAY.:
t. : Highway Bond la-
Golf Course
:1 i ., ; Columbus are'to be noted!! at the!! stated,, but the output Is negligible.The "' \ ," . .:.:
i present, : day among those whose Key West factory's"product is Golf'enthu.lastl will find on'the I . '
Stock Island links, of the I ; sue : :
one :
4tti forebears settled on this key. considered superior in every' respect F 1 f =
i Next: .to the study "f,'the people Then turtle steak is/ an finest, and roost ,expensivecourses; !! Sm Plan your winter home In the delightful ::, : :
who form other' table which vfsi- on'the Atlanrtie coast.! The course ; .. . r
the city of i IKey West, delicacy, a !Island City. . ..
p d one finds;, unlimited''interest In the tor should become acquainted with cost approximately",$21 0,000""_ andIs Tift , ; .. 555HpLi
and''' 'of before this laid on/an,/ island, Joining]Key : .. .. .... .
Ix-nuty Variety, : thejtroplcal! 'departing (ffrom -City. l. *'' ,' .c. .-" -' .
:foliage! that"i, grows luxuriantly These turtlea! nreitaptured'off the West/and to..whlchit. is accessible<< 'L.. ,.___, .. . ...'..... -, ,:.' ..., 'Y ou Need a'Happ7. Home-jVVejBUilo; = /. \ : .. : /" .o' C :.' ( '. .'' .. eeee .

'' hern/, '. ',)rhe ;taIl; \ cocoanut 'palm fucatan '1? o.ast. "and:;brought here by motor, Tennis' baseball, basket t ;tl.ce" :-''- -, -- !,} ,J':, : ', 'fl' 7rI'r )jt ;".y. ;, :;;..,..,. + ". , Th'..o", ,e".ij, e !r:y: :.;. d a a. 0 f.' : :.. ..,,.. ./

.. tosseaitIfronds'against, ai: cloud- by vessels engaged in the trade. ball and surf b thiAg all have' their! ",'", :tYJ '... ])," \ ; : 1' _: \P-r.f''ii!' : .W"1.":' ''IJiN. ,k'': . .
]loss 'iirure sky,'and-its-less stately Old- fortifications, are' always places in- the' ',diversions offered > .. {J' : Ask hut ou ''long'term moo hly" pgyment' ;' .. #t.\. I j vls.onan'a" en t'.I.I uSlasbc' '\,. .1
: ,.., ., , !M1.. !r. ,
e- brothers) grow in many gardena, nterestlng. ,Key' West!! has two the!! 'resident, and visitor in the eB ei ." p'J \. ''"'''H1''''''''''1'..t .f., .' .'t "' t"'", ':."'". '.. .

and l JfprenH their fArr shaped!! leavesI 'known as- the Martello towers. city. plan. :: courage on the'part' ..eeee "

I the vagrant breezes: Because These Were erected by the government Seeing a cigar made will be In- I 's :

<>r the climate, hot houses, and in 1861. They are situatedon teresting to those who know nothr CreamIParl :.. of the people of Mon- : :: '

green. houses are not necessary iri., the!! water's edge; one near the Ing of the 'process. .A visit 'to AVAILABLE NOWA .

growing: palms here. Of the many extreme northeastern end of the any of the factories of the city ::: roe C. :

varieties, one which proves interesting :stand, and the other' about two will permitted.-- :. .
ls to native and visitor alike.!is : the city. Fort Tay- r L -- Splendid .Barpaln-r-ScoJLJs for Terms!'
mllA" nearer A visit to the Florida East Coast r :: called. vividly with today ::
t'ta.'b i the plum known as the 'traveller's or"ts one of the few forts oyer .docks will show ferries berthed 1 eeee -: ...
;_ tree. One of'' these grows in a !which the union flag was never S *
4 while waiting their hour of sailing I achievement .. ee
1. I' garden on Whitchend street. It lowered during the. Civil War. 'to Cuba. These steel vessels are II I SA model. Spanish Maisonette, completely furn* :.: s ,, eee I

S spreads its fronds from. either These towers- consist of a citadel daily making the trip to Havana. i inhed( and equippejl. Fine ocean view. : :5 ::

I side!!, and each frond covers a cup 'I bout 40 'feet high, surroundedyfcueriiates They pick up loaded freight) cars. 1117 DIVISION STREET . ,, i I ..

I 'shaped receptacle 'whIch holds > and a parapet're1n- at this port.and take them to Havana . I ; .1., .:
about' a fluartyt,dark liquids from ([..ot;cedvlth' sand embankment.. where) a similar cargo awaits I \ : t iJ. i ." l
r l wbl,,p, the tree. !takes Its name. IV-hen1' built hey were capable bfvithatapdinir at that port for", ntry here.. These ,' 1 .'1' r." ,v'I.' . : t4 t( 9 ME 1 FuNANCE CO. INC. E'OPENING t

\ 1 Thlw'is native arid regions-' and \ ;; ny,.gttnck! from'' the l ferries carry quantities of packing H : --.,.-- .'t. ,.. t. *' I.;!) tI r 'r'. 'd" +"' ;i. n. r h.T OF 18tH

i;' I ": Hie'liquid Is for refreshing" travel I lark 07.frdh\,the sea,,.but with the\ hoiuse. pr9
: -era .In' the' desert improvement of ordnan"e" they) typewriters, and scores of typically .
'S+'' I Shade 'tree! alllo. prove 'of Interest have become obsolete for defense American made goods'to Cuba. .' 4
i ' Many! 'of,these 'have'*medi4SJcfna purpo es.. 'hie'syatemof, sMpptajr" freight to ,' "" '!f1'.I.1".I".I"I".er": I"II"Jff; H OVER-SEA HIGHWAY A Y eeee

b4, '! ) -ffoJMrt-tles'knewn f to the natives During the early afternoon a Cuba meann' a>. saving of prieclemttime I I II -- ..,... . ee

,. ;' aad frequently. itaed/' in 111i visit to ,the, rlllh docks woul -well fn the movement of perishable , I i: ... .iii...SC ............S.S S S................ .... \ ,. ....
i il1 RI Tbe gum-alma, or whit um be worth" the walk- )I'fshlng boats cargoes, and a corresponding ..e....'A................ ..........a................. ..
/ex; .' ""resinous substance from that 'hay peen' oni.the( -<:,fishing saving I in the matter,of !tranftportatra'v' 'On Your Way to Town" .... .. .-- .. .. .:.. S S ....
'which': It- receives Its'.localname.. groan drmorniitg''+ UI\lI\ r'aii! .! '* . . .. ..
1 iThe'"' of this tree Is ,used, to' turn early in the afternoon, 'a'nd .
gum I \ :: This pleasure< :
A enclosed means :
"''' lock jaw according to naV' it is then that the housewives and monument .within a.triangle n ii .
'prevent ; : {1 ) opposite the.federal buildng -STOP I HERE- i IF IT NEEDS FIXING e '
?tives, '.The root is also extensively, etlters go to the docks to puwhasetheir | Is to the of the sol . : : : e ee* to the touring visitor eeee
clalmeuhaa fish right from the water. memory .. ..
:,,used for'a tea-which it is ..
diers and sailors who their .
c 4'* ,!;,certain ,Dealing" properties. Many, beautiful .fish" are, Teen at lives.that!.the Union cave of ..State'miR'ht :: TII.ATS: us- :.:. :: and satisfaction and ::
;, ,< One-ether'deserving, of mention U this time. .
live. This monument, was .. .-
. ''1ebbek. better known1ocally'is Bayview Park, a municipal .. I'r. S .-
i I erected at the close of the war be : :: to the home :
"' prosperity :
Ii. "woman's tongue. The recreation place -affords a resting <:' :
tweeatbqstatea. by ..ntemberi of BOILER MAKERS :: ..
r I 4'jname;'Is+; received because of the spot for those who wish to .spend -r, U LACISMITIIS :1 ..

..'" ''fln\Stantela\ter\ of' ,the seedpods.1Ttlowera a short, time. A amidst pleasant surroundings. can4sdaere the Officers? Club, th..which t<>time.i'''&&,or-" ; 1:: MACIIINISTS : : : folk. .,..',
'are a IUght"cre."iah 'memorial to the

w 1 \;yellow and fragrant;,The ,bauhnia| Confederate dead, in in this park. beautiful In the 'city cemetery' ,a broriae amidst ; r:..: :. .. .. .' '. i! .
r l 7'ior 'goat's foot. '-really' .a eautt"f This memorial! is architecturally} : :1 .
M ' tree;;, Not because of its large along the lines of a. Grecian terns sailor stands! watch over the'craves FRESH: ::: When good work d theright. : price :: .. .. ee..
his This is thmO.II OYSTERS
( of shipmates. !! .. .. .
., .bilobed foliage,' but;, 5>n accouVt, ,of ,pIe, was erected by United the'Stephen ment erected to the, men who were .' .... 'Cis desired Key West folks come to us. ... .. ::
\ "KB orchid blooms.-- R.; Mallory chapter, Daugh-) .
u At >a!,.eas6n; ef,theelir: ;whan. tern ,of j.the Confederacy and presented wkJck''w killed aboard' the.'. U. S.Havana Maine CHEE3E1BUTTE'R : .. .:.. .
: trees '.In:';thel!.orth aril! burdened te tits.. city of 1ICey'West:> harbor, Feb. 1898.Ujkth9m. -- .. -' -We guarantee absolute I -:satisfaction :::: eeH
1 lp;, CABRERA
*with; how', those lit''KeyrWcst?';: are There are several home4rin'!>> ,! .a ., .

.' ,,, '.'at/:their' beat.i".fl'1lto'aM'; : ' flower; perfect, .tat.'.r;'preservation that !I. City MILK. Z: with every' job we turn out.. Acety- :... !
'd'' of built 'e.rlye.Y"" It is stated. that the .. .. '
and:\y1e1l- in.:the(\melody, song were during'--the unofficially r .eIJing.( :
,* ltlrd.{ '':that" comj"v'frottthe, : ; ,bleak of. Key'J West's ..Among Key West, lighthouse' is the!!' only -. r .. :: Jlene] and electric :: I : : :

1- Clhnes.tosSaiNm.i?( with thesei? ;; the Porter-herne:;! ', at?u.epTn HgbthoB"'' erected withirt. the; talESH MILK, :: 1 :. :

7, nui in,winter *. ], ,'1Ii ; .r r. t' D.tal-, mat 4 i'i \;,:CaVeHae\ lireita.of,. city. "The one here!,'affords v I. ,
a *,. *&. Tbe; flaming i (tbtsou.nd, the street. This home has been':, con- protection tv themariner.. 1 : \ ) IfflDtY. R i

} ''t t (scTinaetthii'vld.'zrlth.ach; other* InJ tln1&8111' ,ocuPk4.byU..faml1, of I. many ,niiles'at' sea. The-1, growtdb FRESH i :, Ii ROSSELIE: lF . HI: UBJ\OTHE. :
? n
r !adding,to \tbe"cold r-.'netatd' many the, l ste1' ; Dr. Joseph.Y.! Porter. It. beautifully!! kept,and are een- tt BUTTERWHIPI'I : i
; T. 'Tbenthe're"ar.'the.'vari; was- ft Muently told by the late sidered!! one ofithe,most attractive '
"" Itdena.; ,' : < J AND' rMQIINE 'CQ .
t I, ''gated: crotona WVhlch' ,Key.'West Do to-.'Porter; that Y or)tieref( taan I peti'ln'the'.. *'" .' lot' ., c CREAM' ii < .." .. ... ..j. . : :

t boast a wider!!#; '':'range than any,other 76'years he had occupied the'roopt, /, The: motorist will\?thrjll .af:the l ; -; ... ii Wholesale Grocers :: ,
he '.' \in '...Another .home ride the Florida Cr. .:. ... : .',
-t b knd'aceotding4toblertain i !! was; .Tborn',, ; ; across keys. a \ Sirontoa St.4 '' : .
; .
'' .: /1' ;;: II P.Jtonc :J ; : ., ,
; . '
: .
/ !! ; tthteh'dates froth 1832 to the home ing the,keys while h\;full view o< .,''Ir 1:;q' 'r'" .'" 1";N ":y 1'';,lr l' :. .. '
stand l '' ; : c of f the late t Captain:;WatHngton: the,broad th> y 't ". IJ I :' ', ', "'", I.: I I :: .
.. The is =; Duvalt remarkable. ', = {! ". :: : I I\\. k1\ ,1, r ,, .. (
Fortof: 'Spatn.r' "" This ort street :between. most: journeys in \the : 1 t. '
,I) ;1,Gar'clen..b\' \, I \ .. .. ........... ........... ,
4 .. .. eeee e eeee eeeeeee ee eeer . r.v..1... .....
4\\f '" J)t'analsttiaCttre. < ' '' C"o11n'.n4" .:..4&s'-Xs.weal,' '"" .. .''. '.;,,*+-.o,.1 w,.w., .:!"S'Jb":' ..,:.,... >,,gndw.yrtkrewt/,:! . u"_ .. _I ./a. ..e...; .......e.,.......e!.ee..... ... .................. ..0 ....c....e..........o eao......... .r.... :....".. ,
\ >\\o1 <.. >< } 'J! .
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', "". 'y.rC ... .,.. ..." ''i.["' \,,.,,",. ....' ......' I'/$"'f. .j", a'(1..,, ,.:, .\ I l ..,.\.y ,. --I "4 , .!::.% r.' ,.. vim. .arnsrA'..t\R 1t .."yam :'.'I,.. r..:., .!;. . .. ".7P/ t" '",'" :.,.,r" :'''>R''I'' n. ,..,., ...' v ."'.. " ,.\. ., '.,... ..1.' .., .. "" . . I"I"f" "
.:. j: .(.. W.. ''; 1''ff,. ,',7 ,, ,1-. -..::. 1.. .. .;.... Y sN.'I'r' '.,:.,' \.t L.a.l\v.\Y..P.\;; !.t'\t.r"r..,,", ..:.:....!. .J"rnP".1r"'ft:.': :'..1. ,.... .t....: ;"..:........ "!.:'" .< '.;., ,.!. .' .,'" . r.-,"- ""t-'t".. . ., -IT., ., ''"?' r:; ; .""' ...;; 1""jI, >1/o..u. }...:I:.;.. ,J;. SK" .r 'f. i fi1.Y ,rs.. v,;.,,:,,:';;, ,",!,..''!'.t.t '..r r .1.- "UJ1 wK,{ '! "{.i j.i.,M vw,.. ,U\.\ ;.:if" W. .*.",, ."''f,,0; I""4'1''t c"t, /": :. .. ... . ,;f "':. j"f' .
I ..'" ". . '. ..1.. ,, .r" ; ... ..r.h'J'. '. >-. . ".'I'I !"", .
t'I " . 1'd, '
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.j" '\ ..''t'J," ,.'.;'!:'" "'..,'1 'Mj'. / : .?1 ' ..,,. 'I.' ti' r ',("', ''' '" ,, ..w, "" ,. . ., '" ...' '- + ,1, !, ... "t'. .. .ifT.:i\\I.; ', ;\ ."; ...!;. ... ;1:.
II' '
. o'', .. .' ,... :;;'; " .. I. .., :: .r ; $ .,.. r I'r'' ; .. ; ', ". ,. ". . ,".. . ,y: . . . ,' .,".. '/ I ,
iii' 'rf.. I..I. \ ,;" .,;,. ," ,.',. 'I' -,.;.., ..- .""' ?'" .,.,p,. .I."I' .1"'r" >...,;,: ,. /1jJl:1-' : \ .': .}AG o"I. : "I\\, \ ,",, i... ", ,,. 't, l/, ';. . nb ,, ; .. .. .;J' ,,\,,. ., .<., ; . Ij\t..I\ k' : y.;.." '''
J: ': (; ; : : . 'n'' + .... .. Ir : ' 'h ;:. .. ..'../ .v.t J Jn : ,.:..: t .\.f ,; .,, . : "1< "
. ;I'' :' / '., .f,.::.;;.:i''l.> ', .:-'t.' *:'"', ,' "" ,.1;, .f' \ .,: .:'. . '< . J.I'._ . .. .r..j.'l' ::! ;: . ; 'w':> lr :," ''' .,- ,.., .. .... j' ,, ( \<. ; ,-- 1'' I

f -. ; .. :. ;:)MGJ t'fWELYESECTION; ; B.c.J* .' .. '\ " 'T'" ''' ... . ? .ti '. '.. ; ; : :lr; tqI 'CITIZEN ,:' I" ., : r.,., .<,..:. ,.. . >;' . 'WED 4. ;: (i >i.. if .RY-26. :' ,Jc'92S, .. ,

...1.. 'I. t '. "" "r!\ ..\ .... ."' -"" .',... ..''Af"I.. ,' 't. ; :! A.'it! : '.. ) .. .: . ..J..:, .. . . ..
., i I i i ,4 1y1 A +" ,,., ,- ... ..: \ i.. Y . r I j' "t : ', .,''' -'-- C \'SENDSsoo': \ ; : ; r,' .1;':!. ;. y.uc31! : f>N. tfVjl'l;' r *$;:*,!\piwyer j r 'was,. 4;
"j' ,, B
.. 1 +I \ ,0,; ''I'' BANKIREFLECTS: t Y: '' 'h.''d when.' thvr'ralt. gas-triod. Kjie!
_. -.' 1. : t i .K" .1l"?:: O.," $.OtUTH"' !; j. 'j'. VAIN' SUIT! ,' FOR.. ; r CENTSjhaa ,j:appoalodJ'tho1adtment, ;' ,,\ > but liV\*' ; II

/' Oh I I, 1 'v t'" .j''iit i).:ar,.)ta y
.v . .... SOUND CITY ..JJ L.itlrna--.Arb.:; ir' \i'I I ._ .- ':J: ,

. J..;,.., .. __ ".".__ J. _....... ... . ... .. ::- . ..... ',' 'l. .' .-, ,: : : .. J JI year 'If.'gal buttle'1n, w14.J1 I ,111! : ,Itiiy .id, .U('rgfng1t, -. farmers 1(,LI f a'
x J' ." 1 ; I ;, ,-"ii< '- --' = "' 't 1 l
,, 'j'i\ 'i 1 ';. .... ..! .. <.... ... ...! ... ........... fj BART'WLEYlai!' J LUCIGNANf l WILLIAM I .R.,'PORTER IS. 'D\I Uart<< .. 'loKt" her'suit. to \) ,p.u"'t1'On"I\' ':,{. ," :uttfi\ 'i, 'CZ..'ultural'mirehinci',, y'
9 : ojpSEAtuNrrmM .f. KNOWN I 1-2 cents vteH\> > a .mill ( '
' y"t fr II. 1'WO FRIENDLY' ARMS'" .r. OF 'WEL 'r KNOWN kEY heddoductcd from t11" t'ceOV'l\j I I' Glasgow' vdU-; ,.bullUvat'onco', ittoOo"municipallwmel ;- 'S" .

,.i'-M"' : :, ;:.- .-:.: .-.....ii.!", ;- ..- .- ..-.-..- ..:--'o.--.::...'.-...........f.ii.,. ... KNOWN BARRISTER :, f ALL' 'OVER STATE I,.. V JWEST*IN :fITUrIO. :,.,. :.1 v-nkt She claimed,.. ;* .the:..... ,1'deduction: r m.',. )' .- ,:I.t'. .:r for". worker'' v, .. .u'l'
' .i J \ \ : I ,, ",) "': .. . rrrrrT' "' .;T"' 4 .

' + :. ... : KEY 'WEST-I!; AJTORNEYirROM.*' .. -----4. .. .: .. .r/"I.tir Air ; I A" ..t!' ;
.:..:, qq
HAS BEEN, >1N BUSINESS: : which;'; William Hi: 1'urUT. ,; meiiUiur, i iOf , : > I
It"" I 'HERE ,
T'T- .'. .\ i; \ SINCE,'taso! the-,county commissioners' acid ; ;
. NOr,: Q L Y" :.cdASTAil i:.HIGH. u WG 1Vexfa ww 1 tl.ut. '| '- u 'man who has had it: lif e-lonff! ,. CITIZENS;, .r . .. .'
,, Kc ,
? 'of .S .
One th6 I.
< ,' ; '' >M :ki Y> \ Olio I of ,well). known'business Identification with tlio city of| .."It ". ...
?WAY" BUT, TRANSOCEANICA3 vn wont 'forth and 'returned,COVered houses! of; iii the, Luciirnnnl 1 Key', Went and' .its progrese, I faJjrc8idcnti.Jsj.i OF' '.\ .""
': : with-honor: ,. la: ;Bart.-'Riley;" prom' >n ,ol.t.; e >soundest\ ......, ... .: '. .f'
r : S pafloV : . .,
I iJlJJuVd1 .
I WELL- CU3A SPENDING nontlHiamlattorney, >whd VcUins .IceCream'I .: ahd-oldestinsttgt'ons; 11\,,be. state \.:. 0'" .. ': '; J ..l ,' _ .
:. MILLIONS ON'HIGHWAYS >. : host of friends ,In .Ws '.city! although .;j I street'o'.v' d;and, operated by A.' ,f.,"'iol'l a.' :IThta' I/ " -; '. ': : : -. .
I ; : / -i, ,, :\:f. ? the- most of his timo in jLiucIgrnanl: ;'' who'started.' . In bust is the only hank. (n'the city 6..,.... LoQl., "R E' .

.. ,:t ". ;. ...,.---.-. ..,' '" , now spewt' In tho larger"city tu1!;ness here in 1800-; j> fulfills its mission ap'ex'tent'that'.bringsita 'I ,tl . p V (' .. ... . ..
,:! '1 I I ,, . '
the': north Ha is one of' lha'largvst wholesalers '' generous: (
.. Hlichw'ay is not, '" ,Mr. Riley has been p'r minent.Iy / and retailers of ice cr um support, :from, the'citlxenship'-'vf' 1!?' "
' .
.H it sVommoniy, eoneelyedtobuY; 'i ideneiflW 4 tyth' the: t I.'jowth of ,I'n} South Florida. ,-, ; the city:.....' .'"' ' ,, , / i.SS.. . '- ',ftinply.;t"lhe: ;iast) .; stretch'of, t ti th0, Miami'and"1 i l known'as one of the Mr, Lucignanl has alwaystak .-,, 'Tbo''uuflJl,1;, ;'.fiasoU'nys. ; held i J.irleadership. ; t .- .. ,,, ...: .; .
Atlantic Coietal I I 'a*d utccessfiH( rh.cni-I] in'all S In 'tfu a progresaivepro b: '\ '
f South, 'lii hrvay-, aggressive :en a keen interest civic .' .
.. t hc bar of the state. 1 '' Initiated''.In': tho ,,city andrepresents' "
the most spectacular' l 2,000-mile( bers.of:, (I[I matter contributing'much to the grams 'S' '"
' When ho visits 'here h* always 'as-'weN:M'I s!'any Institution .I .' .
:, stretch of ,roadway in the .We tf .progress of the city, ;; .
I' l finds a warm.. welcome and;du: often 1 tho, solid .and cuneCrvnih'ebusinese !; \l: .. OPENING F'fBE''
ern nemlspbere." f 'pppany the ,. trial: irii (!hut.have hc-Id !. ... . '.... : ' I '
i'tla,. instead;:only a-section-of ,_,_,, ......._ brought herein of Two' new; private aviation com- | c --- --- West Webt'ahiseiy"1A the line
L ;"r' > Y" w"- cases where old Key friends panics have- just' Key
J' 'a .Jrans-oceanlo-'hiehway, a thor. ., : i 1 vperation -
I fare'.calculated to" andtr' :* want. his assistance ands advco.c : I I|i IB:Brazil. steady "iiroifreBi.\vhehx: c.tiCl'I1' .
ousrh attract another iiost of the, .trij GHw.
UIJ\1\\ woy an -faOrofd\ parallel one alo'nr': : ? I ort flounderingAFTER OVERSEA ( :
o b'taltit ,
hold the attention.of.the'civilized from. the! nlainlard.'to.Key' < West; c-?;_ .' .- L:3L.; : ,-'--- . ,1T "''1'..,....... -'. I'U'!!: wcrj : . J .

I 'J'.4.e' world,'. once. Its. fame is spread -'-"" ..--- ._ --' ......!?*.........................>.'f..* ............. ...... .... .. .
) .abroad. .. ........ .: ,
,Forwhlle.: ;: the, Over-Sea'' High f ' HOTEL" ..l.......e ....e. .... i "* *
; I w,y brings one to the very southernmost Miami-Key West-Hayanfi. i LA CQ&CHA i ., : t.-
,. I ( tip of continental United ., I= .Pena Morale
I States, ..there' is yet Cuba, Haiti, . : : '? CENTRALLY LOCATED: : N .

'. Jamaica, and a 'score 'of lesser -A Scenic Route Unexcelled : MODERN.' : ii FIREPROOF ; .: f .' REAR .522 THOMAS!; .
I Indies ?
Yitaflt hlandsiwhich are pro- "' Lm' ;:
,t . .' paring to''make themselves 'n part i DA-CONCHA -'_ 4 :: t' .
of,the 'most' remarkab1 auto high-1. Miami-Key West-Cuba. ('vantage/ of the fact that the. road j .4 \ CO FEE SHOP- '* YOUR . COLD .

I j way sy tem it is possible. to con ,A' route for the tourist to epn. had' been opened to Key Largo : V : TOBACCO < .
jX{ ceive.In! lure with. I. and in the! past months the. .." . Operiled'lJii.JJ i Confection' With I.our hotel. .. PLEASANT' DRIVE' .

f'I I CJubai, ,.nd'.IIveral.' -of her The. co'mpjctien) of ,the Oven Sea steady! increase in1 truffle over tho : Good Food. -Cood 'C.ol.IkEY"WEST'S ;.-.( : _, '
nearest neighbors, road building Highway marks the closing of one causeway., and ferries bad been Jr.I'4T'.JIT.4TII.I'/! .I .t

J hl\ll\ gone forward within the past more Important link in the great I but an indication of what the traffic :. ', ; OWN \MrtOTEL : OVER THE 'NEW .. . a '
J nor by leaps and bound In the program of road building that will will be- now tlyj- entireroad ... ...... .<. '.... ... ......... ;:- -rte. 1
Inland Republic, .700 miles of as nllujv the tourist to, get into his!is opened :for thorough: traffic, withferries ,,.: .r : .I..I"I' l'l' l .. .
wr .
fne| roadway as modern engineering . car in{ Miami, travel 1. by road to'Key ; i" IntolTCey. Weat.Surprises ., -- t --'- ".7". -r( < -- C-J- tt = h i..'. ; -.J 1" 11 ...

I ', --- -- can produce' is rapidly being West, using, and the from ferries< to Her. ::::.F..f. ::::::::::::::.Ie...:::::;::::::::::::::::: .
built.And 'some of the other cross the gaps Key in West, .. '
When one Key .. .. : .
< : ilfUnda 'are'not far behind. West; gO< onrto- Cuba,...-taking-his. mernrayeTgln-g'thu-;keys aperies ..-_ .. i .,--,--T -- ,. } ,- -- --.-.--. .. ...O"lIerSea.. i ARE 5 5S .
1 v Between ''Over-Sea.. Highway car tfitrf him. of surprises awaits P :: ; : : {, .. .'" . I'
: rind' this West Indian system there It is .a dream of the ages come This city In its quaintnegs'Jtsromantic' :: VISITORSWJLL]
> :: : :
,, ,,7' is-onlyi90 miles of water-a fer- true. history l and its charming .. I ( . Highway' rv
flago. only'' twice as great: BH that The road WhiCh parallclo'?.the simplicity i-14':.a vertable, paradiseto ta

.. ."j:p.. which connect: *" the ''ends of the: Plaglcr system all the; way from those "who have, become tired .::. FIND. RECREATION' :. :. *. J IIEUE FOR A DAY

Over-Sea Highway. 'This, water Miami to Key West, has becomea of the'mahdy. mucb.tiaveled main-. .. .' .
1 pip is already being spanned by. reality with a speed ,that*means land. '
"' _1.___ .._._tboP0..SteamahipCempany: Key West.. ,. Here tin> o8injt.structures -. :: T AT OUR'l\IQDE tN't. : : V OR A SEASON 1OR
.aro no.
.. . Ii:
which, recognition of the growing Miami I already took ad- -no ''greater'-iubdivisioSris, :: +.; I.. ,.. .!. . : : WE ARE"RIGHT ON '', . ..-

I, : demand for auto.' transportation ; ..., .'-. ---- -..........--- laid row on row-ino rush"and : : AND POFUJJAlt>> .. : : .
to Cuba- has reduced its carrying with conditions believe that, .wJtb- bustle of the newVFlorida.' .. :: '. ,rrS C."* : .. .. .'.' : :
: charges on autos by two In, .two '.or" three years, motorists Instead, there is the //repose ">fthe'greaj \RD' THE WAY. INTO. I
Vjj : :
i.' thirds. of this l country who have not seen : ;; golf stretching away:Ionone ...... ; ; A RESIDENT, OF ,
Already, therefore' it "is'a the 'Cuban National Highway'snd side and the sweep, of th,,'At- ::.. ". ., ;'. .::. . ,
t .
I. Dimple matter to transfer from .hose\ in the} adjacent isl.n.d', which lantic on thus others; the pleasure ., '- : ., . S THE CITY THE j
tho Over-Sea Highway tot( the will unquestionably'bo) connected -travelingthrough' streets,, .on s- J s 't,' '; . KEY WEST: < r '

Cuban National highway; The with., the Cuban Broadway, by* ter- the,.:.edge,, p< \which; cluster':' frame l + & '
latter' is not yet complete, but rica, wl1l' not be. looked upon'as houses of a' generation'gone by;' jjCui rt &Sancjs{ |g i ijjj '. YEAR RO1JNllWE -*,.....,.." ?
y there are numerous- short stretch being really familiar; with the really of small shops and a fixed Latin "
es of it open to use in the district big road systems of the Western, American population] a touch of :: : : :- . .
_ vf Havana. The Cuban goverA'4 Hemisphere. I the real tropics. .' jjj : 3miatd Parlor j |ii| 4 + ARE READY \. tfTO

inunt Ie expecting, reports fromiavana'shwthat __- :: ,, :: .
record-break- :- --' - -- ---t:: -' "--- -. -- -. >
< a ,
ing' number of autos from the T I. j:' : DUVAL ST. : : I I
... -
United States will be seen-un: the : .: '
CO. .. .
?- inland; this winter. .<., > i ift .. .
And even those who go this win-' .i .. ..: A MODERN AND S ..,
P&OiSTMNOlES' MAIL ; : We, col gr'atulftetithetcitizens of .Monicans -. :: ,
t" teX will be only a handfull it is : : I ; .
the thousands. who t VV; THE) : OPENING-O1' '.;,: .: ., : "'.
a expected' -to( .
I :: 1'' ouUtY. Olt f 1 J111AX? ,:.1h ca.: l 2:! if .. 'Mrt T ; ., .... ,. .
'> W tr"ma1fn1 t"rTnEe the Cllltfitt : I / : ''T", *j''".*'"*')7 e yt-I IY .\, >. ..' '"I. ..r ...,. jIj. 'y" .>01 "
. (" .. ...? . ;.fIi..t1- "J.i ''Ii e n.)4: ,, '1II\\: r: ",' \ " ': y'Cr-' ""J ,n' : apncwera '.. , '. .. : .,H < '
National # 1 i" 'I' '.
:,,; Highway complete,. Soty ; < .V,1' I .. .j' ',. , ; .. n.T."D, r':: : trtf, vl
', ' J.!. } \ \ ;"
\ '.. Effecllr. J.nuar.1928, ;}}?" \ ,.I;(... .: ..' :: f., : of prospcrltY all; '1 4': .; . : : :t"S1OCI '- \ ,'p ,
f W''': JrcatJ8tbe'rush'expected| to be ...... ... .. t; "\i : ; '\ ,*:' 1fF..L..l2.J 'WiVIY.trJJ \.. _CiLiJ.: : :l ,
.l : .
Lv..Key West for Havana daily.ut.8i30.AyM.1; {; + V:: ii .11<,\ '1"- :, ." ' the .
then that Cuban ,
government .. .
) <:; ... .. . '' >!" : t"'i
: ... .' : : d. ; ,
londayu Tuesdaya, . .
js Bald" to .be giving serio'ua onMlderation Lv. Key West for' Port' Tampa 7 1'I. M.- . :I '; <* 'r-IIGHWAY c. ; 1
i ie I' _
to the matter of building Thursdays and Saturdays. .eeeeeee*.**eeeeee.eeee.*...*eeee.. .eeeeee t' : S
' and operating a number of Ticket, Reservations end Information at Ticket Office OB tbe e...eeeeeeeeee. ...........e..ete . e.*...*f eeee STORE FOR THETOURIST

ferries between Key .. ,
largeauto Dock' 'Pbome 71 e --- ,. I. \. ; -.
West ,and Havana. jt IS A jUUEAT; .
v': Nor "are others less optimistic\ .. . .. _._ . CA'AT"'II! ,, I'-.I' .k w,1'e rs ,. ,
-- -
------ ,
.about auto .travel between<<; Cuba ; '
end .U. S. continental roadways ', . DAY FOR' MONROE ; ;-. .1' .

NA amply-financed;: New.York'' eonern .. .:' .

; recently made survey of LACASA.MARINA: : ___R__ ''R R'" .. .. ... ._ --:.._ 4- 4THE- ."OUN'I'Y", ... ; .
conditions in and in ,
, .Cuba Key .(' :* :
; We lt, with the' thought in miad v r '' ,, .. -- : .
t that an auto ferry service between HOTEL. S "-; ; .

i tho two cities would pay nandsomeDividends. --- t"t.'s sr. .
Report has it that representatives . s
I. favorably impressed of this firm with'were,what so' FLORIDA, EAST. 'COAST' HOTEL ;CO., .:; 1 ;i, 'The Over-Sea Highway" means a .

they saw that,they are, making \ .
I plans looking to the'estabUahr6entof L. P. SCHUTT, M,__. ';'""- .F''closer' link) ]between the United Jj ORIENTALPHARMACY: PANAMA I .
such next win- .
a servle. .early '
I '
: . ter: .4' On t'ho' South;Shore Rates Reasonable \ : } i1 i1w. "
'TThbre'are' now; more than 5,- ; '''States and the island of"C ba.. i .
1 1 000\} mont: worJTtfn different'Seo- f MEAT
: tions of the Cuban Notional, Highway ---- -W--I <-,.---" --.:,... ._ -..-_"', ....... . __ _-"-- __ .. ,e I' 5 MARKET ,

1 t which will extend practically I Prosperity follows good roads. I .
throughout'. the length of' the t
: iHland. Much 'of,, the road Is already !t r A I DUVAL ST. ARTURO LUJAN .

. completed months before, .but these it will sec-be.several' : : II.. : .* Key West is looking into a bright. future PROP. ,, .

: ,.{ions are joined . f. :: Welcomeis I, .; . I.: .. !.: t PHONE 379 '

'. The -highway') runs' through'' theVnost .,' ,. ... : .because of the vision of her = .
,picturesque section of the :. '" '* '.: : .1. 600 FRANCES . Plione, 222

.' I l Republic.: It also'connects : __ .. TO-- :. ; citizenship -' I :
,the: most historic. ?cities vof the > .

lountrymany of.them insepereblytLinked' KEY .W 1j ) ." { : ..;'I I P ; 1 .t' .. .. ................... .... \ .
Cuba's is ] ,
with the story of i ; ST. : I .
t , fight for IndePendence'and.. American I ., ,. :. ( : I' : .. ... .. I """ ""' .P,--..... ', 'I' ....,.,.-,....... :

intervention' / I I.. .. ' :: .I .: .___ .__ _. --- ... .__.. -.- ._ 'r' '" :
These facts,.ate expected to i iI : ,........ : 'i 1. .. l {.). .
I make the thoroughfare' more popu-: : : ;. .. ' '. U"I.I.lI"_ .,4T". ".I'.IlTI'.I: 'I'I'I'I' ..,,
n -
, '
j : ; .
,- lur with auto tourists in the United'St.fbs'than'it *** I.
t '
I .TlIg'.U01\lE. orM .:. I. .L'ON t e
otherwise'would.beY .
/ ; .

,. . ';:I.... : - '..ment". *'\an4", If'\.;ult,', ",Cuban1. other I'' I.'Af...govern umiUarj ,, \,, ; r. &4 'BAftER'VBOY' .BBEAD "f..i- I It : )Reedy' 'forwarding g" !: YOUR! :WAy DOWN :THE: KEYS STOP AT.1'IIE FINEST .; 5 Bk ,.<<

- .
; : ,
If l'U!. ; "\JJ' tr" I 'J< ', ''fk i IIOTEL BETWEEN MIAMI, AND KEY WEST : ,ff K
... 'fff : I, ,I (I .. \ !.. I t tf j. " .. :
J'J''t fy ,
.':!< l. .... .t. > ... .... .' lCo' -
: >, / ;d 'k ,f .l.' "' : g '
} .< .. ... .. a . . ,', -, (II ((2I i \, 1 pany : !
1.r. :
; \ / .. :..! \ >
"it ; oIM : . " .'; '. v THE RUSSELL ARMS I I HOT.EL() :
.' \ ;tI : -
r" .r : KEY WESTFLA.: ,
1JCjB0Y '
i' 't","" !t ,!"i !: ;i( ; ILLkI7 "'tc' : ,\!" '' I. i01 '" ; . I _9AT ,'1'' ',' \...., 1 v <
'," \. '. \ '\ , : ,) 1 : '\II""r ), u ., '. ". ." ..' '
... ., :. It\'''III' -<' :MAI.ONEY": &'. PEACOCK; ,,'""" 1 .,: J, ., \. ... . v .::1. "<' ( I .\'t.t .," \ II...: ,I MATECUMBE . '; ' ;:'!J'l:, : \ : ,c'
: .' . ., .. ,
.. ., :
rr. :, 'V. < 'o "f 1I'-.f!' .. .. r 1"" .
C.L' ,
;; : ; : A; ':i iy 1! : r ;, ( .. ; .
I{ :;: r 4t'G: iii. OT .Rbl .$ aW/'PASTRIES( /, s !. \ ;;1. : .r: 1t "" ,... . . ,, ... : FINE. SERVICE-EXCELLENT FOOD : i I;: '. :.. ; ?'
: :
I .
II' .
1 2" . east,, "1" :, :.f' ,f: \ ,r : : .!., y /fi: ? : v . '.... '. '.... ,':,.,' ,. I I; ,,. ,. '. '. .: ., .v.s---. i ,
( f1f't'Hio' .t'l' ,,f \: '( .'11II . : : ' "I.. ",:lt.. ". :. "., ,t
1"DOU:; DOT 5n : 8I2FLMINQ3TLELT: } [ i', 4f'X41 :: . ... ; 'RATES REASONABLE: ,, .. . ;
\; ( ,, .
; A'
. .t '1 .v .
.. "I 'J J
'"If c < ..J' .
--.f. : ) > :
/ .
T '11 ;\ I , ' .. . \ .
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''i' .. ., '" 1"" " qt'( h r '.' "d.. '.. 1 I.. I ' dyLw , -.' , t, ..... . . "I' ,,d ,j , .?, xA '''h''' '' " r " 't. 1t' I "l! ,' '
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,! r"'Jl.( ,, .. ,fl"- ,1.1.." f r -wl-. ., +i.r. .-+. 'I' .. '. ,' ., ... : : ......._.>-.l y _' . .t.,, : : .. <.1.11# . .. . ; . q.
''' ..;... : "J' ," '!'; . .>. :" : ; : -I- A- .' \ 1 v 'j ''it',1/, .--rT7? -:'- --"' '' ; \\J" .0/,; \ \ ,. ',,';. .. .. .. , / .
w ,
, .j,' ;?l'iJilit! , "< 1, .11.e11 1 Ilre.1. 111111.11YIIIe11!Ir 11.11 1 e IIIewnG.ID' turc .4s. condensed ,/again'.into t send ; ' ( I* : l : 11 :" '
k,1 'n, t t. rrrir : ; . '' wa ) *,O hein; gliding' down' into' thesloragfe for Consumption 1 hi.lho, : nort,h, :cast' i found' ttAett.' \ jv yCto..Vhe.faf; -cor-,. ;, ; : <.1.
' .. .. TUnTLE'SOUP7' ; tei-'thtbnd. \the, old\ famftar9.I2O' roo'hi'' iybe";,. lstrlb"te, : 2
>"- Active Iii )J JGrowth f t .. .' .:<>f,1,, our, h6miirtTy.days-J' ; tbo", ubUe. \r*> L ; tq j 1 cigars smoked, ,these' .boxes'] 1xr'l' -- .

: JNorber g. Thompson. .....e/. ...,...............-...-..-.._-.>- -. -.&- .-..- 1 ..- ._ .. .,.... 11111111.. *IIee11111," common,,;' ever'ydr.y-' 'I '' -variety ,.ol./ 'Thus':.the' '., story. .''of: Ice' ''l'ev al.11M'1I.:1 Ilia other bustaon8'lies:: .liP" with i lindi'lhelr.'wiyv''' tare', ,.. : . .. ,, .:) ";, . .';
] oldest .
''iie bfthe( industries\ the ,
c. OTJ
. r- 1f. i' .,. ,..", .j'', . 3r f .,drl.nklhlf.'watel'I' ;;; : /;<; '. 'V i;'' -This I" ro you;eomIUt.o.' .tl"ink.of .,:i I "
inland. whea
,,' 1 f1i! .-1f if' ,"Of Big 1 'Plant-Here r .. . 1 It;then travels; HirouKh-pijteij! .: ci, Not,'.' unusual 1 l. story ;because l ",thousands, is the" ,box' factory ; '';' ,.
, : ; -where : o cigairt boxes K..ey 'W01lt1ib--.l 1s butraaturaltliakt'.4\; : -" -
' ; t: LhotwoEblgtanks( "' ,; ,; butbofoi', tcp has J.. been:made:artiftcially'fora : : ) .
.' ) t; ;l. "*'''"'. t-t .: '," '11. ,. enters the' tflnk$, y 1.1I; In: filtered, great 'nupibcr..; of( years! but jinIfjue are.mndenwhercinKey;; :West .made you"thiak'/f" : the ndne'of, Thompson'ice -, !+"" 'if.!:. l'
" % > '
: ', ?, ;! J ," ', I "'' cigars: "aresent". forth to tho world : ;makers-box'uiaker --'; ,I" ( l
; : .t1"1\" \ tht'ough'papet'' : and,Any$ .remaining in: th-uf I;one .rcs poct that, this : ," : '
:. )/y '
; 4 \ '
is }<-incidentally! these; 'to*; '1 ifhav* fishermen. n ahd'canners.: ; \ ; ,
: : 'O in" the .
aro reiUQVCd "prf.'the'fexviplafits .
Pnii 1 ? f, w ICI 'is[ ',MADE\. .. .!. INTERESTING, FACTS' 'Now/it;'iaUmo", "t dVputt; t into i(; world,' ''loe'' :' ', Is"1 brought v.--- .."...:;-.*..*..J!'..*M.' .>---..,.. .:. r---, ) $?. ., \. '. . ,".''''r.,-., 1,(. -

i ,. ' ' .1' SJJBJECT'DlSTitLE.... cans";, Wg.. tins". that. iiuikoJablock;, forth irons-an originadip)(( i into the .. e e'i... ; ... ;'... '.. .. ".l."e. . ." .' .- ..:... '!',, ..'::. l+1 t .
.. . .
; BdUTLA : , ,, . ..
( ocoairforTtho neterla1 .
"! ;." iU '"" FAMILIAR) ; ;; 'r; sugt st. of, ice"weighi igr.: : WjUxmhds anldof ,"'' -raw. ';:" '-' --- f: > '' \ '. '.; "
ty\\ w'r :whicHfthers''avlln, ore5i'than The i ocean bold anylneSihaust, TIIE'F I1INGFLPET: : : "; ,"

> ;{ L:: $Eta-41'ATER; F IP tIN U REATQ1J N l'rIES.. .. 'i .ILootial l ogether'" '. J.! * .- ublel,: supply, 'ojt ,Avdlermhoahimyi; !: ->. ._:.t.. _. 't'" ._.. ..._. . ._..__. ...._..... ......, ... .. . !\J .
V ;< ; x } iaucbforJxue.wnteiY' ; /ia! .which ",;'t<"f\\ expanded and'coh.ien : <<: / e1//:/e//e. : -.---- ---. ;, .; ---: -.T,, '?.: ;' .

, ?; h ', .. '. H it.I!:! ts ENi-iNTd>ibMESi6o>Eii'eEi4T.p.uREL ... ,_bern i$ *taken!; fronthe';! ;( ; ocean It hus, ed.'tinie\}}' \\ nfter' Itorrerlc : .. '!I'' '1'. .. r o/'f" .... .' :..;1., ', : (I :;' ". "
, ? day In nd duy.Viiit: t. withoutgrumbllnyt. .
IJh" v t
. II : -
-rr.1'.1.', .. f t4, 1 ,n .''i.,.. _, y:,.\\1"'fr.-fY1I! .yrrns+ eAiew.>..ra.r. "<\mpuritiefl' >! and : .the vblcedng: of he : ,.
". "\ .' ,i}, ':. .,' .. } >I, '.' saits-nd--'deposited.I .. x--, f.", *dy.freezing. : :or evaporator s l-o.l'o.IUO\O. ,\ .the salt 11\olutlun' .( :: .

?'\'T'!\ '.'''" ,'""" .1 ""vf'(' :J. I'L: :'. _, '.": 'lf, :Qy R.. .h odgesMarden. ..'), c. "w NoW'Comes:' "'the; important. J\ -A.f aIt -. the 'steadyovVrslglit\\cft' af;ti-r ,evaporationand of ., ,\ .

r ir"\ 'JIIr;>The' homp on'IcciCompany' ,,at'Key west, P P'I" >!l=._ i 1 1Y4 It cake 8'! pf'lho'making:1'A',, sail brine: :ills} of f;tlie youiv spaco. Ice tled1ar'timt'3t' fCojr.: : Werl'a foes i.,rice in t'o--' ':.the.resultsin every making pat." P I ,' \' TTT .
: '
?;"; / '.(. ited in'con'uliction i' nFish the in hio tanks 'into'vlilchyoul1" -can 'cheoper'lcei-vihrough'"? cki I .
:' : ; ; : with the.rh9mp Co ( .more .-,
:' : ; ; : ;; .: g't of, [purl waterlodeposited;,, :" : and reiwv..;;. ) .*. i> "f'. 'M'i.'''' if ;;' ... .

:t\\::..'> ; : .j 4 randa'? r' F annin .Company 'and the' ,KY, ''Y.est Box' ly through'thiq'n stream. ,j of brine mnmonla,theo. bynieajiti i.a'Injcctcd ,- . ;\1t\V .*-*Otter J.\ :lal.reste l . .", .

.':'rl''j, ; : rLf.,tlCo;"'iswfier( "' the ,leading industries ..of the city 'and, of hundreds of small pipes. When Hvrltetg Thompson,; president'of' / .'' I, ".

./, ;| *" ,' ,:>: |i1fr' '- |JP'' fi'I'contributed R t in a ]large mpasyre.\ .. :'to every -civic'" '*f . vv."V"" : "' "V -"*+* ". 'i .,..; ,tr: with(he >ammonia tho''brino: ;comes and-calclum"cirlor'in')>contact corned' the f.ompnn"j\ 1t.btJio'cemaldnt; ; Js'; not alone! cpn-bus" '

f/r /':'" :! '." m!' tT 1 oyein'enfoa'a. as' to the.,. industrial,progress. of. the'I.I. SpmepfUl; : ; !>'ll ;.d-turtles i brought'.Key': W est:; daily .> --.Tbu. 1%ire idp which Ja" introduced!, into the lnoae, however, for; : he ''has( four!

, ?*; '. '*''i '.,;*:.* Ii i converted_.into' turtle;:'soup. ..'and 'sold by the '-drllndaf Canninf Com.. brine, the ammonia'".expands apd dlat.h; / V .businesses tooversee- R
1 ;J"}....;.ii-\\ : '<'.ok. <, > ,all'J.' of Down ;jjlt,...the' dock,-.,, ,atthe, foot '
{ kcw i'
: '
' ._. the,heat from the.brine, bringing of' KL rnr"t ,. tUiey bring in .
;;. ', \. { ) J' ..t .rj 1. .Nrbel'? Thompson, native of Key West t. .is r" / '
: ; .
; ) { 'j<- temperature; Y the:solution tons ,aiid\ ,ton.* Qt{; mam moth, green ., >( -
:.1 p T'' ;''J;, 1 1(.j r eident'of t the company and associated.with him: : as to'be:' "lower",. : "than1" Irt' any city' ''In I journey of a 'citizen. ;' ,1'8 tier! surrounding the potential cake of. turtles;/*"' ,I'.' "'Thes i itartlcs, are >; .
> .the state;;; ,. through the plant, -was. ,' m|>st. 1ln.. let--d'Own Jo Ig or 15) degrees fuhr- slaughtered: cooked and a delicious ,. .,. ,J.>;'. .. 'Y'. -, '
.' i.. .; ff' 1cats! are Maitland Adams ,vICe, presiden .andAi -- ""* .., .>} "., ,. ." ...:
? -i" t"-
jl' \
; ;; : .4'How ) '' wa'de' =from teresting. enheit. : screen turtle ,soup\ that has Jt;..;. > ': ;.... '
thislcp\ 'fn the, '. >iI> <". .
; ' : ; .481hours,. th'o" 'duke. ''i f.f<<.> >> /..<... ,.. .. "" .' , ',.j ,
ll'ff.fp} 'v'5fredjHJggs} treasurer.compar. the water i is For 1 -of,, pli'Jn Market' .
,,1 i !; :: \ ;: ,; secretary. and . time, the"sed ,, pumped into After put >to .the processbeing'formed: and a ; throughout. the world 4}p .PI; i\'W> 1s <
.. :
r . ; -product.:
: : distillers until' it is deliveredinto OVUP01'tors't the'rate3 J9f 'A. "
I.,H !'. .!ft ,' ,Th' l : ;':, with a di til- I to scasune\ with one fact; oetabfished the makes 0 tons nt'the end of dial time the cans In.i:another, branch.."of 'his busi-) .... ._ -,-_ .f''
) ; '
'homtv *
tlje 'a '
"r Chapter sent v jp *
!; "
'dy '
itis i ii iir'rfte
\\ :f'':;, ';f: ;'.. _Uoi! stores of .converting salt by corn ?:orison; .!?._ naniely.'; : of...interest! ing .reading..,. . \y..._. or so,...-a witltheiimpuritieteifli, day; vapor are removed >a solid block1' of ice;, nc a i' ho' directs! \ a' ,fleet of more ,: This.I'n_ !! ehjwg;) n part ot tfrejargo..flshing fleet rifft Operated': by t17oi| j1,,;-: .. .' _
, \'" -'r ' ..,,, .\ r mtopure fresh water, has a I t that the prico 7f ice in ; \ 1flattd t'cadyfortileptYingeinto4hChatwater \ ; than+1 iboats'tfiat? b}inJr'iir1o'mfof. : ; --co. -:--- - - '
Y .; "fshermer-1' wlt the] ; 'CWompion'Fia1i They
:,,' ',' '. ,'(.\'; ', Key..Weat.j' Beginning'& with\ tho p nlJlng'-of into thewhere :- dlstlllin i joomirdugh thai) loocena-thcm) from the aU.lctfids:: of:fish that swim th'o"uIt land :' junction > ., , e
; capacity of 100 tons-of ice a day I although at costs snore I the 3eawat.or.: direct from the bay the vapor>,>aSal ji 1l \ dfdes{ of the tins and when the andoceanraidwhlch' are iced bring In tons of fish! 'which: Tiro annually'"shipped\ "J.o"II} : :parts J 1 of the t; -
;' :'. fJ.T. ; p d the output varies according: lit than anyvrhui'e:' vise is reported the distillation pipes atmospheric'', tenipcra-\ tins tilted country.
into pumps are the runaWaf
: und shipped! West ,
: '' :''. \} ..., '. :
' I.
\ : I I '
.. .
, .
< . .
4. "
; r.'p'' i i. ,
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i ... . '. pia.,.of i;the" Hrst railroads contracted :. .. . '" : i"I'" ;' .. : ; '' i'. t.' \ ., : .. : -' i
: ;
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t hi'. the United st te. 'wN! ' :-.. ,. 1 .< /' .Ii. "' p ( :', :. ", "J':" '''! :1. '' '11..1.:' .04-, . ,'"Ihi f; .i.. .t. ,1: ,.','" u '., ."' .t'I.; ,1..r. / .:
EvenlCMJCatch t Fth ; Miracle? He Raves t.bat''be"L1'allab.'c\I, '' !>; nd! Ft" N' . '. : 'I" r I'i. I J".' ',0 "'. 1] ..... .. ' t "k
Herefiph '
4 I . . "' .
Marks, : 't.. 'OW. .. 1-1 . ,, :
.. by, r \ .",\ .. \ ; -' .. t .., '. .r 4 ;. '.., . .. ,..L" "" ,'\ 1"I' .\
; t" II' The. .j rat' trunk lino l railroad |>Jn 'i .t h.:4' ,: ..."I.l'Lx. "" ,' !, \ ; --; I. 'M'....' I , ,'. e. 1 .;,. ." ", .
ENGLAND Florida was 'constjiu+,ted between-! .' ... ,. .. ,.'" ,, .. :. "" '''.. ,,;' &!, .' y','It, ;,\ .' .; '...."\\1.... ,,'JI ',I." ', .., . . "It*""< I' : 11 ,
TRIPG >! %r '". ; .
SAYS AFTER .FISHING and, Cedar Key? .. I" .i.. "
>rl" ; .
Fernpndina t ; + '
., /" ; .' d..wj',"'f S..IT. -.i4.I.! -, . ""' "\ ,t h\-.rlt.\: ., ;: 't't". ' .l\\\ \ *' 'I' II", ,
? i.Or* V FJdrida( 'shipped 23,315 :>ar- e '. ;. ;" i jr. : ;' '!; ;" 11 /. U\J\1It\ \' l' : i . .}'
.. ....'. v. ", .\: loads at 'orange*! and 17,843 ears' I List ti : : " ., ,,1: ';.Tl lff; Mlffe'j: : >. ,\ 7>: :i.7'.' < 'ii? <"'. l ., .>, ;1./-r.J:!: !!{ .;,o.: ']'.' {': L"I\4't': ""?,""I' ,, "'' ';'' .f.: .:

',G org.1.rAu. : It''i" ',b..n ,fi.klgi' loads of, grapefrui; i last *ca on.Florida's ,::1. I: :' ,. : ;JrI",1'Ii:i; "Hf": '''P ;\tFX'" '.''' ;1.':''''" n.4 4.e !: j ,p"m.:, : ; t {u. ;t v <' .t. I .t 1t'.I. '\") I" 'l. t.IIi 4 ' ','""

'. He'fca. .l-otty''gOM. lack" ,A p.rty'.1 five caught "200 manufactured prodiucU '.j" " \'fW" ', '" ," ;::: '; '\ " "I\ ! | "; m :; .:.rl- ,; ,I"", .I'!' 1j1": '" \ !' ",..d1r'l'
t f._:...pp.yp.pp.yp.' gronuter;'porgi., *.' tn.rSot"' toad 'fishh! yellow' annually, are valued ,ot f 267-. I' : ," .;\'::, :> & ., - '1.>" .I ;" . .I.t1"r !. t.I J-t) -I,( I' )< "
\ ;
tail;'' aharke. .t... I..'..r.,...*.'::thH.,.
,I(' i I. .The 'noted _.,.st..,writer'.'' own story .{tbe. : '.azpaditlon fol.,, '. ;The' streams and 'lakes'of/ Florids : 'h,....,....who ;fiaf paad; tho;busridiaa '. ..' ."(. :.., .".,....,. 'I.., 1p''- ",tq. t .. '", .'ts. . ..... t. ...,I : """'"r:1':': ". ..',
' 2,000- ;:;1 .. + :,;. ; \ .. ,' '}1. ., 1 J.t' ,". , 'f 1.1.v" '.
,lowe . f'' Occupy approximately I. .
> f i / : : " ".'..
"I _,' ...,and w..' convinced I I,, .....1, can .catch fI..r. 000 acres,'81"' aprolmatelYI one- ; .1 lite mfy" addV > eai.pj.ari;. I.I. ....... .:.. ,' :"IJt: .;.I"I" .. \ \ \. ,.. ".1' .,, ;.- ..... . .4' ',,, ".. .,. .' '" .
'{ Kay Ohlr.ctl./ I I'Tbe' .. . fifteenlh; ..of 'th| sU teVar, a.," 1 / I. " .t"j': ....:.. t' 1; "lr5jjJii.; < . ,' "': w JAI .',. '!>I'' C'r. I1/ ,.."... ,II '\\I '":,. '. \ I :
/ fhbar.h.rt'ai,Kaf WQt.i= right, and'oven a congenital Florida has anrareaof3.J ; ; ,llli040 ,- f *\ >n'i, , ',, ,' .. ; '. f' .
... .. ., f' , ;." ,v.. 'j' : ( .
.. ""
v .
x. : p v : >; .
. ...... '" I
J..I..IiI.. ... gn'atFh ':'ent.ln.'It. |f'tluathM't'"proefxposj.' acres" of'wblch'.only'\ 4,2a7i I IXrr . Fw 1. M d \ ;' j-:.: ., :
lrlntsM' a \ f.
,,y' tiv. .of K.r'W..ta.p'r.-.min.n4'p..itl.wa, .....a.ri.. | paradisa, ?7l 'bAve J been pitilzedfor'Lkgriculturalliurposes. : 'pea'diag'tk'oir.-." vv'i': ; ' . ,. I. ,.. ", 1r I .\ ;f ." ,.." .\.,,"" //; '. ..h., ... ' .

.v- r' .. wb.e t..aak. c:. :, 'f" .' ."* '" ". ... ** -/ ";- ..' .... .. .. -., ......,,, .oi.... '' >.'< ,:, w:.5,.. ''Btar" ';.ani' ..=.,''t.11 .w,.:" ..:'.' ,I.I..' ... ......_' ',.'."....' ..<.\.':'. ._:"' .- !'"' .... ''J., '. t. 'Ii .. .:'J'I<" -::.-.- .-:.,::..:.- ". : .
cti . f' '
"I' 7elraska) . -, / ; .
'from "
happen to ... or .
I. \
:ear. :: I
Ufcero sissy
abiJisV' i ( . \ .
t. '
weat"of . < ." J. :
t which flea considerably,{ i iI i"- I. .'. .1(' I.
'I'' FROM;:EVERY?:I OtXT r 1ty 1 ia :: ', It' ; ''I ',
In' Missouri l, they lay: \ .. fountain. 'of renewing'.. yoath .y .m
r .. .' .. \ ... .M!'
,; 'You've .cot'. to show'W' I ... 'fVity. t. .:. (,'., I ,. [ '- ,
: : ,
homa-liko'lla )
'' dictum./Uj, Y.-- I (4..i.. .. . I ..', ". : .
; "T e' Nebraska ; : II I .' ,,; .'. -- .... -. "
'You've got to put it,In' my h.edl'! ., 6 .. > . :I.. 1ONtiiiA I : :
{ Brother Brysony V; Mardett'- : s1 rrs i .ean/eoaio" ov.r the wondw. ,,:: .'.' ,.... ., \ I' " .... ,.,
ii Ycu : ., '.. r., '
: "' ( ,.. ,'r, ', L" : .
that : i' : '
Drown did Just', hospitable! ,... .. .,
r 1' i \ .
thing<<;-:put the fish, sir, Tight i in. 1 I f l.o. rea eanid''Highway; br .... -- ...-. _, .1'; ." ';0.,". I '." .... .\".," ',.

. rny hand, Nq end'of[ fiihf, What 1I I 1 autamabila.. by. traintjr. ''I ;' '; boat. or ':....' '..' '". .... -. . .r.1 i, '' ) :: ", .
.L ,
could guileless and In- .. f' .. ,'
more a II' I ," I
} j ,.. ,1 ifi" .
quiring' Nebraskan ;require? .by 'airplanaV" ' ; ". .. .... ,, .,;"/: ' ,., # .'"' .,' "'" .
.' 1 ; \ r,. I .
'"Our':recent.; little ,.Jaunt out, tothajetties 1I -::1 ''I.. /', rl I" ." :. i,. '. ..

,, was a sheer revelationto 1J I ;V : :: t .. '..:, ': >'. 'J f 'r w.MpYal.:"'.<.? < . .111\ : -"'< '//J'" 'f,, '* r. i1 ,#
, sucji a sceptical neophyte ,w I. J hit l ,. \ I I
and' i =ife
fins citizens'I I :GomeTe :: . -: : om- I "
Many a time and oft sat :: .. . .: i 4
patiently, In a bo t"Oft n rthew.teN I1 I 1' -. '_ _.. :
-- '- ---

catchin(.iUa 'and',<
thin Summerland, whey. the .
thift'Floridlan' fishing'\ something : : i ; "n ::'
f lite; '"again. I . -

"Fieh'T. Mat_..., 100)1'!. sun ie ever -.hinl.. and flowers: H \ T . on the successful -com '. \ ,\.

Grants, grM er., turbot>> .. I ever! blooming, w .r. .tke fish are J ,
..... .
and lot
\ snappers *
b.' mars till I 11 got Jlny trying. Vessels from.all parts 'of the world make ,Key West a port of call. ever and the mocking. bird :
biting .
I r.l" '1. east '..*.. And each af. H \ ; pletioirof .vii oj. :the : r rH ;

h..uti.s-iabU, accommodating. ..* or four" R. LOPEZ TRUJILLO cigar stands in Philadelphia J ,. New j iafine aM!I the day*.. : : ; .:_
York, Los
Angeles Hollywood, .
... *
,, Tain p!.c.rttiag of bait caught Sb competing en OLDEST.MAKERrOF and under Detroit.a retail'-value He makes of 10 nothing cents, I ." H most t unusual and difficult ; !:
--- It..clo otbr,- lika Ramaa : and in now. turning out Isices.. 1 I .
; gladiators, for t". urivilace f These include club house;'queena, '
dying! to make our holiday) HAVANACIGARS' I individuals,- perfectos, .inyin.clbten :

I'"' boat fish crowding and bailing up around un Say tb.,-,;'Imister I cazadorct,' coronfia,. and naeionala.. F;.. H. Schmidt, \ projects in the history . !F\

It in Intereeling' to 'noto that .
; .1" u. a how, teof"We : KEY ''WEST MAN RANKS AS I I 11.
: caught fish till we weN Mr. Trujillo is undoubtedly; the .h'j '
: 1 fired of catching, and had to throw I I OLDEST IN AMERICA- oldest clear Havana eigar' manufacturer I of jYO
in the United States. lie Engineering cqp"j
D \\j
'4 '('m In again, to keep the staunch. j WELL KNOWN BY FOLKS maintains the reputation. and Royal, l Park. Pharmacy, ." .
lip!) "Goofus" from iiwamplngi .
customs of the real l L_
1 i !ICxhnuBted; despite my herculean} \ ALL OVER, THE COUNTRY! 1 .PALM BEACH, FLA. .. \ "'- .'
I had finally to Rink nuatoms! 'bf the'real 1 old fashioned :.
strength I i!
hock, smoke my 60 H.P. hay-burn- 'Havana cigar;, arid he is. at the : struction. .' r .,

.pr, and watch the others do the Born in Santiago de las Vegas, dinpowil of distrjb'utbrs; >r desiring I r I"' . .. iI ....
weighty work while I performed Cuba,".in' :1862, R. Lopes Trujillo f4>,obtain'this' line. .of. high:! class r . t,J'I '" ,,'

hand file-heaYy-obaerving.,blisters .one''"than'. is arr( ,just.>, And a trifle be has, over an-engaged 7G\,years'.of In, ': "'.Iio'!',fo: ,\, .1't, ,i".': .-:... ......._- 0.1 ... ... -----,-, '' I b t . \: ;
develop )bigger ;if., ..i''i.i: :.. ,'"* the"fiavna and bualnefi
toy balloons- ,just from an ezemsa cigar' tobacco > .........teeoaesre.r.eoea..e:...............eiM . ; opening :;
5,, -, hauling In Walton lan' beauties, / Valj.Tjis-Vi: } e, first .In Cuba *.,,.-. .....*/.. ..... .......... o........ ......... ...iiA *yejj I .
. ,
fli 1M.XJ Jn1 I ?: a- '. .. -- 'i < TiIT ,: '\- ',1
States.J AA d
w Iit'\ .. time to holler 'Kamerad\' '''Pray pardon me from' lapsing .;i..Jt flJllloJearned! ;( the inca'opts .. ;..y'F,: 1 5f t'..:.:r r .. t of the highway'acrpss. the" ;I
Into slang, but only the vernacular ofthe 'Havana cigar business I : : ; ; (I
do' to andI ftom'bia father, Diegp Lopez Tru : : : a ; u
can justice( my feelings, ,
f desire inform the ifllo, who established a Cuban factory : : . ,, t II
to cock-eyed . Wonderful Florida <: t"iT
( K&yst
in Santiago de las Vegas in . ,
cosmos!' that if it's fish they crave, .
Key West is the locality wherein 1887. During vacation days, ,it ... :::::c= S. .. .. ,, e e J

1 hovel: same cqn be procured,! ad tered'was that.the R..Intrlcate Lopez ,Spanish Trujillo ''mas handwork ......01... .. ... .,, e a with their tropical facilityunmatched if.
Jib. I came, saw, was convinced. '. a ( ,
I methods ,
of ,
,,the Cuban cigar- ,
/' ; a
,Toward the end of the gorged: ::' : : .
} : i
, a
makers. 'And .the- trade ,. .' : "
In" both : : "
,,, ,o\Is ''outing, all the others, of the . a ;,.""; ., ..; d '' .
11 .
'I : I ' .
United ,
Englandwas '
f, party were ,standing at sold with Statesand'' brands from' the j i|:; ; ANYTHING S FOR THEjOFFICE j e e "v '" ; climate 'willA\ w. ?
the gunwales batting the embattled Trujillo plant. / .. '- *' ::, ; : ,.; :: ni j e e f1lif'Yart.: ? :; '.: !: { ; : ; t' f ::

r '!;/ >fish back Into' the: brine, when they h .One) S'th. : e:earliest!: {? customersof ) l.1! .-,)y',","' ,,'. ,' ',. ...,..,..... ''. .' ., .1 .,. .: ., ,.,,.. ..11'1" : .' % ;: 1, ; ., .' IV .. Mf, ; II 1'
trledtoleap'aboard.; ; Otherwise hteTrajillo.factorywae.Horace :: { \ !'; : :' 7JfCrtt'Prds ria 1 i M, ,
.. rity a
word trace.. Have J 'been''sunk' without a R. Kelly-of; New Y'orkl'wIo(( hada .: .ROM. : : ,tat happiness "" !!

brand called the Flor de Santi . .
"A. for nio-believe it or Park &: .Tilford also :n* : ae "
ago./ were : ,
., not- I wa :crouching. under old customers. : to Key West and .. ii

'an umbrella, truftlinv to Mr. Trujillo was a Cuban patriot r : : .H j j : ,
drowaed. II. Paper Clips I I ..
keep from being kjr.thi ..1 / and he wont to New Yorkto
delue.. If ee ,
> piioatoral| you manufacture 'cigars In.1872. ,> Monroe County. I g
don't 'credit the statement, Four ye'ars later he'opened a mod. ... oo ,ie ,
t. . .
ask. Mr. Bryton, who w.e eat factory for the manufacture -wI tae .. J,
among thoiev .re.ent and who 'if, clear Havana cigars: ,at Tompkins *Z *. TO : : :,> e r \ '

bravely dla more than her Square, Tenth street and 00 >t e I .. .. .
ae ..
"FNi'lt hare' of?, Wei the),batting-out.rather! 'I f Avenue ncreased! B., ,so His h3 4tlfpatel',buirffiesn({ rapidly. moved | 5 ifi! i i'J > ," ,I I '. . J.'i"Jf'I.I'' ; : { .
/ ; i i"R { t : '
"Th tj '. a t It\ to. Urger -nnarters to. Eighth! .,street RreProoJJates; : > .i. '1 rt.U/l' !/ r' . -: .1 ...
lgi I f.
y'"r"; : t'a ; ... .. .. .. : ,J. L ::
il < ,, 'r.rb
enough!I' "r'r''>if >\f.},' } .and'Avenue-fCv\ "i /,;" .,.'> t / //'J' ,., ; : ' : .. coo. ,:: : r'* .' ; I ""Lt: \ of J, . .. .rl.t .
: :
"GEORGE ALLAN; ENGLAND: i :In' 1888 the'plant) "wad again ret -. I I. '

"1".' S. My xleputatiSn? < or'rsra-' : moved to Key West, Florida un ::0: 1 r, p o.ooa .:>10 e .

city has'always' been, purer, than der the title' of: DiegoU:; Trujillo o* 'f, .. 'Aj. + oooo ,10to "
the driven,, virgin snow,'' and' has,, ft' Sons. This factory operated o O** PHONE 406 ooa :to 8.J. : II.
never'yet'been. seriously. questioned i with .oine' 400 hand worl rnen.; un. aa f' .1. oooo ,tota GrOves
!" til It became one of the original ..*. S ., .5. .' ,,ta
). ': units of the 'Havana-American CIgar . .. .oo.. ,tat '.

W. H.; Sturmer; One' Company. :: WED E I. I VIEJt';;| .: oooo :tata ta .. ; .... .
So Mr. Trujillo went to Cuba as . : ,. .. "

of 'Key West's Friends buyer for);. this organization until .... ., .... ._ h .. ,,tat

he started. In Havana a cigar under and ,leaf his business own- :.:. I'I .. r :: :ta ata I ;"

Hundreds of Key Westers are Thereafter he again .. . tato II
.. name returned . & 'Sons CO
with the -Roberts;
well acquainte -
York '
to New an<;J was appointed :: s :
Hotel, on Flagler street: .Miami, general manager of the .. .

close "to the ,Florida! East. CoastRailway i D. L.'Trujillo branch*of the! HavanaAmerican 1 :. : tat a .. .
station, where metn. tata
<< Cigar! Company in .
host Wilinm H.< (BillSturn..r) Key West, which he served ..until J. tata I I : ::

seer 'to the( colnfon .of his' thousands .. 1015. cd \+ fE tata .. .. ....
.j.jI INC.
of annaat'guests.. He started to, manufacture
I, ,thi hotel,;\ an attJ'ftetlve..tru, again with a few handy and many .. T tota ORLANDO FLA.. I. H
ture- from the butaide,and a coni- 'riendshlps accumulated in long ... ,. .,. tata ;
odious interior,; was built in' rears at,the trade. v And: .now, after .. ,tJ":",,' :. toto .. .. ,. ..
''1iamC d the '!Rober s" in .. ..
and '
1921 .several.years of active manufacture .. '. i ..
}honor of C.: Al'frftotrt* the, president again, notwithstandinghis .: RULING to toto ', i ..
\ and i treasurer, of the come 7G years,of life lie is first at : : : i > ..

I the: factory each morning,, arisingat C. . toto : H
There ari; ;,' J.(OroOJn..w' "Ith'a th I 6:30: a. m., remaining on the .. .. N.... tato '" ..: .Builders of three sedlic>is, of-the .. .

and 'durnrthetouris1$ ; ; season this Job until clollin,:'June 'each 'da,. : '211 Duval St. : : tato -

hotel is one.:.of the Hveliesfr.places. .,' ,H> :>; asveipanJea;; ( Jttfai business .. .; . '' : ''.' ., c .,. i" '
in the '-CltY'.'alio" hnvlnr;. It Liharb : from something iound'100 hands .. ..,. ..-. .. .r ''.. ,, _. ,. .., ,....'Ii ,toi.. ..,. .... I. Oversea Highway I !!
of year;' round} )piestBr! makjng tit I .o''a'mod:!
an' Idea"/ place tovislt at. any"seA-I I IJ capable of caring for about'800vorkers. : :, .i; c KEY .WEST, FLAa ', ,: :: <_ ; 1 ,,, . ....
> I '
1 ROn pf>the''"year.: .IV;; 'Jv : .1 .', Nothing Is'made. 'In this : :' : It" '' -,'.'} ,. .. ': ;. ', ..
"; if *"' hotel also'operate "clear Ha .e '' .. . I .,
absolutely .
.The! owners'? ..yth i plant.except . '' '.. . .
., the.famous: Elms hotel at vAacigars, qf.the old atyl4\\ "Qelar . t .; .% '. ',"'' '- k .. I ... .,,: .- . ::

fiJcelslor','Spri. ,"';;Mo";' .n4 the I''! ..caWnets..are arranged in the .... ... 'I..... '. -.. '':' yG' MbR ...i h.,!j; ,. .... ._ ',{' .r .. . ., ','. t .. > .- !..
Well, known-) CWcao to for the manufactured ... "% . .. t. .. 1r" ; .. ." .
Brlggs:House,; a'%! factory care < .. .. .
& C I I r .
: v
,' "" '""' ;R i stock, 'andvery'care' in'packing' : ::' ', r , -, ,. .., ---- ..
? .l .
.hostelry;' ; . . :: .' .. ; : : ;' , : : .. ..
; } + St1ml>cr, manager of 8114.-.shipping istaken: .. .. . ... . ." ,' / ..
a.1 '
WJUiaia ' ,
: ) : ;
i : \ '
,' : I' )
( I". .I1" ' :: :, <
; .. . . : I
; : ,1'' ..
\ "
blttel"'ice' it Jo to inure the ultimate'delivery' of ... .... ,t '.I' J ,.1.' .. 1' ''' )'' '' ., ,
' '
; .
;; the Robert.: was '' . :;') ''''' -'.Iity;, ( . .. \ \ ,0*" .0'1 J ,' .. ,. '. ;" .,;... ,/ ; : .. ,
j '
\ .j
f \4 '
,builthaa hW1 ? !* t thee' cigars';:the, sm ker' in, the "'. 1 r'A ::!" >re .. <.tv' \ 1 ,; j'O f-
-t, .throughout t the! ;'eogntrynavIng' finest 'conditions.Mriyr.ujflo'ibrandsare .... -. .' .'\" : ,. ,t r: ""f"\i\ .. .. .:'\' :"',:, ; ::: ; ; . '." , ... : .. .1.. . \- .. / '" : ,I f.i". : ,!:" ', ,''r" : ::
bu !ne .sail ',n4sl'iifj. I II 1 : TtOW.soldrby.t . . 1 tt"", r I, .1''.,.!.! f. :'. ::1 .'.'1 :' ;!;:;J:: : ,:\\1'iI '\ I" '' ,, ." , :" ' ." 'oJ 1.,1.1'01". '; IN'(1 ,.,; :.: : ; ,:.r.t: ; ''J y 4.a ' " ;'. .". < }
beef' tnthe'pote1 IJ 1 r."': .. )" :' \.1' '1"" ) . ......... ........e.........ei:.. .... ... ..a. ...:
I ,' "' .e .a.e....... ..: a. ..:......:.... ... .i.1..i'........ S ..i.i.i.
.J ;.;: y r., Krl 'r 1 I ". r' "'::1.."'""'i&' ',.,,, Jf: \. .a1 j 'L" : f ,,tt'.e.. fprcmost'. '.-' "dubs. , and II"I ,> I.. ..rr......,..'....' ...,-.......... .....e... ..................-... ., ... . '. !ee',":... ,.!... .. ..,.... "..... ... ".:e. ... .... ... .:" .!.>,. ., ',. .':.".. .:....... ::. ,::::::::::::ell '
. .
l : : . ,
"i.t. .
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.1r.'Q.'Q.'d: . .. ', \ !
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1" '' 'nk y
f"'L\ t \ i ;t'l"' ,of, *, T. w r T'' .... ,.,,_, . 1 f -1 1wholoils
D.. AY "'.J .........."A'DY.21S' '' -. "28J.. ... ." ". . ,.. . .. ..... ., s rI.1"" "TJtF : .. l' *, Vl \ .tI'..' .... "" < t. ' .,' .,. ft'; 4 .f
r '" ., .. ._7;"i ,w ., . ; 1" .. '" ;, XEY".. . .. ,. 'h'.., fcrrIZ. Nf _'! ..... .. _ '4' tf '- ': .-
t r ''' ,.. : .-. ,.:., . =," : :" : : "" r' ; .. ';SJ. !''I :4, q'1fre"" .. 1 I.I I
1 'i. r 1 1 1 '.. : BOUND:" *I' "''. I : :. ___,JI ,. = i---, .1 J.1 -" ,. ..'f. ..;"" ""I' ." .' ., ,\ ,.. .(i I .

< I'' ;a .* ,: 4 CSBAV. '', ... t./' ., . 'iI'' rumltfsTATEe" IIL..t&lil7'C.; : lr.ecoll: CckJnditlon. ars s i an1d: oid4banU'\ Jyo! '. ,
f+ .
: ( iJ-t& v. :'- . .,. ., !i ," .x'i. .iaS ,. r ., .')- ,
; ; N ,r
1 IJ 8' CITY J tot1CIM( ,r h .. ". ' v :. .t, : '* 1" 'h g ""f y mpty Fsh"-on :hsaa l btodayttg ,4
. Tf '.,"RcticlJingi :the,/:f.ati. d''following, anlrrUntein; ) bietoryand tit44apv: 9.t; "

'r BEINGREGAINED. : '.thei<;, *A, Dann-jr' '''' ot '1'!'';.l.; t2Pptjiratfurg oeonohle1dAv.lopmsatt: ,to'-.ou'l a( . ,I".r t"
f hf'lbt -:
Vre'sltienl 11o"St.t ;
; ;, l :
: t ,
< '
.. :
4 .r a;;.:: '//I ,1) ., 5, ,,(- fe;' .' r --r I \) Chamber pf# Comm6rtesiHd:? that eon :store,proml int::: .Mr.'Kii::" ,+ < :: .
._....' ''v' I : l 'r'
.1' dm'iat''o .
Frewl noth,
,. ; bj> $ '
plicrlc disturbances + : t
i jfroiniuch,; : ( almo ... Vsom6: \jrioridlfni.f; wtnfaml tar \WjtLcon'ltioda'throVghau,6.tbe ; '. ,.
*' '. .' TAMPA. Flia..Jan.,2Ii.LFJorld..1talis ; :: f n"year 'trhoaainde :: t.' .

iX: O'Jqpab1el.wn 11 i:' .irts:) Pi., ;aaant. ,(;suinnicrs! ,, delightful } j ; .I- "" ",' :- .are rfjraiiiinK ihofr, ,'f )ith In urityrlthesnmmorNcreof; ,, ';cdantryt .t the, .: IT v'' of, persona\ dufiii J / '"; : ";' :

.' 4i the '. "
future .i ., the boom
oplinlon > "
< ct-onoinlc' dovplopmcnt) thatt.ol'l..tOb. :' iT'eacpcrleneJng days invested. .thcir +1 ,
Mrnlkrs+; ionslalit.., >ait-l.Jen, ;. :<;
: 'Seasoi; b it illg''" Ure'czca' invicoratinif l "at- :: : .. W"V out v*" the. : 'muddle < !'investigation r'r'iu'' \ developed;' 1 soil? l LaV a'profit' the sooondVpayinent.'was' >> . ,' '
: unipiirjBi
si free: clime, r lost r1'Ml.
.1 hloNphorpapd a trvD howeverho'added ."that 11\ du (
; : >
11 . :- ,.... ..,; l left &y the cory
", oil unittI' making Key AVcat'the ... . ,06'-" : "' collnpne-of' one of the \ ' 1'l
/ : ", Y' . 1;; parrsoH witli'olMI, states FfofM* Knight eiplUn. Since J .the*( ;I
?: .' ; most, dpsirablo resort; known, today II.,. ." greatest. . investment- booms' in'' hiss nclu' |1JS-] .was in a more favorableepoaitldn. .! hD.a: sertedbe1;, 3\;, av '.D1I"'tfPr,.:" .,"t j1

.A 1 1""IT i e ..en y'E: ; 'tr I for, yar-round' .home", anJI for r .,,,,,, < ,: ,, ... lory; leading. ., Florida. ....... buslnebsTheydeclardtIi '"Although1 'proife'sgT.'rttJT.bfijslvw : ( s nted .conditions to \t,1i, extent ofc' t
i" '
.' . '. - . healthy; happiness, \ comfort ," "" \,, ,. .. .... .: 1" "t'sCir, ; :' .r. < ; : : for-a f cw'>ears: ?,tbp'staUjls ; ,effecting'.the; solvency: T of' the irtati. '.. ..:;'
". 5 .
""t,. .1 I evnlentlncnt: ,.." year'has ., bound to) come bnvktoaorma:: :" >> t{ 'aftd.IU. <<';; Institution, \ \

.. Iii .1.' ....... .. _' ', ,, ,Due 4o Key Went'*. 'idcaV'cllma-1 f '. f'n' :,"'" ". r. J 1lIln .aighi.: ofrctreuFhmentjand: been] cy, '': 'F.lorlda? po,1Wcal. ,dltsfi{ p': : u.PI! t tblnk'th en, .safelyay, ,'' ', ;/ = I-
is I &fc conditions: this eity has' the : .'; blJl 'been reportddae'hav' i -'t4f' ho, declared! /,'thy t'very 'few1 '
., 'IIY" peot .
t'' x, : : FEYLW 'It )IILAWY,: TORDI TIIANANY'SEC.' J JI I record of ..anyLCoiniiMinily \ ,,''..Jd.p' ., oo..'" At'P i. :-!:;'oJ'" Qt. cci_ >noiiy) '. throughput! ; t Jill J. 1 lines'-!! $ :tabkedop\ : ltsobHffatlon: *>; >' ndWi\;" jpl'> \ 'with' 1'In theworld.The ." .i- ,, 1.-. ..f' industry; quite different the ngmber'of.' 'munieipalUl. : 8."Y.;;: '' .touiid'"I Investments ,' ,
., 'equal population 'P. ." !" ,.... .". ,.. J from sad 'kept ,, :
,? I: : TION. : OIt'>Tlta 'COUNTRt NEVER. ; I .: local newspaper* a\\' o.," ,j .. ,",.' 'J.. ,.". ." .'. - '...1'., :"J-". ofjspcndihg> _;wizen the; boon[ actbaliy'gope': fnto,.tbe:;'obn'belt) .l 'there ?,witbout'speculation* : suffe: ,

t., ,' ..', . ':.:,.:.' : t' i"" .. frequent, intervals' has gone more t ,-. ," ., to"fane'bigPipedt' .' . r..r..i', was, in swingy,. ** M-."-e''. W: ket .rcfeftiyand'pattra) : ; )(pd.t: qir.- bd ;idy financial' ; .
tr ;, ?: : JlAS i KNOWN.'FROSf.jCey *5.e <. J'I than two :yrceka'without' a' deal II *" bwn'papep'sdvadt: (:<(-of'M; >edatriAf $; sad egshl { l
t It.Itf l 'st _
.. ', .' : all death.. : ; ;; .. ;p. S.St'Cul! : q. : The.,period;_ vf "depression [)apparently'Is ''niAturity."- ......: : ;. offices .' '! .
.. : t< ) notice to- publish. '.Most' rl :" : thaf'makoe. j tltNy, f'pB.; :trol. .. \i'y.. : ;M:;.; f ,:Jfr. : 'I' .:; with Aee9klng 'oj5;, "
( ;... \, . .tintersto'.aojourn G''.f' : { : ;' -I had' rounded oet .i. '. . pa sAlt; \. ,' 6uafq'eas ic'adcjrs i !- '
.t 'of / ) ; "
/citizens .who to :: 'I'e'ttr'py Knightbwprol >inprtt'gl : '
lire M> I aVana1; !1 I t -trtnte{ I
'"" . Jl V ? 1 I ... ; :. I: a' heavy -
,\. '" Y : lute! / fodndatiolfthe'weather out: the three score:;and kewiththepassingrofyoung ;! .II,' .: ., ; ,... ";II. tr. .' .. ngreedeclaring: the;'state '''ja' 'i rilp la"h.... bah1F'r. ";"; :. fb'"rlst'trade' ' \
\ \
. ff.. Ja: W.; .r..1 il... . without ; .1'" "" "," ' :" --: ... . \ ... jll- } :.., grKCt 3r
.. . 'J''C" .. .pi "
:{ .
be- .. "
,', bureaatatemerltMthatthicitrrhas ; persons t.. . .'," ._ .. ." '. . ... '. ( i : : :/ 1tj:,! ; h' .. lI. '
I ) r f'' ''' \;'I. . " ...., .. .," *. '"" : : J' 1 .1
leading I' :
-I indeed. A : ? ; 'i-
intie Jnl'veraeldom ) :iy.y-iv; [ .
: 'J : West;;the"only city ; ; ; \ > ( \' ..AI ,J 'I
t. '' at'a4- but flverAtprmsof : ? physician! of th ,; sta4 once II I"'I. 1. ' ""'"' /' -;"'','. ' ','.:. :%. ,. uvii.-' "..'...s.n-/.-.. : .. t, 1 ,;-:" ,. . , .. :. ,.; .,r., : .//1, ). .. . . .
: United ;Staten that hast hurricane Intensity' In b7'years; I /said that octogenarians are .so ".'].'.ot. .10 '"..... . ':,:;.n': : 'j'"' .. .""11""'J",," .i> ', ..:"":f. ' .aP', ,I."tr .' .". 'trFr.j.!' 1 .." p ...':-0J.,. /.r"U,1' ..! "" :."".', .. .......J .-. .. . :' t .. -r'"d' ,"
{Weeters Attorn' tlmo West as not ..tooccasion '-", ,- . '. ': '. : '''11.' ." .:. : .. ; , -, .' :' ... 1'I1'' .I '
Key' .read Ito( common ,In Key r .."' I. I J ,
!; l .frost would I ,1 ''' < ,, . .
ever ii .Children "
ofgreat.etorni'dloaateri'totf1 ity ;; ))1'1 j "
Um9,, ; " ; ,
; any . ,. t', j"i.. .. .' . \ TI"I.I'P.. '.f. "I
', from the ailInentsTKalTiitttiully . : ; .,..' .<:.:".- .: ''' . 'J. ;t. ;ill ," \\-J; ,' .' f : .; ,'. ';,i, .:. '; II ,. ;>i\ -.I 'i.
:. other )\ of.the country- With' almost immune '. f" \ :
I' ridlyfb expectedtohastawhat'ithasthe seem .t.s .. .:to. '. vrri ,,\.i-.h. } ( '
:< .
._r ;. : : / tots-ete* '- ."." 1'< f: ;, .1": ,' ' ,, : !,,,,, (.. "I { :- '"'''; :' '''' ; '' ; . \ 'J
busct '
.r: t"" a feeling: gratitude'forsa home '. ..' .... r."v, : :" / ',; .''t," i of. '
1. .
:.i' finest I in community i Dearly fnmllnc where.' I .'. "I.;. : {' j:. 1" ': arvkh: k ,.' 1 I' '. 'r!t.r: : : '. ,\ 3''.
; ; : !. ) ) l; t f\\ :: 'ft rl'Yr'\ ; : .". "" \\l' \.t "J it' ,
.' "' ; l/i'/ ..... :'*.. ..r. r r' '. k.. ." ... .. ,.. .. . "" "I" i<' '/ .i, !,, ,, I' ..; ;"J': .' ''''. . .... \ ..;.. .. 'j\\ .,}:' ', . :...'1'",.1...ilk'7'I,,. :. "r ''. ;. ;...., ', ",...:.... .. 4.- ,'. \ '

.:;..1, x i 4".at/delightful,: t> j fZ.1'"' ''climate" jn) h, i; .--:- I., .W. 5-;T--T-- -' ;0- : ;'" : I'". .:.-,/; .'''i. J. ; ; tj'\l'd; :, : ,!,S' '.'..{;,:.! f l l'..... ,(cl. ',,<. '., .'.' .' :\ :!\I' :" ; .1YS,1....' ,." 4 ,: .:;'J.. ,: f a,' : "::';',' ',' 1 :,; t;;,;:' .. ,':.2t .(\ . ;l' : . I ". \, .; : \
:.' e 'hole i '... " '''"''17;' \ : '." .t'f\'a'I'" '.' ),..,.' -.-..1'1. ;. ,;'r:''' '.,./'. ," ..,"". '.1.11\.'{ \ ,I.:. .' / ," "
: ? '
:'1' (% country.So f. I ' ; : t r . . .. ': '. .' .d' :,"" ..;: ;,. :, .. .1 NG"'KI.' .' '. '' ."..f.'W.; ":!; E'STJ). 'WIT... '.H"\.I.H." E<.-:.,'.'1'0, RW.n'! ,':I E .,'Pf"E ..I .t"CI""Y"" ,.'I. .' :,' ', .

::: :i : ,,say all who flee tho 'f. I' ".. '.9". n- , '... .. ''": '.'..It' "'\\9j"J'-, .: '. ,"" '', '' .. .{yr.\:. ;..iJ/. .: ,...1-t.".;';.:,'iJ1I'.. ;., > : .. .. ,... : ,/':' .. .\:, ,:. .,.;'.,. i,,; .t. .tt,>. .t'.l"\. .,"... ', .. . jo.,.." .r', , ,!f....:.':t :... ,I 1.! ; : .,,"" I .

: ; ,8dfIerc'eness' of northern ., . : <., ,L.1". t",, ;.; ?.f' > ;, '.1< \ ;.,0',.* ' ., r", ....,.fO' ...J.." . .. ., ",, ,.' .\. !.It,1"." '.. .' I' .. ' ,. ,' ..'
, i.. \ 1 '. J A- ; .... ,..... :..1.. i-// \ . , / ...." \ .. ' -, I' .
B \ . ? ; ,1T. '-TvJ -rSr -r l'', ) : . . ; ; "
: !
.. ; ,
: on" 'thl.1 -< t e . ,'. ,-, . I .- .f'i', '. : + ':' '4'I.... I.< :. ", _
: ; ifo1 : .
? .
f-v-f.-1 '
& -
1 ? -it i .-. > : r --- - \-- --
; I ; > .r > : '
-K 'I .
: : '
; : i .1. ; < .- . : '
: : .. : 1"
I i : -. b. :: ,A ; "j ; .
:'p. ; : __. "
nchanted. isle. "T r.rr-oT1' $ -iv' t
: : ; r yS\ ; VOv. : -"'- ""; ,
., r \ ; ; ;;"' -i! .: "- ; --'vh' I. : :, ',
,' .f ( i'N . ; .; ". .
; .
:+ : ," g.ft" /v.-, '. ..; . .- -,; .1-- ": .; ; .. v\ ,. ..hzl: ".. ". ."" '" ... ...... ._ I
;'They ; they- see, : r"J -, < *- "'!--a :i'J J \. J \ : t.'I; .; :" '. < .,: __ . ..
. ;; comek ;: : : '. . J : r '.'. .' 11,.. I . : '"* "' i I .' .r. J .. .. ... .
.. H
: ". ;. ';':'Y''I.> .. l'i : ' ; ' .1... ; . ::1
: rid are convir/ced./ : : ; :, \," "t : .. t '. \4..S--vV.'t, "' ;;;? f. ; ; I" ., I
: : '
.. . :\ \ '
. ,
.. ', .,' . . '. . . .
I \ xvV. , ,. : ''' "" ":. .I" I. "' .. ; . : . ,
: f !4Here !In .winter they find the \ < ,> : : '. ,. -:'.. ,' 'j". .. . ., .' !..\.; ,:... ', ., .',' f"i1-N) J ';'. ': :" :) .'. . . ,
"" I " -L' ." >" .., ," ." _. ... 1>' ., {": '. j. I. ; : '
::1'm' sunshine, the-- balmy Entire ; oX. .f. "' .. ' 'i'.L t t,.. ( .
: \ ,, ; . ; .
Open ' " ,' 'n .';' 10 ... . .
\ . o.h' .
zes I' .\ .. ., 'J..<"j .. I I'I
( the flowers
: .,
:: and 'tropical '" .
. ... :' ( : .: . ;/: ,' .,' ; ,:. .' :
A .. . .. , .., . .. .' ,, ,'
: -. ,
while .
) all back home I cold .
: cen Yq / .. .L. ... .. '
:' j4'i ' ... . ,.. "
: , 1.:_:_ 4It'el:'juit. ;t.d xEMI1a I = ....."andiso\ son p' : ., 1' ;,.:. ... / ;. '.',. '. .\
I' )C'
"l'W' -, : --I-o. --' ',.... . . .
: ire In winter said a rs'ltor? ,
\ .
: / "
it. onCHne":;:' frozen north, :"but how --.- ,-, I : !, ,
";! -' --- ,
I --
8' --
: "i :Ttoe ;world do you fellows live : : : : . ) :' .;.':. i 1 T':0'. "h''rs. .: . :HH l i! > -
the hot
::1 re _during. summer j H HCNCHA I "

j '' -c' \ o' thsT". p., : I Between, NY't. Yor C.. ".. : r I Between, Key. ,W fist .; .. ..1, ;

.f J id. thin, mind you, while Key HOTEL.LA -:' .
'ant\JJ'ra\ a : 'f '
: )
--..... ' have long been wonderJvhy' . .. : 'I and ISew. York ; 1 1T
j'Q. \
;; !
I . > ;
:.: '?!l- '}pvoplc would live In tJidK I ', '': ... . -' .". ',. 'io- / Of. __, 1

:"'" :.Fi:(t ti:\ of t the north where mercury : H Hf t '.' .:; ., ,. i '. : -

: : r 'rk.*. around the century mark I ,. : .. ,: )' .f' It> .. .
,. \
.: ,}? 1 I 'c m'I..r. where folks keel overt I '."::,!It: ; "., :, '" :. .. .; \
''II '-the dozen from iurtutroVo and ;., '0'7" :':' .. '<. ,f ,: ,. . (
lt : ; ; : ; ; I .
/' I.:oro die tt"'torrid t tftnpcrairc '. . ' : . ..."., : .\. ,. : :. ",' i !-' '" ".I" ::-: .;;.'(fo>ft'1; ; 1

- 1 -, ''''I'ere dwellers must sleeprr.Sl ,,.. .. \ .. I' . .: : -T.I : '.' ,; . -f, .v r.:'.' : l'1 .,' .. :' ,) .. '

..' . .. .. .. .
1..iwullblups and |'n parks for'a I '. ( KEY WEST. I I. .":" .", . .4 .. .. ( '
r : .
7' ,;
-'- _,. easure ol relief-when" they .'f<* .- . .. ., .. 'L .. . .'. ,. "f, \ .\ I .... ,. :.. .. ,. .. ;I. . .:; \ I'I '
} .
I uld have': homes In this, Island: .< '." ." ." .) I
\ 'iv where. refreshing 1 1'cze81 Iotv i The pcrffct: r * at the .end of the road. I :. .' '
,,' I / I ,, I' . ,
,';' and the temperature haa& I : ,' .. '. .

""::1 aen aa high] as U3 but four. thne 1 I . .. '.. ,

e!It l J 30 years, with an average; of t: I '.' .' .' .

;'... i\y( 84 degrees l for summer sra- -. EUROPEAN I . .. r ', .. ., I ..'. ,' ',

i'I ') %till" : : :

,:><" : ; .". / ',iro The in average"Key. West winter,5s 71' ''dosrees tempera', .' ,, ....,- ,"; ,-'PLA" .N. .. d, .;. .. ..', ';; .i' ,,' . . .. . .- . < ; ": : .- :;..:'::. :> : :. ( ,

--s): 4 I. id :only on on."* ccnslon .. hits it \. 'rl I. <' '".' '' : .. .. ... ,'... ;. .
8 . ; : "
; : t
; .
.' 1 I,::: ; ; t. ,.' , ,,' /, '- ; : : : : ; ; ;I. .; ;,\;
i .. '. er ifono bolow CO, T3retlVAa) Inihuary .<:.' 'tt"j, ," I'' ... f. {f'oof. < ':'. "II' of,: '''.' . .. :' ; : ; <.' "
I'., ?,:'1887, rcjrlHtercd/ "' .y,., mH' tt.4Ii1.: : .S'm': ,
.+ I: !,"',<( uiid ;, dcnot I'd ''J'ithoVk"; ; coolest 1 r a''CTa'B'a': l : : ".j

.t.,'. Q'' k; gather recorded here since .the ,.Key 1t' 1VraYneri, trb ern dtnd onlyFIREI'HQOFJ! > .
' "* '" .!. ".,\< . "' .(,.!....-'t.4'. .,, ( .
v. J// cat" weather' bureau \yas c tab- hotel. ,.,. ' ''' < fi; r .'W'M- ;. ; t, o!

'N.; bed ii 7 'cJrs; BJO. ', .. jj aaly"Throuah TrAin K X Weat.New..Yori'. q'h'l!: \ "
: .
From tho average of 8-1 degrees .. "
I Bummer to a mean: of 71 In wln- I 0.
'q, tccy"V; ost t tcirpcmture has a AUL 'OUTSID ROOMS ? j '. Northbound_ sotithbo f ind '
:;<<' trlatlon of only 13' degrees be- .. i .. .... ;"' .' : 1 1'
; '. A-.M .
;1:I eon 'seasons. For equable cli- '" . : : aOi30-A.. Lv. Havana .,. ) ; .' (

ato these conditions are perhaps REI SON nLE RATES :,' ..:. .'. .# 4 .30. P. M. Ar. Key West .. .* :3O ,: JI.In. ,
'" 6:30 p M. West ..N. 1'1001 I I .. .
r it.: paralleled a.iywhere in the : Lv. Key "'; ;
,: a I tod States. --.. C:1110PM. Lv. Miami, ''a..ft.r..: .2..A.. I . M.12sSfl'A. .' !1 i

I"I .,whether' fleeing; from the. blt- o.-'r.6' "' 12iS5 :A.: M. Lv. West Palm Beach It...: .' M. oJ"i" .. . '
2, gf'ble ts. of bitter winter or the w j .* he ll..t.". Coff i Shop U connection. ,with Ihf I"" 6:07 A..- M. Lv. Daytona, Beach' ,A t. TtU r l M. -:": I .
; IIIIHng heat of tho. northern sum. ,. "ot l. I M : f
Tt25.A. M. Lv. Augustine Ar S$5 "
u, from the north will
; ,
cr v.I .
t r'Jt; .. ,: ::25 A. M. Ar. Jacksonville L"t. StOO f. M. .. I
" lid in Key: West a'havcn. indeed, ? ; :, \ .. '
at' Tr' ; Ideal place for a delightful ; 'r' : .. .:00 A.. M. Lv. Jacksonville Ar., ,4.40 . (N.! f
F. .
f'r'\ r,' i, ekrrround home. Thii} bore of the Associated. Hotels, Inc. .' I S'(;: 12:50 P. M. Ar. Savannah 1.... P. M. .. . .

y;1 0t't' .Rigors "of winter, shoveling: ;otovrf 1 ," .. I ''';._ 4:40: 'A.' M. Ar. Washington ...1. it5 p.. M. ;, . ': ";
: streets, ; !" ..' 5153 A. M. Ar. . M. v .
(! .t \ Icy biting)/ Blasts t i. : Baltimore Lv. ;7,38, ft. .. ., i '

,..!i jal' and clothing bills, come onlydistant THE VIRGINIA j DARE THE DOLPHIN ., .. t 8109' A:' M.- 'Ar. West Philadelphia .Ar.. 5t28 p. .M.LT. .. '. ., 'k .
.' dreams in \this wondernl 1 'ii.n.i ) ." 10:19 A.. M. Ar. New York .. .3:20 P." M. ' 1
...P ; where homes are with. Elia'bith, , ( N.- C. > ; Fl. . ... ')0' ", 1
'i .
'. :,,i,: chimneys; and, "'tis summer . t. i ';:":" a.Peninsular. & Occidental' StvamtLip.! Co. rvice dailjr. .s t.ti .;;..i..Ifc'i{ ; . -' :''I

; ,: r winter" THE EUTAW I THE ALTERED \ :!if' ill.. Miami.WaKin and;'-N.: Upr.;. pUUJ. f. \ "
< ("'>" York r ascp| :
.. ',
..Secnes of panic caused by heat to
1 fives;. heat prostrations, deaths Oriat, I4/.r .s:1-c. t D.Irr/f1.I .. .. ..' 9 P; M. .e.-Mi.m j-KeY W..t, .,.....I'.. placed. for ....._"...aef 4t' t'| P.' M'.:'"' .r''. .. : . .-4'{,; ',,..,iI. ",,. ,

: rojn.,.f corchlng.- and suffering .1. .* ; > .;' ..\,. <
be . :
al f!+.s nUnlr"popylatlol\-.can"" ; .'--,' : :. LUXURIOUS PULLMAN EQUIPME T' .

matters. of mpty: memory kiIilet.i. ; '3. C. '. ,' Ortooitd 'B ack. , FU. '. ; c ;.. , I . '. .
r excs: Tind delightful evenings/ I THE GARFIELD. ., -GR4NT. THE.. CONCORD ',, the com forts, of a hotel .enroute' ,. Threuch Ieeperi" between Key' ., ,

g+, hen light; covering- welcome ont ,Braa4, N. J. ,',, .Copeord, ,N. .C. .- .. a West, Miami, .Jacksonville. WashinitoB aid" :New. .Y9,''' ". ,, ?,

,.. F tiring' many; nights' In.! the" sca- ': ; Coaches 'between Key West: :; nd--Jfl..Ilr'. Direct', 4Insi c ., ,, .'. ''4'I
f ., ..
it''""* CUMJ-'ER..ND. is.v .. Wst with Peninsular, &ptibip4 i'
, THE THE SHORE } lions at Key jtnd'taccideatitl! St"{ 'u''to
i : 'Yet t hand It. Is, it seeing I, ' '
; -
l them. II. J. . Fit: ., . . ':" assdfroir, Hatana. / $
< 1 : 3.-1l1e", folks to bring& I '- > Tampa .. t . ... //11 J'" : sv ) ,/ 1
l', elves ,to 'belie Ve that. Key Weet i : . !

4 Knot, only a veritable paradise THE kGONQWN. >"- THE ."NEW O4KS i'J.: ; D. RAHNER, Genet: P.>longer ;teg% ? .

t ] but ono of the finest .
i n ;winter, .... 1.,4.. Fla.I "
C.a1brlgd : Brtow, .
tl laces in the, country In which: tov .., J : < ,. ; ,
I:; [ ':. < \ ,, .' .f : <
ehd/the summer. i .J j t." I : . : >MR >- ..... ., :.. '.
)J''' Jnvestlgatlonof. local weatherureau THE HIXON. THE -NEW ALBANY ,. r t' 4t- I
: '
J ;rrecorde'!! will amply boar ",. Attl .k. r w.MN. ., ..., : ,.(k.y, c... "' :' .
< .
s :1 'f'thede; claims; The \factsere._ : ; '' .' ' .' '': : ;, FLORIDA EAS.T"C9AT': IMLWM J : I
> enthusiastically 'pro1 : <
1 r otva'and\ : <
res-: .. .THE" OULf ST1lEM4; : , THE t4 CONCHA . .. i'v:
1 aimed by: >*ery yearrround' ..: I j" .', F LA G L E. R' i Y S T.J' : 1/ .. : Pit ew
ent.of 'u..*I-ctty:,' ll'WCU' aa" those J, : u...., W+'I I"F.1tk. J .'- > Key. Wi.t, FI. '

r 4' b ';'vist4'$",. during" 1 the| >: umv -, .. .. o .: : '. > : '
\ . or4. .yr :; i Modern 'i' ,
*' "f r-'fTEIL' ,"V, ;4- > .. : q: |, yl TransportationSy; 'em.: c fi ;

j'J'biti.' !elty s jUinual', rainfall.. IsInches. .1. ',. .:-: : :; 1j;" + ' '' '-. .. r : .. (.' c. ): I. .. . . .. 1.J "v
.. September Is..usjiallyM .. : : : ,. ;' \ ; . .. .I : ( .
P'c .' "' ,. ..'.... ... ... '" . ..V,
,what' Jsrmed. r1 f// \ ... : ; ", '
monthwith' '
tte t ; .
"> ;; : : > ' .
: ,
I .. .i .III: ..:.\".; ;:. .:' "\-. . . rt : .. : . ,,',< I'. }... \ '. r""" ....'.. .J' :' .
..the ; dry seasoV jsUrtlng/ 'f' './ .. .'" < .. I .. 7 . ,' ." .'> :", : :' \ ;it';,
rilhiari1y>rla' :Novombe.Drg ',: -'" 'J, t." N. '. "I .a ,,.'J ,. '., , \ ."li!. ..'i. ,'". ' '\\:1.1' .\: ,_, ., ,"... "..' '". ",' -., ,,, '1". "' .. I ,, .. '. ., ',"r.' .' '. 'r. .ti'F...r. .. ... F'Y.l..J .... .

e; l h TwlHter,: :season' -Bey West' haa ..aTe'at I I . ,( ._II ,' 1 ':' f. .qe I ,A:" >> .::1.- ,..1. .. '. ., 1"r. !I'A" .1"}':".''. {"..".. ..1. ", }. \t;;1 ., 'C'.. "" ,; ...... ,.;ft'. f1.,, 'I rr'' .. ', "..,.".'I'r.. :' ,.'A. 1... .+.}.,A.t.-. ...y .?.A .1 :-..,t ;,.; ,- "".A. i: ,"'!,..1.; ..
, ': r"iereenUg) of \ sunshine\ y,.,.. l .J .r : t- : ifoi. : : : ; ', : "" .. .c;': ': !" l . '. }
y yI IS"-\: .Ir. h. ',1' : <\ ''of' :'" \ ,,: > f :t/ : t "i'r.4'iift.1-, ; cf f."J,1" ; ; ? ; ;1,:' .. t \t .: .. .; '. ; : \odJ? Ji.f'1
, : t } 03x': ; ''''' {r t-ryN3dd'iNWJF!' i,7 A4 L .ri aYl .., . , . :" '' ;,' ', i, ...r..f fi ij"f, ,: I , r.f/i': / '', ' ",.. ... . r ,.. j : ; \
ba .l/erhnAa> anya! :: fG; ," 4.4''r'tt ;'' 'M--'y ; 4 w. ''rr 1i-f d ". s \ : r .carve. \ ,,F r : .. I. I' ''I't.
'!. 'I ;t... ''11 t'a 'r'' '' + ...' ,. .. ..." . .. I ,
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Jj. ;'A{.Itle"CBs,, ,' w4 .t'!... ./0:"" .rl'Y \' '1r; nyl..iS; t' -t '
'' '" z ,',.1i.i1y. : ,, .We et'p IJnJust' '" ",_utat24p.abs ;;,: .1..'OO'J> j",: ';' M'" .' ..1', t'/igt./ ; ...... -o1'1: : ",."'l, f.I".u..;:,sir d '" : P.C'3Mi; : :d/.B/ ,-x:r'' :,riLt. ., y it,.,.." <4'+, ,,{.'ti'. ; ,.'4lw4I, ; .".' ,,;r:'i 7 '.:t. ''("fJ'o,, ( ,1''. .... .+1, -">f, ".. ''. '" ;, '", -. .- ,.1.... ..';.i\VJ,.;....; ..,.IJ '...

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.. ..;' ,,.. ...RA9" 'SIJ TEEN: "= EcnON.d!. . ,. .'....:".. "II ,;" :' . . '. : /', ,. ',. ',': ':. .. .... >, .. WESTri ,: CITIZEN:: : D SDAJANUARY; 23, 928. 2.191 i
" --- '.
.g''. .t,I;,.,'t... .. . .. fl..'. ' . " I , r" ..; I : '

: .. ; : '; : ..rM :' :i' ': ", ,ilI.ilr.I'. .- T'I"j.I"rl'L '! .4 .1,' liIJIT .I'I.lI.iIr,. ... ..l... ".iiI. . Ij.IJ.:' :') ,. .
T :T "Swe t QpmpaQ.y : .. ,.* ;j, u" .. -, I '" , . '. \ '
.... . " .(v \ /: \, ., .''. ., \' 1" 'f ,
-. ., : / .
i 1 t A ,L'A ,, C $ A. '111!' ; A' N'1i'I : *!
q :
Ak J\r': i Str :; ; :

,4 j,,4 s \ (a--; W'o.ttderful t tch"Of'lfoad. .,"i/' "I,', :. .',.. ..,:;' ': .' ''. ... . ..... .. ''.''! .. ', ".''.. .,.. .". .'.. :. ":

. .- ':: \. ", . .'. ,I' 'KEY' WEST FLORIDA, \, J .. : .. '. .. '
(I ... .',...."' .'.... 1 ., ;" '. \ '. ." : :; J " 1tI:. ''f','; ,, :
't'' :' : ; .'.' ,I.. r "f ... ,. !; J'-rl ..'ii' I ," <,. .
f.r' :, :: Out Of"T. "be Jungle '. ' : : A MARINA; 'the Florida' 'HoteCompany's, J'1'ho t''
:. : Mangrove ; : of.the latest bf East':Coast. \:: : ; .. .: i.; ,
1 "L
te1e and the din!.192Yand I is 1o t Cated. ' "
ate hotel in t
'J' v. I' ', I ':"" ; mQst)u the Sbuthwas: comple; ,;, II :
.V :, .. ': I''r.' .. '. / .. '' ,. __.' _. ___ :;' i ..
: '
i "' r.: ; ,", !J' "''. -- ------" ; . 4 4i .. :;..:: . on South B acJ ,'thc southern shore: or Key' West; tlje'only,: : ft.oat-fr "''City's: i in the" ( :
i . . ,'. hire. ....... ....... .......e. e. ..:eaeeee "United.'States. .; ; I' .. . '.. '.'
V .
.1 Y) -
t r- l, I : .- > ;, *
I. : :.
.:'' ThIs ,1\\.Is. Verdlt*I. TRIIMBOISLANP j''' .. This I Hotel is ; oise ridj'Cii: :proper irijcase :
" .". ., : .. : ,f"h' ".*, : : \ ; ayvay.from the! Cfcy: .J and still, . ",, ;
.. ' '- : ; e..a..1ee..i.e
: r. ' patron :desire'to'-visit' ,.
; : :
'1"--- Ii' .eeel.leee.L-eea.1..e..a.el-ee, . .rjj... .> .,. ; - shoppingdistrict; I f' "
'' ; /
-- : "
1.71'- 1r :
.e''; r ,. '. ,.Of( ,JIundreds)/'Of., :..u .c" : : :r .t1 ;. 'The Island:.of. ;K.ey\West.the.'last'of.j': ,: the';: Florida Keys;; lte\' approximately:; 100?;miles t . : .

""' s from the mainland) .of.Floridaand.90uqniUesjFr'0in? the(} City otMyxn&H.l; l; \ ; \: ':j.. : .
.:- l : : ,J. ; ; ; .. : r
.." IiayF' IJ. 'sersKEY'WEST' 1 s y l; } Z f Key West's great .st'asset.iidts;. orniTpqtiable.elimti e.' LYlnift4 put..tctaftbe'; lit

't.;,.';""', ..'L"" ., ." . , <. If .,. u. -f >t.. : tM :*),*-4l"islandia"always| .,/ fanned ,by)tradewinds. laden'withsalt, .airV!;, :
The lowest. tetnperatiirever"recorded the Florida( ; 4ivd6greeswhich'; \ lax
Keysw4s I
: ; ] :-Sthi :on, & : ;
;.,,., CONSTRUCTION OP occurred In. 188G' The l lowest te per \ !,( 'recordedin. !Key: West'since th ?'opentnsr..of..the : ;{,
... .' \" .'". MIAMI: COIVCERN, CA1RIEDON'WHERE# ; '* Howl l In 1921 wae67 grees'and the'highest;:ever- recorded in'.KeyWestwas93ldeerees.This :\ ; :' /

\f1''tV'\ ;;: '"jij' ,>'. f't TIDEWATER"LEFT''"OFD e'4'v -' '" :: twice f ',In September1903'and'onee! ; duri rig.AugusCl924.v;: .Key(West.therefore;. ;"w not :': .'

-. ' ... .' only warmest.City in-winter but,,the coolest' in summer .? The.-average.."iiormal?! : .teglpera.. 1. r ,

..f n 1''.'\.".> .,... I', --r"'t ",- ,_. '...!.............. ' ... . tune! .1 is'7G.9', : v ' : :: ;' .

'It' '.. "':-":- .', 'By: It" Hod Ie" MArden I lI'H .. -'- (Occidental() ). Steamship Company 'Io rattes}'bbats' ,,daily,, between! ::\

''.!\v-, ; The' Key West Constrlictlon'Lompany. ,,which' took '' .;. . .;, .: Key, West and Havana.and four..times- weekly'.i6elwe hHCey*WestandoMamp: # during" ,,. -___. _-
i over the contracts of>the''fldevvater''ConstrutUonCompany ' . the Winter Season. ':TRe Mallory Steamship. Line operates)ia line/'of7?.1)boats-) weekly between ::

boulevard and ..finished hall been the in road recjeiptof'to> Sugar extended Loaf; "Key: and the New York, and Ga veston, touching'",at,Key West oh outgoing.:and'' incoming\'trips.. t:. i

.. I I" IprttrWork-on-bQth--of-the'! ; ; ,: ro,!ACts... !' L;.compliments, _,_...4!! Ili . 1 I"" The Gity has buiW'a'fine' golf course fo,,the enjoymento! public:; Although. only :\5;

j Hardly 'a th, 'City but has r-expressed more I nine holes are completed at his 'i11e! the other::nine:arewunder: consttuctiow.) i :' The tees, :t' ,

I than lukewajrni approval' of' the boulevard in '\.partlcularj. 1----,. fairways.and greens of the'first-nine'holes' argfhard, smooth; and\ well:,covered with fine I ';.

with its smooth surfacing, and} its fniThed'appearance, , ... .. I I N grass. There is no soft sandy bottom.oh.the' c' UJ'Se'; eYperta'areamazed: that such a course. t .',
making ah ideal drive along' the waterfront for moreithan .
: six miles of .unexcelled: : marine 'scenery./ :, a; . ".I'W1.{.erei": .';c,-f>r 1ig8bo'Unh ds of tourists-fromnorth: : -UITY! could have been-laid out and finished'with Jhg l platerial'to: : foundintFlorida.:i 11wig ::. .

,Miles of ribbon like road traversing cover,. water and land 1. Included, year. 1 garherSalt; t '"fish 'are itt6re'TiUpierotl9'ln'thdyicinity6f'ICey; ; :; ::" West than in :: _.y

: : a Jungle. some 150 miles in a' trip to-this --- --- '\'--' --- .,_!.a.-- .. .. c .- I I:0 I any other J locality. Bathing{ i is wonderful, ttbre being:: ;U>>der.to4w,* '. .'weather is ::_ '. .

Mile on mile of white strip malnlr.J d. v : such that'baths may be taken during any day o of.the H a one-year: ;. _. .. : :
twining. and twisting through the It is like a _gigantic game tit solid rock 'and thorc built 'him a DECLARES WAR' ONFJLOR1DA I ,
b keys, northbound outof Key hop-skip and J jump. rock pit. Then the rock ,waa water -I I I \ .. \ .. :t .
.. West. First; some level: Country 'with puddled' and a. heavy coating DETRACTORS I i
,On the right rnd left great trees and verduro inratural pro 1 of oil and sand.)laid down!!, and in 1 \ FLORIDA EAST COAST HOTEL CO. ; i:
stretches of water-now blue- fusion. Then thfa' gro"lt8 scanty about three"weeks another and I' TAMPA, Jan 25.-Colonel l Peter -
1 : now in'een-and as the sun'dies in and ''there will come stretch lighter coat of oil was laid and <<: O. Knight has (iclared war on I F1rgler, System '. I) l l./L ttP:; '; SCHUTT, Manager. :
!____'t the west turning: to a sea of purr where the! road barely! rears l its the road turned over. to, people who talk ubout "Florida /t' ..
; --_ smopJhrBurf! above the .water the CBwity.. -v:" I coming l back." ..,
ri that_.laps gently o.t1trilde8 and : --tn--a.-1c1t.eL.1o..J.l.FJ,IY known "
Clos.Cooperalion '
of a fishing: fleet coming: in from 1 I, then a rkip; --a jump of from 1QQI : 1 Florida" business man who/'' hadwritle.1 ....
off the bonks-a smudge of I!]I, to several thousand, fett -when Paul F Thomns, 'nudilpr nn smoke. over ,.on\ thc liorizoif: ) may the! road 'i 111 directed. over bridge 'office cx.c llve\of the Key. West! I economicfactors and in ;:which he '0..
be the inconiiyBT! ferry from! Huvana N''as the gaps between, thotk( y. are Construction Company; in-n states lir.d nsuurcrj:: J Colonel- Knight that f..,
-and all 'the time you r.1]Bridged., mont to a rvpreoentativc of The I "Florida, ;8 undoubtrdly 'comng: ..,,
trnveliuir: l\1qnl*',..n ttreoi\ literally''; This is the .story of :the part Citizen struck the keyncte ..f the l aelt'," the- Tampan declared that ..,
{ built j-.croJs'the Bea -lhe! Ovei 'that -the Key Went dorioimcilonConpT.ny'has whole Job-"Coojteridion hus won since his return from the north fl 1r 1
Sea 11)( crhway. I ) played in the build I for us," he sifid.' he had "urged the' orgranication ,'..
In order to J propr'.y! picture the ing of this highway. ..Engineers unite in declarfn of an Kxtcrminutor Club: the 1 .
I difficulties in the )path ofj) those! i It dales back several months to that in pushing Ole, first section I purpose of the club being to havea .z.: I
trail blazers who have turned iho.coa the time when the Tidewater Con. of 'the highway out of Key Went law passed.J giving it the'right to I I ..
in upon itacK( and brought Btruct'.on.'! Com l1ny. which had Into tho., jungle of twisted. roots 1 kill 'one .man a. week who talks ..1..
forth a roadway ono must climb taken up" the early burdtn'of the and'wMcr to Sugar Loaf, one of about! -'Florida comnig.back''" ..
in beside pave Colcr.ian the intrepid torturous' trail through ,tbe salt the hardest.McUon of the entire :'
builder who got his wart. jungt, found that it .aoald nto. ,, highway' has hem completed. and y". .:
t'r .;'" .bapti road' pioneering on. V\ .i, / ,, th.. natural hazards' overcome'' In It is often difficult to IfH even . T .. v- 1 f4
<, tn Iowa, and Paul ThomM.,' the ' nominal head of the Key Watt Sweet. of'tll. famed firm
Went Construction and the Company man v.ho 'has In.K.y'kept ami.8w,,t The Dredging i:* TidowateK Company Company of Mi- .'!I'I" '"P.JIIT..Ittr1: it/:l"'lil'.4Tl'i.tJIT"'I'.JIY.ia".AT.4iT''ljjrlll; : : .' ; ;; ';;'''i'' ;; :..r..1111/ ,: 1,:

( thf executive branch well" oiled and stepped tilde and;: thavKey rt .. r .. ," s, , . ..
properly running, chile Celeman :Construction Company, a subnld* .. ::
kept the road, pus !.in<< nhead- (iary ol the T. T. Sweet Company; .v ..: '
ever on- -toward the distant main- took up the work. i k I :: _'

j land and Miami. P Gk' Coleman ATTENTION$ 'I : ..... M
'r 41 'Through) << Prairie In i looking' .b Qt'1'or a'' man to ;
.;. There are' great IIOCtlOIS) of the complete.the,' '' job Mr. Sweet selected ! I '. ::,.
f... :''"Over-Sou; Hlgluvny' that'' ..runs Dave''' Coleman; a young I ----------- ....,- :
:, i:' through prairie country, where the 'rond .,builderifrom; IoWa. For 12 ,,:: .
road 'building' met only by such :years Mr.'Colemart had been ,
.obstacles'as any: .average 1 'road I working"withthe; ; -company on big Mr. ind Mrs :I- ::.: ., ,
.. '
.' <. IJ
.' mightpresent.1:_ ': project., .f..c 'I. "f{ | J '
But on this end, of the keys- I 'He cair..lto( Key Wet, ' -- " - \ S : I., ',.,
beginning at Key West and extending mated the'job and r/Vlh an under Tourist '# : : ;,( ;(,
to Sugar Loaf-there are standing that he was to have what :'''''
miles of the shallowest muck ever equipment Was needed, even '
land, bordered on bo:h sides and: to a surplus, he plunged into the l ,, . ". .. ..
below sea level in most places. work. ii iia'
Off to the side one sees the The read work was again re- ." .
\ tangled roots knee deep in water Burned. This wwi January 18th. ) ,'
. a 'tangled jungle of almost impen Since, that. time he has. written a Radiators '
etrable, mangrove and clay sans remarkable( achievement of pro- \ 1 ) :
rock and everything! except those gi"eB8'" across the. pages of Monroe ..; r I :
elements that go to make road county history. ,, : '
building,hardship. Sending the dredges Into the and "
Yet between them, off in the jungle Coleman first lug his way -- .
distance as far'an' the eye can to terrain that would make a .
travel, runs the .slender strip of marl bedding for his road. FendersRepaired .
smooth asphalt hi&'hway..Jike, the In fret he simply turned the I'' ( ,.. '
1. prow of.-sorno great greyhound of jungle in upon itsslf.and made "S a' 't "On January 22, 1912, the first train 'fl 1 '
the sea, ever pointing ;with the ocean spawn a'highway., On }
most a dead reckoning, \,\, al.l top of the deep bedding of M*fl. b '. -arrived in Key West. Monroe county is to .,. .

the far off mainland.:! is laid the rock. Hero and there ,I' be congratulated because the short space .
Swting 'at Key' West,'one will I along the right of wy. he found -----. .
1 :: : of sixteen years thereafter an automobile '.
( .r- "
u "
,.'. ,. "' 1 highway connects Key Dest with the main-
J".II'III! "' '' .I'I'I'I'-11'! Good Work land. .. -j'.
I "
I '
'. "'" f
"We predict' that the highway will be "
Right Prices ti <.0
4 : '' A,. . KEY .WESTS : S Key West's biggest asset."

1 S. I ..
i ..

'R E' .: ,. AND BERNARD A. RILEY. '.t 1., ':(: :;. : ; . .
: t>" N'i., e', wJ) r .
to KEY i .. I ..
, O . WEST ./ '-. :- ,.' '.. ........ .;
. '10
.c4t l'''' ;
f''I''I .
ir"'I' -- "
: l "S nTTj'CARRIES 1 I. \ 1, : >_ ,... _. __ '
,' .. :; ,. .:" S
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< .
, .
: I ' 'A.G OjMPLETE''LtNE"" TIN' 'SUUP fl p w'. .. t' ., ,\ ..\ A )..(" .:'. I.'. .


' .' r :. OF MEN'S AND':;BOYS'.t' . ,0 'f EENEY' & BIORE .. ,;, ..If" .'
,. PROPS ,
\ '
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!}i" /tit ii d"" ; ., r ; x't
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,I \ Thomas 'and 1" ,,'. '
... . I ,
> : .1> ,, \1/ ..i 1' "_, I ,' :>* '. "' .

', 'i. '.p'.., "<,;#',,,l..;,<"J'. : ''t.' ." .l ./Sbut;: ardSts.' .\'.. I I ".,..." ,'' .' . .; . .. ,.. ,,.',:.,'.., '. ./tw, '' ''f'. '" ,
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i'K; Tf"DUYAI7AND)f > GREENE-STREETS% ; .-" 'IF ; a"y' ; o..".!'i'; f. ,01. .I V'" > .oJ. .. ''J ; '
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;' : tS :( ii .........................t ". .)Jt': i' : ., ,; "'.-' "'7e/ .'rp.;r. .r P ) I" : ,!... ,.. ,. ; ......,.,0." ,;
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,t -1 . .1. "';:,':' '',.;try;,;.;rJT',::', .:'..f. -,,.,''J-'Y., "' 'nr' .1'Vir. '" .'aI. Ie' "d' -J-- Scenic' '" pienuOrh I ''',. .My. ' '"' .. :.: Th ,F o lks ;o X i\th:\ Keys'Lik, 1 e:' : J:, ." :: \:,:

.. I .
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\' .,',. I:'iI"! ,,,,, ... . .' "" L: yl I' .. '
,.} T. '' '1.4.", .. .-....+- .. '...-, .. : ... .... .iO: : i'
.t I"." """ i., '.'',.,'" /. '" I .. '' '! e Congratulations<< l'GNf NI'S. "+ .

i: ?\? : 'Of: Ocean\' : ' :'' I''l: ; _ _ j . ',.. : :

c.,.' ." Msry! .Sweep I c C' '"' *" ." ., ; : '
'. "To"Th p ('
IY'y[; < ;,' :'." ,; ; i t; ;.Ji''M ee ts", 'The. : Eye. During: I ," . /; , ..,,I.,iL

," " ',\ ..' .; -r. ''f, .,'. 'Ii t.
,.. I \
<' ,.. '. ,j'I'.' ''''I, I !J Entire i Six, 'Mile. Drive Far I\ l ; ,' 1I I '0 CREAM. .. I :>>;.
;+ I
,/ : :
;. ; ; ,. )I (
:- 'i ;.,1 : : .. 4 S y4A ,
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'\ '. .. ., 'Ffo" Ik: f .' .,; : , .'
. :-J: -- .tJ -';-/' ?.'; ;: '*\ ; r. .aarte, Capplek, ; ,,' tJ :' ;- - ,! ., -,. +'{ .. :.,...,;s.. ,
:: .' : : I v. t .. .. : t ''i.. . Ut' 'J; ..
: .::\ , The rceriUycoiutrudtedboulevird: ; t whichj': cresceptihape'extenda .""' ,- ( /" OJ' '" .' '
.' -' . '. .. r
for + ? '
half around the city of Key'West Tft
:.. ." .:. :.: . a distance, : of, six mile, way)f I considered:, one..of. the mostbelru- Monroe. ,' '' -.oo.J .....,.o.. .' ........... .........' .. .,... ....... ,..... .... .\.t .

o .tiful. the wConstructed,4yMonroe' ,
.... driveways'in > '''I -" .. '
/ "
", i': '.\ ; county'ata: cost 'of .$!OootJ, i ". 1 ,
., .' '. ;,;,;,+,1 >U !t.1?a, fitting terminal of the Or r-Sea Highway; ;\which :' ( : Visit Ice .
':.rr. crosses,30;ofrthe.Flaridakeya'u: it'Wends.its: wayto) the ouni. tY:;,: . : .' our cream Parlor :on : I .'.*
,' Southernmostcity; in't States, and links' Key .. .
. thei.Mnited '
: '
.' .J ,.; West, a city;.with .old/world( : \, atmosphere.), to.-the'.mainland . i iI Duval 1 Street :Key' West .: after" rA ::
,i ; ,,: 'of Florida, and.! .,the'great outside',world., : On, ThisGreaty I ,. .
#. s- .' ........ 2+Teaslho;..point= f--beltinnin ',..1 the_rock. whl 7-" ; -- ? ; ; "- -- --- 1 tih : -
tfie I.
. . \\.W' , t,.', t this: ,,,boulevard i .passes, in closevc'w line' in that PM'of\; the'island/ ".'t'i.r' ;; .."-"f" \ I ; > yOur delj i tfiJl.griyeeQv, r ,. .; :.,;:.: ., ,
>. ; :' 11', | ofthe.East i, Martello tower! An nuth rlty'on'.Buct\ Ol'\Rtt'PO-i ;, .f. "'" : I ; .', ,>j;:, .' ./, ,
,t.; ',, ',,1 r a ..grlnt/fortress erected! ; by,?the tion'work t\sUs! that: ,. __L r. i ;. ocean' K i IO"' hwayT' t: : / / i ii '. <'-
'. "I" : United States government In 1801 inl:theworld cal 'there(\q j .oun4 a . 01\' ,- -jKeyWester 1: '\jX':; .. l r : I It .. . : ... ; ; :; \. :,y.:: . :
, ..' 14'' as defense' against land and sea boulevard so unique ns"This* on. ; witb'ig! !?: { ; borrncuda'caught] ; hear-Key West.? These filch :' I. \ .' .. .
"'"r : ''j f afaeka'onthePeity.' that semi-circles tae:, inland 4f Key, : are'nmonfthe'amest; '. and.most the sea.- i . '" ,
.. ..',If}:\ This citadel) Is( 40 feet high with West." t t.On .. '. -....- Qf Progress .. .' "
. : '." numerous'casenlenta and parapets the south Aide'one gets an i I - '
.' .I ,t&: reinforced with sand embank : expansive'view of the [Atlantic GALE FOLLOWS EARTHQUAKE.. 1 SIXTY YEARS TO PAY; DEBT WHOLESALER and RETAILER .- .
: ',;" menu. When built, this fortress ocean in all is changing; hues, I -..:...- I '
- ft -Y was capable'of withstanding: I'' Viovof ships'-' .and CALAISA. terrific gate / that LONDON-Joseph Wilson was pf: PUREST ICE CREAM '
.:. '7 sP': heavy attacks by the enemy, but, trytni!; world ports, and dishing : ..;
" Immediately court to
wrecked 30. fiBbing boats grnnt.edln sixty years
I FE k with the improvements in ordnance ' 'craft returning from. n day's fish. pay. A Good Job ,
'V* ,, :: flr,,1.. it! Js 'now obsolete as ufortification. ing. followed an earthquake on off his Indebtedness to a money .' . .
1 ::4 < ,: It serves* however, : On thenorth side) one views the .Norman coast. leader.r( I ia it Our congratulations '
r .,,\;,,' to link the old Key West, with it*: the harbor with"Inl'ge ships; ocean I --. ...,. Well. Done J' ii i : thepeopleofMpnrde :; .
-. : ,i M'!' history of pirates and buccaneers, ferries riding at i\nchor, 6r steamup "
: '' to the more modern Key West I ready for tho trip toCuba, vnrd" Here one views, the sky the snnic velvety darkness. of -tire ; County on the openingof ,
. '( : 'ff.'l.1 'withits. steamship lines, railroad,. where the food staffs, and merchandise like a biasing furnace at the horizon sky. 1 : .
I ." airplane and motor travel to any stored w'.thin. will be Distributed blending' Imperceptibly with Waves dash u.'rainsl} .the protecting I a .. this .great highway: ,
:'It.' 't .. point'In the United Staten, Cuba to Cent'-til and South the'' blue of the ocean, lar.7.Imt t to :: wall; runic send ;Uc} >ircreeled .
+;I. v I '"f (t9 Central and South American American points. the onlooker.< foam over the "li>|< is. ;fin
well, to'' terminal of the Florida ,t' "-11dly gi-coli g; to those win )I
; \ : ,Jl} ports as as Europe. The I
Thenthe-, sky changes. :?
__.. .bo lovo 'the KC-H ii; till its< moods
1--ohs-fimt.viaw--.of-llre.occau j. East! lust :Jiuilway may : 1
n ? to A vivid >- ,
-co1(11-A'ive 1 pluic f-pcCtfttor' I ,
Fasciin-'tad: 1
:' : !.t I h r. .;(Irr"eway brings forth exclama- viewed, from thin driveway; trains carml.i'!; : st-nUrrod petit: : l luvred
: I 'tions of,, delight<< all.ono speeds pnteHr.R!:;: or leaving l!: for the north; the r.t the great) LcUuty.* I
" : '.r t ..'.....'''P\er its 1( smooth surface\ BO feet in''I Die .ld'" nviut'on: camp which of' (giant! cmmrion' ; t then follow) vp'\lcd by sea m.d Iiy. Tb' "" J. F. Busto
soft glow such us *
pink ( i like an expanse of soft tiJk: t 1 I
.. '4" kith, constructed lit. dredgfdfork. played such an 'important pact in .
" '" t' : -" .1' % ,': ( .. surfaced with -marl, .1\.1rl ""! .\traviiiiK aviators! duri'rg the world the flint hint of dawn; :II Ifterwardsaplrromo still \lied by the fin.' ms' of the W I''j A.Lueignani
yellow, cad l finally
(" ,, i t': : ,I lIUerI !. war, remains to interest visitors Along the South .Khorc a County Prosecuting
; from color"to color n l
... changing p.i'k ( !bUll< teed l provi, | I
: : ; -I A tronf( protpclinjr wall ]piehi"c to the inland. A large hangarwho'h violet then) u faded 1 lilac, until .all. way unaci-. Attorney
fur plaiting j.i.jnm idllll l l.
used i oln.lmeaLai ;i-
I ; 'eegtq' ''th J'! cncroncK of the sea. housed the dirigibles I
;e'.(,i.\:1.:;: : \ t: rj. This ,,wall is strongly reinforced! during; the war days, remaUm. a | 'gra4iiklly blend) into; the t blacknessIof : shrvbbcry: to further fn.imnc\ ,
;' ,,""J. I '". jlfr with steel girders and all olher, dark reminder of those lifnrs. ,I I a tropic night.; tic beauty of lliiw beiuififul; ) drivv.fty. Monroe County Duval Street -.. Key West .
.t> '';. : l;:. i : know devices for protecting/ the But it .11 l ,the 'jKve'over:' the, At the same time the sea tao '-. ,
;... J< r: w l ''f 1 driveway ngatnsl:: : the ravages of houtovrrd at close cf day that changes. From n ''turquoinit'1 I If Koy West had no other attraction ,
1.. !i':l!f' . . ,I,r). J'iKf'I' 'fS the sou. thrill. Even resident. who have turns-to' brilliant' sapphire, tl.crt ( to offer the victor than "
I' a the boulevard, it would serve to
? l' cncou'nloVedi to gorgeousrun"seta
''t. tGrer.hdlrrlcuhf was "grown accustomed th blue| of Damascus steel, end I.... ... .......... .
to ..
i 1' :, '. \ ; in the construction of this marvel at Ute beauties of I I keep in mind u visit -to thin Inland .e. . '. ..
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: ) : ; "" 1"" .. .
., 'I/ i.: The first to get in-the last to finish.i .,. I tE.S; ... 4-: ': :;t--: /: :n. M. .. '. t'S}, t.

'' r/: That' :; ia the history of the Jenner Brothclh contribuiion : '-, : i : r '.> :"' r : two years ; .we : .

t\Y\ t;.. '; ,', to the .Ove .sea- Highway, for. this,' firm "'has built(j : ; ." ' . : ? .; '+

i'i' ;,' ;.' about three-fifths of the road that the 'auioista. ,, will- travel J >.'.:'" '(.>-">**",*(., .I'.I.j, : ".' ,. y, r-' "I."'--I:;".,: ?" ,!,. ., ., .'.' ,. lit.'. y't' .'4s..1 . .,,. ._ ...' ( ". .' i 1'. ' ; I.I I. :

.'tzf1'::1.)( ,.,4 .A, over en 'route to Key, West. . . The bver-JSent.Hig'WitY'ir.: Its 'earllest 'form ready'for the. real 'Job "of I. 'Y' 't; : .,! \ : .' ,, : .. ', \ .
'f' ;; ; \ : ): ; "V k' broke' for the first :? filling and finishing., > ' jr' fl"" ::' '. : nave , put our 'tlme"\
t.\: ,, 1 rt. 'fJhey!) ground tlon to erecting .fc natural breakwater ) .. ",. -...---.- ; -:----. ---.--' " '.. > ; : : : ,
',> :,p time two years ago./ They con- for therailroad-6n one-aide ;: ,
.l i 'M'.i. ''. ,Deluded 'their work, a few days f.urn/eheii, / the road ,: vittl'complete''I of those:men .who'nayo given day I measure/ and' by that much', ;'incroascd ' ':i '
"'It'J'.Jl':'" ; .': i : 'to' the opening of the roadiiOvrojighth'egapandferrieB :. front arid'night to the'project-In the two the hazards of., the work. I < .: : ; ;
'kt\t::\ {? prjor protection the-'waters:'' ,on the years it htt*. been in the making. : ;):: energy! and taleifctInto : .
:. to the . ,, About 50 men have been/emp1 I'L ,
: .; ;, ocean. ,-IIld- -, '. t. . .Mosmjitocg l :heat :-:: _delays-::. ' ,. .
. .
'1. ,. ;'I: TalandCity.,' The! first work ..was',.then, 'abandoned storms. Wv clJiin-.he-proje t-'durlng'-tiJe- --.- - ....,, .:...... } -- -:;;;: I"" :::: --: '" 1. ---J-
> i:.. '_ } j (Two long years of the hardest 'and anew :JlneJal'blch.: : Nature: has- added these to* th-3 24 months and there Is ito'esti: --c. .

!j. ",;, '>i ; ,'? 'kind.of! fighting, against 'odds that ';" ,, ,, .-' --..- mating,the tons! and tons of material :: :/c;:
" ,',';" ' t/! ; nature. has set up IR the path oft ...>........:;,.J.. .*..!,.......... . .i"*. ,, .... .. ... .. . that have gone Into the mak- ;: : .
. : :,{ jI'w? ;i'' a', man in his effort to thrust .!an arm ing of the fill. v'u

.C;;'Nr; .i\.1'ii\ ': ::1' of,,roadway from Key West Jo the < .EVERYBODY': AT; WORK Trucks have come: in new: and tI . \ .1 of I -

:A'r 4!:;< , d,; '!' mainland of:I lor da. ea..a..r.: .- .- *- e..e..r. clean and gone out broken and : ,, gigantic piece ,
't;e''; 'I"I ..... The contract. for tho .f(rut, piece ....,. . ,. .' ;, wrecked and worn out In the process. -, .,
l, '' : r4 I .
-4 .: road l ''work the <1/ "
Of hl"hwaywa.
:";{ (li c".;:,, "'Zr''-'t' !:. -let.ta;. ;: Jenner Brothers of .Daven- I Men hive\ conic and gone, Worn' ,.. ' ., ..:,;':" ..,. ..'',;', ......" .. ,.',, ..:./ 0' jJ " I I.; .' ,.,..', .. '. .<<. .

;t:t:,;..,f !* W''::91 port1owa::' December 1, 492$:, and down by. the incessant never " :.' ,' r" : ,t' I.
grind of the labor of the "
;:' Ii-l'l', ;i., consisted of a strip f. 28 miles'firom'Kcy I thing. : .. .. .,,. ., .
4 I the'southern J
to '
it. Largo
: ; ;- I The world hua looked, on ;arid<) tT' e ,
' ':cl ;Mt./ ..u end '!f Matecumbe. Work 'on qhi.j Joubted, and hoped& and gvpe" 'its : { : : 'Qne alfth1J ; "

f'Cf' '; '.; 'i.i' program wee rushed along'/ ''and ,In'' :way, with a nlcal11mlle., ,. :. : .. ; : } ; YA\l 0 '

:: *:record time! the road; .f from ,t) .- "Through' 'a1I.Lhis"the: three t ;men' .' 't ," ,..; .' '11- :.;,' lIiI'ki'' ''.'6'f' I .,.. ..jif; ,*?! \, .;.. ', ,. "; 1.,Irv", 4,:" ., '.).>.,. \ P ,,
;?,,1 r., ?" ,;,1.:' ; ti; w .'h" of the keys to a point e'j upon the responslbillty> \of making 1 : ", t, ...... ' JI: J . .."I' .. ', .
.,), ;. ,;:,:;;: ..1.'* ay betweeal, ..:, o.malaland.. -i.j r *r the-road. rested have gone 'on.t,1 6 -" ''I t'1i' \:.l'r.'I'j\'t '' , '.' :" t'I; ) e . af't' .h. .IS. h. hI",;'&.17a; ,: r,;...
'<< "
.. ,
... .
r"\\"i.\'\ ,", ;: .,"'f.":' "'<\. Key" West war )'condition''' for,et .rtli3ective'npw way, definitely' Inex6rablyt attalnedv: ' \, S ,." :-.":,l"I",, .). ."1''" '.I' ,- . ', ', ,, ' ."..I.'',#,">. T. *-V .. . . .'. 19. "' ..y'u.- .; .. .'. ,. .
; : .
f Access; over'this road f
I was
. :r";; 't.irvet.! ; .
<.';10'y; ,.f., .d''i '"1',1,,:"(by'the::' Card Sound'bridge, which It i is' splendid ,oiieraorlal .tft' s : :': : :' It .J

111' ': '% fF fFwas blown away Is' the' September"gale what brain power plus labor can : : .ybu'ate: traveling on
.,tr. accomplish, whenopposed: by 11
: -S
._:" .t.'. / " 4. ;' of 1620 and replaced a few the, artifices' and stubborn obstacles \" .< ) .....I .
) ...;:' t r.( months ago. by structure that it Showing..the" 'drecso'n I ; ;-.shovef i, .scriporxSiMl'roller i bt'b'ork.> on.'d.sec' that nature may, set. ,." -: ". ". .
iI l'; 'h.\\ > I \ { t : l .;. : .

).J' ,);is heavy: {111.'estimated'lIle"n, ) will this section withstand any' V. .. ,'. k. ,,lonft6. ".'.__;,' ;",--'-'bis, .......;.,.tflll..... -",'-,<,-At-M. ;_. te', c. el "or,.' .. a;.:/"<;./ffE'N.,' N' \ ER: 1, B'Ulb'Ei"to. : :'':: ; ... '.! : ':'" '
' " "'7- > -- \\ -. . .. ;to;
"- .. .
\:'*,*(Mtt:After*. J .. the.* completion\ of contract I runs; paraUeltdtheltracks\ ; : : 1 I''., ;*".' *' *?<*,; A,7"f'.,*.. .,; .....j.,. .. ......: .. .. ... ... .*'.,r'j' 't a r, f ''.. : ,. .".. :.d... " .t... '. .' \ ' '. ""1 ", ' :, '>...," j : '. .: "t I'I. .',. ..r.,. d,", \ ,;:

,, ,number ie't tor'tlatecumbe, Jenner work ''progressed .' more; ,rapidly, I .. N .OF.mUCKS ''I"i It ," t \./, 1 AT; ":; i ';"i"t<-" .."h' .. .
j'p '
t A' \ i'F;
Brother,{ undert ok' "tbeir'sec nd IItlll' ,'Xj'Xj',0".,., . ',' !, 1 ; ; , : :, : '
h'7.5i. I albeit there was tremendous ,:. ., "l." ".. "' _ ..I. '. _. "(' \ .A. Is '. '. .I.:' '. '. ...' ,. ,. " .h; .
k', \ '.c ntrllct, the most difficult 'in all [road building Job;;ahead th 'took \.. : .;:.t ."fY I I.J :
< months of the,most,careful, plan.- " i '
f, the Jong stretch of road, according' } ]. : ; ,,
1 ', ping and steady application to "
to many experts namely the finish :successfully: :

; -stretch 'from' the sofclh end of Add 1 I
r For nearly. 45'> miles, altogether, I our congratttmr
-; upper M tecumbe to the'; southern this road building firm''' .has :, : 7

1', end 'of Lower: AJatecumbo' which pioneered: through mango! swamp : :
.' lc-:flrt.) .- ust and rdck and .today'as you drive - "'
? includes a glgan ; : com- from Key Largo to .Lower'' Mate .a rt N; >r r ., r ti n a. rc"r .. the .

r ",/,j pletcd ferries..e .prior to the1.,o]>ening- of the' combo stretch ,.over of highway a'smooth, :with'rlbb thebluegreen n/Uke- rt gyp, -I tlbns to others.on ; -

.e 'l''Tons' andtopsat: fill were waters of the ocean on' one '

''I''; thrown Intohi., gapiifg maw, of side and the gulf on the other, it -' '

% ?1:<. :water with. apparently' 'little result, is day hard out to battle visualize that the these day pioneers in and' d th sgreat day for ,

.:... f,;-f although, slowly the road edged a had with the snarled mango; .stub: .' ; ; '
r- little near its ,objective! vhlle hun born rock, heat\ and mosquitoes. arw- .

t ,.", . dreds of melt through the I summer-- hat, came 'from' .the' '. infested. q'' Monroe County'and .1 '
of>' and winter-months Sweated andoiledtotmake swamps. t f4'(; l 1 ,
-, fl' It possible. This road is a inonumeM' to'the U- 'ii .. ,I IS
r "..' :When' this co.ntr'actwas begun men who :have''anakeit '
., ry.':',' 'spoclficatlons. called for a possible Herman; And Ed.r Jenner Uridr 'ci 4.iTi"-tons'.pf/fill r-V being i, brought\V ; tofh Matecumbo i road > :
"J .) :" '" i:' "route that after' had progressed/ and "Ed"' frands n. Herman Jen " V .jest'; In Jenner Bros.' fle t'of trucks.I plo-' : .Key West. r
1'7"t. about "quarter of a mile was ner and Frandsen have been J po: i*; ,
'SQund.tobe', entirely impractical stantly on the jobtwhil'the.I Other -. ...-.r.n7-' -= ,--M.-. - -.y-t=1"-s- ..-,-- ----r --- .. '. ---S ,

tP ,t towing: :to the deep v ter. member' theJenner\ : firm has ... ..... .......... ....... ...' ... ........ . ..... .. .. :.' '. ( ,. .. .....ct .\ -. .
d i.' .- .Negotiations.'with',. '' theF.. 'E. C. dAvided. his time, between this :work j' .' , \1 b'i. '-
"f <' 'brJ and the bomb i, In Davenport --9. 'c '. I.. . .,i or ,
offlclats flnalll' about an 1 I f 6eeeer '
y la. '" > -/1. ./ 7 \.1'l : '.. ",.," I :_ ,.,,i\, I. . I .
agreement; j whereby theF'countyt : .NH.ti. N.elrr.Ne .e t ', . r ,.
.' 7':1 .
men I : ,
Trucks dlrtocean. 1l Iti. .;' '.. ; ;s'
) .
.'. > could use the railroad'rightofway- These have 'intermingled, )In a ..:. '. . .. '.. '<" ,, . ..: ':.. ,, \ ,.
: *lontj>$ this stretch and this In addi- definite program behind .the brains'it I I ., .1r. { 'sill 1 ,

.,1'nJ'w ';. - ," " .. 't ., ---. : 'I ., :' . .. ..
(it ::........,... .....;. ...........'...j'Y'ai.' .l.t ... I ..,. r .
a' .. .. .

. ::.''fI'r!' ,;.... ,." .Ire,1E EARLY.- STAGS;>1. ..t iIok',* .i.,. i.. , .',W ,. , ,. .,",,..,,. ''..!.o' .,. 's' . ,> .

'-'INi.: ': .! .., .... ... ". .'; .. .H U ;".1'.'.!... ..... ,. .r.\1:. :.\ ... / .'
-. ;?"r-aL' 'T / ., ->"ff ., 'J IE-ros. ,
t < -'? .. '.; -. ".J .. ; : tler'; '
V 1 w ro, ": ''* :''' "f" :". : I' I < e n ':

;\"t: ( t, -
: r .
'i,>. ;), 1". '., ; .... I.
. ".. <'/... ,
.. .. . ". .fl..i"'J. ,.
"' i ")" t"t" :. .It. ::, ;;. ,
,; ''' : "
;a '
1e "' )' ,. ..41 , ,' .. .. .:.;:; . '
. .. ;
,\, .'>! '-. .. . .. "'. :. ..... : : : > I 'X1.
\ ,
:: : ,..
.. ' .'" .... C' .4tlo"'n" Coo 1.
.. .
. .n' .. ,
." <\0",1\,. ,,\ ."'.t... .'..."."A.' ; I() ".s. '" Jr, D'C ;;.0;:
o .. . f' :
-',vc n1ft; 'ft.';'"" r : *.'' % 'c'\'! < ; . ., ..I I ;I? ,
t. > .
l; ills Thearolier i(, ; p'uttlnff;,*h "il Inisfclngf, :'('the: '!t.e 1i 'b.'rlli\vtak; \t ': i '1.' ;. 1'' ,). fl.t .1'' 1Ji + i< ;<\ J'' . ; ....' .. . .

T e : i j' .*' .'?;1,' "v'.'f) *nsr'.':tt;ready.tbfthe.tourist';\ | '' >lojng.Hhe'' : ; ,,iCeys'" ,;;>'" rt: ;t; .'... ; ," .I. ..;Jf!' ;!J. I''! ''J 1;;/ ';(I qoN'"" '.. ' ." tI ,1
"J *' *" "f 1 .
- .,. - - "" \ ; .'
'. .' ,, . 4' "
; : '
'": 6 1 RL 'tC1L1L: 1't' 'ASSASSIN', i ,l'r) <'HEW.'t'TO.' N,!COUNCII.WR. _ !, ,. : .... : ;: .: DAE&PORT, IOWA .. .: ,."'i ,: (1 '
\-" ; r"i: 'N .r.M1es'iL1Iy, : " '. :. ,' ,', '), :}JI
J :; .
. : : 'V <" -1' j 7 ' ,
1Rsi; '" -i--oW .' ,t .,' .:' .: ; : ,, ,, ; ' .. ,'" ".'
; :, tow9uncWorof' 1l .
.. ,
't ;1 ... ', .\ ... ; ..! ." :
sophie )
: .
Luxsgewotracked' .
'J. ; :; .D6otle,: EJl '. \ <
.tY'r: ; '; 't,' .f' bl' 6? if' .o'r; ; ; ,r: ,'.: : \ ancl."I'1tdomesu : !i'r, . ,..\.' If. 1 .s.. . , .t .: r : , ".
I killed 'servant,,' J "t. "''. ; } ' ." .
t " "
} |aaatwhend:! i herr 1He1mtetrpesist'allovviag .1. r .. '
'iylaY'.ltrxctor\ ria. I; c. I
ThIt irt: >tattrp: nOYrly'1oetin.'thimcutgrov'fay; , :'y; d. !4tNC, " \ .. .. r .t" ,.,1,.
.' : ... ':< :' 1 : ,' . : sr
:aiu- ',,.th a early.Jttaa-ea.'of'. -\ttie., .Lhefhighwa raaent. epi worksslUrba'Fwna pdtd''roadway.' .',' : ",: \ ..e..,;,t!r\1!,: ,a, ,.\"tfr""t'i"<'rftvinfiitlrijdeh'two"...\;,: .'t. ";r;. 'W'Mf" ,ti';kerst"M ,..;.."f. ;;;,' "}iinatiielpa 1\t s-iiine' .\'duties';, : ,attend."., ,'" ;;;;;; ;;" :;;;;;;, ;; ;;;;, r, ,, ,.I.ii-.l.I,,r liIttfajJ: 'A 4 V ,. ; ': .
r .. ,. ; CillJ'i'\ ''Q- : ... ,
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l .. .
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1. !i

; ENTYSECTiOlsr, 0'' % H7 X p :,CITIZEN : WEDNESDAY; ,JAfttTARY.25: ; 1
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I I I ,, '
",,.,1"," "'. {.s': ..... f-\ tn State J&sid: 'No '4 :1 ,, ,I \. sn ....,_ ." > //I, .}\: : '.I/\(-". ,'\1 1'j'I, "",\ !1vM',j-'"''';' """.....'..;'.''''''',4d''''7riA"' I":' "..'III''', ,f ',>j.,' "l"," ,.' "; "'r'p( '.. :?./. '. !t,.f.} .

NATHAWAYSHOWSWNEHFLORIDA'S .Ona &eri&ic"'.Scenes 'on ; : ; \ ; ;, : it :' ,I!"' ,, ',/,,'"," 'vr'f, rt ."',., 'II II"I,. .<" ' '', ,f ,' j.," iu, ," c ,,,r, ,I,!".' {:" , .
I S '" ' ? . t. '' /. ... ;,hT'J '\ "t,. !I' '' .(,, , 1 .
1....,, '. : !" ''I'' ' "." ;\ '. I .' ". J, : ,1'1 ; .'. -. '0 ' '. J'h' .
'fl';1.1 'f'' : '" ..: : I ': It' i ,'f.. ,{"'::. "
\\1 .. ... , \. '..' t oW., .". ,
n j' .. 'It'S',. r II' J' t'I % \1' 't I ,' 'ii'' itI' .
: '. \ ., \ :
: 'I .. .
': 4 ;MONEY HAS GONE )I/ .' :'. I I, .i''" .1',1.',. I',, ". ,:
: .
\e" 1""e', .' '
... 'Y' r"8.1' a" \ ,, 'c'. .
f ( I' ,, 'I;,. ) , I. ,
< ,
1" .
1'TlitRE ,;ARE 1000. MILES pf ., , .
; ;, .1. ,, ,. ; ;' .
. ';:' < ''In "' )''''' J" i"1::' J.1\ ,. ,
'I' ti PAVED v, 'HICHWAY ,UP ,''ANDNDOWN ,...' ..... .'' 'i-'" ""'",T ..... -.. .. I

'AND ACROSS: 'THE' '" .,
/ e '
,. I r : t, ) i \
STATE, O'NPAY' AS YOU GO rbrrYf : : It

\ '; 1 BASIS. r 'p M r : r
i h 4, :
', r>
r-. (ap.alnl'le-Tae CUI'arnl. ow :I' t.'g' 41 YIV .: ',''*,.'

'j, 'ST'| ; ,AUGUSTINE' ,, Deo. ,00;":':' : ..

' Up Ito; Octob.r JU t, ofWs year .. 4s j
' the',State ,of Florida 'spent 954,4 : '. -" t;, .. .: if.I ..
r 000,000; ]In the' development of ltd .. ,',
'oath; highway system and this ? : :. '.
:,. -8mc) nt-wall augmented--to-the-ex .. .
; -----I .'
tent'of $8,000,000 by county
" r ,. funds, 'making a'.:'gfand total l of .
$62,0000,000expended, under: ''the, : I :

.'' Road Department's direction and .. I"" ,' .' !
Florida' :has'''gotten''approximately .. :. I
1800 of .
miles paved highway - -- .
: '
I't finer bridge during: this period, : *.. :
Chairman, Fons of the " '
Hathaway .
state; road H; \ 'f > ,
department revealed, .If s- ." I
"' f.
here'duringr'an : :
addr.ssin'coniree: 4" "
tion',,"With the celebration of th,. .. : .--. .....' ., .. .- -,.' ..
completion of the new St. JohnFlagler *- .
link in State Road, No. 4 : :
which extend the ,. . ,
89? miles from" a "
Cteorgja line louth along: the Kast t : . . ( :
Coast to Miami. .
:_ 1- . :
Florida's sensational! ': '
in the dey.lopment of its progress road Top-O... of the well rounded i curv.. and th.! auar'' fences, which ar. constructed a. 'an added .I' .. eeee..e..e......eeeeeeteeeeeeee I .eeeee.. .." ...'I'..............' : '
system has been made on a "Payasyougo" J __.fely feature Bottom-A .tk. link of._ No. 4 in St. J6hn and. Flatter_I :.. counti".._ : . .. .. .. .. .... .......e1e...!. a.'1lt.aeee.e. .".....'... .." e. :
I '
-" - - -- .
policy,' in .sharp, erne ; .
trait,to a number of other slated, first gasoline tax was -enacted by' j road'i and bridge .contraction! Involving 3,000 people enjoyed the more' : t ,. :
,which have -made great advance the legislature/ of 1921 at which the expenditure; oft $12-J than $1,00'0 worth of choice .. '<,*r :.
lln( road building during the pant time a'tax of lc was fixed.:<< The1928legislatureraisedthetax.ta 383,000 and representing work on roasted pork beef and 'I'hul' ton I' tr!' S
fW -TheChairman JU'ePJirfd.JJ.J.b _.. ._ : .. r '" a
---nara.--- 4.Pproxlm tely..JI5.fl..miltIL..DLro J 'I. occasion! "- __.' ''I'JUX -- -
pointed out that North Carolina 3c, two of which went to the stale have been awarded. The Chairman of the ,road department : ." i" ... _. :, >ru- :
and Florida are offered among road department and one- to the j'I TheSt__ ,_ Augustine cehebrationi was the principal a .
the :best examples in road development counties. In 1925/ the tax was :r| was held t- Pargue. Avilen} on the t1pl\ker--of the day nril his message : --

? \ and that North :Carolina's'' again raised, this time to 4c, three 1 new highway just south of St.-Au- touching on the road I situation l have\ I
record has been achieved through of 'Which went )o the state road l guctlne and having'been widely of the state followed an ad i are pleased !to \ j"
t the :authorization of state bonds j department and one to the counties advertised .a*' huge attendance dress of welcome. by Mayor J. J4TE ; . ,
to the\ amount of $115,000,000(00{ ; and ,the test legislature; this from various .nearsUyi] 'cities! and Herman Manucy, of St. Augustine .
(one''' hundred and fifteen million j year, raided the. tax to fie, the towhs helped 'to Wi.kX,; the event i nr./d/ representatives of the "
I dollars), as against no state bonds additional: one cent tax, however' one of the largest and most RUCcessfill county governments: of Flaglcr link # the& chains
for.Florida. : (! going to the school' fund. So far 6f ? the kind ever and St. Johns., > ? 1 -II
"In dealing: with .North CaVolina's ,as road building revenues are conc tempted. f ,. x
system of 'road financing .has'not lit-I I I 1 -' r n 'f
tie The
med Department : programs opened at In a butterfly's eye there' are '
we are not endeavoring to make betiefltted by the increased tax o'clbck with A monster 6,000 different lenses and 60,000 :
invidious comparisons," -Chalnnail imposed this, year.. 'And now he and it was estimated that fully nerves. of construction in building
.Hathaway declared: "but, vre "ar. continued, the 'road department '- .
proud of t(our.,, record of achieve does J''not;!have the advantage. of I .-.-._ .:.'.!:._.- .- ._ .: .. ._ .. .- .. ,. ff i xi' -
"' ... ...................... ........., *'*' i'm' '-'
roeft; without the necessity for an ad valorem "tax. '
; bond.." The Chairman. polnt.dout4hat Going back to his AnnwtlceDay -- _ --r., a ; "Oversea Highway' which is 4! '
I ; while Florida, ban made speech-at Palatka the Chair- ;,
rapj ,.trld.. in
" -carrying man pointed out again that to : ,
ltd great road program much re- complete the first and second.pre- II
'mains to be done in the. next few ferenUaJl systems! as at present We Ship The destined' :- k
years and he decried any effortsto designed five 'years 6f vigorous tobecprne inter-
fvabarans Florida In the .complete construction, and approximately] ) .
., .rN and early execution of its 976,000,000 in money> will'-be necessary. > I- s 4* ( -
ambitious program designed to the roads 'des' )

nifke this! probably the best'payed' Ighated and not classified up to 'ryalionally'fapus) ; : '- ;
1' state) the entire nation., He and Includln.'the 1925 session of t' Cr.awfish ,
.' ..' went back to 'his Armistice ;
"Day the legislature another five;years : .. .
,. : atQPalatkato! reiterate that; 5f :i 't' , : \ t, ,4 : r.. ' ) '''" .,
npeecn labor tid 1 '
: aggressive :> ,approximately ''' ,. ,' I I, ,I.. I' ;' "..A\\
;< 'the, ( :
.",''I ", granwill. require ')&),, more years; needed. Thelpeakfr./ 'asserted .. ... ''. , . ,,',," I 'I' If \ .. : ,. ,\,'., ''T"1I-"' ':''", ... ", !f'4.... rtr-; : . ';"' " .""",'"' .," ,.. I.'I,..., ,' .. rt' '
. ,, ; .-of'-the'iTe..i". work ,there must":be added . :, i. W . ; : A!; a '
\ further|: that 0 : .. '<1. )ii4 ; ;t.i : : .
: "
.r ', which ; 'j '' ,. f \ ... 'is'I ." '.
"has'"pushed forward .Flor tottheso''estimates, "'about.2800 To All Parts 'i .. .: ', .,X
I ida'r'o.d': ',durlng'the of. . r. :-
; building!: miles bf. roads' nhd bridg ft-'designated : I
past?;two and one half years before . by. the. 1,927, legislature : I . .
"''the highway. designated by the completion of y/l tch 'would ...................................................... .a
L the Succeeding legislatures 'up to require another1 five yearn of the United States i .....-.. ............................,....... ..........e.i:..

and 'including 1927 -are completeand work and the expenditure-: of an a F .\ I
, this only} if the present\ amount in'keepjng-"with the mile r and Canada I I p ,
level':ot revenues are maintained a.rChairman; .
for u 'thn 'entire n riAd.- HA Hathaway declared) .. ,. I ,

//stressed the fart that th.n; State that today's celebration here .. 'I.. "
road department operates under marks completion of one of a -
a poptivejuandste) from the legclari'd the, lest inqportaiit links in state .., I.. , .
lIal1\let= ythi4b! designates 'J theroad&ro3bejlr road No. 4 which he believes will . :. .. I ,. 1 .\', .. -'' \ >I ) ..L< ) 1.(,' ,

) l6 rndtiiibvd! ) !,fo t. t tai its plans*(fa:''oiive-of;;, thfebeBil.knbjwiii !!...', !,. :jlTHE: ORA { 'iI I'JJ..l;' (>;':. 1( \f11 )'{1\ ,'- i .. ', ';' \} f \ \ :, ,,':'1 f;(1't i .!( ,-,
the r4venupp.rl,. .1bd,l'h)I 1lkAt I{t;4i er < ;\Jighwfys I ; in the, h ,iteriMates. WFISH; :,,i "., ; f. { : 'If ; ?J' ..w.."+ .',.
that 'itfie first pr lir niiajcyytrtn ) 'T :( pitt rtitsid. : il';'&' :. ':** .. '&'-I( (J'i'1 'Ut" i f ' '. : 'i 1
of roads embraces 2,470 he said, "has long been the'sub .. c'l ItuUUI.1UUUcan. '
miles while ,the second ''preferential critiolam by motorists and :
jectof! ( .
''system! which includes the bad 'ad>rertising for,, this ..eectlon'and : i De iced to preserve its : I Key-.W est

roadster 1 second. Importancp, embraces Florida. This will,no longor I
094 miles The first pre obtain! :,: He revoked .thatthb I ,freshness: and shouldbe :
ferential system N Is now approximately 397 miles of No. 4 road and -

00 per cent rompletewbiie; bridge" construction from the; : apart of your daily. : .
t the second/! preferential system in Georgia'' Find to Miami! represents Z -
onlyabout (lve'per cent complete it cost ,of from twelve to' fifteen : menu. i
he es i4. mill ioi,,--dollars. Because: of ltd ..
l lr Going, further in his comparl- having- been"''ohpftcneil .".pproxKi co-nsuucjjon j'I
r son' "of the Florida road system mutely 26 milw'! .a iicI\ I ;bkcause i : ,;Th&:;waters of the Keys ... i : : ,

with*other southern .states,Chair-j grade crossing 4hnd';, ,,tf6ngeroua PS '
declared : abound in these shellFish I '
man .Bathaway curves ,have been elijnated!| afar : ,: ;-
VKtlmated,, Florida has today 48 as po8slble'i'tie;: ) : rpAd is one/'of a \ -
percent of nil the hard surfaced, 'the 'fastest asvjlycll a'lsa/ ptJn, :. :. r
T od3'.'in the Eighth District. the country. It' is estimated, he .. I / '.: i ; : : i
IMS-includes 'hard surfaced roads! said that this.hiChwllY in its new. Conipa----E"s- .
I : ,
I bullliby the slate( and the form wilS. result in a. _Having of .." ," : <. -
r.untles, ., Many hundreds ,of thouaandli\ of : ,Ji. '.. : r :
t Florida has over 2,000 m eexntes'of dollars per year to motorists oVer , : .

I : ; hard surfaced roads than the post,of tlayel jvr the. slime :; Ask Youfrieaer '. : ::.. < - :
For p
!I any other state; in the southeast I general l )r6ute 9nly) n few 'years .. : : ; I .
the' Chairman asserted. The figures i. I Home Office ; ''I .- ..r- : !
for the Eighth District as jack.The'' npeokMh.jrhly: p-aiacd! the s: 'Florida .Lobsters'' '!.'J.; t .: i i i'I I -1 ,
: u
provided by District Engineer wonderful\ .spirit of cooperation : f. .. i
Toms"of the Federal: Bureau ofPubli' I received by the "ond dopufctment) .- .,
1. Roads, 'Department;) of Agriculture from .Flagler and .St. Johns : '" \ : I, 302 a W. North, Riverarf' I "I j : :
,.' :
being aa follows; Fro, II : ;
I coyntlea., AHc< aa""itrted, also; that, r' .. .. .
#Ida 7(345'miles'Tennenortr( ; : 5,2031 j I generally a.R. covntle hud showneta .: I' ( :" J : ' x -
nUell '' South Carolina130, mil I : : '. i. }: :' )
; real dispos'Ittop to assist in the MIAMI: FLOWED 1 >.
Georgia 950 miles, Mississippi' work: of t.h.'dePf.rtl.nd\ aa a : . t. #! I Ii
tICS mlle -'f'\I.bama 683' miles and rule are sottirig a' good pace>1n the The Southern. Lobster I ... ,.. : . .,:
;I.oulaana'110( miles. North Car- construction cf lftteql l reads:.. 'toconned' .1' ... ,,\,"' ; ', .'' ,;
oUh which( 4a not in the Eighth ",'Itb the main state: high- : :
IXttrict: has 3,331 nrileaQf hard \ i J' .1"" 'f'" .. .r- r ,-. ', '
. way ,and -thue h t\r( Importance :-
surfaced roads.Inemphasizing. aa an economic'asset'!' in .
. # the necessity. : .the niqre "rapid! :dpvelnpment. .< f I''> I 1; Ompany j' : I" I.

for, carrying 0, forward :'Florida's I(greater and mete .'' ,
road:""building without :Florida. : I II
program -
any: lessening of its present revenues , ' ,on'Un.> KEY WEST,: : FLORIDA :! '

,' the 'Chairman ''outlined department this gear pa.OllflerOU9'j:. ( :'.11"{c'', ",. ...:

.briefly' the history of the 'present Hathaway declared thnt\ :." :, .. ;. ... .................................................iel .... .........................-...:

gaeolp. tax. ...lie__ snowed that. the first, ft 'Ja. uar, \ ........... '
(1 n .' I .." ...!. !..,.... ,., ,..; ... .f't! ;, ,, ,. .
.. ,.
I ''. "L '. 'r'1 I ;; Vv." ''' ''r'i\t.: ,'.1.y yl .. . V.\I"\ '. :,, <:." .. .
I' ; : .ff < '
; .
'' ,
., , v >\ . '. ,' 1' ." 'I"J .
/ > I" ', '
I ''r, ', 0'<', I""' ,,.' '1\ t, " .. 1- ) t .j : 'a 1't' "tI', IP'I/. ; .. '" \\ : : \. Ii" '/ / .... \ : : .

a ,: ," . ::.' ;::," ,:, I( : ''',.'..." '.. -". .., . ,". ." '. 1ft..... \'

l' ..' . ;
.1 "
:. .
. ; I \
,11 '. .
t } "f .
;> 1cr 'I
'' ..t' ', ; *yI: '/ ;) L'r; 'f..I\: .' " .. r , "
I . ,\1 I 1t<'. ._' ( .. ,
"' ,' ' ,'.. ,.:',''Sl.' .." ,. ... .''I I'a. ., J
\ : : ; t' ..... I" : ;
.' : -
1 St '
., 9M / .iF r ,: ,1: 'I ': ' .
,1. > :
t '
: 'rn .;. ,e" " J..j r\,"'l!y'f'l .\ .1\ f ' f r* ', ,' s '
> .
'' .
'f" I., .. r'r?.. ,
.' \ \ ,.." ". .
YL 'd\t; ' :1" .'p .i'i*,' -, ;; d( t ,. _., W.'Ij'v"I ,1 II ,, 'i\ ':' ,"<\2.,..I *' ., '. .....", ..',..... .....,, '. .,... -, ,' ,,," ,,,''." I.,'I \, I . \ > '. , -. .

., ,. .'1: .," ,." .,,,., :. ,'. ...,\\.I''\ ''"' Hf'"' 1tf'" .,'''', .',.-,'. '.'..'.........._.. "' ,"1. "" ';": . ..
: : ,, : ''' .. .,_. -
$ t, ( / '1'4 "'" '\ ; "' '. ...-. ... "J1" : ; ,
-"O/II < -
. " :. ..".............. .. S js6Saiigii . .v".v."t" r _., '
-;: ':! : ..;__.. l'i' '.. .. .- : ., .. ,rt".'<: ''/ "' .... .., . -
.. M, ?*.3 .... '. .i1J.!;;; ..:f...,,,'. ; ... .'....,, .

.. ;, .,. II. .. .".," ... .
I .,--$"'" .

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k o !Fr. { ;i1 7 :r ; '' 1J'tI.! } ) ;; 'If f:; t t1 ', 'r :\ '. :< ... ' (; .'r. 7. : 1 l : j : ?,' :''f; '<; f I I'I"I -. ....
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\ ,. .
''I"1'1.,. '. .. j, .' ."h.. ;' ;, '" I.. ',;'f., '," .. ..,.' ,," .'.,' . . '. '.'. ". ' \. ' .. (. . . ,', Ti'; "' q 1 ."' .. . ...r '., ''v'. .. .,"fJ". "i'. ,,',. ..." ,",,,,, //o..j F ; !,' r I 1 '
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I 'J ... ... .T ''Alty'lS. ,, .. } z.. '.' _>'_. ....,". I 1.. .N ..r.,,,,J"r" 1''' ,.;;,".''' '''''' 'H'"'' A4('-' -'''q .''.ii"+ '' '' 'a'' ''' e "wr T"I",'' 'D1' P Y. : $t cit4 +,':'i' ;,h\" .'n\. .. ,,,.", 1.... ,.....,'.;.:i;..'.. ..,,J.; ,.;.,)..;. ...,.\", '...". VII/, :;" ..,,1 tit .)1or., .T4.4.. .. ..

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.'" ,, " . .
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.... .,. .rr1' ;;:: .,..'-",..,.. ...... ,'r.r'r.'I-. ..... w,1r toll"'. .''t..'.11''r.-,.yY.\I'',''r.. .. "'',M.,,. .;,a.'iii.oJ.....'\........<...r."..,.t""t.".+"'V'6:..<.t...'.',_ .. .':.t.J'.....,,.\o...;. !I.: 1>;.i...' ,'t"..,.j".,". .,.:;,,..P, rr ff..." '*''otI.1t.' .....' '.}."...."... ''v..'l--.If'I.Y..l.",\.. ,,. '".-' : ;r. .'-'. .. .,...,. ".11nMJhh'-, :. ''fif.;; -.. .. ." $I" x .. "-F"ty..: 1 'I.S'". ...r'Kl:. : .rfyT f, 'l .Y'J'I." -. ",.I',. fi 't'W!'.' lr''\.. 'lo-.I"" .;",""'y, . v \t!'' !.If'" .. Yqi .;;. .......

'' o'
'" '. '' . A1k4< 1 J .1\
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. .> (\ - ,, II
.'i..". 1"'f''i / ',',"' :: v ? Jo' .. ;; c, I: .;. ,f'' t. ..

. ',',: '' 4" ., ,.it.' ,. ; \. .
r ,
,"yl"I.'tl '.. " ". ' 'f v.1?,! *. .. :.*:* ...'. .. w. ; ,KEY )WET. dITIZET 1, 1 '7ANU 'i\Y'a.6! U $8.' ,

u'I'c( :PACT. ,TWENTY-TWO, . : -,.SECTION''D : . :i c'SI'IF! ,_ '" DNSDAYi 1 : : ,t. :,!!
. ', .. '..:- : r . '" d -
-.w q"J ; .. **

:t" : ; 1 \ 4W : : +'1' : ? 1 J ,tt l1'0.: ; : .:'... ....... .J.. . ;? :\\r \ . ' > ' ''CHRON l O GY' ." OF: /1 E Y \ \$; 'Es t I.

'.:'.iii\v\\lI! '" \, bl'\o' "r'I I,:af a''I : 'B. :Va" "'n--r.k..r'!,, .]I ) e1 rn Osit. ,, \' I'"s" J"'B.'u'. "I'.g'1 el.1.1f ..'" j* ' '. .i. I'' '. ., "'.<'0" .c.d . ... i ,' __,--'---'-_. J...... 1 I I.1

,'" e i t'lt' i o. t 9 ., ... ,- \.\ '
_' f.. 101. ;. .1' .' V lahtlcFleet'.duttng the Spanlah- Army'maintain1.; Coast, Artillery >!\NeW8papersThe Key West
> ; -,.== s j. History : :
;F i : American War. KeylWestandduribgthe'World ; Citizen',: \ i
J 81A":1rrA1t.1oYeJin! Key Station at \
OLD CoFPEE. SHOPIS > :7 ; J West and all the! Florida Key was J.812-'The ,Florida East Coast ; War, It '"u.alao;used I 1Ee1ioada-.The! Florida East :
? 600 MILLION IN .* .MEETING'!PLACEFOHAU.qONCHS I : A ,GIANT, SAILFISH --J given! to Juan Sales. by' Don''Juan Railroad, over the 'Keys- to, Key as ;'an'atypanbbane} !' ,.,, It.te called Const''Railroad 'Operates trains to.
; de Estrada, the then Spanlph'Gov.. West was completed.. the :faf."AmaHc"-,. as.: ItcontraeUteentrdnee I end'fromN: .w'rYork.anddnterres.' s
t/"STATE'S' BANKS( ; ; emor of Florida. lgai-Te .Cas* Mart Ina Jhttel, :tP the' Gulf, diate,points. ;jU road eAr ferries s
F+ .y ll1a-.Jua. Bale; \bold. the Is. the best. hotel l of'the Florida East of IJex1eo. .,n.i I . ply: ,: .between Key' West catld Havaba a
:' .''To thos.rho recall their claW land of Key West to John' W. Sl- Coart: Rallread. system and\ ,..I.of' Naval.--the'United. States 'Navy: .*' It 4s 'expe/rted/ < that'' the ':
..i ''I -. WTTHNODEBT: montoN for; the BUn; of $2,000. the finest( 'hotels In Florida, Was maintains- .N. vy VYbrd\ ,at Key Seaboard*''Air ;Line 'will'construrt]]: : r.. "
-1 ,. lies Pepe'c, coffee h.r: 'at 'the 1 < 1.f '18t1..h.Th.. United ,States Of 0Pe lied.: ' West as wellaa I a submarineibase.There ', I : ti'' railroad Into Key ,Went, thus ::',

t' corner f.riDiryaJ : Greene, . ' America: purchased" Florida from Ctlmat* .TIIG' temperature are. aiso'O' ,coaling.statloni; assuring, direct .communicating! <,( i
< streets. bata .eJ'llaJ.cent.thJ'Ob"' 1| r fw >t i .Spain and Lieutenant Perry ranges. between "75)), degree, .in 'fu/t'.oir'' statien, and 'one:;of 'tho, with !''the,,,West Ooost of 'Florida. : q
recalls p
'GREAT''TOURISSTATE.HAS. One the happy days,that I planted the'' 'I ( largeMtradid'statUns\ In'Uae,'world;: the ,Colt ports'' attd'the. CintralStates. : ,.
I Dr, Johnson find his' eelleagaeaspent American,1! flag in'Key winter,and '0 decrees.,4i simmer ; .' ,4\;;..
,SUCCESSt'ULLY ATHER: \ .' West. (average)v( It Is theonly, place The United States, Marine Carps I ' '
'in 111.'i ,
. \vf tho/old.?' London CoffeehoeAe. 1845-:-The;. 't&te", of ,FloHdt In Florida/!whIch has\never been also',has, a station'at. '> Key West":; ,"' Ste nBhlp.The, : Mallory IIne.. : .

fD. DEFLATION. : AND, WELL brow ,they whet-b* decided over'many.t'he' ,;;probloinsof. a eup/o'f Y' Y was admitted to' the Union touched ,by;; $ U U 40'miles" InduRtKes-Tho'cbtef Industries 1 tot Neil York'and' 'Ctlveston.-: The : 'i; i l.,,I .
, ' + llCOtrorlns Civil I War farther' south .thn. ,:Cairo are cigar\ "waklnir. :;: commercial )
ON RECOVER'ECONOMIC / ?I dent l ,,tt > t;
eninaular'ondOc am-
> TO :: .the created the
; ROAD day .a literarytreasured t 'hpnlthful and I ; }
1We t'ta"It': '; headquarters but has a delightful .and fishing, sponge (fIshlnff, ,Jlp-
that'were' later incorporated ... shlp'.CompanV-,:t&* Tampa and Ha : .
STABILITY a.a of the Union blockade fleet The climate, three being vC'tr.littlo. ping.< 1 i," I ,.
bier's '
: in .lIome 'of the.morit familiar Union Holeltl--Tho1. \\11 s'are' vana.I: '" e
y forces heW the "f sickness. Icndinnr
.' .' : '' ort and ; ''
--- of the English classics, ,. the city,;,and lto citizens :* 1 built:'and' Miscellaneouii rf.: iBeautlfnllj : '0''';,. '
1:1 coff ,>tho.:render- ; although Ceagraphy-+'-Key West i is 'thd tho' Casa: Marina;, open ]] ;
'1 ;, : :: iVter;; O. knljrhtjJnvi.f recent address Tcne's ershop of Confederate I the Florida) East Coast 1 : .,'
l voua.for aU,and:>undryj'-is;' never,, .. sympathies gateway to thc Panama ( analZoneytCehtraI colored .water.'Wonderful 'yaohl-! \
y. presented r 1he- ". following, .' :From'jnorning'until' r {1 Fy yr were forced tc{ bJafu under and South. Amer Railroad' Company; \\l"8 i 1La1:! Cohh'a -: fishing.; ,ini Florida. : . '.
silent / night Best l
: : Ing. y
of Florida : Union administration.! hotel the'
: survey! ? : ica, Cuba and the' Went Indies.It c.'t a modern firoproof ; t ,
''t,?: :"6 I; '. ; '':'* the ,Key; Westers gather-there I to 1874-1-The cUrar I ,i . (fiolf and Tennis."". Bathing I the) s j
: "Florida hft, sad! 'aiUhbugh dlscluss. the Industry was In 48 bourn from New York by Over-Sea COJnhtC'tclaJ'.lIot; / ; :"
'everything from '
$sjio'.hnn" f'Mil' r established bjr Cubans. fleeing Bchoois.i .' ;"year rcl and. Coprit" ClOb. The, : .
\ gone through a deflation weather to the latest, abKdal. tow rail. Havana ran be reached in Civic -Gtfod 1 ;,Churches. '' ",'
;; period,!< plus a terrific,!l liurrlcanc, Verily, It i ia',the' "reincarnation w from Spanish; oppr aIo\1.\ five hours'by'boat; and,in 45 minutes Fire 'and polite pfutecUonone Qver';Sea Highway. over1tthe Keys, :
: .,hn$ In her banks iota deposits'of ,roundtable 1888-The0entire: bttsinese'see-. by tjlr\ ; It': is expected to be connecttjig West with i (the : .
.. = of the where the )le 5a i 'lion of the .f the best fire ,..depniriniehi* In Key
--- -throe town -waa hy;
) times destroyed
$000,000,000nearly the future of frohiSoutir"America
i the' jfion"of\ Conchs" gythet'S1ai1y'; || :< for. firm! 7 : entry- the-United States.- Pated-streetn, mainland.:will b*: the -most' re.markable ..-/.
olthocn- ,Central
<'imount of .depmiU ; Amcrl'l1'and
.' .. tirel,! ((1 southern .their' 'cotle arid'.th. li'. :gcahdaUISUtiblSTREETSPRANK. 'Weel ''the Indies. MunicipaL}\golf I highway\ la th*> South
states in all their ":' ;" 1H08Key was used as a West Good .city }tacks |
'." . banks 111111" trust 'companies- 1// ., r r.v Naval., Base by the American At-. Military:=the United States ,(- ', .j.1.1ourM. when1 cojnpleted.. : : ,".
1881. , . ........ .. : -
y. *. : -""'- .:. .. --::- .. I. 'c.
- ----.?6Thetat!; & STATE
i!, ,, does not have, one penny of : ** IN : .. & --..-.. ':. .,___- .- ____i..Y, .. .. r .. .. I . '.!. " ", . :
'' t F , .' . -
outstanding indebtedness, bondedor .. ;\ ' "T'
otherwise and has millions of When the ,tduriets. beplh flock- ., .' ., . '
dollar of idle cash In the state Ing Into Key'.West'< ti-oiiHucy. And in the middle of way they, will find that ''nal. 1 lit- I .' t ' '

,_ ,. July,, hint, at the end of the deflation land -hR. .kep l'Wel"'abreaatht'r : . 1 -'. -- _.- .. _:" '. :: ..
period, state tuxes were northern'neighbors In,\be J...tter .f .. -, .
voluntarily reduced by the state I of ,streets. Throughout% the city : 0 : . :
administration( :rfO per cent. And ; there are'' good streets* taking one ;
)lorida'has no income tax, no inheritance to every section of the island.
tax, no severance tax, There .is a bus 'service that takesone H
no corporation tax, no corporationstock to most part, ot .the city! for I r Monroe County: a5 'f' I r

I transfer tax, no franchisetax five cents and1 countless') cabs, I I : .
and -no tax on Intangibles, from tbe'old horse drawn carriage "

raising all of its revenues for to the Cadillac coach. Y :d, .. _.. .
state expenses by an occupational -r R r .

. tax tax, and an automobile an ad valorem and gasoline tax ''on cent-more-- for the rear," 1020 than. ,LONGEST' ':STREET ,IN, JUDGE' HARRIS OWNS Achieved A .: : . !

real and personal! property."No for the year. 196; I U. 'S: ON ISLAND LAST HOUSE I IN U. S. I '

state could havo so successfully "The consumption cement .. :
in the face of such'falsereports for the year 1026 was increased .
: other things that this .
Among !
approximately 40 per cent over The tangent street In the world, '
affecting this/ ita deflation solvency, 'the year 1020; . if y6u have 'not heard of it, is pu-; .,island is noted' fir is. the fact'that
gone through as "Collections ffom-the gasolinetax val street''.hi' Key West.At there stands'on its extreme southern :
Florida has The
done. for
it ift that Florida has real merit; for the year 1920 amounted the south :Vend of D val tip, u house, which has become Remarkable Obj ectivei i
to' street Can bathe in the Atlantic famous the world over as the
it has had constant' and continuous 1.500,000 as against' $1,- ope ,", :
development for 024.000 for/ the year" 026; Ocean onthe( north 'ehd, one "last house' in the United States. .
many years; .
and, contrary to the /general opinion }ales of fertiliser '..r.' 40.-'' can step:'into the. Gulf' ot Mexico. This is the beautiful home of i :

throughout the United States, ,000 tolls more for ,the -iyepr' 1920than Not so'long aa distances. go, but Judge J. Vining Harris judge of : :
Florida as a whole, during' the for the year 1925, the sales the only ."street' in, the world that the criminal court of'I. Monroe : < ; 1
year 1020, did the greatest volume being! greater than ever before In stretches f om"'the ocean. to' the county. .' ;" r ,
of business in its history. ,the history of Florida; trUll. The house is located next to the . .' !
' : . .. .. ..... .. .. ..
"Dy reason of its incomparable I ."It will no doubt surprise too ; This factalone" will give the sea-wall on the southernmost tip : ........ ..........e.euS.:.. S
climate and the productivity and 'nation that Florida for the year I stranger.some Idea of the compact of the island on Duval street. - ,

variability of its soil, it raises 250 !' 1926 headed the list, of states In ,beauty of',.this island, in a setting ---=- .. .' : : ..
Varieties., of field crops, fruits, and the'percenb.&' of .p ndn f federal of green .and blue? at'the tip end Vegetation absorbs energy from' : .
vegetables; .supports its people, income tax payments' >that it was of the.United. States: sunlight.! , I' ,rI 1.J'
probably the same number of ninth In' point of-,size in payments ,__ .L-...,:_ ---+_. I : -. ,, . t t. ...'. .;... .
toyrintt\ ; ships 100,000 carload; of I Ipe'ishable ; that) :.,- Jt,,' paid' $50,000,000. ---- -- .__ _ I I I. . yy ."-. ? '
commodities annually; In income taxes in 1026 as against I. I" .J. .1
$15,000.000 in 1026;' that, although to r t f.. She has .i turned 'the History.of e> /
population the "smallest eta e In Ujp I a p gin I
I south in population it pa-Id more .
crease such shipments to 1,000- \
000 carloads per annum. It receives Income tate.I'tbat the state of\ i The Opening of i ( .

millions of dollars annu Texas; more than// the states of : this Great State that will' always y
North Carolina and Virginia conj- i' i'
ally from its sponge fish and sea- : q: ,>j : ,
{ foodnaval/ stores Jumber,' phosphate bi'ned, more"than, 'the, states'' pf ... ,, : ,I
',,/, '' and cattle industries,, and Maryland and South Carolina, and ::11' :I'hf' ,, .' I

nom . of whoo bined m"bTe tJra'l1'tli ""lItUtIr"utCeorliaAlab' -- r ' -" -T'-,1. -1 _'_, .' ) # ;
tourist\ come to.'Florida -'-- :
; .
,, :
.,k.?\ !} and the value'of' (Jts manufactured mai.;'Mississippi, AVknnsas : ; ; :: : : .; , <\'", "" ''. :''I\;\..1 ""I !:!1'1.j' :: ''<1 ', ..". ,,\ '," ',. (p, : .: ' . ," ( ", ...'.'.' ' it ', '
''products Is' now in excess of $300- ,and .,8uth--C( ., roJ1nal' com. .' ,.Overseas JR.!! : ,. .. :hf' , ., ..if' !I i'"f; .il.'iI./ .t .!'{ .. i ... I :I
000,000 a year. It produces bined.:; - :- > -;:; !" :--j: M -t f .. .. .. . . \ ,J .",. ;It(, .' .". , " J'f i > ' . ".,. .:, ., {1i'!'I' ,. '." .f' il. ""
y moro per'capita per acre in dollars '"D rlng the' deflation period; . I ._
,, .
,. and cents than any other when' it .appeared that the banns .. .. .. ( ,
state. It could easily build a of Florida .would be unable to .. : .
wall around > itself and support Itself stand the strain, the officers of the s : r or. '
without Intercourse with tbe. Federal Reserve Bank 'of'.this dfs- We wis.h0/ add word of
our congratulation -
1 outside world._ tract concluded. that Florida would 1 U "h1l\T8Y
, "Aa an e Jence. of the great need at least $100,000,000 and .
increase of business for the year I they-were'prepared to extend tb tallistoftce. .
1920 over the year. before, I might There never was 'n and approbation at 'lhis. I
j cite that: time during the entire period of : .. "
"For the first 11 months of deflation when the borrowings elf ","
102(1( the number of automobiles all.. the banks Florida combined "
that crossed the Candy bridge, a amounted .to $7,000,000. And Instil New time. May the Oversea kfighway .
I Jink in the main highway of the today, at the end of it all, the total I ;

\. went coast, was'1,133Oli6( (!, as borrowing ef' the Florida In 'i, ' ,. '' i'I'I ': '
against 822,833: for the same period banks from the Federal l Reserve i 'Courage All. : ;
of 1925. Bank of this district amount to > bring closer l elalionship.wlh"diijf(! r ;
!''J'lorlda showed an increase of less than $4,000,000; and- oUr Key West !,{ .' ;
ISO per cent in tho sales of ordinary banks have on (deposit/ with the : r i t
life Insurance for 1020 as Federal Reserve "Bank in excels,( *. < "
; t United :
compared to the .year 1025; the of twenty millions: .. .. : country; and the States. , r '

largest increase, of any state in. ""Florida/ .has the'',same .soil, cliff '' . .

... the. union; mate, .natural\resources, and geographical \
r .
fThe increase in registration of position it"-has1' alwaya i We Congratulate . .. .
automobiles In Florida' for U\o\ had.. Then?' must ,be, something( ., .' ... ..". '

year 1020 over the year 1925 was to Florida' bcgides hot, air. Andit 1 .. r; ". e'f
76 per cent, leading the nation} will\ grow, more; rapidly in' the i. .A;- theiCUQty..qp I i t. i ', ; .
o. . ,
and 7 . ..... .........Je..s. C '
utilities and .have' sounder
/'Expenditures by public future-
.. ...... .. .. .
ever ......... ... ', ':
railroads, and building operations greater develobmeht \Vhaa\ be- ; -A ; .
I generally were 80 per fore. . .,'' : :, : ., BigProject. : "'" .' \ .
( '- '. ,. .- .
\ .. , :" ." .: .f' ", .' :; W'IITh'i. a \ .
: : i
/ .
., a S. 0 ,
r, ... '
: :h. I
I t \
: I I"" : . r '. r .
: 1 ""--- .. 1
; I. j.
'A 'Mr. t. vv" H" .rt'r Jorge R Pone : i J' '

on ratUl grist''" i. . . and, Mrs. Tourist'f"t trivet ..' i. a ; : ;

.'t' Consul for Cuba .. .
: -

i ,:/) Down toKey .i.iI. '

M To the people of Mons I. U-ctT/svink j. :' / '. ,: . ':" dK Eduardq*' r/Sanch;: z I r .

f i .
roe CoUrItYton1'the; ., , ; , 't.. ,. ,, : I i
: : ''t < "
>; i. ' "
: .,. i:" .. .. Consul l : l ; : '
.. r . Delegate J',.
et' ; \t-/ : . ; .
l 'Gamjl etion ., . '.,0 .' ., .. .
.1. ii < : : / ' '. '" 1
. t- .
\ '. ( 1. .
Mai abrl'e highway : , : '

: ', .. '. ..t' '., ..: ..: :' 'i f' t M.'it.elt.1 ,: a1d t + ;' :.. 'is\.L\
} " ', ... 11" E 1 ,. :;'
'" ".1! . ,i I ., .' Z'j'. 'j' ,
,:( ,
I ( : : ; ;
O. } ,:1' / "
I l dajh,S'" I : ... ', \ '. :. f, "' 'Vice' J' ( .: .
airy. e- ; .
., 0 '>1-1ci,.; . ;: r: \ :' ." ... \ ..11 ..... .' '' I .' ) .'.
',' ,\ ,i .
I. ;
: ,, \ : .-. "y. rr I I". ll " I ." .,. ,
SeidehbergAveiiue "
.: i i'I 1 'd' ? ". ," ', J'o'R.N. 7; ......a... . |
L If Ben F. Gardl er f !. > , > 'r-/.. ,.., ,/ 1 \... ,.' ., ."I I . ,. . (', .' 'J;' ..... . '. . '
( ..
.' .. .11. .KEY ''w"ES"TlL.i'".I.. sF' .' :,.;' .,. '',...'... ( , -....'-' 4..". I'J, r'," ., ( ..<. .' ,,'". : '
I. 'ta1: '# 1i; +Ad r '4d+ tt Wi, e'G '' ';.?_" _' ,':...:45t'ttYi. " it< .sow; ,. .-'t..',;...., tn''b'!" 'j').:........ .,.''<.. ,:;' ':',.,","-V"#'",",;f. ... ...,' ,...,,.t'...<.II'!,.:-i :.: .,..',.... ,. .J1'.!'..!..".'.". ,...:..I,;... I . . ..' I ..,, .. ;..;A ...'j''"'" '" ,' { ," '\.' '. "'. '." ..... '' ',..'...,", '.r . .?

,. ,. ....,...... .. .. ..Ie111./1111,. ..1111.. .eeeeleee .Ielee.r.sett..Intl.eee.. , ..o/e1.1y.11.p.1.eeiip.11..1.1IIe1.1,1II.J'! ; '.
"' ':...;!,' ''J j: ,, " .-', fI', ";':. ;?o ,..'e ,.1*e -' d" , ' o < .; .J"". I! trtr'f'" ".. . ., -srr
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',1 ,... "...... .,'''' "., .. "' I.\,.-'-'. '. ",.. ." *, .',.,. ',.,"'','>.1', .".,,"" "ao.' .,''\\11"0'. .. ', "'f """ ."k.W'I"4''< " ... ', ;' -',' .... . . '..' , ,......, .
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. ) ?IJBY POLYP'fiAS' urrGRE( : : :BA$1N$ ? . .. r .q. .. ;. J "
: : ' , ' c .. f.\ ., ', \. .
.,. , .. .. \I" ' V .' "A" ::1:': ."Io.J....', , ,',,. ,' ,. .T, ' ,,,1. ,.. .: 1' 1 .
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.. .. '
feiside ,1 I S '. I' J... .. .. ... I' I .. I .. .. "" }"I 'l :.. -I'.. i ,
. ''
Off- Js ,1 \ ;
Y k FLAGLER ,9AWIN KEY: '. : "',, ; ": '. '
.ft ,
.' ; : ; /" -I.< \ : ,
: '
W: : ;1' .;( MobEkNIIO1ELBE' 'WEST\THE ..SOUTH'': ',,'.. ; ''r .. ..',. d'" .',. .. '., ,"'.,'', ,., , "' ,i"'''y'r'! ': ' : , (' )'J. !...':'\' '/.I.ot1:11..1.. ':, \.<, .frJ.lo' : ; \\I'I'f'1/ \' '.", : I.. . ,t't', ) '.. ,'. .,.o,.',,
; :::: ::'::Playground 1i'() ; 'I; ig '!\ a ' 'iMETROPOLIS'*> : ci "' J' : '" " .. '! '-+ ". '1.:' HP .' ,''", "\',\ .. ".:." ., '<. ,i'' .,l il,, '. " ;, .
j "
: '
\ 'S .tV."i J" \ ,, ', n. ,I, ', , .:, <; \ '
., ', \ : .. ,' ,-' 'r." ;, .,'il" .t
; i. ; I ,
: q' "<0; :1 : ONTHE' KEYS *' "'flatFiagled' visualised and : "" .1111'. ,. I., ., c .
,.. .
-,rpi, ; ? "' ..r Array' S ( 1rie M *' theonly.. : over.tpaa.rarilvay . : ,'" I'' '' ''" If,' ,1" " .. ;.
Vr '';' ,: (. ( : a cit! . constructed ( 1 : ';' ,& ," ,.' ',. -
} , ", .:- *' '!! 'Ithe.,;, world'" ,,?: U'?: "\ "' \, \.1 1 1 ':.;',;,, "'.,1\, ., "I.":, , .. , :

't, ; ''I'i s 'l//" "J w.- ,. ,, \ ." "i 'i".r 1.' .:1': t.tES POPUUAg! ,RESORT a"cant faf $19,000,000 and' e }. ,t ; ,: i ,:: ",,:' ::' IOi, ',;<;," .v; "" 7' ' '
vfwffife-j; (' f .worked thousands" men for:! .' 14 144r"W'e, \, ." ." ,\\Ij' ',, ,}I ,'' ',,'<. ,1'>',.. ,J I;, ,, J "

'\-/ciiANNEL.'ia/ :' )F 1tE: }P iTlEJA P ilES';. FROM yilTH! OPENING OF' ROAD"TOMATECUMS sewn year'on', '. this .gigantic'<.4'' \ II1O114 I ,,.; .: .,::'>:jJ.:,, ,.'';'' ''"6',' ",/ t." ',m'" :'., 'I' ; ".,,\''I: '' J.
\ I'J'
$ W.preof'vthutFlagier { \ ., '
Ti'I' ':
1 *,<1.' ** .. t' : undertaking ; "i ".. ,: '' ..
T1EA< R'S' MIAMI'T t J"NFST 1ACC ESS T Ol' ; \ 'k'ti '..
y,.' yff"f'lws > ; ? q:., : ;; / '" GROUNDS : aawlrikey'West+, they I ''4 ,\ \ '1, \,!,.,,I/,/;'!'tJ'/1, / ,! . j ,
'' '
> 'FINET' 'future metropolis and seaport' '.. f' .. '
: ;, WORIil'S: FISHING: GROtlNDS ATj .. '1' otr :" ..
> ';;' :; : 'of the \ou b.'"; ,The O'ver-Sen- ., 3,'. -- '; 'J 1'1 .J..i.1'...;.. (; 1
'. ,' tr\ ', -IHlghwayfollowingithd'samoro14e". ) ,"' 1. (, .. :''i..,: J "
TRACT SPORTSMENi Dixie-? ; ,1ft ,
l. :, 1 .
, ..4e you. drive the keysfrom'Mlfinlone'ot ( 4e ,"- ." "' ) '" ''t i \
;; -dftiiv +. > aa/ the' F: Kt C. I ". \ ..
: '
'; . ; . r '' I .. fit'dh: J', '. "
(. 1' I : ; ,- e. tl"t and < railroad.1. .Ela1ltb;;Wonder': of : t !' ,0' ; I I.
(' .. In feet theContyJ: rommodlous1 *. the World," 1e further:, proof '. ." : I J ks .' ,. ...!,.t. .
re- .
ijiituro peculiar habit j " ''I.o.:
has .
i \ "
,1t :
', V, JUDGE "DAVE:1KELKS: \ : sort, hotel l, .that' strike..oh' the 1' that the 'possibilities of.KPf'''; I ; ;; : : 'I : '; -
-;: ptacfrig! 'h4r: greatest treYnaurres :In 'h you 4 West were underestimated.. :-t_ '; !' ": With ,f;" ,f, !. t:1 7'r\; (.. ., .
inaccessible ptaf s, 1 180nWtlraesma..j.'UIIlt'nulty / t i keys, ''aUt.: 'n """eil Arm* at Mate.eumbecjust I.' : ' 1i I -. ,-' l'!+ ---- t' PEld .: -<,, .

1 q ,r, .... .. 'i .rv.. a'\otcittaet< : LEADER,, befog( jyod' get on the .. . 'f'", . ..'a e ,,4 . Y I ,; ."l I. r;:.. ; : ) : ,) "e' : '\-:": ". '.' , 'of' __ :. ,; '. ,
,ie, with Ii. .. '
: "network. Such the cage! ; ., ". ' ., ,
,r Key, We"th\ a las key ;in$ that : 'POPULMf CHIEF ferry to cross the big. gap! Key. ''L.4 .' I,',,;.' .' .i I:, . . '
West t bound. here 1.( well worth'while .
*AI j4 lo"lI't ain 4 L.o.tliL.J9TI\ltlonll: ! stop-oven' : ,. .. . '. :- '
H : ThishoUlUf.modern.strufcu . . "
Excellent ood -well 'cooked '
" ,. that'' run from ,the mainland' of and ,' .... ''t. ". ' ... _, \ .
Florida' out into the ''ocean for -I ture: and is adelightful! place for comfortable bedrooms ma o' ,strip :"J-;: ' -, .c."W, ',.. -. I'_ . ) ?. .. ... -"
f, of hundred ,and HEFFERMAN : fishermen and tourists'who. are down .the keys .mora of I\ II. ; : ; : : "
Yy matter --sonic D J. IS WELL ( '. ...
7'' .twenty-i'ivo' miles.. seeking a place'that combines com- pleasure to art thone awh'oy\ askthese.things'6f :. ? : : > : > i \ :' w,
KNOWN while, ; :, i : : , :'. J1.
Ifort..lth'! the'preparedness-that ,
( life .
; In the beginning,- as t.hou&btorlleelntr TO HUNDREDS ON a touring .. : .. : "
__ _._
__ .
: .
the day when the, people INVITES-ALL-To' hotel l In',' tfllttinl camp needs 'to The fact that the ,hotel is located .. ' : -- .
{ ; > : ,
' KEYSi I have r- -t. where'tht r.J"-omeot; the : / . .. ..".. I. ,
> .
ee! oud.o'l .. - .J .. .
..t o'.tb a pgth: apdwq :: : .. -- .
CONVENTION The, management i.desirous'; finest fishing oh the keys but addi .. .
? the .
'l1 outhw rl( the :ttJy. pof3'P, > O.: E. of ;, --- -- -" -
fPfp %fW' builder of marine .wondess, oah- . proving. .to all! .the guests that a to its charm as a.plncc to vi8 t. '. T.h' f fact thatwe" ':i.,.:

.Jl -.'' 1. : ?&fi' : ''w seft1 ructod wall, a in Rreat.Tfef/some: place jptturftl.vl.lbl! ' when I "the:word r :; .passed-down the '.- -----,. , -- --.----'..-. . ," ::: '! S- _- e. t :: "st"

I above the waters of the Atlantic line that Judge David J. Heffer- . .-. . . . ... ... '. '
and the (gulf, at most points a few j nan, of Miami, would be chairman, ,! .
v feet l>('Iow'the low 'water mark, ,of the national executive commit- I J KEY WEST FROM THE AIR J ,7' responsible! for .- -l

%1 ( H lnd this reef in the guarantee I!tee in charge of the arrangements, .. :. .. . . .. . . .. . .. .... . ... . . .. ....... .. were
that Key West baa that fitorma will j i i for the Elks convention in the' .
1 i.' 4 2 root wanh 'over' the ,inland and qe.] j jtroy ,|!FlorWa" city, there was general re-. j "" ". ''I' -'"0t
'!/ what man ha- wrought; Here. Joicinii.fttr, "I D..v'" ls >,one\ of th. *, : : 0 I
i To further enhance. 'lU. aWie\. Jtf.f JJl ; : ;i. v.' 't ;', .
beetknown.Elks'In: theeouth and 'f.1i.l.t: ,,l ,; the
tbb ,,JntIn ', ;..i!: '' '"',' > ,( / t I construction of 1
e4 1( .yachting center .,,"f!' ;, "": .,.'- 1fr \;. : .. -
: builders that nature put to work Hundreds of folk in Key West \ ',. ., .
} }i; If ft the widest and the deepest know 'hlm and will be jn. Miami ; ; .

-f"4 'point channel,. 6at'aff! through'Key the West reef-a, channel at a I his when"hand the end Elks give-him-the convene to hearty hake "H. ', I.>" ::.... ' .r .. ,

,, : 'fY, of the I
;: measuring 30 feet at low "Hello Bill." rX,. a portion
: } ..
fy 1tide;great-natural gateway from "" : .i .

t > the straits into die port of Key ISSUE FOR ,,-t5.-r;: .
't.STAMP / > ....
P .,"I>' West. 1 : ; r ......'. I.., ..
:, t4 ,; ., The breakwater begins at a LONDON-The government is ;:r r :1
1, ; :, pniitt off the main channel at- Mi- putting/ oift nn issue of Aitutaki 'OVERSEALY
.. zi F "'nmi! and extends l .hev:< ::011 one hide are thjo keys, wail
s? it' 't ; : while residents of that, South Sea
openings left ,here:. the reef far the passage of .the I : J--' :..;.;,: ;.> :1\' ,. .

'. stored up .volumes of water on. The question, of the right nf a "I ':: .......,, i '
:s', the outside of the breakwater- t!'" -':" : I
; "womnn Mo Kit in the Domi.iion t ';, ",; '" "1
of safely valves. ''On the .
sort gulf Hcnr.e' will )ho argued befo'ue the! J :
"' Hide of the reef the water goes Supreme Court\: of Canada in.FehruHiy. '- : 1 ,
: 4; .down\? to: it depth of thousands of '" 'i': . .
t ,I.i. feet, reaching! at some points more / Bird's eye view of1' a section of the Island City. ,
Wan$ a mile to the ocean bed. aids that hnve been ;there I '
placed .
1 'of the needed for ---, -- I" and that-
,4' .Think' ages by man, and the delightful'yearround piredicT .

f 'tRe little polyp, a marine creature, climate and "scarcity. ,of. ,:... . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ;. .. .. : : : ,
H 1j.., su' frail that a breath will kill it, heavy storms/ ,, all tend to' point to ,. .
: i J-biiildthls ,
( gigantic Ilea wall this ocean area as the ultimate : As'I.
Y''T S5L" ntoiVthnn a' miTe above the ocean- i plityBpundrof t : those who. tn"elln 1 '"1:. '- rR ,/'f'' :; -:] r-'''''''" '':1'1JJ1fr.11..7." '< '

0 : ((CoOl'. yathts annually 'to< southern : THE of r me .11 ) :
; : : MONROE is 'Wi
6 , : Inside the reef Is the"V ohlniela' water*., ' ' *.'*; ; ,. CqjJNTY to aione ae I.
for' vessels of 12-foot 'draft and the ".
During coming'season-it'is : be congratulated _
,;4 ,, Ujider\ .reaching from a point ennt expected that the ,number: .of :, u p o nit's; great : \ .
f; of, Miami hto Key West., yachts, cruising \keys"-will achievement in i I I.n
1 E projecting ,115 .
'" i,Thismakes,; it< pnssiblolfrrQeA; :: ; mount,.into the thousands':for I : : itsvalue I' I. I.m
eels| to ,c me7ltown; the ,coast sheltfV1 "wondelrof'ithesewaters : 'fhiles'of I- .trnine to
every year thq / high :
? over
y the Keys. .< .
; :
*'' 'nll.the way'and,, fqr vessels as'a..wirier flihlrif. "groundure : .. 'm'l t. . ) ; ,
'i.J.f -.
,of)not more than five feet 9f draft being, 4rondeaeted I ta-Jhe? nation f If/ ; jlV J! | I '-A.i.I , " / _' .-' !n 1 ' P yi' 1,1 I IJt/, r. ,I"' ". ,'-.. .. .j J., 1T1,'. 'i., ,1 u', , P, "" {i.\,\ .", h'' " ,. .n, .\ "f
> ; 'A 'I. '
''' .1 e'. '.._ channel \ .' .. ,' : : .' > .. <.v.r, : ; {,/:, : *. :> 1 '. . ...'J". I ', ,.. > + 1 '" ,, 'r. .1'
/'ia'u all the vfay'r.o'rrtBiBrayne :(: ( at ,.large. *. : '. '/ '' '"' ' *" ? :> ,\ ., ., '/ I: 1;,,,. 1 trll!/ I ;, '.'I '" ) / . .r.1f '' : ':" I .'t'\' ?.,! :\ 'reyrY" !! :l ; '10'''I, ,/ ., '.
.K '
;t.'j'j, :w; V' !" d..I < : ;' ) .
} ( "
: Buy to Buhla Honda and The' climate: 'of thekfyn is'one\ ' f .f ,; : '. (I' .. ''k'j> [ ; "" : .' ;
,l fvoiil that'point-a' a boat can sfrom remarkable'gfltrtSat 1 : : *'*:' / 'J"v<.\ l "t'-* : : "< "*'j''T". ;,, ,". t \']' 'f,""t'f"1 I ";{"jt1.;
of .t" .
Hawk channel to i'the. south pa the bestows at times.( I summer nature : \ ., : "" "\' ,'" .eIa, 'flO' 'j on .: a ., '. . '

? by 1 Iha> way of the Calda Channel. In only three Instances! since! : I
To the northward of tho keys 1880, has tio), mercury climbed as and'I\ : "
1 N'llie' inside route which la used high/ as 93-degrees the'win: : l' and the at' ,

by small boats and 'markodPby. ter'it hovers .around 70, 'and 80 : Investors I cckmtry :
I I !heticoNH from Bis. <;uyne Bay to Key < degrees with' no frost ,''Inyfactthe \' I ,j :1!
VVcNl.! On tho south side Of the -; :
\ city is the only fro ;:tree' cityin : .
f keys: is Hawk Channel) for .vessels.. the United States. i _
I oi 12-foot draft and undCK\ //\td; } l lnitkikcd The fishing in the Caters: aboyt( /t I .- N, .
by lights; UeacoVii and )Key West .furnlsh.plerit'y-', port : Will find this i ithe large.. "
)1: : \. |jiiys.(, Beyond the Florida: Veef, for'any one. who can hahdle-a:reel county one of : ': I' : .

where the- ocean liners pass, are of pull:On )Ia hand-line,, while om- ,. fines: Winter. recreation i : .. .
.. fine, lighthouses with all mpitne'tfpnqvigation / 'mer lally speaking1 the:;;'best ''fishing / : ., '
,I aids.. groups::.are Spanish' Harbor, :: > grounds in the : , \ ., 'oj/. I j I.> :
'Thus can it be seen tJatnature Big Pine,' \Bahia\ 'Jlohda':, : '. .' country. ,'& ,. ;'' 1 >0, '"' r' .... ''. .1 I I ,, .
.J "
; 'j : ! $ tj 'U' ',14 f
t "I "J Ii I.
has done her supplemented by With the ,dry "dock"" -aldyaelJt' : ;1 'J '. "J. !'. ,', :, : 'it" i-'. ;. Ik' j IliJ'"" 'I ; i h l"t i I .I"
,! ian! and Key West' foonWtcxda.ns' /' basin completed Key West'will" be ,: ; '
'the yachtsman's, 'iia\-\ d ... tho,'1>ort' of call .for/all :s'hlpplng'! : : I '

Which brings us down ,.to, the pres. : In these waters; as, it '.issalfeady a : 'j. '
<.nt. .. In addition to the' highway natural .port for'. hose,hurrying! in I II I: NO' NAME ,if" : t .
tie-up ;:with the mainland 'that is I from the, .q.),' bbean ,or :dp) n':the : .
now about completed,,'-Key WestW Atlantic coq 'or'out ,of i the -&ult. I II' ::1. 1' T': ..SweetDredging ; ito
\ finished the boulevard that I' 'Key West< I* orturiateiin'thatnature. ' : KEY' \i"i""is h : '
'" skirts the rim'of the(ocean' forvsix ",;whepr'ittcreated'thekeyssmiled : :. 5.. : I't : t
miles of the, islands o/iiter shore. ( '.with"; paclal')' favor/on'"thla : .
Tho perfect naturaVpfoloctlonprr Island ;which has'grown' to for"a \
's in\ .ted'by the Florida reef; the ,leader 'among. all 'the keys. ,, home I 1t
--- =" -1_ : 0
I. "
1 .. ...e. .........:....... ....................... : '> > t[ ; Co.

I! I- JUST(ARRIVED' : 'j': -:. P u:r, property faces the high-i i i'I

: both. sIdes ,
.-. .. .-..... .-...-...-.. .... ..: ..... ... ... ...... ,-... ..A_-.e.--:.. ..: :' '." .-...-........ ..-...-..--:-...-...I.a. .-... _-:a:0t -_'" My on and includes i t i

1 rdQ + l' mile: ..of the ..finedl'.land' on the i: ,-I I", .. .' . 5

Y'i, Key between No ,Name Key. f: '
rY ax : Il1 rT1 ; K n4 Yr5 M1'a HOME\ OFFICE' ; -
r tr IMKvcSs. ?M.wriCii.fejir o : x302 ;, ,
] .
: ., t

.L .* '" W. :
:. S. North River Drive I.

t .'r rI'.. I!: : fL i :t :,i :' ;' MIAMI FLORIDA' I f.4. [ ,

v" 'd'p! 'r'I','\ NR"" '''', ' '' I I''. ) S

: : .. .tt W also operatefthe 4 t I'. \ . ,..,
I" ';. ..., 1 ... . : /: .. .! ,. ':t..;' '. .. > < 't _
_ o '" -II; . .' ,
J :, .- :: ., MUNRUE.,a n c1; TR i( p, ,'" ""' . '; ; , . '1" "" .
/ ,
/ : ",, ,* f , >!, . I S'1
.' / \ '< ,">' it. ",!&' ;." 4 ,* *. .;."I' t r ) .

; \ i.ff igs: ij i '::7 : _, .:, .. ,. ,8' . -:--- ." : S I ..
: 1w '
', '; "; ":'", Vv;."Get .in tclUch t mih.iisX' IhU' ", ; .. '" : .' ... \ > 'I .. -' ., . !i 1 .
1 i
.1It : ; : '. .
: '
; : .
: .. .. : . -: .
__ '''''" <>"'....... t....;, .;;.:,it ' "' 1 .os&' ,/>j'' .. '., ''V-.t'a-1, ; /v.r.ftAV., ) , ; ; :: ''''' .. I '. ,., '".,'./,,.'. ;. '..,"t. ,, ';' , ''. ," .' "t" .,( I ,, ':" .: .. .', ..... L'..' I "' .. .': I,' .. J.: ..

: o'f ;); iltn, ; ;visitor.; tothe;- ,>J ta.ifi./ : t rouphopt tb.l yaaw. =' I,::'...'..:,,:.. ..... .... '....' ..i. ' : : ' li''j. ,';, ; i 0/: '1 .
Opp. the ,; ; "" '''. '. ... .,.,. . .iJ. ,. 1 . ,.i.' i:.t. .: ,+ .Jf .i'if.! # I' Ji .;;,.l ,
'r .
w 3 T HOC' t. lJl"'t"" i.. 1\\ ''/. '' ', <1"""J "al"" ;>,00./, ,,v !''I"(,: >; .:", \} >Y> . : ,j ;!.>, :d '." ./.At'u.y'' 9')l1' ()t ryy.y.:i iy"'t, 'rJ';'..I.trJ'i.o.; : '';'',' \ >''.; ' : ; ' rif'r: ,; : ,' ,. 'Mt' ._ ..' ''JJ. .. ,,, .,' ., '. 'r' ,, , /.;. . : ',i .,
.,{ ;- k"yr' .; ""!',-w' r Lb' : y ; Jr ....".,'"\>10 r it., r' 'lo:,.. '1 d tt!! ... 'i"i"tt"? ,,.#\\ "fl :"-01;;" : ,; Z'n i ,4a4.J.f:: 7 .v )ijni ,;, < i /" "\ '.' ;' i .,.,: "'" Ir.r' --.4. : :.4 .t.1." r! t' { 11. ';,.. " }. '. I' i :
.. {;)f)4; \ !;: -+" ",,"...", !fi\t!) ; t; .., '1'':' 'f'I' );'; .,, ,, ,1 \ "1' . ', >;j .: ., (,' :,"" '"t'., <, ). r.' :. n'f . ',"?:\M' '" M 111':''': ) t ...I.. !< "
j .
I. !t.: ",",' 'fJ': '' !" ; I' \", .u.. : ,',1 Ii'. X ; ',!' I' . t
\ : : ,
1 .a .;,.,' k"H:' "u"/ "' 1..1'' .;;r""1\" .(, l". ', \ C;;", ;' \I, i"tlf;;" '.j:/*:,'" ,". j"" , ""'/";.-,",1.a 1.'' ,,'.J/'''/''' ' r." "J ,',.1' ' ...., ; j"".,...,">.','/\" ,..J'I '- .,oS. l. ., 1' . . ' .y . " ., "
.' : :.. '.J.. iI't''" ''t ' :: ;t. I 'I' ' 'I' [tI': ,' , ". .. tI' ', rl / r; "
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JANUARY 25. 1928: AUUALD t'JlfLBPRON1D7' 23125' .' 'THE--f:: ERAJDIA'; '' : I FCQR1ITA, :; : """ '" < :'BTOHAta. : : .. ,rtt.>oK.-2.3I2S, PAGE/THIRTEEN- - .:::'

f( :lr4Z -J SELF.. DEFENSE PLEA n\\11\\ =. .. .wHIIII. .. I I HERE IS THE ROUTE MTAMTAN8 WILL TRAVEL tQR HICrHWAT} ' :N: \-+..v I-,the..nt.) Jiano)xby>/ .*dropping without... 0.tipping.,'(;'/tho; It./eldb l .They' of I';, ARREST-M: DE ,+1'J ER t : ., ,

MISS// VOLSTEAD MAY' .. ... ot-fish-prevall-In. V. /. ". .. AUTOMOBILEVEBO t 14h
; ? <., ) frvsa .Pay 1 ing. dmong'hem'Wlll'be", Nearly 00! -ipecle* / I i wer*, .lIf..lI.n' swimmers" and' -r

,/ f l. RUN FOR; CONGRESS .,. from other sections of the.. state the water.. aurroundlng the keys.,. /ampler .with... .. the bay, water, accordlnir BEACJff) Fla., J.n. *ft.* :(A'') t
Name 1 Key( on the final trip tonight$ Here: ; the .dant.j I From the 0). seem th Mini oNUT.tQm4f e 'to their Th fact Pending: outcome<> .. of the Injurle 01''
W :. MADE BY ALDERMAN have motored, for' bridges_ can n eclear parents "
' A''t. .Fmml.. ...I..... ifm. $4.A'( had board tl motor of Ih..Unlvn.lti'ot '
on core,. XI visitor! who. will utlls( the ;, depth and, ;wl..mberJ."k.. ) that, they. "weft. ;ajl'fullr J clothed and, proto: FV/feerer... ;.. of .,
The II''. Pa.jl Pi.aeer.. Pra* .. far'
had license plate and ( bn
f ____ foreign lion .a* a 'holiday eent.The4ilghway mackerel. .. snapper.. \flhgroup} :' that 1.wo".o" th/ bodies. wore shoes Florida. believed to'hav :
,today says that His* tiara. "ot..t. l- cam from Illinois, Indiana. ./. 'aouru MIAMI automohll colllsloa. "
lowatMichigan er, tarpon, and many other varietiesof ... .. would .u..t'tJill i.. they were accidentally tally hurt In an ,
Takes .. follows,; unmlvta.k- !
Aecuned Killer of Three stead. >_ candidatefor an or
may B m a Tennessee, North Carolina.... KL4pALL aught In some tidal currant .near. here last tiluhl( F N Smith

Stand In Own .ceaateae. .la) am. .effort> > < t t. re. District of Columbia,, Nsw York and able route\ south from Miami, Most fish II -..- -QOCICDAIPEQQINC t .. Which"preserved.. .. I the equilibriumof Vert* Beach. drifter"" of thera,. ...(t-omobUi - -

'; Witness 7 gala'; the place farMerly held a>y Pennsjlranla.MIAMIANS. motorists today the. South the canoe.. while savingtheitality \1- with which Professor B.rter': colldert. -;: '.
Behalf. DEATH OF AVIATOR I of( th. boy. /
Dlxl. from Miami to Homestead \ -
her father Andrew 4. A Ulead. Highway today wee placed" ",.. In the Indict. ..

c........ fr.m .lag 1 author.. .f the natleaal vrohlkl... .. and .from.,.. (her pick up the .DECLARED ACCIDENT 60uLp3 - A / / .. Professor.. '
TO ATTEND DETROIT! AIHITORg' ARRIVE.Mrs !!. River county )jail Bercet'
CI.. foreat.. ....t' and new.. Oversea Highway. to Florida City and MACON. Oa-, Jan. I''. (OP')-A- vr-x PQ ETON' Nellie.. :Warner.. and )JMr*. Mf>' mas. helloed.. to have.. suffered a fracr '

and .saw.. Sanderlln snatch a gun and. I legal arilvlaer. .. for> t.. Bfortaweet.. HIGHWAY CELEBRATION thenc east,; across. Card sound to Key diet that S. Orantland Irvin.., IT, aviator -. M. Fox, Detroit.. MIch., "Mho" arrived ture.. of the.. akull. His cheat wa-.. ."
I ... \
.. .
shot I
didn't knowwhere
him Lamby In the went back A*' Banderllntaggrd : .prohlbltloa emferveaaeat office. Florida, today. officially!!,! will... dedicate .. Largo. From Key Largo to Upper of Birmingham, Ala., cam to' his \ Moo L: 'recently 'on the steamer the.. .. 1... 1.>ore Hotel.ether. crushed He .Kim. wa.. unoonaclotu
at Fatrleta
I Jumped out of the right The je w..a.>**v says Mia Vel- on. of Its greatetnglnrlng. Mateoumb the road I I. declared to b* death Monday afternoon "by ace,' 2J r for wail* the b* remainder BTUnt of the whiter,) early tonight.r .1 1
f door of the pilot house and covered stead, has .>_ arced "y HadlTld.- aooompUahmenta.. the Overtea. Highway perfect dentally.. falling from a moving ,.a1r-. \ ;
the crew with the ,gun, In my)', right ..1. cad elvt .*.... 'f tb.Raeycetb which oonnect.. Ky Wt wlth/ t..VhI..h FI.A, ClW '
band. I reached (inside.. with, left 1't Ferry.. service' 1 I. provided.. ) from plane about (00 or 1.00'. ( / rar
fny) .
... ......._1.1 district' t.t the mainland I while .. our /
band and got another gun.*" .. Long Key to No Name!, Ky, a dlane .- evidently attempting to get v/ /

\. "When )your' boat was captured.. did ek .Ihp R......_. ..nlaatloa.... Although. )Monro, county reldnt \ of 41 mile. The highway... from I' from the cockpit!, to do some<) stunts" ;/ 11 '

you Intend to harm any man?" Alder-.. and.. If ascrw.fal la the primary. ., '. Ju-1'' DOCTOR KNOWS .
will carry out the dedication they Long Key south I I. a* good a* on. I was returned by a ..coronar WH T A
man'a..oounseLR.Atendrfcks. asked. ,
-- "I 1 had no Intention.. of harming. a man 1o e>|"ts>e>*e> Re-a>ree. .Hve. O. J. will b* Joined by. persons.. from various ean find In any. atat called today to fix the blame ., .

4 Krale, F.......*. ......>r laramfcent. . I .. ;
there.:. I had ,no III will toward.. any)' sections of the tata. Decide being' a' great engineering death of the' aviator who fell / ABOUT

or them; I didn't know any of them" xho.. defeated> < Mr. Velste. ..d I.I. l laIBM. from a plant at TerraooltaylIa., near H ,
Several hundred Mlamtans will en- accomplishment, the road Is a scenic .

Alderman The government anwred contention In the gag In .the celebration. ... leaving"' here highway. Tropical growth that la Macon on the Antioch..Yoad' which ._"

e...,. whlnh It had unfolded.. In two and Mia Votatead.. ... 'ant ... early this morning. to motor over.. the alluring. Islands.. of swaying. coconut :I was piloted by Jack Asi ratt. veteran CONSTIPATION!I() & '

--' '- a half day of testimony)' ws that. .mooted... her 4erlloa. ... aaa road that has been.... termed.. ."the ninth palms that, bring. to the Imaginationth .vlator and lnstructnr;' at the recently _

Alderman had shot Sanderlln first asb. ben artl-rv la wemra's. rlrlr.. and opened.. Macon flying':' school The vrt.. ./
w.s preparing. to radio 'the has* at political. raaalaatla. .. wonder of the wnrl<''l." atory-famed Island of the South here 1 111| a wasp>\ of ,overcoming'.. ; the x: 'i
> bolt here exon..r.t.'Pllot..
; a >
''n,,' Fort"" Lauderdale. and then.. had No official motorcade will depart Seas. and broad ci vista ot. mulll-eol- i diet Ashcrsft or any -<.endency ti "constipation.. And her I I. 'i.J

I whirled and shot 1-ambjr without .ad at draalt rail from this city but the motor .car ored water are *.*..n from the hrgh- I of his companions.;' yom blame for thV hW J'ou/cIIn, PROVE ItTKla :

.J"i.-:".::! warning.'that Government.Alderman had witnesses. lined.. them 1.t testified 11, ,fti. .m. .. ........!.:_--_....- .......- tarrying resident.. from bade county I i death.. oflrwln... next.. time jour) bowel.... need.., : /.J
J ', way.Th. . /
.t up and threatened to kill them. one to starch any vessel of American rcaIstry :- that are "o' wttriea.. the vent road open a new angler4, paradise -\ / / 1 r pav[ono.yx any asa Ianc.... don't take the first

, : '. by. one,; throwing... their. bodies.. In thewater .. on the high **aa. 'are expected: to form a lengthy, .para <' ... Into any, of the "water" passed / / O pipet laxaflv: that .comes.. to mind Take .... /

"I'f.. $. .. add burning the.. coast guard Briefs .are being preplrcd by BOV- *. along. the... highway.. this* morn one.. can .cat a "hook- antf' catch flshx..! / ds on*' the' drugs-let! can aaaur you> I.I .
tt, vessel to'r.mO'V. all of the af I f I It.
,:. i'' ' rtracs .rnm.nt rpunml.. and Mr. (Hrnclrlrlu r i'"kfsafeals-*- mad with. CA>K ARA Just a* effective .. ,- .

'.', O' fray.Alderman') on the.. accond question.. \ Mr. Gober.. eau.** .I sib T4U WVWrM.Vxfc using and It' aood'forth .' '
4.jtl: . .' *ptory was.. tnld thJury u. > a* fort /
;t. "' eking Ii : without' hesitation .and. '" In a volce.. : .' rlr.t1 OIROAD j+ TCCVNdp tlss system Indeed It help, make ,
to bring; In a verdict of cullty, oT 0 0 j ,. .. .
eoelDr( '
.. .. ..
'; which could b* heard In the farthest 0 yrH t good blood. For .AII..I..!: I nothingbut !' ;
degreer murder or acquittal. AS none E to4. '.
..I Ip;'+ .ornr* of the courtroom The large.. ...:
.. the bark of a tree. "h. Indian /
the lesser :
01 of
. decree* murder, such . ,
"' '
: --1"- .. ,.. '
: : crowd of Spectators listened stten-r .
., aa second degree.. or manslaughter.. ; chew.. this hark, and live 'fo an old / "
; 1\\ tlvely and. without stir! to the Interrogation t. .1 E.'l' .i..1 ,
' .. would.. be permissible. < camp-tin .Vlr.lnla Key. with the ... age.. without a ; and oroii-examlnatlon, which { "
%t" , took aBotit an hour and a half. Mr. Hendrlck... attempt.d to rtln WCaST.: / fl of/a firs., a. pair, /of bathing trunks.. .., j What happens when you,' .casrarlsetha ..

At. lOitt/ a. m. today Judge. }Henry D. the.. advantage. .. of the.. opining and I several! empty/food .ran and' a suit.. ( bowel' They)' will. usually.. funa; ... /.

\ '. I Clayton, will decide on several.. point. closing argument to the 'jury this / .. "Well for SRVKnAI DA ,. /
ot underwear, Identified. ... a* belonging tlon ; YR. One. / ..-
1" \ ef, law which wer brought. to hi. attention .t'I.t morning, the government' argumentsto .t\1J\ ]longer.. t ym.) .. Until youdon't.. 'feel.. .
' ; ' { 1 by> the district' attorney The be made In between... but Judge / to the boy*. There.. wen mark... on more.. dose no larger.. and perhaps'.. t th e...need.. of .any$ ...aid of any ort f fotv.. ..... ... / "
'r '" under varying conditions<< be J lowered his .. the > he the shore where the matter than the flrat and. e'' .y ./
' first which the .. Clayton, would not agr* to this. fishing eyes) 'croup canoe had been --, t the weeks-ort-end.
:.; L, .Boast to guard boat court hav agreed. the right wasthat Th. opening argument for the government being.. able to .make.. ... from .$0 J to ,Hi. had'' lined up started ,to ruin him. .O OF 3 'mAMr/( ( b... h.d. The canoe Itself had been function of their own accord for a So, ,tits only h.bH'riu)<> gel from rat- '" '../

1; t, will be mad by, Norm.n J.Morrison a day, but that on August T h* had. >'.t' .hollered to. stop and slid.. 'Don't t jBODIESOF. found. floating.. ; upright In Biscayne. i can !I. that, of tlatural and normal \.

), who will demand the death left for Mlmlnl and had loaded SOV'*'' any ot you come. ,.,pr< .Iif! shoot you.I bay about. .mil., and a half off Coconut ra..ul.rltHDW) different.. from..> \
.'4/.1/ penalty for Alderman baaed c.... of liquor each-'case welghjngabout I fired. twice before'' they Jumped on Grove, with several article, In-. tlhnga on* moot usually repent. on the ,,
.. .. .on 40'pound,.' He said h* had,,...-only m* and hit m*/onsih* head.Gov.-. BOYS FUU1DIN IN BAYT eluding; a bottle of (bda' water In- morrow! Caacaces I I. the Ideal laxa- /
testimony ** enough money. to' gst SOV"%," 'oa...e* and : ernment'lwitnesse., . 'said that'Alderman ; I t.ct.Thl.\ denied.. the theory..of cap. tire; aind-- llIar ,littleraBcarafls .ca"d7"" ... ,

For'' colds) grip Mr.' : Hepdrleki&. aid he would talk& for that reason did not gV nor.B I had.hotxWHhout" giving. war,,- / /T ... '__ '_ _ CASCARETS ,, .. doubtlaa thfae. its .Ideal. .tahtets Tot-in.,. ," '
about and both Cbtldrbn bur for t ta7 'j
two hour > ;
argumentsof "Vr ,, ?" ."T ." : In*; of' any kind. xl Police opllll n reet, Att.4.. .. '
jotf ** x J .p'-.L.l1dl! han-"'" .,.en'aod-.veInen-.xldn',, .., .. !
-" take government counsel will be at 1 Onx ros*<*xatnlnatlon'" by th* '' din-.. ::1 turlent t' Friencfs s'I'erielltxlOn'Cenoe : ,IltA d'bab17" on. of the lad hadfatten The Work While You Sleep'' mxnf. ty'elae for r
and flu .. and at 'tak/ng'ANYTH1
1 least ao hour each, Mr. :.Oob.r slid.. "Where" .. 'wer )youbound, admittedthatbe c > think ot / '
trig Alderman overheard, and .had .
what-ipeedr.... "I ,was". bound) .for th* ; aj.torny } / th* other the.purpto.e.' .. And J JOVKllVN>ruB torha ..,..; .
It probable that the Till .
-'e/ '' .' ,making jury, : served term In the : To endeavored> to hnr .. .
a fedeptl : S
.(' get the oaae sometime ,early this aftarnooiw t. .b.o".. (of: Florida, making about.1' penitentiary,, at ,Atlanta tor'' conspiracy } ) Trip. ,; : rescue | .Inth* cur, them-fAdvrtlament. s. : / ..
-eightymi1M, hour.": I XCSr
ap ,. to violate the ,prohibition) .. law..., JCejr.Coattajd .
The.. government retd its cue "What attracted' .your attention T'' j objection of the defense bnr') overruled ... .
.. "Shot fttt, about> four or' five of i '* frees .Pap 1
I. somewhat earlier than was antlplpatad by Judge Clayton, He ajsn "
when... .. at 1121: a. m:, after Wt; J J. De- thnvlttlng? the. wat*r." Alderman I admitted conviction onxa,. charter. of t .r.
(alotals had testified.. that AIUnn.n'' boat pd .or. changehi* oour.ei'but* on I to Introduce, the }fact that/'he was... Gardner, stripping. off his

had not legally.. cleared from Miami\ the .contrary, threw his motor out of.(.: under lndlctmot'' alleged alien.. clothes.. dived from the plan and Mr. Campbell; says:

I port to Blmlnl, Mr: Oober announbed. gear and waited until the 'patrol boat I smuggling: ; wen objected to. By the lifted ,young. Miller1. body to the
. '' JMARK RIO. completion.. of his case Clyde, .. 'hunt hailed him. defense and, Sustalnaff by the oourt
1rRAPg operator of a.marine service station, H* ald h* wa' ordered to .l on the r.oundv; that., an Indictment surface.. His father..' took the body of

dell and Commander Beckwltli Jordan of alongside, but hailed to tart his does not<.prove ullt. his son aboard th. motorboat, whichset : /

'b.*. 6,/Fort Lauderdale" wer the ..In. b..u.e.. ft wa hot, and the Alderman said b* purchased.. the .. off .across. the bay to Coconut "Another CUT ;

other..' two... Wltnesse-xyterday' .. morn taln.-.of. the patrol boat.) presumably. boat from )Iflreech, but!. had paid him Grove. where... a Comb' ambulance.

Ing. Hunt testified.. he old Alderman Sanderlln, said, "Well.. I guess I .can I Ito''' mcney. a condition of the.. }1\Jr-\ took It In thr..e.. .

..1 S gallon of......olln. and five gal-, rome' alongside you." The patrol ehase.. bafn*; first a trial voyav The.. ..
Relieves' the conge' .tlo lolls:- of otl l about T p. m. August 0. I boat backed< up. and 'Sand.r11n was,.. government.., placed .Julius Roes, *1levetd 1- .Divine. ; again, flardner brought up ""

rl--' prevents .complication". Two.. Cnft. 4S-callber.. pistols..; war. quoted. a* laying. 'Where )you' been. 'I owner of the boat on the stand the planed body In of.the)young.. cockpit Cooper of the which Rogers was K t k In PRICES! '
; what.. got aboard where a It. only rebuttal witness MrRoa .
and hastens reoorery.Jekser Introduced. In e\idenceby"\ ,, (Cnmmsnd-< you you plan. with> Pilot Rumrnll and Senator ..
/ ''or Jordan. H. testified that( one belonged .. headed' ,Alderman tetlfld under .was.. shown In government.. records '
I to the govrnmrit. \being> ao cross-exatnlnaton.! ( that 1 h>* .alcl./h. *. belhg; the owner.. Me statedhe ..... Spear assisting the poll".m.n'trom ,d't; ,Isdk'r s

.. ; tamped", the othe'belongfng to had nothing aboaiA,, ... -(: 1 owned... the boat. but had sold ..t plan. the wine and pontoon. of the i, ;,, rY'. Men, the Cohen boys say I have lost all .ense...ofl

Aldea-man... When,\/ Alderman took Alderman said this menysi tfi* patrol ' to Weech on an agreed; payment.. plan' : l r 'proportion but I ahquld, worry They hired me to
.. .. neither .Igbt'. of email amount.. At the' Rogers Alrlln. dock& stood ,
the stand he declared that boat In all/ were not i
/ William R. Cooper, of 4r their lock I have already made a
ell $$75OOO
1500 MEN'S SUITS he or Robert W..ohl who was with dressed In uniform,, and 'wer. not., .father tae" : .

dtreei teem him, bad a "un on board fh. boat armed, as/far aa h..-could .*'*"> San. the)'ounavictim.ramp; )h I. .stepped.A* the up plan on the slid bow up }huge. -"hole"' in it and today I have 'cut price. '

N. r"' al nee. Before Alderman" took the stand d.rlln cam aboard hi* boat; h* 'testified !- DOCKS AND' DECKS and Inquired whether had found 'again to make it more ;worth your time to
p best ,.sa.y. Is. his chief f counsel made a statement I lookd< Inside the hatch, saw thy even
rustler. .......1... $ .95wejfhtc. to the.. Jury declaring the points his the liquor and.. called'to "101*.boy" to the.. boy. come here!, Selling ha been f fact and furious a*

Wen_.., Flaneb, defendant would bring out In the I take It pot. "I asked him by. what The tanker Comflrtt. Mexican .hip! to H* wa told there wa one In the from all
hundred. of attend
.' .','1'' sad an ether- $1 10 10b' OL Umony... \ "H. doean t d.nv shooting authority. .h.* cam on board and he .enter... t the Miami harbor, arrival! from, Tam-'- .hlp. H* peered over the fu..Ja..a.Ptlot'Rummll ; hundred. and people (

rt'\. / sere A.I..t./'I I. retail. .. ., them, but will contend that h.I.d I answered, 'I 1 don't pd no authority U ploo:the yesterday." largest*l draft Aba nf / ,team. ..*. a right to shoot them" Mr. Hsn- ,' Alderman said. In .. my
)) rale explaining terlnr 'the. local\ haHtor""" She was loaded' '''' be aatounded at the valuea we offer you. Come
'r. "OtLg. *-NOT*' drlcks ended his statement... .. that h* thought h* was being. hijacked .with. .. f.u.lull\ for the Belcher>.. Asphalt Paving "Two'' year. a"today\ w. burled his 11'Fth.: A. Campbell '
.. Inter.. How crateful I am'that I have S. CAMPBELL
/ f 0/ Alderman. said the model of hlboat and' hid* liquor taken from him Company Man I. charge .early. MR. A. ,;
..hI. Vtdor and fteaborn left... for. God to sustain !" .
Th. a m* now .
/.118-" .of. ,.; '". rday,.. Mortuarlan, from Comb parlor
'' Vy- -... got\'etnmsnt"" with 'a" acsje model, of ordered The! Munnon I Line.. steamer.. .. New.. Northland
'' He aboard the '
; patrol
"-J . placed..,,..<1 the body In a basket..... i .
t .. .. ._ *
"I! ,coast guard %' ** not ant'llkt'sI .. "h' fl for Nassau yesterday Th! mer f .
./ .* 40.... ;.* "' JM boat and thoroughly "searched me for J Hrlnc>*M ]Monlavu\( .. will lacy* for that port The exact cause of the triple 11'\\"- .

/ /,0 ? <\\.oiIot. "'.- "--' &lW1ltlJ1--:-..." 'vacs"- .lellAt r-V A .......... laser.. -....- .w.f .. efmassatlT' _. -**__*....__1 .*..*----' --- -,..-.... !. ...L .JU.r..a..lI\. \ *.. lA1... ,I) ... _

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- -.- -- -t t:0.:-.!- : __. .. I .: : v--v_ : x> ----. -" __. .;, x-/-,/ .. - -X... ., -'. /./ ;. / J ..,

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t. . ,/ ,

'' . .. -. \
.. ''
/ /I'-CE_ ; FOUR REiRALD" TBtiBPBONB) 23125 : -( i M TEOKIDX: : HERALD.. TKLEIP> HONB>9 25125'WED;" DAY ARY 25 1928. .1
.. _. .. .. "- ,! EN'0_ ;THE HERALD.)). 14 I. !>I. JA .'
' -- -" -- -- -

/ -- ---- ------- .. '
\ '
. NSW -- -- -LARCE"CROJPJYP: It SENT B.twee1lth.m.n: / ,.-".- the. - ,.
'GERALDINE FARRRL. NIGIJT; : CHILDREN AND ADULTS .. < to the patio for dancing'

LON'S'TAGE5CREEN1iJANNINIS: WILL.DE-OPENED V WILL 'BE HEARD TO SEK: PLAY\AT.. G ARDEN to .theniuelo/Of, Clark''added Hawaiian.. ""'attractionat or- ... .
,,chetra> a popular
Ons of the.. lamesturtlnt.. .. .. that< t .
'. 0 I t the Garden this ****6n.

-, - '.; I L.L.PROCRAMOUTLINED} RainbplvAisle. ) To Be, Conducted LIRE: RIN-TIN-TIN J pro> Ruth Bryan Owen; Pupils has )yet' atti-mlrd" .. the': )M.lnml Beach ,

/ j '' Gardens Thi'ntur"' w'ss prr*ent Monday.

( ASCENDS S. TODAY'S' ATTRACTIONSAT ; 1 .. ,_ At c ,Fleetwood. Ilotel. : Will Be,Presented. night Tor!, the premier.. presentation of

Members.. of fir Ruth Owen'' "The Fatally Upstair Kel-
aryan Ralph)
R.lnbow.'AI.I.. '.. club
MIAMI THEATERS: ; i Concert Number* ':To 1 Be Given pn the roof tKFletwood\ 'a new.. night Hotel,.) Dog Picture At.the Hippodrome C.I.. ..... In public speaking;' .t t 'theUnlver.lty'of ''j\ard.*\ BthVft\ .*.
NEW to which adralselon In.. by Invitation, Miami organized under /much applause In their... parts' A
TO O TRIUMPHSAll At airCn Theater Thursday Both .
TKMPLB-""Abie's... Irl.h. .. Ro...." I : will open' Frlday'vevenln-) Pleases. ;..Vitaphone Act the name. qh University. Hitenslon Qlady. "'Jacksun was .well received.Guaranteed (
Speakers.. will. at 8 m... tomorrow _
/ CAP.TOL--"Trllxto.. "' l Kin*.' Are Selected.: Invitations haveVbeen.. mailed to AreA ..,Shown. appear p .
e .I' In Bryan :Memorial Church,
.F-VENTO AVKNUE1.-+"'Dlplomay. / The proll'1..m' printed,, In full) below I, !SOO person active I IK, the social< affairs :
Children art not the, only one. Coconut Orove. i
of His Previous' Effort :Are J' Renudjr
NBISOAYNE of Miami and Miami I Beach. ;.
y." .. Education" .
has been arrahced. by )Miss/ QeraldlneFirrar who enjoy' the acilonxof: -a canine "Politics and 'The ..
of I'LAgA."J'T.. .'. Wife The.. upper room I IH a replica of the witness the at Spirit! of South Florida" and "Modern: ,''Mrl....Plf.l'jpo' .srrosuln.tub...... ""e 1 World-famous.. a* a-- >
Surpasscd/In\ "Way ... for her concert.. at the Fair .. actor as patronage; ..its i tliBii iit.,. ."*- -j Makeseveriiuog
\VfcoVasn't tVanted.. "" ;' Rainbow. Aisle at the Mnyfalr Hotel, the.. Hippodrome... Theater, "where" Rin- Youth" are.. the subjects"" > -that will be n IN..Nmt.ndwru.pp" ' r ]] leer* tiufSndAavoring. '...
fax Theater.. Thursday, evening;' W er_"' London. N ; \ (, ,If l PASO delicious more' aromatic. '
'r. n, All Flesh. ," Tln-TIn dog .tar, In to b\en'"* In dlaouased by Burton 'ISfiscic: ,C eona.. iYorr./.. / mare \
*"* --
;: .
/ ./ Kmll: Jnnnlngrs; etched a dominant TOWER"Mile. MvdUle. ever this array of songs' h.. been I Entertainers.. from New.. York willpr".ld. "The Dqr' of the Regiment' ," a""'ot .. Matthews and Louise FaillespC Clalro P".J".i.w' (". ..,, IeLS.i'tw5tti.tubed. ': ?your/ Physician Kaow \.. -
future' In, Boss Heller of "Varl.ty:"' OL.YMPIA. "Last' t Command... given' music.. lover.. an
1 Some,.. critics maintained .he would FAIRFAX-Vandet tile. have praised.... them: .""\ floor dancing;' apace. .. .extends. .. the entire an much a* the youngsters.... The the music, department.. of 'tile,.. \university PAZO OINTMENT A.tktors!': tit,,!fHtltUn,ft''**, /aoat.. *ta..

/ n"\ver'' ,nurpass ''that role, .nd .tuck to) -H.ODROIII.-Th.. .. .. Hog .of. theRegiment" 1. .... 1 I .. length' {of>f the bntlronm.OPFICBHS feature.. Is accompanied by \the \Vita-\ also',! will appear.\ I
Pupille sdtfrnose! (HRend.CRn.\) .. .. .. '
and four arts
... --- -- m - phone Vltaphone < are .
vwhen appeared asM
/ t hu txHta tement ... and -- -- r----
his Vltaplione arb.CO'ONt.'T sonetta... (QuagllaU\), Ich Hebe\)", dlohBeethpvenVj < Included. In the proftram. The.. offerings .
./ \phlKto' In "F.u.t.with apf'Branee ,. ARID EI.IOCTBDBY "MMtMOnl8TIO". : AT TOWER, I
OIlOVJi-.JOB.: .. .
\ .. -of Roger Wolfe Kahn and ..
In "The Way of All Flesh"hla ( ) WonnevolerMel) .. '
/ / . ), GEORGIA STATIC SOCIETY ''Visions' Corrine.. Griffith In 'Mile.'' .. .( ., ;;"
.. ......" his orchestra and of appears .
.. asideIn
/ / former.. .. triumphs.. for were put. Schil ..... -Gluck( ), Miss 1> Farrar: I I. WldmungSchumann i Officer of t(the Georgia' State Society Spain," which has a'o..t (of KO o persons Modiste," operetta' '.. by \Victor' Herbert.. ,
/ the enthusiasm August.. "Tke .First. Auto. ( ), l/orojey/ ..'.. (Schumann);. i : elected at a meting; of the. ; are outstanding' attractions. the feature picture.. at the Tower. oC .IDRc
/ mlAlake]ler.,. who of paid a moment.A for a lifetime. for the VORAL GABLES--'The.. ... .PioneerScent. . Wohln (Schubert). 0 Dank- Nlcht society.. In the Colnmbys Hotel are: TheMer........ She plays the role.. of FlfL ) ) E

Judge' E C. Collins, president A. W. .
/ preview. of the picture was (Fran). Sterns mlt den told'nen' .. ; fDHAU.. ABWCl-R" FBATVRRD..

f shown> )yesterday: for .newspapermen. .. ROtBTTA ."Twe. Arab. I la a Fussohen (Frans). Baljade} (Loewe.... ), Evans Miscall,),first second"I.r.sed.ntl vloe. president.< | W.:Mies J. Intrigue' love'' and adventures.. on Listen! Girls'! .

/ ,end. civic leaders.. KMtghte.. ... Miss )Farrar. a I.. Boll for pianoforte: Marlon,," Bvans.... "secretary", .. ; J, W. RI- the Sahara desert offer entertainment -' 'fAPHONE' ,
And'now come. his newest cfes.racterlcatlon PARAMOUNT' "'' ." Mrs H. D. at the Coconut Grove Theater .
.. --"Simple' SU. Soherso (Brahms). Lento (Cyril dolph, treasurer; Bell
/-\. y'" / \ as th. Ofenerat Is "The .. Scott), Dan.. Rltuelle dn Feu Chairman: entertainment committee..; .where... "Beau Babreur" I.I showing' "
\ D.
'I Dhet... Command." "which, open's.. today :rOTO.uHIJ..a.() Said' N.! / b enQlion! .
. Th.lma' I "Beau Sabreur" Is a companion to
Falla), Mr. Oonvlerre. t. Air: Vol Idles Mlarally, chairmanfnenbrhlp .. 33res':
' He Like Holda ,
tor a four-day engagement at the TIVOLI-"A Million Bid"I> "Beau Oeste." to l ,
/ Che Bapete.. (Mozart) (Voice dl Flr- committee, and Ron
'N 7 Olympia, Theater. "The Last .Com- MIAMI. BEAU nAKUdKC-""The aro"). Miss Fsrrar. 6. Lee Frlleuses Williams!, chairman publicity)' com f '
Soft 'Velvety Hand.
nHl n" finds Jannlncs reaching; new '
. hclKlits., ( Family Vpatalr." d'Automne (Collln), Dltes-Mol (Ood- mitt. .. DUAL ROLE, PLAVBD.m ' VISIONS offSfVlIN =- .. ;

f/ J Dynamic> harsh cruel he Is swayed.... .. FLAOLER.Get'< Your. H..." ard), J.m".nt.U. : (Vlellle Chaason a- "The Wife "Who Wasn't' Wanted ..

/rr only liy his love'' for Russia. Then RIALTO. -.+Tfce, Oat sad .the. Ca- Franoalse), Ouvre. tee yeus bleue PLAY HAS, NEW BACKnnOUK). ," now playing.. at the Blscayne Loa ; ..
. / romance'.."' .. .. and ,revolution shatter thewi.resulated . > (Massenet. ), Mies Farrar... 0 S. Lean thyCheek .Although" the 'locale..ot"/;Oet ,Your, Plata... Theater..,:, Irene. Rich' the feminine Not a NDtmeg GraterWhat ANy, N'COM
ney" (Jensen). Sonrs My MotherTaught Man Clara Bow's latent picture, now ..
shows her dual .
|! order of his life. Thestory Mar per Qnnllty.l'
; where COMMVNITY: ''. Circa. . Me (Dvorak). Renoontre being shown. at the Flagler.. Theater. '' OF so ).; .
him Hollywood
/ brings (Orler'). Spring.. Idyll.,.\ (Qretchanlnoff.. ). I Is Paris, anew. background has b".enestablished '
OH. a movie extra h. Is cast In a role 1r"r .m".._,. Miss Farrar.ATTENDANCE. There !I. n. apache .at-. r ASK YOUR BARBERFor manner!" got' a thrill out of N .
not. t unlike that of his real life. Uaa . '
mospbsre, no ray night' life, no fashionable holding' rtnt&r, (P, scratchy) hajids? And OTMBH' VITAPHONB' Itre4arln and v
Stanlelgh Malotte has scheduled a , t Ledcy>< h.e.mlpeemedr.e Mm S Ask. l la eae of f vltapbe.'s
GRAUSTARK STORY ricottaBlackheads what girl Isn't ashamed of them? So ACTS. : .:.. :
that meet .4b.rat. prmwtaWea
addition to his ego-pe
now--novelty organ .
I Io INCREASES I r' don't' ntfglect. ., them-not'when It''. so Ittoae wertk...., .the. eanea. .
solo. He will Introduce Mrs. 8taArI Wolfe Kahn
Grraraa Whyn'es Roger
, lelgh' Malott to Miami audiences.. asa IN CAPITOL FILM FOR ""ABIE'S' IRISH ROSE" Go Quick Back easy to keep them always. ) soft.. ,, lovely And. His (flelokmtesUrrliMlre. . ., PrteelCoBttnnoaVjtally

dancer. Their ,Joint .uttering.. .. U By This Simple Method L.pUefc. Paibei ocdta rg<.ts.DOLORES' I) and alluring ]In looks and touch. tl.d.. g
called "Silhouette." 'The Olympia Th. Temple Theater managemealreports .. ..' 4 All )you' have.. to do Is to rub Jolnt- I I S
\Symphony: orchestra 'Walter Wltko John Gilbert Appear In the a steadily increasing.. attendance ThU U a simple method' that\ makonVackbMKli ., Ease on them, working' It In and between ARNAUT BROS.
will have appropriate for "Able''. Irish .Jloae\ ," the go M if f by mfcc'o. Get> two"; -HAIR R.sSDY- .. the fingers.. for two or three \WhlitUrt\... KapreoM .
conducting Lending Role. record-breaklnc' comedy-dram' whichIs canoe :of:; C.I lonlt. powder...:;:, from"": ')yu' .>}: minutes'.. until It I. absorbed and ::.
music Several shorter screen sub- ."tor..... ..,riokl. U Ill hot. be'.. able .. 1 -.. ....
read draustark belne presented all this week. any on a you'll hardly to believe youreyes FRANCES WILLIAMS ...
'Jrctnwill.. ),.b. on the program.... Those' who have William MeFdden"& WM.. cloth, rub bri.kl7 era 'the affected"" .. ) so smooth and silky textured.. Syncopated,..... . .henKstr. ... RW TIN TIN \
,,, .. . .will... be pleased t to,Vnow ..that the leading manof"the'"Able's pertfl., anU In two mlnutac, you will !find will they.. become... Try this two times
'' Irish Ro.." out, wasa ewe',> blaokbMd .dissolved...! \ away. )ll\Urel7--\ M.\. .week... and you'll always be the *
COMMUNITY GIVES: PLAY. Capitol Theater film t tK plot ;:
cartoonist. The New York Tribune Advrnatssnt., possessor of hand you are proud, to ) 1 p.m. t u 11 t pjMnllnre ...... of
3Y13RAM4TIG# -STUDRNT and main detail .John Gilbert has before'he;: began, his .stars carsar. how Joint-Base ,"is 6btalnable> at .. 1 .. n. tv' 4 p.:' aa. Dog
> the-lsadtng .-Mar a>e White agu .""' '' . . .l 4)1) druggists.Only' goo tube. 's '
porothir ; Cuililan..; l admlady .> 'iN a ADULTS/ --. ('HI.DII..ADtI / !\!i Bile \
Three'"members\ 'of"- the senior el**. pear on the stage In Ueorge Wolfe' as.. the Rosemary : ,of I -- -'towa) 'bands -. ,. the J
Murphx> your" ( Regiment
,. ( : -
...."'.(i',. f...Ida M//' Fisher! 'High cohool,.Miami stage band show. 4.c. .. "Abls's Irish Rose" Is, wlnsortiet. 1i In MIAMI B.EACH Theatre'' nEEd::. d silky. for a .month, : .:: seal::| t IHI.DKKN;':. ) CB .y f '"h'd I ; j ,'..;.JL, :.;:'
Bench.. .. 'offered a. one-set sketch, "The A film depicting<< an Incident laths her" own p..r.oJlalltR..r"aUon... ) ,Just..' send'" name... and.... .a..ldrB. ... to Pope Labor- .. c. .

girl... at the Community Theater last and life;'of Mendelssohn.... ...," an Aesop's' fabTe. for next Saturday and Sunday matinees QApnruAlteoxRead . COSTELLO atones meet"'.. ... Beak< 6?. 'Beliowell,, Me..-Advertise-\- f...
' "night.' ""The Girl" proved" an adept .new pictures' Complete a very/ Indicate capacity houses for IN '
vrhlole.... 'for" the cast,, all of whom are well balanced. ..program.' those two performances., .! end Cut Street '- -
dramatic under. the direction Tomorrow's..' attraction. this, theater t&RSENT. "
4 studying\ ", "A MILLION BID
.. I I. *Almost Humans"RIALTO ithVAUDEVILLEThree
of Miss Bnydow. who assisted I B.F.K eI \
"THE 'FAMILY,1JPSTAIRS".J With Malttoln McGregor 1
them In this effort In the -east are wTTta.
o seen Robert. flair, Samuel Wampler OFFERS MYSTERY FILM' ] NIVER R RIAl ,too"*.f.ANDti. M.CANARY. ( Real American Comedy With HOW MITH Wares III Olea A ,HRAVTirCL Betty Birth. GIRL Performances Daily,

and Dick Gallagher' )Mystery,, combined with,, t tragedy, :w. Fun and Laughter WORTH-IN (COt-D' CASH? MATINEE: ] a f. }M. EVENINGS Tt,Oil5, '

"The First Auto." 'a comedy. of are' the.. dominant elements of "The. :1 tMrn f Y 1 (Certain. Silo. r. M.PRICRSt INBTWB EVENTS, COM KPT, NOVELTIES ALL, SEATS BOa Mala Fleer. SOe.. D.Iro.*. .
the horeeles.. carriage' era showing.. Cat and the Canary, now showing at. I : arntWE.. lave* IJte. hoe 76a 41.10, '$1.65 ENDS.TODAY.. P. M.\ "
Barney Oldfleld.. as the driver of the the Rialto Th.ater. Laura Z aPlante moet .sayetwr,. stem rrr fsa4e.. .Kos. ''ReservationCell ':' : ADMISSION. Adalte. O*-Oblldr B. hoeYOU EDDIE; CARR MARGARET
first racing car built\ by Ford, also play the part of the "heiress.. ." With LAURA LA PLANTS. and Sea) Office.. Mlanl. Bad! tllB L Lillian a n STEWART .
shown. The.. entire performanceWill .. CREIOHTON HALE or .
was : '
Miami. 'Tlekei' .. OffUeMl 'fw re.eal.
-. of '' be repeated again' tonight"PIONEER "DIPLOMACY". TO .UK snowy'. Cbarllr"
\ "Diplomacy," Paramount'' latest ..rnE lM .mH.QPll.f .Phone.. 8-S818\ ARE INVITED 'w

COWT" MOWN.' film. I. the. special attraction at t the ... I lam "OIL" Id
"The Pioneer Scout" I I. playing' Seventh. .. Avenue\ Theater "tonight, ; Myetery' In' .film... History / Ittgera''ART
the Coral Gables Theater tonight.. Hlanche Sweet! ...... Is the star. ADMIMIONi .Se-,1**/ To Dance TonightIn
Fred Thomson rind his wonder horse '
"Silver... King.," star In the picture.BII 1 The/ BERRENS elk
'.. MANG FIFIMusical
"M.'i.ION..:' >" TIVOI.I. . FILM. The New Patio ,
isca LASS Comedy In -
nlaZ -BOTTOM .. I
,,/ Dolores Costello plays the mostdaring tfii FARE it The ArtisticAthletic ""TEN DOLLARS
,// ... ; and emotlobal role -of.,f her erArsy of t theMIAMI Comedienne '
IBth Avee.. A LESSON"
$ and Tamlaml Trail Girl
career In "A Million\ Bid, the .cur-' B-vAT
.. feature.. the Tlvoll. Meraws Esq WUIard l.rl, > u1 BEACH
rent a( ''" .


I With'.. .Irene. Bleb..... and.> nantf\ Oortm.... Daily ,at 2 mi 1 1tress I. Golf and Country Club .' .......... ......
..... p. ...
O. sdy.' -MUM-a. TUmWOKDI- .,"" ....
w_ Achier 8lnlnc. Old..'Time. U
I Bent hash....Stale T-'..t p.< Orna m-Plans"WW,,,,Koeilk'Admlesleai'.-,.A.Me-OOe. plaaa. BRIDGE. -r Dade Boulevard' SAT. 11:15: P. M. MIDNITE.SHOW'. ......

.. N. H. aevejB* 55', am. ew.d J. 1 Av*. Wa hinton Avenue' OKORO. SASS MeCVTUHBOIfB("" VTOBY' .
,... / r Over. Vml) <.4 Char. (.teirejeveath or MYTHICAL UBACSTARK AND AN .
.:... __ ,...... '
& .r rs.MIM. i Music by On. of America'' .COMMUNITY THEATRE
-- .
.. Ask Mv Fattest.t . .. . ralerpl.ea.. .A.... asasbl BEACH -
:-...... RosrdslOtSIl1SNSITNeCHIROPRACTIC. '.. . . DON"!' inn ..TI i Foremost Orchestra : ;
-V t COMEDtrriNOYaf.T1ESrf> OMORTxva4 OEOIIGI!: WtU.Pom, \>( mil CURS I 4.
V $$1.00// Pll11tC+1'S Stationers CLARA ..J Premier South I ILt"; ""*t.\n\'1 ** '.-
... ,:' / NORTH CAROLINIANS ..J ? ,, "f j.*
... 4M.tRF'X -- .
...< Fl L;" ..!; .g&63& E".. :: ... -'__ _,_,:, ... .. __ ..r ... .. ..... ..."

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ttit. ;
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dL UM ;. L No.. \. .r IfEF WE&TVFLQRlDA: : WEDNESDAY: ; JANUAKtf 25, 1928 If, t"L : : M,, ..n"
I ; : ___ _u', ; . -- .--" .. .. : ** ; : .E. : \


J ,.. .. ..... or .
.-. ::- I : .
yip ----- - ,' \\
; ,
. ; J" : '
: { t" COMEDY'.OF.A. HAT UDEs.. eeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeepie... eee.leeeee eelee..eee SON-FOU D AFTER i s YEARS I :PLAGUE.,:STOPS. GOLF' ,. U"TION"i" ' 1'r.rJ'MILY'C :
NOLAN'; : 4\\\, f .. 11 \ : .. 1
FOR '400VEARS .j.1 .: fi .
r ,,.It ,, ; 4 i ---- "j{ ... ;J: 'e---: 1' {: .'

.WINCHESTER. Eng.-Atator ..spee r J--------.1. . MELlNCOUKT..' 'Franc_Thirtoen -; tLYNbnUKST, 'Eng.-.The! .' tiLASGOW-Rev-. James Scott'. ,.I1! ;-J.i
l was HIGHWAY _
t l' lti In the local court order THE r ove. -- - '
5, aJ. .mS/I'HAVE: BEENiTREAstjRE ed to remoyft "his hat.""' ""lie".'wae 'years after o'he ivas'separated' Uramshaw* i golf course. has been 'took.., ..'the. ''degree .of' PoctorVofPhilosophy. : '.".., : I, .
/ ..s ___ from' his : "' .1; by -lbe German '
a'\ "shc" and'.the!; clerk;'apologized .parents 'outbreak Unlvereit

of a
; : 'H eraDRIYESIFARTOBW4 Invasion closedowing .to an at' Glasgow I .
of .
Raphael 1'
}. < : .. :MECCA "r-. sr +i- !' ::' :., : r. OVER Remon} has been found England.. the foot-and-mou'th' ' dill l&lI. in that -while. h1 son.*.and t- daughter,-wjbre' \ '
'r." t.r j"' i.' > '"I I.p I.. ,'. ', .. '. *f', /" Vhich'; had'made"the (trip.from -tRESTLE; $,.';AND. .-ROAD' BED'IN'ORDER'TO ':. Ho .is now 20 years. ,old.'' district.... : made Maeter@'ofArts. 4"i'" :.
,,.'t' 'y--; ; :. ?; Malta here-for locating FIRST" .' ,
.. .
t.he.u'1'olleof BE r ; ..
. ' r ; """ 'K..r\ -- ----,.--'--.. . I .. . I .
\ : OJIGANIZED' PIRACY*' BEGAN' ; \ ; ....;''IJ"' v.j;.. ,- u ; .In. ;
. Thatther some1-tturPos, .1 J
,, ,
,/ */ f-V ' 'was -\" 1'r' *\ ,: I .
f; '.WITH-1' REVOLT, OF SPANISH attached' to hls\.visit",Is..;.1 gained MIAMI,. .; January. 25.-"', #' 5 II.I., , ;* ,. IN ...................q.......iGIBSON" ",s ya
tromthe (tatement' 'made 'by'a 4. "' !;;.:.. '''' ?lr; I
''ltMERCENARISS Clad Jn ,.bathingSuits/ and lifu,tire- .;:. '
,w f.. 4:'!:- -V- .; AC A I N 3T main who 'a few years later,,. wheal servers in the must spectaculartrip rl u ri .e )
( .j- dying In the Marine' Hospital'told of"lhclr. lives Claude Nolan. '
::1' ; ,; .: , that,he eras a,member of the crew and Kenneth 'Goodtmi.. 'In. a La BARNEY'SOPPOSITE": .1', WEST II'OTEL) ' : .i j'

; of ?I.,,.vessel 'which'
.: :.,, :,'. ... " portyesrebefors'and,! burled ,achost pilot a''motor. : car; into Key,'West ., VISIT.US. .1016 FL Jf4Q.SL... ; ". '." .
...., 'ppclc'! uf, "'- thr-bcach>> 1tg-owes ----c... . ..
'. ',. .iv t ,. ; rmoney ore under' power; To r.a accomplish THE ErOS'IOFirICE' I ', .
,' ." .ilf,: << repeated: frequented 'the ;Vicinity' to lde."the tiel('of the Florida .. lI MOST '. ,
I" oq thiNslalpd of Key West, or on ; ,
-6 ,
I Iy'l *
I of the Sputh but the.
'r beach waNlever ',; East .Co son: ? famous 1 . '
=-"t LheIoridnJtcye, you:wit mere 4'fortunate At' b.n..toYflnd'i Overseas I;railway'',which stretches' 1 ,"" _. ''Eve'rythil' fte dy' 10' I IAUNADLL. !HOT L 1 :

- .. aeo1\tie', stories of pirate gold large' key.; The Vfinding 'of this from the mamlaud .of Florida to' I ,
.. .....
= >!: ( { N--1U Y.'v: r .--l-
+ - --- -WeaI"II'j --' -
--- c'
: :.literaily' 1ri""e( tlt 'iho 'Florida key-icdhim; t
a;:: -j 1Jtf.! .;form tho':original-gold coast truth-In the stoj'y; told by thq. UppedStgteL,. I 1 -", s ...". I'.t.

of''' the. country.' From 'V,certain (dying) manx. but, 'altho gh he continued Nolan, nationally known -automotive -; I r J < PLAN 4 .. ...21X ff f-
t6. make ,trips to the. spot distributor was at tlie, I .. THE IJEST"FLACE --- .. EUIjtOPEAf -
:;: .. sixteenth: century day when Flori found nothing. '\ wheel when ha! car left I : .... ; _L : .
., ', '- : Jackson! : When'j.hcsc! Lig "boys :are ready",! for market good juicy.sleek is for ...:.: -,
-,* dasunshine i ; flr shone ion' the During'' the' between. '"
war- ville. I He was jpfellev'cd every 1 15 i TO EAT "
helmets and' states,' of Louisiana infantry. minutes '' picca-de-resteienee'! : runny a Key Westldinu; (E, AIRY CLEAN ROCMS? !
'e spears of Hvrnando a troop by .Uoodson, a race'I : .
... . ..... L OverseaStore .
: = ,. --"-- I I
,4> ;Soto's gold seekers' Florida waif stationed"- in the neighborhood driver. -=---'T --- -- WITH BATH4"\ ,

Des s 'proven. the bunting ground of the location and\one : Preceding the roadster was a ee.e.....IIreeveowes.t....vv..v.esvv.C.Ivevevevvevv f. I
<. .. I ( afternoon a group of soldiers! : special! Florida 'Kipt; Coast 'rail .Ift ,J-i'' ..
.,.< for hidden treasure, and in all the were-.Htr lIing. the" beach when way train loaded with moving picture KNOW FLORiDA ._ lor' .

"00'' years that have passed the one struck the toe .of his boot photographers, newspaper GOOD FOOD AND OOKING .. Headquarters ': ..

; ril'. spirit I of adventure haa.'''per illtedj against an object which attractedhis correspondents and a battery of .. Tourists .
attention. oJ examination\ it'' photographers. Following .eee11ee1ee.eee.e/e.1.1..eleeee..l..eeoe
along the Florida keys havens of \ preira ----T' I 1 .
proved to bo an okl chest, and Nolan's La Sallu .there. V.UB/ a large .' -Approximately) .
.?-' ..... ..--- refuge for pirates and their prey. with. the assistance of. his com railway motor car, supplied! by ofCicialsxof acres jof jj''lorida's' arch H.OOOooo'j! of eo'list line washed by the waters : FLEMING ST. realer' '
.T Organized Piracy in the ( of the Atlantic and ::
/ Diexir WJlSootarthed: 2.6SO
radh, the chest the Florida East Coast,
erVd .with foccuts
.. .. .. .. ..
, ;. . earUU'/ had Us beginning in the Then a fight followed. One soldier v.'ll!:! ulso carried bolters: and j photographs )growth timl>cr. touched by the Gulf of Mexico.FloY.da _. ... ... I -- I .
-- ---- -
t ; ..' :r revolt of the Spanish Mercenaries wax killed and the treasure ..' Of the'' country's" entire production "' :: produces-SI percent -----1.: : :
y',! :' against the cruelty of their masters. divided among- the remaining y\ h.l'ge'dcler: u.Lk. n of Mi- Florida's output. i i81 per of the phosphate] milled in the

4--. .: ., _The. buccaneers, men einplpyed members of the party. This uinJiins, headed by. Mayor I 10. (j.Eewell cent of the grapefruit, 61 percent United States... 4d I

4'. by Spain to round up wild cleared the mystery of the visit .:were present. at the start. of the peppers' ) 21 percent The !prucebu' of manufacturing
!, cattle'in the Caribbean area of the man from Malta, and substantiated Mayor' So wall -Nolan{ a letter }
sea watermelons, 41 per\ Cent table cur ire was discovered )by"a Florida .... a
.''Y":t... and,West,IncHes, and to ubouc n," the story of the man addressed to Mayor Curry of Key j cumbers, 24 per ce/it table tomatoes ' physician, )1'r. John 1)). Gorrie. I I' ......... . .

or.'smoko meat to' supply the who died in the hospital.Tr West VhicH he delivered' on arri 60 !per cent eggplant 3S'% Tnmpa ,is tie, largest manufacturer ( : > '............ ..
'f Spanish ships, rebelled and .n.ur. Chart val. \ I per cent table snupbeun*.. 16 'pcr of cigars in the world--.. ' -
Q formed an outlaw navy, ,so that On various occasions men and The only break if the trip! was cent Irish potatoes, 32 per rent of 1 Florida l )possessesmore than :: .
{the term pirate and.. bucearieer are women have come to''this- city, to bo at Lung Key, a I. ted fisil'l the celery. 30,000 lakoa.Iji .: \ ,

N',; ., synonymous.. Their >strongholds bringing charts showing the location fng resort; :of 'the Florida! Florida possesses! three purl)' Silver priigs-' | Creek,- Florida t

i ; stretched from Campechy Bay, to' of buried treasure.-: Among where the entire, party had unci- with channel depth of 30 feet or possesses the only river in the )

Key ,West on the South; and tow those was ''a man, whose chart onboard. No'an'ft' yacht, \ the ',more and' seven ports width depth |world navigable! to' its source/ q

f Apalachicola, on' tie West coast. showed that treasurewas buried Whileaway. . \ of 24 fcet, *or more. Florida" possesses: the largest 'ihe Elks Are
t These outlaws termed -themselves special'-.train ahu.d of tli .I
near 'the'shore, 'about "where the Tho Coast and Geodetic SuneyXays jnarcbiBua bulb farm in the United"Stales.
,; J. )'.'iI' rethrcn of"the Coast," .and, Athletic club building now La Salle. carried{ a ..special car on Florida possesses 1,221 miles .- ,
banded together under the black the rear end. with equipment for I .
stands. lie examined the 5.- '
huge ..
"; .. '.- flag,,<< '*"!- white ,men and: black, .\rocks*,tha.t'lined the shore; ,..and so emergency in'', ease of an accident, ,..- .--"' ----o- ., 4 I . If ' ': S. j .

.... F'ronch\Ap1Sh nd English .cartG his visits': that the Tho American Telephone and .Telegraph : .:!"" I'.i1'.l"iJ.4iI' ': ,, ,
frequent were .; : "
*' f ''rfwiba.7urkannnd'tprthlatdfrtittpelied: .. : interest"of the' residents In that Conipany aUbttent; a.special h.lf'" .... \ <'t'"L'. . r'J J ": 4' d: :
.. 55 .?tom Spainhi; : thin",, motley ga locality was"aroused.'IFinally. he car. a.nd, ctew along l jn- order'to I.n .y :' .'

r .therlnit were to be found men of began to work at,night, and soundOf give."quick relief with wire facilities < i- : fl
: ::
:; reUn ,
culture! and J\t> who \ : pick and shovel were heard\ case the roadster should .. :.
N: Joined this bloodthlrat orew for plunge- from\ the railway tracks \ ,
\... .: One morning large rock wan I '5,,, S ," ...
, .. the ..dYent re whlch>;;' lr iQ", dou bt.j found /upturned, and a deep' pit through', their wires Into' the sea r .
.. 'they found 'plenty of. J:''i beneath where it had rested, was 30. feet below!::' ry : S s '-;.....
S'S S k 'Black Caesar, for who> a : that the efforts of .The' left'wheel'of the car<: had Ga .
: ,cuelCvnorth:! from! Key West "la.I then had been rewarded. a clearance .of only four inches 4

":. flamed, >M organ," and others,, tbrether /Those: who- examined the ,rock JlB.,-jt aped across: the: many miles
., with the LnFitt of' ties An"the'Florida''East I" '' Coast .U' age. y
'brothers: ,i noted,_ thafXs evcral arrows ,were
.::, .. Jean and Piee 1-l'eKbud theil"'endei-l' cut: ''u n'
t "" :( ,"ou" along/ -lhe<(oreHtcr1yc:8ide* : of i markings"for which he had < J'ca- .constant 'strain. In order' to . "SNI
S '" :cr"'t'BfTb! ;; Lul"ltt" '''' ... ," -p -', obt: bwtteivdrivinar, _,vlsion''.-the .. '.
:: woreteen / .. lt
geriy 4oughC'. \ ij
: ,
'J( ,f 9f:cultures and"itMi record /, Another'tlmeawomaji, arrived left front fender: was removed : .. .' .. -I l K 1 1I 4

w\. '..o- ''ed":of,. them that.....they..were' the from Cuba,, Shealso, brought! a from.the car' so that the; "front : *" '.. fur (Longratulations-to '
: .t; masters, ,of'" several: l lanrua( g:es. chart. During- her-short} stay bere wheel. rnlght'.be: ; seen at all times. nay Niitht Wor-M i1tb" 'Ii41 \

They had in,, teeommand.lieless n "There art!'" two outstanding ,
---- -
' '', "- than"600 ,men,:and while op- Fleming'.street 'between. .'White-- reasons for-'maklng the-"rip,"-said '. .

r ,.,....\ .gating, from this, .port; <>n vessels head,and Thomas. .Under, ... cover Nolan. ''First, I wanted to see I s \ our many friends in Key ,
.. .
how would such
\ln'the: Florida Straits, they kept 'night she'work d stalthily b>> the car withstand
v.: > watch out Barataria'I' severe test, and second I want : '
t ::: !vxVoei< Burn means"ttiNi l.ntem..nd one day \ ; "
r -" "'Payolor. those vessels whichluded .. to:be at tho wheel of the first car >.... l
r', '" "':. : .he nelghbojri-, ....noticed,, -that the L esl
-.j'l : CARS\ upon opening
' kthem..... In' this'vidnity. house' was vacant. In thfex,side Into Key West under ,
. ', '. ', "........" Oil TmUX j r yard was deepxpxcavation' :\ which I its own power:'& : S -
, .... .; I' \ Q14 Residents toll tale told I had been carefully '"lIed in, with headquarters. are h this Wonderful
Jacksonville" of
.... .;.'Ja \S:. then >byv th grandparents... ot1'I a',reddish,brown several elayN: pbr\tionsol In the ejccavation 1, act where distributors'hip various'a for organizations :- WASHED-POLISIIED-GItEAS. highway. -

\ ;t#,when the "piralesx .would make were : '
< La
( Cadillac. Salle Oakland and
..... .. \ njght WdeoysNvHh tn 6 lr wild car. a large jar which evidently had. this ,,
Pontiac cars' for
I !! lejjitory.He .
5 .x.... ?t>-4 usalSv along IheNvater Trent, but contained the.treasure for which I : J4Jre I
came national prominence -
...., 1Oj?. ....:. \ > ni ne recount any'hu,11! \. dime by I the woman sought// / X.Fiad .

y a. "' .... .Wen... o' residents' 'h reK X ,I ; Trusiir caughta40,000! five years: ago pound when whale he, .. GAS, OIL, TIKES, TUBES I AND s JS- .. 4

*,. xc HjThatlJheycached: Ihijr:.. iH gotteh While.engsged l Nn':eleaa1ng""l1 .na 1 1I shark offvthe. coast at Long Key. 1{ \
>* ales the shores ) borne l bu orado' a" ... ACCESSORIES<; .
" ig s I Oil, t ple..of 'years Because of its inujcnse size'and want to ......
> \ I
'b '-thoseNvho knew Mrs\ ;ftta: :agohree.) egro workwenturned; unknown character-.a wide diseusslon" ,'' you ..
', ; ,, Another ot'Florida'a, senator, I up spkdefula Of ffold and, silver was"ocrea irtcientiflc' 'clrJrtes > 'y ...
ad...her, hum tha.locu. ] Cc8 of' eight. When : 0" "
bo xon :$ ;, Spanish : I :.ndxva niodel is. now on displayinvi .
1011' w iUb had prevtoualy'been : these: men realized their' "find" *Nt\ : us entertain BLE.
famous New York :
:.t alte 0 v" e" l'ate }h;lt.... 'One they 'filled their: pockets wvith'thepieces"Ant ' .mu-- The Correct Place for gen'lce. '
i' day : Mal "" I ':. this aeum'" \ "
reeeivedawiait ; came to city :
\ /tem a', trangcrvwho 'r quested 'Where they BoldJhenrtio a collector II II . .... S -
;i ; tb.. privilegeXof havln Nher resij? I 'Thejie euinsS ere."well prcOtvcdrn'apite .& .BIG. ;. ., '. v
, r, '; '.;r.dense: : moved OsjiWished anothC :bits,,dJ'e 'oMhOxmany years I ; .' ;
.\ to ;niuin4. excav vas; they;;had remained ed ''in the "" ,

'. would stand all"eJlt .. !sand." "Crudely. cMt by hgnd"thoy Dorft Worry-Phone US. ; mention.
tfuifred in ratf of move ,>carried the"-, name"ofye" a 'SpablshMU QNE't l \

1 11t!(i Mrs Mallory refuse
.: ' .and the strange x -,. .andord..:wbichWVel. pare v .ta: . .... >. .-..........:: .... N _
< It waS the opinion of resleqjts .- UallyH oblite ated, ;':-..... < I '. r ,
1 d t he re, that this math had a J j'bntiibly thl .. i lad ", aa t' trees> PHONE 91 > J -
: chart J 't.blct showed where trcasxr ure buried .oii q n x: f' he,keys ? ,, "---f'A: ':. "" TA *

'S"- ... wa8 c. .. which.,acudrdlng to..!a hatt 1n the .-. "
!J;' ] "Twp years*go> ounjr JI1i un- possession o!T -a' 4-esiIent( was _! 4 _

' /'eatthedJar'jl.. frMch was a cached on
.' ; chart vshowlng<<, tli< "location of chart >gives{ the.exact'location,,a 4 & ; FLEMING! ) 'STS. .. .... .
'?i, "rutted --gold rtstortunexinttt ct- the outline bears,.. close !resemblance : 't,, Rt'rt.p r AND : '
c }l' ,-the property ;deacribed s to Lower Ma ecumibut: t7 y I 4 \

} l;wtaec1 y the United"Stateg xoy. no island amomt-the' ':FloYIdaxhaln ?y .
.', : 'aernment. d excavuWons. bet re ',which Js known fcn Ped- > t,5'S A 1 5 '1AVU] ,'J. HEFFIERNM4
t, ,,,,\ye prohibited, although some nQ-'s d although the "cnal-f c' "

., ,\pefson., under Cover of night did ownZ 1't.. tied to locate! it both ;

+ -.' .make, the attempt>-v by barK, purchased irt' England 1 tn ;3w 's Chairman: Executive Conihiittefe : .......
,! to ong.tho'bld' 1Il I UfenU of this and'S aln;' one how the "..namePtddler's t .ALBU'RY''SERVICE ,

...cHy\ ',**b 'ono who recall, ..Vhen.. ,a of" IslandX t.'the-bdt.:' I ) : a d I i National>Contention B. P. 0. E.

r'boy, '..streliing :along the... waterfront toni of the>hart are tte-swords- a 1s : : :
i' he meta large d4rk"'ma Turtle Jelandli/!- \vhetnwithe : '

*vwhp"i, .asked himi'W point. the' wayttrorteSPringd. cantain vhf. the vessel! calculated l s' : 4' MIAMI,1 $ 1, 4 r
, ,'" The 'boy.,not l h1 1a..locatloD.'I1acorreit.y: ) ;. "randthquugbttLuwey p R ,
.' 1.nowinr( :;the location of :such Matecumb.: was ... STATtON' ,

...... said sod,) but 'the man one of th) 41 Tortugas roupwhen i,. ., .
; ,
"'f-.w.etl him'by -tho ,heg1'aad) to- he::burled; his>alu. ble-,eargovill I I Irr . '. :q

L "tb "So tb'i Beach. "'The Inan'i\::,looked There lie plentyof) -
., ;'.bo\t-: tr.-two, >:large trees". which buried. on this;, and/otliet: Islands 1.\ ;; ::: } -1'.. : 'L'' :' '""' 1$, 1i". nn ,,t pS p-
\ ,'he'aid}. marked spot: vbichThe of'the',Florida"keys;*accoriUng ''-. .'. ;r ' .11. '' -J e'r

"VM'' ;fryingt6,,:loc.t,; and ; for t those ..whoj b khow,' :;, ';. .'*>*$:?' ."/I!' .I".I.14Y".i4'" '.4frl.ATJI':! ; . ,'.

>'. :.,&' !..* ; N .iL 5 u '..,. . ,. ;,. I. ;.;,"'I,,'
I.f 5'.. .
> "I : .... '. .. ,: .. ." . . ...
:; . \ ", '. ;.. ',, .. .. .. i' I. -. / '. .... ....
.. ... '.; .. ; .' ;, ",I''' :
.. "' : : "
.r ...... .. ;.. : ,: :. .,''IT.. ,
: .
tq "
i' \
'IS. .
.t r, , .. : ," .. ."
t1f r' '., .' / "
'. :: !/ .
: I
,," .;i"i. :- 'I' "r', .. x" ., ., .... : i \ ;
:J "'l ( ', .t'' '" '. "-...... \ : -..... '.., : }
: .. '
11'1 : ;:-;, i "
". : ..
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L \ .
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', .''.7. "' \. ...'-. .1: '.... ... ) 4..) : .. \ .
> : ,t tf. .... \ v. .
.1..1i Z.o 1 .
: r ,; . ( ."' \ \\ \ .. : ., . -1-. '" I:4': ;
". ", : ''' :/.1 .
I M< ''''' ' ., .
.; -*-.....' .. ; 'r _... ..' .) to. I(' ." '" .' ,. ,
55 .... .A... ,, T; J .T J hll, flII; 1111" LI' If t.!< ..." . .'.N.N I* ,----.m.-C4-e.MA r tiA---' s y

*:" '

,' .. ' . ".
; t,
.. I '
1,1., ., , . ; \ w ''T \. .. .
.. !' ; , 'Iii' .t. \\1- 1 '-P\I: : ..
,. .. '5 I .
I WEbNE) $1>AY: > JANUARY2G; 1926 t .n
.r .. t AGErWENjj.slX c } THE:, .KEY : TfiSCITIZEW' ; . . ..... .. ... I \,. )\
e, '/ ,. . ., .__-1- _A1" ." .'...6. .'... .. ... .... .. . ,
. .,..I rb.--- __ . ::..___:.......... -, ,. ..... ,(00 .I
_. ,,"... r.aH..N. ra.awa....r.'1r1 ;O.... "'lw..w w.a..u. ;;;;;;......... ...................... ,r' ':.1'\1\,1'" \ \ '
; MANY FAMOUS '' ...... .... ........ .....!........... ,, .:, ,, toO ,t. .:.:": j;". V'',;,'

<'ri lKE"Y..j SI" , .IONEQ .AS.AN;; t 'i\'iOF:. ;.D. A;MS > \ " n J '1 ( ' : .
: ; ; ; ; ;\ < t : 1V PI I : { :
: i
.. : .., . .,.. ' .... DISHES:. FOUND;, J 'm'J" : M. 'N. "I.'e.ha..u.'S' C q // "
.. .
." f. .( -. /"'"' ......- ". '. ", ,' '. LJ'l-1J.' r'r., ..L ". ; "4 {v, \':' .h' e ,,/ ,,'a..o.\s'.I j ,, '! i I ,J, ..'Q.. t t' ''t "tIi". '..A. il;f, f.' '; ',.I'\ t/I./ if''' .'
; ; f; traffic 'e< vmrwboai .. r "
: 4
; "
wilting ''tto venturft an erlteurag-( fettilHy: of ita fcoll. Tk wa and IN KEY WEST .. to '1" I 4-. '
; ] '' unrealties'luthe t > "
, .JBCEAN.AND GULFGUARD fnoJlnlon< : for Itn. .oiM ome.. Howevr -l"h 'surrounding H abound, in the >i.s seem dreary' / city 'J. Importers and Exporters&!. ,6f ;, ;" ." '. ,j4I4WI.WI1'STr:) '}1llA. :::" : : "
chJmneyless : I
: of this .. ., .>
the struggle ap net adverse ,. of flub. ,The climate !Is .re- people ': \ ;_ .. .. . .. .. f' . ,. !" t i'i::J'I
ut-pf. ' ' r. "
; ''
eek the "-
: ,,"'and neemhifly 'tllIlIlI'" In mimrner It is' swept!> who are- free Jto- 14BUNDA"C" ",
'l AGAINST : '' oncorwcMi.that !. "A"MOISt.:
J c mountttble' problems.. -proved again' \ by cooling, breeaeeof'Ui.lwater'' | ; tfMrsday .fler 'fle,favored.. places :. OT SEA ,FOOD .SBQNGE Id_ H'.. ..... ...- .!i4} O. (eJIB: ; d '
I I'I" .
: ..., jvh )h idJrec, there .: ,
that man with) Indoinitable rourVUR : it wetter no rojoi "OF"rIfE \ .. ,
inhabitantsare. '
'I"" ;_ 'and'' llrelM industry ,con> Him,..they,,rosy come., In">' winter In tile country, where DELIGHTS.... PALATB : ,. \\1--1H' .
HrATAnQ' ran ., I ,,Q
; :; ,COLD .
. .; '; 'cluer| natur'. want''obstinate.proM: lh,! O1tIf 'Stream'watch; \ :almoal 1 h u..tI.nd ,b', rfgtlt' fIfjwinr:' FOOit'CONNOISSEUR,', ' ,WHO .' 'Il't' .rN' 'f ::1' ..r'Op. ir' .. :
..r : *Ii." /o, /i f I>' .- ;, i '..' I l Isms 1/0'/ over. 'a decade .U.- laps tkw'.hores. prorWes positive. ter- I <,.! ' it -'i'1' !'v l ', tr 7F i ,''I, }r1u
t,** ? C1 J ,' ,. < ?, !. -J. I (!'verIeRI'RaUroad baa.' proved 'itstth.rlk1 Insurance agai nx* fr."si; ";, A''city gay with exotic fJcnf'l'J t.. VISITS$ HERE I .' I.",
t.r.ND 'AV TIf '' : 'fijtraij rireUing.. *Jm/' end, Bhhatneril1k;t T. .",, ',,\. yIn \ .''nhv.IrF01:1"): \
?; ,y', I( ;NOW. ; : i. 'inrn ,anJ cQmmer4J ,, As yeu' "4fItt thec," pe' 'r .. .'/\: :
': :;:: .. OPEN'' '; -AiRr With, the 'passim? .at\\yeah'\ pv Lion'of 'the {fclandVihe highwayJoinrflhe opalescent' waters, beckon f OTn "j', ; : ".
M : Dt..A'IRO. D railremi ) it he4 the'caJll! L ... (
< I$ and psralgfa. J where i itravelers 'i& "
every ooijununlty b
: + .n \
] 'I-a.t k .rt 5Si 5'Id
,1 r, ( tnterpnetatkn J { of accissib1ity1ba for the way, It Jjorjih, ,for M lbumme''j$ .climateSpend , 1V . .. t-s + .asoRwSrY> ( r t.A t---! ,,.I"1't\'I"b ''K.
: NR',\t\I(1.'WIy r..l-\t; \ BROS. : .. one" I ii, ;o
. ift .. ,:-M rrt roes wbtl'4rbla' inolor o. h,;naturaf,' tbftt this'Junction willbecome' winter.vh.rt. : are wont to Rather, : :! 'J .
MILES*OF: 'SPLENDOR. will convey Mm: .4."dIO? lei-I theeoinmtretal: centreof charmed: by/w ''nuccewrton oC'Murapdeol : l.t""....:<. t,' .
,,' '4Winak'leJy!, upon Uw, r",1i7lll.,, the tuianrf.. H.rey,
-- lion ojT one ch't-am cum' the cons, |)..a4aL. \.1 alrvudj' far adyuneed ." log up'" out: of the .Mlantic liku aait'YIS (lint concern* ,rlIRh 'II, the 'fame' Clli] ,... .''' '.;;!;fII.(.','
' : .... .
. .cldi I '
,J : "I.pUOD, '.of artotfcrr, -'on 'i 1 1I .. ."..1k" i.e4al r., M "' yr Mt a '!! .! '
ly'ILEE '
... ... i' 'ILLIAMS; Ilirhwaye: [Nowj aw "be' : Y"S-'II.I': I t'' After: rronainp; Another\ 'hrL4v'! tuow"wiua'! Ibvp.alIbe\ pltiu. which travel ifat'whmverrtkero j -,-', ,..-,
J 'lour yearp< the* f\iy\ of., IleyyVesL} i twvrn (the -n-uiinland und Key ar..<'oitll..>nu., oue Jourjiwy') ) faom it ;WVMla" 1 1U oj way Wtw.rd.; .fiM : I 'I ;,
" .' '.,.?' isolated: 'frflm the ;; United j I Large! hoe: been bridged, "'fl">''may: KtyLargo to,, K !y. West. ,. the only y.. tWMfndUg.. r.wWhad "m.lot: are thaw: wha. -. '.bimw Meodp. ? .',
.Slates and HveJ'unUJ' llBelf. Bo- I'ftriitify our desire' to traverse theKeyd I trnn-frtf( city In' I Ihc'' united *... sad. WUlJan, aesra'1 Sq'hlkl with, Kay ;; .. '
'*';* 'Ii the mainland WAil'"IIWUq. '' by auton .hile. Wilji, Its State. Mot-orinM' far m ;athan. c.kt. i.U .Ik.* ''..,... of the m' v .: : :..Went.; r < ,fIJ.f\\ : .
'W' P'i'J !: I are to' .. l The m" And' .,, ,
; completion we privileged ; I I'I IOO, miloii .0. paved booUtardnand : pl-'liued. gulf. mt t >n at thc .J,
4 int"A:: crrft vfulrArc l!rrHairi drive for more than 10"() (< ; 1 bridirett wifhlrl "'T T, !fl' .tlte :? ."lNati tte. :show. that thin .tLJ "wtme'tlm lei. the. ,nrtoat( .' ;::r1'
.of dcljriiiun'.dUhM ;
of kfojfAl! l, $inlatu! 'lylfig 1 'I boulevard withln'lall'ol'l '' '' .. ......
MI a HtI.lnv..oj |i; a pared ('rlln' and t>ay,, this nlodVrn' marl !ban iM.r "1I..wI.!I. rain and 0. I' _
; PUI. A. 'upo,, the( 'Itoiom'' of an ,Ilh,. ocean and bays' Thjs -l In rijrh'lfully 4'nllpt'"the" a .sore evea" ....',Wlul rtltbwte} ',. .tbAt Ky' West t"1 1r .;/.',..

'1'1>in.rnl4: f".a: ,.'he July, andunrevtrsvetaatikbUivr i I fully. IH railed the meet "lghl.1 hi1mwv intiho\ ''worldAfr /?' l than,.any plat in'' tM country.At r r"ID"i d|. f$/ IM ookuuon ery ,dRY __ 4 vFd tdrt N1F, i. ;aba-'w.Q. <,,p .b. r .\:.
._ \ highway In the', world\ ; the '0. ..,....nus. of1: tJ!,.' Over- tfc..Vl- .t day, dusk. d ..en,lH s : , '
\ e b- -Tpf1i'' :H li-w1.-JL-; tr 7We9t rmd-1 I ti..... ,Ill. ..,....." a'.1I1utl. .'i.. "(;iritn and, l 1'lV\IntA.. f -
; tit ilt' way ; -
.. tII't. nt.'thn world' -hp rniigi. > of .their'j j AH you leave the main) ld'thtro) > I ICAt.f'WI1V. to (:Cuba the Wont Indies:! all ita ,..haft.i..* vivid t.tom.,. The grits are' known wherever' ,j

Inneclaeibilfty! ; I I't fir.t; inland to bo orofwfd-- in key und Central nn"l South Amorirn Urigbt ruoonUir* fthnrplyelU : I&itl'lIu June way g,(), the grunts.., are the '
s'Thenihera nmong'Inonono.l<<.1 Largo ))3ecaunroCIlR(' legendarhitlory ; and! the: l'aQafJIa.:1'nal.,(: Is situnloiltruly It. rwHtling .pnl tries.Yheheaverba : .
who has ctmp"! lo,Ib 1: known n II theta cloHeJjT'.llnkfd) lo. llu ro- :..- the p&radiao. of Amcrlrirport .re.q/teted.: ,; wUI aMa |sbeall|| pan flab l- that are SauRht by '''
. rslewli'beauty, ..iJbtll qkJmaweletel (he thousands .off the 'hanks" near . ;
jl >"ifathrr'_ .thM1.phnlnpulurT Ilall manse: of p1r: 1o dnvrf :II- has \been -I at wa.nry :.
: !J .. i'
lARd > tofUr' hTn 'rniul rondlr: rolled thnlenfTlrenrnsrrby I lyret t tllf.-t..lttlH'' ..- fa-tare ..; '-L.8t1d.: 'nnder l Merk!: Key Wcalaiid.Lruught'Int2.tbe.! ) '
i* buH.lin'K' ,
: I Ihoh will know Ut.,it. Ai'i't' IH 77 drgrecs.. Hero, Bleak' inwng tu yeti who ball utw I { the ducks" earn" night where they are "
-, .road h., enters J'nyth o/j-/ t llroiFlorida I you will-miyi/ -)I.ff-upon,.tbf*-jlK jithl-"' .\Vj lfoJ'.JUJ.LMJt.J\.njvc. Jack ]Kroftt', th .iil, >M of thh> fcantliHf'' 'irounIry. : ,
j mainland, decided tool e91'end long before; you.) .o'.wlll."hnl'I',. ( thc ere karrod forever, by tho guarJIinf -; .' Come DDW t. iWx. wiJan.Tiflry/ : ,' 1I..t.1.. -. ------ ---t-
,... ( HIP lagl..r y"tl'm. Key fueling!! that surely jTore'l 14 a1 np. >tI '!: 'ruyn of a tropical HUM and f old. In alarm Another. peculiarly ilpanit 1
W'UII.-- FI;w ,<*.-;".)'. '.ih ro 1 1 with I hul will satisfy I the moet critical'I''. l iupe'red'l} eke suit brpezen..4.t Ky WeKtABterWaV. Oibrwltar) dish, of 1 Key Weal. in "Chilau." 11 "
him hid r- j It is fuvOrcd' by loruUnn ,.nnd by lbf I .> HiiU: Streaw. 'Con: .shnrlages. ,,'ll1vHp 'youftinn t vi'-iiidn/ &.ho.'alOne ,This i iHmufI_ by tomblhlnir mho'de! -, WE A tE

.. .. '" ." _'_ -_ _" . _... -- --- -.- --- -- _. "-'-- .- -.-. --. .-,. . ,1 ..--- .-. :Jli-clulitu,!sauce I Ikii.i. stone.iii! nuiil crab I.. meat with !wU-b Kpvf.riil" 1.Irul importers of GENUINE }FjlENCH, and BKIXiIAN, OIL DRKSSKDCHAMOIS. ": ; - ..-.

4 f ..... ..,.............................................ij.... .... .... ... ....... ... .. ....... .. ..... 'I..,nil; of 'Uminlo; pnntf:a'little; kolclii.p I :"
[ |', n touch of trorlfc, ,,onion "

of the world's fines )hotels the beautiful :| p|>eiici-'| !i and olive oil in /goodly: :
: resort |I"l > is well bluiMlod.! The dish 111 It"
final] form is delitiouk.I 'The' l largest producers? and 1 packers) of Hpohjjc I iintlio,, irtilddle 'rlt. I '
< :;
., La Casa Marina F. E. C. hostelry at Key Wesls [ I I Those ate but -u few of the \ 'i .-
;dishes thin city i.s famous r r. WRITE tH|: YOUR: W1'1'-

.............; ......e.ra.ere..teor.rror All rriinncr:: of fish from. Tiu-Bol .
to Moan\ fish; crawfish! and! stone ..
,,.tN' erabs, hiirrueuda jewftxh, grouper| '
,, v lame "in, \iny othf'r"c t make dishes. ( SPONGER ,

,..Y'sdf af1aK"r" YS, b i'FAr Ao I -- -- -- -- \ FLORIDA YKLI QW !SPONGES:
t S
Xr '
> r1I vg rg.tx; r
II'[ (' Kng.Shocked I .' ANtMmI GRASS SPN'KS' .
I by the fact that his auto hIdu NASSAU VELVET: S.-ONO. '
struck woman. Ke\ Herbert 1':.
Uutlor died before he learned she I CUBA AND NASSAU r.HASSRF

unhurt. '
-- k; %- -- a- -- - 4L was practically.. __ _.-t. _, { ; SPONGES SPONGES, . .

3, Wr h'hing" oqlv 12. ounoen, a WE: GIVE J YO tr A SQUARE ))'E A L :
I linliy lic>,rir nc-n( Cardiff- Wale.t. ., / .

'e tC. s. azrxnaZ the other d..y IH t believed! ..o l be I ..... ................ ............................". ..........>i.A....... '... .
-I-- lily\ Bir.iilleKt'liutiy' :in the world. C ...................,... .. ............ ............. ..'*....... ......- .... ...... 1

. ., .----- -.......--...- J, ..o--- _.__ __._. ..... .. k. .4, '
"' I'I' I.L,11".1!, ,,11',1,1,1(J'K .I' !, .I.:.'" ,".1. #' ..IIT".I: .l 1ti ...".i.l".I.1'.IIIT.AY.iT AT..iT..iIIY&#rrrjrr'trl0r.'Jrjf'Jarjrrrjr. :' ;;';; Iy iJor '

.. : .,. .... .. .
-- -
'" .j" . ; ; f' I : ,
I .. '.. .. , .
.: '. \ 'W', **' .
\ . ... .
I .'
.. .. "

Th': : t : S.- A .I If . A Surface f That Lasts :'. '

r .1' . : '!J"I'I't. J\' .,.,' > \ ... : ii\: .J' '
_, .
,. ;." ". .. ., '. I"\r\,,; ; .
'f a-'-'----' :''It'' :rt .,,..<..',.' ,"... ''>,\ .' ,I "d" \ .1'' ,:,', ,. : > \' ,... \ 4' ,w" ; ,"
\: ' >'i:1'1'\ ,\ .: I !, '-- j;',", i+- ',r "' . ''K .. 'J,.
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. /'Pbcehi < 1 ':'4 . We specialize, wi i a trained force, in.. 'puttingx; : '

.,. .: : : ., ' :. .
ttZ r r .
tI on the finishing touches to highw i Y s. ,.

fi: ,, ,t,.! ..
: "'' .
TTW r *,
< ,
: .e 'est. Our work the Overseas will stand ' :
:Ji1' on I \ :
. ,' ,. .', .. .. /I . .
: .
) \

'" .b: \\"j t\4 (I!L.-\.f(\ !. \..I'I 0:",,I".' 'i,,"y.:'./ ,".:..I I ',id'" : 1'.1'H 'j.' ,"'" . 'r ;;:, ".,'"! .. I j j' ):.V,. .'s L i.'! i I > . the closest t inspection.. '. \1:\?I ::' *lj! j t\::\.d;.." .1. : ..... "' .:: I

.. .
S V.' M / .
s 1" *

;i J" + ., "' 'j7T0. Eat': ,. .. : : We add our congratulations) t to.Monroe- County: Ii : .

_ t
: :, in i its work the Oversea' '
splendid .
.. I. . on Highway. ,

,, .. ., '. .... .. >

\ '

..,,. .. I, t.: 4' .
I .
'i :, ; .
:1 :

tsi . .. I -

\ I ,! .' srI . .' '. PAVING. CO., Inc. r' ,. .. ..:' :

. "' j I '
4 ,' .
of Fort Lauderdabv \ I
.. .
.1 k
4 I I
f'6-, .: s
1" f I, ... and
.. '1.: t ments Asphalt
\:' ; \ j .' Asph1lt.Pav! Surfacing _

7 ; ,I r'' : .

t.II .jr'< .4: . :.Add .our congratulations .to the hundreds'., of i. > S.; . J.J. F. McFARLJN.. . Vice-Pres .. *;; i'--f 1 1.1

'-. "f : ,. '. :others on this. :'memorable1) : day i in Monroe .County .: i t. .. Phone 141. ." . .. . .P, OBox. f4l1V J .

sk i *" ' '

......., I:. i \ ... <.........., . : .. i 'r ,." I .. ".i I''' .,. 1I 1SS J OJ, J .. ..... -.. '. .. ,. .
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' II.':.: : !'AN .n.?A .I tj, Ry,,25 .1921i. .: : . 4Tg .t r WEST CITIZEN'., i. '. 1 "". ;;1.SON -P4GE 0# "WENn".s:: : }J."
., ..' ...
\ '.. ., .. iJ. :
!'II'''Po'.'". 'J' \ .,.. ..,. ,_ r.. ., _, i '-- -:" - ,' . h. ,". .- . .' ., ',' .-...% ' <<.'&
: .il f ;
M '

i a 1(, ; :: QWty 'CRAWFISH, ,FINDS BIGAWAY ....., .............. .... .'..',.......e.. .j...., .....' ...,.',...... ....eae'.,. ...".......ti I'I'i''. .., ..' ,. .... >tll"<\.,. ."f....,....'.....,,0..." ..,..'..................".,..: {,.:.I':,l .. ."i ;..:f:;.:ii..'f.i.,

I( :" I .. ,. C I -;
, '
,.... .. .
' '
: ""i.'j; !...:fii"' . id't ;:, FROMV' << : ; : i ; :

; ;: : M\\ R" .KET" : Our: ,
: I .
COOgthtukitions to .
:' (
; ,
:t i. J . i !!
r .:: ,. '. '. : I :. r. ',;}/I
.& :; ,'' 'T:: -. : <,'' '. ..
th lakedealcribe \ .
a lobster; ,. sail from traveller and Is very' seldom seen ill '
experiments' conducted 'der Ice, 'well 'as' cooked .
row as
1. i tenc > alf,of'eclen nce said- \ the 'writer, in the time crawling. : ., : .. . : *** .: :. ;. Z,
a hundred .recipes and do not lose the flavor>> with day .
J ; I4y I ; . ., '
/ (i'Iti, u, red \ ,
. tS# ;That.. ,crawls been; concocted.; I.age Itidoe. under and .
3 kitatde. t They rocks: ,, . the' : "
' I..:, .1''ilia II entirely "';: '. 'I. Southern'lobsters carry. well un- The,Southern'lobster is"a.,njght1FISH : sponge, baskets on'he' .. bottom !, 'vw" C. i iza1'1S: \ ( : ;i1fld i : : .

'" ; ',de crlpUon'. ?':tallled wrong and with7 yet' what!; lijl;* '.,-.' ingtthe and' 'Ib ffrag.." dur.' .. ,'"j/ > . ,.. .'. f' j.

: v.t-nhcelved::Ile public'ae mind characUristtcB.of; had"alwey!! ,L:con-, the I ''t '" E TBAT':WALKS 'BACKWARDS t" 1 When the 'moon js 'bright they I '
.f!:45teti' that ,he ' dentlti 1 the dark! of the moon are'much :
1 "'tone., 'off. the' .;;.GubJect' .','b'ttiolng.. :: fatter than at-full moon;' "Tliiy; idials of Monroe

II,, K }Fhetio'taflod'\ Ftorldh'.or'fcpliyrtir '' 'q. ;1,9s .,:, ? 3'f ', shed'and spawn' once: a year and I qff :
I ;toblter each femnle' lobster''' carries about ,
"('r' Argus)'<>*|la 500,000'eggs. .Ofcuureo all tht'fI1';'
k '
l tumunly called 0\\+irawfish ,
; 'do not hatch as they are prey to I
;though $It .
ixicy(: lII'otthet' loVtiterfniIly.; : ; scaly denizens of tho 'deep, vnpeclally , .
reaemble "
1 the wt lern .
Variety .
tae mangrove. snuppcrand "
i Witfy; in tho body, having. ,antennae. ', : mutton, fish.: I
3H,tead of' claws!.. j.. -isi: ,C
t 1They'\ The antennae nerves na the OUO .
I _- 2uethern"Fluriaa peninsular,ot Cube the', : enrs of tho lobster ae' well us furl- I i' "y ..
_ J
f -i''u'l.hc' a738ha Sia: Iin-li< i e. ers. Two gr.cdt. ryva protrude. : _
r. tWBnermen of thq;'kcyinmakV' I Tr mdcr-two-ffI'Y-.Juu'; _. '. ,. I
_._ tl!ing.gathcring'lbeee Muster' 'fotc a; I, the body is covered' ,. '4 ;---- ..: ,. . ,
i .
'spiucefrum -
- 7" .T ;B'tllgh'Oed'S'AIU ?" uniformity/ with short TST.JOHNCO.1 1 ':' . ,
', : '1 y -which .it derives Its L.nuin II'fTh.rucat:18
;' ...O ithat ,\ .S not"neoeenu'rily' a I ;y .9 a N4 1 spiney lobster of Paniturus Ar- 1 : ; :
- atl. \-asxacd..b4ySquth:: oy F U'1' the the '
Y I > : completion) 01 vf l.
rrQrlda '.psa, ,Uplo .food.: It laH '1lU L ? :
I '' ' \
a - .Pi'llJILYJ\Umln} : \ and iron.'and. sr The \lobHter is very sluffgriKh in :
: <:t fattening** lone would bo- / < '
its movements while crawling but : :
'C I; vo ,,/row-: the. richness if the \. .. .
? }him send with each flap of ..
scare -
.went.vlt"" hu' been knoWn to cure ..
ll jovcrel disorders of' the body by t4r its tail will travel at an exeecdIngrly L -I
ilJi.constant'use.: ;r) great rate! of speed. They '
;:'Tho'' meat IB of delicate white' always sw4m backwards: The '
end la r to weigh up to JO or 12 .
;:flor quite rich: in taster grow !
r Wd food value!: Southern lobl That the way thc French: scholar described the finny lobster-In .j pounds 's
.arc',used for every: ,urposo) reality, for you who do not know: this delectable food-It is green, So this much for the lowlycrawish \ ,
Met)) the .Eastern variety is used it is not u fish, and it crawls sideways. Now you tell one. may his tribe increase. LUt51 .

'. t"':"" '_ ._ _. '''''_'' - .,. --- ._--- ..__._._I'-.-_. _--, .. -- --_ ._ ,--- -.-- ------ -.- --.- : Nt Of' (} :

I K E Y "wEsrucia.tRS.'WORLD: ; -FAMOUS. IN: KE gTp; \TE '

::f! '
'.' ---<------ .. -- ..
"'-I- RDun..DER5 -
J, ;r-.CIg.r ;manufacturing;; in Key Gazelle in t.he'"rst .issue of the!1St: "]I l'ks'and otter Gulf ports, city. The 'Average, daily produvt OF CA4 K'ND Y ._ ' :
:- E--! _____.
__ : :
ttfest, n. a' atapte' bualness Is'not I first newspaper thr.t, was ever and often the long time elapsing of these factories is estimated at 'H REED Of- - .. .__ ---- .
6#, any moans as recent'an' in- published in Key' West regularlyin between opportunities Worked serious 171,000\, or 02,415,000 annually. : arid :. --
English in which W. II. Wall 4nJury to the business. The amount disbursed by . SPLENDt'D oJ
I J Dilution as even the great majority -, advertised the establishment, of a The Arnau Brothers, Franciscoand the factories for labor alone in ACHIEVEMENT _,
t of Key West's native! inhabi- cigar factory by himself whichhe James, as far back ns 1834. our city may be stated within : -- eJ0l'
tf its believe.1'' A very short statc- referred to as the "Key West down to the'time of the death of-:I I bounds to bi $1,000,000 annually : Ywhich .
I pent of the tIlatory of cigar niaktjfg Scgar" Manufactory" The factory :- both, were constantly employed in :I ." Te\ ". {"r1ndergart.C1\. .
: I) in Key West will apprbpH-) employed about 60 operatives the manufacture of cigars, and in'' During the Civil War :In the built th neW ol\ll'ac\\1\1
I ply: 1 preface. claims to be made and exported c' 1838 were joined by Albert an-i I United States, Key West was never tho oldest building I\ty of Miami\ '\ FERRIES i
\\11 the r\\a"\ I
in this arUcie.j' Estavez & Williams, in 1337 other brother. They did not aspire -, out of the control of the, Federal : Ul'gan\Z\IoI.\on\ C.l\\Ir.utl\S\ I JhuviuS
1 ;;, The following historical fact and 1838, also oporr.tod a factory however!, beyond domestic Government, and, and been \ '8 tor : I
lie taken from "A Sketch of the in which 10'men were employed trade. I navy spread the,reputation of Key; :- \n\ the contrauiir.3 1t as fopndedhn .
'Watery t of Key West, Florida"' ,and made shipments to New-York Speaking Of' the tune in! :5hich\ : West cigars in the North. Then over 1'1.,)'eJaT t.d his son :
I fry Walter C. Maloney, whose' in. Communication between New York he wrote (1870)( ), Mr. :Maloney: followed two important reasons : J. O. St "n J. 0. St, Julan scvcra\TC.\ .
diiiate personal knowledge of the and this Isjand/ it must be borne, said "The dimensions which it has I for improvement and growth : .. j 0 n''tne' businesst :
J :pq'rlod\ ; .'ppsitIYt'hn! ;' being a very in mind was exceedingly: \ irregular acquired\ liowever ,are"truly gra i The Ten Years' War in Cuba : \tired: IT01\\ Juhn fbe John.CoT- w '
(mjncnt/ I citizen of tho time. and uncertain at- thatdate!, tifying. At preq'(!nt the number about 1870 drove number of yeaTe<< t\go 11\\d Pl'CBident 0 of1... '\I 'a: ,
J t\An advertisement as early as being dependent .chiefly upon.'ves of factories, is 2\j\ .giving employment -I clever cirrarmakcrs: '.and. manufacturers :\ now th e active hcud Tesi i- .
,. Saj.j appeared,, Jn' :The. Key West ache going north with cotton: for o about 2100 persons in our I out of Cuba to Key West. : or4ttion'i\ J.,. BQ t.fic.8 vice ---- .: '-'

10''I' > v ' i-----C--u -.-- . .. II' 1 :.: ,jdeentonurd; -s Thg t .. . Progress follows road buildingKey ,.. : ,

l' 'I ;' 'I.I'4r .I'.lI'J11Jr.IIIT : posing the t7ylandled. ardiuarYconttuc'ts many ; , .
:Lrompnny al or

,. .:'f I I d 1 b,' : of a theeontracta: : of;:P e West is' rounding t the corner : '.. ..
of .
q class nn\ure and maevelop'"entFast r \ ..
: .
.. .;'...'.. ..... .".. ,. .. 1.W..:,; dana In f.rd.;:: :rho-\1\ II\O wer eat to a greater- f future based : .
',. ... '", "' ,..;.,. ...,I "1'" .... \ ; 'It.;' ...., ,. .. M a h : upon
II.!, .\ ":1; .',.r.. d. q ph ( 1' .' 0 t activitlca : .
) I .
J ".. .... .. .' its
".',' ,j .i M /\1". :>/ '. : '"J. -..... f.h. ,!)J) ; 1JI' ";: Coasts'' ned'tQ 11 ''YbUt.. include '
... (\ .
'A en'uiderwaritttli 1"t' \;>J" JW', { : ( ;./- con \ Pub vision. : '
been I and
Conatructio "\\ot.b her -
. aoLevorY !. courage '
.. .. Iof and" ; ,
\asll'rc\a\ ; I /

.. :.. i.. ......", : ..... .\...'. .', '" ,. ", .' ,,..... ,., ,. '.tli"l"';f""" ,1'"" tl .I'11'''PI".r' "' .d.l'; ". ,\.. f :. ( ;"'<:I.'t"\" "'' ..,' P'" ,, ,/t''". Il,\ire\;'U i\semipuD\ \iocmPany Daa\the' iirs6\\\ },' ';,""i6 r, !'.," .' ., . . . ',.:: ,. '' ,. 1/.4

.I" ;; '. ')" ;: ..:' -: ey:ca ;'10"f. ; : '.}.., 1: :"t.pTivato.tinctluSofhu;The: :ving\ J.a oath endeavor Dllamt In 1. 1t;; The.. ; Si.. .John_ Company ,p, ofMiami . a: t ,(!' )i.

< : h'uffditg 4tll line o. ten .
and ot'e' pn' .,.t
f : ;:d.t" :re et\i r:c:ttcr ad ed eatat around' has always maintained( :

The Robert E. Martin Co. : thins; D each and pCl\\\ .. and'1o\1/l1\\i/ .
the Grqvt llbiidt"i -
on \t. umoTOUS s.n" cordial I. contad with I the I It
. .. .. :. districtr1nlCKC Csc well 08 n i building\ ander \ a :
'ritC .
'I rl. ' . .' : .\ gjttaTel"ell '

. .. ::: >: :. . : OF MIAMI .; :. eoul\ ;\ buildings}\\cl the nmcrous caTianent \\\) \)' people I, r and. the I business\ 10- ::

\ rand .
.. t : t.: t\\t.\ell'f.\ \ "
.1' . aPThe \ d
I 1 4.i\ Ewa f? ,. '". i .' '. : -' ' "* 1 .: .. hnv nut Decp cuts:ono Palm, Lunt, B::h terje sts of f Monroe County. .. : ,

,. w'(t' Compare? our work on the' Key'West :. or bilami tiVeat work, where fro they have schou\)UBncuded \\ . :. '

,". ** t t : to crecteS KeY the 1llndeTgart.en? ity Our work on the Key West"Kindergarten :

-t. : r ,) ; \Kindergarten and Gymnasium. :. 'bui\Il.,:g. I \ all t.obo John .
i, \ .. A- t.etimonclhlg of 'r\\e ", as :
" 'I'.l.j" } "A,' ," ." 1 -.. t : and higny'ienlho l \: fact cunat::\" c\'rOI\ School I Gymnasium ; r..
.. ; ', .\ the UIt.c.ln .
.' . 1 t..' \ 'j a lnnhharge of I\ rho\ /
I -, r.;" .. :' . ;"'q \ 'Fi told for .
J '
:;: -
v C Pm'nmeet Einhorn.
''' .;' '" 'J. ', '. ut Building '
We ) '" : status ccmPl t\: ;\ist of the ComPaYbut ; : :
"" specialize in \
? John .
;;d '
that red
: hand14d1bbe scRg erected and :
0 being
etilon now
1\\ono-ionoUS. \ .
l i would becbme .\ G co nstin :
r PLASTERING STUCCO I' : aunt o( robably ex .
'< \ P
tou a( 'other in
: \a t11ItOO.uQO,9: anlllll many projects :
'" y. .
: '{} J/:< : ccTh 0 St. ,", \ ,\n the "
; .ORNAMENTAL.WORKTINTING.: e Q1Ine\ behevuedany :
'vf: .. ; and \ Monroe will bear '
j. : pTCaeht ors County
whit tiou :
' n.wr; : .;' r F1deY loptncnL ,
'I'' '1' : future'ticutarlo ,
...i.1 I }1'. Y'::J.. ,h, \" V I : : '' \ tl!..1...... UP b1 the-Oust ,' '' ,. ' I : j

'(. : "":1 ';:' };' ,..,a(; ' : .- STUCCO, ." : ees .: .. road-.; p" Th: K.7 wyour close I inspection. ..: .

< I. R0Pytet' .d trmCltlS... .. : >-

:< i. Q>f .eras' 'il .ng thtQughout the State, of' Florida ' .: '. :. :.:

\\\4'';\ "I .I, l'1f""-to" ';' >-I'. ,:t 1i-1rI'w! ., I.. ' '. \ ..". .

.. .. ..'''' r $ John ] j ;
'",, .. '''" '1 1" ". .,1L.lL, I ; ' ' The t. 'Company .
! ; .: 'or .: ,j ; ...' '. ' ; .'" ; .; . I .'

: ''RO} lih.ela J\1artin:1Jo: \ : "

r : bert : :- : : i BUILDERS j .

.. ...... ....., .. . ... ,_ . I "
a' .. f",,,:. ....-...,",'7"" .
; ; "iir 1 1$ n't'' 4v \ E rt \ :'f.i, ,o. R ., sor" .,. 1" \ ,./- : -" '... '
. ,rS' f. .i(1( ; !t : G2o45t"Sr,1. : Q \, tr .t ;. ::! .. ",1'1'1j' ;! ..t. : .: . S I / 'I

:'" ,1 : h'-Phone ..37aat' : ..'u0 '* ){:;::' ,'.,:.iMIAMll ".: a,:.. :'I. 'I'i:; ..:'{Phone. ...3738;. .: : 'S' i .. 'Mianiand. :Key:' > West : : .

"t..f.JI.. :, ; .' .,.\'' #. . .. .., . ., .I S .. ., '. . 'Y..... M .......f '.
,' i '. ; rc. I 'F'Po 1'I : i} "'t' ;: ' \0. I .I"r,": It _. : '' . .0(/ . ,. .. It.
"fJI \\f tJ al jii J Mfj i tJ 4 ( 11.1\ ( t: ,(tt t", f 't" :'"'/' h'J''' 10//, I _.,41 ."" f. .. ...,..,..' l. '.-.... "
'" \ ;,.:r: .ht 4fpt' ? \ ; i 1........... ..., ...;....'n......,.... .......&..4..t.. f..... /aiet' ..........:........1.,1...i.......... i'+ _1" ,t

.: :rS Jt'fl.r. . rf:1.i... ::,: ... .. ..'J. .l7.Jf ;':. . Jf.. .,. .J. ,.-.. ,;;; 16JiVP. .: > .I' t. + .4":...' . I
.,.":a-'r". ,. '!. '"...., ,*..,.'s'",. .-.r.".1', ; .' VT'I:. ;': .-.' .'" '" d.. ..,h'..,. "' . .,. .' ,. . ... .. "" ... '.. ',\ ' "'{\. ,'I I.. " 'if. '.. .\ I. J"J" '. ' : : ...
f. ,
'. ' *W, ... ... ,.J'. .
+ 'S JK-. ,,,,, ' 11' t, -, .' \ ...
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tr ,
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> '. -\} "", ..,. : "I. ./,. -,' ,, ,
15. .'," : ',I .... .I,.' ';"'. 't' -. .r.. ," '.. '', "., ...' ," \, .' :.
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\ \ ; :\i..1\ .' ; : ', .
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: : .' i ; ... ,,' ,'" -to j. : "1\\ \... : :J). \. .. / \
.. :<,",\.,\i,. '.'.-' .\'.. ,'..,,'''1t". ., ,r,."t". .\ ;. I".l ... ... oft . .. .. ; r.. : . \ . ,- .,: '" '
\.".. "\ !" .I. :.. t 'bl. 1\0, ,..' . t f ... r. s .' ,." I : .. 4'IS.dyry',1NIWINMNM .
,. } .
"h 'l' : " ; '. ,'
yy : ;0'u. ? .
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'A. '100: ..1' ! \lf ., . ., < .. S 1 -
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fit" .
) '.. :r- ...: *.. .. (''W . MJMUAfSMl '!t .. t' ".. .
; "" : :; o. ''-U''h. AMM.I '' 'Mt** At '' ''/ %.. ' . '': ,: ....' { 1.At Nwp1s.__ _,+ -. !!RMAMAM' !4AJ4. .4a ." ... ', !Ii 4
.' .'?;2 i ..... ". '.' . .. '
I ' "
. .
"" l' \ ; : :
J ''...t..j.\!\ .."" .";.v.I. '-::" ' +' .. ..' .... .. :;-,''igfe:'" '" 0--; J I t. h -

,VI., ."' .. . .,. I\' ... .. ... .. . ",I Vi "" .. ?yap ''! : I '" ' .- ,. .; 17 m '' ,"'i" : ..'yl l te., : ' i :;:: 1 v :l tI -',
:: :: } : "' : /; 't ; ', ( : i :i :"\ ; > I' :: ) p 7.ffl.i "' ',+,, Ir P pt, " .H" lv! fi. t,M, -/ j:tt1. ;' ..
U l.t. '. '.-/1/ JJJI.. fyfafa I > ;!::'': yw, ''!'Y'p pr ,',3v1" /..l'U'.ywltrJ''p. ': .' .;xs f. .".y. ,),;yvJ.v. ''J.!rV'ry' ''',''fYV''a.1t..' rW, f "I'I " .. ,! ''f... \""!'!'! d'r'a"rYtt.,n"' ryr't't' I'' "r, ;y:. .trrxaY"rt'fy\ : ; +::-1'; ..,v,.",.,.v. t,,v ,, +'""f'+'''"r1! x. ,/Yi w "'t "''wrt 1 r1"rv' ,1 :t+:ka' ,1"" ,
. .
/.' ( .\ ,,,""ll\ : ;d' .. '. ..' .' .. ': .' .." .. _''_" ; ' ." ". ,
: .1 n .t' I ., ,...j.1 ,. '.. ', . .. . '. .... /. r : '
%' ; " , .. .. > *
.1'.' ., ; v '., i.I /.r'\' \ ,. ,, : . : *. *' : .
., ;'\<: w.' .* -. .., ,' ' -v ,, - "' .: / .f( It'p' ,, - '&* . *: <" ; "

i I'' : j'AG1a WEI T / ' / THE KEY 'WEST qIT EN'I'I; " '-. > : v' 'WEDNESDAT.1 ;. ,JAiyART2SL f i ; ..m_ .. :: kV.
U .. . .x i > TX-ICrlix--b; q TION_< sx-; .. ,; : < ;_ ,; ._.'_ .. \ ? : ;;

.7: \ \ :" :'" .: : : .''J : ; ; : :: : ': ' ::' .. .... J .' MortdVEast( : ''Coast: ; 'Railway- -, to' presenting I it 'ur""ac10. ; tK e' advancing 111'. 'matte-, place! for. Wooden: \ pile. thj" ,vei io1t' -!" ,. 'of vial th, etches* 'wind"w of' ever con)-".
.. .. \ 1 " '< Key West.iH determined'' to wnre: over, which, il, glides Twewty-fowr' e piles were ,then'- part ofth.: .
., !! "'.kl ..Jtd bi .Iin
'I' .I" e" t..s'1 'D. te. itt'W' ; dica'tedt 1 bridge over',the ocean. BB ver"a, piece' ,'ot glaUt and re* forced &Into.the holes' a made ,In- mote and lcU.8ratfttJ.'.: tetrlllte ', Nl t4
1.\ a'g' The. atord ,Lila '' mace, .lec ;
1."F" < gigantic \Un tretlhrf-flnd W Mold fbt lu work tb \the rbak'patt6hi'and'Wetelused I axintUmlyvltld: f'le1Otlt1 at .
f. :.: , I I ,' dertaking j ii all"epic in the 'antial b(.dustryctlbn., .The material' for for iHchbrs' fir'' each\ pUrV ,,; , i the '\'en6,,\,. the,YeioMty,' of ': ,
{ \ " <: ." ." of ,railroad colistnlction., tteW lhl purpose was" found ;t 1" 4 1 the Spietial'cdiite111! \ Imported! 'fromG ea""t orf --any ''section of. .the.' 'rei.:&,
: .tJ.J', '. ;. was a man 76 year young. Behind marine, marie, 'coral 'rock which the wind .' \
; or he
. { : 01 rm"ny which had\ ;lIropertr bkceeds ''r rate of. fortiiH '

;,:Y\;\;'I: "" ;:\; "1I'1j: ;':":(I" '>I ':"d Since\ < c.O J. 1 etlon"" (;J'f' .(,'R".r oaI .d' achievement, !him" !lay,.' yet projected yenta''his: of new.Indomit.brilliant\: hot''. th exposure'road!,, \ ''to;) the air 'becohies balder .tit\el t' each MrdeHIng\ "ebfferdanu down undef',t ,und wktftr'formlnf the, 'waiDekMoKfcH baM,-, J bfldle tiryt" ..'automaUtally'.t\ .built:.prokchin,,the' ; sets Lhg train.: switch, "YII- ".'.'.:i.-<:t' !

'I.,. the J
fttalhst: ,tp
I 11,."i\\ : ". .., ,. '. ",! : : ( ;I ,i ,. ... .r ,.' '1, '.' ., Ject quests of and.kuHched which'would upon" a 'Jjrp-( and .hardek a* timer goes in.This' solid"-"," >hipat union'triLb.: the V uh> 1. With} the "'E:\\jItt te\lon| t of. fie .
J> construction material tht the ;:
was over same ,
spread -and at "
'''' .. : denying: rock ; .route'. the); century: oldisolation'
11'" 'P"- ,Over-seas.
'l. \ 'i. : have thwariethe ambition of ,' '.
'1I ,, .
Cur, co' of the, ftllaaid embankment time making. the cofferdam > little 'I)
'' .. ...****. water"l ''of the dreamy city ,
; I or; ? .;. .. much younger men than ,he., of,"\}the- construction work, This ,was then pumped ) litdiettihce\ and l' .
tight. .,
WeAL stet .
it ) tNSION IS: IMPo1 j(; The actualwork": bf construction presenting 1tatYiattiboth i ,. surface i suhfc In the cement of Key ifJ. .,
" ; 1tiu ,itonl Q z.x'p NOW ,AN ,- I. :! ATNOPSIHAUKSlfundrf south of- Homestead In a i and the. plUpg for ..n.I"' *. *t begtth to tt""w" .1. '" '
began the'AVavra' and offering nile the '
16 } oM.beloW Wdinarr ,t1w..i'
.. :'IY '. ..: ; +I I.: Xrlr: .: ,(1YN,1:c iNG: .fNk p$ Ifl$);N: MARt .'i., .. ..... ........... ....... .. .I.. ................... AprJ", 1806l.HM.lho Kind of January t verage on ;which they"."might Ittl.a; i-"d I f rock tide sawed level ):The Jot'Rt' fir rapidly assumed Iii Wmmercjal a .m:ors, mtuterhhct. IMphrtduce) ':.IIIt.\ \i,fl.. ;;i "
,.. ; ? I'' s ivs 1912, Mr.: ttarler! then d2yearsAt :! ddltttunLit'e\ 'l+$'Ip: !I the ple't"''whs. .finally put; In 1>lace! and *' wharf H were eonitrueted'oh .':i.%;;.
+ HuE
','. . ,;.ti,, 1f1.TS 1 191'tJ! tlmi'I' :lj STAr g.'Cir,13, f:ANbxtllJC : 'I'I'I on tho' "first agiltehLpred( ,, train Itt tHinrne Key! Wpstl! the i the Three Wide\ trr".Rap).*}llvhuucria'" fit oc'parf)\ f \! and re'stnUhM''..nl1ll11\ ldhl Jl\t.'to\'(.tamlu,. the\, ,wtltiWate Ordinary>) aIalamii.UbigM! .th not'ltHlb1C! toilork' of the e II \ ".,'.:: .) :J\,

pnntinuouii litiu\ yr' )'aUI'I'et'' i t.t\c,1\ "pinnl"I 1t\tt"'al\> 'days ,InIhb fhwuRji < :>,, .
+ kepi eti! n ; :
.lypitaVof Skit !
llfoi Keys
Arf/ : | I I } ot d Uh" ;
'':N'fR I..ANI 1) :SOUTtI''AMIRICAS< keys. dntl'r the i moat' remarkj j I t nafdcniHfftho\ \ \ wk IIrtlln.. BlwtmPn! //f" 71.'
cohHli-uctton 'wort forirt
.. : 'I"of P tg / for . aver,' ,inrrlnsing. | t tide! -of .r k
> Tho
t 4 able nice'? "
.amyom5. \ cMglHUfrjna\ ! teats of the ,
'f'' : :
, -. -' "j ihruo lout .lti j wnradwuted\ \! ; ;the V 101'1.111'! VJIII: i iOoanl
._ over
''IJ .. had J lit'- in IIKh''d within Y trnffie '
: t I f on '
. J r t .4 ii ? e'wa } they Krjr : ll <- two' uml 1 Km f' "|' river jr ftuikin ''hit''nmMt" tak .
" lid N }; f. ; 9 bA }A+M' ,, t I Ir f shun< Kpncu.or, ( AUVCII years" and utat tfrM! Htljf\ !* I lit Iftmtfl 'I is l!! liltlll"t"-I( I '' lrpnm ...I' . .;.
f1 '
. ., Sin 1// rninpuHlotUh( Ion. )iho o'ltei'll'Y' r JM.V F1 'ter" ) iruxlmalu i-iist lit $21ott.1! ) } hit:: thb'abrinltlle'attety"hl'1Pafrk ? r- ndlcatpd.Mri "''Iatll': .1" '
, Y 1\\.t-tlt,1\ ,vhnrfel! shaMK! + and 'In |l | \ U i'l >"
I "
and '
"Fi >
'Ovpr- tfuda
J comnierclal
? ) cas:] KxLonslnii" bf OR!ei>n R. ( 01111. >, ttVi'r\ tlitHM IlitttH'hiHJ\ ItrUtftonthrhuifh 1t.:1': ' l'
. r l()in Kant.Count; \ ; with u capacity of 20 "car hul| "'XllO mfml' )1Ih'hlt'tfIlUl"I'hlttt)!| \ ,.on nient. to,the! remarl: '' 1/ i
; Railway uliffii-ullli-a\ flttlhg i
; Unth c4 :
4- htanX Were 'lIroUII" Thvntt and ,ier4'at" JU, *oh* \' ,"
,' the. vsliMUtlott. .
IU' .
- .r. r/ IQ'P ..Iho mainland 'of I''l >rl< making :a round t trip daily E a 'alM toed lit'; thu- courier l of I1 a eo'n'ittuctlan \ WPIliiiltt: !) olrhfuj., Mitre.. < ,. eentptptldn In able ambJt. OB.;\ cntujrlty and daring '. A I' :'1'' :
barb ffrl Itl
--- -- 1' iW : Nil lot"r : eprtnttun or 111.i.1 lI1arl'f
JBlnn l city of Key Bundnyfl ttlorc to the Imagination,, .
... < ( 1'ht'l.JetI. ,, P *
: tinprp( .. : #
nnlmtnnllatly' \ yindiciitfd of the 'mil/ road to pinta Ltl lo110vrujl'11ni!ling'n--Uu IthILI'k.It/ .Iu'nnlthl .tro\ll..J\ Intnd 11tH,: UW\'tl\ kit" ,it... 1PPM, M'itih'+ u IJd M'.-,."i\ ,I .. ,.. J--l_ / .
nil th HIU MH* It tits II MH'lnfncrnl ""lI"'t"'ntll "h"I.I It. I--; "'-- : ? : .HT "Y" (
dff'AhtH, Key West and the inauiriiration e gee l ., : ;
; 'And anticipation hi V
horn I
kind hul'l'\ll.r l ( 4 i
: eltepi ; '
"' had,, the service In ,.' : / i'aihvdrl '. '. illfilr. It 'hq\tt"ttt\ ftItAJi'"t ny ,.tM1IIlII! ,.P ( ; \: ;
Iho ferry 1012 .
car '
: prompted rill? In lilt> ftlorjr t hr \ II la faaHlonahlp j ( ,
; eanip.
'Roctety' a '
1'It \
1"lllIh''lnh" rntuple'P. 'fIMthlll t. '. teem' |IP"Hit1ral" sinrhla' , IhPniwrest \ ; '
.ht\: | : .
Henry be KsV '
( M. Kljifjler 'to' hublp products! could only irultuh. foaL ,
if .
: ..3t'rq I ;-orir! ( ktt-t-y |li# It thrhe'msdPd! .wlmnitpr' In Imlidhtip i "Vtad.fft haVti III "KPP filled In\I: l n dlahtbrttl art' often wad-!! -< (iV .
llii.'i break bulk '
Irpiiiorxlouti'project., / hy steamer I i'otti.1v.tJl. t''Uuitvmi) "hy (ho !'nlh" xhdaMa.l, .. :
' ;' 01111 then in limited nffh. A plclifrn\ nf d wrttottof. ,. With wind fU a IT o .Without!) ..1t'1I11..n Y h I thl vinilufh. ''Ii nm-d" In Hi* 1' d ....... 1"
.. ,
Extension:: ; IIIIH-heroine an ] "tu'rati.ip-of-lack origeralfod. ro- 4'h tll a-who-pM L4.llll\\ T 11rlutirlr-it-1h1' .1.+'totds. : t'lanitlnhttt ' .1 t ," --- - ,' /. 1, . ; I. ' ; :
.1.I 111111-roniip.elliig link ' Perishable products (III lht pt-ojort fituVul only' I hIt, '. r .6a: : '
< .II'
1ta'Iway. :
?" iiiiilnlnml' or the, tiled : ; now' !h"( 'Joiuled on refriRera- io. l bl'ehlii.\' w'alcr' for'Arinkng: .purr t ' 't .r' 7I
cnrn and handled though to Intent and tight' : a' Kay htldlrtthlt tt:
i 'Sildi, mid the Cipntrnl) aid IMII-.PM.! ( sltppllps! rverII
Amerienii r\fli.R.', It !uba iinrierjlJ',: >rlr nt-Ilrlnul pttckinferi r d dw ""1111.I'It\ nmlo'ri.ilIB: <'(|' (ti .Ihiattupeitlou title( !Ihtit'p i than iifvi-ti! itillt>nlniHlgth ;.
titin- / / it: rattterl. \ fit" ,tiitlrft nit M0- j <
I'nih'olul..qllipml'ht ,
1)prnad) Hi.' a rapid JIVPIHIP/ 1 ( ; t iiinnument had ''tf I>eIrun.'ipiiiltd -
ole' } \ freely with foreign Vrjuip- rnn1 deck. (ilulf, ..,p'ttlhtl' aId I ,dd t
,nrnijor, t i.nrrifc J lii'lween ,' i iI J ": \ I from more or leas reMote I "
and f'ul.n. The fatnntitt ,-nl of the isl.Mid. I -oljhnrkson' the wharf'; ,''nl Key West, .'' Their idre. .')make anthers i lilt \tint-Hit\fofreil' folirrt-l/,! I' J11 rl1.1.1",0 ,\. S: THE FOREST V POTTERY SHOPS 1
Special" opernliriK, .ilnily I AH the icrniH,. oT 'llii< iinuniiul Ideal leather for high grade gi dL TliiTTiijyiWfvWnjt-plaiH-\ the I lulled. It\\, \ Pnhrlrpnarlhrs _
'New York, and l t'lio, Culiim ( them )hus, fffown "I'| an in>. I u. .a.-, ._ "H>i '|iii>tp Hh<'- across the .Itpyj, orkii'iually the. railsniplaid 2!!4. feet
nuiKiiin(; direst. (innec'llons' ; v'Dlumc hf rbhimercc'''''- I '\; "lt'nwlated) only Mi ItUip Inohl'K\ n(m TO I huh! avri-ne. '
\tVor.l.. : with thp'I'i'.iinMiilrtr & of Mlrh products\ nit tfrnpcn, million and a half crates per an- nlture. are handled through ,to hI los of open water spanned] bye l > Ice' of 1'1!* lltliH d J TltOfldAfi-HArtrnvOOD! : flOUVRNUlS, 1 ; ._
dr-nlitl Steamship\ nervier ,.. ,' H, pears" dnd cantaloupe I num. The pineapple is no per. 'their destination Under their' original "hiiilivrb.1 ,:/ It tusk c lr\ lulM that The Haliia lloiula midge h b,- # -
!' Holy fitly.Lwo owl, one \ pointN nil far dlhlant n the I ,|I J shnblA A fruit that it requires rapid 'packing which in I Ihjs' fnspin jIUwaiuc: (only need l 1.(1 \made for MIl) ) feel" ,!r>nc. U l lit! nf I Kr on..illt'iiitw ,
hours" f.a'III( (' ,complete oasl. Packing house service to permit distriliVitlon! \ UIP' Clump a. t thfll reiiiirPd| for I"In' tI Mi! ,tad flow lit HIP ocean i typirniixliiirtinii, in which i
i -DOW wild (the important opera7'J products from tho middle 1 and ronxumption without' exrrx- domestic ahtpinent.hilltort Uil<- ., anil llial: only BO much.title I the IIUXHPHS riuhituiy: feet utinvi. '. 1fl! N. E. !Second Av*. ;, '
in rag: facilities along the / !also fohslitUle! a Inrpct' part Blvx .IrtsHOft! This trnffic" : IH hailt ,iand',Cecil lru.-tinn of the.. Vuiilil" flow 1I&t.kinln. Die- tureen llli; llip'lrai-k) l.-vi'l 1 mid flanl.; \Ihe, moving '
pnHl.i, "rn HPnlxim'il' 'of the I ( the I traffic.. 1 Pfrgft:/ chine-all the I tiled at pi"rticully express speed Ovet--S'lU'ifJ' .,l<'.'.'onj liiul:. '|'iiKsi-il! niidcr t the arc lionpitt ant, i \train on,' fillii-r n'de., : .. lit I thin !t\\ :\
J'' lofrrlhrr I will) UK' from, Tn '1..and Iowa and as 'I,which has permitted a nuifliI j As Henry M, Malii: exlendid, of lln l bridgra. 'J'lK- 11\1111111'1 bridge there, ( arc III: pnn.'i, each, ,. '
!i.. di.iilile-lrnrk, rouUr" iilontf, the!. south-as rtnpKHiand\ TfuitH, f I larger. a/ea of dilll.l'ifl"UnJt.Ith.1.. the __I'll.M.f_ l tin. Vlul'ill l''it.l: nsil >.Unii tif I IJtlt'.l! !. HWOpt away I IU8:! fi'M lotir, : I M'hiii:t | .: IKi'1 .) feel MIAMI. !, ; n.A., ,, .
\' idu KIM, Toast t : \ ,between\ .J vcRi'tables" from nit part. of I conscqiipnll.' larprer\ eonsurnjlion.Pinenppfes .I (Coasl!i Ititllway farlliei: I :std tar< : I Ihis'tdea| aiwl\ nVnlitlionlzeil. 1 tlK1plai" loitfrj i stud ,,nt2\ iv{ fpft IIH'M 1 'I'htl< _. .
vilir-/ and Miami, il is' <]uiUi / .. United. StaleK. arc now marketed I hot- southward; the. i.I.j i ; "f teak ,. ..f c'nn"t"III.U..n.. MiU-H of in-iilr' ; in roi.iiilt-tciti, \ ;y (nine nrchoHiif \ I luil.\.. the tins. between r Itn\ also. interesting:\ to note I -dmti-iluiU'd. \ in area extendihf' (1\J1t HUH niulo ai oulli'l of tlnvfland \ InHe which luid. lawn built l foixixMili' ' Rl! feel. in h ,
_____. _' __ l 1 __ Monville, and,. Havana niiiy PITRH are. handled. | in Lund i all I the way from, Texas: to the Pacific coiinncr" e lt> ,Culm..), and tin, u'i''''M t the HllulliuV \\ alor und filled" IPItf.Hi.Tin! V
.a. ilueYrti< Tar" "| Tin-.. ()V"I'-II/iH' Kxtcnnion; i | and that cocnanut oil from I out Cunnda. The niovtuiipnt or ffnidually look fnl-ai. |iU-ti-ly,! swept n,\\air. Uoic-kn, \ 1 Wink' wurttnlnUpHd { m
:'ii opened, up' tin imporlnnt/ Philippines in handled direct i{i Cuban )ineapples precedes the. In 1800! the tine had: Ix-cn exleridJ woi;liinpr:\ nix til f'Rhl tons! were in .the httitdiliK, i'.r llahlii llondn\ .
of commercelivlwcrn" Cu tanks Bloomers to( tank earn vement i of t the crop from Flor (J) tn MlHmLand. the rouniTatlnns. 'nmvi-il'' nut U> sea ns if they haul l iliidph; 1I111111\' till feet thhedroek. TiontiUful In not rnl) \vood \v *l'dI1} '" ai. ?
the, United Stales\ ; the )., San Francisco and routed via ida. There I Is no direct conflict. of the Magic 'My( wren, Isild At I II 'Lri-n iliiw| IIf wooiti 'the result : \Ilrt! 'ausel, lf the untt.tual \ .
which I hllHHI811 Over aeas Extension: delivered l 1 he Florida follows miles of l or th Water and ihtfottc .
of the keen crop mpre-ly | Ihis time -it was definitely itsflumcd ; -, Wit: that ilistc'iul nf six depth 3 cnrvlrtcr.Orte '*.
ment. .of. Flagler/ boom th t! soap/ manufactures' ! in JtnVana Die t::uhan movement .rind IvnprUiOIK / that) Miami could l remain open sea Kpunncd by hriclffbB. \ 1 IK of the! titters U wits nccemhry!
eleiirly foreseen.' Carload j jnu The pineapple htdU8tt'Y.In i the the southern terminus, of 1Mb\ toad mites of viaduct. add! bridge work to devise" imc mean of anchor\ \
'loud of perishable )) ., formerly shall And jtrufr. ) addition to the,growth in the but In tbo back or. Mr.: Flagler's/ laN'ume, neC\Rsllty.! ing the huge ((10-foot piece to the
PUSH daily over thin route j \ by reason of thtf'perluheble commerce of perishable products mind other ideas and plans! were The cnginbem studied the destructive bottom. After the locution, of the '
Went, where tho cars are of the fruit which would nnd the Benefits to the people of being formulated. forcfe Of the ocean wave. pier had been determined a cofferdam Home With You" -\-
ferred bodily to the car permit transportation by both countries, the service permits tn 1904 the Florida I East CJoast! They found that Its great"damaging was flouted into positionand "rAke' :
. of t the J Florida Cast( Coast by bulk service without ex- the. han ling' of general merchandise Railway was extended/ to ItohieRlend power jj* not. in its impact launched in the location. As
' way, iriyen/ -B-UO mile nail lve economic IOBB. With the at a considerable saving in I 28 miles smith of Miami, ajraiiiBt u resisting body but in its Boon as it rested on the bottom, '
vnnu and. there transferred of nthe car-ferry ser- the expense of repacking for marine I and much tn the surprise r>f big retreat the undertow, which the soft mud over, the bedrock .. '
-, ,=";- ,J.edlle=rail.i+ .(rL.!&i.1 ..._the pineapple export ftom shipment and consequent assoclatefi.jt' ]Ic&rned\ thatM i drags! away and bears down. was pumped out. A steel unchwostbeHrloret1 '
'1r their final "c\ellfi\ atlon. '' .has grown from a few'thous- age in transit Fragile' dam-I 1 Magler"had formjilatelSJa"de7mite >,Vh lt-.wast: e-riJtutlo-r irrt=i3 y tnt.-4heedrock \tf"I"-.1'.1II'.1'I..

. Kramers are -in constant crates per annum to Yep tl, such as glassware china and plate for the extension of the I 6. .. '_ : -'-- ,

\ .'.- :-- .. .. .-....:.-. I -..... :asCi.dedei.a.ladaaaC- ai ,.... .. .. . .. .. ... ..... k.**jk .i.**4e .:..* e. *.e.:.* :*;, ,.. : ;

.. . J{ : i.l.l .:::; i .I..JIII".I/T.I.I.JIII'.l .I.-----.6C6r: .



oJ. ,. -..... .. ..-............_..._._+.....;.._..+i.-..._. .. ..., .-.____-+.____I _' _._ 10 DAYS ONLY
t ; ;. _ .
.. 11T u .
---------- -- --
" ',," '.'-":,:.,,;>t.\' J. 1 ,.,' ',B BEDROOMnnMtett'Ulf R E F :}P RICE l E' ..- ,'" .TAfKTftf :AND((iRASS S-RUCST A Alf PRICE n. .

'iI, t ": "::,1 -' i41: ,::. ..,;:.,,,0';'NO. ; X10.3 p ;''; 'Pi 1vory' Suite, $40( ::0rcgularp.rlce$80.00 /\ ,, 60:2754; :;: : ) In. Beacon' ')Tapeatry, :;:1', AARugs' ".., "

':'" I " ; ,- sale price ".. ,. \1' ,., :'regular; price $2.00, sale price $. UU -.' .

he 7- No. 150 IVorjTDressers UOO? A A
40 27x54 .In. Manor Tapestry Rugs d A
] sale ....... .tD WfcivF\/ | pf '
,0 price $44.00 prices
regular price $3.00, saleprice.' ..... ?... --
3 No. 151 Ivory ,, Chiffoniers, fij .
20 00 30 27x64 In,,Wool and Fiber; Rugs,'
regular price $40.00, sale price tD regular 6'5
'+ ) price $1.30, sale price ....................,.. C
: 2 No. 150 Ivory Dressing Tables, .(IOO. |Tj A
regular price $44.00, sale price usWsWv' 5 5x9, Ft. Wool and. Fiber Rugs, $2 .25 ,

1 No. 704 Chifforet, regular GOA, regular price $4.50, sale price ... .... ... .
; O ..
price, $40.00 sale price ....... .........tDtwU 6 7V x9 Ft. Wool l and Fiber Rugs'$3 25 ..

5 No. 700 Ivory Dressers regu- $20 .00' regular price $&50"s.ale.prjce ;

: lar price $40.00, sale price .<...... ...., .. llJ,9*12 Ft, Wool and Fiber Rugs, '(SF' (\ (\ :'

,d Company.S; .5 ,,,3 No. 703V-; Ivory Dressing Tables, regular '. regular price $1t.90, sale l price ,,..:.. .. DtJ. .|/Vf \

; : price: $40.00. saleprice {COsTl. Af| .20 27' In. 12 Ft. Gross Hall Run- flf

,. '. '; ... ... ............................... .....C : hers', regular price \$.'}3.06 sale price tD JL. .50

: T : : 2 No 701 Ivory Dressers, regular $34 O. A 10 2? In. x 9 Ft. Grass Hall Run-: ( -| f\f\

I . '. S .' ,I. ., price $68.00, sale price ............ > ners. regular l price $2.00, sale price DJL .UUFIIiEIt .

4 No. 705i/ Ivory Chifforobes, OAjfV .
: $ ,
: INSURANCE '- ''' '1' =-' Tegular price $68.00, sale) price .

1 I G No. 70 Ivory Chiffoniers, regular $21| A A 13 Seaweed Cjhairs, regular $10' 'A A

cl r price $42.00, sale price ........ price $20.00, sale price ................ t .

t ... w . 3 No. 70 Ivory Dressing Tables, (POO A A 8 Seaweed Rockers, regular 'jfJt /\ ,

I :, :' regular price '$44.00, sale price eD sUtl/vf. price $21,00 sale ,price ._..... ..u...:..\\tD: JLU.50

I.I.Il TEr.1t: H : 4 No. 70 Ivor )Vanity Dressers, $3"5 00 1 aWeed Settee: regular $(J rj
\ ,. ;. NO. l' regular pric/e// $70.00, sale price price. $35.00, sale price ... .....:.....:;. I V

,I <,"\! ', I' f r.I.' ,. ., .. 7 No. lOa( Ivory Chiffoniers, C* "| 't .AA i SeAWeed Center Tables $11,00 19.00( | :

t' . . ". regular price $34OP, sale price tl DA f, .Ul/ ., . u V .

1 1 16 No. 102 Ivory Dresser, regular (1OO C A' 2 No. 112 3 Piece Davenport ;

.1;,:;' F 319 Duval Streetp4 price $46.00, sale price .,..........* i *O\J' Suite regular price $100.00, sale$50.0 0 .

:\ : ., ... .. I'1 ,..... ... '. 3.No. 105 tvory'Vanity Dressers, $3'5 I A A "3 :3 Piece Cane End'Sulte}t $'. ( 112'| > K A' .
: .
.. ..'I. ," ,. ..' ', ' .( :, ..! .':.,. .r .. l ' ,"" .'. 'Vf. t regular $70.00, sale price ............ .l/U regular] .l h? ice '$225.00, sale ......tD .pU .
p, & :, ": t ." 4. 'f .' 1t." l i&" )... ;'', ''. '" ., .. I' ,. ,.., "'Ii1 Jf( / 1 NQ 215 Walnut 5 Piece Spanish Style, regular 5 No. 1316 6 Piece Parchment Suites, regular
!' : "

,.I.. ,t., .1. ., .;t ('i'. .," '," ,' '.'.>" K'E' "Yi. ".-f'. .a:. :S T" "'. > F' ;' =,(r. )'RI'D' : 'A.\\ : j; : t w price, price.$516.50. ,............:.....,..salex,.......:............$ IJvO ft":
)t. . ( . '
'. .1., r J. 'tat,:-; -t. ,"v .I,L E ,,y 1! "k"k ,) : "( r ". 'Qdd Wood Beds, Ahjr ,Finish i >Ifoll l+ and Single 15 NO 1316 Parchment Rockersreu1Atrprice C* "TA/ A/V
: 'g'' .r I tin, #"liV k. .'"trit.. j.1 j.- ., Site, irHalf' Price t $20.00. sale .....;'.....1;.ii .,
\ 'f'
J -iJ .
'J'r *
... : "
.;t .' 'I' "."", .,'' '' .. ..1.y\1"".S' a 1\1.. ... ' I"J:;,: .." .. .., "' r . ". .zn S i .. j"L
", : \' .. .. ..- '.; ; )1,. ap.':. ." } .. ,I People' will be knocking door, wanting, plate to. ; '
I ,' \,;, 'f,,, v 1. ,. " aiypur ,4)) sleep. Furnish Yours ar e r"oomorder in ""
\ >
\ _'w.. ".. -. ym / .. J" ,I .
S . ,
. .'. IJ ::: - .1. .. I .. ,-.. .., ,., '. r'o I r that they will not have to sleep III the stfeets.f. .' :J. .
t.' I ." ..,., ,'" ,,', . .' ... '.1'1"." I .' ",'. !.:} ..,'''J'. '' 'l '" ".',. , c' ENT'DlscoUra'.ON All: IN SIOCKM LIFTED ';' I -:'
." ; >Elt ;' TERM CASH wI1r! { :
f",,; "\ i ", ', \ '.,. ." J .I,>I .," .. .' .I..J-. ..' i' A 25 :I GOODS ,. | OR. .E L-,.KOTlliiKC,:PUT, ASIDE r ; ; .,_

I.. ....,. "S";\J''t'."'M.'''''. "' J"/\, \It", ",.., "' .. ,. y. . '' ." : ' ., . '' ''" :.. '''" ".". .'.: ...",;. '" :, I.j.J" -:.,.',., : :!'., .., .'.'..'. ..'" .; S SOfcFlemin: i O'N' ''SI'FT 'rRN': ' '800 FJ iDI ': .l '

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7f a r :: ,JJ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. .. v, 1' ". .,"\ ..
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asf, >,' Uy for'tlAdmiwho; ! }have ;'nover> 'l"f
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I .{.CpPnf JIving ever main ui J .:"1. .
f",g tense.\ : moments,,' jiji I'' l trolled Open all l night.] Best. of. meals and short :

a *t: bal.t..hphin l: llic I heat waiting t .. SandwichrVi/ '" :'
,A flio-'f'en. { of tho. ,frn":. Tljtf "t i iiIhe ; ', 1.. r .. '' > . m> '
,"droi; )) hnt'k". 'and,_(fhe_,(; Jn> i'' '.' Tu'rvetl with toasted] broad.: :'

-gearing, +'phj' itiow' "bO : :. t...... :.. '::" . : .. : .
ojjrely Into.'Ous !mouth'of .a l ( :,t :, '. .. ..'-. : T.. .. .It.t "'p.)
: .
aailfthihfs'I ; ' fhjna', Jump ex'V'f .' I .:i . ** ..
..\lU;t : : l !); :. .:.r.n: : ,. 4 ,
I tbhrring'-11riu- tbft yard 'uftoi- ;. '. v. Nut Id Mnt'fI''h aalri 623 novel St. ".1to.1 : _
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elrmn the / ' . .
J.i(} reel,': I'PnklnirKtrulninn; bend) 7 : \ I
-rl rlh 1Sght-immt, nn-rad nst, ; !, --. .. -- - x "
+-f"faithlully ,. .- .
: the sim'iilly.;;{ .lin \ '" 1 IFVWRRT: : FIAt :
4t jf; 'tattle,. ;; T6)? "Jlc t.n'i&1nj.{ fight. t '. :!' t d J uII.i-: r c { rN : .
# this KHniostor puts. up cannot .
lj .'Jut !into', .word.:* ,tlIIt} l :'wAuUl' th I -1 : ::4
f1'"you I, enouffhj .Hin beauty in I .-
jg I tfon :11: poorly rcprbaUccd: by l S- S
j!. '' hltnd of mup. And, it In.. HO I "
r' thing akin' '.. \t GOOD COOKS :
to. sorrow that 1 P i: ; AND WAITF.I15:
g1 j'!1 away part of the( Joy'of the (' I I 4 'L J y ,. ,
when yougaze down onthat II ,a.. Ids sa .,..... '. f ';J\\ .
or slim warrior of tho (beep,, I I ;; v. $ i6 IF>. a ,f d F 'tK . .
ft ci|( rcd and dead whoso\ a4P . -
I I'L .
color turn to a leufen /
J.:I.11tJL-1 only 1 ..!one' .-'of! !ho. .f00() .r varieties nil. colored hjr nature i. .
V-'' dazzle the evo and to dull t 4 1 f t "
a J J''! .honutlful/ : colon; produced LADIES SPECIALLY INVITED i

'!". 1 man.' _.._. _'__ ___ I _:S ;; a'' .
S 4 S
.i, 4
''P NEARLY f 250 ;4 "'" .. . .,,... -- S
III! j .
;, .. Tho bird l known- us the ( .. .. '
J, ) r:,' has! been; cxtl.ict for neatly 2j /)() .
r ',, ye fB. In size *'t was! a little Above are seven reproductions of. -enlargements from a moving picture film taken when Claude Nolan of Jacksonville)) drove his .
y, ger than' turkey, und it,. Sale roadster from) ; .Miami to Key West across: the famous Florid East Coast Overseas'railway recently. No. 1 shows'! Mayor, E. G. Se-: D. N. GORVAS Prop.
i't K'wan equally. :!Rood.: tf)' eat. It \ Miami.handinga, ( letter'to Claude' Nolan to be delivered U> i-h e mayor of Ke..v r West upon his arrival i there. At the mayor's left |H :rq .
t; 11'; ,} incapable ot aeal flights owing; 'yethGo6dson, relief! driver who made ,the trip with Mr. No an. No. 2 is one of several<<; photographs showing. Nolan and Qoodson as they .
_ ?,;, Aal' 4. .-- "-""' m-M'S."' propci-ly.)fart.that l**vclopeJ Its wings, WnraT wero r\I { .&ve- h'e' ties of one of the irestl S, Itt No 3-4hecarah->oar, from below whiletNn. {. .yivea.a JLt"YJew> oJLth pLivernJr" i.1ack-.u.v.c.r...._., '-_. _.... .. ... '
P /.1/_ noo.i Caught! < and eAten out of l I the car tr&veled. The La Salleh d' '', ken' the siding"t .in, No.4vIor> a train to pass and in, No. 6 shows' it crossing another section In s- S

4 It,, Iflto1'\ce' .'\ \ .. I, picture .N qi.. 7 the car had just" .prhed' in Long .Key where..the party stopped'j long enough for lunch aboard.. Nolan's yacht, the "Whil awny."' .j \\11'4111".1.1.11'1".1.1'-.I' .i.1..411'.1'1
*. ---- i, .. I I .

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.','S(;, 'I'. } "'. .ISLAM. ; ( : ', '(HOLDING I : : ; '-COMPANY. I ", OF FLORIDAIBP -. J:.,"''.//M.,
'< ]) : ; -
"l dl'\\I I : : n s. .
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'i 'I! :.' .., '''{I', . .. : .. ,*-.';..:..<,if.ti.>'V,.', ":;,. ., }; ,. tr"i-'P:, { j-'v', '" '!*/.%:$.:*$' ;' : .1$" *...':*-!! .) V .(,"'''''''l; .\" ': ':-J J :v, 'v-K.... "'i''l" ;'',;:':\".," ..' "..f", i\f.\., .\.)\.,.., ,.1'I.:)\ ,;,,; :...;. :.., ;:,.,;,'. ,.. ':. ''i"f',:.,].- .. .'. 4.:>,< \";1fI jB( ., #, ,'I'X"i' ;,". .... ,..., r II..: .. : .,. .!4JR
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: .. I .t' .S' ,. ';;''., ,>' :' . ", '" ',1.-Io : -.... ; : ; RvGKPERKY, President ,,"' I \.
s .. ', f.
vV., .
---- t ( ..

: .s ; .t .'The largest wajrftont'QvJn'e' 's'(/ and :.devejopers in L Monroe County, sincer.dy) and hole-heariedly join with the entire !Ii'

a '11 ;; . '. POP !iOAOf MonfqSCourity' : find much oft the State of Florida, in ele6rat.n.g: the dedication_St to pyblic use'of I

: .4 t. TheEiglitli.Wonder of. the World '

; ..
\\A ; < ? i II
; ,,11.' ; .
. Jjr r, '1 1fl'ff': 1 ; i.I t f;itthe! : ; reftiarkablM scenic (OVERSEAS HIGHWAY from, Key :Vest, the; pibj-altar l of America,. over and across the 'Bonder.5 :I i"

4 .5} Vv": '; ; ." \ . ;; '': . )&t . \. *: isles l .of the Florida Kesti Miami i,'! ttiei\ :bonder-city.. 4/ . /AKftft f, : [! t;t" r.

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'!!.! ..'.. t '($..J .4. ,. : "4' " V't.. .. "_..f, .. f I .. ... .. r, . .. .. .... ...'_' Ok..\ - __- "'" _
. .
1=1. .1f. : : .,; -f6; .. THE ,.COl! PY OP MONROE, upon 'the public spirit, vision and. energy which have conceived and brought- this great'I I +

f II ,';' :, -S. '' ' ,;'.* :ffJe.ct} to it" $*present'-triumphal' conclusion' ; .. . , '
f T >
S : -: .< ': w THfi: ""COUNTY OP DADE '''ita with its and thus adding
in own
;,* ": "- : upon part \ linking': up this great system .

\: .,' 1. } l ; >);: ,, .. . .',:', I'" <:: f** this unique feature; to tJi

"' "- -'. . 1,1'. :''.:'.4;, . .. I .&-*- .-" .T1IE TATE OF FLORIDA una monumental addition to .its manifold beauties, and upon the far-slghw.npprccIa-' ) 1 S
1 I; . ':'. (o'...,Jt. . ...t"r.: : ';;'; 1tion of its value to .the State evidenced by our red-blooded: two-fI steel Governor Martin in ltledglngresources. of the State. f S1"

t t,; :. '? :' ,,:, ';' ' ,: F4 y.':,:,: most justifiably to the t'onstruction! .ot a permanent State Road and bridge over the stretches 01 waters now temporarily served. .r S _

i -'!.,. '''-"' ,i.,.. ,,,," :.' .- t: by County ferries,.., S

t s I; .... .. :r'r'' ''.t.(' :';i': ,'..l.!a ;; '. < '.. :. ...; ..":' ,.- ' ,THE UNITED STATES: :.OF..AMERICA swl}Idleupon the incorporatioq into! the great DIXIE HIGHWAY: and .... .

,., S : ' '> "> :;.'::,.t. ..f. ;. ;pthus, into the' whole of the NationalRoad, system, of 140 miles of spectacular roadway unique m' the whole world in 'the scenic

? a ,:- :4 .J:, ?" \t i.', : '. ; :. : ' ;-' f"" heautylbf its tropical verdure':alternatedwit; ( h\ w de vistas of the everchan g in g opal waters of the Gulf .of Mexico, on,. the. one. .
1" 1 rr s hand and of the deeper bIu f the Atlaitlc-Oceartgn; the. other fair neighbor to the South,,. '
: our
( t ', :r t ,':" ii()'> .t::;. :; ;:, ;> :. ,, ( a; and, l astly; ''I" .

-, . I, ..: r 't"i.;, '. ditli: \ ; J/ '/ .t'. ./. )i " .. <.': CUB atd.the'enet'gec, : ;far"'seeing' and popular President of that 'Re ubht*, General Machado, because their $50,060- .
;,, .".:;... .:
tl' :.:\, t ji. \ 1f6''w., ? >, ;,iP1fti': '; ",!;':' >.I" HIGHWAY. ThafPresl' ide 1tMachad9 has guaranteed cheap rates for ocean-going ferriess across the ninety miles separating S . .

f A t" \ j .,,.',,li..j, ;...' ':, k kci!!,1\,,.:%}) .",". v' ;,"&&Y'r,. '}:: '.t Key West from. Cuba completes. ] the pl tiir'fr'S: .
'1.. ,'",' .":(.t4'1 \ ',.v. ' ,"'Sr.'' ."t'J"t,: ,""- .. . .' :
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;8..., : -i1: f tHe: y :::'W st Office. Shirley-Gs: :Bo" : Miami Offiqe'First i id National. Bank. ,Building ) '. ::
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:'': : ... : V41.ttME I' ,' -..... KEY WEST\ ,. .. .ORID2.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' r 25.'-1928. 1 ,. . : ; ' tI" i :(" >/

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; 't"r ', : -' -\1'\ }' '1il"-the building of his maitiif--. :' :. :";"
tJiI.Jr" J. 4. ,,' : /J .' ashore'then formulated a ; .., I ) .
V I :"'{ \ !: : IMhiibei io--.pprock* ; y sometimes. \ weigh a-ton or'soan'they >.-' -j-- I,:' ..\ 'I' "eighth-wonder of theworld,'*, itrok.' of'' action,' TIieSquhett,' .":' l I ,.
lt :) : iI:' 1'W"h by: rail >r :boat, ,by, I d.y':or don't make no, bones 'boutUppln' '.,'... : ,f' ,; -" J\\. '. the Overseas Railway' ; whereby hg '
: .. .
wea msster'of' :
"' your.boatipver'neither; , the I seoIms, owner and 'r )
: !:.. : l& of mYiit.ery and ] grappled'this seagoing city \ I '
: i }* I..': ..... e 4lwsyj1nf91d' you.,.' In an old .salt cine day jn formed' me, The k <3ity of West-A :Fragment oftrie mainland'-with' . links of' . .1 V a.wcklnl: ell, hhy.Iaw, be .al ': ;V'', I, ;..'
t,..:::; ' ",UecnuionpIato'manner, 'U p ften at"the' 'finh" pier' Rafter' havingfilled .Sparkling: Key : : '"The iVnlnth wonder"' is the 'rectlon of salvage-operations was- '. ,

\'.\ j'.I e here do you'retch thle'citT hin pipe(with 'my tobacco.. 4 4 . : great; new Overseas Ulh".y. & to; the, master of the' first' ,, '. : ,
''A,', :."'.. '>! ri CriCt: 1a the,Gulf of, Mexico. It held about a cupful.that pipe # : : : : Ama- \Votk is being pushed at ave '; '. ,
I&:A ,: .. ,..,: >' To, {cfaVthandorlntf! 'on' */paUtlnl.tralt did.' He called:'It his "beggin'! :West''Indies in the'"Uhitea" StatEs--Som mainland'arid "h'. Key Went ends.. to reach- k ,This"wreckingmaster" \ J ,".
-' emerald ," quaintly lklng ''What'stheuse .. ' bad extra .,, I
: :'' .. *(?ut; oyer'tlie maffte pipe ; 'i : of'thia.'aniasim motor-road. Ev '
-.i. '., ... ; :>;-t4>$1 l* of. key more' than a hun beggin', ,:tobofker with a ) ) > erlfle.BwapI, mangrove-tarn- compensation. ,' '-J;(< "' .'

:{.!Ii.,,. :..\ f!,. '-''1/dredj\ 'i1os pttCfa: ',..a;from'the little ,pipe as ,don't hold" 'hardly} zingPradigieS\ ofi ; )eepfb( in the: Mpist Exo-I ke's 30 or more Squire Begun. knew. .fuhl well, ,!' ., .
more'n whiff two? ThereAfter (
'. {= \ $f'" }'FloriHa' JnalnUmlf or to nail on in- a or. ; '' feet deep, powerful tides,, long. that lie announced ".Wr CK ', .
': : ';, : '*'t :tlto\ ?pellucid a tuo, the shImer1zg.oya3 he,,added i "Yes, chief* one v'': ..;; '*.' '' ' "t: "' ,' '.. .::4. ; ;*"' . sLreLche ''of open oceon hare 'all Jf : .' ,
*)... ; :,:,\ \ pupleothoeatro4i aunflsh ketched a spell back, tI"I .t't . 'r foiled to deter Uic, 'ong4neen"ofthis ashore I" from the pulpit, his congregation ','

i;A i'/;;: :: .'c' 'n. ,''and'then. a.t here,-, kicked- .U>e-J>ennrat. 1,700 '*\ fic-of' O.urCitigs.; ./. . *. 7' -; /1.. ; .-:.<> .. , ( tho. mostastonishing. high would all..get out of the ;' '

:. I "C .\nt\fiaCbi'\ : ,;*,''>ro lqB' cltj)*. of fragrant pownd.t! (Everybody 'In1.: Key f:: .- ', of.'J: : / \\f) : iI.i" ,. ,. : \vay'e construction! over attempted.When church of him, and some \>'( ,. _

,.;!;. t vnetnorIeB'| all al r.. C>n Its Inland. West, by the way " '. ..w.t, :enhAlltment-t.ht1 thrills, you "chief"; cHCAP'''). Tho blio of $t-. I""* : .iehcdi'' motorists ran drive from -r-
: .
V > '
, '" .' ,'I' ':,ral fe7otber: ecprIeucce' 'cain tropic 'oai t! lay*, In,his glance, un- .{ : .! \' .: (Reprinted through Courtesy of rel1! i )L, ; V''yf; : : 'f !j V ''.: C.n* directly into-, Key West tfAU His text, was Corinthians. \ ..,
__ ] : IX 24 "Know not that tb.y.
'?\ '. \ : ;1 JIl t\\ : : I ".y" 4 rthc-hugewiotlerod hat; __.l : ;.. sIm1Lyiiu.Jjnd n .mar. I, : ye .
.If' .." ,. i.' 'i " ..., thoI and at dent suns pf many,a long .. .'\ .ee thit 7 "' which run in a race run. all, 'bvt-lone \ .-
<'r .
: I' !:1'',,,( '. :-LJU. ,isdrowned In ,the >-ae'nt.\IIat.' \ decade had tanned him coffee. 4. ', : (BY-. GIio1uE: ALLAJJ .. ) _. .. An for me, 111., t"IJ1 toconfess recciv th the prize So run- ,.<,., "
" "r't', _{' '. '.... I :.1,'flir.G 11..', where violent 1 glorlellol1 I Colored.l ."That's Sorno film, I re'n.Ones . J ".:. IhaV. "1O _brill-, that )'e"lna obtain'" :V-; , t
"J-, :' : \ o'them klnd'll! 'capsize' you,I ' _L_ and fou-linka at Key ) .
. ., ;.. \ > *nd gold recall.old bucca- .! ; room ( West "Wa to his ; says'' "; 'V
.. .. all righto. ,Gamy I But What the nink
( .. :. : vpcering tlmes.Hh wonder' grows : ) rut ratjcr I pale 'In interest by lubjet" "
y. ; ) fislV{ Is, dogged IfI now' or 'then rounds a* whole of the are, and no- c streets anil white-surfaced, Judge. Brown, "he dowh
<.' t. !:t.:' ,. wore-compelling, Maybe crcsie gamiest up grateful aroma what i they I Aunt trust with the hl-tme 'flavor .of came
. .
t"IC: { : I t mtoort;'cradles an'old-one in know." He spat brown into the herd of: 'em. tobacco .weed. delCiOUI\\trusts of, raiment' are IOr-On-\\I Itro1i'ycart ted little alleys, you glimpse kettle'out. tropical the - andro' from the pulpit Had ezhrt.e'1 .
:' :'. lier ,,arins; the Southern. ..CrossClows limpid blue .ea.' Just 'becauseone "All three l\ nda sea-turtles "In the inornhig' .nor 1. the old day ''whenKey) hd., Dinah boiling' ft hug mance leaf' wrecking and hearers themselves
' "' 't' smokes need' relinquish lava'three yms a excepti.r them ," with the ..janglingestgongs doors under 1 banana-palm doing I t equip tor' .
,, ,- far down overt{ horizons, one year the-newspapers one genial : I buccaneering d ya, tlat. ODe can the' .,
-, '.. bere'lies',Cuba;' an'Immense and one's qudt! "Tarpon, amberjack, tbe./gl'eeR, as 18:11' cnty every reader tells "you. "In the after in the world, the Cuban tiome while-folks! wash Other and 'I hear Icg-endj o Ro ntce great rae. Down the I

.....!: 't.,?.< "-. -J> ale-b4nner7- codiaeai-& light sliver!) kirtg... bull-beaded! jack, other! year" :, but .cycn! then it lay! noon, .cume. (god'noyeL No it is niotormcn used lo- smoke cigarettes -' Auntiessplendidly erect baskets ,Ita!, truditionu of the old BoaliCwka he strode' hammea>na-,hil text t lr ,;.
of"aailfish, three. times., "'Youknow what .1 .. drove 'along. Now with} majestic gait, boar huge 'forceful. .
\ iipreads vaguely 't.OI I I the zenith. mutton, _barracu not cheap them' as they are BtlllTo: be lic "rd 'nt KeyWent. to congregation with ,
.! i. .' lluge staVs. big as plume and ripe there'sexperts\ ,, : as claims they'reall mean. 'Bout a hunderd an' fifty the beot. Just nov', I am'reading that buses known as fuaiuai of laundry on t.Ulbanodhc I I gesture'and apt illustration,
..1' ,. , . ,>" ith radiance: seem ready t.o'fall the'' fightin'est\ l kind. Tarpon, cggd the first time, lens tho"sec them Quo VudinJ No. ren0r, I (pronounced "wawa ") hnvc-: displaced ds. l Firewood, beams ever"'t"ing i When he reached the door,' :he

,.,into, tb1p of.! earth. Then jew he's"the; wiliest, showiest'scrap: ond, an' still less the tln. A never smoke.. My profession is the electriccars, )ou'l see I all has.' .t be borne on There's old Juhf Gandolfo, for I

r""I".". J(" ..ipled neekhiees'} J-tiny; flashingsl peiy..kome Ways. He'll jump an' good green '11 be wori1 an' reading aloud. all| day I must 1 tlriv. r stop hit bun, a head.You Instance, with a whole yard full startled his hearers with the-.cry

: o ." ,l>r| e-:from4tho$ sea'....necklacesthatSiiVel shako,,himself cl'an We kctchcjt a lofc&e'rhead Full- preserve my voice. Ah )'el, ;tlu-I shop for drink of "tonic" take shall find delectation! at of, palms and a full of mem 'of 'W.cb .,' .oo-r! Now well

' ,- ., ; faraway" Key West. 'em lip to '200 pound Amber' grown turt.le'U.!! .weigh' up to J I' work-I love it.. Agrfccabltf, and his lat again, light' up, :Key West, in observing ,the negl'Obnrbel'h ories. Thin brown hue face uud all rtn race and leo 'who recWv-. .
., i
1! _
. '-. Kearert-and 'ever nearer twinkle Jack's very:,game. A good un Ml couple hundred pounds an'we s instr'JctveJ" blithely step on the gas with' a' p*, in beark nlt.he' eth the prize!I', *t
;.,., -J..o.- -----'th ..67ry.ll\ 'ht. ou1an4--at tire-.youtrphimb out MuU na".n* ketehea-five toeyanthousand a 1eJall"hal an hour -or no, trail -tobacco-smoke. in his ,: cries of' Georgia,, the I hands mosses oA silky white hair dashed and
the fighters, an' Sharks round the I I thnt in other the vender of co and benrtC pcnlhouoc brows and 'Ho dowathe! steps
J, 'last, on '*''palnrcl island, where jacks, are longest year. lays rost perhaps 45 minutes, wake. Duplicate any woman, Agnes '
: ;,"; :' 'Jt is'always ammer.k sUnfish the most danrer: us. beaches, tod an' ea!'the young and so .on And for,thin service American city, if you can I conut-candy r'J; 'Unce Raatus, who plercinj cac all make him e. 'figure out 'into J.ho, street ,vith all the'

"'k :' \} -. ,Onlya/ trifling commercial ac- They got a pike on 'em a foot or uns as y take' (! the Ivaler.It's I I each cigar-maker pays him 2Cc a During the Spnib-Amcllcln comes down shining whit.e1t.I'cet not to be forgotten; men no' few women stream-
more, long, an' can reeve_it right _a plumbJamrofiAfv!'I ye'there's h, ,.week That'spnlyaboutfourto_ withburrowload of fish loon .ne '
American WarKey .Bujthe.Squir!
-- "-,14"at-0\I'da Key t ..
If nk. :: ., Vlcrritory( at all. Away back In' thruogh your boat Sawfish 'II ,, us many *.s there is.l !Yes, 1 five cents a .day for the best literature tafy.and n"vlI.W.I.\.P, 1. iced rl- ,, CIIdVOCIfCEO sir yeUsr "King!"' truly- -e* far<-fldlmo.cb- ,,' J.fe1.lm.", them and "

'. 1815 t>on JUan do Estradavlh -.. rip up your boat.-all' you, too! chief, it Is .o." :i and all the 'news-not pout thrust almost into 11ldv on-!, In t.he.oldays when the Jefferson ua now-n-days' 011-5 rarely meets lll' on

J ,n governor; "of the Spanish -with helr three-foot BOWS Plenty Indeed theJ suern to ,.'bad. Te readers: mnkc a good 1 ish linn;-for Cuba is only just' 10tei ,, I well re- outside the paces of .1 book. J soon reached his schooner, ., the

;>: : "-Jirovina&V 'of'' .norlda--gavie.& to Some fish) p'nI"! be, if y<5u visit 'o ti'Lo-crawls. thing of it, the work of ci- l over I the horizon, Ilnvunu lying'I nu> my negro mammy. ..of achambeyjuald you gct well acquainted' with Cod>p..d. With a crew
"'y., ('- Juan Pablo Satai' for services If ''you; want 'color" and lots (co/Tlls) where Ia pens! gait-rolling is lshcnet and ever just UO miles away. The city became ,I whobeing. Gn.xlolfo.; ht'l maybe fetch outa from members of the congrega-i *

'-:':\,"-- -'rendered! \the Uoy44rtfllery! of of, it, just hang around the fish: concRete piling the} huge lazy )body ifl .,enalltmerican hcaclquartera for a naval a tip-said she'd prefer a real pirate chait-drawn on asailor's .\ht had overtaken liini, .be_
..r : Spain the; island known aa Cayo piers and let the color l noak In. monsters swim in the Ifmpid! tropical efficiency-plus fec- court, several million dol rll' good strong cgarand got it, and I I set ton nail, reached the wreck first, ;

? .. ;. '}IUU9. Cayo, ,.11,10, 'meani Wonder, whyno artist has eve" waters, dive, wallow: and tory with a trained reader to entertain : worth of prizes being brought in. smoked whio making up canvas. dunne-bag-and; ; I to '

'" . :'IJn.\ .. .ey," probably so"named'becaus Immortalized: himself -painting :surge up to blow, with a hissing the Rcientifically-nunuged' The court of ;inquiry regarding my bed. tell you somewhat of its hlalory: .,and became wreklng-asr,

'/.' .' .. :1. ". !: ''of, the many ''Indian Key West harbor with tho brown wkooooiKI vMany an hour have I operatives with Sicnkiewiex! or I blowing-up) of the "Maine" Aunt Rachel Munnings, ptrhcps "My -aiidfuUicr wr.s in I hospital his greal material benefit.. ,

.,'<. : '"' --hones ''found there as a result of and white soils of the fishing- I idled at the, era WIl, marveling at Shakespeare or Shaw! was held there, too; ixnd-. fact wi tell you about ghost- in Philadclphy, \hung an' 1 long I|I Key Wc'l is different from .1 .

;\t,;., J'i :, awe.h.tween warring tribes. r fleet a-wing on their homc'.vard I tho great, clumsy, tulle crea- But then, we Nordics are more that only too few Americans cses, 'such, us she .sweeps the en' there was u sailor ilyliv' other fled'wlt.h b. ..
. the vast golden sunset that evoke a highly civilized ull the bodies of fallen hibiscus-blossoms from the ago cUesl
..c'' ; tIf so happened'; that Salaa met way. against tUl'el In1 prchiHtoric know at mai\y and with curious, unique pictures*
;. '4.. Lertald John W. Slmonton,' on glow Birds of' the' southern world, when reptiles, *,ruled A touch .of color pleasant to ofthe B.-.ilors killed in that disaster -' front walk: there. This here'Ilor ups an'asklI '.
: ''irIf' . 4vne ot ?Iuonton'str.quen'vIsits peas, they fold their' pinions" as : the seas; the discerning eye.'is'glvcn by the still lie buried in a little I "Deyt-' don't bodder ma none, I i"! there's anybody there. One ponders on the oddity of uJace'where .:: .
; '
".lfd::", ..'<*\:<( ,llavfi a. Salai told him about they come to rest along the,-
",',. d :\ 'I island. Simonton' thought it ter-front; and there thebarefootfJsheinicn. inVo ,ho;d at Key what the-peltg of': Cubans \L'st.4.sMUst'.tourlstr-poKK Jt by.' WIWit , '' .t .da', 1'hUel ,""'Ye',.sur4 Ke is!I' ntcnine where:'Btilnds the only HghthouTse,,' ; .
: .:'It''Wou1d'yalu.'' .vtO/.lhp.'ynHwd ,.dinnlay' ",!their,wsrofldrouscfetches"ot -rwet'"mndfcofflpile-ppng.I" ho"* may' . 'Eflo'ugVtd ';PljKitl\ g tl$:;.!'4ew- may m? coffee,en' throws all de cof. irrandfathvr. then, sir, m America 'to bo located h,
I: ;.j' \.. t tee/ U "'well'as:to himself.' beautiful 1; rainbowtinted : -1[ In nine months ''oChls say that everywhere you' see. Cubans -, tlle remer.iber tho disaster foe-grounds Jw', de] i corners o' my my 'Vei of town where

t c ';;',.:;;::':"I'd like to bu)., Cayo' Hueso. ahgel-f, banded'"cIJ w 'I year a."gross tonnage of 2 9,901 I and hear 'Spanish{ One l'ebrar 15, '1V8. room,' on' dem ,ha'nts got to utop. the dyin sailor takes an' drags renter a ; every"

'r 1aId, he. '.' and brown hogfish,"black and yellow -' with some $30,000,000 of cargo, who (like myself) delights in Komuncc The Key West' Cubans still 'ru- an' count all coffee-gvounds this here canvas bug out from under l is un Independent'. .

4 : .., '.'.:;"HoW, T och do :you. want. to buy l porkfiah mud) many another dockftd there; that this port languages and habits will memb"J it, still orate of it ut the I'fore dcjr can del mcssln 'long -his piller an' (fives. it to mygrandfather unit, driven down t.o< salt \vater- ..

':. .::1, i it,,, asked the Don.VTwothousand that would grace any aquarium.A I l hi 'nearer the Panama Cartel'than find Kwy West appealing.Whether Sun Ci'los-in the':school whereof o',Iolk! An' wbV lo'yo. takes an' then he tops his tho best kind of water, by the ,

,' /: d ..:? s i,SlmoifVohanswered..' .d d 4t was works of art as those! strategic position' fofr all Gulf : their little houses or thei' us well us,; Spanish. Lectures and blanl an' puts 'em on a grave, fie '
. done-with. Spanish, coin, In the Then, Sponges, You won't belong I and Scuth American port is un flower-clad ptazzau, or sippingand pltiys in the ino
: (j'year, *1822. I'wish it hud been here without. oeeing the 'approachable. Such busneB-lke smoking in their coffee-shops the, jCulumV% intellectual h mo- I,buggin ,yo'; ,
J ,some great-grandfather'. mi.. I and "ylttt- pole will tell you nq, and clubs, the Cub ns are ,friend-: fires.burning; und -when now. :'cause J dono, trtud iU I tried 'docoffeeground it ,to my ;.father, an' my ..father I, ; at oth f f . "; ,1

>who.)had) ,. bought it for' )2OOO! sponge-warehouses: ; .of. or. dredgi'i} {; .is required at ly,' v picturesque/ lkbl'In.. a then sonic driiniaUc'star. with ** :'on' 'do, '* blackbaans.tociu.neryba'nt gives ,It t.o,, me,', HOC . .1, jobs :'o make.'a' !' Epidemilt"*7, .. '
.. rl
Iernui.---whcre1nfIitjydes. Iving''
A- jn.re1a3-.aqa4eut.4bat*. -Key-Wer-with -its -ieepwaterright rfrd, :.Ip.t m. r \f\\ j riell 1Q1. 'I, I I.ever ,, ..Youo ancient dittybag. : spare Key West; :, '" t
.. Ial1.thatmade.Cayo. Hueso" into sponges arp dried, clipped) ,..sortedand upto the wharves:4"the'only.'natural know little about cor.lfol1. WlijF vana i or Old Spaing' Cubln sec. 'Ain't'dAt'4.&ovd; ..proof.TianTyArtisivgo ,i .t-te '' Ue hlln't 6r > .
chance :
C : byits-1!geology : boatswith they pant| >their bhiny ; You behol.'dim; penciled ghost-el a '"pne
""KeyWest.For baled. bout' 7 5S { and -undredged bar. roms'a. West)turnsout'i la- mass, dressed iut4with.the : -.j mnia
.,..:, .',and: flora' ,the isUnd' ':i II absolutely some f hundreds: of -men; ..'.wrcSt.a. bor,.sir.:,on\Uve'-- Atlantic eoat" blue, and always' sit'on hard I to the ultimate- second Ilatlas I: I ingv, : aluk-llbon' twe'a- lines;
-.. tyo CI t Indian.' In Key West you! living"from the reefs by hooking All ?very true, ':. lkewis tba chairs' ln 'their.'front. halls, i 5s ono shell combs'and fans, \ :want t9ing. ,.11 .Punt i palm-trees and ; Key Wetel' aaerL they have- ': :.

; ''find nono |of the'UlNal American ui.) and marketing the best three immense ear-felries convey I of lfe's' insoluble mysicricx. ': aro of the past. Kpy West Cu I a negro baptism on the shining indicated; likewise (an iu oil well- the finest cfimale In the world "

:. jlrees.,ahd flowers. Instead, you sponges in the world, better even freight-trains to and from Havana people to talk, to "visit ], ban fli; ( |ic-i-rt now ftup as short-, mInds, with -the saInts in .snx'>wy regulated ..pirate narratives), aCross and "by George, yes, chief I"',11' .
;.' atnaz- and 1 their 11;tlu ,
gossip s '
. /lire.bewildered by Hehly than tile Mediterranean catch. without breaking1 bulk, no gro riklrtcdly and liob-lmiredly any. robes being benealV, the ,
.. . Jngr variety of gr /vths, ,few of I fa interesting to sail out tothe .that :Philadelphia and New York drugstores and barber-shops are I 'm the North.; So, too, ii\ Havana. ,wave, while plunged. multitude where the tre(ul'e lien hid do verily believe they'reI rght: .

L -whlch( ''1'can' name or.: recogilue. aponglng-grounds! to see tho got diiect fr ;t-ohlpmcnt from i tVIg fountains of'' conversation. I Yelr UK>, when I first knew in&r as .only black'can den. The faintly-written Inscription I wonder if there's any other

.:1le .| ( ,jj:;. workero scull: their dinghies Camaguay anti Orlente, Cuba. : West Cubans arc addicted I I that delectable city, it wan all so sing! Catch, if your c n, pomp aya: I where little bicycles1'" .
: '.rAtft: you see only 4.puzzling along, w"t.chhiatBe bottom But fact like these or the height to artificial flowers* brown. cigar- I (Ilfel'unl In this reujHct at l leant, and circumstance of ,a negro Ma- For "guide city boys on I,

.. atl1l1l D, \\but. soon you come to ,through.,.water glass; then, by a'. I o( : _tmmc.1 wtrolcss-towors Otte-J, phonographs, bicycles and I one perhaps regrets thc passing ,Hon'c funeral. This 1 is super high- Captains" Key 20 fry.hoDae cakes of ice tide with

: know 'the- queer. vfed-gtirt' 'tree bloat dexterous twist of the wrist I (one'of, the moat powerful stations : flivvers. Their open-fronted of the old. Nothing can ever rc1lute tho nth! Crimson all their
&1 ; "Ilh''ahtlty, twisted ,limbs; ..tbjpamboo applied to a three-pronged hook: lit, the world), ,or the $2.o0,000 ,- shops-for 'in' that divine climate ; -rrimaun Spanish shawl, coeklor\\, \\ ebtton gloves, open miles 'South by West siring and dana-ln ? In

jid ..nd, buttonwood,' 'the clIp with an enormously long bnndl, I. submarine > in this who needs a clouud door?-reveal the -Hparklo of dark eyes over an Bible carried on a board slung there t.ovlty} tluipa lives thule boys''have never be1- I
and spiky sand-box i "Gibraltar of Jas the to"-the pa scr-Ly "the whole . held real, s Ice, .,',
na-berry bring up from a "spot of bar" laCk ivory fanN. from the shoulders of statuesqUe dollars in pieces of tight honeltt. -goodle ,
. reat'the.$ banyan with its drpop'ng strange';, black, slimy objects that i real 'Iet 'Wcstlan flavor. of-say' ,works" at a glance. Move, in And then, '\I.PU'I the Key West old patriarch; mires" in.a. barrell They. know 'l Uilirg. of any-kind/,- ,

,: tentacles 'that root when they never in the world would yj'u recognize : -t.le cigar-factories there. Who sought in commercial establishments negro. He seems a good negro; :apcons, staffs of office! ; Ilow mu- Turtle Island except and. how ., ' I II
.*ike 'earth{ the limo and manrovo"and.vooada of Key West without than edibles, dry-goods be i \ fruJlUe, rucorr 1
11. as uponges can and to hour liinv talk Spanish 'with sic fr m. negro, bdnds, '
haltnl I them. And surely
v- and gnarled thinking of cigars; or there shaves; politics and personalia Florida envy tit t.hat
dwel fluent always astonished henrse,. long ilne, of
: &
I : a-Ii'ap., along beaches surf-: Pctalls! of cleaning and curIng are'astory : 'long without sec hi gf Urse miraculous aro part of the stock-in-trude, I at the C.C time It make Ic ntc 'girls women up the I' C pt.. Sandford no the1' tropical I city IO' intl;,

r ashed !'silver. Strange but en- need.! not detain us. These smokes being'rolled? and sidewalk and interior minglewit a 'trifle Hume envious.tat. neither rear,_ant aged brlngng and "Some day," old (Uandolfo'mildly mately related lo tile .,sa JI.I % ,
in themselves. So. -
I I' ::. ancing: ?) are the guava, sapodilla, ; many 'Only in Key West, it no dividing line and- such .
West life would appaa' ""uppity" nor yet servile; Very rickotbuggies) hacks assures I ever fared HO .well as regards ,,
I and the phases .of Key afternoons you should. 1 you "whel \e\\ .
lllgatori-bear pawpaw bo made
'I: ;:::1? ustralUn '-plnc cactus Spanish/ I I make complete: stories! The reefs can of Cuba; Tho business t started see the Cubans in all their best, I Bp-lf-resin't-Untr, and reasonably brother.As' Industrious --.It.'J alla pietuve I that; once i'9und t it, .'nl &uJn' to have tempests. Thu highest "hi" Isn't" '
ahc'.l forget.
friend I and. seen, you ; not soon
:" : .1 rel and! tamarind<;the' ..corkee yield 'sheepsw l- yell*, grass! I away back in 1832 and,'is still go- strolling through *he wull of the I And most-,.of Key West's negro 'look for,1 1 them there- pieces uCuig1l 1i feet\ above itca-l vvi,, yet Key <
\ few velvets stand at the
7c,; .-:: ( , anaanti tcasafejte?"'Tea- and wire sponges, with a ingstrong.The warm; moist alkeeps park, among hibiscus palnm, you sleler'srai life is made ot,, pcture| such aaXihfcadlo ; .Turtle Inland? That must West\ has never been flooded or '
l I '" .ffi.I 'V!' seems to bo"the Key. .West running--to" rv 'el1rly"yalue of I I the tobacco just' right forhandlinI' listening to the band- onccrt or on arriving, black boys along would have Cap'n's Key, washed qut. The buffer .of the ,
worth- whuif for Ie.
perhaps 300000. A' vociferate Uear JLhc Turt.uIas \
\ !
.r' but what it Veally is, on thefr .rd in
; so- sitting
; pOl I greatly loved. Can one more? where to start from? Florida Reef mutably .
wh'lo' )business, thnt! dive after them in the l lovely blue say you got protecta. ,,/
similarly occupied.
S'e# t know :Mot. i called, make tho weed .uav..!to, their I '
.,<.'' ,,Everywhere: yards *nd' gardens Turtles you shell! lee !a-plenty I or Jtoft- and silky. Wprked incolder According to the words of the old and< greencrystal, waters, catch Engineering', tuceJt' never 1 don't just know. But lEki1,, ,a- her, and no tidal wave can com* "I' .
., ., "If ablaze'.:with gorgeous:' blooms : huge' sea-turtles, hawksbill! climates, the precious Cu- Bong, tell you it's somethingto .Ihem' before they waver to the tire f'wondedn gigtuitic I flggerln' on that, a-figgerin'. An' a-nigh.. Nor have hurricanes ever T",
tho .
".. '. t/riot; .because they can't help loggerhead and green. The ban lea crumbleS And man! "I.!I" High-cockalorum I is i bottom. Along Iowe-brla-ht irobles. -, ad pvcrC01e' by when -I gets my mind made uj>, devastated Key West. She is ft
/ .
4! _... . .
', ,:.," ':, ittng. '-.They don't have to be : greens are most numerous'" o: all,I what you can buy-in Key - - t I'm a'goln' after that there pkat.j city budded upon, a- rock, and
ited to riot t.. as in th't j'' North and! likewise the best eating. West 'for1 a nickel!! millioncigars _
ir' tt. Havkabils) Fft F r- GENTLY WAVING PALMS treasure. Y u'd like to tke shall not be removed. The hurricanesof .
lowliest cottage or' even ne- are a. year 1 issue the factories f, '
-, .'( 1 theso"'days. The value of their I > .i share into Too busy,' eh oH, 1010 blew more than ,
.(. ': 'Ii i shack is often, burled'beneathrlet of "Cayo Hueso, to beatify .. -', (Va4.t 1" h m. It .
C .&.) ;., ,#!, , poinsettias,' .purplo" bou-' shells Jim proved their undoing!' the World. _- .,- eli right, but if you bppenl' t, 120 miles an' hour, yetj only two .

-' .i;.y... ,, .ivilUa'o1r; huge: yellow" trum-: Age d hawksbill carries $70) oh ,TIow ftiany a tIme-I have wamididThroughThu14Cfactcrlei . jII _._ ,,, change your mind.;" buildings -both' close to the wa
.. l' 'flowerS: -flockrosoiijss.- A.-teaJc-and:1IOu.p.-the: ., : 're ;- 1 In the good old days, 'wrecn tcrfromjt--took serious 4aaie. I / .;' ;
: ..:'and. bergamots, African green turtle underg.os a wondrous dolent' of the blest 'wecdl!, Bales '
Vr ie
;. was a legitimate'and honored profession Low-lying and securely built, K.jr r .
under Iand-ch4nge. Key West by mountains :
iea atid oleanders nod and,, Of odorous leaves '
.:;c> Ii'; .lmm."Je ?azure: glow of clo'ud- the way, i i., thci limy city in Am- huge 'rooms with ninny 'big w-iti- at Key West. Afore thaii West has little fear of hurricanes.. ". ; .

-''I ? ,,1 'sIdes; hibiscus bells sway eric' th''a tUrtle-eoup cannery: dows and, long benches ..wheredarks .. 20 vessels used to bo. engaged I irf i it. Key West in no mere city, llkif ".. ''

.;. '. Vf'". t.: r'lace-like.;: tongues in' salt-Ia arid gonrmets\, .in" many lands Mbied Cubahtr with\deft I [Jude Browne will tell' yon how other cities, to- be'' known by factf, .'.; \ 1

,uIc\.ii'; T breezes from a sea that 4s..1t it.a'potm JcM'lie znack.theilIipsOter: "aze Its'r product, fiHgeW >oil t.he mag.cyln"er:' ;; cry of:: "Week asLo.r.I'would bard'reaUte. She is (iti 'ii. \, :" :'
{ ;
? : of delight. tit 44vkjptaHl kXH>., : exported Cures '
'.\: I l' long in K.j ;West omef. :fifty"',being sent North JIIom.J .... extmell. I electrify'' the ,population me, at all- event) somewhat} '

. t ",:}Jt'' o re; perceiving.that\ i you've .voT. week.r u can see these and band and box the feigarsyou1 I and empty any chlh.'on Sunday, state of mind, unique and una.pproachable '{ri
rtt\ffM edfabermafl' J $ ,.v ;DBOiUtfc'! backs unfortunte'it4 the lyingt! >n, ".f .their,' .:( '',.remember.'J Caen.|)._.these, ." ., i, au promptly--. 4' thai shout 'ofi: save by those who ,"I

.f';} .4p"C: *, nchs,":;to'laf ijUamer-wharf!. ,appeal 'with';'a.verY.apeclal' cnarm.; '.r .' "!' I" One, Jabboth., _accordinito and understand the tropics, and ,
?i' .W..lers, >they\ have ,awaiting doom., la all you ''hear 'spoken' ,
5 tell-you
i fi. ;O Spanla. e, certain Sqafre yield gladly to their enchanted, ;
.' $K'jff;' \\U ,_ _ :was' holding' ,, Wooing: Key West understanding
Mexican .AinerLcaT _ .
,i *':'- -*- 1scms reasonabliwhen! :' you '-Caribbean" an! .'ort the be'tin j _ ." "el ,t
', ;t q; :}: Icier, thit'1|t; mor >"h'an.'BOO ,VarLtleW'ofvfiah -I! coast," .agVd .cap'n' will ;tell ',';Your I.atinworknu, n do not "r' ,. .. from his pulpit:hurfd.'a' clear view, .hearts and souls, I&jmn4re'than r. }:

'\ swarm;, In .th ..'01).v you.' "Us ,d to be. tio' end of 'em I.tak life .or laboi' nny,too' serlous- of the.: ocean. 'All at once ,hn -can be 'written .dow vCij: v ,n

.fsf ",,1 l\MA.and''.colorful',Water .\ 'Here righ r. ncJ herb" .nV >ow1iito'TOP;' ..'- Evenwork'they're. diverted spied a brig ''beating down ths words., Once you hav tw) .

:"" "Jd* ,**- "rlchist't martne"5)eua'It I i.tugasr. >but they're*;gettin',;' acu ce, ,b1'f'' :1 pqfeslona1readar.This :; ,_ o ,I.; Gulf perilously near a reef callecl shall 'betimes feeUkeen h" '
,' \: 1ft.( the"Unt.d', States.'And I uow.. ;:O"*'f tehoonero ''run's1' down pueyor. of amusement and .1 I I'J miss nostalgia / .
.. "The He saw her
or.he'y'jj' "Weah11'a-plen-! ;I 4hr.: i buys em.' from-. ihe;'.,iurtlellshers information \ tldl :in"a kind of : ; Slb. ,to'ttur. Sh.}!* '
I : : I.
r:;,..1.i.' yo4 ito, tthe"haunt: *<.'of > an",<*briiga.'r) ;f1ghter' sueh 'will'gie Th flalJen' keleheem' In nets' rooth.I blue\ \ ? r '*< ?;>';" . ., ,-: :'Ji 'I .With'eaattooB. ye watched, calm the; *
; i .1 '
4 :( :: : ,c. .;1:; somcUmeiat': 'thth 'sleepin'she.wktbJJek.'tkey' $hrough''whfch'lanc of sunshinecbnme'IntIng ' .' . : ,/ r. '. till'he' certain she fast' t ""*" ' r'ot
l" .
sttl.tUiaI was !
Lt.i >1 an ? < tfitu.- Tropical''seen -.-.'on1"the, 'giTne,fish to *play w our discontent) T" :: : '

::, \ : .heilfi".'. ,..,......ri't',. '.\. ""'!'!:wll1; ,.... I' $}'!t .q'L.. '\ ", ]: : : ": h. 'j.rfun.d" 'with, 't,1 ',:' ; '* > ,' .:* )* ;t. 'ha.i:it' aj suinerali' "i'ld'bl : ..:. 'I ,, '." ',> '..*. A
"M't" ; .
{; t.\J; :u: ,\ , I : .' I ,. L 'J. : k.1 ( :
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1': ,. ( .,. :::''r.iI'1,:... .. : 1f '- '(''il :.''-1'1'' ',\;{A. ::1'fcfr' : . \ ;; 'J ';' ' '- .,.. ,. '. ,'I" I, ,'''', : ' ," ,., ,.
fl.Q.. ; *" ,. ; I
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fi-';.. ''.i./; ''' !\\I { no .. ; .;... _.. ... ... "H"
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'' .. .t":U.i't".r.tL'"T,';: fA.!; '.ll,.:Yi41r." ..Wv-ifcw. ; ".;, .,.,:: !""'.i''!<,."".."..".'.",'''.'' '''ry.lL!;'' ."..''...' .. / ;....V.-.Q... : ;.,.,'........,:.". . .'AtJt.t' .+.. 't' '1" .

' rI4"'t'r t ,;Ij:1'" .::.\ s' ,; '., '7'J.. ", ,.. PI""'! ... ... '".....,.., -. ,....,..""""' ' '1< ... ..... ,
Ij ..
.. .. ;. 1.1: "-' t, +"',t ; .q..1'tr"". "''' .f !F't' "r r" .1s t'{):r a l"'ut.: Mi'i.. Svr )I; (.," -? *1 p < *
IrV 11 : ; < i1 t.'t'tP. v.hM"r r"l n.-: tl: "
: --: ..It r.%: Y rr,,.qJ.v 1F"'r"'ylJ.' ** r..3"v'L"Y.:1'J: : r tr.*, .ft,1.. :" f H.t """ v r. Y'. : ;, : Ittr.q.t.: : : / i + .rl.r . ;

\- ,
!, .. .,. ,, ,,( ,. *. f. : I'' ., .
; : p r: J k\\C. : ,
f fr i.t tf
1 .
vN ; e\ l lI.
.. ,) '' f' iIU IZEN" ;0 'WEDNCSAAYJAUA1Y26;, 1923. :
, f .. .. .IETmTYWO. SECTION': :' __ .. KEy WEST C ,

I ' ' :''' \ .. . '. ,; : J ; '. , .TRUMBO ISLAND.u. .t," : ; .' ;; -. ;' .' ' \r J: \\t I en' 'th rr r.t ,-.".vhi mdn'CCemoto ; : < ..jta 4"lelam! i'+".urr" 'the t riHof r her by'
1 ; . ;, :./1 1lI Dreamland Cafe v"'I : Cayo Hu so ;| | '
0: I : I. .., ? : :, pehih ; thia! island- ; the . of Indian tarp'Itofent.l .. leminolee, inresi'po ,.
\::1AENTbF, *? COMMERCEI 't ,:.> : .} ; : ',. r ''I*t.'t 1. \. .. -" ,. '.' ,' .'' .f" ear> ;,Citj. (;e '. -*1'S'': Na_ tribes! ,,"\ <;re,[scattered boner-n) profuslart, '( at.rMslpatlo '+" "'tr!! ,i", "
.. ,.l'
', dent n
'foIf' : the"ahorea'of ,
.A _)1.1' .IMF J.j\t q, I \ s I' C'.t yp1 along te inJand.V: :
: ., -. \ ': 1 ., \ .if. .
; tlitlo ,
:1' '" 1r .... ,. t '.. 1. rr ICpyo I ." \ This .vr'as explainodiby.the. fart tb r at' r; ?41stdiem o
Dreamland tCaYej'.ptigsed'byivan'Yet'optock .eaeBan ;; "w'" s tor . ''I t'", git. ( t
tf .K-J

f < : I HOUTEINES U U ( AIR QUT stiiiW!! a .'r.r ,{" 4 r u al ..; ) ;;: Island Is lhel jThat.''Isllj, or""nal" e' 'name, .that Lice that wjth the); JnatamviniaMdthej I their bat-: imw' b f o''df.f.r4114d1 from*.,I'*Invasion.'* .it ,-14st I hitof1itb"keysi .. '1IEoo j, "

first ; or" that has brought Idio and..further ' .
been down t
r : ', ( pliccfi; entertainment: '' latter! further, .' '. '.. ',' .i .' f, . i j'
... matic' "over' aeveralyears'jot back until to thety, lat
: . y A '.. } 1 ? the tourist!' imts corning-Into Hey "Key Wjst they came ; Mr"Hert ", .today people: ,arc happy' '*"*te'much
: by and Hues
1', ." . I-," The'*: pepartmen.n1. of Commerce VYw, 'I lii )?sofa:' locateon: } the, ,.I1lwrs.' { usage,, :,.+ resident* . . th r faeed"' -on..'r the'on* wl but Jne about it.:llnt j[. '

!' ;.Ji'ns., I Issued'','map" of1" : tile United t FLETCHERSEESI highway, at Stock Island.Af l <' It we 'gam4d gone Key by theInHlansiarxl'ileirCnd hand the; ..great. ....p _..t p1*; flee net me aloe .misernhia'! j ';
. i, pretty arch .mctms's.the "road l *,haa'4t' that Cerlbbea with i knowledge j th1v ..j': ftI"::18' U."' k ; '
kf'jjkf1 ,
;;'fI. SW '' t"'ttie' I -,111, 1.,; :
If fpbieeapof
$Jbalet'' reveals \ : J.t "t ,:
1 r k ,
to" W
the trikvellojthat .. . ;( "'" .
it .1. / -
? -: -- -
HIGHWAY "AS .J ijJr "" *. "* .. '
\ ; ; : I .. . ., . .. 'p w ,
ttrways ; i
/, J.'f' mail!! ajjd elprmk routes as ,. r (he first chaneq'4tnd_? *(rsstlghdaee;; : ....'.4..."........".......... .. ....' .-..' ......"..........aMl........\...................' .,'.',rr. .'

!' #': emitting of'that'date. -tAjrnap'Is! : vGREATilNIIXJVER.SEA In and out/of, '''Key" ,.West ,to get! ....... ...." ........,.. .' .. ..... ."" .. .'..... ..,.. .\ ....."..., ..'....:,..'...., ...'...-...'.-...'".pq.. .. ..,."."...',;,....' ..., .. peeas... Jam'" ,1,
: ; jb I1tI'widely'-prlnted In'the.newiu cold .. >
.,t'I. ,j ; drinks sandwiches\ and tobacco : .. r';:
} . ,, a "' \ . .' .. ,
& .' ,. ,.. ..;, 't.I II "
\ : ..
11 papers 1n nortb: : . / I i, '
I' .'"
.:-T' The'i; !i 'new: : :routeytrt< e e n 1Ke+y' t ,-, ,..t '. II island Martin and Key has'operated is a pioneer on:the the I "...... tii',\\ .,-, '.A.,''jo ". ". '. !. "',(t.. =. , ;....... .,..,...''..... f .:.: r II..,>,'.

W'r.t.ndsfiavina )1( jbfP int.' HIGHWAY, one OP i ', '.' '. .. : .t t"
: "
}, a3e' cafe only lately i : - turning It "
f(1 !
:ij tip'noeln"thei; (' !,\ gQutheast eorrer 'of,. ,;THE. MOST" 'IMPORTANTLINKS . A y't.rl to the management of, his ,over son : -' -\ .. j .. ".
,, the map4b iitg Indicated by a IN ;GREAT INTERKA.TIONAL Ivan. ;'I\" I :: / 1.l. j Ins :isU' ; .g' rea4{dayi 'f"for''; r.'lIM"S. : t\>

',e' tbtek.black1. IIAe! atartlng! at. Key{ ' ROAD SYSTEMS 4 a It is a JMcanaht place to stop\ : .... I" ,. ..c'..//01., .... "".. .1
Wept and 'rnntinulng' i 1ft. the' dlre. end 'tfet refreshed while cnroute : f t .s bin .
L--, .. I"h. A's :
l/ tiati of Havana, 'which city la tot .. ... to or from ..the, city., yr '.
; shrrwnjbut is Indicated by the : TJ'e' Dyer-Sea Highway '"1, one ? y I 4i; 'It-) }'j l -\j: : ...... .... ; \ .-,-./. t_ 3 j-M, '''+;' *, ..". I '

I H k words, ''ToH<<:vana,'," with.>ari '.arrow -. of tho most important" : units', in a Wherij: : F1agcr's'dream' / : : found :its terminus In. Key West The Overea ' The 'Bangui, .,. FlyIng Club has .. .. MONROEie\' \ t : t;)- '

,. great 'national find international ?* highway 'npr) parallels'' the railroad ;'across the 'keys. come, Into. existence, I in ,Calcutta.FOR . i :. .. ,. . .' 1 n
# Onrthjni system'of highwiys'is' seen" by V .. / '. :. f" ) . ,)
: . .. ,
; >Aep''tS4pvxNKee' Indl / :" :' .J "r. ,. '"' ','= .. < r t I J. ,,' . ... ,I>. ;
sateaI wdys'uhtler'ntatl'Contract: S. Senator'" Duncan U Fletcher J "1'''' ---' --- --------- -- .. ., .. ., '. "
..! .
; .. ; .. " I . "
(c-: / J In, a recent letter Senator ( ''' ' . !' -,', : ;, .. : \ M..:"'
: ;'f. WIthrthe'ewoeptiQn) .of.a.sbort line Fletcher l.. .:... .... .. :: t" .'. .T'>: ,. .: : ",
'some' <
1)Ptwr.n.New gives, Interesting SCIENTIST GIVES ." /I and '
I # Drlearts 'ner .
;; and Pilot FLORIDA -. :; 'S' ,
KNOW cousrli
information as to the enrly history 'a I : OJ ., -g'eoucs : ; : : .>1"--7
'' '' : :
.rT.OVJI a wtheaiiof
(; .H-.on a pro .. /, ,__ t% ;I ', .' r .. 1t4.
r -- of nome of the roadwaysthat I .. : -.., "J'Jo. r: (<< .. -I, : 'i
jt"ctionlnt.theGult.tbe"'IIIJo .
; ON.OI'ALONG ovefer .. I '\ A. -'I' ). <<1p.1k '
1l 'j
..bAT 'r : ,, ': re- .
will .
I .4 gthetAlylraY'udd.r? : malt;contract ; Ihikedrtogelher,- : Ponce (de. L"eon. Eli J :s of ? '. ' . h,,' . ,
k form thin=teat traffic. route', F'J i Maherofthrilopher .citizenship Ii. r { ;
\ anywhere' south of an orals. was a . "'
imurlnary :
'. .'. Olhrexpressions'of, ( the "futurerisibilities .. -- : v.- ;
the lutler's ,
Columbus' on : .
crew -
line.berweeQ'i'! : !, AnreleV KEYS .
;*> and| t .' : :
and Influences' i : s Nw '
of theOver :
second RIDES : .
1 Fort ,Worth and :napes, Texas.' : :'$.a Higbway'upon- commercial :.. '. ;. ,oo. '' .:.' .,. : I iIj1 ..
.? Key West, therefore: occupies and soclol. life of the Forty-seven; per rent, of allyarielluii '" i ... ; ,, . .' '.J\"l'! ,'., .ot ,10 '; ''r" ., '
a unique position ,,In all, the vast. I cities of trees! which 'grow in :OVER. iI .- .' "' " .1 '
which :
territory.,nouth bfBtouls, :'ahd through H will MANY-BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLES J JOF' North America north of Mexico I -
thread beingmade : :
its are : .A..wel ome'awDtts all.w1 b '
way :
Dallas'' and Went Indies native to -
east of Fort Worth, Ok- : the arc THEOVERSEA ,,
1 lahoma City' :'WichitaKansas dally by prominent .'citizens. .or KEY.. HARDWOODS" MADE (F'loi..ids. i . : i' .)' .

r I' City and'St.'Joseph* Mo. southeast Senator! .Florida.Fletcher's"' 'letter' fol- UP INTO USEFUL TROPICAL) Plant Oty: shipped, AV79,404quarts !) .1 I':: ". US 'th t .q. Hr !
t Front: New '' come to over '. e:
.York1 City to New 10tl'a1', ...SOUVENIRS! of Ktrnwhm-ries during (lie i .. . ., .
Orleans: runs' a xlg-cag'Iine r>t I I.iI "The Bureau- of Public Road 1126-27! season nnd K-i-oK5ie'd! $1-,1 ; SC "i ... ."

block and''White"" dashes--Indicating i Department of Agriculture\ has --,- fI,400:! for: the crop.' I ii : ' '
airway yjider mall contract but isaiied a statement October 8th to Florida' |ion! !SP.eB\ :20! 1 .Vll1'it'llpI: I : : )i.

t, not. yet :operating.From. . ,o I t that the Atlantic CoastHighway1 John Kunbell Small, Ph. i 1), So.IX 01 trees native l/i. I ih<- ROil sand l HIGHWAY I . j. ---

Atlanta through : ; Ktretchlng' from Maine writes. with much experience; I that an n
Jacluonvllla !. Miami . varieties lire /growing in ..J'' '
I run to Florida, and connecting nil of and .r.luahl.tat, nn .the 'various"" , : .
: \ lIht'..> which the important industrial and manufacturing trees and shruhn the ,stale.' ii '. .rrq /
on Key
grower A BICYCLE '
.how In one Flnridn f''rniersmrakrtod :
ai .way .n which null cities of the Atlanticseaboard. year J I :
: 4 Largo and in bin. work Professor! f 1411,000,11111111 h of .
ar adverticeJ or Is in full eperallun. ..
.p.ndi.j..' Between Miami This hlprhway: is known as United !Small divides the Florida Kpyx 'crops froin Ions I lli.n: :L'.OOO.OM( ) I&.JU8XTHE. HIGHWAY" '

.nJ K.:y..Wxt a ..lnl. thin' Sji&es Rdute'No. 1. If Htretchen' into four groupn. He acres of land. ... I .

-_-.- L .. Jinih_ ,, 'Wi-,! pt.po..d klrwajr.A from end' to end of the. 1 18 original Virginia Key and SoMirr Key 11M The distance' from' IVnsacola In TIIINGSAWYER : : .
'. !...-( dUpatck 'fr.m colonies- r.mF JCent the UPI.N'lantf/ keys ICrlAl l from Key West Ity tail i ix: iipii-oxlinnte-'| ... .. : ,. !J

a,, Washington plains that Maine to Miami, Florida, the ITnTe-Xr-No-Nam r Key,-which.-in- ly the same _UH .Hull (roan New .. . .e.
'. '. lltl. .gap; ono bridged, will onneetinjr sections of the Atlnnfic cludea Key Largo, he designates; York to' Chicago. - ----- ---- '_. '
". 'tlu& ||". Mil 1 and.' Oorfltal) 'HiffhwaV :. know o -' the formation ;TO* limestone No "' With t thexoepliiin, i of (Jt-or- : : - .. -_ '" : ..j'n
.., United TStfites; KoutesNo. have Namo key to ft nd including Key gin' I'lDi-i/la is the I: ""Ir.'III.nle, < in -
.n '
p. 4et "
'. N: 5.'a, ;t.C formed a highway: r.t history fur Went' err! jrlaVRJTled .s formations I!urea east/ of I the Mississippi! :; | |) River.
w +Cllyap'pavan.;
;i' 'Ilk J I.sS t HVl t| jt(O.fc.,' rij;; f too years : WashingtontrovIe, 'STEAM
This spBcKr!\ dispatch Wart it; repeatedly' In prate and war. flung XcfniJ'feioti" ";' Keys to the went of cattle I in the ens;(. CYCLEWORKS = THE [ [ :

". boned nt!' an announcement of the It connects New York, Princetonand including TarluKnn ore thc-lowet I The first ddeclsieally! !i drivenmerchant ;
Hand keys. / vessel .in/ ply I the Seven .
Philadelphia, the three cities : .
. : 1', pnrtment Aeronautics of Commerce Branch of the! De- at which: the capital was established The flora of the Key Country; Fens sailed from a Florida port.It = : . :
and continues i ;
Jo of distinct West Indian the' 'Line Steamer SIMONTQNL
In the tvrly of the a type wu Clyde ST. : .
t'': : With the te""tcm( north years .
und the' growths! are clo"ely'rcld- Seneca, destroyed recently in '
with Washington: the 11.
', . .
y Miami miteR
'. to' 188 of the preiwcnt net! choice; and ,It passes near or ed to the flora Af the Bahamas, New York harbor.illy' . Eaton St.. 'oJ. . '
contracted air toute from r .
through nearly till\ of the revolu- Bermuda and"Cuba, with a relationship .' 'f .
Key Went to Havana, 20hourn'an arid of' to the flora of certain .
lionkry' battleC4elds many .1".I"i/ , '
t ) and passenger service by air 1rt . .
< those1 of the civil war. It grew portions of Florida lying west .___....... .. ._ .. ..
between New York City and Havana from the blazed footpaths' of th* and southwest of Miami. J .. .............a...... ........... .................._... .... ...... . ... .:: I
__ "d becomea poeMble.I settlement era to Its prerent con- It has been;common knowledgeto ..._............ ..........*.........r..N.............., ..,..., ., .NO..I.

I 1 "This sertrica :will be made_ poa* 4Hl .Birrfacftd!I fot> $4fsr navigators and .Inhabitants of t AflclAD .,L.------------, _._, .-. -.r_. _"_- _ - __ ..'......,..,.._ -- :rr -7,, ,,t. ., ,I
I fJn1lt u
ellil"LbY ttrb
.- ds. + ' 2otit! tiP\ '1tkt"-'e,"' MadtlO of4ys"l'ilAfidys{ rtitit't'MtridgniKcentmahogany : .r i.5 ;'
: contract < route between Atlanta'and : '.
but unsurfaced; lot ,15 per cent, forests!! existed at KVy '.. --- -
t -.Miami. Survey for navlfra- and unimproved ler,Ies*! than one Largo and when preliminary surveys .
tlon/oaldn-. the"-sew' Miami"rir. cent. Work Is proceeding oV ard deVeloprhflrlt' work in..

\.' waY/1a In1 the 1929 program ft the! per the less improved' Bections. clearing for Key Lar ro City was THE OVER-SEA ..

; Department of Commerce begin- "Connecting neml-lropienl Florida began l these trees were frequently . .
, nine July 'J* 1988. with) north-tempei-ate Maine, seen and 4n some Instances it I I. '" ,' K.

;.1'' ""-'.'1'.he"'Mlaml." r.u to 1 is 422 miles the rend .Is the -principal tourist wad neeeftxary to foil, them HIGHWAY -ran, n "- u n ... ....a.n, a-rn.w-.w-unr.. ...9 ..N..++..r.q.w nn .n--wn ..r..w..wwlNwtijS :A _
" I', \ i1 .k,, ."nach'wny. It)will connectdirectlyIhe ) route 'from the." I large 'eastern. clearing' for imp!-oveuientfl. In'j -

;:T14' ; ( ,9 ''l, : : "\ "'New 'Yorlc..Atlanta route eider, to the winter -'-'rcnorts of the however; may I still boo found on : .. .

I' Ji to'.bfl. 'frt)) In' operation, soon." south and ,tho Ut m(-resorts of this island and l while they are : :\,: :.; Ol' ,1 .
> : ;
'" Undercurrent. 't t talk' !I. New England. 116 ttrategie'valueas frequently known as /- Madeira I ,'"'iii /, ,', ... . )EN .. !>Iif" I ., 'v'U '

+ th'Po.t.ffU. at a'tr.llitary road tme".of! : war ,fedwo; ProfessorMnmll/ !, technl-i "'L"' (',;" '. ',... : I "" !
eNWashieatoa'; .ft*... ,indlcali t". the c6n lu lve_ el 'ment"vbldt rally 'terms- them '" Hwlclenia, blt' t.:,&_' ':";: :.", M"/ ,

.' of. .,(rust thing. foe Key stamen this roaH.. as' UIe'.mo-t'1m. Jacq., of the ''family-, Meliaceuc' j ." .... .. .' !, "t'; /" .1' I'

., West whicli. ar. to portant, everything considered, In'' order of Oera'ninlcs'and. considers! Ix>tius 'add ourr; ---' /." .'.,.\ (
them AH an'erect hardwood 'with \
from, the projected airway' he United Stat.!!,,. 1.'
their usual habitat in . hummotkfll .
I ao'ft of radium' on both the .upper.ail \i' Onl, a few days was announced So great is the; power .
A. aock tel- that pound of radio-active sub- -with distant membern of the family :
that Percy one
' 1ftI'l heads a group\ 'nf, capitalist atanc.could, if liberated!!, exert a usually tln-mhrub i form, }\row, citizens of 4 rendered by >I.. .
.ie o. who, have ''orgarileed the Atlantic, force equal to 160 tons of dyna ing 'in ""portlonii! cf I ho KvcrgladcCountry.1 : 1 I .
'3 GujfA ,ann Caribbean Airlines, mite. : -Wo/id nlmihir In Key ; Monroe county \
Largo( mahogany' In' found in. the -H.:
coatrol of .throu h .
Inc.,; 'Bpeklng << 'I
',, airwaj )dines which will connect When the Tagati I,. tr'j,'; of Ylir1- Bahamas,* Oulm" and the Antilles : !
peculiarly this' hijf day.B. '
I North "ana' South America, han- 'sway weeps It !is said to indicatethe and''is also forms i of fine wood adapted work IIIv'II'IoUII The Gas Service Compa *?S : :

.", dung Jla R*hlferli, express and approacking end. of a long ing. .

atailb., ) ainplan*. The rtew cor- drought. The trees. j eep for nil' : .
n porntlon" ,already controls; . the day s before. the rnir'peml.4' ( . -Many boatttfful' 1 exnivples: of, -- : .
: the Key hardwoods' .. rande Into ( 'I '
''1 ? faniAmjowcfth Alfways, 'it }II", re'ported attract\ iva and u eiul tropical up .. ;";.' ... r i.r of Key: West .:': f \ I .I : -:' i ,'

: atdfJt: ; 1'tbolC'h'!di i r 1\-\: \ ( 1 >>t ot\\ ) \., J "( ,", : I U l. I.
. .
oeke- ; < .
ny: ware' associatedwith' MI': R .Kltnltaod'Wyntp1'rebatt, ; : '. '. ,to"..... . '
.t i ,.iI 0..8. { : CARE .f. .. :; r . ,
' ',, f( the .negotiations.' . .. .. ,,_ 0, at the ForVnt'Pottery Shop, lit "N.K. ALLAN : ", .'. ',',." ,
1 '- .Twelve million flying milesyYwpre ] -- '.., .. .. Second Ave., Miami These: ,-. ..... '-
'covered over civilian routed noyelitira of' wonderfully cclnreil / . :" ..
J :j'in the six months ended Nov. 1 ; f. and' fiffOr d; wor.tUmake handsome 1 AND co. .

.} 1In.. tilt* time, 'alrwas'operAtbra' WE muntel pnd table pieces' end! ; : Is another good reason : 1 1M
I '2,642,364 miles, ,
a; : alone ,, :covered! are crctain to b* app 'latcff, by <

:t-Van; .l carried 1,801 pMsengnrk.S . .. those who. noek. a diMtlnctive and r
., ,Man-I:: Mittw totalled ,621,230 FURNISH praeli l' w>'of<\J 'tlm! Amer --, '" . those who travel "

pounds, and express: matter 1- I iran tropics. rro..frr.rrr why '
'. 4s' ,1045,222; pounds. The 'incomefront'a '
+ 'II KEYi{ .
.,' -"" --- -- '
'- -- '-- -- -- -- -

\ -1'1.* :, : .:.-'-:'" woe-- \\$, 778,280.96. : ._... ....; .. ........... ............... ....a* t : the; road over the; Keys' ,

\ .":: ,:._. :'"ri1' . , . : wEsT I .. I ., I Ir I

?:"i","!;; l:4Y. LCOME ,. .",. < ---WITH : We> ctlinfftatulatc) . the citizens of Monroe I county. will want to 'stay' iii. }Key 'j" J

.41a/ : upon completion, of they Over-Sea Jlifjhwdy=, ,f \
I ; *: .

j. ,' COLKs: HENS a t .: 'arid:: the opening of the ferry service.J&HN . W'est.. i': ;j. ; ;-: ',r" x .-( ti ''

who' '. s' : ; ,. ': \. >..* .-. \
T "
i ht .c.. ''' .. < ., .
-r < ,
TRAVEL I/' .: FRYERS -- ; ,' > ; ,,1." ', .,'..*. ** .., > ',,., .
.j 1 \'. ,.,\,M + C. PARK. : : I -, .5 .' .' ; ';'..,. '. "' .:.'I..!

'I'' 'r
1 THE ,: .. : t PLUMBING I / :l tt' 1:

.I,, : '. H. '-l: ... .

1 i irf 'E '' :". ; AND .........., .... .. ... ...,......... .. ... The Gas Service Company. .
RsIcI ? :
Q : .,......... '
.'.:. ." CHICKENS--- ; - , -. : .
. ] t : ;-rr" :: ........................... .. .... ............... w ." ."', ....
rr '
wY.: 1. --"" --+ it t'1 .
r'i ( : : -, . . . of f : .- .
; : Key W.a. -.1
J S'E'ND'7'7'H : ( ,' . f' ; \
'' ,
; t., .. :\)iI' "" c ;> I u. .r.L.:l'.. ,. ..... .J> ,.. ,
!: ). : : : '; {' : "" : .
;:... ,"" -,'; f..1{ AMENDS A CA1W .. "i"j: h"// -
\ 4 ,
c ..
/I .,.- ..b'.,.:\ 7 jII ,'1I \.,.,,,, ...,",." ItUPERt..KNOWLEs: \ : ?1l?;-.1 f/1/ .- .'.. : FROM ;KEY WEST' :: ; I, . u . I. '. : r "

I t :t : : ,,
: t.'t\ t" I
'WES r' '\ ". :; !#i' : ,,

I. : .,.i KEY'. ,' ,\ ,' :' _.i i*' tv,, '.S-siMONTON'sT- i, ? ii- .. '> ,I : We. -have?' !.il'klnda'. 'views.',,;oJ'Ryour; : selection. .J ... -..,. ..- .... t .
'\ '
,', '

... \C"OW\" \i r9 O..l t I, 1-... ,. :PHONE:. . iio'I'.. ,.... "I ..,,:; : ' t ;, 'I' : -s-; : I.l' d't'' s vs .., '

'" . \&,.'' :-. F L i. SA'CASljpS" BOOf() $ f j 4' ..
,' ;f;<.f'}. dot'!, (" 1." o. .j : ..;' : ; ,' ,y, ; -; TE'\ 1 -.a'' ': Ye- y rFA ". :

': .1' ., ;. K.o: :'TIIOMI'SONf! Ii .' ....' J'"V'I' f : i;:: .. ..1' .. r "" a4 ;
V v' 'fI''I..IDUVAU'BT ; : ff A ,
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'.l .,.,,.,".ittU I :' ; .. 1 f, : ''w t ; : .' 'J: . .2 ',( \ :;'. ,''' "' . .. .....; ... '. .'
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.: N1 : i T'
.. I J&iA*:!.* > ;:*' . :;. .. '. ,; ; ; ;i'
-- 'FAMOUS. .'! > \ I : .ft'l .

lWW- , 1 a d rE t AWAY '.. ,'f. "' '. FISHING. r , I :: ,; : : : \ /: ; ;:$ ; ; '

: 4 : . : ..:" 'i'!. '
-.. .., : : .!,. )
I, \ : ' 0:. "
,"of : ; : ." ,"t'.
Qn I,. e. Pale fishing : ; t' ) \ ...' .
4 / : r'
.. rPll'k, r'' \I
world : tt
--ww I'D! .known'' an* ' : : : :' : ;( : : ". .p.....;.. ,!.
I'164('r'rcif : ; : \ : {: / \ -':, .
Club. ..
Fishirijt ? "' '':
ALWAYS ONE i : : : : 'tit
BIGGEST Mcny ... :'
/ F sat,
: 'r. .
.> It.11' t
X1y r. .0 .
I have : ; .
( ; > ) :. ... f
/ tor"year.., ..' \ I ( ; : /.;, .' ,
).Ir,4 r"1I' : :: ,. its, ? !; :: -. r.. ,
.. } I : ,
,'(\- "' ;' " h )' ; r1.\\ ...' 7 : .' I ', ..t-.
> :
'' ... "I "'Jlt'. ' -' '. ,., '' : f j' .: ., < i i i1. T : j. .: .1 ment ,of > '
,,' '"" "" //t. has'beeiiioowi: blistered through pumping\ the WIT ANA'WISDOM, .. oi''l-.P.' ; : ; 1 : : ,
son :
to throw the hook are : '' ,
ta;: .j: ,oe :: it i lye ng'tb'\ : 1' : ( : ;; ( :
xCdNl. wq ;;the S0 -feet'from-' his fnoufjn.A'.fewrnHntBS .-t.. monster."' Sometimes he-,becomes : : known .fn : r
; u ..:: :Uuit. SWtS ** 17'iu.4rh4", blgeist , .. 1- .
?.itlfeni'< > ::::::J.. JI h:;:of:MLV> Often it J is tally:true famous fisherman:ago";+} Mraa ,' almost skill with rod .and'"reel, and. "-the to 'hold.,on !!{:the:last. ',\Thi 'tamp' < : "! .
i4Y6f; it! .$ errs "i. e&oniter rtshUlonrSaVdea i ...r'utk"bY'I.tarpen: wbtn'it jymped'.clean Mack'gets'away, ,L p. .- 'a.. part. f. -'t : ; : ,( ,. ; : ; ''I( i
((1 :: :' I -t}1 ( :tpuei< 'out'dfiC; y"' yo'st ( over'hiatboat'In'winter:'' , '* Tfc Saw Fish- 'Laugh andwotld laugh with s. ,Coast ,.chain'. ;,' ; ;' : ; Y. J
: S : : !
the i <<
& 'A, sport'is providedbythe and ..streak'yyur' ( ea ; : \ '
tbU now '
gi 1 'herrinif' W( by you; weep you I
adLMtIe'"'" 1 :': .q ) p JT, irhlettti p \ 'j! club '. : : I,! ,
: ; ,: tbouschds t.In ',the wate'rs. of,.'.Kaj- big.saw fish, a monster thati rouge. : The ; .j1''M I I ; : ". ". .
? :
*. : cl n'oftWr.tackle Hwcish.t ,:' .1I. I .
.-tJ.: . n lqi : and oily West, t" and/has been caught ..fromthe reaches 30 feet in length -' .' ;' ,
.. ; "oits I
( ')n'Ia&V'"'' 'of .two ,tons or more. lie ( ? I. 'a' Ono- ' ;: ; ; ,
But..heuntV docks there an" : .
.ti. \ ; ; ;.beneath-the your temper.'' good, ..
: is.'. found in,.i the! Halifax and Indiai Keep S .Zane' tirey;. 'l lauthorl' ; .. : : >.
.. ,i, :uti.: ll'wetgji.: ;. Ovod OOBpoundsa1dpie" Long Key'Viaduct. Ii 4pring'thetarpon' ; and be sure not'to lose .it: If'H''' ,Is C . : . '
", dLgrkif'ia1igopsat; his old seeks >Hhe1 j channels and ) Rivers along' the EaaEr'Coastof 1 ,, of> : : : : ; :.:! 1 : "' ,
...vt4T4hrrt .*. , ; ; . '' Florida, In the shoals of the bad. who landed / : : : \ ;
\ "2': bV three,,yeV '' for fresh.water stream ind'is caughtin '_ : ::, : ; ; i ; ,, .
I ; : hunt I ',lUmmer as farNorth, u.1Ja, -,' Florida Keys'andelowhera.You' long:: : ; : :; :
,..jf. ..t't.bqa& \ :;' : -,5roonst htWII/be, , '':r ndedbyaWhether'youland, tb_,,;mouth'of,.the'.St. Johns' / go along slowly'In! ; a launch AI q! a*rule i ,the; girl who' '1 ,.self- offered ,/ : :: I i \ ;' (J . 1!:'; '
: / :
>, :1 : liWepb ...maw, / o. :. '., River; at Ormond., Da'tela Beach,I pee'U.bilf sbadow'on the possessed! can be'lnduchd\ .to transfer "vffY.'ct,. '. : ; ': i ( ", ;

',fal.f.' '. w,r .r ': '..., and' elsewhere_ .Iqn 11)'e' Halifax bottom! you hurl a pear unto, It, the title: .'i .S ., ...., .' : 1 : ; : ,
b'{ : : !there and .the'' thrill begins. When he ':' /! I .
i1Jtnllllf. .. etbo t\\I.\ .iSeeillml} and Indian River and J r" \ \ ; Lauderdale, domes! to- the surface the sawfishwill There'is' something; .dramatically 1n turo'pe; t ;' j : : : : \ .
.(, t. : : (in, lia'L every, 'ni nut, -'ollthe; bat'; .The' is.i ,. fish thresh hU"saw?'=-a flat-bony wrong When'a'lawyer advises you I Ito are ruled ' ( :; , '. ,
tarpon heavier
./ \, : : f: .Tske't1 nllll, _'.h &'o chap.. than! the sailf J.!K, sometimes' a reaching : projection'of 'his- snout, armed .avoid litigation. ' countries have. : :: ; ; J ir.:. 1
.n1 : : : '((9.e chlayl oichtjeet"or" "inert,, lie'q up.' close to-200 ',>poundthe with' flat-edged transverse spikes, : .',' '- . *,fV. : ( : : ; "' : f t /I.
. h .-. h'n1.lFii.ape3diait..:.of l5.. and J'ecotA.t14.Jli ihe. saiUiahstilts in Ail 1, directions. : When hooked, 'I i. ----- - : I ; f ( ; : ; ry

: U. .{f h! awiinr\ ,:at .4 rate tll'"'GO'o,- ; \ up \o I these watersNo a saw fish has been know'kill It. CII"iI'il.l";'ir.' .I.1.r.l'.r!r. \ ;' :\ I : ".. : '. J",
(< 'l ; ; a shark which rushed to.nP.ack : :
1 I> : : ; : :
+ 1 ; /
one'1 i its : i i .
+.. : : :+ miles'J"an' 'hour when first knows the'pnrpose f great 1 A big EW fish has been known to < : ; : : i :, : ; ; .\tt;
: :paidal' ; fin,:'or -"aailthough\ 'H :
: : : seta ,,the:/eel. amokti /g : tow a boat' for eight hours. t '
(0)1 : : vrhiifei'throuifh the" 'water probably! ) serves to} atabilitethe The; giant inanta or -ox ray i is 4 .. MONROE, ; \ \, : ) I ;: ; : : ,'I .
fb\ : :: : : ; } /
,:;ti; .. ": : JJv e preee.traliiapeodlfecapr Another monster that puts up a ; i
other: aural) ,, : '
; acIeda,80.feeb;, ; fry, \ r : .
.pp! of ocean and glorious fight. Tho broad > : I : ;
r1 "I: l. .. lTig.r'at! ..V. I.S.a'! AND :: '
; I beeJ\"known\ to ap'jnorethfch like firs uf- .thfll largest rays / : : i 1 ;
\ : r |1.Unea'when on.Lhf line. : '. 'The great barracuda' "tigft. of give i it a strangely birdlikeap- : : ( ; ; .I ) ,.

,. rpr : ?: Today'rgaiifJBh; ; ,are caught by the-;*..*," !goes after the.bait'.likoa poar4nee l an effect which Is S. KEY WEST: : : ; : . '
IIult . t ih, ,men .and women riear'' Key shot.. out '01 ii gd6.) |'Ie will 'rush heightened when it is 'caught and : : I : : ; J. f ) \ .

AAI 1 ; j But, Miami; Ft. Lauderdale, !anything' that moves,' even a white flaps over the BI:1' Ilc.e. One of i -
rLhbr J- :. /,r.. tart. in "other' toWn!!.''The'reor'I rag tied on a liook.-' He will dah the lai'CX'Bt of them fish taken recently Extend a cordial welcome to all I ; ?: : i i ,< :: \
x .!. ; 1 is- 498;; '.aHflsh-.laH '8 e l&son; I to f the !-aide 'of a r.boit:and bite in was caught near St. Augustine :- I : : : J '
.. .. itt.tbent'liberated; la held by two wit his huge/ engine': teeth 'a bid wcitfhe'3(l 1,286 pounds. J
.lilt.'I' .* : |JT' Kty';'a plcture lqne Island I ,. king-fish/ of his own size that I la Gfoup Good FighterA I ; "
<. iUed'on'the FlorJd '..East Coast being pulled from ;the' water. Helaa a THE OVERSEA .."
; will often put up J :
; w : ay ..oversea extension,' :about been'.known to': kill human .be- grouPfr from the : '
'A.i loapiiiK
: r..a'* EmJlea'VKoUth' 'i>f'' Miami.I "'"' injfs. Tie runs 'up 't Is ,, euti.iff. ; :
lie plc.ldid ; ,
tt ; *,; J hrtb''ia: ,, the vast numbers of pods, and when -first taken' \ the 'plucky battling kin: -fishanother -Will'cement closer the bonds of. ::
....... .
' ,
- tJbtlnleaplnlr fish From tJt.rW.terTj ia a-g1pfm.WIl"QUt.; .
lli :: game and leaper. Striped between this "
; fighter and'the ai
: ih@, American tropics constituteliaVvelous veHngiridescent lAuas! of silvci-. '
10"111, ;. resource that I've seen six or /tight: bfiTucudaafter : boss sea trout the enormous : :
: game /
Ir"11iiP.J.I;.;,, :: : irton9'cun! enjOy. They afford a' sfiigle fish' .on fey;: line..' JThesjiracu&a jpvy/lsh looks,' that big as'beneath:m ox, the Water -, We congratulate the county : i ; : : :
.- is II ) ,
: te thrills than the big gamer : really ,a splendid ( : ,
tall all afford magnificentsport. splendid achievement and :
yellow ( upon a
:; ter con Jiav fn'AlHea; and the sporting fish often leaping \ :
I : W laals longer.. It's not over + :'. h the }per;, of a 'fceaty rifle. Arid,, hooked, '> ; : ; :
dli +j. t are millions of fish in these If be is the "tger: 'of tho Bea," I Man has always yearned to fly. : : : : .
: : \\ttifu) -tr6pical: waters (the
. :? re i,are"'all, softs/ from ri.if that v/l>lch nachos 100{ pounds, plan for a flying machine in the Family. : : ; ; : '
: . fh one' pound to tliOse.' that, deserves", to. be called ttc.ult doff' 15th century? but. nothing'' came of- : : : ') : ; .. 'I
.. : : 000. : ; bf the TUis" flab it. ; "
: Jh :; ocpan. :'gruRd ; : t .
; :: : fhe tarpon, glorious "Silvci; never 'jumps. It always' bores i D. Arpnovitz; 'Dpt. I : . :: :, .
: : \\g" baa more tricks of re- down. For.' the first time In10 .-cars ( ; : ) \ ; : 1 r : : ". 1 .
*. i fine the,';,hook that the IIU lfieh.J A- mr.n who' bee fought one of the Crcisctte! Ip Cannes has bc"ii : .1
' j. Jet! cajliht)! .he.. will wag his these plucky fish for ap hour: or S 618 DUVAL. ST..:, : : ; '
fi covered with a thick mantle : : : : : .l .
:. 1 ta; .< 4rom'1114e. .t aide( likeSf no, becomes an exhausted, weak I. .1.) : : : : : : .
iot. and'leaping, from ,the and wobbly sweatdrenchedwreck. deep nodv where ny: : a few, hours

1\'V"/\ "', amid": a"'f- ', in'bow....of.., ..pray.. "',,'.: His beck'r :aches".n ;.. "his_ .v I andS, .... .bfoie..? ... lot-!A,. '.sunshine("' _. --::''pled.t. '''t.-. 1". 'I'R" ::nf. srl!' rar.' ,. :.e.: .v.'''''''?.r.roor. :i '.,, .,...: :. ..... . ; .< .Ii. :7-d.... .. ... ._ . .... '. ,' ." .. : '
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.. ., ;.1.<. ":\ ) // ;: : .:; breezes sunshine t t6b $ t j MbroVm ; 2 .i
: L > ,. I oothirig ;'sea ; to our balmy ; sk 1ft | : irN.', -..:/ft?.-; -9c.. 'I: / *,'f. 11' f\ :'Lr': ; J

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: {i: '; ":. ;:'. :;" > .., :. I :.., .:r. :Caters: to bathe In and boat In and fish tnto'; our tn'Vtti: !,": '.,'; : .... ..:. \ .,. .. ': .' 1.i 1-

. ; I . ... .
: : ;: .. ,.t. ':' 1' : i-' : ; : r ,. ,
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'r yyr J rsf .J! '; : : : : , 7. .' : < .+ff ;: .... . ,\> t.I.. t Idf 1'f. I f fishes.1 1$ .. s in endless variety from t the ,'deKdtnis: 1. J .' ildi 1 anhuy. 1':.;V(1: : } .' :>'>. ,.: ., ,: ;.. : ., : ;. .... .. ...4

'.; "f., :' ; : :';. 1': :;: ../ ,," moon fish to the king ofJ f game fish. f. the| tafpoft: .; to:" ':b i '; : ._';' . .. i .:. : .. .. ; ." '.

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,,:, .h? 4 :. 'tf':' :Monroe 'Oversea .?. 4inUI retorted., memorpbleday, From that of t'| ]'Cart '.BrvamJIIltort Cw"7-; Ciyo seke'.*"*!, Byw/ .Jrera -{' thehodsornd' 86S, /or.itwe,' '.In"', $ lC..yWet'wc.s i. Qlhba ,ta- *, Engine ..- o(,;,'",ak.N '

'. ,1. : . "., tlon'rtho e' / The Key West Connettmtn Dr, C:- 1'. ''Kemp* n*dWaiard" ,gUcstn, .ftI ivl II iond'\. and vDd,.with (! .I inr? '- sonHUe, i.Florida, '(eii. It," I
I .. ,', ., pagesof .; .. Gibb ._ \ ,
, ] ) .1 Citizen burned /.wIth invectives.The Albury] prcUent of'1' the fe3tMonrGecOutr'e, worth IIImiJ1lo. bell; ffiffl ndtfvhtstle/ W W, ient .

8."Highway' \ n t confining Cuban .Club;' 1*, J. M.. Reneda .. 'r.n iJdi"'I. ...voiced "ever I Irecurrtmri cnafa U>rs- In :;4*nuar>, .- .These ferris ,.. '.

. :: ; ; Puts, To' ,SJ, To' themselves'ojjponents,1' to t the,,IH'd lfe ,lticked, presideat' of the .Rotary .,XTluV. the 5 aentim: nU"of ''tile 4ele' iftt1on'when' tic,1hueiorj'.f', (]{e W lle, 'e re"' .inUlsrrM type of, craf.fll t ). "I .
,le"said 'n 'ICy We* chief'of- pe3oeh'W.. nnitr.FranMsco Bsy. "
: .. the jrotagosIMr&t'In personal Russell Warner, SecretarjF of -tho we ; AlbU y ar110f '
!\ In1" % talk' In dollars 'and dimes.,* Y each ,
; '. 'truths.-' Carpenters' Union Ralph affectionately "known abut" as is '
Came Rusnell
'. 3 g'!': :t : :. rrerrtt1Jat :4. West' iinptafjwnt, "Kn cks' tome liome0, tbe Chairman of the -Bor.rd of Public are sending us" "back- talking 'in i "','cSolcUer.", ..sent-'a': tetelb 07tmdlo" ',equippedwitn :.twor,J 00 I. )i,I I ,.
t Key reply '' .
. ', 4 ( ': {,, ' ferth'UI the 'prriiii.nal )WInks Ceo. Ai' T; Roberts, knd millions. Mr. FilJw:assured hum oohuartdr- I power Dosel-| engines., and '

,Ij. ,<" , rot J" .1. ., ... .:..,.'_ . oJ, .>. .. I ., -. I roost barrage:? 'and.'wn reliirnedj'' Prominent prominent, Norberg that :Jtr the first.'mllUwm. the, KDKA, a*. .la. .i:. .. \b I l tpabe :o1 '
t.': : 'TJIJ : : ':- Jj ? J'mandt'n ''learned 'ami dislinguiKhcdtookpiibl" Thompsen, '!, an *" unofficial' .simple) Followlngi, Cf. sa of 'ledqu.t1 ,sedleWai hour. A4l"Q5&.t ;

;. : 3pmj3 J:{ 6p.:.ANCIENT: _''Ayo:; )HUESO,;, ; proceedings, a ,minority citIzens, i"ue-, group of''promInent Miami busi this VfeH the prcno aotfeq.'of' : 'J.,- 'BsLu*.' ) \ .e tl..YJIw! fori! '-: '.

1 E PEAIU"OJ. TIIEUNITED'STAT ; 'or''f tW9 >.tood :,.v vehemently 'CIAI self' evident bu<.bte" -"A ness men, 'In'their,city,' who were uary 2Cth, declared Iq;, headlines. ; r'J'dl j $ "i!. .Wc-1 < ; ip.prpx4roatelyH25 I.'/: .

. against .it. >Heated*argument'en "' _. ,lin>re t d ,Ja"the' :: TUaUn of a "Road' mainland an Mured )&, . .JNent (", : \.
f I
. : :. UrnS,. HAVE UNDERTAKEN AND ,ACCOMOlfiANTIC : sued. Finally. -when all wn ],on Will-O-the-Wlnp'' < of,hopes""W'aat.efI puldiefunds" i Ut OOOt: .l"md. i Issue for completing -!, Ueatity 'as I>lr ct;< Remitt.'of Thin olH *Wtf| ..U o,'.aly' ',two b,Accommodated' ',: jy. :'.# l
citpewd'UiiH' "
. I';: : : PISIII D '( ROAD I PROJECT the yerge '.of mutiny, Dr.'' Michael "An -irridoHcent ''. pic- the' highway fr m Ke.., Visit, and commented further, '- f'K'eyJ'Wekj' "nd''Monl\" : .mnOatJM''.',.of hit, rooms,. '{' ,

" ] Price de Doe'Arose, ands .aeriously - I..argo to( Key .West; .Th, Inttloa ',- trTKday -was ol.e 'of.Kwutenliffhtenment \ ; '' J_n !ii room -nt|, .'V.
: dream1'"A project 'nh.!
that YoimtVwne.t4t !
i :, ] ,' witH great dignltY"Gen:: ttire 'tothe ICe"', delegation', sui 'WolI".a'"' of, re- .1; A.\"** ,-I 'largo-prometead, decks, ae u', ,,'

... -. .1t t, '""-"L .:'CAn M.torltil_. .ketch by. M.O., DE DOE'I) ., I tlemen, the situation'' appears to millions would tftke of '..dollars IK( ) yeni-K for l 10 u'pkep!Ixilld >np in<\I nim at lb.) ''MuKnroatJon* ,, of P. L. h.i1dln of faith arid ..optimismthe IOOO fcoi 4 ,$as6paterJi y? torN eluded in'' thhequlpent They)' .' ;: ,''I.
. '-- -'-I j ni0i; T' .writer in' 1912.' His ..lII '.. Ume".JrfOlIlInICI1LaI ,
: : I I. alio a'qthor 'of tho firit ar-. in Key West pnd.klf'PIorida, proceedings for 'the,board that lolly 5* fostering a fOnla1'd'm'overDt'lIt; I Headlines of. The Key'West; Citi-< -.i ncross't1e4O .mile'water gap he- '

f ,, : . ;,. title. 'var' 4written; for. road people'oftheir great reminding *- or' Coddamus proceedings'' for us VA impossMile rs n 1 (M'M 1> to ini-the for'',the .general ,,'jrood of South 1|(con of Jan. 20 1 J9Zio read rCom-j, t''s'.t'"o.' pup' nei'Lowfr; Materambe Key and! .-Mi,
:, ; on .the Florida" .y.--ciatin.. days.: His is the'honor'of' first all.< Unanimity', restored -In moon In an a'"-"An itositiot Florida. Official 'Miami' hosts rao- piete' 13afliOCy 'Relnns 'inE'ro'', aIn Can I. 'easily re e glcd.t 1>y Key, affording rnotorj4s t i'' ,"
to 1916.) .' making hilarious possible financial | < ( .on tored' the posed Movement for Hullding ofttoad ': scenic wonders'of(: -bluf wol.'r .
.' l public th idea of an uproar. hot ,air". party Through the Magic *pp.1Msca1Uire: .widest public .
: The Gulf of 'Mexico .is na.Mled. Over-Sea a trifle more thun City to to If alftJ nd.' The roadway ., th t.,rival the, .'Bartad 'is.i' ,
Highway lo i
to Florida's A petition forthwith foe writ Fulfordv returning: Uy Through newcpaper' ,. ,
ft cried f fr their
For six "They HAve moon ,
z? .score mile, end liad divided them the roadway beaches of palms
l' five JdIf ,,- mainland., Miami Beach. At noo""they ; tropical su'
met Promptly'eenatemtatiofi1' followed '
: of mandamus was, brought' 'by p.nd' have..BUrted Oil roe' C'ount united them.United
.. B Over-Sea Highway No more was heard -of the "project in the.'prlvate offices of, Carl] G. l at police ..headquarters .in are Men Only Jn tho.islands. (the ,
t : put out "U ,'nea, ,ltd terminal 'Js until ISlfl when t R., C.',Perky Gramling and ,Clark, ,r prsentlng were some 'of t"siildel, 1 eolnigen.Facetiously of Fisher.Ref- reshsnnta- "wereserved. theystpbd w-__-. Bostoit,, 'ATo i dispatched S6nth, Seas.' Dehltens I of t-i(". '

::: :. : the Key.. \Vc t,. ancient) Cr.yo' Hueso, personally expended .3,300.00 In .'the five ,citizens., .named the referred Clininber: to as Commerce "the .' From ;the. .offices' and w PORMASSOC1ATIOf4'On : the atorirttb,...; \ 'felicitieuscongratulatltona. plcal...Uem-\n\?
: :: pearl of the United States' a? urvey: for-roads.onKel'Largo, in 'the injunction suij, to compelthe Clmmbcr was of Destruction-( !: the pinnacle', the' Hotel -Flam ''January 24th the OvetSeaHighway .assonater.that:; ; may be *d-n .
Went Indies. It j'ormft the l lock Big -Pine Key hoard to sell the- ingo ithey 'shown / caught; o where'else ,
. and Stock rsland.Mr. bonds.vAt : were- the' am E- Association, Captain .
I: and' /'' : krally tlie *')t.incertainlya THel boiUts''wer' : '; .pe I AQ.
link'.ofAmerica's', Atlantic a hearing' of the petition January .project: ink development a ', \ "
i Perky' plan was not only' to on of Miami'ssky Clarke D.i: 'Stearns presiding .
: andlio. ever 1J7 'l eta .
. .: Coastal', JfI hVlIIY' .System making have Monroe county build roads 23! 1022, the court enteredan t "it' ,Is"enlUlrd l jdea to a place conceived in line, the beauties %ndwonders of unanimously1 passed a resolution, On Atgt ,:: ;, a 'rf r.enduin : 'n ffc.laV opening' Of theSea ' '.
n Path by ferry to Cuba out order denying the issuance ofthe' Miami. Beach,. submitted, to" f re* Ov\
: development of the Florida as temptation for to' petition the board of county-j Ja ',
: the Hall of Fame in Washing JllbW1..tok.ptae '
npifTilmr; 90 inllcH to' the writ. Thus holders for, election
South, : ended theta
Keys 'agrlculttu-ftl and tourist resources the $400- enterprise. At luncheOn at commissioners( to call'an' .election h'"N heard'6f---------- .
-- QJl-? to tho. great 7/)0 mile motor but to UOO., rOlld"bond.' issue. But Phoc- ton.A "icirncd c.ilr.c'n; ( fail of the Miami! Beach Casino "SnailMonroe'' county$ Uth
T. In the
; : begin the. building nlinll, soon J. near' future for, the purpose ?:1 f oitimisslohers ore OJ,,
road wrote: "We :ra sec '
now under "cbnnlruction Of""roads as part of the plan for nix-like., a new 2s.ue' arose a"r6m pen road from Pancoast pointed' out' the evolution of submitting Jo the voter, t f. .ntraet :'pledging. to"pa$600,0O0..anitiintly KirChhetner 'WI; R. '.!ortn, ('Jjj
1 (to jnainlnnd .
a the Key "
:: :: through the entire lens th of that a ,future 'connected highway. The. its ashes. Agitation for the road West shall angels flit- of that city's -growth" after a. toad bond Issoe .(or approximately or'any pact Brevaldl. 'Hilton Curry and BrA. ,
rich tioplenl t Republic. It leads direction of the ] to the mainland increased, With as we ree the budding of the Collins thereof that may -needed 'te More .
roads then built Bridge, for funds to. I ton B. Warren, coiknty engiuerf -
th to
: to 'thlnvlslonecl Pan-American lying the this1 Issue the pioneer period for A' down fl'om'uvI'n Key illustrating what would be $OOOCOQ ;: Vhe cosstrbttt *f, toll .
: : I ,along Oversea Railroadtracks' WCb.111 liun "ul1', '.." 'Anotherwrotct -he results be used "r teaUy completing \ are' Joseph' Wntklns and OlifidnBailey. \
Highway from Cubn to- Mexico, hear wittfess' I to this. A ; the road ended. roud after' the Over-Sea Highway highway-ronfi Key WeW. to the iM-idirca 'un.rf.cli -contractfrom : 'Official' iwu-.d (, blion'
; through Mexico and Central America -of Monroe county "A twopici' <' u fit was' built, uniting Key West mainland. I No ., to 'I.b.-
: map moreover I' FIND STANDARD BEARERS bathing -with Florida Two weeks l liter took place' today,
companion to oncpicco
and thence a Lower Matecunibe, .
I Jfjorida,
: t r
through tho was displayed at that times InWolkowsky's little Miami. "Roads and bridges ar'e'the on February 7th, the board 25lh. V , _
: hnckhono of Frank 8uitboth covering very U1I other route'as '
the H. d
Ladd be"i.Iect-
Rrcal South Am- P. L. Wil- factors of may
growth, he de.
store, D val
: : on unanimously "passed a resolution Governor John W. ?
orican, 'countries 1'(n became tho. territory or anato.iy. These ut- ed. i.i order to *Iarlii: ( .
to. Uie glacier region street, showing where standard bearers clnred. Following the motorcade in issuance ,connect Mia w *r-
tho roads call
: : of the nouth. International would be o< the pro.'oct' from that.time for. I|'I lacks, now obnolon-(" KCM-VO ,o iI. tfiey dinn'tr of fpr a special Sea 'lifarhway .''or itot'" Ballots )1'lldn's dynamU, exeeuli.vr i .,
built, with dotted. lines' were guests of election on March 12, 1925
: to _
in its scope( it mflkcMthe ward. As early as .the fall limLrate the Ififrhh!<>; 1; of filing cast were 74lCfor the j who'Odminl tr*tlon -hcs aehievMl\ '
strategic ;
of George
Merrick at the
indicating the bridges, connect- Coral Gables ' vote on proposition to 'raise $2. Peauret
: : : link of Ihc (giot' !f.thwlly'thut 1C20, however MlLadd had I in the'project and' I'IP:' ridicule by I nine .ff ln t' > and beneficial d'vlo/mpj\i iIhrouVbouf'the
Club. /
ing through I The
Country 1
road to the main-
. will which of Mt.nI'oe, counJ' panorama (60,000' by bndi1K the County State,
open) the way-for greater un- land. This wan; part of th'e dver- called the public's attention u> th.pp1o of Miami )Beach, Miami and fo the Nottimgf-ever 'II of tentativeaRieenncnt 'JUI l rCI..1:
: : derlnndlntf and l hind amicably topcther tining the matter by a talk in a forum unswerving i".T; (lair t-ntei',il Coral Cables' amazing Augast 21 1127,. that tho. .tt will.Conlttu..t I p.manent ;'-
for the
: . campaign the election .rj"f..j\'re "UHe'l'Ii., The invectives dcvelopme WGr' on Ovcr.Sa) Highway, M road and 'briyekseroas ,
countiles of the meeting bl l Ste.
Western thehamborntConmerce '
calling for a $100,000 road bond and beauty was unfolded to I u proposed lsoule-J with C. A. P. Tomer f eonMrnetiou I ,
: II em iRphere. at Harris: of both Hides appealed to -- t buil traps now t injMuarilyserved -
high thpm. : (
issue. George W: Allen made the school. As.iheiir5ew'ofrefresh.-1 v /t' Island Key and of toll
It IH to 1 tin-, to' i -f fltt" by the ":i'r'
the work of the rank and Three years elapsed during which reason even Almighty county
largest- ments .Inci-edsed Mr. Fisher made'encouraging en
contribution r a Higii-
Wellt. Citizen
toward the
: .: file -of Monroo county's people' campaign'expenses totaling $280. the $400,000 bond issue "fought, justify their elui'l'hrough, ( it: statements for. their ltr with and rAItt hid: the OV; - .1 ries. ,, He has pledged that a< 1 _

j. J IK,000 of whom, which Is the ,bled and ,died." fn 'the spring of all they addressed( inch other I at the i n""II\le. ilirtlof.mb.( e" bfnT in" Mfr ---
: : were R. C. Perky and enterprise highway. The herd issue in'lude1$2,000,00ft. Uy 192f, work ob the: .
$trrnatof" part reside in Key West J 1023, Dr. Cornelius through the prc'R" "friend"and 1 JAnuar ;
: John Kemp,
. Lowe. Eugene Russell, presi "Mortgage the shirt" off for roads r.nd .
( progressing
:: : It is n people" highway, built by headed the list of workers in the dent of the' Rotary Club, requested "brother, UK b..Key Westers'time backs to do Itl"! he urged. yoniL L to. tnninlund br.lsC'f with IPlt. Thin e.n'llfhl"h\vuy| the>

!- their vision courage and devotion Issue carried by l large majority in Mr. Ladd to present the pro honored itself custom., The issOorcnolvod : who would buy"Z.OOO.OOO worth' 100,000.$ ) to finish highway On February rpt l, stde, Fl r-J master'' acheytmllt |iinmi 1
to into of
: t their "iKland two points '
homes. Achieved the.summer ef 1916. Roads ject to the Rotary Club. Upon I of Monroe_.bunty's bonds?" Ida people, is'
j: : were view Nufthrni oc- Eat Coast's grant of agreement j a monument to th I +lr
that cried "Thp
on the
one U.r.ul
jaws of : gods
". financial physical' barriers, built on Key Largo, Big' Pine Key conclusion of Mr.tLadd'3 address help those who ) t', I I aftked Mr,,,- Irchheilllt'. Leon n. ; (ciiunly tin theUotsievahl for easement over aft thenee'esRaI'y faith in an' unconquerable id'|D.tnd .

': :: it, Btamls'H And the))olilicul"Ninth oppouition, and Stock Island. Thutwthefoun- the flub favored thf prnjfct The other: ",Vatt help I for,','IIIRciveR'1) I Howe,,, reprosoiitinfe one of the I..ill.d, railroad property was their daring and devotion iln

: tho Wonderof; dation was made for the'.utttnatJl, /.unanimously. A committee of help.) tlnjtea 'States' largest bonding r 500,000.( a 1'0 n t approved and signed by the carryingthrbugh ah'ir eifrunlfr
: World ]
,. ..1'olosMI monument l issues which followed. I Ilotarians was appointed and a like bolises I replied that his company)p rp shoi-o front of Key bor.' The Ov r-RC'a. tghwayl| | human fntprrflt. (!eneratidtjfhpn
oi iiuninn enterprise The history. committee by the'Exchange Club, BIG CELEBRATION / would, buy Monroe.county's bonds West. .' "
: : of .the- world The project slumbered until I Itho : n I'( unpljstructoji\ right of < t.hf citizenry of \& -
falls who ga
to show a last month of the year; 1021, {t met with the ChuVber of On the decisive night or CH'tober train B.OOO.OOO) to $n.000,000. I 0,000. for i'Kteiisi'in of In- way. nt'w'a,1 .tltt Key \\>*4,
: Kr-eater-Avurk, eonceived..unde-, when-en--December 7th the electorate Commerce and went Into the'mat- J Ifl, 1 H)2i) : the .fSOO.OOflTliond: Owners of vast tracts of Florida jerruhnm ? to and srra.-
: : 'luken liChwtY ; -
'1. small and accomplished by.a legally carried .an election jter thoroughly. Mr.' Ladd was.a, issue carritMiby! u mnfo.rrty of 'Koys lands promised to pay their Cap RRt... BUIU THREE FERRIES fully\ to; tILe*. ,roadway

: : the OverrSua community of .people than 7 to 1 for ft road bond issue of pointed; chairman of the highway 214 to 1. ProminiHfl among the' ,tihareT"bf""the"" "In'Creannrttaxation' :- 1, Three! femH **The Monr')atone the *oralJ;; J VHM*. wldla!
HIghway Behind committee formed at. this meet active advocates of( IK? project 'One course of refreshment lot $2.fir 0,000.; Coumty;" Bhorcn .
$400,000. Three > May-/"Ixi&k? this
it -.tle,,*' the of heroism I hundred .sixty! Total '/rl .an .jr
.. : t-plc the thousand .dollar was* to be [ing. Sub-committees were ap with. F'renkU.. I lAtch'' and P. L. | \owcd the .lh r. Too speakers The elect Wfnt over with "The City of. Xejr.Wjlit." built by 'fOI'' wsf.> ' -
: daring and spent ) 'ao"rl di I"
challenge) to fenrlesHiiess; of their for. portion of road,' from /Hock pointed. P. L. Wilson, one of the Wilson wsre Norbii'.? 'ThnnipBon,,' '. ; i, -, y,, . ', ."j.1, I'. ,' ,a- -
progress, worthy of division engineers in 1' Jcnkfiis ,
construction ,
1'\lI: .
-.' :. 'Hm blood" I inland and! Sugar Leaf Key.Tho Curry !t'l1e C. I I . xrigjermA '
of Sir Francis Drake of' the Oversea 'Rulll'oll was Lowe'- George Mori Is, WnltcljTKompson tl
. remaining $40OOOwns() I # '
(ind- Spanish! l hUI''l\llCc'rH, which I constructing that to be usedin made chairman of the committee, ; M. M. Kiissc-ll, Morris . -A. . .' . AI 1
portion of
: tlu'y- boast( flow I I '
'I through their of
> the road on Upper Matecurabo engineers, composed of Oewge'B. Cochran, Ralph It. HuR-.u'll, \;, I II.Y.. f
veins. Incongruously enough this Brown, of the U. S. Carey, nd ) : -S. .
Key. In the death army'engineering *; scores( of others.t Oiu- '
: ; 'funster of this '
Klrlde of jiroicresH' in tim- I F. C. I the .
corps; Hrown 'and of slogans nol! '
J' IHHUC a. new determination for the guy type '.it n' 'l .
Jlcr und .J-.f"
steel made l "a Clifton
was > of the'ncks : C
y peo- Bailey Ut S. of '
navy engineering aulomobilys read :
load : .
p ; : ..f11lc, old in udlt.lon'Ind was born.Serviiig'on'the. I .
'Ilgq. t Bv'C.: '
cus- corps "Absolutely Dickie,
'. I Moreno j positively I \ : '
:." Hom; remote and aloof, prodigal of board .of county I city engineer, JEmory L Pierce,t Steve;",, taken from n printed, lin- 1 : iYftfiTFIRST

''. : .:,,,,, .,." .L lioRpitnlily .u t'"I iM'Ople ;who are commissioners'at' '\otl., time were former city;*ngincer",and Joseph i lugvq' olle1ed to have, been ,niiideby. : '<' .\.,'" "" " .'' J" Key TXT t . '
". ,' Sjf.ouchprfwth"Ja.) | .'leisure' that is WUHaro n,. Porter, Otto Kirch- Watkins, engineer. S :; ., rr.4 ;ta !, Gateway . -
county) \ Thin two prominent townsmen\ atvacInen : ( : A .Y .
_ _ : : holnor '. \ :t. ., : 1? ? . .; : : ; ; ; ;'. I .
proC'louH \ \i'' :.,:1:1f .. nl'uxton B., Varrcn-;,Carl committee prepared its locations ,'oat.b. \ 1R.-1116."" ,, ,. >, : (r' ,. : : : : "r J 'kJ,, \.
.. .. l'olltct'lt ..n, hoeugcr' tinvo Drcvaldi t'nnd.jllilton: CUrry -The ' '!I..t.." '' '" ' ,,', "' '>-1 '. '
r'' : -.*:. J amb-fstlnttites, ? using ,, ,the / fi, TnithejtruejKcy'Wc' >fjtjRpirt; ;: othighcoeksiorum h''X\\ ', : .L ., ,. -1.1 l / ; . ,r '"" "
tho'pernonuVty. and salient quulItlrs three former: coiiHtittAlng a 'ma-i ttiftps which ,thtf" Florida East S "" ', , ..' ,.t..."" : :, \ "" :, {. ;. ,
: .or th" jority deemed It 'inurethnn'i;, .411 'l r ,!'" , ," J. ,i ., .'
mh who wrought Inadvisable to pifn Cast Railway,j lad used $in making' I H" ht.l; j ; .I; _"
\ victory, Keys, 'Weiteri! on niiisso, t
.. t thin; ocean goljig' hiprhwny. Loyalty with tho project' .underyfhc locations.of .th'"Oversea Railroad, celebrated the night) through., A t: 'iii": : and" ibilST' l and terms f
. :. while duty to set down < this $400,000 bond issue ntso the moro recent county sur-'. torch light parade (,"inlanders in : ;" ; :
memory is clear and events and passed a resolution for .
I a over a portion of the line. automobiles "s : .
: fresh the history of thin tremendous -I rcsubml-.slon:: of the,irond issue to Jeys -,<>.nK bucks, '
prices of, material and '
human enterprise. .It adcU I the people on December"20, J 1021, machinery considered many trestle -: phaetons city,, nil and in oil,gala foot,attire.,spiruledthe II Coming Leaving Key West '
: I the for t 'I
chapter of
'. crowth to thoro in- a 1IN'0/101eCltlon. Commissioriern designs figured out the high paused before the darkened residences and ,
: ,
1 imilublp }histories of old Key Dfeyaldi' and Curry voted and low lands on .the .Keys, investigated -' of opponents, and (drujx'd, .
: W( st written by Walter Maloney, agalnftt'-'the .ndeavor J to off.Met and discussed land / .
: them In' black .
niul Justice! Ji'tlerso() BenieBr6wfle. t; the original lertiltft. values crepe. Sweetly on '
assessed values'and
taxa' the fragrant balmy stir, the bund I, ,
; A battle
WAS' on. Tho Key tion. A _
finance ,
committee orpromlnent |serenaded dirges.. "Flee aH'u Bird '
Summarily there are''', throe periods West Chamber of Commerce took business II

I .. Iii Its history, the visionary the gland that tie first election gated 1 'economic. cozlttfoiuv menjnvesti-land' to Thy Suchwas Mountain ttje, played ",ft-I|I '
(ly. night of ,
(, period, the pioneer period, und,I was- valid and that the county rallies, and development possibilities. high -
: : > ,tie, period of and commissioners had law c.rrnival. friend cheering friend, "
growth achievc-.j no to These and other

I I : 'Jiient. The i Id'Clof a highway back them In nde.vorlng'to. havea report**! at 'a subsequent, committees ; I I the Tbe night bond of the Issue victory., hold' \ \1\\\' \ \ 'DREAMLAND1 : .:
: : was to : \ ;
; ; '
spanning the Florida election : ;
second Calledu
( Keys to Key An Injunction meeting.. The opinion'..was unan .CaldweU. IL ,Co., bnnlcers'of Birm-1 { : : 1J I : I'

J I : ": Wr-st* : wiis' horn in legend, ; oldmon's against the' calling of asecond 'imous that the proj'f'owas possible frnghom, Ala., foK $r.48.33 The. 's *', ; 'I .
visions and men'sdreams. ejection > : :
& young I wasbrought ty of nccomulishment.. The contracts were awn rd et'-J.u1..4} s, ?- The the Chamber of ; .
pioneer period end- Commerce in the pressure of' public cpinlcn, was the Tidewater Construction p' .
\41| on October 10, 11)23) .when a nam of five citizens of Key West. brought'to' bear, and interest in '' -- -r' ; -
-S s bond issue voted A. P. :Eugene 'V. Company and work begun in iir, il-I .' '
I was by majority Jerguson Ache, the project so imitated that the the .' I- ,d : '
nf 2/4 to 1 by the electorate for Dr. Michael Price de Boe, Wm.' L. board of county, commissioners, AUf/u"r' succeeding month. ''I l _

$300,000, to build. roads and Bates'and Virgil .s., Lowe. Judge After being called The-proponents of the road to ' ) .
u upon, called 'A the mainland .
resizing that thworiC.pheuld4continuo S'I '
I bridges, toward a road to the II. Pierre Branning, in .B hearing special 'election', to be held Octo- : \ > '

Florida' mainland. Wihin a few in the Dade county 'court house; bee 10, 1923 for a bond issue of without interruption i .

'. days of one yeaj and four months on Dec. 21, 1921, ruled that an $300,000. The sum'' of ,*newed the project's .' ,
S succeeding this, issue bond issueS injunction brought the $167,000 activity. In the Tall of 1924, at ," :
> a by
Key to. b, issued for the
,. of $2,650,000, financing the project West Chamber .f Commerce' defraying. the'..expe.Re purpose of building of a at meeting'''the rnunltlpal of the Kxcjj: inge Club, ' Good Things To EatDay ' -
golf coarse, In .
to its completion was carried straining a second election be wooden ,tr sUe .ty'pe bridges from celebration : ,
I ; by the score, -803 votes to two granted. Gramllng and Clark- Stock Island .to Boca Chica, of its opening, nLiyor* : ,
: ;i a ainst. And on Jan 25, son .were attorneys f.rthe; CIa.her .. H. Ladd suggested in hilladde8ll '
; Hairy umu> ,, .Nancy's. Cut,) &tass ;Pclot' ; '
I : : :' 1923, the highway 'was, formally of Commerce,!;.'."i\e the '' Creefc/'! across :;Simlar Sound ,on [formed,,, which hInt'.Bft woillil organization havens l bo ,: ; ", " AndNight: " k

. opened to the.'public': 'From the for the commissioners was made the Southern end of the road/ and solo aim compll'tion."f: its / :

1 l' date of- beginning actual con by Wm. II. Malone. The Chami: 1140,000. '101'No thern.endot.: ; the the / -

., struction'of the'' 'road, August, ber of Commerce-twia repre*ntJ the rdadS-fr:Steamboat Creek : Ovei:Sea 'j-iIghway. Jm1'ft'diatearUoh I 'i f : ;.: : ,t

I''i 1024 to its completion'' covers 'a ed at the'hearing by' Wm. E. Mat- and intervening' creeks and chan- ;: Club resulted. The Exchange I

.: -b) ;'lef period of three and one half thaws secretary Mrs. Michael nels' from Barnes Point appointed a_ committee that : '
a acted with '
Price de tioe and A. ,P dis'l a like f'omthe '
1 ' Jerguson. lance of halfway from Cold Drinks Sandwiches '
years.HISTORY Rotary Club.and Chalmbcr of "
Prior to this ,
I IN SONG a petition with over Card, Point. with cantilever "
I : Put wore history _' .is to be 700 signatures o( 'voters and taxpayer draw bridge.-necessary The l latter- Commerce formed, and r.n associationwas :

: found' in" a nation's songs than in, had' been submitted to the would connect 'Key. Lnrgo with which was-given the 1 ,"

I : its laws. As fart back as can be' commissioners, urging.the sale.of the mainland. Road advocates name of the Over-Sea Highway and ,
Association. Cigars f
I : traced the' Idea of a road to the the bonds and work. .on the roadway campaigned with -the slogan Martin Wi: I. Cigarettes : I
elected president, and
. ) the days 'of begun. was.
( mainland, preceded "Both ends at once, that's f
Captain Steams
..g : : the 'automobile. "My old Aunt Following the injunction the |gress." pro- I .Clarke D. xeci "

t . Becky tells 'me how her father next step wai'msndamu proceed" '. i tive ; vice-president. Numerous
Button 'the moritfng'of; "
August '
: : told her that '80me day there Ings.- Once Mpnroecounty's I pr.-' committees were appointed l 'andall'the : -
Ut1923 :two :
months' priortb
: won)d'be a''road' connecting these gressive citii.ns'h*4. set .&.' ., .hietI l.,day/>.pened the',fiercest I influence+ of this commun i' : MARTIN : :

I : : 1 keya to the' mainland'.' many old on a"path";there' was -turning political battle eve,; waged In the II-''' th* project. The EY'SPLACE. Stockjsi I

I '. '. timers'about'the; wharves .will tell', back. But, funds'.', were limited, :Island City, -which for great issue, 'Completion of the' -
'. a century highway > :
I : : you. 'It'-began] 'legend.' It was:' and the' opposition-\ powerful. The I and more had'' been famous for its tum. was feathering momen t a "

I < born of ,the:sea. ,_ situation was 'criticaL' Illustrative. ' colorful political'camp:1JJr t : : : : i
: : M the of ) I But what passing; incident pr ,' '
L the'prevailing
The first commitment ; Jiumoryof Every, citizen ( .
was' either "
idea in, print, was"-made. bf) Ion; these'quajnt'' Key;Westers. steadfast -' pro tag'- event., precipitated itsachieve. . :' ; '.
: : : ; onjst Qr ,
antagonist of .
that .
.. Allen) ,, as' ; and l Ibyal at, : incident ,roa4 tn mentt Can it be said fot I f : '' ; ." ." .. "
(ralle' GeqrgeW. part ' th.'fI\alata d. No neutral around., want tho .:, : IyrJ.N.1 1' KEY Prop.vM' I '.. ','.. '. I\
; of "cocktail highway 1 \1 .
\ a ., :
, '
that >
In the directors' \' '
:: cfn-political l platform as early as180Gk ;, ccurr CIwould : .
cease'' ,
their .
: waslostT? Its record discloses that ( ..\ J \ .
;; l t L ..r. { \ '
thoChamber ; .
; : three years 'prior to:;' the room of ;! -ofCd'mbnerce and profession:to''enr' ae 11, theTfirst. If'th week"eariIjr'inthe .' :,I_, i1, ,... 4" ; .. '. .: l .
: : :, 'Spanish American, War.. ,Mt. AI-' ,'' .durin thisv'stage 'of' verbal combat'' "'on :the.' issue'; on dajr of ""'" '', .c :" .. I I.- .,). \ ;1 ,, ., '". I,;,.... .. I. .
first nionth 'a New S .. ,
? .
; I len 'CoUeCto.Kyof: 'custonjs'.of' the act.lvltklAnxlety: a.1 rife, the Street ' ,.
/ : *
: : ); corners; mr.rkets .and Year:. 1925)I )) ?. 11 '
18, delegation '
: (January a '. ' ; "" .
,. : : 1.: port, and president of Uie"'First opopiUon's poW r'menaclng-- wharves'rang' ;with'it.) A.opP., headed : 3J l( ' '\,,, : .' I" '

' . "i(,:: -''t''d..NMionat, ( flPlel. Bank IY.fde( of i,Key lfle'dt.witJa,West.waac ;;//the I da ullrpt'Oee'.l ftx'Undr; din tlJ,,.the.

oheO'verae' $ ,EaUroa4 wh.t.rA1. : tt.wt. : .a t&&$ day ..<.AatJ4t ; Adt County ... 'D/I'/ : : .J : :
"' 'f! ,. KirskUteer Braxton .Warn.
: ; ;! '1. II : _
., . ;: :; rt . , 0 . vJJ'.II"l I" I
,".. f I' .",. ," : ..1"o . . .. . .;I ,. A .., (. ': I
: '." \'],"" ,: \ '.!'. ', , . :" ';I ' I .- -,I 1 ,....\" :"': ". ,

\ ;, .: : ," a' S ': : ,
: ; "
\7'' ; ,: J/ .'T . 'I : ' ., > ,1. : : ;' ':
: K I r ' \. : I' 4 : I ; ; :1 : : :,V, ,.';;.

: :.. '" r / %T' , ,, ., ,, k k:1, ,\ I : . M

vVf f',:: ".:' .." .::".\ i I.i\k ; '- :' ': ,. 'k', .' 'i' '? {. .,''tit.. ,, .. ', 1d '\, .!fI 'i"1." .. C \ ."'," . I I" ,. \-. .. \ "'.'. S IS .'..',.'.;;,:' ', ."'.. ",. ...', .,

( P.. .' '' ', 'i ,) \ \ , \ \ .' .. :
S ..c....,i- i'..'.,. -W,. .b'.I il'\''I.E;,... .; : I .: \\\0'/1', ':.'.. "_:j., J .. . ., . ''I4 > '. I ,;\. ,. I '\ I
y.-. ,. : .r.'. "14" :, . < .1 / f t. . ( f .' ,'. "-I, ,,' "
,_'. .. ,:t. \..0" "If'' . !(?' N JST m' t sIi'', ''' ,'c ...;. .- .._.. .".. .'I., . ". '*" . ..'.". '- 4. "' ;.''..r'""*; ; /;':' '\ ' ,..

,. .''..' .1' \ 4. .r'M fim ,.Ii t, \'. ."H :,''J'".- ';fJ'' '. .v..3.L. .":!. "h"'f" .'\........;/ .. ">, i .....,_: '," ' ', '. .' '" '' ."."" "., o'r' .,
'f'. '." .. .; ; '."I . ,

' 'fI ' .' _
..... ," . '. .l, .. . ...... .
.. .. '
. , J,' .', .. ;., : .t .... ..;Qt i"15-! ..." ...' ,. .. .. 7. .;'/ Wj.* m***''*" ', '' ,,",''' '''f't.. .. '''''J'r: :!.' ,< ...Y"...; .',.. .... 'd ... f; V .
t i.t j -r -
,' .
y .
t'k vI r ( It 'j.', +eldne, V ,
'' HP. .. 'aJ].. .... : . If" ) '- '% .. .. !"
I ;
r I' ;,".,"" ,<\C'l"pr..; ." ) <1i& 't ...:..
'. 'J'' .. ... .
f r.." I. ''''''' \ "'. ,i : .... iJ, JJ' to It. . .. ,'0 ..

ri D't\'y'j' j #AX<85.'; '1928. a ,'"'- 1 ,/j :- :r ;'E3T''C' !T1Z W ',' THIRTp'F1V; ; 4 I

.. '...' ....' .,_ _. r I' '. ', 6.'S. OTJON F- PA qE'< .
., '.' .. '\. : .-. ; -.- ;'< . I ---->.,.II,.. ',.oJ- I'" -, : i" ,
r .1' rS'' 7 -: ..:..:. ... . ....... ........... .... ... .... ......;.. .... .. ... .................... .......... .. .. .
= 'E': : 7. i' ; : : ., t :: .. ii.'...e.. .....S:,... .. .. .! ..!. .... ... ..., ... .. .o\.. .........e..!. ....,.!....... '. ..... : i' ,
M' : : .\ p,
.H" .j'r w. . .
"N' :

. ..U' ,/ ,M. .A. IR"P Ol"R.T\ : j is, ".e, j J'", r ., : ; '".j',' ,.u' .,:' . .I'''.'l,.''.. .\. A' .' t !* '" .'.. .e) . .I. .... w,,''iiIt, II,, :. ,1.1' ," :."<'\yw',

" : '!- : : . w' .1? ., ' '. .
: i ( .1 V': :* > r. ," : : (t''

: 11 : ...e.. .L .. ,I'!"K-,ll'>A"..,,' .-.11''f s. ,' ;. *". <-,. '. :. '.,' .v'-" .. ..; : ,* .. ,i./ ...' ".. .' ,. ...'".. .. ..., .. .", .. l'' .. .. """".f". ."-

: ZO'N' E "o' : WORLD'SBEST: ... .., t',//i'.. 1'7ly\"\ ., .. .'.- i'd\ I .f' Y ... .. '> .. 'i''.. ., ...oo.... r- a' ... ,",,:,, ," ;.oo It.". .I .. -. . a '' ... :. *.!,',

., r I : ,." 'f '' .. '. .. t \' .r ,*" :. ' > .., '); I. \ .' :- .\ ; '.V. I . .. .. ..' .,. \" '.-, .-

., .... ,. .:,, ':''f ,ii'-i', ; : : ...; ; ) .: ; .. "
q f jqo ... a, j" r.. . ". A. ,,- J., \. r: / ,''' ..,, ., "' .\ ' ,. ..J "I I II ",,,,
r '
,. ; ... -1 . I ., "
pi.iJ. <4'* '" J : --zw. ::: '" : .
\ '
| .,.-r" ; \ ; '
'* .k
I : "
'1""' /-Vv"- : :.: ,
..flIH :'''* .grounds-- of almost, 'InnumC1'abl.! I. .i -, ', 'flv. j, M-11, : .. ,I.'I.'Pt'.it'I'; } (1 i.' *'/ 1 P ';,., ... :

.. ,,,..,!, r. :, ; : r. species of ,ifishv ;''Th --first read ::: ,'J 1 "f, / ( f'1 ,j( :: !I ?' ri: 1'1 ,--A--: .' ; r--:. '.! : ',1ri"'

,p" (' l rJ' fHalf.C I nturrOf't' Stretch of.: water jo \be.'. encountered :.. '. -1. . (;' ; ...." J $ ,'. 1'w''. : ,! , ,( . '
J, I' fter"the.roadi; e."ea.Florida City, ;. . .f.\ THVPIfd4.VT' :1' \0/ rf' i .. '. ;, : . J-l.
. :: } ::: \ : };Ji: :, a, '" .. ., .
((41' ,
< ,,.It.1: the terminus of: tn. Dixie UICh-{| ,.. .-< > .. : ,. Y : : .!
.'. MarkedThe .. .' "
Has la Card.Sound *, bout I\
ervce' waju + 12 or I. ::4 .
: ; t' . ,. " "
';. ; If'' ;, ; : : 16 miles south of:,' Florida City .. ." < ; '" ... pII ,I, '" ,. . .t->,
r been( .. .. ' I"t' . ':,
Ire and the road has, '
gradedfor/ .
,(,' I. .distance ..; ... W . .' : //v ,4. : : .' ,
*" ,.' .,
JasHipn ,
'a1Ji j : Store I Of The should,, completed :11I\ < : C. t. .. .: 1 ; . {,
: t : bridge entur.yf. .O : 't? .
; I
t : : ; :
: : : "' soon,. Engineer' "Joe;WatkIns told I. _. i '. 'r"; ,. v.
. '
'r:, : ) '' ' me; which) will Enable motorists :.. . ,... ,:/ '# 'i.r. 'i.5
"'" ; -.elty .. .. .. '
elide from tbe'blg of Miami .
( l .. .' .
:rn't' I. : : i. "''Fd't,1ND, DB1'; :ADAM WQLFSON. r( in .short-) ;' rder, !''and find around : I'. t.<, \\ ,_' ';t. . ..

; AS'LATER 'LOUIS :AVOLFSOto' Key Largo :wltl, 38:. miles lone, ':.:.: .. : ;f :'' "s jf : : .
:TO ISA-t . '
I(4 t '. ) }i . -, SOLD' BY. ; a "al.flshof'man**'Paradise., r I{ ."I, v."i': ' I erVl, e .' '. tI .

rfq, . : :APPEtROUTH. : PRESENT, OWNER.ONEOF'. ., O..r-rS: u'Hirkwar" :11.J\ 'hv! : '1/?: ,. }1Jt.\.iri'\J\ !: : 'too{ .. ..
111. ? : .: } k .' ,;
? .. ;. .. -i I .,' 'lill" ""f,. It',; 'i j. ->:-, .
Arer ,
THE 3e.'OlligitNay v :
il','$ "' : ;, ; DtN<; STORES'OF: '' CITY' .. probilbilityin"he'classed,,,77ie |I"' aU' :I:: }' ,: '.tn; i ', \ --M-y,..''i JViS' ; I I VOF .ih i\\., :..'
+ as one .. or ,
,ar. ,41I of the' greatestproblems' : .( : '. M/, '1"j: :
.9'* in the . j t .. ,, (f .' . .. ,
jcIr : ; : I Storo'oi Fahibn, known us WRIGHT SEESJDGHWAY history of highways.; Connecting :.. 41'.' : '.,.., .",r" : .\ .., ... ";" -:. ..' . ''.' t .t. ..' J.. '
';\ .
'roup of .
. "
1 a & Island, '\ t r '*' ._
? from one' "
//f" }h ins that paral- varying mile 102M. In : -f .

np; ... ..,, ,. tT '( < 1 -. <*; e the; history,_city.._!'" jt. .has ,' : AS length, which extend'of from" the".: :. . . ..'. r ., .' .' ..: : -t, .. I ,'1, s :
southeastern end the : .
' < and .in the 'same Florida ; t ,. ... . .. THE: ] '. ., .
peninsula, It will cover : .. '.
"I'1 ITliHtance" -: "" : '.
((4 I' : for' nearly half -a century. : . . .' :
..... JitoAff of .J29) miles. \ ? : .
l Monroe
r I ) ,present: 'quarters of the. I through' ,e "r ., ,;;.. .
h t 'puval, just two doom I----- County: of' which'''Key. West is the '.. ,... ... '."1'. f' '.' r ., I.. ... .. ".. ..
,I..wvt ) junction of Duval and : center> pf ,.population, anil 'will In- ,: : f .
.., and ) : WELL KNOWN WRITER IS. rludei, stretch oft 12 miles |In the : .: : : ; "
qj!l'ul I streets nearly across :
74itrt.. ,. La Concha Hotel h was sopthern'Rnd', of Dude I County of ': : t'. ," ,. '
...t1I'' .' : ; by Louis Wolfson, : ENTHUSIASTIC IN which: Miami In:' .the chief city ]twill :15: . {:.,'. \ S. vO'rR.E'.. I. . ...!' 'J: :
total HI mlle --
,II dot'I I th4 present owner,. IHA I OT THE SCENIC . r ,, . ..
.. The Initial (i l : '
hi.. S. 'lrouth, about 1914. I y e . r.
I ,
.' / '. ( ) / 60) years'nfe", three! SPLENDOR ALONG KEYS tounty'on: this proJect will aPProximate :: :. n ., ", ,\ '' : : '
6'MI' s
.. , by the'nlt'Pnc'--nf'' WolfMOn $3,300,000, which will' ,: : **!o -
I ti I-ht ( ; ) this country from Po ----- cov r'l.heCTIJlt'> of constructing| :. : :

r.i''oIl't' ,. : t 'of them settled in New (By Hamilton M. Wright) but 22 miles of permanent fridge :. ... 1 cinI::;: -"7,'
the other two came I to Nu more unique rnad\ building work over Iho two longest stretch- \ '
.11kJ/\; ", \; t. one .o( the latter, project 'has ever beep.. conceivedthan en of ocean on the route. :. : 1'

MAr1Y later $going 'to Tampa, that stupendous vision whichis Twenty-two bridges arc now '. '
.'\9i4'-' ( he l is noV iri huninenH. now becoming: a reality by nearing completion, which total :.. .:.>..

"ta : Wolfson, now of Miami bridging( the umythestine floods six miles in length. Road work '.. .. FASHIONRecognized ". 11
,. :$..1](, brother opened the Store that rushbetween the chain of comprising SI I miles i iq nearly completed : .. ,

1"1o't'1 ';, on 1)uval'street,, and keys which extends from the nnd already automobiles\ ::.:. -, ---- 10 .- ..
'' / time, when} Louis took\ of Florida'to Key . _. / ,'"
'+'ilhty'! southern end nrc running on roads on ,severalof .
- -. +i' -=." store and run it himself. Went' Some of these 'pauses'' are I the higher I"hlndtrllvl"'Hl'd! by :.. .. > / '
of . 7. .
.. diiringjjiomc\
yenrj\, In ,. .
'' ';, 4 -- vast-slretcbejijivf! ocean. cross- he route. "
-rif't'/J')\ / ( years Ilftheh1Kf ry' Ing them sometimes die Til- - :.. .. :
you The rfcadTirbemg built throughas --- . . .
city hp built his store . / ,
. --
1I land. The -----
of ,
? most out of sight .
.t varied :
; smell beginning until it topography ns ran Ite encountered --
j leading store of the work now under way and already in level highway con- 'ii A-s-7Cey West's \ - -
u .
,4,,dI,I ', 1 more than 70 per cent. com truction. It winds through dense : H

,}Ihru this time, a young man. pleted, is a most colossal and difficult mangrove swamps where\ natural : / '

,lalJlit:';, ,;'. ;' ut Mr. Wolfnon, opened .engineering\ .plan. soil bearing value in just sufficient :H.: Leading Ladies Store H'

"fhh 1\, : / farther up on Iuvul I I have just been over the route 10 support a man. Fill have ..tobe ,

,ih...... t' / ; near Division. This wu for the JGlh J time. This time I ISOUTHWAHDHO made over open !sea! in Home ': : ..-r.' ,l. ,.fY .

.rtt."Oi"." :' ; ... ,- -- ---- .-- instances as great ilK two miles in" : a .. ..

.jlf\.h't. : I .:;;;;; ;-.-.-.. .-..-. .. . ... ........ .. .. .. . length and. in f airly deep water, r. .. ..
tlI", *!H I running from three or four feet : '
:; ! : ,'" : :
','1' I to eight or ten, sometimes more. .

p ,, 'i ji. 1': ;I/ .... ... ..... .. ..... ............. ..... .. ... .I I Sand foundation, marl], muck ,and : : {

4t11"'. ,. .. ... rock form the remainder of the 't) "
I ft!', . lt i:', f"" r'Y' fill and rock surfacing, several ., .
million feet of lumber, -down : : .' ,' . ., .. . ..-, .-. .., 'f .
._ ," ,
,. . vqa ? .v/9I ire v} drag lines and several'pile drivers, .. Jj' '. ':"...('r, .... ,. ', j ... '
and the usual .. .. : : : :
?i many--tractors: accessories .. >
''1'j'' ,.. -'' . I pf fond building contrnc, 5 .. : : -
'Ir. I .
.i'I r. I '. :' 4,1e 7 r tors': ilre''employed Connecting:. Link: :.:. THIS IS A STORE where lon ;\ association has madeour ',...' :.:.

{. /(. : JoIj When completed, the' OverSeaHighway1 :.:. customers fee] .at home.. They. come to us as to old I' '. : : .

I 'r' k1J b 1 ing link' will between serve as the a connecl-Atlantic :.:. friends and we have built' up their confidence on our 1;
: I .I; .
.' Coastal Highway; including the : .
: '
-i1-. :. : .t''y Dixie Highway'down'the. east coast basis- SERVICE.'U'A .. : :

-4- 1 .' : : of Florida through t. Miami to : :. ., ., ....) : :'
I i ,, : Homestead and ,'Florida City,'* and . ..r,....\\vll. ,, ; "W .: . .... , .

,, .,JI/ .t. 1 I)}!! ,; the recently. propose'd'<< ali-:' ii 1)IDT') . /; Wvcr.V, '., : !* ; .i ... ,",',j-; I,, .". .: ', a.i !dI\ji" ')! \ '!d\JIIa\i':<'J];::;t:"..J ..,; ., ; JiJ t"_" ;, .: .: ,,..t,., :,.0.. '.. .,

highway :which will be built'thelength ". '
\: rj of that island from Havana' :; :; HHHilii 1. :,'a'hcWjinodcjin'; dresses!': ,))hats,/'8h6csor'any6fHhcS; [' " ': -l" I. ,I .' Y' "I. '
\l'; t .f' to < Santiago'de." Cuba:;'TBothl See; ,- fSS iS ivfvit'*,<;f**-: < **.*; i.. "'"? ',*,'* nr! **?'* "11;! '*'r ,'\."ti1-., v,? 'p.-1-' $", -rgar1} ?, feaWtn Jj . _:Ji"
. ,. : 'e "' '' '
c. '! 'J retary of Public Works Cespedes, . I' 'accessories-of. women's wear-We. have had it FIRST" ,'" .. : ,;,, 'if',
I ] and President :Machado of 4Cul -
:-'i-i ' 1 are keenly Interested in.the OverSea I :: / When a store has remained in one family for nearly) 4', : : .-

Highway and have promisedthat I

t. . ",".. '. / Cuba will take part in celebrating :. .: 'fifty y'nrR-there must be a reason. : :

':' being, overhnuldd.'at Key West before spreading her sails in its completion.- .. .. ., : .. ..
i Jt \ Officials .
"' 'I the Caribbean. ,. of one of the steamship .. .. .. .
companies whose ships .
/ run .
l .
,,.. .M ; I between Key West
) AppelroTjthih;; w Pone n_ went by1' a. hand car over the line have assured me that and they will'put Havana :: We find It in thc, growing list n. families who .do* all f5f . : :
; 1 r business) men of,. hifl. ,of the Florida East Coast Railway ferries, for '
t.JI.; ', .. '/; > / which; parallels the route of of tJi) two: citieS automobiles the. com'pletianof between :: . . . ?. J their. buying here nnd get just whnt they want at rig k.,: t ; :': I : :
.; upon ; . t I."f. .
e ti : I'
: ; \ uncle decided, to reJ he Over-Sea From i ." :. . 1 ; ," j ," .. I I .' : .
n'lI.\a. Highways. th&i rootfj; ,7Jje Hjtanqf.f ; g a io .. t "II ) . : 'f'. I. '. .l' ' ,
f\ . ,I : I t { ) ,-the '.Store ,of Fashion the- front of"t.he"hand 'par I could mi e,.;, Wile ;it1t\ "e
t, : tt 11.. 1 bought It and as: ook'down between that railroad tinned and the roads complete,'it . : .. .. hi-" <1"lt/\; /\! I .. .. '?"' .
:: r uprady.' !! 1 itt to i'tile bead feet .below
.' dy'bee.rreIhOyed tied ,35 will be possible to 'motor: on. an : : t' .
V :
t : ;;. advantllgcoulI' location, ne. I' 'could 'occasionally see almost continuous route from . : .

1\, 0" ;'' : ; to operate i it. sharks, rays,, 'barracudas, and Bangor, Me., to Santiago de Cuba, .. .. 'I". ..
,.-', r: : ?was: in 1917"\ >apa( since I II ja 'kII. Alas that vilest and, most a most/ picturesque journey. I . I .' .
. ..., .. .. ... .. .. ..
i J-t I ,, assisted by) : subtle of fish, the mangrove snap- have been over all of it except . .M. '" .. .. 1 .

i.i : ''the' former Miss Sarah : per. that portion between Boston dad .. .. . .. M ..____ .. . oo. _____. __,,___. __ .. ..

v' ,\... :., ', ,fI: \ ' .', of Washington, D: But going/ by the hand .car possessed Bangor. v . ,.. .. ..
t ,Key West, whom'he mar manifold for The Over-Sea
' advantages Highway is adarina : : '
''(' f". .'... 1922, his steadily built up at 'any time I could leave by little project.; I have been over . ,. 0\ :. :.
to .
. ,
; "f untU it is in its present gas chariot and fake a "look .see"at" the route at least I It times and recently '- . .
i IJ.
I I'' position \in the "mer ,
.' the nearby automobile road completed? a journey on'a : :
I "J 'M', ... $ I, lng field. over the ocean. Not alwayli ,doell gasoline motor ear over the Florida : :

( .0' ; '. .i" 'W' oroginal store) has twice the Over-Sea Highway closely East Coast Railway Over-Sea sf. .
,..1. l,' .r { ; and extended parallel the railway. Sometime + Extension from Miami to
' .t 4' 2 ) Key .
.1 g i'l.t ,! ow'' it occupies an entire Th STORE
I is West and
It score of miles away, for it return. Through the I IiiI!
!{t' ; : j I rr. ; ] runnin's. )hack from Duval Follows a less direct route and courtesy of'officials of the railway III
-y .
"!, );" :;,,1 I"tr.r'<:i 1,. et.Appelrouth. has acted as takes greater advantage' of the company, I I: was able ttt stop .
". ready-to'wear: contour of the keys than does the the car at arty !desired point and .:
: r" ; : the ladies'
; r !
.A'' ;rr .4 tend thrupgh: herju- colossal series pf_.viaducts. --- and Inspect the Oyer-Sea Highway : . 1- ..
.,' ,:"' ,\ m *I I n of styles and! ma- steel bridges, built across-: the which parallels the conrse-nf-thJr . -.. VJK: :
r. ocean by the late Henry M. Flagter railway for about two-thirds its .
< been able, ,
tt 1 1 4 J tno; store; h.a I II .
to offer 1 at s-cost or at leant f&O.QOO- length. : : .
season yie :
:r: : Iff t' n'' moos and goods to 000.llut . ]I Bird life, too, in I I varied. On a .. .. FASHION r:'. .: ,
; -! *{ I course marked by talMa Y ,.. 0' I .
I .. : Uentele} I' :for about,/our-flfths'of the ; through- . .' .
:+I' 1 }Jjv S i j : : guidance1, In J' matters" _'.f way tbe. *Over-Sea !Highway ,tsright :! a stretch of, shoal:;water; almost .. .. I ; .
v\ (': 11; *' >- R .': ,* 4* '4,1' the track ''Or else l I every stake surmounted by *A .. . f .. .. .
t 1 .
; ,, ; brown: pelican. I , ,
from 1Meglnniag
i a .
' -Sf; ( within. ': short distance ply It. I. saw . . gJ,
7 ...
"1'r7' ;H;', i. i\ .\ : 1>y a pioneer busing l also made! long trips on completed/ many flab hawks and several bald . ) I1'f' .
" : '' ; : the* city, the store has of the Over-Sea- eagles which are said to nest on 'J
portions Highway,
: Y ;
flr: :nj. jli gradually so--, ,thaV>U'>;,<,if Big Pine Key The latter show, g ISADORE 1 APPELROUTH 1 Owner if.
, f ;:, traveling :on' it ,as far frombley\ : .. .
hro. hout soath'"Plotl a. n* fear of.our .. / ,'' rft ; .
> it 4r j $ ;: W'esf'as'.it; is pow opeti, about 22 din9jy . !I. J' .
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a't Z'V ., 'than oasualw: y: 7 '. Some'of'thfl; '. tare operator, and 1 hid.In.nearby .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ." 'I _. .. 'I I .. '. I, I.. ...
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\ ; :f .: : : irt .

,. : :,,:, ..c drive 165:i miles, the most of the way right through the .jieauttlFul : / .

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.. :: : '- ; wa.ters-1P the Gulf and the Atlantic, and' te: in Key" 'West . 90 miles .' -: .... ,_., .'-. ": .

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'way along -Keys you Can ,, ,::. :, ,,!. : -: 'v "" ; I


I : . I are more than 500'varieties' offish in these waters; you can 'find excellent ; '<' : " ,:; : ;\, ; V"t ; I


\ ""-' ., ", accommodations 'all along the road and if you want' to' reach ': : : .r: '

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\y/.:" -;!".,i ", .r!. : r. ..r' Key West as soon. . as possible,_ you can make excellent time on the / rlL! . I

;: \ .
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.. I > >", '' '' ,;new '3 I liondollar' 'road-bed ... , "' .
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:r TheFerry', Trip/ on ocean jgoing'fieiries, .for >40' miles along the route, '.. .: "

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of the Keys adds, the.i i of.r this remarkable " v-- -
:: ,,\. : .: to interest trip '1'.,:" ,, ': . >>;, .

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{ ." .. Plan your 'season,, so as to include' the. .Keys and Key West. in your .. ; .,

..... . ..It::' > . ., itinerary., You: will .never regret. it. M"Batklo ." . . ,, ,', I" \ \, . : I

... .. ; .
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