The Masses' Role in China and Hong Kong: Ideology and Conflict

Material Information

The Masses' Role in China and Hong Kong: Ideology and Conflict
Series Title:
Journal of Undergraduate Research
Segal, Avery
Jacobs, Matthew
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, Fla.
University of Florida
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Journal of Undergraduate Research
serial ( sobekcm )


In 1997, Britain officially transferred sovereignty of Hong Kong to China. While elected representation was not allowed by the British for almost all of Hong Kong’s history, the change in sovereignty to an authoritarian power suddenly instituted a willingness by governor Chris Patten and the Hong Kong people to fight for democratic reforms. This paper frames Hong Kong’s transfer of sovereignty by analyzing contested narratives in Chinese history, particularly humiliation, power, and the desire for economic growth. By contrasting Mao’s mobilization of the masses behind state power with Deng’s emphasis of engaging the masses through economic reform, one gains a clearer lens to view China and Hong Kong’s unclear future. While some degree of freedom is guaranteed in Hong Kong’s constitution, virtually every sentence relating to democracy is riddled with uncertainties. People in Hong Kong don’t want to assimilate into China’s political order, yet its economy is rapidly losing its competitive advantage and is becoming increasingly dependent on China. The tensions in Hong Kong represent the culmination of these conflicting narratives under the CCP.

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University of Florida
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University of Florida
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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida


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