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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00091504/00847
Material Information
- Title:
- The Kissimmee Valley gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Kissimmee Valley gazette
- Alternate Title:
- Gazette
- Place of Publication:
- Kissimmee City Fla
- Publisher:
- Vans-Agnew & Harris
- Publication Date:
- March 22, 1918
- Frequency:
- Weekly
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Newspapers -- Kissimmee (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Osceola County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Florida -- Osceola -- Kissimmee
- Coordinates:
- 28.303889 x -81.412778 ( Place of Publication )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 24, 1897)-
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 33274531 ( OCLC )
sn 95026779 ( LCCN )
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,!,;.'.Lj t+'..VALL.HY.FOR, ..'.R..T"HOMH Ur.aut GAJ.ICTTID NBWS."WlIJr "'K' ISSIMMEE[ - VALLEY ( AZETTE. UOOOOH i.' UOOOOOOOOOM'.......*.Klesl..f AI' .alalEJ i A
Aid 0 S CEO L A JOURNAL, Cea ondated January II. 1915. .,
----I:: ,
... .. ... .._ . ._.. 1*. .,..,.. FLORIDA FRIDAY MARCH -
+ KlMlmMM V.ll..y, K fcll k 184, I r ll li< 4 N T r.r KISSIMMEE.' 22, 1918 VOL. XXI NO. 14
01. u...!... K........... s...... J"_" It..... "r r..................Na. "
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Information l C. A. Carson, chairman- the com- and which will I am sure, remove the
A meeting of the potato growers of give, the association some mittee appointed to urge upon. the cause for complaint. '
this section was held at the city hall regarding the potato situation. Mr government the necessity for hotter Cordially ,
Friday night to effect the 'organization Curry is a very logical speaker. Ills 9 transportation; 'for perishables W. G. M'ADOO.
of an association to look 'after points were made with a force, that'carried submits the following! corre- -
interests of the potato industry conviction to the listeners. : r' 4 .spondence, which will be of interestto Washington; March 18, 1918.
Mere.: The hall was comfortably filled lie said in part: "In taking the ini- a y the growers at this time: Mr. C, A. Carson et ,81. Kinimmee,
most of the larger growers being' tial steps of perfecting this organization Kissimnve, Fla., March 20, 1918. Fla.
present. Chairman H., C, ,'Stanford i you are doing a great thing. It I Kissimmee Valley, Gazette City.. Gentlemen: 'Your favor of the i
called the meeting to order! and announced is organized effort that will succeed. Gentlemen The committee
appointed 13th inst. ,I find awaiting me on my
the 'first business-before the I The very winning of this world's war I
by the Potato Growers Association return; from Florida where J had
meeting was .the election! of permanent will depend upon the banding together to try tot' secure quick transportation been for the last week. k1desire
o lcerR. of similar interests. I of vegetables, took this
to that I had receivedthe
S. -13. Aultman was elected permanent "If there is one class of people' that matter up' In accordance with the I resolutions soy sent by the Bartow' .,
chairman. should stand together it is the growers letter shown, in valued ;J
your paper' Board ofTrade; and I took the 'm tter
A. R. Smith secretary. .. There is no difficulty to produce last week.I up with the director general of the
,, Roma Thomas, treasurer. crops in Florida. Mammouth crops K am'''in receipt of' the attached railroads to obtain, the desired results.
The Kissimmee Potato Growers Association have been grown here but the >vital communications s
from Senator Fletcher I hope there will be no further trou-
the official in the' question i Is that 'of marketing .
wax adopted as point and the' lion. Wm. G. McAdoo, ble. ;
name of the organiaztlon. theRe crops at the proper price. r iirector-gencral of railroads, Senator With best wishes I am, very truly ;
A committee consisting of C. A. To dispose of our .crops after they are Park Trammel!, Congressmen Frank yours, FRANK CLARK.
Carson, A. R. Smith and S. B. Ault- grown and to realize a price that will' Clark, and. lion.,Robt E. Wright, asis ,-'
., ywman was appointed on transportation, justify. our investing our money in a i tent t-directory I W hf(t ''wilF'cxplalrithemselves 'r"" " WasKingtbTrMirch't'ifl'lS:4'i ': : : J;.i1rll:, : s
'' '
; ""Hradeat'"ireeert' t' them,id'the..queation4tbtweonfront.
7""byr'the''irbbiml I am very hopeful that Hon C. A. Carson, Kissimmee, Fla.
meeting. The same committee was us."The the dela'y in transportation will be My Dear Senator:. .
1 asked to serve the association in this business of the growers Is nolj\ corrected t and that there wil be further The letter signed by yourself and
the manufac,
different from that of
capacity.Committee. cause for complaint. other gentlemen, as a committee, with +
on by-laws included.W. turer. What manufacturer do we see r Yours truly, reference to adequate transportation +
J. Fripp, DeWilton Alderman and H. trying to personally handle every department NLrt C. A. CARSON. provisions for moving Florida vegetables -
df his On the con-
C. Piano. has been' received and I bcjr to
Committee on harvesting and 1aI trary he employs a specialist for each advise that I have been behind
.. bar, Rull Bass, A. R. Smith, J. W.. department while 'he controls the 'March 18, 1918. this proposition at the actively office of-
,' Miller and L. II. Ingram.II.C. whble. That is just what is needed by lion. C. A. Carson, Kissimmee, Fla. the Director General of'Railroads for 1
: Piano, manager of the Citrus ''growers-a sales department owned Dear Sir: Communication signedby several and have
:, Evchange was aSked what the ex. and controlled by themselves; in you and other members of your that weeks Florida's assurances -
change was prepared to do for the charge of a specialist who l is selling CONGRESSMAN SEARS' PLAN committee, dated March 13th regard- will\ be promptly handled.vegetable I shall crop
irrowers and -wed he would like to their crop for a profit to the growerinstead ing the transportation situation has continue to be active in this matter:
'nave the exchange organizer here at 'of making a profit out of it. been received. and hope we shall be -able to secure
the next meeting who ,would explain "There is only one way to -accomplish received prompt and Adequate transportation "
Just what the oxlojange; was preparedto this and that way.is organize FOR PERMANENT DEFENSES for our products. rk
do. On mqtionyv was decided to invite the growers interests and resources." which explains itself. Assuring you of my interest In this "
the organize.*. to address 'the as Mr. Curry offered another criticismon Yours very truly, matter and ,with kind personal regards .
sociation.. the present plan of operation, com- DUNCAN U. FLETCHER. I am, .
The meeting adjourned to assemble paring it to. a real estate deal and -- "
Tuesday night at,She Graystone hotel asking "What property owner would From the Washington (D. C.) Star boys- are now taking a collegiate -Sincerely yours t r
Director General of Railroads Wash PARK TRAMMELL.Washington .
when S. B. Aultnyin presided. After make out a deed to n piece of property How the defenses of the United course, in the United States. He feels \ .1
ington D. C. March 14 1918.
the reading of the minutes by Secre- and hand it over to an agent with States may be built up to discourage I i I that certainly more boys should be in Honorable Duncan U. Fletcher Unit ;;: i't
sell it for muchas College. Those not financially able to March 19, 1918.
Smith all business was the instruction to as :{:
A. II.
tary ,
act of aggression by training the ed States Senate, Washington D. C. ,
Mr. C. A Carson
postponed and Mr. Aultman introduced he could get. No man would risk take a college course and who are ; Chairman Commit
educated young men of the countryFor compelled to take occupationwhen My Dear Senator Fletcheri tee; of Kissimmee Board of Trade
in that he declared. up some ,
the speaker of the evening.J. his property way, '
service while at the time Referring to from Florida
same complaints
they have completed their high Klssimmce Fla. ,
Reed Curry.J. .' "He would keep the title well in
opening to them the ::edvantagrs about delay in the movement of Dear Sir I
up school
till the for the sale was courses should be given an opportunity : beg acknowledge
Reed Citrus hand
Curry or money
of education is summarized in bill vegetables. You will that .I
-- a by the government to get appreciate your letter of March 13tb, addressed s
ganizer be of Tampa at the, had meeting been and to (Continued On Pag Two.) introduced in the House, with the approval a college education Representative during the severe winter weather fast to the Director General and others
present of the President, by Represen- Sears believes. freight schedules were quite generally and would advise that the question of
- - - - - - - - -------- -------
tative W. J. Sears of Florida chair- Young men between the ages of abandoned in the interest of better movement of perishable ,from ,.FlorIda
man of the committee on education. twenty-one and thirty-one are now general service; but the Regional Director is receiving active attention and
Bakery Orders Representative Sears, who conferred drafted,- he points eut, and taken into I of the Southern Roads Is now I service will, I trust, be sa+'eftctort.
with President Wilson at the theArmy.. While .patriotically re. arranging schedules' formovement, Yours very" ti sly, '
The -following telegram has been White House on the!, proposed legislation spending feels that they should be perishables which will be 'made effective ROBT, E. WRIGHT, w
received trom the State Federal Food and who says the President is given opportunity for advancement just as promptly as possible, Assistant Director.
Administrator for future guidance: much' interested.the measure, asks before they are called to the 'colors,
'Mr. Milton Pledger Kissimmee, Fla. that $50,000,000 be appropriated an- and argues that they would be prepared
''AH) bakers who are not using required nually to provide scholarships in state for more efficient service in de- CAPT.. RICHMOND PEARSON
twenty per cent wheat flour universities for 250,000 young men I,fense of the nation I
in bread and rolls must would otherwise be unable to ,
substitute who geta While 'in college the young' men '
cease baking those products on March college education. Abput'400 of would not be subject to the draft, ac HOBSON ON PROHIBITION
20th and must not resume operations these would be from the District. 'cording to the Sears bill, but as soonas .
until they use the substitutes re- Designed 4o Aid Poor Boys. their course is finished they wouldbe -- ''J ?W" <
quired. Failure to obey will resultin 'This measure epitomizes the life available for military service. Captain Richmond Pearson llobson definition of treason Comfort''and'
revocation of license. Slogan must ambition 'of Representative Sears to Regarded as War Measure. spoke to a crowded house at the Bap- aid to the enemy. The liquor, traffic
be Victory Bread or close. Urge bakers do something for the poor.boy of am- The desirability of pressing this bill List church on Tuesday night and was stands guilty of treason. Itc is the
to use potatoes as substitute if that listened to with the closest attention greatest, help the has in this
bition to. serve the' country in peace as an important war measure so enemy
other* cannot be obtained. Demand be fittedto throughout his discourse by the large/ country. '
or war. He himself had a military the youth of the country may
!rigid'i enforcement rulings as given education'' and believes the coming constitute such a defensive force audience. He was introduced by Hon. I At the close of Capt. Hobson's ad-
this wire. See' that publicity given fears will bring an increased public that no other nation will\ ever dare to C. A. Carson who paid high tribute dress the following resolutions were
this in your local papers. sentiment In favor of military trainIng commit acts of aggression against the to the speaker as a statesman, a.soldier I unanimously passed by the audience:
"(Signed) BEACHAM. the and an orator. Kissimmee Fla., March 19,' 1918.
for the youth of the land. In his United States, particularly during ,
No other notice will be given (in bill only those who are graduates of period of reconstruction when this The meeting' was opened with prayer We the people of Kissimmee. Florida
reference to this order and licensees iiigh schools between the ages of six country will be taking leadership in by Dr.' W.fB./ Witherspoon of the in mass-meeting, assembled to
4 failing to comply with these terms teen and twenty.are eligible for mili- rebuilding civilization, has been urged Presbyterian church. hear a patriotic address by the Hon.
will be summarily, dealt with. tary training-at, the Institutions des 'Mr. Seare by many of-hle- associates Captain. Hobson's. subject was "America Richmond Pearson libbsonl: feeling!
MILTON PLEDGER ignated by the several states. The 1 in Congress.At in tne .War.:' According to captain the momentousness of .thecHwiO:
Food Administrator for Hobson who has mado a close and realizing the weight 01'
course of instruction, as far as possible present there is about $2,000,000 reapon
I Osceola County, Fla. ,, will be the same as at West paid to retired army officers. If as study ,'of the subject of the effect of bility resting upon us in this.extreme
I Point, without interference with the many of these as necessary were as- liquor ,on brain and body as well a* crisis of.the world's history, hereby
NEW FOOD ORDERS I regular collegiate course. signed to the institutions, the additional having year of close observation in declare the following views: i i
Representative sears. has given especial cost of supplying military edu- military and social life, liquor is sending ; 1. 'That we are profoundly appraclatlve
Kissimmee, Fla. FIRST SERGT. JOE N. TAYLOR attention to the section of the cation and ralnmg'would amount to more'' men home from the war, of the heroic sacrifices and ar-
Hereafter no merchant shopkeeper 627th Aero SquadronSan bill which describes the manner of next to nothing. These officers Rep- physical wrecks, than the ammunitionof duous toils of our civil and Christian
or other person keeping for sale, beef Antonio, Texas making the allotment of scholarships (Continued! on Pag Three,) the Prussians. Also vice and alcohol institutions and an Innumerable' liNt'
pork, whether fresh or cured and hogmat Sergeant Taylor' is the son of Mr. in order that its operation may be ab- which go hand in held are of individuals who have so
l shall offer the same.for sale between and Mrs. Gee. M. Taylor elf this city, solutely fair. Great care also' has On account of the recent heavy keeping more men from the war by' readily and liberally. .-
the .hours for opening business Aviation making physical inefficient of them ence, property and to the call
and enlisted in the Dept., been taken in wording the section rains the short detour on the Lough-' persons,
and the hour for closing business on U. S. Army Dec. 9th last. He is 21 which provides for furnishing uniforms road 'between Kissimmee and than any other cause.. Other salient of humanity as represented'by ouR: I
meatless day years and two months old, and has already and equipment. man became impassable this points of his masterly address were: National Government; and we- shall
MILTON PLEDGER reached the highest non-ccm. Reedy creek Humanity is in distress and U callIng remember them gratefully.
Food Administrator of f Explanation of Provisions.Mr. week and motorists. are now forcedto to America for aid. The peril is 2. That
we are appreciat.lye
of equally
office.: He is making a. record via
Sears, in explaining his bill, make the long detour Shingle
Osceola County. two-fold-the physical peril and the of
President the
our Hon.
which toud Wood-
justly .
parent are creek
pointed out that only about 85,000 Creek station and Bonnet again.
moral peril-the perils that always go row Wilson and all his loyal counselors -
- ; - ------------ -- ___n_ _ _ with war. The way out for America in their strenuous endeavors in
MACH BROTHID ii to quickly go dry. By taking liquorout the leadership of -thl. gigantic struggle -
of this country we add 30 per centto ; and we hereby pledge them our
I our efficiency. This added efficiency unqualified co-operation in every plan.
NEW GARAGE ON OLD SITE GRIGGS THANKS GAZETTE will enable us to win the war. and movement for the prosecution of
America allies
By making dry our the war to an honorabre victory.
----,>.- PATRIOTIC, DISPLAY become dry and out of the war we 8. It is the sense of this assembly
Mach Brothers" have let the''con--eliminate the danger from another shall have-sober-world. that 'the- Goyemor 'of-our state and
tract for the rebuilding of their brick destructive fire. We are just beginning as a people the legislature thereof, and'the- Pres-' M
building occupied as a garage, which-I The work i is in the hands of local I to see what at burden and handicapand dent of these United State and hteCongresi
recently was destroyed by fire and men, A: L. Davidson being in chargeof MARCH 18, 1918. cause of inefficiency the liquortraffic thereof, should exercise all
before many week elapse a better' the brick work and W. L. Nelson is to the nation. diligence to avoid both waste and extravagance -
and more convenient, building will : will handle' the construction. Just KISSIMMEE VALLEY GAZETTE, KISSIMMEE, FLA. The Food Problem-The brewerIesuse | in administration and
stand on the spot now occupied by the how'much of the, old walls can be left one hundred million bushels of push every measure for speeeding up
ruins of the garage. standing and how much must be pull- GENTLEMEN: grain annually-enough wheat to war work, side-tracking all[ secondary
,. The front of the building will be75x80 ed down can: not be told till the work I AM WRITING TO THANK YOU FOR THE VERY SPLENDID make six million loaves of bread a matter to this end; that profiteer
feet and will be two stories in progresses. Workmen are clearing day. The liquor traffic is the great- throughput the nation should be d
')height. The rear room will be 75x62 away the debris now and the process AND. PATRIOTIC DISPLAY EXEMPLIFIED IN THE ISSUE OF est source' of waste. It is destroying drafted and put to work .under proper
; feet one story high. This will make of construction will be pushed as rap- more food than is necessary to feel supervision and forced thereby to
a' block 75x142 feet. There will be idly as possible, though it is thought YOUR NEWSPAPER OF MARCH 8TH.e all fhe armies of our allies and 'our 'share the burden of this war since s
in the front or show room, likely that two or three month's may WitH WHAT CONSISTENT REG- army. they will be equal beneficiaries of'vie-
going it more commodious and con- elapse before it will be completed. IT IS PLEASING TO NOTE We have a fuel problem-We can tory; and that ample "War Emergency .
valient in every way than the Old ULARITY THE NEWSPAPERS OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY ARE not get fuel to manufacture muni- Prohibition" be provided without i
'1'oom. LOCAL, CATTLE MEN ATTEND' tions. Yet the breweries are running further delay and rigidly enforced #
The rear, or work room,.wlil be divided TEXAS CONVENTION GIVING THEIR SUPPORT TO THE GOVERNMENT, AND I AM night and day, using seven and a half throughout the country for the. con- d
million tons of coal annually.The .
from the remainder of'he' (Continued on page 4)
building by a firewall which will SURE THAT NO SUPPORT'HAS BEEN OF MORE VALUE. I HOPE Transportation Problem -We --
E. L. Leaky, C.; A. Carson Jr., and cannot get cars for transporting food 3
- - --- ---------------------- A POSITION OF TRUSTWITH'
Osceola\ EVERY PERSON OCCUPYING the traffic
Pat Johnston three of s most THAT and munitions yet liquor
prominent eattle owner, left last gets and uses -one million car"each POTATO GROWERS
BOARD OF TRADE week for Dallas Texas to attend the THE year. t..' X
state meeting of' the Texas Cattle As DID WORK THAT YOU ARE DOING. t The Finance Problem-The Government Kusuane; ; Potato Growers
----- sociation.A f i I. about to launch, its third Liberty Association; will meet at the Cow ,; lI
Regular neetiar of the Board growing interest has been manifested THANKING YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND Loan. 'We must stand by the til Clamber Uaifht to considermatter "
Government. Buy Liberty Bonds and
., Trade will1 be held at tke COM- the development by the cattle of that men industry of Texas here in CO-OPERATION, IN THE WAR-SAVINGS CAMPAIGN, I AM, thrift stamps. We, need the money. I of vital istportaac to 1M'
chamber toaight. All who The liquor' traffic collects from our' aaiutioB. Every ia tkb at
cil are and the delegation from Kissimmeeis VERY TRULY YOURS, orf grower
? people two and a ,half billion dollars
attending the convention with the ectioa (b to be '
mrged present.
iaterested ia the. welfare of KbfasBiee for 'their poison. Why should such
information'rel J. F. C. GRIGGS
purpose of obtaining _. 'i
.1 .
be tolerated? S. B. ,
'.. are urged to, be pretest ative to stock, growing' in Texas and I things ,
":- Taomai Prealdeat impart information of Florida conditions State I Director far Florida, 1 Who U'tae' liquor traffic? German A., ,R. ,S.ft.,, _' Presides. .
J: ROMS are behind the breweries- What' do
if it is desired.
<\I k! A. R. SsMlk, Secretary. Tb. party expects to return' home II National) War Sarair Cesunttee. they do t.1 Why they *erve Germany Secretary. r
right her in America; What ia they
th. last of the week. !
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(Continued from Page One) ToTheAmerican
in sight, but the man who'consigns 1 a Klssimmee if he desired to do so or Penalties, for Income Dodgers
car to a commission merchant releas his potatoes would be sent into market The Requirements Boiled Down ,
ea every vestige of control the mo. Severe-Get Your Return
tnent the wheels of tHe} car commence Might Form Pools. for Busy Folks. .
rolling. Perhaps the worst feature of Mr. Curry advocated the selling in in if You Are Liable.
the system is that in many cases the short time pools, say of ten days duration PeopleThere
commission man is a stranger and rev This practically insures a good Returns must t be filed on or before the'fluat
April ,1, 1018. U day
srults have proved many to be unworthy average price and no man takes a
April 1, 1918
of the trust placed in them long chance. lie said: "We growers lowed under the federal Income
> Tux: duo may be paid now or on or law fur the lillutf of federal
job so
Growers Should Organize., have been asleep on our
"An organized effort of the growers long' that no one can control the mar before June 15, 1018.If 1 tax returns. Persons who are U no foundation for the alleged
should overcome all these difficul- ket but the exchange will handle a you were single and your net Income ' ed to file -returns under the violations of law attributed to our Corn-
ties," Mr. Curry said. "The Citrus large portion of the potato crop and tOrt 1017 was $1,000 or more you of law and who fall to get of the Federal Trade
handled the the would eliminate a !arge In time pant by agents
Exchange has already grower must file return. turns\ on aro subject to
majority of its fruit and can utilize element of risk by co-operating. a with ere l>ellolUea, as follows: Commission and I want to say emphatically '
married and
the sales,force to handle the potato '"We have eighty selling agents in It you were .
same is
For & not
making false or that Swift Company a party
northern markets who would be wIfe' (or husband) and had a net income ,
Mr.crop."Curry suggested that the Kisimmee working 'to the growers' advantage ,otj$2,000; or more for 1017 you turn, not exceeding $2,000 or not any conspiracy to defraud the Government -
growers use the Citrus Exchange instead of trying to make profit out must file a return. ceeding one year's Imprisonment Nor has Swift A: Company been
both In
the discretion of the
tor their of the! for themselves. These men
as a selling agency crop income must
crop or organize an association, it are all umier bond and which makesIt Husband' and "wife' and In addition, 100 per.cent, of guilty improperly. storing foods or of
they chose to do so, with a state charter ' absolutely certain the grower will be considered jointly, plus Income of, tax evaded. making false entries or reports.
1 which body would become, a unit receive the money from his car if it minor children. For falling to make return "on y
or branch of the Citrus Exchange: is sold., The salaries of our agents Income of a minor! or Incompetent, not less than $20 nor more "than Conference of packers where,
file I stated that it would be optional must be paid together with other op- derived from a separate estate, must 000, and, In addition, 00 per prices
.with the growers whether they sell erating expenses and to e.able.thil. to be reported by" his legal representa the amount of,tax: due. have been discussed! have been held at
their potatoes on the track here orgo be done a charge of $20 per car will I
in the
into the market, though the'speak- be made to cover the cost of sale tive. If on account of Illueas or the urgent request'and presence&
er favored' going into the market every Though it is likely'a portion of this Severe penalties are provided for from home you are unable to of representatives of either the Food .
time. If the market is good, why charge will be rebated as the agent's those who neglect or evade the law; .._, your return within the time Administration or the Council: of National ofI >
I not realize the best possible price.If operate handle the Georgia peaches For false or fraudulent return there by laW' you may obtain an
it is bad, your buyer will know it Michigan > celery, Western apples andVlrg'inia Is penalty$ not exceeding'$2,000 fine of 80 days If a request therefor Is Defense. And yet the packers have been
and buy the stuff at a price low potatoes- during the off season or year's Imprisonment, or both, plus with the collector of your I I accused of committing a felony by actingin
to reduce the salary expense to fore the due date of the return.
expense. Lhe association.One 100 per cent of tax. collusion on Government bids I II
this request you must state the
the buyer will be fully informed of of the members inquired of For failure to mAke return on or son why the return cannot be
the market conditions and will figure Mr. Curry as to when the money before April 1, 1018) fine Is from $20 within the time prescribed by law. i I We have done our best, with other
offers you a price. would be available 'in case they became I to $1,000, plus 00 per cent of tax due I packers large and small to comply with
.. +C, mr+TheirototablackoE; ,systemarrtopgFhe, ; members of the association, and Upturns.! -nnusjUba, I.d;wlth,the:Col>-. Collectors of internal revenue ,
growers is largely responsible for ir.-reply he''i suUr''(*" Thaflrpa"rf"of' lector'of% intPinaTflevenue' of dfetriAt.. *u+i'pLeaethorizadid'Kraaf' ; ; : \ -* the.directions> 1 of the**United States FoodAdministration ,, ..
poor prices received for crops. Every plan] has not reached perfection as I. In which you live. more than 30( days, but the in all particulars, including: "'
the and informs Though of shipper's sioner of Internal I i revenue has
man wants top price fet. part every file return for a
An per
himself as well as possible where such money is available as soon as the Car. agent may ity to grant a reasonable the furnishing of food supplies for the U s.
who Is lit, absent from country
prices are paid and ships his crop is accepted. All of it cannot be obtained son beyond SO days In meritorious Army and Navy and the Allies, now being I
there! accordingly. Perhaps by the till the sale of the last car in or otherwise Incapacitated. If you desire an extension of
handled the Food Administration
its destination in the pool! Each return must be signed and through -
arrives each
time his car at pool, case growers than 80 days your request
dozens of other men have done exactly Mr., Curry told of the organizationof sworn or affirmed, by person executing addressed to the commissioner t
as he did andthe consequence the Growers Loan and Guarantee It. should contain a detailed! If
is that no one receives a good price Company with a capital stock r>f Single persons are allowed $1.000 covering the reasons which We will continue to do our stun-
9t for his goods. Who is to blame? FXOO.OOO, the company to be an auxiliary !]- exemption In computing normal tax. '
Impossible for to die
somebody of the association theExchange wife you your der Government direction to incret our '
p When anything goes wrong even as A married person living with ,
is to blame and the fault in this event Suppfy Company was an (or. husband) Is allowed $2,000 exemp- on or before April 1. production and assist the Food Ac pinis-
t must be laid at the feet of the grower, auxiliary, and said that company tion, plus $200 for each dependent The Internal revenue men are
i7 for every man has gone into competition would soon play an important part in child under 18. completing their tour of the tration. We consider that the opportunity q f
with his neighbor and both fail supplying means to growers who have A head of family though single, Is during which they wore In touch to co-operate ,whole-heartedly and TO our
where both might have succeeded been sacrificing fruit crops at unreasonable the people of every city and .. r
allowed $2.000 exemption If actually fullest powers with this branchT the
1, through co-operation. times. you failed to get in touch with
,1 The remedy for the present unsatisfactory The ipeaker's closing thought was supporting one or more relatives. deputy which visited your section Government fa our plain and most
a condition, the speaker suggested a pet tin..nt one. He said "I Iteturns mutt shod the entire not too late to get advice. ing duty.
was that the growers own andont.rol every grower would have preferred amount of earnings, gains and profits your postmaster as to where the
the selling agency. to sell his fruit on the trees if he received during the year.
Is Oet
4 Never before in the history of the cr.uld have obtained a desirable price, Officials and employees are not taxable est deputy now. your The Trade Commission Attornejr has,
the directions and
'state has such an Acreage been planted I[ would myself. But no grower is ina on the salaries or wages received i quirements formstudy as shown thereon by false inference and misplaced emphasis
as is now growing potatoes. Hastings position to know the prevailing from a state, county, city or town in .
disconnected of the
make your return without fall If given to ::> portions
section has an enormous crop prices of different markets. :There is the United States.
out; Melbourne has a big crop planted little doubt that the potato growers Interest on state* and municipal Income was sufficient to come correspondence taken from oar private
; this section has an unprecedented will have the same desire but the bonds Issued within the U. 8. Is exempt the bounds named In the law files and read into the Record: a false and
acreage growing; other sections of question is can you 'obtain the price, from federal Income tax and It ls pointed out by
1 the state have gone into the potato I think not. In fact no one can predict Roper that It ls Important that sinister meaning with the plain purposeof
t industry extensively and in every locality what phase may develop. The should be omitted. people comply with the federal creating antagonistic public opinion.
Interest ton United States government
the conditions favorable has such for its
crop are government use cars ss fully as they are complying
The paramount question now is for needs that shipping be bonds is also exempt, except'on
war may
the drafts for men and the
The rices of the of the
will the growers compete with each handicapped with car shortage. We individual holdings of Liberty Fours In tion of foods and fuel. The war MI packers
other over-stock the market and rundown have already sent a representative excess of $5,000 par value. be paid for," Oonratosloner. United States are most urgently needed,
I says
the price which will result in Washington and an immediate investigation Dividends are not subject to normal
"Congress has aa much right to and I regret exceedingly that we should at
bushels of good food rotting in the has been promised. One tax but must be reported and Included
field, or will they band themselves to. thing is certain. If any one can get I In net Income. script a just portion of Income' 1'T this time have to spend our efforts in
'ether in effort to the best the has to conscript our bo,.. The
h an reap this crop to market exchange Gifts and legacies are. not Income defending ourselves against unfounded,
for 1917 Is designed/ to reach
results to all from the situa
present !! and should hot be Included on the return
.. tion. -.An.Mr.. Curry again urged the growersto of the beneficiary. ate as well as largo Incomes, so unproved, and unfair assertions such aa
At Hastings fully 60 per cent of the get together and overcome every Life Insurance received as a beneficiary all persons who are In financial are being daily made public.
crop will move through the Citrus difficulty by using some system in paid back at tion to bear a portion of the
a Exchange; at Melbourne practically selling their crops. or as premiums government expenses can be aa
the entire will be handled that Aultman made brief talk maturity or surrender of policy la. not
crop by S. B. a In proportion to their ability to pa
organization and other section in the advocating the plan and after a short Income. "The man who U barely L..l : PresidenteSwift
i acme proportions.In discussion of minor points of business Payments received for real or per living or barely :supporting a. iIivf
case the growers here see fit to the meeting adjourned} until Friday, sonal property sold Is not Income, but Is not affected by the 1017 law., ,
60 so our manager, Mr. Piano, would when' It'is, thought*some*!.definite)action the profit realized thereon .Is Income
who Is ablo to bear
pe equipped with the best telegraphic will be taken., for the year of sale. 'the man a & Company U.S.A
of the burden has been rea :
intelligence each morning as to the Amounts received. In payment of ,
prices all the to the the new law, and he should
country, cars The Red Cross is an 'all-round purveyor notes or mortgages Is not Income, but
needed responsibility! the same
at these places and the cars the Interest on such notes or mort-
rolling. The grower would be at liberty of comfort to the men of our la taxable Income. spirit' that our young men have
to instruct Mr. Piano to sell in army. gages In offering themselves for this .
From the entire Income certain : -
.o a.e -...., .. gross purpose of the' country to
allowances are made In arrivingat
world safe for peoplo of all "
the net Income. .
live In and to govern! '
I Necessary expenses actually paid In This tax la one which, r ) L. HALL FALLS ASLEEP
the conduct of business, trade or profession
may be claimed.A 1 women as on an equal basis with L. Hall, mother of Mrs. A. W, FIUNGtR tR1:
Osceola Hardware Co. The tinmanied woman or
II farmer can claim payments for died very suddenly on Thurs- MttTSlTtit' .
with must
woman a salary :
labor, seed, fertilizer, stock feed repairs evening of last week. She had > ?'''EAT-FOR .1 1wt
on buildings, except his dwelling; return just the same as any man. been in good health for some time' s
the woman supporting her
repairs of fences and farm machinery, was not thought to be ill. She G
Located Kisslmmee's other members of her family may
on materials and small tools for Immediate down to rest and passed away To r 1Me
out $2.000 exemption.: any suffering. ill.
14 BUSIEST CORNER use. Under the law the head of the services were held at the '
of rent paid for farmmay
The amount a
ly Is the one whose earning'power of Mrs. Winn Friday afternoon +
also be claimed as a tenant farmer's RT.J
tributes to the family's supportSimilarly 2 o'clock, conducted by the pastor
expense. a widow with small the family Dr. Coleman. A large
See Our Electric Payments for live stock: are allowable siren to support van rake out $ of friends attended tho ser- 1 ?aua4111y ,
If bought for resale. But bought exemption and $200 additional and expressed their respect to
for-breeding cattle are an Investment dead and sympathy with tl liv-
purposes e '
tion for each of her children THE CARE MANNER
Toasters and GrillsThe
and with beautiful floral
t not on expense, cannotbe I eighteen. Thus It U Intended offerings.
allowed.. i Hall was born in Deliver, IN WHICH WE HANDLE
law shall work no hardship
'I ., February 13, 18314 When a
claim amounts
A storekeeper can
supreme thing in neatness, comfort and ease. Can cook a paid for advertising, clerk hire, tele- men having to struggle to get child she gave her heart to God our meatour expert knowledge
t 'breakfast for four people right on the table. It's jolly to do it that phone, water, light and fuel, also dray- But each must. file return If united with the Baptist church. of inspection and refrigeration a4Cl
come is $1,000.A 1855 she moved ,to: Memphis, Tenn., the politeness of our salesmanship {
and freight bills and cost of -
way, and Hoover says its economical. age operating man whose wife dies and ten years later was married there
combine to make this the
and and Mecca
repairing wagons left with small children to William A. Hall. In 1882 she was
Last week we reported the receipt of a fine lot Qneensware trucks.A upon a moderate Income may also a widow with three children, Ber-' for meat! shoppers. Our methods band
physician can claim cost of his and Gussie who have been
full exemption under the new Harry our manners will please you.
from the Alfred Meakin Potteries and this week ,another Invoice from professional supplies, rent, office help, and also claim $200 exemption her constant companions until Our steaks, chops and roasts will
Jokncton Bros., Enj. This bring this department up to the highest telephone', expense of team or automobile each of his children under months ago when the son pass- appeal to your taste and digestion.
From 1885 till the death
used In making professional calls The\ widower under the law away.
' .standardCall. and examine. and expenses attending medical con man and must make her sister in 1906 she lived in Bar-
' single
:, ventions. and from that time till her death
PAINT has just advanced again, but we 'are heroically keeping A dentist can' claim similar Items, turn not file accordingly.returns unless Married they men are divided, Mrs.her Winn time of between Kissimmee her, City MarketATLANTIC Y
t the it has been for awhile. Better except' team or auto expense, which ing $2,000 or more.
I price a* buy your paint right away; Mrs. W. H. Burns of Jacksonville.
are not necessary In his profession. "This Is us much a national died at the ripe old age of 87
for can't tell when foot ,
though we our might slip or
Expenses that are personal connected tion as the reporting for duty of one month and one day. The
l In any way with the support) or drafted for service with the in which she was taken seems
That low priced DRESSER that we advertised the olher day has well being of a person or family are says I>. C. Roper, commissioner benediction to this long life HOTEL
not allowable. ternal revenue. "As It stands e of service. Jacksonville FloridaI.ONK
been sold. We have another style, however, that is a bargain. If you .
I The costs of machines Instruments much a matter of the man < TO KitITIJINU
i" are in the market for a DRESSER, speak quick. vehicles or Implements that are more I man's own conscience. It U the allied armies find it profitable Cor. liny and 110..... 1 lllork fro
I i or less permanent in character are not or for her to de.termlne just salvage uniforms from the battle- I'oM onlrr
f, I allowable as an expense. They are In- he I Is liable to the tax. He must it is easily possible to realize Hot and All cold outside running; water In every 4I
room. and
Brreenrd. Room
furnish in
the buying
r. : vestments. his own Income and If it you and hath $1.00 to $1.Bo. 2 people II,BO
: THRIFT STAMPS Interest paid on a mortgage or other figures named In the' taw must Savings in winning Stumps the war.will add its to |2,(DO.; E. Frank Pearce, ,Prop.
personal Indebtedness Is allowable'ona faithful report upon It to the
J. A hoarded dollar i i. a slacker. Don't keep one about you. Buy personal return. authority.
Thrift Stamps. All taxes paid within the year can "This tax Is distinctly a war
._ JII. be taken out on a federal return, except ure and will be In effect
federal Income .taxes, Inheritancetaxes war. Wanted :
p II. and assessments for local Improvements. "This Is a people' tax-It
: right down Into the pockets
t "It i i. sweet of you to call me an angel)," said Susette ,to Gashum Losses sustained In business or mall wage earner; It makes CYPRESS
through fire LOGS
or shipwreck or by partner In the job of
:l I the other day. "What is there about mle>' to suggest an angel! )" theft, except when compensated. Iatnraaea war."'
"0, well" said he "you're always up in the air,' and are always,, or otherwise.
t Wear and tear of rented buildings or ADDRESS .
about something and have enough to !I" ANNOUNCEMENTS' .
harping. never wear machinery' used In business may be
.r I claimed. --- Landick Lumber Co. Tampa Fla. .
week or You can, also claim the amount paidto I hereby announce myself a ,
Watch,, this space next more about C.shu1Rnd the Red Cross and to other charitable : date for Representative in the
/ $usette. : .. .... i religion or educational.orcanlu- Islatpre from Osceola County, I I Stating what you can furnish for continuous shipment.J .
(I ,
'to the action of the Dem
ject .
r' the extent .5
.f! ,tion to of per cent, ofjour FKED II, )J3
_ rx net.1Dcom .". ,: _, ......u.... -rtx-rw,? .1 -_ 1.V -
'.- \, .. 4I 7 I I d
.' ',..
. ,. t .y. ,r y. ,t ,o'aiq.'vd4is
ii1i i ii ii ii
.,. ,. ", ." '"" ",.', .. ,,, ,,,, A ' . .- J. -ail --I i,'. .. ',-
) \ . **">, <,..AWHIJM:> \ > *?,'/ 44.11-( !:: i J. ,
I (f J.
f' \ ',\
of students entitled to receive Installments this Act to pay out same according to .
,CONGRESSMAN SEARS PLAN on scholarships He shall also th. provisions of said Act.
Immediately certify to the above-nam te) Appropriate funds sufficient to A ,Thought1for
ed official and the ..bove.mentlon..de provide the sum of ISO for each stu
PERMANENT DEFENSES board name of any student who dent holding: a scholarship as providedIn' u
FOR has left said' 1 Institution and (Is no this Act and authorise the stats or
longer entitled to said Installments.g District treasurer to pay the same Co '
( ) The president of the Institution holders of scholarships upon certification the Mother '
shall within fifteen days after the of the president of the institution
1 (Continued from Page One) close of any school year register or : Provided that the said sum .of
cause to be registered to the state or 150 shall be used by the student In
resentaUve Sear believes, would be may be apportioned to other counties, district treasurer and the Federal part payment of board_ clothing;, and
Mad of opportunity to aid the Graduates from high schools shall be Board for Military Training' as provided Incidental expenses: I'rovlded. that no
an entitled to scholarships In the orderIn for In section sixteen of this Act, tuition shall be charged any student
oung men of the country which- they pass their final examinations a complete list of all students who holding a scholarship makes children
and the county school superintendent have received six months' training or (f)' Appropriate funds sufficient to
EAaa 8111. shall Immediately upon the more as provided for In this Act, which provide facilities for well-rounded CONSTIPATION
MR OF 'REPKBSENTAr. graduation of any pupil from -a regu said list shall contain the full name courses of Instruction and to properly and irritable '
THE HOUSE lar high school of his county. certify to home address. age, and rank of each house and care for said students ,
: ,' March T, :18'th" the authority designated under. section student. ( ) Provide for drill
[r. Sears d the Committee ten (1) the name of said pupil, his age, Sec, A. That the sum hereby appropriated grounds for said students. j just as it does older people. Dr.Caldwell's'Syrup
referred to
) which was and ordered and address, together with Anal marks to the states and District of Provide for such reports as may be
on Appropriations. made: Provided further, that In case Columbia shall be paid In a..ml.nnulklIn.t.llment..on required from time to time by the Federal Pepsin is a mild pleasant tasting i
to beprlnted.lito of the District of Columbia the author. ,
; BILE. or before the' first day Board for Military Tralnlnir. .
A training by Ity -designated to carry out the terms of November -and May of each year by (I) Designate I the branch of the combination of laxative herbs
military pro-
promote for student enrolled of this Act shall sea that the scholarships the Secretary of the Treasury upon Government of the Htate, or District' simple
r viding scholarships are equitably distributed certification. by the majority of memo Columbia. which shall see that the
In public Institutions of higher. throughout said District. ben of the Federal Board for Mllltar> .. .carrl..d out. with pepsin that acts easily and natur-
learning, and for other purposes.f Sec .. That 'after the passage of Training of the number of studentsentitled prSec.. 11..That before ,
.... any person
.* It e..e/ed asae cute .d this Act and before any state or the to receive same, out of any shall receive a to In-
... tae l''.l e
.1 Rear..e.lallvr. ,,
f, of Asserloa la C..are.ii 4sffeMbledt District of Columbia shall receive any funds of the Treasury of the United stltutlon provided In this Act He shall promotes
I Mates appropriation as provided In this Act States not otherwiseappropriated, to sign obligations In triplicate, which
of' the legislature or law-making body of the state or District of Columbia shall be furnishedby the Federal Children like it and take it willingly.. ",
% the cooperatingwlth .
That for purpose
said state or District shall by resolution treasurer; who shall pay the same inquarterly Board for Military Training stating Incase
> the states and the District of Columbia .
military trainingfor or other' enactment 'designate such Installments upon warrantsof the United States Is at war he It contains opiate narcotic drug.
In providing within their borders.there educational Institution or Institutions, the treasurer of duly accredited and shall be liable for services aad subject no or
'[ young men already established or which may be designated public institutions of high to the call'of the President of theUnited
t. Is'hereby appropriated sum.. ..established to receive the benefits of er learning. The treasurer of the Institution States and that hs will serve
""t' .f 160,006,000. or so much thereof this Act and shall also pass such.other shall pay the same on or the United States subject to the laws
may be necessary for the fiscal year.nding legislation or laws as may be necessary before the fifth 'of each 'month, to holders now In force or which may hereafter Sell
June thirtieth nineteen nunVied to comply with the requirementsof of '
scholarships certified by the b. enacted as follows: (a) Two years
and nineteen, and a sum an
this Act. president of said institution and as for the first .Ix' month. bl
or ( )
.t; fKally-or so much thereof as may be Bee. 6. That the Institution or Institutions provided for In this Act. two years for' the second )year or fractional Dr. Caldweirs Syrup Pepsin
//jI; necessary' thereafter to be,apportlonedamong designated for the purposeof Sea 7. That the funds allotted"an. part thereof In excess of six
the states and the District of carrying out the. provisions of this nually under section of this Act (
one// (c) one year each for the third 1.00
that the 50 )
,,i', Columbia In the proportion Act must meet with the following con shall be distributed In sums of IJOO and fourth. y..raor fractional par! ,!.L cts. h..oalzea .
. 'p', :, number of males of the ,ages of sixteen dition.: per annum to holders of scholarships thereof In excess of six months whlc
I 11 .to twenty Inclusive of, :i .r.II to.'the (a) They must be under. public support which said amount shall b..' used by said obligations shall be filed with thpresident "
of males In
total number
and control. the student in
part payment of board, of the Institution, who shall
.i\.he territory denned In this ..ectlona8ea (b) No pupil shall be eligible for.dml..lon clothing, and Incidental expenses, cause one to be filed with the treasurerof '.trial bottle Can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to!!
if I. That not more than two hundred
and fifty thousand students at anyone one In the to state any Institution In which he except resides the, Sec B.public'inatltutlons That for the purpose of higherlearning of assisting the Institution forward one and to the he shall state Immediately treasurer . Dr.; W. B. Caldwell 457 Washington St.. Monticello. IlL
time shall b. granted scholarshipsas
and he.shall be sixteen and not overtwenty and to carry out the .previ and one to the Federal Board for
In thl. and student .
for set n.
provided .
: be
yeara of age, must a graduate
sions of this Military Training Provided
Act. there Is hereby that'nostudent
shall be appropriated
holding a scolarshlp permitted .
of and
a high school physicallyabla'to
to enter any c..pt th.freshman the sum of 128,000,000, oreo shall be subject to call who I
take military training.
student much thereof as may be necessary, actually attending any Institution orafter
cl. .. Said shall b.'apportioned '
: "
(c) Said Institution or Institutions
the Federal Board forMilitary for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth he hag attained the age of,thlr. '
'" Training by to th. States and the I shall, as near with as the practicable literary withoutInterfering course, , n'lneteen hundred and nineteen, ty-one. 10 CENT "G ASCARETS"FOR . Subscribe for the Gazette, $yearly..
Hec. 12. That after
and like leaving Institution
a sum, or so much thereof AS said -
1,1>I.trlct of Columbia In their propor conform with the rules and regulationsprescribed ,
the number of males of the may necessary annually thereafterto any person having' availed ,
tfon.that for West Point but In -
I no be apportioned among the hlales.wdwthw"1flsivM himself of the benefits of this Act shalluiiddreassettl.angytimeuprtar Pile. Cured In 0 to 14
8'aga.rofswlglb.nwanweyypdneluel8rbear. ''' ,.vin/wehalaetMmmlRis+ yu.drJJi aadtJ.gestructlon ,, . ... .. Day ,
k" t.elbrsatie. l.tW h. (/ .. : I .
to the total number or males ofsald at said Institution or Institutions proportion that the number of malesof to attaining the age ;- of thirtyoneyears Ci1i"'Sltl; flradarhe;:'ItJ COn ltipatl n; ,. OI" .arill'tft..1c-.II.' t "fll"\Ie"tf".A\ .",,.a.twyu prprwe I ...t.
'> In the states or District of be less OINTMENT ... ol -
ages than seven /hours per the 'ages he shall immediately forward alls to ear .7r Itcslns.
Columbia, and the Federal. Board for sixteen to twenty Inclusive to Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Piles la. '
week for four years of not less than bears the Federal Board for TrainIng Blind Bleedins:orFrotrndlB tol 4a.r
to-th. total number' malesof Military
5. Military Training shall on or before thirty-six 'weeks each. '' The first sppUcstion fives Ease sad Kt. .
the Breath Cathartic.
said name of the place to which Candy
K.the. of of each ages In the territory defined. he. : i
that day August year '
'. Districtof i (d) The President of the UnitedStates In this section has moved. I
and the
to. state
.. oertlfy Columbia the number of chnlarshlps shall detail from the officers. of Bee.\ 9. That from the funds appropriated Sec. 13. That anyone violating any -
.' allowed .. shown by the said. apportionment. the United States Army or the National under suction eight of this Act.th..r. of the l provisions of this Act shall upon No odds how bad your liver, stom-
',1 Provided that for any onetq I Army or the National Ounrd or from .. shall be paid to each Institution conviction be lined not more than $100(1(
\ .ear the Federal. Board for Military officers on the retired lift one officerfor qualified to participate In the benefits or Imprisonment for not more thantw..lve ach or bowels;; how much your headaches a 7i
"Training shall only certify onefourthof each five hundred students or fractional of this Act the sum of 1100 for each months, how miserable are from i
part thereof and the military Hcc. 14 That nothing In this Act you 4
of student actually enrolled and receiving -
the scolarshlps as provlded control Instruction, and disciplineshall shall. be construed to repeal luvvs.which btliouaneesand I
for In this act, except In t Instruction and holding a scholar any constipation, indigestion,
: at all times be under the direction have been I passed or may he ,
case of resignation death or expulsion ship as provided for In this Act whichsaid bowels ,
and control of the officer or officers passed affecting educational mattersIn sluggish -you alwaya get
of student the said, hoard' shall sum shall be used for the Hole
designated for said duty The any state or the 'UI..trlet of Columbia .
make an additional certification, and purpose of aiding the states or District relief with Cascarets. They ImmedIately (-
"' scholarships ranking officer .hall b.* In charge, and of Columbia In (a) payment ofsalaries and there Is specifically reservedto OLD "
said additional
shall b. apportioned ncolarshlp In or the states have full control. The limitation of of teachers. (b) providing each state and the District of Columbia cleanse and regulate the stomach r
f,' provided for In section three of this the numben of officers. which may be quarters, (c) providing adequate drill He the right to regulate their pub.. remove the sour, fermenting food
'$CU detailed to military schools under section grounds, (
.. Provided further, that the said Federal twelve hundred and lwenly-ave grounds which may be made necessary provided shall only have the and foul erases; take the excess bile
of the Revised Statutes Is hereby. abrogated. right to prescribe rules and
board during the flrst by the passage of this Act: Provided regulations COPPER
may year Officers detailed ror' said governing the military featureof 'rom,the. liver'and carry off the -constipated -
that not than
Is Issue students more seventy per
this Act In forl'(. to
In thesophomore. Junior or senior year duty shall retain their rank and pay centum of said amount shall be used sold Institution. waste matter and poison TIRES BRASS 11
the same as .If they were In active Bee 16. That the uniforms, shoes,
under of this
( ) section
J scholarships provided said sludeatssign expenses a
; service.e and other equipment of students holdIng front the intestines and bowels. A'10.
the'obligations as provided I for In tnd not more than twenty-five per cen1" TUBES LEAD ,
.section eleven of this Act And anystudent < ) The general discipline and control turn shall be used for expenses under scholarships shall b. the same as cent box from your druggist will keep
those In In
of the non-military functions of tc d of this use the Regular Army except SCRAP IRON
accepting said scolarshlp shall, ) and ( ) section. ROPE i
there shall be worn on the left liver and bowels clean stomach
the Institutions shall be at all times ; your ; ,
'be con.II-
subject to the terms and Sec 10. That before any state or the arm an Insignia to be selected
(: lions ef this Act undor the presidents of the Institutions District of Columbia: shall participateIn by the sweet and head clear for months They r
Federal for
', t;...., a, That upon- receipt, of certlflration : Provided, that any student may the benefits of this act It shall benecessary to which Board the student Military Training SEND IT TO US WE ROUT PIOnPIU ,
.,, from the Federal-Hoard for Milt. I have the right to appeal to. the president for the legislature, or In the letters belongs shall bt 'work while you sleep
'I and denoting the Institution Write For Pricdist
; of the Institution In case. he feels }
Itary Training I of the number of scholarshlps case of the District of Columbia the
apportioned to said State, the he has been unjustly dealt with: Provided proper legal body, to take the following shall placed wearsaid on hat uniform.or cap.who No Is person "Lick T stamp to lick the Kaiser" .
not s \\PMINSULM
further that no student shall be HFTALCa\\ J.S7 J.
authority designated under section ten actions: student of the Institution. ,
.(I) shall apportion said scholarshipsto expelled from any Institution exceptby (a) Accept the provisions of this Act.
the several 'counties of the state In those who now have authority or
.1 the proportion. that the number of to whom authority may be given to do to receive the benefits of this Act of the United States Army, will)) rent your spare room. .
males of the ages sixteen to twenty so In the future.f and to carry out the provisions ol upon receipt of ..requisition from th.
Inclusive, bears to the total number ors ( ) The president of the Institution same.c Federal Board for Military Training, I
( males of said ages In the states: shall on or, before October fifteenth t ( ) Authorize the stats or District I. hereby Instructed and directed to
'r Provided that If the allotment to and April fifteenth of each year certifyor I treasurer to receive and payout the furnish the students through the.
any county exceeds the number of cause to be certified to the state or funds appropriated by this Act.d treasurers of the said Institutions uniforms '
graduates. from high schools In that ,dlstrlct treasurer and the Federal I < ) Authorize the treasurer of the shoes, and clothing, as provided
county, said exce. of scholarships hoard for Military Training the names I'Institution receiving the benefits of for the Regular Army, at cost and fur. Stout Lumber Co.SUCCESSORS
ther directed upon requisition received -
from the Federal Board for Military .
training hereinafter provided to furnish TO MAv-erouT t-i/Moen 00.
to said Institutions the necessary
arms and equipment which may b. ne DEALERS IN
cessary to properly train said students
Sec IT. That the treasurer of the Yellow Pine and Cypress Lumber. Novelty
Institution shall collect from the students ,
W. H. ARNOLD' ALAN J. MacDONOUGHArnold the amount due for uniforms, Works in Connection. '
OFFICE GROUND FLOOR shoes, and clothing and shall every (
thirty days remit same to the Quartermaster
CITIZENS BANK'' BUILDING General of the United States It is our pleasure to five.yon estimates at all times. i"( p
Army Th. Quartermaster General
f ;; /',.;!. .\ ,. .. , shall upon receipt of payment from Coorteoas Attention sad Prompt Delirery. '
Phone 312 .
the treasurer of Institution
"/ the "
'. turn
I.\ 'f It ,f ,, :'11" ,j'- same over to the ,' treasurer of ,the Phone 21 Kissimmee FlA.'tJ.I';
.I"'I. ,
'' "P..o. BOK 413i :: : United States and .said, amounts shall .
.; >"<{. .;:,\\\i\ :'! .,} t .'>t'1: :" fund be placed to'.the.. credit'ofj tha' general .0..01..00..0..0........ .......
\ -', the' <,,'Oovernment.Je? $\,'.,(, .. __ -
Sec.,18. That th. Federal Board for r ,"n< ;}
Military Training Is hereby created, to
Y consist of the !Secretary: of War the
Secretary of the Treasury and the
11 I lion United This States board Commissioner shall elect of annually Kduca-! i
& one of Its members as chairman and State Bank
shall adopt such rules and regula
; tions as may. be necessary to properly
carry out the provisions of this Act
The sum of 1250,000 or so much thereof -
aa may l h. necessary ,Is hereby ap
propriated for the fiscal year ending of Kissimmee
June thirtieth, nineteen hundred area
nineteen and a like sum or so mu'
thereof as may be n..ce""ar)1} thereaf
ter for the necessary expenses. Includ The of the world
MacDonough Ink salaries. In the District of Columbiaand
'-elsewhere rent printing reports. eyes
t traveling expenses and 'Incidentals. .
Sec. 19. The said board. as author-
ised under flection eighteen of this
4 4t Act shall cause to be made by a Regular the who
each, Army Institution; officer receiving at least once any during assist are on man
ahce under the terms of this Act and .
shall I keep on ale. Indexed, a complete
list 1 of those attending: the; several institutions -
as herein provided for and
REAL ESTATE! also a full and complete list of those
who are subject to service under this
Act In' case of war SAVESPAUSE
t Sec. 20. That the Secretary of the
+ Treasury of th. United States Is here.
by authorized to purchase from any
State or the District of Columbia any:
I bonds which may be Issued for th. sole
purpose of complying with th. provl-
slons of this Act Said bonds shall bi.
HAVE THE LAND 'you want-any size du. and payable In not exceeding
twenty years and shall bear
rate of Interest the United .
State Govrnment
Farm from 5 to 640 with pays on any of It* bonds: a moment, young man,
acres or more- or Interest sot In excess of the maximum
Providedthat the stat. shall pay all a thought to self. The
expenses !In connection with the. Issuanc. .
without land adapted to the growing of said bonds and also all expenses -
: orange groves, that maybe Incurred In examlnlng problems that confront you now or
Into the legality of said bonds ,
k Sec. 21 That all laws or parts or will few hence.
of BEANS Truck Farms Chicken Farms
CASTOR laws In so far as they are inconsistent. a years '
with this Act are hereby repealed.
t Cattle ranches Hog raising general farming Potato Look about you-the mea of affair In country, state, ..aff.ayes -
Bruises and SprainsHave in the world, art die men who started to san early in life.
and Cabbage land, or virgin soil. for bruise Sloan's and Liniment sprain and handy all They have the respect and confidence of tie community. t
pains follow: and it* ache prompt Quick application.relief Then look oath. other side-at"the fellows who spend afl they
We have a number of bargains i in city prop- No need to rub. For rheumatic make-they may hay a good time for a while, bat what does their
t\ ache, neuralgia, stiff muscle, lame personality reflect
s back, lumbago, gout, trains, and
erty that you wouldn't resist. sprains, it give quick relief.
A dollar
Generous sued bottle ** or so deposited In this bank will be th.
Call on us to show you. It costs you nothingto Sloa.n's Mak.nucleus your of beginning aa honorable now,-independent today. Your career.bankbook ....
will pave! the way. -
let that have the land looking Liniment .
us we are -
prove you Capital stock _____.._______-:-_. ___. '___ 100000.00
lUlLS PAIN Resources orer.___L. _-_____:._____________.. 600,000.00 '. .
for---in the place you like---and at prices you '
Officers and Directors:
can pay. Away with DEADLY>POISONRHTCP&M C. A. CARSON. President. M. KATZ and E. L. LESLEY V-P.
ROMA THOMAS, Cashier.1" I
\ so' -loor i .; il, sWAkSftr I C. A. CARSON IL FLEMING. K L. LESLEY, ,"
lot! sales J. FyADE TUCKER Dlreet ra. I
Fla. ,- .....,. '
...... ..
a t. -- "-. -\;'
P T "
,/ p/I 5 '
''I' ,r, l' :Jii
i ,. 1r ,pyre '. v11T'tfriiv.yi ,
wn ''+. r.. y ::1 f- '* ? .N4araFA, ,"mr + t i' nt i" ''Me +yS ;, /.f; .q
2 jwT r 'nv L i z ,. F. : . .. \\1._ ,a. :-tM;, J, ?, '
y.c '' '. ....,.... .. . .. 'b'at "
'" : :' '''' w"" 1W .d ; 7l.1f \ ik
%. 1 S iI ,
<\' t.
E; ."
GAZETTE I and it will do you good; "attend. Belle McKendrle are enjoying a two I I l'
KISSIMMEE VALLEY weeks' visit at Jupiter Fla.
PRESBYTERIAN "CHURCH Several of our young: !: men, have recently FLOYD'SCash a
Publlsb.d Every. bdday.py Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. passed physical examinations
Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. preparatory to entering the war,
KIsslsss a..Cte
Valley C.ap..rK.al..e
m. on "What Think Ye of Christ among them being Robert Montlldoca.J. ,
lrl.rtdaw. How Is ne Presented This Time,of M. Moody Lewis Coleman and H. GroceryWE
B .......... PKS. ....l.... World Conflict II. Elarbee. Jr.
W. Vs.. Anew, Secretary At 7:10: on "Remedies for Intern Mr. H. H. Elarbee, Jr" Mr. Lewis
Coleman and Mrs. W. S. and
.7Wgb... _' m MB. 11 perance," family formed a party who Knight took Miss SELL FOR CASH, THERE- \ .
.. ..rI..... Ra.... CATHOLIC CHURCH Tyson by auto to her home at Nar- FORE WE CAN SELL AT A f Nnu
On. COPY. On. Tear_____?__.__-.,..00 Rector, Rev W. B. Golden. coossee, Fla., on Sunday. \. 1fU NI7U '
On. Copy Blm Months....*,_ ...00OD. . Mr. Wm. Kempfer and family Mr. VERY LOW PRICE, AS WE I
Copy Three M..nth.__.... .71 Palm :Sunday. of X. P; DeFrehn and family Mr. E.: P.
Blessing and distribution palms. Eagerton and Miss Mary L. Kempfer HAVE NO LOSSES ON BAD
AU comniunlca.tiana| except from ourautborl.eeI Sunday school 9.30. .
correspondents must b.al"D.d Mats at 10 o'clock. enjoyed a trip tp Melbourne Beach on ACCOUNTS OR rORGOTTEN A04046
by the writer. 11:5 il. Sunday.
Rejected matter will 'not b* returned Epistle Philip. : Miss Gracie Davis of Kenanssville CHARGED. 'BELOW ARE A FEW
St. XXll-9.
.nl.s. galled for. Gospel :
is visiting friends at Deer Park
(Bntred In the Postofflc at KUslma CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mr. Barney 'Savage and wife have OF OUR'' PRICES-WE HAVELOTS
.**, Florida. a. .....onel.cl.| .. matter.) moved to Cocoa Fla. Practically every furniture re-
10:00, Sunday school.; Deer Park people enjoyed listeningto OF OTHER BARGAINS:
"Jesus' Ride into
11:00: sermon,
a splendid sermon by Rev.,M. Guy
Et 1BCRr Jerusalem.3:30, Junior C. .E. last.Messrs.Sunday.M. H. Milliken J. R. Mol- I Irish Potato, peck 15 Ibs.:._ .40 quirement'can' be supplied from
S. C. E.
Y. P.
6:15 "Whose Son Is throp and C. A, Whittaker, potato I Creamery Batter _-.;-_ ,.55.
Jesus 7:00," sermon, visitors growers-of in ,Deer Bunnell Park.Fla.Each, were of recent these Swift's Premium Oleo ..,- '.35 our large and l varied stock. .
Junior C. B.-the Junior C. E. pro-
Q will be brief--a mission story gentlemen!: selected a quarter section Swift's' Lincoln Oleo _._ .30
prom '
of land the 'Deer Park Farm
VE by the superintendent and the remainder Lands" and on will move here as soon Kream 'Krup, ?____.._.25 & .35
of the hour will be, given. to Whether it be a single item, an,outfit for one ropm y'
for Easter ; as they harvest their' Bunnell crdos. Crisco __________ .35, :150, $100
preparation program Dr. P. Phillips of Orlando and Mr. or furniture, for the entire house, we can show you
lb. .29
Picnic Shoulders
__ _
PRE Achies Bass of St. Cloud spent a dayin .
ST. JOHN'S, Palm(Episcopal Sunday.) CHURCH Deer Park recently.Mrs. Best Salt.Pork, lb. '________ .34 ,goods that will. please you as to quality,style'and price. \
of the
Minister in charge, L. H. Kirkby? Manhattan Savage hotel, ,proprietor Kissimmee and Vienna Sausage __-.-_-___ .10 Our 'selection from the factories were
9:45 Sunday
MARCH 22, 1918There' a. m. Mrs.; Young Tinlall of this place, but Potted Meaii.: .05 '
11 Morning and ser- '' full
a. prayer who has been staying In. Kissimn.ee made with view to giving our patrons
mon.. t.; **- Round Can Sardines _______, .13
f the few months Sunday
don't have to 7:30 Evening and"er.* for past spent value for dollar expended with
.one thing'we p. m.. prayer every ; u.s.
towns around us and \ in Deer Park, 'coming with Mr, Large Mustard Sardine ____-.12
the big mon.
i that's envy a band. We have one.and it'*. Wednesday" March 24. Tiru Mr.all Geo.by auto W. in Hopkins his new has Ford.received Tall Salmon _--Jl_ .20 You will profit by our experience: i in buying, and
5 Service of Confession andjissajg"
a dandy p. "- another of the "Big Rapids Four Granulated Sagas ..- _>_____, .10 anxiety to please all .of which will be apparent whenAr'tUfr
w. ,
iHMH" '* B Wt'ft''
>yttmMIfr ...... 'to ",.iIIIIIl for Mot. Carl .
Scars has been inVited d Trdky: "fdfl N.Wkit.uXar.Sy'rp.iLwve4O
Congressman into a conference with the. President 7:30 p.-m., Divine service with sermon Carlson, one 01' nw"tetUeFsr iSn i >16"Mf''$.;:;' ;\':;.. ;;;"'_..'::':'::':'''.ewe.\ ) .,.yftf-r..rrhas ",i .'aYRk Y1e14/YklMYI, || eFr.,.. e ef7t& .
This is the
the tract. second -
at the White House over the : Hopkins No. 10 White .Kara Syrup- ,951
tractor of this type to be placed
education bill. S METHODIST CHURCH, in service by Mr. Hopkins, the first No. 5 Dark Karo ...- .....""......"'"..",.."".
The heavy rain that'visited this section Preaching) Sunday at 11 a. m. and one of .which was' put .in operation a No. 10 Dark Kar_________ .95
1 Saturday was welcomed by .the 7:15 p. m. Morning subject: "Cure, few months ago, proving a great suc- ,Pure Ground Coffee ___ .20 C H ANTHAM
fr1'Owen. The potato crop will be especially for Religious Asthenia." Evening cess.Mr.. E. L. Schlump of Kissimmeewas .
shower Good Green Coffee .18
benefited by the heavy subject: "Bed Too Short. -
in Deer Park recently and selected THE SATISFACTORY STORE
*. ,. Sunday school 9:45 a. m., J. R. Ov- eighty acres of land in the "Deer Upton's Yellow Label. _____ .38
Junior Congregation
erstreet, supt.
Thi Florida State Road Departmentis I meets at 2 p. m.. Miss Alberta Hop- Park Farm Charles Lands"Donegan tract. this lace SI DDer'* Macaroni ...__. .10 KISSIMMEE FLA.
out on another tour of the state in : son, supt. Senibr League at 6:15: p. is Mrs.visiting her rister-in-law, Mrs. Pat Skinner' Spaghetti _?_ .10 ..,,,,,,,,,,,....,.........
the roads situation -
connection with good m. Frayerroeeting WedneiWay evening -
which, cannot be too greatly I will be in charge of the Junior Johnston. Large size EH Noodles .10 -
emphasized. Congregation Miss Hobson leader. Ryion Bating Powder _____ .33 -
A cordial invitation is extended to
It is in accord .with the eternal fit- all to attend these services. J. D. KISSIMMEE PARK Small Sliced Peaches .
ties of thing that the erstwhile Na- Sibert, pastor. Shredded Wheat .
val Osculator should include Kissim- -
Bermuda new never occupied good
nee in hi* lecturing tour. ((Brethren, MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATIONThe The recent showers have brightened Large Size Apricots 25 sue lot, built of beet materials.
we beat you to it.) Ministerial Association niet up things considerably, even our No. 2 Blue Ridge Peat :.14 one properties Interested with in real either Intention of to Limited Number of
March 18. The following ministers oldest enemy ventures a cheery "good them low, below-thvlr '
The Saturday's edition of the Lake- : Witherspoon, Kirkby, Si morning" or "mighty fine rain." No. 2 Flag Brand Peas _.?_. .15 can and buy arrange any reasonable Pupilsin
land Weekly Advertiser was given bert present Farmer, Falls and Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Nelson of P nca, No. 2 Soaked Peas .08 Chas P. Dow, 21 So. Orange .
over to the Lakeland Red Cross for Bro. Farmer. Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Malloryof Orlando, Fla. -
Prayer by
the promulgation of their work It Most of the committee reportswere West Springfield; Pa., enjoyed a Mince Meat .10 FOR SALE-ONK EMERSON
,. was certainly some edition and one discussed informally and while very pleasant visit here Wednesday Lima Bean ._ .18 WRITER. MODEL, THREE and Typewriting
that the'organixation might proudof. the- ISth.
. there was unanimity of opinion they 111, South Vernon Ave will be taken b/
were left for further consideration. Mr. Tiel and Mr. Lou Seaman were Nary Bean -*_ .19
q ooen kiasimmee visitors last week. No. 2 Sliced Pineapple ___, .24 bWKLLINQS for rent. Apply to C. E. Hilton
A iolld'train load of celery' from the I Dr. Falls and Dr. Sibert were Mr. Max Kritz, accompanied by his Tiller. .
Sanford district was lost last week a committee to learn if there appointed mother Mrs. F. A. Kritz spent Sat. Seeded Raisins _.___.__._ .15 FOR SAL.B-On* hundred and .. 228 BEAUMONT AVE.
t4 en route for market and at last accounts could not be a kind of censorship of urday afternoon at their country Celery Salt .12 acres-the northwest quarter of Graduate of Massey's Business
no trace had been found, says the bill boards looking to the removalof home here. north-west quarter and the
the Sanford Herald. We have seen features. We missed very much the presenceof Onion Salt _i_ ..12Walk one-half of the aouth-wnftt. College.
articles advertised, objectionable the mail of section five township ( +nns Reasonable, 14-1
lost "Bad Luck" Meyers
a good many association on ''
The chairman of the Hot Tamales ..10Walke range twenty-nine. This
but never an entire train.A was asked to prepare a resolution to boat Monday. We hope nothing very must be sold; make us an offer -
)be. offered for adoption at the closeof serious has happened to him. t '* Chili Con Came .. .12 once. Cash or terms. Next year
has been Island sunday land will be worth double what It
chamber of commerce The picnic on Oliver's -
the address by Capt. Hobson onTuesday Dnrkee's Salad'reuiar .33 ..
today. Ollreath Realty
organized at New Smyrna which was the delight of parties from
Florida. '
r evening.The Jacksonville
.started off auspiciously with i a big time for Bro. Coleman's Kissimmee and Kissimmee Park. Green Seal Salad! I Dressing ._.
membership. A live organization paper Those from the pork were Mr. and FOR SALE-Ford truck recently.
was extended. Premier Salad Dressing 15 and 35 "
'', business men. banded together for the Benediction by Bro. Falls Mrs. Earl Sayre "Mother" Sayre hauled. In splendid. condition. J. FOR SALE,
advancement of any city 1 Is pretty W. H: Coleman. Sec.Lieut.Col. Mr. and Mrs. Cahil, Mr. and Mrs. Tiel, Log Cabin Syrup. _.- .25 Margrave. 8t. Cloud Fla. -
good evidence there will be "some- Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Miss Agnes
'V WANTED TO BUT-Porrh chairs
Sauce -_ .10 ;
Apple ._ __.
this and Messrs. Potts Bart- th'A
thing. ,doing" year. Weingarth porch swing Phone 202.. .
I Hunter man and Ray Sayre. The boat ride to Red Snapper Sauce _...._____I''_'" I
NOTED'SPEAKER ATI' \1';.,;1)'I''I'I. : ; and from the island added pleasure to \\.i.. dil ,:", '. .Jthilit..t': llliW j TO Mlofi BE' house LETw! Krom about May..Ith. .
.,",.. p ...,'".n I ''.\ '' ; the !event. ". ')', '"''' ''f.l"Jl" ",I ?" | situated on the
'"' t&UYS.Lieut..Colonel '' ,
Is "
Coolest situation
jrjgjujmgg SUNDAY : '; Sent ; FULLiLINEJlOFjFRESHfMEAT, IjUlolficouraotGM'1
and'Dire' N.-SCyfEVige: and !
"Rev. !
t : .. : ForA'f particulars,\!! NO TRADE CONSIDERED
friend, Mrs. Conklin, attended serve H.:' A.'Hunt.r., _l
F. F. Hunter one of PHONE 176 ,
Adam Clark Bane on ices in St. Cloud Sunday.-
t the Hunter brothers who have r WANTED-A
large French woman for .
Efficiency by National Prohibition"at'the Mr. E. D. of Loughman was
Hogan t eral housework.
land interests in Osceola county has J Address II. H.,
Cash settle
Methodist church Sunday afternoon I been British Assist- here Monday. ,F. D. No. 1. Box (2 Klsslmmee. to bankrupt
before a large and appreciative lately appointed .
and Provost Marshal with
headquarters creditors will sacri-
crowd. in New York, whose duty it will CAPT. RICHMOND PEARSON driven or allowed to stray or drift LOST-A short dark blue serge ,
The speaker is connected with the from any other county In the stale between St. Cloud and '
be to with the United
Anti Saloon League and is a man of co-operate HOBSON ON PROHIBITION Into the counties of Dade Broward.Monroe from Halley's Bus on Monday 158 acres in Osceola
national prominence. He is a speaker States authorities In(the apprehensionof or that part. of Palm Reach 11th. Kinder will please leave.
held deserters who have sought/: refugein south and west of the Hlllsboro Drainage Mr. Halley or at the. Gray.tone Florida; 512 miles
: of eloquence and power and this country, and the discipliningof -Continued from Page One) Canal: except under the provision 13-ltpd. ,
his audience spellbound throughout of Section 2, Regulation 20 of the Law,
his discourse. Many of his hearers "undesirables" of British or Canadian servation of food material and other Rules and ReKulatlona of the State FOR RAL"J-D..lrable. home located E. of J
the nationality in the United States materials and for the greater efficiency ' Live Stork Sanitary Board. 406 Clay street. Will sell at a
the that
expressed opinion it was as, for instance, the man who appears of the in fly order of the State Live Stock train as I expect to leave .. with pine timber.
lecture had every .
bat the
on subject they. Sanitary Mrs. Catherine Whitney. -
ever heard. illegally wearing the uniform of the branch of the service. Board.J.. W. DEMILLY a
British of Canadian service. 4. That the !state and National Acting State Veterinarian FARMERS-Send today for a free roads on two sides.
Col.4' Hunter who left here about amendments to our constitution Secretary nf Board. ple copy of the Florida Farmer
1' Markets Closed three years ago, .captain in the Indian should be pushed to ratification at the Effective on and after Dec. 1, ..*17. Stockman published at .
about livestock
on ral.lnK. .
army to join his regiment was earliest date possible to facilitate the Ing- poultry. citrus fruit and S. LANDAUAlton
wounded on the Caucasian-Persian enforcement of "War Prohibition" Ing twice a month at 60o per "
Tuesdays. front where he was acting as chief ofstaff and the maintenance of peace and Classified AdvertisementsFOR and three general years for $1.00. Only .\ III.
farming In
to the general in command. paper
after the war is k
I justice .tate.. Write today.
Kissimmee is up to the notch in'patriotic : C. A. Carson, .
observance and from now on DEER PARKRobert W. B. Witherspoon 1\
no dealer in meat will open the doros Secretary. One location for stock, good
of his shop on Tuesdays unless he is high land, underlaid with clay sub
Me to secure mutton for sale. ANNOUNCEMENTSFOR soil. Can buy this land about all on
Where ahope are a part of grocery Montsdoca, who Is in charge time Owned If by desired a nan-resident., and bargain Come price.see CASH AND CARRY
stares, the stores will continue to sell of one of the large ditching machines, MEMBER OF THE.BOARD OF us about t
their goods on Tuesday, but no beef bad a very painful injury while at PUBLIC INSTRUCTION SPLENDID \jB'rft'1if'HOME\ on
or pork will be sold. work a piece of steel lodging: in his At the solicitation of many friendsI brick; large. well-built house good. .
This rule went into effect last Tuesday left eye. For a time his sight was have decided to offer my service anCe trucking land land; about and Part acres excellent large bearIng <>r.
When Food Administrator Milton endangered until an Orlando physician 'again to the voters of Osceola county ; orange' trees, pr tty home andgood
Pledger notified the shops that removed the offensive object and 'I as a member of the Board of Public I surroundings. You can't affordto
that meatless. day must be observed. h.t it now rapidly recovering. 'Instruction. I fully appreciate the : pass this up. Com let us show Saturday Specials:
Mr*. G. W. Phipp i* spending a : kind words of commendation and offers : P/RM OF S80 ACRES owned by an
101 week at the Hopkins hospital. of support from my friends, and : Ohio man, wants to sell on easy
CELEBRATES FOURTH Mr. John McGuire of Bear Lake should I be re-nominated and elected, : terms, or would deal for northern
i BIRTHDAY Y .1 Mich., spent a few days a., the guestof will give the office the' same) pains ,property.parties. Particulars .to Interested 14 pound, peck; Irish,Potatoes, $ .29
Win. II. Kempfer. !taking care in the' future that f have' WE HAVE THE FINEST BARGAIN In ( 1'peck 'to'a customer)
Little Elizabeth De>{oreo, daughterof Win. H. Kempfer and family accompanied 'in the past. 'W. C. BASS. a well located Improved stock farm
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Deyoreo cele- by John McGuire enjoyeda .I with bearing grove and best advantages Small Van Camps Milk .06
kind In
NOTICE of the the country, and
brated her fourth with. in their Ford visiting
birthday a trip new car, want anyone. Interested In stock '
party Wednesday afternoon, entertaining in Klsslmmee.i Orlando Hastings, Ti- 1 All dogs running at large -in the growing to call and let us Small Hebe Milk, .06
'twenty."" of her little tusville Eau Gallie and Melbourne.The city must wear a collar with the license show this splendid property, andgive Hebe Milk -
friends. The little tots enjoyed games public school of Deer Park tag attached. I I particulars.WE Large 12 1-2
i on the lawn and the afternoon closed with Miss Mattie Tyson as teacher GEO. W. OVERSTREET across the road from city limits Just 8- Small Crisco, .35
with delicious ice cream ond cake. has just. ended its. most suct'essfQiyear. .. City Marshal.QUARANTINE : room house finest shade Brood bearing -
The little hostess received a number In addition to extensive improvements grove, beautiful location and a Medium Crisco, . 1 .50
: NOTICEPrevent bargain where you can have high
of pretty presents. in buildings and grounds, Spread .1 Ho. <"h lrra.. school and good marker and church Fancy Prunes 2 for. ;
four prizes were taken at the recent Pursuant to the Act of 1917, Chapter advantages and yet enjoy the free- .25 ? -
county fair. Very marked progress 7345 (No. 87) Laws of Florida, notice dom of the country. Octagon
I ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARTY 1 I was made bys: the pupils, who unanimously Is hereby given that the infectious and EXTRA FINE TRUCK FARM, handy .05
contagious disease known as hog cholera to town, and One soil come let us
i wish for Miss Tysn as their does not exist, or 'only exists to a show you. All kinds of Florida Seeded Raisins, 2 for .' ..25Armour's
Misses Ruth Clark Elon Guice and next teacher. The basket picnic at slight extent In. the counties of Dade homes and Investments. '
Nina Bratton entertained the members Indian Park was enjoyed by the pupils Broward. Monroe and that part of 11-ACRE BEARING GROVE and line Lye Hominy, 2 for . .25
t Palm Beach south and west of the, -room cottage In Klsslmmee. and '
of the Epworth League Saturday and school and
patrons, some- Hlllsboro Drainage Canal and whereas owner will deal tor'a good piece of Okra and Tomatoes1, 2 for' .
night at Miss Clark's home with a Deer Park's prominent citizens even the above district Is already quarantined land. .25
clever St. Patrick's Day party. drove out by .auto and on horsebackto against the' Importation of NELSON REALTY COMPANY, overState No. 1 Kingan's Corn Beef .
Appropriate decorations prevailed en oy the festivities and good fellowship cattle afflicted with Splenetic South Bank. 25
Mid And while color scheme ern or Tea fever In cattle. It Is hereby 24 lb. sack Pllsbury Flour
a green of the occasion. ordered that no swine outsideof FOR RIIINT-Ful'nl.h.d rooms or > 1.62
was,carried out In the refreshments Mrs. W. E. Cherry and Miss Mattie the territory shall be transported.W. apartments for light housekeeping. (with substitutes
consisting of fruit salad saltines anJpunch. In modern convenient house, close, In. only)
Games and contests provided -- - Mrs. E. E. Wells. Real Estate and insurance .
lit Mabbette St. Phone 242.
diversion for this pleasant event
which was attended by thirty &'\Ieats.MEN'S . II. ARNOLD i ALAN J. MAC DONOUGO FOR BALE CHEAP Intend to sell
both of my bungalows right away.If .
i1, MEETING ARNOLD & MacDONOUGH gain you writ are .to Interested me about In them a real or bar call oCash Gr roc 1 I'
The laymen will hold their meeting ( to see me. The CurrIe residence Is cery
at, tM Methodist S. S. rooms next Contractor: Engineer Architect located on Verona St., ha. two lot., '
: a nice six-room cottage, large workshop
Sunday' afternoon at S o'clock,. All good garage, nlca lawn, excellent ,
F r men and boys cordially invited ffhesear DARLINGTON AVE. CITIZENS BANK BLDG., flowing well. Price right The The Clean Store ;
Red Bungalow, corner Mabbett and ,
i; .etlais'' helpful .find inspiring.
i I
a ..J
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I' week to complete the quota by the
I INTERESTING LOCAL \ first of April.
The ladies who assisted in this department .
this week are Mrs. M. Kate,
: Easter Egg Dyes. 5c: a package at :Mual ->a new supply 10 and 15 supervisor; Mrs. L.; H. Ingrain, Mrs. Beginning Beginning
Central! Drug Store. cents, at Central Drug Store. Harry Meetch, Mrs. A. W. Bailey,
Mrs. R. E. Bronson of Orange Center M: M. Miller made a business trip Mrs. J. S. Cadel, Mrs. K. P Butler, Saturday STORY'S Saturday
shopped in the city Thursday. to Jacksonville Wednesday.FOR Mrs. W. J. S. Carr, Mrs. E. L. May.
'Music sea Central RENT Furnished flat with field, Mrs. Sarah Penney, Mrs. H. W. March 23 March 23
When you wan us. : Morrow, Mrs. D. Atwood Mrs W. B. ,
Store. modern improvements. W. B. Harris.
Drug Makinaon, Mrs. T. R. Moseley, Mrs. .
Editor Claude Johnson of St. Cloud 1 Gazette office. 14-tf D. G. Wagner, Mrs. F. C. Bryan, Mrs.
was in the city on business today. Mrs. J. L. Moore of! Orlando was W. L. Winn, Miss Helen Bass, Miss
Chas. Lord, of Lord & ,Bradshaw, the guest 'of. Mrs. Elitabeth, Waring Leitner, Miss Tribble, Miss Kent,
Orlando is spending the day in townon Monday. Miss Wooldridge, Miss Skilton, Miss
Business. Ralph Beardcn came down from Blackmon, Misses Lola Lnwler, Lou-
1" I can surprise you on the low price Orlando and spent the day last Sun- ise Thomason, Ella Mae Gilbert Ethel
t of white shoes. Come and see F. day here with his mother. Kirkby, Mildred Turville, and Marion
H, Lawson. Don't be troubled with flies or mos Porter.
Miss' Lillian Farnsworth of Sanford quitoes. El Vampire will do the Mrs. S. H. Bullock, Mrs. Roma
$ was the week end guest of Miss work." beat' Central Drug: Store. Thomas, Mrs.\ C. Buckles, Mrs. Mose' COMBINATIONF
Mattie Bandy. Miss Susie Bell, who has been the Icy Mrs. Sam Lupfer, Jr., Misses
Lucy and Buckles.
.Men's B. V. D..underwear at before guest of her aunt Mrs. H. J. Patrickat The Witherspoon Narcoossee auxiliary Lucy of the
the war rites.. 60c: garment or $1 Orlando returned home Monday. Kissimmee Red Cross sent a donationof
i suit. F, H. Lawson.. Just received a big shipment of $25 to the mother chapter for use ANDANNIVERSARY
B. M. Hall, operator at the Western Buster Brown 'Hose. You know' they in purchasing material for surgical EASTER
Union office is suffering from an at- are the best. F. H.: Lawson. dressings. \
tack of illness and is confined to his Paul McKee is home from Camp J .
bed. Wheeler on a furlough' for a visit .
For Sale. -Two pair good young with relatives and friends.
mules, broken and well matched.J. Don't forget that you can ft Palm pleasant home of Mr: and Mrs. x
W Miller. 8-tf Beach and Cool Cloth Suits ft lost
H. W. Boice was the scene of a merry
Jim Miller, father of Haines City, year's prices. F. H. Lawson's.Mrs. masquerade Friday night for the ben- !
r and the present mayor of the town, is II. C. Lightscy and little efit of the local Red Cross, when SALE
transacting business in Kissimmee to- daughter, Mildred, left Sunday to join twenty dollars was contributed to the.
Mr. Lightsey at Jacksonville for an fund. ,
,. day.Over 1000 capes of Popular and indefinite stay. The spacious room were ablaze
Standard Music now on ,hand.T Call H. M. Deyoreo and his brother, with lights and a string of colored
for our complete catalog. Central Tom Deyoreo, came down from Jacksonville lights extended from the entrance to
Drug Store. this week for a short visit the gate. Cut flowers were lavishly
J. E. Crawford, one of' Orlando's with home folks. used predominating.in every nook: No and color corner scheme, roses was Everything for Easter at Money Saving Prices We
leading real estate men, is spendinga R. G. Hafey and family enjoyed a
few days in Kissimmee. this week pleasant trip. to Tampa, St. Petersburg followed, only'quantities of roses,, .'
=. ..aa'........ -\ l.l ,-., ,,. ... : and Pa8s-.-Grllle last week, reNew armfuls in jardinieres, bowls of roses,, of for the Eas-
.1. .. have line
the.most.attractive goods
Mr. L. Wichtendahl, who is' staying.n 1i1f i 'i''We-diie! daf( I\t'f'W\ ': ",,, -:beauties .e u.JJ
Music and even dainty buds in bu *a S **fe ito' i rt s aXVt3wFyr) :i JtiSirt*?t-aju eNSnu -5!! @ "..:k
at Kissimmee, spent yesterday in Orlando ; 'Popular Music and vases, The effect w almost that ofa "" '
with his parents on Orange ave- Standard Music for sale by Central real garden and was unusually ter and Spring season ever shown inthe town. ,Don'tmake kk
nue.-The Morning Sentinel. Drug Store. A complete' catalog for pleasing.
Sam Story, who has been suffering you when you call. With the arrival of the first gueststhe i .
from a severe attack of German Mrs.; John Dann of .KIssimmee fun began for it was a strange the error of buying'until you see what we have,
.. measles is now up and about again. spent several days of this week visiting crowd that gathered at this social
Mr..Story has lost about forty poundsto her daughter, Mrs. Bloxham Nor- event. .
the kaiser. ton.-Haines City Herald. Messrs. Dilliard and Bailey were and compare prices. ;
Roy Prentis stopped 'off a coupleof Mr. and Mrs. Amos Payne of Red Cross nurses. :
days this week with his mother, Clarksburg Va., who' are spendingthe Mrs. A. W. Bailey was a realistic
", Mrs. J. W. Prentis, while en route for winter in Orlando, were guests of Indian princess. I
Pensacola, where he has been transferred Mrs. H. M. Deyoreo Sunday Mesdames Harry Meetch end M. D. SHOES HATSWe Hosiery
to the 64th Regiment band J. Reed Curry, Citrus Exchange organizer Alexander were paper dolls and wore
Coast Artillery Corps. of Tampa, was in KUstmmee dainty pink and blue. crepe paper
"f Mrs Smith and two children of Tuesday to attend the meeting of the dresses. Women's Canvas have just receive Women' Black and White '
'. Avon Park visited hergrandparents, Kissimmee' Potato Growers' Associa- Mesdames S. H. Bullock and H. C. Cotton Hose, value .25 t
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Porter, and other tion.A. Stanford) and were were"middv equipped blouse"with books.schoolgirls PUMPS $1.35. 1.45"$1.75., ed a large shipment our price _____________19.
relatives .here this week She wns accompanied son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. G, W. Persons and Miss Oulda $1.95 $%.%5, $2.50 and up. of Ladies Hats Women' Black and White
by her friend, Mrs. Clark, Charlie Prevatt Friday night. Mr. Malloy were charming little girls in Patent Leather and Gun Metal Lisle Hose value i:35
also of Avon Park.
and Mrs. Prevatt' are residents of
short white dresses with sashes
Mrs. Collum, the daughter of Mr. Okeechobee City, but are visiting the ribbons and socks. pink Pump TOYO PANAMA HATS- our price ?___?.____-__.%5
Joseph Thurman, motored on Thursday latter's parents in Kissimmee. Misses Irene Ingram and Frances $2.75 to $3.00 t Women's Silk Hose value .
from Eugtis, where she and Mr. Lyles Story, accompanied by his Bailey were small paper dolls. Trimmed,. each __-__ ____$1.69.$5
Collum have been enjoying. the win- wife and small 'son, spent several Miss Dixie White was a merry little Women Silk Hose value -
ter, and spent the day with her father days in Winter Haven last week, on a clown in bells and cap. PANAMA HATS 1.39 and 2.19
at the Graystone.Mr. combined business and pleasure mission. Mesdames Henry Overstreet and Rubber Sole Sport Shoes $1.98'the 90. our price ___.__.__7S t
and Mrs. F. G. Dutcher of They returned home Friday. Holmes Prather were gay Hussars in pair. Trimmed Hemp Hats --_--2.19Plain Men's Tan Black. WhiM Blue
Grand Rapids, Mich., are spending Mrs. E. J. Oliver arrived Friday brilliant red uniforms and hats. Military Heel Leather Sole Can- Palm Beach and Grey Hose .
some time in Kissimmee. Mr. from Porto Rico, where she accompanied Mrs. L. H. Ingram was a typical va Shoes I I Straw ____________S9c 35c value, our price ._ _...25Men' '
Dutcher is a friend of L. S. Sponsler, her husband on a business mis Irish girl and looked as though she Black
also of Grand Rapids, who is"..Ivin<< sion. and will visit her parents, Mr.: had come straight from Cork. Before you arrange for your good
him lessons in Florida fishing. and Mrs. N. B. Carson, before returning Mrs. Henry Aultman was a oedate $2.49Children's grade _______,_______.10
Miss Albina Snrfth Attended the to her home in Savannah, Ga. Colonial dame. next Hat be sure and see what ,
"group" meeting at Tampa last week Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bums and babyof Mrs. C. N. Paver represented a Red we can do for you. We have Children's.Straw
returning home Friday. Government Jacksonville were called here Friday Cross nurse. Shoes .
experts are sent to these meetings to by the death of the late Mrs. Hall Mrs. A. M. Frain's costume was a ;
give instruction in the brining cf vegetables Mrs. Burns' mother., :Mr. Burns returned fine representation of those worn inGarfleld's white Canvas Oxfords--41.O0
and the uses of tie Muscadine to his home Sunday, while his time. are pleating.Women's. '
$1.25 $1.35 apd $1.50.
Mrs. E. E. Wells represented War ,
wife will remain in Kissimmee
grape with i A fine selection of popular
b 'h Nebraska heads the list for the her sister Mrs.. A. W. Winn, till the Savings Stamps' and circulated. good Tan Play Oxford*- \ in Trim,
advice about buying styles shapes.
purchase of War* Savings Stamps to last, of the week.W. stamps. many
Kenneth McPherson was a charming $1.25 to $2.25Men's med and untrimmed-
date with en average of $2.31 ner J. Waring and family, accom- from White Th
lady Japan.
capita, while Florida stands number panied by Mrs. M..G. Waring and son. Mrs. G. W. Best, Misses Nellie Best .. IS, .25. .35. ,, .50 and 1.1
42 with an average of 21 cents. Wakeup Gordon, and Mrs. Sam Ragsdale, all \ ' : ;. .
and Bessie! Moseley wore laughable '' !? //.0" .. .
/1. }ef. ,
Floridians and lei toward
us go of Lakeland, motored to Kissimmee "tacky" costumes. Shoes
the top.-W, B. Witherspoon. Sunday for Vernon Waring, who has Misses Derbyshire, Katherine Carr, ,, '.' I I Ribbon Values
Chas. Thompson who has been been spending the' past two months Isabel Hamilton and Katherine Ham- Men's Leather Sole Canvas Ox-L,! A (full|aitortment that I, will 'i,: .
night engineer at the electric plant with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.H. ilton and Mrs. S. B. Aultman were fords $2.00 value for $1.75. '::0,1'I,< '< '" : {Iq. : You can't afford to overlook
for the past several months. has resigned ..M. Pfann. Mrs. Ragsdale remained also among the maskers.G. Rubber Sole Canvas t C xfords please you. So well made, and our' Rib_ Departasesit We
his and left this week in Kissimmee for visit with her
position a W Persons made fine
a over-
of such material that splendid value '
and Shoe good offering
with his family for Lake Butler parents. school boy, bashfulness, patches *- you are now
where they will reside in future. Will T. B. Richardson and wife of Wich- grown. and candy included. 75c, $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 wonder how it-can be done for at prices ranging up from-
Yates has succeeded Mr. Thompsonat fta. During the evening Miss Lee and and $%. SMen's Ic, 4c, Sc, 7e, lOc, 15c a.J
the electric plant. the winter at St.'Petersburg, came in her brother, Walter Lee, rendered -- the money. 25* Yard
Fred Lorenz, a son-in-law of Rull on No. 80 Wednesday and are being several duets on mandolin and-piano,'
Baas, caught his left arm in the belt shown the town and entertained by and Miss Margaret ,Stanford gave a Hats Each 89c Corsets
of the pumping plant at the Bass their former friend end fellow towns humerous reading.
farm on East Lake last week and as man, AI S. Nelson. Mr. Richardsonsays In the dining room' delicious refreshments PANAMA HATS- i
a consequence suffered a badly fractured the best farming section lie has of strawberry ice cream, .
bone. lie was taken to Dr. seen in Florida is around; Kissimmee. assorted wafers and punch were $3.00 MARTHA Haadred..1 We handle dependable
Christ's hospital at Orlando and is served. Yards of goody of various
Roma Thomas, J. D. Jeffords, Geo. TOYO PANAMA HATSWASHING-
now improving as rapidly as possible. About seventy-five guests were in
W. Overstreet and W. A. Joiner mo- attendance. LACESmakes and prices.
R. S. Floyd of the Floyd Grocery tored down to Arcadia last Sunday $2.50 TON line before
has the farm Regular lOc Inspect our "
Company purchased to look over the two aviation fields recently in Rich-
There is food for thought
fronting on the Orlando road belonging established by the governmentnear mond P, Hobson's remark: "America : STRAW HATS- HAIR NETS Values buying; some at
to William T. Goulds. There are that city. They met Albert
eleven in the tract locatedabout' Bearden who wet can never whip Germany dry." EACH Our price: ..-
acres was recently transfer 25c to $3.00MEN'S 65c and, 1.00
}*' three-quarters of a mLe from red to that place from Texas, and hada
the city limits. Mr. Floyd will im- pleasant visit with him. They also \ 5c 5c yd "- .
: prove the place and expects to reside saw a number of the flying. machinesin COLLARS .
/ there. the- air. PROGRAM 115c . \ Women's Union
Recent arrivals who have registered F. C. Bryan who attended Grand ,
at the Hart Memorial rest, room Lodge of the K. P. at Jacksonville extended Muslin Suits \
are: L. G.: Heck of Lock Haven, Pa.; his trip as far sur Marshal- (jraystone Theatre i25c ,
Sara Garratt Ihrig, Pittaburg, Pa.; yule Ga. While there he motored to A good line of Union Sailsupon
Mrs. Geo. A. Leatherman of Tipton, Camp Wheeler to visit his son, Nathan MARCH 25-30 SUSPENDERS25o Petticoats which we can /make attractive '
Ind.; Mrs. L. P. Leatherman, Indian who is a member of the 118th -
River City; Mrs. E. S. Feet Bridgeport Field Artillery band. Mr. Bryan took MONDAY. price owing to a fortunate
Conn.; Mrs. Geo. A. Davley, his son, Lieut. Edward Newton and ....u_ H..t iff BELTS A splendid line for purchase. Each- .
Washington. D. C.; and Mrs. S. J. Sergeant Roy Graves to Marshalvtlle "UNTIL THEY GET MB" 4tc, Sic ... 7SWomen's !
and SOc
Falthorne, Lead, S. D. for the day and on his return to camp Triangle.) 1
he ate dinner with Company B. Mr. .. A BIRTHDAY BLUNDER" you to choose .from.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. ofBridgeport
Schlump Comedy (Triangle) Ribbed
Bryan stated that our boys are well
Kissimmee! ,since Conn.December, who have expect been to in fed and with well their cared for and seem satisfied Second Epl.ode"VENUEANCE AND *THKWOMAN"' Men's Dress.. Various styles and Vests 1
return home about Easter. Mr. and
TUESDAY.! Trousers sizes.59c
Mrs. Schlump have enjoyed their stay r....... X. .B....... ... In this choice assortment :
here, and have toured this section SOCIETY ........7' II."... /a you'll find tome attractive gar 0
their car :from Jacksonville to St. "UNDER SUSPICION". (Me r*) Dark Gray Stripes, made of beat and 98c meats Everyone a bargain i at' ,
Petersburg, making stops at all the / P..lte C..7'.It. ) quality goods- the price. While they lat ;
places of interest in between. Amongthe 1 t RED CROSS NOTES I WEDNESDAY you '
cities they have visited are St. C.riyle" BUrkwell. !. can buy them for
Augustine, Daytona Orlando, Tampa Tuesday was banner day at the "ItlS ROYAL HIGHNESS (World) $3.75 per pair each. 15c 'aad 20e ]
and St. Petersburg. They have been Red Cross headquarter in the M.tt sad Jeff C.>M4r (F'ther! )
so well pleased with our climate and tal twelve TIIdlSDAY.Gl.dr .
garments department and
has living purchased conditions some that property Mr. here Schlump and finished hospital shirts was the result TIIK" KrorkWrll DK\II.'S! WIIF.KI (Fox) Come to Headquarters to, fit yourself out for that glad time. The very latest and most at. t
intends to return next fall, probably the Methodist of the day's church work.were The in ladies charge.of Big V FRIDAY.t.nedr IVIt) tractive adornment and comfort are offered by pur big Easter Stock. You will make a mistake -
n for a permanent stay. The Red Cross is in need |of funds FRIDAY, Feature Dmj_lOr, ls!, See: if you prepare for Easter before seeing our offerings. We can please you in quality i
The postofflce at Kissimmee has received and workers. "THE ZEPPELIN'S LAST RAID" .
and It's to show these goods. Come them
and pleasure
style save you money. a you see
a letter eturned to the writer surgical dressings departmentshave (Ince) Is ba.ed upon the growth of ..
here after an absence of 26 years. On been asked to furnish S60 five- th. democratic iplrlt of revolutionIn
February 26, 1892, this letter was yard bandages before the first of Germany of Kalseriem.Alice and forecasting. the overthrow -
j mailed ,to Jacksonville and last Tues- March. It was impossible for the "."._ !.
1 1K
day It was returned to the writer "faithful few" to accomplish the task. WOMAN! BKTWERN. FRIENDS"
here. It would be interesting to know A call was sent out through the Gazette *VIL)
y what had become of the epistle during last week asking for greater Charlie Ch.plla Cor.dy"T11E .
that quarter of a century. Assistant support;.one of the Ministers gave it KMH.UA\T: (Mutual/. STORYS! i
Postmaster Poulk, in speaking of the special mention in a sermon Sunday, SATURDAY
incident said it was evident the letter and others personally explained the Aim Re...... !.
had been lost and he thought possibly situation to those whom they thought "TUB! 'GOWN OF DESTINY"! !
it had been taken from the office might respond and all this effort bore (Triangle. ).
(A most unusual and
by the wrong person who had results. This week two hundred of war picture.) ..
failed to return it, and it had just these rolls have been made, leavingone "!. WRONG RIGHT'* Comedy
come to light, possibly in his effects hundred sixty more to be planned (Triangle) KISSIMMEE FLORIDA
after his death. At any rat it is now for. The Kissimmee ladies are urgedto B_.. Epbwd Hel.a U.I_ I. .
in the possession of Us writer, 'and, lay aside their:; work and arrange THB LOST EXPRESS". (Mutual.) # p.-
.will likely be kept as a curiosity. : to spend some tire at the,rooms next J "
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. .Controlling Poultry Lice. I I FINANCING THE WAR I D.G.Wagnerlnsurance Agency I
: By J. R. WATSON I, By MRS. N. M. G. PRANG .
god Floor Citizens Bank Bldg., Phone No. 30.
This is the season for setting the with 1 part crude carbolic acid. Plaster For some six months now t ,have celve of America ever experiencingserious
hen that is to hatch early pullets for of paris is then worked in until been writing, on the control of crop difficulty' in accomplishing The Leading General Insurance Agency In Osceola Go
all the liquid is absorbed. This is allowed pests, knowing that the prevention of any task undertaken. What hrs made ri
next fall' egg production. Eggs and to dry and is then rubbed ,onto insect and disease damage was a America supreme 7 You will grant it WE THE AETNA, HOME OF NEW YORK, HARTFORD -
feed are high priced making it important the fowls. great factor in furnishing the food is the enthusiastic whole- !oulccl to-1 I REPRESENT FIRST-CLASS FIRE INSURANCE
that the conditions surrounding I To destroy lice in the poultry house, we so sadly need in the winning of the operation of her many high-prin I AND MANY OTHER CO.
the setting hen be such as to insure spray with kerosene or, better, crude war, and shall continue to answer all sons au sustained yen, inspired by their COMPANIES, ALSO THE NEW YORK LIFE ,,
the largest possible hatch. Good petroleum. Make three applications questions through personal corre noble mothers. Are you now living I AND CAN TAKE CARE OF ANYTHING IN THE WAY OF FIRE,
business and patriotism both 'demand about a week apart, and follow with spondence.Just up to this standard? America !has LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH AUTOMOBILE, TORNADO-
that neither food nor eggs be wasted.To air-slaked lime. now, however, a greater need always stood for the beat for mankindand ANDExplosive
have the hen desert the eggs or Duets Are Important. arises, so I am going to discontinuethe will not bo found lacking in the ,BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS
fail to-cover them properly! will en- One important condition in controll crop pest articles for a time Mid present crisis, but remember, the
tail'a greater loss this year than usuaL ing chicken lice is to give the.fowls talk, about raising ,money to finance whole jn only a sum of, individualeffdrts Insurance
A common cause for such deser- abundant opportunity to dust them the many many needs arising in this and you are one of these in-
tion is the chicken louse. selves. For this, .purpose, dust, air. great struggle. dividuals.It I ALSO BONDS AND LIABILITY. ;
The louse is one of the most annoying slaked lime, ashes, or any light, dusty First, let us realize that ,the army, is a sad fact tlict many good IN THESE DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY PROTECTION.
pests of poultry. It is a biting Insect material) is suitable. Fresh, slightly at the front can 'be no stronger than loyal citizens fail as yet to see how AGAINST LOSS IS A WISE PRECAUTION
which feeds around the bases of damp (but not wet) earth in which to the strength represented by its upI I great and Immediate thof need. Are ..
the feathers, on scales and other refuse scratch or dust should always be plies. Your son and my son are you one of these? 'B e you man or "o"oooo"'O"600'0' ..ooooooooo..oooooo.o.t.,
matter from the : skin ,of the available I standing "over there" ready to put woman, the issue is directly before _ ----- ----. -.---s- --- ""
chicken, and should not be confused- Severs! Kinds of Lie Affect Chickens.Of the full, 'virulence of their manhood you. It ,is up to you to do your p:'rt, .'... . .+... .e t.4 . . . .MM ... . .. . pa04p60gOppOpNColdStoragefor
with, the blood-sucking. mite. Unlike the several kinds of lice that I into the fight for civilization. Are There ii- no one in the United States
the mite, the chicken; louse lives on cqmmonly attack chickens, one crawls I they to be subjected. to avoidablehardships more vitally interested' in winning
the fowl constantly. It injures the over the skin, especially under the as well ,as,to those unavoidable this war than you, yourself.' Others I Fresh Meats
chicken chiefly by' irritation as it wings and on the posterior part of ? .Surely the least we can do, is may have more at stake, I y
the akin. It la particularly 'warm and but if they lose it alit is
crawls over the body but seldom gets onto the to see that they are kept no worse
injurious to ybung'chickens.' unableto feathers Another is particularly a I strong and have 'guns and ammuni- I than for you' to lose all of yours. You Eggs Vegetables Etc.
dust themselves thoroughly, and to feather mite and is somewhat smaller : tion and the every aid of science, to I enjoy the protection of a law-abiding ,
L the setting hen which should not be than the body louse. Another com- make their efforts effective. community rs truly as the more wide ON MEATS:
forced to leave the.nest for that purpose mon louse that Is particularly injurious : The work of providing; the material ly known personages. Your all is
r to young chickens attacks the is colossal, but just now perhaps the your all, whether it be grent or small, left Storage and '
i Even if the lousy hen does not desert head and is called the head louse It greatest task is the transporting; it and just now we are fighting for'every Quarter of Beef ___.____Vie lb. Meat lb.
the nest she is liable to-become is best (controlled perhaps by greasingthe 'across the seas. We must have (ships principle and privilege that makes Wnole .Her ___.______1/gc.Ib eat as used ..*______ Ie
restless and break'the eggs! or spend head liberally with lard. and coal to run them. We ,have become life worth living. w
much of her time standing and chill Chicken 'mites, which are sucking quite educated on the'matter of Whatever you have done in the Curing' Pork ready for smoking, 1 l-2c. per pound,*
them. Although morelikely' to. become parasites may be killed 'by liberal food conservation and are alre..dy past is not enough if you can do more and 2c pound. .
i abundant on the setting hen, use of flowers of sulphur on the; fowls preparing to utilize our rich forestsas -and who of us have done all in our Curing Smoking, << per
,,,/chicken; lice often become so annoy- and about the house. fuel supply.l Perhaps there ia' no power? .
r .jng'on'laying:liens, ':asTttfiWducAUMrii+: :. e r &!lbIIi'jl;;> .tleWtiV" state in the Union that has such If your son is in the service, help ' your killed. We will do
j" ously the'output of'eggs. I.EM' JUfCE\IS tire :ifflrehtrtlpp' j'1t1rttinit tOI.Ii-: !"' rodltee tak.ear..tbhim.-.JI.t91J.JUW.; ..na..son,, Bring us hogs the day they are ,
t, Sodium Fluoride Is Effective. FRECKLE REMOVER. food and to save coafiri 'haHv Florid! T, help take cart! of the boys"who'areprotecting ; :J!* K '''' ''I''''' "'' '(b "t'e.t'j.u'\'t..f.' '' \ ,
Pyrethrum or Persian insect powder '- and may she continue along the lines you and your home. .. .. .. ... -- ._- '
an old, much used remedy, loses Girls .Make this cheap beauty lotion of such conservation, but just now we This Is no time for' idle money,
its effectiveness quickly when exposed: lo clear and whiten your skin. are asked by our country to put our savings bank accounts, or investmentsat STORAGE CO. |
to the, air and much of it is of poor money to work for Liberty's cause. high rate of interest. Turn all i KISSIMMEE ICE & COLD
quality even when freshly bought. Squeeze the juice of two lemons Some of us have saved for many your money in to Uncle Sam. Do it I...e.eaeaoo .. .. .. .....
Perhaps the best powder to use as a into a bottle containing three ouncesof years to provide for an "emel'geney" with a patriotic feeling of wanting
dust is sodium fluoride. Its value for orchard white, shake well, and you The' emergency is right here, a far to Share in the fight, but if there be ----- - - -- - -
this purpose was .recognized by have a quarter pint of the best freckle greater emergency than 'we ever an- one reader who must still consider the When the war is over those who-
the Bureau of Entomology, U. S. De and tan lotion, and complexion beati- ticipated. We had thought in our gains and losses, I say to that reader, RED CROSS MADE OFFICIAL i will be ashamed are those, who tookno
partment Agriculture The powder h fier, at very, very smal cost. planning only of our personal, or pos "What will your investments be worthif part in the struggle. We can da-
has been tried by the writer and found Yoour grocer has the lemons and sibly our family needs-some Illness the Germans win?" So, one and all, our best, and then a little more and
effective. It may be used alone on "'ie any drug store ,or toilet counter will or possible business stringency. No rally to the call; draft your money WAR FILM DISTRIBUTOR buying War Savings Stomps is a very
hen or may be mixed with flour to supply three ounces of orchard white I wholesale disaster like a nation's ruin into the great financial army. Let little to add to what we have already
lessen the amount required. Although for a few cents. :Massage this sweetly 'had ever entered our mind. Wo can- there be no slacker dollars in our fair done. T
rather expensive? about 60 cents a fragrant lotion into the face, neck, not realize it yet. We cannot con- state.. The American Red Cross has been'
pound, the amount needed is so little arms and hands each day and see how ._ designated' by the government as the Volunteer your dollars lest they be
that the cost per hen is small. The freckles and blemishes disappear and -- -- - - -- ----- official and exclusive distributor' of the drafted by the Knuer. Buy War
r substance keeps well in a dry place, how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. est is being shown thruout the coun- I United' States official war pictures- Savings Stamps.
and a pound will answer the needs of Yes! It is harmless. County Agents' ReportWakulla ty in the growing of feed crops. The I .both motion pictures and stereoptlcon
a small flock for many months. Any acreage of corn will be increased by 'JldeslId likewise the sole distributor JAKES OFF DANDRUFF,
be dusted into the In this country of all official
surplus corners -
may two hundred per cent over that of last
r. of the pantry or cupboard to killroac.hes : The of will French war picture\ hereafter released HAIR STOPS FALLING
DIXIE THEATER OPENS County: The club' boys at year. acreage except those pictures which are
i- and ants. Ivan have organized a poultry club be reduced and most 'of the fields
distributed through the
Sodium fluoride is most economically and egg circle with twelve members. planted to' that crop will have a row news Save your Hair! Get a small bottleof
applied to fowls by the pinch meth- { of corn between the rows of tomatoes. lies.In the Southern' Danderne! right now-Also
Washington County; independent Division comprising
od that" is a pinch of the powder is scalp
; tops It9hln0
dusted on the head, one under each plant ,for the manufacture of hog Georgia, Florida, the two Carolina
cholera will be and Tennessee' the Bureau Of Publicity -
serum soon completedat
wing, one on each thigh, one around will handle these pictures and all Thin, brittle colorless and scraggy
Club at the direc- ,
the vent the breast and enthusiasts
one arqund The movie will be
the back. tion of the! ,county agent. have tested requests' for same, whether by chap. hair is mute evidence of neglected
two on God pleased to learn that the Dixie Thea- the seed corn for their plantings. ters or by motion picture theaters, scalp of dandruff-that awful nourf.
Other Remedies. must be made to the. publicity director. There is nothing so destructive toVie
ter will open its doors Saturday, mat Seminole Countyt Because of TIES OF'NATIVELAND
Another remedy which the writer a
There are already on hand at the hair *. dandr //r. It robs the hair
inee and night ,March 30 giving Kis- in the of iced the
has found effective was developed- delay delivery cars national headquarters' In Washington of iU lustre, its strength and its very
the Connecticut station. It is,a mixture simmee another place of amusement. celery market has been more or less --.- five motion picture films two multiplereel life; eventually producing a feverishness -
of 1 part of.;mercurial ointment, Manager Beers says he has sent the demoralized; the celery spoiling before Last May In the General Assemblyof and three single reel pictures, and and itrtiing of U. scalp, which If
also called "blue ointment," and 1 or i machine for it reached the market. A labor the, Presbyterian Church at Dallas, two sets, of stereopticon slides which I not remedied a ,sacs the hair roots to-
2 parts of vaseline. These are mixed picture away a thorough shortage .has also interfered with Texas, Rev. John C. Orth or Iowa may be had in either black and white : shrink loosen and 'die-then the hair
thoroughly, and a bit the size of a pea overhauling. He is employing an experienced .marketing the crop. I' touched deep chords of sympathy in or in colors The Southern' division i falls out fast. A little Danderlna/ tonight
is rubbed onto the fowl under the operator and will leave Lafayette County: A number of the hearts of the commissioners pre has just placed an order for these I -now any time-will surely save
wings and about'the vent. It'Is not nothing undone to furnish good serv- purebred hogs have b -received in ent as he described almost in tears the films and elides and as soon aa they i your hair.Get .
1 necessary, nor even desirable, t tub ice and entertaining programs for. his the county recently, Most of them wrath and strain suffered Ly the Ger. arrive In Atlanta they will be offered a' small bottle of Knowlton's. r
it over the entire fowl as the chicken patrons.The were Hampshires. Several cement man-born American who loves his native to Chapters throughout the division ata Danderjne from any drug store. You
lice are restless insects and in crawl opening program will feature wallows have been constructed. land and whose next of kin have small rental. i surely oan have beautiful hair and lot*
ing over the fowl are sure to get into Theda Bara in'"Forbidden Paths," Holmes County: We will have easily fallen in the German ranks (in :Mr. These pictures show various scenes' of it if you will just try a little Dan-
the mixture. This remedy Is cheap, also a two-reel comedy.-\",All school a ten per cent increase; in farm Orth's case a brother), yet is deter and activities In France and elsewhere I derine. Rave your hair!' Try itl!
y efficient and easily applied '' \ children calling'at; he Central Drug crop acreage: this ,year'' which(vIs all mined to deny every claim of sentiment In Europe, and should b most Interesting : ,
Another good mixture for killing Store Saturday; March '29th:,will -be news' land.., :The greater; part of,It: will and give his allegiance unquali to the people of the United ,
lice is called Lawry lice. powder. It I given a free ticket\ for this perform- be planted to rice and sweet potatoesand fiedly where he has sworn to give it- States. 'Some of them picture war activities
consists of .. his and .others the work of the ?
2 parts gasoline mixed ance.JACKSONVllLEaA. a few cowpeas. to adopted country, the United Grippe
Brevard County: The crop in the States. The pledge of his sincerity Red Cross In Europe.
--- main, potato growing section is in excellent which Mr. Orth offered at t'.at time The United States official picturesare
condition and prospects are was the loyal readiness with which- taken. by the Signal Corps Photographic , Got it? here the remedy. It's helped
he had division, of the United States' millions. Has hall century recordof
bright for a fine yield of good quality. encouraged both his sons to a
The fourth cattle dipping vat in the enlist in the army service of the stars Army. The French the official picture use. First dose brings relief. 7ryit.e"w .
Ii county has just been put in use. and stripes. Today the older of those are Photographic taken by Division Cinematographic of the French and byalldruggists.
Calhoun County: The white Spanish boys, himself born in Germany, is r '
peanut acreage in this. county will with Pershing in France. And the Arrow I
reach the twelve hundred acre mark. letters which the young soldier is ..
The thousand acres of sugar cane contemplated writing home confirm the father ti
will be reduced one-third abundantly in the choice he made .between all, lifts out without one particle of lu I
owing to that amount of seed canes the land of his birth and the i IS.COVervfor
having been damaged. land of his present obligation. They pain.This free zone is a sticky substance! I
I Liberty County: One farmer who demonstrate what so many Germans which,, dries in a moment. It just ,
has just lost purebred beef bull on long absent from the fatherland have shrivels up the corn without inflaming Coughs Colds
account of tick fever is now a' firm found so incredible their hearts or even irritating; the surroundingtissue
TIN OLDEST believer> in the dipping vat. that the Germany of today is not the or skin. Tell your wife about Keep Bowel Movement RegularDr.
Clay Coupty: The Irish potato Germany ''loved in their youth. Here ,this. King's New Life rillsjkeep] you
Sl UTf1ER ESTABLISHED crop is in excellent condition; some is what the son wrote in a lecent let- In a healthy condition. Rid the body ,
corn is up and starting off well. ter: of poisons and waste. Improve yourJ
St. Johns County: Potato growers "Dad, I didn't use to bc'ieve! that Miami bought $5,000 worth of War complexion keeping the Bowels o
kAi: iq ,SEEP HOUSE In the farmers' union have adopted the stories which were told about German Savings Stamps at one mass meeting. regular. Get a. bottle from your-
a special label bearing the name of atrocities could be true. Theyare Why can't we do proportionately' as druggist. to-day. Effective but mild.
/At FLOff/DA their brand, "Sun Brand." These true) and they do not tell half the well here s--- t t
farmers will market thru the Citrus truth. I have seen with my own eyes --
Exchange which expects to handle worse atrocities than have ever been ---
,000 carloads of potatoes from the published."
SEND FOR CATALOG AND Hastings section. With such a message in his pocketit
M IvEEfLY pR/CEL/ST. Suwannee County: A reduction in is not. strange, is it, that Mr. Orth Buy Less FertilizerUse
the cotton acreage is evident thruoutthe went out 'and helped organize the ---
revs county. Corn, 'velvet beans and German-American Patriotic Asocia-
peanuts> are the crops being planted tion of Iowa, which in burning resolutions -
a nost,heavily. The farmers have fallen I has denounced the brutalities of More Plant Food
: in with the self-sustaining idea the Prussian military machine as the
Taylor County: Farmers are Investing everlasting shame of their -own- old ,
in purebred hogs aa they have country?-The. Continent., I
found it does not pay best to keep Fellow citizens of Kissimmee, read Farmers don t need advice how to grow their crops Qr show to
the other kind. One farmer recently the above excerpt carefully, and then carry on their business, but most will agree that it is sensible this
ought a Poland-China sow for $180. get busy ar you were never busy in at least to buy less low grade fertilizer and year
I Putnam County: Farmers are your life. The dark deeds-unspeakably more high glade and to
&iierAops dark-of make better use of it. It has been proven that the larger '
looking to the purchase of improved Germany are enoughto amounts of
machinery to solve the labor shortage drive civilization mad. plant food brings the best results. The war has created the oppor-
to: a great! extent. Two new tractors In the name of truth and decency; tunity! to test again this truth. Buy let low grade fertilizer-Use the
have been put into operation. The in the name of democracy and Christianity best high grade and get more plant food to the "
oa ..
farm is machineto in the of Almighty God acr -
Heavy yields, ef blah class products are necessary camphor operating a ; name ;
clip and sack the small branches of let us arise and do our utmost to help Send this d
to brig a big net profit to die grower. The camphor trees from which they extract the allies smash Kaiserism once and Conpon.
banker record for such results has been held for the gum. The machine takes forever.W. B. Witherspoon. ,Send (
the place of five mules and four me your "Citrus Culture. I oped lo use . l 1
the last quarter-century: : by hands.Walton. WOMEN TORTURED! ______tons of fertilizer this season. I .,
paring for County more crops: Farmers this year are than pre- Suffer terribly with -corns because of My Name ___________=___...________________-___________
Ideal Fertilizers ever before. Many fields that have high heels but why I My Post Office Address____________
rt lain idle for years are being put into care now. ____________________
first class shape fox cultivation.\ My County ------..;________________ State___
'' _
---- ____
Y' Sand for on Free Boob oa aB connerdal Sumter County: An extensive Women wear high heels which buck.
1, craps of Florida also on Spray Catalogue. acreage of cotton is being planted this le up their toes and they suffer terribly I I My Crops for 1918___________________________________-
year. I from corns. Women then proceed -
Special advice gladly gins.r Duval County: The membership to trim these pests, seeking relief i
in the boys' corn and pig 'clubs this but they hardly realize the terrible i WAREHOUSE
year will be more than doable that danger from Infection, says a'' Cin- '
fI of last year. cinnati authority .. J. T. Bwckkalter, Salesman
Wilson &: Toomer fertilizer Co\. Lake County Grove cultivation
Corn,can easily l->c lifted out with
I Is in full swing; also spraying for the fingers if you Will get from any The CoeMortimer
Mfr :Ideal "JertiIbIn.JacboniDe: pus thrips. War gardens are. common drug store quarter of an ounce of a Company '.
thruout the county. drug called freexeon This'\: Is sufficient Subsidiary of the American Agricultural Chemical
: ,, f1a. Pinellas County: At Oldsmar, a I to remove every hard or soft CompanyROOM ,
Rulaavert0fq e..e new town! 100 acres will be plant corn 'or callus fromone's feet You I 108 HEARD BUILDING JACKSONVILLE fLA. r
4aa.a to rice. They are also preparing to imply apply a few drops directly I ,
.. ... build twelve silos and go into the I upon the tender, aching corn or e, lua. I
!: ---o
livestock business heavily. I The soreness is relieved at one and Florida Sales. Maaaf '
Manatee County: Increased Inter.i' soon the entire corn or callus, root andY
-' ,
'j /
.., .1 'M., ,
'" I
\ ,
., 4'nM' '. 444r+n"+ :wrt+?.+dgly;(,; Ii ii ') >
err .., J u w ill, a n, r I rll 1 .
,r ., M4" I6 Y .L. ih V, 'rr N S/I./ 1 ,1 ,-? + y at
1 f
r .r r ,
.. .. .. .,.-. . -, . -
+ St C Cloud Department Catarrh, anti Bronchitis I1 .
LUCKY STRIKE ,I and Cold lira Rosa A. Kiss US Clinton'
.. -%, .' ,' .*. ,I ... r t NEWS AND NOTES OF THE "WONDER CITY"JAMES Place Kansas City ;Missouri :write*:U(]
*I wa very rick with Catarrh
CIGARETTETN MILES, MANAGERA ,in the and Brenehltl I also b4 svtoM1'
In the head. 1 used Parana and sun
'f HeadRecommend well pleased with the 1..result*. It
community patriotic song servicewas Talk by Rev. Jenkins on Prohlbl ha done me a great del *f good.'
held lathe G. A. R. hall on Sun. tlon. I do not need any ether medicine. I
a it has migeX.famous day at 2 p. m. Opening* song, "Amer Song, "Vote as We Pray" can cheerfully recommend It to aaji.
year lea," followed by "Battle Hymn of Reading by Mrs. Kauffman. one who 1* troubled with catchlac
a '; the man's: c the Republic, Tenting on the Old J Three selections by the Swiss musi cold frequently or any one who baa
Camp Ground" "Columbia Gem.of the cians. PE-RU-NA a or ehronlo catarrh.
arette for the men who,,are Ocean then Dr. Frank Crane of New I Talk on prohibition by Rev. Beau ehroelewishing further particulars)
York was introduced and gave a very champ. concerning my case nay writ tin*.
working over here, and interesting? address on Red Cross Reading*by Mr. Kaufman. Those"who objet to liquid medicine Be sore to enclose a'pta p sid.I. fl
? ; work. Adjourned after singing: "Star Adjourned by singing "Star Spansglad can, secure peruna ble'wDI answer." -\
fighting over there. Spangled Banner." Banner." -
r Bevier Messrs. M.the F; Barber and Sunday Isaac of The Wisconsin-Association held 4. St. Clou&00111. caller on' Tuesday; CATCH"158 FISH IN ONE DAYEdgat
The reason? Because't Mr. and were Mrs. C. A.guests.Davidson on at'IVun- picnic across the lake on Thursday C.. B. Murphy of Tampa, representng Bryan? W.ilt Schfderii? Ger.' '
I Fairbanks hereon
Morn Co.
': March"21st.. was
t ald.Rivers Charliej and Bert
'it's'ptade 'of pipe! nymede. ] McGhee.,
Burley + the electric
The Red Cross held a musicale oii 1'ue.c1.inlpectingi city .
Mr. and Mrs. L. U. Zimmerman .. Well were a, party of nim> od* leav ;
and works.
'' Thursday evening last at Judge Petty light plant water
.tobacco, and'because- .Iii ; were guests at the St. Cloud hotel on ham's beautiful home' on the lake. W. R. Heat of Tampa was a business Inhere Satut pout*,ay.short1y'.Tor..1'1Lake before day.On f
I Monday. Front with hundred caller here'on Monday.. ,
-, one present who their return in the afternoon they
: Mrs. Blair and two sons, Mrs. Long Sanborn of Kissimmee
\ enjoyed the following excellent } Mrs. wascalling
Mi' pro; jrpught; pretty a ttring. >f fish as
iFS and Mr.' Ray) Farris motored to "
6t Cloud friend TuesJday.
vn : on
: ,
gram one all
TOASTEDin. ami -on Tuesday.' "'' would :care to' *M>16> in -
Gon4 -
"Memories, and "I May Be
.J ..a ; Miss Mabel Willams, wh> has been for a Long, Long Time" by Miss Ruth, Mrs.. Kling Mrs. 'Belle c lh rsMn"Ali ', peekled', perchand "every :one: a
clerking in Hargrave's store, left tot : rBeadh,1' beauty '
jI Brown. e Kreps, Miss'Alexander and '
The catch attracted a good deal of
her home in Michigan Tuesday. I I.ttentlon"oll'
a "A x Italiens" Mrs. Grace father and Gwendolyn Gelston. formed
account of the number '
l 1 The Priscilla club met on Friday' Cooper. a bathing party at the, lake.,onSaturday and their'uniform alae. 'It will be
afternoon with Mrs. Goff with fifteen I
Polonaise fromMignon' Mrs afternoon. ,
-( r some time,'we predldbefON the record .
present. The time was pleasantlyspentin Charles and Miss
Douglas Basnett. Mrs, BandYl
I % ,made by the, boys* 1* broken, but
snipping rage for Red Cross I Jenness of Kissimmee
"Annabel Lee, Prof. Bullard.: Edythe were
r if would like few
.I'' pillows. It was decided for the club "When the Birds Go North Again., visiting Miss Jenness' parents, .Rev. : .anyone a rioters ;
a* to how to hook the wily
; specks"t
to work at the Red Cross rooms one "Thou Art Like Unto a Flower" Mrs. and IMrs. J. B. Wescott, on Saturdaylast. (4
i afternoon each week. Several out of Basnett. we refer them to this bunch o( boys, ,..
town visitors were'present. Delicious Reading "In Cherry Street," by Mrs. W, S. Walsh and daughter of '
,/ orangeade was served by the hostess. Mrs. Cooper. Pittsburg Pa.. who have been spend: END, ,STOMACH TROUBLE' .
Mr. Frank Bullard, superintendentof Solo, "Prayer.. from Tosca," by Mrs: ing the w1nter at St. Petersburg, were ',- GASES DYSPEPSIA, ;
: the road construction work, arrive Bffsnett. the guests Monday evening of }Ir.. J
ed here on Saturday and expects to Reading from Burns by Prof. Bul- and Mrs. L. U. Zimmerman.' ';
t begin work soon'on the highway. d Mr. and Mrs." C. Bruns anddiuichler "Paps' Diapepsln" makes sick, sour
atiua .::; ,..
+'Mbti.:.!Kathleen:'':::Rlgganunderwent\ Afte'i.,. #1 nglrlg. ; .'lfi.-...'Sliir"""IW"....."......;.,.".... ,;.GUdyBiMrs.RobertBninsand / ?*,:r vaaay.atQm.chl..au..I.f.et tine\ ;\ .3.' .f..
an operation at'TrfcEwan's hospital Banner" aii..r returned;; to theh.b.fter '-son, Robert, Jr.; ;, motored to Jacksonville In five minutes. ,
Orlando on Monday and so far is last. .* ",",'M"??, i.-,.., "
; a most' enjoyable evening.Mr. on:Sunday, 7t <. 'j
doing nicely. and Mrs. .1, N. Edmonds and ?
If WhM- just ate is souring oil
Mrs. A. E. Drought and daughter you
son's wife and baby from Daytona WHAT WAR SAVINGS STAMPS
x Alice, were the week end guests of Beach were.',the guests of Mr. and 'your stomach', or lies Itke a lUllp'oC
11 Mrs. Evers at her home on Paradise Mrs. P. V. Purdy from Tuesday. till WILL BUY FOR OUR SOLDIERS load, or you 'belch gn and 'eructate
Island. , Friday last. our; undigested, food, or hare steeling 1.
The Veterans Association met in Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Lawton motor. A single Thrift Stamp will buy a of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea
G. A. R. hajl Saturday at 2 p. m. ed to Okeechobee on Saturday to tent pole or five tent pins, a waist :bad taste in (noutk'asd 'tomaett-head
Opening song "America," followed by .spend the week end with their daughter belt or .hat cord shoe laces or identification ache, you can get relief; In five minute ,
prayer by Chaplain Westcott. Song Mrs. Lanier. tags1' two will buy one tench Put end to
\ "Hail Columbia," by quartette.The Mr. A. McGill was a business( visitor tool or r of woolen gloves. Four by neutralizing aeUlty.
secretary being absent the at Kissimmee on Tuesday. Thrift Stamps will buy two'pairs of suth stomach distress new' by getting a
minutes of the previous meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Hicks left Monday fora canvas lel'llinsf.ix{ will buy five pairsof large Afycenl.caae'pl Pspe's. Dls wpsln
not read. Then came the St. Cloud visit to Mount Dora before returning woolen socks or three suits of sum rroloJjBllYdru' .tor*.*..Yqu realize'in I
yell, "Hip hurrah, hip hurrah, St. to their home in Minnesota.Mr. mer underwear; twelve will, I buy, a, five minutes how' needloss it is to,'suffer "
Cloud is here to stay, bigger and and Mrs. Powers In Monday steel helmet. from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach -
came -
better wonder of the ''One War Savings Stamp will buy
every. city from Tampa and are stopping at disorder caused by food fermenUUoejda
U. S. A." one hundred cartridge or a cartridge
.to cxeesalre acid In atom.eh.4Visiting.cardsrpruttedby
the New for
England house a
Song. "Bring Back My Bonnie to belt or a scabbard for a.bayonet; two 1 ,
Me." Collection taken last week for time.Mrs. 'two pairs of_woolen
lO. 3u ranteed by' the pianist amounted to |10.72. The Emma Reed and Miss Ruth breeches or -two "flannel.,shirts!I' two th4 H
meeting was here turned over'to the Sliger went' to Palmetto on Thursdaylast and a half will buy,a gas'mask., Three "Gaiett* Job.Department.
W. C.| T.' U. with Mrs. French as for a visit before returning to war Savings Stamp will buy an .r' I
leader, for the social hour. their northern home.A. overcoat or two woolen service coat; 1 'to Cur s Cold1 In O&.Day.t .
r .. ......e Song, "Wind the Ribbon Round the I D. Stevens and wife left on Monday three. and ,a half will buy three pain ''I eo.-.D4i1''I'a..I.AXA.Trft. ..0..0.....Oot.l.-_..otl n epee'"Cold.eat p
tIt Nation." evening for Cameron, Missouri.J. of woolen. blankets;.fou'wlll'buya; Dn.P_' nfu.d ..o.epllite/.il. b V
h Recitation by Frank Philpot F. Ahern of Jacksonville was'a rifle.. II_l/ooJM..rawvws.yl.a.: ..w..gee,tom. JOS.ai .
--- -
ORANGE CENTER'' i rr 1iln '4 drm '
.. -
Ibh' I
Mr Hollodale, manager of the Lake ,t n '1
i Down Co., is here busily engaged in ..., .
ties 'piling and submarine
getting .
wood. He, with some of his employees ,
; are staying at the home of f!
1 W. H. Bronson. \, '
Messrs. Davis and Bumby of Orlando ,.. .I .. "- a.ar r \: jf jff
have sold their farm together
with cattle and hogs to Mr. Eke and
Walter Bronson. ,, ;
Miss Mildred ,Anderson v left 'here' RoI< aims Varnishe "''''.- .1 ..;.;
on Friday afernoon for,'I i,I Shingle ., \ '-..'..,-_. ... '",. ,.
Creek visit her sister
to MiselMar-1 t
b 'vania garet Mr. for who and the Mrs.intend summer.Stuart to go 1.0'Ivey Pennsyl-- and 44 ,,t, Gertazn-teed means .certainty...._ .of. 'quality'i ;1 1I
daughter, Margaret, have gone north. I I
Mr. Flathers was a visitor at Kls- I and guaranteed satisfaction:.*' '
aimmee on Saturday .
. .. *" """*"
c'' Mr. Elic Bronson was the guest of - --* j J
his brother, "GJ W. Bronson, on Sun. $ rift: thefirst and .last object'of careful buyers. Both quality and satisfaction
day.Mr.. Crawford of Orlando was a visitor 4 J r l are guaranteed by a business which 'hasgained\'' ,' world' I
Q here on Sunday. ""1 leadership because of f its ability to manufacture and distrUiute'the.*
Mrs. G. W. Bronson, accompanied : 1
by Leonard her grandchildren, made a business Miss Lillie trip and to piX t highest quality'products at fair prices.; t
a' nam Misses and Nona Mr.Station Edgar Bronson last 'Burnam week., Venetta were Bur- :L; .Certain-teed .Certain-teed 1
y Sunday guesta at the home of Rev. A-
I Christmas sdeidific ?: Roofing & Shingles. Paint.--Varnishes. ?, .
*+ Mr. King- was the guest-of his -
r mother at Windermere on Sunday.We t? bt Otrt'w t', ll Certaln-tetJ is a conservation product. It if Made from the best quality materials, mixed, '
are glad to know that he is able bitter t t made from rags and asphalt,skillfully converted by modern machinery in scientifically correct .
d Jury.to be about ,again' since his recent in. ,Ndua $1 the W.5 heir y t r into roofing that is impervious to the,elementst proportions to produce ,the highest quality paint. "M ,r', '
Mr. R. E. Bronson, section foreman t d Rofrys and Buildi rr p+har ;' tt"vq x Certain-tted is'' the most efficient type' of roof Certain-teed Paints and Varnuhes'i ale sold at -
i and employees 'went to Apopka to remove 'i for all kind of buildings, from the modern skyscraper -' cost plus a email profit. Each color U priced
some pastor wreckage.Our Rev. Christmas, preached "4't ? to the farm barn. It is light weight, according to, its cost. Paint makers usually! .
\( quite an interesting sermon on r 9 ; 'weatherproof, clean, sanitary, fire-retardant. charge the same for all colors basing' their ;'' a
It Sunday and there was quite a large ( i ( Cn-ta ,,-INt' is not affected by fumes or gases, prices on the cost of making the expensive .
attendance. and cannnot,, rust or corrode. Its first cost is colors. The Certain-teed policy puts each color
w' Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Roberts and little ., moderate, laying cost low, and upkeep practically on the right basis. Therefore most Certatn-teeJ 1
daughter Mr. and were Mrs.the Lester guests Flint.of her h i ''' nothing. Certain-teed i is guaranteed 5, 10 Paints cost you less than competing paints of
jte Mr. Elija Rigney was the guest ; or 15 years, according, to thickness.' anything like the same high; quahty.Certainteed .
:ta-i of his parents,- Mtv and Mrs. J. Rig- fW' \
ney. w Products CorporationFctoriei .
Mr. and Mrs. Walton enjoyed a 1 ,
fishing trip Broniaondaof ;l'S"t.ili =::S--e u r !r t Y St.Loula.Mo. East St.l ouisI1L Mar eillai/Il. YorkP. NUgara Falia,N.Y. Richmond.CnKf. E
Mr. Ray Groveland, G: = rte =::! -i W..rel._..., AILaaY, Atlanta. Bagear.M. Binnaa.Mm. Beetsn, Bunelw 01_... dae1.m l I. 0........
Fla., was visiting his friends on Sun- -.=: r D.II.p.D..Mol.e.. p'otJt' c..ndliapld.H.u.tealad.ana....ks.J.r..s Co'F.K.Clt".Mo.. .....A....... \
:::';.::arts w'y; : ..:':' -. II 1I'r, ; L r.this,. v. 1II.phl. .......,,,_Mau'.peh a, N..h"llo. N.w Orla.... Noriollt, Va., GII........ CotF. \
.. r
day.This section visited :: ::.=r...?=:::. w;: _.= ::::.?.:: i Pln.b.r.b'Porll..d. !,On.. WebmaadVa..Stat.ou. ; .s... Lake <:dF....s..u...Weab.o SL........... .s_......
was by heavy f.'; ; :;g a' ,, SpetDSfIeId. M.... wlcwa.. H..e., Cuba.
rainfall on Saturday evening. The .. .;.;::;;:-!=:..;.-:: "'- =-Tr,4e'==- ;. pp11 Ii k fv-' Sat* CNn_,i r/.w Y....... Chi".. .. PHU J.lpbl.. St.Louis. Bort... CU..l.nd. Pitt........... D Ds .....
farmers are all busy planting cotton _.... IU @t' , Su FraBchco. Milwaukee. Cincinnati. N.w Orleans Laa Avlalaa, Muwaapalia. G....* City.: SaattJa.
and other vegetables. + r 1t (ndiu.poa. Atkata. Mainpki. Richmond. Grand Rapid,
1 8.111ab. Da.
NashTilla. Albanr. City. Ma.H.wtoy
N' Sunday"Mr. and evening Mrs. W.visitors II. Bronson at the homeof were vidrl feerd Products Corporaafk, II II 11 s Duluth Landau. rdar, Ii.._ 'a ,, ;
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jester.
4. l Mr. and Mrs. Kelly were recently \
guests at the home of Mrs. Beard.
1 eXtYl'Ii '
U, n'"t." i ll'iVlL.' !*" ffPaiiitlProdu
Following is the list of uncalled for
letters remaining in the post office at r
Kisslmmee, Florida, for the two weeks srx
ending April 1, 1918: r t aPl9 : I
Bishop G. F.; Beckmeyer, Mr.; Inn ,
} Bronson, E. L.; Conerster, M.JVI; Cal- p'
lip, Mrs. Marg; Cunning, Mrs. Annie; ,54IrF
Coulter, R. W.: Gasson, Georgia;
Green, F. D.; Iloyt Edwin 1...; ,Har- fr 'i
r rich, Mrs Mattie; Howard, Mrs. Lal- 111 t
lie Jane; Harris, John; Keith, Mrs.
Geo. S.; .Linton, Mrs. Minnie; Mitfch- .
ell, Henry; Runyan, Alfred; Watson, '
TiiulL J. M.; Willis, Mrs.' Lizzie; .Wilson. Certain-teed Roofing Is Sold' In Kissimmee by) the Osccola. Hardware. Go.. JM
i r ,, ,
l 1f 1// .,; .
.. r"re.
-. :,- "
} ...__ .... i ..,,"" J. ,l o:
...,.y'r' "!" T, ,. ......,.,.- "TV '' ,- t
\ .
: ;
r Easter Symbols. Thru AgesBy Ugh Calomel Sickens; ''Salivates!,
Please Try Dodson's Liver 'Tone
I' Do you ever wonder why we usq the use. of It is that of a symbol for a "
egg and the hare as symbols of Easier symbolic idea. .,
The egg, at all. times a symbol,
I ? Why we connect the two? They' serves a three-fold purpose-food, IT am sincere!if My medicine ''does: not upset lirec: :::
1I' are symbols as old as man himself. plaything and gift. Everywhere the .
Easter, apparently >a solar festival prescribed manner of use is to boil it find bowels BO you loso a day's''w rL
connected with the equinox is in reality hard in some non-poisonous stain,
: # (1 a moon festival. The hare lethe preferably red, the color of Christ's
symbol of the moon, the measurerof blood, and decorate it with mottoes .
time, and the egg with its buried landscapes of symbols of the resur Calomel Iowa a day I You druggist sells for a few cents a large
1c germ represents the revival .f life. rection. Accounts of the use of Easter know what calomel is. Its mercury bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, whichis
In the mythology and religion of the eggs made interesting of
many pages : and pleasant to.
most ancient peoples both are used. ,religious history. ; quicksilver. Calomel is dan entirely vegetable
Modern peoples have joined them in Italian Easter 'Custom. gerous. It "crashes into sour bile take and is a. perfect substitute fOB
curious fashion." Emilianne gives the following de.. like dynamite, cramping and sick- calomel. It is guaranteed to start ;
/ Our Feast of the Resurrection Is a scription of an Italian practice: "On ening Calomel attacks the liver without stirring you up
mingling of the many feasts of many Easter eve and Easter day all the you. your and not salivate. *
into inside
bones and should never be put can
peoples. It had its direct origin in heads of families sent great chargersfull
the Festival of the Jewish Passover of hard boiled eggs to the church, e Don't take calomel J It makes you
ThiS Big Dollar-Saving! Book which Christians continued to observe to get them blessed, which the priests Whea'you feel bilious, sluggish, I, sick the next day; it loses you a day'awork.
according to established traditions.At .. perform by making several appointed constipated! and all knocked out and Dodson's Liver Tone Btraight -'
an appointed time in a certain lunar prayers and making great signs of and
HomersSd believe you need a dose of dangerous ens you right up you
ShouIdBeinJE&ery month the Lord commanded the the them and
cross over sprinklingthem children
Jews to make prescribed sacrifices with holy water. These blessed calomel juat remember that your Give it to.. the as wel9'
and to eat certain foods-roast .lamb, eggs have pie virtue of sanctifyingthe -' = = '-
Forfll NOW'FTM!$ TREE 'Book unleavened bread and bitter herbs entrails of the body und are i the beautifully' decorated with assort-! ' ,
"it is the sacrifice of the first fat nourishment A' Prophecy
- - saying, or fleshy they ments of flowers and where, we fail
eocmoIftJ'; that dollar be inadtagoMfwM Lord's Passover" who'passed oven the take after the abstinence of Lent. As to find the ornamentals we witness '
_, National yoor
Israel in Old
houses of the children of soon as the eggs are blessed everyone of 200 Years
the useful in the shape vegetables,
pouibl This bargain Book enables Egypt when he smote the Egyptians carries his portion home and causetha .
you to Mcora' die meet desirable psnxhan- and delivered our houses." Later "to large table to be set in the best fruit Our etc.truant officer, Mr." Holloway is ,
; <&. of all kinds at the lowest prices u. remlting in a suit the circumstance of their history room in the house, which they cover certainly making it lively, for those . A PROPHECY 200 YEARS OLD
rsat MTU* to :TOO- Thousands and thooMiKte ef satisfied cuctamers: as a type of their departure from the with 'their best linen bestrewn with who fail to send their children to The following prophecy as to when:
IhreaefcoatTlkO iBouth testify to the Bwaey-myms BMritu of "The land of Egypt the egg was made a .flowers, anli .place around about it a school and I is certainly a worthy Incumbent the war will end' is said to be two
Book of a Thousand Bargains.." Our tremendous parehaafeg power part of' the furnishing of the table dozen dishes of meat and the great in his position, aad has hundred years old. It was cut froman
ha*enabled to keep the prices down within the reach of all,Don't with the Paschal Lamb." charger of eggs In the midst. 'Tis a awakened, in the minds of many of English newspaper by a. young
j delay ".nd toe JOUI'4IOJ71"lQW. ?,-, __,.,ea, 'I' )y C le-brating'the Passover. very pleasing sight to see the tables the delinquents the necessity there exists man who is a member of t.he.British
Through the centuries the fundamental set forth in the -houses of great persons educating the anjd has aviation corps and sent to his mother
EXAMPLE, OF OUR MONET SAVING POWER ideas of why and when to cele- when they expose on the side furnished them with young copies of the who lives in the! state of Iowa.
- ::.. brate the Passover have.not changed. tables round about the chamber all I laws bearing..on school attendance.The The' prophecy Is supposed to have .s,
_, ,. ,,', ., . . ....... As.a mooni festival we' still\ pivethanki'.if the plate they have \In the house and Democratic rooster is partiotiVa been found when a wall of the Mon-
n. -- '- as
.. ....." ..., j'''*:Women" .sf Stylish' .....l -' .. ... .;... '- f".ealv"atil ftY.thi'Ol1lfllte'WrtM.In '. whatktlert'else' ';'they,:. ve;.that.Js41'J; t.b .': ver-Ho:;; .says if.theToW' ;Kaiser aatery.pt the,Holy.Gh! at: Viss nar.' Ia"
'I' .00 determining the time of the festival and curious, in honor of the Easter 11 don't come down from his high city on--lhe>'fslanU -of ';BalticWai"} *l
,and Serviceable 'D- ,the Jews off the eastern church .feast., .. roost and 'act as becomes a human torn down. The piece was,.written; "
Two-Strap .r l :' follow the old lunar reckoning which In the roll of expenses for the royal that some of our western boys will by a monk in 101, parchment, and:
sometimes brings it before the vernal I household of Knig Edward I, there get hold of him and pull\ out .his wings I is now kept in the town hall of Vise
PATENT LEATHER equinox. The western church, thoughit !: occurs this item for a certain Easter and cut his comb about half way be. mar. The prophecy reads:
p.- adopted the sun reckonings- i Sunday: "Four hundred and a half tween his head and body. "Europe will some day; when the
PUMPS Gregorian correction of the calendarfor eggs, 18 pence. These were stained in News from different parts of the seat of the Pope i is vacant, meet with
only $1.98 other things, yet clings to a i boiling or covered with gold leaf and county indicate that the chance for thisyear's terrible punishment. Seven nations
moon reckoning for Easter and makesit afterwards distributed to the royal is a good rain is needed will turn themselves against a bird
Regular $2.75 VaLloBIGGEST "the first Sunday after the full 1 household." in some crop sections but serious damageis with two heads. The bird will defend
-' moon which happens next after the In early days all Christians greeted not feared unless a continued dry itself with wings, and talons. A mon
C 21st of March. If the full] moon comes each other at the Easter time with season sets in, which is not very apt arch 'who always mounts his horse
on1 Sunday. Easter is the next'Sunday the words "Surrexit" )Christ has risen to come at this season of the yean from the wrong side will be surrounded
SHOE BARGAIN \k thereafter." This fixes the date be- ) and the response, "Surrexit vere" The reader who has waded throughthis by a wall of foes. It will be T,
tween the 22nd of March and the 25tH (Christ has, indeed, risen). Even now article expecting to find something tough struggle between 'east and west,
OF THE SEASON of April. Twice in the. nineteenth in Russia, where Easter is .set apartas dod in it, 'we fear'has been disappointed and the lives of many men will be
centrury Jews and Christians cele- a time for paying visits as wellas and as Rex has nothing. lost.War
brated on the same day and three for going to church, friends greet better to offer, he'll stop. : chariots shall roll forward
w ,./'A typical bargain lelpcted at random from among the times during the century the dates each other. with the old form' of salutation without horses and fire, dragons shall
thousand that are found in this Bargain Catalog; Th new will coincide. That the holiday period the kiss of peace, and a gift KISSIMMEE RESIDENT HAS fly through the sky and spread fire
connected with Easter has been shortened of hard-boiled egg. and sulphur and destroy towns.
Opting and Summer issue READ TRI DzaaurnoMS that other feasts having ideasin Easter Hare Everywhere. AWFUL EXPERIENCE Mankind shall not listen to the
'contains maqy- pages of just g tao.1d..Tpre..u.LLoa.. ''M.eP..b...{.ow... common with it have been merged, I Everywhere along with the candy I forebodings of God and lie shall turn
. /w 'och bargains' aho a alone. .ha -.a L.aMr.aa. that sacrifices have been done away and hard-boiled eggs in confectioners' "I was twice combined in hospitals, away from them. The war shall last
',0... hundred other pages of e= .... fi.E with, that the original foods, with the windows we see the rabbit or more in the last one nothing but gruel, three years and five months. Starvation '-
IB. ready-to wear under- = -a exception of the egg, have fallen into correctly, the hare. He trundles a water was injected into me 4 times a'' and disease shall follow.
swrtaga. L.I _.. ______....._ disuse-these are non-essentials. The wheelbarrow filled with eggs, or'else retain Bread will be controlled and distributed -
.... ----,. aano- ...s day as my stomach would not
t t. Moat trial ..... .... feast retains its original character. drags -eingle egg. Children are told among the people. Men will
I, .,. : pock A .... ;: Egg Always Easter Symbol. hares lay Easter eggs and are sent to any food. I suffered terribly; was reduced be lurking in the bottom of the seas
-- anrue*yo of the bis I u.:t 4L-1. Kvasbook. :r- :t The egg as a symbol'did not origi- the fields to look for'them. They are to a skeleton. My folks saw an for their prey. The war will .Urt
.... IeUUWCbGI'dertD. .....
tbli : :rd. tky.ae "* nate with and was not confined to the also told that "babies" come in the ad of Mayer's Wonderful Remedyand when the corn is ripening in the field
IrcIaa, _, __ _. 1........ rnoe. :t1.... .98 Jews but was common to Persians, form of hares. The hare the same i* has surely"saved my life. I and will reach its maximum pitch
Phoenicians Egyptians Japanese, as the rabbit in symbolism is,.in fact, weigh 180 Ibs now. It is a simple, when the cherry trees are blooming
ndTonr Trial Order toW
or Catalog Request reeks and Romans, as well as the "the type of the moon itself across harmless preparation that removes : for the third time. Peace will be obtained
Teutonic tribes of Gaul. The Persians whose disk endless numbers of Hindus the catarrhal mucus 'rom the intestinal about Christmas.
r made it represent the triumphof have painted a little animal," "Buddha tract and allays the inflamation
Gaarant.to Pl a.m\ the Sun of Nature and used it as took the shape of a hare that he which causes practically all stomach< ,' Drives Out Malaria Builds Up System
their New Year celebration. They might feed his hungry fellow crea- liver and intestinal ailmer.ts includ The Old St.ndftrd rtacrcl trtncHwaln tonic.OROVK'a
YeaAb.otat.lyorYour : MAli; ORDER believed that the world ,was hatched tures and was translated into the ing appendicitis. One dose will con Mataria.orkhe.ihebloodudbundsuVben.s TASTELESS chill TONIC.driWioul*
-r f from an egg at the vernal equinox. form.of the moon and in that form vince, or money refunded. Ie.... A Uu tonic. Por adult sad children.
Money t. K.fanJ JAUGUSTA. ''S as.S Hindus many Eatern peoples, and evermore abides."
: Romans, had it typify the universe, Indian mythology says Indra, dis
"\ he work of the Supreme Deity; the guised as aJ famished pilgrim, 'was
: : : .. o Teutonic tribes used it at their cele- praying for food when the hare, having -
:::..... --. bration in honor of Ostara-reallyAshtorath nothing but himself to give, threw
the Egyptian Goddess of himself into the fire that h. might b.
the Moon-whom they called Goddess roasted for his benefit. Out of gratitude WRKLEYS
of Spring and from whom we get the Indra translated him,,'.tow-. the
; name now applied to our feast. Our moon.RUMNATIONS. '
( "
r ---------------------------. ----
: Wanted : OF REX- Six
reasons hood 1 II
To buy steers one year old and up. Price WHY
We understand that the first battle having been under his care renderedthe
rr according to age and size. Will pay spot between our army and the Germans I situation deplorable. The old gentleman friend : 1
brought the Kaiser's men in contact rallied, however, and has since
r cash.. with the western troops. We were 'been able to help himself a little.
not surprised at the result. In the i
The game season is fast drawing to
BASS & PHILLIPSA. war between the states we came in I.a close. The hunters have observed
contact with the fathers and grandfathers the law. Don't believe there has been 1 Steadies nerves
of these very men and consid- any violations to speak of. The county
Bass Kistiame & St. Qvmt. 10-a
ered them the most determined bodyof court records show a few have not y
.,'oooooooo'ooo'oooo"oo"o'ooO'O'ooo04tOOo. ooooo.oo troops we had to contend with. observed the fishing: end of it, but 2 ...... Allays thirst :
Their Jines were scarcely ever broken. this is often occasioned as much by
Tearing their lines with shell, grape ignorance as willful violation. '
shot and minnie balls only appearedto Rex spent one night during last 3 Aids appetite : ,: (
r J:. A. CARSON. President. N. C BRYAN. Secretary make them the more fierce and determined week with Sellars Thompson and his -,
and did not affect their interesting family, and we certainly 4 Helps digestion ..
solid formation. Rex has seen them enjoyed the visit. Jessie May is a .,
i_ The Waters & Carson advancing in line of battle and after great deal liko her mother, BeulahMr.
the smoke had cleared away from the ( Joe William's wife). She is.a 5 Keeps teeth clean j
terrible fire that was poured into their fine cook and a good hand to entertain
ranks they seemed to bo in as solid company and with Sellers hearty good economical
6 It's
: formation as when the column was cheer a visit to their house is a thingof
Grocery CompanyI first formed. Look out, ve Germans, pleasure.
you run up against a solid wall when John Drawdy is the father of a lit
I called upon to contend against our tie girl that came into this world Sat
... western boys. The eastern and mid-
urday week. Mother and daughterare
--r:."J,. ,
dle states' men were good men; we doing well under the congenialDr. i
''l I yr" ''. and Retail i Dealers inGROCERIES are not detracting from their bravery Rivers The doctor II one-of the ,
but we are simply awarding to the most beloved in the city. He has become Keep the soldiers l. r rand
west that which properly belongs to so accustomed to wearing a
them. smiling face that an invalid can see sailors supplied !
Thq tremendous power of our nation hope and confidence expressed: in it
had never been properly appreciated the 'moment he enters the room and
until the present crisis calledit I the confidence he has in his own skill WIRIGL!
I into action and now that the' executive and his method of expressing it does ,,
and legislative power sup- much towards infusing a like confidence Three '
i 00 000000000000 00000000004000 . ported by the people is calbd into action in the mind of his patients and "a PERFECT GUM .p
0 0O we can only look on and wonder is a great aid in their recovery. .Flavors 1 i
g WE SELL: o WE BUY, ; how we became so great a nation .nd Mrs. Clark continues the industrious .
0 it would appear to me that our en- gardener and the result of her
HAY 0 0 emies seeing how quickly we arc industry is made apparent by the i increased dV5UGLEYWRAPPCO'
O I. 0 HIDES transformed from a commercial to a beauty of her garden, and
O GRAIN O y/ -.t. warlike nation would be fearful of re what nature fails to provide in the
4 0 0 FURS ) f't sults. It is many years since Germany way of moisture she is busy with avery M
M '
( L
O FERTILIZERS 0 has been overcome. Not since large watering pot making good. CNEWINi
e 0 WOOL 'J'S' the day of Napoleon I of France, and Mr. Clark has assisted her during the ol -
) SHINGLES "j' .1 :f' -. then peace was declared without se- ; past and their determination appearsto
0 0AND vere humiliation. But at the expira-I be to make their place the most
4- ORANGE BOXES. -.',}" tion of this war the German empire attractive one in the city. In con-
.. ALL will be a thing of the past and the versation with Mr. Clark we found H
.. ORANGE WRAPS. O end will come, and it cannot be far that gentleman not only well informed -
.. 0' COUNTRY distant. concerning/ current events, but, he .
'VEGETABLE CRATES 0r Our Kissimmee farmers. are 'certainly is also familiar with portions of the tltl
.' *- PRODUCE ) doing their part and there is no country included in .the war zone. Zr
CRATE NAILS portion of. the county where men, William Temple and a gentleman
f, 4 0 women and children are doing more to whose name I did not learn decided, to
w t .. . .0000'.0. 0000 0 0000 solve the food problem than in this exchange places. Mr. Temple says
h, city and the outcome as a result of they came within four hundred dollars J !
We sell field and garden seeds of sin kind!.. their efforts will be to honor both city of the exchange each one askingof
.f''' 'Wi aiv. special attention to fitting out hunting and camping parties and county.Ourweekly'visit. the other two hundred dollars boot. w It ,after every meal
in limits. Thone No. 12. to Joe Smith and c There Is not a finer nor more interesting .
Free delivery
k f him in a Very, low condition. Dr. Winn sight, in any city in the JrThe
ki .t ,We art county. agents for good fertilisers.: A.k.us for cGcular ad prior had been absent from the city for state than our city presents to the Flavor ,;
on fertilizen., (U. S. Food Adminittiation'Ucens.. ,No. G-Z2092), something over a week and Mr. Smith eye. The yards and gardens are Lasts !:
.. '\ t
t II fd / I ,.i
if if r If I c11. :
'\ ,l. V tG :'
J 8
II >, 1'U oj' d. .,. LSIJ--.i {//r N, 9I-. ,,? ; ./1' "
iv (i iV, 1
l '\;
I THE KISSIMMEE VALLEY GAZETTE, FRIDAY, MARCH '22, t.18 .... .400 -'''''- ra
- ---------
: n. Plummet",. Vice President and M. the north one-half of Lot Three and I I rat Klsslmmee In the County' nt Onesola '
IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, Rosen, Secretary and Treasurer; .Ia'i I Four (t and 4) In Section Two (Z) and $Stat"ol-rIOTlda. this 27th. Uiy:>> t'>t
DON'T' BE. MISLED THANKS RECEIVED Hoard of Directors shall be: A. Roien, the south ene-half of the southeast F"bruary-A.. D. ISIS. ,00 r.
FEVERISH, CONSTIPATEDLook l>. Plummer and M.: E. Rosen quarter of Section. Two (I). all In (Notary. Publlo Seal)
Article \I. Township. Twenty-nine (I*) South ROMA :
The highest amount of"lndebtednesi' Range Twenty-nine. (It) East.. less the THOMAS iSeal)
or liability that the corporation shall southwest. quarter of the southeast Notary Publlo State. of l'l>rdls.RBUIgTRATIOK ..
I. Klssimmeci Citlxen Should Read and FROM THE FRONT ; Mother! If tongue I. coated, at any one time subject Itself. to shall quarter of Section Two (I). Township 1t.4t My Commission' 4'"lre. ),tetu
' Heed This Adrlre cleanse little bowel with ""Call bo Two Thousand Article Dollars III. Twenty-nine ty-nine (18) (East SO South.In the Ranite CountrPolk Twen u ,5th 1519. ,
I Kidney trouble is dangerous and ,fornla Syrup of "Ig,," The names and postofflce addreil of I State of Florida. NOTICM
often fatal.Don't l. '- the subscribers together with the I Dated at Klsslmtnee, Florida. toll Notice I. ; -
hereby !given that the Res
amount of capital stock subscribed to February tSth, 111
experiment with something strstlon
books of
WILD EXCITEMENT OVER by each Is as follows i WM C. ZKPPERER Osceola County will
new. and untried. Mother eaa rest easy after giVID A. Rosen, Klsslmmee', Fla., five liSt A* Commissioner. be open at the office of Supervisor of
Use a, tested kidney remedy. RECEIPT OF SURGICAL "0aIifon Syrup, ; of Figs because In shares. I Monday Jetflstratlon.. at 4th M.and Kata each store, oa
with Doan's Kidney Pill.. 110 B t'lummer .SO Mayo St.. Berkley IIA"OR'II PROCLAMATION week day
Begin a few hours all the clogged-up waUe, from S.OO a. m to 11.00 m.. and from
Used In kidney trouble 60 yean. .'IILi-e.. DRESSINGSDirector our bile and: fermenting food gently Calif.M. ,E.five Rosen.shares.,Klsslmmee, Fla.. lye Under and by the power vetted In 100 I; p. m. to 8.00: p. m, to and Including
Recommended here and everywhere. moves out of the bowel, and you have shares. me f. .1: 8. Cadet Mayor of the Cityof elector Monday whose May Sth, IMS. Any qualified.
name not
Klsslmmee, Florida. 'do hereof announce now on the
Kissimmeo citizen' statement A. ROSEN (S.al)
Of Woman's Work for Red a well, playful child Spain. B. PLUMMRR proclaim and declare that an Registration books may register. The
forms convincing:; proof of merit. Sick children .needn't be coaxed to IS..all election will. be held at the City Halt books In the other precincts of Osoeola,,
Receive LetterFrom M. E. ROUEN ($
1 It's local t.ostlmony-It. Can be In. take this harmless "fruit laxative.! State of Florida..J. In said City during the legal" hour of county and close will Monday.open. Monday April 1st March. 4th,
Paris the 10th day of
Votlnir, on Saturday
vestigated.J. 4 County of.Oseeola.
I Million of mothers keep it handy because l' E. D. KATZ
A. D. 11S for the purpose 01
I before March
Z. Bass.Sr., Bermuda Ave., Kisaimmee hereby certify that me personally ll.St
Supervisor Registration.
they know its action-on Ota stomach appeared A. Rosen, and M E. electing the following officers. for the II,
"I suffered from kidney
says: I The Importance of the work that U liver and bowel .1s prompt and sure. Rosen to me known to be the persons term of one year, vl..;
trouble for several years and had taint done by the women all over Ask druggist for a bottle of ao nanifd who'executed the foregoing. One Mayor IN THE COtlNTr COURT Itt AND VON
a lame and aching back. Done' Kidney your proposed charter and each of whom. One Clerk
the Southern Division ot the Red of which con' Marshal and Tax Collector, O9CKOLA COUNTY .T..TIII.Or
: Pills rid me of the kidney trouble "California Syrup Figs, acknowledged: before me that they executed One : .
backache." Croat lathe way of knitting of surgical talus direction for babiei. children o/ the foregoing, proposed charterfor One Treasurer, FLORIDA
of two
,1, and OVER THREE YEARS LATERMr. dressings and of hospital garments all age and for grown-upa. tioned.the uses and purposes- therein men.. yars Also: Two to. serve members,for of the the term City Coun ATTACHMBPTT-
l' Ball said: "Since using Doan's baa been stressed many times, but It NOW. Witness myhand and official seal oiL AIISV.PSIT DAMAGES siee.eeMar
Pill I have never had a baa never bMo'Ibown more. clearly: REGISTER Klsslmmee, Osceola County, Florida I hereby appoint H. N.. Bratton J. E.! Ota *ware, Ceaayaay, a CefseiPlalBtlsT
.;:, Kidney The registration books are now op. this tha 18th day of Mch ISIS. at.1 Lupfer and E CJ. Vans Agnew a. Inspectors -..... ,
" aympton of kidney tiouble. than In the following note ot thanks MILTON PLEDOICR.N. !: and Edgar Kats a. Clerk of ...
) Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply which was received a few day ago I en at every precinct' in Osceola coun ( r.'Se,1), Notary Public State said' election.In NathM Ray, Defeasastt.
if 1 ask for a kidney remedy-' get by lira. John W. Oraat Director oil ty. Register and pay your poll tax- Florida.Mch.My II" 1(21.commission expires my witness hand as whereof Mayor I of hare said hereuntoset City and To Nathan Ray. Phllad..l. hI&I Pa. '.
I ti,: Y Doan's Kidney Pill*-the same that ,:. Ibe Department of Woman' Work ol your vote will be needed this year. State of California. caused the seal of said City to be. And all others whom It may conoerni
\ Mr. Bass had. Foster.Milburn Co., the Southern Division from Mr O.rtrode 1 County of Alameda. hereunto affixed, this Zlth day of February It appearing by return of the Sheriffof
-Mfrs. Buffalo, N. Y.XT I, an officer duly authorized to takeacknowl..dKm.nt. A. D. IMS Oseeola County Florida, upon' the.
7.. \' Austin., Chief of the Red. Cross .. do hereby certify (Seal) JOHN 8 CADKt, summons Issued In this case that. you
\\ 'Crawford' .' Lee JarrellCRAWFORD Burgle Dressing Service la 'Partl: I COODTOTHE LflST DROP that B. Plummer. to me known to be Mayor-of the City of are a non-resident of the State of Fler-
i, ? IS Rue Pterre-Cbarron Parts I one of. the persons who executed the Klsslmmes, Florida. da, and that you are a resident of
& JARRELL'A'lTORNEYS.AT.LAW foregoing proposed charter acknowl.. Attest! Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania.snd ..
: February. I. 111*. i edged before me that he executed the J. R. GILBERT. plaintiff applying this Court for
fTo The Cbatftnao.. MflXWELLHOUSE same for the uses and purposes therein City Clerk. 1I.ltl'OT."E' Notice of Institution of this cult, to be
I I expressed. published I to I....
according are
;; Offices C. 5. 6, and 7" Citizen Dear Madam: Witness my h.nd.and official' seal : OF* APPLirATIO FOR, LET. hereby notified that the above suit was
Bank Building Tour ease of surgical dressings No. I at Berkley In the County of AlamedaIn TERN PATENT AND INCOR.Nhtlco instituted In the above Court on the,
.S Florida IB ha. Just,been. opened and we wantto the' State or California, on this the POR"T.ONo, 11th day of February. A. D. ISIS the
\, S Kiasimme thank you most heartily for jour' 11th day of March IRIS.OKOlUJE same being. suit In Assumpslt Claim
W. NICKER8ON. JR. 's hereby given that he undersigned log damages In the sum of One Hun
help.We (N. P. Seal) Notary public In and dred Dollars, and carrying Writ of
excited here the will on the Xnil day of jtprll. a
DR. W.. W. CARSON are wildly over for the county of Alameda. A. I). 1)1*. apply to the Oovertor ofvhe Attachment and the Sheriff of Osceola.
> DENTIST: arrival of the first Front Parcels and COFFEE State of California. 14-St State of Florida f.." Tetters Patent County Florida by virtue Of<< the acid.
I tbe first tandard Dressings. The Incorporating STEVEN8 AUTO Writ of Attachment has seized and lev. 6
Office over' Pilley Building' are not yeC In our store, but we know NOTfcR OK APPLICATION PORTAl TRANSFER COMPANY, Under the fol. led upon as your property the follow. Sing
.. UKBD Charter ..nd ... described real estate In the County
w.f..1JIj.,9I..H: \O('. a-1I.. & . UiatthC7areIn* France. lowing proposed Articles
R. 'Phoa'e .', i'L-' : ASK YOUR GROCER I of Incorporation a cqpy of which- has of Osceola. Slate of Florida to-wlt
0.Oa.... 'i'ion Administered Its for sld Extraction nes el Youcanr.a1zebathl'm.i' ito :;N { *rti' hereby. Rlv"11'\'AC: .S.'tt? ter.- bpti-filed In.thc )rrie. -Of Secretary Lot,One..,(1).,ofOs0eoll4.-8ubdiijeeca., _
T..th 'us. for we have waited for them gert and George \V. Luke, purchasersof of State for the State Florida.. of Lots ''Seven (1) and Bight (I.) .of
.o long and so anxiously. Tax Certificate No. ITS dated the 6th EVENS Block "F" of n H. P. Droua-hfs Addition
day of July A. D. 1816, have filed said I OTIS to the Town of Klsslmmee
Oo ahead and send us plenty more LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS and have made .J. E. nno\VN
LEWIS O'BRTANATTORNEYATLAW certificate In my office, Florida therefore you are hereby notified -
Cordially yours, application for tax deed to Issue In W. J. STEED and ordered to appear In paid
GERTRUDE AUSTIN. I INOT.'R accordance with law. Bald certificate ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION suit on of before the April Rules, the
Chief of 'Service. FOR LKTTKHS !: : embraces the following described We, the. undersigned hereby aasn. same being the 1st day of April A. It.19U. .
0V APPLICATION property situated In Osceola County It Is .further ordered that thru
That the Southern Division Is doing plate ourselves together for the pur
Waring Building. PATENT Florida, to-wlt.: pone of becoming a body politic under order be published In the Klsilmmee
Its part In shipping these article. to 8E%" of 8E1t" Section 10 In Township the laws of the State of ,Florida. anf Valley (Oastttr a weekly newspaper j.
O. P. Oarreti Europe .U shown la the report of the Notice I. hereby given that on the 16 South Range S7 East. wo hereby declare that the following published and of general circulation In
Vat Jehneton division< warehouse In Atlanta which 12nd day of April. 1818. the 'Undersigned The said land being assessed at the "Articles of Incorporation shall constitute the County of Osceola and State of
JOHNSTON & GARRETT give a detailed statement of all work will apply to the Governor of Florida date of Issuance of said certificate In and be the Charter of said Florida once a week for thirty days,
for Letters Patent to be Isiued the name of C. M'(Candy. Unless said. I Witness the Honorable T. M. Murphy
ATTORNEY-AT-LAW done during the week. Not Infrequently the charter. certificate shall be redeemed accordingto Corporation.ARTICLE I. as Judge of said Court, and my nameas
Y."' as many as 300.000 articles are ntilp- upon A. ;:::'I4IfEJropo."d law. ten deed will Issue thereon on ..bsllbo Clerk thereof and the seal of said
of this Corporation
Office. 10. 11 and 12 Cltlceni Baal ped for export In a single: week in addition B. PLUMMER the 16th day of April. .A. D. U1S. The STEVENS name AUTO TRANSFER COM-: ; Court at Klsslmmee. Osceola County.
Building to all of the work of Inspecting M E. ROSEN J. L. OVBRSTREET. PANT and the principal place of busU State of Florida, on this tsth day of
Clerk Circuit Court, Osceola February A. D. 1915. .
Kteslmme Fla. cutting out and packing, which Is PROPOSED CHARTER OP THE IN. Seal) County ..Florida.lS6t .; ness shall be In the City of Kl."'lmmro, J.
,1\\ done at tbe warehouse and to the DEPENDENT County of Osceola State of Florid"
Art tele 1 By B. H. Bullock, U. C. Directors establish County As Clerk of said .Court.
but the Board may
boxes which are shipped to the cantonment Court Seal) 11.1tNOT.CIII
The. name of the corporation shall branch offices at other places from
In this country.RED be INDEPENDENT FISHERIES CO, MOTICB OF APPLICATION FOR time to time as may be desired.
and business Its home shall office be and Klsilmrnee principal, Osceola placeof TAX-DEED I .R'I'IC"1._n____ _TiThe _. TO CREDITOR
County. Florida with the prlvl-, Notice I. hereby given that E. D. general nature of the buslnors la.Cevrt *f the Ce.. y Judge. O e.e lCe .
CR8SDJI FIIRMERSELLS J CROSS WAR FUND lelle( of establishing branch olrlc...- at Malloy, purchaser of Tax CertificateNo. or businesses to he transacted ..,.., ..ty. State .! Florida.
such other place., either In the State: 5 dated the Ith day of July. A. D. conducted by this Corporation shall be -
of Florida or In other states of the 114. has filed said certificate In my to deal In, buy sell, operate, and let la re Rsta e ef D. S. AM |.. _
United States or In foreign( countries, office, and has made application for for hire automobiles, motorcycles inf.! To all Creditors. Locates, Dtetrlbu-.
DRIVE SET FOR MAY 20 as the Board of Director. .shall from tax deed to Issue rn accordance with motor vehicles of every kind natsrt tees and all Persons having; Claim
time to time designate. law. Said certificate embraces the following and description: to buslld.: maintainand or Demands against" said Estate] .
Article II. described property situated In operate buildings, storage housesand You and each of you are hereby no.
The general nature of the businessto Osceoja) County Florid... to-wlt: Lot garages for the storing, caring for tiled and required to present any
be tran.acted by the corporationshall Four (4) Section 1, Township ThIrty. and keeping for hire therein of auto claims and demands which you. er
Fire Life, Accident and In order not to detract even slightly be to buy. sell, handle ship and one (11) South Range Thirty-four (14) mobile., .motorcycles and motor vehicles either of you may have against the
otherwise transport, all kinds of fish Ea.t.The'. of every kind, nature and descrlptlon estate of b. S. Austin deceased. late
Health Plate Glass Liability from the forthcoming Liberty Loan both fresh and salt whether from said land"' being assessed. at the ; and generally to bur: ....1 of Oaceole. County Florida to the Undersigned -
campaign,.the 'War Council of the fresh water. or salt water to Includeall date' of the Issuance of said certificateIn and deal In *11' goods, wares and. merchandise executor of said estate,
American Red Crocs ha. the species of food fishes, and other the name of J. T. Smith. Unless necessaryor Incidental to within two years from the date hereof
and Boiler Insurance. products of the water used for food said certificate shall be redeemed according the operation repair or equipment of Dated February 4th, A. n. Ida.
campaign to raise the second War purposes; to own, operate; maintainand to law, tax deed will Issue automobiles motorcycles or motor .e. O. F. AUSTIN.st II
Relief fund of 1100.000.000 to the .weekof use all equipment outfits. thereon. on. the 16th day of April. A. I hides of any and all Iclnds. manufactures : Ezeeuter.AOTICF .
Legal Bonds Executed May 20 from the week of Mar fth, boats selns, nets. cars, drays devlce'l .r>. ISM. ,.and-deserlptloni-to' own, equip
other equipment necessary or Incidentto J I* OVERSTREET. maintain and operate a general trans Of KXKCITOR:
a. was originally Intended. It wa* announced the effective carrying on of the Clerk Circuit Court. fer business by means of vehicles, (Per, FlBel Discharge)
Same Day Needed In Washington' today. business of catching packing, ship 11-Et Osceola County, Florida. taxicabs and automobiles, operated by Ir
This aetloa flies the date of the see pinK, marketing selling and generally electric gasoline or other motor pow.er .. Cewr ef r-.ty 'J..... GaeeeIa '* *
oDd Red Cross campaign eleven mon.tka&tt.r trarriclng In all kinds of fish for food NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR with and by which to transfertransport Ces..,, State ef Florida
.i otherwise. for to convey and haul pasaensrerand
purpose.. or profit; TAX DEED
the flrst. which wa .tarted on own use occupy lease buy and sell, travelers and for the accommodation tm .. Estate ef LI.... MeeeleyiNotice .'
OFFICE: Stats Bask Boildlif June II. 1>1T.. The War Council had all of such commodities and all prop. Notice Is hereby given that Alex of the traveling publlo generallyand Is hereby "given to all whim
been appointed by' President WiLson erty necessary or Incident to the effective Haynes. purchaser of Tax CertificatesNo. to haul transport and convey baggage It may concern that on the Slat day
only five week priorto the beginning "ca.rrvlnr- on of- said business to 1046 dated the |
of this campaign ao that its first Include real estate, personal and mixed: of July, A. dD"0i4, and .Tax Cert l* such like articles that may be fortransfer honorable T. M. Murphy. Judge of said
great property and property rights; to engage rates No. 1S3 and un dated the 6th or transportation and to doa court as Judge of Probate, for my
task wa to provide means for carrying In and carry on the business of day of July A. D. 116 has filed. said general transfer business for the accommodation final discharge as Executor ef the
The Dining Room of the on relief work during the war on buying and selling all kinds of produce .. certificates In my office and has made of the publlo generally estate of Llssle Moseley. deceased. ) and
a scale commensurate with the military either .. agent or upon commission application for tax deed to Issue In accordance for hire; and for the purpose of carrying that at the same time I will presentmy
or 'as owner as a merchant, for with law. Bald certificates on the business aforesaid to buy final accounts as Executor of said
Manhattan Hotel operation proBt; enjoy all the right" and privileges embrace the following described property sell and convey. exchange lease mort. estate and ask for their approval..
More than 100.000,000 was contributed I' conectlon with the ownership, situated In Osceola; County, Florida gage or encumber real estate or othei Dated January 18th. A. I). ISIS
la. response to the flrst call for and operation and enjoyment In the ,' to-wlt. : Lots Eleven (11) and Sixteen rO.lthf'e': :: : or mixed as the, EGG EBTON. WILBOURN.
I* Now Open'I financial aid and contributions plus said several lines of business as fully ((1<) Block Fifty (50). Lot Fourteen and generallyto : 7-IoamSm Executor.
I Interest brought the total receipt and completely a* any natural per.oncould (14) Block Fifty (60). Lot Nine do all things that may be necessary
Mrs. R. B. Savage, Owner and Mg,. of the said businesS.ARTICLE .
I ,do. (9) Block Forty-nine (41) and Lot Ten to the conducting NOTICE OF EXECUTOR
II I from the flnt drive up to W6.0 ',627. Article .... (10) Block Forty-nine (49) of Marydla. III. I Per Flaal DUekarve)
Of this amount, '17.001.121 was refunded The Capital Stock of the corporationshall The said land being assessed. at tbe The amount ofthe Capital Stork of .. Ce.rt e f C.mmtr .J.._. OseeelaCesnty.
to. Red Cross Chapter for local be Five Thousand U6.000.00)) date of Issuance of said certificate In thin Corporation shall be Ten Thousand State .1 Vlertsa.
I relief work. Of the balance $7?,- Dollars, to be divided Into Fifty 60)\ the name of a O. Smith a. Anderson rtlO.000.00) dollars, to be divided
J.. W. THOMPSON T21.I1S ha been appropriated leavinga shares of the par value of One Hun M. J. Maswell and George Murphy. Into Two Hundred (100) Shares of the !. 5'. Katate'ef Jehsj W. Smith.
I dred (tlOO.OO Dollars each. Said capital Unless said certificates shall be redeemed par value of Fifty (15000) Dollars Notice Is hereby'given. to all whom
balance of 910,371,117 available for stock shall be paid for In full when according to law tax deed will each which said Capital Stock may 'b.. It may concern: that on the 1st day ofAu.u.t
: .appropriation. France ha received Issued and shall be payable In money, Issue thereon on the 16th day of April paid for either In cash or In property, A. D. ISIS I' shall apply to
Funeral DirectorAND appropriation amounting to more lhaa or labor or property at a just valua. A. D. 1S18. labor or services, at a Just valuationto ; the Honorable T. M. Murphy. Judge of
thirty million During the week preceding ) tion to be agreed upon by the Incor J. 1.. OVERSTREET. be fixed by the Incorporators, or by said Court, as Judge of Probate for
porators.. -Clerk Circuit Court, the Directors a meeting called for my final discharge a. Executor of the
ChrIstmas the Red Cross conducted Article IV. 13-6t Osceola County, Florida. that estate of Jphn W. Smith deceased
4 membership drive1 which resulted The term for which said corporationshall purpose.ARTICLE IV. and that at the same time I will present .
la the enrollment of approximately exist Shalt be perpetual. IN THR DISTRICT COURT Or THE my final accounts as Executor ef
22.000,000( new members. This Article V. UNITED flTATRB. FOIL TUB The Corporation shall have succession -: said 'estate and a/k for their approval.
LICENSED EMBALMER The business of the corporationshall SOUTHERN DIsTRICT Of by Its Corporate name perpetu Dated JanuaryTsi." A. D. 1SII.
was followed last month by a campaign be conducted by' a President a FLORIDA ally and Is to exist perpetually. l' .THURSTON S. SMITH.'''
I conducted by the Junior membership Vice. President. and a Secretary and ARTICLE V. '-lam 8m Executor
Store and Chapel Stewart Av.Pla. *, of the Red Cross which result Treasurer and a board of Three Direc Jesses A. V.sWest.. mm Trastes .:...- The business of the Corporation
,. ed la the enrollment In the collateral tors. The office of Secretary and plal..t. shall be conducted by a President one < NM.CIa) TO CREDITORS
Klaslramee.. organisation. 'of' practically 'all of the Treasurer may be held by. the same Aa.l.ot or more Vice-presidents a Secretaryand I' _'
In America. person., Clifford W. ttrmmn sad ..|!||.. R. a Treasurer, and such other officers -' !. Ceert ef the Ce..tr Jadare. OeeeeU
school children The .annual meeting of the stockholders ... The Se.l.ole iced ... .
H" Ms write and agentsas may fro,,", time tq, C. ""., State f Plertda.
for the purpose of electing officers ... lavestsaeat Cowpaay, '.1'* It. 8. time be elected or appointed and by aBoard tm re Estate .f A. W. Wl.iTo
JZLER'Real "Three Buffalo nickels and one thin of the corporation shall be the Klord. O. K. KrI...... Job Far ... of Directors consisting of not all Creditors. ). Legatees, Distributee
dime first Tuesday In July of each and every U. ... H. Hvgo, Defendant. less than three nor more than five and all Persons Having" Claim .or
year. Until the first annual meet members. The offices of the Secretaryand Demands against said Estate
Will help to break the Hindenburg ing Of stockholders the business of the By virtue of a decree of foreclosureand Treasurer may be held by one and You and each of you are hereby notified
state Agency. line." corporation shall be conducted by the sale made and entered by the District the same person. The Board of'Direc and required to present any
following officers: A. Rosen President; Court of the United States for claims -and demands which
...............--......................... the Southern' District of Florida., held tors at shall their be elected annual by meeting the Stockholders on the you may have against you. the oreitherof
and sold. : -" - -- - ------ --- at Jacksonville therein. on November third Tuesday In January of each year. estate of A., W. Wlnn. deceased' late of
Realty bought O .O..tO.. OtOOO.OOO.O..O. OOOoot.t OOOO. list 1917 In the above entitled cause beginning In the year. A. I>. 1919. The Osceola County, Florida, to the. under
Houses rented.. I. as Special Master, appointed for such stockholders of this Corporation shallat signed Executrix: of said estate within
purpose by the said decree, will sell at the first meeting. or as soon there two years.from the date hereof
Taxes paid and Titles verified public auction to the highest bidder at after as possible adopt the necessary Dated February llth 191*.
the front door of the County CourtHouse By-Laws for the government of the BERTHA u WINK
for of Osceola County at the City Corporation .and the officers shall, he -It Executrix.
?T Fire Life and Accident Insurance of Klsslmmee. Florida on the thirtieth elected or appointed as prescribed by -V
Tax Notice day of March 1918. at twelve clock the By-Lnws. NOTICE OP EXECuTORs: FOR FINAL
< .*-*> noon the following described premises The following named persona. shallbe DISCHARGE.
Bonds., to-wit: the officers to conduct the business
Indemnity All fractional Sections One (1)). Two 'of this Corporation until the officers
(2) and Three 13)) ; all Section Nine who shall be elected at the firSt election !. Ceastty ...ct..'. Cevrt. OseeelM C*.....
;'; .........ooo. .oooo. ..... (8) ; all fractional Sections Ten (10). of officers shall be. qualified: I ty. State ef Florida.
Eleven (11) and Twelve (11)) ; all Section Otis Stevens. President. -
_ _ _ _ _ _
I Thirteen (13)! all fractional Sections J K. Brown Vicepresident.W. .. re Estate .r Margaret 10. K_.....
...oo.oo. .. .o..oo. .... KISSIMMEE FLA. Feb. 4 1918 Fourteen (14). Fifteen (15)) and J. Steed Secretary and Treasurer derle. '
Sixteen ((16); the North-east quarter; and Otis Stevens, J. K Brown. and W.J. .
North-east quarter of the North-west Steed shall be the Directors.
quarter: South half of the North.we.tquart..r. Notice Is hereby given to all whom
Section Seventeen ARTICLE VI. It may concern that on the 14th.. day of
and South half of -
; C.W. GRIFFIN Notice is hereby given that the (17), all In Township 2* South The highest amount of Indebtednessor May A.: .n. 1 18. we will apply to the
: Range SI East containing accordingto liability to which this Corporation Hon T. ) Murphy Judge of said Courtas
3 I United States surveys In the Stateof run at any time subject Itself Is Ten Judge of Probate for our final dls.
Florida 6786. 0 acres situated In Thousand ((110,00000)) Dollars.! charge as Executors of the estate of
: and Margaret K Kochenderfer deceased.and
: Staple
books of
tax County Osceola County. Florida; excepting and ARTICLE VII that at the same time we will present -
reserving. however. out of the abovedescribed The names and residences of the our final accounts as Executors of
premises twenty ((20)) acreson said estate and ask for their
I II i for the collection of the 1917 the. canter'' shore of Live Oak banana Lake subscribing with the number Incorporators of shares of the together Cap. Dated November .th, A. L) ISlft.r (vat
now used and Improved as a ital Stock subscribed by each net opposite CLARA H. SON.JroJteoutor..
plantation. his name, are as follows: W. M. HUTSON.
I Dated November 21st 1917. Name.. Residence. No. of Shares, ..
t Free Delivery to all Partsof taxes will close promptly on 11-41 J. L. OVERSTREET1 Special Master., i iCOtlMII5.0NER'II J Otis. E: Stevens Brown, Klsslmmee}CissimmeeIrlorida, .Florida 15 2 W.Attorney B. CRAWFORD.for Executor t.m'IIIADtI.'JSTRATOR'II11'IcrrIC.
the City Steed" Klsslmmee, Florida J '
I : !! SALK I WiJ' WITNESS WHEREOF we. have : : .
first. All .
April taxes not paid
hereunto set our hands and seals' this
. ..... .... ...... .. ... . !. re Estate'ef Geera-e D. Tatsiaa Deceased. STth day of February. ,' A D, 191 8. .. Court .r C.-.a' ,' hate. c4
_ _ _ _ _ _ OTIS STEVENS (Seal Florida
For lodlgectloa. Constipation or by that date will be subject to that under J. E. BROWN (Seal) I. re Estate ef Geera-e. B. Tarssaa.seeela .
BUouaaes Notice Is hereby given W. J. STEED Seal) _
and by virtue of an order Issued by STATR 01" FLORIDA > _ty
Just try *ne 50-cent bottle of LAX-fOS all Hon. James W.: Perkins Judge Clf the COUNTY OF OSCHOLA JBE N the I* h iehv.1, flven te all whom I
WITH PEPSIN. A, Liquid \ Digestive costs.. Seventh Judicial Circuit of of the .Stateot IT KNOWN: That before me the' It may concern that on the Seth day ef
9th day
I Florida on the .Ja..uarYi and April. A. D. Hit. shall apply: tote
to' Made and Publlo In
take. undersigned Notary for
LazaUve pleasant I A. D. IMS. 1, .. Commissioner Honorable T. M. Murphy. Judge ef said. *"
recommended to the public by Paris Medicine st Public Auction Bale ,*t the door of th.i State. ef Florida. County of Oseenla.personally' Court as Judge ef Probate.. ferUmy,
C. BANDY the Court House. In Bartow. Florida. appeared Otis St"cn J- final a. Administratrix
Co manufacturer of Laxative Bromo Bro.... and W discharge of
to the highest. and best bidder for E J. Steed. to Bi well the estate of George B.
.Quinine and Groves'Tasteless chill Tonie. cash '..rlng the legal hour ot: sale, known and known to r\td': Individuals ; and that at the same time, twill
Tax Collector of Osceola County on Monday the first day of April. A, D. In andwho their rkmesto present to said Court my final ae*
to' sell tradeor 1 1S. the following described real the foregoing proposed Charror. and co-usis aw Admnllatratrlx: of said ee. _
have anything
If you estate situate In tbe County of: Polk they acknowledged before mi that tate. and ask for their approval.
exchange try our classified column. and Stats of Florida to-wlt: they executed the same for the purposes ., Dated October Sib, A D. 1S1T t. _
Lot Four U> In Section One (I), and therein expressed.: AJJtA T. MORRlablf. _
',It bris- fi result t Lot !Two (I)t/la Section Two (S) and WITNESS/), my hand and official: iea.'M' 4-l rnea f I"'f' AdalnlaUatrlx.& .*., _
'p r); .1 7/ / '7
. ,.., '. . .
;7'YW; '.\{ ..
.'A.i. '1\1"1':; ., \ ; ':" ,.,..,' ,..' .\.:-''' .''.il.. ,'!: _....'',_% .,, I.. '4>,':IQ ...'f''' \''j.'f\ .. .i\IIll.:\ lIU.! .v
-- -"- "
,.. .,.. '''\ .. \ .
4 ,1rq
Next Week Is Dress Up Week---and We Have the Merchandise To Dress Up With :
-j : .
+ . I Just 8 More Days Until Easter !' . . II .: '
Palm Beach Suits, all colors, light Tan T Gray Mixture, Coat and Pants, . -' , .' $8.50
shude.gcl1$7$ 50 I .
: 'uine; ,: Palni Beach London shrunk, per . BI Stripe genuine Palm Beach, ;- . '-!. .- . .." $10.00,. (
. 1 ." :
PALM BEACH SHOES, $2.25.* WHITE SHOES, MEN'S, '1.50' and' $2.50. PANAMA HATS, ALL SHAPES, 298.. .
. "
I .
See. Our Window for Above Specials. We Have the Goods to Show! 0 .
II .
--- .,.-.. ....-,-.-.---" .. -- .. ..-. .
I --:__:__>1+.:..><+, :_.;. .:-<.<+:-HO'J.---:
; cost nt least seven dollars? hence the
: i Society Notes $ i it. of club Kissimniee donato'to is asking, but its i(its, 'layette of friends' Osccola fund not countyto only any The Cut Price Grocery
.. amount from a dime up with which to
purchase materials, At the. twic -a. .
k/ I (Mr.. E. E. Wells' Editor.) I. ::: month meetings those garments will Successor to SPLIT'NICKLE GROCERY, i il still doing business at the
I I' < 'II 1'I be made and turned over immediately r a tame old place and! the same old price We are doing everything we
it made all of the Valley Gazette tend item 1= to the Red Cross chapter.
Request to patron At the Bon Ton Hat Shop Is placeda can to keep good .t' a low price We even sold 60 dozen eggs at 35c
the Editor for publication in these receptacle for contributions, airy
I f Society i Events Jo
i iI .l :: 1 monies. may also be given ,to officersor i per doz., when we could have' gotten -40
I & "._-- .7;r.. .:..:"-"<" ........,.....,, A'................A. .-.r>YVvyvv.vvO'Vr"TIi"vr"'T'I7rT.T, '" : *..-*--*""*- _*__e_> *JL_*._o_, .AlTft.ffiJ members U"Vlui of>.fejr.Kiji tho ,club president of ,which silts.: ",ft.!!'.......'..",...._""",.";,..,,.....::.. ,c.,.. ., ..,".1\"'; .-U; =:",'".:' : """"l'mn-l". .j 4S!thought vi'' it3y5.C, i it better-to! .i :.r.give :jt( to 'our;SS .5,.:fustomergthan., sltit.4W jo'sell bpi.y, +.!them.r4 HMkMVJti to Orlando t'.t-,. I
..: ___ guests of the food administration.! J. Z, Robcrson, vice-president; Mrs" buyers. Hoping the people will ,appreciate our effort to help
ieo. Best, treasurer. Mrs. U.. W. .
I SCHMIDT-THOMAS! : I This was followed by a delicious fruit ; "Democracy"Cookies
+ + I nlad.I Misses Adah Louise Simpson| Morrow' recording secretary; Mrs. everybody we can. We thank you all for the patronage you have given
John Viclet Bullock, Katherine Carr, Frances S. I. Lupfer i is chairman of civilian
Thomas and Mr.
Schmidt Miss Eva two of KisHimmeo's popular Tucker" Clailbel McGheje, Lilian relief of the local lied Cross also director ",' u* and will do all we can to please you.
of the work of Moth.
Prentis and Ethel Gilbert assisted in layette
people were'' tnr.rricd Sundaymorning ,
young ers'-Teachers' club. Keup'COTTOJLENE: J$ cup sugar
in serving the guests.
the presence at the of Baptist'relatives. parsonage and a few In the hall a daintly appointed This l is a serious work to meet an 2 cups flour. % cup boner Butter Saturday _________ .50 Wizard Wash Soap. 8 bar _. .ZS.
O. B. Falls table was arranged where appalling need. The club beseechesthe 1" cups oatmeal Pinch of tall II
Intimate pronounced friends.the ceremony Rev. and Mr. anaMrs. Misses Bess Tribble and Elsie Skilton response of all its friends. Scant level teaspoon Cold wafer Graham Flour, 6 Ib*. sack __ ..44 Fancy Peaches ___________ .17
Schmidt left immediately for a poured punch during the afternoon Lest anyone forgets the requisites soda Florida Cane 1.00'' Potted Meat..can .05
for a complete layette the following Syrup, gal.____ -------- -
Orchestra music by Mrs. S. II. Bullock T
motor trip to Daytona.
i is appended: II Beef Pork & Veal Loaf. .15
l Mrs. Verner Ellis, Miss Ruby can
The bride was charming in a cham- What Layette Should Contain. Sift together the flour, oatmeal Self-rising hour 24 lb. tack 1.60
witha Ellis and Charlie Regero contributed Corn Beef
taffeta traveling suit worn Hash can _____ .13
pcgne white hat and veil and white shoes. largely to the pleasure of the guests. 2 dresses, 1 jacket, 3 waists or salt and soda I add the sugar then 12 lb. sack Self-rising lour .8S'' -
brassieres, muslin; 3 waists or brassieres Vienna Sausage, can ______ .10 '
of Mr. and Mrs. The event was largely attended by
l Is the
She daughter the thoroughlyblcnJcJ with Granulated Sucar. lb. .10
II. C. Thomas and has been employedin friends of the hostess and of the honor flannel; 2 pairs bootees, 2 ----- I Cream of Wheat pk*. ____ .24
office for several guests. swaddling cloths or blankets 3 flannel COTTOLENE. Moisten with Lord Calved Coffee .34
the telephone -------
12 3 undershirts, Western Pork
binders diapers Chop (
years. crocheted enough cold water to make a stiff Vesper a rood coffee .30 every
1 bonnett. Also 1 -
: jacket ----
Mr. Schmidt is an estimable young t I MOTHERS'-TEACHERS' CLUBAt 1 may be added 1 bag of sundries. This dough. Mix thoroughly. Roll Arbnckle's Coffee .24 Friday and Saturday. _..__ .35
holds positionas
man a responsible --------
druggist in the J. Z. Robe son drug bag should contain: 6 'large safety thin and cut with fancy cutter. Whole I Hams Armour's Star .35
the meeting Friday afternoonat pins, 6 medium safety pins, 6 small Yale Coffee J : .39
store. --------- ---
Ham. Ib. __________ .40
Mrs. S. L. Lupfer's home safety pins, 1 cake of soap washcloth
They returned here the early part members -
of the week and are occupying apartments combined discussion of current knitted or bath toweling; 1 box the White Bacon bed lb..___::__ ,.34 Peanut Hay. 100 Ibs.Natal'Hay. _____ 2.00
talcum small roll of old linen lightens
events with hand powder baking
busy work
house Emmett on layettes
in Mr. C. Payne's on
street. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt for Belgian babies. pieces piece of flannel or small case '3 lbs. ________________ 1.00 100 Ib*. _____.. 2.00
L I have many friends who wish 'them Hereafter the club will meet twicea containing cotton 6 needles and thimble., spool of white lightens the bills.Cottolene. Breakfast Bacon... ____._ .45 Toilet Paper, Sc, six for ___. .25
every happiness in their married lifo. month in order to accomplish the sewing .
larger work planned. Mrs. W. J. Fripp Smoked Bacon .3S Light< Karo Syrup. at lone as
Cor.-Sec. -----------
I: AUTO PARTY IMrs. I Two 'names last Friday were.. Mrs.added Sarah to membership Prevajt - Potatoes, peck------------.45 .t'l lash No. IVi can ___. .16
H.. II. Harper Mrs. henry A; and reception Mrs. C.for'A.teachers Carson Jr.will be !I DINNER FOR''i MR. JOIINSON i i ![ -1M N tMraI SJ.L1If'At Coarse Grill 5 Ib*. -----.. .30 No.. 5 2 can Can -,---------tNe. .-.- .20.50
' Doer Mrs. Ray Broughton and Rich' i given by this club on Friday nigh t, grocers la tins Fine Grit. 5 Ib*. ---..-... .30 ----------- -
? ard, .Mrs. Claude Harper and daughter March 29, at Hart Memorial building.t Mrs. A. W. Johnson who spends a of convenient slave I No. 10 can __----.--- --. ;95
here the Meal bolted 5 Ib*. 30 |
of the at
portion year --- ---
Claudia were an 'auto party Mars S
pending Tuesday on ,a sightseeingtrip anac," gave a six o'clock dinner"Naid'i MeaL.water (TOlla eI. 6 Ib*. __, .30 mall. Ne.. 2 can' __ .20
c to Gotha Winter Park. Long- t BIRTHDAY PARTY t Gray tone hotel Friday used while above No. 5 cans ____________... .55
: honor of Mr Johnson, wHo has joined ;were suspendedfrom Lima Bean ISe. 2 Ib. for.. .35
', I wood Maitland and Altamonte. A the chandelier was a shower of No. 10 sass __.______ ____ 1.10'Nan'
her here from Toronto Canada. _
Little Ronald
picnic dinner was l an added pleasure Hafey. son of Mr. i tiny shamrocks and hats hung* B ....ISc. 2 Ib*. for.. .35 .
of the day. and Mrs. R.'G. Hafey celebrated his The table was attractively decorated with ribbons. green Bran;, 100 Ibs. -____._____ 2.50
41 fourth birthday Friday with a pretty with a rose centerpiece and a green .Ne. 1 can Tomatoes 3 for.._ ,.25 d.< <,
tg RF.cEPTJON" > party for eight of his friends. Thegoue.t. shower of rose petals' and an elaborate eon The which elaborate was served seven also course conformedto lunch- Kello-'t I Toasted Corn Flake "0,'J' Sma1lCrisco--. r, ', .,.',__' .." -i. ...5
T BRILLIANT FOR enjoyed on the course dinner was served*;. Plates '" l".
BRIDES i. under games' grass were laid for..IIx "' n .. : the color scheme and at its close Post Toastie _"_ ._" 11j i Medium. larger .90
Jw d' the trees and a ; table ; was "n.""} ;"iil'Xi,,',' each guest was invited to draw her --- --' 'I """&A,,? oJ ,' *""
+ I spread with ice cream and the customary 'rrM I + ribbon from the hat. The result was Keller's Krumble ___;),:_" _'__ io INo. 10'9..-_"__- .___ __ _,.1.85
M : The home of Senator and Mrs. C. birthday:: cake decorated with :
;l A. Carson was the scene of a brilliant its four candles. The amall'host received I' NOTICE :J.l ing magical.amusing The favors.hat fell apart discls- Shredded Wheat Biscuit ___ .13 Van Camp Milk, small ____;. .07 .
;,, reception Monday afternoon a number of pretty presents. Sweet Feed Ib .
The invited for this 2.75
I, when Mrs. Carson, assisted l by Miss There will be no Red Cross tea at guests pleasantevent ------ 3 can __._____________ .20
I : Inca received in honor of Mrs Walter 'the Hamilton home Saturday after- were, in addition to the honor Oats. 100 Ib*. 3.70
Coble and Mrs. Roy Starbird of Orlando I MANY A MICKLE MAKES A T ,noon. guests, Mrs. Charles Carson Jr., Mrs. Alfalfa Meal 2.70 Pet Cream, tame _,.________ .20
Walter Mrs. Zeb Mrs.
I IKiasimmee Coble Parker ------------
t'; .two Kissimmee's. populardung MUCKLE Howard Katz Mrs. Edgar Katz Mrs. Carnation tarn __________ ......u..
H' f' ladies who have become brides.Mrs. 4 : + Paul Clifford Mrs. Lewis O'Bryan Velvet Bean MealCheckerboard ---.----- 2.50 .
,I. t I' Canon received the guests and Mot-her '-Teacher club I DELIGHTFUL LUNCHEON I Mrs Scott Souders Mrs. J. E. Brown B or d e.'. tame ___________ .20
presented them to Mrs. Coble' and asks for contributions for its Red 1 I FOR OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS I Mrs. Gay Livingston Mrs. Woodfin Scratch Feed. 4.75.
, Mrs.'SUrbird. 'I Arge Salmon, bert _
Cross work. canPink ___ ,23
Carson and Mrs. Alderman. .
D. W. Little' Joe Scratch
Feed ____ ..so
The of the
spacious rooms beautiful made to Red
Appeals Cross -
} Carson organizations Mrs.; Claude Harper was a delightful Salmon ______-___ __ .18
were artistically decorated on behalf of the commission hostess Saturday afternoon at a 'S Kerosene OiL gaL ....__._ .15 -
t with red roses, with tho excep- fo r relief in Belgium authentic re- 1 o'clock luncheon at her home on ROYAL NEIGHBORS PICNIC I Thread woolBreoma. Seed Cem, III. ____ _____ .10
tion of the dlnlneroom., where mag. ports say "Before the exhaustion of Clyde avenue complimentary to Mrs. .-._____-__ .05 -
were niflcent arranged.white Here American the guests Beauties native supplies prospective mothers Agnes Stradley of Grand Rapids, A jolly crowd of Royal Neighbors Palaett. .-.._____ .60 24 Ib*. ,Pillsbury Flea, ____ 1.60Mother
were were given
layettea-little bundles '
Mich. Mrs. Earl of
Harper Lough- motored to Oak Island Saturday fora I
St.reminded Patrick's of the day recently for the table celebrated was I containing and various aU the warm, clean garments man and Mrs. Ray Broughton of Cold- picnic dinner under the big oak Oats _.__.._.__._. .12 ...Per lb. ______________-- ,..07Everybody
supplies .
t so necessary water Mich. trees at the beautiful home of Mr. .
covered with a lace cloth centered to the babies-with which to The spacious rooms were attractive and Mrs. T. L. Curry and a swim in
with roses and set with green can- clothe and provdie for the new arrivals with cut flowers and ferns arranged the lake. While the table was loaded cordially inrited. You will b
dles and green nut baskets. Suspended into the world. Of late these treated right.
in a color scheme of green and with delicacies the requests of the
from the chandelier was a shower women have been turned away by the white as a reminder of St. Patrick'sDay. food administration for conservationalong
of with green shamrocks and hats hung' thousands from the empty store The decoration of the table wasnot special lines was carefully ob
green ribbons. louses of the committees and the new only artistic but very clever as served. Cut Price Cash Grocery
N. B.
Carson. Charles born babies are swaddled in rags." well. A dainty luncheon set was used Plates were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
Carson Jr., Mrs. B. B.
Zeb Simpson, Mrs. The Mothers'-Teachers' Club has centered with a large green hat filled A. Cotterman Mr. and Mrs. MT'Cos-
Parker of Arcadia send Miss Har chosen this phase of Red Cross work ner.
with shamrocks. From this center- Mr. PHONE 141.
: net the Ferrill of Denver; Col., presided artlcularly. From its treasury andy piece ribbons extended to each plate and Mrs. M. O. Wells, Mrs. F. Correll 422 BROADWAY.
at table and
poured tea which was > its efforts two individualcandelabra
complete layettes
served with where tiny green candles in Mrs. Sarah Prevatt. Mrs. G. W. Mil-
wafers Liberty biscuit and oatmeal have been made at an expense of.sev i gleamed. Long-stemmed liard and small son, Mrs. A. M. Story 1
conforming; with .the re- en dollars per layette. But the club white rose buds in tall cut glass vases Mrs. R. B. Savage and daughter Olivine I .
I Misses Gladys Griffin Jeanette
Prevatt and Dorothy Wells.
members of the Building Circle AND LICK GERMANY
was very pleasantly entertained
A Bank That Prospers Mrs.Mrs.Monday Wallace Jim afternoon Griffin Bell and with at Mrs.the Mrs.Elizabeth home Griffin of Pratt's Chick Feed makes little chicken -
Waring hostesses. The rooms were growPratt's ---
prettily decorated with spring flowers
and fern The guests chatted and
occupied their time with needle work. Poultry Regulator makes
Refreshments of punch and wafers ...f
were served at the conclusion of the roosters
crowPratt's --
S I afternoon and the sum of $7.54 was
demonstrate its ability to advance the welfare of others-it is clear collected for the treasury of the or-
1 \ ganization. Stock Powder makes the old
proof that it render ,a service both efficient and complete. Those enjoying the afternoon were
'S tt Mrs. H. R. May Mrs. L. R. Farmer horse -
Mrs. J. W. Chapman Mrs. Roma go;
If you would further your own best. interests, you will establish . Thomas\ Mrs. Cecil Prentis, Mrs. R. t'I '
tIrr C. Sligti. Mrs. J. W: Thompson Mrs.
; e. = this-a Bank: that prosper by helping} others toprosper.. '.. Tom Woodall Mrs. F. Herzberg. Mrs.J. "Use the Best"-Sold atTaylOr's
D. Jeffords' Mrs. H, M. Breaker
e4 .. ._-" Mrs. A. S. Hall Mrs A. S. Gilbert
Misses Myrtle Collier Susie Bell atldiUzale
y : ( Whomever. Yea Nee4 a Oeaeral.To-Jc
CITIZENS BANK Take drov.. .
e :r .tor 17t N/I--, Mil[tt/t1 The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a S -S
OP KISSIMMEE'I General Teak because It contains the This may be a meatless or a whe.t1. -' TIM OufenM. .. nat !DeN Net Affect De'!.._
k well known tonU properties of QUININB less day bat d n't let it be s thriftless .ee.res dN Ita ...... .... laatlee ereoa "
aD4lR.ON. It acts on the U-er Drives I
.aa.oNOQVUu.a..aoeetertUa '
11I / //,' I oat Malaria Borichee UufBlood stud dajr.J JBuy another War Savings .iyi.e are ease sot c_ ...."...._der ?
.,; I I I j J. I'' / I BmOdj np the Whole ej-iufi., M: ants.f Stemp. r..ta Io-.L ...........1M "U _.-.__ ,
I ; /; .' I ;" / I I ff ffI' I' - ; s | B.' w.' G.GVg.17Da', t ed.r .
., .. / 1 IIr
r ,
a.-yrN" ',';k1/xi? w'' f dd 1 Jn r',/ "..-t'k,14i'Y, ,,\'tM: ,(" M.-:'1,. :v.:' v; 11' .\\','I......'1
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