Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00091504/00105
Material Information
- Title:
- The Kissimmee Valley gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Kissimmee Valley gazette
- Alternate Title:
- Gazette
- Place of Publication:
- Kissimmee City Fla
- Publisher:
- Vans-Agnew & Harris
- Publication Date:
- January 1, 1904
- Frequency:
- Weekly
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Newspapers -- Kissimmee (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Osceola County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Florida -- Osceola -- Kissimmee
- Coordinates:
- 28.303889 x -81.412778 ( Place of Publication )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 24, 1897)-
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 33274531 ( OCLC )
sn 95026779 ( LCCN )
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"tl"THE"j ' ,' KISSIMMEE, '. ,"VALLEYGAZ, ," 'm" E., ,
: 'ft 'r si. .. . : :
'f '" . ; p
qw.v $.sta. Jc"I"r use:, t ,,- ; ' .
. par.Ye.L'3L0'tsot.' : '
.0.-" eta-I. er Kfsslm'meo Fla. :
: : ,City, January 1
; ,. .. ,," ; .19O4.f .. '/, ,, Val. V .t.tW
,* c.:: T.: .wu. Korea' ;
; ; 0,: .
Oesjeral' Mil* o. fit* C..t....) r, SOCIALISMThe i : ..l f m lmnnmtlTtniI1J'! ? !'"tlilJmj . .
u ,
"For time the array ha been '.. .
without what 'kO'O..D..as the I Don ,
to Ins .
feature of the ; _
port are much better oant off en.''without Tire:, army It I .. .zra eQtOlr'' ,Ne
.find.discarded That It element would be having an Injury oooe and been a Great Conflict 'Between' T ;: l l. ,
step backward to re-Introduce It." Capitalist .. ,Liar'. f ,Oak Rockers',
Thievery positive opinion of the ,. .
Hotel In"canteen"the course wa: of given a conversation by General at Mile the* and Laborer |w Upholsternd in genuine i ;Jeather-the :finest_ 1 ever., .,brought
Touralne '
Boston. ,
When .
asked H'4x
: 'Jissinitn.ee-an
,, by a reporter to give his views on the : ',Cane: Seated' 'Rockers 'N ice CmeWil
r much discussed ; ; $.
subject of the Will be discussed
reestabJts&ment at the Opera House'on the '
of the canteen,' General Evening of January 6th$ gloW :and Children's! Roqktrs ''
+ said: 1904 by W*" R, Gaylord,.of Massachusetts..:, ;: also.BeautifuLleltMLattre; ; ;; ..
"The canteen totalled i* a reereAtlon 2 esComforters Blankets Iron Beds .
room or building established or Everybody' Invited Admission :"andrSprings-\ Finest -
act apart at nearly all military Oak Bed Doom "'' .
post .5
It 1 tor : Suits in the "nice
the comfort', of ,the enlisted I. Free. \ ttwn"als.. Wardrobe:
men..... '__L. .. and Kitchen Safes. ,
"-'ii jooiuaee tfie recreation room .- g .
i, -whichgive* the men room for ,social IMMUNE' HEREFORD! Additional Sleeping Car Service v , "
; the:intercourse Beading,of the magazines playing, of and games and We"will sell 'at. 'Auburn" Ala., on Between Jackaosivllie;: asm -. i OWE OS I GflLL; '
books. the West A.' ... WW$ LflOKIK! FUR BIIJSTI1S :
via C. /
1 It of also various afford kind them which light they refreshment may de. February Herefords 17th 1004 under 60 the head management of I registered Atlantic Coast Line announces ad -ft _, wry I .:'.
sire In addition to the good,: whole and auspices of the Alabama State dltlonal Sleeping Car service 1.0th.\ : "
some food furnished by the govern- Experiment Station.. This sale will 'West via Dixie Flyer Route. Effec E .1 .
'' jnent. '. be held In their barn especially fitted Live December 15th and dally thereafter -, J. W. '
''There'.reoert.atumeo..lo the ser for tbe'oooasion. The cattle have already ' sleeper will leave. Jacksonville at E THOMPSON ,
..vloe as In every commut.lty,.who-will' been shipped t.bere'lor Innooula- 8.-05 P M for St.. Louis, via ;Tlfton: , . "
J,' have liquor If It 1 II possible to obtain Lion and can be seen there from now Maoon t'At.laDta.-Ch.ttaaooga: ;, Nash FURNITURE DEALER ,.,
3 i ,it. Of oc urn these are not the beet on intending purchasers They are vllle and Martin arriving St. Louis : ; 'FUNERAL'DIREOTOR:
:men in the rank being thorougly inoculated against ":OS A. M. second i111UUllil1i1 -, .. ;
"But now that liquor' has been,'re the tick fever by,the State Veterinary A: sleeping oar line will inaugura ItllttltUilttltltltlltillttlUtltil# UIUlUlU11JWU!
, .
t moved from the military. reservation Board, and will be .perfectly. immune bed-between Jacksonville and Chicago .. ,
,those not addicted to the.use of liquor by. the sale date. first oar leaving Jacksonville 8:051'. ,
are free from its demoralizing ioflunce 'We are sending 30 bulls'and '20 females M. December 16th and dally thereaftervia .
.' : which all' the .. '. .
< The temptation. to use It 1* carry blood of Tlfton Macon. Atlanta Chattanooga : '' '
made very remote. .. the leading sires of"the day., About ; Nashville, Evansvllle, arrive 'CO E ...AJJ: .SEE
...t... the room half of th.m a..1re4 by the' record fog at Chicago, 9:15 A. M. second .
r '*wbereeb.umso hodesiremmay' priced Acrobat! are by his best sons. morning. .
,.or read, or have orderly recreation study The rest' Are by such bulls a* _the ,. These cars are In "addition to the OUR NEW.'LINE., ,OF' PALL; .____ ; ,/C .
S10.000 Crusader, the$2,000 line .. 4el/e4leletll/11tiH
are not disturbed by 'men .wholly or Conqueror, present between ,Jacksonville and ..
4 -partly seder the influence 'of liquor. the 91,000 Earl of Carlemont,the great St Louis via Montgomery which leaves ; '
.In other words the oanteen'i. made In. Earl of Shadeland 73rd the prize win* and arrives at the ,same.time. as the Dry GoodS : ."" :
'/writing to decent! self-respecting men. nlng Beau Rowland and other'' such Dixie Flyer Sleepers. :. ClothingAND '
l; "I ha'ec"bhea many post during noted sires. A few of the females will The Chicago & Florida Limited, ; . 'r
l the past year and-1:: ,Icnow>, that the be. In calf to our record breaking :Pullmhn vestibule train wUl be IDauoJur&t.e4 t K K' 1'J .
-condition now are better than ever Champion bull Brltleberthe; greatest first t.r&ta-I."IDIt Chicago 'U
before This I say positively from I, bull of twq continent aDuarr.4t.b.1 first train leaving St. NOTIONS. A ':
'any. own observation. This consignment! is a pick of four allual'7,' 0th 1804. This . i z'. "
"At one large post In, the ..... 'the of the beat herd in Kentucky; audio gives excellent service between Florl- t tz. .
present>> canteen;Is so well nducted the choicest lot of,cattle ever sent the west and northwest via At +' 9 > ti _tl". r .
and so welt patronized that It has paid South as to individuality and breed.. lantic Coast Line and connections., tl/il/f.1iklDl/te1
; dividends of ing. Elperts who' ,have -,
$1 a month to every man. examined :--
\ This canteen cannot be sustained with them a wonderful, lot and good enough ,A' Frightened Home.. *:-' .
'out the liquor feature is wholly fal..." to States.Our be used. In any herd in the United '"RunningIlk mad down' the street ; ,
:_ "Do you think general that there is dumping the. occupant, or a hundred '
.es drunkenness among the soldiers. ) experience' ..Ith'th.. Southern Other accidents, are everyday' occurrences. THE WEWSPAPBR.' ; mmmtnmmmmn'
Chan existed when th. canteen had the fanners oouvlnoe us that they appreciate It mmmmm
behooveseverybody to
liquor feature?", good cattle and tbe only draw have reliable Salve bandy and The) Law Leaves) *je> Loophole for "
there Is less," was General back has been the fearful losses from there's none ae good a*' Bnoklen's the Deliaqneat tmbeorlbei', k
.MU..l.mphaLIo reply. later Even cattle that have been Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, MM. .. M 1 CITY BAKEBYEverytWae :
"[t. is folly to suppose" he oontln"vied ralaed.ID tbe tick Infested district frequently Eczema and Piles'disappear quickly The Exponent of the National' Pub ,
; thata-mKn U going td drink: as succumb to the scourge when under its soothing effect. Z5o, )I atoeoeola fishers ,Union has compiled from the e. '
;.much.liquor It be has to go from one moved from one place to another. Kxperltooe Pharmacy. _' decisions ,Geed ,to FAt ::J
.half mile to five miles to get it a* if Uwere and--sclenoe have demonstrated of the United States 'courts '
.-. constantly served' ,Its the. ,room that the one absolute preventive! According to the DeLand.,Record !tbe following laws doncerning .news;[ . Fresh Bread, ''C&k >s ,and,:P*. (Bvry,,D y. '
where bets, located. aDellrU&1'aDt.eed against this disease there are a number of happy orangegrowers : paper subscriptions: ,
"Many years ago liquor was furnished Innooulatlon.. The cattle we offer In Voluala county this season. 1.. Subscribers who do not E '. .
a* part of the ration to each for sale at Auburn Ala., February They are shipping fine crops of fruit notice give express : E ,Queen Olives 16 and,209' Pepper Seuoe..l00,
soldier and each o loer. Gambling 17th are immuoed, by careful and to market, and setting prices which : to the contrary are' considered Se!est Pickles, SOo 1 ,
aa4 were formerly prevalent thorough Inoculation, by the State causes The Record to give the follow -IeblDltjt.o, renew.;; E' Large Glass JarPrMerresj BO
", yes the army but both have gradually Board and can be seen by 'those In lug advice, which should be beaded 2.If a subscriber orders a e Mixed Pickles, 180 Assortetl..., Glass Jar IS
*. 'disappeared.. tere.ted'at"the .Experiment Station, by orange Rowers in every seotlon-of- the publisher,, paperdiscontinued Plain Pickles, 10 and ISe Imp' Sultana ReJsine, Mo. In.
T may oonDnue -
'efforts have been made running with tick: Infested cattle. State:
to make not It& llh&Mu.tard..18G'.Ca1.;: Seeded. Raleina 10o >
: the The State of Alabama sent Dr. C. A. neglect other fruit '. to send until all arrsargesar. I
young men In the ) crop Let .
army orderly your Oyster Cocktail
I If[ sober and Intelligent, giving them all Cary up to K.at.ucklookID8' for pure orange crop be 'a surplus one,- .acl pal L ': :Catsup,; 9Oo; 'California SniUiss R'., bOa
" the facilities for 1'8C1'e&t.10D..t.h I.L1o breed and be was lO".n pleased with make what you caD from your land, 3.- If a subscriber neglects or refuse 'Tomato Catsup,, 15c, Ourranta, dM.... lie tt .. "
..port* -and outdoor exercise, Thev choice our cattle that, we sold him four crops for home consumption.", td. take the paper from tbe postofflo! i Er Citron, Oraoffe. and Lamoa PeH Cinnamon. AtttJaot ,
.' bare been calves. While here Dr.
'reading m..rlal.a4 given an abundance plenty 0l,9Ppo.of good was so impressed with the scale and Avery 0. Powell ba succeeded to which It is direct they are responsible Cloves, .Shredded,Ooeaanat. bone-iucblEbtos Meat,
tunity. for study. ,- finish of our Kentucky Herefords that Prof. V G.; Sohell aa editor.and pub until they bas aetttaf their bills JFresh .anuts.ve".Wa1nute. BraiU Nut*. Pas '
."There U BO ,more reason for the he persuaded to send this consignment Usher ot the Lake Butler_ Star. He U and ordered it discontinued cans., Almonds.; ;Largest .Stock"',Caa.lr.n.. town..
csaloon. at an post than at,: South as according to his judgment 4 If subscriber to' Agent for Steam '"' .
well conducted army college or university any we have Just what the'Southern Isan,. old hand at the bellows and move :another, E Laundry.. : .
:or at West Point, or at the ShcdlenlHome farmers need to improve their here promlses'to keep &1M. Star UD to the place without. informing'l the publisher -
:: at Washington. rlrh. .. standard of excellence attained and t.1Je'pape..H' are 'MDt.- to the a \ '
: byit .
When asked as to- whatInfluenceras i Parties Interested in good live stock under it* former,'management.YOM further address; they are held reepon-. e .Diamond X. Butter!;,Pure.: From pure crsam:,J"' "Lb 'Pkgi
'""* working for the re.establishmentof will do well to note the date of this .Ibis:'" .
the U i,.nor feature;. while General sale and wait till then for purcba_. 7Jt11Wtutlttlltttwltitt# tlt1t## 'rnU11Uw
Know What
;'. .Allies: did not .Implicate. the liquor' At that time spring will almost be here .' Yon. Are, Taking, fi. The courts have decided that refusing .
", trust he said: and the care and expense of winteringwill When yon take' Grove') Tasteless to taker periodicals from theoifioe /
i ."Certain influences I would not oar be a ved.. Bear In mind that this Chill Tonic because the formula I. or removing ,and leaving them .
. .
rte discuss but consignment is not a lot 'of plainly printed bottle ".
not In the best Interest Southern every show.ug uncalled for, 1. prima lain evidenceof : : Rp
of. the army .however" "; range bred stuUbut the best that Ken that it is simply Iron and Quinine intention .THE.Kissimmee' 1(, ... ;a.
The Boston"Advertiser, whloh secured . lucky which,Is famous I |for, the best, In a tasteless form., No Cure, No fraud. r Q*
;;. the Interview with General can raise Pay.: flOc. <. ft, It subscribers pay in :advance '
Miles, makes the following''editorial Handsomely Illustrated catalog'and they are bound to give notice at,, the I Ice: Company.
comment:, I descriptive matter will be seat on application Aa Advertisement. end of the time if they do not 'wish to ,
'' '
".. :officers"General who. Miles agree can with pola'him.But.t.o, some It Is Ky. ,,_ Aubara..A.la.toGiltner Bros.. "'-,.at Eminence Look at the name and date on'' continue. taking: it, otherwise the publisher .. Is Now, Readyfor, ;, ,:,Busln .7=-.' : '
true that tee majority of the reports ,.. bearallowed authorised to send it and, the I 1 -
fiaade to dtewaraepartment are against .Uonu't Reepect 014\8.; ly senddin she amountarrears subscriber Is:reponslble until be gives "W' j TAKE THIS', MBTJIO"Q: OF;INFORMING:.THE I ?
'his view. But there I. a very good . . <(' sore subeoriptione to run tbe publishers notice and in Kissimmee; .
'' pay arroaragee' pie of and taMlentbil '
;eason'fdrihat' 'It.'. shameful whenyqut4; ( fails-to over during the dull, seas but we contiguous .. art *J,
,.i "Some of the officers who oontra show proper respect for old aPr bat feel that there is no reason, now' why .;manufacturing a superior Qualityof toe and aoHett their peAf '
,. ,
'diet Generalmiles have personaLln- just the oontrar'in th. case of Dr. we should be asked to wait longer on The latest postal laws are} snob : for the same., At a large expense: .have'
Merest In tbe matter.The "post tra King's New LJfe Pills. ,They cut off maladies t.hem1.* everyonean easily raise the that newspaper publishers can arrest : with the we quipped. our ',
cer" who Is allowed' to tell whiskey "- no matter bow severe and irrespective >> .-d_ us.. PI_.. attend anyone for fraud who: takes"'a:"paperand best machinery that..money, could ,buy and are'...
.'' to enlisted men U sure of big profit of old age. 'Dyspepsia., Jaundice to thjs at.once. refuses to for It. Under : pleased with the results of the trial that, has been given it mm*, "
"He can afford Fever Constipation all yelld to this I pay the weekWe are
l/j to furnish the'omoertwlth I profoundly grateful tor.,the encouragement so far
|ff S.:ialmost'- their nothing drinkables, And either sometimes free or be for is perfect Pill.. 25c, at Osoeola Pharmacyi IGeor21a.o them &. FloridaUWANKB run law'the along man for who sometime lets his aDDald'subsorption and ..: given us and shall endeavor to merit a continuance of,,//your'g.od
...'...._expected_.: _.". a'u to L.do It... The. .'officers. _who 'i:L '.CAUTION! ._' .j '''''':RA.Tj' ArI then orders it-'' laoootbs..ij&-; ;' ;J will goods.and Tickets patronage on by sale straight after. to-morrow dealing, down' weight and finfe-rone. '
I*:T mo oarroom. oacK: in the canteen This is-stot a gentle. word-but'when I ". rvgnIOUTS: self 11&bl4fto arrest and fine, the; same and our' price, wTO"b, ;
I-.100: thinking a good deal less about think how liable u' satisfactory. Free delivery by our own 'wagon or, that' of Mr.! J.
you yon are not. to for theft. It :
if che eea........W enlisted men than'use purchase the only remedy universally SCHXDULK8.IK :EFFECT: JUKI: M,' IOI.! be'' seen that'many M. Gardner who 'will handle. our'product';:,:r 'r<
1bJF .f disputed points are' '
0Ieh-,0 disposed of
ml advantages. known and a remedy that has had t.belaraM&Ie by r
\ Very respectfully, tf .
.At.eel the statement.;. made to of any' medicine .In tb IMzte l.k these decisions, which are, certainly ",
ft>JDe-' wy sm army. officer whose- Dame," If world since 1868 for', the cure atreatment LY..1MU.....-...,;,,,. fpis rlrey 'Q" U.Step. just {f a snbsCBJDer does not want to i PHONE .' ,D.' ,W.. '" SUMMERUN, :
.. 101
connection .. ,
could '
Br use it In that of JLvJMkMBTUle. TMpm T4Aam .Manager. .
Consumption and Throat AiV.I
would carry .convlotion to every p ; .. ., ,. .
without yr
and Lung troubles Its .. " < "
losing 1> ,
treader." '.Mile. great popularity all'tbese'years, yoa AvCwMe.l I''I1fto..l........ 1 e.am. 'rln,,tesp. the, publisher. The delinquent must .* ** M HI 4 > *f ***ei >e4>. e4. ... ** > i ** v
ff. [The above by General Is in will be thankful we called your atten irA..Aw.-A&y T **, .. pay up It be wishes to bl.oontinue'his :. _. .. _.:.....,.-:
retard to one of the. three important tion to Bons..'. German Syrup,There eremOM..Jxttpmlspm. subscription& otherwise be I. ,he Id;' responsible .
aeaMires, to the W."G. T. U. >especiaUv ..,,-- .,.... ...
are so many ordinary cough rtitpaiar
remedies 'w for It as loagas tbe t
which la now before the, law .. papa;, BUSINESS
made by druggist-and other CHANQE.fM I NEW fjRM.GRAV
thai am, .... .
saakera. The other. two are the antl cheap>> stud good for cold resat."a"w' slier, ; to bias, whether he .takes it or _ ) :
KMormaa aoestfton concerning the seat.fig haps, but.tor severe light'1 ., Bronchitis KHT .."A.-. ............I<.., \.a.: .I..,' SMss not.-;Newspaperdom., : " ..: . ;.t J. ,
of Senator Smoot" ; and the "Hep- Croup-'and especially for Con as.Au.5.0i5.........'.,......' t tta" r' 1 4.p ,, ** :
m '
UI'Q-DoU..r'b1U. The friends of sumption, where there is difficult'empectbralio ...c.&D........... .. 'Tezar '.. .. ...',> Veveme FatMtly'Aeir.ajel: S ,& GRAUESr: ;, .=
temperance in Congress consider this and coughing during ..... "I'a'D.baa.....1rlep. .....,.-.,. Frequently'accidents' occur in the ,. : .,' .
ts>U Important been, introduced a temperance, during measure the last as nlghta and mornings, t.herI.. nothing Awrarpha..tte.pp.a.a.n.t., rAr 'I....'.....' household.which cause burn, cute. : ,1'-- -.uoo... ". 'yo "" .u; ""l:/Asap; !;I
like German Syrup. Th. 25 oen* alas MkrtMU..... .. and : 'r,
? ; \.n., u 3 1BArChAUuooc m' sprains bruise; for use la such '
eoade. :The battle will be a royal one baa jaat been introduced thisyes.. .,.,.V l0pm 1 ore rAt eases; Ballard's"Snow Liniment has : THE w: B.MAfCIN3GN: 00'
Rut ee JQIiQ rreater the victory' when Regular' .... 1ft, cent. At Osoeola H ylll.-] HpB* ,' 10.., for ; y :
U many years beejlbe constant favorite ' .
t iu.csvr.su a. '
WODoJRIPoIrna.: : ; ( i
= Pbamaey. ,deoS&OXlyr.CoMgMag At SI Loot,....:... TMeBl femlly "
: 'Mp r remedy. 25o, floe and* 1.00 :
\' ArChteaco ....:.'.....11.s r ,-- avail druggists. '0" Haviug purchased the }, Hardware .business e< the..W..,.&fHsW ,
1 ; RevelMtleti IsssMtaewt, Hpell Ca"ui4 Death ALoatavtl.i a.ac.a.a 1 ... UStp. :',klnson Co. we take tht.m.tbQd'of! :Informing.the pubfe. ef tH. ,f "
A anti: lip of, approaching'revoltkd CT'Barry: Duolr..ll.... Xft oboked to ArCifelniiMI..Ts.i.B.a,......', I" Was*;' 4.**sT.ia. I' Notice of Application 'to ,Sell I 'fact and pf soliciting tile same liberal patronage that )*M Men:' y
kd troubles. in )"Oarl"teaI Urvoasnest death early yesterday morning'at hto A.C.-......'''.. .... Personal, Property. .:given our pred.atssorOtrr motto wits 1M:.' full 'and Msplete.
..Bitters.*.or stomach' bocne in-the presence of his .:wife and ... tralM
Kseta.. from xwm..rr Ovfseialr
r-rfMkt. M M ValdMta
Kleotrio will mnm htfrom
quickly ohlld.u.contracted a alight cold a few w A.i.11aa.apt,to (*.C:-.., ,
member 'the tronbleeome
B never: fall to. tone tbe stomach. j zwg to< jf..- ,Yesterday.,morning!;,he 'was -Wes.Nmaein"'..depot Mil_*Fir'1 TJS** InlafMMarill I BUM tocAlMprtTBle marked B4 Ml breaded. .(BOB* .f.,..,_..stoek n| I Paints, Oils. Putty.Oiasa.: -'-Ouns'Ammunition. PpST-fiii,Oooda '
ate the Kidneys: and BowlsstimLb. - seised'wftha'flt.o* eoughlagirhioh ', Pullman*'....VLo.........'-' '".lmmJe....'' l t_,I ...nsu.flita.'ss.isr.. w 4low.*i_Mrkd.. w. 'of all kinds;to whteh we,wttl add Furniture and USHII:PVirniehIng -' '
ate Liver, &clarify the blooct.a continued for sometime.'',Hie wife-seat .... ..< $ +.ae..1ai.w .... "' within the .\
sew a bdr, .i .,. next month. We wills to have
alsf .. plated
II .. your
" s all down the systems usual attending benefit particularly aches van"B 'foraphyslclaln arrive. another cough bat before Ing.spell, he 'could.... -.. .....*......... rn>-- r teals. Nwttrasi.r.ep. .,.:I moss......Iok Bhorai?1a...MM?iB Monks... :..W...*.B 1j iTv.r. fc n 1f' UM ';trade aad will endeavor to merit tt::1;',by;, lair;.Nab Mir' &,' ,.courteous
under lie ..........and thorough oq end Dookwell f dleV,frota '..at.I ni For.M.a.NkNu.a 44gss .bsatitterlM. '... . .sad, ether fails l:'lianas N Don Alapr r/.ela Arr.,., bar ,'t''tiatmeatand. .. . .. ... .reaeonaUe. .,prioee.. . .. ,..:, t
botlvenees.;.Kteetrio Bitter. is only lOO&t.Ioaa.; . .. IMe .t ar
Louts J.:
I Btobe-Democrat, S1laM v.\ .Auer ai ........ cat......-tact
11 1s1rleLiwnSel. ''
sod "
thatUretnmed U Hdoat Dee. 1 1801. i "1 .
give Baliardls Borehoand .. .I C.e.Ap'N.' -
test r sattsjaetjesuChtarsntsid. ,.byH ;Byre wo M >ave eaved-,........"... Or" riDe. ' ,' ". .". ,.-ciloi .+"+ '-._'" .. ,ATE>;THE: .i.MAKIN if W
ftenI.,.; : ,,_ 59a and 111.90 Mall .. I IPCateM4ltNM.. ? '" aw..N.I e....... Mlted Mtsss.r, . .
e . ...:w;.. : 1
t-I .. '\.. ., -BJ; .. .;,'" .. ,.. .1,,,1 V.: "... ... ),.- > . ,,''J., !)' ..,... '
..: ., -4'.j, ,. ........... om,'__ ;;J ,, .... ...\.. ..,. .V "c; ; .. $
// rm ynjijtf! >J.-yg L !' .Jto: """" J """" -' .. ,'!'!:fI! . .'n1. _..." ;.," ;. .'r .-C..1J ;
.. . .
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;,', ,' ( rtq """ ';" : '. ::: 1' " "1: Of. '. .,. > ".' ; ," '\ .
\ ',. , A'nMT
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/ y '> .*>
,., ,t, Co" J\\:\ f "
,_ ,. t"J \
'II. .
4"'I. ,
: < THE Since then the name of:' toe\ "Mano A QUEER PLOW. 1 accompanying cut from the Western EVERY WAUC IN UF .
Negra" ba been conveniently'Invoked Electrician. It actuated not directly; 1ntr1oe8t.. .., Le...t"la E..a-
S.. A. farmer, living three
Boycs a
LACK HAND.*' by the Spanish antboritle in furtherance ., Primitive Implement Occasionally at Clevelandbut at I ington, located taadlly IU.leg n.... '
half mile from Mo.
ten miler east! of the'' bluff marriage'for doe a Trenton ,y ysays
ofthelr, aim wheu,anybody sus Seen in New << c1t7 on. Tbe average men j "A sea
$ pectec1of'i liberal view has figured Mexico. thirty feet above thp water. not differ'materially In those countries celcl: s.t'fcldaty '/t '
W.aaeS rtctlo ,Width .Hii' CIo.kNHEN 1n connection: with murder. The flcthrugb -' Two largq mast have been erected :which keep accurate marrlage.record: *. ere e4 la-m7'
. "" . T'icntt. half,(a uU.Isa far, cry from an up-to-date TOO* feet ap'art-and at* right. *nieleltheshore < ..>,It If highest., Ahlrty-one yea fa, lai. ) :and. :
Many doicenciiavie, most en-> steel sulky plow tAt the' antiquated ; IOf' the, ,Joke: '8upende4be\) Swedenfand lowest,jjn tbe tJnltedrBtates. *
.mo I, 0 the* ., so-called, rodeii, object] pictured In the 'accompanying tweenfbe, tops of these. masts la a'large- twenty-stxaud, one-half. Among developed;*oI I I'QI
7't .t
P rll bl"ftW'l. *:'. drawing; yet, strange to My, copper wire, banging from .which' are woman, St,Sa.alao highest In SWedev.twen .
I KIcW* CaplBHo, _. In" ece ope"ii er;) Cam In tbIrtwtntteth'century of grace the about '''twenty smaller wire, which "y..lght yean and lowest In Russia was obliged T V
x J.tu.rpprelleDta an implement which form the antenna which Is to lay oft.nJ .;
1 wealthy'dock' builder residing pos' a workingman wa murdered In screen or twenty-two. .
at 107 Second place Cadis. In a fight with his cousin, Mau. may. atlll be met rUb I occasionally In' used, In sending .and receiving mea* ;Some countrU.fix: a minimum'mar- count work 'of on the ., t"'i
i ; if
Brooklyn, some time ago uel Gago. Both had been menubfrf of I. liege age, below which a marriage cannot .
i rtfyf lyft'XjT-ftua-lap'Vir a gprfrdiMsgra. a labo iariiaalaatteav.Wt-*-bad ..- .... be lawfully performed. In most; tehlugin'm7:
back a D
'.-uu ." In which be was ore been 'expelled. the result of a qu.rrel'wltb7 PRIMITIVE' WOOl) PLOUONanu. part of Germany It Is Axed: at twen aide. For a 4'f
eelydltdpdU". ! il0o0jfffdtjeftxldatflfe{ : the Sflfe of 'one of the members. USED m new l1wgC0. ty-one fDr''the bridegroom and eighteen time I was fo'"
.; promptly paid np In, accordance Though everything seemed to point q tor the. bride. In England! it 1. liable to walk at .11. and every make. t
t :"' :"> the jdjrectlon contained 'in ,the, to an prdlnaryjmurder} the authoritiesyiMjvted ; sixteen and fifteen, respectively.! : In aMft I tried and all the medicine tool '>' '
;;. ssbl ._..,1aatTe. pleilo la of I.1. i tutt It wa Wi Black Hand.One' .' France. It If eighteen and fifteen re.peeUnl bad not the slightest effect _My.back .r
:: 'JsM' sxtrnt1gn, ud qa"puu..l4d.. .hundred worktngmen were arroted.and -. 2r Y ,.! In the United State, Continued te grow!,weaker until I ;
.J'' .s U other Latin countries In the. south seven were garroted after -.- 'where' fixed, it la4isual' twenty-one taking Doan's Kidney: Pill*, and be't I
:: ;>;of.Europe, "La Mano Negra" or-"the -- 'for the Call- gan
Don Manuel Arcutla, -Public Prosecutor the men, exception being I than '
:E, ,:Black Eland, ," Is- even more dreaded of the province in a speech brim'. :tfornla. Tennessee, Utah and Idaho; must sty was notice more tbe back-surprised ae.e j'
f. ,that the .X.4a..u an o.rc.n1&atlon'ot' sal of superlatives,had demanded that 1. and tor women; 'uau.IIT eighteen: ex- and gratified to \
.. ;; gradually finally Ittoppecl.
f.t .
: .. disappearing. :
:. ""cnt-throata bended -together and the doitth pen t7 be Inflicted on fifteen Ii1+ 'S't.t. .:"..,. ... .. .' .. kept! In Maryland. California and Ten. .. \.
,.;N ,,whrlnklpg" front no'mean; however: des- Of those arrested.' Six were sentenced .... t'\:1.. :=..h'. '.;'.'::,:. "" ..e. dot .4. :....f. aia....r .. .. nessee.: The +different State statute, Dean's. ,. fills sold by all ."1.
.>>erat..,I the carrying' oat,>of their- to life imprisonment, and' It Is -}:. t T.tQ.titk.: ...".....,i", ..-.q..,. .- ......!. '.4S-.J j however, make It possible for two real. dealer or' mailed Kidney\ on receipt of price, F,
fell purpose through letters "which three of these, ,--- dent of a State to be married In an.
ft., It was for thl reason that mortal Antonio Valero Jose Ortega, and Sal the reruoto parts oi. the Southwestern' aages. The wires of this screen converge other State, the law of, which. are 8J cent N.per T.box Foster-Ullborn. Co"Bgffilo }
;:'.tear.took 'possession Of Caplello's soul vador )Morena have ''succeeded In United-States. to .a .point' before entering: the more lax. --s------ ,1
... 7when, after this first payment,.be rem smuggling out from the prisons of Go-. Rude as It"in, however' and quite inadequate station hope, which is a small cottage In European countries generally the t
-celved':other, threatening letter, one mere, Puerto de Santa Maria and Al- to the" requirements of. the directly between the two masts. The marriage laws are made exclusively Her*. Street Railways.; .
-' J4emandlng: jMOOO,' the other 10,000, hucema., where'they were Immured, best, farming a wooden plow of this masts are among the tallest 'of their for the benefit of actual residents, anda With the exception of New York. \'
Xr' .mthe, aane'.aource: and found that that the 'awful fiction ,has.. been ex; type tp not without Ita Interesting feature kind In America being: 207 and 200 choice of 'foreign country for such the following cities are the onlr'places
..; .It would be Impossible for him jo com ploded. *. "ne of which' is the extreme aim. feet high respectively.' purpose is, thert'toreso unusual a* In which more than five mile of ... f
.:;: ply with the..demands. He was at his There! were two other cases growingout pllclty of Us structure combined with The station is In direct connection' to become an exception. {\ street railway! track are operated by "
'r S.'wits'.end, but finally,' upon the repre- of the same murder, one the Arcos great strength. Three pieces .of timber with the Western Union Telegraph, There U only' one record in bistory animal power: Hutcbin.oa'Kan." ; 7 rw
entatlopa of hUf family;he went to tbe case the: other known. as "The Inn of suffice for its construction. Thus and also telephone lines, so that a per of a law which fixed maximum age mile*: Santa RQ... Cal. 7 miles; Chi
i\'PO"\ and'-.askJed'protection! Four Wall' A result, the hftudle'RQd the share are In one son at will have to tele .
denouncplnr the case:; a any place only for marriage aud under which the marriage cage HI., C mile; Baa Francisco, CaU.I I't
"fivd'ItcllttY'with whom "be had these eight person are Buffering life belnafuhlonf'd from a tree trunk and phone or telegraph to the station and of men over sixty and women I\
1 ,1IeaJt In paying over the Initial S00ttThese :. imprisonment In' Ceuta' .for compllC'tt7a.conlplrACJ' one attached branch. .In the obtuse the message will be at' once repented over fifty was prohibited. It did not miles; Arkansas City, Kan.. 5 miles, ;1\1
and Tuscon. Art., C mile. The
'. -" five men, who. the poUre de- In ,which p yeexisted.. angle of the Juncture of this trunk to its destination. This does Away last long .i
!r rir',,
,'Black Hand," were arrested and'h ld ishwoman! Sent Soledad Gu.taro-be- mortised the long sliaqk piece which through the city office. is the largest number of marriages bright prospect, I I. now :
"Jn 92000 ball on'a-charge of blackmail.i long the honor of first having brought serves the purpoHe of beam' and oftongueto' The steamer City of Erie Is to be men under the age of twenty' -ono isRussia. There are only two street railwaysoperated ;'
r. Itp1eJfo t44! (oJlcnttccaret.aUr; the Ihet,.I latter \tq light and as a :result; fasten' the-ox yoke. to. A equipped with 'epace-telegraphapparatus <- .- and -tbe-l largestproportionatenumber ; Exclusively by. cable"j> .j..
'i? trend of evel ta.ira..hr. nauve'eountryd several meeting have been held both. smaller stick.; skewered through share at once, and the City of Buffalo Immediately. of brides' under 'the age of ..
.-. and London in the of>> and beam and holding: these together after. These boats will be Tatallaa.'Krtrybodr h
,; r l J11J p tcF" 4. ."Ft;wing''ibla In.PnrJs Interest twenty-one is' Russia also Generally I'.
4 .u: QW. have savedhr'100Oandn4TffixlelyT those innocently punished." -New Tork completes the work. in touch with the shore."at all times speaking too marriageable: ago I Is lowest knows in the ihs household treat value et a1\
>1IPUe4 himself.n glygj.sees:pi .wor17. .Times,. __ .. and will be'tbe first to be equipped oil in rural district and In countries everybody! does
}"* [ Tothe .bargain. He "iiBiea B a eai Bi"a a a>a a B a B B a a ae CQAIN. OF 'WIRELESS STATIONS. 'Lake Krle. chiefly devoted to agriculture and of it, which om. ....ond-cl.....drugKiiU t
The Fountain of Tooth, The first from Cleveland to duhoDorably palm off on their eustome. -
;would[ learned that no such organ. -- message highest In those countries which have e
.Ixatton as"the "Black'nand" ever ex- Like pretty much bY ryti4ng'else' ', .Several tof Them Are Now In Buffalo was sent on August 0. the distance the largest number of big cities.In . should...be have nndcntood lit!. or by no the vafu itublio. is What, that a
has"twossides 1
1 listed, that It. merelya' the matter of bavins enlMren Commercial Operation., belqg 180 mllo, partly overland. to made late In
was \ fiction respect marriages: it is not; a n.ra question of comparative '
j' started for political purposes and bad 'to It, lays the Saturday Evening'Post. : 'A'tui.aaemad.: : > on bake Michigan The company engaged In establishing life France; among European countries ...lut between "Vaatlm" and the imiUtiou .- ;''
:'M Conspiracy on the'patt or the"Spanlati .' *A* a great many children are! recently of the proposition to maintain these stations now have in commercial stands first as to men and Del. but that the imiUtioni do not effectjay(
the wonderful lirtlinc remits of th. world. ;;
failure and children the Joint
I police and high official or. the connection with I the steamers of tbe operation it Is IIftlt'l. stations at glum' first a* to- women. Denmark renowned "VaKhn. and that they are 'j'
'J3p\ulajn Government of 'thirty years product, ofi heredity and great lo.ketrom stations along the Hamilton Toronto, Cleveland and Buffalo .the country which has the lowest not th. tame thing nor made in the same n
(''' 'ago tonk for Its artificial life. V ,. both element 'preponderantly !under ah9l' The' experiment made at and to complete) this chain It is minimum marriage age.. bays very few way. Betide this many of tbeSmitatio.s
ltf '. .,, .... .
'TnemUacavHandM was fist beard! ofIn parental control would eenr'niore. I proposed to establish stations at Port I marriages of very young persons; In are harmful irritant and not *a( tor ;j
while Vaaelin hirmUu. ;
j r, 187 J In thatreanthe sews; that jO sensible to say that there are too many f I Huron the Boo, Macklnac DuluUi. Milwaukee the United States the 'average mar Perfect safety perfectly, therefore, lies in buying ,':
a j'
f' and east ra ( \nstcad of too few Ami/fu-: ,4'i'I put op by the Chexbronxh :ManufaCt'c<.Co.
been, dilcoyeTeh 41on."Md) then parentalbood has'jnanyate' and A Thouund Yean. A_. Attention I. called-to their Capeicum V-a.e> .,w,.s
lriThe"south.-Of-; I Russia WORDS OF WISDOM.A hne advertised. in ana t her column. ,
sorrows 8Ull, which tried to rescue the
and exasperations people :
maOe the round,of.the European -- .
gees.'It *
wa"eald-'lh3 tbe-tneinbcrs, in carryln.r waen ali. Is. said, bow many persona" of Macedonia from, thepower of wise man forgets old grudges.One T. t enrage railway Journey. in ,the. ,,t
who found themselves childless at the devastating Turk by the treaty'of 4 United States ia twenty-eight and one. 'f
out Ita lash horse one word tb-
purposes, robbed xnurWered to a good .; .
forty-five: have been able honestly to San Stefano years- ago but was prevented halt mile. . 7,
and applied the torch In the .. a wise,man. *
ongratulatntueinsglvegr- b 'tbe1 British-'and Which now Am Old 11.14 W..d.- .
aM1 rMtle.1 "anTT : '
"ttshlon. :
t'i ,
:-'that they could successfully_ dealt441tt Children have a use as an assuranceftmbvit declines to rescue tbein.'haa bad. relations I Riches come better after, poverty'than Many eeeinf"that old field weed the mullein t
,fitldlb yilsIpbtf'! >IIAI u,'IiJf4) ,,"
;Five,, methoae, auch' .* wholesale) tmJdeat oWage.'J.Tbeylara' : ak sllactory t.J-t eet7 1000 years. The first appearance of Pig a well before you are thirsty complUhing la curing tang trcNb:... It ',,1pruel1t11"la
', alandflfe r Immortality.. But the Russians lif, Bulga'rluwas in Au (be. prepared for contingencies). Tay1nrs Cherokee. Remedy of
';I'rJao 1 ?| ,/ p tha thee azalt 0 adv'an- gust. 1K)7. when a Uussian fleet ar Borrowed' *money makes time abort; Sweet Gum and Mullein the finest-knownremedy Y
Br i for ha < eolda and
couf: croup conUmptton. -
:::__. a h'be'e is e.d ef prolongimg rived with,10.000 IIC'n at the mouth of I working for other 'makes it long. .
? v one's,life. Growing children will ketp the Danube. response of an invitation 2S. Me bottle.'The
Sronght to fight Whl The gem 'cannot be polished without At druggUU, and! S1.00 a ,
1"fll'D! Any1 ''preitor* man or woman young:In, from the Greek moo rcb Nice .
.dhow beyond doubt that Uua wa friction, nor the man perfected without lifeboats
y merehliberal around the :XiritUh'coatt' h,
spirit and in mind, will retard thtt 3e-r phoru?, who having conquered Crete
: trials.
.. a a ; during toe Jut year rescued UW people. :
dJO\1l.J .ctreL"4W '
lfloaleat < yW complacent and
of that (Jur tl) r Cprus.vUI determined to subdue |
l 1ir out .,ro&T.mqe. the j Murmur at nothlng'if:; our Ills are re t
"1nnb 1.n tvhi I"b cnraggyit .fI1tQbotb r the Bulgarians. The Russians
one' elf and for those about one::::. were,led. by Svlatosluv,,whose food was parable.-It la ungrateful; If remediless.It STUART'S
and jrerolutipnary,,tendenwhl Ia fYaln. FREE
.Tbe lean or'woman-" again.-the right: : horse flesh and whose couch was a';
tJ c;)I, bAd manlfested.themseKaa sort of man or ;.woman-..who has children bear akin laid upon the ground. The I He who"wlahes to rise In the world GIN and. BUCHU'To
g.labor. br antatttlnna: IQ/Spain drink ?every-dy'a deeo 'draught Greeks and.Bulgarians soon afterward ,should veil his ambition'.wllh7-forms aU' ...0..11'... 01' t*' thc'fHtndTnr th"owho ;M.
by Bjialn the coup Ue'year-lST 4' tat Id,wllclrthe,waa. ushered CMthe'present. at the. fountain, .-eternal youtlutr_ ."''I"' WZXH.B8S. STATTOW NBAB CL8/ELAND! United 'to drive away the nortbnaen. of humility or Bloud,,'R.rwtihlUaneyLl..r,6eartaladd.r DIMM,>! ample hnttla of .,_,,'. S,
L'S fepitbllcr well't"1C' ! r' ''tmd41Hjt .. z''! .I'.J ,d r. {!:, I .." }. -" I --:: Chicago. The land tower was erected'on who bad apparently come to 'stay..At. | Large fowls will not eat.small groin Llv.rM.dtetn.wlllrM..ntab.olutel' ,.and..
.P.1>U. waefthin of. Wnol Clty;.. ter Interval (If nearly 1000 (great mandarins are'-not content. with fr nt
Vtl fathetil'liof- " t-- one of the tall buildings of the city yenrs '" L- Mention this pap.r:-.Add....8TWA.I\T '
wag tpl e'4. ....th..tbr6n.t Bemeasure yWork 11a4 ;ben begun, oa the SR r: eiind communication was successfully the Greeks"and Bulgarians are again, 'little bribes). J>EUO II'N CO., as\\aU .e.:AUania.Os., t tf,1
bT roth -'OOy.t'PT city of Tottenham, which 1* to be jf lIt J/Vmaintained with the steamer City of bitterly opposed and the Russian Ctar i 'There' 1* only one rule to observe If I.
ri***,toociaunrest* "J1ff'f all by the'dry of London. This lathe Milwaukee until she was twenty miles holds aloof. \, .. . ., \. j[ you want to live long, and that la to,
tbe t country;but'especially, In largest )''scheme'''eyer'- undertaken';.y': ,away after whlch-the vibrations became I let the other fellow do worrying.. I
the The forty-five national banks of few- 1
| any clty+tn'.tbe1world., ::: quite weak AVlilleJJils wa considered and ,0
Ultra province,ot 1lnddbbslagbue Londofl ork-: City bold from The best thing I. to respected
fsmfnehddtpunged'too deep bill' V Tot put It In'a1! few, words : s: satisfactory, some Improvements 500,000,000'delJOsUa of$400.000,000to other banks.Only the next 1* 'to be loved;it is bad tote
".1 the great, agricnltorar. wOrklngUton. building a,city; a* large* WAterbu have been made by which this bated, but.gorse .still ,to be despised..,'
.- Tfrf j n
Yil tooTh'ol"1tr.overworking :It 1* proposed to establish .
: a complete "
c; : Buffered greatly underitiolentJUiiaVttjra'erUl iroyqe4 Brlght'a dllM.'ne"8r& under forty-flve the obvious thing at the right Ume. ; "
'..JD5"W"lo' 1 } people. ,.>;Top new; chain of stations along the great lakes, years of .age.. True. courage consists In doing tUe obvious .. NITROCIUB ;
eases -violence that bad oc- city six'miles from London,and will, which work 1* now being: done by One '; thing In an emergency. :. &'ARROW'SHOT.SHEIIS
'' '. mlM P.tNP Ni mtt. bOld'nCI' ..500d"'UU'h4H'J".U.41 of the most energetic of the wireless A free Pasteur Institute Is to be established .. .
.' tWdji ..gasta.whjthe .. companies. That at Cleveland baa Just la FO>V Orleans in. f/I\"ec- 1f.wsp.p.r Kama*. i
flceVimended that malcontenta- e1treetawlUJe'1Utrfeetw1de,. been completed.-. Is. shown In the tlon with the charity hospital. ' .
: be -
I Ii "
1. make a study of the nape ofnew.papera. a'fe'winningcvcrywber
.t tm"Ta d1-iialict.1MI''ft'! > t\fl rct t rltlt treesfoo-botii.; sides. Five- large, "
7'i prostcntlon of the "Black Hand" t "public garden will give beauty to the.anew NEW BRITISH AMBASSADOR. I said an 'eccentric man the at
aa. h
"Rare n.me.1 bail with joy. Oommoq'ue. trapshooting
rItlIIIIUa&te4 by.Don'Tomas Peres Mod- city, and every family wUl have a i toorbsmeaU. '
; I despise.'' The commonest name
separate home."The total: toe {
tb a province, } jof all 1*, probably Times; what' town Loaded _with ,
;L f1.Wif.rat 1CJ f1rNItl! f.b. Fess d 9. , : ANY standardpmokalesi
: x q .sway r< es,' tias key s s toasn't it Times Other common
"........,-.t'6. pubUsnew Co-I ue .Spanish organ Oot tha Candy.aCbJEag t 4 ala :names are Chronicle Express, Trtloune. pow, i .
der and for ea.l.
a y Llbertad, an. Idea. cqa e ,
-- Ills:.U .hud not three Post Star Sun, Republican .
of thoTnftflAMI; jnfetf fc'nnlpghbi. lJIteJn.JG yet ; .XVKKYWHfR;
(Democrat. NewPre. i, IIerald, Adrvertlser. -'"
.. years! old who, baring been.purilibed'ty'rbep1 ; '
/ e1 'c efC' ltaieaapdah; : : 1 molhei;, catledlup: iheatberj, Telegraph and so on.. AUDodd Specify O.M.C. ?
|Jalk laborer .ndnrvlToCitronveboaatf ) on- the tolepoone.for sympattfr/; "Pa. name ,1s Other-.n, Epitaph name.'lre of Tomb the a..aror..a.fogaw {
tone Ariz. odd;
was atgnograplteriheard ;;
'" I+r eS'JIt1h Y 'tJ.t.JfOJk pa" the' call that bit 1ed"Whlt'1it's jPnnxiiutawney Spirit The Rakasek of The Union MetdllcCietrldtoCo; k'
lav a;Twe/ar\,j near.(, .erf to6k'blm*...>w>lon, a'dgarmi'dgpeared < on' inswei-lag the babyshe thering;: iald'to:t' l \iPlttsburg, The Jean-Baptlste of Paw. ... 4 BrUsVertCaa. .. !
and bethe -
k Yars dovernort 'ber'6nJ J)1er. The startled maD,"wIth.: tucket, the Greenville Cotton Plant,
,iy 'i .''ta'amoVetgbod' 'The ltarl latter'inttted andr drink, visions of disaster In his.mind,'caught' Via: i l,R i't j el s y yyp !Tbe Dixie Firm Miller Foundation.of Nasbvllle The,.tbe Opera Austin ,JUpau." '1'.bulNar. ;
t iparkltaa'ivttielaad'rhea' the.receiver"and said:, >,v *
; tatting hUll the
Galveston Cornucopia :> bust dp.palamedlclne'ever
Glass of the Norfolk
clhe"conld'talk bo IItDt/.frHI7/UI'to : .",whlt.1s It. baby rv rti, Yl- ? Q ailllld..'
Milwaukee .
( ,,The Package of ; ,
,,a'pd&father ceofeMor;;;made aba eniofHx -. n.-'Mamnia.'panke4.me, ? came,the rePly and The Grit \Vllllamsport.. These 'Aj iy' ep A bunjred lollllons
eI'___fine ", tlnvea ai b horer'a bljabe.wotiW Jr ... ,r- *> 78
with ot Imposing o; ttu-tu' 'bay been
are paper .
'. \met" oSou.want. me to.do about1ttTVasked
;\\U ,dlrulceto.hlm.Uie.naiiie . '
*, tite
1 the'r Ueved virtue-with ,such namesas Reveille, sold In' United
,.Joof of '.the'most active and amused pa.
member .
''ten'tj'. '*:*. ;WH"-V: 'm. <" Monitor, Guardian and' Watchman.! BtateeIQ" a single
}l. n-th'e labor organization. pliitAt/on* and li ncjte"them.to "Come right borne and bring me:*)' : The town of,EJ Dorado Texas: has 4 year. Every'lllntu,
: &f'ter
fltaMtyriaf :1
.' trhatbijrtW: ,* *The' ltclr. bint4tAlvire pound of candy," said the ch1ld'r.Ip.: ' k' ; t 3 3U paperthat call Itself The Paper-* arising from'a:; disordered stomach la .w '
Philadelphia >
f Record rTb. relieved or cared"by'etr'use. 80.oommoaI..I
Mtcllhedbut: shortly 'afterty plncotfs. 'QK!: 1. . :I ,
'.' 4 :. ; that Oiseaies( originate
t::>cofifiit U fh+th'e'blT tl: nor 1.+.of 'ri d"hJ)'J;. W .Ift.J-1Z''l'r': ., LI;. of )Ioegaho...' from the stomach' IR.playbe, safely as.
lorty men. inciucung Aivarea;" ...r-; t :..... ,:'n1.,,tot.dattIv"sstalqi I tSTlillam x.'man'.Und.rrwqOd:: writingIn sorted there Is no condition: of ill yL1
l t r-ucM'' F.ai{ J.IJ'7 gS.JO FIa
rfifittledlfQsifiltt IM g h. Ussex- and on the Cotswold;:' ) :Regard to the length of.life of the.mos- r cared by the'oceaslonal' use .of-Rlpaiis,, ,
pmt''TbJa p thq1regIunNg .,. .. a 21' piT311e'E! >3oV bl$11dtk4APldai Olouca>i- 1 h! 'I' 5h ?i' Rf4 ' 1 I 'quito,: says that.lt Js not known .Justtow .' T.bulekPhysiclaha knownbem and ''rR
: Wfui't
moss(; The ter. but rather nearer to the town .fj1;iu i fl I f. ,- ; ; long mosqultoe can live;'bnt their. apeak', hlf hljr' of 'them.- All"UroegUts: "
!Mano rlegra was ''U1UBO' U-(! Btroud. The current 'number of z. t" t { much'loh 'er.tha'noli sell them" The "nve '
life 1
1 tfla, average: or- nt package:;,!I.
w p e/iii organ agle6e.atti.littffOl GJ loiwltJBttch 'dlnarlly supposed' Thousands of theist enough tor: .0' .OfdJD'I1 y.'occnildn."and ''t A
toown liGF Ibttllai },t a sea.i Jive,through too.winter";blberwatlng in the. Faanlly; .Bottl.; slitj cents"contalni/
(t* t* that ope day In thj jri p1jv"fVl % the editor "... rather dIII dark place in .barns or bou$e.Cellars.; a bensebold supply: :tot;/ a lVO'On., \ ..
.:, Vlllamartln.the distrldTlfTh b'd17.th. p nlted." It 'wo* begun five yens ., .iln,' sparsely : settled I localities, where generally. gives. ,,relief wU, Uminutes. :,"tl1Jy.! .
e nni .A' II\In\ 99he Wu'3'H f 1nbutthafailed. .. ; theycannot find such-places for sbelter. ...: 'I f -f-fIGAPSIOUMVASELINE': t3
.t f nandwiur 1 dtQt'Ql! There .1 1witii ,
are noW' eight bna. i they live1 through ;tbe winter-, '
;f :ipaces on a house wall ten,men--, four'"women' and,for 1 nollow trees,*iu eaves and boles under"upturned
=T'oe+PltgY1; thtr ofIJlr"'IIA'' WQn JCliUdreriJctaJ tali:Wqlfeiivayhfarm.3nb3bita .' t'1 trees. Even, though the tem.
1fJ1O X44 a4n'at, : t.tI.oA|juibig tWO< yonntf*ieiWi'T..i A perature may fall below freezing they' . ..* >)> I1
d I\l\bPr : aJJtII'IJt9n1ti: !I1.kDo-q; lIyadYf4ff J 'q"s lli Xs- rio J arrf1' ifot-irtnter' kfflea.Bo4Wrhe-ap-: ? ,1 say Asa otbettAYhfd. 1Itatof."ad,p6d'd1lt'botell.terW.,upt"pr pppastardor
s.a a 4mrJ .nostddloat. .k ... ,
; btudoJ j' : !, ,P'Ity; ,. '1M proacbret warm' wath r becopiefactire -., \,tdratty.quUtiu.olthlssrti' p.1..uatDII.a".Isrswo.d.rfnt.ltwUl.topth.eoothseb.atsaoesid
to", 'D4.y... ; .r p'r Clt I1'J'iI'f..u ,, O'j 'j .4l.$ J !; again.' Mosquitoes:frequently.'scent ,
J relieve beadaobe and \\ i
; flying1 before sciatica" reunra--
a' J l ; a ; "' t w tas, r\ .. .. Intend ...'. .
r',. ::4aH4'rth t h1HI&-I1b/M..WtIfl T 1 AiY6 > Aieflls'u3'haahalfbtVldrlih < J ilie UM tha boat & ,4' aaf eI'8.) ;{s
= ; 'rt ft lt BfltaJtoX. : Ambh*'alI6fc( torttpe since 'lidOOt'( \ 'heretofore the- 'p'raciic. 'snow has. wbbfj'left the1'gVovnd,' coast nerM4ntkneweaiI.a.an.ateep.l
t1 ,
" p1t1h1Dd1itle. I iCa Aannb toraCRdledM do"I1.I.> Ji tfi>>e : ,' -, < !I' r ,,- f Nmody pooiDa.a"""' .. ..'..d._Is
( a&bta..NM yEba; bytlawsL'fWrinlge ;Dsblilad feMttRelRyte/toa"\ > United.Btato.has.come-; very has peen tq' klevate.a'' t&lnUter/ to-the1; ; : 1.-j ,.' H,4onJUna .adatlrale.sts ..".. ... "
M ..4f41fit' ; fe ESaLaas7The4endwhhet$4: : ;. plo&1-t&. ... tl. ,rp.'wbatw.e.f. y"t
Vola.A vttt t ,IrcrIm": i ftt /JM'Ict"'n'i''''' .1d.JI ,. onage,4BrltUb'amonlU4jtndiapparentJy4 ; : ; a. re.t! aaat,t're \ .. ';rorlt.anattwllW[ ri..to be.M.eahM '
'<.. \ 1C tll.abbaUf r the G.reraaMit salted) In the choice"ef-excellent' men Jlftjraev-. ,'H* thabovaebatdvMaairpeonlemaI 'I' e
.,,7 .J thjIJ
& AIQ 'P.1.fR; !,iQFii
.. ..,..lioun.r-tJi: pi .Jyul'Ob, RgO ? "j tAelVQgb1'eeltaee:tplg'Yglt,'m'III1.:: tor the'b6Yte1tdttdiiilatoo6Jeri;t *': 'i_,waralalpt.. f 19,7Otay idlsplalii J"",4e(all-of To EM{ aMUoai." Trii-ttf f
"dldtagd bC.'tC'tfew' Wi WeWi fpiVtu; ;, unent' in.tne> of' nap l
'arson and DwdeI'.."Tlle statein ; > \itiudr :"', tjrsttlmr< sent a,taU. that*Wakhlngtotti.*ct m v-ttt'be're. ceure' construction'In'iEngt.ndV -, *ednhl riaamouAf t .t>e ta.e.taiani. .
' 1 ahptOit lmbaeCadQr to ;W.hlnltl>D, rrdeda.,diplomatic statlotfq'ulfi'a mt!' IaII'ft' bit htel're"'t J 'I'weiriiraendy'tBiiktnnaibyma.lLfWeertieV'
me"rcia and "Bun' : *
outlnc; an
$ I L./i it1 t11 .teft "Slr n en'ry'Mortimer touraiidwwboi'. )' Importaqt a* most} '_"JI. of tIM -. .*"We'l/elBg i ,(:tbtflftfa: !rot4' Sl6ck.vt )Iwaeoamoao|eha jdp aAwmteoVte rTa Mygiy epnbUAi o7 ltfygrfv 8ahr P ,,
a ? YQ i J ;,ry tea: "ntldly, .'M"untrY.r.r".m; ....vat" 'Xackl4. fopeaa 'et ftlta: ,.(i: ;:,t( a''x:" :: 1 &&$m tmt' \ .vmwJ;\ r f I ll.1 ge vMUACtaea ilue. gMalibnrij arfo. ptyg*,'eo.t.. ,
-,- I? ? P.....,...., .... , . ;!'; s. '. 'tIJf ,.:r.a I ,,"""rj. ...,,1j i'
i4ree5lia .
1"' ,- ,-",- .__,, ,"rtrwr_ ............""" .<...""'-.... .. : ,. . :#....w. .II>> tit 1M lt' if 'la
.". 1./...." .". '. "" ": (' .*' .\ < '... .r. "' ,J ..:":....: .. .,.,.'.. "',.. ...;:j) 't--" ; : .'..'.: -:'_:.:.:..' -t'--:" :_ ; -:-. ,._. -,, ...."', ''.. .v; ..'Ji'..........";..".. '.r V>..ftm_>
I. I. '
'I. .
: \ ., ; I ; I. ',. '.. '....,.It'. 'il'" " ,':r. 'J . ,,1':" .' If.]" (j
:.... ': "J.'J ;
"" .... '
n '
.. !*-*_ _. .
1'1.:7'> : -- -- -'- -- -- ...-- -
: .; ., atafi'instSSL-V ,::: :
a ter{ "r'r C YFy '- Aver : .;;::* vn it'fAl.ra.paleK'rtfRtu'rtfr -" -
'A"8uKOlf ,.. TaM ,
,;W\D1UnJD'".t trsoaat ta.1 a .innate :; : : w I
.; ''' elpwasns 1I : .,' eM1 MMYf1 M 1t/11t Wr
t ** .** .
f +no a of that l1oog' jW' ,.
,,::1' J Weratkm ? .., Tk OeAtnry"'lvlp"rte'\ la tine
4"A coons in a .nirA o ad, :r Ci0 t011 ,l tleafr (I LMf,!''i
.Etopu 6fi1DU, '" Efil tOO'D flllbaat which will a the prcIIJIII'o.at. : Almost ... ... ., ......4 frtara."->>:- '''>e'."tRarleMMle i br"lbrdtMWondere'ob'it
' "DAVID .... [ .. ':!.'' Th "Completely .' eNt, 'Wwt"'At4Hsry
{ ,Af.R.: m..ta eimp"' .; the Wort d'. Chief Reoouroe, '
4).t SJ.J1 ... .....! hat oaega'te1 _y. .phen W. ': Tb oerk'" Industry"which ,1* auttS { 7aI.1cI.. ,OeIIonV..JaOoMa... .: Potasfi'true
-II. .''tIt.) .". Dr. Edwawt B. ; M s9Atbopas) tbTz. prof escor of sook s7- fie-Ooi. b VmlpaWoirloloctet -
t 1
--po : h.rbw,Pabr pThis = wouldo an importaat on-wurrcelTSv fresh''Impetasvi u."ValM&
I : Adwl.a Church 1t Pavls little tife of ount.taka oa (treatVwi sty employed pros nraittj\
pvis..banidb.sth.rdf.orth.Psta. and randeur when we recognice that God several new process,baring beendiscovered stat.s, eolocleeJ ante.r, and.Mrelerof .
,Tide fight sufficient tor
t /sin 1rrs s .......... to ......._ enter into It, with ;Hi wisdom Hi love f.good and would not require renewal by: which large piece can : paJaonu( r,,Inennr'OtNa.tmr the;k-..... I J111tr P.tssh,1rbdt
PaML--The His JIIII'pNI ....4,Hie power.,..David wa rooms be mad small 0.... *<> that d d
Buhr out, of ..Hlat4ln.r
tr Dr.,Edward B. Thus to carry all theca with him through the during the present century. "' < ,; lcle -.. \atQ. ont be bd *s sf
+pt.aohd a sarmoa in tlse American log and cork wute can b* utilized: ;in fart.quaUtiea.'Thls -. ent A
9 ohoreh her. Which bas trying 'way that led' from the will,j treat ,ot; re / IArertbaaa',
7 able attention Hia subject attracted was --myhl'CIODaldeJ' .,fi 1 h"peoM. the .throne 'of larael.' That .Ja-Ctab tier Ne.Jerce deposits of hI"aU.th.'moA, Important and k4r nca jn'opT knoyledge'ancl.nt 'CI(.
H 'with the' M become
plan-end faunas'
a Ruler power-t.f ,, the price of: cork ,
The ; or. from}Iheepao" io Throne" G t had an the meaning and dig radio-active ur'aainm 'ores "andcom- a lal.torf-, America, baaed< -
' n aviit7r art"That was taken Lon.d: 1 Chrouicire reify .bleh'' thaas facton could tica iL poanda that 'are I about to .be worked .a steadilyboth/ on account of ,th* and rich, 'flnda'ot;lie ). ,,bauited,
C took th. from with the the sheepcote I bf eve Hosts from, 'f When will It *? epmprehen J look weeina and by analysis.t( baa been shown that. growing demand and the lessened supply American' Museum"'In the Far1 Welt, n'' 'true of's
the expansion of Christianity'i. material.
following the .heep\ that these la about of the raw and U .proatUed1Utat"u fable 'Pi'i-
thouahowd.t. be epnnecUd with the aheepeot the padlum.Jn, ores ptnnmmy
p.. "IIer rider K1 eoPIl '1.ruL" Dr. ..4j 'bur. was fact and aenw of tk. Dlvlne'' gram; for each ton of ore. Formerly Italy was, a large producer .ent" wiij be tii>> the"iature:df, .'raY- ,., ;
S 'e What wrest disanee ) Preeenoe tb.t brought to David inspiration {. of cork, but a great part otth plan- elation 'to the cl nUBO"world." ." IleIdsl,
from be p..tu'bet and .trmctb. We take ,our inspiration did cork-oak forests ha already been a 1
; n Bethlehem
to the throne i ernlOIlem partly ideal Le Bunt baa found forty-two '
n., from bat alao from co-opera.,, on )
eontrat' between the shepherd boy ti I.e agencie.{ th t \ to translate indication of the destroyed.. Insonproylnces-a5 .
and the t mammies exact age .Natl. sb.'r
+ King 01 Israel Ie one bf tb. marto.bridie- tdeM into liter Godptook 'D1 .from f.r' for Instance: ,da: Ca\&brl..u.\ ; f Jreea IN-fIBLiNHL; ,. '
,' veto whisk human at which the Individual tdledv Bo ": ,ate abess rrebr.e.w.
hietol'Y'Ire.nta u.. It ber.nmnire and led him little and used for charcoal clad found: myeermon"nt.restla& -
!. away have you ,
f'frtaua ,
that It indicates wit
n. one I. able "7 little.' from the heepcote toward the'throa. aa this/allows shy Inference, "
such dietaneee without the ... mailing;.in other province they have said lie Hy.; Mr. TeJtkon.
t intervention or The boy was to'eome into poMe>t that two-thirds: the ancient ,' sf. ft,. N a y trw wa* :fcrEHTIAN
+ t ueieUnlr co\4.itlon.: and forte. .Then lion of thought ideal and parpotlC that Egyptians died before' they reached been cut --down on account of 'their "Y..." replied-th, fcriatttr, "it'.wu
i i mu.t be-actipg factors fa the,life if the would force him' onward:from point to high potash'contents.. Interestingto me Cve been'making KAUW
kxea're.ults a debUt! to 10 are much Meal'fld.! to bis A' man environment become. point; ao the many thing a are'mtq to be keep.expected the the age of forty.-- e.'Peplermacbemushroome '> Larger forest of cork-oak..trees are a Btudr recently of the powers of endurance aewT.a"Nsrw.tees bca.eSae.laurs.datej. iAWwe.e r
to favoring Conditions. to friendly asenoies friend he chooses ompany, the great MU!. he per- and toadstools -, exlstlng5In Spain, pprtugal., Ftaace. .t the liuman*Vote3tllV' ,,
y and sometim. to reemin&y edYln41_ciao: mite to influence and help him. David, and Instructive Algeria and Tnnla. ,None'are found delphla Press.. '-' "" AM :
will form
'um.tant'el. ilia own pow.re are "Umu. choM God God chow hi.. and an .
a '
only MMrtWMMftMWMMI. > 11-0
In Asia Minor "
fated directed and .ui.\e4 toward the was formed that determined ezblblt prepared for the ,
good Ie to be How a career. Greece and Xoropean, Turkey,' 'although -, WHAT JDLBllfT.- '. Ph' ,
I'f'.ohed. much Ie to he expected! from such anaaeoeiationl World's Fair by{ the .)1..laehusetta'AgrIcultural er ff n
1 The' American ReYolutinn +had I" be'layot'- ... .. ..
.Olllfo \ College.. The difference the climates seem to "Wbat''ao'you'understand' 'b11101,: .k. ;-" ,
-S.- ., thi'lnc: position to!! doe adyan/Inl in. 1".to"Id./: W..binjfton. earlv tar.to,. presence Th .'..high. Godpdreesi, ,nee. It know i. a'andrea .between the -edible and ,poisonous ,able foe: their.growth., The area cor- orders!" asked 'tB' BnOday" chooltoacher. :PaR 'GOOD FosrrioxtmM :
t tion. his ancestry, hi. religious/ feeling, the z.i :.O"eaya.of of a great* u* to atateaman: mushrooms will .toa made clear,, !red by these forests,Is estimated .at > .)' >.VHNTBa: 4N WHITIM** ,
peopl.III anions wfcoin hi. lot wan cut were "H,. hahituaCy practice the prewnce of, r-- 100.000..hectare. 741.SOO acres) in "The 'Ten Commandment. nja'am,". cna' of
j .olutlon factor was in theyrsat his' career opnortunlt The French which Rev. God and lives under Him to Chrit.". Thedoctrine 'It ia stated In:' an English Journal Portugal tSO.OOO, hectare (!17,760 prompUy answered the.fair,,haired' lit. .OUB CBCCiacHOLABiam*. .
concerning the iri < QA.-AtA.BU8. COLLCOiValaoOet.Avery e'
the genius of Napoleon could sears add 1Itilt. teaching about the Veal pre.enee of God a that the private subscriptions toward acres) la .Spain. 180,000 hectaresStl.SSO ,tie boy with the Innocent, blue>> eye*.
... Many a man fail to some on.picu.f with man. The word. of our Lord in the Captain Bernler'a'projectcd North Pole ( acres) In Algeria and only '"Chicago, ,;f tibunq, i
oaly the
3 Dot for front -1aM the!. time are Arable of the "ine and the hranche renrewnU expedition amount to $00.000, of which 10,000 hectares (11'1.160"aere.f r re
e a dramatic !Lt.Jt.
The wise! ,,'"n ..tadie.career..anti.ander tend. follower.the, relation It, i* more between than Him any and earthly Hi .|.. rd Stratbcona was. given $5000.' It Italy.whill' ;fewFrance ..t+ Ter; . : .
how ''* eto. be ... -Canadian GOT-:;, atlll furnishes SI.S60 kI y
TrmJ. may m. to contribute lo.el fellowship or friendly relation. Howmuch Is.alao stated that ,'' Spain has Just ordered the. construe.! *
profrea. and welfare.. He theu contribute to make our live ('rnment.111 probably build an4 equip 'tons of cork annually, the production : AVBRY-A.*'!!MCMILLAN, .
the Italy .
interest and services of one wbom he think we could have been beoanaeT : ; at. .. Bovth Porvyth AtUuMSH, .;
may seek and eenl, 'and whd may seek have had those who loved u.. and nave ..,' -.... '----, The value of' th* .Spanish "exports of: sat' They will be the largest yet built; -ALL KIND raw
and line laim. JCL1I lnletrT-1)f-thIlI'I0"--now! From investigations'carried out by, cork' amount to: $6,000.009 4Ir-re.r;: a* when submerged theywill bare"a i '
ti _Meneie Dand.-Clpeul-unecl..rallui* into errice. for hi. carver c1i"and of muuhitJ"I"A by Hi.;when abiding the prenene.1
their employment made his hivtorv pa**!. much more comes out of our lire because that cave.and cellar air, acts aa If: Jitwera Only Sicily and Sardinia are still producing tract calls for twelve knots'an. Lau ', "" /' 6 ,.' '".,
( ble. and "'*? ti it that'peculiat color and. of this nnionl Vfr.. Ilurler i. quoted as Itself: radio-active'' or had be, cork to any- considerable under water: "V't )1 1 ,. '" tMt .
t' yer-If't.< which charm a. 1 .."inir of Mr. Oladatona in hi. remarkable come 'so. Air aspirated from rock' tent in Italy while the.former' great . . ,frDear. ,.
him the? speak to to ass and ', hioirraphy "JMt i. great and toble callIng .' Masseaefair : almost totally ' ._ lie CmrOlby r.
-e-- active. a.ea.'
and ia
: .* m, hi. thought -.-not a mean and groveling thing that masses specially oak forest of Calabria are ,
s I.IIDII are-renorte
};. .hne. which hare been such miser .elevated and lofty The be.gins .tninu. 'has oorUonol _". Ther.ta oa'y one
Inipiratinn to ltitntle.inca; a his time.sod more Ion,. to understand dentiny. himielf man and- must therefore; be exercising that. this destruction war to eare'"datoea. and that.la by oonatlrattoaal 1wr
The field., flower and for*..U. the .t1.....* the goon he should strive to reach when he ence upon our atmosphere' Irontttng been permitted. The tree easily remedlaa. Deatnes.i" caused by an
their accnee of Nt ppoetbtdhe. had admit to bit mind and heart stream of It and the like.: *' "Y reach an"a.e'of 200 yeara. They yield Inflamed eondltloa of 'the meeoa.1.fngof'the I i
w part in the* ) fell.,and ex- ptoreeul .an" ....;, ,r cork In the 80th year and continue to Enetaeblaa1'v.tae.rambling VyhenthlstnWbissnamed :
which come when
have 0.4 or Imper*
dressed inte litera that\ ,will ) et'as he allow find to FOIl a K
ur Ptumt Seventy"five r
The members of the expedlttori'' ox, sad when It I 'entlral, eloeedPaataea. I
Try'eTn 'years teat hearint *
long ?! language ...d".... His friendihin., take Mm out of the ernde. the>infal end d* ao '
that Heal one with Jonathon hi..iiaioaition *.- lead him ,.forward./-* God-afa_plifea inveaUgatlon to the Bahama., which years ago U!..English demandjfpr .U the result and aaleea the 6laemrmattensetl.be .
\with an l| dares and condition. %."f '-1 destiny,< .f -| V. war Hot ont some time ago by the, cork wa tnpplled exclusively from to Iti a ,takes'lll -tbllaJUlfti1llti'ftl1f".out am.d, thlla w.' reetored ,"", ,
a' men. rive tn a unique'and intereatlbc pewYonyeannot ..The.:.rreat poet reDreaerta. Hamlet .. and the Bal.
-- eking in thin Johns Hopkins University Italy ,Th destruction of: the remain- be destroyed forerer, MUra eaaee out often
and "Let
"ndemUud David! until Ton r* nnw.our indincretiona thought sometime ovine.* servon tIi ore Geographical Society found Ing forest goes on uninterruptedly: i, ere oaoaed condition by eatarrh fI f.whloh the income 1.net hln nrtaoe. Wt anlBflamd .,.. fool nglnee.ott.u, Ml ;
take into coKnideraMon the nature of tHe well wKen o.ir deep plot. 'do pall and that akin disease, and especially lep and nobody seems to try .ta prevent It We wilt rive One Hundred DoIUr.for any --.Issas' -Wh tMSTHPWVEDSAW esparstore J1y
tendencies Within him. and mettiure' the that ahould teach. ue.. rosy to be very prevalent. No effortIs or to plant. new forests., In spit of: v sale orDeatnreauedb.oatarra)1hat; e ttBot -
> degree of tb. influei e I'II which entered There. the of leprosy ' eared Hall'.Catarrh Owre. Bend fordrmlan
spread be
a diVinitv that shape. mfr end.. mad to prevent the most by J JIf.
into the formation the fact that Italy possesses .
of hi character
I' andcareer. Rough hew them how we w11I./*- - inetanbe."were noted f.... F.3Came I9ooeTol.doQ;
and ,
many the.cqrko.'k
There ia a l.rge 1 mixture of eon- I favorable: climate and"soli for: Bold by Drne UU.lic. '.
4 traiLin. and contradin.int; tndenciei Were it-aot for the intervention of the' where; persona suffering from that dis '', th. mOlt 'favorable condi- 'Hall'>amlly fill ar4h b it.Ta ., ,
}1-- turn.: TJo.... are manifested" through 'rheyear divine wisdom and will how all of o.r plane /ease' engaged hi the Bale ?I f: pro- "
of hi. eventful hl.I_.- tee wan like. and pnrpoeeawould f.iI. just for the lack :were' ". 4 lions for Ita growth ,being found :Inth ;;' a&n.f......... ...._...., '_'
i a cit* that 1* being build.... The oriiriaalIfw. of the wisdom, goodness and power which Tlslona. i iV I' volcanic oH of the, Blessed fa tbe nan .who his tbe gift '-, ... ,
manhr nlaee mu.Ma.lbfId and tlev' require!- .J a. .*-." x--' Detroit FresPrea*. v making friends: for U u"on 'orGod' \, __" 'r, 1. ., "1" : -
filled" ronth paths mont give .t'o'._ to David was only iich'and We of the beak; Plant life ls much mote tolerant than "... -penlnau1j--r' InrdlTea. BALL
well "aYe'" etreetc. rude hat will be enpenefled a* God was with him; this presence involved of: temper- beat''glfts.-"It' manythings ,
by well ennotracted hones. p.l. a glory, bleaednee and fruition .... animal life of the extremes '. 1', ', bat above all,ishepower, of Large, E.jgln.a"tf) ...n.** i........,
ace* and pnMic build in..*; the nude and :.ond the meuure-of man'mind., The :+.ture.';.growthhaving been observed \ HIS ONlll.HOPIC. going out of: one's self: and seeing and promptly. .ShlnBl' Mills* Corn. $l '
shepherd boy with all his limitation i low aa aero, and !But surely h.4oe.D't expect to be : = : .
a Inartistic will be enlaced by the work of In 'some Instances, aa Is, nobleman "
, appreciatingwhatever Circular .TtlfPatnt '
y architect and .Kish;befn. tb.' eanbeeoroe o .tin oreed by God that bee come to in other instance aa fligh aa seventy .iectedr"
royal position and lovable la another. mao.--Tkomss Steam Governor. Pull line ;
Cnglnw 4k
beautiful and he1thfnU power. ;> Jia 1
| I :
It 1* perfect In "
"' Throarh all the eonitrnctbm This! divine" i* not only with! two degree fenUgrad.( ) %"No. and that' just why he'p *
period of preface ': II-nghal-, . . Mill .upp"*.. send for tr...CaUI.sjv ; ]
there' will be present the cnntre.te and David atthe .herpcote, tat Wntinuenthrn.nh ly;,tme Khat a frllPZlDC"proce..1 rich, good )humor ,
contradiction, that "..rand oualifr the tile long way of hi* entire andcberkrred destroy life.' A': flsb or a f rtg jwUl."bef : ;"! don't quite", understand." -
t r'orr.of th_ elty. There are tw">thtnnJ career award the good which ls ;:frozen solid, and .o itbawIDC\ J"Wby see.be's thorough ,believer
that would be eavdid. la GQd'-tbouht. The flea ly 1 Fathernever
J annnrent to a crttlcc- *
S j that rngrer.
lun..nf endeavor will 1Ma sore and -atia treat'diffiiee. to face mien a* belong pf.nte""eall actually undergo ,always happensPhllai: / yr1JuEJ
taototr. to every strenuous. religion life and they a temperature of liquid bydro.gerv delphia Prop! ., '
'This -rontrttt i<.prencnted-thronKh theeounr needed to h* urrpounted. Many a man thpeoldeet temperature! known ,. -,..,, .- ..,,,. ., ? ,
of Darid'a life. If we'leoVlt erne ,.m.-uacl.l>eior, .a> TKiuntain.xbiit. -one. ; | Y/altP1 L ;CAlCTRIDCES.1it >
:a ermMiatlTe power: ,
pee' atd '
mect-elinik the steep ascent and makeof' yet r,alit ttrIJo Bad
feature which before ienn liver
n. Comm -
enm. Clean;Case of
him the meats that are to he taken if He .r ; iW, *
will teverely.ril we
ly Sedge
; we that'count. MVIodM*
i (.:ok It other we. will aay.how admirable. reaches the height and the\ 'otheraide.,' .. BARgARIANS' T.iPLAT, ;.- , "Like'the' dark raren.of,gloom' "and ; '
and at the ..... timr w. will perceive that ,!and ThesdSlleltie.whkhsDavid: me.K I \ fOnd hope blasted,',,or the doveUk fatbt" a In all calibers bit, that Is, ;
hi* i. oa-.titd'from' aheepeot to master are great j There wero eeisodsand Miss Edlia?*" HorrUed TDl lh*tt**..*d3ard'
way !
k the throne. At time* David i. a* humble experience, in bin life which to humanaiew .. -" ehtTnth.iie1'.na .. a mphoniei of glad. tidings,' ,com the)! IOAltacsWVlttlY '.lrtkea'oody'berds'pd1Y1 'r
aa a;,child that feel" his weakness and eMmed.to-ey, .tol": you f'Qtve cannot np expectationatuTlendeavnr ;x.win,tfce.' ''+ fiercely on the- oily memories of the past to bring on aw'flt': e b eva'TIs ls'th
i ed.Und yet itand before his father thafhe It i. true that he had been culled of the;''blU..'or:arouse aalnspiratlon:: '
crown. the street *, '
may be.ta.ucht toad "led, and....in Ja.II pool of: water fetandingju aMIW Y4I 9Ahivtag HE1TKK.TO -'I
the nrobhet! :
SaD oft
fond recollection occurrences
a* a* -4ydah who' nU,.
hi. super, Be anhold trot and nvlit "left the <
eouRne under the a* eacential inflnen to of manhood fear he, and deceive then .tried and successfulso ldier; the. plaudit _,by..the"reeking,odora o!.ttte placav-abe! ? .. ; : :. "
Kia.:A..laT 1'-wlu' hail>err1encfM1aiiil: 1Ie the -TOurtrtude-tiadrnn., ecru r but had"just'left she leaned!' 'against the'sirba1r PIT8DOrlllu.ntl".anlf:We rats or nervous
hi* apparent .u"cetItI excited the,rents and 11_after drat d.;'.MM of Dr.KUne'. Orat"
show .word of iforhearanoeaad i oblivious1 l:
of the".etgtttr-
a fful.sp'irit \ .nrv, nf RaulXDavM;' became. an 'utlKw. shunted i JiltrYo eet rer.2trial boUI.and treattHrree"Dr.B.
t InrKlecne toward! hie'enemy, Smnd theperil ; fniitive.. and his life was in direct group of small children? -&.KMiia.Ltd..Ml AfaHKt,. PhU...F.I.' SAVAGE
Uri )h.ta ,
; S .. fhm btnut. hi. friend r" ril.. n1d ne'beeome A krncf fTetUod'vra. playing
S W ccVtaTn dVath. Hie lbrkdolt Jonathan iTIevi. wltfi!! hips thiv'wa lil to wwumnreof lath-* gutter across the street? The"number of lunatics under eonfnlIn'V 11 o R
yield. himself to degrading love. lieaeedert : eat nir.. in hill deepest dintresi. hi. her attention. and' sliefwitkbeiYthetd. J1 land, >... '. ,: ' 22 caliber nfleis shot '; tl
eondboniof - 1 seen
to be taken out of theM repeater takingJ' short "
I moat difficult and dangerous experience. aeemed to be playing pHE ,
Intently. They
the .. kris ; foe eMldrea
"".bn_, aen.ualitT. pride and Wln.law'.BootHIn Syrup
when friend were bopele and-no words On the. wooden redaoe ,. long.>{Tlcartrujlge &tIr-.t; *am. arm. .Tfti.model
..\1 evil *f a wrong life, if he wa* to become : of and ckeerysme. from anv.Bit- omq,4iame. tqp4.a ttbingson.cthegums, Inflamm- : ( !
'i "'I 4n after Gnd'. own heart:" '\ awunsiAt rebut aIM iM tM .he VmJd ...'p sky i garage box standing at the curb line- ugnabaysgiwenrna' "lad Olld."1&0..abottl is ongmal, In'design. reliable inaction and .shoot+ ,with .
s ,* We would mia all how.,., b1 l $ >*J''til t t! ...
| '
kne'about : ; :
the ewereiru'lnjutneefcwhichperritded. .
alSaVafie.tffleiv; ; Our''rjfle'i
a' ou.tpegsdener4)owerdstbe" >> threpeAis )J>vra pink underihlrtaeblue calicoaklrt lel moth which can utter a aoua J. ;; [ ar. 0::
arranged em entered J we' to occupy. v vesrt his father's at least h i c . ;made inralldesirable'sizes: from 'th v>2 [: 'to theV
and :
fill fejotor. and condition why h Thi. then ir the word for u. to-d.r. a t'yon Want creamery-: price*'do .*'thecmnieriea. : , .tjb6r' heavy ". .;;
y, X into.1 end Without rontribnted this dominating toward Darid'i influence career. The God of David will be with even one twenty alee too large for his gaunt do, ,tua ..(von TxiTT.BuTTXaCOLOB. big.fame loads. Catalogue No. C ..js ,of.untiiual., interest aili .
JerneMem would never have been related rah:'eonfenta and" covenant with wM"ln Him: Tn, r UItI.lalJq.l4eh.ll.&n; frbbnthiavUvthi] ) .'- .' ...- atsUua7bJsT Pr.slavanw aoiai n' irti.-ww '
Sportsmen. : ;; v.se
with ) ethl."".. W. must also rememberl&WSSMSffi .tren th we IIball] be ltrn..". Jn PHI love gutter were France has about'4000 duels a'ye.etad,, ,
% ; .teh"l1'cC' <'r 1I'oald. I...., ha)> firjdj, arr'_ .wnL41ve-and-g ew.'.I lltUfjglrlkv Each .ot(themfwa*), armed: Italy.I 2800 oa an average. .. I "
thitlJlmnat'41 WJi..nq.. ia our li'e w<. will know how ,..with some instrument of1:', torture. A ; . t.'
""* Ofd. While( all thi* is true we ron t! lit Ita\ outlook ieh. ;;'"' IjamsnrPiM; 'sCur,*forOonsumptlonsaTed
9 :
"Fn* : the n alortt7farrled Ins and\ needles aej ,
bear ;in mind the divaepwd14' ", mach ; '
even Chr:.. rnf-'td'u! win know i m!life three year .o.-X. THOMI. Bo WORMS
and ',
s not contradict the choice of band or force 'hat we lire roinjr forward I tn a wisdom. or two hairpins, and the leader sills,Maple .NorwtCb.If.r:,Feb.TOQ.: j
f liS. Telnntary CoddetU with" him f'' largest ttoDg 'b tnin TheyMere)"
p ; f thap'ery 1 mortalri 'srt i ja
a'I,.. and l4terfBtr:\ :Joil J V>1W w. trN.nd: na! woitK to; mi>V.. Iliroelf Vnown in all I "taking t/roe" sticking their respective London fsvef' hospital'can-_accommodate. - '_ \T.-I
calleit( to enter into partnership" ; with fad! I nf the relation* of lire; where Hi. Pt"enpe I 60QO patiffflU.. . 1w.rel.eM tot_T a2wpktN*.&.Mrydia\
and 1M ... that God "puld 1'. ''W Ij1q'-thtst Ftn4eralegOfl'tbebaby : t I
IleVdepires .
ran bet of i erw.JT\H W which .ru7to. l. .. .. a.l .4Unnra
II/ehedyduY (,.'Jitlr\1r w a-
1 with bini. for tJ , "f i. on the gattlage can. Tfk S..a..e. ]. slum
'j t, o' ear Onet. i'- >a more nnre* i ,w. *
t< as the thirsty land cries ont for the lifesaving e. 4 i ilab te tEdiil1 ; '. ___j. .
striated yielding to. His presence an. { { hgllittp dieptlaT' ) : ; ... ..!.... .1 '
top* *
,I rejoice.' the}" blossom bounty power.. l'aloud, and rushed across the street to J.'T _*. fn.rioi..o -UkiM CoaantTT. 51Ia1 ... FOR'W: M N .rte'; -,
row and in beauty and C. 'iI"/i" d. k_ I"| |tae WOCTS. .JTalwAja baa a J '
Pf ) : I --- ..;. "' S -=Piles stopthe'tortareA.'she.'amrnea' *' .Q ({ 'r :: Boston hyttian'a;dis- .
| v 't. ..
| |
<< as. ,a pent. "
; ., wslw.arm; tqwtJ..b'i Ja:tUanaes and
and '
' ,
's y It itrqttfuaa..r.--. with-.nch an interpretation Without humifiti religiou. progre isqppwables I kh*.beard the girl with the hatpin cry canoe/
,: ,, .
enaliftcation that jr. listened to. and n! irideTi. <. h jdeatruoUont of ))opt:n went|.'I. filr rtB' (l4 ttUBBO"you.wlckedTTwlcked ) ( (ieals'all' lallammatloft. of'th. '
elen"'nd.1.)4ki.italt 'whrnGslT" il t ; t Dst Far. ..' 'W.1. ihembran wherever locatedJO ;-,"J. ="t' -
\ U'whiiperai to
principle > progreaf criedW
ft' represented a. aring, toyfc the. from *s cowtinualjy. .t ware aJI that could I Cbila1r8pI"| ? : "I,ball 'a, moat atubborn"cough ,' .' Jhe .... ;* local treatment of female'Ulf '1't. i.
the slbeepcote'even;.f rmf vulerbvef t1/. W ( ) ire< r *'>. Poi"** 'u5Tlttentj6 r! illtbr; '|bali ftp n 'by.". ,for many years.' It deprived me I, taste avduabe. Used M a douche !It -
ebee"\1hat; Ulna nli
; po _beo'l of thinI -Ii
.t Wwted Irrmel.Himself" Go
MJss" :
nd1itiJiBd.k.cWP4' box looked up at Edith -' fh/lO'fdafltaRlyd cause Inflammatio and dIec.bar""f"'f;' '
wonld In oar live*. God directed extraordinaryHtftlM rand wa quickly cured4 / -' . ;
"".at by our attemtillr.m.1I1 'abf1tri> tI1''Cd1)Ii.r'h'r R. Na' Man4. j'aUMUtTagn. 1 y.r ....._c1.+< ""-trygrswosnyyr
.t' ;
} .ml fiWitronment ,-but b1"our 'Ji> *er of"dolngrimplVjn ; ; t- A
employed the can (hit epo '.:.. _-li, .T" .""": .,,;t7r-wIaea.Jt. ..tin -..'"dirtrThereet.Giggled agaresaivelyr a"Don't'youRknowcyea 3hl.ubl t "o.e that l(tt! tb. grostI.t,lases/qr F
Pal : 'i: ltJlC1>>rrae'er: cu"J' --...;...
f' ,
tit. Mm "j
bsvid'aeekn.r.* In iky ; sr
; i ; the soul,Carrie this principle into prac4ioe might lame him' t, ,
amid cloud thAt at time j Sixty ;pf"curesOarid tID..vlC'' t4l1e to cure pesatprtl'swei
"tine, nd the. nlt-JNd-wa>hallow, our wort,-epeciuly ",' yddu : year :, 7fSti
--- '.uJa : -lor'titer cL eatarh. case thrust -.e,** vS
: :whatever toat.be to u. hVd or'Jistaateful such testin4tiny'iis'the i : we. ,, eIeew.na.
Hsike m
,.r-.- and power all the forms of work, by doing it avrtasttef vf I ? te..ttemanc hint: ;.y Tin.,s..s.t.a .. to .month +nti1)te) eeye.'became. thirst,' "
" natnrgin Bethlehem that 'spoke ..o'insmrinrlT principle. It enrich conungn* act Ito.fneisjhbesir tl 'above have taught us what: "' a e. cars... .v .r 'Y.- v'avnog ((asssg 4ftau anted *r ineaaamg!! t :
: n..Ny c: .Ctdaagc: es ;
fn the soul of the young man!. and with thajapotlty gee m.4anl.bnn. ''a'. uS
eocicjh kindnrn He'.i on/II aI the : '
: t. luker cast
4, atill" the strength< 01 lsVtJy nd .e.!,[a0 1 mOl ..blf; ., IMIteJT'a 6h : h1lil} JAyer Cherry ;.Pectoral ,.flMrBAL SJUJE, TEl B1J8IleIES:: .' I*>reIMlBC.whUalBsaa4r":k-- .-ti\) )
'plo.1! and aeult_ leg r' o ups ,,
1.ft .. the. teptfcrTv*cbalUaA* .he.T
,C pf'O sm: !iolsns.dibean' the loxh il itiiaaOrsJHu01Mtx.popenb. 1 do.. ?.? ? ,, ,. '... .... -WHBlHtfJ Crhf.*., ,* 4,1'M5* Cr i wi t:
: J i 1 } : : : : :: rill .uiowjtfs:the grist- '. l \ ePadafiataerssywhersi.
J'I .
1es 4
poin t. and,apparent I.QI\rfI..P'.b : .j. .. t f .A41 / f s SS ff&fSiSLit : J .:T r..ili.h fWkw*ctelfldI'ut1rM..ad.o4 ....- 'fit.{< '
.x irfn. d error in no w.t:'MndCnn'them Jr.tb.tI E t< tog ei 'cst' cough:;remedy, y'"r.: J ':EO'. ....,.. ..s i eeaoEtp4ahbaiactS .. t 4 f "
't with a y N'ei ,tbt q Itfij6.IAstlfd4hlma not ..t1 It 1.'t e"b'e' iu.e"eer.' ade And- will I sayafter Olew 1 ..., of and e>aler* lw1arr*'.qP'T''hCl' AICdr:: **, r sent poffPaWc.SO c4. :1'
It) 'Key w ( .'.: you ? PECA"iof.ih1"1 l y e ,
'rya t 1 1: 'you"' < '. .-.1 ear letiNI COLUMBIA*. *TOAsn, V'1fJ1f'.d A large trItal, ..eI""ot' (;
J : ; too- ryMf. ==
:1:1? = = w: rx&t* J'.f'eitetW1It1.' C..nt"L.. nrdd.d gritted 01''..... 1eae sop sf5i''lL'1ats.liaa l.,,
f ; r
i w'm" h : 6flvwe.nvKtr.y.pay -
.. "! pahed her way through ee bM's utCQOvet! !'Y, .. p JlII.fO..J g: nMeA.e sNa paper. L tits: ,
lain r\ife. STIJ4Wr.aOBSON f CAN Con airkwaea,GtC J '
itt {fiYtfiiisglfi8 i rA.lpt : 1 1l00cttJIaa rtt r r tic t 9' Tkamt+wlMSeIL.UL.is' ......... JOOOO'O ,. > '
rite t"o PEACH jl
{ pllY \ !n ., and now : '. . #;( TREES MM.r/ "1
''WI eat tte :11pwp Dtioaa tri .6'eb :tfhonor there ii ti e 1C t cu.l iah1. ''"'-'-'' .. 'it; '. "o
e I'etI. " i '
Of .
} \\if ... IS ... .. ;;;: ... -.' u. O''M ,
55 5 :t asaacaftsw.iisu. : : feiawaayBhis TL1&dffehesaw .. ..... .. ...... ::l TRRruLtWIOLLAI.yn; ; ,
warv toWhen gratitai .to and respect for hu ,; .aD. portun1tx..JA.WU..et .gap W t.h1 j. ... .., wc.IH. ,. .11 .. + :;,. W" 1 I ,
MwnLL .
jx00L.wM4.raa.AP'UDJNE .
&fI JI,. : : beautirol-sightj flnndsy .1 ;; .w ew.redbss s.eY el ryp n ; tn
th"' 1.. _r555..I.we..wl.pets .
khine fiowT'oiiward. bearing Ii e4, a .
the .
1 ' ''t*4'S sP***** :( ..e-...nN .... .
P !'I'Vn \\-fF- nCAted8Iirtldp '
tb.oo nt :. .. '0<1" W" ,,,'j a..pIie ee rne17 ae.w,w..wsNew, .. I JY -\"
and n roll awe omam a iatber"a : u'f ...te.was.._C.ek: .aw tel 1naN e.aM far. ?
i wv ci-.ri If 01' 1MIn'.the iii" e taJBi ;;;'e'erown... the girl"won J: Oy MALE. amen ..'w.MCHIE.TIE"'TE1'fN M '*. warM. t At Una, .r '
,y.,, mmo... ce"IMiil1erfoar, ;-: U m. much t .. le EASt posi ion i resch!tII-.OOO W : ..- ani. ... : "
,,"" .1 re 'u.Ib&: cami.ACi'.ris: .. rat Ie for 11ft of ofS'Italy .oa O Mzn 9.VU URES< rJ; .W ::0.FfERUW'I .OX ee' .wtiMRatladdvetdaarww4A1iGt1/.1.tcd"t IX& u .",;
twr "t thou '
hargllvos I
', .. paoro .. eI yon ds i joke t fr1jt6te'd"1' fH? L lIEl ACIlES .Cast t'Q..e erp,.pWRsgkna""r.reab'w ,I II .
,1 brln h. .. j Yfn
:.r-- .. .
.: e+ )f..i.. .. :.
.... ''''''1jII -r-; -t. tg,,..p ...aISik&......sya / '-.r
l-Pl.*""* the smlea, knows what th* result may be. Patienci 'wedded before.the-)(a7Gt and,wholetown ''I. '1't5 t the aloneet...... CM* ales for Otr!
(y' 'ahip. The decoration of a city,of aoldier t sometimes serve a man better than cone ( ,and the girl received thlOOOI1 i+ D ftllfwATflf! Pen, __ 8k1Da &Del 7rSd.a'
,dor she-march will find again and again that : fIR SO Cult. .alp-,...,.... It :_ ,'I.""" : 1
mani/e.tdVood m
her husband a gift ,
as '
t.'th. from
will of ar
:-ro f' .'A' emphatic upreMI IIof'iU a.V0"wads>' of t.th :C.WII" to keep out,of Uoabls i* to.ks*.|,. crowns. (. -1.\.ath'J.1:"' e1se' ''i W. e.ruKINSON,I CO..mwr. fU"
,. ,
.. / J
.tUL1he Chrjatiaa. I: F' .. ..
.I o1f .- ., 1 ST .
t I : .
IratefUtr .,..--.nation. *. ., : "'" ;, LlI! : 'w j.I. ",
'\I. 1; + J /I ..J!. ....... :It... I
: r"J
t 1.' 14'Fi!ax'r-t5 3 ,ext'OakbW :!.!! .d" .,:t ",. !; < ,,; ...:.;.;. """" ......._- ,""""'" ... .. ""-. jo "".!";,.)."",,,,,,,-<'-' &"r e : 'i j +
; .
)J' ,, ,,,,, ., .. .
; ,' ,,, '" '1'9"i.: .' if' ..v. ;;: ';r:. f .!,:""" <'ea' .-,;>- -. _ S
*'' *
., ,* > ,: *. ,
: ?: 4 c ' '- ," .I.* A & T! : ,
?' t..a.n _:: \ n Y4ibb1WaGlf"
.. ,. .
1 i. ' .
''tjLGLWs 'lt> U'satl'way'thewater'hyaolnth'leIpreadingrerf, /
'N of Annual Meeting.
: :tsptdly. In the- .lakeD ..
.T!t, r>MOr al ; Tb. annual meetlns; of the itookhold.i*of 11
below Klsslmmee and the lower river he United Land Company of Florida will be -
".Id at the office of lbs Company, In KluilnV TllapWYfar.1t
TU.u..T..T**lBATU checked
and that unless pretty soon '
me., Florida, at 11 o>elock. a. m.. Tuesday '
Valley UattetteIXMEC 1101/list, their navigation will be a thing of tho tb. 12th: day of January, 1\O4 lor the.19110001director. :
,OSCKOLACO DUTY.FL. and for Hob other buitne a. may
past. It is even now almost Impossible com before the meeting.Ktaalm .
for a vessel to' .r ach Okeechoble Bee naH DM. 4th. Itm.j ,
fiXSus ,l C. W. WAKD. .
from this end of the line and whenever peoreUry. .. _,.- I
. -
Editor.I the attempt is made it is generally -.- --t!, ._ . "; .;,
iTa &,I.eo'up in disgust. This is a matter Notice of Annual Meeting. i :, :::;;--r- ... '.''< "
I attb* Poawfflo* IB $ '. i
.lase mall matter.lberB .of vital importance to this section of Dual KoUoe meetlnf I* .of the stockholder.:l: ';:.In the' I Lltha I :: '
the State and especially so to this .e,.. Laws k Carnither .
S will pleas notify omo. II at the office Cattl.p In January> '. . .
W1 to get tb. pap..rreirularly. town and eo nt1. The matter'should mea City, Florida, on the Ebb day of nothercrcleoftime has turned; another year has
a eunBBloatlon .*et Iron..r author. the A. D. .1106.5i&b. hour of2 m. % '
taken with ..proper''authori P-
_oorrepoadBtB But be *lg *d of lbs be : up iT A.. LIOHPPEY dawned. 'Upon Us threshold It Is meet and proper .i .
their assistance solicited Inexterminating ..' '
ties and .
imatUr,will notb. returned onlea ". that we tAke a retrospective view 6f the past, revjew- our \ ,
i a > the pest before It be.come. i J '
,...*t aoe<.l dliorl by *roptosspoIstbls for Ipt.lo.S.u ,-any more serious to the Interest .. OrdeiyFor Publication.. successes and failures and profittlpz by'the Tesson's'thereof : ,
A vortUlng rat. be had oo application.8C8SCKIPTIOM :'or the f- each for himself to make more successes and : ,
may country: .. .In tbe Circuit Court, Seventh Judicial ClronllOaceola resolve le.li. .' ,. I' ( .
- County, Florida.-In. qbaaoerr. failures in the future than we did In the past. For .myself .:. '. .
> Ju......ol..t.KATCS.copyonrear ., ....,.....t1.oo, obe McNamee will oppose the Z. Ann Len,' 1 I DI,_. ? | feel l very Irrateful-to.the people:-of Osceola, county fora ,
J'.15 Copy sit moatha ...?<,...,<.......... .00eopyhr..rostbi renomlnatlon of Hon.S. M, Spark John Thayer Lea.,. J f1 .
.. ... ...... .36 liberal I ,jne durln the past ,
,, .t. member Congress from the blU appearing br afdavitappend.d to the very palraaagajjestowed upon Ie 1
man . .
filed In the above stated cause that JohnThaverLeary -
'-- --
i ,.., Lrst'dtstrlctr" .tbe defcndaut therein. uamed.isa y'.r.anCs"J shall endeavor.to 'n'teriracontinuanc.e their -- - ---j----
I. .
January 1 1904.f 1
Frlday tMin-reldeut of tbe State of Flo-Ida and I* a
resident of the ftate of New York over the age. patronage by a closer application$ to, my line, of business It. .
r The next.'FJorld.. Legislature; say of twenty-oue '.....1; It I*' therefore. .orderedthat ) .
non-rmldent Defundantbe and he that I may the better their wants, and doing' so to ':' "
t the said . : anticipate '
; :
'LlST.OP CANDIDATES, the DeLand News, should enact a la hereby required to appear to the Bill of Complaint .. .
' Iliad'Io sold cause on or before Monday, meet them. The{ New'Year finds my stoCkof_ Shoes at.a \
For'he benefit of our'readers,,some law compelling orange packers to usa !helot day of February A D 1UOI, olhurwlaa III- .:: ..
t io1 whom nay not know, the. named of uniform size orange. box Just- as SI i iJ : 'allevatlonaof lalit bill will. be taken as eon fI r-high: ..standard, notwithstanding the fact that the holiday "" ,'.
.-11 the candidate now before the peo.J standard barrel of ..pple.l. prescribed teased by aald Dufandant.ul.furtb.rorderdthatthle. order be pub- trade was great Yet that was anticipated and orders .," ,*,;
.....,.. '
....,* srire below a.list of those whoa !I in' the State of New York. An orange llahedonrea In the Val'ejr GaietU fur-a flve newspaper consecutive published .\ made in time to fill up the vacancies, New goods therefore ;;;
*.. >announced their candidacy In' box should be 12 inches by 12 inches rni.tittonnty and Hut., customers ; ,
This 2Vnd of Decem bcr. IVOA. I and constantly coming in which our' will : .: ,
i the voters. of this district will be| in either end, making the .sides necesj JNO. M. LE1S1.saL.l ... ; .
Court. get the benefit of. We are sole lLItenta'her for the Dorothy ;;; '" >
[ ] Clerk circuit .:..
:!t..W. ':j sarily 25 5-8 Inches in length.! Some By 5. H. BULXOCK .. ..... 'N4" '
'" I'oTDtted States Senator-W. S.,. shippers are using 25 Inch sides thus Deputy Clerk. . Dodd' the Red Star and the Crossette lines of I h")1. {;.'
'Fanning*,,J. N. C. Stockton, James P.' gaining nearly ten boxes in"every carload j N BoltrlCor TAYLOR for, Complainant. I . each of which stands at the head 'of its class'and which we ".: ', ;:'
Itaferro and ,Wilkinson Cs.ll.Cofaffressoian ; This Is not fair to the unw'ar: ofier our customers with the idea that nothing but the best . '.':; /:)" ",
V I' First- Dlstrlotr' M.: purchaser or to the other dealers, and Notice of Incorporation. will satisfy them.. In Gents' Furnishings" we also have a .f.....' ',':. .. :
,:-13a1ri,- Charles), Dougherty; A. O. It is plain that'the tendency amongpackers BTATB or FLORIDA (f.'O""t'T IT- =-; 1 ;. ,. ..4
( or ONCsOLANola I superb line which we ask our friends to examine and which .
'WrlKfil,' J., E. Alexander .Frank wltl 'be to .t.Ull..n the size U hereby liven that on Ue 12th day '
l!b .vrk.iK.;: D, McDonald and W. J. 'i of .h.e.box.. Fair play demands' that of matte January the, A.Governor D. 1M04 of an the application Ktal of will Florida" be wilLbe improved from time to.time until it reaches as near . .
-.00.1) "'' *' *t a lawful standard. be fixed with penalty for Letter Talent.upon the", following. Article perfection as possible. Again thanking the people for past .. .. J
F. For Circuit Judge'Seventh: .Judicial. from variation from same.. *-* of Incorporation ARTICLES:OF INCORPORATION.The : . favors and soliciting Its continuance I wish each and all a .. .
fjOlroult .Jones... I' associate thpm- .. .
-Minor S. undersigned do hereby .
: "'Mind ow \ business". is as Mil..h..r aa a body corporate, under and Happy and Prosperous New Year. _
JudlLiptml'Clrcutt you
jb For Btate Attorney Seventh by virtue of the general l.icorM| >ratlon lawsof :
=Jno. O. Jones C. O. safe a rule in, diplomacy as it Is In the date of FlorMa. a* contained
. In the Revised Statutes of laid Htate. .'
,..tit private life; perhaps, and the nation and the acts of.h.. Legislature amemla- ,, '
: that sticks close to this rule will find tory thereof and supplementary thereto i I
For Governor -RobC W DavU D.
and adopt tbe following article of Incorpo
'-'; ,M..,... N. B.Browsrd''and I C.f. M. It a sAfe guide not only to the nations ration.
safety; but also to the oonfprt of its j., ARTICLE 1. CHAS. W. DAMN. ;
'own.S y I Tb name of this corporation shall be theKlHalMUKBFlsK.
r For.Secretary: of State- &lDe. E. cltlxens.Yet the whole world seems Ice AUD HT BAOB COMrAKT '
\ : and H. to have gone a-Iand-grabblng and en- with, Its principal office and place of biialneae .
-firoome, Benjamin Kirk .Clay I' In the town ol.Klsalmmce Osceola County.
Oawford.. .'- : II termeddling. Florida, with such branch! office. a* may be I
; cat bllahed elsewhere by the board of directorsof THE SHOE MAN
'For Comptroillr-A. (t. Groom and --- said corporation; by such name shall sue
I' .Notice of Attachment. and be sod, plead and be pleaded use a corporate '. .
W; f..Dormso. seal, and chance tbe .ame at pleasure. .
\ A h n n n \ a\ a\ ah M aaq..a..N.e..eAN..N.era..wa.aNN \
, .For'.fi'eft.urer-W; 'V. Knot' and Motto U hmbr aven that W L Vas Dolor" ARTICLE 2.
hMlnitlintwl snit by altMhin-DI
Company a : The nature of the business to be transacted. .
Damsel fulostoni; In the tllreullCourt of lh. B'Teoth JuJloUlCtrauitof
by said corporation shall be to manufacture .
o olCoonly .
' the BUM of Florida for o
of Public coramodlttr
'For Superintendent .c.
: ... .. aa may at any time be agreed upon by a ma
and all other
Instruction:; :N. SheaU and' W( X. At Dnb peroui of the stockholders, at anv regular meet- r-----
: lotermMd are hereby required .pint font .
V. Hollow-. totbeuld aoilonat the Court HOUM at Kl.- aOT. meeting specially,calleu for Ihetpurpose. I "
ImnM CU,.Mid Count* and HUM on the
Commissioner Agriculture-
For of & To conduct a tub and oyster bflslnes. to own 1 SALE
4lh day of April. A. D. > *, the same being a vessels for either freight or
; B.K/MdUn. end. Robert'I'._. odgen. nil*day of the Mid. Court anger operate aerrlce, or both along\ the Klaslmmee pie I PUBLIC .
Dec 9PIh,
For Attorney' General-William H. nil X. LL and ColooMhab-bee River from the town, of -
Klsilmmee Osceola County, Florida to the I
i: Kills and'Alfred St. Clair AbraoW.. W.J. SEARS.plalntllTi. Clerk Circuit Court. and town Intermediate of Fort Myrr point. Lee County. of' Florida I
Forlfailroad Commissioner John Attorney. To own, manage and conduct a cold storagefor
:; the'purpoae of curing mats. fish and game I
I. Morgan and Thomas J. Appleyard.
.. Notice of Annual 1 .Meeting. of all kind for Itaelf or for others and cberIng *,-
For'Adiutsnl' ,o.u r..14.. ...pUffo.sR.rq' for the lame.
_ 'I'It.annual meeting of the ._lIbold..* of beef
. To buy and sell and tock cattle, hog
...., The Lee Paraoo Cattle Company will be held and meat of all kinds own and maintain pasture O3PCATTLE j
... E'I
In Klailmmee
t the of of the Company the fattening of bog, bee and Mock
\/-There's no longer any,donbi' about 12th Florida day,of at f January.o'olookp 1U04.mon for the Tuesday parpoae tb ofelecting And to engage Itself and in .other general mercantile- bust- .iMM'ND
Board of Director and for ueh
t"-Uoa.W1lIc Call is a candidate for a nee.,.and trade without restriction oo any or
ether bulnea*a* may.com before the meet- all arttele.ol its own production,or owned by
the U. 8.; Senat.-:f or be. himself_ hath l'"Iinh.Florid.. fccosmbcr 1905.S. It, and furthermore, to engage In any commercial .
said! tt.i'. t or trading business sot herein aprclBed. ::1 1
: H.'BULLOCK. provided.&same shall be authorial by the ;;
; Secretary. stockholders at any regular meeting, or any
',The vault of the D'.ackwell!
Banking meeting .pee'" called for that purpoea. :
Co.-at'Jaaper was dynamited Sunday i ARTICLE S. KENTUCKY HEREFORDS.
aifffa.but the robbers were, driven off The capital stock of ald corporation shaft be .
: IWWB DBAI'S ntERCHrlBUiPILLS. twenty-are thousand dollar (.,21,000)' divided
.r before they reached the till. II 5_ew.tau..r_Y raa.r.a the' per. Into value two hundred of' one and hundred Sity(2.W dollar) harm(IOU of) _I.. Herd Headed by the' .4.000 Britisher,. the Record Breaking :
'. A 'North Carolina woman offers the capital stuck of said "" .
Im'l.! : = to corporation
m i'iJ l>il 0' five dollars to any per. I r n.r-- ww.r r ahall be paid In currency of tbe UnitedBtatee I' -CHAMPION OF- THE WORLD '
_r ____ _P_ ...-1::Mesrv : provided however, that the board of J
_ loll .ko wills find her missing bus.1 -----..- director la b.b; authorised accept In pay.nentof I ,
... _04.\\ Ha mnstjbe"*. valuable piece'of .......L...._...La_ p. bald corporation subscriptions at a valuation to tbe capital to be Died etock by of Giltner Bros Eminence Ky. Best 8r.d In The South. ,
furniture aald inch real and ,.
to bring suoh.hlgh price. board personal
I. .. ..' . .....!. BZtoelamcBoe by the OeceeU Drum.Co labor and eervloee, a* may be necessary anduseful :
In the busluet of said corporation. I
.. .The stock of acid corporation halt be soberibod :
:r LICENSES." .board of director and be paid la a* called for by. the W will sell at Public Auction February 17th, 1904; under the :
_ / ..
tfl.1T1..o;MB leaned tat"rBbW.ee. FrofeeUoo .or Occupation" 'nnder ,th. Law. of tb.BeataOf ARTICLB ALABAMA EXPERIMENT STATION 'AT
Said corporation shall bar. the power to ae I es.of.'tb AUm.d.vBURN
Y'Isrlda.la. Oaceoia Couty-;'from- April 1st, .1SOS. .December. rth, UOS, both day qnlre and own real eeMM and may leas,sell .
...... \ -
.! or mortgage the earn*. '
Tb. tore for which this corporation *hll .&. *
Purpose and Extent: 4o Which ABOUV Amount lat, shall be ninety-nine year. I.
11I-.. Wbom. I.oe4., .IAoe_..Goo4. rromDate, for lot .ARTICLE *. !
e v. Ucenaed.Apt 1Itae. Co8a'.
I.-n. business of said
-- Sit corporationhall fifty Registered Herefords
1 R 0.dm.sd.os...:.. ,... XhaM. stock n._ "..<',...-. 1, loo*.. 'I 76 be conducted by the board of director, ;
AIeaIr H.r-c..,...}.... Merchant, took 1.000.......... May 1, l_.. 1211 II which shall eonulstofnut lea than three ((3)) ,
w r ..11I1a.......,........... lerehant Nook 1,000.......... Jan. 1, loos.Apl. .. I 11' nor more than seven. (7) member, and stockholders -
1 JY6ek......".,...:..... Pbr..o...............,..a.'.... I. 1_.. 6 of said eorporatloo, and the said braid
o irsYent-,:......oA...... hyaletaB....... t.... .. 4pt.1.IIIOI. 6 160O hall elect from their number a President. Bee- \
, Co...i,...,?.,.. OD.'rpeDt..II1., ,.j... Ant...I_.. 1& 2600 rotary,Trt'Uurer.Dd Genera1 Manager, who consisting of bulls aiiti'fenlales of suitable
s9 Aaderoon CS..,,........ > ...rp. u_ Mill. *., 36 1110 ball appoint such subordinate ofBoer and ages. 't
w ....mniee los C I.,..-..,:... Yu.falrerlello./lonip.r. .....;..... ......... agent. aa they may deem neoeeaary fur conducting I I'j
f i95tet Smith"_- .......... On. .._Ua..UIt......... + An .. 1901 IO01... 16* 60 2600SM SM board the of""d..Ia...torsshallhav. \. egpoowraeda 1'l1lsls positively a picked selection from.Jhe best herds' in KENTUCKY : 1
Co.Ab.lr.otCo.,.. Abetraetonof...r......... Ap. 1, 190? J thority to manage and conduct all the business .
.r ..... Saw mill.i ,000 feet per day... Apt. 1. 1''|.. 1118 1 as of said corporation or every kind, and character and are sired the .noted ,1
ab .Cq. r by most bulls of the breed.
>> ...... >n.urpi-tlBe UI1..........4. Ant ClIOS.Oct. .. 26 as oo to make contract, borrow and loan money : ;
1MoIt.,....."........ aohlao Agenl. ?.,....... .1. 1001.Drugglat. .. utoolooo 00SM make and execute note or evidence of Indebted '. ..
.. ., .:'..k.1..r.:;..... seta l. mill, 10,100, .hlnglea .....,.... ........1? neae. Issue bonds at any time to auch an Some of the females will be bred to the champion BRITISHER.
_' : .*IFOiye. ..*. '...4 4r ...>. Acg1,19d.... t amount and la each denomination a* In their .
gJM.r.:...... ..::....... lA..,......a..*. ......|............ Oct. 1.1_.: soo"sue' Judgment th* neeeealilea of who corporationmay
... .. .... require, and to execute, aeoeaeary. These
A ea....... ... 1e.1sr.1.'' ot.'V'i: 1901!: MO'OO so any deed of mortgage, or any dead-or deed ol cattle, are immuned by innoculation.. The only sure guaranty = ,
,, '.'l".."l.Aa..'. one pool table ............ Oct. 1.1_.. 6000 moo trust,Mcnriuroa of the franchise. aid any and . :
I ...p ... Dealer'. u..nM 6 city.... .. 0 *. 1. l_.. BOO 00 9MOOZ9 all property both real and personal said corporation :' against Southern fever. :. .
'I' ....<<...... ..... ..... ishla ..-.r..... Oct. 1.1VM.. MOOSOD OO for the purpose of performing or f nlBlllngth.contract ,, ; .
F 18
.." ,1'etd-.......,..1....!.. atoek, VBO.OO. : ;, 1.1W.. 5 00IS ,110 of every' kind and nature of said corporation. i.
,t 1 ".rKata .......,........ ManAaat, *tock .OOO.O 04..0.5.,1.190.. 00 ''. 00.SM SBO. i-Tb.asneatmeeting of tbe itoekbol. ,- -
I a Hlekll.;;.._............. Beetauraat, I* aeala...' ......... Oct. 1.1W1.Oct. .. 600soo d....of said corporation shall be held In the
I J wa&...................... Merchant atock Sjge.OODroggtau ........ 1.1VM.. 1 Msoo city of Klsaammee Oeeeola county Florida onTneeday For and particulars address Glitter
,J! i i'M Drs.Co.'...... ._k '1,600.00...,... Oct. L 1_.. 5 00SOO after the 1st Monday In July of sacqear. catalogue
a ... .... ,...... III."" .... .Mock a90.W..4.u..Oet.1,1115.. 5 1 M The nret annual meeting M be held oti
W J ?**...*....*...J.......... III."" ....... stook97.q..1.r.r... Oo.1.190.. 1 M Tuesday after the Bret Monday la July 1MM Bros. Eminence Ky. or ,Auburn Ala.
TI TOw... .. v..... ". Keetauraat. 1* _....,. ....,;... Oct. 1.101,. 000J700 SMUM Sac.i Until th. Srat annual meeting endrit11 ::!t;
4* The Water A Canoo. Ore. ......... ........ .......... their aoceeseon arc elected and qualified, .
( 0..w.... a.tr.r.. Merchant' *,atock. "'.110O.00 ,...be0. 1 1IM*.. y. tbe bnalnee of said eornoratlon ball be managed care Experiment Station. "
rbr91S0y.4.k.....Drogast., _k l.b00.05..Out. Ciag*.. .e 00 4M by the following oOtorrai Dexeter W. ,
Ferr.... .............. Msr.Y..I.'Nook 000.00. Oct. :.1_.. soouoo '' 1 M Sumer .. Jacob Bumetlla and Oeo. N. ___ad-I w. ,?!
IT auto.. .................,.. Merchant etock 4.OOO.OO...... Oet.. 1.1UO*.. a 00 era, as a board .f'directors sod Dexeter W.J i I .. 'i'S
M Mr ...*Ora.......,....... Merehanla. atoek ......01 ..., Oct. 1,'_.. 1600soo Bomeriln a* President. Treasurer and Ueneral'" .
IS ". W Daan."..,......... Mmhaot., atock t,6e1.OO..,. Ode 1.10*.. }. TMM Manager,and Jacob enmmerlln. a* Beeretary. I .. .r .'"
W I_A .loa eyer ....... ....... Merchant;:.fU k 1/5.10.,,...; Oct. 1.1901.. ." soo 1M .ARTICLE ,, .' '\ .','. I II
... .,. ...... '.. .. .
(A ta .. Oct. 1,1WOct. 1000soo 600
911AT ......v 4w ..._ ISf twigtrio.'I07.0o.. Tbehighest amount of indebtedness or lie-1 ",
:r- ... ... :. ilims.Got. .. 1' ,1 M7M (:
rt W.W m ..:............ Merchant, Mock .. OO.OO."I.1. 1,1_.. II 00 bllltie to which aideorpor.tod bo can at any.time 'I PEe" Formula tefls .the : :
v M HC Btaelr0. .?.,..... X........" Mock: 5,009.00..0.1.: "1_.. 1600IS T 10 dollar eublectitselfshall. twaaty-flve- thousand -1 story : _
&,m J A .......- 170. ; One*. & ....;... L19O5.. 00 ti6; 00 .2S,000OO) 1 I
+ N'oMA..s."..Me.0M.t..takM17.40." : .,... ., 00&. 1.1_.. soosoo ARTICLE .. I.
1 o Af---.r.:............... 11I-.111.... Mock ..........'... Oat. 1.1-. ,,1M 1M 'Th name and residence of lbs peraoni mtb.I Iacriblng ChronlcChilli'
;; L Aaa..a..t wab..N.Gve.y .............. .... Oat. 1.1_.. 600 110 to the capital stock of said corporation I :Crove's Cure
'... NO .;b..............., .J!.. Hoeg m .. ....... .00&. ..._.. .MOO S 00 aid lbs number( share nbeerlbed by each ..:
. +, z wP9tlsw.yC........ M.1eh.S._h150.11......'i. Oat. 1.1_.. 5 00 '110 areafollow.: ,- -
I g I a1 Z W ?Mawsy.00......... Oee ..rpea&l..II. II. ,..... Oat"lo 1_.. t6 00 ,t6 oct Dexter W. 'BummorilB, Wartow-FU. 25 Ibare. 1 Not a....... m.dILMa" Nils spkki.ool Mtpla. cia pMrssl i1Wr tell.i IraM 01 ;r '
ou C>>.. .;......, M.uehsM.. $301.00.. ...... OetOct.. a;1001.. 100 1110 Jacob .......-tl.. *llalmee, Fla."6 share Fluid "
,'.I' pepig.a ..u.n./.'..,1. Marchaai. aSHSiV !00.W \....,. 1,10. ,.S 1110 Oeo. !I....Dd.... Kiealmuee. Fla.,6 bare. Extract ..PD.UVIAN'BAI.K',11u1c1 Extracl POPLAR BARK
[ P w>l111 t G ......1.. MerchaafiL **Wk 1.000.W,.,.. Oct. |;1110I. S 1 50Hrs. ,
.. .J AM.rmai.......... Mere. **.**f atoef !..600.01...... Oct.. 1.1SUS. ,. 0 .60. I.II'bereof.b.....and\ aisle this w.have the Sib cia hereunto of Decem setoar Fluid Extract BLACK ROOT Fluid Extract PRICKLY ASH BARK:
'/1 08ueIIIa c... .... " "" .............. .......... ........... bar. A. ,. '
......e...n..r 4.. eaII tIts..s.... Oet.. ..1.... II .00 D.1S0a'Dazes W. SCIIMMUM. (.....].,, 'FMe d.ICxtrat. ."DOC WOOD BARK Fluid Extrort SAJt.SAPAJtJLLA ,:
t .... <
Oe..iiS. r. ... .._.. Oat. 11' .00 '
SDMMxauii .
; lAeal."
Ys1Wt. .......... ., 1. 1'1-.. 4 1 11 lie ..
It Cures the Chills '
Uaoaoa eac.rnsNall. that'.other
W .rar.w.... .. 1I.a".. steak: 1147.50. Oa&.1.1-.. ,1 F0L.rMtO0. Chill Tonics'. 'Don't! Core.. .' ,
...... gw.asIl,15IOOf.etpeIaya .,I.INS.. .
'41 ...... '. .. -' '. .- ......,... Ii.;.>..a..... ........... CoOMTopO.csew.I.vaT.or Fcer.a. ,1 'Before tae iii pads, "& Bert CeBcrd Tonic. No-cm.. No Pay. 'Price. 5Oc.
/'!!J/' ..\t...... ........... .a.llt5.flo: bet.. 10 1101." 11 .\ aPA ....... authority persona come Besets W. .
.. .... ,... ........ ,
Vans .li: .I _. .j 0.:J.1IIOI. ; 00 B.mmerllB, Jacob ..._1'11. and 0_. IT.
t .. .._..,.. Y.U....505 lei .q,.$, .star...:. ......1... .........each to aa. well knew*..be the psi<- !
-. r.J'- r ........ oats., 1f,111I0i... : .01.DOIAe wins BBBM4 te aad who algwed th. forogolngarttolM
ott :s.. ._. NepMUMMiT1y.u........ . .. e<... aad ropoorlvoly ae
i Jlo&l..4%. r...... .44..q.. ._. :e.-.m. ./.4.....,. I knowiedged before.mloe/ aobecrlbedth
i G....... ..t laerP .table ....11010..uJ1.OaS............ 1.1101.. t.. earns for the sMrpoe. thereto expreseed '
: I er Ri..2.y.y' -.YweM. 9M5ttI'. : LI9N a IM lee....,.ea..1.aMyO Sfff....SL o f&Ire. .; Ktal.-.*o'*. ...l..', f : To Cure a. Cold in, One Day :;:
'" ?..".Mx.Ll.. \ .rows\
I 'wAwc1: :'M..eo;CoaXy *.**).,'.... *. O.' Boca* Taa OoUoowr W said County 4oetttor ," c-E, .v..au..' I Bromo'NI. '
11 & &'... focesotas;Is mU sad-. *.e4 that al N tit. e..rlw ............ Is...sad ,._J;.' .....av.--.t ,T to Laxative .... A X imry
05ia.0 ....... >t.eT.ly and..>r..uy>.*.... . ;. WelDeaeaMrAD..wrel.sad_ba rlbed.. baler.. . .ate- 'IW-Sib 11......'s-Ml-llsii irlti. lassrsstBi. TUsJ jIlhillQi.SVTjCf* 9 * 3J&
ii MSt ,
... ..... %* V, i"T
Wvsr.......Msdi aa4 Oltd.l stOaaly fidis. IbM ,. Deoea...; J155.v I \ 6. fATLOR .
_s "' ';;-' l '''' W "IO"ftO.Oeaa"' [1eaI.J .f.. daryPubU..tste kt'esmmaIIos
& 'f"t" .
'. .; .H. :9 .# "-" '. -1MPo 'Mr ... .
; Y'. ?'i 1 ..D olax. 15. CeIJe. loe; Itplns :r"' .... .
-A ..c. ..., ""'' 4 .,1O&II.J y ... -Jt .
'f'--n....." :t. < -;
.,. ,,;H "I4" ;! y ,
.M. -" ,'.('J.r...y.rj__: 'b.V.J: .t::!,..."" ........ ..,;u... ., ... A . 6 / 1i .,,*k : ".ttt .: .,.. tv
.:;'.;.V..... ...l.l..." _' ....,>t\-.1 ,',.>dpeyj.' : ;,- .. ".....J.oI.t" ....-' 4 ._...:.,_::.:; :;;.1,:;':;:'.......:: ..::.:: .'. ..'- .:..: :':' ; -7-; : .:.,::. '7'. :"' :;',,' :;, .'.
,, '" JO j'" -
;'f J I"1,' '- J". '"" -4/1,. ,,YII' r in .I r t
i! v
.. 1 rV 1 ? r f, r t r e ,
t- '. I'", 1"\:1, > ,. yr k, ,h. i
- ." tr, .
r H ,k. ..', ,
Th6 KisaiaY.. GIitUeT.t..PHO. . P .
'L ,
; rtwr..bla4pttsia:4. '
'Wade:tlii : rt M RolU Paaey Me Ung> at; ,Gre..J;; .See our line of new shoes ]'et received. ( .
+ ... _. ; tuner.Orlando: ... ' r-Outoe A BraUon. t '
Not1i. JkOravesV .
\ .. +
guokekla$1u 1' : W
M Dana's.. :Beiu--'B.... id.ie.f ,. EWrapon ., W. 3..' 8.:Cam,. o't''Narooossee/isln. >; PARK .,HOTELCAMMED ; i. Wheeler, ,
,PIJBUHH, }ttrliY, lIItoeuD..o1ocb'D..nD' : - -.
/. ,rBJD4Y. ': Man, : .; the Shoe in the'poet Mon J r town" today, J: celiTlklC '
day next '
Mr. Pike bas arrived from England ''I
"lr POUND 1lAl111.. New god, et Iowee' prl981 at'Ouloe f Ticket' No'd0111'drea''the: gold'watch sad joined' bis brother at Narooof.. ."O.IU TO.. AND MILMIUKisslmmee 7
IION. -. do Brauou'4, at Kats' and was held by Mrs.; A.. A. Mr'.-and Mrs.. L. E. Barbeau have 'Rates:' $1 Per, Day.Special da.
... OTOBY.CirvmoK. ..: ne BPrlD R Term of the flub. Simpson. .'' arrived from Silver Creek NOT., to ;, for! .
Mzr.omef .-Pnsobla, 6.o "UI ,beg a School. TMlsa Annie Lakeland spend the winter at their, beautiful. '"
next is. '
Monday, Malsby of arrangements 1the ,:Arils
.. '
bath, U m. Led v .,.lock. PIa.r S'1I 4t home on the Island..The'Arlel .- ' by Modern. Couonisi I 'and
very Thunder .T.111111 at 1 .. or Plot.Rre visiting friends here and Is the, guestof nt b. Comfortable ? 'I
' School I:668UDdq lIIorala''. allied I. at.Tbomp&oo', MouleliD just...... Miss Lannle.Bass.Threedeer .. Quartette appeared at .:the m 0 J .'tic Dwellings, a specialty.. ,
.. room and table furnished w.th ,
1' Osw, Pastor: ' Auditorium on Christmas night to thelargent '
name CavllClx-o.; I.' I'rler. Pu. Tbi"A.bmueo ; we..1rllled by Will Mose- audience of the season.: ThisIs the best the market,affords- : SATISFACTION! 'SUAflAKTffDDona '
FrMOhlng every Sunday U .. .. pTmT are pro paring to' 1.
m < resume ley and his party during their hunt in t .. _.
Tonni People' .eeI.lD .... 1 .their businere the beet entertainment that has yet .::, -
+ e.' m. 8uo4., agaMarshal"ldapbatter .. I '
... the sandhills last week. : >ke''....# '
.011001. s. m. Pmrar m..U&'YN'J'' TLIn, appeared here under the auspices of RfcefhFl N/1 MllFfh ...e '
d>7 T p- m.. Yl.ftonafway.waoomL' trip to mad..a, businesu. A. L.. Davidson held ticket 1'1391 the Lyceum and was thoroughly, en- 'e ."
,, Orlando
: cldd.J R.otor." CrtioorAt Mrvlom CH ih...,Sin oadeuiit. Wednesday. which drew. the, set of dishes given loyed by the large audience present;
de, of toe rooMh Morning .Mrrlo at 10:_ Mill Margaret, Bryant I. i'lIit.lDIr away by Guloe A Bratton. Foe next' Lyceum entertainment,' will , .,.,
o'clock Kv.nl/*. '.rTlo+ id f:110 o'clock. her bl'Ot.hel'l In_ a.clcloulU.: 'oD'lobe be the Swls Bell Ringers, who will .
p ...YTII.u" CB0 Clt..-I>lTlnV WOrtbtBODT Mn13ufur So far this .e Waters &Carson appear at the Auditorium. on : [&n1. T
rr flrtt 8und r and third SaDday In T Sank lordan returned frolli 4. Grocery 'Co., have shipped 120 : 'Send'Y o r Money Away.:.
_onU Mornlni .lent st 11 m. L;avlADs visit ro kinfolki tn Bartoow Tuespay. car: loads of oranges from this place. BaJlard. HoretaoBud lyrwp.Immediately ., ;,, : ,
+ /: ..,riao 0.at E Tree..r.l e..ua6.. 1004.P.,m lobI., Pn aDreetlD.Thntedar .i A'c 11ec1 _Unit o. Orange Blossom Walter Malsby:former merchant relieves hoarse;, croupy '
dill" St ':00 p. K.. Lodge ,No 80, F. *: A, M will be *** this place, but who now resides Virginia cough, oppressed, rattling, rasping ''
.0nION..ryb.dylsmat. WIyiLttedtosU.ndtb.,*. O.JUILST Putor... toght ,.spent a portion of the week here.Miss and StearnsDruggist difficult breathing. Henry Wisconsin C. SS' I,notice ]that; many people are In the habit of sending
-.1 lrVO"8a1>*.-of.,B.. ..),fIll,Emmie MOIIIIT.- who Ie' ...&Cb- Jlorrla-..Bry..n....lll. Jeave.to- ,. writes/ May-60 Shullsburg: I have .,,way fp...ahat they need before; "getting the ,home' 'dealer's'y''
-- lug' In Volusia 'COUOL1. I. spending morrow for Macon, G..., to resume her been selling Ballard's Horehound price oh the same article: Now, IWlah:: to toP",aythatT"VrttHfurnish so
C .: Of flcUl tv..t..r'RPrt; the b01lda,. at bom. Itudle.at Wesleyan Female College.. Syrup for two years, and have never '
.a had that bas better article in line at the same price any ct lei;inter-.-
AVSSAea, , TsrrwDD-wan .unii : M. vejvaooah d Mrs. 'Clay Johnson-- Jr:?, of this a preparation given any my ?
Ga. ..re .lIluog among theii.a placeand Miss Lillian Watkins ofOrl..ndo satisfaction. I notice that when I I chant will but It must ,be on the same terms. So'make out: ;;
TVLenT.nsts Dea. lltda sell bottle for I
a they come more.
relatives and friends bere. ,are visiting Mrs., W. 8. Gra 1 orders In bring1 and" "
hank at Winston. can honestly reoomend U., 25o., 60o your ,.bring your catalogues wkh prices,, ,
:r j' ..... .. sat :. J. B. Lammolll -s and S1.00 at all durgglsts.
sod wde ,
give cash to the take the
Tall, '. I me the: send'away with, _order, goodswhen
:!. Soo, were here this week, andthe Go to Warln forSugar '
: ---- former favored us with a call. 14 Ibs.to, Dollar. ,. notice i they come whether it t is what you order ornot: or whether r
. ......... .110 .... "
saturdaj._....... 7t kMood. ',. W. 8. Pierce, a trapper on i.the low CASH. Orlts/ 60 It.. All persons Indebted .to PerdewDrugstore 8' the quality is any good' of' not pay all freight and express '
I IIUD4.,........... 7& II .... Rice 19Thi can settle accounts' With'
., ......,4.. 11 17 .... er river, brought up 1100 coon hides little daughter Edgar Perdew at Dann's, or Henry, charges and assume.all losses and breakage In .transit.: 'The,, .
Tuesday...... .... ,fli 118 ..., and 60oter; hides this week. of Arthur Shiver Barns at Watson's.' .
WadD..da...... ell 18 .s.. died last Friday night, aged two r above is exactly what is required when orders are sent away. '
.. ..... ... The--e will be preaching -
.. at
Tband. ', years and six months. There Is a '
bt.erl.n chul
/. A. SIMPSON. P. M. Rev. Kelgwln will fill the pulpit, upon which many a silent'tear will be Business LocalsGuitar Sewing Machine. Furniture; Building! ,Material or anythtn;In
Attorney W. J. Bryan of JaoVson- dropped. 'Pure as the snow-flakes and ' '
rates for. come see me. ,,
line a
Our Insertion of advertise vll's, spent a portion of the week here. that dangle in mid-air 'twlit heaven b'; ?
menu among the reading matter on He returned to his home Wednesday. and earththe.. little one is with the -
angels abova.. . b'J ;
1. thli page Is ten cents .per line each In' The foundation for the new residence '
/ aertlon. of R. T. Butler bas been laid and the 89>me ode who professed to have at Dann's. W.AAAATSN: .. Pi
building will soon.be,well under.wsyProfs. kept tab on the weather states t.b..t..o New shapes In Men's Hats at Kali's., I r'' ,, .' "
... tar this winter frost has been observed '
OOQ00000000 Simpson and Vo well and At:. 'or forty odd mornings. No damage School Shoe at Stanford's guaran- vVVVVVVVVVVVVV ., ;
oamping : J.----Sears spent .the week to the fruit t.reea.baa resulted,, lobe...- teed.. \ .
News.j ; hunting and fishing' down from and the unusual cold lo the early
Local' the river, t part of the winter is 'looked uponas Leave. orders for* 'Stove Wttod' at the.
MlssEllsaTalbotvf Atlanta., Oa. being beneficial la manyways' to Box Factory.
,aartved la Klsslmmee Wednesday ono the country. An elegant line of- Ladles' Muslin
will spend some time with her. cousin, 'Yesterday Mrs."J. A.' Perdew received Underwear at Katz's.' '
wants Mrs.'Alvey. ( a check from the Supreme Campof State Bank oIKissimmee. t
Phone ?
ue'ypur Go to "Dann the Shoe MaD' for ,
I,, Mrs. Let*. Hlgdon ,of Gainesville, the Woodmen of the World for two erythingln the line eve .' ;
We'U do the running.IKiasiMMCt ., after a pleasant visit to, her
Mr. and Mrs. J.-A. Bandy, returnedto policy held by her husband in that order1 Buy tour Shoes from Stanford, the L 4
t.lme.' bis death. A local
DRuo Co. herr home yesterday. at the old re'i! .ble shoe man
camp of the Woodmen ha.rbeen- organized
:Every Facility
Miss Mabel Parker, 'ol'KI..lmmee. here and bids f..lr0 become Stanford ba an: up-to-date line. of Offers to Customers a.
e Read our Business Looal.A .. returned !some'this morolngr-' after a one of the most**flourishing'.institutionsof Jen's Hate Neckwear, Ac. Consistent with Sound Management ,7 :! '
few dajrs' visit with Mr. Aubrey Smith the place. I
all. ,
happy NewTTear to and family.-Orlando Star, Wednesday Your subscription for any Book or I , I'
Guloe & . On the evening of Saturday. Dee" Magazine at publUner's price,, .and Attention 'to all intrustedto '
If you want auspenders, see 26th, the home of Miss Ivy dough was ave you the postage at Pann.s. Personal. Business' Us:
Bratton ; . Sbep'Bass cf Fort !hydro, returnedto the scene of a brilliant reception give ..--" i r
Price Furniture at Graves & his home this morning after a pleas en in :lionor. of her brother Mr. Ben]. Ladles, before buying your Fall I
'*Or ves% ..alr.lsl'to friends and relatives here. A. Clough of Tampa. A musical program Dress Good. Trimmings, &0., call on N. B.'OARSON'' OAHI. ".."
Mrs. J. N. Taylor, his .I. ra accompanied was rendered after which dalny H. C. Stanford and save money -. "
Gi J. B. Bell, of Oviedo, was here' him home ';' t refreshments were served. At.late
spending Christmas. bid their hostess Store wood
Born' r4a1 morning to Mr and hour the young people ..11of <
t Presiding hider Householder, was Mrs. J.'L.181 Overstreet, a pretty little goodnlghtdeclaring that.thehours 'We will furnish Stove Wood, delivered _. .1:', .. :
inKlsilmmee this'week. dau$'hter. Mother and child doing, pent were Indeed delightful' and-J'would'. to any part of town at Sl.OO per .
h New arriving at Gnloe ABratton well and John able to resumehls work belong remembered Strand MAYNABD LUMBER Co.
goods of the Slater boat to the lake. On Saturday. last Sheriff Prevail
lowe getting ..
s at prices.C.F. : To Cur A Cold I* O Day,
I- ...Beall. of Istachatta, was at 3. ),{. Wllliion, Jr.. J. E. Moiefey' reolved a white a-mICa telegram named to watch Arthur out, ;,MI-for 'Take Laxative: Bromb Qulne Tab
the_Graves House, Saturday.A ., and Dr. Kelly and children (the latterof hurcaco, and be spotted his man. Asa ets. All druirsrUt refund the money NewYear's : eetin ,
Baltimore) returned from the'sand result Mr. Prevail Is .port.1DIt'25 If 1 1U bU.0 cure. E. W. grove's lg.
good Investment. Lots on clay hills Monday evening and on Tuesdaythe
ID rattlesnake wallet -purchased signature Is on each box. 25o. OceolaPharmacy. LasY
road, ISO each.-.J M.. Wlllson Jr. Doctor and children boardedsuuui. from a Jack Hancock. Onoeola's sheriffs ., .
down the river., I ..
W. L. Coott of St. Augustine was for a trip a good detecl.lYll and be don't fall ;
stored at toe Graves House Sunyl The Oeoeola students' of the State to do his duty, and, capture what be 7 I .,.'.
University will leave during the next goes for,:. '" ... ', .. 1 '. ,./ t. '\ ; ,
r n. L. Harris and wife,. of Ooala, day or two for Lake < City .to'bright resume lot "Will Prevatt 'went to Lake';, Butler' "JHolidayHlnfsjPALMER'S . .::: ,, ..... i' ..: ,,
i I were here Friday, guests of the Hotel their studies. They are a this week;; _nd Lee and Perry Odom, I methodof I '
of and their friends have reasonto .customers
boys I this andaltniy:
1 Klsslmmee. of that city, had better take to the take wishing each : a
expect good reports from them. woods for Will is certain to take the HapoyNeYearandtoexpress.tgtkemmythanks"'audappre; ', ;" ' .
r, When la need of any Time kind Bass of haulIng or- Mr.: J'M.' Hamplonwho; left 'hereabout town and all that in it is when be gets elation of their past favors Without,theirpatronageI> ,- could '
l J. C.or Grifflu.George on five-years-ago and has since there' ; We rather think will Prof."hike1'Schell have done no business therefore!It, shall be ."my, pleasure :to.e.n-, ;
WalterTownsend ;
been living in Qklahoma, on and "
Taylor,_of Fort White, was Saturday last and will probably make down the O. S. A. F. when. Will's PerRumes--. Rlckaec ker's. deavor to continue to merit the same by handling"such'goods a*. ,
a'' ere i this week and favored the Oa-. Klsslmmee his home. He U at present beautiful strawberry blonde "phl" I Colgate's. Roger & Pallet's, you may Deed at the lowest .margins' ''profit '''pos..Tbe.tock .
t.t.e i office wldl a call ' staying with. his daughter, Mrs., ,hgbts.up thetrack.. Pinaud's.Leather is second to none In this territory and I take thi* ooga I.
Mr., Hurburt Fleming U sojourn J. P. Sharp. .The election of officers by Friendship Lundborg's, to solicit those who may not have favored'me with ihfir $$i'aM.' 44
'/ Ing in Athens, Ga.. this week.. Mr. Miss Lannie bass, accompanied by :' Lodge, No. 10, K. of P. Wednesday age in the past to call inspect goods and prices}- Hso : ylU,I'wuat4e
lemlDIr is missed b....., ." II her cousin Miss Annie Pryor of De night resulted as follows: 0. L. Goods--Igf-; I feel sure we can be of benefit to each, :'other.', "jIp: ,' ladies r r
OQuinn "Dd' Harry Dale Funlak, both of whom are stadenU of Bandy O. 0.; E. D.: Hogan, V., C.j, reminded that we are headquarters for ' "', r :.;
Willie and Rollins College, spent the holidaysamong J. M. Gardner, P.t J.' M. Medicine Cases PocketBooks are especially: ,, .
at shelfs.Christmas Day their relatives In Kuslmmee. of W.; T; W. Kills. ICutf R: 8. and Pocket : .
th 1100 killed 10 doves. Traveling Sets
: will return to their studies with.lu of E. t.
a They ),1. of F.. J. A. .1 .
Laocuter\vM. '
Now turn oy.rb...,' new leaf and a day or two. J. W. Simpson Ty-. Manicure "Sets .Card. Cases Notions' '
>lve to make this year brighter andare Two incipient fires occurred early ner, I. 0.; Homer Mathews.O. O. R Flasks' and Drinking Dry, Goods :u '
. pro.peNhan" the last one was. ,but both were Thomas and T W. Ellis, representatives Cups in Leather Cases. ,,
Wednesday morning Grand "' .
( Hurburt Fleming bas a few more des discovered before1 the flames had made Lancaster t.othe and B. C Lodge, Miller and...Itern&t.el.R. J. A.. b' : : t Dress Goods;,.
before .
Irable city lots for ...1.. If Interest arty headway and were suppressed recommended to. the ERICA Bua
[ Thomas was
resulted. They were Cut Glass
and prices1. damage .
"7- see him for description any Lodge for D. G. ? '4 "' .
and W. Novelties .
at residences of M. Tiller, .
L.'Coatee wbo bas been assisting' !8. J.'0............ At the tovely borne of Mr. and Mrs: Books,'Fancy Goods; Games, Underwear Hosiery'etc. "" r
Drug .Waists 1
i taking ..t.ockh..Klsslmmee M. Kitts in North .Kisslmmee a large I Ready made Skirts and Millinery;
.'s'storethis week. left yesterday The friends of Mr., : Arnold :Armls- Toilet Articles Medalions, "
of. people gathered \0 ., and that this line of ours I is always carefully selected keep. .
Co. will party .
r Plant CIt.,.,' e.+ Wad of the Kisslmmee Drug Dee :Picture Frames, Etc. ..f,, '
evening the'
r : I regret to learn of the death ot bl'l spend t >(ing in our mind always the latest designs; most ..approved <
ere will be call'ineeting of';Or- brother Dan, which poourred .t I0th. The principal the amusement of'Pit," of which the .s 'styles, the best workmanship and lastly the ,beat.pricea., :: Be;" ..p
Blossom Lodge F. A A. M. for sister at Bartow last i evening was game If w'lll ,' , ..
1 gs home of their entered into wlt.b..n the gayety. lug thus equipped we feel confident of YOUT.trldQ. : you, ton. r
eight ,A full attendance of memo Tuesday of" consumption with which and was mirth that is isissrmmimmeetleEi.bo OSCEOU PHARMACY ly come and inspect them." Jt. '' 'i '
is suffered.
i requested.loward be bad long
roung Yours for a happy prosperous? _year?: I .
Ralley came up 'from Bar Let the m.'mbe1'8 of the ms.onlo fraternity rate rel aflments were served ..ndmu. M. H., Hunter ,Mr. ."t... Yt/4
w' Saturday night to, see his many remember that Monday' night sic rendered by Mlssea Hlnton and s
., ends and ('one" in particular. .,All I Is the time for Orange Blossom Lodge Plough at the pl..no'.od Mr. Howard
...i glad to see to bold its regular communication. Katz on the mandolin and was enjoyed ';' C.Sta: t
Next Monday nnight", there'will beregular Work in toe F, C. and M. M. degrees by everyone present "As the clock' :H. 1fot"d .
brethren coredually the charmed wra
Is to be done. Visiting was striking! the hour, ;
BLo..omNo. ,
meeting, of Orange. invited to attend bade their bosk and hostessgoodnightwlthoongratulatls J ,
i go 80 FT* A. M.i There wills guests Attention 1 / h
>work in all the degree' I The W..el'l'A ''C..r.OD'Groeerleo LAPtegood than 'YM \
Shingle leg given the young < Orialnator bow ..
'sold the property 'on TUG ,ol '
r Mrs. J.. E: Pound .and six or eight has !grove ,the Graham time. Those present were Misses .
;,d .the children are'visiting' trleDd.lid creek to'Messrs,\ known: George aa W. and Helen Carson Jennie' Parker, Alert Klsslmmee Prices .In ,KI. iss mm6', .
this week.* place Mamie Tiller,". FlorrieBr.o '
relatives at Live Oak who have also recentlypurchased > ,Hinton, \ I Iri1
hey are expected home Monday. John Bronson and Mabel Parker, Ivy Clongh, ,
the property ,
grove ,; 1:
i J. SL.. Stewart; of Lake'flutler, :was of' 'Charles"' Bronson- "on, Edgewa Stanford*uby 'Oliver Hunter and, Lee Messrs Bandy MoCurry. 'James, Merchants, I : :for.- ...
town-this' week prospeotlog a ten. Carson Howard Ral- ('
C&I'IOD."Jldarloa '
oklng patch! Mr.that bwoels would ere.Wblddea ''Jim Pherlgo bas resigned bit position l leT, Caraon Hinton and Karl. ,.Lupfer.Meats : . 'Queen Quality Shoes for ''.Ladies.W. . '
,i success of as clerk in the post office morel . L. Douglas Shoes; for Men.NEW ;". .'
.' and Miss .Addison, has gone to Bartow accept a at aIi.'Hoar!.: January',.ist. Is' near. . 1:1.:
of the.banks.Jim : '
B married last week, lucrative poel"JOD'1n one ;- .
ssenger, were .,et "
d came up on the, Llllle on'' their is,one of our best young men and I have a fitted. up lunch. counter in 4 .. ter
Idlng-trip Thursday* destined for is well qualified todischarge, 'the duties .Dl.alpon and am prepared,,to serve We have T ,_,....I ... ,1- ,
,.' he bas ......... ,'
> East Coast. 'ii'Ftora ; of the position' to which. lunches on short notioe at all business '1"i0000000000000000000000 ,
been called. , 0c10000009000000.00000000. ,
: style' bam .J'
G lrarnsworthiooompan hours: :Oysters ,,1n any I Ledge or'
"y by' Little. Miss Mildred .Lee, went .T' b. holidays passed quietly ,and so sandwitcbesibam; and eggs! not coffee! >s t. 'f ; :
r..t.Q City this 'week,' wbe.b.. far.' .know, pleasantly all our. served at reasonable prices.. L.; MARKETt -
aor' etc. ,.
Teach'Association casualties, no rows //1
r will attend the, State's*, -; people i No j /
?Uncle !''', will be ''tn' --
_b' I debauchee are reported' having occurred Hopkins, : Dad, Joltrtials. ..
3, .' and that ,our customers are I.
the consequently see
In charge
apt.. foebuoti of the staamejviBas-; there are no county broken bones,. aching properly treated. We solicit your. 8A88''OLD STAND. ', ? '.
<,' p made a flying- trip to .Tampa the In this itne.R .. Books '
weeping be&rt.80. mar Day: '
heads nor patronage t
r Tuee .. : '
sinew Monday,, returning, gladness of the occasion. IR..T.. t3tTr'fsa.. J. : REAVES. I :
J F'FI :
,, fr "1.1 noon and left here that .after- c..l1.4 = ,
for ,Night watchman Bass was ., '.
t Ills horn Basslnger. Counter Books
Tuesday night by the conductor . . . ., 10'l.
\ ''
.:K. Prevatt',brother of SbertBvatt of upon vatu No. & to arrest a number of ,
bas from >Brad- '', ; ."
moved her be&toIoRt.be1r '''j
foomnty, and will engageIn thebusiness. waLOD Inks,I: '' =
r t;4 I-tSsbllodbaggage."! The Handles.nothing but 'the best; choicest fP; 'rk'l
: He tsan.sxpertri however, as hey J.
were not to be caught lad' Mutton--that the 'market affords. Order*. solicited . .
and.wiW eet'with'successiM oncer
rr: and led. the \
became suspicious '' .. Stntlottcry Etc.. andpomptJyatteoded.to.:, Free delivery in'' town. .,
S. ,
i ... a merry chess, over the' Streets 'and ,.. v { .i.ia' ;. 1/1.0
"v I b-IUings on Broadway 'oao:. were lost sight olin the darkness. \ {:' a. -..... . c >
n jtr kl M .City?,Bakery and 'Post- To All Co oerae4.. \ i'. L "'t' ...",\.-'"n, 1
foe sal*at a bsrga1 n.' This ; '
the beet. boslnees locatlonB ia +Od'laitu'; I,'Wt, 1'*WsIl'c10I"tM[ Klsslfflncc! ; Drug Ce.a. ;TERMS CASH: 'PHONE.1,. ,, rJ \
R and<>B. of UM beet rent- gates. of my Bart Lab pasture ,..Apersona oM, " I , ... e_ -. -.'. _" __ -.r. ,.1 ,..
and always reo *d.- V'"rtf' hay lor- cattle therein 'are asquested t.: l -1. \ : ,. s
rz bstoreths..... .. . i y........:v .i.'X'
10 Wm '# "' '"'''''-
move ::1 .. >> f,
...' J"t
Ag'tfoe We'". ,o. a'e".;
.:., ) y. POA elALffi, taV _TAN..Oftca't. .
.".,""''.''' "''"J.u" ,,;; ....... ,., ..-...,., """" ..... .... .. .,. { p+ ,
i1< ,rle., Il "' '" I'i. .n OO" ." },,,-""
t- }
I 'w e'"""i : ) '. ,. .. .. . "" ,, '. '
'. '"tt >4 .Q> :,!t.5..t: : L"'f.'. . :.r } ", -J.t.:. ; : .
: ,
: : tft.'tfi4 . , "
tMd.tiar! ,, .. .
'';;,>iJ "t''i a ; ;-t.! e..11 >>w ae. b"c.oi! ; '. : .4."
.. ,.. '. "' ,... ,' ,--, ., . ', -" .
---- i 1.D: "Lre1f'lfnngeri-tt i iUi 1--- .,.,o..r
iot 'ratched, lu*with.faacl nation. : : .
# '
: *- - - " ."And little." sold Bell.,lit Alecla to be, softly.married "I laKo.vecnber. JOHN L.;:. 6E'A,MAN: : :
: was -not' .far''amiss' when I read the 4i
-.wclet heart '.ancl4 r. the 'naughty eyes I i d**, ,
:,, ';JOHN WINTMROP'S, DEfE T., that old' summer.. Three years ago; i M
:: '"' Salo ,
<3I Krtnr!. v little Bess-think of It! 'That Is a long o Livery :
Jme to keep' your lover waiting." ,
-a -JEAN KATE ;'LUDithMar Till ')o\'el- color' mounted even 'to
-. lOo.p.s..S', llouarBom* ./ JWJ.J- .' the girl's dark hair and touched the ; 'Stable Stable.
_r CHAPTER XIILContinued. bo street with her sweet 'heart Tou Il of U lace at her .throat* The wide, t .l. awn. roads. -
a ,
t7 J black shy to her The advantages to' be' derived from I
.. ( .)_ don' know bow mucn-you are: tl>- be' eyes were ,,now #lifted
friend. They spoke each to the other good: stone roads are so manifold that
.i ''"Oh come now Dick;' dear; don"t be congratulated, .Mr. Iceland in baring .
and 6ne else heard. all other material should b .discardedI
jtalouaiandl ,fly Into a passion in. a .secured BOM to yourself" / |1 I
.breatht' said the.: girl!, ,laughing;. 'as "Oh, but 1 don't feel at 'all:.secure' ,**' *"But" -wanted toi. bo very very where, their tough construction rood, stone! and Is availablefor malnte"nance Finest Turnouts in Town. :l ,
AL :,. ,ah hands his said Lane Inland laugi lnff. -N sure. sold the pretty cb.lld-w.omau. '
r clasped her upon arm : o. ope, But !
'and lItted.ber.tace nearechlv: "\'J Oat ever>! could .tecl',aature, in relation to .shyly, "that I really did care only for use it'is greater; economy to
t 'because.I.happen to .peak of a, man,' Bees,. Mrs. Graham. But you are hIm Alecla and be for me; because.*' earth or'gravel macadamizing than to go to theexpenlle '
'ot! ..with
I #, tool J3Tou' needn't be jealous;of ulru.b looking well; and \t ,Is goodytobave; (wl)*',COUld resist those sweet, pleadingeycif too soft,, too brittle, or rotten roads material.. Acnl I for Standard .on COInDany l lJ
wouldn't either. baet'ra/alo. Of bad or the trembling red moub.) or '
? ,!,."b X-assure" you. You ; you / cburse" .* you -A 'thatphlnt ,J Many-va this because it Is more easily
the ;
< 1 if yon knew. ,I. told ;you once, but good time abroad?" oa'dtmple'about) liPS i prepared. A road should never be surfaced ,
men.are"so forgetful., Beatrice) She" -'Of'course.they.did!".retorted hose. 'everybody; "aid' I was too thoughtless with anything short of trap rock: -
) turned aside for'a moment, touching scornfully' .nau.t..lUIk: such common- .0''icuow..: to'care'. for any, one.for I or serpentine.: Inferior material may .
the .ni'f-a.glrl near her; "Don't tell place questions, La'ne. Everybodygoes -long:; and 1: --wouldn't for n'thlngmorrr. often be-used wIth impunity for the f'O'" ,-
+ Alecla 4t"would only nnoy- her-but abroad nowadays, and ereryboly. ;.: <
L look behind! you, down toward the end has a good tlme.though they wouUlu't ways for it would make-sue so. imhoppylhlultlnpr -''- should .selected with great", care. r
rot the pUtfurnv John AVlnthrop himself tell you so foe: worlds..' It-In such a ; that. I: may have kept him' /. The evils I resulting from Improper
+ t 'Just suppose they go on'our horrid fashion to be too languid to enJoy tront"lo1'lnlr'lOme one els*.' An then construction of stone roads lire even
steamer What wW.we dor' anything.'' I simply cannot be .tOo."'' the IIht"ID Alecla's eyes wits greater than those from the use of 'EIVEEROt1TE.: 1
Beatrice Field, with the old flash In fashionable! to that'extent. ,, and I'll hot i Tt't3'teDdC'r"; now, -"1 couldn't bear to improper material John L., :Macadam
her eyes and new color la her cheek., try to. As though fashionshall tell 1 think of being marrierwithoutyou to never Intended that a heterogeneous .
obeyed Kktbryn'a. direction. A curve me what I shall lllnrand what I shall tell me you were glad you dear sweet conglomeration of stone' and mud STEAMER LILLIBT! STEAMER ROSEADA
r of acorn cam upon her Up*. She drew set aside! ''It's ausnrd. I am able to thing!' And so I just told'Lane how I should be 'called a' nJacadanr road. Captain Clay Johnson.. Captain' Clay Johnson .Jr
herselfup haughtily. ,. answering her think for my own self and approve of felt;,and when I came to'01T; he bald Neither did be ,Intend that the name: : Regular weekly trip Baaslnger and return. ,Roseada leaves Klsslnv"me y' r
friend. myselfand_ like what I want.to. Nevertheless that \fie was.willing to.wait t that as should be applied to roads constructed Tuesday morning, and arrive KUslmmoe Friday evening
"There is no doubt of Its being John l you did have 'a lovely time., well as I. So you see we do .truly lore of large and small' stones mixed together Special Charter Trip to Lake Okeechobeo and Fort Myers on the Ulll
.Wlnthrop. she! said coldly. "One girls and -Paris was the same old yoOi\Mri.' 9sa: am.. ;'I couldnothclp.' and ,spread upon the surface. Comfortable accommodation' passengers. Bates reasonable. 44
could not easily forget him. Katbryn; dear.'and the shop made your hearts loving :you. ", you Jtnow' ,", a gutter along .Th. '.surface of"a road built In' this The most plcluresqu Waterway In Florid.. I'
especially with our reason for remem ache-:Jf you: have ajnjr; hearts lef t- the*tender words a flicker of intense manner'.Is constantly: disturbed by the For Passenger and Freight Rates"apply to
brance. Ube goes on our streamer and you hate couie..back.to.tbe Surf light:''In; tha> Direct, "' Ide' lifted! {eyes. ': 'jsrfter stones .which work to t lie surface CLAY JOHNSON. SR..' Proprietor.
4 'well It be goes on our .teame -1 maybe to rest and get'yourselvercomfortably ""afteriyom', klnd'wbrfls to just'Uttle' and which.are knocked'hither' end On' board "Llllle." Kisslmmee, FU.MTWS .
wicked but I cannot, help It-I ,Americanized: before next winter.It ttie:the dnyy4ujrent.awa7.when you thither by the wheel of vehicles and '
/ hope* that the boat will sink In mid- Is ,BO nice to have you-every one ought not to even have thought of me : the feet ot animals. Such methods of "A.
ocean, even though we sink too] There! of :rout :-A"T6r Cora, wb-I: shall get lit your ywu terrible trouble. But ;you construction can not be >too severely .' ,-, tEVERT
Ton look horrified. Mr Chester but I Jealous :,or herf right a..t.'i becaUee don't know'how I love you for It, dear condemned. .-
_t4 au.not.help !t. That man over there she has.already begun to flirt with ..Gr.ba'm-70u/ don't know!" .HIS OWN "DOeTOR.
P Isn't fit to live! He killed Al cla'. husband Lane -having no" one better, ,You "If1 helped ';you at all, Bess. iear," I, lateral' of itews..d Cities. By J.. Hamilton y.ra. M. "D": ,
Just as truly a* though he had hearties coqnettel Weren't you wicked said 'Alecla/gently. the light In her The Interestof towns and cities In .,'t
used pistol or.knife! Canyon blame -enough before you went to Paris, eyes that, her friends cared to see., "It good roads is easily.demonstrated ted, and 600-pag Illustrated Book, containing yaln"bl. Information per- w .
m* tor.ba.tlDC him To think of the that yon must come back: .crammed makes, me happy to know it. The' in many cases is already well understood -laID!., to diseases of the human system, showing bow to treat and
x sorrow,'sb* .has endured i because ,of full"of side glances and sly smiles and wsrni' heart under your naughty by these communities ,The "*sr. with slatplsst of msdiolnss. The book contains analysis of -
him I" wicked wicked dimples As though words made me fear a heartache later whole people have equal rights on the ourtcbip aad inarriag; rearing and management of children, bs-.
Who I.' h.r persisted Kathryn's :tbod,. 'eOu1d helpfalling; InextricaJMy unless Jt wcie allowed to come to the country roads, 'aDd.. those living in the aids valuable prsorlptions, recip; etc., with a fall oompUmen of
.lover In 'an undertone, as Beatrice in lave with you without them! 'sunlight. Sunshjne as well a.. tears dtlcs and towns have often greater foot in materia medics that overjon sbevld know. .
turned away to' hide rom; them the Ot 'courl"''you lost your heart to OM dear, .And yon are sure now that you need of them than the farmer who Tai moat Indispensable ljunct to every well-regulated household will bt
_ f passion of her face. >r" of those horrid foreign creatures! It do Iovo Lane and will not keep him at a pinch could live upon what be mailed, postpaid, to,any address on. reoeipof prio.. SIXTY CENTUAddTMS ;
1 And the'woman listening bent nearer would be Just like you to do It., only I from loving some' ono else, by and raises; while the cities raise nothing ,. /*-- '
without the
and 'eou""not" lire a day
still, holding. her' breath lest she won't acknowledge"yo'n If you did. b -T' uu.cn'D
fan'to hear clutching about her shivering Tbafs run down to the'' ground so low vTJio': wide black eyes searching the country'The farms jpa
t form,*the folds of her long disguising almost to,accuse
that I am. ashamed tenderace found only love In! the total -\
of the
less than one-fourth
mantle. The eyes behind the of It, you poor dearr .. .. .. .. .. .. .---- .
you ---- - - - -
questioning and gave frank answer property of the country, yet that small
;t thick tell were glowing and her lips She paused for breath laughing "
as Bets Catherwood mutt always give fraction pays the:whole cost of build-
were parted the,wl/.It./ teeth set close but
with them at her.own volubility Alecla Graham.
IDg.road. The injustice oCJhls system
Ithla. innocent'of so happy that like .a pleased child _J*| am so sure" she said, simply and which we have Inherited from Florida East Coast Ry.t;
R "Who la"for repeated Kathryn; abe must vent her feeling In many sweetly a new note In the. pretty the old countries but.which was abolished
any wrong Intention, in her words''and Innumerable little lovjng} voice as there was anew touch upon there many years ago is not yet ...... ,r. .
;strong words to her friend,, lifting her pats.and dimpling.smile and.flashea her"face "that I would -.1,
go right on fully appreciated by the farmers.of
tV.v Indignant eyes to his. He had. drawn from under' her curled black lashes. loving him always Mrs. Graham, this country and the greatest 'dif- LOCAL TIME CARD No. 48: lit Effect April II, 1901>
.her back, to hi* Bide and they were For Ml 1.* Bess Catherwood was as
_ though I should never see him again faculty DOW experienced in road-4m-
alone la the midst of crowd. IOIRNIOYNOazkD pews JIOIITM"OUIID-UD UP.
quite the
wicked of old with her .
as pretty,bewitching the
., : In all.the world r provement la in getting 'farmers'
_ t '"Hav you forgotten' "aoolt'Dlck.; ways, that won ber friends .A- flash as'Of pain struck across Ale consent 'to have this injustice wiped NLN, Nwet Nw11 MwI
dear STAV'NS.
learn tobe Before patrlotlc'and I marry.you defend you must in spite of their: professed acorn"of cla's face but It was gone so swiftly, oust,, and Ir''inducing them to accept Daily r. P.11y. DSU7.a _ ,,
her frivolity. the aid which the cities and towns are
friendsyou know. Who is bet iae lhat the 'tender eyes uplifted dared e N. Lv..J.etso.Nlt. ,,.,,.,,......Ar r ua t
The i pray don't accuse off IJ. >iot think that It bad been there as si- willing and anxious to give to the e 4** .............. ..Ja.kao.&ii.:. ...L T e/. II1
r Wb y" sh* turned berEead'a., though Btu" /said tOora;a. !**U7t *. strange general Improvement: of-the highways.A I 10MIt a .... ..........t.A.aea... .. ...:,...,. .01 !
k i ah* feared some breath ot wind might deepening of her' color and drooping ,fence tell between them, 1 I **tIt .::.. ... ....... . ............. . eeS
'lnd'L 1f a ..I. PataUa. eM. 11
spread the-news to the ears of the man of the silken lashes "for I come back oe Leland. laughing and chatting .rIaaI..t n..4. '' UWpAr.. .
( .. atatkw. .. .. .....LTAt p i
'in .the distance, her bright face with the rest of the party-for .n. ... . sSMW .Ote
peepIng to you wltb Just as whole a heart as I A great difference in roads lies in the /N 11)4aLr P.I Ike 5 55
4 b i out *side her lover's shoulder went I could not do anythingelse tho old summer partywas there, with nature of ,their, ; surface, On 'a well 1 .Ar.,,. ., ...,.. eseae MKIVU..... .... sop-
away. .Arr #
Ilk flower 'he ,ls the John. Win the addition of tlaet.JrIeldw-W. ,.,.. eea Lv .... Nat.o ,.i. .. a SSa tbt
tt yon know, being patriotic, though made gravel road one horse can draw. 7yLe................ ..s.aaa.tlw. ...... . ...Lr T 1SI*00It .
I throp In the Palmer Earle case against 'must coDte..that dear lovely; ; gar vanishing! flash otthe beautiful wow{ twice a* much as be can on 'a well Mollc I t P.. ............a .................... 101
AlecU's' husband. Be Just the sam Paris almost' won me over. We had an's tface., And for :ian' [Instant tbo made earth road, while on 'a hard and I N ii *4 p ,: .,.:.' rreetoud..au......:. :.: .::: 1Ma' Ilp p t
_ a* murdered him you known two such winters there,bless Cathert, laughur,fdled upon'hi* lips'at the !In smooth stone road lie CAD ,, pull 'four << : U p .: ............:.. .D.rt.n. ,.........v,.....,. Ott. {.p pl
I- "ObI" said her lover his face darkenlhg wood! ., ,tensity'ot< <( f Its pain..' __.>",. *,. '. times as.much' Consequently :wherewe U 35P :., ...................Carl Orang 5.:................... 1 a es 11 1I p ro"""
; aa though reflecting the girl's In- ."'Areay our old friends at the Surf. have good gravel roads, Instead -
..dlgnatlou.yes.. I remember Kate! "And dded Corienne bad so laughing many ,admtre1sr rit Mr. leaadr' Althea was questioning, *f forth ones.; it I..possible to U. .......... ...... ,Ilai 1 : Cw
?Deuce take hlml,, ,If I com across him Beatrice. with )feredt assumed' JUrereDC8.t..8be', nuke on* horse-<\Jp the-work: of two., > I 1 .......:......... aa.................. 11Na t p 1 nNwg
was 'ignite wickedto tear -her.: away, I tl.u ....... ills *
Ill him "OO"N'eo ii..r. )
remind of that toot! "" " '
'was- while horse will ?
V There was a regular mob down( at the knew.thit, George Priestly there pn stone roads on* ....................f o p e0 M
But w-> of them all noticed the nee tier1away but why should she betray her heart? do the;work of four. On a' level steel :.uI: 1 p ........,...uL..Mb.atlas a..tvq,.,,....... } p P >
station to see Us away--to I / I d..r.... St. L..q..y.+.t"........ p ll K a >t a
,woman whostood almost touching. ; Even the Parisian beauties .Ali-of the old party" Lane answered road ope horse can do the work'of' : .o .. ............ ,..u...... ....... 1 01 p ii tue Mq
.tIIe>lIl, sniff ring iu her heaV7'mantle'a* smiling. a gleam of laughter twenty: or .more horses over a. level .. p ..... Tlbb.li.,,......, ..',, o.. 1 p se 6?a 0 a
aft had acknowledge' that an :American : ; ..... ........u. Eden..,....,,. ......,. p aoN.I
though -.1.
were very cold'or stricken:" have and lips'and color. deepening in his eyes "excepting! Miss common road.., .. ,'I I4.:: ...p.. j.n.e* .,.......:....... .... rip 1011.
r'b7'some violent'disease!' ? can eyes Armltag Miss, Armltogb tbtwasrl' 'Altec road.has been properly locate '4 sw .........,..... Stuart..................1 e,. p1
.... Oh.''heard IoU of little stage whit. O I.M' ...,..r.. Soon.................. P 1P,1M
I ;'I -always neaufjOC coiine. for .be Is married .'cr.dec1 and drained, the important i'.a.y....*... _wait, epit.r..4...,. SNs /
know .t.
s II FHAI'TID *, pors-and, ..by-pla18t1)'au; ,i you married the day qualities of hardness and smoothnessshoulaby I- u: p .1... .......... ...Palm 1 aek..n.: I f{.
| XIV do. It's my vocation I think. : .was aiw 10 p......:.... ........uneaten..i... p O W. n 't ;:
; : Paris delightful of course."' that Gram died. $Strange -wasn't all means be secured. TheCar'lonjlnrfacea la = is. r.r.i........... ................. p 1 b.M .
.otfpxm "xntaxzA" AOAIJC. But was the." Grant.e' for good country Todds / p ....,...et..uTt TA,1d1'dalw................. 4
a The Bttylon stage rumbled:qui Df "AIJ4! even the sea-slcksmu! couldn'taijT )4bl' area: ; and not 'S; S fl a .....,. ............ .. ........:........ gp
? ,:otlabtrl! 'Little) .Kl." Grant |III'an" will b'considered in. the following s5.a. N ...... ,.,. Leon Clly ....w.. ., .its.
y Fire Islaifa avenue upon.rteidockVndpaused onrf ida .9.!. JrjpkedlyBeatrice' / | "t4iertthltt'. *gonoff Into 'matrimony! order,: ';;Earth gravel. and stone""'" ... N *F..t.....ta.rr..k.; Ntarl ..., ",,.,...,..,...I.r.
laughed.i Her eyes ware . ...
for the '
passengers to,.aUltbt. She pitied Palmer"ED1"' '' nephew: 8OH7 trZiC3 OF BEAWOH LINES.
'The.Zlngara lifted and fell upon the brilliantly!black\ now glancing along solid Sou Beal. Wo motor Car*.
_ wave at the pier.. The bode caifwas liar waten toward the Island !In tho I1aI'l7PJti1rle. A good fellow Perhaps the only:way in which antoot sLNJ'OSD'aRAN01i. 03AN010 CITYN IIDANOU. .
tool! tGoj plenty ;'pf 'spot cash' bet
distance Her thoughts traveled more ; w.u'w1l1 get road a'e'sand's.
hurrying down to meet the boat,, and ; sidesMv hlm.'irreslsriW ; > good as v
pfch makes, ..illr w *.B | No. 1IMtlljr
fthose psjttfengeri from the stage, made swiftly than the steamer -knowing Miss mUll peedwoys for themselves atone may >ui>| DuiL I 1 O.l1r STATIOM Dd1 D.11 '
baste to Joard.the little ,steamer and :who would meet her.there., fAnlUwas\ a ,.thlagth bo' by *a ''revival !''of ''the'old toll' 'toad .e..I Wet ....,..,..Ar 1/ y
*Yes'L'abeJ.sald 'tho racean
: their ystent which prevailed New England a >* *>* p p top'
ft'choosa seats.,, 'y: 1 soye-MnDnilar'houie bo41es, .you'knotr I qa v ... . ."....,... N p 'Lfi.tvk.8 .. .Ar '
sickens Cora;though I was 111 but one 14 former' gsnWatlonSk' It l.now : .... . t' il /I p +e
Miss BeHs Ctttherwood. boarding ; Site ."..: ..... so al O a Lv.Oraaf. I
-'- ,,at the Bhrf! Hotel. came across,upon I day.Lots 'of the lleugt'l'Ifw.re in1 ; and cneftaln| onl7'thell' -friends.. But i found in Indiana and a.,few Western I. t.......... s..t..rd ...n.....i.e f II 45k ar..or. CIty.Arll {0 i
id: 'th* steaijjfer to'meet'the friends'who. lIned to be: homesick: Ivcaru tell )'00.1 Ilss praflleynd her sister'are there. States,,'- and ;quite. frequently, In the, t
d;::; Miss Clara deJ J 'Se. r KATPOBT'naAjf on. k'
9 ,, ,
and swish thattbey'! ( bad never been South Such'roads are constructed by
*..... returning J.from Europe some threeweeks c4ed..o: brkvt 'jlk44i, ertric"" . = ..s i* oral r, aa.n Only. Da 4,
_ r previously., had also, engaged tempted awaynfrpnl.and.b.tt'oopthings ; ) tban/tTJptle Halletfs wrath! We'v.'j ;I'ritater Interests,: which demand.varyi, >sols> p a N 1 TJaek..nIlla ..,.,.;A .,...... T4 11 Mp p
board aij the Surf, because Aleck It ,wa. ;Apathetic. Especiallyafter'Eathryn'a tug dividends la the manner of aD'ID- ISIS* I ** I<,..,< Jan Ja.k. sepia.....LT ........ t IT* p
'to' Dlck'Qhester hAdJaomi pretty fbo II! 54 t /M ,..., Ttea fur
seemed Aeslron to be near the sea cruelty ) fithi badthrtbtlt Teitmett,: 'If"the antomobllist are Lr..PabloJleaeh..Lv.o. '
As' > t4 / TOO* ha p'
% > and amoog the old scenes of her hap !' He tried so patiently to win her by w ay, but. : I wllllngj to"p.toli'tow, : ; ''n auto- KS4asts> f P, SWa-XT....?.,..!ujporl>, >_,!!lTj /ba : f II p
\ pfoes. Wt. Catherwood: over tOfremainlnz in know < three ye.rs'egv"Thar'weeh : iolC\oad) this "., .II'b.th'clf privilege;
was so Impatient '}1 h -wasn't itf'And you'oughtTo ThM* Ttrn*T W..W.'w the ntntf*|which tr 1t>r "r b .tn.st.d ** *rrir.and dapari
for thojstamer/to\reach 'the, But ,eviL7the .ea-al 570U A.D-.fQ4' that the, government; may frees s ...r.raf .rlloa ut their arrlv..r d.p.rtar. the Yr..at.t.d ll wlan araa.d,,
,dock tharrtaneT lani "'sid'. hlr. of daunt jjier She wou %la; lIT ribemiiaUc' liOQt grf>aDiC: bullet will. be for, common use 'and tree W O.1t11 Ite 4 t.1 rs.poa.IWa foe aar d.ar ol.ey..as.. a.aw arluaa th.wKEY'
course declared thatit 'was' all 'be l America: ;'the said( ,'br >nowhere; sot ot" They{ aLkhat he acted" the perfect would 1 :probably be monopolized by ,
: choce the least ofJLDJO. hero ...w n the nhoro. 'nni tn4 Xarmerswho still look askance at
could dos,)to prevent her from jump. course; poor Dick ; WEST AND HAVANA. '
*< '-H s like Harold, cnM b'rtMces '
i Ho! automoblllst-Boston Advertiser.
tag over ) ard and theM eV
land.\ 'But then attempting to 4wimto 'I .. .H, L"'f I .I..Ii married In October eMu t .'lie' could not have helped ,:a flMSULABiAMD.. ,:OC010EHTAL. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS 'AT UlAIlLla '
Mr. ..
Leland took 1
i jasriou > ,MIPej 1r4 ." .... ._...-. ._ \ '
oeea.loair tease Miss Catherwood. !" said Bfessyreflectlvely;; speaking belne {J mml' l[jiwnei an i .. Elect April 16, a903. '
y the members of the legislature It i ,}r _
a "yo;. I wasn't with them" I k
+ whenever?opportunity offered to.-re rather shyly,':because ahe:etod vw
'tbo roads 'of New i! ..rt.-SOUTH aOUNQj wit h SJONTN
>fyto-inia 'Vllte4 BOUND."
pay her jCr; her many cruelties to him. coall4)er4b17Sn:4we: of Marion's calm, adde
the most nklnd"of all these being* Immovalfle'imfureand ironical speech. IbadoW I his face, i'HaleIDH1Aw ; t J'leygthby;found them covered L.fJ.1b.:: '?.;......... JJV At )to y w.M JoI_.., {rt. ...,.... .... S Sip.
er newIT fallen apopW11ch'thefarmers'eey ... J( Ly .yWj.I T.......,.......t.. ... 'M
litter dlr gard of his happiness .by.refusing "An4gtAltpe4n pee .htnlPlt11' tlteeart. \' "* ]liS'Catherwood'il cutting'bg spits tQ show.the; firm smooth. : ................. ptk. tAr Miami T ....e......r...t.i.".... 11 10 M a'
And'Yr.DleL 1 1 It '.stalls.- +'B ,,21Di9Ted; . -
him before-the and
Xovemtxfr.rrhere. to.'marry. next h am so'Waa't. too; : .)fcuo'wHnat Beje! kitaie..oil p lb: lr the fellows tell about It.: snrfaed bea' :\eRJb', This demonstration: 'P.r'tp/ l..Ml.Ttm Or4 ....tkM.hfo..U.I_a4dr.. korAa.nL!
'. they are,"-cried Miss 'Cath- you sold your hearts for a coronet or t'. duapIyitjPl; erer Ftufates. I ltkia a\"I1.am :road.1 mud flX'
I 'erwood,jstMt'\'Aalt.r.bauMr' .' snaW: "I I Ely near going under too, rti wore than'any: 'amount of drgti: J"w.t '
thit'"tim i
around her I wpnldnX lie can thank! his Iueiystar :: J i .' 1
lover's.arm with the tiniest despised you.,though may 4Dd'the 'VlrclaJane.went bom ,
,, most delicious pressure and thenreaching be, have told you so.' 'Lane says I am =for king! off with &whol6tikIat' to thilr impassabl,highways convert". ,.,. ,. .. -'
, forward.:to:drag .;'Aleebi''trp'' sleaf' lehlhgcpeopl\ ? la"ea'G 1f puld care to run'' 10' near the I ila1ilc od to'road' )111' .. ,
Improvement, i .
on clei1lbt.deck.''her...Opt "prcUyyf>c7> wiagpvUlr' f u on"asn :ers.. .r s 1d JU .id" save him. ''too".11I : rl; .lltti N.... C"\rlsanoa"" I 'aaQ' Eeoeemr. : '....:.... .ilr..:.... .... ..,
dead,,,4eai. o>rllng!!:...iatOHw7wl. Alec ilIf, ed kliuiijaUt.at rice; |ltterly.- ,"It would havee This'' civilization, 'eDUght Dment.- ,r_ \'.:,!. 'r. ,"'" I,,' "'W1"'t.4' ,. .'
look but then ty brightly face beside her oy to do even 10RIyE and. fccwnoniy'ia'good! rostisv GixJd '
yea you',,always are colored .: :
well! dba't know bow J1I1 n< small hand ha 't t Jlven( that hateful man yc% roadaV1ea4'to"prompt and steady. 1st-1' ;:: .
r-YOU' V11at e1f e'l:) ""e Mr I. '..... \ Iff W'er ,1(1rD''o'tj'fjr.j.I: ( I.p. .en'tteng1". '. i'' >.*Vif
_, simply Jlvedfoa your letters They OD the r I11iir. <* pen church: services, school I) .. -
were ao dellgltfnl. I itclt.l thlli ve all feel tatlk 4f. M 'atle"l 'neighborly'Interciurso'; ? ' .140, t' __ tHC '/')
hnJbtm.4lh .Ll .."Ya ezq vJ >eautlf ul in .(1'U.- 1" '''('-11 . .. ,.e'
.every one, and 'oh. bow JerQiuIB )UaD4 MevditeYrSlsgi gsi1andalellekae bon- isn owa, him, Miss Beatrice," said I aDd 'adranc'ement.: : Bad road: .. 'I"< . ' 'V ft
of you!' I know be is ashamed of it.himself net of ,1 a"*.. Everything abnot her I.a I,. "Of'M I'M.I'l",(gl.j, J.C\. 'Iprofanity, worry, 'trials and i-J- '( "I* ' '
'fH'I .
. ,' batne ;-jronld not acknowledge : seemed; Inf u.ed.twtth--! personality: | to a rfectly Justifiable coue.ow t \rlf one _Jja4 the loss of teams: ; Ar| 'Of""U'ttm: ittte rl\.-i.- ,.1 : i
: that ,lf Urou ..dragged him about and became parts, of herself.. 'Her ac n, aU''expected' him. to ;z ; prtnnitles- -* t** flr06'J. tJKl'SBB
tied to I tbe.'JJcel. ls'' of wild rJiorsea, as ,friends.). lI
those horrid uea In the old ttmef nsed 4Aredi-I Mefm ,womanliness' Sul wl wt4 be was dealing.' He..was '-. '. ', ." ,,.,
A Pop.l ar QBroftd ,.
to dol But.il. don't believe'I'touldItbout << 4h I 1h sly a so har4. But he 04tt. .
'J :have lived ,,your-letters.-yoa" 'Uwayi'smllwt Id I g 1ttef r.lt1 '6f avinanCpe'rti O soft lIIMo.ftt"cause..L" grille'. t11 t bnte many*people! .e' .w i.e..".C an.ea;: : "'( eO'l'J'V.oUir. ;
rfearr"I tram her.frla>ida.lIaraua.tuft that Is th* '
.Jo- :.; : cans 11 probably J'ar t".r il"t4 Y
,caaAlecla. cefi 'credit ''that."UM under' the 'dainty bonnet wa.'touched -' a I o!+ (datia"a"blmr'1 s Itted to po !b the I' | ....\ .oaoJ' (iji. Y't .lif4l'fJ't '.:'T fJ., *" "
.14 1. ,small .cb.tte, *.IDI' .4'(h!brightly b3Nlf1t' >>$'lieart o ,the," it to from spun acro..Qlete.R cold a, (tug tup ba&X &*, e.b; 'l1d ry#iiiJ I t> r i!t1 re. f". i) i<.ii::__.B. ..W..t .2;:
. ,*Hrlia-yoa easily forget our com': were still of their old even violet blue. hat ways half believed that! lie In aln age: Of: a f.eldm .. .ftt ,t'fi.M", ).I'"foI"t.' -.d'vi.l. .law. j W ".n' .
ot,eaD It,' tea twenty,to twer "" .. .,......t.II'\, O 'YUM ..IbM- ';u' *jm''" j.'1.(.s.fVl iJreiBt.fI. ,SafciA J 04-...|! v' Iti' ?
'Jllat 'Utde. $e' oI a '$ot.tali to the.,Old. smiletor'.aD. ins east. ,'daszHag.j. . .
/ '
1.. .. ,( i>4 ;:::.
r'-v .... ) f :Lr4--.I.- i.. *
; w .1(x, I-l a ... .. .. J-B-- -Arr J*' .xflt A-i?J'-fl -..agLL ry-j; *-5fclry-
j\\ I..fP.' a .. .r-.i. v.M .jp
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.I. .
iU ,,, .
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* j. '*H.V" '.Tl1.' .L Z-J. "
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,,_ , 'jlwrreiNIIILE: at! !!!!<'Jli'11'.f.I''f'H-\!' tS3:7 4.7Y."ht,1Y4! > ,... -=F1(' .f.;.:.!: ,fd'.'''..- .--.... t rMa1,1.t "" .". >.". ba I .'* .h" tf)>.U>4\ tt W
.... o. '<' .
= ftO't'l' "
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4 ,- .
7'f.THEM THAT- OJVgfc" OIT3. Mr. MorehouM the n.zt'moenlnj at -- Thla conclusion aaa been a c
;Tire' a quaint andhoqp.ly sa uc1'I breakfast, 'I talnknuv.' brotlaer' had bet' ABOL1OUNDBULDERS after a long aad paralateat
.. ,1 MM'4hasgli tH el...... iJ' tat tIta,' .. .>:" the MSA\ woman never eta
;Aid you A 5fl tU w'J. bear openly; ,MS a man toes .
;' '. Jt'i91tJ. i CJ 'dll' 7t9t1tW.1.1:1V; N i I8bIOf'matWloaI.DOt-? '
that rv :
gives, gitsJ P JJ *W ea sfae wm.h v r.tai BO as It tel ; K L aneea conveying the impreaatan that I
74th _lth'yOl1'r"lee' tafterY rt Ster;' DtIIt "air:'yoUi i tell 1NiI Ko. poly Patien Re" 1glllretl to Work the. Flint, I Is conversant with other books !
That Do not tig "' .r "sf ': glria don't akln- Nrts..It lan't proper/ : . this one He who has a pencil i as
*,* 01"i with lour!sere bt'o and kaput i i1"n Aube ropes were raised one. set .of . r Io-r ., ... 1C. ., .4 C.tt.a tw.ddi.a. bandy WUl think 'nothing of using
r..''. tlult ', -." ftLLW&THB. jbto..Noth4f o I s hApC -t JTbe"tjgtwedding anniversary,la aD a*"any,'and all' _aSo. It laeaterlBtt
tlv" rC" 4 Tlu morning, \.'manm: wae-bssy I fare of the-- tdWI aIh. .I. Bporutoccaalon to a youngmarriePluplek the holy'',of holIM to
.1e Follo.jfl 1t'f. twhlrbyp6 he lIt.ri,f below /lui"'Tfu 'ahe heard a:sound J Oiallib,baa'proved siitta.,. ma 'Because' they know so.Utti: booka that _women have martad:'
< lI.p the'.DHde' I .oc1Uk'pJ whlcll wit at Gr.t Interpreted aa the ,d I" tae aure house of relies o w/tp'/ 'eNt lece o>t s grttty: tene.4te'lI about it. they think they have settle It la a violent reading asunder of the '
8mmd'your ..tt'\lICfttlI'M thrADaiDt aaa- alldlnft"'of snow from the roof., Sn! ,."WJfcnd'Dtflders: knd Ph- namonU and pipes were usually fast. down.Into the-condition of "old.mu- veil which,she naags before the doer,."!:
."Theaa that,giw. gits. paused.with heart In her mouth.,however ,-tiljtorl,men aa 8o4\ham\ Ohlo;and,for toned ,entirely 'by rubbing." and It'li 1 rled pfople" and are" entirely: accuifoufd of. b"heart The marks with whsek ...
GIs'It luowl.dg, wood 'fetter J and presently a well known crj this area the Bcloto valley la probabl;; easy to Imagine what a tedious. tail. to their dval life'\.To show th1ll a woman scores,her favorite paasacea "
Tis withinyou ToG C5Vn..t reach.? came to b.r ears from the gymnasium. the richest'/ pie f the'unanawerabl, tn",muat nave" been," H- clearly Jhey, feet it.d llrable to'bat I at eighteen will be 'eCaced at tweauy; ,
But roo'M pt it quicker better Running upstairs, she saw r.: questions about the aborigines Is. Wh; t eta.h ,wauled f. .drlll a bole, aa b 'wtie .oc-col'eelebraUoa'of' the fact and she mast have ClballPd bat ttttta;" .
1fj anotur you will Usoh" .' lug her bead'from the L i boats and, did they make'so'many Implement of. a pipe or ornament be used a smooth that they have actually been huaban' to.leave those of twenty" -.araeed.t'.
Tptm that give lite't .10'4171 tt1q to fcerfeeU .. Mra intone And after they had made then, straight stick or piece of bone anrerolred and wife for a year. \ twentyfive.M .
I-fc'ji'Atd V* t treasure, Morehfuse 'described, her daughter'skpplarihee :' at'sucb a great expense of time and labor ,ltb;; :almply; holding )It...btwe < liCBtat lt'1iitotleewsigbtomateFbeeelebraUon'a ). '117..e7..fO.N.' '
for JOur ,isi*! tocher father afterward. why'were 'tb.J"' io careless'witi. n his hands and rubbing then : mere.p erlng,together of .' '
0'TwiTheilIn'. of Ion. DCNLMiat the her race Ya* pale and 'Potted and bj them The great abundance of tbe, back: and'forth; a slight depression be- .their friends to,spend an evening con- Judging from the!: number''\ of cosa-. '. ,
tat tin t.._ors- tha time her.mother got itb*.eamphoi relics 11s to many archeologists the lag pecked where the perforation wa templatlng a spectacle of mutual f. plaints and'confeaalons made by wlvea '
.ze&IIo", .8..IniT..r, .tu tba New York Sun.PAPA'S bottle there was a bump oa the back. . greatest mystery about theme Field to begin lq*order to laolj the'drill' tD licitThere must be something don. which appear every, week la,an ** ..
of her head as bit a.A ta up. which bate been carefully gleane< place. Dr. Ran determined to flnd ou to'entertain them. And since the flri" jaM sporting. paper golfer Janet '
'"Weay'a.'grtp proves to-be-too,weak year,after year still torn apish epic Just how-Iong7it">ouldr bit.to.d.r111 anniversary la.,by common consent,,tb ranked among the moat egtectfal.al
I DEVELOPED for,the developer too.".said Mr.More.. linens after''every' plowing whlle'.everj such -hole. Be worked'at one'hole cotton wedding the party must*e aan husbands. Golf, we are told.,baa par '
house., ' ,meadow put Into cultivation opens-VIa for two yeara. and then left It Iqcouplete. appropriate character.' alysed the enterprise and ;energy "J:
"Y.. for such" dsvelopmeat. .as yon ,. fresh source of supply. .- Of course the aborigines wer A rather unusual method;of brlngtn, many .brea4w1 ne .. Every uomeMtj ,
I teach.' said bis. wife.1 '- Gerard Fowke ens-of the best au doubtless more. skillful at such work! this about.Is a'sheet and ptUaw-car which.at one,time-waegiven.byta: .' '
"I left them both to.youiPtultidii thorlties;today, considers this abundance than Dr.::; Ban and could complete i a party,,which Is also a.domino, part. goiter to the companionship of his wife "
Bj wapiti CHlDWICrHLHSTEID.' after the first day" of aboriginal stone Implement) hole In much leaa time, yet the process This should not be ofthe old-fashion and family 1* spent on the links..,Hla'
t "Tea; but papa's example la. stronger." a moat perplexing puule. Did the must, have been .sufficiently tedious I kind In which the costumes 'W.reTk.. conversation la confinedto mere dab-. .
than: my precept" aborfglnea have such disregard '.01 Frequently, In opening a mound, grea I ward, .and unbecoming *but one .h room gossip. He baa no Interest la sag
r .1 'm= ljim tlmitwr "What was she trying to dor'. work and time that-they preferred tmake' < quantities".of' little beads are found which the accepted dress Is 'arrange- literature save that la the gottnff ,' "
YBUB. have Tau '"Tying to kick -medicine bottle ,a new -Implement rather thai all nicely et'tbr te4. Each of then In graceful fashion. For both men and papers and magaxlnea.. ,The negtectodwlvea
home the trough off.de, top.of 4e'aeeretal'7.\crtt4 little hunt for a lost one? Of did they han represents weeks' of work, for the per women-the sheets may be put on.lD complain bitterly that they hav* .
developer,for.the>, brother.' a supersfltic is'tear of using what had torations were made by rolling a-step the same way. The width Is pasap sunk to the level of mere housekeepers
.I| ablldrenr'Yes I' Mrs. Morehouse hung the developerhandles belonged to a previous generation'! jf grass along the thigh with the rl.chtb around the body just L below'the armpits since their husbands have become.coif. -
the; have under .m7;' on the hooks in the ceiling anddghe _Does this abundance-imply a;'poputatiott nct; and holding the bead against the the two corners brought to thi lD&D1ae. _ '
r arm. flying trapeze,1answered L-Wavetley'gastne. so/numerous that the toss of even ?olnt of the drill.with the'left, back/ then each drawn up over ,_-. '
.Mr. Morehouse. 'And the this great number of specimens wee Mr. ,Fowke abowa ,that this Inflnlti the shoulder and secured front wlfl went v_.. > to arttMa.r' :
family swooped down on him and he. Does'It sbeet falli. and Wales alone, we are
PHOTOCRAPHINO THE MOON considered a.trivial-matter patience i still exists among savages 'a pin. The'length of the. In England
was robbed of the bundle- before .hi+. I ., .. forced to ml th long women bootmakers. ,.
mean that the users were :ltlng the case of.the' tribes of < straight all.around. If It la too told there are 44.000
bad time to take off bla bat '-aIaI &. .. Aplrastae .v. e. grate unexpectedly. that they were Amazon which'make beautiful tuber. part of it may ,be folded below the .. 8320 rope makers, 4720 saddlemakers
r ."At,, laet:" exclaimed Mra. Mora .a....If..I1.' unable to take their possessions along of rock crystal, an Inch', In ..dlameteimd ch.sL Bather Urge aheeta should tx ; sad to aay; there are :.'. ''
house, as she tore the. wrapping from With the application of photographyto with them. or. didthey
the package. "But Cyrua, on't,cal astronomy i muctt'attention aaa nat come'I extinct In the neighborhood rubbing down;the outsld *trlth pleceif fullness and a certain degree.of grace hopeful sign that 6140' women: earn
It a flying tropece. Don't''' putt and .to lunar photogra.phy.TIn'184O'less found And from ma] gardening :There.. i "'
where these re'malas are > tone: and then'drilling-them' After the sheet Is on thewomen, their living by '
Ide. Into"their heads. It. 1s simply," than one year after la either event what led to this;resultl ind. to,end,wltb Uho flexible ahoot.o) usa what they choose in the way of 8000 cycle makera 117.640 telter. who
developer It'will" ,. Dafftierre's. discovery,,'pi1.' :, John w; ,Was It famine .Was. It plague ;Was L.wild plalataln. To finish the large! powers or)1bbontor'orJlameDution.; are women; there are 27V undertakers 'J'
"Oh.' develop a11r1gt"gallCyst ; Draper obtained the first photograph It the sudden'' encroachment of an overwhelming nee requires the lifetime of two men,: .The 'men-poor creature.l-mu.t! can 12 shepherds, aod almost every'trade I r.
:. ,? "Now children'watch*ne;L put- >f the moon.;but wfth.small''1m.: 'force-. .ftt'Implacable. enemies t; ,.,a.ruD: works all bis life at Umd teat'themselves with almply the plaID has at least one.woman represeatetiva,
lt'tpgetb' :"..z. ft. perfect apparatus. The exposure time ? f'1 leaves the unfinished ornament to dress.Woman's Home Companion. In it. even tie.dock laborers. android
''it'consisted of a rope, two hpokf-foi' required was'wanty m1a ntek.In| M62- ,, These 'arequestions' whloo i' It- Ja : sometimes dies of old agelefo&tgh'gets '* workers.. -
?( the ce1lli1a',./tour .iron rings e,d-two '83 a very great advance was made by thought mayasver.be.snzwerad'with } It'jcoinploted ' .: A'.Tkk>l.,Ol l Atkl.t., a
..v pall handles. It required little'con MS son Dr Henry Draper;wb:4: lsed a' any certainty'' >and they c f'tatnty'cans. ,I .Such; unwearying patienceu: till. Miss .rdla Carpenter,, a pretty flfteenyearold A Slwwm ot BM* !..-"
,< slderation to decide the beat place> for >owerfnj reflecting; telescope roC Ws' -.not 6e\ln-the'present stAte of knowledge .. I I loema'almAat Incredible yet the 1m pie I. girl of '1'lattaburg.;'. X.besides . Rice throwing at weddings says lion-
.. it to hang. There was a reces attlu own construction. The Image of tho regarding the aborigines vCertalir nenta'of. the aborigines of.this'region, ,being one of;A family of twen' Ion Lady; la evidently becoming dedd-
head of the stairs oD-the aecdUd flooi noon on Ws phqtoeranbjiwa4.aUghUy.ess qoestloflaf ttceYnlrig'"tftem !can.howerer. tca to/ed,a a they;are ln: )icH wwnkera, I ,t7- n. chUdren i baa, proved a record idly unpopular people prey now uslac,
;.whlcb was not a thoroughfare than 'one and one-half inches. ..be.answered, _It.cen be'told sere fashioned In this Tory'way.: Th 'smasher la ataletifl sports' On May 13. Sellgbtf little "good luck" silver eUp-'
there"Mr. Morehonse conclude to.locati'the' Ilam4t.rF .: a I where: they received their materia, nethod '.UlJ. survives nd flint.ate Ibis jovngwoman took the Americai I Pen and horseshoes made,oat,oC h1)(
I"L machine whI amuse Ten ,.ar. later Dr. Lewis M. Rathirford. and-moat Interesting of all-how they worked ttMUy'byVertaln' savages us1 t. -girl's"rnnnltg high Jump,record from softest silver paper, and at,Mr. KapevtQnlnesaV .J
',and develop the little shnt-lnei? t When of New York secured. many.ex.ttrtaltely .fartoohed+it.mtolthahap.l e7. .de- \\f lUras ibottaaudau>f ears ago..Tbdjajja < V"sav&jftAtJupiso*! femj feet threnras < marriage;ttf l ady,pwasMlotsia; ;
,-che hooks had been securely screwed *.b rp..1unar. photographs? : aired J.i' lF' > f exV Pefu.jind CaliforniaItreke .D4 Qeft.U..qchat-'J Th'II jamt0 Onslow large baskets of. .-***** >
Into'th1!joints at a suitable pltabce islng'a very different town"of n of V 1leysjrls off flakes with stone tammeriwwith made, la the final gymnaatie ex and dried rose-leaves 'werbride agM
I apart and two.ropel'had.bi4d.u.' ov>tva,UHrte nUfcbi .Ins. lP..rtII-, poi r'\t.J t.eeto teiea mostuevfeted. -little-wedges bonei- Some hlbltion of the State Normal School, ixithers down.to'the'-ball, as aad
pended bytbe"ringrtrom; ,the{hooks. to6ij lta <;ibigrVpio' ; ) heavy l bridegroom left, 'to be.'acattered, 'h
and the ,pen handles 'nad bobnattached I. additional lena, by means of :atone was neededthe nearettt. grv41plt t bettIA et Wi ICWWhimpInveeptawere4haped :mr.i'fj wltnesi tbeTents bowers,. _iter'thlm'r: K '" v'1w..earaa
,, to the rop. eode for 1Ittle I rhlch' his visual telescope could be .; ..the.herea-oC-tb'nearest atream bit by bit and with Miss Carpenter'sachievement: waa, toi -. .
liands, and the two sets of rips; tbad ''I'' onrerted
been so arranged that the rope?costa By the use ofc a method pwf\ted by .alt*. |Thi lea cher bad only t* select And. boWyiictuJ Jlnenta hI EWIe- of-atntfttlcs .-mOlt gtrla are ,The tutdoaof.hkvtug'moaoga. ,
,be raised 'or lowered ;.aecon itngtaa he.wrtter in ]fOO./he Y.rcue,efrae If plete whlclf .approached 'Ur.Canada tbnaVmiriufaetureat sir/1.dke .r'Bimng.' Bar Is a sprinter.Jjknd 01 and et'elt.1011'men'.-shirt aJeevea. baJi
sissy, of six years, o; brother.; . aUk
;; years; was.-.at C c bat.? then 1 raphy of the'moon planets?star clusJers .toe ornaments and plpea wild Jbe toople.that an j.ndlan er. Mlf Carpenter Is not,9t tile ma. waists.' The wearers coat:of' ars a,
Avert< called to sea.I .' i and so on, ,,Tho-method cli'exv-1 round In the glacial drifts; but.lor Joe sci euUa w megtrllal m'ent'or iadnogaid lsembrold; .rad er
>4 iafj
"Isn't'that splendldr'mam a 4xclalfi.d. remely simple and''economical' and lappllcable treat bulk1 bf his ImplemeD gesped- rod leal IttJie$>6Jnn) OiJb0d7t.I: ; E lnsistibl<. the ieftrdeeie;btwe the C'a8 '
Sissy Was showing It C4 to all visual'teieacopes.' : 'ally for his cutting ones, the early to- / siiur l G" 1t1 l J.Cheeks the albow. a ; -,
,. her hoels were kicking about li he air toad of the-ordinary blue .eD.I Mat.1 thleorecton. reqnlredMha 4stommoaly he its aborigines could do many tnlngirith. She wejgW 1 pounds, and 1s ate feel makers, now,,.emploT'hMI . t
tJL.UI'81t1t.-neatDe.'to the*. aping hotographidM.pIatiia. t '"'In:1'. known as'"1U1It." ai .t I aton&Iwhlcb .etmal St ew..I\4. De-h&Jt.tIlW hleI prom broidery work exclusively aqdi .det
which separated her,fronvt:! loitertftor dates are4 u \*hllb itri 'o' :is thus used embraces a whine ;, pJ-n D la.etterbel.ht a* ahe grouts old. demandfor,"sleeve -
ft I 11.'MUd wal')dbt( ta *.. alb itrio. Ire to yellow light Mounted In range of..' rook agate chajftedoOy. I 10u lames an 1""tr@r.Dow1J Tbt.9'ays wnen ef. 0n the baaket-ball'learn of the coliege Npw .; 'Sup. " Ta
> *ItoJiar ?great-we* from lWreI ptat1tt Jdt'l" OIAJ1n front et tUe.IadhT'lye rownatone and ,chalk. TheTphaUeIony i la a little dull will bear' with -.he played centre and with her ,
I plate is a.large,.brilliantly trans7.: :
below. "But. Cyrus suppose the$ goe parent Tello" o)r screen''or raj1 filter'< less to mottled black through,all the stone, totbttAf northern New York. Mis Ca@nter's The lace ;'collar upon the i fur
._ I with shelL or jiharpened
etarftbelfttlft1'sr t "hla !excludes'/''the'"oot-oMdcu*/ 1 blue tbadee otre4bine. green yelWvrjndrown. I tplgi 1VHm i P'imt.iprt .d'ta"'M t tMIt31' .01rtia gun.uut gives the-long'aboulderSffe' **
:"weU.701 !lj Untreaaon 1il'ht.'.which would oUjerwts ''de troy ( > .] S4 J*w. AI11IIC{fMhion'_ .Iou, ,._.1R.ll h j1. I JUJ..tq"yJlPQJ1..with preserve the roondnew wheat tar
IV en tI D1i', "d veglcpe r. the abarpnesa of the photograph;.and The primeval man soon learasd that : Qht' : coD.idee..b S Ds'ssl
a flying trapcxe." llowaonlyrthe ahnlp {l21.J1t..1:11uaLfuiIii't twadifflc lt-to wortc-auchnlint.aa :tfI ;.w : M EDt1Iu -" ,. ,' "" \'
) WB etr lrthY"Ihdtebona baj Jea" cT tUe sensitive plate. was found on. the. surface Jec e-. painful T"In her ; ' C 1' ,,.,err," '"" s E
teR the rojMsa gttljiisarrangcmeut.We great telex tf11..4I'71.t.w 4'aUer traa.meDta however about ''Impleaants lappens" (the quotations are ours) she '
0.1H1 ; tbo-.oaia epe-->f>b tog+apb. tire moon wltto att"csure at a blow. Hence he Carried The made great by mystery the mound builders Pat lapirea.to become a fun-fledged physical .
J,b4Ck tcr tsdq tioyl.h ex exj of Jess than onp aacauLr.. *One .' toiW arttrafi AKaMfeWeaAj cav.-- despite:the ted1oue labor,,K';.toot: 'directress. U It now stands'an-
1.Vklnnlng,iheL caf>-that,la. turning Jkwtth a lb t-itf"ttle'&e"at1i1 'Ot""the. lone be left behind him show what,a they should be.' made less i some, more fortunate young woman LT
fashion them
a eoaer cult the hand*on the elescope and the effectiveness of the! remendous amount of stone he used and should seeming-' appears on the athleUa horizon .: :
over. This ''f e/came: npatalrl against olor screen method the resulting neg. 11. 4tarryingWpt?.eCCQIAp11abed: b1'.the 1 ; carelessly, instead of Hiss Carpenter's' name,will go down to
"bef'Wa.'.trying\ to',expiaht,- q sih+.asshoyrxrtbatlee dlta'llalnbl' 'ths''' 'aid of flre.,Whlch caused'ttf,rock 17 bo so, aa one would,'naturUy 'Fame as the .beat girl Jumper. living.' Two-tone licei'go'tbe{ one ol'i.
?the Ittile-Twrobata J :hoWlt.wfH done.nd IDOL'S surface than have been photo.rapted1ore'Parptr'"P'tj. o sbj r. wag Nbm17' being etog. treasured them to be. Every mound Doting.sactory'Girls. one better: JU ,* _
expect '' ,
.yn* "wh flushed-. he aa t. ( brown IJD to bat.e s'JrO* nome and .hundreds-ot '. f'' Pleated 'kid,belU 'a a.; no..'M.
':, ."tr. .*/ : TMorenouee i e etpp4aran% birth trenciIt iso lelda upJinndreds field meadow; ; trill If..Je ..._rkr hey are effective.' '. ,, V
every .
'cr'rgLtaidlMt'..,,' >er gl. it Llh ae.n.u' c1e p l1JI1.arrl" pedmens; every with .MissIda Jackson Wlaconsln taCo frtnge"IA '*\ 4tunnlhg
.y& rich chenille:
"lta..4nr:3l.7nagidl coo-t Wr bit of woodland is Deep "eda.i '
kloart .: 1 very Baaar
In Harper's ;
pee.ndpp1zgti'Itwant,to ae yok a n l t. i.vettl 'mllei; ory inspector tells. trimming.: : m.;
; nlnttte" lite vled, the jwakt their bred," tt a twsloo QM man.to.tU'jAlrjfl q8\1itttredoTMt. abet'th .q udUtteep them; every.larmhouae i:As one why factory girls refuse to do house- weohaectu .i> ,
? ut r 'Ub to know bowl i6t round here has its collection, Interviewed, .fac-i ,.Rbngs.dooe.ti .Yp ).
!-and closed the door. .nsm'! \ kbl.esJIt7 fork. She has .
It origUxatednn. Os 7, laC float hanks of all these, one gets:'vision! oplnlobs. .' t ,':
insurance their
yeu know.anythingr" .hathCIA calf.to 1uE.> 1t1 pfUft/l/ patientlyear .ory girls and gives 1: \n\i"e, 'i.
biixLtt.flhoMlilldrciwUlbreakthelrleach } tell > e7Z, 7"1.ean;.tJa. aC ;gew4r tba or G1 material... of"a great people working theeetmpJemeDta llxtl+-nine of the girls preferred houae- ; ,li' "
j "It after year fashioning : how'coati. In a cloth dreas. *: .I' :
necks tr"1011 them clrcugtrieka orP.P"fUU tVOrHfed up Uil TBe i iThaPttfnfctfJi I ,.- they cork but did not know f.atu '
,-or, that.deTelppjzr; .wlab youw4oldJMV r.' -Y that ab tftere i Vat :; "lSt peter [nvolvil I li. this and cared trinkets do.but so.why is/at mysny the others said that they,would r t1 era \ :Uole>,ae,af,trlmnilng.Rorl1". ,
arm pjpCfl !3JIeA>wi'ac4 cos* .honks have kind-of factory work.tbantto ed strikingly effective. "
''lie' n r Tesslnk 'down'procesB( la.t I' trlnC "' soIntionVj i Be- lo.cny ta : ,
not yours. Itii blTJ4-6.af'Wa1.ja any was called. A w le So JaJafterffay Wi'orworlnanir uatbave!, 4eemugly beyond. -thegreat' ;.1Ie. house servants "Factory work More a need upon tkii,
.. t ..":'' : test'1 for a Ferpetu.Assurance Offlte [" chipping off flake o III'P with. his Ids It.mounds the labor which of throwing dot'this up.'tAUe7 gives me my evenings 'and Sundays son,**. tJIi. .years past,** $v<-. i.
". .::right."jcplled Mr. ortbot e. It wasq ratualitnoui c ': lIIp"t lnt Pie: D apreeblted ; New York, free,",'was the principal 'reason glean < : and ;'.'
= nminttUr..
> "and'be looked at his watch and went, Each meEifgAtt I mannpal oi- 'I i"af tMldtkld a'le Kctm* almost Inalgnlflcant I by 'the'glria. ",W4' are treated.better Br .
I down for 'bla bat and coat,*** ft age 1 std g p e4 idml d' I;tY tq- .".with\ Jhe be t top I: m.on" Tribune.- : in tbi factory," said others "We have J-t.ot' .
A{be.passed ut.at-thei.frestt'door, fixedtolh ch>r0a cef ..1UIt'IOA 0 \ !man to get off even eyejfl -' OfJ j II!regular hours f'for' work, and'onlygd Ii[> 'a'14. g_
..'. Bottom Is Paling; If .to the :
of things to do. we .
;mainma-had hold pf the.ropef, aid tras ee.JJarCLUd..a7f !6nrwlir"apprecfiitrwaa. la r I cartaln number \
saying to the children\ & portion of tho fund accumulate4llvlded"amdngth ;1 ,[ .. ;ADd yet.' ?LOW i 4 Ja d ttD on .Scientists!. tell'us thstlooiintingfr'onjthe :: ? do extra work we get extra pay. Wa ?Flat note\ .or 'pltle."ib' erpi. !, :.
"Do It quietly, this, iV 7'tfke'm a. ea, s "JieteB"off 3 3'th 'j sands.x>f such Iplec i er.,. dt ..nililC&tttmJu sea.'level the lowest body-of water 'are-more. independent and we can U eat '' Urge-almost 4IS..1,
qwltVt>6thfeet'ko rttie"Boor aid he tl o e who bad, died li accordance u.1L.PY r Ie Entry on the globe II the Caspian 8ek3'or; 'home.' Good mistresses 'are'' rafe. are mode.. '
o4t'tbb and 'forward, pnmhgr jpf shares.each ..doadtbaaneid. J'aidel ;, centuries Its aurtace has,been' gradually '''adroit. 'of"them do not know what a Insets 'of,fur,:the Joining conceil.4" ";;
." > ."( .ee1l''v...*'' X lfecso uuroTtgte mpany Indeed.othatmapy cUt11 s JQ .t II work settling down'until now It a eightyfive' .day's work is. Servants are too oft in with lace are offered as trlm ,7
11D Uvronog ones werp In a .galevof with \ rn9 e VR9 ImAerngfnfetataf .. perapqnaiv) a 11J d belief feet,lower'than-,that of'Its near 'treated as if they'were made wood/1." te. for very exclusive .tret, ., fk:
b. -.laul1it t;aid brdlber tras saying soytethtaiE4iaifo life 1 4s u 1o i t: p.d' jh9s.4rOwn ,that the finer relics, at 1< Dt"eo d have neighbor.lhe,>'Black Sea-;.'which'' also Some of the girls who were Interviewed -Fancy waUtooats-witbr, ',r4ry- d1' ,'
ndeailke tatfB jtaueraCUftit rv bid,you by the war, know"be.fitalal0 bogc."etnS dtat"t.oM,' endtLelr lie*f fat below the level of the oceans.:., are packing shingles In lumber some braiding and embroidery, are too-
ten,2de. l t II b sr. thaP'ed bfeeltandddn 't-t1Piii l10.I abundance is held_to.prove that The common conclusion' all along has mills, ;washing bottles In. breweries, tlceaMy pfOmttenl.on-baaome.atwet
et .11 go bb'kHic'f( t near get their i llvesJnjjirel.j( .Q.gicatllWwiperil" ,Sflmevar"man HKEew of> aoine, metal been" that the Casplanwasimply lost I soldering, cans.In' tlnshopa and laboring gowosC+ >4'txrt+ r't'- t4+ ,.
woe" I$4 Nt-t jI[ and of assassination that they stand tainch harder jind of better temper than lag its waters by evaporation but receiit -, in tile. dust and noise n{ foundries.> Colored.t.bata for street k.r wear not.onlyto
pSM- flee a*. or' a 1t-f 1ladelphla.Ke orfl.,., w.| inrthJnTtnown to-H a7. fit la argued InTCgUgatlen'' shows that this is .7'.U..lo 'toitchicoKtnnoes, but with-1 black. 'atbnVas
1I4f > ,- .' ,. lM. ._,j that not even a file (the h rdeet otjnodrn not the'.casfe;; Soundings made andeomparedxttb' "T tide I.
'IU.11O'\IJaq ;
rWlW te.IlbD\ 'Vent homqearly ?, th1i 4\.D'Id... ot Sleety; tools, will makejtnr Impression on records f.ot soundings "A'society woman has recently set w U) bJt.hlbabte,V d .
beauty In children Ja reveal the astonndrngr'fact'tbat -. fashion,of carrying the' tiniest :lot winter;
Idea 100 ago
bull The jpf l y erefore.the7t' made over years ,
'i f that aftgrnoondn4fonn4' : to cr- ttee 'there la .e'oeDa" handkerchief, though why tbfty peep fringe,bnttona of all klm s At.
'" atrangaW parted cfaaffctoar/nt th something pocket y
1't i 'i''k"& {1'Vhou8e1 end, ,a !:j njell,of cai aji tarn .efao3rtaveMLtrtJ i'hfldren'IlVe, 'U'v6 ei r u.v.w the best/ steel OD1.efiDa greater depth oCf water-now than:then.. 'should still be'called pocket Is curious, "steeT.- rhlaaatoM enamel.l+ ect' f
'r, I'M, phor.lh'gltpe, ; ,,.pea...rooiak laaub/ipedcrg./ golntf'Vb ; minutes to-think out the most beau-, much harder even assert that; rtmfv) 1>ian' This leaves- but ,oDe"'hypothesis;tharoulj \'"as no .ncij;place,knows them. This baD'iaee.cn4Roa are a ; -. .
4', ., mammaMrnbblng, )1 brothe 'a ever aaw.4 Five ch tflcJ a lf ananlnecop- \ tlelh$. at 'all ten b1..t :!:tfta. little alx-lnch square, which served ju tor to adorning swagger t' .
saw I > r ?
neck' as hey .LO tM loofa;with Or ttptecerrdf.afbfo till .hSnitJae7.u- V W n w*"..' egVeerand say' :0'tonl'ot the l1fa.actually slnkfmvJ ::{. a handkerchief' .;for day use of Anon* .-a 7be ierglij e pfrtbe'enibiotni l1uge'bariel'}Re'' ':
I : ; tf f i fHf l linen. finished with I a tiny but T y Isflrsti vpritehen: the ,
4 paper!oyp' } s,7 & atlp lat8lt"that+ bet that they bare seen, pieces0fMPpor' .a'M.Y.w'em..iPl.w.r.e. dewut full ruffle of)parroir.Valenciennes Itte. fa5 !theA..tf..tk., '
who chose the moo ; .. ; ; ,
1bOkeQaterhhkbapQ'ttepttoachfullylaadhbsdedi' : .
UorUou .
tnatr d tleatecLoof\1lH' 'n tp.14 t ,. .
JIO ; : riioiha'fiat tucked shaped muffs
,u-Two'dsll; \ whole thing being easily bsg-
,; I'It meant oplytlte.full:moon fact is Mr. ',r wkb Ilecedt'foveuUgatlo3B' the
'of ne
matter >
: '
a ''
v ;s *+tt'4.mtjerlslaKfirlt ; :
tOIl 'TOGr'eat..ktlUitrllr." dren chosei flowers; PVi St-
(t'&l'mnoh. h'tr'I" t Drdgyrrgtpne4i4s! ; ataeele iob to l 'f rue rose increased b7;trowltundeR"; tootedgtatatbAt.som9 \ ,. : .
'rwM,Lt.It +tAq"eet"d.ptobnbly: 'I'D.rW z ''i +krhe ..eow4-tIr' anka 4al1 stone Implements 11 ;: plant al'e..tngraDt! lace and has'not" a scrap "of linen. aboneft. iong coats seem to have struck the pSpVtVr .
d'bllnd..1J' Wh ,.r, ...,:.,. 1M fly a tiger's Ikl9.falt..IIlTNlla, era of them knewwhatever obddt only at, night and oUrera only, 'the .,aaya 'Vogue* Ton caa'fancy the co{ Mar.ta6 ..,Jltrehg ..,9
lq gold.. brooch, arill ni'nk"MrM4lasbiri. aro tatr. frMt. iit6ahtntlyt i 'heeeaiogs affect:, qnettiah,effect'of this morsel' of- rich short Jacket equally smart afar .4. ally, .
ill 'b 9ftb .
:., ";hiTl: nUeUllWea.J .{ Itgi4 l t"r rr ', J. *!*.'>fi they Noted hiv*'made bne such odors tend-that feeerate*lltoatedtare t ease' 'I II ,We l ;'.wb.ett.dabbed;:twlste4"betwilr'at mouth and i>ervou4.fingers ,those* more exclusive..' ,. . .:.. 1"'jrr.:'
,protbertanntiovert' 'fWant"tb i sea. tool they would nave made more-; ana; more:fato'rablo 'tropical .. or J5ee&an.ti'dti IaeY i feel ,9
e'; 'me' 8H' .ahr. ; +,Abeam+tiaeP+wouI4.O I These ''perfuDl"' wertunr.t; ,Affect' FoFeyenn{ (use at,garden-parties reajtearants lon':ttfaenr*a4cneai At* atlea14te, i!, ;
LI\- C1UOtta.e toe 1nnblg4daepeehteirof much l. see hntah'S4gaglipiofieijrodudnga ; theatre. the Jeweled reticule an.aeeompanlmant ',
1 1'" Ia..t ;ail .*? o, \timalnMeble.akiart.rtld the Jacket Intended as '
_: ".. . . t Iniuranp of' letha I I\ em.elTetI Bo, kind.,IntQKVmHoo.fatia; sfrtmtttjbesL 4.f11ft}' ,. nnlTcrs beautiful of weaJHtrlmnfed -,
a'e1Qtbtsp.t ,
IIreathin : tJv.D
"d..W8 l f.etgeY'."1IJ1 t.. '" e.V CI Dto q."AMari In4f&tMI lit he1 evident OI1''fu working i1'prlmnl > '''16''i'wTpoa' nenou.tronblelI object aM kn st,commodlon/."GFIn In cr fort: 'and.OnaAsi ",
,1 tt11 IAI. D-. .r o"--idjrF1" I \1t coin b.Yatt Ie4 man must nave used tpols of lbl bfmoat easenbea quite large eDo ah to nOUTmore of tbfp St4n"-a.,!: ''MMtj3' ti: ;'!!
.. n out as much beat as a.,tovgf -web'.a!lndanon.1 d' and, ft :io cessary'trtBkets ,tbaA'janyhodyagraridm6ther'errdreamed'ef; .,
't a.... .. r will give thJiftme material. ,1' ;
: ''lteia'deyeuji! the .eftit twice the aUe.. The heat@fWgl) tmlDradiator r Bow did he do It? _T>oubUeaa). bis0trth eWyptusrave 'pret elr aettdl'lntu: .I patting t. _ 4g- J
: gpgtpthtg over v'w. M
With boiler nnder Iby.a a t Hj6w6rkfj| ;. .:,' 'm'b6tI Uttle' brocaded h g. "--
I a aa Q10ae ;
; ,1pitme( waIktII .1t.boM 01
Tettrdd.Msressdeli \ '
t .o.r;_." "". .4\ 'yr plakiwith'a
____ :' 'l t bo d\. lt ;' tii' .I- ;. vita- beste4gb1iaht1Ia1Tn (, moAanui> w tXaxin kl.g'B' f nmasf_'
11'101ft1b dw.t. tub> ajoujeCOoa.TenlenfebnK baa.tnfcrtt_aolchrae: +ad.i 1I10. t. 4tbestek.a 'tmITI TBT** if**
ttJ' K"
: 1"
_ t.'The whole outfit*.elghs only abo hftrfl,tiMigH.pyKMI.. D ,at'.tM. .W7 .1tH; ,'
tb_ '.mr 'i. : t I IAt3 o ivtttliL h% TiiTil. > e 'HQ..1 It'-/J'' 'I.?< Ii"taeonly. .true ladex'to bet eaaraeter.' Mow lK t1nhiw 'iSl' ,, '.ice
bra -
J'' -:1D ,I to knock off chips >until tt jbu4 $b. .tu41" 't14A'rlll'o.1': '
'. f! .., ." .. ...'' r jW., ++u;1. .W 1771,01. $ .'45U 'i' ill.,. I'1'J.J' -
,. '
...- Y11, > ; . JI'' SM J _. _, "I n,. I :, ., . 1
.'a'f J"pk'.cu i7u'a, J )-U't...!: . .. tf.t !. . "_. f.;,. "A,"". '_'._. .. ,..,. ...,_-/1_,+c"+tltrs. +efh7. .v -.raJ.w."s. .' ...z..r' .. . ......."_. .. '-. ..--, .- . -. -. -.-
4 .
., .
.iI A ..t.t A .,,. '. :.' ,.,.. .:",. "."- :. '. ',; ' .: . ",. . ,\ "
) ,\,
1- J. "
,; "''f''lt) : ". v .j ;, ,
; ,.,
..' c \ H'' ... ..:.
.... I. !....'.; \ .
: r. : "' id
: f. '. :_ '''r-
_r -...---If.-.--. -.. <<1"" j -' _ : w1
B* BM iMMM*" *|*PgH>*** **B'iB|* y ga- -'
ivy ,Ii. Is Life Worth :'tit0o
>oc Your
.. : The W.atbir Calendar., ; ..
TerChattanooga Medlolne'Co. toe ', If So 'fry.n. Bott1' .Q.t ;
to Paint The lane of bad luck <
",+ is M sxfurers of Wine of Cardut andTOiedford'ft How : LET us,
J. Blaok-Draught, hare"just, turnIMPRESS
that to have no.
seems ,
Issued t,1 1&04 edition ot their C.l'du'lWeat.b.1' I
: Ing, can be turned into '''a regular '
Chart and Calendar. =
ring !It you .consnlt --ua:.
> Calendar with its IS House :
ihoeU 13x20 Inch! Cheap Fertilizer
a about the kind
make '
es In.
:" a bright ornamei. THIS you need for.your1'' soil.;
yr for the wall and U a. Useful aoqtiU'!
Y. "r. ., Write for our little booklet
+ >ion id any home tor offlon; pn account ."
UPON YOU which is free
on Fertilizers
of its displayed. weather prediction And, Have II fluaranteed to Look Better Wear Longer forthe asking.
", .
V rThe prominent numbers can be read . i
4' across a lira; room, as ,can the colored ' and Cost LhssThan the,Best White Lead Paints. ''tv .' I ,
d 'iJ signal flag showing;the weather -. it flJOh6St Gash'rrIG6 .
t ,condition er signals Illustrate foreach.. "'day.the These forecast. weath.of Him Fades, Cracks; Chalks, Puts! and Is Not .AffttUd by Oases--,- .- Y a-- raId' tor Dru Bones' *. I I We defy, the world to produce a tnedIclne .,:
Prof..Andrew J, foeVoe, who achieved Fees, Saa Air or Any Cllmata. CondIUonFlf jr. Sampl. : :- FERTILIZE forthe cure of all forms of.-Kidney ;,
great. prominency by his accurate FLORIDA .MANUFACTURING COJiAINESJVILLE and Bladder troubles l ,and diseases'f.;
:dictions A'reat'Galve.toni, St. ,. ,;j' Color and Illustrated, BookUl;Pr.pald t to Any .. "-1A ;' :, i peculiar"! women, that !will equal'J
IjOqis'a'nd JifInnesota"storms. and cyClones I --'I" Addriss .Absolutely Fr.... ; FLORIDA" Smith's Sure Kidney CUM .Ninety .i
'' .- the ,. ,So. reat, Is the popularity] of II ", ENT.. ,("JW. !!., MAK SON, CO., KISSINMEE,.'FLORIDA.. ,. I eight 8mithss per Sure cent Kidney of the oases Cure treated that .havej with,
e prediction that they .are printed underour observ atlom h ave been cured.i;.
In"2,500,000 of these calendars and In'Jaooo'ooo v , We sell our medicine on a positive
of the Ladles'' Birthday' Al- """" : juarrautee, If directions are followed'l'
tnanao* which are Issued by the Chattttnooga t'C. .. and money will be refunded It cure Is-;
M,4'' : A. CARSON. Presldeat., .. N. C. BRYAN 9.cr.t.ry.lxI not effected'
,Jedlclue Co. esch'yemr.' We ; "
: Price 50 cents and l1.OO.For'; sale by .
understand that a copy of this weather I : : .EWaterst Oceola Pharmacy. 2 +
chart and calendar'may. be*voured .
,by sending lOo. In Btampvto tae Chattanooga "
'I Medicine Company, Chattanooga & Carson GroceryCo...
Tennr;. Any of our readers ;;
who hare, .not .secured a*'copy, of the Whole.51..u4 Retell Deal.... In-
1 Ladles' Birthday Almanao can' get : ,
one by Birthday sending Ahna'nao4'thsltadjross' to '"Ladles' 'The Hoof of the Great Held Museum, Chicago,Covering Seven Acres of Groan GRO"CERTE'S.
p Ch attanoo la Painted-wlth Carrara Paint-This was Done After the Moat Rigid Two ..
r' ga Taaa., or Jay' caUlnjr on, their. Years. *Tert in Which It was Found Carrara Paint was More Than Twloe ..
l druggist... . as. Good In Lasting. Quality. as Any Other Paint Produced COUNTY A08N1-$ fOV JI/ :
t U -"7 Fight Will be Bitter.,, :The east of painting the boiiM and barn,out from plain brick waII and stone ttattot to Ua .
Those and'lances a heavy burden. Cheap I roof and Interior flal h ot stately hotels from II. A YGRAIN CRATES
r who will persist In closing buJldlDgl country barn or bar shed or cheap outbuildingto I Celebrated Fertilizers I I : p.
their ears .against the continual re- paints soon.fade,peel or scale off and wWte load farm rosldenee suburban borne or laxnrloue ,
com-nendatlon ot: Dr.. King's New I and oil costs so mach and has to be replaced 10 city residence., Carrara Is need became It lasts 1 'ETC. :
Discovery for Consumption have DReG that II to a constant expense to keep the longer,never fades, serer cracks,liner peels. .' Circular and Price
a long and bitter light with 'their I bright) clean appearance eo desirable la the eons more eurtaee than the highest priced :
troubles If not ended earlier. by fatal .eozreottace borne or the letnaCmanslon.<< The alnte and eosts loas than the ebeap dredpaint.that /T Famished o Appllatioa.HIDES :
termination. Raad following are a taw of the large users of()arranpalDh Injure Instead of protect. .Tbere U but one MRS L. S. ADAMS.
what T. Resell of. Carrara. Ills made by the Carrara Paint A csney.Cloetnnatl. .
: .. .
. I OalT l Tevae.Win
Bsall Miss n
bal to : 1..1faU.
say The 'Waldorf-Astoria,New York CltT. one Of Onto and anyone hartac a house to .
nay wife had every symptom of con the meet magnificent. hotels In the worM hai paint should send for SO free sample colors and FURS WOOLOou.33.tr3r '- of taro'iir' It lnd *4 s bUssIngle e
'sumption. ,She took Or. King's Pis-. used tone and tons ol the worM-tamous Carrarapaint. our bandsome. Illustrated booklet, showing ; feed wenwa Having surterad los
'<' >very after everything else had failed. Pullmao Palace Oar Co.: Chicago Tele many bulldlnts reproduced ta all the Colors)iutas ( Yea yurt with weakness and fccar"ttg -.
f Improvement came at once and ,lour Central Union Tetophooo Co.j Ken. tbey are painted from this treat paint that -J.wii p.lns.' sad hsvlnjf triad st 1IraJ -
woods Club. baa stood the most rigid tats for ,and bear 'Produce (
bottles entirely Cured. her.' Guaranteed Chleagos Cincinnati Boutnernj rears a. Spoolalt: r. j. doctors and dlflcrcni remedies
0. ft.. I. B.B.Oo.t Denver.Bio Grande H.K.I"Wellington la mind that It Is the only paint ever manufactured
p by' Oeoeola Pharmacy. Price 60c with .. Wins of Cardul
hotel Chicago. that U backed b7 a positive guarantee m = ritctu. your
s ;and 1.00.. Trial bottles free. From railroad boa ear to elegantly furolahedgeneral every ease. Dukrtbuttni depots la alt prtDetpaiClltIM. r. was the only thing which htlptd me,
offloee of the great railway! from non Write t day and save bait rear paint and eventually cured me III&CIM4 t*
track cases and stables to fancy club bousest bUll In the future* : MId: tap the weak, parts. ttreajthen
Professional l .Ca rdS.P l r Carrara Is for Sale by 0 __- the system end. comet 1rft'lIlerItIu."
: By' tired w;:;;" Mrs. Adams
means nervous wumm. who hare
11. diaortlen-d men_, falling of the
1. H Grade womb, ovarian troubles or any of.
C THOMASONPkyelclM and sasses l' '. High Whiskey these ailments. that women lIa....
III + ,r ,}yd .:" .._.ALL'..0.OALU. 33.A..WBISIO. ' ' t " " " this You ffrcat can tmr wVuiu's yourself renedyWin.at borne; with
of Cardni. Wine bf Cardul has
o.'Pkoe.41Tw.Rh. .a.: :.tNOftTH ISSIMMH.. 1 HONK N. 8mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmK=. cored tluxivnH of, cases which'
.JtU8'if..IE..J'u.: ..., == .doctonhevnL.lodtobeneEL.. Why
. . "TB.E CAFE '., :
C. W. GRIFFIN not bee:a today" AMdragaittt
J M. W1L"LSON.JR. have .1.00 bottles. For ?
e == any lom-c-S" lircr or bowel diaor-' ,
( NOTARY' PUBLIC.STATE ... '/ 'l.-- Near Passenger Depot. Kitsimmee der Thii's BlackDraughtshould
-l\ AT LARGE. > g GroceriesFRESH Hotel and the Graves .House . .. dvtn h* uatxi.n. I'.+ o
. KIS3IMMBE.,< Real ,Estate- Agent.FLORIDA: fancy family --- 2.r
"* -'- Proprietor.I
p AGNEW, 5 3
I ATTORNEY .0T LAW...;...,. .. == ,1 == ,
s J J ::: '" -
now have the largest stock of Wince Whiskiesand
KrSSlMM : E 5 Delivery day at hobr' ; patronage solicited. ,
E. FLA every any Beers ever handled in Kissimmee. All !+ t .
.. ti'A' "DR.' J. W--BIMPSON.' .. tutuwtuuuutututti WUllUWWWWU1WWLU. grades of at prices to suit. the ;'times. . ., S NO FARM *3SSiP j j
r , J .Offioe, . over. : fharma ,.
'>, ".0Bo.a., ;- ,1'9i.1:30 m. .to.1% m. SCHEDULE IK EFFECT MAY 1/. 19pS.4O J'V G t"EAC. : A SPEG_'_A T .'rT
.to 6:30; p. m.
> 40 39 tlTA f1U 21 86Tpa
Telephone No. 70 Jun 6. lyr. S osp Ly..e..p........+......1'a,0pa.l.. ..,............ Ar 7 955 10 s6p
11a a07p' Lv........ ......r.P1autGn .....,._.__...., At I 22a140a a46p ,
} .lI6p &.y.,..........................Lek.J.04..arr..'........ ...................Ar ISpa y16p1046.1121p .
A. ,B, STEVENS. 'r..., .................. Kt..Immes..s.. ... ..,.... .L. 44Ha 747p .. \
l :DR. ? 10 Ma 12 Ota Ar..t.. ......... ..... UI.odo......, ....... ....... ..LY 1 9ua 711 p ---- -
rt 11 sea 1 Ota 'r .......... Centord .Lys t 90a a'J6p
....DKNTIST.... It Op 1611a .Ar..;.;.. .. .......,..OnDI.It, JDDotl..D... .. ............. Lv 1.a 6610
,. 1 Sup ....... Ar.... ....:..-.... =............DeLaod. ..... ............. .. .......Ly ...... 4 top 5
I (;.1 ''''' '-1 .411p 460a. .r.....,. ..... ...".... ... PalM..... .... ............ ........ ...Lvtloep sa5p '
'' Administered. 4 top lOa ...,...... .. A,. .. .. '..0..0.11I..1.. I los I tSp .E R T. BUTLER E.
"+ Oeice Hour. 1'8.Ct' A. 10 If .., and eTA (ONd. 69.84
4t ) I.3otos.yo r: w.tt .. 7 aoa Lr... .......u..v.,. ....'..........:........:.Ar o SAp
k SXAaLr r....... ........ ..... ...Lakeland. ..'.............Lv S sop A . A
ORLANDO.', '.. FLORIDA, I *2a LT .......,. ... .....A........Bade Cltr.: .... .,.,, ...... ......... ...LT S tsp
.. , II !lOa Ly......... .............................. Brook.Tllfe. .: ....,......... ..Lr 4 Mp ALES BRANDIES ,
II 505 Lf...............................Lee.bnrg ... .... ..... .....Y 4 4up G G v
fif 1 lOp L...........:................. Orala .....??.. .......................Lr S OUp alS ,."
". cop Ar..a.; ...... ,.. Oainavlile....................... ........ ...Lv 12 87p WHISKIES I I :: ::.::: : They Ar'I.A} ".
200p1..9..High 8prli.n .................................Lr 1 IS* L ? llj. .LE '' TA: ,
J., W. THOMPSON anpLv. :;;: .............. ...., .... ..UY. O.k..,... ..............,.................irlO- 8a : !" L
S lpL-r..r..J.......................;..,...1'01'00'I .' '''.........................,........L. SMaLr '
2.'tp.Ar .....:........ ....,.....:..Wayer4U ....... > .................... ........ 7 OOa .' GRIFFING'S CATALOG,
-- .
Funeral -.all .
:r' .Director and Embalm .7 SOa SOBp LT.,....,,., .-..., ..... .. ..*.... Tampa .............. ..,.....ArlO 81\p" 2&a ; ?
SlSa I 07i' Lr.......i. ...........,......Plant City..........:.......... ..... LT 4Xp $ ABOUT THEHV:
r StWa ll16p Ar.......> .... ...........Lakeland. v' ..... ............... Lr .S sop TELL ,
; )o sea 10 27p LT.,........,., .............lunow, .......................Lr 7 top 6 10a '
\ .,.... 12 Ma Lr............?........ ......Arcadia ...........................LT 6 76 p....... Beer lL i, Twenty leading ...Tarlettea of Peeana.AJo ? .
x, r ,3Cleslaaa.33a.ee.: : .0111\ll60a'.Ar.' ........... .........PunU STATION Gorda ."......... ..... ....LT 4 05p.'UI" ;. A Anheuser-.Busch a espiNS u. of rnUts4O.-;
.6 20 P Lv..I...,.... ...Tampa.............. .... .Ar T 15 a ON: DRAUGHT AND BOTTLED BSMMsMeJ-ttees and 'tIImn1aet7.r .
.,e sop At. "..........1.} .........,...... I..v.ThoDotoMMa.................. .a.M........... ...;.Lys .600. L *
Dally Exempt Sunday Catalogue -
:, ; : SO a 8 8Op..A.. .Ind Ar Ind Line. ... .. .......11 OOa S .
r .. ; DF?..'J. :, H. POWELL so a 6 nop...,.. .......... .. ..Ind Line D.T.mpa 81. P.i.r.borj LT Ind Llnb.. ....... .... 900+ 4 (Mp Ap o Can only be found .tn Kls.lmmee on Broadway 0 .u.s- I.tTNf IJi.
{' .,,t 611p..A C L LTBuBeteraburs7...rACL........ ... ...... s Ma .. at ellldr/MNei "ce. OO..
a Street the BRICK BAR
a ,,p.CIdbt f. .,.... 27p . i..CLArt'l.IrLvAOL; ..... .................... 8 ona ...., .. BUILDINO.
N j 'DI.-I et. ..n. 8 88p......,...-... .. ,..,,.....A C L Ar CleerwsterLvA C L...._... ...... .. ... 7 Wa...... o O. JAoNaNv/A4s._ FLA..
.\ . p. ..II48p.. ........,. ... .. .....ACLArJUDedIDLYAOL........ ..... .. .. .. 71 ilia ;. ...
r 0: Nose .... 'I I16p.."....,.....,......A 0 LAr Tarpon Sprtgas LY A C L..... ...........746* "..:. N
Ear. Throat and "-*- '- '' IS
4o 22 n BUY
"' M M 21711 R' T: 'rH
t 8 Oftp s lOp I6p IT Jackaonrltle Ar s OOa 1 Mp S ClOp SOfip Lv Jaokaonvllle Ar I OOa ,. ,
.. '0 oop s ISp 10 OfVa Ar Wayoron I.V'I lOa 11 iv* a BOp 1149p Ar Valdosta Lr 4 I7a r'
; - 1 ina t lop 1' 40p Ar Savannah Lr 8 sna 8 40a > 20p 101Ar ThamuTt'e Lv 1 Ilia '
+ i : GE RALD,} A.'f .8 35a 4 sop Ar ChartaMon Lr 11 86,.' II V* S 011 a Ar Montgom'ry 7 4IIp GaDOOOaccacacaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaQ
Ar Wilmington Lr 12O4p Ar Birmingham f ty 8 40p N
; .) ..... .. ; 710 pAr. NaihTllle\ 110. .
7o. .. :... 741p ,i8o. Ar Rich ud' I GIla 1 2Sp 1150 a Ar KTitniTlliela : L r a ms ai
-- 40p 1 lOa Ar/WunTngton
IT 8 44e 8 ken a Ar Chicago Lr 7 flop .
I 23a. t ISa Ar Baltimore Lv 1 *7e S I2p .
401la 11 22a Ar Philadelphia:; I.T:13 Ola 11"': 7Ma Ar 8t Lonl. LTa a 6p .{) t. :: ). .t .i) .(: ., '
: Co r 7 OB 1 .8p.Ar. New York. LTLT S 25B A tt. M a Ar Loulivlll. LT too a SEWINGr1CACHINEDo !
W L V..D. loti : 780 a Af- ClHBlnn.tl LT
i't'OOpL 'f, ,
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11 L la LT
a ArLT
x T II I
P be deoelveqbyr who'yertl.M
tboss )
Mn) Ar 1 2Sp
.: . . ," ., 025p. WtwOrles's LT affia MAYNARD. LUMBER Co. a ieo.00 dewing Machine t ,
,'RS' ",,920.00. -rh..kind of.iDachID....
: .B ,R o K ,t E:.::. ..:.. .. Leave Port PORT Tampa. P -ItEY Bandars WKST-UAVAMIf: LINE. ( be bought from ns or any. of our'.
Tbnradays, 11
"< .=_ .. "'rrly.It.y W..t 1I0Dd.,., Friday. 16 p a8Mpm .dealorl. frout; fl 15QQ WWI .' foo. .
I I Saw
loran Kay WeitArrlTe . and
Mond.ya.I" Trld., 7 110 Mills ;
4 : H.ranoa TO..dar ,, p 1D Planing : HANI A VANIffV Joi' '
Saturdays 8 OOa
.REAL ESTATE: d'<' LeeTe Arrive Havana It.)'w..(.J Taed*......')?'.... ,Sa-nrdaja Saturdays,, U 8 00 M Boon m i'iNo THE' >KZW UOMl i 18' 111. I
; INSURANC .. .., Le T.Key Wot 'rD..s.,., Saturday, Ao 80 p p.m. Compiete 'The Feed deterttftU 1
,, I'AND, .- Arrive fort Tampa Wedneadajrs, eandaya, ; 8 80 p m Yel .oper.\IOD. ? Honor Bills PSrnlsheQ.
,. : 8W4 Pitch Pine Timber and Lumber: of all Kinds.MAYNARD weakness: of Sewlris ,
? .l1Iccccaaa'aoCaDC'COCDCloaoDl' 3 : .' TIWOOOB CAR .
SBRVICB.lateraiedlaM I>e>nbla Feed combined wl
,'"'.'" : I Tnlalka0d o.6 0&1'17 Pan.aD .Ieepe betwssa 1'... Yurt. ..tacltYItI. sot Port \CFswaFl: '::Ir"TT "" : : strong prfnU makes the New
.Ialo"ear serMa tbrool'' betw..,. a.rwaak aD" Jane Clt, .. ,. MJ-.r.-r_
: dal ooehse 1fMw..e '
;: '\! "!'n.vlllaa.dwu6lnabnPollmaa.ev.. tnlos 78 and 28 Mtwso,laokYlJI. lOICtk u.. best Sewing MaiAfn' to I bWra;
\ : : : R ; ,. orlt ao4lac1l"l1r... ,.led Chleago wltloou'ob.oW". < .". sad New LUMBER Co. '
i c-t LI..te. lass hog Omda for l or. Mien and ;
tY M. -.' enqday. 7.. .... landtags deity e.-. WiileforCIBCUUflSL
J oralDW lass 6 .
M7or" a.m. arrlvlg Pa.ta :
Oords 4 ,
..' J i .\ oK .. !p'a.' 7 West aDd Hivaa.......... I.... Port Tampa .anda7e. .. ITbandayalieip p. m. ..... V.BBaaBAtetoreandirleesSieeSr.nc ,.,
.. f "H:1i ..... WsrPollalwy. !psn. bsiwaa Port TulJII'.and !I.". Yak via both AtlaaUe. Coat Une - -. _ _ _ _ 51 1
', \J I stfce of wtb C4..P ad.: ,and.e..aa. all_pllte aDd r40U.bl.IDtonoaUoq- ......Mlal" _.......D.. ..0a1IC1aiM I I 11 I.11.. .M\,* If* . . lima von UYIRC 'iiauf.
'spat.4w T..C. wMITE DlYlato. =aA .. M 11. M.II I" II II.' h ,
:: :: : Iry hMIc. Aa.hG at Li I I'fr Ln data w. I. ".AIO.0...... paiMDger not Ag Tar*.". Tor ** It.+ ....... n
_ N.M.YMEaenN.Tremelans.r.WarlnatOa.N. C'', Semi '-' / ..,.....V.Y..Obles..o,IlL.Attoats,
:: A : .. -" --- Tropical Nurseries orb ToaKM*.IOanaaT.a.,sam 1 1r Faaslees,
t ....' OffIN_.. v". ;'. __.......1_, t
-- : A Ctl'rkometltaee'JII. k.!_ 'I H* Fond aCsir*.,. f .s> sjAta f. .II J:
: ': : IU H. Foster, 318 8. 2d Street,. Salt '*' Orlando
Ee rLORIDA' Florida.,
kl ;. !! IDDd' very .zpendive. '
: Metfeerav.
: OocaIIOD.'L' lira ItNl' I. .&be Lake City writes: "I .have been b6tb ._ : U'.1',
k. .. ..................... price Of a mistake;' b D' JOD'II never;bewt'ODI"II.70tl' erect, with dyspepsia J or' indirection IiJoU Intend planting any Fru1T;,... this fall ..n4. Who would' keep.1hetf'' chlMrsa
; KJDW'I New for twenty-one :years, )hare.. triadmany of wants me I Ilft rood healthifhould watch' the
',.o# 'Ior'.JI..4.0"1: ? take\ pr your and I can SAYS you ''money cr : (or f
":_ : l'-Dy' II..;, DI..aa.a4ach8J: doctors without relief,. but I -,Pund a11 .- OrkutgPeach'ltnd. 1 .. symPne.oLwormsw.andrsseo." f
"'Fbb'Tv. \\inc :7. hare roundireurTn HerbInerT"reeotnipend kindrerrStochT; ;:;; ,
:: with
wntt.'a'.Cr.am Verm 1ft .
.;:....0. Oct;al .1 Liver or,'Bowel' tronbt".,\, They are it to all mv f"lead.b are I ." "" .' h. obt14..a. bel.foOD'". It .
". \. Odyta ;" rld'' Matter yet thorough,' Mo, at ,,0sosolatfcaraaoy affllot that. OOztiaa | .
'W and It U W
".. way caring them ; R. ; tioa M work so that th.lr
.fJ so.we .... I r, .PEIR"
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