Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00091504/00089
Material Information
- Title:
- The Kissimmee Valley gazette
- Uniform Title:
- Kissimmee Valley gazette
- Alternate Title:
- Gazette
- Place of Publication:
- Kissimmee City Fla
- Publisher:
- Vans-Agnew & Harris
- Publication Date:
- September 11, 1903
- Frequency:
- Weekly
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Newspapers -- Kissimmee (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Osceola County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Florida -- Osceola -- Kissimmee
- Coordinates:
- 28.303889 x -81.412778 ( Place of Publication )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 24, 1897)-
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services (UFDC@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 33274531 ( OCLC )
sn 95026779 ( LCCN )
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: it" '\CHtKlalia ; .1 ':' : J,
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... Y.51. ..t........ ".4'I C.ew/1y. t4 Newwt> r ... ...T. '; 'Fi '. ", .:.'
_l. .... *-- ......11._.. feet.,. 1 0....|.. an..... ky' Paroha**,.Jai ao,. '*.. .,. Kissltamee I' City. ."t>., September... .. 11)( 1983. .. ,.. T-..1. vi.. M*.; JS. .a
COMMISSIONERS I, asking that he be allowed to redeem POLK UlU NOT' KNOW' .. : 'Coxscn Proceeding:: .' J lt .
> COUNTY t.beJr"Q. Brown, .Trustee, :Elands. In "' Ball .p.-
. Town 3,;,1003.-The Council f,
this county. at a valuation.of BO cents Thought ta.,was Skootlstg: a Row- .spet In regular: session, there being
per acre without Interest, wa, on motion .her Wliesi he killed.WIIU...._ present, B. N. BnUOa; Pres.- pro
!' Pull Report of the Regnlar MeetIng ,
of.'Ai C. Baj seconded by J, S. State lllee p
Ba'rtow Courier 4. Informant. : The tern;. :>e Bandy", J. W. Thompson; i
ref used. _. :
NelaLasrmollf> Stratton : J
ar.KI.slmmee W Bass .
Courier-Informant learns from.. reliable C. Councilman; and J.rLl4lilbertr "
The-application of Mr*.; Mary' E.. .
City, Fla., Sept., 1003nThe ., Brown, widow of Wm,: Brown, was, source that be report of the killing . Jr.', Clerk'The ,. ,
minutes of the last meeting were ;
Board of County Commissioners examined. and approved.The of Marshal Williams by: E. R. "
'convened at 10, a. m., there beingpresent bond of..E., L. 'Le te,,;L. E. i Polk at Punta Oorda,' which was reproduced read and approved* Oil'ers'io Customers 'Erery: 'FkcIUty+ I 1
': Walter 'Bass. 8r., Chairman. Morgan and Oscar Bass'to carry. Ji..j In these columns was boor'reeL mined The report and found of the to be Officer o rrect.were.. .. Consistentwitkaolnd: .MaR eBieRt.,
J. 8.' Stratton A.' C. In some Instances:
C.,8. Aoree, ; arm* were examined and'a"proyed. '
It was stated. that Mr. Pdlk and the The following bills were, approvedand ( -' ' f'
Bit and J. M.;*Walker. Commission The Board made the following orderldregard .
ordered, paid, as follows: :.. Personal .Atumtion ,All fiasiness* Iat..te4. to '11.;.' lk
l to .
Walker had been
W. 'J. Sear, County Attorney man on a ,
er.; to defendant confined In
., I
"' I W Aderhold alary M .Mayor.. .... ..* : "
,Jk'nd W. B;. Johnson. C.' ] the county.jail awaiting. the action 'oftbe during (the night and that Polk wasdrinking t XePlwUer. salary aa Marehal ..... 40 WK ,,
The minute'of the lat meet.lor'wereread grand Jury: at the time, I Robert P Dana airatlou\ atlarraa,:aalarr Sup: M*K at L!, L....Plant..,....... ,9 71* M OO N. B. ,CARSON.. .o.fil' '' 4
and approved.In Deeming It to the best Interest of the This was a mistake. as Polk Is said I Ale A.Lftnoaat-r Oa".la., salary..,a***l'raaurr.soav.nle...'..,....).' 1100 a 00 , ,' . .' ,
the matter Of the& petition for county and the health of the. prisoner, to have been with Walker only: a short I H Gilbert. It. salary as Cl.rk..r.. .. ::1011I
fVpubltc road from Narooossee to St. It 1* ordered that when said prisonerso while previous to the trouble'Walker J a Gilbert, Jr., laanlncB IkIa_....... I 95KlMlmmee ,
Telephone Gy rent pboaw IT } Mf
-jCloud:Junction, be viewers. _ha ioi r elects, by written consenthe be : having, gone to his room and aroused uCromarUe-bridge work..........,.... I 2ft
turned over to-J. A. :Anderson. & Co., Kale MeLanfhUn wltaeaa.... .;........ 60
been duly appointed, they having reported lessees of convict, under the regulation I him; t.elllDA'bh that the commissarywas t McPnotter,.ooaU la ""' 01".Coort.j..1 U 00 T-------------- .. 'f
and their report accepted, and of the recent law passed by the about to be robbed,. Arming himself H Alex A 1oI11&Dal4aou.1....,work etraet"Work.-.v-.7T77 emneKrr.; ...... .. ..S 0 00 76 '_'''-+=- _. . {;.: '
'oot.oellavlo.! been duly posted accord Legislature : with bt..1"8..oherltl..ldthat.Polk'w.ot Tbe W A U Uro Co., lumber ete...,.-... 0 etR > M'tl'' ' ***** * t
A .Lank.... alreat J;.}) ,
"ing to law; and J. J.: .Padgett being "The.following bills wereexamined 'with Walker; who .had previously Sandy w.&Na'k.\\ .'_........ s 60 'Mrs"r .,
the only'objector and he having beenisatlsfled" and ordered paid, to-wlt secured, a :Winchester rifle Henry Voice rivet work ./.\.. ,hags. .a 1* Ol .. Jo
"lhe following 'order wu w.... Sr. Co Corn and
ell Acra Co Vote and .II. .v.. i 00 WIUMoeeley line work. ......... ..., I.TJa
made to-wlt: J 8 vtilla Htrattvii,eooTlot Co Cum b.mp.and..mtlege..b...........??two..... 11 00' About 4 o'clock In the morning they Dale work' K: L Plant.............,..... 9 16 MH Kissimmee Company t
ItTiTrereby ordered by the Board A C BOM Co Con ..D.1JnU..s, 1* 00 encountered the two policemen who undertookto O Outlaw.....DonI.pu banIIDC aJrKafl PdgCe. ... t 00Maadard ioI'
.of County Commissioners, In and for i N Walker. Co Com au.l mil.... 1..7..., '17 HO .. ,:. Oil Co.iII \ t M Is Now for BusItieM.WE. "
srrest.Walker, It appearsthat Ready .
. .
"N aCl.rk cod Audlloe. .. ., . $4 00 : .
and State of Florida O Stanford, n. Kl'e. Co. W M
Osoeola County, cr .. ........_ ...' 50 per.yor -
rr.vallt c.u' Jail ;;. n Mr. Polk the men ) '' >
supposed were J W .4 draraje7
the public road a* petitioned for W j ,, ........
that ewes Loauty Attorney.e.. 11I1\U\ I
...........,. ........I robbers u.-frtslid'Ar! 211.J :TAKE .TJ.US METHOD OF WFORMINQ THE.PEO .
'' .and.vlewe4 from Narooossee. to St.. 1 DlcCor.ey, lwlwr. -24 inJ the to, whom Walker had referred J 5m5nun, : ynp.. ..."J'. . I 71 ; \
'doudJuQotion: be and t.be.ame, its 0-1.It Cspe rh.ntlaeJ'. "id DOOr, medlcl farm a C"N p.upen pauper cle. 411 6 00 10 ,- and so did not know'' that he Robert Bratton tendered his resignation ,of Kissimmee and contiguous territory, that we.,are, no' t; ;,
hereby ordered the width opened of said.as road-to a publiciroadand be K:ManaMLembereolumber K Wooteu, road work......poor....,.'arID...., ..,.; t'l 5 00 I\U\ was shooting, an officer., assistant. ..at' K.!: L, Plant,' manufacturing a superior quality of.ioe and solicit thelr.patronaci'for \ ;;'
feet where It through O F Pparait, criminal. .ee.r.....,:..'.. flof.. I. Mr: Polk i* .man of 'good reputa- which was accepted and S. E. Gardnerwas . the .same. 'At a large' expense 'we have "our! ,
except .
thirty ...
r O Cromarllc. . work............,;;... 1 DOW
.the 8WJ of Sec. 4, Township 28 8. oII. KJohiufm.crliututl c......;;, ........ l M }lon and is held' highest .esteem; not; appointed"to take his folaesv: '"with the beat machinery that money could buy and'.are',,highly"'' ;', '.i
30 K.where the width I* establishedat i Ya1Iey H Gilbert UK..gr.I.,Coirt prlnUnt Co TrM u per.ooutnot.,. 13 10 to 18 only by the people of Lakeland, among; I All other business having. been disposed pleased with the results of the trial that [has been given It this :; ',
twenty feet, the laid. twenty test.be lobe T.om.I'Oac1 work .....,iw... ... U WWHUs whom he ha. lived many year, but. with council proceeded review week. We are profoundly grateful for the encouragement so far, < >
In and applying. 1 only to the land Hall md.work /.. .'.! 660 ;
' a ing* owned by Ed: Whaley In above i II Mlmmoor.road work"',* .,/i. .-..!1"<.h. 160 his employers; Baxter & Co.? well.', i city tax assessor's book for the given us and shall endeavor tq merit a continuance''of your. good;'! ,-
stated section township and'.range' : : K Hub D HoRtn Johns,,Com road Tax work.. :'. . 742 100 'Saturday, afernoon"Justlce P,,..K.I ensuelng year. After k partially. "re will and patronage by straight dealing, down weight and first-class; : ; ; i|
1 This order made after the above road C F P... O.ilDiDai ............. I tII Adam held an Inquest. There,*'wer*) viewing, ,council'' adjourned to meet goods. Tickets on sale after to-morrow and our prices'.'wlU:,be V I '
,was posted.applied for, viewed and legally IJ C r P r-nrut.Praraii,food xp. prtvourn J U Bus. to.stale ltu.... KM 70\ M M three eye-witnesses to the tragedy and Thursday, Sept. 3rd, at 7, ,p. m.,' to satisfactory. Free delivery by.our own wagon or that of,Mr. fJ.M. ...?
Done this 7tb day of September, A. The warrants were then signed up In allot them told the same story.' ,After continue reviewing''' the'. above stated ''' .,Gardner, who will, handle ,our product '
D. 1903.. WALTER BAGS, SB.Chairman.. open Board. hearing,&them, the jury rendered a verdict assessment.; Very respectfully, .
/t The bill of the Klsslmmee Valley to the effect that Williams. was .Cauacll'met o'n.Sept.i.3rd;) :, '' and continued -r D., Wi-.SUMMERUN;
A petition was presented to reopen Gazette'for printing the Law passed killed by E. B. Polk and that it"was to review' tax assessment from .PHONI'101: , J Manag4rr,
the road along the"' Lakeshore from willful, unprovoked murder / time t4 time, concluding'on Sept. 8th. .. .. :
the last
Narooossee to St. Cloud, wa on motion at session of the Legislature, Council then adjourned to'meet 'as'':: I I > *S*+<'*4.M. .f4 < *** 4. 4 >T TT* .. t-e i *, +' + Mill" .H4. .,'.
for $100.00 was approved. ... -
laid on the table, the road having - Fesrtsii board l of'equallxatlon on Wednesday, ,h
A communication. trom'Jl'B. Wyatll" Odds'Agalrst. : Him., ;
been fOrtnerly closed on petition advocating A call of'a convention of -ft* Sept. 9th, at. 7, p. m. .. .
The pfelluuu Of DV.; Suuioer and counties In brief was. the--condition an old Wednesday,' Sept.. Oth,'' there being
of the
mean having .
others.for road from hoe rep solidler of J J n. C.Stabford'chalrmsn' H, .l- ; .A-- ,
a thecounty, resented by. name ; Ilevena, present ; '
In the Louisiana ..Expositionat ,J. L STRICKLAND. .Sl ,S JOHNSON;
'in Sec.),Tp 28 8., R. 31 .K.: wa, on St. Louis wa read ,and It- being Yersalles,O. For? yearshe wa troubledwttli N..Bratton, Jfc W. Thompson.' ''J. .. .
motion referred.backto: petitioner for -disease neither* doctors R.. Gilbert Jr. ;clek; purpose of the PHOWI: SI. .
the sense of this board that. >the Idea. Kidney atid ___ '. .NO. ,
more definite.description/. nor medicine gave him relief. At. meeting being to equalize taxes a* assessed .
wa a : they acquiesced In
The petition; presented.tJT;, Comml goodyonet length he tried Electric, Bitters., It put: by assessorL.. ..(-. Minx for
his suggestion and clerk wa ordered Strickland
..loner A. C. bias 'lor.',a road >
? Whittier, Dlst. No. ft, Died at the lastmeeting The board authorized chairman he testifies., ""I'm on the. road to comrecovery. the sam was found to be .
.t.b.-. ..
'f of the Board -was ."refuted: ', plOW ." wesson' earth 'torLiver correct and on motion duly seconded '.i
to sign all necessary papers to get said assessment accepted and as. IALERS, IM, ,
' upon the ground. that. It wa impractlrcable. and Kidney trouble and all was 't/ ..
this county's share of the appropriation '
sessorlj. A. Minx was Instructed to : ;
for money to be? used In the build. form of Stomach and. Bowel .Complaints notify any whose valuation was raised FreshMeats: Vegetables .. etc: .
J 1. A. Anderson & Co': presented ingot bard roads in-this county ? Only -Mo. .Guaranteed. . by aad.whamay. feel aggrieved ,by .said ;." . ;
jtoelr report of_wont-1>L convicts,for Osceola-Pbaruioey; : valuations. to meet with council\ on the
-t.b'emoot.h of August. 1803 amountIng On motion of C. S. Acres, seconded 4th Wednesday September to make .,,- .. f .
It to '7 .22, which was reeetved] and br J. S. Stratton'the. htard wa au' -' Cheap: Excarsioss.: .npalnts" ) If any they'" have, In regard Now business'and. solicit your trade. The beei nnst< tts> ."
t tbe money deposited with" the County thorized to draw Its warrant; favor 12fl.fO--Ilot : to said assessments.On country affords will be handled<< .. VeeeUie wMabmjsf' Hit
4 Treasurer for account. of the 'fine .and of Simpson and Sear for 91,000, said Wednesday Spring. Ark and,; and'Sutur-return motion ot J.. W.. Thompson 'seconded ''be had..., Prompt service liberal dealfe*anU Ue i >*ioe ., fislsf,j.i
forfeiture fund ."I v, *'***.oi' warrant to be placed in the hand' of days, good for slztydays,, ,< .,'. ." by H.: N. 'Bratton.. the mlllage anteedw Phoniusyourwants.* ' .. : :' . .: ,$
; '
A.,. petition wa presented I to the W..R: Johnston to be Curbed over W 194.70-Ban' Franclso_ and return, forth: ensuelng year was1 allowed, to . ." .L .JLiam-J
'Board by R. S. Ltbby,'signed,'by divers aid Simpson and-se.j.: as soon .a July 31 to August 13; good return-. remain the same. as for 1002* 14} mills. NEXT\ DOOR'TO..POST'' OFFIOE( ;;1 1i :
the "abstract and ,
State accepted the
citizens. asking for 'road from log October W. Council adjourned to meet Wednesday .
Kelly'' nation to Fish Lake and deed to_the land. sold by them to this 117.20 To Marietta, "Bowden Lythla : :S pU 23rd, 'at 7r p. m.fj -"./ .. \I :',
vvhe school house which,'on motion of county for the use of the "Florida : H. C. STANFORD, President.J.R. .' ,.
Springs,.. .Lula, .Gainesville. ,:.Gay '. .. ::1
.C. S.'AGree, .seconded by A. C.,. Bass, Agricultural. Institute.. ..ad'ret.urn: good until October 31.- .-. GILBERT, Jr., (.clerk; 0' .. .'. ... .
"WMrMI08;>ted and R.. O.;Tartln: J. A. Demotion of A.'C. Ban, seconded ID.60Tallulahfall( ,:Mineral .Bluff, ,. Cre.p, ' .., .n 'H1"
AodeJoeo.: and J. A. Barber were, apflower by 1", S. Stratton, the Oiei1t'' was instructed and return good until October 3U f' '
1'P"t.et. to, lay 'out the same to notify C. O: Newlon that. 131,45Mamoth; -Cave; K1;,,:and,, re- a dually common'cold belrlaa'wlt.b,, theft the, II.ebUllDea.smptoms; of. : 'i; ,:
tarid report to the'next meeting! 'of. .the lie must complete the contract for the torn rood until October 31.' neexlng core throatfhot; skin, :quick, i-- : Lartan. 'p .
Board.. irrigation plant[ on t.he. poor''farm $01.75-Minneapolis, St., Paul, Water pulse;; hoarseness'and. 'Impeded . .
.J. N. Taylor Esq. presented .the ap- within! thirty day. of thls'?date. ,.Or the villa, Minn.,, and.return; good, until respiration. Give frequent, small '
rpHostion of J. Hi Graves,'; Sr,, to sell contract-will.''be, declared:null: and October 31.840.05Milwaukee'and. '. " of. Ballard's Horehoundat
doses ,,
41 rat retail liquors;' wines and' beer In Told >-. ,* Pa'mt'n"H
; .. urD.. the first ign, of 'a'croupy .cough,
I precinct No1'wbloh1:' ;;: ;; wa accepted Hon. C., .S.1: Aoreiddressed; N8.1Gr'-Waukeah&;. .and returnJ I., .. ..pply' frequently 'Ballard's Snow ". ;>jI,;.,"';;
d I >and filed aad notice of publication :of board a. to'the appointment of a Super too.30-J.t&clI'OD, Wls.,, and; return. ; Liniment externally to the :throat. Moat .tfIItf .,, '7. 'Col'V
same. ordered, after which 'the Board visor"of Road: ,. yndad/rocating good until Oct.ober.31.., Osoeola' Pharmacy; .GWMteN'" nr '
-.took. recess until *,"ju 'in.';" the appointment one at this meeting; Tb.Lookout. Mountain. Route, the >>
The Board_ 'reconvened at 2,' .p.' jp.. and also In-favor of working,; the only;"road having morjplng and.,night Are you jealous of your eeidhtoe'sprosperity Weahe.ioof.
all present '.' ,'J '' roads '' 'ClnclnnaU "and ? What, has be, .don* 'to : ; : "
county convicts' on the/public, trains to..St. Louis, :
The'various reports: ot the via Macon; you? Because be'pushed aDd pulled .
:, county instead of leasing them out.;; the West Valdosta, : Atlanta
-Officer were) examined and ordered A. C But: deooitdedby I Chattanooga, Nashvilie.Lo- and scratched"and sweated and tolled.
: On motion of ," '
and .ucoeeded at last reaching an : I ,
'debited. The :Treasurer's report C 8. '''Aoree,'moved that the Board cal sleeping car. and coach,Vo 'Macon .
I road In life; and rested under Is&1.: "by ;
Pul1m..o"Boiret easy :
Showed the on
v following. prooeed to the election of a Supervisor dally. Through sleepIng -
'T' - St. Louis and the shade and tailed..,.does that
'1a.d: 1 oars to throughPullman
' ,Oooa": ", a..eael ...,... .I.IJ" . .. ,-. lilt .. of roads for the J,ensuelng; year, reservations sold to Cincinnati make U your duty to l'al1him') at ":
otIl D&J' ..ad.............r,,"'a..y. .., fI711. subject to a contract t.o'be' presentedto : and Chicago.; For reservatlonb 'opportunity Does H? Bay, a 'W'B.: / MaJ ins ri Coiixx ,
D. sod rerfel&are ;. .... ;'.. ......... filiI u him at the regular meeting of ,the' and full Information, address every
\(: D&' ack. ...n.... 51st 118,1IdINteI. good word for'blm. No man Is only
.... .N..o-, ......,.. board,'and that election .be made by .,. H. RJLI7TKRT"' ,' .
:. : .... ............l..... 355 75Ils D..P.\A.,1i01'West Bay, Street, Jacksonvllle pebble on t.he beMh..Y O"tt.lme.m. come 'sealers: s .
motion was .
.... ... secret ballot. which carried .
s..v. ; Fla., If you use'bands and head. ,Try,to ,
w 1 ,. ... /s .l I
,, en.Hr.. "y. and a ballot WI.keo, resultingas '
r .
benefit out 'of".very day
r. Total ..,.;,........,.ft ........, ..., 61 follows:, 'i'/ Cke a Bx *r.." t. B.nJ........ pluck Don't: some feel sore because some fellow ,General Hardware,/ ,Sporting;
. Foe which he presented''oertlfloateof 0.0.H'Iveythre.'vcts.UW.$': C. An opportunity to go East at smal] has more yon." Now help ., ........... '
deposit of StaLl Bank. tat,,KlsslmJi Tanner one rote; whereupon Oeo. 'H. cost via. ,Atlantic ;Ooast Lin*.-Account the town e long-'help the 0C)1IM7-Puab a"I. ':; .
,..... The paid 'and
Meeting bow much smoother, the road thanwhen
wera destroyed'by. fire ,In open' Roads for.OweoIa'' -oannty 'for,the O. O. 1''Balt.lmo,,' ,. Md., September !you were talkingmean about- : Gc'prlC65 on barb'wlres'and nails before'baV1]l8 evlwre: i :
,Doard'-r- ea.uelDirbJect to''", the !acoept-' 21-2tt.h Atlantic Coast Line will your neighbor.-Gainesville; Sun.;- ?. > (", ; ** w4, >
A communication from .the Waters ,nee of the contract"a. aforesaidCommlnlooer ,' ,- sell round trip ticket. ) at one fare for . .
.. Dead. .
try e
Halae4 t -
dollar. Tick
Carson Grocery Co. asking; a re- the rouod,trip plus ope ofF .. ,
and Acre .
Stratton ;
.oommMdatlon to the! Comptroller for '* eis will be sold frOm Ipolnts south of C. W. Landfs; "Porter" for the ,
-- land In Bee; the:committee appointed to'.contract Jacksonville September 11locJu- . .
nct.IoQOn to of Chanute Kan. '
u4 p a acre Oriental Hotel says:
for the cod from all other points 1820thinclusive
of barge us .Iye
fort.beb'I1I '
1,4, Tp. 25, 8. R. 30 ]C., was granted. ,' with.return limit September "I know,what 1& was to .suffer with > '
9, I, "A communication from J.: A. Orai of the."poor farm reported to ,the t8 b, 1BOX. By payment of W.OO additional i neuralgia deed X did, and t got aj>ot- ; s t
Croom Board that they Baltimore limit will be extended : !
: \ ham, through, CqmptroUer ; bend said barge 13x47 at t.1. of Ballard's Snow Lb\1IDeD\- ,
N. Than to October, 3rd, 1903.. ,Superb .
"a Fer UH.,' fee for the tam of lZU. O, the same to sleeping and dining car service. See I.was raised, from the dead.?' I' tried ,
A wild RI.
, be completed by Nov.: sti: l OSwhlch ticket agents for Information; to gel.same more but before I bad 'de . STANDf : '; '
yi; ;Wi family,:around expecting him contract.. wa acoept.ed.by the; Board. W.' H. Leahy', Div.--Paa. Agt.'. Sa- posed of my bottle; I was cured entirely : '
It' 4o die,' and son riding for life M On" Dotloa of, J. ,8.. Stratton,' seconded vannah Ga.- I am't ln' Oe.truth too,", :tfo I REEVES A. WOOD. PROP'S"'i I
k ? Gen. PU..AaWI I
WJ Craig '
I.MinUes, togM Dr. King's New DlscovI ; by A. C. Bass the.oba1nDa : 80o and, sl.00 at Osoeola Pharmacy., ' '. .
r,ery for1 Conumptlon, Coughs andCols authorized to dispose' of the fruiton mington, N., C.Z1'Years.. c' . ', .' "V'
W.. H. Jfrown.' of Leesvllle, was ' .- Don't get excited In this, politicalosmpafgn mar.ketbusiness'wt
the farm, and to deposit the :.' Having associated ourselves together"lri the..meat ;. .
t \ .Indendur.d death's agonies from as- poor A Dyapeptlc.' which has opened rather '
of'.DOh..1e with-.the County ; take this method'of;: soliciting,a.1.least;
,, .tlui e4but'; this wonderful medicineaverlnstant Treasurer amount to be placed to the credit. of R.: R.'Foster, 318 8. St., 'Salt :Lake early* Don'Ilto'c balf-coooksd and share of your trade,and shall endeavor merit It fcy pr *npt t
.. soon'onred ''
; .Mm.; ; He writes. relief; "1 now and sleep soundly the county revenue fund. ,vOn City,writes: _.1Tav. heeD bothered call names .and use bad. language; service,'fair and liberal dealing and :j handling only Uoftost:' ;t. w:'k;
with dyspepsiaor'IadigetlOn for ,21years if you wish to gut near to the people meats the affords Besf.'jmotion and *** .. . \
.ereryv.Hljfht. tike marvelous cures motion of C; 8. Acme, seconded country ; pesw.t "; t:!'
I ''of' Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronx by.?. M, -yv..lker't.b."V&n.1;, Gazette ; many doctors without relief and win t.heli'T.; Such language and all in season.;' Free delivery. and prompt set le.,ts our "r1f.c" .
1 a bottle of Harbin. and tactless only disgust,\.sensible 'mottos Yours to pleases" ,
i the mltfuU ; recently, got r '4
i .chitblCgfgh Colds and Grip prove was requested to publish ., ee'S
: ,, .
? people ,, while they trlghtenUnld women lL
; c" <
71.am now 1 taperIng <)
.. .1t.a. leu'.riUol'' all Throat. and of this board the same week the copy One bottle cured m have rebom-' and little children.The, day' pf 7"" "', ,,J.,''.1 ..""RBAVB_. "r. ;',r.:: .,,, .,-
,,Lung.. jjrouhles. Guaranteed, .bo 1.. Is furnished lobe clerk. ,f'Tberr off on the. second. ,1 : H,4M. .
, by has. ad : ,WOODS, .'
friends it'-is curing the oamp> ot'.bW17;; ; play ; \ .; 't, I
..}.COQiandttWO)",, Trlal.bot\1et free :att 'being no further ;bustness. the mended to my tsesburg Commercial ,, ). . :
\ out In :nol"ld.-
Osceola ,
then,1 too. OOo at Pbaraaoy.
:O.oeola l'jaarlaacr. "l)< Board adjourned.. 1" .). ."., r'w, V ". ,;
.. t" f .'r>,t . .. '\",,;If j ,\' wl ';"' 1J. .. /I"( ..... t": .....:... ' y', ..4U,.H'" 1, ' ,.\\10,', .' .f''.' ,'..: ,
"" 4 ;d ; ," .' .' .vpr: /,"r,!,. I ,'//i : ' .'..' .' ."+ 0' . '' .' 11'' ,.., A rAi ? d j., i' y ,w
7 1' v
s-- r .
-----:------ ,-- -- '"'-- '
eon thing that 'wit, l help'us bit" DEPRESSING.
on a
Thl Is not an arfestY" sold CUt 'Tin wrong to chtde; >the man who wau :,
ford, trying to bide his. anxiety A tedious'dmplty Ie :
"No. sir." Of lannua/j/ when hll ,,;unJlru:. ; *
But Nell's white face aeeuled'to be. To any his little say. .
t ./ .ThnllJ1h.1'cf' Mtanrct1tilc". n
l With tnc"fryinta.*C!, > L V Sale Feed
;rJ 'l Untilt1irM l rrir.; ,a
.Which u
+. s You -nlioliM no .,wear A unerring aWL.?, sta .Stable.
I 1 I1D'rl a''' tation for Clifford King In the.m1aor- Nor fluM.wltli scornful eycil : ble\.i'- .
1 tune which had befallen Nell ShoA&bld .
\ .
IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII id hIWf'jttpt&lJ! : .d4 n1 .'.tlfaitld9blrJertlq'lti" !!! ,,_- j I .. . : '
blln, Oajhcr!; jn b;j fl '* thBi V.Qu., Iji;flti .slIMt..ir apliai4. _-- .. -::"'"/CFirieSt1Urnouts ' - .
'' her ace io.'IMS more relieved than duo Anyct'ii.i not the worst: Town .. .,
'l Florence Word n pressed bjr,UieuiuftW p&tbs.' police Consideai rk'" a fat e"twesldbe| , ; in ;
Author of41i ew3t,9riJag O < era It wltb. To bate to think it tint! '
L cL. wia| perfect ".self-possession ... 4u
_ _.. that .Jio' turned to the' aergcant .and
; ,
--'- --- - 1durft
?11 1 u
,wo n'.tan hndtrehlclgntlyieipP I ,ofJ'a bfjtfcc (be op e. eaol d i I I'N snldr.Way t.t"Jleftk' la Mr. "King 'tilono. '''be' ,- t S'1r t ; forst i1.mDanJ
liL1tf 1I cnt 1
: 11f1l!'! d1.... t t'wltt It titY Ji'at JNtftu'ornf'. .t() I 'I fore Certainly I go?" Miss. Perhaps! you wee ld t :T [ all n ard. 1
\ sir?" she said,' ,ln a deep gruff low her. like to walk QUfal''aslleachwith, Mr:; : .-an') . .7.., I :
w per, glancing up at the gloomy He did BO'shut the door, 'and s ed ,Icing..andwe J ::will have .a ,cab wait- .' .
w lows Shingle Knd. "Aye, they her.\' |n, 11''p, frl11f'. ... JIe/0<|uld seal I ly'Ali ,lug there ,to take 'you ou to" fSLroaii,", ,j' : 1
w 'a few> lI ljrjrJJ'i fqI I" .tq f8JjlJIIII." I j KISSIMMEE
; ? liff fnC'\t 'fbr the" ''mIst befor 'Is This course was.agreed nnpu, ,and :'e Sr5 r
se m and ebeer'cm up, forto} '.' :1" w'erifltf t.il'\ttl..ai.b l Nell) aild\ "Llif'ortleft the house together. .. In. :.
hi 11M' .tM6t ..bfi i"\ '
she Ira They' walked ''In 'Ilerte t' fat
an iakes of tbe bend, all 01.h1I.: : -"1 didn't know "ouN'eIL"; 1 lent1! 'l"' until thhad JRE'd' throughthe Madge-r"K Ule .says .she Js twenty
w :meant! |o j-arry, }weighty} .mega.(I -mitttef.",Dldn't..'*. 'foU,. .n?,-. Ah'. ,' hell'.: It* ,do T 't unlovely back ...treet.Ilu t the town.' four',. :"Marjory; -. :"Yesj; twenty-four! = : RIVER :ROUTE.;
to -t'eRcllC"d tlic'eoflt1gnoust'p11lags markejl' dowU'' prom 'thlrt'-nlue". -, r
1' and-hnd, .
('U. this Isn't tile best place In tllP"wo She spoke hopelessly her first of St..llArrIwi'th'ltirlly.olcl;: 7idge- r .
forpeoJde wlw< "fi:::Xf !p f.t''JO pulsqof IratJ 4vr nt the sight of him, s ; church on '-'theiglrf'' ; '<>uud... 'Theystopped "'1 see Smith takes ',lOve miinlt'sor STEAMER LILMB,. STEAMER RQSEADA.., f
;." any, 1111111 "Ct11r 1 ord. : / died, it within doesn't'tnatteiv her already 1.lu"tO .for.*. 'moment: la tbe. shadow '. lunch.."' "6h, yfsl! Smith.ling bCcu..oiU, ly. rQaptaln Clay Johnson< : Sr. Captain Clay Johnson. Jr.
-'tNl' .a41 Jon' i l''"loa 'gtgt Irhlpift'u-to 1 oJt"'tiui' dtfi1" dleU of the tall tower' Clifford 1ookd ot of active business''for some 1Ittllt'UmE',"' Regular
ouMfluieti, t you""Well again immediately Do you know way tile 1:11'by his slt1, and ''was amtlzE'<1. now.4Puck:,' mee Tuesday morning and arrives KYoslmmee Friday evening.', '. .
I get 'some. l expect to nee that the Bloom wMcb bad ,".A, street killed eighteen sheep the L. I.- j
hung car
eomeilmoasir'f"ahaMlae.avred. rrlt U L1taxa.zoata.hcre"aCU2-----, _. __Special Charter Trips to Lake Okeechobee ,,and ,Fort.M'e on, .
191 over her on his urrlval.had. ineltt'tLaway Suuday."Yee'but'' all "(be-etal-eat reasonable.
jnystcrj.. 'tTwo: nlghta-aigo: ,. nowI .slu wa'sflens *-- _. ', --- "- Comfortable accommodation: for passengers; Rates' >
;: Still 'ollvet'CinchllntlCombmercial "
"I have come! to marry !' bogs are Themost :picturesque Waterway In Florida. ,, 4I
:had a. :,la<|y ) 'ere a jro ug you. v ,
yo D. I\
!ns| \ ; ; Tribune. l .
c "' 't1reVA.rJfDJI iWhy, Nell, said be, wltlTalpUEzlod
lady you'.ual know,'. 'Vbo wee airy Nell .shoot tier bead; but !lti For Passenger and Freight Ratea. apply to .
much talked about last poor sigh.01 satisfaction.' smile. __on bis'own "face, ."I told. you \Vt prey for aim or rain and fret -- CLAY JOHNSON, SR., Proprietor '
dlcar--" year : ."I like to hear you say so. It.is good {hat you would soon be yonr-own self And (disapprove the weather' .stale On board "Llllle" Ktvslmmee Fla.., ;
t full well we'll
Although know
? Clifford's fnrt l i ,jfT1'1 In/I said In a gentle; timid'. i again,. bar I didn't guess bow quickly The kind we we want if we'll but wait 4t, -._. S
.U'h1..n'i tOielifhltllo llibl1q'Is! Impopsf11e9| the transformation would take place." Waahingtou !;Ur, y
teres n>f1 fe : "J nuAltoo X 7EVERT
_ Ifet-face. clouded little.. I .
him attentiveITJ She smiled kuowIngly "w1 y'1" a the Little Girl (watching her mothr firIng. -
"Ob/ you don't want. me to 'go over sigh 'she gave was ontf. of, more relief ,. hatpins through her". "liatl-'",*hen MAN G
-. >-M ay be- 'you,koow*-o""l'{'ufe ernlf.sIiIfA1\ tIle! \lId',tound '' raln. Can't you be than pain. I will I be old enougtr; mummy, to. hare HIS owe 7DOCTORe
"Sri s (Claris?".asked ,lie, trIUi.a. satisfied/ that It Is Impossible" ? "Cau" you Imagine what It would belike .boles made In uly. bead to keep my bat By J. Hamilton TVyers.M.'D. '
.1 ' ; 4o' unfortunately fly shOt asked gravely, as 'they ?"Punch..
much apparent Indifference'. us La [T ? JC: vau't ,, on k
eould.. .' (darling you can't bold out any longer.It turned and continued their walk down Your paw e\'er.I"lI1'" ) you?" asked 4 600-pa.g* Illustrated Book, oonUlntng rain"bU information per- ,
dignified to refuse before; nowIt the'-crooked village street' "to live for Uiniiig to diseased of the human system, showing bow to treat and ,
was : Muggsy, "Sure, replied Swlpney. "I utI.dou't
--sir. Slions'' In of
"Aye. my cottage -
months in dread'of with medicines. The book contains analysis
would, bo foolish. Who is goIng perplexity and ears simplest t
only mind It. "Why nol r' 'li CL -r .
:l over an .hour,. aod410/1'7/ enough: I felt and of cbjldren l b.
; "didn't eourtaliip and marriage rearing management
to take care of-you now, Nell,, ifyettwon't you quite khow what And ain't never said:.. 'My sou, this burls ;
for her I' nnist'say whatever' people have ine?" then-to.flnd :vour ....f- plftlr-Your"'ay me more than It docs you; "Cluclu-- sides valuable.prescriptions; recipes, etc., with stall cooSplement ?
thlnk'tAnd ; Hut' he had 'touched n tender' spdT7'4nd to .a dreadful shameful secret, which anti Comhierclal-Tilbune.. sots in materia medica that everyone should.know.This .
the old worunp, who, probablyknew she began to cry softly was bound to !bring misery and disgraceupon most indispensable adjunct to every well-regBlated nousehold will b/
more than she'affected to do Indignant Citizen"Say, youngster,. SIXTY'CENTS.Address .
*Toor uncle!" sobbed she. "'It nearly yourself and e"erybodyyou' nailed, postpaid, to any addrens. on receipt of price ;
about. Clifford find his feeling: toward tacks heart when .bIII l not oared about? Supposing that you If you don't put nwny that toy pinto! .
Miss Claris l ; and I'll report to the policeman In the
*, gave a Sigh again yet
know even me. And then, when they were forced to confess every thing- .
found relief )Jn her feetlngs In a hake him -" forced' to' do It.
y Of-the head look. away glt H punch In de snoot If :ye do.tie's daI
a relief to if
be harmless asked Clifford you even you brought l
.Was '*
"Where'\ Is she nowj Do kuowr' my-dad. -Chicago. Tribune.! .
you J .
Interrupting., upon yourself a dreadful punishment .. ... '-
.... Basked Clifford.- 10n4J I&"lIIBg! "Yes; he was quite harmless, and ?" There' a girl-I'd like to hug her, II
ti his "
For he'i "it.
Intereat. 'lt.Jt' a Hecrct he
would let me him nlwnys. Clifford wae'allcnt lIe wag alarmedby .
manage She the
i ill hl.c erorcr'a
went on, as the, old lady said nothing, And the police came and-and took her. words indicating ns they did Sweet and full of gritPhil.delphia sugar! Coast 1'
"I think you will not do In con Florida
bl wrong him,away," that she was Involved In the hoi-rlbl Record.A East Ry.
ndlnff U.t ,me..l. wishher' all the
story: yet lie-Old not tvlsli-to acquiesceIn little girl was asked to write an essay .
rood In 4hos world." *. : "The police Do you mean that? the idea! of her guilt; or even in the'notion about man. The following wart.; beer! "'"
."It's well there's dame. es .cIo,: "ir. "Yes. they" have haunted us both of her been lToagent composition: "Man Is a funny animal.
baring 1903
ever" 1IInce'we left tbe Blue Lion. > LOCAL TIME CARD No. 48. In Effect April II ;
-r,+ tid--abe, with "suddenly"" ; lowered In the.tragedy. He lias ejyes; to nee with, bands to feel ,
whispered. she, -earnestly."And. I
-rolce. "And I don't know as I'm do- Nell with, and H split the middle-and I : .
Insisted up UP.STATIONS.
.. know thy-are trying to find out the however on gettlsgna SOVTHSOUND AD POWN. NOITM.OUtlo-READ
I.g tarm ta te111oR, omehrlewfayhtgk' '
ansger' from him walks on the split ends. Glasgow t----
'at''. Courtstalrs* tip Paradise 11111) mystery-you kpowwhatthrough! -"I ,think, darling." ho then said ,Times. A. Na.ai ".." h.83 Ma.73
i !to45. And ran tell her If him. Isn't H 'dreadful P I1a117. 1>"lIy. 1D5117. .
you ,you
"that reincarnation "
tenderly, been
Clifford did not answer at once. It very you. pane "Do you believe" in ? ,
see her as I "wOUld'r'-bave told' nobody seemed to hint that the'chances of his troubling yourself _a_(trent .deal. more said tlie wan with dark glasses, "Idon't .J! C 4Oa !......,..........Jaakaonvili,.. ,,.. .. '.Ar T IS a p 4
but you. I I 4Sa .,;. ...,.......8aJ..k..n..tll."L.. .. ... TOT a
? ; {Clifford was being able to savethe ,girl weregJ'Owlngspal' than you need have done. And that know," answered Mr. Cumrox w 10Wa.".... ... .........B(. AufftMtliia............. .. .. ... .00. Dally.ro&
overwhelmedrfltli Joy owil" uter -' you will find plenty of other. people I'll uneasily;..."you see, when" we give a. 11 fee ....... .. .'...... ..iis.Inca.-, ... .. . .. ... .11. p
at this ppe peetd'plecetiofje! Dd fort \ Indeed Her. ready. as I am to that Nell Claris d. 'T l.r IIUa. .. ... .. . ...K. ,Ca'aUa. .. ... "- 4 Ma CARRIES TTCNTIONIS -
:tjine. land' 'promised atWret to In- hopelessness,' her 'D1 rv u8 'dread.ndaffected : say party mother and the girls always look- .! ru . ... .. ......... .. .. .. .LI 4
Pe "
* Win during tbe short silences would never merit dreadful, punishment after' the floral decoI'atlon.-'Yo 0: F. .113 ItllaLv.. ... .. ......;.:Pals Ma .."" .".. ... . .. .", Ar" lOMa ... ..r a
her message between their questions and an- even It Vbe tried' ington Star. .Ii: .101' .... .... -. .... . .!...... ... ) Ger...... .. . . &; . ... .'. ... ... M
"By the bye"hcnlltrll. jnct as he These words not said 51v--------k r .
t ',.,...about to start off In tbellrection savers to each' other; she seemed to be were "You say 'yoU fav6r divorce" .. ;; >> L........ ........ N. .... ... ..TTlrtp 4iOaTipie'I0: II
'o -Courtstalrs."MareyoutAllbcrty to- always.listening..,,straining, "bet ,ears tok( satisfy' ber. lie began to feel as'" ".W II"-lIDW red.the.tbelltrlcQL.JU.Rna .. r----mar'P ,."-,'!+.. .,, ...... .BDuponO,.- ..... ... . .. .:... toe. IUpt.... ;
the did .,:....... : ..
lttlbrtbrashlngourortbewhole ; 7 vrr ; ; a tip
tr; for any .sound outside. The cry of a matter horrible ger, "I don't exactly say I favor It, but 5k.m II. ._......... Ormond....... .r.---------5 10& tip -,0'" y
street urchin made her start a cart as the process If there were no such thlnjg p jjltorce 1 ........... n. cap = y ',
'a: passingquickly.at the' bruer! of the must be, was better for. her iu every' what would we do for heroines in society , == -_. t . ...................rrorOral.R-------------------s' .. .. . . ., .. .. ''II' PARLOR .MZ' ;
'a ie itreet sent tbe blood to her forehead' way than the suspense from "which dramas or for actresses to play z= 10 O up ............Oak. Hill.ITHmrilla. .....".....,...... Ills t PARLORCARS= SLEEPING
said."There'a tbinics one mustn'tmuch sbe had been so long suffering.!: What I .. ......... ..-,.... ,...,..... ... I" .. 3
'. .so aa mesa at. she added, tier : nerves, poor child, were altogether her. share In affafy'might the rjVagblngton:: Star. 01&.. -U i .. .. ...............Ooroa.,...,.....". _..... . 111>1. : TOTHK ,
!: !
,," w shaken. : :.JL L: _,_ ever the ; -tlss Brags-"And when. he me . > 4I .. .........JlOGkl.""* .,*..*,.,.r... .. U 45. $1 p CARS SLEEPINGCARS
fef Igmatlcally, a* the; retreated, to herbs gave IIU. .....liV,. ... ot : :
have: been' It bad certainly been a r>as 8I.a:: .j..X.u Dal II" I'
lie i.r4Xlu
A >Mrn doorway. .' ' : Clifford looked at her t In dismay. the ring lie said:: 'There Is only one C : 111 11.. i ...oH\ttV..1bo.u..i.. 44........... ... ...... 1 CARSARE TOTHKFACT
\; .,. Even the strong. love which bad stood dive and unwilling, If not an alto -in. the, world to Ui3 lOla.. I 44p-. ... .....f'oB.bn.II.' .vf)..,....... .... .. II.0\ ., S fe6.'
Clifford did not trouble his! bead gether uI/CODl/cloUI.one. Ills answer woman worthy. wear I ,t. ... ..........I BU l.U.I.U.. .............. 11 7a ARE CARS
these bints. It enough .every test wan apparently powerlesso this diamond, and that's you,',I thought. .. .u. ,.....,.... .Ft. I'l.ro. ...'.,....... :........ 1Olp 11 to. FACT
about was for seemed to content the girl;, for she .caE I.. 1 .... .....1'lbba.l. ..:......... ,. .. ...., 'I It 1' IJHalOtla ..
tum '
momentary "
hfui more: \ .. that very flattering. Miss Speits"Yea -* ..... ....... .. .. .. .. . .
that NwrwltbhiA Oils J' 4v' walked on-by his side without any ..... .. las a ;:den .-. : FACTTHAT
tomfort.r ; JIr . c .. ... . . .. . II'. .
they do that Imitation' Is the f 12 .........Jen..nu.- .. .IO 4 *
.rtachAndne "set off! for Courtstair'st ,. further remark, while a more placid ... :) 'f ''' .. ..*........ .. Stuart. ..... . .. . .. . 1.10.11. AND
4, wltld, {.5M..puvpoe.4d.aMnd J'dArll11A'. ha .wlxlspered. ,i'let:: expression: began to appear In her sincerest linttery-PLlladelpbla Press. ..Ia'.0. . ...... .. . .. . H" OPERATED.OPERATED.8OHXDTJI.K8 ANDON THAT
..I .. .Wp.IJ. u'plter. . . 1' IO614.
.. .
The walk, along the 'straight marsh, me take you up to town to-night I5K11L wan face.' "No Mr. Wooster." laid the frigid 040 # .Waal Palm Jtvaelt 1"+ Uat : : THATTRAfN...
road wlth,the "WInd In big face, and : take you straight to yo'lr aunt's. It In silence maid with the Imported. complexion ww 'IMs $ --- -. ..-. <0'0'r'' '' '' ' ' ioato
_war almost that they --- \
., ..... .... .. .. . .. ... . . . ONTRAIN
andiii "shortest time 1I8IblI .. a01s 11D. ,.. >.I. tp a
the aiuTat j ) tine hi. lk> "it be. I'm satisfied I would .z ---- TRAfN TRAfNCARRIES
5 5fa sea Glue on right i went on '''alklng briskly In the direction nil never .. .01. I ................. .rt. Lauda-dala.... .. . . . -,tctaTl TRAIN TRAINTS .
.land seemed ncrer-endtue. C CllfTord will .marry you. and take,. you. .out,,,, of. of the bay which they reachedby not make good wife for a poor man.! '" 0f0a ........ ....Hillanrialt .. .. . .. . .... 11', I4.aO
W4h' +- t* "mf tuiu J 'SI9a'' I ..... .Lemon City 5p '1Ila
tR.JS ,0\ Chalk cliff!: to bis rfctht. for tbepJctHresque -mSn back and stared at blm. cJ, wi. waiting,, as tbe police sergeanf truth" rejolnted the young man "but -
lltfe |fafji';i beficbcdC>p'Wgh 'J""You mw| .t undeytitniV she, said. bad promised on tbe road outside you will undoubtedly make a poor wife"' .[ LIJfE3.Bjurroao t
X 'above thE' _itelsjelge.lnjjfce'! ': :"This Is reallycomlns. ; on now, the Pillage, As soon as Nell saw ,for some good 'man."-Chicago NOVTH.! BBAJTCH. ORA.NOmorry--- XII1AN U.I .
T7 'drew' '' near' to each Bay. , .' IJ e-1".? doB/tjI+ I tRgnlse l U,at they ft sbe shopped short 'and, said: "I should like to know' asked the I .
; ;,..aft the 8hootej/s r rira know epough W go epoushow': hate "I what wanted to of. I 'UTlon. Ma. 12 k I' No. 1 BUT; C.. aI
', Arnj way- : .. was forgetting parent, wbp bad a son in need some Dal I D I It I 1.all f D.tlynOp 1 I : Dail l DI
I talae 1 1n1! 1 Il/n rl mJlie limit the strmgest reason!; thhfery'strongeel ;: say to }Ou. I. want you; to go to' further education! "what Is the, (oourne 1-Hft \*......... TltuiTlIU .......Ari 1II f! I .
',' I of I tt r tbe evasta foibelievingthatJh .wlll,come Shingle End. And I want you to tell. at your colleger "The usual hnlf-iulle 1 S 1' a LY..Mlaa..A' 1 07 l01 aLr..K. 8fnyraa..Ar| 1" lOp
.. .. 'J M Lv..0.1.." ..,.......VArll at I 1111. '.". irks es .A, 11 S8 OOIP
.ItVa ordea from the. Ea1t. End of for me todayVJttW+ | SjW them'there-to tell tbe Colonel that course of cinders and all thatsnrt'ot'thing : Ma> ....>...,..."r: .yrir-f,.....Ari 10 .1" H-* ajL...OranB. Ch7.an .,, 48 |p> I
!).&ondon' with, which' b nevolentall. "To ItrrestrsTrou rk4. .CUCTord, ; the. police have 'come for- mo." you know," absent mindedly' replied ONa A'. .:.... .. ,.." ." . ..._ _ ..iv.l1.. _"IS tin l)40aAr.Orcltv7..Lv'1,_ !' | (Op I1p
.J \nay companies J"\VjfjpfH.ltfibt,t'e hoarsely. She-! began to" tremble. and "To tell tbe Colonel!?'!, echoed .CUfford'stupldly president of the great lutlllu. .. N.19Daily. N*.IT N.. U No. 20 S
T iNeasantest spots yd TBusKnd ',jet to look at bllU.'btkpt." 5f 3 44"Nq '' '' -, struck .with a remembrance tlon.-PhUJIdelpbia >' Buonly.., BnadaT only j .Bad I MA.TroET I3nANOH. I I Daily. Sun.Only... ( J.1I H..M.
;tie tiny silage of Beach, with not"o '.aneitwtnc4o,% f'ho .
of the vague suspicions be bad
-..... Utl)11-c hud ", peiifiatq e or. had : hi 'visit tothat -; A'Wonderful. JCul. > 10 Ma1C 8 S IO. fA._..'.....Jaek.nnvlll..A... rrAf.XiT .. T 1'1. 1 1110 W -
on recent gentle I II a_f BlSaOOa' i, Jnak nvlll.----- .. .. .;. T MaT Up
1 Its',, hJteo\iPcoOl! !a. ei3waste : ...bit:e icote thin''e'lJ''r CSBJ l9t Jn tf her. m. '. house, -".a..I." 'fl'- II. )I. Jones. an !architect of "this 111 10 an aJ 011' e L..I'.bloB".h.\ .,'.... MaT _II Ma4Sa I lOll
J .. .. ._ .. . ..
MaUOt .
+ O a Lv..t..Atlantic Jtrabh. Lr Ma4a 11 ,
of brand-new tea-garden. Up4i eyes. "Perhaps" ibat,4w4t\ J pr erhar>8'' "Yes. city,. has 'produceTTTiT'eiu'arkable in- at. I.U,. Ar ..... ...1t.por&.r ..,...... U" a U.
the Beach road I In full sight of the that ,Is really what ttley4pean! to do" 1 He ", IUIWI1 to :ask l er' more' .questions -..ventlon In' the!' shape of' sr'niechaik'a'pocket ?
> '. > .... n... Tim I.blaa ahawtha tlm>. at which tralna may be .tt.d to arrive and
I" and of the flthlng raidk'wadeulymy rule which bu. depart
fleet comlpg I If. In, elf: whlspejed doubtfully "They ; ( eII1''f'.l&ls.1ntentlon"ntt' measuring on .
. from lha Mveral ltloni.but tbalr arrival or t<"parmr at lh* Umaa .la.... It not "" .ran.*.*..,. e
. ifiton the breast' of the tIde. Y4 ffdn1 t evidence they wanted,; waJlfd.LllPklyory; A .fey! poc.es. has been studying for several I years: I or deat. tk.0ompanykoSdM..lt. raapoaalbU. tor.any-del.y or any oonaaqMaea artalnc tbarafroni. .
_ ' JK i
V. I
w Dothlne tbought of nothing bfcfow t **"* u lie has taken a'cbeap, ('ommon'tule.
\ farther sbe-,:was met IT the police ser- .. .
to allartU 11 lin ed-sQ< <.. d 'rnag. : geanf'who; saluted ber :respectfully? and without Increasing: or diminishing', .
Jt\>' Tnlcofkre f> tfci oua"lt V r IT b at: add !chid open'tlio: door of the cab::' lti original bite) night, '
,4arll1i'. > ' .--,,.f 1\ cow hl.\OO. Kelp-,. Neil''tdrneE'd11d'ttve'her'hand! fri 'at." or original< .ujeful/iega or convvidepce.!' : II l ..TCNSULAR AND, OCCIDENTAL J ; .STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS' AT MIAMI.
.J He bad to Inquire' for Parat'which lIlI 1,' }essb. Gentle girl of ;ianything but uneunStloitg' -': Icn<'eYtG Cljflrord / !ButVriftie'! }ireBsod It. ; has produced a rule that will giro the . t. ,. in Effect April 8, I 1903. i ',_.. \
proved to be" ne of tb\, Tnnum- crime. He would have'staked fort a brief 'mo ,ln,1iI".lIIh8JaaaJD 'It'ngtb.and. levels of' the cntlai'oJ 'nil
le N e..et t"JPeaD }rpeppwhl his jmyrt1dtju 1 Will as IBOtent -;': uptln bis lice with the.flicker kinds of braces or rart..rs.II I '. ttamiSnn.Thsr SOUTH.. ..B3UNO.LT ... .. .. .... ... tota2Ii tr Harana Hon.MOUTH, Jf..1.BOUNO.. ................ loom j
.talti, 6J ."ia COIl.ltaW gll It lllW ( > Ijt' 04J1. otaslalle.pn.bgt; :. Ip".,anq-s4hereye'( ,.II ,wi11. e9uasecofsarbeardpir hquara [., W"Sltn.,The.. ....... .........1... 1b11. *i<)K.y WaMMati., "r1..1 SS,.'
: ,/fund No. 45 eatlly enough.- It . .be'was himself of them- .In.:' : 's. -eIT.'J' tbou bt.1j1l1e 4'ta.bimselfn I, and lay out q cellar,.make anvoc.tagonor ? t. 11:.,--....__. Thsn.rri..r..4wi3 ""I' t.rKy w_ 1'1>".. ..*.-........,.\...1:..,.'11 I') .'" !if
"J8J. .
>f. (N..u' tell Ulslit Ar avst .lti..n. .......... . ........ 1 tOIl a ArMJarolT.... Bat.. .....'. .. ..*.. 't.'"
4 :.one of A'rQw of small yellow
J u.e.,. "'lib.. bay-windows the "if,.. darling;- ply poor.,,:darllngt of: a Wber*. ye's!*! \.S '\,;, ..1 i of any bulldlpg 'or elevation,' ;''.the'<,lep tli you oopy of Ixwal.TSma! Cart: or ether InformaHoa; addrata'aar -'P. '1' ; J
gronnd poor) '"' bleb-, wonVfe !\ course tbey only. wdut your evidence." ?'hi' cnaodwal;> "bcJ Clifford. of uny'yalle + of' -ch'a'rm',. the Iflth'cC ,.\ . .... "tWfl.tJ1
....ifllMtY fMti. Ii.t.. tyrDler\.f. r: i 11} 13l1661ivTi"Solr i ( hltkibldlltb3t} a: wba'hhdp< *'4waJk. "before" 'hlnl.- > any-" treet of stream bt+' bot b. An- ..
' thelJcboo';: Board ( dl t tried to cheer\ her walked briskly..iiiiat 1C:in:the direction 'cbot' a ''boat in the middle 1 10f..l"r"fiver,
ti 8I1ftt"U ft Uc & 'FA1aui.'N.1p ffcffcWalAef lIe S W.worVwtJcn1be' ; of tbe 8troajr*
OIlftord' heart: .Iufk a.llttle as he could hardly feel but the girl gopft many steps,;be heardtho, yolc, .t tbq .pore; il'rpofertttntefl t'hp. ... ,, '. I'f",,\"
f ldT "Stfb"tJI frl"1'l\a1"'efu"Ry WSceryTeemS i
Itt ) .:-D Clifford pped'ind... 'the"aergeaa4', oa tber :ground; It; will ,measure liD)'-, 'J.. .. ... ... ..' ... .. J U,
aJ, thb a y h' m pt lath I ,' I.' overtook i Slm l -' IhID,' ins sight whether, In reach or . .., .
.. aI"r I not It Trill 'give1' .tat*Jlength .ot any ""i .
fort tc I ara are" 'IM1);, IlgTif'I ult; Ih': wbetht'l"'I".t ; .
1' 'IT woifanIt Oi J '' r IIIrd rte p, CbldhefAllostal'a'yon'respolugV'. I straight or slanting\ "lIne; solves'air''! ':: ; '
lea ... him sulkllyT In,. Bu ell's pat ent {err ..!Weill y'es.a.r. the'' proTjIemk'Ju' >geJuie ;'y ahd ti''toih' ;,, W .D.o'' ,Job" 'PFintj =
w t, ',. I.. If she'* In," fJatWit<1'tJ'1C 1J-vv; A'9 w... In .another iio- .'tfl.lat, I engpcst.. sir that .you pmetry- he- mechanic' is ever: called : gM
the roffered service was a great con went there. was a knock at the o4 ertbodl. shouldn't'a>
k e Claris and 'attached- to nil kinds of }-ulei.Ja, " '.
-tothelolt! gentleman .b\\ '
t'she I par .f i Jqt dt'tbe" ."ii.\toJJ lbtfid sir I daughter' for. tbeprv sentf !Tbe, p o;. nee"whether of,the krenclJ.or Knjcllchsystems : I'1J:. f :: :
l tin.robiUl. When'sliecame :Gut I ly; .and;'aelslag-bef"arm>; :>voaid h4ve lady, and '....nOeman have )!been ;In fi' and Id .ft"Jienr.'.,.rule /.'l' isle / .,, ,,'- rw Of rA1t .Kinds-) ;" .
r ': ',. ;ir t tpYlow54 b. {3glh f er., bad ben bide& herself behind the little f..rta1..tat4t (of. nervousness.. lately; making. One cent per rule will pay [ t '
4 eel! lot.,".bpt.ahe', .mllect.. .a Y'and. end If.tnls.ja.w* was t? come on ti boin, the costpf-jjUalmnr< WVS1rt'ji<< 0 ,.J. 44 ::: 4 4IsYih.I. ....' r. \ .. .. ,
,1)Pwdas t'111 T,.kThla Ttln-faced., .l head. ''V ," !'I'Come' "\ QuitelyUadea.ltts.pargbiybring on yule alr adl'ln \do It I will! cart t two "., '
yH e glfwltb';,, tuedull't;' 'tFlgbteoed '' taT*ride saidJ'. v.; .1, otstbaw cents'a 't1lf.-30fcrrUlllt JenlTiftl.U : W. C. : ;;'
.eyej t :For the first niomenk< Clifford And' as the'girl:' baii! .foretoldnncadnil .1-.1her sgeiyrhaBS! !I. --"n""J,.. ..:IU';' .. t. e' .an' I!' : "., : -
r' } hardly .a...>. t '. ,'.i '" I ) >correct .proplie 'yk! 'aT' ClIfford'iesiiateda: : iVe1 bad'proniU'ed'Nen'f6'tflke''her L -.W..JUlr. New York Clinrr! .... ;'. "'t. ,, '';\ "i *
1' f'' it the ,at rtedj TloJently;jihd!*.tljeleasion p.Dt'ot': poll 1 tram Shorn I m@Oage'but. On'tt4' A New.York.ebnrcb.tbnt"keeps fcllouce ual. .. ''tt!r ). J II 1 -' .,. ;
'ei of berlace; changed'(The civil very .apologetic and'. ; othe1 land '''''qult', greed with .,tbosergeaat'VHe'temporiaed. TBict'tlng Its wtalth It. tb ,IJutcUCol I. kt
r 140 of;alarm gate place to one of I. presented.blmself. ; : ,:+, "a |''fftnto.! wlilcli In:Deputed td 'lutvo at; ,.' .. .II ,. ....
to Joy,' Bach ','cojnf'ort'.sad radiant 'Very'' sorry )faa,- to bare IDtrud .*W.U, I 'shaU',?be; as careful? as-'I lucome' fniin nvestmeufit of ?<{0f>,t>uon ;
bttbst Clifford f'watt ,too ,much ." said hei9Bttrt;: {Ui4st'gik4/ou tan,.i anda< shan't ,.be'In. any "&TeAb" >)> year tTTrlnfty; ,:'Churcli',1fai'.tu: 'Ip''C9ItfcLfrom i' '" -; .
i t n I. to. cpm alopg with Dle.ha ...td asStzOuI1ut" : ',. T Its vestments- 'of over. ,l.IXJ),-(Wi;, %%% . ,
..11, . toY"ien j"t1>o N .klat'rata. ; TO,;e'L lld.; 'e4. tier anuitui 'V" !f'. >> 'f
:,4 'i ,
( 1
.. '4; ,f) .. 1ft...: I.. r Q ,'.7r WA\ 'y
., JJ .' "f" ...... px.l .., i f
,;. ... P '. I' ..... t.. i. t 1',1>/?" if'
.b. .
ij.\\ .
{ .
'Ji "o{ fl f. . i'L .
I. ., ::. '. ,J, 'JW, J '!' .r. '.:' ... ..1.xG, .< ' ,A ',.;. ";.. > ,J1 I ;!;/ '<;;' ':.' I f' ',' .e ' '1.'.
.. *' '" .. "
w,, t ,t .._.. _. .... "., ,_ ''' "-ntcu-xv.. ra_ .. ._ } 1e
-It, -- 4 Vf v-uwu.- JIT-''L.-;V- -'aa::a m oj" ..., iriilMMmmnuuitiHiiuiunniiiiiiiiiimiiiinn r
:: u
.. A1 _._ "'_ \ 811
,'r----* --* -r j;. .. - .. . __ 0' ,n1..d.N141Ndil' .
;) )) I; I .thick an! to become a Te We, foe, t* .. .. -,. .i"r." . ,..H.... < ,'.....'" : If \
through which nothing n I G'-1: out her n. '
for many minute' 'or.. '4I't.' ,OUL'B, uDG ,T '' .. ;> .. ,
FRI OF ALAN E cry: tree and rock' .. :;
.. ,
: I ""'\ "'ir"J
,'dlus was shrouded ,. rti cot;.j HUMott. I ex..., tiorli a tit./I'/ t... .. ."ot'j;
MOAT' Dow' 1'111: ::1"0 T' D ng of wet Sl I 1e4"vltb"a'lt.ooetl i OF : S ....' c 'i . j "
VlLt-H A. VALLEY ATI of dunk 8' 11 .,bfta* ft"ceftd ''well-known '
Dr. Chapet Trevost, a ,
I ICo ; .O'C''II' ( r"T' MLC (
THK AYAI.AXCI. ] I. !tht of tli/fnUT N< !.n ordinary. 'lurgQon. of Elo Janeiro Urn ill, has announced .. I' ... )" .T'A' './ 'LE"I' Ff
..ftfabonteat, ) \ _
.' 1-UStgre") Insqe after making extensive experiments r \- 'f11.m.... .. '
1 The erll ECTIVftJl1
r .. frtc a JU/lIUJJ.down {a to the doubt of I ho /1EF 28", ;n"Ju'J': ,
be has !
1utirtuuitlluuullllnlnlllll that no :
( ( J]) I 1 = a .'f4I ';' berl)ystA>Cumtf *tbe' success of the now scrum" cpi-o: .for the nut poet could worked nob" find tltv'wtiol the metro nitht,, .long,, f. :. 'R1L D'', nOW'N.I' +I'1' / .' .. ..t" . -; . .. R U ..
The tremendous force awl{ straugfc* n.'tf c It..* 1I&. "'ellf'l.: /romeUttyge44Jn opium .poisoning. ; To put tin. thought. in rhythmic iin.. .' i .. .. r
vagaries .of tbe Alpliie. avalanches are !npr rott+beJllla ADd make hU. them the sweeter; 'q 5"'; .2\ ,.ypv !nl't1L 1,, .
I must tod in an"article in the ".I.le I ono:'e.. 14 8. ,t1J1flt; A tvwl:: .. +
World MagaElno (London) by John cnrrl c L's4tcrpee'' ttoevnJI; 7, s'9 a dlvldetu Lcturpusse price u C *10. Abt>, ftwiM'but/ the nacbtll mass r.fr. A..V. '.....-:- ,01 ....... .' 1'.11' ''', '' Ao'1
8'nll'hnturho avalanche to which ,that' It pamjJjmotyjled/iho/bpposKe.' ofaiuto fob parts, .one part to so to* And. you b$. be,found the meter, ',' ,,, .
particular refereuco U made by; 11r.Ihvall'bnm'VIII. hillside'-a' thlu7almo. 'P'N'e ec1e'11ta'I.Iai.tbe; ."_!\'lord the nimlntenanee of the Journal -...;_-nse_ York..., ,t t'imell." I ,4b011. 6pqd/.u|119D1.YS 1 ,to: ...site"h........ ...,..a'aa..Rathle.n.t': ...t.. .f'.4'"r.,..;;'....'.,...,t.t..,,' IU 1 i.taat i 1.,.
In hlsto Wf'.a'vMioCh.ea .
seen by; 111 pi In tlio volley y : . did Bavant'tAfe second to the publlfruHon'bf 'if- Bridal HnccMtlaablto .....dpEdgari'You "" _00 .... Ii 11.1 "y.r .GroYl\-llla\ .;..,.., :: ; .. 1q
of th 1 <9 Dlachuiathnl In tha. EngA- Alps Qr.anywhdse' >TOl I 1 lbe; ..Yil<9J4rs -ntcbellcu,. the ,weaflplpk: sit.thet4mei. ao > 0i\ 121G'ti .":.t7a. ..tl'lilltat....... .,. Un.dUI" t.} .H..r...........'........ A1. Ilk'
dine a nli hiuaUlltll.l 'W'71iislm Ippitsa' tt.: of the f"0 I 'a. at aias11e.P ..... .. :.1I..4'.l.tYJeba.' ..' ". "".".'I.c!. ''' iiit0
sad >9Wlcat1ttn .
year "jriio elgblpct
ago. >> .thlrtltP Uie.r .>S ,, should like, to nee you In a laCf- lk",, .. 18' 142 yiMll .......OOrdel..,J .: .,... ,. 8008M
,,; '
a fairly broad valley with well wooded Inn
and not Very steep Mm., It Hen, how heat of a tr'll ,r1ntup; ;' .l:>> \\lnlt+i' let'tqc Elhel-"Ho.v:<;" MvfaltynWfullj'sud1iu.'Detrolt TBW ; .. .* Sll .....Jrvlt.il'SrL.Lt/Sh.Sd. f..i... l.t..ti.i"i S'fr:,. :.. b
ever. between. mountain. on nInny of Pd the lilt Cl1dt' e* Info' tt' ( . I? Free 'Pr'eaA; " ,( 8 IS,:2 811 "rc!n' R'"M'h.. ...,...ubb1ln& .,.,:../.. {;:.....:.:.. :: '" tilt
ivhk-li. (here are large,, glaciers and filstency tit, H--O.t the f'artJllla :\lU1'lU1'prl'a The rrAIdtop I' P w.: , .. fU"I'), 410 aGO ae alo ,.'!!t.',..:..'LJIOlstrll.rtut I ./ .1'In.tna.'t no't'e.; ,; ....... ...... Ila1g84' : 780 704
at'qn.. ; from one Of thel.9..jb the 1m. phalt. Mo* + eiyfl..,tnti.igAtifiiI. bteJJT&1IIa\:1: +y. I ,A..I.OI4. .. ., , 4314VS .l .tr.....,'''. ...,....01.'q.. .. .."oJ'.. !...',..r;:..t.." 11D01401: 63
incnxe mans of "now 'which caused split uP.;; .. t>"ttnitthe( i ...... .wr.." ,: leper pa II Little, ,. lm\ -"Your 8'f'I' 'fl! I Is' awfulold 9 .S a/ ,INt,4tt'at.'!l1. ..,'t, Ad.' .... ...'...wn'.... '" UN 11 ,84*
Jbet iw 480 'I&c: .....,. : ..., .. .JIf..rt\D.I.". ... .. .. ,
.. Itol "\('(:-0.... IN> tropes toTfifcsfJeHal sue 'a ain't .. : . : v. :/ .... ._!. Ill Ida 840. >>
ucri .
} of lit .Ittle' ( 'il) > f' 'WIlT;; lIe' 1040 608 411LI"',.,. _..n>...... ... ...."" '. : .....l.\. !'.+.... 1110.11.1 800h
u Jtit ode nearly; equa1l | top .Z '.tho1''t1meWW1IWH .1. ,.)( 6 10 .UJ\'r: .' ." .....: .,: () ."' I.'.......'.... f 4--
__ Blanc the ,hlgheet sumiul ''ta Eur __ old IS* 'can't'1'remember 6' 61d .. ..i1f4",1 .... ..4>... ............. "
"CjOIt.t : .OOOOOO; to build this, rouaHa < lit'"" "n'r Iltln"fo=PUeIt' ..' fC .d 41 ...dWMtsaialJr't/tt..h'nYnegO. +vHNW....,y..vi1F. : ... "., Ula 4t '. '
fEWL F \ oni .. 70UTS81;81". ....... .... .. .. .. ... .
ona.plte was found necessary to tIn" '11 :. ., , ". 11axtA.di; .*. Tt.e: ...",*** .... . 1111.. .
IV; ..
) r7o.wt.pon."I'm .- , 719 ..., .<" .,'.... ,.C ntl er + ,' .,*.....,"......u." ..\ < ..b" "
,. .rain a rh -r bjr means of a tuuuel. and .afrnidM'ala: 1Tlahlogou I { I ,7784 < 't.ot.. riiwftonl'U' ".....,4..1.<...:. 8802"pM., ': a
Its iOiybed.for the tracks Willie 1".t.r.ok oi tJ"& .. .. .
pe .' 'J* I t ) ',01.! **r tM"rV, "i
clf-cohridence. '1
,R ..::. -4j "thntj,,1 t lack' ; '
) fact. "Cheei"upld' < MISS cayennerer.; 1.\l'.u.:: 1 ,. . l IA. . .
+ ;, & .. ,; .. .. ., ,
\ kug-tse-klang cotmtty bet that f ActIndlcat qtbat"yod.area :' : :f. ; .t ,. ,u. *rl0 tfl 1 a
f I 004' of human 'ature." + :..t.V'.ITr.,1., ... .Yal4..ta.t..f'.T.,...... ....,.).. dA>> ,0Jx f "
this fruitTbe Chlneso bare Judge. :,. _. ,' .. .' + . 'I' *716111:; 1 ...,,,. ,....... ....., !. .....**- *"t"*...,- '!. 10. J007 "
from elllll ; eat 86.1 f .
with the- < .
en familiar peach >*, -< */* ." **f* : . ./.. ) all 8 48
ry,I lli '' n J heat records. In the Celestial kingdo/ ,Edie, U.,,! That ;r$4. ,, 66B fiSD'o .;'JO ..:r.vi; ..l..l whithr' > >li<-........i.; .k|.,.ilMjJ.. J818 a 0 ,
MPi f'ft i+ lt J 'w""x"Nq dh' ''' p. It wor,,, .,!bjlo ta een&youqr ; .76 700 *' .Mj..n..H".LaII. 0ltyit '1..IJG..l.: .'.* 1I1i& ,840
the peaclL.hIDuom.1Luaed..b1 ceremony dangbterc tbut ,,818 ,,7 6l! : ., .*.. .,...i.%%...- .1.;& *.. e'1 76 '
? il u ?I r lals. something! after the manner of tileoran" 'Ir ".' tot "' fashioueble. I,, ,. t1 8 18 ? \V/V.V.VA"-/Ti':: 'l ;np onll5Tri'S.' ./.'....w4..,...J...,,;''. 760T8S. 7MTW.
1 ourgelves. TbeDepartmlnr ,850 > '" .., N.rriilYrlt4d. U .. .
l.1 t lorus i "
> among v "" .
ot Agriculture baa had an I "," One1 l Hoped '*whU i1ltb.' iras ",,930 pep t.1. ?*T*.l. *M''< ;pamQla: '\ d.m.....d't*...aili711 -683: ', > B
''tt lhr : 1 and' tbe others eaae'komoaen.. :'It" '884 810 '" .,....,,.i.;.....iYlorahnm. .ijr>,..f.,1., ..{...-'<: 'a'ds e M ,. .p
agent IMhat. section, of China studying' e4. ', . . .. . ., loin Pslf&r'' .. ..*,:'V..t.'Ir.IJ..'hlM1ta... .,....f.' y.xks."i IB 860P.
of tills "j. % .. ..
the eary nlstory and evolution T ,11VJ ,a K > ji'' 4 .. A. .)!? t
"" I'
"I" '
fruit.: 'With III"p"o., .,. ScheduJa of the AII.y.. ..ound"'D xe ..F"y" .rt;,'I.; p. ,:" r 1C. _" ..o
gklns-"Tbei, of ; ( inV
?.. . 1 T 60 pm Lr. '!& UQO\'t I.,. U.'l tI. JI''I .By..r ,
of >
Some time-asp Professor.Darwin, vetoid'Ier", 'f .. p
f .. .: UI..pm . .
t Cambridge iMlnte<<: l out that. if a star & nbes-t'welI( not" ; t don't wish- to i 1211iia .u;, ..VPAEt1rtTi; 1J''trt'.lo\
,Wvolved on Its axis'with n certain relollty : i quite so rude- as < that' but':.I i Will I ." l'U&m', .;'. .Cord l d. . ,61. IaHWNif" .
'-'"; the star "would fend to divide into I jtbls-;you'dt Jnj ke' a : very: aopd'fctJier.pvont. . 840 inn 4rJ11'irtw. .a.tNaooM. r r",lrt"' ,'t.Nt:,.Nv :8all"t" ,
j > : ,,28: MO100pm r v..YMattaata. ,.C. .ot.-O. fly :. .....:..
r. : : ; :: = two and the form It would take before ." Chicago 3vrpal.. ..y ..... RY. '
il. ; l Cfbal.tallooga..N.C.4 ?t: .IINII..>:.
1p ,. ft
.. .
1 J XAXhi : b >eplqpkte: >tF .'IM"fO"f1tt that :: .5 Ir.r. 61 put .,:.... .p:./C'.N..1a\'UI., .. 14 ....trrf. .
dumb-bell, or rather two pears \f Jlptheoretical. t I IteollltttvlI .f, ;..Ii" .' 6iJ.ir:' . " "' k lt.40 pm ....1_.'tt-.... ..Mart.&..' ; ., ....... ...o'r...: Ir
such rMh' < i f4t1y.1.f'r : rhoW 'tmb'it' i's6T' 18 '.I' '708 tun . :...:...t\t.LoIIt., IL1.C&TtT.: +RR''J..iAvvI'; < '" '
.4 iIYI 'Siltlrt .tJerl ; (" rl jltlth'.'"'1" ) nit JI 1ti/ Th&. 4 4 gtip9Waa r ;r1.'of' 'be.: .. .
.- linpetuVM; It d'ttut"I, Mh Itf'llI811cl.1ef:: o lo extraordinary bevels or moulding*,of /! During toe past two: years '!;''quoted I tie....h1 lt)"dUceu." .. PUIe. Flyer": Invalid. tents with through eon' ew' a Vattor sloe,......behlsea ) ...""t' "
jecteiKHs tliov,nuds'>1IL.. op rt,"ot quo'" soo7'ijh! ,,,'9 tult ,siitogi@p1Mtitil i iI 1 !)4hfttMt'tpl'479titai1, i 'ht5U\*Wt tes, _t ls,i i>uagtlestknably/4'aasweledd/ no.OlI'4 JBekMm'vllIe.--'UeIn'Ulet._and t-oaM ckrrlas, to and Pullman Ir... .st.btttl'et.. M r.wlDIr Mow! Boom?i. AC1a ale.p.r ta.ChauuaeoJr&1'letw..Ji.' .:'i'
on th<* n"tt00c'1 'iurough "h1cht the same lime live successive falls ocfurr some recently, discovered tar\a bl< stars katop, ,Sorghunt "The, way, people NashvilleMartin q4 ()aI1'9.r',,. \ ;,1 .41).It' '.J S 1 : }:" 00'"
cut : \\atYt hrfhey I .dffr9i4' yt 81111A! f..,ot9''" joujps,-'n.I e ?!f, pond4tlpl. df t flti' 1 e, t9,, Dna y1lflixy r..,;and. \Q4.j ?betweenMseoaaadDaeksontlb..E: .r.gulcHStflpVUiolUtrnin bfrtWein..'.'"aOb.II., / ." PaUtka ...dess tai tbrougl: t.osph: ..
l other side in the Zuge gorge, which Is- ,. tlgatloni l. caleui4elt" jot cflt (Jo ynts r O\1nll5lohlt.'III1'W" : luadt....t'fleie4: '
nJfAdbtrJf 'I Rounq :; \! ottl\111mcw.
\ ot a miraculous. { d f e'Upper I /A 'ri, terribly. t .aad Whit rlDalgkiteaQspps.4 ", r I"I
trod s.sts.lrc : '
I f I .) i' 1 'Engatfiitl f d61sAPu'tue.: I e', wlte sews'a pPdishltgerfiph i 4k ..... -V; 1 .- t'./nL: n..IM'fJ ( Wn.LUK Cas.eLarttaiwYlee Plesldsntt'4tnc1 4patM. ,.' \ 1II f.1t;
-rhe..Cllef glacier aliove.tho: woods Joined fore)('>a..trltli' Uuit ft the Dl ,b. oroloJI.t. halo studied the humming |I BMOBinr Bis ..tI..., ')*$.'1 t-( Oj :,. 't(3. B. BHODKI, Oeneritl l'sii enger Agent M ec. D,
1 the 'Miiitouiif Ylen1Md.tieieU4taJ: : J. H.iIUFPTBBTf, ps.P'rA.iJaekeonvlne.Ylo: f41 .to .1 M ''h .t). tL + ,.
oi ( '*A'th l.i\UIlt1 the c4l11L1bWt iIMftr.,1 tl teo8Mf \heAnlt rlenhAywahdAidl ou c.n't..bt a deed re.tWt a.jroung .
but ItjVk( from-a smaller field on the'! very.curious.- First there aro\1I.\ a.1Ctld..I I Ianlt found that It Is not caused by the wind r..,a Tjn* to. nt..1IUUT1e4'u&t" J>er. It .JJ A. la.uta. o. 4M ; it '/f' ..er-. 4? 'tl
JotshIpp'lhnC; t J'Pj ItauplaP\ "'fKi>i>(al]J I ai Ccfctanibnjl( *
been aadwlnic 'for '..botlt a week anil !deafening thunder of _ercr-lncrenslng;. J; serrationsextending over ..ever.ltflt4 I .] topmo'ke a .nlpe. w ,. "" ' I , 111'1 4N ......It fb's..He*'York Preee"t''Y t *|
th6chiI l y pqa br7'ilr'Jsort : iso'.M: 'Yk ...d ",..fIe! .....1.. ,I.ItlI J 1.;'" ."'S'I .h4i 7Nn "H .r,
was a It twely rMt. :
bt chromatic scale mingled at last s l
more he IIIk"ht: : kII. .. 'cf'm.'If feay-{ U : .b'owl': "j rj. Ill t ne le teenb t tylr .ih.J
I ; r.tJ'/lI11e. (" JVltU.r wllJrtlpWiWtto| "t |. tWa@nr fnd .ut'fo.n:; '
warm II of,, trpaI I'rn \teu'ther. '7110IIC'W as of a thousand storm-wraltli walling I Jj'CJh "aTn4"lai :; '6tb'tterb'Id yet 'A tratX1'otlniOretittbW 4ia ves 'bf "Po .1o ,It+eo'1'ptoot?rd'tip
t s 84..ttf" e.. grewcp \. .I. . . .. _ . r 9, W't::..,..." ..,''. .... ...,4. '\" -_., ..._..r'. ;' ; !h b.ttultt.UP.f'o 'U, "a'dllottgktfukeneUH the Sphittards'' o't11U6wheahn'wa TbeW;. "
!pr fflpefjVlPft f laajtei.f jJErb"' Jtlilik.bs
end aaib'uftesltb"eal.taI I
preset 1y 1c.i1a 'eight lids phenomenon was doubtless due. to tbeST" .Ht. :1ytJ/tl1( '. 4 .:' ,t y; t; ys
cotton III"ui1'; l:lttatjlhts'hdw{ : Yu. tJ'ii'WVvstWrtt'! ' PAo'ltm."le.lulled '..; 'I'T u t '! trot ;' ; Si, I Jyy1'eontrolshimin! rant.aa'way.with.. twi they or not U was possible to klll
t are t melt bet' ..nd ('/ In two valleys, thejJrJroniWVSIhf P ,. : r put !ibJ, fcn4lvloe4UiXtblngi.oJfoHtitU.JXyou : a t 1jpnnlabdlW Marry'of the ISstlvea'In' t1t
irk t Ito
did Dl Ar1bHKit w mss afugftt.- a4itltt4"iLeUhlmNt0.t, b ,w@. pupgrrgtitlolikoltA thabltwaartott4l'laally4tarui.; ;
Main| Hilt* DOJ..fe Vpoq > > .
'fu [ tt'trlJi4'Uit
: ts-pjtflrt t ,
a loft l. kid\\ \ }]_,' lay* 'as1 ttuur similar wall of ejected J !air. As tie 1 ,. Yt{ aCtJ gl ltt yt1lv!" A 4't. 1 d n ttlJ,,14.J1.M A doA'JWhIFloetAagxp@aie'otA.' '! b ,
fallen wiyretsupprIvi osp : ,1 tc; iv ,,.* Jt'jAl''i' a tilicertatitr: la Jut ,a'' men.lire rupee!' ro g'., tp@paIS) u0 wetiPa} ,
gtypp \ 1'f.'I1.' 1'31 iii. '"
: r
: atdllansltglydslte4i4'\ntt'bl *ij. a'i,? i'iK ,' R atlttous some Iva just pa BI1Q1e.. 1h1 '
; lIpon t ilird 'u.'at tlle't 8t rC'rt [ on ICl1 $' rl1. J ; b yto,7! ,19n'rU U jSa* bo*", .
4 [ '" 11t111ctt '
+ wIDt..r' rllu contracteI from' I .' r t" n,' y ? girp7e M '. fTbl1'e:''hi' lJttJcf"'t'1i }" ti h ut then
-aoo\'e t DnturaU1 )Ji'gao JaI4tAati Uii:\dhttei Jitf t'1I-tlr1 '.J "'; sac, 1 M, ,hr 7 .1 i !' nr2iiat4 bit tr' njpil! .jbey'da/eldp'; u". I 3
slight) n.it11! bll1le; Thenlaremen11,1ed"IItM't I 1 1.will ho p Ml frnm tha IllnafrnUnnrollod a........ a iaol Mid 1,+ idi !' n"1 w.njoundi @' Ilerl'jtl4lat,dnirn. 1 u' ev' ,' t
at UJ. a..Il i4all.a4Wa.Ibltliaa : 't 'r .1'Atkttnwho baJ' i'n f 11tfttt'ho ; ITj'PS 1 +
whole cis .. ,,-v..tlldh+4 tv tffi9 r-I thtr'snow Into Innumerable bulls r \109Uu.t.'f .J.fIlUi! *.up:..J=[ iWd4l.l. ac 088.aj Tb r'
118117. it "" "'9,...war..I."j.. a ".a. .. nnd'c'yUnTlfTc'ai. \a.sea." :. ),16 t'qs.Yhn'119o J,!, J&t pBCXet tt it , was tak.u iti at
over In mile long on the side of the I .: :hat :[ i 11It .. 1" .fl1. !f\CM' \ ; ;r... Into .tbe'1116' 4 tdbl$
Jatr.lWn where It bad parted from I Vmrtf ne...... "a7al. \ 13.-ti' I \ venturp 0 v..tot e eda_ tlsel.inlQd
..... the 'main .inaem. This gash was upward I A man may; at.e wcb. hl8fo"it.lbt. ,S I 'ht tdr.t ::4trS. q,lt J >r-'wh'J.t g' Itirq; 'f' 1d4btlt/ ties, keldt'e
of fifteen feet deep and Was ,' Itlne.time.outertenJJe nd, t'M1 # itJ1 rJ +., It .pled. v w r Mfl" TiTOfor / lO ": + le :.
\J ,. 'wjll .' A' '
pllln1Y1.lb1e miles away from the e'1d Wd'er 9 fry''eftful.<< ;
bottotn of tbe valfdlne : d"t flggers don't agree I. thai 'IM*nnf' ''uotDWhlng"left'WerTPeineedsy .. lypltb
... I jrlm s.-Detroit! Free: Prca S Y ; k 1 1.' 1t p
"The fall .: ,1['AUItb. .Scale-liat -S r--.j. V e n ulgmV uetf ; '....th.d 1
It .SM'epteverylhlnB'' before It "dow ., fr rirarsdayU I .
,.. paying govs.i. morning
the valley III* )ligoti fr I j TSotjsom} tlro.a.-b /ot.Clta.- &11l4.n4 Tlq tbe' 0 man SibIlnalythe'hettrelit691ce
unknown nR ? Bfm"fj -e 1I 4yr then were lIJ.Tbpgau \ bst year. t , 'cofiVttbeTn
} : ( ; r siw 'x111 derl,4l egYert ,tb a t; he to dead,,broke '
sk iffe. a redtd \ ln4ue4 II 04 chiddenbo were btfnti / t S X s',1 r..UL'tl n,' v 4 That,tett p'e. At.,1'I\9t.,,, '\ ,14q.wt1l..r: b,: as actsafy'hehddaginfj'' ,,
the rhllfy .with arooNleard.fott IoUdenwa1 JodeMtt.; ..f.tt.H" fil! oat'I ire 1 VC' '3 "t "ttl" 'a+u1tS.r itd 'j. rt ra' aaM' take from"the ,hour) p9-lt 4tuorpinga the proof they wanted ;the'leaderr ,",
ucf"uDtlfrC'I.HIIJwpf.n. .. w: JI1'lIt 1 I wen hd, tl""i\Inrd :' s. ff,; 4S4 a Jto 1 ?9-.t. how"'ts. 'toat"> tor superatttion f tHa {rebellion,at once began a' general"
I- or I h _TMtq* r' : tstYplD' -rV.fJ call. him auperektttoue=weld'_dolt 1itt'peon th1 ,SAagLltdsi ; ; 'f ,, .
BUILDING THE NEW SEA-WALC FOR THE -PRO--1 1I r Iv11tt;. '. t' .'1\ba another.";better' tatr'lnObleepalwllo'dolt i at Ions'range.t I/baa know..* t t'' >Ed..tln RtAh! +,"
.3 .. a'+' T a'EgyptlanVhad' [fdlirdl .
OF queer.little notion:iat.JAd.: b..J..1I l ; )
ECTION GALVESTON TEXAS.m J .. ,....,r.leered ."...r .+a r n,, J t .,qa to forget Anything arben yo ..*r ,le rri+ tn*
..I .- ....... .... : ., .. .. GtncJ' ., taut. 11r,; Ing1 home.ljvtlfe morplng: One morning a'placev afadj";
+l, ,,1 "l'odl \"; bfonkMwSljS.dutrYltelnp.wbytkitykno) ":: 10Ithe.trul1, :r ? ,? nat. y.,-?). .:wet! jliad walked| t? JIJ't'I car ogetber, la human ahaw
, I1f .' ni ,eolng? Bliopplpc'ond! ; don't.vrantl .. Hw tudiIenlyturnot4In provided (With* nJmal.h, s4.?,
+ 1'P '\, tl' 't '+t k 1, + Qr 141 IQtrt "1 h1"', 1+d 4 : ; .' wltq.tb. bad thc .bead of
,' 'fh.Jo [.J1"mtt1i '.IIn..d.: .. .. ;.. .,' ....t.u statement, ''[ n not'go'Id iL'e" city today.i"Wlieri : a'jtgRk; tlslFfpJ' ;
K.-CI > >dlle. Bast tba of a oa*, ai
,11 ..... ' . T. ask'ed'brm wh'y,he said "
mdl"pte t DJlsqa Ji et Tf gi { even with ,"the"nefjfhbors.::Clevelujfcal -had' /ort 'Among' tbt m; *JJ'iratt 00.
| < rajta. tf* or he forgotten 'somelbJrigv'; 'If, s bad who This h' '
been thorn'ftitUs'
'"" ik
\S I-f 'a storm oiJ LasKalli o.tlrelpo) ] -.: Plain Del '?:': ... fuck. he sald/-and' was'lmeeremonlone.'
rcbta -'This1 trlid'
orog1st8, Set1brother"
et"'tbat t'he'y a'fe'ln omeW-ny Mused 't.: 1 ly making tracks ,(or. the -bOOM when- ' deret'lbt-' "
n i l! tH'reltrialtr'-bratl6o.; Induced by; nepr..I..J7 C""eaJ..H'. lt f tl lie'said It.' Iauppose-all-have those ana the., mu '
c: ) lost people I convicted of crime," Jlj o potiOIl't and, J1efl.; .,but, 'We .are In 'splta >of hls reprehenilbU
r e9r'9 t 1,13 g.x.3 btu,::iSI sadt, rt. t." l'If.ullmr: tb"ft'r't' Set was,delflsd ,and,tratfltktbatja !
no conscious of them ,,and so we areap
"H. ) }I"\/I..ut+ : l bwt'll wa* xpelledfrom ;Bi
.0ci ) p d1oa...ip5ainy: Olloe ,9>>i hip rtbAfUOlrltd"Uz'GooptIl::: th to, yellereend' not quite(honestly.too, ,.became kjng .of the ,pei.rtg. ;.. '
: we nro, the lean bit .superstU
ti n' the YiP_1lttk eonjtnedyblbllrs"ago; ; Jlette as tber.groW'; older?' ;statoessbowhilq In bntnnn tyr*n.* l
Bote' are ;
s. 'J'nst tbo
lias 4ff1"ofA'ntd.hlpttlma.tG.thnkWcleiic
mI I
e1"flt\1t c f; Orleans
tkU IdsUetice' b Tlmes-Deuaocpat! tt" / '
n; J.jJqhreJ'ftN4"e"d aocI' !: ", ,The.' dlsco.tiry of tbe!, *i
c oqwr f"'naQC 4.II l>> 1bfjaMt, rom .' .ttl5t' ( ' ,And S." ...,..' .._..' "' by fflr'HarfylJohnfton In tTgaridi'l,.*,
light steel .plat ( irrvw flork 4,.... -S T.V..w, .short, time. am IIOlIIe'\14o'D< were , Jed 4 Oermarf archaeologist t'Identify',
$ $&$ + c t...J:1le..JDterlQL1e.: ,cUtlde\LJIUo..A: "Ob 1t.t"h.a! .! ;, ,; 't1494'feiAet1eithi jeefc:In Pine street.ne' ; .rth, ..,8ub-Treas-r tbe' liead>'6ff'the- Egypthtn"cod'; with -
V..g 11 .PIIP) 'rode>?!nl"'tt' y>t eut fI.E\'e1\ I ny; automobile now What I iirj '"JIo",'. that ,(or, an .equalled, that. of'that, sebra-likai> anlmaUcand 3
;| X11' M1 '1a'{ water-f: poll and gaeral, I supplies sucha8ile' knew tJo ol"ivil .!I'\fLa' 81mrIlr1l1t"ID political quartet?" remarked a vete'ran'epaper'man then to solve tb .l ng.staadlng ealgnal'' [
|r' V yiH ; Otgd be Bfd! ed by uhlpwrecked I !enetiU tb'ft* .Truly, the sciences are 'related ,wh.esuologleat s 3
weJI.k -
-m ...tttclahned'thst this ,f Utti_ owri drigo dbcovery: ; JliiJ'--he' ; pl ;f ',
1 globe can
; ;,
>> ' ; N "vN emerchabtWho! llvedIn'thia'
hn S ..tM1r't!! ht, +%\C; as oalri'n.NhY CII IN d61x1J _has : t
+ axw + i H _. ly 1 .1N11M IUN+p tlq' d \ < t e 1 41+1 ?!@v/e: { .s"wPl' 11;na4 .that; tt wIJIpa.eUufetMylsg. Ilt' d + a,' .1rlt'og, ,. mtpi. till!I.\ ekjB e
X. e / q .? 1 ..", ,11 l' t l ttIt : 1JaUJO1u1 igbaketar'kfryDotIjteltoat e?be'V)." /, I.'btV.' .'.a q *sago". ."Who sr. they; ?"' --was the'' Inhabited EIf yptV thbugbTJt %... 'no, Y
irjvif irVj 'fr 'siKffiff'wnff MffMtj ;, 4W4lJett t.b... pa'sompnodptlopS ?;l me heot'. rejoinder. "F.tof.. .them ;known to tIr6"EUP1 anii itwar. ,-*
tqr"lI etzte! 1 pej'lJOn".Aqd Ii' .1 the: I'IIg"\t'11tt! neighbott6r peeerta.-''. "
i *?1 map. la kind o' f..mlJlar.'be !
'C'yy h"equipped "ith-n1111 and'T dder. '80 p .yic .plsaLnipry] ..r",6' .e New: York Sun. )/' ,
,!J'Tou'crfuiaffbrd lte < tlpaper .moo collapsed., The quartet ...
am c.'IgiI'&mJat
that-It maybewnarlgatedwttlrpertect; : : kfSollar ? cereAlenjwJl. tonneikopeedlor.d ', *. _w ., ti\-i_. ,
certainty. Jt Is to be tested by naval cost apiece"taut .helessnd IUC- I Ta that ;
: no! WlUlam F. Sheehai. Lleutenanttaovernor i jC r..ol1AmaoD, susg sti In''
--' once -
1iiUrcJJ' t.<<: 'I.L to I, '- ( friend.That's: *,"n' nskvered..". / :"::1.'AIr. vunn'o..l'-'t ,' Hamilton" Flub, twiceSp&ker the f iturf: ,tie; struts" !be MbU
'' .anl : of tbe State'Assembly i ; and 'ednci tip, ;surf ace wits. a.,,slJ M,;>1<>P* ,y
aMtpMd4tttut : 'recretr)1l17'
i ,A I".Blaekberni'l'\ ) 'nt Bother ,tbelJ'L.
1 *
(, kl nOl8 Insist on dy-sntrog'oW fr tlli 'pnrte'fo1 %h'
? A fruit IrJ'Owet.Qf aDt" ; .Call-. smok (! of 'em the IIlme'M'lr It t,.".... .. Dan UamOnt? 'Of 'course', 'noW !'oadf., Hd avy'vehicle's/ "would, nsv, '
In lJ '
ornla. has succeeded producing ... '''?'- ''"''' Vtan Is UnitedBta tes
a' perfectly; white blackberry: ; :?!' 'It :Isus a 'and and >{ or'"'dusty' "'eath"'rrettJ.ial
PiT. wlll tie known fot"a''nvlille. < n w ;;.
r"tl Tvblteas' snow 'and Is so transparent ; 'ChillikMELb.rJaf( : ;; for'he.ls now,0'galn..a; m anot: to-duy i! .andi I lu'slfwould artlt.away1' hoEa,he Upa.ri \ "
.. 'the seeds' be tn- : .
that may seen "I never see the Ic -'malt: tdp before Quite rece,.tJy..JInlted, gtatcs..Senator 'M1tai1.r: towafd.K.1. tnW drains'4
!' side. the ripe fnilt. The berries are.weet'a04 your house any',mor:"..,) '.,;:FJlp-. TomI;:'PUtt was seen ,shaking bands beta Ib.th.'cc'lItre--1A.! :: at' re.eut'coH"+\
'' ; 1haPr. tender 1>nt as much so as .pet:lelglL'i." .. v ""' I.; L heartily; with 4 white-haired gentlemanon true! e d..thewater": 'and nod otf a raloy)'>"'jollecXion ,
.,1,, l Is rta + th VTery< finest1 I black.berrle rThla-and tb.Fli' .: ." o,4fhlco'tLe! JJ cxt0 le,',,pet |: "ld4or,;. Flfth. ,avenue :Evgryho4y; knew day ; ,. the'-ed.*" ofth; {*>_-*'
are qnlaman. netwsiie f ell*.into tbelr 'fortune,,.the ",e-<*'been Pit t Uecausd be'Ia''' 'a man. of today: '.meet; an4''AI'*'>,plash
rt4Qfbttuced cfro4r11wefl- no cool'to-! \11 that' ,we1;don't :.need ;any "That's Edward; Murph1'li: ot'l'rbr.-; ,clan '. < 01' .. r '_ j. ',
t t ; it Is. called' tbe helgfr'om! refrlgtratorCI.cftgOUelNJ..Jl remarked:'a passer-by, )pointing" ,tile "I ... "" \ '-L' {I, .,. I 3
r ur F 1 Iti"Juber.. :' . ''f'- ,. -.Irerald." -. ?' .. S" whit -haired roanrX'-No\ person'remem- :Th.1 re&N..Jma ..;manrl. 1 DI..rJ.1t"
"....t ., Mart. A.1o. nf '' .... , .'','"" I be'red that be. wa.. .Ch. nc yDep w'predecessor.as r tjeacbam'ia, ..W ;1TJnlU4- State aand1
,A M.,n. off I'HdeI ,
f theUnited
States Sena
Tb'"e'nitw: ptysloloctcal tint I1 ..t4anilaliq'. ;tllyh ftstlJ 'wKtag
laboratory t 1"11)40" b rou' hesitate< about nccept- .
tor. from this, State. It happened ,on*.
and marine'aquarium'Juit''eom'pleied.f JOlt,ftlMf iksltloa,.ef ktngn; askedtb. .V "eI1t :: Atthawe'.thegtn. om1/; 'TiDQJQberofpmf.-o: ,.
o.IW>f essor-'Jacques U>eU at-tb. UnVrersit 'dtl tI'Clr at\V, ut4ti! 'fI1onbcbY;| : :.Iw \ ktietJhreolamen.t7ei. No In r!, istructors at the universities and \J
0.04. >Ihotkeatrt.
=ef; :
a'i.LL.r /< of California' bi regarded by "ttwanti-take'iune1! to 'consult a put.tbe mnnaccr kpew who theta;were: Qn ginyde4tl>\ITb1tltlittj; the' :" '
expert. as the finest of its- kind irf the 1 don't sat t&.I'UQ tie' U itea8titestommtaiioaer.etPldnclt- .
.. {.f 11L1k J W, phrenologist.; nd'one recognlceq ;tm: going/ Info die "
V..t: 1..1 Y.-3RCT1OUL. lr,l l }1f,, iJr r4111tilt ilf''W4e .1"9 i vi4. yr q '!pb1. tJff-f vT1 a "'FWTTuuu \iak+,of having derogatory '''remarks theat e'or coming wilt WItbvfh Y crowd. ,tln J. 17.000/ Thnumber of students,
STItCCTto O. for the, .bunding, and no expense made I about ray mental capacity-! after Yet they /ft'e! former Mayors of New. In BrlU -1n.Inr! ''tl.. and university
; Tlov'tat'. Tl1{ WM.L, ',bat been spatvd. in equipment.' theautop.r'. Yurk-.EIT.. Grant end Van"'Wyek'tbe' ,' Colleges. Is.only a>?6y.t'2Q.50Q.1- ; 'V"T
w ,. bit, ; "
k 1 /I' y''
\ ) t' -'" % -
.. :l'
.. /.J
t f .
," t ..' r .\\It. ,.;. "," ....,-f...., .' , I '/ ...,, ,,' { '" .ot ,1"I s ..'.l', "6 ,' c N "r-::: .. ., ', fl. .... .
'. e. 1 "x "
> "' .iii. :: ;'
..q> K,, n ., : '- a ;r-I -' .
Of .' ,,,,,-,,- I _, "t :." .
-:-: ..---' V l-
p. .
KiMJiBiBcc jrttea t Gazette] :WEW' OFFICE AT L4KELAND.Atlasitia 'j :ADDITIONAL: LOCAL.Mr. j!,
MON. "00 11BY ,Coast -Ll..' 'Will'-Crest* D. 'W..Summerlln was. called to . \...;... .. :
... .". rat.AT I .Dt.patellerOirlH' at TfcatPlae*. Bartbw by the. lllnesir of, his child, 'a ,+I .a T .
Uatette Bntk lag, A'rumor- was- olroulstdyesterday day or two ago. We trust he,found, t it .
OBCKOLA CODWTY.FLA.' I to the erect thata; new dispatcher's. improving: ., .
: office would be established at Lakeland Mr. J. N. Carne ha returned to )
} PKOFEIETOBS.: I by the Atlantic Coast Line, which of ,,
KUilmmee for the purpose agajn! '
will handle the' business of the Weld In the fish business. Mr.Cams i :
POUND, Editor. engaging I
T. &K. W. : ..
Coast, South Florida be will bony ,
a naphtha
Pomofflo In JUnlnm**, Flo., and.. the Florida Southern'divisions' of "
matte on the Lake to be used in hauling flsh.
the orreat'system.The -
'-' notify tn*offlo If train dispatcher's office now located Prof. Holloway of Gainesville bat ; ,
I-! \ rlv. announced his candidacy, for the otHoe .. ., ( :;.;:::- '
= =from oar otbor-- at Sanford will transferred to ."
ITWO' must fe* sljpwd t>V the Jacksonville. The new office at Lake- of spate' Superintendent of Public ''f I df
Instruction. He Is a good and able
wilt bu.wnae4 nnlmt land will take two men DlspstchersA. A.. ,
: man, yet' we are not jet ready to saythat }) -
, rMbonalbl for opinion* O. Crum and O. W. Craft, from <
the of Shests usefullces
*. ; ,
Gainesville, and one .pan from San- ', G"
1 *, ,b* bad on application. have pissed ', ,.
ford., Mr. CrtinTwlfl, no doubt be appointed .. , .,', I' ,, ,!.;.r..1 " ,,, ",.. < ,
W.: W. Williams and ol ,'\
KATES. chief dispatcher.The ; ; family ;- :' :\'. .: i
... ..'..... ........,...1.00 Sun called si the division ' Catherine. !, Citrus county have become ., "
U.I.:....y\..,........,.. .... reporter I
: .,...... ,?..A: ....... .26 office of the company In t.hle.clt.l. residents of Klsslmmee and for the f .. > .
yesterday; _but the officials would present have taken rooms in' the Can- '
Sept. 11, 1603. neither verify nor confirm the report.: non building.' We are always pleased i d ;
One of them did go so far as to say to, have such estimable people curt, q .. : -. :
DEMANDS.. that the office would have In all probability their lots among u's and hope t.bel.w\J1\ r ,- "_- .,....,...:.... .':- w itt
find their residence' here profitable
be establishedbut, did., not .
'The'NewYork World deals In.; an
IV I with the financial state at what time. It Is believed, and pleasant, ..... ...'-' "
'interesting manner
that the will be made Mr. Albert, 'E. Bearden. formerly
,situation of the 'country/ especially ; however change __ .'
:with reference to Wall ''street, in the during the present- we k.-Gainesville. of this place sow a prominent citizen 1 -T7T
"" SliD; of Ilssfmmee Fla., is on a visit to his 7
1, following editorial: ;
Shawhas numerous friends In Clinton. This is"Ab'e"
"t "The fact that "Secretary
he A contemporary sajsEduca: first visit to bis old borne since ...
;; a fund of $40,000,000 that caadraw
tion Is the companion which.-no misfortune h'l. 5
on f.rbe relief of the maneymarket L8UOthirteen. ; years a oand friends, ..
can depress-no crime de- and old glad Vr'seehim. ,. : .
!. ," If In his 'judgementthe teed acquaintances are '... I .,
story-no enemy aU.a..tede: .-Clinton ( 8. C.) Gssette.', .
admitted ":ActiugSecretary ;.
hall .r.. by
? Taylor, though he makes a spotlsm enslave. a.friend; Mr. J. W."Watson.anil Tamlly*,who -
aboard Introduction in solitudea ARCH SUPPORT OF
iusliL.d denial .of. the report that this an I ; have been In Miamlj.for>the 'past. twomonths THE I
solace and in ornament.Without
,The eoclet.7"D have retuined.to ''JClsslmmee- I
4_I ..situation,Is the Seeetary's suggest settled tqese purpose.reflections: it what U magi"A splendid going upon Wednesday morning. Mr. "A ,. DOROTHY DODD" '
J' 1. The governments has "no moralright slave., a. reasoning. savage. R.[ A. Wagon arrlvedfrom Kisslmme ,. .
the tizpsyeri Tuesday morning; and be and Mr. ,
to collect from :a
The Lakeland News >ks that ,
rem aman '
,'. '.revenue so largely in excess of Its Earl Mbotfort will have charge of Mr. ,
who is bounded the north .
legitimate needs that It can hold asurplus on Watson's business until Mr. Chafer' : : '
for' .the alleged east, south and west by prejudice can return.-Miami Metrop lI.. / SAVfS'Tllf fATIGUE : ., j'
_ ,.., of $40,000,000 never be of much benefit to his'fel x
..t i. The .power to distribute this I low man. That Is certainly true; but We are under' obligations 10 ( .... I)' ,;. i
enormous'; amount 'of money among I we wish to. add th..t.IOh. a man Is an Hon? W. N. She l.t.e for a copy of. hi your foot is tired from-long walking or standing, you rest \
favored banks upon any pelense. whatever absolute detriment'and Incubus, a detractor \biennial>> report for .the two year ending , .When ,
}: is too 'vast, tempting and to a fiendish monstrosity In. any June 30 190 also for a copy of tb" by holding it in your hand and compressing it firmly1 '?. '.
: 'dangerous be lodged In the hands standard of lor th ,
; course study '
i it' 'of. "anp' man: neighborhood Is so; blinded in that which he he can't may see live.He any Public High Schools of Florida."' 'a round and beneath the instep. That Is exactly1 what the "Dorothy 1
1* The proposed "relief of the interestingdocuments'. it :
They are
:money 1 market" in',existing elrcumv thin<< good .in .hose whom be does those Interesteted In the educattonsldepartement titfl il ic does for you all the time. It is like a soft hand firmly '1 ;:
k. like how virtues
not matters not many ,
,stances is really, a' gambling license the State. '
f'j undigested. and Indigestible *ecurlties. ,' ,
*, It Is the general testimony at Rt9crNTt :' compiled statistics show could Tampa wish passed and'as was peacefully not characterise"as ont never rcaliic JI c tit much of your daily fatigue can. be relieved' until .!
the West and the South that the banks that notwithstanding the damage to by the political bitterness. that* wait '.- ..
Land.;' the people there,, have all. the tomato plants by the he"'Y1I'alD.' and manifested. ... Punts Qords> althougl. you try the "Dorothy Dodd." And the "Dorothy ,Dodd" retains "
mosey required'' for "moving' the overflows from tqe Everglades, that It was appdrentiyr.oIe of a political j
; 'crop*." the. tomato crop of Florida last year to-do than a. labor affair. Oov, Jennings. arched shape and sets closely up to the foot i
KTbe; legality of this' propoeectI"\ amounted. to 714,000;crates, worth SI; J. N. C. Stockton and other
Vof,Treasury. money 1. .least ques 521,000.From the East Coast, Including candidates were there and. put forward: Zlts it has. bC .worn. for months. No other ,shoo Z'
?\ tionable. .The 'principle ,I. 1 worng.Tb the Keys,' there were shipped 440, ..
_ their claims for the several officer made like it. Other :shoes bend' at every stc; i
precedent Is. bad. The jjower Is 000 crates of pine! apples bringing 9572 they seek and not a discordant. not ;
dangerous.'r.lf . 000 net to the grower The net price was beard."The .- you take. Thus 'the foot becomes tired.Is I It 1 "7
the Democratic, party were not this season,was 30 to 36 cents acrate : **" -"- A .,
burdened' with an apparently unshakeable less than formerly owing 1.0"" the fact for teachers regular: Is September being held this: week .. worth while: endUre ,tired feet when. the rented ;;
handicap of political imbeciles that our fruit ripened earlier and went .
and lunatic. it could go hopefully on the market simultaneously\ with the There are 12 .applicants for certlfl is so s.lmple-Dorothy Dodd Slices'; They cost $3_ I : }
*'- cites X males; 9 females-all white
Into tb* Presidential, campaign with Buban and 'Bahama cropsMiami
.. '
grads '
Of these 6 are applying for first
tbe**) two 'leading demand Metropolis.' and 7 for eooDd grade certificates.At C. W. DANN has exclusive sale. '
: reecals out;"
_ 1 '"Turnhle : the meeting of the Board olCounty . 1
: .
jg- ; for, a surplus=noirrlfl Tampa Morning Tribune ,Gus Commissioners on Monday \ .
[.tot monoDolv.onlv." Palmer accused of ..t.IoIor"7oun<< J'
J4r--.J,J\Orive.-'Sr-.ll1;::: ; 4 his tppllcation 0 .
1.0'&II assignation house1;.might !-
.' "The 'Jacksonville Carnival In No- girl -for.a permit to open a, saloon '.. ..r, :
have saved tlOO by appearing in
1 vevber promises 1.0'be one of the big- la Klsslmmee. Mr. Graves expects to I'- -. ,.( ,\
pet.'.. of Jits kind held in the Municipal Court yesterday morning. open up and be 'ready 'for. bus lne.t UL- OM' J -, _. f: I
Be did not and forfeited that
mace lobe i Atlanta, Exposition inTa appear ,0.' about the middle of October.At __ '
his balL In his absence .. I 0* _____ ___*0
amount- .
>on - ', ' -__POMTSi J
number and character of i ,
'. ten o'clock l this morning the bio '
the wiyiisess. were ezamln 11'
secured,' by the CarnivtlOn ed by Judge Gordon, with the resultUiat I' lug of whistles and the ringing of bell : diiEOiER f/ul1iE :
i simply 'astounds tbVaver' ;* gave an alarm. of fire and it was but a "
.norid Ian who has been for the past4onr no identification_ _of Palmer _J In stream [ lnr :1
_ connection with the ... was made. iaatter braTewminute*before a ; 1iiK' Goods '
o? five years In the habit of go- The, girl involved did not '..ppear.' of humanity. filled the. ...ree.... A Volume ATz :
and amused
; to OaU.Weelc. being. The WbOMbou.'Gpred in the .of blaclL.mok. located the scent
[only with-a': ,street line" of*rtfT Cents case woman was fined SCO and stated that she ; o(,the flames in North Klsslmmee and IaJp7lR7p3. > .. '. 4OIj'O-' ',
f shows. ,,,,.
.Intended leaving the city.r to'that eect10D'er'0De'went.A closer ,. i
One of the. greatest hits made by the approach and it was seen that the --,--.----------
eD.u.N. fa- r BOOKXB Washington advice to bit 1t fl
_ the week of Center-no's In flames and 'bat
-- f
race was well condensed In a paragraph '
: __ Jew York &DC1of fifty:-.pieces. that
of be 'ncentfv deffv-- and the strong wind was ry 1
a speech -
wbldl .s s.ip to be one of the best blowing that'It would be Impossibleto
erod 'in Atlanta. He said: "Work, r
.. '
..... oreanbatloD.ba- the world. do more than to save the furniture.In .
work with your hands and put the bets '
"ftIta t.leader of this band Major' ''Con- doing .0'm&ll7 daring risks wew
....o,played before the King,of Italy that any houses.Don't one: else can do It.Buy your taken: and two o;; three persons wen Formula tells the story : .1
own seven daysat
>only five years of age, and since slightly singed. The flames were first
a. camp meeting when you ought to
."time -
-over.?half the- eeDtur1-be discovered' about the kitchen. Th Grove's Chronic Chill Cure
'""jrtayedbefore" ; alt the crowned be Improving your farm.such Learn how. loss was partially covered .b, Insurance ;: .
to use your hands In a way th.t.bo r .ST
idreds IOf'of, thousands. Europe and of ..Americans'pleased bun, 'in one else can takeyour'place' Be of $600.00. l'- '.;*j!,' Not a teiHrns VinstaUJass{ : .iit< orlius < Uu rU U.m....<' -' ,
_ 2 the wrest cities of this oouqtry.Of taxpayers"you will have. the, best' interests f, ;Flald Extract PERUVIAN BARK Plaid Extract POPLAR .BARK i
course'everybody i has beard of of '' the community In your' J. Fluid Extract BLACK ROOT Fluid Extract; PRICKLY,.ASH BARK F -
Pains If'8' works;' but it .aalthM'.7 heart., and this much-mooted. race' W. THOMPSON, Plaid'.Extract: DOC WOOD BARK, Plaid 1txtrGC.'t.SARSAPAIULLA"
Florida question will hive been settled.I V I
| few people hi have ) 1
er.seen v the Last. Days' .oft .Pompeii I, what la Life Funeral Director and Embalmer --It-, Cures- the' Chflls that _other.Chin- Tonics Don't Cure. '
% presented 1 :.Beach.at' There Fain!are Park'over' atsrdtsttagi In the last. analysis nobody knows, \ TEk Best General ''Tonic. No' ,Cere, No Pay. Price," 5Oc.I ;../,
|.ftJ.. .people in the;cut -addition togreat but we do know that It is under strict .3C3 aolm! rp..eo. F'1G: ,.,111
pyrotechnics.11features. law. Abuse that law even slightly, -
attraction alone cost the Carnival' pain.results.' Irregular living 'means 1
Association several thousands. 'of derangement of the organs, resultingIn To Cure ,Cold .in One ,Day CrippDey J
)Ian;, ... Constipation,. .Headache or Liver .
: entire iporting.clementof.thery trouble. Dr. .Klny'i New ,Life Pills : I Bromo" JeiLA.z <
In qulcklytre-adjusts: T this.: It's gentle, Wa 1..Van Dolor Co. .Take Laxative Qiunine T on every (
be ;Jacksonville No-
"""' will on -
........',7th to witness the wrestling yet ',th6rough.' 1 Only 2Co at. OsoeolaPharmacy. I aens.... ... ...wot; la.: ...... TIlls 1Ipatm e.g. c jr box. 25o. ., :.q
i for., 'cb&mplouhlpof 'the 'world .,* ..
Q i Tom Sharkey and Tom Jenk-' ati4:kl_'.Arvtce. 'Mv*. "' :
;,.Sbarkey will be'recalled as ,the Notice to Creiditors., ._
|Has world-wide fame for;;'marveiduscures. NOTICE. :
Irsb )heavyweight., and Tom : ESTATEAND If''lce II b.reb < .' ,
It other; salve; ttlyse to "r dl or 1.1. '*. ;
,'ycckins; has wrestled around the worUd'has surpasses any Notice II hereby-'fIIIUt.' ., the lollowing dellCrlbe4 laDdl wilt be sold at public auction OQ and 411tr1buleM, aa4 all persons having de- .
lotion, ointment 'or' balm for.Cuts, INSURANCE the nth day of aaptember A. .I_. iD front of the Town Hall ID Klmlmm.e Clt,. o.ceo.a Cnaoty m&D4...alDd th. ../&* 01 Bobort H.Lader 10';
.. never been thrown Florida.or 10 much thereof a. will be neoeua.,. to amouDtI due for *".. b.relD. tee 4..s. aD4 Mary O. LlDI.r, hla widow, d.! '...
...- "There are scores of other attractions Corns, 'Bul'l18"< Bolls,. Sores Felons, opposite the _, \otIeUter wltb the Costa of &pays aD4 ...1.... ceased to present Ute tamo duly anth.ntleatod. ,oj.!. \
Ulcers" Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever teooooooooooeoooooooooood to the undaralcnod within two reap front ,
great importance lDcllldl <<-Trough OWNER. DESCRIPTION. TAX AND COSTS. date hereof aa proMribod by law, othorwlt*
Sores,\ Chapped Bands, Skin Ut.eame will, be barred I mod all persons who- ',
car din ships*by the in the United Bt Johns States river' Cavalry,.horses Eruptions; infallible for- Piles Cure ?.Notice. of .Application tp Sell l DnknowB,........... .... .. Block kobeTt WL..c.Pa.. .441Uoll..........., ...a. ....".'. .. .... .... ... ,.. ...U m mar be Indebted to- make to Immdtate.al4.uate...Ul.are.hereby....' "Ubo reqne.ted '
Real Estate. 1
guaranteed. Only 26o at Osoeola Pharmacy J McPHATTER, .j ,
military.prize drills,: 'etc., ,al- .' Tax Coriootor of the Town of KUiImm. City Florida. This AUBUI IUI.A. D.. 1M8.
,, '. 1'1011.IMreb"D'&hat I will on th. loth Moss. JeATZ; '>ld'
er making a aeries of attractions day.l pUmb.r. A. ft 1WM. M 1C: olckxik: inin. Ai Admlnlitrator of the aitatoa of Robert H.Stanley's .'I
tfl..lllt.l.l'+t.ltt.tt. .. ( . .
I into OM ....k the magnitude p' Par Bale. tomoon, apply to tb. Honorable W. K.Johniton "t44ttll.+ tt taalet p. A. 41104..,and Mary C, i snl.r..diseased., '/
Coanty Jade of Owwolt oonnty, YoI..AII. ". '
which has never been seen before. : ' state of Florid*, ml It..I....CUr, for lID or.U UonMI". 1
i'of Potomac HI..... ODe i inslley, No. 5 drag, ,saw and) d er lo.. the followlDf real ut$... Hutted Inlaeo.utr : Tropical. Nurseries;,, "t It40th 11108. .. .
,Stat* of Florid, dnorlbed M ,
two 7 foot, wood -t .
saws; one, Peacock
'fte'4atn of the Carnllal are' No- l ,' follow.towll: Business Colleee
, splitter. 82 inch fly wheel, -4, inch Bwlnntnc nt .itake on* ...aner',of'a*mil .
Z to 7'.inclusive, and ;reduced: Berth of Booth Eae\corset(A 8 <*lon 29, Tp. 211 'Orlando, Florida.. ,.' Tb..esvID. CasTflS. ,1
'. axle; one Peacock wood splitter, o m- S, BM a. run wmt W* tot north 186 faot. out W. Deed ..
from to l the domends "
70aD supply -
aU the Southern States
471 fed,north ale foM.seat KS reef tnuih 496
- secured.' It .. safe plete-shafting, pulleys .Dd'ooi1aeo to pUe* nf bnrtDnlDK" oootalnlng ".lht acres 4 I If you intend planting any Fruit Trees this fall send me'" list and_14. upon al f"oompatnni bookkacp.f ..l-
been fto 'sayOur atenotrepb.rL will
VI i ions all and used but 11"1e.- not or lou, the woe twine 'Ute property of of wants and,lean ', and school .f yon enur our.
crowds will from this ; new Uc _, your save you money or Orange, Peach within Ute De.AOdari and pnnn* one "" '
go tb.estate of Martin Nylon < and to bold ,
or mote of '
Splitter guaranteed to split any kind tor the D olp yin. th.d.bu of Mid ""Pear'and. all kinds( of Nursery Stock. y .v 'fllIITpl.te onr pre.crlbdpoarses.and aoooo-_ ,
. .____,. 1KCPAKTIN.Admr MBowwlllr.lao roe fn a po- ;
of wood: The Jot Is'offered at >about, -' altloa. TII.above.r.r'..*1Onl7 to *
___ Valley Oaceu is prepared" toIfciads dl of"'of Martin, "o ; of good character and Persons ,
of Job Work In an np-to- 50 per cent of Its value.' If Interested n.s Jt;.100a-4 lond* MMd, .ox aea ,. I l ::;: l 111- W.R.SPEIR.. : :' i ,. DI at ooo,or for.fail orrrt Information\ Con ddrs toM '/
DDeI' on shOrlnoticL. communicate& the Valley .Gacette 40 (" "I 11 QWIIBT.urLrt. ,
;;: -- I Ij ,1''' ..# Ii..J.. : +: F4 'l l""f" :, ,.-, C V ?
/: ""r c ,Ii
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\ 4 t s '
Qt' :a
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X-- a gr. .aYrY ar a' w..r -
.. .
v -' '
.. J +k 1 y.
Kl&slnunee Valleu'Gazette .
s I NO. 2941 UK .. .
wins BUGGY. :, Horee for Sale. f :1 s'esrhaeNe' e'aleNSe sI : i j
TBLBPHONB NO. It.' -- 1 Y .- Two'car: loads Just received. '
f l 'Any .
Wa.ted. kind, any price. Among the,'lot' are Business +Locals : J.TRItB,, AM I.C.jFRAPPf. C rrofesstow. .. .. .ca .
PUBLISHED.KVEKY' 'KKIDAYl' , 'Tea-thousand pounds 'of soft shell some of the best family horses ever' ""'" f Hr- .. "".
BTPOUNDAHAHHISl.. tu tlee. W.: B. MAKIHSON Co. brought here;' also; a' lot (of trained ..,. '" "- .. .. ,........ '": rI -"
JV r nursery trees, Orange or Peach,, Indian cow ponies. See Co counter at Dann's.,, P.A; "VANS ,AGNXW:, ',; h
?' P. HUl'he1. .1 Standard. fatter at Kat&'.. I I ATTORNEY At LAW...u.. .. I.
VlI'I'1Iobln O. acPnllClbIDI': s. h' e.y Old papers 20o per hundred at 'the ,8ohooltSupplles'at I AND' .NOTARY Pwdw,, .., I"I '
Dana's.Rer. .
tMOh.11A.ni.kad 7 o.alock. Praym*.Un( V.Iley Gazette. office. :, See those. fie pen tablets at DanD'... ' '
'wry Thanfer .- nine as T p. m. Sabbub 1JE"E KlbSIMMBK.= FLAX +
Bobool 11:46 SUDiUjr morn 3. Hemp Jones 'of' Starke.. and &D .. o.J. Frier Married. School shoes, good ones at Da O'.. INwmr }
..BA.rn-r...., CHU Buaflay OB-O. 11 j.a. m trim.. sad.7.ulOr.hIDI."er' .- old friend of the.' Editor was in.tdwn. Allendale, 8. C. Sept.. 3.1003;-: Rev. Headquarters for school supplies at DR. .. 1'
0.m. last .
TourP.orbs'e manna S.SO *.' n. Snnd_y Saturday.; O..J.) Frier'of'Klsgimmee, Fla., and Dann's, .. _' JDENTIST."'
day School,p.S.41 m.L,YUlton m. Prortr tlwty matlagn.rjThulw.wwoom*. Mr. O..nt'of Tampa arrived here bliss Cdrrle 'Williams' of Allendale Summer Goods at Cost.'. Gutoe'A4 I YTjlI W. n O0oe aver Osceola Pharmacy.Telephone .
ST. JOHX'I EMMO-AI. C VBcn..-DaTl4 'D. yesterday. to visit her p..reDtiMr. and S. C. 'were ,married at, the Baptist Bauon.r. : 11i :
Kldd, Rector.* month Perrlem MnrnlDC. on th..",....oond at 10.M Hunduto'th Mrs.. Wilder' of neat.St. Clrfud.; ." church la this place at"0 o'clock yesterday Jelly and' ; JaiHOt7as.' } '1:30 D:"' to m'd 3to0p. mom,, I
.. ... jars at
o'olook, Evening "/1. a' T:80 o'clock. Seed Irsh evening. ,The ceremony was "
Pa.e.rrfutCaoac.-Dula. Potatoes now ready for Thompson's. ...:.. No,7'Jun. S;' lyr. .t
worship performed by Rev, Robert
.v.rantundy and third Sunday In each planting; S2 pel'1u.liel. PeP bar Williams .'
_oath. Morning ..rrto. at 11 m.' .., I...>n. rel. Leave order.. at orjK aa uncle ,of the bride assisted by,her Stanford is sole agent.for Douglass NOT -in C DRA) ., B. STEVENS__ *-
office. VT, .
Ins mrrlo at 7iOO p. m. flnnday School at toy Shoes at Klsslmmee. J .
Rey..J'. .
e.8: a.m. C.K.: servloe. at ':16 p. m. Prayer I I:; Van Ducor. pastor W. Bishop.
_tune Thnndar.ventnt at 7-00: P.,n. I.*. t The;'mutlc"which was beautifully New' Goods arriving duke sir ...,DSNT.3T..-< .
.rybody If moitoordlallr ln lt.d altn4 th". Judge Harwell at
errloM. r, O. KAILS Putor.ALIX / very lowhi, fact tendered,b y Messrs.;;and Miss All, on Brattpn's."Dorothy. .Gal \ -
: IMVIDMM. tupt.of I... has been very.near 'd. tb'. door for organ' cornet and Violin continuedduring i J > AdmlnUtcrcjd.;:. ': "a
several Dodd" shoes have the Office i-3 A' et. *o .m.jfaikd: *
days and. hit.death may Hours ;_. ,
: :
the <
-- entire JJ
at moment. oremony..beginThg style., Sold: only by Dann. 1JGSq 0j0i .34 Ji,---. v -r.\\ '
Official vVeattaer any '. with the ORLANDO.
Report solemn strains of Mendel- ; FLORIDA
.'Anus,'J''IUnraIl-W... Eirll'.. Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Hloks.h..Y _beenamoniibelr soho's Wedding March-s. the bridal Sold Try only air bjr of Stanford.Quern Quality' ,, : :. -. _
'Txe.marsmrs.; sect'0101---- friends and relatives at party entered the church changing to J M. W1L.LSON.: JR., .
. their former home la Georgia for a "0 Promise Me"played softly during School Supplies at Cube 4.,Brat TUB 1fO' : ,
Mu. Mie teoll r. week'Or more.. They are expected the ceremony and closing wash "Hearts toD'.. _'S( NdTARY PUBLIC.: *., "J .,',
..rid. ......... -p,,' -ars -.... home to-morrow. and Flowers" as the happy couple Subscribe for "The'Designer;" at { Real STATE, AT LAROE. S ..0, .;S
na.q........... 110 76 .. Mr. R. W. Fleming left yesterday walked away from the altar. unique OOcts per ;year at KaU's. J: pAN E ii[ 1 Estate Agent,
......... III. ePMoudar ,ISSIMMEB. v FLORIDA l;%:1 "
........... lie lie ,,41Tu..dar for South Dakotah where he has recently feature of the wedding was' absence of J'reIb'Mut.t.on Tuesdays and Fridays .; .
Weda...!....'............... 87 118 .71.7a. ..110. traded for real estate., He cam groomsmen and_the fact that the ushers at Reeves A Woods'. Phone 01.. .W. HARWELL,' I X1.4.
Thur.dav.' ....., ff1 ''nI. .... here about a year,ago and his friends were, young ladles. The .attendantswere '
Subscriptions received for "The De JUSTICE
.. A. NIMP.OL.P. )(. regret toeee him)save.A. . all special friends at the bride signer" at 60o per year. At K..t&'.. auT ..en"AT .1 NOTARY'PUBLIC! OF THE STATE PEACE un -P
and members o'a AT LAKOB ,
small Social
Bearden .
administrator :
of School Shoes Gutoe SPECIALTY.
p .Our rates for In.ertloD of advertise* has sold to Dr.. J. W; Simpson'' the known. as-44The Sisters" In' which' she sir Bratton's., at. OSCEOLA Office'on Stewart Avenue,.
tpenu.amotlg the reading matter on Leaks place one of the flnestreeldnoe. was a'R'"ai favorite. The church was KIS IMM
this page Is ten. cents per line each; ,In- la town.' Will"says he's going toget prettily decorated In white and green "Dororthy Dodd" Shoes are fully '1 E. '. 4 *.., FLA'aral.ra. *.
with ffolden-rod. ferns I guaranteed ;you,,take no risk. Sold II. .
and oalnu
sertlon. ,
married but don't tall him PHARMACY. P
'- w. : "
only by Dann. ...
form back-ground bevy 4 a.rp.a.y
told you.W. ,for the of 1 :j\j 0AU4 ."........ ''
handsomest .
..B. Maklnson. left last Saturday girlish and carrying figures armful all ol&4ID of snowy goldenrod.In white. Summer The Dress Goods line ever of Spring offered--and In .............as,..............1 .........'....... ,83. Office*rhes ; tKTSSTVItEX. )
night on a business tour-of the, north town at KaU's. ru. a,i "
.. Local News: the midst of this
stood the
: and west that. will embrace the:. cities group - -
officiating ministers' and our bride We are now handling some extra _
ot; Baltimore' ,, New York-Chicago, tweet, dUpalfled and handsome with See Fresh" Meats-Beef, Fork, and ......., ..
and 8U-Louis. Be will? be. gone for a ; Mutton-at our market. Call up phone
the \
4.. couple of weeks. worthy 'gentleman wh9, has1 won 01 and Rive us a trial order. "
her heart and hand,her ulster. 'Miss Reeves .Woods. L
Wade the tuner, Orlando.. J. .F. Parker'of Fort Dram bas beenIn Eul Jolt W.UI1&m1.'Maid. .of ,honor,'and , For Bale. "
Read our Business Locals. town several daya this week and Informed her little niece,, Miss Kathleen Hagoodof
us that he had during thatttme.purchased Three good mules and wagon. 'Apply -
Send us.Tour Job, Printing. Jacksonville Fla., who performed ctvgjirmiiv
to W.'B. MAIONSOW Co.,
six horses for use on' most
gracefully her office of
Toe High School opens next Won- ring-bear
'//I cia the range.! He also left a wbeel withus er.. The three young ladles who actedas Steve Wood. .
r.. I
) .
: ,to keep the V. O. going. ushers were Misses Farmer. We will furnish Stove Wood dellv- I t "
The "rood old summer time" has :o
'i. Prospects point to a livlly tourist Dumbar, and Searson all of this place. erect,to any part of town as 1.00 per '
| taken ,Its departure.The JSuuousr, "
travel to Florida this winter. Already ,The Bridesmaids were'!:Miss Connor, Strand. MATWAHP L.PMBEU Co.
: weather,has been 1II0rep'a..an.! enquires have been, made accommodations Sadie Farmer Richie Dumber Sue ToC.reA "
. ; |.this week than formely.Mr. h...... Uy a little effort. upon Williams; of Salkeha&cb1e..8. C. and Cold 1st Oae Day.Take ..' _
J. A. Anderson went up to Jacksonville our part the number. of our winter Leila Williams of MoultrieGa.. Laxative'Bromo Qulne, Tablets. 1 "
: ,
*.. All druggist refund the r'II" '
,1 to attend. to business matters. I' visitors. could be more>> than doubled. After the ceremony the entire party, If its falls to cu.... E. W. Orove money s WHY FAMOUS. ? r
|Wed_ Oelda7. : Ike Gaulden, ,colored died ,here accompanied by a few Intimate friends signature Is on each box.. 25o Qaceola. . 'f
, Prompt attention given any Iniuplanoe Tuesday night from blood 'poisoning attended. "a delightful1 reception at Pharmacy. ? Because they have stood'every test' for1'durability, style\
or'Real Estate placed wlt.h.l. M. the result of a slight wound on the the- home of the bride'',mother Mrs. and comfort, >that) $ years of' service have subjected them to and''\ -. i ,h,4
llson, .Jr. '" --- bands' few weeks aeo. H.I. said to 3.,0. WnUam _'fr -" ,have met every requirement thereof to the entire 'satisfaction ,of,' '
-: W..J. Sean has moved ,Into the have been an .!industrious citizen and Mr. and Mrs. Frier 1 left,last ,night '"School I the hundreds and the thousands of women who daily wear',them.' .,-
'r bffloe recently; occupied rbj Attorney was well thought of by the .people 'of for Jacksonville and other,, points ,In They are therefore famous for the three'qualitiesthat- 'must be "
.''Ii H. Sevmonr.. KliiImmee irrespective of color.' Florida, where they will make several .
Miss Bet UeGardnerhis beeen vislt- We are requested ',to ..t..te'th..., a visits before arriving at their home In S"iippl1esDonotmakeany .combined in a'shoe_:to entitle torany: consideratioiTat i ? all. Many -,'
Klssimmee. ,
They carry with them the brands: shoes t'
I of
friends andrelatives' at Bartow look wen : .
; "Membership Contest Reception" by; very best wishes of a-ho"'ot friends .. , many i ,.,
\ kurlng the. past:. :week., "."" the W. O. T. U. will be held at the in Allendale and the surroundlngooun !. '.1'+"> i C have one of more of these points of t
4' V 90 residence' of try where Miss Williams.was. sincere } excellence :
8peclalBargalna for the next Mrs. ',Farnsworth nextWednesday I I well developed and ire re' '
't' iajsTn Rye and Corn Whiskies S2.2Sber ; evening 16th last., "from ly loved and,admired. .... ..' '' '
afjgoodshoee'but none have the'three : '
&anOD. A. E. BHABOXK.I 2 to e.-o'olo k.. .,Honorary members 1N1II.aorof Miss .....en.We tee*. ., : !
- I J."F. O'BeIT1i.04lam11! have ag;ln are Invited. A full .attendance is de, Mr.. and ;'Mrs, Bernard M.' Potter developed. to, that degree. > that r ,
-ij Loved Into town and occupy their new sired. '_..., treated. a Dumber of rents frt nti. tn! puts them In the same'' class as the;
v omeIn8onth,-KI.M.m.e; ; : :: mistakeabout, Queen_Quality.'The are unapproach'
: _
During a reoent"vhlt here of Mr.. J. a very pleasant evening- the 'Inlet ,
t County Surveyor Moseley lost one A. Fielder of Faulkton 8. D. be traded Tuesday. Miss Jeannette. Watson of your' books and i ed, and so far unopproachable.. ,by- ,,
f,11 If his creajn colored horses.t horn an lands In South Dakotah to Mr. W. Klssimmee, visaing Mrs. Potter 'was school competitors. Of course' We keep a' a
tuck of I 'staggers a few --days R. the guest of honor. On 'I the olio sup ,
Fleming f the orange grove In return full supply of all, ..lee on ha/kL:,- ,
10, -- ,. t.JUa'count7 and vacantland. In Orange trip made in the, be.ut.1tul'mooDUl'ht., Their 'not
We Hare fame was not made by: ;, doesit
I Key'JT. F. Bell Is conducting a'rekval county of the latter. We are told thatMrrPlokler an elegant lunch was served on deck. : exactly to of
apply .one style or 9J'Ie.prfce _
1 : Shingle.Creek this week and will-retun soon'and-spend After- this. the part-Shed the breezes ;what' you., must ,them.. The "Queen,...QuaUty"'trade
I being.11.t.e4..br; Hev- A;K, Eo use-. the. winter here., I with the ever dear strains of:familiar- .: ,.haye,and our P qt. J mark on any shoe .Js'" -guarantee,that .
j1', older, Presiding Jtl lder. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stanford returned songs. ces are,, the lowe ton it is the best Summer- weights and t l t
'i [ We hear 1C rumored that one or two home last Saturday,, from the Those composing party of guests :: 'everythingneeded -' styles no' rbiHmnd.-: We: invite( curllady ....
' F the largest crop of Oranges In theunty north. While away Mr. Stanford purchased were Mrs. W.; Potter. Mrs M.' :E. by :schol"' -- friends to enquire: for.them.- :r .
.. have been sold In bulk but a large a\ookof, merchandise HolleyMtMes Luolle Crutohfield, Virginia ,
been unable to verify the rumor. for his stores here,which will Holley Crntohfleld.. Leila Anthony ars. Come:earlyno
}, ave. soon, arrive. FOR SALE fit' '
J: Evelyn Clark and Eva Yarborough in :
'1.9 I Mr. and Mrs.. J. M..-WJllson,',"''r., Mr. Stanford's new store will -: advantage .
soon be completed when be will and Messrs. Oeo.'W. Potter waiting to the last
' 't ad Miss Cecllle] Moseley returnedt occupy '
, both the old and with E. O.; Swell,,Harry I*. Brown; P. M. Stanford '
1 t> Tuesday night from', Mew York:, new one, theJaJ' minute. H.rO. h
Pope, and J,. S. Peelar.-Lake Worth .
stock '
J ere i they hoe been'fo? a month. or & just purchased. ,
**m** **fj* *'iiii* *ii ****ii **'i x
' i>re. ._4 ... ..' M. Katz has returned from! the northern News. i .. __ .. .M ... .;
.': (Mr. Carruthers and wife:oho have markets where be spent several Will Bryan Married. i Kisslmmcc Drug "Co.KVof : v .
1 r: i staying at: :Turkey Hammock for, weekrselecting] and bu ID4l, a fall and Mr. William 'Bryan of this. city i The Originator ot bow Prices jn' "KIS&lmm66i: ; r::
. Iveral month past with \\h'"' parents winter stock of goods for ThfiT: store way married In Lexington, Va., ;yesterday c .
,(. \ Mr, Curruthers"left- their home. in this place. He is one of the oldest to Miss Janet George Allan. . .
st Saturday in Oregon./ ' and most prominent merchants the The ceremony was performed by the .. 1 '
: a i Rev."David D.' Ktdd will Old town whose success as such'was not a Rev. Dr..Whaling of the.PresbyterianChurch. I .. "
matter of chance but &attained. "J' '
,' was by QQQQQ&
vices in the Episcopal church onindsynext.
: Morning Prayer, Lit* fair and honorable- dealings' ,with his". The bride Is a daughter of the late .
and 10:30 o'clock.ening customers. Col.William Allen, who was for some
by Sermon at
Prayer and Sermon "at OJ:30: Sheriff Prevail has in his possession years principal 'pf the MoDonougb ;{j NQWiS'THE TIME ; :;''!I
(clock. some papers t.h..t)1. prices very highly school,. near .Baltimore. She la-. a .
heirlooms several of young; lady of unusal attainments and .. '
Bevllf 'Ba..1nlr8r' as them being .. < .
r. .formerly of '' ; .. .
commissions to his f&ther'as; charm. Mr. Bryan is County Solicitor '
% an
d Ft. Pierce has moved with his : '
?'o ally to J lmmee and... occupy,theluse officer of/' New River county now -. ..of the Duval. *.County, ,.and',is':one. FOR 6O DAYS: ; :
Bradford of,the then colony; of Flor 01 UM most prominent young men, ,in .
opposite Kenner place.. Wetend !
them a cordial welcome to them I ida.. They are In a fair state of preservation the State. Mrs and Mrs. Bryan' ; aftera Gk104N %..a.a: AiWB, . YO.1 .4 PRICKS) WILL BK RDUOD.ON' :; 'OUR' KNTIBK LINB, .+'
|our town." notwithstanding-their age and bridal tour/ 'return to Jacksonville r ,_ .. .
the Sheriff will endeavor to preserve to make this their bridal home, P.' ReaolMtletia. Reapeet.KissnimcE , .. -.. . . ..t
1 Ilss Ituby Oliver left on Monday them for future generations.: and U.... Bryan will be gladly welcomed . 4, All persons, indebted to 'me will pWaseocall- 'and par:
'+ for College Park;' Oa, where she to the chy.-Times-Union,'10th FLA., Sept; 11, 11103.WKEJUCA.8. 'their accounts as same must Ibl\ocJ ..eaup''d. ;
As a result of the habeas, corpus : ,
II be In School for the next. several It has plea..ed.almllrh''
oth.. Her many friends here willk Drocee41oir.. la the ease against Crawford Inch -. -. -- -- -_. God In the dispensation of his wise '*> .
( forv ard to'her' return. 'with many Bass before' Judge Jones last, There Is only one way to advertise providence to remove:from this uvale ,, "'- .. > :
( any anticipations.Irs. week an order was Issued grantinghis and thai Is to hammer your name, of tear.," Sarah A. Savage, the,.'wife W. WATSONpmmnmnntnmmfimmimmmmmmmmmmmmg 3
petition' for bail and fixing the '' I . .. 4
your location so persistently. so of our beloved brother, R B. Savage. J.' ;
. .George Gilbert and little daugh amount of bond at $.000. ..Til thoroughly Into the, people's heads and I. .
I i Thelma returned from'Dade City amount wart'readily furnished vupon that.if they walk In their sleep they WOXRKAS feel that In the -
. .. : : We death ,
.P lay night to the great delight of hts'return and he has been enjoyingthe unconsciously, ,- -
turn to store.The Savage
\ your of sister ,the community has = .
, .. ,
r family: and friends.., We regret pleasures. of freedom and of meetIng Deaw.papel',11 best friend In -
your sustained grievous lost,
(Im know a case that of little sore Thelma) is suffering, Messrs.",his A.c old E.acquaintances Bearden Rull since.and spite of yonr'criticism.. It helps tobuildup bait -t-' I ' ' ' *$
1 his sureties. the community which supports I '
Time Bass .ant 1.I That Friendship E
Ir. and Mrs. H. Pfann and When the day. comes that .PHONB N. 8 '
M. "
.i The School Monday you. K. of P. fraternal broth '
High opens next Lodge r as a E ::::1 a'
\\lr', daughter;. Miss ,Marietta, ,re- with a full corps of teachers, "and the newspapers are dead the peopleare erbood, hereby tenders its'sympathiesto C. W. GRIFFIN
|urn d home from New York'Jester- the prospects are that the--term will be near their' grave with nb one to. brother Savage In this, his*hour of I I "K
morning;' They have been away one of the most successful )in the history write their, 'epltah. John. '.. Wannajnaker. .- bereavement.RlsoLvsq. ::1 .
fu out three months:'and "their many of the school, both as to the number 2. 'That ,these resolutions "
P ends will -be. glad' 'to". know" of. .. .their, . of students In attendance; and the Mr. H. K. .Willis',and bride' lTlyed be published In the'':Vlley Gazette I Fancy family Groceries 1"J
lira i It is be .. Willis i .
/ I work accomplished. to hoped home Monday 'o1a'b'oIr. and spread on our minutes, and ;
e are requested. to 1 state that a that every child who It expected to'attend went to Klsslmmee-.the first of last that a copy of ''them,, be, presented to + ft'tjs.
tog of the Y. W. C. T. U.will ,be the a achooLwill be there on." Monday week, and Sunday afternoon. was united. oar, bereaved. brother, I- '"'
c c1 I at the home'of Miss.. Ivy dough/ -the first day of the tarp!. That in marriage to Miss Susie Johnson a I I 'W. J. 'SBARS,, r FaESS, : : ::b :E.ATS. ,.. ). :
5 crow afternoon at' 4 "''o'clock at U the. most important day of that term popular young lady of that, city. They I B. C. Mitt![; :' .,; '. ",.ys # *":. +
* cb among other Important business and Its lots to the child'puts extra have gone to house keeping on Upham -, *. W. B:.BABRISCommlttee.,- Delivery-every-day i at'any hour'J) patronage solicited;: I /'If
y i transacted. will be the election of and unnecessary work pohe. teach. street, ''taldng'ipary: of the:Fogarty. : I ,; X'
oe1s. ,full attandanoe. is desired. 1 ers. residence,-;Manatee",. Journal.1 Wtuu1wUttutuwuiultutuiuutuuutilttt iutuui} Elul ., 1 tj''r'r
vTbB' ;>
t .' .'" '" .....
I. t IJ '" '
2 -I r r. ., .. "'I s .i for ...t..J 1 ....,
.4 e f > .ee' ,1.. ;o' '> '
,, ". >t: , .," -..,-L. , 1" . . ,l' 1" , . ._ ."3-0'... . .t. ,,,___.,;11. , ,., 1'J'' ,, : 1.' ,t . ,t.W' {. .,.J ,.
-ii",," '.,, 1'':. . ', '' t .. ""' ''t':'; ,'<11;' . '" "" ...,...,;:rn"", ,'.S'wI'-', ,.(.'.. ,. "- '. '',,,, .....-', ,....c"' ,' .,. ." .. "" ''" ,,, ', v- '. .,,-I 'f', ,. \ .to. ",. ;; '
r -._.w,
,,. 1 ,
'i\ "...._. _' .
> "''''! .1''r'' .. -
_...".. ..,. 1. "
; \,
II .
.. .- --.- - -..--..-.--. --- -.--.... -
;: .T.: ;, .-. :. ; : : ---- "-' -------.,= ---- --- '
A HQK. 'JOB JSTJNDAY V finltlon of love the of the dlrmeHaw :. ;yondcr'in the' a tw off Dftoit, a'sliest.reporter IC' tt' cY
sy of tho I Old ,tumm.1 elt.meu' and 'the .lcd a ittlqt.b1Mk 'n Lbr lehow .
Nw. Thou.. shalt love thy God omO,
Jit 'bisc'OURSE. i with all thy heart and with thy mind i but as ho sot out his brUsh end wa. I '
AN : : .1 bl.u.k (chew came
EtCQUt hi.
and ,it -* thy neigh I about to beain 4 JPr
liI.v. DONALD 0. M cLAURlNv: bor a* tatreel.i i. not a definition along ond said: "You ao DWft.). And.Jlnlmy treporter ; - .
.. '.f" ;. -.{ 'love; nor 'would it apply especially I you go .".y. I will -do thi. sod .Id: ,
the former part of it to the love under became indignant .I hat W rrfHlP4.Wi.ojt1I1'tdc..J.
.nbieeti The Orea'..tTIiin1a' th.tTorl4.Tlte consideration DOI i not'the'reverent "What .dp rou meAn by'thiff' 0.
Distinguished Divine Deliver a love of the' Go but It. i. that all riKht. bo.,. l>o you know that Jimmy ,
Ssnuon mysterious bond. that men, the on. baa been sick in the ho.pitnf for more .
Which I. MI Scholarly iui4Keiul1 to the other. A love that exists betwecupeople than a month and be i I. not very .trnl | tare fcmon* ibe.agcd.
>le, as, Any of llocont leers. of a spiritual experience. ind we. boy. when We are not .l '" "
Common '. .
It i* a* Dr. llodd well says"Tbe lif- :-thinz turn in end hep him. 14 that' riqbt. :,
NEW YOUR: 0rr.: Dr. DogaM D. Mac w .
that's it. And aD' i iho .Antrim. Ir llUlIl. 1tRl to robe.ll
, "Yes.
Leurin, ,of Rochester ment by which the bouv of Jesus Christi Jimmy rig
), ii 'morning In St John'...11.nreached K. Church bunday to a' bund together. It 'i 1..the cement bv .said. "All ngfjt. BO head- ;" iitos' cloth the aunuc .11141 Hug: ot the curtew . '
an.i his
large audience. His -sermon wae tb. iirst ". stones inthe temple ar united boy waplying] !his br.\ I1IT\t ty.: -,
the- reporter
Irt a aerie, on "The Greatest Tlinlt'ilt'' the fnta' one. That is .near a. definition as and while! .lie "a. d..nl '
.' .World." Dr. MacLaurin said: you will .b. Able to act from any known plied him with questions hat. per cent', ; .
4I .1 have most earnestly sought"\tA bring writing. Jt ha. Christianity in it., And of what vou earn i\o you give to Jimmy. _, 1 I l1illCt'od'I11t. nlarui clocks ** part
J-eu on successive Sundays the best ,ministry so we sing, and we sing it heartily. : "Kh?" ''What'l cent''of"I what don't you knowwhat eurn ot lime" J'n
X have yet been.able to give you lea be the'tie that bind our heart do you give to Jimmy; much of the H utU f.oud6ii early rlsets.i ,
J -that .your live nay Of broadened Imd *. love- . you mean., and I J- -
The fellowship: of kindred n.y' that you, retilv do you keep '
df'C'I1.d and lifted up lato higher .al_, mind. like to '
., of spiritual achievement; and 1 could "find T", that -above.. f .' how much do you give to ..liminyY"you all of 1*io Ito i On-ill; : Btltaln 5jCfll4'1l2.l' :.. a
r., no theme of greater value, as I !.\. than But though "we may not be able to de think and I *m do a sneak the?'boys I give! -we 'don'tktep 'renr In thud support| of (he poor. 'Thi '
that I'bidr III suggested. by thai, Hunter fins this Christian love we know it when hum of it.so.!*' ,1 when lie finished thusreporter joeu'uot Include (jVrhate cliHrltle '
which, read to you thirteenth chapV wo ee it, when we hear it,' and weknow any fel' "
said "You a pretty -:.
ter of.Paul'. first epistle of the church at hOit appear in' the enrtb. Wo. know : are Joo ; '
.Corinth And noor eight ,weeke-we shall that love seeks with total self-forgetful- low; here a quarter, and you to ten-." l"-"On the Ramon n Islands the coolest
have our texts from this chapter; and thin nose the happiness' of the Cent and gne "fifteen and lie cent the Jimmy."No. quarterto month it (lie year Is JuIyr Tlie cllmatonf J
l morning you will ,find our text in the first .and so long .. we know oboy you don't. gave that was 1.lnullII'l. thoroughly favorable
w. ,verse.of the' first..chapter of.'il'lltCorin., how it behave .it.elf in the ooial fabric ..JimIW.Tb.t 'Il'in.r. tIme "
thiant: 'If I speak MithtbD tongue of ne'ought to be quite coiitcat. And I wantyou nobler far the elouene. to .uifrICauiS. S ,
men an
become j'soubduig', "blast- ,or. 'a. .,.,/clanging. tl' superior-the mOt eloquentspeech.. wrtim Now -notice k e this in point, the l>.ri.cond fr the plnce..comparison purIna the nineteenth 'enlnrO' .
H: cymbal., '
Kloquent speech may mean self ndvertise.ment. I t 4
forth the superiority ; linti -oi-t't'$3O'i-
which Paul set
Not*must we not think that we ihall become Love always mean self eftacement. bv ilupeskwith IIhll-lllllilbl'rlil ;
'I} 4irc
queUon. of men and angel -
you ever know nnvwtie tit become weary- PrniMmoml! entitled "The tonlc. hit Ibo I'olc,
1).Y .diamond? Among the gem of the Lord (,r .tut Ti.inl in ok ", and -which have 'not urn ]lpr\o a" soiindinbraes h- No4iilr .
God tbe-Worl. a*clanging cj 'lie gift i
A. ill found this chapter, and though, I I .. once "
.' do not profess to be 'skillful lapidary to splendid and dauling.. .a,brilliant out tho grace. u (jll..netolhol"mdtl", I w11isv1s-1uppoeE4-.tobe-.nprihiatorlc
bring out it* Handing blet."I.think. with faculty' drawine..1 I wa, speaker of brass, to tho c.lhinS! talllii inndtf qt' It hollowed irce trunk
the aid of the divine spirit we shall find and all It is the rift of bronze. : great many 'rrarher. butthen".eve. '', Ju
\ rcci-ntl a imnnd'tiItahth.y
t in eajh l servicu. something freehand. helpful eloquence"by 'oic' nf their Roundne. lun was OUejtm'ied .
and -. . mind,and thrill the. heart mA--.w y.tle their i tlieoOfy,
I!' Mrs. of whose I'etter. ThiJ chapter las'l>cen.'in all lgcos of "the No; you can see how a man without l love, is*_gainet.ouuulness'in sometime tempted !heoy.. Hound.Ana. I|I. I _
Hughson, Chicag, church .especially ndnureil)IVoulot that/lit possessing such a' power", dives. to himselfadvertisement I on.)'sI. that is what,it is but ft .is withoufa I'I I A lliflo' M's"' Hockor. whmo-iz) I bitchnrrIc.l
had receHcd snail the 1\fIf'*,of Christian and the fact in that acme for hun LouIs the of
ministry and without meaning In.t his object no
follows is another in of the most brilliant I
of and
woman history that more practical and valuable orator fame \
high world. A clanging cymbnl-noise, con
& ,, KUe Is tbe
guy t bolly'lol'aL
appreciationwhich would lia\e, bMn ex.I "mong them occppnnts of pulpit., are solend Intel e put
position' who owesjier health to. the o'fj J I perienced by .a practice of its principle* of .. end glory so. much in fu.IQn. wenry bnt no hungry ministry; lel'el. Let :I lint girl .I'Uby bom)Into the fnnillj. for
usg '' and an 1 acceptance of ill precptaTe'r.. their eloquence that they forget tbe other be. something han JHngiing.la tAt 't"fII. .,'
more )
tulhaq said: It I U uttered with all the elemett.lh.t go.to make up a manly Chris Let li- J'i
noises '
voices ,clanging MS ,
Lydia E Pin1ChaI 's Vegetablet GomjsouncL force of the ana'it," and the great thinker And I want to say',to of heart -
i. right. A* I have pondered it for severalyearawith you that the man pooseaiiiug that eloquenceis reality of genuineness love, ,of*g rcliclou quinenesn |, Tho luiUHiinl t esnfHment of grafting
., "DkOut' Mas-'PrNKHAM: suffered for several years*With'general ever growing intercut. I hayo which in constant he dongi.The attraction. ; that is what 1..inc"! That. is what frog I"I011 tliw-hnnd lIt ft liuuinn pnHenf -
trouble. come"to feel that, indeed morta'. faculty tend tne that is whiiutit is lookinir :', successfully '"performedjt '
weakness womb
and bearing-down pains caused..br My appetite could"n..e. have written it. It never : to centre his mind upon liimchf.; and>by worl"Ant. lins.Wu
was fitful,'and-1 bold lie 'a'ako for hours and could snot sleep .could have sprang from the brain'01' heart and by lie set to be greater if he is not 'hl u whnt God bncg'ng i Hit- lioiuaropiitliy llo!pUal..of., *ho.. .
; Until seemed more weary.in the ng-than/ when
:E... reading ono ol'fdtif advertisements decided to try,the merits of Lydi,
utterance of .
XL Plnkham's ,Vegetable Compound, and I am so glad I did. '"1o one ', through Paul, a .servant of God,' to tho Love goes forth in .etfac'mente While they wrr
can describe the good it did me. I took three bottle'faithfully, and on*of men. .. jetty, .IJul.tll th..'.wound. Gl i broken ( to grind out
:> ami
men smJ. t, ud get away '
besides! building, up my.geperal. health, -drove all disease and poison It I* a gloriou hymn or pean in honor live In- perfect ,harmonywith ""' ,. Jil(1. And the other the |>Iail-of innkrmit'nat'Pntioc'Mnnt' .
oat of 'my body, and made me feel .ns.irpry and(active aa a bung girl.Mrs. . of Chrntmn by the love,:aung.: a* ne have inti Master this Himself.thought' i I.. You the remember teaching of that the aid.frn now, 1 will ,not.t&Oll talk like that Klnnc by men us of two ntntlotuiry balloons !.. '
mated Apostle Paul when
.f Plakhanrti medicine are "certainly aU they aw claimed to be. up on) the wings of inspiration into soaring the marvelous sermon in. the mountain in about that music. Wb>', do you know '1'1( fare l. to b* $ i.
MM.'.. llconsov, SiT'Easf Ohio St, Chicago IlL V; XV very-bright* of Christian eloquence. Like which lie says: **Kven'solet your fight that that composed wa "Se by the the Conquering great Handel hemCornes" : '
i'.<,: Mrs. Pi&kham TellsJUow Ordinary Tasks Produce. p1ac me the Forty-fifth the Palm,' it-may" lie fittingly shine before and men' tba they shtll see Father your And bis friend said: ''I want-you to come 811k 1 obtained from tlie shellfish
railed "Pulm of Love and works .
not in- 11rlC"r
Apparently trifling"Incidents in "oman'll dally life frequently fcoduc: fren.njentl your speaker will; *o designate lod' The IJ, be emphasized. with me'lo a Handel festival. v> a month k no vin us the (ilium, which Is found In .
he invited his friend the I I"and
'. Usplaxwmsmts of the wom'b.o Asllp on the striIftisduv1ng menstruation, it in'these Sundajr.jDu9rnug.e rvKes< It a.indicating the manner of th* later when lively choruses" concert ilic Mediterranean. TliU shellfish DMSUK
standing at a aoodnter running a sewing machine or at tending- the..moat .I'I''f baa the) form of poetry; it has the inspira shining. Light may be held e elo to and so the great Jin symphony went were on, sung this power of spinning n viscid silk
4. ordinary tasks may result, auplacemeat.jki a tr.inof iwrtotiseTUs Is started. tion of Oeti' has the coloring of the the e"e a* to.dazzle the eyes; may friend of hi. became cnrsntured.And !t nhloJitJn riklly I I. mode IlItu..J1-zuular "
be the fo.qn4ek' action.Don't finest poetry. And if you could read it in be so'close befor the eyes of the
; 'Th.first Indication of .uc .\Jble should signal > that glorious: that beautiful
the Greek world .. to dazzle of the world. aid "ln't in't stud hajjw fabtlolinve .
.: ior ataken.ldeatha you wouliTtntcli tho fullness of eyes wry
become ?
le'L'he condition chroniq through<-gle a said his "do vouknow
its You not to tbe but .l. '
imagery, it i I. see one,
n* impossible- to a -
fcan U exercise leai4 it alone. *. you is? It in 'Mee the Conquering a -
yoa overcome by .or. .r do inrllie beat Knvlish yenion. It . you are see the fruit*, the results of the 1. '
.m.A I
Mof than-a million woinrtt baTe r galae&t1t. by th.I".vi LyAUt E.Plnltham'S profanation .txr attempt its' exposition. shining. This i* the way with the old Hero (" m. It is what you heard on 1'11.r.1011i1 long |upon tiotorloiiit
r Vegetable Compoutsd.11 ** * +* It seeias like analyzing a rose or dissecting sun itself. You I look out .upon the lawn the organ Let love conquer your hearts I for (lie <'ruclty exertim by them
If tte slightest trouble appears which you do not understand n.ai'htingal to take these principle in the parks and tne country side, and 1 ins, the and worldwill we shall startle make WAV the for >'oullm. lit tlie iMinUliiiu-iit of political prlBon-
write toMrs. PinMiam. at Lynn MMS- for her drlee, smd p few:' Upart-.one from another for the necessary than hay. never when seen I the park more beautiful originality of our unonlhne.: \ tle ers, Thoy art' confined In subterranean
after 'I
tlnaelr Words from her will show the right thinK to do. Thl4rtce annlvffu in the nrogreM of our work. But yiit tbel 001 ray peak with the Of and I.. i''i.II
you it is **;,full of tho nIT heart oftthe gospel arrival in thia ago You tCe men ,. -n 1th just air euoiigh tQ keep them ,
costs you noihlnsr, bu ttmay meAD lUte happlneaa or both. look have nit 10 become as ..ndI I .
message I[that we would be cowardly were out npon'tha grass and the growing Iu 1111'e. The furtrcit at ih'hgrsdtconS
** ,we net; to attempt the exposition amine sad the.yettion and the flower bras or a clangIng eymbal" Jet ua lame lci-p well back to Itouiiii
have a- < tlatliiK -
ji ,Mr Lelah 5tbwell, 177 Wellington The poaltioil .r the ysalm in the book" and you feast -the beauty and love. : ; '
t -., St., Kingston, Ont., writes :' in Von which gad-.a"I"und.ft. in the midSt heitfhtdna of lengthy lta-Ilrect.otn-' begin the woaJth to say of, whenc the earth'r.me.1 aurf.rer this.whts) .and you, ne.ioua. Fpwer. I II I/,the skeletons thins. whIch of ninny IB belle of*eil thuie to contain prlsooem .
I. 1 DUB Mns. PINKHAV-You are"IndteVi!'*' mentfj-Jt remind tie .very much. ofanonsisCof tG worker; this; and I \Ahen a phiysici'h.Js called to- a ease" vTr ..
undertake to look lip at the sun ahin\ of > fiickness th first he . .
lettering palm treys$ ,and ttipranginji e\'r -
,'godsend 'to\ women, and if theraflknewwhat cemtli thin" tbat
flower and running brooks in the ft..ondct in th* of the heaven: the 1/ -
you could do for them, .there ,would be no need ,aadetttf *desert of sand. On either aide '!d nun,-for.your,terraenty. 1nl .tlm.te.i r.oi"tnl recovery oreinproportion -j' ;? .ura Test *f m.U Tubss..Aii -
of their dragging out'miserable lives in agony. I i* argument, u tumult and right in the dart hi*, r"d hot fire into your eye to his .. hi If there belittle fiiM-rliuenC trled'-byenl. 1CIIIIUL.
.. 'suffered for -with bcaring-dowij Twins I midst of all burst forth'l his sublime song. :' will' leave a markupon you flint you will of ,that,a -the) 'outset there i* small Dutch t"iiiiliiwr:to test the,strength pf
; years 'h It i I. 'fryf mucfi like the setnf of the sWeeL.voic4 .:1' notiforget' for' uiany days Do not look hope of overcoming the disease. The resisting the 11 nui 11 fulics In water lube boilers
womb trouble; nervousness, excruciating i- ,vfx-hool children in the midst of at mer-toot at the grass look at the growing pmrer of person in full health m snrh-
4b .ache but a fair: bottles of Lydia E. PJnkb.'. their tb.r
Vegetabl Compound made* Ie1tIlook game4f Qr. better like the very sound of not at thn. worker, 80 with-God disease gerpis. that prostrate others. One / far beyond nnytbHt t1r7't.ul.tlloiuJI. .
,I new Lpmmlsing to me.' I am Itaht and*, the "MM of heaven'. choir-iia'ihc pit of lim.1No.,man has seen (Uod'At any cannot always. tell."from appenrnrei-s just 1' Jecfod to In actual ".. A rx i>per tube
Wall Him in Christ.
njtreet ens panickydayx can.e.ily4uiacine only Jeu. bow lunch ,lability one ha to witlutand :
happy and I,do not know wha.sictoesa No of one loch outside diameter was f L LI
the deepening haah--t4wt. man >4 ftod this oicrnal,jat i,ny 4h.inrhd. o( a malsdy. fx me who -
'. is, and. I now enjoy the beet of b aJtb.--W must pare /alien Jin the Corinthian church fimehut; 'we.q. t the star that .bsjem are' rbbnst almost immedintelysucebmb apparently i plugged on. both ends and a gtispe
: LiydlaT, ,E. 'rinkliam's, ,Vt"C.tab16. .I they. J I read
'r.- . Compound can ,always, be relied upon Jq.'l"lto" ,ImxtiBei'Uo, .hat'naieraittlAiK pradloedu gonyand the more we them the' OOMT r violent attack Of course dn- I forgo and steam raised to 2UUO
the tnintwiof -thpM (Jhristio. 'M .they mor are we thrown-beck on th* teaching IIlpatlon.lnb alcnie living nnhcalthful snr-
health'i women who thus suffer. It is a .sov .CIa' for ,
'Q forms ea3cb.elc. mc-oxiacvd.Vne.: Hef aholhcr tI.h&favorite hidh! '.whsnwoiearned..jt.singi roimftiTh1l.3pcp4uAs'U' reeking power, lO'j j'.Ifoiiuds per square Inch-whvu It burst
.'wOt' of. female, complaints. that beariu-down foellng. 1
< ft* Of :fDfi'(*$ >* ? I Jf.. 3ih ,star, how thatkwb<"na virulent, ailment mAt.1iIII This. tub> was O.O7 Inch thick; the teoll .
fa ..g and displacement of the womb Inflammation of the ov eeJapd Inr thTP grunt: 'tl'aeb.r. For PaShere I won,14r what you are. up above the worldso AUacK Oiw nai1ltrelatb insufficient to Jiaht'lC'oIP (* ,trl'nlllh"Qf the 'lIetIlLbelnil'.oo1r
'1' .ell t.ro1a .i of the) ut.eru.ol' womb. dissolves and expel tumo I'Oql 'o 1ionnKtbat \"'! tk.,lod4'>McbUal! '.! higltlike a dianiod lathe sky' y" : } 'I. r' J ,' *
.'.I Wrus I ho early stage of development, and checks any ten" eanc.r- .Chris n. Jife. .Love did yon nay? Jx>re! ..the star and th* glory of ,llel' trsrm YOH ... that it ill not, so much ihe sill| anti a half tons per square Inch.
oas hamikre.' It subdues exclUblUty' nervous. prostration aDd..be that *ltt sentiment that herd-headed' tnt. port jour wondering soul do malignsnrr of thud dlipaso as it Is the vital ''A keel tuba of one and a quarter
,_tire i4ste; system. Its record of cures is the greatest inthoibould 1m..and: I s.jtlon. to'rvomenr and.children Do Him 'whou.made cad 'keeps the ity of'th* matt tliHt determines the result. inches diameter rolled Into 'n circle of I
bFrelled upon.with confldenc '-__' _ =_ l .leI1' : 4 _bi.you laDgxiage mien r to av'thnt'th'i,ThMji a pponsrly' 11. the-Bpirit wiat Jta of* i star* not,I G i* in innniUe.jn.11,. ministry.. iuuuilf.lie.0.n \ ,.\Vell nat-..pri.it:g.ill' alo TI..re.re in the moral some persons world. say bv*',Six.'Inches-.'diameter'' I and ,0.704 IhchtbUlt
.$5011 'PGRFWIT'1f we .sjinok fnrtawilBi mwja".ttieArlslnsJ *at4tirei nostliformiilate) Jle afRnni-inost. I, .beloved;who have been br'lneW' ing live .o.upright'so-apivitua1ly healthy,' i stood 4V8. pounds per square,
.. .
aiin..&eei "" shioh will r tnnlr atrsnlnts stnulir *** .
p p -
: sons 10dt-lM'tore'
:plicitly-the % oiate 'twthIs'f that: bur
L 41a & rj.kb., KecUe.\IM osw i a KM .n d.uab..of 1be.-are prl1ctic.IImalunefrom! I 'tlcg. Through defects
..,... ,' ,. .. -.. ,-., .sv.-. ." : without loVe.-i Lon atrtfio eglnnunc of it: please we effaceurolve.ana temptation. And when they are overcome lu thfe materIal they sometimes give
' tl'' "*'f'love ntthetofftIove: nlMngtno whole are seen only'* the benptf they coon recover themselves, -fo( I '
C SOME I .sWjl 'T''' y1"0 Ji p ;:" tw nf -epAce brtiree.. 'ibOpSjtb5; end i*,not cent ministry,o our live) inrounvhoine, their power of resistance i I. great. On the ttny nt 300 pounds per square Inch.
I CoW Pills' One Magnate-It ts Idle to sal that b the.1e-agote'-t4tPie' rtwniBg, It I it in ourcomniunit.iea, in our .cburcbos, .tn other liand there are tbot. who after SUP- i'Iron Age. .
; richertfj rranUan I obi. f our city, in the world. Then under .this crumbing to one temptation are completely i . i 5''
a young man has no opportunity withoW, fin, jove the ether opuIl'nJ first pointa,againtbst tOve is of swept a*ay by the power of eviL How can 4' A roar ..pl. Sugar Year ..
'Ayer's ?Pills are' good liver Another M.gna1e-qute', (rue. We be. lib*\ bloesbril<''taeif itag.peakifhe . BTeaer vuu* '. oourch. and i to the, that, beaccounted for? Obriously in' the l'
,, haven't bees able to grab all of them.- VoqtRRe..andrJJiA .s 8e sod tiler) world than the most eloquent ipeecn. Now IRma way that the abilitrr to resist physi-]I If time maple sugar of comiuerce were
pllls. Yot know that.Tc bestfaiQily PU L I1oweigi4;Lbi'trec.i'IIIfH.fo\t have I may Aot sy that eloquence 'I not ...Ia.I cal disease i..t ti.Jw, ..xpl iDed. There Jins- wholly dependent oi>, the sap of the.
1Lo. 't'. )_ T' th* first I"StfudaiftaQrnmim
Kxatiye ;you .canjbuy.. ,- lose that Shall enttnke t irt ALt ntloq on profferedtp' us, I ,sy-neitlier has! been permitted t6 become familiar with i i denr this very
They jthe..bowels PITSDeeanentl?onred.o ftts or nervous$ will bfi a ,sfrajigrifr te -font would Paul saythat eloquence, even tho nil thoughts; the soul has breatned in year. The crop' was very
p regular, MS.ttel'nn* day's use Or.Kllns's Great Ji_ experience1. "U I speak with the tonguesof gift_ of.toDr.i< wauytlinfto.h, de- minima'and corruption until ono bas no j-rliort owing to the warm spring.'
'cure coajtlpation. I f.C 'larveBestorer.tatrlal' bottle and trcatlsefree man i and sngelflr-bnt-tnvvirolrlove.-I .. to ability to put away temptation. |I Oeniigo County Ohio ordinarily produces .
Dr.B. H. KM.,Ltd..881 Ar h lit..Pblla.Vnllondav am beoenie sounding brass or a clanging nttractUhe attention of men to the divinemanjfcjUtions Allthj suggest the need of resisting
a large of
; cymbal.; ','It.weuldrsaeovns jl .the among the son of men; and power both against dferai and against ai. j I part sugar made W
Want your moustache or beard .: isr_ the favente dij. lor. ,_commit- ..Qopnthlancharch web ehJisentf'.L,1_ "..< it I was 'greatly coveted' because o thi A pure clean wholesome life physical I] la this country Last year 009.804 '
: .beautUiil brown or rkb black? Usel .log .UICI.. .eriat Jtastrtrere eloquent hearers; and let force resident in ;I it. JJul 1 want you to and moral will make onesecure against trees were tapped, producing< 60,105 ;.J.I
*" me sayjthat eloquent bearers ..*rtsseii- notice that only afew people can be eloquent : : harm that either con do. I of "
: : .The Cum tkMuxetifr*'-.t"'' 1 tl4'aloquent speech. The Corinthian fnd the treat majority of ns in- regard any poundii, sugnr and 104,141 gAllOnl ..
UClNHAM'SDYEJ Nothing Is more rernablalf or 1nvIoratln'iii Christians to hayeto exhibit realityratJier of syrup. This year only 5-I4.0S9 trees si I
were distinguished for ,
simmer than a xlally bath. U.. soft in this directs and gifts .CpCC.wi 'in.cpeecn, ana Our Worst Itoell". i I '-n'AfA 'n..n.t ..,l..AfMn.l nn. ._A. Aof
: tepid water and Rood soap. Ivory Soap 1. 'log it. knqivtad4thoijrigiit so the apostle know . eloqunce in most practical are manner 1)-0. Theodore L.,'Cuyler, in estimating '- ; uo :'
: Ideal for the bath It U pu.Rathere quickly was their rtther'in the) I well for.he ; .available to u*. Now .might estab what he deem. to be our wont enemy 10 ;I sugar and. C3. !08 gallons syrup, .004 .
r gospel uvesjppoaes
quttUun.f' and.ISMVSS tsskin, soft and Walt ..Xh '.thE'iII'"pa b'Jking I ion : lish this point by argument an4 by declamation this life, says: "Dangerous as the devil I .
bath should 't.k..narly re.the anomlagx than tone from the lips of men'e"F'"'_,pie la. ; but I prefer to give you 'a few illus i i -dangerous sf"worldly aranieinente are, I Peat Fuel For IxKwinutlvrs.
: .J f1flWI or Just before retlriiia; at..A night.JU. >OK LPARIZ. i ThatfWfre they to have sill 'and were des tratonl.. to fasten what 1' mean' in your havesto the most.encounter dangerous walks enemy in that,we-often shoes. I Peat fuel In freight .l locomotIves In I'
our own '
4 ., titute love they were nothing bnt"ond'r Sweden has hauled the
That I maximum
npuH.of' r iTh. brass or clanging crinbala. .How hard 'A woman here in New York City cunning artful smooth-tongued load
CRJS'I over ,
) Joe the
tati..t. heart-devil is
::, NERVOUS O,OOO a year and'tM $ 0. ,J IthisTjBWit have been mat those PNplewbo qjne yearsago, conic to the City }fi.ion hiost constant watching, the an4sumhectsui that needs tho ,i cost being aliontjhp same ns with j
chermhsM to English coal. -To
f A.4 SOOTIIKN Ibs ; eloquence as more easy to intsgln Society and lulI'ht' the aetrtll1 the defeats. avoid the expense
-. IV: 'tlm* tOe .s TJse Allan's root-Has*.. <**than to describe'.1 m >they placedgreat'btore would like to something am against worse the:Spirit and Th the. tleob-hi.t.tb-Spirit against j' of an extra fireman, lioweter, the peat "'
It I. the ,nly cure for Swollen Smarting., by their gift of tongues and not eloquent in speech, but I think I the flesh end these are Is now mixed with an equal weight of
un_ beil""e1oqu.lIHf'"of'' could distribute contrary the one j
ipedi..And do the j
Tired AclllaglDot.Sweating etOcrss anf knon. you tract among 'prand to the other. Paul had a tremendous 'I, coal nnd the mixture has -
Bunions. Ask w* aAs often,'placing tbe emphasis needy Give itcble proven so '
IOrUlea..Fot--a.: '.pwdet'Mo le battle along these 'lines,, .
at their wrang place.Ve often I will render ,service to. betting down his satisfactory that It
be shaken Into the shoe Cores while yon guilty .1Lrd. l.fI4ttlre herd Is to be tried onpassenger
by blows
of } and the ,old .
.that charactenstio folly These Corin- She was supplied abundantly. .
.walk.t all Druggists and Shoe 2oDon't train.
Stores hero able
at the !
was aajt to shout 'I have
.thi.u.-.efte. down th. .
she ,
accept any substitute. Sample aeat" potting the emphiislawheeh. street saw a plcemA tak _
a good light henceforth
emphsis should not be. What log a the she ; there is I
'poor to
'YnA4drst.kUen g.Olmsted, L. ,N.Y, woman laid I
Ijoy .tto1. uor'mo a crown of Older Than
) theJChrlstlaa
PaulTirmsand what the Gospel affirms went to the statiou'house rilhteoul"ea.I'.Vhoever.h. Km. _
[ Paris tiae the biggestbt of anr city jn over lad over again is that jt it not speech, learned the lat. in the wom.n'l c.Uere and \ his ., by Uod's' help laid his desires I Some workmen, while dIgging gravest
the world. It that tt not plans. his purposes, his property '
amount to MOO.OOO.OOO. doiag but-beiDIt.-that God rev when.tne.womlt wa to discharged. Wenden SnUroa- VnWca .. -
ftnd above all his- Kngland.-t
own wiHat th. '
lest of
lItard. III is -
JRemg finer than doing;, finer she was met by this
4 Smokelesa.. Powder. Ii..Wlulo..So tbIDIS"nP for ehlldrst .thanloaying; finer ,than any expression good woman who threw her arms around Jesus X'hrmt is already oneof' the over- i maMrUl'd'avery. rudely decorated
ts.thlng.softeu the gums,reduces Inflamma- which.it i. possible for it to make of itself. her neck and Icivsed her;' and the woman comers. He already begins to wear clean cinerary urn, containing. a quantity 'I
c ffITne-cth8 ; lion.aUays pa.lneur wind eoUo.Me.settle:. So ift-yf not sgicech bat resUtr that.. Qod .aid 'iky God I Why did you do that? raiment, and the omniscient eye of God dark earth mixed apparently'-with the
< lookspjor and the. church waits for. and No one .kissed me sine my mother discerns on his brow" the first. flashing of Cremated remain '1 '4.
Don't allo- the, of .J '
victor's .
rout dauling crown! man being..
ARROW prospects tq '
blind . tbe wo'rdg hungry for in you and in me, diedwb did you do that'. And the I
you.-.- '_\t. fi | Nowxlefus consider if TOIL please,. in hurobl Christian woman said ,"I._do not Tlitf-urn Is probably 2000 years old and
_ _
SHOT SHELLS ,. .. 1 do not beUeve Tlso's Cure- for Conan-np. "the first place, therein love it superior know. nhless it was Jesus sent m. to do Vlselpllse tIme Appetite. (r it Celtic origin.. ;
11ra>haaaAeaaalt<>r aiitbuiaad flolds-JOB* the most eloquent speech. "If I speak it." Without going fC' further detail. Archdeacon Qovett, of Oibraltar, In .a fl a
i ,. "I.D'af i"Uoi a.Trinity*Uplines tnd.;Fsb.15tOG.* with the tongues of men and angel but let me say that that rdem.d by letter to the publio upon the consumption I Industrial la It..,..
: "i L______ everywhere at :. J'han not love, I am be ome sounding brass the ki of that Christian woman who of alcohol in the British army, points out i i Government agents aud Russian nubJoels
the rap-shoot-' It is be tier to put on airs than to cut oft or a clangingeymbat" What is Chris full of love. for her kinL. Thtsi that despite the strong.evidence adduced -
iDgtournamenU.. ... _ _ _. _ tian loveT, It,i. more easily described than i II he kind I mean. No' eloquent preachins by i Lord Napimand Lord Wol.elcy a. to are building flour mills.factories '.
,. ; defined. :Jhat J u precisely ,what the from the 'most preacher that he criminal effects of alcohol jn the army and meat packing: establishments. and
_ _" .1.4' with._________ Even tb umbrella'manufacturer. makes. apostle.has done in this great realm of you have evr had ,brill.nt could have ( early ninety, per cent of the crime being I opeabigjuines and sellliiR goods
_ _ ANY'.standard _ bsy while.! the sun shines.' ' Joni He nowhere defines it. lip simply reached life .did that kiss. That attributed oJfj) anoV.despibe tbe evidence! i Uiiaughont '
_smokeless pow., -.-. --.-- _, describes it,.giving some fifteen character. reminded h.of. departed motberlrA ?f .WfuS?' ?"''". and ,'cpcrienl'e.. tho I Manchuria, privilege
: ;.. and for cats _ __ _ utica of ;,it.-' Indeed. I do not know where poor ) .dying in iade'of, both the army. and navy of JJritsm i Which Amotlcans lire'not permitted .
; zvIaywH1L FRFF S tu Ri s love ia defined'.in tbe.entirrf Bible nor.do: .Pnrw.aod on' seeing a wom.1 urrf--diUIy .dowd witi intoxitants: The I I i to euJoy.Cblcago Chronicle.
., I knew a definttjoiv/or it' You have heard who was a' stranger to. Cbrl.Uan. marineat tlHl age of twenty is.served I'
." .C..Ni..CI BUCHU the story of tbe teacher of psychology who "You know 1, bate' you Cbristiari. You, every day with his 'tot of rum, and cheap I .w.I .
5pec C.bpe or..n whosnffer.or.or.. the'lrI.a. upon receiving .a new class at: the begin' have nothing 'to" ;ive but good advice. drinking canteens are'regimental institutione.i j I, ,A Question.. ., '. '
1Iw_ who snffu wltn. ,,. of those lung of-the term, instead of giving them aJCfture You.build. Hna>"restitution* for us when lJntil those customs, supported hy The following recently appeared In
or Blood .plMasv.a, s roj Llvsr>ie Wilt asan.of Bf Stnarfs" : he asked one of the members of haye fafleelut rou .do nothing; for w uatov high authority are destroyed says Mr.' the New Yb I'k'' Bun; _ -
llTbeUcIonMetaHlcCarlrIdzeCijjddgepw'.C.u. Gin aad Snobs,the srsat soithsra Klds.r ansl' ,'tile class to; .fiDe'.he'' iumaj 'aoul; .ad keep us from -ing thrown into the Oovett, "we.shall have the ahamefuh.icas J. "T6 ,the Editor "
? .; Uvsr Mad;.;.., will,be "..',absolutely free<3., tao yonsis; man rose ami said: "The Juman. pnUi, of temptationAn4 no one' but .which send ,nten to hospital or prison .' of The' Sun-Sir.;,
00s$. Msntlon thliiMner' BAddress STaJUiT soul ii./acnltynhat thinks and feels that good woman, acting with.Miss Hunt flourishing both, In the army and navy Kindly answer the following:' How
Pk JO M'FO CO?,tt.b iill Bt AtUu. s,0. f5X addrtersnl. What.t"the use of for I
{i I'"ianother-tn' mbeit of Mho in beneficent work in the gay city of diwiplin. the body luucji wood woulJ woodchuck chuck '
-I .. '.. class<-4dsd that .the .soul it immaterial, Paruv,understood tbe.dying energy. with I If there,' is,,no i discipline. spplicd to the ,JCn wooileliUfkwould\
: chuck wood?
: 'TheZffervescentarj a. 'vTM > And then he said will -yoa tell me ,what which she uttered those :word. By.and I ippetite. .? .. . .. ,
: )1> PLAIJf JiNQU.Qfli' ,.( J \ the sout.is not; and the young'man lied by this woman'"won her into the kingdom :, ;Hsyoon.w .
w* Y",reliable 1 Now ChIlqren..aId: tb.iekcbr'wh1ch the sev to say,,."I do.not know:" 'aod of God, lad i just-beforeshi died ,said -to 7'.,, ,It.w \viii P.u.... j
i little boy or 'glrfcan! tslltbi the gr ._ preerwho(tathilirit, witl the woman" who represented for 'ylt; ,is ,notUlouf:pr genius,tu6! enablei, Clinrrh Tenets snil'tnns' .:
4 omiigLazative *anlng of the word 'humlAlty'T"Johnnyvtlse : .t. "fe1t.eDlbup, I.And thd eofltinteihe& I- me the die first (jim Cbrb.DIJ hell. "Lt one Wewii to Vacceed' so much as pcrssveranpe. .," Mrs.Mnrgartta:' Dnblelson. of ,fc am" ,
I & not b/ the- sudden '
> I .' et.vaWS 'hl.'baue 4' the first theologissi la the let;, head upurt, but by- Miim:In 132 years old.. "She! Is -.
JancJ world you me my OB your pillow keeping ,persistently:at it.v"jjne
. itll ,:r . :."Tot ?1nar.tJt1? ilqb.rf fj' I I I f!I tuked t deloe ho,.. Lad i be w. I.Quld ,.p'de ,rh my head on'.u a h.r runn'., a mile may than tireh"VifiWor by-!.
JpJifiand ,
; IIL''J the pillow La ministers
", .: .itumld1\T Is tta'dU ,cDdl & tiacherofpsyIOog'f a>your -uralktag five., If we must viol let pull aseribeahat long.Ufa tl o\, '
0, ..'.' . : 41. us run
say. "No mol'll do J.H grantedThsfis what J That I.the .
.ood \ m.a 'Ithp.tienc. the race tbit J her :..ta.J'JItdltereut.'O'
.' J'.Ja.r'. e. ft'_ .,,i:iUeu"-chleaco- >"i;Buae .. Thai wlcl "" rtesrestto. : being' Sds.. )t ,ministry ,tb U r,open ,.' OnrI' : ,.us.-Uaited Presbytsrisnv, set before'I 1 i'the cUurch.: i"I 1 in-th" teuctsofi ; ,. :; t. .1\:!;'
t. 1 '',, .. i$ ,.ill.. ,/ w.-,. ,,IjI;' !r..' '
> .. L' ,
." ""0, ', .i. ,' r '.. f' ..'" .f. . / ', : X1" "M .
,-- .\ ,.11
.\ . 'of. .: '. : . _
.'. ,." I' '... .-,"'".' , ., t:- ; .."'. " ," 't '" .co'S'. '!, .. ' ,' '. .'0' :J'f',-'''.' .' '
1n M't
t t Q -
. . . .
.... .- -- 4"-- -- -
HHW. l(((,((( It(((U Hill)'I))")",))1B )-)))) vent the wandering tnnect'from tflna. k >Ut I I'oluata.'I'M . TRAVELLERS' GIFTS.i ,. ;
4"-- " r tl.e'rlSotwN'' yQ +i..* .' : ili| i 1 .J.< iiJ.H ,Il >_ :HHELESMAN : If YBB Dto't Want
'> TRPL-RARIi !!L.t C.. WI 12 Into ron.nnuiuim. ; to ,
1 "
l1 i1>rbd of U. 7TJrs tall the. ,iNrKTourist FrUnda I. '. 't ,.U I A,_, U t a -_'- w CUHL8 IN YOUR HAIRH'
-,tIII f'IJlNS )' -1 1I . .. ; e1v11Jt1 ..0 al! "tr\vtf1e are toe Compelled'to-De 'on HerlE eet* .ther( La.tarjer: ; ...( '
:I :.... I".. ,, j r1IlttteY OT p dH piE 'lhnedtolfet' etr. *, otthciayhnd5; ?. Tof il inplr; .... '- i
f ( .
,, .
\. .. These and ,,
"a ..... .. copsist of a bag f or,ponge t Vy" A/ -
f "
J .1 J vcttii . C "'Wa i'a J.f nll'ftlttpihae;;with ape '
... !t. ,..e \ D1Iu: 'Curtain';.of tit, J'IL'on
"" : \ ... for 'SK>ap, comb toot brush, nail
((( ((W(;(((((( ((Iom)))))) )U) III)))) I ... '. r W'... Juush,and-hAliUM-uah.: Thaei. are Paa1t Hires 11-,..
.. ,.' madsof white* ot. UniedUnan, eta.troldered 1 Exper eaee.
1f't1P yo'Mithln.'yea= : f..j "loutto 'belt :!::. < I In contrasUflg'6Ibt l Vlth i
1 grtl'y; rf"/Y', do '
!: IW ifs' bx+WIUIIlW y 1'yj4h! )t.J1 ell 'J". '... .. not;embroldei1 can bind U .:'eigojs of I" II 11111ur ,, n.W41fT ._ _. t
-tomologlst' ((--'-!stns,, )lily ODe ,01 Jlf .. 4.tf.. . . .... :. their cases and: bags i -.(th narrow cob l'l't .Carpeaf-r's I.OX 'MAtW!,POMP
kind. :To-d4y oWe er, there, exist .. '"ored ribbon., I I I '(e.waas. oe1pMtTiflo.M.P
(several: iidiiTarin8JlnFrnnc.| : ; , among1 \ ; t Only 'tjavefer. 'cellJreallke the! I H 10' A ....... aoItIl +........
which w.ttt.alfeDalah .. Y.Mar't.."5e-5i5s" "d' srsecmwy.
apeclal attend M
: a
'. ..,. comfort of these rubber .lined;
lion to MM. of:.M."'Ah dre at Macon, They occupy less, ft ham anythingelse1 1 paice.-s CENTS." 'Tv."
Departmeut 8none-e -Lgirpi; ,Jli: do 1.1\:1 \ made' to..I.h"P\lr. 5 --rj"s> !*.,.I .. rM And nvetm art.tsrt.......iI..q tap t ymailp .
t .
: _. .
r .
bonnefou.,, at Ccrcoux : .. t.0s1t4 tila .1.- .
Dopartmeut } 'itg'C4te
ttte-dresnaget') sell pars: AAdnniCARPINTW A-CO.
Churentc-lnferleuj'e. "' ; and .DQpt/oe./ lluicmd 2 fi1oeh 1&U r' r rr' r LoulavliletICv4 :
,, at bQlnerac. nppartinoat., ,Ar- I .1. 'r3b4! t Z .
doche.These. ",--- -: : "
Uterwtaet..a'lml1e"lIefft' ;lfi to -'- ".
gentlemen prnctlcaliy confine' the traveller. '. Its need 'ft-l j ". 'IltnnsTabnlesare-;
:tisefulneos '
their efforts tb the rearing of..tboJl"orelt'jt'n"n.of f11.-II4AO. >lO 18a .LaaYas: AND , not: be dilated upon.' t 't1le:..:.Drat! tYffl4.<< s "
thefamily* bonibyolilne?" 00 e".81i1..ooa. r aNv. oesd'J'JI..OMJ.gcs...__ '. Still anolhe' ierttWable''gift*1 Hi I.comblnaUonplllow"and la ,y I medicine ever'Tnad
> J"tea' f A'uridrednill' ) ..
bag.: ''l'h4econslsta'Ot S ;
located the .
lf'laassttendnntwith-his in' the bead or pelvis M'tfao., '
theni vbav" bees
water.feud 4tuDr'
lodg"bfebe' or Uien
a' diachtrgc.of mucus. 1* oure to occur '
pincers does not tome gr6uiptlyj!! !?!:l;, I',denlin. .cretonne.: sewed ..togethera ,This diacharjt*,, of ..nuetiseonititutea a told lu' the Unite
fLTr:Alley; :ruRelt ni;:',erwN {1t'1I.1tl '.4I pare. 'brtn6"iday ntdft1cI-.G! form weakening drain; t.bo yatent.canoot. long Staten! ,laa'' ('single
other ,mortals who cannot ewlm. On withstand tb. los of mucus, hcno it U year, KveryMUaeaa',
pillow. The portion jI t Is :
that afllioted. with atarrhal aff ee-
th M fpatuilolftStiftU> ,lltty,-i t n1.ecl1J7: .tbe 4 of beyflgir .1 Mlss Nei1e( Curtain. tiona:women of the. i pclrii: organs feel tired and arIilU2 from, a,"disordered stomach la,'
a iticft lIr'plft1| anAlsewed k... Il.t.dch"! ", II; .. 'languid-with w.ak.bl.clc and throbbing relieved or. cared: by :Ittielr: use. Socoiuwotils"jt'tbfit'dlseases
r I 't1lf'7"net.'thpure Air, .on. bran, A ouno of Peruna ia sure to-re-' orlfilnate'from ''
t1a 'vc1 r rw leaving an open pocket Into whichT 2TOrXlE.; CURTAIN.. 6M ,Pearl stun stealth by cutting off the weakening .
are detrimental sn their, 11'I.U. Ai+Ov.c.: ,MISS the stomach It may be_ afelyaa-
H 'sbawV book "or fancy; work oa1'.I1' St. PauT.' Minn., cad Mlec drain of the duly_of mucua "
i all, th lr food start bo sound44sucSulelt three may be tucked A.atrap of thesameDsn woman in 'department store, writes: sorted there Is no, .coueltlon ..4It.11'> /
anQpLiItlft S'lie y arerpvepousfP e'f- \terla1! l lsfiitne J to lie etas ls '"''4 A.C1t.ge: depasdasnt fit ,| A* Adinlrabl Tonlo.. health tli-.t will not be'' benented or : "
i rr 7 inceimantoat TB. .60d 1 consume ot the pillow which can "be."cTriedntbe a dry goodt ailore! ,........" ....""","6 Congreaaman Mark lI Dunnell, National cured b.thl! occasional use of'nlpans
: much more lu proportion.to.Ihclr.alz.a. ., :haado j '..lufl"'o'f.ru.-; ul.4er the larger part of the day, I..."uLtl Hotel' ,.Waahijigton, O. C., writes; Tabules.. lliyelolaos know them' and
I tb'ur"1ln"ot' : AC't'orl1l1\4t1r-n-.od'JI'; Uj '110 [wale tcltA a duLl avM, 0e 'raltythrough Your Pcruna being used by myacK and speak highly of them. 'All :druggists'
I the leaves In a brooder ,Lave ,ihoewiiearly""ilcvoure \ : ; ... ny .nlre oo&v. 1 wavcf Prune -- many of'my friends and acquaintances not I' sell thenCvJTbe-; flvo-cent package ?1.,
fllneetl 1* a \\s..el, of water."nall''(0'and from tho st.re".... 1 I gladly recommend it .o all- per:aons requiring >the FnmHy Bottle;;sixty <
and .
+ M brought sufficiently'croifie' \ to' tItIIP : jibe < knot reruna to oo tho boot ...rCot". such* remedies.T-Mark- M. Dun a household npply' for a" .ear. 'One .\
one. ollqw'tbf! '' Inaocta. to-chance tbclr.babrtatloii .of ,,.be.pocket.wtta'featber!> | ptitchtngrA .... tie tnarkotor*tho dltenoom. poouttor nell. generally- gives, relief( within twenty.
narrow JlDen-or' cotton braid would If you do not derive" prompt and alftlifac 1iI' ,," ,
without great Olsturbniicc.\ .... mlDutf .
la ntn. -UUJlUo Cwr- reau'ta: from tbe UM of{Penina writeat __ .. '
'be tory > '\I
., I
Qwt aa pretty.;
Ue77u6' desire-of the breeder I l NUoft I.'n. once to Dr. IJartman, giving fuilatate.. The Great Eat\;.;'.na,"W*>m* tdneno ,,-f
who go' the
mount the bntterfltc."for tho rnuvlnl women l to moiln.taJna of and he will be to
to .. Nothing U so ...bDlna'to the numan went your cam pleased
eeuhit.heMnt;n.phyxiate.-them=: ln.- e -. "are 110 ,eh rmed' the/beably; :/ system'as the constant loa of njucu. Catarrh give you.his valuable advice gratia. t::::"of IfXA8llilOUl8IANA. .-
r containing i ixitnssliun J, cyaoldc.Once of, the ferns Jthat .theLtlel: to the *! inflammation of the mucous membrane Address Dr. Ilartman, Preadcnt! of
f 10. 1.-OOCOOKS OF 8KTCB&I TARUtnES ,1 nd..tbl't art mounted on stands I ternDtatlon to dig "up the(' .raceNl produces an excessive formation of The Uartman Banitarium Columbus, --
OF BItKWOBMv mucna. Whether the tnacoda membrane be .Ohio.
.'--.. .- with \,vJiigScarefully' and. completely, clusters. :"and. decorate their rooms -- ---'-
t, silkworm;and by fortunate crossings distended. To preparethe caterpullnrs. with .them. .tTntortunatelycrinkled
they hare obtained aome'new varieties for the eirtomoloirtBt'a rablnofls quit paper _and other covering' for"!flower {
for which' tbe f'OlI<<'t.to.anll'tbe. iucums another thing. Tho (bent.process for ,pota cannot be procured In most IATCHBSTBR TEXAS a PACIFIC
F of natural jilstory contend with preserving them
weapon of gold' lloreover they arc sell ferns.In tomato cans'40 not"al-
endeavoring to acclimate In Kranoe'tbeHllkwurms "wanbide their .pre tine .,glimmer :'''G RIFLE. .
Indigenous to''other couu-. with Tblreh'1)ark. Travellers.lntho. ,Xl
t. tries. Tbe silk-producing Inrjuowill'' mountains. therefore, would be grate"fulvfor d -" It's the shots that 'hlttha ,count. \Vlnchester TBoota TO axawaa ooitviona... "J'
,? live and reproduce lu a wild Mate In aomethlng to>caver*their fern Rifle and Thtn'-.... mac ahorteat Route 8hrevpoN to
the forv.tsj>! Franco, and It.Is., only 4isb a; ; ..-. t t u ; Pistol partridge* In aU calibers hit,'that Is, I>allw. WrlM for .new book oa 1eae-n.L, '
> jieJlM.
r. X. JTVKMKE..0. Paaa. Ajt. TeaaavSVKVXVXV2VXV2V
neersanry to collect the cocoons, from Tie giver of gifts would do we1tW; .they shoot accurately' and i toikeT % od-hard," penetrating '
which the silk' threads are vastly ob\ 'union number of 'bottomless bags, I ; b1ov1 '..Thii Is the Icl! dbOciitiiajfesTou Wni get,,' >
tained.Tliene. '- about tbe depth of a tomato can -and 1 If you insist Oil having; thVtime-tried Winchester snake:
j ?attempts ,,at acclimation have large ,enough to fit'around ,a smallvrooden'pall .r '- 'V i
lu some canes been attended with f>n- .' CteeI denim or sllko"line -' ALL n>9'ALLRg'lI1iLT.' ; "VyiNCHg8TKaMllJV6FCAJtTRlp6gB.' '
fouraglnK.'resulta The allantbus 'sllkV ,, with a green' ribbon passed , . .. . ..:
worm. "Attacas'Cynthta; so called be- .through little cords,on the \outside'or>> : I W i.,' > - . 1 -- -
caterpillar feeds' tbe bottom Too Swift C. ; :....V2;V.C 'as. .ir2t* *rCV r/A :.A;
\ruu8o Sits ; upon run through'. hem at the top and . BBiirrB<> t '
-J>fives",ojCUealluntlnis tree. Is a'native 4 ;aj v' / nit draw,.the...clothInto'place .An "AtcBlson man, newly. ''married, :.
., tit Japantbe. A Ube>rae Yaml-Mal. -nt and I. tied' In/1 a bow. 'I.'t i.true souodlne his wife's praises to his litiietoir
native of lndle.. ,na "moHt.boautlfulluttcrfty art' ,t, The'woman who goes to sea know men friends. "Why. she lav so much : FemateCottege]: j
; wipe! .caterpllh'r thrives' the comfort Induced by > pair of silk better thank,'! he said "I don't. eee
well UIn tlio'elmand the chestnut; abeeta which do not have that clammy IIQW she came to marcy..me." his t
the'' Abtberaea Pcrnyl. better' known feeling found In linen and cotton t'' frtsudi !all Agreed to this so promptly I 4." .Oas of lbti moil p'rosp.roui'xhoob la the oatb, with hlgii t
under tbe popular' name of the Onk I Made of that begot mad; said be,.was as good I ,Standard of scholarship located at. very popularSummer Reaort.,
sheets cheap.
j on shipboard. 4 sod with a large from fix state, extending fr mJN' .w
silkworms; the AnUieraenMylltta, as b.18J wife any day, and wanted to I
which' because of Its late soft China: or-IndIa! silk, such a gift bwbip the froW&-hftCulaon G1 be. ' :I 4 Jersey to Florldar- Institution that U doing a }great worn;. :
batching) or -
1 -- mar; be adorned with, fancy stitching ; I We will take limited number.l pupils IncludingBoard n
breaking forth Is more difficult to rajnej A C4T&BPILL4L'r :.
1..IQ.lx..L4nx; . ... on the( hems and a, monogram. em- .ioo aewavd.i toe. and ; Tuition for; Ss ;
FUJI Literary
and the"Altacus' 'Atlas tho largest r .-- I : : ,99
broidered the' 1 :>4 .
corn The reader of this paper win be pte&le4lG ? ".e-
I known of the bouibycidae and which which requires iio little. Pretty bottles of 'smelling silts, vDearn; that there la at least one dreaded 4.Ia- per term on conditions plad. known on application 10'
produces very large cocoons, ha,'"',all 1 dexterity and patient .'Ig: 4showsII. lavender .a )d camphor are more 'acceptable ,. eaae that saline baa beaD able to euro hall, : REV... J.'nU RHODES.I A. _f1.,' Pr..., Uttlaton.rtt.. C.
been successfully domesticated or Andre Ju ,the; act ol InfiatIUg'acaterpillar ita.t.lf8D. and thai U OatUTIL.Ila1I"Catarrh'Can . . . . . .
ftccllmated. Fig 1 allows tbe cocoons !. eili.Ie''' done too.the traveller .than a box' la the only poaltlv our now known to :or: ... .: ,.-: ,., .
Before'thle '
of .ean4-Wuhlnltoo Staf. : the medtoal fraternity. Catarrh bain* a oonstltatiOMU -
'bf"tbe 'exotic'.IMcworms wbtch''''are must first lei prepared by .. y y1'i disease '
i the. Insect rqotnw a on Utatloaal'
lielng'! Introduced In' France. 1 Is' that praising It between sheets( of paper" '.M':' J l' r h', '."'" ."'t_.'..' 4 treatment.UaU'a datsrrhOurs taken Intar- Southern Normal l t University Amy & CwnpaiaCCCEMORS
:rat tbe Attacus Cynthia; 2; Anthrraea nod arpriiH. the" soft parts' of tlw,- .<., ,. CONFUSED."Did ooiu ally surfaces,aotUK directly of the ayatam upon the,thereto blood dmtroy-and mu HUNTINGDON. TEMN. .
(II'foOr.l.. one bnvlng! broken out of aDd body are expelled through the poetRrloropeulnlf you say a chicken chews Its Ing tha foundation of the dlsaaao,end gtvln' A.E. BOOTH, Ph. D., President( TO, .' .
;lone<< being atlll .'concealed Jn an tank by making aulnel l lou with a.; food with Ita. el&&ardf">uke4\he-l1, 1 I..' the p Uent atreagth by botlding, up the 003atltnHon Chartered:: by the State. o(Toanrewe to '.sue ,AVERY l4-MctMI.L1AN. ->
and nature
lent; 3 la Uie full ov d cocoon-of Ibo the Intestine1 txvff r' assisting in doing Itiworfc. ...... 'Col)
scalpel!1 In. large with'the high torb aet. all d." and
tie The Booth $R Atlanta
boy haft OmAU.
y I proprietors !ao much faltbtn ., .
? {Antucrnea ylitta; and 4 In tbe Ata( threiv eentlmetrtMi( from the end .9 t the ; that Ms .pr ctI |t'P H ,4,its curative powers that they odor On.Hundred -: / full oiw r ilon.')The ttuendtaerontdepartmeuten leading Normal. celuxilC : .. KINDS OF-r f
]'tiB Atlas carefully wrapped up In'tbel : body, the littler lav, ILrea o1)so ko c/.es \ $*... the )hth"at ,\ Doiiora roran.cuotbat It lath to ouro., I > the Amirhern' 81a1A.,4 stands pre-eminent anuch. t
| af. 'The requisites for the successful d ikTif1outhb! ; flnepoln \""" : "I. } la. the .cas: e.>Oke quprledliweetl 'r bend tot.. "M'>it-oteaM p. j. caaxai rM>
glass tube, which. /conhwtedbyJ1* Ii. 'how esa aTchlekeri ten wheth. ,-:"Fol.1 by Druggl.tl160.' fort.Mihlnir or for an Atbar profpMioa. Ttinllpirm . '
t1 j1 f ''' NSStiet!) 4te 1."ye' ,:.1.1I ollicrUlMo' an ordlimry'rul; l "11m,.-', er/u 'Jiaathe toothicbecr the,sto ash! :?-:Hall's,gamlly: ;riUa kre the beat.-,. r 1'.I..b.Ik.I.n.| of Hu.Inem.ahorthandr'yp.wNtlna..., Liberal Aru, Law, Munl,, <,-".
i "..' 1u4 beq.ior''anytbdlbiprbft5&11! wlttI 1 -acher.Wuhtngton'Star.\ : Tj! I $ I", '"* Cfclld'Mortality. the West lad_ Oratory., ate.,In one of the flnmt and most cornmotllou -
Unlveralty buildings ta the aonttt.Table .
R' .f )'al 'el lot the, admission. and ejection.: 1 ,...(In tbe Vest Indies Infantile mortality lywrd from to.OO to per month.
r't of ir.cm 1 te'q?ne siyown Iu.Flg. ";ita'u,t3 71t 4 .. '- f t) la vecyJieavjfes' soon .... the ei""'r.u..fimtehee fram Mrty to fifty MOMIWfwoehv '
% pbndreit'Cof'tbe .. .
ill end an"tc611'" . .IU..n e ka llu.OO;If paid In
bulbs ] COMBINATIOW'GiTdya
hlJJ lib of two . 4 < +1J ..ant can \olldl abOut"lbe7 advanne for the rear in per cent, discount !*.. i ir '
A : Dr 1. .\1111re. thc-TiatnniMst; k. -Sbe loved. 'him for. air); she .areallowed4oot :whatever they. pie haa'lea' paya Jot all e peu. a few.. .........,yea,.,
h 'rise, ord",4'. duejnethe! .4it,s ,T :i)r i I Ito MrtrorUi;! a / f l 3 '*: :. i'' y.p.\.A"'a.nagiral result ?moj ))4han1 r Itt"rnl"A.Nmr.iu.ry. and town done r..ldenee"a f QI..umt'furnbb sbnnd thoiyoi
I t the l V4l/ : e f etuVile la nt'lKlf ul I.> peratlomwlthethe' Unl .rIty. ,
for > dilll
loved \
t't1k iveu-'b4mt4Nl . Elsie.! -And J>e her [ sic; ahpt I 'alf| m u7.ot'tbe..1 .'h nadt d' of x-hoolt eonductod. ,and other ,
1 -e or + "''feyttalcoholic war worth-T T'oplcs1 'J) tore they are a. year old. juultlon*of boner tilled with honor bj pupil
I w' a e (4 1.r IuDip,Js lof-n) Hi the figure ju .t'Ia front jI \\4: : __ : I thla.lnatHutlon. More work don.here la j
t. ; '* w, r t'r+it 1 Ottlie*he dll.nll.rlf.j si Ml
fi s'yterUlnt ,e 4 4 to n tu.\pe.\ t17e "" ,' E' depHTtment In charge 01 detailed (Weal Foiirt I IU.
: ii .i."t ottloer. CataJuiroea free.. Fall term open !
am Wan* of life and It Is |jenreadto y F-R'E I seept.IB,loot.' Addreea The Preaidant '
wye. Frlok Enflfrtsi-J-Bollori ail
r (lu:ViiJ entbtltbldgist'kvcol.! .I WOMEN Tenn."HytatharfcaA.,
+ + t'C'pe on.110( < m -! t'- : { Package. of 1,tlon.: .HaDUIa.'j .Sixes, Wheat parator -
V rll >then openings of an lIulua'- '
r fila e-Wo l"ch"ibythtlftrlet.H*>"'tlAftitd6Ffi"1fTaUtdb'le/ '''The:. '.>-1 aMy hair cam. outV 4el 1pa.p4- u1dtIiJF hEADAChE rt ; ,l
r,, Mot tJiofKit Jw.-an4.tbL&ray..J1alra| beMftj tp' ;
3 }ut ''r 1 ils sr'Sr1tIllw7. pduIy 1I"ee1Mftri tried'AytrrHar| Yltofiand 1 d ; keen aavffeter from...k........' .
I.. 0 LIZ 11 m .fi t eon It ateeaed tho.ha frdm onitef -' ?t 1s .
.. : for tk lul>w Kr-ar ears sod use r tfmmt mmr, "
t ml ,, g. 'ir a e. out and restoredjftif c+Ior.!.-$. : + ,..,U.,Gaul... .b.<.. sal..,..r 0......... s'-.., J a
t'e;; h..bar beiva ...1.. l.,
rl.M.D. No Sa Mass.lo.a.ileasuriIk. OM. retakM mere* b 41 t
Ulm i Lee Gray, tidy
ATq m ci1A. Lb. _..1M. Tb.r here fclm.
eatlrelr ame
tleulFcn! w A In IrtCIALTT FOR WIIEK,, .tJ...._ ao wkat roe noom...4 &h.. M d. I .BEST IMPRoYEU"sriraliIerr.: ':
eJ.Ieavesbelweeli IIJlncii' glass.Onrneganrdamea'f1s4"aff ''. :: : lateral etemaUneaa la ttw key9weauui'a will (Ire ye the prlvtleae of Mix kle TTiTtTK.H.lt .**-: -ILarge and .
auil : te health sod .: ) .kee.,lot aala.r Bfc.W.I <11 a >eJle.laaV Eng NI, Bolter .euppUeal
p t ))1l'+;ib;t!)li+rwr+,;a i ct-a r offering such .a preparall IiOuitojUton, a<. rulTtOktafrk vises., promptly.:, Bhlnglo I ;':Mills;,ComtCtrtular Mill..1 'r',
genus dt'COnltlon of tb 1r I t! 1.t euwot xlfiwtth Ik'U Beat For ;(8aws,8aw T.ethPatentDs.. . ". {
biittef flcg,* Ort 1ifi>b'7l>prpo8? *'jihsrJo:: -, iqiS AWr i UlfV1gqr': ; ..xtem mid e. a ..Sias. .!._aa.eb._. Y "Tfl. Ow.tat Steam Governoro;' Fullsn/Cnphitrtq( 4
e sags mudt'undei:go a"certain'extensiveprcparRtlou. It gives to all who use itsuchsatlsfaciipji ;. 'r.v''_t.tl.s 1.. _S..mat..e. kill all dt.t.s..m.aL. ee C 7suppitu; S.Iad, (tortfnlCtalaZgN4,
"Aijer the wings, have I 'The. i Ialnrall ta iiaCtenUlalllaMlal' l.aMa,'
beejii coTerkdv'
J'Yf1i feV8rlf/t ft1ifckcr ; *fans been Huel ib tmtrb.Cues eAMSrevaaa
'" 1101c varl1lsh e Ut'I''''' trlaltttelf'6 ,. ._..p.np ai4o..1UmpusaM hem' 1 ttnr ? : t'Mwith
,piece of Mtlnette wJilclTla afterward longer: softer, and more Cam Bora Throe aces XoMk ant Bore r,...' ,:SAWMILLS r. ::
e1t"' tf m 1 ..Jos't..A1dllY'Wfcl! : ::': m4sttar.a..tk p.wdae Hudena w.tbt the Dana a N.erV aad wkk.M A s H_'.Vats.,.)EaeJcteameJteetlltaear.ClhialtaneoaaaetWorluand tbe.HeaooekKIn -
it.\ 3rtiD or ionQlfelt I : !; cctlr ii .u\ing, iu H --u.bad teyta sw.staad......_ ..., Variable FeM Ways sro anenvllad *-
I ; 'n iltto1laM.lt ti", :11 .. an , "...............Ie&t...fe..vre+mr..__ 11..N. .......W.r-a.-t rt... J..._ De S:. j for.iocnaiOT,amruoTTT. noa atr
r ;, .1 : t s sis..sr.gw..a.M.w.rLUs ,', 'I'll. .....1- _1.. b..d ITT Arta SASS or o a jTKnr--Write for full
__ aU*>nc! rigid and light ; Mounted, In' 4 ,old'and: tt Ublci;prep ra- ....di..e e'.a.. W.__....._.., eium.b.a r ea.._coop_.., ,deeerlntlv*elMalara. M..utatandty:Uta
ulture of the"butterfly are a ,rarde fWj manner/lt ;* butterflIe)W'fo'nieJ{; Ii,'| ,tOit'r H.M a tiBlar 'Au..:..... .. 1! I. .-... .- ..-..- ...IfI'U..C&.c..Jf.Y.AIiIUAL > tal 8ALKM IRON WO.K8.Wfn..Jl.C.ir . .
j, greater sektent'ln\wlilch! art V4 -'attractive and'graccfnl ornament. I '"1'.emr..atkrawmasilal.rptd.ipspasjwas ; SALE, TEM M1LUOH BOXES I
a Rks, allatithri ""trees1.1pln(; rtltmi treeclnus' ,! 1 MOI :J 1'.il,3edr4rsggl.' a 1s.notAupplryon \ boek.lisrsdlea.b..sm loess.' The j ,
: e.4'9. dollar and .. win eipreea r...a any mmpIM em.....a reanr..y.yIt ATLANTA COLLEGE PflhIIIACTI
k t[ ttr r "tOl"- lf 'ptabsrandotLe: |;: y := -r >- stead J'OI a ua Itottltt.-one .......andrlve tha name) {II r ._......__$ ... .. br ae.-M : :''t\l NJA' CP.lLE.E Free Dispensary only eollraMajra . hi th. Ut L
)It bushes the, leave*, of ttrhjcb ...rn't"urlsh' Comes VoU bO Ub tj IM l U.... v..fIDU..nr.... oar.. tom j _1_..... ;r.a.htd..r.et..d J'J'l ding aw> *.- P.msad ass gradWW '
the larvae or", caterpillars.-Dlsf I i e. J. c.._.YEco... ..LowtIIi. : .. .....s.r_._ c...........--..._ ..FbysiGia. s Satgeo ds a-raeiter has we emu Mfcplv. tAddrwDlt.050.1.
,' Dosed,here 'and' there';about -the] gardcp;: gip; (4, ,JIQrel'. o f,)the j1.tol'J'"rAco4ric.gi5tuseimt'LI .# ffew"YoTkarRiltal ,r' .,. ... ., 4> .r..aala>> : --- ....... ......-' .1.1t : k-ATMK.' Whh.Yatb st..50. 6e.I' .
Natural !
a are ,.. rlw.'fI ppllanee1'ot.tI + alget) ;siD;.' ; ..nHDoDolNO.'n: I.ni.. I CURED "1__* laborato'rUa In tae __tia.- Cllalaal Ab'QOFea.al. Mlost. (/.,
DIe kind. Ordinarily' the egge' art: !s laggtoIt4e : ad........re* unaarpaeeed. VeAvltj of fonneen '. wxac wo
\ 0..._ ..ae'Mrsda0Mdodgalg"1e. } t t 0 r' "S'Y' eivtaOulek ,. proleeaore aDd 4wenflve %HleuaU.. .F.a1t..oable. ..trong sad delay.i pat"
lq.ev.btx>od'Q tIIIelll) aa Is .sbowrf u hoo. O-P. Wnlte toe e.W.ua red,wr E.er= pa.b "
I teed, ",. .,.XWsr4s altogether a borne o gg' Outbursts a 1t yea rI\aD4, trntb.r! "" 4 KlId : :;'.--I Relief :AV.B. IU'N' PR.ox'I .. AtUnta.,OavW"aive aagu.sbad., mall''
t tpnl tro4tyl: a <:{ ?.P.r le.t"JQ.r....d1t. lath bt411-mJtl; ((4 Il la Uel .u> a l .ii_. .nlec I. lto.. > ne name of this paper when '(.' le..lawa.p.1S s see w..tbre.lamy.,' bs'Y '
I Iw '.!;:,tt J' .ior u.c..;& b WWi which have ; to edge Anything., dq._*..fee.qa,? .o d*y aprru.amt".,Trl Ur.emot cure .wrlUI\Ir. 10 advert.I--tAt. 84.'08, Wu.Jsrt.ab..aaAd0a. of valuable/storm. fly
same Ume.aa.rQtnS.UUlmJa of Ive 1 changes h. yes: It keeps them:bus t giveufr.e.! ftothlnreae! b*fetrcr Arr."
I nourishment p1 I e'are' in, the erasion of. thfl d au....chte..o News.. \ Write UN H.H. G..... When a.-a eaa'tpay..Kis ot bo !*. r.. .P cog 174 .1st .M.llt., Ii*
nftep hotrhe\l grnWtd.
they are -
+, 'Branehea"of: 'the.trees", with the -( ,r >ted volcanic material, and he' / = tlpeeiasls. NMS ._I.tally gebi.am.vs on., & Lady atj.nrwssW to sr.ry a.w..
r coons stilt dlnglnito the'rn'nre'plucked tna a.tb.2iI! ; oo AAyt9DCJ) .. eau-j
tad arranged"so'thilf. their\ woody steins Qa ted.tglthesei.fr.Wtbe .
t .irt
WaUitOloaltmebfle ;s ,pits
may bo-Inserted Ins Ta.e 'of'water."the the . .. .
.. bLNrgti *.
y. n s
,.. _i ,.
Plantation Cure-is
Whole'upper part"belag enreloped'by "...ot'i 1tt1S1ftr'tix arJ'oOe4 twll Guaranteed
gauze;D.Qltlnlto", .nettlag/ lu' the i l1nDWI. !
[ )ewer part, of the, netting, wbere It i\ upon with superetltlons dread; I
/cornea, |ID .contact, .wltu. ",'be :stems, Is ai4tbe 0wlr. "TeD Me: l lblydb d,nU. ,
i, placed na-tot of crumpled,paper,tq. Pre;. ,,om. "yp.w.-sass-without good:.4--. reason....t--'slot J..., *.aa......: "'Td cttid"l oneAr r efurtd : ;.your.m rchant. $o.,why not try ItjPrtce' tOa.ySW %
t "
", j, 'IJ' '(. 'rE'a. -.d- w M 1r ,rn 4 L 4 4't ,, j f
.3,;'.. : .'ft. > .If,; I.. .i't"1 '. i hl. t 7d r i
i !>t't I. -
/'< '4.\H ;:;' :;, o.T' .
," ,
Worth 50clIf' ''
: olr .tere Is 1\\
Notice of Application.. for Tax Bottle of 4
'. i''>>A t"U !_ : So T1y'a ;
>c STATEAn Epitome) of the. Dom Deed. Under Section 8 of 1LLINSCQLLEGa; J
: ALL' AROUND THE and Sayings of Chapter: 4888,.J aw9 ,: JI I!,
of Florida. i '<,
' 1>>;>> r sN Floridians for the week. Notice; 1 ... 'FLA. .
: 4 hereby giver the DO. purehaaerof : WINTER ARK, ... 'I'L
4Jf.SEa tad eertlnoalea! Mo 6M, dated rd "
i /a tsiflr Jl1r7/ .. d.r.of Inly. A O .Iww, No MB. C4.: \IMA. 917. L
the lib of Novemvtr. A D Iwu, and No.KM .
XIO and lilt, dated the lid day of July, A D
-":. NTotice or Application: for Tax 11ri b.. lied add crrtlncate In my olBoa and COLL'EOE' _
haemrdeepplloatlonfor lax deed to, sane Inaooordance "
Under the law the recentlegislature
Deed under Section 8 of with the law
who gives Maid certificate embrace the following deaortbed .-
any person School Music School
Chapter 4888 Laws Preparatory ,
pto-opwelettr, ellaatvd Iq Oeveola County.Florida w
f cigarette, cigarette P.per.' or cigarette !
,, '. tobacco to a minor under 18 years oldIe of Florida.l '6 OJo._66U.., KH nf NWH., 800 s,T'p 24 B, R >>0 K, Art School; School' of Elocution,
>II l Notlpe U. hereby gtveu that Oscar But, .
liable to a heavy fine. ol Tax CertlflenUoa and pnrehuer 60e No. 2/2. BB. $
r dated the lit day of June, JaO'r: ath day or" .40. ae.... I $Utness School . School of DomesUcli and
: No. 148. 8WU of Boo 2\1f'T'P.\ M 8 R SO K. ,
Th. News bas it from a reliable Juno, IWIH, reni.rcUToIr, ha died said nertiaraito NW'4.
; I No lUll, : See M, T' R .
tu my oftltHi: and has made appltoatlonCor 6s5aof \ : 2ft 8, DO B.No .. .
woonroe that the Atlantic Coast Line! uut deed to baue In _rd.DCHI wltb law.sell 347. 'SWH boo28.TptisRa0K.: / T achers' Cass Industrial Arts.. ... the WOI'dto) produce a mod
embrace the following d.- : aald above landa betn .s at We defy
people. expect to transfer the office. "rtldoafGa property cliuawd In Oaoeola County, date of tbe laauauoe of laid certlaoa. tee In e epaqeof"Unknown Iclne for the cure of all forms of Kidt t
of the chat Train Despatcher from forMs._wit: ,' N8.2OII. aw.4:. W, AlNoSli of 81. .ad ,teES /0'8E and Bladder troubles and diseases ,
v Certificate No J247NW0'! SWl<. Bee SO. ney
QsmelvlUeto thisplace.: : '*. ... T,.-M e. K Si' K. and UenllUwte Mo.. ,.MI' 8KK ofNlKJiB !...210..$'1"of3NI o 8E"and CEO' pfSgee4T SEu 'W. F:: HLACKMAN. PI1. D.. PRES. peculiar to women that will equal ;i iSmith's
'' w. MO.TpaAS, RSOK. 8'1.of t' ,
Notice bas been given ,the city Sure Kidney Cure. Ninety
The Mid Ian&betus ameued at the date of
councU that permission would be $tb. Muanoa.of loch ovrtfflratm the name of ,-WWnf lntHe ao.-Tp.. ;...K.- -- ---- ', _.. -..'v. eight peY cent of the cases treated with
... .. .
4 L W Klahrand Unknown reipectlvelr. "1 he acid a bove land being .. at the --" Smith's; Cure that have
-: asked to move office building now I Uolepe acid oa..udca\lll\ Shall be redeemed date. of the taauanre"of add oertlncalea In-the . .... -. underourObservatlonhavebeen Sure Kidney cured. '
_ used l>y Road Masters' Buchanan :and 1 aucurdlnv nt th. 10th to law day,of tax October deed will A. Issue D. 1_thereon .- .m.of Unlace ..Icl A Urelg.eertifleatei. aball be redeemedancordlng WWWVWWI We sell our medicine on ,-positive.
Others as office rooms to a.point ont Wltnmi mr official ilcnature and led tbl the the third to day law of bt.'t."r.lr.1lh-l. ue. thereonon guarrantee, if directions are followed,
; the Weak aide of the pa..eopr'I""" ftu day of September" A JNO r'' 1 W M. LKK: .-.... Witueaa my official .\\xD IlN and C. Al CARSON. Preeldent.: K. C. BRYAN, b.crelsry.T : and money will be refunded if cure la .
;IIKAL] Clerk Ulrou t CourtOweola ; i veal thus the Fin' day of. BeplBAL J - not etfe4ed.Price .
lion whlcb they propose, adding to :! > Umber AJ>,. 1_. '
County Florid
< ,I II: :E CO cents and 11.00.. For sale byOeeola
and W a U. C .
using for the offices, of the de By JOHW8TON V. I -' Cle.kCII'alICo"rtof Pharml<'Y. _8
patchers... Notice of Application ,to. Sell Bv W. a JOHNSTON.Oareola D. C.County 'Florida ?
; The Chief Despatcher. Mr. '.Crum Real Estate., -. Waters &. Carson Grocery Co. AmericanBcautyG. a
has rented a cottage of Mri. Ropetto '
and will move his t.ml1j'her. at ".d I ronrvru--Xotlca that hereby the nnderalgned given to all,whom A K Beard It may... Notice-Application' 'for;- Tax -Wllol..... ad Befell Dealer. InH .- G. Corsets f
early date. .t AdmlnUtralor of the K.'....of Mary-41 Locke. -.. :. .
deceased will on Saturday, ill* 10th day of Deed-Under Section 8 of .
There are rumors to the effect! that' .ooW't D 1MB, at 10, a. m apply/ to the G.'ROC'ERIE.S .
_ Hon. Johnnton County Judge ol OsceolaCounty Chapter 4888, Lawsof
some of the others Coast. Line officials Htat of Florida, for an order In nil at Florida.pNottoeii Exclusive '
are'soon" to be' moved. to Lakeland. private ..Ie. the lollowl'g described Real ) aide designs and 'l
belonging to laid Mutate (for the pnrpoaeofatiiifylnii .
hereby given that lire A K Dawson
-Polk County N .... a certain mortgage and for the .u... of Tax Certlfloiite If... 204. dated thecabIa 1 4 latest fashionable -
nort of the minor heln), to-wit. \ : Lot One (Ij.Hlock of Jnly A D tool baa filed aald corUn- 't WIJNTY' "T FOR, lU'l- I models.
Governor' Jennlnss has appointedthe "F" of W A Patrick'* Addition to the my 011I".. and ban made application for
.f Town of Klmlmmee Cltl' said property helnirKltuau Ux deed to la.ne In acnordance with law. 8aldeertlfleate ''A Over 90 new A
Y '
following well-known' Floridians to In the Otceoia and State ofFlorida ..mb.r1tcthe following dovcrlbed o 1 Celebrated Fertilizers" CRATESDRAIN ;
and date
iltuated-Jn Oioeola GOUDt Florida.
be members of the Olustee Monument property
"bl.llth day Septemb.r,1005. "
I : select
Committee under the provisionsof . '' A KBKARDIK, All Lot 2 Wool nf Fla, Mid 1R Rt of war, -ETC. styles to
Aa Admmlitrator of the itatatet Section IS 2)18. R 2H R. from. Made d,
Ip '
Chapter5O.3, laws of 1901: General of Mary li Leak. deceaied. I .The ".Itlt.nct being tenenaed at the date' ol a- --- Circular aid Price
George' Reese. Pensaoola Gen. E. M. the l I...,...... of mich certificate In the name Of FnrMleke. Application. ?}T.RIpE.S from selected 6 r7 '
j4 ; Permit .
.Notice of Application for Robert Baa KitateUnleai wearweltfabrics ,
Law, Bartow; lion. D. U. Fletcher ...Id certificate than be redeemed aoPordlnK -
t to Sell Liquors, Wines to law, Us deed will luue thereon on and
Jacksonville;.Mr.. R. C. Cooley Jacksonville the Xrd day of CVtobor. A D 1VO3. '
r ; Miss Jane Givens Tampa. and Beer WITNESSto1 ofllpla.1\ signature -and teal Ihli FURS WOOL every pair t
1 the anh d"y of ,1ngtfat! A D 1'XHNO. has our liberal
KHKA ha with
WII J R Graven; !!Ir., Mel M. ,
''Gun son of T. A. Knight of mho Board of Co'mty CommlMloneni for Oioeola {IAI.J ). Clerk LEE Circuit Court guarantee.L + 4;
Florida bu for to
County application penult
tr Starke was fatally injurled by'falllng; cell Llquora. U''Inea and Beer In Election!; uln- By W R JOHNSTON!:Onorola D. C. County. Florida- Co.t3 try: ; Produce: a. 0peciat; Ask to see
trlnt of laid and Htate cltUan ; .
County ; any
from tree at DeLand last week. of anch election district may show cause, If an* them. r .
Be was engaged assisting in: putting . then be. at ho meeting of the Board to be holdon """' if
T4 :Monday, the 6th day of October next why The strawberry grow 'f Obi t Lakeland -
; up the'wires' for the telephone pitch permit be granted. .
.hu1 M'ok.'I.KE vicinity are preparing to set out! Kalamazoo.Corset
company, and while! trying to swing the of
: [iysALI) Clerk of Board
one clear Of the oaks at the corner of County Commlanloner an usually large acreage this fall. Lxaluaty. Mak.r.
't Rich avenue and the Boulevard be By W K JOHNSTON,Onceola D.. C. Oouuty.:. Florida t KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN j
lost bis hold and fell from near' .the r----- High Grade Sold and re>comrae>nde
"top of the tree to'f he ground striking oFP I T'$ dm" 'Clohn-lifastafl" > Whiskey H, U 'Stanford.BLACKDRAUGHT \
''t, .."enlllo.r... branches in falling and veaUry.aMd -l,
- ---
.... ..... rouble* el LI -r
lighting onlthe/ back of his head crushIng
:t % ':the* skull.1: He. was taken to a Aids DijjuUon; ,'Ill Rjtgu A,...... Kentucky 11.J
nearby.residence. andTJr;'Davis sum M6 INOWDAS tie lived!. SlraMthcM ExchangeAND .J
_ s moned, but,. be never :regalned"coo- Cuts AleC icatJ at t Dr-wist.' h TELTMING Chfld cud EASY.or alias" .
EoFO 4{
clouiness. .He was stockholder in mans es.Y to C. .,. MO"' KTT. M. D, 'BT. L.OUia. MO. t ROS ,
the telephone, company1'and' was to Ones or n. .BA-V,Baafetary K mme avatm Tee." Ho*..flU 1900.f 'f
j.' a.vebee rmanagerT "'*< .t,,r-rn be.a0.,a1..W1ea Dr.child__every'1 TUTHIHA aooeadly a eois.dld i 4' .....-s.m.d m.,._..we alA weeN'-__wtht..kddna W a U lace klm I, I Wbea he...sad eq eMmt apse 13: : =3::: :OB 'A. .::;" E. R. LIBBY
TUETHINA,aa.Wea M.ea adda1MMag: Hb .. ...A'I w.a amr.d I.N base..eel ham C
De Land 8ept.o.t,-Dr. J. F. Forbes .has day oa ke na__l 1 bes we..Uj k.ps It aa4 aid tt.*tm_wlta mr ekUdraa,aad "...takcaetrwageMMiae. .- MANAGER
.. > p--.Ia l eeaadlay ha leal1 ward IftoeMIt e
t"* bas forwarded' 'to' Rev. W* H.'., p.....!_5m.... rmlaatMKa A a &>>I.ro. fOR
f '
Cbaudion! ,'president of the :board of : _' I now have the largest .. : of Wines, Whiskiesand
"." .trustees,.his resignation. 'as'president. V 'G VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV1 Beers- ever handled ill Kissimmee. All STIPA I O
of Stetson University. He has doneyc'th' grades at prices to suit thw times. _. .. .
. s soley In the Interests of the, un- l UNIVERSITY ..
't "lver.ltpytbthe" hope that the instlttutlonwill : .1
;/,' not, be distrubed by futher. :TUG 'I'I. :E, A SPECIAIrTY: : .
?' 'controversy.. t. S :4 Exclusively tor Males.) '. .
Constipation is notbln g\more
r. The administrative committee have ,
"r..';',, 'ejranted!. Dr: Forbes. > 1 leave-of absence. -. Twentieth Year Deeinoine: September 22nd.1903.'SE'VEN S'S' _4. 'E., 'EIr R'D.RN Proprietor J and than.nothing clogging leg than of the vital bowels stagnation -\ J
;1 1' ','pending the action. of the board of FOUR-YEAR COURSES.--;Ajfrlculliire, Chemistry Civil or. constipated relieved.r
'jr 1 trustees upon the resignation, at the 'S': Engineering Mechanical Engineering General Science Cla lcs.I .- .. .. If every kuffercr! f.,
rJ : ;rams' time'passing. resolutions of con. I Two year.' course in Mechanical Art., One years' course in Bustnesf -. 1 could realize that be it allowing
'), or Stenography and Typewriting. A preparatory course of one poisonou filth to remain: in his
Adence and esteem in him jboplug that or two years as required for those desiring such preparation.. A I a'steal, he would soon Bet relief. .
E's s;'\>that the rest will enable him u> regain short course of five weeks In Agriculture or Horticulture. Post-grad S Coniiicatioii IpTifes all kind of '"
i I" his health and avoid the strain cop- 117 uate courses are also offered. The dormitories are under the immediate collta lom. Headaclies bllioiines -
u. etantly put upon him while hear. supervision of instructors, who make-every effort to infuse Into colds and many other' 511-
S the students a spirit which leada to high mental, moral and physical - ': menta .dil&jpt'&I'' when anti=
4'14 it notexpected that the E'F{
reslgna- development. Fine Oymnasium-Regulative and corrective r .BUTLER E Dated ibo"' .are relieved. Thed- 4
,tlon will be acted.upon by the trustees gymnastics required of all students. Fine modern buildings and first J" ford s Wade-Draught thoroughly
U uDtUIt.helr meeting In' Febuary and class equipment. Tuition. free to Florida students. No fees. A A and cleans Battral eDt the xnanner bowels without In an easy the
arrangements. are being made to open .7. For catalogue address T, H. TAMA'CMO.. C. E. Pk. D.. Pnsldrstj ALES. WINES. BRANDIES purging of osJomel or other vio
the school under..the management j tI lN I City, 1'1", G G lent cathartics.
Dean. ,ne.. ,. C. &: Farris-TimesXoiiLs ,- WHISKIES y..ou. : Be lure lhs crigU{
,tJ: b. Ie t a 1 I L ::. ""'O... sis u L.- real Th ;ford'8laekdhy 1I8't.)
made by Th Chattanooga. MediclpsCo. I
t iS
E EAnheuserBusch. Bold by all druggists la
: "W. Dunham was Instantly CIGARS AND .OBAOOOS 25 cent aad $1.00 paekaVes.ear .
:;r :Jellied('';\ Pensaoola. while storingvMmbern ATLANTIC'COAST' LINE RAILROAD CO wfsi iris
1... '
',',.... : the Spanish, Steamer. Dtt.Y lirassNW1all .1..1...,w4nlwanMla
'.\ .-0''iA"'' large piece of pitch pine J. I<:tCHIDUUt If ZrVECT MAY 24, 190*. IMrma .
I Was r--. aesM n.. m, M&Wna ,
.)ha4 been hoisted On deck and wasJ6a4la 40 Ia' STATIONS. ST 5W Beer ether laiaOraj __ i
>. \ on end preparatory ,7A1GA east* IIL..y..rr..i. . ...r..T. r.......... .._.... ....... ..-Ar"1 9ta, 8ft p : A ....r.. .... .. __ ........ II .
to,.being (13 a a rip Lv.<.;..... .. ..... ..,..,,..Plant L. ............. ... .. ..... .. .. Ar S ZJa. 94Ap ea -...N M1y tre.bMllrllh
+ } -*"* Into the hold,:when ths chain 840a BMp IV.N.' ....... .. ..,n.... Lakeland.. .................. ....;....Ar 660a II'p ON DRAUGHT: ArlD 80.TLEO i tuttt .-. lee*.i...lelae ta
r ;broke W it fen lf)4Aa) II 27 p At.,... :N-------------- ;Kliilmraee: ,.......... ..... ........ .L.v 4O4a 7 47p L 'L | all aatl..ea Map.
crushing-Dunham's 10 Ma IS OS a Ar....."...:.. .... .. .....O".odo..L.. Sana T lip .. "AaLaRR .
'/liege lsto a pulp. All work in 11 fiOa 1 Ofta Ar a..J..r. .... ////......flanford ..0.......... ....Lv ta>a 2p
the bay . .. .......... .. Jroctli-n. 0'Can only be found In Kissimmee fIiiadway 0
\2: 40 p' 16as Af ?, : .OfaoveClty .... ... "..,",....Lv 1 .a.L S $ p4Mp oft
ceased aaunedtetely, and vessels'of all Sop ...:r'Ar.t..t..a..4.rr.t.M1ra..n; >Land,\.... .............. ...Lv
r.{,1 G **cnalltles1'lowered 1 dap' 4 6a Ar.....,,.,...,,.. ......... .,' rate .._... u..t...............!.".... li'oi'p Sl 66p Street. at the BRICK BAR BUII.ttlNG. .
;" ( their flaQs'to 4Mp_ 10. Ar...... .... . .. . ... ..1..D..II1..I. ,.. 10. urea O .. 0 "
fbatf-masu .
Dunhenura* a brother 4C) S TATlOMe. __
to 1 tv.,................... ...... ....,.. .. ..... tfUAr '
-'0'JaiDh&ID' the S0a .u. T.mp. ..... .. .................... is sap N.
.' world's champion. I d0. Lv ................. ...... ........ ...Lakelenl. .... ..,.. ... ...... .... ......Lv 1 lOP 'R. T. BUTLER l'L.
*crobat.Orldai. A._ 1l9.L. ...... ,....,.................. ., ed., 0157..b' '....'.'........ ....'.......L. S CHp
G 1120.1.v N..............."..... ... ...s...M.. lll'OO"'f1IC." I'"....,..'.1.>...... ......i.... .....Lv 4Mp KALOLAMlieTcf
1160sLv..............a0.n0... ... ;
,$ Ttmee.Ualon'j'b0.bo01s 1 lop Lv.......................a. ...N.. .., coals.4opAr --..-__.. T ... .....,....Lv.S 4 Mp
.. ..m..r4rrrr-.........=;.:...liilne..111e .... .. .... .................. Lv 11 .
::8Nfte.-.e..tiers wry Sunday 1 cup. Lv........................... .. ......UU Sprltga ......................;..........".I.v 1 fOp Its prystatlid: ''''/ /-
:*..*me...m 1 ad 1 top Lv................,........., ,........... ..u... 0..&..._...,.....J.M...............Iv IS ftte ....t...... ...a....' *Isleidf H r
> concocted, a plan l 6p Lv..,>....r.!'.._t.......................................yt S 4Aa
that! worked to" perfection, and the -126 pAr ...,.,.,......,!..,..... ;,. .........Wayeroaa' .. .,.................. ........Lr 748& A combination crystals.iXMK
e tblrety public were all well 40 -.a6 taming the medicinal properties) ,
suppliedwish ht- s asp .L..e.M .to & .
liquors of aU kinds. ,.. :... S 07 p, 6ltT".V."V..V.V.. ,"V..li'.V..Ar f 45p"I", i.. of the water of four noted mineral 't
'? Anchored f 00a .. "' /j..Lak..04/ . .............'..........Lw I Cures
*" """ .10. springs.
a66p1Ar.a..ry.wf top
i- ate loneljapot in mid-stream in. the 7 SOa P\. .......:...................II.,1.. ..>...................Lv. 7 fiep s Ma MAYNARD LUMBER Co.Saw Constipation
v1J Johns ....,.. 11' .. MT...*.............*.......,. Arcedta ;..,...,:.....:..............Lv ':\.1e........ Indigestion Kidney t
river. Just a abort/ distance .........118. Ar............ ..;.....i.Panlagorda ....i........t.. . ....Lr ...... .' . I Liver and.BIaddertrouble.. .,.
from thr ,. .
i' busUeas .
t part of -118 8TAT lIa. ,
.. town was a .......... ...... ... .. ... .. .... .. ... .. -11. ,
''largellee 1... "II S 20 p tv., .; ..a: .Tarpsa. .G..u. .. .. ...........Ar soot
t ,r.. : ....\. On this beat 4IOpAr..d' ........0..a.....' tihll Tleroleaw ..:-.............................Lv sssa and Planing: Mil s. TaM Katols*s DIn bed I
waa fitted\ M*'ltneatliUle.bsrkithIwo Scoops Sunday. ;
jlr 7 so a a aup.,,,..,...........?... .ina uneTanpa Ar UM UB*. ,.,...lt lOa SOp Eat Asytklaf" Yea w...." .
.i".S.r +ok.RotulWliologiatato. . .walt'oa. the S ..* a a SOp..................,..In<] Line St. Peleraaxirs. Lv lad LA..d./..... son* 4 S5o -
:'a"' ousi6merfl. Three :\...,r. S sop....'.............. d..iMAOLLyB.SwtenlMHv Ar A 0 L........-,... ..... .., Sloe, Now in operation. Complete House Bills Furnished. ;
; u. \ ,naphtha I Sip ......_.........A.y.. ...AOLArBellalrLr'A O L...,.............._........ T4JA w.,P... Yellow and Pitch Pine J teaspoonful dissolved .i
I&UDeb.were kept busy .all daj'gun.- f..ypt/aop.....f.......w.t.. ..... Ot) ArClearwaterLvA O ............................ ... ...... T' I' &J1d.Lumber.LalU5.nd! tv
o S, ;.:, 4 48p.....;... lwi.;;...i' .vv.AC LAr DwaediaLr AC L.. .. :. ... 4 10& ... glass of water make a delightful .
isi'i' t.o aDd: from the.boat, conveying I /..711p.................... .A L Ar Tarpeo Sprigne Lv A CS .L..f.P......i....700. ,....... 'OR.aER3: : ; u i i i i > :PRO:; and Inexpensive asTwrlent.:
'. .p..D The \he enter- 78 7J 2 -' IS 16. 21 70.. . "
: '' not of>p"sop" > top tr 7.ekeso.al. 'It sop 0 ClOp ...* II.LV, IlMkMGwUJeI r s MAYNARD"LUMBER Co. PrIce !Oc sad'pLOL 11
r.5'pmlq: boatman could be learned 10 OOp S 16p 10 life Mr was_.
:" c but to say that he bit a bonanza would I i 1 mi:2M t SOp v* 40p sop Ar Ar. CbaWaee.S..asak ,'L..t1.* .C 4Oa S. SOp WpAr e0/e"Ar SS r Ar Mootcom'rrArBlrmlbslMa Tkoaarrl'e .>v V I For sale at all dr.g store or f -
be;{ mildly expressing It. The' boat .- WI..-..-. -Lv !*''. ,v sent by mall ap' .141-:0.': '
Tiep Ar.. Nuhdlleu0. of price.
1Iwonld'more;' (o different places duringthe 4Ap40p S 48* Ar' .V One 7 2&p It Ma ArJ..ontn.; v Snip receipt .
tl 7 SOa Art ........... v S 4ft. S 48p f!*a Ar ChkMS* L. hop 1 twn
1 day.. ; In Nk ja Ar BwntMr* ttp It LOa:.CGIIW 1'. twe
':::9 4 06. U 22P Av t'SI14.l.bta .:It : ll 6A*' .0. Ar at Leuli Lv 'SMAr P ....,.....
f+ 7 IHS 1 68p Ar N w York Lv 115p" .26e'' t.. LoalavllU. Lv 100 a Public ySaleof'. Shorthorn and V bC
; Devedred by Vfonae.f 7.. 'Ar Cincinnati Lv 11 Up re- ooeoooi
f II Ifi* 'y Ar' 17 p 11tJ
; ; Children often cry; not,front pain 4 Up Ar Mobile. Lv.1 IIIP ford battle _.tok.I'.f' A'"ltI.,
"'I'''yt f SOp Ar 1le., OIlJee'. Lv saoi, t;
but from hanger, although .fed abund* However slight this: ywU
at tlme of
rvsrooasi 'CAS SSIMVI CB.kl : {
1n; .aptly, The eqU.roublit arise from: Train M and.. Ktearry Pullman' n between New Tor] Jseb.nvUle.... Port Tstipal t will .feast.rdWt; ti Ooats, O.pt.rker e, /003 abort fl and In this climate; .it Is-the fbremimer
1 -/ Inanition, tb lrfoodrfa. not asiimilat-! t1IaIDt ear...... tbre.ga. betweinrannah andtrmlai Jens, c Il7'1 day eaaekea betww Asck. .nsl.t.red and kigb-.n4... Sane. all4, _. Meet %f thewecalB t ks4 of of malaria... ''A"dispositlon toyawn,. -,'e,-. e,
Pitt 7S .
an.vtlecodwashlp.ra saalsep.e ,
< < and. Is nitwer_ .Jaekaorvlli.. eat.. Mew .ewl.r. e.ow I.J' ;
'f (.d, bvtdevoured by .worms. Ak'few York and aelteo..PB..ad Cbroaso wtthoat cheeseCovet < '. 7rk.y will k. tk.ees.kly .... wall k. .... e4.' sod; an all tired out feeUb even cTrmeJ J 01cl.
"' ..' 't:.:doaeabf Whi..'. 'Cream 'VermifugewOt .' UM meanri leave Puota Oorda for fort Mvere and1oMrisedlaN laadfags 1' t death ...- Tags. ,..... ... say .taleB., leViM _tq c
,I eeptSnnday.la.: Ii.,rrrshth.have X"n..airI..nl..Gord.4 p.ID. ,....... ...... noto. *' tile *.*. tar *** aft.r :- before the chill.- Herbinebyitsromps'etiniulative'soton ]
i} auastb1miO .pease, cryln r ''andbecio xey weal= ISBTA kAaa*leiamer lure Port Tampa Ilewt Tnaeday*and Tbaredart 11 p.ml: ............ Write tor fall pertlewlare. rest' will M diva.. iltvawtk. : '' the lltWidM"* [ it,
.M on
'Through -eteepen between Port Tampa and erk.via both AUanue Otwa*Line ...: jf
II- to thrive .t.oaoe.el'7 much ,to "' I :: the malarial srerms out of'tbV, .-..-- ., IV,
For Ir--\: ralLbu 1II.m;...ptas bid ..... t .' .. .. ; ..
of the ,360it f 00uI J' L C:' : -.w 60
and ,
the Joy mother
snprise .fire.. tteket aleau 01' L r.eOLLJ-l.r JY.. .lalota F--.,'Ac-D" 1'.'........ r0.. '.. ,fI IWII.USS fto'":-- :.... purifies the blood tones. "vp.the- sysri 1 01"w
/I. _
..1.0..10. .... I '
Osceol Pharmacy ." ;
-' '
,-"' ...'..' '- '11'1 : U'. .L".I"II ...1ra0" >r'irsie.,: WUlOisiton. . ,..C-;. .. -. .,' tern and restores, ., be.lbO. ,60c}:sW
*> ,5c.) . t' Oeoeola Pharmacy, & .
t\\1 k 1.:1: '"a A. +J. -, ;; wN _j.
!;"' f['" ...1.1J .;} : I,r 'k 'f' + 1 f., '._ .... :.... ... ... .
\ot ti. 'If '/.1' ; .
J' (JI ,1t\'IF -.-....... u. . ., .r
t ijr "'
J....' I "" .. < :r' 01". : ...'". .,'. 1:'. 0o...;':;<::" ;;' ,I.j.. .. ,'1 ':I".j/. /:; ,/ /.' 1, .. -.. ,'..,.,' ;" .' .....ti'1' ", (\,,-;, ". ,:'; ; '. I