October, 1963, No. 49 7 v
. Ca/Lven/ Hafni, Adtonx
"IL7e imagina;ton ea.ilay .ee-d what iA de4in.e".
~~S______________pa__sh4 P/wve/tb.
TAe .zegulaL bLuinejz meeting of te Saint Auruzine HltonLcal Socie;tY ache edle
o/z OctoberL 8 ha been postponed .uztil October /5, /963, at 8 .A. ai ihe An/ Cent.en
22 M-an/ie Sifee~. Following, tIe bwoJine .4e&Juonz, a pnoiwarn wilL be pteienrted b1y ML.
ALben' Ma/nucy dea-Lin9 wLiAt hAi4 ecenr .jojouAn in Spain and A/i obsenvaiLionA on ihe
an/Lcztectune and cuzLomA of othe vauiouJ province viLderLd.
Hencepfo&t, 6L _!,iLbanc wiLL be pubLixiAe aj uua-l in arw any, Apiil, Yuly and
Octobenl. HowevenL, publi-ca;-on date will no' precede lie nLegulanl uaenlu meeting
of tAe menben dhip. T/hezefoze, we aAk OWL member .to make note o le Aoe nual MAeeina,
cdae at thil ;time: hananua /4, 1964, 8 P A. ,foz -L e elecLion of offccezt and dinectonod
fon /Z e enruinr1 yea/n. Local rmenbe/a will be .tninded via pI.ej. and nadLo.
TAe following iLA o. 4 in. ~te jeliere of hL~uton.c Ait e hiALonlie pnepaned by oun
The SLte of the M/inoican ChapeL
39 St. -eon.e StLeet
Weti /o00 feed of Lot 5, Bloc 7
St. Auqujzine, Fio/&id
Preeenr Ovazel: Cojonial St. Au~ytine, 7nc.
ChAonaoLogicaL SU wna ny:
1764 j uazn goe'e("ligio de La Puenre map dAoi/w house owned by Anronia de Aveno.
/765 Monc .ief /ap A owj hwue ouned by "/. Kipp". No doczmenrd have been found
to ,duppoun thAij claim.
/7784 Sometime during. At peTdod it became a private ouatou. foe JAe (aColic
Ainon.can, ".
1784 Andonio Fennande$ claimed it fon Arnonia de Ave/uo '. cildnLen.
S 1788 A.ziano de La Rocque map /w wj Aoute in He cuwtody of Azntonio Fe,.nandew
1565 = 7TLe Na-ion ', OLdead C(y = QuacdAi-CentenniaJ = /965
1/788 ALtonia de AveWo '4 dauLhten. gave penzi-44Lon. 4o &u-enia de HUta y Sqlagad
.o occupy 1Aee h1oue.
/790 goven~wno Qaueada appwiaL /how Aie houw e and -Lot a.L owned by ie King
and occupied by, Oitenia de HLta y SalayaA.
/79/ Apl/u 8. Houie. and Lo Zi of Aie King dold at public aucdion.. h7/ti houAe
puLchaaed by Romauldo MiLckiajuveLch.
/79/ Tadeo de AA ni ha d enpowe/ed to claim the Aouje.
/793 uLgenaia de HU#a y Salasal vacates the houze because Ahe had pwwchaed anorwhe
fonm Pednto de Ca-La o .ive in.
/794 Don 9ined de OLiba de4&i.e -to pwzLchae but north 4a-diAied witA w aLe p1Lce,; a]Ad
o4 new appwaia.2 and auction.
/795 Victonana guiLUen ak/ foL revieww of claim.
/798 April 18. (6uenia de HU//a y SalaaL diie.
/802 Manuel de CadtiJia, gwandSon-in law of Antonia de Avenio i.i enpowened to claim.
/802 ]une 2. /HouLe Z4 /e-leased to Caj ilUa fon. Ae-~ of Antonia de Aveow.
1804 Manerei de C(a~eila Je&L -o Blta C/e-dpo "Aie Lo- and maiLs"
Ca4jtLLLa and ite Aeiln of Arutonia de Aveno re-acu iAe Ai.4 i Ae.
Cai;ULa jeLlU a "coquina houze" fo yojefa Mflonte de Oca wih. j7 vana4 in
addiLion to hAe /5 va/a ./Ae had acaguined from hze govenmenr.
Caima Ihe ex-tia 37 vana c had been bouqjId fAmn Flanci&co RuZL3 del
Cano ~ome;time between /802 and /8/5.
Yoefa lontet de Oca .elLU to Ijabel Rod/tuiuez de Romenw.
Romenuo AeiuA e-Ll o 7uan Ca/NLenad.
Can/Aena Aeiu JeLL to /a, Ca (.'enar and Wi L.iam Y. Reye4, hen. lubanzd.
WiLLiam, Ree. "eLL b to Yohn And.neu.
)ohn. Andreu and wife eLL -to 6dwnd Al. oodnich.
duland A. goodtigA .eLL, -o David genAiel.
David 9eniel'I month iage to (Chinde CoAeit iL fAoneclo.ed.
QCwaniLe4 Co(.en, 9e.t/Aude and liax Baen jell to lWaLten B. Fnagzen.
W/aten. B. Fna6en and wife jeLl to Co.lonial St. Au uA-eine, nec.
/7e foLLowing. i Ate bil~inual -text of anonynou. auionAhiLp wAich appears on
the non&t facade of Ate pneernd building:
aliacio del i ovennadoz y Capi an. eenenzal
de tlonida uw U-A P ovinciaj, Don Pablo
de Hi;ta y Salaazaa.
1Palace of govennon and Cap-tain genenzar of
. ^
FLo0 and Ltd Povinced, Don Pablo 9haHif
u SalJjan.
Condrnucted in /680.
/7te claim made in. Ate placque foP/ Athi building, and Aie Salapa/t Coat of AMni
oven t. e doomnamu ane no-t dupponted by Ai.to.zical evidence.
Sden;tiicaition of Penonrd named in Ath Audy
Antonia de Aveno ( /7/7-1792) 6e ownea. Zidted in. ie Plente map of /764.
oI4ef. uillen. Antoria fJinit hwuband, died 1743.
foaquin B3Lanco A4nonia second hluband.
Anronio Fennande3 An.onia '' .4on-in-law; huAband of
Vidctiana uiilez.e Antonia ', daughAen by hAen fiL'd huAband.
6uc.enia de H/iLa y Salagzai Anrtonia '4 niece; -te dau )ker/ of 9e/dnimo de HiLa
Salaza. and Yuana de Aveno, Antonia '4 4ielten.
Tadeo de AnaLbaj- 4on of I%~nundo ALonroo de Anl/vba4 and Untauld de Aveno, Anronia '4
fManuel Ca4dilla -huband of
Rafaela -Fenandeg- Anionia '4 qnand duhifeL; dau.hIen of Viciotoiana guillen and
Anronio Fe.nznndez.
Yuan de 'PeFazoza An&onia '4 qaea.-g.Aandfa Jze/z.
Yuan de CoJiULa -Spanizh nA .ineeln who applnaized popen iLe in /763.
Yed4e F&iA A BziLidh uA bjeci uwho izeided in St. Au.uz4iine pnion. fo /763; eni/um.ed
by Yuan. 6liio de La P3uenie -to dlidpoie of ceniain p/ope/ndied.
Yuan. go4e .Li.Lo de la Puenwe Salel agent fo.l S/xpnih evacuees; map, fanruay 22, /764.
'Pai.Lckh Tonyi Bsi.i-lA 9ovennrw of 6ai FRLo/ida /774-1784
VicenZe fManue de Ze pedeA Sparni.dh ove/uwn of ca Roi Foda 784-/790
Yuan Nepomuceno de Quejada Slxzpanih 9ovenzron. of 6a4 FLonida /790-1796
Banwo-Lome' Benueg 9 alves M~iniAten of te 1e aRoaLi Hacienda; Vappointed to 4enve
a4 /T.LcaL in. ti Ji claim.
(L Conde BeAnalndo de alvez CAief OficeAz and Capitain. ermLenal of bo (th a4d and We4d;
/faniano de .-a Rocue Spanis nA ninee/; A2p, Apil /6, /788.
6ame, lon.cAef Batih nA ine g~; map, ca. /765.
The T7 eat of. Pani of Febwana/ /0, /763, gave FLonida to n.ea~L Bnitain, and
p.wvided tAai Spanirn cixi-hena evacuading. St. Auguitzine could .eLL /thein pwpent&. to
Bni/ti h 4ubLjec en w itin /8 months ftwon ate eteadt /awtLficaeion. Capta in. uan de
Co.t-iUia' of fnineeLnd =Zn4 convi.miion.ed to appnai&e pwope1/tie4 and jupe/vidLe the 4aled4
to ~e 6nglidh. CoriJLa wa necalled to Havana and Ae C( Aen appointed a- C-
miazione. Don ]aan. oaee LiaiLo de la Puenwe, who tooko oven Co(~iilla du ies. o,
dchao/aie 2ha r.eponaLbitiu pwopenl, Puente made a map of S..Aua~uiin.e, dated
anw2ua/ 22, 1764, on wAic he Litded Ate ownen, Lo; meau~ueenei and building ma.eala
of eack houAe. 77e aie a~ 39 St.. geonle Si.ee~t appeanA on. the lPuende map aJ
Block 6 No. 8/. Stone houwe of Arutonia de Aveow;
Non/Al-Sou.IA /5 vazna; aqd-lWeet 7/ vana4.
Puenje wa4 unable to di&po4e of all i.ze prope/t&e. and in ;tu/nn 4old cenain
panceln in. ituzA fo M/f. Yes4e F /h, who in. ;t n aaneecd ;o neneit ;o Puenie on oIhen
deigina ed pen.on ~he p~oceedL of any a-le4 wAich he mig~t make.
Coiilla 'A appn~aial of wAat appeanz to peAdain. -o AJe above houwe, whicA he
Lized in, ie name of Don ]oa uin Blanco, iZ aj foLLow4:3 'e4oA Realed
on 3855 vaa4 plan of Lo;t, having 55 on. ie fon- of Ate jaid 4;tnee.,
LGIuIe del goven adon and a depd~ of 7/, at / neal- pen vana .. 8/
Fon. 8/2 cubic vanaw of heun. tone on. the whole 4tuactute,
ai 4 peao4 pen. vaaa ............... 3284
Fon aLL Aie Lowen. foonlt of aLL Ate hou e and -te flat
noop . . . . . . . . . . . /85
or an oven and AeanrA of hewn 4toe . . . . ... 18
Fon. the beam and Iab-la de carbon pninciz-pa (] of -the hou4e /00
Fon .Je xame (Cden) of iAe to adjoinin. noom . . . 8/ 7
Fot 5 doonr and 3 windows in iJze panion and bedwom . 96
Fon 3 doonw and 2 windows in 4aid oiom Lpnlon and bedroom. 40
Fon tAe lumben of ite pani.t nowof, iti doon and window . 47
Fon, a ctpboand wit tA doon in the dining oom ....... ./8
Fonl te Lumben of tAe dining no om. on. con-idoqA of the
pnLdon and bectwoom and a pano.ty wuit a
4/inged noo ................... 86
'"Fon. e Luumben of Ate Aki-cke and Lt 4 inhled noof .f . .. 76
Fon 2 doolz and 2 windows of te above [kitcenj. ..... .. 8
Fon tAe flat noof of ihe innen. uppen. Living. quanaen . .. 45
Fon 2 uppen doonl and 2 uppen. window . . . ..... .20
Fon a 4dadiamay, wi.itA it oof, nail and handwni ..... .3
on an uppen baLcony .................... .3
onr the enineAuelo in landing . . . . . ..... 45
'on. a Lowen doon. and window ................. 28
Fot,. IAe wno0 f dining 1won of hid dweUling
Supper Lving quavLdten . . . . . . .
Fon a uuthouee and cLcken coop .............. /0
SFo~z.t Ae boa6n. fencez and fence poa A of iAe Loo . . . 90
Toan. e fj ui. t .ee, . . . . . . . . . . 15
To;a . .. 487 7
LoAida, Decenbe. 3 [31.3 1763
Yuan de CotjjiLL
NeiUten iAe account of Yedie FLihA 4 on. de la Puenre 5 ive indicaizonitai
th.iL pa1dLcu&lan Zie itzx even. conveyed by Arnonia de Aveno io eLuAhen ueite, F/'Ld
on. any o6hAe/ BUi4A}i subject before 4Ae departed Pfo Havana. S LA iA ehen.efoe aAwnwed
tai tke houwe bemne B..zU./ cAown pwopeAiuy in /764.
By /777, DnZ Aizew T a nbuL' New Smylna colo. y hada failed, and it aetd-le1
of. /edute/,an.ean ,liin, accompanied by Fai-den. PedLw Cam po, migwaed ,o SZ. AuguLtine
wkhete Athe uene even Zaund4 in. the notnAe.ew padt of torwn by, .ite BiALiLA 9ovenno ,
bPa.bic Tounc ".. Afe O i e o.ly pacee of public wun hALo .tc be :te AngLican ch&iuC4.,
St. Petezt'i, 'on. wouA it 9o .e SA .ee.. rn. the T/Leaiy of 7/76)3, Iea ntain had
quamnwneed tAe Libendy of Ae (a olic neliugi.on to Me inhAabuLanriA of Flotida. 9ov-
ennw on /on.nW now honored hLiA counwbuy/' obLiya-i.ort bi/ fnAning. oven &the Ahoie then. on
A the St.9eonge 'ni-eelt ie A-o IFaI. cn. Calnoi fo.z a ptZivate ozantonzy foAn -the wue of the
(aqfholc ML inonLcan., kruww.i -lIa- /. /zc 'sru.i nro olien'z. domain. to th&i houwe bud hAL
[BuiLALIA 9ovennen4 . .
The ILea y of Venai.LLe in 1783 A.e.h wcld FLornida o Spain, and gave BaizLh
4ubjec&j 18 month .to cdipoJe of ilteLA pzope&i.ei. Manyr FlonidianA, fonmen. &edidenrt
of SR.Aiuf;w in.e, on. kheiA. Aeiln, n.e.uL.zled wit-. -. idea iLaf each of Athem had a nig
to ;ahe po,.dei.Lon of theL'eiA .te.pedive pnop2'dy 'b vinAjue of powen of a~~tonn.ey and
Attanfie,, and o J.en wU Jout any oaten fonzmai-fy .Aian .th a~ of .aying AhiA fonnenmtl
beLonged to me, on. to my n.,andfaitLen, oz fo my unce, &c . '" Zeapede3 nelaved
the deplonibble condition, of Ae Ahowue in the caLy, almost ha-Lf of wAich wene unin-
habitable, and a!ked tha; powen. be given Aim -to nzanrd Land wu..L- pzefen.ence to lie
old inhabiL4anir;, and aften/uandl o the Alinoncana on. any of en. Spaniand who mi~At
come to jet6le, and Iajmly, to oeignen-. 7o pfewne, sae i d made duin. Zepede4'
Among. YJAoe w/w n.etwunned una L&.. CoL. Antond.o Fenuinade5, who a/nnived in St.
Auvirjzne in /784 in command of a Dnaagoon Company, and anmed wiL& a powe. of atitonAn.e
fom At Avenw children. He innediae-ly .took custody of of of he Ak/ee Aveno
Ao ou ej.
The jte ie uden 4udy appeaan on. ee nap of St. AVugitine made by ,naineen. la.'iuano
de la Rocc~e.9
The map pupoon~ti .o Ahow even houwe in existence on ApAiL /6, /788, and
ke ounld flooz. plan of each A*oue. An. accompanying notebook seconded te name of
ie ownen on ocaipant, /ie building ma&eniaL, and i.t condition. Rocque de.cacbed
Aie pnopenty a4 foUlows:
Block 2, No. 5.
/l1aonito and dquan.ed 4tobe-wonkA Aoune wit. one iwo-
.donuy sectionn, with a pondtion of ike neihAboning Lof.
annexed, wiAk ike fence which conz'mepondc io tAe /ouue
alio of maronAXL it&6 flai nooip, famed and flooiA in
bad condition; in ike cudiody of Andonio Fevninde3.
A l4jLt e .laien in /788, Vicioniiana guiULle de Fenuwtnde3 gave pe/min&ion. to
(uenia de HUia y SalaJan io uwe a mazon-.# house alnodt in winAni do thai hAe could
Live in and take cane of i~ while Jie 9oven/nenir dee/unined about ikL pwnpeity.
The Iwouje uw Located in f-wo.za of ike houze in hiic Tadeo de AntAba4 now LiVvew. "/0
CoL. F ezna'nde3z /imieLf had to be absenl fzom 5t. AuquAtine and he izanfwenned hLd~
powen of attonneey to Accountanrt 9onzalo de Zamnonano on. /ay //, /788. Za'nonano '
powen uwa /.evoked 6 1m.ee yeauni -Laen ( /79/) wheAen. Tadeo de Alu/tzbaj wua elnpowe/Led by
Feena'nde t&o act in ie Inaitten of Ae Aveno claimn.
9oveanonL Queiada ',i inspection of .S. Aturutilne in /790 ILevealed itha many houieA
ha. whad n.eve/ted to &he cILw.z wou-ld be compietee.Iy Lo&t 4 wvLead immediate AiepA we/te
Zaken. 7o tzenedy the situation, he au.Lio/zLed an inventdo/uj of aL hLouied and Lo&t
and adventided then m~o an-ae a. a public auction, wiztk te unena",andring. tAa Ahe
buyen/i would rLepain. tken wi tin. a ileazn.'i time. The applienaent deiczibed die hou-ie
iken on ike Si.9eoua.e StAeeLt .lae ai follow:
Block 7 No. 45 RealeW
/la.oniy hoIue and Lot of the King_ occupied by Dona
fu.enia de H/ia y SaLayan bounded on ike wejt wui
Ca.LLe ReaL; on Ae eaw with Lot of Ahe Kin.; o.-2 ke
nontA wiAt Dot FnanciAco (anion and o.z te djo6t witl
home and Lo;t of. uanr Scdncke.. fteuaJuLe on ihe f wnt
no vth-douth /5 vaanni, depth eadt-wet o/0,- va/_an; ai
Aie naie of 2 /teaL pen aq. vana amount tio ..... 753 3/4
Stone waL 3) vanaz Lot. by 4 vainaA h~J on boA
fWtonta at 271 .eaLew pen. ja vana, amount 6 o .. .. .. 300
7 /o aLeL pantiaton4 // vania Lo.1 by 4 vana. A.ihk
a- 2 lneaLeA penI. a. vana awnountd to . . . . . 88.
> I
Two. akche wLAh 3 ane-,done p.LUlw appnaLied at . 144
SOe done painty vaLuecL a. . . . . . . '4. 4.
One pa to uaLl /4 vana -Long by 3f vana hAigA at /2 neal
pen. va/a, amount o .. .. ....... .... 73 /2
Two mote LUnL of a noom in Ae patio /7 vanca long by 3
vana^ Ahig a. 2 neaLeA pent j. vana . . . . ... 102
AnoihAe.z wall pantU.ion 5-3/4 vaand long by, 3 vana 4igA
ai 2 n.ealeA penr Jn. vana, amounoitd .to .......... 3 3/4
7Two uXStLd on tke one fLoon :econd aLo ij?7 12 va/ai Long.
by 4 vaznad hiA at 2 .teaLej pen i. vana am nowI to . 96
Two teaten je/w waLU? // vaaru& lo."/. bI, // vaw.2i *i igt at6
2 n.eaLe, pen AL va/'i, amow aa .o . .......... 88
Oze d;tone ,taiixgU wi l't 3 pLLt-La valued a! ..... .... 80
Oie conrinuou i ,U.- 32 va/ Ln.' o / van h''l at .2j
Inea&LeA pen .4q. vaza can.iLLL to . . . . ..... . 325
Fon e a noeniauJ. nwij.- .'.e aip',c, lo doo/,A, I,,undoi i, fLoo and
.wof, va.ued.c a . . . . . . . . . . . 23 0
~2328 1/4 (ALc)
The pabLic. auct-Lon. wLaI held on. Ap[zLil 8, /79I, and Romuarldo 41Lc4iAauveLch, a
new FLounida de.tVle,z, bouAht [h.e wLwoue occupied b)y. ,Penia le AHi/a y SalaazL. Upon
d e'cueat, ahe vacated ;t e pn/.emniAe, bJz a~do/n-LAy. eLeea (tenz ALcila.,uvv.e.Lc/ begeed
hena o iehui.n to h&e ho'aie while he brtoutt hA.L family and pdo ejijAonw fjwm geoagiLa.
She moved back, bvt he kept looking (onz a hou'e of hen. oYnr. By AugM.t 26, 1793,
MicAlazuveLcA had not ye't nletutned, and Sugenia had bouAht a houxe on. heeielif to
Live in.1 Accoadin9L., Ahe a-ked -te govenvmendt to name a cu4todiaun on. Lte St.
geonle StAzeet hou, e. The 9ove/nn.o decided to have 6tze hoa oe put up fa.z. auction
November /0, 7, Do aine de Oi, a o ce i te l o
On Novemben. 10, 1794, Don 9ine4 de Oizba, an of.fL.cen. in the Thind BaztaLLi.on of
Cuba, asked foA "t Ae hAowe on Royal Siteeet, No. 45, wAiick id in ,uirn and Aie wauI4
de.enljonated, bounded on AIe easi. wiiA tke Lot of iAeKinz, HondA by FAanciLco RuZ3
del (an.to, Souik wiA ie Ahoaue and Lotf of uan SdncLe The zequej;d UW4 accepted
'wvided OLiba would pay Ile 8/0 peso. ayeed upon by cLaklad uveLck, who had even
acturoal paid any money fin. ite hou e nor put up ihe cuatona/y bond fon. aecuni-.
OliZa feLt Ite pnuce to be too hiAo, conidening. hait ie nootf u gone, the wauLL
faLLing, dowu, dome of Ihen al/eaLd on iAe yound. lHe ukx wilLing. to pay 385 pepo
on accept Ike tenma of a new appnaisaL. Ot Decembet /2, /794, Ahe Accoun;an.l n.ecom-
mended a /eapp/na~ial of IAe house, and otw made/ campendeni valued the tLo at 262
pedod 4 ne.eaLe; Ike maonm.y a.I 4/0 pejoa, and IAe uAeLe^A woodwork a /0 pejod, fOn.
a to. Ia of 682 pejoj 4 AealeA. Notice of a ner aucLion, uan poned.
Jn FebAnua., /795, VLcdoniana guLUen de Fet/nacnde pesblioned fonr Aupenrion of
Ike jale unlil all evidence of ouwne"hldp by Antonia de Aveno had been, p/ejernded.
S4.e ofeIed a.s pnoof of owitetAl.p Aen. molher'.s will, made inf Havana. The feA;aiutix
mentioned Aen uwo deceased Auband a, Don ode'9 Cui.Len and Don goaquin Bl/anco, en,.
ckild'zen by each of Iken, and a&.led among oken/. Akinj thaai Blanco bnawu/W t no
posdei.Lonz ;o 6theLt manniage, all of he poe iLomu nemain.ing afIen ts death having
been accqul.ed during. jaid ma/nniae, except IsoAe wA.ichA A/e Aenself had bnowukt fto
Ikei, mantiiaage. 15 ViLconiiana also pniecented Ike will of Aen facen, lo0ef 9uL/tena,
dated Decemben /7, 1743. The deceased guillen had claimed aC iLA e&tae the Aouxe 0
in whAck 7 Live wita A ein. aiej, and four .xlave .. /6 buL did not give the
Loca=;on of dkee houe4. C"Houwed" here probably mean Ike owup of buildinap con-
ptising. a d weLLing, jucA ad a Aoule, IiAchen, outbuilding9A, eLc.) H/owevenA, WInee
wtitneame had ag.eed wuanimouALy /al ikAe Aowue had been occupied by. 9uilen. dwing
hiA mautiage to Anronia de Aveno, and Ifai both 9uiien and BLanco had buiL. addcit ona
.o i. 17
OIten pnwof of ownelenlip had been ubbinLted previouAly, ai Ihe time when Tadeo
de AnazLbaA had been enpower. Io claim, and in e e defense of hen. claim Anionia had
AsaIed "~hai tvhee owuAees LAaz n.enained in &b.Ld PnrejidLo belonging. to my child.en, Ake
guilleneA and IAe Bianco., if ktene appeaniA any document widA the nane of foaquin
Blanco Ecomo de Don ]oaruin. Blan.co] itey do aot Lie non. alne queti-oned, because he
waL my, second legaLimadze lumband. Wiat iA miAing in Ithen Zj ;Mat Itene aAould have
appealed a clause in tkem nayang Don ]oacutin Blanco, nepneeivting hiA wiLfe An;onia
de Abewo' [Lo que faLta enz ello4 eI habeuAe expnteiado de Don goaurin Blanco point
n.ep/LeJenaci.o&n de au conronre Do~2 Anronia de Abeno '.' Anronia had aLdo Aaid .tai
Ite houA4e were eAI:abiiAAed and enlanted" by hen. two hLuAband and atai in Ltegandd
Ito Ie i.tled of domain and ownen Ahip [tUiuLoa de Domin'o y 1op0iedadj wiAi neApecz
to one of Ate ho/wue, whickA iA e big one, and which u m appnzaied by na~ineenl Don
Yuan de CotILUa, i.A neceanA ;to go bacI o tke yean /2 [/7/21 of ithki cenIans
in onde; to know Aoa o and old houwed whichA. tood on it came to me by
inhenidance wom my nandpan.en;t and panen;t. /8
TAe aatemenet above yieLd an impLicatiton: Anqtonia de Aveno inrhei&ted -cie
lo0Lt Vom Aen ancedAtofn, and 9uiLUen, Aen. fiLtA hAuband, rebuilt ie hwuLe before
iAL death, and Blanco, hen second hluwband, added a noomn on nooa ;to it before
evacuatDing o Havana in /763.
7n hLAAc/, /802, Capain Manuel de Caqtjl6La pneenrted a claim fon Y e houwe
"Lfocaed next to tkAe hoube of Don. uan Sadckeez. The Accounrdan opined tha- AuAfftcienl
p/oopi had been offened, and puw&uand to k&e Cadua of ]une /7, 180/l e Aou, e
Anould be delivered to :te AeiL of Dod.a An..tonia de Aveno and itein /Lepzeren;.aLve
Don fanuel de C(a.iUa. Thnee month .ladenL, gudge Advocate OnIdea filed ike opinion.
Aaii ike iwoue LQueiada No. 451 AotwLd even. have..been in ike pubLic auction of
/79/; hAai bidden AZ.cklajLuvei-c had loxi.t h niAg4ih' o i. fon failing. 4o AfidlflA Ake
neruijited of Ae auction.; and ihaai by, /RoiyaL Reo4ozi.ori of latnck 8, /79/ i0te houwe
jAouLd be given. to Caij-illa, wow would bean ite coit of ike pnoceedinap.
On un.e /, 1802, Notany /ozi de Zubi ga/e-ta accompanied CaLilUja jo ike howue
fon. ie puApoje of wiving -Lea-L po1ex1ion. of. /ie pwpen.4 thai (CantiLa had doLiciled
"fon AimLMelF and ike oken. hein& of Do'ia Antonia de Aveno. W&W ikhe cuaiomanty fonm-
aLiiie4, ZubiganL.eea Let C(afiULLa in, and gave him pojiezxion of it, whALck he -took,
u lked alwund, openigna doou, Aowulinrg and giving ondeaj. Fon ei;inq ike bouzdalniexa,
(Ca-iL-La b"wouqJf aLong wii. Aim Don }odxe Lo.zente, ike ovenAeen of nWoyaL wo.h-k,
whAoe meaaulnemeni~ n.eAduLed in fwnon, noni .to dowuLt, /5 vanaz, and in depik, ea!Ji o
wexi, 9/ vanaA. A 2/ iLA Anx u znonia de AverLo houwe uXa back in 6ie hand- of hen
Ok ]anuany 28, /804, manuel de Ca6itila and Doa 1%afaela FeYnande, Ait wife,
Ake fLiAnd wiA powen of a;ionney of ike AeinA and ckiLdA/en of Donia Vicioniana gui L en,
ike second ax daugAten and AeinLee of Dona Vicioniana [Anto.nia dauAhtenj aold to
Finiw Sengeand BLa C(neApo? ike Lot and ualLi of a Aouxe on St. 9eonge St&ee-t, wA.ic
bounded it on ie weAt; eaxt wiAk ik PL;aa of Ae CaC6iLLo and anoiken. Lot of Dorn-
ingo Cen/copoly; NonikA wii ike Zot of. ie heilAn of Don Fnancixco RuL- del Canto, and
Aoutt witk iL e Aeinz of Doin Juan Sackez ; /aid Loti with ike mtLL 6tAai wen.e givenz
4o Aim and to ike Aein, of Do7a An6onia de Aveno by Auo of Ae 9ovennonr on mune 2,
1802.22 TAe fon.eoie n deed would -een -to indiLcade Aat ike old Aveno houie oven wAick
iene had been jo muck coninovenV had defenuionated to a compLteeLy uninhabiuabLe
Unden. cinecadsr ancex pnedendyl utnnou~z, ( jtiLLa and ike oiken hAeinz /e-accgin.ed
A iikiL Lot ,ometime beoteen /804 and /8/5. TAe anawen may .have been in the eicnit/uzna.
fon /809-/8/0, whick ane mis in ~ fwam A ie 6aot Flonida Spani i Plapell. At any nate,
on AuuJt 2/, 18/5, CatiULa, fon. Limelf and .e oikenhe Aeiz of Anto.-ia de Aveno, jold
ite popeni y on St. 9eol e SAee.t to foa ef a Mloe& de Oca. pwpenyt uva M.en
bowtided on. Ie wedj by daid ifLtee.t; on. the outdk by hAeL'i of Yuan. SAnckee; on. Ad
ea~id, by .landA acdoining -ike Ca4dtle of Sit..anik; and on. ie not4A by. Yuan. TAaya. ThiL
deed da.te athait i oe fAonta~ e UWU onLy 15 vama a.t ~te time of At/e etreenment of tAe
Ave/ claim in /802, buha Aawt ite excess oven /5 vanad had been pwtchaed wmn F-nan-
ciLco RuZi5 deL Can;o /3 yean pneviouily. The meaunanenet in /8/5 wene 52 vana' in
/nonr, nodiA-joudk, and 9/ vana in depli, ea-.d to wed. Likewuie, Aiene uxt a
cocuina houde on. ie Lot.23 J i noij cLean. wheiken. th Ai hou4e vand the nepained on
nebuill "uaLL" of iAe old Aouwe 4old too CneLpo in 1804 on a campl&e.le- nveu ~i6uciune.
Yoaefa Monire de Oca kepi ike pwpiy foI n a yean, and iken dolUd 6o Jlabel
Rodtiueq de 'Xoelm on AuLuLd /6, /8/6. l3abel !w.mband, &anueL Rmeneo, had
paj.ed auwy ike pneviouA ]anuaVu Leaving hen witk foPu minrw chilld.en: /Mi~ue /3,
Bibiana 8, Synacia 6 and foae VaWLentin, 4. The PfoLowing Sep.tenben /6, 1.abeL
execltded a mo.,a.oe bond oo payt en. child.Aen. IAe in. /ante of hen./ husband' edalee,
pLedaLno hent hou.e a 4secuniwy. She de:1znibed Lt a4 ite Aouwe hAe had z.ecenmty puL-
zcAa"d fAom 7]oefa Monite de Oca, and i; ua* appwaiLed a fol.Uow: 25
-2D ~ on 8 d4waned of podoj wood Aheaiing] of ike fat Pe.o. Real.e0
noof of ike panlon and en/tAance . . . ..... . 60
/4 4a~an.e of pejo of ie fla wno/ of o;ie aeIe . .
.3 dauan.ed of noof of ike dirni om . . . . .
5 windows wi.uA ikeein. laded, doonz and /Jiame4 wik iAkeinz
inon.won .. . . . . . . . ...
// doonz wiLA IJeLn iname4 and inwn wo . . . .
2 windows wi h doon& and iL)n wo . . . . . .
2 cupboard/ in. e cLmn.ey ..............
The mouldinri of ike chu.imrtey .................
/ cupbocnd wikA izi doon and ion uon . . . . .
/74 4
960 8
Augqu 3/, /8/6
AppnaidaJ- of ite Aamne h/oue wihz n.eapeci -o mazonry:
75 vana4 of maaoniu uWaL of iee own . . . . .
3 vazna of ie panz on ike noA . . . . . .
75 vanai of ike pan on ie ea4 . . . . . .
30 vawna of ke pin on ie Aouk ............
/8. 2z
)a6nin. /H/eandle5
45 vanaA o ike dA4 wLoom and enSY on ike ol . .
S28 vanaA of ie d ining noom wiiA ie pitlan. . . . .
84 vanaw of ceLlin of Ae pao . . . . . . .
58 vana, of ie chimney of ie padon . . . . . .
84 vana. of bbly of Ae foono of Ae pa,don . . . .
82. vana of 4abby of Ae lat noof of Ae p o . . .
/i vana of. Ae wull of Ae gaUeny wi,4i e Uc&hen . .
/10 vana o e wal of Ae aUe Ao of ike odAk pa . .
299 vanaA off aL of Mie 5 pa z&ion witi e pnoiecting
waUL[ite.eieo] of ie kAlten. ...........
/2 vanaA of mazonvy of ikAe chimney of ike noom tbednoor .
20 vanaA of maZonny of ike chimnney of ike Aidcen . . .
Fot. ike oven and pot/ hotLe of hie hAtchen ... ... .
255 vanaA of &abby flooni of ~ e gaLLen, kLt&Aen, dining
noom and eninu............... ...
/20 vanaA of. iabby of ikAe flat noop of ikAe gaLLen.t and
kiAtc en . . . . . . . . . *.. .*
80 vanaA of mia4onmny of Aie huo pa1n&itonA of ikAe paio .
/73 vovana of Aie foundation, of aLL of A e houe . . .
4732? j. vanam of. A&ue and o.. ..............
3/ Augut 18/6
Fnanciico 7oAeongadleA
The Romeno Aheiz owned L/LA /ouwe unil /)lanch /0, /837, when Bibiana, wi.A
Aen aiotoney n oee' Valenmi:, 4old a dweLling, Uwae and Lo. on St. 9eone Stnee- to
uan CannenaA fon $/, 020. ThiA pnpen4y ixt bounded on. hte wety byuc ihe dAee4; on
lie douth by Aowue and Lo.t laiely4 of MIleleU. w/w pwulcha4ed pum Yuan Saa4cAeS'
widw in /1835 bui now of Se4k K. g9fond; on Ihe eadt by vacant laandL; on tLe
nor/t by 7ohn Tlay. TIke i.de meawuted 42 vanad in woni, no/tA to dou/A; and 9/
vanai in dep.h, eart .to wetl. T7e .aid aouwe and Lot we/ne .tIe vame ad Ihoe ApeLd
by M/anuel de CailJla ;to o7efa Mfonrte de Oci, who dold 4o SabeL 7Rocdgiues.
TAe Aein of goAhn. an enai deeded .tAe hwuse .o /flany CanAe/wna a hAen. JAaLe
of. hen. fahen.' e4~afne.
Fnom Wi inansfene down .o /946, iAe itle jucceedL .fAowuAk jevenal penonw.
On Apnil 24, /946, Chaa e4 Cohen, 9eLrudde Baen and Aen. hAwband MJax Baen oo
ao A. WaIe4n. Fotaen. a pnopen~y on hie eant ide of S4.eon7e SLeed. TAe boundaVuz
began at a point /65 fee-, I incA novdA oof Ae noniAea,&i cozmene of Si. eoize and Cu(na
W Sieetd, Aien nan nolnA fon. 43 fee: 3 incheA, iunnzed ead. jen. /00 feei, tenO douiA
oA arwiAen. 43 fee. 3 incAke and finaLy uneded we f .t anoAien. /00 feet io end
a ikAe point of beginning.
Ot November /7,, /952, A.l Finazen and ALi wife i~a fe ie pPwpen; io
"Colonial SR. Au~waine, Jnc. ", appendin o ike decRiption in. ie deed ike ph ae
ltknown C oovenVwn SaJLayan ma ion.,t NI "
WUile Don. lablo de Uita y Salagan did build a houAe fi aimaef in. Si. Augudine
upon completion of hd enm of office aj govewnon in /680, ike Locarion of Auck a
WouAe iZ. 4ijt unknown.
6ven. Lf i. we/e admitted Jhai Ahe ex-covennor conAAuwcied a hou/ e on. tie loi ai
39 Si. eoiie SRAeei, ,ie building iktenze now can noi be tie Salaya houwae. Duingn ike
ea cn phake of ike fniZA h.ieae of Si.Auwiug ine in 1702, ike SpanLn g novenon. Zuiga
ondened tie deitAuciion of all ;ie houjeA exia. bn wiAin a mushket dot" of ike
Cadi&Ltlo de San. flanco4, io pneveni ike eneny fAom tuing, iken aj coven. io fine upon
tie fond.31 The anea wiAiu a muAket hAot" of ike CajilJ.o neackhe in a jenz-
cJA.cle 4ome distance weji of Si. eolge Sifeei and non&t of Cuna Si;feei, and Ake
4i e of 39 St.eoinge Sineezt LieA weL wiAiin. id na ed anea. f32 ik ene uxu a
A;ucu.Lte on. Ae said Lot in /702, i. wen, up .in flamejs jne by ie SpyaniawLd ien-
,eLve4, and tie building pneen~tl.y on 4aid -Lot i poit-/7d02.
n.n Ae final phaae of ike iege, Aie nizA ih oikewihe buwaed ie nedfi of ike
of touxwn
But even. ike AhpoItAeiiLca admimnion of ike pneceeding pa/nanaphp faiL io Aland
up in. ike face of additional evidence. The Laii. of claim fwmn ike St. Aupudine /.eA-
ideniAd fon ike LoA4 of .ikein. homded dij&inruithAeA cleantly between ike housed banned
by ike SpanuiAdA and Wiowe buined buy ike 6ngtLil The dijAi name ike fiJ. 31/ wAouwe
a4 di/oe deAi/wuued bu~ ike defende/n wiiAin. ike ejni-ciacle a muAkei Ahoit f~nm .ike
Caditlo. /-e name of Don Pablo de Hlita Salaa/. doed not appeal amono ike name
of ie ownenA of ie 3/ hzowue. But rnuben/ /5 on. ie claim lit i. i identified ad
"ithat of Pe7aloa Aaita uwl applnaLed ai 200 peAo.. "
Afien. ie fJLid 31 houiej, ie -I-Lt of claim powceed io name ike owned of
ike neiji of ike houwed dejiwoyued during. ike Aiege, on Viowe bunn.ed laien. by ike
vnitdAL. h ikiA pontion of ie Li4, a houwe beonin. ito ike heiLt of Don. Pablo
de HiLa SaLapa. appeal a No. 89. TAud A e Salaya. houwe u1d Located ou~tide ike
muiAkeit jAo emion-ciLace.
While iAiL Li.Z doeA noi JpeciL~ LocaioonA, tiene iJ evidence in eantLen docu-
menir poin.ing to .tocationr of hou-e owned p/LevZou ito ike /702 Ajiee in necL ion to
ie Plaga and ike Salagan claim.
Claim No. 87, atai of Capi. Fnlancijco 9on.oLe4, ij de c4izbed in a
/690 docwnent a being, ouA& of ie ILaa.35
Claim No. 85, howed of ike AeizwA of Sea.eani. /Aa-on Sacvadon de
Zigavwa faced 9ovenon Salagan',j A/oue in 1682.
Boik wene nean Si. F/nanciA Convenrd,3 and on. te
way f Ae uand H/ouse in ike 'Layga *Vde Conven ^"
probably on. today,', ChanLotte S;teei.
S"lTo Lan up, ike Aouse at 39 St.geone Stneet Li north ie Salaaan. HouAe. The
location of Aie laiten ia not exactly kounw, but it ji probable tAah it .au on
4oudt Chaldotte S;teet. O&een. h./toniLcal evidence indicaitejs Jhat ihe aie hene
being conridened utw owned byt Dona Arnonia de Aveno, hen anced/ton and hen dejcendan;
fnom de yean /7/2 until /804 when ike "Lot and waLLd" which had been n.etuAn.ed to hen
heeLnA on 7une 2, 1802, wene 4old io BLa4 GCnepo. henaefone, ihe placrue mentioned
above and ihe coat of a/nm4 of ihe Sa-lapauj on. te fnont on wedi facade ofA iAe hwouie
have no validiy.y, because hidonLcal evidence indica.e4 no pnoof of own.eAi.p by ihe
Sa.ayw. family.
lPnion to deAaLLed examination of ihe exi tinq. waLL_ on ihe iLte, and anchaeoLogy
in and around ie /ouw e it eLf, it iA dZif.fiL t;o za;e wiAh jun.e; ie continuity
of. the vaniouL d appnaidaL, and decnzipt-onw wLhA ihe pnejent ,ntdaucitue. ObviouiLy tAe
p/lemenvi building iL onLy a 4ecdioan of a once la'aen building aA iL appea/d in iheje
docu-nenta. ALL woodvonk and noo4 an.e cleanly of ike 19/A centuny on. laien, a4 iL
biue of aImnot al. hidotonic houte4 in ihe cig.
*B /. Annade, ChaALe (V., The Anlchi&ecwune of SpaniAh SI. Auqtmtine".. RepniLu fnom
The Amenicaj, Vol. 18, No. 2; Octoben, 196/, pp. /6/-/67.
2. "Plano de la Real Fuenja, Baluan&eA, y Linea de la Plaz de Sn. Aguw~in de La
FLonida . ." iS map wi.i detailed key, 1764. flMueo Navaz, itadAid.
3. "Doza Antonia de Aveno dob.te neaxumin juz Caza4, y pojedioneA, con Lo demna
Lue de lo, Auwto confta. FLontida, Ano de /793". 86 foPLiod. No. /9,
Bundle No. 3o0, Cuity Lota. Sti.Aug ine; Fie.ld Note Division, Dept.
of Ag~a i tuA. e, Tala-a/mee, Siaie of FLonida, FoLio, 5-5v. ( IBaic
document fan. thi nleean.ch. leneafien nefenAved to a.'Avenlol
4. "Accounwt of Yemae Fih". Serial No. 3/9, /763-1770. (ad FLonida Papenr,
Libnaly of Congnre4.
5. "Sale of P1opentieAj; o eaee FiAh". ul 1764. Papelej PA ocedenied de Cuba,
Legajo 372. Anchivo 9enenal de .ndia4, SeviUle.
6. "Aveow", foiL.o //lv-/2.
7. Zejpedaej to galveg, /ay 8, 1785, in ALexanden Hamilto.n, Repole, Ala&, /824. 1/8
ConqgeA4, /It SedLon, Document /58.
8. TALd tudy conce/ nd Ae houw e at 3j9 St. eonge Slreet o. ton e hiAto. of one of
A te ohen. Dwo, Antoni a'j "Lii6t e hou e", dee L Deca.ibano, anua:n, 1963,
pp. 8-15. See aLso ChanLe WV. Annade, "The Aveno Sionyt: An 6ansly Si.
Auguftine family wi;t manxy dauAihenl and many hou-4e, Ftonida fiitoni-ca
Quan deiu, 40, pp. 20-2/.
9. Rocgue, fhaiano de la Plano .an&di cula de la Ci.udad de Sn. Audamin de La F/lo/&ida.
fiS map wiLtA detailed key, Field No.e Diviaion, FLonida Stafe Dep,-. of.
AgniclLtwLe, Tal-laha.aee.
10. "DTilienciaJ P)movidaw pon. Doma 6ugenia de Hi,&a y Salapan, 0oblLe deja.w una caa
del Reey rue havLta, y oena.o' en pu.bizca jubama. Don. Ronualdo iLcALa-
guveich, nuebo poblado/l el 8 de Abnll de 179/, dea5ndojela encamwada
cuando ie aujendL de edaa plaga. FZonida, Ano /793". 4/ f ioi, No. /8,
Bundle 320; C t-. Lot, S-t.Au ueine. F eled No- e Divijion, Dept. of
AgafdcuLiue, Tallahamaee. Helneafte& n.efen/eed to ca "Diligencia".
//. "Sfvenrani.a, iamacioned y vena en pu.blico n.enaC e de la cadad y Ajolate del
Rey. Floaida, /790. 72 {oliod, Field 41Noe Divizion, Dep, of A4aiL-
cutJL Le, Tallahaaee.
12. cPAiJu ina, 1/73-1794. 6ai Flonida Papen., Libnana of CongAjej pp. /03-/04.
]ul) 8, /793. Pedao de Cala to uaenia de H/Ua y Salaan, a wooden hwou.e
wit Lo, and onanr.e Qwno'e on. ite c.nom jnteee weJe, oft Ale cit wAhcA
bou-ulnd. i on. he eait; jouih by ,itteee whAi.cA cow.j~ e buy ie old Tn.eaun.Aby
wei.t ba att.eet leading. &o Tolomaco; Non/tA by houze and lo. oif Ahe King.
when.e .the 2cva-.ty a able and qtuaA/e.n an/e.
/3. "Dilien.cia"
/4. Sbid.
15. "Aveno" fo.io 49v 50.
/6. Sbid. Foloio 62.
17. Sbid. FoliLo. 35v J7.
/8. Sbid. Folio 24.
/9. Royal Ceidua, AnanIueg, 7une /7, 180/. Copy in "Ave/i" 'Foli.o 78v 80v. Tzianj-
a1dion in. Hamilton. ReoL., pp. 49-50.
20.0oal Oden, MadAid, ManLcA /8, /79/. Copy in "Aven/o" FoLio 72.
2/. "Aveno" Folio4 85-85v.
22. &cdcAtwua, 1803-/804. County udL.e', office, S. Aug .tin.e. ]arnuan 28, 1804,
pp. 359-360.
23. cni~uwnaa, 18/5-/8/6. (6a4 Floaida 'Papeni, Libznany of CongrAe'. Augu~d 2/, /8/5,
p. /39.
24.' &mLIdzct a, /8/5-./8/6. Auguj. 16, 18/6. pp. 356v 358v.
- 25. "Te1Iamenta4i ceedinri. ,nven.o&n.ex on ie deaAi. of Don. Mlanel Rome/o, 25 anucuny,
/8/6. fa., Fl/oida 2Papen Libzany of Conre44.
26. Deed Book "'", p. 254, St. goAr. County Reconudj.
27. Deed Book "V", p. 156, Si.yoAnt h Counvy RecoAd.
28. Deed Book /58, p. 55, SI. ]oh/n County Recozd-.
29. Deed Book 202, p. 42/, St. okAx County Recon~ .
: 30. Don Pablo de Hliia &aa io Atie Cowitn, Decenbet 9 /680. AVj 54-5-/1/74.
Sieio.o'i CoTLectizon, UnLvendity, of Flonida.
3/. Annade, Cha/lee W. The Siege of St.Augu.e in 1702, /959. pp. 4/-43.
32. Ibid. p. 43.
33. Ibid. p. 58.
34. Tacacioned /Ie FtLoAida Aouwjea bwanned by, Ie eneny. zanua/nj. 22, 1708. 6ndcloed
withA ovennown FnanciLco de C(ojco.led y Alai/L ineg to &Ake Cwown, Augut /13,
/709. A49 58-1-28/66. Sietioi CoLLectio.z, Unvenit. o of Flonida.
35. govewno DLego de Qui.wga y Loiada -o Ae Cuwn, oune /2, 1690. Ag, 54-5-12///7.
Steeion. Collec&onI, Lniveuni.y of Flonida. ConfLu'mm t&idle ;to Yuan de
Ayaa a f Lon a l ouioA of ihe PlaLa, bounded jouiA by, hAeiln of Ftnancjlco
9ongLeA, non h and wezt by -te Plapa, and ead; by Ie 4ea.
X3. 9ovenwino. uan. IlueA C(abena to -e C mwn, anuaAyv 28, /682. A/g 54-5-11/85,
S-te;ion CoLLecdion, UnlveLtyud of Flonida. 7npfo/mmn on. the neutwnn of
foPmne4 ovennon 'Pabio de Hi&a y, SalalanL who had been auny hAeaniin
sentence neAulting fAwm nhi n/e4idencia and of iAe towuble he had caused
among, a family in. town due to accuzaiLonr, etc. c6ndooed Auto i t4A
a -to location of 9ovenlon SaLapa.' 'j hluse.
37. 9ovenznon. Diego de QuiL.,oa y Loaada to lie C/wwn, Au~wut /6, 1689. AgY 54-5-12/17,
S;tehion CoLLection, IUnvenit(u of FLonida. Repontdl lie ca4e of a NegAo
4 /ave of Don. Pablo de Hitia y Salapn who had killed an Apa/lace 3ndian.
See also 7nverdton& of lie po,4e4,ion. of Don Pedw Hon/tut inzen, /680-/689,
Agy 58-2-3///, Site ,on. Co Lection, U.nvenniz of FiZoida.
ReneancA and Anan-llaLnon^ oAn. t4,i
.&udy by Au/ ugoenian B. Aiana and
MI",. Don iA C. Wile,.
One HundnLed Yealn Apo
ohAn H. Van 9oanden
/Te faPl and win en, of a863 jaw a maiAed in.cnea.e zin milita.ny and naval ac;ivLi.y in
aLL anead of FLonida. The lor~ period of /nelai.ve cuiee in. ;e tIaie had given each
jide a chance to conAolidate iLt; po4ttion and pn.elpane fan P fAnivea openaaions. S. had
aLJo added -Ao Aze /ed;aedned off Ae wopa and monaLe pnob-Lem4 became agpaavawed.
Flonida uz now zeady, fon L H moa n active pelniod of iAe wan.
Federal nzaidinL. actilviti.e4 continued on a Lange cale. A landing panudy fom .Ae
U S.S. 'Pont Ro'yal de4i~toyed ex-ten-ive jaLt wonk4 along St. 9eo na.e ', Sound on Ocloben
l 2nd and 3j/d.
TAe Confedenatdee also became molne agnje,4ive. A lange foince fAom Polland, Ala-
bama, commanded by g.enenzaL ane4 (Cjanron, neen enjed Penz acola and advanced eclze;tl. on
Fodn Bannancad ean Ly in Octoben. On October 8th and 9fh, they haznamed Fedenal piLche;t
aowunld 1e fjnt and made jevezal Ligig! pnwbing ahacksd, finraLLy withd/awing. aften
NoAtenuz wuanJiLLp l Ahea;tened zthe l ine of njetnLeaL.
ThLd increased Souiehen ci y in cvwest Flonlda wauz matched by gaowing bLockade-
Aunning ope/naisonA along. 1he 9uLf coaxt. In Septenben, Fedewal blochadeln had eni.Lou-uly
damaged Ahe AobiLe-Havana -tzade. A. a neAuL, many of 1Ae bloc ade-nunnelu began. uwing
FLonida pontb, panilculan l /amIpa, Bayponad and 1ke Sunwanee Riven. O Ocioben 6Ah, the
Loop LaA~ Tnia.L umX seized by Fedenal aultd/oni.ie ac Key We.L, afen being Ponced in
Ahe/.e by bad weaheL. fo/me impondanrd tm .-te cap;uvne of Ahe A;eamen. Mail aLong fhe
wesA coaw. afite/z a iJVee hOLLu cuhae in w/uich Paou Fedenal- e a utanzpj planicipated.
On October /16dt Ate U. 5. g. unoaib Tahoia and Adela attacked Confedelnae ba;teeaiei
a- Tampa. AtenA dangk a landing, parity went. aihone and, ajenl a foudteen mile manc bto
1+e HiLLsboowug RLvetn, capituzed and de-/noyed the dj;eame A. B. /Voye and .ie ,Loop
Kawe Dale. Whe e en +e zaidezA/LeaWo'ed ie beach on Ahe foLLowing. morning, a once of
ConrfedelnateJ unden Cap.tain Wetco U attacked tien, but Ahe Fedenal.' wene evacuated
aften. juifeniLng nineteen cajuala.ie.e.
The chjoonen/ lan ha fane uaim captured off Bayponf on. te 20th; an unnamed dLoop
u taken by te U.S.S. 5 em of te Sea of Cha/lote Haanbon on he 2/1,t; and Fedenlzal
auaned boat oven/haued the chAoone/L fleteo.z joutA of Baupo/ni on ,ze 3ota and the Achoonen.
PauL in he jame a/ea on Novemben 7h.
On te ea, t co-az, Uhe U 5.S.. Non.fo k PaucJet seiLed the acdoonen. Sea Bind off St.
Auquftine on Octobenr 23ad and the U.S.S. Beaulegand captu&ned the achoone/n Volante on
Novenbea, 5th below Cape Canavenal.
FuntAel Confedenate ap ernLivenej w~a ,hownz on Novenben /4h, when a naiding
paldy Led by, 6fame Duke AjeiL.ed Iwo chantdened FedenaL coal achooneniA of the mouth of
Ahe Pendido /ive.. The U 5. 5. Beinmuda fitmiataed DuJ ke atenpm -to capiulLe a thind of
Pena cola Bay. Ahe FedenaL wunamiip necaptun.ed one of 1e AeilJed Achoonen" and captui ed
Duke' boae, buit te Confedeznaie Leaden escaped by u ,nv Aefmithe odhen. .choonen1 aawund,
b Aing hen and fIeeing into 1te wood.
The Fedenal Aaae naid4 continued in Decemben when 1te U 5. e S. tReaIeA deAljwyed
woA~k neaw Lake OcaLa on. te 2nd and 3,-d. A week Laten, the &ReAlej wam joined by
;te Bloomen and Canoline in St. Andnew Bay. LandrL.., pan/ieq fom te Atlnee ve -eLm
conducted con.inuouw niaidt on ;he jaLt worki in the anea untid he 20;h. On Decemben jO h,
nride4,A fAom m he U.S... 1PuAuit desowyed Aevezna woniz on S;t. foepAh' Bay.
Mearunhie, bLockade openationr continued. On Novemben 27tA, he jchoonen. /Mma AlbL&
uwn capuLmed off St.fMaltin:. ', Ree4 1he dLoop Magnolia 1M neied off ChanLotte Haabon
on D cemnben /6Ah; the dteamen. ePowen fu uiz driven ajhone, boaunded and b6uned at the
mou4 of Ae Suianee Riven on Decemnen. 20th. FouL dayi la;ten/, te 4cAoone/L d. LAId
Sxu capntAed in ie same 1a and ie U.S.S. Sw Lowen d d ike Aloop YoAn. hancock
off. Tampa Bay. O. Chai nma Day, ie U. S. S lTaama bombarded Tampa fon two wousw.
O( Decenben. 284i, boatz fnom tie U. S.S. Sian and St apeda capiwed ike jchoonenl
0 C(aolwne 9entdude ao found at ike moutd of Ahe Ocktockonee WRiven. Before ikey could
,ae Ietein pni.ze afloa, ike Fedena-L welne a-tacked by, a fonce of Con fedenatie cavaLny.
The PfigAvt Iajted well into ike followin day, when. ike seamen bwitned ike bandedd
.cAoon.e and escaped in ikein boat.
vent, in. FJ-Lo.da wene Inacing owund a climax. F/-t.~iuaded by iein. lack of
jucceAM before Chalde.idon., ike Fedenzalt cammande/ln began ;to conwideen. an offensive in.
FLonida. The Confedenzacy, now .pLit in hwo, could no longer pet food juppLiej f/wiom
.ie atea 'oed.4 of Aie fl.L4i.ALippi, and Flonida became ite main. .ouwzce of pnovLsiorn
fon much of ik.e Souijeiwn a/lny. Lalz.e Aen/dL of beef castle lwamed ike xpal/ely popu-
lated a/,ea douak of Tampa Bay; te wene almodi ke only oulnce of meat ,illU available
to ie Confedenacy.
Alto di-affect io waL known io be ,pireading AlLou ioui ie Jita.e. gene/tal, C(an~ton.'
auan~, non/L of Peenziacola, uwIj o.z ie ven ge of mu niny; deenitionj became corrnon and ike
Fedeonalt at Penjacola and eleivuhen.e began. necnuiwtin., ikee deedenl.a and oikenA fonmin,
Flonida iuniA fon iLe~i own amnym. OQike, de.enlenA formed law-Lie baitld, hidina in the
wood and -awampzi, Izaiding Ae pneciodLA food juppliej paiculanly ike cattle Aendd,
and keeping. a lanage pint of ike Confedelznaie &.oop occupied. Taylon. County un w- almost
*P completely conioled by -izeze manaudenl; o&ken. counties wen.e neaynly aA bad.
Flonida jeened .ipe fan conqueit, both to cut off ike supply of food aoing nonu&-
cand and o capitalize on ik&~ qAowing, diszaffection.
Sn. December. a /small company of Flonida Ianageln ( Fedenal) accompanied by seamen
and a feo ~Penniylvania tzopi landed on ike A1acca Riven, above Ch(alo te Hanbon .to
di. uwpt ie cattle dlnivez in ike anea and gain more n.ecnuLti. The opena.tion failed;
a number of ike Flo idiana demended again and Conafedeznate &zoops hanawmed ike bnu4e-
head, Loncin ike Fedenala and zhe n.enaiizin FLonida RangenvA to wiAidnaw, on Decenben.
Anodiken ominous pontent fan Fedenal operation, in F/lonida occunlzed on ike j3Ot
outside of St.Augu tine. Captain Y J6. Dickzion wit 73 of fcelz and men of Ae Second
Flonida Cavaltny ciwzned the St. o/n', 'Ri ven, advanced beyond Font YPey-to.z and pointed AZL
once nean a bnldoe on ike noad Leading. into ike town. A Fedenal woodcuatin pganty,
con.i ,ing. of .toopd of. ike 24ik ftandlacklett a w amnbuzied a, they, advanced along ik Lj
rwad and driven back in-o St.Au*iu,4ine. Dic/i&on. captured 24 of ike Fedenalj; imnjee
mone wene killed and inZee wounded. Dickijon withdiew into ikewood before a .nelievin,
columnn could anA/ive on ike .acene. 3n .ie gneat Fedenal offensive 4Aat uWa about to
Sbn.eak oven Flonida, DifcAion would play an impontant pant in having. ie ztate.
Ha %iaEdo flucwo TLempo, L uld R. Anana S
200 YealA Ago, San A74autin, 1763
Octobte 7, /763 London: King eo,7e 3Jd of 9nea~L Bnitain. &~iued AL PRoclamnatZon foA
ite onaaniaitLon of kAe 6tenioun.Le4d acuin.eed fAom Fniance and Spain by, fhe Tteat4y of
Poa/i ( Febnua /,10. lHe cLeaied Mie aovenno Lukipd of Quebec, (6aLt FloAida, WeA
Flonida and nzenada.
&a,.t Floida Wio bounded on dze eaji by Me 4AZan.tic Ocean; on ie oui- by ike
guLf of Flonida including all ite ialandti wi6Ain 6 Leaaue4 of iAe coad; on. -Ae we4i
by tie uLf of Mexico and Aie ApalaacLcola RiLven; and on tte nouiA by a Lin.e fwm tAe
Apalackicola Riven ar iAe Chaaitaoockee and Flint ive/n &o .he ouwtce of te St. Aanup
and Ltd c-wun.e &o Me AiLani c. ALL lAe landi between e Aitamaha and ~Je S,. fana/
weeie annexed ~o 9eoniya.
The 5atL Flonida goveIownI. wu ernpowezed, subject &o contend by thAe Pnlvy Coun.ciL,
io e/Lect couni6 of justice; junmmon a gen.e/.al adienbdly Like wthoe of tke oizen. Ame/zLcan
colon.e4; and make joinrz,4 wiLi ..tk- aemnb-Ly Lawu J fo public peace, weLfapme, and good
gove/nmenr, buAt t, 4uc4 /Le.4LciLon4 a/ pievailed inz -e oiene coloniie/.
The aovennow, and the colonruj'. council, subject to conrenrt by Aie P)Ailvy Council,
weie o gnzan .auch landL a .lie CmWwL Men and iAe eeafien could diLpoxe of -o lte fin-
habitanui and 4o. a/uny offLcelzA, noncommniAljioned offcezi, and p/Livaie/, and navaL
offce" di.,banded ai ite end of lite ,ecen, wmi.. Landd beyond te boundanzd-e of lize
gove/no/LwAip on. ie jouacej of nivenA emnp;,ing, ino Ate AtlantLc wen.e to be inLviolate.
Tnlade wi-. Me qndianA would be fee and open. -o alL jubjecia Licen/ed and bonded
io o o. /"
San A1uwdin., Octoben 8. /7e evacua ttion of te city by iAe Spaniandi.A con inuing.
Five vezeLd jailed on Havana tihi day, canming. //5 Ten, //2 women, 86 boy and 72
giiL. 2
/abana, OcZoben /4. Te ILoyal offLciaL .'epoesed thzat l6 jAihpj wit //94 peno.za
aboard had .40o fan annAlved fiwm FLonzida. The evacuees wene being, enpolialznLly e;tt-led
in. Habana and envioun/, w/lzle 9oveznnron Count de Ricia aq.enti wene aitiemptinq. to
find /i-te adeua;6e fo/n Lie /efugee/, benefLcial to Cuba'4 development, and Lea/it
expensive to kze iwoya exc/eaue/L.
ApalacAe, Novembetr 6. SpaniLkA Va/icjoZ at Fotd San Aanco4 ( 2a5 men,) and F'ont San.
Yuan. Nepomuceno (/1 men) wenie /i'L aaLU iting an. 6nrl.LL garni/Ion to -take oven. -ia-t
paid of/ Flonida.
San. A uqmiiz, Novenben /5. eLeven veseLb wAicA hAad ;taken. F-onida evacuees to /abana
had ala.eady. tLetun.ed and Jvn.ee ol&end wenle o-L ite uwy. ln.fontunate-ly, wo of Moto/e
wAdcA had anuved nan agnound. Despite te mi hap, o vennon. Fe-liu. rj -Loading Ahe
otAena at aUll peed, and fe.-Lt ac,,fiden -th a ke had enough~ tnanipondatfion. -o evacuaa.e
i, ie people and Wnoal p y neaining in he cUty, aondia he himself would be
h4le ;o leave.5
300 Yeani Ago, San. Aauiztin, /663
Mladid, Decenben X. The caown. fwLnakied tie Caja de la Conrzadacion de Sevilla wiik
Ake de;ail4 cozcenninng he ;&ip to Flotida of Faizen. Diego de Coqpa, 29 Fwnanciican
pniled;i, and 4 jenvant6. /7Te cwoun would pay fon. i&avel and maiialota.e E[ubsiZdenceJ
om eteinL convent ;to IAe point of enbankati;on. The cot; uw e;=imated a; 7j9, 980
malnavedie.d, including pocket money of /0 ducai4 Pon each p/LieJd and 20 fon. each eit-
vand, bui excluding, ihe allowance of 7 nealej daily fo/ each 8 League4 inavel fuom ike
day ey e left -e convernd ~o Ate day Atiey n.eached Sevilla. Thene, ie pnLe,; would
be jupponted a codti until i.ey .Aipped out. FLo1'ida would pay fo a e ocean voyage.
(ach pnLe~td would be supplied wiLz a canjock, ma.a.ej, blanket, and almecada [bundle
of hay?] fona t.e b.zp. Tkhey would occupy a cabin aboa,/d A/ip, and be supplied wiiz
medicine and m aalotaze in each podnt of call. 7.f -tiene wun no vedjel poing. directly
bo Flonida, ike pniez6id could enmank in any jihAp going to Havana, which would pay fan
-ie iiLp, anUange fon. jLLAzen. iAanripoion n. o Flonida, and bill ite laiten. fon. te
coad. SfV no Ai.pj wene bound din.ecdLy fon. Havana on Flonida and Aiey had ;to go via
Canta ena de Jndiaj, Ate pniej4A would be provided fon, budt Aey could no; have
viatico [iaveling expen e ,?] diLce while in. i6anwii .o Havana.6
* 400 yeand 4o, Flonida, 1563
Fniance, Octoben. io Decenben. A Ha/vn.e de 9nace, wAen.e gaipand de Coligny uva now
aovennon, iAe fuiztZe coloniz4; of Fo nd azoline in. Ftonida began ;io aemble. They
would each .te numnben of- 30, of wkich //0 would be ,ailonl, 120 oldLeniw, and Ae
balance andizianr of even decznLpdi.-orL, bejidete a numnben of Aenlvanri fan. the doldLe/nI ,
and p/aAe, and 4 women. Oze of ideze would .o ad chrambenmaid and houjekheepen ~o Rene
de Laudonazi.ene, who had already been clo4en ;~o lead ite expediLton. A feou entlemnen,
Auch a Oittigny, 6nlacA, and La Rochefeinen.e would go aL off(icelw and volurneene.
Thene would al.o be an aniti;t named Leoloyne de MonuweA, to whom we an.e indebted fonz
one of iAe nannaiived and a AenLeA of inten-eding pi-ciun.e of Ftlonida and Z.it na-i&ved.
Thenje would be a few foneineinxe, an apoltecanyV, an antifiLcen, and can.pentelzA, do tAat
3 may adenzd thadt iten.e came ito tAe undentaking of thaat navigair.on men. n.ealtly expect. in
all tie an4t, jaid Le Mloynue late. S .ondtigiedkLy, no faxnmeln and field hand would
go on. .e expedztiorn; i- u~t not ;to e laboniou p-anting of ~Ae joil thaat e colon-
iA, Looked ;to incn.eaje thein. wealt fl/o t of ize de. lenj would be Pnolte~lan;t, but
Aizene would be aome Roman CatAoli.c f oo. And hene would be no cle1yynamn Wi th Ae
recent conclusion of Ae civil uxtI, a lane 1pant of Ie vanloum elements whicA would
p gaAe ofon tAe ernenopie would con7idt of tzinbulent and unvul men, ill-fited fon he
peaceful occupation of Ake oil. 7
San Lucan., OctobeA.4. uan de Tejada, [appanenily mnaten. of a mencanamanjn peition.ed
Ate (Cadi de la Conaailazcion fA leave to "ewmn. zto SeviiLa. Jelwoide Ae could noi
pnovicde f. thAe fiiina. g out of Aid own veadeL, and conzequendl wouLd be unable io
make sea ;7zLps, causinUr Aim 9nea ; Los. Teje a had come ;to San Luca/. to aAann e IfoA
Aie de.paich of Ite 3 vemelA dej;tined 4on. Flonida [Luca4 Va3yuez de AyULon'.J. /The
same cday he completed .te tadk/ he had nouti.fed i te (aza, but had do fan not tecei4ved
funjAen. injdjiuci;onnr. He fUAe.the uned final cleanance fo. sailing foin kthe 3 veiAeLs
on. manuy in. .e cn.ew migiU dejendt.
Sando Domlino, Decenben. 20. T7 e wnoal officiaLd informed the cnown of Ae anandva of
one of e dhips of Lucas VagaueS de Adlon intended foan e conrumedt of loidda.9
C. W. ALvond and C. 6 Ca/leA, [edc4J, Te C(il cal !Pe /763-1765, Vol. X of
CoLLection4 of ie 7LLino.a HiiAtonical LibnaIanit"Bni iA SeiLeA, Vol. /; SpAningfeidL, 19/5
pp. 39-45.
2. gov. MeLdc oto Felia of Floaida, Nota de La. penAona4 yue de 'anaponian. .., St.
Autu.ine, OcAoben 8, /763, Ag7 86-7-////3.
3. 9ov. Cound de Ri.ca of Cuba -o Don ulian Amiiaga, Habana, Novenben, 1763, A4 86-
4. Don Ventua Diaz ;to oov. Coun- de Ri.cLa, San. Iai.co4 de ApalacAe, Novenben 6, 1763,
A93 86-7-11///6.
5. gov. F-eLziu &o gov. Counr de Ricla, St.Aur~tine, Novenben /15, /763, A93 86-7///11/7.
6. Qwwn ;to -te Caa clde la Conraitacion, fadcid, Decenben. j, 1663, A,4 2-2-24512/3/.
7. WoodbuV Lowenl, /7e Spani Setilbenem& .. Fonida /562-1574 ,[New Y /on: /959
pp 52-53.
8. Yuan de Teieda -o 1te C(aa de la Con~tai~cion, San Lucan, Odoben. 4, 1563,
Ag. 4/-6-4/39.
9. lRoya OfficiaLjd of La (wpar~la W o ite (joun, Sando Domingo, Decenbe n 20, /563,
A93 53-6-5, Tomo /, 233.