Group Title: Historic St. Augustine: Block 7 - Lot 5, Greek Shrine
Title: [Letter to Robert Steinbach re photographs of the Minorcan chapel]
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 Material Information
Title: Letter to Robert Steinbach re photographs of the Minorcan chapel
Series Title: Historic St. Augustine: Block 7 - Lot 5, Greek Shrine
Physical Description: Archival
Language: English
Creator: Pappas, Ted
Publication Date: 1971
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00090509
Volume ID: VID00099
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

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TELEPHONE (904) 355-1100
March 19, 1971

Mr. Robert Steinbach
Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs
Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board
Boa 1987
St. Augustine, Florida 32084

Dear Bob:

Thank you for the photographs of the Minorcan Chapel. I certainly appreci-
ate all of your assistance which you have given us from the outset. Please
send me statements as required for those expenses you have incurred.

I have received a tentative itinerary from the Archdiocese which is as

Saturday morning at 1.0:00 A.M., the Archbishop and his entou-
rage will arrive and inspect the Minorcan Chapel site. At
10:30, the group will proceed to the PONCE DE LEON MOTOR
LODGE where there will be a meeting of the Shrine Executive
Committee. At Noon, or shortly thereafter, the Archbishop
would like to meet with the Preservation Board officers
(please let me know if this is possible and who would be
available). This could possibly be a luncheon or just a
meeting after lunch. At 3:30, the Archbishop will return
to the Shrine site and have a blessing. At this point,
I would expect a large group of "Greeks" from all over
the state to be present. Following the blessing, at ap-
proximately :O00 to 1430, the Archbishop will meet with
the Clergy and Laity of the Orthodox Churches of Florida.
At 5:30, the reception will begin and the banquet follows
at 6:30.

The exact time of arrival of your bosses, the state dignitaries is un-
known to me. However, I am sure that as we approach April 3rd, this
information will become available.

Finally, I must add that this entire itinerary is subject to change
and that a final itinerary will be sent to you from the Archdiocese.
In all probability, it will be exactly as the above.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Again, thanks for all of
your help.

Ted Pappas

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