w .. .
The Redland District's Reliable} NEWSpaper\ }: Since 1912 a37th
Bide to Ballot on Five Bond Projects. 1
II Amendments, President on Tuesday,
SECOND 54CRE Ar"r; I PHONE RATE A Bathing Changing, Beach Picture and Our $250,000 BAYFRONT ,BEACH
.. More and more, as the years go byartve. in.
: Dade County-own in South Uacle-Irought to the
FOR SCHOOLS FOR MONDAY conviction that our industry of the future will be IN PARK ISSUE OF $2000
as a winter resort for tourists and as the ideal place
I Lr'3f, 'r s where an ever-increasing number of retired 1 people
The double-block dlrecily 10 Authorization of Increnwd rates may double the years yet remaining to them. .10 Growers Apply (to KFC I On Tuesday, ,to
.. for local telephone service I. being ballot .
' the poll to
north of Homestead High School rk d o. ik + w-k-d of the State Itollread To Interest ixopl!? inJ1et tiling in our section For Lime, Avocado Loans! from president to,'
wit bought -this School month' by from the and Southern Public Utilities Boll Telephone ComiiMonby food. I and, in fact, to keep the"$( oplo we already have- "Twvnty-fl-gp'o thirty lime and I, proposed] ameidm
pad County Board rA avocado grower flied applications
Telegraph Company. we need allractiona. True, we haw Everglades Ida tonstltutloo
Beam and D. H. Pelllnger for loans with L O. Shine repreiwntotlve ,
S. 8. I
II Expected to fio Into t effort NovI National Park and we have the fishing of the bond Issue
I f the Rt'rnlltruMlon
II I .1. .. <> i
) rU Principal 'K.
for *
$13,000 re >
I the new charges Inrreiif the Open from
I Florida Keys close by. But we need specific recreational Finance Corporation, who met
B. Blackburn. The five-acre tract business< telephone rates In lIome.j I II polls willPrecinct I
U bounded W .N. W. Second and II stead from 15,80 (to $ ; attractions as welt as those provided by I South with grower Dad Farms in ,the Inc,offices on Monday of. 17
I private single-party line, frwn nature. House Peer
fourth avenues and Seventh and I I Tuesday and Wednesday.
M.lu to 3.50; the two-party (line,' Store; Prereery
Eighth: street, j 5r } horn $1.60 to Mi: the four-piiHy' The biggest single thing in that line Which wecould Mr Mono will be at the local Bau
Acquired about the lima time rj line, front (110 to $2.SO; and the have would be Homestead Park i office\ from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. PrsVlnrtPrinceton
from J. L. Burton for $... X> wasa rural (eight-party 'line, ), from' Dayfront Saturday tn confer with growers :
duplex bungalow with lour lots tea I' t $2.10 to $121 Then rates are exclusive for which $2 OO()() is provided in the $2,000,000()( ) interested in hurricane area loan. lead flu
on the south side of Sixth' at, between of the federal tax of. IS park issue! to be submitted to the freeholders (prop ----- 01, riorl
N. W. Fourth and Fifth I per cent And, for those within Jhe ert ) next Tuesday: at the general election. Only
avenues, A short distance southwest city limit., the city tax of 10 J>er bathing L L CHANDLER volt on
A beach
of the manual training building cent : picnic grounds and other facilU bt pus
of the high school, Iht house Pointing out that InrreaJrd ties on a par with Matheson Hammock park would ballot
now1 furnishes of classroom the elementary for the II (Continued on page Four),*- be possible!: on our bay front-within easy access of amend
fourth gradt votlni
school, two block? to the east 'I I KENDAlTNAlNEW every part of the Redland District BUDGET BOARD Th
Acoustical tilt II I being Installed i I f) I tent,
Let's ii
turn out and vote Homestead l
to fit ih* building for us a.musk Bayfront by
quarter for tit school i PRESIDENT Park into being. At the same time, let's vote for Luthvr I,, Chandler Oouldi, Jac!
bands and glee clubs. 1, the other bond: ) issued. What benefits one part of grower, was appointed! Tuesday 230
.tract Th.U newly-purchasad directly westjrf"a"..eere five-: i BY FARM nunEAiJ J the county benefit all AI) ..ttracUnn"Op hospital S > Oov\,, Millard 01 the FjJWdvulJmemWr soda: CCiayfet as
'acre block bought from U>* clT! .fn*Miami ;fa ttrHmJumitWitc/or:: peopletd come"to* commNlpn"- ttI' succeed
by the. tehool board 1a-yarl" <*: the Redland District to live, for they know they former County (i.ommiasloner /
li.000. This block, (which |II,kt Harold E. Kendall of Goulds lamer Pattern. Mr Chandler for 0I
".'1' elected president of I the Dade will be within easy reach of the big-city advantagesand
bounded by N. W. TInt and Second : { mety'sonved on the budget oom 0
avenues and StvmUl and\ I County farm Bureau at a luncheon still can enjoy the serenity of rural or small mission es a Coral Gables reprtjsentaUvc -
Eighth street, has Just ''be n, L meeting of directors Monday town residence. I and he served also asa
ploughed and rolled for playground : i In Dixie Belle Inn. Ernest Graham member of Ute Oadt County Port
recently , ---- I of Miami was made vlce-preal- Remember Authority.This 1eu
activities. The more I+ the $7,200,000 total for the six bond
dent and Rudolph GosMnun of
acquired tract also will Miss Winifred V.F.W.' issues will cost no more than would "a week' Mr Chandler spokeon
provide space for recreation until Danzey, Queen, I rmestcad, secretary trensurer you cigarettea I the grower' propagation and onT
such time as It I II needed for expansion Bureau directors are n. I' 8at- day or a cup of coffee once a week" cultivation problems' at the sixtieth dellv
of the high school buildIng \ -! To Reign Over' Armistice Day Events' field of !Pcrrlnc n. J. Drcssel of I I consist meeting of the Florida bolllnInspec
plant which It adjoins. Miami John Reed of Homo-lead I Horticultural Society (In West l '
The more than within ten acre the pastyear .ol Mill: Winifred Danzey of homestead ; barbecue chulrmant; and I ISeals. A.Hagen W. Llndgren of Porcine of, John Eureka Dunn, M T.of FUNERAL RITES](I Church Will Sponsor ;I Palm ReachSOMERS TM
property, acquired with the flvt was made queen of V. F. Erie Bridget, music chairman. Miami, W. 0. Talbott of Perrine I I New Boy Scout Troop I artyvicepna
together W. activities at Arrant-Smith John E. Davis' has chargeot -
flyIng and the three officers.The .
l each occupied by the high Elementary school Pasta Saturday night carnival away the jet jltcr for which directors decided to hold HELD ON SUNDAY Tloys of from 12 to I IB years of HEADS machine, \
I and Neva King Cooper which realized $300 to help fi- the winner will be selected by tho the annual barbecue for bureau ant art invited to meet Monday tidied bydedgnate.th
directly and west the fIvt-ecr of the gymnasium playground nana the posl'r annual free barbecue queen. members and friends on Wednesday FOR MRS. HOWRY\ ot night Homestead In the education building DADE GROWERS\ a master lethe >|
Chnicii! PresbyterianChurch
Armlstlc Day. as
and south of the high school, bring on District merchants will be asked! Dec. 1, at'Perrine Community
to left of
ladles-ln-waitlng were MIn Gypsy <10 enter floats In the parade says Iloum. organltt a scout troop I
the holdings of the Homestead Howard Mist Tunl Hull Miss Marshall Rutherford. InvlUd to Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret which will |>t sponsored by the ASSOCIATIONR dentlal saomldividual
thaa IS .
school to
church. levers
Bllllt Hammock and Mill Joyce Ann Mowry Homestead
I officiate at that memorial service DIRECTORS TO MEETThe
acre bouht'' D.plel.. In Palm Cemetery, Naranja, will board of directors of Red- plonoer who died Oct. 21, were Warren Alken will serve as from one to elg
New equipment recently conducted by the Rev. C. P. Con- scoutmaster and Roy C. Burley, asawlstant. 0. Enmen of Goulds was (Continued oa PfiOV.
board The queen wUI reign at the be the Rev. Robert B. Chapman. land District Chamber of Com
the school the county
for by elected of the fade
John president
ley Sunday afternoon In thiHomestead Halt and J. Let
worth of band In-'I Armistice Day celebration and at Jr., who was post chaplnln whenhe merce will\\ hold a luncheon meeting -
Include 11,500 I Smith will be County Agricultural and Labor
Church of God. Burial 'memberi of
the regatta t be : was pa tor of the Florida City at the Parkway restauraiit on the
strumenU, ".500 worth of stringed rp nilii I took place In Miarnl City l Cemetery scout committee Association at the annual meetIng t CALDSwIUerlanJ !
Instrument*, an electric sewing I cored by the pout, and Rodland community churches.: Monday Nov 1, at 12.19.: I : under the direction of Turner Oft. 21 In the Redtand\ Farm .
In the V. F.
machine, refrigerator and stove, for her taking part
Home. Labor Camp auditorium, Robin
Funeral Homestead
Elks Club '
six typewriters, an electric, $lathe 18 ,typewritertables band .aw I W.next national year In parade Miami.to She be will staged be 1 High Jinks and Hilarity AboundAs Pallbearers were J. If., Redd, R. Holds Ladies', Night. vice Bryant-pmdent ef PrlnntOIWII; County Agent made t tCh. NAMES TURN
and other tools and microscopes the guest of honor at the Hallow Iii 1C Fitzpatrick Wm. MutoelwhlteJames ..
for power the science d...... een dance to be given tomorrow Lions, Wives, Mark\ Halloween T. Tomerlln, Henry' Xu- Ladles' night was held Wednesday Mrs SomerX. H. Steffanl treasurer.secretary; and I AS INTERIM J. P.
New purchase for the elementary evening by the V. r. W. Auxiliary! feldt and Alvin E.> Campbell. by the Homestead Elks In Others named to the directorate
In the Chamber of Commerce Mrs. of L. S. their clubrooms on Flagler ave.
school Include an electric clock, Mowry widow Gov. Millard Caldwtlfs
High Jinks and hilarity were cordng by the "IdkspoU" was The ladles w"rt Luther L. Chandler, A. F.: office
a 198 set of records for music appreciation building I the order of the evening Tuesday played. Another mirthprovokingfeature ) Movkry who died here It years were prasented with Arthur, August Uurrlchter and this week annoanctd appointment
and a new set of the Cain prize for the bent eo- when 128 friend and member of I was a feather-blowing ago !leaves 7$ descendantsthree corsages served buffet and a turkey dinner was Harold Kendall i of Vernon W. Turner Homtatta4
Encyclopedia' Brittanlca. tumea were won, In the order the Scotland District Lions 'Club contest Mrs. E. H. Gallaher presented sons, the Rev. L. S. Mowry of played after the style. Bingo was The association's executive, attorney, at Justice ol |ht peace
From funds realised from the named by Bubo Jeffrey, a lI
annual school carnival $M$ has eton; Jean Williams, Daisy Mae; hy the wives of the club members. Halloween" Homestead and Tom Mowry of F.F.A. WILL INH1A1I Redland and the South Dade Sid U ICtndrlck .who died on Oct.
been set aside to mated anr equal and Herbert Turner, Jr., a pirate. The den way decorated la the Janesvllle, Wll.; five daughters labor camps operated by the or. 14. .
amount from the school board to A gala crowd patronized the colorful I. Halloween motif with black: and Mrs Goo. Campbell Mrs. C. W. Homestead Chapter of Future ganlzatlon. Lamont Graw of Or 1 Since Turner" .was,, recently
buy a second movie projector for midway and danced to the orange garlands, vart-colortd eroI VETERANS HEAR Little and Mrs Alfred Tomerlin Farmer of America will iRDdq, manager of the Florida selected by the Dade County Demoerativ .
school use. A loan of IZ50, has music! of the Southern Serenades.The tone, and cut-outs of pumpkins of Homestead Mrs. J. it. Dodaon Initiate Green Hands Tuesday Fruit and Vegetable Growers'I Committee to succeed
been made to the manual training moat successful midway ttractloni I bUick cat and wltchet v of Vero Beach and Mrs Myrtle night, report John Chandler Association, spoke to the J8 Kendrkk M the party nominee
department for purchase of mahogany will be repeated at the Mrs. Wm. Carmichael, mauler GEO. SMATHERS Hart of Tampa; 13: grandchildrenand : I II. scribe After the meeting Ice growers present on the Bahamalabor I for the J. P. office\ here, and since
used In furniture matln,. Armlatict Day celebration In the I of ceremonies, was assisted In 14 great grandchildren SheIs cream will be served. Situation. then Is ha other candidate for
Other expenditures Include $100 city park, members decided at directing the program by Mrs. survived also by a brother C. the office. the young Homesteadlawyer's
for an encyclopedia set for Junior the port meeting Monday night John Jt Graves Mrs. T. E. Kirby TALK ON BERLINCongressman A. Richardson ot Homestead, anda election to a four-year
high school use, 'WM for new Philip Bourne was named general 'I Mrs. Oeo. Cooper, Mrs pelliaTorbert I slater, Mrs. C P. Let of Wlnns- Crowning of Queen to Be Highlight term In Tuesday ,general tltc
library book fat elementary chairman of the d.,'* event; Mrs. 1[. K. Callatln and Goo. Smalhers hero La. Hon .U e foregone .conch lon.
class room, and $30'for i girls' ii P. Rutherford parade marshal; Mrs. A. C. Easton.Antonj !: Spoke on the explosive berlirt situation Mrs. Mowry was born Margaret Of Redland School Carnival TonightHighlight When hit appointive term" ends
shower Set aside for till annual! WUlarop m., chairman ot the the roost hilarious Alto to approximately 50 veterans Ann Richardson on Feb. : Jan. 1,. 1(4$. be non enter upon
Junfor-tenlor banquet wu $350, f carnival concession; Howard were "operation" In which A.E. members of,the Homestead 1874, In Franklin Pariah La i \ his elective It"'". '
of the
Smith waa the "patient," and and Redland on-the-farm training the age of 19, she was married to annual camlal The. carnival will have the cut-i The Interim appointment eUmlnatet .
J a blind-fold dressing<< content classes, Wednesday night In thf Mr. Mowry, andAo IMI the Iam- ? at Redland HKh School tonight I' .., midway attractions for' the, necessity fM. a Miami
14 Boys Attend Aeronautics' .School staged by 1, A. Roberts, W. O. Homestead school auditorium. fly moved to Plant City, Kla, will be tht crowning of a the .various classes will be X P. to pmlde ar; Mt In the {,
I Talbott. Lawrence Pope and John Mr. Souther laid that, despite wheN they. made their home for carnival queen. Of the eight' girl. lurlsdlctlon of the f. SlV ttrict
Under Sponsorship of Kiwanis Club Neafscy. (Continued on Page Four)) seven ,..... The sixth family to now In the queenship race Nathalie
homestead hert Mr and Mrs. '
The four surxeona who wielded H
McCajtln.: Dorothy Engel Ideology Promoted by I IRA
t wicked scalpels were John It.Grave. Mowry built their first home at Helped
Under the sponsorship of Florida charter airlines In the SOtlv! Street .. F. A. Huff Jimmy SanA- RED CROSS GIVES I the corner of Mowry at. which Joyce Ennla Geraldine Ltvli, ?Save Frem
City Klwtnli Club' 14 local Terminal building, \Vie UM of ers and t>i'. F. P. Archer, Jr. "Theanaesthetist 'was named for them and N. W. Janet Waggoner Bobbett Ami- Italy CemjHunkt' ,Ranks
boys are UU Klwanls tions la given In theory of fllgft,I was Jint Shard; 55 STORM RELIEFFiftyfir Second eve They wen' charter don, Nedra Ann Hahn.; and,Ann
attending\ Port Authority. Instruction J. members of the Homestead Methodist ,
school of aeronautics: for boys County nurses, .A. Rolherhsni: F. V.WelU Brooks, four will be Umtntltdtoday The Spread of an Inspired held for the purpose
Is given In ot flight. and Jairve Brownlnit
theory ; and Ideology for
unit the four highest voteiclders democracy outsold
Is held m Miami under" Ox Until her Uln M two years ago of training the fret nation In the
.which aerodynamics elementary meteorology the stretcher-bearen Jim Sham storm relief caw communism Italy election
*,, .
auspices ef the Hlaltah-Mlami. and navigation: and propellers. Rudolph Cowman, Bruce EnnU have beta handled In the Rtdland Mrs. Mowry operated the MowryHoust will compete for the hon and It* continued development by urgency. of ldaooglcal' prepared.nest. .
Springs Klwanli dub.>> The next aesslon will be and Art Cud District by the American Red" on 8. W. First it or at the felt tonight the free nations of the world! will
oW of KIEA'ho
The young air students art; bald from 1 to 4 o'clock Saturday I In the ,ether skit, Mr. Roberts Among tht carnival attractions pro. a weapon far superior' \ U delegate
Billy Rice, Steve LegetkU. Myron afternoon Nov. 6. dressed Mr. Talbott and Mr. Pope September Town Putt 4 Deputirt I tonight' will be; showing IJI moves armed fright Lawrence U Aid. visited, In. Italy, ''aHendtd sew,
Sasser, tAndy Candrey, Hugo Vlh- On completion H the course the draped feminine garment' on Mr. reports Mrs Laura Waddell, case On Duty,for HalloweenFour .nvadt of last .year's May Day rite --MlamiaivVho returned last slops rf the UnHndNtttons,' the,
French louse
len Cray :Roy Runktn, Roy students win be the infinite t celebraUoiv of dtajuUt Mod the1rlUsbparRacnet.l7 .
Rudy conducted M a I Neafsey to delight of worker1 In charge ot tht area. i mutt 1J\ Europe told dice
Mendhein Ct loll Friar and tour of the CAA facilities and airways the onlooker ", Klncteta'of the cases weft given ."utletf will be placed toaUrafght 'D1Jmen\ IU'\ifri.: l In the i Hometead Rotary Club Welnea. \ ta4on!; ':, : . .Uar,
In *
Joseph Friar c? Redland,lad Jack traffic lontrtl at the 9011) 'Abo prc*>nt d>wer "acta> from ."Utanct, in home*rehablUtatlon duly on Hallod: y cafetei".ifc.'fed! pink lemonade tat I days' ''' tn 'hour.: '
I Chandler; James DeMeUo, Jerry street terminal. 4 I the "Georgia Jubilee Minstrel"\ recently and the others rt.given fodd Marshall '.Wm. J. Ccronlmo of pies cake, tatdoga and other [ Aldrltt, who Is\ Yict-prMldenji' : anda'te&' yea ,
? *1pasi.
Saunder and FrancisLeBlao of Members of the local dub's staged by Redltnd students and clothing. "V' "* " .' Florida City. Tht action was foot. will be on <*!.. of tht .better business bureau ot vMetf nut f
Florida City aviation committee( art David quartet from the Hialeah- Reel Crou ieioquarten tn the authorized Tuesday nljbt by the Boxing bouts will be staged and ,Miami Chamber of Commerce, wasa munUM at the sit Ream, aleotiond ama t
Tht tree tight-week groundschool Roberts, Rudy Bray and M. J'I IMlantl I Sprints Lion Ctub who mayor1! f
i to tht
is taught, by tooalctaa*_et. Della, ........:. .. singing; *hil* a..'ray were 'doMcI rMbeadgyh ,1'tjCe' _.. *. _, ,_ .. . ..- will pt given"la the tudltorluw. iRtarouuntnt ..l..mblj. ; at. .eau.,'. upm. i 'I
', ,
Hi, ,'fLd,"
..,.. -- -- /t'
-- --
"' -
r,1 r . 1 M r'w', : W
i o. ..., I.WL .. ... ..
,',:,', :' I', !
;: '
r 1 :
- -
I r'' LOCAL Y.M.C.A. Mother, of Mrs Goals CHURCH( MEMCLIII &rot timista Work for Park Bonds; I I ( :
8UtftIDIM .to, tRl. >
Ieltabta I \ (
Learn of Need for Negro( Libf&ry, ,
Miami, .*>tbr ot MM. : ,
Gome ot onralod, died nRO\VN1 Principal B t.llWllllamt of Alike* ....... !held tt NW
MEN'S I PROJECT day In JM..orI.I Hoaplt! ILL \ Homestead colored achoola, tpard country hunt of Mn Zola MoRWtn Mr I
tl' Funeral servants wr hU ,*.- |>* befor tilt BoropUniUICn p1 M w"f stale tat. .....- .t W.. .
The featiblllty nf orpnUIni a hardly and burial wt In Oran H. L. Brown wHi flWwo PWHW" .t _.* Dd TiDMday. nlfhl. .11to '14 ta ft M .large a freehold! .
; Y M. C. A here I It b. InvlientM **- land MamorUl Pak dent of the Meni Brotherhood 111 of the need of library! vote at poaaiblt for the park vlilton .
: by tae. homestead Prwbyterlan Mrt frumblt, 77, came ran 1 Club of rim Methodltt Church at) tacllltlw' for her race-tor .both. bend .tout on "... I Club mMnbcn B
Men'i dub which 14'" IpII Key Wen M yean ago I* make .....1"'UaI *u|>pr ntMttag Oct II ctyMren gad adult but Wpcdiilly. '' Will inwk hi Prfcfctet tltSe r.....
club will hold lit November \ !
ixiinUnji II committee In q iQr the her horn In Mlttni In addition hi the metal hall. Or D O Wolf for the rhildren wu a
otrior church and civic orM
tune on the dvlMiMltty vl "the her hwiband\\. John; thm, _.torn.lirntf ,I and Jtthn WhMitrd accrrtarytreamirer located If .powlMe. rnttut beth !llllnl ole Trading Peat it, ISIS: '
project. report T R. JfMftir*.- E and Oea A.. hf _ml. Hit step In the program! the Mended A board meeting will be: !
II Kdani. .fc tt t'I..ttl'M'al.! rsrtham *Mri held at the aims plat an hour '* . \
Went and \ ; Judge ...1at\ W ( th* I I ;
Albert' R. fclerter nifal "*'..! and a daughter., Mrt WIlL UWUvt Dade Cbuhtr kll"'lft Court gtWan \ 'boomit i *o iHnMwdi that dour before the lurnheon.ttttPORATfc : . '
usury., ot "the Wftml r M C. AnauttnM : Key WHI. liMplrillbntl! Mk bri teat pporiuhltM ble .... III *r. netMMry Two: COMMtNION RET Pdltord !
a tm-limlntff, planning> bf HiUtrh club' Until"" glrli from hef Ifhoot atntrblrltualt 1 trteilonl :
mpoifit It* th* OMKM Men' at: DBAflTCLAil f md Word Warmly tppluuded Corporal' Vbmniuhlon for the 'bobbing '
roHMIv* veer preHnt at the wvrnen, of fet Johnl Episcopal: '
a supper rhor-rmj"' On. 21 Ih the apples !
supper whlrh wit served by Church will be held tt 10 o'clock ,
'(1"""loon building Mr. darner : :
I members of W. 8 C. S Circle One. All SilnU
Monday morning on
smut Hint if the ""l'C.1 ii to be1M candle !
(R.JTZGERALD Thf upper meeting on Nov. II Funeral Services; Held bay, the Rev J
"re'f'<,"rut it matt have the back-: announce rLottleh \ were I t I I
her: rat nil the I total rrlillfUt indtnqit ,' will be aerved by Circle To. For Win. 0. Ilozcmartwrvloat ; I !'<<'tor. The united
'ntfmilrjitMUL' fit HiggwiW\ "'ndtlftt Emmett FltngertliL Tl. | feHnga. will be preientet it this Olhert ;; I
y. t that exHtrnt fa III". | be lined! at dill MlHdenly on Oct. 21 III( till tullet'll for Wm. D wrvh 'Jean, An, :: !
A i rirrt. and ppinM but tIIlt t bit homt tt I lit S W Second An. Shirley Iron tlillU IlooeNih 110. .filwhtr 'Ibaeted4ldrerldenl 1 Perry
bttftriint and lImnlllUItt.rWltlt! ritual trrrliti' were held UnH.! ))let of tlrbr ttlncsR t , ward hcVl 1 Mdnt.y ifumoon ,'I dmt't need any pUtterM," ctted borothy \: \ \
W not 1c.r, ) tit orinnlHiV day nernoon it Flrtt ttMtttChUITH In Mtoml, fdktwed by Thai Wndldate 't I've found Ruby :
.. or n v M C AI.. ', \. by the He.. J. ll, Wtltt, Shirley bill Ollllt, three- Hihfrmcnt In rt..iH) > Mmorl I do my best when both my net lrahr.lt '
. Me 'URMt that I 1>>,.' High ptttor Turner /uneral Home month-old daughter of Mr and : Park Mr. Dnteman in attorney, Are act on wild>> ground'-E*. Eugene
Y duo\ to* formed In the ll inul *- directed Interment In Palm Ccmrry Mrs Avery Gllll of Oouldi, died : died on Saturday (. e, Dorman
< *< nJl.JI"t I "!i<'r''1'. .,rear '' nl Nrana, | Oct 22 In a Miami hotplUI after If* It survived by: hit wire, Junior/ had ipllled tome hk on the .
1 that the Coral (lul"'Ion Y Mr ritrgeriltl ihd! hit wlto, t abort iII.The .."". Edna. area a M <''i. Wm 0 Rnrc the table cloth Ills young' dater l Mi and l \
V* r A I to iponnorlr'! Midi v nark I Kathryn, who urvlVM hltt), Came Rev. J. t "JVttlclnt. paftbr! .man, Jr.. of Miami' ; Ms mother, had 'fcpllled MID salad dreulng Mr. and
ill tti! Hem sledd colored school twit from Chleigo nwnttit of First Melhodlit ChUrrhof Mrs.Anna Duwntan Lumbbr But when their rather, retching A > '
'Phirty-Gve| were prevent ll the Other turvivori Inrlud two Homestead, offlclatvd lit funeral City, Ga? i brother,;). W. Dore- too far for a roll upset the gravy WU .
rhtckt4l supper Whirl\ ) WB "irrtflwtirnen I l wn "who" live in Ftlrftk) Vt., UtI'l services held Monday afternoon man of Sylvester' Gn;and a litter. boat tht patient mother Mid to day '
y ..tl'lf tit ll>4 church Lbt Ahgel. it the graveild In Palm Cethetery Mrs. Sally Pinkerton of Macon the young ohet "It .Hm't Hull fair MrM and ( ) :
..._.;.._ Ntrtnjaturner. Oa.I children Mm
tit mitch you against
Funeral tome had ,older and more experienced. com- Among !
\( Failure Scored by 5,198 charge ot an lrrhemml I Conner (Hack In States p'Ullolbut congratulate )'obrftlth.t ReV
.1\(8" ort Winning this tpllllnl thd : !
in Delinquency Survey WOES! MtJlUStllnle ( After USN Duty In China bee."-Wall Street Journal Bormle
Dullmka, mutlc In- Jot D. Conner, Jr., USN hug -
llrUrtnr! tt Redltnd) ttlgh School, arrived it Mare Inland CaL, :
nrenlt and ailing downM "Wheit quMtlftnsd .1 to Whether! I tint returned from Detroit Wherehe aboard Die Use Piedmont after
the verdict nf 8,198" they felt free to talk over tex attended the funeral of hit I
ttatloned TiltngUo
I being
natter queiled In 1 emblem with kdultt, BO per cetitMid ( New Stocks I II :
mother, Mrl. JuiephlDullmbt) China Joseph:! It expected to cone
by Judge l Hmndcn they could peek with Dill r\ :
j : tubitlCQted .
Mrs Harvey Rut for horn ttatie-; Dec. 15 to epettd t > pleave
j'olk Cuunty Juvfnlleft to their I motherit II per him during hit absence, I with hit Mr and' I i .
!: t't parent
ot the Florida t to their ftthrrt; and 5t percent l 1
-------- Mri. J. D. Conner of Homestead.
Lib' Vera told rm to their ,"Inllt ra." I
Hofitc dbble Dies A radio ind radar repairman. BR D-R I (
'dge tore Davis After the talk Jud t Devi.conducted
'unly juvenile I an Informal ditcunlhn 'at; Home In Detroit' Joseph will Complete three-yeer I : I (
enlistment! next April. ;
of p.rlnuend children probe :
Ihtluenr ofI Irma. Horace Coble, 70, whore new Complete stocks of all seed .r ) I
_ I, radio rnovof -I Special guettt it the meeting home on Mi Htlnlin dr grove Ii orders for the ;
Voungiter were Lt Oov, Bid Holllrlil of now imdtr conitructton, died exp your now :
f tg tttMid- I Hollywood tnd KehhetK l King of ledly of I heart attack recent'iy '- Vsnn Electric I vegetable seed for this area
hiss firlvit the Davit ctub. Thirty-Hit irtemben \ I it hit hbrrt In Detroit Ydllll
.11, h* tald Of the lock! dub wets. prHeht.jian Mr and Mr... C ble. who cUtomartly plant-
ipend tli* wlntert. her,
hud made reservations to live itHotnettead 1 '
Cbtl(. Court until )
main new house wtl ready for Station
Nursery School occupancy. Improved Rrothen or ( : \ =
0"'..... _'., d. AND REPAIRS
ammo : Mea.tatitame
ihr.mh Frld.,. Met S Mil 4 hay j N..e. ,n.aee. rt.e.. I
I II.,. LL -Ht4; sisl I I.e. {"RainOtt \ OLK I 1
Otaollnt Oil
rcdited pre-lchoIIIOUlh( t. it .81 14 SODS\ t.'T"T' :
Mt.ml Oct II ...61 IT 2001pet. Onus clad shish Job. CALlFOllNIA \VONU l
,,, :' ,I . I III M.. .-.. .ei aa 'jooo \r I copENttAG J
I :N
1 Ort 14 . .._ 7/
TtrnuUftH rmttact, :Oct. I) HI :5geg6'I: =:::'II, COR. )p,.'OMIC) A p/ ST./l,. :: ; :
Uh tertian, Phone>> 11S-J Ort 26 II. M 21.85Orl PilOSE 111I EARLY. GREEN MArtKEt) \ :
: IT IS 65 Ii.tl
---- ---- WAttY \ ;
I ( :
It's NANTES : 1
; iiiookrDays t PURPLE TOP T (
l \)'. tt ..
'r. .N. \ I Gladiolus Bulbs < i
Assorted colon, pk r. dot,. )
r McGregor All- '
Wool Plaid Shirt Kilgore ,
FUrlda seedier ReedmeM far .. ,
Hold Plaid PHONE II
Just right for cool days ahead.
Small Medium and Large t0,."IItU'ItIUt, ,,,, ;,i,,,,,It,,,,,,,T,,. "",,, ,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,".,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, , ,, , ,, I ; ; I L
$10.00 i a
ttedland tad between Avocado ,
Others' from $3.95 Pianoforte and :": ,
t Violin Xylophon 1: t \ ; }
uunuwnwnunu.n,,, ,,,, , ..t,O,,M,,th. w,II,,,"" ." ,I"" """,,,.,,,,,,,,, .,,,, '' '' '
.L1.1- rr-leaisrslarr- i\
McGregor All-Wool "When Th! lYig ; 1 1I
McGregor 'Drlttl k' Gabardine Slacks FLICKER'S BOAT
'"VI ,' 'M( X II
a MX Btt It i
wtnt1.I'roOtWater4Proofl. with Continuous Waistband, pleated flock )ltrL *, I,
", Quick Exit ZIpper' and dipper i iFly.: Shift' ttkd la.tee. Ill 1 '
." : ( II I eUtnt 11-teen., lUll .
a1 1 UCO chest size ,t 29 o 44 Vrtkist Mite.h. ; J !
/ ) I
.' t /'. 1- I
4 '
[, >, :' " '\ O.9S' W.95Othera ''' '' '' ''\ 'I
It* \
,, I: : 1' nJ\I\I\ l' t
\, . l L , tb 48 waist from "1.93 e ........... ;
,.t : ,,
3tUa MiIN.: '
t II _nil
r ... ..... -.. (
I .......... &hit ..... __
t r 'west't ., eea..tea-- r.=S1 -'e-N "'- .
sew aw+w w.r, -- -
. ,:.; 1/i'm SKtirp '(Jtotli (jr8., >': .:: .' : .,.=!, . ..._..,;._ W-te.se'._"L rre.ta..1,,-,, t ;
llllilillr. [....... t"
N.J toMe .t.FSnt: lat.r '
J.'J-I' f Tu -
., 'J.. .' .
." ." .. ,..
r \,\ : .
t ( \ ,_ ,,1_.,,, .,,
"vDl.4nT,."'.'c.wrot.q"m ,
1>>_1'14 f' d. 1"--------
-'._- '. .. ..... .. .
"'-- :.-- '::;-h-; "' ',p-----:, c--__ : t-- '- : :.. :.... ,.._, .. .. ;_
: i".". iaeE & 1"j ''' _' '
.-- --.T.. ._- .- . ''' .' . -_ '" ; .
r !' ..., ,,,. -.I---
ks:t1eIbIier29.1 HOMSffTSAD. > LKADBR.1N7BRPRBE' P age Tht'tllg I.I 1
I DID GET DADS TO 'VpTEConUsMMdrrvraPsgaOne -Mrs. lIe- nlein Directs ClHbwomen. IBDWMT aeassty ei M.prtk. .. e.wtlD, I serreiaiy and pianist;' : };jDonI7.
MMUMcMMMNMMiMNIm IMMM l *t ttw >JiMr7riaboard ..It Pearl Whltaker. traI,,",. Mar- i ;
1 FISHING NE\VS\ ( ) 1 In Campaign to Gel Out Bond VoteA "Ted ow..Iert. r....and . ian ftobcrtaon, reporter Mrs J UBetcheior Ii }
INDOCTRINATED By ED rArrrn a4t .....bai. ........ ' I Years till 8* asa aN frees a .n clan mother, and .
T. GODWIN lever shays atjtom&etty rTgtMecImea 20 Ago four-month visit to toeaas MMOhio Hascl. Hook is rung leader. 1 '
ti I V 'THOUGH vote tae IN eIPt el.elmr nees- II roundUble' discussion ot the lee and Mrs H. Jam Capita, all ." "Mr and Mrs. Herman Schumacher
stedeed to the presHeirttaleandMete bend Issue. to be submitted an of MiamI.
Mattie Mae Mills Itedland
was elected of are announrUl -
i ride Table farHigh Tavenler feted to the .right.. ft the UM Nov. I .ballot was presented Mr. Helnleln chairman of tileCOIInb'a TV. iMtMkte a.a. *t beroap i
president of the senior dale atKomeatead the marriage. at their daughter ICarrie
SetufUay night on Radio Station sjel-out-the-vol ..fleetrepose pave see M M w..d5nsei |
rtev..sumbun. widelyreadH \ Low lever. - 5- Se 555. ..5W High School; Brute to Paul W. Allen of Mi-I IaIN.
W1OD Mrs Herman Helnleln, that clubwomen U each ,.
by .
a..a.d Iadw e..ad J.
lent newspaperman who hat Democratse ,"'
The ItepuHtcan
Oct 29_ MTwn.: IkMtm. of the of the will telephone 14. fay MX* M. e. IMI, Batchelor vlce-prerident.; Mslion
I 'rteiderK public attain chairman county precincts _ ____ _
la m Tennessee rd,: Dlclecrat and 'frtgntn party M tt. .?. !..< aMH.tk>S MMkMM -
'M this Ituplratlon of the Oct 1eekjav .6:14p.m..... neeninee will ,be 'Veted m the tjtomeetead Business and Professional reminder to freeholders < MM. IS toss "
Oct M ::44. ltlta:
war aoedote of the S.1tdtz meehln ballot
Dade In
voting: *
IIM: p.s\. Uls Mae Durgan ot Miami a P. transportation.
Evening Post Under the this 1111111111111111IIIIlil91n1111111111IIIII!! ( !! !
Oct Jl_ 'IM..It1:11: Ltn. way w. c., slate publicity chairman
tU-fSome" MM Don't tndooInafe ':H p.... 1:4': pan for President Vl) *-pre.ldellt Mrs HeinMn liao( poke on the TEXACO DRIVE-IN
Mr. Trumbull' unortho- "Harold Freeman SI, brotherof
S. Truman Albeh
I Harry Berkley
Nov I_ ISSam.: liilam.Nov. bond Issues over Station WM8Mon DENISCO FAMILY j
< o It yeartlbrf to a problem In Indoctrination 1:41: W8 pm Thomas K. Dewey UrI Warren 1 and arranged tive- Mrs Frank Webb of Homestead j
gar Monday
school) during the 'J' S. Thurmond r.: L Vrlhi ; died . .1n an Orate 1io* ,
J,.. Uam. 1:4': a.tn P
: minute talks by Dade County
|r r w4 reported as follows: 1 Henry A. Wallace1 Gift Taylor HURT IN CRASH plUt' of Injuries suffered In .n
937pm. I:28 m. leader for the
p T. A. and club Now Under
*% Tr\) mbun. automobile collision. .. ,
> eV'M \ a salty, old. Also to be voted en are the
. .
I Nov. I 1001am.: 1:10 am.JQItpm. other days ot the week Speaker"
tn.wp.perrn.n who had : 415pm.Nov. : nominee for stale and county a \ )In.It. "Roy Ostten deputy ape lameand
were Mrs. H. RJdsjvway Ownership Management\ of
(bull Mr and Mr Bonifac DeNlsco'
?;lot lonfed'for *
office selected In the May prl-
4.. .10:41: a.m. 4:14: a./l\ U Thayer, Mrs Theodore Dub- fish warden, was" named tern .
;In thtNaVy. found himself marie. Listed ,In tae state races of N. W. Seventh st and children 4 I
JljOTpm.: 8-64: panOver porary president of the tusk .
Indoctrination School among will be the candidates for governor Lucille nine md Michael, Walton '
League organized hrn"Mrs. F. M.
..ikleltt.,.and Instructors many the week-end the bell treasurercaomisaioner bt two were severely Injured Sun- Mrs. White tI t
,r junior. The whole thing fishing _med to be .right here agriculture, attorney general, MRS. M. WHITE' day afternoon In an automobile Guile Joiner of Home '' tn n
ers'hNs close to Homestead Redfish wereIn comptroller, 'and superintendent crash on the federal highway just stead and Mrs. Joe. Griffith, Jr., -ri>>IMf1; MANAGES HOMESTEAD '
1101 kt|:Urough I class In Navy Bay Front Park canal and ov.rthree' of public Instruction. On the NEW\ OWNER' OF south of Mania rockplt AccordIng of Orlando . Ware Injured In a ..," ICIIOOL CArETEEIA" it t
Co>re,PonoBnc he was suddenly Hundred pounds Were taken county ballot era state's.attorney, to witnesses the accident occurred collision between the Joiner car t! I
from hi canal Sunday Most 01 at about 4 o'clock when a and one driven by Samuel T Try
rtartled Into wakefulnes when senator, representative from i
the.Instructor'( give him a prob- the anglers were, from Miami except Group One, Two *nd Three, circuit TEXACO DRIVE-IN southbound Chrysler, occupied by lor of Homestead. ...> ____ ,
I lefu""Lieutenant Trumbull," Mid Columbus Fates of Homestead Judge from Groups One, Two three negroes. sideswiped two "Miss Alice Macomber bat been
lh|;/ \
lowglnt, you must I from District One, Two De Nlsco Chevrolet which was the West
repbrt on the cooking and dellc'ou home..deitlea Key branch ot Settle
Howl I,!f [ Incident: Yesterday,I poundLW Three. 'Four snd Five,. sheriff, mad a hit with children and traveling north. Business College. ..,* find Home-made Pies
Bundajr tth rteenth May, a mlne--I O. Van Teln, hi. wife, Betty,, school uperlntyidenb I, andJustice! teachers alike the four yean she MC DeNlscd 'suffered chest Injuries ... t
J U .
Uyer-WM: refueling at a pier : and Barney Parker made I nice' of the peace .aaiL-canitsbls for wed In charge of the Homestead and frictured left *nwMrs. : Free, prominent Homestead "
'When mine somehow went off,' catch from Vm'. Mv-plmie down. Dlstrlcf,lour:, ., ; school cafeteria, became the owner . DeNisco, fractures of the left buslnei man, underwent R :: ---- ;;! i
In the Shark River territory Saturday serious operation. Oct 24 In PostGraduate
,tIhlp exploded and eet fire to and manager of the Texaco leg an.d loft arm; Lucille, bRekTnJurlel
II '
,Iii fplerMd all ter'ehipx tied Twenty-two mock IS red- Ili1QUpY ., Drive-In on Oct. 18, ; and Michael!,'. fracturedleft Hospital. Chickcn'1'ot-Pie' .E"'t:1.: Tuesday'SlcakLThat i
.. yp t era. .tn' ddrUon, an ammu- fish, 12 snappers and throe 'Jacks '' leg "Psul to ner,'Iiudpnt at Riverside A
Atlpoah J blew up. A great i were taken on plugs and live (Continued! { tram". Pa;e'Otae< ) Highway Located Station text at to S.the Krome Texaco ave. The nrgroe Were)'' tretted for Military Academy, I* under Melt in Your Mouth .1 I I11cLuze
Jrtouht W damage was' Incurred. shrimp houae-to-rows. oik'pi Inspired a"nd Fifth St., the Texaco Drive-In IUpI'rtlt'lallnJurlea at Dade County treatment for an Injured knee* !
W.whom[ .would,you address your worker who hid, beent
had In mind, perhaps the Incident Mortl.l 5ear.nuuiieBti.lfam! .from .specialize In short orders, The driver, Chat. Baker CI l practice dentistry Saturday, will 1
t'.Jol-r'lu1 wn.( the correct ahtwiriJPe'w.tenentTrumbull justified this course. "Very well Caux. ... , ._ rs. \ iMRVs home-made pies and "deluxe"I Coral Oabteswu lodged In tM op-n an office Nov. t In the ; ;'CUtttf'SEUVICB ,
hedged lieutenant," he added "How how jempcratlc hamburgers. Cherry, lime andfipple county ,jail'' pft. cbsrge p If rrck. Bowers building. .." '
v.rtfarr| \ :, : Next to Irigkirsy''lexstiltti. Ke. Kreme al ate Bt
i"11'yeenl; Important enough lo would. you begin your 'rep'Jrt1" IdeologyrewKIr. *! .attention pies will be the staple varieties less driving pond causing an accident .., *
Nrltherland riled
'uhdetlirectly: to Frank KnoX, "Trumbull started dictating carried Chicken pot-pie will of *
ell-eWrtor the-'Nav ." have from thecommunMai Aldrllt heart attack while walking In his'
"My God Frank, you: should 7
be served TuesdayMrs.
tb tie P4I\,' jnatrUttor-I the replied answer*h he Vwamt ;: been here last-Dorothy Sunday Billhelmer.J ) said only; Count just'.returnedfrani' Folke Beraedotte.petfi.pstion '. . White came 11 Homestead Myra Jane Hashor Head, grove"A. D-near Smith Silver Palm Ort 'III.", ';_ ,_. ___ .-:' AII!!!!_ __ T !!!!'Of !!'Iitl! !!! t
in .the- emlj1ya.rCaux from South Point, 0., 11 yean Girls! Athletics Group we lo Ten-
.... when hew.. assaitlnited, (nd ,U .go. Her husband 1 It well known I nllle, Oa., by the death of his .
Tin Tut, ambaissdor 'to! Britain I as manager of the meat department Myra June Bishor was mad mother, I
from Burma.ut.ot'bomb'tI\I\, 01,tlhe Homestead Grocery 1 president of the Girls' Athletic "W E. Noon has been advised Homestead Loan Co. 1 f :
&intin& and Decorating ended ,his lift 'WMII,ri*\rtepBd She hs* .t ion, Walter Branam, Association ot Redland Hlgb of the death of his mother, Mrs 1
on the....1srter.of\hIs\ automobile I who I* In the Marine Corp for School at a recent meeting. W'f; iMargaret Koon, S2, In Plain Qty,, '
1)'Jl.) to begin I his trip toward Caux.Aldrltt his second hitch. .''lyn Potties was elected vice- O... .." 2O5.N. Krome Ave. :1
.j.!( ..Kpw. is the time to renovate , before the seled'Of of Assisting Mrs White In' the president and ecahRodgsrssecoreisrytreasurer I le t 1
*,ie the Burmese1 psrlliment' whb attended management of the lunch ramp Is Nrecle Lee''wsr '"Mrs. Edwin R Ilavtkci entertained -
|t son gets in full swing.. Services, of Devoe paint the MRA sestlonl. at Caux Mrs. Pauline In uo who has had named social chslrmsn., I at* bridge at her homo In Specializing in small'col'ateral! loans-$CO.OO to ;
J [4i3t} available, four haw sine beeir murdered,' ten ,..n' experience In cateringto \ Mini Lee Cljnnln! 'lI11),, girls, Goulds. .,' i
if ijjjr .., '-" . the returned delegate pointed out' restaurant; patrons of Hbme-' physical education director pon- -Mrs J. U HJlard, Mrs. >>. DJaeotaen WOO.OO.: When in'need: of cash, tee us r
An Ideology baeed'ona: Pillion dead son the group. : .
your plus i' >hnosobriY! !>lUl. ,t.plan, .._ I
,' = ' 8Ofw nohiesiw for tin mirelitereased'//I' "
'jo'ftant' } give you a free estimate. the speaker 'ale1.r (
"In the'cast'ot rdmmuhtotti.\ the. Big Season Sale \
.i h 1. :. passion .Is Jealousy end 'greed. In )
;; the of demO 1'lt,1th' t passion!
1 ,. Ii love' plu* 'pHllittiphr of freedom -
: under bod p4ut v.plan\ to see 50c Values for 25c
V>i., : f one 783 thai all nations''have"I chance at Hates t
I.f,.:t: $|.st A re..and tth SL. Homestead p o. Box IZI people government," said toy Aldrrtt the fceopl, :for the Ixora, Crotons, Double Hibiscus, Thryallis. Telephone
r'I' - Asked to define Moral Rearmament Thunbcrgia Erccla, Acaljpha .111
Aldrltt'st the'bleas of the
,+ meeting' said: ; .
I "Moral) Rfarmtment; I II out :to DOLL NURSERY . are' Necessary _. .. .
unite the eenstiiicttve-forces and
Naranja, Kast of Wlshlnjl'Wrl1e
1'.GROWtheGGESt put Into the band*'of'I' leader _
ship and tht ordinary man a* a I It
In the:War' 'Of Ideu, an I"
weapon "
I HOG Inspired Ideology, for 'jdemocracy! f" :. \., H I:
that I Ia the. moot equivalent of ; OUR 89th ...LII : \ (h h,, "
the atomic bomb. I t : ,, I
"Moral >Rearmament, Iq| our ?It.MA UJW1' '
time, bal given thf Ideas' of .honeity ; ANNIVERSARYWings
purity, ,. unse.lfhntss| ) and I 1 ' i ,
love, the guldance'.of: Co4 end the These
k evidence that' hu4ifn, ', jftsJun' can '; Southern Bcll'g rates in Florida are facilities In each of the next several
/,;, \ strategy be changed and tq framiwMk.'Moral .an :U\ternUonal. BIG VALUES! guflklent to meet todR)'' costs and yean will also be extremely heavy '
g1 \ "' Rearmament" 'seeks to assure this Company's ability to rlnConlnuallon/ of this work,however, t
; % find out what I I. 'rIU-lnllealt: 6f
a who 11 right'' !differences) be-! der.rood telephone gcrvlce. depends' upon earnings belngsuch thatnecMiery r
tween men' and.WliA'"'coal" tabor'pits andmanagenentrinTUtf Of/ "Now Cellophane \Vrapped"MARVEL Therefore, we have been' compelled new capital can attracted t
'f rI England whirs/ MRA W. ls,have to file new rate with the Florida Railto the business. Even without today's j
I I I'l been adapted,' :7 production .of Home-Style road and Public Utilities Commi. lon. heavy demands for new telephones, r
12.000 tcni bal bees attained' ,'
( The new rates are only such as are additional) newt capital! would still be t
government; nocemry to urnlih you good, dependrequIred for the added laeilitles neces- q \
( not beeii bled\ :{ I BREAD 111; lSc 1\''
j I able service airy to maintain and Improve service I
I "How In Mean the world Trlch do get for pre customers. I' :
you Today's telephone rates are the .11.11r
your asked guest the woman to go home next door so etrlyT emergency rates determined'on. the )Earnings In Florida are far too low .
It4 'It's' my husband' Idea," sighed basis of 1946 condition Since then to attract the capital needed in pro
the eccentric' wife. "He sawed Jane Parker's Delicious
r there have been .ubatantJallncreaw vldlng service to Florldlans.] I
the leg of a dozen chairs so.they .
nit I1.1t. I1. were un.v.E& GOLDEN LOAF fa coats, Including! employee wage In- I
Telephone, Service Still An .
and continued increase
tresses jU
By Cartel* Staadard* r
The young oriel was 'enter.. IOSta other than wages( Outstanding. Hargaln I
tithing a visitor to tea. !! CAKE 25c I
.: f' PURINA HOG fATtNA "1 cooked my tint dinner last I :- At the increased rates your telephone ,
Man, oh man I Think of night," she confided, "and It was 'Ad eqUIJ I e S err It-If.RoqulreiAdequate
i a great success,11'Really i will still be one o( today's best bar.
ttwt pile of tasty ham '
L''tMOon' and sausage* I'm H) :glad," murmured . Rates pans, The new rates, will still below I
For the visitor. t
f I xha next winter I In comparison With the !heavy '
1r to
"Yes going
my husband; Continued Jilgh-quallty service requires
1 3kr exJoA ism of* Purina Hog f9 Pi4j. treal get me Daily a cook Star.right away.. "-Mon- telephone rates that meet to- Increases In our costa They will be
.- ratona.And folks tell us r 1. s RIVER DRANDOrade low ia comparison with the Increase
'IrtffS teallf grow fast . e Nome UNDCI PICTmOU KAMINxlw day's costs provide reasonable is
1 ndeconomicaltool So .UW ... ,,. earnings for those who make the other items you buy.
b krnkr elna I. MM era 3.lb.
......., ..... .
r.N..d tM nom.U.
< If you want lo raise the .4 ,ooeb km MCM. W Tiwtail DM ..... ., III service possible by Investing their While manufacturers: farmers and
. .. .. RI CE 50c
,l U muse A. JI Hmlm Fta tauirfto
., come in abayl Hog ate I wt' ,;r 01 rvluw tk* Cbrall tw ..Case U MWM tt "P4 Hb UK O ctott.l Box laving In the business. It I II the In Tel) afaeu' f D rI1Jr have repricedtheir
.nor. It's feed. ra'w' Mrrra a. CIXXIK, vestors' dollar that pay for facilities products as costs Increased, the ,
.. 'r constantly Improved and enlarged utility has been providing service 1 I. t It
WORM PIGS " '''''III!! t"I': '" J: In Ii'] ""11 '"""
i PURINA a.-.a . ...... .' Cameras"I) liesry drek' Ribs of Beef, lb. 57c In our program to meetthe fall postwar Flo' hsatCommisalon-approvedratee its
n tut mix la lice HOG Pb.M. aeppl.a.Ivey telephone needs In Florida, 'we that average.onlyMlghtlyhigher than!
ATENA Pork Chops, r lb. 73c constructed huge amounts of those /la effect in the 1930s. .
i.e.., t I cfp Sliced Bacon lb. 59c additional equipment poles, wire, These .new rates are required to .
cable, switching equipment buildings, fire good and Improved service. Rates ; I.
I DELICIOUS RED Apples, 2 Ibs. 256 and all the other items necessary to that are less than sufficient can result I.
provide service This construction in only in poor service. The people of
'., : 1t ...... Dble BIa'_y b. 29c
;" Mtaal J1a. Grapefruit, bag 1948 alone will amount to about the state want good telephone service .
I n
\ItoIliestUII Princeton 'awl, I 128000000.. Raquiremtnta for new ,aad that U what we want to f uraish.C .
" ] I''"
01, -- \ : .j r,
,j :c. e ,. ;,;
\ .-pone Ph ones ASTHMAMM A&P FOOD STORE I,. h (, '
. I A'I'M" ....... IJA LaTeresa. 1 I'' r r" Iic aroR/yiD. .
I _ South Krome Ave. Homestead >
375 ? .
'. - - ... sear . . .
V -
: .h_ eA.N..1...*. ( tK-umm* nttoM e-a.:; Owa4 tad .,....tet ai the Great Allude faclfM Te Ce.:
...... .
:-,>>:-:.:<<-c-c-c :<< d.s.d. m asx rera.wly. ... '
I DKW DuU ,: .' ::1 _____
: ,.. . Y 4'i -.
.1e: r M .' r. 4'(
- -
: -" ,
a't aeR C-
Four HOMESTEAD LEADER-E -mJtPRtS}; Friday. October 29 1JM8
i -..
The Gasoline Tax Amendment all our legislative problem, one urge* \that the people dBr4 that see wIlD a,4scaated east
Opposed, of which I II the very short ...... lite legislature submit. to them the I star... to talk. I repast, "". hablo
Leader-EnterpriaW Legislators' Pay Raise FavoredIDITOH1 Furthermore, legislation un apaeifI !- question of a call for a eonetltutlonal . The Gadabout 1 C..Iano.'t. !?"- He pointed MEN !
I Items, such as thU. should not oonveaUon to revise' our arouad UM corner.What ,
rw.w I. lilt be In UM constitution at all butproperly constitution and that such Tall Bf IMe.) WMttog Fttrtft found the
NOTE: The .Uetfuo of Women Voter* of FtortoJ* I KirprlM
___. should be matter of shall I WORKSHOES
I IIIt a prov.Ial\ the revised eon
t has carefully and thoroughly frt.red an analysis. of th* II fervor Olaoragy y Sertora inside
=. r".t..1 b1 II,..,.N,s..u W, Tatrar" n..rPee.IW proposed amendment. to the stile eonatltuUon to b* voted upon statutory bw Had that bam' UM stltutlon be submitted. to the voter 1 the ctor*. I could tell by their ex-
Olalr..rI Tuesday Sine Hi. out, the pay of Florid\ s .legislators for approval to
I twonunandatiow of this oonticlenUoua egenleuan The aIeeb flew of toed. down I pr MloM the, wire horrified
I .. of rttiaans reflects the eonaldared. opinion of Ik* UaderBnterprlse need. not have .been Inadequate RerommeMlaUon-VOTE NO. canal ate see in* lion at assets a I.uhour,
h ...PIN AaCHItlll4MU ": they are r**>roihieed below with our full .......1 for so long] a time But unit our alementary. aa we And wa I glad that I coulttet
s.* NeiRAlaesse our first reel Arjssrttoe dinner
such.. time the constitution
endoraeNsnt a*
LEACH AWe.gM. speak with t them Many
I (which now provide' for wa a challenge to our atoeaaeh
YLs anw I eompenaatlon MEN BT mxV or Castellanoi
BAIT PdeRLr 1If tI11ID. L QASOLINR TAX respect to school bend. In Hiproviiian ) is revised the League be- IFRCMB AND CIRCIITCOIITI Ut !is the night our dinner party fell my Ignorance of GLAlE OR GROVE
New .../. e-w Provide . far the 'term llsnll. .. for laves this amendment to a step cane to ea sand with our friends' MMiini. u well M II handicap FOR
that all gas tax levied locale
payinent of be*)*., and lee liaise) In the right direction seeing' u* to the hotelIn It wa not difficult to
and nervafter shall b used
1 now needed lor
the mint tablets I ,
F, ....1\I1I/I1II1'1"ON SATs/ 1 exghnive1F for i street the total school indebtedness. of acounty This amendment, which would our hotel room we felt the LetV
a1 0-0"" I .1Ma w- kj thwiy*. mmefulUonVOTK this. modem doW store WM arranged RAyFlt
h I aKe the amendment limit, .Involve no additional cost to the heed of a few soda mint tablet, "
1 and airport (hat the present levy I U .
) .
,... much the Mme manner
IhoIoI'o re . l.d/e w-. In
rather than liberalises, th
present would allow of had
: YIB'I taxpayers Judge we none
ea-.eawt1Pras. of f cent per gallon state tax, I. REVISION AND/OR but unfortunately a* our own back In the State
than be permanent and oonntHuUoitat law MENT OF the supreme court and elreult 1 had read that In South America' When to UM patent medicine
.. wt tot
...Selma... l II, M llll-.a M UM 11.wan K ."w.M-<.. .., rather than alotutory and t NEW; RENATOKIAL Df LEGISLATIONThis court, who are row retired and a drug tore keep' open throughout department I asked perml-
.... ..... d on retirement pay, to continue to the night and In smaller cltie
M4. rto M oo eubjed to ch'lItIeh./ legislature DISTRICTSThis the drawer and there '
tlwrk .. 1HS.Along I I a part of It now la, and that amendment would five to serve from tint to time, when II the druggist leave direction found to open Imported medicine! 4'I1RIIQptH7
aviation 'shall be amendment would create the legislature the power to revise needed.. If they so desire This I Ii where he en be found. Agiln IIws many
I levy on gas A, and the tablet
from the U. 8
I I earmarked tor two new senatorial districts, It I the constitution at any regular the procedure followed In the federal a Rood time for me to go out
airport asked 'Cuanto (how
t the Highway would divide District 24 by removing special, or extra session It provides court, by myself to explore. I wished I ,
'The gasoline UK I.I the largest I much)?" After my Wend counted rt4/
Monroe County (population that such revision, or amendment cterkIasVeddirection
single source of stile f, I, t, and If. CONSOLIDATION Going to the night change I Aid "Oracle.
By Anal Mayhew rltrpalrick I revenue 19011)) and making It District I may relate) to one or any to the la farmacta and my
This .mBiiort. If piysed would 39 It would divide District number of subject, but that no AMENDMENTSThese and started to return to the hotel III I. KROME AVE.Ioeuetead ,
SCENE THREE piece tbja" enormous revenue ($41,- 25 by removing Wsshinfton and amendment may consist of more after he directed tn* from the It wu not that almple, ,they Mid I1a.
would host know whereto amendment seek to conaolldote street! door of the hotel lobby I eacort bark
How a ( 000000 In 194?) beyond the control Calhoun counties! (combined population than one article Such .revision Nol! Not They must me
haunt tax: assessing and tax wa on my way True, women are when left
of the legislature, and allocate to the hotel and
19124) and making" them must be paned by I/f vote of each '
If he cam back tier on I spookish I It entirely for road purpose. It Dlitrlct 40. house, be published twice In etch collecting machinery" In the re- not to be seen out late at night they Mid, "Haita manana" (Until
ipectlve counties. It properly!] without a companion In any .
jaunt would cut the public school fund tomorrow)
and be aubmltted
county, to the
thick and The constitution new provide administered, they would result country or city, but social systems
With building going M $3000000, ind the general rev' Today lenon: Direct me to a
voters In the next general
that there be 38 senatorial dla-
in economy and greater/ efficiencyIn hv never worried me If in
fnMHow anus fund the same amount These . Dlrljam
special, election pharmacy
trlrt. each to hews ""' senator. arise Brooks Inc
would h/ find where ho pent two department do not now bare government bad featureof emergency or necessity buena farmaclt.
and such districts to be a* nearly The constitution it present sc\cral block In '
his past? sufficient funds, particularly the per all is that they are local bills. After walking ,.
schools At present the gas tax equal In population a* pnsaibia"Actually mla amendment by the legislature, and properly, have no place In i the crisp night air, I met a police-
I II the district are far from but permit revision only by a
PHONE RATE Qpllect* from winter I visitors aienues the constitution. This objection I Ia 14 BOYS f
? .. /Y.11 .. t bald 1 equal In population with result-convention of delegatechosen for true of much of the constitution, .. _
(Continued from Tags One) to Jfcrmanen cover 'part r Of ants the. ree cost hog under-represeirtatlon of the that specific purpose.. It fall to a* It has been .amended. A general I') permit the voters of the respective (Continued from Page On)
rates are neceaiery to meet to I of public services which they larger district. For Instance, there provide for a vote by the peopleon law, giving the power of home Ihcmaelvei" count provided! to the decide amendments for. Russian effort to trees the United Oldest Completely
., 10 district with the convention revision. ,
I rule to title and counties and
render good ,
and service
day's receive. State out, we mull stay In Berlin
first passed by statewide
20000 or leas: and T district The League of Women Voter are
the Southern BellTelephone permitting them to writ their Equipped GroveCaretakers
In Florida
for all
moral support!
The League of Women VotenI vote All four amendments ai ,
with population ot 100.000 or mor*.; believe that our constitution' Is
ked the own charter, would be mora In
,$ Company o Ills! recent trip to Germany
I I. opposed to earmarking all I to tax officials only All Europe
commlpslon to authorthe! new gas In voting for their respective senators much In need of a complete revtalon line with modern progress In gov fr.
convinced him, the said,
under bond effective tax at the present level, and permanently the vote of a citizen of VY. believe, however, that era men!. Lacking such a general require .nabllnIJ.gIII.tl<>n which
filetempor.rll1/ armed the
the Increasing might of
fur road, Furthermore shall the dutiesand
specify powers
Nassau County (population 106BJ the artlcle-by-artlcle revision by law, counties wishing to reorganize
immediately It I II opposed to by of the official, and United States li the surest guaranty
any levy pay provide
) I.I worth 28 times the vote the legislature, proposed in this their local government for .
Southern Bell declared In It* ooniUtutloAal amendment, beyond of citizen of Dad ( amendment for the are custody, reporting of peace "
a County pop- I I. the lent desirable greater efficiency, must do M by
request that present rifts art the present 2o second gas tax ulstlon J1J.1J8)Thl ). method of revision. The following this amendment and disbursement' of taxes. Also present wen Dehorn Of-
wholly Inadequate, pointing out (already In the constitution). objection art prevented for process.The I Each amendment applies to a borne and Everett Shuler Instructors 0. BOX si
amendment would add Uolowpopulitlon your
that cost have Increased! Substantially amendment relating to single county but must be approved of the Homestead and
since today rates were Recomm.ndatlon--VOn: NO. districts, thereby I Volusla and Plnells counties by the vote of the entire Redland classes Principal E. B.
set a* emergency charge In April I. RCIIOOL BONDS Increasing th* present unfair ratio 1. The revision the constitution tNo.([ t and No 19)( ) are mandatory, slate to become law, Blackburn and Roy Wood, Homestead FLA.
1947 on the boll of 194(1( cost. of representation By adding two could be done more effec- the two relating to St. Lucia and agricultural Instructor .
Added gross revenue providedIn Provide for raking money In I new lena lor.. It would Increase tively by a convention of delegates Broward counties (No. 7 and No RecommendlUo.-VOTt. YES.
the new rate schedule lt"'$2.p.. the new cpu 11- (1d. school. dlstrlcts also the cat of operation of the elected for that specific .. 11. ELECTION OF I.t'DGElq r.
700000. representing an Inercifee by-iiotid Issues for: senafcPflirillar amendment w.s purpose!, than by) 'legislator* elected COUNTY COIBT '
of about 9'In; Southern Bells General educational/ purpose wisely rejected by the voter of with no special concern for this by (gtlJXV1ia ESCAMBIA OF RECORD I FlfZPATRlCK'S FINE FURNITURECustom
present revenue in Florida I Added of dee public schools Florida in 14R, Important undertaking,
net Income: to Southern Dell, after I b. School capital outlay projects Recommendatlon-VOTII: NO. 2. The legislature, meeting for t ThU amendment provide that Built of Mahogany and Other Woods
payment of federal slat, and local I 80 days. and considering hundreds he judge ot the court of recordof I
taxis based on Income, will 1* As the amendment wa original- 4. COMPENSATION or of bill. (751( general laws Escambla County shall be Cabinet Work-Chair Caning-Rtflnlshlng
about 1.800.000.! I lr Introduced, It reflected the LEGISLATORS! and (23: special laws, passed in P 9JJQJ;; elected a* are other state and I Cor. BIscayM Dr. alt Redland Rd. Phone |I4|
. .. thought (if the Htlutnft nrftlratlnncommlttoo 1947 session, as well- as many rwn.sldrred -"nt 7 w.ntrlnlal......... and tar a form nf
Southern Belli request to the.'I ;; ; but t was materially; : It I II proposed to psy member but not passed.) cannot six year, rather than appointed,
commission declared that the subscriber of> the legislature $10 a day, plus
altered In the legislative proces. devote( the necessary time for an II now, for a term of four year
rate authorised In April 1700 dally subsistence allowancea
It moke constitutional provision adequate revision, Whatever It* merit, this proposal
1947 took Into account only the I total of f 1050 for the
I for railing money. by bond 'Issues (10-day 1. With a constitutional convcn- point up two fault in our
increases In Its OIJ rahnJlI'QBt. up session, Instead of $380, 01 now CROUSE & BURR CABINET SHOP
lon it would
which are In rely now In effect by possible to: (a) resent constitution: the great
to the end of IB4. Since then, the The travel allowance I I. alsohanged S
statute, The amendment I I. noteolf..urullnr. focus public attention on the Important mount of special! legislation and
petition pointed out, them have with four round trip
but provides that change being consideredfor the lack ot uniformity In our
been ,ubnumlinl Increases, In C'lIlaof at 7 cent mile Builders and Remodclers
; to a Instead of 10
the 1t'llllaluraTIoy poi. law I w Ith our stale, (b) by the full glareof judicial. department.
rendering 'telephone service!, Including 1 rent a mile for one round trip, publicity, offset the pressure I
employee wage increases II i permitted fay present law (ac- Fine Woodworking
of special Interest; and (c) arouse a
of $2.1.00000(1 are being providedIn ,
In 1847 continued Increase to
end cording supreme court. advisory the
public interest which II I
In cost other thin wage 1941 alone. Meeting the full opinion), to necessary Electric and Acetylene Welding
I win the! voters' approval
need of Oorlila for lI'ood' and dependable
It has long been /recognized that
It was pointed out that as a' of the proponed revision This I.conrf'nlretlon
IS IT 00 SIBLd'70 PiuOnD
result' of /these continued major telephone "service require the pay of our IcKfelutori I II In. SILVER
continuing heavy construe of public attention GRAPH A MIRAGUi7 PALM DRHE-ONE MILE WEST OF V. S. I
crud Increnise, earning hnvefallen adoquate Insufficient PAY can would not be possible during a Florida soils)
tliin,, expenditure In the are rhone ttt-TC-1
to level that U too ]bow, : / years have the result ot keeping qu IU .
a / sliest. be short. crowded legislative> / .. ..Ion. d.(!ci.nl In cr.
Tils( ran oecompllnlierthowever .i
for the need of good servlon In led men from serving, and of.ubJrl'Unll ,
I 4 Under the proposed amendment laint food .!Um.nli needed to
only lr our rites are
Florid New t'a"ltal| I I. needed for,such n* will boar all the carts' ,I' .temptation those of who. serve to the the legislature could rewrite grow .loolthy. !.outful, ihrubtMmrnf .
added f irilllie* necessary to improve ex. all ,
of conititu-
Including adequate earning ti any or our present /rict BLOOM AID Kieft.
present service and maintain peruses by dubious mean Valetshould Ion and submit It to the for ,
attract the people I h bally correct" "these' d rcicm III.
wv capitalfor
Ha continuity. a* well\ a* for; additional tinccvxry fjcmties. bear In mind however approval In a* short a time as BO : end OWIMUI rich, "kmurianl! Job
fucllllle to provide rnlarierl service I hat Increased pay will not solve I lays after the end of the session growth. Get BIOOM,AID ..- PrintingLegal
the request declared Nee 'The new rate Include only
While not probable this I II a definite :dayotHector
capital, can be attracted only such charges ** are ahsntutclyossenllal
possibility, and opens the wayto
through reiunnallo, earnings and to cobble UK to meetFloridas hasty, lII- nsldered revision, Supply Co. Blanks-Ffeld Crate Stencils
the earning/ today. are much too requirements" fir good WHAT FRIENDLY STORE
with little public education on : PHONE 148-11
low to do this It wa staled ", nice under today ro ta." I Issues Involved. I Phone IT. Homestead | CAN SUPPLY YOU
Florida Manager A. D Donlcy I Mr. Dnolry pointed, out that I Electric The League of Women Voter .... WITH GENUINE OftVf
laid that "Southern Bell desires. I overall Inrreas* of 1%" I I. very ,I I Florida City PressU.
ai always, to keep the service small when compared with the I Ii " "' :'""' 11111 il" ::1 " : 111".111:1:1. :: : :" ::: ::,:, I .
/modern Improve It .and provide i Increase In rotts< of other Items S. No. 1 North of Palm Ave
ill that Is needed In our rapidly which the public buys. The over rrlncttoa Florida H< wnrJ ,
developing JI.... We are making all potwerelephon./ ncrease of I i CAMBER FLOOR COVERINGS Arthur Troxell, Owner-Z5 Tear1 Experience
good progress In Installing the 1M7 and 1948 combined are less
New facilities amounting to $53. i consumer price. In general Telephone .I Asphalt and Rubber Tile
000.000 hive been Installed In the service continue to be one ,
..-.' fairly brief time since January 1, lof the outstanding bargain today orRcpalrs Inlaid Linoleum BroadTelt and Carpet
UII. New, facilities in Die amount ," he said I" N. W. End Ave (Opposite High School). rhone 111Builder :
'III "'" JI 1111 : ," I " :' "' IIMTrII1", !
Why Worry : ,
Dr. ,F. P. Archer Jr. *. Eleelrl f Bmps, Btove .
and Aaf Other Kleetrlca:
ABOUT YOURFertilizer
"Uaaoe> .
Kpeelallslng In CianOnaUeH o( the Eye and Complete
Optical rreeorlplioa Service,
riioncll2 J Problems?
DAILT, TITS. THRU 8AT-*:tt ,t* III: .
W Wet t Mealy SI, llemesWad Phone III
NI NN1.1..N.NIN1Dr.
:Leonard W. HaaktnFMU I I
.-....... h .,. I.......... Try Reliable
*. W a..oIrioe if .
[ N.flssksOSS GLASSESUl II. M Air BU OLMM Miami.ee,.IT*.1 "Redland Brand Fertilizers"MANUFACTURED -
HONE: Id8S1try
wow.. i
244 lour Ambulanoo Service \ IN HOMESTEAD
' .", Cremation h . 1. '.1;_,
? Phon:2io Homestead: Fla With Our LumberIt's .s ,
All Popular Mixes\ on' Hand ' J '
For Newi of Homestead and South\.Dadc Read a the safest and cheapest in\ the long run.: 475. 488 575 493 388 10010x. () ( .
THE 'LEADER-ENTERPRISE I Strong sturdy timber makes strong support for '. .. ,Any Amount OrganidDesired, t 6:
'IN DAM COtTNTTl home- walk floors your beams; Special Mixes on Request (one ton Iota only):
**, 111 I ass*, LMi I yr, |lotrrsinc I your your your tp ;
DADS COTOTTJ s maul! H.MI a mew, Mt; i ,r, IUt.ItJIISCUP110N Pl/RF1e WILDS coNrnoH1a" a I and anywhere else here quality wood U needed ,
,wfee ww.ua aLAXE www'sw MGlade r .
1late . .. .. e
'tloraeateaal M N. W Third Leader.,.?Tku..: rdiedr IT*. 1. '. fbcloaeel W. D. Home Co. Inc. Florida East Coast Fertilizer Co.
find $?..._ 'er which' ,l lees, sea (h44e,4erler and Grove )-
.,.,,-.......i,.-. 1 euht5e lei '
NAME: .'10 JI" Supply Co. Hardware, and Building Materials PbmolS. Henry R. Pridjen, MIT. Homestead, Fla.rage .
RANK ,. Slim 0_*er
\Jill Tear .Twta CkeckThet 81r t .
p 0. BOX I cc
-. .. 11 N. Krone Are. Phone. 2'71.I
I av . "(CIrY aAllumU :'" L ; t iJJ jt.. %.'.. ,: .t.y, v. . .. .. i" A. ... .. '. ', ..t. '. . '
I .
e 4e
05 ,.'
... I u .., r'' d'3
., ", ,:'t"Jtf, ". .,t.\ and w.a < :-i"l': '" M J n /
-. - ---- --- - '-- - .-- -- ---'I'rl
J' )"' -..,.,..;.;. ': ,, .. --- ... ., _. . .. . .. . ....
II ,.. ,"fiij .. __....... .u;..__. . ---.- t _, --. ':'
.. .... 1 / : '
r-: ,:
.. I
\. October. 29, 1948 . ,
-- .
I Vsi,.lslhed Ueor 110IIII M alia; a.we aawltN $mas.:\ tm,CaHEfldllch )
Mr O. V. BUftt bfCity ''I : Rt. i. Box .., HoaM- sI'
1 ; ADVERTIsING ACRE near Homestead TOTAL i
l ha* at Mr intsiajtill. far I r CLASSIFIED PRICE MW, H cashbalaitr toad, (old Letehwvrtii pi C', k
winter hat mother, .lira ONLY n 1%. 7HMi,. Idle hwy.) (pd| ) i i1III i
NtrU nt Bradford .*... .....
and Ground .hIe rdan R.
In .
Patrick! vMttd .her daugtiMr Meat, *** .. I YOU NAVE .aytKlrg to
"ral yr Ue, N tt net a *trat.. or If you need anything. ,
to South bad COMItjr.Mr. 1 I n. FrKJdalr ooutplellr overhauled tulle Il1M1aMd Isea fee sale : $w51 5Ia.2'Ju buy
: CARDS OF I THANKS A-l cowB- '** la gooa slit, !
Homestead and Mr* thnnr Man son ItM. At.II.I rr..: Newton 10 MM $tO_ wok "*' ....., !*. bleat eta, .*Mi*. KM i, '
and 1I11Ith_. BlaaJbtK r. .I rd north nf Wnldln dr. ThlAmlo. -, H. peel I and t year mortnaMat .aglef Awe BonWMadNEW .. Paw
lo their horn In Ftortdt City th family M Mn. I. 8. Mowry ." (pnl) the Mterwi. Thl la M AioaoalIf .
Monday afttr apMtdtnc, \ th> deeply. appraclatet your expreasiotu good buy. utt.'I"
of I kind sympathy it Ills ........ al Meek with N-tt
milt/ ill Bbookiyti I. Itt-.CI1'! btBtlnf IbM tNM an
Mr. and Mn. P. D. Smith of M. Archer Dodaon, Who .b ttatlcmod
-1 Urn ttoO WS ANb
Frwka. Trailer. laaulaU, .
Nevi*) t New, V.., have bmiitaOreeh with the U. S. Air Forces aMla off tm pramlnaht r...1
ACrw! Drove on RMIand In Ttxaa, was a hoses lust this Mr., OV. Stephen, tha Arrant-Smith Post\, WtertM of mrrhaalrallr. refrtaenUC. PricedM IT.boa40Intl I KOOK) REPAIRS .I. : t
rd. from Capt and ).155. W. P. week of hla uncle and aunt Mr. Mitt Martha Clone, la a For*!** Ware, WWie 1 10 MprWIapprWHatlon arlL ,. E. Late. H4I 8, W. IroiI and like horn la i Rail tooting gravU. thlflfti, ,
BiktrMr.. and Mn Smith end and Mrs des Cam btlL U Dudaon week her with her mother, to the merchant and HUt at, MlaanL Mi Miami SlUt tAtJllal\\)( for hotnb ld Mho the and metal, root Install "
oM **
their ton and daughter. P. b. former Homestead resident! I. E. Close before\ Aiding\ ) III other Who contributed Ih any ( ) real tt1\te Ih lfom""tHtl.to QuBtantMiI workmanship I
Smith, Jr., add Meta John R. Bail, came her w attend till funeral Stephen* In New York City **y to the tHet bt the tamlval WUrmann Whatht* MippvM II ir*< art** IRtlw taittl ll.. penaed and Inftured ltera, :
are making their home at weir of his grandmother, Mr*. L. S. they Will Make tfcelt home. and street done spohsored eater. by Champion Votan., V. OniM- U ..... w U-oeate
tit' reiMehre, Mowry.\ Carl Hinna ot WiucHUla\ \ t day hlfht by the oaI \. WIld tl. .1110-1110,.PbnlstM 811var tttS pet acts : J-
,: ter-ln-law ot Mrs.. Close, I I
rdPt. .
Palm dr. Kot Naranja
Mr. and Mrt. WIttI..L. Duakan *- MlaaM barba-rand Jo Anne I nous* guest at the OOM I wl h to expraa my alnott 8H-J-I. (oH) Kir avoeado 11'0"11th! geed Phone 217UGMEITEAD 1
friend. bell rut
to homfllift.
building, home on Silver arrived Tuesday from appreeleBbfl My !
are t Seymour
Palm dr. near Klhfmari rd.tr. I Bethlehem. Pa, for e Vltlt at the Mr. and Mra. OM. Brook neighbor' \ far thPir kindness and I A..j.I"'t-i. i a>s ftiiii'*'t40. Al'\IUncll.OOO tern farm land can .t i
I horn of Mr. and Mrt. S. L. Dick- last. week for Birmingham, to : / aolleltud during my recent! I Electric refrigerator. 18. T7 N be ItfIfby tinMMrnmt' only, Guaranty nootll1lt 0)
bereavementMniUoHN W. 7th st, Homestead (poll) Reaaonabl, neannnbleterse.
relative of Mrs. Brook
Inaon. I
and Mn. Irving Loaner of' ,. W. tnArten I --- Floor; Sanding and flnfthlng.
Long Beach, OiL are parent* of : Mixed gladMll; bulbs, beautiful ll-rocm apt tioUa) $t ,(KH. On Asphalt and rubber tilL Phase
a three-pound ion, George Allen,' Mr. and Mra. A. M. Kramer bl Mr. Clara Andrew, To ell bur friends who expressed colon. 11.80 per huhdred. Special 13418 ft tnt fronting 01\ prominent IIT.w. (mchBtf)
who wee born on Oct. 25. Dr., Springfield Mass;, art expected Homestead resident who hat II their sympathy In our time of'I' prlr In thouaahd lolL Phone rd. Can be aeen bjr appointment \
I Lower I II a IOn of Mr. and Mra. to arrive anon to !upend the winter making her horn Ih OII arrow, in the Ion tf our mother 44I-J-1 or 4BS-R-4. (oil) only. BtE: ALEX LANIER Cor "I
Max Loser with Mr*. Lena Link at Came>> Cal.v I Ii leaving for t May Mr*. Miry Jane Skipper,* we offer I tlire bushels altrt" la downtown drilling. Corner Krortie av*.
Happy. Mr. and Mn. Kramer an: Hawaii.Mn. I our heartfelt think Their klhd- Ilf8 l Custom, bunt TRAILER 01'1' Homestead.Ren hd N F.. I9lh si Phone 538W.. l .
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Edward' the parents of Capt. A- D. Kramer I ---- I nets will always live In our Improved lot with awMngedoorch. I WK MAXI photoatatlo copM '
Orubbs are announcing the birth of Bayvlrw rd. Chai. Stngletiry. memory.MRS. I Wardlaw.! Royal him ). Warren Morris$ FlI,1er.1.010l1l0p.; ,, . ,Wto
to her horn In Trailer Park Homestead (p02I1)no1
I Friday W.W, nKTHKAS.
of a eon Robert Wesley, on Oct.: I ISB 8. Krom Ave. Phone Ul OFFICE
tl at James Archer Smith Hosfp1UL Mr. and },frl. Bob Hoveland and I after er-ln-law'and a visit her abler With, Mr.tnd her L.. &E. SKIPPtR SKIITER bike lor al.. oo<
Ron, Rickey haw returned front, R. R. Echo waiter. lion. Phohe 189-R. (o2tt:! ) free. Ovid Sullivan employment *
thdianapoll* to make their horn - a ENJOY LIVING In this COUN officer N. Kroni and
I -
Mr: and Mn. Harold V. Sickle here Until they can find living. Cemetery & MtwolfumWoodUwn Hire supply of Infanta' \\'tar-I TRY HOME on I acre bl (th it Phone (ISO.
:ot Coconut Palm dr. are partnti. accommodation! they are hou.al MirprelIlnl r. \ gift for atork showers, fie, tt" variety fruit and CHICKEN
guests of Mr*. Hoveland' uncle Mr. W. M. Lee, Visited lit Tropical !Dress Shop, egg fltfcithFlaghr i
'of a daughter, Francei born Ort Park Cemetery RANCH! i bed- onm frame bungalow
and aunt, Mr. and Mn. Jews D. last "Week-end with Itlthf ; Ave. (Free PldgJ. (et>-Mj) WANTKOOood
21 In Coral Gable Hospital Mra. 32(0 S. W. 8th St., MierU! furnished except living
Greet On the Way here, the Daniel. daughter of Dr. and 1-ice'-o _!o4!!! !.. !4E4d_44a:. '
filcklt I II the former Mia MaryVlladford. Phone 4-T8U From Capacity' for 1000 broiler
Just added to our stork of attrartlve '
Hoveland visited In. ". Sidney H. Davle A wide telccllon of cemetery Mi dreaiifs Lady Elate and I IIJI' per week. Owner ha* Just reduced horn for ftwt;, \n Aetv/(
l D. C., with Mr*. "".hlnatbn'j it moderate price available from Alir frocks featured In price from $22,000 to $JO,. healthy, -nu ilh- M female
1. b. L Bowen 3t., IOn of Mr. and mother Mn. Quails Session of the Florist \ large untold cemetery acreage. Charm and Calflbrnlan -I 000> for quick sale kitten Phone Mr. Wallet' C
her brothtr and eister-ln-law, graph Delivery Association' mausoleum of 1,1U Alert 474-M-l .
"'n. D. L. nowen of Homeitead ,) Tropical Dresa 6hop1)8 ,, ( )
Ma), and Mn. Gllswn tional convention were ) tEN Atnfc drove of nearly
.hai enlisted In the army and Is Roy crypt end niches year
South Flaglcr Av*. (Fret tlldi)
joking' basic training at Fort Jtcfc- -.... this week by Mrt. I. P. old AVUCAbOS, food v.rle. WANTED-Curb girl! at T xtobrlvttln.
IOn, S.'C.MOBB Mr. and Mn Ceo. Mikell' of Miss Wanda Smith and John \ FOR RENT For ante: Concrete Illork, all sixes; les and scientifically planted. So. Krom ate toM)
Hollywood visited here Sundaywith Lean of Homestead! Floral Beam Block Adobe Brk-k. Cement HOMESITE With PALMS planted. .I
Sever of Florida City Is Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Mc IUI''I IUI'I 4gt.' for adults. Hot water, gas told to lay them with. lit mile from\, HomeiittBd. NO .I 'k
critically III In James Archer Cartney. and: other relative! Mis*. Jean Daniel of stove private entrance.' J. L.I, Rhode Br*. PLACE ORDER IICIH WATER! At a price of r
Smith Hospital. A daughter Mrs spent the Week-end with Ballard 1st house W. of Seaboard WITH nnoOKER 'LUMBER CO., ionn.. Try Us When You Need '
Chas. Carpenter, came by plane Mr. and M-w i'lard Sutllff bfShlckthenny Billle Hammock at the home : on Avocado dr (o9tf) or Phone A3 or M5-W (pull) LOTS LOTS LOTS tI.v.YOllr .
Sunday from Baltimore to be at Pa, and daughter I Miss Hammock' parints, Mr Room 1 block- from butlne1ec- choice of location In anyectlon A Haircut or I.j
Mrt. W. N Hammock Hot Point electric plow |R9
,fill bedside Laura Marie a Pre week-end
lion. Woman preferred, Box of Homestead.FURNISHED .
I Breakfast! art $2': Mr. John W. Shave
guests of Mr. and Mn. L. U Can- I
; ;; s A-18J, Leader-Entcrprl!. (pistil) Chafer, Perrine, Fla,
Mn. Vaughn I
Mn. W. W, Douberley! war returned nlnfton.Mr V. W. of : DUPLEX In good
: her at the home of I close-in location Halrrnt .a..a..e...$ ."
home Monday from Victoria visiting 1 For rent: 1r00l1.pt.. Adult only tlis.m) math
Obatt imttihl. hold and board.tI.n
Hospital where she under *. Harry Matthe has returned son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ITON. W. 41h i at. (089)) 11 Income, $0,000, wit! al>out holt lhav' -_, k cKhampM (
N. 'ask. mile N. F, fPrlnrrlon.
went'an operation on Oct. IS.Mrs. to her home on W Bauer tor* Edw. Kirby. Mrs Kirby .. ... li dos n. (tMe.le.tUJ l Los .
(ell 2g
dr., after bring employed by the her Infant ton, Thomas! Furnished rooms tor rent Men -
lit N. W lit ave. Phone Several pond! BUSINESS! OPPOn- rental Pick .._,..__ 7K :N I
.. only
J. A returned home
Pollard, Jr., has ar- D and C Navigation Co. of De- have been\ Hamnitead Glum Co.-GlnM far
rived from Sweetwater! Tenn.? tokpend troit this summer Mr*. Matthes James Archer !Smith Hospital : (pnJB) all pur| ows. We do steel Posh lion.TUNITIES for your consider- Massage. (ptajl/ ) _>r- ?... 151 'i i
the! winter here end the late Mr. Matthei who : New tlml.hl't8111.\ AIM furnished glnxlng. 201 N. Kroir.o phont 173. Omhhutlon facial ..__ 7StI'Dnl. ;
t -- died May 29 In the U. 8. Marine I Ted I ibendinK bedronm. Adult only I Ham J.Davl. (13lt\ ) RICHARD F11C1ISIlealBtrred _. __ ... .. IfeMasUrh
Mr. and Mrs.'C. ) In Baltimore had mode '
Sunong plnn Hospital time on the Florida Key Yo Ph. AB2-J-3 (ol-tf) rtrolter
1o leave! next Tuesday to male their home her for the past five vacation from his duties at All order for tit m more' plantedand John II. Hal' Salesman Trim _.- IHBhaaA ,
>jlhelr.> home In Los Angeles yean. Mn. Matthn Va accompanied Homestead light and water )( Small collage aullable for couple. guaranteed. free of charftt !H, M of 730-W ,.0. bo* ttl *** (Plain) .-, .j- IS.BUSII'St .
r by her mother, Mn. Fran. : : Furnished or unfurnished. Ph. Doll Nursery, Naranja, cast of
Mr. and Mn. Dick Hanson add eel! ot Doty of Berwick Pa., her Miss Gypsy )Howard has \ . kb3-W. (sl7tl) Wishing Well.BEAUTIFUL. .
baby daughter, Sharyne Rose returned brother Bob Doty tot Paterson! From Watertown N. Y., for I LOST
Tuesday after spending a N. J, and her brother-in-law and Mr DUPLEX living ronm-dltiotle, ORCHIDS avillnbttat .
with\ tier grandmother, *
Vacation li> Canada, Detroit and sister Mr and Mrs. John Schwett bedroom bath all-elertrlc kltrhrt all time Hommtead. Floral \ -..--.
LnRt ftulova
,Hatelhurit Mis. of Paterson. Mr. and Mr SchweU Swann. private\ nnlrhhre brautlFulHirraundinia. and cm shop,. U2.N ,w, 41h eta : tadlft yellow-gold -. Barber $bop[ z
t i
,-- wi'lfl watch in vlrli.lly of poatftfflce. !
plnn to Make their home Ph. BOO-R-4.. cor. 2114" eve. (alit'
!1ert.-. : -- t'h.
Mr Wayne LawrHwe, the a17t 11 40 Walkers OrorcrV ..
( >
EiAJjlarihurn and W. E. Rlre, !r Op. tilt Flail I
-"' = mar Mill Francei' Foster CONCRETE BLOCKS, all kbtM, (po21)MISCELLANi'uUs )
principals\ respectively ot Homfcsle ( Alvlh rl.'ld bf Afeheville, I
attend home-com'n ' New hnlf-bag cement mixer. Call I Brure'i Blatk Co., Nrtranjn) Fla. '
.d and Redland arhools. went N. C.i flew here Sunday to spend :
John B. Station University, Dug at 147. 130 N. W 5th it.' Phrtno 873. (J2l-tf) ) ,
)o Miami Beach a* observer Wednesday a week With hit brotherinlawanil I ; ; 1 12hO
whenthe Bouthem Ataotlatlon aliiler. Mr. and Met Paul Mrs.. Herman-Helnleln ( ) //ooo board feet of axe tongue' I 1I
of Colleges I and SecondarySchools Uuner. Mr. Feldman, who I II take dent of South Dade Garden "Jerry" Mower.Cell Slott)1 and-groove second hand lumber WE!: DO rellabl watch! repairing. w :
evaluated the Miami hg flight tralnlhg tinder the 01 and oth.. Woman's Club MT. ISO N. W. 5m it ( ) ready for use, $85 per thounnnd Woods Jewelry, McCrory Ar- ..a
Beach High School. bill of right) came her on a required Homestead attended the Aim txlO lilts $90 I thoupsnd. All Rd"" i I
. ado (a22U) :
crok-couhty night and conference I I hew, half-bag cement! CBily Undo County pine fre from
Mrs L. B. Summers of MlnmlI landed at the city airport In the pren Miami Woman' Ph. 147, wer-Crow.. (m2Itf( )I 1 termite!, open to Inspection L* d> __.v......".+.w....a..w 'HI ..++w.r .
I recuperating at her home after build In;. 'Iton er-Rnlcrprluc; 14 N. W. Third rt.
a Ibhg lllhei, Men. Sdmmcit. formcrly Capt and Mr Roy Keeler and SALtt I Iyearold 'hone 2 M 767 P. O. B"x 3(18 : t
made her home her when Mrs. Keclcr's daughter, Norma nm rile 'xL OIL.' re' .' : :Homes tend. Fin, I GIFFEN ROOFING COMPANY:
io .
Mr. Sommett! Will prlhclpil of Ann Holccck, arrived Friday from TIM HIT Chin of r'rr ItuMMn or will .me .
Uomestcad and Florida City San Francisco for a visit with MI thflr (**'lv* m-fltli M4tlr n..t i !- Persian lime Ind sUI1l.1 New CDS tome, knotty pine "Walls. .
school. Mra. K eler'l parehta,, Mr. and 'ufl kraae' (I. M munHw thdr r**lut.rto.iln...,lr nwHlni oil., merfield naVal brange Venetian! blind, wood-burning
Mr. Frank M. Kent Norma Ann M rem. 1' INA, a.wiffr.tlo.' Helnleln Nurseries, Phone flreplac, I bedroom, play room, Rooflnit of All Types f (
a Mr. and Mn. Fred R. Link left will remain her with her grandparent e.MCso.sa: Mh .h1 .h1.Ind. :.: : :: (o2/-n.1.1) laundry room 'A ith tubs, large lot '
M Heaters t
sad Solar
rkrk'i off all hltta Wat6f
Saturday for points In Oklahoma.Mr. and will attend Redland end In the:l bitt.t of It.;eI.k : pow. Price $9.950Wltll\ term. Phone .n,. (, ;
High School. Capt and Mra Kec- '.w Int.. el. .. .wen. Notary type r lawn mower, 709-J, Echo Jordon, 11<<',. Broker. Sheet Metal\ Work '
I 'rIhl 5 Mee eon II' all bide 01 Guaranteed
$83. In tint elallJ
and Mr*. L, B. Ferris end ler will return home the latter dloorotloo. ((021-291) \
a, L EO"UDII. condition. Phone 533-J after I Air Conditioning '
inn. Ceo. Abbott and part of the week. 55 to I :
10.t. New CBS house, U
p. m. (pnS) N. W. 171H atoft
daughter Judy Whjte. all ot ;; Homestead 'antic.. f Kroma ave, Two bedrooms, i Fan Ventilation' I I..,.
A. Richardson of .
Lauderdale, were week-end .nd-I 1 E
Fly: of RomeolMd h I..t..r.p New Craftsman electric handsaW all tile bath, tile kitchen, porch M, \ I '
,t the home of Mr. and was a patient for several day this weeds' for lk. Hli* r ,. klmllar to skll-ssw. (.In. cypress cathedral living Insulation 1jt4 41
plnmhlnr ": .
D. taker.: week at Dad County HoiplUl. : h&IIrr..cp" : : .. Iti
M Hint with <* or cut up to 2 and 7-8 Ih. $4,500, cash, $.0 per month oH j 'd IFree I
{. ---- IM .t. M. NovmUr ,1il, on.! Ph. I5T." Frl. Sal! Sun. after balance \ 1
It. B. K:WAR III, Ivy C. or Dr C. F. Robinson, Ph. i
Oct. It tl. > 5:30: p. m. (o29lf) 11I7-W. (site) EiUmatea I
I Address TiUMtt418J1 t '
I IN mi ciRrriT or rot-RT- or TUB HI.RVRICTH AbE! LOUNTY jnmrui' CIRCUIT Sewing machine cm be keen alter I For Mle -Lot 3 In Lrglon Park I 138 Aracan AT. '
idn4'jfrE t'LoaioA'y\ L MAeI'61Y, 1 j). m. at 48 N. W. 2nd ave. I Leader-EnlerprlM.. .rhone ] or I Cars Gables. n. 11451WOODY
tell Or itOllKtTfcXb, I ImmlcliHI' (poB) .
i orpbratto, tf tee hid of fUw1. !":, HO. liiiiiM i. tAl ftl1l..tJ" . 'u , ,
I M. "1 ,lUff. roRECLoWRC.! or tax BALI - ..... ..... "
TRICT, a riortd. wn."tl<,... t
TELEPnONE N* 171 Nonce;:TO ,a.p'rRU! GENERAL || ELECTRIC l a e The ludcrkg{ !! Friend ;
tot TIM "' ''''.111 I ,
SATURDAY and SUNDAY eontlnaou I till 11.
Admlulont" Muller Nlfht. 4c; NaUsea (till I .. m.), lie. .. LOWER.NAMCAD ..4 If ...... .. '- RUIDEHCTC SERVICE PREttY otD. IDNEDl' ;
Chlldreni under tea, t*; ten to twelve. lt. (Tn included) Mr *Kkow* MII II' Vi..-. .
lltl.lAN L. KKICKKN Ne T. t Radio arid Appliance Repairs
Last Time TDdayt: THE SM GGLE1tS" rRKSTON KRICKKN.. LEIC hMlxM LOVF.LAND**4 wif.t.*l t.,f I.l" Vnlnow Ind| Bmlli.* ft I.I, llrtOhto : LICENSE: !) and .INSURED tO11t' TO GET ALONG IN I ,
LOVEI.AND hl. Merlon
SATURDAY. Ode 3 -Double Feature Program R..A C.rrw'li i>4 MR*. .. C. LKWil.I,. : CONTRACTOR i0 o"c .eUIlDING OA FACTOR'" I
', GENE AUTRY and CHAMPION (Wonder hors of the west) In I 1 .Fl. wife.t wlHM saw MM l Y v.......' WITH ARD( FLOORS". : 'I
"TRAIL TO SAN ANTONE" aka. MEHCT. kb.. wif.i a.] aALantmr bsS. v....... 'I> ; WRIGHT ELECTRIC ." WHIN RtaiLltNT FLOORING
t (Musical Action Western) I If.nd - aALWIURT, Mr i WILL MAKE YOUR SURROUND i
h-:( ;
: ,
STIRLING In uln4. narhto. OTMnUon t Ntfroftle AVfr it Flrit BU Phone 288-W
:r viNCREAst PIRSONNU micitH
f (A fear crated ctim and unknown killer) TRRWrdN UI tOVCLANDlTEW I Sl4. aiwUi. rtotU.Hlrt" SltMlMirio / \.
; ahl MONDAY Oft S1-NV. 1 I N*.. W.OKUUS 4Stk Novel .,"
; ....., Fbww.N ...
BIND CROSBY. JOAN FONTAINE In dirwta.a, Irn.w OIl tW MMhdiad P. I
w & F.
..... Garage
f "TilE EMPEROR WALTZ" I II a.l. C..p.r I a wlrlsY..ep.r.U.l CALL US TOOfly FOR AN 6T1MRTE rh
I t (In Technicolor) :I .M I.M.l S aid MI.1.sad. and.....,-=.:4 i.Ihwis.50.,':,Jw1 Ise, .'1 w..d par11.M tot Mh"ma.N.aa. ,ri.!;{Mi lhaa. Rtp4ltft'lt Acetylene Welding Painting MANY OlFytRtNT: COLORS AND ;... L)
', (Blu} hit the high note Joan hits the love note You'll hit a i IN his Me-Nn". k.Mw. MMw4'lw"l.se. ,,Msw a MM ........ .k .
happy note In Ui'i king else mu lcal wonder) II p. N dw4 ed ate aid Nlr... shams Mead.e. ta uto Ilod/ .and Fehdor Work PrlttatRNSFRdMWriltH YoCHOOSU.MOOKER ., :.'
1' Path( :::.. :...r.:= lyw aa .MM wl.n. m.pw.le fcr ."IriyM 1M"w1M lk
Added: "Safari g< Gort." Carto; News.TUESDAY > DM 7 ku* kmlMfHr d.wlbL .r HMw ... tknwk J a.e.. Pad..
c. bm.dll'l'nS WALTER' rmAntn
SM.. Iw a dial, New Yoh w .Mba. w rMdaM a.>U .e. a 4Melnirtortto :
awl WEDNESDAY: Nov. f-IJUbY ...a -... ,....- Trl. I t1 M
a 145Nam wi.A u41al ..W. tat Bt, ".Blaek ] M QJrk Fraea ritntt* LUMKR CO.II. t'
ANN MILLER In des 1.w H.''aid Ni..1.a (ilI..5. RM. Tds. 11111 1.i f
555.talaleee d RIM. ThI.M (ill) .r w..aa b !
PAttADE" ':I.W.I: = Paws. Il
), Loa ,,.. m. |_. am., r.., ._ Ill s ,.;. 1IIt_ III. tI Ike. tIftMot (II r i I'
(In Technicolor) UM fw. Ie+ aid TkM Vir.f Rk' ,( Mitani il 'it"Anmmnt
(Th hit ot the teaaon the grandest tow ktory'ever told) .lid- d ssin.Nnw.t.4flwrN.tlMlMnckiraMll: .wend.HOULEVARD w 'h. Pisa awns(, ,t m..d.4 MMMilMI .Y Rhodes' GarageN. :
t lie B.a tlfal," Travel Talk. Pasewk:.I":. Pee. M of lid P.LII. ewwda ar, 11.0. O..we, rh.wa. f
Adde"tawaes You AND R\,t'M Oe Ypt' ... ........ wd AM di.. ud M na.pee edwf4aaa , ,(
It. TiICRSDAY aad FRIDAY Nav. 1-8 l. 1M pIol.II'BJ'IIJ"I.ltIt' ; M IW 1<10.* tf -U>bw.eee A. D. Ike, .a r+. Ilk. 11'. ant Ii AVE.O '"
N .d "fwD.d.
IM "
riAY MILLANU ANN TODD CERALbINE FITZGERALD, In .ab..M a i 1r n> M M(..M wHI \k* LlOT a.d..a ... ll'b 55th., IMIthisadw ( .MIU. Cbajntet M CAmaaerca '814.1AutO. ) .
IbM .' .....wM..eVTM Ir1w .. Mar. '
: "SO: EVIL MY LOVE" uwe .:AJD(.uiid OHUEKUi w.rwMGwe M Maur':,'4.0.Flow.cwt. ft...... Ibis. ( Vt .; OttAm. TRUCK TRACTOR H PAIW. 6Oaaraaieel .
i (auspehaetui U the burning fut e& a bomb. A high "rankmt L 4iw" .
( UAT> .AMSSr.lVmoi' - -
R. B. U
't 'ttirillex f'ctun ajtd (tanaion) I "" r.ert. WfrII..1at.. .
... tClmH CMrt *. ) .- r
Added: (., . p..u' ideal.C.ialu .
....... CiM Phone $115: (Night HUl l I B. DlVis Paints
I In s ILp.1 ) (
. Iaaday aBMII )lfo"..', No" E-$ 11r.: Pla.nwitII.: I A_ a. r..1Ift. .
GARLAND. GENE LELLTP I oIWtocI tro left too SMALL - NO JOB tOO int1
JUDY ki.lda. : a ? . . -- ..-< < . . .- ... ._ " "-
neat L.UH.ll.lto, *. .. tbI.r
> ,
... ,
.. b i a JhtiN', o
.. wri i
... ... ,. j .W
/'; '-- y ....... 4:
P t: k. THE LBAAER-: > iJTBAPAIBE Friday, October 29, 19(?
I EdM Mwrl WM elected presi-
; ... .H Social Events in South Dade . . dot ot the Intermediate B.T.U. 01n..t A .talk on thellt by Mn. Howard Mr, Rudolph Fiche, Mrs Anna> ,
; BpUit Church at a recent Peal war the feature of the Mis H C Conord! and Mr Win,
-i Hng. Oeorg sprinkle WM Homecteed Art Club'J meeting I Law; hospitality and membei
mad vtce-prealdant and Dell Loll Monday afternoon at th* home ship, Mr lungauui, Mr W t
HALLOWEEM DANCE ISSATU1DAT MR AND MRS. PRESCOTT WOOD HONORED> secretanr. Nadine Pierce: was of the pretWant, Mr Ralph. H.I Cork Mrt. Wardlaw Mn. Frank
; BREARLEY WILL BECOME\ BRIDE named .le I leader; Miry Helms
I ,EGGY lour EVENTA I Don Mrs Peat llluttraM ,Hcnderton and Mn R Brows
WILLIE MATIIIS IN RITES SATURDAY AT DINNER PARTY HY SCHOOL FACULTYMr. 8priok, missionary leader; Bobby talk with tpeclmnt from her I 1 program Mn. Webb Miss nil,..
OF .
I I fancy dress Halloween dance Bchowaltr, aerial chairman;, Tropical Shell Shop/ and exhibited FlttOibboM, II... F t IxHUch
:.red Mm Prscott Wood was made up of Miss Bertha NelllHaiuman and Joyce Scnowalter and LoulaeWhttt ,
will be held Saturday night \in alto novelties mad from eh.IU.. Miss. listen Pope and Mr. Archer
: MM With (Pew) Breartey, I th* twepUon. th* bridal: who wen married this summit Mrs H. O. Thurman. group capUIn Mrs a W. and pttbUclly Mrs Frank HaUl-
dsughtet .of Mr.. tad Mrs Clarinet :will .leave oo an extendedhoneymoon the Chamber *f Commerce buildIng wr honor guest (t a dinner Mrs E. Z. Thompson and Mr. K. Stevenson I II adult leader.A Two other exhibits E. Chandler were bad en- nuB, Mn. W. K Walton and Mr.
tour of point In by the V. F. A, Auxiliary party held Oct W by the facultyof R. Wenkttern. program was presented byJoyce Joyed. Mrs Maud Alva U. Crou**.
X Brtarley of Homeeutad.yitt Georgia, Baltimore, Trenton, N. Dancing will begin at MO: to musk th Homestead schools In the Present wen Mr. and Mrs Schowalter Louis' Whitt on display a number of oil ,paintings and In behalf of .th<* club: Mn
It, & become the bride of t,. New York City, and Niagara \ by Freddy Daw'g orchestra Future Farmer clubhouse, Mr. Wmkttern.! Mr. and Mr*. H. Evan- and DU LottBAPTIST her kummer'i work showed Archer presented Mr Webb, retiring .
their return they will from Coral Gable and Mrs Wood were presented Mr Ralph Klngman
IBIS MaiMs of Otomestead on Fall Upon oft Mr. and Mrs M. H. Callatin. could be president, with a Palalejr
I lanirday afternoon\ the pari be at horn 'IK fM'Brearley apartment Guests are asked to. com 'In will a set of ei Jna.a set of glass- Mr and Mn. Ivan Moser, Mr. andMrt. GROUP MEETS amusing novelties. that amock.
i ooag* Of FIAt Methodist. Church *. costume and prizes will b* war and a tray. Thurman Mr. and Mn. J.O. AT ROWE RESIDENCE made fortale.Mn. Chooolaut cake and eoffe were
i.t Homestead. The _vows .\\1.1.beI A: native of Mliml.I the bride awarded for the best costume. The committee on arrangement.ie Wynn. Mr. and Mrs W. R. Frank Webb told the history served\ by the hostesses,Mrs Don
------- Mrs 3. K. teacher
by the II*" 1. E. Jenkins, mad 'her home Miami for tenyears Bird Mr. and Mrs Wen Cody Whltt conducted of Dutch art, and Mrs Bell and Met Archer.
E4 TM bride will wri a :: Ing to Home- REBEK H LODGE TO HONOR PRESIDENT Mr. ,and Mrs. E. H. Gattaher Mr. the wonhlp service at the Archer: directed study of the picture Present betide those"; on Ik*
i ; recent meeting of- the Gleaner.. of the "Th Laughing
lead with her parent' two yean day
i WH *lth black 1 I I I and Mr. J. H. Rutland, Mr. and program were Mr R' t Heia4terman
) FLORIDA Baptist class, at the horn of Mrs Cavalier" Rent Hal
Jackson NIGHT
t a to'an of rod roses. ego VM attended Miami OF ASSEMBLY Mrs Paul Worley, Mr. and IMrs. by Mrs Cecil McClwkey
W. H. RowsA
A reception |n honor'ot the" !IftghBrd4n4Miaml! Technical C. r. Robertson Mr. and Mrs salad A* no second vlce-prcldent had. Mn. T. E. SUdig, Mn. Emma
t bridal couple will lit held .at T Nigh SchodtMs. I Lberty Rebekah lodge will Everett Douberley'and Mr*. Ceo.Gann. Wood Mrs C. a Taker Mr D. congealed courts: hostesses and been elected at tile aittf) meetIng Heyle, Mrs Ruby Robertson Mn.
.'clock Saturday evening In the Mathl U a ton of.Mr. end honor Mn Fannie $pink. preat-. O. Wolfenbarger Mrs Ruth Scott, coffee were served by the In April, Mrt bit .Wardlaw Curls Petersen, Mrs Hautman.
Mrs. W.
near Breerlcy building on N. Mrs Barlow It Mtthlt of Jeffer- dent of Florid Rebeksh Assembly, I A group from' the local lodge Mrs\ Green Rives Mill Retells Ivey MrsPct. was chosen for that office. Mrs bite. Rena Smith, Mn. Lottlch
and Mr .
Irons av*. Th reception In the eon, G*. During World War II, be 1 1I Monday evening at a banquet In( I participated In the Installation Burnham. Miss Mary Jackson Mrs Morgan Lott Invited Row Don announced: the board' appointment Mrs. McElroy, Mrs Wardlaw, Mix
Virginia the
II form of M epen-houa alto! will, served four yean In the European Bamboo Tavern and it a meeting ceremonies! for the new "Allapattih\ Mill Eula Ray, Miss Harriet Up- to at'her horn of Mrs J. T. B. Mc- Pope and Mill Anna' LoulM
tttrt the twenty-third ;.weddingInnlvemry I thaw, and It now eaeoclitad' with In the lodge halt. lodge which wan Instituted Saturday 1\aIm. Mist Ann Bellow, Miss group -meet on Elroy: to fill a vacancy caused: by Thorn pton.
Nov. II.Prftent
t of the rides"> par-I the brld, father' In the plumbingbuaineee After lisle week' l.rige meeting night Taking part were Mrs Hauaman Miss Marjorie White. the resignation of Mr C. L Modern art will b* the them*
fit*; ; ,. I Mrs Selma Reltx. James & McCready, Mrs Ann side, F. L. Mcllwain Jesse Pearl, besides thooe mentioned Chlpley, eecretary. of the Nov. It meeting it the Webtf ,
r- I aulav4n and E. B. Black were Mn. A. E. Smith She announced also commltmlttee home It will be held In the
Fowler and Mr O, tl. Blanch Chapman Mrt. Eels and Eddie Adam -I
JILACKBURN) ; AND RICE GUEST: 'SPEAKERS entertained at Mr.' Relta'i home Mrs: >roes: c.pUhier; {: Ijurn, Mrs Marlow Stallln'gs, Mn. Al-. for the year: exhibit, Mrs. nlng M that men memben end
bert Buuc .
) Mrs Ceo Shiver
I' In honor of;thot members who W. K; Caws Mrs. L. L. Hood I huflbnnrtt of members may Ittend]
p had ;
t ,, brlhday/nrtlversariei, ? J. Wollam, Mrs H.V. Jones Mrs. '
A. D. Jr.,
Fogle. Mrs K.
j P t t> B. Blackburn and If. E Rio:,'lion 'J It! trying io dp ,for the Fhlld'were . i ,, 1ONp! Bishop it, Mrs J. C Davls'Mrs I
oral I 'principals 1pOIM'! to* men-] outlined by )Mr. Rr| the On Qct II.acheclot, lattrue-, Virgil Sprinkle, Mrs; J: H. Robert YOUNG BAPTIST WOMEN'S AUXIUARrlittle
W.tel..1k ,Wman', Oub ,bf title\ of WhOM tlk' wit :The Won held at th* Coconut Grove The bond Isms" '' and the amendments meeting' to be held Sunday, Nov. *,, Jr* Mn. R. B. Rive, Mn. -
I ttomeitead Tuesday night on edujaUen -, Principal Wonder . ,1' Mr. Rice Lodge was attended\ by Mn Jack ,to, tit 'aubll'llt led to voters T, In Lake Worth. But reservation .... L. .Lenler. Mrt. T. H.' Seats, Mrs. Wayne Lawrence and kindnesses.
and tervioe, ,;, cited cat studies of'behivloi, Zimmerman, Mrs W C. Morton, M the general election Tueidaywarr I may be mad with Mn. Kent who Mrs R. B. Simpson, Mrs Dexter elected president; ot the Y. W.wI'1 Refreshment wen served byMn.
< Mr.( JHackbum, gay I.oompr problems! peed. hi' his. matter'. Mn. O. W Revell. Mr. : John Lee, 'u lllllt4'b' Mrt. Herman hat been liked to report early Horn, Mn. Edw. Barnes, Mrs AE. of' Tint Baptist Church at a meeting Redd.
iewfviitport, on.th rating and thesis_ __ '_ Mrt.; _Ludolph__ .. Anderson_. ; .'Mn. Heinldri for memben .f the I next week on the number of local' Campbell ,Mrs. H. .... Aman Monday night at the Butler) Present were! 'Mrs. ,JLa.wreno,
Yqbleveaient! of, Mome.itdArhoolt. nn - '- - Homestead Buctneu and Professinal -' member wishing transportation and Miss Retells Bonham. House where Mr*. Othclia Jtodd I I Mrs. Madison, MIp Smith
Itt aid U1.1)'Soulb h AD ASTRA \TOL.IIO( OR GRAND MATRON women Club at a meetingMonday leader, was hostess Mini Wanda I Morgan Miss Turner: ,.Miss Thrr
erhool l If accredited by the 1 'night lit I!, Parkway Rettsurant I Smith was made vice-president I t;I I ell Read, Mils Ruth Byruni ,
1 >ra:"jM
Eenboli'and Collegtt.wid rttelIvcfag es I The club voted to ensign two WITH SHOWER AT HOME OF MRS\ LOTTO Mrs Don Madison, treasurer. Mitt TURKEY SUPPER DATE SET
In, the kenlor placement Mn. Ellubrth Penn' worthy served In Bamboo Tavern before member to! each local ,precinct on Betty Turner was named community' Ndv. 17 I I. the date-set for the
VrW He' cited Improvement grand matron of the Florid grand the meeting which will be heldIn election day .nel.to furnish tram Mn. Edward Hilson wa hon After: the gift. were. opened by '' mlulont chairman.Mn. annual public
*>ad' under the I un educttlontlia chapter of the Order of the Eat- the chapter hall. Arrangement pnrtadon to Voters'who have no ored recently at a shower! given Mrs Hilson refreshments were Redd directed it the Florida turkey dupperserved .
ia .' )JI' extUlned 09W the money tern Slur will pay an. officialvfelt are being mad by Mn.'ThomeeCollins 'way to get to the poll*. at the home of Mn. Cora L. Loll. served by Mrs. Lott with the "What the.Y. W, A.a programon Me n.." munity Church by member City Com'of
ftallted 'tllOm the .annual Hhpoltarntval | to Ad Attri Cb ptron FrU Mil Esther Livingston -, Member" of' the club are advised Game were directed by Mrs RoyE. assistance" of Mrs Wlttenwyler and Plant were made for the group to the W, W. F C class Mn. Ernest
1 It sxpended'and told of day\ evening,.Nov.I-: S.' ; and Mini GoaldlOrennell, with )'. Nr': Kent that the Miami Wlltenwyler. Mrs Jos. W. Irwin. ",dopt.. a hut-ln each month for Nelll and Mrs. L B..DelU are to*
the work !If the PTA; Art' Attra officer will :honor whence memben may make retervatloni club art chartering a but for Present, besides those mentioned remembrance with cardi of cheer chairmen ot arrangement' .
p dome of th* thlfigt that eduta- Mrt Penn It a banquet to be' transportation to led .district BAPTIST WOMEN ATTEND ,,wen Mrs. W. W Bethel, .
ANNUAL W.M.S. MEETING I Mn. C, .... Bryant Mrs. R. A
I EASTERN STAR DIGNITARIES}' HONORED I! HOMESTEAD; CLUBWOME.N\ ATTEND MEETING I II l Mr J. H. Whitt conducted the 1 Jr.Bryant, Mr, Mrs Ma Taylor Walter Mr McVick John,
..t : BY NARAMA CHAPTER ON OCTOBER 211 I OF DADE COUNTY. FEDERATION IN MIAMI j jI :I,worship annual meeting program of at the the Woman1 fortieth I S.Kuhn B Easton Mrs. Howard Mn Dewey Cross Snowden Mrs. -
Mlwlonary.Union of Miami Bap-
: 'Nannja" chapter ot tti* O. Eo'.. tenOitlv: of Wisconsin.The Mrs A. F. Arthur, ascend vlce- the'reception* given by the Miami list Auoclatlon In Miami River. Mrs LeRoy' Sprsnkle Mitt
tn >Ott. II honored Mr Fern honor guests wore wcl-.1 pretldent of the Dade County Woman' Club, the Coral I tide Church Monday. Others attending Allen Odom, Miss Jan Bryant,
>Kokler of 'Miami. grand InitrucSr corned by Mrs E. E. Vihlen worthymatron Federation of Women' Clubs attended Gable Woman'* Club the Coco from her were Mrs V. Mlts Janice Waggoner Miss Nee-
cle Lee and Carolyn Bethea. Gifts
I of the hostess chapter und\ the federation meeting held Plum Woman'i Club and the MI- a Kerley Mrs J. H. Drawdy, 1
+ el Dlitrkt\ 19. Mn f red PrthAiet.of were tent by Mrt. Elmer Crawford
were prenrnted with ,1ft.Elt'h Wednesday In the clubhouse of the ami Beach Woman'* ClubMrs Mn. J. E. Drawdy, Mn. J. Tom
Miami,i grand repreaenUi made an Iniplrttlonal talk. t 1 Coco Plum ,",om.I1'. Club In South Arthur attended the fed.1 I Vann, Mn. Pet Morgan Mr. Mrs J. H. Sasser Mrs Alton
tI"i of Miwourl and Mra. W.lterfltnon Pumpkin pie and coffee were I Miami. At the meeting, the Wom eratlon executive board meeting Chas O. Martin Mn. W. C. Campbell "- Saster and Mrs Dan Mullins.r.r.rrrtgrr
of Oouldt, grand repr- served .i iIa an' Club of Homestead was represented Friday In the Florida Power and I I Mr O. J. Wollam Mr*. B.
by Mn, Herman Heln- Light Company'* Sunshine room, H. Stevenson and Mrs T T. . .
leln, president, Mn. W. R. Lcuni- In Miami Bo'wen.II.HS. .
Your Upholstery and Rugs I bury, Mrs C J. Dyal, Mrs Herbert HARRY MARKOWITZ
Katz, Mrs E. A. Buchanan I
and Mn. Bruce E. Neubl,. .. SENIOR CLAS3HAS: HALLOWEEN Plumbing Do not feel that you must t be skit before e
Mad Arthur was .a guett *f PARTY :AT HOMEjQF CLARA STEVENSON
DuracleanedDURACLEANING hun r and received with tic preil- Bath Tub ana Toilet you consult I physician. Preventive medicine
dents at the recent reception Th*' Mtilor clatt of nomettead black cat and streamers of orange Knchea slake. and Wash. it the medical watchword of fcxhy
given for the pretldent and new High School held. I Halloweeoeoatumt and black crepe paper. aaJu'
members of the North Miami party Tuesday evening M Game, Halloween stunts and a Water heaters and. Pumps The phyiicUa ii more concerned In keep"*
Miami dancing: were enjoyed Sandwiches e Water Pipe, Copper. .erGalvanlaed
revive colon .- Junior Womin't Club the i
Junior Woman'i Club and tilt the horn of Mini Clara SUventon.DecoraUoni ( potato chips, cookies and log you in good health: than in finding you .
enlivens pile cleans SAFELY Junior Housekeepers Club of Coconut were In the Halloween cold drink were served by th' e Soil rip! and Draloag Pip elimination it the best form ol
1. ill.:.A
Grove, She attended alto 'motif with figure of witches andIIALLOEEN'PARTY ) room! mother, Mn Geo. a.nn.M. periodic physical !
Use : .... O. C Craddock, Mrs. Carl think
again name day. COLORED health insurance you can buy. If your phytidan
Suber and
S. Anderson, Mrs Fred
)\ FOR BAPTIST GROUPHELD'MONDAY I Mrs B. H. Stevenson PLUMBING FIXTIJKE8 you need medicine, he will preterit it YM CIA Joo .
t : AT. HOME OF MRS. BYARS Approximately fifty were present
KCntDlgaclean: : Service When In Miami Beach visit our better than to bring )your prescription to M lot
; ., Showroom at 1220 Waihlngton
A Halloweenpprty for members' ''After! the party, Mr.*. Dyers the MRS. PARMAN TO DIRECT Avenue 111-4511. prompt professional seryicc.
i Bemealetd .... Baptltt Church wu held Monday session' Mrs C. J. Parisian will direct: On C. S. hway N*. 1 AIR CONDITIONED
evening at the hem of Mrs Herr .. Present wee Mrs.. -Shirley Kelly, the program for the Woman's ( Near LeJeune Road)
man L. Byan. Wltchei and ghost, Mrs. O. D.' .Coats Mrs Jay Newton Auxiliary of St. John'i Episcopal ITI Sooth Dixie Illfhway Glades Prescription Shop
herd ; Mrs WlUsrd Lewis Mn.Wayne'Ad'ama .
received III.II and ,u Church pt a meeting scheduledfor Miami IS. ria.FhoDFt .
them)Into a noua* of horror Mrs Dan Myen, ISO Friday, Nov. 8. at the .
\ Th decorationand the refrethment Writ \ / .D3 Sweeting, Mrs. Ted, home of Mrs E. A. Carter. Met : 4I 5 -4S65C1-. 4I6UI HOWARD JOHNSON, Ph.. 0.
See Tnla Designed
Mpdcrnly were la'' the Hallowteen Parnell, Mrs Mllltrd Caddts; firs Frank Hautman will have charge 12 North Krome Ave. Phone 64
motif. Savings' of fee cream: Frank': : t*. .Irwln" :lr.. Mrs Peter I of the worship tervlc .efli.rrmuaui CLOSED SUNDAYS. BUT IN EMERGENCY PHONE I1T
wr topped with witch*' bats) Mill! Mrs/David Fredrick Mrs. _____
MAPLE ENSEMBLE mad of Inverted cones Cookies Lewis Callahan! ; Mn. 'HarveyNewton Mrs cna h*. Mcvarmey, ."WHJCI-L
and "wltchei brew" punch punch and. Mn. Win, T. Me- ate matron of Ad Attra Chapterof I
alto were leaved Connell, leader. ; the OE.S., went to Hollywood
Tuesday. evening to witness the
i Initiation of her cousins, Mr. and .
II CONTROL OF HOUSEHOLD' PESTS; THEME> I Mrs Oeo. Mlkell. Into the Brow. q.
OF REDLAND HOME pEMONSTRATION CLUB and accompanied chapter: Mrs by Mr.McCartney McCartneyand was Save on GroceriesNEW .
) The monthly business meeting and on Nor. IT to I make .t"mI-1 their IOn Chuck who visited
of the Redland Horn Demonstration num tray It wan ' .. l with relatives.
Club will be held on the sir Mrs. E. A. Carter' membership
1 Local P.TA. leader who attended ,
ond Friday of each month Instead chairman and Mrs R. B. Amidon the county: council: meeting with
of on the fourth Friday, members handicraft chairman will have In South,Mlamt Wednesday were
decided at the, meeting 'Friday. isled charge: of the Nov. U meeting.. I Mr Herman Helnleln and Mrs
I' Lions\ ,pan. 'Thirty" member were present I U & Baits ,
Mrs. Ralph W. Klngman. horn '
Improvement chairman, directed LOW PRICES
: S i ,. I program .oo. the control ''of I .
I ...1
.. ; '. tQ i household'pals. Mr*.. R, A. Quick Freeze Menu\ .
. Holmes chairman of 4-H work, .
told of her activities with the club
: ; girls Mrs a Q. Bate reported Suggestions PERSONAL SERVICE
\ on the meeting of tile Dd County.
Council held Sept || In Miami *
I COCXTAttS: Pum..le, .*.*,.. snags juke shed MI6aMlmp.
1 "V. : Members decided to'tIIM' Nor. r
.I .SWrd, Maple frnett, ch.,,,r'Uh table 4 to work on Christina gift I3a .
;:' 1.'and'-4matching; 1 (hlir Hardwood II'ND NU.'IOMPIONMALE plait Oewi .- eedfbk. jerawflah, ....*... fchruaa.MEATi : :J. _.. '*FREE X .DELIVERY_. I
I 'f frame. Cleverly' concealed panels for Hat ANMVEUART atoDed ekaek ...*., baseless mad rot *llea' stew; '
lija*. .(". thfck-. T-bM. Mick tarts *...11. perk
( additional .table'' sizing.. Right for' fir and Mn V. A. Thompson shays barWe e4 *m. *-,..... hesM-saade MMM
marked their thlrty-flnt\ annlvenary raised fryers
V nasmuig bread reseed Vert Bally .
breakfast nook or: dining' room.. Stop Sunday with'a familydinner at jA
at the home of their ton
TEOETABLCd Fried amass ***-. Mach bUtk-eye pees j
'In-dui t Low-priced at only $89150.: and daughter-in-law Mn 'and green peas Mteectaak. a**.rag.> caw .....
Mrs VT. A. Thompson, Jr, ol Mlm .- .
. t | Short WSSUTt os. BlnwWrry" thertMtke. ebbed peaches. *. *.....
,Buffet and china closet'.also available ..'..... 'M MOT.: [whom isee. ..* ales l*.aabrry pM.Ud. wens i cad ereaj WOLLAM 6 KENDRICK:
.. IIA.. '..d f Ira.s d .w Iasie
..._ .. ..... .. .. W .
to raw- W* .rive alt Ik* abev .time frtwa wkJU freak rod *
c'N': : A ,believe pea eec Uv cheapw. aad,,bailer wink fresh frees feed. An M.R.G.\ Store
c: .. : ..:r.- yd
,... ... us J'I: I
taU wed ,2 rwa.; : Want a quick "snack?" Try Flamingo Are.
: N. Krome
1. -
Phone 68
: wM e.
Mr a "= (Mk IM > '
.1 ....-w......... !....- Chip.Steaks. .
Sipi tfives .r w..o.M14s" tea :-.d W ,
lair .1 Pros'. Is : a.a weM ..
.. ; ..me chew d Mr esoanu vMNN M you should try our Mango Chutney t '
swoles. ."' .......,..=.t: eat .. ,' . Tune .fo on NRC;;'. !Party Ulue"( -WGBS; (T1V on yak dU)) t to /:.M A. M-: MooxUy!' .
....aer u., ......5 rw..i.d. wcup through Friday. task prizes end free grpcerie .
Furniture CompanyN imllr MMMtal ttk MMj r :
_,a ..: I. co Lies fort muliUnIt S Dade Qtikk Freeze'Plait I J '
I. w.dws. w .w .. t._ hM1
248,1 con .. MMOTl %. _-
Krorae;Av v "Phase _> M IW mtt ***_.f4 ...bi>. fk'erlb .
-... \\0 'aV Fleas IM
. w;H>d>L aa4 M-A.e, Y
"' .C2fiiP: i*.p.- j -eee'. "'
AIUMI JULIA W:'4Tt, CM*.CM ....... .. . let fnk
j' ; ; : : 'a: M r
.. '. "' . . ..
.....-1" \ ..........< - -- --'---'-- -- -- '