The Homestead leader

Material Information

The Homestead leader
Uniform Title:
Homestead leader
Alternate Title:
Place of Publication:
Homestead, Fla.
Homestead Fla
South Dade Pub. Co.
Publication Date:
Daily (except Sunday)[<1926>-]
Weekly[ FORMER 1923-<1925>]


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Homestead (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Miami-Dade County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Dade -- Homestead
25.471189 x -80.468122 ( Place of Publication )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 14, 1923)-
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Ceased in 1931.
General Note:
B.E. Archer, editor.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright The Homestead leader. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
Resource Identifier:
34296444 ( OCLC )
002075048 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
sn 96027189 ( LCCN )
sn 96027189 ( LCCN )

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The Redland District's Reliable l NEWSpaper Since 1912 1

I ,
37th Year No. 42 --
-- -- ---- _.
- -
----- -- . -" -- W -- Price 6 t. i


New C. of C. Board Ask J Queen of V.F.\V. Costume Carnival I

to I To Reign at Armstice CelebrationA SUPERIOR CATTLE FEED MADE

costume carnival and street" a apeed boat regatta to be held FROM CULL AND SURPLUS CROPS I ,
dance will be held by Arrant- here in January

300 Unsigned Criticisms Smith Post VTW. her Satur4y The regatta w Ill be put Vm by
c avnarf. Oct 1}. to defray South Florida Outboard Racing

Expanse of the annual poetsponsored ,Adaptation which aUged (he -Al FROM THEIR VMS TOO
free barbecue on Ar- post-iponsnred\ a peed race her ;
(r: t'Thar94.4bored'' of director anlsUc Day, Pr ses will be given. 1 In September of 1947 on the
Perrine Votes Charter '
-. Of isle Redland DlltrlcCh.mber R! F. C. OPENS 'L L CHANDLER for the beet costumes" and by voteof'aoonymous North Canal at Homestead Bay- I
City Wednesday spotters, a queen front Park. Four trophies will be
of Commerce, elected at the mem- will be chosen. to reign! over the offered by the port.\ THE WEATHER A new year-round (Indtutry ;far '

berth Ip annual meeting Wed.: Citlsent of Perrlne will vote on 'ON STATE FLOOD oantjval and the Armistice Day The Jeepster, which will be I CIffIoIoI,. q.m w w. ews r Ifomeetrad I* being tetabllahad fcy ;
l ,
a charter for the new city In a '- .r m..A ws4, PhoooIoIo.n. .
mildly night, doe pot :object to' LOANS TO AREA oaebrttion.: given away by the post at the ir P Rutherford .U a >Unt for
special election to be held Wednesday ... ... :
It'll j Persons with grievance against annual Armistice/ i .1| Ml'*, | HMV |aliOct .
ertUcUm- asking for brick. CONTROL BOARD Day barbecue the production of dehydrated cattle '
b.Ia" The polls willIe open the city officials will be invited to hill l be displayed at the various T M II 19.04 IS '
from 7 a. m to 7 the /. _.. feed .from cull and 'iurplus!
Immediately after IU organlta- p. m. U\ city.' sock Vm for a price" In ball- communities of the district, members Oct. 89 68 IUD .&S
lion the new board voted to airs OF HURRICANE haltThe I: Luther L Chandler\ Qould throw proes where rag doll willrepreseht l decided at Monday a meetIng Oct 9.$7 70 :994 local crop which now 0' to

cular-lie) member and former proposed charter provide I grower, ha been asked to serve the mayor, councilman The Jecpster will not be run, Oct 10. . 88 70 29(0 wade. Mr. Rutherford, owner ot .
member to the number of 100 for a commission-manager form on the cltiten flood control committee and police fort, *ay. Willard but will be towed to various ex Oct II._ 89 69 29.92 02 Rutherford Lumber Co on W.
I of government and for a five-man Barn**, general hibition Oct I2_, _.. II 68 lUll 03
chairman of .
# with a questionnaire elk Int. In I to study water control arrangement point" Mowr rd. .la setting ua the blunt>>
planning and co-ordinating board. *. South Krome Oct. IS.__. 90 69 29,.98Sotoptimists
effect "Wh'I' with this The h eve
SI committeemen liav bean
wrong i
The) area visited by the two I I I
|on the Seaboard Airline Railroad
from Mowry it to a W
chamber of commerce, and what, recent hurricane asked b/ OOVtlmor.ZltcFuII.r First eve.
II I eligible for
,. la your opinion, should be done emergency long-term lowInterestloans R. KERR PIONEER Warren and. Governor MlUard will be roped off at 4 o'rlock to KENDRICK RITESSCTFORSUNDAY I>arn. Just list of the lumber mm, flJ'l f i

to correct It and otherwlae Improve from the Reconstruction Caldwell to meet Nov IT In Orlando ccwnmodsl I midway complete Patch for Hospital The new venture wilt ckrry on ;
the organization" Finance Corporation the LeaderEntcrprlt I to select \(' chairman and With food concession and fun the conservation practiced at 'hi*

.Replies win be In the nature ofMt : was advised Oct. I In OFPERRINE.DIES I organise. booth Among the attraction will ; Aa evening of mending for mill which tie has quipped to .f
M, >. : ballot u no place for a a telegram from Congv *man Th. committee will be expected ha bingo, fortune telling. a sideshow James Archer Smith Hospital wasto process the imall tree formerly j j
fliuatur! will be provided" on the Ceo Srnather t **&a (10 recommend way and mean to I penny-throw booths and J. P. 18 YEARSSidney program of the Soroptlmlst burned when land WM cleared
nii*. The telegram follows: IN ROANOKE. YA. secure the itsUs. share of the sandwich, cake, pie, hot dog and Club of,iSouth Bade County when for groves. "i ]

H. P Rutherford head the "At my request, Chairman Harley federally authorized $208000000 hamburger stands ,jmanprd by It met at the apartment of Miss Mr.. Rutherford lay

RedUnd District Chamber of His* called special meetingof Robert Roe Kerr 72 well flood control program. member of the post auxiliary,, Lewis Kendrick. T4, fus Bertha. Nlll Hausmaa Tuesday\ primarily Interested. .Its the dthyjdratlon ,
i I Commerce for 194S-49. Richard board"of director of Reconstruction knov;n Perrlne grower, died Ort Member of the local committee, The\ carnival will be opened lies (if the peace for the Fourth evening, Some member darned, of cull and surplus rtpotatoe

Fuchi li flnt'vlce-pruldent; Herman Finance Corporation I In" Roannk/ Va., and was buried known a* the South Dade Flood officially at B clock and dancing District for the part IS year. Mm patched and three kept portable *. Para erase, kudxu. string 'j'
Helnleln' second this afternoon at which '1 presented Saturday afternoon In Woodlawn Control Advisory Committee, have .hill begin at 9 o'cl<1rk. Pretty died at 5 oclcxk yesterday morning sewing machine humming ; tacit Vine, green com and 'frlshpotator ' -;
dent, and Tho, E. Kirby tre..- evidence a* to need of Park Cemetery In Miami The been asked by Commissioner girl will sell Hawaiian Ids on the, In James Archer Smith Hotpltal Another sewing session i III *.
t war communities and individuals for Rev, Brute A. Cummings, pastorof Preston B Bird to meet soon to downtown ctreets all day Saturday where he had undergone an planned for nent Tuesday even- H* urge local farmer to plant -,
The nine director elected Wed- assistance because ot hurricane Riviera PretbytcrUn Church help determine the county role and residents are asked to operation, Funeral service win big when Mr. Zola MiKwen and sweet potatoes after their; tail '' ...

t aeeday night are: Rutherford, and flood.d.m'il. Board then declared of South Miami, officiated at the I In the control program Mr buy and wear them to promote; be conducted at I o'clock Sunday Mr* Jo, DuMond will entertainthe .crops ere harvested *\. man cau
,. ruche: Helnleln Klrb,. J. R. area on recent hurricanes service ler ssys Committee Chancl-j the carnival aplrlt Lee Donahue afternoon In First Baptist Church | paving club at the home of plant swept potato In January 1 1

Brook, Ben Archer A Frank eligible lor emergency RFC long- Mr Kerr. who had .lived.Jn Mr Chandler, James I It co-chtlrman of arrangements. by the Rev C N Walker of Lake. Mr*, McEwen on farm Life rd, and dig them In May-without*x. i Hpendltur t
; Webb Doug Tower end Mra Pol. term low Interest loans. South Aide for 24 years, was Brooks, George Cooper At the V.FW meeting Monday land, former/ pastor of the church and Waldln dr.FLORIDA. j for additional' tertiUafer." j ,
ly .Roue Bait.. Holdover mem- "CEOR I SMATHERS, l"M.C'j president of Idea! Holding Co. of Barber night, plan were made also for and tho Rev, J, H. Whltt, pasta. hi said 'The choice nelaeoes'canmorketad _.
1It..from the old board wereice Perrine and Fort Pierce He also Announcement 1s mad that we tt e, ,.."I1I1".In
president Wm Mitchell and headed tie" First National Bankof colored people will be welcome alI CITY Miami, and the cull, Jumho, and
Dan Meeker Meeker banded In PASTORS ELECT New Castle. Va, the Craig 'Women Leaders to Hear Bird Explain the service crook ran be dehydrated<< for ea&I I .
hi' resignation yesterday. County Fair Association of NewCastle Interment wUl be In Pain) U. teed oJ
:'Appointment of a managersecrelary and the Fort Pierce bombers Bond Issues ''to I Je Decided Nov. 2 I Cemetery. Nnranja, under (the ADOPTS BUDGETAn It* Is so Interested 'In the nUll.

wu deferred pendingthe FRANK EVERY Baseball Club, and wa a \ direction nf Turner Furwral Horn*. colon of the wt Otelo that

working out of some arrange- member of Blscayn By F and President of all women' organisations playground PalllNwrcn will be member of' annual budget ot $17137 on June 23, he conferred by appointment I
anent to suit the depleted finances A. M. Lodge the Shrine the Sect- program.Fins the HomeMeud. t. O O F. Lodge wa* adopted by the Florida City with Julian C ,Miller, j

nf.f.".'of the orgaqlutlon( but' the preen' NEW\ PR1 JDENT Ush Rite, and the Elk lodge. |{e asked. to meet of Dade with tin County county are!h illatend per froetoMeti cent! p'us one mijn of_tIJ"tht I of which Judge Kendrick was ,a'i town council Tuesday night reports I specialist at the agricultural **>

ant -m .laaetK nt 3 Baker, wasrqueeted Car.'cndned 'with -beln* 'Mnitru* Tewp.Cler Oep lgAr. t.mllld., LouUUu,
to continue tommlsslonerl al 18. to: Mbn in +riM to ..uthartac th coimtybonl xA11o11 i SpRnetiCrvvla and; li11 e d''ItTI
serving In The Redland District Mini, mental In causing the 'MacArthur! day for talk on the bond laluea ,,i ues, tort a mere majority R. Kendriik Kendrlck gast The mfflag was keof at 41 .Stat.VDfY.raetf"I' *11'RangeS : .
that ctpaclty until the next meeting Causeway to be built. Judge wasborn mill, Louisiana experiment! lave. i
tens! Association elected the Rev which will be presented to l the of then young con authorize Imposltlott -
of ithe new board on the ftrat Surviving Mr Kerr three Apr 23 1874 In Slate In the budget1117,75 proved the sweet Oti. meal a
Frank L. Elvery, pastor of Homestead are: freeholder In the Nov; I general of the direct playground was ,
Monday. In November Presbyterian Church, as daughter. Mrs Theodore R. Dlenger election. The meeting will be lilt, burro Oa, In 1919 he moved to allowed, for general expense; good feed for all el***** of Uv v. {
Rutherford, the new president, president at its opening meeting of Miami, Mr*. Jame V. held in the commission room on Miami and In Isle to Perrlne $2100, for sanitation, $1,200, for stock, h* WM told Th experiment .
was a valiant worker I In the recent Tuesday\ Perrlne Baptist Church Keister of Roanok and Mrs. the tenth floor of the court MUle where he engaged In bualnes a* electricity, |2,000, for attests and proved, they( meal N pf
drive to wipe out a combined The Rev, C F Crauswell of Ernest Huglln of Los Angeles: a In Miami ARMITSTEAD: IS a masonry contractor\ If* was parks, and noD, for fire call. cert as efficient ;a feed a* oorn, '
fruit festival and operating deficit Princeton Church of the Nazarene sister Mrs. Ollie Jones of Per The first elected justice nf the peaceIn The council accepted the fiscal! and In acme Instance, qul gla j jI
of nearly four thousand dol. was. made vice-president and the rlne, and three grandchildren, five county bond Issue 10)0 Three years later ht report aubmitted by Clerk Arbo- were teen from feeding the potato
lara. It totaling $7.200000 wlty%\ be Submitted ,, CHURCH moved to Homestead" I I
was announced Wednesday Rev F J Lottlch of SU John 'WORKER where he gast meal!, which ha the Higher vitamin
night that many pledges, obtained ., on separate hand talfcts made his home on S W, First content Dehydrated sweet 1
after the August refinancing treasurer Episcopal, Church, IIICretar,- STEFFANI ASKS to the qualified property owners .VII, In the tint primary this Capt. Robert kll potatoes are 80 W M per ,cent 1!

meeting of the membership Thsi Rev J.,E, Jenkins of First uy Commissioner Preston AT LOCAL CAMP spring he polled landslide carbohydrate and 4 to 4.J .protein i 1
had been withdrawn since the Methodist Church of B Bird of Homestead who will\ majority, Recalled to Army I Duty compared to 70 percent LJbohydral
hurricane of last week and three Homestead FARMING DATA explain the Issue. To be votedon Me I.I survived! byi his wife. car-
and 98 tent
will preach the sermon at the Austin H Armltead of Lebanon Robert W. Bell has been recalled par protein
week. separately, are: Jackson Memorial Margaret Hancock
ago However, Manager four
for Mr Rutherford
union Thanksgiving Day serviceto Pa, new director of religious I to active duty ai a captainin corn, was
Baker told of several reductions Hospital $2250000; an suns, Claude M. nf Perrlne, LamarP
be held In First Baptllt'Chureb/ $late grower are asked by education and recreation the army and left this week told,
for Dade National and I
In accounts by creditor which I of Homestead, the minister decided. County Agent Chin H. Steffanl armory County at Redland Farm Labor Supply Sidney L of Homestead Camp Stoneman, Cat, td While the potatoes Ire growing, '
cut the total Indebtedness; nearly : The Per. J H. Whit, Invited to submit Information a* to the hard units, $1000000;I Center works under tho direction and Theodore T. of Miami; a oversea aselitnment Capt lot'I the vine can be harvested twice
a thousand dollar the association to meet In acreage planned for 1946-49 Vegetable an auditorium $750.000; bridge.. of the Home Mission Council and brother Lucius nf Orlando; and who served with the army for processing, Mr. Rutherford

t The new board of director voted First Baptist Church at 10 o'clockj grower are asked to submit $1200000; and parka $1000000, In t'O-ODlr.Uon, with__ the _Local_. tWo. grandchildren A daughterMrs ,, office In China. India and Puerto, tax*. ttofor dehydration, the po.
n ---- u .
make IU regular monthly Tuesday morning, Nov I. Invoices covering purchases Of the Issue for park, Home churches France Snpp, died In 1939 Rico during the war has been lathes will be shredded lato

meeting a luncheon meeting lobe The Rev, Paul M Gwen of of mancanese. tine and cover stead Bayfront Park would get He attended Texas A and M employed In the Homestead post shoe-string/ length by a machine I
held on the first Monday. West! Palm Beach, Florida director clop seed used ..Ince'.r.n.. ). I94t. $290000; Crandon Park, $790000; and was graduated from Dlckln- pits I to Bejfln office. now being built for the new plant

of migrant work for the Grove owner are requested to I and Baker Haulover tl.000,000. son College In Carlisle, P*. He Special Assembly TodayAn by James & Falherree of Home '
r Dr. Barger National Home Mission Council submit Invoices! covering purchases Also on the ballot will be the served In the army for three HILL REIVE AT CONlrNTION stead to specifications: providedby

f Kiwanis Club Speaker"Any spoke on home mission. Mr. Cas of phosphate manganese. proposal to authorize a tax of years and was a prisoner of war Innovation ai Neva King Wm. J Oeronlmo of Florida the agricultural experiment
son, who directed work at Red copper, zinc and cover crop teed oe-:ulf to ono mill !or a county In Hanover Germany. Cooper &'hooll.I a separate weekly City, adjutant of John d Salley ..t.tlolof Alabama Polytechnic
problem of the Florida land Farm Labor and Supply In 1147. he worked with the assembly to be Initiated today Post of the American Legion will Institute' at Auburn. The hydri-
I grower la a problem of the Fieri- Center Intyear. introduced Austin Home Minions Council In New for the first three primary grade"*. serve II asslstsnt national sergeant tor I I. expected to produce com
da experiment" aUtlons," Dr. D. H Armlrtead who had been Postmaster Livings slon Tells Why York: City and last summer he The youngster are practicing at arm it the American 1100 pound of the dehydrated

a Wolfenbarger, entomologist at appointed to carry on the local 1] had charge of a council mobile this week on "Am.rle.Suwln.. Legion national convention in product In an hour
t: Subtropical Experiment Station camp project Letter-Writing Week Is Important unit which served 18,000 migrant nee River" and "Old Black Joe" Miami next _Ie.I Mr. Rutherford MM that, be has
1 told the Florida City Kiwanis, Present at the luncheon meeting agricultural worker from Virginia I talked to tome 79 farmers about

dub Friday night at It* meeting were Mr and Mrs Whltt the national letter-writing week, now and then-would make northward to Canada. dehydrating their curplu and nailcrope
In Parkway Restaurant Rev, and Mr. Harley R. Core, will be observed this year Oct. 17, everybody a lot happier Movie, religious service end Officers and Teachers for 1948-49 and that he, personally, I
Or Wolfenbarger spoke on the the Rev. and Mrs H B. "Fisher. to 23 In past year the public I "There genuine happiness talent ihowi wen\ provided for Are plan to plant for processing.
",000.000 Florida fruit Industry the Rev C F. Crauswell, the Rev generally has shown\ enthusiasticand I keeping track of folk through the migrant. Named for First Baptist Church Para grsss, a :tall rather soiree J

I which has received specialized Information Merle Dlmbath, the Rev J R widespread Interest In the letters-hearing what they're doIng Mr Armitead plan to enroll at mss Brown In' tropical countries
from the experiment Jenkins the Rev Martin R.; Pavls, observance of this meritorious I exchanging confidence and Union Theological Seminary In The roller of officer' and for pasturage ha been introduced I
stations, and mentioned particularly the Rev Alfred Hedberg. the Rev annual event New York City next fall committees land. Mrs T. T Bowen; Lord'i bar and thrive! on the shallow
of the work of Subtropical: Paul H. Can and Mr, Arm- say Homestead new and encouragement. They ._ for First Baptist'ourch! Supper, Mn C O Robertson, glade The kudiu vIM grow
Station .Isteed. "There arent, E. E. many Livingston good excuse j(,I long keep friendships mile and alive year, ,pan tIIt'rethl the (H.II.S.: Girls Practice Of Homeste.d for the year 15459 Stevenson Mr. W. T, Mr McConnell H. Mr. B, H prolifically on the rock: land
for the (allure to write. letter mortar that hold families For Volleyball Tilts I I. now complete, announcesthe String bean vine, also can lie dehydrated

It Real Estate Sales *, according: to Mr Livingston. together, the link to home when! pastor the Rev. J ll Whilt Baptismal F L. Mcllwaln, A. n for isle u a cattle feed
Totaling Smith! .
Mr Chat .
-1:"", the busiest people could people are Mattered to the cod Homestead High School girls Trustee Martin, Mrs, Mr Rutherford aay
write a letter In the time they of the earth. are practicing volley ball for the R. are Cordon fray, J, Frank Irwin; Baptist Witness" ; For harvesting the grass, cons
I! Reported by Mrs. Eleanor Froscher take So explain why they dont Intra-mural tournament.*, reports ,R.. Rutland E. Edwards and Howard I II treasurer Johnson and Mr. If Collier, Mr. Gordon Ivey. : (Continued\ as Pall Two)I
Mrs a
No one get so busy that ho can Mrs Wm. r. Cody, physical education W T E. Edwards, special flower *
IF 1 INSTALL ILILS. assistant tresskx committee! Mrs. Homer Devil,, Otis Bell Tells Ltoni
Recent gales totaling 74JM! la tinder the management of their afford to let friendship fad away, Instructor The Junl \ Mr T, T.
are reported; by Mra Eleanor nephew and niece, Mr. and Mr especially when a little thoughtfulness tournament will be held Oct. 21 urerMr I *. J Tom Vann I II clerk; Mrt ton, library Bowen, Mrs., Mrs.J H.L. K Daw. Of V.tlonaIAr.) Work
Froacber real estate broker, and J. T. Taylor. --In the form of a letter SAFETY PATROL arid Ole senior tournament.} ; Jtav' Frank irwin assistant clerk; Mrs. Mill Orandywith
Ruth Byrum librsr-
1. i a* Oti Bell supervisor! oth*
Mr Carl Martin and Rudolph Homeatte on Coconut Palm dr M. C Lawrence pianist and organist Ian; visual education, Millard l-
Ooesman from her office The and Richard rd. have been bought V.F.W. Grouo Plan and Mr. L. H. Bolind Caddis Mr vocational and agricultural !division
Member of J R. Doney, Jack
the Homestead of Did County school told
transactions follow:: by Capt and Mr*. James A.' and Mia Ann McLan ,
Tracta on V 8. Highway I for Campbell and Paul Springer who To Attend EncampmentAmong High School safety patrol were Installed BAPTISTS HEAR assistants. Morrla, Mn Howard Johnson, the BedlaM District Lion i du
at Usher are Orval Irwin Wilbur nursery Mr*. W T McConnell, .
construction of tourist courts plan to build residences. assembly Friday morning of his work Tuesday night
those expected to attend by Ben Gsrvln of Miami, a PH let, Virgil Loll, Tom, Cal* Mrs. Wayne Adams, Mrs. Dun Introduced ai new memben
bought Maurice
were by E. Holland The
new cement! block houseand
of Decatur Ala the district. encampment of the representative .,. the American PERRINE CHOIR: well. Henry Griffin, Clyde Bowden -j Meyer, Mrs C a Robertson Mrs. wen W E. Rica principal 'ot
and Mr
duplex N.
on W sixth it,
Veteran of Foreign Wan to beheld Automobile Bill McConnell, Wilbur A. n Smith; youth, Mr. A. K. ,
and )( '. Sam A. Brundage of owned Ben Sweeting .u.ocI.Uon.nd .1 Redland scttool. and H. L Braa.denberg -
by ha
Saturday and Cave. B If. Jr.. Paul. Mr*. J H Whitt) Mr Beth 4
Miami, brother-in-law and slater' bold to Mr and Mrs Jlrnmie Sunday Key Homestead Police Chief Wm. FBraatley The choir of Perrlne Baptist of Homtd. Sixty-two
of Mra. Arrllla Booth. The Holland Walker of Homestead. Went art. Mr. and Mr*. H. P A captain and two lieutenants Church presented the music Tuesday Morgan and Albert Byrum (Continued en Pig Two) ''m embers and fut wan present

tract ll{ Just north of the KM Mr and Mr*. Raymond Chryeyof Rutherford, Mr and Mr lames I I will be ejected liter by night for a four-day stewardship The yau'h center construction. '
. Carson horn on the highway, and Homestead have purchased I B. Fatherree. Mr and Mr L. T. the patrol member I revival which closed Wednesday committee la composed of B. U
the BrundMe purchase la erven tan acre oa Robert rd owned by Lawrence Mr and Sir. James Chosen: by the faculty\ for patrol night at First Baptist I Stevenson! Jr, Howard Johnson, Redland School Minstrel! CarnivalSch'eduled'to !
of the Carson grove' I Mr and Mrs David Kathl C Venn Mr and Mrs Erie membership on the tussle of fair Church of Homestead Jimmy Roberta, Virgil Loll and 11
aces !
Cart Putchat of Miami purchased i The tO-ecre grove on King Bridge. Mr and Mr*. A V play l leadership and devotion to Thai II members of the blue- J H. Drswdy. Be Given' This MonthTh \ ;
lip,, Mr tnd Mr Fred Link J'ho-I I duty, were. Charles Eaker, Keith robed choir directed I Other committee. .
from Miss Lilll B. Patton Highway owned by a & Stroockof and wet by Mr era a* follow
St Miami Beach a Ss-.m avocado New York alto has been sold. Mrs Ovid Sullivan. taker. Roy Corday. Gerrltt Hold- f A. Brawn. Mr Brown was *: nominating Frank L. lie:-
A minstrel how will be The
grove and home en N. itrom eve Loaner, Edw Wets. V L. H.rrta.1 I rum.Jr, Hal Krlser, Bobby Shiver, soloist and Mr T U Tempt, Hwato, J H Drawdy, Mr*. T T. g will feature. thecustomary I i I
Ruther Sullivan John E. Dark by 'th* Redland High School band popularity' contort, arid ,
S. Carl Smith, Joe Torclaa, Dan was organist The Rev. Bowen Mr. I
between Waldln and Ipraore: CASH INFANT SON DIES Jlmmie H B Virgil Lott, J. R.Rutland each grade In I the achoot wljt b l',
amt, Walker *
dciye.Sete. I The Infant son of Mr, end Mrs. Some of the group will, attend Wolfenbarger, Russell Drawdy and Flaher, pallor of the Perrlne : finance, L L. Lawrence, next Thursdsy, and Friday nights; responsible for t special project.

of the Marl & HenaleyJourunit Lloyd Cash of Homestead. died the two-day aeaaian* and" the .teacher Kelly Mill Preacott Wood I* church took* briefly\ on tithing.< W. W Woodaan A. E. Campbell, I and the annual! Halloween earnival Among the attraction: will be a
. !j\ apartment building and aponaor The stewardship services were Richard Fuchs budget chairman will be held H
: five hours after birth Monday Thursday evening house
other will of horrors, fprtun telling.
only forSssnday.A
N. go The Rev. J H..Whltt, pasta of conducted by >k. Waldo E.: Wood of board of deacoo chairman of
Mast cotUga on r. Second alt 1 Jades Archer Smith Hospital ,. : Oct 28Th gymnastic vota and
parade of the Cootie a big show I'
, ,'. ,ha* beta made to Tno H. Meyer Burial service were held Wednesday Cootutte* and a dance ached-and First Baptist Church, spoke at of Miami and the Rev. J H. Whltt. finance commltt, preddent of minstrel show 'directed by presented by school talent h .
,e, Avenel.. : and art the awembly of his work at' a pastor of the Homestead church. WM&, supertnundent of ,
J Sunday
Mr Mrs in Palm Cemetery. Na- uUd for Saturday and bus was I Bandmaster Stanley Dulimb. 1 II ner will be Mrv 4 la the
,:Meyer art expected t. arrive soon, ray* under direction of Turner meeting, for Sunday at the Key] anlssJooary. in\ Burma and a* aoertny After. the service, the visitor School!,'.Training Union director, sponsored by th* 'RedUnd Band taU end food ooth* w m'
h but la the menntlroe, the property'Funeral I i Horn. Wilt Pot home,' chaplain 4Waril Europeantheatre I were enlertajried at the horn ofM music, M '1. Howard Johnson Boosters AaaoeUtlon to rats[ imong th* attraction M

- -- -- _. T__ >la .. ._ *. and Mrs z.. H. Boland. ,Mr*, Virgil Loll, Mrs J, B. auk, fund for band uniform W1II', kiUsu ""*/r-*,,/ / 1

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\ Pip Two HOMESTEAD LEADER-ENTERPRISE a_ I FrIday, October 15 1948 1,
-- - - --- - ------ ----- -
------------- -

ii Jt TfctLeftderEnterpme OFFICERSCottimie eena; ....... IlgtaMlln/.N1., Osaka: teacher: Mn Howard tw, Prank .Irwte. itdirector .; .sabM .1 1 1l
I iMww IDN.IM. /aea0hty. ft. MMra.A. f.1 Mun. Mrt "' '!'WIIIh. Mr*. MIVIor Mr. R. ftgwrettrf IrhewaIW:; '
{ I i ( *tns P1.a Ones -I..-; ....... apm Asa 1Ika .. .... II. Kf, Mr*. ,. Mr, a c. 1tMIIIrd: I '
1 StIvsnri/a. Miss AMI HcUiM ..: ..... "- ..... N. O H MJMng*. J8 Mb T EKNV cbtriater. WSour Catro: pbgM/., Prices Redgccd
i ,y l'f, j ....... III INIr I J._ .WtNte. ... I.1IwIP Md. >>* -. .. .t >tEn'an OtltltwMrs. & : MMlKt .....*..*. Mn.Mb Mr. Virjl UML i ...... p.epY'a ojI.: r
W. IL ... Vann. Mn A. A uawy.o..rtnwnl baler Virgil Lot;
I .. ----w: : ;; bert Sunday Byrum actool officer sad glimeri* : mpprHi -I :(ernter: Man B. MJimtor =; LAUNDERED _-._ I
te w. .... saes teacher fallowOoeral i taa/eot. J. gr.. Mkaeei *..- ........ *. Wajrne Adam; leadef. Men Peter MUIa; 1
w I : ...... i ..... I ,. .
I upirtntendent. Mr, i, N. B. sal Niasal at.r Mpi-intaMfent. Mn mar hoar leader Mrs FrankaWHKT Immediate Service
i. KidMWilbur. allteia. .t euperinlusMwf. .. .d sad .....w I.....; aa.t-! $. orace Bell, Mn John Lee; Irwin JrNOa Shirts 12c
",& Caves; general Me sUrr. sat ........*. Mrs. K. 4 Xaaa,I ptenhl. Mrs 0 V. Bcrgrr .0 Ij
I ". /::...uuw* ierWjrMKWXJJwnwwi ABWMMIt W. T. MsCnnOsll; .uta"t Mrs A. D. Sedlh. Nursery. No L: Miperlnte ittntMn. I Reasonable Prices
of training. !.>. I. HUawdy,; Junior department. : auperlnUndiwt. Gordon |.vy, nwociito : fj.*rimenrii. .< III ism" fir Mrs Pete Morgan;aired- (Mender* ..... Lawn. Callahan; DRY CLEANED .
1 eat *a rtment Mffc Enteet rranete.AduH ate auperintendet Mrs UbeaRithop plMM. Mn. Virgil Ocmtll I OUM: It. BCihtYY 1
PTIO. .AT" I ilnpertaycU Miperlnlentt. I ; _mary, Clyde Bowdm; ,, 1f1ilt'le\"J.' ... Iii: a fteilnUiniirntMn. . OrevtPea EAief1 Quality Workmanship ;
hi Icda OW I IIM 1en
I M.
I Ina.SI .. Mn. It CWknXrte ; assistant p ln'-l.' MU E.*HW BurnhamfeMUUnl : (meet _apt ...-1." Dresses plain 68c .
....,.. _- ..M.y is M./i ?Jar amlBH L It pianist. Met Virgil Unit: riftriKtatfe. fcUfc. Taut Co*. OBJ
a l Mary. Oertoft &I'r: ,teacher. Carl Lee. ..... Ettrll* ..... RnnuNN Mike. ... 10+ ENGINE: OVERHAUL
....... M .w.4 rMr Me .n.f, eccretarr Win Cecelia Harper: Durnham, Henry Griffin, Mr. Cradle) roll department: superIntendent o irNatl't o
c+t :_. .I net rrwtds M, :::. .owl...-:: :: plant Mrs L. M. Botand: IMM I- Fred McGraw, Mr*, B. H. Steven- Mn bkew Smith, MONTH OLD$ BRAKE SERVICE
(1 ..w* .. int. era Mn. CiUwrin Plckard,, lice arm. Mr' W. C Campbell Mri Rapist' Training. Union: dlracMOTMt CRT CLEANED: o
I I R N. CaMwetl Mr T. D Plche.Mi V. C. Korlry, Mn. O J Wollam; irs n / r MOTOR TVKErPe
*. / IL WhiM Mrs 1 H. DrawMr aiehrtant teacben. Mrs John LAW Trrjimi (.11. II Pants Slacks
i RUTHERFORD W. T. McConnell, 1. t. MlUa. Mr ,... OcMman, Mrs MAY.* bkwW. ....s lad .MM ..Mtor.liM . ALIGNMENT
11 */ ..... dew -- ..... ... ,,.... .J FRONT END:
(0 bII....... from Ihutt Ont) Kelp,! Howard Juhnaoa: assistant n. K Schowtlter, Mr. Frank .:::,. 1,1 rmilr t Drw s'..". >l III 3E9AcnShirts 0tAINt'NO
Robert Rutland.Mr Irwln.Primary. P A.- N..wwo h LlrodM
:4: awl Kiley( Mr. Rutherford tiM Mrtlt teaohert Mn ..
I Iran Tn TrtcUt Co of .j Dexter Home, Mr* T. D. department: *uperlnUndent rf Mtotot IM Itrull, .5.l4:: G,M,.'nr I .05 INHV Ik T.,..H.,r,* / SUPPLY FRIENDLY YOU STORE C o
Appleton, W-i\ rote pick-up 1%+M. Mrs. /i*. McC .dr. Mrs. i R. Done,, ..IIIK'IIt. rw/ae. NATTYn n (.I.nsxPEA : WITH GCNUINB OfVOf MartsCash nODT AND FINDER
cards .wkkh pick up, cbopi Into Young people department: lu.-In< uniform Itfifthi and load Uit nperiNtndont. Mrs Drib Stev- : secretary mnk Mo- n. sr II N.I a "nor | 0

Mug.. til. macho I* Mid to I IIl 'fiii COVERS.
htixn t ton of (ran in'ft In e
'; two minute. V' IJ.J".a I and Carry or Pick Up and Delivery CPIIOLSTERINOUNDERCOATING:

.. Thll summer, Mr ItuthcrfordTMtod : o
/ Blue Springs, FI rm. tHtmllUNV Comparl TkrM prices are good to HOMESTEAD :
-- --
O ., to ace In aprrillonl 0
p hydrator Ilk. Oi. one delivered FORCCLAIMKINaLUBRICATION
:. to him her/ Wednndcy by the I PHONE 761White .. e
J Hell Co. of! Milwaukee Th hydrator I r '
wtilrti' burnt dIMlU, h.iMm Jk 0GENERAL -
; a routing drying drum ; & REPAIRS "
quipped with circulating fini .
P'J'OI'Ithe dryer, the product li Swan LaundryIn A COMPLETE: BUMPER-TO-
from which It pu e* Into a o
himnwrtnll' to be ground Into M.YfR30-kOL ( The free Bulldliu) EUKET PLAN IP DKRIREIV-
Mont tnd then Into the b.laingm.cbkne PAT AS YOU DRIVE.
.. .
The mill !II equipped aid rkMl...f.( ___ -- i
with TIN fcrccni of different ilm I WRECKER SERVICE

to product IheIII I or viryingCMritneM. ea.p . 1., O
,..q'ar ... .... .l \/ I
Thin Z4.(00 In t'
ere Mm
Dad. County, according to rittlf County TOP.fIL.DOI H. kad/ap an ea.paqO'a 'J 'J. : ,564 I II I Dr. F. P. Archer Jr. Bird Chevrolet Co.
... '"
Aunt CI. II SUffinl. and ..... .,... t::"..I! ; ,
Mr Rutherford bell\M that feed d It? N KTMM Ava
dehydrated from loch cr>pi, eon IAITI...,..,-(LATCII_.1... Sepsis *' t I OPTOMETRIST Momttead. Pea,
be furnished! at a section >( the
04 SprUIUIng In Examination of the Eye and Complete phone 81
tout 01( ihlpped-ln hay. The prtrved t "? m
. HYDKO-nt DIM Build Optical rreMripUM Service '
fornge rontlni a high *
edrnsM.Iwaward. +1 I .. 22 Years With
percentage of the original ciro- ww? e 1 .
tof end rlMto qda ,
lane content of the green plant, I. t DAILY, TIES. THRU SAT.-4:MUSS: *
f he aye, and expcrlmrnU hive UlOrt CAPACm & ,
I .: ihown that Iti UN produces milk IroN pencil dry e With Our Lumber II Weal. Mown M.tlo nla4 1'11_ It.FIIZrATRlCK'S *
j 1 of equal color! and vila mln-con. JL ORIATtR ICONOMY
1 7 Mrs II hen wader, I
I ..,..1..*,*".. irrrw BUILT TO DO A IITTU joiJuil

I It'., the safest and In the long
Cheapest run. ,
UntBrooks. M iMut hi Wr hash neeV Iff Ik* Iiss.adL.underII
Inc. VJ"'Sx{ IMP dip he drallvMdMmidiUtaiiMlll( Strong sturdy timber makes strong support for
ewi.cA:.:'id y err Case b I lee a do.aannda ted.T.waWep Built of Mahogany Other Woods
w.h II ...... .........1 Ones Teens sees Lellll"-"l"- wash. your home-your wallll, your floors, your beams, .
,. awn ,,.'". NN.-wuMa' ,tIeIto.....,,"., ,,--" .'" ,cna.+ Cattail: Work-Chair Caatag-RtfUUhlng I ,
I ./..uhli. risen ad epic dries .a...... pee'U..awes .. adai.d wish 1_ and anywhere else where quality wood Is needed. Oren NI.Myan. Dro 6 ...... I" ........ltU dtflr4

. _
- -- - -- -- --
i}: Oldest Completely I

Equipped Crgv4.; I Launderall :::_-'lt ,'" l

Caretakers 0 W. D. Horne Co.. Inc.Hardware for you, Mary. . :

and lUiildirrir 'MaUrlala take It up In your room"

r o.. BOX II'h. Smith-Graves Furniture Co s
11 N. Krome Are. Phone 277 ,

FLA. N, Krome Ave Phone 211141G.RJOOUNDGoJSwfZ'
r_._____. __ __.. _'_._ _._________________

1PJI/tfJ : Immediate Delivery 1 :'

en f

,GO.ltS'TlE :
+. -' e ,
1 i .. NATION r. ;, r sz

i I
I'f r

I 1n

l ,

lII II 7 Cu. Ft. .-. 9.Cu. Ft. I t .

III a 9 Cu. Ft. with Freezer t\ tdr c.t Id.rnloll. t.J.phontt
I .
I ie Ia1yte g.t t. 't

} i? t 1\\ plate save u.Old 1iI'o
A ,ek MOM afford m.q ?.

J'Ic: +: oa tU telephone,
rot the utloa from the Atlantic to the FacUU *CBOH the
I aeuadt ol poUUcU orttory Lad liurtUy 1 te scary OM'of the 41 '
uua OrtybMnd. lupar..c.adlea art today carrying U* voter ol Immediate Delivery Also :
. r America . tkelt MM tai whtrC: Or.yho"a4'a platters r.I .-
I sale MMkaagtdi wltk 1... fin than my etfatr triMportitlM onWESTINGHOUSE
I ... Bore Ire..... schedules, readers ceacke that lit the pee / Note q-I
,I f*. .tassel pUar. in4 convtaitaee., Mike yor a straight Orty.fcnN t Enjoy ,
Tlcktt-hKi Ortykxxnd win beep Itt promlae te k ep
let l la treat glee yea the Inset. trawportatlo hi. the aatJoa.I. RANGES
ExteNsioN( Telephone Convenience

I. ""Cm. 't&'-slttg1it'd ' \ REFRIGERATORS in in home '
I SERVER GAS day room your ,
d :An extension telephone saves time, steps

% for'COHVENFNCt) ; ROPER GAS RANGES and trouble. It improves your sernced '

t-s. 7" tln--, $ makes your telephone more valuable

X, for XEDCOMfOtT': ( fI t/t",1IM.... \ -i by increasing Its usefulness Extension

Il telephones can now be installed in homes s,

X ;Wl'fCONOMi tRBYHOUND iUS STATION at small cost You>dont need to write, us

125 8. FUmlcr Ave. Iloneittead, Iii Gas-Oil Products f or come to the office.. Just call. our" .Busi .
L inc.Of ness Office !
Florida Order /... .MMi leleptene NutiH .re umthmm
..... ..... "
mat /i.ipd */ >, e /tntr / aa4wtatbtfM
X for COURTEOUSSERVia TIC COOK: MestM.... Mg*. .
AN IMHOINCTexteaaeia. .cw qas w&Ja1 s wt:......... In. fA. '
..%... d11NATUROL IM '.
FUUe at KreeM e/ eotauieii t tpaeiMe. f -< wag
\ .kliyUM*4 yew kdatd* tt era rag ....... bbplwaa. MM gAga .
.x IetJO R !uOYMENTik ; ., ...r-t oad InYetb4. Oere cap lens M Wy. fir. fmniMmf etaaa Me
.. .... ;.. ,_ __,, J GAS ,AeneaerviM, 101

k CO BY GREY HOUND most Ill FUxtcr at Krone IIOIfII AQ, ru.: IOUTHHM IEt4.DLEPNCN. AND'TluofAtr COatrAMTC ,.:

f 0YOMn ."

It'I ., ,
. ... I ........... I.''' "" .." .. ' ...... ... . ,
'" ... ,fl_ 1., "Y .'" --...... .. ... '" ......., ..,.H,':>.."..'_. ...J.l: 1.\ 1 ... .J--: :"""" .d 'r r'If' '''''''j :

.N. -- - -- w....-. . r . .w .r. r- ''--w rwy'rrv ..-w. r.'- ---. . . . . --- '. '___"._ .+-m..- r'TI
: 'OH"r.



' si JiR\R1Y S IAoI Boca ...ated -- Mm Church on Ori IT sad. \ilkt, (to, to vMttM her dm****. HuroM Phillips end D*. ftor- "l )
Curl but KO'sKeeado ..
Surprised, SCOUTS to Nerd' a biril.dny gilt to the Mrs Jett. Wyttt I aria Ixf nt Flllla| Oa, are 'I" '
'I'r M FW l-ye r Navy Mesh Per fine orgtiin boy the ..."-.-.t) um ,... ..., NeHkeet her returned to tnid' Di, Ire S i pcreate., Mr. and
r at 2:55 f Second Round COURT llembrrs hatilled a "auMfilnebsokfi . Perrtne from TlmbervtlVF Vo M... Hrt.' i IN ; "
i I fteotfi PteMaaea DMMU ea3r iyr St's. IIRor FlkbeePt.tlas 'Ire Mm' J. C. Cain wto _
and Richard TrefleeM were
.. JOHN WAWWIIIOHTUeeVe eoaamlsaion' tttr (he evenlax Johnny mm .MMo. the navy for nan.miMUfUnenU U in Jukvon Memorial HMplUlA ,
TM Boy Scouts of the $ ",K> paikaiw (rain thbiwkM. will 1J
Sers Weiner Roaarto Ml through the ropes Mcmtay to. JMkM Boy Seoul Troop M An Amazing Discovery
Nation before I court br ti her rash d.jrBoh
car Jim Curl orrnerly\ ot and rolled over on hi* back e* aWe aMI Ml llaMhv .*! aRIa appeared :ybreeg.r the kiiMtMs ef c.andl-I turn ;'
+ .......Nd, we eurprtsed 11-.. referee Cy Gottfried gus him the Dleta Cal, lot boat hsIaOe .. of review heW Monday isM at 1'W..... Rel rl, atladed a, Wagner.and Mall Laymenef ( in the Care of ,
Chun.aaakiq V In Striae .
City Community Maggie were
degr matt by Johnny Rosedo who. t.I _L c egg tern e4 M\ bad .... I IL. a 'derwrstareaa I Oi the. atpalpanast. .1
a advaneeaMMt tar R C. K.'I earvlcea.Mr
J Kteetar
ftnt ctaas IICMIt. trey MedgNL end Mrs. Jimmy
and eljtit. in the opening canto atCaueeemy sodas at 14%, Roe4o weighef. MI efcctrfelM with Yea *..> week Mki were taken Utrvutjh the :
DM Btirry and Luke BMMM of 1 1I. will feeaeln. lit Perrlne a few <.Uyiberere
arena The Callrimlan.: In at IMtt. Mr Donald mi at lira DaMftyPCM fire college Twe bortNveol to the
Princeton and! second dee erout, to Roanoam Va
(: Tisaaae. made the fatal/ mistake of This KO marks Jimmy seventh and Richard aws ef Mrnd ; I..- eos_ for aarlktaafee /, retunting ..
COM Mulls and Clyde SMen ef MM Putties Harrell who h ,
hie guard at 1 M of the !Ia Mleanl Be ha a* yet not tared
dmoptoc : Mrs OIM. ItoffeMt. wereanduatd the Ameftaeo "Uflea *
PrIar....t see him Se..... Fred beet vetting. with' Mr and MMBtdwrte
aeeand round and Curl slipped to I been etMded for the tuU tea hi Jests from' Hem on Oct ItAH
Link id Queries Bake at Hosts .ha returned to her
q|U l hit dynamite-pocked southpaw round hen steed HiP School. eteed. Appearing. far merit bodge. bale who hive went t uniforms Oe.Mra. .
and canvassed Johnny for the full will be able U MUM. at the !
were two Priaweton" scout. Fred 1Ja"rry Mark ol Somme!
count HOMESTEAD F.Fjl John Hate Can Service M wry. Jr.. home repair*, and parede"" Attending wereMr' .
Roaado thrilled the of Knight Nil VUtlen TV Dee PcU
throne By JAMES BOOKER DUly Snordea be lth w-
for VeteransI peteem
I BOO with hie queer type of bow- Insurance and public healthTV I Norman Walker Harold Jackean. ron A povrurt:
1ft& He sparred from a enuehedpoMUon :! Thomas Shah, Dana Letter, TMBaa +a I
Hale. Ilomeitead art with j
H. In. courts were up l
Steve Torch we elected and U'NIOrINSUR.NC.E
end had Clouts Curlfooled *. Tubby Sapp end Dale
Installed president. of Homeeteed 1LIJ'aI'ice.' man and veteran of Ray Benson, Dr. D. O Wotfrnbar- fisher. .
during the first period. Chapter of Future Farmer of World War II, has qualified for ear Ray Chandler.. Fred Mewry ruche I
Mr. and Mrs. John
The West Coastor
kept away America at i special meeting Oct servicing O. I. life Insurance J./.. teaser Ernest: NetU. the Rev.
from Jimmy' punches end kid are announcing the arrival of S
pdleies he reportt. Alfred E. Hedberf Jack Levy" and
the crowd' for KO when f. son Oct. 1 at Victoria Hospital In
George Sprinkle wa Inducted t have aU form for reinstating R. R. Schowalter a* j iuag**. COVRRAGELtfe ;
he put Curl to the canvas with a
of honor will be held
eonverUnf and changing\ The court:
hard right to the stomach for the a* vIce-preaWent.; James Booker A son was born to Mr. and : '
Princeton Oct tl
eight sorrel Roaado again tapped at secretary; Stanley Pacettl. Government In on Mrs. Ceorg Stalllne Oct 10 at Ltfe ,

Curl, this time with a left, toward treasurer; John Chandler reporter James Archer Smith Hospital e Health '
the end of the round to him I ; and Bill Home watch dog. War II National Service Incur, The Pen-in W, S.C R Monday r ,
on the floor. .put I sine," Mayo Mr. Hal*. "Moreover. Public Invited to Sec I evening voted I to accept TUvee 1 t Ateldeata The Story .1.! 200-Ycu-Old $$18,000 Rug ,
I am the nulling 1M! ot the Church
JOIN'S DAD ROAD ATROL on Film at Haptist HocBttaUutlcnAutomobfl
Jim came back in the second Palm Church: Invitation to a
I ot Veteran Administration to centuries the reproduced stood erect The patterns)
Writ J. Geronlm. Jr. son receive Tw ago rug gain
covered dirt luncheon In Silver
round with hla temperature at i Town Marshal and Mrs Wnv J. all bulletin and chances u Th public U Invited to attenda t above wu mad by (not prexloualy vleibly. raised)
thin boiling tage. Geronlmo of Florid City was they occur"Air showing of the flttn, "Beyond s Firt Main rose above' the level of the !
OobclU eiliblUh-
; Curt proved he wa a gam'I one ot the slit l men In the first Our Own," at the 1:30: Sunday eve r.rr..rrrIIARRY t Wlndstern hand in die bass pile; H originally designed .
; fighter when, after being lent to class of recruit for the sheriff Training Offered nlng program of the baptist meet In PirU.' It la a genuine by rte maker Varying' pastel

the floor with a dislocated taw patrol sworn in Saturday by Training Union of First. Baptist. MARKOWITZ Are Froc.h Snonnerla&lutd at shades and utter del<..>te r")"<'r
.. he aaw an opening and sank al Sheriff Jimmy Sullivan at the Youths of Homestead Church. $18000 and KT nMiny decade tones tong" lost (mm age ... v.t I

sharp left Jab Into the stomachof Miami police: academy. Patrolman Opportunity far: training II I Plumbmj adorned the floor ol H French appeared '
Rondo and put him out of Gerwlnto with Mrs. Guronimoand nvlIllind marine aviator .'111 be SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR PARADE John H. Haleat caatle The present American The mleresovpe revealed the '.;

J I their son, Charles Anthony offered to youth of Homestead I, Local schools, like othcn of Bath Tabs and T IUUe owner WII.advised never to let It fibre wales wU preserred. In. .t

Redland Future Farmers i* making hu dome In Miami. by lit Lt A. 3. Clapp, USMC. the county will be dismissed tt Kltchea links H4 Waak be scrubbed, washed or cleaned. 'b.'d. MMnc = oralkali '
I III traveling rrpreenUU\e of the noon Tuesday I* permit children Ruin! After being IteratlMned. the ever thefibre .
Name Lee New President Hibc! School Slides chief of naval air training in to Me Die national American Le* e Water Heater acid tail rwha. Real Estaterhenee dried out matted fibre took on structure. Th rug'was '

Robert xII the new president To Re Seen at Supper South Florida. (Ion convention. parade In Miami. Water Pipe. Copper. efOalvaobed III ittft Mir life The revitalised pile restored to It* origin beauty I

of Redland Chapter of Future Two yean of college, unmarried .
Farmer of America which met I Kodachrome slide taken of the status, and age It through 24 art nonce; e Sell Five aad Drebuge. flpe )aradetniit IIC( is Recommended by America'sForemost
Monday night at Redland" School acUvltle of the vacet''in Bible necessary qualification for mendetlring I NMfa* fc torfarIn* e......( bRetkw t g I

Clifton Williams I I. vce-prtldent;, schools: of Florida City and Red- to begin training whichwill I I fcutuUt ITIM *M M ftHwfttf1 ITtM W.d tte'lSIIFlorUt CfuwMr COLORED Furniture and Stores
1 Tommy Core secretary Ray Run land Community churches will be bring them commission ai ISIS .1 Uw lilt Mu erf IH FtatMtLxM I'Ll'lllBIHO xn.'altlWhen Department ,
I .. _
l ikl the -Mr Mil of tie
shot n Wednesday night at a covered >
kin, treasurer Glenn Lee, reports flying officer in the Naval or Cttf tl IVrrlm wit dl l Ytew..M awn 1 la
; and Sam ilcMullIn, Mnsv' dish supper st the Redland Marine Corp. Reserve. d tie: 4SM. p. s.'eleeb l M Ik* *H- In Miami Beach visit our t Service rendered in YOUR" HOME A :
. ..
Uw C1t- tt P-rriM UiMttt I {
I tlnel. j church announce the Rev. Mar During his visit to Miami LtClipp I K.U 4 la.._..... A. D .tae rte Uw *,- Showroom at liJO Washington Fibre lift prolonged Rich coloring rttvt NalirawMeBerrlce
Named a* toIchairmen\\ ', tin R. Davis pastor will make hi* headquarters IMM W k..rin* gar (mpbli.u, ...-. Avenue 88-4511. resilience . tt rise
Matted regain
for the year were Clifton Williams Kalhlack at the naval air station *.d ur Cry neiWRiHidilbM*< ff ... !I. by....',.nr-1.rHIiMl,. .lk*{lies. Iliac(! ......, . t Dirt come" OUT . not driven deeper
l program ot work, Richard will be available to' discuss the IMrirlc pttrt *f IM) nHlnaiMjr uwrawilrlu >
.., liquor Mar l. tfc Jilt .f On 0. .. highway N*. I ..
Rutzke recreation; and Tommy To Edit Church Paper training: program with interestedippllcanta. P-rrIM to U .'1..... '"l ..... ...... feat ( Near LeJeune Road) -T'J; ; I... t Many unsightly taint disappearS .

Core supervised forming Mis Kathleen Jackson was',...."Mr ranil b ......l..Mkool..... * rkurrk U... .ro.INIMd ... 171 o.Ui Ditto highwayMiami Twist weave retain the' twist

Plans "were made for F. F. A. elected ditorln-chlef Sunday of n ............. ..... ....u.n. .*.... I I. lk.. ....s font tMAtuw. M. na.rh'1 \ Moth and It desired,
participation In th* school car lit ........ ter un to IMIl..d e carpel-beetle proofed
to be the Dr.) Leonard; W.:RaskinGLASSES . _10...... I. .
a paper published by If rm k v* .e yraUM to l .
nival .5t-Utsu-tIIS51$
Youth Fellowship of Silver Palm 1Ipo4oII.... V lYe a.......... _.t_.! .U..ld. ..llw.Hvi ....or4I.>ilr<. a'I.5.0.ta t Phone lIoml'ltud7o.W ,
UGION SEEKS! MEMBERS Methodist. Church. Otis Cowman eeUee ad ......... d steal.' i.r eANTnI.n; Maps wUlpwrrRrr_ ell
A 'lip
editor Mill Charlotte Atwt WYATT ( chit
Post of made
John Q. Sulky the wa press ; *

American Legion I II conducting a Murray composition editor; 121 N. B. lit St... Mid Ha.IS51I KENT'S
membership drive during the and Vale Sprinkle circulation c-: Me C..nnw.drnoxE
month of October announce Wm. editor. Mire Allen Odom led the Attention Mothers

J. Oeronlmo adjutant > worship service ...................w..M IAaaRarMlai Mme Duraclean Service
1eu&ui ewe 0 dealeurruwaaisa j

Morningside Playacres ease woe ","ntTTf MOUMB m all IB.. 411 N. W. Tth Bt, Ileim '"'. fta.

A voles UU A *0 MOM
Licensed Day Nursery Now Open Awe A asuMCeiNt MOKt,

SHEDS'DIRT.' STAYS WHITE t Bate: 1101111,. Day er Week! OeVlOUHV A M. /|T.i K( WVe' U awed ef
J *uoui lie MIN
. Whether working shopping In town leave your child in TAMS o* A nuui peivss J
err excellent home-like care.Balanced Rock Sand Fill
meals, supervised play uti My lime ... "._- .I. waaeds.b
on- sue
MVfcLE DIIQBATM. Indlge St., rerrin-, fTa. aw to ",... M ......-. Mason's Sand
... _, .......see Hr. Per or 1
I. 1 .sd ... i.e tMw. .tee
Inquire at Ferris Drag JtloraHomestead& pM
1 [ aM ,._11_ and as..i.a.wile crroiiraircsnasTDelivery
SB gg .. -.... wilt ,et .-
Ii ,
anywhere In BedUnd District and
----i! ..
V taper Florida Key


Loan Co. tit PHONC N, N. W. Ilk Bt., IlmMtesd rbesM TTt-J 1

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I (r avwtebws, r3t ,., 203:; N. Krome A\c. ,. I
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Specializing in small collateral loans$50.00 to


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.. SH4lekig. rteen* +, .. ,

1 f 41rit ) At A MORE VALUE 1

.. .A/ _
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DU PONT has never offered a finer product for protecting; I.t.:! V o.lI.lh. IKji

and beautifying the home! Du Pont HOUM Paint protects qr' \ It'. Hut in basic

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protection. It is -CJeanIn ". : ; starts white stays Mina fIJ" motoring advantages * .. ,tdtnr_ 1' 1

white as explained, at ri ht. WhUe( this! "Self-Cleaning'' =:..':'wwa.ealitw5eiw U RW.... Ca.l...t with IceoesifTUn'i

starts within a few months on most surfaces ex ...... MdiiM "Kke CkemU's
prooeet .
ttewl '
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jceasivt soot heavy shade stains from metal surfaces N111UY 5.Natalb i rrWsldrmpa5V.InisFWby !
or ;;or amii&meaoedi! IN ..
. .wi&hII. Mrkyhaeawkhwtlwsfl
such U screens. i ,may interfere with or delay this process ' l pelt +bd.ii. .eseUkinb.f alUktwl, d.Ivwd. .. _, ..doe sf ..w..

"' -Cleening"Du Pont Hoim Paint fa alao available In 1 KawAatkw Rider Fed wig. this se see-sew 1lsedrl

a variety of popular tints. It saves repainting bills. Call oa ..' "Il:=1 = =; BIG-CAR QUALITY ,;V "'

reliable painter for painting jobs., aik him to use 'I. ...1 asf. ...... -- .. a-w..
a ) Jour t AbyMr anit7a.t.lrt ....WO.......isosi.
'. Du Pont House Paint. FLORSHEIM prk d I IfI"'T
.er..arM err./pleas TO :' at LOWEST PRICES "

$5.85 WMtfBJ 1 .

)Qr'< 1 1 1AI.
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S e e e e the extra wear Of a second pair 'J. e. just as it'a f first In

r HEW/ DU PONT HOUSE PAINT PWMCaf I "I MJh!. .... *- ... ... VJMIP nationwide registrations) lp w
S y.r.w.. r..ta.r err A|;W shoe that outlast two ordinary! shoe MVM foe the a .. .,
1.ecW f e .elated. "4rdseeeer" he hose wad sad badly secs ter secs ::. cost of one repl( cem ol...therefore voe aridly fW km W..,
I weerlieted'- freviea ewede" kWliit end I s'r1 edMMdw..beawWrey5h. for it per tSar.Per tail of wtM.Mensli Bettat hei nor sketsu.. OtewsIst l pee t I.: YM l.e.Mabna.atla.h.-Wdyby tom..dat rbwe'e: eels see

\_ mMtmimlmm. levee MM!... ......... fMuJsl eak JMitchell ti:: .... f..... k'i i.episte

....... the, eelyy ....., ."ddp.. .,. ...
t Jim Clothiers sheKeisAitho Sal.ed M = ks* is
Ppe.bi1 A y kmu (er.ris she Mbesd
'' .... .... ' errs wed. .wi6l.p.II tnt A.4Iwtww
this h srrbr 2
Hardware Inc. ....... ; /.T :\ 1Iadr 1'Woor ,"e
South Krome at Pint St. Phone 487 .ki.l -1. V61 ? =
., .a... ....n.. ... ...11 11 1 ... __' ................. "" .. 1' /. y ,.... s sd. ....[ IA

131 N. Krome Are. Phone 383 CAMBER FLOOR{ .COYEROiGS; CIEVR4LRTadnd0IS't : :: FIRST!

: Asphalt and Rubber Tile CHEVROLET COMPANY

PftiItLNATisJJlie Inlaid Linoleum Broadfdt and Carpet BIRD ,

I SI* K W. Pad A... (0....... IDfk .....). ..... lit
; Phone 98' KomectctniI

.. .. . . I

f... ,


r '." ',s"l'h\; h'5 -,<,: ..... ,' '';iI..&. I-wr; .i ... ; '- .. I.J''. .... '' 'I' "< '';-.' E' ;.' 1tt'('Ii.r'\ i I

. ,. _.. -" ,'"'. r.'', ' J n .

. . ::. ::. :. . :. '. . . . .. . . - -

r' .t.'n : 1.

; V HOMHTMAD .LEADER-KNTBRPJtttB Friday. October 16.1 48 V

LEGAL NOTICES .555 tilt W. ml .5PIISS.SM.SP'aas IsS 11. c. sM.v.5 s.d 'V-laM 51. -"
"l& r- 155 asas aS
Su' F" : .a == a' p4.1 45 e. .I I IaIa.L s.d 454.555. 554 .55.ass 45.I I = aS a.s .4.5 rII NW '

L4L Jiofici = SM _, . ell 1 Ws5sa .55.555. MaMa SIaM Bar 5 . .
HatlM b tonto dm .c:1. U'rr =' Sad -.t m.m.t *. I$ to... bass h. :. saM .MaN ha a_1 toroattor kr kto OHr OiamkalHor SM 5 I1' _ SWa -." ,', .
oakba IM4I 1 at tto IMI. .-sa 5 ass .a BMM .tto later.. 0.4 pa.a. 1LaUTUflM viM akrCMr Clark kr 05 Oitr HiiiiiiD aps5M. SM If .

ataj M taiiiil.l to all auallftol rawn aftto _Isa. : S. to .tofono aH ri sad saSs. saM, ..toa (ll5I MM MMM ito Hi..i a .nl to Ito Clap CooaajkalMfaf .. rIII.. s.yasal ,'.
CawaTparrtM, Da*. 000000IS'--i . .. ahisr..5'= = ntar aa< :. f s ptaai. llMlln saM Mail urn to awr .5455'. .issl NW Is Ia_ ShaM.IS
tkw kton wtJ t7 SM Wsa hasaSM, lap .5 1aM. rII lot .- 5 ass f ParrkBi anr 0* f rfMM a MM- a s.pad4.5. alaS 5,4155.55

T*. A. kt aa4 ,:kf, rtloa* a* 55. aMasa Pi.Iss Os.5aM.dI. r.-t'= hiL rpsana te kartal .dbanMtaa ofliallM wttk Ito BMM. 5555 .. -f L WIlMaS .Stas. ._ .165. aSan 01 tIoo CItr. "
fc SM 4IIt aS ,. .- W ,
N. 1- S .isJ I uV CHr af Par. 55- . 45ps.assaI. dIM.Iss of .5d.4 555555 'L N-sbw .5 O.di..asasspaI.HM5ad '
:/ .. = . .- .1 7l. N ..pwn .WrtoteaTto MM .f liil. M* ( ... asIan.I V-rII "n-, .55S.I.L a ._ 11.aala.4 ,

; .Iw t. : Ii: Mart*. das. = sad '-.-=: to aot MM s.d NW tIoo stta.dV- Lap -. .5 pnpMM .pdIsssan a.p.ha '
sh4 04 .. Ij. akjMr pa asp . wVanaspi OMr at Porrlnr aMA ton BOWM aM M( iJataoiS aaM ,551..N SM iMNWa rII .54 .*a WMB al aM aaar II : : '
r" l. i. Wart Ha at ito tiootk = lib) .* 5.14. .5p ha 51 tWo _I mtmmmmmm tad aiatatata a 5ai** 44. HMIdtaf tad Haaai aol -. .. wPl55 NW ha.swaSd wltk tto pl.ilili at tMaakM.Mr .
K3 ) w*l to M 1MI ft* lankiiBl Quantr ( ) 51 aM .-. *t Tto CHr nnBMinlii Chr 55 ha I"too .. .saaMs.SIsa kr M*. pr.n4lB Itot aar aaak V
toM ._ for Ito aa.Cten fum mmml Quarter (IWH I *t las .t rII .' -= or BtoHar .rlM kr ardtaaaaM prarkb 555.5,. 11, . 5, baao4 kr ito DaMMMl I laHbjIBl atotl toM ton ,..- .:.: ?
...wwd n. TowaaMa M .h. tan** M Past p.... :nilriillihi goniBlBt".. asp..5. --Can pswddSd sad ,... .
? J JuMW4.-rd=Ttei wfcta) tar I dl-BBoi MM foot ta UMPlMlkaMt .. .. a aSlasM.. 554 5.. MM. of *l lMian ass : o1 P. Pnarrito ito __. uaiinMllal : ta tto BUM V. wfSar ,
M to MM fir M tto LrvMM ormot af fJu Boot Half ? pbte poMn poaon of rrorr aatan Ml ottor =prr M te to paId lalM attor ordtaaaeM.torttoo ''f I
MMIT IMI ooj. ar Man
** af tto ittta at fluids tmt Ito '11% too.0. :5. Sans, l .-ShaM.; sad a.5lad 11, S.. .5 IS.. _IBM Bad portloa ".lIaise ls..q of Ito Clap ktaaacor .aaa. ** Ikkluaf ,. Ctarh .._ llnAMlaHnta '
h.4aS te' B.I 1 I lSdu .4 : Quo_ nrp.n of ..MBM or Ma .5 5.55 .5 IS.. V-S.d 5.54.. aba .5 I I I. I M tan.artlM aad Otlata laforMoitea :' ;
aUm .ImWi I of ooW IIi fr *M wtrnitto . .5 SM IS.. as =d sa.n. ito {
( ACT OP IM* = Ottrfonawftb M. BaltMMlF af Paattteaa. la BorfarMlaakb dallas wads IktaArttrte.
hiM M aarnM u artoMM II HUH III >MalB. .,., .. far Cansassls a..
tto PraMal : MaS
AN ACT M AtoH* : cl c. ottorwlM apaalfM. tto <]fcr ito Clip Cbrk b aatk.iliid M
.il dtinimt at Ito Cttr mt = W**) abac ala loath Ma"" .. l saW .VIsas W 'shad ton rown w alMa s . toa MaaMMf aa4 aar sad all i.Mtal.M .i sad mratarlr apootalod aadaMBtaoana

I. tto Caaatr of lIMo ..d Mot* Nank Half (NUl 5 at UM 0. _. .5555.. _.. kMMI aad aQua f; CM* Caaoilailnir .'a tto hIs as r toM say sad all anlrtui aa4tttba Jj a..5.lasvs IS dMa.Sslsa SM '.5
V > aod M aVtaalkk, Orrtaba aadBM Quarter IW*, at Ito .._ .for pooMOtlar' Mahitalatac tto tbaa ajar a ,a: s..spIs,4 ,- whIM alan a. at aar a.4 aU rppobMMi af tto Ito .laaatMw. tad BBC ,
r. i Ottr ta to Known a* ato Quarter IWHI, mm Qua afonnMttrtto _. .5 a 5.1 wolfan, MMfart, rdanttoa, Mar.b. . -tto* .. ...0.MM af ad ra- Clip Maaan. ionataf Say Mtor dutloa.Tto .
M for a Maa. at Il4l.fl anaanss tMiM. SaaIa' poata. t.m.amL toatlh, traaa ,
BOMnornar Mvw.sp
it TorrttartalrMnktUtod .I
cl Itp rII rorrta.1 DoflM tta M. AMMIaaoJ aatkiHnd
DMMl al tSp Cbrt to on tar
p.ot_ c.w,, th. f oat ta I lota a* tk* Wart las attto k>B4a .aor of ta 5... n. "af Ito Ckr t ta- IBMBI tad Is ._.. aa4 o.._ onrn ot taforanttaa. ttol wwaM thro ,.'f

$.4MNd 0.. YCWru1 : noVwort dwjrlor |55Wh5 atMM MMrteku .5a. VaMlass. II orol i MI him -' .. M*. fankwOk .. afflMi a.aiKia kowororHrttoa .' Tto CHr Haaacvr atoll U a 4IUM k> II.M OB Ito. tolal MllfloattaM at Ito ,'
tooltoa Ml: ttoooa was M aaortkorlr ot aMIsS .- ..Sdaa.-.sS S., -.- orttoa .1.-rort Bad ,KM ana Ms spa vs..asi kk atM 4 .| rojbtand nun *Bd Spa tinalaiaim ..

:1 alnoUtal IBM fart Man . ito ardraaaM BMaoblbnl P.5.45. OfftetHolMtaaa. = an Mar |k* "I 0\ AlteM sIp MOPtlan .f tto Ckr atokr aknolant aaaoariatl aa MM piUUiaTto1Kc5r 'S
'I.:6' toa abo .. Wool Hat Ito talor.aarttaa MM ._ .
Hmto or a U. oa _. (-Np ilk. shall OsanMIs. with Ito rfekt .. MrtM
TorrHoHol .. at ash. WM ItM wrth Ito '-=aurrlr "pir.una.or .Tto.t. of rorrta Mali powor Tto tHr of PorrlM nail .. Ito *.*. tIll .L'I I tto 4brMMM 154 shall .. pa rat* a <*r shall koL town. I"

),4ai. M- . IiM.I MM at tto MartlrwMt QoanorINWMI Manlrlpal BMBMB- Mforn .1 orwlMMM, raka to Borrow, Munir lor tto .. MIMrarttaB 1 55.55 . S. Harp abs ClIp C.asslsudsa fallr aarba matnd POM aooa aV-1..aa| of- fraud, ,'
poMMtarrt* I Ito Trrrtterr Iterrlntii. at MM atrtteol Itoan no.MBM MOM MlMMl of Ito .-' fnr Bad farakklno. of paktM toll,. haw..a.. lbs..htd .I < M la Ito flaaMlal .ao4IUM, aa4 fartod nyaatajua ar ottor liMiMoa attawropM
.. M ta = "III. flonlbai ||* M B -dfrorHoa KM o I.. 5St rorplM at water I Mar IMa (MR. kMMIM .aporlallr totpHab ..'SI f" ...ssp 5.-h of abs Clap _lilt tm aktalalat aaawa .
JiI V., JW toot BM*> ar ito Wort Ha kton Ito '- powan anfrnol at otorter or I rfM kulMliun city ton Bad attor Ma adat araaalmi too C, bUto a maral to Ito Clip BoUttaMActtwi In.
:1 .
'.t PMrtlnrai of tto MnrlkwoM QMrter NWHl atMM naps rw. tatohtuau.nloa or aooml I taw. I = '
PwwooV Bad miMM I .to Iriwl __ shall MM Mm.nM 555.4.5! aa aark *5.. CliaaMbittOi at saM aMotlac aral at Ito Clip Clor. torrunaol shall
OHr aadl Ito MBUM tor KaoroWaa Mr Una M tto Mteraortloa ofMM Pokk. imillbaTto aattakta -. . Uwfll MtMTHr . lal .lf'o IM has Ito aaa*. say ipiolal aicrtlaa Mll4 tar turk aot to .tiwMMa for kk dkMbMl 1 aar ..,
Ito MMBI I M Orant w MM CSt allPOWMB Wool MM with Ito Mortk Hn aSsaM Oltr M :-shall ton prwor t 5.5 " s.d ... or IM rII halldlss' fUM kr 5 asslIdsa.]I---'J' kla saSs .. oalaat a4aot tto our* ... aulllfj amiidlnaa lMro ..
P-- ar P.ln.lo rkb M toOnatol MartkwaM : INWUI SI, rnfom water at nap at Itoa .Sal omollMl fit* : ". 5.1 . I.laaanl alarlMa. -. '
t>otr tto OontlllMln af UK tkraM no ta dlrordoaM .. 'O taa. otaolrlrHrtad .. . .. ., haM , . M JariMllll.a ClMbalia. I D, Maka kaajWIato M raaort M Ito 55.41.5 n. lash ha ,'
Mate af PhoMa aad af Ito Uatted MataiM fort Man toa aba Ito Nonk ottor puklM aUMHO, M ottoi wa4S .5 .I ....1.1 MIld.l.a. . I I Clap OaauakakM Ito appataumal afaar ,. P.SIII.a5. ,' .

Aaltorha Ito I... af Praaltrw laM rII.. HottkwMl QMrterMWS aaab. annas.san ,. .10. a. plal-as whl. s.d . 5.15C5. ilniiiy .'-parrn* I*', fima Clip ..,. als.S1 to basS la B ra.ar4 took .
far tto Vlilrtlia at OrdlMBoM' Bad ( ) Ito talonoMir at MMNorth '. SM Clip C .5 II .. Stall wtotkar -.:. .at
Ha I .' .. .1 pawas saM 5.54.5.asp'St atoll to tto a* a B iM.Mat rarari if tto Clap sad :
MM with tto Wool Hn af
to UUfr Cmara Art. and Pnrndlanof Ito ., -. ,. a I 554a s.d S.ISS wkk aasI .anl5, apalisa sshaV- ttoU afh. i.fflrtrat sad raaaMtMaoDMiractlr ;
tto PrMrM mnrll *ad Ito yaM (.. |PV() af Ito Wool Half -. -'f I. sad Mo'_ t., 5..55 rII .... ..Pab7 ;i . MIMI M :! 4>u of MM appolalaMat.tartMB 1 **!. to all IHIWJM laralraa.AkTirll 04.It
IWHI at Ito loBtawrai ,
nf Ito rttf of Quarter I. T.IapS.asi lad ,.. C Ian., 5. ._ S .. astd 4.1415.. Aav. all M PrMlona at .. aalrirlliM V WIlL .
U t IT B-KACntD iV 1.i't..nIlU.A. <*W\t. af ortU.. aa Towaoklp itoMk. II, -: .- :i I a.. SM spay pawara lad faarIMM_ tonar toaM I 1''p.l lIly N._. Tto kofoTMHlBM.lorrloa .
TDM or TMI ITATI or rtrOaMDAlAiricui kanM M Raolt I Iknn raa la atoll kan . Tto M.. .I '.
S dla.tSa., "N SM 17' profmlM .$,.if"Mnor4 h.f. ..t.d.d I. h. Clip aimtt tto laws: aiM faarltea Cltr . M laaolnM W M.appulalM Tl P.war tf toi a4aMto .
V kn Wash 'lln ta all tr la wl.Kin Ito CHr II". . Ihr r,1 5aw 554 ." .p1.4., ] It ft I saP !. r.r. ihull arrrrI Tho "ht 01 ..._ to pn.P.M
aiM MM
M Ito .
'.ad aas.asIaS.a.s.5lan..I..M.fl 1 -I th. will of Ito .. .
) talMMrtfca of MM Woo Mr wIsp :: not to IS. ClIp c- pnrkM Ito propla of tto Clap. of Prrla4 taapprova
i a.4 pro.trrlto -. s araml rII all apa.ailsu .._ sad CaasaaMss ttot to mar onlr" to niaaial .
IM oiblkHf awaMpalrU af ttoCHf Ito Warlk Ita of Ito Booth Half .r "- Mate rtrmurMrttaa asp Vr arauaara ar naul ass or rorok at tto palb aar orai.aaaea
TM ruba mulolkrM lor tto 55454 ..._. alr of all of tto
la.lsdlsa a
ooa.mntoa ua...
ail Uaa raatrito Ito la wkkk axorptaao ar aHlaaaraf of asp BB4 all UOMpaa
aarpowrr :
of fttrlm. ta tto Cooatr of Do4rm4 < > af. $ Quarter .. ,
at 5aW55)1 : and un af nM asadsIIa and toafon. .1 $ashapud ".... roaMbabi. daiS ._. sad all daM of Ito tUlf asp to aaordaai IIIkarUw). M kr tto -.... iwaroWBi ofMtoittU4 .

H. tula aoml natato rtorto., birarp.ralof rII ito aHata aaaorHw of diaaslha 1- 5455 Pta a. I. . BMBI.Iban Itorrwllh. .ad la MMat Tto af Prrrtor Mall .aowrr tf 10 ,, .'stistpi.tha ...,1,. to lbs .p.45.55 V- 54.45. .1 IT Appraraar* af DIo.. SM ..._ anbad Df _. a I. ,
fallun .If 'r
rrfunl at Ito .
r puklb atllltbaMBiMnb a Manklpal rommrwInBn ,- had air Jta _._ z.,. kr Ito Oaambttoa to a rota tf
Ptorkal. kaj tto MUmm tt toratoatol. aloof nM ... Una tto later.BMIM .. .
ka .
af nM Monk .. whk ttoWort w ,' .. wlrn aadrr .. v..'. __. SIas'IsP *'hIsb a5a,4 ,.. p.p.s. .5 . rII p.a.Msa. .-'t Aar *oipl r*> ...,. kr Ito Clap Ito aUotoratewtilofc ... ktol to ia.rak .
.. sIP .. Ito atlas andmmkilloM M al. ..d III. Manavrr iM ..h.. hIss I ,
Ji. $. UM af Ito oaltoaH Quarter | r.I.tto > iap Ban thsspv4h'a.sass BtlMMaM of M.awMhoja kr aur 1. >4 sad a.trrlat Itoroof. ta BIBIIIMI -. i iRtrtba to U MMl to ..* _. tto rtwkt of ._.1
tarkondiilta Jt eMIT ,..nd wrwrtd.1 raroorl.u a aaraoaal appraranra krfor* ft rfamMaal Ptltk a.If .'
IIKttt V pnalUM
HUv nM
Root I>M rVrkk aa< awaamkta orararirtr Bf Mrtloai; ttoan ass.II. ... Ito aHna aadrr troundand M Sl.aI.4 land of full ( kS. Clip ...., .. .'.1
._ CaBrtlMlOB k Mltor ml pirion.l. Mwlkbr aMa Ito Nortk lIsa at Ito orMMMMoaai
'i awlatata, for MM atalart, tto Tto CNr af PrrHnr ...1 ton a.5... Isds55ada. a.a'sd "'trarUadHhM Ito CttrCom. art IktoiurMo aarolMriol oufh Half lm I af tto MM South.BBM ..
u._; itckjaxau. OOMOM .: ;" Qnrter Illcm at MM atrlknidkMim a 'Nraarhk 5.4 tad pruprrte of park tmmmmtarlb mate a. "....1.1'I.' .5ass. .. asa a. _, rII ". aslasI ll* .toll '| adMlakuatlrr VILTto MtliMB ibmral rr b.teral .

to toM ar ioai4 kr Ito ....1. of MM tat BMrrr or bn la na IxirHr .. ...sddIIIsa, I. psasast aal.Ilsg 55altdlaa' avs.. af (to fflr'I. tto lallbtlr. oaten J Ito Clip auMtorlac .. baotflftora
H ....
: PoirlM h.4a.aa -. Pa4. aw 4 Is to cuklto, M*. Cltr M.onrrr ahd aVtba Pwar amt ((111 I of tto Waal .II.
U. of BtoM pot. to an4 Ito WOOl UM of tto pOBthwm Quar. Ito : no. ta to Intllala OrMMHiM.Tto por .5
( ..
to .Mlo4, b Ito ataaUaol MnaratlMpalttr tar IIWUI I af lorlfaa u. Town.hlp Hr 0 toll ton aowrr. .4 rarot ,.tto I"Bjnlkjii '*-- I..ladIp., . MM N. ....'sq.asasa'ad S5P ..1. Mtto rlarkt af 'laHlatlr *. torrhr ara.rrMl Ittorot rotora M atown kr tto Cllr, ,roa.btratwa .

._. w .oft .aM M BootK. JUap-i M l Itoan no .j, ta prarblona .4 SPa CooMHa. of lto aukllc sty .. pot klndlnr .saId .1 aasaas ,. .I. ) Manaror . .for to ". propla of lbs Cft.. of Prrrla* tooka to TIM wIsh Ito CUT .
., Unur4* *. Mtterlr dlrortkia 14 .nut of PbrMa and of thk .n. V .. 557 554 a iMnliM whIM . ttoMwiorUot of i'' pukita t . wto atoll tor lbs to or.4laa Clash TnuMlInt slat asp saM or4lnaiwoar ,.
tarter ,
MMW.f, foH Mot ar taw ... Ito Nonk MMof . ,.a traarkkn far pukllrtrrtlM .I. aI. V ,' atviavha .. .Ml_ .awad huja rf Ito ClIp .:all .*M at aar .4 Irs.." toadnpt I I say aartlM ttoraof to rapMkM ar to ,
.la''. -klD to" BOW* s.d .n UMM > . tto auto ltte4 ta voto rf tto .1...'.. MMoralMM ..
AaM wMlawlua tto aoalk Halt I"41 of Ito MMoutkWMt 0 I. t .ulp' Ito polU. Tto rlakt at a
aa lMla4la or all antnrl toa*of braolfttoltaa MMkKkktatlltr Quarter IIWUI af paid II.| Inn, OflaU' Atkn, .ITOBM and -air. an.. ooonkMr ,;I: Bad ta =.. ,. J"Ito laltl.llv '.7' Mrrb4 Ito f.I low. atoll mat. maant ta tto sass. ..
aM BBFIIOB U tto Wool Una 4 ttonulhMH .... Mr. CIX ..tto haMs sSwasIas.aadsS..a.asSa turnout to .. auklla ruin bit amiiiar aiM aclr4 upoa M tortlMfurarwMal. 5. .adIaesl, _u. ""I
--'i1'.r. a.":1. QMrte IBK'41' ml .M atr.Una .'ro.toll ton powrrM ha s.IsVI.SawyanV ,MM WiUWWMt* IriOB .IA" 0''.. .s.a tto .. c.... tonta ton toM ':;::
ttonm III an .1. 4 MWMB offal amatol nhn.tka ant dnH,idd ta tk> IM ClIp, of PtrrlM Mall f fall and af Ito artla* ... rrrparalteii ml lo.tI... ...
.id ,. aattorlr pro.
MJJv.tI. shall Ja aM b. iad. .: :t.7.
_.....1' .. dlnrllm' Mt trot BM** or bn ak." .. tm,hw*, nm.oM af and anlBMh .W, ... ""- ... ..*, to k nv IWMT for Uw VUHHIM a4 1_ af toll to topt pwlllaMi AflMarltof .5 Oas51a..5 BorUn M Proaaratloa at RrtonataMI .,1.1 i
=.:1 aid tto Nortk HM mt tto Rotilh,. Halt 'III'vlaf I r.,un. >n4 t anulrw ana. t. .tdln. an atalMW vilarwaru 51.51w. to '...''I bll (Mprrtloa ataralal ., .....- VTb. PrUlteai, Alfld.rU at (bnalaMMM. .
tlTto MM iwBMot Quarter IllCtiJ ofn4 ..1 mat ta utirnite and . "... .I Ifwhidlnr MV wawr lIsts mml 'O Ito ... o_ 11aM.Isatlss .ly.alslaw anr I Irf 1,51.11.. p.145k. PIa.lssaa.Th. .
V lk.Wta.k af Ito .Ctlr af Prt.HM atrUM ,Ito IntertotloB rrfMM ,., olanti for ito dbpoMl or ndurtiuaat .Ito at .>o.. .p.Ma taiwklntt p. 0 rvnalHnc. Impravlav sad ..1. PS. .... ; iwtllloni to Usa ClIp Commtoioa ra.auMlliui . elrrultlor .! aSp rrfrronduM waMUoB > ,
PlorWa, arltkla tto Bmm4.rtBi Mass HM wIth Ito Won lino aiM. matter or tto Mlntkia tk.rnmor nf InnnnrVrtloa ana.VMlna .. .. ..5awaka CI, 0s.a'usllp ",. .. H to paa an anlliiaiir, tI.t.wt or prtllloM Ito Cllr Oomn.ta.UnIkrnla
torMfwr to Mtok btoa, tfc.ll, Manr tto Pail Shall (P.lil sap part ttonol and to arauln o terra talntfthMt' |5'n nHM ,*nd nf P_1... U toll. ... aowar sad .15 :. . i sass Is.5'splaS fortk or *.tw .M aka I .... .". __. it is ,a.aaslda .. ., .
aoa.llaaa wMMn has |
I :7:1. purrton, nndrMBalkut ar attorwaw .1.l of tto Cllr. lawful aitihoritr ... la Ml torlk or dnlroatod atoll Matoffbuwtt
to kwlr (WUi af ito MM sip to .."n iilrr Hotel lutotantiallr tto followlnt fonaI .
mt a Milhb p..a.a Sha
Mala .r Inter** or . M. Plr4 p.nnMr. sad _I ,. . .. hit rii .. .< la ..,.,. ...
aiM ik* aiM CITY 0' 'F.UIN'it"i 55555)''i; .. ... I. a aassh.vldl.avIk. I. aaMateot la tar wa Chr ", .. tomtktb CIty ss4ap. ** 'u. apprmM to Ito aU.ttoa auhatenUallr tto .
V as ah.N 'ha. -.w.I sasa.a.Iaa. .* 1551 fort anon or |m aliior ter. Und sad I.. ... water wltkl., . Slat at all 5s.5.' ..h.11 I I"** r w.r t 51. S.. s..l.sans rII .1 555 atoll oMlit'to'or oponuT! or pat lion* Usa ..1. .lvatur ia..thaIwabM.satanapp.a4.dS.tS.spatIO. , .
asid Wass Jto wllhla BMBIT la Ihr wnh'MMul ... <. lasasan. lIla as. of Ito twraoa mrkaM H .r ., or prtltloai, b tto roaulM altaato '
sans ort.
as. aas a .M aM S. lIsa N..ih ISa.' .5 C. .. M MalMlM, otto P totolnr
; .as. asMas.l Ito , ar
pawara farm.MIT
I toWtrarfM with. .*) ':. aw *ml to MM lomtoMt Quarter tlcmi ttoim t.*'Jf asap W BaonMarr Is.aSI S bud rnrporat* ,1 MM CHr . swat 0.1 .1. sad ',. M koartorhtr tto .' Is. V-IS. rII .. 'san aMass .."* It paapa.554s ,,
It. trlonl W
J ah>4 anal latpbaool all Ito .. la S .... dlrarOoa, III dbpnal rnttrUoa iKniutloa, aaa- '-nm v.45. ..- '.. an larli 4 as..i af Ito Oil* .54" , ... rII Phaids to-wit .SIba. .,
; M Jku lad la .t' MatterrTtol Sass avrl or ton tlnna Ito Wool HMof .tiMkaa a .5.551.5. =nrrr. Ikb aawrr Into,M a.4 .11 dM1 traalad for UKnaatrartlna aIM _ ':_L rII Dadt "I. ... of PlnrlMMCowitr

I -a. Ito last Half 51551 1 af tto Wort la'tSaa .1 AtolMMBt Bf 11 ". of lurk work dtilnd froaiton flrallr ii. -, first *ulrvwnm of DaaV' ll
t\MI.- H.lf, (WtO' tto Nortknn' QMrtarINftm Ito CI af HrrrlM, atoll ._ lorlbB 41 mrrrl lair'I ..... sad saId wsaa.a5. s.p pail.. hIs -.i. vaNaiMila, km. a. imta and .. .., ka b tto ------. twin* flrat 4.5. s
V 0 .Btflrota at Ito MbtliM mnlrlaadtr ) af .. r nlta (a IS.. later.Mrtloa aoBiprl atotemrnl aad POMoral. .t P44lon, | I.I.MI rarrlBaab .n, sSa.5S. ystll : phall .. Clip ..,*,.. .5 tto forrvolnf prtHHl anrrMalalnlni twora. dry ana aiM oar tkot to b tto ..
v h.ao4 IVkor Vrkkrbai ,ha45.5' ktoa 5.11 ". ton --- il.itnlii. sad ttot .. .... .
of Ito Clrr, af Prrrhw. wtottoranlataj at MM Wool lIsa .Ik spa t hi. tto (.Itr I .1 pawoiv of tto tormina, arUtlon paprrrtintalnlnf
.S..1.4 '. shaH roallnu* to Nnrih Ua* af MM Niwthn.t QuarterNKUIl art =, ClIp ''llmii,- Vrktrba ,. Illrr.Tto tiM. pn.rr wad 1..u uttoritr Mortaoo =: . : ...... appia4i4 ,ttorl wr aiail V tonaturM sad thai ttoIrnaturM :.':

.. .. to ..- Ito wntb ( ) I Itotwa 'In sa aMterlr al IS. arrow CMr of ...1.. t.wrr ,. Ha oalln .yalaM rr any : ta ik proMM* oa tto MU art _It. apprniM Itoioto won naaa takb
..4 TM.IK Ito OMnlwMrata ttoronf until dliriloa a : IIM fort mmr ..1. aama Ito awarr SIn.., roalrol ,.*.late ,., nortlrr* ttorrof 'O Ito purpon of raklaraufrtcbni : 1 p5.5445 tto. sad an> Ito aauln. ....... oftto rrotoara Ito .. art appaHo ikmaa4 ",
a,. toM ar BOW aapolrltaiian I... bnr ito Mwik HM of nU tto inKind .stud spas ,Ito ilrorW. aMrwa. inoarr to auk. aMMinry r*. p.avI4 laP lb. .t .nt pmoM wkoa* UIBM ttor purpait t* .. tto _111.. inTaataraa of tto ",.

.1 = aapiMal M tto prorbloM aftkl NnnKrort Qmrtor NCm' M Ito OB Ito OMM Mar hat to '"1 nnMk ._whhla' tto Cltr" aiM tto M.of p.ln' to MM arttrrji .anr part ttomtan4 to paId .apartfr d..U.s 1.. ha .. pit ion* wtoM aaaMj ttor aurNifi to d."

1'5 atorter .n4 all ._. ,a.sIaSIa., WasI 115. of SM N.._ \I"n. juU and Mtor BNMIOH wilMa >aan P1'oa and to _.lst.,, la pltda* all rtorrr4 ..! wtoa aa.4aa. .. ,"
( .M'M.iIas. of tto Cltr af Prrrtarraanlartr (NWHl of _... IT Towmklp U totoft *bB. nnltar, tad fn*CI t. tnpproBi ao4 pmtilkll towhari an4 PM41m saM Sad ,ansa. ,"u .. *Ml4iiat MtlafarMrr t. lo alvtoraa.aktart ..- sad ;;l to tofor* *M thIs ltaha.plhad ..---W----thIs "

; pooNM aroMiilaatr4 sad oa .... Rant. 4* Xaotl ... anntla u> .O ta mak ItoM M al Ito .>POBM. aiM torrara attoa aurk atmrta. ttdo.walkt nnlll MM Moarr fnlrrmM 4to >rt.kl af anaoaal I apprar.PM .. ---.11-. .---daS.S---1"-.
I rIM aol iMoMltlonl wltk Ito arorblom akin* Ito North Hn of Mid N.irthHM vwaara ar aorupante Itonof: to and ..10''" plant) and to Urraar.nd bat a* tain Ikoll oror kvlrdBnr : .haa.I.aiin( pmliM. tto 5.11... --- '
.4 tkb Art. aMP roaula la fall ton* Vast .. INVISS. I mrulala ar prannt burkterkoutn ra it. I.. _bt MM4. mnA rontmlUl B.norn takm or dlrtrteil 1 fan ttorrnrml aaibtaau .. 'P.5.1, ..iPuMH) ...
.. atfm antll, tto MM* shall kan knaaautr ... Past : a. a, I.. ,: :". Mtor or affr-Mln kutlaniM M ronlat. t* proklbH |I. dMtenalo4vtrtrt. fund, of tto Cllr for Ito Mrateaf4.rmh MM affklabi 55. c-.,.. EspIrasI Mr CoouatoloaI Eiplroil I',

aai .4i4. raarltMH a* naMbAtrirti *\ of Ito Nonknl Qtiartaraf CHICI4' vlthll .. ... Ta pnrrkta far iMprrtlnr. O Mrt of *lr ota, . . drnr, iBdrklodnoM malod ; : ----- ..,
said Mnkn J .lIsa ..._ aK'** V./f.'. '" '" _"." MBdlllM Ittarr to M sad rtak-loi and tnllronw 'E In mrr sash poUtloa ar nrtnloM tkmakall *mraurk\ "". or aol It km ttora.toll '"
V flTa.s4S..W Ito N.". MM' of MM 11.Qua... kutHwr POM._and to*. saM nan to to r rltior 4nd aortlaa 5?. ... .to Parrhan to .... appnlto tto ...,.. tto to ... oppMHa tto .braatur* lbs "I
J I .. sad .arIM, ter JNrui i dktam at It* fta "I'II and wllkoul' Ito pup, ronlml, tto ifrlrm .and to fit Mnlnlata, Uporato Loan 4 plan af ntMran and doMH-lk, af Ito .... plae af ro.Wr.oi .. aonlrlM, of Ito '11
: 'Mil
oil, tl N.. MMkriaaNVTtol ar Ina lo tto aahit. at toa-la. Mr iiraallB Ito . : Ito Mte to krod .nrHaro rfporwow I'tllllln.Tto lIsp *554_, a Mratlfrlnr: Ito Mmo kr .Irort Bamtorar ., ., MrnjUfrtan tto Max wr 55.555..aaIs .
S .. roml.lU.n.1 to And projirrtr .. C". and CIty of PorrlM shall kar* full paw.r 5. ClIp laslan.Is attor aaarriptfc afflrbal to oHaklkh ar rtkrr torriptloa ... 5..sS.bll.h .
i ttanlrlMlltr la to nllol CMr AtTH-ll III.I I kIMI Ito k plnr J ., :, ta Ito Mikllr. work. oo4 tto lla-lw of and lawful authorltr. t torn. aunwr CMIpwas, said ra..5Ii. Ito Inntlon of lurk rMHtean, Kara >ur. Ito kxatloa of aark naI.5a.aa. .
.5 firrfijrti Ito Count* at llad aada. ..- JarMlirttoa. sad PrlrlbMt. nlkor foaH Itorrl.. or Ito M .. Clip; and lo s.d ".* tto CHr Mma.aor .1 ,.tto rurpon of panto*. .. 11. P. ... to Sap arlltlon prtltteM atoll lash alnatun to any BoUtloa ar poUltaM :::
1 ., wIt. I' a.. .... Manllr I .- ... ba.Ipasa t.rIrad Ito Ckk* nf Pnlln. ta _k. ..( .... klrinc. .,'.'.''a''or.. _U. i. .0 knr _,. H Ito date ot H. haMS .. toll knr H tto data of Ha to-

.Vla Ikb ArlW Ml fort. ta torrkr -cl; at rorrina toll ton anr sad or mnkrramit O _'rorantlr .wnlntt mililloM for laMPS aa Itotour. koalat krral puallt Mllllln .larludW D prvrlaWttol I* .> tpanhltlamlto piadtd Itorrta and aa ....'u_ I." spasIad sad a. sles55aa'as.pp'ssd.d :

Mated, V BWMltrd sad Mlaklbtod, nMMr .II anwora and (.. rbkt to anrrrk* '." :Ito p.rutU of sIt trtlrba Iknuirk _. :. .5 IM StPa.Ia ddl i nllwar. rbrlrui Inrkl Unto and tto .1", .,. all at 5 I rul prrrl'u. (aol) d.s at a Una tkirtr (ass dnn prterta ,"
1-- .I* to" Vail >. MMuteta ,.. BM Ito Maw .". SasS to prnBtolah'unarr Ito ", ., tto ; to aawpal : to aoMMorr ar .. ..= .h_, _. f. tupplrlnr' ClIp .I .) .4. c ,?s.,. to tto data of ,Iii.f" tto Clip Ito dttr rf flllnr with Ik* City ClaM
5i tea rolr alt Itot terrHorr I. Ito,Oouatri. Ito ('oaitllntlMa mt Ito (Mate iif 1 *,_. of .Cl. and ,. .nd to for parklar, parM nn : with '. .' :, "J sppslv54saat. 1 t. .toll to offoctln.. _.. .".. kill to ",oftI. IrMrate. prtltton. prr

V Had torrNortai* and luta af Ptarkh. tto artaoMBOM PhrrM an4 Ik} Ualla4 llatea. la .41154.. Mil annomnrr.Bob. '. ,.1 ta _. Mr .. .. a 55 T thno drwnatlaw , : . pmnr. w>ter .nd k.| ,... .. rII ClIp' At p.55.15151, to tto nm* .,.... toll to t.lnl.r.' ta Ito Max ordlMnr, .toll to
1 touadarba at wkk-6 atoll to IS. a44ltloBalor p.was law Ito kmlloa uf .. aad Ito __. rkrkt .. tto un W Mrk aarkHw tttmad . of furakhlaw tmm : ... Cttr 1' I. .5(1.. 01 Clap c. a. IlIad I ta Ito otfln, at tto Clip ClaM MMM
J-? to w ,., : .:1.I, aar po I ta wklrk Itor sPaS to laps and BOB. to rrauUte a* oarate ar dbroatlButto > 1.'. and .. tarter. tad Tmnror T C ass .Isstnaaas.tP.M. taatruMrnt.ortlM co'r

1 ..PM I paisS ...., .. sap5d .ii.IasS.I.' .SrwiSdS.ds..aaflq!! lo ( an ot Ito MBMI ... orahw all shall ton fall *: .. toM .h. .. 'II. t.aaN5a )51l4., ) :Cowoilltoo for rfanadaa. .
T I al.ttolnlrr-inton ,! too bud llnl U"Ito ='i" sad ". .. | ddfS.s.p.s.: oo4r4oa t 4to atrrboa of atiarmt fnrMn law I irHr to MMKna Ito lb. = : .iJt . sIsal V nrk lurk potltlva rrtltlon prrUla 5.., 4.55445 55 p4.55555 p5,555.5 'I :.

Wart Kill IWUI af tto Hot Hal rII 55. p.- 10 IM __ iklotn dotriMr.t.1. to tto knllh MoraboMfiirt t -. to to ron4ltlr" >o4 = a..InasM. pashatad, '; .. .1 .. hit to aar on* *r4lMa, *toll UU II..'. fat to ... wa rrdloaara' atoll alate Iton.In ,
I ip'4s af ,Ito Morltoaat ifuarteriMIHI __ of thIs Artlrb shall pad *1..1 nfrtr. p.insVsd wrK.r. .. 'k., 5..tto motor.ttaa ind opmted to MM ClIp, . t ha 1 ,la Ito MBua sad odd,*.. of at boat tto Birnn and ."
I at aWfln*. IT Tawaklp M ar to o>4ud at Ito tatokM.nU af of at too ,'sblIs .., ....aMn ar aorUflntn ,-l. .( .11 I. frw III racl.ter>4 mar abs kill .. Ml) twikund nun who atoll dnujMt I.I. I. t
I'I .. IUMB 4* Hart wish Ito North .rant J. ";or pmotolklrr trribaj II Was baa :"e I I. Mato wk toona rnar> .Ito to*> .1 I tto Ito f. 0 ro."* ttooi ''lr>a ... shall ttortaftar to UiMnnlm aad atoll tkmafwr to off* I.,

lhu> mt Imm MM Nontoaat Ou.rlrrNKvTi aMa Ikb MrtHau I Cllr af tVrrlao .BMNMM ._ Mar .''I 11.. tadrkudnon rioaud kr C. Aot M af SIsal aapMll ...11. ranlr4 at tto ipoaten .*. rbllr nairdrd M tto apoaaon tad fllrr
-( ttoan rua ta a .toattorlr larllaa a. ,...., .. UrMTto ta T mmun I .powrr, .. ....'. I of MM monrr: to plodoo ..'=all ajtnaUMa psSMl.lsS amlii e film) af Ito .. pUtl 5. aid wtoitoU of tto lurtltloa. or prtHlaoa tad wto atoll 1'4sIa:
,f diNrtka atonMM Ito-l lino a dk. -1-, .. awlrh tar P1 and ta .tulr> mrk kor' tto.not slIp tho D. Dkanr ,i sap arpalntjiiant m4a to MMtltuu, a naimltte for,tto fur _.lIt_ S eoMBiltlar fnr tto funtor M4 fm Man bM la ttotatorMMlM OHr Bf ,..,. toll ... powrr UM within ,t. ClIp and'O..aoMMnptloB fl. .. .' = :annfr w to funbkol to aU 1 I aarnllat :., .nd flird' .. ta.nd. Ito CIty ( .florarto .., af tto Mtolak.Iratlr ttor purp air* at *>.rebln, tto rlckt ofInkktlr purr MM of rmrroklnr tto slabs at rrfnr* 1
Kant Ha wIsh M ratal UMllr kr too. and Horan& fan '. ** t kirn oprntlnr BOM tto MraHlnf 54541., .... MMJIMHII poiltk. > wllk rorar4 to ta4! rdlnaa, M ... wHk rorord M nM rdlaaan, M
I Ito Umik 11 I.rII'.! Norttoaot Quar.ta ..ud Mm frnuM)'br. It tmrtlrakl*. SaM' OS. va..I.s."MBdltr. artklr .nd Mortk .. .' Paya. wklkw mrk niter' . .11 Mtor drtrt rrnted fortto'n*. at tto Cltr ._IR.! .4kaaprw.. toralMftor sat forth.lortlM korrlaaftor art fortk.Irrttea .
. .hl.. 1 Mass s.d 1_ .,. wtollr, wltkl.' tto "ilmlu, of ikr Irurtloa of saM .5.4.. tt Cortlflnlba af .od...
I' ? 111(4It Itonra II. atewtorV of Mnn.r mm Ito CHr Ono.mlt.lo*. .. ... .. 1 drrind froM Itoopmtla. $ to hMlrau4 and M Ito tint Tl. Plllnc af PrtttteMW .
dlnrdoa alone Ito KiM Hanf ..., pruokirdl ,.. Mar dom arr.marr -5SM Is Prrrliio .to>w ra Ik' Cltr afPrrriM o paPAs' : .- ..4 **a owol*. aals.taasl 5' lb. ,tlila tea tIllS I data after tto flllnr)' af Within tot C 111 dtn afur tto f lilt' ,* ofIk .1
1. Ito Wool Half tW\4' of tto Kara fur ,Ito p.i.ior or pan.Mil rf nM .hl. ,Maas .. pttor r I''., and saw. .nrartod ..rJ:: awnlaw' at whaM tto CII, Maaar ..n Ito priUliM. tto CUrk ak>JI 1 '_.1. It.n.hs.llaa potltkn, Ito Clark atoll aoorrtatawtotkor
; rr..I".CI( I ritr U owordiar with tto CaMllluttanind .. JMMIput.Ma of lIsa CuT" of ,m.>n4or nwwtno r>.,..h .. raaart asaP tppilnkiiMt .aamlntfarnUM tto aumtor of rarl_ vat.n 0x4 tto prtllloo b .laaod hrraaltterNl
) afMf I... of tko dial of rlorid 1.4 IkrllnHrd II. Pin Prmalba, D ... fan sad I.. I It .r IW.I te. to auir toro *> ** . wkot ."....- .. appndr4 ttorato roten at tto Clip .Mntoriaft .. .
laM MOT. has ta lto tafmo.lkj ..... wltkoul rolorran aoarral Pt,,. IJ.Ita. 0 n4n"... .h.$ '. to aVTto mlom. ... wnter. tat tad ... Itor. U aaaalHww a . ,-. .. 14 wtottor tkb amtor b at tent toa : bait SlIMs' prr nat III' *I .of atM Ron HM T S.. Vita rt I PorrlM oto I ton .ssdai .I 555 .,.. too bdrln, and .1 kr ito Clip nrMmtan tooka. aadto ,)
wtlkj tto f-nttll SIMs Itw. Powor i> s.IpIp. af > nnafc M* III .. POP Mat ((!. U .Nasal MM Houttoaot Goo_ (IRUII I .. mlHmt,. .... HHdon. rnwor.Oran to Mtlnmbk' sad pronnl flrn 1 sad torMnprl a ,...
.15 .. .' aIls to _.._ Sv k.waadir toll I. full fom and Uflrato .ho.. lbs mull of onrh naml. '
la a aaattorlr CraHlat. mmmrnt tl Vrkkbn. aador.Ma upmow .. ,1 tto laUeK. V took. a.4 .. atoll attack ta : : OJ.
VT sII... ktot "Una Ito WH aad Kate af MMor 1.45.5. tto II.aVparlamt la sUM Itata Uw. .torroorol .toll Sally -.1 T* pa** pMiiiMf ..100et. laM pctHloa kb rarllflnto .... tto I aatloa If kr Ito Cbrk aartlflnlo th* ,
at Ito Hart Half I MS,Ill ('arrbn.Tto to Mtakll.._.1. .. natrxTi SI. ftwtlat '1. P. .. sad PUrmanMI Pan lanlaai ..AraalriaaaiM DuMMaf af .. aM ttor .... to aa .,. malt of flit ... ., If. to .. prUtlni to atowa 4to .."... H ., '
V-iasasI ... ..
J ._0-.0 0-_ ..... J 4l.lah.a' .1. Pr far It... Mar to BMoadrd within ten Sill ..
Cltr M PorrlM okal| .. aowor Tto tit at Prrrina shill km poworta Oanraawalal at *a*> *t all aorat MM lIt or Ito Clrtk Mrtlftrata. of wklrk _. I.
rrltoa 14. ,;.p.b.: I. .. and, rark, n-para awradai.. ala 5 asaI.,' .. .asata.sIs., '.. an park lad plantraundi. wkirk ".. $1111.., .A"t 1 C.aitoliair* itteiM,M tto PMollaa, ; at I wrltla thtll to vlvm MM ar awnanoM froM tto data of MM Mrtlflnla kr too .
j' *t 1S a dkMan af.IIM tool mon' .s.sAs.SM sat -, . M*, ,*n .. alrurtum, torn, tomfter to *-,ulrt4 kr tto Cllr irf Prrrtaala .Cllt of Prrrlaa rtl-ll) tow MW to .. Ito r4lMMa. aiMlultm ar .... comniltto. tk* fltn" r>r luontnuoaurr prlrllnB paprrl
S M $MM to Ito tatonartba af MM loot rolo __ wkteo. toawllfr *Bdaltorwbo .. '...I I. saM _... M tto puklkkfrtr wklrk te ... .utdooroiklkltHM.tkoritr .. kr pat-tiair IllS.' tloa to iniiaii4 wMtoM Ito I skas a to of.\. H mar t*: I wIsh additional atenatarn. Tto Cbrk atoll

t ,I** ... tto loath .HM ot ito Nortk iMvrarf aad Mlhituln alfwiiIbn. Mmr.nbMo Mar _...I to ..5.554 ..s5a$. .451. s.d a... :. ar wtorwUa, prapartr.r saM -*4lMaaa rawlutlo ;a4 wltkla, tea Ill' dan fmw. .S.. .. afuH ...,. tea Iltl 4ara after awrk amtn4BMBI ..0'I'
,, B.lf (HI*) of MM Nirrttoot Quarter anauM. toulmMX MUM.. aMo.walka rrBi rn, .r nauln to to mnorol mm .. .. and rollort 5 moMiakbaark ar aar Intanal bwklatto, PJM.ttoa) MM thaw atawrfla saM atrtlflrat* to flll.. annilroiMilarrPHItkiB 1 Mato Ilk. rito.liu.Uoa, af Ito amiadrd .

I, SWI)1dba.asIsiiM..lpdkSaS parka, pnaiaBadn and atkor pulhktkwara '" tolMlnr ar Mrartun ,Ion lUrrfwklrk sda.l.a5.s 'o - .a5a'Isv .whtoul Cllr. aa4 aar .. Mprra wllk. a44ltlMal) iHinitaraa.. PrlHkrm sad amlfr tto malt Munulortlm .
to* afcouj aaM tooth Haa din.taan . anr part Ikrrnut and .. kr mtM at d.lar.5SI.Saast. pnrk ., d.irlnff tto t .." after tt ofanadaM KlarUoa.
ll > af IMf --:11 .. M Ito prmkb tor. Bad Mld I Iboj.Itonfor . or Mtor .:Mar ton to. sPas ito MM* o'' aaod M oMpkwod -1% 5lI p5.4.. a ... .. omaal ta raaf of MBIn. saM aaian4tii.t. auk* Maailnatkia of ttoimo4 If abs prUUoa to tovad ..,.." Ik*
t tali KM itb* at Ha* wIsh ti r..r ., prorMtdi t ta ana.Mrarl aaarrrnB I' pr-wjrtr. awkWk far turk pnrwan.lirtin .1* af Ito Mma or .. ., . *a .,_u. nu of a aiaJarMr .> prtlttoa' *a4 .If.. rrrtlflral 00.... atoll pronod to rnnnhVirurk

lit lass IM at Ito Norltiwtot Qmr.tor said Malntala' krMan ..... luk.won. ,Mar to nrw4 law: 41. RUIotn.Tto .1 ttolwif for (Mate U._ aUaHa 'at Ito Or.aiaikl ln ._." ttoMatlM shall atow tto atm* to to Itl'..'. lIsa mnaun ar MctlnB ttonof ..
(MWfct at MM korltaa III taaBMl, Mom Bad drain aid to SI ukll'k .. 'tlioa to ihnr CIty of forrlM ak.ll ton powar ta. OmaiaaMalal. arlatwa ar .11155. pass at .... Ito flaal, rate la tatoapmMW Ckrk ...11 fib tto Mltkw I. kla afflr ttopatlttaa atoll anorlfr If apoa aurh
Itokn ant IBM I* S wworli dlror. ,Ion vante. sad dloorBtlnu tto nnmrad llMln wIthIN . '" wnoik for tto donlnaiinl and nten.loa af (klanine that.ssaS. ar4lMMi nialallrMaM ... tk.ll aollfr ark IKMIMT. at- ttoananlttra paassulda.4.las sash .1.- a ...
IBM akioa- Ito tvwlk lisa at tto Nartk M rnulala Ik* BM ot all lock .... 111' ..1 aot .n.suw's.d. pa. and Innaportnttaa farllltba rf ttoCHr Rarlla* It. UraWrathal sad Tall., .. saM (rrkhtlaa. itoll to.* ton rot* "f thai flrt Tto flaal fl..'. part ttonuf. to Pal roanbd *Mta4olM

H.lf IN*) at. NtvtkwMt QMrtarHWtil war*, parka avfclb, ._. and _.., .. .W **... .n4 MB trurt. porrtoM. or Mtor.wko T fjtrj'fPrrHao ito I tox tto MwrrordlaaM at aa* Mi'kM aiartlkf ar toll to rmtwko < of tto iMvfflrlrnrr of a potHloa itoll aol dmunrM la Ito potfUoa. tto Com*
( W a dlaMa.a.5 pnroat Ito okatrartloa ot lark .ltwolto ., .N _' '. .. ta oaulp. '; tad Mala.Ula . ... .. ha rnaalha .. ass OMatla ta ... a roaiplrteM .. oiIlM Ito filing af 5 aw prtltloa for ... shall prmlda for autrmhtlnr Ito
...* foot taon or kn to tto Inter.aorlMB . MmW *ad .1.. ..,I tn akulkkKd .111.15 asS. .. shall.. ..wasna.t..4 55 a urN. .. Multlnb tnrlr..11.51. llntnnf l _'l 5.. >raua4la, ttoroaf kr all (.. SM ssal .- .._ h SM a.'sh,4 5atp.5.p ,_... to
: palunl
I of MM lontk tto. wHk Ito ar ." .aasn.5. Ito anoa< SasSIf4. 5kas -In.
sanaStb..I..hara.SSMs.aI..klpsIsla.tIsa i
pnnat rnMlnrr avr tto MM* nllwnf aba rardn. tenataabi Matknwi. .t. lorHM Tt. takaibaba of .
lass MM Bf tto Ndrltoaat QMrterINP.I4) rallroada, ta . tto iiinttoo and 4 . nr alKar Ir Mntorblr I --. Inn nd rrtor tnrkawttnkn !.. to _.. n4 .. all a ..1 sIsa N. rlkoM of aa1 artrlrlMM .- aanirrlataot bn Miaa tklrtr Ml
) ad _1004 II. TWBMl M Bord. af all Mn and ... ... < ta OMT'H. .. wIsh rt* tunouta and all awtdtan andaojtbn .1" la tto Clip of I 555.5 CIly "_., < dan after tto. nrrlpt kr tto C-..ktaf .
lanoo M Korl; ttoM rat taa Mam. M wall aat .. -ro ro afotr "Intl, ar armatba, . daaaPad ' Ito anaitor af ant N. CII, CoauaHMMrr asp toU air If tto p.tlt. dull to mM to to tto Curt nrtlf koto, and aarh antK "
..siM.l. dlnrlba abf MM KM all MPlan. :10"-. nllrwllkli 55.5555 'wlaortta .. .lh.nottk for toiwlpl. ,...., hi. arorlaala.I ta fMtor auttoH. 4aimowavrl aMa affix for na MMrat.M I. or .. .... tto Clrrk .kail otrtl'r *n4aaMtt ... or tuck part ,_. atoll ttonapoa .
$Ha* a dbtaan at UM top man Qua Cllr: ta mjulaw Ito Mr kto I.. .1 Pakllr A_ -, 55 ss4 tto ricM la anarnto Ito ClIp p.aanansI annt tto "flT .> tto ampuii4 ..,__ tto Clip. to BMpradot froM v.5.1 Into offort
HM ta tto tatenorltaa rf MM Ctrl land.rid tod rain U to rtoraod krBUMOB Tto af Ifrrlw Mall ton powor to .' ..".... IsaaV- to T4H .- too ajMllflratlaM rMab'Wto ....1' Joara a* ..., MmlHMl CmwnlMloa at Ha ant niortlMl. Upon r*. until nM ourttaa and .hall, Slay to '

ilka-' wIsh tto aVwtk HM ut MM] BMtar pa. rato aad Mtor rrkkba ,.,Ids for *pan sad Malateaaara Into and Ito had. Ito analhrtaa I to tlltlkU MrlHw aa4 5.55s. Ito ;>or*. CItY shall to MMtto orlrlap; Ito pi.pisad cr4hMBr* Ito COM. suds, apannd to t BM .. ,,
CHr "vI'-
H.HkiMl QMrter.: Tttmn for tto .... of .-.- aad ay n.klnw nf ::. d..s,5. !Mln*nor < _.1101.. tto ClIp and Bat dbtaatman Haw fur I' Ito awilHVaUaM I II. Mai af (laS iI I M) p.p narM ..... atoll) M.BBT pi inn 4 to OM.MWH .. onllnp Itonoa. it ttor
assu... S. a .. arfarlln, _. sad . _I_ "..l ara4 nainimlln far ttotr MrrkM. 4 atoll II..I' artkio Itoran toll to mm ooaoral Clap lortl. .
for tto Inwfor ot MMHtoa anorrintl
... .". toa . from tko rllr .. ,
1 aWittoaoT c. .. Ihatttj"tend wIlMa' tlilrtr laM> laps from Ito iat H
Ito PM II. af ito ,IBMM .. praMia.aarttaa _.. >. klk4iau. >il OaasasMan.a.V H 'toll to aba 4utr af Ito C-... M '

Mess frot Man or bn M tto Inter.OMttna TNT of PorrlM) shall'1 Ban powor Tto (.af 1.. shall ton powonaBtaa ar itinwl with Ito._aw of h 'MUM rooinSoa. 4 ..arMklMiiiml rf ,ramaaakl ,.Sss Al It.s visaS assail.., sOap 5.41.. .554.. ,. Uartloa oa Initial Ito nfmndiiM spas aurh ordlnanna, orr ,.. 'y{

at MM toot Ho* uritk Ito haproa aoo-kl I ar Mat, sawasasasIs IMMtd : a4Mtabter pa*, .111.. tto Him farllltk whs s.d .s-sass S.'.. s.d ."... III', i.5 4.7. _II 0..1._ I rl ttono MM atorttaa te to told at a ,
diM thus *f tto Nortk Ntlf VNH> atito. .L Mpu.saas.W ..... ,lit IlkraHa.aarlloa or aklpolnr rate caw 11flat
5. tnMpartatlM Bow armfter rwaodkr . 1. wish Usa Ca.aasla.5.d 45.11 ... a P5.sp. If tto ._..atoll Sal Ma ttopriiiii4 ton aMa tkirtr (M) aor Man ,
Nona laSS INH of MM aoulk.MM . tod ta Mtmrn parinMit ttonofallk.ol or ,,,davs .. paSse ," ... ? tton fortr-fln
9.Pl.. Proal InMllotUna. Ito oltr: MM HM ar Han af ralloarMar 5 -. saM .55 an or4lMBe, atoll BBM It taa ill' aan .fter nnrnt
QMrter iBlttOt IkMl rtfaroM M riMial I Hate S... .atoll ton aowar %r to tooa tto puklb' .. ..., rnoi ito rxkitnH.. fvoanw a* Ito -. =. hi s .aa..psIds.t aba tll lana dlffrnt froM ttot art fortk tatto Ito 0-.. .. of tko CbrkoMirkJu ;:.: 5
.a WMtelldlNMIu* ilon. MM IottIoo IU Coatrarl labia sad lomu ,, an4 Malntala" oHtor wMkla MwltkMl MM Ha* . af .. and fatllHlM ar MUMI af *.pirn.i M rill .".. lbs-aonniHte tpa.lnrinr of NfiVtenrr of tto nforoaoaM .,
Ha* a dblaan-* tM fool Mon or la* CHr. .., . romallnrunlln oanamr. 'ITILI IY. . A_ of P. aHlMiMO. atoll to '.h_ aotlNo4 1 sad, -If II.. C-I4.. It .44.. ,,,'

too to .r.r: aoutki cW of. Po". atoll kan owwMklart , aamrlhra, MastS saw owwrj Mar to arwulrrdttonfar. of Gsa..anI ... aur wttkta thlnr 1101) o.n .- larkatmralloa I ... say ...- II Vtba.a.S an ha
Ma* nut.wnl la Ito plwtbriuM ot *k. CBMtHu.Hn ttHotkao, _:. = MM amibw .; Asp raVrUr**0 apMlatnl kr tto Cttr, flu wISh tto CIty Clark a' :" : : Cs.aslatlasp ha iha j.uI
Quarter tWvjl af MM aaottaat af tto .. at Fieri*. ai>4 af tIM ..... .,.. api llsd.sIahIaa. .. pa..ssl at /too Clip CM .tol.a sad 555hatad kr M ass tor*, ... for tto toralbal ontlaiaM, abrar4n sIsiSa.a s.d Mall .
n* a .. . 4aStnM, . . .. fona Itoir fortkOMtainhit ha d.aiM vs.a.l.d asIan
,: = asasasV e,1 .1 aMav.4. .tsaa.d sad panIdda a paraaaal aMoaraavo krf ra M tit krarhlaJSt1 BMpaor M art sap I -
5.14 Ia. .. SM rII I.4as.s.d.laatI.S .. .. .4I. -- .F tto alav.lVaS al IraMInlrtaMkraa Bakirtrr at ItoM Mln> tkitMB.TSo ,
,. saM
54.455 .
$ "10 lbs tateiotnttaa tP ..asiP daaasad .MaN ha Sad ah.ll *" 4b.hsa." das.d I IU. I . '
II at : Itaat o.f. wto ;.MOUT ttonfar to too COMMMH. ha k_ a ., ,_ ao4 on-tMr4 pas ant '1. W. ._ ,
wIsh wa toMk Mn* rf forth II* lapsaditana. ._ ta Ito Boar at *nd apiriia. ar C to aaanted.nM rII __. I rXtoa II. CtoJrwM sad Ckalrau Pr., (II I/I'll' l af tto total aamtor at rorttora4 V koHnta and wtoa **!.. aa* anr .t
Halt Of".1e tootkwort _. Tto CIty of rorrtn shall ton Powora CMr frm OOMIBO nM Ctlr fm wM*. Kan .fartlllba. to is. p5 CanalsaS... otefa M shawls to tto Clip rorfl. urh iliMOMd ardlnnn.1.I. atoH atet* abs ,
krrrVU'. .., h B wutterlr iraial Ito MMo af IM CHf far all nut Ito .. tad for ,.<* MirwnornutM p. ito BM .aar 15,1 or tkimrf ranM arnr OW faauato.Ainrtii T Tto Ch.In.. of tto V CH CaaiMtoMa .... toaka. Tto CWti atoll fankwHk _I.. pothinad f.r orrtotlM had ;

dlMilln akMo-aaM t uU Ma* a iSa.s.saIl$1.M.iaasa.5.asMMa., bwfol a.rBiui.Btratatlt. anr railroad _... M.rtn rarl port. termlMl M rn*> TOTM l .*. OaaUflraltoa. Wirll.aa. atoll to Ito Harar af (to Cltr ao4a.r saM I sad wttkta tea fill Bar* from tto .. .It.* two aroMaMioa* IW ttoordlMnor !
$ Araob ajuj atTto sal Quip or anal 4 J.ihalillia.orttoa 5.5 at flllnp aaeartata kr otaMhuitlaa ttoBMator and -awlnt Ito h
-ottsr Is
a ortaltaa farltltka apaartaikr.oMi. p5.5. Ma .Ia.4.d V- 'dsssan1u
IflornrrltaB af aald S ash .as.I.. WSaaS haIa.l. i.- Sad f- rarkterof vatefa wknM abraaitara. lmMo44.terr at Ito rhrht .
: wto rml.
i''w- 'O kuCHr > sPa abs ktatort ..
tU Marl Ha ot SMVWM. hirTbTltoalar II, (*. C .
V | Oh* af p.p4VMa. .. pauaiJBnuIn Ckr ta tak,a . Tto tor at aatoi a* to UrkM at 4to HIM .fkla or* Bom4o4 ** lark PaUllna aMlwtottor lltaa Mall to I BMMn ta whIM .
af tto Baal Bit* Kkkt of MM fJnwln.i kr ptrikloa, vifl. wkinn to oater kite CHr 0... ot tto ClIp af this aaaitor la ai Ixtl ShIPS laa. rma (IX) ttotor Mar Vla.a '
diMs roa. ..N. SIan atOH WrlM tla.U.a. Tto a... Prt T-o aftto ,-
l55 CIao_ $W55 It IIp.avaa. Isa dmnlkia or atliinnlii. pvapaaIv ml. par.rJM.Wtkta haM WHS ...,- ttol oarrof 5. .spas ., atoll l n(I) taaaU > CiMakilaa atoll art b tto ikiraia T :-t atklr4 par BMt III I/Ill at anlaat' tto prirtMid ardlMam. It a a.
aoattorlr dlnoUoi'alon 'MM CM ...
i =' o' 51ap a .I aa Cssan4.a 1.,. : .., .5 tto Napa kMk M CtohtM. at Ito BBMtor at saa4.tsvsd'saaa. Mitowa af tto otertan ntln oa say I
QnaMfbatteM .
11.of 555 SaM It--='' for nrh ardlnnon
ad shall
kr tto Clip mklratlra kotto a4to rote M f._ ttonnf
s.sana ardlnaan Maklnanr Q. Isasaa.4. sad Artla luror af Ito -
ttot M T :
baa .',Ito bMornnlln at 'MM COM ad tor kb trrlnl anTlJnto'npal tkiTat'Bi r__ tt tto.I komaa
) ttorouaaa
BBP af thoBjuraMM af atoll attao to MM aotHba kb orrtlft.MM aa ordlnonIf
ttoCHr. ban print .. kwM' >*v'.
las wtlk HM Mrtk N k : aa.P MMBton of Ito atoll rII C.
t.rII. I. *ss1pa.a. ? passas.5slas c c. CItr.UTlt'U rtowtac too MmH of saId otaailna.Iba.
awMwral.ltonaf Malaritr attojf
Halt $N'I I aftto (5l5) dSapapa p5 1M N. StasIS.. ': ha qsudlfIa5 n. If .. buMfflrbBt BMator af rarbterofj Ioo "4ds
aTjaikl J.BII.BM1 tnirter IB."Ie.'r". jSggrfTk aslWlad .a'ta.s *5.5.. at S sad .54., --.a
I. | , 'CMr at PorrlM atoll ton pawn tr : a. asasist S. ha ratlad S., ArUala VI. _"I ... e. Ill, Maaaoar oilar* .. abrnM too MM*. Ito M. toN Ii.
a .
MM puMiialtaa af Ito i..r.l. . IMsasIwIss. .5 .5.5 aisa.II. a-MMHte atoll to aoUfM sal abs prtl.tba ._ p.5.55 ha .joftt. PM '.
aton UM MM loath llo M OraMhatlaa Ito Mw It. XattorHr.. Prwar 14 D Ua.Tto .-
Ma font awn no kao *M .-.iSaMa.a5aasSa. nrto. CHr oTromro atoll' ton.aowot =.. tatohHaal. of nM VIta ... ton tot* pnklbkod la k I Inl 5.... J' kiwi af Hate of PlorMa ai iSMaasl.: V _. to sansd.d wIlls; ,11 **n .. ...-. "_ 't iM5 .5.55 ''a

MM loalk lisa *M (. wnto sad) MalMata. ._ a. a.. asan .. $. sabIhIsad .511.15 SM as..', 554 .5an. 5 'a. tt .. Ik larar Clur MtMaw atofl to kto aal.b- froM tto aato at MM oortlfkato kr flllnr :1..r. lass .55.51 ."4
few* ,.or >M V--t SlaV=. of.Ik awl Usa Cli. t Mk hBpnnMMa7tf all :: *. sUM rooMlaffa aarl Hrrutattaa. wftkfa .C OM I Sad viSaS aa<. .. trattr kaa tto imoaMal sad atolto ..wWa.sVp.5155.. sa ... s4dt.tI'.aS .. pasdIp.. 54
Rapt Waif (>H) at Ma Wort ... Is.I.MS.. s.ssS.5.aS. 5.4 lab I : .n4 MM ta MM r work for a at tw* ( to .. sad ta* Ito afftrknt .Aalala.tratlaa Tho Cl., CtortI aittomirwr wtoa auawiMte I voto r* tko .5... j'
V Halt (WH of tto aaM t.MkwartIhokn III hlIdia a. wV-S. ssd 011'' *. ar tkta* .- Mb) .tto* a.1 raNaMar _- .af a ... lull of tto Cttr *olaM aa4 wltkla tea I Ill IknWirM) 4ar aaior.tala ton. aa Maartoarr iwalaaiM to aot apMokxftr 4.1
Isa.h.a, s.d .MaM.aasa .A. ._. arto. tto .rII Itolr affMab ttinat *Mirl Ito ClIp wtottor Ito muliwj aa4 a., 5 .5 ; "
QasMa IWS4S il qua atol
( L raa aEa ..
V vsa.vs.IsII SM,. ottorwlM Tto poworwin. tt anthsad _ III 5/IipI 1 rII laM I ii atoll to .
Ssa rII {. sag p. to aiM I. attotoa sad Da aaaotateom. H atoll 1 Ic .t ..
lla.M.a .- asid r' Mkl sad frw *
... ha -.,. a oIIowwtoo sI .5545.5. sal. dq 5SM..55. Sad 5. tw sad MBkrrtlt Mato Ban ._hot rII s..Islsad ha., ..I asp 5.45,5 "..
sad aiiaulm to
dH iar*> at Ma ton ror body rtparaui aad ottor 4r o. .f .anMa ar rWnr ..,. Sa ":, = .: Cltr at ,rWia 554 p.wsAalass 4. Ito prtMba and M kb rartlflnl appi.4 .1'' $phty s.dMs... as.V-.d Sp 5.
Ito l.temrtUa af Mb Kaat $a pa'
S Ito oIhM of **M AVHHk.Wwn as-s waM":, MI H>.I. owBorik.ioi, .I tamb tto Parriaa ,f =raUaB MM *H HM if aSrtkal afrr of lbs .BMia4i potllloa Man ttow Ito shall ha ..n s.d v.54 i pansd.d hs-
CM aar'"itn-a. MMM ftakb : to to taauffkteot tto atoll I.. aM
5.55 BMM Shad
rm at froM .4 IsI.dM.P, rII a. .. M.j-a.sw s.d SadM4.sls ha polttloB saM vs as5554 MaIt
OMrter (*wt() t ikian rw hia i . and i-nk Ikon.B C as asp .
.. aoraaratliM, n aaltilnl" otaM or InforlkMi abonfl .. _. ar ..w afftrkiotInn to SlIM I. ItoafflM tto Clash whotoM ..SII.MS .avIbsaSa S. asp
M* -
-. btaora
MtTiBon a an* had totMtaa wttk. M wHtow) >a4 Mro Mi anWo M Mtor BTBMitrof Ito lIly ofo. ". fn n.nil .. Ito ItoMa at Ito too- mrtUr aarh MMok-r of tto MMBinvtn ., 5.55 a' V-ase Ia.aiM I. \
( or bM atow MM Maw tto CItpIe o..4 ,. wish Mtto ..r loo. otthor wttkta .r wMaout tto ritrmika. o Clto _toUato MM af Itol fart. Tto final flMlaf ot Ito .
Bart .
sap 1'.I ft W Ito ClIp C aiMM.
V rWte. tto tatenarltaa of MM Sooth ." Sat sa *.sdaIpa5 545PM. oarh tovVMan ind attor haoron.ante atartot a* from tto taoWTMaarr ot patHhai atoll Bat ar > 1-------
V I Da.Brkk Ito rHa* of ato Nortk.aat. aVrttaa It. raw* 1a.M.*. IS.. .awas55 M Mar to dnaud aMuanrf Our it lano. At C V-has_II Ck5.51 110ooI....natsd .1.1 ha MHn Ito ro4aatMBttaa d* Born rII. Bow f't
5 OoMter NIH) mt JteMka a, Tto Chr IBM saP totoo I . ha sa taHtaUm f-o Ito -- .
o rtirta. ato* ton powor 51IM.Ma r"P .. 0" apa'slw .. _1_' of KMwrdtiBj ora 111
I TowMkto tf Itnlk. ftBat* 4* Coat! as '
MISS. MM CHr tto aton 5.44... If ito sandal ant.ttea : ..
farBBfi kar. an Mad Sb. akallar '
lu aokH* aan.Tto S 41 aMsP a -, It sdM.4 '
I tkraaa Pootk ataa Ito laM t" t anassas :
... .
,. a. a.5Sa atoll to aaftVteal
ana. luuad tto ,
kr Clip .
a *itMiut M
= spap-ad
SdMsa.5al.5 of Ito as .
I .
5. _
I' aSIa.5Ms.T..asS.IsildS.P.s.55Saa.NaaM.MS.aa.M.INL55S. _. 11. 'JIIIItiIao >M. at kr* *, a..tko ooain alipMM .._dla, tbMtaa'ttoV ..ffk. SM. hIsi.p4 tM as.:*, I1r iP, wkM MOT to aimk.4 kto Cttr V' Cbrk akaH to tto door af Ito Clap to .; a.o.M.0 oMifMrt. thaT Mr'apart ,J. rI
Wor4 w CiauiLliiilia BataaH
.4 far taM OHr raP r to a Botaof ttoaot
CHr ot rWrtoo mm*! ton tto MI. -. sad UM CHr Msp.aas MaN ton kl ..t of oark of
I Jias.. *M. '4S Bad ottor to to Ito tto i "off. r
: MtorttrBtflitiBil SM Sh.pawa'l an tto an proa.Pulnal r 54 sass .14.15. -. ,
41451 Is Iha 1 rGoo tto ta:kin.larladlM Ina4..s. lb ll toM ofTwa sass _a isa 'n aot to aoantet Boa1 :
ass i. =. iwfonraaor. of --i -* _. a. any l.aan51. .4.5.5. bo ttoa thhtr .IMI dan tfter ito f.
Ma. t o ao* roMlTkHt DM !
IBM V waa Ito pabli. .. to toW 5 la IM -l.a NW 51.5 aM a.SMsaaas l.aasaa.aaE. T klrtoot .m_
V V a.a. larMt f all afflrlnbmiikoM a an 55. a. .d a. 5.45 anaa. C > dote H Ito at tto ClIo Clark .
ManS .. M* BtollT.
INKV af MM aWUoa t ,wHk ttorBonr a.b._ Sad : aMapS. Mat- of 'O I. of k-a>*> *. ha.. wIsh th hi .sap iliil.l ttt tto ndlBaon prthtrmod rnr and kt onrkntkn 555.5 anOMS.rra4 kMafar aa ttotr aram.portfco :: ,
-Na* af Ito oabltaa Quail" wsaan. .. A. oM 5ab4a51 51 55.T
Htk owal aaati. .... QrniBMnl ond wIsh tto Iteardof alirM f tto Mawi b to toM wrtkla ohrtr Ml
ROOT* Itoadl ttoan Slash It anriMM toMlaaki work tor with rwnolrtoaIto In CHr and N. .Cta ton rttaklW. MMl PM>M>. r-"ina at D Conotrar of .. saM vad ,.da.4asth. .4 = .r as 4.ala. don froM rark data, ttoa Ito CM* COM.kaloa 5?. Cbrk Aattrartoal Ih ;: ( I
uroior an
aihoni M an**. Wit atoj, IS.. llluo VaallBf .1 V-NW'S
V Sad .abrlriroaonjr *a.stal. |roo>4 wttkta .- ''onto.o attor paUla rxdnta ar ta anN of .At Ito tinu.l C .It nil a mmmrtmotortkM Ia'saM sad 4115.5. .
ratar HM af nM Qiuill AiM land fur I'a.t.' : Mir 5mSSs.' awl nrk aaanaltaa na.mmmm and art Malt in rrtetnn hadta flonVaod .. I" to tto ror Ilba .. in> i4Mlao .,. sad .aanwaM >.r..... too MMB to toM aotto ,I. -. hIs .- daIs
'.M a atiio.M of MtT M foot . BOOM .154. 5554.5 ._ s.d .aSM.Saa alrparM >ad Mko.l. t> nirilia saM Mas Mk *>*artaMjta aa< aM cIa, offfcr.aai tto* BMrtr IMI .. aor Mrro Btoa I, "" CIa r. 10 5.515,45,4 51..

-I ,ttoa B NorU w- > MM. MoaBrr ortoaT . (5. M -r Mo? .Mkkto rowaoa M Mar to ionoMiten* St.-M iS.sia' afflrlab Mt mU_ /too tIp Ia.apaSIs. ,IUI' d>n trwM Baoh data 4.5 s.d .s..lssad 554 -\
4S_ S. aasassIs a.. IT. Wator fapatr. '. .5 ( laws.f Pote-of mmfml IsP a..h .._55.5V ..4 . Tto 0. ., IM.Ital tm MtlM It-Ato j PM -.. 55 4.s..5.5. \
Mss MM QuaSI rind Tto CHr at PorrlM ato* Mn tto . . ha 5a..4 .*.. ,. Inttblrn .1
AiM) Ito TJ--l >Mt ar* knrar -. Mtatoa mmt hr-oa ftekh oad a"rona _. . Old* MaSt . sad rII She ela.aNW saM In paMsan, ,.
a.sS'.flitaMI of MM': Bolati ta aoaaba ta tar lawful -... ta aor wlwl naibtba. oktor to to* Cur of Porrtao. tto | tor s a.. .0 Ill rnn 1- ito Cr Maaa.r Ie ito .,!. .J toUnM and wtoa Mitor wpon tw$. asp 4551.
ttoan lowtk at 41 Cwaau rf ,Ito .... wlthowt tto tata .**ra 'al P1.4*,.. -- rw ir., nr B at fca nanlBtataMtorotoH toM offfcn* MoM>Mtrala-a af, CHr V .I ..4lssa.w 555.55 554. SM P.adlat.a. IW Clash .
,_ M *M_ *Ml at- Ito saM ox M. kuo tad Mad a4or water .- P5a55. .. _. at . CoM.trM tarn at 'as IK Ms r aad M .I=t N sapsls5as4. U MBM MMl a. p.SI51..M ha ,sMa5.a sad BottorwW to BM BT .' tfIf

-., at MiT&Mji BOOM koad Is Ito, CIH *ap 4MP. M.MI.rr ." .'.PbtMMlM. at VM n l. and or 4MBMM MBM.M tM 'V.. .fmHM. A taaMten ....'.V. h.- .. V has,. I SM I.. p.5l..s ," 1MF. (CConUnum on r*,. Hv) '1

.' (" '


r ,

i ',, 4r. .. : t"_: +, _.I"'rollo 1 .'c.a ..j.I," \, : l .hi". idM \, .,"ot + .1ttli' '.11.'t.' .

-- > '. . '. '" .'.\. :'

r- TT .,''

; \.
Frictej October 15,1948 HOMESTEAD LKADKRBNTERPRIMMb ,:

_ _ _ _

from ) S. .1.114 WI . 15.14. 5.5 41.4d 41.5554 0554.5557 C-.I .S I.ftp c 55555 PPM .. PP P>M tM tab 54 55 -.rl". . 1r..tI1'.J I'

i cc--- .IW 1. a..4 55. 41 . 41 to HM iI kr M PM af 555' .I4.d 14.55 -.
5.4 Id. *51* .5.415.415 hi-.l.s.dI r.S 1t lilt I_ . .S .ISil..54 I. lbs 1.4.5511..Up ..4 545r' i ="f = Sir ; .

.. 's : . . lilt ._ U.5 ... cM ;. PINS 15i545l.5 5,'

= . - . 145 t 5 5555 .1.s54 45-- I. lilt i5. .. R

Iii.t. b. MOM tM. Xitailk at Tatoi Bilnal.l IS 14.14l5 5.41 I 5M5Iid tk* ,CI IHH to .. ,. 145. .. ,... . . lor .
5ls.b 't
1441 l RkOMM' M I kMrf 55.5a.15554r:1. sp..1I ..1s. 1ss .41. -Ik bit - -

at -I I 5.11. .1 15. Ik* ***M . 5 41 I0.441lNhs14II15lhs5pSI4l14l

; : af Mltil = SI = = Ifl Is '. ., Pl.4 aMVbM. ar albrbM:> rr: 5r41:11. 71115. II 0.11. 1455451.514

Ilia. Movt ,. 55 ato,. -- I. 411 41S 5.4. 1.555(7, W B Tk. MM aatan 0 '

tba far tknin Iho'or S kMM tho t551.* .5.1 514 a ..Tfar -lilallbklMMratftar 110I- 545. 14ftss5ISs .
CI .
._10. pvsu.4..4 .0IItP I.! d.M.4 _U *. ta wkbo M. a.c : .4 51.: (41 t.T = .-.. 541541I 14541.1 OMr 01 of POMP.MkM 55115- 544.* ..54 .1 :--Ctlr- :
dI..l aoMrf kM4 bM e-..? 1 .114145. t M .. p.i : PPM MM aMto! aptarftppt tooii.iMb
.wrr __ MM 41.1 *. Trni *ab. Mil at kMM to* ta S 555
Ik* affkMlita rat. of KM MO 415. ii .1s5 IS 41.1 iitlllttl kr 0 = t ;U. pp MT .** WM fctoapjwa) W

.. kp ._ aar rM .SIN) of MM total *oakot 115455s . .- 5s1 7.55.II. 'Ml.r M. to tart.
at Mibtorol Mton M at MM tkaliiMn . 54.4.41 4554 .1 makauwti 'CMn 4.M or I ta .OPM* Mil .. MM ArMalaf If MM MUMM4 MM OMonb nlTkMPMMl

I 1*. 's..M _100. 41 ,_. II .1411 15. .a.514.4 s.d S ,= MMat .f MM ClIp- n *15 *. Mfk toM at lawl 1.15 tMllpM l... to s... IU. W>l.i naolAl 55055
bS (MM Of .. POO) tartolnbp . 145 5554 5555 515415555lb. .I '. I I III 5 CMtp 41 UMft s.
: MMtTol I\fo 4. 15. 5 .4115 a. - shall I. a. lbs ClIp I Itor ..- iim"r
, awe IM. BojMrMtoa M4MM Q.oIHIoao .414111 Iho 51.141. 5 Issa.Ia. ..-sIll 54511 aSp 445ds.l l1 d5s415.M.d c > aMklaMl SM MHM tajt hr :* '

.4fI ..d to Vato.Aw .. Ill. Psi A-.W : 455455*... 55 ,' ". ..ISV of PM .d w Mt bArlMr 4.4 to .. Of : ....* MM kM Mnt pal OM wMrte MM 4*.

tIW all MTM. ok* kM MM a MllilMUM 5 Tk CIt N.4154k PPI.I.I k TkAnniiir :. (5..14la. 5 l Ii P.- "s.d ,0 ClIp at rV 5 opt MrMM tow IrfMM Hal owl 114.5 .15.1 I. -ISd 555.7.

MTKLI IL Mat at n-rU lat aM III/ Mar .. h shall k* MM *alr at Ik. T.rolMnUM .. .. Mr ... : -- 1 1. rbi* i . xklMlM to atMM trap ikr flaw ta Ika bapl* M- pall 01 51.514 I..4.5.

af UM OIly .* forrlM far .. l III l IMUoka ill p..stp .. AH tat*Ml ._ 555 I. 585 par, *r H wot MIOM *55541 541* 4511. 445 A-.a.5 .4 15
pill.s .c.04 o SI *** 11. Toioil DalbM lKMM, .4 A. to Up514 1l5's .
b Mkrrwb .MlMM Mto woiUM stIlls 41 *. Mm r* Ik* .t :.r. MMto
I Aar -I .4 CItr OMXHMkM at Ik. tob 14 *4.. has 5155 5551 ... M*. .51 sIl 514 M ta :5514 14. I. .1454. ;C
0II" .M / MM ClIpM.sll. .... 0. 5.15 5.41455 IU. . 115. : . 01 0.4554,551
rorburol artor .MM OFMUM MI wM MlM null toM 51. ( p.- 554 .. I t. 'ii "== \
k die krtarp of UK ...IUp
from Mftr CMrforrtap kaota -., rmbUMMMII atk.i bi< to k-rr MlboUM MM 1554 arM.ll at *M Cr a..rn II = p41 : 1- 5l.S ha, =."
I* MM proMM. karatPhtur Marttn *. rojbtntlM pumftit kr tk. Tk* 1arn, to 4 tkb tarUM 55541.. ISIS : ISIS/SI -(SI S 45. 5455 IMM tk. work *O Is 5., 141 s.dp.IS.4sd..hai1.54b,55..

CtI, COMIO.I. ikn W .,ItW Mtta .,.- MIM MaiMMbtl sIll Vs MlMUM. Al i*.nil. Uv Mj .1.1 s.d ..- . kM wMkaM natianv Tk. pMb* OMrator
M. riMolar lor 'Wat : asp p.5.411 or oMrtal ilnllip at IkOttr of piM"H for ClIp tontlop Mkt taMak'l,MM Ratr Is .1 .1 11. .4 (1. ta pinoipl PMOM to 51.5 5 5155 s..1 14 .104 .415..

. MM, MkoiTk SI 15, .414.41.05555555.4 MM* of MM la.i. 01.1 45144N,154IS5 wkw* MMOMr
; ar. l.i< ba..of. I. 41 isp 555555541 b 551 115141 C"t-
I A.. twMttMHM (Ml, PMllfM tlMtar; 01I" _A. PMM Uib NPM ar OMOM Os .
.. M kkM Mt tank Mt l..d I. r* Ml .515414554 55 t1.sstp r I. .. MM* *. -r kkwrtr MM MM kr MMikart pliajal.tba
': MT Mk* MM Ik wtlk th. fi .kil..r kll U MIMM raw < .1 $5s.l5. P.t HMIt' Witr Data fnoi SII .554* 55.55 4414,4 ... .1.1451 oMkmalkoi -. hi MM taH. of paarbl koMfHP OM* oark M 55

,' M .?tl.M PMtalallM; thI aroparinr kM bn 4,455 fMtlmM ta, rrr. .04 .4' s5.5 .5 .M .. _loa PM k* tit.- W MM pkPM aano) w4U roMMa Sad aamal ofOM
MMko t *
lbS k> ..
t .I Mail MMIMoto > l .
- Ik* -.- torn 45.-.ut kr Hi M.lirk.1 of ork.ktokwpp, Mh-Mlk MM Mok.
.tILI XLAiiia.k (.MM r. iaiUil ta tk" ISIS 01. ManXfcMhM . It MM MMril .
Tk CM* .
KoMlbptom. ClIp
r4 pf .
-- v..I -- .M .. pr atrtaito las, IS14l.S.
. I.IMl _II.. !Is.s I.. M toanPMat
.._ UM 4t for 11.1..4. .- rh.ll k> *krkot MM .. aM kin i iA n. okla .ClIp M. .1414upset. :
d'lMl.4 51.51514
I ..d *rn> nml ilL P. s.d M.5 SI 5.' rr ..k.11rani IS ., isy. Pork WMk M.roalarMMr .1.55515 d4pl14 01 1555545 IS 51445
I. Ckrtt pk.ll tk.n.nia "11_, .s'.l 5 .115 p55'a. 55.55. 15. s.s.d It e.Id 4 .54415
Tk _
14.51455 51.1 die 4115lb414.
aM Wakta. .*. Mjor -W".r4 .kill OMMIMII 454.4. .- .04 1.1145.4 .55. 0_ .1 M Mi *.. bplora OMirtor
th. Mini n Mku prtMkriMpU .04 ... . 4,4554 p.sp'.1t's'.14Isp ow 55411.
to PM
154* 5 . __
(1.s441 > *M tf M.
.04 55.5511.1 p415.455 < rontaltoM '* .
.. hM fMr4 ak.1am
of prim* kk.M for MM* momTrM .I a..n15545l."sW PMTOM 4. 155. __ I.b ,.. .. 41 '. wttkvra* 01 SM (kwarlpJM. Mwll PM kaw Mi..- II" a.I 01 ,
55Cltpbl I
H.H pf i-arrta 1M
**: farM af wklrh k* mall kr* CaukaJMkH Pt Ik. CHr 55 A .iMk io lalkm* IMP Mnkro 5.. k *ftan*tkMrlatvp, MM unttntIkap to' 5.5515 5
k .* 5.
tk* ClIp 1554 "e" to J.IT at .a..1. ., II l-.41. aMMNba ".
.. fork Wo.. *.H W km kr IKCkrk ," 5547 555 145.5555
.11--.04" ... s.d ta ". 4. .5. .55 14 p. .0 5 4555..M.4551sl.1.55.h15 (
4155.4 tW ..11It 41 ma ,
wMk kb lMtar. sad offlrkl ., .114515 UM : : at
M.tkarota -
Mrrwol : IbkllHta .bS .. 7.5 5.14. oo 155 of PMM Nn pMtiailM MaV kp rapbwltok Is ---00'-
011 rronoM ** '
5441 lit MM BMr4 Ik. OMIIP Ai.Mini.nM -
attackM). thor kll W o.fc<* .04 haps.s..l s'.d 5.4
I. .M .11 5..544.5. 5(75454 af pnamtF_ p-.s5a. A koMk. wojrM oto M MrUfHMMMi I. 5t 55 554.7 54545 5.1,51414 441..14Is .
15 c 8lot
'I 51.41 .144 NIl WOOU .
.*1n n4 to th* C-._. sI... otat. I Ik* pMjabHbm. Mlu4l .. 4barllhM .1 rM kr MM AM.Mir ta kk otrno 755 MMl MlloPllMt rf tk* ._ (dl.' .. 01 _. 1 PMI ..k p.15..I5 ..MV kol p>*nMl ... kMM.. to _ I. Iho 4141

tka OMM.UM MIMM to wkM aaKTMrUto atflrbb of IM .. M a.wk W 4M kr ( "f die.MMof Mat, 4utlk4 pbM pa4 Ik.lo ttonf pr ._,. h p kbkw* .h _II" .514.55 ot ,. 045.N. 14l515S5., 54.4 I. tho .
tk MottiM
'Ol to *
boot*. Ik* .. af kk.k* M koaotka I' =-Z k. ,urk rraorM af tk... prior* 4wrlo tkMM BrrWa.. 1< a.4p akall MMH k* ._I. to Ik* CbMMtMlni ..MM I p.15sI51 ..... to lbS ., ptMl Is .554 5I'.a41 ssp4l..d -
MPM die PMMP or par"*'!* aliM! .. aid MMlltloP/ at tk... h: : i..r tar*... f..115s ', MM CMr MM aM MMM MM 4 45 ,. /55455 nf rwk ._. .M| Ik. kptanMn 41 14 514-.. Is SI.. 5545I.
t.pirklk _, b Marti. *M die .4f. fmwMrk ClIP w (ur k* navlria' kr Uw ar .*< hMportkm.( ) Mr* DwrlM tk* flrat apnp UM. fr* toutkM kMh M.II lot alvM. kr _..a..sl1.* to .Mrk wnrtA 5. . .*4 S M.h.rf *** .. Pkall k> PPM ta OMP _. aim 54.4 t"a" Pi.i4i4AitMa | 45 IbIS
nrk IIMH| to _,. A .1 .. .. akall arrnkW far 5 l 044 l ikn .lr,r aaroHaont at MM work. rof
..541 PIN..I P.5PU ..11 I. pr.5I. ill .' .f to* PMUha. r.M o.r. aRlMllMtllM UratlMJ fnr (II *>MM ta l41s ai.naiiM .. k* s.a4 toIkt
tk* PMMInp kU W ntrwj to nronkm ., qsa5? ..d 151 I _. .04 441 .nrlrrof f" I' *4114, ra.I, 5.l4I5 .. Ik* **M o.Vl M.P *aw> Par* Map rorl IMP s.d Ito.h'. fka.
shall : .
U W km In Ik* rffb* of ,to Ckrk.' t .w .tt 5*. II.. 44.14.. 55 it PS41515 PIES ha s' .. .
Is .14r.d ta tkOlr. tk = \
sash .114. "ori 4
a. 5541 41,1.45 (11.5 sills Is l. ., : ::= :
111 MoM prtltl-M, ta kt rOfnrtho.W r.: 1.1.541 SIll rrtirm .554 k. 1fI. *- .,/ pan I. 1.. h
II. : :
fllooL"'U : .
*.UriM4 s.d fIl.d *ith l1.q/ 'f.J 545 IMMlMllHl of M4H kataa .104 / .515 .1 PmoBl, Ik* .. *51 S.
-FQ .
wtO.I tklit* Ml 4foft st'.. .. | .. II' 1' Iklrtr . itari* tat., 15115.4.45 d50..41.(151441,154555.. . 1.1.15... 4.f..sl15/:/ 15. 54,4 f.r .. or __ .
W rfkkn. TWi.Mlllo* W _. IInII .. .b.1l ._ .5.1 s'5.. Ills si lb. 154.147 .4.1.4 145 .,'.._ tho .. 1,4175 r4.L3
54. 14.d5.145. 1'1oI1i
1111"1 tor f** lakhi *4 ** .. Nn .
CIt rk.ll krdhk *
Tk fbnl I MM at tilt m. '
IM M>rw4 ..< tIM .S.ll W | ss's551.illl 55415541 / 4.55 41ihs.45 U kM .< kp asp MllruM .. 54 i-.d.t1.s .* ...q%
.5.lIM5 If
.|XH| < WtM rf tilt CIt* W tkr MM tat Mr ., ..-. Mr*of ra' = l5. tklr a U* 4. .r>litin< =' 5,51411 .155 UISSIS S t _5. die ClIp war. MMtrr Mrrarb > l051* 5.555 51..1-E .. tI-Il 1I. ; .;.
1 '
,t JaM ftf- oI' MM tII'41 M ." Mall M< wltk tk. ll 01 >r I kd Ikali 545 '55 1545.54.5. (1.14,'. or pnalrarl ss,4 rallr-M. I. .4 Is,. 514115.1 \Ioo "
( Mr I
MM N IMa. amMalk 4.1551475 p4s1l4 .& .11. MMP t ..h. f, .
of <4atar t
-. $5.SI vv4# I4.ns nr ..1 55 MuA trtiw tMtr P5.41. Is ._ P5I1.SsItsI 5._ 4. .541.15p.s'u. t1. p.1
. AH kp .I .
clip w 5h'S k> Ik* Cllr -: Wnr tk. an. .4 avk fbl p.' ;.If. I. .m 't tk OMI* 55as5. ,.,>.! i rt 'MrMt.K |hri* tt>. Ih..- s.I14155 - ... _01. 15444.5 I.,."lb IsIS 15 . '
..., l.. 1111 .
4k.. s.d I. .h .I..tpw, : 't.1t.: a-IsS5.5 5,4 *'51.s .4 45515 ,.15 14-55.55414. .8.11 .4.51' .4515 s 155h751 .11.1 51110. 55 hiIt .
M .. Ud..s ot to '10- !! ..,.. Ika .Iko ot th* MnMM af "ChMM :. AtmiMliofv'H: t lH Millo. II.. f Miaibom 51411.4 ..t nr trw p 5.IS5' 4ar t- .
sl.I... .* oi *ll.7i."rrr' ,2 := J" .t o .. 1''k kM ItMrrkrItMiHkp ,4 I 54 I.p.4.1 44.41
= .u.i CW oWarUanl> I. .: liirioi.1 ..t throwHh. .kll" b aajjoMtlrTM = *: JltMl : r.'tI. Q p0154 54. 'It

UKlam. Miiilnt fowl, Mar. fl.ortlaMU *Mka IV flrtt tMHlM: (a PuW ." 15. ''MNMl r* s 51554 1M 14I5 p.5. 5.44545si'4IS515515WCIytat.5
ftark ftaMl ill k lbs ,
i..tV.B M4 MM .11 I.s1l5
UM ta Ilk* PMtMt wtlKMlrnwlnrn 155.55554'54.
rV.rtoklbhra u / .
h .k POMroTI f
(14,1. *
b or *T *
Inl Mi tlirv''."* xf ... MOiplM frooj orUlM InfWiMtlaa ft.Uh Ik* I. Mowa. tut *.' .. r .hl ..* .
5ss ar nr | is 14.1 Ii14s.$14 ....aUlrlIrttloM tkmnf I, to Ik Clip "Moronar ,e.I. 5.415 4,5 1.14 IpI 41 is. ... ,
arMrlaMat tvbkMI pin
ml Ifrlar <
afrUH tMt *..h >*4 frioj tk* **** pllrnim tOM tffy >' .. lIPP.555 > .
aaMK .
-U. : ( ihH * olIM _
Tk MiaiUlnlloa 'off = .
..! otltroi.
.. lk MPr |p iKiaaakliw 554154 wkk MM!) .4.15 .555-4 '
.,1 .. rHar : ni.V\. 5 IstisI ClMalfrtao 514.5.. 545.. 54.5 Vr M t-oMPtkoiMi pp.1lb. Ih 1. Its5 $sp.I.
s4.1r. .4 tk* _ anhaaM MMlll/ k* M mPO.IM knH .III 1-OMfkolKi'rii tani .
Vkli) : I. 1.1....... 5,05.5 r i>in>JmrJkp tf fkr 1. s.-.1. A 541l. 5.55 PMl t dlrkkMif kM lkalr : '
fwrUmi.1 *
MM rain S. > V 0'
MM It All I lark ranll. f* fur OU-V -...__ 4s.1.5111. .. Wk'toJ III'I V
amtjlkk pi 541 '
lIp -
ar.: ( .r"Io4..* lm .a..> ith MM oroarunow 4'.tal.M ..i otfkoiMM / ... It 'sag S555'.I1* ..t r I. p,14l57'for kW.liHftimtam 5.1 757545. H._. Ma M>* pIal kt lMrBMMiiit M'Mli4 tliirukp ot p 1-5415 .. .OH.*t af lIP .551.54 '
,. .1101 MluMM Ik Mkvlnc tnorkl.-* M *..'TVkn 1p.14 'h .M M .. II akl tnt tt. .
.. Mil plM 51,55s
af (0. I'-
-It MMMa .
.i PO..MI.M _lMthf -
u work kHk"liM4 Ikt M 5.1|* sIll t. 4k* CMM 5'' 455* toPii pr wv.r 45a4. lslp..4.
._ of 'h. linMii4 la(_ ..I powor ta Vab purwNwIlkm .>$5s."l .14.4 4. .- ( :.r
ariMM ajWHM I rod nt .n.oin .|iloaoJ fn* Hw. noirioaMai.nwrt 5 '5,. PPM ftarhMtatrrMl
",'. .wait._ .1 4.1 I A *'U *!* *f UM ** *** aoUat tn, I 51,1 p1147 .411.4 1 554 trMoh tkp Cmamook : : 4.14514 .. s ., .4 l5.p ..4 4. 5140114 .14 p.. PhPIt 7445.; MM rrpponr I. *1* i

..=.. s.d 4.. MniiorUlMJ topMUMOt, bUn =. Alp = *s.d.4.paId.spIs.I ...z kr .1./ .MM.jakMllr.4ss. 515.41.1 kMl'_ .M_ .0.04".1" .5 i51 555451 . '75,. rw*>infc i. ... k-r. lIt .4411. 041 151414 5.5 554 II lIsle 1
MM olftr 5. 55551 ,
.. .
II MI', 4454 t. rrln-l *n, n* pH kM. .M k .11 kU..w
*iitln* to Ik* MM| TprniMn IrMrp pM protaaunM otrrtol n.41514. : !rurk'il MM 1554-af.. proj.itr PhwlU
= iwfar tow .
I. .rtor Ik Illlnt MIM k. rJrt4 Iko OMinktliO 5554
toe .
r .41
Ill fbral 15*, ).Id Raw 51s.4 iwrk pbMM k* (artpmpir 5 t
for tkt Ut tva T-r. $ CHr IsIs M bar 4nM. :0-=
Ik Clrk lull 1ali = slId iMonrrtT w rlfc. Mlnroinn to Is tkp *
aHJtlM wr ...' 1 / _/.. tk .IkvnaIM Hin.iMl l .r WM *"*"*' 5.S.,4l
frMr* ._. IMt lk/ a..d $ I' 4 fit kr -c.l I .
Ik .l :J. : .M mMn* kr fin wUhmH ltrM4nMUn .
Mtk>* ar kat .uU10 tn klIk ..11 oat k* atforU. ..'U Ik* k.r H "II. 51111141, .4 ;J; par1* kr nrk to thtUM $ lh .55l1.5. t nl .14. CHr mi II Ik*P.IWJ M.iloHo| .
...It. .__ .t _Mf4 Mian fM In MHAwiinrr 'I. p.-14.1 IU PrnWtlMI4 f.toakltarol ITS. 5.14
for tk l mt _d .wb law flilit nrk "I
liar5sp..llItr.s :71
ull Mtoak Umoto kl U MttriiM. .1." : 5t1 1* 51545 554155. 45545*,. A--.5 5.15.
E"i..i. ,
aMI ta fMrnM Utona *
Mi *. iva iM .11. :: *wor M (
$ Urlka III.
kmrlKc 4k _.11 af .. mmlMllniijr I Tk pf 4.pnIM .. .. 5 75.47544... .
; Il. 541ft5p4lIlI .. UOM .. PMratnt .*.POt l M Mr W .. 11(5., ..ssl5 shall 4.51.4. jmpiri.Miit.1 AM* .*. e .
to >*npn* awaiaf .
howrr pr
,k< arrUflmto ..* tht ISUII.. 1.I..tthd..t. t . s.d 55. V
h 4sp.p. kr
.. 4.41.5 kr ordlMor*. $ Mo) PM I Into an *' .
: fbp| to Is. Mk ar ) .
I HMM far Ik* cprropl rMr Ik* Cltr .** 11.541Is lka toallMnninilrrouk ,
k* shill|.fartkwllk_ 01.. ttfa ln. .d/.l.aSI, 4M la ...,. know.ppronrklkM . .Mt mjulr*Ikp pnotwtlhM4M rn.lM for th.* caUo-tka of (oral I M rnprrtr af :lt"pkt Mr4>] fo> inZII ,... . 45554/555.akall/ araifMIMflllat 5 :--oI>itlM<: ar If IM CHr akpll 4.1 I. ... .p.5 5.54
411 / 55455441
I. .5. p.-
p1. .5 Mtknnk of tMrirMdll .4 15.5, ... sp.4.. ss4..b 1,4. 155.545 akall/ lot i iap sd.b.lbli Is ,44.s. MroTlkp| k>*. I "Mi 45517. /r* s0 45,411154 km .,.* k. krpnr'lbnri to MM (hrtor
d..l1.M.d Ih* MtKlMIk II m. M4p lor PM. .<-. 515 55 5 1151 *555' I ..,, kr .* > lMna MKll .k*. .
.0 ol
W .w> woMurr to pampbw tMnrml nf nwormhtp,kna.)IM Vnronnrtr tilt MPM MrM M 4Md PKMHu.1 p5,4 Ik*4MO) 1545.144.14.
MIMI s.d U. arlltloa. .p4. rkarM of IM 5045. _' 557 .lA, kr*. MMpMol tk* Cll* ....* pkptil. irtarMuroi .
r.r Ibcal I .. ..h''. tk* Cllr. ,p._ ItlllMla to MlM for toiM MM frl.u PHI tyri.Hiniiill.p I MM kHi kr
t4 *t a>>Una wWila to* ) 4. aftolII .stwkl\ 1. ... tki 5114 II .15.14 d4.p.5. .hl. 5145.5 S 55415.1551. 5t.555554 .1I 5.1 1 jo .'tAolS$
III Tk. .lu. of .uprlM. po4 s npr krfMa thr .Hr*.aV onwnn4 1 M 1.. MMM-UM mMOMP CMr M (Ml t* MM Ml kMMPMb
*..l>ki_. .1.aM Mil.*V tilt addlttp.l4k flllw' .1 .5 ... .| MM data .f UM ,... piIk < . nf '.Ulnrtoirr, pr.' o HrktlNi .'. .hol.1,1" at 5554 Mlrtamrtlna kr..iir* orwrMo c'.' III'.14 d.sss 'I"I MM MM. sIll ik* rnr Olnk, .. pflklp (15. prp pt
a p.tflt I. 1sf. Mb IM MMnkr t Mil *k.n rnnl.l Ik* MmrliHll .Un topanbpoi -
S., IM
. _u_ I..t/s..v/ . h.n."...n"" P 5555.41l p41 p V MM
. .4.5.4 .04 n. I -
I..d. lamtf M MM A nWnrMlnp r4 I4.'l51, .
M A. pM Mrb -
,.4 la-..n or InnMM af raqunMranuMrMl SI .4f41l 51411111. 'ho ll. 54 41s 1. 411. p..dp54lsl.av/ I. .hll plr* OMMrlantlr I* .. at MH( \
M ai..M*< kn4il for IM arll"l art! o/Hk .mrronMHl l.5m.Ik.a''5l1 H krrnr. Ih. MunkrM)KVtrl 54541 thrrrof. p..1' tkfttub pM ,..,-IU" .M o iMlww tk Mi4 ', ot MM .I''. tka '." . K'l '.ITI' .AnmaiPj ..4IsdlM.dTb.a.a.s5411554s7s.ca4)
.IIhl. k kMMkl
Tk CWft .11 la urn ton tkall
ttan *
war. HIroiaMM flM hnkm __ I. 1. Ills S.d .n 1 "51411571. Tk* \ 4..414 41541 555
hi fmnbhMl kr P pot 'ho.eo
.(tor .*H| am* afNnt. ..k. Ilk* WM| = ..tark torn *:|| f.r.1.b :1:1 ClIp | Ik* anvanlo ..11 151.4. .11 p.p..4p
(nr Mk InrriMH or *nrroMM.tkr grM 4nH. (... w ( ni.iil the ppr
MtkM at Ik* MMi>*>4 MtltlMi kU *frtrk rt .. akall k* .HMrtel .. I. .
655414 45451.s 1.51 155.
ar 157
klo MflKkal" .f UM ...ILIf tll A .41Ia.1 I". T.I A..5 .. <>T 4ln,, /*>l ... he kptkTkaMMMMini *M .111" to d. mlnoj tkrr k. 1 . Mrll no-aiMUt Wp MnrM Mtmr pr p.pptoNIrrmt
tWnta . of Iki .. 411 ot nrk pMMrtinnM . M -f Ik* ".1 .nllrl. ,| n 4: hwonM of pyniri Ir fnr CUTpnr- kr . a.. *M .no iprivorblkm 01" rwatorMla M.prnMMI <..
k It .
Um fow4 to f.ff1.k.d. 'Ha' IM Ollf kA MM-lhlrd ,Ih..41 .. II 'ho .. 5 515. ..
tar Ik parkM revr4 IpANK41ShSII.5 .. 15. hal. '* MMM mMUhknttoM : II.14IS
.1 A.a.s4 I.
Ill. 'row ton .55. 1* '
..p.d.p.I WM .454.. k* tkan fll* Ik.a 5. I .1..1' '.. __
"r Mlb."o ZTt paffklnil to pork S., .1 55.5554 5S 557 .. .. .1111 1571.4. 1.45 554 4554. MwJ'k.rn.iiri'.M UwlriC
MllnMl tlmt.ana faf ) wkkk h
k rkmi4
af > *
. in4 .k.U lfrax .. : ,
him hi kto a" .
af 4l *57 aUIlM tmi a IM Mrlva| ami rkHi .knl wnn. UM ohki f IkM pprtr .U .
k lpat> 5.55. shall I h. tilt to nklMMrr .,. ". rM.IUII .
W Ik ..... .
amem 5.41.55 W
a-C = .n.'I s.d ... kkkwr tn b.-14 or ta 55ISIiIS514.5575S17las
t. '
Mhs I" / 155555.
.P'41. : 55.5.5I541 .
I"t 114 455554
,., Tk to..1! flMIM .... l .. .
af Hurt T h. *
fllla K "fkl Tk tola! namM nf 1. nnbtoiln Ik. .5 die TwnM '._ i tea HUM ar aMtlllt I at UM aMlMW <.55SI t ."k.. Mwor. oiM p **rk MPMin > II koiMfiti M pi.iMol kr Ikb Ar.tkU.4k.ll .
e* IM Mrffirlrnnr af a M CHr *<*< sIll s Mnt rt MM .. ,. M4H4Mlknr ta *.M IUU kl imnool to IkpKMral
M4 maJIMlM lIsa mill* af a .. atla| > .nn .annir.w* pan ._ WM .01 n" .514. ., . .455
k HMllr of
arlarlKM ol Tis. (5454.* s4. .104' 1 > that OMM ," pp* khrk.WM
alkrr I
krr nrl44lllnMl OlirPMt
.M. i4 k-a4 tMt *r >* shall rbkt to o1 I Ht pn4 ppnwb wllhla Ikpot 5515
p., U.. -.St. Im >.4p.I4..U* ..* 54- Ik. h. kprp Ik .Ik* 5.-s "I kMMIU. r*./l I* or .** ...* .. or "
k. bpr !1. kMMflll
; .- UM liino.rr Moowttap to M
n WM* ta
.11. *
& aII.*. ( CHr of ParnlM .4Jo tka Mt.w 554 A. UM <* .
pUp. k ta k. s',14..4-4 ..
..J fnr .. I IhrPI IM akill M MT b ta or p whlrt
kopAt '
PPMMPt awMaMInc oprMl knfMp .
41) In* Ml tk Crir
u UM MtllhM ar *ai M>d MtlUm shill M die CHr 4.14 fnr .IntlM '.*> pM ...k of oronrrtr ._'JkrrrtMl .104 .( .. Ckr s.d n Mrk .a44ltkm/ l PMI MtMt Mkorwk k4k>IM. tin* at Ik* .... ... IM ai. .I.. .,rk M.II ti l. ka ... Hnrk p... 1441 Mali pPMp w 441 *MUpM *>
'.lfh4.lI. .. .
.11 'K 4p.4
tk spsl 4.SI.
M trail kv = : -'ht. far p..l.Hni Mrkl ... .. CHr mat.fts..l4I.tW. A. A | 45pp..54| b .. .I MM CrambHM M t. 14.1441 515.P41l4l.0 14. 5,4. 55,4 151 51.55 15511145 n..
.* wkaiM Ik* Mrtlfkcat Mkrr .'.. M Mar kt dssls isI 'II.''.' .4S. PIOM .. kr ikb pytb IM ... .0.p.4.l 55 .._ .55.54", 5.4 45.1 .I'h' 1111. .41.4 :
UCM\ .-,444). I. t kM pro 1 .1 1s..l.. .
Ik ._.. .l Itt M t 5.411. .,. 551 5.I.1q s.d SISPIPIIISP I .l .
ta 541757(7 . i 58115 5. 15151.411455 51 555 ::
Coonnrwlnn. II' 41.I.
.laf an* kn MtlTr tka 415.1 ai. nark ..1rM. kr at UM.b Cllr. ..!. ... kp fur.df 54 l.... .. h.1I h.. "11.,_ ... .w llnklnr ,.*. for Ik* ..04 olto H.II.Tk tKrtT pMtnlMVoj shall lot'' /, 55 4111141 ..)t Kn. ..11 ... k* *boa Ik* *>nMT I.. IkTflllH A-s.-.. 5.15 cUrk
c. 544. .4. 5.s5.155; :1: = .*. |15. IW atIkp
_l -he.4 iff54 I. .l4 ClIP .. _,
415.5.1.51. .4 541I. 01wlthl. p. rrf fk. Cl CaMHbtk I lark MM, Ik* awnnl of .14 Int or ... wkwaMrk
flnmaiMlaa .10.11 I tkn* .151 In 5.555P.41 ..1... U1414 pmrkw f. plutln lamb .t r PMllMlMiT, AMOMMMI k.U rrntrol
.. Tk > hi 55. 454115. .
kll not ara.wat .
k s..s.I.Is..4. pM ta pll
.b Ilhrt r* *
slId to nf
. lbs ClIP .. .
naa. arOhll ton "*, ". af IM Mortrtrf .1.15441 o-'dotI 0. .1.1. hi. .. M ..1.fnM staSIs'i 4irif I.p.-.54s. 5541. kr, 51::Ih. CHr Ckrk nail p.14
... I. .. O" Ik* ClIp 5. 5.-Sr S
t1.. dnk** *artiri.u. ar*>r a* .1-! Ik* Clr' aorn. 11.415455.. lot do. .14_ ,. ,.-.4 4. .. "h' . ddlllnMl :. ..1 *at .Is 1M atvllMlliarf/ Aiiaa. .wM of is* OM* .f f. nf 55.5554. Ik* > Of 100 III.1MII** WOMM
brtbo II T. _" to I'.. Inr In* IhrMIn, rtMM a . 4.5 ,ta nio IC puinl plnrakllnp M
WI >
!!.. to k* kM Ml IM 11. tklr a.l MlDM 541.14 ..l omII... of |a*. toV knMn > lpMw.r .. 5415.55 Ika MimkaHM* -a .knllln, wklrk 14.54.1 Ian .U
U.. f'-...fin (", 4.marackM llr n *rlit of tki > Ikr >." > tk*fwu Mnnrmrlnt C.*. kTrfraM .1. lor tilt onrr- .t .. pip*. IM CKr. PMb* .lUUo .'
Mr orr r
I I.
**r* akill .. war* _,_* rlMMla 5517 .* ka Is..'a M Ik ffwMMN.r.llrn"4 tho'w
Coi.mb.loa pNp.7s . b *M nlinta. j jI aMMlM) W Ik*
Ikal If S.. Owr ta
UspIt 551111 'ho CIty 5... p54 & .. .111 he ar aw*/frl. .1.1 ...* mukr o.'j
aMMtrtaM p. I. 4I
S'dlbS'.4S . pill I.
... 10 I. _' "". ii44p, p.1114 IMM nf II. 1514 l. 71.44. S47lias l .Ih aM MrH mllw.r. t1. IMl ". -i sso4s4..s.dA.s 'too *.
kMb. Pnoibtap ok.llKr MM AMI In tk* -n*. 3 HtaiaM
Mft MllMM S kiS 5555441554 541.41 km* 15.15054 .4 Sill 4.s 55 .. tho n. t
aM MHIIlr = p51.
.4p..Us.s4Its 4h1 miliil W koM.4V4 .r - (1. 55.1(7414app.5414k5 IIIMM .
rV4' .
for krarii MI K. 5 pkrrrnT krrotn 4 alroMrl.
..i. to *. l d .
Mia KM .... m i r I* 'IM llMniUwa -I>l *UI* ... >M Urn atwrbkM. l| I..I .. Mr o.PMr .
. Ik* Coo> Iwn / .. tkr Morw.4mr A. .5 1.r the .. .4 wklr* . fxarkk* kM) fib rklo MjooitaM
,.I W to.lMondroMlni
UM kiUI. af Ik a- ... '.lln .
Hi 44 .1.0 r 5. . 'lr
** .
rttl.a .a doe aU at nrk *U>ar MmloV mlMlop/ Mtln' M P cnminHIM af Ik* IwxkM III. AMMH*.t* MM nwnr o| f nfcr tkit tk* CUT I knrirrtr 5111 .104 a..'_h.. 55.54.1 ".. .. 7111.1 f,..o.Mi.ll k>*> l.s prMIMf, wllkta MM of MM .. _ ,
... Tk. CMOMIMMM lh.ll Mt IMM lIP .. ...SIll .llS. 5441 .04 _l _.. nf MM h.... M ."_ ta kr .(
pal clMlla CaraJI _.'' _/1.._ 55.55' hIss ..55s.k -. A_| r.arr.1 ,HMiajm| SIP AIls..- ,54.... .. . ph *pik .tk.MMT ., .4 &. MM M nor k* .t.. Ik* 555.55 .-. 5- III 551 50 4555. J.Po.
.laa M. Pam af MM to ..1. .1 tilt 44.54p. -I ,10 af MM .,_ Ik* CKr *._ akaanaar .. t..lr04.
.11M $15 .' wlllil* th* 1141$. nl* .1- 4 115$._ b.4.p. 5.5. .04 1M V, Ikr JHrMout
.-..-. It 5. 54517 Tk A AMOOOT oV.ll OOMT.P ll.'itw pnwian *. af *.4 f Ik .". UM (41w 4 IrrtaliM ..... kmwno UM )k.
of ,. .. M.lalalnlni/ Mrr pr ra tkl kMrtaf Ano.
_100"- ... ;' .rlTlk. >
41"U .
; .
v. .
=. I.. 511.1. ; brimra 4uHM/ .M, lot pnhH Ikotmi wptorr . 554 sp.W'allsss' 54 sh ,._" 1.f tU"J
mUll k'Wwftkkl i llkrprr rritao) n TK. .., Mil .4 In* "' kpll I ilpu lIp 14.
545.l 's5.4M to pll UM IkWIItk. ta. ikr s.d u4CHr 1r1' I". .. H Ik.
,51 tn ; : .pl aMlmu
ii ; k. ana
". b.sI,51lt. A.'u.lIs.rs5b ilwMuM M
..I..d V* (11 .. *,_ tkM 544.? .. If mattt k* MMtrart, Mitt lIt a14 tM,koalkp. tkrropfJjMrtat ,
Ikil infiuMl .M IMMM4 =\
.. of I** CoojwlMli. for t45I14ss. of 5 tarladlM 5
cClortr'. TI. AltI1I.i (IIIrnnlrfml .. l5.0.4 11551541 51 'ho p.44145l54 OMilMMp Sad Ap.iT"lk .
rlKt bp fI.a
Mrllrhal. Ik* form af IkkalM ., .. .; .fur kr.rluci U.roin M.II kr flnantr kw AouoMMr MMlkmro..wl kr. tkt rottro4'pvwrh-kmp. ta "4M rfIk 41.114.141 (4.14 I m.r Mtkraot. 51141.1. tuibii pot. ' art M Mrk IM af I.*--::014 'ho ..11/ 071554 515 51.554.. ... .
4-rtla akull W .. mH* M ..r ktlt ,In.lHUa, 575.4/55/ cothM I* wr Ikr _. ",. 5.541444151, t I App.l.t5I whom oMMol .- .... .1 '' .. ,_ p.M.lIs p.l._ .5_ .04 sI. wrl MM alptoi IP ."
nll A k* mIMr "$I..II H Ji"i.Tro.Mr.rr Appr.54l1.s. pM t > .of 55 4.4.55. 0 A ark ara** I. pHrrr ar ._1. . -wlkini fmrMl .l.-., not lit' 0(1Apll . (MaaiooWa lk.ll PMO> P M)
a.s.l.roprhitk"! .MkMMO tanltM or Mitli M trM 15.545 ..I.hl1.h.4 s lSs.IrIp54 pf PI Mar Ik* wkkk vtlaial* ak-. MltauMlaant 4. Ik rtol 1 =J" akkrlloM wrHJnr "f W
Ih* work MrM Mat ta
..04r .4.. t 541.1 1 a a
'ho'I ..H Ika (_.. Ik* *MM aMr k*.n-Urahk- .4 1 n af ant ilsI tarMMilal Mi '
kM 5. of .
.k..r 4144155454454415 I. karrlp .r '. oM ,. Cf .holl 15. _._ '* h. r of MM wrk in4 ta .11 "MM IM a. Mrm M .t.to4 ...
m'mmr liiUo* In wrHIra ot UKCHr M 1 5. I A I b, iMiMMln. prwrr 1. 5.54.5 I" ... ,Ir Thf .c..1.
kt Mlfi 15414U.d U. .,_ of A. P4141 I. 55 ," p.- InrUVaul. .ssps.*. MtkMtHor * or p5151 lbs
r 5Il pf>irrl "
M.n_?. in.r ... ..m.r414a15l5I. rmr prrwr* Ai _" WHk In* t4a| Mt OM*. I. .1 5 II. _, .. | W .I.I.
ataM !. WW! **. .4... ...'.1. | 5,51 II,.th. Cfrr MMnM. lh. : 4mkM- 5114 ** kll k* PrliMlM PhIl Wlhrr .u OT PMaJfrMt / III
k | I la th* ..P5l p55.154 54 the CII'. w lSlls,54 OIl. 41.s..455. .Mr rr ..nrk MM Pt tkp OooinkMMnMf 545554 555.51 5. 15 .. ta M>i Ula
.dld.I I |
.. af tk* * *M .. At s.r.41.s.s.. 5. lot 140551 r..r-r.C'
.Mill :
fnat **
p.5.s.I.4f541 -.. 14.-hl. I. 'ho s.i's ,1..fflr' "jC"ii .544. C.II "Ido. pnooHUhrln e..k HMr I.sI'4 I brut ,Mlrla4 M
r- .1 4 Ik. r.t ... | I. l ,. M '.IIs*. nf lIt rmt ot mrk taiMon4li
.. .
_, wh. 55. Ii S wUr blrr.1 MM *5.41.S ... 11..1.*
I. 'nn.a.. .' .554 pkiilMlot -.1 lIt prknk lark .S 5.
ti _
5141.5 a. 5./Is' ... 5.S 5554 '-111 5.5155. II .
... .. In 41.5.1 ,. .-. .5155 51 the 4 "Is 45. die $ ,45p.I MptMltan b 'P *. ., . -pp. s all 555. pArwb
fir ,. plaM af A. K ,.p.l.d? ?. 4'l Uhim .PMl ta Ik* MM pmpartkjortko = l.p ( p. i.1444.5
torl_ *p.r nvTlU > > frnM blMr nlrttn W
toMllM ilo> '
JmtaM mrl a
bat uroui
r..ll.4. w
fir Ik pl lar* f .. If ... .... Ml n.4 > AMl ... .. IwTn ..
/ I. .
.14/ M 'Ipi Ik rilr IM .1.
annu.1 .mpP'k' 114111151.5.45 '
tk* .'. nr $ tn-tk koMPr MM MM Mrb to
..- t5.- 4t. 55- .. .. *. ** tk* 5,1.
- :
441 10 I I. f rr.. N. lk-* ,..1111. <*.U k> 1.41 s.4. it. *4 741'41t54 .11.5 . .fn .. (/._' < pmrnnr t*, of .... 1, APP..4I..54 01 ( I. .4.4 wrflM-okh .
5 tk MrlIfUoa '' P 554 kr tk Omnibrf" MM _.. at-
. ,1.rl
\ th .. to .
: :0 .= 1.11.4. I.4 kr ... attkw nr .spl.i ofka nrrblkr rti.vfer ill ponvmi rhr4 ..,. Irrlhm III fkMNTPf t > *t'I lsa..sI par nil.Imrk / 5. Sis .1,4. .14 .545 4541 5.1s51 4455.1441.4,

... l.dl4.I. f. c.._ Cit,. a*_ IP MvnHanr* wllk Ik. * ll... sr.541. oTlk ,.r.I rlllnii M rf |k* 'I."1 Irl'l ..,' ThrOMH k* 14.15) kMM *f 4,4. .1. *."I rknw II.411It5.d or "*. .0 wkkk M> k* ta or 55 orin .54.114 'GO 515141 ff 5.54 45.

nmvklnM of Iki *n>Ml applprbUorllM kVU i til llk-nli. .Ml Kn onlor (-., kn wMhnwt 4. .. > .1. .' p.-.a.5. .*.'I. 5, ..4SI .a.I .104 ,... MMM pnr Mrtka af tilt ..h.. ar 45411414. It, plamntr wkk* Mar
41.fI 114115.A.
. 5., .. 0 ..dM.1. f. .1.-/ 41I 4.54551.5.1 4.lL 5.5,. 5.4 Ps'.. .-5 .IpS55 1- .45's.. Iho > .*.. of IbIs iMinit .155111 4. 1. 4141.54 ..,* .. 4.155111'S St I. 5.pts..d .r *bIrb Isv 1.. rkprrMkhj :. Ikb DortkM. .h.11 I *.l
Maiplko of ".WIIt. .0. Is 54 _"I I 455.145.. 145 '...h. lor oo-k tnuk M trvkl PkaN
of hISS* kp ( | HMkwtr kan' .M.iHl Mk. SI'S 150.11.1 frot Mkl fr.lo.tMjT MlM
l or nrnpltr M *-
cat a MPT rrT I.A" .
In die ClIp -.t. 45.. 54.4 p..4 .4 .. h. .., .tl_' 551555551 ... I... ranknt UM,* PMH k* .
call' .I51. aMtlnIM .t"lr *. Ik* Cllr/ Maou-ar Ikrahara .44,4 PrMHw. ... Mppmp. P. shall 54 ( ppporIrlMol If Ik* prkoo frk piinipni kM MtkaM
wn .Volt k.n i n.ktka ,..I.4.4 ,> .. ... MrMralar, wllkln/ tk* lbs MM at nrp _* k*.
.llMnll . ornnnrt
55 pr
1415.15. 5 s.d
pt 545.'daS14ni M4
O .Ulo * Mlnl M. tk CMnauMl.tKPT
M *
toata nf ... f a =:: : .. .. . 11$. ,._ .. Ik ,..t. .. iMtwoM tk nib
atkrrwk Ml ant I. tM At. rftlo. appp..1. Cllr C.kail .. *4.4 '- :. ppr InMUro pr PMtkaat IWWM *k* Si pkf rnl 15 pk p>inrtliaan |
M,. fMJarlt pP tMM **!*. fnrM to a PurpM ar wklrk Ikrparoprwtkin .km a MlMMnt tkr WIll tn.Ik* .51 Ns.k51 S.d.. shall : ..a.h.l.b.d ." II 15:41z'5r.: ; ot Mrk trarp aM lor Ik* 4W.M* ofrbrhlom . Th OoinkMna Mar
: .
MM .
: kM Part th-t Ik. .*.. I. Ik* rWnnl A..o-> kU vrarranti to IM** c fill larkra krnn4 Mrk pptfr .W'lnII
ar.lMt tk* .n ot ... _... fnr < nar : ". 55 $5d.fs. 5457 51751.5 IS. P111151455.Th. .. *-51. km akaN pa|
41* .'. Is f..p Of .II.5$ _.: I.."..." or pur O.MP ".I fn* tk. CHr fn*.Ik/*.. I* Ill. rtitlo.anr Mrana at or moM I:: Clip Ckrk WPM tilt "'.* prltkPMIM .larlotlnr* wHrkM s.d tvriMmtPl t4plirp .55455 .. iinilinul l. MMM af Uu
tk UM ( o
.rfb-bl k* akall k* lk-i.r ..d lrMf to k* mar. krtoorn. > .+ I. ..- lIp :: illiopHl kaplunojnib am.Mrwalkp Ilts 01 .. pt., ...lfk'sItsIs as4 .41. pp >Ma im.nlof park/ poporlkaat Mortal knafM to tk* piuonib pi mi I.
.. *1.1 ,.Tat II.. ..4M.Uk" 't41'II. >lo4 to UM MOM a(4oa. 4rprMMat wHrbla R. :M | | / 1551.. .544.q .04 .547.5.54.5 .1 ik.ll aaklkk MMV IH P MWti.orf kiM kM > $ .M I*. s..1. _". .kill kl
rf ..411.. kt" BUwMil *. *.t Mki wkMaatbllr' die irfkrvlnr M r"i1' = pna.. If die .. M >ar Mirk r.llm.4. II rt.ll aoMtHouKa 5 w rnorun to lbS MoMrlkwMk 14.5455.
kMwat krr ; .. . .. I I. Ik* ( S pmlr
.. to* .1 'li pll MM IrppikUm PM
454.. .5.85515 . s.d .sl14 .U aaap lir.ppjlkrrf lp
.. MnflroMtJn .
katoMrjata attar
W ... tMrrto far tM wrlkM lit AppNprlitbo wi AioralM I.. nf |.
.r _. 55.. 14.5441 .04 U-.p..d.d .,._ .,nr1'4 shell .. ki, I... I.. (Lil.. ... "_' ...p rvrtalp, or PM 8..,. P C.f'. to th* MM oint 7.M. atkr 5 .MM.mi Hi Ml, akpR W ... to UMHr

I5 .. la lrm *fIf Asp .arcruin rrrnu of UM ClIp. Ml ." : MOM r :. --. 55541411.5 5 .. ..I.- .... ,.'h 55.55' 15.115....p5544.1 kMoTHIol t-.4ltwl. C 11.._. .M MrkM _nr-.14. .511

,.,- .-l.d 5. .."- ..- .. CI '.1"--,. rov:* 5141555551,54555 thp (*:. will i, tw*nkfcltnn.ot I.lump i pi'lds4 atom b.(1 M 'ho' skI,prwpor-. 55 ftMl poll rumlptlt' .

1Mto ,141 .._ ., 5., 1/5.4 .,' 'ho knart nr tk* ., Cltr, 5 MoolM n.Q..HIr rnra ..Am. .. U I i.nflranMl lark .U_4 Mill aprnl* or a* aaoolM "., r"i1 r-
.5li 15. --.I .11 .. _l..d Iho p4155 ot 55 sppp.5I5 ..U/ 1.. QUAUXATlnN nf THp of P-n r If Ik* OoinMbOnp 41.5 .1 _I. .. .11.11 Is 54.. .
ta ,* .. b : .0 Mnl* .sd.p .. 54I..s.. OMilrkH
.. ..._. ISIS MHt I .i ( 515 1l.Is S- 4rrrlMkHl r tho pwr af mr or par
wllkla. !*. (tl 4M ."" 115..IM' lot 155. ( or our .I. .kHr autr to H| nrM 1 : ta krkf .1 5 07 fMnrkk* wkk PM.'OM' rW UMinanl .
. .
A mmt <
Ik (Th..15'. o-tm-ai. UIM to How kl -. kr UM 0..11 pr I p pprt r4 11.. M) m U.4 ..MilItklP
MM c- .. or .11 15 .. .5 f .. punaar *M MMIIwp at MrMnt r7ot .
.f..l.d 4. lot _. It .1..t tho ,- .bum to.nek MM M not M>'MrHk .tnop .aiMol M .MM . MM Mutik-hMl OMTI kr.Nwllrtpi sIll Ih* lonllnp .. .. af oMt kr ork .11_. ,. 14. Mr* ( .
-- rMLrp (from 1 4. 5557
nkll k. Ik for ... roclfkxllr Park ar r.A "It .1.1. l1..I .... 51(4514.5. 5411. ko file p wrMlp orrlfM pMHka ta 4k
55 .
ot bulk. at Ik* rhwlka MaM > inr II.* rM* w.r. Ml) UMTatMUna .T rJMtol. 11517., >n4 to auk >nour rotor* 5 .1 ... ._._ M to Mrp nllloM pkal friro af tk l55b SI Ik
Marlr M _" ..M MM hnp tp WM Irrf 541a54554. Z 1411..s I. lbs MIM nf UM M.I tiMranf *n ,l ,. .14 l to UM MVot ik
.. k MM A s.d 545 545554 551541 055 onlr MOM pmm4
>MMr ... 4 tk* Conlr, rUar f rtk
..M.t5.145i1.S . *. I. 'k. tflM of Ikr PUT <* .
a 1.41.1. 54,51.15451 Urttoa III. KarMolir IM Ap * 5415.4554 SI r 4>Mtkl MM MTHh I. Ik. jrrTk 15. IwojMtitMil sIll par ntk sill' .tI
Ik* .
of .s.a14l.
.. ... B...... ... ..1. ..41 U.qsd1.. aoaM p* _.1 anhMl par
Mo P.p..d411 .5 Xrinba 0| V_ ml *M. to k. Man ..V .. aapm, Tk* ..* '5. C Mar 1' . MM*, pnnlrart mr 'rpnokk*. .4
1'_. Work Not to k* C .._ WHkta T- .. p tntol. .|M of-Ik _i. 4VII kr Btoar PIM! 115 .1 'h 1sha 55 l..I.. . .l 04km ,.. R".., Impl.rrMlaMl. ..-.. --I* prtrlkMT 5541 nnoMb. p$* PMMOI 1.514.nt

Ith..ld 'ho l.s..1.1.. f.n .p p.455 Na voMr Mill kl 4rwn fromUMMiy 1.. hI .--- !MISs. 74* kaH ,.UM .nn_ af .1 MIIL* b.p..s'.sl I _.. 't ill..w..I *f 4o* I. (Mr.
? will M at
u alactkM M IwrHil H'lkkl' wltVki af Ik. CHr o.r M.U ... iklr. .5.41s.d 'ho aIs5i55Cl"Ca..s5.k' 1 141-545 I o. Halk* nmlnal. W Ik* >rai4laiMrtlaa T* .. ftlr OMM k ippirtli..< tkTk or rw kr PMMP *nrkkmotn

tk* tin* rwiM Mril WtlM -? k. alloa far Ik* MPM4llur of MMrr toorarrM. -. -- .. 5.p d.4I. . 557 .* <4 tka kMrtM *f .1.141.55 to 5 SI 5.55751454.. 55 45 MM.5. UMM 4.

41i lot Sir Stato Caart at taaral t1 *pt pyriMnt to aapnprtaIfeM D' --- M tk. *> k _.*, II .r.r. or t I.. .. .II.. 5554.. p. tk* aMflnMUoa af a VMatulkia ar*H. ph.14 t.t"e : :: := | *nr or tkot roMp, ._.b .M- .

.wu- MM kr Ik* 0...., >na .Itr (*. ta at* t Ik* aliiiiin at 55 41dsf..hl. . S 5 1.45.M S 5415. 5141 lb's 4 I. par
.lr..N= Mil M. UM MM MM Me sIll .. Okrk.I
14,1141 t1; tIooto A.i5t-d I. V. irk.*ir .5 laproKrltOM b M MMI Ik 0PM tk MtnplalMt Roll. Hi.aMral Joikia, IfIk. aaroml rMl .wto* Tk wont MOW tarlnlia. kMk M.I. trr BMla, iiaiiiai.liuat tkll .1.017| wow) 'l.l .* i . s4 5.54
A.l..I. ..i 0154.4. ..,_.- c;krk ik.ll fartkwllk r* mtka to tkritr s.d UN _.pforoMkiakpN falta, * to 4Kbr* Mk klMrMMl ...54 5555 ,.- s ooptrpirMM 4157,1. lIt >_ at WMtal I kMrrflu.KMrwr 10 Molmt. ant Milr lkl Mrt :- .- =: 45511 ': I
1. .. 4114.. .5441 lbI ; 1/.w41. At Un aloM of Mok (1554755I. I to Manlrt' Ik* ..umoiM H 4.145 PtsS54 ... Oklirtlmi lraal war wkk* h J.OIM.I to +j5
1511415.451 AoJinir I Is
th. 554
41. ......lnk.rM: WlaMa af MMkroraprlatlM I .. M ftaaMM .. far Ik _' C41511411a. pk Fkl 'M.or Jt
.... tk CH. CWr. b atki.wH V for "CHr c.Au 5.155. a*, kol nrtr-p (lad .414
'. Mall rMit to UM ,.Mlraoj .11..11.04. to .**.* Mlk> .IM tok .'. .. **lrk wn.14 kr Mllnrwf wllklp' Ik.
s.d ..,.b.lp sp..IM.d.41.d .5.4 411551 lbs Al Ik* Ik** MaM4 ta MM Mtlr*, ar to p* I. 1M 5.t 'hH .II'will
fM awMaatt la *rt.r.rt.lla . wklrk M WM UHaortalM] .. *k.HM U.s twltl t kwilr* Ma Ik* totktaWI 145541.5.4.*5. '.05545.. ._-.kirk .s a4iaraaiMl asp to uk*>. UM 1411.5. If .._. .7 .-. h... I. slId CIII II s.d I.- U pIp Ips4sIS14bvI1hqass54.SM'p.

.,. at tk* .'_ .. I. p.. .M_ to Mian aiMMarbtkiMl katprorrlalkM ,. :* to of rkanroi > .1 to .M 555 *kallMMMftor 5555441 51.54455SI .Wtoor 114 II a. Sl5545q II. I *. \ .;
Mr In tawl. la larUMrM ". Ik. taaovrw . Atevlka ,. Mlkor/ A
(omla 54 Ih4P 4.4141. kvrmi M or ot 1514.,. p.... p.4 11. I, lMpr..mipbl 4.5414. .M _. _. 4.s <|.1| a**, .
af .._10 or atkar oWortl 554 5. .04 .h p.sslt14 .. man MM ). pp'lIss5 4145 i Oooo
n.klMl rooMl, or no row '
.. Tk . .
Hnr to
11. .l 1.'.U4..I MMTMO. 5 .M 54 5.s.a.5.55l PMtfVMtkp. P> MMr .
wklrk will aot Mrktol .
:'1. nrU UM ClIp .04 7. h-iiUmr MMH k
-SI55 555 MM wMk nra PBMMMWMO If nr anpnr.kkrkwM
0I I.f..M5 4141 541 455... sha* -, -- 5 .5Is C. ta .. pfrkm kMM ,
5415.45S wMkn) lbs .5(7411 nwlrUM af'p'ar Hr P5455 Ik* *nllMn>o> af th* MT k* ooMrof kr UM CM.MMM |Mwkk lb..d ,,s54sl50 14 of
5.1 q..llf.1141.' .4 Iho sill Hal . af kWkwar IMPIMIwall palrtko tkM Ih* **Bapkail
Mai UMa M CMtrarl* ; IS M all tMoora tarMrot.1 I p. wot rkaa M Ik* "-" :. <
III Cltr *
.. 1M ..MI55 01 thaI .. IN. A 54415,1 M4 I or antr to p poM kolMMM nr war 5.40 .
-41 -'tr' .5 S.M .eI\htI 41 .1.- Ap.tlaIIs 4151 4.d ......sfp..sI .4 p.S ..- > wataraMU lid M Man! to tkMork.M ""** 54 11.*.. ... M Mirror*. 554454 ,. 55 ,ls--, Atc.oI. k. HitolMkMl M kirM Jtor "prihHM4.Trl.fcl.
k* MOI>MM| ,. sIaN k>M .*>kr rrif 55744.5414554 51 .
5.141145 S I
"-'I4..l. 5.5 Is5 -. 47 p.5,4111551 kM (I'tit l .
". (1.15 shall 5. 1.s.. . It. *. f.O:i -. anloM :. 1.11 A.. I i14r rI1 ..d55r. 5.1 .." to ** fro* aork .Ir.M ,. .M PMUIiuTllMM It T* ._toe0 oppomof. > kVprr kf a.M MMT nf nMIBVm o. MM Or
41545.4 - .4 l41f5Sd IhoC 557 .5U.M p.p.4.d -, I., II..5.d .4 .... 41. _. l t. MtkM af die 4> ... Par.. flnaoj If ft .wkk MPM! ,. all Ika Ml af wkwilk IMPIIIM N-- or M kb uriM. MM (1157 .

.1.4154141 41 .11., .544..5.4 4k* pmbM MrMrtaUaa. Mr M.IIJM .. .4 714. .04 (111.5 .1 .04 _- .wlb M.r PMMtMatvtk okab or ipirlf rkiMl to Ik* pr Mrtr .warn MMH*. e. bto a kkn* katolptekMk 14I..s.dp.5sa14 pp.IMtaa .

5..qv MM** to Pktotarxat - Ely ka Ibkk for aar J..w . c. by A. 4. .4 5 5555. 555 *r If M b, for *.* otwH_ ar trim OMM4 k. k iH.wplkMMH.I pa4 MM roM Mll k* knot ppnCowt.

il or Mpnloo foraMMa M .' . ."t MIle $4. .UP* 4. TM ta Ik* PMM af thaw af Ikr IM. 511515 loW sod s.d

.. UM CMr CM*, 1..si1 .*r ,_. offMo ar "1ot. boM .,* _.. ._pps45 Is .., .5.55-s *1111 h.I.d 58. ..5 .|. or wrtlMta MM .." ta !:'i:.7 .5 4.s..11.... = .54 5, p Ia, .. n-

MR PM W _. for* kb otuataml I M* fk. flMarbl ,14..sU af wklrkin .5l5541..l .5141 hI 5 ...It .441114 14. ar 551.* sIll 44* or ta .tt.tlIttIIt l5,11. .". 555155.7 055. lS.S45j Tko Jwor*W 41. CMrt akpH kMTiM r'

phall 415.15 alMabMl krillfr, 541415115 to k* tort aal of UM 554141 at tomaar ..Ik. 4. II. 554545551. CUr I I. .. .5 .. -noaor af Ik* CMaMbalnp *M II >., 55 1.1.14545. JMirWilop tk *.. ta ton*.' si 'S.

-4.- 41 .1 otkrr fMi MMraHol kr Ikr 115, . Tb. 1.4.1 .1 .5 ssl s51 5S15 ot S .. o Up(71.4151 W. kjrrlkm pklll kp M4 I* II.. .lirltrothm1at'lMroat 7. II. (fir .111 1. .05541551 .41.0. .1.4. a..1 11155 0.4

a-.I . lot a- 0...MOM aabM Ika CaaunkalM ..5.15141517 / Malnrt par aa* p.l| af nunili akilv . .1 die .., ." .. I oo p.555 kro .. SI 01 .5W'v p.551 14r-.1s II .. pp.514' onrr an Mk* MMP ap

Tk prtllkM .M rnonk orrtonkMfMTU ha'. 545 .. .... toMol ap pal MrrM *ot t. 1h.1s4 0.54 "U 15.. I. .I -' .* . 1.1454.551.5 If 5 Mar lot _* .. Tk*

kH k. hrnt ta a 5.d Irak a* Jmtar. la MM mat that aomrMta art .*_. M tk* rtakt Ha* 54155 MO*.r.41' I.14 01 -. .4155554, *.". .. kmlH. >nir. iiilillip n4WHklp III. I.pSM .iilnp nt MM Onorl'ta MX*'M. m4UriMMM

**_ IManJ of tk. CHr .. .. naor to MtM4 vr a prrM linrn tkn AI 5.. 14 sa..s1 .. .. 5 5.54 . 441. (41.4. t.. ..a4 It MM MOTMM, Ik* 515-Up' MMIMP a* ftatbt. k* ftaal '*M S. POM*| k* Pbkrwol
.. . (II MMPM ."5S. to k* IM! IMOIwrrMt t "541 sll15,41 Ta lbS Clip rt.n k* mrll i it IMMM . .
nar4 MfrHMt ..d .. Wo; a OM 5, 5 4.45 Is -I M* of W* IPO 'Mt .r. pftor MT M*. *ur tf in.nll a-*
Mfwrttm ontMi to all IIIMIII tarrtori.. naill'M' .( Ihi CNr II kall k> 5 I.l 4.55. lIst C. I_ Is -. 5.4 45 . Up, 5.5144.5 7.s. __ Ik* PMrlaUoa MflrMlp* af .. pamrlMt puUop 'or iMlil. IId lot (IP) 14 0. It to .4 MMMoi (

Mo' for.-. wfM for tk* Con.. Mka M. 5.541 .- 5145 II S._ PsS 55 die .. . 5155445545. ''M ,__ MMV tinnlkM wk UM ._ 5.1445. IM. iiiMorr MM* Iwpnip 54 I14, sisl14' 1q41

_ oMJl lot -.w with. rarrbtkM onirlrM Ir moor tk* MIPlimiPIl 555.4 .1 . tkob MII akp p..|o ._____t_ ..11.4..... 455.4.. tot. *k.. k* n.irli4 kr IA* Ctlr Ckrkta itr PMI k> juin< ** /M4. orPh ,

$U. .- 1.u.sss 15.5.4.. of aor Mrk Matrorbl far MrM / Monf ship 5 I. p.5151 wi 41.54 I. -. 155414.5 P -1- k* kMt for IbM par.OM .s M M MfMl to MM r'M.rtr. *n4)) kr tk* Oatut tk* CMo MaaoparMM
(It .M) Ik* p alr i4 shall kr 74.54 5.4 .51 ba.d of wkb s MaKorr Mwar
.aTK1.1 L rMr b..54. S 554 4. wkkk MM okul k* IM** M tk* Mt* MM fprt M MM roll
_. aiMl MWioc MM tk* CMr Mtwttkttnvhoi ... 1.111.. 4SI.44. .5..54 ..5.51550 55,4' Im.i.MM.nt .M AoMjMt pkpMwkk : = I ki p itbn4,MM pro afoobt 114,114 01 41.
554155I. .
n. Mwrarrbltoo kM MM MMr > lW _. t to MM4 Iklrlr dsp. ar ktr .. .s..4 .
l' 51.445. p.4. a ::.4(5. I. ton* Mll rt>* die kr - .41 55 5550.544
.. I'hnll C.-.d kr I. MH>oM Pi rral MM* UM aoMla.J* pin ow wklrk : toK -. Ikm MMI 1., .illS .104 b..755I* ..... pM kkrt ...b41 wf .11 okM ofnunrir ,; .. 15,14 14 ot .5. .04 ,s.i14 145 psldI
onnalrM. H M.M kr tka ofrMi ) Cvnrt k.N lot 554 artiMM aVMOkr
ta tk* CMr ** Farrtap a.MM A rrHmlpMr MM| . ppmi**
.. . .,p.p4.ila. .. W MM hw ta ,
'* of C- .75.7- tkrJtrrob Ill ,. 5555 5555.411. 11.155 = 54.5. 555 0. 544 5. .145'--11)1.tilla MM flMt Moaowii.o.p rr T to r**' 55551411 41. I.I.IIPI Ik* P41wS. ..1 MM PMM of .1 .. .. M rt wwtka thororf .. ...M..TtalonMMiMM T* aiMiiV aWI I* .*nfA 57 b i
> **' MM of Mrk __ Tk at.llr.UnMMM nf fo4X Tk* .,.. .541 15. ... .55' rprk. 511. 14.-.a.t .L 55 .151 5.4 45

.. I. .. f CUT 55141 lark i.alr Moll Mi MT *M| >rtat* Man kMHM-5. 41 55.4. C. fMOMHw p&,pkMP PMUfb*. wkbh Mkl POM .M.Mto . orcpnaUry MworPM.plI = PO.I..I.ktoi 1:_ : .t
V $5411.. : = .- to ktl pun ol UM laorktoaioj 45S M kr kk p.M to UM ...MtlMptM. 5.45-5555140. m I
Tb... ..1.4155.II. p.. fll-l aM of 4._N of Mar r k4 Ja aak a IMPIkal Pur nitIPM.lnal ifP4lpVo lart 55Ia. I. .1.4
die at -. of CII.. *kk* tk* OaMOMMOl b ...5 C r. -5' .145. 551. tIIt U. TIM OMt > .5511417sip. 55 .olM or Mll k. r 4io.< toa po> MO*
.4 P41,1.5
CIp 441si.14b4. krtkMi 11$. UaMNr of lIp Maanra Ml pr.Mrl aa- OK* .,. .. MrkaMP W =1. Par PkM p54r pWottollornap .14: 5.5.141*. 41544.54IS .14 5.4
Ii I's d1.sSa I'A.O I. 1I.-.n-
TMOMOOT la hial.. Wanaa I. MMmMM up tIp kMMMMT (451445 rM.a"o
M *
ClIp 01 OH* PM
.. .
af OHiitmi.nnlkM
.. .04. 41 .-1 f..U o Pkr .. MM akkMM I .. MMMOT Hokta
54,55 .
._ A. 41 1.15.41 .55 15. 1M 5.. 5.4 5s.l4t( ".1 k.ooowM k for die
p..4d.d .545. s.Il5 6 MBllflralla .f A' 414511..s . 4541.155 POMOMJ. .
: '.- 41.51 II = $41. It 5414.Is "I.. 1.5.55144 to* MIM poHlaM dIv 4155544.455. .*- f. -. _'14 .. MM poMMb IWI ft _.. Ik* Mat a| btrrJi. pi'.Ml.p' PMI1M pr' ...

. : *14.4114115, 5154411411 ClIp 5.55 55 fcr pork pit* tnoM OM!| k* I p.11.5 .5 31555* 5.5557 .55 .154.4 5574 hs .. . lit. A5 If A---a 04All.

. sf41 .. 4154. II . .4b..1th.s .MI MM W Moot 4Ualto s-lb MOM. for 5544 ..e- . 5415 -.d..45 _p.14. .55414 ar lk4 II far .. i..ths II" 15517 151451App.IISP5 1 05551 Ml. 1. 15514 IS OIIv

5 V-14I... .M ,.41141 - .*.C'1. "t a>M Cwnrr I>MI at MMM owl ''Irattoai .5455.51.5541.41 -.4 .-_ .4..M 41 1554 ta lbs 5" a> 14- af c-t 'Hr, 57 5.. 154 11sr I. rZ .

5 54 pds'' .4541. .145 .W IfLd' ,or sIll M *orMi*Uo* *. .5.51 .4.5 54.5 .5.1 lb,**. JMM 1.45. ._U.TI. 544 .57 11. ar --to , Ta MM LMr akoM k* Puirll ill OM. 't..55.54

$ ot. .4.415 Ihas 51.47 54 tor UM.ol MoffkarM Mil 01-Miool W 5554 ta fan or kr II. sad ta I' .J 5.55a15 IS.1 4 ,.ll411t I. 55 I. or- .01.- MOt Of MOTM 555415 M. .. ;

4. 4.p554s.5541541I4b.4f55. Ika pi Mrkkk 0>fMtkP. .OtMTI.b. M Ik* toW OM* 5...p"TMI af | c I u* *MW af DM MnbtlM p5.54.1 PMIMP *M OMMaf tot or'

\ ,ft. Ka HMtko . $. IM I.. pnr Mlwr MOM koM M W ..rk at I. rk. f. oit. ..n> .4 545l . OMMT :1 t. . ,0554 .4V ot MM .-.. 14. k. IM*. 1..l 5554.1 .54,54 5 ... .5. paM kr lbs Owrt. MUM tk* -

. VMMl. tkor .n* MMO ..54 O..U MMiitrMMllr l. ..54k'S.s ,Ifl..51 Mko. of .. :1 .4. vrKrMT. to 51555 M 155 4155.d $4154.5 IlL 0555. l.a.ISIAPP51.S.IUI MM wmo tk* oMkv .btro h.4 541.

a. 5.1157. Hkk tk* 'tolot s. . f. 14141.5 I.5 = 411414..M5 1115 .slib tk ClwClrrk at ar krfar* CM to IMM sad MM ao oat kp .. potk PMOMJConUi *

. wkoikar tpi'bl ar riMi.lof MM* at aprk worraPt IT MM.. j jAincti - .. TI. eL '0-.4-4.s c. 5 = .04 5 515. 5141 il54 .4 .541 .. '
MM CHr of Twrrln MMH rr W krM t'[ pp4 .OM>irkkla DM ( >u 4 m |.' NX)
xa IM. ., 41 Is tM Aar atjajtjMi MalMt UM .
Mbkr >M pkaaM 0 c. .
14, ." Motar. pr MM I c .". .

tr $. .

''p. 1

I 4.I.

'. ., f

.\ ;" ,. ,.:; \ . '1 J .
: ; .J. .
'L b : ; .: : . J.hl. : f4 :'
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r-- .:'. ";Y -i 3 ,. .1 ..' .r /;.". .- --*... .. "- 'l",1

t,1.r + .

-. ,y... -..h.. map. . ... ..--....-.... . .. .. . .." ..-w.. . ..... '7.--- '. ''' ' ....--.. .,-.. ....-.--.-- -. . .._.p- ._... _.-- -....-.....+ --ki -- . .



(ContlniMd from Page Five) wwddkn,. ,IH 5.5114115 .1501 to Ie, dMdto* tto tatol ,or Ilu. ,d mim ./ i/ ( | i *f rto WMtlMf fWV, .: ." Sp.l. d 5515.5 r a w *"*** "Si'itn.ifTB.ii'l'l!' *..' .liA mlli.r to. tto A rooolotla.tM B MI.....,lhmpps M tto MM.
/ lorn fM .Ml flr tolOrtM .p..1.. aMk* rto mwmfmrm MM mt MMMmm -itoi :., ofIdTll I l Qwirtor ( >f Mkl r/ rto art -' I. .d.. la tto
rr d rotor.
a ._, app W _I..". 1 UMIk III. >owb 5.4 M 14.51 II, ImtmrmAtmrmrrmm or MM rM.tM. .c. nM .. MM M lrir I 01 .. B. r4irlM ml fly or.t.., sad pnMI u
/L..1aM. k ..h,. k. MM f itowHi 4 1.11 Ss ml ( 5.55155.455 11..5, r : t
of lt.SM AiIw5YI. = .1511 I
CHr 01 tool*. or, In Ito OTUTMI.I.of ,I.ipSV PMM nT'wl s.M..14 w rdr 15RM.IR51> M M* 5 t.. .51 .. 01 .I iiM.rr to ..1.. old rrfrrmauM. nf n -.Y1 It .,i ..
T >rUr
-c.5 or *u >
Ito OrjMokMM A null .d M ton to dwtr f Cllr, MasSIvE I.
HnmM prMirtr ton kjntotof ) ( 1 Ito e.. ,
rtoran c. ,
: 'J- uld rlmlon Ito writ : f 41.0i..rsh
to tfol M UM 155.4 to
Mr m ..
ton, otoll to MMo for .I/w/ I. IM. ( ito .
_. M . = .. ,1.0041., ""C.'MMM.' Uto d .s..MS.d .snw.A 11
lor r
mkaiMMl k.nmMi r
,. IkTorX :- WfdIW = W tilt 515 ,. Ill AMMOtM. mt PwTto -
M druu s.d 5y a i d I. "
ito CHrMMMO "
I = = w i. .. I P1iwr.iM 11p.W {. ,
nH. M MtM ..5Nli1 OT I
r 1
M1..SMM. KM 'my MM a
I kMrlM MM Mr* nM Mod to pufc.pMMr . w. .pap .. ArtM. otoll M 1 (M OM. .Ito .Mr tkMpfToM:T-&Ls.."a. pnr.l cm. i tto
} mr mjrrrm M to .. WMMPOM .toM :.t :ct GIII sad o MMk UM coal. Mtl of 0 at 1-orrlM to) oflrr
QfJlM .
ito .mi I H to .: TCuSm *550 451$144 *14 / .. 'I1 .. .toll Ml .1 Mtpl
Tto OOPMMMU .toM lab. trttotM 4.15 r 115 551.4 1 .IAs5/W .l ulJ AtSSSJJS t..n ..W.5bU.shd .. o n .
HIMII to Via
.. mr .1555I MM tolMtilM "1 1C' 1H.0Mlrs > _= I ) ..UI ftor rovl kr taor.fWk .
aM I
totwta TNorU.dto fit IM roMM. '.45. tn.i
tortto. h
| to kto M to MM Arttolr pnrMd .1. n. oM + IIM I roMMt to of 44. r. T1 of ito
Mf ,/ rot. Cllr riM Mlin
t 5..Iko11w tI .. .p..1.1 I. 11.0 Ili MM IM tto MMUOt. t )
tor 1.d.S"1s.p55..4d w5ry IttomrliMf to .a0544555411. !
es' .., sd .MI5. 5511 a a4d l1. MM to rtoll .MMl to nnlM i to phi 14.55 5. = .. :hw.dl a wHk Ito.MM Ito* *f ito i: ( atI..'o Mrk MM,.
M isv ,
. 5.1.11..55Isis = ., .. tftor rofmM .
154 M' .V'rw3"ok.3l. 1.s. oVd me.(111y fMM) mt to Clip w MMto wkM otobM. .M -, .. OPr awrsOls.( 5151151. !' = '1 .VIp tI .rnilpttot 5 .r. .MMr at
.I1..11sa to MM Mt. toM fmmt mrmtimm MM Ito MM *fMto 5.515 .". Arw.m MA II Rp.51 "ualai v151 .M.| 0. .WPM 0 Ito
J Wktok MM Ito .tollto tilt 144 ..115r . 515151 .,. P. Cm ,._ Vow T 1 = *'tI Ito ..Mt ron* tto IMiMllun Nfmrr tojd
dap4lka "
I lP.qY.I4.5.
t .MMr Md tto rhrktBortlM Ci.i.ilul. 5511 m 114 { .f ito M'
or rktoMB MJ* .5K *M to MTOl' Tk C I Ml "( I toM MMT :: t
: 5(554 M Nm1"w W Ito to kmto :MtMt iof tto ; .d. .01
1 5y .sew 11555.1 a s55, .d ..501 r.wwpr .p M Mtot ; .
r t' tr. 511 laIM 01 .pis 110. Ptnol *f too* to MOM mt fotur on,! A.d . .y. Ir 51.. .5Iy I5 tonruM .of 0/owrM.r LTV .
1 I5 = .
SIr114 p.1.5.s. 504 554.4 !">l mt ito .. itonof M n.. C C a __ on. of Ito Ptoridt KM MM w .' I Uk '.. wWr. "M 'x I Vma1W4haIIV of Pad
'1. III. flM M4 MMMW wto MltoMnJ okrJ) to ptoorl to Ito fMdrnorm I or toutkM to tto r-ord of K.MIIM.It ... . '1 ,. MM .UM Mtot of kxlrr _" .o w. I rjk far o kmhiot ito .
of01' ] t* to toMM IM 1 .. A. mt tto OHr. A.r oWIHt fiM> ttopUnllM ud 4..55pw Raw 41.1 ... to-!:o- _. I." .of I HrlkM "
: .
Iklrtr l"l Ira tfinr tto .. ot Ikki .toll W51.51,55MIli0p50S1..51.15m. 50151 40w Car d< mt Ito U.M .., C4) WMMH
'Ml Mhtort ito pnfclo. ml Itolto ) proklkHto W noMlM d Art = kMfck kMj. ... hTvVJfirtirtU.
.1 .
1 1M aw..ar1. W 51.511 -u. I MMt M to ..r .toll to toM ta
dot. _
5-40. _1M .. 15.4.Meer a.. .I Ito AM kMiiu t m,
i i *M MI mill OI" 010kM : UL PmsW of to P... 1 AITKtB KVLooo MM ta lib. Minor. of ., sd .!if Ikki Otortor rtoll to ..r rorW "I w .Iap11r. W 551501. ,-. .o"
rt tto offln .t Tw -. .. T. I to $ MM .r .Um .5114. 1 5
"f_ Mi to rHf /..*" Ito dMrlkrd A"1 MT MMMMT Vnwtlui ...)1 nun S yon o. .
MMl : toriMttot .. Whw W p..e 1 14..4 r tortto IH. TrMponrf Boo.| Pimp toTM .1' It 5.sts5p. 5 *M Inn = MMWM ..Mknrton to pp-slat 11oo _Mrk"fnMlMl.l'.llhMMMTol 11.5.ah. .II .r .
ran, .toll ton MM 5 MUto. to townt MMMT MM ton ton ,.>* VkltoCiv OMH.MH Mss tto "or I. tto CrunK Uowrl M toro4MtorovoAni or ton to Mrs to .MM *.fW* of tto fHm of Pads torn .-.. tmr PMTta* riull, or Mr olMtto* OT 14i .W pr.555y dgrd.M
wkW ..514515. rtoll I mmM Wpr..rk lor 1411 .rh 1551. b, rsddlas. :In. .4a.Nr Imp .. .. MOlr to MM MdltlMol. torrotorlMMU .-.- .? .; ...., .d.t Mil*.' far UMI MrpoM.II." W p,5.wr.51eshell
MTtM. oom* /(:=.fl. rtoI won Mull to lin.i. Mrk *I OM Mrto $0..r ('lop. '.' .11 .100 5540. p.t.4r .. Mr* purpMM oM 5,5144 - It 0al.SgtarMl w
il 1451N< MM Coon tot *rt liM.fniii- kr tto (" as tolonM. M HM Mr ttol MI p.r1.51 0, 11"w/r5pMtldw/_, 411, 4 1451 fu TroMorr .r naoMir .I. .I 1. MM or 5511, .
t Iklrtr ,lt| ton. MIl M .koll. adlla.s.WMhMwry5..rte por ...... Mr*>*k) .l UM UM W tonI I I" Ito CHr-f NrrlM M Ito ._ pioMtaM or rtorni .- to tto rrnht of Ito Ml. Cffwt .1.551 ,..4Tk.l

i. 5111 M 1M OwsM to i oWMtlo. 11oo CVt' +. .. d .Iot 1.r. dalp. .. r ttomrMr. (..r1.. MIT" 1 d 11oo o Ito Ml* Uk) AM t U.. M Mr. ,. n. .I I CM: *=
is ris ak"tWYlb..pmd..M 0.55 p.4 Isis a r15Mp.11 I II. -1. _1.d. .. IM. lMtol u' BantM AMllnku".1 I T. rMtl tto MM br mElissa a..athis. Ad..11Is.
a5.w14sr 54 111AMw =
I I M p.51.11451 In .a.. d ToMirWIiItafcra : ad 1..r 1.. . = sal W CI....U .1551.. r..1 .. .. i ,..Uw 1p. .111.. w 5.5.4 ..I1..I MMnW M to altar, ... >r<..
lUiJol 55555.< ells it* nIWIwtor Brrito IM, If Mor* ml II.... of OktorUMM lotkoM*. .11 Ilk. ItoHoltoM M to ... .1.I .toll to PTMltto4 fm UM Cal, ; I .Appm51 h to bnl.raa.Ma..111a ,. .. p ...M wv of th> hw. ... .
M nrk isle *rk rk (nil .,. to ,**...* of iMpronwkmM 14.5. vise 1.51..1 awp.rP a pn.W b. ....; .a .._ of M'TknoM Mar -MIW,1.1 (. mtrimrm, mr trttorwlM, .*Mi>lr .tto to ,_ .. mm* hmr.'ur UT*.
; ".nt l| mHlnd kit WTMIra .... ktoMm A. MM M .. topmnworol .toll ton for Ito MrnvMrt of tr Mrk rorMM Iris :. 5.Wq .pd I. .toll, tonmn MMlMj 1 HMOM II Tto *mnl orooUloo mt tklt I ..M . .u.r ...."d W541s
.J/. all rnwj.l riir i>U UKM.H I I. ton gwoipbolrd, tto OMIMMM (toll rnM -.. 6.55..0 ttolr MO. .b.u 1.. Ibi.nM '.. koMnl 1'.11 .MralMrlr' opIlMbl u .." roam .1 sdaah 1---' .. p..rra
a.s.r. sill pa. h MM 1 Mtlr to to poN tod hi. tow 5S4p. a 141 .s.5 II _. I6wiii 1 .. W , .. M Mjor fronUM irnr to rrr.a..e of ito ., *f plot **d .id Wla.541 w.r..U .Ilumu 154
past nr* lot Mrorl I. to otoll too pmt of pa MM| ..U. ,. ito CHi* "_,. 1..5 .all'1 sMw 5.w .. kr t>u 4oot .,.* r.MM Md N f d .,. ..14 of tto ... *. ..1tto Sty a.w 5dM M.
tto rrlollovo 1 of ."'. UM MM In nMlO..I rUlln* IhM .! a mntln of ito tilt Ito rkM. of ito fMnl rnr ta .. UMMMT 111 .. t A. *toll Mr MM* MtaklMkMOM 1I" :- ILIUM ..7 kojtoM prtrtlnbl. ta4u. ol .".. ...tIII mnnmttt at 511
I In of Ito .,... = Or* yt .Hrrliw, .r M sal M .
ifllmoiU wrh tn C,rnmn iin .. to toM M s frrtol 4u mrm toooi, .a1. p rofnnrllMt I **r UM i to
1101 'tiirowdlnf rnr or .UM ik.rtriprrknt ..d ..r, tint In. Itul Ir* (III) Oori ..... Wad to Ito tort tkmpwolk t ., ". w (IJKMI fool to- s rTorld. =I". _.1.._w. l... .51115 a 1 .ar4st ..111'la _
u .srI.s.I flood kr tto i_.. from Ito publlrMln W nirk Hutln,, UMOunnUoln. of Mr lImO pojr Mp Malonrlitor .. ,I.1. .. . ud .. kM far row :.I.rl, wHk roar to lU 5d at = If 1115 44111 5d 511. UwiMto
I ) IM. M to srow tt wklrbtto will knr oMrrtlnM olprnnM to MM fhr.1, nr mr tt Mr UM 1 ( dWl.nmi ,51.- IMMa ItH Ctorur M 551.1 1Wrl.1.'".. r5tr .. 1. h rdp U !"
Mr .
.Mrl l Cur *UM M. ptr* '4MorMnr4 ta mr mHmru4 kr ttotkrrnf .to ito PMUIM fMnl I ,.. I :1.0.- ..i toll to .1414511 H. 1.4 C14..fium .ppr,nlm.lrl 111. sad 550.4.arts. .
I f ... wllk totomt MM* Mrk *. toOUIIMOOU 515 Wpiw..l S. M W ..51.51 MAW IM. Trw.or.rr BMMI PnllM). . MMMt Mill* .' tto p .eels N, 1'1 ail. ...I U' To p.,1. U.. 55..114 I/51 A. to ,.. Elm ._-
., ito ,u of .li |t) MT 515. to Ito Ootoo... Al Ito HIM HUT Prorodm Prtor Rrd.t45! . MM .. .. mr UN ,... .hl Ch.* 55 N p1.r Urn. 0. ...I,' .'..
toM por tnoMB, MnbM .....u, froM .M paw IMMlMod It .. Mtlr* MMOooiMUxrM Hrfon Ito pMMM .Mr mol.rUo. .a.d 51111a a. tM. .nil 111444.LL.. Mor torM t .., t Ml Mkrr mor ..u Art .1., MW 10014 ..-.11."
Ito oou Mrk iiiMiMi.t wooM to .. U .toll 1., nro) .li.t4.... If ..1.. rm M .. tto City .._I. ., of 11oo 1.4 ._ to to 4rlrMlMl. Mt IriMl rlMr. wI.0 a1.w trUtltr; ..5 Publlr lorrk Spa ",.. 5 4s.
!j owl a-.k.. MM Ml flM. *M 515. .nr, and Mr IhM ttomfiw Mnvttto Mr ... nitonH to Ito CoMttointtut 5 k.M ..ll to ,U *M bur U.. tolUlw, .1.. tot f.ito yUm IGlMCIs r.} 14.11154.I lo. mr uthorltr li.ll. to rrntto W. ._. 4.415m of .
I J Ito flllw of .. "rk .Moru.tnf tto MM oMprowMmlnlM ..,.. pp.. "1M (tawGIMUKI.IMI fit .1,1451.. p..hllr' II.. aal C.tot Ikh _k.. powor .. ,. form CUrUr 15151 o( JJI'L W Pm..
1)I I s .sea..6.5111WN.1410Mp. .. 4 A. Tto MMMM 1 MnolloftoJ torn MdkTrk. sup HiII .t4Mh..w : M4 to o wAdp1515041!I of orromitt far I 'uln4 ratuUrlr kr
lit. III. t .
CrodH tmrl.rnoiMonl. I.
> .
I .kl. .. tto UM or llooM M fad .MfMTIMOl Hrrnr, p. of ,. 04i I pr' w ..r tort arl . sm _. trt Ito But.. M rrMCTltol .4 .A* Ik. foiwaliic M .ps.4

sill 115 ase.R at .p wisp..4slra Tto 0olo....AHMdr.., ..h .n..._ .M.iml'rl ._. ._ for'_ thl ..5-.d .. A Iflull..1.1.5.Lsy. Cbr.III.ddsp4d to .,.11..r. Ihrr .kot CkirUr Mrba d Ux Clljr W Prrhu ._.'
tb.ll to M mmtmrrmi iMr to rwrrwtit floml kf ttor* IM (14.0551 WI IIarNs
rnr C/y
M .Id M Mr UM* wto* onMMMdtolMi .4pnwm.r. phi trodll pm4.y U pioportr_II*woMr W *55-11 f r .. kot .... Ito MMWnt of Ito,:f:"U.-Maras Mi. *f Ito,..* PwrlM e =1.5185tMI = fur W ,l Atha I1.-. ..... It _.. .

lv 11oo prpM of Ip4..S a14M roMrtr ... ,. U Ito ntrnt .M Mir .. toor for tto priinJIn' fWol, rnr r*.I,l tto -rMtrlrtlM rmtokiM lltor Said 'no ., pp :. dUronK. : IN WITNKU WHCRKOr. M A.w..w ..
r .. is .III .IQ saw to I' sNn.v.lI. r IM wlil. 01st ..Id 5W4p Iapm,..! nrdlM d0.W M. ttonof toll tort Mir :: Mek 'I' MlMtlo.. *f Mrk ,,It C 5544 1...I. .. . To ,IXIUM ..raniUUoraM .. d .w .. .d Mb ttii IM 4.,
,. ...1 isr I,or sr.Yta p1..Nas .5ud.eWdw1.5511NIIfy, I,to .s r .. .... Ito tltr llMm ._ iM* .tutor tto IIM tto B''....I ur to cMlorln, to 1. .f. wd.f.r < I UrnbiT. A. KM. MM WlMtt
i Mot of Ito toipronr ou for wklck M.. C., 11M _.. .14YM N 40.1 .'f W .. .. to m.l I .. 1.. *M .., I.Ml.Ortntor M, ..o*t II-HIM'uMr.'ru ... .mominoil.Uo. 'h .hll dw "IrTT 6".1' ..'...
fi =
: :
G ,- ., tM mrrllfliliw .1 sm.... ,w W 5ps1 tIm) ... rrnl tto rllMM *.. fl Sap fMfl ... tow mom Wla/s/ ISO /5P515 til. PrMrhlM ,dEvrr .(. M. CA"P.ItLL
CcwKtoM fraM .. ito HM I Iwktok Is r r = pap *oi4nun.l =,l.t I,Mek toom .M to roion tto bill .. mirk*!..tto. tkU .'hl.41. i 'r..rhl r.ntnl atoll. to Mk.rrt C11re5, uli
11.1 -'n.' M to .. M Mor. : .. 5.4..MII. D. Tto pawn' of ill tarn .M MM.' ..inmt mt tto Ira kr tto .. *r .*r MlllliMM. ml tto Clop d l. to ..kTuM CM" cSlnSl to .nd mdlllam, ottlioi fLVUR f HTNMOM fell'
|*u M ._ mt ... .toll to flMkritoi 1M. IM(1.Mpt1a 1Rv..a MA.MI.WS. .Ml MikraoM I I. A, I. *M 0.ton. wklrk of Ito Its to Mind. .. toll to vltfcll Ito of'UrU' flo.' Ids) Ch..1r.n/ >nr otbor ._. **d .a W O' TAI.HOTT ( ,
'ITI. Ann ... CoMiltoM UMtmUmn in ilnklnr fund for Ito Mmuot mt .. od.t<.. PoFMlInt ordlMM, d MM" ct. dllkm. Impnwd .. br t>. CHr Cs.. LLOYD TMPLI. (Si,:,
rr iMtollMMta.Tto I I. fl/://r/ tk. __II )._. ..1,tomb -.... fur Ik* WOTM ttanl .k. .'.w.r tl1. PMMllr BMM. 1.p. TM js fl. :41.45| | or Uu but tton .toll A. e. ,,II
1 .r..... I* .toll MMtll.l lIIM > 51155 L, v.1,. . I vi, II .urk .- or .,.. nf\arr of tto .... u. d M wliMlnfrnrhhM MU. Ito p1<.mr >u 4.5.51 fron i.n bM* :: : nNIr1.IN, t .04 1 R'T4 fir* VM| of .H tontB. torn, IN... Mr wh mobillM . 'lulli tto Clip Mi. & .... &tir.r.HZcZZn I 55..54 Ih.r.d 1, ..w o

Ito 4.1. of Ito MMM* n* tto nnlutMMMrlMI ".. Into ,nuir lra. ..,... .MnMU ,ludrMot *M .. Cltr otfll.t'on. I. 5.50 .." M..I4M Ito.. : Coltorlor >iM CHr TrMMm .: t ,.._ '..-a ,S"i BorUo III. P.l.. mt ritr
/ vhs br..M.t. 1 Ito MMMUir IrU rr Mnrto or olkrrwln, .. .. .wnrof .1 1 .. to M* _.. Ito _.d''.. or, nfirrn4iiM. ".. MIM *f slob or .rM.on.lbU .Tw .!."lir .Mil f >M te (HMM. .r A..145 SK CMIIIMMTnritorr I 1..1'-
Ml to Ito' MM* MtoM M Ito 1: pp. hidlrhrr.A) I I. ito MM Mirror ..tIt'rt.. whlrk ton is fl od tf.. mlMrMrnt toll to toMd <* Mrk . .4.ti1 ... ,... ."" ,.. .. c.. shill hold "I.. Wkrttor Lnrpontioi w UTh. .
As niml rllr to.M, M llm or .Ulrl.l.K .h.ll ton mofnlord Mrkrrrr I nr whlrk kr Itolr, term. .. -.Mir PMwool froM ... to nqulrMl to fin towj, tto . II I Mrllo. I.l NrMik-r. p CallBenson
... ..I bur, (Ml ... tlM >* iukdlrkini kr iwfrrrnr IrTXtI ...h. wHoil .. rnr *M trim MonlhlfrM s1 asp asp to _. ttoraof to to mMritod kr i. .'.'1 llul. ..5M45I m muds. I .rllr llmlu of Ui. Cltr of Psrln..p '
toll' kr of MU.1 '18.11,. .M toll to tto 4il of Itolr wpmtlwr... Uma towflor nlrndr4 .,.
I I. ...1.. **. _..*. of ... -.. OMiMlMlwi, *- I'. ..
... to Ito MM* IMIIM .. w'lhtto I.. wkr Mllln/ tnr ... thml. kr : loro, moor MtM bad I* MUrtMtoMof I .p p./s.M/ Ih.W. toMl .toll .. IM C.' "".* AoiM.ilc.iir !**, t.., othrr But, taw o t
,i ._ MwlUn 1 mmt ... Ito M.rn .. "_ 01wts. ... .1 a114 -a. tto twnrlpt. of tto noM. of tto Ml* .II ourk .MM *lill mlur* wlthl' 1. ttoMiM ( .11 I Oul of D>rlri. f.._. ,.>*.. .. t. fra "u_ Electric
> >lM*M to Ml .n4 'orf.".. M toM .. .Ito ... III ... ..1.". t. 4..11 tto .l-rtlo. tto / All 51(0... tonkr I. O* tto tntti "",imt .ftr Ito IM :0 .
.. Mllortakto CllMk mt pal a, to dnrrftod for MOoxonmt porr'iMr ._) of **rk ttolnnnt *f ., N> mmmrnr dull. to *t s. .. toTr rl.. use.hilt ''Mr OoMMlMlo. "_ InMrUuii u T CI, Caea1.45 144 \_
..... Mr *lM to mm4 kr Ito Cltr' Mwp4 M ..... ... Cloy ..._ .tollto rorllod a.1.I lame ml. .. dl.s MT lutlM vhr wftk urtr. "1 imrMll.l.'r' tow "nfflr. .11 .. .a '. '"'h. nt.
to mMMlkr.1 to s Coorl *f Mullr to i.*r pl.t Ihonuf Mull too toM rioori.lnr .544. sd M .s.1 be.51.15 I I "it'XI, INT ...Tto .. .MM a to .._*> kr Attonirr. hrmtm. o.offlm of tto Cllr oWlrn.lrdrJ 1 ,I,,sea... se11m' ii.. mp.mte I
M tnWKM( tk, IIM MMMMIlM M his I .M. Ikml .irttortaol wkn fo *.HM, ..,rf kr .bll. prtv.l, filtkfiil, Mrnn.iM. of tto li- T* thrash t "f .uk. rtl. AMrtto. I Ilt.I'of th. Cllr' of Prrrln. h.._ln. '
fnr Mirlr M li or p. to fniliMl .* .ortu. ill. Birfon prlrln, Brptl Tuto.Mr Mrrlkor wllk Ito MMOoit of Item I *toM ." '.."W- . rMMrtln .. konl 0 IT *f Ar.V 51 thl. Ctorun it (swro.m151 no .1.. rrIiceoi) n.rJtt
W ito tow* t.1. lUlo KM) k.ll , .hill ..nid Tillof Ito rom.l.on ..I < .'r. .o .. MT.M* to ... ._I. .T."* .*' .. MrllM, of Irl .... ftrrrl rr. UKM tto..o "
to hvf.1 to *.r kill (K*. Tto ConintolM .toll tor Mwor totnlkorlM a1rW Motrorllnf 1 ItrM D has tto .1! MIMVM fM 5 r . to .
_.. .., *M *r *KW* Im* w MT MOmt **4 rMiilr Ih* w of .orftr .m* of Itw A. R ... O .to**. tto **4 Ito ortMl M .. .. M7 txM Mln.t Mirny .> 1.. cr.,. p. Mtoron .. nnUtornl rrton rr-Mlnr I. tornttarrvmpiMrl
... kr ..1..511414.rd.. If HIMrl tonkl *>4 Htor 4mrlrMtnr trrttmrn IM, TMprarr BoM.| Ml. of Ixtonol ta to MM, 14 to to ,_ to tto rlUto ..' '* for ../ lMMu | rrrnl kr tto MM Uiw.N.rl of .... .tor* __ ... . Mr .. tr offkwr I .. toll to. ) wiflkMt 4 ** to .. 1' | Uirowrb t ... >>d 41 UM inrl phw l to to ..H.
moliilU., .: Itol f.llura, U Mrnr MM win Mnrltrr >rw n If dnoriud to Ito I I ... par 4.1. ..1 111414 .1 P dtapoM mt MM MIM. to oniulorm] . .| tto .h.1 RMIon., MM to shell
I *:2*f ri.rlMl *r rnlfnt: Ootoo... to ImnrMHomhlr, .. pad M tadI.m1. ..ll k. MM to Ito ( --11511 .. I. WIMM HI, CtoMnl to Arlr. 41.4..1.11 fortbwllb .. .CI.e. Dtr. Prrrln. Mil pill Urn to to
1 .nr t whra rub toM.lliM _.. ..4 5.1.1 IM 4rnlbs. m.MaA1M al-sm. ups ... ./1 .. a ap I 10 W I l tow d'rlUto .. .'.". ,.fill urk ... ...M or.Repaira ,
toll MM.U ou* itoll wHKoot ... orolkrr ......_ mr1 phi w 5151.Sm. kl .toll not to nM *t .... .1 :.' .' .' 1.w 41. ,. dwad b/ lh'. ilnlr (Ml ism ,.. d..
S Mirrilm, muM til ., .. w *nmpn ,. pormrnt lo MMtr I MlM. Mnpl to S Ml* Of Oftto .I. In Ito 15..444 .MMtl ._t* .. Mil. ,",11Irh. Mid rob. MM ngUl,rod Mtm ..
urnrlMl mulnlx .nkl to I* fnrlk.trltk C' 01 rr.MO.Mr rlurvM fnr H. .....1 (rmmwk..51 Ito* .' 5 t.t tto ( . la *>Wm t.. ." Ito _""I 1 of .Cu. IIMM lUr ftrf UM "ln.m.h.. . ., 'nl I .
i IM *M] Mrbk, wild /totHMt Uwr*. MWlrM III r..nrrllM krrwllk/ tnd toIk. I Ml to. iht* IMM w1505. ,: p Tto .. .toll to | .|._ wllk Ito 11'lr (. ". Maud to In SulMm.mi m.lnrltr _. tollniinr.Mnm
M .1 ill Mr ..,_ (tt) *rr Scarp i . Ito MM rh.rm 5 IUn .po. Ito rnohrilmi yap ftuttorto Ito Clip ....*. to .. vro<*4 br ._ .ul .. ..1 o. A ..1..1, .how iinnnlnli Cllr Ito tiinrMllo*. Ito _.. '
M U tofor Mr M|* of Ito per nr forllMMM bnvoM. Uoita tnd nrmloM Mrwl Mdtto I IM.5W15.5.sM1.rd I ( a/RMw i kto sNr..pp.41 .rut iriwMl InrMMMMt with .a..- wfkMMfur M..... ._. a fbvUn of 'o..h.. to to to .. .. i
.- *'mr...,.. Ito._..! ot nrkoVIlMiiinirr Cow.nb.ln* .toll .. ... .. HM . .ta kM dUm-i M>k kuu 01 MnurMtl 11 Par tto Muuttol. tto Cp... ih" C. no . 45th n. I /fort to _..wI fnrlk.Bilk.MrUon .
.h.ll' M Wllk II ):. rontlor .h_ Mnlury MOM. .I nVModIfc. 1155.adm.. for Ito tool 1._ Ml trton 4iw *l nrlMlMl s..5.1 M s1.. .. Clip 5.55.5.. 41." d 0 nf Uib ..sod toll tkm.ft .* a ee&rlto rnmpi BUrt*
tin. t tounwl sd .. furlkrr .= Ifc. OnmrilMlM to to pr.rUr.klo |.I Ito, CIt) ,. ww> *nr Mrk MltorHr la tto Ito L1sw .W1 5hkhpwr a Ohs Di. > . rlMinrd 5 two) of
MoM d .. r>riM, .u- .Inr. .d I'o. .1 "'. .1.M flop of tVrrln*. .__ ", (l" Ana LIT Other '
m rt Ml MMblr *M toll to ,. 14(14 ,1- ... rw.s.0 sr .11 .51., .MUM or .. U U hi Mi, wuU-. ,,. ,.. Ctortor .1 mtm Ito rap 0..1.I. tto Clip ...... to ._. .11' Mto4ol to )1.1.tnrkinnr 'Eleolrtc
I ..>w M tto llrw Mt forU. /. is5kw ,. W d.pwl 1 of Sup .S.O .not nto wf lWn>l, >M Ito .'. ... = : 1..1. '14... tto MWM tto Caw ..4 .. 0' mplnron .torrltor.
_-,>M Kr MM wrlllM ..11.. .5i.. i I tin for wklrk tkrr map to MMBrrloM 1.55. : 110 : to MMt .., .'. noollk VMIn.' .psis. .br lam.I . R. tto torrltnrr, immrwit' to to ..,.
... r..I1....** A">._ .... IM. .._. Imnltrlttor .. ) ?I. TMnrr BOOO.I DhporJ.llo .; o .... In .Mfllrt wllk .tto OoMtltntto 'h_ of RuVorrtlmi .1 IT M M| to InroTMniMl .,.. KotlM ...n .
551 (7.)14.. IHnlliln.rVr Tto (, of Ito Cll t* M wttk Ito nTMi pmluM. .1 *rtk* V 1 IW. Ctortor . pow to Ib* wlMss.MSrm 1 ..
In,. MnflraulkMi mt .. AMUIMI.I, Roll I P.TMM nf tbl Art b0.. to pro Th. 15.4 ... NrrlM _1 to mM .._. h to offll.,.OMpkrnn nfflnn of kr Ito mrUtnlkn bnoto of .M Inmr.nntrd .
to tto rnmml-Uw rntor ito -,. .U* MmiMMl pfd to wklrk .I ../Mia tto Tnaowr".* Uu Clip to ... I'* ito Mtktntlwt *T Itl, O.Ik ml 114 Cllr .*nr pnitioM krU kr tkr* *rt In. tollntlnr h.ll Ppwl
orlMi itoll to "MI.. nwlMln ''piMiMiiiifcl Mar to ... H I* toi.krMhnl Ito rrrdit 1 sup M* MOM ml Ik.tmd. I mr Mrt W tto taMM I II mtUmmf of Ito't' tofort toll olowutlr.llr rim**! nmlnl. sd ir r. .a'rid MMutkin .L. to
Ito IMMIMM ..,. lot wklrk tto .MoolUrUd 5 MdnnM ., tto Cap tontatar. '= ..11 ll. Phone 442
to Mrk MlI .... M _..* mr lltonlllr for w _r> t1. to Cltr 4.14. h.ll (onhwlib i>nMnlPMlnt .ss.s t< tto p .
I .. .' ptaMt tnii to tok.M II 5.sdwk. sOil as. 4 IM ....'I ...... .n to to MlMrtrd to In MM. d tto rr .iitorrlto to .. Mtk of f...I" ..h ,.,.. .,.,. M. .forth ..". fl mt ,..J
wltkl. tM Sill fyi In i or.* ofrMprtMl 1.4..1554.d .. !I. .*, _, trforto pal ._., *M to **r* fM mr fM I Ir'mp0atn14s a., to M to *, 1 to flM ul k' I Mjorltr( rotn ap .
JorMMIi* [ 'pw.51'VA4A) .'101", of Ito or*>. for _. low M .. Hartford a I sad rooolgllM. tot,! .. M M .... ,ri.I.1 MO) I I CommlMto. Ih.t to will .". II : ) ...M tn (iilMrtl il "
*Wtk>. Ilk "....,. W MMM* ml _, _1._. _oil Ito Oor..,. k.ll .ot .pproprl.ta .M.,I rump >M] ., rdlMM, Ml CoMll.tlM.. of A..'. VI of tkh 0. Aflw tto tpprml .Mt fortk I I. I
.. _,... ,M. wl MasisriOr _lot ..._ of **M> *- Into .** rtoll wwiMV Ito l>nM M4 .1. Ito" >M of III. rUXI.1
f tfM Ito MKNn.Ml 1 UM "rrnlH* rtoll ..... ."* ffrrl Ito: OM f.M tbi n. rMMMklr to rnuldUMrofn 1 ..1) pvirMMtJo :.11 fk.rlM IM tl tto IKI .... ****** mm .m.m. ,wmmm *m. .
k 1 oroorlnn M loiwnimn'nl ortorr.r.ii ... to Moot Ito MrMrnt of **rlikmnb I III. >._ n MU d j'1 I .. 1 Not AMllroMr n. BroM .
1 .o' .
>,m tto lnmllifi p.1.p rn.IxlM IM .51514. d prpwt.5551 ... ) .l ttolr r.K.rllr" : pm 55.4. ... ., Mnrr w < a. 114...U.IMI UN $". IIr of Ito 1,141111.51.,
r M. Iris nt ito riu tor UpI 1.._.. or. Ito nlUllr of **r,own toM,, N. ...... . ... 1.1._'. ... Tto farm Mild In mad l .t ttorllr
I MrMflt of lkf . m.1 nr asp MrlItormf lorllo III. BMUMM|*| AMIMMI.I toirrorl .h.n sd a 5VMd W '."UtI 1 talC' r'" .lltor *!,lr tlr ..-Mr .11. MMK 1'. ". k> to it .... lhl OurMII Job PrintingLegal
InrMliK. 1."." .MHM. ..nlml (' 0.. Hrron Md ... _... 14 ray w111, IM psp.'I1..d Ml *( Mr -d*r a 141..51, wltkl, NYy l (Ml.. . Ilo to ,.h.wllf14) rotor.
M Oh. ..._. pro r Ito .1..1. 115 r -- iMHktWMM CMrAITIOLI ,
I. MM of Mr Mruluoo, pr w. .. ..r of Mm.1 I ml tto 1411141154.51.1.1051 tto III!
CNr 151.sIlla1.M.51S.h Msia4111 .Ioto I., .. to __.. M "..011., hns4.I55 W .. */ MMr MMnoml IY.f. to Ito City 0- ,.0 .ItiM of ito rlt.t. 1.1.p. nnnul
.I o
1'/1/ Msr.Is5511i. .. to par d isfk1.nd51 II .5..r., 11.. 100 of tto too*, for who M.. Cat, PIi.5.. .. .. I . UM .M. paw ol M Wdnno.r, .t. I.'.toll'1
ont Ml omh HIM Iki MIk 1oN1. onion Ito .t'-ommU.! mr Ito (Mot ..tollmdr 11..11 to .. For tto, ... A.r J.i. .l, ". tto MM mt mmrm MTMU .follow Blanks
nl. mtm I ._. KWi MtlMU, If Ito htltl.1 M.oliitrM .' Md fully gal| ltoi tnoo .t *f .u. "..,.. k*do. tM tto totomlItoroM. Tto W Ito Clr *t Mt to ton Mil ..... .. ouktranmtlr ...", Field Crate Stencils
l .
toll too tin Iw* 'r MM. 1!. .sal. .1.. 5 _...1 ., Mrk pirn l or dmkuW 115' .1.11..1.RhsMh. Iton ,._, .. to. t' LrW.I, .. tto Pith of 'Ial.
tonuIlM .MrrlmtoM mr tto l Iapnssrld Sims MIP to ... tor ... 4oflrtoorln, t* _. M u.5 to to fo .-Ulk. 14/11 r Oil, (.. II k.ll to Ito lutr of. C. 'or .ppnr.l o>. inhrrrt .I.
to H> a.Mm. kolor., rkirwtrr wloh sd ovk, Ito c.... I k tonkr wlUI. iklmr Ml( 'nfu : : . whh-k M, I. "AN ACT la .
miss nnMnrl
*, wltk MllrMlM M Mrk bMrtalM.1 s4 p4.wt1| = .toll k* mmam tatto .",., to ton ./... ... MM ,to* .ff, r.. *tortw.i *. .Ml aw/14 Ito wtur. to rmrnt .".. Govmmmt 10"11. Florida PressU.
1.a(( Ito tot W Mrk .||..51. kirlM .- ..nrr Md .ftrr tto MM M- ,11 tto ..." prooortr .'1101. Ito CUT VMKtor. rhmillw. .IM| ( oi' kr rnolMloii. .,. CI. nf Prrtnr Ito Contr of IHrir City
. toM. .toll to ..ir4 ,I. HMM IkrwilrMI .. h.1 rf Porrlm onr *.d saw 55 ... .. Its BMN .nMbtlnc (. ((01 I Ili. ... .iMMMkl MtMKml. of flortiU to KoUMUh.ImrilM .
Ml MlbMlnl ft Iftrl..olitol :.: :...1':1.1.0:1\ llMHod kr tow. *M MM Leis ton. IMP toM Wflr. tor 4w .
paw M*| ttoMlrnl Innrrml or H.l-llllr .M .IMI, tto Cltr Ml liimilxii.l Cltr t* toIMWTI s. No. North
[ .>...n ... aWl Isis .lull sew tM to ..M. .In tto ._ *b.ll to ikntoto. .. Md trrMTWiriiimtwM I In rMr. 5d ttorMttw Mrk I rMrM krowkt for . tto Dtr :.: tn Drflnr 1, of Palm Ave.
ton toM lotlnml, mr .M or M rttol Intomt. wf ito MM C.,. .toll to MMliiM for 5 ton M? t kr .1 1. ) 1 C ntrr| Uir Arthur
f. Ml *rlo U ...I.. rI Mrk mmInn. :0.17II tndto BnnbM ., 17 a! 'I M.. VBMM.K .. tto Brainl ',, is.m 0' -o" .." romrr rllr Trtxcll Owner-SS Yt.r. Experlenetl.llIIIIII..IIIIMIII.HHI.ItlllHINMIIH.

j If toMb .lull to ... ttor I I. lorn Md ... I* tto ... TMM I: "=5 rillMl In ito MX* -.- . salt 51 ; P.m... .L.bath rmwdsrThiw f c

Ire rwilrwt k ode IMp MM b.omMl 55., N irk w..1, I. ... f .. WlMl ,"_Ot M_ton*l. I' *M asp cffle* at ------ -
144 r ,too lull ml Mrk MitrMtI I" r.. 1 AIe WR144.w .. rrrr .*/ .toll vlltoill __... .toll -Ito .IMMFIIOI I
.. IIw rlswt I MM. Ito .MMI.If 5.rd S tat ." mt ito 5515.5555' Par ttoll MMt *.M] .. .. ., ry..5b4 UM. .Sir.
I.. 14.141 1 .,. p.pda.5. A mtr of ..r tMnm M MrtlfM MMrrrn Md .5,45. :.M ko.M .Mr flflM (1111. slop spar I. . ._ tour*Mr. to tto .ror f
,. ., ad, pr11. 5d a.1.. kr tto CHr ...**. > toll to a1. ..Mtynd .... Mrrmm _.. Bvltoi W .. iil _.1. o tto fftoUt.l
wry r a ..yd W -I.Milkl to .... *nd toll pHouMM ..1451 .. to ito ..T . mt Ito kMlMM of wb dma
-I 155 u. a1._W .lukvall m pmf of .-..t *f tto Ira and It' kMtJ ttMlH InrvrnMl nf ito offU .M 115.116114. .toD
... tM a ""1.. kr tto 0olo... ml end tto pmnntr *P. trkork MrkMMoMro.1 ellr eJ ..l". so thl**4 Mtor 4
_., . ,. lw, to Milk .liMllM P.aaw.dll. MM for kwtoM rr >r M.
ml Ik W t UMMM. rrrHilBvtlM 1 a W 4ip CI IMM
., .. twurM *r* ... IM Inl 110.. W I'M.!*, BrtoolPMrirr I sU..5rlhss d .u .tto MMmwMMrt *f tto s1. of tto urk Ml f'will
rMito or UIIMHH. IM MM..! of I*. CM .I.M.Udo w raw sill k *w* to tto pawl M4 :* : Why Worry.
I MMtol .._. .toll to MMludn) f. (.5.11. P.41.141.d dl-lrkH ( Ssrpa ... '" ,, train., tto to .tto
to kr
Ito .rpoM ml ". oVIMl, A. toM oltooM W ttor MlHMl .nkdlvMnoi wtollr mr mmrt .wsr IW wrmSS t' *. for =...,.. .tMrM =: .M kr r rrolii. ,,
MM! Mt to llmltol, to *m Irwrcn.MVl any wllklt MM OHr, otoll' Uu MturlMT otur tto ltd rMr a. 1 C I to .. .1. MMMM
Md bMM MU to MM4 65ap. .5wpp"sdIs.14.14 MM Mffk-toM to MMI tto papaw o ._ tto .,. .d .h .. -.. /(. .
MM MTMI for .ll or 5 .. of tto MIrto diithM .d lUklllton mprrl o* MM.MIMMMH Mrk auMll..55451 iM nl.1.w 114.50.E. I..lId.p.41Mer.' to cl.1 .toll to* o
1 .., 1551 .. Pad ffartlnf .., noj MUM kMdt >l totorMt M4 dkaId. .
oT'toMk w.'uiA""r irlr Ml ABOUT YOURFertilizer '
.* ctoll MMIrMtellMMtt .. of nJ MtaM prMM. K Paw *R| .
Itot print* non
: .
ml sal (
M Mk Wto It 'oon rn *n ... to torMMo. **d Mrk m I ..rrlot .. TMiporwrr BM..I. .I ..$ .. .1_. I* ,I..dam k .,.. M 1
.. In Mrk tMoMH tto c._ .,... mt .It Oou.", .rkool .UtrkU .. Itoo of A.-OMM, _. ] .M W Ito .. -. ,
ur IMr.. l.*i..... MI MM* I.. nolltMl MMIrkHM toll to MkMt toIIM or .H OM*. k* ". uldlhlw .."
tw ,. front ttotr .. M* MtMHllMtornr.d tor .. __.. to Ml i MM 10"' .. kr **.<. "* a 1 ._,_, M II .5p W 'l .., ._
twoln .. from hap *>ta, >M .15.50 .. ._ _l* to Mk.Int rmkn) to rnMotlM *f 0_..tokltork n 55.51 .1.15 ask. .. oU. .1 .
of .rtor ..|. of .. 1d01pIs.NaWI1..Nod. ndMlM, of Mtto.rtood . M p. CI" C5.a4W5 kk tn of Problems?)
4se .A1 riM -.. ill ism fwr Ito dM>".-
to imn.ii, ttor *tolt knMtarMt COM owtod kr 5 prIma b. .. PM pMWrteB Ito nraaIsdN.Y ...pMtaM .
Mt Saw ... 55. MT Mtlit >. Bntto IN. BkVwtltol .*kktok WnMTto MMM of rarml rmtiM wkttk awl /.d. IIT. I.PI5w, or -
I por ..-. .Mk!. MMlJU.Mlhr. .. to ll.iroii sew Urrrr PMMo.t.rVtto Tto .irrniM 111. MlMl ..1 to. .Cam
0 .. tto prlMllMl ... tokTM* .toll M CoMw.tob.ti ..U tor Mw pasts .. f span Mt TtorMiM a1. C Commtolo .11 sal took. dor,
L ado Mr.ok> to Mrk MMll". Md .. Mk kr -.. or ..- to _. -| | *t CII,. Anr ***k .n
I M tto OoMMtol MP ditor lM. ... of phi btow.ra to tto Orlrtnd a prr.rp 4 56.11 5141 inll. 1.1 rMMMMtlM Ddwr.It 4lrnr Mrk toon, -
.. :koM .toll to tto .KMIM. p.w.l: Ito __I Iw. of ... ito MM ttol r-- 145544 siaM1., W *toH Ito f rtto, l tr M .. ) M mdrol to....- I
ml Ito ad tolto d a.Mm to 5 for MMto MMImn d diiMil .u.*t
*M dliMt.1450A. CMr > M tM ... Isis rxnorr 5 .. .1 .
I rMMd .. .. iMMlMllQM A51,11 s.h .10. M IMT to proMrltod to .. 11.. 5.11.01., MM d City W rwriM, M C .415r
I. 1,5,5. ash 4141 sireh .. r ... 45..51 ., vssW dull. to I..a Ii--s H* 4 155 to toM M* ko 1.. ,MM . ( to Try Reliable .1''
rd.A Thor .11 M rod 1v 0.- to lu. .Mrtroot or pip .uw.lto tafrMi '.. Omortl *s.!I.r .*4 M wk ffMrtta. to Man Ito .
5.1.1. 5o15. p.14111., u 0.5.1 of ttolr pwMrtr.: ito 0olo... Prtor A. CtortanM.Tto tto 1lMM MtoMltaK mr tawrlMMd nr 5 tom Ml
14s'1(01 iwrk otM rM 'n.ll toM paw IM| rw.. W Ito Ch, utr IMI dor.
Cltr >
toll tto ton tto power is
I ::: hip ..11504is..d .44 = M _.* to prowrrltod W nMMUo torn toMh ml.. tor tr MMM.ptl . .iMilkxul MMMlfM to rto HI. AM.PUM. .. .

to pfd M om .. Porof sd s..d M ..n *mm ol rwprtr to ptrwwM. Mnpl for tto ....lnrMMM M MW ml Btmto *M Al. "Redland Brand Fertilizers"MANUFACTURED
d 4 14.. 14 -.- .5 tow Ito ..* nf. tM 4mt r woo*.. *f tto CHr. to .. .-**. tol.*Vlor ::= or .IVrr tomfM ... ;
.ll' ml Vr -. tto .Mrrtrowtb, r.kkl.. .nd.MlckUr .M IVr MM.MIH mt flfwo. pp.phi. W .....a. M* kr UM MMT of
Mir M Mod *t print* .. wtlkMt mmMinkMiol .od _.... t.5. fill ... d 1M sp.wins. MMr for kto tot) to S puklk :
MM .MMntrnM (1J' srw.14, .NMm MM Cltr of PwrlM .M . .Mor tto anal i W
Md our to ot t phi _..rr tM .t1r d NI pmon. .
I M| ton tto .l IuV.w 4MI onto M 1.4- It tto OWMT w Ito :. .tow kr ttojt MrtlMMkto or polHMl ... Ito OMMtola, ._ W I III
oMtor M4 nrwoi totooMt. Ttor MPto :tii.I wltk **r ro. r4l., \.:, roll. *f ito Cllr, ...11I.. .. .*M *MnrMd kr .
mmAm mhoto.Ho to MtorlMl, ttoou O.Inm' t ao\dt,..tto Ito 1I.* i to Ito ikM toM a .. M 5 foM Mr* wry..
MM *. sal prlMlpol t4 totoroM. wMor ... Ito 0olo.. Mf sew ororMlk ttd wltor .lBrwnMM. - .. hidmd .1 9s s W lit. _._. rMlflrltoM.
501 _.". r u. (1a.Wm wdrw0. Mrk work to to do*. ... M. uto tto wkk* I'I to. i . r4 ttoo 415.| mt Ito CRT *f IN HOMESTEAD
5.4 .5411. ..1.lM 51.554 rot Wad t rtorr* .M MM MWMIw -t to tto IMI -:Tto'a1.. .II kMMU t tow .
11.4. -.e. a pm lddM proportr .-,.. to MM .11 toM HM for 55.5115451.m ... .. M t.I '
W 14a.1d5.. ._, *M tk M ito I' tomt W sd MMpinrf raw i .. 144 is 14(1) DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO GROWER I
Par tin.tool f. .portal MMMMMMI wklrk .. . priKld.l (W = pAla M 51.0 a .r.4t4. hi W C" d. f
114.4 11414.14 .d.M Hum to . dM **4 MTokfcMtoM : 5l 5511 MiHMlM W .MM p.h5r dill M Ito CUT C. (.
= : _._ ,
Mk ot tto IMI
5N4.aaum.. p5dd55 raisk. tlM for M MM> k.H .5.554. M p. 1di..15. .ooul* Mwlk1
. of > toM. wHk ttoMMkfM mt ttot -UM. K to Kmll .. .. ton m0/51 h i
.. ,r M. p.uw.N4. a to .. kr tto n ) our e i I
.' _. 'elf . of 5.1: tto. rtrhMI.MOMI .W.M"-. .list .Mom r = .. sd -I
.r1. .ds 1.- (T..p.14.5hm 1- tM sd mmmmtmrm hrtoro Ito .-. . 1M kk _t. I
k tol'kl ..Iknrll.l .. ... for CHr 1.igai tonto Muliud Mk 5.165. l tto_ ml C. t .. .._ 1 .
to M to* 5.5.515. MW .11 I taukwruiiMtr .toll promt tto Cttr fron w ._ sal W .. AUTK-ll I'IL .wilims.t MlkM; All Popular Mixes on Hand ;
001.11401..14551 *MM.1 Mrw.lto >M prwrMtaf '. UM IMowM **4 MM pwnmw ttonnf due toMkMHMd . tto C 0.

1 ...tto M CNrp.1.h.11..5114.55M>*orMd M tlmrnd kr Ik.OurMrf '.a1w I. tM. ArUrto ttorwlor M pr.vUM1I S *to Md Ito Mtlfw4 otolin to wto Ito on MM frao.ofMororH 150.1405..0Hlysd .of T A. I .nr. M4!0.Mtk.rl.rMi MHIMIIX.- 479 S 488 575 493 a 388 10-0-10 I

wrlMlMl oM rwk WHk totMtkl. wMtao. Umin *l .M Mllfr tto MI4MMM
CMMrtlM *
M4 of
't Mr tto totonot BortoMl III. Amount
too*. .! rknr 1 -.,... of IrMwrl.: Whir totml. .toll ton k* j sea .114 c rdls.r _I \ hmr>M w< Into tto C.M kll krim Mrk Any Organic Desired I
4 otoM wto to nhn4 Ito Om k> toM >lliliii tor.or . of Pw5Mr M| to sea An M M .
Ito of .1 wMr* ton* IrwMni ads > WOM.1 toll ton >n I .
jiBMi-d to p.M tob Ito rwM **rnnlw 55... 555 r514 Mawship of .mad _to_ .Cis, .nhp sd lw5P146451 * . n ml tkl. AMVto IrmtkorrMi rtolr ....: 5.d :0-- rMr ..C. Mr* .. _. .
.. .
m. 5..011 MIMIM. to .U fw 4 owr pro-ill to rmortl MwlMM tat to rt lmrlkirl to II. IWHM. | tonto .
Mtolnnl, *. MM tanl ctoH( MM| tmrM MW of ttorr Mad ttar Mtto .loon. BortoM HfotaoToMoM.. .wl. AM k to *. iMrtowl I Nrltor tl4 dw.W.
Otto spry.ha.. tto rasa Mme .. (MMrttot ." to s54 kr ttollr .. .. ItorM M e-
pHnrlml Mr) totonMr Muri.i to*. (. k4 Hul tto MM ttorMt ton OM.Mllnto .MN .to .to .Ito Cpr if Pas Itot Mrtota 1405 M I'
**rr, itoi .1.55.15 nf tto MkMl >< ,Ito* MM tto koM*. k>*d *MprMM r Ito **. ) Irlrw .M = l / 511 1.45155115. 1 1
t M 141454 .. 1. pA..d Ma. *ffwwd. Tip MtM toM to. tolMM Mt.- M ./'h 0 pa.M.5 014 W

0 /"ap N 114 paSM 11.5 55114.4.I to** pro W-d for MOP to kr tontot I -. M.vF I. ,Ik* ownrr mt tto l'.P rl' tto 551 Mlt*. totk ootaokMl **4 . d 6, .a 14.1
.1Nps51E514 ** VI .-'.,.. MltoBta M* . tto ..... 1 M>wkto to MM ol MM t>*lrfBHto.r 1T pWlBt Ml.lMlMkl. f KM UUIMt (1..l is P.Mam I Wall Florida I
C* *MM vi| UMttok M ottor of Ikf Mid proportr. | Ito MI. .. tto .-t w.uto sdlacy. Mt 14.5 to MM Arltrto K. !, ..hass1a M East Coast Fertilizer Co.Phone .f

s f RT. to* Itol kto MJttl l MmrNr p. I. .omror.. kr .. 511 / ,.. MM* LdI/5.A4.HM5.510aIs. .4ww5.W w
.Ile 154" M 5. d -. 550.5. to 4M phi tprokto *l Mr* I . .5465 da iris 01 .5. 5. .a .. ,
KAsrt.s5 .
/Wwts..p' tor 14.1 sal
N. 45144 51 W $ hm10
1 am610 mdse 11oo asuh 1 pal m1. fit..of. Ml tMt* 5111 MM.i froM .
.. 0145.1.15 IIWH) of Union d 115 s.d
If _. .- LMmh5Thst W W CM .41..wny -
x ;" ;:'Lw5 51 t..4 x55 004 to I5. r 1pp..hsb..0.,411 1. .. -- kwi oat ... k. to I '

a54tW .. ,, nrk ..." orto .515 sum' IMonI M 1 bwror _..",of ..>*>. N.rsi MM ,. ". .11411 tto O r : 16 ,Henry R. Pridjcn:Mgr, Homestead 'Fli '.
: ,. 5.SstaW..r
; M sp.w+17' M .15.11 Ma. M MMMl 4r P r rt. r* MrkHM 5 = (
11oo pmam4. oil /.rdr s. ml ._ H k toM M Pi il.J to Ik.rtlrtoN M ..1. l. W ....41.5. ... Itk .! .

.5I 15ais .... W 555 kyu' rtoH to towfirl n> tto CttrMroBlMM onton4 uV.I .4..10.5 s ..r. 1.r. ,
0 -1-- ( pioolito to 555 mibitk.olrrloW 1.1151 r u.11414.. .-
W5d 5 sea A.kle Uo MMUwtltoH of IWO M W 45.51.5114 .01 >MIIM wkto tto
.. .
p.MttorlM md pro. Mrk 1t 5 i"-- = 1 I mu .. Ml MMMMM M paw 5
--t. Mr rto
.mlwl Ml
= 414.14
I 10.r.i7
ml tkk Ctortw s.I *>< t.- ._ 1
: il r s4 a i
0- ,M. CHr 1. 1_ I .
I r ,MN hi5.ii4Nirr.r14.d Mal adsl .. br III 05.ap 5151 K 5.1 .. p.1r5. MM.MMJ1 to MM to tto Ckr c 1 .o. tt :-.. ,I' ',.

I t. (4p Ib

v. '

1.1rld.M G v IW V',A. ',' 1414.4i' .,.,4 'Tp .Jo.o, ' dl1M . .. 1\' '., ". ... .. . <,,, ',' "", ..Mid uIA.pA'.V.1 I.'

-__--- ------ -- -V--- V .
: ,': -- r, , ; ,,:, ;r,;:>\ ;\ ,., ;i l1""" : "";' ,.Vo",. : ,.' ,

F- ,

j iri'!lay, October II, INS HOMESTEAD LEADER.ENTERPRISE Page B vaIn '

I t Mr. sad Mr*. T U-- Ned. of l1ll Ifl Help the Badlands by fixing up N'
daviMaat, lad.. arrtveei asaturaiay your ,.rd. Shrubs. tie up. MIBt'BLLANIiUUa;

to spend the season at the Poi I C CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ast wHise* ,.* lie at rr... $saW \
: and Uiaar aan and daMa>r-in-aw. Men Who Work ... tltlaeaMad f.of II ..... Crow mowing It II an ten tarlKndtlrtl

Jll'oul1di aI,. said ...... Mm. Head u a i iOmf use. Den Ntsaas,r, Varanje. .... of : Rt 1. Ik,* 4A0/ H",,",-

Wishing. Wallrurnutwd steed (uld Ul f. in the Glades ___ _____ ____
Mass Mary McNeil: left by ...... nn-- CJlUf) Klajs hwy ) (pd21)

I Friday. far a two-week vacattaa 'terr & Mausfllf Jurt dd4Kt to our stock el atlrsoIlv4 -.
Homestead at rryetaaunt 111111 in Bryaon CNy. Listenl dresses: Utiy tWk. eel. tear HCfelt on OMBAPU Wes DO statable. wit* rapa+W;

i N. C WoodUwn Park OmHtry l tI' Alter frocks (as fsatutad to ear llotoaakastl. TOTAL Woods Jewelry, MtCrory A7diu-

We Hate Work Shoe SIlO S. W Ilk St.. Miami Charm nut CalironOan PMC ONLY tM1H, eaah. .... ( )
Mr and Mn. Chart J Brawn a Phone .-.,./. sine.) Tropical Drcsi Shop, id balanc. W6 per .... P*. TWJ.Mm I

,. P. J. Franklin was returDedi' Ret of Charieaton, 8. C., and Mr. .....taU, k.lll fee reesh wear A wide selection of cemetery! lots South Ftliler Ave (Press ild(.) Jar**. Ha|. .....,.. (t sU) If YOU HATE: anythtat to yen
Richard: Talley, OiA., eon Brown'a Mra. J W. Hudpeo
aunt. If seed Visit
at moderate \ available from you
home Monday from James Archer of Mn Mike Riven ha arrived of Cardele, Oa., have been vIsit, ta la* Glades ID sell teaujec. large untold prices for aato: Concrete Block aU eats, ON lunUaUd ...... far rant theWf.) Shop. Wt buy mat
Smith Hospital, and expects to be from Fort Jackson S. SOTS are esly Ml ,- IW' cemeteryCrmnunlty rejs. 10 ..... r..*eCaak db haw, NI.09Q.
C., to spend lag with Ma parents, Mr and Mrs. mauioltum otIYPI. 1m Bewm Utack, Adobe VMek Oa- ,tress In font COndWf>n. StOve.,
out again within the. next few ". furlough a lth hi. fanny here H. M Meows ot Maine since I They'll twlwrw aslatklg '. and niches MIlt gobs to lay MMMI wttk, .. I and. t year MOIttIIfIt. .Ire bases. ..t& Tb Swap. ShopS ,

i' week Wednesday of last week. The' ,..'" ever went Shads\ Brm PLACE ORtTt f% interest This la an unusualUjH Flatter. AM, liemeuwit Wone

-- Mr and Mra. L. Duke Wagner younger Mr. Brown who was formerly ' FOR RENT WITH: AHOOKfift! LVMaCB Clue bu JTlw"fcflW .(,. CJJMO I j
Pvt. Wesley January left Monday of WilUamspirt, Pa., are sjueats of In the electrical business LET IS X-tAT FIT TODliUDOED or ulnae M or Mft-W. (Nil) """" lien grew'ou

tor Camp Kilmer, Va, after Willard Banes at the horn of In Homestead has been following Tonroom parfinHtfa. t Nm.: earner of two prominent milts
i pending a leave here with till hla parents, )fr. and Mr*. C V Ms trade In the Oiarlecran navy I''i Mall C Chandler Rt 1 DMH I 1H bon GMC ftwek, trssilr, mute ",100. NEW ROOFS ANd

r" mother Mra. Merle January. Before Bona Mr Barns and Mr Wagner yard alnce: 1MO. The visitors will IIIRilllIp Phone 447.J-1. (015-tf) and other farm equipment, Mil 40)etre gave and nice: home. taeircfcante ROOF( REPAIRS
.. eomlnf iSome, Wesley eom- served together with the MU leave en their return home Sunday Liberty Ph, .-W. (oil) for home and other ,

, pleted with honor the leadtnhlp Division U5Ain Italy during Fumtahed, roma: far rent Men real estate In !lometesdM <. Ron roofing, gravel, shinties,
:; raining course at Fnrt Jsckaon World Wry II only tU N W. lit ave. Phone, ll-fuage oV uWe barrel Fe abet acres (rote tend 11300. the and metal rood' Instajled J

I S. C,. where he took belle trilnIni Frank Ty* left Friday to spends 273-1sf, (poMj gun, wwml ..B1,ahalk. I IH 1. IS acre well-totaled: glade land, Guaranteed workmanship by u.

, On Thursday Mra January Mr and Mrs. Wm. J. Dodo of two-month vaeatljn n Greene- rrr..r.rr... r aofwid, Bmlth'e Shop, |2tS per acre. censed and insured recrers.'

\ I, began her duties ai a teacher In a Cleveland, 0., are expected t) bore, N C, his former horn. Iii L KROME AYE.ilemMte.d For rent: Upstairs apt Mrs. Lots (oilRotary ) Nice avocado grow with good mil!: EST1MAITS.

:: prvile,achool in MirmLEd spend the e-k-end here at houaegueeto 21e Filch B. Klng Highway, PH type lawn mewerSM homtilte

1 --' of the Rev. and Mrs J. Mrs E. S. Capllnger loss returned -.---- - 461-M\ (olStf) Guaranteed power In first dan Around 1.000 seres-farm 'land can Phone 25? axHOMEITEAD ,
..:, Ed W. .TMaVa, Herman Lucerne H. Whltt while on a honeymoon from Dayton O., where be seen bj appointment only FLA.Guaranty i
oondithxi. Phone MS-J after I Lf
she visited her mother, Mrs. S. J Upstairs, garage apt. for rant p
h and Glenn Schroeder have tour ef Florida. Mr. Bodo, then ee Reasonable price, reasaiubls\ 4 '
'"' Roth and her brother and .Iat<<- Edgar Barber Rt I, Box IL m. (poll) ;
returned from Tampa where they( Sgt Bpd served aa a chapUin', terms Roofing (,b. )',
II represented! Florida City at the, aaleUnt to Mr Whltt in the In-Isw, Mr and Mrs, Eugene CITRUS,, Redland rd, Illoek south of Hot Point electric atovy 11Il.! it mom spL house, 110,001. On IItJ

Klwanli convention held there European theatre during the war. Roth. On her way home, she' vislt AVOCADOS; and Mowry. (olatf) Breakfast eet ISB' Mn John W UlxUl (t lot fronting on pcore-; floor Sanding and finishing .r

Sunday, Monday and Tu-fday! 'd In Ormond Beach at the homeof MANGOSOraamentals Apartments with I bedrooms,, Chafer rVrrlne, Fla inept rd. Cn be seen by Appointment Asphalt and rubber til*. Phone ,
.n )fr.. A M Logan left by plane her em-in-Iaw and daughter: "
Henry' Prld-n-Ieft by plane this week fjr: Bremrton Wash. Mr. and Mn. Paul Herndon. bath, kitchen, gee stove, FtlRl- I heats borsht, mid and hminlvd.I only. sites downtown lt1-W. (mchSlQ: t
.f an klada.CALKINS' dalre. Phone, 895-H-4. ((015)) Three business In p
; yesterday for a thort business where the was called: by the deatha I I I ('. X. ('.-11. H mile N. t ef I Homeitesd.RenJ. SXE ALEX LANIER for wen .
,, Mr and Mrs. Dick Hanson and :
,' ttlp ta Hot Springs Ark. While nephew, Robert! Thorson.Mn (-room unfumlahed: apt, all electric : i PrlnreUc (olS-tt) Warren Morris I drilling. Comer Krome...
baby daughter, Sharyne Rose, .
he II away Mra. PrIdgen and their kitchen tile bath tiS nd N Eo 10th at. Phone BSC-W.
a V children Margaret Mae and Hank L. O Clonlnger. J. B. Clon- left Sunday for Detroit to visit Sunny Grove per 1.000 board feet of 3x1 tongue- IJI B. Krom Av* Phone 111 ,
month. Ph. 144-R. oatf) pholotutl
art vlilting In Jacksonville with Inter and W. B. Blteard have returned Mr. Hanson's stepfather and and-grarv. second !band lumber '.0. Bo* 4IB Homestead, Tit.ECIIOB .(

Mri Prldgcn's parents, Mr. and after visiting In Athena mother, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall "''&'Uil' Small apt in home. Private\ entrance reedy tar use US pr thousand Flagler Fotoahop. usnf)

Mrs. Harry Goodwin. and Decatur, Teen They yawn Tlbbitts. Before: they return home, t ML W .( MerMa City and bath. Electrically: Also nrlll.OOO feet Jail Joists JORDAN (ref broker) Itauthorised vrw EMPLOYMENT OFFId
'accompanied here by Mrs Evelyn they will visit In Canada, In and 1x10 All to sell three email
I'HON.W, equipped. Mrs. Lula B. Free, 64W. tills early Dad for members and ample/era.
Major and Mr*. The, Q. Royal Powers of Decatur who la a fuef Washington, D. C. with Mr. and t V First it, Homestead (pot!) County pine free from termite., houses on 1H acres near Homestead Service tree Ovid Sullivan, employment
and children, Tommy, Billy and at the Ctminier home Mri. Clonnger Mr Bob Haveland, former Homestead open to Inspection Joists and illli\ Price: |8, JO. with 93,000 officer, 14. Krorue and

"Jimmy, plan to leave tomorrow( waa away for seven weeks, residents, and in Hazelhunt, New furnished apt Also furnished almost like new. *8J and 190. Ithouaand down, bal terms I>h. 1 1I-J. (poll) Ith at. Phone 'UG.I .

;:..tor Newnirv Oa, to be with Mr.Royal' and Mr Cloninger and Mr. B1U- Mid, with Mrs. Hanson's rela bedroom. Multi only, Sam J Leader-Enterprlse, )4 .., '
10 acre grove:, S acres of IS-, -
wither, M... Marie Jackson and went to Tennessee for a short Urea Miami Davis Ph 68J-J-J. (ol-tf) I N W Third at. Phones I or 7(7P old avocados and B In bearlniImes. pores UKGIR rictiTioua RAYS
who wilt undergo .,-,,,.Jor) Hilt' before accomp nytngi! her 0. Box JM Homestead, Ha. vonrc 11 nckKHY1 CIVTN S.f uMmlirMS' .
operation at Emory Hospital on home Edwin Black etVLake Wales UI Small cottage lull able for couple : Outstanding value at f 12500 ,-I. *' lrii,. w <',...rh kd.
week-end of Mr. and Mrs. I MM '.a.r Tuesday a guest Furnished or vnfurrtUhed. Ph. Homestead. Gins Co.-Qlasa for CAkhf'ART HIM tlMPANTMl
-- Mr and Mn. John Rldgewiy Roy E. Wittrnwyler of Goulds Ssl-W. (sITU) all purpose. We do steel sash 40 irressoh'' North Krome: 16 IMOTMM. M lit N..r. aMk atrw*.
.. . lab CJaoo. 7h.a55. arw5. lit
j Mri. Don E. Fcrreyrs )f the arrived Sunday from Pompano to TheatreS dialing. 201 l N. Emma Phone 111.Italll. acres besuliful, lien, bearing owtow 55..M. rte* with. rte Ca.5 ..1U.
rerreyra law pfflcis hat enrolled buy a homslt. and build here Mr. and Mri. O. S. Jones have DUPLEX\ living room-dinelte, ( ) .. Cnnt .< Deli ...... radL
arrived from San Diego, Cal. and bedroom: bath, sll-electrlc kitchen timer, balsnn uncleared. See thllblU'8.ln
the school of law at Unl Mr. and
In the Ridgeway, a carpenter I 1: ==
... of raffle light anft. r.
block! at
,verslt cf: Miami and it attending lira. Rldgeway, came from Xenia, are living at the residence: of Dixie 11,. private entrance, beautifulsurrounding : New CBS time, knotty! pine walls ama v_nt.
classes thins four nlght a week. O,, a yeas ago An. James Elder until they purchase South Miami. Phone 4I-SII1 Ph 6t0R4.slilt! I Venetian blinds, wood-burning acres limes, U acres rape- ( wt If, M. U I, II, II. UU)
a home hers Mr. Jones a ( )
fireplace, I bedrooms, play room, fruit and 10 Bore. scarified
retired typewriter technician: and! Saturdays, continuous: 2 to 11 pat f 1
laundry room ,Ith tubs, large lot Comfortable S-bedreom houseand .
S to 11 Mew h'lf-bag cement mixers. Call
continuous pas
Art. Jones lived In Miami and Sundays,
Price tfl.830, with terms. Phone
show Doug at 147. ISO N. W 5th itilOtf garage, Can be handled wjth ..
thru Frldaya,
Key West until they moved to Monday
Ui You Need
I 7GV-J, Gchoe Jordan, Rtg. Broker only $S 000 taah and easy paymeats Try When
San Diego sveral years ago. at 7 and B p.m. ( ) (poll) on balance,

tRIIUY, 0 L-14.:;:l-ant Tlrnr. ''Mowers' Call Doug at A haircut or
t Mrs. J. E Jenkins has returned <
New CBS house, (1 N. W. lifts it .
4 IS-ycar-old avocados and
I t from a visit with relatives In Tonight: "The righting 69th"gATUDAY 147 130 N. W 8th at (aloft) off Krome seres Share '
ave. Two bedrooms, 11 acres beautiful limes, with

laleyvlll, Ale ,Ort 21 J I new half-bag cement mixer I all till bath tile kitchen porches, tire modernised "Mama and large hiked ____$141

.................................... Double ".at.,. Program Ph. 147. Tower-Crow' (m28tf) cypreni cathedral living room, i torsi.* shah Excellent location
JAMES AROfit SMITH WILLIAM QAROAN and MARX $4,BOO rash, 140 per month en I and value at 120,000, Shave _._ ,___ ___ MShaaipea .

HOSPITAL NEWS BETII HUGHES In FOR SALK balance; Dr C F Robinson, Ph (MedlealN1.7)

N 1.1,115,11..1.15 N.........,..... "Waterfront Jlidntjht" IQ,000 iliuii: "d mined coinmmUlgladMI 597-W. (alai) !, We,071 have acres' an ot unusual glade land offering! of FM.UI. Pack __ _" tS

Mr and Mrs. Raymond Von of Also WILLIAM BOY nan large-site bulbs, nsm"d Four arm rich nil, ncarlfM Maasage (...,'.) _.___ Me
homestead are parents of daugh- Hopalnnit Candy In"DEVIL'S twice In moat sought after location Also nuUllndlng\ ntates shown
s ; Varieties priced for quirk sale Cembhiallen Facial "_ '_ Tie
by appointment, from 147,600 to
ter born Oct. in PLATOFOUND"Plaa far building or farming,
( James Anh.rSmith
Jh. 443-J-l or 463-n-4. (olt-22)) !
75,000. Tens __ ___ leMastsche
Hospital. "O Men Never Fortet"Charter near Homestead will (raw tomatoes '

The Infantile death rate la the United A son was barn to Mr and Mrs 1SUNDAY ,Nice supply of Infants' wear aquaRh. etc NEVER WET. RICHARD FUClISReb't.recI .Trim _.- lie. wiI

Sutei It very low. From 19)4 to 1936we e letcher Bryant of Homestead bit ,.!(U for stork ahowers, He., at Price t1M| ; 4 cash, bal t rmt. (Plain) M*
aad MONDAY Broker
L ranked events in the world,led only by New Oct. 10. Get 17-11 .Tropical Dress Ship 231 South Ph. 7S9-J, Echo Jordnn, Reg John )II Hale, Salesman '
Free DId Broker
naaler Ave ( ,) (olS-22)) (poll\ )
Zealand, Holland, Australia, Norway, Switierlaod Mr. and Mrs Ceo. Stalling of JUDY GARLAND and FRED Th. 441 or 755-W P.O. Box 5113 ; I'S
errlne are parents of a son born ASTAIIIC In '
and Smell Oct. 10 Irvine Berlin BEAUTIFUL ORCHIDS avsllable. I

'/Yet 70, OO Infants die annually the first On Oct. IX a ion was bom to PARADE"In I at all times. Homestead Floral
"EASTER GENERAL and Gift Shop, IU N .W. 4th St., BarberShop
Booth cl life, lad i 3,000 more from the Mr. and Mrs.. Eddie Zimmerman ( Technlco'or' cor. 2nd ave. (silt)

second to the twelfth month.How many of the. precious Of Florida City. bpm tb Bat
Medical patients this F eek TUESDAY aid WEDNESDAY, SALES AND SERVICE CONCRETE!: BLOCKS all sins

lalantt night have lived had their mother hid adequate were Q. A. Ruehta and Chas En- Of''. l.... Druoo'l Block Co. Naranja, fit. .

prenatal careundtr the direction a competent physician qulst of Homestead.. SUSAN PETERS: and Radio and Appliance Repairs Phone 17S )29-tf) )
It (is now np to the mothers to take advantage of the "SIGN OF THE RAM" LICENSED) and INSURED ,,,, ,, ,, !5,5V., ....5.,5.-U..u..

knowledge and skill of the phyiicUn during the trying BACKACHEArthrilis CONTRACTORWRICllT

mooths of pregnancy. We are ready to supply the needed eh15..WP.-.enUS5 :.':.== TIIVItSDAY Oft aid ll-ZI FRIDAY, GIFFEN ROOFING COMPANYRoofing

dietary supplements and other medication ordered by .'eve ue pams.Ah1.A d05 WALLACE BEERY and JANE ELECTRIC

r' jour pbmctan.:'____..'4e.FUd." ,. trsldrYsal.......... POWELL in
AIR CONDITIONED ..tW.w.w aw.5 Wt.tkea.....All "A DATE WITII JUDY"In of All Types
( year ataees hi Cyra ..... ( Technicolor) N. Krome Ave. at First St. Phone 288-W

1 Glades Prescription Shop .. Solar Water Heaters
I Pain ASTHMA Sheet Metal Work ,

i HOWARD JOHNSON, Pisa a Do*I IM_hint, ..m...... Air Conditioning
MrahY.g r-t.raa slip 1.
12 North Krome Are. Phone 64 =- p.I0t.4 5Me.N55q AnhrHU.mhtw ante .( aranchUI u..5r.r r..e W P. & F.
,lAuMin,SetottM.Stonmtla HIIMMS. war.eons. Sass niMioi IM =:UCM an.hWa .raw ; | GarageRepairing Fan Ventilation
CLOSED SVNDAYS BUT IM EMERGENCY PHONE JI'Sefuinb s .wwkVThrMtk IM MM nt* MIwn -ate leap U..II'.MIN a.M a.kal,
Ur arena .IWO.We ..w. 35551 5.55.5 Tar 01...'....
war*. +>*!IU*u4lCM ..:::.:.r.-:: j rWr' k.1" Acetylene Welding Painting Insulation ,
MINOO.e..IMW.,5 : ; ;
BMitaS M 4to sM tour. Quick., 15aea .5555V SrtM I
A -. as soy baal505N! ..55,5. I5/4... 555./lid ...-.... Body. and Fender WorkGEORGE ;

,! Ie it or PLOSJIU.: lit AND is DAD COUNTY.IN rrrn and WALTER TRAZEIK8.W. Address rhea

rrQc IHAMIKBT.; tad Si "-BI. k Wed ef Quick Frees. rlwns )|| II 111 ArarM) AT* 41451,
em tir HOHBSTtAD. a nnlrllMlt .
..pmh..1 doe Item "..'rI.utt. II. 115155a Coral Cabins,ru. uln'!'

talc a FkMite -......, d 01..
I MOTh TO AFrtA WOODY The Builder's Friend
SATURDAY and SUNDAY cntlnuo S till 11. tot I HM "*> _...

AdmlisloBi Advlta; Night, i set Matinee (till I p. aa.). SOo.Children' ADA .. Lowz..d NAYS If _roW. KEllDENCBVnkMwa
niliT ten tri ten U twelve tie (Tan Inela eL) ---, tar .unknown IMOII I
till.IAN L. .URILKKM) and T. I. . C35ARTGIRLs.
...... t .
HKICKPO. k WMl >M wUmt v.
Last Times Today: "TMEN"SATURDAY. rRUTON S.RR UIVU.AND s.1 KUft.AlltTN IK4 Seta HM gird
1. LOVKI.AND. kU ,,1'.lB II....... Okta Z1-fourAmklance Service
. c. Lrwis. ...; ..... ..a LEWIS.!: i
Oct, -Double Feature l'raraueRICHARD as ... whw .i_ Ie ... Lit HER HUSBAND THINK ,
ARLEN JEAN ROGERS In '_I Vnkin ..... )
"SPEED TO SPARE"A M.. ..H.l UahNw.Sal. pit
( milt I minute thriller with men who ride with death) MIIICT K. SAURITRT. ..* Phone 270 Homestead, Flat V THE HOUSi WITH MATCRIRL9 Fn01riMOOKER
-- -V
CAVALIER"He . ....
"COWBOY .. flew IACNM ,
... ,
( pack a lOCk In each song and f\Jf1'n each flat) STEWAkT- --LOTttAMDlrtEftTOM N.,W, 44U. ftrwlUltml. .
SUNDAY and MONDAY, Oct. ".1' LM LflTKLAXDiSTEWAST .4 Seth Bkjk. Krr
FAY ........ 0''".
BANTER In 715.05. Builders and. RemodelenFine
ROADWAY"Printed 5. 45,555.50, .. 51,5.555 dl .. 0514. '
"GIVE MY REGARDS TO J 55555,5 5sI: .....,. 5 555514,55PS.t5. \
Technicolor) .. .:.so4.d
( went, whatever In they did, they took a bit 0'Bl'08d.11 II s.5 ee fin ... ..... r I51Aoh. be .... .n pM. ( ........ Woodworking( a Specialty i
( they
aaW 054 _Ie".r.t''T"_ 55 Wd..d "a'rk '
with them) 555. M dnh.r, .deem' w.w .ssNus Electric and Acetylene Welding
Added: Vacation Mask, II,.rte Roll, "Wllchea* ea&," Carl el; ..h p.m..' =- M :. "..:. d55 .s r .:: 1 a ;
.. 011 __ .. __ ...rai, --Ie .. jIw.
rathe New, ... tIoe...... 1oonI..,.. --. .. ........ ... "'-" .. ..... h...., WEST
.. 11.. (1-. _.5455555555 M.. T55w __ w R.J55,5. 5141. range... 5,555,55"wM' ,MLYCR PAUl DEIVE-ONE MILE Of P. .. IRhodes'
Oct. It-
1TESDAY 'r..W 5. 5.a. d.sS.I1We 1.wtt1
VAN JOHNSON JUNE ALLYSON, BUTCII JENKINS in l 4'i: Lots TIMHIT ell'I ..4 tVU4. till." Skwt Stovm "THE BRIDE GOES WILD"The beset III .d MIWIa 11, W Mat TM (HI' I
( moat hlUrlnua film la ten ,...... Van Is a city wolf, June l*. rh. r51) 5. RISl tat, hri..q of Sara Thla.. (11)1) ...ww4LkM
151. 55 YLA
la the innocent country l bll who tame him) 1:. 510,5 151 151. Ni e.,, Miss. Slat Slit.:I., ....... ..... d sow gNs. (tIll.). k
Aided "The Bear sad the Hare" Cvtoo."Soennln ef Deatk.Paaaiac . l':s To. .a Tine I4 t ams" a.';... tea,| ,_
-Jkta -, .
N tea a5. h.r":"5.55,ark. WMfLKVARD IlI a.-
Parade rf It* Cdr M Miwinlpit. rW* Plat BS M tae M ft tea n41 .::=. .,'t.L""c.-:. =. rWl' .
THURSDAY and FRIDAY Oct. tl-tt you AND IACH Ur YOU M* ....ik. MwMW .,5 Or WtlSSMULLER BRENDA, JOYCE LiNDA p55/.Un'/ k.5 d. .a 5..5m A. )I. t:. W .
JOHNNY nZTtffln 55 th. CWrt 1IIIff' MM ftfMk"Mrt: la a,5| l.t Dab b wMc. ;:Um : (tfe IT. and AVC.O
CHRISTIAN In .h55.5... 5r505 _f- win t* .tan aniiM rw. .H 55 5.s0M.rSm55 5555Mr.rds ( ,MIU Chamkef. ft Comment: ..
'TARZAN' AND TilE. MERMAIDS"\ M piM.A55.r a wt I.far ewimlti wink ta 1W.r,55..a wM4. '
A < ...-e.
" o; (tSet-;100 blrbln 4t *ihlhrted'ruuate=maiden'pagait splendors deport thenualve, savage thrlHs In the) ea. A. G Iii wR INA ANY U NWS .. ...k lIMe o-tr..n.Ma.. IYa. S 45. of pevw.U AUTO TrUCK TRACTOR() )REfAiHrSat

Added: flaU ......"..." Onmln4Sth," nil Is Aaaeriee; f.-= WatstataaalilBi. OaarMtee* )
"'fklp l N Dale" C1! -! Panarasl New (ClmM. C rt *.l> ., II.C, cmos, lit
.t IN Q lie_' J Phone 9115 (Ni ht uSe!!) H. B.'Davis Paints p
Celine, ......, and MM..,. Oct 14UtBIQ CTTT, Atu..r N Paatlff55i :
wilt .....atd Oaks --Y NO ton TOO SMALL .* >O JOB TOO BIO iI i

rP0.4. (CM. ..,IS, at. H, HOT. I, test) ;......- I

iL 'j

, ,' ", '''J: 11 ())1 ( .l'Y'' i/1'V IiSPv

, . _


.P,.. ht.Ii .

MOORE RBSIDBNCK TO BE BOUGHT i W. Nth at Padding Muter ta I
'favor of the Moon mmiaj WM
IT. I .
FOR CLUBHOUSE BY LOCAL WOMAN'S CLUBThe a roomy living room and kttphei

I 1 . .i. Social Events in South Dade "," I T A. Mon residence IIId Baton maUnf .tbe.dec'aten' ... wen lei Ideally suited for club tern' I

flee. Mt M N. W. 14th at vU be dub *sta btr* dimmed to toepect .1 Mrs Hetaadn gave a ngwrt M
tmroats*! by Ifef ___'* Chili the MooN r.*>.aace and. the able beard meeting. wWtfeMM '

of a......... taember voted itV house. order eatMtrMtten. on attended last week to OoaK

I eoverd dish supper for: a clubhouse, WM placed on tfc*I

i' three lavender orchids and showered member of Naranja. Chapter of, An anniversary program' celebraUng market e hen Mr. and Mr* Moor .
If.Is*May Alice Morrow daughItr Vale de Lune" (Debussy). MrsL.iby '.
the beginning t>f the I and their two little daughters Informal dance for students Proceed will go to finance addl.)
M Mr. and Mrs. V, O Morrow _lib the pomponiolIer the OEA!: and their families WM ; romance "Midsummer I
eleventh of the Monday moved to Miami wlU be the staff of tIonal page for the.annual ,
yea sponsored by :j
of Grew, a C., became the maid of honor wore yellow bald Thursday evening of last Nlght'l Dream" (Mendelaaohn), with ISO feet of
of Mr and cascade bou- Mul Club wet given at \hiopenl" Mrs Redd and Mn. Mill\ motherhood Th property the Homestead High School annual ' Members of the annual staff
bride of Karl Lee aon taffeta and carried a week In tbs Masonic Hall at Naranja. ; N W. Nth it between I 1' :
Mr*. Herbert Lee of Perrlne, on ,utt of white and lavender pompon meeting of the eaaon -''Slumber) Song (Oiynor), frontage First on and Second avenues. .1.1I front0 12 o'cbck Utli1Y",1n are. Jennie Lu Davis, editor; John 't
this week et the home of Mr JD. .
Uofrtax evening In South Miami *. At a business session, plan Reddl* Mr. L. B. Dens' ; widowhood -I I b being bought for $7 JOO throughRlchird i iI In the Chamber of Commerce : Wainwright assistant editor; Sal- i
Baptlat Church The Rev. A. F. Mr. Lee mother of the bridegroom were mad to honor the grind Instructor "II Loved Me So Dear" (Tchal- Flich. Homestead lie Saber, lay-out editor; Jo Ann
W halt Lonnie Turner' dance
officiated at the Wearing corsage* of red and kowsky) Mn. Wm. Nusselwhlle, Lcwry, art editor; and ray Cap-
and grand representative
Jprtdge/ pastor ,, was gowned In rot and I real estate. broker who ti donatIng -: .
white club colon the orchestra will provide the mtulc.I linger business
double ring ceremony won I bouquet of white pompon, of the district at the chapter homeon following giving la marriage"None but mart of hit commission I : manlIer 1
The church wa decorated with Immediately after the ceremony Thursday evening patt p..ldentere. In the receiving the Lonely U..,," (Tchalkow- the club, My Mrs Herman Heln-" 1
potted palm and tmngemenU of the bridal couple left for' More than thirty were presentat line: Mr*. John W. Collln, sky), Mr*. Brandenburg; longingfor Win president Attorney Vernon REV. AND MRS. ALFRED IIEDBERG GIVENRECEPTION :;
I' Mrs Redd Mr Collier\ Mr .
,. horM-"Goln' Home" (Dvor I 1
hlch the firstgettogether
the war
at/hrtt Thrytanthemums, pompon In Havana, Cuba. supper 1 contributing hit
also .
a honeymoon W. Turner *
line the summer Muel 1ilt* and Mrs. Chat.VT. ak), choral club. W. S. C. S. j
lend gladioli. Illumination wa Upon their return" thay will treksheir ] telbr1. legal services. \ without charge, she ,
by whit t.thlelraltapera. home In Homestead.MARILOU reetag Members were presented with tay. ,
)MIdite candelabra Mrs.. 2I. L Brandenburg, president year book' whose. cover weft In A reception In honor of the Mr and Mr.*. Hedberg on behalf

i Mr*. F L. Tempjer) organist, WED HARRY BERRY prodded' at a short butlneu tIIf club colon. UNDCEEN HOSTESS Rev Alfred Hedberg new pas' of the church and Mr. Hedberg '
I I session, after.which Mr. W, a
played the traditional teddingrnerrbe I irtngamenta of Chry,..ntht- TO U LAND CLUBWOMEN tor of Silver Palm Methodist made a brief response ,
'a* well aa the accomtiitllinent IN PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCII ON NOV. 25Vane Mill directed I program> In keep mum and red and sold autumn Friend.' I Church and Mrs -Hedberg war '
for B. B Will who aang"Beeaute" ing with the anniversary theme leave! were used for decoration Member 'of the Redland given Friday evening In the CHURCH TO HOLD BUTTER '
and "I Love You U. Harris of Silver Palm student council She I II now employed A review of the organization of Corsage for the guest were hip Club met Monday evening at church by member of the Wom ,MONDAY IN PARISH HOUSE
Sruly." dr b announcing the engagement by Glad and Grove Supply line club,and It* elms and achievement fashioned of yellow, pompom and the home of Mr. A. W. Undgren an' Society of Christian Service. Member. of St John Episcopal -
The bride wa given In marrlaieky and approaching marriage of hi* Co of Princeton.: wa* given by Mrs. Collins, tt.'t Itsvei. Ice cream And Individual and made plan to lunch Tueiday Approximately eighty.members Church will hold a covered

a cousin Larry, Tanner, and daughter, Msrllou, to Harry Berry A edit of Mrs. Mary Cool of tint president' I cake Iced In a led designwere In Miami to buy drew,good. and friends of the church attended dish upper at 7:SO Monday eve
) nded Miss Marie at' Homestead, Tht Rev Frank L.Elvery Miami Mr, R'rry was graduatedfrom The In a woman's Ufa to be mad up for charity Mrs.D
wen 4 p\1t by SUM weiej served by the hostesses, the covered! dish supper fling In the new pariah hous
slept,' nad| of 'honor, Dr. Bur- paitor'of Homestead Prea- Miami Edison High School. I represented. I by) |lie following se-j Mrs Carl S. Anderson Mrs IL JDavis I [ K Thompson Invited the group and and the pound party held afterward : Each person .b asked to bring his
I ."Cei! was beat man for hit bxtertan! Church, will official at He served for three year In the J, lection: childhood A-" Flol Mr I Mrs. C. I. Chlpley anf Mn for an all-day sewing session *. Cl >r ice. Gray welcomed own china and silver
h 'ilf. bpd JemnAwdd,, and Kile'cvrew the ceremony to be held at 4 navy and II I employed by Bird Piper" .(Pearl .Quran),. MlsJ Radii I covered dlah luncheon at her' home

a cousin of the, bride, dclock Thursday afternoon, Nov Chevrolet Gee In Homestead I Marlari Anderaon; girlhood +t Present b-stde (lens I Friday.Mr I II
I mentioned .*. Clarence: Gray played a
in the churchthe . I
ushdrs. 25 '
: I were Mr' W. J. Dark, Mrs.Mary .
number of plarw
Una, bride wa, radiant InJwhite w bride-to-be was valedictorian .CLINTON PEPPER AND). 'JEAN COLDREN Mn W. E. Gaby, Mrs. Clarence Christmas cardchairman
Colburn, c
of the kenfrir dais of Red- MAXIMUM HEALTH
.aUn ads fingertip
gown .
Frank Hausman
Gray, Mrs MnL.
land High- School at her graduation I WEDDED: SEIT.! IN VA. displayed samples for
held by
web of illusion In place a 17 WINCHESTER, L Hood, Mr.*. Gordon W. Ivey, club nemben1 order All profit .
,, pt ertnge blossoms She in June. She served a* secretary ,
pang Mrs Howard L.. Johnson, Mrs. M '
sales to the club'
) from card go
,;tried a heart-ahaped bouquet of of Beta ,Club, school honor : Mr. and Mrs Clinton Va, where they were. married on C. Lawrence. Mrs. E.: L. Lawrence, charity fund.Members I a . COMFORT ;
Mrtfte pompons centered with_ society, and was a member of theI' hive returned to the Sept IT. Mrs Ivin. Moser Mrs: Green : were invited to meet '

.. . In Princeton from Mrs Pepper la the fbrtner Mies' Rives, Mrs J, R. Rutland. Mrs A. at the home of Mrs C. J. Turner 0 j'
'MRS.. ANNA RUEGG AND WILLIAM LOWA I Jean Coldren of PerryopoHs; Pi, D. Smith Mr H. G. human, on Nov 1.ClX'Onul. ECOMOMYr
PePP'j and Princeton. A native of Pennsylvania Mrs. Vernon W. Turner Mn. W.
: IN PALM UEACliIf IVAN MOKfcR: HONORED: cake, Ice cream and u
4JN1TED IN.MARRIAGE AT, NITIIDAr DINNER Mr. Pepper ha* 'Triad K. Walton Mn. Frank Webb, coffee were. served by the hos- nave p\.i, .
Ms home for'a-num'yr of( 'years Mr*. John Whlchard and two teas.T.UB. 01'1
-Mr, end Mr*. Win.\ Low bars ( Homestead, the Homestead Mrs. Ivan Moser In )Princeton where; h* has engaged guests, Mrl Kermit Wenkstern <
aeturned Id their grove home on Business end Professional Wom Motr at a surprise In farming, { and Mrs. J. H. Whltt.HEINLEIN ( WILL SEE SLIDES
'W. KIhgVHIghway after an extended en's Club, the South Dade Garden ncr Wednesday evening at the OF EUROPE ON TIIURSDAY OIL
visit In New Jersey, Verment Club and the Homeitead Art Trading Pout. Coven were laid Miami lee
1RS. NOMINATED FOR OFFICE Mrs Fleets Olbbi , '
for Mr and Mrs Robert Cast
and North Carolina.tJoUl Club : I
turer and continental
( their marriage In Palm Mr Lows, a former businessman of Miami and their daughter Judy BY FLORIDA PAKENT.TEACHER GROUP will ahow colored tilde of European HOUSEHEATING L)
'P".eb ',III. Summer, Mrs Low of Lakewood N. J., had te, Mr. and Mr*. V. O. Rohrer scenes for member of South ,

,w"* Mr. Anna Ruegg of Home- made his home In Fort Lauder- ->f Miami and their nephew Lester Mr*. Herman Helnlelrl of homestead mAn for the county council. In Dad Garden Club at B o'clock ,
Mead.: She ha made her horn del *lnr* his retirement several Rohrer, Mrs.. James C. Vann is| listed among 1J1,.noml. addition to her P. T. A. Interests Thursday evening In the garden i
fure for the pall II yean and I b year ego."Bak and Mr. and Mrs Moser."RACK II
- nating commute recommendation the It president now of the Wom- center at Rrdland Fruit and Spice
ao member\' of the Woman1 Club for officers to be elected at an'i Club of Homestead and South Park, announce Mr. Herman 'an':';
TO SCHOOL" NIGHT TO BE HELD I the convention of the Florida Dade Garden Club. Helnlem. president I . : '

-Troop 15. Girl Scout NOVEMBER 11 BY HOMESTEAD: P. T. A. Congress of Parent and Teacher o .,
\to be held Nov. 1.11 In Weal Palm I
Beach, .according an announcement SEE YOUR DEALER OR CALL USI I
sad JOTCE BCMO WALTER to school'' night for parent i!A. tool for child welfare. Mrl. C; ,by Mn. S. E. JlCII'Tof OF BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK PROGRAM .
-4 will be observed on Nov. IIkt :,,1. Chlpley I latin "lidld I bf'Home"; ; Tampa committee chairman:

'n* Dirt Scout of Troop 11 Homestead High School. Principal I Attendance awards were won by Mr.*.. Helrtleln I I. proposed for a 'In observance of National Bual- Dade of a favorable vote on the dlPU'i
held their Second meeting Tuea- Miss Mary Jarkson'i room In the vice-presidency In charge of home IWomeni. 12,000,000 bond luue which will rIf6 ]11Iif
F E. B. Blackburn\ told I record elementary school and Mrs W. : Week, Oct 10-16, nniu l 8 '
day at the scout hut Plant were service In her new capacity the provide $250,000 for the develop. ,
rrisiw for k' Halloween party (o beheld gathering at the opening meeting R. Bird room In the high school would have charge of the depart- the Homestead Business and Professional ment of Homestead Bay front \ \ \t '1 :

TOct U. of the Homestead. P. T, A. Wed- The buying of uniforms for the ment In which the now holds the Women' Club had a Park. "' .'
Coke and cookie were. served neaday afternoon school band was selected as the chairmanship of pre-chool work program on the state federation Mrs, Frank Kent president, \, Sii" .
V 'Joyce' Ennia and Louis* WhltLi Mr. Herman Helnlein. pre-. P. T A project. An active P. T. A. worker loren theme, "Use Your Vote In '48," announced that a district :i

i Our due this ear are five school chairman of the Florida After a business session, teach-: years, Mrs. Helnlein U a past, Monday evening In the Parkway will be held in Lake Worth et .
bent* I week, Our proM prefect. Congress of Parent and Teacher : en were honored! at a reception president of the Dad County restaurant Nov 7.
))4 |andacapln he ground around the five-point P. T. In the patio. Punch and cookies Council and of the Redland P. T, '" ''''Speaker of the evening was _
spoke on
Kir hut were served under the directionof A. Alao, she ha served at character Mn. Herman Hcinleln public JOAN CORE HEADS 4-11

Mr* W. E!! McLendon, hospitality and spiritual education director -_ attain chairman, who stressed the Joan Core was elected president -
k NIW MEMBERS! BOUGHT chairman." and summer round-up chllrj j need of getting all freeholders In of the Redland 4-H airl
I oS BT YOUTH CHORISTERS I the county to vote for the five Club at a recent meeting." France,

I Young people Interested In bond 'Issue proposed by the county Rodgers was mad vlce-preildent;'
singing are Invited to Join the METHODIST WOMEN "BREAK TilE RANK- I commission. Juanlti Rohrer secretary-treas '

'' "Ring the Bell Homestead Youth Chorister TO ADD $21030<) TO BUILDING FUND Member were. unanimous Invoicing urer; and Harriet Lowe, council
I who meet at 8 o'clock! each (the Importance to South repreentaUv ,
: Monday evening at the home of - -- -- .
The building fund for! First McNelll Mn.; Mtu'rlce Jennes, ,
for Service"ON Mrs. RoY Burley.. director at B4 Methorimt Church was swelled by Mrs. Roy Wood Mrs C. D. Esker, eon I
N, W Fifth Information
I IIIO.SO when member of the W. Mrs A.' It. Meybem, Mrs C D.
obtained by telephoning Mrs. 8. C. S. "broke the bank" at a Schwln. Mrs. O. M. Eicher Mr* low Cost fleluxe Value' I

THE FOLLOWING: I Burley The chorister, who met all last I upper meeting Tue'day eveningIn F. S. Caplinger, }Ira. Uoyd Field, ,
the social hall Each member Mrs H. L. Brandenburg Mr*. E. '
J.' winter are reorganising now after. opened\ bPI piggy bank In which H. Ilannon. Mrs. Fred Fuchft.! Jr., 0 ,\" 4t
f'Tleaalng, pr-Ug aal reaalr a summer recess. the had taxed for the fund Mrs S. F Matthews, Mist Helen BeWesulteFRISIPAIREEHCTRICftANSE\ i: '

',lag *.' ..ea', Mils, trousers MRS (KrOTT INITIATED I Plane were made for an ill-day Moye and MW Harriet Vpham. eN II % I WHEN

a thirl. evreaU sad larkela. INTO MATRONS' CLUB' meeting and covered( dish luncheon rd .
di on Oct. 21 to mark a week of PRINCETON CLUB WORKS III 7'I; ii III YOU BUY
Mr. R. L. 8ct>Iformer ON TEXTILE PAINTING ,
Mrs. Gen Estell was appointed _
,1 leather )cktU rWUUhed. prayer
repaired worthy matron of Naranja Chapter general chairman for the Prlncetw Home Demonstration ...f I' .
f sew tl peers. 'of the OES.. was Initiated annual turkey *o be held Club held s business meeting "II PURINAYOU
supper _
Into the Pttt Matpmi' Club Monday early lit November and Mr.*. L. Friday afternoon and later worked () ,.
evening' at the home of Mrs. Member will
on textile painting.
t preug.aUbaeeata C. D-xld via mad ticket chairman .
U H Oreer. Mr. Walter Peterson The group deildud to serve make felt bag and felt picture ... i BUYMILK .

tl "" "'rea"",. .&&e.. ,"was awarded the "lucky luurier for the hwtT-orfiinbed| on Oct JJ.Present .
; .. .. ...... tar\ mer.'. fellowship club which will at Friday1 meeting
/ ..w.r.. I Present were Mrs. Scott. Mr meet Thursday evening. were Mn Ralph Hunt Mrs. Harold . .
Peterson, Mr W. 0. Talbott, Mrs Carpenter Mn. Elmer .
't Uraaerlea; blaakett ayrcafcaa4 Tom Chapman, Mrs Edwards and Miss( An'olnette' Moy conductedthe ford, Mr. Dean Thompson Craw-I 1t'J

,. aanall ran ele*.... the hostesa devotional for the meeting Mary Colburn Mrs J. C ;
Mn. Olen Edward Invited the Tuesday, and Mrs.. Dan Williams' Mrs Gordon NeaU Mrs Turner'l SL i You feed for milk. .And .1''' ,
R'/.idle group to meet at her home onNov directed a program on minion Neal Mn.C, a Smith, }I. '
sells. dresses, .ork In Alaaka. Taking pert In e your profit comet from '.
I, Mr J. .
....... pressed, repaired. I the program were Mrs.. Anna. D. Campbell Mrs Paul Ray Mrs C Campbell A. Bryant I ,' .O' milk So ,tht txtra milk i

omaas: CHOSEN Carter, Mrs.. C. E.: King and MrsIL Mr W T, Gautier. Mn.. D ::" you iquttttlnm your

Men .let dews H< fseed.AB BT' UrnST CIRCLE I L. Brown A. Mulllns Mr, i. M. Mullin --.......... pS ySLiO coin it what coanf {* 0\\
Mr*. Howard L. Johnson was present, beside those men and Mrs Roy E: Witten.ylr, o e
dollar end ctnf : l
mail re-leader of Circle One ofIheJ honed were. Mrs. Casper VT11llams. ', ..t
article while In our poaaet'am Woman' Missionary Society I Mr. J. E. Jenkins Mr MRS. SCHROEDER AGAIN' Hind Purina builds lots I

|le'' '*r* Insured aalolhaft.\ .,, of Pent BapUat Church on lit Tat Ceo. T. Hanson, Mrs. H. R. Pierce, MEADS W. W. ,.. C. CLASS of .
le"d water damag the home of Mrs. R. N. Cald- Mrs D. Hagobotm, Mrs Lull Re-elected a* Officers: of the'V milk into Milk Chow. ,.all '
4 WIlL Th* leader will be elected I Free, Mrs. A. 8. Moye, Mrs t. D W r. C claa of Florida City tht vital milk-noklny be:1':

latet. Other elected were Mrs Redd Mrs. J. T Foster Mr Community Church Wednesday gradients known 10 ,laelp t..aI. t.
Le Freed. secretary-treasurer, Florence Pacettl. Mrs. Earl Facet evening were 'Mr*. Snits Schroeder I
M, Mrs.. Kermit Glbbs, Mrs Bryan your cow productnon ,
and the following chairmen': MrsIL president. ; Mist Alice Macom-
TRADE! WINDS, Colder, program! Mrs.. R. J. Bowden, Mr*. Clinton Pepper, ben vice-preident; ahd Mr.* L' milk And the profit f ., '
Kafa'eemmunltv'mWons! ; Pin.J. Mrs Geo. Udford. Mrs. J. 1;. Ballard B. Delta wretary-treaturer. . obi reeult of thousand ., ...,
Tom Vans literature; Mrs Mrs.. Earl Gordon Mrs J Mr* Ernest Nelll Wit named of f dairymen ore proof that 'e\'
Jam** & McCreedVt: itewardahlp; O. Wynn, Mrs Martin Frame general chtlranan for the annual -
{DRY'CLEANERS and Mug. t. It. Pope and Mrs Mr*, a U Showalter, Mrs. J. A. turkey dinner, and Mrs Delta, s239'75 ; : when you buy Milk Chow j

Vann;; aoclalMr I .. chilrman. of the kitchen commute MILK CHOW you buy Iota of milk I ISo

*. J. H. Whltf ennducted: the MRS. LAWRENCE HEADS *. ..... . -. -
*..- .ace . ... a rise ease led. M by U this You'lllike ,
WIuAzD w. SEVERT Man devotional, and Mr. Vane 41- BArTIST CIRCLE: THREE i B Coherhour wa host .t t the U e..wallh year.

!' reeled a program\ on "Our Debtto Mr. E. U Lawrence wed elected dill party held In the social halL ...beat by Pala. those big milk check I ; :' '
)U Seethe*** First Ave. the Jew*," Parts were) taken chairman. and Mrs R. E. Ed. Here'fatter, easier. cooking callow Cost.lU,new frigId- 1 X anhfamlke {

n .HeaseeieseL Fla* by Mrs Johnson and N..... Mc- ward, to-eharmsn, of Circle UPLAND CLUB MEMBERS sire Electric Rouge hot oR me bask: feature of Many 4 lent eow life. 'I'
Cready.Mrs. I Three. of the Woman' Mla mary MAKE TOTS. FOOTSTOOLS rouge tMidi higher priced . Rodlontube 5-Speed t..'
R JT. Xeen' Invited' the of First' Church Mr*. 3. T. Dye of Miami In-
bell counter.ateeeri Barley Baptist on Cooking Unit . .large". Eyen4teotOres ThemlierDaepWol 1.t
r Tb! cow on our group' to meet Hoe, 4 at her home Oct I al the home or Mr*. U HBuland. attuned member of th* Redland Cooker' . ofl-porceWft cabled with CKk*- U
,..r at 101 N. E. Tent aye Mr. 8. A. Turner was Home Demonstntlon Chub ta the ,
Cake and sold drinks r*.lsrlng p arcelali lop and nany other feature you
were elected aetmary and publicity: making or staffed toy. picture Je
served chairman; Mr.*. A. 0. Oud. treaa and footstools at a work skWd com to end .. e
+ -- Mrs Boland and meeting held Oct T In the lion 1OtIl' WIll'< I I ( I< I 1ICt > '
RLI !! ; program
"' ":"' ''"::'uhl'knu"h'' 1 ; :: : ,
.. CEKEVIEVR CHANDLER IS literature chairman; and Mr*. V. Den. i '
Radio a CaastrasfheU PRESIDENT OF '.R CLtB: C Kerley, community missions It ,wee announced that the regular I -
8a..llw Oenevleve Chandler la me anw chalrmtn. meeting win be held at 1.90 lIomestead '

f president of th* 4-H"> Club of The devotional' were conductedby Friday afternoon. Dct li a WE riNANCE OUR OWN TDCE rVRCHARES.
.1 ,_ HomeaUad Junior .R1&b. School Mr*. J. IL Ortwdy. Th circle Present were Mrs J. A. Soth sham e.
which will meet at the School this voted t) sponsor the Intermediate Mr.*. fr O. Bate. Mn R B.AmJdon I 'i 1'r
rlBl: afternoon m the ctlvltie* period. O, A. of which Mr Kerley la Mr*.( Seymour Dane Phone :
: f Atlas Mtrrrltta. I II vke-pred- tender ._ Mfg' Ralph ....- Mrs. K. M, "
dent Christine KQUngsworth,, ;.TIIe'haters served' a Pool uxl v.... Floyd D, DuoBjali- 'Homestead' Farnitare( Co. 206'a I
actuary; Jeanelt* Dcvit trea*. court* and Iced Oca. :
,I'J.. ...... Dls" Ilkkway. urer Ann Krlaor, reporter; .and Prevent,, beside those menttaned Circle Tw*.of th*. W. f S. C S +"" 4

Ion:MIaatJla. Haze.) Wilson council representative. 'I were Mr*. W. T. MeCotuns of First Mehodllt.Chweh: will .....3S .Kroait Are. Phone 41 :*:- << '
i' ., Mrs Roy S. Chandler I. I l' sad .. y i*. Mr. U t: meet at ttI: Tuesday' ""vMiurVt "1 :-.X: W
'" -.-..- counieWr. \. ..... ,tile horse of Mr*, X: D.'Redd,. .
.: : ,. ." : .. t '
: .' '. ".
.} ''IT1tE


. 't ' .. 't" ., '- -- "
r' kV i .I t -------. r -_. "'' ''I''MlCT>lj&i; _jIJ.l lt- r -
