The Homestead leader

Material Information

The Homestead leader
Uniform Title:
Homestead leader
Alternate Title:
Place of Publication:
Homestead, Fla.
Homestead Fla
South Dade Pub. Co.
Publication Date:
Daily (except Sunday)[<1926>-]
Weekly[ FORMER 1923-<1925>]


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Homestead (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Miami-Dade County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Dade -- Homestead
25.471189 x -80.468122 ( Place of Publication )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 14, 1923)-
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Ceased in 1931.
General Note:
B.E. Archer, editor.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright The Homestead leader. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
Resource Identifier:
34296444 ( OCLC )
002075048 ( ALEPHBIBNUM )
sn 96027189 ( LCCN )
sn 96027189 ( LCCN )

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i.* '. ;}').\J\ ,' ..< .. The. Rodland District's Reliable NEWSpaper Since 1912

't .01<0....... .

37th year No. !es t(..t" HOMESTEAD, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1948 Price 5 Cents



.._._ ,
---- - -

AsK ME i J. Parman Sportsmanship TrophyTo 120 Bahamans Fly here Modern Tiro" Truck Added

ONE Be Given at Ball League Banquet For Wiater Farm WorkOne HIGH TRIBUTE Hy 'Gladellark Service DEAL FOR PROMINENT CORNER

hundred'twenty Baham A completely equipped modem
farm worker were flown to Homestead tire truck ha been added to the
FOR $ Clarence 3 Pai-man trophy hls*>.ma engraved on the troth) Army Air Field Sunday PAID VFW FOR fire-flfilitlng equipment of Everglade CANCELS PLANS TO CONSTRUCT ]

; outstanding sportsmanship which he ..tlilloid for a year from Falrvault., .Minn, report B. : National Park and ll BMW ,
'" be awarded; the .selected. Each player who took part ft A. Robert, eupervlaor of Redland stationed the park headquarter
a from the local Softball any Individual game of the |Un*. and South Dade labor caiap*. In the Chamber of Commerce!
:IN FIRST at a Thicken banquet to mer schedule to misted' to the rint contingent to Arrive thlkton CIVIC SERVICE building The truck was driven PLANT ON LEGION PARK LOT

,1' held at T10: Thursday evening banqquet Which will be held fain the worker traveled In here last week by WUlard tDilley I \
the City park, announcer or shine aa>i Mr. Skill two C....*. After debarking" they park naturalist, from the
President Geo. S. SkaU were marched across the toad to regional headquarter at Richmond -
*! Homestead Bayfront Park trophy .ti donated by Mr. Uie South Dade Camp where most Escavttlon for the foundationof V. TIlE WEATHERDale Purchase of the old Armour

,{ b* among the county ) Homestead architect and of them. *r e Quartered All have tilt new $1 .000 rlubhoua otArrantSmlth Mr. Dilley had been studying Fertilizer Co. buildup at' Krorov 4'
of farman.Lehman VINES E S; GRASS to Mr. park methods< at the Great Smoky ..... Eons w w
\ I I 'Jeopardized by 'a current : Co. been assigned grower Post, V: F. W. It I Mountain National' Perk .......... smear. t. This.. and Fller avenue from L 1C.
and contingent
Robert lay new (
.jth.t! Dade County levy a of the trophy expected to get under way Saturday Denning of Miami( wu complete
I recipient new i to about .
arrive Sept. .
\ are expected Dale .L'|Ml*.| But |Ule
tax of one mill annually for! be determined by a vote 14 ; report POll Commander A Sept.. 1pal 1 11 JU4 Hi Tuesday by Ben and Marjorie 'J"

'. ground and recreational committee composed of ot'l GLAMOURIZEGAS Five white famlllet .vajiguan V. Phillip Scheduled to begin TOWN MAY ZONE Sept.' 10... .. 89 18 2ft.tT Leach Archer editor and pub. 'Jot.

j County Commissioner rr-oa H. L. Brown, league tre. ot the winter, Influx arrived .1 earlier In 'the week, work war :Sept. 11.._. BJ 11 :>.M t(7 Usliet tf the HontMtead Leader.
; Chas Rob IVon and August Redland camp last week and held up when a Negro workman Sept.. IS II II KIT tr
Bird brought out in talks to DIXIE HIGHWAY Enterprise
league umpire and rep brought to 49 tht number of Jamllle Inadvertently removed the foundation 1 Sept. II.._ M II Mn 0.10
Redland District' Lime dub softball fiat from STATIONSBy now quartered. there 4 markers to cut the grist Sept 14 _.. .. SI ti tees 0II Simultaneously plan for bulld
: day night! and the Home-lead Gould. MA Homestead on the clubhouse ilte lieaaurycement' FOR BUSINESSA I Sept. II- ._. IT IS XI12 1.00 : log new Quarter* for the ...... ,,
j tar,Club Wednesday noon. conaecutive winner will haw WEDNESDAT CLOSING ItNDSThl and block are .n hand. I I : paper on Lot I, Legion Park,were ,
The one mill levy would and steel 1* expected next Week canceled and the lot placed back
$700000 bitthe blof this DR. FRANCIS 8. LINCOLN week mark the clot of the for the new building which .li petition with )It signatures
i on the. market for aale. The lot
ssesied valuation Bird Laid GIVEN It I b a common practice for iummtr Wednesday halfholidayat scheduled to be completed bv war presented Tuesday night to KEYS FISH FRY ,
the Homestead poet Office, 8E. we bought nearly two year ago
Jan LBen '
,placing tton the ballot la restaurants ind cafe to UM ornamental the rii-rWa City council asking :
I Uvlngiton poitmaitenj announced F King, who U donating from C 1 )tachenbergtf: Mrs
November election would l lace.more .
to make their
GIFTS plant t '
> tint Avenue B (Dixie Highway)
ger approval of $J, 50,000 Ih attractive ,both outside and yesterday. Thel post him services and equipment for Homer Davis at the future site of .
office, like moat other' pttte of foundation, broke the b.l toned for business Action wit 4
digging TO
i liauei for Jackson Memorial In. For psalm aervlc Utlofl :ON SEPT. 25 the ptwipaper'l plant co-lncl-
rital, bridge, -national, NEW CLUB to follow this Mm* practice I* business pi Uometteed, wl remain ground with his ditching machine deferred until the next meeting dental .Ilh the tale of the Lssder- ,
'"' I IpelllISt Wedneeday dissenters to n
armory, in auditorium and rather new but I II equally coinmendible l-fter- it the ground-bretklng wcmon/ In order to permit "
. j Dad Park7ri.4proposal While a week' noon Saturday. ,Jack: Ulmer of Miami register their protest Town At Enterprise building 34 H W.
,j{I for, .th* George Arbogait re- end at Palm Beach rec'eIlte t prr-scnted a pluqu to the local 1 tome Ernest. Robert In.ln..rDen 'END TOURNEY I Third it to the Tint Baptist ..
the charter of the new William A McAllister and Consulting Church. Th4 bu..beA
playground tu It Mug ' noticed ems beautiful exeniplM l post on behalf of W Crawihiw newspaper
(1 under th. provision of a City 1t1."I.'Club Friday! of lmdcl> ;:mrt about\ service SALES $1,367,240TFARMMAKI Post, and Commander Engineer Wm. Sydow were present occupying the premise on a twoyaP
I' act of the mT legl.Uture a charter hlght banquet in ttatlon In that vicinity. Philip\ accept' It for the local at th meeting less.The *. \

'n", which requires/ only ., R..ta rant attended by b membership TM Rev. Martin R.In >L O\Ir stained ,.,...... .... 11roMbI&.:btrndIrrtrl: ;of ppnuledtc
canba sId for the ?
friend*;Mt fcewber/ .Majority pf th*. ((voting ktl'Otatnblll; of win
;i' \' m& avor\. the II'. '.....""" flllt wanl* ..!orjanlMllptk! .'OOmm'flaroold. lanjlB >eV' arMUWil: : < .M'.Vrmver4ataUongwel "I do not believe that any otherorganisation A .resolution war pined to dti be |ioat to the largest crowd ever of 7* feet on Krom ever 41 feet
....: .. 7 : lWtIIi. f d.I between Miami and Wait Palm '4748: SEASON of any kind, hat ever continue town pick-up of outdoor to gather el. a single" point 'In the on Flasher aver and M feet on
"* of Fort Lauderdale gov toilet buckets on Mar 1, 1941 It then E. C, right of way n pro
Tnl 'wean* Mid .., 'done ai much for this community area, on Saturday, Sept. 85, whenIt
I sioner' Bird, "that If only f of the Florid. department Beach.Hamad two' at*hat Arrant-Smith Pott and Iam wu decided that the charge for will hold Its Victory. Jamboree, vldef ISOO square feet of floor
d ha* good et< Groal tale of t the Florida City
S S. Hol
Kiwanis Lt Gov ,
I freeholder. went to the lurethat citizen of the digging septic tanks with town! the official space enough for the aetwpkprr'eneeds
poll every and presentation
ample of the ua*:of plant to State Farmerr Market were 1. I price
t of Hollywood presided, and would be advanced and two rental units--one.
two voted for the of the tarn belief, equipment
playground community close of the record-breaking
make eervlce station much more, '",2.0.10 for the 1147-41 teaton.
Fulkemn of Hollywood edi .
Ordenfiled Fla-ler and the other
from to |40 on Oct. 1 on ave fora
It would be approved, and laid Mayor T' i K. KlrbyThes second annual tlahlt'lRtoum.m.nt.
The Italian owned ,byMr report Marketmatter C. S. Phillip
I commlaalon would have to :::: writer ot Klwanl N.ulnt'1 attractive men who served their before. that date will be kraall office or aloe, on Kromev
guest speaker : and Mrs George Brook kt_ Unit old totaled S24.B4I. ____ .
I annually for I i C ed en l.. _UA.. Two) hilled at the present rat i I. ,
a one-mlUJevy ( onau DlncUng th s prognroare
hi. address, Mr. Fulkereon I the corner of Ktngt Wlgnwty and nil Maaco, nampereo: only oy epee' Tentative plant are to tear out
next ten year or at lent \ out that modern business IT KronrM .v*. I II conaplcuouf b*\- blight hOwed a light Increaat I Harry Harris, chamber president -: and sell for salvage' the present ,
,' this itatut I II ,,repealed by a, competition). of personalities, cauw of lla| lawn and w.1l\ l chosen over U".41. which war handicap Chandler \Will Tell Avocado Men\ ; Ev Fowler, dynamic tournament i three-foot-hlgh floor of ._-b1 *
JeIaIRWre-whlch" I am lure I battle of dollar and that and well eared for I plant> Mr.*. by both blight and freeze general chairman, and sin planking with it* supporting \
be the case business man who hat I amble Brook I* planning to plant more Mr Phillip report Figure for Findings of California Industryport Mrs. Margaret Meskl chamber silo and beams, and replica
i "The statute make It .' asililed by I number of a
his list of asset hi the battle Vine on the wall adjacent to the 1I4I-47 show) S2UOI package manager It with a concrete floor of normal -
t t tory that the county I won In advance itattorf. 'The, ground. about 'thl* old at a green. valuation of' committees comprised of chainbetmembers level A hw entrance and
j submit the playground levy Pure Oil lUtlon offer a plndld'I 1'1,208.841.11. The record mason Mr, Tlmmoni formerly Legion member and
S presented the new Florida' A report on the! California avocado war more window will be cut to the I ,
.' the freeholder If five per club Included: an American, welcome to anyone entering for' the market wa 1645-46 when 1 I from Uanit to agricultural adviser to OPA DIrector -' heads of various fishing. center Krome awe side on which the
: the qualifiedtolera In the and a Canadian flag with Homestead from the/ north by III,(KM unltt of produce were iold industry Chester" A. Bowles Count' It will feature I fre. fish fry offlcet will front, and
:i sign petition to that effect ap'C. a gavel and bell, a ban, Route S7 for $2.014.88U4.At the eoiuunW, will be made to Agent Chat. H Steffanl and Aslitant from 4 to 7 p. m at the Legion the newspaper building. will b stuccoed: and
I I petition are now being -bearing the Klwanl emblem The Bishop and Son Gulf' ita. usual at the market, tomatoes avocado grower and 'packers"tI\\ Agent John W Campbell clubhouse 'In lalamorada, priM painted
ac11ll the boom days .It the name of the Florida\ City tlon has don much to "make were the leading commodity 7.10 Monday night In Redland are working with Mr Tlmmoni' presentations from T to 9 P m,, Right et the Intersection tit V
\ / (Continued on Pap Two) a _tar,'* kit and, two Homestead more etrafglse" | this year with 111,.417 School by Luther L Chandler. and Mr. Brooke and the four are: and a victory dunce from 9 p m. S. I (Fltgler ave) and State
sign bearing Inscription' ot through the UN. of gear, abrub field boxes sold at an average holding advisory! conference this' till\ midnight tt the same center Highway 27 (Krom ave), the 'y
time and place of the club and tree I price of $IJ9 and a total of $!.- who recently returned from an' week with the vsrlou *ubcommittee Open to the public with the several newly-purchased building Itconsidered -
j[ FOCAL MASONS meeting . The nice plot of gnu* In frottt 23941004.; Bean averaged $301 onthepot study of the Industry altos research group hundred tourney participant Just bout the moat strata'
of the newel eiub.;)tn of the Standard bit; tt tloq at the C hamper and grossed '$11.141.n I The meeting It being called by. (MJionor Nests, It figure a true glc: location In Homettead. Beside
|) TO \' to Mf, Arbogatt' Ire: corneri of Flagler, ;and theme for 25,114 hamper Squash the Florida Tropical Fruit Grower , celebration for the hlitory-mak- no longer being "Just behind hanaptlst
D sler. fleet vice-president, must been mighty\ fertile koll If averaged |).!l a hamper and Association which urge all NEGRO LEADERS Ing US-day tourney. Church", the Leader-En
Lewis second vice*preel-I I judged by) the crop of, signs limit grand I32.2BS.M for 10,083 Interested grower to attend.. I Fowler said several hundred erprlae after removal to Its new.
f f'DISTRICT': ; end Arthur Troxell secre- It ham raised' It II 1 true th,t the hamper D. E Tlmmon and Donald dollar In additional prima had location, will be 'The Southernimt .
,- Director are the owner .ll not responsible for all Cabbage grossed tttlit at an Brooke, aconomlnU of the Florida I SEEK TO BUILD been posted for the outstanding' Newspaper on the MsWtnd.
'"I Martin R. Davis )lettered I cfth_. average price of f 1U a bag, andpeppel' Agriculture Extenilon: Dlvlalon Mich made within the tourney of the United State.1'CNOINEtlfNO
i, Jo*, a Robert Jr. \ WUlard Severy, David Mention ihould be mad of s ales groaaed 11,11! 35 at ClIme here this week by request ofUie : SO-Tnll Upper Key boundaries
I| deputy of the 13rd Maionle (Continued Page Two) pretty and well arranged yin an average price' of $.." a ham grower** research committee LOCAL HOSPITAL during Sept.. 21 but the fish mutt : DKPARTMtNTcoor
: Net of Florida. wlU make hi* growing on the lattlc beild the per. Cucumber, lima, English Of which Mr. Chandler It chairman be weighed at in official weighing ATE/ WITH cum y
official visit, to -.... Royal ervlci, aUtlon en the' tornrt ofCompbtll pea, okra and corn mad up thereat to fo over and tabulate the Construction of a 30-bed hospital station and the entry blank
MatonU,Lodge of. Homestead EASED 'CHOP dr.and U,'8.1. of the market males cost record .of the Chandler re-, poulbly on a donated five presented by I p. m. *t the Legion The County engineering rfepart "
, !Thursdny night, announce .: A conUauout wheel of concMe acre site near Oouldi, I* the gal clubhouse In Istsmorcda. The men! win be reprtsented& tonight
i i Norman, worshipful matter of about a wevlc elation U otivenient of local negroleader 1 headed special awards will be mud In (I a meeting of the member of
i local:'lodge..,Among .oth. dJ ACREAGE SEEN and e *\Uyt'clexnw), but 18-Year-Olds to Register for Draft t I Arthur Mtyes prosperous* negro by tag three division of general' ortrolUng the roaddde, beautification rommlttee ..

$, Uric' expected to be present along with Oil a little well kept grower and grove owner! '. To date. plug casting and fly catt In the1 garden 'center<,atRedland
j frank A. Brown peat grand "' ... wed bed ._LBWIL.-- emBlt _lmrh--'--H-ln- -- fporyer 1 At Miami C of C After September 18iUl the negroes' have raised 14 000 toward ing..* well M a ipedil "leen-ag* fruit and Spice.Park, an:* "
Grand tlJ planting
jter of the Florida are beds and ornamental plant' inappropriate I construction cost*. The gilt division for young rod ana reel nouns Herman neiniein. club!
S and Roy L Martin an V>* winter tomato crop which container will givea angler! II years of age and under. halrmao. Map and charts wtl1Tbso 4
site I I. located Just east Of U. S.No.
slight born In report Mrs. L.B
in Men who 1130 birthday
the Grand Led'S. will show a were
freah and attractive appearanceKe.p awards Include gold be brought to the mettlng forstudy .
I and north of Gould
T' Altar the meeting "0 thin season, predict C. S. before JK *r' being ,., *- chief registrar at Home- '
on; the watch fof aefvk Sept I Luther 1,. .Chandler, who met (Continued on Page Two) he said
Will be heId.,fw Hwhtch 1rTI manager ot, the Florida stations which nave ,,been mad.btracUrg .I tered for elective aervice today The one registration center with the
manta *re .being made by State Firmer Market. County vow be Rooms promoter Friday looming I,
through the Ingertot and tomorrow at Homestead aDd
I I Morgan, W:E McLane and ..'. Increase are expected uie of plant material If you ',&- the Perrine city hall. iUl la the Miami Chamber of In that tn study advisory of the capacity,economic, adVised Former Homesteader Voices Gripe :
| N. McCartney. for potatoes, pole beans and jl ' building at 141 V E- '

f''flailing} "We hope that every local Mr. Phillip to say the.. Some other hete>reclateauch Utiont, and thing by illrn patronlt< )..ttf pods After tomonew.the CIr.niucl'nliatntioa regulaooej require ..iv station*. Just, opposite aha maidFive the Mi angle of the Institute project be It mad ll estimated itTuakeget ;.,0fi Dry Limes Bought in AtlantaA ';
Mason will
attend are turning .
I account of the tell tb attendant that )pots "jike 1 that,: men: mint relte hundred six registrationshavab.a that' under th' present.Inflated ., .
meeting say* Mr, Norms crop on .
tappearance. within five Jay after their eight-
j The lodge I Is trying to of tomato; blight dur* handled at the Homestead - --price, cost or hospital protest against the julreles. than California iemoos. Ko won.
framed picture of .*U Itt the past few season* center *lne* the beginningof building and equipment would. Persian limes eft-red on the At- dar the market It flooded. ,
masters for hanging an the one hundred America I Should Lead in FederationOf registration en Au,. '0. Three be as hlgn ai' $> a bed. Mr lant* market at "a higher price -While we lived In Homed .
F walls, says Mr Norman. The of pepper are already up : hundred ten wire whites, and IM Chandler aay* than California lemon U voicedby I quite t few lime fan our wave, .
< lure Mould be mend to W. flourishing. Mr. Phillip re* World Say:. SOT timist(; Speaker were negroes.Young Dr. / A. Smith county physician Walter Howard West formerHomestead but I harder think they Ware of
: 'Morton, : mm between age II and and Mrs Marlon Bernecker resident. UiU week this variety. Also, It aem that
I ,\ :26 liable for registration under sod Mn. Otle a Wilts, public In a letter to the Leader-En moot Of the,on** shipped went
; Tb only way to **v* efvilitt! States would lea) the way the the Selective Service Art of 1114' health nurses, are tnlstlnf the terprlst. )fro West, now student north and to the nUddl west It' i
:' !,Tropical Food rS'to Talk Uon I II to rtrongthen the United' United Nation would Poems become who h... failed to register. t* agroel In '&their proJ.F. a|Georgia Tech enclosed three of look to, m* a* though a bit
''I P NatfixuC-flv'* the world gov a federal world governmentand :prescribed In the Freildrot's the Immature lime with' the acid southern market II I being, over.
"' To Garden Club Richmond Field ettment authority to enact wld peace would, be ,aeccan. b* proclamation art reminded of theplltalt. I P. H Pknt ti"t,5ltlerTopic' i comment, "Mo wonder the market lookd-nat isms except for tile .
. J 1 law and to maintain world peke. concluded.tmmcdlitt: ... provided b>)' the law for of 'T8r to Lion I is flooded. culls."I
. Tom Detroit of Miami told& the such failure. Section 12 (a) or the Get good lime 011. wider know there art. better.feme* v
A program on tropical food tropical botany, Soroptimlit dub of South Ital. 'Work' toned eel provkta lot penalties u. to I Speaker foe flue Redlead, market and Dad County won't than lisle .ta Dad County and
rtb will be given at : the program, froMn Juice County at lIe luncheon msttttwlMonday tlO.OOO fine and rive years Inv District Lion Club Tuesday night: b* able to supply th' demand.", be were they Stopped around the
field mouth campus of th' be served by the research ; On Church: Youth Center prtsonmsnt If eonvlcted of evadIng were J. B. filer, chief engineer of predict*. South 1 doubt If they would to
Verity / and cake will be Mr. DeWoIf state organizer Plan for I Immediate construction or refusing to register for the South Florid division 'of Mf. WetVi letter follows: 'begging 1 lathe binS ** (peas art
ol Miami" Monday by the garden cfcb. It.the Uatat World Fedrll, slectlv **rvk*. Florida PoW and Light ('0.. and "A few weeks back 1 read' (an doing. Get good lime on a wider
ire memW* of South Dade member will meet at 'T JO fn&, and student at the J01vr* of 1M, .*.iketbeJl.tonaliourt Tb Stoctt Senrtct Aft'provide County" Concmbalofwr.,Prttto*.B.Bird. arUp141;! Itt the Leftder-Enterprl market and Dad County want
den Clitj'", announca Mrs ,th* garden' center In Rrdland rity of Milint aid thy,tvorid of TJi* tW youth center. of also that persons registered .t/ about the Brat grower getting! to* bt abU b demand.
Heinlelu, president. and Spice Park and Jortn 'a situated today II-.rm a* tfl-th, First Baptist:Church wer* made roust keep with .them. at *11 times 'Mr Hlervwno w ag bitssdlrcadby gaaVr and agreeing- I heave the "7 I IM add II Is.atrabgt
TM meeting Will be held ta for tilt trip to the lab dtpaUod'In which: Juf II og) >lUlcolonk by the youth committee Sunday the registration certificate Issued If, H. Hymen company dlvltton fruit on the trees rather than flood to always see California avocado
laboratorles .fnJ kaI 'plant )**, Those .ho lied tranr. found themselvt and afternoon at a meeting: with the to them at the time of regurtr menage, told bow the 7. P.L's the market Such 0 plan might lit .hit the fetoret! 'rather' than shoes
food 't o reh. 3peker( wU tIqa *r* puked;to.tetephoa* the solution wffl i Ja...* .to*\\JO. WhHt, pa-tor n the too. FaOurt to produce sucn registration new Cutler plant will Improve aUVIr*- lit DIll thing".Xh* tom South Florida '1
t>. Arthur' U BUM, reaearch Helnlein or Mr*.,.t W. Bur* he Maine pattern; 'Moreow.. tba ::V"'ohn.t: ctrttfleate' when called South"Dadt service and touched I market doent! seem-to b*' flooded "T Just eouidnt .'tnlst::txtttnfthl
f_ of food technology: United State started Without I Committee member are B. HUvensoa upon to do to by person. author on the difficulties of construction I around her it least, with grijt*.ff ray ehest becMst I "
Margaret Ja Mustard a- ) Intemted I S. tovited to universal ntUlcatioa, he atld.'and ( Howard L: Johnson i bed under th*. art, make: the caused$ by shortage of material Ima* worth buying-- Tae three vn+rltopi to Iwiana,,and fcantuii : \ ,
ta food technology, and & \ the dub add the It aooawva. those who at Aeme* H BoberU 1'1...V*>'gO Loll, rs.MrasU. mbtoct U penalties! inv Mr. Bird talk I* atmtattdabvwbtr ::UHM enclosed are examples ofwkt aiilana why torat 'of those f:',

i fcynch. research profewor of -1"" .......,..... had rehwd totoaxlf the iI'OrvaJ, }.... ..\-f. ; !N W i IIW ',.J. fN 1 "la titsvisor./ *' ,,: we ft .hart at higtiar riles ***a.Majf "**m1,k* ttTt Ik**" .;"
, c w' -- . !.... "

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3. ,
.1 a. ':;1//: ,t ,

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Friday September 17 1048
The found It exceedingly diffleult .* HIGH TRIBUTE' Tuft FdfewsMp I GMt IIlLLH II : brathar. Choral Yea ....c..j .. eaalea.Ia }11M ertiap .,1 "Perak Leaser lallUweretde enltrlQl.
._ ("t lhi turnout at an .......... WomMl WeddlI.. .111111I11 MH, Southern CoUeft I. dal..5sasr. a aetta i to Albert 1 I Academy at. 0..... 'j:
I Leatler-Enterprise The rent her bass that even ((0aIatIMItf fMn. Pep OM IIIr "...... .mamaa III tea. versa I' awl an ... I In Miami 1 l"Hle Oa . \
Uvili_ iKodod bond lame haft eIIJP'" < *.a alga aoll are teearela A'wumanlesa wedding *.. pre Years Ritw of Memartiieil and Clarence' -
ax trssaM lit kal.. tOn f..-. Rdre. tIM. la, lea. ait1R In.5lrtda. (St,120 Ado Pop of fKU.* VlMhl WM cAr r. "w
Ih . .. ..... : ... 1
--- -- -- JOlla, ua.r h .H' I CII . "'.. .. bra| d Seyt s T
a ..,.. MaMw lavitrafl ....... ell .10 *thSoN.wIMp . .
N W noN a n.-4 r.t"1u..i Vt and M.. Jets C Anaat
=.-n...VImUMII Ilwt W pen aM'ppltdtltf M tIer ............1 Hat the gmtral,.... for*. Vhoftwere b ..wdbl... MEN.I . .,
the county fareholderabund t'd'wMr. JaM) will al rwrtemi the* ..
\ flven by John Among the rollcg atudem areuay '
. ud '
lame N/ktlenoe: seer/ pod
ever' .
.rlwaas.d scab far Hielr eoetlteaa: moss svrral boy *S the frllowakia.Mlet . Lick tu edttol are M*- Do It! :
towj to
[. "J any la favor of shading Helen Lutiart Someone
r 7Saw and meta to title'community.** AMedar and MM Non: aM{ .
a0 Itlt
LUCH Ilk '
requirement er
.. .. I Anita, theta were aolotat ahdpkIIiat Lurtlle Brawn, Mta Beth rVfe,
fever ci given l alas 1
par rent but lain net to Short addresses were far UK "weddtnft. Wonxii.Mlu .
j : flortda Stale Collfge tat
.4a imU'5
.. .Sae typing I down tM ban completelya I fey County CMnmtatoner Press la U>e coat sires KdwartfjChartdlec. nUM Ktdi a rUWteW We Better Shoes
lisle' I.f7. miuU doss Min*- .Ian B. Bird and M- /, Baker,.inanM mtatoVrr; John.CbandW Oeariia. John Their. Harold brought you i \!.
,.. over. when you veil.* band*, the I .r of tbe TMUM DfrtrlctQtarnNf >) bride; Kichard Eerier bride1'09JII:1' -I Roberto John WeftmorelaixL Idol
......Wf"MOJf. ..... Mgaytnent.4* app ever'",jaer4odtwenl *C Commerce I M three : I".aid Rkhafd TMrhjk, IdWiallfnegu Now we bring yoU : 4 4'ter
........ Of .... Ju.". M *, .Flare' ae that j$J JOn w1 Mil. mmmandera. of the }Jhree- 1..1'; '''' ,*,,t a I; Ot: > and WlOiani MorrKQhlvenltr ,)
aT mitt would mnrvUt ''' I Laar>od| fcxBt, James C. Venn, J. '
} s -'.' rat4 tirn j.. year J.ItutDgMadiq I Jerpr !!B umler ., t. Pond, lad Ml*
| ,af interest asP knld.4 'I. odwM and Vernon W. Tur- '
carp brUnmuMa Ronnie Clonlnfer ;
j, ; and Willie Mae: ItXfjormdl I'wt1 tirr
'I..... ..... ....,;,:.. -- tequfremem Htuna want for all approved of Owwe 'wr', alw teaJatroducad" doll Fredrick, tfotonmnan, rrankijbeMello. : .. pfwCanaMlaadillU. lower Sho t PricesOur <
.. "': war: Mrs grit rlngbaaref: DOtHf' TOVlSk. n"1KfIO :
:=.o.'OI t.: ... I' ; hrld.... preektent of flit V. f.V(,<""I.|. nower girl); John Bells 1! ATHLETE fO T ITCH ,
t, ira: .' Out sang cenn' th|. AuiJUarn Mil Jam et,C;. ?laRa .f the brld i Richard HOW TO rror nto Z... a. ..w,,,
-Vn- Statute 411. and Yan i senior wlce-preaWent of the s s :fro father of th* bride: Jlro- I MAn.. ldNV'ltbit.1(11.
PLAY LEVY JIj key that Inter ta one pertmnt c( rtorida and a Palmer,, ..., baby brother of the' ot.. "e,4wataayosi eire stock of famous
",;,' 'Ink pr'(1)Mct) huthernth :prwOdcnt of the loral 'UK.tUarr.j bride; laser }yralkup, colored ": --- J Fortune and Matrno-Arch Shoes ;,
jXCmeNauai from. P.i* On) gear H bright" amount le *O4 I and Mr*. It P. Rutherford t,put nun; and Boyd Cobernour colored w ewe IOU aat w tHO lui.-.*.,Ian Coder areM NtMJlm b.5n: .
pOMtbkl u 4tr the "law er'a fan *X.n, became the ne-anfl] i prwldent cf lies uUUrr maid. I .o&1JQ. 1r I BensonEIeclricMaaataa hu been reduced to:
handful. o t fcroprrt* *war* to .* ittrakt* no"tr how much thefeoperty I Bow war taken by District I
H the' poll Md ImjM** haul tai valuation 1 fcacraaae. I Comnumdar Robert I WilIU .f ..
ttatdrusyaeotawwNner. dBird. ..,. in no n if net good twalneta Miami Dmch Chas B. TorbM
"To correct this abuae, our -wore* tnaa that. It I illICIt com 'vUrni' MTvk editor at OnMiunl Hart** AIR .q'
title went to the other extreme moo aenae W* are urging, U this Daily News. Henry Wl-. $9 0
f and adored I few Jaw requiring remmUekn la forrrt to put thai,1 enberper.1 Wed fttan Beach. _
thai<++*M per cent f : ..., JeownI..1IIt rticItoIoie ill that all free-Md vote. a.ala..tIt Con of Tort Ludrdila, ; $10.50 p aq ,
a election. .tad we have on the round that' It provide I t Meyer *f HlafeaK and Chi.Schafer .' S rrke: ; o! .. ... Y6 A- '
Per a duplication of cpunty-aro : "' '"
i. Al Buldra Ben Shiver 'j Jt1.asmlid,
I uW.YYral YrY' .r'WY1.r.YrrraKKl1 vided parka playgroundi\ sad and Jerk Ulmer of MlamU
:. youth. note, sad UuUla paaaag Th* ceremony followed dowa Jleptln '
. ..**.w". **..!*. .CtowralJ needed sill Imperil bond laaue approval*." of vitally town pkrada I .
Initiates Into the Cantles, fun
The haj Cnyaold Park tIlleetsls Ri.lpa; IMeie ,
county making crjanltallon of the V F., a _
and. HauJovw Beach Park In the -- .
W Th candidates, dressed hi .
.I' ocw paArlaADoIIaaee.
nrth end of the county, and Lay :
$ grotesque e ltu"were ropedtogether
talheaon and Crandon parka In I II
/ .111.1.. to lockstep be '
atuth-vmtral Dad Bird ,
Coaaty hind the traditional goat, led by
pointed out In addition the proposed Ruther Sullivan.
bond Issues. provide UtO00 ,- '!JOI .. s
It rUalh" tMxl. Althwaye for development of Home Phone 442
th Miami ru, Mead Bayfront Park In South Jimmy Walker
i iI Dad. At the meeting tonight two -
, ... delegate. and two alternate will
I "j"" '" I'' I 10: :: : l: : I'' qa PARKIN
be, elected/ for the' dUtrict eon, PRNLEMs
AKHOGAST vanUon b be held I Oct 10.11 In'Comps.
President Aitpgart also
Continued from Page One
( ) .
will be
a delegateMember
4 Roberta, Harry. Cvchlrlla, Herman $US.STAnot
AUTOMOBILE: GIt.eme and sam Po"" Charter of the local Club are F. P. Itcher"Jr..OptGmdrbt rte
!D\'lt.c11o attend the' charter night liomcsteid. Phone J39l|
member,besides thoae mentioned
j Insurance I are John Backer, Rudy ... Bray, dinner of the> Lake Worth Hotel clubat I .
George Washington !In
1. Cherry J. B Ooh.7.nIIIIvlt -
Be i E. Croweoa, w.... F Cody. Wait Palm Beach no reIIS. K. MOWlt 'IT..
... R. txgltr1. Chat. Dt) Stefana. 1FITZPATRICK'S HOMXSTZADTwMdty
John H Hale tame M. Orlggert John U. Fit. KEYS FISH FRY I .
Tony' Cuoriardo, Henry Jaquea. *. 'rbtaa4yPkoxe .,
'I' Grover L. Xeiter. H Grady "4.( (Continued from Page One) : .atardairtDr.Leoritr4W.Hackb. i iI Build'
PheaMtt 141-1"
I ton. Lila I Maroklo. Wra. C. Morton trophies, an electric outboard uI . Richard Mattaon. Imberiyl I AMont motor, liaherD n', rain jacket FINE FURNITURE I t
L C. Pyres, J a Robrrtt outdoor* shoes, rod and reel, a 1- ,
Ir a c. Boa Glenn diroedar, specially dMlgnad tackle box. a Custom Rui'lt of Mahogany and Other Wood
Walter 1. tchultt. E. n. TiadatoWMnirk ., tide variety of tackle Includim Cablaei Wert-Ckalr c.a..aat1aWaIa.. -- With Our Lumber
> Todaro, Bam Tomawl' line UMIH, flle, etc. and many Cat.....,.* Dr.*nedlanl Rd.I Jflreae SNI I

t Arthur...,--. E......Troxtll... Paul Vann and'other' prUM. - .. .: : .......t aa SteOt4A8SE....... I
f 1 -------+---- -- -- - - --" .c-.r-
.... ... ..
1 ... J $ ,1 Lea the safest and cheapest J In the I long run.
L ;
'" ,
d i iI T pi sf.t; ... a:. ..... Strong, sturdy, ,timber makes stronr support for
I Ai, cs.ass.siPBONZ
t I I_ 14151_ ..J your home-your walla, your floors your beams,

and anywhere else where Quality wood is needed.


M< 0nuaeIata1a.J antal> W. D. Home Co. Inc.

sGXQve;: 'Hardware and Building Materials"
.. .
RANK Sw 1. owns

....Wa a WeletMrieif h*V,..aetcdetduM wasters ; 11 N. Krome Are. Phone 277
Moves in New an. Mal ""f n***** otr
: j>aM. Eye = room ua-w
Oeoa AM* lewd easy ,
a____ We how a hwburakf , .'n.4. .+j.I....
>.ail laP elegy typo iwlaiia. CIoot I
t*ta hUoeMttoa end adme*a erg '
... .. .
paabl.e. --

Breaiiey Building "Jf 'd.

'. .29 PI11Gailpu . Why 1 1AB Worry r" : 'y ,lIT :

1 Monday Sept. 20 :
I 1U.1M.--- ..tFertilb YOUR .

cAll .is.... ".r P111 ....... .
!taw prw15a hl 1!Mme'' I

SMITHGRAVESG4e ser Problems. ?

"", ITIIE .' .. .' . .t -, I L ".'. ". . :-' I .

1 ;237 N. KROME AVE. Directly AeroM: tM

..:JL. .' .__ ... Try Reliable
)' .", ,... Street From Baptist Church ., . .

A T TOE - -- .. I l "' '
Brand FertilizersACTUX :

4f Dressed and CutUP'' ,

j "my '" ,-
r '
: : ,.. . IlANYF $D' INFACTORY JtQ"'f3I'JjAD' : '

. (Buy. ita M ces, ym like) {*t i.J. >, .ltlCT J! OM TO GROWER

. .. ', .' ... \.. .: l' ..' : : .l'; ,
r111t i OtDMtMoMF .

'; ."' '. All Popular Mixes on Hand:. . ., .,. '

! Tropical and ::'m: !' ..' 6t5_. IW J88' .*' ,lo.1-M" 1 V II' .

fob Fish Food .Atilt' Aunt p c+NmRS,, 't, r .

ami Grave ..... :1itts.. oa Be..ett (one ton loU. only)'. ..... .

.- . . ; .
Cjvpkec 1\0 I'

',wrtrrd: rrtyiff',! ara '

Reed's Poultry' Stor5'N. f10 JaEa tt Coast Fertor Co.

...,-' Ir _' 'j. '' . CoIl., .' ...,. c: $, t'f' Mr Pst14 Pt.,
Pti e.I8, ay'L ,
., I......... AWl-I; .. . .:. :
I .
,f ..

". ):"r-. .""" . ,,} .",-t ," "P' ,'" ;" wr'..:c..L... ,... .nvJ '. M. ... ... '..... ...- '" .....,...r ; .- ,- .. . p----- ......


............. .. .. .
r LT A7RAP ,yq hN4 h oM AM'" ." .. ,,..-. .. '-. . -" -


: : .: : - ... ..
._. ... .... .. . -....-.....-. -....-....-. ..... .. ... .. t._".'TO' ....
..... .. -,. - -, - -
.. ., .
-- .v" .. .::::;:::t'... . .tC" .-... :1. . . .. .__..._.._. wnnr' ,.,, ''-.;.......... ........... t- ,, 4.1'. :'

I'J J,

HOitt '!'BAD LNIf PB_ IttfWf .
J'riday..8eptemberl'7.1848 . . : Raft"

1 lea Diet I4 ........ ..., aetMtUnM*) ...m>l>n I I IMudent II M punutng the ewrtrukitm In .1.1net
Southpaw Curl 'Could Be FiSmNG"NE\fS\ ..M After BIrth last Air week tile* il4 OMw via PmarnipIle instilled I. .tram OM Ceuoty | .**.*. 1

I 1AIMoId haae s iMaes I.Isl Step M II N. Impose vm,
ft IP FACETTI t4 e.a of Mr. and Mr*. VfriMMM .. nport lfstt'era ... J.ssNan. .*.' .
Next Middleweight Champ 1, T' GODWIN .t Kamoateed dW I Monday teletar. *. were ,.a* *M..%jr .' r :'

Set*. 18, at Jam* Amber Karri RafrlgaraUoe ServlM ol .J !
Smith Hospital, M how after 9'4. |3'
aaaadwe. Hobart t1edM1 bIrtII.fa Announcing ;
By JOHN WAtVWlUICBTLeader ,end H PMMtt rMttd Ik* raofaerow to his lie 15 Co to Miami Baptist
xMIUM parent
spate Writer. rMeHk. Utftt t Mid. caught
j I' ... end leaves i wlu Met. wh. It la to ,
1 j 40 poW* T X>MT punta Sunday &hooll\freUnl\
Frt7"e trials and wcky Jimmy Curb tormwJt t'hil{ bDI"w.1IIJIIIII Incubator at Jackson Memorial
out of San Antonio. Te.... oars be HwmifeiMl to MJ4tiI\\e. ,grouper Mb Ann Rheney, Don Don Hospital Nineteen. member of Filet Bap {
t > weight tittle champlocuh'p Of the world B t tkVjrcara. Ralph Dettlnger end Jack Arrangement for cremation today JUt Church attended a meeting" ot Vann Electric ,
The twenty-two year old boxer ,thai) triad their luck at Un Old are In charge ot Turner Fw- \the Miami BapUat Sunday School I
was raised from two month old KOed tie fighter Red Keck.' h. Card Sound bridge and reported nerd Horn AIIad.UOINonda\ night in Uerald ,..
to U yean, her, by hi* grind- two voiindi and ataricd,off a ttt > nice catch ot ena**!* mint BapUat Church. In the "4
mother, Mr*. Beetle Sanderson tit carter which I* ajhtta) by i red grouper*. Ann hooked a 48pound Mrs. Vtnn Tells V. F. W. group were the Rev. and Mr. 3H. Electrical Contracting and Repairs :::1; i I iy5
( ,
a Whltt. Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
string of knorkeut Kulp,
ol Homestead. Other relative In barracuda and with I little ;
Homestead are hi* uncle, J. F Arena Miami theee't. <4t
1 Curl and It. L. Godwin" and hi* abet c.t".e : Mr. Mid Mr*. John Barker taj HlgHtlghU ..tIe National V ,and Mr.. Frank McOwaln Mr. '
oulix. Council President J. T bared thug ahMe1 keavrVtofclElmee the moequltoe In Steamboat P. W. encampment la St Lou and Mr & W. Stevenson, Mr. i ,
/ i and Mr A. E. Smith, Mr .
H. JDatla. And Service Station
1t tees ,
Godwin. tope kneeklag
f Ray Creek are a llttt fcad. but even were given for Arrant-Smith Pot Mr*. H. Collier, Mr. J, IL i
t Jimmy aloe was born In Dfan-- eat Ia1.ree gyk-a-tew yean' to they brought:!home H nap- Monday night by Mr.. James C Drawdy. Mr Fete M..I
Ingham. Alt, on May 18 IS28served agar. m ****mOn :per. IKTUe'at'TawntIer. Van, delagkt. from the &labeleugniary. D. H. DeUlnger* Mr*Morgan 3. R. bore I 1
In the navy and received the local front Jimmy till a 1 .
the Purolc Heart record of tlx tfhodouta In tlx I Sept Low H48Irtgh Mr.. Vann, aentor! vlce-pret tey and Mr B H Btetenaon. i Gasoline Oil- G rcase & Wash Jobs 'i :

The .ewer-parked southpaw bout He has scored KO over I dent ot the department served If I
8-04a tilt a.m. I
I Sept IT : :
a / la neither 11Itimid about Flat Dever, RUM Baxter, Boy chairman of the Dixie banquet In l L
Sept IT 8-tlpm 101pmSept : ReH. & Reynolds of
vane Oawaldo Silva HenryOlemel'Wad .
lib ability In the squared. ring ptvm at the encampment by Florida \ ' taSam Miami& will pre.dl iu CuuUkBapUat
Indian GomeLIn
TeatMal Jimmy this about and auilUartee. She
till MiMtlewtli. . ,wy dlvloieat*WfcIt ; the test lx outing* Curl has I Sept 1$._ M. p.m. 181pmSept : poets the local officers with proanted Church Sunday al the II,
II I:Warn. 2:51: s.m. m. and fSO p. w\ eervttes.RCIiOLARRIIIR Old Central Service Station Bldg. \
leaded with *M me*. We fought 01\1,110 roumtitht 'maxi IC.,11'pmu mechanical pencil, give by the .
kidding. Take Tear rate MaiwlCerdaa. mum for 1 tingle match. During Sept. El Dorado Ark, poet u touvenln.
20 .. e 4t a.m 1:31:: ads.Sept OFFERED
lerky Graalan sad the last fight with Comet, .Jimmy" : of the banquet. Corner N.Krome and 2nd St.
4. 20 ':01p.m. 84Bpjn: A real estate
Jake LaMotta-ihei'r* reltlaceld. djdnt even work Up I swat H* scholarship
Heoeatly, I think I elmknnk'me KOed Indlaa In one minute and Sept 21..10:11: ado SBBam. amounting to |J40'1" to be givenat rhone 182 Homestead \,.:
OSprt.Sept Catholic Youth Choir
all rat SI eeconda of the opening canto Sept 11 It:38 plot : the University ot Florid by ;
Curl. I la In ttourton now, training I K 10,88am. I.82: ant Changes Meeting hour the Key** Company Miami realtor .11It
Curl who lost a Chicago right
Sept. 12 II::08 p m. 105 *. hfl
to Sylvester Perkins in early for a 10-round meeting with 1140am. P.I'III'j choir ;
Sept 28 : : The children' ef Sacred i .i
future bout I II will be awarded the unl-
Bobby Sykes. A by
August, uy he was over confident ( : Sept 13 I1U: p.m. UO Heart Church will meet In the ---- -..---- --_.- j
being arranged for him there
about the and trilned I _
negro" I
church: at 1 clock each Saturday "
Only one day before the evtnt against either Steve Ballola or SCHOOL FOR MIKES L
ENTTK8: afternoon instead ot at II o lcd
Curl think the welterweight Sunny HomeBAPTIST. I I Miu Bene Strickland hit enrolled In the morning, announce Mir
chimp, Bay Roblnaon-now tryingto In the school of nurt'nf' of : Cecilia 011 v.; director Children,
break Into the middleweight SCHOOLIN St Vincent Hoapltal In Jacktonvllla la young at four year ot age art '
bracket might give him trouble. She *.ai graduated In June Invited to the practice by Mir We proudly
The Florid Texan lay he would from Homestead High School and I(Olive who asks the co-operation\ present: ;
lei around to the KO though TOP FOUR OF has been employed thin summer of the mother I :
Jimmy would like to step Into ei a telephone oper'lor at the '
the light-heavy division, but Manager local exchange LEA\tS FOE GCKMANY '" j
Parka says lhlt,lit thinks h* MIAMI DISTRICT Her parent. Mr. and Mr Pvt Norman. Conner, ton 01
ha*.th* next middleweight chsnv' I Luther Strirkland, and her .1.ter'l Mr and Mrs. Jo*. D. Conner 1 left
plon of the world, and they will, The Sunday school of First Mill Loulte, took her to Jacktoavllla Camp Kilmer; N J* Monday bl e
JIMMY.CURL take that title before moving up' Baptist Church II one of tour In In their car Saturday plane for . feaalble Champ Jimmy Curl' complete record Miami Dllt.rlland II In Florida occupation force In German, -; w
ao far I I. 4} win against 51 sUrts. rated at standard report the Rev CLtS STUDIES CAMERAS Pvt Conner enlisted In May and '
George LM to Pitch He has 81 knockout In Ms last John H. Whltt ....tor. To achieve Technique In the use Of mall took his bask training at Fort Ir
17 matches h* ha knocked 24 out this rating a, achool must meet cameras were explained for mam-' Jackson, S. C. He era home on
Here Wednesday Night and lost only one fight rigid requirement In, leaderihlp,'ben ol the new camera club I furlough before his tranaler '10
With'tbeuveatljer permitting Curl didn't know about his curriculum memherthlp and tacilItlea Wednesday by Jack Levy, club. Camp Kilmer
George Llal'and 1 the Boca Raton magic left hand until about two h* aald (sponsor. Each member wa* given
nine wilt Journey here and a half yean ago when he The local school of whl-S! Mn Individual Inatructlon In the use. vited to attend the club meeting
night tor an'exhibltlon cam up out ot an audience to J. L Kulp I II superintendent had ,ot his camera I|held at a o'clock each Wednesday r
\the Homestead .Wtdnelda'i I fill In for an absent fighter. He an attendance ot. 810 last Sunday All camera enthusiasts are In- afternoon lt" Flagler Fotothopon \ .

The tame wu ach
Saturday, but duto rain, wa| ?
called off It should be a pltcher'l
battle with Homesteads Fred f
Fucru pitted against Boca Raton<
George Lint.. : ....(: if

I r If T \\'L..j I <

a O Ae ; .._ '

et't.EVOIVING'0OOr'' 5 : -1 ilME,4rY: j ; j'

''' .
DEMON ;; ;I .. '

K "' IV'I' !
reeu a Nrv i 1t . ., ;I .
I r "'
mtv w M MK1P" I
., fl. 1'<'1 I
ioer i.
w J D I Mlle.I '; 1a .1 r I A

I '"k MVARIa rI f 1 I

I x"oc1VA "IL
( cur, "w , ' i
( .- complete
5 <: .

r f 'I1 \

",''oj,. paint service \ (:

a... wpM I en 1.1 Iwo .. .... ,
.L..M a.t M MM ... II
111.11. tin 4.-.rf. atMITSHgLtp I
: RI"'cI. .
.. .... ... .... ...IilnN .t .
.11.111' lad In accordance with a traditional policy of offering the leading
__ .I/.d .... a. ,... ..... i ,
e..'.... f. .5.1i .......... ( 1 products in every field, the Glade and Grove Supply Company.Is

proud to announce the expansion of its paint department as an I

exclusive source for "the ,,'orld'lIneat quality" . Glean Paints!

//I : _, i Far from being merely another ; 1 1branded'

"line" of paints, the eS; : J
r Gleem Paint family provides a 1 4 i
complete paint service. Gleem Xt) }

has specialized Its products to

the "N'th" degree to give you the I f

sorTWaAIPN@tiBT r right paint for the right job '
was rta'rr
,'1 1i' ,' time I
] IS M *&l sKJa 4 every
>fOM THB DIAL OP f\ .f

JTBJBPHONBTa Whatever your purpose if ,

you're painting a barn or a book a }

is shelf, you can have;the world's I

aC finest quality for no more than r .

I ., Ordinary Mainta. , If you "make
J ) .(t"pJetpA1 1 \ .

1( t a I 1 '

\ WHO PUTT6 CABBIES LINE OP A OCVOtHOUSE COM- \J .i 1: ierets} a' GllEEM) paint for every job! !

I PAINTsTASTHMA. . CWIIy weartierwill;aoonb he e.Jlre you **i for i'' MODERN' OILHOUSE I . Gleam hoes Falat i Ol..... Well.* Glee Weed. fraeief
. It? Are facing a winter of the tWven, sniffle.,,, '
V ((1."" .. < .f' you I OleeaaOle.. ..UatrEnynel Rat) GINa Easel Uodereeater.
r "*, .ucUlM"l "'and nrM ntrwu! that occempany moke- Glees DeLuxe I. ..l .
. 1// .. .. .1 r'" ,, Clee_ ants Teae a. Gars reel Bam .
I' tIt1Mr-rUD J'l cJltl OA "'hrft, Inodeqiwi* Heating methods Or are y.e > Wan bbl. Cteem Friaavr .A SeaJet. : Manna F.lmFMOUFaJa tCheers
reloxed"ond nwfy with effort) **, clean" fwmelew i, ', Clear Kwunel Glee. TrIM Tnllle o..c.a..rtx ..
fuel oil h.odng-the method proved beet and mod
I Gleam Flat Wall Faint Glee Vanthh Slate !
economical for Florld> homes? S' |J llTI U feV'

There' *ini time! to Install the all hooting system .H E A- I I H U

| OwtlMMMMM. N ar.a.aW ..Maaa>- i-:.:-r.mMMk. .. .-:* that fits your hovM end purse.. Why Mt ell) .em > ** ** !<* for every GLEE paint just call en

7SS Mm mMM uv kiif h kKKDAOa MM* >mn">i%l ,' thinQ obwt ;It fowl . "? a ,

. -1'.. ... .
---M"tMINI W .W....-.-TIW...-Mew OR SEE YOUR DEALER .
-.--.....- ; ,, ) ...- Glade & Grove Supply' Co.

\" r BACKACHEaennNM. __ !! j .' 'JUIIJ L, *"'''VT, mm. 'j'i A SUCCESTIQMt: Fill. your oil tasth "nos J.:: .,. '1r./.:' '';j' tt't tl a: 1 ',

i =::::J" ':; is-= I .Jor Mt winter i fuel tupply. t y. B. Highway tfo.HOTne.tcad 1 U.S. IIIJghlaty N.. .1: I.
I, .................."......-.... A f -a..r...-'. Florida ,Ptncebiat Phea4dil'rNiAnaetIsnsoJ. .
-...... ... ............. rata '.. 1p.r ,
-- 1"r'. .
: .
,,,.argot..; ; n

. r b -1\-; -trJL--- .... l..1. .:t.- \\.1, ; ,
p1\ d I. n'" .Jt"H ..r't : t .* rOdIrIIMelntaJO, ri d Np t

r, ,. ,., ..

---- -.. .. . m .. . .. .- ---. .. -" - -- -- --- .

. :

.... iMar JIOIIIIitiD't.... 'x' RP. Friday, "-,17a.r .,

_ .

nlsin- h'Dade ""Mrs. nLrl. ...-,I l 1 PAUL-ipf',== t kkMOHY} ;i .1

11 " V Social Eo S u mmmum national. .pfetUent. Au....,*.f th* IIieI ... -- 1II r. cad Mm LMbvrn, leas.
Amdleln Lapon, {
speak *t muck! th|a cventog 4n af Kt. agdlfti. 'i-:* 841 King\ H. 1 uL !
Hotoeateml, beewn *l I .... Ptienlx Kerley and Larry
Blend Bayfront Park, announces
Harold Paul eon of Mr. and Mr. Ca| I
Mr. Merle Hemmlngs, prenoem

D"I': :ANITA GERKEN, JOHN TRAYNOR WEDDED dcrtd chart M 4h abewe W ANDERSON4IANASCO RITRS SOLEMNIZED of the total "uxW.that member..,. 1(.*.of Hemming the oteaedk H. a land Tueaday of Tenneeve afternoon rd.In, at the I party After. wa UN* botaiyfl. .arenxwy. with, the a buffet bridal
1 the DNtco horn The blue boil urge
; HERE SUNDAY IN SACRED HEART CIIURCI yellow oolorhme "ukt .*ttd THURSDAY IN PERKINE BAPTIST CHURCH Legion and the auxiliary bear pastorium! of First Baptist Church. luncheon at Redland. Tavern Thewblle
read by the Rev. and silver wedding cahe-,:
The vow were
In the floral decoration and In Mrs. Button and ask that persons
Mia Anita Gerka, OMighter ot New York. They will. be at horn the refreshment court of aandwlchea Mr*. Louise! Roe Manawv and Th Wide wore a tailored suit wishing transportation telephoneher John K Whltt, partor. wu Iced: In a lily of Ole 'valley and''JI

Albert Gerkencf Avorato df..aa>4 after Oct. | at the Renbtr .apartment potato ctitpa fickle, Edward Anderson 'wer* married ot white wool, blue acceaaorie, at No. BJ4-W. Mill Marian Nixon was maid roc design and topped with rolftlatur -' I
John Triynpa ->oa *f ./*, ;, ; Airs A. TrtyW W Homestead; TTi. bride came from flucMai Oueat" were Mr. / H. Roberta, Thursday evening In Perrinfiaptlit a corsage I the meeting are Mrs Hemming, uel King, brother-Maw of the Mr. and Mrs. Paul left '
.were united in marriage al l I Lone lain d, two year ago to Jr., Mr Andy Terburg, Mn. Ptt Oiurcb by the JUv. H e. After the) ceremony, Mr. end Mr*. Wm. J. Geronlmo. Mrs: bridegroom, wa best ro.'". honeymoon tour of the state eme:; "1i. ,"'

Mock Sunday otwrnoon In 1 plebe her ban her*. She la a Tuod,, Mr. Jimmy Olbba Mrs ruhar; pests at (it* F Sacred Heart Catholic Church. gradual of Bayild High School Tom CoUIn. Mr John Wolfe were Mr. and Mr. Call honeymoon In West Palm Bach Venn and Mlna Ruth Fox.COLiSCE length frock of white crept and horn! In Mlmt. '
'I '' Th* vow sere read 'by the Rev. In Fluahlng and of Adphla| College l- Mr a Metralf, Mn. A. Trfynor Anderson, brother and a1 ter-Jn- Upon their return early next whit accessories. She carried ,* The bride, a member ot W '
V '
week, they will make their home FETEO miniature cross of whit tulle! pioneer Homestead family, was
{ Paul U Manning. In Garden Cite LofttJsland. rod Mia CecUla diva.Olfta law of the bridegroom Mlaa MTDDCNTS '
The church wai decorated with1* She la employed by tSe Dade were sent It y Mr*. Hehnai Patty Dawaon and Jimmy Hoes temporarily It the reddenc of AT TART' TtJKSnAT NIGHT I topped with two lavender orchids junior last year at Homestead' !
potted<< -palm and Mandard 'ot County Port Authority at Bomtteid *- VatU and Mr*. Jay George. brother or the bride. the bride1 parent" Mr. and Mrs. Oollei etudMta of First Melb- and showered with ttiberoaes High School.
who* gladioli and cMympiheiinrams Army Air Fl.1d. > J. B. ROM of Sitter Palm dr. dM chunk ..ere entertained by Her maid of honor wore a dressmaker -, The bridegroom who tame ""u,

L and the pew were marked! A native of Mount Vernon ftT. Th* bride who wa graduated Mr 1.'&11 ankIna at the JJII'I I'-I cult of blue crepe,, whit herewith his parent fromWlarrtJ, "''."
"w white satin ribbon niumii .. the bridegroom lint cam I LOIS ODOM WEDDED TO HUBERT HAMMAC from Kedland High School In age else'Tueadsy eftI JI'. MIN aocoril and a corsage tit yellow -1 received hi* education lit Maine. 'h.-

nation vii PJ'O\lldedb1 whit'* her with hie parents In 1(21 IU SUNDAY AFTERNOON IN CHURCH RITES IMS, I* employ) ta throttle of Betty Jo Jenkins net Mill MancyCraddock pompon tied with blue rib'' During, the* war, he served In th'!'' 'r' '''

( cathedral tapen In* whit cand*. attended! Sacred Heart High County. Agent Chat. H. StefftnL. . directed game' and, bon. navy, ::
labrl. School and we graduated from 'The bridegroom- was graduatedIn assisted in serving sandwiches: tote" Mrs. Nixon, mother of the bride, -'
4 Mia Ida Faulln Odom, daughter -, and *a* wore a halo ot BIRTHDAY "" "
Edlaon High School In Mount IBM Edison and cakePte.ent won green and whit flowered
Mia Helen FiUQibbon. organist. from Miami! High steam ,. ,
of Mr. and Mr. 8. O. Odomof the ta bar. hair. I
roads aco'saorles! and..* MRS. EVERETT JOHNS
played the traditional wedc Vernon. During the war, Mr I School, and cam here three years keaide thou men- crepe: whit
Princeton became UK bride of Mrs Odom mother of the bride, tied' Mrs. Everett: Johns was honored'
marches Traynor won ttir. urple Heart the ago from Miami after four yean Uoned, wr Ulas Lenora Wiliams. !- corsage ot white pompon)
Brorh Star and other award tar Hubert dwrd Hammer. ton of 1 wore a whit ensemble with I of eervlc* in the navy. He II I Miss Ann McLane, Webster with green and whit ribbon.' Mn.I at a surprise birthday,parto given
Th bride wag attended. by tb* I two year of eombat aarvlc with Mr. and Mrs Ernest E. Hammacot matching .*coea orls/ MIl 4 coran service manager at the Homestead I William, Arthur Brandenburg, Paul, mother ot the bridegroom, by her daughter, Mrs. l4'nnLoulllbul'1 ,
aisten Of the bridegroom Mr. .Bra.'tOn, Ala, on Sunday afternoon ot pink oaraatloas. white at the 'II'
I th* Tbunderblrd Division In the branch of Howe E.: Moredock Co.GAUTIER. and BUly Brown won blue print frock, Lounsbury
'r l Bonlfic* DcNlsco, fnttrctt of "bon Europe theatt*. He, also, h bell' In Silver Pain Methodist Guests were registered at the accessories and a corsage fashioned horn Game and contest _rtlM
I p or, and Mr, Bernard Metcalt, I. ployed by th* port authority at Church Th church was decorated church by Miss Miriam Holmes. of white and yellow pompons enjoyed by the SO guests'. present',,'""""'
bridemtrov, Mr. DelTlsco was Homestead Field \ with potted palm and 'wrought For Uirtr hoaeymeoo trip within CATHERINE AND ERIC SChMIDT I and pink and blue tern A pink and white color ICb.mii '"'

e: bent man and Mr. Metcalt was Recent social evenU fen the Iron ttandarde gladioli the state, floe bride wore a whit TO BE WEDDED ON THANKSGIVING DAY Present beside those mentioned -: was used for the refreshment 'e ",
I t''
groomsrnan. The Rev Alfred Hedburf, frock and gold aoceeaorl. '' ''I"
t bride Included a linen shower pat- Were Mr. and Mrs. JamesDrlggera course of birthday cake and home>
t The bride was radiant In a given by Mr. Metcalf and Mia tor, officiated at the double ringceremony. The bride cam to Princeton 13 I Mr and Mr*. Will 3. GauUer; majored in Journalism It the university Mr. and Mrs Paul Vann, made Ice cream ,, '.:',
.' t gown CI t white marquisette tssbloncd Mildred Field In Sacred Heartclubhouse Mr*. J. t.: Jhkln year ago when her family) moved of Princeton are announcing the Of Miami. For the past two "
the .UadJtlooal bridal there from New Hampahlr She she ha been employed in
i with fitted bodlo. pointed played year
sleeves and hoop skirt extendingInto and a mlacaUaiMOuishower ; rnarchei aa well ai the accompaniment . wu graduated In JSn from Red- engagement of their daughter, Miami In' the office of the county HOMESTEAD[ P.TJV. CHAIRMEN NAMED e. I
Mr, DeNUco at
a court train. Her fingertip the DeNitco given horn by for Stanley Wlttkop who laid JHfh School where sh* wa Catherine and Eric: Schmidt: ton Judge. BY MRS. LLOYD B. DEITZ, PRESIDENT' :;;:
veil of illusion was held in place I tang "At Dawning" and Dick active jn dramatic and In the glee of Mr. and Mrs. Augurt Schmidtof The future bridegroom attended
:I' by a tiara of taxi end sponge" blossom For the linen Ihower, the club. Hehl! who sang "Becaua" club a4 served a* a cheerleader. Princeton. The wedding will schools: In Base York CSt)'. A t,t- ::."
I I *. She carried a heartshaped boua wl decorated with arrange- Mia Irene CM WM maid of She hat been employed by H. L take plea on Thankiglving Day aran of World War n, h* served Appointment tot committee Ovid Sullivan, tint vlc"prwl-[ ,
manta .t pink roae Th gelswen chairman for Homestead P. T. A. dent; Mn. W. E- McLendonec-i 11,1',
r bouquet of lavender orchid and honor, and Gltlldatl.Odom, brother C41XlllcSSon. In Homaitead Presbyterian with the army In the* European .
crucifix presented In a pink parse! beat The bridegroom recalVtbl.! Church. theatre. Sine his discharge from were released yesterday by )Ii'll. ond vlce-preildent; Mrs. Stanley ,
tuberose and wore a gold >:* btlde, was mm. / .
The Wittkop, secretary and Mr Wilson ,
a gift of the bridegroom.Th suspended front the celling by Given In marriage by her father education ta the Brewton schools. The bridc-to-b was graduatedfrom service, be ha been employed by Lloyd B. Debt president ; ?
will their Crosby treasurer.Th
matron of honor won) .* crepe paper rtmmer the bride was lovely In a whit During tile war, ti* served with I Redland High School and Jaensch Brother of Princeton Chairmen who name
committee, : Mr*. J. Lee executive board will meet,,,,,,.
pink marquisette replica o( the Heart-shaped sandwiches, pota satin gown faihioned with a fitted the army' lght month In Japan own are
: brlde'i gown with matching mute,to salad Individual caket'and cold bodice buttoned down the back and four month In the VnltadSUlM. Smith membership; Mrs Howard before Oct. 1, she said, atid th01; ,II
'I MRS. T. T. BOWEN ELECTED PRESIDENT. Mr. W. R. first membership meeting will 'be ,
and halo hst Her Bouquet was drink were aerved. and a long, full skirt which swept . Now he J* employed by the I U Jobnwm, program; ";
I I made of blue atun, The brides.a Quest Included Mr*. A. Tray- Ulo a cathedral train. Sbg wore a U. A Maritime Scrvica OF FIRST BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION Bird publicity; Mr. *. Bruce Ennli, held Oct to 'j': "
In blue Mr, DeNlsco Mr !Illuakm and On Friday evening, the bride hoipitality; Mr* A- M. Logan, '
matron was gowned, mar- nor, B ,, Hugh flncertlp-ve4 of car : ; ; l: ;
; qulwtte, matching lie gloves and Bernie, MM. Cha*. Protftti" Mr rled a colonial bouquet of red waa booed by Mta Cox with a ...... T. T, Bowen "We elected: day of prayer tor' (tat* mission health and pre-achool; Mr*. John .
a tiny horsehair hat. and she car John Hitch, Mr, B. Clntwit, Mr roae \linen newer" at the Cox home on pmldent of the Woman' Mir on' Monday with a covered dish Grave, budget and finance; Mn.
rled pink Mien! : A. .DINatale, >.Ir. Roy Sincere,; Th maid of honor won a yellow Avocado dr. Cut !flower were alonary Union ot First Baptist luncheon at the church. C. F. Waldron Junior Girl Red Cross; 1, ,
After the member of Mr, V. M. Grenneli Mrs mad with used decoration of the room Mrs. Gees D. Huehla,, Scouts; ,n."
reception, W.: rnarqulaett gown tar Church at a buslnea* meeting held The membership wa divided Wblteside visual ,, _..
the bridal party and of the Immediate -: Hammock, Mr. Howard Seat,'I cap aleevei, shirred bodice and The contest price wa won by Mr. Sept, I In the church. Other ctfl- Into four circles, each of which Miss Marjorl iW'I"I '

famille enjoyed I turkey Mrs Ch... Strawn, Mia Goaldl full/loor-length iklrt Her colonial Roy L WiUenwyler.' Cake and cera elected were: Mr*. Howard will meet on Oct. 6. Mrs. R N. education; and Jennie Mrs.Lu Ivan Davis Moser.will :

banquet at Dixie Bell Orennrll and Mis Lydla, Fran bouquet was fashioned of talla-\ punch were ..rv.s.n : L. .John on, tint vlce-prealdent t; Caldwell Vlll entertain Circle be house.student Mia council representative; <

t Mr. and Mn, Traynor left Irrn'l cesco. Mr Gordon W.. Key, second: vke- One; Mr*. Francis Circle Two; E, B. Blackburn, parliamentarian; .TROLLS LESS |U
mediately by automobile Bridal lifts were proatnted to MRS. IIILLIARD INSTALLED PRESIDENT I prcKident; Mr*. C. O. Robertson Mr* Boland Circle Three; and and Mrs. A. Frank Webb, his ; ') A 'Mill *iu",
honeymoon In Msttachusetts and the honor la blue and
I a yellow Mrs. T. E. Klrby recording .. Four.
treasurer: N. Stevenson,, Circle torian.Officer. AN HOUR' OF HOMESTEAD DEMONSTRATION CLUBNew secretary; and Mra. A. D. The member of Cricle! On are I who are serving' this '

Smith corresponding aecretary.Mra. Mr. J, P. Beck Mr Saunders, year with Mrs. Delta arc: Mr. /rely: .: eell.d bus tmipe :; ,
j officer! cf the Homestead! felt articles on Oct 8. 0. J. Wollam was made Mrs. J. S. McCready Mrs. Mamie .es dc.e....... .ores.It'I.' 5 bor.u bs.",. awl Tho, I" i', ,
I' Horn Demonstration Club were Cookie and Coca CoIl were young people' director, and Mr Kerr, Mn. J. C. Boyette; Mr. H. eywhuAsun oriII"lU Mdgee4ee
_. _, Iv" 1.\-\'r nstalled by Mr*. Roy 1:. Wltten- served by Mr. Ai D. Smith kid L. II Boland planlit. Chairmen Collier, Mn. Johnson Mrs. R J. MRS. J. A. WEBB DEADSWOMEN'I Se 55 wx.nw.s.awwe.A5.We w5.wn. ..111I '.nJ.
gtee e,. wyler, president of the Did Mrs. James B. Fathers, boa hinted were: Mr*. Boland, literaure Keen, Mr*. J. R. Chamblli, Mn BIBLE CLASS ....-............,z:'ow'! .... ...
M 4-footer outside Woler IrisIdei County Council, on Tuesday afternoon tesses. : Mn. J. H. Drawdy, mission Vann, Mr. Pope,, Mrs. Lee Plead, Mr J. A. Webb wa elected: we.ter..1..eosllwen-, p.....,.$5y.. awed rt.'sea
at the club's opening Prevent beside those mentioned study; Mr. Cmeat 8. Francis Mr It E:, Redln, Mr. Caldwell, president of the Women' Bible pe.vO5$ .= lit' ,:r

Big span for _all bwuil /; meeting In the Future Firmer were Mrs A. Tttrnor, publicity; Mr*. Wm. T. McCon- Mr*. Leban Bishop, Mrs. R. It. Class of First Methodist Church -Pd dea
.' .;.. ... clubhouse Inducted Into office Mrs J. Wolfe.,,Mrs. OtMla.etedd, .steer, oomrauoUy missions! ; lira.l. Schowalter, Mrs Jesse Goasman at a business and social meeting "Inhsillxf
AII'fOiCiJatitii"r"" J I went: Mr*. Leon Hllllird, president Mrs a B. Simpson Mr*. Pet K. Pop Mr. 1. Tom Yarn,, 'and Mrs. Florence Coiburn.Th held Monday evening at the home J.J2 . :. .-
; Mrs Roy Wood, vice-presi, Morgan, Mr T. H. Seat. Mr*. octal; Mr* B. W. Stevenson relief members 6( Circle One are of Mr* J. 1: Jenklna. Mrs. Jenkins ....01'Stott.

Big sliding Hydrator! [r !dent; Mr*. W. E.: Douberley, ice i a Metcalt, Mrs C. W. Little, Mr ; Mr*. H. H. Taylor stewardship Mrs R. I:. Fitzgerald M.... S. A. was elected teacher; Mrs. H levee y/,e.ry.1a.h.ascto.w. caw AtWlltu ;
retary; Mr* V. U Lott, treasurer; Albert Buasey, Mr Lee tread, ; and Mr. C. E. Saunders. King<<, Mrs. Leon Worthrup Mrs L. Brandenburg assistant ; w
Sensational low pricifr I 1 \ Mrs. T1.. Fitzgerald, council Mr*, a DeNlsco and Mr V. M, hildren'i 1iome. w.-F, Beam\, Mra.'' B.: A. Stafford and! Mr*. Martin Frame, secretary- $126.50

representative; and Mr*. E. W. Grennell. Member decided to observe the M..... Treacle, Mr,''J, R. Sprain, treasurer
I Burton, statistical secretary. Mr*. Qeorgl Blggert," Mn. T. E. Game and contests weN en-

ifaI Ml** Eunlc: Grady, county i Kirby, Mrs. Or Frateur, Mr Joyed.
v Plg WOMEN\ SHI[P BOX OVERSEAS That present were Mr Anna
gent, gave son gift Beth Stevenson Mrs. N, J. .Gar Thurman
:1a'K J). Carter, Mrs. O. R. Brown, Mn.
7"Vn.NlCfD Idea, and Mis 0 FOR RELIEF WORKAn SPONSORED BY POPE rette, Mn. W. IX Home, Mr*. Ceo.
H. L Brown, Mr, S. F Matthews flatter Ave JloropsUad! Fla.
told of the formation .
sslstant agent, I Wataon and Mr Frellman.
Mrs. O. L. Schowalter, Mrs. Frame
I at a 4-II club In Homestead overseas relief box tor the 'rang Smith, Mr ClarV Robert Circle Three Include: Mr. E.: ,
I and the hottest. : : : ' '''" : : :
.. Member decided to work on Pop*'* Warehouse wa* shipped\ Mr John Gadway, Mr. Charles U Lawrence. Mr*. S. A. Turner,j
fllJP''r last week by Sacrd Heart Altar Pope, Mr*. John Lynch. Mrs. Marry Mr. F. N Irwin, Mrs Chan\ Cave,

MRS. VANN MAKES REPORT Society, Mrs. Julian Angellnl reported i Hemming Mrs. Harry Janner.Mr Mr. W. E McUM, Mr*. Wm. T.
r ON V F. W. ENCAMPMENT on Sept. 10 at the first *. A. D. Kramen Mr*. Ferris McConnell Mrs B. E. Edward .

t 'zwnlear Mr James C. Vann delegate mating| of the group otter the I A. Mlnnerly. Mr. Leonard Brl Mr*. V. C Krtey. Mr E. J. Pope, Immediate
to the national encampment of summer recess .A special room In meyer, Mrs. Leonard Kent and Mrs Robertaon, Mrs. Boland, Mrs DeliveryWestinghouse
Veterans of Foreign War heldrecently the Vatican ha been set aside for Mrs. Esther Shutt E. W. Burton. and Mr Arthur

In St Louis, reported on distributing the content of the Officer for the new year wr Fogl. I )
the convention Friday evening at relief boxes to needy children nominated for election at the next CIrcle :Four Include: Mrs T. .
the meeting of the Homestead V, she explained The box contained! netting. Member voted to thing I D. Pale, Mrs. Catharine Piclurd, on '
F. W. Auxiliary In Legion Hall. (3 new article elf children's tM meeting date groin Thursday Mn. A. J. Van Marten Mr
Mrs. Howard Seat and Mr clothing, mad and donated by to Wednesday evening/ Martha Nellt, Mr. Othella Redd,

1'\Ila Simpson were appointed to society member.. Other 'relief It.waa reported that Mrs. Lawrence Mr Ivey,Xt. Smith Mrs. Taylor -
I make arrangements for a Hallow boxes have been lent throughout Smith had donated an elect , Mr*. Wollam, Mr*. Julia Polk.

een dance on Oct. 10. the summer through the National sic clock: to the church: and that Mr Chaa.. Martin. Mrs. Stev* K
1(... Lora Fitch Mr Dexter
r ,
Council of Catholic Women Mi*. eon
Report wr mad on the cur- the clock was Installed by Paul
Angellnl! said. Horn, and Mr*. ,Jame* Robert
rent membership drive by Mr* Bauer. -
A. Traynor and Mr*. Geo Pitta, Mrs Angellnl I I. assisted In the After the bUll,,"* session. the CRAkXA rORTKNBCKIT '

captains of the competing team oversea relief work by" Mr*. IS member prevent attended a GIVEN BIRTHDAY PARTTCharla
Thirteen member were present Richard H Donovan, tin. Lav ihoww given In honor of Mrs. "
Fortenberry. three, wasgiven 7 Cu. FL .j) CIL Ft. :
Hemming, president. of the lOa : ; z
a birthday party Friday aternooa IdP I
YOUNG BAPTISTS TO INSTALL OFFICERS city. in the city park by her

t tI I ON OCT 1 AT: BANQUET IN UONS DEN ....W.c. MOLDSxvszwsss MfitnNQ mother Birthday Mrs.cak* and C B.lee Fortenberry.ream were. 9 Cu. Ft. with Freezer rte:

I .''r r served and game were played. '
Officer of the Winsome Clan Sandwich cookie and Coca "Us your vote ta W I 11 the Guest were AJws, Jan Myrick .' '' '.. ,
and the Young Men' Bible Clastot Cola were servd,during a social theme of Business Women'* Week, Paula Cox., DonttJ Barton Cheryl
First Baptist Church will bt hour. Oct." 10 -to It Mr*. Frank Kent Chamber Sandra Estell. Arlene "till I '
installed on Oct 1 at a turkey Present besides thoe. man-' president announced at Monday I Shuler. Butch and Skipper Down.
banquet to be sold In the Lions' Uoned. were Mr. M4 Mn. Lewis' night' business meeting' of the. Dab Winter. Bobbie Ogde.and
Den, member'decided Sept. I at Callahan, Mr. and Mr Paul Co*.' Homeatead BuiJnaa trad lyotMHaianal foamy Bated.ISBLMBSgu. Immediate Delivery Alto jswaiii
a busitnea and aocUl meeting .t Mr. and Mr Wilbur Cave*. Mr.." Women' Club. 1 _

the bam ot Mr. and Mr*. I:. W.Peepte and Mrs. Harvey Newton. Mr. and Mr*. Peggy Smith reported the \ ITAa'fl .
*. Host were' Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wlllard Lewis Mr, ell Mr Ml ot advertising aa 14 bench' KASON ON\ l**r. MTb on ,

WUbur Peep) *. Daft Myera, Mr. and Mr*. W D. Present were Mr Franc B. new officers ot RdJandHorn ..
The men's clasa had chart of Peoples Mrs Wm. T. MeConaeU.Mr Lincoln Mr*. Mont J. Baker Mrs. Demonstration Club '

4 N/f/ JlIOU CAPACITY t the devotional, and each member *. Ted Pam.., Mn. Palmer Fred Link Mr.. Rebekah CUM installed .by Miss Eunice Gnd"I I !ESTINGHOllSEIAMES{} (; f .

a poke briefly on hi la favorite verse Peeple. Jay Newton, .. and- -Earl.. Met H. a Crhana. iii... HeAertKt at .*
ot Scripture- "- L**. ? .;;.lMr*. L "',rMceea. Mrs Club, 1;JO Friday I
-- -- Ma Morris, Mr*. But Amber, ..Mt., IMjHodlend DistrictThose :
\ ;
Mr. Kant and Mr SmIth.
t *
,I BAPTISf(COLLEGE ST1UDENTS HOI A social meeting ta *c *.duld wishing to Join the club 1

MM+ _" AT GSPIRATION" IN PASTORIUMColleaj for Sept J7. are Invited to attend r ", SERVELGASREFRRERATOSlr I

ill. circle Two eTlh* W,'So C S, U {
student .l First Baptist Bin Horn, John Walawrlght. First Methodist Church 'will meet M!. MSS t.'

$209.15L Church wen .ktanored j..LA a. llJMtlW.tIGIRon Uflao, Jack at I o'clock Tuesday evening at OUCH PROM Preston MIAMIMr a Bird ROPER GAS JUKES : 1l1 :
"i I
i qdr.Uoa" laid in the pan Polk and Albert 81"11I'oMrs. the horn of Mm A. B. U..bea.I sun i i h Md u'reeMly Mrs. at alias try .. I ojrJ'

-; ,f'r terlum Sunday ,evening after th" Overt i -..... .Mr. and Mr*. John,, ,11j7 j

: ; ; r\7, .., worship Music ,,"Ice. and CONNIE AND ALICE KIk BY AaE GIVEN'' T. Bill.Mr. *" MrtrBob B<*ne ::1U, i
wai enjoyed Samswere '
: > and Mr. and Mrs. Bert CoWer an
.Ib e avkbvb IM 'b.h't ? directed by Mia Joyce BIRTHDAY PARTY IN MUNiCIPAL' PARK ot Miami. Mrs. Bin to th. newspaper > .11 :

Res..eaild.q shelves Schowalter and Mica Louise. Whltt feature writer Jan Bel- i
Ice erm punc.h wa carved by Edward 1tJrb1IIiIII Ttmnkoa. BUly Gaddla. Hank i
I the columnist
'* iiNe.puesf.do1s1ItA } ./ lew*, and Mrs Boon -
,' '. Mrs. J. H ,Wltt tdd, Mr M. CLawrene Pridgen John Logan, Bob and Gas-Oil Products
.. *%"' *>MTe>e. : ..' *-*" >1Prejcot Sept S at tb* city part bt honor trice: Wing. .11
O.rJ'ucbI) ,, AQa Ned Butch .
a .,....els ....... . J Ja butch those .*n- ot the birthday anolvtmrl of .
and Bobby OenttMT. Bill Patent. fc. Irwin, Jr. new I
t ..._Mess.Mtw auchealrs honed, wen MM .t-aM Horn her daughter, Coaatev;.4 ur, and Jimmy Pop, Bill Klctam Charles Aheclee Frank.d tae Taft $eptlM B."t, .: Of F1eRck tai

"t"'f!' Mix Peggy Byrd, an. Ana MeUMV > Alic. hr. Birthday .... ladlwldual and Jimmy Frey* 9esnnyAlert./ . 0. Mr*... R. R lIo-.1tar.; re* Iii.j e eR4aterAtdUrw

..gassy. '.*W.. __.* ** ye *h.w4..**.4'" }, 1 Wta Pulses )Mock. MlxaMisth cakes and ice cretin were buns'Randy Jon**, Tad DeMIUy, log. .director, and other members TIO coo venial. ; Mgr
: j MMtMMl afist jTosjc* Morgajt rvdrT' ni wee Wy) *uckrt > Tommy Later" Br&all.. Burley, U tu. local nil *n M. a,, > .. ot.t'bf aua .; .'i' '
grooo t+ $
kv i"
+ : aS.9'5SAA4a IM 9 with mint. y "
L&ae'Wiade 4k. *K; fcClaa Co2. Mickey Leaner,Tommy ano o.d\t.\. the Noted AaaoeUliou :

.Mia* ;kUry Dyk**, ... Astehion.- VMM Mila***1 NVt 14' 1MIAJr Vdan meUa pt ,.."., | :.........' UIiIIenII In 'I..t., .. ." IcC t tI
.1 adlgi ill OH I.
s1 *
; *
x..n. I
U.meiead ;Furnituru .. '-"' stta* Vr* nd SMlr Tumor. She Jeans.1 I '" 't1aiI< "' ... Patsy BUekbwrtv, Mitts tand..J Mr*, k. A.,TUtSMr'wfa' U haw .. ...,....b..m!!fl' . ,. ,.

\ .. =. .-, Waltoa, Lr W- I*** f> |h* Dm** das of,FirstBaptjt M.\ (
< .. >
r =
\ : 1 '
Chew: en Thursday.. rah lr1A'' .
CIlIa "
'A_ pW. 1 ,..
< ;." 1'\1.\ ,,,i'l ,. p'., a 1 ........... .1.1I IJb- M _' .... .eM4flfw\: : '1\ I ,, )\ ( e'f

#' ':"\ ; "

.' , ..,' ; . ' ,.
. > .k' '
, ... ...,.....: .;;...: ...,'.... ;....,. ,,:... -'. ':;, ""w", .. .1 '. ,

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1Fr'tay I

September IT, 1918 ROMSnCAff LBABm-INTWftlW nnn __ 'are > 1*

Mr end Mr*. Fred BorgaMI .". 4T-M 'UrtM-Alre exhaust fa*-.. 1 'W CMPtOVMCNT OFFKrlor
new (gull In seminal! shipping! members sod act p4ye"
have returned from s two-week
f Perriae crate) 11-, Dodd Radio Kale. ttaVcviw. Ovid Sullivan, en ..
vacation In New York and Canada CIASS1RED VHRmtK;
EtlM'..r V Irises tryd.
(aWU) ,1
While in New York they I
In and JlroundHomestead 1, Met Cttt# HabeMaHta . IIM.WE .
vtaltad Uk. Buffalo
at Chautatsfua
10. a II... Mtermr OelbeM. Ma401. hire
and Niagara Ml. sat Uaaiaslaad Glee ..., Ml MS AUX UNIKBl .-1... :'. ,
Moor Pat *i the,...- N 14ema. (paW slriaang.i Owner Kee s'
I' The Hev Lynn Irate. who ..MI Lgtsn ha puefttAodhoMtft a IT Reis!.. per act oandfUos, and Ht IWh rt PhM..-w.
earn here t. ottldato at the tiondoClaBaeM MI Cutter road.TKt CARDS OF THANKSWe MM.* ell.... (all) '<. It* H-tea .pMt-op. tr.**.
......... awl Mr* nvwlr ef aiUMd hoirPerrlno tit &0.YOUNO'1VZingg; N'w HuneWre SlUG, t. K. 0.... County fire NEW ROOFS AND h
'" Irwin*iave returned to then how Station, Ntrtnji rd. (011)(
Methodist QiOTBh\ )under I wtah to txpreat our thanki
Red pullrta $I each 11.
In DeUud. On Sept. 11, Mr. end/ ROOF REPAIRS
.. Jnh Do*. to all who were I
tM direction ot : sang and appreciation: MT-R. (p4II ) }
Mrs Irwin went to Ocala where" CASTER ULY BULBS, Mn, C-
iUl<< .*,,Frederick DMyer Mr and Mr* E. F. Gordon and I : Mr. Irwin solemnUed the wedding for1 the lint time Sunday night ao kind and thoughtful 10..., D. Piker, Ut N. W. Kh eve.. Ion ....,, gravel., alingles :.
Ot Uatilm birhj o' pound, tiv -ounct ton. Pat, ,1wr.. they went to ooampany WUlard White of Jackson'W Mlng with her clster. Mr. Ralph brought boA tar 1 kurtal Espec new, W Itotmtteaa Glat Ouartnteed worksMasMp by .. t
Maureen, i Burkhart Ian,. do *... thank the V. F W, Shop,;5JI N. Krom (pall). ,
daughter Malls on << home Mr.' and Mr Con Mrs train and Mrs. Jack Adams New CBS bare, M H, W. JTth .t canted: and insured refer*. '
Sept.,11 la Oolrtl Qattle' Hoaplt- 4on's daughter Mr*. Franklin' of Birmingham a alster of ithe Mr. nd Mr P. a Tyrt sees Johnnie Davti the'"n.. WmCbembece CirCAP one owner Unr. -'f Krone.... Tw bedrooma, ran I3TIUA1T5Phon l'
tit Mr'. and Mr Mfer returnedIn Distil, and bar children Franklin: In Retains .lId'otber and Herbert Turner.THE car :
bride and a former roommate ot lling Zephyr '40, t peat sport cutA1 ,I all tilt batUia! kitchen, porch, 'l
from WillaqianUe Conn., Jr, and Penny Dichl who had dales Florid. LITTLE: FAMILYWe 257
Jupe Mrs. Irwin, assisted In serving at In North dupe John Pekoe, Kronte tprIIIhtdrl1 living coom,
to arks ,their home 'bun 101..1 bees visiting her*. Upon her return the luncheon 'which: followed the ,, present at the Supper dub MSepL and nth st. (pelt) '..&GO) caah, *40 per month on IIOJ SDAD. IU... \
M the 1" tormer. Mil* Betty home, Mn Diehl) underwent t wen Mr. and Met Gary wish to esprea. our thinks balance. Dr. C F Itebmaon, Ph.
JIa\II1\ r' I surgery" tram 'which the 1* rcuperetlng -- Boymifton Mr. and NrL 14 Howl] ta *U *t arose who tteught of ui Good farm mule, trucks, tnctorMrr M7-W. (Utt) Gcaranty Roofing ON \
satisfactorily.Mrs. Pauline\ HirreU, MA aid Mr during .utj cent bereavement Fnmt-Llberty. rn. 205 W.
Mia BuIUrd ot Albany, -
Mr'ani Mr*. Walter Baker and I Ruby Thane Mitchell II,. sad Mat W. C. SHULER tfoms Ua4 Glen CeGUs for SPECIALIZE la wedding **4flsMt
their t three children Earl. Loulae & J. rnl arrived home Ge,1.. a haute and guest elder of, tor III tJrOOI.rIa..J.w Md John B Moot. Mr. and Mrs. I )Lrt M..ntTRlY >r "II'4li' 'I' C.t'J' all purpose V* to atevl wan quality portralti. Flag 1

end Jo, Ann*. and...Mf*. BakertbrotkarJohn Tuesday after spending the.tum-" Mrs F. D. Mock >i' Robert Rivers and daughter Pat, and Family ,400 square '*" of bt tongue.andgroove glailng. JOl N. )KTOIM, Phone ITS.O1JU. tilt Foteahop. (lilt!) !.
; Bemxl. Jr' havearrived trier-II. Hendervllla, Hot Springs Mr. and Mat Walter Slather. Mr I ( )
from Cantdtn N. J.. to( and<< San Die,,?, Cat She wen accompanied and Mat Claude Shtw Mr. and cemetery & MausoleumWoodlewn planking now comprising i
roak thedrspome., .the Redland< br her daughter, lore Mrs. Robert Lance and dsugh- Mr Ml Ward warehouse floor. Also If.elpb.. Kedlandi by ft.1nI1P WANTEDtXPCKIENCED I h
rd residence I ot John M. Bauer A. F Barbor, Jr., ot Hendersonvill ten, ROM Marie cad Linda Lou,, The W. S. C. S. met at the home ParCatnmrr' heavy stilt up to ItxlS together .r/Ne Shrub tee up.
talher of Met Baker Mr. Bauer I and Mn. Barber's baby tonGregory ,; returned bom* Saturday from a ot Mr*. J L. Doollltl Mr.. bus I sue & W. em st, Miami with flooring becma.condition AU abAar--, All far 114 *r aMT y4a. .M. : : I and lie atom !
It vttlttng\ now In Camde Mr Dyal arrived home three woek vacation spent la Holsonbeek and stn. ZdworiMIIi envy In fair Make, mad farsaleed free M Gkoge.Doti salesgirl wanted. SterllngVPerm I
Sheffield Ala., Corinth Miss.. Pk 4-78U offer (indudng work o( I'ItftlOl"IIS.1! Nursery, Maranjt east fWlaUnf 1
f> '
Saturday had chin ot !the program.Jeaa A wide election t loti *, Fla. (
: Cemetery
> Leader-Enterprise. Phone 2 or
Nashville, Term, and Ocala. They WelL
Mr. and Mr* Etrlo D. I Van told of
JWyaong Undngham( at moderate price: available from --
7(7. P. O !Box 361, Homestead
Of Nltmi' and Hometteidpar* an' Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bowden were accompanied: home by Mr experience at a summer camp: large untold cemetery acreir Da.. UJltf) ) l
Lane who to Naahvllle j
tit. .
mounting the birth ofI.pounilthlJ'teeJ1..cJW1ct hay returned home after a five- Other present were Mr Y. K. Community mautoleum of a.124 BEAUrtrvt ORCHIDS available ,
daughtet Matt week .vacation spent In Tex**, the return1 trip\ with his Bunion, Mn. Edward Farnell crypt and nlcb: lbedl'OOlhou.. $1900 at all tlma Homestead Floral HARRY MARKOWIT
y VeU, born on S-pt 13 In Victoria Arkansas and Illinois.Mrs. family. i iMre. Mae. J. H Hasilp Mr*. Horn*, earth the and Gift Shop, 4 SI N.y. .th at. j

Jlotpltal Ml..*Mr* Mary Wysong" Nicholson I* the former of I Ltls Phillips of Cochran Ralph Jordan and sons.Jeffery Mat Mn Wllllsm T. A. Real lCop lkl.Mla Mr Birdie Lynn. . FOR RENT I IS acres. well-located money.: pled* land, con ind ...*. (anti) Plumbing ok
Perrine. Ga., len Tuesday night after a Jason and Jeremy haw Strickland, Mn. Paul Van tand |!25 per acre.: CONCR rt BLOCKS, all slat Bat rs and T tlet* ,,
I visit 'with her son and daughter returned from Muncle, Ind. and I Ingham, Mat D. U Walker t harem, scarified, rich new: Nice homed avocado I grove with food Bruc* Black Co, Nranja, Ha. KJtekei link Ml WaakBaalBi ;

Mr. and Met Ray Bennon and,!'n- w.'Mr, and Mrs.. C. S. Phillips Detroit. I II Mn. Harold Martin lias r*.' ground near Highway No. I, Phone |T1 O"U) j
1,000 tore* farm land!, can 0 Water Heater aa4 hall
HI., Or vill ahare-I 1,1
j lamll1f'whO hire been pending! of Florid City. turned from Decatur Gould* accept so '
the past few month. In Colorado, I Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tucd have I Mr and Mr Earnest Morris' cropper Ph. ....,,-.. (tlTtf) be even by appointment only LOST Water fires Capper *r '
have bought the former W. P. I Mr. and Mrt-;: :Jesse Tlmmoni returned to their I horn In Gouldsfur 1 and baby have moved Into the Reasonable price, reaaansbl OalvaabHo
Cub widener on the Federal a (tour of the western tales Philllpi cottage IN TOWN 1M S. W. ind Ave, 1 terms o PI** had Drttnan. PI** | .t'
}!lghw.y at PrInceton. They are ,' are' )building rdMiss a new home on Naranja > and a.visit In New York I Mix Phyllla Walker 'loft far jingle, t double room and hot Si-room apt house, 110.090. On BRINDLE bull and fox" tents COLORED .
114x111 ft lot fronting mixed Name .IM...,. Brawn,
expected to return here about Gainesville. Ga.. where ate will water (pdT) on prom '
I Emmett Anderson I II ill In Pratt to inent rd. Can be *en by appoint. white and black. Notify V 0. Box PLUMBING FIXTCKEa ,
the major)
Oct 1.James Hlckson wlU I leave enter University Ja
Anno Small cottage suitable for couple Xeward.
General Hospital.Mr. bent onlyThree Tl, riorida City. (.11v)
today to begirt her aenlor year .1 usltMrs.. Furnished or unfurniihed Ph business lls In downtown Ot) D. .. Rlfkway No. '
Brown, son ot IXf. and Alabama Polytechnic Inatltut. and Mrs. Paul Mitchell of Charle Guilty Is suffer. fat-W. sITU) Homestead. LOST-Brown tarpauU OBJ Coconut ( Wear LaJeun Road)
Mr* 11. L. Brown, left hat week '- log from a finger infection. Pain dr. finder pica*. ITI Bent Dixie UHtwaf ', I J
'' for San Diego for boot training MC and Mrs Alton Samoa have of coral Mr,Gables and Mrs.were John Sunday M Brown.guests Attending the Sunday school: COTTACt., Mult only. 171 N. W Ben). Warren Morris notify A. 0. Raab, Box II, ft 1, Miami' JJ, "... j l
'I I In the navy James, who attended moved from the Joe Fennel real- assoclational meeting Monday evening 4th it (*17)) IM & Krom Av*. Phone 111 Homestead (pall) '
University Of Alabama last year dance to the new home they have .................................... at Rlvenld Baptist Church P.o. lies 48*. Homettetd, Ft*. Pisces: 4UU-UISU-4I4U|'\
will servo t _year 'lUlltmenI \. built!! on Cooper rd. JAMES ARCHER SMITH were the Rev and Mr*. H. Briiher DUPLEX. Jiving room-dinette, M1SCKLLANKUU8,; JL*AIN "OLA *...P.4.P. '
I -- HOSPITAL NEWS Mr. end Mr Avery, )(r. bedroom bath all-electric kitchen HOW ABOUT THIS for an outstanding

Glenn Dickinson, Ytb enlisted Mr.Billy and,M.Gild have moved Powell from Detroit and ................................... and Mr Griffin and'' eon, Cornelia private entrance beautiful value! a 15-acre: avocado WE: DO reliable watch repairing, }
recently In Ux army la taking son .1 Greene, Betty and Alice urroundlng Ph. 680-R-4 (*17)) and lime grove of beautiful Woods Jewelry McCrory'" > S p
halo training Fort'Jackwm' _, S. (ta make their !home here Mr. and Met Wade Smith I ptHomeatead Gardner Joann Jean, Alice large" productive trees with comfortable cad. (alit)
C. Glenn Is a aojt of Mnd\. ,Mrs. Mrs. Powell Is the former 'Miss are parent of a aim I Perry, lye Jean Penny., David FOR RENT-Nice cool modern' home In excellent tab Try U.When You Need i
s. L. Dickinson. Mary Roberts of Homestead, and born Sept 10 at James Arched: Drantley and Raymond Walker.At room In private home. (pal)i dentlat) aelghborhood.. Owner must FRAMES mad to orderUrgeselection. I i
Mr Powell was slstloned at Homestead Smith Hospital. Mrs. Smith I Ia the.' the W. M. S meeting TUM- Business offices downtown location. leave and has reduced price to Flagltr Fotoahop.CrarkKj A Haircut or
I Mr. and Mrs. ,tarry Sin'\ ot Army Air Field during the former Miss Jennie Hardy day, Mr IL B. Fisher presented a Will remodel to tult tenant, 120,000. Shave I
South Miami are .4mounctn4412e< war A daughter was born to Mr and program In which ,Mr*. F. L. Phew .... (hlTUI) Chevrolet cylinder heads "
both ot twul. son*. Urry and Lf.... w. C. Morton returned Mrs. Francis Carroll of Florid Tempter Mra L. A CuUh.ll, Mr Home 'with I ,txdrooms near repaired or xchanged, |i|. Halmrt _.___ltll t
Terry on Aug 17lMn. Hill) 'IJ I visit In Jacksonville City on Sept. II. J. W Pryor and Mrt W. V. Red. New hell 1.g cement mixer Call school $3,800 down and 130 per Cracked (at or diesel cylinder-
the former Mitt Gladys Camp Wednesday. from a Medical patients this week were ding took part. Others present Doug at 147. ISO N W 6th at.tI month. blork repaired. AU work gutr Shan ..... tea I'Ib.
jbel U of Mrs. J. D. Redd, Mrs Robert were Mrs. W. C. Slmma, Jr., Mn. (HOttJerry" ) anteed. Superweli (SI K W. N. ....* (Mediated) _.. In f,
JlolI4I"'d'j Mill Jewel Waldron of Jacksonville Simmons and Wm. Anderson all Virginia Fulford, Mr. Herbert I Glad land for salt or rent River Dr. Miami, 80,1'pone mil Facial Pack ;,..,... ..... It I
:, Among the students who returned left on Thursday of las of Homestead, Mrs Eva Csstellow Lee>, Mr*. George StrmMis, Mrt .- Mower Call Doug at.1I. W* have an assortment of small (polo) ,
tout week-end to Unlver- week after a visit heN with her and Mrs. Russell Dorgan of Red J. Max ONeill. Mrt. Wrrt Ousts i.,. ISO N. W. 6th it (HOlf) rural trade suitable for homes1V4 WE: DO commercial art work Masaag ( _15*
Florida John M. uncle and and Mrs. and Joe of Naranla, and Mrt Ode Zachry.A. Cembhwtl racial .,.. fa*
lit, of arc Brown aunt, Mr land LeMay ) furnished J-room apttort acr tracts at |SOO and 1750 FUgler\ rotaaaop. ,.>. JS1U) -
Jr, Blair Hlckson, Allen Pope, Fnlser W.Idrun.'This week Miss Surgery patient wars Mr* H. Jackson left Sunday for I.Completely adult only J It Roberta,, or a t-aer: orange grove at 11.000 Tasil.*'Ci-a.a: ! i _i8MMtecte .
Jack Calvin Wood and Waldron I relative! laBatfow. ,TruiU Fortenberry of Homestead Virginia 1 where he wU. be . tm ell andAaphalt
" JDauller vUltlng ,- gab "I} "'ft. 'ftr'.... 1'ln.'IU)J l.-1; .lt'o Floor Sanding ginulk g. Trim _J_.._ M*
Marlow Jacobsen. ; ,.. and Dennis Boehjn-of.-Miami- played. I W '-rI you chew you ernegood ( and rubber Ula. Phone .
Apt-faa2 dull* Private or Blues in new CBS names: 1IT-W. (lidltf)I esagm (rlal.j ,.... /k

trance gin stove and refrigerator We also have an outstanding buyIn >> WI!: lAKe priOlMtatlO cople
hot water J. L. Ballard W
a netaunnt-bar-llpua ston
ringler Fotoahop. Writ)
dr. alStf)
I of IF YOU IIAVI anything I* tell
the Ounie a I new half-big cement: mixers.Pb. .i FUCHS
K need vied Barber
When 147 Tower-Crow. (m2 tf) or you anything Shop
i Registered Broker he Swap Bhap. We buy \
,John H. Hale' Salesman tresses In good ondlUan, ( Opt cKy Rain '
foil5 1 FOR SALE I Ph. 441 or TSI-W P.o. Box SMI Ice boxes ite. The Swap m.t-j .

prevention nailer Ave., Hometead. .
One Fordson tractor: Iron wheels;I and II acre tract en Baatr tad 167. (JJ4-U
one 1I-In. mechanical plow and Epmore Drive far Bale tiy I.
one set of alnjle-gang" tdjustabl M. Baler, Redland rd. between
disks. AU In first claaa shape and Bean and Ip...... Drive, tt I,
the lot offered at |400. Can be Inspected ., Box 4tS. (p.24)Ent )
at Cudoe) > Key, Saturdays :
and Sund.,.. Rots C. Sawyer,: .
*Warming*{*!ost accident: *la the horn and IJ01 United *t, Key West, fit, 1YAATAD9 /t

.. oa the hlghwsjs ii old stuff to most of u. T tt (pslT)I Roofing of All Types

I ,Many industries hT made real Solar Water Heaters r ,

Accident preventloa, but out ".1'" Sheet Metal Work '!\ .< ',
P101tel.ID'' ;.'
I : P. & F.
' I I to produce minor tod major Garage Air Conditioning }t.:\ t'"

11 .r-IIICt..slDIICIIII {""'jt . .
; I Repairing a Acetylene Welding Fainting Fan Ventilation

q Id spit of every prearatioOf, tcddcnu will "' Body and Fender Work Insulation ;,

occof.: When the"o nc* of prtT'Ddoa" is wise to
GEORGE rirrr and WAITER Ftuzitm
Laps ""tfc of ,, end hand See i. ,I .
pound "" ready at that
S.W. 14 at, 1{-Bleek Wed el QraIaIIl'rMM. phoM ill m II.......' a.
fOUr medidM cabinet It amply stocked with! standard Address .( Piece

'I .. .)with confidence and speed after a checkup at '""-.1eI materials.' Keep a 6ret-aid kit I ia the pocket of Ml Anise Av*. ',. slant 14:1'

theJBIRD CHEVROLET CO . 22 years with Coral O.w.."!*. 41111.i .
W shall be telcct the
your cu. pleased to help Joe tiscodal -
Ch rotet. ." 1
Item from out complu stock. Ise

| Bird Chevrolet Company Glades Prescription( Shop TURNER'S FUNERAL2i4JoUr WOODY . The Builder's Friend

n*nrltealead% ..... Fhea* fad .
ue. lonu Mae A MOW or sea uco

12 North Krome Ave. Phone 64 sII Ambulance Service Jut,wrest lout-N /

QiiFrcezeicia1sA I i $ ,,..., Cremation
-- :Phone $70 Homestead,.FIs.CR0N1 I Nl

GENERAL.JLECTltIC : et wstxte srg ,teed
( ,
w wauw sent name'UMIM&NtYOQpn'

M" ATS. Snapper Filet _. .88 tL IV.I SALES Aol SERVICE l RRcANtfOPBuilders } I + / = / / /.A alpaA.

I Ro |nd steak .,"$1.1 0 Ib. Grouper Filet .... .'1% Ib. Radio and Appliance' Repairs tens:fe tarlere Movie

Ch ck Roast ...... .80 Ib. Mackerel Filet .... .6%Ib. LICENSED. and INSURED and Remodelers M/auelt7' ,..riaata.p

Fie hy ,Stew..... .65 Ib. Ocean Perch ...... .48 Ib. CONTRACTORVRIGHTEdClllIC'
Fine% Woodworking
; Ha nburjrer ...,... .65: Ib. Cod Fbh ............ .45 Ib. Spejrialtr

Co ed Beef ...... .05 Ib. Shrimp ................ .90 Ib..50Ib. Electric and Acetylene Welding ry t .

She rt Ribs .......... $callop4 ... .90 lb.Br' ,roe.Lo
JJOIb. Green TurtleF ItYER PALM DRm-ONI MILK WEIT or tt .. t
kct Stew......
rh Sausage .. .60 Ib. Steak ....1.20 Ib.FRUITS N. Krome Ave. at First St Phone 28 .W HMM .11.".' few w

-.. - ..newt.
..- 4wr.raa

Cn imed Corn ........_.-..- "."-..,.-.._._.. b0 '

Bkkeye Peas ........" ':---+_.-v--.*. .60 Job Printing" Rhode* age
I Fa h Orange !nice.. a...:.Jbl-Ja.: ...:.. .26 per pt. I ft Kith ST. con/ WATt /l" LUMBfR, 00
Legal Blanks (OF1aae Cbaaabe* el CmsuMpr BUf.) ;
hius$O .Pineapplei.-.....:....*......._ .42 per pt. Field Crate Stencilsrkwlda.CItYss R BUILDING MATFRiftl

. Peaches -......,:..--,..._.... 56,per ptlWe : ADIOTRUCK. TRACTOR REPAHIWWrkss .VJ OHE 62 HOMESTEAD. F.A(

Sxp.a/ +anakradJJi.o '. t

Q(V k' Freeze PlaIt : uiklNight
& h V S. N.. j-N"jrth'
atati. .irk....sett'i e. au.'l-l .. .1n .w.:.. a* 4MNKSiHlS T"- .),nM. .- ..'... .. (.....". eo, -. .aIgo-: KM we,,_ManiY S

." Y '

+., v ?ri
'. ? ? ,4
Q. f.
..' y
..:.. ;. "

..c.. 'T-" '; P--'- 7" n .- r V'. .A -. -. ..... :
', 1 r, ?. : 1 1I
: -l

I Pop Six: . .. HOMBSTBAD LEADER-ENTERPRISE Frldy. Ss bmbtar IT, ,

"n ..............._ ..... ,I. ..f.1i
wtU be dawled e. Mr Heed* On fund*? mom**. Mr Jea
POULTRY SHOP .....I\t. a choke eoOectien of tins wiU .nnejfc oa "Kefculldtm a r 'ANNIE MAYHEW FITZPATRICK /
i fine) end eqa.rjusa.. Trutfc-umtmt OvUtwrtien and
MOVES TO NEW\ TIM Rr.asIuy bulIdlil will be on aoMM' ritJt. ea "".et a Kifland. laid betweea Avocado and Btocayn Drlre
dared br *e peuMry hpp end
Brassily Plumbing' O.. The 41- ,
BREARLEY BLDG.The foot Mr .,. naMin... tt eon Pianoforte and Theory '
strudel. of ctat block and
l poured concrete reinforced with Brooks Inc. VtoUn Xylophone P1sna-A
Reed Poultry Market will
PM Monday In the aouth half of teL end has a cement root supported ; ., ,",,,,, """,."", "", ",, ,
by I'becmt The front re-
the new Breartey buUdfof it I3TN
Krome'If door northof cued bet.the outer w.0. U d'' "
faced with adobe or slump brick
It location and
preavnt arrow
the street from the rim B,pllatChurch and hM two big picture window
: nnounce Mr. and Mr*. under which wtll 'be boxes for Oldest CAMBER FLOOR COVERINGS
John Reed, proprietor, flower. Potted palma will be sal Special ,
.t each of the front corner of the Equipped
The ov* hop win be equipped building and beside the two doors.Church Asphalt and Rubber Tile
with a modem germicidal lamp
the light of which kill germs on: Films Inlaid Linoleum Broadfclt and Carpet
)Ire. ludlint
contact Reed aaya 'i
besting will be provided for the Shown on WedncsdtyiTh s' I. 111 N W, tnd Are. (Oveeett Illfh Bcheel). These 1U II
winter month br pipe liutaDed I
In the cement floor, and exhaust visual education program ,
twit will 'be used far summer for the youth of the BommunUiha I p. a. BOX. 3 >
been returned by First. Methodist -,
cooling '
The chop's feature, dressed end Church, announce the Rev.: I'bMM! {!',' 1 I t
rut-up poultry. line the cui J' I. Jenkins, piston' A aerie of I II HOMESTEAD, t
tones the privilege of electing film on the life of St. Paul I* i
only UM piece he want I being shown ., JIG: each Wednesday 001 Crisp Frost 'Semi., DUlr4'tr t
t L_Almost halt of the floor span afternoon' In the aoclal halt_ '! !!! .

\ ,', I.
Tone Slacks r

,; TWO SIIOWS DAILTi t and TELEPHONE I p, ... N. 171
Seed! Seed! Seed!
Sold regularly at $10.95. Admlxlont: Adopts Night !ec; Matisse11111 p. aa.), Me.Chlldrrat t
sale lea, tc;ta U twelva. He (Tat tnene! .> ,i

; ; New Stocks Arriving Daily t South block MUroL S ae., Dixie*f raon riffle.II,. Regular and short rise. Last Times Today: "HAZAUD"SATURDAY 1'i 1.

li-h.ble \
Ij Saturday, continuous I Sept reatury FracraigMONTE
Sunday. contlnuou* I : HALF ADRIAN BOOTH In l'
j i Ifr Time to Plant That Seed-bed Monday thru Frida, $8095 "ALONG THE OREGON TRAIL"In
.t T and Q .Anirel"S I'' '"
I with 5--.. ( Trucolor)
FRIDAY, 8rpi, IT- (Another action musical weitern In color) ';
., Kilgore's Kilgore's Treasure .of "CAGED FURY" t I ,(

SATURDAY, "" Sharp (Cased wild beasts become murder ttoogei for a homicidal., ;
Grothen Improved maniac) ,
i 1 Improved DON BARRY and J'I r
( Red Globe Tomato Rutger Tomato "Train to I CORNEL WILDE, LINDA DARNELL ANNE BAXTER In I

j Place Orders Now for rin Serial and (The story of a town that couldn't hold the paialon of It*JoPI'j)!i
< ,,. ,," _,
I N. Krome at First 51. Added:"Mrilrri In the Moonllfhl Cartoon, rathe Ne I


1\1\ Wild Irish JC
1 ( of the best dramatic picture of the rear; suitable for ; ,
(In .all age) t.
"Make Every Acre Do IU Best TIESDAY and : Added: ".Plu.... Blue Nat* Cartoon. ''n
Brat ll-tt ,
Use Armour's Rig-Crop Fertilizer WALTER MMaI THURSDAY sad FRIDAY Sept I1-I/
-If Winter t "WYOMING" \

(Rough, roaring romantic You will\like It) j :
THURSDAY and ", ," 1
Added: Jlnlle-Jall'le-llnlle Maalcall; "OUT Orfor Prealdtnt 1 !!
Sept II 14 ," Cartoon rarun ant>ewf.Cemlag j'
63 Homestead GEORGE I I : Sunday and Mondir, Sept II-Hi Wallace Berry fat 1"
"Tenth Avenue ALIAS A CENTLEMAN". I I' tyv I

I __ ._ Annl"J _. -- . __ I :
------ ------- -- -
nnnf7J'i1f7nnnnf7f7f7f7f7f'i11lUUmI! m.nRnrmJl.nnnnnnumuu, rznnr.
I 1-
I '

. Civic-Minded 'J Your -I''

[ ..1.5>< 9 ,Beautify ,Property '

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:, :I Have Your Lot Cleared :'. .,

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>'fY Leveled and Planted r ,

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t .othorough" job-and our reasonable rates .;will surprise ; :

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