Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00087295/00604
Material Information
- Title:
- The Homestead leader
- Uniform Title:
- Homestead leader
- Alternate Title:
- Leader
- Place of Publication:
- Homestead, Fla.
Homestead Fla
- Publisher:
- South Dade Pub. Co.
- Publication Date:
- April 16, 1948
- Frequency:
- Daily (except Sunday)[<1926>-]
Weekly[ FORMER 1923-<1925>] weekly regular
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Newspapers -- Homestead (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Miami-Dade County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Florida -- Dade -- Homestead
- Coordinates:
- 25.471189 x -80.468122 ( Place of Publication )
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 14, 1923)-
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Ceased in 1931.
- General Note:
- B.E. Archer, editor.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- Copyright The Homestead leader. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
- Resource Identifier:
- 34296444 ( OCLC )
002075048 ( ALEPHBIBNUM ) sn 96027189 ( LCCN ) sn 96027189 ( LCCN )
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The Redland District's Reliable NEWS paper Since 1912 ** ..," ",..,,
[ .
;?17th f ear. No. 16. HOMESTTEAD, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1948 r"" Pri :S- ;
""" '
: Consolidation" Threat Spurs Move : ::''f- H I
For New CityMatheson AreQ,
Bird Sees County's,: Duty I ELECTION SET FOR APRIL 3$ It'It'I '
To Help South Dade Area .
._ .
u .
J:: Meet Park Opportunity r BILL BRADLEYBENEFIT The threat ot Mlaml.,).'I''Q'df ."
\ County consolidation hat pre ntpts.)
I 'el ,-/ : lit the ralllnf of an tlectkW. ni-
i '
1 I
------ J '- GAME] j day, Apr SO, by the MitKepVi I '
,Sine the development of Everglade Silver Palm Princeton Methodists\ PRUITT TO TELL Hammock Area Association of .
: National Park, will bring !t'ji' 'SET APRIL 23 property owjiort to determine\
to South Dade Its greatest singleIlet Consolidated by Membership\ Vote "3 t whether the said art ibaa (C'I iIncor I
the county commission must : I" Homestead end Miami aU- / l eorsted. The law provides I
study and co-pperate with cititens Consolidation ot the Silver community conwegnUonJ 11the -v'I"-':,, s--- -. softball team will el.1IIIn e that any 2} freeholders way tail .
of this area In problems arising Palm and the Princeton Methodist pioneer days, and both suffered MERGER AND WHY\ .ANDERSON ARRANT EARL SMITH benefit lime for lUll Bradley *> an election M InCOl' OrtUoa",r*. !I'
from till opportunity to accommodate churches wa effected Sunday and the lost of church buildings InhurricanPrlnceton Cave Their Live at Pearl Harbor be sponsored by Amnl'Smith ports Chas, B. Spofford, prtslle i iot
in 11)26) and '
t) great Influx of visitors. the two congregations will begin Silver Palm In 19<5, Princeton Who Is IJehlnd Consolidation Port, V r. W,'at I o'clock Friday the association. I,..
County Commissioner: Preston B. worshiping together about May rebuilt In 1927.l The SllvrgvPalm 'end Why" will be the subject of I i evening Apr. 13, at the city park As described by Mr Spofford ,,'
Bird of Homestead laid this week. 1 when the modern Silver Palm congregation Is worshiping1')n the talk to be given by Wm. J Prultt Impressive V.RW. Ceremonies Attend Homestead's lop Qlaym will be rough boundaries of the area. art '
at 8 clock tonight the W B. '
on ,
"I am fully conscious ot the Sunset dr on the north, IngrahMt
Sunday school until Ute I
responsibilities which this great Church building<< on Coconut Palm building is ready room new McVicker lot In Princeton Memorializing\ of Arrant and Smith selected+ for the local team and Highway on the test, Dade County
lefty Bherard. and Ansel Barrow
dr Is ready for occupancy The meeting is tinder the tus .
park will place onII a* county Park on the south, and M IrretuIsr
comml88lonen," laid Mr. Bird. nit merger action wet voted oleo of the South Dade Citlien will mast arrangements for altar I (line along Red. Davis and
"It means that w* must plan an Apr. I at a quarterly conference Protective League formed recently At )Joint Installation services lace installed t'omlfl.nder1IUijI\ ) Miami team Schoolhoua roads on the wtst / j/j
Improved and well-regulated road held in Sliver Palm and ratified PRIDGENTOHEADROTARYCLUBFOR to safeguard cltlsens' rights In Legion 'Hall Monday night,land the other new officers: 'ThodJf > Mr. Bradley former naval offlttr l- Mr. Spofford ...Ulna"iii" , If
system which will not.only ad1suateiyfaccommwtalt Sunday, by ballot ot both mem- Igsltmt! tile encroachments of I, \ Oldendprf, senior vIctcoiBimnder anti member of the local poet,, there art approximately W rtgIstered ,
traffic to fr;,.Mr. tovefamrnt t r : irrantfSmltt.. Poet of ttici Vet-! rAw, Weiss,. Junior vice It Ill in tames Archer Smith! Hoi I'' freeholders In the area, I 1
"end .frnmJMjytajW.aljO. will, Th Rev W. E. Rowell who henarcedlhedwwtheO "1 Vill' 'ekpM, those who pre- arena tt Foreign' Want paid trlb-t.commander; Bile Bridges, qusr.2SMTJF pltaL Ht te on leave of absence! and 1M noti-mldtnt property J I
." sfc! fttfe. tot4ti" biuoliilaHnn .. from hi. duties M Instructor In J
i' ui"lMPorlant jiuo srxp'aM- I '* .cAt" ,end V .L v.4 era .
t Ing agricultural areas". tlnue as pastafertlit c consolidate jf R19l84'9 nlercsti they t"... : tf'1"4 .." eQktdMe"""--'Return'* w rSchool l"Dolrlld+ ; t .;.: tf: \ 1
Also;" Mr. Bird continued, church. f Uves that prompt| heel ana!) whoi named) ., Anderson Arrant and Ctrl "ing Is also t reason tor the tle. ) t.
"your county cammtsslonert must Th churches have similar history they seek to gala," .ssid< Mr. lion, ht said I ,
study end! cooperate with: the people In that they were both organized '- Ihmry. Pi, ,riicn: manager ol Pruitt yesterday. "I will etposc! Waiter\ iwnJtli. Humor-Sprinkled Talk. Pjomlnent members 'at tht '
of District 4II\ the problems at Interdenominational Florida, East toast Fertiliser Cn. the full Jouanlj. of themeasure.5 First Rndlnnd DlstrUt wrvii-e Promised for MeetingOn sponsoring association art Htrvty f-
i' as chosen president of theIlomosiend men to dIe In World War II. Arrant j
of housing, automobile parking Allen author Joht BouvWt Ht.: j
facilities and other services which Rotary Club at a meetIng "I wilt tell YOU why::Wit: bill and Smith were teat In the Monday the South Dade T, Price, Irving Thomas" If. .T'
l large volume of new visitors to THOS. J. HARRIS elected of the board of director ihould be defeated and why R. B bombing of the US.S. Anon .1 t Garden Club wlU hold I meeting Rose Roy Pap who Is cemented i
our district will require at last weeki meeting Gautler who steered It through Pearl Harbor Earl's body wai devoted; to parliamentary pro with the Coral Osbles Miracle
Commissioner Bird reiterated DIES AT HIS HOME Wm. J Ceronlmo was re-elected: the last leglnlature ihould be defeated recently returned to Arlington' reduce, and everybody Interested Mile and Mal Zorbaugh ot the I' ,
this week tile county eagernessto I will tell you,, the whole Cemetery for Interment; Antler U Invited to attend Mrs. E. L, University of Miami, faculty. '
eliminate "blind corner*" whichconstitute story. son's body was never recovered Thayer, parliamentarian of the I I
I major traffic heard IN HOUSTON TEX There will be refreshments and More than two hundred per- Florida Congress of Parent and
In the Redland District and have music ions witnessed the award of the Teachers, will give I wfresbttcourt ENGLISHVOUL\ !) ; :
evoked appeals from civic organjiltions. V F. W cltl/cnshlp! medal to John from I to ( and from T ,
Thomas J Harris, father ol v.I'',W. I District i- Mectinjt Arrant father end Miss Betty to I
"Wherever consent of the properly Former Mayor Tom J, Harris and Arrant sister of Anderson, and The afternoon meeting will bt LIFT TOLL FHOWOVERSEAS U
owner can be obtained," he MM. Carl Dcdcn of Homestead,I Sunday In Coral Gables to Mr and Mrs. A. D. Smith, devoted to Item of special I Interest I ;
AId,, "county workmen will remove died Saturday at hla home In v. F W posts end, auxlllsrlet brother and aister'In-law of Earl to women's clubs, end the night I '
I vision-obstructing tree and Houston, Tex.. .t the age[ of 81 M of District 13 will elect district Newly Installed Commander A. I tnttUnl li planned to interest both IfWY.
shrubbery Thest county worker A native Texan, Mr. Harris served officers Sunday at a, convention V, Phillips was assisted In patenting .I men and women :,
ran not intrude I -on private I property as district attorney\ for many to be held at the Elks Lodge, 22 the medals by Pad Com Between 5 end 7 o'clork' ssndwlchet : I I I'"
Colin English this week ,
without the consent of till years and continued the practiceof Ciralda! ave, Coral Oablts. Ray msnders James C. Venn, J. T I pit and coffee will be 'tI1'I
owner, however, so we eppeul forth taw until the day of his death v { Renuart Post and Auxiliary will Godwin' and Vernon W. Turner i.rV.4. to ,.ll who care. to stay lined the swift tempo, that/ )KM ,
marked his hit
addition to the and In memory of the two boys, campaign lino*t
co-operation of propertyowners" In son be host groups V. Each woman who belongs to the I
here Mr Harris loaves rlrs. Smith .presented. ti the pout A. PHILLIPSNew New Terra day entrance Into ,
daughter club will for her meal
A joint meeting will bt held at ply own I
Nellie ht flag which Earl .' , V.F.W. Commander the governor' rare.
his wife Mr* Harris; two 10 a. m. and separate meetings of draped casket and her husband meal by bringln ' I ,
Iht the
tolls -
son*, Bob Horns of San Antonio in the military rltoi at a pit. All othvn asked "Lifting en
the pests and auxiliaries at 1:30 ( art to
.vHLNRY Highway would lead to',1
CITIZENS PLAN and Jack Harris of Houston; two Pm. Arlington. termaster: John Davis, post advocate pay II cents apiece.
daughters, Mrs. Wulter Eggtrt ol W Stanley Wittkop tang 'Sleep. : Jlmtnl; Walker, chaplain: Mr 0, W Calkins, program great' development" of' the'r1oNdi 1 I
Ramonville, Tex., and Mrs Nell Sailor Boys" to piano accompaniment " Oeo. Key, English Mid la TdUf j
SECOND BIRD Lime Avocado & Skill surgeon) and retiring chairman, ask that non-member*, '
Survey address at Key Wast Ht taU "M
Swarti of Houston; IS grandchildren played by Mrs. Wltlkup. Commander Vernon W Turner club groups or Individual, make
and great-grand i Ifcing Made for Booklet Carl: Smith" nephew of had given considerable study to
I tight I a Earl 1 three-year trustee. The Wen reservations at once by telethon .
the project end believed It ctvWbt
RALLY APRIL 24 children A survey to obtain accurate final Joined.chorus In with his trumpet in the A MiAllister, Post ritual team ln( her or Mn Fred Fuch orMr accomplished by him M governor .. '
Joel! J. Robinson.
Club PRIDGEN figures on the Dade County:: actio'Ie Announcement during the next four yesrs.Lifting .
was made that I
Appointive officers named The much
Jby speaker U sought
set to the tolls would t
Talks by citizens of South wcreiary Mo Thai bearing and nonbearing ht post with Its' 331 members Commander rhilllpi were: F A. after highly-paid who Cause .
New Officers 27 ) B Royal, the speaker
April << woadoa.and limes la being greater WIt of the highway", \
raids f
Dada who art aroused by sinister place in membership I Ruff
E. B. humor
outgoing McOarrah, ustt to her
president automatically put point
sconeumptiol t
made acid "An Incrtaat to.tht
by County Agent Cbas. HSteffanl In the . English
In stateDistrict !
Influences at work this
New officers _Ill be elected becomes vitr-prenldent The new ) and Assistant John officer of the day, Philip Bourn, atones, aya'Mre. Herman Heln- of 'uollnt..na I
I area will feature a second rally 27 Redland District officer Agent Commander Bub Wal (Continued Pag Four lout, She Is not II
Preston B. Bird's Tuesday, Apr. by will be Installed the first D Campbell ) president chargInf additional revenue" and I beUtvt "4
re-election to the county Uons Club. At the meeting meeting in July. The data will be used by Dr for her talks here, this. Increased revenue would t(f- !K
Clarence J, Parnun commission of Tuesday night nominating ballots' At'r tht meeting: Wednesday Oeo. D Ruehlt, vice-director-: Clubwomen to Place Bronze set the ton in tolls,* be e ija..... '*' :
Homestead announced Wednesday were distributed, for return to Ernest E. King of Homestead charge of Subtropical Experiment Plaque Contractor' Start In t campaign" speech to ,Bar*. !i. j
John Hale or Robert Barfield before advocated the building of a youth ,Station, In tow ht declared Florldt'l eitru ,.
The apeaklng will be In revision of his booklet Today to Commemorate Gift to ParkA Terburr Store Monday i
election night Members not (Continued on Page Eight) .
Legion Park!: Saturday' April 14 on the avocado and lime Industry Industry must be given imJr I
present may oblalh flu ballots H: O Barber, building eontrso standing. distance. from tbt state ,
Fuller Warren to Hold ,from Mr. Hale Beard Writes A plaQue, cornnwnmrat- president end
Children's night Was observed '
Descriptive Booklet Ing the dedication of Royal Palm linsttumental, In morning on the CBS store build- sound fooUn : ,
having tract
Rally Here Saturday at this weeks meeting with the Slate Park to the Everglades declared Florida's Inf which will be erected by Andy H* said th* solution rnusl'6dprimarily
presentation of a magician who '.About Everglades National ParkA National' Park by the Florida Fed- plaque II first th state p.rlLTh. Terburg M the northwest corner \ by the Industry but that t
Fuller Warren, candidate for out which
pulled small bunnies out of a
ration of Women's Clubs, wilt be was of Kromt ova. and S, W. First. it as governor ht would maintain i
governor, will speak In Legion newspaper, and presented them presented to Newton a The structure, which If to 'the close Interest .. the I j
permanently fixed to I boulder new ssrnt!
Hart at,. o'clock Saturday night to tw of the ... jtfcscrlptlvt booklet Eve- Drury, director of the Nations
small .u. on paint
or photograph the that he has In the patt.both .
v park In Royal Palm Park in a brief Park Service be noted will be one story high, i iII Industry t I
A famous cowboy treed which Nixon: Smiley and F. B Lincoln glad* National park written : by Mrs. McCaffreyand
by animal
; and plant Ufa, and camp service to be held tt I o'clock this Mrs. feet wide and M feet long I a* grower and public otftrpLAlternate ) : I
will play' at the rally Is icheduledto were welcomed u new' Lions Superintendent Dan B. Beard, will ers and fishermen/ fishing In the ftemoon.Representing. Jennings the Ever-
begin It* at 7:30. Jon Hayes Wood of Coral be published the glades Park dedication ceremonies
program Gables soon by park park tract: U regulated' by the
Vernon W Turner, city attorney, wa t guest E. A Robert presided commission. When available the state! laws be Mr*. L. J McCaffrey the federation retiring will Ic: 7 In Everglades City. Route to Miami Progooi:: 4' I IBy
Is chslrman of the local Warren. In the absence of President folder may be obtained by writing I Park Superintendent Dan Beard
for-govemor committee.. E. Gallaber. Gilbert Leach of the Everglades will take pert l In the' ceremony Brewer for Study by 'CORHfti 8i ;
here todaymembers t t4 t4All
Commission, Biscaynt Building. Post Office Receipts Rise 2.1.9% ...._
tic ._
Miami The booklet, which will a'w. j. will u. eervd b
I Homestead Among Busiest Telephone' have h" map of the park, is dt Above Those of Like Period l in '47 of the. Woman's Club of alternate route to Miami. northeasterly along the sect .si4* ;,t}
signed to meet the mall Inquiries the Redland proposed' \ by Pmcknty P. Brewer of the Seaboard track, to: lota /'
enters in State, Company Reports which have swelled to t deluge Sine the incorporation of Royal ot Farm. We ,.. to relieve traffi Bird rd. y tJ
, etna f.the park dedication, Mr.B.erdyasys. Cross receipts of Homestead the first qusrter of IMS and 153,- Palm Perk Into the national tract, congestion on U. B. No. 1, ta now Mr. Brewer hopes to enlist ttt '
j post office for the first quarter of 411 for the first three months of.,the park ledge hat been used M I under consideration by the Dade support of civic club and organ)*
I Homestead was In 1MO tnd b telephone la Homestead homes Aba Mar completion Is e master 1MB exceeded those 1(47. ranger etatkruOddfcllowa County' Commission. sstions, to obtain the, alternate j I '
today one of the busiest telephone and offices-today 1JJ5. Homestead pita for making the park pf the like TIle commissioners and County route to relieve th*, woQett and ;
, renters )la the slate. Southern Bell 's growth" ss a vacation and period In un by 2U per cent, '
I easily accessible to the tourists to SUreInitiatory Engineer Earl Iteder art "highlyIn dangerous raffle on the 'leae't l J
official point oUt There are agricultural city and the vital role who, art. already visiting It at the report Postmaster & E. Livingston \ THE WEATIIEUoribWi accord with the proposal to loaded U. S. No. L I '
many title which have a larger of the telephone to. this progress.If rate .f 1,000 a week the superintendent The receipts were 'film Decree provide' an alternate thorougb- .'
number rot (telephone but very even mart graphically Illustrated for a Mwt_..s u rfana.rl.wl i .
reports. The. plan give U48 and 110.24,172 lot 1M7 Homestead 1.0Of. Ledge will are halfway between Kromeav
leer which handle the heavy Volume by tht number of long distance ." ... Aa..n.L rl.lgeosa. ELKS TO MEET TONIGHTAH : r 1
prim Last
important to the preserve.lion month's receipts of $4,930.69closest put on the initiatory degree tt an and U, S. No. 1, Mr.: Brewer
of V"i dJtanct tails-originating calls originated ever Homestead of pre wild anlnvU end plant doubled.those of It,Will ......11II1..1 its... ,.... early date member decided aayt. Th. plan provide for the members and pntperttv* j. ,:
terminating end those teiephonea-3 on the if*. for the previous- March, Jit pointed Apr. *_17 atJ SO IS Tuesday" lliahl'Announeement tension of Farm Lift rd. now members of the Homestead"l&i :
4 "J_ passing through"-which to avenge day tt the start of JHo; The' pI'eeeIItIrk tourist crop out Apr. __19 tt, 10.It wa made el the ending at Quail Boost dr. northward Club art asked to attend a mete- i..4 "I
\ handled from the local telephone 171 or nearly! three time ai is a surprise\ ,to:th* park service CanallaUayfor Cat Initial Apr It., ..>.;;:.........M M 1017 Grand Lodge which win be inMisyxl.fraro to connect with Bird rd. tag at I o'clock tonight 1 'ta Lefloa ''J, i ,
bidding'Ltt'i tttt a closer ,look many, at the \beginning of'.1141. which.did-not expect an influx Warier bf thls7ar topped those April: .._...:_K tl WHOM ,*Apr. Jl to tt and possibly with Coral Way and HjUL t,ss -1{ ,
: at .telephone program in Homethe telephone system In until the completion of the park of the similar period last ytar by Apr: It.._.IS 67 80.14 clusive, at t-b..... H. J:. In-J the TsmlamJ\ Trail As outlined by Wm f/BrnOr' . '.It tervlng .as" r I{i f
i atetd.A Homestead baa expanded, It has Mr Bred ayes Among the visitor IS.S per cent 1>t laid. There were Apr 11 M 71 30.IS was named tfelegato and Mr.\ Brewer;; from Quail Roost dr. chairman ol ,,tht newly;org niM4l i '
: uto started, there were''y|7I (Continued an Page, Eight) arv naturalist who study: 23711 cancellation recorded tot ,Apr. 14._ .__...IS It 1007 al4 Link, alternate. he proposed txtension would run' I IQ" iroup. e4irr; ,
t. I ." > \I\. 4 ?
1 'l '
i I V ;" .' i .. ;
" .
L __ . __ . . J./.n..p. _. ..L..c. _ _ . ..... "" . ,,'. u ,, '. t ,, ., .' "," '. .. ,. i : :. ', ;
.L. ":'" J A "A j j i "" _..,...r,;.. .....(...t-I"' "
e . ,p al.Pape .
1'rlcIaY. April 16, 1W
Two ,
- -- Run Over Homestead Son (. Tell of ScfcwlChHdrm I CIIlJaai MtMErrr 'l'CJllltGII'I'A ; WARREN WOULD I He worked also for pointed abolition out uan that outmoded he- Young Presbyterians
Diamondbacks Church
for 'benefit that
I I --Crippled; chicken pi* tupper bookkeeping system
23 5 QIa I I Rampage of th* MW Sliver Mm /atnedkbldNlpg RAISERATINGOF occaskxeally forced teacher to go The Rev. IIInIl Bvery: p. t"ir :
,Fgurtcen.flit Dr. J tat MeBrWe WINe, for two asoaabs or tong* wtthMtpy
flag will I be held fromd ,II Home-stead 'Presbyterian .J
eU4 ion *f Br J. t. White' !
Br 40IIM .WAINHUOHT '.. k& rd I acrd 'M the arissstkdis pejler III CM ...... Beplt*Oiur*. to a 'dock lab evening. In tilt STATE'S SCIIOOI5JackaonvIHe Warren! erica (fee .*o.gtit. .*... :,Church Mfr M .inspirational 3
EVEN BACK IN 45 ....."" Rptl 'lrAkiThe L";'uses...tops': wlH lit .Mt ....._ at die, Rfdbnd tchool cafeteria touaty .*4 to becewtfg the! study a togflker of law be-IAswttetied :addreas at a district people rally from of Presbyterian West- t
RedlMd Ifich Wamondbackl ..tII. church shady evening" at 7M Layman's Day Apr. I Oectarlni bI'tttI'nIe' young j ji.
Sunday tt opportunities
"I Apposed owtaoiMaUon n I.4S. cause Palm Beach to Key Wed, held
ran ever Homestead Illgli'i! Ltow Hear ,,''', He will tell of bte work For' Goulds Baptists that "U>* KhooUwU II I at important IB the latter proTeatlwi I
end I oppose It !>..", ten George SIf fRedland visit the cASdren who Mrs attended reductionIn i..tost week hi Alia Vista Preaby
Orewer Jail Friday afternoon at the eaurOn>u f:Putter said he also a .
S. .dull, candidate. for .Iet- 110 60 64 4 tFxUton tenon Church In MUmlMwTon .
re- bit school m Birmingham, Sunday, Apr. 10, U Layman's teacher retirertwnt aMMsameeta.Florida
and then stomped
Warren /
lion I to the stall. .teflalalure from I 0' .11. 0 T I IYlrtua aU victim, of .apaaUc panljrtb.IWa Day at the Gould Capital Church governor teechera er* hamperedby the program were two .1 I
1 U-l of tery. E911e(1)) end fit*?***; stool ef1abtiah. appealed today to Itorida ethers and
Group One.Judge wa aa Speaker at the morning service lack of good school houses 'former Homestead prior, tat a
The Rattle act right balder, Chirp and Ilineock. Canto a Christian aervke la 1914. lathe will be a member fII the Gideons to help him Wl the slate. anbool equipment be added, celling upon Riviera ,
I man by hit reewd" It Rev Bruce A. bumming of 11
Glenn Lane, Homectead II year alnc then, Dr who are distributing\ S3.000 Bibles system from lit pretent low rank- citizens to help him '...,. a real 'I 1
the riof an of Mr. Okfll. voted tht I only four : -I Redland Kin* Leads Third Whit hat helped over ass hun III the hotels of Miami Beach. The log\ with the U. & Deportment of< Molding program'' under state Presbyterian, Church and the
rtandlnt. tint-term member collected an tmpreealve. II blows\ "\To' Victory at U of dred of these handicapped children Bibles will be on display this weekIn Education. auspice: *." Rev. O o. Alder ..f Northeast
or the .lf<5 leglilsljre. oft two HHS Ditcher" Sara T'dl f- the largest group of crippled , front of the Norththor Hotel Warren, recalllnc hU own ex. Preabjrterian dmrch Mr. Cunvmmg ,
Mr Okcll! wrote Introducedand cUe and Kinnef Oracet, wh3 went. The Varsity! t rw FI' children In the United State. In the evening G. C. Dorrla. a pericncei In a Clhuun County DATES SET who had served a* I m....
In In the txth. Inning ,< third arty led by Lawrence The parlor will preach at 11 Christian bualrieatma and deacon oneroom school and at a work.* Baptist tburcH of alonary .la Korea for It year,
crating ulcered; Dad to County pautg Port AuthorIty the bill The hlgh-Hghi of the ..m..Wai. of Msrtnjt, emerged victorious, o'clock on "What Religion Often. of the Llttit River Baptist Inc student at the Vnlvenity of HimetUad The First bat decided to hold spoke on missions, and Mr. Rick "
I Church, wry speak Florida, Mid he wa determined led the Bible itudy
when Jledtand'
In the Kith innlag vmcttton Bible school
and the bill creatiriK a single the April election at Universityof the tummer
reg'straiton' Kit for Miami and Herb Gears 'laf1l9-d! outs Earl Vennum to Preach to establish a minimum eatery. of from Aug 1 to AW II I. Inclusive, Attending from the \local church
1;4ric voter.' lit aporuored and home run with two men on bate.Redlind norld I On Sunday at PrincetonThe Champ Named $2400 a year for qualified grade and to bold the annual Sunday were Mitt Karate Holden Mia
stirred to passage the bill conmiiditln tallied two runt In tile Th new party. formed recentlyby For Annual Spell-down school teacher. School picnic on Aug, U in the Margaret McNair Mist Gloria
Did, ten Independent n...... one in the ascend seven in King and other student leader .e,. Earl Vennum, pallor .A native Florldlan, Warren b city park. Toth and Mm Laura Mat McCoy:
'o,Ii" .1 I UK district Into on. the third, two In the fourth three I to improve oampu politic, took of Miami Central Church of the Reel.l* Del school champion a brother of Richard Warren,
r unty-wid district H. In the fifth and eight In the !xthHnmmtrM 49 offices to U won\ .by the merged Naiarene, will preach at II o'clock\ chosen to compete in the annual principal 'of schools In Whit I I
,. tponi rorM Pun In Qstor-AU StUdenta& group, wblchj Sprlni. Their sister,_Miss Alma Should B.
*""<< rtmta the bin .uUjwi ores Sunday morning at t Princeton Miami! Herald:spelling bee Ire There
1/ ( the eounljf t? protect freshwater the first. one In the Maonfl two In nominated the same candidates. Church of the Nazaren Mr. Vents Otena 11, of the sixth Werran alto taught school In
euppllea.ihe the fourth and One .in the aiiUL Five thousand students indicated Vennum waa formerly tuperintendent. grade, and Lucille Sapp IS, of Wttt Florida attar her graduation NO TAXon
The Grower* committed sic I Varsity part at their choice of the Miami Dlitrlct the eighth, grads Vema U a In U39 from Florida State College
tn pktU platform foe 1t411 miscues, while the OUmondbackJ Said Chairman King a* the list Th* Princeton\ Church will be daughter of Mr and )4..... Edw. for Women/ boW Florida Stale
rgMition( 'to" permit stat andhell made fotir errors result were released "Our csm represented at a ton rally to beheld Owens, and Lucille I I. a daughterof Unlvcnity gaiofuif for faking hoofsand '
) palgn was not fought on empty hit afternoon and eveningIn Mr. and Mr*. Albert T. Sapp.RUlllltrtvP Expanding on hit pledge to iiFULLER
novernmrnU to participate! Itat Seer I We will do our utmost Fort Lauderdale Among those Ire Patricia Phillips work for higher teacher wlariet. farm
equipment says
n the U. g. Army Engineer' flood n HE IrPro.:;: ,
record the
the already' fine student expected to attend are Mr and ll-year-old daughter of Mr. Warren stated hit In
ntrol.,*n4 water. conservation H'matea4l I 0 t 0 t t 14 0 government at University of Mrs.. Clayton Underwood, Mrs.James and Mr. W. A. Phlilip, and 1(39 state legislature when he '
florid King the ton ef Murray, M.... Ella Horne Richard Paddock 19-yeer-old eon helped paw the
Florid tchool* 13 tomplet the Torch, Grave (I) and Pop; I Viola King 61 Karen, and the Rtv C. F CrauiwtlL of Mr. and Mr. Everett Paddock. system and the shoal code.
foundation proof Lane and Blaylock. ----
-- -- --- --
f: alp Ta J sharing b jr the aiate fov.rnnitnt EDISON HEATS RtftLAVD ,-! llomciitfid Ie Runner-up : WARREN
with financially Jiard.prraflcl The Edison Red Raider **t In Girls' nan! Tourney Elect _____
1 title ind towns where Redland down with4 iou
the 4* **'are" collected. Tuletsy'IRenoom 'In Miami. Homestead High School girls'
OppoeiUo 44 any form of stat The Dlamondbacka were bold! softball tram was defeated 1.2 ROBERT II. Candidate for Governor
i.ita* Us Ing a .., lead In ten firth ...han'tdllOll" Friday by the Miami Jackson .Allflorlda'* # *.. ..* It <4'"I
Opposition ( team which won the tingle elimination w{jv
o unnecessary stall
KreterKhmtr bopped aIn FOIf.ct'
tournament In the tenth GIVENSCIltCUIT shall "rrthiat hay power a u.or to
gaming and to further encroach. *
II. to art the RiMen in the .
do D" use
merit by afcta government Into had by '-/. ***' .' annual Dine County Sparta! Day 'IhU kaUut\ levy. Ties keel cad lane eamlpmeat .
fHlrti of local government and Carlo Ygartua was the starling at Moore park A plaque was pre. ; **r MpbNeT.PO.m. lot< which. Ala lox la lnl..<.. .tiessass
taxation pitcher for Redlind but Ellis was tented \to the Homestead team. and JUDGE'Group In. end late ...-.trI.* red eOiM aAUliw.r scow.heuld '
Mr. Okell, l2.year-old attorneyI tent 'in In the tint canto to takeover red ribbon, to the pit,.... Seven lie Noear.gsd k,JUlia this,..." i
II I I member ol the county state twirling l I retpontibllltletEdlton high schools comptteel.IIlJInItIt..d ( 1)) 11 .wantaib.oO.. Gad
an,4 national bar euodatiuns.! HtK toll-tted; seven hlU.RedUnd came back to trim 'ful1"W *nlll.an.lt'"h'" road.Ht i
I member of Riverside Metb.odlt scored three runt In Miami High e.lln the consolation GIVENS IS fc. ,01 h. wilt odronce tine.. j Ittttna to-o*. peel beak t tinl.rwu
coma The local team defeated on'xpclllcfod tClllh j
Church and teacher of I
Bible .::1... lie I. deputy supreme Tone d* Leon 10-S, and Redland HONEST EXPERIENCED SOUND ell oft) the people 01 IhUUWel Puce ...'I
Rovirnor for funds Loyal Orderof Dr. Davies Announces e-i IMPARTIAL SINCERE Florid )I. I. opposed to CI.' tn0 belief old Pg. UIbtaate.
MOON and part *. lled rulerof Sunday Sermon Topic Playing for Homesttsd were::I general eales lox He wanlt;; And( when ht |I. jour Cov_
the Miami Elks, and a member Shirley Orter, Joyce Walker Entirely free of commitments to to return the Stou to"pin, lee nor, you W0n't have to 'see.
of the Knights of PyUilM and the "God Measures the Church"wdl pen Stephenson Mary Lou MUI- any person, group, proipsrity through on tll.!( .. a one Ie) ice'Fuller Warren,
Oddfellow. He U ...ldtnt of be the sermon topic Sundaymorning Mlwbite, Margaret Carpenter,j clique or class.
r ,ral Cable Lion Club and put of Dr Sidney H. Daviespastor Martha LM David Carol Helms I e Native FUrldUn.e live reforestation program. H* Hi* door will be ope.0 evEY
pre ideal of the Young\ Demo. of First Methodist' Church. Orace Roper, Effie Redford, Doris want better 1ann.10-marktt citizen oh( I floridal.!
.'ra'ic Club of flor'da' Its it a Sunday evening he will preachon Lewis, Mary Jo Terburg, Anita I IT year prattle I*Flertda Cork. ,
rrtrtuat of Miami! filch School 'Lifc'i ImperiUvt. ChrU-, Deitt' Rebecca Brown, Elvie Veteran World War 11. '
-+ Ia. Unlveitltv of Miami tiara Spirit" Shores, Joyce Morgan, ROM Sin. i e Cbaliwaai, Law EnforeemeBl Cemanlite. ef ROBERT U. GIVERS, JR. iI
Mn1. Mr* Okcll have tour Music will be presented by thtenlor I tort, Wanda Smith Norm Illteh.1 Candidate. for ElerUoaJadie WIN WITH
Dad County Bar AaelaUe 1I4V4I.Paid .
< tholr tt the morning eep- er, Dorothy Douberley and ray Circuit"
vie and by the !Junior\ choir a''t I Capllnget Fay Hilliard II manager I ( political! advertUement. ) II ... Wane..
v.., 5m-.s-h the tvealng service. I &p.ulcal adv.paid IN h hl .If! fstr ,
M ; W h-nde-ter bu-l I -- -- --- v
n'qtftII lm
110 the wife a1
friend husband started off for the .
offlc. .; .. 1 '. ..' .. pr I . :"." ,. ...
You touch pi*,will) ttyh iwitlJnent ''a .1 1J o y w t 'f, sal
d. r''J replied the nusbnnd.
Well frankly" I do n4 five
dollars," rams, the iweet reply
LEGAL NOTICES-Ex. Sinister Influence at, Work
DADS:etovvr ,
........ y PtnnrA
NOTtCW II "rJIKII.,mVI N Ie1 "... I
sees jll4''. too tho Ixew fol........rK d..n( _lhd. M..4..... 10
i.ADPt VMklf ...... .Ill W .11_
I.zed t'V.. *..riMfc. .arc J'. ten hlh.l In South
W M Ce.reMr, Dade
.h atehw.. .... her. -t ilN .'dab A. "
.lea. w tile .RMksrtIUN' .1111.
,.'as; ate. I. t..... !.'.._. A iuk.tak ,
Awwded, M rot II 't PM. O. .
l.u 11 V* H. bunt, I, rhk. MIM 1.: ,:
:',:u \. ,,_"" .o rot. i.... le .1.1A I Ii ,I .
rut. MM a. n.lw seas, A nab
:pea'A'7"i w.d? "?.Plat c.I-..IMdII, ii"N: U Pea.;:;et.'sw Since Dade County'was created this ALL the residents this area are tied Check into their past business,,records, : ,
A hN 1Lr.I ke,.r.Our. .J'.. ; Start A.rdl, I t...q Sdt.el M rleh Park t..b..It....at. area has had a representative on up to what happens to ,water conservation and you will find that they have practically ,
.t r..,..l'II.I.hta .: '::1.''M.I''ii the board of county commissioners.Certain i .i and controL none. They have offered nothing. ,
Plea Lu, 1':..$1, Ae1.11q I...: l1.a.*I Piet tv.l lei Pete" i J "
to constructive but the have
interests are now attempting i t. on contrary,
"j-HA'\'i.fci I.l*' kwp1* Adds.
'Jti t''r.l'r".t,,', iJ."i. A.NNIIti"I"1. Mri' "..,.........ettrf. to deprive us of our rights. These interests Now this question isVltat: i is the real'reason indulged! in mere promises and flights, i i
M 1 1 a.b at
1'_ tea have been identified those opposed to of wishful thinking.
1P UM, II M dA IIS.':'1 tork r4 IT.to aa.H $ash0D.5. as t for these OUTSIDERS' interest :
1. .M eta, web tt, rkrMi.iJi. the best interest of South Dade County 'lTh'I UNSEEN
Ch, IPepry I AeedtS M Pent be.b a in our affairs? t I 1
nWt,, :... u.Strb..et 1aW CNrr.nr'Is. . and are pledged to the defeat of the Dade County demands successful, lion- ,
.Met. 54.Y-..-... ctwlrif.t >G mentors unit t have mflu.enced these Miami est and experienced guidance in the' '
'J Aiy.i4t.il i* i riM i i.. BJ, M 4i7rwi.. water conservation and water control j ,
C- then.,. AMMJlnc. rui. IeeH I residents to into district
move our
Ma Your vote for '
P.ewi ss Idlq.t.Nk it!itf1nrW
oJ. f I.: 1r'-..., i.a.... i...Uwk.MrMiMi.'I fIAt. rwu.Ieeb 1 en N,, \ '\\\" \W \ ':," \t'y\ \ \\, \ t , \\\'.\'\ to run for office-and WHY? ,To whom' B. BIRD as county commissioner, ,;; !
. '''.:'.'-I., HA.d' .iMk i" ..M.Pot rtew lea* tUta 01 at, The interests of the fruit, growers, the will they pay allegiance? They own REPRESENTING THIS DISTRICT wity i'
"' : '14 ..J It. ..U>k ... HnrU. as here. taxes here. be vote for, this type of leadership.
(Pe',*>. A_Mi t. riM .... I at farmers and, in fact, the interests of nothing They pay no a
U* 11 ktark 4*. rWMs Ck (J wrt ,
A.w.dip. W I.. .!!*Put.N. rtottt'cMv
--'I.....: 1 t..tkrl" 4.,, pIbru/. CltP. ._s.sP I
Aran *.. N Plot ... 1 at rite ,..
Lt i. .> v i, ). \
AM.dlp : Pi.' :ktiXlMrTntin I'I
a- rte t.... ....... tC Pte'.. *
1 CIW 'irNe .l. A..dlq' M ybt t.t You Are Cordially Invited to a x .
AI. -.ll"1Aure,.IN.b.. ....11PtesA., ,. I at der P_tPvta.t.badle ,.. .'I I .
..Lo4 I'*. :: >'M'" pi I > r' TTT)
Mw J 44. VbrM. Clw (VnMrK).I BIRD
*> rut .wk t ,, r rrw I r RALLLY for PRESTON
K. R LIATHllUNf N :n
t /.n a C&ee gee.,' Nry
a> As tl..e4 Pl.r.aa .
.tF tilUNlife :l i
'a ear wit ,
j ,.. vOCXV"* "' 6t Sponsored by District-Conscious Citizensi;
I y aJAN C1IAPPELL ( '': I ,
. ''\\v. A.16epperting.(DiU) Shauda
'. -foIJ04ERNORy I .. 8 f. 1, SATURDAY, APRIL 24. IN LEGION PARK .
) ,' ,.. .... . d . .. '.. . '
: .J t. .
\ r' A .. (nil .4 wrtiaemeot vtiiten, Inaertnt. and paid,lor by fortjr-eljM triensdj. -of Preston. B.Bird) .
;" -- --
. .
tw . .. .. .......
"hw a I' _ __ -
-flefr"' ;'F-> "" "r; '.:\ Jf"tI', : ";"" "'II'i'4': .,'\'::" . ,. \. "'" -- x. -.-"t.,,:. ., .,,,'i ., .
I .I
, .
Friday, April 16, 1MR .. . -' HOMESTEAD LEADER-ENTERPRISE!
_._ _._ .
- -- ------ -- --- -- ---- ...
----- ---
II.. GIVENS LED LAW : Akis, Lei tsbture Candidate, Stands 'PALER PLUSEXPANDED eptte of the state law requiring, '
_J & S Store Marks Third Anniversary Four-Square Abet Con fdationJsmM population M patrolman tor o soy 104M
;:;., :ENFORCEMENT .. > ROAD ton the" teals or the people lax
----- --- --- ----- --- Hade
County there ahmild be a
'111 LEAGUE START i1 r t 4 CY t Abate. eftndatet IM about It, actually mbvejtreaantedthe tore of more than twist thai
the etate .le.Mare an OMIB people of !Dada Cptlll y". PATROL SERVICE toe," aald. Pntser.Pehrer .
I ,,' Two. atand feur-aqiMM a.*lna< Mr Abrea, a reel*>M of tile ,who Ie nmilg. mg lr ,
\\.i I Robert H. Givens Jr seal) the UUml-Dftde eeu.tru.-i county M yeen, .t.....d Dade tHe office of abertff. wilt a fledge '
dale for clrcult: Judge from Group pubtte sf+... In IM4 he red. ***.*. 13opaandad road patrol protection to limes up OM gxngeler* send I' \ ,
DM led la the formation of trI, UUon. Mil a a a. and busbies. .tainMraUon to every section at Dade hoodlum, t* a aweeeafwl. Dad !
new Law Enforcement tiutltute I have bt1pDII. &n. OM jfreaa from she I UWvarattref . OMMto wat .l* County b ualn i annm, He roeefrom J .
"d' etude up or leading Did countln i 'mat ot my time eempal nl | Mia.** aM h Mtt a .law de i redfo .:ydPef tina Pdmle- office boy to ........t melee.
HII to fight crime Until recent) .jaunt the conaolidHion Nil beeuae gree. H* worked his .*y though tr Jr., World U veteran end tuoceatfttl manager. of an oil company before I I
1r,' I/. he wi chairman of the lair I I am convinced< u s cttkea aebool and etaured to aperta.. bualneannaa entering the service, and afterhi ,
...11 enforcement committee at the and and I know aa alevier dyer* >* UI7 he haa practiced .law "A your emeriti one of the tint dteeharge went .into bueinea
I Dade Bar. Asuoelatlo&n Ukpayer In Miami except during the four thing on toy program would be for hlmaelf. H* I M new ttce-preei I.
;,;:, ,1 Mr Given hu actively engaged that It U the moat vWoua flu spent In the armed to Increase the protection to the dent anti general. manager of e
.HI In the general practice olUw piece of legislation that bas ever outh end of the county," elaborated land ant rock company.In ,
t' .11.' in hit native Tampa and In beta forced upon !the people of -My legal background particularly Palmer. who made an outrttndlng epic of in active: builneaj "
A ? Miami deco im, except for time + !JIM county to vote upon QualWea me for this office, record at mayor. of Mr- and civic career, Pvrrln Palmer, t
pent In military eervtoe during "n mean placing. our\ govern* he tayt, Venue 99% of the amt. 1 guarantee to give the outlying IT. put aside considerable time \
the pest war. Admitted to the mart In the hand of a tow dietalora. leglalation' ha to do with the law dl lrtrU of our county the dally for his family II* la married I
i Florida Bar In ISJI Mr Given ot the etato and without a legal I adequate protection they eurgently to the farmer Dorothy OotMForcum.
: .. eligible to practice before the Even these few -.I..b.lI.ve background a man would be unable DelTIler.! are districts end they have threechildren I
V- & Supreme Court U. S. Court spoken In behalf ot the conaaUdatlon !- to tell whether, a bill la coo- of the county right now -.lth virtually Nancy, Kitty and Per I
I "(0 at Claim. U S. Circuit Court ol blU have admitted tat It atiUilional not lie would "haveto no protection rlne, Jr. The Patmertrown their
Appeals U 8. District Court, Supreme would be fought In the court fer; lean on mantel who art Palmer pointed out that there home al 6821 N B. Itta court
Court of Florida and all Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sharp are shown in a photo of part of the interior the next 10 or IS lean*. They i lawyer. are only IT road patrolmen\ In Miami
.other' Rlilng Florid horn court he rank of private of the store which they opened in Homestead three years ago as the J 4 S of neglected Dad' County to elate will that be the peopl'l I 'la 1
lo>> colonel in the field ..rttl1l1"1z'E. Clothiers In celebration of this event Mr. Sharp. is holding a "Third. Anniversary for this court tight which would 1
Given HW four yean ol Sale", which will dose Saturday night coat taxpayer million of dollar I I 1I
Ive duty with.two yean of over-, Mr. Sharp opened the men's clothing store Mar. 30, 1945. With his They have aUo admitted thatit
duty during the war. H* would effect no Immediate av- HAMeV.EEl 1
Nerved on the War Department! wife and son, Jimmy, he had come here the previous December from Hen. inS A* a matter of fact,, it wouldIncreaee I
. {general staff In 184J under Elian- derson, Tex., to make his home on Avocado dr. Before opening his own taxes and bring a How YOUR IRON 1t
., bower, Handy and chief Wedemeyeftuccetelve business: Mr. Sharp was employed f6r 15 years as buyer for Texas depart translation In DAde County of. all municlpalltiei
Other niccenive grove aeilgnmenUdirector ment! stores and ,men's shops "There are *o many things I' t
1 b ere: of U. S. Army In wrong with this bill that It would While
Mr And did leave take hour to explain. Let in*
: 1 Illgane In Peril; chief U 1 *- why you
1 ,China of,the Joint intelligence collection your lest place Imply ay that It la asking the it's Hot 02* : .
I agency of Joint chief 01i I I Maid-I wa asked to do tome- people of Dade County to vote
taff of the army, air force andJII' KEEP THIS GOOD thing I didn't like to do. on something unknown. It I* Ilk
navy; presiding officer of general I Mr*.-What sea that? buying a pig in, a poke. You P 1
i courts martial\, HI*'Air Force | Maid-Look for another job would be l tu.lIloUn.. away HOT *
(Flying Titers), u appointee( of ( COUNTY COMMISSIONI. ,ma'am.-American Girl. your right a* Americana givinga iron as be ehaped vvtuily. George S.
, select few unlimited power. I t
General Chennault
I So It is I with other *(
cannot are bow any person In hit many thing
Mr. Given I I. author of a book ... ... -- -- - -
' i j on effeqt the of political chain tore.and merchandising economic I. D. MacVicar i i You demand MORE a right bill mind could vote' for tuch. For lotanc, you eta provide life iarortnre protection OKELLRepresentative .
I IjI. "I feel that opponent when
of which more than 5,000 my
pople have been told throughout Veteran both wield wan. ..titanJttL a nanuLl he voted! for thU bill not known t for your family cpilcit while yon are,.r In food health.It will
he worldBrooks tog whit It waa and without tint
Snccenfal! bacteria'peas The MAN nlmM-U VlmttI contacting the people of Dade lake only t imall part of your income,fi
Dade Ceanly reeUrnt, for tf"Mac j I pave raven Ability: County to find out how they felt Don't delay eee I friendly Lit of GcoiU{ Ageat today..
State Legislature
Inc. i STOCKMAN Bread HintThe Ire will be glad to moe g program lo,iult your lute IMIBeealMGrenp
STATESMAN : Invitation to the annkcrairy '
"Mac" working on I w. a. (IlilJSHANDSI party read, And don'( try ridud meest t
to the door
I protection of Dade County's drinking water . !I arrive knock, Just on nudge It loudly with you Candidate Far A
I countywide slum clearance . supervised playgrounds the toe of your shoe"Are
j Oldest Completely I I or OAnmviuiSKAKINfi ( of the recipients called up atdlri rJl 7i1 SECOND TERM
. county aviation progress . more FltOM EXrHIENCt the lender and asked for in explanation
I IS of these curious InMrurjlona. -
Equipped GroveCaretakers hospital facilities. ..pI,.,,.,. 1..1111.1 (Paid Political Adv.)
t Came the aniwer "We are pre. .
I '- MAC! .um I for Governor Tee oLe s .Llaahe. + .i.MOI lair. I
=- pACK Miming of course that your arm
f "T WHY GUESS . Hfln CUTAINTt"VaunoM. will be loaded with preetnt" ......lulu ,- insert
J (PaW Pdldaa! A4.Ntw...'I) I. . . ... . . -Ex. I READ TilE WANT-ADS U'
,- ..D-....>fT
I r". r. o.;"box 11 ..
"'". n'o -. n -
HOMESTEAD . THE ., ," .. ,l;
\I 'D\rX'I tj1 : e t, 0 RUG S IT.i C i ir
... I .. .11" '.." .' ...." :..... ... 111'." n '.11'"_ :. FRUITY FAMILY I !; w, .
I Wherever yes ...We'.ta De4eCeekty ,
,.. eaa veto fer
,1 ; f
r { ?
l :
.. : t
Ernest R.GRAHAM.
; Erect STATE :1 :
FOR r .
County Commissioner 1 WM J. "Bill" SENATOR i'
Subject to Z.1 ,
May 4th Primary $ASHES ,
The Time Hu Come for
(f.ld rolH I. Chang. Ad waM..Nu An Aggressive and Capable MAN for an Important Office i
Re-elect. t--; M.UAM lUOGHAPHYBUI 1 i fj!
I. *flD MM HUNDREDS Of: PRUITT Pratti ailonMr sit bv. ben U. Baltaor' PRUITTI I '
: Sprang, 'Tekaa, .bt IHt, .tome reaUed to MlaMI ai c* ,
t ATESTSAlEl Ittt. A rradual. ef Cuwbarls.Ualversny. Lebanon I +
d iI r T iSS* 'd' t **' VU 'Ttnneaeee, member ef Central! Baud Cbarek 'I .,
FOR All+Nttah BU Ledge. U-.I Greta, .SoettlafcRite. FOR ,
4*< weal rOHH T AWtW itt tOAU Mal t
MaM Shrine Alvbary. CeueU Jab B. Orr
rte.'sow io01. a . a = bring AdN"ph nrwll ..aerial ,. .=i far 7.e Cluster! DeMebyi MUaal Brack dvl Leagae aa4 1. '
i STATESENATOR' Miami ... Reel pat feet ) Cent STATESENATOR
UCOJttX 4 Beach A '" preeMeal ,
I t 41 lUAU tfc MDFOM ITATWWIY.Ji ibff,M meet
.. .... .. Way ElemeaiUry acbeel) sal Bbeaarteah jailer .
.. g .. . . '. .2 far He NNatast.Nw.M.NycNOlwilyfa3g,
JIMMY HU School Daddies Aaeeriattona renaer ebalraajuiJaalor J\I If
set IEW1 rmoret + 90 ItUU TOQTM FASTI 2Vi .1.s&MuI x. "' Rd Creat,' .....'Ceentjr Chapter fer twerean ,
: .... a a'C .' .2 far c t1.1eAM'Iw.nwj"NMh.lly.Zlrrareli. { t and fermer'OeTeraaaent Appeal. Agent M
1 Sullivan bar yearn three Jet'"dies. 'resU.ii MIS.
; .(DAD: COVMTT ONLY) . :"anW. ,(DAM COCNTT ONLT), :.J'l.NNewSateTaxtaiyKiid ,5
AMDtW 9 she .heaths. fW. . .2s.51.. . 2 Ie( He
.. :. 1..
Yow Sheriff S .U. VIOOIIA 10' tint .0mI IN yea rotYOrt. mtmi mUllS
9.dMksM.Id.dI.iMeQ'2iwL7i. hr II.....,... .. ... .. ..2 far 2.81 (
I .H
-- .
ofI fwr jVa*'wwwwi W al attatsSf w AH v aaV AaataaaCateftdf vaujviMtHWII As senator, my efforts win benefit Dade County not special Interests.-1.urge the'defeat of the proposed ,
My record RcrambMl. CREAMS. tt for Hit consolidation on May %5thllt 1 is an issue, for Consolidation. defeated and my'opponent is .j' Ii i
good law envforcement elected,he *ill pass U again. ,'
t is 4'iwtw. *f .. phi. *M cut .. .. : +;, i
I Aid to,the ettle i Beat economy A L-Ute office buildingfor / A It 1AU mettle and dmtal i
open'to the 5 fochf' crtomtf Buy any 2 of I Uitrf. 2 for 76cMMfMMftfft and flood. control In'government Dad County, school' tat, Dad .County, !
Price for ONT I Is 75cf \ t \ :. . .
iHfvfar I'
Fra 'j, ,: .I'q I t ,,1. 1 ''i ( '. + r-" .1 4" ; "
public ; ... '. ....' ".cft.. :.,r wq.t. '""ft. Sinferel1..rOuniBU.L-PRUn"1\\' ,. .' ,
; ,
t \ "f' ,
running on .fJIiI MXJKj''FfrLAST2DAYS..llfRIDAYandSATURDAY, ) '
tfce,record. : .' 't>riUiPii""r1M.4-25': .1l' i Ci
r .
': ... .
(Paid for by' Jimmy SwUr. 1 \-J 'Hlltical Adtf(Fald.for By A Friend)
., van BherUf dub) : ... . . . ...
.4 t
) a ,I
..;- ... -- .. _____. T ....._... "I .._- __ '... ... . ,.. _,. ,
I!,; ::J\ ]I
rllp I Four ROII I'IAD L8A. __ may,_ !
., ----- ----- ---- -
-- --
-- -
_ro 11 nnrmUIiIiJUII.mllnl: Decor, E. A. OrahaM. lilts V.F.W CEREMONIES J a bl_. hMortao Mr Del t aapIs......... l"nI'I I I in hot water, stands he spy( ''O I
TheLeaderEnterprise mm Grabs W .... Walton, U ISawry. in* abodes, thre*.jar trustee. A prowl. ,. .limluii, I bath anyway.-Atlantic TwoBrlImmediate ; ":
k Dr (J. W Maims .. Toum. Coal nued from Page On) and. Mix Howard Seat. Mm W I
The Gadabout) ..* Mania, Of* fMaar. E. C 8. Griff**, Mr*. Bast. ZeUnan and 'tIN.I .
r' ...atd r rNr"IlMrd 20 Years Ago tXtfM Tar e'awkm. i. W. historian patriots instructor H P. Rutherford: DEn Talbott legislative -, Mr*. RhMto. *. color bearer I ,
But***). Mr.. O.aal* Jobs, Mrs. OtfW were yri*salad I ; n
I, Niles WkHkaf YemyrsnmI11 ..... 1WI l Md..... Mr. officer; Monroe Loaner. 1 ::01
er. + Veal Mm H. P. ..... .
hI/M Ile. tsar
M e' toe. Feral.. ..... III as..ed.. sergeant major Jama Father. 't
t HAM Bua. laea Bfawr.. 8. S. StiteW*.1.1Mn. Deliveryon
M sews Piasbaft .clew. Ms .... r .rd Urtof president a4 Mr t'
I w ouartormMter writ-ant WadeThompson ,
r I r .- w we.. .- .I. dW Majrbaik.* RIM. i K Scott ; new iiiastdisjt.. for .........
"- tL.a..d Ia. .,. ...... J.qa. guard Ovid Sullivanemployment IIaL'A ; .'
I ..... '=" .. k4 I* tel faariatar withMr .... __ .... M. I... met SwasMon J. B KuaatU MraWat officer: John Tray- viet as secretary Mrs Lam.I' '" ,'\
na w a..w. a.wr.ws sewM Lochrte, L. r Chapman, J octotenartoo' member of .
..<%NilllR LMM t'IIU tte/ .... busters pW. wledowgloppl add _, a aIL 8. almanacs. U* Naff, rVad Rob- nor, color bearer; E. J Cauaey lllary n4e Ole pe .11 JiJ
IIIUY ......L_ ...... .. ifi1rISu .* B take anam, W Serery. t, W Hunt. HB color Car: lU'rd.R E. B. Francis M Wimbish propertyctadedtan bu- ...... Rutherford and WM ./A
.... ... tberl eats fFiMki. dcIIIen toM fllJlllllm IIIllflllllllllfmlllrnmr! IIf111 Mtyntrd..4)1. SchumacherL. . .; Lee F Donahue set- duead -maaeot" of the
.. I- Amefkeo dollar& MaY "The North Kroro avenue en- L. McClanahan. Mia Jennie vIM officer and S. W Griffin Mrs. Rutherford was given recognition
I. ...1t'11'I'ImI(........' -.4".1 MrW add I by meter, and they( tnuton to nmlaml Trail will be Lobdelt': A. R. Pratt Allen Bon. special detail for. s remarkable gfcTIto Westinghouse7Cu.Ft. "
t ItMI. I ere ... M irlse tMietd of pound and completed In about four monthsreports nctt.\ W B, Mrrlck, Harry Cooper. Mr. Turner wa presented with the post-* framed and greatty" hili
n.d ..... o.rtrt .grtJ. enlarged reproduction 411 a pffaaVH Ii '
County Comroladoner J 0 B. Parker, Anton Waldin. a part commander pin and car- qtmrro
f I w. Mat l ,.eore. Rbes ....... .1 quart.R Croat of ,
r O R dd . The tad will be Franklin Cash-, W P. Cub, L W. Ufiokto.Commander. pare showing the .t.
.*.. #*ptay* were veita- about IS mile lone, and 1 II now Taylor, Sam McKinatry Ford Phillip Introduced: Malta. emblem of the V. r. w..1 i('y'ysea"
r,l...... .. .... r.. adN. _..mi bat way randy andbarr .... and giving It* history Tbn .
., H. IM$ w Ne. .... In driving trim sans 11 or Ilemii.e Cochran Joel I Oavla, E. R GoM- A. WII. commander of Ray orig-J j f
. alar* was deotratad like ." Post. Carat OaWe Tom mat print had bean Increased In i ltertl
" PIe1AA cease M Mwr. .out of Homestead. burg Mrs. Ulrlch Martin Wm. Renuart ; : : s:1:1U
.* late" .....y tons back "bornell piloted . Van Winkle )t. D. Yetter. O M Anflnson. commander George A. lie SOO time by Photonrap ser 9 Cu. Ft. :jl'ct' :
kf other store was Dan Meeker and Mr Mekr ,
a every Brand) Post and Ben Shiver, r
"A federal Of unfinished Budd A 0 Raab, J L Burton ,
-S to e.t and drink. Some of purvey had tinted the pktured emblem. 'I a 7 ,"
w W.is Your Ma MonJcfy? .. oafs covered aevtral stores ,bridge been* on authorized the Overseas as Highwayhas the first, W.Mrs.M Or, Bindle Vttt, Mrs Jot,*,. Geo O L., Basses Strkk-' of peat Miami department; Dr John commander Dt MOy,,seen.mlmder both., Xtr Rutherford, also, was given 1 9 Cu. Ft. with Freezer '
pare* wWI comWnad bakery J. Oeronlmo,1, recognition for htt fin 1> the "l'a I
and Wm. '
the a! land W O Talbott, Mr. J, APaugherty '
In highway
I' .airlckr and liquor bars Many step instructor': I J,, ', "
Dr A.. )t&kew nu ready shop 1 adjutant ot John G SlUe auxiliiry patriotic : '
arttttredSam pvernment road for military usein and Mrs. Seymour of I ,
and chain '
Adrlk.ht had table Post of the/ American Legion; fUg (
>lv' linjreartni *ff taatkM time of war I MUrnl. 'd/I
. arsine. e e Capt Raymond Voas, commander Irving J Lyon directed the ,
t"o., ter, MM/ t of the cafes extend to I .f the local National Guard unit; Homestead Mali Chorus la aw \ ')
ih .t-nttr I Md. "Card Bell Cave.Ethel Hook 1'
/ to develop tart
the tower Income people: flUiet Exprrlmenls oral selections. The llomeitesdHigh
I E. Klrby of HomeMmt I J
Thou .
f Oind omt4 mayor .
end Joyce Barrow were ap< -
tore and shop were for the elite etles of tomatoes tultable for of School bran, quartet, conpoeed t "
IS I UiUW atWl leaden the 'teafI<:. J Baker manager Immediate -
w hlhictioot
wn nart patrol for 1< : Also
and lelnir el.... Around ll)>> a giuulh' hero arc producing fruit ,* .. n'Hlinit Dutrict Chamber of. of Mill Betty Turner Mini Delivery tar 5
I 1 II""JUtlhl m. %nd from 4 to 8 p. m. It better than the ordinary run' eh.rt.m.m'- .I( nTint Helen- T(merlin. Lonnle Turner I I ., I1fIi ;
.. ..* IC1tocJt ,,, f' mce I Chat W Forbes veta1'llDr .
bath f us Girl Scout Torganised i I
would be difficult to find a seal report Stacy Hawkins, plant\ and members atre and David FTiedrtcht, II playedseveral .IJIJ\.
roajijbtg >ound- eran : onWESTINGHOUSE
Mni. P iil
kid here by >
small larne They pathologist at the experiment its- number ,
In any cafe, or IfII'
John Santo correspondml -
1 ,fit the M reaentmenU\ daft have enough waiters\ and order lion, The March Is fir<. strain .lth Vaughan', leader . Mr J 0 parr(cf M'ami Dally News Polly The haU was decorated witharnngementq 'II' ,
t tin.* arc always taken Immediately, buts more tender items t for miler Carter, )leader of the Re41and. :' ROM Btlf of the Redland Diatrlcl ot ot'-d lilies 1 .,n, eel I
which .. all for hour WIth and strains which run lear troop, assisted Mr Vaughan. 1JI roses. '
WI'(h tM .uuUmu with pfraon tan ticking . N>" and Miry F Dickinson pastel-tinted RANGES his '
'hourly. prM' on. cup of /eoffte or I drink. to "frooks" and "rlt faces" , of the Homes'esd Leider-Enter- ,A buffet cupper of snorted sandwich -i tI '411
thai 0 Tumr'of
"Mr srdMr .
I Ism. ihing that were. no concern Some kiwi floor shows, but Experiment with different varUelie | **,,potato -chjp. shifted i .. Clam. "
rat r ..... ,tI I I II most have orchestra of aevertlilece of fertilizers tre under'observation Betipiore .r*. slttnft!!Redland their' "ro'Mr.''-I 0 tiara: of the auxiliary wen celery. olive, pickles and punch I r tart ,l I
I tell t mr fKoe growled. the wa lIh *. and sometimes girl orell"> on' the form of M L. ft O. W Turner ot Installed by Mrs James C Vannof wa served 1 ,,Ii std '
y ed !' I lea are found throushout ArenIn > Cook H A Procter Preston Lee Turner, a lawyer In koverttmentemploy onalderlng Homestead. Junior vice-presi SERVEL GAS REFRIGERATORS
ti I
In Wtrhineton .
I *. Here all members of afatnllr and the lanes and Gaunt fieldsCompletion ;""wnLth Jg
of Florid
., dent f the department
K.I, h rfadl at tfltk'tINM Speck . \ moving ha family hr
enjoy thimtelve While
settled. by in Installing team from ::
et duct. he HilWien drink boiled mil: \gn
of the new city' auxllteres.Mr "l013 _tl.tI "
: Itomevte\ Miami .
know Wm. C. Ewing
And I '
lip I w:at't:: the parents drink coffee, Seldomdo baseball diamond I It reportsd.by post", ,office employee: has l.(t for *. Erie: Bridie wts inducted 1)0 ,. C 1 ROPER GAS RANGES q.i/
you toe native drlnkmi liquors Councilman' C. T. Harper, chair- PnctClccoast as president: Mr. Geo Pittstsenior 1 {
the 110I/.1'
TIC, , i to my reant cam* (the tg a three-month trip to, .
:or win unlei they art eating mAIl cf the.t.. and parks committee .,* Wee preajdent, Mrs Trultt: GO': !
II! ClIme cough her ''hura-d' Ieinrts.The . Foy Hobbs, team manager Lawrence, Junior vice-president; ,1)1"PAINTING ADt ,
I wad to pby to upa /
bit '",'," I II outstanding roffe reUu- Is working In cooperation: Louji Albury, nine srindun Mrs. Fred Link, Jr, secretary: I 3
nit wt the llouae of Brazil", with the tlWn.p"OpI4 In obtaining of Mr, and Mr*. R: E. Albury of Mr. Ames B Fatherree, treasurer
I i 1t.1I wave of pity urging Mori I The** chain stores, tl)routhotrtSouth 1 new fence and bleacher*:. .t Redland. ha ben mining .'no : Mr., Philip Bourn chaplain;
h M hr mlleed M itiuch_\fus America& are all designed . l.ftthe. Redone school bus at Mr F. A Ruff, conductress, Mrs ,,lIT i1
real fun (4t'' about the ame, with a lane "Di'trlrt pioneer and thane_whr t stop'In Goulds.\ ." 0. IL Sullvan' guard: 14."" Joel, Gas-Oil Products ,>. !
II\ Ink. d tact when Ui&ughlulnew vtraeiho coffee bar about ISO h.vebHn her II yari will be I Inc
( / 'ft'd..p, and Inside the men honored guests of' the chamberof !
Will hv paid dlvldenila InI work making fresh Individual commerce on- Apn 10 at Red ,
I.I."lomlthlu( Won. cofff from. early morning until land Farm Life School The pub WOODY a 'The Iluilder's'Friend' I Of Florida 'f
lilt at night I I. 'Invited As the Hit of pioneers I
A i" l wllh that thought I kn.w Both men and women buy their and nenr-pianeenx is not "IC COOK. Itoroe U d, Mir, .
'lust i l .1,e had lost checks from the cashier it the complete anyone not Included I It Flagler at Krome Ph*.* dp1' .
1'I i'',' i power, U mmki me feel door then stand to be served al I
I Invited\ Amjng the honored YOU OUR ROMANCe AUVtYOU ;
,.':'' n her flunky the bar. Nn tables or chair htre, HD :
sally. guests are II L.. Cook. Henry SITTER OIT YLRSEL RIGHT ON OVtR TO ? D'sklbala.f .' :
li I air' answered her next
but sometime It Is difficult to i
Carter, W. J. Krome, H W Johns.
.Inn, ; get I place to stand This goes on ton, J. O Murray, Don Herds, BROOKER LUMBER CO. AND GIT SOME OF NATUROL ROTTLEiGAS .' J 5
"Wai rout I
I' l..hU.h I answer
all day long Deal lass la about '
M, Q Simmons. K, K Morton !
THAT QUALITY BUILDING j Flaglcr at Krome .,
monkey I (
n .1 i 10 cent In our money Including
Peters Peterson A
Tom Ole L
---- --- : ; i- ; rilONE Uf- HOMESTEAD.: FLA.II .
lips. No milk, but all I I the sugar Chardler W M. Dridley. Walter I I Ih. :.rf
...- you need. At this itor* (hey rout Moody, Gee Coal Fred Loomis PERRINE
(the coffee every day and grindIt C. T. Fuchs. Sr.. Fled Link W ) "' .
l'' ,\JUlY MAUKOW1TZ\ frtth tar Individual cuitomersLett R. Anderson, A. C Grew, Fred I whin J . . I.i. .. .
---- lien, Given Vklor .carl DadenThai. .|. .. ...,. .. ,, 11.
r 10 \,' Illnta ll..,. Miami. B* Iperlns Cox Preston t.ee. Mrs. a THAT HdWCOTTh4 PALMER . 1
Businessman (to visitor You A. Waldin. 0- A. Ihlnlin, L Hob Wo Sell ..1? f etommeaatTHI I
I say you want to know about the Jot" J, Wlngite, R. l II ; YOURSHERIFF J' ; ti';
leaatrkI .
Io., i r MMkowKi Fen Cpes '
*;:k In BuSnreis f smMll _ret U '*,.'" .)."... ta- !C: Savear; frank IrtHir" FntnctfLewi f f"'T Uj( D 0 F' :ts ,4(1 j
. Visitor: *!1>*t. njht, air /t
nil V.! K. Illihway Ne 1 I *. It A. Proctor Mr*. I* L 1 '
Near U Jest Read: BusincNmant Are you a reporter Bow, S C. Uvlngaton. A. R. LlvIngiton FEEDERS SILENT" TARTNERINTLINA1IOMAI. r
r: or do you( mm from the Chas. Cotaman, Cha.Albrecht *. peP LtllLllo0SsevlC I' '
income I ( steal6N'It41t1.dK
lax dlvltlonT I -Ex.Dr. :
L. R Nixon' T E. Kvana, ltrtpJ 1o
imliu-t* ill McrchandlM. In OurWarehew J. U Free R, I Caves, W, D tyd4ntyB! : tEa UZEas .
and TiN1 t I.'............................... Home Edw: S til Ing. Thoa Brewr Alto 1 ; OaaUty Products Lewett rrlee ,im t.:
.1 i Ionard W. Haskln. John Bauer. W, Erpenbach: ,, 1oT" oJ.
10 ...-......e M I.. NsM.Wwfits. R. H Fitzpatrick. Dan Robert, J, BUSINESS I'HONE 752 WE DELIVER \ .
Harry: Mtrkowltz, IIf.a. .. ... Sw...i.e ., W Campbell Dr J, B. Tower, dOldendorf. I' I'
.-ukd riUMblBf/ CnUa.t
IMIa.I Brooker Henry monkey BilSyke i'
.e M Ilkl N. E. Itl 1t., Miami. 101IH
\\0. OrM. .5e Air e...'...... *. lot (for,. Lonnle Horti( w "
'h.ne* II (Mil tl.Sldli| sad PHONE 1.ISIdhUI)1)ED n..J. V. M Grennell.! J. It Prldien. |Ii BODY REPAIRS A '
II.ISS ..,.................,......... H Ewing: R. D. Mirth. 0. C O Redland Feed & Supply lid
Urban, Ira Mclnlyr. Sam J I .111> | :
.... .. I J Davis W.&,Strickland.Dan Conner Frank, B.Skill.Ingrain Tom I Bird Chevrolet Co. H, R. CORNER COOONVT rALM'UR.nd ROBEKTS RIV ; IIN l'
Mviku or*.'(. ro.. tag ) > CITRUS, Harris, Fred' Lent W. H. Cast 10 ,,.
,\ IlKKIIItlftof ) and Emeit W. Bill, C C Miller Mr. r r i iMru -',
Matthew Le Lehman John
ryn. ,. IMKHIMt flto' A Hats blVU ,ll.... 110,11I MANGOS Redd r H Redd, A. A. Doyle, S. !'
,, ., .. .... 't'}
. .
M t rf l* MI 1. >rllll| F Matthew ( Lehman John i''
S.eklagaden far ,
N,. Ml. .but red IM ... >T J** Atvi new sahagplastiag. Al t tDo
4 ri1... kM NI.d.wr. I. ., .,..... .N I Motfett. Fred Tucks, Mr. lAna m r ,:
..M M..n.Ib. en 4, d..e I. VM Knowles/ C T Fuchs, Jr. Frank ..
; ; Sill (Mir4ar .row"* OrnaaMvUI all:kled.CALLINi' '>
? ,I. leers.. II R E Edwards, E. L Hook (
... I..l."I., d.rrnd p11er. rel.I Ray
"'55. I ......, ..... fII "WIllI. a..ll I I Sr., Ban Mowers. C.. Dane. Ii Why WorryABOUT Ow i :
. .
i uiwk let hit.lie GroveS Dane. Mrs.. Eby: S. Fitch
a... A..tj rut 4 *w
aid. i PIN. hnuk 11 fu* a*. M tr.S. W, B Caves, a O. Young Vf J. itired
....".. .,,r 1 l1.. M.I..I Pa.a.. I Clark a H Edwards: Jaw Civet f t
"I "I.wa.a1,.01.,,....rr_ ...055)w.... _Md.'sIn 01.'. S Ml 'Weal .f nwWU City E. A. Froa.her. M McVlcker EVeryone Comes to TOUUFertilizer "/I 'l: : ."
i ........... ,
ntoria ui-w
s" Lowry Anderson Mrs John Hill i:: '
. j .
v"iltlr.b K.U U fMn1IU
...I,"dl.I. ..rN M bon. IM. ..-r o..is.l r t .IIJH Tom Vann, Mr. Evi Collins, Dr.RHODES' J'I j Mlm ;
to UM awl.-< "fc.." '
I .; ,, ,'.;HIM S.wid ride M llw (ten I Mwi 4K
.... ... I.. well .. Mw. 14, .-... .toM $'ffj Problems?
... nod a., .T ...... IM. i j
l' ink tea 4wr rf M K, 11*
la a
.e l:........ c-. GARAGE .
tl>t> OMrt* fWt*. J
II, N, v atnaMkTT, u 0. Because theySe got WHAT I ''j
ItWII e..h M) 11
-_. (A**, i *. Ii tr.1; .slI > N. E. Ka ST.' M* tat AVE. you' want WHEN you went It.. -; ,
I Oppaalte Chasakar e' cIft: BIq.)f, f
-- I9LMSAU Try Reliable
.. AUTO TRUCK TRACTOR I....* S "Redland Brand Fertilizers'' 1 J
REPAIRING n >t. Dixie.I.I I I : J : f
Bird Chevrolet Co. Expel WeokraNahlp OIlVa.aN : i
i ....u. MANUFACTURED IN HOMESTEAD! ,: ; :('t t I
-- ---- --- Phone 9115 (Night U5-M) .. .
r '
NO Jon TOO SMALL ,... NO loa TOO BIO 1 .
Dr. F. P. Archer Jr. _. KECOaDS CAMCEA8 BADIOSDNQV3 * ill 11i1 :
f' ; $ .1 '' > i
? '.' AD Popular Bikes on Hami I r
i. : '
Optometrist < f 475 : 488 575 493 388 1010V!> .
f w, Mnuar ST. Job Printing ---IiIeI----: --- las) I i-'Any1 Amount Organic Desired |||W'li t .(;,7i[ i
HOMESTEADTaeaday 'I -...... a Special 'Mixes'' on ,Request (one i ton' I lots only)": ';
I .. ; ;
: -- '
( *, n.rtICIII' eaN. ---' ,- t.. H ,, .,. '
f II, Satarday/ ,,8.. I It' /' Ural Blanks _..-011I1'" (.art -==.-"I.."'I g a passion- "IJ 1t fy eI'nt t'V'n''e \ ." ", ..,ar r : "'j'I 1 I f '. ,, ,
: fUONE.,.l '
i won wet s erd'wo : .: .. \. "
: .
t' ; :!'___ :: .w't. -t r........., ',- '. n nI
".J!'SyrI iWI Field Crate stencils --- 5'' -
I Sivaewsi w te5N. $t\ 4-uSO.a r; \
= . .
' :., --- : = .
'H f = _se $. M Atl..r :.:: 'IS q amf .
'J' fa or ,t i W Mg p. IlIA ...... .awsat IM.rdT epOIeM fvlawJ I. :Florida l :East Coast:Fertilizer Co.Phone
; I TIRES-GAS-OIL : riorida City ,PressXI ........... I d
i' A9 1U3N39 .
J J.i S, No..1. North of.Palm A ve, 16 Ilerlry IL Prid en, ,Mrr. Homcsttatl( Fla.r ) 'I
't; Bird Chevrolet Co. HIM POX MOH .
Arthur Trevell.
.i t .. ,
._.._:_ :__
-;:. 'T';'":'
;"'" ' ., ', ::7; : t-- -
'' .
1' ":' : "" '''' '! ...':'''''JIOI.;.' 't >.ItI>"A, ,'''' ,"h : '
---- -cI --- ---. '.- _ __ ____
I ROE CIRCUIT:i I' in tu iluiik D.iiir, (about,"tant)'the. who situation takes, time will1di jI 'I' ,. MORE IlKiHWAVS 1 i Dr. )Il.) O. WolCcnbar] -ler- n--T--Get beaker> t' \
IIEANT FOR BONA! reiwntiitlon rrt> shut: th-a I the to limlalur the: kind of rep--1 I NEEDED M'CARTY April 8 at Horned ead F.F.A. Banquet, :1'1
ed l for OIrpi..". i i r
IDE RESIDENT Judge Lopes who was emI I PROGRESS- SHOES pr. D O Wullsnkargar. of Hoyt UflM. vifO-aweaWenl; TOMOrewdy ,J
January 1. lilt. hM TEllS GROWERS '
desldadi Subtropical, tqurtsMM Btatteawaa aaaatari; Maniiie CVotila -, I' +
JUulUft In graduated Key Wilt from since the Monroe IMI. wu j,<<000 YEARS AGJ.EBP17AISatATtI MWWS SWMWS(000 / gush apeaker .*. it. MMMlparenui .... treMavw; sad Joe* Chandler ' i' f .
c.ua.1 I reporter. '
Jsdss Lope* Jr. of I'
jn West?I* a faadMat for cir- ''tv the High. School tn IN Mtd I: '1629THos. twO MD asw: RICWIIIIr";(IfJIJf 1IIU ."1 Kpraklne ut Crow tn City 1IJrint11.el Thunder,teed.OlIn ..tMi .oaiiajiaii sjlvMi sfParmars Tke' chkckra ..M freeh. ve.rtabHt ,,
u sM Judge In Oreup Sevoa (MooAM -I College of Law University of .1M'rfLDWU""STuraWIIIIS1l'IM AM9ICAIi VI tasty nnrilrialv. for noventnr, Homestead ChaII\II'' of Me Mar. as the IMMM were grume/ y''
: COutAy). AIM seeking thlottro < Fl ride, In IMSHe 0 r r -npl" .mrfl hl. stan{ IMI, riril- of Amsrto ",... I .ta IkeHnmertead .by. the awa )ef mntonn.rreMyrtsas .
1i CJounty past t are two Mimi I practiced laIn Monroe.j I _i t846.tuA5l1OwtAM M"IfNKTqllH tl.1lJI<<1fIJII11l >noel lute hlchway! achool ald..... pr.Wolfenbaner .
10, u lawjjrr*. Judge Lopes ha*,I County received from ItSI hla appointment until I IMS whenhe ai _. r 1IQf/STlY. WfIIJI A MJO//NE/ to 011 QIVI6lW. ., : F''rm t I.. n srhel rrM4n Ah spoke on the cnn r l.,
Ipsued anfopen Utter In which he .
r .
', i points oil that Abe legislator* circuit )nd .. He WM solicitor of I WI-JOHN BROOKS MICHOlS PCIFt'C1m NOSES 1MICTOI1 I 4I "miid inrir: .n>v< Htlmtton .A* a I nil of plant deesese! CO\JMMft\ .Isfhb The breve HUM whs .decided 10 i
\ wluttcrejledlhsaddlUonalMi*. the criminal court of record of I TNt S/fDE AtgfQTAJ' Aba0Mats.: . . 1 I 'inner end 1'1.1'.r., I iw efts bulU I how** had a woo-betw* :
I ,thla .W tfct t. circuit Intended that I Monroe County front IIM to IMS. i Rally Interested In thetpn, Tan IM r wvkamed IN sas" oRpmaion\ on his. feet a* .he: ;
city attorney for the city of Key fAWnS f 3.000 INVENTORS KfUKtHftH'MCKlt y lon of rwh rtada la enrouratf ttcfied. inexperienced\ crew : I
.; \!M of flew should be filled by a' I Mid Oeo. N. Wakefleld. who or.
:''f Monroe County man. Say he: I West I 1137 and 193 to tt41. and w T t_ _''SHOlINM11lHIfIWImNf IURUJOqOOO JOBS MXJUOIt& end develop", .new fields In .ji1culture I rankedhe/ chapter .responded ,lowly 'working" on the tut'" ;
t i I .I "Becau* Key Weft U so far attorney for the Key Wilt Houa- 500,000OOOPAhfSAFS4DtSANNWLLYl ; he !teI. The Rev. Paul U Manta ofS dream houa II* went ever lo the I \
Inc Authority 183HWS. He la I He sill peek Saturday MiMi foreman dutch him by the eats
;'bun Mlrfrl I and because the ruv \ rred Heart Cathole ChurchMW I
member of the Monroe )t r i 1'ftuIat',1.11< \ .be bath" m oar and pleadedWhen: t t ,
County Ure4you I
communities the bivocat'on. StanleyPsgetll
1 Vine'tuna tII.1rtbleml are so different Bar Association Florida sodAmerican r_ Al4oota[rfy 16Aoreot Proeef IbauuiL _. I Wltml, next Friday for Hie Fnrda pret-nUd' the chapter'sseopnrbmest I I last week you told men how \ I '
I ', the legislature created a cir ', Bar Anoclatlon| and II Bducertk al \aam-laUon meat- report, and IloytIxrfMw sole you and your crew were.Pisa r r
lor Monroe American Judicature Society. \4 inn. Md. of hU supervised ** ten It ti m* all over *.al,. ;
r; iou ,Judgeahlp .
By Mr. Mr. l
He la treasurer and director of : Saturday' night -I'm getting dltloouraaecl.-El. 1
stated : ,
: end that the be i' farming procramAmoni
P- appointee I 'arty will lwvr b.\'C'I..1 nlmnat ,
the Chamber of I
{r.'tppointedifron; sad be an actual Commerce aec- 1 I '.000 mile Mia week In hi. the aptcial guests Intro I'f
retary of the Club and
f loins lid resident of Monroe Rotary doted by Ray Wood chapterndvtoor I f nArIoam '
-- -- mt he
-- --- - swing Florida
-- -- - - -- -- -
V t County d lhall reside In MMTrfoe I chairman of the CommunityCheat were Principal JC. BBUielibum. L
| 'Overed IS of the <7
In Key West He U a'mem. rountlea W. R. Bird county 's PLACE IN
Courtly during cont'nu.inre Course '
Recreation leadership to ,
T A. tonal
Moore of the
> of W* term (Chapter ber of the Elks and Junior Cham' ---1 for aafcool truth, P. C Mtana, ed. nil suit BESTS tnroN i .1
j UcCarty ( com.
,ji eW FWtd.uprern.* Statutes(' court, 1941)has| th.j I ber of Comment Troop 15, Girl ScouU Given in Miami Y.M.C.A.\ Apr.- nltteeJFAl slant LNtar of Pouvher Miami, Redland Butta Chapter P. P A. THE KIND OP ITATEANDLOCALOOVKKMMlha 1
'Itthlf language to mean that Famous Film to be Shown By NADEANI RLtltlZ. Scribe I adviser, and W L. Beard of Mlami .
',fudge need only live |In Beginning aa "I "ltMlv. three- Dade, Monroe and Collier r-nih- ; > THE WANT-ADSJ( I t' Coven...... laid .for Tl WE "" ." Orraa.r .
(County after election, nrverthe*Church, I Chapter officer .Introduce" I! ,
Intent A free of. Fla, 1 day program under outstanding I lie '"wor..- Sam TorcuM are c\rn\l I .
;Jeu the of the law was to showing full- '
..i .:,!.jlve.the| fteopl Of Monroe:>> County I'' lenirth all-talkini trimlien .IfMGtr1SNuIl recently had .]! rpoonii ilt,: a rccredtlnn leadership Ted Bleler I II chairman! of thr II'j :. :; : ; .
: typ elrttiti;Judge) a ..man who wasifjjiW Nightt In I. Bar .Room", will be very enjoyable camping trip at' (training) shunt courts win bpcrt it committee\ lit iiUfgC! Of twit sr- r r.'tNq . 4
: of them; annan',whOlt' .loMterot presented at 7:30: Tuesday eveningIn Shapper Creek. We left Thursday j' the Y. M. II. A. on S. W. fifth rangcmcnt. Member of till commuter one ansuccessfully
', a d home and children I Florida City Community! .Church and returnedSaturday.. Mr.I d In Miami on Apr, 21 with rep. are: Dr. fameT.. Wllnon ,
flr f* theft} ; man who had made''' under the auspices of the Methodist Rlyei Mrs' Brooks, Mn. MoLendan. resentptivee from tchoolt. church.: of Miami. W.'W. Albury of He- Dan's the Man! ! J
'This, IMntr ther. i man who had r Board of Temperance" A and Mr*. Ennii were very I e, rtvlc and'youth West Ernest Bridge of r Scats. 'j
hi* lot 11 ailver will. be (taken organizations J AtLXNGJ f: 1 :
frHst among tb.1IIn good), offering helpful- furnlahtnc their cars I IlI1'Oups. rlide. Mr Herman. Heinlein o' .
xlime; and bad'and who, there- Wm. Farnum star* In the n6vM Mid all the work.... flnlah'\J\ Homestead. Mrs. Fernando Cmu'; TiT'" '
I :ti: i
Ont U being conducted '
/ore,' un ntood of courses
t'1\\ their problems:I which B described a theilateat this wa about 8 o'clock w. l lot Key West, C. Ii. Stetfanl ?'
'J.' lirst-hanj.' I feel that I am such ,, film version of the 'fgrealeit' tern' enjoyed an Eaiter egg hunfeJpyceSchoweller | by the General! ) Extension, : Homestead and ,r; 'I>..*rence Ed- Tomato Farmer Si A 'E AiEtT1 '
x; t person;and meet these 4Iu.Uf/-1/ I pcranre play of all Uroe'V : found the) prixi.eft, i irMvl-lon for the University' of I wads John D. Campbell, Ml: o r i
|'';: |tlon. (\n a spirit of fairness I ,I The Rev. Robert B. Chapmaa a bit bat of fUhKlrop*. Plniid and Florida State Unl- Eunice Craity Mix Flee L. Sims vee *.
:ftJh00* In" !believe that everyone la pastor of the church.. Mr*. Brook brought enough I vermily with the cooperation of the and chief Olga Kent'of Miami.
cl owd r: and drinks for both state drpartrnent of education, the The opening section which bevine O Citrus Grower Remove All \
4 I IiJ. tro6pL' <. I short course I I. open to citizen of .at 10 a. m. Mnndar' Apr 1
t 1111 I';:
I- KNOW THE TKUTIItbpous She also b'roughVtwenty piund '
p' A. 'candy and a carton of ,bubble I I Girl Scout Troop 159 j subjects I : o Businessman Doubt-,
Campbell gum. After we had fln'rhed' \!ntlnf ri riElect
" ' 'farm r; we all.got Into our pajnma nd I- *r Miry Ann Wolfenbarcrr 'organltatlon and program plannlrut
rrinewU an4I' '
'' went'to the recreation hall. Thetwo : i *; and playground activities"Recreation
( ,fj UBg,Company ; .MTlbea, Joyce Ennli and Jia- : leader tr n.-l,
dean Ruchle, anlsted by Ronnie I W e opened ntir smut me-tin by Ii IiI Just profMt'onal recitation director ELECT : .
I' : Indorses i Mark put on a Dr. I. Q. Quit hf>"''ng roll mil and the prom I..... I *, playground supervisors' unr' ,
which< everyone enjoyed. Then The f"l'owln. tenderfoot acolitsfrf athletic apedaliiu." Bleler, aM ,
: RB."Bunn": n.oop.211. Joined the latter part) Billie Wright, nMe Marie "Anyone who hat to work with I
\ o(the quiz and the following hour MrClun" Betty Harden, Sandra I groups of people for fun and re DAN McCARTY \ "
wu pent In folk, dancing Troop Weld' Vemeda Eaker, and Jean ,,taxation I I. a recreation leadrr.
4 II held ao Initiation Into, camp!bendy, This Include club program chairmen .
and,then we went to bed ;t |I Thine who have passed their!' church: aoclal planner. Boy I
GAqTIER :The next day after eat'nj|.Hrimtiire) are Sallla Wrght and I and Girl Scout, 4-11 club leaders. I
w 1J/F French tl>alt for breakfact *-e I Wettr.. Ihrdm, heir. out- r.ctOOfl. |school>>l teacher, and dimmer I Governor
warn and with the help Of! our I j ,." Marie McCluit. INn Dcndy. camp counsellors, The program
: malitant Mr*. Robert Conover,IS'Nle\ Wrlrht, Sandra Weiss, and I!ha been planned have an appeal
''we did some Spantex arts I Betty llprdcn, home'makln;, Row'I f the ideal Warily of]I 'MU J. I DiC'y tVty" t T Governor Club
Vhitaker time i Marie McCIung, and Verneda'take' inteteM end irmm aoth :ties
State Senator''' -Idles Regina ,
t' .;,Fit 1".4tar. II, down life front guard Coral 'Gable. 3d; b toUr I I. Alf"of, them hove pacd Ihclrj I W. A. (Ililj)) Shanchis : : 1.1 1.1I
l.niuilB dancing
At\ B 4'30: tlta' "'7' nolo"td pnru and
')IrL"tlIl1pbdl.p'.qent..d''r: < scd Mlami- .i lt.f.R 'gsox*. literature and: dramatic, I
the JU'o v ( oop AllJ" red''.. el1lft.... .' I .. .
vU. 1,leraa. 1'h 'Wi/Y/ 1otI -- -' "
Dade County/ \ merger plan, issued I.hlsitat' round the campfire and :twiitri Son .f the nWoild eta scouts -r i iFlorida's
ment i made a trail 'for the other I
kabobn With a little rest of SV follow. toI I I
There a desperate attempt by the opponentsof minute. we went back to our .. .....
cablni and dressed 'up II Indium.; I L- & .
Mr. Gauticr in the rare for state senator to The evening wl tpent Wit a* .natr.r..ea
mislead the voters of Dade County on the issues Indian do around their campflr i
,of, this campaign.: We were.divided into group and i I 11Next 11\
there were challenge, acnKi.itunU. :
"Theproposed: merger is not an issue in this and camp reports. Each Two Days \
campaign. All the legislative work has been group had'a tong and JO. ,Indian' S I
name; "dr. Heath Holden was our: vinfif
completed on it. These opponents of Mr. Gautier Big 'Chief.- The 'mOlt enlo'lIbll'l a s ; :
would have the voters believe that a vote (orhIm" challenge Pas the bubble (rum I Left ForAt V ( a
is consolidation. contact. which Marjorie 'Terburg
a ,'otefor There is ho
won With a very large bubble, !
truth to these insinuations.
The next morning we had a big I Ibiuleb.11 Governor i
"Mr.\ ; Gaulier. Representative 'Chuhbv' Oeften! game. It'wa* K mettcadagalnd II
of Coral Gables. Representative 'HilT Lantaff ofMianil Redland. Homeitead sons Our Third Sale ,
Springs 'and '''Senator p. C. Cblemati with'After the a core'*wim of In T to the 1.aft.moon I , Anniversary !. if
: fought successfully at Tallahassee h obtain for we left for home I Ht will not require Mnerlmentttlon. "
I us. the nrivilce of voting on the proposed We were very glad to have with .
1 merger: Through the efforts of Mr. Gautier and u* our' leader, )I..*... .George Ruehle, I He problems knows .about., our ttat I
our a..latan1M. Robert Con ,
other members of the iadlq County delegation over, and out regular cempea\ I Ha know about our munk- '
.w for<..fiave ourselves.'the privilege of deciding this question Mr*. Neal Brook iI i Sport Shirts 1.00 . Sport Coats pal Ills . .1
I ,. He I II net doling In pliUtiide -
"Vote as you wish on the consolidation on May Second Brownie Troop( I 2.52' : 2,03 SHORTS I 19.9:; 11.95 *. '
25th. hut do not he confused. A vote for It ft. Will Be Formed MondayA 3.9;> H* has the count I to'do f
22.J 5 '
15.11 a '/ ''Id
I 4.93 3.95
DUNN GAUTIER'is a vote for good government new Brownie Scout He U confldeni that bualnruIlk I'"
and for the benefit of Dade 1'1'0)1'for' 5.95 .US 79c 1.9:; 16.9:>> I J
County girl 'In the 7 to 8 *<. group I _" ... f' (government II
'";' t S ELECT will be organized at 3:19: Mttday I ? now our prime need... 11
.M .
afternoon In the social hilt of
f' .L & -8UN.V DAmn I'Ol'K'STATE SENATOR ON MAT 4l Pint Methodist Church.: Mr... Earl: > He I I. not dodging Ute too. i
n ': .,...; (f'Ild! foUCel1 l Advwtuwmeut) Pecettl and Mr*, W. C. Camlet-I'I' : i, ,I He t* actually, seeking remedies .'.
eel, who will organize' the troop, :
strew the fact that girl intuit I Ihaw \ He will WORK to put them 1
Men's\ and Itoys'
y ,: their parent permission' Inj i ; Neckwear, Army I Into effect.,.
'r, order to Join. All girl interested\ I Swim Suits ." ;, 1 9eemplsatr
are urged to attend. 1.00 Ties .r.9. Cloth H* ha* riO, "cant be done" ':
... ......., ,
I 2.50 1.89
I ir V VOTE FOR AND ELECT Church Sponsored, the by new Pint troop Methodist I* being 3.93' 1.95 1.50() Ties ....... ...... .'8", I Pants I He Hoe tot think! a funeral'
/armed for the benefit of glrlf'': 2.00 Tits .. ........,.1.t9. < aaitl ".'to Deceasary and
t !W. (Ed) DEEDING lU\.blt'lO join the Brownie Troop!I 3.95 2.65 ..89 he win veto I general
3.50 Ties ...... ,... ::1.89 'I ., t
headed by Mr* M. H. CUllatln, 5.00 3.35 I *le* tax U passed
) r
which ahvoriy" has It* quota. I I
I You can't f o wrongwithUIQ&handi.
t Boys' Sun Suits arid Shorts Ages 1 to 6 l/2 PriceHoyV I Senator Shines I II ,winning '
I 1 REMEMBER .. ea we .rasa.. ear eats e. !!! s., ea.. ..r.w because kl* way he toward toss gained success the i
I< 't'.' .. "'; confidence pf, ''th* people
.s y H. this** stralfhl. aa< Sane ''
; I IJWtb .. UM .Ua.ast. Ik* ,*.*!.
f Boys J't" , Iadawnd. and ..". ....\, q
"I ISporfShirts ...lh ,t.etb gad seMu. I Ielse.
: I Ir Corduroy' t. ' nut'iorl'wlts; ( .... ,,
f U5 '.t9' Overalls' "
2.93' ..> 155 its yes ", | 33W/<&: IIIW
$ CONDITION 3..,3 ,. t65 '..j ofr. '" 1 W.A
aa.wr set s ,,s. ore ; ,
woe ks
=a =
e hr Ji's
( ,
lOUR SHERIFF Gkdc and Grove i j it IilHlttliftL) t.k'"
.' ntC et t.I J & S Clothiers mmNHS W :
] DesMeraU rrtaary May i. Supply Co. i ,
0 ,r/V tuccesaful busbies milt for a sound businesii f roe ...... feMkerWar SUr.' . . "" .
, administration. I ,; 'JL' :. ., .. \, ,'I. \,. : .(P. ll '(of by friandi)
." 4...... NIdoaI AdaiY..al I 1 ...'a........r.v! .. t" rye
; . ",,101<''''1''' " '. A4
; "
] T. iM.. <;_ ,
. 't"i i-tl! ; , ''l
I f ; }
'. e ., ) .. ;i: b ,I ; ,
', ', ".,10"....... .. ,. ,', it" ...oIifft.,; \'. '; Mi.: < ; ... }1' 11io6 .'
', ...... ' : : sir'
j :
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; ; .f. ;
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.; 'f' T ......,,- ',",', ,, f 'f"'.,_. ... . .. ,J . ............ . ,"'" -.- e' ,........ "" ''''' I..
', .T" ...., ' .. '{"r. ',- -- r" .- , .
"' "
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,:, "
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r. j.
..s.. .
Page Six HOMESTEAD LFAOER-ENTEBPRfflK. '- _ ..L.: 1tt8.
-, - --- --.. -- -______ __ -_ . __._ ___ _. -- __, L_ _____ __ iTMday r, AprII.1J.
I [ .;... .... Jana L. kttll. ***MBv. .
.Ii. Social Events in South Dade . . 1ft the Feed L. MaaeitBgEacred 1'Iod' :
Al Heart Ckktrtk ditrtogwnted A question w* <*>% =t;= .
the Wk to to **>.* sgMnrt cMfeaaiktetton .
winter ....... see .....- br tboa. MayM. for: .. dentin Club and BNeQhWiesoou .
8tmd. memleg
y with a clubwomen d uails. .
of !the district at 190IVasday :
4 JOHN NEAFSEY HEADS REDLAND F.T.A.; OOOFELLOITft lUBEaUMII W. IL BIRD INSTAIJ( Ilia L. n. DH1TZ fahrwcU. party given by Baipakui* afternoon 14 RadlandCommunity .
It. n tile Altar BOMMI, toad M. IPMv *0Y w---WUIH
I TO ATTEND GRAND WOOl Church ilr, Mates
JACK HELL SPEAKS ON WORLD AFFAInSr AS PRESIDENT: OF HOMESTEADgr r.TA fma Reel it,. Fee Ht4 Wton a former mayor of Caret OeM**, flottOU) AT $KmU ..iMr
Liberty Xebelui Lode and Monday for Duritogton, Vt.her spoke recently against \the H>*rg> *. lisp w. Hau-knee of Rej-
John Neefsey wu elected president atudent, was theme by M.... Hoi- llNneslecd. I. O O F Lodge will 11 tII. Lloyd B. Deere\ jtreeldent,, "4* and MM* Melee.. Pope's hid b .In charge of achool i 'bog of Dad Count. and Miami at land rd. wag compUaMntad!< t*.
of Ibo Rodland P. T. A. .1 den. chairman of the judging be represented at the grand lodge and oilier rent ctttoera al.fhIlomeMwd eighth grade, .fdr delinquent boy a RUM meeting aponaorad by (!eeotly'with. by
the annual bu lncaa mtcUng Apr. t'kn. which will b* opened Monday toLburg. P. T A. were Installed: tin. Wad li ch.r and Mr*. A* a parting gift Father. Hall South Dado CUt-en Pretecire gamier* of /bower I
I. Mr. W. H Turner I Jack Miami newspaper Among those planningto Wednesday. by w. ft. Bird oHienaalead f Paul Reynolds aM*.d. punch and] Was presented with t desert, golf League.The M niManl Temple of which *h.*
r wag elected columnM and radio commentator, attend! an Mr and Mr*. H. D.Beatly .., DIN Oounty aAoo. cookie during t Medal. lone | lilau,. nay\ of clubwoman. It under .I .tormrly teacher I
first vk-preMent.: MM Leon apuke of hU CKpertoncet a. warcomepondent Mr. and Mrs Fred Link,I tr...... and farmer president at the auspice ef th*..,cII Ih'* 'Mt*. ,bat tniaoei ran Koatceat .
HUllard second vtce-pretsden; in the European Mn. Selma Relic W. Y Bush the _..t..... Inducted warm Club of the Badlands. laVited ky it t her home to Ya LIttle Wood *,
MIll Marie Bather recording aectaUry theatre, and compared condition Harvey ithralU' and Cltus Orln- Mr.*. Ovid Sullivan tint vfcvpreaHml. MRS. FRANK KENT ELECTED PRESIDENTOF Mrs J. T. a McBroy,.preside!,U> Cpconui prove Th gifts weabreaentad
; Mrs B. Heath\ Ilolden, then\ and now.MONDAY. ..014 . ; Mr*. W. t. MeLendon, REORGANIZED HOMESTEAD B.P.W.C.. hear Mr May** are members-.frf to a pink Md blue
corresponding secretary; end Mra. second rke-ptald.mt, Us,. Stanley the Homestead "omtn'I.cJuI, the trkdla. the tame color ware ea>*
A. W.. undfren Harold E. treaaurerMrt. Kendall. retlrhig MUSIC CLUB -ELECTS OFFICERSAT Wlttkop aacretary, and Mr*. Mrt; Frank Kent: was unanimoudy ben, not present, Mrs. Herman Homestead Princeton .and Ra4- rte out W the Hone OacoraUohe
I Wilson Croeby. treasurer Und\ bom* demonitn-tiott .club, and the refrcAment eourae'otlet
Heinlein, Mr Lena Link and ,
president exhibited Iwo blue ANNUAL MEETING HELD IN MARKS HOME[ Jot.... H L Brown, retiring I I I elected president of the Mi*. D. X. Dasher, brine\ the Monday Music, dub *totoato4SIRS. cram and e kaI '
ribbon awarded by the Florid preildont, war preeentod with a reorganlwd Homaetaad B. P. W. r w..... _____. au-
membership to 40, Mrt Kent
Congress of Parent '
to the Redland and Teaclurf Monday Musk Club re-elected: burn Mn. J 'Tom Venn,, Mrs. & I prereure oooker by Mr*. Jack C. Monday evening. .la the Parkway stated. :DIRECTOR DISTRICT
organlutlon foruUUndlng OF
chJevemwiU all |its officer at the annual maeUIng J, Davti, Mn. "1ft. C Ewing, Mr Jackson on behalf of the organization. raatauraat. Alee elected. to Present betide the six new I I
aemb1y award cup Thepermanent held this' week at !the home / 1* Burton and Mr t 1. Law . A film on venereal dIae. sifter wuihe rent ot M lade officer were Mrs. Herbert Katz TO BE INSTALLED FEDERATION MEETING(
.. .
NIIOt.mben, and Mr R. B. wee preeanled.Attendance
which will be inscribed each yea of Mr*. Herman Mark The ortl-I preeented by>> the nomlMUng com! Mr*. I. P McLean. Mr* Virgil .
with Trotter, Mr* Lillian M Gaby and awards were won Mr. Dan Mn. A. r Arthur ill Ham: GI l Ike
thg name of the outstanding Mrs mlttee. Mn. Roma Boyle, the new Lyon Meeker Mrs. aA. I I. second vlee-preeMent
ten art. *- IL L*Brandenbuprtaldwf .. Mn. Herbert Eats. guest. I.by Mn.. John DcMUIya.. sixth flnt-vlo prealdenL automaUcally Amen Mrs. Mary Stadia;, Mri stead will bo Installed director *tDiiirlct beds County TtdaraUollINf Im.nadiat .
;, Mn C, .. CWple. ---- become member hlp chairman Warren Smith. Mn Alice Edwards ti of the. Fiord)Federa i It .j1 t president of the
POM CIlORISItKS KIMGIMQ BUT PIANO flnt Vlct-prealdent, Mr*. >TMltla . MRS h IIEINLEIN APPOINTS COMMITTEE and Mr B. A Tibblta. aacond- Mrs. Anna Ruegg, Mn lion of Women' dub, at 'Wo i Woman' dub of HomeaMd(
CLAIIES I **mnd -preldenl- Mr*. I vice pre ldent, automatically become Rebecca Glass,, Mn Ben Archer, annual tour-day .owivenHefc .et Also attending the convention
The HvmeaUad. Youth Chorla- John Whlchard. recordiiuTeTTtry .. CHAIRMEN FOR LOCAL WOMAN'S:\ G LUn, program chairman Mr* Mr. von Paulson and Miss Ruth the' federation to begin*VTdnM* will be Mr*. Marmot Halnlelh.
ten met Tuoaday. evening at the Iran _lamb I* .recorduig seers- Murray Mrs.'Artnir: ) ( president. f IJIt local club
.bomb of Mr, fey Burley, director ; Mr W. R. Bird, correeponi Committee chairmen for the Delk were given I vile of th.nke' lacy; Mr Peggy Smith, eornt-
when They have placed the piano. lag aecretaryi Mr L. L. Hood,, year were appointed by Mn upon their. report that they had I poling secretary( and Mn, M*<; INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACIIIEVEMENTtlUY{ '', jJ b IWHU.HAVI Ficjnc ,
bought Hat week by the group hlilorlan, Mr. J D Kedd parll Herman Helnteln. new president aubmllted a club .acrappook: for Morris, treasurer, .: W' FABML
The weekly meetings will In the nentarian; and Mr*. Claren of the' Women Club of Homestead competition In the elate. meeting Plan were made for holdlnl'the : GIVEN CLUB BY. MISS EUNICB\G AD':' BOJttSTBAD
future. be held' at the Burley home Cray, mfaalc crltleMn at the club' meeting Tue*> Member voted to publish a Installation dinner on Apr t 1 More than JIG member andfrlfhd
Andrew. Pool opened the meet E. A. Callaher gave e day tveqlni\ In Future Farmer 1(48-4.0 year book the tint since SI and announcements were made *' ft the Mdland aMl Flor.
Ing with prayer, and Miss Ann history of the oratorio form and clubhoua 1(42. M,.. Helnteln and the corfi- refrading the dlatrlrt: meeting In {lutructlon for entering article nell reported on the recent\jcounty .Ida eemmunity 'fh.rd1
McLane played for the group made a brief talk on the orator! ,, N.medoVIN\ : Mr*. E. W. Burton, mitten chairmen will< prepare the Coral Gablea on 'Apr. It and the in the Dade County Achievement council meetin|. t City
practice of The Lord Prayer. The Holy City" which will be American home; Mr*. Adrian. material for the book. Ute convention In Miami I'eIrhM.1 Day exhibit were given Mill Grady and MtMHowatd, jrhared *. picnic luncheon. Sunday
Mill Hilda Pope was named entertainment '
chairman night In First Baptist Church. publicity; Mn Jack Jackaon, Elmer Sullivan were welcomed a* *, von Paulson gave a com- Mia Eunice Grady, It was announced that idew'l$ crew Robert 'B Chapman, I;.,' I Is
Cbaa. Ooiaman and Joe Sincere Ira. Chlpley sang Eye Hath Hot Budget and finance; Mr*, t A new member' *. rehnalve report of the three-day agent, to member of the Home ton In dressmaking ..IIt',1II.{ 'given pastor:of the two cburdiep.BAPTIST .
were welcomed a* irialtor een*> from the oratorio Buchanan program) Mr*. Ovid Present besides those men- Law Enforcement convention In stead Home Deirionatratlon Club '
a work to be held at -
It meeting
Cochin. and '<
10 o'clock Friday, May T.ilo .!beclubhouae. WOMEN) LALlYTIJRSQAY ,
served by the boats, Miss Clara favors were all In the spring *: MM.. H ... Campbell and Mn Herbert Kali, Mr.*, ft.B chub delegate and a* a memberof Biyfront Park .auditorium. Member war asked IN,, -
SUphenaon. Dill! Stcphenann and notlf Arrangement of Easter Mra Harris V. Delk, scrap bookand McOarrah and Mn. Vclm the nominating committee from 7 to I p. m. 6n Apr 37<'.nd. rERRptK,
BID Holland HIM, larkspur, mapdragona end press book,.Mr... A..F. Arthur. Greene The addition ef three new mem-' from 10 a. onto S:30 p. m. or fa> bring all meterlpls1aod.gatip; *h, ,'Baptlsj-:. woman .are. urged" to
Preeenl., betldr! those mentioned esters were wed throughout the nlernauonal relauont, Mr.. Anne 1 Apr. 28. .meat needed. Attend,a dlstflct rally" Lit the W,
were Mr and Mn James oomi paatcl.tinted Ice cream Foulk, fine arts, Mrs E. J. DyclgltUtlon Perishable I Items like flower All were Invited to 1 hau' ITw*. M. S: of Homestead ,Per$in. arid
Waldrop. Miss Grace Cook! Mill odes and nut cup were served, Mrs. Dexter Home, MRS, AMAN\ IS GIVEN BRIDGE LUNCHEON rult* and plant. should br .\fa,.. apeak against :consoW| Gould Baptist chgrche. to be
Dell Loll Mill Jane Muon, Mlaa end favors were mlnatura spring cltlrenshlp.; Mr. E. E. Pact-Ill, brought early on the morning Of< don at a meeting to'b' *ponord held at'.S P clock Tuesday> afternoon .
Mary Jo Terburg, Mlaa Betty halt fashioned of bab,'* breath, public welfare, Mr.*. Elmer Sullivan AND SHOWER AT HOME OF MRS BROOKS the Mth, Mia. Grady said Bake Tuesday In Eedtand Commimity In Perrlne Baptist Church':.
Taylor, Miss Rosemary Dickinson stalls and ribbon. > conservation; Mr. Edw. good should be wripped In cellophane :Church:: by the W IftIA"* .dub.of i Mr..*. C H. Bolton, preaident ..f
Mill Helen Revcll Mlu Pauline Present, besides those men. Crone, year book; Mr. P. J. Mn H A. Amen, Jr.. of Jack and Mn. Cdw. Krone, the low! and cut flower should b' the Redland \ the ..>.Miami Voman'f Missionary
Stay Mill Margaret Dullard, Mill honed were Mr A. Frank Webb'I' Franklin, safety; Mrs. Angus Mc-, aonvllle was complimented\ Tuesday . cor* price. 101.... Mary Faust we' placed in container furnished b' Hosteaae were Mr*. T. t,'Fits. Aaioetatlon, will b* ems of thetpeakrrt.
Vera Mae Anderson, Morn Nadine Mrs. Frank Hauunan, Mr*. Job, Nair, scholarship and education;, awarded the 'floating prlt*. the contestant. All article choub! herald, Mr. B. t Edward' and. I An Interntiai proeraknis
and Reba Pierce Kdwr. An.derson W. Collins. Mr. Chi. W will,. Mrs; Henry Prldgen, visiting and with a bridge luncheon/ and Present betide those' men be marked with the name of th Mrs J. L. Batcbelor. '1 being, planned : .
W. R. Pierce James M r.. H. O. IViurman, Mr II. lcwenMn( BenJ Roberts, build- bower given by Mn J. K Honed were Mr*. II. A Aman Sr? exhibitor and of the club. Hempen '- .
Matthews, Carl fee. Leon Taylor killer: M,... C. A. Robert, Mn. ngnd maintenance; and Mrs Mrs John W. Colllni and DrookI'j Mra. W BFWey.. Mn Nellie who neglected to bring then, '
and Herbert! Conord. Gordon W, Jvfy, Mr. Zola Me truce E. Meublg, membership Paul Haley nl the homo Torbert Mn' Frank Hautman, entries to the meeting, were tole guick Freeze ci'\
Even, Mn H J. Davis Mr*. A. Mra. A. F Wynn was made hlaorlvn Jrook*. Mn Amen. the Mr*, Chas W Leiby,, Jot,.*. Wm. C. that they would be permitted fa ,
The annual junlor-aenlor banquet M. Logan, MM. W E. Gaby, M.... and Mr*. James L Bird Miss Van Hhoney, hka been visit Payne. Mr* Walter Welts Mn take them to the home demon. ...
-of HpcneatMi Hlch School M. C. Lawrence. Mr.. A D. Smith parliamentarian. log here with her parent Mr A ,. Arthur, Mrs L. W. Emit tratlon office In the court house f '
will be held this evening In the 1011'1. n E. Edward, Mr, Howard Mn, Arthur wit requested\ by and Mrt W. E. nhrncy Mr*. R H. Done Mr*. A. Frank until Apr 24. BEEF '1'.... W.steNsas sager, .ale." stake. Rawls '
achool l ,lymnaium L. Johnson Mrt. riorenc. Coleverytling the president to revise the club ROM nnd forget-me-not were Webb. Mr*. Howard U Johnaon. Mr*. A. D. Smith, vlre. real. '. .
y-law. for consideration at the used to carry out a pink, and blue' and Mn. Lea H'Lehman | dent, presided Mrs. V. M. Gren- .... .
next meeting !.decorative scheme The giftj' '
't' s. . . . . . . The club voted fa>> defray the resented In I bassinet decorated ware MR. AND'' MRS. BAILEY GIVE DINNER PORK .. Ivry #b.al5. Spare-ribs. .ewga. -.;'.. of
of Mr*. Arthur and Mr I .... '
expenses In pink. ,
r "d.( 1.t .Itlnleln *. delffatc.to-th* Chic. At bridge' Mrs. Adrian'J*f hb. TO MARK BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARIES! ': 'R.'aLAMB :.J ,, .. . .;
An" federation next week In Bt Peters won the high score prize; Mrs .....
: : burg., M.... Campbell and Mrt C J. firman. the *<>rohd prize; Mr and, Mrs ,W a Bailey of Mr. Johns U her brother. Mr 0.... Leg.llew Skealdars ,
'''. Naranjt entertained at a family Kuhn 1 II a sister of Mr Dalle'. ;
IA' Other present were Mr and
I VERNALIDA IIARKNESS HOSTESS TO 40 | dinner Sunday in honor of the Mn Winfred Owens and, ion .' J
CLASSMATES AT BIRTHDAY birthday lIYl""rltl'of Mr*. Richard.'Me. and Mn. R. J. Clark : ; :
: h. you want for f : CEJ.EIJRATIQNThe John Dallas of Ibmcitead, Mrs and daughter Linda, Mr and! FRESH rrean. fWNMriNe. ,....... dank' ;
I seventh birthday annlver- hostess Ruby Kuhn of Ml.mi and Cecil Mn M D. John, Mrf.. Marion \ .
at a family dinner In In- / I
John.. of Narsfja) Mr Balls lea Booker and children, Miss Ruby .
rosy of Vernalida Harknen, or of the birthday anniversary of and I
daughter of Mr Bailey
John Billet.
: !.aMN,1if1r 'daughter of Mr and Mr. Roy her nephew, Larry Unfit-Id Bailer and Seafood ,..... DellebUI ...... $esaepe plenader.
: II "
W. llnrknesa, wag marked Apr and C.LWe
Circle Two of the W S. C. .S. ATHLETES FOOT
party given *t Redland I
School I'for Vemallda'i clot mate I of First Methodist Church will l KILL IT FOE.15c. FRANK KELLY .. ,
:: A1l WIN6 : III the flnt grade Present was the meet home at T of:30 Mr Tuesday. evening/ at If Mt ....IN..., rear ONE wow HOUR....... ere *.rtfnwrtn I* Supporting! have taDahaM; pagan- I. swears aS beg
the teacher Mrs. Flora Walker, J.1. Durton on for It aTBONO ,
I ''fmlflil. W. A. Bill Shands .
( )
we : .
and approximately. 40 member ofthe N. Krome veMn TFXlL. M .. Woe, .Wol PBN.rTMATr I II
I *. B**..M ... kill", MORI gear I for OOVMNOK II
; clan. Birthday cake and Ice Herman Hclnleln. elate ON OOHTAQT* T Ur atDIUE '
ream were served. DRUG STORE .
pre-achool chairman of the Florida I
On Sunday, Mr*. Ilsrkne war
Congress of Parent. and
Teacher, spoke Wednesday to i "*? ,vSHANDS South Da4e Qik Freeze Pit "
Mr*. A. F Arthur wet a guest P. T A. study group of : ,1; :
yesterday at the Installation I doah School in Miami th./ I
Don't Stand Out
luncheon of the Housekeeper brought greeting from the : :/ L W. Ind .. Md Ist A/..iteaaebd P N. >I1/
Club In Coconut Grove. organ utlon . ;. .
in the gun!!
. ." .. ,
vnmrem'yt .ecllccrafN': 'e\VS -:-- --- t' ,: . : ; :
I .' (An Invitation to You) .
.I I :;;: ,.lIy 1'-.N a.ltxte i
.,. : ; Appreciation Day when .
I\ ir I III R .II )'ou'nnd""" around/ waiting .
g .NE ef tk' .fttoU" botbodi ot giving Pour bome '''4 eratkiaitea I I'a 'till th* clock strikes four At Ii
'U rofslol look I M thread trlmmlmra. Now that to many women i for your number I'o'ta pulled HART'S Ware., Fintoe .(Met t
r* srwlBg tktlr owe clothe. they are particularly Intimated U letre-. from tilt wheel, DON'T .
.......,. tag tie manasr to which! many of then trimming can lit applied. .
1 : Beading W I b daee-Blto a simple and Use keMttftlMaa a seabee . AVE 211 s. E. Fiat Sty Iiomrlteatl' I -, :;$AVE I
; .... tkreatTransfer .
1; 4 aad tttklag We've arranged a nice cozy t
pttlerM,, of dsalfa tor wilting\ room for you where I
beating. eta k* found. In the art } you may relax la cool com + '., !
BMdlevcrk cattloras WBB beading
I* lone ce soft Uarlct It will fort Our sale force win ,
k* eatler to keep tie work emboli mak you welcome and you'll
If ..1InIM1." hoops are neat For not b* obligated to make a $ -to Leave Homestead
,lala beading each k4 t* pit oa d purchase of any kind. Just orry
..111'ell atltck. Ftatooa olkeadi rk' come In and make our store ,
wake a very ....Uf. tear r comfortable waitingroom. l I
JAuteaiilii Oven 1btile Ming! for edglBg tteke or *_*. ToN your
r, ; ,hi.. saran tie thread wok a r + .
b' tY par}'a IwNI.. 'small Nell attttk..this string I to F $eiig Out OK Wit I;$tck. :
L U Made oa tilt three.*; pailag v'ape MELT YOUR FRIENDS AT'le.Lewe - f fAll
'. i/.wb.etatah.a t the she. at Ue teatooa: e.tck
d..M t ELECTRIC with. a beck sWab tkroa,k tk* *dg.
4 tk* leek .*> ton ante allowing
Rw 3El tie\ stag .( kd u keg to a t >
N lutllow. scalier II the. tpac k*>
tvew tk autcke I* horter tip Furniture and
l, arfesa Yenta d tk. Mrtig. at .*.... tkera will lit Ida ,, '
r wi *'=UJar'trill. '* trir'*.faturtag :
'olta_ to tie treat of a bid*. or
i 4 dr.*e. They OM k. .a4. from elm kales '
i y Y.. 11. aa. parse ot circle wkkk. Prkes$1sI.to'$ :! 'Vest
wham placid ea a trat-it' low taU at .rt ginJgwasalA .
Into sort rtwllag foMa. A aatailompleto 'II
wick lab hest w (ler1.'aecs Peas ywengpeedsM ttrclet: we* tlagry .r toarMp
*. will a-sk* Jakot for UMtreait t" .
ee.nel Sable has wy (..
t k
t UtoSea toeUtg ,AriaWl Itor.ue
r* neA far NI wl before BUY TAb:'
aatttrm rr'AwAt'
paper NOw
*rar 70 Yen *sa4)r Mc* Vk. *Vaj Amtl .' tem. tie ttbriClrelt* ** aay ,
Mad renoat.. yea coUifat*ik Ara, hope r*)*4- alt eu k* drawa tritk B Baoctl err
kit ewe Cow *> end Me kl I TcrmiW. shah. M. to etrtog. Tko Magus
fit the tuiag will. at ao re. dater
Y k* the tae. W tile !eJrcl. FisttPe &- Iect'l But rememkr we have,:_;;fym, where
dtelr** width ..... tile eater "
Ut. drcIel divide WI by I to gel BM*. Da fact the *kol.' tprea I* tri
D. Home Co. he. .. the siring (exotaetv llckt-keorle to __ Wkile *.+ 'SMLKMrkkTHE we wish to serve you aM -,yjMr' tM L We.
,...... Ar sMteg tII. reel the way B. practical, I
.. tha gram 1M raw Nee akoHM k* tile BriBtodkeep ebeu ,'f always : e'f.r't' \ )
tM th... MIl JOlt tie It act *it tk* U... eqqip.keM .' --'<' ,,
(FRANK L. SKILL, Owner) b11s.:: WpWow tl: *!* Watathis U;roe voaMto Of' J. .r# J
dlrtctiwi i SU CRALDA ATI. M K W. M M,' ...
aslIs ..
.. .. .... fI
Hardware Lumber ind BuiUers'VHIOLESAIJI Supplier to I. ...... ealled FLOWERED PRIHT \
t tie. bow .. .... .. .. ,PEACE OOtAtOAMJES kOAIaf #.'
AND UTAH. a.* euetnU ot altr* Jest Mad a . **ltareloB .:.
Ut't .. to .a Needlework. De arBMB > !
l 'hliaeem, t esM ak ..Ghapron e.ea., obaro uktg1P tile -. UaAot.f lea this&441..B... ... .. ", ,1 J. -.thAI Jartrl fp.r at I I .-..........1.r ..- ...., ....'..-.... I
4 5
w .
.- _. -. .. --_. - ..- .------ ._h ___ - -- -- -
Lurch Pointing to Tremendous I AUTO JESTS By UN ifatef Cb. .1 ROOT finding and biIch4.
Alicia B. CkmH IUH. Asphalt Mod rubber tilt Phone
p M( Growth, Asks Return of Dr. Davies DO YOU Pipe W/TICQII/Oq" CLASSIFIFJ) ADYERIMife <<; NeaeaaPtL fPfe 1C IIJOwr ,.11.11 MOWwdroane II7-W -(n"-.
Jack Levy, Commercial. fhotogreDher -
a tennendoue geowM u> everyt nave bean eeteblMied. he paid ... V aM te e4ve..ee, .If* a Ibi.loo .. !-' bath, ...,..., N. W Wedding. Batilea. f* MIftet -
t first Methodist and a eupeeaiful Christian dtluoII IMsoesl an prier. .....
Ueatton, Aim. or not Mrtartly a Homee Pita, Parties. DMCOIaM
weh during the four-year pastorate I I tip peegram .has been operated hMM. eee thla May.Xreeret ...$.. A4rertMAg pkturea MMaiKf"H
of Or Sidney H. Davies. for the ,.. two yean.He .. Cemetery &Mausoleum I IWeoIIa erden. for day-eU! . e ) k ++p
prompted the coograjaUon to reported. that during the I het .L fred ruoha ftoberttrd high ......UId. boar for y"u, I am atitt
rigdest-biereturn-tw. ttKh year fxriod the church budget had \rkemiery- at Wardta dr Phone. .-.... and vies et any time Can 4O-W-4
.t the quarterly eonfefence .here been releed. tram .... I IAlene atarW plans
$. to tOM tMO & W. Mi .I. Mtanl (pelf) materiel on premlaee all tit $l,00$ (.
Lsii Apr.I I. and that hi
i building fund now t.TU'
I/0 Dr. Device report on hit pia- bai more than' IIT.OW la bond A wide eel action or cemetery lob BBAUTtniL OMCHtOB avatebli,. Seller lea and moat eaU Term. IF YOU RAYS aaJ'h\JI1\ to W
ft orte revealed that chunk memjbeahlD Dr. Henry W. Blackburn, dilI at moderate prlcee available from. at tU ttanea. Homestead Floral or It you tread anyUtUi Vdl\
kill Increeied from UStto .I riot luperintendent Who presided Urn untOld temetery ftcreem. and am SHOP, m N .w. 4ti at., 4 acrai limed orange mangos;; the $wi, Shan. We buy m*ttraeaei -
,U*. *od \he ,Sunday achootenrollment at the) conference, warmly prated Community) mausoleum et I.T14crypta Lid .... (aN)) l-bedroom bourn, I tenant \ la loud condiUan, itwai,
front 109 to 40$. |I I I I Dr..Davies and Me onfretionifor w end alcbea I ehipe. drove let boxes, etc. The Swap Shop
Mveral I nine
Used water should 1
'.la, Youth and young adult work their achievement pumps produce ,000 U IIAOO S. nigler Ave. HomeUid. Phon
from UIM to '*'.00 for 1 K. P
1 FOR RENT worth of time this auM"' Rice 4et. (124-10
wmtrlfinuL Homestead Music A
WJOO. I|S,600 oath! IMt Pius ln
Music Club Will Give Free Oratorio l Appliance Co., M N. Arcane Aft lost each year until balance to WE DO oommerclal art work.
IE I bedroom, private entrance and Phone 149 (mltlt) rotoihop. USltt)
private betha. Ph. HI-M. (sill paid nigler
Monday Night in Baptist Church t
Let ui upply\ you with rock send Horn and II AOB N. Krom
RADIO EtltVICK Homestead
For rent-Houaa, I large rooms, see.. planted In avocado, til. -
till, S. Miami murk, HltlMt
The"' Holy City", M oratorio by High School band directed bv tile bath Ule floor, (... pier marl. f ft San.: Home 000 rub or IH500 tams Musk Appliance Co. Phona
-A.' It Gaul, f III be presented at''; Arden J. Richard, and Individual I u-lclty, hot water. Reaeonable dead Phone. (mlttfj) i$-inn baring ivoeado grow 141. It K. JCroma Art. l2I.U.) >
> |, 'clock Monday evening In the!I II local talent W,.. John W. Colllru rent furnished or unfurnished for 111,000, food location. Sit ALEX LAMKR for wall
i JnrM( blptlit Church of Horn will be organist and Vaughan Adults only. Boahm, Box 116. Cheap-Chevrolet pick-up truck 78 by IM ft lot |TW.43aere drilUni Corner Kroma Iva.hdNR.tOUt .
/Jtt&i I I It r tIfJ Monday Main Club.I I Tunnell\, plinlit Newton rd. between Silver Palm Ph. 1311.W, Alec Unler. tract With avocadot, or % H. ft8M IM-Wol
Abo taking part> will be the I IUo..d I The public U Invited to attend and Coconut Palm drive (pall>> (mJOlf)) angH and grapefruit tatMOT .
l Malt Chores directed the oratorio which li being given LET US SUPPLY your lindicap
Irvln 1. Lyon the Homestead with admission Apt with private' shower, toilet WE SPECIAUZB: in wedding and rma. ln seeds Len stock of trop
bby no charge Wheels aligned; motor repaired; aisures a comfortable !
sea kitchen sink bailn US a Three btttlnan" allai Ia dewrtowallomntead.
lined quality portrait 'teal and ornamental plant' MiMdal
ride . see the HIRE gilEVROLETCO. month. Fred W. Peaky Xedlind ler rotoahol ( lUll . price Hilnlata.Nuner'
l jIaRlNG[ AROUND JHEJORKJQAST . 22 years with Chevroet! rd. between t Palm,Silver In rear Palm Bon end'SOS Coconut -, Ben). Warren torch Coconut Paint Dr. and ComfortRd.
Phone 4t W-l.
Rt 1. (.le) BLACK MUCK DIRT ISI ft. Kroma A.. Phone 111
".0. -BOB 401. HONMMtaatf, FIe ) DO reliable watch te IIlrln".
Bird Chevrolet Company 4-room furnished apt M.... Clara Want acme real honeit-to-iood- Woodi Jewelry, McCror At.
Dillon, Florida\ City Ph 170-J net hark Murk Dirt Tilt
cad (tttttj r)
flneit for Homes and Lawns Alto RICHARD FUCHSR t ,
]lomeil id., Fla, : Fbaa. MALL : (pill)
we can deliver rock fill, rout 01pulverlted |.lit rad Broker WATCH PUMP BEltVICK: -* All
I 'II. bedroom apartments, kitchen murk. Call ui tor prlcei ,Phone Homestead 441 or TSe-W ipakea. Phone. 149, Homeatood
< furnished, new bulldlni Apply on quantity truck loada. Brim Mutt 4k Appliance C.s U N.
r Win. Raikln S. Krome ave. and bushel baiket or crate for small Furnished duplex downtown Aroma .... Jilt>)>
sdro I. . Ad'sI Phone 7M-R. (sale) quantity. Tie a buihel at bouaa. with ample 1'00IIlot third L
teams ;euut..IJJ apartment A sled at It.OOOTarma. .
; I "n. !, '-room apartment share bathroom Kcndrlcks AND
J. H. Roberta, core of East Campbell at des
(II aI ffrr Don, Barberthop. (a01t) phone 53JW furnlihed CBS home with new ROOF REI'AlltS
I .r. ; alee ret, stove and IIW heater,
: FLORIDA I Upitiln apt. 1 bedrooms; ; ; bath; !
kitchen. No children no pets RCA radlo-phonncrlph, pr.rtll'll-I SO acres (scarified), about. t acre Roll rooting gravel ahlnglrt,
I ty new 1MT table \, young avoctdo and I acre atiort ura. and metal roots InataUed.
PROGRESS and Ph. etl-R-4. (e5))
10 IS-lnch reminds $110. Phone ed IrulU. Only 12000 faih re- Guaranteed workmanship by E-
.. j t-room furnished apt upitalia S57-W Otter 1 80 p. m. (mltlf) qulred; cany monthly terms on sensed and insured rooters
WA4ns ,1 Mrs Mod Chandler, Silver balance FREB ESTIMA1TS.
/ t \ .. Palm dr., Box .114. Rt 2, Home- rnAMrs made' to order-)InrteaeltcMon e a '
ru w itCBd. (I2tf n8111'r rotua"IIP.. Over I crier<< with MO tree on U. Phone 257HOMESTEAD ,
f l ,'00. Tarma.
tia I a N.1 (or only fLA.
dam I new half-big cement mixers J.OOO( down fur1 fumliihed I-bed- (*!I/)
Io Ott' ___, !T' : rnrri write p.r sanio'era s festal' CIr4 Ph. 147 Tower-Crow. (mISH) room frame home on large lot Guaranty Rooting Clau\
t+r.nu'T. '4 wrWii rent .1 perk U .. eetoanr teat fw the w,,oKt funHr. *) riCClMACFADDEM lid sell led.r tat ....od ROOM In prlvile. home. TT N. W. with tree. Ph. 761-J or Miami LOST
Itte kMrH-nln.4. WCMM U to IM 1 wtU-kiwwm, eel Uwrrfen In* 480944, Erhoe Jordan, ref broker WIC MAICC phfttotUtU topleet
I ell.1 ..>oral. with tout** punlunalleira and HI a gala ,aFIPonIarJ 1e ........ bat GOVERNORP. 6i Lemon and while bird dog strayed riigler
fr 11II..11I, '
Scared lot with Jell ft building Friday Ph. Detain Rhodes at
..IM 4417 HinaiaAe Iraaea MM hesS rla Glide ft drove Supply "
181 Craam Bldg.,....--..tla.. Mil Nrtt) keep Ara...i
1 A negro was telling hli parson Highway. Owner, hazel
}I.that he ho nut had Xinnlly gotten on U. & Illxlmay I, first house MISCELLANEOUS\ ) WANTED: I'rlttlcalIlU", Apply|
| religion. The pahion probed: "And FOR SALE south of t Vets at OouUto (pall) 1 11 N. W. lit it (ell>.
1 U yo' afro '011'" gonna lay 'ildeIIn your _
; ?" Kerosene, water heater and SO-gal. GUEST: IIOt'SB li light bill too high WANTW>-Ouivai. Dixie Fruit II
Auto lank lawn mower, rocking chair Heir muat aril 1 If-room furnished )HIV your refrigerator tunedup Vegetable. MkV. South Krom
Yap, sub, I'ae done done III""And Repairs
other articles log S. W. Fleet at houVe' plus cottage on Highway l>y a competent refrigerator ava. uaotC) ..
la,you' twine to be good (pets) |b Asking $13,500 with M
O. What .tote Maw at tan wHCrftiieli at to yO' 'I&hbor?" but make offer Phone E. Or.ham Rtdlind Dlitrlct HARRIS m:- PAPAYAS WANTED-DUI: Fruit
"YM, huh, pahaon yen Buhl'IAnd Bark<< In the BOTTLED OAS Miami 41268. Gallagher ft Q.. RICIMTION co. ru. its.dietf. Ic Vegetable Market & Kroraeava.
v aaf fcktiwy Wiop.' I le yo'. (wine pay up all yo' Builneu. Roper Gas Rangea. brokara. (alm7) ) IISORA i iNtfI't'I
Q. Where <*M tbe MI N.e frees debts?" r < . . . .. .HK SPECHAWZZ bN"WI .4 e: Ph. 850-W. Virgil D. Lyon }2 N I ove min wbne
M a t uliriP) 1 Tlia'converf Turned sod lookedghait.at Jerome Ave (pa6)) Small J-room frame houic plustiny I am eoriUMplktmibonkkerpln malt tlllt-t' penal! nrnn"
the rib end of loin clear -through < service !In Itomnteail. h-ebt/'dwa bb.e..lend -
: the parson.> "Now look I-mom house both on It 1ta1 fed
the: Bank eecUon. It aka oenuUicroMeacUoii a, and SERVICE ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM, end vicinity Ill either keep your, ""ei.lat u eases to tuimiMMMInw .
kidney out, out hearhyo'.In HUDSON SALES CloM tn HomMtead. Total
the IhlOn-w.lch
of on a > and PLASTIC WALL TILE UA. entire bookkeeping .,Item or eaes tp.. / MM w
eu hk>n of fit The, ttani wnprouulthti talklu' religion now Yo' li price |1.4IS. terma Ph. 709-J or rox rAiicirniIk .
veal Installed ritA terms If desired.Per tupervuw present help, mak .
kldnt your
; ,Is CHr if DM IM4M DJctrot. OkMle.MM
I chop U OM O X the larger ot the real talking builneti! Washington estimate call lll-W or I4I-R, Miami 4BOV44. Echoe: Jordan, re( up tux report, ilatementi, ....I .. bleeds w ..._ red saws
Newl DigestWhat's' broker (.11)! ) cub er Iel d tee txwsa itysrtD..5.
"' : basis '
writ BOX ill. lilt Reasonable monthly fee
4oo ... l 1hII.'" 'J or ( ) (haste, flame. .
,.. 'lbll 7 veaTkidney'Fhop ahoukt bi SMALL l-room HOUSE plus tiny Writ 0 M. omll1lcl, 4104 Ponce tutor tab M 4N o Adel. A. 4Ir"
j. aa ahouTd all.Teal chop s. That Again THURMAN MOTORS MAKE AN OrrtRI 1-room house, ill on H ACRE de Leon Blvd, Coral Cable, alealf1) . mnatt mnkdAM
)steaks, (veal,1.elnee. hat n oomei from ala.. The tJirl: "Just how can I stop Overhead Irrigation Pump(Chryi- close to Ilomeitaad. Total price ( ) ( F I. :: r., IaN)
I. hittinhgtm It. !111thBerets the' you from spending ao much moneyon (er-Hale), trailer mounted, com.pleta 11,42500, Ph. TJ or Mliml
meat fat.. ," me?" with aluminum suction ..-0..., Echoe Jordan, Re*.
of hot (the ccehoppeamrI.be dipped
,. The Boy! "Marry me"-En. pipe-ready to operate Phone Broker. (pal) $I
?uten in .ivten eracaer or oma /$4. (ill) ,a
t the.nwat from.IrtxTftTand New S-bedroom home. Iteiaonibte
i3io to aid. .la brownlixi -
For Mle-1940 Plymouth sedan,
). When the: ace po s are nicely I down payment, $30 month aol
4 browned, add a email amount of good condition reasonableMn. N. W. 7th it (paSt> )
Mlrynld' tveter. milk, tomato lobe Eva Collltu, Dlaciyne dr. at
I our eream, fruit Juices> and cook Federal' Highway. Ph. 4JT-J. SAU-l-bedroom frame 1
slowly covered, sow tender, \ FOR
ally ffyui 44 io eo 1DJ1! t.ea.Jeal" 11I&J J A FINE CAR I (iie-23)) house on lot 80x150, IT N. W
. .. ::T'IT "'I"1' ';':- ommcFor 4th Bt, Homeitead. Ph. Miami
,..... : New, Ben Hur box trailer, all steel 1-4141 or see owner at IOU & mhultlnce 5en
,.'. a'/ ';' JWJSEJ'ENllNE& construction with rack and tarpaulin Mlimi eve, Miami. (pmistf) ?A-l lou r A ic9b
; J"i1T MACK ,BACKL4 $100. Ph. 471-R. (pall) ----"
I New l-bedroom CBS home In | Crehtatlon
.cM 1 ,BeiuUfy your horn. with our good location, F. H. A. pay. Phone 270 Homestead Fla.
,- ihnlbbery end tree IdealAvpcado menu about 141 month foul ,
Nr1aAeRlt Nuriery. (silts) price SlOtS, about '2IIIO! down
R1.IICKMACK"a( ) .
. Ph. 7O-J or Miami UOI44, Echoe . ,.-
.. ,
t Immediate delivery M geonbieDtEfrkCEU broker. (ill)
Jordan rag,
y r borne '_...1
Y .. . ....... .. ,....... Many bornefreeaert
( ,., are called! Deepfreeae bet } & Fales
V', deal be moved. Get die (eaaloe.Mil .1 .WANT.PAV Walker : I
't aal* at Harrta aefrlicraUo*
C*. Ph. IM. r
Y ,
'., .'
CRAWSHAW ENGINEERING CO. Contracting and Impairing
all amilies '
A. CEAWSIIAW II Wed flatter StraelAaeeclatee .
MIAMI It FLA. f .....-;
L 'I for the'family t which had but one motor sore 'luxury of CM lIydt..M.dc.Drf..11 A. a ZArr nioNi i-1152CRJSE&
car-Pontiac it an. extremely wise choice. li quick and nimble,easy to steer end perk s
Fire It It big and beautiful.: Yon can -a feature especially appreciated bf P. & F.. Garage
And II ,li economical-}**Meconomical .
,'drive! .It anywhere aajr time, with the cer.women. very '
talc knowledge that it will be admired It la fact. a tnj tffftt Nw **> ItepaiHoc a Acetylene Weldinc Palntta ,i .
T. The also gives you the comfort you want and II li a rare cat, Indeed, which caa offer fit BURR CABINET ,SHOP Body and Fender Work ,
FLORIDA' RAILROAD ccd. |'II. life, top-becauee it has big, these qualitiet. And'becauM.Pondac dent, QEOKGI) : rrrrs .a.4 WALTER raAzztmS.W. I II l
brake and remarkable bal.nceo. offer tbe... It (I.
tamrdy (- becoming the choice ofmore .<
Builders and Remodelers .. Wad el QeJek rreeea. neM M
4- SI, H-Btoek
vi( / . farad aad'carvei. It provide the perform. and more people every la/. -". .' I .
W6CIC11J'TILITIESCONIMISSION. IIGM 3ewM nrA.-.rfituM,us r...JJJt rbw wra.f....e.yb..uwrns \ Fine Woodworking a Specialty J '
I IU IIU..IIICI ese PUCl-1ItI1I..CW.IMAM riA' Electric and Acetylene Weldingaavn -
Rkhord _\ fV ock/OJ.Q'.: .r, PAUl bin E-ONE MIUC WEST or tr. s, i I GIFFEN ROOFING, COMPANY} 1
,, member of this( important rhone ItlVTlBruce's
for lute Attef commit"tfi t?ilbrrsl"pis.>p 1s i working\ its w : Roof/In of AH Type! '..; ,
pKorw grid ti llgtdph wrvke Solar Water Heaters '!
for you f He It f'lortdo' born Sheet Metal Work
o Unlveriitbl'Flortdi V{orlsj War Its vcteron'grocJuft -, Block Co. -. Air Conditioning ;
.. '
+df business. ''rNNhh !! Fan' Ventilation ) d;1
ett prQCtJdol ,
(at Naranja Rock Co. Quarry) .
morv if you woof{. Letter IniulaUoit .
cjovemment, vote. for ..\ I'A ;, A
yi.l s tVGtewdM.wi S-INCn SIXGLK .CO&N I,> ,-DfC1l DOUSUCOaJtEE. i .I'rte IIUadaI <4<
t Omt .41 and 4-INCH rAKTITKW.Vw. AAtes Phe.
Ui Ante A.. nut
\, PUT:, MACK BACK"I ', Preston B. Bird Motor. ,Co., 0I, Orders Repettfully Solicited! carat Gabler...... UfO
Homestead Fla.
South Krowe.Ave. s
w dert.. '. v.. de.m". .._.... . 3 .
r 1. : t.
i S. '. .b . f! -;rFriday '. :.
ax. .. ',{ '. :_ . '. .._,,:..::--_.._ _._ ..........,.....-...._.:....N.MM.N.1M.a. --.
__. _
_. . -----
-- - -------
SHANDS FAVORS Fred W. McCall, Ji r\t Seeks Election BILL HERIN IS i[Judge IC I PnmiMflt WID"... Endorsed HOMESTEAD i in 180.1947 000 In/mil Florida II ournmi for nryt' "It"plaulsI"urhai '1. ,,,,.I\Un;. sad Leersv1N'.klna: And, I then
y (ConI'iiuad Iron PM One) i .tu attract the n""(issim, u tad" ,,'I>IM f < llX .iskl lto 'nlr 10 I gn
As Supcrintcndcr it of County Schools capital on reasonable' Uinu, .,. thcompany < -
I ' hWII.lie
STATE VOTE ON CANDIDATE FOR i ROM Will torn* ahtuld be hers n-.I to oat new ceo th Juiilm' pllml Ki'geul
anticipate ixpenditurehof ''
re-elected dreuIt court I judge. tril office awitckboanl unit*. '>Ki
Miami Apr. la-Fred W. Me I17B N, B 55U Terrace, Miami, awrordlfig. to 0. a Itadfern. author Tetopawn ajrnrlh and develoDnaant more In 148 than and$21400000 like in Kloilda In I, Yuu did who.! "
CIRCUIT T-A "Oh Dad\, you're eo IIJI//to
PAYMENT JUDGE of legal butt book, .peal pratdeal : <<
BONUS Call, Jr.. ai candidate for supintuedenl taste dttcetkmal If'cIul certificate life (musk)mat lad. / of the county and. Hate tar no IMM to Wrlda barn .ttaBltad slats 1MO to the ha.hrge by wen of the next few yean fanned, I gave him a slot,. ...**)."
of public IWKruetten IlMa ... grudwatrMeaberehlp Wllllan' A. "9...r .He*..*., can.dldal eaocUtlone. and member of. the I cttle. te fleet. Ow rots of ajrewth PRIDGENIc"
OtlneivlUe, Apr. I&- (Ipeelal)) record of aotiin. ..anl !. ttrhoote Miami ShornBaialttt oMrunrttet to revta the ......
: norM whale I HOMiami.
tor rirruit **wt 11llOrolg In M 0 slats
-A eoMtltutional wnendmenl t of Oade Coon*. Medllreceived "tell, Northalde KJwanl Oil aerred the nM. to ........&I n. the .1 I his. ....... lad K ......... (I t.ud from Page One) I
sub nttklg( \ to the people the quea- hlf A 9 *** tilt Ift Chub former board member olClaaaronm the armed tor*** 4ur M WacMI I fee"Hie more apaderhs than' eight en yean without *. The tllsphesne. natwes ... sale In tile Redlrod District He 1 1
tion of a .t.l. bonus payment k, the UnlvwHty of Ftortja an*. Wtegree Tearher'i AaaortationMuaJc .. War II end WM wit) the. army ofoacppetlon ] crating dleaatlitactlon. unties been fetodelj
veteran la advocated by Slat e, < of Mauler. of Wuuatton record: director of Miami In Japan. H* volunteered U be from thoae who cannot; control : and towns thrtVaieut Florida and land end Prtacaton nned a plu. ,t
'hool' oohs.tee
Miami Mlaon' High & for active duly prIOr laHM \Into th* rueS) are*
the Unlvenltr of to meet wbertae noise made
from by
L Senator W. A (Stilt) sheds. buaIneiaman of Miami EdUoclltgh I him, entitle Mn td reelection ,
Boca 'In 104* to ItoktovUli. Ckw. ; bandmaster tltack on Peerl Harbor ..' Silt year cl peegroaa and a.- the boy it Qtlr lama would not
candWat- for governor . School band; director ojSraiifl mplinhmeM! passed between the I
MtCall eNMtfet fajMto. artioo Hartoi WM born In Meoon. 0.., Other aUwnty: who have pub- rturb anyone President Royal
The to too Imajortant! ,, Dad. County .* Bewl *xtrv.gaiva pact for day In ISIS when FlorMa1 fl0el
quertkm there and passed. end has Und In Did county Rely Indorsed Judge William MM that a comm'ttee would be I
both\ to veteran and the tall lY. to IQO.l He WM graduated tress. .ant* ilnre 141, pretldent o< (9( ye- He WM educated *l the stress the Importance of this office: telephone\ oonveraaton took pUce appointed to study lea poaalblllUe -
high chooL In Florida Music &dIlC.ton'alaUlJlli Mao Cwttral' and Miami High and the time In 1040/whea Dor- the
era. to be ictlled without a v-4 Miami Bdlaoo of Rtglon I grammar to\ the people.LocAL of proposalThe i I
end ; vice-chairman Ida reached a total of 153300 telephones -
ea8 be etaeted. teanMet schools and then worked Jfla way dlatrlct notary convention
of the people themselves, Indicated served fee two year on Key par right, National School MushAaeecislkxn I therewith the University of Florida j. Southern Dell telephones which begins Sunday in Weal
Senator Shand. oayne leeching. grade on* toeight. executive board where he renelved hit degree SOFTBALLLEAGUE that la.I Palm Beach will be attended b)' ,
"Florid, I believe "..... i I member of 8' >uth..m Dtvlalon, In l 4w. H rln took, pot graduate Out; In the abort spare if *''nhl Mr. and Mrs Pridgen Dr and I
bualneasmnn at the brim" he ad| In IMI McCall WM trMafered Musk Bducotnm' National Con work it George Washington Un'-' years ainoe: 1940 the number hat Mrs Carl F Robinson. President ,
I 'knd I find that people In every h Miami Edlaon where. he UiuM\! fereaue, former ,president' of Florid vertttv,, Stanford University and ELECTS more than doubled and today and Mn Royal Mr. and Mrs C
county want a change to nor Junior high mnthcmiills He Baadma ler. Assoclatbnifossner New York UniversityHe there are more than 327,000 trio. W L-lby, Mr and Mrs Douglas/ ,
business and lea politics! .in Taliabaaaee taught EtagJUh, history, elvh* and I vlce-preildcnt" of Florid WM admitted to prattle law phone In Florida operated by the Tower, Mr and May.. Carl Schu
I Intend ti we to that public ecnoal mwrfe and from Orchestra Awocintlon, and former In Miami In IB3J. lie U entitled GEORGE SHALL\ Southern Dell Company Sixty macher, Mr. Geronimo and Ed
when\ elected governor" IDa to 1MB fupcrviwd the *cventh -I chairman of Dado Counl.1Dandmuattn' ilM to practice his profession In year for the tint 153.000, eightyears ...
" Shand reiterated hit pledge to and eighth grade. Ho or- Aston oil Florida; courts and fMiralcourts. The HcHhnd District Sotlllllil l| for the jecond 153,009 plus. ,
veto a gcnci. at bets &but, if udupteriby luinliwd the ftrhnnl band stint ...nuu..n..u na rau..ano n Including the United States League elected Ceo S Kknll, rl-M-lflian remliwl. fur the t It
the 1t4D legislature! Ha nd\o school hUll. In 1036 he had beenrecognised Supreme Court He was legal ad- president r . and re-elected H L. phone to make local call IOn.12', '
Bated full completion of the .tt...'. a* a band teacher JAMES ARflllR; SMITH ., viler In the Far East for the U. ft, Drown treaurr, at a meeting of dons i day In IB40 and more than GOLEMAN\ i
educational program expand. of During" war yean 1 4J-IHI IIOSUTtL NEW; Dtiwrtinent of State in 1947. 29 ball enthuilait Tuesday night 2.199.000 time dally at the atari 1). C.
hospital and public halt facOlUe McCall WM dean of boys at Miami ,...................u.............. In It41 Heels was president of In the city halL of 1848 Flvldlan: originated U SuBporilncW.A. Shand ,,
*. conservation of f!ton and Wildlife BAIwnr' eenlAr high, while cnrt.tlnuhtg the Miami Junior Chamber of It was announced the V T W IS.360 long distance call dally In ; (Hill) t
; water and flood control, reforestation his band work. Durlnf' Mr. Mid Mr*. Arthur Blank- Commerce and I vlce-prealilont'' "win upontor a team which will be 1040; 56,901 dally a* 11143 began for GOVERNOR
and expansion of the these yean al dean he did much beck of llnmratead are parent. ofa of the I/ado County Oar Amich- the third llnedf 'un for. the four- And the Inveatmrtittli plant arts
lI1a..'. advertising program valuable admlfnalratlve, persona inn barn Apr. 9 In Jams Archer lieu In addition to being a directorof team Iclcue W. D Horne Co. and equipment nercaaary to ke"p thr )
A* he neared the conilurton of net and tuiwrvUory work and Smith IbMpluL \the Young Democratic Club of Mitchell Hardware are sponsoring<< rail moving hat more thon dou
the aeventh week of hi* apeak, Halned experience, of value In the A daughter WM born to Mr and Dude County, lea mi. bled-from rome $37700000 ID
,blur, Senator Khandi was coverIng office ho now tecki' Mr*. Colby Fisher of IVrrhio onApr. I llerln aerved al a U. 8 congress ,All Interested player are urged 1940 to nearly $89,000,000 earlyIn
the lower call eoiat, Includinga In 1940 McCall laid aside hU II.Surgery. lonal secretary. and fttw wncounsel by Mr Shall ta meet at I o'clock 1048 SHANDSCHECKERBOARD
day spent In Key We* work DI dean. to devote hit entire' patient (this week Were ( fan the Dade County deleijstton tonight at the city ball park to
The candidate had touched every time to band and orchontr mimic.| Mr*. Fred Link of Hm.eatend. all wo aeMluni< of the ltal.lelRlalure *' select managers, umpires, pitch- Willing Applicants InrreaaeDespite '
-corner of the mi In Mi tours Her .li the family record: Mar- '' Baby Alnn Doan of Florida City ere.and team llne-upa Reeord ln'UII Uon. Few men have ever brought:
und growing crowd have been fled\ 1630. to Betty KlmballJUiughtei I erda[ Martens of I'rinwfem and The ttory of telephone progress to the office of Governor of
**lltra-ted to his. colorful found ( / of Mr. and. Mr. J. N Lloyd Tu>'ln nt !Kiv W".t In Florida since 1940 naturally -- ----- _. stole, the experience . ondj]]
truck t. hear his message Tailing Ktmbull of Little River Medical 1 patients >m luil, .1 l Ml tMur .. Include the period when, unlike tint.hand knowledge of our stole
for a program of Ute. Improve- Children: Patricia, 10 <" Bell the Uev. Ono B. VOTE FOR pre-war days, you've had to wall government that Colin English'
(fnent" and telling how they maybe four Laundr1'1 Deucl und Baby Jullnn Penny of f jr the telephone you wanted In- tan. .:.:.rJtar. :.: will bring to the slate capita
ichletred. rather: Dr. F. W. imcvteed' and Mr*. ClINic Durnr stalled. i when he U elected Florida's next
or Ouuld I There were 30988 people In hit
Tom Governor! He has proved
Vannt Florida waiting for telephones >> .ability ei a leader, a ttotetmon')
Modern Jfurjr . . . when the war ended In September (
and en executive. H* Is the one
Al the supper table ulac'nighton I 1943 Since that time, Southern JAMBOREESTARRING candidate who, for the post
William A. "Hill" the farm, the hind man war Incumbent Constable Bell ha pushed it* expansionand eleven hoi bon trained
Idling abuut breeder who v. Improvement program to theextent lIOn"" ,
HERINciun'ir itevcloplna a a strain of "hovp fin. 4th DISTRICT, DADE COUNTY I that more than 212000telephones for the job" of Governor He I*
the one man who can take over
have been Installed!
the hired
ipvcd "ij'1' lath mt' If elected I will continue the same buslneaa-llke and courteoussrrvlne. the faint of Chief Executive wt-
throughout the itate about
men Hid, 'thut hes lI.t lamb\ seven
t JI11)C1If > now that can run 40 mils en .,, 16 years law enferecment service tn Dade Ounly time the number waiting al the State of Florida without any
e wOIu.n WAR \F1FRAN.. hour. e war1 end The net gain during log of valuable tinsel
? RORN IN M.\('ON. 0"UllrCAnn '. Hut why dUel ho want lamlx this period was 103,139 Yet the Hli experience end knowledge
: LrNTRAI: ORAMMAR that can run 40 mll"s an hour nw application for service have of data governmental affair
ti AM MIAMI 111(111 K('IIOOI. naked tho bright' young ,Ir!. Vof* FULLER WARRENKit been coming In ao rapidly that hove been gained through hit
I a wOIIn:1): WAY TIIKOICII I'NI-' "To kotp up with Mary," h.ntlllled.W.U for txlny there are more than 45000 eleven cnilnvou yean pfluccmful '
VhRSIfY, I>K nxRiiu TOUT" Htrort Journal people' on the waiting llsta, dear service. as a mambei1
HRADUATR WORK AT GEORGE: the record numb of Installations
p'le of the Governor's Cabinet, and
WA""INGTON NTAKrORII AND I.ECAI, ; tl)1'iC1rNC) florida't Candidate for which have been made grid, ,f'Uedd Other Important Hat boards
No let-up I II in aljht-the bevy
and the
0 ar."UW.NT OF DADB t'OVNTY 89 n "R''". MUmEtt MITIIR OF APPLICATION HIM TAX tommlulons during
demand still continue
MF.1.'ODlf4T ('III'IIC'If ; Ameri a's favorite linger ol' administration of three .
rRAcntr OF LAW MIAMI SINCE isu. (taplieU1S'' Arln *l 111irtW4 GOVERNORMCOCNIZtO. Its a great deal more than: the folk iong -with Hal Hortoo govtrnors. I
: ADMITTED TI) PRACTICE ALL I frJ'cn c'vnv: Ih"Il9n"'I.. 'Impl* backlog of war accordingto : whoo'oii
FLORIDA COURTS AND t-1TU'J- ( 111 and the Oklahoma Wlaftler.1 W. FlorUUfli
9tlERAL MI'RTS.g s..nt. "tdn ul "" .,', 'T.. ( . the telephone folk The demand -
I.EOAL ADVISER Ed FAR EAST mR V. "' DEPARTMENT I :Iw.h d.r,.a4 of I.. ,,:"MA: ? : -tn.n; ; I'i'ndlsl':: nIM \/'. r AVnHOUTY item from economic. Industrial thru Friday1YKAT1:15P.11. paying for this odvertJ..m..t--! theurengtondnionblthethoueande tare ;, .........1
OF lIT A TI (lt47)) I "O' t. fs' orfb.. 'Md h.. ,.d.. .'..11.. GOOD c.oVEIN04EMTIXPtRllNClD! and agricultural progress Monday privileged Je expren .
41., NtIIIDIINT! ; MIAMI JUNIOR ('''''MDIH: or ('OMMERCK: tr.. ass .,'r'steel.. "t.,.M' ;:-',. 1 ON + which was making It* effect hit !
(Ilseg or ,"tl, In
lUH I N m'd-d[jit lelh.,! I'111.-k..r I'""-.*Iflilfiiwt',,,,n, I ."kv Nit Uw Hf p" SINCERE CAPABLE {I than ever, the telephone company Interesti of ALL Florida, will be I
. 0 B018' CM'U 01' MIAMI "'.... l< I',,,.,- A' In Ian I...mu nl Hull-. .! point out served by voting for and elecling
(Political Adv, paid for by Herln-fur- 'lrciilt... mlge Ciimmifce l ;- ) sr.M.U. Nn ir.KlirlJi.M a.i, ; ,.labd,,,.,:.at U d('' ,7114 amid. I To help pace this pregrenc,.! Sp wt I,
eree' ra "" U.' -, :l 1'.n'fi. ,. h, M"aaa. : Southern Dell ha sp'nt and I I.,
>' In UM" oae'd W* i: *v,nH. It. aiiTk e e II COLIN I Iy ENGLISH00VERNOR
.- I. l 4. IUn.li 17. I InJii."IrUI, <'itfrSii . s I pending tremendous gum for the
r I ,*.. Mat ll,.* U ,'.... Ill I. Inf leas r.o".I k kpollatl new switchboard and cable and
> Itailiul::; > W PI.irU H.:<.ISbned' .daelHM.a / j all the other equipment which I h
No. UM TWId seal Ad,. dell IM M rmmto N> ram warns
.. |ir,liin> unrtrr lh MM' I'rrltftctlXw4 necessary f a properly funclion- elIobf'll&ead.
Where .... In II'* ".... .>r Mm. O !>. In Florida.
| telephone system
ttoramaiihl0 Save bee III.n.". I Ilnl
Ut'i 7 A II, Ittclt till.. nth Allis I t. I To give you an Idea of the way In
IN OH! SHOP OR ON TUB ROAD PHONE talCertilied 111.I..h. 1'1,' Ih.k II. \ ..... NI. I.. 1k' which Southern Dell has gone j
,'nail. ., ., .nude,. al.1.' "I Ylrklx. n m. '
I heMI S In, I .."'ltl.." N". MA' Thit Ia". Prompt and Dependable about! the matter\ of enlarging the
./kAlth", if.....I nU,....,ni-PO-rtf.... In U"."d.I-.....act."< ash Mil l lI I Florida telephone network- the Phone lt.
Welding and Machine J.I H llmdf r4 h* comp.nyln the 1030-1940. per-war .lists t*Ctft.. tHik Mendai NIM HIH
.Unlr >,M I'frllfknUli. .ll .k, r...1 period was providing new facilities Princeton Phones 191 and ITS : O'cIo4.>*r tile f taU ABP Nshse.twins
Imnnl .N ibrrrtn+dlna....1i' he Uw sad; .I't'I nnjwrlrkwrlbrd hhtk: I Radio RepairsDODD at the rate of $392,700 monthly ,,
0tp : tells lugllA NH qrarftt,
.*TbM"lrr .( IC,' ,M1 HWM 'H'S "" and wa keeping up with i i.i a s .o (.1,..._ for e aspd be. tlIff
...,.... ..
innnHi of A
Service 'IS rims In lh- May
Shop II l lass, wkka. .. i U tea. M d., if Mm, A. mand, but lit 1947 grog de-I . . . . . rei'" ,..,..., ..".'..NwM. ..
I u. lam'' lion of new equipment hili hr lor I6e head. ,",CAM.. e..Ihb7..,
...... 1
I KKOMI A Ital** hU' Uw Isab. . t M A
VI, at K. P.. UOMLSTEApOloevi. I n, ".""' RADIO & APPLIANCE 1,830.000 monthly, or many
Largest Beat Equl|>B d Shep ,11 Honlh hide County. !II...,..,k l r.'....r'..ill, Yb"IMI Coot.I prewar Needs for the Future. I I 1 ::ff1 '
Vft are equipped' U manufacture all-alrrl mater truck bodies . K HOOK; D r 203 N. Krome Are Phone( 4S2BtTTIt This one concern spent $23- .
CIIICUlT C'1111' lI 1 II I .
--,----- ,t
and trailer lot any purpose Come and be eenvinord( -' -! ._ "_."" }I
I y -'
j ...
I Lower Charges and
I ;
I .J
1Y'f mlaun erallI
r More Mechanics :
JaaUI I ;. .
; We have reduced our charges ,
Cbr. South Krom Ave. and 4th St. J f
"f.3 LEON CilAMBUSS Owner SENSATIONAL NEW Ii and increased our staf) of. ,'k: , ;
.. t. ",I .
: 'd' Odlear Tine AWolite\ Batteries FERTILE The recurrenc and, STERILE e f a' mechanics, and our supply l of. :\*"* ,,:, : !:...,: I II
Accessories and Small Auto Parts dtys during uoathlymenlru ) PLXDR i" + eM' ,
.l cycle of wo- i Buick and Pont
iac.t '
5'. : .. 1
uder- \ ,
Expert( Lubrication a... eta now be ? + ..
stood and >eewatlyp(*> I
-f . dieted by '.rm.... WITH THISI PUTSTANDING nATURES parts is plentiful. We wJII..b\\$_ ; ? ;\ .
You can rt ui aiKor .
\I lUUvely.ted written,digest and of the 11lutr pleased; to serve you. ,;,-'.t sJ.',;,:, ,:,,,:l _
For JNews of Homestead and South Dad Read l>Mt medical knowledg
on tK* aublect and a r '\ ;
f "
: In Dade County: : Rios, $1; 6 mos.'St.SOl; ., $2 ; will determine date of !: t. ,
II fertile and l rtl 1IEj.l. '
In Dade County: mo*, $1; 6 mos, $1.501; yr. $2; you days, ":;' '
'homoteaJ Leader IlJSSCImOH bLANK.wvw+wwwrawDsIe I I FOR DODDULL' THIS EASILY SEND T UN.& i Preston B. Bird! Motor. ,!.Co.'. :. ,;; 1 i f
tl.oo roNIth'- 1 \t "'. '. BUICK and PONTIAC ,, t I: "I'I .; !
Third St
II N. V nomealea*, Ft*. I
: I. .
m i iir ; 1'
Eacloaed find f ,a,,,,;.foe whklr pleas mall the Leeds, IUIIT TO DO A BITTI. ',JOBSMITHGRAVES I. 1 *. t( f
.fer .,......... lIIOatllt tel ',BIOONPSIS'rttoND J Krome Ave. Phone 4S4Pare '
':ooI\ 'I, TION'I' FURNITURE CO. South I .. 'f' "' ,.... I ,
NAME .I7; I t'r'' ''Afj. "'1'. I
p. o. BOX ..,'Mri. ; ,. .., ., \ I "Irb.nk. M>>a.. I' 4 ,.
111\0: (; 1111'0"
tiL"cITYANDSTAtE \ \ N. JreMe ,AYe. Phone 21 JW I
!: ,. .- .. ,:: ... . II j
tam ease ........ papsl4. - ........ ...... ........ ........ ..-.. .:-.. -
.... .. ...,-.. ....,_. .
"' 4w
w r aI
"_ .. . .
Friday, A;ril 18, IMS HOMESTEAD LEADER-BNTERPRISE ___ __ __ __ Section R--Pape O _f'4
I ; W\ olla 's Store Gees "SoperMarket"Fkota i 1 GAMIER SIX PLANKS LISTS IN 1 1 1I 1M. MI
illS' PLATFORMltepreettltaUW I
K ABumi"
auUer; candidate for Ute amtor <.
ct.: dectre4 In at radio talk
i: : _*r_ i I Thursday RtgM that the proponed
Mlamt-Dade coneolldatio
L Lt
I'plan "I*'iwt en IMU In. tM esm"paigit"
v \ Thw pIM'fer not .n l_
and cannot become an fcaue the
!-w :candidate Mid, "tttCMMt all the1leglilatlve
*ort: on It ha been
y I completed. There to eosins,) Wet)
:for the leg'slafWlb do TOW a
6 I GauUer added, "Tht vote of the
l ; ra people of Dade County on May .
rl I tS will decide the matter for core t't
M Jr and all. It the plan la defeated we
I will know' how the people of Dade
I County feel about the ,question.
The people' vote will be my
guide I pledge to abide by thtlr' I II i
i I, iwlBlon The:: candidate" a nary aviator In r 'wi
: World War II and a life-long
y .
: resident of Dade County, enumer- 1' ;
N|ated a ali-polnt platform on '
which he will campagn lie Mid
\he la pledged to work for: procuring '
: for Bade County a elate K
medical and dental school: a pate :
5L :
!, tax commission to equalize tax :
ateamenta and force tax collection
on an equal' bad throughout
Florida; a stale water control
program; extension and boarden- 4WwALLZLUMINUMowrsznS f.
ing of welfare benefit to the
*r M,.Vw'A aged the blind and the needy BLINDS;
policy of cash prices and volume buying to permit area. Photo shows compact location of meat de- children; elate financial" aid to '
cltlea and countlei; and the conitruction wUlrtnatent.lnsldeControl1Wiet1ta .
competition with chain "super-markets" was anpartment at rear of store instead of at side, with of superhighway.
I nounced last week by Wollam & Kendrick, J locally price banners that inform shoppers of new bargain along ,the entire Eat Cart ofriorlda Siii n ore custom-bvAl,compbufy, 'In OIl;
owned> grocery on North Krome Ave. In preparaprices now prevailing Below is photo of James I II Mloml''ocfot from (heavy aMt' !
tion for more efficient merchandising, the stora wollam, head of Wollam & Kendrick, who also is ) goo ohvmfeum
I Keep ei TryingYou .Ion-lwlit! .." M i'ot
lInttled prodOcf, .
''o prect .
interior was rearranged to permit greater floor a member of the Homestead city council. DtLIY'E tb _
_. know, o1d meA flu hall RY'
., . ', ..I, i i i I.. I i tii, Tl-i I Inclined to think"Peneven -'* .\qulc", dependable, tocei serv ce. .gun a ,
Raw Recruit on Sentry Duty:I Raw: Rm-ult-Well beat It1; old ch p-ptreeveref from Our Miami t \ wtrhifoncl '
HILLS PROMISESFULL I I / Factory tW. .fin.*ttn wt bulls hi,the.froptci to Itk I
Who roes! there? Friend or toe we re not organized yet.-Our Toull mike It et.Shef *\
Voice-Foe. Army field Weekly Telegraph k To YOII ripen.f krophel run ond storm I,oJ"lntdI. y.u
) PROTECTION Itarr..sgati.eg.rt.VOTE ." I :( utmost In..vatuw'and Mrvk* tor'your South
FOR 1 No DOM ijrnonl ** Fr rWe> tlem,. f remti or*wtldttf for flrtaVrlgUlty ,
Life and property protection -7 TERMS end oce", ". fit. knfra real ir-boktd,
candidate win eraphailzed Ray MID If he old I II sheriff thl FRED W. McCALL Jr. FHA Of 'rtamtf Ankh" Tit*
week. Up to 6 Yean to faf ,f1I.,,,.'WMI noui, ,Com driving dorm' oyt1isterhrp
"1 bars been a peace! officer In For Superintendent wed", yOV.pet mon with WtotfunmotMr, ; ..J t
Dade County tor 3] year*' and I
know the need of the people". he '"
MM "A* your iherlff I would of Public Instruction
.ee thai the people In the outlying For Free Estimate Phone Homestead 385
district are no longer neglected "' I Make ef fttwtlto-Unlvenltf ef tflamLRarhrler
"On meamure I would adopt o et Arto tTatvmltr\ of florlda.It .
la to prepare for any dlaaater that e mn In the Dade County acheol aritenxArloal
might occur. Flood and hurricane C experience. \ with all phases of the EdwtlonalPretrtm Redland MillworkHomestead
are always expected but
never prepared for by those that e Holder,ef easy Local" Stets. and Nttlonaf rrfrlenalttffltwt i
have listed that mpondbUity", Mill a Reildentot Dale County U years ( Florida t
.. 'Shdtera properly pre ,
-'- ---- pared and properly meted would I A COMPLETE EDtCATION PEOCSAM FOR DADE COUNTY M.; E. Totter, Owner Cor. S. W. *ml St. wd 4th. Ave'ry
II JAMES WOU-AM I be tberltf.a prime consideration\ If I were fr,,,, ..nllt...' ae..nw".n
___ __ __ _-A, ___.__ ___ __,___ __ ___ ___
mmm . . . . .11I .1. '. r
Q. E
ti ,'i
;:" X \ !.
,: :., {. I ,I
A' 'fN P
'g. ,\
,,, :' r ,
L.tE' .. E ,, I 'I
e 4n R
I r t.t
F" ,<' , .. I I
1-,: Ek EkD N E I IE !
The Princeton Plant of' 1
E vs
I ,
I: WARREN_ Glade & Grove Supply Co. '.
Will Speak in Legion Park, luKsttad, 8 r. It,, Safi Aprill1,' "Everything for Farm and Grove" t ', '
Come and Hear Fuller \Warren, Your Next GovernorFREE ..".,, ;,J .
Music! Fimow Cowboy Band Will Itlf,,lot: P. M. FREE ". y
..... yndd. ...,.---1 ; Now Has a Complete Lin*.. of: '
---::: =- d:=- =z = -== -
Re-elect :-t' 'PURINA '
JUDGE Poultry Sqpplitft. .'.. ; .
Eleventh Judicial Circuit (Group One) , .,.....jjii... ...\ . :., '
Judge' Civil Court of Record, Dade County This is in addition to the usual stock carried hi* the 118111e&le.HJr c i i ie if *
from May 19, 1937 to December 21, 1939 : J :
\ .. ,1 t l
,. Appointed to the office of Circuit Judge "' : 'r
December 21, 1939. /;: :: I': ,(' -li
0 Reelected by the citizens of Dade and Monroe Two Stores.. ,to Serve low }
Counties to a full term in 1940. He is the
only) sitting
elected by the people. / ,'Ii
Has served as 'associate Justice of the ,
Supreme Court of Florida, his latest assignment :'II .' .'i.f.1..tIiTiI :. .f.i.ii j.T.il 'w; ''.. '\. '.1 ..,,
{ny y.u t xaww.+.w J'retentu'p embera 1947 . .
II-A--I.-.i-l1. .! ! !.1..J. .J. .. lL : t
, "
.... I""ij Two-Section B HOMESTEAD LEADER-ENTERPRISE Friday, April 16, 1948. 111,
... _. ___ _. .
- -- --- -- ------- - -- ------ --- '
: of the bath home, the root era I
AQUATIC SHOW been. petnetd. awl' the floor of the II I
WH/kl' oat dritaini roam. hat been reams VOTE FOR 'Where The Big One Bite"FLICKER'S
I WILL\ OPEN POOL i he report. Mew high Md.
low 'diving .board are On order. (
11 the decking of the bleacfeert aibeing PETE MORGAN BOAT LIVERY
AROUND MAY repaired tad the cMorwurt-
tag machine It being ........ f'OlCONSTABLE
The cHI iwiaimlng pool will NopanecI <
? officially bout Mar I S. L Kendrick 4th MrirlH.! ... eau Rock Harbor Florida
with an aquatic allow which" will" Resident Hen. 33 Yours Skiff sad Molar, $1M ..'-"'.. UNSklfu
feature (!wll. Diehl world JUSTICE or TUB TOTE Fbi A MAN WHO II lot |LMi IMeet, .....
heavyweight champkmahlp diver. n.us WILL DO HIS DCTT I
Lucian Phaneuf high and low SW. OrtttfloHM tad othee ...- Your Vote and Support Will
board and ether
Latest Way to Transplant water diving tiara, champion announces Manager t--. ........... tad wtt Bo Appreciated
.. .
aasst (rats yanw M.aw.s. I
Changes Older Practice Art A McKee guard rad hM bent erected OM Yellows Wee. Lcader>Entcrprise Want Ads Brine Results!
the and around the
on- mill porch _.. __.. ---L-.. .t
J r
paal PIA AIM
fglu teNtQYEAiM r
M ifroppupwpcu
a rnatlt ,
fal4RN KN t'i 1I
1 ) tI I if' ,.. .. .' 1
I .( ., .. ,'. k." ....,; .-o'' ,>,. : '. -. -,. .. .' r t 1: i!. ::,:, j."r..f.I '" T,
I ... .. .J'
.' '''; '' tIIh; -.., r:I" ,.\t r :. ., ; .
?%t IW WOL& Nk 't' xM t .. 1. , ...: \ .>",
I \ 'wrekt '. t b
ZIP' ...:.. ..::. , ,l\:\.,.\ !j
1 1 0 ." 1;(' '' I" t
; : : :, : "
/ i'I'
I' :
... . 4 A \ .
1 .. I. ,, ': .. d
> i.: ,
I "
blutUe Ttil. Bart Pr.".. tk* MeU" .4. lllvalrai. to Be Ibt Bnl ft; '1. ; r ," '\ . I
\ tettiag Oil n..itt la tan a>ardcB.'Rooti . .. : '.r....... ... . .2 ". I :t"'t't" :. .'j '" '.
Many lime-honored gardening of' plantt should not be I 'f" J'\ ::1(1
I, pr..totbap. !Mill declared wrong" pruned In rtmovuif plants from /
lately by Id.oWllllllvtll.luora d., pots eats or iced bed. cart should )'IC
termlned to And Utter way, U bt taken to avoid breiklni and cur- I '
they' can talllnf the root jritem' Ordlnirlly
And ',. .' batter w.lIav.. replacement: of bus roots muM take I. .., .1
been dlirovered fur. moving planti, place before lit plant can grow I "
from teed Mug, told framti and very much.
botbtda .hers they bav been Rarely should tops of plants be } ..1
stared u1 arty, to tM garden wbtrttbf pruned, ai shown by amplt rot I
t y mitur Mirth renilu. Pruning rtmoveipart ...J I ,.I .. n tr'a
I Paul Work, author of "Vf rtUkltProducUon of the factory which huto soy
i I and MirktUnf proUi- rnakt the new plant material
_,rf "...I.blt rropi at Cornel' ) upon which frowtlt I n
+: Unltnlty I was asked to deicrlb' de I 'ra'r 1 t., dal
te'm.uuds of tranipUntinf I ageusual object) of pruning foil. I " bee
considered b mult i
to belt i a '
ait I I. to curb wilting The plait
of research I :
will rnakt' Itt to
own adjuitment
"In ratlon lor trin<
this pruning It likely to take off I
h y
Leg ham li
aslplant elwhbuck. more follart than neceitary 'Dead
ontilnlni nod In ? : '
or partly dead laiut does no barm
of water and let It soak plant though wholly dead leaves may bt 1 f ,4 : ,
tl of a balanced i .
"lOWlCl. picked off"Shading '. ..
similar to .di.Uoa '
It good practice then I I
of wiur "
"Mak. a holt for tht plant and phyla art Succulent, when toll and 4 *'
lit It In pile. Then pour Into the air art dry and when sun ll hot ::41 .'
t But good plant cm uiually bt let : ,1f :. f
bolt, soar tht plant toots H" pint .
of alarm ? aolutfon. While. the aolu. pc...dull, without ahadt. Spa ;
\ daily It water or starter aolutioa : 't .
Von}a In the bolt, draw In &be..tax -ill,
toll and firm It around the plant.Is wed or If good contact between .1 n
To* aohitlon not only tupidlet nutrUnU Mil and root It cittbllihed other- .., . : / ; 1
I but puddles the toll about; wlae' Commercial groweri very : I: : r '
I +
l clot. rarely provide ahadt Thli li t u .r I ,. '.. ....... .
the fool making very contact 'C. _., _. .. : .
MWMM tall and>root and making lor common..* senor, Judgment tniexperience. t 4t i \ !I" ; ,. t. ? I f" t, \ -, .. '" : :
It taiy. tor tbs plant (a take uj '; 'l .
"attr." Some of this idvlct may contradict ,. I' ; : > .
"'Can.ou pack tht! toll too tight?" rulei which. hats
I you may .
.. wtt t !k.d. followed, and which" In your oplnloo .. '101". ,) t """ ,' } :' ';:" "C"'. .
"When slitter aolutfon or water worked well If you have nothing ." : : 'A "" ,,,\ ,,,,, ,,_,,,,."" tal': 'e ...". ': Wit.y f ) t:4j:
It wad not much prtiuura it Mtdod to. complain about In tht multi ... .. .f' '. ; '. "" "': ," .: q.,.
to Quid[' Ids toll' he replied you have ,been gttting w in, Iran*, iflrVU" "-, . l ..;'. '." t t'R ; .. .. .)1. J.,0 ....\ .... ...;..; j
I Whtn not vied nrfflprel: plantihert It no cnmp'Ulr rta : } "
turf li headed to Insure contact. on to change, Out Mr Work : : : : : : i
I ; t /;
because w.ln1111101 trait an sir i)item may bt followed with full ; :
i tpact between toll and root. me rnndence that, up. to tow, II I.f li ',0 . "- ,> : )A "
;, ;:
d"n(tr of damage by preiti> the best advice hlchleunct agrlcultural '; -' ..
too hard. II 1 very ,Ubl. bat to altar ., .t .t' .. "t. .. "M. ,,:t.\it ; :.t ,.,. .,,' '
'. ;.r. ,
\ \ h "{ \ 1. , , '", f '
Most Tomatoes Least ,\ If' ,V.' I. 'ti, 'v j wt' .1 'ilJI
on ,: .;\ / I : ",:. I. tt t
: \ fof' ,
., b' in 57? . .-t. ,
MI'i '
J Space, Grownup in Air : ' ;, : k ,' :. .. .1. ,
.. .. .
i.. ',,: "I
," : ." \
. .
r.'t :':. ' I: ft. t.{ ,- ... '1u.
"i .. ..
r" ,.
.P"t J i
;, "
.t ,.r...
) } : I: _w
.": ; : .. ,
.'. ,I :,:*<<."' '.. J.. '"oJ: h rr'" 1, .. .-rJ Jl .:.
. '- -;\
.b I TEN TEAM ma f deem further than you con: look with )What's the ""''ht plan"? It'n plan that makes you '141teleecope /'
aid a crystal ball. lave regularly, auIomalJcalJy.It'u plan that makes sure 1m
1 .:' But it's to your own Interest[ to try and anticipate V0" put aside a part * everything you earn. A plan ,
1 1.JI -: 4e '. 1957. And 67. that overcomes the very,, human weakness which makes F'r
l today, the money we should> laving for ..
You're-gob* to need a lot of thing you'll have to'w .
hart storing up now. . "'\ ))1
.JI.JIJ. '
I 1 If you really want to save, there,Js a plan like thatMgWy :
4 rood, honest food.and.shelt: r.buybdollars. fot'W.llYOQ'nonapayroU.it'.t.bePayrouSav Savings : 1 1
Dollar to send your child to college pigs. Ityottuve a checking: account it's the new Bold
. ,I ; ,. InN Ttaaateei, Ad rmoat telecled Side 8heta Mait .. Eentved.L Ready dollars to help in case you run into bad luckMonth Plan and.your banker will explain it,to you. .: 1 I I
I, ; White tomatoes can be grown fort they art four Inches' Vmt: If anytime Dollars travel or fishing trips Dollars Wlw way, you invest, regularly, in U. 3 Savings -
without ttaklng and pruning there len to grow longer, the vigor oi the I Q
a rt to many advantage! to bt plant la redu,. If the plant' It to thatldllbelpyoutogetaway.atlast.andtak.iteasy.Getting Bonds-th. finest bvestment in the world today. i!
gained by doing both that all home be pruned to two item the central ,
I. gardener with limited ..pac.I item and on* silo shoot art .'' those dollars may seem to call for a painfully Either way you can: &rrange for ,an extra income start : -'.!l' .
I Would follow thett praetlcea allowed to grow all other being large. amount of determination and the inc 10 from income that will a t
thrift. Yet fact today assure
i largest yield' of tumitoet removed The tide shoot chosen toiirvtvt years an !w '
I I' rrJ:ft given area of salt caa bet should not be more than: 11 la this, once you cetltartedontbenhlplalator..vinc, mighty pleasant answer to the question: "What's tot ?tit +?; .
obtained by .. 4 '00&f Inches. from tht ground. AH aide e ti
I I apart and pruning mans to'a alngltatem. shows art removed to make a tin ft become? easier than you ever thought it could bsl! you in'"57?"
'. git rem plant rrutUcg mutt be \ '
Tola II. been ahowa iy txperl- done weekly. i
era : market garden near Doe- Single item plants cin Ve ,
I suppasted :
..... .
toll earltomatoet art grown by a atroog cord stretched 4
.a tnlltfet, tr ataket. When pruned from a tad of kind, han '
f to a aingl item the plants art Itt anchor .lupport.. lilt any the : I
ground near w S8avo. the auf omatic 8vinqsods n ;
lwsiw two Incbta stoma apart they are when placed prunedto II I plant plant' to Then Itt support bitted ai of .tying the item the : easysya WaV..with.u.; ; .:
Inihe apart and toitt have shown grows It ere bt twtattd around the\ ) .
thai tht ainglt item planting glvoiarlier I cord, which It ado IBM tying.Tomato . : .' ''' fo,1.'M, " ,, ';;\ \ro. >>f II
s fruit tad r beavlet total 1 I't l # ... ,:I \j) ... 1..
,lel4. I rwtt ipread widely hat j . .. t.' t. \ r .Ira Mal . ;. t
The tomato plant itahirkty tltrta .beneath tht ton turtaet, ao that -t '"' f'.. . ,, .' lt!'* ', ',f f, >\ ..' 1"" J.
cultivation should be dc " '. _ii.
never ,
*> .
with one central aboot or Ie.dlr. Ai 1 .' : ". It '" ,
mouth to dlaturb them, Stow ,... . \
soma at till nrrt bkxtoina have apMired > : : \, ( : .. .' iJ" 'j' "
. :
at each enade by method CC Valeria doing\ the dry f I ',.' .
Joint a "
... : :
leaf with the stem. a branch MIN spells It n.eruqIq obtain. the t \/ 1 < : ,
to grow If theat art allowed\ to beat yleldt, tad a rnitlrk should : < : VII
develop, .the typical sprawling. toinato be applied. the toll neat tilt pants' S .. ,.'
bush will result It poulblt. Lick of water causes .
To prune the plant the tide decayed tpt t hi the trait oppoaltttbt ., (
stows or brancnet art removed item, catted blnaton. tad rot. .' I
,. "" '-1II".11"1", ; ,...." ...." ',"u"" iI. ..II'/II.! !!/ ..,,,,,,. .. ....1.... 101''" 00 ""'00" ...." ... .
Aediad Bad between A tcalo IIId Biters Drives '. '. . :' '-
\ ; t /s, :. Y ;: :; . I
PianoforteX'hlph ud Theory
\'t MM : ) i
......,'V..".."",." """ ."... . po<," ...... ,, " "" '' ''''; r, 1
.- ... '. '--.- ''- 1 . - . ......-- .. .... ... . .. . ...-. .". .-. ._.._. . .. ... .._<_._ .- .: . ---- .>< -...\,..,. IIIgh
#A e y i. k 'ad
,. -. -_ _-_-_. ..._ __ ...__._n._ __ _'
. Mrs Cesar WUttama. Mr Gee Mr. and Mr J_ Carbon' anc Mrs W R Bird who recently: resident Ml Hi,xikoir\ of hmttler. ,
Matt. end. Mr Alton Horn at- daughter. Mil Mildred. expert I ol, Mrs (Hul, Sullin,, of( IkvneMead. -:i
. R'droun4 11III'W. e.n laNe of MM leave by plan for their home returned I . HTZTATKlCrS FBffi FDRKITDRE
= .,< 0. Md. tots. ItMgatvrk, Oann Mr and Mr teacher of a seventh frade at I
Rr . MM Beak CWIo ware vtenId this aaanIf I Horniatead Judo High Moot Mr. Marts Webber of Oral Custom Brut of Mahogany and Other Woods '
I, .;..-.. KMlr eon and dee jht r-.In-.lwMr. ...... .tweae Wednesday utter' I IWIllI GaMMl W ri- fTaitt fi M| it rkil k>nOar. ,
MIL M. W. rAjnkp ctpert *> sad Mr; C. r. Oartaoa aa4 Mia Barbara Hull. wed baa a _- alit tore. with Mn I WMMM Dr. ...... ... flees CMJ
return to Headland Ale, today Marilyn Mrs mania.lawMSMS'dMlglter mad her !home here fer the part Era*. Had sad Mrs 0 t' Redford I IfKlect
Homestead after an extended visit her with and Mr. year wttfe Mr and Mr John ,
her aon-tn-liw and daughter Mr. War Darin, wd most, BOly sad, Santo apse to leave Ttoadey I
I ; and Mr*. R U Brown Mir. Carbon.: all of NaugatuckTh to accompany her. father, Robert U (M ) and Mr\ U ;, Mortal '
senior CarlMfu expect to ra- Hull of Miaaai, IB Charlotte. N. C ,
or Seattle art Ji 'n.'II''"i III Ii Ihr
Mr*;' H. A. Amen it, of lack Mr* Anna Falk spent theweekend Blair Hkkaon, student it Unl- hire about New. 1 to occupy tM :- :- birth of a lII\'ft"I'i nluI,, '11','ir 'HUIMdauchtar GLENN C.MINCER.
winter horn they built last fall Mr. and Tom Brooker of 0II.\p.I IJ M'' MoyHng ,
i aonvJU wlUreturn home today In Coral GablM aa a vanity of Floyldaaspept the
after fe,vlilt hen at the Jaunt ofher louse ruNt of Mr. and Mrs, I. holidays at the home of hU to Avocado dr.Mtrlow Satlabury Md., are announcing I U the former MIM Kathleen 1-
parent*. Mr. and Mr*. W. E.Jthenty. W. Weston and Mrs. Elisabeth er. Mr.. Ji .. Hifckaoo of "N, .r the birth on Mar U of a eon, Ron, daughter of Mr. and Mr
Fucha. On Saturday evening aba J6obaen returned Sun. Tom, ilL A former Homattead J, B. ROIl of Silver Palm dr. I I'i
wi 1 dinner guest of Mn. Lyda The Rev. end Mrs F J. Lottlch day .. Unlvenlty of Florid after' Your State Attorney
spending aereral day hen with Ai Awbtant County Solicitor (4 ,
i Victor of 'La CaUta, moved Monday Into the home of
Mrs Wingfleld Webster of
his parent. Mr. and Mn M D. Dad County Mincer fought DM
Blowing! Rocky N. C. and Coral Mn. H. E. Schiff who I II spending, Jioobaen. 'i I SERVE. THESE LARGER VEAL CHOPS MUry-buylng racket In Florida
Cable wu_. week-end guest of Mia Jejjm Mock and Mia the summer la Hendenonvilla and put the loan shark out of
and -Mr John W. CoUln .
Mr Barbara Jean Smith returned Albert Newton, freshman itUnJventtjr butmni.ir ,
Sunday John Mr. and Mr. Raleigh Saundersof I'.4'1toI
night to &Stetson I u AdwOYarart I
of Florida, spent the
I Mr*.. CUrt Stead returned MoA-' University after apendln the Coconut Grove and daughter, spring holiday her with hit par iiA
'h l f! day tram' Havana Cuba, where spring vacation her with their Sandra, visited Sunday with Mr. eels, Mr. and Mrs J H. Newton 1 j
and Mr Fulton .
the attended ten-day eonven- parent, Mr. and Mr F. D. Mock Sag
i" a
t and Mr. and Mr A. D Smith. asm
of Church of God. A !
atOll ..the regular WINter William has returned Mr. Paul Mitchell of Coral
winter visitor from Lansing, I to Purdue University after pending Gable visited Tuesday with Mr
i ; Mlrtw Mrs Stead live In the Lee! E. A. Gatlsher suffered a heart the pring holiday with.( his i and Mrs. John M. Brown ol r
apartments on N. W. Fourth at. attack afternoon and
Monday war
parent, Mr. and Mrs Din Wil-
removed to James Archer Smith Uam.. p '
Bernard T Manning left Tuesday -I HotntlaLMr Mr. and Mn Basil Cod and rI !! 'iABRAS
for his dome in Anw.t.ur, Mr and Mr*. L. H. Boland and Mr*. S. S. loom lea Monday to ;y : .
Maaa* after a visit with his ton H L Brandenburg.; president Mr Boland' father S E. Boland. visit In Shelby, N. C
the lt... Paul U Manning of Monday Music Club attended expect to leave Sunday to visit
I I the annual convention. 01 id Aiaen, S. c., and other point Mr. and Mr*. Walter Egger :
Florida Federation of Music Club until May L former Homestead resident who Ia State RepresentativeOtwif
i Mr D. B. 6nw left ,
.NrJ.'nd held this week In St. Pe enburg hive been touring Mexico, are I .
Monday loci their home m Branford -
1 living now In Rimonville, Tex. j '
Mr. .nd'Mra <
Corn, after spending the' John Se11l'Ourand d" "WIN WITII JIM"AfWMlva [
acMgn at their winter home In i Bob Morgan, ion of 'Mr. and daughter, Misses Barbara. Joann ATHLETES FOOT GERM +Gti Capablelltmeat \
Florida; City. Mra. Pet Morgan, ha*..Vetufned and Ma* and Nancy, left Monday KILL IT IN ONE HOUR. QMUftedYeteraa.
to University of Florida' after forTbrt Pierce-after spending the YOUR fie BACK. Use ranlraa aav, World War II t'
"..Mr. and Mn:3.:F. Crubbi of pending the spring holidays at season, here.Mr If Ml fibM*. Tk* *.m mm DftrLT. I '
h ..
home. ::- To till. H. fa* mwi BRACK II <*
South Miami and daughter!. Barbsr .. TB-OI. a ... iru MOT A ITROM.c;
I 'and Mn./OI.L. Jenkins y
*. Dorothy and Eileen, visited and r........*.. en.. ...10 MV ..lro..... MfKNICTIATIW I
tihillhv moved her from .. .. -
and Mr Clarence F Law. *Mt MM* <* add subtle dllTtn fUrarto
here Sunday with Mr. Crubbi' Mr i Vf l ebepi ceak d to lash Seeder ant a Vote
sister. Mn T. Orfanedet. Mr. eon of Lo Angela are- nnouncr T\yemier, | DIXIE DRIG STORE: a MM!, for veal hM a MlnrUTe B.T. thai tpptml K nut folks to Retain r f.
wed .Ms. pad lad Taws are vast kNwy. clasps,e..1 is Halala a ere.anaarttea
Crubb Robert Edward Crubbi Ing the birth of a daughter on at the &I"'..,. Far MM W xrtk. . tIMI chap n 1ft the came
Itoodore Orfinedei and Chaa Feb. SO. Mrs. Lawson U the UU wlUi height ka *f iraniti ....."". A I Mat *l trait was u aaeaticyln AQDILINO LOFEZJr. t
.r.t McCartney went fishing on the daughter of Mr. and .Mn.. \W. M. ; JUDGE For Yourself I aaa lator a* /ratK
t t fey*. Crow of Wildln dr. ,., M .j
,.Recent visitors ;Mr. and Mr Roil Belts has returned to University Leader-Enterprise Want Ads Bring Results! i! r I
, Chap. McCartney were Mr Me- of Florida after a' visit '
) C+itney'a Uncle and aunt, Mr. and her with his mother, Mr. Selma r
c Mr tack Gene of Minneapolis, ReiU. YATESCandidate ,
who'ar spending I three-week 11th Judicial Circuit of the Slat i i
Vacation In florid Mr and Mr*. lack CaiK of St Vote For RAY MILLS of Florida, Dade and Monroe
1 Louis and Mr Pearl (:rIm oNaihvllla for Clrcalt JadieCreap Counties, '
*" ">lr. and Mr Clarence Brearley have been visiting herewith ,Seven : Year Candidate fer f!I
! 'IId1Oft.; Howard, returned Sun- Mr. and Mr*. Ceo. Crtm. Mr UNIVERSITY: OF MIAMI
Fair Entitles Monroe Ho Circuit !
:Jday. front a vacation in NewJersey Crlm| I II Mr. Crlm'i mother. and GRADUATE ,., SHERIFFRay Play County a
and Maryland. Mr* Cash I Ia his sister l 1ET. 4-1R9 SERVICE '
Judge Who Actually Lhes In Monroe County.
- WORLD WAR II Mill has more law rnfarrrmenlexprrlenee t! ;
t .'" I77 ASSOCIATION DIRECTOR DADE BAR ti, eomMnpd.A" lass all other rtndldatr (Pil. Ad Paid for by Friends of Judge Lope, Jr. I II
MT 4-1R. year ahrrlff I prank. U eilablUhDeed I II
SERVICE and hurrlraa hrllrr and we that" f ,
Qualified. Clement Able. I
they are properly e Blp *dIPiM
1 r (Pd. Political Ad by friends of John H. Yale) ,
a a IM hr friwcb 4 Ho Mill.i. I Ii
_ ._ i ROBT. R. TAYLOR Solicitor
l County
r EVERY liEviSl'! :. i r- ; ElectFranklin I POLL SHOES PARROTT For 16 Years lie Hat Fought,Your Battle Against
for lisps and Girls Organized Crime!
I ?
I { Parson Arrow from City 1111PERSONALITIES "The Way to Stop Crime U to Com'id CriminalsPtilt
0 i vIws I
t 92% Convictions, One of the Highest in the U. S.
' Dr JIM 1 SHARP County< THAT MIIT' 4
II. ' i. ,* n.'.du'eI of roedlclo tgiteit the 'd THE MOBSTERS WANT HIM OUT! ,
t i ? : 4M**,, dUaait, sweeps forward oa every Sdeatkt* from the American "SUITOIT THE DAM COX CRIME (J,'COMMUIION :
Museum of Natural Hiitoryhavf Solicitor (Paid Ad by I.lo -for-Sollcltor Club)
. '.... Technique of anesthesia hive (improved ;
Juit finished a study of
: ; :. to make possible surgical procedure the habits of ant . and they M WOMAM DRIYRa"
> denied to the practitioner of the twenties clilrfi: the Idea ants work hard [I :: Criminal Court of Record GM waMv Ma.a I
sal sinaf pant" Calif ,
:": .t Itighlr iretoed and specialized mecboic l I II strictly propaganda A* Dade County n.anawi se mace. /r rewe Vote For '. ,
\ . aids, iocludiog the ..ra,, fluoroicope, .a nd Durant spy, "D1* U humlll- am ear ate.IYMIiM.e r 4 w. ante ;,
'Vr. *la< ro
.0 thou Nweera
sluggard a i iwr
11. of the blood aDd urine reveal nor .iiDi'a a
Ttttttf Now'we, find the ant la 11&1t" the part II pars .rvlcC.mmluloll., 7 yeast a's
'. :fact$ toils. pbriicUq than. ever before ;"! than a threetoedslotl>> on a It year add married, haa S tar y
; :'t Ii! rapport of the physician,the pbirmaceutical tbemlH hot day. The tclentifle wreck- Served 14 yean aa City .f .eblldrea-enember af Mrth. I CONSTABLE : M
f atlirac. to forge new chemical and biological wet poet en of our stale-of.mindreport .Miami Legal Staff. adM Chares' ;
that 40% of the anti spend their
I. to fight dlieiie. Intulia for the management of diabate entire diy lolling around the Gradual. .f University af Ilk DMrtot, Dade ()aeat, !,
: cllttn*, liver exttct/or peroidou anemia, sulfa drug, nett Thin I la our second natural. Served I yen u Attorney Miami sad University at ., :
.. and penicillin are cunple Your physician mad Iou i history dlMppointmenL 1'n. for Miami Planning Board MtUbonh.IT Fermerly Flerlda SUtoratrel
pharmacist are clan to apply the improved pre-xlur 4 a* tint was Abe Martin' comment l
sky become availabl "Bee alnt really tobuiy a }
/' They Just can't bug any CAPABLE and DEPENDABLE
.,' alower. t4"'t. ,
IPrP.Ihl.l u..u.-I, "
Glades Prescription Shop In Louisiana wood I. being I
mad into wood molasses to
feed cattle. should think the \
I1OWAKD JOHNSON Ph. Q. milker would be afraid of lr411 a... ...... *.'. In a ...., aMY.
.' .. I
J2.North Krome Ave. Phone 64 : letting divert in their fingers M Im 1C.r .to... MITtMHII.ml _... I.lURU.HAIIt *. "Take Tolls off ;T '
How "wood you like to hv ......... ., ..H M. rt,. ...- ...Aa. 1
CLOSED SUNDAYS: BUT IN EMERGENCY FIIONE 111 people point you out and ay .. __ ..' San. .la.. dw/raler Venetian Causeway" .
M.a"M 5Wp ell .11 J
'Now there' a nappy dress-|
UTThatl what they'll b<' '
saying if you dress la McGregor j TELEraOVR Na. 171 M'I'TX-'H'EIT i
and Via Heuiea ortaw..r TWO SIIOWS DA.ILTI T lad I'P. M. HARDWARE CO. i
Drop"into the J It S Clothiers lATflDAT It'NDAY..U._ S till ItAdnWoai DAVISState
EthMiamiTheafreIa and look over our rite line ol] Mf aU-Adilta. 4o Children 11eg Matlaea--Adalta, I
arty looking sports clotheal ale, Chlldrea its (Tat tact) Matinee rneaa: till S P. M. t
; Legislature I
Last Times Today: "DARK PASSAGE" Candidate.Group One
Bleelu South af Tram. tight aa ./. Dixie Highwayrhe CAR RADIO !
.e l-llt Seat MUaJ, FHrtd* SATURDAY, April 17-Double Fealare rrefram CaUBenson -
l FRIDAV., April -Laat Tlmea' Taalghl. at } and tT1IIS REPAIRSBird"Chevrolet "LAST DAYS OF HOOT HILL" .War VetoraaiRealdeat
Dade Ceaaly I
!TIME FOR KEEPS"SATTJRDAT (The Durango Kid again With his comic pal Smiley! ) Electric far U Tear
Co. I
I In''I''I', z
Aprd tT-CaliaBM 1 U 11 9- m. "THE CRIME DOCTOR'S GAMBLE"The Paid( r IHlMl ..........) ',
t DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM ( crime doctor gambles'a'bve agaloii murder) I'rfMeIea Florid Ij
;.: EDDIE DEAN in :I I.
t / IITNDAT aad MONDAY A.II',II ForSenlce II
also "
i With ROBERT LOWERY and ANN SAVAGE'gUBDAY Shave (Ira full of that funny feeling and that wonderful fooling around) Repairs 'COMMISSION
Added: *..... Caely mad"I'Dewa .....,.,* Way. WB COUNTY f
Hatred _.. $1.eeape' 'DISTRICT I
Path Ne.* t
ijf.f lid MONDAY, A.r. 11 aad It : If pee vet .U Dad C*.aiy. Pee turn vet far Tat c X Ctaarf ,
t;":'" So4y+CeaL I," 1. ,... Monday-U.ws ill sad .hare _,_ W. TUESDAY sad WEDXESDAT Apex S-tl *. ElerUk r....., levee (P.U INiHttMl A* ff m.* ml Vel C. Ck...r> .
.. Medicated I.M
( )
RITA R4VwnJtT1f U-1Y ,"4"1(9 ''n ; ERROL FLYNN, ELEANOR PARKER, IDA LUPINO sad Aay Other EleotrteaAyplUae i 1
: "DOWN TO EARTH" Fated Pik -, .- tS* GIG"ESCAPE YOUNO to I __
I (Tn Color) MuM.. (alala) lie ME NEVER"A *
:- CoMbbaUM Facial _' TS* I ( romantic dramatic I alary that ..U1 hold your Interest from ''GENERAIi-ELECTBIC )
; ;; "' )
i TTK8DAT: \m)!>[IIDAT.I Aft. M Ml ttBWtal start to finish
TaVl _ ISeMjartaeh )
I LANA IbttoM TURNER krcfamhr, RrCHARD J-M and HART pastas, VAN HETLLt u.-rt.: Trot- _. .-.- lie I: Added] "YMhl.arfor. Tamarrew"Scrailawatol. ever. yea". Phone tH2mJm SALES A ll SERVICE i
.' .;, p; nEJN! : DONA REED laDOLPHIN STREET" SaaaiM (Plan) die i iIU'SO'S THURSDAY aad FRIDAY, Aarfl tt-tj Radio and Appliance Repairs :'
"MY BROTHER TALKS TO HORSES"LOWEST ( gun play v. foul play, m thrilling ftory of the old West)
BarberShop Added "Alke hi MevMaadWB Sherti 'OM Meal lkawr... f RIGHT ELECTRKKrome
ADMISSION PRICES-M1TTNEE: led EVENINGS ( WB Star raraMMial New. nlieu,! asasesesv ".""' '71<'". )
; ...... ... a.lene _
.Calder U ...... *a tMkr 11 yrv 1St Malts Pie I Oa*. CBy Ball eCm..a1.1.r.ee fast .awed .
.ALWAYS THE BEST AVAILABLE SHORT, SUBJECTS I j. Casual Taeaday COVE sad WedaeMlay wrra THE My WIND"II-lit* Clark 'Cable. Irr. *w .ariC.: ,tllinliM it*mate,.. "N= N. Ave. at First SL 'Phone 28&-W
"<'; ""ttt'J' "' .... ." < ., ..
; > r:;. r'tt"{ . ,. : # 'Ij
" ,
J _........ -. .... .......#..._........ . ,
.1 1 x W+u ....a.i .
___________ __u_
Folks! These CASH -;. ' ,
M2 specials are'- :
; > R:7. \ STUPENDOUS"f Aay Brsaa
t .
; A ices \:\ v / MILK \, ,:
'(/I! : ; *- 9\f9mmnvm GIGANTIC! K ;tall cans 39c ."
V .12 far 28cn / :
TS*?*r', ,-' Fact is,it is stupid of us to sell quality merchandise for so little. _-=' .4 !
' COFFEE all i-ftfe E 49c b SALT 2 tge. pkgs.;; 15 : i
/1/ <: \ 4 41
I S f'
t FANCY '1$ i
DREFT Ige pig. 29 \ ,t I/ rAPPLE JUICE SNV 2.a,. 25 :
'. Grade A FRYERS '- Raised Killed and Dressed Legally ,
I \ Grade"A"Stroin or T.hone Streak-aLeaa '". J I
."., 'a STEAKS b 79 4 N 'BACON lb. 35cy 1
'A nct9 .
Osceola rl' \ I II
It'anf1 J Armonr'g Cloverbloora .,(J" (- 0vti Armour's Star-#or whole .
Tomatoes zcan: ." ,t'':',, Butter 11)) 89c \ \ HAMS lb. 69c ,
.,. 1\\ jf N
I,2ge' of Delicious r 4$ t Grade A BeefCHUCK Lb. \2k i;
Minute Steaks lb. 69c i ROAST 59c.. .. -:,. t :
SYRUP qt. 29C SUGAR factory: packed)
/ '
I PiIIs ury's Best FLOUR 5 lb. bag 45c 10 1 Ib.>.bag 85cJ1ARCAL .
k 2 Pks. P"T y
Hankies 17c2'i Napkins le o
Can Pltr. /.'.. 1:
' 1 4 ci Peaches 19c SPIt & SPAN 19c: ,,> . :
'to( Royal.. -:- SWEET POTATOES < Qam&tm ; I
w .' Imo..: 8c ..V FMCJT "" IccbnrIf ';,:.::. .",....' ''y'aact __ 3 lbs 29c.. . ,.do.IV'P e; .. .,
N ,' >M./id./ CUCUMBERS Each 5c :,: ( LettuceJ' |I Celery jZSUlki J CAULIFLOWER Sno-wWte ':#' AX1 ; .TJi. ,
P ,
5\\ 1 '
- \4 23c" .
1 Ib. "
,1 2. .
:t< Ii er.l BROCOLLILg. g , . .19c'I .
.Bunch KfCMCffDES.SERTS, ';
,r 1Jut>e. 33c :::: POLEBEAN5lb.l9cSwarSweet '
\\o. .
\ :" '
- '-'
"c GrdGl UT
: :' Pk g: PINEAPPLE: 19 e. size '29c. .. : .. '3 p.,.igs.lSc.. -.. '. ,. f t
Frozen Delicious! IIrU OOS'1'
)lQeSrfk .' Ph M Opi>ositeMcCrory's "" .Jk
( -co ) .5 WOLLAM & KENDRICK