For to me to live is Christ, and to die
foINS is zain —Phil. i. 21.
8 —How-can I this year improve ? ‘
How each moment wisely spend ? 4 i
So that conscience shall approve, j
We my days’ and years shall C
2 Let me to the Saviour flee— i
Then life’s greatest work is done: ¢&}
All shall work for good tome, . ¢ |
If the heavenly prize be won,
Listen, Saviour, to my prayer ;
Make this year a year of grace;
Let me still thy favour share,
Guide my steps in wisdom’s ways:
Happy then throughout the year,
Lite or death shall equal be ;
Y) While | live, ’tis in thy fear;
When I die, I die in thee.
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Kindness tofinimals is greatly esteemed,
Its Resutr—Noaw: anp HIS Faminy—Jacx, tae DEAF AND .
Dums Boy—Tur Domustic ANIMALS . 2 ¢ E en)
Hasits or Young Animats—BAaD TREATMENT OF NO USE
—How I mawacep my Mare—Tae ARABS AND THEIR
Horses—Jacx’s Kinpness to DumB CREATURES 5 aes
Tur Causg or Victousness—“ Fippy†ann “ Bronti?—
Bronti’s Prorection or tHE Houss—Insury or Want or
Water FoR Docs . , i : : s ‘ s . 26
CrurettTy to Young Kuirrens—Jack anp Tar Catr—
Eastern SHezep—Tue Cruret Boyv—Curist’s Enrry into
JERUSALEM ON AN Ass—A Beavtirut Precerr . ‘ OD:
“Honour aut Menâ€â€”Tue Bear Nurse—Crvuet Psorie
Unaappy—Tue Rar or SERVICE . " 4 ¢ : - 48
Tue Sprcxtep Hen—Cacep Birpos—Cruetty or Brirp-
- Nestine—My Cockatoo 5 E 2 % % S . 56
Jacx’s DeatH#—Goop Frurtr—Happiness or. RELIGIoON—
THe Beauty or Insects—Turr Freninc—An APPEAL TO
BE MERCIFUL . 4 : : : 5 0 ‘ 3 . 67
Many books have been written about animals, and very
nice books too, giving a great deal of information. They
are called works on Natural History; and usually give
some description of nearly all the birds and beasts, fishes
10 - About the Beginning.
and insects, that are known to man. Iam not going to
write such a book as this; but to say a little about different
kinds of creatures that we are all in the habit of seeing,
and to tell you a few things of some which have belonged
to me, or come under my own observation; so that, at
least, I can promise to write nothing but what I know to
be true. I have not learned their characters and habits
from books, but by watching them ever since I was a very
young child; and many a happy hour I have spent in that
delightful employment. '
One of the first things that it came into my little head
to ask was, ‘How were. the animals made; and why
were any of them made wild and cruel, while some are so
tame and quiet?’†I was told that the Bible gave an
answer to that question; and soit does. If you look in
the first chapter of Genesis, where there is an account of
the creation of the world, you-will find that on the fifth
day God created the fishes to move in the water, and the
fowls to fly in the air; and on the sixth day, “God made
the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after
their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth
after his kind: and God saw that it was good.†From
this we learn, that there is no violence and cruelty in any
. of them,.as they first came from the hand of the holy and
merciful God. And I would have you take particular
notice of what directly follows: ‘And God said, Let us
make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and
over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.â€
Now, the great God is invisible—a Spirit—and nota body,
Animats given in Charge to Man. 11
as I think you all know; and when it is said that God
made man in His own image, it must mean that man was
holy, and just, and good, and merciful; and he was made
to be a careful and loving ruler over the poor dumb
creatures, as the Lord God is a careful and loving Ruler
over all that He has created.
Then, in the next chapter, we have a beautiful picture
before us: I do not mean a print, or drawing, but a
description in words that, if we think a little, will make
us fancy we see a lovely sight, such as we cannot now
see anywhere. We are told that out of the ground the
Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl
of the air; and then that He “brought them unto Adam
to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam
called every living creature, that was the name thereof.â€
Was it not a wonderful and a beautiful sight? There, in
avery delicious garden, full of all manner of rich fruit
and bright flowers, with soft warm air, and calm sunshine,
was the first and only man in the world, righteous and
good, without any malice, or cruelty, or covetousness, or
pride in his heart, looking with delight upon the creatures
that came about him as their rightful ruler, to receive
their names. The great and glorious Lord God, who
inhabiteth eternity, who is so very dreadful, and powerful,
and Almighty, and who is to judge us allat the great day,
even the Lord God was pleased to bring the poor animals
which we dare to despise, and to deliver them over to the
government of man. You know it is written, “Unto
whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much
required ;†and I often tremble to think what an account
each of us will have to give to God, if we have. had but
12 About the Beginning.
one living creature in our power at any time, and have
used it ill. .
But about Adam: cannot you fancy how he must have
admired the noble and beautiful creatures as they meekly
and lovingly came tohim? The mighty lion, shaking the
curls of his mane, and fixing his eyes, not then fierce and
fiery, but bright and joyous, on the man, who, by God’s
gift, was mightier than he; the great elephant, putting
out his trunk to caress his new master, and passing on to
rest under the shadow of some stately tree; the horse, with
his arching neck and prancing movements; the fond
dog; the powerful bull; the peacock, with its plumes of
blue, and green, and gold; the majestic snow-white swan ;
the little linnet; the robin-redbreast; and that most
beautiful, tiny creature, the humming-bird; the gay
butterfly; the bee. Itis impossible to go over the names of
even what we know by sight, of the good creatures of God,
who on that sixth day of the creation came about our first
The Result of Man's Sin. 13
father, to be called just what he pleased. But I often
think about it, because it keeps me in mind that the Lord
God never did, nor never does, overlook anything which
He has seen good to make.
But what changed the animals so sadly as they must
have been changed, to become what some of them are
‘now? That we learn in the next chapter: Eve listened
to the wicked temptation of Satan, and disobeyed the good
and gracious Lord God, and persuaded Adam to do the
same. So everything was altered: they were driven out
of that fair garden into the wide world, the ground of
which was cursed for man’s sake ;. and this curse fell upon
the earth, making it bring forth thorns and thistles, and
to resist, as it were, the efforts of man to make it fruitful,
till he has cut and bruised it with iron spades and plough-
shares, and bestowed a great deal of labour upon it. This
sad curse was on the animals too; not by their fault, poor
things! but by man’s wicked sin. For, you see, it was
God who made them subject to man; and when man
became a rebel and traitor to God, the creatures turned
against him, and against each other. Oh, it is sad to
think of all the misery and crime brought into the world
by the ungrateful disobedience of man to his heavenly
King and Father!
However, it did happen once again that a thing as
wonderful though not so beautiful was seen: indeed, we
may say more wonderful, considering how the nature of
the creatures had been changed for the worse. When all
the world had become so. wicked that God resolved to
destroy every human being from off the face of the earth,
except Noah and his family, He directed that pious man
14 About the Beginning.
to make an ark, as you all know—an immense ship, or
floating house—in which he was to be preserved on the
surface of the waters for many days. When this great
ark was ready, God caused a pair of each from among all
the animals and birds to come to Noah, and to enter into
the ark: of some kinds there wereseven, but of none less than
two. This wasavery great miracle; and it shows us, too,
how perfectly the Lord knows and numbers all the works
of His hands, and how tenderly He cares for them all.
This is one of the things that we are apt to forget when
we have a beast, or a bird, or a fish, or an insect, in our
power. Weare too ready to say to ourselves, “This is
mine, and I may do what I like to it.†Notso; itisa
creature of God’s, not of ours; and if we do to it anything
that He does not approve of, He will surely reckon with
us for it. When I call this to mind, I am alarmed—
though I do not think I have been often cruel to avimals,
or any such thing—and I am glad to pray, ‘ Lord, if I
Jack, the Deaf and Dumb Boy. 1d
have hurt any of Thy creatures, pardon my past sin, for
Jesus Christ’s sake, I beseech Thee ; and give me grace to
be merciful for the future.â€
Now, having told you how I got instructed when I was
little, I shall give you the history of some animals and
birds that I have had, and how I treated them, and what
amusement they gave me. I am sureif you knew how
very amusing they all are, when left to their own harmless
ways, and gently restrained from ways that are not harm-
less, you would think it a great loss to have them so
altered as they are by bad management. If I had been a
great traveller, I could tell you more wonderful stories ;
but having only been in England, and Ireland, and part
of North America, my store of anecdotes is not so great.
However, I will try my best to give you some notion of
what I do know; and. as I shall often have occasion to
name Jack, I will begin by telling you who he was.
Jack was a little Irish boy, who became deaf while he
was still a baby; and because, as you know, babies
learn to talk by hearing those around them, Jack, not
hearing anybody talk, could not learn, and grew up dumb.
It is a sad thing to be deaf and dumb. A person who is
so, cannot possibly learn anything about God and our
Lord Jesus Christ, until he has been taught to read; and
it is so very difficult to teach them, that if some benevo-
lent people who have money, did not subscribe to keep up
charitable schools on purpose for the deaf and dumb poor,
I do not suppose that one in a thousand of them would
ever learn so much as that they have a soul to be saved
or lost: and you may judge what a miserable life they
must lead—in total ignorance, nobody speaking to them,
16 About the Beginning.
and they not able to speak to anybody. Jack was in this
state when I first saw him, at eleven years old; he was a
poor boy, and I took him, and taught him, and he lived
with me about eight years, till he died of consumption.
He died very happy indeed; full of love to God for His
great mercy in sending His Son into the world to save
sinners, and depending on the Lord Jesus for salvation.
He was always with me, speaking by means of his fingers,
but in an odd, that is, an imperfect sort of language, that
would make you smile. So when I mention Jack, you
will know whom I mean; and we will now have some
talk about the domestic animals. a
When I say domestic, I mean such as we are used to
see in our houses, streets, and fields. Lions, tigers,
elephants, and such as are shut up in caravans, or only
for a show, do not belong to these; though I am not sure
that I shall not have a word or two to say about bears and
monkeys. I want to amuse you, my young friends, and
to make you think a little too; for all the good things
of God become more valuable to us when we think about
them ina right way. Jack knew this: he used to rub
his forehead with his fingers’ ends, shake his head wisely,
and spell, “ Very good think.’ I hope you will judge the
same; and when you have come to the end of my little
book, be able to say you have had a “very good thinkâ€
Tue great mistake that people seem to me to make about
animals is this: they fancy that they must be frightened
into obedience, and kept from disobeying their masters by
being made afraid of punishment. I daresay that animals,
like human beings, often need correction ; but two. things
are necessary to make it of use. One is, not to punish
them too severely, which only hardens them in rebellion ;
the other is, never to hurt them at all except for a real
fault—-something that they know to be a fault, and know
that they will be punished for doing. Otherwise, the poor
beast, not knowing when or why it may be beaten, gets
confused and .foolish, and does wrong, as any boy might
18 The Horse.
do, from being in a great fright. The truth is, that the
animals are very sensible, and very willing to do their
best. They are fond of being praised and rewarded ; they
become very much attached to those who treat them
kindly; and when they are so attached, they are very
happy, and show off all the fine qualities that make them
both valuable and entertaining. Iam going to tell you
some stories about my own favourites; and, to prevent
your thinking that they were different from others of the
same kind, I shall begin by letting you into the secret of
making them so clever.
First, L tried to find out their habits; and I will tell you
what they are: all very young animals like to sleep a good
deal, and to be let alone. It both frightens and hurts
them to be pulled about, and makes them fretful and ill-
tempered ; spoils their growth, and prevents their lovingâ€
you. A puppy or a kitten is very fond of play, and will
jump and bounce about with you fora long while; but
the moment they begin to get tired, they should be left
alone, to rest as much as they like. You may suppose
that if, when you are comfortably going to sleep at night,
a rough-handed man were to come and shake you, and
bawl out in your ears, and wake you continually, you
would soon become fretful and ill too, and feverish, and be
very glad to get out of the way of such a tormentor. So
my rule is, when creatures are young, to let them have as
much sleep as they will. It may sometimes prevent their
being playthings when you want them; but it will be
made up in their health, and good-temper, and gratitude
to you. .
Next, all creatures like liberty; a horse or a dog is
Bad Usage of no Use. 19
_never so happy as when bounding across the fields in
perfect freedom. Why does chaining or tying up a dog
make him savage? Because he then looks on mankind
as his enemies, and fancies that everybody he meets is
going to take away his liberty. My dogs have known as
little about chains as possible: two of them had been
used to be tied up before I had them, and I never could
break them of being savage. As to beating it out of them,
it would be like putting on coals to keep a fire from burn-
ing. That, you know, makes the fire look dull for a little
while; but the moment you stir it, up it blazes, much
stronger than if no coals had been put on. I knew a
horse that was not naturally good-tempered, and bad usage
had made him much worse: he was then bought by a
gentleman, who gave him enough of the whip, and spur,
and cruel iron bit to cure him, if that could have done it;
but it only made him cunning and revengeful. Poor
beast! a little patient kindness would have gone much
farther. I will tell you an instance of this.
20 The Horse.
Once I had a mare, such a beautiful creature she was!
She had lived in a sort of farm, in North America, where
they had not put her to work, and where the children had
been used to play with her. She was hardly full grown.
I lived then in a house with very low windows, and the
pretty mare was grazing on the outside. One warm day,
the windows were all open, and I was sitting at work,
when she popped her beautiful head and neck in at the
one nearest tome. I gave her a bit of bread that was
lying by me, and told her to go away; but she would not.
I said to myself, “Why should I drive her away? God
made the animals to be loving and confiding towards man ;
and if this lonely creature wants me to be a friend to her,
why should I not?’†So I put down my work, and went
and rubbed her forehead, stroked her long white face,
patted her shining neck, and talked to her. After this,
when I was alone at my morning work, she was sure to
put her head in at one of the windows, to.ask, in her dumb
way, to. be petted; and many an apple, many a handful of
oats, did she get by coming there. She would soon listen
for my footsteps about the house, and I seldom could look
out from any window without seeing her under it or before
it. She would also follow me like a dog when I walked
in the grounds where she grazed.
One day, a gentleman’s groom undertook to ie her ;
but he began by whipping and by jerking the bridle, which
‘is a very cruel thing. My mare did not like this; and as
he went on doing it, she lost her patience; and after a
long trial as to who would be master, she threw him over
her head, and trotted home to her stable. He was not
hurt, but very much mortified, being a soldier, and a
How I managed my Mare. al
horseman; and he told his master that she was the most
vicious beast in the world, not safe for anybody to ride.
I did not like my pretty mare to get such a bad name; so
1 told my own groom
to put on the side
saddle, and I asked the
gentleman to mount
his fine English horse,
and to ride out, and to
see if she were not
easily managed. We
had a long ride over
mountains, and through
littlestreams, and cross-
ing deep torrents by the unsteady bridges made of loose
trunks of trees, such as they use in that country; and
he said he never saw an animal so full of spirit and
good-tempered as my mare. I never touched her with
the whip, but spoke gently to her; and I can truly say,
that for the year anda half of my riding her every day, she
never brought me into danger, nor ever disobeyed me.
You may say, “ But this was a particular sort of horse,
not like others.†I have only to answer you, that the bad,
vicious horse I spoke of before, was bred in the same place,
lived in the same stable, and the only difference between
them was the different usage that they had been used to.
The horse is one of the most sensible and most affection-
ate of creatures. You see, every day, how a team will
obey the man who drives them, going on, stopping,
moving to the right or left, and turning any corner, all .
without the carter going near them. They have learned
22 The Horse.
the meaning of his words, or they could not do this; and
is it not dreadful that a creature able to understand, and
most willing to obey the voice, should be beaten and
tortured as horses are?
Why does a horse go as
fast as he can when he
is cruelly whipped, and
m¢ his poor mouth wounded
| by the hard bit? Because
he is trying to get away
from the man or boy who
“ treats him. so. Ah, when
God brought His beau-
tiful creatures to the first man, to be named, and gave
them into his care, there was no appearance of man ever
becoming so cruel, or the animals so miserable as they
now are! Yet the Lord loves mercy and judgment, and
hates tyranny and wrong, as much now as then; and we
may be quite certain of this, that every cruelty committed,
is an offence in His sight, and will be terribly punished, |
if it be not repented of, and left off; for when a person
says he repents, and goes on doing the same thing as
before, he is deceiving himself and provoking God. |
Horses formerly have had to bear much needless suffer-
ing, occasioned by the so-called breaking in, which was a
continuous season of cruelty, as if the noble creature could
not be trained but by whipping, and spurring, and tearing
of its poor mouth. It has however become a known fact
to wise and thinking men that kindness will do all that is
needed to teach and develop its noble qualities, instead of
souring its temper by cruelty, as is too often the case. To
Arab Horses. 28
entrust a horse, a dog, or a donkey to a boy who is not
known to be kind to animals is a fearful mistake, and may
be a life misery to the animal and cause him to be
pronounced vicious. .
' Sometimes people must go fast; but one who would
distress and torment the horse to make it go fast, just
because it pleases him to be moving quickly, is doing a
very bad thing; and so is the person who could neglect to
give food and drink to a horse when he wants it. I wonder
when I see the poor doing this: they know what it is to
be overworked, and to want as much as they could eat;
they are often cold, and cannot get firing enough; and if
they were tied up, and not able to run about, or to help
themselves, having no servants to wait on them, how very
badly off they would think themselves ! Yet a poor horse
is much worse off; he can neither do anything for himself,
nor express his wants to others: he does his best, serves
us faithfully, obeys all that he understands ; and then to
be ill-used, neglected, starved ' it is a thing that I cannot
bear to think of; and I hope, dear children, you willalways
set your faces against such wickedness. Remember that
promise which the Lord has given, “ Blessed are the
merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.â€
I daresay you have heard of the Arabs—a wild people,
the descendants of Ishmael, the son -of Abraham, who
possess a great deal of country in the East ; and are power-
ful, and much feared, because nobody has been able to
conquer them. Their greatest strength consists in having
the boldest, fleetest, most docile horses in the whole world.
There are some Arabian horses in England, which may be
known in a moment by their uncommon beauty, their
24 : The Horse.
delicate arched necks, waving manes, and long tails; but
though a price is given for them, and they are lodged, and
fed, and tended with all the care possible, they cannot be
so happy in a king’s palace, as in the tent or hut of their
poor masters at home.
The Arab treats his horse
like a child; gives it to
>, eat of his own victuals,
, to drink of his own bowl
{ of milk, and lets it sleep
in the midst of his
family. Of course, the
animal becomes so fond
of him, that it serves
him for love, carries him
through all dangers, and has often been known to defend —
him with its life. We cannot bring up our horses in this
way, nor treat them as the wild Arab does; but knowing
what sense, and feeling, and gratitude, and love, this
’ noble creature can and does show, we ought to be always
watching to avoid giving it unnecessary pain, and to
persuade others to be equally kind.
I cannot tell you how it used to grieve my dumb boy,
Jack, when he saw a horse ill-used; or how very kind he
was to one that he had the care of. He would sooner
have wanted food and drink himself, than have allowed
his master’s horse to feel hunger or thirst. He was very
tender when rubbing it down, if there was any sore place;
and if the animal got cross or impatient, he would say to
me, “ Poor horse not know: horse tired: soon go to sleep,
poor horse!†That was a very strong, spirited animal,
_dack’s Kindness to God’s Creatures. 25
and needed a steady hand to rein him in; but I often saw
the dumb boy jump on his back, and with only the halter
over his head, guide him where he chose. I never saw
him give that horse a blow or a kick, in all the two years
that he tended him. Jack was fourteen when he began,
and sixteen when he left off being his groom. He was
strong and healthy then; but at nineteen he died; and
he told me that it made him very happy to think that he
had never been cruel to any of God’s poor creatures. But
I must not say any more about the noble horse. There is
another animal, the natural companion of man, the dog,
which does come next in value ; for though it cannot take
us ona long journey, or convey our goods from place to
place, it stands sentry over us and our property, being not
only a good servant, but a most intelligent, fond, and
faithful friend. It does not need to be broke in, like the
horse ; it learns the ways and the wishes of those around
it ; and the more liberty you give it, the more eager it is
to serve and please you. ‘The dog deserves a chapter to
himself, and shall have it.
Rindness. ‘ Cc
THERE is a great deal of sorrow in the world; perhaps,
through the goodness of God, you have been kept from
suffering much yourselves, but you must have seen trouble
among your friends and neighbours. Sickness and death,
probably ; and it often happens that great distress comes
on people, so as to keep them hungry and cold, for want
of what would buy enough food and firing. Besides this,
how often the bad conduct of one in a family will make
the rest unhappy! A single drunkard, or thief, or violent
person, will bring shame and misery on all the rest. The
world is full of troubles ; but I do not. think that we often
The Causes of Victousness. 27
find, even among those of our own nature, men, women,
boys, and girls, not related to us, a person with so little
selfishness as to be always sorry and sad when we are so.
When we meet with any one so kind-hearted, we love that
person, and would do a good deal to serve or oblige such
a feeling friend.
Now, I always observe that a dog, when kindly treated
and taken care of, will show his concern for the troubles
of his master or mistress in a wonderful way. Indeed, I
never in my life had a dog that would not do so; and
seeing this has convinced me that it is worse than cruel to
treat a dog ill—it is most ungrateful. It does sometimes
happen that a dog has a bad and violent temper, even from
a puppy; and if very careful treatment does not soon cure
this, I should say that such a dog ought to be destroyed,
by a quick and easy death, not making the poor animal
suffer for what it cannot help. But in ninety-nine cases
out of a hundred, a dog’s savageness is the fault of those
who have brought him up: and few things are more wicked
than to teach or encourage a dog to fight his own race, or
to bark and fly at human beings. When the world was
as: God made it, there was no hatred in it, no quarrelling,
no wish in any living creature to frighten or hurt any
other living creature; but when Adam became a sinner,
his sin broke through all this beautiful order, and peace,
and love, and set the animals against each other, and
against himself. I am trying always to remember this;
for when they alarm or distress me, and I am thinking to
punish them, I ought not to forget what first made the
animals vicious, and brought so much suffering on them.
Tt was man’s sin alone; man should therefore do the best
28 The Dog.
he can to make them amends; and not increase their
misery, as he often does, by cruel severity. I think you
will agree with me in this. Besides, it is a certain truth,
that God’s eye is upon us and on the animals about us, as
much as it was on Adam and the living creatures that
came to him to be named; and though we and they are
much changed for the worse, yet the Lord God never does
or can change. He is as righteous, as holy, as merciful,
and asjust to-day, as He was then. How often has Jack,
when he saw a thoughtless boy hurting a dog, or any
-. other animal, gone up to him, and said, on his fingers, in
a very quiet, gentle, but earnest manner, “ God see—God
angry.†He felt much for the dumb beast, suffering pain;
but more for the boy who was forgetting that the Lord’s
hand would yet punish them, when he least expected it:
for Jack very well knew that the Bible says, ‘“‘He shall
have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy.â€
“With what measure ye mete, it shall te measured to you.â€
Dogs have been a
great amusement to
me ever since I was
a baby; and I never
have been without
LASS one in the house
: => when I could keep
one. ladies and gen-
tlemen are not often
willing to let their carpets be soiled by dogs; but
the poor people, who are not troubled with carpets,
make companions of them. I am writing this book in a
room with a carpet, and good furniture, but I have my
“ Biddy†and “ Bronti.? 29
two dogs with me. There is little “Fiddy,†the small
spaniel, at my feet, where he has lain every day for eight
years ; and there is “‘ Bronti,†the fine Newfoundlander,
lying, where do you think? Why the rogue has got
upon the sofa, and when I shake my head at him, he wags
his long tail, and turns up his large black eyes to my face,
as much as to say, ‘‘ Pray let me stop here; it is so com-
fortable.†But no, Bronti, you must walk down, my fine
fellow, or some lady coming to see me may have her dress
soiled, which would not be fair. We have no right to
make our pets a plague to other people.
That was enough for Bronti; no need of a loud, cross,
or threatening voice. He saw that I wished him to leave
the sofa, and he wags his tail as contentedly on the carpet.
I can manage him with a word, almost with a look, because
he was born in the house, and has never been away from
me; but master Fiddy was a year or two old when I had
him, and some things he will do in spite of me. He will
hunt a cat, killa bird, and growl most furiously over a
bone. Bronti has the same nature, but his love for us
overcomes it all. He would live peaceably with a cat, if
we had one; he will let the chickens and pigeons perch
upon him, or walk between his feet ; and last year I had
half a dozen tame mice, which I used to let out upon him,
when they would nestle in his warm coat, run races over
and under him, and he would not move a limb, for fear of
hurting one. As toa bone, he would allow me to take it
out of his mouth at any time; and, what is more, he will
readily give it up to Fiddy, whose little teeth can only
nibble off the meat ; and when he has done that, Bronti
takes it, and munches the bone.
30 - The Dog.
His mother was full grown when I had her, and she was
very fierce: if any workman came to the house, unless
her master or I was by to restrain her, she would put him
in fear of his life; and would have bitten him too, if she
could have seized him. We gave her away toa friend
going to America, who would be kind to her, and keep
her out of mischief; and we brought up a puppy for
ourselves, this same Bronti. Now he is more than three
years old; and though he will sometimes fight a big dog
who affronts him in the street, he never frightened any-
body who came to the house. He watches, and gives one
single, deep, quiet bark, to let us know that there is a
stranger; and seeing that we are satisfied, he sits with
one ear thrown back, listening and watching. If he meets
a workman in the house, he does not even growl; only
keeps him in sight, following him about, but with such a
sweet-tempered look, that the, greatest coward, if honest,
could not contrive to be afraid of him. I might leave a
joint of meat under his care, if he were ever so hungry ;
he would not touch it, because he is truly honest: and as
to his sense, you would hardly believe if I told you how
sensible he is. When I am putting on my bonnet or
boots, he comes up to me, and looks very eagerly into my
face; if I say ‘‘ Yes,†or, ‘‘Bronti shall go,†he is just
wild with joy, tearing about, barking, and making no
small riot. If I say “No,†or shake my head sorrowfully
and say nothing, he steals away, lies down, and never
attempts to follow me: but he .gets on a chair, and
Fiddy on a table, to see me go out at the gate; and then
they both begin to cry and moan most piteously, so that
nobody can comfort them.
Bronti protects the House. dl
On Sunday morning, Bronti looks very melancholy ;
how he knows the day I cannot tell. Of course we all go
to church, but he begins to be sad as soon as we get up.
Neither he nor Fiddy would attempt to follow us then, if
the doors and gate were all set open: they seat themselves
at the window to see us go. And now I recollect one
time when Bronti was as savage as his mother. You shall
hear about it. :
One Sunday, when we were all at church, a friend, just.
landed from a voyage, came to the house. He opened the
garden gate, and was walking towards the door, when
up jumped Bronti on a chair at the window, barking,
growling, and behaving so violently, that he really dared
not try to get into a house where such a wild beast stood
ready to seize him. So he went off to the church, found
us, and after service returned with us; and Bronti seeing
him asa friend of the family, gave him an affectionate
welcome. Then he told us of his ferocious behaviour; and
we were very glad to find that our gentle dog knew how
to protect our house and property, when it was left entirely
to his care.
A book larger than this might be filled all through with
stories about the dog, besides what are already published ;
but any one of you may see enough to delight you every
day in the affectionate creature, if you will only be patient
and kind. It is too often the custom to punish a dog
when he does not do just what you like; and you may
like things quite different at different times. Now the
poor animal cannot tell exactly what you wish; and if he
is used to get a blow, or an angry. scolding, he will be so
afraid of doing wrong, that what little sense he has left
82 The Dog.
will fail him, and he will be so confused as to make him
most likely to do wrong. An animal, or boy either,
living in constant fear of ill-usage, whether he deserves it
or no, will get either so stupid or so careless as seldom to
do what is required. Think a little, and you will under-
stand this. An angry tone and hard words agitate a dog
very much. Mr. Blaine, who wrote a book about their
diseases and cures, says that he has often known a dog,
weakened by illness, to go into convulsions on hearing
another dog violently scolded. I tell you this to explain
why some dogs are hard to manage: they are frightened
out of their senses; to say nothing of the cruel pain that
they are often made to suffer, I have seen a person beat
a dog one day for not following him when he wished it, |
and the next day for following when he was not wanted.
I have seen a dog set at another to fight, being encouraged,
and irritated, and made savage on purpose; and soon
after beaten for flying at some person or thing that
he was not wanted to attack. No wonder if the poor
creature loses all his fine qualities under such treatment.
All that he wishes is to be allowed to love you, and
follow you, and serve you. He wants the help of your
reason to keep him from doing wrong; and he wants you
to explain to him how he may please you. It has made
my heart ache many a time to see a poor dog obey his
master’s call, coming up to him in a crouching, crawling
way, trembling with fear, and seeming to say, “Pray,
pray do not hurt me! I am ready to do what you wish,
and to lay down my life for you; but you are going to
beat or to kick me, and I am a poor creature, without any
one to take my part. I could bite you, I coudd seize you
Want of Water. 33
by the throat, or tear the flesh off your leg, but I will not
do so. I come because you call me; pray do not hurt
me!†And I have seen the meek, obedient creature
struck, and put to cruel pain, without the smallest reason
in the world: And when I recollected the words of the
Bible, “ Verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth,†I
have grieved the more to think what punishment that
cruel man or boy was bringing on hiuiself.
If we call one of our dogs when at high play in the
fields, he instantly comes bounding up, puts his head on
one side, pricks up his ears, and looks full in our faces, as
if saying, “ Well, here I am; what do you want me to
of. I am not now speaking of Bronti and Fiddy in
particular, but all the dogs that ever I or my kind
husband had. The reason is, that the dog is the very
fondest creature that breathes ; and any but an ill-tempered
dog may be managed by means of this fondness; while,
as I before remarked, a really bad-tempered one should
not be kept to be punished, but speedily destroyed.
The want of water, especially in hot weather, is very
injurious to the dog. Dogs more than others ought never
to be without water to run to. Some people on seeing a
poor dog panting for want of this necessary of life come
to the conclusion that it is mad. I once gave a small
terrier to a friend; in a short time we were surprised by
having it returned as a mad dog. We were consequently ©
alarmed, and put him ina shed, the door of which could be
opened half way so that we could see him during the day.
The poor little thing looked up imploringly, but was very
quiet. In the evening we believed him to be quite well and
34 The Dog.
brought him into the house, when he showed his gratitude
as only dogs. can. It turned out that his new master had
cruelly run him almost to death and then declared’ him
mad. Such cases are too common.
God sometimes does very terrible things, in judgment
on those who knowingly transgress, and for an example
to others. May you, dear young readers, be loving, and
.merciful, and kind; and never stand for a moment in
the hateful character of oppressors, where it is alike your
duty and your happiness to help the defenceless and to
protect the weak !
a oe
Poor Puss! I have not so much to say for her as for
the noble dog. The cat is more selfish, and not so trustful ;
neither does she often show so much affection for us. The
cat’s habits are more like those of a wild animal than any
other of our domestic creatures. It is hardly possible to
keep her from straying about, or to teach her to do no
mischief, I have had acat that would not steal, and a
dog that would: both proving that every rule has an
exception. I often think, when I see puss watching for
mice, what a wonderful thing it is that.God should have
taught a beast of prey to attach itself to man, so far as to
rid him of other creatures which, by increasing too fast,
36 The Cat.
would eat up what he wants to live upon. At the same
time I grieve to remember that this war between us and
the smaller animals, and between them and each other,
comes from our rebellion against God; and I dare not set
one creature to destroy another, any farther than is
necessary for my own safety, and the support of my own
family. ;
Still the cat is an interesti 1g animal, beautiful, cleanly,
graceful, and often very lov ag. A kitten is even more
engaging than a puppy: .ts fun and frolic are more
diverting because of its light, active movements. A grave
old cat, sitting in the sunshine, with her eyes half shut,
and a merry little kitten, playing with her tail, bounding
over her back, and comically: boxing her ears, is a sight
that I cannot help stopping to admire. But how much to
be pitied is a kitten in the hands of children too young to
know, or too cruel to care, what pain they put it to! As
to setting dogs to hunt and worry cats, or tormenting
them on purpose, as some will, I do not wish to think that
anybody who can read the Bible, or hear it read, is
capable of such wickedness; nor should I like to believe
that anybody born in this free country, among a brave
people, could be so mean a coward. A boy may fancy
himself very courageous, if he is able and willing to fight
anybody who doubts his being so; but if he is capable of
wantouly hurting one of God’s creatures, when he gets it
into his power, he is a real coward. He alone is truly
brave who fears none because he would injure none, but
would use all the strength and all the influence that he
has to protect the weak from those who are too powerful
for them.
Young Kittens. 87
I have seen wild cats abroad: most terrible-looking
they are, and more dangerous than many larger animals.
Nobody would offer to play any unfeeling tricks with
them; a single look from their fierce, fiery eyes, glaring
from the branches of a tree, round which they twist their
long tails, would send the boldest of you scampering away.
They grow larger, and their fur becomes much richer;
when in a wild state. The good providence of God
supplies them with a very warm, thick coat, when they
have no longer the benefit of a corner by the fireside.
Oh, that we would learn lessons of tender mercy, by seeing
how compassionately the Lord cares for the meanest
creature that He has made!
But about young kittens: there are two things often
done through thoughtlessness, which are very cruel
indeed. One is to kill all the litter, which not only
causes great distress, but severe pain too, to the poor
mother. God gives her milk to nourish the little creatures,
and if one is not left to draw it off, the animal suffers
much torment and fever from it. The other thing is one
that no kind-hearted person could do, or allow to be done,
after being once told how exceedingly inhuman it is: I
mean putting the young ones to death in the mother’s
sight. The agonies of a poor dog, when she sees
her puppies drowned, are really a call for Divine
vengeance on the man who could purposely be guilty of
such an outrage on the tenderest feelings of nature. The
cat, though inferior to the dog in many points, is a most
loving mother, and very sagacious in protecting her
young. She will often hide them so cunningly, that
“nobody can reach them; and I have seen a family
38 The Cow.
astonished by the return of a cat which they had supposed
was lost, with four or five wild-looking, lean kittens
behind her, all their faces being well scratched by the
sticks or the rubbish among which they were hidden. The
dog never doves so; its confiding character leads it. to
commit its young to its master’s care, ill as he sometimes
. deserves such a trust.
Have you a cow? People who live in towns very
seldom indeed have one; but in the country, many who
are not rich contrive to keep one; and a more gentle,
quiet, patient animal is not to be found. Jack’s mother
was a poor Irishwoman, but she had two cows, and sold
their milk to support her family. I have often met her,
stepping so stately and steadily, because she had a brim-
ming pail of milk balanced on her head, and never even
put up her hand to support it. Jack was very fond of his
mother ; and next after his parents, brothers, and sisters,
he certainly loved the cows. It was his business when
quite a little fellow, to serve up to them the pail of hot
potatoes in winter; and many a walk he took to the green
fields where they pastured in summer, to see that all was
safe and right about them. Three years after his leaving
home, we also kept a cow; and Jack insisted on having
the care of it, and milking it himself. It was quite a
lesson to see how kind and thoughtful the dumb boy was
about the poor cow: and what a happy life she led under
his management might be easily known by her being
always good-tempered and fearless. Often, when standing
on the lawn, feeding my chickens, I have been surprised
by finding her gently rubbing her horns against my
shoulder and asking to be petted, as every animal will
Jack and the Calf. 39
ask when encouraged. She gave a great deal more milk
than any one expected—for kind usage is a wonderful
help in making creatures thrive; and I never shall forget
the joyful looks of Jack, when, one morning, he came
jumping and skipping to me, spelling as fast as he could,
†yi NANG Mv,
teed: Si! Dnt
x ’
Hi Pie
ni hag i"
name for a calf, and our cow had a very pretty one, born
in the night. =.
- Then Jack’s sweet disposition showed itself further
in the care that he took not to distress the poor creatures
more than is necessary. He did not ill-use the cow for
being unwilling to leave her young one, and very eager
toreturn to it again; nor did he, frighten or hurt the
40 The Cow.
tender little calf for crying and struggling to get to its
mother. In all these things there is opportunity for
being merciful and kind: and because Satan knows that
the Lord hates cruelty, and will punish those who afflict
His helpless creatures, therefore He chooses these occasions
to tempt people into the wanton wickedness of offending
the Most High by the abuse of such power as He has
entrusted them with. Jack knew it: I have seen the
colour rise to his face, with the effort. that he made to
overcome the impatience that was provoked by the eager-
ness of the animals to break through the rail which
separated them; but he did overcome it, and said with a
smile, “Poor baby cow! Jack not hurt—no; God see!â€
Ah, dear boys, it isa happy and a blessed thing to be
able to rejoice in remembering that God sees us! Less
than three years after that, Jack was called to appear
before the Lord; and I am sure the recollection of having
personally given pain to others never disturbed the quiet- »
ness of his death-bed. He felt the blessedness of having
been merciful. For my own part, I never can see a man
or boy driving cattle with sticks and goads ; torturing the
poor creatures for being tired, and lame, and thirsty, and
faint; and cruelly punishing them for wishing to rest, or
to drink, or to crop a green blade; or for being confused
and frightened in the noisy, crowded streets of the city,
after the quiet country places that they were reared in ;
I say, I never see such things without a feeling of ines
and dread: for the Lord God will surely call to a terrible
account those who act as if there were no just, holy, and
merciful Creator, to hear the cry of His tormented creatures
and to prove that they did not ery to Him in vain.
Sheep in the East. 41
The next animal I shall talk to you about is the sHEzp.
People call them “ silly sheep,†because they are so easily
frightened, and show very little sense or judgment when
running away. Thisis owing to their being driven about :
we seem to think it right to make every creature afraid of
us, and by that means we weaken their faculties; or, to
speak in plainer words, we frighten them out of their wits.
In Eastern countries it is quite different; there the flocks
are not driven,- but led. You will remember that beautiful
description in the tenth chapter of John, where our
blessed Lord Jesus Christ compares Himself to the
shepherd, and His people to sheep. It is now above
eighteen hundred years since He spoke those words; but
travellers tell us that it is exactly the same at this day.
Speaking of the shepherd, our Lord says, “The sheep hear
Kindness Db
42 The. Sheep.
his yoice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and
leadeth them out. And when he putteth forth his own
sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him:
for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not
follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the
voice of strangers.†Only fancy what a different sight it
must be to what we are used to! Instead of a poor,
frightened, agitated crowd of panting creatures, running
here and there, with perhaps a man or boy shouting after
them, outspreading his arms to increase their terror,
and a rough dog jumping and barking among’ them, to
see a quiet-looking, happy flock walking after their
shepherd, pressing forward to get near him, and each
coming readily when called by its name. Of course, not
being taught to run away from man, they are not flurried
and thrown into confusion so easily as ours are. But
sheep are always timid, weak, defenceless creatures, and
therefore the Lord often speaks of His disciples as sheep ;
because we are all as little able to protect ourselves from
our enemy Satan, as a flock of sheep to defend themselves
from a wolf, or a lion; and He would have us keep close
to Him for protection, as the Eastern sheep do to their
careful shepherd.
There is nothing to prevent English sheep from being
as manageable as any others. I once had a lamb givenfto
me, because its mother could not nurse it; and I kept it
in some nice hay in a large basket, and fed it with warm
milk from the spout of a teapot. As it gained strength, I
let it run about the house, and it was a droll sight to see
the big lamb come bouncing and scampering into a room
full of company, hunting the cat about, leaping over chairs,
The Cruel Boy. : 43
and playing just like a frolicsome kitten. If I walked out
it would, like the Eastern sheep, follow me. I have taken
it for miles along the high road, and never saw it appear -
frightened. It was stolen and killed before it became
quite a sheep; but I have no doubtit would have continued
as tame, and as bold, and as happy. If you look into the
faces of a flock of sheep, you will see a great variety of
countenances among them, and some are very intelligent.
There is a field near me, where I often go to walk; and a
number of young sheep in it have taken such a fancy to
Bronti, that when he stands still they will come almost
close to him, the ram foremost, as if wishing to play with
him; but if he goes towards them, off they trot, poor
things, to the other end of the field.
Not long ago, I saw something that made me quite
unhappy; and indeed it was one reason for my writing
this little book. A boy was driving a few sheep, and he
got them into a corner, on some very high ground, from
which they could not possibly get away without jumping
down where they must have broken their necks or limbs.
Then this boy called another, and they both took up large
stones that were lying about the road, and threw them at
the innocent sheep—or rather lambs, for they were not
full grown. I saw them hit on their heads and eyes, and
nearly mad with pain and terror. I never saw a more
cruel thing: I thought Bronti would have seized the boys,
he was so angry. I could not help thinking how awful
would be the state of those boys, if they were cut off by death
in such wickedness. Alas! the agonies of one hour here-
after would be worse than all the tortures that could be
inflicted on God’s creatures during their fives. But.
44 , The Ass.
instead of an hour, it is for ever and ever that all who go
there must remain. I felt very miserable seeing the poor
lambs so cruelly hurt, and thinking what judgment those
boys were bringing on themselves. I ran for Bronti’s
master, and we met the bruised, bleeding little innocents
limping along, and the inhuman boy, tired of his savage
sport, following them. We stopped him, and that gentle-
man spoke very awfully to him of his sin, and God’s
anger. The boy looked alarmed, but sulky; and I sadly
fear he was hardening his young heart against the Lord.
Dear children! pray that you may be kept from hardness
of heart, and made tender to keep a conscience void of
offence towards God and ‘ owards man.
It was a donkey-boy who had helped the other to throw
stones at the lambs; and this reminds me that I have
something to say about the ass, the most despised and
the worst-used of all animals, and yet the one on which
the greatest honour has been put, being chosen for its
humble, gentle, patient character to assist in setting forth
the wonderful humiliation of the Redeemer, the Lord
Jesus Christ, who in the greatness of His everlasting
majesty and power condescended to stoop so low for our
sakes. I think you will remember,at once what I mean.
In the book of Zechariah, the ninth chapter, and ninth
verse, it is written, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion ;
shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh
unto thee: He is just, and having salvation; lowly, eae
riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.’
And you know how this was fulfilled. When our Lord
Jesus was about to enter for the last time into the holy
city of Jerusalem, before His enemies had laid their cruel
The Entry into Jerusalem. 45
hands on Him, He sent “two disciples, saying unto them,
Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye
shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and
bring them unto Me.†They did so; and this meek, lowly
Saviour, this King of heaven and earth, descended from
the Mount of Olives, and rode into Jerusalem, not as the
monarchs of the world ride, on a fiery war-horse with
proud trappings and surrounded by gleaming swords and
spears. No, the blessed Jesus chose no such pomp. He
made choice of the humble, despised ass: her trappings.
were the outer garments of those poor men, fishermen and
such like, who followed Him; and who took them off, to
make, as it were, a saddle and saddle-cloth for their
beloved Master ; while others, seeing that no more were
46 _ The Ass.
wanted for that purpose, spread theirs on the ground that
He might ride over them. Ah, the day will come when
that King of kings and Lord of lords shall ride in vengeance
over the persons of His rebellious enemies, as He then rode
in meek and lowly state over the garments of His loving
friends. And, dear children, as you would avoid His
wrath on that terrible day, provoke Him not now by
wanton cruelty to the creatures which He has made. He
is very, very merciful to them, and to you. They do you
no wrong; do no wrong to them.
How often have I thought of that beautiful scene on the
green side of the gentle sloping Mount of Olives, which
rises eastward of the city of Jerusalem, with the brook
Kedron sparkling at its feet! You know the Bible tells
us, concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, that by Him God
made the world; and again, ‘All things were made by
Him ; and without Him was not anything made that was
made,’ John i. 8. Yet He, the Maker of all things, took
upon Him the nature of man; and so you see, for once, a
poor animal enjoyed even greater privilege and happiness
than when the creatures were first brought to Adam; and
that animal was no other than the persecuted ass. The
Lord showed His tenderness in not separating the dam
from her young one: He commanded both to be brought;
and the little creature tripped so happily beside its
mother, while both enjoyed the sheltering protection of
. Him who made the worlds. Yes, I very often think of
this, when I see the cruelties committed on the overworked
donkey, in a cart, or ridden by an unfeeling person ; and
the mischief, the wicked mischief, that Satan finds for
idle hands to do, in the field, or by the way-side, where the
A Beautiful Precept. AT
poor ass is quietly nibbling at such coarse weeds as neither
horse, nor cow, nor sheep would touch. The little foal too,
with its innocent face, and broad forehead covered with
shaggy hair, looking as if it longed to have a game of play
with you. Can you put it to pain? Alas! it has too
often a life of cruel labour and suffering before it: and
you should not be so inhuman as to rob it of its very short
time of freedom and repose. Some children are cruel on
purpose ; Satan leads them captive at his will; and if they
continue to do his wicked will, they must look to be with
him for ever in the place of fire. But many are. cruel
from thoughtlessness only; and I hope this little book
will lead such to reflect, and to cease from what is a great
sin against God, whether they think it to be so or not.
I have said nothing about the wonderful story of an ass
which you will find in the book of Numbers, chapter xxii:
you can read it for yourselves. I will finish this subject.
by giving you a text from the wise and gracious laws
which it Plena the Lord God to lay down for His people
Israel, when He was Himself their own King. It is a
most beautiful precept: it teaches at once to overcome an
evil feeling against a fellow man, and to show mercy to a
suffering animal. “If thou see the ass of him that hateth
thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help
him, thou shalt surely help with him,†Ex. xxiii. 5; and
in the 12th verse we read a reason given for keeping holy
and quiet the sabbath day, “ that fine ox and thine ass
may rest.â€
This is a long chapter; but I had a good deal to say in
it, and I hope you are not tired, and that you will think
it over, and pray God to enable you to profit by it.
Now I think you are laughing at the heading of this
chapter, and wondering what I can have to say about
such creatures; but wait a little, and you will find I am
not afraid to put in a good word for them. You must
know that I once had a young bear, a mere cub, which
was given to me by one of the wild Indians, as they call
them, in North America. These Indians, by the way, are
not half so wild as some boys and girls of my acquaintance,
who are a great deal better taught; and they were very
fond of me—merely because it pleased God to keep me
mindful of a gracious command which He has given us.
You will find it in the first Epistle of St. Peter, chap. ii.,
“ Honour all Men.’ 49
verse 17, “ Honour allmen.â€â€ Man—whether he be black,
or white, or tawny; whether he be rich or poor, bond or
free—was at first made in the image of God, and would
have kept that image if Adam had not sinned and lost it ;
‘so that none of his posterity are now born in that holy,
happy state in which Adam was created. But then, lost
as man was, and deprived of all honour, it pleased the
eternal Son of God to take upon Him the name and nature
of man, free from all its sinfulness, though deprived of its
first glory, and this He did that He might, by suffering
death, atone for the sin of the world. So now, as there is
no person so miserable, so despised, or even so sinful, that
by coming to the Lord Jesus Christ, and believing in Him
alone, he may not have his sins blotted out, and himself
made an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven, I am sure
that every man ought to be treated with some respect, as
one of that race whom God created, and for whom Christ
died. Indeed, it would be enough for me, if only the
Bible said, “‘ Honour all men,†without my being able to
see why I ought todo so. Itis my duty to obey every
one of my Lord’s commands: but it is very pleasant to
think about His gracious commandments, and to see, as
we must then do, how very lovely they are. Now you
know why I treated the wild Indians of the wood with
gentle, kind respect; and they felt it, and loved me greatly,
and used to bring me their little gifts. One day, two
rough Indian men came to me, in their very strange
dresses, with their stiff black hair hanging down, never
having been combed in their lives, I should think, They
each brought a young bear into my large kitchen; and
while I told them to sit down and eat something, the two
50 The Bear.
cubs began to examine the place for themselves. It wasa
funny sight, so I will tell you about it.
"Under a table there lay a good long barrel on its side,
and two very friendly cats had each got some kittens in it.
They had made themselves little beds in the straw, one
near the mouth of the barrel, the other farther in. So
one young bear (they were but a few weeks old, poor little
animals!), in the course of his travels about the kitchen,
poked his nose into this barrel, and out flew the old grey —
cat, in a great rage, or fright, I hardly know which, and
began to spit most furiously at the cub, who ran away as
fast as he could, into a distant corner, followed by puss.
She did not choose to go too near such an odd-looking
creature; but sat watching him, to prevent his leaving
that corner.
Meantime, the other cub, thinking, I suppose, that, “as
the cat was away, the bear might play â€â€™â€”with the kittens,
went boldly close to the barrel, when lo! out sprang the
tortoiseshell cat from the farther end, and this master
Bruin was not slower than his brother in scampering away,
the cat following him also. No harm was done; none of
them had any wish to fight, and the scene was so droll
that the servants were in fits of laughter; while the Indians,
who I must tell you are very grave, and even melancholy
people, seldom seen to smile, for once laughed heartily too.
Litook pity upon the frightened cub, at whom the grey
cat was still growling and spitting, and took him up in
my arms; for which he seemed so thankful, and I continued
to stroke his shaggy coat, until one of the Indians, with a
grin, offered to give him to me. I accepted him, making
a present in return; and for some days I took delight ‘in
The Children’s Nurse. dl
my bargain ; for he was a most innocent little creature,
and played merrily with a puppy dog: but those who
understood the nature of a bear better than:I did, persuaded
‘me to give him up ; because they had known a young lady
who was killed by a tame bear in a sudden passion,
But I want to convince you how wrong we are in treat-
ing any animal as if it could not feel attachment to us.
Some soldiers’ wives used to pet my little cub, even with
tears in their eyes ; and they told me the reason. They
said, that a short time before, the regiment to which they
belonged was quartered in Canada, and the soldiers had a
bear, which they brought up tame. This creature had a
strange office—he was nurse to all the babies in the
barracks. So great was his love for them, that whenever
the mothers wanted to have their infants well taken care _
of, they would place them under the animal’s charge, who
was delighted to smooth for them the clean straw that
they gave him; and whose tender care over the babies
wus, they told me, the most beautiful thing ever seen.
The poor bear was always trying to help and oblige his
friends ; and on washing days he had plenty of babies to
mind, when the weather was mild enough to have them
out of doors ; but one cold day they were all left within,
and the bear had nothing to do. So, seeing a woman
leave her washing-tub, which she had just filled with boil-
ing water, he thought he would do some of her work, and
put his paws into it: the pain made him snatch them out,
and in so doing he upset the tub—all the scalding water
fell over him—and his agonies were such that in mercy
some soldier shot him dead at once. The women, when
they told me this, sobbed with grief, saying, ‘“ He was so
52 The Monkey.
kind to our babies! he would have died in their defence,
poor fellow!†TI assure, you, that when I see a poor bear
led through the streets, chained, beaten, and made to
dance, as they call it, which it is taught to do by cruel ‘
tortures, I always remember this story; and think how
much love and gratitude might that miserable sufferer
feel, and how happy he might be made, if those who have
taken him from his native woods, and made a slave of him,
would only show mercy now instead of such barbarity!
We often hear the expression, “As savage as a hear,â€
but, I fear, in general, the man is the greater savage of
the two.
Mowxeys are diverting creatures ; and if you saw their
fun and frolic where they have liberty among the boughs |
of a tree, you would not know how to leave off laughing.
The Cruel Unhappy. 53
It is a different thing, however, to see them also chained,
and beaten, and with their little limbs confined in un-
natural clothing, forced by fear, and hunger, and pain, to
play the antics which they would do of their own accord
if treated differently. I never could understand how
people can be amused by anything that causes pain to
the creature doing it. They must either be very stupid,
or very hard-hearted. Want of thought is a great cause
of needless cruelty, I know ; and I am trying to put some
kind thoughts into your heads, my dear children, which
you may be thankful for when you are older. Ican tell
you one thing, which is, that it is impossible for a cruel
man to be happy : it is quite and entirely impossible. He
may laugh, and shout, and sing, and dance, and tell you
that he is very happy; but he tells you a falsehood.
There is in his heart something always whispering, ‘Your
turn will come: the great God—the holy, just, merciful
God, whose creatures you now torment—sees it all, knows
it all; and He will punish you. Every one of us must
appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, to give account
- of the things done in the body ; and youshall be forced to
own all your cruelties, beforc angels and men: and then
will never confess to you that such is his feeling ; for bad
men always will try to make you as bad as themselves:
but now mind, children, after what I have told you, if you
have not the same terror of God’s vengeance coming over
you when you do a cruel thing. If not, it is because you
are already hardened by Satan; but I should grieve to
think it was so with you. Oh, remember that the blessed
54 The Rat.
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil; and pray to.
Him now to deliver you from the.power of that evil one.
He will hear, and help, and save.
Even as to animals that we may destroy when they
injure us, we should not forget the good they also do: as
an instance, the RAT may be mentioned.. It is, indeed, a
very troublesome and sometimes dangerous creature ; it
will kill and carry off young chickens, pigeons, and other
defenceless things ; besides making sad havoc among the
grain, and eatables of every sort. It ismore thana match
for a grown kitten, or even a weak cat: and where they
are in numbers, they have been known to overpower a
man. I confess, the rat is a very disagreeable enemy,
whom we may fairly get rid of when we can; but even
for him I have a word to say: he is not useless. You,
perhaps, do not know that flesh or vegetable leavings,
The Rat not Useless. 56,
rotting as they will do on the ground, or things buried
but a little way beneath it, send out a sort of vapour which
is poison to man, bringing on those dreadful fevers that
lay so many poor people on their death-beds. Well, in
places where there are not good drains to carry off this
bad matter, and water, which soon becomes as bad as any,
there would be no safety at all for anybody’s health or
life ; and you may suppose how hard it would be for the
poor, living as they do in low, damp, dirty places, and
having no money to pay for making drains. Fevers would
begin there, and spread till the whole town was infected.
Often, indeed, they do; but it would be not only often,
it would be always, if God in His mercy did not send
some cure: and the rat is a great doctor here. He makes
his hole in as safe a place as he can, and lies still there all
day ; but at night he comes out, and pokes his sharp nose
everywhere for something to eat, not being at all dainty
or particular about it. You would hardly believe how
much good is done in this way by the animal that you
think good for nothing. When it is necessary to kill these
creatures, do it mercifully ; do not put them to needless
pain. Why should you? Isit manly? Is it’generous?
Is it what you think God will approve? Will it make
you wiser, or better, or happier, to feel that you are giving
pain to a poor creature ?
Havine now, I think, mentioned all the “ four-footed
beasts†about which I had anything particular to say,
I will pass on to another and still more beautiful portion
of God’s handiwork—the birds. The account of their
creation is thus given: “ And God said, Let the waters
bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life,
and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firma-
ment of heaven. And God created great whales, and every
living creature that moveth, which the waters brought
forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl
after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God
blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the
The Speckled Hen. 57
- waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day,â€
Gen. i. 20-28. The beasts were not made until the sixth
day ; so that if I had been writing a history of the creation,
I should have put the birds and fishes first. Notice these
expressions, ‘‘God saw that it was good.; and God blessed
them.†Everything when it came from: His glorious
hand was very good; and man was the only being who .
became bad by his own fault, despised the blessing, and
brought the curse on himself, with all its sad consequences
to the whole earth and every creature. ‘God blessed
them;†and what right have we to make their lives
miserable? This thought has often come over me when I
have seen any cruel thing done. God said that the fowl
were to ‘‘fly above the earth in the open firmament of
heaven ;†but He has made some fowls that are very use-
ful to man, willing to stay upon the earth. If hens and
ducks were to lay their eggs in high trees, and among
rocks, as most birds do, we should get very few of them;
and as they lay many more than they can hatch, it would
be a great and wasteful loss. By this we are sure that
- poultry was intended for our use; and if you take care
not to frighten or tease them, you may bring up chickens
to be as tame and familiar as dogs or cats. I remember a
droll proof of this. Once, out of a great many fowls,
belonging to a dear friend in whose house I lived, there
was only one that would not be friends with me. She wasa
fine old speckled black and white hen, very wild; and her
running away from me vexed me; for I cannot bear that
any of God’s creatures should think I would be so.cruel as
to hurt it. Well, I set myself to wheedle this hen’ into
Kindness E
58 ‘ Birds.
being on better terms ; taking crumbs to her, and persuad-
ing her by degrees to feed from my hand, like the rest.
This was very good; but it did not stop here. Whether
Mrs. Hen was flattered by so much attention, or whether
she was desirous of making up for her former rudeness, or
how it was, I don’t know; but she became so unreasonably
fond of me, that if a door or window were opened she
would pop in to look for her friend, running up and
down stairs, into the parlour, the drawing-room, the bed-
roums, and making no little work for the servants. At
first everybody was amused at it; but after a time the
poor hen became so troublesome that we were obliged to
give her away. Jack, the dumb boy, would put his hands
to his sides, and laugh till he lost his breath, to see
“‘Mam’s fat hen,†as he called her, waddling after me,
without minding either dogs or strangers, and he was in
great trouble when she was sent away. Jack’s care of
the poultry, and his anxiety to prevent their being hunted
or hurt, would have delighted you. Nothing pleased him
better than to see that fine fellow, the cock, when he had
scratched up or found. any nice thing, calling the hens and
chickens about him, bidding them to take it, and never
seeming to wish for it himself. Jack used to say, “Good!
beautiful! God made poor bird.†When he was 4 little
_ boy, he had seen some cock-fighting ; and he used to tell
me of it, in his way, with so much grief and anger. He
said, “God see bad man hurt poor birds—make birds
fight.’ The tears would come into his eyes when he
thought how the poor birds were tortured ; but he always
ended by pitying the men and boys who suffered Satan to
tempt them into such wickedness.
Caged Birds. 59
Jack was very fond of small birds: I suppose you think,
then, that he had some ina cage; and that he caught
them in traps, for he was very clever. No; Jack would
as soon and sooner have gone to prison himself: he could not
bear the idea of imprisoning a bird. Canaries, indeed,
and such others as could not live in our cold climate, and
which, having been hatched in a cage, would not have
known how to use their liberty, he did not object to, but
took great pleasure in giving them pans or saucers of clean
water, to bathe themselves in; and plenty of fresh sand,
and nice food: but English birds he could not suffer
within the bars of a prison. The thrush, the blackbird,
the lark, the linnet, the sparrow—all our free British
birds, he knew it was a sin to deprive of their liberty. I
have seen him persuade other boys to break their traps, or
to let the poor frightened captives go:- and I have seen
him clap his hands with joy as they spread out their pretty
wings, and flew “above the earth, in the open firmament
of heaven,†as they. were made to do; but I do not believe
that a whole pocketful of silver and gold would have
tempted Jack to catch and sell a bird. Indeed, I am sure
it would not; for he knew that neither silver nor gold,
nor anything that is to be bought with them, would make
a person’s heart feel happy ; and that the commission of a
sin would make him feel very unhappy ; for nothing was
so dreadful to Jack as the idea of offending his gracious
God, or grieving the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the heart
of every true believer. Now, perhaps you will say, “I
would not catch and sell birds to put money in my own
pocket ; but may I not do it to earn a little for those who
‘really want it?†My dear child, robbing is not earning:
60 Birds.
if you catch a bird or a fish, not belonging to a-:other
person, to kill and eat it, or to sell or give it to others for
food, you do what God has permitted ; and if it is done
for this purpose, and not for sport, nobody can blame you.
But, though the Lord has given you the bodies of His
creatures for food, He has never given you their natural
liberty, either for your amusement or profit.
As for keeping birds in a cage to sing, if you look at
the hundred-and-fourth Psalm, you will find that they
were made to “sing among the branches.†Go into the
fields, and listen to their happy little songs of liberty, and
take from them a lesson of thankful joy: or, if you want
them at home, put crumbs and grains of corn on the
windows, and they will learn to come and pick them up, and
thank you with their merry notes. Only do not be so
mean and treacherous as to draw a snare or close a trap
over the poor things when they come, as they think, to be
fed by your bounty. People who love music so well as
Nest-Building. 61
to make an innocent creature miserable that they may
enjoy its songs, will wish some day that they had been
born deaf.
But there is one thing that I am sorry to see many boys
doing every spring, and which they cannot defend by any
such excuses. I often wonder who was the first to begin
such a disgraceful custom, the most cruel, senseless, and
babyish piece of folly : I mean what is called bird-nesting.
God said to the creatures, ‘‘ Be fruitful and multiply,â€â€”
“Jet fowl multiply in the earth.†At the same time, He
gave them a wonderful instinct and skill, such as man’s
reason cannot imitate. The birds must keep their eggs
very warm for a certain number of days, to bring to life
the little creatures that are forming within them; and
the eggs being so very delicate and brittle, they must also
have.a soft place to lie in, close enough for the bird’s body
to cover them all; and out of the reach of rats, and other
enemies. So, when the bird is going to lay, she and her
mate set to work, and what a wonderful work it is!
These little creatures, without any hands, or even paws
like four-footed animals, to help them, and with only the
bits of stick, hay, grass, dead leaves, wool, hairs, and moss,
that they can pick up with their bills, presently form a
soft, snug, warm, strong apartment, as round as a tea-cup,
and exactly of the proper size; placed, too, where it will
be little seen, sheltered above from the wet, yet airy
enough to keep it fresh and wholesome, and so smooth en
the inside that even the delicate naked body of a bird just
hatched cannot be made uneasy by a rough point. It
costs the parent birds a great deal of trouble; and if you
leave a nest untouched from one year to another, neither
62 Birds.
disturbing the eggs nor the nestlings, you will find it the
next spring. nicely repaired and new lined, and a new
family in it. Oh! I do wish that English boys,
remembering how, by the goodness of our equal laws, a
poor Englishman’s house is his castle, would let a poor
English bird’s little nest be its castle too! He-is the
bravest boy who will defend the weak from the strong ;
and he is the best boy who loves and is kind to the least
of God’s creatures for the sake of the glorious Creator.
But perhaps you may say, “ Well, I will not spoil the
nest ; I will only take the eggs.†No, pray do not take
the eggs. What pleasure in the world can a parcel of
little eggs afford you, compared with the delight that the
poor harmless mother takes in them as she sits in her
warm house, of her own making, listening for the first
faint chirp of the tiny creature within ? Birds only bring
up one family in a year; and if you take from them the
eggs that are to produce that one, you rob them of all the
happiness for which they took so much trouble. _You are
not enough of a hen to hatch the eggs, though you may be
enough of a goose to try: then think, and be too much of
a Bird-Nesting. 63
a man to do such a silly, cruel thing. You like, perhaps,
to blow the inside out, and string the shells out in a row.
Oh you thoughtless child! You must certainly be a very
little child to take pleasure in such a babyish thing;
and you are very, very thoughtless and wrong to do it at
the expense of a poor innocent bird, which never injured
or wished to injure you, though you can rob it of all its
delight to please such a silly fancy. If you want a pretty
thing to ornament your cottage, go and pick up some
round, clear pebbles, of different colours, and give one side
of them a polish at the grindstone; then get some pieces
of brick, and join them together in the shape of an arch,
or anything you fancy, with a little mortar; spread more
mortar, thick and rough, over the front, and, while it is
wet, stick in your pebbles, with the shining side outmost,
with bits of glass, moss, sealing-wax, and any gay thing
that comes in your way. I have seen such pretty contri-
vances in cottages, and have said to myself, “The boy
who made this is clever, and may come to be a good
builder, or other artisan, some day;†but when I see
birds’ eggshells hung up, I turn away with a feeling of
_ pain, because I know that somebody must be there, either
idle and cruel, or encouraging their children to be so.
But there is something far worse than this. When the
mother bird has made her nest, and sat long days and
nights on her eggs, and heard the little ones chirp within,
and helped them to break the thin shell, and felt their
little warm bodies cuddling themselves among her soft
feathers, and seen their yellow beaks open to ask her for
the food that it is such great joy to her affectionate heart
to put into them; oh, THEN, can you turn all her honest
64 Birds. %
happiness into misery and mourning, and kill those baby-
birds with a miserable death, by cold and hunger, if not
by other tortures. If ever you have done this, pray to the
Lord God to forgive your sin, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Do
you think He will forgive you? Yes, you say, because
He is very merciful. Indeed Heis; and for that very
reason He hates cruelty: but while you look to the Lord’s
mercy for pardon, you must steadily resolve to offend no
more by doing what He hates; else you only mock Him.
I don’t myself understand how anybody can bear to.
hurt little birds, they are such endearing creatures; but
I have seen it with my own eyes, and am obliged to
believe it. Bad example will go a great way ; boys, and
men too, will do what they see others do, without stopping
to think of the great truth that God sees them too. But,
then, good example goes far also; and the person who is
careful not todo wrong has the comfort of knowing that heis
showing others the right
way. While I write this
little book, I am praying
to the Lord to make it
the means of persuading
many young readers to be
merciful ;-and that their
good example will per-
suade many more, who
maynot see the book; and
so good willbedone, great-
er than you now think.
I have a cockatoo; a friend brought him from India,
and a funny bird he is, but terribly noisy. He soon
My Cockatoo. 65:
began to bark like Fiddy, and to growl like Bronti; to
cackle like the hens, and to imitate every loud noise that
he heard. We hoped if he had a good teacher he would
learn to sing, instead of making sucha riot, as he whistles
uncommonly well after his master. So we went to buy a
' eanary bird, and you may be sure we bought two; for it
is very cruel to shut up a bird alone in acage. The
cockatoo is not in a cage, but on a stand, dancing and
chattering all day. We put our canaries into a very large
cage, with a good-sized pan of fresh water every day,
clean gravel, and plenty of seed. Nothing could be
happier or tamer than these little things; but one day
the hen got at some green paper, which she pecked at
through the wires, and the stuff that coloured it killed her
at once. We got another directly in her place, and there
they are in the sunshine, on a table close by me, splash-
ing the paper on which I write with the water ; for they
delight in plunging into it, till they are wet in every
feather. Nothing is more necessary to animals and birds
than plenty of fresh water: my pigeons have a pan of it
to wash in, and it wants changing several times a-day ;
and you do not know how much birds in confinement
suffer if that is neglected. A glass hung outside, if always
kept full, is good to drink out of; but a bath im the cage
is the great luxury.
Perhaps you will ask, Has the cockatoo learned to sing ?
No, I am sorry to say, he is as noisy as ever, and as little
musical. We keep him quiet by giving him sticks to
break, and knotted cord to untie; and when he has been
good I take him on my lap, and rub his head and wings,
which he greatly likes, I never yet saw the animal, down.
66 Birds
to the little mouse, that would not Le fond of those who
treated it tenderly ; and the pleasure of being loved is so
great that I only wonder how anybody can neglect to win
the love of the creatures which were made for man’s use
and benefit. There is a wonderful deal of happiness
among them, showing how, as the Psalm says, the Lord’s
“tender mercies are over all His works;†anda little
kindness makes them so familiar, that we are always
reminded how sociable they were with Adam in the garden
of Eden, and how happy they and we should all be
together now, if sin had not entered into the world to
destroy the beauty and blessedness that were upon every-
thing when God first made them, and saw that heya were
all “very good.â€
A,story about Jack. When he was a little fellow, soon
after he came to me, and before he knew many words,
he made me understand that he wanted a very long,
slender stick. I asked the gardener of a friend, and he
cut him a fine one from a particular sort of tree. Then
Jack laid out a penny, all that he had, on a coarse bit of
line, such as anglers use; and, lastly, he came to me for
some large pins: one of which he bent like a hook ;
explaining to me that he was going to dig for worms to
put upon it, that he might fish. I shook my head, saying,
“No.†Jack nodded his head, and said “Yes.†I said
“pad;? Jack said “good;†and then I took up his
638 Fishes.
little red hand, and pretended I was going to run the hook
through the flesh. He snatched it away in a fright,
saying “Bad, bad!†but I nodded and said “ Good,
good!†He said, “Bad mam, hurt Jack!†and I
answered, “Bad Jack, hurt worm: God made Jack—God
made worm.†He shook his head, and said, ““No:†and you think was the reason he gave ? He reminded
me that God is high up above, and that the worms came
from below, under the ground. The little fellow did not
know that the world is round; he thought it was flat:
still less did he then understand that God is everywhere,
and made all things, above and beneath. Then I told him
that the Lord did so; and that worms and other things
were put into the earth by Him, even as we were made to
walk upon its surface. Jack considered alittle ; and then
said the worms were rolled up in the world as apples were
in-a dumpling, and that they bit their way through the
crust. It was an odd idea, and made mesmile; on which
he said “Good,†and told me he would fish with a piece
of meat or paste for a bait.
Next morning, Jack came to me, and after reminding
me of this, he asked me if God also made the little newts,
tadpoles, and frogs, and other things that he had seen
in the muddy ditches? I replied, “Yes, allâ€â€™ “ Did God
make fishes?†‘*Oh yes,†I answered, “‘ He made fishes
and everything :†then, in a very lively manner, he made
me understand, that if God did not like him to hurt the
worms, neither would He like that he should hurt the fish.
“ Poor fish,†he said, showing me how its mouth would be
torn by the hook; and then, tomy surprise, he got a
small hatchet, and chopped up his fine fishing-rod into
Jack’s Death. 69
walking sticks; and from that day he could never bear to
see anybody angling. He used to tell them, if they
wanted fish to eat or to sell, to catch them with a net, and
to kill them at once; and I believe that the sight of the
deaf and dumb boy, taking such pains to plead for the
creatures which are not only dumb, but have no way of
pleading for themselves, was the means of checking many
persons in cruel practices. He knew very little compared
with what you, perhaps, know; but he knew one blessed
truth—he knew that “ loved the world, that He
gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish, but have everlasting life;†and
by always thinking on this great mercy of God to man,
and the exceeding love of our Lord Jesus Christ, in dying
for poor sinners like us, Jack came to hate whatever he
knew to be displeasing to that gracious Lord and heavenly
Father; and the happiness that he felt in his own soul
made him delight in seeking the happiness of every
creature around him.
Jack died of a slow decline. He had much pain, but I
never saw him impatient or unhappy. He felt what
David so beautifuily describes in the twenty-third Psalm :
“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of
death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me.†He
knew quite well that he was going to die; but it never
made him uneasy. He knew that God was at peace with
him, through the merits of the Redeemer ; and he was at
peace with all the world. His dying pillow was not made
of thorns by the remembrance of having made any living
thing suffer torment; nor his short sleeps disturbed by
terrible dreams of what he had forgotten until the time
70 Fishes.
drew near to appear before God. I could tell you, my
children, fearful stories of some who died as young as Jack,
and whose death-beds can never be forgotten by those who
saw them. They had been cruel to God’s dumb creatures,
and never gave a thought to what they had done; but
when death was near—when the poor weak body could not
rise from the bed, nor the soul be any longer deceived with
‘ the thoughts of years to come—it was horrible the cries that
they uttered, and the wild things that they talked about
beasts, and birds, and insects tortured by them in the days
of their health and strength. There was one in particular,
a butcher’s boy, who
could not be comforted :
he said the calves, and
sheep, and lambs, had
provoked him by their un-
willingness to be caught
and driven into the
slaughter-yard, and he
had revenged himself by
making their deaths as
painful as he could; and
that he saw them then—
whether his eyes were open or shut, he always saw them
—all bleeding, and torn, and struggling, as they used to
do: and whatever was said to him, or whatever noise was
made, he heard their cries of agony louder than all. It
was horrible to see his look, and to hear his screams.
When he was told that God was merciful, he answered,
“Yes; but I had no mercy, and there is no mercy for
me.â€, I wish I could tell you that he died praying for
Good Fruit. eal
pardon ; but, alas! he died shrieking out that he must go
to hell. At that time I was asked to write a book about.
it, to warn others; but I was so much shocked that I could
not write about it. I mention it now, to show you that
sometimes, even in this world, the dreadful work of judg-
ment is begun—judgment ‘without mercy, to those who
show no mercy.
But you must not suppose that Jack’s happiness and
peace, and confidence in God, came from anything that he
had done, or anything that he had refrained from doing.
No; it was all from believing with his whole heart that
God loved him for the sake of His dear Son, the Lord
Jesus Christ. Now, if Jack had said, or fancied, that he
loved God, and had at the same time been cruel, or lived
in any other sin, it would have proved that he was
mistaken, and he would have had no real peace. If you
go past a garden and see a lot of fine ripe grapes hanging
from the boughs of a tree, and anybody said to you,
“That’s a nice vine,†you would agree with him at once;
but if he pointed toa tree where horse-chestnuts were '
growing, and called it a vine, you would laugh at him ;
you know the difference between a sweet juicy grape, and
'a hard, bitter, uneatable horse-chestnut. Yet you would
not say that the grapes made the vine, would you? no,
they did not make it a vine, but they proved it to be one.
If a boy were to tie bunches of: grapes to a horse-chestnut
tree, and tell you it was a vine, you would say no, it is
not a real vine—the fruit did not grow upon it.
In this way, I may say that I knew Jack to be a true
child of God: because the fruit of good works grew upon
him. It was not in look only, but really and indeed, that
72 Fishes.
he was the character I have described; and if you read
carefully, very carefully, the fifteenth chapter of St. John’s
Gospel, you will see what I mean. In that beautiful
chapter, our Lord Jesus Christ compares Himself to a vine,
His people to the branches, and the good works that they
do to the grapes; and He shows us that if we really do
not belong to Him, and keep close to Him (which we can
only do by believing and praying), then we are like the
branches cut off from the vine, which cannot possibly
‘ bring forth any grapes. You may think little of this
now; but you must think of it, whether you will or no,
when you come to die. Perhaps you say to yourself,
“Ay, but when I come to die, I will pray, and make my
peace with God.†Do not deceive yourself with such a
vain hope: there is a very terrible warning given in the
first chapter of Proverbs, which you must not forget. The
Lord is addressing such as mean to put off repenting and
praying, and serving Him, to another time, when sickness
or some other calamity shall frighten them into calling on
Him for pardon and help. These are the words:
‘Because I have called, and ye refused ; I have stretched
out My hand, and no man regarded; but ye have set at
nought all My counsel, and would none of My reproof: I
also will laugh at your calamity ; I will mock when your
fear cometh ; when your fear cometh as desolation, and
your destruction cometh as a whirlwind ; when distress
and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon
Me, but I will not answer; they shall seek Me early, but
they shall not find Me: for that they hated knowledge,
and did not choose the fear of the Lord: they would none
of My counsel : they despised-all My reproof.â€â€ Does not
Happiness of True Religion. 73
this"alarm you? Then do not be found a day longer
among those who refuse to hear the gracious voice of the
Lord Jesus, who invites you to come to Him for eternal
life ; and who will, if you ask it in His name, send the
Holy Spirit to guide you in the good way, and make you
real branches of the good Vine, as He made the dumb boy.
‘When Jack was eleven years old, he became a true servant
of the Lord; and he died at nineteen, and went to live in
heaven ti the dear Master whom he had delighted to
serve upon earth.
His religion made him so happy, there was nota merrier
boy to be found. Some people will tell you that being
religious makes a boy feel dull
and melancholy: ask them if
they think you so silly as to
believe that walking in the
summer sunshine will make
you feel dark and cold? True
religion is to man what the
bright sunshine is to the little
insects that sport upon the
wing, and who find in it not
only their light but their life.
Does any boy’s conscience smite him at my naming the
imsects? J hope not. I hope you have not been tempted
by Satan to do any harm to the little harmless and often
useful creatures that cross your path. A butterfly, a
eockchafer, a house-fly, a snail, a caterpillar, a worm—
these, and all others, are God’s handiwork; and if you
could see them through a glass that magnifies very much
indeed, you would be more astonished than I can tell you.
74. Insects. .
The small powder, scarcely seen on your finger’s end,
from the wing of the butterfly, is a lump of the most
beautiful feathers, so delicate that the gentlest touch will
rub some of them off: the wing itself is made of lovely
net-work, like silver threads, stretched on strong wires;
and all the skill of all the cleverest men in the world could.
make nothing to equal the coarsest part of the plainest
insect. But it is not their beauty—though we ought to
see, and to glorify the Creator’s hand in that—it is their
delicate sense of feeling that should keep us from hurting
them. The common worm is very useful in dividing the
élods of earth, which would otherwise become so hard as
to prevent the fine fibres of the roots of plants from
forcing their-way, and then the plants would die. ~ Man
has not discovered all the uses of the different insects ;
but God has made nothing in vain: and though, for our own
safety and comfort, we must destroy some sorts, still we
are bound to do it in the quickest and most complete
manner, or else-we must give an account to their Creator
and ours for the cruelty we commit. I have killed insects
myself, for no reason but because I saw they must fall into
the hands of boys, or other s, whom I knew to be so dread-
fully wicked as to take pleasure in torturing them; but I
did it sorrowfully ; feeling that I could not give life to the
meanest reptile, and that I must be able to render to God
a reason for taking it away. I have found poor harmless
insects alive, most cruelly maimed, with their wings or
legs torn off, or their, bodies pierced through; and I
shuddered to think how the eye of God was fixed on those
who did it, never losing sight of them; and I have prayed
that He would changetheir wicked hearts before it is too late.
The Writer’s Desire. : 75
And now I have finished my book. While I was
writing it, more than a few funerals passed my window,
the coffins being those of very young people; and this
made me more anxious to go on; for I thought to myself,
‘“‘ Perhaps some boy or girl will read it who has never
thought rightly about these things, and will presently
determine not to go on in sin, but to become merciful and
obedient, and all that they ought to be.’ If they try to
do this of themselves, they will soon find that the sinful
nature of Adam is too strong in them ; and the more they
try to mend themselves, they will find Satan is the more
busy, leading them into more wickedness. Then perhaps
they will mind what I have said about the need not only
of pardon, but of help from the Lord Jesus Christ. They
will pray to God, for His sake, to give them a new heart,
holy, humble, obedient, and merciful. This prayer will
be heard; for our gracious God hears and answers the
prayer of the poorest child as readily as that of the
mightiest king. Then they will know what it really is
to love God, and to keep His commandments, because they
love Him; and what a sweet example they will set to
others, and how happy they will be themselves, and what
a blessing to all belonging to them! Perhaps, too, they
will make a little party among the kindest-hearted of their
playmates, all giving a promise to each other not willingly
to hurt God’s creatures ; but to do the best they can to per-
suade every one to be merciful to the dumb animals, birds,
fishes, and insects. If they live they will grow up to be
such men and women as we want, to bring a blessing on
the land; and in their own children they will reap the
reward of having shown tenderness to the helpless. If
76 Insects.
they die young, they will be like my happy boy Jack, not
afraid of death; but willing and rejoiced to go to the
Saviour, whom they sought and found so early. Oh,
may the Lord grant this blessing to my little book, that
at the great day of judgment I may meet with some happy
spirits to tell’ me that it was not written in vain!
MERCY.†Matt. v. 7.
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>, 17. The Goose A |
» 19. Lhe Early Riser |
» 20 Duck and Ducklings
», 2i. Lhe Yak
», 24. Lhe Sloth |
» 25. Lhe Peacock i
5, 20. The Nightingale |
» 27. The Quail.
Cabman’s Cat. By Mrs.
S. C. Hall. One Halfpenny.
Cure for Moths. One
John Hobbs: a Tempe-
rance Tale of British India. Cloth, 1s.
Out at Sea: A few Simple
Ballads addressed to Sailors. Cloth, 1s.
An Edition in paper covers, 6d.
Ben and his Mother.
Articles of War: A Dia-
Mrs. Carus Wilson. Cloth, 6d.
logue between Two Soldiers. 3d.
Ned Stokes, the Man-
o’-War’s-Man. By Agnes E. Weston. 3d.
Soldier’s Testimony. Gut
edges. 3d.
«He Drinks !â€â€™ With cover,
“The Drummer Boy.â€
With cover, ad.
Does it Answer? 1d.
For French Soldiers and
Sailors, &c. Nos. 1 to 12 of the ‘‘ British
Workman†in French. 1d. each.
For Italian Soldiers, &c.
Nos. 1 to 4 of the ‘‘ British Workmanâ€
in Italian. xd. each.
For Norwegian Sailors,
&c. Nos. 1 and 2 of the “‘ British Work-
man†in Norse. 1d. each. :
For Portuguese Sailors,
&c. No. 1 of the ‘‘ British Workmanâ€
in Portuguese, id. i
For Spanish Sailors and
Soldiers, &c: Nos. x to 15 of the
“ British Workman†in Spanish. 1d.
each. Nos. 1 to r2 in one vol., 1s. 6d.
(See also Temperance, etc.)
Happy Half-hours. Being
Ten Readings for Working Men, bound
up in one volume. By various Authors.
Cloth, 3s.
Illustrated Penny Read-
ings: being Twelve Separate Readings
in each Series, by various Authors. In
Packets or Paper Covers. First, Second,
and Third Series, 1s. each ; cloth, 1s.6d.
Sparks from the Anvil.
By Elihu Burritt. Cloth, rs. 6d.
Never Give Up. A Christ-
mas Story for Working Men and their
Wives. By Nelsie Brook. Cloth, 1s.
Nothing Like Example.
By Nelsie Brook. With engravings.
Cloth, 1s.
Rainy Days and How
to Meet Them. By Mrs. Marshall.
Cloth, xs.
Tom Burton: A Tale of
the Workshop. By the Author of ‘‘The
Working Man’s Way in the World.â€
Cloth, zs.
The Best Master; or, Can
Coachmen have their Sundays? By the
Author of ‘Household Proverbs.â€
Cloth, 6d.
“Buy Your Own Cher-
ries.†rs W. Kirton, Esq. Cloth, 6d.
Illustrated Handbills,
for General Distribution. Containing
One Hundred Handbills, assorted, on
Temperance, Kindness to Animals, for
Promoting the Better Observance of the
Lord’s Day, Gospel Narrative, &c.
Sixpenny packets.
Lost in the Snow; or,
The Kentish Fisherman. By Mrs. C.
Rigg. With numerous Illustrations,
Cloth, 6d.
Farmer Ellicot; or, Begin
and End with God. 3d.
JohnJarvis,the Reformed
Hatter. 3d. J x
UOncle David’s Advice
to Young Men and Young Women on
Marriage. 3d.
Uncle David’s Visit to
a New-Married Wife, and the Counsels
he gave her.
Ke British Workmanâ€
Series of Tracts. Intended for circula-
tion amongst the Working Classes. 2d.
x. Darby Brill
2. The Carpenter’s Speech
3. The Swearing Parrot
4. Tom Carter’s Way of Doing Good
5. The Last Customer
6. John Harding’s Locket
7. “Right about Faceâ€
8. Going Aloft
g. He Drinks
. Doing his Duty
« Good Fruit
. The Bent Shilling ©
. The Drummer Boy
. Inch Auger
. Split Navvy
. Put on the Break Jim
. Taking up of Barney O’Rourke
18. The House that John Built
19. Articles of War
20. Little Sam Groves.
Coloured Tracts.
pages. With Coloured Cover.
x. Buy your own Cherries
2. Matthew Hart’s Dream
3. Old Janet’s Christmas Gift
4. A Little Child shall lead Them
5. The Last Penny
ad. each.
. Out of Work
. John Stepping Forth
. The Independent Labourer
. Bought with aPrice. By A. L. O. E.
. Bethlehem
. The Three Bags of Gold.
. The Hidden Foe, By A.L.O. E
13. No Work No Bread :
. Light in the Bars
. Tramp’s Story
. Thady O’Connor
. The Shadow on the Door
. Fisherman’s Shagreen Box
. Going Down Hill
. Not a Drop more Daniel
. Mike Slattery
. The Holly Boy
Melodious Mat
Nos x to ro bound in one volume
Cloth plain, 3s.
“It’s Nobbut,’ and
“Nivver Heed.†By Robert Baker,
Esq., Inspector of Factories. 2d.
Work and Wages.
J. W. Kirton, Author of “Buy your
own Cherries.†2d.
Illustrated Penny Read-
ings :—
Who’s your Friend ?
Autobiography of a Reformed Thief
. What happened to Joe Barker
The Losings’ Bank
The Plank will Bear
Take care of your ‘‘ Tis Butsâ€
The Market Pint
. The Shabby Surtout
. The Wonder-Working Bedstead
. My Account with Her Majesty
. The Wounded stag
. The Temperance Life-boat Crew
. Polly Pratt’s Secret for making £5
99 ON OR! PH
14. The Life-belt
1s. Crippled Jenny; or, the Voice of
Flowers ‘
16, The Doings of Drink
. How Sam Adams’ Pipe becamea Pig
The Sunday Excursion Train
The First and Last Tiff
. Frank’s Sunday _ Coat; or,
Sabbath kept Holy
. The King’s Messenger
. Parley the Porter
Fred Harford’s First Great Coat
. Help-myself Society
25. The Cabman’s Holiday ‘
Buy your own Goose
Horses and their Masters
The Gin Shop. Twelve Plates
Seed-time and Harvest
Build your own House
On Looking Seedy
Cobbler’s Blackbird
Buy your own Cherries. Prose
Buy your own Cherries. Verse
Building a House with a Teacup
For the Good of the House
The Woman's Crusade
Nos. zr to 36 in 3 vols., done up in Cloth,
1s. 6d. each; Paper Boards, 1s. each ;
Packets 1s. each.
Illustrated Wall Papers.
Reprints in large type from the ‘‘ British
For the Walls of Work-
shops and Schools, Ships’ Cabins, Bar-
And done up in One Shilling
containing twelve numbers.
’Shops, &c. _ One Penny each.
Five Shil-
ting packets, containing Nos. 1 to 60.
No Swearing Allowed â€
. Bob, the Cabin Boy
s Swallowing a Yard of Landâ€
“ Knock off those Chainsâ€
“* He stands Fire !â€
Fisherman and Porter
. “ Will Father be a Goat?â€
. Man with a Cross on his Back
John Maynard, the Brave Pilot
. My Account with Her Majesty
. A Plea for the Donkey
Preparing for the Flower Show
« Gin Shop.
Thomas Paine’s Recantation
Oil and Stewed Eels
The Blue Jacket’s Sampler
. Buy your own Cherries
. Fred Harford’s Great Coat
. Reduced to the Ranks
. Musical Coal Man
. The Fool’s Pence
. ‘What's that to Me?â€
. A Plea for the Birds
. A Pledge for a Pledge
The First Snowdrop
. The Losings’ Bank and the Savings
. Mike Donovan’s Looking Glass
. John Morton’s New Harmonium
. On the Look-Out
. The “ Tis Buts,â€
. The Prodigal Son
The Christmas Arm Chair
The Village Gleaner
The Ambitious Blacksmith
My First Ministerial Difficulty
Something to Show for your Money
. Stop! Mend your Buckle
. Horses and their Masters
. The Parable of the Sower
. Jack and the Yellow Boys
. The Christmas Sheaf
. Discontented Pendulum
. The Life Boat
. Providence will Previde
45. Celebrated Italiaris
. “ That's Thee, Jemâ€
. The Secret of England's Greatness
. My Uncle’s Life Motto
Dust Ho!
A Plea for Washerwomen
The Nativity
The Name in Gold Letters
John Rose's Freehold
The Shoeing Forge
Robin and Railway Guard
In the Far Country
Canute’s Rebuke *
Tom Carter’s way of Doing Good
The Two Gardeners
Dip your Rollin your own Pot
Our Christmas Tree
How to Manage Horses
Home-Coming of Darby Brill
Scripture Patchwork Quilt
Michael Donovan
Should Museums be opened on
Where are you going,
Our Little Feathered Friends
Tim’s Oration
Live and Let Live
The Story of a Violin
The Cow’s Complaint
Man’s Noble Friend—The Horse
A Royal Society
Hints for Working Men.
The Well to-do Cabman
The Costermonger
Jeffrey the Murderer.
By the Rev. G. W. McCree. id.
Providence Row; or, The
Successful’ Collier.
By Rev. T. H.
‘Walker. xd.
Slavery in England. A
Vision of the Night. rd. i
Sunday on “The Line; â€â€™
or, Plain Facts for Working Men. a
“British Workmanâ€
Adapted for Workshops, &c.
; coloured, 3d. each. Nos. x to 14.
Nos. 1 to 12 done up in Packets, 1s. If
an order be sent with x4 stamps, the
Complete Set will be forwarded post
Readings for the Dinner.
Hour ; Good Advice for Working Men,
Printed on toned paper, 8pp. One
halfpenny each.
80 DAH
. The Silver Staff: or, Help for Old Age
. In the Same Boat
The Confession. By Mrs. Balfour
Buy your own Cherries
Poor Man’s House Repaired
Only Once
‘ Strike; a Little Comedy
John Jarvis
. My Mother’s Gold Ring
. Home-coming of Darby Brill
Fred Harford’s Great Coat
Ben Starkey’s Strike
Bob:the Cabin-boy
Old Tim, the Singing Cobbler
The Worsted Stocking
Maggie Dean’s Pleading.
Anecdotes of the Abori-
gines : Historical and Missionary. Cloth
ts. 6d.
Roger Miller; or, Heroism
in Humble Life. Cloth, rs. 6d.
Brands Plucked from the
Burning. By the Rev. J. H. Wilson.
Cloth, 1s.
Friends of the Friend-
less; or, a Few Chapters from Prison
Life. By Mrs. Balfour. Cloth, 6d. .
Scrub, the Workhouse
Boy. By Mrs. Balfour. 6d.
(See also Tentperance, etc.)
Jack the Conqueror; or,
Difficulties Overcome. By the Author
of ‘‘ Dick and his Donkey.†Cloth, 5s.
Ben’s Boyhood. By the
Author of ‘Dick and his Donkey.â€
Cloth, 2s. 6d.
Ellerslie House: A Book
for Boys. By Emma Leslie. Cloth, 2s. 6d.
A Golden Year; and its
Lessons of Labour. Cloth, 2s. 6d. -
The Natural History of
the Year. By the late B. B. Woodward,
eae B.A., Librarian to the Queen.
as. 6d.
The Littl Woodman
and his Dog Cesar. By Mrs Sherwood
Cloth, 1s. 6d ; gilt, 2s. 6d.
“Puffing Billyâ€â€™ and the
Prize “ Rocket ;†or, the Story of the
Stephensons and our Railways. By
Mrs. H. C. Knight, Cloth, plain, rs. 6d.
Vignettes of American
History. By Mary Howitt. Cloth, 1s.6a.
Frank Spencer’s Rule of
Life. By J. W. Kirton, Author ot
“Buy your own Cherwies.†Cloth, rs.
No Gains without Pains:
aTrue Story. ByH. C. Knight. Cloth, 1s.
Willy Heath and the
House Rent. By William Leask, D.D.
Cloth, zs.
Ernest Clarke’s Fall; or,
Lead us not into Temptation. Cloth, 6d.
How Tom ‘Tomkins
Made his Fortune. Cloth, 6d.
Joseph Selden, the Cripple;
or, an Angel in our Home. By the Author
of ‘The Dalrymples.†Cloth, 6d.
Philip Markham’s Two
Lessons. By the Author of ‘‘ Dick and
his Donkey.†Cloth, 6d.
Story of Two Appren-
tices ; The Dishonest and the Succesful.
By the Rev. J. ‘I. Barr. Cloth, 6d.
The Tiny Library. Books
printed in large type. Cloth, 6d.
1. Hot Coals
The Golden Rule
Grandpapa’s Walking Stick
Honesty the Best Policy
Silver Cup
Short Stories
Brave Little Boys
Ben and His Mother
Little David
Richard Barton; or the Wounded
Little Jim, the Rag Merchant
Curious Jane
Jenny and the Showman
. Little Fan
Broken Window
Letty Young
Matty and Tom
The Orphans
John Madge
Philip Reeve
. Henry Harris
. rand £10,000
. Brave Little Tom
Ella’s Rose-bud
25. The Pedlar’s Loan
. Milly’s New Year
. Only a Ladybird
- The First False Step
» Richard Shaw
Charley’s Disappoint-
ment; or, Making the Best of it. By
Mrs. Carey Brock. 3d.
A Lad with a Good
Character, xd.
Orphan Boy; or, How
Little John was Reclaimed. 1d.
Son of My Friend. 1d.
Juvenile Library. Small
Books containing Stories for Children.
Well illustrated. Nos. 1 to 72. One
halfpenny each; and may also be had
in assorted Sixpenny Packets, A, B, C.
D, E, and F.
1. Fear of Ridicule
2, The Two Nests
3. Little Helpers
4 Anecdotes of Dogs
5. The Two Bears
6. Questions with Answers
7. Beautiful Garment
8 The Bird’s Nest
g. The Organ Boy
Lessons on Kindness
11. Spring Flowers
12. ‘True Duncan
13. Bread cast upon the Waters
14. Greek Testament
15. Brave Sailor Boy
16. ‘* You Can’t Straighten It.â€
17. Child Colporteur .
18. Boy that could be trusted
1g The Golden Star
zo. What a Blind Child can Do
at. Be Truthful
2. Child’s Resolution
3. Soldier and Princess
4. Have you a Winter Garaen
5. Trembling Eyelid
26. Willie Harris
27. The “ Cry†Boy
28. Troublesome Joe
29. The Tell-Tale
30. John Reynolds
31. Pleasures of the Country
32. Bennie Wilson’s Anti-Society
3. Robert, the Stone-Thrower
34. Little Frank and Old ‘‘ Dobbinâ€
35. True Bravery
36. Nellie Lindsay
37. A Youthful Hero
38. The Clever Boy
39. Little Hugh’s Tool-Box
4o. Try Company
4t. Remarkable Answer to Prayer
42. What Echo said
43. Girl at the Well
44. Juvenile Inquiries
45. The Young Cadet
46. Elijah in the Desert
47. Greedy Bill a
48. A Happy New Year
49. “ Please, Sirâ€
so. Young Sailor
51. Horses fiom the Wood
52 Little Bertha
53. White Feather of Peace
54. Helping Father to Garden.
55. Indian Chief
56. Christmas ‘Tree
57. It Rains
58. Young Patriot
59 ‘‘Witha will, Joeâ€
60 Letter to Little Boys and Girls
61. Young Drummer’s PatchworkQuilt
62. Poor Boy who became a great
63. Little Gleaner
64. Pincher’s Friend
65. Help a Fellow-Creature
66. Bargain with the Pump
67. Bridal Wine-cup
68. Plymouth Boatman
69. True and False Courage
jo. Be Kind to your Mother
71. What the Birds say
2. Ministry of Flowers
The Babes in the Basket;
or, Daph and her Charge. Cloth, 2s. 6d.
The Church Mouse. By
Mrs. H. J. Burge Smith.
Little Girl and Mouse. 1s.
‘“‘Come Home, Mother!â€â€™
A Story for Mothers. by Nelsie Brook.
A Story ofa
Cloth, xs.
Cousin Bessie: A Stcry
of Youthful Earnestness. Cloth, 1s.
Crosses of Childhood;
or, Little Alice and her Friend. Cloth,ts.
The Governess; or, The
Missing Pencil Case. Cloth, 1s.
Jenny’s Geranium ; or,The
Prize Flower of a London Court. Cloth,
Jessie Dyson. A Tale for
the Young. By John A. Walker. With
numerous illustrations. Cloth, rs.
Lucy Bell’s First Place.
A Story for Domestics. Cloth, rs.
Marie and the Seven
Children. A Tale for Elder Girls. By
Mrs. Geldart. Cloth, zs.
Maude’s Visit to Sandy
Beach. By the Author of “Crosses of
Childhood.†Cloth, 1s,
Mind whom you Marry;
or, The Gardener’s Daughter. By the
Rev. C. G. Rowe. Cloth, rs.
Mother’s Stories for her
Children, By Mrs. Carus Wilson.
Cloth, rs.
Rachel; or, Little Faults.
By Charlotte Elizabeth, Cloth, 1s. .
Rosa ; or, The Two Castles,
By Miss Bradburn, Cloth, rs,
Sybil and Her Live
Snowball. By the Author of “ Dick
and his Donkey.†1s.
Nettie Leigh’s Birthday.
By A. E. R. Cloth, 6d.
Procrastinating Mary. A
Story for Young Girls. 6d.
‘Rosa May’s Christmas
Dream, and What Came of it. 6d.
The Tiny Library. See
“ Books for Boys.â€
Tottie’s Christmas Shoes.
By Nelsie Broes. Cover printed in
colours, 6d.
Annie Baker ; or, The Lit-
tle Pilgrim. By Margaret Murchison. 3d.
Faithful Bessie. By the
Author of ‘* Dick and his Donkey.†3d.
More Ways than One;
or, The Little Missionary. By Mrs.
Carey Brock. 3d.
What Small Hands may
do; or, Filial Affection. 3d.
Young Susan’s First
Place; or, A Young Servant’s Diffi-
culties. 3d.
A Little Voice. A Sudden
Snare. By Mrs. C. L. Balfour. xd.
On Dress. By the Rev.
John Weley, 1d,
(See also Tentperance, and Sunday
The Dairyman’s Daugh-
ter: an Authentic Narrative. By the
Rev. Legh Richmond, M.A. Cloth,
ts. 6d. ; gilt, 2s. 6d.
Good Servants,* Good
Wives, and Happy Homes, By the
Rey. T. H. Walker. Cloth, 1s. 6d. +
The History of Susan
Gray, as related by a Clergyman. By
Mrs. Sherwood. Cloth, rs. 6d.
Nancy Wimble, the Vil-
lage Gossip. Cloth, 1s. 6d.
Nurse Ellerton: A Tale
of Domestic Life. By the Author of
““Jenny’s Geranium.†“Cloth, rs. 6d.
Servant’s Magazine. The
Three Volumes for the years 1867 to
1869. Cloth, 1s. 6d. ; gilt edges, 2s.
Waste not, Want not:
a Book for Servants, Cloth, rs. 6d.
Bible Pattern of a Good
Woman. By Mrs. Balfour. Cloth, rs.
Cliff Hut; or, The Perils of
a Fisherman’s Family. Cloth, rs.
Homely Hints on House-
hold Management. By Mrs. C. L.
‘Balfour. Cloth, zs.
Lucy Bell’s First Place.
A Story for Domestics. By Nelsie
Brook. Cloth, rs.
Mind whom you Marry;
or, The Gardener’s Daughter. By the
Rev. C. G. Rowe. Cloth, rs.
Toil and Trust ; or, Life-
Story of Patty, the Workhouse Girl.
By Mrs. Balfour. Cloth, rs.
Widow Green and her
Three Nieces. By Mrs. Ellis. Cloth, 1s.
Hannah Twist: a Story
about Temper. By Miss Bakewell.
Cloth, 6d.
Kitchen Temperance So-
ciety, and how it was Formed. Cloth, 6d.
Scrub; or, The Workhouse
Boy's First Start in Life. Cloth, 6d.
The Victim; or, An Eve-
ning’s Amusement at the ‘‘ Vulture.â€
Cloth, 6d.
Address to Young Ser-
vants, Spacey, to those just entering
Service. 3d.
Faithful Bessie. By the
Author of ‘‘ Dick and his Donkey.†3d.
Message from White-
chapel; or, Scenes in a London Hos-
pital ‘By Augustus Johnstone. 3d.
Uncle David’s Advice to
Young Men and Young Women on
Marriage. 3d.
Uncle David's Visit to a
New Married Wife, and the Counsels
he gave her. 3d. ,
Young Susan’s First
Place ; oe A Young Servant’s Diffi-
“It’s Nobbut†and “‘Niv-
ver Heed.†By Robert Baker, Esq.,
Inspector of Factories. 2d.
Aunt Mary’s Preserving
Kettle. By T. S. Arthur. 1d.
The Mother’s Picture
Alphabet. A Page to each Letter. Dedi-
cated by the Queen’s special permission
to H.R.H. Princess Beatrice. Paper
Boards, 5s.
Little Rosebud’s Album.
With x30 Illustrations by Sir John Gil-
bert, Harrison Weir, Robert Barnes, etc.
Being a Companion Volume to ‘My
Pet’s Album.†Cloth, 5s.
My Darling’s Album. A
companion volume to ‘‘My Pet's
Album,†with full-page illustrations.
Cloth, 5s.
MyMother. By Ann Taylor.
A Series of Twelve Oil Pictures, to
illustrate this well-known ballad. Cloth,
gilt, ss.
My Pet’s Album. A Book
for the Nursery. Cloth, 5s.
My Pet’s Picture Book.
With full-page illustrations. Cloth, 5s.
Companion vol. to ‘“‘ My Pet’s Album.â€
Child-land. Full of Pic
tures and suitable letterpress. Cloth, 4s.
The Children’s Picture
Roll. Consisting .of 3z Illustrated
Leaves, with large type_ letterpress,
suitable to hang up in the Nursery,
Schoolroom, etc. Price 3s.
Natural History Picture
Roll, consisting of 31 Illustrated Leaves,
with simple large type letterpress,
suitable to hang up in the Nursery,
Schoolroom, etc. Price 3s.
The Babes in the Basket;
or, Daph and her Charge Cloth, 2s. 6d.
Music for the Nursery.
Revised by Philip Phillips, the ‘* Sing-
ing Pilgrim†A Collection of Fifty of
the Sweet Pieces for the “ Little Onesâ€
that have appeared in the ‘‘ Infant’s
Magazine,†etc, Handsomely bound in
cloth, 2s. 6d.
Songs and Hymns for
the Little Ones. Compiled by Uncle
John. With numerous Engravings,
new edition. Cloth, es. 6d.
Important Truths in
Simple Verse. Cloth, 1s. 6d.
Kitty King. A Book for
the Nursery. With full-page engravings.
Cloth, 1s. 6d.
Rhymes worth Remem-
eee Cloth, rs.
The “ Children’s Friendâ€â€™
Series. Coloured covers, and many
engravings. 1s. each.
x. Talk with the Little Ones
2. Ronald’s Reason; or, The Little
3. Sybil and her Live Snowball
4, Short Steps for Little Feet
5. How Peter’s Pound became a Penny
6. How Paul’s Penny becamea Pound
z- John Oriel’s First Start in Life
8. Dick and his Donkey
g. The Young Potato-Roasters
zo. Little Woodman and his Dog Czsar
az. ‘he Church Mouse
r2. Herbert’s First Year at Bramford
13. Buster and Baby Jim
14. Grumbling ‘ommy and Contented
15. The Bird’s Nest.
The above books, printed in large type,
form an attractive little library for the
young folks.
The New Iilustrated
Primer. By Old Humphrey. Revised
by T. B.S. In large type.†Cloth, is. ;
paper covers, 6d, ‘This copiously illus-
trated Primer will, it is hoped, be found
a little treasure in the nursery.
The Tiny Library. Books
printed in large type. Nos. x to 29.
Cloth, 6d. eacn.
Little Tracts for Little
Folks. By various authors. In packets
6d. Vol. od.
The Carol Singers. By
Miss Matthews. wid.
Juvenile Library. Small
Books containing Stories for Children.
Well Illustrated. Nos. r to 72, One half-
penny each, and may be had im assorted
Sixpenny Packets—A, B, and C, D, E,
and F.
The Christian Monitor;
or, Selections from Pious Authors. Cloth,
as. 6d.; cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6d.
Illustrated Sabbath
Facts; or, God’s Weekly Gift to the
Weary. Reprinted from the “ British
Workman.†. Cloth, rs. 6d. aa
The Belief. Printed in Co-
lours on Cartridge Paper. 22 by 15. 4d.
The Lord’s Prayer. Print-
ed in Colours on Cartridge Paper. 22
by 15. 4d.
Cabman’s Holiday. By
Miss Sinclair, 3d.
Farmer Ellicot; or, Begin
and End with God. 3d.
Is Half better than the
Whole? A Conversation about Sunday
Trading. 1d.
Scripture Texts. Texts in
Ornamental Borders. 1d.
Nellie Lindsay. i
What Put my Pipe Out;
or, Incidents in the Life of a Clergy-
man. Cloth, rs.
How Sam Adam’s Pipe
became a Pig. By J. W. Kirton,
Author of “* Buy your own Cherries.†6d.
Hints for Smokers, and
on the Useand Abuse of Tobacco. 3d.
What’s that to me? Num-
ber of the Illustrated Wall Papers. 1d.
Gleanings for the Draw-
ing-room. In Prose and Verse. Com-
piled by T. B.S. Medallion on side,
cloth, gilt edges, ros. 6d.
Half-hours with
Kings and Queens of England, con-
taining short sketches by W. H. G.
Kingston, and portraits drawn by
Edward Hughes, from the best autho-
rities in the British Museum, of each
monarch. Cloth, gilt edges, ros. 6d.
Happy Half-hours. Being
Ten Readings for Working Men. Bound
up inone volume. By various Authors.
Cloth, 3s.
Children’s Friend in
Arabic. Translated by Rev. ‘A. Tien,
M.A. Cloth, gilt edges, 2s. 6d.
Four Sermons. By the
Rev. John Wesley. Cloth, plain, 6d.
The Rod and its Uses;
or, Thomas Dodd and Bill Collins. By
Author of ‘‘ My Flowers,†Cloth, 6d.
Voice of Childhood; or,
The Influence and Poetry, the Wrongs
and the Wants of our Little Ones. By
John De Fraine. Cloth, 6d.
Readings for the Drawing
Room and Lecture Hall. Well printed,
with cover, price qd.
No. x. The Learned Jew.
5, 2. Dan, the Boy Bishop.
Two Irish Scenes. 3d.
Captain Ball’s Experi-
ence. id.
Chimney Sweepers and
their Friends. By R. P. Scott. xd.
The Cure of Evil Speak-
ing. By Rev. John Wesley. id.
Election Papers. 16 pp.
Tracts written by various Authors, 1d.
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A few words to the Irish People. By
Mrs. S.C. Hall. 2d.
Going Home for Christ-
mas. id.
How to Grow a Plant
and Win a Prize. « 1d.
On the Use of Money.
_By Rev. John Wesley. 1d.
On Redeeming the Time.
By Rev. John Wesley. 1d.
Sam Adams, Welch. 1d.
Halfpenny Illustrated
Books. 32mo. An assorted packet may
be had, containing one of each of Nos.
1 to 24, price Is.
Juvenile Pictorial Gal-
lery. This Series of handsome Illus-
trated Sheets for the Walls of Schools,
Nurseries, &c., is specially commended
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and Teachers.
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. The Honest Savoyard
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zo. Hole in the Pocket
tx. Hazel Dell
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Nos. 1 to 24 of these Sheets of the
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numbers in each, price one shilling. May
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change for two penny stamps by S. W.
Partridge and Co., 9, Paternoster-row,
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Back Numbers of any of the following
Illustrated Periodicals may be had as
under, being less than half-price :—
British Workman Packet, containing 125
copies, 5s.
Children’s Friend Packet, containing 125
copies, 5S.
Friendly Visitor Packet, containing 125
copies, 58.
Band of Hope Review Packet, containing
250 copies, 5S.
Infant’s Magazine Packet, containing 125
copies, 55.
Family Friend Packet, containing 125
copies, 5s.
The above charges do not include the
cost of carriage, and only refer to Back
Nos. Please be careful to order ‘‘ Back
Nos. Packets.â€
Illustrated Fly-Leaves.
Four-page Reprints from the ‘‘ Friendly
Visitor,†“ British Workman,†&c. Spe-
cially commended to Tract Distributors,
Sunday School Teachers, &c.
1. Providence will Provide
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4. Doing things on a Large Scale
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7. Daily Teachings
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g. Railway Guard
zo. Old Uncle Johnson
ur. The Debt is paid
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13. Please, Father, Come Home Early
14. Rees Pritchard and the Goat
15. The Beaten Carpet
. Blue Cart with the Red Wheels
. Secret of England’s Greatness
. Uncle Anthony
. Blind Mary
. Niff and his Dogs
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. Hunter’s Home, &c.
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. What’s This?
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. “There, you’ve gone over it
. “Father, don’t goâ€
“Hold ! Fire if you dare!â€
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. Sailor’s Funeral
. Aunt Bessy’s Proverb
. Auction at Sea.
. Gooseberry Basket
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Albatross and the Soldier
. Turning Point
. Scripture Patchwork Quilt
. Dark Without, Light Within
. Michael Donovan
. Old Deist
. Dr. Ely and the Old Negress
. How can these things be?
Blind Cobbler
. The Reprieve
. A Little Child shall Lead Them
. Wilt Thou Use or Abuse thy Trust?
60. No Swearing Allowed
. The Soldier in the Cell
. A Prodigal’s Return
. Does you love God?â€
. Jim Lineham’s Happy Blunder
. Mr. Collins and the Smoker
. Yeddie’s First and Last Communion
. Meeting of Chimney Sweepers
. How John Ross began to Kneel
A Life for a Life
. Pull out the Staple!
. A Happy Change; or, Good for
Trade “
John Brown, the Sensible Grave
. LTwopence a Day, and what it ac-
. A Gentle Reproof
. ‘Wl Father be a Goat, Mother?â€
. The Collier’s Widow’
. Lost! Lost !
8. The Five Steps
The Door in the Heart -
‘The Richest Man in the Parish
81. A Prodigal Restored
82. The Lost Sheep
83. John Morton's New Harmonium
84. Losings’ Bank and Savings’ Bank
85. Buy your.own Cherries
86. Harry’s Pint; or, Threepence a Day
87. A Plea for the Birds
88. The False Pilot and the True One
89. Swallowing a Yard of Land
go. Sceptic and Welsh Girl
gt. The Logic of Life
g2. The Life Preserver. .
93. The Lawyer’s Son; or, The Changed
94. The Plunge into the River
95. The Sceptic and the Minister
96. “I will Knock Againâ€
97. Ned Stokes, the Man-o’-War’s-Man
98. The Two Gardeners
99. The Weaver’s Lamp
too. The French Nobleman and Phy-
These Illustrated Fly-Leaves may be
had through any bookseller, or from 9,
Paternoster-row, London, at the rate of
2s. 6d. per 100; or in shilling packets, in
two volumes, cloth, 1s. 6d. each; gilt
edges, 2s. 6d., containing 40 assorted
numbers in each, and complete vol. x to
100, cloth plain, 4s. 6d.; gilt edges, 6s.
Portraits with Broad
Margins, suitable for framing. Printed
on toned paper, 6d. each
1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Princess of Wales and Infant Prince
3. Richard Cobden. By Henry Anelay
4. The Queen. A Medallion Portrait
of Her Majesty, with a facsimile of
her Autograph
. Prince Albert. A Medallion of the
late Prince
6. Prince and Princess of Wales
7. Garibaldi. Coloured Portrait. From
a Photograph by Negretti and
8. Lord Brougham
9. Napoleon III.
to. Princess Louise and Marquis of
Lorne. 1d.
Animals’ Friend Alma-
nac. With costly Engravings and Let-
terpress. rd.
Band of Hope Almanac.
With costly Engravings and_Letter-
press. rd.
British Workman Al-
manac. With costly Engravings and
Letterpress. 1d.
Everyone’s Almanac. 16
pages 4to. With numerous Engravings.
Foreign ‘‘ British Work-
man.†Printed in the following lan-
guages. id. each number.
Malagasy .. No. r
German oe si) gn hes
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Portuguese te one ee:
Russian .. I }
Spanish, Vol. 2, coloured cover, 1s. 6d.
French “Children’s
Friend.†Nos. x to 8. rd. each number.
Foreign ‘Infant’s Ma-
gazine.†Printed in various languages.
rd. each number.
German No. 1—2
French » I-8
Italian Ries
an af =e >» 1-8
Foreign Illustrated Fly
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Welsh .. ,, 1to4. 2s. 6d. per roo
Foreign Illustrate Wall
Papers. Printed in the following lan-
guages. 1d. each
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Foreign Almanacs. 1d.
Italian Almanac. With costly Illus-
Spanish Almanac. With costly Illus-
Spanish Primer. Well
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Lesson Book in Spanish Schools. 1s.
Jacobi Ben Israel, the
Learned Jew. In Hebrew. Paper cover
and gilt edges. _
Bought with a Price. In
French. 2d.
One Penny Monthly, Fourpence Quar-
terly. New Series.
The Family Friend. Vol.
for 1875. Covers printed in colours,
1s. 6d.; Cloth, 2s.; Gilt, 2s. 6d. each.
Illustrated by First-Class Artists. With
Narratives and Articles for Fathers,
Mothers, Children, and Servants. A
piece of Music, suitable for the Family
or the Nurseryin each number. Printed
on toned paper. Volumes for 1872 to
1874 still on sale.
In Numbers; Monthly, price One Penny.
British Workman. With
Full-page Pictures. The Yearly Part
for 1875, with cover, printed in colours,
price rs. 6d. Cloth, Gilt Edges, 2s. 6d.
Many of the Yearly Parts are at present
kept on sale. :
The Five-year Volumes (1865-69 3 70-743)
Cloth, 9s. ; Gilt Edges, ros. 6d. each.
In Numbers, Monthly, price One Penny.
Children’s Friend. With
Full-page Pictures. The Yearly Volume
for 1875, with cover printed in colours,
price 1s. 6d.; Cloth, as. ; Gilt Edges,
2s. 6d. each.
for Children appears in each number.
Volumes 1862 to 1874 are at present kept
on sale, in three sorts of binding, as above.
In Numbers, Monthly, price One Penny.
Infant’s Magazine. With
Full-page Pictures. The Yearly Volume
for 1875, with cover printed in colours,
rs. 6d. ; Cloth, 2s. ; Gilt Edges, 2s. 6d.
A piece of Music appears in each num-
The Volumes from 1867 kept on sale, in
three sorts of binding, as above.
In Numbers, Monthly, Price One Penny.
The Friendly Visitor.
Illustrated. A Magazine for the Aged.
Printed in bold Type. The Yearly
Volume for 1875, coloured cover, 1s. 6d. ;
Cloth, 2s.: Gilt Edges, 2s. 6d.
Volumes from 1867 in three sorts of
binding, as above.
In Numbers, Monthly, One Halfpenny.
Band of Hope Review.
With Full-page Pictures. The Yearly
Part for 1875, with cover printed in
colours, price 1s.; Cloth, Gilt Edges, 2s.
Complete Edition (1851-70), in Two
Volumes, Cloth, zos.; Gilt Edges, ras.
each. The Second Series (1861-75), in
Three Volumes, Cloth ss. ; Gilt, 6s. each.
All the Yearly Parts from the commence-
ment (185) are at present on sale.
Half hours withthe Kings
and Queens of England, containing
Short Sketches by W. H. G. Kingston,
and Portraits drawn by Edward Hughes,
from the best authorities in the British
Museum, of each Monarch. Gilt edges,
ros. 6d. : %
Our Zoological Friends ;
or, Conversations of an Uncle with his
Nephews and Nieces about Animals, &ce.
By Harland Coultas. Cloth, 6s.
My Darling’s Album. A
companion volume to “My Pet's Album.â€
With Full-page Illustrations. Cloth, ss.
Natural History Picture-
Roll, consisting of Thirty-one Illustrated
Leaves on Natural History Subjects,
with simple Large Type Letterpress.
Suitable to hang up in the Nursery,
Schoolroom, &c. Price 3s.
The Best Things. By the
Rev. Dr. Newton. With numerous Il-
lustrations. Cloth, 2s. 6d.
The King’s Highway. By
the Rev. Dr. Newton. With numerous
Illustrations. Cloth, 2s, 6d.
Vignettes of American
History. By Mary Howitt. New Edi-
tion, with Full-page Engravings. Cloth,
1s. 6d. Y
A Mother’s Stories for
her Children. By the late Mrs. Carus
Wilson. New Edition. Cloth, rs.
Digging a Grave with a
Wine-glass. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. New
Edition, with Engravings. . Cloth, xs.
Poor Blossom; the Story
of a Horse. Respectfully dedicated to
the Royal Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals. Cloth, 1s.
Anecdotes of Animals,
etc. 1d. each.
No. 5. Blackbird’s Nest.
», 6. How to manage Horses.
El Obrero. No. 15. 1d.
Does it Answer ? a Tract
for Soldiers-and Sailors. 1d.
Illustrated Penny Read-
ings. 1d. each.
No. 37. Woman’s Crusade.
Illustrated Wall-bills. rd.
No. 76. The Well-to-do Cabman
» 77- The Costermonger.
Friends of the Friendless.
By Mrs. C. L. Balfour. New Edition,
Cloth 6d.
Juvenile Library. Packet
F., 6d. In Numbers, Halfpenny each.
No Work, No Bread. By
“the Author of ‘‘Jessica’s First Prayer.â€
Cloth, 6d.
The Pearly Gates.
Mrs. C. Rigg, Author of “ Lost in the
Snow.†A Book for Sunday-school
Children. Cloth, 6d.
Readings for the Draw-
ing-Room and Lecture-Hail. Well
printed on toned paper, 4to size, with
cover. Price 4d. each.
No. 1. The Learned Jew.
,» 2. Dan, the Boy Bishop, etc
British Workman Series
of Tracts. With Cover and Engravings,
zd. each.
No. 9.
on 4s
a 15:
5). xO:
a» 19:
20. Little Sam Groves.
Coloured Series. With
Coloured Covers and Engravings. ad.
He Drinks.
Doing His Duty.
Good Fruit.
The Bent Shilling.
The Drummer Boy.
The Inch Augur.
Split Navvy.
“Put on the Break, Jim !â€
Taking up of BarneyO’ Rourke.
The House that John Built.
Articles of War.
each. :
No. 20. ‘Not a Drop more, Daniel.â€
»» 2. Mike Slattery.
»» 22. The Holly Boy.
»» 23. Melodious Mat.
New Envelope Series of
Tracts, for enclosure in Letters. Half-
penny each,
No. 1. “That's thee, Jem !†F
»» 2. The Richest Man inthe Parish.
3, 3: Lhe Secret of England’s Great-
ness. 4
» 4. “The Debt is Paid.â€
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