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Matt. xiii: 34.
_ Affectionately dedicated to my wife, whose tireless
effort in the religious training of our children, has
been largely the inspiration of this book.
O. E. M.
Orson E. Mallory.
“An ounce of Mother is worth a pound of Priestcraft in the
religious education of the young.†This old Spanish proverb will
never become obsolete, for it holds too many grains of truth.
God has ordained the parent to be the religious teacher of the
child. ‘Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and
in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they
may be as frontlets between your eyes. And ye shall teach them
your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and
when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou
risest up.â€â€” Deut. xi: 18, 20.
This work, which God has appointed for the parent, can never be
done by proxy. The object of this book is to assist the parent in
this religious instruction, and is designed for sabbath afternoon with the
children, The truth in each lesson is condensed as far as possible,
and yet hold the attention of the child; for it is intended to be sug-
gestive. Some parts of it are above the child, and intentionally so,
that other questions may be started which will need explanation, and
lead to the reading of the lesson from the Bible and general conver-
sation upon it. We believe that these sabbath hours may be so
spent as to lay the foundation of a moral and religious character, -
and leave the most sacred memories with the child for a life-time.
The book happily combines four elements essential in the religious
training of the young.
First: It gives the chief links in the chain of Bible history.
SEconD: It is, in brief, a system of theology.
THIRD: It is a catechism.
Fourtu: It is a book of object lessons.
We have many books representing individual features of this, but
we have seen none representing this combination, It is made attract-
ive to the child, and yet some great truth or doctrine is set forth in —
every lesson, fixing it indelibly on the mind of the child. Many
Christians are failing sadly in this work of religiously training the
young and looking for their early conversion. They feel this lack,
and are anxiously inquiring, how can I interest and instruct my child
in these great things? To answer this inquiry this little book has
been prepared, and we send it forth with humble hopes that it has a
blessed. mission to fulfill.
FESUOS BORN . oo ee et « 105
JESUS PERSECUTED «5 «© 5 6 6 6 5 8 eee
JESUS’ WISDOM . . ‘ . . ar) . 8 . . 117
JESUS BAPTIZED . e ° . - . . . . e 2 . 121
JESUS TEMPTED . . . a 125
JESUS DIVINE . . . . . - 6 8 ell Ot - I2g
JESUS WITH THE CHILDREN .« «© + «© «© © © © © «© 333
YESUS, MASTER OF SICKNESS . «© «© © «© © © © © «© I4%
JESUS, MASTER OF DEVILS . + © 6 © © © 2 2 8 + 745
JESUS, MASTER OF DEATH. 4 6 6+ ee 8 ee ee D
JESUS BETRAYED. . + «6 «© © © © © © © #© © 487
JESUS RISING FROM THE DEAD «> « 6 + 6 © © © © «© 165
JESUS ASCENDING TO HEAVEN . 6 «© «© «© «© © «© # + 169
OUTPOURING OF THE SPIRIT . «© «© «© © © © © © © 73
REPENTANCE . . 6 6 ee 8 ee TT
THE NEW BIRTH. . 6 6 «© © © © 8 © © 2 6 8
FAITE «wg we 185,
EARLY PIETV «4. 6 ww we 188
PRAVER 7 . . 2 . ° . ° . . . . ° . . « 193
OBEDIENCE . . .« «6 © © © «© © © © © © 8 9 197
LOVE 7 : : . . er . . . . . . . ° . - 201
THE JUDGMENT . «6 6 © © «© © © © o© #© © ¢ # 205
I want to tell you, dear children, all about the great
and good God,—some of the wonderful things he has «
- done. I know you want to hear about him, for he is
our Creator, our loving Father, and Savior.
The Bible tells us that he created all things. He
made this beautiful world with all it contains, and made
it for our good and pleasure. He made the bright sun to
give us light by day, the pale moon and the beautiful stars
to give us light by night. He made the sweet flowers
and put all the beautiful colors on them, that they might
be pleasing to our eye, and gave them their fragrance, that
‘we might take pleasure in smelling them. He made
the pleasant fruits for us to eat. The apples, the pears,
the peaches, and everything that delights our taste, that
we might take pleasure in eating.
He made the birds to sing to us so sweetly. He
gave us the docile horse to draw our burdens; the cow to’
give us milk; and sheep that we might have the wool to
make our clothes. Surely God is very great, and very
After God had created the beasts of the field, the
fowls of the air and the fish of the sea, he created
Adam and Eve, the first man and woman; and where do
you think he placed them; in a house such as we have ?
No, in a beautiful garden, as we see them in the picture,
where they were surrounded with birds and flowers and
fruits, and everything needful to make them happy. God
gave them rule over all he had created, but required of
them, that they should love, serve, and obey him. Was
it not right that he should ask this, after all he had done
for them ? .
They were to tend the garden and keep it beautiful.
They were perfectly happy; for as yet they had done no
wrong. Their hearts were full of love and joy like the
angels. If God came to meet them in the garden, they
ran with delight to meet him, for they were not afraid.
They were pure and innocent, and so could not fear.
| How nice it would be now, dear children, to have our
hearts so pure and free from sin, that we should never be
afraid of God; that we could always come into his pres-
ence with delight. It is only our wrong-doing that makes.
us afraid, and leads us to feel that we would like to get
out.of his sight. How’sad it was that Adam and Eve
ever lost their beautiful home, and so filled the earth with
sorrow and suffering ever since because of their sin. I
will tell you dear children more about their sad ruin in
the next lesson.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the
carth,’—GEN. i: I.
Who created all things ?
The great God.
How do we know this?
The Bible says so.
What do the works of God teach us ?
That he has almighty power.
How do we know that God is good ?
Because he made all things for us to enjoy.
Over what has God given man rule?
Over all he has created.
Where did God place Adam ?
In the Garden of Eden.
Why were they perfectly happy?
Because they knew no sin.
How then came sorrow into this world ?
By disobedience to God..
——_- e+e —____
_ Here we have a very sad story. It is the story of
the first sin that man ever committed. See, Eve is hand-
ing the fruit to Adam, which God commanded them not.
to eat. Why does she do it?
God had placed them in the beautiful Garden, and.
told them that they might eat of every tree in the Garden,
except one. If they ate of that tree, “they should surely |
die.†To die here means to destroy their peace with God,
and lose their happy state.
The great tempter, the Devil, in the form of a serpent:
(for this is the way he appeared to them), tried to make:
Eve believe that God did not mean what he said. He
told her that they would be wiser if they should eat; so.
she believed the Devil, and disobeyed God. She gave to
Adam, and they both ate, and fell. They knew that they
had sinned, and were made afraid. Instead of running to. -
meet God now, as they had done, they hid themselves.
from his face when he came to the Garden. O, how
unhappy they were! All peace and joy gone out of their
hearts. How glad they would have been to have taken
back what they had done; but it was impossible. They
had disobeyed God, and destroyed the harmony they had.
with him and his universe.
This makes them wretched and unhappy. You know
when sister was playing on the piano the other day, one
of the keys got out of tune, and you remember how terri-
bly it sounded, and how it spoiled all the music. So,
when our first parents sinned they were, in God’s world,
just like the discordant key in the piano; it was no longer
harmony and happiness, but discord and sorrow. I don’t
know, dear children, as you just understand me; but this
is what I want you to see,—that by disobedience man
has made all his own trouble.
We never can be made happy again, only as we have
a new heart; and this Jesus will give us, if we ask him
in faith, for this is what God promised immediately after
Adam and Eve had sinned. God told them that “the
seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head.†He »
meant by this that Jesus, who was to be born of a woman,
should at last destroy this sad work, which the Devil had
wrought by tempting our first parents to sin.
The promise of a Savior was at last fulfilled; and
Jesus died on the cross for us, that we might be saved in
heaven, if we give our hearts to him.
As Satan tempted our first parents, so we read that
he is still “going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom
he may devour.†It is this great enemy who comes to
you, children, to tempt you to say naughty words, or to
_ deceive your papa or mama, by telling wrong stories.
We are told to say to this enemy, “get thee behind me,
Satan,†and he will flee from us. He surely will, if we
ask Jesus to help us.
FALL OF MAN. - “1g
“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou
shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest
thereof, thou shalt surely die.†—GEN. ii: 17.
Who committed the first sin ?
Adam and Eve.
How did they sin?
By eating of the forbidden fruit.
Who tempted them ?
That great serpent, the Devil.
What was the effect of sin?
To make them afraid of God, and very unhappy.
What is sinful man like in this world?
Like a discordant key in a musical instrument.
What promise did God give them, after they had
sinned ?
The promise of a Savior, to save them from their
sins. .
How can we come back to God again?
By believing in Jesus, and having a new heart.
By whom are we now tempted ?
By the same enemy that tempted them.
Who has promised to give us victory over him?
Jesus, the mighty Savior. .
Here is an angel with a drawn sword in his hand.
See, he is driving Adam and Eve out of the beautiful
garden, where they have been so happy. Why does he
do this?
We learned, in our last lesson, that they disobeyed
God, and lost their purity. So God would not let them
live any longer in Eden, but sent his angel to drive them
out.. See, they are weeping sorely. How terrible a thing
sin is. :
God has pronounced his curse upon them. The
woman he tells, that he will greatly multiply her sorrow;
and the man, that the earth shall be cursed beneath his
feet. It should grow thorns and thistles, and all kinds of
weeds, compelling him to work hard to earn his bread.
God told him that “in the sweat of thy face shalt thou
eat bread:†It is‘because of sin that we have to labor and
toil and:suffer so much.
When God had driven Adam and Eve out of Para-
dise, they could not go back again. Was it not very sad ?
They would have done anything in the world to have
returned to holiness and happiness, but it was impossible.
We can do things that we cannot undo. You have
power to take an axe and cut off your fingers, but you have
no power to make them grow on again, but must go
maimed through life. Adam had power to ruin his soul,
but he had not power to restore it again. But “God so
loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son that
whosoever believeth in Aim, need not perish, but have
everlasting life.†He can save us, even if we have been
great sinners, and bring us back to heaven again, if we
accept Jesus to be our Savior. ,
Just think of it, children; when Adam and Eve had
sinned, God would not allow them to remain in his pres-
ence, but drove them out of Eden, which he had made so
beautiful and glorious for their home. Now if God would
~ not allow them to be in his holy presence while in their
sins, how is it possible for him to receive sinners back
into his presence, until they are cleansed in the blood of
Sin has made all our sorrow. Every time you weep,
remember it has been caused by sin. Every time you
are sick, or look upon death, remember sin brought it all
into the world. What sad ruin sin has brought upon
us! But, O, how precious to know, that Jesus can-forgive
us, and cleanse us, and make us as pure as the angels
again! Will you not ask him to do it?
ae herefore the Lord God sent him forth from the gar-
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den of L£iden, to till the ground from whence he was
taken.’ — GEN. iii: 23.
Who weredriven from Paradise?
Adam and Eve.
Why were they driven out?
Because they had sinned.
What else did God do to them ?
He pronounced a curse upon them.
What was the curse?
Toil and suffering.
What did God, in his great love for item do?
Gave his son Jesus Christ to save them.
What has made all the sorrow and trouble in this
~ world ?
It is sin.
How can we be saved from our sins, and be happy
again ?
By accepting this same Jesus to be our Savior.
We see, in this picture, two young men; one has a.
club in his hand, the other lies on the ground as if dead.
Who are they? Their names are Cain and Abel. They
are the first children born to,Adam and Eve. Cain, the
older one, is a murderer. How very sad that the first
man born into this world was a murderer. He killed his
_ This is the way it was done: The brothers came, one
Sabbath morning, to worship the Lord, each bringing an
offering to the altar. Cain brought the fruits he had
raised from the field, thinking his works would be accept-
able to God; but Abel brought:a lamb from the flock, and
slew it, and burned it on the altar. His offering was
pleasing to God, for it was an offering of blood to repre-
sent, by faith, Jesus, who in after years should die for our
God showed his favor to Abel’s offering in some way, ©
we don’t know just how, but probably by sending fire from
heaven to burn up the sacrifice, just as he did upon the
altar of Elijah.
When Cain saw that God had showed favor to his
brother’s offering and not to his, he was filled with jeal-
ousy, and was greatly enraged, so that he struck his
brother with a club, or some weapon, and killed him.
O, how their father and mother must have felt, when
they knew their dear boy was dead! But this did not
hurt them half as much as to know that their other boy
was a murderer. Would you not much rather hear that
your brother was dead than to hear that he had, in anger,
killed some other boy? I am sure I should. These
were the sad fruits of sin, which began so soon to be
manifested. .
We see, by the conduct of Cain, that he had a wicked
heart. The sinful nature of the parents, we now find in
the child. The parents disobeyed God by eating of the
forbidden fruit, and the child disobeyed also, only ina
more wicked act. We have the same sinful nature, and ~
wicked hearts, much like Cain.
Your schoolmate may do better than you, and be
given a better place in the class; you know that there is
a kind of jealous, ugly feeling inside, and you almost wish
them dead, or that something would happen to them.
This is just the feeling which Cain had, only his was so
strong that it led him to strike the blow which killed his
brother. We have a great many ugly, naughty feelings, .
which show that our natures are sinful, much like Cain’s.
We could never be happy with such natures in heaven,
and this is why Jesus has said, “Except a man be born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.†We need a
new heart.
“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in
the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts
of his heart was only evil continually.â€â€” GEN. V1: 5.
Who have sinful natures ?
All mankind.
How was this seen ? ; ‘
In Cain, who slew his brother.
Why did he kill his brother ?
Because he was jealous of him.
What do we mean by sinful natures?
Hearts opposed to God.
How do we show it?
By our sinful thoughts and acts.
What do we all need?
A new heart. |
How may we obtain it?
By believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.
What will this do for us ?
It will bring us back to heaven and happiness.
Children, you have heard about the flood, when God
drowned all the people on the earth, but Noah and his
family. How terrible was the scene! All the men, the
women, the children, the animals and the birds, all living
creatures were drowned in the flood.
Surely God must have been very angry with man.
Why do you think it was? It was because he was so
sinful. This sinful nature, we learned about in our last
lesson, which led Cain to kill his brother, had led the
people into such wickedness that there were no righteous
ones to be found on the earth, save Noah and his family.
This is why God was so angry with the race, and sent the
flood to drown them.
He told Noah to build a great boat for himself and
family, and take into it also, two of every kind of beast
and bird. When all were: in the ark, God shut the door
himself, so they were safe.
Then the rain began to pour down, and we see the
people climbing to the hilltops to escape the flood, but the
water follows them until the top of every mountain is
covered, and every living thing has perished, except those
that were in the ark. We see by this terrible ee
how God hates sin.
When we see the great wickedness of men now, we
might fear that God would send another flood, if he had
not promised that he never would. When Noah came
out of the ark, God set the beautiful rainbow in the
clouds, and told him that this should be the token of his
promise, that he would never send another flood. How
glad they were of this promise, for without it they would
always have been afraid when they saw the dark clouds
gathering, fearing that another flood might be coming.
‘Now whenever they saw the beautiful rainbow in the sky,
they remembered the promise of God.
Jesus is represented by the rainbow of promise.
' The storm of divine justice which should have fallen upon
us, has fallen upon him; and as the storm has passed, we
see Jesus as the bow of promise to us, showing that the
storm of God's justice will never fall upon those who are
hid in him.
He hates sin the same nowas he did when he
drowned the world, but he can be just and yet justify
those who believe in Jesus. This is the way we can
have the favor of God again, and come to heaven at last.
“And God looked upon the earth, and behold it was cor-
rupt,; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the
carth.â€â€™â€” GEN. Vi: 12,
Who hates sin ?
God, and all holy beings.
How did God show his hatred to sin?
By sending the flood to drown the world.
Who built the ark ?
- Who were saved in the ark?
Noah and his family.
What went into the ark, besides Noah and his family?
Two and two of every beast and bird.
What promise did God make to Noah?
' That he would never drown the world again.
What token did he give Noah to help his memory ?
A rainbow on the cloud.
Will the storm of God’s wrath find the sinner?
It will, unless covered by the blood of Christ.
— HAM.
This is Abraham you see looking up at the stars in |
the heavens. The Angel of the Lord is telling him the
great promise of God, how he will bless him and make
his seed as the stars of heaven for multitude.
In our last lesson we learned how God sent the flood
on the earth to destroy the people because of their wicked-
ness. We should think that, after they had seen such an
exhibition of God’s anger against sin, they would have
done better. But they continued to sin very much as
God determined to choose a people, and have them
under his special care. So he called Abraham to be the
father of this nation, and made a covenant with him. He
told him that he would bless him greatly, that he would
give him the rich and fertile land of Canaan to dwell in.
God told him to arise at once and go to it, and he would
show it to him. Abraham was Obedient, for he believed
God, and arose and went as commanded.
When Abraham had reached the land the Lord had
promised him, he at once reared an altar and worshiped
God. This is the way they worshiped in those days.
They would build an altar of stones, laying wood thereon,
then kill alamb or some other animal and put on the wood ;
then set fire to it. As the fire ascended, they would offer
their prayer. The death of the lamb was to show that they
deserved death, but that they believed in the promised
sacrifice of God, even his only Son in the fulness of time.
This. faith was pleasing to God, and he forgave their sins,
and accepted their offering. God kept his covenant with
Abraham, and made of him a great nation, and blest him
greatly. It was of his seed that our Saviour was born.
So it was true, what God told him, that in him shculd
all the nations of the earth be blessed. God prospered
Abraham, so he had great flocks and herds, men-serv-
ants and maid-servants, and much gold and silver. He
was always obedient to the voice of the Lord. He would
go just where God led him, and do just what God told
him. So he was called the Father of the faithful.
From him descended the whole Jewish race, we read
so much about in the Bible. God made his covenant with
Abraham, promising to make his children and his child-
ren’s children like the stars of heaven for multitude. God
also promised to give them the Land of Canaan, the rich-
-est country then in the world. God never forgot his
covenant, but kept his promise.
“And I will make of thee a great nation, and [ will bless
thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a
blessing.†—GEN. Xii: 2.
With whom did God make his covenant ?
With Abraham.
What did God promise to give to Abraharn?
A great and good land.
What else did he promise?
To bless him and his posterity.
How did Abraham show his gratitude?
He built an altar, and worshiped.
What made his offering acceptable?
Faith and obedience.
What promise did God make concerning his posterity?
That they should be in multitude as the ‘stars of
What great, person was born of Abraham’ s seed?
Jesus, our Savior.
IC es
God had made great promises to Abraham, but it
was to be many years before they were to be fulfilled; so
the Lord came to him several times and repeated the
solemn covenant, that he might not be left in doubt.
When Abraham was dead, for fear his children and his
children’s children would be unbelieving, the Lord ap-
peared unto Jacob, his grandchild, and told him the same
thing he told his grandfather Abraham.
Our picture shows how it was. Jacob was journeying
through the country, and stopped to lodge for the night.
He took a stone for his pillow, and lay down to sleep.
In his sleep he saw a wonderful vision—a ladder reaching
up to heaven, and angels were passing over it. At the
top of the ladder he heard the voice of God repeating the
promise he made long before to his grandfather Abraham,
that he would bless him, and his children after him, and
go with them in all their journeys, and would give unto |
them the land of blessing.
When Jacob awoke, he was both glad and afraid.
He said, “Surely the Lord was in this place, and I knew -
it not.†No wonder he felt afraid at such a vision; I
think you or I would have felt very much the same. He
was filled with joy also, for it was a great honor to have a
visit from God and his angels. The ladder he saw reach-
ing up to heaven, taught him that there was a way of
communication between earth and heaven. Jacob needed
this, for he had just defrauded his brother of his birth-
right, and might have felt that heaven was closed. to him.
God gave him this vision to show him that there was
mercy for him, and that heaven was not closed .to a pray-
ing soul. The angels he saw going up and down over the
stairway, were to show him that God was not only merci-
ful, and would forgive, but that he had sent ministering
angels to help him in the difficult ascent.
We have the same privilege, and may have the same
honor, of a visit from the Lord, only we are not permitted
to see God with our eyes; but he has told us if we open
our hearts to him, he will come in and dwell with us.
This. is much better for us than it would be to see
him. How do we know that he is with us, if we cannot
see him? We feel his presence and love in our hearts.
We do not see the wind ‘blow, but we feel it on our face,
and are just as certain that it is blowing, as though we saw
it-with our eyes. So we know Jesus is. with us, by his
power in our hearts.
Jacob went on his way rejoicing, assured that God
would keep his covenant, and bring his pesteny into the
good land of promise.
And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth,
and the top of tt reached to heaven: and behold the
angels of God ascending and descending on it.—
GEN. xXviii: 12.
With whom did God renew his covenant ? |
With Jacob, at Bethel.
How did he appear to Jacob?
In a vision, by night.
What did he see?
A ladder reaching to heaven, with angels passing
Over it.
What did he hear ?. |
The voice of God speaking to him.
What did God teach him by the ladder?â€
That there was still communication between earth .
and heaven.
What did God teach by the angels?
That they were ministering spirits to help him.
Does God come to us now?
He does, by his Spirit.
To whom does he come?
To those who love and obey him.
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This young man we: see in the picture is Joseph,
Jacob's son, telling Pharaoh, king of Egypt, about a
dream he had. God gave Joseph great wisdom, and the
king loved him much. How came he in this strange
country ?—for this was not his native land. I will tell you.
Jacob, of whom we learned in our last lesson, had
twelve sons. One of the boys, whose name was Joseph,
was greatly loved by his father, and he made him a beau-
tiful coat of many colors. His brothers were jealous of
him, because they thought their father loved him best.
One day the father sent Joseph out into the field to
see how his brothers were getting along tending the sheep,
for they were shepherds. When they saw him coming,
they determined, in some way, to destroy him. Seeing
some Egyptian merchants coming, they sold him as a
slave to them. O, what a wicked act! Joseph was car-
ried by them into Egypt; but God was with him, and
gave him great wisdom. ; : ~
King Pharaoh had a strange dream one night. He
Saw seven fat cattle coming out of the river, and after-
ward, seven lean or poor ones. No one -could tell him.
what his dream meant, until Joseph was called. He told
him there were to be seven years of plenty, and then seven
years of famine. The king saw that he was a very wise
boy, and made him governor over Egypt.
Then Joseph saved all the corn he could in the years
of plenty, so he could feed the people during the years of
famine. Joseph’s father and brothers were starving in
Canaan for want of food. Joseph’s brothers came down
to Egypt, to buy corn, and who should they meet but
Joseph, the brother they sold as a slave years before.
Now you may think that Joseph wanted to punish them
when he saw them. No; he had no such wicked heart as
they had. He loved and feared God. His brothers did
not know him, he was dressed so differently and lived in
a king’s palace. :
Joseph did not tell them who he was then; he sold
them corn, and told them to bring their younger brother
down to him. The younger brother was Benjamin, whom
the father loved dearly. He felt very bad to have Benja- —
min go, lest some evil might befall him as had come to
Joseph. At last he parted with him witha sorrowful heart;
but what great joy filled the soul of the old patriarch, when
-his boys returned and told him that Joseph was yet alive,
and that he was governor over all Egypt. How his spirit
revived when he saw the horses and chariots Joseph had
sent to bring him and his family down into Egypt, where
they might feed on the fat of the land. So God kept his
covenant, and saved his people in time of famine.
“ And God sent me before you to preserve you a poster-
ity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great
deliverance.’— GEN. XLV: 7.
How did God show his care for his people?
By providing for them in time of famine.
Who was sold by his brothers as a slave?
How did Joseph become a great man in Egypt?
Because the Lord was with him, and prospered him. »
How did Joseph come to see his brethren again ?
They came to Egypt to buy corn.
Why were his brothers afraid when they saw him?
Because they had wickedly sold him into Egypt.
How was Jacob’s sorrow turned into joy?
By hearing that Joseph was yet alive.
What did Joseph do for the family?
He took care of them through years of famine.
What did Joseph say about it all ?
That it was of the Lord to preserve his people. |
GENESIS, 41. Phy
This little boy you see, looking up so sweetly from
the cradle, is Moses, whom God afterward called to do
a great work for him. Let me tell you how God so won-
derfully preserved Moses when he was a little baby.
Moses’ mother was a Hebrew woman, and lived in
Egypt. The king of Egypt feared that the descendants
of Jacob might grow strong in the land, and make them
trouble; so he made a cruel law, that all the baby boys
should be slain as soon as they were born. What a cruel
king he must have been.
When Moses was born, his mother, in some way,
hid him in an ark of bulrushes, and made it to float on
the water. The ark was hid in the rushes, near where
Pharoah’s daughter came down to the river to bathe.
She heard the little baby crying, and took pity on him,
and adopted him as her son.
So this little boy did not have to die, but became a
member of the king’s family. When the king’s daughter
wanted a nurse for the baby, who do you think was
found? Why it was Moses’ own mother; but no one
knew it was his mother. Was not this very nice; that
she could be with her own little boy, and both of them be
cared for in a king’s palace ?
God was in all this, for he wanted a great man to
lead his people out of the bondage of Egypt, and so
brought Moses into the king’s court, to be educated in
the wisdom of the Egyptians. When he had grown to
be a man, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's
daughter, but preferred to suffer affliction with his own
people. He became a shepherd ; and one day, when he
was tending the sheep in the lonely mountain, God ap-
peared to him in a burning bush. Moses saw the bush all
ablaze, and yet it did not burn up. He thought it very
strange, and so came near; but God spake to him out of
the burning bush, saying, “ Put off thy shoes from off thy
feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. .
Then God told him that he had seen the suffering of
his people, and would send him to deliver them.
Moses left his flocks, to go and do as the Lord had.
said. He greatly feared to go before the wicked king,
Pharaoh, lest he would not hear, and would not let God's
people go. But the Lord told Moses what to do, to prove:
to the king that he had sent him. He was to cast a staff
on the floor, in the presence of the king, and it should be-
come a serpent. This, and many other things he did, to
prove that the Lord had sent him.
“Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh,
that thou mayest bring forth my people the children:
of Israel out of Egypt.—Ex. m1: 10. ©
Whom did God call to lead his people out of bondage >
Moses, who was found in the ark of bulrushes.
By whom was he found?
By the king’s daughter.
Who was called to nurse him?
His own mother.
Where did he live?
In the king’s palace.
How did this happen?
The Lord ordered it.
Where was Moses called to his great work ?
At the burning bush.
Why did Moses fear to go before the king?
He was afraid he would not believe God had sent him..
What did the Lord tell him to do?
Cast his staff on the ground, and it should become a
Exopus, 2.
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See those men so hard at work. Who are they?
Listen, and I will tell you. We learned in a previous.
lesson that Jacob and his family had come into Egypt to.
be fed by the boy Joseph, who had been sold by his broth-
ers as a slave, but whom God had made ruler over all
The king was pleased at first, ee Joseph's friends.
had come, for he loved Joseph very much. By and by,
when this king was dead, and another had taken his place,
who did not know about Joseph, the new king became
very oppressive. He was afraid these people would be-
come stronger than his people, for God had greatly blest.
and multiplied them; and so he made a cruel command,
_ that every male child should be slain as soon as he was.
This was why Moses was hid in the bulrushes, by his
mother, to save his life. The wicked king not only had
_the little baby boys slain, but he made the people serve
him as'slaves, making brick, and doing all the hard labor
the king could find.
God saw all this, and he remembered the covenant he
had made with their fathers, to multiply and prosper
them, and lead them to a land flowing with milk and
honey. God sent Moses to tell the king of his purpose.
Now the king might ask, what authority have you
to tell me to let the people of Israel go? So God had told
him to take a staff with him and cast it on the floor, and
it should become a serpent in the sight of Pharaoh.
Pharaoh was greatly frightened when he saw the serpent
on the floor, but he refused to hear God, and let the peo-
ple go, and did not until repeated judgments had been
sent upon him.
You have read how God sent frogs over all the land,
so that they filled their houses, and the people would find
them in the tray where they mixed their bread.
God sent lice upon them, to cover man and beast.
He turned the rivers and streams to blood, so that the
people could not get any pure water. These were some
of the terrible afflictions which the Lord sent upon the
people of Egypt, to make them willing to let his people
At last, when God had tried everything else to no
purpose, he determined to make Pharaoh willing, by de-
stroying the first-born in every family. We learn of this
in the next lesson.
God wanted to lead his people back into Canaan, and
separate them from other nations, to make of them a great
nation for himself. This is why he allowed them to suffer
so in Egypt, that they might not want to stay there.
« And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in.
mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service
in the frield—FEx. 1: 14. .
What people were in bondage in Egypt?
The children of Israel.
How came they in Egypt?
They went there in time of famine.
Why did the king oppress them ?
Because he feared they might become greater than he. |
What were they compelled to do?
To work in brick and mortar.
What did God do for them?
Delivered them from their bondage.
- How did he make Pharaoh willing to let his people
By sending grievous afflictions upon him.
What great affliction was sent at last?
God slew the first-born in all the Egyptian families.
What was the effect of the bondage upon Israel?
It made them long for the land of promise.
Exopbus, I.
In this picture we see friends standing around the
bed, on which lies a dead child. You will see they are
dressed like a king’s family. It is in the palace of king
Pharaoh. His ‘arst-born son is dead. There was not
only death in the king’s home, but the first-born in every
Egyptian family was dead.
. It is a very strange story; let me tell you about it.
God had sent many judgments upon the Egyptians, to
make them willing to let his people go out of their land,
but the proud and haughty king had refused to hear:God;
so the Lord determined to slay the oldest child in every
home in Egypt. He sent a death angel through the land
to do this dreadful work. Now, the Lord wanted to save _
his people, the children of Israel, from this terrible afflic-
tion, and so he told them what to do.
As they were living among the Egyptians, the Lord
told them they must take a lamb and slay it the night the
death angel was to come, and sprinkle the blood on the
door-posts of their houses. So when the angel came and
saw the blood, he would pass over that house, for he knew
some of God's people were there. But in every house of
the Egyptians there was great sorrow, for the angel of the
Lord had slain the first-born in every family, even unto
the king’s home.
Now the wicked king began to fear Goa, and told
the children of Israel to go, and go in haste, lest some
worse plague should come upon them. The lamb that
was killed, and the blood sprinkled on the doorposts, was
a type of the dear Savior, whose blood has been shed to
save US.
Whosoever has been cleansed by that blood, the de-
stroying angel will pass over, when God shall judge the
world. As the king had told the people to go, Moses had
them make ready in haste, and start out of Egypt a very
great company.
[know you will think it strange, children, when I tell
you that this wicked king, after all the judgments God
had sent upon him, gathered together a great army, and
followed after them. They had been his slaves so long:
he hated to give them up. He came up close behind them
at the Red Sea, and the poor Israelites thought, now we
are sure to be swallowed up. But God told Moses to |
reach his rod out over the waters, and the waters parted
and stood up like a wall on either side. Then Moses said
to the people, “Go forward,†and they walked right through
the sea on dry ground.
The Egyptians thought they could do the same thing,
but when in the middle of the sea, God caused the waters
to roll back to their place again, and Pharaoh, with all his
hosts, were drowned. So God delivered his people.
“For will pass through the land of Egypt this night,
and will smite all the first-born in the land of
Egypt, both man and beast.’ —Ex. 12: 12.
How did God deliver his people from bondage ?
By fearful judgments upon Pharaoh and his people.
What great affliction was at last sent?
The death angel, to: slay the first-born of: all the
Did the king’s home escape ?
No; his first-born was slain.
Who went to Pharaoh to tell God’s purpose ?
Moses, whom God called at the burning bush.
How were God’s people saved from the death angel ?
By the blood of the slain lamb.
Of whom was this lamb a type?
Of Jesus, our Saviour.
When the people had started, who followed them ?
Pharaoh, with a great army.
What became of Pharaoh’s army ?
They were swallowed up in the sea.
- Exopbus, 12.
. >
The people you see in the picture are picking up
something from the ground. What do you think it is?
It is manna, or bread which God rained down from heaven.
This seems a strange way to get bread, but it is the way
God fed his people for forty years in the wilderness.
I told you, in our last lesson, that the children of
Israel had just escaped from the Egyptians, by passing
through the Red Sea on dry land. Their enemies were
swallowed up in the sea— Pharaoh, with all his host. The
people were very glad when they saw the wonderful deliv-
erance God had wrought for them, and they went forth
with music and dancing, and rejoiced greatly before him.
They soon found, however, they had come into a wil-
derness, where there was no bread for so vast a multitude.
But God had made great promises to his people, how he
would lead them and care for them; so he did not leave
them here to starve. No, he caused bread to rain down
from heaven, and the people went out in the morning and
gathered it. .
They could gather only enough for one day at a
time; if they tried to keep it over it would spoil. On
Saturday they could gather enough for Sunday, and it
would keep; for God had given the Sabbath as a day to
be kept holy, and they were not allowed to do any work
on that day. Here in the wilderness they scon found
that they were without water also. This God gave them
by another wondrous miracle.
He told Moses to go into a certain place, and strike
a great rock with his rod, and the water should gush out
to satisfy all their thirst. He did as God told him, anda
great stream ran out of the rock, and flowed down the
valley. O, how glad the people were to see the water,
and how eagerly they dipped their cups, and drank, for
some of them were nearly famished, and little children
almost ready to die for want of water.
These people not only had bread and water given
them directly from the hand of God, but God told them
just where to go, by a pillar of cloud going before them
by day, and a pillar of fire by night. When God wanted
them to’stand still, the cloud would stand still, but when
he wanted them to march, then the cloud would move for-
ward. How nice it was, not to have any care, but to trust
the Lord for everything.
Would you not think that such a people would be
very good and obedient to the Lord? But it was not so.
They were often disobedient, provoking the anger of the
Lord, and bringing the judgments of God upon them.
“Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will vain
bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go.
out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may
prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or
m0. —Ex. 16: 4.
Who was with the children of Israel in the wilderness ?
The Lord God.
What did they do when they saw: their enemies
were destroyed?
They rejoiced greatly.
How did God feed them in the wilderness?
| By raining manna from heaven.
How often did they have to gather it?
Every day, except Sunday.
Why did God wish them to gather every day ?
To teach them their dependence on him.
How did God provide water for them?
By causing it to flow from the smitten rock.
Did these blessings make the people obedient?
No; they were very rebellious.
How did God punish them ?
By leaving them in the wilderness forty years.
; Exopus, 16.
This is Mount Sinai, where God gave the command-
ments to Moses for the people. The mountain seems to
be on fire. The lightnings are flashing wildly, and the
deafening thunder is heard up and down the mountain
side. God is on the mountain, and wishes to impress his
people with his majesty and power. He called Moses up
into the mountain with him, but told the people not to
come near; if they did, they would be destroyed.
You remember we have learned how God, with a
mighty hand, brought his people out of bondage, and
gave them bread and water in the wilderness, as they jour-
neyed. They had not travelled long before they came to
this mountain, where God revealed his glory. It wasa
wonderful sight which his people would never forget.
Moses went up into the cloud, and stayed a long time
in the mountain with God, even forty days. Here God
~ gave him his laws concerning the people, just what he
wanted them to do, that they should worship him, love one
another, keep the Sabbath holy, and if they sinned, what ©
they must do to be forgiven. While Moses was on the
mountain the sight was awful, and the people were made
to tremble. When Moses came down from the mountain,
he had two tables of stone, on which God had written his
holy law. He told Moses many things he wanted his
people to observe, but the ten commandments were written
upon stone, to show that they were to endure forever.
These tables of stone God commanded to be’ put in
a strong chest, called the ark, and this ark was to be car-
ried wherever his people should go. When the tabernacle
was made, which was their place of worship while jour-
neying in the wilderness, the ark was put in it inthe most
holy place. Two angels were made of gold, which were
placed so as to look toward each other, bending over the
ark. This ark was the symbol of the divine presence, be-
cause it contained his holy law.
So the people when they went out to war would
carry the ark before them, showing by this they trusted
God to fight their battles. These tables of stone, on
’ which the law was written, were kept in the ark for many,
many years, until the great temple was built at Jerusalem.
When the temple was finished the people brought the ark
and placed it therein, saying by this we will obey the law,
and the glory of the Lord filled the temple in a wondrous
“And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai, and
the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day
he. called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.’ —
Ex. 24: 16.
Where did God give his law to man?
On Mount Sinai.
How did the mountain appear ?
As if it was on fire.
Who went up to meet God ?
Moses, his chosen messenger.
Why did he go?
God called him to take the commandments to the
Upon what were they written ?
Upon tables: of stone.
Where were these stones placed ?
In an ark made for that purpose.
Where was the ark put ?
In the tabernacle until the temple was built.
Why did God so manifest his glory when the ark was
placed in the temple?
It showed that the people were going to obey the
law, and this pleased God.
Exopus, Io.
In our last lesson we learned about the ten com-
- mandments, which were written by the finger of God on
tables of stone. These commandments are just as much.
for us as for the Jews. Now I want to tell you some-
thing about them.
he first was on iene “Thou shalt have no other
Gods before me.†He is the God who created all things,
and who alone is to be worshiped. Let me tell you of a
. good man who, kept this commandment, although it
brought him into sore trials. The great king of Babylon
was a proud and haughty king; and he made‘a law that’
if any man should ask a petition of any other God than
himself for thirty days he should be put in the lion’s den.
You see he wanted to be a God. Do you think
everybody obeyed him? No; there was one, Daniel, who
did not mind the king’s. command. This young man
Daniel was a Jew, who had been brought as a captive or-
slave into Babylon. He had been taught concerning the
true God, and had purposed in his heart that he would.
never worship any other God.
The king’s decree did not frighten him’at all; but he:
went up into his chamber, with the window open toward
Jerusalem, as he had been accustomed to do, and prayed
to his God, believing that he would take care of all the
threats of the king.
Did God forget this faithful child of his? Not by
any means. When some heard him pray as before, they
hastened to tell the king that Daniel had broken his law.
Now the king loved Daniel, for he had shown before him
an excellent spirit. He was almost sorry he had made
any such law, but he could not take it back, so he ordered
his soldiers to put Daniel in the lion’s den. When they
did so the savage beasts never touched him, for God sent
his angel to shut their mouths, and Daniel stayed there
with them all night without harm. Was not that
wonderful ? ;
When the king came the next morning, and found
that Daniel was unharmed, he was very glad, and he
knew now that Daniel’s God was greater than all other
gods, for he had delivered him from the power of the
lions. Then the king made another law, that all the
people over whom he ruled should worship no other God
“save the God of Daniel.
We see here how God takes care of those who keep
his commandments and obey him rather than man. We
shall always find it safe, children, to do just what God
has told us to do, for his angels are still sent for the care
and protection of those who “dare to do right.â€
“ Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.†—Ex. xx: 3
Why should we keep the ten commandments ?
Because God gave them to us as well as to the Jews.
Whom only should we worship? °
The Lord, our God.
Who kept this commandment?
Daniel, the captive Jew. .
What happened to him for his obedience ?
He was thrown into thelion’s den.
How did the lions treat him?
They did him no harm.
Why was he preserved?
Because God was with him.
What effect did this have on the king?
He made a law that all should worship Daniel’s God.
_ Whom does God especially bless ?
Those who keep his commandments. ©
See! here is a calf standing way up on some high
place. How do you think he came there? Let me tell
you. It is not alive, it is an image made of gold.
You know we just learned about Moses going up
into the mountain to talk with God. God kept Moses on
the mountain a long time, until the people began to feel
that he was never coming back again.. _So the people
said to Aaron, “Up, make us gods, which shall go before
us,’ for we don’t know what has become of Moses.’
Aaron told them to bring their golden ear rings and
finger rings, and he melted them and made this golden
calf. Then the people sacrificed unto it, and worshiped
it. You see Aaron is pouring out an offering on the
altar, and the people are playing on harps and various
other instruments, and so worshiping the golden image.
' Were they doing right? Surely not, for God has
said, “thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,
or any likeness. of anything that is in heaven above, or
that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under
the earth; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor
serve them.â€
You see they had done very wickedly in making this ~
golden calf. When Moses came down from the mount
and saw what they had done, he was filled with indig- -
nation. He tore down the calf they had made and
ground it to powder. He put the powdered gold into the
water and made the people drink it.
By God's command, Moses slew three thousand of
the idolaters that day. This shows the great displeasure
of God toward those who disobey him. Let us look for
a moment at some of God's children who dared to keep
this commandment of God, even at the peril of their
Perhaps you have read the story of the three He-
brew children who were thrown into the fiery furnace.
This was done because they would not worship an image
which Nebuchadnezzar, the king, had set up. This
wonderful image was nearly one hundred feet high, and
was made of gold.
The wicked king was going to make everybody fall
down and worship it. But these three Hebrew children,
friends of Daniel, would not bow down, but stood straight
up, when all the rest fell before the image. The king
had declared that if any disobeyed his onde they should
be cast into the fiery furnace. So the soldiers bound °
these three men and threw them into the fire; but the
fire did not touch them. Jesus came to walk with them
and they came out unharmed. Jesus is near those who:
. keep his commandments.
“ Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.’ —
On le tg ee :
What are we forbidden to worship ?
Images or idols.
Who broke this commandment?
The children of Israel, who worshiped a golden calf.
What judgment did God send upon them ?
Three thousand of the idolaters were slain.
What king made an image of gold, and commanded
the people to worship it?
King Nebuchadnezzar.
What was the penalty for disobedience?
To be cast into the fiery furnace.
Who refused to worship the image ?
The three Hebrew children.
Why did not the fire harm them?
Because Jesus was with them.
How may we have Jesus with us?
By keeping his commandments.
Profanity is a very common sin, but one that is ex-
ceeding sinful. Wesee in this picture the sad fate of one
who was profane. He blasphemed against.God, and the
Lord commanded those who heard him to stone him to
death. What asad way to die. Yet this was the law as
God gave it to. the Jews.
This man was a Danite. You will find the story in
the twenty-fourth chapter of Leviticus. If God ever com-
manded a man to be stoned to death for swearing, what
a terrible sin it must be. We have no such punishment
for profanity now, but it is no less a great sin.
And, if God does not punish the profane man at once,
the day is coming when he certainly will. Hear his com-
mandment, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord
thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless
that taketh his name in vain.’
A great many little boys get in the cae of swearing
before they know how dreadful it is. But we may remem-
ber that God is just the same now as he was when he
gave the law to Moses. What he hated two thousand
years ago he hates to-day. So, when we swear, we not
only corrupt ourselves and injure others, but we offend a
holy God.
Besides, pieces is the most foolish habit we can in-
dulge in. Nobody is benefited by it, and how it reveals
the natural sinfulness of the human heart. No wonder.
that God made such a severe law against the blasphemer.
Let us beware that we never commit this great sin, for
some day God will bring us into judgment for every idle
word. But God is merciful, and ready to forgive those
who are truly sorry for their sins. We have his great
mercy shown in the Bible toward a man who. had been
profane, but who was very penitent, weeping bitter tears.
It was Peter; he was filled with great fear and cow-
ardice, when he saw the Savior in the hands of his ene-
mies. He was afraid to be known as the friend of Jesus,
for fear he would have to suffer too; so, when they asked
him if he knew Jesus, he denied it with an oath. The sin
seemed almost beyond the mercy of God, but when God
saw that Peter was very sorry for what'he had done, he
forgave him and loved him just as before. When we sin,
we should go atonce and confess it to Jesus, and we
shall find forgiveness. But let us not forget that God is
pure and holy, and if we use his name carelessly or lightly
in any way, it is taking it in vain.
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in
vain, for the Lord will nat hold him guiltless tae
taketh his name in vain.†— EX. XX: 7.
Whose name should never be taken in vain?
The name of the Lord God. .
What was done to a man who was profane?
He was stoned to death.
Who commanded it to be done ?
- The Lord himself.
What does this teach us about the sin of swearing? |
That it is a very great sin.
Why are not men stoned to death for profanity now ?
Because Jesus has come to save from sin.
Who was forgiven after he had been profane?
Simon Peter.
Why was he forgiven ?
Because he was deeply penitent.
How may we be forgiven for any sin?
By repentance and prayer. .
ha reat
Sell f
“Remember the sabbath day tokeep it holy.†Who
said this? It was God, our Creator. When God created
the heavens and the earth, he finished the work in
six days and rested on the seventh. The Bible tells
us that God blessed the seventh day and_ sanctified
it. Therefore he has commanded us to rest on the
sabbath and keep it holy. Weare not to use this day as
we do others, but we are to cease from labor, and spend
the hours unto the Lord in religious service and worship.
We see in this picture, Jesus teaching in the syna-
‘gague onthe sabbath day. This was his custom, to go
into the place where the Jews worshiped and _ tell them. of
the great salvation God had provided through himself.
Breaking the law of thesabbath was one of their
great sins. Often when God sent suffering and affliction
upon his chosen people, he told them it was because they
had polluted his sabbaths. The seventy years they spent
in bondage, was for the seventy years of breaking sabbaths.
When these people returned to rebuild Jerusalem, Ezra,
the governor, caused the law to be read concerning the
sabbath, and the people wept sore when they saw it was
disobedience to God's. law which had caused all their long
suffering. They. promised in tears that they would keep
his law after this.
Children, “Remember the sabbath day to keep it
holy.†Remember that whenever. you go off in the fields
to play ball, or gather nuts or berries on the sabbath, you
are not keeping God’s day holy. God sees us all the time,
even if we are out of sight of father and mother, and he
will, in time, punish us as he did Israel of old. Many
young men who are in prison have said that they began
the downward course which led to their ruin by breaking
this holy day.
We should go on the sabbath where the gospel is
preached, and seek for all the light we can get concerning
the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
If we would worship God truly on the sabbath day,
Wwe must give Him our hearts, and become his meek and
humble followers. “If thou turn away thy foot from the
sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and
call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable ;
and shalt honor him, not doing thine own ways, nor find-
ing thine own pleasure,-nor speaking thine own words,
then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will
cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and
feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the
mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.â€
“Remember the sabbath day to keep tt holy.†—Ex. xx: 8.
Who commanded us to keep the sabbath holy?
The Lord of the sabbath.
When was the sabbath given?
When God finished the work of creation.
Where was this commandment renewed ?
On Sinai, when God gave the law to Moses.
What people suffered from breaking the sabbath?
The children of Israel. :
What effect did the reading of the law, by Ezra, have
upon them?
They wept bitterly, and promised to keep the sab-
What will God do to those who break the sabbath
Punish them, as he did the Jews.
What is often the first step to a life of sin? -
Breaking the sabbath.
How can we be kept from this great sin?
By giving our hearts to Jesus.
’ ISAIAH, LVIII: 13, 14.
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‘What sight so beautiful as to see children loving and.
dutiful toward their parents. God has said, “ Honor thy
father and thy mother,†and this is the first command-
ment with promise. We have a beautiful representation.
of this virtue in the conduct of Joseph toward his father.
We have already learned that Joseph was sold into.
Egypt, and how he became governor of all the land.
Now Joseph sends for his father to come and live with.
him. The old man is greatly astonished when he hears.
the news, and cannot think it is so, for hé supposed Joseph
had been dead for years.
You remember how his brethren had carried the coat.
of many colors to the father, all covered with blood; and
Jacob had mourned for his boy as dead. You can imagine,.
then, how he was startled to hear that Joseph was alive
and wanted him to come and live with him. Joseph had |
sent nice horses and chariots to bring his father into.
Egypt. He even told him he need not bring his things,
for all the wealth of Egypt was his to enjoy.
He took great pride in bringing the aged patriarch
to Pharaoh, the king, and telling him that it was his.
father,.as we see them in the picture. Have you never
seen children who seemed to be a little ashamed of their
parents in the presence of their proud associates? It is
very sinful to feel in that way, and we are breaking God’ Ss
commandments when we do.
Joseph was a true man, and loved to honor his father,
so he gave him and his family the richest part of Egypt
to live in, and cared for him very tenderly. Joseph had
great reverence for his father’s religion; and when he was
about to die, he brought his two little boys, that the grand-
father might lay his hands on their heads and bless them.
When Jacob died, Joseph still showed his love and
respect for his father, for he knew his father’s wishes
would be to be buried with his kindred in Canaan; so he
made great preparations to take the body - back to his
native land. “And Joseph went up to bury his father;
and with him went all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders
of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt, and
all the house of Joseph and his brethren, and his father’s
house; only their little ones, their flocks, and_ their
herds, they left in the land of Goshen. And there went up
with him both chariots and horsemen, and it was a very
great company.â€
So Joseph honored his father even to the last, and the
blessing of God followed Joseph all the days of his life.
Children, honor and obey your parents.
“Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may
be long upon the land which the Lord thy God
giveth thee. —Ex. XX: 12.
What is our duty to our parents?
To honor and obey them.
Who kept this command of God?
Joseph, the son of Jacob.
How did he honor his father?
By introducing him to King Pharaoh, and giving him
the best of the land. .
How did he show his respect for his father’s religion ?
By bringing his boys to receive his dying blessing.
How did he honor him at his death?
By the vast multitude who went up into Canaan to
bury him.
Why should we honor our parents?
Because God has told us to.
What promise has God given to such ?
Their days shall be long in the land.
Do you honor your father and mother ?
GENESIS, 46. |
This man, with a javelin in his hand, is King Saul.
See, he is trying to kill that young man whose name is
David.. How did this young man come to be in the
King’s house? Listen, and I will tell you.
This boy was the son of Jesse, and tended the sheep.
One day God said to Samuel, the prophet, “ Fill thine horn
with oil, and go, I will send.thee to Jesse the Bethle-
hemite; for I have provided me a king among his sons.â€
Samuel went and did as God told him, and the one God
directed him to anoint as king, was David, the shepherd
At one time, when he was tending the sheep, a bear
-came down upon the flock, and David fell upon him and
slew him. At another time he slew a lion.. Surely he
could not have done this except the Lord had been with
him, and given him strength.
Now King Saul was at war with the Philistines, and
some of David’s brothers went into the army. David's
father told him, one day, that he wanted him to go and see
his brothers and take them some food.
While he was there, a great giant came out of the
Philistine army, and dared the hosts of Israel to send out
aman against him. Noone had courage enough to go.
Then David, the shepherd boy, said he would go and
meet the giant. Many thought him very foolish, but he
said, “The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the
lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out
of the hands of this Philistine.†He took a few smooth
stones from the brook, and went out to meet the giant in
the name of the Lord. David slew the giant and brought
his head into camp.
Then all the people praised him, and King’ Saul
thought he would be a brave man for him to have, and so
he asked his father, Jesse, to let him come and live with
him. This is the way he came to be in the king’s palace.
David feared and worshiped God, and God honored
him greatly. Whenever he went out to battle he always
had the victory. Soon the king began to be jealous of
him, lest the people would love David better than they did
him, and from that hour he sought his life. At times the
king was very gloomy and ugly; then he would send for
David to come and play on the harp, for he was a good
musician. .
Saul, in one of his angry moods, threw a javelin at
David, as we see in the picture, intending to kill him, but
he escaped. What a wicked heart Saul must have had
to try to kill an innocent boy, and break God’s command-
ment, which says, “Thou shalt not kill.†|
“Thou shalt not kill.â€â€” Ex. xx: 13.
’The sin of murder.
Who was the first king of Israel ?
- Who did he try to kill?
David, the shepherd boy.
How came David in the king’s palace®
By the request of the king.
What led Saul to want him ?
Because he slew the giant, Saul’s enemy.
What other brave deeds had David done?
He slew the bear and the lion.
Why did Saul seek his life ?
Because he was jealous of him.
How was it that David escaped ?
God was with him.
What great sin was in Saul’s heart?
I. SAMUEL, 17.
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Do you see that man pointing his finger and looking
so intently at the king? What do you think he is talking
so earnestly about? He is a prophet of the Lord, telling
King David his great sin.
The king had seen a beautiful woman whom he de-
sired to take as his wife, but she was the wife of Uriah,
one of David’s soldiers. He determined, however, to -
have her for his wife, which was very sinful. And this is
the way he did.
As Uriah was a soidier he caused him to be placed
in the forefront of the battle, that he might be slain.
What a wicked deed! It would hardly seem that God
could ever have mercy on a man that would commit so
- great a sin.
Uriah was slain,and the king took his wife to his
own home.
The Lord was greatly displeased with David, and
sent his prophet Nathan to tell him his sin. It was very
hard for the prophet to do this, but he did it by telling
him this little story: “There were two men in one city—
the one rich and the other poor. The rich man had ex-
ceeding many flocks and herds; but the poor man had
nothing save one little ewe lamb, which he had bought
and nourished up, and it grew up together with him and
with his children; it did eat of his own meat and drank
of his own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him
as a daughter. And there came a traveller unto the rich
man, and he spared to take of his flock and of his own
herd to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto
him, but took the poor man’s lamb and dressed it for the
man that was come to him. And David's anger was
greatly kindled against the man ; and he said to Nathan,
as the Lord liveth the man that hath done this thing shall
surely die, and he shall restore the lamb four-fold, because
he did this thing, and because he had no pity. And
Nathan said to David, ‘Thou art the man.’â€
The king seems sad and confused, as we see him
in the picture, for he knows he has condemned himself.
He had great riches and many wives, yet, when he saw
this beautiful woman, he lusted after her and would rob
this poor man of all he had, and take his life that he
might have her. In doing this he broke the seventh com-
mandment, which says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.â€
And again, “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after
her hath committed adultery with her already in his
Did David’s sin go unpunished? No; God sent
many and grievous afflictions upon him. Even his own
son sought to take his throne. It does not pay to break.
one of God’s commandments.
« Thou shalt not commit adultery.†—Ex. XX: 14.
What sin did King David commit ? ;
The sin of adultery, by taking another man’s wife.
Why did he want her ?
Because she was very beautiful.
How did he plan to get her?
By causing the death of her husband.
How was this done?
By putting him in the forefront of the battle.
How did Nathan show him his sin?
By the story of a rich and poor man.
What did Nathan at last say to him?
“Thou art the man.â€
What do we sometimes do in condemning others ?
We condemn ourselves.
What may we expect if we break God’s command:
ments ?
That his judgements will rest upon us.
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We should never take anything that belongs to
another. It is God’s commandment written on stone,
“Thou shalt not steal.†If you look closely at the picture,
you will see a man, way in the distance, running after a
chariot and the horseman, trying to stop them. This
man’s name is Gehazi. He is a liar anda thief. This
is his story: He was the servant of the prophet, Elisha.
Now, there was a very great man in Syria, whose name
was Naaman, he was captain of the king’s host, but he
had a terrible disease, called the leprosy.
A little Jewish maid, who had been taken captive
and lived in Naaman’s home, told him about the prophet,
Elisha, in. Israel; what great wonders he could do in
healing the sick. So, one day, Naaman took a company
of soldiers, and went down to see him. The prophet told
the great man to go and dip seven times in Jordan, and
he should be cured of his leprosy.
He did not quite like the way, but aftera while he
went and did as the prophet told him, and sure enough the
dreadful disease all left him. He was very thankful and
wanted to pay the prophet alarge sum of money, but
Elisha wanted to show him that it was God who had
healed him, and so refused to take it.
Gehazi thought here was a fine chance for him to
get some money. He waited until Naaman and his sol-
diers started for home, then he ran after them as we see
him in the picture. And when he had stopped them, he
told Naaman that his master was willing, now, to take the:
present. Naaman believed what he said, and gave him
a large sum of money, What do you think he did with
it? he went and hid it, for it was stolen. Did any one
else know it? Yes; Elisha, the prophet, for God had
revealed it to him.
When Gehazi came into his presence, Elisha told him
what he had done, and that the dreadful disease which had
been upon Naaman should come upon him. Whata fear-
ful punishment for his sin, for he could never be cured.
We cannot steal without God seeing us, and punishment
will come sooner or later.
Those who steal now are not punished as they were
then, but are put in prison, and shut up in a small cell,
where they have to stay for months or years. If you do
not want to get into such a place you must not steal, nor
take the least thing which does not belong to you; for it
is just as much stealing to take a penny or a pencil as to
take a hundred dollars.
Sometimes children begin this habit very young, by
stealing sugar, cake, or pie, when mama does not know it.
But we must not forget, children, that God sees us if no.
one else does, and he has said, “Thou shalt not steal.â€
“Thou shalt not steal.â€â€”Ex. XX: 15.
Who stole from Naaman the leper ?
Gehazi, the servant of Elisha.
What tempted him to do it?
The love of money.
Why did not Elisha take the present ?
To show Naaman that it was God who had healed
How did Gehazi get the money?
By telling a falsehood, and so broke two command-
ments. .
How was he punished for his sin ?
The leprosy of Naaman came upon him.
What is the punishment now for poteanne?
To be put in prison.
When do some people begin this sinful habit ?
While very young.
Who always sees us when we steal ?
God, who has said, “Thou shalt not steal.â€
II. KINGs, 5.
Children, do you ever tell a falsehood? God hates:
lying lips, for the Bible tells us so. It is one of his great.
commandments, that we should not bear false witness.
This man you see being carried out, is dead. How
came he to die? He did not tell the truth, which greatly
displeased the Lord, and God caused him to die. This is.
the way it happened.
_In the days of Jesus and his disciples the followers.
of Christ sold their possessions, and put the money to-
gether in a common fund, to be used for the poor and to.
meet their own needs. A man by the name of Ananias,
and Sapphira his wife, who pretended to be the followers
of Jesus, wanted to do just as others had done, or have it.
_ seem so to the people.
. So they sold their land, but thought rhe could keep.
back part of the money, and no one would know it. They
had forgotten that God can see in the dark.
The Holy Spirit had told Peter what they had done ;
so when Ananias came in to report, Peter asked him why
Satan had filled his heart to tell a lie, and to keep back.
part of the price of the land. When Ananias heard this,
immediately he fell down dead, and great fear came upon
all the people. Then the young men arose and carried
him out and buried him.
Not long after his wife came in, not knowing what
had happened to her husband; and Peter asked her
whether she sold the land for so much, and she said for
so much. “Then Peter said unto her, how is it that ye
have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?
Behold the feet oi them which have buried thy husband
are at the door, and shall carry thee out. Then fell
she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up. the
ghost. And the young men came in and found her
dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her hus-
We may learn by this how God hates lying lips.
But lying is not all done with the lips, for sometimes, we
act alie. Whenever we try to deceive God, or one an-
other, by pretending to be what we are not, we act a lie
and break the commandment of God. It is so much
better, children, always to tell the truth, for we not only
offend God, when we tell a lie, but our friends learn to
distrust and despise us. It may cost us something to be
truthful, but it will cost us more to be untruthful, for the
Bible tells us, that our sin will be sure to find us out.
“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh-
bor.’ — Ex. xx: 16.
What does God hate?
Lying lips.
What did God do to Ananias for lying ?
He caused him to die.
‘What did he lie about ?
The price of his land.
What did his wife do?
_ She told the same lie.
What became of her?
She died and was buried with her husband.
Why should we always be truthful?
Because. God has commanded it.
How may we act a lie?
By pretending to be what we are not.
What does the Bible say becomes of liars ?
They shall have part in the lake that burneth with
ACTS, 5.
See that man with a drawn sword in his hand, as
though he would cut that little baby in pieces. The mother
tries to stay his hand, and the king tells him not to strike.
This interesting story you will find in the third chapter of
First Kings. One mother covets the child which belongs
to another. Do you know what is meant by coveting?
It means to want ‘what others have. Let me tell you
about this picture.
Two mothers had little pabies of nearly the same age,
and they slept in the same room. One night one of the
mothers awoke and found that her baby was dead, and she
coveted the babe of the other woman. What do you
think she did? She got up and went very softly to the.
bed, and carefully stole the little baby from its mother,
leaving her dead child in its place. What a wicked.
thing it was for her to do. God saw her do it, and he
has said: “Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy
In the morning the mother of the living child founa
the dead babe in her bed, but she knew at once it was not
her's. The woman who had stolen the child thought the
babies were so young and looked so much alike that her
neighbor would not know the difference. But you cannot
deceive a mother very well; she saw that this cruel woman
had her baby, and all she could do she would not give
it up.
She went to King Solomon and told him all about it.
The king was a very wise man, and he thought at once .
how he could tell the true mother. He called one of his
captains, and told him to take a sword and divide the babe,
and give half to each of them. As he drew the sword
the mother said, “O, my lord, give her the living child,
and in no way slay it.†Then Solomon knew that she
~was the real mother.
The king did not intend to kill the child, but was try-
ing to prove to whom it really belonged. So he ordered
the babe given to its own mother. O, how selfish this
woman was to covet her neighbor's child. This spirit of
selfishness allowed in our hearts will lead us to lie, steal,
and commit almost any kind of sin.
Sometimes little boys and girls are led to covet what
their playmates have—their doll, or sled, or drum—and
will seem very unhappy because others have what they
have not. This is a mean, selfish spirit, and should not
have place in our hearts.
“ Thou shalt not covet anything that ts thy neighbor's.’ —
Ex. xx: 17.
What is it to covet?
To earnestly desire what belongs to another.
What did a mother covet whose babe had died ?
Another .woman’s babe.
What did it lead her to do?
To steal the child.
What did the real mother do in her sorrow?
Told King Solomon all her trouble.
How did he find the true mother?
By threatening to divide the child.
What did the mother do?
Cried out to the king not to do it.
What does the sin of coveting lead to? ~
Lying, stealing, and sometimes murder.
How can we get rid of this spirit?
By giving to Jesus.
. I. KINGS, 3.
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This is a picture of the tabernacle which God com-
manded Moses to build for a place of worship. It was
made out of very costly materials, and was where God
came to meet his people.
What are those men doing in the center of the picture?
One man stands with - his hands upon the head of the
beast; he is confessing his sins. Then the beast is slain,
and the priest sprinkles the blood around about on the
altar, and burns part of the slain beast, as you see smok-
ing in the picture. What did this do for the man who
made confession? It cleansed him from sin.
God gave his holy law to the Jews for them to keep,
but sometimes they would break it. So God told them how
they might be forgiven, by offering the sacrifice of blood.
These offerings for sin, the slaying of beasts, and the
sprinkling of blood, all pointed forward to Jesus, the Lamb
of God, who was to be slain for the sins of the world.
These offerings of slain beasts would not have answered
for the sins of the people, if they had not been offered in
faith of the promised Savior.
One of the early lessons in this book was about Cain
and Abel.. Cain brought simply the fruit of the field,
as an offering for his sins; but Abel brought of his flock
a slain lamb. God was pleased with Abel's offering, and
displeased with Cain’s. And why? Because Abel showed
by the death of the lamb that he ought to die for his sins,
and also showed his faith in the promised Lamb of God,
who was to die in his stead. But Cain’s offering, not
being one of blood, showed it was not offered in faith of
the promised Savior and so could not take away sin.
You see, children, Abel’s sins were now taken away
by faith in Jesus. Do you want God to be pleased with
you, as he was with Abel? Then come to Jesus, and have
your sins taken away in his blood.
That part which you see covered over has two rooms
in it. The first one is called the holy place, the other
the most holy. In the holy place the priest went
morning and evening to burn incense upon a very beauti-
ful and costly altar, while the people stood without in
prayer. Here, too, was a golden candlestick, in which
lights were kept constantly burning, which represented
the word of God as the light of the world.
In the most holy place there was an ark, or box, over-
laid with gold, where were kept the tables of stone on
which God had written the ten commandments. There
were two golden angels above the ark, and between these
God appeared in the cloud of glory. The high priest
went into this sacred place only once a year to seek for-
giveness of sin for all the people. We do not need these
offerings now, for Jesus has died once for all.
“And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin
offering, and slay it for a sin offering in the place
where they kill the burnt offering.’ — Levit. iv: 33.
What did God command the Jews to do when they
had broken the law?
They were to bring an offering of blood.
What was this offering to be?
An animal without blemish.
Why was it to be without blemish ?
Because it represented the perfect Christ.
By whom was the sacrifice offered ?
By God's chosen priest.
What was done for the man who brought the
offering ?
His sins were forgiven.
Why don't we have to bring a blood offering now?
Because Jesus Christ has died for us.
How are our sins forgiven ?
By accepting this same Jesus as our Savior.
Have you accepted him?
See how earnestly those men are looking. They
seem to be greatly frightened. That is an angel you
see speaking to them. He is telling them a strange
story of the birth of a wonderful child in Bethlehem.
_ Those men are shepherds. Shepherds are men who
take care of sheep, and watch them day and night. The
shepherds were sleeping on the plain near the sheep one
night, when suddenly they were awakened by the sound
of sweet music. As soon as they opened their eyes they
saw the heavens all bright and glorious, and heard the
angels chanting heavenly strains.
As they were in great fear, one of the angels said to
them, “ Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of
great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is
born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ
the Lord.†Then there were many angels singing, “Glory
to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to-
ward men.†|
O, what a beautiful sight that must have been in the
still hours of the night. The shepherds were sore afraid
at first when they saw the glory and heard angels talking
-to them. These fears were soon removed by the an-
nouncement that they had come to tell them good news.
As soon as the angels had gone away into heaven
again, the shepherds said one to another, “ Let us now go
* even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come
to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.â€
They were certain that this wonderful child was the
promised Savior they had been looking for so long, for
the angels declared it. “And they came with haste, and
found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.â€
Then they went out and told all they had seen and heard,
and the people greatly wondered at the strange story.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, knew that her boy was to
be some great person, for an angel told her so before he
was born, but she kept these things, “and pondered them
in her heart.†Christ came in this humble manner that
he might teach the world the great lesson of humility.
Sin has made us proud and selfish, but if we are ever
saved, we must become very humble and unselfish like
Jesus. He was the Son of God and could command the ,
angelic hosts of heaven, yet he was cradled in a manger.
Jesus came a helpless babe, but became the greatest
of men. ‘ He began life a child, so that he might be in
sympathy with children, and have them feel free to come
to him in all their needs. He loves little children, and
has bid them come unto him and be saved. “Those that
seek me early shall find me.â€
“ And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I
bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be.
to all people. For unto you ts born this day in the
city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.â€
—-Luke, 11: 10, If.
How was the Savior’s birth announced ?
By an angel to the shepherds.
Why were the shepherds afraid ?
Because God's glory shone round about them.
What was the song of the angels?
“Glory to God in the highest.â€
What did the shepherds do?
They arose at once to go and see him.
Where did they find him?
In a manger, just as the angel had said.
Why did the angel come to the humble shepherds >
To show Christ's sympathy with the lowly.
What did Jesus come into this world for ?
To save lost sinners.
Why did he come as a little child?
To teach little children that he loves them,
. LUKE, 2.
We have just learned about the shepherds, who:
were the first to come and see the child Jesus. But there:
was another class of persons who came to see him, the
wise men, or magicians, from a far off country. These:
magicians were men who studied the stars and the signs.
in the heavens, and claimed that they could tell things
which would take place.
One day they saw a peculiar star in the east, and they
knew that it meant something wonderful, and probably
was a sign that the Savior was born. They followed the
star, which went before them, “till it came and stood over
where the young child was.†They went to the house and
found Jesus with his mother, and fell down and worshiped
him. How very strange to see these great men worshiping
a little babe; but they knew he was the promised Savior:
of the world.
The shepherds who came to see Jesus were poor and
ignorant people; so God sends his angel to tell them
where to find him. But the wise men, who studied the
stars, were led by a star to find the Savior. We see that.
the ignorant and the wise are both led to Jesus, but in
different ways.
The wise men who came were rich, and they brought
very nice presents to Jesus. We read that after they saw
him, and “had opened their treasures, they presented unto
him gifts, gold, and frankincense and myrrh.†This is to
show that the wisdom of the world and the wealth of
the world are to be brought to Jesus’ feet.
We cannot worship Jesus acceptably unless we bring
him our gifts, for he wants us not only to open our
hearts to him, but. our treasures for him in the work
of saving this lost world.
The shepherds and the wise men were the first to
worship Jesus, but men have continued to worship him
ever since. The small company that bowed before him
in the manger have multiplied to millions. Shepherds
and wise men, peasants and kings, children and the aged,
have alike bowed at his feet. The good tidings which the
angels proclaimed to the shepherds, have been echoing
and re-echoing through the valley and over the mountain,
on the land and on the sea, until vast multitudes have
heard the glad news, and bowed down to worship Jesus
the King of Kings. .
' Dear children have you heard the good tidings, and
- given your hearts to Jesus? He stooped to the manger,
that you might be lifted to his throne, if you will only
repent of your sins, and love and obey him.
« Behold, there came wise men from the east to Ferusalem,
saying, where is he that is born King of the Fews?
for we have seen his star in the east, and ave come
to worship him.†— Matt. 11: 1, 2.
Who came from the east to find the babe Jesus?
The wise men. .
By what were they led?
A star that went before them.
How did they know just where to find him
The star stood still over the place.
What did the wise men do when they saw Jesus?
They fell down and worshiped him.
What did they present to him?
Very rich and costly gifts.
What is essential to acceptable worship?
Our gifts as well as our hearts.
Who are now hearing the glad tidings?
All the nations of the earth.
Have we brought our hearts and treasures to Jesus?
MaTtTr., 2.
See those dead babies on the ground; and those
wicked men are trying to kill others. What does all this
mean? It is the wicked command of King Herod. He
was king in the land where Jesus was born, and being
jealous of him lest he might become king some day, he
determined to take his life. He told the wise men when
they had found him to bring him word, that he might
come and worship him also. He did not mean it, he only
wanted to find where he was, that he might kill him.
The wise men were warned of God not to go back
and tell the king where the child was, but to go home
some other way. “Then Herod, when he saw that he
was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and
sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethle-
hem,†under two years of age, expecting in this way to
make sure and kill Jesus. What a wicked, heartless king,
to kill all those innocent babies.
Herod did not succeed, however, for God, in some
way, told Joseph and Mary to take the child and go into
Egypt. They had gone out of the land before the terrible
slaughter took place. So he killed these little children tor _
nothing. He was a bloody king. .
_ History tells us that when he was about to die he
sent for all the nobles of the land, and gave secret orders
that they should be slain when he died. He was afraid
the people would not’ mourn much for him, and _ being
determined there should be mourning in the land, at his
death, he had these men slain. .
Wicked men, however, could not harm Jesus, for God
had sent him’ into the world for a great purpose. He
took care that no harm came to him until his work was
The bitter spirit of persecution manifested by Herod
did not stop with him. After Jesus was grown to man-
hood, although he never wronged any one, neither was
guile found in his mouth, yet some hated him, and sought
his life. Whydid they? Simply because Jesus was holy,
and they were full of sin. Herod sought to slay him, not
because he had done anything wrong, but because he
feared some day he would be a greater king than he was.
You see Herod was jealous, and vainly thought he
could destroy Jesus. But nobody can ever stop God's
plans, even though he be a king.
We persecute Jesus now when we persecute his fol-
lowers. He has said, “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto
one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it
unto me.†We should never laugh or make sport of
those wno are trying to serve Jesus, for this was Herod’s
“ Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the
wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and
slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and tn
all the coasts thereof.’ — Matt. 1: 16.
Who slew the children in Bethlehem?
Herod, the wicked king.
Why did he do it ?
Because he wanted to kill Jesus.
Why did he want to kill him?
He was jealous of him.
What falsehood did he tell the wise men?
That he wanted to worship Jesus.
How was Jesus saved?
By God’s special care over him.
Will God’s plans ever be overthrown?
No; not even by kings. ‘
Who is King over all kings?
The Lord Jesus.
How is Jesus persecuted now ?
In the persecution of his people.
Here is a little boy standing among some very wise-
looking men, and they all seem deeply interested: in him.
I wonder who this can be, attracting so much attention.
‘This is the child Jesus. He is now twelve years of age.
We do-not hear very much said about him, after he
was saved from the bloody persecutions of Herod, until -
we find him in the temple disputing with the doctors of
the law. The home of Jesus was in Nazareth, but his
father and mother took him with them up to the great
city of Jerusalem, where they went to worship.
As they returned home the little boy stayed behind,
and his parents did not know it, for there was a large
crowd of people on the road,and they thought he must
-be with some of their kinsfolk or acquaintance. After
they had journeyed a whole day they began to look for
their boy, but could find nothing of him in the company ;
and they were greatly troubled.
Then they went back to the city, and looked through
the streets and in the houses for three long days. And
where do you think they found him? It was in the tem-
ple, as our picture repieecoe him, disputing with the doc
tors of the law.
This seemed a very strange thing for Jesus to do, to
cause his parents all this trouble and anxiety. But we
must remember that he came into this world ona great
His mother, I presume, did not feel like saying much,
for she remembered what the angels had said about this
wonderful child at his birth, and also how the wise men
worshiped him, and poured their treasures at his feet.
When they began to question him about his conduct,
he replied that he must be about his father’s business.
Jesus was talking with the doctors about the kingdom of
God, his Father had sent him to establish in the earth.
The wise doctors were greatly surprised, as they heard his
wonderful words of wisdom, and thought hima very
strange child. It was because that Jesus was the Son of
God that he was so filled with wisdom.
The little boy Samuel, you know, was very wise,
because God made him so; and he became the teacher
of Eli, the high priest | God can make each little child to
know a great deal, if he will only learn of him.
When Jesus had finished his lesson to these doctors,
he went home with his parents, and we read that wise as
he was, he was subject to them, for he came to keep the:
law of God, and the law says: “Thou shalt henor thy
father and thy mother.â€
« And it came to pass, that after three days they found
him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors,
both hearing them, and asking them questions.†—
Luke, 11: 44. , |
Who was found in the temple with the doctors?
Jesus, when only twelve years of age.
How came Jesus at Jerusalem?
He went up with his parents to worship at the feast.
As they returned was he with them ?
No, he stayed behind, but they thought he was among
his kinsfolk.
How long did they search before they found him? ©
Three days,
What was he doing?
- Talking with the wise men.
What reason did he give for being there?
He must be about his Father's business.
What did he do then?
Went home with his parents and was subject to them.
What will all good children do?
Obey their parents, like Jesus.
LUKE, 2.
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This beautiful picture represents Jesus at his baptism.
‘The one who is baptizing him is John the Baptist. I
‘want to tell you a little about him, before I tell you about
his baptizing Jesus. He was a wonderful prophet, and
was sent of God, to prepare the way for his coming.
Fle was dressed very strangely with a garment of
"camels hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins. He had
come from the wilderness where he had been talking with
God, learning how to do the great work to which God had
called him. We are told, too, that he had strange food to
eat: locusts and wild honey.
Before he was born, God had told his parents that he
should be a great man. Nothing had: been heard from
him for a long time, until he came to the banks of the
Jordan, preaching the gospel and calling upon men to re-
pent, for the kingdom of heaven was at hand. So wonder-
ful was his message, that all the people in the country
round about came out to hear him. When they heard
him, they were filled with sorrow for their sins, and con-_
fessing them were baptized of John in Jordan. The great
teacher told them that one mightier than he would soon
come, who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit. By
this he meant, one who could give them new and clean
hearts. .
While John was baptizing the people, Jesus himself
came to the Jordan, and asked John to baptize him. John
refused at first, for he did not feel worthy to baptize one
so pure and holy as Jesus. But when the Savior urged
him to do it, he obeyed. The Savior wanted to set an ex-
ample for his people through all time, for he has com-
manded us to repent and be baptized. We have never
been truly loyal to Jesus until we have obeyed him in
We read that “Jesus, when he was baptized, went up
straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were
opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending
like a dove, and lighting upon him: and lo a voice from
heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am
well pleased.†This was to show that Jesus was indeed
the Son of God, and that God was pleased with him.
Jesus has commanded us to believe on him and be
baptized, and has promised that if we do, our hearts shall
be cleansed from all sin. We, too, shall then have the
Holy Spirit come upon us, not in the form of a dove, but
in a power that will be felt in our hearts. God will own
us as his dear children, and we shall know that we please
him, because we keep his commandments, and do those
things which are pleasing in his sight.
“Then cometh Fesus from Galilee to Fordan unto Holm,
to be baptized of him.’—Matt. 11: 13.
Who was baptized in the river Jordan ?
Jesus our Savior.
Why was he baptized?
To set an example for his people.
Who baptized him ?
John the Baptist.
Who was this great teacher ?
The one sent of God to prepare the way for Jesus.
What did he tell the people to do?
To repent and be baptized.
Why did not John want to baptize Jesus?
Because he felt unworthy to do it.
What witness did Jesus have at his baptism?
The Holy Spirit, like a dove, came upon him.
How may we be sure of the favor of God?
By keeping his commandments.
Mat?rT., 3.
Who is that, talking so earnestly with the Savior®
He has wings like an angel; but he is not an angel—he
is the Devil, or Satan. He is trying to tempt Jesus to.
do wrong. a
Jesus, very soon after his baptism, “was led up of
the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the Devil.â€
Satan came and offered him the kingdoms of this world,
if he would fall down and worship him. If he had done
this, it would have defeated him in the work of saving the
Satan is called “the father of lies,†and was trying to.
claim the kingdoms of the world, when they belonged
alréady to Jesus. Jesus did not listen to him, but simply
told him what the Bible said: “Thou shalt worship the
Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.â€
Satan is the great evil Spirit who led our first parents
to sin, by tempting them to eat the forbidden fruit. But.
God promised Adam and Eve that hé would provide for
them a Savior, who should “ bruise the serpent’s head,†and
open the way of salvation for the lost. When Jesus came:
to perform this great work the Devil appears again, and.
tries to overthrow God’s purpose of mercy by tempting
Satan knew that God required a perfect Savior, one
who had kept all the commandments, end never did
wrong. He knew if he could only get Jesus to sin, then
he could not be our Savior, for Satan doesn’t want us
to be saved. He wants us to be just as ugly, and un-
happy, and miserable as he is. But the Devil did not
succeed, for Jesus would not listen to him, and so gained ©
a glorious victory for us. We now have hope of heaven
When Satan found he could not destroy God’s plan
for our salvation, by leading Jesus to sin, he then turned
all his power upon us, to keep us from coming to Jesus. to
be saved. Whenever we are tempted to do wrong, to lie,
to steal, to disobey our parents, or break the sabbath,
_ we may know it is the Devil. He is trying to. make us
very wicked, like himself, and keep us from happiness and
heaven. But the Bible says: “ Resist the Devil and he
will flee from you.†When Jesus was tempted, he met
the Devil with the Bible every time, and this is what we
must do. I mean by this, when we are tempted to tell
an untruth, just tell Satan, that the Bible says: “Thou
shalt not lie.†Satan does not like the word of God, and .
he will soon leave us, as he left Jesus.
«Then was Fesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness
to be tempted of the devil.’ — Matt., Iv: I.
Who was tempted of the Devil ?
Jesus, our Savior.
How did the Devil tempt him? —
By offering him the world, if he would worship him.
To whom did the world belong ?
To Jesus, who made it.
Who tempted our first parents?
The same old serpent, the Devil.
What is his chief business ?
To lie and deceive, and draw others into sin.
How did Jesus resist the Devil?
By the word of God.
Who tempts us to do wrong?
The Devil.
How may we stand against his temptations?
By God’s word, just as Jesus did.
Here is a picture, with Jesus on the top of a high
mountain in a cloud of glory. Look, there are three men
covering their eyes with their hands. The brightness of
the glory is so great that it blinds them.
These men are Peter, James and John, disciples of
Jesus, whom he took up into the mountain with him to
see his glory. There are two other men, one each side of
Jesus. Who are they? They are Moses and Elias, who
died long years ago, but have come down from heaven,
and are now talking with Jesus in the cloud of glory.
While he spake to them, they heard a voice from heaven
saying: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well
pleased.†All this, proved Jesus to be the Son of God.
There were many ways in which Jesus showed that he
-was divine.
At one time, when a large company of people had come.
to hear him, they stayed all day, and were very hungry,
but had nothing to eat. Jesus had compassion on them,
and wanted to provide them bread. His disciples thought
it would be impossible to get bread for so many, for there
were more than five thousand people. Just think, children,
how many wagon loads of bread it would take to feed
such a vast multitude.
The disciples told Jesus that there was a little boy
who had five barley loaves and two small fishes. Jesus
told. them to bring them to him. He took the loaves and
fishes and when he had blessed, began to break. And
what do you think? the bread multiplied and multiplied
in his hands, until the great company was fed. When
they had eaten until all were satisfied, they took up of the
pieces left, twelve baskets full; more bread than when
they began. Surely Jesus must have been divine to do
Jesus wanted some of his disciples to see his glory,
that they might never doubt again that he was the Son of
God. And this is why he took them up into this high
mountain, where “His face did shine as the sun, and his
raiment was white as the light.†You see they could
never forget this wonderful scene.
Peter was so happy on this mountain that he wanted
to stay, and asked Jesus if he might make some tents, so
they might live in this delightful spot. The presence of
Moses and Elias at this time teaches us that we are to
live again, and that our spirits go to Jesus, after our bodies
have been put in the ground. O! what a comfort it is,
when our friends in Jesus die, to know that they still live,
and that if we love and obey Jesus we shall meet them
again in heaven.
« 4nd was transfigured before them: and his face did
shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the
light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses
and Elias talking with him.â€â€” Matt. xvii: 2, 3.
Who was transfigured ?
Jesus, our Savior.
In what place?
On a mountain.
Who appeared with him?
Moses and Elias.
What was the appearance of his garments?
They were white as the light. .
What effect did it have on the disciples ?
They fell on their faces.
What voice did they hear ?
The voice of God, calling Jesus his Son.
What did the presence of Moses and Elias peeve ?
That we are immortal.
How may we feel about death?
We need not fear death.
. MATTHEW, 17.
You doubtless know all about this picture. You
have seen it so oftenin your homes—“ Christ blessing
little children.†What a beautiful sight! see, the mothers
have brought their little babies, who could not walk, and
the older ones have come, too. The mothers are anxious
that Jesus should bless their little ones, for his blessing
will keep them from evil, and guide them in the right way.
‘The disciples seem to be displeased. They think it a very
foolish thing for the children to take the Savior’s precious
time. But they were greatly mistaken, for Jesus rebuked
them, and said, “Suffer the little children to come unto
me and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of
Jesus showed his tender love and sympathy for
the children when he was on the earth,and we may be
sure that he has the same love in his heart for them still.
The Bible gives special promises to the young. “They
that seek me early shall find me.†“Remember thy
‘Creator in the days of thy youth.†O, children! it is so
much easier and better to give our hearts to Jesus in
You remember about little Samuel,‘ who was con-
secrated to the Lord when only a lad, and how God
came to talk with him. He became a great and good
man, whom all the people revered and loved. This was
because he feared God in his youth. Itis so hard to come
to Christ if we wait until we are old; for our hearts are
filled with sin and unbelief. Jesus is ready to receive the
very small ones now; and should you think you were
too young to come to Jesus, just remember how he blessed
the little ones when he was here, and that his heart is full
of tender love for the children to-day.
Perhaps you have heard about the boy king, whose
name was Josiah. He was only eight years old when he
was made king over all Israel. It was very wonderful .
that such a little boy could succeed in such a responsible
place. Let me tell you the secret of it: “He did that
which was right in the sight of the Lord, and turned not
aside to the right hand or to the left.â€
We ought to seek the Lord early, for we may not
live to grow to manhood. I have read of a little boy who
was the son of a king, that said to his teacher one day,
“Tell me how I may be ready to die.†His teacher told
him there. would be time to talk about that when he was
older. The boy said, “No; Iwas in the graveyard to-day,
and I saw some graves shorter than I am.†Will you
come to Jesus for his blessing now?
enn a
“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid
them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.’ —
Mark, x: XIV.
What did Jesus do for the children?
He took them in his arms and blessed them.
Why did mothers bring their children to Jesus?
Because his blessing would keep them from evil.
How do we know that Jesus loves little children?
Because the Bible tells us so.
Why was Samuel such a good and great man ?
Because he obeyed the Lord from his childhood.
Who are sure to find Jesus?
Those who seek him early.
Does Jesus bless children now?
Yes, all who will come to him.
- Why should we not wait until we are older?
Because God’s promises are to the young, and we
may die. =
What did the little boy see in the graveyard?
Some graves shorter than himself.
MarRK, I0.
See! Jesus is walking right on top of the. water.
‘Why does he not sink? He would if he was not God,
as well as man. Surely he who made the sea can walk
on. it.
The disciples of Jesus were crossing the sea of Gali-
lee one night when a storm arose, and although they toiled
hard, they could not get ahead with their boat. Soon
they saw some one walking on the water and coming
toward them. They were greatly frightened, for they
never had seen anything like it before. I think you or I
‘would have been afraid, too, to see such a sight in the
night. |
Jesus saw their fear, and spoke to them, saying, “It
is I: be not afraid.†They knew then it was Jesus,
and received him gladly into their boat; the sea be-
came calm at once, so they reached the land immediately.
Dear children, our life here is sometimes represented.
as sailing over a sea, where at times the winds are high,
and the storms of sickness, suffering and disappointment
are beating upon us. It may be that papa or mamma is
‘very sick, or little baby brother or sister is dead. How
good it is, then, to have Jesus, speak those beautiful words
to us, “Fear not, for I am with thee.â€
How gladly we hear his voice, for Jesus alone can
give comfort in such hours. Another time, Jesus was
with his disciples on the water, when the sea became very
boisterous, and Jesus was in the hinderpart of the ship,
asleep. The waves beat wildly against the ship, some-
times rising so high as to dash over the sides of the boat,
filling the disciples with fear lest they should be drowned.
What did they do? |
They went and awoke Jesus, and told him their dan-
ger. He arose immediately and said to the sea, “Peace,
be still†And the wind ceased, and there was a great
Let me tell you how Peter once tried to walk on the
water, just like Jesus. Peter and his companions were in
‘a boat, crossing the sea of Galilee, where they had so
often been fishing in other days, when suddenly they.
looked up and saw Jesus coming on the water, just as if
it was a hard road under his feet.
Peter thought it would be very nice to go and meet
Jesus. So he asked the Master if he might come. Jesus
said he might, and Peter started to go, but the wind blew
‘so hard that it blew all the faith out of Peter, and he began
to sink. All he could do was to cry out, “ Lord, save
or I perish.†Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught
him just as he was sinking. You see that Jesusis Mas-
ter of the sea.
“ So when they had vowed about five and twenty or thirty
furlongs, they see Fesus walking on the sea, and
drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.â€
— John, vi : 19.
Who walked on the water?
Jesus, the Son of God.
To whom did he come on the water?
To his. disciples.
What did they think when they saw him?
They thought it was a spirit, and’ were afraid.
How were their fears removed ? .
By Jesus saying, “ Be not afraid.â€
How was the sea made calm ?
By the word of Jesus.
,What did Peter. once ask the Savior to let him do >
To come to him on the water.
Why did he begin to sink ?
Because he began to doubt.
If Jesus is master of the sea, what does it prove >
That he was the Son of God.
JouN, 6.
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This poor man, on whose head Jesus lays his hand,, .
is afflicted with that loathsome disease called the leprosy..
_ There was no sickness so dreadful as this, or one so hard.
to cure. This disease would eat away the flesh until,
sometimes the fingers or toes would drop off. How
very sad it must have been, when these leprous spots pee
made their appearance.
There was another thing which added very much to:
the fear and terror of this disease. It was contagious.
So the Jews had a law, that as soon as any one was.
afflicted with it, he must be removed from among the
people. They were compelled to leave their home and
children, and go outside the city to live; and perhaps never
- see their loved ones again.
We can hardly imagine how dreadful it would be to-
suffer pain, night and day, with no loving friend to watch
beside us. We think it very hard to be sick when we
have a nice bed, and everything we need, with mamma.
to take care of us, but I am afraid if we were in the place
of these poor lepers, we should want to die. There was. _
no doctor who could cure this kind of sickness, no one but:
Jesus could ever make the leprous man whole.
This man in our picture had, doubtless, suffered for
years (you see his hand is very thin); but he had heard
of Jesus, how he healed the sick, and he determined to
ask him to cure him of his leprosy. “o he came to Jesus
and worshiped him, saying, “ Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst
. make me clean,†and Jesus put forth his hand and touched
him, saying, “I will; be thou clean.†He was made per-
fectly whole, so that he came back to his family again.
What a day of joy that must have been in their
home. You see Jesus was nct afraid of the leprosy, for
he reached out his hand and laid it on him. No disease
could touch Jesus, for he was Master of all disease.
How many, many instances we have in the Bible where
Jesus healed those who were sick. The blind man, the
dumb man, the palsied man, the man possessed with.
devils, and those suffering from all kinds of disease, were
~ made well wherever he went.
We read that “He went about doing good, healing
all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.†O!
what a wonderful Savior he was. He not only could heal
the sick, but he could forgive their sins. Jesus can do
all this for us now, just the same as when he was here
upon the earth, if we only ask him in faith. Children,
will you ask him?
“And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneel-
ing down to him, and saying unto him, [f thou wilt,
thou canst make me clean.’— Mark 1: 40.
Who came to Jesus to be healed ?
The leper.
* Could any one cure the leprosy?
No one but Jesus.
Whom did this prove Jesus to be?
The Son of God.
Woaat did the Jews do with the leprous person?
They sent him outside the city.
What other sickness did Jesus heal?
All manner of sickness.
How is sin like the leprosy ?
Jesus only can cure it.
If we ask Jesus to make us clean, what may we ex-
pect ?
Just what he has promised, “I will; be thou clean
Have you asked Jesus for this ?
! Hi !
Jesus has just come down from the top of the moun-
tain, where he revealed his glory to his disciples, and he
finds a father in great distress. His poor boy, his only .
son, was possessed with an evil spirit, which often threw
him into the fire and into the water. He could not help
himself, and at times he would foam at the mouth, and
strike his teeth together with pain; and no one, not even
his parents, could help him. It was very hard for them
to see him suffer so.
‘There was another thing which added much to their
sore trial. The boy was dumb; he had never said papa,
or mamma, and when he tried to speak he could only groan
' or screech wildly. This father had heard that Jesus and
his disciples healed the sick who came to them. So one
day he brought his suffering boy to Jesus to be healed.
He did not find Jesus at first, but he found the disciples,
and he asked them to heal him. They thought they
could, for they had healed a great many sick people; but,
because of their unbelief, they were not able to heal this
poor boy.
Just at this time Jesus came down from the moun-
tain, and the father runs to him, and, kneeling at his feet,
besought him to heal his son. Jesus said, “Bring him
hither to me.†And Jesus rebuked the devil, and he
departed out of him, and the child was cured from that
very hour. What joy and gratitude must have filled that
father’s heart, when he saw his boy was well.
How happy, too, the boy must have been when he
found he was no longer under the power of this evil
spirit. a
Now he could walk,and talk, and eat, like other boys
He must have felt very thankful to Jesus for his wonder-
ful deliverance. Jesus, you see, is stronger than all the
devils. : .
Have you never read in the Bible about the man
among the tombs, possessed with evil spirits? No man
could tame him, neither could they bind him with chains.
He was a terror to all the people who lived in that place. |
They could hear his wild cries at midnight, so that people
dared not pass that way, lest he might come upon them
and destroy them. Jesus, while journeying one day, came
near the place where the wild man lived, and when he saw
him, he commanded the devils to depart out of him ; and
we read that the man was found sitting at the feet of
Jesus. clothed, and in his right mind.
We see that Jesus was the Mighty One, or he could
never have made the devils flee before him. He is the
same mighty Jesus now, and if we come to him he will
cast out all the naughty spirits from our hearts.
“dnd when they were come to the multitude, there came
to him acertain man, kneeling down to him, and Say-
ing, Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatic,
and sore vexed: for oft times he falleth into the fire,
and oft into the water.’—Matt., xvii: 14, 15.
Out of whom did Christ cast an evil spirit >
Out of the lunatic boy.
_ How did the evil spirit affect him?
It threw him into the fire and into the water.
What did his father do ?
Brought him to Jesus.
What did Jesus say to his father ?
“Tf thou canst believe, all things are possible.â€
What is essential for us to receive great things of
That we believe what Jesus has said.
_Where did Jesus find a man possessed with devils ?
Wandering among the tombs.
What did he do for him ? .
He cast them out.
How may we have the evil pis taken out of our
hearts ?
By believing in Jesus.
; MATTHEW, 17.
Here we have a very strange picture. It is a young
man rising from off his bier, on which he is being carried
to his burial; for he had sickened and died. Hisae is it
that he comes to life again? Jesus has spoken to him.
Not only do the sick and those possessed with devils
hear his voice, but even the dead hear and live.
This young man was the only son of his mother.
How she loved him, and was hoping that he would be
able to care for her when she became old and helpless.
What sorrow it was for her to know that her only boy
was dead, and she left alone.
The neighbors were carrying the body out to bury it,
when they met Jesus, who was passing that way. When
he saw the poor widow. weeping, his heart was moved
with pity, and he said unto her, “Weep not. Then he
came .and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood
still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.†—
Immediately the young man sat up and began to speak.
Then Jesus gave him to his happy mother, and great
fear came upon all the people, for they knew Jesus
must be the great and holy God, to work such a miracle.
I am sure you have read many times in the Bible
about Lazarus, who was raised from the dead. He was a
very dear friend of the Savior, and so was Mary and
Martha, his sisters. The sisters felt that if Jesus had
only been there, when their brother was sick, he could have
healed him; but they had not thought that Jesus could
- bring him back to life. | |
When Jesus came to see them, Martha said to him, .
“Lord, if thou hadst been here my brother had not died.â€
Jesus saith unto her, “Thy brother shall rise again.â€
They all went full of sorrow to the grave, where Lazarus
was buried, but Jesus soon made them glad. He told
them to take away the stone; then “he cried with a loud
voice, Lazarus, come forthâ€; and though he had been
dead four days, he arose out of his grave. What joy!
The brother is brought back to life again. Don’t you
think that Mary and Martha must have thanked him over
and over again?
I want to tell you, dear children, that Jesus is doing
work much like this to-day.
The sinner is represented as being “ dead in trespasses
and sins,†and Jesus is raising just such dead men now.
That is, he lifts them out of their sins and gives them a
new life, so that they will always love the right, and want
to do it.
“And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare
him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto
thee, Avise.— Luke, vii: 14.
Whom did Jesus raise from the aead?
The only son of a widow.
Where was this miracle performed ?
- At the gate of the city.
What did it prove?
That Jesus was divine.
How are sinners represented in the Bible?
As “dead in trespasses and sins.â€
Who is able to raise from this death?
Jesus, who can save to the uttermost.
Did Jesus raise any one beside the widow’s son?
Yes; Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha.
If Jesus raised Lazarus, can he raise us?
He can, and will.
‘What has God promised concerning our resurrection?
That we shall come forth from our graves.
Dear children, I wish I could tell you the story of
this sufferer you see in the picture, so that you would
never forget it.
This is Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, a place
where he often went to pray. He is alone in his sorrow,
- and we are told that his suffering was so great that drops
of bloody sweat stood on his face and fell down to the
ground. How great must have been his agony. Why
did he suffer so? I will try to tell you, so you can un-
derstand me if you will ask God to. help you.
Jesus did not suffer because he was sinful himself;
no, he never did wrong: he was pure and holy. He suf-
fered for our sins. He loved us so much that he could
not see us ruined forever. He knew,in order that we
might be saved, he must die in our stead. He knew, too,
just the agony he must endure if he died for us, and it
seemed more than he could bear, for Jesus was man as
well as God, and suffered just as we suffer.
Where we see him kneeling in prayer, he is pleading
with his Father in heaven, that if it could be possible this |
cup of suffering might pass from him. Yet he says,
“Not my will, but thine, be done.â€
You see Jesus was willing to submit.to this death on
the cross, if that was God’s way for our salvation. Did
the Father remove the cup of suffering? No, he could
not: for the Bible tells us there was no other way “where-
by we could be saved.â€
O, how thankful we ought to be that “God so loved
the world, that he gave his only begotten Son†to die
for us, and that Jesus himself so loved us as to willingly
lay down his life that we might live. But it cost him
the terrible agony of the garden of Gethsemane, where
the world’s guilt rested on him.
Look in the picture again, and you will see an angel
approaching Jesus. I wonder what he has come for. He
has come to comfort and strengthen him in his great trial.
We are told that angels are ministering spirits.
You remember how they came to comfort Jacob one
night when he was sleeping in Bethel, and how they came
- to tell the shepherds that Jesus was born. God’s angels
come now to comfort us in times of sorrow and grief. We
cannot see them, for they are spirits, but they speak to |
our hearts the comforting words of God. Only those
who are obedient to the will of God can expect such help.
“« And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and
prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let
this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as [ will,
but as thou wilt.’—Matt., Xxvi: 309.
Where did Jesus go to pray?
In the garden of Gethsemane.
What is meant by the cup of suffering?
The burden of our sins in his death on the cross..
Why did he take our sins upon himself?
Because it was his Father's will.
- Why was it the will of God?
It was the only way we could be saved.
What showed his great agony?
His bloody sweat.
Who came to comfort him?
The angel of God.
How may we have the same comfort ?
By perfect submission to God’s will.
How may we know his will?
By the word of God.
laa Whe
Children, do you know what a traitor is? It is one
who pretends to be your friend, but is really your ‘enemy
at heart. He may kiss you, and seem very kind to your
face, but is telling evil things about you to others, and.
trying to injure you all the time. Perhaps you have some:
such pretended friend among your schoolmates.
Jesus had one among his disciples. His name was.
Judas. You have heard, no doubt, about this wicked.
man; how he betrayed Jesus to be crucified. He appeared
to be a true friend, and the disciples trusted him to carry
the bag, in which my put the money they gathered for
the poor.
Judas loved money so much that it led him to com--
mit the great sin of being untrue to Jesus, his best friend.
He met the enemies of Jesus, one day, and they offered.
him thirty pieces of silver to tell them where to find Jesus..
Do you think he took it? Yes; he took the money, and!
told them where Jesus could be found.
How sad! It was in the night, and the soldiers came
with lanterns. One of the meni, as you see, is holding up.
his lantern in the face of Jesus, so they may be sure it is.
he. Judas also kissed him; for this-was the sign he had.
given the soldiers, that they might know who Jesus was..
Look, what a mean face he has, which shows the guilt of
his heart.
O! how Judas felt when he got home and found this
money in his pocket, and remembered that Jesus was in
the hands of his enemies, to be put to death. The sin
seemed greater and greater, the more he thought of it.
He could not sleep. How wretched the man was. He
felt so badly that he brought the money and threw it down
at the feet of those from whom he had taken it, and told
them it was the price of blood. He was so wretched, he
felt he could not live, so he took a rope and hung himself
to the limb of a tree.
It is a sad thing to commit sin, and then have to
think about it and think about it, and wish and wish we
could undo it. Let us be careful how we wrong others,
for some little profit it may bring us. . :
It is terrible to have the remorse for wrong-doing
which Judas had, and to feel that we cannot live. He
did not go back to Jesus to confess his sins; if he had .
the Savior would have forgiven him, although his sin was
so great. What.led Judas to commit sucha sin? It
was his love for money.
The Bible tells us that “The love of money is the
root of all evil.†Come people will lie for it, some will
steal, and some will sell their best friend. But all that we
ever get by wronging others will some day fill us with
sorrow and remorse, as it did Judas.
“Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying.
Whomsover I shall kiss, that same ts he; hold him
fast.’ — Matt., xxvi: 48.
Who betrayed Jesus?
_ Judas, one of the professed disciples.
How did he betray him?
With a kiss.
Why did he betray him ?
To get thirty pieces of silver.
What was his besetting sin?
Covetousness, or the love of money.
What was the result of his sin ?,
Bitter remorse.
What did he do?
He went and hanged himself.
How may we betray Jesus ?
By wicked conduct, when we profess to be his fol-
What would have been the result if Judas had con-
fessed his sin to Jesus?
He would have been forgiven, even of his great sin.
In this picture we see Jesus on the cruel. cross, where
his enemies had placed him, after Judas had betrayed him
into their hands. Here we iearn how much God loved
this world. “He gave his only begotten Son†to die that
we might live.
Do you love anybody so well that you could give
them your little baby brother or sister? I think not. But
God has so loved us that he not only gave us his Son, but
gave him to die a cruel death, that we might have eternal
‘life. Let me tell you a little about the sad story of the
crucifixion of Jesus. |
Before he was crucified he was scourged with a whip
of thongs, which tore the flesh from his back. Then a
crown of thorns was put on his head, and the sharp thorns
thrust into his tempies caused the blood to flow over his
face. This was a mock crown which his enemies put on
him, because he ciaimed to be their king. He was their
real king, but they would not receive him.
After he was scourged, and thorn-crowned, they led
him out te Calvary, to crucify him. They placed him on
the cross, which was lying on the ground, and drove the
large nails through his hands and feet, to fasten him to it.
Then strong men raised the cross, and let it down into a_
hole made in the ground, so that the Savior hung by
- these nails. .
What torture and suffering! Yet in it all not a mur-
mur escaped his lips, but he prayed for those who were
taking his life. Hear his prayer: “ Father, forgive them.
for they know not what they do.â€
With Jesus they crucified two thieves, one on the
right hand and the other on the left. One of them, you
remember, cried to Jesus for salvation, while he was hang-
ing on the cross, and Jesus saved him. He said, “ To-day
shalt thou be with me in paradise.†Jesus will never turn
a deaf ear to the cry of a penitent sinner. |
All that Jesus suffered in body, while hanging on the
cross, was but a small part of his suffering. | There was
on his soul the fearful load of our sins, and he was in
depths of sorrow we can never fully know. .
Jesus died in our stead; that is, we had sinned and
were justly condemned to death by God's holy law. But
Jesus stepped into our place, and bore all the punishment,
so that now we need not suffer or die for our sins, if we
only accept Jesus as our Savior. His blood makes us as
pure and holy in the sight of God, as though we had
aever sinned. O, what a Savior he is, to have loved us
so. We could have no hope for heaven if Jesus had not ©
died. |
« And when they weve come to the place, called Calvary,
there they crucified him.†— Luke, xxiii: 33
Why did the Jews crucify Jesus?
Because he claimed to be the Son of God.
What did the soldiers do to him before my crucified
him ?
They scourged him.
How was Jesus crucified ?
He was nailed to the cross.
What did Jesus do for those who took his life?
He prayed for them.
What was Christ's greatest suffering ?:
His agony in bearing our sins.
What did that suffering do for us?
It made it possible for us to be saved.
Whom did Christ save while on the cross ?
The dying thief.
“What must we do to be saved?
- Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
LUKE, 22.
In our last lesson we learned about the cruel death
of Jesus, on the cross. In this picture we see an angel
sitting by the empty tomb of Joseph, from which Jesus had
just gone forth. This tomb was not his, for he had no spot
of earth he could call hisown.. When his friends took him
down from the cross, they laid him in Joseph’s new tomb,
for Joseph loved Jesus, and wanted him to be buried there.
His disciples felt very bad when they saw that Jesus
was dead. He had fed them when hungry; healed them
when sick; comforted them in sorrow; but now they
thought they should:see him no more. Were they right
about this children? No; for Jesus had said that he
should rise again, after three days.
When the three days had passed, sure enough, a
strong angel came down from heaven and rolled away the
stone from the door of the sepulchre, and Jesus, the
mighty conqueror, came forth. The angel stayed there, as
we see him, to tell any one who might come to the tomb
_ that Jesus had risen.
Those two women, we see coming toward the angel,
are the two Mary’s, who went early to the sepulchre and -
found not their Lord, but found an angel, “ whose coun-
tenance was like lightning; and whose raiment was white
as snow.â€. He said unto the women, “He is not here,
for he is risen,†as he said. They were filled with fear,
and great joy, “and did run to bring his disciples word.â€
How strange it must have been for those who:saw him
dead, to see him alive again; to look upon those wounded
. hands, and those scarred temples pierced by thorns.
If Jesus came forth from the grave by his own power,
then he surely is able to fulfill all he has promised to us.
Now he has said that we, too, shall come forth from our
graves. How comforting is the promise.
We bury dear friends, and sorrow greatly. that we
shall see them no more in this world; but, by and by,
when Jesus comes the second time, he will call us all from
our graves, for we read, “The earth and the sea shall give
up their dead.†Thenwe shall meet ‘our loved ones again,
if we are God’s children, and reign with him forever.
There will be no more death after that. We shall have
glorified bodies, more beautiful than anything we ever saw
on earth. ,
You have seen the beautiful butterfly, with golden
wings, floating in the sunlight, have you not? That but-
terfly was once a worm, crawling on the earth. Just be-
fore it died the worm spun a winding-sheet for itself.
When the winter had passed, and the warm spring had
come, we saw, coming out of that little tomb, the beautiful
butterfly. Like this, we shall come forth from our graves
with a glorified body. |
7 na the angel answered and said unto the woman, Fear
not ye: for I know that ye seek Fesus, which was
crucified. Hetis not here: for he is risen.’—Matt.
XXVI1: 5, 6.
Where was Jesus buried?
In Joseph’s new tomb.
Why did they bury him in Joseph’s tomb?
Because he had none of his own.
‘What happened after three days?
Jesus rose from the dead.
What does this prove?
That he is God, and has all power.
Who went early to the sepulchre?
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.
What did they find?
An angel at the door of the sepulchre.
What did he tell them?
That Jesus had risen.
What kind of bodies shall we have in the resur-
rection ? : .
Glorified bodies.
In this picture we see the Savior ascending into
heaven, while his disciples are looking eagerly upon him
for the last time. It seems very strange that he should
rise right up from the ground, and go through the clouds
back to heaven again ; but this is no more wonderful than
it was for him to do many other things which he did.
He had. risen from the dead, and showed himself to
his followers, that they might know he was alive again.
His work on earth was all done, and he gave his last part-
ing words to his disciples, and slowly ascended above their
heads and above the clouds, until he was out of sight.
What do you think his last words were? They were
these: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to
every creature.†He told them to tell the good news,-and
promised to be with them.
After Jesus had risen out of sight, his disciples were
very sad and lonely. They hardly knew what to do; but
very soon two beautiful angels came and said to them,
“This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven
shall. so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into
heaven.†But, children, he will not come a helpless babe |
next time, neither will he be found ina manger. Wicked
men will not be able to lay hands upon him, as they did
before, to take his life, but he will come in great power
and glory, attended by the holy angels.
Then the dead shall hear his voice, and shall come
out of their graves, and appear before God in judgment. ©
O! what a fearful day that will be to those who have
despised and rejected Jesus, and what a day of joy and
gladness to those who love him. Who will not want
Jesus to be his friend at that time? But he cannot be
our friend then, unless we are his friends now.
There are very many who doubt God’s word, and
think, because the world has stood so many years, that it
will always stand, but God has plainly taught us in the"
Bible; that the end of the world is coming; that the
heavens and the earth shall pass away.
You remember what became of those who did not
believe what God said in the time of Noah. For .one
hundred and twenty years Noah preached to the people,
warning them of the coming flood; but they laughed at
him, and refused to hear'God. At last the dreadful hour
came, and God took Noah and his family into the ark,
- but sent'the flood on all those who did not believe, and
they perished. So we are told it will be when Jesus shall
come again, he will gather his loved ones to be with him
in heaven, but the wicked will be cast out forever.
“ And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven, as he
went up, behold, two men stood by them in white
apparel.’ —Acts, 1: 10.
Who went up into heaven ?
Jesus, who came down from heaven.
Who saw him?
His disciples.
Who came to comfort them ?
The angels.
What did they say ?
That he should come again.
When will he come again ?
At the end of the world.
Why is he coming?
To judge the world.
How will his coming affect the sinner?
He will be filled with fear.
Who will be glad to see him?
Those who love him.
ACTS, 1.
_ Here is a wonderful sight; men with flames of fire
on their heads, and yet they are not burned. The Lord.
did it to show the people that these-disciples had received -
a special gift of his Spirit. I don’t know as I can make
you understand this, children, but if you will listen, I will
One day, a little while before Jesus went back to
heaven, his disciples were feeling very sad, because he
was going away. So Jesus promised them that he would
send his Spirit, who should stay with them. By this, he
meant that while they could not see him with their eyes,
they should feel: his presence in their hearts, and so they
would know that he was truly with them. You know
when you are in the dark, and cannot see mamma, if
you only hear her voice, you are just as sure she is with
vou as though you could see her.
Jesus wanted his disciples to know that he would be
with them, to give them power to do the work he had
told them to do, although they could not see him. Jesus
told them to wait in a certain place, in prayer, until they
should receive this gift of his Spirit upon them.. They
waited ten days, when the Spirit came, and they were so
filled with power that ‘hey could speak languages ay
had never learned.
This was so wonderful that it was “noised abroadâ€
throughout the city, and a multitude of people, out of
every nation, came together to hear them. What do you
think they were talking about? They were telling the
beautiful story of Jesus dying on the cross for us. The
people were greatly astonished “because that every man
heard them speak in his own language.†God gave the
disciples power to do this, that all the people of different
nations might hear the wonderful story of Jesus and his
How glad we ought to be that while Jesus is not on
the earth in body now, yet his Spirit dwells in our hearts,
to teach us what is right. All the good thoughts we
have; every desire to be kind and unselfish to our brother
or sister; or to try and please mamma; and every time
we want to help some poor little boy or girl—all these are
given us by the good Spirit.
You know it was after the Spirit had come upon the
disciples, that they spake with such power that many,
many believed what they said about the wonderful Savior.
If we want to tell others about Jesus, so as to make them
believe that he has died to save them, we must have his
Spirit in our hearts. Jesus has promised togive the Spirit
to all who ask him.
“4nd they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and be-
gan to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave
them utterance.’— Acts, ii: 4.
What promise did Jesus give to his disciples ?
That his Spirit should come upon them.
What were they to do? |
Wait in prayer till the Spirit came.
How long did they wait?
Ten days.
What did the Spirit do for them?
Taught them to speak in different languages.
How did this affect the people?
They were greatly astonished.
‘What else did the Spirit do for the siecle?
Gave them great power to preach Jesus.
What do we need ?
The Spirit in our hearts.
To whom is the Spirit now given?
To all those who ask in faith.
Acts, 2
~ Did any one ever tell you, children, the story about
the prodigal son, as we find it in the Bible? He wasa
bad boy, who left his fathers home. This is the way it
as. He told his father, if he would give him his share
of the money that he would take care of himself. He
thought he could do this. Do you think he was right.
about it? No; it was.a great mistake. A great many
boys who are anxious to get away from their father’s
house, are glad enough to get back some day. ;
This boy took his money, and started off with high
hope that he should have a good time in the world. Like
many other boys, he fell into bad company, and was led
away into paths of sin, until he had lost his money and
his good name, and was left without friends. : He was in
a strange land, and did not know what todo. He went
to find some work, but as he had lost his good name he
could not get any nice work to do.
After a while he found a man who wanted some one
to tend his pigs. The poor boy was very hungry, but he
had no money to buy bread. We read that he even want-
ed some of the food he gave to the swine. O! how he
wished now that he had never left his father’s house. At
last, in his hunger and distress, he said, “I will arise and
go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, 1 have
sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more
worthy to be called thy son; make me as one of thy hired
You see he-was very sorry for what he had done.
and longed to get back to his pleasant home again. Do
you think his father received him after such a life?. Yes,
he saw him coming, and while the boy was a great way
off, he ran to meet him, and fell on his neck and kissed
him, as we see in the picture. This showed that he for-
gave him all. —% :
To prove his love, he told the servant to “bring forth
the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his
hand, and shoes on his feet.†He told him, too, to kill
the fatted calf, that they might make merry over the long
lost boy. This beautiful Bible story is given us to teach
the great love and mercy of God toward the penitent
sinner. We, in our sins, are like the boy who is far away
from father’s house, without home, or friends, or food.
But Jesus is waiting to welcome us back, and will freely
forgive all our sins.
“I will avise and go to my father, and will say unto him,
father, I have sinned against heaven and before
thee.’ —Luke, xv: 18.
Who was penitent for his sins? -
The prodigal son. ,
What had been his life?
Very sinful.
Where did his sin at last one him ?
_ To poverty and shame.
What did he do when his money was gone?
Fed the swine.
What did he at last decide?
To arise and go to his father.
Did his father forgive him?
Yes, and received him as his son again.
What did he say concerning the son?
That the dead is alive and the lost is found.
Will God receive us, though we are sinners ?
He will, if we are truly penitent.
LUKE, 15.
‘ eI LOU
4 =—— ll
——4 Seo Uj :
Children, do you see how thoughtful that man seems
to be, as he sits beside the Savior ? Jesus has been talking
very earnestly to him. This is what he said: “Except a
man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.â€
Nicodemus, for that was the man’s name, was a ruler
of the Jews. He had heard much about Jesus, and
thought he would go and talk with him. But he went in
‘the night. Why, do you think? He was a proud man,
and did not want anybody to see him going to Jesus, for
Jesus was poor, and many hated him beeause he told them
‘their sins. :
Nicodemus was one of the wise men in Jerusalem, but
he did not know about the way of salvation, and he did well
to talk with Jesus about it. He thought himself to be a
very good man; he went to church on the Sabbath and
observed the forms of worship, and tried to do about right
through the week. But Jesus soon told him that all these
forms of religion could not save him; “He must be born
again,’ or have a new heart.
By this, Jesus meant to teach, not only Nicodemus,
but all of us, that we must be changed. That the old,
sinful heart, which leads us to do wrong, must be made
into a new heart, which will lead us to do right. You
may think that it would be very hard to have this done.
Nicodemus thought so. He said to Jesus, “ How can these
things be?†Jesus plainly taught him it could be done,
but only by the Spirit of God.
Jesus told him that when the wind blows we do not
see it, but we feel it. So the Holy Spirit moves upon our
hearts, though we cannot see him, and changes them into _
new hearts, which will love him and love things pure and
Now, children, we cannot truly love God until we
- have this new heart; for the old heart is full of sin. We
have naughty thoughts, speak naughty words, do unkind
deeds, want our own way, and, it may be, indulge in feel-
ings of hatred. This is wrong. But with the new heart,
which Jesus gives, we shall want to do just what is right.
“We shall not only love God, but shall love to pray to him,
and love to read the Bible, that we may know how to
live to please Jesus.
But how may we have this new heart? By simply
looking to Jesus and trusting him to give it; just as the
children of Israel, looked to “the brazen serpent and were
healed, after they had been bitten by the fiery serpents.
This was a very simple way to be cured, but it was God’s
way. So it is God’s way for us to look to Jesus,.and the
only way we can be saved. Ask mamma to read to you
this story about the fiery serpents—Numbers, xxi. |
“ Verily, verily, [ say “unto thee, Except a man be hv
again, he cannot see the kingdom © of God. aes
ili: 3.
Who came seeking Jesus by night ?
Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
Why did he come by night?
Because he was ashamed to have others know it.
What great truth did Jesus tell him?
That he must be born again, to see the kingdom of
What does this mean?
It means to have a new heart.
How is this done?
By the Holy Spirit.
When is it done?
When we really want it, and ask Jesus in faith.
What does it do for us? :
Leads us to love God, the Bible, and our enemies.
Who only can see heaven ?
Those who have a new heart.
JOHN, 3.
These men are letting a sick man down from the
house-top, with ropes, into a room below, where Jesus is
preaching. What does this strange conduct mean? They
Want to get him into the presence of Jesus, believing, if
they can, he will be healed.
It is said of Jesus “that he went about doing sed
“Wherever he found sick people he healed them. Soon
his fame became so great, that wherever he went great
multitudes followed him, bringing their sick for Jesus to
- lay his hands upon them, and they were healed. .
Here four men brought a palsied man, on his bed, to
Jesus, for he could not help himself at all. When they
reached the house where Jesus was, there was such a
great crowd about the doors and in the streets that they
could not get in. But they were so sure that if Jesus
could see him he would heal him, that they climbed a lad-
der, or in some way got the sick man on the top of the
house. Then, tearing up the roof, they let him down, on
his bed, into the prea of Jesus, just as we see in the
How the people must have wondered at this. But
486 FAITH.
they soon saw it was their great faith in Jesus to heal,
that had led them to do it. And when Jesus saw their
faith, he said to the sick man, “Arise, take up thy couch
and go into thine house.†He arose immediately, with
great joy, and took up his bed and went to his home.
How surprised his wife and children must have been
when they saw father coming, carrying his bed. Don't
you think they felt very happy as they ran to meet him,
and heard him speak to them in a clear, strong voice
again? How their hearts must have been filled with
praise to Jesus, as he told them the wonderful story.
We should think that all the people would have
praised Jesus too, when they saw his wonderful works ;
but it was not so. . Many hated him, and tried to take his |
life. Jesus had such power, he did not always have to
see or touch those he healed. .
Perhaps you may have read about the nobleman,
who had a little boy sick, and near to death. He went.
twenty-six miles to see Jesus, and have him come and
heal his son. But when Jesus saw that he had such great
faith, he said unto him: “Go thy way, thy son liveth.â€
He believed Jesus, and went right back home, and found
his son well, as Jesus had told him. When we need any-
thing, or want our friends or mates to have new hearts, we
- must take it to Jesus in psayer with this same faith, and
if we only believe, Jesus will do great things for us.
FAITH. - 187
« And when they could not jind by what way they might
bring him in because of the multitude, they went
upon the house top, and let him down through the
tiling, with his couch, into the midst before TOGA
—Luke, v: Io.
. Who was healed by faith ?
The man sick with the palsy.
How did they get him into the presence of Jesus?
They let him down through the roof.
What did this show ?
Their great faith.
What did Jesus do for the mae
He healed him.
What did‘he tell the man to do?
To take up his bed and go to his house.
What boy was healed without Jesus seeing him?
The nobleman’s son.
What great promise is given to cur faith?
« According to your faith be it unto you.â€
How may we have great things done for us?
By believing the promise of God.
LUKE, 5.
I am sure you have heard about this little boy; his:
name is Samuel. See, how anxiously he looks up in the:
face of the aged man; he must be telling something that.
greatly surprises him, for the man is lifting his hand, as.
though he hardly knew what to do. The little boy is.
pointing up to heaven, saying, by this, that what he is.
telling him has come from God. This was true, for God
had told him to carry a very sad message to this man,.
Eli. But let me tell you about little Samuel. He began
to serve the Lord when he was very young. His mother:
had asked the Lord to give her a baby boy, and sheâ„¢
promised that she would give him back to God again.
Her prayer was heard, and in due time little Samuel was.
born. She kept her promise, for when the little boy was.
weaned, she took him up to the house of the Lord, and
gave him into the care of this aged man, who was God’s.
high priest. This is what she said when she brought
- him to Eli: “For this child I prayed ; and the Lord hath
given me my petition which I asked of him: therefore:
also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he
shall be lent to the Lord.†Don’t you think it must have:
been very hard for this mother to go away home, and
leave her darling boy in the care of strangers? But she
would keep her promise with.God. Once every year she
went to see him, and brought him a nice little coat she
had made.
One night when the little boy had laid down to sleep,
he heard a voice calling to him, “Samuel,†and he ran unto
Eli, and said, “ Here am I, for thou calledst me.†And Eli
said, “I called not; lie down again. And he went and
lay down.†The Lord called again, the second and the
third time; but Samuel did not know that it was the
Lord, and so he ran to Eli to ask what he wanted. At
last Eli told him that when he heard the voice again
to say, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.†He did:
so, and the Lord told him that the sons of Eli were
very bad, wicked boys, and Eli restrained them not; that
is, he did not make them mind him, and so failed to train
them in the way they should go, as God had commanded;
and therefore the severe judgments of God were about
to come upon him. |
It was a very hard task for the little boy to go to the
aged high priest, and tell him such bad news. But when
the morning came he went, and told it all, as we see him -
in the picture. Little Samuel began to serve God when
he was very young, and he always obeyed the Lord. So
he grew to be a great and good man, whom the people
loved and God honored.
EARLY PIETY. , | 19r
« Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.â€
SE CG lac IL-2 cy
Who began to serve God while very young?
Samuel, who became a great man in Israel.
’ How came he to serve in God's house so early?
Because his mother gave him to the Lord.
What did his mother do for him every year ?
She made him a little coat, and brought to him.
What did he do in God’s house?
He waited upon Eli, the high priest.
Who called to him one night?
The Lord.
Whom did Samuel think it was?
He thought it was Eli.
What did God tell him to do?
To go and tell Eli his sin.
' What was the result of Samuel's — eee ?
He became a | great and good man.
That man we see in the distance, standing before
some candles, seems to be praying; but there is no true
prayer in his heart. He is a Pharisee, one of those proud
men, who think a great deal of themselves and their good
deeds. He is only telling the Lord how good he is, and
calls it prayer.
He thinks, if he gives some of his money, fasts twice:
in the week, does some other good things, then comes and _
tells the Lord what he has done, that this is prayer. _ Jesus
does not think so, for he sees his heart is full. of pride.
The Pharisee thinks so much of himself that God cannot
think much of him.
This other man, who has just come into the temple
to pray, is a publican—a tax-gatherer. Look at him! He
does not so much as lift up his eyes to heaven; he is
smiting his hands on his breast, for he feels that he is a
‘great Sinner.
We are told what his“ prayer was, “God be merciful
to mea sinner.†It was very short, only a few words, but
full of meaning to God. Let us stop a moment and think
about his prayer. He asks for .something— God's mercy
or forgiveness. He asks for what he most needs—his
sins taken away, for with them, he could neither please
God or see heaven.
He asks from the right source —God, who alone can
forgive sin. He asks in the right way—in humility. He
would not lift up his eyes to heaven; and see, too, he has _
stepped only inside the door, feeling unworthy to go far-
ther into the temple. Which prayer do you think was
pleasing to God? We are not left in doubt about this,
for the Bible tells us that the publican “ went down to his
house justified.†By this is meant, his sins were all for-
given. He got what he asked for. Jesus never fails to
hear such a prayer.
'. The proud Pharisee did not get anything, for he did
not ask for anything. He only told the Lord what he
had done. His high head, his proud heart, his trailing
garment, left him farther from God than when he began
to pray. We sometimes think we are better than others
because we wear better clothes, live in better houses, or
go in better society. This is very sinful; it is the spirit
of the proud Pharisee. The very ones we despise may
have better hearts than we, and so have the favor of God,
“which is better than life.â€
God answers prayer, and though we may have done
many wrong things, and been very wicked, yet, if we come
to Jesus, humbly asking forgiveness, as did this publican,
he will freely forgive us all. Do you pray?
PRAYER. ~ S195
“Two men went up into the temple to pray ; the one
a Pharisee, and the other a publican.†— Luke,
XVili : 10.
Who went in the temple to pray?
‘The Pharisee and the publican.-
How did the Pharisee pray?
He told the Lord how good he was.
How did, the publican pray?
He prayed for God's mercy to a poor sinner.
Which prayer was answered?
The prayer of the publican.
Why was his prayer answered ?.
Because he humbly asked for: mercy...
Whom does God -always hear?-
-The humble and _ penitent.
Whom will God resist?
The proud and self-righteous.
Are you like the Pharisee’ or: the- publican ? >
JLUKE, 18. ©
See those men lying on the ground. They have
fallen from their horses, and are trying to cover their eyes
from the intense light which is shining upon them. What
does all this mean? It is God, who has come to stop
these wicked men, for they were going to persecute some
of his people. That man who has his hand over his face
_ is Saul, the captain of this band. He was a man who
believed in the Jews’ religion, and did not believe in the
religion of Jesus, and so persecuted Christ’s followers.
At this time he had heard of some Christians in the
city of Damascus, and he determined to go and put them
in prison. He took a band of armed men with him, and
started on the journey; but when he had gone part way,
suddenly there shined a light from heaven, above the
brightness of the sun, and they all fell to the earth. Then
Saul heard a voice from. heaven, saying unto him, “Caul,
Saul, why persecutest thou me?†Saul knew that it was
the Lord who had stopped him, and he cried out, “ Lord,
what wilt thou have me to do?†He knew that he had
been doing wrong, and now he wanted to do right. God
told him what to do, and. gave him a new heart to love
198 *% ¢ OBEDIENCE.
and obey him. He was given a new name, too, for he
was called Paul after this. .
Paul is the great man we learn so much about in the
New Testament. He never wanted his own way after
God gave him a new heart, but always asked God what
he would have him do. If God told him to go away from
home into a strange country, to tell the people about Jesus,
and the way to be saved, he went, even at the risk of his
life. Sometimes he was put into prison; sometimes: he |
was whipped, just as Jesus was, and sometimes his enemies
threatened to kill him; but in it all he was very patient
and willing to suffer for Jesus’ sake.
Whatever God told him to do, he did at once; for he
loved Jesus, his Savior, so, that he delighted to obey him.
There is nothing so pleasing to God, as to have his people
obedient. Little children can please God by obedience, as
well as those who are older. We obey God when we
obey our parents, for this he has commanded. Every
time we are naughty or willful, or disrespectful to our
parents, we displease God. This is not all: we are very
unhappy ourselves, for we know we have done wrong, and
have a guilty conscience. We can only be happy, as we
obey God, our parents, and our own conscience.
“ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall.enter
into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the
willof my Father which ts in heaven.’—Matt., vii:.21.
Who was made obedient by.the: power.of God?
Saul of Tarsus.
Where did God meet him?
On the way to Damascus.
Why was Saul going there?
To persecute those who worshiped Jesus.
How did God stop him ?
With a great light from heaven.
How did the light affect. him ?
Caused him to fall to the ground.
What was he now willing:to do?
To obey God in all things.
Was Paul willing to suffer for Christ's sake?
Yes, he counted it a joy.
How may we always. be happy?
By perfect obedience to the Lord..
.ACTS, '9-
Mn al
Ihr rr Phe
MEET} tah
Do you see this large house in the picture? It is
an inn, or hotel. Those men are taking a wounded man
from the beast, to carry him into the hotel, where he can
be cared for. I will tell you the story how this po
man got so badly hurt.
- One day he went down from Jerusalem to ToenG:
through a very lonely and mountainous road. All at
once he was overtaken by some thieves, “which stripped
him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leav-
ing him half dead.â€
We are told that a priest and a Levite went that
way, but when they saw him they each passed over on
the other side. These two men were like the Phari-
see we have just learned:about — pretended to be: good
when they were not. Do you think you would have left
a poor sufferer there alone?
By and by another man came along, called the good
Samaritan. And what did he do? He had pity on him,
for he went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring in
oil and wine to soothe them and make them heal. ‘Then
he carefully lifted him from the ground and set him on
his beast, and took him to the inn, where all needed care
202 LOVE.
would be given him until he was well, and promised to
pay the bills. :
This good Samaritan fulfilled the great command of
Jesus, where he said, “ Thou. shalt love thy neighbor as
thyself.†You see he loved with his hands —“bound up
his wounds.†He loved with his feet, for he walked, that
the wounded man might ride; he loved with his purse,
for he gave money to the host, and said to him, “Take »
care of him, and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I
come again, I will repay thee.â€
This was love, and he who truly loves Jesus, will
love the poor and needy, and like Jesus, will go about
doing good. He will love everybody, the poor and igno-
rant, the sick and sorrowing, and reach out to them the
warm, helping hand. _
How beautiful, too, it is to see little boys and girls ~
thoughtful of the happiness and pleasure of others. To |
see them love the needy ones with their hands, with their
feet, and with their purse, just as the good Samaritan did.
“God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life.â€
Jesus was the good Samaritan, who found us
wounded and bruised by sin, and he came to us in
sympathy and love, to bind up our wounds and heal us,
even at the expense of his own life. He has said, “Go,
and do thou likewise.â€
LOVE. 203
“ He who loveth God, loveth his brother also.â€
I. John, iv: 21.
Who loved the man who fell among thieves ?
The good Samaritan.
Who passed by him ?
_ The priest and the Levite:
How did the Samaritan show his love?
By binding up his wounds.
What else did he do?
Took him to an inn, to be cared for.
Why may Jesus be called the Good Samaritan ?
Because he loved us with an unselfish love.
' How did he show this love tous?
By his pity and sympathy for us wounded by sin.
‘How can we show-our love?
-By helping the poor and needy.
What new.commandment has God given?
That ye love one another.
; LUKE, 10.
Who are those five young women, dressed so beauti--
fully with lamps in their hands, knocking at the door?
They are the five foolish virgins we learn about in the
Bible, who expected to attend a marriage, but came too.
late, and found the door shut. ,
You remember that Jesus, when he went .back to
heaven, told his sorrowing disciples that he should come |
again. He has likened his coming, to that of the bride-
groom to the wedding.
In the east, whenever there was a great marriage,
the bridegroom did not come until late in the night.
Then a number of virgins, who had made themselves
ready with wedding garments and with lamps in their
hands,. would go out to meet him.
The Bible tells us of a wedding, where five of these
virgins were wise and had oil in their lamps, but five
were foolish, because they had fallen asleep while waiting,
and their lights had gone out. When the cry was heard,
“ Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him,â€
the foolish virgins awoke from their slumber, to find that.
their lamps were not burning. They were greatly alarmed
and went to buy oil, but while they were gone, the bride
groom came, “and they that were ready went in with him
- to the marriage: and the door was shut.â€
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, “Lord,
Lord, open to us.†But they were too late. They had
been asleep, when they should have been awake trim-
ming their lamps and making ready for the bridegroom.
Now they are told that they cannot enter in, though they
stand knocking at the door. How they must have
mourned when they found that they could not go in to the
marriage feast. See! how sad they look.
So Jesus has told us it will be, when he comes at the
end of the world. Some will be ready, like the wise vir-
gins, waiting for Jesus, and will enter with him into
- heaven. But others there will be who are not ready, like
the foolish virgins, with no oil in their lamps. The door
of heaven will be closed against them.
They may say we have attended sabbath school; we —
have beento church; we have given our money to the
poor, and done many good things; but if they are found
without the love of Jesus in their hearts, they will be too |
late. They may knock and knock at the door, only to
hear Jesus say, I never knew you. How dreadful to be
shut out of heaven forever! Children, the door is now
. open, but the cry will soon be heard, “ Behold, the bride-
groom cometh.†Shall we be found among the wise or
foolish ?
“Be ye therefore ready also, for the Son of man ‘cometh
at an hour when ye think not.†— Luke, xii: 40.
Who is coming again at the end of the world?
Jesus, who went up to heaven.
How do we know this ?
Jesus has said so.
What will his coming be like ?
Like the coming of the bridegroom.
What is he coming for?
To take those who are ready, back to heaven with
Who will be ready to meet Jesus?
Those who have his love in their hearts.
What will be the sad fate of those who are not
ready ?
They will be shut out of heaven.
What will Jesus say to them?
I never knew you.
What will Jesus say to you?
- MATTHEW, 25,