Front Cover
 Front Matter
 Title Page
 Table of Contents
 List of Illustrations
 A poor rich boy
 The runaway
 Alaric takes a first lesson
 The "Empress" loses a passenge...
 First mate Bonny Brooks
 Preparing to be a sailor
 Captain Duff, of the sloop...
 An unlucky smash
 "Chinks" and "dope"
 Puget Sound smugglers
 A very trying experience
 A lesson in Kedging
 Chasing a mysterious light
 Donny's invention, and how...
 Captured by a revenue-cutter
 Escape of the first mate and...
 Saved by a little Siwash kid
 Life in Skookum John's camp
 A treacherous Indian from Neah...
 An exciting race for liberty
 A case of mistaken identity
 Two short but exciting voyages
 Alaric Todd's darkest hour
 Phil Ryder pays a debt
 Engaged to interpret for the...
 Preparing for an ascent
 Bonny commands the situation
 On the edge of Paradise Valley
 Mount Rainier placed underfoot
 Blown from the rim of a crater
 A desperate situation
 How a song saved Alaric's life
 Laid up for repairs
 Chased by a madman
 A gang of friendly loggers
 In a Northwest logging camp
 What is a hump-durgin?
 Alaric and Bonny again take to...
 Bonny discovers his friend the...
 A flood of light
 Back Cover

Group Title: Rick Dale : a story of the northwest coast
Title: Rick Dale
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00084233/00001
 Material Information
Title: Rick Dale a story of the northwest coast
Physical Description: vi, 282, 4 p., 20 leaves of plates : ill. ; 19 cm.
Language: English
Creator: Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930
Rogers, W. A ( Illustrator )
Harper & Brothers ( Publisher )
Publisher: Harper & Brothers
Place of Publication: New York
Publication Date: 1896
Subject: Youth -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Mountaineering -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Voyages and travels -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Adventure and adventurers -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Indians of North America -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Loggers -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Poor -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Smugglers -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Sailors -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Outdoor life -- Juvenile fiction   ( lcsh )
Publishers' advertisements -- 1896   ( rbgenr )
Bldn -- 1896
Genre: Publishers' advertisements   ( rbgenr )
novel   ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- New York -- New York
Statement of Responsibility: by Kirk Munroe ; illustrated by W.A. Rogers.
General Note: Publisher's advertisements follow text.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00084233
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 002392300
notis - ALZ7197
oclc - 01653800
lccn - 07032280

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Front Cover 1
        Front Cover 2
    Front Matter
        Front Matter
    Title Page
        Page i
        Page ii
    Table of Contents
        Page iii
        Page iv
    List of Illustrations
        Page v
        Page vi
    A poor rich boy
        Page 1
        Page 2
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
    The runaway
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 10a
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
    Alaric takes a first lesson
        Page 15
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
    The "Empress" loses a passenger
        Page 22
        Page 23
        Page 24
        Page 25
        Page 26
        Page 26a
        Page 27
        Page 28
    First mate Bonny Brooks
        Page 29
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
        Page 33
        Page 34
        Page 35
    Preparing to be a sailor
        Page 36
        Page 37
        Page 38
        Page 39
        Page 40
        Page 40a
        Page 41
        Page 42
        Page 43
    Captain Duff, of the sloop "Fancy"
        Page 44
        Page 45
        Page 46
        Page 47
        Page 48
        Page 48a
        Page 49
        Page 50
    An unlucky smash
        Page 51
        Page 52
        Page 53
        Page 54
        Page 55
        Page 56
        Page 57
    "Chinks" and "dope"
        Page 58
        Page 59
        Page 60
        Page 61
        Page 62
        Page 62a
        Page 63
        Page 64
    Puget Sound smugglers
        Page 65
        Page 66
        Page 67
        Page 68
        Page 69
        Page 70
        Page 71
    A very trying experience
        Page 72
        Page 73
        Page 74
        Page 75
        Page 76
        Page 76a
        Page 77
        Page 78
    A lesson in Kedging
        Page 79
        Page 80
        Page 81
        Page 82
        Page 83
        Page 84
        Page 85
    Chasing a mysterious light
        Page 86
        Page 87
        Page 88
        Page 89
        Page 90
        Page 91
        Page 92
    Donny's invention, and how it worked
        Page 93
        Page 94
        Page 94a
        Page 95
        Page 96
        Page 97
        Page 98
        Page 99
    Captured by a revenue-cutter
        Page 100
        Page 101
        Page 102
        Page 103
        Page 104
        Page 104a
        Page 105
        Page 106
    Escape of the first mate and crew
        Page 107
        Page 108
        Page 109
        Page 110
        Page 111
        Page 112
        Page 113
    Saved by a little Siwash kid
        Page 114
        Page 115
        Page 116
        Page 116a
        Page 117
        Page 118
        Page 119
        Page 120
    Life in Skookum John's camp
        Page 121
        Page 122
        Page 123
        Page 124
        Page 125
        Page 126
        Page 127
    A treacherous Indian from Neah Bay
        Page 128
        Page 129
        Page 130
        Page 131
        Page 132
        Page 133
        Page 134
    An exciting race for liberty
        Page 135
        Page 136
        Page 136a
        Page 137
        Page 138
        Page 139
        Page 140
        Page 141
    A case of mistaken identity
        Page 142
        Page 143
        Page 144
        Page 145
        Page 146
        Page 147
        Page 148
    Two short but exciting voyages
        Page 149
        Page 150
        Page 151
        Page 152
        Page 153
        Page 154
        Page 154a
        Page 155
    Alaric Todd's darkest hour
        Page 156
        Page 157
        Page 158
        Page 159
        Page 160
        Page 160a
        Page 161
        Page 162
    Phil Ryder pays a debt
        Page 163
        Page 164
        Page 165
        Page 166
        Page 167
        Page 168
        Page 169
        Page 170
    Engaged to interpret for the French
        Page 171
        Page 172
        Page 173
        Page 174
        Page 174a
        Page 175
        Page 176
        Page 177
    Preparing for an ascent
        Page 178
        Page 179
        Page 180
        Page 181
        Page 182
        Page 183
        Page 184
    Bonny commands the situation
        Page 185
        Page 186
        Page 187
        Page 188
        Page 189
        Page 190
        Page 191
    On the edge of Paradise Valley
        Page 192
        Page 192a
        Page 193
        Page 194
        Page 195
        Page 196
        Page 197
        Page 198
    Mount Rainier placed underfoot
        Page 199
        Page 200
        Page 201
        Page 202
        Page 203
        Page 204
    Blown from the rim of a crater
        Page 205
        Page 206
        Page 207
        Page 208
        Page 209
        Page 210
        Page 211
    A desperate situation
        Page 212
        Page 213
        Page 214
        Page 215
        Page 216
        Page 217
        Page 218
    How a song saved Alaric's life
        Page 219
        Page 220
        Page 221
        Page 222
        Page 223
        Page 224
        Page 224a
        Page 225
    Laid up for repairs
        Page 226
        Page 227
        Page 228
        Page 229
        Page 230
        Page 231
        Page 232
    Chased by a madman
        Page 233
        Page 234
        Page 235
        Page 236
        Page 237
        Page 238
        Page 238a
        Page 239
    A gang of friendly loggers
        Page 240
        Page 241
        Page 242
        Page 243
        Page 244
        Page 245
        Page 246
        Page 246a
        Page 247
    In a Northwest logging camp
        Page 248
        Page 249
        Page 250
        Page 251
        Page 252
        Page 253
        Page 254
    What is a hump-durgin?
        Page 255
        Page 256
        Page 257
        Page 258
        Page 259
        Page 260
        Page 261
    Alaric and Bonny again take to flight
        Page 262
        Page 263
        Page 264
        Page 265
        Page 266
        Page 266a
        Page 267
        Page 268
    Bonny discovers his friend the tramp
        Page 269
        Page 270
        Page 271
        Page 272
        Page 273
        Page 274
        Page 275
    A flood of light
        Page 276
        Page 276a
        Page 277
        Page 278
        Page 279
        Page 280
        Page 281
        Page 282
        Page 283
        Page 284
        Page 285
        Page 286
    Back Cover
        Back Cover 1
        Back Cover 2
Full Text

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Copyright, 1896, by HARPER & BROTHERS.

All right reserved.


Seal's Tooth."
THE FUR-SEAL'S TOOTH. A Story of Alaskan Adventure.
RAFTMATES. A Story of the Great River.
CANOEMATES. A Story of the Florida Reef and Everglades.
CAMPMATES. A Story of the Plains.
DORYMATES. A Tale of the Fishing Banks.
Each ore volume. Illustrated. ust 8vo, Cloul, $1 25.

WAKULLA. A Story of Adventure in Florida.
DERRICK STERLING. A Story of the Mines.
CRYSTAL, JACK & CO., and DELTA BIXBY. Two Stories.
Each one volume. Illustrated. Square 16mo, Cloth, $1 00.

W3" For sale i all bookaellera, or will be mailed by the publishers
on receipt of price.


I. A PooR ICH BOY. . 1
IX. "CHINKS" AND "DOPE" ... .. 58

FLIGHT . . 262
TRAMP ... .. . 269


MADLY DOWN THE STREET". .Facing page 10

RAGE ....... .... 48

"' RUN, RICK YOU'VE GOT TO RUN !' ". 104


MATTRESS . .. 154




ROAD TO THE CAMP". .... 246,



ALARIO DALE TODD was his name, and it was a
great grief to him to be called "Allie." Allie Todd
was so insignificant and sounded so weak. Besides,
Allie was a regular girl's name, as he had been so
often told, and expected to be told by each stranger
who heard it for the first time. There is so much in
a name, after all. We either strive to live up to it, or
else it exerts a constant disheartening pull backward.
Although Alaric was tall for his age, which was
nearly seventeen, he was thin, pale, and undeveloped.
He did not look like a boy accustomed to play tennis
or football, or engage in any of the splendid athletics
that develop the muscle and self-reliance of those
sturdy young fellows who contest interscholastic
matches. Nor was he one of these; so far from it,
he had never played a game in his life except an oc-
casional quiet game of croquet, or something equally
soothing. He could not swim nor row nor sail a
boat; he had never ridden horseback nor on a bicy-
cle; he had never skated nor coasted nor hunted nor
fished, and yet he was perfectly well formed and in
good health. I fancy I hear my boy readers exclaim:


What a regular muff your Alaric must have been !
No wonder they called him Allie' !"
And the girls? Well, they would probably say,
"What a disagreeable prig!" For Alaric knew a
great deal more about places and people and books
than most boys or girls of his age, and was rather
fond of displaying this knowledge. And then he was
always dressed with such faultless elegance. His
patent-leather boots were so shiny, his neckwear, se-
lected with perfect taste, was so daintily arranged, and
while he never left the house without drawing on a
pair of gloves, they were always so immaculate that it
did not seem as though he ever wore the same pair
twice. He was very particular, too, about his linen,
and often sent his shirts back to the laundress un-
worn because they were not done up to suit him. As
for his coats and trousers, of which he had so many
that it actually seemed as though he might wear a
different suit every day in the year, he spent so much
time in selecting material, and then in being fitted,
and insisted on so many alterations, that his tailors
were often in despair, and wondered whether it paid
to have so particular a customer, after all. They
never had occasion, though, to complain about their
bills, for no matter how large these were or how ex-
tortionate, they were always paid without question as
soon as presented.
From all this it may be gathered that our Alaric was
not a child of poverty. Nor was he; for Amos Todd,
his father, was so many times a millionaire that he was
one of the richest men on the Pacific coast. He owned
or controlled a bank, railways, steamships, and mines,
great ranches in the South, and vast tracts of timber
lands in the North. His manifold interests extended
from Alaska to Mexico, from the Pacific to the At-
lantic; and while he made his home in San Fran-


cisco his name was a power in the stock-exchanges of
the world. Years before he and his young wife had
made their way to California from New England with
just money enough to pay their passage to the Golden
State. Here they had undergone poverty and hard-
ships such as they determined their children should
never know.
Of these Margaret, the eldest, was now a leader of
San Francisco society, while John, who was eight
years older than Alaric, had shown such an aptitude
for business that he had risen to be manager of his
father's bank. There were other children, who had
died, and when Alaric came, last of all, he was such
a puny infant that there was little hope of his ever
growing up. Because he was the youngest and a
weakling, and demanded so much care, his mother
devoted her life to him, and hovered about him with
a loving anxiety that sought to shield him from all
rude contact with the world. He was always un-
der the especial care of some doctor, and when he
was five or six years old one of these, for want of
something more definite to say, announced that he
feared the child was developing a weak heart, and
advised that he be restrained from all violent ex-
From that moment poor little "Allie," as he had
been called from the day of his birth, was not only
kept from all forms of violent exercise and excite-
ment, but was forbidden to play any boyish games as
well. In place of these his doting mother travelled
with him over Continental Europe, going from one
famous medical spring, bath, or health resort to an-
other, and bringing up her boy in an atmosphere of
luxury, invalids, and doctors. The last-named de-
voted themselves to trying to find out what was the
matter with him, and as no two of them could agree


upon any one ailment, Mrs. Todd came to regard him
as a prodigy in the way of invalidism.
Of course Alaric was never sent to a public school,
but he was always accompanied by tutors as well as
physicians, and spent nearly two years in a very select
private school or pension near Paris. Here no rude
games were permitted, and the only exercise allowed
the boys was a short daily walk, in which, under escort
of masters, they marched in a dreary procession of
During all these years of travel and study and
search after health Alaric had never known what it
was to wish in vain for anything that money could
buy. Whatever he fancied he obtained without know-
ing its cost, or where the money came from that pro-
cured it. But there were three of the chief things in
the world to a boy that he did not have and that
money could not give him. He had no boy friends,
no boyish games, and no ambitions. He wanted to
have all these things, and sometimes said so to his
mother; but always he was met by the same reproach-
ful answer, My dear Allie, remember your poor weak
At length it happened that while our lad was in that
dreary pension, Mrs. Todd, worn out with anxieties,
cares, and worries of her own devising, was stricken
with a fatal malady, and died in the great chAteau
that she had rented not far from the school in which
her life's treasure was so carefully guarded. A few
days of bewilderment and heart-breaking sorrow fol-
lowed for poor Alaric. Many cablegrams flashed to
and fro beneath the ocean. There was a melancholy
funeral, at which the boy was sole mourner, and then
one phase of his life was ended. In another week he
had left France, and, escorted by one of his French
tutors, was crossing the Atlantic on his way to the


far-distant San Francisco home of which he knew so
He had now been at home for nearly three months,
and of all his sad life they had proved the most un-
happy period. His father, though always kind in his
way, was too deeply immersed in business to pay much
attention to the sensitive lad. He did not understand
him, and regarded him as a weakling who could never
amount to anything in the world of business or useful
activity. He would be kind to the boy, of course,
and any desire that he expressed should be promptly
gratified; at the same time he could not help feeling
that Alaric was a great trial, and wishing him more
like his brother John.
This bustling, dashing elder brother had no sym-
pathy with Alaric, and rarely found time to give him
more than a nod and a word of greeting in passing,
while his sister Margaret regarded him as still a little
boy who was to be kept out of sight as much as possi-
ble. So the poor lad, left to himself, without friends
and without occupation, found time hanging very
heavily on his hands, and wondered why he had ever
been born.
Once he ventured to ask his father for a saddle-
horse, whereupon Amos Todd provided him with a
pair of ponies, a cart, and a groom, which he said
was an outfit better suited to an invalid. Alaric ac-
cepted this gift without a protest, for he was well
trained to bearing disappointments, but he used it so
rarely that the business of giving the horses their
daily airing devolved almost entirely upon the groom.
It was not until Esther Dale, one of the New Eng-
land cousins whom he had never seen, and a girl of
his own age, made a flying visit to San Francisco as
one of a personally conducted party of tourists, that
Alaric found any real use for his ponies. Esther was


only to remain in the city three days, but she spent
them in her uncle's house, which she refused to call
anything but "the palace," and which she so pervaded
with her cheery presence that Amos Todd declared it
seemed full of singing birds and sunshine.
Both Margaret and John were too busy to pay much
attention to their young cousin, and so, to Alaric's de-
light, the whole duty of entertaining her devolved on
him. He felt much more at his ease with girls than
with boys, for he had been thrown so much more into
their society during his travels, and he thought he
understood them thoroughly; but in Esther Dale he
found a girl so different from any he had ever known
that she seemed to belong to another order of beings.
She was good-looking and perfectly well-bred, but she
was also as full of life and frisky antics as a squirrel,
and as tireless as a bird on the wing.
On the first morning of her visit the cousins drove
out to the Cliff House to see the sea-lions; and almost
before Alaric knew how it was accomplished he found
Esther perched on the high right-hand cushion of the
box-seat in full possession of reins and whip, while he
occupied the lower seat on her left, as though he were
the guest and she the hostess of the occasion. At the
same time the ponys seemed filled with an unusual
activity, and were clattering along at a pace more
exhilarating than they had ever shown under his
After that Esther always drove; and Alaric, sitting
beside her, listened with wondering admiration to her
words of wisdom and practical advice on all sorts'of
subjects. She had never been abroad, but she knew
infinitely more of her own country than he, and was
so enthusiastic concerning it that in three days' time
she had made him feel prouder of being an American
than he had believed it possible he ever would be.


She knew so much concerning out-of-door life, too-
about animals and birds and games. She criticised
the play of the baseball nines, whom they saw one af-
ternoon in Golden Gate Park ; and when they came to
.another place where some acquaintances of Alaric's
were playing tennis, she asked for an introduction to
the best girl player on the ground, promptly chal-
lenged her to a trial of skill, and beat her three
straight games.
During the-play she presented such a picture of
glowing health and graceful activity that pale-faced
Alaric sat and watched her with envious admira-
I would give anything I own in the world to be
able to play tennis as you can, Cousin Esther," he
said, earnestly, after it was all over and they were
driving from the park.
"Why don't you learn, then ?" asked the girl, in
"Because I have a weak heart, you know, and am
forbidden any violent exercise."
The boy hesitated, and even blushed, as he said this,
though he had never done either of those things before
when speaking of his weak heart. In fact, he had
been rather proud of it, and considered that it was a
very interesting thing to have. Now, however, he
felt almost certain that Esther would laugh at him.
And so she did. She laughed until Alaric became
red in the face from vexation; but when she noticed
this she grew very sober, and said:
"Excuse me, Cousin Rick. I didn't mean to laugh;
but you did look so woe-begone when you told me
about your poor weak heart, and it seems so absurd
for a big, well-looking boy like you to have such a
thing, that I couldn't help it."
"I've always had it," said Alaric, stoutly; "and

that is the reason they would never let me do things
like other boys. It might kill me if I did, you know."
"I should think it would kill you if you didn't,
and I'm sure I would rather die of good times than
just sit round and mope to death. Now I don't believe
your heart is any weaker than mine is. You don't look
so, anyway, and if I were you I would just go in for
everything, and have as good a time as I possibly
could, without thinking any more about whether my
heart was weak or strong."
"But they won't let me," objected Alaric.
"Who won't ?"
"Father and Margaret and John."
I don't see that the two last named have anything
to do with it. As for Uncle Amos, I am sure he
would rather have you a strong, brown, splendidly built
fellow, such as you might become if you only would,
than the white-faced, dudish Miss Nancy that you are.
Oh, Cousin Rick What have I said? I'm awfully
sorry and ashamed of myself. Please forgive me."



FOR a moment it seemed to Alaric that he could
not forgive that thoughtlessly uttered speech. And
yet the girl who made it had called him Cousin Rick,"
a name he 'had always desired, but which no one had
ever given him before. If she had called him "Allie,"
he knew he would never have forgiven her. As it was
he hesitated, and his pale face flushed again. What
should he say ?
In her contrition and eagerness to atone for her
cruel words Esther leaned towards him and laid a
beseeching hand on his arm. For the moment she
forgot her responsibility as driver, and the reins, held
loosely in her whip-hand, lay slack across the ponies'
Just then a newspaper that had been carelessly
dropped in the roadway was picked up by a sudden
gust of wind and whirled directly into the faces of the
spirited team. The next instant they were dashing
madly down the street. At the outset the reins were
jerked from Esther's hand; but ere they could slip
down beyond reach Alaric had seized them. Then,
with the leather bands wrapped about his wrists, he
threw his whole weight back on them, and strove to
check or at least to guide the terrified animals.
The light cart bounded and swayed from side to side.
Men shouted and women screamed, and a clanging
cable-car from a cross street was saved from collision


only by the prompt efforts of its gripman. The road-
way was becoming more and more crowded with teams
and pedestrians. Alaric's teeth were clinched, and he
was bareheaded, having lost his hat as he caught the
reins. Esther sat beside him, motionless and silent,
but with bloodless cheeks.
They were on an avenue that led to the heart of the
city. On one side was a hill, up which cross streets
climbed steeply. To keep on as they were going meant
certain destruction. All the strain that Alaric could
bring to bear on the reins did not serve to check the
headlong speed of the hard-mouthed ponies. With
each instant their blind terror seemed to increase.
Several side streets leading up the hill had already
been passed, and another was close at hand. Beyond
it was a mass of teams and cable-cars.
Hold on for your life !" panted Alaric in the ear
of the girl who sat beside him.
As he spoke he dropped one rein, threw all his
weight on the other, and at the same instant brought
the whip down with a stinging cut on the right-hand
side of the off horse. The frenzied animal instinc-
tively sprang to the left, both yielded to the heavy tug
of that rein, and the team was turned into the side
street. The cart slewed across the smooth asphalt,
lunged perilously to one side, came within a hair's-
breadth of upsetting, and then righted. Two seconds
later the mad fright of the ponies was checked by pure
exhaustion half-wayup the steep hill-side. There they
stood panting and tumbling, while a crowd of excited
spectators gathered~about them with offers of assist-
ance and advice,
"Do they seem to be all right ?" asked Alaric.
"All right, sir, far as I can see," replied one of the
men, who was examining the quivering animals and
their harness.







Then if you will kindly help me turn them around,
and will lead them to the foot of the hill, I think they
will be quiet enough to drive on without giving any
more trouble," said the boy.
When this was done, and Alaric, after cordially thank-
ing those who had aided him, had driven away, one of
the men exclaimed, as he gazed after the vanishing
Plucky young chap that !"
"Yes," replied another; "and doesn't seem to be a
bit of a snob, like most of them wealthy fellows, either."
Meanwhile Alaric was tendering the reins to the
girl who had sat so quietly by his side without an out-
cry or a word of suggestion during the whole exciting
"Won't you drive now, Cousin Esther ?"
"Indeed I will not, Alaric. I feel ashamed of my-
self for presuming to take the reins from you before,
and you may be certain-that I shall never attempt to
do such a thing again. The way you managed the
whole affair was simply splendid. And oh, Cousin
Rick to think that I should have called you a Miss
Nancy Just as you were about to save my life, too !
I can never forgive myself-never."
Oh yes you can," laughed Alaric, "for it is true-
that is, it was true; for I can see now that I have been
a regular Miss Nancy sort of a fellow all my life. That
is what made me feel so badly when you said it.
Nobody ever dared tell me before, and so it came as
an unpleasant surprise. Now, though, I am glad you
said it."
"And you will never give anybody in the whole
world a chance to say such a thing again, will you ?"
asked the girl, eagerly. "And you will go right to
work at learning how to do the things that other boys
do, won't you ?"


I don't know," answered Alaric, doubtfully. "I'd
like to well enough; but I don't know just how to
begin. You see, I'm too old to learn from the little
boys, and the big fellows won't have anything to do
with such a duffer as I am. They've all heard too
much about my weak heart."
"Then I'd go away to some place where nobody
knows you,.and make a fresh start. You might go out
on one of your father's ranches and learn to be a cow-
boy, or up into those great endless forests that I saw
on Puget Sound the other day and live in a logging
camp. It is such a glorious, splendid life, and there
is so much to be done up in that country. Oh dear !
if I were only a boy, and going to be a man, wouldn't
I get there just as quickly as I could, and learn how
to do things, so that when I grew up I could go right
ahead and do them ?"
"All that sounds well," said Alaric, dubiously, "but
I know father will never let me go to any such places.
He thinks such a life would kill me. Besides, he says
that as I shall never have to work, there is no need for
me to learn how."
"But you must work," responded Esther, stoutly.
"Every one must, or else be very unhappy. Papa
says that the happiest people in the world are those
who work the hardest when it is time for work and
play the hardest in play-time. But where are you
driving to ? This isn't the way home."
"I am going to get a new hat and gloves," an-
swered the boy, "for I don't want any one at the
house to know of our runaway. They'd never let me
drive the ponies again if they found it out."
"It would be a shame if they didn't, after the way
Syou handled them just now," exclaimed Esther, in-
Just then they stopped before a fashionable hat-store


on Kearney Street, and while Alaric was debating
whether he ought to leave the ponies long enough to
step inside he was recognized, and a clerk hastened
out to receive his order.
"Hat and gloves," said Alaric. "You know the
The clerk answered, Certainly, Mr. Todd," bowed,
and disappeared in the store.
"See those lovely gray 'Tams' in the window, Cousin
Rick !" said Esther. "Why don't you get one of
them ? It would be just the thing to wear in the
All right," replied the boy; "I will."
So when the clerk reappeared with a stylish derby
hat and a dozen pair of gloves Alaric put the former
on, said he would keep the gloves, and at the same
time requested that one of the gray. Tams might be
done up for him..
As this order was filled, and the ponies were headed
towards home, Esther said: "Why, Cousin Rick, you
didn't pay for your things !"
"No," replied the boy, "I never do."
"You didn't even ask the prices, either."
Of course not," laughed the other. "Why should
I? They were things- that I had to have anyway,
and so what would be the use of asking the prices ?
Besides, I don't think I ever did such a thing in my
"Well," sighed the girl, "it must be lovely to shop
in that way.. Now I never bought anything without
first finding out if I could afford it; and as for gloves,
I know I never bought more than one pair at a time."
"Really ?" said Alaric, with genuine surprise. "I
didn't know they sold less than a dozen pair at a time.
I wish I had known it, for I only wanted one pair.
I've got'so many at home now that they are a bother."

That very evening the lad spoke to his father about
going on a ranch and learning to be a cowboy. Un-
fortunately his brother John overheard him, and
greeted the proposition with shouts of laughter.
Even Amos Todd, while mildly rebuking his eldest
son, could not help smiling at the absurdity of the
request. Then, turning to the mortified lad, he said,
kindly but decidedly:
"You don't know what you are asking, Allie, my
boy, and I couldn't think for a moment of allowing
you to attempt such a thing. The excitement of that
kind of life would kill you in less than no time. Ask
anything in reason, and I shall be only too happy to
gratify you; but don't make foolish requests."
When Alaric reported this failure to Esther a little
later, she said, very gravely:
"Then, Cousin Rick, there is only one thing left
for you to do. You must run away."



ON the day following that of the runaway, Esther
Dale resumed her position as a personally conducted
tourist, and departed from San Francisco, leaving
Alaric to feel that he had lost the first real friend he
had ever known. Her influence remained with him,
however, and as he thought of her words and example
his determination to enter upon some different form
of life became indelibly fixed.
That very day he drove again to the park, this time
with only his groom for company, and went directly
to the place where the game of baseball had been in
progress the afternoon before. As he hoped, another
was about to begin, though there were not quite
enough players to make two full nines. Hearing one
of the boys say this, and discovering an acquaintance
among them, Alaric jumped from his cart, and, going
up to him, asked to be allowed to fill one of the vacant
Reg Barker was freckle-faced and red-headed, clad
in flannels, with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and
was adjusting a catcher's mask to his face when Alaric
approached. As the latter made known his desire,
Reg Barker, who was extremely jealous of the other's
wealth and fame as a traveller, regarded him for a
moment with amazement, and then burst into a shout
of laughter.
"Hi, fellows!" he called, "here is a good one-


best I ever heard Here's Allie Todd, kid gloves and
all, wants to play first base. What do you say-shall
we give him a show ?"
"Yes," shouted one; "No," cried another, as the
boys crowded about the two, gazing at Alaric curi-
ously, as though he belonged to some different spe-
"We might make him captain of the nine," called
out one boy, who had just gone to the-bat.
"No, he'd do better as umpire," suggested Reg
Barker. "Don't you see he's dressed for it? I don't
know, though; I'm afraid that would come under the
head of cruelty to children, and we'd have the society
down on us."
As Alaric, with a crimson face and a choking in his
throat, sought in vain for some outlet of escape from
his tormentors who surrounded him, and at the same
time longed with a bitter longing for the power to
annihilate them, a lad somewhat older than the others
forced his way through the throng and demanded to
know what was the row. He was Dave Carneross, the
pitcher, and one of the best amateur players of his
age on the coast.
"It's Miss Allie Todd," explained Reg Barker, "and
her ladyship is offering to show us how to play ball."
"Shut up, Red Top,". commanded the new-comer,
threateningly. When I want any of your chaff I'll
let you know." Then turning to Alaric, he said,
pleasantly, "Now, young un, tell me all about it
"There isn't much to tell," replied the boy, in a
low tone, and with an instinctive warming of his heart
towards the sturdy lad who had come to his rescue.
"I wanted to learn how to play ball, and knowing
Reg Barker, asked him to teach me; that's all."
And he insulted you, like the young brute he is.


I see. Red Top, if you won't learn manners any other
way I shall have to thrash them into you. So look
out for yourself. Now, you new fellow, your name's
Todd, isn't it ?"
"And your father is Amos Todd, the millionaire ?"
Alaric admitted that such was the case.
"Well, I know you, or, rather, my father knows
your father. In fact, I think they have some business
together; and after this whenever you choose to come
out here if I'm around I'll see that you are treated
decently. As for learning to play ball, the mere fact
that you want to shows that you are made of good
stuff, and I don't mind giving you a lesson right
now. So, stand out here, and let's see if you can
Thus saying, the stalwart young pitcher, who held
a ball in his hand, ran back a few rods, and, with a
seemingly careless swing of his arm, threw the ball
straight and swift as an arrow directly at Alaric, who
instinctively held out his hands.
Had he undertaken to stop a spent cannon-ball the
boy could hardly have been more amazed at the result.
As the ball dropped to the ground he felt as though
he had grasped a handful of red-hot coals. Both his
kid gloves were split right across the palms, and the
smart of his hands was so great that, in spite of his
efforts to restrain them, unbidden tears sprang to his
A shout of laughter arose from the spectators of
this practical lesson; but Dave Carncross, running up
to him and recovering the dropped ball, said, cheer-
ily: "Never mind those duffers, young un. They
couldn't do any better themselves once, and you'll do
better than any of them some time. First lessons in
experience always come high, and have to be paid for


on the spot ; but they are worth the price, and you'll
know better next time than to stop a hot ball with
stiff arms. What you want to do is to let 'em give
with the ball. See, like this."
Here Dave picked up a bat, struck the ball straight
up in the air until it seemed to be going out of sight,
and running under it as it descended, caught it as
deftly and gently as though it had been a wad of
"There," said he, "you have learned by experi-
ence the wrong way of catching a ball, and seen the
right way. I can't stop to teach you any more now, for
our game is waiting. What you want to do, though,
is to go down town and get a ball-a 'regulation
dead,' mind-take it home, and practise catching un-
til you have learned the trick and covered your hands
with blisters. Then come back here, and I will show
you something else. Good-bye-so long !"
With this the good-natured fellow ran off to take
his place in the pitcher's box, leaving Alaric filled
with gratitude, and glowing with the first thrill of
real boyish life that he had ever known. For a while
he stood and watched the game, his. still-tingling
hands causing him to appreciate as never before the
beauty of every successful catch that was made. He
wondered if pitching a ball could be as difficult as
catching one, or even any harder than it looked. It
certainly appeared easy enough. He admired the
reckless manner in which the players flung themselves
at the bases, sliding along the ground as though bent
on ploughing it with their noses; while the ability to
hit one of those red-hot balls with a regulation bat
seemed to him little short of marvellous. In fact,
our lad was, for the first time in his life, viewing a
game of baseball through his newly discovered loop-
hole of experience, and finding it a vastly different af-


fair from the same scene shrouded by an unrent veil
of ignorance.
After he had driven away from the fascinating
game, his mind was still so full of it that when, in
passing the children's playground, he was invited by
Miss Sue Barker, sister of red-headed Reg, to join in
a game of croquet, he declined, politely enough, but
with such an unwonted tone of contempt in his voice
as caused the girl to stare after him in amazement.
He procured a regulation baseball before going
home, and then practised with it in the court-yard
behind the Todd palace until his hands were red and
swollen. Their condition was so noticeable at dinner-
time that his father inquired into the cause. When
the boy confessed that he had been practising with a
baseball, his brother John laughed loud and long, and
asked him if he intended to become a professional.
His sister only said, Oh, Allie! How can you
care to do anything so common ? And where did you
pick up the notion ? I am sure you never saw any-
thing of the kind in France."
No," replied the boy; "I only wish I had."
His father said, "It's all right, my son, so long as
you play gently; but you must be very careful not to
over- exert yourself. Remember your poor weak
heart and the consequences of too violent exercise."
Oh, bother my weak heart !" cried the boy, impa-
tiently. "I don't believe my heart's any weaker
than anybody else's heart, and the doctor who said so
was an old muff."
At this. unheard-of outbreak on the part of the
long-suffering youngest member of the family, John
and Margaret glanced significantly at each other, as
though they suspected his mind was becoming affected
as well as his body ; while his father said, soothingly,
as though to an ailing child :


"Well, well, Allie, let it go. I am sorry that you
should forget your manners; but if the subject is dis-
tasteful to you, we won't talk of it any more."
"But I want to talk of it, father. I am sorry that
I spoke as I did just now; but you can't know what
an unhappy thing it is to be living on in the way I
am, without doing anything that amounts to anything,
or will ever lead to anything. Won't you let me go
on to a ranch, or somewhere where I can learn to be a
man ?"
"Of course, my boy," replied Amos Todd, still
speaking as soothingly as he knew how. I will let
you go anywhere you please, and do what you please,
just as quickly as I can find the right person to take
care of you, and see that you do nothing injurious.
How would you like to go to France with Margaret
and me this summer ? I am thinking of making the
"I would rather go to China, or anywhere else in
the world," replied the boy, vehemently. "I am tired
to death of France and Germany and Switzerland and
Italy, and all the other wretched European places,
with their bads and bains and spas and Herr Doctors
and malades. I want to go into a world of live peo-
ple, and strong people, and people who don't know
whether they have any hearts or not, and don't care."
"Well, well, son, I will try and arrange something
for you, only don't get excited," said Amos Todd, at
the same time burying himself in his evening paper
so as to put an end to the uncomfortable interview.
In spite of the unsatisfactory ending of this conver-
sation, Alaric felt greatly encouraged by it, and during
the week that followed he devoted himself as assidu-
ously to learning to catch a baseball as though that'
were the one preparation needful for plunging into a
world of live people. Morning, noon, and evening he


kept his groom so busy passing ball with him that the
exercising of the ponies was sadly neglected in conse-
quence. With all this practice, and in.spite of bruised
hands and lame fingers, he at length became so expert
that he began to think of hunting up his friend Dave
Carncross, and presenting himself for an examination
in the art of ball-catching.
Every now and then he asked his father if he had
not thought of some plan for him, and the invariable
answer was: "It's all right, Allie; I've got a scheme
on foot that's working so that I can tell you about it
in a few days."
In the meantime the date of Amos Todd's depart-
ure for Europe with his daughter was fixed. Shortly
before its arrival the former called Alaric aside, and,
with a beaming face, announced that he had at length
succeeded in making most satisfactory arrangements.
You said you wanted to go to China, you know," he
continued; "so I have laid out a fine trip for you to
China, and India, and Egypt, and all sorts of places,
Sand persuaded a most excellent couple, a gentleman
and his wife, to go along and take care of you. He
is a professor and she is a doctor, so you will be well
looked after, and won't have the least bit of responsi-
bility or worry."



beard, and his wife, Mrs. Dr. Ophelia Sonntagg, who
was thin and mysterious, had come out of the East to
seek their fortunes in the Golden City about a year
before, but up to this time without any great amount of
success. The former was a professor of almost every-
thing in the shape of ancient and modern art, lan-
guages, history, and a lot of other things, concerning
all of which. he wrote articles for the papers, always
signing his name to them in full. The Mrs. Doctor had
learned the art of saying little, looking wise, and shak-
ing her head as she felt the pulse of her patients.
These people had managed to scrape an acquaint-
ance with Amos Todd, whom the Professor declared
to be the only patron of art in San Francisco worth
knowing, and to whom he gave some really valuable
advice concerning the purchase of certain paintings.
Thus it happened that when the busy millionaire, in
seeking to provide a safe and congenial amusement
for the son whom he firmly believed to be an invalid,
conceived the idea of sending him around the world
by way of China, he also thought of the Sonntaggs as
most suitable travelling companions for him. Where
else could he find such a combination of 'tutor and
physician, a man of the world to take his place as
father, and a cultivated woman to act as mother to
his motherless boy ?


When he proposed the plan to the Sonntaggs, they
declared that they would not think of giving up the
prosperous business they had established in San Fran-
cisco, even for the sake of obliging their dear friend
Mr. Amos Todd. With this the millionaire made
them an offer of such unheard-of munificence that,
with pretended reluctance, they finally accepted it, and
he went on his way rejoicing.
The next evening the Sonntaggs dined at Amos
Todd's house for the purpose of making Alaric's ac-
quaintance. The Professor patted him on the shoul-
der, and, in a patronizing manner, hoped they should
learn much and enjoy much together. The Mrs.
Doctor surveyed him critically, and held his hand until
the boy wondered if she would ever let it go. Finally
she shook her head, sighed deeply, and, turning to his
father, said:
"I understand the dear boy's case thoroughly.
What he needs is intelligent treatment and motherly
care. I can give him both, and unhesitatingly prom-
ise to restore him to you at the end of a year, if noth-
ing occurs to prevent, strong, well, and an ornament
to the name of Todd."
Alaric found no difficulty in forming an opinion of
the Sonntaggs, and wondered if going to France with
his father and sister would not be preferable to travel-
ling in their company. So occupied was he with this
question that he hardly ate a mouthful of the sumptu-
ous dinner served in honor of the guests-a fact that
was noted with significant glances by all at the table.
It was planned that very evening that the Pacific
should be crossed in one of the superb steamships
sailing from Vancouver, in British Columbia, and a
despatch was sent off at once to engage staterooms.
The journey was to be begun two days later, for that was
the date on which Amos Todd and his daughter were


to start for France; and though the Empress would not
sail from Vancouver for p week after that, the house
would be closed, and it was thought best.for Alaric to
travel up the coast by easy stages.
During those two days of grace the poor lad's mind
was in a ferment. He had no desire- to go to China
or anywhere else outside of his own country. Having
travelled nearly all his life, he was so tired of it that
travelling now seemed to him one of the most unpleas-
ant things a boy could be compelled to undertake. He
did not want to go to France, of course, and decided
that even China in company with the Sonntaggs would
be better than Europe.
Still, he tried to escape from going away at all, and
asked his brother John to let him stay with him and
go to work in the bank; but John Todd answered
that he was too busy a man to have the care of an in-
valid, and that their father's plan was by far the best.
Then, as a last resort, Alaric went to the park, hoping
to meet Dave Carncross, and determined, if he did, to
lay the whole case before him, and ask his advice.
Even here fate seemed against him; for, from a strange
boy of whom he made inquiry, he learned that Carn-
cross had left the city a day or two before, though
where he had gone the boy did not know.'
So preparations for the impending journey went
busily forward, and Alaric, who felt very much like a
helpless victim of misfortune, could find no excuse
for delaying them. Even in the preparations being
made for his own comfort he was given no active
part. Everything that he was supposed to need and
did not already possess was procured for him. His
father presented him with a superb travelling-bag, fit-
ted with all possible toilet accessories in silver and
cut glass, but the boy would infinitely have preferred
a baseball bat, and a chance to use it.


At length the day for starting arrived, and, with as
great reluctance as he had ever felt in his life, Alaric
entered the carriage that was to convey the Todds to
the Oakland ferry. Crossing the bay, they found the
Sonntaggs awaiting them on the other side, where the
whole party entered Amos Todd's palatial private car
that was attached to the Overland Express. In this
way they travelled together as far as Sacramento,
where Alaric bade his father and sister good-bye.
Then he and his newly appointed guardians boarded
the special car provided for them, and in which they
were to proceed by the famous Shasta route to the far
Up to this point the Sonntaggs had proved very at-
tentive, and had striven by every means to make them-
selves agreeable to their fellow-travellers. From
here on, however, the Professor spent most of his
time in smoking and sleeping, while his wife devoted
herself to reading novels, a great stack of which had
been provided for the journey. Alaric, thus left to
his own devices, gazed drearily from the car window,
rebelling inwardly at the lonely grandeur with which
he was surrounded, and wishing with all his heart
that he were poor enough to be allowed to travel in one
of the ordinary coaches, in which were several boys of
his own age, who seemed to be having a tantalizingly
good time. They were clad in flannels, knicker-
bockers, and heavy walking-shoes, and Alaric noted
with satisfaction that they wore gray Tam o' Shan-
ter caps, such as he had procured at Esther Dale's
suggestion, and was now wearing for the first
They left the train at Sisson, and Alaric, standing
on the platform of his car, gathered from their con-
versation that they were about to climb Mount
Shasta, the superb rock ribbed giant that lifted his


snow-crowned head more than fourteen thousand feet
in the air a few miles from that point. What
wouldn't he give to be allowed to join the merry.
party and make the adventurous trip with them ?
He had been familiar with mountains by sight all his
life, and had always longed to climb one, but had
never been given the opportunity.
It was small consolation to notice one of the boys
draw the attention of the others to him, and. over-
hear him say: "Look at that chap travelling in a
special car like a young millionaire. I say, fellows,
that must be great fun, and I'd like to try it just for
once, wouldn't you ?"
The others agreed that they would, and then the
group passed out of hearing, while Alaric said to him-
self : "I only wish they could try travelling all alone
in a special car, just to find out how little fun there
is in it."
The following morning Portland, Oregon, was
reached, and here the car was side-tracked that its
occupants might spend a day or two in the city. The
Sonntaggs seemed to have many acquaintances here,
for whom they held a reception in the car, gave a
dinner at the Hotel Portland, and ordered carriages
in which to drive about, all at Amos Todd's expense.
In these diversions Alaric was at liberty to join or not,
as he pleased, and he generally preferred to remain be-
hind or to wander about by himself.
The same programme was repeated at Tacoma and
Seattle, in the State of Washington, and at Vancouver,
in British Columbia. In the last-named place Alaric's
chief amusement lay in watching the lading of the
great white ship that was to bear him away, and the
busy life of the port, with its queer medley of Yankees
and Britishers, Indians and Chinamen, tourists, sailors.
and stevedores. The last-named especially excited




q r Z -


his envious admiration-they were such big men, and
so strong.
At length the morning of sailing arrived, and as the
mighty steamship moved majestically out of the har-
bor, and, leaving the brown waters of Burrard Inlet
behind, swept on into the open blue of the Gulf of
Georgia, the boy was overwhelmed with a great wave
of homesickness. Standing alone at the extreme
after end of the promenade-deck, he watched the
fading land with strained eyes, and felt like an outcast
and a wanderer on the face of the earth.
After a while the ship began to thread a bewildering
maze of islands, in which Professor Sonntagg made a
slight effort to interest his moody young charge; but
finding this a difficult task, he quickly gave it up, and
joined some acquaintances in the smoking-room.
Alaric had not known that the Empress was to make
one stop before taking her final departure from the
coast. So when she was made fast to the outer wharf
at Victoria, on the island of Vancouver, the largest
city in British Columbia, and its capital, he felt like
one who receives an unexpected reprieve from an un-
pleasant fate.
As it was announced that she would remain here
two hours, the Sonntaggs, according to their custom, at
once engaged a carriage to take them to the most in-
teresting places in the city. This plan had been sug-
gested by Amos Todd himself, who had bidden them
spare no expense or pains to show his son all that
was worth seeing in the various cities they might
visit; and that the boy generally declined to accom-
pany them on these excursions was surely not their
fault-at least, they did not regard it so.
The truth was that Alaric had taken a dislike to
these pretentious people from the very first, and it had
grown so much stronger on closer acquaintance that


now he was willing to do almost anything to avoid
their company. Thus on this occasion he allowed them
to drive off without him, while he strolled alone to the
head of the wharf, tossing his beloved baseball, which
he had carefully brought with him on this journey,
from hand to hand as he walked.
"Hello Give us a catch," shouted a.cheery voice;
and, looking up, Alaric saw a merry-faced, squarely
built lad of his own age standing in an expectant at-
titude a short distance from him. Although he was
roughly dressed, he had a bright, self-reliant look that
was particularly attractive to our young traveller, who
without hesitation tossed him the ball. They passed
it back and forth for a minute, and then the stranger
lad, saying, "Good-bye.; I must be getting along;
wish I could stop and get better acquainted, though,"
ran on with a laugh, and disappeared in the crowd.
An hour later Alaric was nearly half a mile from
the wharf, when the steamer's hoarse whistle sounded
a warning note that signified a speedy departure. He
turned and began to walk slowly in that direction, and
a few minutes later a carriage containing the Sonntaggs
dashed by without its occupants noticing him.
At sight of them Alaric paused. A queer look came
into his face; it grew very pale, and then he deliber-
ately sat down on a log by the way-side. There came
another blast of the ship's whistle, and then the tall
masts, which he could just see, began slowly to move.
The Empress, with the Sonntaggs on board, had started
for China, and one of her passengers was left behind.


ALARIC TODD'S sensations as he sat on that log and
watched the ship, in which he was supposed to be a
passenger, steam away without him were probably as
curious as any ever experienced by a boy. He had
deliberately abandoned a life of luxury, as well as a
position that most people are striving with all their
energies to obtain, and accepted in its place-what ?
He did not know, and for the moment he did not
care. He only knew that the Sonntaggs were gone
beyond a chance of return at least for some weeks,
and that during that time there was no possible way
in which they could reach him or communicate with
his family.
He realized that he was in a strange city, not one
of whose busy population either knew or cared to
know a thing about him. But what of that? If they
did not know him they could never call him by the
hated name of "Allie." If he succeeded in making
friends, it would be because of himself, and not on ac-
count of his father's wealth. Above all, those now
about him did not know and should never know, if
he could keep it, that he was thought to be possessed
of a weak heart. Certainly if excitement could injure
his heart, it ought to be completely ruined at the
present moment, for he had never been so excited in
his life, and doubted if he ever should be again.
With it all the lad was filled with such an exulting


sense of liberty that he wanted to jump and shout
and share with every passer-by the glorious news that
at length he was free-free to be a boy among boys,
and to learn how to become a man among men. He
did not shout, nor did he confide his happiness to
any of those who were coming up from the wharf,
where they had just witnessed the departure of the
great ship; but he did jump from the log on which
he had been sitting and fling his baseball high in the
air. As it descended and he caught it with practised
skill, he was greeted by the approving remark:
"Good catch! Couldn't do it better myself !" and
looking round he saw the lad with whom he had
passed ball a short time before.,
"It seems mighty good," continued the stranger,
"to see a baseball again, and meet a fellow who knows
how to catch one. These chaps over here don't know
anything about it, and I've hardly seen a ball since I
left Massachusetts. You don't throw, though, half
as well as you catch."
"No," replied Aleric, "I haven't learned that yet.
You see, I've only just begun."
"That so? Wish I had a chance to show you
something about it, then, for I used to play on the
nine at home."
"I wish you could, for I want awfully to learn.
Why can't you ?"
"Because I don't live here, and, do you know, I
didn't think you did, either. When I saw you
awhile ago, I had a sort of idea that you belonged
aboard the Empress, and were going in her to China,
and I've been more than half envying you ever since.
Funny, wasn't it ?"
"Awfully !" responded Alaric. "And I'm glad it
isn't true, for I don't know of anything I should hate
more than to be going to China in the Empress. But


I say, let's stop in here and get something to eat, for
I'm hungry-aren't you ?"
Of course I am," laughed the other; and with this
the two boys, who were already strolling towards the
city together, turned into the little road-side bake-
shop that had just attracted Alaric's attention. Here
he ordered half a sheet of buns, two tarts, and two
glasses of milk. These being served on a small table,
Alaric paid for them, and the newly made acquaint-
ances sat down to enjoy their feast at leisure.
"What I want to do," said Alaric, continuing their
interrupted conversation, "is to get back to the
States as quickly as possible."
"That's easy enough," replied the other, holding
his tart in both hands and devouring it with infinite
relish. "There's a steamer leaves here at eight
o'clock this evening for Seattle and Tacoma. But
you don't live here then, after all ?"
"No, I don't live here, nor do I know any one who
does, and I want to get away as quickly as I can; for I
am looking for wdrk, and should think the chances
for finding it were better in the States than here."
You looking for work ?" said the other, slowly,
and as though doubting whether he had heard aright.
At the same time he glanced curiously at Alaric's
white hands and neatly fitting coat. You don't look
like a fellow who is looking for work."
I am, though," laughed Alaric; "and as I have
just spent the last cent of money I had in the world,
I must find something to do right away. That's the
reason I want to get back to the States; but I don't
know about that steamer. I suppose they'd charge
something to take me, wouldn't they ?"
"Well, rather," responded the other. "But I say,
Mister- By-the-way, what is your name ?"
"Dale-Rick Dale," replied Alaric, promptly, for he


had anticipated this question, and was determined to
drop the Todd part of his name, at least for the pres-
ent. But there isn't any Mister about it. It's just
plain Rick Dale."
"Well, then, plain Rick Dale," said the other, "my
name is Bonny Brooks-short for Bonnicastle, you
know; and I must say that you are the most cheer-
ful-appearing fellow to be in the fix you say you are
that I ever met. When I get strapped and out of a
job I sometimes don't laugh for a whole day, espe-
cially if I don't have anything to eat in that time."
That's something I never tried, and I didn't know
any one ever did for a whole day," remarked Alaric.
"How queer it must seem!"
"Lots of people try it; but they don't unless they
have to, and it don't seem queer at all," replied Bonny,
soberly. "But what kind of work are you looking for,
and what pay do you expect ?"
"I am looking for anything I can find to do, and
will work for any pay that is offered."
"It would seem as if a fellow ought to get plenty
to do on those terms," said Bonny, "though it isn't
so easy as you might think, for I've tried it. How do
you happen to be looking for work, anyway ? Where
is your home, and where are your folks ?"
"My mother is dead," replied Alaric, "and I sup-
pose my father is in France, though just where he is
I don't know. Our home was in San Francisco, and
before he left he tried to fix things all right for me;
but they turned out all wrong, and so I am here look-
ing for something to do."
If that don't beat anything I ever heard of !".cried
Bonny Brooks, in a tone of genuine amazement. If
I didn't know better, I should think you were telling
my story, or that we were twins; for my mother is
dead, and my father, when last heard from, was on his


way to France. You see, he was a ship captain, and
we lived in Sandport, on Cape Cod, where, after my
mother died, he fixed up a home for me with an aunt,
and left money enough to keep me at school until
he came back from a voyage to South America and
France. We heard of his reaching Brazil and leaving
there, but never anything more; and when a year
passed Aunt Nancy said she couldn't support me any
longer. So she got me a berth as cabin-boy on a bark
bound to San Francisco, and then to the Sound for
lumber to China. I wanted to go to China fast enough,
but the captain treated me so badly that I couldn't
stand it any longer, and so skipped just before the
ship sailed from Port Blakely. The meanest part of
it all was that I had to forfeit my pay, leave my dun-
nage on board, and light out with only what I had on
my back."
"That's my fix exactly," cried Alaric, delightedly.
"I mean," he added, recollecting himself, "that my
baggage got carried off, and as I haven't heard from
it since, I don't own a thing in the world except the
clothing I have on."
And a baseball," interposed Bonny.
"Oh yes, a baseball, of course," replied Alaric, so-
berly, as though that were a most matter-of-fact pos-
session for a boy in search of employment. "But
what did you do after your ship sailed away without
you ?"
"Starved for a couple of days, and then did odd
jobs about the river for my grub, until I got a chance
to ship as one of the crew of the sloop Fancy, that
runs freight and passengers between here and the
Sound. That was only about a month ago, and now
I'm first mate."
. "You are ?" cried Alaric, at the same time regard-
ing his young companion with a profound admiration


and vastly increased respect. Seems to me that is
the most rapid promotion I ever heard of. What a
splendid sailor you must be !"
Although the speaker was so ignorant of nautical
matters that he did not know a sloop from a schooner,
or from a full-rigged ship, for that matter, he had
read enough sea stories to realize that the first mate
of any vessel was often the most important character
on board.
"Yes," said Bonny, modestly, I do know a good
deal about boats; for, you see, I was brought up in
a boating town, and have handled them one way
and another ever since I can remember. I haven't
been first mate very long, though, because the man
who was that only left to-day."
What made him ?" asked Alaric, who could not
understand how any one, having once attained to such
an enviable position, could willingly give it up.
Oh, he had some trouble with the captain, and
seemed to think it was time he got paid something
on account of his wages, so that he could buy a shirt
and a pair of boots."
"Why didn't the captain pay him ?"
I suppose he didn't have the money."
Then why didn't the man get the things he want-
ed, and have them charged ?"
"That's a good one," laughed Bonny. "Because
the storekeeper wouldn't trust him, of course."
I never heard of such a thing," declared Alaric,
indignantly. "I thought people could always have
things charged if they wanted to. I'm sure I never
found any trouble in doing it."
Didn't you ?" said Bonny. "Well, I have, then,"
and he spoke so queerly that Alaric. realized in a mo-
ment that he had very nearly betrayed his secre.t.
Hastening to change the subject, he asked :


If you took the mate's place, who took yours ?"
"Nobody has taken it yet, and that's what I'm
after now-hunting for a new hand. The captain
couldn't come himself, because he's got rheumatism
so bad that it's all he can do to crawl out on deck
and back again. Besides, it's the first mate's place
to ship the crew, anyhow."
"Then," asked Alaric, excitedly, why don't you
take me ? I'll work hard and do anything you say ?"
"You ?" cried Bonny, regarding his companion
with amazement. "Have you ever sailed a boat or
helped work a vessel ?"
"No," replied Alaric, humbly; "but I am sure I
can learn, and I shouldn't expect any pay until I
I should say not," remarked the first mate of the
Fancy, "though most greenhorns do. Still, that is
one thing in your favor. Another is that you. can
catch a ball as well as any fellow I ever knew, and a
chap who can do that can learn to do most anything.
So I really have a great mind to take you on trial."
"Do you think the captain will agree to it ?" asked
Alaric, anxiously.
"Of course he will, if I say so," replied Bonny
Brooks, confidently; "for, as I just told you, the first
mate always hires the crew."



DURING the conversation just recorded the boys by
no means neglected their luncheon, for both of them
had been very hungry, and by the time they arrived at
an understanding in regard to Alaric's engagement
not a crumb of food nor a drop of milk was left be-
fore them. While to Bonny Brooks this had proved
a most welcome and enjoyable repast, to Alaric it
marked a most important era of his life. To begin
with, it was the first meal he had ever paid for out of
his own pocket, and this alone was sufficient to give
it a flavor that he had never discovered in the rich
food by which his appetite had heretofore been
Then during this simple meal he had entered upon
his first friendship with a boy of his own age, for the
liking that he had already taken for Bonny Brooks
was evidently returned. Above all, during that brief
lunch-hour he had conducted his first independent
business operation, and now found himself engaged to
fill a responsible position in active life. To be sure,
he was only taken on trial, but if good intentions and
a determination to do his very best could command
success, then was his position assured. How fortunate
he was, after all! An opening, a chance to prove
what he could do, was all that he had wanted, and
behold! it was his within the first hour of his independ-
ent life. How queer that it had come through his


baseball too, and how strangely one thing seemed to
lead to another !
Now Alaric was impatient for a sight of the vessel
that was to be the scene of his future labors, and anx-
ious to begin them. He had so little idea of what a
sloop was that he even wondered if it would be pro-
pelled by sails or steam. He was inclined to think
that it must be the latter, for Bonny had spoken of
his craft as carrying passengers, and Alaric had never
known any passenger boats except such as were driven
by steam. So he pictured the Fancy as a steamer,
not so large as the Empress, of course, but fairly good-
sized, manned by engineers, stokers, stewards, and a
crew of sailors. With this image in his mind, he
regarded his companion as one who had indeed attained
a lofty position.
So busy was our hero with these thoughts that for a
full minute after the lads left the bake-shop he did not
utter a word. Bonny Brooks was also occupied with
a line of thought that caused him to glance reflectively
at his companion several times before he spoke. Final-
ly he broke out with:
I say, Rick Dale, I don't know about shipping you
for a sailor, after all. You see, you are dressed alto-
gether too fine. Any one would take you for the cap-
tain or maybe the owner if you were to go aboard in
those togs."
"Would they?" asked Alaric, gazing dubiously
down at his low-cut patent-leather shoes, black silk
socks, and light trousers accurately creased and un-
bagged at the knees. Besides these he wore a vest
and sack-coat of fine black serge, an immaculate collar,
about which was knotted a silk neck-scarf, and a
narrow-striped cheviot shirt, the cuffs of which were
fastened by gold sleeve-links. Across the front of his
vest, from pocket to pocket, extended a slender chain


of twisted gold and platinum, at one end of which was
his watch, and at the other a gold and platinum pencil-
"Yes, they would," answered Bonny, with decision;
"and you've got to make a change somehow, or else
our bargain must be called off, for you could never be-
come a sailor in that rig."
Here was a difficulty on which Alaric had not
counted, and it filled him with dismay. Couldn't I
change suits with you ?" he asked, anxiously. "I
shouldn't think mine would be too fine for a first
"Not if I know it," laughed Bonny. "They'd fit
me too much one way and not enough another. Be-
sides, they are shore togs any way you look at 'em, and
not at all the things to go to sea in. The cap'n would
have a fit if you should go aboard dressed as you
are. So if you want to ship with us, I'm afraid you'll
have to buy a new outfit."
"But I haven't any money, and you say they won't
charge things in this town."
Of course they won't if they don't know you; but
you might spout your ticker, and make a raise that
Might what ?"
Shove up your watch. Leave it with your uncle,
you know, until you earned enough to buy it back."
"Do you mean sell it ?"
No. They'd ask too many questions if you tried
to sell it, and wouldn't give much more, anyway. I
mean pawn it."
"All right," replied Alaric. "I'm willing, only I
don't know how."
Oh, I'll show you quick enough, if you really want
to do it."
As Alaric insisted that he was willing to do almost


anything to procure that coveted sailor's outfit, Bonny
led him to a mean-looking shop, above the door of
which hung three golden balls. The dingy windows
were filled with a dusty miscellany of watches, pistols,
and all sorts of personal property, while the opening
of the door set loose a musty odor of old clothing.
As this came pouring forth Alaric instinctively drew
back in disgust; but with a sudden thought that he
could not afford to be too fastidious in the new life he
had chosen, he conquered his repugnance to the place
and followed Bonny inside.
A gaunt old Hebrew in a soiled dressing-gown
stood behind a small counter. As Alaric glanced at
him hesitatingly, Bonny opened their business by say-
ing, briskly:
"Hello, uncle! How are you to-day ? My friend
here wants to make a raise on his watch."
"Lqd's see dot vatch," replied Mr. Isaacs, and
Alaric handed it to him, together with the chain and
pencil-case. It was a fine Swiss chronometer, with
the monogram A.D.T. engraved on its back; and
as the pawnbroker tested the quality of its case and
peered at the works, Alaric noted his deliberate move-
ments with nervous anxiety. Finally the man said:
"I gifs you den dollars on dot vatch mit der chain
und pencil trown in."
Alaric would have accepted this offer at once, but
Bonny knew better.
"Ten nothings !" he said. "You'll give us fifty
dollars, uncle, or we'll take it down to Levi's."
Feefty tollar So hellup me grashus I I vould
be alretty bankrupted of I gif feefty dollars on effery
vatch. Vat you dake me for ?"
Take you for an old fraud," replied the unabashed
first mate of the Fancy. "Of course you would be
bankrupted, as you ought to have been long ago, if


you gave fifty dollars on every turnip that is brought
in; but you could well afford to advance a hundred
on this watch, and you know it."
Vell, I tell you; I gifs t'venty-fife."
Fifty," said Bonny, firmly.
"Dirty, und nod von cend more, so hellup me."
"Dirty-fife ?"
"We'll split the difference, and call it forty-five."
"I gifs you fordy oud of charidy, seeing you is so
hart up."
"It's a bargain," cried Bonny. "Hand over your
"How could you talk to him that way ?" asked
Alaric, admiringly, as the boys left the shop, he
minus his watch and chain, but with forty dollars and
a pawn-ticket in his pocket.
"I couldn't once," laughed- Bonny; "but it's one
of the things poor folks have to learn. If you are will-
ing to let people impose on you they'll be mighty
quick to do it, and the only way is to bluff 'em from
the start."
The next place they entered was a sailor's slop-
shop, in which were kept all sorts of seafaring gar-
ments and accessories. Here, advised by Bonny,
Alaric invested fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents
in a blue knit jersey, or sweater, a pair of stout wool-
len trousers, two flannel shirts, two suits of heavy
underclothing, several pairs of cotton socks, and a
pair of canvas shoes.
Expressing a desire to make a change of clothing at
once, he was shown a retired corner where he might
do so, and from which he emerged a few minutes
later so altered in appearance that it is doubtful if his
own father would have recognized him.
"That's something like it !" cried Bonny.


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Isn't it ?" replied Alaric, surveying himself with
great satisfaction in a mirror, and fully convinced
that he now looked so like a sailor that no one could
possibly mistake him for anything else. "Don't you
think, though, that I ought to have the name of the
sloop embroidered across the front of this sweater ?
All the sailors I have ever seen had theirs fixed that
I suppose it would be a good idea," replied Bonny,
soberly, though filled with inward laughter at the
suggestion. But perhaps you'd better wait until you
see if the ship suits you, and whether you stay with
us or not."
"Oh, I'll stay," asserted Alaric. "There's no
fear but what I will, if you'll only keep me."
Going yachting, sir ?" asked the shopkeeper, po-
litely, as he carefully folded Alaric's discarded suit of
fine clothing.
"No, indeed," replied the boy, scornfully; I'm
going to be a sailor on the sloop Fancy, and I wish
you would send those things down to her at once."
Ere the man could recover from his astonishment
at this request sufficiently to make reply, Bonny in-
terrupted, hastily :
"Oh no, Rick! we'll take them with us. There
isn't time to have 'em sent."
"I should guess not," remarked the shopkeeper, in
a very different tone from the one he had used before.
"But say, young feller, if you're going to be a
sailor you'll. want a bag, and I've got a second-hand
one here almost as good as new that I'll sell cheap.
It come to me with a lot of truck from the sale of a
confiscated sealer; and seeing that it's got another
chap's name painted on it, I'll let you have it for
one bob tuppence ha'penny, and that '11 make even
money between us."


Thus saying, the man produced a stout canvas bag,
such as a sailor uses in place of a trunk. The name
plainly painted across it, in black letters, was "Philip
Ryder", but Alaric said he didn't mind that, so he
took the bag, thrust his belongings, including his
cherished baseball, into it, and the two boys left the
By-the-way," asked Alaric, hesitatingly, "don't I
need to get some brushes and things ?"
What for ?"
"Why, to brush my hair, and-"
Oh no," interrupted the other. There's a comb
on board, and, besides, we can't stop for anything
more. I've been gone so long now that I expect the
old man is madder'n a wet hen by this time."
So Bonny led the way to the wharves, and to a nar-
row slip between two of them that just then was oc-
cupied by but a single craft. She was a small sloop,
not over forty feet long, though of good beam, evi-
dently very old, and so dingy that it was hard to be-
lieve she had ever been painted. Her sails, hanging
unfurled in lazy jacks, were patched and discolored;
her running rigging was spliced, the standing rigging
was sadly in need of setting up, her iron-work was
rusted, and her spars were gray with age.
"There's the old packet," said Bonny, cheerfully.
Where ?" asked Alaric, gazing vaguely down the
slip and utterly ignoring the disreputable craft close
at hand.
"Why, right here," answered the other, a trifle im-
patiently. "Don't you see the name 'F-A-N-C-Y'
on her stern ? She isn't much to look at, I know, but
she's a hummer to go, and a mighty good sea-boat.
She's awfully comfortable, too. Come aboard and I'll
show you."
With this the cheery young fellow, who had actually


come to a belief that the shabby old craft was all he
claimed for her, tossed his friend's recent purchase to
the deck of the sloop, and began to clamber after it
down a rickety ladder.
With all his bright visions of a minute before rudely
dispelled, and with a heart so heavy that he could find
no words to express his feelings, Alaric followed him.



As the newly engaged crew of the sloop Fancy
slowly and awkwardly descended the slippery ladder
leading down to his ship, he experienced his first
regrets at the decisive step he had taken, and doubts
as to its wisdom. The real character of the sloop as
shown by a single glance was so vastly different from
his ideal, that for a moment it did not seem as though
he could accept the disreputable old craft as even a
temporary home. Never before had he realized how
he loathed dirt and disorder, and all things that of-
fended his delicately trained senses. Never before
had he appreciated the cleanly and orderly forms of
living to which he had always been accustomed. He
could not imagine it possible to eat, sleep, or even ex-
ist on board such a craft as lay just beneath him, and
his impulse was to fly to some remote place where he
should never see nor hear of the Fancy again. But
even as he was about to do this the sound of Bonny's
reassuring voice completely changed the current of
his thoughts.
Was not the lad who had brought him to this place
a very picture of cheerful health, and just such a
strong, active, self-reliant boy as he longed to become ?
Surely what Bonny could endure he could Perhaps
disagreeable things were necessary to the proper de-
velopment of a boy. That thought had never come to
him before, but now he remembered how much his


hands had suffered before they were trained to catch
a regulation ball.
Besides all this, had not Bonny hesitated before
consenting to give him a trial, and had he not insisted
on coming? Had he not also confidently asserted
that all he wanted was a chance to show what he was
good for, and that nothing save a dismissal should
cause him to relinquish whatever position was given
him? After all, no matter how bad things might
pr6ve on the sloop, there would always be plenty of
fresh air and sunshine, besides an unlimited supply of
clean water. He could remember catching glimpses,
in foreign cities, of innumerable pestilential places in
which human beings were compelled to spend whole
lifetimes, where none of these things was to be had.
Yes, he would keep on and make the best of what-
ever presented itself, for perhaps things would not
prove to be as bad as they seemed; and, after all,
he was willing to endure a great deal for the sake of
continuing the friendship just begun between himself
and Bonny Brooks. He remembered now having once
heard his father say that a friendship worth having
was worth fighting for. If that were the case, what a
coward he would be to even think of relinquishing
his first real friendship without making an effort to
retain it.
By the time all these thoughts had flashed through
the boy's mind he had gained the sloop's deck, where
he was startled by an angry voice that sounded like
the bellow of an enraged bull. Turning quickly, he
saw his friend Bonny confronted by a big man with a
red face and bristling beard. This individual, sup-
ported by a pair of rudely made crutches, was standing
beside the after companion-way, and glaring at the
bag containing his own effects that had been tossed
down from the wharf.


Ye've got a hand, have ye ?" roared this man, whom
Alaric instinctively knew to be the captain. "Is this
his dunnage ?"
"Yes, sir," replied the first mate. "And I think-"
"Never mind what you think," interrupted the
captain, fiercely. Send him about his business, and
pitch his dunnage back on the wharf or pitch it
overboard, I don't care which. Pitch it! d'ye
hear ?"
"But Captain Duff, I think-"
"Who asked ye to think ? I do the thinking on
board this craft. Don't ye suppose I know what I'm
talking about ? I tell ye I had this Phil Ryder with
me on one cruise, and I'll never have him on another !
An impudent young puppy as ever lived, and a
desarter to boot. Took off two of my best men with
him, too. Oh, I know him, and I'd Phil him full
of his own rifle-bullets ef I had the chance. I'd like
to Ryder him on a rail, too."
"You are certainly mistaken, sir, this time, for-"
"Who, I? You dare say I'm mistaken, you tarry
young swab you !" roared the man, his face turning
purple with rage. Oh, ef I had the proper use of
my feet for one minute I'd show ye Put him ashore,
I tell ye, and do it in a hurry too, or you'll go with him
without one cent of wages-not one cent, d'ye hear ?
I'll have no mutiny where I'm cap'n."
Poor Alaric listened to this fierce outbreak with
mingled fear and dismay. Now that the situation he
had deemed so surely his either to accept or reject was
denied him, it again seemed very desirable. He was
about to speak up in his own behalf when the angry
man's last threat caused him to change his mind. He
could not permit Bonny to suffer on his account, and
lose the position he had so recently attained. No,
the very first law of friendship forbade that; and so,


stepping forward to claim his bag, he said, in a low
tone : "Never mind me, Bonny; I'll go."
"No, you won't!" retorted the young mate, stout-
ly, "or, if you do, I'll go with you; and I'll have
my wages too, Captain Duff, or know the reason
Without paying the slightest attention to this re-
mark, the man was staring at Alaric, whom he had
not noticed until this moment. "Who is that land-
lubber togged out like a sporty salt ?" he demanded.
"He's the crew I hired, and the one you have just
bounced," replied Bonny.
"What's his name ?"
Rick Dale."
"What made you say it was Phil Ryder, then ?"
"I didn't, sir. You-"
Don't contradict me, you unlicked cub Can he
shoot ?"
"No, sir," replied Alaric, as Bonny looked at him
"All right. I wouldn't have him aboard if he
could. Why don't he take his thundering dunnage
and go forward, where he belongs, and cook me some
grub when he knows I haven't had anything to eat
sence sunup ? Why don't he, I say ?"
With this Captain Duff turned and clumped heav-
ily to the other side of the deck; while Bonny, hastily
picking up the bag that had been the innocent cause
of all this uproar, said, in a low voice : "Come on,
Rick; it's all right."
As they went forward together he dropped the bag
down a tiny forecastle hatch. Then, after asking
Alaric to cut some kindlings and start a fire in the
galley stove, which was housed on deck, he dove into
the cabin to see what he could find that could be
cooked for dinner.


When he reappeared a minute later he found his
crew struggling with an axe and a chunk of hard
wood, from which he was vainly attempting to detach
some slivers. He had already cut two deep gashes
in the deck, and in another moment would probably
have needed crutches as badly as the captain himself.
"Hold on, Rick !" cried the young mate, catching
the axe-helve just as the weapon was making another
erratic descent. I find those grocery chaps haven't
sent down any stores. So do you just run-up there.
It's two doors this side of Uncle Isaac's, you know,
and hurry them along. I'll 'tend to the fire while you
are gone."
Gladly exchanging his unaccustomed, and what he
considered to be very dangerous, task of wood-chop-
ping for one that he felt sure he could accomplish
creditably, Alaric hastened away. He found the
grocer's easily enough, and demanded of the first
clerk he met why the stores for the sloop Fancy had
not been sent down.
"Must have been the other clark, sir, and I sup-
pose he forgot all about 'em; but I'll attend to the
order at once, sir," replied the man, who took in at
a glance Alaric's gentlemanly bearing and the new-
ness of his nautical garb. Have 'em right down,
sir. Hard bread, salt junk, rice, and coffee, I believe.
Anything else, sir ?"
"I'm sure I don't know," replied Alaric.
Going to take a run on the Fancy yourself, sir ?"
"Then of course you'll want some soft bread, a
few tins of milk, half a dozen jars of marmalade, and
a dozen or so of potted meats ?"
I suppose so," assented the boy.
"Step this way, sir, and let me show you some of
our fine goods," suggested the clerk, insinuatingly.




In another part of the building he prattled glibly
of pht6-de-foie-gras, and Neufchhtel cheese, truffles,
canned mushrooms, Albert biscuit, anchovy paste,
stuffed olives, Wiesbaden prunes, and a variety of
things-all of which were so familiar to the million-
aire's son, and had appeared so naturally on all the
tables at which he had ever sat, that he never for a
moment doubted but what they must be necessities
on the Fancy as well. Of ten million boys he was
perhaps the only one absolutely ignorant that these
luxuries were not daily articles of food with all per-
sons above the grade of paupers; and as he was
equally without a knowledge of their cost, he allowed
the clerk to add a dozen jars of this, and as many
pots of that, to his list, until even that wily individual
could think of nothing else with which to tempt this
easy-going customer. So, promising that the sup-
plies just ordered should be sent down directly, he
bowed Alaric out of the door, at the same time trust-
ing that they should be honored with his future
Bethinking himself that he must have a tooth-
brush, and that it would also be just as well to have
his own comb, in spite of Bonny's assurance that the
ship's comb would be at his service, the lad went in
search of these articles. When he found them he
was also tempted to invest in what he regarded as two
other indispensables-namely, a cake of fine soap and
a bottle of eau-de-Cologne.
He had gone quite a distance for these things, and
occupied a full half-hour in getting them. As he re-
traced his steps towards the wharves he passed the
slop-shop in which his first purchases of the day had
been made, and was greeted by the proprietor with an
inquiry as to whether old Duff had taken aboard his
cargo of chinks and dope yet. Not understanding

the question, Alaric did not answer it; but as he passed
on he wondered what sort of a cargo that could be.
By the time he regained the wharf to which the
Fancy was moored the flooding tide had raised her to
a level with it, and on her deck Alaric beheld a scene
that filled him with amazement. The stores that he
had ordered had arrived. The wagon in which they
had come stood at one side, and they had all been
taken aboard. One of the two men who had brought
them was exchanging high words and even a shaking
of fists with the young first mate of the sloop, while
the other was presenting a bill to the captain and insist-
ing upon its payment.
Captain Duff, foaming at the mouth and purple in
the face, was speechless with rage, and could only make
futile passes with one of his crutches at the man with
the bill, who dodged each blow with great agility. As
Alaric appeared this individual cried out:
"Here's the young gent as ordered the goods now!"
"Certainly," said Alaric, advancing to the sloop's
side. "I was told to order some stores, and I did so."
Oh, you did, did ye you thundering young blun-
derbuss ?" roared Captain Duff, finding his voice at
last. "Then suppose you pay for 'em."
Very well," replied the lad, quietly, thinking this
an official command that must be obeyed.
A minute later peace was restored, Captain Duff was
gasping, and his first mate was staring with amaze-
ment. The bill had been paid, the wagon driven
away, and Alaric was again without a single cent in his

. 50




CAPTAIN DUFF'S first order after peace was thus
restored and he had recovered the use of his voice,
temporarily lost through amazement at the spectacle
of a sailor before the mast paying out of his own pocket
for a ship's stores, and stores of such an extraordinary
character as well, was that the goods thus acquired
should be immediately transferred to his own cabin.
So Bonny, with Alaric to assist, began to carry the
things below.
The cabin was very small, dirty, and stuffy. It con-
tained two wide transom berths, one on each side, a
table bearing the stains of innumerable meals and black
with age, and two stools. There was a clock nailed to
the forward bulkhead; beneath it was fastened a small,
cheap mirror, and beside this, attached to a bit of
tarred twine, hung the ship's comb.
One of the two berths was overlaid with a mattress,
several soiled blankets, and a tattered quilt. It formed
the captain's bed, and it also served as a repository for
a number of tobacco-boxes and an assortment of well-
used pipes. .In the other berth was a confusion of
old clothing, hats, boots, and whatever else had been
pitched there to get it out of the way. Here the cap-
tain proposed to have stored the providential supply
of food that had come to him as unexpectedly as that
furnished by the ravens to the prophet Elijah.
The air of the place was so pervaded with a combi-


nation odor of stale tobacco smoke, mouldy leather,
damp clothing, bilge-water, kerosene, onions, and
other things of an equally obtrusive nature, that poor
Alaric gasped for breath on first descending the short
but steep flight of steps leading to it. He deposited
his burden and hurried out as quickly as possible, in
spite of the fact that Captain Duff, who sat on his
bunk, had begun to speak to him.
On his next trip below the lad drew in a long
breath of fresh air just before entering the evil-smell-
ing cabin, and determined not to take another until
he should emerge from it. In his haste to execute
this plan he dropped his armful of cans, and, without
waiting to stow them, had gained the steps before
realizing that the captain was ordering him to come
Furious at hearing his command thus disregarded,
the man reached out with one of his crutches, caught
it around the boy's neck, and gave him a violent jerk
The startled lad, losing his foothold, came to the
floor with a crash and a loud escaping "Ah !" 6f
pent-up breath. At the same moment the cabin be-
gan to be pervaded with a new and unaccustomed
odor so strong that all the others temporarily with-
drew in its favor.
Oh murder Let me out," gasped Captain Duff,
as he scrambled for the companion-way and a breath
of outer air. Of all the smells I ever smelled that's
the worst !"
What have you broken, Rick ?" asked Bonny, anx-
iously, thrusting his head down the companion-way.
He had been curiously reading the unfamiliar labels
on the various jars, pots, and bottles, and now fancied
that his crew had slipped down the steep steps with
some of these in his arms.


Whew! but it's strong!" he continued, as the
penetrating fumes greeted his nostrils. "Is it the
truffles or the pate grass or the cheese ?"
"I'm afraid," replied Alaric, sadly, as he slowly
rose from the cabin floor and thrust a cautious hand
into one of his hip-pockets, "that it is a bottle of
"Cologne !" cried Bonny, incredulously, as he
caught the word. If these foreign kinds of grub are
put up in cologne, it's no wonder that I never heard
of them before. Why, it's poison, that's what it is,
and nothing less. Shall I heave the rest of the truck
overboard, sir ?"
"Hold on!" cried Alaric, emerging with rueful, face
from the cabin in time to catch this suggestion. "It
isn't in them. It was in my pocket all by itself."
"I. wish it had stayed there, and you'd gone to
Halifax with it afore ever ye brought the stuff aboard
this ship!" thundered the captain. "Avast, ye lub-
ber Don't come anigh me. Go out on the end of
the dock and air yourself."
So the unhappy lad, his clothing saturated with co-
logne, betook himself to the wharf, where, as he slow-
ly walked up and down, filling the air with perfume,
he carefully removed bits of broken glass from his
moist pocket, and disgustedly flung them overboard.
While he was thus engaged, the first mate, under
the captain's personal supervision, was fumigating the
cabin by burning in it a bunch of oakum over which
was scattered a small quantity of tobacco. When the
atmosphere of the place was thus so nearly restored
to its normal condition that Captain Duff could again
endure it, Bonny finished stowing the supplies, and
then turned his attention to preparing supper.
Meanwhile Alaric had been joined in his lonely
promenade by a stranger, who, with a curious expres-


sion on his face as he drew near the lad, changed his
position so as to get on the windward side, and then
began a conversation.
"Fine evening," he said.
Is it ?" asked Alaric, moodily.
"I think so. Do you belong on that sloop ?"
"Able looking craft, and seems to have good ac-
commodations. Where does she run to from here ?"
The Sound," answered Alaric, shortly, for he was
not in a humor to be questioned.
"What does she carry ?"
"Passengers and cargo."
"Indeed. And may I.ask what sort of a cargo ?"
"You may."
Well, then, what sort ?" persisted the stranger.
"Chinks and dope," returned Alaric, glancing up
with the expectation of seeing a look of bewilderment
on his questioner's face. But the latter only said:
"Um! About what I thought. Good-paying busi-
ness, isn't it ?"
"If it wasn't we wouldn't be in it," replied the
No, I suppose not; and it must pay big since it
enables even the cabin-boy to drench himself with
perfumery. Good-night; you're too sweet-scented for
my company."
Ere Alaric could reply the stranger was walking rap-
idly away, and Bonny was calling him to supper.
The first mate apologized for serving this meal on
deck, saying that the sloop's company generally ate
together in the cabin, but that Captain Duff objected
to the crew's presence at his table on this occasion.
"So," said Bonny, "I told him he might eat alone,
then, for I should come out and eat with you."
I hope he will always feel the same way," retorted


Alaric, "for it doesn't seem as though I could pos-
sibly stay in that cabin long enough to eat a meal."
"Oh, I guess you could," laughed Bonny. "Any-
way, it will be all right by breakfast-time, for the
smell is nearly gone now. But I say, Rick Dale,
what.an awfully funny fellow you are anyway! What
in the world made you pay for all that truck? It
must have taken every cent you had."
So it did," replied Alaric. "But what of that ?
It was the easiest way to smooth things over that I
knew of."
"It wouldn't have been for me, then," rejoined Bon-
ny, "for I haven't handled a dollar in so long that it
would scare me to find one in my pocket. But why
didn't you let them take back the things we didn't
need ?"
"Because, having ordered them, we were bound to
accept them, of course, and because I thought we
needed them all. I'm awfully tired of such things
myself, but I didn't know you were."
"What! olives and mushrooms and truffles, and
the- rest of the things with queer names ? I never
tasted one of them in my life, and don't believe the
captain did, either."
That seems odd," reflected Alaric.
Doesn't it ?" responded Bonny, quizzically. "And
that cologne, too. What ever made you buy it ?"
"I don't know exactly. Because I happened to see
it, I suppose, and thought it would be a useful thing
to have along. A little of it is nice in your bath, you
know, or to put on your handkerchief when you have
a headache."
"My stars !" exclaimed Bonny. "Listen to that,
will you Why, Rick, to hear you talk, one would
think you were a prince in disguise, or a bloated aris-
tocrat of some kind !"


"Well, I'm not," answered Alaric, shortly. "I'm
only a sailor on board the sloop Fancy, who has just
eaten a fine supper and enjoyed it."
Have you, really ?" asked the other, dubiously.
"It didn't seem to me that just coffee without any
milk, hard bread, and fried salt pork were very fine,
and I was afraid that perhaps you wouldn't like 'em."
"I do, though," insisted Alaric. "You see, I never
tasted any of those things before, and they are first-
"Well," said Bonny, "I don't think much of such
grub, and I've had it for more than a year, too; but,
then, every one to his liking. Now, if you are all
through, let's hustle and clear away these dishes, for
we are going to sail to-night, you know, and I've got
to notify our passengers. You may come with me
and learn the ropes if you want to."
"But we haven't any cargo aboard," objected Alaric.
Oh, that won't take long. A few minutes will fix
the cargo all right."
Alaric wondered what sort of a cargo could be taken
aboard in a few minutes, but wisely concluded to
wait and see.
So the dishes were hastily washed in a bucket of
sea-water and put away. Then, after a short con-
sultation with Captain Duff in the cabin, Bonny re-
appeared, and, beckoning Alaric to follow him, both
lads went ashore and walked up into the town.
Although it was now evening, Bonny did not seek
the well-lighted business streets, but made his way to
what struck Alaric as a peculiarly disreputable neigh-
borhood. The houses were small and dingy, and their
windows were so closely shuttered that no ray of light
issued from them.
At length they paused before a low door, on which-
Bonny rapped in a peculiar manner. It was cautiously


opened by a man who held a dim lamp over his head,
and who evidently regarded them with suspicion. He
was reassured by a few words from the young mate;
the door was closed behind them, and, with the stran-
ger leading the way, while Alaric, filled with curiosity,
brought up the rear, all three entered a narrow and
very dark passage, the air of which was close and sti-


THE dark passage into which the lads had just been
ushered was short, and was ended by a door of heavy
planking before Alaric found a chance to ask his com-
panion why they had come to such a very queer and
mysterious place. The opening of that second door
admitted them to another passage equally narrow, but
well-lighted, and lined with a number of tiny rooms,
each containing two bunks arranged like berths one
above the other. By the dim light in these rooms
Alaric could see that many of these berths were occu-
pied by reclining figures, most of whom were China-
men, though a few were unmistakably white. Some
were smoking tiny metal-bowled pipes with long
stems, while others lay in a motionless stupor.
The air was heavy with a peculiarly sickening odor
that Alaric recognized at once. He had met it before
during his travels among the health resorts of Conti-
nental Europe, in which are gathered human wrecks
of every kind. Of them all none had seemed to the
lad so pitiable as the wretched victims of the opium
or morphine habit, which is the most degrading and
deadly form of intemperance.
This boy, so ignorant of many of the commonest
things of life, and yet wise far beyond his years con-
cerning other phases, had often heard the opium habit
discussed, and knew that the hateful drug was taken
in many forms to banish pain, cause forgetfulness


of sorrow, and produce a sleep filled with beautiful
dreams. He knew, too, of the sad awakenings that
followed--the dulled senses, the return, with re-
doubled force, of all the unhappiness that had only
been driven away for a short time, and the cravings
for other and yet larger doses of the deadly stuff.
He had heard his father say that opium, more than
any other one thing, was the curse of China, and that
one of the principal reasons why the lower grades of
Chinese ought to be excluded from the United States
was that they were introducing the habit of opium
smoking, and spreading it abroad like a pestilence.
Knowing these things, Alaric was filled with horror
at finding himself in a Chinese opium den, and won-
dered if Bonny realized the true character of the place.
In order to find out he gained his comrade's side, and
asked, in a low tone: "Do you know, Bonny, what
sort of a place this is ?"
"Yes, of course. It is Won Lung's joint."
"I mean, do you know what the men in those bunks
are doing ?"
"Certainly," replied Bonny, cheerfully. "They're
hitting the pipe."
Perplexed as he was by these answers, Alaric still
asked another question. *
"But do you know what they are smoking in those
pipes ?"
"To be sure I do," answered the other, a trifle impa-
tiently. "It's dope. Most any one would know that.
Didn't you ever smell it before ?"
Dope !" Once before had Alaric heard the word
during that eventful day, and he had even used it him-
self, without knowing its meaning. Now it flashed
across him. Dope was opium, and that hateful drug
was to form the sloop's cargo. The idea of such a
thing was so repugnant to him that he might have en-


tered a protest against it then and there, had not a
sudden change of scene temporarily diverted his atten-
tion from the subject.
The passage they had been traversing ended in an
open court, so foreign in its every detail that it ap-
peared like a bit from some Chinese city lifted bodily
and transported to the New World. The dingy build-
ings surrounding it were liberally provided with bal-
conies, galleries, and odd little projecting windows, all
of which were occupied by Chinamen gazing with lan-
guid interest at the busy scene below. From most of
the galleries hung rows of gayly colored paper lanterns,
which gave the place a very quaint and festive aspect.
On the pavement were dozens of other Chinamen,
with here and there a demure-looking little woman
and a few children. Heaps of queer-looking luggage,
each piece done up in matting and fastened with nar-
row strips of rattan, were piled in the corners. At one
side was an immense stove, or rather a huge affair of
brick, containing a score or more of little charcoal
stoves, each fitted for the cooking of a single kettle of
rice Qr pot of tea. About this were gathered a number
of men preparing their evening meal. Many of the
others were comparing certificates and photographs,
a proceeding that puzzled Alaric more than a little, for
he was so ignorant of the affairs of his own country
that he knew nothing of its Chinese Exclusion Law.
He began to learn something about it right there,
however, and subsequently discovered that while Chi-
nese gentlemen, scholars, and merchants are as freely
admitted to travel, study, or reside in the United States
as are similar classes from any other nation, the low-
er grades of Chinese, rated as laborers, are forbidden
by law to set foot on American soil. This is because
there are such swarming millions of them willing to
work for very small wages, and live as no self-respect-


ing white man could live; that, were they allowed to
enter this country freely, they would quickly drive
white laborers from the field and leave them to starve.
Then, too, they bring with them and introduce opium-
smoking, gambling, lotteries, and other equally per-
nicious vices. Besides all this, the Chinese in the
United States, with here and there an exception, have
no desire to become citizens, or to remain longer than
is necessary to scrape together the few hundreds of
dollars with which they can return to their own land
and live. out the rest of their days in luxury.
Many thousands of Chinese laborers had come to
the United States before the exclusion law was passed,
and these, by registering and allowing themselves to
be photographed for future identification, obtain cer-
tificates which, while not permitting them to return
if they once leave the country, allow them to remain
here undisturbed. Any Chinaman found without such
a protection is liable to be arrested and sent back to
his own land.
These certificates, therefore, are so valuable that
Chinamen going home with no intention of ever re-
turning to this country find no difficulty in selling
their papers to others, who propose to try and smuggle
themselves into the United States from Canada or
Mexico. There are always plenty who are anxious to
make this attempt, for if they once get a foothold
they can earn better wages here than anywhere else in
the world. Of course, the purchaser of a certificate
must look something like the attached photograph,
and correspond to the personal description contained
in it. To do this a Chinaman will scar his features
with cuts or burns if necessary, and will make himself
up to resemble any particular photograph as skilfully
as a professional actor.
This, then, is what many of those whom Alaric and


Bonny now encountered were doing, for the place
into which they had come was a Chinese hotel in
which all newly arrived Chinamen found shelter while
waiting for work or for a chance to smuggle them-
selves into the United States, which is what ninety-
nine out of every one hundred of them propose to do
if possible.
As the lads stood together on the edge of this novel
scene, while their guide went from group to group
making to each a brief announcement, Alaric, seizing
this first opportunity for acquiring definite informa-
tion, asked: What on earth are we here for, Bonny ?"
" To find out how many passengers are ticketed
for to-night's boat and get them started," was the
"You don't mean that our passengers are to be
Chinamen ?"
"Yes, of course. I thought I told you so first thing
this morning when you asked me what the sloop
"No. You only said passengers and freight."
"I ought to have said 'chinks.' But what's the
odds? 'Chinks' are passengers, aren't they ?"
"Do you mean Chinamen? Are 'chinks' China-
men ?"
That's right," replied Bonny.
"Well," said Alaric, who had been on the Coast
long enough to imbibe all a Californian's contempt
for natives of the Flowery Kingdom, "if I'd known
that 'chinks' meant Chinamen, and dope meant
opium, I should have been too much ashamed of what
the Fancy carried ever to tell any one about it."
"I hope you won't," responded Bonny. "There
isn't any necessity for you to that I know of."
"But I have already. There was a man on the
wharf while I was getting aired who asked me what


our cargo was. Just to see what he would say I told
him 'chinks and dope,' though I hadn't the slight-
est idea of what either of them meant."
My but that's bad !" cried Bonny, with an anx-
ious look on his face. "I only hope he wasn't a
beak. They've been watching us pretty sharp lately,
and I know the old man is in a regular tizzy-wizzy for
fear we'll get nabbed."
Before Alaric could ask why they should be nabbed,
Won Lung, the proprietor of the establishment, who
also acted as interpreter, came to where they were
standing, greeted Bonny as an old acquaintance,
looked curiously at Alaric, and announced that thir-
ty-six of his boarders had procured tickets for a pas-
sage to the Sound on the Fancy.
"We can't take but twenty of 'em on this trip,"
said the young mate, decidedly. "And with their
dunnage we'll have to stow 'em like sardines, any-
way. The others must wait till next time."
Mebbe you take some man in clabin, some mebbe
in fo'c's'le," suggested Won Lung, blandly.
"Mebbe we don't do anything of the kind," re-
plied Bonny. "The trip may last several days, and I
know I for one am not going to be crowded out of
my sleeping-quarters. So, Mr. Lung, if you send down
one man more than twenty he goes overboard. You
savey that ?"
"Yep, me sabby. Allee same me no likee"
Sorry, but I can't help it. And you want to hustle
'em along too, for we are going to sail in half an
hour. Got the stuff ready ?"
"Yep, all leddy. Two hun'l poun'."
Good enough. Send it right along with us."
A few minutes later our lads had left Won Lung's
queer hotel and were out in the quiet streets accom-
panied by two Chinese coolies, who bore heavy burdens


slung from the ends of stout bamboo poles carried
across their shoulders.
As Bonny seemed disinclined to talk, Alaric re-
frained from asking questions, and the little party
proceeded in silence through unfrequented streets to
the place where their sloop lay. Here the burdens
borne by the coolies were transferred to the cabin,
where this part of the cargo was left with Captain
Duff, and Alaric had no knowledge of where it was
While the captain was thus busy below, Bonny was
giving the crew his first lesson in seamanship by
pointing out three ropes that he called jib, throat,
and peak halyards, showing him how to make them
fast about their respective belaying-pins, and impress-
ing upon him the importance of remembering them.
Shortly after this the score of long-queued passen-
gers arrived with their odd-looking packages of per-
sonal belongings, were taken aboard in silence, and
stowed in the hold until Alaric wondered if they were
piled on top of one another like sticks of cord-wood.
Then the mooring-lines were cast off, and the
Fancy drifted noiselessly out of the slip with the ebb-
ing tide. Once clear of it the jib was hoisted, and
she began to glide out of the harbor before a gentle,
off-shore breeze.



THE great landlocked body of salt water known
as Puget Sound, penetrating for nearly one hundred
miles the northwestern corner of Washington, the
Northwest State, is justly termed a smuggler's para-
dise. It pierces the land in every direction with a
perfect net-work of inlets, channels, and bays lined
with endless miles of forest, frowning cliffs, and
snuggly hidden harbors. The upper end of the Sound,
where its width entitles it to be called a gulf, is filled
with an archipelago of rugged islands of all sizes and
shapes, thinly settled, and offering innumerable se-
cure hiding-places for small boats. Here and there
along the shores of the Sound are Indian reservations
uncleared and unoccupied save by dwindling rem-
nants of the once populous coast tribes. These Ind-
ians, though retaining their tribal names among them-
selves, are all known to the whites under the one
designation of Siwash," a corruption of the French
On the eastern side of the Sound are the important
American cities of Seattle and Tacoma; while at its
extreme southern end stands Olympia, Washington's
capital. On its western side, and just north of the
Strait of Juan de Fuca, that connects the Sound with
the ocean, is located the Canadian city of Victoria,
from which all the smuggling operations of these wa-
ters are conducted.


From Victoria to the American island of San Juan
on the east, the largest of the archipelago already
mentioned, the distance is only twelve miles, while it
is but twenty miles across the Strait of Fuca to the
American mainland on the south. These two points
being so near at hand, it is easy enough to run a
boat-load of opium or Chinamen over to either of
them in a night. For such a passage each Chinaman
is compelled to pay from fifteen to twenty dollars,
while opium yields a profit of four or five dollars a
pound. Smuggling from Victoria is thus such a lu-
crative business that many men of easy conscience
are engaged in it.
Both the island route and that by way of the strait
present the serious drawbacks of having their land-
ing-places so remote from railroads and cities that,
though the frontier has been passed, there is still a
dangerous stretch of territory to be crossed before
either of these can be reached. In view of this fact,
it occurred to one of the more enterprising among
the Victoria smugglers to undertake a greater risk for
the sake of greater profits, and run a boat nearly one
hundred miles up the Sound to some point in near
vicinity to one of its large cities.
He had just the craft for the purpose, and finally
secured a captain who, having recently lost a schooner
through seizure by the American authorities for un-
lawful sealing in Bering Sea, was reckless and des-
perate enough for the new venture. As this man
undertook the run for a share of the profits, he was
inclined to reduce all expenses to their very lowest
limits, and had already made a number of highly suc-
cessful trips. Although the fare to each Chinaman
by this new line was twenty-five dollars, it offered
such superior advantages as to be liberally patron-
ized, and the boat was always crowded.


In the meantime the American authorities had dis-
covered that much illegal opium and many illegal
Chinamen were entering their country through a new
channel that seemed to lead to the vicinity of Taco-
ma. The recently appointed commander of a United
States revenue-cutter determined to break up this
route, and capture, if possible, these boldest of all the
Sound smugglers. For some weeks he watched in
vain, overhauled and examined a number of innocent
vessels, and with each failure became the more anx-
ious to succeed; At length he sent his third lieu-
tenant to Victoria, of course out of uniform, to gain
what information he could concerning any vessel that
seemed likely to be engaged in smuggling.
This officer, after spending several days in the city
without learning anything definite, was beginning to
feel discouraged, when one afternoon, as he was stroll-
ing near the docks, he noticed two lads walking ahead
of him who looked something like sailors. One of
them had evidently just purchased a new outfit of
clothing, and carried a canvas bag on which his
name was painted in black letters. Making a mental
note of this name, the officer followed the lads, out of
curiosity to see what kind of a craft they would board.
When he saw the Fancy he said to himself: Tough-
looking old packet. I wonder if that young chap
with the bag can be one of her crew ?"
Without approaching the sloop so closely as to at-
tract attention, he lingered in her vicinity until Alaric
went up-town to procure supplies, when the officer
still kept him in sight. IlHeven entered the store in
which the lad was dealing, and here his curiosity
was stimulated by the young sailor's varied and costly
"That sloop must make an extraordinary amount
of money somehow," he reflected.


So interested had he now become that he even fol-
lowed Alaric while the lad made his subsequent pur-
chases. Finally he found himself again near the
sloop just as the lad who had excited his curiosity
was ordered to the wharf to air himself after his un-
fortunate experience with the bottle of cologne. At
length the officer addressed him, and by dint of per-
sistent questions became confirmed in his suspicions
that the dingy old sloop cruised to the Sound with
Chinamen and opium.
Having gained the information he wanted thus
easily and unexpectedly, the officer returned to his
hotel for supper and to write a despatch that should
go by that night's boat. After delivering this on
board the steamer, he determined to take one more
look at the suspected sloop; and, strolling leisurely
in that direction, reached the wharf just in time to see
her glide out from the slip and head for the open
Here was an emergency that called for prompt
action; and, running back to the hotel, the young
man paid his bill, secured his bag, and gained the
steamer just as that fine American-built vessel was
about to take her departure for ports of the upper
Sound. Shortly afterwards, a little beyond the har-
bor mouth, the big, brilliantly lighted steamer swept
past a small dimly outlined craft, on whose deck some-
body was waving a lantern so that she might not be
run down.
Of course it has been understood long ere this that
the sloop Fancy was a smuggler. She was- not only
that, but was also the boldest, most successful, and
most troublesome smuggler on Puget Sound. The
one person at all acquainted with the shabby old
craft and as yet unaware of her true character was
Alaric Todd., His slight knowledge of smugglers


having been gained through books, he thought of them
as being only a sort of half pirates, either Spanish
or French, who flourished during the last century.
Thus, although he did not approve of either the
sloop's passengers or cargo, it did not occur to him
that they were being carried in defiance of law until
about the time that the steamer's lights were disap-
pearing in the distance.
The boy's hands were still smarting from an unac-
customed hauling on ropes that had resulted in hoist-
ing the big main-sail, and now he lay on deck well
forward, where he had been told to keep a sharp look-
out and report instantly any vessel coming within his
range of vision. Before a fresh beam wind the Fancy
was slipping rapidly through the water, with Captain
Duff steering, Bonny doing odd jobs about deck, and
the passengers confining themselves closely to the
hold. After the young mate had waved his signal
lantern to the steamer, he extinguished both it and
the side lights that had been burning until now, leav-
ing the binnacle lamp carefully shaded as the only
light on board. With nothing more to do at present,
he threw himself down beside Alaric, and the boys
began a low-voiced conversation.
What made you put out those lights ?" asked the
latter. "I thought all ships carried lights at night."
"We don't," laughed Bonny. "They'd give us
away to the cutters, and we'd be picked up in less'n
no time. I'm mighty glad that steamer isn't a rev-
"Why ?"
"Because she's so fast. There's only one craft on
the Sound can beat her, and that's the Flyer, running
between Tacoma and Seattle. This City of Kingston
is a good one, though. She used to be a crack Hud-
son River boat, and came out here around the Horn;


or, rather, not exactly that, but through the Strait
of Magellan. That's a tough place, I can tell you."
"I suppose it is," replied Alaric. "But, Bonny,
tell me something more about those cutters. Why
should they want to catch us ?"
"For running chinks' and 'dope.'"
"What harm is there in that? Is it against the
law ?"
"I should rather say it was. There's a duty of ten
dollars a pound on one, and the others aren't allowed
in at any price."
"Then I don't see how we are any different from
regular smugglers."
"That's what some folks call us," replied Bonny,
with a grin. "They are. mostly on the other side,
though. In Victoria they call us free-traders."
"It doesn't make any difference what anybody calls
us," retorted Alaric, vehemently, "so long as we our-
selves know what we are. It was a mean thing,
Bonny Brooks, that you didn't tell me this before
we started."
"Look here, Rick Dale! do you pretend you didn't
know after seeing the 'chinks' and the 'dope' and
all that was going on ? Oh, come, that's too thin !"
"I don't care whether it's thin or thick," rejoined
Alaric, stoutly. "I didn't know that I was shipping
to become a pirate, or you may be very certain I'd
have sat on that log till I starved before going one
step with you."
What do you mean by calling me a pirate ?" de-
manded Bonny, indignantly. I'm no more a pirate
than you are, for all your fine airs."
In his excitement Bonny had so raised his voice that
it reached the ears of Captain Duff, who growled out,
fiercely: "Stow yer jaw, ye young swabs, and keep a
sharp lookout for'ard-d'ye hear ?"


Aye, aye, sir," responded the young mate, rising
as though to end the unpleasant conversation, and
peering keenly into the gloom.
But Alaric was not inclined to let the subject drop;
and, with an idea of continuing their talk in so low a
tone that it could not possibly reach the captain's ears,
he too started to rise.
At that moment the sloop gave a quick lurch that
caused him to plunge awkwardly forward. He was
only saved from going overboard by striking squarely
against Bonny, who was balancing himself easily in
the very eyes of the vessel, with one foot on the rail.
The force of the blow was too great for him to with-
stand. With a gasping cry he pitched headlong over
the bows and disappeared from his comrade's horrified



"STOP her! Stop the boat, quick! Bonny is over-
board !" shouted Alaric, frantically, as he realized the
nature of the catastrophe that had just occurred
through his awkwardness. As he shouted he sprang
to the jib-halyard, and, casting it off, allowed the sail
to come down by the run, his sole idea of checking
the headway of a sailing craft being to reduce her
He was about to let go both throat and peak hal-
yards, and so bring down the big main-sail also,
when, with a bellow of rage and a marvellous disre-
gard of his lameness, Captain Duff rushed forward
and snatched the ropes from the lad's hands.
"You thundering blockhead !" he roared. What
d'ye mean by lowering a sail without orders ? H'ist it
again H'ist it, d'ye hear ?"
"But Bonny is overboard !" cried Alaric.
"And you want to leave him to drown, do ye ?
Don't ye know that if'he's alive he's drifted astarn by
this time ? Ef you had any sense you'd be out in the
dinghy looking fur him."
Alaric knew that the dinghy was the small boat
towing behind the sloop, for he had heard the young
mate call it by that name, and now he needed no fur-
ther hint as to his duty. He had pushed Bonny over-
board, and he must save him if that might still be
done. If not, he was careless of what happened to


himself. Nothing could be worse than, or so bad as,
to go through life with the knowledge that he had
caused the death of a fellow-being-one, too, whom
he had already come to regard as a dear friend.
Thus thinking, he ran aft, cast loose the painter of
the dinghy, drew the boat to the sloop's stern, and,
dropping into it, drifted away in the darkness. He
had never rowed a boat, nor even handled a pair of
oars, but he had seen others do so, and imagined that
it was easy enough.
It is not often that a first lesson of this kind is taken
alone, at midnight, amid the tossing waters of an open
sea, and it could not have happened now but for our
poor lad's pitiful ignorance of all forms of athletics, in-
cluding those in which every boy should be instructed.
Without a thought for himself, nor even a compre-
hension of his own peril, Alaric fitted the oars that he
found in the bottom of the boat to their rowlocks, and
began to pull manfully in what he supposed was the
proper-direction. He pulled first with one oar and
then with the other; then making a wild stroke with
both oars that missed the water entirely, he tumbled
over backwards. Recovering himself, he prepared
more cautiously for a new effort, and this time, instead
of beating the air, thrust his oars almost straight down
in the water. Then one entered it, while the other,
missing it by a foot or so, flew back-and struck him a
violent blow.
Up to this time the lad had kept up a constant
shouting of "Bonny Oh, Bonny !" or "Hello, Bon-
ny !" but that blow bereft him of so much breath-that
for a minute he had none left with which to shout.
Now, too, for the first time, he gained a vague idea
of his own perilous situation. There was nothing in
sight and nothing to be heard save the ceaseless dash-
ing of waters and a melancholy moaning of wind.


The sky was so overcast that not even a star could ex-
tend to him a cheery ray of light. The boy's heart
sank, and he made another attempt at a shout, as much
to raise his own spirits as with any hope of being heard.
Only a husky cry resulted, for his voice was choked,
and he again strove to row, with the thought that any
form of action would be better than idleness amid such
If his oars seemed vicious before, they were doubly
so now that he was wearied, and they stubbornly re-
sisted his efforts to make them work as he knew they
could and ought. At length he let go of one of them
for an instant, while he wiped the trickling perspira-
tion from his eyes. The moment it was released, the
provoking bit of wood, as..though possessed of a. ma-
licious instinct, slid from its rowlock, dropped into
the water, and floated away. Alaric made a wild but
ineffectual clutch after it that allowed a quantity of
water to slop into the boat, and gave him the idea that
it was sinking.
With an access of terror the poor lad sprang to his
feet, and, forgetful of the object that had brought
him into his present situation, screamed: "Bonny!
Oh, Bonny! Save me! Don't leave me here to
drown !"
Then a spiteful wave so buffeted the boat that he
was toppled over and fell sprawling in the bottom.
That was the blackest and most despairing moment
of his life; but even as it came to him he fancied he
heard a whispered answer to his call, and lifted his
head to listen. Yes, he heard it again, so faint and
uncertain that it might be only the mocking scream
of some sea-bird winging a swift flight through the
blackness. Still the idea filled him with hope, and he
called again with a cry so shrill and long-drawn that
its intensity almost frightened him. Now the echoing


hail was certain, and it came to him with the unmis-
takable accents of a human voice.
Again he shouted: "Bonny! Oh, Bonny !" and
again came the answer, this time much nearer:
"Hello, Rick Dale Hello !"
"Hello, Bonny! Hello !"
How could it be that Bonny had kept himself afloat
so long ? What wonderful powers of endurance he
must possess! How should he reach him ? There
-was but a single oar left, and surely no one could
propel a boat with one oar. He tried awkwardly to
paddle, but after a few seconds of fruitless labor gave
this up in despair. What could he do ? Must he sit
there idle, knowing that his friend was drowning
within sound of his voice, and for want of the aid that
he could give if he only knew how ? It was horrible
and yet inevitable. He was helpless. Once more
was his own peril forgotten, and his sole distress was
for his friend. Again he shouted, with the energy of
"Bonny! Oh, Bonny! Can't you get to me? I'm
in a boat."
Then came something so startling and so astonish-
ing that he was almost petrified with amazement. In-
stead of a weak, despairing answer, coming from a
long distance, there sounded a cheery hail from close
at hand: "All right, old man! I'm coming. Cheer
What had happened? Was his friend endowed
with supernatural powers that enabled him to trav-
erse the sea at will ?
Alaric gazed about him on all sides, almost doubt-
ing the evidence of his senses. Then, with a flutter
of canvas and a rush of water from under her bows,
the tall form of the sloop loomed out of the blackness
almost beside him.


"Sing out, Rick. Where are you ?"
"Here I am. Oh, Bonny, is it you ?"
"Yes, of course. Look out! Catch this line."
The end of a rope came whizzing over the boat, and
Alaric, catching it, held on tightly. He was seated
on the middle thwart, and the moment a strain came
on the line the boat turned broadside to it, heeled until
water began to pour in over her gunwale, and Alaric,
unable to hold on an instant longer, let go his hold.
He heard an exclamation of "Thundering lubber !"
in Captain Duff's voice, and then the sloop was again
lost to sight.
Again Alaric was in despair, though he could still
hear the shouting of orders and a confused slatting
of sails. After a little the sloop was put about, and
a shouting to determine the locality of the drifting
boat was recommended. Still it seemed to Alaric a
tedious while before she approached him for a second
time, and Bonny once more sung out to him to stand
by and catch a line.
"Make it fast in the bow this time," he called, as
he flung the coil of rope.
Again Alaric succeeded in catching it, and, obey-
ing instructions, he scrambled into the bow of the
boat, where he knelt and clung to the line for dear
life, not knowing how to make it fast.
In a moment there came a jerk that very nearly
pulled him overboard; and the boat, with its bow low
in the water from his weight, while its stern was in
the air, took a wild sheer to one side. Again water
poured in until she was nearly swamped, and again
was the line torn from Alaric's grasp.
You blamed idiot !" roared Captain Duff. "You
don't deserve to be saved I'll give ye just one more
try, and ef you don't fetch the sloop that time we'll
leave ye to navigate on your own hook."



As the previous manoeuvres were repeated for a
third time, poor Alaric, sitting helplessly in his water-
logged dinghy, shivered with apprehension. How
could he hold on to that cruel line that seemed only
fitted to drag him to destruction ? This time it took
longer to find him, and he was hoarse with shouting
before the Fancy again approached.
He don't know enough to do anything with a line,
Cap'n Duff," said Bonny. "So if you'll throw the
sloop into the wind and heave her to, I'll bring the
boat alongside."
With this, and without waiting for an answer, the
plucky young sailor, who had already divested him-
self of most of his clothing, sprang into the black
waters and swam towards the vaguely discerned boat.
In another minute he had gained her, clambered in,
and was asking the amazed occupant for the other oar.
It's lost overboard," replied Alaric, gloomily, feel-
ing that the case was now more desperate than ever.
"Oh, Bonny! Why-?"
"Never mind," cried the other, cheerily. "I can
-scull, and that will answer just as well as rowing.
Perhaps better, for I can see where we are headed."
Alaric had deemed it impossible to propel a boat
with a single oar; but now, to his amazement, Bonny
sculled the dinghy ahead almost as rapidly as he could
have rowed. The sloop was out of sight, but the flap-
ping of her sails could be plainly heard, and five min-
utes later the young mate laid his craft alongside.
Captain Duff was too angry for words, and fortu-
nately too busy in getting his vessel on her course to
pay any attention just then to the lad whose awkward-
ness and ignorance had caused all this trouble and
"Skip forward," said Bonny, in a low tone, "and
I'll come directly."


As Alaric, with a thankful heart, obeyed this injunc-
tion, he marvelled at the size and steadiness of the
sloop, and wondered how he could ever have thought
her small or unstable.
A few minutes later Bonny, only half dressed,
joined him, and said, "If you'll lend me your trousers,
old man, you can turn in for the rest of the night,
and I'll stand your watch; mine are too wet to put
on just yet, and I think you'll be safer below than on
deck, anyway."
Like a person in a dream, and without asking one
of the many questions suggesting themselves, Alaric
obeyed. Earlier in that most eventful day he had
regarded that dark and stuffy forecastle with disgust,
and vowed he would never sleep in it. Now, as he
snuggled shivering between the blankets of the first
mate's own bunk, it seemed to him one of the coziest,
warmest, and most comfortable sleeping-apartments
he had ever known.



FOR a long time Alaric lay awake in his narrow
bunk, listening to the gurgle of waters parted by the
sloop's bow, but a few inches from his head, and re-
flecting upon the exciting incidents of the past hour.
It had all been so terrible and yet so unreal. On one
thing he determined. Never again would he enter a
boat alone without having first learned how to row,
and to swim also. How splendidly Bonny had come
to his rescue, and yet how easily What was it he had
called making a boat go with only one oar ? Alaric
could not remember; but at any rate it was a won-
derful thing to do, and he determined to master that
art as well. What a lot he had to learn, anyhow, and
how important it all was! He had longed for the
ability to do such things, but never until now had he
realized their value.
How well Bonny did them, and what a fine fellow
he was, and how the heart of the poor rich boy warmed
towards this self-reliant young friend of a day Could
it be but one day since their first meeting ? It seemed
as though he had known Bonny always. But how had
the young sailor regained the sloop after being knocked
overboard? That was unaccountable, and one of the
most mysterious things Alaric had ever heard of.
He longed for Bonny to come below, that he might ask
just that one question; but the mate was otherwise
engaged, and the crew finally dropped asleep.

Through the remainder of the night the sloop sailed
swiftly on her course; but she could not make up for
that lost hour, and by dawn, though she had passed the
light on Admiralty Head, and was well to the south-
ward of Port Townsend, the very stronghold of her
enemies, for it is the port of entry for the Sound, she
was still far from the hiding-place in which her cap-
tain had hoped to lie by for the day. However, he
knew of another nearer at hand, though not so easy of
access, and to this he directed the vessel's course.
It did not seem to Alaric that he had been asleep
more than a few minutes when he was rudely awak-
ened by being hauled out of his bunk and dropped
on the forecastle floor. At the same time he became
conscious of a voice, saying:
"Wake up Wake up, Rick Dale I've been call-
ing you for the last five minutes, and was beginning
to think you were dead. Here it is daylight, with
lots of work waiting, and you snoozing away as though
you were a young man of elegant leisure. So tumble
out in a hurry, or else you'll have the cap'n down on
you, and he's no light-weight when he's as mad as he
is this morning."
Never before in all his luxurious life had Alaric
been subjected to such rough treatment, and for a
moment he was inclined to resent it; but a single
glance at Bonny's smiling face, and a thought of how
deeply he was indebted to this lad, caused him to
change his mind and scramble to his feet.
"Here are your trousers," continued the young
mate, "and the quicker you can jump into them the
better, for we've a jolly bit of kedging to attend to,
and need your assistance badly."
Filled with curiosity as to what a "jolly bit of
kedging" might be, and also pleased with the idea
that he was not considered utterly useless, Alaric


hastily dressed and hurried on deck. There the sight
of a number of Chinamen recalled with a shock the
nature of the craft on which he was shipped, and for
an instant he was tempted to refuse further service as
a member of her crew. A moment's reflection, how-
ever, convinced him that the present was not the time
for such action, as it could only result in disaster to
himself and in extra work being thrown upon Bonny.
The sun had not yet. risen, and on one side a broad
expanse of water was overlaid with a light mist. On
the other was a bold shore covered with forest to the
water's edge, and penetrated by a narrow inlet, off the
mouth of which the sloop lay becalmed.
Bonny was already in the dinghy, which held a coil
of rope having a small anchor attached to one end.
The other end was on board the sloop and made fast
to the bitts.
When I reach the end of the line and heave the
kedge overboard, you want to haul in on it," said the
young mate, "and when the sloop is right over the
kedge, let go your anchor. Do you understand ?"
"Yes, I think so."
The tide had just turned ebb, and was beginning to
run out from the inlet as Bonny dropped the kedge-
anchor overboard, and Alaric, beginning to pull with
a hearty will on that long, wet rope, experienced the
first delights of kedging. Captain Duff, puffing at a
short black pipe, sat by the tiller and steered, while
the Chinese passengers, squatted about the deck,
watched the lad's efforts with a stolid interest.
At length the end of the rope was reached, and
Alaric, with aching back and smarting hands, but
beaming with the consciousness of a duty well per-
formed, imagined his task to be ended.
"Let go your anchor," ordered Captain Duff.
When this was done, and the cable made fast so


that the sloop should not drift back when the kedge
was lifted, Bonny heaved up the latter and got it
into the dinghy. Then he sculled still farther into
the inlet until the end of the long line was once more
reached, when he again dropped the small anchor over-
board, and poor Alaric found, to his dismay, that the
whole tedious operation was to be repeated. In addi-
tion to what he had done before, the heavy riding an-
chor was now to be lifted from the bottom.
As the boy essayed to haul in its cable with his
hands, Captain Duff, muttering something about a
lubberlyy swab," stumped forward, and showing him
how to use the windlass for this purpose, condescended
to hold the turn while the perspiring lad pumped away
at the iron lever. When the anchor was lifted, he was
directed to again lay hold of the kedge-line and warp
her along handsomely.
Alaric made signs to the Chinamen that they should
help him; but they, being passengers who had paid for
the privilege of idleness on this cruise, merely grinned
and shook their heads. So the poor lad tugged at that
heart-breaking line until his strength was so exhausted
that the sloop ceased to make perceptible headway.
At this Captain Duff, who was again nodding over
the tiller, suddenly woke up, rushed among his pas-
sengers with brandished crutch, roaring an order in
pidgin English that caused them to jump in terror,
lay hold of the line, and haul it in hand over hand.
Three times more was the whole weary operation
repeated, until at length the sloop was snugly an-
chored behind a tree-grown.point that effectually con-
cealed her from anything passing in the Sound.
"Nice, healthy exercise, this kedging," remarked
Bonny, cheerfully, as he came on board.
"You may call it that," responded Alaric, gloomily,
"but I call it the most killing kind of work I ever


heard of, and if there is any more of it to be done,
somebody else has got to do it. I simply won't, and
that's all there is about it."
Oh phsaw !" laughed the young mate, as he lighted
a fire in the galley stove and began preparations for
breakfast. "This morning's job was only child's play
compared with some you'll have before you've been
aboard here a month."
"Which I never will be," replied Alaric, "for I'm
going to resign this very day. I suppose this is the
United States and the end of the voyage, isn't it.?"
It's the States fast enough; but not the end of the
run by a good bit. We've another night's sail ahead
of us before we come to that. But you mustn't think
of resigning, as you call it, just as you are beginning
to get the hang of sailoring. Think how lonely I
should be without you to make things lively and in-'
teresting-as you did last night, for instance."
"I shall, though," replied Alaric, decidedly, "just
as quick as we make a port; for if you think I'm go-
ing to remain in the smuggling business one minute
longer than I can help, you're awfully mistaken. And
what's more, you are going with me, and we'll hunt for
another job-an honest one, I mean-together."
"I am, am I ?" remarked Bonny. "After you calling
me a pirate, too. I shouldn't think you'd care to asso-
ciate with pirates."
"But I do care to associate with you," responded
Alaric, earnestly, "for I know I couldn't get.along at
all without you. Besides, after the splendid way you
came to my rescue last night, I don't want to try.
But I say, Bonny, how did you ever manage to get
back on board after tumbling-I mean, after I knocked
you-into the water ? It seems to me the most mys-
terious thing I ever heard of."
"Oh, that was easy enough !" laughed the young


mate, lifting the lid of a big kettle of rice, that was
boiling merrily, as he spoke. "You see, I didn't
wholly fall overboard. That is, I caught on the bob-
stay, and was climbing up again all right when you
let the jib down on top of me, nearly knocking me into
the water and smothering me at the same time. When
I got out from under it you were gone, and a fine hunt
we had for you, during which the old man got con-
siderably excited. But all's well that ends well, as
the Japs said after the war was over; so now if you'll
make a pot of coffee, I'll get the pork ready for fry-
"But I don't know how to make coffee."
"Don't you ? I thought everybody knew that.
Never mind, though; I'll make the coffee while you
fry the meat."
"I don't know how to do that, either."
"Don't you know how to cook anything ?"
"No. I don't believe I could even boil water with-
out burning it."
"Well," said Bonny, "you certainly have got more
to learn than any fellow old enough to walk alone
that I ever knew."
The sloop remained in her snug hiding-place all that
day, during which her captain and first mate devoted
most of their time to sleeping. The Chinamen spent
the greater part of the day on shore, while Alaric, fol-
lowing Bonny's advice, made his first attempt at fish-
ing. So long as he only got bites he had no trouble;
but when he finally caught an enormous flounder
his occupation was gone, for he had no second hook,
and could not imagine how the fish was to be removed
from the one to which it was attached. So he let it
carefully down into the water again, and made the
line fast until Bonny should wake. When that hap-
pened, and he triumphantly hauled in his line, he

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