Final Report
The Ministry of Public Works and Communications
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Volume III: Administrative Appendices
December 2005
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Project financed by EDF
Final Report
The Ministry of Public Works and Communications
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Volume III: Administrative Appendices
December 2005
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GOPA Consultants
Hindenburgring 18
61348 Bad Homburg
+49-6172-930 528
+49-6172-930 550
E & A Consultants Inc.
274, Peter Rose & Forshaw Street,
Queenstown, Georgetown
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Final Report: Overview
The Final Report of the Guyana Transport Sector Study is composed of four parts:
Volume I: Executive Summary
Volume II: Main Report
Volume III: Administrative Appendices
Number Title
I Study Methodology
II Itinerary
III Consultation: Workshops, Organisations Consulted and People Met
Steering Committee Meetings
Prime Ministerial Meetings
Presidential Meetings
IV Documents Consulted
V Curricula Vitae of Consultant Team
VI Response to comments on the Draft Final Report
Volume IV: Technical Appendices
Number Title
I Logical Framework
II Maps
III Analysis of the Relevance of the Sector Policy
IV Analysis of the Policy Options
V Draft Policy Statement
VI Terms of Reference
VII Working Paper No. 301
1 Some of the other Working Papers (Nos. 1-29) have been slightly updated since the Draft Final
Report (mid October 2005) and are available as downloads on the Study Website:
Guyana: Transport Sector Study i
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Overview
List of Working Papers
available as downloads on the Study Website:
1 Road Transport Infrastructure
2 Air Transport Infrastructure & Operations
3 Ports and River Transport Infrastructure & Operations
4 Socio-Economic Review
5 Economic Outlook
6 Review of Financial Data for Transport Sector
7 Report on Legal Issues
8 Institutional Review
9 Ferry Infrastructure and Operations
10 Road Transport Operations
11 Environmental and Social Issues
12 Rural Development Planning and Transport
13 Provisional Traffic Forecasts
14 Review of Minibus Services in Georgetown [Preparations for Special Study No. 1]
15 Shipping Analyses [Preparations for Special Study No. 2]
16 Population and Poverty Analyses [Preparations for Special Study No. 3]
17 Port Policy and Development Strategy
18 River Transport Policy and Development Strategy [Preparations for Special Study
No. 2]
19 Urban Public Transport Development: [Preparations for Special Study No. 1]
20 Capacity Building in support of the Transport Sector Strategy
21 Ferry Transport Development: Special Study No. 4
22 Urban Transport Development: Special Study No. 1 ToR
23 River Transport Development: Special Study No. 2 ToR
24 Rural Transport Interventions: Special Study No. 3 ToR
25 Regional Development Planning for Transport
26 Road Network Development
27 Transport support to Tourism Industry
28 Implementation Programme
29 Air Transport development
30 Evolving Strategic National Focus and Economic Growth
11 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Overview
Currency and Exchange Rates
The national currency is the Guyanese Dollar (Guy$).
Official Exchange Rates (Guy$ per US $1.00)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
182 187 191 194 198 195
This report is financed by the European Development Fund and is presented by
GOPA Consultants and E & A Consultants for the Government of Guyana and the
European Commission. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Government or the
European Commission.
"W",c In compiling this
Final Report the
Study Team of
Experts and project
office staff have
been assisted by
many persons in
Guyana and other
countries. We
would like to thank
all these persons
for kindly giving
their time, efforts
and support.
Whilst we cannot
acknowledge all of
these people
personally, we are pleased to acknowledge with thanks those whose thoughts, information,
opinions and suggestions were given during professional interviews and Workshops.
Please visit our Project Website at
Guyana: Transport Sector Study i11
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Overview
List of Abbreviations
Association of Civil Aviation Authorities of the Caribbean
Area Control Centre
Association of Caribbean States
Aerodrome Control
Aerodrome Flight Information Service
Aeronautical Information Publication
Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control
Aeronautical Information Service
Air Navigation Services
Air Navigation Service Provider
The Aircraft Owners Association of Guyana
Approach Control
Air Traffic Control
Air Traffic Control Centre
Air Traffic Control Officer
Air Traffic Management
The Art Williams/Harry Wendt Aeronautical Engineering School
Build Operate Transfer
Civil Aviation Authority
Civil Aviation Department
Caribbean Community
Caribbean Development Bank
Chief Executive Officer
Cheddi Jagan International Airport
Cheddi Jagan International Airport Corporation
Communication, Navigation and Surveillance system
Caribbean Single Market and Economy
Canadian International Development Agency
Community Transport Policy
Caricom Single Market and Economy
Central Planning Transport Unit (at the MPW&C)
Department of Civil Aviation
iv Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Overview
NA or n.a.
European Commission
European Civil Aviation Conference
Environmental Impact Assessment
Economist Intelligence Unit
European Union
Environmental Management Plan
Environmental Protection Agency
The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.
The Federal Aviation Administration (of the USA)
Fire, Crash and Rescue
Flight Information Region
Free Trade Agreement of the Americas
Guyana Civil Aviation Authority
Guyana Defence Force
Government Information Agency
Guyana Land and Survey Commission
Global Navigation Satellite System
Government of Guyana
Global Positioning System
General Transport Law
Inter-American Development Bank
International Civil Aviation Organisation
Inter American Development Bank
Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America
Interim Management Committee
International Monetary Fund
International Organisation for Standardisation
Maritime Affairs Department
Medical Evacuation
Municipal Governance and Management Programme
Ministry for Local Government and Regional Development
Ministry of Public Works and Communications
Ministry of Transport, Communications and Tourism
National Authorizing Officer
Not available
Guyana: Transport Sector Study v
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Overview
Neighborhood Democratic Council
National Development Strategy
National Long Range Development Scheme
Ogle Airport Inc.
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
Ocean Going Vessel
Regional Economic Partnership Agreement
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Public Private Partnership
Public Private Sector Infrastructure Programme
Regional Aviation Safety Oversight System
Regional Economic Partnership Agreement?
Regional Democratic Councils
Runway. Note that a runway is designated two digit numbers (e.g. 06/24)
each of which when multiplied by ten gives the centre line bearings (from
magnet north) for each direction of approach.
The European (ECAC) Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft programme
Standards and Recommended Practices (of ICAO)
Third Border Initiative (of FAA)
Transport and Harbours Department
Terms of Reference
Towards Sustainable Transport Infrastructure (a transport sector approach
by the EC)
Aerodrome Control Tower
United Nation Development Programme
Vehicle operating costs
Vehicle weights and dimensions
Working Paper
Work Services Group (MPW&C)
vi Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report
The Ministry of Public Works and Communications
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
December 2005
Administrative Appendix I
Study Methodology
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Contents
Administrative Appendix I: Study Methodology
1 Study M methodology ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 W ork P lan ............................................................. ........... ...... 1
1.2 Structure of Tasks and W orkflow ..................................................... ......................... 3
1.3 D detailed D description of Tasks............................................ .............................. 5
1.3.1 Start-up .................... .................... ....... ..................... 5
1.3.5 Phase 1: Assessment and Information Gathering ............................................. 6
1.3.5 Phase 2: Definition of Sectoral Strategy................................ ..................... 12
1.3.5 Phase 3: Formulation of an Implementation Strategy ..................................... 18
1.3.5 Overall Tasks .......................... .. .................. .... .................. ..... ............... 21
List of Figures
Figure 1-1:
Figure 1-2:
W ork A approach .................... ....... .. ..................................... .. .................. .. 2
Project W orkflow ............... ................................................................. 24
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
1 Study Methodology
1.1 Work Plan
The study process will consist mainly of three main elements directed at:
* data assessment and analysis,
* development of visions and targets; and
* formulation of measures and definition of steps for achievement.
These components correspond to the following three phases of the study:
* phase 1 "assessment and information gathering",
* phase 2 "definition of a sector strategy"; and
* phase 3 "implementation strategy".
These phases will consecutively follow each other, thus enabling the Consultant to in regular
intervals submit important interim results for discussion and approval by the Beneficiary.
Consultation & dialogue will be sought through working meetings, workshops, distribu-
tion/discussion of interim results and maintaining close working relationships with institu-
tions and stakeholders. In all phases stakeholder workshops for different actors (e.g. trans-
port operating sector, construction, institutions involved etc) will be held at national as well
as regional levels. These workshops will also serve as venues for gathering of information,
and will result in guidance for the orientation of subsequent study phases. Meetings and
workshops will also be held to present the submitted study reports.
The study process can be summarised as follows:
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Figure 1-1:
Work Approach
Identification of
r------------------------ --------------- ---- -
Definition of Goals and
Development of
Measures and Options
Evaluation / Ranking of
Options Definition of
Sectoral Strategy
LiasI l
The analysis in Phase 1 will cover the task of compiling a reliable and detailed enough data
base on the country's transport sector. Even though it can be expected that much needed data
will not be readily available, the analysis plays an important role not only in identifying pri-
ority issues but also in the later evaluation of measures and options. The Consultant will fur-
ther exercise the necessary diligence to develop the data base to the best possible level.
Phase 2 "definition of sector strategy" will focus on the transformation of the general politi-
cal objectives into transport sector specific goals and objectives and the scenario of interim
steps leading to their accomplishment. The political guidance/approval will be crucial for the
later acceptance of the entire study as will be its compatibility with the country's socio-
economic and geographic framework.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Phase 3 will be oriented towards implementation and necessary follow-up by defining pre-
cise projects and programmes to step by step improve the transport sector in the intended
The task, that can be derived from this general approach have been grouped in task areas.
Detailed descriptions of these task areas and individual tasks are provided in the next chap-
1.2 Structure of Tasks and Workflow
The Consultant will perform all tasks and activities necessary to completely fulfil the objec-
tives of the assignment.
The "task areas" as understood and defined after careful consideration of the Terms of Ref-
erence are summarised below. A diagrammatic representation of the workflow of the study is
presented in the "Task Flow" on the following page of this sub-chapter.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
All tasks are discussed in more detail in the following sub-chapter "description of tasks".
Nlobilisation / Inception
Task 0.1 Mobilisation
Task 0.2 Review of documents and data Start-up
Task 0.3 Review of work plan
Assessnienl and Information Gathering
Task 1.1
Task 1.2
Task 1.3
Task 1.4
Task 1.5
Task 1.6
Task 1.7
Task 1.8
Task 1.9
Definition of Se
Task 2.1
Task 2.2
Task 2.3
Task 2.4
Formulation of
Task 3.1
Task 3.2
Task 3.3
Task 3.4
Task 3.5
Task 3.6
Overall Tasks
Task 4.1
Task 4.2
Task 4.3
Task 4.4
Socio-economic framework conditions
Transport infrastructure
Transport demand
Policy, regulatory and legal framework
Institutional frameworks
Regional cooperation
Capacity analysis of transport industry
Environmental and socio-cultural issues
Identification of key issues
ctoral Strategy
Analysis of key issues/in-depth studies I
Development and analysis of options
Evaluation of options
Draft transport sector policy
Implementation Strategy
Overall strategy approach
In-depth studies II
Organisational implementation strategy
Infrastructure improvement programming
Legal/regulatory strategy
Monitoring and evaluation strategy
Consultation & dialogue
Stakeholder workshops
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
All phases
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
1.3 Detailed Description of Tasks
1.3.1 Start-up
Task 0.1 Mobilisation/Inception
Following award of contract, briefing by the Task Manager in Brussels will be arranged as a
telephone conference or a short meeting in Brussels, in which the Project Manager and the
back-up team from GOPA HQ will participate. After the mobilisation phase the project office
in Georgetown will be established by the Team Leader. The project office will consist of all
facilities (computers and necessary software, printers, copiers, phones, fax, e-mail, other of-
fice equipment) needed to efficiently carry out a study of this scope and due to the multidisci-
plinary team it must have sufficient space to allow for several experts working at the same
time (see also the chapter "study logistics).
From the very beginning the Team Leader will liaise with the contracting and supervisory
ministries to establish as quickly as possible working relationships. It is expected that in this
early stage the Steering Committee will be appointed and will take over its role and be ready
for discussion on the refinement of the working programme etc. within the first month of the
Briefing of all international specialists and local team members is required in order for the
Consultant team members to obtain a broad understanding of the project as a whole and the
place of their specialisation within the project. Thereafter inputs of all specialists (national as
well as international) will be carefully phased so as to permit the build-up of knowledge and
understanding of the Guyana situation and development of the study outputs in a coherent
manner with complete interconnection of the various tasks and issues.
Proposals as to the approach to be applied (document review, interviews, questionnaire
where necessary) and the work programme need to be agreed upon with all stakeholders.
Alternatives and ways of carrying out the study will be formulated by the Team and then
defined and fully discussed with the Guyana Authorities and the EC.
Task 0.2 Review of Documents and Data
All relevant reports, documents, maps and data as well as information from previous studies
and evaluations will be reviewed by the Consultant in order to gain an overview of the Guy-
ana transport sector but mainly to identify the most efficient starting point for his work, to
avoid double efforts or to define possible gaps in the material that should be analysed in
course of this study. It is expected that the documents are made available by the Guyanese
authorities in an appropriate and timely manner. Part of this exercise will be the exchange
with ongoing projects in the sector or other relevant sectors.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Task 0.3 Review of work plan
Based on the results of the review of available documents and data the Consultant can up-
date and fine-tune his work plan which defines the way forward for achieving the necessary
results and which will be subject to approval by the steering committee.
1.3.5 Phase 1: Assessment and Information Gathering
Task 1.1 Socio-economic Framework Conditions
The objective of this task is to obtain an overall assessment of the Guyanese economy and
its socio-economic structure regarding actual socio-economic development status, policies,
institutional set-up and reforms, privatization, regulations, etc. including the expected future
development in the short, medium and long term. The collected data and scenarios will be
the basis for building up transport related scenarios in later phases of the study.
The initial analysis of the overall framework will provide information as to:
* geography, current land use
* socio-economic characteristics (population, employment, economic indicators, etc.)
* existing plans for regional/spatial development at national and regional level
* state finance and monetary outlook
* identification and assessment of existing plans for trans-national and regional devel-
opment and economic integration
* major actual and potential regional and international trade flows (including markets,
volumes, as well as general transportation and logistics requirements, etc.)
* assessment of tourism potential and future expectations, tourism (master)plans
* definition of economic and financial indicators to be used for prediction of future
transport demand and transport costs
* role of international donors and support
Information and data will be obtained and compiled based on existing documents, studies
and statistical records. All data will be processed at an appropriate level of regional aggre-
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Task 1.2 Transport infrastructure
The task aims to assess constraints in passenger and/or freight traffic throughout the Guy-
anese territory deriving from deficiencies in the transport infrastructure and related facili-
ties/superstructure. All modes will be assessed: roads, maritime ports, (inland) waterways
and ferry crossings as well as rail. The assessment will result in an inventory of what infra-
structure elements exist. The infrastructure inventory will basically be a review and re-
compilation of data in existing sector maps, development plans and available data in minis-
tries and other relevant public or private organizations. It is assumed that infrastructure data,
in general, are available without field inventories. Major transport infrastructure elements
without existing up-to-date inventory data will be surveyed as far as possible within the
given context, time frame and budget. The Consultant will also verify existing data through
plausibility tests or sample-wise by in-situ observation.
The assessment of infrastructure will encompass the descriptive key data, category indica-
tors for transport capacity and category indicators for the physical condition of transport
infrastructure. The latter is expected to be of major importance since maintenance standard
of infrastructure is reportedly critical for some parts of the networks.
The inventory of the current status in the infrastructure will be amended by all projects al-
ready under construction or with a fixed starting date and defined financing for implementa-
The assessment will provide base-line input to the later identification of options for the
Transport Sector Policy Strategy. The review will allow an assessment of networks, acces-
sibility of regions, capacity and possibly existing constraints of present and planned facili-
ties by mode. For existing constraints an assessment of underlying reasons will be given.
Task 1.3 Transport Demand
The objective of this task is to obtain an overall picture of transport demand on na-
tional/regional level both for today and for the future (time horizon as for the entire study 10
to 12 years) and, where feasible, separately for passenger and freight traffic.
The initial data collection will draw on as many sources as possible such as official statis-
tics, historic and recent traffic counts or surveys, interviews with port and airport operators,
service companies and freight forwarders, etc. and will try to build a data base:
* on traffic loads per section/facility and
* as far as possible, order of magnitude assessments on OD relations between regions
Both together will allow an assessment of current transport demand overall and per mode
(identification of the principal movements of goods and people, taking into account the po-
tential for variation) and deliver a definition of a base situation for transport demand in
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
It can be expected that due to the partially low demand relations/links in the country, par-
tially because of lack of data only categorized data/indicators (e.g. low, middle, and high)
on demand can be elaborated. Where survey data are not available estimates derived from
sector relevant primary socio economic data might be used to surrogate demand data from
surveys. The Consultant will aim at delivering a realistic picture of the current demand in as
much detail as possible or needed for the purposes of this study.
The analysis of today's demand will form the basis for the prediction of future transport
demand potential. The demand analysis will provide information on selected relations be-
tween socio-economic parameters and observed transport in the present situation. These
together with amending assessments to be made by the Consultant will allow development
of scenarios and trends for future years e.g. 2010 and 2017. The scenarios take into consid-
eration the elaborated socio-economic parameters and trends (see task 1.1) as well as the
anticipated transport supply (see task 1.2 and 1.7).
Scenarios for future development will consider:
* national and regional economic growth
* national and regional population growth
* changes in rural and urban trends (distribution of population and economic activities)
* development in agriculture, forestry, fishing, tourism and other sectors demanding
transport services
* changes in industrial production and tourism requiring transport
* regional and domestic trade
* influence of improved infrastructure for transport between Guyana and neighboring
* factors influencing inter-modal transport development
* interdependency of demand and supply (quality, quantity).
Task 1.4 Policy. Regulatory and Legal Framework
The review of the policy and regulatory framework starts with a review of the past overall
policy decision making process in relation to the different transport sub-sectors. The focus
will be laid on the analysis of the existing regulatory framework for the sector in total and
per sub-sector/mode.
The analysis of the policy and regulatory framework will provide information as to:
* existence/non existence of relevant policies and regulations, description of components
and effects
* conformity of the current and proposed regulatory framework for the management of
the various transport modes with the transport sector policy objectives such as enhanc-
ing cost- effectiveness in sector development and operations, country-wide develop-
ment of transportation infrastructure and services etc.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
* ability of the current regulatory framework to set policy objectives and define strate-
* impact of regulatory framework on fair competition and cost-effectiveness in transport
operations and development
* missing intra-modal and inter-modal institutional links for a more cost effective inte-
gration of the transport sector
* technical norms and standards for infrastructure facilities.
The analysis of transport legislation in Guyana will focus on the main laws and issues of the
sector. These will probably be the maritime and air transport laws, laws related to road
transport, traffic and safety and possibly laws for public transport operations. The analysis
will deliver an overview of existing legal framework defined through given laws and regula-
The CARICOM (Caribbean Community) Transport Policy and the framework it defines for
the national policy of Guyana in the sector will also be an important subject of the analysis.
Task 1.5 Institutional Framework
The task will deliver an assessment of institutional issues under state responsibility in the
transport sector, including the role of the government, impact from legislation and regula-
tion, current asset management and operations, the financing of construction and mainte-
nance, managerial and technical capacity, and -if applicable here- current private sector par-
ticipation and capacity (see also task 1.7). This will include an assessment on the national
level with respect to human, legal (norms) and supply resources vis-a-vis proper implemen-
tation of transport projects and their operation in Guyana. The assessment will identify the
capacities of institutions and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the current institutional
Main aspects of the analysis will probably be :
* description of administration units and structures in the sector (ministries and govern-
ment departments)
* identification of areas of responsibilities and administrative processes
* assessing job descriptions, staffing and qualifications
* existing norms, standards and administrative procedures for infrastructure planning (
standard procedures for design and procurement)
* demonstration of available resources/equipment
* analysis of the status of state owned enterprises/operators in the sector
* review the role of the private sector in today's transport sector including the relevant
parts of the construction industry
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Task 1.6 Regional Co-operation
The development of the transport sector has to be integrated in various ways into the re-
gional context of economic cooperation, international agreements, support of transborder
links and trade, technical harmonization in certain areas and completion of transport infra-
structure projects with importance to international transport and trade.
The analysis will therefore indicate possible areas of regional cooperation and trade and
identify primarily related demand for transport infrastructure and services that this will gen-
erate. At this point the task is closely related to task 1.2 and 1.3. The Consultant will elabo-
rate on the specific trans-national aspects of possible projects and:
* identify/describe possible infrastructure projects
* assess potentials, effects and impacts for the entire project and for Guyana
* compile envisaged implementation steps and time horizons
* check necessities for regulatory and technical harmonization
* assess sustainability of the respective project
With respect to infrastructure projects, the commitments made or envisaged under the IRSA
(Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America) will be considered.
Task 1.7 Capacity Analysis of Transport Industry
The analysis of the infrastructure has to be followed by an assessment of the operators in the
different modes (bus companies, truck companies or (regional) transport cooperation, ferry,
ship, airline, rail operators) that are partly private and partly state-owned. In order to form a
comprehensive and coherent strategy for the transport sector, the analysis of the users of the
infrastructure is important additional information if the strategies to be prepared are to be
realistic and meet the expectations of the operators and users.
An analysis of technology used in the transport sector (such as e.g. hovercraft) will be in-
Items to be covered are:
* carrier structure and competition
* means of transport used
* market regulation and competition
* company size and market organisation
* transport agents
* state involvement in transport industry
* expectations of transport industry with regard to Government provision of infrastruc-
* operators' willingness to pay for infrastructure (user charges, taxes, license fees, etc.)
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Task 1.8 Environmental and Socio-cuiltural Issues
The environmental impact of the various transport modes plays an important role in the fu-
ture development of the transport sector since the protection of the natural environment as
well as of living conditions has to be integrated into regulations and standards for operation
as well as in infrastructure project planning and implementation. This covers issues like land
use policy on national level, protection of landscape and soil, water and air pollution as well
as noise pollution. A specific area of risk is the environmental issue associated with Guy-
ana's unique natural heritage, especially the rainforest and related living conditions for the
Amerindian part of the population. In-depth consultations are proposed to ensure that the
environmental impact in these areas is also equally considered and possible negative im-
pacts are identified early enough to develop counter measures.
The work will identify environmental problems in the transport sector in general and per
mode, it covers:
* an assessment of the actual environmental policy and achievements, the role and work
of the EPA especially in the transport sector
* an evaluation of procedures for project implementation and operation with respect to
environmental impact management, e.g. many access roads have already been opened
in the interior of the country under mining and timber concessions, as well as the exist-
ing privately managed roads such as that between Linden and Lethem.
* an outlook on applied measures for minimising negative impacts and related mitigation
* compilation of a listing of strengths and weaknesses to form a basis for an environ-
mental management programme to be elaborated in phase 2
Needs for improvement/mitigation measures will be defined. A thorough check on Guyana
legislation and regulatory framework, information of problem oriented publications as well
as selected site investigations for the various transport modes will be necessary.
Priority setting procedures for infrastructure measures will be reviewed, taking into account
potential conflicts with environmental objectives. Technical standards will also be subject of
the review, e.g. with a view to design infrastructure in a way that to its impact on natural
drainage, land use patterns etc is minimised. Reference to European Commission manuals on
environmental impact assessment (EIA) will be made in this context and the need for the de-
velopment of environmental standards for transport infrastructure will be assessed.
Similarly, possible existing socio-cultural issues and developments need to be identified and
evaluated. The basis will be an analysis of current topics and issues in this field, especially
with a view to possible conflicts, where projects in the transport sector interfere with (tradi-
tional) life-styles or social objectives by causing re-settlement or new poverty.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Task 1.9 Identification of Key Issues
Phase 1 will be concluded by a synthesis of the above tasks and the results obtained will be
translated into a comprehensive statement of the key issues to be addressed in the course of
the study and in the sectoral policy and strategy.
Phase 1 will also identify the specific issues to be studied in more detail in phase 2. These
focused studies will support the sectoral strategy and produce draft study ToR's for ap-
proval by the project steering committee. At least four in-depth study subjects will be identi-
fied for the next phase, based on the Consultant's experience, the workshops or other means
of identification. Besides priority infrastructure investments possible subjects of in depth
studies may include for instance transport fiscal issues and revenues, national availability of
transport services, particular institutional issues and problems, organisation of maintenance,
combined transport (river-road), etc.
1.3.5 Phase 2: Definition of Sectoral Strategy
Task 2.1 Analysis of Priority Issues/In-depth Studies I
The Consultant's approach to build on the results of the "assessment and information gath-
ering" of the first phase will be twofold: at least four in-depth studies on the subjects de-
cided upon at the end of phase 1 by the Steering Committee will be carried out and for the
remaining issues out of the identified key issues further supplementary studies will be car-
ried out. The deepened analysis and study will provide sufficient information for the formu-
lation of a strategy, covering also human resources and capacity building requirements in
the following tasks. The in-depth studies will be continued in phase 3 under task 3.2 "in-
depth studies II".
In general, there will be subjects related to the sector in its entirety and issues related to
single topics, e.g. per sub-sector/mode leading to a deepened assessment of sub-sectors and
the entire sector and preparing successively components for the development of strategy
options in the following task of this project phase.
Results will be presented in form of issue papers and study papers to be discussed with the
steering committee on road, road transport, sea port, inland waterway and urban transport.
Depending on the findings of phase 1 the rail sub sector will also be addressed. These study
papers in line with the priorities agreed upon during phase 1 will address subjects of:
* investment strategies: existing and recommended investment strategies to ensure effec-
tive use of existing capacities to meet future demands (including BOT type arrange-
ments/concessioning, availability of finance from the private sector)
* operating strategies: operating practices and management currently prevalent and practi-
cal alternatives to have efficient use of resources
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
* maintenance strategies: existing procedures and improved maintenance planning and
their impact on operations and financing
technical issues and standards such as the adoption of standard procedures for design and
procurement, axle load regulation and control, natural disaster resistance
regulatory frameworks: regulations governing pricing, taxes, user fees, entry and capac-
ity regulations, levels of service provisions, customs, trade documentation which provide
the basis for efficient and financially sustainable operations nationally
environmental, socio-cultural and safety issues
intermodal linkage between the transport sub-sectors to enhance the quality of service
Typical issues, that have been found relevant in similar projects are included in the follow-
ing table, which is to be regarded as a sample for a preliminary outlook:
Key Issues: Road Transport
Maintenance and Rehabilitation
International Traffic
Rural Transport Services
Appropriate Technology
Road Safety
Continuing backlog of road maintenance
Shortage of funding for road maintenance
Lack of maintenance monitoring
Inefficiency of force account operations
Inadequate enforcement of axle load limits
Appropriate use of available labour resources
Weak institutional organisation and management
Inadequate access to landlocked and transit countries
Physical and non-physical barriers to regional transport and
Poor condition of rural roads
Poor operational efficiency and financial performance
Lack of access to intermediate transport vehicles
Lack of appropriate design standards
Appropriate use of local resources in road construction and
High rate of road accidents
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Key Issues: Air Transport
Aeronautical Policy
Human Resource Development
Regional Integration
Air Service Operations
Aeronautical Infrastructure
Lack of coordination of aeronautical policy
Inappropriate aeronautical legislation
"CARICOM open skies"
Shortage or under-utilisation of training facilities and man-
Lack of skilled management and technical manpower
Over-staffing within airline-organisations
Lack of regional air transport cooperation
Lack of administrative organisation and management
Role of government in airline operations
Inadequate infrastructure maintenance management
Poor condition of aeronautical infrastructure and aircraft
Lack of financing for maintenance and rehabilitation
Key Issues: Water Transport
Human Resource Development
Shipper Coordination
Regional Cooperation
Inland Waterway
Inappropriate institutional frameworks for maritime ad-
Inadequate institutional support for multi-modal transport
Inefficient management of ports
Lack of port security
Lack of organisation and application of modem manage-
ment practices by shippers
Inadequate training and human resource management
Hazardous working conditions on shore and at sea
Lack of shipper representation in port administration and
management decision-making
Inadequate shore-side and sea-side maintenance practices
Shortage of skilled maintenance personnel
Lack of shipping policy coordination and cooperation
Lack of inland waterway facilities
Inappropriate regulation of multi-modal transport
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
The sub-sector assessments and the overall subjects will be clearly interrelated and interde-
pendent. On the one hand, the transport sector subjects deal with the important general is-
sues for the sector as a whole and provide the "framework" for the sub-sectors and on the
other there will be a synthesis of the sub-sector assessments.
Generic transport issue areas, which need to be addressed in accordance with their respec-
tive importance in Guyana, include the following:
* service supply and quality
* land acquisition
* operations and management
* assets of infrastructure and equipment
* maintenance
* price, cost recovery and finance
* investment planning
* aspects of environmental protection and mitigation
* safety issues
* socio-cultural issues
* interrelation between regulation and sectoral performance
With regard to performance issues relating to strategies, the Consultant also will pay practi-
cal attention to actions, which emphasise regional and national integration.
These could include the following:
* provision of dedicated transport services
* pooling and rationalisation of maintenance
* development of regional intermodal transfer facilities
* rationalisation of trade documentation requirements
* provision of incentives to the private sector activities
* road maintenance and management reforms
* standardise pricing policies and entry
Task 2.2 Development and Analyses of Options
Under this task the Consultant will start to elaborate components of the later policy and
strategy which after a discussion and evaluation process (task 2.3) will be synthesised into a
consistent overall transport sector policy and strategy (task 2.4). Under this task the Con-
sultant will draft the outline of a sector policy and options per sub-sector, consistent with the
country's political and macro-economic environment, and address the economic and social
demands for transport, both at the national and regional levels.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Based on the analysis results, results of discussions and workshops, policy statements of
other sectors, etc. the task starts with the identification of a hierarchy of objectives and goals
to be aimed at as well as their respective priorities. An objective of corresponding impor-
tance in this hierarchy shall be e.g. the reduction of poverty, the creation of job opportuni-
ties, the protection of important landscapes and biotopes or the improvement of regional
integration. The options to be developed will be formed trying to follow the guideline de-
fined through the hierarchy of goals and objectives. At this stage conflicting objectives and
interests will materialize in different options with differing priorities.
The development of options will be followed by an analysis of the economic, financial, in-
stitutional, managerial, technical, environmental, socio-cultural, regulatory and operational
feasibility and sustainability, resulting in an overall assessment of benefits to economic and
social development and the results to be delivered to users and beneficiaries and finally to
their confirmation or amendment. The sensitivity of solutions to fluctuations in international
markets, trade and political stability will be taken into consideration by developing a range
of scenarios.
Wherever possible the development and analysis of options will also be based on an as-
sessment of their economic effect. The assessment of the society's benefit must be derived,
as projects will certainly have repercussions on the entire transport system and conditions in
the area. For this purpose the cost implications of the proposed policies and investment
strategies have to be mapped. At this stage, however, the costs of investments can only be
rough estimates, based on available national and international comparison data. The costing,
however, should be accurate enough to provide sufficient input to an overall financing strat-
egy for each type of investment and each mode of transport. Taxes, customs duties have to
be deducted and subsidies have to be added. Possible positive or negative impacts on the
other transport modes, either competing or complementary, will also be taken into account,
where applicable and possible.
Benefits may accrue from a variety of factors, among them:
* VOC-savings
* infrastructure maintenance cost savings
* passenger time savings
* accident cost and environmental savings
* possible savings in physical extension costs for other transport modes, etc.
* pollution reduction
The streams of costs and benefits will be assessed over the project period and where sensi-
ble economic and financial internal rates of return (IRR) (and other economic parameters)
will be developed for priority ranking of projects.
The results of the analysis of options will be fed into the evaluation process of the following
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Task 2.3 Evaluation of Options
The evaluation aims to create transparency in the selection of preferred options to be in-
cluded in the sector policy. It will be based on the above analysis of options and their re-
spective spectrum of effects and at the end will deliver recommendations for the selection of
Principally, the mode of evaluation and resulting priority setting will be multi-criteria based,
taking into account the defined goals and attributed priorities as well as subjects of (i) rele-
vance, (ii) feasibility, (iii) pre-conditions and (iv) sustainability as per the ToR and part II of
the "Guidelines Towards Sustainable Infrastructure"1. The hierarchy of goals developed
under task 2.2 will also be used as evaluation criteria.
Experience in policy studies suggests that the following elements are also essential to such a
framework for evaluation:
* All factors reasonably thought to be relevant must be included. This includes travel
benefits, environmental effects (on buildings and open spaces and on the people using
them), the consequences for planning and land use, and the effects on trade, property,
enterprise development, productive activity, and the labour market. Expertise is re-
quired to prevent double counting of costs and benefits and to account correctly for
transfers as taxes, subsidies, tolls, and revenues.
* Where impacts can be quantified, they should be, but the quantification of impacts is
not an end in itself. Where quantification is inappropriate, a verbal description is suffi-
Task 2.4 Draft Transport Sector Policy
Under the Draft Transport Sector Policy task the conclusions of the above tasks will be
brought together and compiled in a coherent and integrated policy study as a draft version.
This will be presented in accordance with the format of Appendix I to the Terms of Refer-
ence of the study. It will contain the definitions of the sector policies that are to be adopted
by the Government to facilitate the implementation of the strategy.
The Transport Sector Policy will thus consist of two main parts:
* policies for each sub-sector, and
* the overall transport sector policy
1 Concerned are mainly the phases of the project cycle "programming" and "identification".
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
1.3.5 Phase 3: Formulation of an Implementation Strategy
Task 3.1 Overall Straitey Approach
The implementation of the policy and strategies requires an integrated strategy for imple-
mentation in order to:
* establish a balanced development of the distinctive modes of transport taking into con-
sideration the respective advantages/disadvantages
* appropriately transform the different objectives of the stakeholders into transport re-
lated measures and projects
* ensure the development of sub-sectors in accordance with demand for transport
* ensure the optimal allocation of scarce funding to maintenance, rehabilitation and con-
struction of transport infrastructure
Task 3.2 In-deplh Studies II
It is proposed to break down the in-depth studies in two stages, in-depth studies I (see task
2.1) and in-depth studies II. This would allow to investigate and prepare draft ToR's, etc in
a more detailed fashion once the proposed draft transport sector policy is approved as a ba-
sis for the elaboration of the strategy. In the first stage the studies will therefore consist of
analytical tasks in the identified fields to be carried out to the degree of detail needed to de-
cide on the transport sector policy. In the second stage (in-depth studies II), they will be fur-
ther elaborated e.g. to provide more detailed project recommendations at pre-feasibility
level as well as detailed draft ToR's for later studies.
Task 3.3 Organisational Implemenation Plan
Based on the results of the assessment and analysis phase the Consultant will recommend
the optimal structural framework for the implementation of the sector strategy. Cognisance
will be taken of what human resource capacity presently exists within the Ministry of Public
Works and other concerned government authorities. It is important that the designated exe-
cuting agencies continue to build up a sustainable foundation of transport planning capacity
both of management and transport planners.
Towards this goal the Consultant will identify:
* tentative job descriptions for recommended positions
* appropriate salary structures that reflect current government practice, levels of respon-
sibility, relevant experience and qualifications
* systemic proposals to develop learning opportunities within the executing agency, fo-
cussing as much as possible on targeted on-the-job training, action learning, short
seminars and workshops
* a combination of meaningful stakeholder-oriented performance indicators, which will
contribute towards implementing the institutional arrangements
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Task 3.4 Capacil. Building Strate2
Analysis of the jobs, detailed duties and tasks will be identified and will serve as the basis
for the assessment of training and capacity building requirements to support policy imple-
mentation. A questionnaire for needs assessment will be developed for distribution. The
questionnaire will ask the relevant agencies to supply information related to their educa-
tional and professional background, main work tasks, preferred area of work and their pre-
sent and future training needs. To obtain management's views on the present and future
training needs, and to support implementation of the transport sector policy, interviews with
key management staff will be conducted.
Proposed interventions will be carefully structured to determine operational procedures and
activities, impact of changing technology, lines of communications, roles, responsibilities,
description of perceived performance deficiencies, performance standards and the manage-
ment's view of where training is needed, and which training issues should be addressed /
have priority.
The next step will then be to translate the previously identified training needs into measur-
able learning objectives that can guide subsequent capacity building initiatives and monitor-
ing of training results.
Task 3.5 I fi'fasti ructure Imp lrovement Prooran ll me
It can be expected that an important part of the sector policy will be to modernise the trans-
port infrastructure networks and that during the study phase various projects of importance
will be identified/proposed. These sets of projects will combine rehabilitation of existing
infrastructure as well as the implementation of new projects. An indicative investment pro-
gramme must therefore be developed. The programming will be based on an assessment of
the various projects with respect to costs, benefits, negative impacts, urgency and funding
opportunities. It is assumed that at this stage project assessments can only be tentative and
will need more detailed specific and feasibility studies at the implementation stage of the
sector policy.
Task 3.6 Funding Strategi
The Consultant will undertake studies to ascertain a realistic budget for the design life of the
transport sector policy. Possible funding sources will involve examination of fiscal transfers
from national and local government, levies from transport operators/users and possible
short-term support from donor organizations. Achieving the required amount of funding,
especially from local sources, will require confidence in and commitment to the implemen-
tation of the plan, thus the expectations of the stakeholders must be satisfied.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Taisk 3.7 NMloioilorn ind Evaluaition Slriteg.
The success of the Transport Sector Policy will depend on the appropriate use of an effec-
tive monitoring and evaluation system. Those who plan and lead its implementation will be
required to evaluate existing capacities and to define measures to close possible gaps. In
addition, programme managers will need to periodically monitor their activities and evalu-
ate results to improve their efforts and those of their team. With this in mind, the Consultant
will recommend a detailed monitoring and evaluation model based on verifiable perform-
ance indicators. Integrating these two activities (monitoring and evaluation) will provide an
opportunity to assure achievement of results.
The system will be designed to assess the impacts of the project components on:
* performance: achievements of the transport sector policy implementation in relation to
its objectives
* capacity: the resources, knowledge and skills of the executing agency and responsible
* operational environment: the external environment in which the executing agency car-
ries out its activities and the policy is implemented
* strong elements of transparency and accountability in reporting of results of activities
to the stakeholders
* audits
The essence will be presented in the form of a logical framework including indicators for
the monitoring and evaluation of strategy implementation.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
1.3.5 Overall Tasks
Task 4.1 Consultation & Dialog
The study represents an iterative approach to the final end of submitting a transport sector
policy and strategy. It is equally important that the needs and views of all transport stake-
holders including users, the private sector and beneficiaries are adequately taken into ac-
count in the assessment and selection of options. As much as possible suggestions, propos-
als and ideas have to be fed into this iterative process to be transparently analysed and
evaluated thus enabling decision on whether to include them in the further planning process,
or not. To encourage suggestions from stakeholders and support acceptance of decisions and
the final study result, a continuous consultation and dialogue process will be pursued during
the entire study phase. The team will work closely with main stakeholders, i.e. Ministry for
Public Works, Agriculture and Home Affairs, the Government departments dealing with
transport and finance issues and the relevant private sector representatives as well as repre-
sentatives of civil society. The team will also ensure proper contact and liaison with the
other donors active in the transport sector.
A principal risk to the project would be the failure on the part of the major stakeholders to
agree on key policy issues. This may occur at any stage, including implementation, if policy
issues become politicised. The way this risk can be contained is for the Consultant to engage
with the Government and civil society from the earliest stages of the project so that potential
policy disagreements are resolved as early as possible. In this respect, periodic reference to
the overall project goals, which do not favour one particular interest group or geographical
area, will be important.
Task 4.2 Presentations and Workshop/Seminar Programme
Presentations and workshops/seminars will be a focused manifestation of the study's ac-
tivities by the project's Steering Committee and the consultation and dialogue with stake-
It is tentatively proposed that presentations should have duration of not more than a half day,
while stakeholder workshops/seminars would have duration of one to two days maximum.
Presentations and workshops/seminars will be conducted when reaching important milestones
of study preparation. Presentations will always be conducted in Georgetown, while work-
shops/seminars will be conducted in Georgetown and in selected regional capitals.
In the inception period the Consultant will discuss his preliminary findings and identified pri-
orities with steering committee members and major stakeholders in order to obtain their re-
flections and expectations with regard to the formulation of the Inception Report. A "first
presentation" to the steering committee will be conducted in week five of the project and
will consist of a presentation of key issues and the detailed work plan for the establishment of
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
the study. Further "presentations to the steering committee" will then be held, after reach-
ing study milestones and to seek the steering committee's approval of the project's outputs,
i.e. Interim Study Report (ISR), Draft Sector Policy (DSP), and the Draft Final report (DFR).
Additional working sessions will furthermore be arranged on request of relevant role-players
or in order to address technical issues, that otherwise could not be adequately dealt with in
larger forums.
Stakeholder workshops and seminars
The more public nature of "workshops and seminars" indicates that these will be high-profile
and will be important in encouraging commitment to policy implementation, investment and
momentum generation. "Workshops and seminars" will consist of presentation of major study
findings and recommendations and will aim to stimulate feedback and discussion. The work-
shop/seminar programme will also be designed to guarantee an adequate representation of
regional stakeholders and interests in the study process. The execution of the workshops and
seminars will be organised in such a way that "ownership" of outputs by the participants is
maximised. For this reason it is proposed that summary documentation of relevant workshop
and seminar discussions and results be prepared and distributed to participants. At the end of
the project a "closing workshop" will be held to support the presentation and consensus-
building on the main results and recommendations for implementation.
The proposed presentation and
raised in the table below:
Key Subject of presentation
P1 Inception Report
P2 Interim Study Report
P3 Draft Transport Sector
P4 Draft Final Report
W1 Interim Study Report
W2 Draft Transport Sector
W3 Draft Final Report
CW Final Report
stakeholder workshop/seminar programme is summa-
Target audience
Presentation to Steering Committee
Presentation to Steering Committee
Presentation to Steering Committee
Presentation to Steering Committee
Presentation to Stakeholders (National / Regional
Presentation to Stakeholders (National / Regional
Presentation to Stakeholders (National / Regional
Presentation to Stakeholders (National Workshop)
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix I / Study Methodology
Task 4.3 Web-site
The ToR requires the maintenance of a website. The Consultant will prepare the website
and keep up-to-date its content aiming to provide:
* information on the study and its objectives
* reports and issue papers
* response directly from the site
* build in links to other useful sites
The technical provisions and the hosting of the website have to be clarified in the early pro-
ject stages. It is assumed that the hosting will be provided by Guyanese authorities in order
to place the website within an official web-environment.
Task 4.4 Reporting
The Consultant will submit the stipulated reports as follows:
* Inception report (four weeks after start of the project)
* Interim study report (at the end of phase 1, ten weeks after the start of the project)
* Draft transport sector policy (at the end of phase 2, five months after the start of the
* Draft final study report (3 weeks before the end of phase 3, before the end of month 9
of the project)
* Final study report (at the latest 3 weeks after receipt of comments on the draft final
report, at the end of month 10 of the project)
Underlying in-depth studies and issue papers will be annexed to the reports.
Reports will be submitted to the Steering Committee for approval.
Furthermore, summary documentation of relevant workshop discussions and results will be
prepared and distributed to workshop participants after each workshop. Where possible, work-
shop documentation will be annexed to the above mentioned reports.
All reports will be prepared in English language and will contain an executive summary.
With regard to the formats of reports and the phasing of report submission, the Consultant is
committed to the requirements set out in the ToR.
The Team Leader will be responsible for the co-ordination of the inputs of all team mem-
bers into consistent and comprehensive reports and for the compilation, preparation, and
delivery of these reports. GOPA will quality-check the reports in accordance with quality
assurance procedures ISO 9001.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Figure 1-2: Project Workflow
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24 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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Final Report
The Ministry of Public Works and Communications
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
December 2005
Administrative Appendix II
Consultant's Itinerary
Final Report: Administrative Appendix II / Contents
Administrative Appendix II: Consultants Itinerary
1 International Experts Visits to Guyana .................................................. ................ 1
2 Regional Cooperation Visit Travel by Project Team.............................................. 2
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix II / Consultant's Itinerary
1 International Experts Visits to Guyana
Core Team
David M. Shelley Project Manager / Transport Economist
John F. Clifton Road Planning Engineer
Manfred Morisse Maritime Specialist
Adrian Hoppenstedt Environmental Specialist
Alex MacDonald Institutional and Finance Specialist
Rodney Baldwin Aviation Specialist
Edward Bohm Macro Economist / Econometrist
Jean-Francois Biros Road Engineer / Urban Transport Planner
Brian Follis Capacity Building Specialist/ HRD
Michel Prouzet Legal Specialist
Andrew Elcock Shipping and Dredging Expert
Graham Fletcher Urban Transport (Bus) Specialist
Bernd Brunnengriber Rural Transport Specialist
Andre Hage Ferry Expert
Heinrich Anders Regional Development Specialist
Local Experts
Ananda Dharry Senior Civil Engineer
Joseph Holder Civil Engineer Roads and Bridges
Phillip Allsopp Senior Roads Engineer
Mark Bynoe Economist and Environmental Specialist
Ferial Ally Air Transport Specialist
Jennifer Wishart Sociologist/ Socio-economist
Imtiaz Baig/Pauline Chase Legal Specialists
Other Specialists for Maritime Costing, Mapping, Ferries, etc.
Visits in Guyana (intermittent,
during this period)
From To
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix II / Consultant's Itinerary
2 Regional Cooperation Visit Travel by Project Team
29 April, 2005
23-25 May, 2005
9-11 May, 2005
20-22 April, & 20-29June, 2005
Port of Spain
Port of Spain
Boa Vista
Boa Vista/ Manaus
Port of Spain
Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
Main Mode (s) Examined
Regional Aviation
All Modes
All Modes
Cruise Shipping
For more details, see Administrative Appendix III.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report
The Ministry of Public Works and Communications
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
December 2005
Administrative Appendix III
Workshops, Organisations Consulted and People Met
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Contents
Administrative Appendix III: Consultation
Workshops, Organisations Consulted and People Met
1 Organizations Consulted & People Met.................................................................. 1
1.1 List of Organisations Consulted & People M et ...................................... .............. 1
2 Project Launch 28 February 2005 ...................................... .................................... 5
2.1 Steering Com m ittee M meeting N o. 1 .......................... ....... ............................... 5
3 Steering Committee Meetings Period: March- July 2005 ........................................... 7
3.1 Steering Com m ittee M meeting N o. 2 .............................. ......................................... 7
3.2 Steering Com m ittee M meeting N o. 3 ........................................ ....................... 10
3.3 Steering Com m ittee M meeting N o. 4 ........................................ ....................... 13
3.4 Steering Committee Meeting No. 5 ...................................... .................. 15
4 Workshops April August 2005.............................................. .................................... 17
4.1 Diagnosis Phase Workshop Roads Sub-Sector......................... ................. 17
4.2 Diagnosis Phase Workshop Macroeconomics Sector........................................... 19
4.3 Diagnosis Phase Workshop Ports/ Shipping Round Table ................................... 22
4.4 Diagnosis Phase Workshop Air Transport Workshop ......................................... 23
4.5 Environmental and social cultural issues: Exchange of experience Draft
workshop program e ... ................................................ ................. 25
4.6 Roundtable No. 2-Ports & Rivers Sub-Sector......................... .................... 26
5 Prime Ministerial Meetings August -September 2005........................................ 28
5.1 Record of Comments Meeting at Prime Ministers Office August 10 2005............... 28
5.2 Record of Comments Meeting at Prime Ministers Office August 17 2005............... 31
5.3 Record of Comments Meeting Notes at Prime Minister's Office August 23,
2 0 0 5 ...................... .................................. ........ .......... ...... 3 3
5.4 Record of Comments Meeting Notes at Prime Minister's Office September 30,
2 005 .................................... ............... ...... 35
6 Presidential M eetings................................................................................................ 40
6.1 Presidential M meeting N o. 1 .................................... ......................................... 40
6.2 Presidential M meeting N o. 2 ............... .. .................................. .............. 42
7 Project Closure.......................................................................................................... 46
Guyana: Transport Sector Study i
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
1 Organisations Consulted & People Met
1.1 List of Organisations Consulted & People Met
Surname Given Name Organisation Position
Adams Rawlston WSG, MPW&C
Alexander A. Aviation Consultant
Ali Abdal TEXACO Terminal Manager
Ally Mazahar Air Services Ltd Managing Director
Anandjit Indira Guyana Tourism Executive Director
Archer Mark John Fernandes Ltd Operational Manager
Archer Julian Guyana National Divisional Manager Port
Industrial Co. Ltd. Facility
Aswood Andrew Guyana National Shipping Director
Co. (GNSC)
Baig Imtiaz High Court Of the Legal Clerk
Balram Balraj MPW&C Permanent Secretary
Bascom Malcom Guyana National Shipping General Manager
Co. (GNSC)
Benn Brindley H. Robeson Commissioner Guyana Geology &
Mining Commission
Boast Michael Guyana Sugar Chief Executive Director
Corporation (Guysuco)
Chan-A-Sue M.G Ogle Airport Executive Officer,
Aircraft Owners
Chanderban Nalini Art Williams & Harry Administrator
Wendt Aeronautical
Training School
Chase Pauline Attorney at law
Cole Barbara Ministry of Public Works Head of Central Planning
& communications Unit
Daniel Dennis Civil Aviation Authority Director, Air Navigation
De Barros Jennifer North American Airlines Station Manager (Guyana)
De Freitas Mark Universal Airlines Vice President
Guyana: Transport Sector Study 1
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
Surname Given Name Organisation Position
Depraul M. Demerara River Pilot
Dharry Ananda E&A Consultants Managing Director
Duncan Brian Guyana National Shipping Shipping Manager
Co. (GNSC)
Eaton L. James Guyana Trade & Chief of Party
Investment Support
Edwards Colin Agent for Trans Guyana
Edwards Colin Rock View Resort Director
English Ivor MARAD General Manager
Femandes Mark John Femandes Ltd Manager
Ferreira Raymond Demerara Sugar Terminal, Manager
Gate Daniel Rupununi Chamber of President
Commerce & Industry
Ghir Ramesh Cheddi Jagan Acting Manager,
International Airport Commercial &
Administration Division
Goring Leon WSG, MPW&C Engineering Coordinator
Hammer Lucia World Bank Country Representative
Hardat Sukhdeo Civil Aviation Authority Manager, Air Navigation
Hodge Edwina Civil Aviation Authority Acting Manager in charge
of Lethem Airport
Hoekstra Johannes G. Boskalis International
Holder Joseph E&A Consultants Civil Engineering
Jagnandan Avalon Georgetown Chamber of Executive Director
Commerce & Industry
Jordan Kenneth MPW&C Former Permanent
Joseph William Transport & Harbour General Manager
Khan M.S Cheddi Jagan Airport Operations
International Airport Divisions
Khan Fazel Flight Training School. General Manager and
Kumar Rambio Bermine, Everton, General Manager
2 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
Surname Given Name Organisation Position
Bauxite Mining
Latchmansingh Raymond CEMCO Inc Managing Director
Latif Sayeed ESSO Oil Company Terminal Manager
Lewis John Caribbean Community Senior Project Officer
Secretariat (CARICOM) (Transportation)
Lookram Harry Demerara Shipping Co. Warf Superintendent
Lourenzo Karen Demerara shipping Co. Marketing Manager
Lowe Rickford WSG, MPW&C
Mangal Grace EU Delegation Secretary, Technical
Maughn Selwyn Road Safety Unit, WSG,
McAdam Paula Civil Aviation Authority Director, Aviation
McCue Jonathon Atkins Principal Coastal
McGrane Paul Aroaima Mining
Company, Aroaima
Mekdeci Tony Ogle Airport Airport Manager &
Project Coordinator
Mohamed Zulificar Civil Aviation Authority Director, Air Transport
Mohan Sugrim Ogle Airport Financial Consultant
Mr Roger MARAD Deputy Director
Mr. MARAD Deputy Director, Safety
Kalicharran Director
Mr. Makardaji MARAD Superintendent of
Mr. Ramnarine Road Safety Unit, WSG,
Mr. Sahai MPW&C
Mr. Skeete MARAD Chief Pilot
O'Brian Teri Wilderness Explorers Manager
O'Brien Teri Agent for Suriname
Ong Christopher Marine Operations, General Manager
Barama Co. Ltd.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study 3
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
Surname Given Name Organisation Position
Paget Richard EM&T
Persaud Rajesh Toolsie Persaud Ltd. Executive Director
Persaud Christopher Inter American Bank Technical Adviser
Pike Shawn WSG, MPW&C
Prof. Wilson University of Guyana Dean, Faculty of
Raghuraj Rommel Muneshwers Ltd. Operations Manager
Rahaman Ron WSG, MPW&C
Ramphul Chabeenanan Civil Aviation Authority General Director
Rollins Godfrey Art Williams & Harry Principal
Wendt Aeronautical
Training School
Romero Leon Cheddi Jagan CEO
International airport
Sarbdial Victor Laparkan Group of Operations Manager, Air
Companies Transport
Schierhorst Rainer Johannes Regional Coordinator,
Regional Section
Sears Desmond Delmur Shipping Ltd. Director
Sicora Patrick Air Services Pilot Chief Flight Instructor
Training School
Singh Jagnarine General Manager Rice Development Board
Sukhraj Luvindra Barama Co.Ltd Manager, Forestry
Sweetnam Louis Guyco Aircraft Supervisor
Thomas Steve MARAD Harbourmaster
Townend John NAO Task Force Institutional Strengthening
Ulvila Ismo Delegation of EC Technical Advisor
Walish Robert Omai Bauxite Co.Ltd General Manager
Wiersma Frank Shore Protection Project, Manager
Royal Haskoning
Williams Vanessa Civil Aviation Authority Transport Industry
Wilson Lethem Omai Bauxite Co. Ltd Logistics Manager
Xavier Anthony MPW&C Minister
4 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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2 Project Launch 28 February 2005
2.1 Steering Committee Meeting No. 1
Topic: Project Launch
Date: March 4th, 2005.
Venue: Ministry of Public Works and Communications (Minister's Office)
Time: 2:30pm
Individuals present:
Mr. Kenneth Jordon (KJ)
Mr. Ismo Ulvila (IU)
Mrs. Barbara Cole (BC)
Mr. William Joseph (WJ)
Mr. Ivor English (IE)
Mr. Colin Lord (CL)
Mr. Rickford Lowe (RL)
Mr. Omadat Samaroo (OS)
Mr. Zulricar Mohammed (ZM)
Mr. Leon Gorine (LG)
Mr. David Shelley (DS)
Mr. A. Dharry (AD)
Mr. John Clifton (JC)
Mr. Rod Baldwin (RB)
Mr. Alex McDonald (AMcD)
Mr. Edward Bohm (EB)
Permanent Secretary MPW&C
Technical Advisor, EU
Project Supervisor (Work Services Group)
Harbour Master, Transport & Harbour Department
NAO Task Force MoF
Work Services Group, MPW&C
Work Services Group, MPW&C
Project Manager GOPA Consultants
Principal, E & A Consultants
GOPA Expert (Highway Engineer/Planner)
GOPA Expert (Aviation Specialist)
GOPA Expert (Institutional Specialist)
GOPA Expert (Macro Economist)
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General Introduction
The meeting started with Mr. Kenneth Jordan giving a brief introduction on what the duties
of the Steering Committee were.
Mr. Ismo Ulvila then remarked that the study will last for a period of ten (10) months,
financed through the European Commission (EC).He remarked that the study would bring
about the necessary recommendations for the improvement and further development of
Guyana's Transport Services.
Mrs. Barbara Cole highlighted that the Ministries of Guyana will be involved so as to make
the Transport Study a success.
Mr. David Shelley gave a synopsis of the study approach and programme. He remarked that
the Study will cover three phases a detailed assessment of the sector and its linkages; a
definition of the options to develop the sector and a formulation and implementation of
strategy over the short, medium and long term.
Brief specialist presentations were then given by Dr Rod Baldwin, Mr. John Clifton, Mr
Alex McDonald and Dr. Edward Boehm on the Transport Sub-Sectors.
RB presented key issues on the Air Transport Sub- Sector, i.e. the Organisational and
Institutional issues, International commitments, Economic development and the effect of
Caricom agreements.
AMacD then spoke on behalf of Mr. Manfred Morisse about the Ports, Shipping and River
Transport i.e. the modal importance, Initial Review, identification of Strengths and
Weaknesses, Proposals for Water Transport Improvements, Evaluation of Proposed Changes
and Recommendation.
JC then stressed his view on Road Transport, i.e. the importance of Roads, Impacts, The
Network- connectivity, level of service, Funding and Sector Management.
The Socio-Economic Background, i.e. the long term outlook of the level of economic
activities and the current economic outcomes and the reform potential was presented by EB.
AMacD then spoke on Institutional Issues, i.e. the purpose of Institutional Review,
Evaluation of existing situation, Identification of strength and weaknesses, Proposal for
restructuring or reorganization, Evaluation of proposed institutional changes,
recommendations and monitoring and evaluation.
DS then thanked everyone for listening and attending the meeting.
The floor was then given to anyone who had questions to ask concerning the Guyana
Transport Sector Study and brief answers were provided by Experts.
Finally KJ thanked everyone for taking time off to attend the Steering Committee meeting.
The Press was then invited in, to interview Experts on the purpose of the Guyana Transport
Sector Study. A Press Release was issued.
6 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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3 Steering Committee Meetings Period: March- July 2005
3.1 Steering Committee Meeting No. 2
TOPIC: Presentation of the Project Inception Report
Venue: European Union Delegation Office Georgetown
Date: 16th March, 2003
Time: 11:00 AM
Persons present:
Mrs. Barbara Cole (BC) Project Coordinator
Mr. Ismo Ulvila (IU) Technical Advisor (EU Delegation)
Mr. John Lewis Caricom Secretariat
Members of the Steering Committee:
Mr. William Joseph (WJ) Transport and Harbour Department
Mr. Ivor English (IE) MARAD
Mr. Zulricar Mohammed (ZM) GCCA
Mr. Leon Gorine (1G) Works Services Group, MPWC
Mr. Omadat Samaroo (OS) CJIAC
Mr. Colin Lord (CL) NOA Task Force
Mr. David Shelley (DS) Project Manager (GOPA)
Mr. Ananda Dharry (AD) Managing Director (E&A Consultants)
Mr. John Clifton (JC) Highway Engineer (GOPA)
Mr. Alex McDonald (AMcD) Institutional Specialist (GOPA)
Mr. Manfred Morisse (MM) Ports and River Transport Specialist (GOPA)
Mr. Edward Bohm (EB) Marco Economist / Trade Specialist (GOPA)
Mr. Jean Francois Biros (JB) Road Transport Specialist (GOPA)
Mr. Rod Baldwin (RB) Air Transport Specialist (GOPA)
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General Introduction
DS welcome and introduced the team of experts to the committee. He then explained what
the study is about and how Guyana can benefit from it in the coming years.
EB remarked on the Barriers to Economic growth, Potentials and how Public sectors should
invest in main commodities e.g. sugar can benefit the country.
AMcD spoke that institutional set-up as service provider to transport services will help many
individual sectors to satisfy transport needs as effective as possible. He also added that it
would enable integration and inter-modal balance road, sea and air.
JC remarked on the Road Network, Road Prioritization, and Issues in the roads sector.
MM then explained that three Major Project were identified: Creation of NPA, New deep-
Water Harbour, Regular dredging and new canal between Demerara and Essequibo.
JFB Spoke on the Transport Services: Ferry Transport, Road Public Transport and
Waterway Transport.
DS remarked the identification, Analysis and Evaluation of work programme elements. He
then concluded by thanking everyone for their kind attention.
The floor was then open to anyone who had questions to ask.
Mr. John Lewis
(a) Do we know the ultimate origin and destination for air passengers and cargo?
(b) What happens if conflicts arise between national policies and international agreements
(e.g. Caricom)?
(c) How can we address the possible establishment of a regional airline?
These questions were answered by Dr. Rod Baldwin.
Mr. Ismo Ulvila
(a) Mr. Ulvila observed that it was necessary to consider the roles of different players. For
instance would we consider the position of large companies such as Guysuco or the
Linden Bauxite Mining Company?
(b) Mr. MacDonald replied that the roles of such important pillars of the economy would be
considered in terms both of their needs and of their contribution to infrastructure and
(c) Mr. Ulvila commented that many functions were concentrated within the organizational
chart of MPWC. He suggested that it would be sensible to set up providers of
specialized services as autonomous companies for instance Demerara Harbour Bridge.
Mr. Ivor English replied that the bridge company has already been formed as a self-financing
8 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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Mr. Ulvila then mentioned that bridge fees were very low in relation to costs. He stated that
after an EU monitoring exercise it was recommended that the bridge fees should be tripled,
but that this had not yet been done.
Mr. Colin Lord observed that in June, Guyana will host the Caribbean Conference on sugar
and rice. He suggested that the team should meet with participants at the conference.
Mrs. Barbara Cole informed the meeting that two new staff had recently been recruited to
her Transport Planning Unit. She suggested that her new staff could contribute positively to
the study.
Mr. Ivor English expressed the hope that the team would pay due attention to development
in remote areas such as Pomeroon River since such areas were very fertile.
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3.2 Steering Committee Meeting No. 3
Place: EC Delegation, Georgetown, on May 16, 2005 at 2.00 pm
Chairman: Mr. Balraj Balram, Permanent Secretary, MPWC
Present: About 15 persons, including Consultant's team
The Consultant's presentation, illustrated by 45 slides, lasted from 1415 to 1505. The
discussion then started immediately, as some SC members had to go elsewhere.
Mr. John Lewis (Aviation Sector/ Caricom) offered a number of comments:
* There should be a map of population distribution, including the location of communities
in the interior. There should also be some indication of the location of natural resources;
The study should address the obligations of Caricom member states under the Treaty of
Chaguaramos, which envisages the eventual removal of all restrictions in all sectors. He
mentioned the multi-lateral air services agreement as an example;
He sees nothing on subsidies (presumably in relation to Caricom and the air sector);
He sees nothing on bilateral agreements with states outside Caricom;
He believes there is indeed a role for government involvement in national carriers. He
mentioned that LIAT is a government-owned national carrier, being 73 % government
owned by several states);
What are the long-term implications of the restricted runway length at Timehri -
especially now that international regulations have increased the standard overrun?
David Shelley replied that our legal expert is working on the Caricom treaty.
Dr. Rod Baldwin answered several of the points. He agreed that privatization will not solve
all problems, but also commented that public ownership seems to create them! He agreed
that the air services agreement needs to be 'closed up'.
Mr. William Joseph (Transport and Harbours Dept) made several comments:
* We should be looking at both ferries and terminals, and should we not also be
considering new vessels and new stellings?
Privatisation if the north-west services were abandoned, how could the social
obligation to provide accessibility be met?
We are about to acquire a new steeling at Supenaam should others also be considered?
Aggressive dredging should be pursued.
David Shelley commented that the ferry expert will come in September.
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Alex MacDonald responded in relation to subsidies that we are indeed aware of most of the
points raised by Mr. Joseph.
Mr. Ismo Ulvila (EU) stated that he had many small and a few large points to make:
* He appreciates that the availability of statistics in Guyana is poor;
* There is a need to demonstrate what could be achieved by some of the proposals made.
For instance, what could be the effect of introducing weighbridges for trucks?
Cost-effectiveness should be stressed in any investment studies;
In respect of the in-depth studies, he would combine Nos 2 and 4. Why are they
He has always considered the Canawaima ferry as a loss-making enterprise. Have
depreciation costs been taken into account? (Note: The ferry was surely provided at no
cost to the governments of Guyana and Suriname through an EU grant);
He understands that the Brazilian private sector would be willing to fund the Lethem
road (Is this correct?).
Mr. Ivor English (MARAD) made two major comments:
1. Canawaima Ferry: All expenses have been met by the Guyana and Suriname
governments to date, including three dry dockings, the last of which cost USD 150,000.
He mentioned also that GD 4 billion (USD 20 million -check?) was earmarked for the
Suriname access road, but that the whole EU programme (for four projects costing 60
million) had been frozen, due to a three-year impasse over conditionality related to the
Suriname road maintenance regime.
2. Cabotage: Provision for cabotage is included in most of the Caricom legislation. This is
straightforward for the majority of Anglophone Caribbean countries, but has not yet
been achieved for Suriname, due to the different legal system.
The Chairman asked why In-Depth Studies 2 and 4 had been separately specified.
David Shelley replied that this was for two reasons:
1. to control the total size of each study;
2. To allow prioritised focus on the problems of the Essequibo River.
Mr. Rickford Lowe (WSG) apologised that he had not yet studied the report, having
returned to the country only the previous evening, but made two points:
1. WSG have already submitted a draft TOR to IDB for a weight control study. (Mr.
Persuad oflDB stated that GOPA should have a look at them);
2. WSG have also just prepared a draft TOR for submission to IDB for a long-term study
of the Demerara Harbour Bridge.
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Mr. Ismo Ulvila raised some queries on the special studies. He asked whether he understood
correctly that the Georgetown urban transport study would be simply preparation of a TOR,
while other studies would lead to some conclusions, even if not in great detail.
David Shelley replied that Studies 4 and 5 were both intended to lead to conclusions and
recommendations, while the purpose of Studies 1, 2 and 3 would be to define more detailed
follow-up work.
Mr. Lowe noted that there were constraints on the development of port facilities at
Georgetown. 'He knew for a fact' that the Government is interested in developing facilities
on the Berbice river.
David Shelley confirmed that the shipping expert is looking at this. However, he questioned
whether a deep-water port was really needed, since container traffic does not need large
vessels on feeder routes. The shipping expert will review this in his report due in mid-June.
Mr. Lowe also noted that a private sector group had expressed interest in the Brazil road -
and had indeed discussed this with IDB in Washington.
Mr. English expressed disagreement with the apparent assertion from the presentation that
the vessel registration legislation was unsatisfactory. He stated that workable legislation had
indeed existed since the Act of 1998. If the present system is allowed to work, it can perform
quite well.
He said that for the moment the main need was for a new regulatory body. However, there
was no need for a split of MARAD (into port and shipping components) in the short term (at
an earlier meeting in MARAD office it had appeared that he was advocaIing this!). Under
the new legislation all new wharves will come under MARAD however, THD is already
established as operator of some of the existing government facilities.
He pleaded for MARAD to be given a chance to prove that a public sector institution need
not necessarily be unprofitable.
Mr. William Joseph commented that accidents and safety should be a matter of concern to
all sectors, not just the maritime sector. Mr. English noted that under the 1998 Act MARAD
had responsibility for dealing with oil spills.
The Chairman wished to set out the next steps for the study. He proposed that a meeting be
held on June 15 to decide on the four in-depth studies. A date for a meeting at MPWC
premises was pencilled into diaries.
The Chairman then brought the meeting to a close at 1605.
12 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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3.3 Steering Committee Meeting No. 4
Minister, MPWC
All Members of the Steering Committee
Ismo Ulvila Technical Counsellor Delegation of the European Commission in
Christopher Persaud Technical Counsellor, IDB
John Lewis CARICOM Transport Expert
David Shelley Project Manager GOPA Consultants
JFC Roads Expert GOPA Consultants
Ananda Dharry MD E & A Consultants
Meeting Held at Ministers Office MPW&C
Matters discussed by the Committee
* Minister wants Cabinet involvement at an early stage.
* The Next steps are to launch 4 in-depth (special) studies (with total c. 6mm input),
Schedules for preparation of these studies? GOPA to draw up profiles asap for
distribution to the Project Supervisor.
* 1. Urban Transport Study No.1 output will be a TOR for later detailed Study but one
which will refer to all previous studies including, for instance, the Southern Approach
Roads Study, the Demerara Bridge Study, and Georgetown traffic Studies.
* 2. Multi-sectoral Study No.2- Rivers, Ports and Roads issues include navigation aids,
safety, dredging, bauxite exploitation
* 3. Rural Transport Study No. 3- still considering how to approach this subject but WSG
has been thinking of two-stage approach i.e. the first stage for the coastal areas-
transport as stand-alone issue e.g. farm access roads, secondary roads; and a second
stage for the hinterland maybe an integrated rural development programme, with
transport component. In case, population and poverty issues must be addressed.
* 4. Multi-sectoral Study No. 4 Ferries, Shipping and Roads the new Berbice Bridge
would potentially release 2 ferries to be placed elsewhere (possibly at the Essequibo
River. Need to study the mouth of the Pomeroon River and the improvement of
cargo/ferry services to the NW). The road link to Venezuela would pass to the south of
these services
* 5. Multi-sectoral Study No. 5 HRD and the general Transport Sector
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* The Minister proposed Studies 1-4, which was accepted by the Steering Committee.
* Mr. Joseph mentioned that for the Ferry operations the Study should integrate the
upgrading of stellings with vessel and ferry services, but there are no plans to get new
ferries at present or to introduce RORO services within the short term.
* The EU wanted the Services to be customer orientated and the Studies selected to
respond to GOG intentions
* IADB was keen on the UTS (SS No. 1) and a review of the issues in (SS No.2). (SS1)
and (SS2) should be carried out in parallel
* Colin Lord: Comments on the Interim Report to be made within 60 days (i.e. 60 days
after 16/05). Minister why not 7 or 14 days? (Note: comments had been elaborated by
the Members of the Steering Committee at the SC3 held at the EU Delegation Office on
May 16 and these comments have been recorded and forwarded to Barbara Cole, Project
Supervisor on June 17 2005, for general dissemination purposes).
* Mr. Joseph Ferry specialist due to come in August/ September 2005 should concentrate
on operations and not look per se at vessel condition.
* Mr. Lewis CARICOM Reference to plans for lengthening of the runway at Timehri
airport. Minister mentioned that an internal Study was underway.
* The Minster was happy with overall progress in the air transport sub-sector and saw no
reason for inclusion of this sub-sector in the Special Studies. This was echoed by the SC.
* EU the PRSP draft progress report is to be published shortly. The EU proposes that the
GOPA study should feed into PRSP report and address access issues in the PRSP. The
previous PRSP report had very little coverage of transport issues. The Minister replied
that he had only received a draft last week.
* Budget support (-620 million) conditionality issues i.e. GOG to promote donor
coordination and all thematic groups to be functional suggestion that Steering Group
should be used as a thematic group.
MPWC would now issue a formal letter confirming the decision to go ahead with these
Special Studies, whereupon GOPA would go ahead with detailed preparations and inform
NAO of any new Team Experts to be mobilised in this regard.
14 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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3.4 Steering Committee Meeting No. 5
TOPIC: Transport Sector Study
Venue: EU Delegation.
Date: 30th June, 2005
Time 2.00 p.m.
Name of individuals present
Mr. Per Eklund
Mr Marc Buchmann
Ms. Barbara Cole (BC)
Mr. Rickford Lowe (RL)
Mr. William Joseph (GM)
Mr. Christopher Persaud (CP)
Mr. Omadat Samaroo
Mr. David Shelley (DS)
Mr. Ananda Dharry (AD)
Professor Adrian Hoppenstedt
Mr. Alex MacDonald (A MacD)
Mr. John Clifton
Ambassador, EU Delegation
Technical Assistant EU Delegation
Project Supervisor, Ministry of Public Works
Transport & Harbours Department
Inter-American Development Bank
Manager of Maintenance & Engineering Division
Project Manager GOPA Consultants
MD E & A Consultants
(AH) GOPA Expert (Environmental Specialist)
GOPA Expert (Institutional Specialist)
GOPA Expert Roads and Highways
General Introduction
The meeting commenced with BC welcoming everyone to the Fifth Steering Committee
Meeting and handing the floor over to DS, who gave a brief synopsis of the working papers
in progress. Immediately after presentations were made by A MacD (2), JC and DS.
A MacD spoke about the necessity of having Traffic data, key points being the relationship
between demand and system capacity and assessing future investments to meet demand
increases He remarked on little or no evidence available on past traffic growth in the areas of
Roads, Air, Ports, Container. Also the fact growth will increase but at a slow capacity over
the next ten years. JC presented data obtained from a public transport minibus survey during
the hours of 6am to 9pm on given days to project the overloading and route patronage.
A MacD presented some slides on shipping analyses (prepared by Mr Andrew Elcock, in
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DS presented some slides on population and poverty analyses (prepared by Dr .Mark Bynoe,
in absentia). [A peer review of the WP 16 was undertaken by Ms. Janette Bulkan of the
University of Yale].
At the end of the presentation, just after at 3.0 p.m., Barbara Cole (BC) opened the floor to
Questions & Comments
Mr. Rickford Lowe RL: Lethem Count in WP 13. Source of Lethem count. (Traffic was
normally higher?) AMcD responded that it was a GOPA Moving Car Observer count.
RL also expressed concern at an apparent recommendation to remove minibuses from some
routes in favour of large buses. JC stated that we were not advocating the complete removal
of minibuses.
Mr Per Eklund PE asked what potential contribution Port Investment would make to the
Poverty Reduction Strategy. A McD responded that usually new Post investments yielded
'knock- on' positive economic growth effects, etc.
Mr Per Eklund PE asked how yachting and cruise ships would be incorporated in the Sector
Strategy? He also asked whether we had considered Guyana as a refuge for vessels
threatened by hurricanes, given that they seemed to be moving south to cover previously
'safe' islands (e.g. Grenada).
DS remarked that he had coincidently received a letter from the Tourism and Hospitality
Association of Guyana on June 29th 2005, asking how these two particular aspects could be
incorporated in the transport sector strategy. DS remarked that the need for Navigation Aids
would be incorporated within the SS No. 2 (River Transport) and that the matter of berth
requirements for cruise ships at Georgetown would be investigated by the Ports Expert and
reported later.
Christopher Persaud CP IDB asked about Route 40, the fact that minibuses pick up
passengers elsewhere on this route. JFC replied that a formal route plan should be developed
to avoid such congestion in the central areas.
Mr Joseph: Dredging needs seem important? How would this be addressed in the Study? He
noted that port charges seemed high compared to other Caribbean hubs. DS replied that this
matter would be investigated. AM also commented that port charges comment was
interesting and will receive further investigation.
[After the meeting DS mentioned to Mr Joseph that a Ferry Roundtable would be held in
August 2005].
Barbara Cole (BC) closed the Meeting at around 3.40 and noted that the next Steering
Committee Meeting would be tentatively planned for end August 2005.
16 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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4 Workshops April August 2005
4.1 Diagnosis Phase Workshop Roads Sub-Sector
Georgetown Club 19 APRIL 2005
0845 0915 Registration
0915 -0920 Welcome & Introduction David Shelley
0920 -0930 The Study Team Leader
Scope, objectives, timescale Guyana Transport Sector Study
0930 -0940 The Workshop John Clifton
Purpose Highway Engineer/Planner
0930 1030 Roads sub-sector Overview John Clifton
network Highway Engineer/Planner
vehicle fleet Alex MacDonald Development
safety Economist & Institutional
works Specialist
1015- 1115 Legal Issues Michel Prouzet, Legal Specialist
transport safety regulations & conditions
for enforcement
regulatory framework of PPP for
provision of transport infrastructure
legal pre-requisites for preservation of
transport infrastructure
legal components of cooperation with
regional partners (CARICOM & Brazil)
town & country planning regulations as
a tool for urban transport
regulatory framework applicable to
public transport
legal pre-requisites for establishment of
a Road Fund
general assessment of transport
legislation and conditions for
1115 1120 Issues introduction John Clifton
1120 1150 Coffee
1150 1200 Issues prioritization John Clifton
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1200 1230 Issues John Clifton
options Michel Prouzet
policy objectives Alex MacDonald
response strategies
1230 1245 Summary John Clifton
1245 1255 Wrap up & Farewells David Shelley
1300 Lunch
Topic: Diagnosis Phase workshop Roads Sub-Sector
Venue: Georgetown Club
Date: 19th April, 2005.
Individuals present:
Mr. Lall Piterahdave (LP)
Ms. Aretha Henry (AH)
Mr. Basdeo Roopnauth (BP)
Mr. Stephen Thomas (ST)
Mr. Christopher Persaud (CP)
Ms. Abina Rogers (AR)
Mr. Rohindra Gopal (RG)
Mr. Nazrudeen Aziz (NA)
Mr. D. Sharma (S)
Mr. Colvern Venture (CV)
Ms. Barbara Cole (BC)
Mr. Balraj Balram (BB)
Mr. Raulston Adams (RA)
Mr. Rickford Lowe (RL)
Mr. Sean Pike (SP)
Mr. Collin Lord (CL)
Mr. John Lewis (JL)
Mr. Ananda Dharry (AD)
Mr. Joseph Holder (JH)
Mr. Ismo Ulvila (IU)
Mr. Alex MacDonald (A MacD)
Mr. David Shelley (DS)
Mr. Michel Prouzet (MP)
Professor Adrian Hoppenstedt (AH)
SIMAP Agency
Ministry of Local Government
Ministry of Agriculture
Inter American Development Bank
M& C.C
Project Supervisor, Ministry of Public Works
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Works
NAO Task Force
E & A Consultants
E & A Consultants
European Commission
GOPA Expert (Institutional Specialist)
Project Manager GOPA Consultants
GOPA Expert (Legal Specialist)
GOPA Expert (Environmental Specialist)
18 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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4.2 Diagnosis Phase Workshop Macroeconomics Sector
Table Of Contents
Section Title
1. Overview
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Attendance
1.3 Preparatory materials
1.4 Welcome & introduction
1.5 Presentation by consultants
1.6 Wrap up & farewells
2. Discussion notes
2.1 Enforcement of traffic regulations
2.2 Overloading
2.3 Maintenance
2.4 Consumer rights
2.5 Policy formulation
3. Prioritisation of Issues
1. Workshop agenda
2. Presentation
3. Policy groups for roads sub-sector
4. Issues prioritisation
5. Attendance list
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25 April 2205
Comments on the Workshop
In the context of the presentation, the discussion was focused on the following topics:
1. Should the government be involved in developing new sources of growth?
The participants argued that there is no general answer. The constraints that have been
identified with regard to the Information and Communication Technology are within the area
of state responsibility, as they demand an appropriate legal framework and a sector friendly
policy. With regard to new crops, the state support should address above all the research
institutions. The state should help in promoting contacts to institutions which are leading in
the agriculture technology. Incentives to national producer of crops should have clear
defined objectives and a firm limit in time.
2. Which is the major development constraint from your perspective?
1. Lack of access to credit for small businesses?
2. Emigration of skilled labour?
3. Insufficient transport facilities?
4. Ineffective administration?
5. High import tariffs?
The overwhelming majority voted for the answer 4 (ineffective administration) 8 votes; on
the second place was insufficient transport -4 votes. The aspect of credit and emigration has
got only 3 votes each. Nobody has seen the import tariff as a constraint.
These votes reflect above all the problems of the daily life, since everybody has to deal in
one or another way with the administration. From the economic point of view, the aspect 1)
and 2) are at least as important as aspect 4).
3. The road to Brazil
There was a consensus that the road is important for opening up the enclaves in the interior
of the country. The potential of the Amazon region has been seen as argument in favour of
the road.
20 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
DATE. 2504/2005
| \ "k/ V (Il'".
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Guyana: Transport Sector Study 21
Registration Form
N.: K01R4( OWM[( )1 II O()UiK 2115-21115
T4 1 ,T Ii, .
TFI IiTii ,'.,
GOPA + E & A
ce i L)1 ,.:II;l.r.i i-i i,
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Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
4.3 Diagnosis Phase Workshop Ports/ Shipping Round Table
GOPA Consultants Board Room, 04 May 2005
9.50- 10.00 Registration
10.00 -10.10 Welcome & Introduction David Shelley, Project
The Study Andrew Elcock, Shipping and
Scope, objectives, timescale Ports Expert
10.10- 11.00 Key Issues
11.00-11.10 Coffee
11.10- 12.00 Institutional and Finance Issues Alex Mac Donald Finance and
Institutions Expert
12.00- 12.20 Summary Q & A Andrew Elcock, Shipping and
Ports Expert
12.20 12.30 Wrap Up David Shelley, Project
12.30 Lunch (at Le Meridian Pegasus Hotel)
22 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
4.4 Diagnosis Phase Workshop Air Transport Workshop
0845 0915 Registration
0915 0920 Welcome & Introduction
920- 0930 The Naudv
scupC, objectives, timescale
0930 0940 Ihe Workshop
0930 1030 Air Transport Nub-sector Overview
David Shellcy, Project Mainager,
Guyana Transport Sector Study
David Shelley
Rod Baldwin
Air Transport Advisor
Rod Baldwin
Air Transport Advisor
& Alex MacDonald IDevelpment
Economist and Inlirutrnnal "prciuliil
-Air Transport demand
SPnlicy, Regulatory and Legal Framework
-Institutional Framework
- The Civil Aviation Aurhnrirt (GCAA)
- The Cheddi J.agan Inernational AirHprt C' irpuraliun 1W.111 \(
- Ogle Airport
- Tourism
- Aviation support organrisntiosi i(e. I-el supplies. catering, cargo handlers)
- The Rural Airports/Aerodromes/Air strips
- RK.iia:iIl cooperation
1015-1115 Recamnmendation s
Rod Baldwin, Air Transport Advisor
1115 --11. 45 Coffee
S1.45- 1230 Is1ues
policy ,.hl riies
response strategies
1230- 1245 Suminary
124512 255 Wrap up & Farewells
Rodt Baldwin
Alex MacMonald
Rnd Baldwin
David Shelley
Guyana: Transport Sector Study 23
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
Date: 06th MAY, 2005
Time: 10:00am
Individual Present:
Mr. Ramesh Guiar (RG)
Mr. Victor Sarabdial (VS)
Mr. Collin Lord (CL)
Mrs. Ferial Ally (FA)
Mr. Mark Deferitas
Mr. Teri O'Brien GM
Mr. Fazel Khan GM
Mr. Aubrey Alexander
Mr. Godfrey Rollins
Mr. Malcolm G Chan. A. Sue
Mr.Shukreeharia Shalin
Jole Seo
Louis Sweetriam
John Lewis
Emerson Brandford
Omadat S.
Paula Mc Adam
Anetha Henry
Joe Holder
Christopher Persuad
Ananda Dharry
Dennis A. David
Barbara Cole
Ramesh Ghir
Victor Sarabdial
Ferial Ally
Collin Lord
Mark de Freitas
Teri O'Brien
Fazel Khan
Godfrey Rollins
Malcolm G. Chan A. Sue
Deputy CEO, CJIA
Operational Manager, Laparkan
Monitoring Officer, NAO Task Force
Aerodrome Inspector, GCAA
Universal Airlines
Suriname Airways
Air Services Ltd
Aviation Consultant
Aero English School, Principal
Aircraft Owners Association, Director
CAMS, Quality Manager
Lead Technician, Guysuco Aircraft Department
Caricom Secretariat, Senior Project Officer
Keeja Project Consultants, Managing Director
GCAA Director ASR
Ministry of Local Government Assistant Secretary (G)
IDB National Specialist Engineering
E & A Consultants Managing Director
GCAA Director ANS
Ministry of Public Works Chief Transport Planning Officer
Cheddi Jagan International Airport Deputy CEO
Laparkan OPS. Manager
Guyana Civil Aviation Authority Aerodrome Transport
NAO Task Force Monitoring Officer
Universal Airlines VP. S
Wilderness Explorers Surinam Airways GM
Air Services Limited GM
Aero English School Principal
Aircraft Owners
24 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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4.5 Environmental and social cultural issues: Exchange of experience Draft workshop
Date: 06 July 2005
Location: Georgetown Club
9:00 Aims of the study "Transport Sector Adrian Hoppenstedt GOPA-
Strategy Guyana" in the Environmental and Consultants
Cultural Social Part.
9:15 Experience in implementation of the Doorga Persuad,
"Environmental Protected Act Environmental Protection
(EPA)" specially in" Environmental Impact Agency
Assessment (EIA)" in road planning in
9:45 Break
10:00 Experiences in EIA and "Strategic Adrian Hoppenstedt, GOPA-
Environmental Assessment (SEA)" in Consultant
Road planning in Europe.
10:30 Question and answer session:
What are the most important environmental
and social-cultural problems in the traffic
sector in Guyana?
11:00 Evaluation of the session and summary Dr. Mark Bynoe, GOPA -
statements: Environmental issues Counterpart Social cultural
Jennifer Wishart, GOPA -
11:30- 12:00 Discussions
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4.6 Roundtable No. 2-Ports & Rivers Sub-Sector
GOPA Boardroom 08 July 2005
09.50- 10.00 Registration
10.00 10.10 Welcome & Introduction Barbara Cole, Project
The Study on Ports and Rivers: Scope, Coordinator
Objectives, Timescale
10.10 10.20 Overview on Existing Situation: Manfred Morisse Ports /
Georgetown; River Transport Specialist
Other Ports
Main Constraints
10.20 11.40 Outlook on Development: Manfred Morisse
Traffic Forecast;
Shipping Forecast;
Port Development
10.40- 10.50 Coffee
10.50 11.20 Proposed Policy and Development Manfred Morisse
River transport
11.20 12.20 Discussion of Key Issues: all Participants
Key Problems, Objectives & Proposed
Development Strategy:
Outlook on Implementation
12.20 12.30 Summary and Wrap up David Shelley
12.30 Lunch (at Le Meridian Pegasus Hotel)
Name Position Organisation
Barbara Cole Project Coordinator MPWC
Ivor English Director General MARAD
Taig Kalicharran Deputy Director MARAD
Ian D'aniou Executive Secretary Shipping Ass. of Guyana (SAG)
Ramdeo Kumar Commercial Manager Aroaima Mining Co.
Chris Fernandes CEO John Fernandes Ltd.
Jolyan Velloza Supervisor GNIC / Shipping Ass. Of Guyana
26 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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Guyana: Transport Sector Study 27
Name Position Organisation
Karen Lawrence Operations Manager Demerara Shipping Co. Ltd.
Dale Lindie Marine Supervisor Barama Company Ltd.
Desmond Sears Executive Director Delmur Company Ltd. (Shipping
Manfred Morisse Ports and River GOPA
Transport Specialist
Adrian Hoppenstedt Environmental Specialist GOPA
Ananda Dharry General Manager E & A Consultants
Joe Holder Engineer E & A Consultants
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5 Prime Ministerial Meetings August -September 2005
5.1 Record of Comments Meeting at Prime Ministers Office August 10 2005
Venue Office of the Prime Minister
Attendance List:
Mr. S. Hinds
Mr. T. Balgobin
Mr. Sergio Varas Olea
Mr. K. Hogan
Mr. P Eklund
Mr. I Ulvila
Mrs. Barbara Cole
Mr. Balraj Balram
Mr. D. Shelley
Mr. G. Fletcher
Mr. J. Holder
Mr. A. Dharry
Prime Minister
Div. Head PCMD MoF
IDB Resident Representative
Projects Adviser to the President
EU Ambassador
EU Technical Counsellor
Project Supervisor
GOPA Project Manager
GOPA Public Transport Expert
E&A Engineering Expert
MD E & A Consultants
13.30- 15.00 Prime Ministers Office, Georgetown. Summary
Meeting enabled follow up discussion of First Presidential Meeting held on August 5. Main
comments were received from the two Presidential advisors. Members of the Steering
Committee, EU Delegation Ambassador and Technical Staff were in attendance.
The Prime Minister opened the meeting.
The Prime Minister asked Mr. Balgobin and Mr. Kevin Hogan to provide details of the
missing reports in advance of a follow-up meeting planned at the same location on
Wednesday 17 August 2005.
The Team delivered a list of some 300 documents consulted to date to the Prime Minister on
August 10.
28 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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The main comments from Mt. Balgobin Presidential Advisor were:
Mr. Balgobin: Senior Presidential Advisor
1. Study and SC need a problem solving mode. Questioned whether the Consultants ToR
needed to be changed. Need to look also at some specific areas. There was a need to address
the issue of regional integration, inter-regional and intra- regional integration. For instance,
the role of Ogle Airport should e expounded.
2. There was a need to look at communications and linkages. Existing 2,500 km road
network is very little for a country the size of Guyana. Examine the role of critical road links,
such as the Guyana Brazil Road, the Venezuela road.
3. Tourism: examine the role of the Tourism Masterplan for land, air and sea modes.
4. Industrial Development and Growth. Policies are already formulated. A Freeport at
Lethem is proposed. This needs to be considered, as well as the Rupununi development.
5. There is a project for markets development near ferries near the Guyana -Suriname
6. Agriculture output and expansion plans should be examined together with the river
transport on the Berbice River. Need to examine reintroducing the ferry services on the
Berbice River. Need to consider farmers plans, can the farmer move his goods to market?
There is a need to examine the LEAP Programme, developments at Bartica and the Lethem
Rupununi Programme Development. Some agriculture development plans exists. There was
a plan for upgrade of New Amsterdam port into a deep water port.
7. Riverine Access for passenger transport was also mentioned.
8. There is an Industrial Authority Commission, so Trade and Industrial Development need
to be mentioned.
The main comments from Mr. Kevin Hogan, Presidential Advisor were:
Mr. Kevin Hogan
1. The Steering Committee needs to be expanded.
2. The consultant needs to reference some specific World Bank Studies1.
3. The Study needs to provide 'value for money'
4. Why do the three ToR's2 need to be developed?
5. Is there missing information out there?
1 An important recent report (on Caribbean Air Transport and Ports, June 2005), received on August
12 from the World Bank, is currently being referenced.
2 Agreed by the Minister of Transport in June 2005.
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The main comments from Mr. Per Eklund EU Ambassador and from Mr. Ismo Ulvila EU
Senior Technical Counselor were:
EU Ambassador Mr. Per Eklund
1. Ambassador Per Eklund noted that the ToR agreed by Government prior to the Tender.
EU Technical Counselor Mr. Ismo Ulvila
2. Mr. Ismo Ulvila defended the Consultants work Programme and Interim Report, noting
that the Report had been issued in May 2005 some three months earlier and that only
minor comments had been received by the Steering Committee.
Prime Minister asked the Consultant to say a few words:
The main comments from GOPA were:
1. Five Steering Committee Meetings have taken place since March 2005, plus some one
hundred one-on-one interviews/discussions, inside and outside Guyana, with private and
public sector bodies involved in the Transport Sector development.
2. Some five regional cooperation visits had also been implemented, to date to Suriname,
Brazil and Trinidad.
Prime Minister suggested to chair a Follow-up Meeting next Week (August 17 was
programmed). The Prime Minister then closed the meeting at 15.00 hours.
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5.2 Record of Comments Meeting at Prime Ministers Office August 17 2005
Venue Office of the Prime Minister
Time 04:35
Attendance List:
Mr. Samuel Hinds Prime Minister of Guyana
Mr. Balraj Balram Permanent Secretary, MPW&C
Mr. Kevin Hogan Presidential Advisor, President's Office
Mr. Gordon Lewis CARICOM Transport Advisor
Mr. Ismo Ulvila Technical Counsellor, EU
Mrs. Barbara Cole Project Supervisor, MPW&C
Mr. Sergio Varas Olea SVO IDB Country Representative
Mr. David Shelley Project Manager, GOPA Consultants
Mr. Ananda Dharry Managing/ Technical Director, E & A Consultants Inc.
Mr. Joe Holder Roads/ Bridges Specialist, E & A Consultants Inc.
Venue: Office of the Prime Minister
1) List of reports submitted to Office of Prime Minister. T. Balgobin, K. Hogan to study
to see if important studies are missing.
2) Meeting with Chief Parliamentary Counsel before next Wednesday. Caricom General
Counsel Available on Monday.
3) PSC, CMC, SA, GCCI, FPA, GMA, Regional Chambers of Commerce Amendment
4) TSS should indicate how hinterland will be developed. There will be a rural transport
sector study.
5) Regional integration CSME, international dimension.
6) Maritime Transport for a port to be viable facilities. Will recommendation initiate
when investment will be made? Location has to be decided
7) Facilities of tourist vessel.
8) Clearance of wrecks. Estimated cost of removal is US$6m. Cost benefit ratio? 3 major
wrecks at 10miles. Navigational aids to solve them.
9) No need for larger ships.
10) Need for quantification social cost benefit analysis.
11) Riverview transport movements of people and goods along the banks of rivers.
Social welfare linked to a transport network, cheap, reliable, cost effective means of
12) At what stage should the state intervene to override market fares?
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13) Sector Strategy needs to look broadly.
14) Ferry Expert arriving tomorrow.
15) Legal reform is not a luxury item. Transport policy needs a strong legal basis, 3 basic
mechanisms :-
16) (1) Punitive, (2) Facility, (3) Triggering. Facilitating function important for attracting
17) Objection to statement that "refurbishment" of the legal system does not rank to date
among the top priorities of the country. "Balgobin".
18) Differentiate between case of road condition and traffic enforcement.
19) Forecast for the next forty years. No legal framework to raise floating bridge across
Berbice River. Recommend that consultants be more aggressive.
20) Transfer of inspection of vehicle to non police organisation.
21) Development of concession across the river.
22) Next meeting to focus on roads. Enlarge steering committee August 25th 2005 at
23) Two issues (1) Access into hinterland (2) Travel into Upper Mazaruni beyond
32 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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5.3 Record of Comments Meeting Notes at Prime Minister's Office August 23, 2005
Attendance List:
Mr. Samuel Hinds
Mr. Balraj Balram
Mr. Kevin Hogan
Mr. Gordon Lewis
Mr. Ismo Ulvila
Mrs. Barbara Cole
Mr. Sergio Varas Olea
Mr. David Shelley
Mr. Bernd Brunnengraber
Mr. Andre Hage
Mr. Philip Allsopp
Mr. Ananda Dharry
Mr. Joe Holder
Prime Minister of Guyana
Permanent Secretary, MPW&C
Presidential Advisor, President's Office
CARICOM Transport Specialist
Technical Counsellor, EU
Project Supervisor, MPW&C
SVO IDB Country Representative
Project Manager, GOPA Consultants
GOPA Consultants
Ferry Expert, GOPA Consultants
Local Roads Expert
Managing/ Technical Director, E & A Consultants Inc.
Roads/ Bridges Specialist, E & A Consultants Inc.
Venue -Office of the Prime Minister
Time -10:20 a.m.
1) Periodic Maintenance of Core Road Network
Average funding over next ten (10) years: E 8M per annum.
Total for ten (10) years E 80M.
2) IIRSA Group 2 Road from Suriname to Brazil
Roads exist from Linden to Lethem. Part construction by Paranapanema.
Some dangerous sections.
Need for the public to appreciate the cost of roads and road maintenance.
Use of Acrow panel components to build bridges.
Mabura to Kurupukari. Road alignment and reserve to be declared.
Research project done on soil stabilise laterite. Blending of laterite and sand. Study done in
1970's. Publication "Laterite and Lateritic Soils and other problem soils in Tropics".
Published by USAID. Mr. Philip Allsopp participated in the study. Stabilised laterite should
be able to produce a cheaper road. The Prime Minister supports the idea. Use of appropriate
equipment to construct roads to minimise maintenance.
Scrubbing board effect on laterite roads. This has been studied for years. Effect due to loss of
fines. Fines need to be replaced. Stabilisation leads to reduction of loss of fines.
Laterite deposit South of Orealla on the Corentyne River Sand available in the Corentyne
River. The use of these materials for road construction was recommended to Guysuco by Mr.
Philip Allsopp.
Stabilised laterite may be used for the style construction of paved roads.
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3) Road to Venezuela
Aricheng airstrip is near Kurupung.
Fuel transported from the coast to Kurupung mouth by boats travelling via to Essequibo and
Mazaruni Rivers. Surveyor Daniels looked for a trail from Kurupung to Kamarang and has
prepared a report PM.
ETK Mining Co. has improved the Oko Road and extended it to Towaparu. There is a trail
from there to Macapa. Ask Barama about a forest trail connection to Macapa and about its
road connection to the Waini area.
There is increased activity in the Aurora Mine area on the Cuyuni River.
4) Construction of a canal between the Essequibo and Demerara Rivers to move
construction and other materials Mr. Philip Allsopp.
5) Rural Road/ Transport Study
Expert arriving today. 140 Amerindian communities, 75 have title to land.
Road to connect Baramita to the rest of its forest road network developed by Barama. This
road enables road travel to Matthews Ridge and Port Kaituma.
6) Roads for Security Purposes
There is need for an East-West road in the middle of the country. Barama has been advised
not to take its forest road network too near to the Venezuela border.
Case Unamco has a trail which goes 110 km East to Christmas Falls.
GDF should be consulted.
Road from Millie's Hideout to Kimbia may be developed.
7) Development of Access Roads in Development Areas.
8) Access Roads in Core Areas (Farm to market roads).
9) Other Links
This is a "catch all" category.
Wismar Mackenzie Bridge to be transferred from Linmine to MPWC after bauxite on West
Bank is mined out in five (5) years.
The traffic lights in Georgetown were installed by the Ministry of Home Affairs and not
Ministry of Works and Transport in 1970's as stated by the Commissioner of Police to
GOPA representatives.
34 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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5.4 Record of Comments Meeting Notes at Prime Minister's Office September 30.
Meeting Note
Present: Hon. Samuel Hinds, Prime Minister, Co-operative Republic of Guyana
Mr. B. Balram
Miss Barbara Cole
Mr. Rickford Lowe
Mr. Kalicharran
Mr. Zulficar Mohamed
Mr. M. Williams
Mr. Ismo Ulvila
M. Benoit Chassatte
Mr. Sergio Varas Olea
Mr. Chris Pessaud
Mr. John Lewis
Mr. A. Dharry
Mr. Joe Holder
David Shelley
Manfred Morisse
Heinrich Anders
Alex MacDonald
Permanent Secretary, Min Public Works (MPW)
Project Supervisor, MPW
Works Services Group, MPW
Deputy Director-General, Marad, MPW
Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA)
Ministry of Finance (MOF)
Technical Counsellor, EC Delegation
EC Delegation
Head of Mission, Inter-American Dev Bank (IDB)
E & A Consultants
E & A Consultants
Project Leader, GOPA
Date: Friday, September 30, 2005 at 1400 in Prime Minister's Office
The Prime Minister opened the meeting with a brief welcome, during which he observed that
he had recently travelled the Linden-Lethem road (traversed in 11 hours driving), and
mentioned the importance of the Waini river in the north-west region (Region 1). He then
invited the Consultants to report on latest progress.
David Shelley (DS) introduced a hand-out he had distributed to the meeting. He highlighted
a note and map on Road Categorisation, and told us that Mr. Joe Holder (JH) would present
key points. He also showed the meeting a satellite map for general reference. He mentioned
that the development of international road links will require the reaching of consensus with
neighbours, and said that we would focus on two alignments for the proposed road to
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JH now gave a long presentation on the road sector, interspersed with several detailed
comments from the Prime Minister. Main issues raised included the following:
Venezuela road
* In international discussions, each neighbour had the right to nominate one border link.
Guyana chose Brazil; Venezuela chose Guyana;
At least one existing trail (near Cuyuni river) goes to 7 km from the border;
JH will meet a Mr. Daniels next week concerning an alignment through Kurupung/
Maj-Gen Singh is a supporter of one particular alignment;
The proposed lines of route largely follow trails developed by others;
JH noted there were often disparities between forestry and mining interests;
A northern route could give impetus to the development of Supenaam port.
Other Issues
All national roads should be paved (except Linden-Lethem not presently declared);
PM should regional roads come under the authority of the region?
PM how does the national/ regional/ local/ municipal classification suggested by the
Consultants compare with the existing categorisation?
PM in developing bauxite deposits in the Pakaraima mountains, they are thinking of a
pipeline, rather than a railway, to the Berbice (if that is the location for the deep-water
port). Access trails will, however, also be needed;
Orinduik (Region 8) has been proposed as an official entry point to Guyana (from
The PM asked whether farm access roads should fall under NDC's;
There was discussion on the road east from Lethem;
The LEAP programme is considering improvement of linkages in Region 10, and also
considering potential for using local materials JH plans to discuss these issues with
the LEAP manager;
The PM mentioned possible revival of a Bartica-Demerara link as shown on some maps.
Concerning roads Mr. Varas raised an institutional issue. He asked for definitions and
standards for different types of road, and a definition of maintenance responsibility.
JH replied that road numbering should be introduced, and DS stated that John Clifton (JC -
due on Monday 3/10/05) would work with WSG on standards.
Mr. Varas also stated that any economic justification of network maintenance must include
the key element of sustainability.
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The Prime Minister now called for discussion of ferries. DS explained that the ferry expert
had now departed, but had developed a working paper with an investment schedule,
following discussions with THD. The initial investment would be limited, focusing
especially on the cross-Essequibo services. Any new vessels should be Ro-Ro, and not side-
The PM asked whether the same stellings can service both Ro-Ro and side-loader vessels.
MM stated that he was not the expert on this, but thought there were sites where Ro-Ro and
side-loading facilities could be placed very close to each other.
MM also stated that, in the long run, passenger and cargo transport services should be
separately provided. In response to the PM's question on why, he stated this would reduce
the risk of accident.
DS quoted the ferry expert (AH) as saying the ferry operating costs were very high, so it
might therefore be a good idea to change vessels now. He observed there is a glut on the
market of vessels with 60-80 passenger capacity, and prices can therefore be competitive.
The PM observed that Transport and Harbours Department (THD) are said to lose money,
and said that ferries have traditionally come with highly subsidized prices. He thought that
speedboats should be upgrading to covered rather than open vessels, and said passengers
should have the option of a 'shed boat'. He would not be inclined to have THD running
passenger-only services.
Concerning public-private partnership (PPP) the Prime Minister remarked that the private
sector can indeed often do a good job, but that it may not always be developed enough to
'institutionally' perform better than the public sector.
The PM also mentioned that there are private speedboats going through internal routes to
JH said he had observed that the 'Malali' was very crowded.
Mr. Varas stated that the consultants should identify the best PPP model in consultation of
course with Government.
The PM stated that the Morawhanna service ran only once every two weeks, but may be
needed every week, or even twice a week. This may indicate the need for smaller vessels.
DS suggested we could calculate a route subsidy specifically for that route.
The PS also suggested that Morawhanna might be an entry point for Trinidad and the
Caribbean. It has been used in the past. Currently there is a trader exporting coconut oil
through the Pomeroon river and Charity to a Caribbean destination (believed to be
Guyana: Transport Sector Study 37
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Draft Investment and Maintenance Programme
DS now mentioned that we had produced a Draft Investment and Maintenance Programme,
and asked Alex MacDonald (AMacD) to present this briefly. An early draft of a working
paper was incorporated in the hand-out given round at the beginning of the meeting.
AMacD described the main features of the proposed ten-year programme, divided into short-
term (2006-10) and medium-term (2011-15) components. It contained only items which
were expected to require funding partly or wholly from the public purse, or from donor
finance. It included a substantial component for periodic road maintenance, over and above
annual needs for routine maintenance. Total required expenditure was provisionally assessed
as 361 million, including 118 million for 2006-10 and 243 million for 2011-15. Of the
latter figure, 180 million referred to three projects, namely the Brazil and Venezuela roads
and the Georgetown container port, none of which had yet been subjected to the detailed
feasibility analysis which would be required before any decision could be made to proceed.
The question of the need for prioritisation of projects clearly emerged from the first part of
the paper. AM stressed the need for prioritisation processes to be instituted in MPW, and
gave a simple example from the working paper of a process which might serve for initial
project screening.
Finally AMacD presented an outline definition of needs and expected costs for short-term
technical assistance to the various transport agencies. The anticipated cost of items already
costed was given as 705,000, but there were other items still to be added.
Mr. Varas observed that maintenance of roads was an item of great importance.
Mr. M. Williams of Ministry of Finance (MOF) mentioned that discussions on the funding
capacities of government and of donors in relation to the unconstrained programme should
be held with his ministry. He mentioned three names of particular relevance (Mr. Balgobin,
Mr. Rupchang and Mr. Ashley Singh) and promised to attempt to expedite an early meeting.
Further arrangements were made with AMacD at the end of the meeting.
Mr. Ismo Ulvila (EC Delegation) said that EDF have just invested 2 million on sea
defences. Sophisticated software has been installed for coastal planning. It is a matter of
concern that there is now only one person left who can use the software. If HDM-4 is to be
used for road maintenance planning, can the capacity to operate it be maintained?
Mr. Ulvila continued that, with discussions die to start in early 2006 on a possible 10th EDF,
the Delegation has major concerns on lack of maintenance, especially since previous
commitments for sea defences have not been met. He stated that EDF does not have
resources to match those of IDB, and suggested that the whole EDF grant for EDF 10 might
be about 45 million. He further elaborated that EDF is not part of the EU budget, but a
special fund financed by the 15 pre-2004 EU members. EC is only one part of the EU, one of
whose functions is disbursement of EDF funds. Mr. Ulvila also stated that no early funding
38 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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should be expected from EC, since all EDF 9 funds are already tied. The earliest that any
feasibility studies could be funded by EC would be 2007, and no investment funds could be
available before 2008 at the earliest. Mr. Varas stated that IDB are also 'not that fast' in
dispersion of funds. He asked can he have a table with breakdown of projects, and with
numbers. It would be important to define the role of the private sector, though he conceded
that a strong public sector role was probably also necessary.
Other Matters
The Prime Minister observed that, though Mr. Philip Allsopp was not present at this meeting,
he has identified ideas on road surface mixes which will give improved stabilisation of roads.
The PM also mentioned the issue of developing private sector contracting capability in
Guyana. A relevant factor in Guyana may be the size of jobs which can be contracted to the
private sector. When JH commented that there have been complaints that IDB jobs have
been too small, the Prime Minister replied that, in order to maintain a wide enough range of
expertise, there should probably be a minimum of 50 jobs each year for contractors.
The PM mentioned success in getting operators at Ogle airport to develop scheduled as well
as chartered flights. This can help them develop as regional carriers.
Finally the Prime Minister likened the development of a transport system and transport
planning capability to the growth of an embryo. In the same way as we don't create a human
being straight away, achievement of desired goals is constrained by having to develop in
stages. It is only possible to move forward in steps.
Closure of Meeting
After the long discussion the Prime Minister moved to close the meeting. In response to his
query about the Presidential meeting scheduled for October 20, DS clarified that His
Excellency the President had requested postponement from the original date of October 6.
Mr. Varas said that it would be useful to have a copy of the Draft Report one week before
October 20. DS informed him that the target was to deliver the report on Friday, October 14.
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6 Presidential Meetings
6.1 Presidential Meeting No. 1
Guyana Transport Sector Study
Project No 9ACP GUA004
Record of Meeting Minutes
Date August 05th 2005
Venue Office of the President
Time 16.00hrs
Meeting enabled shortened presentation of slide show that summarised Study activities and
findings to date and to enable VIPs and Steering Committee to comment and provide mid-
Study feedback and direction. Not all slides were presented. Senior Ministers, IDP, EU and
other donor community VIPs were in attendance also.
The Main comments from HE the President were:
1) No real examples of solutions re-iteration of known issues.
2) There is no need for new studies such as on minibus terminals and axle load
regulations since these are existing study and solutions were already known.
3) Use of Large buses have been tried several times and had failed.
4) Transfers of ferries from China have already been decided so there is no need for
5) NDS is not yet a national strategy.
6) Solutions that are found by the Study should reflect:
(a). The Guyana Context
(b). The Poverty Reduction Strategy principles.
(c). Cultural alliance and Traditions of the Caribbean Region [such as use of
(d). Sustainability
(e). Support of safe working operating practices.
7) New institutions not favoured but rather strengthening of current institutions.
(a). Need for skilled specialist staff.
(b). Limited resources available.
(c). 'Big City' solutions not needed in Georgetown.
40 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
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8) Is full use being made of the results of previous studies? Need to address
development plans for Guyana reports available. How will a transport network
support the development strategy, for example? Rice shipping problems reports
9) Sustainability of policy
10) Safety measures linked
11) Assess use of relatively inexpensive local materials in road construction and repair,
for roads need to consider
(a) Width of shoulders
(b) Plans for lighting, etc.
12) Finite taxation capacity to fund changes. Fuel tax: high cost of fuel imports
13) Proposals needed to be classified prioritised into short-term, medium term or long-
term timeframes.
14) Show opportunities to include the private sector.
The Main comments from Mr. Balgobin, MoF Advisor were:
15) What were the socio-economic benefits of the Brazil road?
16) Was it feasible to develop a rail freight line for agro-industrial transport?
17) Comments on interior connections can be assisted.
18) Would Ogle Airport be sustainable as a regional hub?
The Main comments by the Inter Development Bank (IDB) were:
19) Links with neighboring countries not mentioned especially Guyana Brazil road.
20) Water transport more emphasis.
21) Funds available for urban transport study. Minibus logic difficult to change.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study 41
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
6.2 Presidential Meeting No. 2
Record of Meeting Minutes
Date October 20th 2005
Venue Office of the President
Time 13.00hrs
Meeting to present Draft Final Report to the President and the Senior Government Ministers,
IDB, EU and other members of the donor community.
Persons present:
Hon. President Bharat Jagdeo Pr
Hon. Samuel Hinds Pri
Mr. Kevin Hogan Pr
Mr. Tarachand Balgobin Pr
Ms. Barbara Cole (BC) Pr
Mr. Rickford Lowe (RL) He
Members of the European Union Delegation:
Mr. Per Eklund An
Mr. Benoit Chassatte Pro
sident of Guyana
me Minister of Guyana
sidential Advisor
sidential Advisor
)ject Supervisor, Ministry of Public Works
nbassador, EU Delegation
gramme Officer of Infrastructure
Members of the Inter-American Development Bank:
Mr. Sergio Varas Olea Representative
Mr. Alejandro Taddia Senior Economist
Mr. Christopher Persaud National Specialist-Engineering
World Bank:
Ms. Lucia Hamner
Canadian High Commission
GOPA Team:
Mr. David Shelley (DS)
Mr. Manfred Morisse (MM)
Mr. Alex MacDonald (A MacD)
Mr. John Clifton (JC)
Dr. Rod Baldwin (RB)
Mr. Ananda Dharry (AD)
Mr. Joseph Holder (JH)
Mr. Phillip Allsopp (PA)
Dr. Mark Bynoe (MB)
- Country Representative
- Project Manager
- Ports & River Specialist
- Institutional Specialist
- Roads and Highways
- Aviation Specialist
- MD, E & A Consultants
- Roads and Bridges Specialist
- Transport Policy Specialist
- Macroeconomist & International Trade Expert
42 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
General Introduction
H.E. The Honourable President Bharat Jagdeo welcomed and thanked everyone for
Mr. David Shelley (Project Manager) opened the floor at 11:26 welcoming everyone and
thanked the President for the opportunity to make the presentation of the Study Draft Final
Mr. Shelley mentioned some key issues and the indicative investment programme arising
from the Teams work, and also the:
TOR for Urban Transport Study
TOR for River Transport Study
TOR Pilot Study in the Hinterland (Rural Transport)
The TSS has been developed through a participative approach, the technical Workshops,
Steering Committee meetings, Coordination meetings chaired by the Prime Minister,
development of the Project Website, www.
Presentation by Mr. John Clifton (Road Transport) made presentations on the
development of balanced transport system.
He made mention of the annual expenditures and the need for periodic maintenance
IIRSA corridors development incremental, needs 44 bridges
A Needs driven approach Guyana/ Brazil
Guyana Venezuela road feasibility study
TOR for study No.1 Georgetown traffic study
TOR for rural transport study No.3
Presentation by Dr. Rodney Baldwin (Air Transport)
Three themes discussed by RB were:
Keep improving Ogle & Cheddi Jagan International Airports
Hinterland hubs and spikes improvements
CJIA to be become fully privatised
Study for extension of runway
Need for better navigational aids
Mgt study: upgrade, operate & Mabaruma, Kamarang, Mahdia, Lethem, need subsidy
Presentation of Manfred Morisse (Maritime Transport)
River Transport Policy
Development through institutions and infrastructures
Vital link to Northwest (improvements based on the Canawaima Ferry Service which is a
good model for future ferry service)
MM noted that equipment can be used for dredging but the channel dredged will only silt up
again if not maintained and should only be done on a sustained basis.
Urgent need for safety equipment for TDH ferries
No port authority
Difficulty for MARAD is to attract professional staff
Multipurpose (deep) water port: staged development as traffic builds.
Development plan for Port of Georgetown and the waterfront.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study 43
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
Presentation by Alex. Mc Donald (Institutional Specialist)
Reintroduction of heavy railways should comment on use for timber and quarries
The activation of the Road fund. Likely to be a strong opposition. GOG should be
Financial funding is already critical. With regards to fares, public sectors fares are regulated
within the Ministry
Subsidy to Region 1 ferry service
For G/Town: in future heavy rail may not be appropriate
Road sector: Road maintenance fund
Investment and maintenance program
David Shelley (DS) remarked:-
Some Key generic problems:
* Maritime sector
* PPP capability
* Approach to IIRSA connectivity
* Continued support for air transport.
Final Report due to be finalised by mid/end December.
Closing presentation should take place by mid January/February 2006
Question & Answers
President Jagdeo commented
After the GOPA presentation the President said that he had a sense of deja vu, and that he
had heard all these comments before from previous consultants. While there was no doubt
much good detail in the report, he felt that it lacked a deep strategic dimension.
* In particular he saw no link to the economic development strategies, as expressed in the
National Development Strategy (NDS) and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Air Transport six years ago GOG was discussing with IADB most of the issues raised
in the presentation.
Monitoring and implementation limited by costs full privatization
Consultant's fee is 30% of project costs.
Treasury does not have enough money to facilitate operation costs and maintenance is
Chinese's new ferry vessel grant funding
Transport plan has to follow where the country needs to go and also a National plan
does exist.
Discussions with Brazil and Lethem road corridor. Need for transport in intermediate
savannahs: development should be looked at.
The Transport Sector Strategy is regarded as a planning framework for concepts:
redefinition of (any) transport agency would be implemented by other consultants later
through the GoG
GOG not happy with IDB conditions on regular maintenance before proceeding with
roads works
44 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
David Shelley referred to the layout of Mr. Heinrich Anders WP 25 on Regional
Development in relation to regional Planning in Guyana such as Intermediate Savannahs
Project. Referred to Working Papers and plan to illuminate the linkages between the
NDS/PRSP/ Government strategy and the TSS.
Mr. Tarachand Balgobin
Disappointed that railways have not been emphasized for development in Transport of sand
and timber.
Mr. Kevin Hogan
Economy will grow at 1- 2% with growth in exports other than sugar & bauxite. Growth in
the Tourism industry will spur economy.
Thought Consultants vision of economic growth3 in the central scenario is pessimistic
Dr. Lucie Hamner
Comment on a balanced transport system: if transport is to support economic development
then the transport system may be unbalanced. Strategic transport strategy should be
IADB will provide written comments on the DFR in due course
The Draft Final Report had much good material, but would like to see more on the linkages
between transport and economic and on the classifications of roads.
Saw little on legal matters4 (note: Teams legal expert was notpresent at the meeting).
Noted that growth in the transport sector would liberate funds for the development of the
road systems.
Mr. John Clifton responded that Consultants were trying, with the maintenance programme,
to liberate funds which previously were always spent on the premature reconstruction of the
primary road network
Closing Remarks
The President expressed his wish that the transport sector plan should fit seamlessly into the
National Development Strategy. He hoped that this particular area could be further
illuminated over the coming two months. He thanked all Meeting participants.
3 Which is based upon the IMF /World Bank projections
4 No reference to WP 7 as made
Guyana: Transport Sector Study 45
GOPA + E & A
Final Report: Administrative Appendix III / Consultation
7 Project Closure
Presentation planned by Minister of Transport (with Consultants support) at end
February 2006.
46 Guyana: Transport Sector Study
GOPA + E & A
Final Report
The Ministry of Public Works and Communications
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
December 2005
Administrative Appendix IV
Documents Consulted
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Contents
Administrative Appendix IV: Documents Consulted
1 List of Documents Consulted................................................................................ 1
Guyana: Transport Sector Study i
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
1 List of Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
Road Maintenance policy and four year L. Austin September 1992
maintenance program
Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Canada Engineering Services 1993
Management Study. Inc. Vols 1, 7 In association
with Civil Engineering
Consultants (Guyana).
Establishment of road maintenance fund. G. Bodely January 1995
Institutional strengthening of the Central G. Bodely
Transport Planning Unit.
National Development Strategy- Transport Civil Society
Phase 1 Needs Assessment Development of Transport Canada. 1998
a Strategic National Transportation System National Transportation
Policy of Guyana.
An Assessment of Priority Projects for Mr. P.A.D Allsopp 2000-2010
Transport Infrastructure in Guyana
Final (Phase 11) Report on Vehicle Weight Fredric R. Harris Engineering June 1981
Control Program, Transport Investment Plan in association with C.A Corp.
Construction materials demand and supply. Liburd and associates.
Study and Final Design and Tender Dossiers Rogan Associates Engineers-
for the rehabilitation and improvements of Architects.
River Ferry Services in Guyana. EDF
Projects No. 5604.43-29.015
Road Rehabilitation Maintenance Canada Engineering
Management Study Phase 1 Report Consultants (Guyana)
Volume. ATN/JF/SF- 3933 GY
Main Road Rehabilitation Study. Phase II Selwyn Maughan / January 2004
Road Safety Study. Gowkarran Budhu, MPW
Highway Safety Quarterly Report. Road Safety Unit, MPW
Main Road Rehabilitation Project Inter-American Development March 2002
Completion Report. Bank
Agriculture Sector Hybrid Programme Inter-American Development May 2002
Investment Component, Project Completion Bank
Study for the Upgrading and Completion of AAK/ Gibb. October 2000
the Guyana-Brazil Road. Final Report.
Guyana Airport Planning for the New Transport Canada. May 1999
Millennium. Cheddi Jagan International
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
Census Points and Average Daily Traffic Road Safety Unit, MPW
along the "Top 10" Worst Corridors based
on Fatality per mile.
Civil Aviation Act, Guyana no. 10 of 2000
Regulations made under the Act 2000.
Guyana CNS Action Plan O. Smarelli, ICAO March 2002
ICAO Project GUY/01/901 R. Wedge, ICAO March 2003
Proposal for financing the maintenance of V. Committee, ICAO. March 2002
area control service and ATM/CNS in
Guyana for satellite based communication.
Commemorative Report 1999. Aircraft Owners Association
of Guyana.
Cheddi Jagan International Airport February 2002.
Rehabilitation of Pavement and Lighting
Installations for Runway 06-24.
Cheddi Jagan International Airport December 2001
Improvement Programme. Environmental
Assessment Phase 2, Law
Upgrade of the Apron at Cheddi Jagan Sir Frederick Snow& Partners September 2004
International Airport Ltd.
Ogle Airport Development. June1997
Establishment of an Airport Authority for December 1993
Guyana UNDP/ICAO Project GUY/93/010.
Aviation Strategies: Challenge and The Air Transport Seminar of March, 2003
Opportunities of Liberalisation. ICAO
The Airline Industry Guide, Airline
Business 2003/2004.
Annex to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation (ICAO) Annex 1- Personnel
Annex to the Conventional on International Meteorological Service for
Civil Aviation (ICAO), Annex 3. International Air Navigation.
Annex to the Conventional on International
Civil Aviation (ICAO) Annex 6- Flight
Annex to the Conventional on International
Civil Aviation 8- Airworthiness.
Annex to the Convention on international
Civil Aviation (ICAO), Annex 9-
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
Annex to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation (ICAO), Annex 10-
Aeronautical Telecommunications.
Annex to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation (ICAO), Annex 11- Air
Traffic Services.
Annex to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation (ICAO), Annex 14-
Annex to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation (ICAO), Annex 15-
Aeronautical Information Services.
Annex to the Convention Civil Aviation
(ICAO), Annex 17- Security.
Recent Studies & Analyses of the Transport Allsop, UN Resident 1998
Sector in Guyana Coordinator.
Assessment of Priority Projects for Allsop, IADB 1999
Transport Infrastructure
Consultant Service for Establishment of a Bodely, MPW&C 1995
Towards Sustainable Transport D.G Dev 1996
PRSP (incl. Progress Reports) 2001 2005
Guyana Public Expenditure Review. W.B August 2002
Guyana Country Profile. EIU 2004
Study of Feasibility of completion and Tecnecon, July 1989
upgrading of the Road Link Between
Guyana and Brazil.
Demerara Harbour Bridge Rehabilitation April 2001
Project 7ACP GUA012. Evaluation Study,
RSP&RIP EC 2002/7
Recent Studies & Analyses of the Transport Allsop, UN Office of 1998
Sector in Guyana. Resident Coordinator
MPW&C Organisation Charts & General Lowe, MPW&C 2002
Proposals for Implementation of Work MPW&C 2001
Services Group,
Greater Georgetown Development Khan 2002
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
Programme- Transportation.
Memorandum on CAS. WB May 2002
CSP for neighboring countries Brazil,
Suriname, Venezuela
Sector programmes capital works,
maintenance, rehab etc
RICS, VOC, Traffic figures, accident
records, data on registration of vehicles
Institutional charts
Budgets -various
Annual reports various
Project reports various
Road Safety Study. Cameron Dec 1996
Preliminary 4-Year Maintenance Project Execution Unit, 1996/99
Programme. MPW&C
Deferred Periodic Maintenance Programme. Austin 1991
Socio-economic impact of 'Arco Norte', Sept 1999
Amapa/Roraima, State of Roraima.
Secondary Towns Infrastructure SNC Lavalin Into Aug 1996
Development Project
Project Completion Report, Main Road IADB
Rehabilitation Programme.
Environment and Social Impact ERM & David Klautky & April 1995
Assessment: Linden to Lethem Road Ass,
Transport Plan for Guyana, Israel Inst of Central Transport Planning 1975
Transportation Planning and Research. Unit
Policy on Location and Operation of Weigh CTPU Oct 2003
Report on Right Traffic, Nimmerfjord etc, 1972
Proposed Road Linden to River Essequibo Willats Dec 1971
& Proposed River Essequibo Bridge.
Public Transport Study. ND Lea & Cemco Inc Sept 2003
Report upon a Modem Highway Between Metcalfe & Eddy Int. Aug 1961
Georgetown on the Atlantic Coast of British
Guyana and Lethem Near the Brazilian
General Transport Review for Guyana. CIDA Aug 1970
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
Recommendations for High Priority UNDP Dec 1973
Feasibility Studies of Transport Projects.
Case Study Involving the Economic UNDP Aug 1974
Evaluation of a Transport Project in the
Transport for Guyana. UNDP Feb 1975
Proposal for a Department of Transport. UNDP Sept 1975
Highway Safety Programme. Gowkarran Budhu, Jan 2004
Draft Technical Memorandum A Review Nov 2003
of Organisation, Budgets & Current
Maintenance Practices of MPW&C, TRDI,
'Country Report,' Guyana, Suriname, Belize, November 2004
Economist Intelligence Unit.
Aeronautical Information Publication'
(AIP), Guyana.
Development and modernisation of the Air GCAA Document March 2005.
Navigation Services in Guyana.
The Corporatisation & Institutional October 2001.
Strengthening of Cheddi Jagan International
Airport', Business Plan 2002-2006, Leading
Edge Aviation Planning Professionals.
Completion of Environmental Impact SENES and Ground September 2001
Assessment for Ogle Aerodrome. Structures Engineering
Environmental Impact Assessment for Ogle TAPS in association with April 2003.
Airport Expansion Project. DCSL.
Environmental Impact Assessment for Ogle TAPS in association with April 2003
Airport Expansion Project with appendices DCSL
and attachments.
Recent Studies and Analyses of the UN DP 1998
Transportation Sector in Guyana 1960-1997
Corporatisation & Institutional Leading Edge Aviation October 2001
Strengthening at CJIA Planning Professionals for
The Airline Industry Guide. Airline Business 2003/2004
Agreement for the Establishment of the Caricom 1973
Caribbean Meteorological Organisation
Memorandum of Understanding between Caricom
Civil Aviation Authorities of the Caribbean
Community (Caricom) Concerning the
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
Multilateral Agreement Concerning the Caricom 1996
Operation of Air Services within the
Caribbean Community.
Operation of an Association of Civil 1998
Aviation Authorities of the Caribbean.
Memorandum Of Understanding Between 1998
Civil Aviation Authorities Of The
Caribbean Community (Caricom)
Concerning The Establishment
And Operation Of An Association Of Civil
Aviation Authorities Of The Caribbean.
Civil Aviation Executives Crafting Tighter Caricom 2001
Aviation Security Measures for the Region.
Memorandum of Cooperation between the Caricom 2002
Federal Aviation Administration
Department of Transportation, United States
of America and the Caribbean Community.
Remarks by Sen. The Hon. Julian R. Hunte, Caricom 4 March 2004.
Minister of External Affairs, International
Trade and Civil Aviation, Saint Lucia, at the
opening of the
The Association of Caribbean States: Air
Transport Agreement among the Member
States and Associate Members of the
Association of Caribbean States, Panama
City, Panama, 12 February 2004.
Sixteenth meeting of the Council for Trade
and Economic Development (COTED)',
Belize City, Belize.
Caricom Member States Proceed With Caricom February 2005
Legislative Harmonisation for Single
Market and Economy.
The Caricom Tourism Summit', the Caricom 8-9 December
Bahamas. 2001
CANSO 2005 Year Book.
Flight Training School', Air Services Ltd.,
The Art Williams & Harry Wendt
Aeronautical Training School, Brochure and
Student's Handbook
ICAO, the Convention on International
Civil Aviation Annex 17: Security
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
ICAO: 'Aviation Strategies: Challenges and ICAO Headquarters, 22-23 March
Opportunities of liberalisation'. The Air Montreal, Canada 2003
Transport Seminar of ICAO.
'Eurocontrol web site for extensive
documentation on Safety Management
Systems' and European law making
management answerable for safe operations.
'A New Guyana Beckons', Information Guyana Tourism Authority
'Tourism has not yet become a regional David Jessop, Sunday 6 March 2005
policy priority'. Stabroek.
Caribbean tourism riding on a weak U.S. Guyana Chronicle 14 March 2005
'Aggressive campaign to woo tourists under Guyana Chronicle 18 March 2005
Transport in the Greater Caribbean'. Carlos Davila Sanchez, 20 March 2005
Guyana Chronicle.
Dredger Study. Peter Fraenkel & Partners 1975
Management Study and Master plan. Gavan McDonnell & Co, 1976
Pre-Feasibility Study of the Import/Export Louis Berger 1983
Transportation Problem.
A Port Infrastructural Development Plan for Stephen Thomas 1992
the Facilitation of Bauxite Exports from
Georgetown, Dissertation.
Creation of a National Ports Authority, APEC 1995
Phase 1, Draft Report.
Examination of Major Alternatives for the IDB, A. Ashar & P. 1998
Establishment of a Deep-Water Port in Woodbury
National Development Strategy 2001 2000
2010, A Policy Framework.
Assessment of Priority Projects for Mr. Allsop 2000
Transportation Infrastructure 2000 2010,
Draft Feasibility Study for the Rice Caricom, Agrotec 2002
Project Identification: the Establishment of Mr. R. Lowe, Coordinator 2004
a Deep Water Port, Extract from WSG, MPW&C
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
Bank of Guyana: Annual Report and
Financial Statement of Accounts 2003, 2004
Bank of Guyana: Statistical Bulletin,
September 2003, December 2004
Economist Intelligence Unit: Country
Report. Guyana, Suriname, Belize,
November 2004
Economist Intelligence Unit: Guyana.
Country Profile 2004
Guyana. Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper,
November 2001, p. 17; own calculations
Guyana. Poverty Reduction Strategy.
Progress Report 2004
Bauxite and Alumina, in: U.S. Geological Patricia A. Plunkert 2003
Survey Minerals Yearbook
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Investing World Bank 2001
in Human Capital for Growth, Prosperity
and Poverty Reduction.
Guyana Development Policy Review. World Bank 2003
Guyana. Poverty Reduction Strategy. World Bank
Progress Report 2004
Guyana. Public Expenditure Review. World Bank 2002
Feasibility Study of CARIFORUM Rice Agrotec SPA 2002
Industry, p. 35.
Memorandum and Recommendation of the World Bank November 26,
President of the International Development 2003
Association to the Executive Directors on
Assistance to the Cooperative Republic of
Guyana under the Enhanced HIPC
Memorandum of the President of the World Bank May 17, 2002
International Development Association to
the Executive Directors on a Country
Strategy of the World Bank Group for the
Cooperative Republic of Guyana.
Social Indicators Data Base World Bank 2003
STABROEK (Guyana), different articles on
current topics
Amazonia Development Agency (SUDAM),
various information on the web.
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report: Administrative Appendix IV / Documents Consulted
Title Author Date
Austcane, Australia, 2004, information on
the web
Centro International de Negocios de
Roraima, various information on the web.
Public Information Notice. IMF March 2005
Study into impact of changes in the EU'S ADE 6 January, 2005
rice regime on the rice sector of ACP
countries Draft Report
Feasibility Study of CARIFORUM Rice Agrotec SPA 2002
Commodity Forecasts World Bank November 16,
Memorandum and Recommendation of the World Bank November 26,
President of the International Development 2003
Association to the Executive Directors on
Assistance to the Cooperative Republic of
Guyana under the Enhanced HIPC
"Towards sustainable transport OECD Paris 2002
infrastructure A sectoral approach in
practice", 258 pages.
"Surinam Transport Policy Study Final GOPA 2003
Report and legal appendix".
Guyana, "National Development Strategy,
"Eradicating poverty and unifying Guyana
2001 2010" (Chapter 8: Transport &
chapter 5: environment).
"Financing of major infrastructure and Ministry of Public Works, December 2000
public service projects. Public private Transport and Housing (of the
financing Lessons from French experience French Republic)
throughout the world", Paris, 389 pages.
"List of major infrastructure and public UNCTAD Secretariat 11 February,
service projects Legal aspects of port 1993
management", UNCTAD/SHIP/639 dated,
113 pages.
Compact Disk: "Laws of Guyana", a
compilation of nearly all Guyanese laws
theoretically in force
Compact Disk: Routine maintenance MPWC/WSG January 2004
Programme, Soesdyke Linden Highway, 2
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
Final Report
The Ministry of Public Works and Communications
Guyana: Transport Sector Study
December 2005
Administrative Appendix V
Curricula Vitae of Consultant Team
Final Report: Administrative Appendix V / Contents
Administrative Appendix V: Curricula Vitae of Consultant Team
Name Position
Core Team
GOPA Consultants Bad Homburg
David M. Shelley Project Manager / Transport Economist
John F. Clifton Road Planning Engineer
Manfred Morisse Maritime Specialist
Adrian Hoppenstedt Environmental Specialist
Alexander MacDonald Institutional and Finance Specialist
Rodney Baldwin Aviation Specialist
Edward Bohm Macro Economist / Econometrist
Jean-Francois Biros Road Engineer / Urban Transport Planner
Brian Follis Capacity Building Specialist/ HRD
Michel Prouzet Legal Specialist
Andrew Elcock Shipping and Dredging Expert
Graham Fletcher Urban Transport (Bus) Specialist
Berd Brunnengraeber Rural Transport Specialist
Andre Hage Ferry Expert
Local Experts
E & A Consultants Georgetown
Ananda Dharry Senior Civil Engineer
Joseph Holder Civil Engineer Roads and Bridges
Phillip Allsopp Senior Roads Engineer
Mark Bynoe Economist and Environmental Specialist
Ferial Ally Air Transport Specialist
Jennifer Wishart Sociologist/ Socio-economist
Imtiaz Baig/Pauline Chase Legal Specialists
Guyana: Transport Sector Study i
GOPA + E & A
Core Team
GOPA Consultants