Version II
Implementing The National
Competitiveness Strategy
Action Plan and Institutional
Government of Guyana
Partnership with the Private Sector
May 2006
Main Abbreviations and Acronyms
African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
Business Development Services
Basic Education Access and Management Support
Build, Operate and Turnover
Build, Operate, Transfer
Consultative Association of Guyanese Industries
Caribbean Community
Forum of the Caribbean ACP States
Caribbean Basin Initiative
Caribbean Development Bank
Canadian International Development Agency
Cheddi Jagan International Airport
CARICOM Single Market
CARICOM Single Market & Economy
Demerara Distillers Ltd.
Department for International Development (United Kingdom)
Economical Interest Groups
Economic Partnership Agreement
European Union
Farmers' Groups
Forestry Products Marketing Council
Free Trade Area of the Americas
Fast-Track Sector Development
Guyana Association of Securities Companies and Intermediaries Inc.
Gross Domestic Product
Guyana Economic Opportunities project
Guyana Manufacturers and Services Association
(Nic\\% Guyana Marketing Corporation
Guyana National Bureau of Standards
Government of Guyana
Guyana Office for Investment
Guyana Power and Light Company
Guyana Securities Council
Guyana Trade and Investment Support project
Guyana Sugar Corporation
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Institute of Applied Science & Technology
International Development Association
Inter-American Development Bank
International Labour Organization
International Monetary Fund
Investment Promotion Council
International Standards Organization
International Technology Centres
Jamaica Promotions Corporation
Micro Finance Institutions
Ministry of Tourism, Industry & Commerce
Ministry of Education
MoF Ministry of Finance
MinLA Ministry of Legal Affairs
MinPW Ministry of Public Works and Communications
MOFTIC Ministry of Foreign Trade and International Cooperation
NAC National Accreditation Council
NACEN National Advisory Committee on External Negotiations
NARI National Agricultural Research Institution
NCC National Competitiveness Council
NCTVET National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
NGO Non Governmental Organization
N-TNC National Trade Negotiations Committee
NTS National Trade Strategy
OAS Organization of American States
PMU Program Management Unit
PPD Public-Private Dialogue
PSOs Private Sector Organizations
SBC Small Business Council
SIMAP Social Impact Amelioration Program
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
SSRP Secondary School Reform Project
TA Technical Assistance
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
TWG Technical Working Groups
UG University of Guyana
UNIDO United National Industrial Development Organization
USAID United States Agency for International Development
WTO World Trade Organisation
Table of Contents
Main Abbreviations and Acronyms 1
Chapter One: Implementing the National Competitiveness Strategy 5
Chapter Two: Major New, Existing, and Proposed Programs 6
Supporting NCS Implementation
New Programs 6
Support for Competitiveness Program 6
Agricultural Diversification Program 10
Existing Programs 12
Guyana Trade and Investment Support 12
Proposed Programs 16
Catalyzing the Small Business Sector in Guyana 16
The Sugar Action Plan 17
Chapter Three: NCS Institutional Structure Policy Formulation 20
Institutional Structurefor Competitiveness 20
Four Overarching Enablers and Two Key Principles 20
Key Institutions 21
Chapter Four: NCS Institutional Structure Implementation 25
Implementation of the NCS 25
Chapter Five: Monitoring and Evaluation 30
Chapter Six: NCS Action Plan
Guyana's National Competitiveness Strategy (NCS) outlines 122 actions and planned activities to
enhance national competitiveness. These are being implemented in three ways:
(i) Regular activities of various Government agencies and private sector actors.
(ii) Existing programs: A number of programs are already working to support the achievement
of the NCS objectives. Key among these include Guyana Trade and Investment Support
(GTIS), the Commercial Court Program, the Agricultural Support Services Program, the
Linden Economic Advancement Program (LEAP), EU Support to the Competitiveness of
Rice Industry in the Caribbean, private sector support programs, and numerous infrastructure
projects (e.g. Road Rehabilitation Programs).
(iii) New programs. This includes the Support for Competitiveness Program (also referred to
as the IDB-funded Competitiveness Programme) and the Agricultural Diversification
Program (also supported by the IDB).
In addition, the Sugar Action Plan has been designed in the context of the objectives and priorities
established by the NCS the Sugar Action Plan and NCS are complementary and mutually supportive.
However, large tracts of the Sugar Action Plan remain unfunded, and large front loaded investments will
be needed in the near future to support the policy recommendations of the Sugar Action Plan.
This document sets out the Action Plan and Institutional Arrangements for the implementation of each of
the 122 actions in the NCS, as well as the institutional arrangements for the NCS moving forward:
Chapter 2 details major new, existing and proposed programs that support the NCS.
Chapter 3 outlines the institutional structure to support the analysis and formulation of NCS
policies and programmes.
Chapter 4 provides a brief overview of the institutional structure to support the implementation of
NCS actions.
Chapter 5 provides an overview of the over-arching monitoring and evaluation framework for the
Chapter 6 summarizes all 122 actions set out in the NCS, and provides a link (i) to the relevant
Government or private sector agency which has responsibility for action; (ii) where relevant, to
an implementing project or program; (iii) to target completion dates; (iv) to indicators of success.
New Programs
Support for Competitiveness Program
The Support for Competitiveness Program will be funded by a loan to the Government from the IDB and
takes forward 27 of the planned actions outlined in the NCS (see Table 1.1).
The program objectives are two fold:
i. Strengthening the institutions for public-private dialogue on competitiveness
ii. Improving the environment for private investment and export development
The program will have four sub-components which flow from the actions outlined in the NCS. The first
sub-component will work at the institutional level to deliver the first objective listed above by supporting
the strengthening of Guyana's institutional framework to formulate and implement the National
Competitiveness Strategy (as outlined in Chapters 2 and 3). The remaining three sub-components will
work at a more direct operational level to deliver improvements in the environment for private investment
and export development. Table 1.1 outlines the mapping of these four sub-components to the actions
outlined in the National Competitiveness Strategy, and more detail about the four sub-components
is set out below.
Table 1.1: Supporting NCS Implementation:
The Support for Competitiveness Program
NCS Action Planned Activities Support for
Competitiveness Program
Trade Policy
TP.A7 Create Trade Point Guyana at Golnvest and linked to Sub-Component 3
the other trade related agencies
Competition and Consumer Protection Policy
CP.A1 Set-up Competition and Fair Trading Commission Sub-Component 2
CP.A2 Set-up Consumer Protection Commission Sub-Component 2
CP.A3 Ensure adequate training and internships for staff Sub-Component 2
CP.A4 Develop outreach program with business community Sub-Component 2
CP.A5 Strengthen the consistency and public awareness of Sub-Component 2
commercial legislation
CP.A6 Conduct dialogue between private and public Sub-Component 2
stakeholders on M&A, anti-dumping, and structure of
institutional regulatory framework.
CP.A7 Develop collection and management of statistics at Sub-Component 2
market, sector or business level.
CP.A8 Coordinate actions on the widespread use of purchase Sub-Component 2
receipts between Guyana Revenue Authority and
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
CP.A9 Strengthen consumer associations Sub-Component 2
CP.A10 Participate in CARICOM competition policy Sub-Component 2
Taxation Policy
TaP.A2 Carry out a study to examine the various options for Sub-Component 2
lowering the Corporate Rate of Income Tax (CIT).
Following the results of the study, reduce the Corporate
Rate of Income Tax (CIT) to a level that will be
effective in stimulating higher levels of private
investment whilst not unduly compromising
Government revenue.
TaP.A3 Carry out a study examining options for improving the Sub-Component 2
efficacy of the current system of fiscal and duty
incentives and tariff structures, as part of the same
study that will be looking at the options for unifying
and reducing Corporate Income Tax (CIT). Following
the results of the study, refine the system of fiscal and
duty incentives and/or tariff structure in a way that
improves the business friendliness of the tax
environment without unduly compromising
government revenue.
Investment Promotion and Facilitation
IP.A2 Create a new vision for Golnvest to reflect its Sub-Component 3
increasingly important role in country image building,
facilitation, investment generation, policy advocacy,
and export promotion by approving a new expanded
charter through revised Order under the Public
Corporations Act.
IP.A3 Expand the capacity and capabilities of Go-Invest. Sub-Component 3
Export Promotion and Facilitation
EP.A1 Refocus Golnvest's export promotion services to offer Sub-Components 3 and 4
two key services at the firm-level: exporter readiness
assessments and specific "value-adding" advisory
EP.A2 Improve export facilitation efficiency to Sub-Component 2
internationally-benchmarked standards
EP.A3 Carry out a study examining options for improving the Sub-Component 2
system of export taxes and incentives for export to i).
give equal treatment to exports to CARICOM ii).
reduce or eliminate export taxes. Following the results
of the study, refine the system export taxes and
incentives for export to effectively stimulate exports in
a way which does not unduly compromise government
EP.A4 Study policy options for designing tax incentives that Sub-Component 2
do not introduce overly burdensome administrative
overheads to encourage firm-level business to business
export promotion services, as part of the same study
that will be looking at the options for unifying and
reducing Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and improving
the general structure of incentives.
Access to Finance
AF.A2 Adjust the Financial Institutions Act to allow for Sub-Component 2
regulation in the use of confidential client information
by credit bureaus.
AF.A3 Study policy options for extending temporary tax Sub-Component 2
incentives for long term lending and investing in
BDS.A7 Study policy options for designing tax incentives that Sub-Component 2
do not introduce overly burdensome administrative
overheads to encourage the development of private
BDS networks of service providers, farmers, and
enterprises, as part of the same study that will be
looking at the options for unifying and reducing
Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and improving the general
structure of incentives.
Enterprise Registration and Operation
ER.A1 Bring Deeds Registry Authority Act into effect and Sub-Component 2
make the Deeds Registry semi-autonomous
ER.A2 Reorganize the Deed's Registry Workforce and Sub-Component 2
Develop Training Program for Staff to meet demands
of new agency status
ER.A3 Expand the use of Information Technology to allow for Sub-Component 2
the automation of all registration procedures, the
conversion of all manual records into digitized images,
and the backward integration into the new Tax
Identification Number (TIN) system at GRA
Overarching Enablers
Design and set-up a permanent and sustainable
institutional structure to ensure continuing
development, implementation and coordination of
the NCS
Sub-Component 1
Subcomponent 1: Strengthening the institutional capacity to formulate and implement the National
Competitiveness Strategy: This subcomponent will help strengthen the institutional framework that will
coordinate, provide advise on, and implement the NCS. The program will finance the following activities:
i. Strengthening public-private advisory institutions for competitiveness: the Program will
provide technical assistance to public-private institutions involved in assessing policy options
regarding the National Competitiveness Strategy, such as the National Competitiveness Council
(NCC) (see Chapter 8 for further details), NACEN, the Small Business Council, and Investment
Promotion Council (IPC). Assistance will help these institutions develop the capacity to analyze,
dialogue and present policy options on specific subject areas that incorporate legitimate private
sector concerns, in order to aid the government in formulating policy that will enhance business
ii. Strengthening institutions that coordinate the implementation of the National
Competitiveness Strategy: the Program will strengthen the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and
Commerce's analytical and coordination capabilities for the implementation of the NCS.
Furthermore, the component will support the MINTIC in functioning as the Secretariat to the
NCC (see Chapters 3 and 4 for further details).
Subcomponent 2: Improving the business climate: This subcomponent will provide support to
government institutions involved with regulating key areas of business activity in Guyana to help improve
and streamline their services, thus contributing to enhanced levels of private investment and export
development. The program will finance the following activities: a) technical assistance to the Ministry of
Finance to conduct a tax study to identify options for improving the tax system and system of incentives;
b) technical assistance to the Customs Authority to reduce the average time to clear customs, and to
discern additional ways of reducing the total time to import and export; c) technical assistance, training,
hardware and software to digitize and computerize the Deeds Registry in order to reduce time for business
registration and incorporation, and to enable the agency to function semi-autonomously; d) technical
assistance to the Bank of Guyana to identify and draft a legal and institutional framework that will allow
for the creation of a Credit Bureau in Guyana, as well as guidelines for a formal client-credit information
sharing system among commercial banks; e) technical assistance, training, hardware and software to help
establish the Competition and Fair Trading Commission and Consumer Protection Commission.
Subcomponent 3: Enhancing the ability of investment attraction and export promotion agencies:
This subcomponent will provide technical assistance, training, hardware and software to Go-Invest so that
it can effectively fulfill its expanded charter of investment promotion, facilitation, image building and
export promotion. It will also support staff expansion at Golnvest. Areas to be financed include the
following: a) assistance to restructure and strengthen the organization in line with its new mandate
including setting annual targets and developing new operational procedures, b) a system to develop
indicative investment attraction and export targets and a system for developing and updating Annual
Export Plans; c) strengthening Golnvest's performance management system including the investor
tracking system and development of a regular client survey; d) assistance to set-up strategic investment
attraction programs; e) support to strengthen the investment facilitation role by simplifying the investment
application process involving different steps at different agencies; f) assistance to set-up and implement
an export support department offering export-readiness tool for private sector firms in order to diagnose
the main bottlenecks they face in their export activity; g) support to develop in-country image-building
and product promotion programs in CARICOM countries; h) connection to trade point software,
computer equipment and training material geared to provide export market information to businesses.
Subcomponent 4: Competitiveness Enhancing Fund to support private enterprise competitiveness
for export development: This subcomponent will also provide support to firms in overcoming critical
constraints that affect their export competitiveness through the co-financing of business advisory services
tailored to the firms' export-readiness assessment. Examples of business advisory services to be provided
would include the following: a) co-financing of activities that stimulate the modernization of production
process and improvement of companies' management; b) consulting services on technical issues related
to productivity; c) technical assistance to satisfy more demanding buyers and/or overcome non-tariff
barriers to trade, such as product design, labeling, packaging, product and/or process quality certification,
and environmental management. The program would be demand driven and available to firms that
comply with minimum eligibility criteria.' This component will be closely coordinated with GTIS
program in order to ensure that there is no overlap in this support.
1 Specific eligibility criteria will be defined as a result of the feasibility study currently underway. Eligible firms will
have at least the following characteristics: (i) they will be formal micro, small or medium sized enterprises; (ii) in
operation for at least one year; and (iii) already exporting or close to starting to export, as determined by the export-
readiness diagnostic.
The finalization of the design of the Support for Competitiveness Program is nearing completion after
Wave I of consultation.
The Agricultural Diversification Program
As outlined in the NCS, diversification of the agricultural sector into non-traditional agricultural products
is a major strategic priority for the Government. Implementation of this strategic priority will be done via
i). measures identified for NTAPs in the Sugar Action Plan (SAP); ii). implementation of the Agricultural
Diversification Program (ADP). Both the SAP and ADP have largely reached completion in terms of
high-level design and the exact details of programmable activities to be covered under each programme
will be finalized in the near future.
The Agricultural Diversification Program (ADP) is supported by a loan from the IDB and takes forward 9
of the planned actions of the National Competitiveness Strategy (see Table 1.2).
The ADP is explicitly designed to contribute to sustained economic growth through the implementation
of an action plan for agricultural diversification that will result in a sustainable increase of non-traditional
agricultural exports in fruits and vegetables, and meat products. The program has three sub-components:
Promote Private Sector entrepreneurship into agribusiness
Improve capabilities of agribusiness export services; and
Enhance business facilitation services within agriculture
Table 1.2 outlines the mapping of these three sub-components to the actions outlined in Part II of
the NCS.
Table 1.2: Supporting NCS Implementation:
The Agricultural Diversification Program
NCS Action Planned Activities Agricultural
NTAPA.2 Support the development of initial export supply chains All
in fruit and vegetables and beef to produce a
sustainable increase of non-traditional exports of fruits,
vegetables, and beef.
BFV.A1 Support the vegetable and fruit, and beef supply chains Sub-component 1
through the setting up of an institutional arrangement to
provide incremental public goods to current exporters
and enterprises with agribusiness potential
BFV.A2 Strengthen public services needed to support the Sub-component 2
livestock and fruit and vegetable chains by support to i)
technology development and transfer; ii) support
implementation of animal and plant health systems; and
iii) facilitate access to foreign markets.
BFV.A3 Streamline agri-business processes related to i) Sanitary Sub-component 3
and Phitosanitary Systems (SPS) and quality
certification systems and ii) land applications and
related incentives for agribusiness investors.
BFV.A4 Upgrade the SPS inspection service process for Sub-component 3
S____ __ outgoing products.
BFV.A5 Design and implement an information system for land Sub-component 3
lease requests.
BFV.A6 Set up a non-discretionary land lease and water rights Sub-component 3
allocation system.
BFV.A7 Conduct a pilot program for allocating relative large Sub-component 3
land plots in order to attract larger investors.
BFV.A8 Design an investment strategy to attract the private Sub-component 3
investors, both local and foreign.
The section below gives a more detailed description of the three sub-components:
Sub-Component 1: Private Sector Entrepreneurship into Agribusiness. This component will finance
setting up a Diversification Institutional Arrangement (DIA) for two agribusiness chains: i) the vegetable
and fruit, and ii) the livestock chain. A manager will be responsible for coordinating the execution of an
agreed action plan for each supply chain. Private enterprises with agribusiness potential and current
exporters will be invited to join the DIA. The eligibility criteria to participate will be: i) legally
established firms; ii) interest in exporting as shown by criteria such as investments carried out in the
productive chain, actual experience in related exports, business plan revised by administrative authorities,
or partially financed by the private sector, input suppliers and logistic services providers; and iii)
willingness to participate and co-finance activities. In the case of farmers, preference will be given to
those: i) having experience growing other crops, ii) members of a Water User Association, and iii) willing
to engage in contract farming. A number of incremental public goods2 will be financed by the DIA
covering: i) training and knowledge sharing aimed at small groups of farmers; ii) Technical Assistance
provided by technicians involved in the export process, or consultants hired by the growers in specific
crops; iii) Research and Development Partnerships whereby a group of farmers and exporters of each
cluster to form a partnership, which in turn will apply for R&D subsidies to conduct trials for new
varieties, pastures and breeds; iv) Private Sector Participation on agribusiness facilities: a basic abattoir
will be financed; and v) technical assistance and training to promote new business plans through contract
Sub-Component 2: Agribusiness Export Services: These services will focus on the institutional
strengthening of public services needed to support the livestock and fruit and vegetable chains,
specifically: i) support to technology development and transfer; ii) animal and plant health, and food
safety services, iii) facilitation of foreign market access, and iv) identifying additional potential export
chains. Technology development and transfer activities under consideration are strengthening NARI and
carrying out a livestock census to form the basis for improving the genetic pool of cows. To accelerate
technology development and deployment, the project is also considering financing agreements with
institutions in other countries to support the introduction of new varieties and races from similar climates.
There will also be support for implementation of a Plant Health System taking into account requirements
such as the need to enhance phytosanitary regulations and standards, monitor pesticide usage, and train
farmers in good agricultural practices. Support for implementation of an Animal Health System will also
be provided taking into account considerations such as the need to revise regulations (specially those for
animal movement, and for handling and slaughtering beef), and introduce Continuous Sample Testing.
Sub-component 3: Business Facilitation Services: This sub-component will help streamline processes
related to i) Sanitary and Phitosanitary Systems (SPS) and quality certification systems and ii) land
applications and related incentives for agribusiness investors. It will also finance technical assistance for
upgrading the SPS inspection service process for outgoing products; designing and implementing an
2 Requirements placed by the agribusiness chain could be in the form of government regulatory support, and
incremental public goods investments specific to the agribusiness chain that are not directly executed by the
information system for land lease requests; setting up a non-discretionary land lease and water rights
allocation system; and conducting a pilot program for allocating relative large land plots in order to attract
larger investors. Furthermore, the component will finance a campaign to attract the private investors, both
local and foreign.
The finalization of the design of the Agricultural Diversification Program is nearing completion. This will
be done in conjunction with work to finalize the details of support for the Sugar Action Plan (see below).
Existing Programs
Guyana Trade and Investment Support (GTIS)
The GTIS project is a $US5m project to be implemented over 4 years (2004-2008). It takes forward 34 of
the NCS ongoing and planned actions (see Table 1.3) and has been designed to help Guyana create and
implement a vision that will enable the private sector to maximize the country's benefits from emerging
non-traditional export opportunities through support to enterprises, private sector organizations and
government institutions. The project places a focus on supporting private sector driven/led initiatives and
activities, based on the premise that ultimately it is private enterprise that will provide the impetus
required to achieve sustainable export expansion, employment and income generation and economic
growth in Guyana. Within this context, GTIS works to support initiatives that address performance,
capability and policy gaps that effect firms' abilities to compete in regional and international export
markets. This includes:
Cluster Development and Market Assistance: Strengthening the ability of firms within targeted
Guyanese clusters to collaborate, meet critical success factors, attract investment, establish
linkages with international markets, and effectively market their goods.
Technical Assistance and Supply Chain Development: Providing technical assistance for firms
and supply chains to develop the systems, standards, and capabilities necessary to grow and
respond to the demands of an increasingly competitive global market.
Strengthening Trade Policy and Guyanese Enabling Environment: Improving Guyana's ability
to negotiate and implement trade agreements, as well as identify ways to enhance the business
environment, thus ensuring that exporters are able to turn existing trade agreements into real
market opportunities and attract new investment.
Developing Public-Private Consultative Processes: Strengthening consultative processes
between the Government and civil society to increase the public's awareness of developments in
trade negotiations and to empower Guyana's private sector to better influence trade, business, and
investment policies, which are necessary for businesses to compete.
Since its inception in 2004, the GTIS project has coordinated and implemented a number of important
competitiveness enhancing activities with various stakeholders from Government and the private sector;
as reflected in Part II of the National Competitiveness Strategy. The project has been noted for its
participatory approach which has instilled an important dynamic of trust building between the public and
private sectors and among firms themselves. In addition, another important result has been the
development of a common and shared vision for a number of sectors of the economy including agro-
processing, forest products, fisheries, and tourism. The project has also delivered some success in
motivating and maintaining enthusiasm among stakeholders during sectoral working group processes
which have helped participants to focus on the opportunities to be gained through the development
From a general point-of-view, there are a number of ways that GTIS can play a role in supporting the
NCS process moving forward:
Catalyzing informed discussion on competitiveness, trade and investment issues: Through civil
society outreach workshops, cluster working group activities, and events such as the summit on
"Converting Opportunities into Business", GTIS can help place focus on the 'process' of building
competitiveness and help raise the profile of competitiveness issues among many Guyanese
stakeholders within the public and private sectors. Effective ongoing collaboration between
GTIS and NCS stakeholders will ensure that the discussion on competitiveness issues accelerates,
particularly in terms of identifying and developing initiatives that address critical issues that
impact competitiveness.
Providing targeted input to support competitiveness initiatives: Although finite funding levels
limit the scale and scope of its initiatives, the GTIS project is well positioned to provide strategic
inputs that address aspects of critical issues that impact business, trade and investment. This is
achieved through a combination of 1) analyses that draw attention to issues related and highlight
possible interventions; 2) assistance in the development of action plans focusing on critical
issues; 3) financial and technical support for firm level technical assistance, cluster development
initiatives, and capacity building programs for public and private institutions. Given the flexible
and demand driven nature of the project, GTIS is designed to respond to a range of issues, from
policy and regulatory frameworks, to export and investment promotion, to standards
development, to product development, to market identification, to skills training. Through
collaboration with NCS stakeholders, GTIS can support efforts to jump-start or catalyze aspects
of the NCS, particularly the short-term when other funding is not yet available for national
Utilization of past experience, lessons learned and best practices of GEO activities in Guyana
and beyond: As it carries out efforts designed to strengthen Guyana's ability to expand non-
traditional exports, the GTIS project is able to draw upon the work carried out by the previous
GEO project (also supported by USAID), as well as CARANA's (who implement the GTIS
project) experience in successful competitiveness projects elsewhere in the Caribbean, Latin
America, Africa and Eastern Europe. Through collaboration with Guyanese public and private
stakeholders, GTIS can help ensure that the development and implementation of the NCS
incorporates the experience, best practices and lessons learned from similar efforts elsewhere.
The potential for synergies between GTIS and NCS process is reinforced by the fact that GTIS is already
engaged in activities directly linked to topics covered under the NCS. Many of GTIS's past, current
and planned activities are thus reflected in the progress and actions covered in Part II and the
overall NCS Action Plan. They include activities across a wide gamut of different areas in support of the
NCS strategic framework (see Table 1.3).
Table 1.3: Supporting the NCS: Guyana Trade and Investment Support (GTIS)
NCS Action Ongoing Actions or Planned Activities
Trade Policy
TP.A1 Enhancing knowledge and understanding of trade, business and
investment issues within relevant agencies
TP.A2 Facilitating the flow of trade information between public
TP.A3 Facilitating implementation of commitments and obligations
TP.A4 Assessing civil society's role in the trade negotiation process
TP.A5 Developing a civil society outreach program for negotiations esp.
opportunities of CSME
TP.A6 Strengthening the private sector's capacity to advocate its interests
in the trade negotiation process and the development of policies
effecting the business enabling environment
Investment Promotion and Facilitation
IP.A4 Complete and disseminate an updated Go-Invest Investment Guide:
"Doing Business in Guyana" for use as a marketing tool for
attracting potential investors.
BDS.A1 Develop training program targeting development of a National
Conformity Assessment System for a number of international
standards, including ISO 9001, ISO Guide 65 and ISO 17020
BDS.A2 Update Weights and Measures act (1981) and the Guyana National
Bureau of Standards Act (1984) to reflect regional and international
metrology standards best practices
BDS.A3 Assist firms and Government agency's in their efforts to receive
certification in ISO 9001, 14001, 17025, 17020, 2200 guide 65 and
GYS 231
BDS.A4 Establish a poultry laboratory and upgrade Guyana's veterinary
diagnostic capacity
BDS.A5 Upgrade the capacity of the Food and Drug Department to carry out
nutritional analysis
BDS.A6 Provide BDS support to targeted non-traditional exporters to
develop the systems, standards and capability to grow and become
competitive in export markets
Fi.A2 Facilitate seafood/fisheries cluster working group activities
M.A4 Improve factory layout and management, production processes,
quality control, scheduling and plant/employee safety
T.A4 Facilitate tourism cluster development working groups activities
T.A5 Develop training program in collaboration with MINTIC, GTA,
THAG and private sector firms to upgrade tourism and hospitality
services in preparation of the 2007 Cricket World Cup.
T.A7 Strengthen GTA's capacity to network, share information, and
engage in website development and management through provision
of personnel, hardware and software to upgrade GTA's IT capacity
T.A8 Develop a birding marketing strategy
T.A9 Assess Guyana's potential in the yachting market
ICT.A1 Review and revise draft E-Commerce legislation and supporting
necessary public consultations throughout the process.
Beef, Fruit and Vegetables
BFV.A9 Assess the feasibility of establishing a central cold storage facility
for perishable goods
BFV.A10 Improve innovation and the diffusion of new agriculture-related
products and services of a technological nature
BFV.A11 Support to the New GMC in establishing linkages with American
pepper buyers.
BFV.A12 Develop a training program for the Ministry of Agriculture and the
Rising Sun Abattoir and Beef Processing Plant to establish HACCP
procedures for slaughtering and meat handling.
BFV.A13 Conducting a feasibility study on the production and export of
sheep and goats.
BFV.A14 Carrying out a census of livestock in Regions 5 and
BFV.A15 Support the New Guyana Marketing Corporation (New GMC) in
efforts to improve the post-harvest packaging and quality of
Guyanese non-traditional agriculture exports.
AP.A1 Support efforts of local agro-processors to improve marketing
activities efforts
AP.A2 Facilitate of agro-processing cluster working group activities
Forest Products
FP.A1 Work with a cross cutting section of loggers, manufacturers and
other stakeholders to put in place forest products strategy to ensure
maximum value added
FP.A2 Improve quality control and production efficiency of high-end,
hardwood door manufacturers
FP.A3 Upgrade the Guyana Technical Institute (GTI) training capacity in
wood working.
FP.A4 Assist furniture firms with design, prototype, produce and promote
furniture products and provide technical assistance in plant design
and production efficiency
Nevertheless, whilst GTIS's programming objectives do in many ways mesh well with the NCS
framework, there have been some shortcomings associated with the GTIS effort to date. These issues
have been mainly associated with a lack of coordination regarding technical inputs, inadequate
communication with stakeholders regarding funding mechanisms, process/meeting fatigue,
implementation issues, and a perceived disconnection from Guyana's broader, national economic agenda.
Notwithstanding these shortcomings, the GTIS project team, implementing organization (CARANA), and
funding agency (USAID) have been taking active steps to tackle these challenges to ensure that the GTIS
project delivers higher bottom line economic value in future and becomes a more credible and effective
organizational body that is better integrated within the national strategic framework. It is recognized by
the GTIS project team that the new policy and implementation framework for the NCS (see Chapters 8
and 9) offer GTIS the opportunity to become better integrated into the Government's economic policy
decision-making processes. The new framework will provide a crucial oversight mechanism for the
program to ensure that it becomes a more focused action-orientated project geared towards alleviating
crucial bottlenecks impeding the competitiveness of the economy.
Proposed New Programs
Catalyzing the Small Business Sector in Guyana
The next new component of the NCS will be primarily taken forward by a grant from the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA).3 In-line with tentative discussions, a highly focused program
is currently proposed that would concentrate resources on catalyzing the development potential of the
small and micro enterprise (SME) sector in Guyana.
The program would have a number of complementary priority sub-components which flow from the
recommendations outlined in the NCS (see Table 1.4):
Subcomponent 1: Strengthening the SME Institutional Support Structure. This sub-
component would include activities designed to support initial institutional strengthening of the
Small Business Council and supporting Small Business Bureau.
Subcomponent 2: Strengthening TVET for the SME sector: This sub-component may include
activities such as supporting the development of rapid response skills training for the SME sector
and designing and implementing a pilot TVET development project for the SME forest products
Subcomponent 3: Support to private enterprise through the provision of Business
Development Services to SME's (with the option to directly contribute to the proposed
Competitiveness Enhancing Fund which could be designed for this purpose). This sub-component
would complement sub-component 1 by supporting and complementing the activities of the Small
Business Bureau to help SME's to improve their technology assimilation capacity, improve
marketing, meet standards, and improve management and production processes. It would also
encourage networking with relevant BDS institutions involved in facilitating SME development,
encourage SME's to collaborate with larger scale enterprises, and encouraging the development
business partnerships and mentoring activities.
Subcomponent 4: Strengthening the Ability of SME's to Access Finance: This sub-
component may include activities such as helping establish a Mutual Guarantee Fund for SME
exporters and their suppliers for both working capital and investment as provided for under the
3 With the release of a new International Policy Statement (IPS), Canada recently confirmed its commitment to
Guyana by naming it as one of 25 development partners with whom CIDA will concentrate development efforts.
Table 1.4: Potential Design for a Focused CIDA Program
NCS R# CIDA NCS Policy Recommendation Small Business Medium and
(<25 employees) Large
BDS.R1 Sub-Component 1 Strengthen the institutional structure for delivering X
support to the SME sector through initial institutional
strengthening of the Small Business Council and Small
Business Bureau.
HR.R1 Sub-Component 2 Develop Rapid Response Skills Training to meet X
urgent needs in basic technical skills through a
multiplicity of training centers
HR.R2 Sub-Component 2 Design and implement a pilot development project for X
the forest products sector in partnership with the
private sector (especially the FPMC) to test and agree
on best practices for developing policy for future
sector specific training with multiple partners
BDS.R2 Sub-Component 3 Maximize the efficiency of existing BDS programs by X
stimulating existing networks of BDS service
providers through the development of an
organizational structure
BDS.R3 Sub-Component 3 Enhance certification quality management systems by X
focusing efforts in a number of strategic areas through
i). introducing FCS and NTFP certifications for export
markets in the forestry sector ii). enhancing organic
certification for export markets in the fruits and
vegetables sector.
BDS.R4 Sub-Component 3 Increase support for ISO certification to enhance X
enterprises quality management systems in strategic
AF.R12 Sub-Component 4 Establish a Mutual Guarantee Fund with the X
involvement of small businesses, participating banks
and the government to address the limited availability
of collateral affecting principally small businesses and
small farmers.
To guide the process of designing new NCS components, a stakeholder workshop will be held in May
2006 (est.) to look at the investment plan for the unfunded components of the NCS. This workshop will
start to identify a) the next set of priorities for implementation b) explore where there is funding available
to support NCS implementation..
The Sugar Action Plan
Guyana remains heavily dependent upon the Sugar Sector both economically and socially. As detailed in
the NCS, in response to the difficulties experienced by the industry in the early 1990s, GuySuco launched
its Strategic Plan in 1998 aimed at reforming the industry into a competitor on the world market and
reduce its dependence upon preferential markets. Since the launching of the plan, the Sugar industry has
grown and performed well due to improved management and strategic direction. Nevertheless, as detailed
in the NCS, in November 2005 the European Agriculture Council agreed to cut the EU guaranteed sugar
price by 36% over 4 years starting in 2006. This decision will have a severe impact on the sugar sector
and broader economy with long term implications for growth, employment, social stability and poverty
reduction. Such a severe shock will be reflected in the balance of payments, Guyana's reserve position,
the exchange rate and capacity to service debt. Reduced revenues to the Sugar Industry could also
jeopardize the implementation of GuySuco's Strategic Action Plan.
In March 2006, Guyana launched the National Sugar Action Plan designed to present a comprehensive
strategy to respond to the EU sugar price cut with the overall objective of generating economic growth by
i). bringing about sustainable improvements in the competitiveness of the sugar industry ii). promoting
the growth and development of specific non-traditional agriculture sub-sectors (beef, fruit and vegetables,
fisheries and aquaculture), and iii). providing infrastructural and human resource development support to
achieve i) and ii). The Sugar Action Plan is a nationally owned strategy and has been prepared on the
basis of a consultative process including a broad range of stakeholders including a specially appointed
Cabinet Sub-Committee, a Steering Committee, an Inter-Agency Working Group and inputs received
through National Consultations.
The major thrust of the Action Plan is to support the first of the three objectives by leveraging funding to
allow the industry to make the investments necessary to enable it to remain competitive following the EU
price cut. As above, there is also a focus on developing other agricultural sectors that have been identified
for potential expansion based on a series of consultations and studies commissioned inter alia by the
Ministry of Agriculture and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in preparation for the
Agricultural Diversification Program. In addition, the Action Plan includes retraining and enterprise
development, and infrastructural support to ensure the effective and successful execution of the projects
to be embarked upon in sugarcane and non-traditional agriculture. A subsidiary objective of the SAP also
relates to the return to the Government its recent contributions to the sugar sector which inevitably forced
a reallocation of resources away from investments in health, education and other social sectors.
Table 1.5 outlines the
outlined in the NCS.
mapping of the SAP to the ongoing actions and policy recommendations
Table 1.5:
Ongoing actions and policy recommendations of the
Sugar Action Plan in support of the NCS
Ongoing Actions
I.R1: Construct a deep water berth in Berbice, to reduce transport costs
Land and Property Markets
LPM.A1 Improve land administration by streamlining the land lease allocation system,
standardizing procedures in order to reduce elements of discretion, and
establishing a fast track system for allocation of land leases for small farmers
and export oriented producers
S.A1 Construct raw sugar factory, Skeldon
S.A2 Construct co-generation plant, Skeldon
S.A3 Improve agricultural practices and mechanisation aimed at increasing yield
S.A4 Brand new products such as Demerara Gold, for value addition
Policy Recommendations
S.R1 Construct sugar refinery for production of value added sugar products
S.R2 Construct a distillery at Skeldon
S.R3 Upgrade factories at Albion, Blairmont, and Enmore to improve productivity
and operating efficiencies, reduce costs, and raise the quality of the finished
S.R4 Install packaging plant at Enmore
S.R5 Upgrade the Enmore Factory to facilitate production of high value Demerara
Gold direct consumption raw sugar
S.R6 Expand the Blairmont operations.
S.R7 Continue mechanisation of operations;
S.R8 Construct further co-generation plants at Albion and Enmore;
S.R9 Ethanol production from sugar cane
S.R10 Provide support to private cane farmers
S.R11 Improve drainage and irrigation at Wales and Uitvlugt to improve cane yields
S.R12 Address the storage, shipping and logistical constraints facing the Sugar
S.R13 Provide support to the The West Indies Central Sugarcane Breeding Station
S.R14 Address basic human capital constraints facing the sugar industry by offering
training in basic literacy, numeracy, computer and book-keeping skills for
workers in the sugar industry.
S.R15 Reduce flooding amongst settlements and farmlands adjacent to the sugar
estates by increasing regular maintenance work on drainage and irrigation
structures through the development of a water-user management scheme.
S.R16 Improve access to sugarcane cultivations and farms in backlands neighboring
the sugar estates through the development of a programme of all-weather road
construction and improvement to assist producers in accessing their lands and
reducing transport costs and post harvest losses by more timely delivery to the
market place.
S.R17 Improve the supply of more highly skilled workers needed by the sugarcane
industry through the expansion of the Technical Training Programme at the
Guysuco/ Port Mourant Apprentice Training College and the creation of a new
college at Enmore.
S.R18 Implement recommendations of SAP concerning agricultural diversification
Non-Traditional Agricultural Products
NTAP.R1 Establish comprehensive Plant and Animal Health Systems.
NTAP.R2 Implement a Livestock Census
NTAP.R5 Develop an Agricultural Business Development Unit
NTAP.R6 Provide specific support to the fruits and vegetables sector through
strengthening the capacity of NARI
NTAP.R7 Provide specific support to the beef sector to strengthen the production for
export on the intermediate savannas.
NTAP.R8 Establish credit facility for non-traditional exports
NTAP.R9 Address basic human capital constraints facing individuals engaged in
agricultural activities by offering training in basic literacy, numeracy,
computer and book-keeping skills for workers in agriculture
NTAP.R10 Improve the supply of more highly skilled workers needed by the non-
traditional agricultural sector through the expansion of the Technical Training
Programme at the Guysuco/ Port Mourant Apprentice Training College and
the creation of a new college at Enmore
Fi.R1: Create a semi-autonomous Fisheries Authority to address human and technical
capacity issues
A.R4: Expand Integrated Pest Management in Rice Production
The Sugar Action Plan is now being studied in detail by the EU to determine in more detail exactly which
elements can receive funding. Importantly, this is being done in collaboration with the Government to
ensure that the delineation between any other programmes providing complementary support is
understood as the strategic priorities are organized into specific tasks.
Policy Formulation
As outlined in the NCS, supporting effective ongoing strategy formulation and implementation will
require a sustainable institutional structure incorporating four key enablers. These enablers are:
1. Policy Coordination and Leadership
2. Public-Private Collaboration for Competitiveness
3. Improved Analytical/Technical Capabilities
4. Donor Harmonization
To date a number of interim groups have been driving forward strategy development (see NCS Chapter
7). The following Chapter outlines a permanent, sustainable institutional framework for competitiveness
to replace these groups
Institutional Structure for Competitiveness
Four Overarching Enablers and Two Key Principles
The design of the institutional structure for competitiveness outlined in this section is based around the
four overarching enablers outlined in the NCS and two overarching principles:
1. The need to "make what we already have work" rather than creating too many new institutions.
2. The need to ensure that the goals to be achieved remain focused on delivering competitiveness
enhancing solutions which lead to more jobs, more exports, and more investment.
The institutional structure for competitiveness is outlined in Figure 3.1. It is comprised of three tiers of
1st Tier: Decision Making: Involves the highest level advisory and decision-making bodies for
competitiveness strategies, policies, and actions. These bodies should focus on steering
competitiveness policy, tracking impact and driving course corrections.
2nd Tier: Policy Formulation: These bodies make crucial policy recommendations to the
decision-making bodies.
3rd Tier: Policy Analysis: These bodies provide the critical analytical capabilities required to
formulate well-defined and consistent sets of policy recommendations to enhance national
Figure 3.1: Institutional Structure for Enhancing Guyana's Competitiveness
Two points are salient regarding the structure outlined in Figure 3.1:
1. Almost all of the institutions already exist in some form; the emphasis is on strengthening
existing institutions at all levels focusing immediately on strengthening the analytical capabilities
of MINTIC, MOFTIC, Golnvest, and key private sector organizations which undergird the key
decision-making bodies.
2. The only major new institution being proposed is the National Competitiveness Council.4
Key Institutions
Through the structure outlined in Figure 3.1, over time all key stakeholders will be able to gain access to
the collaborative NCS formulation process through a formalized institution. These formalized institutions
are summarized in Table 3.1. The following section provides a brief description of these institutions
which will be crucial to the sustainable functioning of the proposed framework.
4 Although the National Competitiveness Council is the most significant new public-private entity proposed, there
are also plans to set up a public-private entity to discuss infrastructure issues.
Table 3.1: Stakeholder Access to Partnership for Progress
Stakeholders Institution
Government/Private Sector/Labor National Competitiveness Council
Government/Donors Donor NCS Harmonization Group
Private Sector/Labor/Donors Private Sector, Labor, and Donor NCS
Harmonization Group
Government/Parliament Economic Services Committee
Wider Civil Society Presidential Summit on Competitiveness and
other public events
The National Competitiveness Council (NCC)
Take ownership of the NCS and act as central point of policy leadership to ensure ongoing
strategy development and implementation
Act as a central point of public-private leadership for the national competitiveness strategy to
oversee and co-ordinate ongoing strategy formulation, ensure that the goals of strategy are
adhered to, that policies and program are implemented, results are monitored, policies and
program are altered in light of performance, and that new policies and programs are devised.
Promote and communicate the strategy locally and internationally
Search for solutions for key cross-cutting issues challenges facing the country's economic
Search for synergies among donors to improve effectiveness of donor and lender institutions
Composition: Public-Private
Meeting frequency: Quarterly
Reporting: NCC submits recommendations quarterly to Sub-Committee of Cabinet for Trade and
Investment (which would then proceed via the normal Government channels). Existing PPD bodies
including NACEN, SBC, and the IPC will present policy proposals to the NCC.
Secretariat: MINTIC, Competitiveness Secretariat (see below)
Membership of the NCC: The NCC will have twelve members. Six will be nominated by the
His Excellency, the President, or in the President's absence, the Prime Minister (Chair)
Minister representing Public Works, Energy, and Telecoms, or the Minister of Finance
Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce
Minister of Foreign Trade and International Co-operation (as the chair of NACEN)
Minister of Agriculture
Chief Executive Officer of GO-Invest (as the chair of the IPC)
Four will be nominated by the Private Sector:
Representative selected by the PSC
Representative selected by the PSC Trade and Investment Sub-Committee
Representative of the Association of Regional Chambers of Commerce
The Small Business Association's Representative on the Small Business Council
Two will be nominated by Organized Labor the method to do this will be finalized during the second
wave of consultations on the NCS, which will take place between April 2006 and September 2006. All
members will be supported by technical officers.
National Competitiveness Strategy Unit (NCSU), MINTIC
Currently, MINTIC's Commerce Division which produced the initial ENC document in collaboration
with the Office of the President has been providing most of the key policy inputs and has been supporting
many of the coordinating activities and public-private consultations required for developing the NCS. To
institutionalize these crucial functions, a designated unit is required outside of Commerce's regular
responsibilities.5 The new unit would draw on the institutional knowledge embedded within Commerce's
current technical team to help in the start-up phase. The unit would be designed to provide the policy
leadership and analytical capability undergirding the newly emerging national economic competitiveness
agenda under the guidance of a seasoned, innovative leader designated as a new Director of
Competitiveness. The Director would be supported by a strong technical team of 2 or 3 economists
(including a new Senior Economist provided with assistance from the UK's Overseas Development
Institute, ODI). The unit would also be supported by an officer and assistant to perform the function of
Secretariat to the new NCC.
Mission: To provide the policy leadership required for the ongoing development and implementation of
the NCS. It would also act as the Secretariat to the new NCC and would have a coordinating role in
organizing an annual Presidential Summit on Competitiveness (see below).
To act as a central point for policy formulation and coordination for the systematic
implementation of the national competitiveness strategy
To guide the development and coordination of existing technical teams (for example, at MOFTIC
and MINTIC) to ensure top-quality economic policy analysis and draft policy formulation is
provided to the NCC, the Sub-Committee of Cabinet on Trade and Investment and other bodies.
To support the accelerated development of a team of professionals to take an on-going leading
role in economic competitiveness analysis, program management and action implementation
To provide a locus of innovation to support mindset shift, systems thinking and continuous
learning for those engaged in conceptualising and executing the NCS
To help coordinate the organising of an annual Presidential Summit on Competitiveness.
Reports to Minister of MINTIC and is responsible to the Executive Committee of the NCC.
5 Which include among other things monitoring key prices in the economy, working with MOFTIC to provide trade
policy analysis, working with MOFTIC to assess Guyana's capacity to supply in response to requests from other
CARICOM states for exemptions to the CET, and driving forward the Government's Competition Policy and E-
Commerce agenda's.
Figure 3.2
National Competitiveness Strategy Unit:
Institutional Strengthening at MINTIC
Director of
-- Secretary
S Fo'liC Team Competiti eneiss
Senior Economist Economist Officer Assistant
Economist ODI
Private Sector "Competitiveness Committee"
The private sector will lead in the formation of an action team of committed private sector leaders willing
to serve for the next 12-18 months in overseeing all aspects of the NCS. As detailed in the NCS Chapter
6, the PSC has thus far taken the lead in interfacing with the Government. The PSC have committed to
expanding their Trade and Investment Sub-Committee to be representative of a wider cross section of the
private sector by inviting the Chair of ARCC and the Small Business Association's Representative on the
Small Business Council to join the PSC Trade and Investment Sub-Committee. This group will form the
private leadership group to oversee the development and implementation of the NCS on an ongoing basis.
This group will be represented on the NCC.
Donor Harmonization Group
A formal Donor NCS Harmonization Coordination Group will be formed to begin participating more
widely in ensuring greater harmonization in the scope, volume and timing of development assistance to
support development and implementation of the NCS.
Economic Services Committee and Parliament: Developing the Competitiveness White
Following the release of the fourth draft of the NCS, the document will be presented to the National
Assembly as a Parliamentary White Paper. It is hoped that this will provide an opportunity for the NCS to
receive the appropriate Parliamentary scrutiny. The Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce
(MINTIC) has spoken of this in Parliament.
Annual Presidential Summit on Competitiveness
Stakeholders have recognized the importance of a regular opportunity for public and private leaders and
other stakeholders to discuss and review priorities for competitiveness. To this end, a first Presidential
Summit on Competitiveness will be held at the beginning of May 2006 involving a wide range of
To complement the institutional structure for competitiveness policy analysis and formulation outlined in
the previous chapter, it is crucial to put in place the necessary capabilities to actually implement the NCS
on a sustainable and moving forward basis. The inadequacy of a sufficiently strong implementation
mechanism for the NCS would render the strategic policy making structure outlined in the previous
chapter almost useless in the medium to longer term. The following Chapter outlines the proposed
implementation mechanism for the NCS.
Implementation of the NCS
Implementation of the NCS effectively means adding a fourth implementation tier to the institutional
structure outlined in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1: Institutional Structure for Enhancing Guyana's Competitiveness
1st Tier Strategic Policy Decisions Ecnom M Sices *> National Assembly
7 Parliament
^~~~~omteo <- i----------ii--------i i-----
# Private Sector
3L Competitiveness Committee National Competitiveness Sub-Committee of Cabinet
Expanded PSC Trade and
Investment Sub-Committee Council forTrade and Investment Cabinet
0 2nd Tier Policy Formulation Public Private Partnerships
SCmperr vene,- NA E.poil 8 Insimenl
T Small Busrnes Steering ProToion Inlrasiruciure
EE co Council Commiltes Councrl I.-IPCl PPD
ate Sctor Small Business etitiveneTrade Investment & Infrastructure
Private Cmpetitiveness MOFTIC Exports Works
S Small tTnless Unt M I d Strengthened Golnvest Services Group
S Strengthened Small Business Ut Strengthened
Strengthened Strengthened MINPW
3rd Tier Analtical/Technical Teams
4th Tier Implementation
S Private Sector Competitiveness Competitiveness Existing Government
Secretariats ....------ Secretariat -- Implementation Unit 4 Implementation Units --. Agencies
Fourth Tier: Implementation
The NCS will be implemented by numerous Government and private sector agencies across a whole
gamut of different policy areas (as detailed in the Action Plan). In many instances, like the development
of new legislation, this will be done through the normal activities of the Ministry or agency. In other
instances they will be done through specific programmes or projects. The implementing agencies and/or
programme are set out the NCS Action Plan. These agencies and/or programmes will be the main bodies
responsible for the implementation of the respective sub-components of the NCS. Figure 4.3 provides an
indicative outline of the main agencies involved in NCS implementation.
As the lead Ministry in the development of the NCS, MINTIC will establish a new designated unit, the
Competitiveness Implementation Unit, to implement NCS projects and programmes which fall under
MINTIC's remit. This unit will sit within the National Competitiveness Strategy Unit (NCSU). Whilst the
Competitiveness Implementation Unit will be a new unit, initially it will simply function as the Project
Execution Unit (PEU) for the Support for Competitiveness Program (supported by the IDB). The role of
the unit will nevertheless expand over time as new donor supported programs come on board to
implement other priorities of the NCS falling under MINTIC's remit.
Mission: to provide the operational leadership and implementation capacity to actualize new
competitiveness related programs falling under the remit of MINTIC. The implementation unit's
responsibilities are to supervise and coordinate on-the-ground implementation of each program's work
plan and where necessary to coordinate with other related implementing units.
To create efficient and effective management systems and financial mechanisms to ensure
implementation of new NCS components falling under MINTIC's remit. The unit will coordinate
the program with beneficiary institutions and serve as the single point of contact with donors and
other relevant entities concerning matters of compliance with conditions on procurement,
disbursements, information activities, financial statements and monitoring and evaluation.
To provide management, monitoring, and evaluation of the NCS (with the capacity to expand to
manage, monitor and evaluate additional economic competitiveness and development programs
as they emerge).
To design rules of operations for the programs and funding mechanisms of the various
subcomponents of the NCS, and to executive the various lines of support in a way that
encourages innovation, creativity, and responsibility.
To support the accelerated development of a team of professionals to take an on-going leading
role in economic competitiveness analysis, program management and action implementation
Functions and Activities
Works closely with and reports to the Director of Competitiveness and the Minister of MINTIC
and to the NCC via the Director of Competitiveness.
Provides staff support to the National Competitiveness Strategy Unit and the NCC
Provides quarterly updates on the progress and finances of the subcomponents of the NCS.
Supports the National Competitiveness Strategy Unit in producing annual plans to align activities
relevant to implementation of policies and activities to enhance national competitiveness
strategies; monitors and adapts plans based on monitoring feedback
Develops and maintains a web based communication to managers and stakeholders in the
subcomponent programs of the NCS.
The PMU would be headed by a full-time senior program coordinator with extensive experience in
overseeing economic development and competitiveness programs. The program coordinator will initially
be supported by a secretary/assistant, a project management officer, a finance/accounting officer (and
assistant), and a procurement officer.
Figure 4.2: Competitiveness Implementation Unit
Director of
Sub-component 1 Sub-component 2 Sub-component 3 Sub-component 4
Figure 4.3: Institutional Structure for Competitiveness
MoF, BoG
Education: MoE
In-firm training:
Private firms
Craft Prod.Unit
Rules on entry,
ownership and
performance: Golnvest
targeting and
Standards: GNBS,
MoH (FDD),
Research Institutes
and Universities:
Extension services esp.
for SMEs: MoA
Set up:
Access to finance:
BoG, Commercial
Banks, IPED,
Land and Property
Mkts: MinLA, GLSCD,
Land Registry etc..
Organisational and Management
Support: Empretec, IPED
information: IAST 29
To ensure that the NCS has the desired bottom line impact on jobs, investment, and exports, it is crucial
to put in place an effective system for monitoring and evaluation (M&E). This will involve the
development of an appropriate set of monitoring indicators which will then provide a basis for analyzing
the impact of proposed programs on national competitiveness.
The National Competitiveness Strategy Unit (NCSU) will work to build an overarching monitoring and
evaluation structure. This overarching structure will be supported at a more detailed level by monitoring
and evaluation arrangements for each of the NCS components, which will be coordinated by the CIU.
This monitoring and evaluation framework will be designed during Wave II of consultation [i.e. between
March 2006 and October 2006], and will be purposefully designed to tie into bottom line impact
indicators (i.e. tracking of exports, jobs, and investment).
Competitiveness Indices
As part of developing the M&E framework it will be imperative to incorporate the latest competitiveness
indices developed internationally by important institutions such as the World Economic Forum (WEF)
and the World Bank, which regularly track cross-country competitiveness performances using a variety of
indicators. Given the paucity of data available for cross-country competitiveness comparisons,
incorporating the absolute value and rankings for key international indices into the M&E framework is
important for tracking progress in improving competitiveness and for benchmarking progress vis-a-vis
Guyana's competitors.
In many cases, Guyana is making its debut in world-wide competitiveness indices. Table 5.1 outlines
Guyana's ranking for the latest WEF Growth and Business Competitiveness indices and the World
Bank's Doing Business index. Guyana ranks in the lower half of countries listed in the overall ranking of
these indices, although there are large variations within the overall ranking. For example, Guyana
registers strong performances in areas such as starting a business, registering property, dealing with
licenses, and tax efficiency which is reflective of the progress that has been made in these areas over the
last few years. However, there are disappointing rankings in many other areas which reflect the
longstanding challenges and realities that limit enterprise development and economic competitiveness in
Guyana that are well-documented and outlined in this draft of the NCS. The job of the NCS is to help
sf\ iftl reverse these trends and propel Guyana onto a path to sustained economic growth and enhanced
competitiveness. Tracking the value of individual indicators will provide agency's leading NCS
implementation with incentives to improve performance in their respective areas.
These indices have a number of well-know limitations relating to their over-reliance on a limited number
of indicators, problems of index construction, the use of ad hoc data to measure perceptions, and the short
run focus of the data.6 Nevertheless, despite these shortcomings, these indices are used worldwide by
investors to track the performance of countries as potential locations to invest.
6 See Wignaraja et al, 2003, "Competitiveness Strategy in Developing Countries," Routledge for a review
As a result, it will be crucial in the development of the M&E framework to form a better understanding of
the compilation and make-up of the indices including sources of data to not only track competitive
progress but also to develop over time quantitative and qualitative mechanisms to help strengthen the
reliability of the indices and so provide a more accurate assessment of the attractiveness of Guyana as a
place to invest and do business.
Table 5.1:
Guyana's Rank in Major Competitiveness Indices
WEF Growth Competitive Index Rank (of WEF Business Competitiveness Index Rank (of World Bank Doing Business Rank (of
_117) __117) Index 155)
Growth Competitiveness Index Rank
Macroeconomic Environment Index
Macroeconomic Stability Subindex
Government Waste Rank
Country Credit Rating Rank
Public Institutions Index Rank
Contracts and Law Subindex Rank
Corruption Subindex Rank
Technology Index Rank
Innovation Subindex Rank
ICT Subindex Rank
Technology Transfer Subindex Rank
(out of 92 non-core innovators)
Business Competitiveness Index Rank
Sophistication of Company Operations
and Strategy Rank
Quality of the National Business
Environment Rank
Sophistication of Company Operations
and Strategy
Nature of competitive advantage
Control of international distribution
Reliance on professional management
Quality of the National Business
Prevalence of trade barriers
Business costs of corruption
Other Indicators Rank/117
Hiring and firing practices
Efficiency of the tax system
Ease of hiring foreign labor
Agricultural policy costs
Soundness of banks
Sophistication of Company Operations
and Strategy
Prevalence of foreign technology
Production process sophistication
Extent of marketing
Quality of the National Business
Financial market sophistication
Intellectual property protection
Laws relating to ICT
Other Indicators Rank/117
Pervasiveness of money laundering
through banks
Brain drain
Reliability of police services
Centralization of economic policymaking
Irregular payments in public contracts
Quality of management schools
Business costs of crime and violence
Efficiency of legal framework
Cooperation in labor-employer relations
Pay and productivity
Ethical behavior of firms
Telephone/fax infrastructure quality
Availability of scientists and engineers
Doing Business Overall Rank
Starting a Business
Dealing with Licenses
Hiring and Firing
Registering Property
Getting Credit
Protecting Investors
Paying Taxes
Trading Across Borders
Enforcing Contracts
Closing a Business
The NCS Action Plan set out below is based on the analysis of the challenges confronting Guyana
detailed Parts II and III of the NCS. The current and planned actions and policy recommendations
outlined in Parts II and III map directly to the NCS Action Plan. The plans/programs outlined in
Chapter 1 in support of NCS implementation naturally correspond to the actions, planned
activities, and policy recommendations detailed in the NCS. The plan is presented in the form of a
policy matrix, setting out, in summary form, the ongoing, planned actions and recommendations made in
Parts II and III of the NCS. The table lays out the action/policy recommendation, lead executing agency,
implementing project/programme, an indicative target date for completion, and some possible indicators
of success.
Action Plan for Enhancing Guyana's Competitiveness
#No. Actions/Recommended Policy Option Implementing Implementing Target Indicators of Success
Ministry/Agency Project/ Completion
Programme Date
Incentives (Demand-Side) Policies
Macroeconomic Framework
MF.A1 Continue to adhere to sound macroeconomic MOF NA NA BoG meeting inflation objectives
framework BoG
Exchange rate maintaining external
Debt remains in sustainable position
MF.A2 Pursue a strategy to seek debt relief from MOF NA NA TBD
outstanding non-Paris Club bilateral creditors
and Guyana's main multilateral lender, the IDB
MF.A3 Promote operations of MoF Aid Strategy Task MOF NA NA TBD
Force (ASTF)
Trade Policy
TP.A1 Enhancing knowledge and understanding of MOFTIC GTIS 2006 Number of staff from public trade
trade, business and investment issues within institutions and private sector
relevant agencies representatives trained in trade
negotiations and trade policy
Scorecard rating on Guyana's participation
in negotiated trade related obligations and
international best practices
TP.A2 Facilitating the flow of trade information MOFTIC GTIS 2006 Scorecard rating on Guyana's participation
between public institutions in negotiated trade related obligations and
international best practices
TP.A3 Facilitating implementation of commitments and MOFTIC GTIS 2006 Milestone Index on Guyana's participation
obligations in negotiation, trade related obligations
and international best
TP.A4 Assessing civil society's role in the trade MOFTIC GTIS 2006 Number of private sector and NGO
negotiation process PSC, Chambers of representatives trained in trade, business or
Commerce sector related topics.
TP.A5 Developing a civil society outreach program for MOFTIC GTIS 2006 Number of private sector and NGO
negotiations esp. opportunities of CSME PSC, Chambers of CARICOM Secretariat representatives trained in trade, business or
Commerce, sector related topics.
Caribbean Vision
TP.A6 Strengthening the private sector's capacity to MOFTIC GTIS 2006 Number of private sector and NGO
advocate its interests in the trade negotiation PSC, Chambers of representatives trained in trade, business or
process and the development of policies effecting Commerce sector related topics.
the business enabling environment
TP.A7 Create Trade Point Guyana at Golnvest and Golnvest Support for 2006 Trade Point installed and in use by private
linked to the other trade related agencies Competitiveness sector.
TP.R1 More concentrated focus on trade negotiating MOFTIC TBD TBD Papers developed to support realistic
positions to prepare for the loss of preferences; negotiating positions that appear
targeted use of SDT; analysis to support consistently in reports coming out of
Guyana's position as a Small and Vulnerable regional and international trade policy and
Economy; and protect advantages in the priority negotiating meetings
markets of Brazil and CSM
TP.R2 Refocus efforts on implementing a limited MOFTIC TBD TBD NACEN provides regular, timely and
number of priority recommendations form effective input to CARICOM on Guyana's
National Trade Strategy trade negotiating positions
TWGs meet regularly
Trade staff has completed implementation
of Brazil and CSM agreements
TP.R3 Create technical unit of sector specific specialists MOFTIC TBD TBD Trade specialists trained and retained at
in MOFTIC and provide further specialists in PSC, Chambers of MOFTIC
other trade-related agencies, including the Commerce
private sector NACEN provides regular, timely and
effective input to CARICOM on Guyana's
trade negotiating positions
TWGs meet regularly, supported by trade
specialists who have been trained and
placed in the relevant bodies
Trade specialists consistently represent
Guyana in their areas) of expertise
TP.R4 Strengthen existing mechanisms to defend MOFTIC TBD TBD Identified trade issues are resolved
Guyana's trade interests
Competition and Consumer Protection Policy
CP.A1 Set-up Competition and Fair Trading MINTIC Support for 2007 Development of functions of the proposed
Commission Competitiveness team.
CP.A2 Set-up the Consumer Protection Commission MINTIC Support for 2007 Development of functions of the proposed
Competitiveness team.
CP.A3 Ensure adequate training and internships for MINTIC Support for 2007 Successful completion of courses and
staff Competitiveness internships
Undertaking of joint academic program in
Competition Theory and Industrial
Organization between UWI and UG
Incorporation of graduate scholarship
professionals in the Commission.
CP.A4 Develop outreach program with business MINTIC Support for 2007 More active participation of the private
community Competitiveness sector and general population (more cases
Program presented to the Commission) and better-
founded claims and denounces.
CP.A5 Strengthen the consistency and public awareness MINTIC Support for 2007 Carry out necessary modifications to legal
of commercial legislation Competitiveness documents if inconsistencies exist
CP.A6 Conduct dialogue between private and public MINTIC Support for 2008 The elaboration of adequate bills regarding
stakeholders on M&A, anti-dumping, and Competitiveness M&A regulation, anti-dumping legislation
structure of institutional regulatory framework. Program and structure of institutional regulatory.
CP.A7 Develop collection and management of statistics MINTIC Support for 2008 Specialized reports, and other statistics-
at market, sector or business level. Competitiveness intensive documents on consumer
Program protection and competition
CP.A8 Coordinate actions on the widespread use of MINTIC Support for 2008 Inclusion of Commission's
purchase receipts between Guyana Revenue Competitiveness recommendations in the design of the
Authority and Competition and Consumer Program reform.
Protection Commission
CP.A9 Strengthen consumer associations MINTIC Support for 2008 More active participation of consumer
associations (more and better-justified
Competitiveness claims and denounces)
CP.A10 Participate in CARICOM competition and MINTIC Support for 2008 Consistency of national and regional
consumer protection policy coordination Competitiveness regulations.
Taxation Policy
General Taxation
TaP.A1 Implement the new VAT and Excise Tax GRA Fiscal Financial 2007 GRA is systematically collecting revenues
including an outreach program with the local Management Program from the VAT
business community to sensitize them in the (IDB)
workings of the new system. Quarterly reports providing
implementation information on number of
monthly VAT payments, refund returns
and supporting information on processing
time and operation of VAT refund
TaP.A2 Carry out a study to examine the various options MOF Support for 2006 study Impact study conducted, and findings
for lowering the Corporate Rate of Income Tax Competitiveness 2007 imple. widely and publicly disseminated to build
(CIT). Following the results of the study, reduce Program support and expectation.
the Corporate Rate of Income Tax (CIT) to a
level that will be effective in stimulating higher Corporate tax regime consistent with the
levels of private investment whilst not unduly target rates determined by the tax study.
compromising Government revenue.
Fiscal performance reviews conducted
Incentives for Attracting Investment
TaP.A3 Carry out a study examining options for MOF Support for 2006 study Impact study conducted, and findings
improving the efficacy of the current system of Competitiveness 2007 imple. widely and publicly disseminated to build
fiscal and duty incentives and tariff structures, as Program support and expectation.
part of the same study that will be looking at the
options for unifying and reducing Corporate Fiscal performance reviews conducted
Income Tax (CIT). Following the results of the
study, refine the system of fiscal and duty Reduction of tariffs on key intermediate
incentives and/or tariff structure in a way that and capital goods (by HS code) to levels
improves the business friendliness of the tax agreed though PPD
environment without unduly compromising
environment without unduly compromising Track duty receipts at yearly intervals
government revenue.
Supply Side Policies
Investment Promotion and Facilitation
Investment Act 2004
IP.A1 Ensure effective implementation of the Golnvest NA NA
Investment Act through a) development of
appropriate regulations and other implementing
measures b) setting-up the Investment Promotion
IP.R1 Review the Investment Act (and other related Ministry of Legal TBD TBD Better Investment Act enacted.
legislation) to i). further reduce outstanding Affairs ,
discretionary loopholes ii). tighten the article on Golnvest Effective X-IPC
expropriation iii). revise Go-Invest mandate iv).
review and expand the role of The Investment
Promotion Council.
IP.A2 Create a new vision for Golnvest to reflect its Ministry of Legal Support for 2006 Revised Order under Public Corporations
increasingly important role in country image Affairs, Competitiveness Act approved.
building, facilitation, investment generation, Golnvest, NGMC, Program
policy advocacy, and export promotion by FPMC
approving a new expanded charter through
revised Order under the Public Corporations
IP.A3 Expand the capacity and capabilities of Go- Golnvest Support for 2008 Organizational strengthening study
Invest. Competitiveness
Program Establish investor relations / contacts as
performance criteria with feedback
Indicative investment attraction and export
target system;
Performance management, work program
and investor tracking system.
Improvements in client surveys
Website traffic, and physical enquiries
Guyana spread in international newspaper
such as FT.
Broadband communications installed.
Average quarterly client contacts increase
Existence of export support department
Trade-point software connection.
IP.A4 Complete and disseminate an updated Go-Invest Golnvest GTIS 2006 Guide completed and disseminated to
Investment Guide: "Doing Business in Guyana" investors
for use as a marketing tool for attracting
potential investors.
Export Promotion and Facilitation
EP.A1 Refocus Golnvest's export promotion services to GoInvest Support for 2007 TBD
offer two key services at the firm-level: exporter Competitiveness
readiness assessments and specific "value- Program
adding" advisory services.
EP.A2 Improve export facilitation efficiency to MOF Support for 2006 study Comprehensive trade transaction analysis
internationally-benchmarked standards GRA Competitiveness 2007 imple. completed of all major exports to i)
Program identify areas of inefficiency and ii)
generate an action plan to eliminate/reduce
Number of days to export and import have
been reduced as determined in the
diagnostic study.
EP.A3 Carry out a study examining options for MOF Support for 2006 study Impact study conducted, and findings
improving the system of export taxes and Competitiveness 2007 imple. widely and publicly disseminated to build
incentives for export to i). give equal treatment to Program support and expectation.
exports to CARICOM ii). reduce or eliminate
export taxes. Following the results of the study, Increase in a) the number of firms
refine the system export taxes and incentives for exporting to CARICOM and b) number of
export to effectively stimulate exports in a way firms taking advance of special incentives
which does not unduly compromise government extended to them for CARICOM exports
BDS.A4 Study policy options for designing tax incentives MoF Support for 2006 Study. Impact study conducted, and findings
that do not introduce overly burdensome Competitiveness 2007 Imple. widely and publicly disseminated to build
administrative overheads to encourage the Program support and expectation.
provision of firm-level business to business
export promotion services.
EP.R1 Maximize use of NGMC's limited resources by NGMC TBD TBD TBD
re-focusing targeting of export promotion on
providing information and advisory services that
support value added initiatives
EP.R2 Maximize the initial impact of activities delivered FPMC TBD TBD TBD
by the FPMC by focusing resources on seeking
out investment linkages with North American
wood processors and CARICOM
EP.R3 Increase the provision of firm-level assistance to TBD TBD TBD Exports increase exponentially each year
firms to strengthen their capacity to penetrate
new markets with value added products.
EP.R4 Develop in-country programmes to continually TBD TBD TBD Exports to CARICOM increase
promote: a) Guyanese products in CARICOM exponentially each year
markets; and b) integrated investment
promotion/export promotion strategies for
EP.R5 Strengthen the capacity of Guyana's Export Golnvest, NGMC, TBD TBD
Promotion Agencies (Golnvest, NGMC, FPMC) FPMC
by: a) charging user fees; and b) marketing fee-
based project management services to clients
EP.R6 Increase private sector representation at Golnvest, NGMC, TBD TBD Average private sector representation
executive decision-making level in the Export FPMC increases to at least 50% within 24 months
Promotion Agencies of policy adoption
EP.R7 Expand the role of the IPC Ministry of Legal TBD TBD New X-IPC established
Affairs, Golnvest,
NGMC, FPMC Annual Work Plans prepared and endorsed
by members
An investment and export performance
monitoring plan in place
EP.R8 Revise Go-Invest's and NGMC's charter to Ministry of Legal TBD TBD TBD
reflect their roles in the provision of export Affairs, Golnvest,
promotion services through a revised Order NGMC
under the Public Corporations Act
Access to Finance
Providing the Legislative and Regulatory
AF.A1 Establish a commercial court Ministry of Legal Commercial Courts TBD Significant reduction in backlog in
Affairs Program establishing and perfecting secures interest
and in seizing and selling immovable
Increase in loan portfolio for enterprises
Reduction of interest rate
AF.R1 Develop a comprehensive land and property Ministry of Legal, TBD TBD Increase in ownership of land
markets policy Affairs, GLSC,
GGMC, GFC, Increase in new 50 year leases
Increase in use land as collateral
Increase in loan portfolio for enterprises
Reduction of interest rate
AF.R2 Improve land administration Ministry of Legal, TBD TBD Significant reduction in backlog in
Affairs, GLSC, establishing and perfecting security
GGMC, GFC, interest in land
Increase in loan portfolio for enterprises
AF.R3 Promote understanding of property related Ministry of Legal, TBD TBD Increase in loan portfolio for enterprises
economic opportunities Affairs, GLSC, Reduction of interest rate
AF.R4 Review legal framework in relation with Ministry of Legal, TBD TBD
establishment and perfecting secures interests in Affairs, GLSC,
other property than land GGMC, GFC,
AF.R5 Establish a legal framework which enables BoG, Ministry of TBD TBD Increase in numbers of users
profitable leasing activities Legal Affairs.
Increase in leasing portfolio
Financial and portfolio quality
performance indicators
AF.R6 Conduct a study examining options for reducing MoF TBD TBD
restrictions on borrowing abroad, opening
foreign currency accounts and on the use of
foreign currency. Following the results of the
study, revise regulations governing borrowing
abroad, opening foreign currency accounts and
on the use of foreign currency to improve the
efficiency of business transactions for export
Encouraging an Active and Competitive Banking
AF.A2 Determine if the competitive situation in the BoG TBD TBD TBD
financial sector is delivering value to customers
and the wider economy.
AF.A3 Adjust the Financial Institutions Act to allow for BoG Support for 2007 Study to: i) draft a legal and regulatory
regulation in the use of confidential client Competitiveness framework for gathering and sharing client
information by credit bureaus. Program credit information among financial
institutions and allows the creation of a
credit registry/credit bureau; ii)
Recommend different institutional set-ups
for a formal system of gathering and
sharing information among financial
institutions, along with a budgeted action
plan for their implementation.
Adjustment made to Financial Institutions
AF.A4 Study policy options for extending temporary tax MoF Support for 2006 Study. Impact study conducted, and findings
incentives for long term lending and investing in Competitiveness 2007 Imple. widely and publicly disseminated to build
enterprises Program support and expectation.
AF.R7 Develop an awareness program for financial BoG TDB TBD TBD
services institutions designed to outline progress
made in the areas of property rights and
commercial dispute resolution and involve the
financial services sector in all future activities
related to property rights and commercial
dispute resolution.
AF.R8 Establish a credit bureau with international links BoG, Commercial TBD TBD Increased loan portfolio
to improve the efficiency of the banks and the Banks Improved loan portfolio quality
reliability of the information about the credit Reduction in the cost of collecting credit
worthiness of their clients. information
Reduced interest rate
Bureau established with at least three
participating institutions
Increase no of queries
Use of confidential client information by
credit bureaus is regulated
AF.R9 Establish an export credit insurance scheme and BoG, Commercial TBD TBD TBD
appropriate legal framework to reduce the Banks
commercial and political risk of exporters.
Enhancing the Capacity of Enterprises to access
and deal with the Financial System
AF.R10 Establish a Matching Grant Fund to address TBD TBD TBD Increase in long term loan portfolio
weaknesses enterprises in the area of business Increase in loan portfolio quality
planning, project appraisal, accounting, financial Fund established
management and marketing and also improve Fund manager selected
capacity of local financial institutions to appraise No. of bank staff trained
long term projects in non traditional exports No. of bank clients trained staff
No. of local BDS providers trained
AF.R11 Develop an awareness program for the business TBD TBD TBD TBD
community about the availability of typical
export finance services in Guyana for the
(potential) exporter and prepare a catalogue
describing the various services including costs,
requirements of accessing them and possible
AF.R12 Establish a Mutual Guarantee Fund with the Small Business TBD TBD TBD
involvement of small businesses, participating Council
banks and the government to address the limited
availability of collateral affecting principally
small businesses and small farmer.
Human Resources
Technical and Vocational Training
HR.A1 Strengthen the embryonic National Council for MoE NA TBD TBD
TVET (TVET Council) and National
Accreditation Council (NAC)
HR.R1 Develop Rapid Response Skills Training to meet MoE TBD TBD Funds allocated and disbursed to meet
urgent needs in basic technical skills through a urgent RRST costs of equipment, training
multiplicity of training centers and monitoring/reporting
Labour pool, employment increases to
meet expansion plans for strategic sectors
Diversity of training centres offering skills
HR.R2 Design and implement a pilot development MoE TBD TBD FSTC launched
project for the forest products sector in and established with administrative
partnership with the private sector (especially structure, advisory body, legal framework,
the FPMC) to test and agree on best practices for sector links, inception plan and budget
developing policy for future sector specific FSTC Advisory Board meets monthly
training with multiple partners Skills needs for next 6-10 years forecast
FSTC Training policy and methodology
for sector-specific training developed
and adopted by all stakeholders
FSTC Training plan based on needs
approved and training centre allocation
National Qualifications Frameworks for
sector approved
Accreditation and worker skill certification
Standards for sector established
Training offered at partner training centres
Enhanced training curricula/facilities,
methodology, quality, quantity
at all training centres including Technical
Public/private sector partnership
Improved and lessons learnt shared as best
practices for sector specific training
FSTC is active member of NCTVET
network of sector-specific Training
HR.R3 Develop a public education and awareness MoE TBD TBD Public education program launched
campaign on TVET Increased enrolment in courses
HR.R4 Formulate with full participation of all MoE TBD TBD Reform for TVET accepted and
stakeholders a comprehensive long-term, regularized
systemic, and multi-faceted National Policy NCTVET/MOE/MOL reports verify new
Framework for TVET standards
New curricula and teacher training
Increase in employment
Increased in enrolment NCTVET/MOL
Tripartite talks on productivity
Partnership level of satisfaction is
NCTVET/Steering Committee
Plan for a Phase 2
HR.R5 Improve current mechanisms for the collection, MoE TBD TBD Labor market Studies & Information
analysis and dissemination of labor market System
information and establish a proper industrial
classification of occupation, wage structure and
trends in employment.
Addressing the "Brain Drain"
HR.R6 Assess the strengths and weakness of the current TBD TBD TBD Studies on strengthening links with
policy framework for the retention and Diaspora, maximizing remittances,
attraction of skills and identify policy options for agreements with third countries re
improving skill retention and attraction. controlled migration, possible special
incentives, changing donor modalities, and
strengthening public sector reform
BDS.A1 Develop training program targeting development GNB GTIS 2006 TBD
of a National Conformity Assessment System for
a number of international standards, including
ISO 9001, ISO Guide 65 and ISO 17020
BDS.A2 Update Weights and Measures act (1981) and the GNBS GTIS 2006 TBD
Guyana National Bureau of Standards Act (1984)
to reflect regional and international metrology
standards best practices
BDS.A3 Assist firms and Government agency's in their GNBS and private GTIS 2006 TBD
efforts to receive certification in ISO 9001, 14001, companies
17025, 17020, 2200 guide 65 and GYS 231
BDS.A4 Establish a poultry laboratory and upgrade MoH (FDD) GTIS 2006 TBD
Guyana's veterinary diagnostic capacity
BDS.A5 Upgrade the capacity of the Food and Drug MoH (FDD) GTIS 2006 TBD
Department to carry out nutritional analysis and
risk based certification testing
BDS.A6 Provide BDS support to targeted non-traditional GTIS GTIS 2006 TBD
exporters to develop the systems, standards and
capability to grow and become competitive in
export markets
BDS.A7 Study policy options for designing tax incentives MoF Support for 2006 Study. Impact study conducted, and findings
that do not introduce overly burdensome Competitiveness 2007 Imple. widely and publicly disseminated to build
administrative overheads to encourage the Program support and expectation.
development of private BDS networks of service
providers, farmers, and enterprises
BDS. A8 Continue to foster entrepreneurship and MoF LEAP 2009 TBD
enterprise for economic development in the
Linden area through effective implementation of
the LEAP programme.
BDS.R1 Strengthen the institutional structure for MINTIC TBD TBD TBD
delivering support to the SME sector through
initial institutional strengthening of the Small
Business Council and Small Business Bureau.
BDS.R2 Maximize the efficiency of existing BDS TBD TBD TBD TBD
programs by stimulating existing networks of
BDS service providers through the development
of an organizational structure
BDS.R3 Enhance certification quality management MoH (FDD), TBD TBD TBD
systems by focusing efforts in a number of GFC,
strategic areas through i). introducing FCS and GNBS, MoA
NTFP certifications for export markets in the
forestry sector ii). enhancing organic certification
for export markets in the fruits and vegetables
BDS.R4 Increase support for ISO certification to enhance GNBS TBD TBD TBD
entreprises quality management systems in
strategic sectors.
BDS.R5 Strengthen the technology promotion IAST TBD TBD TBD
infrastructure by i). creating a food incubator
linked to IAST to promote modernisation,
innovation and stimulation ii). revamping and
reactivating the IAST in order to have a fully
functioning technology center providing BDS to
BDS.R6 Update the legal regulatory framework for BDS GNBS, MoH TBD TBD TBD
by i). creating a "Guyana food label" with a (FDD), MoA
coordinated quality insurance system ii).
enacting the food control bill
BDS.R7 Establish a Business Information Center / Golnvest TBD TBD TBD
Knowledge Center affiliated to Go-Invest to
provide marketing support and business
information services through Trade Points
I.A1 Complete reconstruction of the Ministry of Public Mahaica-Rosignol TBD TBD
Mahaica/Rosignol road including the Ithaca Works Road Rehabilitation
section. Project
I.A2 Construct and rehabilitate bridges along the Ministry of Public Road Rehabilitation TBD TBD
Timehri/Georgetown/Rosignol highway through Works Programme Phase II
implementation of the (Bridges
I.A3 Complete rehabilitation of Moleson Creek New Ministry of Public Road Rehabilitation TBD TBD
Amsterdam Road. Works Programme Phase II
Rehabilitation) (IDB)
I.A4 Consolidate structural reforms in the electricity Office of the Unserved Areas TBD TBD
sector, promote the development of markets for Prime Minister Electrification
energy efficiency, and promote rural energy Programme (IDB)
I.A5 Complete construction and rehabilitation of Ministry of Public West Demerara/ Four TBD TBD
paved road network through completion of four Works Land Roads Project
lane highway, the Harbour Bridge to Ruimveldt, (IDB)
resurfacing of Demerara Harbour Bridge and
replacement of wooden bridges along West
Demerara Road.
I.A6 Rehabilitate the non-paved road network Ministry of Public Rural Transportation TBD TBD
Works Program.
I.A7 Support reforms to i). address Guyana's capacity Ministry of Local Urban Development TBD TBD
to finance, operate, maintain and expand urban Government and Program
infrastructure and services on a sustainable Regional
basis; ii) rehabilitate infrastructure and Development
reestablish municipal services in Guyana's six
urban municipalities
I.A8 Prepare a Secondary Towns Development Plan Ministry of Local Towns Development TBD TBD
to improve the governance systems, Government and Project
infrastructure and the quality of basic services Regional
provided to Charity, Supernaam, Parika and Development
I.A9 Complete Berbice River Bridge project to Ministry of Public NA TBD TBD
improve access to the Berbice region and Works, private
commercial links with Suriname. operators
I.A10 Work with Brazil to encourage successful GoG NA TBD TBD
completion of the Takutu Bridge Project to
improve access to Lethem and other interior
locations, Brazil and the rest of South America.
I.A11 Steadily upgrade and improve maintenance of Ministry of Public NA TBD TBD
the Linden-Lethem road including bridges to Works, private
support container trucks. operators
I.A12 Complete rehabilitation of the Ogle Aerodrome Ministry of Public NA TBD TBD
to enable development of regional air linkages Works, private
with Caribbean and South American markets. operators
I.R1 Construction of deep water berth in Berbice, to Ministry of Public TBD TBD Construction of deepwater berth at Berbice
reduce transport costs. Works completed
Exports of major commodities from
Berbice begin using large vessels with
significantly lower shipping costs
I.R2 Develop a legal framework and policies for Ministry of Public TBD TBD TBD
public-private-partnerships (PPPs). Works
I.R3 Develop of more advanced road maintenance and Ministry of Public TBD TBD TBD
bridge construction schemes, such as BOAT, to Works
deliver higher quality roads and bridges along
the entire transport chain.
I.R4 Revise the legislative and regulatory framework Office of the TBD TBD TBD
governing the telecommunications sector so as to Prime Minister
encourage, facilitate and effectively regulate a
fully competitive sector that will act as an engine
of growth for the economy.
I.R5 Assess the feasibility of providing air cargo space Ministry of Public TBD TBD TBD
storage with refrigeration facilities at CDJI and Works
I.R6 Assess the feasibility of introducing an Integrated MARAD TBD TBD TBD
Management Information System (MIS) and
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for the
shipping community.
I.R7 Develop an action plan for short term priority Ministry of Public TBD TBD TBD
infrastructure improvements for the Cricket Works
World Cup in 2007.
I.R8 Strengthen the maritime sector by reorganizing MARAD TBD TBD TBD
MARAD's operating structure to enhance
planning and regulation of the port and maritime
I.R9 Conduct a spatial analysis of the location of Ministry of Public TBD TBD TBD
strategic sectors likely to drive growth and Works
diversification and develop an action plan to
serve their immediate, medium, and long term
projected transport needs.
Bureaucratic Procedures
Enterprise Registration and Operation
Bring Deeds Registry Authority Act into effect
and make the agency semi-autonomous
Deeds Registry,
Ministry of Legal
Support for
Bringing into force of the Deeds Registry
Authority Act through Presidential
signature and dating
Acceptance of financial resource plan by
relevant government ministries
Costs versus revenues analysis at end of
each year, and tested against financial
The number of days to register and
incorporate business enterprises has been
ER.A2 Reorganize the Deed's Registry Workforce and Deeds Registry, Support for 2007 Acceptance of human resource plan by
Develop Training Program for Staff to meet Ministry of Legal Competitiveness relevant government ministries
demands of new agency status Affairs Program
Costs versus revenues analysis at end of
each year, and tested against financial
ER.A3 Expand the use of Information Technology to Deeds Registry, Support for 2007 Government endorsement of plan for
allow for the automation of all registration Ministry of Legal Competitiveness integrating Companies Registry with Tax
procedures, the conversion of all manual records Affairs Program Administration System
into digitized images, and the backward
integration into the new Tax Identification Functioning pilot operation for current
Number (TIN) system at GRA registrations
Successful digitization of past records
(with expected reduction in number of
companies); announcement of new
baseline total registration figure.
New equipment installed (computers
scanners) and linked to tax system.
New operations manual prepared for staff
Training completed
Land and Property Markets
LPM.A1 Improve land administration by streamlining the GLSC NA 2007 TBD
land lease allocation system, standardizing
procedures in order to reduce elements of
discretion, and establishing a fast track system
for allocation of land leases for small farmers
and export oriented producers.
LPM.R1 Develop a comprehensive land and property Ministry of Legal, TBD TBD Establishment of multisectorial group.
markets policy Affairs, GLSC,
GGMC, GFC, Land and property markets policy
MINTIC, CHPA developed.
LPM.R2 Further improve land administration procedures Ministry of Legal, TBD TBD Consolidation of processes related to land
by i) transferring delegation of the transports Affairs, GLSC, administration in one sole institution.
certificates administration from the Land Registry to GGMC, GFC,
the GLSC ii) medium term transformation of MINTIC, CHPA Standardization of different freehold land
transported into titled land iii) consolidating systems.
processes relating to land administration into the
GLSC, including mapping of parcel boundaries iv)
training staff accordingly
LPM.R3 Establish a sole, efficient and updated Land Ministry of Legal, TBD TBD Completion of surveys, generation of
Information System Affairs, GLSC, standardized information and integrated
GGMC, GFC, database.
LPM.R4 Promote tenure security as an opportunity for Ministry of Legal, TBD TBD Implementation of information campaigns.
economic development Affairs, GLSC,
GGMC, GFC, Coordination among projects.
Resolution of Commercial Disputes
CDR.A1 Setting up Commercial Court and appropriate Ministry of Legal Commercial Courts 2006 A Commercial Court has been established
ADR mechanism Affairs Program and commercial cases are being allocated
according to the operational guidelines and
adjudicated by the Commercial Court.
CDR.R1 Develop a public awareness and promotion of Ministry of Legal TBD TBD Brochures, other printed materials
accountability campaign with members of the Affairs
Bar, academia (university professors), NGOs, Regular meetings
international cooperation agencies and other
governmental authorities to draw public
attention to the judiciary's role and specific
advances in the establishment of the Commercial
CDR.R2 Set up a Coordination or Consultative Board, Ministry of Legal TBD TBD
integrated by representatives of the institutions Affairs
mentioned above, to receive information and
reports about the establishment of the
Commercial Court
CDR.R3 Identify and measure factors having an impact in Ministry of Legal TBD TBD Judges productivity study and base line
the judiciary and administrative staff Affairs
productivity and make recommendations to Supportive staff productivity study and
strengthen judiciary and administrative staff base line
CDR.R4 Evaluate the benefits of establishing a mandatory Ministry of Legal TBD TBD Study to establish a mandatory ADR
ADR system and make recommendations for Affairs system
establishment of a potentially suitable system
taking into account experience with the USAID-
Carter Centre including the issue of financial
S.A1 Construct raw sugar factory, Skeldon GUYSUCO NA 2008 Significant reduction in production costs at
S.A2 Construct co-generation plant, Skeldon GUYSUCO NA 2008 The production of 10Mw of power for sale
to the national grid during cropping season
S.A3 Improve agricultural practices and GUYSUCO NA 2010 Raise cane yields from 70 tonnes to 91
mechanisation aimed at increasing yield tonnes cane per hectare and to increase
sucrose content of sugar cane from 10.55%
to 11.66%
S.A4 Brand new products such as Demerara Gold, for GUYSUCO NA Ongoing Securing of sustainable markets for
value addition branded products
S.R1 Construct sugar refinery for production of value GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2008 Marketing of 130,000 tonnes of refined
added sugar products sugar within CARICOM by 2010 and
penetration into other markets
S.R2 Construct a distillery at Skeldon GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2008 TBD
S.R3 Upgrade factories at Albion, Blairmont, and GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2012 Increased extraction, improved recoveries
Enmore to improve productivity and operating and better sugar quality at all factories
efficiencies, reduce costs, and raise the quality of with lower production costs
the finished product.
S.R4 Install packaging plant at Enmore GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2007 Marketing of 20,000 tonnes of packaged,
branded Demerara sugar within
CARICOM by 2010 and penetration into
other markets
S.R5 Upgrade the Enmore Factory to facilitate GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2009 TBD
production of high value Demerara Gold direct
consumption raw sugar
S.R6 Expand the Blairmont operations. GUYSUCO SAP/EU Increase in production and significant
reduction in unit costs
S.R7 Continue mechanisation of operations; GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2008 Reduction in estate production costs from
12 US cents/lb to 7.5 US cents/lb by 2010
on converted lands.
S.R8 Construct further co-generation plants at Albion GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2009 The production of 7Mw of power for sale
and Enmore; to national grid during cropping period
from each plant
S.R9 Ethanol production from sugar cane IAST,GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2010 Feasibility study available by end 2006
S.R10 Provide support to private cane farmers GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2008 Private farmers are able to continue
operations in spite of EU price cut
S.R11 Improve drainage and irrigation at Wales and GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2007 Cane yields increase from an average of 65
Uitvlugt to improve cane yields to 85 tonnes per hectare
S.R12 Address the storage, shipping and logistical GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2008 Feasibility study available by end 2006
constraints facing the Sugar industry
S.R13 Provide support to the The West Indies Central GUYSUCO SAP/EU 2007 TBD
Sugarcane Breeding Station
S.R14 Address basic human capital constraints facing MoE SAP/EU 2010 Improvement in literacy and numeracy
the sugar industry by offering training in basic amongst former sugar workers
literacy, numeracy, computer and book-keeping
skills for workers in the sugar industry.
S.R15 Reduce flooding amongst settlements and D&I Board SAP/EU 2012 D&I maintenance programme established
farmlands adjacent to the sugar estates by for locations close to sugar estates
increasing regular maintenance work on providing temporary employment for at
drainage and irrigation structures through the least 1,000 former sugar workers.
development of a water-user management
scheme. Reduced frequency of flooding amongst
S.R16 Improve access to sugarcane cultivations and MoLG SAP/EU 2012 Road construction and maintenance
farms in backlands neighboring the sugar programme established for locations close
estates through the development of a programme to sugar estates providing temporary
of all-weather road construction and employment for at least 500 former sugar
improvement to assist producers in accessing workers.
their lands and reducing transport costs and post
harvest losses by more timely delivery to the Improvement in all-weather accessibility
market place. of farming areas close to sugar estates
S.R17 Improve the supply of more highly skilled Port SAP/EU 2010 Enrolment of at least 500 sugar and other
workers needed by the sugarcane industry Mourant/Enmore agricultural workers in training programme
through the expansion of the Technical Training
Programme at the Guysuco/ Port Mourant At least 70% of trainees find new
Apprentice Training College and the creation of employment within 2 years of graduation
a new college at Enmore.
S.R18 Implement recommendations of SAP concerning MoA SAP/EU 2012 TBD
agricultural diversification
R.A1 Support agricultural support services through i) GRDB Agricultural Support 2008 Significant improvements to the
civil works to rehabilitate primary and Services Program productivity of rice production in Guyana.
secondary D&I systems in selected areas ii) D&I
institutional development including farmers'
training and extension, and establishment of
Water User Associations (WUA's) in those
selected areas iii) rice seed research and
R.A2 Support the rice sector through targeted GRDB EU Support to the 2007 Increased capacity of GRDB and GRPA to
measures to i) strengthen the Guyana Rice Competitiveness of the provide services to their clients. Increased
Development Board and Rice Producers Rice Industry in the productivity through rehabilitation of
Association ii) support water rehabilitation Caribbean drainage and irrigation systems. Farmers
through improving drainage and irrigation have access to credit at affordable rates
systems, and iii) provide credit to rice farmers and realistic payback periods to satisfy
working capital needs.
currently restricted due to high interest rates,
short payback periods and lack of collateral
R.A3 Support research to be conducted at Burma Rice GRDB Agricultural Support Ongoing Provision of the highest quality seed paddy
Station Services Program for production
R.A4 Construct new seed paddy sites GRDB Agricultural Support 2006 All seed paddy requirements in Guyana are
Services Program met.
R.A5 Conduct quality control consultations GRDB GRDB Ongoing Improved quality of rice exports
R.R1 Further diversification of international markets GRDB GRDB 2011 A variety of regional and extra regional
to reduce dependence on EU markets are secured to reduce dependence
on EU market
R.R2 Diversification of production to include value GRDB GRDB 2011 Exports of package and branded products
added products to regional and extra regional markets
R.R3 Continue efforts in research and development to GRDB GRDB 2011 Guyana rice production in line with
bring Guyana's productivity in line with international levels of productivity
internationally competitive levels
F.A1 Improve forest management by continuing GFC NA TBD TBD
ongoing projects
F.A2 Improve forestry management by holding GFC NA TBD TBD
awareness and training courses/workshops on
differing aspects of forestry management.
F.R1 Monitor progress of workplans set by the MoFCL NA TBD TBD
Forestry Commission.
M.A1 Implement workplan of the Guyana Geology and GMC NA TBD TBD
Mines Commission
M.A2: Enact Mining Amendment Act and implementing GMC NA 2006 TBD
regulations to improve incentives to invest in the
sector and provide adequate environmental
NTAP.A1 Support agricultural support services through i) Ministry of Agricultural Support 2008 Greater local ownership of water systems,
civil works to rehabilitate primary and Agriculture Services Program improved agricultural productivity and
secondary D&I systems in selected areas ii) D&I non-traditional products being produced on
institutional development including farmers' a profitable basis.
training and extension, and establishment of
Water User Associations (WUA's) in those
selected areas iii) agricultural diversification
NTAP.A2 Support the development of initial export supply Ministry of Agricultural 2008 Development of strong private sector
chains in fruit and vegetables and beef to Agriculture Diversification leadership within the non-traditional
produce a sustainable increase of non-traditional Programme sector.
exports of fruits, vegetables, and beef.
NTAP.R1 Establish comprehensive Plant Health System. Ministry of TBD TBD Achieve international accreditation of
Agriculture plant products to allow for worldwide
Exports of fruit and vegetables double in
value over the period 2005-2010.
Employment in the horticulture sector
increases by 50% over this period.
NTAP.R2 Establish comprehensive Animal Health System Ministry of TBD TBD Achieve international accreditation of
Agriculture animal products to allow for worldwide
Beef exports double in value over the
period 2005-2010. Employment in the
livestock sector increases by 50% over this
NTAP.R3 Construct Abattoir of International Standards Ministry of TBD TBD Establish abattoir of international
Agriculture/ standards to allow for the export of animal
Private Sector products.
NTAP.R4 Increase capacity of Government institutions to Ministry of TBD TBD TBD
provide extension services Agriculture
NTAP.R5 Develop an Agricultural Business Development Ministry of TDB TBD Agriculture Business Development Unit
Unit Agriculture established and operational. High quality
studies undertaken including value chain
analysis and market analysis. High quality
marketing support and business
development services offered.
Production of high quality fruit and
vegetable products targeted at the needs of
export markets.
NTAP.R6 Provide specific support to the fruits and NARI TBD TBD T l c o N
Technical capacity of NARI upgraded
vegetables sector through strengthening the
capacity of NARI Human resource capacity of NARI
Production of high quality fruit and
vegetable products targeted at the needs of
export markets.
NTAP.R7 Provide specific support to the beef sector to Ministry of TBD TBD I e hh q h
Introduce high quality, high yielding,
strengthen the production for export on the Agriculture appropriate breeds
intermediate savannas. (Livestock
Division) Introduce high quality forage in cattle
producing areas
Beef exports double in value over the
period 2005-2010. Employment in the
livestock sector increases by 50% over this
NTAP.R8 Establish credit facility for non-traditional Ministry of TBD TBD Credit facility operates on a sustainable
exports Agriculture basis.
NTAP.R9 Address basic human capital constraints facing MoE SAP/EU 2010 Improvement in literacy and numeracy
individuals engaged in agricultural activities by amongst workers
offering training in basic literacy, numeracy,
computer and book-keeping skills for workers in
NTAP.R1 Improve the supply of more highly skilled Port SAP/EU 2010 Enrolment of at least 500 sugar and other
0 workers needed by the non-traditional Mourant/Enmore agricultural workers in training programme
agricultural sector through the expansion of the
Technical Training Programme at the Guysuco/ At least 70% of trainees find new
Port Mourant Apprentice Training College and employment within 2 years of graduation
the creation of a new college at Enmore
Fi.A1 Update the Fisheries Act Ministry of MFCL/MLA TBD Legislative support is provided, that meets
Fisheries, Crops needs at both the national and international
and Livestock level
Fi.A2 Facilitate seafood/fisheries cluster working group Ministry of GTIS 2006 TBD
activities Fisheries, Crops
and Livestock
Fi.R1 Create a semi-autonomous Fisheries Authority to Ministry of TBD TBD The legislative, human and technical
address human and technical capacity issues. Fisheries, Crops support needs of the industry are provided.
and Livestock
Fi.R2 Assess Seabob resource to establish Maximum Ministry of TBD TBD Survey completed with accurate Maximum
Sustainable Yield. Fisheries, Crops Sustainable Yield Established
and Livestock
Fi.R3 Demonstrate simple cost effective ways for Ministry of TBD TBD Fish maintained at Grade A quality for 20
coastal fishers Fisheries, Crops days
and Livestock
Fi.R4 Assess the potential for exploiting deepwater Ministry of TBD TBD Deepwater resources with greatest
resources. Fisheries, Crops potential for profitable exploitation
and Livestock identified.
M.A1 Organise trade fairs through Go-Invest for the Golnvest NA TBD TBD
manufacturing sector and facilitate the
attendance of the local private sector.
M.A2 Conduct a Strategic Investment Opportunity Golnvest NA TBD TBD
Assessment for agro-processing and forest
M.A3 Support the Guyana Manufacturers' and GMA CIDA TBD TBD
Services Association to build capacity through
the funding of key positions.
M.A4 Improve factory layout and management, GTIS GTIS 2006 TBD
production processes, quality control, scheduling
and plant/employee safety
M.A5 Reduce the trade deficit in manufacturing MINTIC NA 2006 TBD
products by developing a Pride in our Industry
campaign to encourage the purchase of locally
produced manufactured products.
M.R1 Implement integral plan to promote and attract Golnvest, TBD TBD TBD
FDI into labour intensive manufacturing MINTIC
M.R2 Create a new agency or establish practical ways Golnvest, TBD TBD TBD
to combine and upgrade existing functions MINTIC, NICIL
present in MINTIC, Go-Invest, and/or NICIL
M.R3 Develop a new turn-key industrial Zone with Golnvest, TBD TBD TBD
buildings for immediate lease and specialised MINTIC
M.R4 Assess the potential for introducing EPZ Golnvest, TBD TBD TBD
regulations on tariffs for the new zone MINTIC
M.R5 Implement marketing plan for the new zone Golnvest, TBD TBD TBD
M.R6 Develop and implement a specialized training for Golnvest, TBD TBD TBD
industrial estates managers and investment MINTIC
attraction specialists
M.R7 Implementation of a Fast Track "Production Golnvest, TBD TBD TBD
Sharing" Action Team MINTIC
M.R8 Set-up Fast-Track Action Plan to support start- Golnvest, TBD TBD TBD
up of New Tech Park (for Call Centers and IT). MINTIC
T.A1 Expand and rehabilitate the Ogle Aerodrome Civil Aviation Air Transport Reform 2006 TBD
and improve rural airstrips and other Authority, Program
infrastructure to support tourism Ministry of Public
T.A2 Improve communication, attitude and general GTA, THAG CIDA 2006 TBD
hospitality skills and services within the sector
T.A3 Continue ongoing marketing and support GTA NA NA TBD
T.A4 Facilitate tourism cluster development working GTA, THAG, GTIS 2006 TBD
groups activities private sector
T.A5 Develop training program in collaboration with MINTIC, GTA, GTIS 2006 TBD
MINTIC, GTA, THAG and private sector firms THAG and private
to upgrade tourism and hospitality services in sector firms
preparation of the 2007 Cricket World Cup.
T.A6 Strengthen the capacity of the Linden LTH LEAP 2006 TBD
community to promote tourism to produce a
tourist guide and develop the Linden Tourism
and Hospitality Website.
T.A7 Strengthen GTA's capacity to network, share GTA GTIS 2006 TBD
information, and engage in website development
and management through provision of personnel,
hardware and software to upgrade GTA's IT
T.A8 Develop a birding marketing strategy MINTIC, GTA, GTIS 2006 TBD
T.A9 Assess Guyana's potential in the yachting market MINTIC, GTA, GTIS 2006 TBD
T.R1 Improve air access transport. MINTIC, GTA, TBD TBD TBD
T.R2 Diversify and expand the tourism product: MINTIC, GTA, TBD TBD TBD
T.R3 Increase market demand MINTIC, GTA, TBD TBD TBD
T.R4 Upgrade service skills and standards MINTIC, GTA, TBD TBD TBD
T.R5 Invest in infrastructure and services MINTIC, GTA, TBD TBD TBD
T.R6 Make tourism investment attractive MINTIC, GTA, TBD TBD TBD
T.R7 Organise the sector for growth MINTIC, GTA, TBD TBD TBD
ICT.A1 Review and revise draft E-Commerce legislation MINTIC GTIS 2006 Updated legislation developed
and supporting necessary public consultations
throughout the process.
ICT.A2 Develop and implement National ICT Strategy OP NA TBD TBD
ICT.R1 Establish suitable mechanisms to monitor OP NA TBD TBD
implementation of the National ICT Strategy
A.A1 Pass Aquaculture Legislation MoA NA TBD TBD
A.A2 Encourage the expansion of aquaculture in MoA NA Ongoing TBD
interior locations by facilitating the use of cage
A.R1 Enhance Technological Capacity MoA TBD TBD TBD
A.R2 Establish a Brackish Water Aquaculture Station MoA TBD TBD TBD
A.R3 Develop Specialised Physical Infrastructure and MoA TBD TBD TBD
Identifying Priority Areas for Aquaculture
A.R4 Expand Integrated Pest Management in Rice MoA TBD TBD The establishment of rice/fish plots and
Production organisation of farmer field schools in all
rice growing regions of Guyana.
Reduction in the use of pesticides. Increase
in rice yields. Diversified income base for
rice farmers.
Fruits, Vegetables and Beef
BFV.A1 Support the vegetable and fruit, and beef supply MoA Agricultural 2008 TBD
chains through the setting up of an institutional Diversification
arrangement to provide incremental public goods Program
to current exporters and enterprises with
agribusiness potential
BFV.A2 Strengthen public services needed to support the MoA Agricultural 2008 TBD
livestock and fruit and vegetable chains by Diversification
support to i) technology development and Program
transfer; ii) support implementation of animal
and plant health systems; and iii) facilitate access
to foreign markets.
BFV.A3 Streamline agri-business processes related to i) MoA Agricultural 2008 TBD
Sanitary and Phitosanitary Systems (SPS) and Diversification
quality certification systems and ii) land Program
applications and related incentives for
agribusiness investors.
BFV.A4 Upgrade the SPS inspection service process for MoA Agricultural 2008 TBD
outgoing products. Diversification
BFV.A5 Design and implement an information system for MoA Agricultural 2008 TBD
land lease requests. Diversification
BFV.A6 Set up a non-discretionary land lease and water MoA Agricultural 2008 TBD
rights allocation system. Diversification
BFV.A7 Conduct a pilot program for allocating relative MoA Agricultural 2008 TBD
large land plots in order to attract larger Diversification
investors. Program
BFV.A8 Design an investment strategy to attract the MoA Agricultural 2008 TBD
private investors, both local and foreign. Diversification
BFV.A9 Assess the feasibility of establishing a central cold MoA GTIS 2006 TBD
storage facility for perishable goods
BFV.A10 Improve innovation and the diffusion of new IAST, NARI GTIS 2006 TBD
agriculture-related products and services of a
technological nature
BFV.A11 Support to the New GMC in establishing linkages NGMC GTIS 2006 TBD
with American pepper buyers.
BFV.A12 Develop a training program for the Ministry of MoA, Private GTIS 2006 TBD
Agriculture and a number of private operators to Operators
establish HACCP procedures for slaughtering
and meat handling.
BFV.A13 Conduct a feasibility study on the production MoA GTIS 2006 TBD
and export of sheep and goats.
BFV.A14 Carry out a census of livestock in Regions 5 and MoA GTIS 2006 TBD
BFV.A15 Support the New Guyana Marketing NGMC GTIS 2006 TBD
Corporation (New GMC) in efforts to improve
the post-harvest packaging and quality of
Guyanese non-traditional agriculture exports.
AP.A1 Support efforts of local agro-processors to MoA, MINTIC GTIS 2006 TBD
improve marketing activities efforts private operators
AP.A2 Facilitate of agro-processing cluster working MoA, MINTIC GTIS 2006 TBD
group activities private operators
Develop a strategic plan for the sector
Contract Manufacturing/Services Exports -
CM.A1 Sensitise sector stakeholders to the ramifications MINTIC NA TBD TBD
of the ATC and develop possible actions
initiatives for sector development.
CM.R1 Update and create new sector standards. MINTIC TBD TBD TBD
CM.R2 Facilitate cooperation between fabric suppliers MINTIC TBD TBD TBD
and local garment manufacturers
CM.R3 Encourage fabric designers to form an informal MINTIC TBD TBD TBD
CM.R4 Facilitate cooperation between small fabric MINTIC TBD TBD TBD
designers and manufacturers and the larger
garment manufacturers
CM.R5 Support industry stakeholders in finding new MINTIC TBD TBD TBD
CM.R6 Develop and implement a comprehensive action MINTIC TBD TBD TBD
plan for the future development of the sector
Organic Food Products
O.A1 Provide and promote the necessary MoA NA TBD TBD
infrastructures required for the establishment of
a comprehensive registration scheme through the
Pesticide and Toxic Board.
O.A2 Provide technical assistance through the National NARI NA TBD TBD
Agriculture Research Institute (NARI).
O.R1 Develop a comprehensive strategic plan for MoA TBD TBD TBD
development of the sector as the basis for
increasing sector support
Business and Eco-Tourism
Forest Products
FP.A1 Work with a cross cutting section of loggers, GFC, private GTIS 2006 TBD
manufacturers and other stakeholders to put in operators
place forest products strategy to ensure
maximum value added
FP.A2 Improve quality control and production Private operators GTIS 2006 TBD
efficiency of high-end, hardwood door
FP.A3 Upgrade the Guyana Technical Institute (GTI) GTI GTIS 2006 TBD
training capacity in wood working.
FP.A4 Assist furniture firms with design, prototype, Private operators GTIS 2006 TBD
production, and promotion of furniture products,
and provide technical assistance in plant design
and production efficiency
Fast Track Sector Development
FTSD.R1 Implement a Fast-Track Sector Development TBD TBD TBD TBD
Program designed to fast-track the development
of the identified strategic sectors.
Design and set-up a permanent and sustainable
institutional structure to ensure continuing
development, implementation and coordination
of the NCS
GoG and Support for
Program (with
potential support from
other donors)
The National Competitiveness Council is
fully operational.
The National Competitiveness Strategy
Unit (NCSU) is fully operational; it is fully
staffed and has a monitoring program in
place to follow the implementation of the
The Donor Harmonization Group is fully
operational; an MoU has been signed
defining a code of conduct for
coordination of donor support behind the
NCS and is meeting on a regular basis.
The Competitiveness Implementation Unit
(CIU) is fully operational; it is fully staffed
and is implementing the Support for
Competitiveness Program.