Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Scoring Big from Cricket World Cup
Initiatives Identified
Action Team Leaders- Hon. Minister Tony Xavier (Min. Culture, Youth, & Sport), Terry Holder
(GMAS), Karan Singh (CWC LOC)
1. New Image 2007: Initiative Champions Norma Washington (Carnegie), Rudolph Welch
(Nupse), Pancham Singh (GWU)
2. Courtesy is a Must: Initiative Champions Min. of Transport, MINTIC, Guyana Police Force
3. Guyana Festival of Arts and Craft: Initiative Champion Indra Gobind (Guyana Arts and
4. The Guyana Flower Show 2007: Initiative Champion Mr. Faria-Guyana (Horticultural
5. Coordinating Transportation: Initiative Champion Linda Wray (Beverly Close)
6. Attracting the Diaspora before and after the games: Initiative Champion to be
7. Switching to Plastic broad based acceptance of international credit cards: Initiative
Champions Oscar Phillips, Standford Solomon and John Tracy
8. Guyana Hand Craft Extravaganza: Initiative Champion Avril Boston (Craft Production and
Design Division)
9. Discover Guyana: Initiative Champion GTA
10. Ensuring a Safer Guyana: Initiative Champions Cabinet Sub-committee on security, LOC
security sub-committee, Guyana Police Force, GDF.
11. Taking Back Our Environment: Initiative Champions Regional Democratic Councils,
Town Councils
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): World Cup 2007
1. What needs to Change by when?
Service : Immediately
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Media (Electronic)
Use of video
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Immigration/Customs Tourism Dec 2006
2 Airport Attendants/Taxi drivers THAG & T.D Nov 2006
3 Hospitality Industry Carnegie/AH&LA Immediate
4 Tour Guides THAG & TAG Immediate
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Grantley Culbard
Norma Washington
Rudolph Welch
Pancham Singh
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Grantley Culbard
Title or Name of the Initiative:
New Inage 2007
ACTION TEAM: World Cup 2007- Training
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Norma Washington Carnegie
Rudolph Welch Nupse
Pancham Singh GWU
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Grantley Culbard CCWU
Rudolph Welch NUPSE
Pancham Singh GWU
Norma Washington Carnegie
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): World Cup 2007:Transportation
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Image, Attitude, Service
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation)? The agencies identified on page 1 to respond positively and
quickly when requested to help.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
1. What needs to Change by when? Attitude
Our people's attitude needs to change and must develop a passion to market our country's
The attitude of: taxi services, minibus associations, speed boat operators, air transport operators
must change.
When: Immediately
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Strengthening of associations and their ability to enforce various guidelines and rules developed
by their members.
Code of conduct
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Establish a Standing committee and commence LOC Immediately
meeting s with the various stakeholders
2 Police
3 Schools
4 Work Places
5 Churches
Trade Unions
Other Organis.
Title or Name of the Initiative: Courtesy is a must
ACTION TEAM: Transportation
Summary Report to Group
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
LOC, Private Sector, Government
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Attitudes will change for the better and genuine interest will be developed by December 2006.
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Min. of Transport
Ministry of Tourism
Guyana Police Force
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Troy Pearson Go-Invest 225-6313
Wilfred Bransford Bransville 226-6162
Mitra Devi Ali Min. of Legal Affairs 225-3663
Neil Kumar National Sports
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): World Cup 2007
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation)? Financial resources, necessary participation by all the
agencies listed.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
1. What needs to Change by when?
Festival of Arts and Craft to be organized by January 1, 2007
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Contact: artists, craftsmen, and various craft association. This could be done through the
Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Money to run show Bank May 30
2 Advertisement DDL, Banks Dec, 2006
3 Place Karran Singh May 10, 2006
4 Resource personnel
5 Table, chairs, decoration, security personnel, rental Unemployed January 2007
Of tents
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Finance, people, skill, transportation, telephones, security for activities
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Organisers, craftsmen, artists, staff from Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Ms. Indra Gobind, Mr. Haricharran
Title or Name of the Initiative: Guyana Festival of Arts and Craft
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Transportation
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Before May 30, contact all stakeholders; get commitment from Mr. Singh or whoever to obtain a
place for exhibition before May 25, 2006.
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Indra Gobind Guyana Arts and Craft 265-2042
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Mr. Farley Guyana Arts and Craft
craftsmen, Artists,
Mr. Hopkinson
Ms. Nurse
Mr. Gobin Ministry of Amerindian 223-7285
Mr. Haricharran
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Place to hold exhibition and money to fund the exhibition
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): World Cup 2007
1. What needs to Change by when?
Plant Show by May 30, 2007
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Call meeting with stakeholders Mr. Faria May 30
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Title or Name of the Initiative: The Guyana Flower Show 2007
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Contact: Horticulture Association,
Cactus Association,
Boyo Ramsaroop
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Mr. Faria-Guyana Horticultural Association
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Mr. Faria
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
(Not Completed)
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): World Cup 2007
1. What needs to Change by when? Transportation
The way taxi and mini-bus drivers operate. This must be done before this year end.
Parking facility
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Invite interested persons to attend meeting and have programmes set up.
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Parking facility L.Wray June 2006
2 Small fee Community
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
All three are needed.
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Linda Wray
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Linda Wray
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Parking Facility
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: World Cup 2007
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Linda Wray Beverly Close 218-2046 Lin
Community Action
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Linda Wray Beverly Close 218-2046
Community Action Group
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Diaspora-Relatives Overseas
1. What needs to Change by when?
Focus on visits by the Diaspora before and after the games. Sell Guyana culture and artifacts,
music and
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Start contacting relatives and notifying them that your homes are available-all service areas.
Smile a lot from now on
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): World Cup 2007
1. What needs to Change by when?
Communication Infrastructure to be improved
Culture of cash by sellers
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Post office role in the hinterland
Banks role in the cities
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Banks 31-12
2 Post Office
3 Support System
(IT firms)
4 Legislation
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
World cup finance committee
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Oscar Phillips, Standford Solomon and John Tracy
Title or Name of the Initiative: Broad based acceptance of international credit cards
Switching to plastic
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: World Cup 2007 :Plastic for Paper, Security
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Conrad Plummer NBIC
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): World Cup 2007: Beautiful Hands Beautiful
1. What needs to Change by when?
Hold craft seminar by January 2007.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Training techniques
Exhibition of sample specimens
Preparation of brochure and printing of brochures
Advertisement TV, Newspapers etc.
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Listing of projects to be produced Resource
personnel &
2 Training of selected students/participants "
3 Preparation of articles c"
4 Costing strategy "
5 Packaging and labeling c"
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Recruitment of trained personnel
Financial implementation
Title or Name of the Initiative: Guyana Hand Craft Extravaganza
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Administrative Personnel
Resource craft personnel
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Chief Craft Production and Design Officer
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: World Cup 2007:Beautiful Hands & Beautiful Craft
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Participants will commence training and productive activities from July 2006.
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Avril Boston Craft Production and 226-4328
Design Division
Ministry of Education
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Permanent Secretary Min. of Education
Mr. W. Browne, D..P.S Ministry of Education 223-7900
Senior Craft Functionaries Craft Production and 226-4328
Design Division
Craft Project Officer "
Craft Workers "c "
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): World Cup 2007: Tour and Travel Agencies
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Ads in mass media (worldwide)
Internet, foreign radio, foreign television, movies
The cricket audience worldwide websitee)
Cricket magazines and at events
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Public relations Government/P.S
2 Increase Tourism budget Government
3 Monitor (ED Card Design) Guyana
4 Improve communication
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
1. Financial
2. Administration
1. What needs to Change by when?
Market the positive side of Guyana
Start as early as possible
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Ministry of Amerindian Affairs
Red Spider
Wilderness Explores
Essequibo Chamber of Commerce
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action? GTA
Title or Name of the Initiative: Tour & Travel Agencies
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: World Cup 2007L:Tour and Travel Agencies
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Discover Guyana
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
The overall image of Guyana will change to a positive, more balanced one by the time of CWC
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Vijay Datadin Red Spider 624-4733
Teri O'Brien Wilderness Explorers
Basil Persaud Essequibo Chamber of
Min. of Amerindian
Safeek Khan Blossoms Investments
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
GTA,CWC 2007 and MINTIC should convene a focus/action group to strategize, plan and
execute the improvement of Guyana's worldwide image.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Cricket World Cup 2007
1. What needs to Change by when?
Title or Name of the Initiative:
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Cricket World Cup 2007
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Ensuring a safer Guyana
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
The crime situation needs to be addressed immediately.
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Cabinet Sub-committee
on security
LOC security sub-
Guyana Police Force,
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Guyana Police force
Guyana Defense Force
Community Policing Group
Chamber of Commerce
Private Sector Commission
Private Security Firms
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Adequate equipment, agencies, persons committed to ensuring success of the initiative.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Cricket World Cup 2007
1. What needs to Change by when?
The environment
The attitude of: a) people
b) businesses
By Dec 2006
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Education awareness -Media
Enforcement of laws
Stiffer penalties for laws
Neighborhood empowerment
Incentives-Best village awards
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Enforcement Guyana Police Immediately
2 Clean-up East Bank and other areas Min. of Works, Immediately
5 _________________________________________________________
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
The residential and business community with appropriate budget allocated and effectively
managed and maintained by authority.
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
All, Regional Democratic Councils, Town Councils
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative: Taking back the environment
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Cricket World Cup 2007
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Taking back our environment
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
All Media Education /Awareness
Private Sector Organisation
NGOs (Lions and Rotary)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (e.g.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
The clean-up of the environment in towns and villages by cultivating changes in the attitude of
residence and businesses.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Making More From Your Investment
Action Initiatives Identified
Action Team Leaders-Beni Sankar (AAG), Tejnarine Geer (Fisheries Dept. MinAg), Salim
Azeez (New Line Aqua Farm)
1. Aquaculture Education: Initiative
Champion Kamila Singh (Fisheries Dept))
2. Assistance in the Provision of
Educational Tools: Initiative Champion -
James Samuels (Guyana Legion of Ex Service
3. Centralisation of information relating to
the marketing and export of aquaculture
products: Initiative Champion Go-Invest
4. International Financing: Initiative
Champion Beni Sankar (AAG)
5. Reform of the Process for Aquaculture
Development: Initiative Champions Beni
Sankar (AAG), T. Geer (Dept Fisheries), C.
Profit (Go-Invest))
6. Technology and Equipment Resource
Pool: Initiative Champion Beni Sankar (AAG)
7. Training in Aquaculture for the Residents
of Upper Mazaruni, Region 7: Initiative
Champions Lauretta Outridge and Sherman
Outridge (Residents of Kamarang, Upper
8. Aquaponics Incorporation with
Aquaculture: Initiative Champions Joshua
Paltoo (lAST), T. Geer (Fisheries Dept).
9. Availability of Soft Loan: Initiative
Champions Beni Sankar (AAG), T. Geer
(Dept Fisheries), C. Profit (Go-Invest)
10. Fish for Food and Profit: Initiative
Champions Aquaculture Association and
11. Processing Guidelines: Initiative
Champion H. Dharmo (Trawlers Association)
12. Securing Markets Now!!: Initiative
Champion D. Griffith (AAG)
13. Training For Commercial Aquaculture:
Initiative Champion Salim Azeez (New Line
Aqua Farm)
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Aquaculture
1. What needs to Change by when?
Increase knowledge of Guyanese on Aquaculture by 2010
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Contact Ministry of Education PS at Ministry
2 Contact UG Dean
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
TAs, NGOs, Ministry's RDC, Local government
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Fisheries Dept
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Fisheries Dept
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Aquaculture Education
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Include aquaculture in curriculum of primary and secondary schools in Guyana
Include course on aquaculture in agriculture degree at UG
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Aquaculture Education
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Include aquaculture education in primary, secondary and university education
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Kamila Singh Fisheries Dept 2207516
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
__ Aquaculture
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Develop and implement state of the art laboratory Gov't April 2007
2 Set up R&D facility IAST/NARI/UG Feb 2007
3 Technology transfer s from expert countries IAST/NARI/UG Sept 2006
4 Training of trainers/farmers IAST/NARI/UG Nov 2006
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Financial, human, international technology assistance
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Dr. Suresh Narine/Joshua Paltoo (IAST)
Min of Fisheries
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
IAST Lana Laurence
Title or Name of the Initiative: Aquaponics Incorporation with Aquaculture
1. What needs to Change by when?
Utilisation of Aquaponics needs to be explored as an option in aquaculture
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
R&D, gov't development of research facilities, analytical laboratories
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: _Aquaculture
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Aquaponics Incorporation with Aquaculture
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Use of aquaculture effluent to add nutrient to soil for various garden crops
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Joshua Paltoo IAST 2224213 iastbiodiesel@gmail. com
T. Geer Min of Fisheries 6251190
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
Lana Laurence IAST 2224214
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): _Aquaculture
1. What needs to Change by when?
Waiver of corporation taxes on interest repaid to banks on loans
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Financial Legislation Reform Min of Finance End 2006
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Aquaculture Association
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Availability of Soft Loan
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Reform of financial legislation
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Availability of Soft Loan
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Access to finance by Dec 2006
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Beni Sankar AAG 2277044
T. Geer Min of Fisheries 6251190
C. Profit Golnvest 2270653
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Gov't and aquaculture association to initiate discussion with bankers
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
1. What needs to Change by when?
Increased links/info. Sharing with smaller subsistence fish farming initiatives in rural and
indigenous communities and networking for potential future markets. Beginning with subsistence
with the view to expand to intensive farming.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
(i) Closer links between NGOs and government and aquaculture association and indigenous
(ii) Training in indigenous communities engaged in subsistence fish farming
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 See (i) above need workshops with NGO's, Govt, NGO ASAP
AA Community,
2 Training, gov't experts train locals (indigenous) in Gov't/ AA ASAP
fish rearing experts
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Money for workshops, training material, transportation, venues, experts (fish rearing), subsistence
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Aquaculture Association, NRDDB, MoA, Relevant Indigenous communities
Leaders: Who will be in charge ofcoordinating action?
Aquaculture Association, NRDDB (and other such local NGOs), Ministry of Agriculture
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Fish for Food and Profit
Fish for Food and Profit______________________
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Aquaculture
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Fish for Food and Profit
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Create links between large scale Aquaculture initiatives (through information sharing, training
and networking) and local subsistence fish farmers in Guyana to improve food security and
economic development in the short term.
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Aquaculture Association
Ministry of Agriculture
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Ben Coleman Pro Natura benj
Aoife Gibbons CIDA 6610954
Other similar local
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
That the aquaculture association consider this as a priority and take immediate action to
implement this initiative.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
__ Aquaculture
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Guidelines for processing Min of Health Now
Fisheries Dept
2 Suitable Equipment Golnvest ASAP
Fisheries Dept
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Financial, administrative, laboratory
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
D. Rasiawan (Doodnauth Fishing), I. Persaud (Private), H. Dharmo (Private)
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Processing Guidelines
1. What needs to Change by when?
Develop Definitive processing and export guidelines for export needs to be addressed
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
(i) Obtain the necessary guidelines in processing
(ii) Acquiring suitable equipment for processing
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Processing Guidelines
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Quality processing to meet international standards by 2007
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
H. Dharmo Trawler Association 2252111
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
D. Rasiawan Trawler Association 2236599
I. Persaud Trawler Association 2332103
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Financial and equipment resources
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Contact air carriers D. Griffith May 22
2 Contact Yoav Eran D. Griffith Now
3 Get Markets in the Caribbean D. Griffith June 08
4 LEAF to be approached to finance B. Jaipaul June 12
5 IDB to finance an expert for 1 yr T. Geer
6 Develop an aquaculture centre Gov;t 24 months
7 Serve T&T markets Ken Figaro Jun 8ff
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
A secretariat and financing for its staff, technical experts, overseas training for locals
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
D. Griffith 643 6333
Yoav Eran 2274016
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
D. Griffith
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Securing Markets Now!!
1. What needs to Change by when?
Flights have to be regular, coordinate agreements with countries in the Caribbean
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Discuss international transportation with LPK, LIAT and BWIA.
Solicit the expertise of Yoav Eran on the loads.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Securing Markets Now!!
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Markets will be available in 30 days
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
D. Griffith AAG 6436333
Y. Eran ETG Group 2274016
K. Figaro 2258930
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
__ Aquaculture
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Study Tours New Line Aqua May
2 Demonstration Ponds New Line Aqua June
3 Provide literature Gov't/New Line
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Interested Farmers
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Salim Azeez New Line Aqua Farm
Aquaculture Association
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Salim Azeez
Title or Name of the Initiative: Training For Commercial Aquaculture
1. What needs to Change by when?
Mind set need to realize that aquaculture can be a profitable business to encourage contract
farming to be set up
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
(i) Study Tours
(ii) Demonstration Ponds
(iii) Provide literature
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Salim Azeez New Line Aqua Farm 6249155
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Patrick DeGroot Bounty Farm 6238065
Jaycelyn Williams GTIS 2237144
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Contract fish farming by Dec 2006
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
1. What needs to Change by when?
Information for potential investors in six months
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
(i) Research an collect information
(ii) information sharing:
-tours to sites
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Research web search, local information AAG Aug 2006
2 Collate information AAG Aug 2006
3 Share information AAG Aug 2006
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Financial, computers and access to internet, human, transportation, audio and video equipment
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Assistance in the Provision of Educational Tools
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
J. Samuels, S. Balkaran, D. Roberts
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
J. Samuels
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Assistance in the Provision of Educational Tools
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
James Samuels Guyana Legion of Ex 2258539
Service Men
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Denzil Roberts Min of Agriculture 2262074
Steve Balkaran Businessman 2236858
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
The production and dissemination of educational tools to potential investors within a 6 month
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Gather and centralize market information GoInvest July 2006
2 Gather export standards information GoInvest July 2006
3 Gather price, cost and supply information for export Golnvest July 2006
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Administrative direction, financial assistance for research project
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Centralisation of information relating to the marketing and export of aquaculture products
1. What needs to Change by when?
The availability of information regarding marketing and export standards needs to be more
centralized and easily available to the general public (no red tape!!). This needs to happen ASAP
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
(i) Golnvest needs to gather all the needed information regarding standards and markets available
and make the general public aware that the information is easily available
(ii) Utilise CSME and Caricom information channels to gather market information
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Aquaculture
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Centralisation of information relating to the marketing and export of aquaculture products
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Make marketing and export standards relating to aquaculture more easily available to the public
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. Email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
A. Alphonso Alfro Alphonso & Sons 2235273
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Request that Golnvest take immediate action to implement this initiative
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Access to financing Gov't Dec 2006
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Human and admin
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
AAG and gov't
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative:
International Financing
1. What needs to Change by when?
Access to international Financing
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Government should stand guarantees for loans
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
International Financing
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Access to international financing
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Beni Sankar AAG 2277044
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
__ Aquaculture
1. What needs to Change by when?
Banks can use lease for collateral for loans on aquaculture
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 99 yr leases for aqua farmers GL&SC Dec 2006
2 Educating Financial Institutions AAG / Govt Sept 2006
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Aquaculture Association of Guyana
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative: Reform of the Process for Aquaculture Development
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
(i) Government should grant longer term leases to aquaculture farmers.
(ii) Sensitize bankers as it relates to the potential for aquaculture in Guyana
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Reform of the Process for Aquaculture Development
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Access to finance by Jan 2007
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Beni Sankar AAG 2277044
T. Geer Dept Fisheries 6251190
C. Profit Golnvest 2270653
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Gov't & AAG initiate discussions with bankers
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Get list of equipment available AAG Dec. 2006
2 Purchase equipment AAG April 2007
3 Approach International Research Institute for AAG
Technology (India)
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Financial, human, administrative
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Beni Sankar / MMA / Regional Offices
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Regional Offices / Min of Works / MMA
Title or Name of the Initiative:Technology and Equipment Resource Pool
1. What needs to Change by when?
Implement a resource pool for technology and equipment/machinery
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
(i) Acquire financing to purchase equipment
(ii) Purchase equipment
(iii) Agreements with Regional Offices
(iv) Technical Personnel / Technology Transfer
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Technology and Equipment Resource Pool
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Implementing a resource pool for technology (know how) and equipment
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Beni Sankar AAG 2277044
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Need to obtain finance Govt End 2006
2 Sensitise local banks Govt End 2006
3 Training for Residents of Upper Mazaruni Region 7 Govt End 2006
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Financing, training personnel, training group of farmers
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Lauretta Outridge, Ministry of Agriculture
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Lauretta Outridge
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Training in Aquaculture for the Residents of Upper Mazaruni, Region 7.
1. What needs to Change by when?
Type of species to be grown in a specific areas (region 7) has to be generated as early as possible
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
(i) professional officer to visit areas in region 7
(ii) personnel to be trained for successful farming and where can we obtain this
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Training in Aquaculture for the Residents of Upper Mazaruni, Region 7.
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
(i) Will create employment for local residents
(ii) Will be able to supply high protein food readily
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Lauretta Outridge Resident of Kamarang, 2277628
Upper Mazaruni
Sherman Outridge Resident of Kamarang, 6428809
Upper Mazaruni
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Guslavo Gomez Resident of Kamarang,
Upper Mazaruni
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Call Centres and Contract Manufacturing:
Creating Islands of Competitiveness
Action Initiatives Identified
Action Team Leaders-Geoff Da Silva (Golnvest), Dennis Morgan (Denmore Garments)
1. Eliminating Red Tape at GRA and Customs: Initiative Champions Andrew Thorne (United
Shipping), Uchena Gibson (Golnvest), Doodnauth & Devi Mahadeo (Melsha), Somat Ali (Fibre
2. Promoting SME Business Incubators and Efficient Private Industrial Parks: Initiative
Champion Ministry Tourism, Industry and Commerce
3. Regional Skills Training Program: Initiative Champion Dennis Morgan (Demore Garments)
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM : Call Centers and Contract Manufacturing
1. What needs to Change by when?
A) The "red tape"/ length of time it takes to process entries at customs.
B) Immediately.
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Request a meeting with GRA and Customs to discuss Group End of May
the implementation of a Manufacturer's Desk.
2 Work closely with GRA and Customs to coordinate Group Ongoing
import and export.
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Andrew Thorne
Title or Name of the Initiative: Eliminating the bureaucracy at GRA and Customs
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
A) Entries can be processed online and submitted within 48 hours.
B) All spares for manufacturers should be duty free.
C) Manufacturers entries should be processed within 24 hours.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Eliminate the bureaucracy at GRA and Customs
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
The length of time it takes for entries to be processed at GRA and Customs.
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Andrew Thorne Custom Broker 623-
Uchena Gibson Goinvest 227-
Doodnauth & Devi Melsha 642-
Mahadeo 3782
Somat Ali Fibre Tech 220-
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
Same as above
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Fast track the initiative.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Call Centers and Contract Manufacturing
1. What needs to Change by when?
To promote business incubators for SMEs.
To promote more private parks for industries.
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Government Land, Incentives, anti-bureaucratic facilitation.
Private Sector Capital, entrepreneurship
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
The development of industrial incubators, industrial establishments for SMEs and export
processing zones for large exporters. To provide adequate infrastructure (energy, water,
transportation, waste management.)
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Ministry of Tourism, Industry
and Commerce
Industrial organizations
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Clem Duncan
Kathleen Whalen
Bridgette Morrison
Gordon Spencer
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Fast track the initiative.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Call Centers and Contract Manufacturing #1 TRAINING
1. What needs to Change by when?
Need to establish a Regional Skills Training Program with grant funding from the Government as
soon as possible.
Title or Name of the Initiative: Training
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Employment of trainers to provide specialized on the job training, etc.
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Implement crash, specialized courses at various Learning ASAP
institutions. Institutions
2 Hands on training by professionals to improve Private Sector ASAP
efficiency and competitiveness. & Government
3 Enhance capacity of work study programs Min. of ASAP
4 Cheaper electricity, fuel & financing also essential to GPL & Banking
ensure businesses remain competitive. Institutions
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Dennis Morgan
Rajendra Persaud
Shivon Idal
A. Ramraj
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Dennis Morgan
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Training / Grant Funding
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Establish a Regional Skills Training Program with grant funding from the Government
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Dennis Morgan Demnor 270-4506
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Rajendra Persaud Nand Persaud Comm. raj
Shivon Idal
A. Ramraj
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Team Teaser: Come travel on the highway for the future with call centers and contract
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Tapping the Resources of the Diaspora for
Guyana's Development
Initiatives Identified
Action Team Leaders-Capt. Gerry Gouveia (GCC), Prem Misir (UG), Elizabeth Harper
1. Establishment of Joint Business Councils
2. Establishment of Diaspora Unit
3. Establishment of Data Base of Professionals
4. Setting up ofwebsite for marketing and information
5. Establishment of a Business Development Fund/
Investment Fund
6. Sensitising the local population to the importance of the
7. Promotion of Tourism
8. Developing linkages with trade unionists in the Diaspora
to encourage trade union connectivity
9. Harnessing contributions from remittances for development
10. Promoting indigenous products for the Diaspora market
Gerry Gouveia
Yesu Persaud
Elisabeth Harper
Neil Pesram
Dr Prem Misir
Dr Ramroop
Neil Persam
Kenneth Joseph
Paul Chan-A-Sue
Paul Geer
Gerry Gouveia to
Liaise with GTA
Kenneth Joseph
Carville Duncan
Roy Hughes
Paul Chan-A-Sue
Paul Geer
Gerry Gouveia
Frank DeAbreu (New GMC)
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Diaspora
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Develop Database Dr. Prem Misir Starting within 2
Dr. Ramroop weeks
2 Preliminary Communication MOU "c c Within 2 weeks
3 Needs Analysis of Sectoral Areas c c" 1 month
4 Conference "c" cWithin 6 months
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Human and Financial
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Dr. Prem Misir
Dr. Ramroop
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Dr. Prem Misir
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Mobilizing Professional Associations
1. What needs to Change by when?
Address Guyana's needs in the areas of Natural Sciences; Technology; Public Health; Research
and Development; and Other Scientific Disciplines.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
- Database Development for each profession by geographic location
- Preliminary Communication with intent to produce an MOU
- Status Report on Guyana's Needs Analysis
- Conferences and Symposiums
Date: May 9, 2006
Prem Misir
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative: Mobilizing Professional Associations
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Need for mobilizing Diasporan professional contributions in the areas of Natural Sciences;
Technology; Public Health; Research and Development; and Other Scientific Disciplines.
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Dr. Prem Misir UG; GOG 223-3243
Dr. Ramroop New GPC
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Dr. Prem Misir UG; GOG 223-3243
Dr. Ramroop New GPC
Date: May 9, 2006
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Human and Financial Resources
Prem Misir
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Creating Brain Gain
Action Initiatives Identified
Action Team Leaders- Hon. Henry Jeffrey (Min. Educ), Clifford Reis (GMAS), Ramesh
Dookhoo (GMAS)
1. Strategic Skills Analysis and Database: Initiative Champions Hon. Minister Bisnauth,
June Ramsammy (CAGI)
2. Short term Skills Retention Plan: Initiative Champions Dr Mark Bynoe (UG)
3. Developing Web-based Recruitment: Initiative Champions Ramesh Dookhoo (GMAS)
4. Benchmarking for Citizenship Initiative Champions to be determined
5. Entrepreneurial Training: Initiative Champions Sattaur Gafoor (GMAS)
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Initiate study Ministry of Ed. Immediate
2 Re organize various institutions to adapt to findings ditto 6 months
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Minister Bisnauth
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action? Minister Bisnauth,.June
1. What needs to Change by when?
Create an informed education Sector re Demand and supply of Skills.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Do skills study based on
Needs Currently.
Future economy.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Skills GAP analysis and Data base.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Brain
1. What needs to Change by when?
Need to show short term commitment to retaining graduates.
Mark Bynoe
Leaders: Henery?
Title or Name of the Initiative: Short term retention plan.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Incentivise the graduates to remain.
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Develop incentive plan Mark Bynoe 3 months
2 Lobby plan to team ditto 4 months
3 Fush out and finalise team 6 months
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Brain Gain
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Short term retention
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
This initiative seeks to show fast results in retention of graduates.
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Mark Bynoe UG
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
Team as requested by Mark
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Min. Of Ed. To confirm use of their web facilities H. Jeffrey 1 month
2 Ministry of Ed. To hire out development of web site ditto 2 months
3 Design of web site team 3 months
4 Launch web site team 6 months
5 Maintain website
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Web Builder, Financial resources.
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Minister Jeffrey and team
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Ramesh Dookhoo/Clifford Reis
Title or Name of the Initiative:
1. What needs to Change by when?
Timely attraction of skill sets.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Develop web based recruiting,supply and demand infojob opportunities,training opportunities,
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Ramesh Dookhoo GMA 2258624 Ramesh dookhoo@yahoo
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
H Jeffrey Min. Of Education
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
We will acquire timely skills
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Brain
1. What needs to Change by when?
Immigration laws to accommodate citizenship for qualifying expat grads
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Design research
2 Do research
3 Discuss results
4 Action plan
5 Develop criteria
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
All three
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Tamars Whalen
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action? Tamara Whalen
Title or Name of the Initiative:Benchmarking for citizenship.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Develop benchmarked criteria based on research.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: _Brain gain
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Benchmarking for citizenship
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Action to establish the benchmarks for which a person can acquire citizenship based on skills and
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Tamara Whalen Independent
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
Volunteers required
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
Title or Name of the Initiative:Entrepeneural Training
1. What needs to Change by when?
Enhanced preparedness for graduates who wish to do Business startups
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Expansion of Entrepeneural training.
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Seek funding for enhances EMPRETEC Judy Semple 3 months
2 Do scan of donors ditto 3 months
3 Do proposal ditto 4 months
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Judy Semple
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action? Sattaur gafoor
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Brain Gain
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Entrepeneural training
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
More small business start ups
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Sattaur Gafoor GMA
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Financing for Guyana's Future: Addressing the
Liquidity Challenge
Initiatives Identified
Action Team Leaders- Gov. Laurence Williams (BoG), R.K. Sharma (GBTI)
1. Establishment of a Credit Bureau: Initiative Champions Maria Van Beek (Commissar of
2. Improving Skills of Businesses to Access Finance: Initiative Champions Lindel
Harlequin (DFL), Judy Semple-Joseph (Empretec)
3. Improving Commercial Dispute Resolution: Initiative Champion Ponia Griffith (Citizens
4. Strengthening the Stock Market: Initiative Champion Patrick Van Beek (CASS)
5. Encouraging Lending to SME's: Initiative Champion to be determined
6. Compliance with Companies Act: Initiative Champion to be determined
7. Changing System of Land Titles: Initiative Champion to be determined
8. Reduction in Spread of Interest Rates: Initiative Champion Rajindra Bisessar (OP)
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):
Fin an inQ for Gllvan a's Futiire
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
1- Feasibility study suggest funded by banking sector and possibly other financial areas (e.g.
2 Sharing of information will require legislative changes
3 Legislation to compel or encourage participation by financial institutions
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Feasibility Study (legislative, financing, IDB Q1 2007
compulsory, location)
2 Bankers Association to take lead role with help Bankers/BOG Q1 2007
from Bank of Guyana and Ministry of Finance
3 Review all legislation MOF/BOG/Bankers Q2 2007
4 Educate/PR BOG/Bankers Q3 2007
5 Establish Bureau Q4 2007
Title or Name of the Initiative: Establishing a Credit Bureau
1. What needs to Change by when?
Establish a Credit Bureau by 2007
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Bankers Association, Ministry of Finance, Bank of Guyana, other financial organizations that
may benefit from credit rating
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Financing for Guvana's Future
Establishment of Credit Bureau by Q4 2007 to be utilized by all lending institutions
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Maria Van Beek Ministry of Finance
Lawrence Williams Bank of Guyana
Chairman Bankers Association
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Financing for Guyana's Future
1. What needs to Change by when?
The abuse of the legal system by a minority to delay the right of the financial institutions to
realize on its collateral.
This causes the financial institutions to either not lend or not accept property as collateral.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Short term A temporary court and temporary judges to immediately handle the backlog.
Long term Revise the structure of commercial dispute resolution
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Shortlist potential temporary judges Judicial Service Immediate
2 Select temporary judges Judicial Service
3 Appoint temporary judges President
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Experienced Attorneys
Bankers Association to fund part of the cost
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Simone Wilkinson (CBGI), Teni Housty (Attorney), Stefka Slavova (World Bank), R.K. Sharma
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Tonia Griffith (Citizens Bank)
Title or Name of the Initiative: Removing the obstacles of taking collateral in lending and
reducing the cost of financing
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Financina for Guvana's Future
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative: Removing the obstacles of taking collateral in lending and reducing
the cost of financing
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Tonia Griffith Citizens Bank 226 1705
Teni Housty Attorney 226 0891
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Simone Wilkinson Citizens Bank 226 1705
R.K.Sharma GBTI
Stefka Slavova World Bank
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
The Government of Guyana agrees to request the JSC to appoint temporary judges to "man" the
commercial court.
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Financing for Guyana's Future
1. What needs to Change by when?
Bankers' approach to SME analysis over the next 2 years
SME attitude toward Business Plan Preparation & Presentation over next 2 years
Consultants' attitude towards Business Plan Preparation over next 2 years
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Meetings with Consultants & Bankers to improve understanding ofrequirements/focus
Workshops with SMEs and facilitation agencies (EMPRETEC) to increase awareness of how
good business plans could add value to their business
Formation of an association of business consultants with responsibility for (a) establishing
standards (in keeping with International Best Practices) for proposal preparation (b) arranging
training for members and; (c) code of conduct (d) acting as a clearing house for requests for BP
Establish fund for support to SMEs re: cost for business plan preparation
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Meeting to present proposals/ideas to volunteers Lindel Harlequin August 30,
2 Design approach to tackle the issue; All volunteers August 30,
3 Establish Steering Committee August 30,
4 Meeting with Bankers; Consultants; SMEs Committee Sept. 2006
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Lindel Harlequin
Judy Semple-Joseph
Quabina Griffith
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action? Lindel Harlequin
Title or Name of the Initiative:
Capacity Building to foster improved SME Lending
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Financing for Guyana's Future
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Capacity Building to foster improved SME Lending
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
1 Reducing cost of business plan preparation to applicant
2 Improving skills of consultants
3 Establishing standards for proposal preparation
4 Increasing collaboration among banks and business development service providers
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Judy Joseph EMPRETEC 223 7405
Lindel Harlequin DFLSA 225 9674
Prembishal Persaud BCCI 455 2497
K. Persaud K.P. Seepersaud Ent 220 8348
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Linden Harlequin DFLSA 225 9674
Judy Semple Joseph EMPRETEC 223 7405
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Financing for Guyana's Future
1. What needs to Change by when?
Increase enforcement of financial reporting by companies with the Deeds Registry and institute
penalties for non-compliance.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
1 Identify sections of Companies Act (legislative review).
2 Augment capacity to regulate and enforce (independent registry for companies or specialized
staff or privatize)
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Review Law (Companies Act) GOG, Banks, Oct 06
2 Identify penalties and review GOG Oct 06
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
People to review law, increase capacity of Registry or staff a new Registry.
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Government of Guyana
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Deeds Registry and other arms of Government
Title or Name of the Initiative: Compliance with Companies Act Financial Registry
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Financing for Guvana's Future
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Financing for Guyana's Future
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
1. What needs to Change by when?
Commercial banks have a public responsibility to promote lending to the sectors that find it
difficult to access finance by 2007.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
1 Need to be educated of the needs of the deprived community
2 Use excess liquidity to be injected into the productive sector rather than T-Bills/surplus on
reserve requirement.
3 Promote other products that support and compliment commercial services designed to
enhance export trade
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Sensitizing commercial banks of the need of SB/Micro 2007
micro finance
2 Reduce administrative costs Commercial Banks 2007
3 Education of SB sectors of sound practice SB 2008
4 Expand product and services of institutions 2008
5 Establish the legal framework to promote same Courts/BOG/GoG 2008
6 Tax incentives for the special sectors especially in 2008
the non-traditional products and service
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Expanding knowledge base by establishing alliances with other lending institutions e.g. micro
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Rajindra Bisessar
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative: Reduction in the spread of interest rates
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Financing for Guvana's Future
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Rajindra Bisessar Office of the President _rajendra
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
L. Butcher Bank of Guyana 2263261
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Financing for Guyana's Future
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
1. What needs to Change by when?
Facilitated access to capital for small and medium sized companies.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
1 Implementation of similar lending products as that of home appliances.
2 Change in the mindset of lenders
3 Development of letters of credit
4 Be able to set up foreign currency accounts
5 Creation of a development bank
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative: Expanding lending to small and medium sized enterprises
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Financing for Guvana's Future
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Lawrence Lowe Jewellery 225 9680
Nicholas Young Rainforest Pottery 218 1419
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Financing for Guyana's Future
1. What needs to Change by when?
1 Balance interests of stakeholders by the end of 2006.
2 Long term Government bonds issued by mid 2007.
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
1 Bring stakeholders together. Review of Act, particularly areas of disagreement and conflict.
2 Refinance T-Bill as longer term corporate bond
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Arrange meeting between GSC, GASCI and GSC Dec 06
2 Issue 5 year note BOG/MOF Jan 07
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Financial Venue, hospitality
Administrative Arrange meeting
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Patrick Van Beek, Christopher Ram
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Patrick Van Beek
Title or Name of the Initiative: Improve the stock market
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM: Financing for Guvana's Future
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Patrick Van Beek CAFS cafs@networksgy. com
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
Christopher Ram Ram & McRae chrisram
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): Financing for Guyana's Future
1. What needs to Change by when?
Study of the liquidity situation cause and effects including both deposits and loans
Review of relevant laws
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Convene a committee of bankers, regulators and technocrats there is too much
misunderstanding, blame and ignorance
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
Title or Name of the Initiative: Changing land registration
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Financing for Guvana's Future
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Bar Association
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Christopher Ram Ram & McRae
Teni Housty
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
CSME: An Opportunity for Guyana to Jump On
Initiatives Identified
Action Team Leaders-Jocelyn Dow (Liana Cane), Patrick Walker (CARICOM Secretariat)
1. Gaining more from Bi-lateral Agreements: Initiative Champions Colwyn King (Guyana
Teachers Union), Alicia Reed (GTIS)
2. Investing in Services: Initiative Champion Mrs. Aneesha Rahaman-Allie (MOFTIC)
3. "Making Our Mark!": Initiative Champion Jocelyn Dow (Liana Cane)
4. Maximising the Benefits of the Institutions within the CSME: Initiative Champion Private
Sector Commission
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): CSME_-GAINING FROM BILATERAL
1. What needs to Change by when?
Means of information dissemination needs to be broadened (a multimedia approach)
Meaningful consultation on issues to be included in agreement
To be done immediately
Make information easily accessible
Use language that is easily understood
Publicize the for a at which the public can make views known
Create an environment that will make stakeholders feel that their ideas are valuable
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Create Information Packages Government Immediately
2 Easily understood language Govt ditto
3 Publicize for a Govt ditto
4 Use multimedia (tv, radio, press) Public& Private ditto
5 Use existing private bodies to help dissemination Public& Private ditto
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Media/Information Specialists
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative: GAINING FROM BILATERAL AGREEMENTS
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Colwyn King Guyana Teachers Union 227-0403
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Colwyn King GTU 227-0403
George Edwards GASCI 223-6176
Alicia Reid USAID GTIS 223-7144
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ? Funding, Human resource information specialist
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.):CSME -INVESTING IN SERVICES
1. What needs to Change by when?
Insitution and infrastructure for training of service personnel need to be expanded to increase
through private sector by June 2007.
Who commits to work on this Initiative? Mrs. Aneesha Rahaman-Allie, MOFTIC
Mr. Patrick Walker, CARICOM
Leaders: Who willbe in charge of coordinating action? Mrs. Aneesha Rahaman-Allie
Title or Name of the Initiative: Investing in Services
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Financing by government and the donor institutions. Also, provision for more trainers. Private
sector investment should also be sought.
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Plan to be approved Parliament Dec 2006
2 Public to be educated Public Sector March 2007
3 Solicit additional trainers Public Sector March 2007
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)? Development of a proposal for donor
support; financial support
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Report to Group
Title of the Initiative:
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Investing in services will significantly increase job opportunities and the quality of life for
Guyanese citizens
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Aneesha Rahaman MOFTIC 225-8825
Patrick Walker CARICOM 222-2022
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Violet Lall 227-5585
Anthea Parris 2231496
Richard Winter 442-3481
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ? Funding; development of services development plan
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): CSME Making Our Mark
1. What needs to Change by when?
Create a hub of like minded manufacturers and link with smaller groups at a regional level
Title or Name of the Initiative: MAKING OUR MARK
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Build trust banks
More market exposure
Create link with ecotour operators to create a look for Guyana
Develop branding and labeling
Market research
ey next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Branding and niche marketing
2 Building linkages with ecotourism
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Development of a branded/signature clothes line for ecotourism ... also fashion furniture
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. e-mail
Joycelyn Dow
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Michelle Cole Cole Facts 225-5260
Andrea Brathwaite Timeless Treasures 226-0874
Roxanne GO-Invest 226-2434
Joycelyn Dow LianaCane
Mohabir Singh
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ?
Intellectual Property Rights legislation
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
ACTION TEAM (for example: Diaspora, Aquaculture, etc.): CSME-REMOVING BARRIERS
1. What needs to Change by when?
Private sector knowledge on the institutions within the CSME in 6 months.
Key next steps and dates
Task What Who By When
1 Link between private sector bodies and head of PSC/Govt One month
CSME institution or representatives
2 Educate members on where they can access PSC & One Month
information on CSME and its institution umbrella Umbrella
organisation Organisations
Resources Needed: (human, financial, administrative)?
Who commits to work on this Initiative?
Private Sector Commission with assistance from government
Leaders: Who will be in charge of coordinating action?
Title or Name of the Initiative: Maximising the benefits of the institutions within the CSME
2. What steps can be taken to create this change? (Brainstorm of Ideas)
Priorotising CSME on PSC and member organization agenda
Presidential Summit on Private Sector Development
Leadership Team
1. Who has committed to coordinate the initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Private Sector 225-0977
2. Who has committed to work on this initiative?
Name Organization Tel. email
Summary Description of Initiative (What will Change by when)
Private Sector knowledge on the institution within CSME
In order to implement, is there a specific request you would make of the Summit (eg.
resources, decisions, participation) ? Administrative