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A GINA Publication
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Presidential activities 1-4
President Jagdeo's Chairmanship of CARICOM- 5-6
Accomplishments in Local Government 7-8
Health Sector Developments 9-11
Regional Developments: Region One 11-12
Region Two 13
Region Three 14-15
Region Four 15
Region Five 16
Region Six 17
Region Seven 17-18
Region Eight 19
Region Nine 20-21
Region Ten 21
Ministry of Home Affairs significant achievements 22-25
Housing Sector achieve targets 25-28
Water Sector- 28-29
Successful year for Fisheries, Other Crops and Livestock- 29-30
Public Sector Modernization Programme- 31
The President's Youth Choice Initiative a dynamic
Programme for young people 32
Amerindian Development Accelerates 33-35
Foreign Trade promotes local produce 35-36
Foreign Affairs "preserving Guyana's territorial integrity" 36-40
Challenging year for Ministry of Agriculture 40-42
Labour, Human Services and Social Security 42-44
Tourism, Industry and Commerce 44-45
Major highlights in Bauxite (mining) Sector 46
Youth Development 47-49
Education Delivery a priority 49-53
Page l
Presidential activities
President Bharrat Jagdeo had a very demanding year as Head of State and Chairman
of CARICOM. With the local political climate unstable and opposition political oppo-
nents on a campaign of destabilization and non-cooperation the People's Progressive
Party (PPP/C) Government has weathered the storm.
Added to the anti-government strategies by opposition elements and the upsurge
in criminal activities the Government's resolve was severely tested.
Four Anti-Crime Bills (which were criticized by the (PNC/R), increases in Police
weaponry, communication and transportation, training and other facilities, have given
the law enforcement agencies more flexibility to launch and offensive against crime with
some positive results.
The President's CARICOM engagements did not prevent him from participating in
two major international agencies: the World summit on Sustainable Development held in
South Africa and the Consultative Group for Co-operation in Economic Development
Meeting held in Washington.
President Jagdeo solicited Spain's support for CARICOM's sugar, rice, rum and
banana industries at the CARICOM/Spain Summit in Madrid, as a member of the Euro-
pean Union. Addressing the Summit on CARICOM's behalf under the topic, "Towards
the Third Summit," the Guyanese leader emphasised the importance of effective mecha-
nisms being in place to ensure that decisions taken at the Summit are implemented, and
he also urged that the next Summit be held within three years. The CARICOM/Spain
Summit precedes the European Union/Latin America Summit which President Jagdeo
also attended.
The President, in June, attended the Consultative Group for Cooperation in Eco-
nomic Development meeting held in Washington. Initially there was a lot of interest
when the CGCED was used to mobilize resources above what was already pledged by
donors to various countries. But this has ceased for some time, and the CGCED over the
years has been used as an instrument for policy dialogue. It is not certain whether the
Caribbean will continue its participation in the body. At that same forum President
Jagdeo held discussions with the Deputy Managing Director Mr. Amanauth of IMF and
at the World Bank with the Vice-President Mr. DeFrante about the Berbice Bridge project.
He also successfully concluded negotiation for a US$27.4 million loan for the electricity
sector for Unserved Areas. The whole project is about US$34million and hopefully this
will give about 50,000 Guyanese families access to electricity.
Regionally, the President attended a special meeting in St. Lucia in August where the
Heads approved relief for Dominica via a transformation and stabilization fund for the
Region. Dominica's economy has been on a decline and is at a point where even the
payment of salaries and wages is difficult. For last year only two of the Region's coun-
tries recorded positive growth rates. This meeting of the Prime Ministerial Sub-Commit-
tee on the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) also agreed to have an
aggressive Public Relations programme on the CSME to ensure a better understanding
of the concept and the benefits for average citizens. They also agreed to have the
Community's laws and protocols translated to national laws and protocols to ensure
domestic commonality for States. On external trade, the Heads urged greater representa-
Page 2
tion of the Region at fora hosted by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Free
Trade Areas of the Americas (FTAA), the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) and the
European Union (EU). While there, President Jagdeo also used the opportunity to meet
the Guyanese community in St. Lucia.
In November, President Jagdeo attended the CARICOMBureau meeting in Bar-
bados to deal with implementation of various policies agreed upon by the Heads at
previous meetings. He also chaired an emergency meeting called in St. Vincent and
the Grenadines to address the state ofRegional airlines and strongly condemned the
treatment meted out to Guyanese at Caribbean airports.
Addressing the Jamaican Parliament at its Special Sitting in observance of the
country's 40t Anniversary Independence earlier this year, the President called for Unity
among Caribbean countries, which he said the Region's success largely depends on.
On the local scene, the President led his Cabinet to Region Six on a two-day visit
in April. During this visit the President commissioned a $10.5M wharf at the emerg-
ing township, Charity, Essequibo. A bridge that links the road to the Fire Station was
built at the same time at a cost of $6.5M. He also presented two boats and engines to
residents as promised earlier. They will be used as the Regional Health Boats to serve
riverain communities and also to transport school children, among other uses. The
Head of State opened a multi-purpose centre in Anna Regina, which will make the
county almost independent of the Capital City, Georgetown at a cost of $4M. The
Centre will offer services formerly available only at several Government agencies,
including the Customs and Trade Administration, the General Registration Office,
the Immigration Office and the National Bureau of Standards. The newly-built Town
Hall at Anna Region was also commissioned. This was built under the Urban Devel-
opment Programme project at a cost of $54M. The new Technical Institute costing
$91M was opened.
The President also led Government teams to Regions Two and Six to meet residents,
address their concerns and have a first-hand look at the various ongoing projects in the
Regions. In Region Six, he commissioned a multi-million dollar market at Skeldon and the
adjoining road and addressed one of the major problems facing Berbicians insufficient
water supply. In Essequibo, the Head of State declared Essequibo Nite 2002 open. This
was staged to promote locally-grown and manufactured commodities and attracted an
estimated 8,000 persons. The President also met residents and addressed many con-
cerns they raised, including lack of electricity, telephone access and potable water.
During the month of October President Jagdeo assented to four anti-crime Bills
passed in Parliament theprevious month. The Bills are, the CriminalLaw (Offences)
(Amendment) Bill 2002 No. 09/2002, the Prevention of Crimes (Amendment) Bill
2002-No. 10/2002, the Racial Hostility (Amendment) Bill 2002- No. 11/2002 and the
Evidence (Amendment) Bill 2002 No.12/2002. These amendments were considered
at a special sitting of Cabinet, summoned by President Bharrat Jagdeo, on August 3,
2002, as part of his Administration's policy of treating the crime situation as a na-
tional priority.
In efforts to build collaboration and strengthen the Armed Forces capabilities,
President Jagdeo met the UnitedKingdom's Chief ofDefence StaffAdmiral Sir Michael
Boyce in what was described as a very productive meeting. Drug trafficking, border
issues, crime and the UK's assistance to Guyana, especially in thefight against crime,
were all discussed.
And keeping its commitment to Guyanese to improve life for all, the Government
brokered an agreement with the bauxite workers Unions for a separation package to help
the ailing industry. It covers workers whose services are either being terminated volun-
tarily or by management. The agreement was reached between the Unions: the Guyana
Mining Metal and General Workers Union (GMM&GWU) and the Guyana Bauxite and
General Workers Union (GBGWU) and Government at a meeting convened by the Head
of State. Last June, the President visited the bauxite operations at Everton and Kwakwani
to solicit the workers opinion on the way forward. Noting their views expressed at those
and other fora held with the workers, negotiations began. According to the separation
package agreed on, LINMINE workers leaving the company will be entitled to payment
for six weeks annually for a maximum of two years. Government, on behalf of LINMINE
will pay all National Insurance Scheme dues, Pay As You Earn and Pension contribu-
tions. The workers will also receive ten per cent of their redundancy/severance pay as
provision for a training grant. The severances have already been paid out.
In the rice industry, On January 31 last, President Bharrat Jagdeo announced an
Agreement reached by Government, the Guyana Association of Bankers and the Guyana
Rice Producers Association (GRPA) for rice farmers who owe a principal debt to various
banks of $ 10M or less from August 2001.Government's concern for the farmers who are
facing great financial problems, among other difficulties within the sector, led to the
prolonged negotiations guided by the Institutional Financial Act, which eventually
bore fruits earlier this year. The relief package provides for waivers on interests on non-
performing loans with outstanding principals of $10M or less, and for 25 percent of the
principal to be suspended and eventually written off over an agreed period, if the debt
is being satisfactorily serviced. Interest rates on the rescheduled loans will be calcu-
lated at a minimum of ten percent per annum, subject to the six-month average of the
Treasury Bill. The banks and their clients will decide on the period over which the loan
will be repaid under this agreement. The President also announced later that Govern-
ment is prepared to consider a similar package for large borrowers individually.
The Government took information technology a step further when it stood guaran-
tor for local students in a medical transcription programme. The joint venture is being
undertaken by Decipher International, the Government of Guyana and Demerara Distill-
ers Limited (DDL).
The transcription course is one which teaches students to record doctors' findings
on a patient's history for future references as well as insurance claims and other relevant
information about that patient, using information technology. After a doctor diagnoses
a patient, the information is fed into a telephone or a recorder and the transcriptionist
records the details of that diagnosis, forming a document. Decipher International, a
company from India is promoting the programme locally. It was initiated in Trinidad and
Tobago last year and has trained to date 200 students who are currently employed.
Decipher International came to Guyana in January this year with the aim of training and
eventually providing jobs for 500 Guyanese and was started through the efforts of the
Guyana Office for Investment (GO-INVEST). The cost of the programme is about $270,
000 per person. Many students could not secure guarantors for their loans at Scotia
Bank and as such could not access the programme, although they passed an initial test,
in which they were required to get more than 70 per cent pass to qualify. It was with the
Page 4
assurance that jobs will be created for the prospective students, should they pass the
course, that the President agreed to stand the tuition expense.
Since young people are the leaders of tomorrow and Guyana needs more trained
personnel, Government through negotiations with the Cuban Government sent off the
largest batch of students to Cuba on scholarship programme. One hundred and twenty
four students will be pursuing their degrees in Medicine, Mechanical Engineering,
Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Culture, Sport, Agriculture, Architecture
and other areas of study under the joint auspices of the two Governments. They de-
parted at the expense of Government with one expectation-to return and serve Guyana.
In keeping with his Administration's anti-corruption policy, the Head of State met
staffers at the Ministry of Housing and admonished them to ensure that the house lot
allocation process must be transparent and under no circumstance should this transpar-
ency be compromised. This meeting was the result of rumours of corruption among
some officials at the Ministry, including calls for money and sexual favours.
Adding weight to the importance of the ongoing consultation with Amerindians for
a proposed revision of the Amerindian Act 1994, President Jagdeo called for the inclu-
sion of every Amerindian's voice in the consideration at a training programme held in
Georgetown for those persons who are working in the various Amerindian communities.
Through negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the President
also secured a US $73M loan over a three-year period. This money would be for Balance
of Payment support among other expenditure. Guyana also secured about $400M from
other institutions for various projects which could lead to exchange rate stability.
The President was quick to respond to the residents' calls for a thorough investiga-
tion into the breach of the East Demerara Conservancy Dam and also assistance for
those who suffered in the disaster. Residents were given monetary assistance as well as
food, farming and medical supplies during that period. The contractor BK was found
culpable and was sued by the Administration for $50M.
Meanwhile, in the social sector, the President pledged his Administration's support
for the local HIV/AIDS programme and this is evident in the quantity of resources
pooled into the National Strategic Plan embarked on by the People's Progressive Party/
Civic (PPP/C) Administration.
In September he commissioned a multi-million dollar building for the Guyana Red
Cross Society and declared open the grand trade fair and exposition-GUYEXPO 2002
"The Call To ElDorado".
Historically, the Head of State became a signatory to the Declaration of Chapultepec
in May, and vowed to protect the rights of the Media.
President Jagdeo's Chairmanship of CARICOM
Among the hallmarks of this year's achievements for President Bharrat Jagdeo is his
appointment as Chairman of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on July 3, 2002 at
the opening of the 23rd Heads of Government Meeting in Georgetown.
Chairing the Committee the President made representations on behalf of the Region
at several fora internationally, including the World Summit on Sustainable Development
(WSSD) in Johannesburg, SouthAfrica in September. At this forum the Chairman pledged
the Region's commitment to sustainable development globally with time-bound targets.
He also took time off from the World Summit to pay homage to those who struggled
against apartheid in South Africa by visiting the Soweto Township located on the
outskirts of Johannesburg, the venue of the Summit. While in Soweto, President Jagdeo
visited the Soweto home of former President Nelson Mandela; the Regina Mundi Cathe-
dral, which was one of the few churches in South Africa that allowed political gathering
during apartheid- and a museum dedicated to young South Africans who died and
suffered during the struggle to end apartheid.
President Jagdeo also chaired one of the three round-table discussions of Heads of
Government at the World Summit, which focused on poverty reduction and explored
practical ideas on how decisions taken at the Summit, can be implemented.
Regionally, the President attended a special meeting in St. Lucia in August where the
Heads approved relief for Dominica via a transformation and stabilization fund for the
Region. Dominica's economy has been on a decline and is at a point where even the
payment of salaries and wages is difficult.
For last year only two of the Region's countries recorded positive growth rates-
Jamaica and Guyana.
This meeting also facilitated discussions by Prime Ministerial Sub-Committee on the
Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME), which agreed to have an aggressive
Public Relations programme on the CSME to ensure a better understanding of the
concept and the benefits for average citizens. They also agreed to have the Community's
laws and protocols translated to national laws and protocols to ensure domestic com-
monality for States. On external trade, the Heads urged greater representation of the
Region at fora hosted by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Free Trade Areas of
the Americas (FTAA), the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) and the European Union
(EU). While there, President Jagdeo also used the opportunity to meet the Guyanese
community in St. Lucia.
In November, President Jagdeo attended the CARICOMBureau meeting in Bar-
bados to deal with implementation of various policies agreed upon by the Heads at
previous meetings. He also chaired an emergency meeting called in St. Vincent and
the Grenadines to address the state ofRegional airlines and strongly condemned the
treatment meted out to Guyanese at Caribbean airports.
The last of his visits was that to Cuba. President Jagdeo led a team of thirteen
CARICOM Heads to join in the celebrations of 30 years of Diplomatic Relations be-
tween Cuba and CARICOM.
One of the highpoints of this visit was interactive dialogue among the Heads under
the theme "The Integration of the Caribbean: Its Political, Economic and Social Dimen-
Page 6
sion, Challenges and Prospects."
Later, reflecting on his tenure the Head of State described the six months as "suc-
cessful an rewarding."
He said the Chairmanship has brought with it several obligations, which he dis-
charged to the best of his ability, but the six-month tenure as Chairman was insufficient
to see the end results of these efforts.
According to the President, while the conclusion of the many objectives he outlined
in his address to the Heads at the opening of the CARICOM Heads of Government
Conference in July were not seen during his tenure, he has managed to lay them on the
The Heads have since agreed that matters will be discussed at intercessional meet-
"I know that six months were too short to address them. But they are firmly on the
agenda and I will continue to address them since I will be on the CARICOM Bureau, and
have the support of other Heads," he said.
Among the objectives were a review of all Regional institutions in accordance with
the Treaty of Chaguaramas, positioning the Caribbean strategically to maximize re-
sources; extending the reach of CARICOM, using strategically the entry point of the
Caribbean and its links with developed countries; and protecting the Region's Fisheries
Regime and rules that govern it.
Another of the highlight of his Chairmanship the President said is the establishment
of the Regional Transformation and Stabilization Fund.
During his tenure, President Jagdeo also attended several meetings of the Heads to
address various issues, including the status of the Regions' economy, the formulation
of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and the raising of the US $100M fund and the
survival of the Regional airline-LIAT.
"It has been a tough six months. I had to deal with the situation at home-crime and
politics as well as CARICOM," he said.
Among the highlights of his Chairmanship the President said is the establishment of
the Regional Transformation and Stabilization Fund and a trust fund to finance it.
Dominica has already started benefiting from that Fund, which is being financed from
the Central Banks of each member state. The Fund is expected to be in excess ofUS$100M
and will be operated as a multilateral financing capacity via the Caribbean Development
Noteworthy also is the establishment of the $100M trust fund for the CCJ.
During his tenure, President Jagdeo also attended several other meetings of the
Heads to address various issues, the status of the Regional airline-LIAT.
He attended the Caribbean Largest Agricultural Show in Jamaica- the Denbigh Show,
where he called for common agricultural policies in the Region.
President Jagdeo's tenure comes to an end today. Dominica will assume the Chair-
manship for the next six months. The official handing over is expected to take place at
the next intercessional meeting of the Heads in February 2003 in Dominica.
Accomplishments in Local Government
For the year 2002, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development has
successfully completed most of the plans projected for the year.
Over $ 1.1157 B was allocated to the ten Administrative Regions in Guyana for
developmental works.
"Human development is our priority," said Minister Harripersaud Nokta during an
interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA).
The following are some areas of significant development:
Realizing that health care is vital to the well being of the people, the Ministry of
Local Government and Regional Development placed emphasis on the construction
and rehabilitation of hospitals countrywide.
In the hinterland areas especially in Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni) residents have ben-
efited from a Health Centre constructed at Mahdia, which is being upgraded to offer
basic health services.
In Skeldon Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne) there is anAccident and Emergency
Unit that is under construction that will benefit residents in and around Skeldon.
Phase Two of the Kamarang Cottage Hospital in Region Seven is on stream and
would be completed shortly at a cost of $ 13.2M.
Residents of Region Eight (Potaro/Siparuni) and Region Nine (Upper Takutu/Upper
Essequibo) are now benefiting from a road link. This will allow residents to travel from
one village to the next by way of tractor rather thanby foot. The road links Paramakatoi
village in Region Eight to Yurong Paru in Region Nine.
For over fifteen years residents of Sera Lodge in Region Three (Essequibo Islands/
West Demerara) were not able to enjoy a proper road. However, residents are now able
to enjoy a road that will benefit them tremendously. It was during one of his visits to the
Regions when Minister Nokta saw the deplorable state of the road, which was a mud
Region Four has benefited from the rehabilitation of schools. $ 19M was spent in the
construction of Dora Primary School and the Practical Instruction Centre at Buxton/
Friendship. East Coast Demerara.
In Region Five $18M was allocated for the maintenance of school buildings. These
include the Rosignol Secondary, Rosignol Primary, Cotton Tree Primary, Hopetown
Primary, Woodley Park Primary, Champagne Primary, No. 29 Primary, Fort Wellington
Secondary and De Hoop Primary.
During the year Minister Nokta commissioned several schools in the hinterland
areas. Mostly Amerindians live in these regions and Government has placed emphasis
Page 8
on development. Instead of children having to travel out of the Region to pursue educa-
tion, schools are being built or rehabilitated in their communities.
In Region Nine, Gunn' Strip Primary School was constructed at a cost of $ 4M
while a teachers' quarters was also constructed.
Drainage and Irrigation
Drainage and Irrigation plays a vital role in agriculture and cattle rearing. Projects
completed in Region Two and Region Six have improved the lives of rice farmers and
In Region Six, over $ 64M was allocated for drainage and irrigation in a Region
affected by periodical flooding.
In Region T\ o o\ i $ 92M was spent to construct irrigation checks at Coffee Grove,
Fair Nauth, Relaince, Bounty Hall, Aberdeen, Sparta, Windsor Castle and Mainstay.
These were just some of the areas that benefited from improved drainage and irrigation.
A sluice in Red Lock which cost $ 57.3M was constructed to improve drainage
facility. Region Two is mainly a farming community as residents in the area cultivate rice
on a large scale.
Residents of Region One are now receiving electricity after many years. Recognising
the plight of residents Minister Nokta made an appeal to Central Government to pur-
chase a new generator and approval was given to purchase the equipment. Now resi-
dents of Fitzburg, Catwalk, Turn Basin, Oronoque and Citrus Grove, have adequate
electricity supply.
Residents of Lethem and its environs are now receiving electric power from the
hydroelectric scheme at Moco Moco.
Vendors of the Wismar Market and Stabroek Market will benefit from better facilities.
The $ 100M project saw the demolition of several existing stalls and the con-
struction of 54 new stalls. Fire points were also established for better access to water
which will reduce the chances of water shortage in case of a fire. There was also replace-
ment of the roofing, building of concrete drains and a new sanitary block.
Plans are underway for phase two, where an additional 100 stalls will be con-
Stabroek Market which is considered one of the hallmarks of Guyana's history
received a face lift. Approximately $ 167M was allocated for rehabilitation works for this
Market. Works carried out included repairs to the roof, sanitary block and other major
sections of the market.
Rehabilitation works were also done on the Corriverton Market which cost $
89M and New Amsterdam Market $ 109M.
Page 9
Health sector developments
The Health sector has made a quantum leap in terms of development during the past
year under the prudent management of the People's Progressive Party/Civic Adminis-
tration, which became the ruling party in 1992.
With the guidance and dedication of the Minister of Health Dr. Leslie Ramsammy,
access to Health facilities has improved enormously and Health indicators show a
healthier nation with fewer mothers and infants dying, more children immunized and
fewer children malnourished, resulting in an overall healthier population.
To this end new Health Centres were built at Lusignan costing $24.5M and Enter-
prise at the cost of $23.5M on the East Coast of Demerara, at Edingburgh, East Bank
Berbice, for $10.5 M and Kato costing $8.5M. The Health Centre at Laluni was rehabili-
tated and a building is being rented in Kitty to house a new Health Centre since the old
one has deteriorated. The Kamarang Hospital is also being built at a cost of $18.2M. A
$22.3M new cottage hospital was also constructed at Wakenaam RegionTwo (Pomeroon/
Supenaam) and massive rehabilitation works began at the Georgetown Public Hospital
Corporation (GPHC). The surgical block at the national referral hospital was repaired.
The cries of bums victims in Guyana were also answered this year and the 'Labour
of love' began- the country's first Burns Unit. The idea of this Bums Unit was bor out
of a collaborative effort between the Georgetown Hospital and the Plasticos Charity
Foundation. The Foundation provided Canadian $150,000 that was necessary for the
construction and the equipping of the Unit. The unit comprises six one-bedded rooms,
a nurse's room, a utility room, a special bathroom and an operating theatre that will be
equipped by the Foundation. The Unit will offer modem treatment to patients suffering
from bums. Two doctors from the GPHC were trained in Canada to work at he Unit while
nurses were trained locally to deal with the patients.
Also at the GPHC a US $80,000 Low Vision Centre was established to make access to
eye care easier and affordable and a High Dependency Unit created to ease the burden
off the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This caters for patients who are in a stable condition
and can be removed from the ICU, but cannot be moved to the normal wards.
The initiation of Medical Termination of Pregnancy at the GPHC started this year in
an effort to reduce the number of admissions of incomplete abortions to the hospital's
gyneacological ward. The institution also conducted several cardiac surgeries locally
with the help of overseas specialists.
The institution introduced a 'complaints desk' to address the grievances of the
The Ministry of Health, through the Ministry of Foreign Trade and International
Cooperation, successfully concluded a deal for a new hospital at New Amsterdam that
will cost US$6M. The present hospital building was also rehabilitated.
For 2002, the Ministry of Health has spent about $110M in treatment overseas for
Guyanese patients. This sum was contributed by both Central Government and through
funds from the Lottery Company. More than $50M has been spent from the national
A new Medical Council was appointed in March after Elections according to the
Amendment to the Medical Practitioners Act of 1991, which was passed in Parliament on
Page 10
November 25, 2001 and gazetted on February 14, 2002.
Responding to citizens' criticism of the sector's management of drugs, the Ministry
of Health computerized the procurement and distribution system at the drug bond.
All requisitions can now be done via the Internet and consumption reports must be
given to the Bond before additional drugs can be issued to any Health institution. This
will improve accountability within the sector.
The legislative framework for the sector was strengthened by the National Strategic
Plan on HIV/AIDS, which was approved by Cabinet. The National Health Plan and the
National Malaria Plan were finalized.
Creating a hallmark, Cabinet approved the ambitious $3.8B Plan against HIV/AIDS
for the years 2002 to 2006. The Plan covers the areas of surveillance, care, treatment and
support, risk and formulation. The plan also includes a hospice for people living with the
virus, and is expected to be funded from the national treasury, donor agencies and the
Global Fund on Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. A Guyanese was elected to the
Fund's Team that reviews the proposals for funding from the various countries. On the
issue of HIV, Government took responsibility for a five-year-old child infected with HIV/
AIDS and the liquid form of Nivirapine to treat the child and undertook to provide the
child's diet.
Drafting of the Legislation for tobacco, pharmacy and the differently-abled people
have started.
Health care delivery has been most problematic in Region Six (East Berbice/
Corentyne) and as a result, an Interim Regional Health Committee was launched in
October to improve its function there. A Cuban brigade of specialists doctors were
deployed at the New Amsterdam Hospital.
This Committee was appointed as part of the Health Sector Reform Programme being
executed by the Ministry and funded by the Inter-American Development Bank. To
boost the capacity of the Regions to deliver efficient care, the Ministry installed new X-
rays at the Regional hospitals and some Health Centres, as well as providing several
dental chairs. Two new ambulances were purchased for Regions Two and Ten and a
dental health programme was introduced in Region Two. Audits of the various hospitals
countrywide started in Region Six and the Hospital Inspectorate Committee at the Min-
istry was resuscitated to enhance standards in the delivery of services at both public
and private health institutions.
A major focus of the Health Sector, is to encourage Guyanese to take responsibility
for their own Health, thereby easing the burden on the sector to care for diseases that
can be prevented.
To this effect, Guyana observed for the first time Oral Health Month- with the aim of
saving, instead of extracting teeth and several Health Clubs were formed in schools to
teach youths about responsible Health practices. A national anti-obesity campaign was
launched to enhance the promotion of health lifestyles.
Creating history in Guyana, the Ministry embarked on a new treatment programme
for filarisis-DEC salt. This is being piloted in the Region most affected by the disease,
Region Six.
One of the shortfalls of this sector is inadequate skilled personnel. To correct this,
the Government sent 75 students to Cuba to pursue scholarships in the medical field. It
also trained several doctors, nurses, dentexes, community health workers and nurse
Page 11
aides who were deployed at the various medical institutions including, those located in
Hinterland areas. The Nurses' specialty also expanded from two to four areas. Initially,
Guyana only had nurses with Midwife specialty. In 2000, anaesthetic nurses were intro-
duced and earlier this year, the legislation for the introduction of Psychiatric and Pediat-
ric nurses was approved in Parliament.
To monitor its performance and the effectiveness of various programmes, Govern-
ment introduced a system of measuring Public Health Performance.
In recognition of its excellent immunization coverage Guyana received two awards
from the Pan-American Health Organization and the Global Alliance for Vaccination
(GAVI). Guyana secured US $1.3M for its immunization programme from GAVI and was
identified among five countries for priority attention from PAHO.
The Government, recognizing the importance of collaboration with its Caribbean
counterparts, strengthened its cooperation with Caribbean countries to fight HIV/AIDS
and joined CARICOM's proposal for $60M from the Global Fund. The country also
hosted the Caribbean National AIDS Programme Coordinators meeting and became a
signatory to the Pan Caribbean Partnership Initiative.
Internationally, Guyana attended the PAHO annual Meeting of the Board of Direc-
tors where a new Director was elected. It also strengthened the Guyana/United States
collaboration in the HIV/AIDS fight at a CARICOM/US Summit onHIV/AIDS hosted
here earlier this year. Guyana was also host to the Caribbean Annual Scientific Meeting
and the Council for Human and Social Development inApril, which focused on Health.
Regional development
Region One
The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) in Region One (Barima/Waini) has com-
pleted a successful year of significant developmental projects.
Last year $91M was approved for the Region's capital works programme, which
catered for significant development in all social sectors.
In the Health sector the Region completed the construction of two
buildings, a laboratory at Matthew's Ridge and a Health Centre at Big
An X-Ray facility was constructed at Port Kaituma.
An additional $4M was allocated to this sector for the purchase of
equipment, which includes mattresses, delivery beds and refrigera
In the Education sector, several projects have been completed including:
Page 12
The construction of teachers' quarters at Yarakita, Warapoka,
Santa Cruz and Moruca.
The completion of sanitary facilities at Waramuri, Black Wa
ter and Assakata Primary Schools and Pakera and Bumbury
Nursery Schools.
The construction of sanitary facilities at Barabina, Matthew's
Ridge, St. Cyprian's and St. Anthony's schools.
The extension of Walaba and Eclipse Falls Primary schools.
Additionally $1.5M was allocated for the purchase of equipment in
eluding beds, gas stoves, tables, chairs, desks, benches, cupboards,
filing cabinets and typewriters.
The Region's programme for roads had some setbacks due to the inclement weather
and lack of proper machinery.
Works completed include:
The Kwebanna to Kumaka waterfront roads
The Mabaruma/Kumaka/Hosororo, KMC bond to fish mar
ket road
The Kumaka Hospital to Bemichi Airstrip road and
The Matthew's Ridge to Baramita road.
The Region completed the construction of a footbridge at Kumaka. The San Jose
bridge is still to be completed because the Region is currently looking at another design
for the bridge which will allow vehicular traffic across the Moruca River for the first time.
The Port Kaituma Guest House has been rehabilitated along with the Boat House at
Under Agricultural Development $22M was allocated for:
The construction of revetment at Barabina and Barima
The rehabilitation of a wharf at Port Kaituma Water
The establishment of nurseries and provision of extension ser
vices at Santa Rosa/Moruca and Port Kaituma.
The upgrading and extension of a nursery at Hosororo.
Page 13
Significant drainage and irrigation works
completed in Region Two
In last year's budget presentation Region Two received $165M for capital works out
of which $92M was allocated for drainage and irrigation.
The Regional Administration successfully completed several projects, which in-
The construction of Irrigation checks, siphons, tail works, box cul
verts, swamp relief tubes and regulators at Dartmouth, Little Alliance,
Capoey Compound, Middlesex, Anna Regina and Plantation Andrews.
The desilting of drainage and irrigation canals at Affiance to Zorg-en-
Vlygt and Henrietta to Dartmouth.
The education sector received $18.5M for projects including:
The completion of the Wakapao dormitory
The rehabilitation and extension of Secondary schools, Number 1
and 2 buildings at Charity, St. John's, Suddie and the CV Nunes Annexe
at Anna Regina.
The construction of Nursery schools at Supenaam Creek, Three
Friends and Mainstay
The extension of Nursery schools at Better Success and Cotton Field.
The sum of $10.5M was allocated for:
The construction of Health Posts at Mora and Columbia
The extension of Health Posts at Aurora and St. Monica
The completion of Health Posts at Friendship
The rehabilitation of the Suddie and Oscar Joseph hospitals
$4M was allocated for projects including:
The rehabilitation of First Bridge in the Lima Housing Scheme
The construction of the Affiance School bridge and Caricom rice mill
bridge at Anna Regina
The Region was allocated $23M for works in this sector which include:
The rehabilitation of School Street at Affiance, Cinema Road at Anna
Regina, Estate Road at Golden Fleece, Middle Road and Masjid Road
at Aurora, Middle Street at Riverstown, Housing Scheme main road at
Suddie, Hopkinson Street at Dartmouth and Back Street at Lima.
Under Land Development the Region received $10M for the upgrading of streets in
several housing schemes including Henrietta, La Belle Alliance, Suddie, Anna Regina
and Danielstown. A tractor was also purchased at a cost of $7M.
Page 14
Emphasis placed on education and
D&I in Region Three
Drainage and irrigation and education were given equal standing in the budgetary
allocations to Region Three (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara) last year.
Both sectors received a $29M allocation.
In the last budget the Region received $29M for the education sector for works
The construction of Nursery schools at De Willem and L'Adventure.
The construction of a pavilion at the Leonora Primary School play
The rehabilitation of the Meten-Meer-Zorg Primary School
$2.5M was allocated for the purchase of equipment for this sector including nursery
chairs, tables, cupboards, desks and benches.
Drainage and Irrigation
This sector was also given priority since the communities are mainly engaged in
farming activities. $29M was allocated for projects including:
The damming of creeks at Hogg Island
The rehabilitation of the Kamuni Potosi canal
The expansion of a 4-line koker gate at Canal Number One
The extension of 'B' line koker gate
The Region received $16M for road works, which include:
The construction of community roads at Stewartville, Hogg Island,
Den Amstel and De Kinderen
Land development
$9M was allocated for the upgrading of roads in existing housing areas at Tuschen,
Sarah Lodge, Cornelia Ida and Oku Canal Number One
The Region also received $4.5M for the purchase of one open-back vehicle for the
health department and one slasher.
$54M was allocated for:
The construction of bridges at Goed Intent, Leonora, Zeelugt and
The Region received $17M for health projects including:
The extension of a physiotherapy department at West Demerara Re
gional Hospital
Page 15
The construction of a toilet block at the West Demerara Regional
An additional $6M was allocated for the purchase of equipment for all-purpose
stretchers, delivery beds, one dishwashing machine, one food processor, one six-burner
gas stove and surgical instruments.
Region Four has progressed despite problems
The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) in Region Four (Demerara/Mahaica) re-
ported significant developments last year. The Region was allocated $83M.
The Region received $6.5M, which catered for works including:
The rehabilitation of Victoria Bridge and the construction of a bridge
at Golden Grove
The education sector received an allocation of $19M for works including:
The completion of Dora Primary School
The construction of a Practical Instruction centre at Buxton
In the health sector $6.5M was allocated for:
The rehabilitation of the Medex's quarters at Grove and Soesdyke
The rehabilitation of the Long Creek Health Centre.
Additionally, $1.2M was allocated for the purchase of one generator for the Long
Creek Health Centre.
Road works received a $24M allocation:
The rehabilitation of roads at Prince William Street in Plaisance, Bare
Root in Bachelor's Adventure, Jonestown, Haslington and Kuru Kuru
Agricultural development
$18.3M was allocated for this sector:
The rehabilitation of water Path at Anns Grove
The construction of outfall kokers at Timehri and at Alliance trench.
The excavation of the east sideline trench at Triumph
The construction of revetment at Buxton/Friendship
Page 16
Region Five records significant development
Region Five (Mahaica/Berbice) has recorded significant achievements throughout
the Region last year.
Projects in the Region include:
The construction of bridges at De Kinderen and at Mahaicony Branch
Road, which received an $8.5M budgetary allocation.
The education sector received a $16M allocation under capital works, which in-
The completion of the Mahaicony Secondary School,
The construction of a headmaster's quarters at No. 10 Mahaica River
The construction of sanitary facilities at the Cotton tree Primary
The rehabilitation of the Calcutta Primary School.
Additionally the education sector received a $3M allocation for the purchase of
equipment including desks, benches, tables, chairs and cupboards for Secondary and
Nursery schools.
$5M was allocated for works on buildings in the health sector, which catered for:
The completion of the Bush Lot Health Centre and
The rehabilitation of the Fort Wellington Hospital.
Also in this sector $3M was allocated for the purchase of equipment including
refrigerators, beds and cots for health facilities.
Under Road works the Region was allocated $36M, which was spent on the con-
struction of roads at:
Ithaca, Zorg-en-Hoop, Blairmont, Shieldstown, Rosignol, Cotton Tree,
Number 3 to 5 villages, Woodley Park, Bush Lot, Lichfield, Catherine
and Strathcampbell.
The De Hoop Branch Road from Handsome Tree to Biaboo was ex
Under the allocation for Wharves and Stellings the Region received $7M, to con-
struct a wharf and ramp at the Abary River.
Another $10M was allocated for land development, which witnessed the upgrading
of roads at the Zorg-en-Hoop and Bush Lot housing schemes. $6M was allocated for
the purchase of an ambulance.
Page 17
Schools, roads built in Region Six
The Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne) Administration completed several major
projects in the Region during last year. Projects include:
The construction of Moleson Creek Primary School and Headmaster's
The construction of bridges at Black Bush Polder and Numbers 54 to
74 drainage and irrigation area
The completion of Phase II rehabilitation of State House, New
The completion of Adelphi and Reliance Nursery schools
The completion of Edinburg Health Centre
The rehabilitation of the New Amsterdam Hospital
The construction of self-contained maternity rooms and an accident
and emergency ward at the Skeldon Hospital
The rehabilitation of drainage and irrigation systems at Yakusari,
Lesbeholden, Johanna, Mibicuri, Black Bush Polder; #66 Creek,
Crabwood Creek, Joppa, #49, Nos 46-47, Rotterdam and Enfield
The completion of Letter Kenny/Auchline Road
The construction of new roads at Cropper, No. 47 School Street,
Middle Street, Crabwood creek; No. 68 Primary School Street, Well
Street at John's, Pension Road at Fyrish and continuation of Orealla/
Siparuta road link
The housing areas at Glasgow and Port Mourant were upgraded.
Purchase of school furniture an anaesthetic machine and wetfield
Region Seven completes
98 percent works programme
The Regional Administration of Region Seven (Cuyuni/Mazaruni) has reported a
completion of its 2002 works programme.
In the 2002 Budget presentation in Parliament, Region Seven was
allocated $62M for capital works. The money was earmarked for works
in all sectors including Health, Education, roads and bridges, drain
age and irrigation. The Central Government has been providing a
significant increase in the allocations to Regions. In 1999 the Region
received $25M; in 2000 $55M; in 2001 $69M and in 2002 $62M. These
allocations amount to $202.8M in four years.
Several projects have been completed throughout the Region ac
cording to the Regional Executive Officer Mr. Gansham Misir. Work
on the Kamarang Hospital will be completed shortly.
Last June, Cabinet approved a contract amounting to $13.2M for the
Page 18
construction of Phase Two of the Kamarang Cottage Hospital in the
Region. The foundation was laid in 2001 and communities, which are
expectedto benefit, include Kako, Quebanang, Jawalla, Phillipai,
Waramadong, Paruima, Chenowing, and Kaikan.
Under the Region's Sea Defence works, the construction of a Sandcrete
revetment at Byderabo waterfront was completed. The Region re
ceived an allocation of $6.2M for its sea defence works and the Min
istry of Public Works has promised to provide an additional $2.5M.
Through the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs the Region acquired a
tractor, which is presently in the Region.
A contract amounting to $7.8M was awarded for the construction of
a teaching block at the Bartica Secondary School, which has been
The Administration is hoping that the Secondary Schools' Reform
Programme (SSRP) will aid in rehabilitating the Bartica Secondary
School, since it is in a deplorable state. The school is housed in two
separate buildings and has the capacity to accommodate some 600
students collectively, but the number of students registered totals
over 1000. The Resource Centre is currently being used to house
approximately eight classrooms. This is a temporary arrangement until
the School can be rehabilitated to house the growing population.
The teaching block is being constructed as a one-flat building but will
later be converted into two since the Region plans to enclose the
bottom flat. The enclosure of the bottom flat has been included in the
region's 2003 budget.
Other achievements in the Region include the extension of the class
room block at the Waramadong and Upper Mazaruni Secondary
The new Waramadong teaching block, which was constructed in 2001,
was further extended this year, easing the overcrowding of the single
building being used.
In the capital programme under Roads, works on the Byderabo water
front road is reported to be completed.
The farm to market road from Kamarang to Waramadong in the Upper
Mazaruni is being cleared. Work was not done on this road for a long
time, which resulted in an overgrowth of vegetation.
The Byderabo waterfront has been reinforced with the construction
of a Sandcrete Bagwall revetment along the riverbank of the Essequibo
A 4 x 4 double cab vehicle was purchased for the Education Depart
ment in Bartica and a freezer was acquired and installed at the Bartica
Hospital Mortuary.
The sum of $51.2M was allocated to the current work programme to cater for
maintenance of Government Living Quarters and schools in the Lower and
Middle Mazaruni and Bartica communities.
The Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) has to date expended
$2,265,000 of the $3M subvention provided by Central Government this year.
Page 19
Region Eight made great
strides in road development
The Region Eight (Potaro/Siparuni) Administration made great strides in its road
development last year.
Construction of the road network in the Region began some three years ago and is
continuing but the road can only accommodate tractors and trailers, due to the rough
The Region's thrust for last year was on the completion of the road network. To date
the roadway has advanced significantly and residents can now travel from Regions
Eight to Region Nine, which opens the door for many opportunities such as trade.
Bridges were allocated $9M for:
The construction of heavy-duty bridges at Kaibarupai, Twiling,
Kopinang, Kato/Cheuing Mouth.
The construction of a footbridge at Waipa/Sand Hill
Education received an allocation of $18M for:
The completion of the Mahdia Secondary School and
The construction of two dormitories at Paramakatoi
The Region received $15M for the construction of modern facilities including:
The construction of a Nurses' Hostel at Mahdia and
A Cottage Hospital at Kato.
Another $2.2M was allocated for the purchase of equipment for the health sector
including refrigerators for Kopinang, Chenapau, Tumatumari, Paramakatoi and micro-
scopes for health centres in the North Paramakatoi.
Roads were constructed at Chenapau to Kopinang, Kanapang to Itabac, and Mon-
key Mountain to Yurong Paru.
In agricultural development plant nurseries and extension services were established
at Mahdia and Kato.
The Regional Administration purchased a four-wheel motorcycle for medical ser-
vices at Kato.
$1.5M was allocated for the purchase of furniture for staff quarters including double
and single beds with mattresses, wardrobes, table-model gas stoves, dinette sets and
Page 20
Region Nine on path to significant development
Region Nine (Upper Takutu/Upper Essequibo), the largest Region in terms of land
space, recorded significant achievements for the past year. Several projects were com-
pleted by the Regional Administration.
This year the Region received a budgetary allocation of $108M to carry out its
capital works programme. This allocation was divided among the sectors.
$30M was allocated for several projects including the:
The completion of dormitories at Aishalton and Annai
The construction of teachers' quarters at Rukumuto, Crash Water, St.
Ignatius and Gunn's Strip.
The construction of Primary schools at Kaicumbay and Katur
The construction of Nursery schools at Maruranau, Shea and Achiwib
The Region also received $2.5M for the purchase of benches, desks, nursery sets,
chairs, tables, beds, mattresses and chalk boards.
Under the Region's Health Programme $7.5M was allocated for projects including:
The construction of health huts at Kurikack, Cracrana, Simone,
Churkitinau, Cuduwini and Gunns Strip.
The Region has also purchased 21 solar panels and batteries for
health huts in the Region.
Bridges were constructed at Butoto, Huri, Willy Wily Wau, Markarnata and Achiwib,
Karasabai and Kaicumbay.
In agricultural development the Region's programme catered for several projects:
The construction of nurseries at Annai and Karasabai.
The construction of livestock quarters at Saurab, Ng-a-Fook Cross
ing, and Gomes Crossing.
The construction of drive-in dip facilities at Annai, Kurupukari and
The Region assisted farmers in fencing their farms at Awaranau, Toka,
Nappi, Moco Moco, Koribu and Yupukari.
In infrastructural projects roads were completed at Culvert City Hous
ing Scheme. Forty concrete electricity poles were installed to extend
the power supply.
Poles were also installed at the Tabatinga Housing Scheme.
Hand dug wells and trestles were established at Toushida and
The Region purchased a 4 x 4 ambulance and three aluminum boats
forYarakita, Empererno and Crash Water.
Page 21
To enhance communication in the Region, two radio sets were pur
chased for Moco Moco and Yupukari.
Region Nine has received significant budgetary allocations over the years. In 1999
the Region received $60M; in 2000 the allocation was $99M; in 2001 it was $109M and
2002 it was $108M. Overall, the Region has received approximately $378M over a four-
year period.
Education development major thrust in Region Ten
The Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice) Administration placed major em-
phasis on the development of education last year, receiving a budgetary allocation of
$32M from the overall amount of $97M.
The construction of the Watooka Day Primary School and the commencement of
Amelia's Ward Student's Hostel, were the major projects
The Health Sector received a $17.5M allocation, which catered for the completion of
the Kalkuni Health Centre in the Berbice River and the construction of health posts at
Wisroc, Gold Hill, Coomaka and Hum Huu.
The sector received $4M for:
the rehabilitation of the Tacama waterfront wharf in the Berbice River and the
construction of a storage bond at the Tacama wharf
The excavation of drainage canals at West Watooka were completed at a cost of
Road development was allocated $10M to:
rehabilitate the Ituni/Kwakwani road and construct road drains at Victoria Val
Infrastructure development was allocated $6M for the continuation of road con-
struction at Amelia's Ward and Block 22 at Linden. A 4 x 4 vehicle was purchased for the
works department and one ambulance for the Linden Hospital.
Page 22
Ministry of Home Affairs
significant achievements despite several setbacks
Despite setbacks in several areas the Ministry of Home Affairs has forged ahead
and recorded several successes in the various departments.
At the 30th sitting of the National Assembly four Anti-Crime Bills were passed on
September 19. The Bills, which were amendments, included the Criminal Law (Of-
fences) Amendment Bill, the Prevention of Crimes (Amendment) Bill, the Racial Hostility
(Amendment) Bill and the Evidence (Amendment) Bill.
President Bharrat Jagdeo held a special Cabinet session several weeks before to
review existing legislation with the intention of identifying amendments and appropriate
additions. Guyana has also ratified an agreement on the Caribbean Court of Justice,
which was officially established on July 22 in Trinidad and Tobago but will be opera-
tional in 2003.
This agreement materialized by way of the Treaty of Chaguaramas and was signed
by President Jagdeo and presented to the Caricom Secretary General by State Counsel
Mr. Naresh Parnanan at the fourth educational workshop held in Trinidad and Tobago,
which discussed the roles and objectives of the CCJ.
The Ministry of Home Affairs consists of several departments including the Guyana
Police Force, the Guyana Fire Service, the Guyana Prison Service, and the General
Register Office.
The Guyana Police Force
Following the escape of five prisoners from the Camp Street Prison on February 23,
the crime situation in the country has increased significantly. In its efforts to curb the
crime wave the Guyana Police Force has been engaged in a number of activities. As a
result of Government's aid and overseas assistance the Force has received a quantity of
equipment and vehicles, while training has been intensified and new squads and intel-
ligence task forces have been set up.
During September public consultations on crime were held with residents of vari-
ous communities to garner views and possible solutions to the recent upsurge in
criminal activities countrywide. A National Steering Committee on Crime was estab-
lished following the National Crime Consultation organized by the Office of the
President on August 22 at the Ocean View Convention Centre. The consultations
provided an opportunity for residents to voice their opinion on the mechanisms
adopted by the Security Forces to combat the situation and offer solutions and advice
on how to strengthen existing mechanisms.
A report based on the recommendations gathered was compiled andpresented to
President Bharrat Jagdeo.
Several projects were undertaken this year by the Ministry, which includes the
reconstruction of Sisters Police Station; the reconstruction of the Female Barracks at the
Felix Austin Police College; the reconstruction of Reliance Police Station; the recon-
struction of the Tactical Service Unit Barracks; the construction of a new Police Outpost
at Wisroc; and repairs to the roof of the Brickdam Police Station.
Page 23
Additionally, several Police Stations were fenced including Albion, Anna Regina,
Beterverwagting, Blairmont, Issano, Linden, Mahaica, Mahaicony, Number 51, Ruimveldt
and Vreed-en-Hoop.
In addition to overseas training courses, five hundred and fifteen Police ranks were
trained locally at the Felix Austin Police College in various courses. Twenty-five training
courses were held overseas in the Caribbean, Latin America and the United States of
The Guyana Police Force received aid from institutions such as the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police Force (RCMP), Scotland Yard and overseas-based Guyanese to im-
prove local policing.
Guyana began receiving assistance from Britain in 1999 when the United King-
dom Regional Advisor Mr. Paul Matthias visited Guyana, after which a report was
submitted on the findings and recommendations arising out of the visit.
Several ranks have also received overseas training in the areas of intelligence gath-
ering, narcotic investigation, and airport interdiction in Jamaica, the United States of
America, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia and many other countries.
The Traffic Department
The Traffic Department has approximately forty-three thousand, five hundred and
fourteen cases before the Courts for various traffic offences. The Department has con-
tinued it efforts to curb the number of deaths of children on the roads. To date, fifteen
children have been killed as compared to twenty-seven in 2001.
Road safety talks have been aired on television and radio and are continuing. Offic-
ers from the Traffic Department visit schools and conduct sessions with students.
A total of forty-six Police ranks have completed four-wheeled driving courses, while
ten other ranks have completed two-wheeled driving courses. During 2002 the Traffic
Department acquired approximately 18 motorcars, 16 (4x4) pick up, 4 canter vans, 2
Bedford trucks, 1 (26 seats) minibus, 17 motorcycles and 2 (15 seats) minibus.
The Guyana Prison Service
In the Guyana Prison Service several achievements have been recorded. Achieve-
ments include the strengthening of the staff; the appointment of a Staff Welfare Officer;
the construction of a cellblock at the Mazaruni Prison, which is almost completed; the
rehabilitation of the Timehri Prison; the rehabilitation of the overhead water tank at the
Mazaruni Prison; the rehabilitation of the Female Officers' quarters at the Mazaruni
Prison; the completion of a new dormitory at the Lusignan Prison and the rehabilitation
of the Number Two male dormitory block at the New Amsterdam Prison.
The Guyana Prison Service has also received a quantity of books from the Logos II
a visiting ship.
Prison armories at New Amsterdam, Mazaruni and Timehri have been rehabilitated
while the technological surveillance/monitoring capabilities have been improved at the
Georgetown Prison.
Security capabilities have been enhanced at prison buildings at Mazaruni and
Lusignan while the security in strong cell areas for high profile prisoners has been
Page 24
enhanced at the Georgetown Prison.
An observation post has been erected at the Mazaruni Prison and the block making
industry at the Timehri Prison has been expanded. Four stand-by generators have been
purchased for various prisons along with one welding set and one compressor for the
Mazaruni Prison.
In an effort to enhance the welfare of the prisoners several initiatives were launched,
including the expansion of training programmes in music, small business management,
photography, correspondence, skills instruction for young offenders, and masonry for
females. Health care in the Prisons has been enhanced through proper diet, medical,
dental and optical care and improved medical supply.
The Prisons have also received donations including drum sets and a guitar from the
British High Commissioner, Mr. Edward Glover and sewing machines and typewriters
from the Food for the Poor.
To boost agricultural production stockbreeding was introduced at all Prisons in the
country. There was acquisition of farmlands, which prisoners cultivate.
The Guyana Fire Service
Accomplishments in the Fire Service include the construction of a new Fire Station
at Anna Regina (Region Two); the acquisition of three new state-of-the-art Fire Tenders
and ancillary equipment; the acquisition of approximately three acres of land at Leonora
(Region Three) for the construction of the Fire Service Training School; the reopening
of the Alberttown Fire Station; the training of middle and junior management staff in
Trinidad and Tobago through the auspices of the Caribbean Association of Fire Fight-
ers and the increase of the staff establishment from three hundred and sixty-eight mem-
bers to four hundred members.
Fourteen officers of the Guyana Fire Service participated in a three-day training
programme, which focused on Incident Command Systems (ISC), which was presented
by Farrow and Associates of the United States of America. The programme was aimed at
enhancing the ability of the Guyana Fire Service to respond to humanitarian disasters.
The knowledge gained by officers through the ICS training canbe applied in various
situations including major and minor fires, high-rise fires, hazardous chemical spills,
natural disasters, aircraft crashes, traffic accidents and civil disorders.
General Register Office
The General Register Officer has opened another branch at Anna Regina, for the first
time. The Regional Office provides services in terms of the issuing of births, deaths and
marriage certificates to the people of Region Two. Residents do not have to travel to
Georgetown to obtain vital documents. Meanwhile, preparations have been made for
the establishment of a similar office in New Amsterdam, Berbice, which should become
operational in 2003.
Two training courses were held during this year for supervisory, middle manage-
ment and customer service staff while a seminar for marriage officers was held in Decem-
Training seminars for Registrars were held in Mabaruma, Region One (Barima/Waini),
Page 25
as well as in Regions Eight and Nine. These seminars were held in collaboration with the
Ministry of Health. Another seminar focusing on the Rights of the Child was held in
Housing sector achieved many objectives
The Ministry of Housing and Water achieved many of their targets during the year.
The Ministry through private contractors constructed 150 low-income houses in sev-
eral housing areas across the country.
Minister of Housing and Water, Mr. Shaik Baksh said the 150 houses built with
money from the Revolving Fund that was set up to boost the housing drive, have been
sold out. Model houses were sold and handed over to residents of Mon Repos, East
Coast Demerara and Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara among others. The houses are
constructed and sold for $1.5 million.
The low-income houses are two-bedroom concrete structures with patio, living room,
kitchen, internal wash room and other facilities. The structure totals 520 square feet. The
houses are equipped with electrical and plumbing facilities.
Some of the housing schemes that have low-income houses are Cornelia Ida
and Tuschen in Region Three (West Demerara/Essequibo Islands), Diamond/Grove,
Region Four (Demerara/Mahaica), Glasgow and Number 77 Village in Region Six, Amelia's
Ward, Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice).
Steps were taken this year to regularise 25 squatter settlements across the
country. Some of the schemes looked at this year were Wine Bush, Blairmont, Little India
and Little Africa. There are 120 registered squatter settlements of which 65 have already
been regularised.
The Ministry distributed 7,400 land titles this year. Some 145 persons of
Section A and B and Block F and R, Sophia, Region Four received titles to their land in
February 2002 while over 75 persons of Diamond Block 1 and 2, Region Four received
their titles the following month.
In Bartica, Region Seven some 140 persons received titles to their land and
another 140 at Tuschen Housing Scheme. Seventy persons of Groenveldt received land
titles after living in the area for over 40 years. About 101 residents ofAnkerville, Kilcoy/
Chesney and Tain villages, Region Six received titles to their houselots after living there
for more than 60 years.
Land titles were also distributed to approximately 200 residents of Hope/Ex-
periment/Waterloo and Referendum City. Some 166 residents of Belle West have also
received titles to their land.
Steps were taken to provide land titles to residents who have been living in
Bartica for more than 40 years. The Ministry of Housing handled the processing for
residents of De Kinderen to receive land titles after they had completed payments.
Lethem residents received allocation letters for their lots and Kilcoy/Chesney North
was short-listed for electricity under the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) five-
year project, which will provide electricity for several communities across the country.
Infrastructural developments in the housing schemes countrywide are moving apace.
Page 26
Promise fulfilled to medical team in Pomeroon
Minister Gail Texiera holds meeting of launching of Mash 2002 in Region One
Page 27
One of the modern fire tenders acquired by the Guyana Fire Service
Youths being trained in various skills at Sapodilla Learning Center, Region Five
Page 28
Roads, drainage systems, culverts and water systems are being constructed in many of
the schemes.
Contracts have been approved and awarded for the construction of roads, drainage
systems and other infrastructural facilities at Diamond/Grove, Parafaite/Harmonie, Number
77 Village and Culvert City inLethem among others.
Government has also put measures in place to facilitate allottees to access low-
income loans through three Commercial Banks namely, New Building Society (NBS),
National Bank of Industry and Commerce (NBIC) and Citizen's Bank. The Banks are
providing loans at very low interest rates, which are suitable for families earning below
The Ministry of Housing has also started a repossession project during the year,
whereby they repossessed houselots that people did not occupy. It was noted that
there are persons who were given lots for more than three years and they did not begin
construction. The names of the persons whose lots are being repossessed, are placed
on a list for houselots when they are prepared to construct their houses.
Achievements in the Water Sector
There were several major achievements in the Water sector during this year. A
single water utility, Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), was established in June and
a management operation contractor the utility was signed in November, 2002.
The management contract provides for five top-level managers to coordi-
nate the operations of GWI. The contract has specific aims and objectives, which will
have to be attained within five years. The contract will be effective from January 1,
GWI is the result of a merger of the Guyana Water Authority (GUYWA) and the
Georgetown Sewerage and Water Commissioner (GS&WC) and also the taking over of
the Linden Water System, Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice).
GWI was established after the Water and Sewerage Bill 2002 was passed in
Parliament earlier this year. The legislation allows for the establishment of the single
The major water projects at Rose Hall, Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne)
and Pouderoyen, Region Three (West Demerara/Essequibo Islands) have been com-
The Rose Hall water project was constructed at a cost of $1.3 billion with
funding from the European Union (EU) and the Government of Guyana. About 60,000
persons are benefiting from the project, which had experienced some delays. The projects
entailed the construction of a treatment plant, distribution and transmission systems
and storage facilities.
The Pouderoyen project provides water for about 40,000 persons living in
West Demerara. The EU funded the project at a cost of $1.2 billion. The project included
the rehabilitation of treatment plants, storage facilities, and the installation of new trans-
mission and distribution systems.
Large contracts were also signed for the rehabilitation of major water projects
Page 29
at Eccles, East Bank Demerara, La Bonne Intention (LBI), East Coast Demerara and
Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni/Mazaruni).
The LBI project is funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) at a cost
of about $1.2 billion. Some 60,000 persons along the East Coast Demerara will benefit
from the project. A representative of the CDB visited the project and noted that the Bank
is satisfied with the progress of work at LBI.
Work on the Eccles project is moving ahead and some 60,000 persons along
the East Bank of Demerara will benefit from the project, which has a 12-month duration.
Rehabilitation of the Bartica treatment plant and distribution system is moving
apace. Minister of Housing and Water, Mr. Shaik Baksh is optimistic that the project will
be completed in March 2003 as scheduled.
Works on the three major projects are moving apace aggressively.
The Linden Water system is now one of the responsibilities of GWI. Some
$95 million was allocated in the 2002 budget for the upgrading of the Linden Water
Residents of Paramakatoi Village, Region Eight (Potaro/Siparuni) also
benefitedfrom a solar water system this year.
A promise to drill a new well at Bath Settlement, Region Five (Mahaica/
Berbice) was fulfilled this year. President Bharrat Jagdeo had promised residents of
Bath Settlement to drill a well in the area, which will serve persons living in Bath
Settlement, Referendum City and Hopel Waterloo\Experiment. The well was drilled
by the Guyana National Industrial Engineering (GNIC) and the entire project cost
$30 million.
Another major highlight in the Water Sector is waiver of the service connec-
tion fees. Effective January 1, 2002, the Ministry of Housing and Water waived the
service connection feesfrom $10,000 to $1,000 as a nominalfee.
Residents of several areas throughout the country also benefited from im-
proved water services. Some of the villages include Topoo Village, Region Six;
Shieldstown, Region Five and several new housing areas.
Successful year for Ministry of Fisheries,
Other Crops and Livestock
The Ministry of Fisheries, Other Crops and Livestock along with Forestry have
made significant progress during 2002.
Minister of Fisheries, Other Crops and Livestock, Mr. Satyadeow Sawh said his
Ministry has performed well during the year.
He pointed out that in the Fisheries Sector there has been significant improvement
in the aquaculture industry. Four training programmes were held and approximately 40
persons were trained. Farmers were taught the scientific methods of establishing an
aquaculture farm.
The Fisheries Bill 2002 was passed in Parliament this year. This will clear the way for
the rapid development of the local fishing industry. The Bill provides for a comprehen-
Page 30
sive approach to regulating fishing in the country's territorial waters in accordance with
the United Nation's Law of the Sea Convention. Steps have also been taken to gain
certification from the European Union (EU).
Export of seafood and fish products have increased significantly. A closed season
was also introduced this year, which allowed stakeholders in the sector to do rehabilita-
tion and maintenance on wharves and vessels while workers were also granted vaca-
tion. The closed season also allowed the resources to regenerate.
In the Other Crops sector, exports to the Caribbean, North America and other mar-
kets have increased significantly during this year. The Central Packaging Facility at
Sophia was also upgraded to meet international standards.
Farmers in several parts of the country, including Parika, Linden and the Northwest
District were given advice and demonstrations to practice better post-harvest tech-
The New Guyana Marketing Corporation (NGMC) is in the process of printing some
technical bulletins to guide farmers, exporters, buyers and other stakeholders about
post-harvest techniques.
NGMC also conducted several market surveys in the United Kingdom, New York,
Toronto and the Caribbean through a joint project with the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) and Guyana Economic Opportunity (GEO).
NGMC hosted buy local activities in Berbice, Essequibo and Demerara to support
locally-grown and locally-made products. NGMC noted significant success this year
through the buy local campaigns.
Farmers throughout the country have benefited from technical and other assistance
from the National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI).
The Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) established a unit at the University of
Guyana, Turkeyen Campus. The Commission held vocational training, which resulted
from the International Tropical Timbers Organisation (ITTO).
The Ministry recorded a number of achievements in the Livestock sector. The sheep
and duck production at NARI are moving ahead rapidly. Many farmers are accessing
livestock from the farm at NARI.
The mini-milk pasteurization plant at Dantzic, Mahaicony was commissioned in Feb-
ruary this year. The pasteurized milk is sold on the local market. A pilot project was
launched at three nursery schools in Region Five (Mahaica/Berbice). Through the pilot
project, students are provided with milk on a daily basis and their growth and other
health-related aspects are recorded, then compared to students who are not drinking the
A private investor has also upgraded his abattoir to meet international standards
and this will allow Guyana to export beef after this country was certified free from Foot
and Mouth Disease (F&MD).
Minister Sawh said Guyana is self-sufficient in poultry production. Private inves-
tor has established a multi-million dollar hatchery, which will boost the poultry sector.
The Minister added that after consultations, the import duties on chicken parts were
increased to give local producers a level playing field.
Minister Sawh said this year has seen many successes and he is optimistic that 2003
will be even better.
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Public Sector Modernization Programme:
vital development
While the issue of wages and salaries in the Public Service Ministry is always a
leading element, there have been a number of other important issues which were dealt
with during this year.
The Public Service Appellate Tribunal was named in February and took office in
March. Mr. Lennox Perry, a former Appeal Court Judge was named Chairman designate
while Mr. George Fung-On and Mr. Randolph Kirton of the Guyana Public Service Union
were also elected members.
This tribunal will be responsible for resolving matters relating to employees, em-
ployers and trade unions.
The Ministry held several seminars and provided training opportunities for employ-
ees within the Ministry. There was the two-day Annual Public/Private Sector and Civil
society forum under the theme "Human resource development and the management of
A one-day conference on Personnel management and development and a language
and communication training course for clerical and accounting staff were in-house
achievements for the Ministry.
The Governance Network was contracted to design a Public Sector Modernization
Programme costing US$725, 000 funded by the Government of Guyana and the Inter-
American Development Bank (IDB).
$102M was secured for employee training and scholarships within the Ministry.
Minister Westford was also instrumental in obtaining scholarships for over 100 youths
to study medicine, culture and sport in Cuba. Selectees are already in that Caribbean
After an eight-month negotiation which ended in deadlock, Public Service employ-
ees were awarded a five percent wages/salaries increase retroactive from January 2002.
The Ministry is hoping to negotiate a multi-year agreement early in 2003.
Besides the eighth-month wages negotiations with the GPSU, there were no signifi-
cant industrial disputes between public servants and Government.
Page 32
President's Youth Choice Initiative
a dynamic programme for young people
The issue of youth development is always at the forefront of the Government itiner-
ary, so much so that President Bharrat Jagdeo himself has mandated a programme for the
advancement of today's young people.
The major objective of this programme is to provide meaningful opportunities to
prepare youths for the future. It is anticipated that such preemptive action will generate
positive long-term benefits for young people.
This programme provides for the development of youths throughout the country.
The programme was initiated in May 2001 after two days of consultations with young
people from across the country.
This process was discussed at the National Sports Hall, Regional Democratic Coun-
cils (RDC) and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDC). The Private Sector has
been facilitators of this project in their respective communities.
For the year 2002 the President's Youth Choice Initiative (PYCI) provided outboard
engines, agricultural equipment and sports gears to a number of hinterland areas. Com-
munities such as Waramadong, Paruima and Kamarang have benefited from these
projects. A number of adults in these areas have benefited from the facilities provided,
especially as regards computer supplies, sports equipment and community centres.
These projects facilitate interaction at the community level and adults indirectly benefit.
Two of the major projects to come out of PYCI have been the Andrew "Six Heads"
Lewis gym in Albouystown and the multi-purpose centre in Bartica. Other areas in the
capital city such as South Ruimveldt, West Ruimveldt and Lodge have received play-
grounds, computer centres and recreational halls.
Other areas have received outboard engines and speedboats in an effort to address
the transportation needs in some remote hinterland areas.
Some 400 facilities were made available across the country, while 50 have been
spread across the capital city of Georgetown. An anticipated $800M has been set aside
for projects under the PYCI. It is estimated that more than half of this sum has been
utilised for this year alone.
There were a number of setbacks to the programme during its initial stages including
the destruction of its offices by fire at the Ministry of Housing and Water earlier this
The PYCI follows a similar trend as a number of youth programmes facilitated by the
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport since it is concentrating on providing opportuni-
ties for youths in every community of the country.
Page 33
Amerindian Development accelerates this year
The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs had a relatively productive year despite facing
several challenges.
This is in relation to completing its work programme for the year 2002 and in keeping
with the announcement by President Bharrat Jagdeo of priority projects for the various
Ministries after the conclusion of the Cabinet retreat in January.
The Ministry had listed a significant number of priority projects which it had in-
tended to complete by the end of December. Among these were the establishment of
Village Offices in several Amerindian communities.
While the Ministry was not able ton accomplish this in all of the villages, it was able
to establish Village Offices in St. Monica and Kabakaburi in Region Two (Pomeroon/
Supenaam) and Moco Moco in Region Nine (Upper Takutu/Upper Essequibo).
In its efforts to assist the Village Councils to better administer their duties, the
Ministry swore in seven Village Captains from the Upper Mazaruni District, in Region
Seven, as Justices of the Peace.
This is the first time in the history of Amerindian Village Councils, that such an
achievement has taken place. There is quite a significant number of Amerindian Justices
of the Peace, but there are still difficulties, especially in the area of accessing birth
certificates for both children and adults.
It is hoped that the ex-officio provisions given to the Captains would help to minise
this problem, since the Captains are allowed to vouch for birth certificates on behalf of
the applicants.
Another major initiative undertaken over the year was the revision of the Amerindian
Act. Consultations for this activity have reached an advanced stage and the amend-
ments are expected to be taken to the National Assembly early next year.
In the latter part of August and the beginning of September, 27 Field Facilitators from
the various Regions were trained to carry out the consultations.
Meanwhile, in a collaborative approach, with the Ministry of Fisheries, other Crops
and Livestock, the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs was able to work with Amerindian
communities to control the Acoushi ants plague. The programme was implemented in
communities in Regions One, Seven, Eight and Nine and is expected to continue in 2003.
There were concerns over the leaf-cutter destroying large portions of farms in the
hinterland regions. This, more than once, resulted in Amerindian communities, espe-
cially in Region Eight, suffering from food shortages.
It is almost impossible to eradicate these leaf-cutters,and they continue to destroy
farms mainly in the hinterland. As a result, the two Government Ministries embarked on
an Acoushi ants control programme.
Amerindian communities engage mostly in subsistence farming, and are very de-
pendent on cassava. However, more recently, they have been encouraged and given
assistance to diversify their agricultural base so that in the dry weather they would not
endure difficulty in accessing food items.
As the Government continues to fulfill its promise to demarcate Amerindian lands
and provide them with the titles, the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs and the Lands and
Surveys Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, this year continued with the exer-
Page 34
The survey has been completed in Region Nine and Karasabai is nearing
completion. Currently, the second phase of the programme, looking at the non-titled
communities and the extension of existing land, is in process in Region Ten.
There are only two Amerindian communities in the Region that have titles and
since they have completed their demarcation, officials from the Lands and Surveys
Department, and the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs have visited those communities
that do not have legal titles, to carry out resource mapping.
In an effort to provide income-generating jobs in Amerindian communities the
Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
and the Amazon Caribbean Company (AMCAR) signed an agreement which would
engage Amerindians from communities in the Barima/Waini Region in replanting the
Heart-of-Palm, commonly known as the 'manicole cabbage'. The total investment is US
In the meantime, a pineapple-canning project is on stream in Mainstay, Region
Two (Pomeroon/Supenaam). The factory is currently under construction. The company
will provide markets for the local produce.
AMCAR is a French company, currently operating at Drum Hill, Barima River
and has a ready market in Europe for these products.
During the year the Ministry also devoted some of its resources to providing im-
proved educational services to Amerindians in the interior.
Minister Carolyn Rodrigues in October commissioned the students' Hostel at
Springlands, Corriverton.
The facility was funded by the Social Impact Amelioration Programme (SIMAP) and
will accommodate students of Orealla/Siparuta, an Amerindian community in Region Six
(East Berbice/Corentyne).
The rehabilitation of the Amerindian Hostel in Georgetown and the institution of the
students' library at the Hostel were other major accomplishments of the Ministry for the
The hostel was rehabilitated by SIMAP at a cost of over $8M, while the library cost
Government some $5M. The library was also made possible with the help of the Cana-
dian Government, which donated one computer and some books. The United Nations
International Children's Fund (UNICEF), contributed two computers.
Slated among the priority projects was the relocation of the Ministry from the Office
of the President to Thomas and Quamina streets.
Initially, the former Guyana Mortgage and Finance Bank, Avenue of the Re-
public and North Road was identified to house the Ministry.
However, according to Minister Rodrigues, "The Engineer found that to rehabilitate
that building, it was going to cost a lot" and advised that it might be more feasible to
construct a new facility.
Consequently, the new site was identified. Meanwhile, the recruitment of profes-
sional staff has not been hindered. Community Development Officers (CDO's) have
been recruited in all of the Regions and several Social Workers among other staff have
been added to the existing staff of the Ministry.
Through a collaborative effort, a cancer research project has commenced in Regions
One (Barima/Waini) and Nine (Upper Takutu/Upper Essequibo. There were some con-
Page 35
cerns about an increase in the cancer disease among Amerindian women.
As a result the Ministry is initiating a research project to ascertain the extent of the
disease among Amerindian women.
The project is being funded by the Canadian International Development Agency
(CIDA) through the Gender Equity Fund.
Ministry of Foreign Trade and International
Co-operation promotes local produce
This year the Ministry of Foreign Trade and International Co-operation worked
insidiously to promote Guyana's products abroad and ensure that Guyana's interests in
the international trading arena are not overlooked.
Guyana's Minister of Foreign Trade and International Co-operation was named to
supervise CARICOM's negotiations at the World Trade Organisation. This decision
was taken when CARICOM Heads met for their 13t inter-sessional meeting in Belize in
Early this year, the Ministry of Foreign Trade in its capacity as the National Co-
ordinating Agency for the Guyana/ Brazil border activities the Takutu Bridge and the
Guyana/ Brazil Road projects, resumed inter-agency consultations. These discussions
continued throughout the year.
The Ministry held meetings with the local business community to sensitise them on
the Guyana/ Brazil Partial Scope Agreement and the Guyana/ China Trade Agreement.
The aim of the meeting was to position the local business sector to take advantage of
the trading opportunities under these agreements.
Through the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Trade a number of meetings of the
Takutu Bridge Committee were convened. Meetings were also held with residents of
communities close to the Takutu Bridge and other stakeholders in the project.
This year the Ministry hosted the 12th Meeting of the Council for Trade and Eco-
nomic Development.
The meeting looked at progress in the implementation of the CARICOM Single
Market and Economy particularly with respect to the implementation of Protocol II,
World Trade Organisation negotiations with emphasis on trade related and intellectual
property rights, CARICOM/ Columbia, CARICOM/ Cuba and CARICOM/ Dominican
Republic trade agreements.
The meeting looked at the US Trade PromotionAuthority and its impact on CARICOM
exports and re-exports of raw fabric.
The meeting also addressed concerns of the Regional Negotiating Machinery among
other issues.
Trade relations with the European Union (EU) took up considerable attention of the
Foreign Trade Ministry.
The EU sugar market absorbs the bulk of Guyana's sugar exports (80%), and efforts
at protecting these preferential agreements continue to demand the attention of the
Ministry. The EU is a significant contributor to grant aid to Guyana, contributing some
Page 36
US$20 million annually.
The Cotonou Agreement, the Everything But Arms initiative and Economic Partner-
ship Agreements continue to demand the attention of the Ministry
On the FTAA negotiations the Ministry of Foreign Trade has been hard at work.
These negotiations will have to take into account the capacity, concerns and interests
of the participating countries, including the differences in the levels of development and
size of economies.
Guyana has proposed the concept of a Regional Integration Fund (RIF) as a tool for
helping the smaller economies in the Region to derive greater benefits from the FTAA
and to avoid marginalisation.
At the level of the WTO, negotiations are continuing and Guyana as an individual
nation and in conjunction with other CARICOM and ACP States, is seeking to ensure
that trade rules take into account the peculiar circumstances of small nations' econo-
mies and the need for special and differential treatment.
Conformity by the developed nations to WTO rules and regulations continue to
attract the attention of the Ministry.
This year the Ministry of Foreign Trade met with a number of producers in an effort
to assist these companies to take advantage of international trading markets. Confirm-
ing to international standards and cost-cutting measures were issues discussed at
these meetings
During 2002 the Ministry held training courses for staff so as to better equip them to
face the challenges of the changing world of trade.
The FTAA, ACP/ EU and WTO negotiations will continue into the new year.
Foreign Affairs Preserving Guyana's
territorial integrity
The year 2002 was one of significant achievement for the Ministry of Foreign Af-
fairs. Through active diplomacy, the Ministry was able to guide the country towards
improved relations with neighbours in the Region, Hemisphere and broader Interna-
tional Community.
Guyana participated in a number of Regional and International meetings and confer-
ences, and hosted a few.
The thrust for the Ministry continued to be on 'Preserving Guyana's Territorial
Integrity', while there was emphasis on expanding bilateral and multi-lateral co-opera-
tion with a strong focus on economic progress.
With this focus in mind the Ministry aggressively pursued stronger and closer
relations with our neighbours on the Continent.
In January, Suriname's Minister of Foreign Relations Ms. Marie Levens paid a two-
day working visit to Guyana where she met Minister Rudy Insanally.
At the end of the visit the two Ministers identified areas for co-operation between
the two countries. These include education, agriculture, fisheries, and mining. The
agenda for the next meeting of the Border Commission was also examined.
Page 37
Most notably in the improved relations with Suriname was the Joint Declaration
issued by Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Runaldo Venetiaan at the end of an official
visit by President Jagdeo to Suriname.
The Declaration provides for a Border Commission to look at the best practices and
modalities that could assist the Governments of both countries in the taking of a deci-
sion on eventual joint exploration of hydrocarbon resources.
The issue of Guyanese fishermen operating in the Corentyne River was addressed
and over the year some amount of progress was made in this regard.
The Ministry continues its work on promoting closer co-operation and collabora-
tion with the Government and people of Suriname.
In February, Venezuela's Minister of Foreign Affairs Luis Alfonso Davila visited
Guyana. At the end of his visit an agreement was signed paving the way for strengthen-
ing bilateral co-operation between Guyana and Venezuela.
During his visit, Ministers Davila and Insanally explored a number of areas for co-
operation including the environment, culture, health, transportation, marine resources,
drugs, trade and economic issues and the strengthening of consular services.
It was decided to establish a technical committee for the proposed construction of a
direct road link between Guyana and Venezuela.
The two countries agreed to co-operate on issues pertaining to the Armed Forces
and law enforcement agencies.
In November, Minister Insanally made a reciprocal visit at the invitation of his coun-
terpart, the Honourable Roy Chaderton.
The Ministers held bilateral discussions on a number of issues, ranging from the
Good Officer Process which both countries recommitted themselves to, and economic
co-operation, agriculture, the environment and security.
During his visit, the Second Meeting of the Sub-Committees on Trade and Eco-
nomic Co-operation and Environment and the Inaugural Meeting of the Sub-committee
on agriculture were convened.
There was also the review of the remaining sub-committees and the Caracas Energy
Co-operation Agreement. The Ministers also examined preparations for the Free Trade
Area of the Americas, and reviewed the Treaty of Amazonian Co-operation, the Asso-
ciation of Caribbean States and G77.
In July, Venezuela's Ambassador Jean Francois Pulvenis bade farewell to Guyana.
Ambassador Pulvenis described his short stint here as "productive and pleasant."
In March this year, Brazil's President Enrique Cardoso made a one-hour stopover in
Guyana. President Cardoso met with Prime Minister Samuel Hinds at the Cheddi Jagan
International Airport-Timehri. The two leaders discussed a number of issues including
the Takutu Bridge and strengthening cultural links. President Cardoso was on his way
back home after a visit to Panama.
In October, Foreign Minister Insanally was in Brazil where he held discussions on a
number of issues that dealt with bilateral, Regional and Hemispheric matters.
On bilateral matters, discussions centred on consular collaboration, collaboration
between border communities, security, control in the trafficking of narcotics and illicit
activities across the border, inspection of border markers, areas for technical co-opera-
tion, transportation, and collaboration between political academics.
Brazil promised to provide Guyana with technical support in the area of HIV/ AIDS.
Page 38
It was also proposed that in this regard, a tripartite agreement with Guyana, Brazil and
India be examined.
In July, Foreign Affairs Minister Insanally was in Ecuador for the Second Meeting of
South American Presidents.
The concept of Guyana as the 'Gateway to the South' was promoted and generally
accepted by the Leaders. The Guyana/ Brazil road link was discussed with a view to
furthering the project. In this regard a decision was taken for a technical team to visit
There was the adoption of the South America Peace Zone Declaration, which banned
the use of, or the threat of the use of force between States. The siting, development,
manufacture, possession, deployment, testing and use of any type of mass destruction
weapon were also banned.
This includes nuclear, chemical, biological and toxic weapons. Transportation of
such weapons through the Region is also banned and countries of South America are
committed to eradicating the use of antipersonnel mines.
A communique issued at the end of the meeting underscored the need for sustain-
able and progressive harmonisation of legal and technical frameworks, especially on
matters of energy transport, interconnections, fuel specifications and similar instru-
ments of energy sector trade in the Region.
This year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made significant contributions towards
greater Caribbean unity.
The Ministry organised and spearheaded Guyana's hosting of the 23rd Conference
of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community.
Held under the theme, "The Community at 30", the Conference examined progress
made on the implementation of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy and the
Caribbean Court of Justice, the state of crime and security in the Community, Gover-
nance, the economy, and social and cultural issues of the Community.
Border issues and the Community in the International arena were also discussed.
Two days prior to the Conference eleven Heads, representatives of Regional Institu-
tions including the Caribbean Development Bank, the Caribbean Congress of Labour,
and the University of the West Indies among others met for a Civil Society Encounter.
Recommendations coming out of this meeting were forwarded to the Heads for their
Haiti deposited its instruments to become a full member of the Community at the
Georgetown Conference.
Guyana now holds the chairmanship of CARICOM. This will be relinquished at the
end of the year. Guyana announced that the contract for the construction of the
CARICOM headquarters was signed. The contract was awarded to the local firm S. Nabi
and Sons, is valued at $1.6 billion.
Before the July Conference, CARICOM leaders held their inter-sessional meeting in
Belize in February. This was the first meeting of CARICOM Heads following the Septem-
ber terrorist attacks on the United States. Minister Insanally accompanied President
Jagdeo to this meeting.
Transboundary organised crime, regional security, the impact of the September 11
attacks on the Region's Tourism Industry and economy and progress on the implemen-
tation of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy were on the agenda.
Page 39
There was also a brief meeting with US Secretary of State Colin Powell that looked
at terrorism and new security measures for the Region.
During 2002 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was hard at work enhancing Guyana's
position with the broader international community.
In February Guyana hosted the Third Caribbean/ UK Forum. A strong British del-
egation headed by foreign Secretary Jack Straw and including Guyanese born British
Baroness Valerie Amos attended the Forum.
The Agenda for the April3-5 meeting included a review of international development
and their possible impact on Caribbean/ UK relations, regional security and law enforce-
ment, trade and economic sustainable development, finance and investment and the
Caribbean/ UK Agenda 2002-2004.
During the meeting Guyana and Britain signed a Transfer of Prisoners Agreement.
This provides that nationals of both countries can serve their prison sentence in their
native land.
The United Kingdom has also decided to fund a pilot study to stop brain drain in
Guyana attended the Second European Union/ Latin America Summit in Spain.
One of the main issues of interest for Guyana was the Sugar Protocol. Guyana
sought Spain's support for the continuation of the Sugar Protocol.
Other issues raised included the vulnerability of small States, the need to make
international trading and financial systems more congenial for small economies, erosion
of the Everything But Arms initiative, commitment to fight terrorism and the support to
do so.
At the Summit it was agreed that the CARICOM/ Spain Joint Commissionbe set up.
Two broad areas for co-operation were identified.
The first will address export promotion, tourism, fisheries and the environment. The
second would look at promoting Spanish as a second language in CARICOM and the
training of teachers.
Guyana urged that Spain be a non-borrowing member of the Caribbean Develop-
ment Bank and offered Regional support for Spain's candidature as a non-permanent
member of the UN Security Council.
During this year Guyana participated in the Commonwealth meeting in Australia.
The Commonwealth Heads of Government reaffirmed their solidarity with Guyana in
light of the continuing threat to its sovereignty and territorial integrity by Venezuela and
regretted Guyana's inability to fully exploit all its natural resources in the Essequibo
Guyana also participated in the World Summit on Sustainable development held in
South Africa. The meeting looked at developmental concern in the context of environ-
mental protection and preservation. Over 60,000 delegates attended the meeting.
This year Guyana continued to participate in meetings of the Organisation ofAmeri-
can States and the UN General Assembly.
During this year a number of countries accredited Ambassadors to Guyana. Among
these were Egypt, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Algeria, China, the Do-
minican Republic, Russia and Turkey. New High Commissioners from Zimbabwe and
Britain also presented Credentials, while for the first time diplomatic relations were
established between Guyana and Singapore.
Page 40
During the year the Ministry of Foreign Affairs worked at improving the quality of
service provided by the Ministry.
A three- month training programme in communication and inter-personal relations
was held for the staff of the Ministry.
The Ministry also appointed a new Director of the Foreign Service Institute in the
person of Ambassador Harold Sahadeo.
The growing relationship between CARICOM and Cuba was climaxed when Cuba
hosted for the first time, a summit of leaders of the 15-Nation group.
The occasion was the celebration of 30 years of Cuba/ CARICOM relations.
Challenging year for Ministry of Agriculture
The year 2002 was a challenging one for the Ministry of Agriculture. Extended dry
spells and heavy rainfalls created situations where the Government was often forced to
deploy resources not originally budgeted. Despite these and other challenges, the
Ministry, in collaboration with its sister agencies and sometimes with the support of
other sector agencies, was able to overcome the many hurdles at the end of the year and
show considerable developments.
The year started with the continuation of the 2001 dry season. The Ministry of
Agriculture in collaboration with the Guyana Rice Development Board, the Rice Produc-
ers Association, GuySuCo, Georgetown Sewage and Water Commissioners and Guyana
Water Authority and the Mahaica, Mahaicony and Abary/ Agriculture Development
Association met early in the year to decide on how best to meet the water needs of the
country, especially farmers.
Of primary concern was the likely impact the dry spell could have on the rice indus-
try. This included the present crop and the next.
Among the steps considered were water conservation, judicious use of water, aug-
mentation of the conservancy storage, river pumping, full utilisation of pumping capa-
bilities, monitoring and co-ordinating water use and facilities and public awareness
In February, President Bharrat Jagdeo announced a package intended to bring relief
to rice farmers. The Rice Relief Package as it came to be known, was targeted at rice
farmers indebted to commercial banks for amounts not exceeding $10 million.
Government negotiated the package after lengthy negotiations with the Guyana
Association of Bankers. It saw write-offs on part of the loans, rescheduling and lowered
interest rates among other benefits.
There were some difficulties in having the Agreement put into effect, but these were
ironed out during the course of the year.
The Ministry of Agriculture, the Rice Producers Association and other stakeholders
in the industry held face to face meetings with farmers to explain the Agreement.
In February, the Guyana Forestry Commission had reason to clamp down on the
Region 10 Forest Producers Association. The Commission found that the Association
was illegally harvesting forest from the Moraballi Reserve, a gazetted State reserve. The
Commission found camps on the reserve and estimated that 100 persons were in occu-
Page 41
nation of the area. An estimated 200 cubic metres of sawn lumber,( approximately 85,000
bm) were on the ground. Two vehicles were detained.
In March, the Ministry of Agriculture was called in to investigate complaints by
residents of Cane Grove that a rice mill in the area was polluting the atmosphere.
Heavy dust from the mill was affecting the residents. Some complained of itches and
other skin irritations and various respiratory afflictions.
The Environmental ProtectionAgency was called in to investigate and make recom-
InApril, the Government found the National Drainage and Irrigation Board and BK
International Inc. culpable for the 200 lEast Coast Demerara Conservancy breach.
An investigation found that the company started work without adequate consulta-
tion with the Conservancy Commissioners and that in raising the embankment, the
contract was not executed in accordance with general conditions, technical specifica-
tions and bills of quantities. There was no evidence to support sabotage. However,
there were problems with supervision and experience.
The April rainy season caused severe flooding on the Essequibo Coast. Maria's
Lodge, Suddie and Onderneeming residents were mostly affected.
The National Drainage and Irrigation Board was called in to conduct urgent desilting
of the Onderneeming outfall which was identified as the main cause of the problem.
The rains also affected Good Hope and Montrose on the East Coast of Demerara.
The pumps at Annandale and at the two villages were not in total operation. Mo-
bile pumps were deployed to the affected Regions
Between April 20-23, rainfall exceeded 165 mm, at Wales on the West Bank of
Demerara. In other Regions it exceeded 90 mm. The Government had to make additional
funds available to stem the flooding and assistance was also given to affected farmers.
Heavy rainfall in June also caused some amount of anxiety. At Boeraserie in Region
Three (West Demerara/ Essequibo Islands) workers placed a 24-hour watch on the dam
to monitor any over-tapping.
Floods were reported at Canal # 1 and 2, Parika and Ruby.
In Region Five (West Berbice), floodwaters affected some 225 farmers. About 450
acres of cash crops were either damaged or destroyed and 250 heads of cattle affected.
In the Black Bush Polder area, rice farmers had to be assisted with their harvesting.
Farmers were unable to harvest about 50 percent of their crop due to floods caused by
heavy rainfall. In an emergency visit to the affected area, Agriculture Minister Navin
Chandarpal took the immediate decision to arrange with GuySuCo for punts to assist the
farmers in bringing out their harvest. Finance Minister Sasenarine Kowlessar was asked
to expedite the tendering process for the clearing of canals in the area. This measure
relieved the situation.
In November floodwaters caused by rain affected Region One (Barima/ Waini). The
villages of Waini, Barima, Kaituma, Koriabo and Aruka were affected. Corn, melon and
leafy vegetable crops were destroyed.
During 2002, the Ministry ofAgriculture was called in to assist Pomeroon coco-
nut farmers where coconut trees were being infested with caterpillar worms. Ap-
proximately $500,000 worth of chemicals was sent for distribution to 64 farmers.
In 2002, the Government continued the Acoushi ants programme in Region Nine
(Upper Takutu/ upper Essequibo) Chemicals and fogging machines were sent to the
Page 42
During the year, CARICOM Leaders at their Inter-Sessional Meeting in Belize de-
cided to close the Regional Programme for Animal Husbandry in Agriculture. The
programme would merge with that of the Guyana School of Agriculture.
In June, Agriculture Minister Chandarpal attended the World Food Summit in Rome
where he called for a nic \ meaning to globalisation." One that would emphasise greater
co-operation among States and allow all to pursue a path to sustainable development.
Chandarpal in his presentation to the Summit noted that a review of the successes and
failures following the 1996 Food Summit would paint a depressing picture.
Agriculture Month activities in October were considered a 'success'. The theme for
this year was 'Adding value to enhance agriculture in rural areas'. Events were co-
ordinated to coincide with the World Food Day. A grand exhibition was held at Albion
on the Corentyne. Other Regions also mounted exhibitions and agriculture related ac-
Sugar production for the year is estimated at 320,093 tonnes. This is an increase over
the past two years. With progress being made on the Skeldon modernisation Project,
2003 is expected to be an even better year for sugar production and agriculture as a
An outstanding achievement for GuySuCo was the production of 621 tonnes of
organic sugar. This is the first year that the Corporation has produced organic sugar and
production is expected to improve in the years ahead.
Ministry of Labour, Human Services
and Social Security
A hugefire in 2001 destroyed the office of the Ministry of Labour, forcing the
relocation of the Ministry to Cornhill Street. Subsequently, the Human Services and
Social Security element was merged with the Ministry.
At the helm of the Ministry is Minister of Labour, Human Services and Social Secu-
rity is Dr. Dale Bisnauth, who is ably assisted by Minister within the same Ministry Ms.
Bibi Safora Shadick.
As we approach the end of the year, we look at some of the achievements of that
Ministry. Guyana was represented by Minister Bisnauth and a team at an International
Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention, held in June, in Geneva.
Because of its outstanding work in the area of Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH), and the advanced stage of the programmes by Guyana (our programmes are
more advanced compared to other Caribbean countries) Guyana was lead speaker at the
Guyana is also the only country to enact the OS&H Act, which was brought into
force in 1999. The Ministry published a booklet on Occupational Safety and Health,
which was launched in 2001. This was the result of wide interest shown by several work
And in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Pan American
Page 43
Health Organisation (PAHO), a plan was launched, to provide guidelines for HIV/AIDS
patients' care in the community and the family through health services.
A drug was also introduced on the market, which greatly reduced the effects on the
deadly virus. This new drug coincided with the launching of the Prevention of Mother
to Child Transmission (PMCT) of HIV/AIDS programme by the Ministry of Health.
Further, Guyana was represented at an annual Conference to discuss "HIV/AIDS in
the workplace". This conference was held in Geneva and focused on Child Labour and
There were some 2700 delegates in attendance. There was a group from the Inter-
Regional Organisation of Workers (ORIT) and the Caribbean Congress of Labour (CCL)
visited Guyana on a fact-finding mission. This visit preceded an Executive Meeting of
ORIT/CCL, scheduled for October 2002.
The Ministry also embarked on a programme of inspection and investigation, aimed
at ensuring that employers complied with the Labour Laws of Guyana, in relation to
wages and holidays with pay.
The Minister and a team from his Ministry, which included Public Health officials,
visited a number of work sites to inspect the conditions there. These included the
Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T), Omai Gold Mines Limited and
Bounty Farms Incorporated.
There were also a number of sensitization seminars for users and producers of
Labour statistics. These attracted Senior Managers from the Private and Public sector,
as well as businessmen and Trade Union representatives. Guyana is rated at Number
three in the Labour Market Information System (LMIS).
The Ministry has a second Minister, Ms. Bibi Shadick, whose functions are concen-
trated on the Human Services and Social Security element within the Ministry.
One of the highlights of her Ministry was the opening of the Drop-In Centre. The
Centre served to facilitate programmes for "street children", ranging from basic literacy
and numeracy, to counseling and skills training. There are also programmes for parents.
Training for counselors in community social work is another area focused on and
through a collaborated effort of the Ministries of Health, Labour, Human Services and
Social Security, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Some 150
participants benefited from this programme.
The creation of a database for Old Age Pension and Public Assistance is still to be
completed because all the necessary lists required for its compilation were not handed
in. A new system of payment for pensioners was introduced. This was aimed at reducing
the irregularities within the system which sparked countrywide investigations.
Countrywide investigations began and some 20 employees from the Guyana Post
Office Corporation, including Postmasters, as well as three employees from the Ministry
of Labour, Human Services and Social Security were interdicted from duty.
These irregularities in the distribution of Old Age Pension books resulted in the
introduction of new pensionbooks, with additional security features. Since January 14,
the new books were distributed across the country, with provisions being made for
those persons who were "shut-ins".
A collaborated effort between the Ministries of Education and the Labour, Human
Services and Social Security resulted in the launching of a school feeding and school
uniform distribution campaign.
Page 44
This followed the appointment of a special Task Force in November 2001, with
Cabinet allocating $31M for uniform distribution. Some problems had halted the distri-
bution of the vouchers for the assistance but according to Minister Shadick, applicants
had to meet a number of requirements in order to qualify for assistance.
The Probation and Welfare Department of the Ministry embarked on rehabilitation
programmes, joining forces with the Home Affairs and Health Ministries to prepare
offenders at the Mazaruni and Georgetown prisons for their return to society.
Minister Shadick also represented Guyana at the United Nations Special Session for
Children held in New York, in May 2002. This was the Seventh Special Session to look
further at the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Minister highlighted Guyana's National Action Plan for Children, where such
areas as family, health and nutrition, education, education and literacy and water and
sanitation were the focus.
Twelve-year-old Vincent Mandinghi, the young man shot by the Police, received an
artificial leg, presented to himby Minister Shadick onbehalf of the Government. The leg
was produced by the National Orthopedic and Prosthetic workshop, located at the
Ptolemy Reid Centre.
A two-week meeting to focus on development of youths was organized by the
Probation and Family Welfare Department of the Ministry of Labour, Human Services
and Social Security, together with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Some
35 young people participated.
The Fourth Caribbean Early Childhood Conference, under the theme "Nurturing
young minds to meet Challenges" resulted in the realization of two primary objectives,
which included the building and strengthening of national associations and the imple-
mentation of the Caribbean Plan of Action (1997-2002).
The Seventh Meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD)
was held from October 23-25 at Le Meridien Pegasus. Technology in education, crime
and security, the rights of children, Carifesta VIII and HIV/AIDS were issues discussed
during the meeting.
November 25 was the day marking International Day for the Elimination of Violence
against Women and several programmes were organized by the Women's Affairs Bu-
reau (WAB), which included a candlelight procession, church service, rally and sympo-
Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Commerce faced a very challenging period
this year, because of the various destabilizing factors present during 2002. Despite
the many adverse conditions, significant strides were made by the tourism sector.
There was a 75-minute documentary called "Wild Guyana", produced by the over-
seas-based Equality Group/Discover Your World Company. The documentary show-
cases Guyana's Eco-Tourism product in five video productions. Filming for the project
began in June 2002.
The Guyana Marine Turtle Conservation Society (GMTCS) also enhanced Guyana's
Page 45
Eco-tourism potential through efforts, which include the movement towards the preser-
vation of the endangered turtles. Guyana is also in the process of establishing a Pro-
tected Areas System under its National Biodiversity Action Plan.
Government allocated $12M to the Tourism Sector in 2002. It has an aggressive
drive, as indicated by the signing of a document, which links it to the Caribbean Tourism
Organisation (CTO). According to Minister Manzoor Nadir this accounts for approxi-
mately 626 millionjobs worldwide.
Government is also keen on pushing tourism since it has the potential of becoming
one of the primary contributors to Guyana's economic growth.
In addition, Government tabled the Tourism Authority Bill that will put the develop-
ment of tourism in the hands of a private/public sector partnership and will pave the way
for significant development of the industry. This Bill was passed on May 9.
The Entertainment Tax Act, which falls under the Fiscal
Enactment Bill, will reduce the entertainment duty on all payments of admissions to
MV Clipper Adventure, a small cruise ship sailed into the Essequibo River with 118
tourists from the US and Europe. The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce,
Home Affairs and Public Works and Communications were all involved in the visit,
which was organized by the Evergreen Tour Company.
Guyanese were treated to a different kind of show when a 14-member team came to
Guyana for the "Hottest Show on H20". This show was held at Splashmin's Fun Park.
November was designated Tourism Month and among the activities was the an-
nouncement of a Tourism Zone from the Bank of Guyana, to the Le Meridien Pegasus,
and ending at the Kitty Seawall. In addition, a "War on Bad Manners" and Litter Cam-
paign were other activities. This is the eighth year that Tourism Awareness Month is
being observed.
The Guyana Beverages Company Limited, the Trinidadian-owned company, which
imports Busta soft drinks to Guyana, presented a number of garbage bins for the Litter
Campaign. The Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) also launched
its magazine "Explore Guyana 3" during the month.
GuyExpo 2002 was held at the National Exhibition Site, Sophia from September 26 to
30. According to Minister Nadir, the event was "a success, the biggest ever". The
Ministry spent $20M for rehabilitative works, in preparation for that event.
The Main Big Lime which was postponed is seen as an excellent opportunity for
both large and small-scale business persons to showcase their products, and a wonder-
ful chance for family, visitors and friends to meet in a wonderful atmosphere, while
heralding in the New Year.
Page 46
Major highlights in the Bauxite(mining) Sector
The mining industry has experienced much change for the year 2002, with the inevi-
table operational merger of Berbice Mining Enterprise (BERMINE) and Aroiama topping
the major highlights.
This move was clinched last August between officials of the Aroaima Bauxite Com-
pany (ABC), and Government, and became effective from September.
Prior to Alcoa's disengagement from Aroaima last year, that company cited the
Aroaima/Bermine merger as the most feasible move to ensure viability in the Berbice
operations, in an industry that was already experiencing economic decline.
The merger presented an opportunity for Aroaima to have a "fighting chance" to
continue, Prime Minister Sam Hinds stated.
Based on earlier assurances given by the President to affected Kwakwani workers
who were made redundant as a result of the merger, substantial separation packages
amounting to over G$12M dollars were prepared and issued to the bauxite workers.
Government also undertook the financing of National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and
P.A.Y.E payments for the laid off workers.
In addition, some Kwakwani miners also received land to initiate business ventures,
as alternative economic avenues to sustain themselves.
In the bauxite industry, the Linden Mining Enterprise (LINMINE) operations also
experienced major downsizing to pave the way for privatization which is set to be
effected by early 2003.
As a consequence, LINMINE workers also received separation packages. Accord-
ing to LINMINE's Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Horace James, the newly configured
LINMINE operations which will be manned by the Canadian-based mining company,
CAMBIOR, will include a sizeable rehired group of redundant workers.
On a more positive note, last October saw the opening of the first Skills Training
Center in Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Berbice).
The modestly equipped centre is located at Mapletown, in the heart of the Aroiama
mining community, and is geared to equip the residents of Region Ten with skills in art
and craft, cake decoration and cookery, among other vocational skills.
The centre was an initiative of the Community Development Council of Mapletown
and was financed and furnished by the Aroaima Bauxite Company.
Following the operational merger of Aroaima and Bermine, at least two visits were
made to the mining community by Prime Minister Sam Hinds, who holds responsibility
for the mining sector.
In terms of major investments made in the sector for 2002, a US$1.5 M stone quarry
was commissioned in Wismar, Linden, by B.K.Construction Company Limited.
The venture provided some 40 new jobs in the mining town and promises to create
more openings after its expansion which is set to take off in the near future.
Page 47
Youth Development
Youth development has been the primary focus of the Ministry of Culture, Youth
and Sport since its tenure in 1998. Operating within a three dimensional ambit however,
the focus has been spread across the sectors of Culture and Sport as well.
The Ministry operates under the constraints of a $.5 B budget, although in reality
approximately $18.4B is allocated for youth development through the sectors of Educa-
tion, Health, Housing and Water. The Ministry was allocated a 100% increase in its
budgetary allocation for 2002.
Skills Training/youth development
The Ministry has for the third year been able to successfully engineer residential
and non-residential skills training programmes for young persons between the ages 14
to 25 years. Youths from each administrative Region were allowed to be part of these
programmes. This was part of the Minister's plan to provide developmental opportuni-
ties for youths countrywide.
Young persons in the skills training programmes were exposed to carpentry, electri-
cal installation, information technology and masonry. They were provided with a sti-
pend and work attachments at various organizations were also facilitated. This year a
number of institutions came on board to facilitate this process. The Institute of Private
Enterprise and Development (IPED) played this year a vital role in providing physical
support for graduates of the programme.
These programmes are conducted through the Kuru Kuru Skills Training Programme
on the Linden Soesdyke Highway, the Sophia Skills Training and The New Opportunity
Corps at Essequibo.
Graduation exercises were conducted for all these programmes for 2002 and new
batches were taken in for the new period 2002- 2003.
The President's Youth Award: Republic of Guyana programme (PYARG) has also
recorded a relatively successful year. This programme operating with the general objec-
tive of widening the knowledge base and practical skills of youths throughout the
country has been able to involve over 5000 youths to date. This is conducted regardless
of race, religion, sex, political affiliation or mental ability.
In October approximately 250 persons graduated from the PYARG in 2002. They
have also successfully conducted expeditions to Shell Beach where a study of the giant
Leatherback Turtle was conducted by youths on the expedition. They also planted
buoys 'No Fishing' and 'No Netting' zones signs.
Other expeditions were undertaken to Lethem, Essequibo and Bartica. Youths' also
participated in the Caribbean Award Scheme Council 2002 in Barbados. The PYARG
completed their first magazine 'Trail Talk' for the year 2002. Under the PYARG the new
National Advisory Council was also commissioned and Help and Shelter received assis-
tance through their community service programme.
The President's Youth Award: Republic of Guyana Programme launched its 'Youth
at Risk' programme, the first of such a nature in the Ministry.
Other significant achievements of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport are the
Page 48
selection of the 2002 Youth Ambassador to Guyana Martin De Souza. The National
Youth Commission was established to assist the Minister to plan comprehensive
programmes to assist in the development of youths.
Through their annual summer camp programme, 44 camps were held, providing
opportunities for skills training in the areas of music, drama, sports, culture and heritage,
craft and hygiene. These camps were conducted in all ten administrative regions of this
Another accomplishment was the first Commonwealth Diploma in Youth Develop-
ment at the University of Guyana (UG) facilitated by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and
One of the most significant cultural highlights and challenge for the Ministry of
Culture, Youth and Sport is the annual Mashramani celebrations, a highlight of our
Republic Day Celebrations.
Operating under the theme "Colourful and True in 2002", a significant number of
Regions were part of the celebrations and held their own celebration activities for the
period in their respective Regions. Several Ministers visited the Regions as part of the
national 'fanning out' plan for the flag raising ceremony in the Regions.
For MASH celebrations, the Ministry successfully pulled of the Calypso competi-
tions, with a first time competition for youths which was held on the night of the finals
at the Blairmont Community Centre Ground. The Road March competitions, the Children's
Costume competition, the Steel Band competitions and the Decorated/Illuminated Build-
ings competition
The Ministry has also held a national Indentureship Exhibition, a 1963 Exhibition,
and Emancipation Exhibition as well as a National Museum Exhibition. The majority of
these were also held Regionally as part of the Ministry's initiatives to reach out with its
As part of the UNESCO community project, research on the Parishana culture in
Lethem was funded and executed during Amerindian Heritage month. The Ministry has
also launched research and documentation under the theme "Preservation and revital-
ization of community art Forms" where the Amerindian, African East Indian and Portu-
guese cultures will be examined.
The Ministry has been able to complete over fifty percent of the rehabilitation work
to the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology. With the assistance of an $18.9M dona-
tion from the European Union (EU) work will be completed shortly.
The Ministry launched their 2003 Mash celebrations under the theme "United are
we in Mash 2003" at the Umana Yana. The Mash 2003 itinerary was also outlined.
In the areas ofsport there have also been some considerable achievements. Guyana
hosted the West Indian Women Cricket Tournament, a tournament revived after ap-
Page 49
proximately 20 years and the under-15 Cricket Tournament held in Guyana in Au-
gust. Our young cricketers were able to go on an exchange trip to England
The Ministry executed a Hinterland Football Competition in Regions One and Eight.
They facilitated placement for the Rupununi football team in the annual Kashif and
Shanghai Tournament 2002. This was a novel achievement for the Ministry.
They have also hosted Einpo\\iinig women in Sport" Workshop for Coaches,
Sport Administrators and Regional Sports Officials. The Ministry organized several
activities and visits for Boxing Champions, World Boxing Association Champion, An-
drew "Six Heads" Lewis, World Cruiserweight Champion, Wayne "Big Truck"
Braithwaite, World Super Lightweight Champion, Vivian, "Vicious" Harris and Alian
Pompey, Commonwealth Gold medallist in the 400 metres. An appreciation ceremony
was also held for the Busta International Shield Squad.
There were a number of programmes identified by the Ministry and the Department
of Sport which were undertaken for the year 2002. Among these was coaching seminars
conducted in various Regions.
Director of Sport Neil Kumar, is convinced however, that the success of Sport in
Guyana is not only hinged on the operations of the National Sports Commission, but on
the effective working of sub-committees and administrative groups in the various Re-
A number of programmes were in place for 2002 to facilitate the implementation of
physical education programmes in the schools' curriculum. The Ministry organized
exchange programmes to provide international exposure with countries such as Cuba,
Canada, Australia and Germany.
The Ministry has had a relatively successful year although its main thrust has been
in the areas of youth development. It is anticipated that the components especially
Culture, will be beefed up for the New Year. The Ministry has a number of plans on the
table to foster better cultural awareness on a national level, while in sports more assis-
tance is needed on a Regional level to make things happen in the national arena.
Education delivery a priority
Looking back...
Since the PPP/C assumed office in 1992, a major allocation of its budget has been to
the development of Education, taking the figure from below $ 1B to almost $ 10B. This is
almost 17 percent of the National Budget.
This decision was a timely one, considering that the education system in the coun-
try had reached a degrading state. Physical infrastructure was in total disarray, with
many schools posing great danger to the children who attended them. School furniture,
school supplies, including chalk and teaching aids were also almost non-existent.
Teacher shortage and equipment for vocational and technical education, together
with low salaries for teachers and a high dropout rate among students were all common
Page 50
factors contributing to the deterioration of the sector.
The general depression was reflected in the results coming out ofCXC examina-
tions, with Guyanese students performing among the worst in the Caribbean.
But this was to change with the PPP/C's intensified efforts to lift the sector to greater
Among the Education Ministry's plans to revamp the sector is a 17-point plan,
which focuses on strategic issues for the next five years. These include improvements
and the decentralization in managerial capabilities of the Ministry, the improvement of
quality education in the Hinterland Regions and the improvement of infrastructure and
The current results in the CXC examinations have reflected a significant perfor-
mance by Guyanese students.
Twelve hundred schools were projected for infrastructural works:
More than 800 were completed including the Plaisance Primary School.
The school was commissioned at a cost of $39 million, under the
Primary Education Improvement Project (PEIP).
The No. 8 Primary School, again under the PEIP programme, has the
capacity to accommodate 600 students and was completed at a cost
of approximately $70M.
Under the Guyana Education Access Project (GEAP), the New Silver
City Secondary was rehabilitated and houses 550 students in eight
classrooms. GEAP has also recorded work on the Skeldon Line Path
and Skeldon High Schools, Tagore Memorial Secondary, Linden Foun
nation and the Christianburg Multilateral School.
The Buxton/Friendship Primary was also completed under the PEIP,
at a cost of $80M. The new school with a capacity for 800 students,
was completed in May by contractor Carlton Ambrose under the
supervision of VIKAB Engineering Ltd.
The Corriverton Creek Primary and Secondary Schools, completed at
a cost of $180M were commissioned during Government's outreach
programme in that area. This school, which was first established in
1895, has always recorded remarkable success at the Secondary
Schools Entrance Examination (SSEE).
Then there was the Beterverwagting/Quamina Primary School. Com
missioned at a cost of $106M, the school has the capacity to house
753 students and merges two schools into one large structure.
In addition, the Buxton Community High School is to be converted to
a General Secondary School that will offer students the opportunity
to write examinations through the Caribbean Examination Council
Also being converted into General Secondary Schools are the Ann's
Grove, Beterverwagting, Plaisance and Soesdyke Community schools.
Page 51
The conversion is in keeping with Government's policy to provide
Secondary Education for all students across the country, and falls
under the Ministry of Education's five year development plan (2002-
Teachers have not been left out of the improvement plans of the Education Ministry.
For the last year, more than 600 teachers graduated from the Cyril
Potter College of Education (CPCE) and through an In-Service Teach
ers' Certificate Programme developed at that institution.
This is the second year for the programme, sponsored by Laparkan.
Some 44 trained teachers received certificates on the basis of perform
mance and dedication to the education sector.
In addition, 32 teachers were the recipients of certificates, after com
pleting a two-year course in Distance Education. Taken from the sev
eral Regions of the country, the teachers were exposed to classes
in fibre arts, calligraphy, marketing and entrepreneurship. This is in
addition to four core subjects: Mathematics, English, Social Studies
and Integrated Science.
Physical Education (PE) teachers were also beneficiaries of training
from a group of Australian coaches who visited Guyana recently, to
conduct a programme geared at equipping local PE teachers with
skills to teach children with disabilities.
There have also been quite a number of training sessions for parents,
which are focused on increasing the level of involvement by parents
in their children's education. Some of these programmes were facili
tatedby the Magnet Schools programme, which began in 1998. Under
this programme, three Magnet Schools (Smith Memorial, East
Ruimveldt and Redeemer Primary) were twinned with three schools
(St. Margaret's, St. Agnes and West Ruimveldt Primary) believed to
be better schools, in an attempt to erase the perception that the Mag
net schools were not suitable.
One of the areas being focused on during the Ministry's five-year
period is the improvement of the managerial capacity through
In one instance, a Georgetown Education Committee was launched in
February 2001, to function as a body responsible for general supervi
sion and control over schools in Georgetown. This is a deviation from
the normal administrative regional arrangement, since there are now
two such committees one for Georgetown and the other for Region
Page 52
4, although Georgetown is a part of the same Region.
There was also a school administrators' handbook which will be used
as a base document by all schools' heads to improve the way in which
school documents are kept. This booklet lists documents and records,
which ideally should be found in each school.
A circular now exists, which stipulates the conditions under which
corporal punishment should be administered in schools. The conse
quences to be faced by staff members who do not adhere to the
circular are also included in the document.
The Guyana Basic Education Teacher Training programme (GBET),
where senior managers received training, is a four component project
facilitated by CAPITA/FIJITSU of the United Kingdom. This
programme will become the basis from which personnel receive pro
Another workshop organized by GBET, and brining participants from
the University of Guyana (UG), the Cyril Potter College of Education
(CPCE) and the Institute of Distant and continuing Education (IDCE),
taught participants skills on how to incorporate audio and video cas
settes in their daily teaching routines.
The Education Ministry's efforts to introduce Universal Secondary
Education (USE) into the school system are also ongoing and, through
the Guyana EducationAccess Programme (GEAP) and the Ministry
of Education, it is aimed at bringing about positive changes in the
sector. The primary aim of USE is to make Secondary Education more
accessible to every Guyanese student.
This workshop compliments the campaign being coordinated by
the Schools' Welfare Division of the Education Ministry, which
targets children who are not attending school. Known as the Tru
ancy Campaign, it looks at ways of curbing absenteeism by chil
The Ministry has meanwhile, embarked on its school feeding
programme for students in the Nursery and Primary schools, for which
$156.6M was allocated for this year. An additional $31M was set aside
for uniforms through a similar programme.
There is also the Secondary School Reform Project (SSRP), which
began almost six years ago, with the aim of improving the quality,
equity and efficiency of Secondary Education in Guyana. This was
possible through a credit agreement with the World Bank and the
Government of Guyana, valued at US$19.3M. The SSRP became ef
fective on December 17, 1996.
SSRP has worked along with its sister project, the Guyana Education
Access Project (GEAP), to develop practical guides and curriculum
guides to facilitate development of various areas in the sector.
Page 53
It has also provided training in effective school management, subject
content and methodology on the four core subjects (Mathematics,
English, Social Studies and Science), and the strengthening of the
capacity of the Ministry of Education.
Already $586.6M has been spent on the rehabilitation and extension
of the twelve SSRP pilot schools with another $829M expected to be
spent on emergency repairs to 17 schools, both in an out of the
Guyana's capital, Georgetown.
Some of the many achievements of the SSRP include the successful
implementation for the 2002 National Third Form Examinations (NTFE)
in the four core subjects. The decision by the Regional and Georgetown
Education Departments to standardize regional end-of-year examine
tions for forms 1 and 2 students in the core subjects. Three of the top
four in the National Drama Competition were S SRP schools, and four
of the top five students for science at the 2002 NTFE attended the
Annandale Secondary School, which is a pilot school.
According to its Draft Strategic Plan, it is the vision of the Ministry of Education to
"become a very effective and efficient organisation" by the year 2006. The plan also
states, "if there is a desire for a better tomorrow, students, teachers, officials and other
members of society must realize the importance of Education and be committed to
development plans within the sector.