Title Page
 Re: Report of the Public Consultation...
 Executive Summary
 The Report
 Distribution of Categories of Recommendations...
 Responses to the Questionnaire
 Analysis of Responses to Quest...
 List of Appendices
 Appendix 3: Participants and sponsoring...
 Appendix 4: National Consultation...
 Appendix 5: Lists of Resource...
 Appendix 6: Schedule of Public...
 Appendix 7: Joint Services...
 Appendix 8: Lists of meeting held...
 Appendix 9: Questionnair on Crime...

Title: National consultation on crime : steering committee report
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00084200/00001
 Material Information
Title: National consultation on crime : steering committee report
Physical Description: Book
Creator: Steering Committee of the National Consultation on Crime (Guyana)
Publication Date: 2003
Subject: Crime
Caribbean   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: South America -- Guyana -- Georgetown
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00084200
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.


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Table of Contents
    Title Page
        Page 1
    Re: Report of the Public Consultation on Crime
        Page 2
        Page 3 (MULTIPLE)
        Page 4 (MULTIPLE)
    Executive Summary
        Page 5
        Page 6
    The Report
        Page 7 (MULTIPLE)
        Page 8
    Distribution of Categories of Recommendations by Venue
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 11 (MULTIPLE)
    Responses to the Questionnaire
        Page 12
    Analysis of Responses to Questionnaire
        Page 13 (MULTIPLE)
    List of Appendices
        Page 14 (MULTIPLE)
    Appendix 3: Participants and sponsoring organizations at 22nd August 2002 meeting
        Page 15
    Appendix 4: National Consultation on Crime Draft Briefing Document
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
    Appendix 5: Lists of Resource Persons
        Page 20
        Page 21
    Appendix 6: Schedule of Public Consultations
        Page 22
        Page 23
    Appendix 7: Joint Services Brief
        Page 24
        Page 25
        Page 26
        Page 27
        Page 28
        Page 29
        Page 30
        Page 31
        Page 32
    Appendix 8: Lists of meeting held with the Categories of Recommendations made
        Page 33
        Page 34
        Page 35
        Page 36
        Page 37
        Page 38
        Page 39
        Page 40
        Page 41
        Page 42
        Page 43
        Page 44
        Page 45
        Page 46
        Page 47
        Page 48
        Page 49
        Page 50
        Page 51
        Page 52
        Page 53
        Page 54
        Page 55
        Page 56
        Page 57
        Page 58
    Appendix 9: Questionnair on Crime and Violence
        Page 59
        Page 60
        Page 61
        Page 62
Full Text





Steering Committee Report
January 23rd, 2003

Bishop Juan A. Edghill (Chairman) Guyana Council of Churches
Mrs. Doreen De Caires Guyana Manufacturers Association
Mr. Errol Van Nooten Georgetown Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Tallim Karimullah Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana
Brig. Michael Atherly Guyana Defence Force
Com. Floyd McDonald Guyana Police Force
Mr. Grantley Culbard Guyana Trade Union Congress

Page 1 of 62

January 22, 2003

Dear Mr. President,


The Steering Committee of the National Consultation on Crime is honoured to present to you its report on
the recently concluded consultations on Crime.

Those consultations were held between the 9th and 26th September 2002 and saw communities and Target
Groups in all parts of Guyana being consulted.

Your Excellency, those experiences were most rewarding as Guyanese were evidently quite prepared to express
their concerns and provide recommendations to deal with Crime in Guyana. This report includes the entire range of
activities conducted by the Committee and includes the actual output from all of the successfully held consultations.

The report also contains an analysis that was attempted by the Steering Committee, which I chaired. That
analysis does not, by any means, attempt to provide the fullness of the conclusions that could be extracted from the
collection of the concerns, views and recommendations voiced by respondents.

It is our expectation that the report would be given the fullest possible exposure and thus be available to make a
contribution to the very pressing task of dealing with Crime in Guyana

In closing, the Steering Committee would like to recognize, with much appreciation, the committed
participation of the facilitator, Mrs. E Croal, the officers of the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force
in the delivery of the Consultation Plan. Thanks must also be given to all the support staff particularly Mr. K Mc
Donald who worked on the analysis.

Finally, Your Excellency, the members of the Steering Committee wish to record their individual appreciation
of the honour you have reposed in them and collectively offer their continued services in whatever avenues are
explored by your Administration as a result of the National Consultation on Crime

Thank you, Your Excellency

Bishop Juan A. Edghill
Steering Committee

Page 2 of 62



The evolving Crime situation in Guyana came into increased national focus as a result of the criminal events
that followed the February 23rd, 2002 escape from the Georgetown Jail of the now, notorious five criminals. Since
then, the apparent impunity with which the criminals operated and the subsequent impact on the Guyanese society
led to important policy statements and decisions being made by the PPP/Civic Administration.


On August 20th, 2002 President Bharrat Jagdeo announced a National Consultation on Crime and tasked the
coordinating agency, the Ministry of Home Affairs with consulting Guyanese with a view of obtaining the
1) Their understanding of the role of the Law Enforcement Agencies and their handling of the current
Crime situation in the country
2) Their recommendations of new and additional measures to introduce in the fight against Crime

The Ministry of Home Affairs assumed the role of Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Implementation Unit
that was formed with the above Term of Reference. Please see Appendix 1.

On the 22nd of August 2002, the Ministry invited the parliamentary political parties and civil society/non-
governmental organizations to the first meeting on the National Consultation on Crime. Please see List of
Participants in Appendix 1


The initial meeting was held at the Convention Centre of the Ocean View International Hotel. At that meeting
the participants, please see Appendix 3 were addressed by the following:

Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon,
Commissioner of Police, Mr. Floyd Mc Donald,
Chief of Staff, Brigadier Michael Atherly
Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Ronald Gajraj.

Their presentations dealt with the rationale for the consultation and the form it would likely take.

Equally important, the law enforcement representatives presented the existing policies and practices that were
being utilised in the fight against violent crime.

A lengthy question and answer period followed at the end of which the participants agreed to become members
of the Steering Committee of the National Consultation on Crime.

Page 3 of 62


On Tuesday, 3rd September Minister Gajraj, on behalf of the Implementation Unit, convened a meeting of the
newly appointed Steering Committee and presented a draft Plan of Action for the Consultations. (Please see
Appendix 4 pg. 16)

That Plan identified an approach to the Consultations and proposed a schedule of consultations to be held with
Target Groups and communities in most of the Administrative Regions of Guyana.

A sub-committee of the Steering Committee was then appointed. That body met on Thursday 5th September and
revised the Action Plan submitted by the Implementation Unit.

Cabinet at its meeting of September 10th 2002 endorsed the Action Plan, the Terms of Reference of the Steering
Committee and the methodology for the consultations. Cabinet, however, revised the time frame for the
consultations that was outlined in the proposed schedule.

A Joint Services sub-committee was also appointed and undertook to provide briefs on their respective Law
Enforcement Agency's policies and practices being utilised in their current campaign against Crime. (Please see
Appendix 7 -_pg 24)

The Implementation Unit proposed, and the Steering Committee agreed that -

SEach consultation would be conducted by a Consultation team, which would consist of:
1. A Facilitator
2. Joint Services Resource Persons
3. Implementation Unit/Support Staff
4. Rapporteurs
5. Steering Committee Members

SA Steering Committee Member would chair each consultation session.

SThe facilitator would first administer the pre-session questionnaire.

SThe Joint Services Resource persons would then make their two presentations. The first would be on
the Civilian Law Enforcement policies and practices with respect to Violent Crimes and would be done
by the representative of the Guyana Police Force while the second would be on Military support for
Civilian Law Enforcement with an emphasis on joint operations and the role of the Military.

SThe facilitator would manage the two (2) hour-long questions and answers period that would follow the
presentations. Participants would be provided with hard copies of the presentations made by the law
enforcement officers.


The entire consultation was publicised in the local media. In addition, the teams that did consultations in the
Regions hosted televised call-in programmes in Berbice, Linden and Georgetown. The print media was used
effectively to inform the public about the dates and timing of consultations.


Records of all of the proceeding were made and presented to the Implementation Unit. Those records included
the reports from each consultation, the recommendations received from those consultations and the returned
Page 4 of 62


In keeping with its mandate, the Implementation Unit executed the Action Plan that was adopted for the
consultations. A few of the very early consultations had to be rescheduled to allow for effective consultations
at those locations. The members of the Steering Committee played an important role in the execution of the
Action Plan, providing chairpersons for many of the consultations and also providing feedback on the
unfolding of the design. The response to the consultations was adequate with over one thousand participants
at the twenty-six consultations held in the seven Regions. Over five hundred recommendations were tendered
by the participants at the consultations while an additional small number was provided on the live television
call-in programmes that followed some of the consultations.

The recommendations were wide ranging and were grouped into seven categories as follows:

1. Those relating to Law enforcement operational and tactical considerations.

2. Those relating to Law enforcement Policy and Strategy considerations.

3. Those relating to Human Civil and Political Rights/Governance considerations.

4. Those relating to Socio-economic considerations.

5. Those relating to Law Enforcement Organisational considerations.

6. Those relating to Police and Public/Community Relations considerations.

7. Those relating to Police Intelligence-gathering and Information-handling considerations.

The categories and the results of the categorization were both reviewed for accuracy and consistency of
application by the members of the Steering Committee prior to its acceptance.

The seven categories of recommendations arising from the twenty six consultations revealed the following:

1. 22 of the 526 recommendations concerned Police handling of Information and Intelligence Gathering.
2. 119 of the recommendations were concerned with crime fighting strategies.
3. 72 recommendations were concerned with current tactics and operations in fighting crime
4. 79 of the recommendations dealt with socio-economic considerations for fighting crime.
5. 90 of the recommendations dealt with the ways in which the Guyana Police Force was organised to
fight Crime
6. 62 of the recommendations were concerned with human, civil and political rights of those involved in
7. 82 of the recommendations dealt with the public and community relationships with the Police.

A preliminary ail~\ \i\. of the recommendations revealed the following:

The largest single category of recommendations concerned the goals and objectives established by the
Police Force to fight Crime. Collectively, recommendations on Tactics and Strategy numbered 163 out of the
526 received. Importantly, the state of relationships between the public and the Police prompted many
contributions from the participants
Recommendations on socio-economic considerations were made at 18 of the 26 consultations with an
emphasis on interventions such as job creation and reducing poverty.

Page 5 of 62

The volume of recommendations and their comprehensiveness impressed the members of the Steering
Committee and it is expected that those recommendations would be put to the best possible use by the
Administration. A more detailed analysis is provided in the Report.

In addition to the recommendations, participants were invited to complete a questionnaire before the
commencement of each consultation. That questionnaire was crafted to statistically examine the views and the
attitudes of participants and the communities consulted on the matters including:

1. Nature and frequency of encounters with the police and the Law.
2. Frequency of encounters with armed criminals
3. Assessments of police efforts in dealing with the current crime wave
4. Sentencing of armed criminals
5. Willingness to assume greater responsibility for their safety and protection of their community.
6. Use of public funds to finance community anti-crime activities and victims of violent crimes.

The response was adequate and one thousand and seventy-three (1,073) questionnaires were completed
and returned.

The preliminary amnab i\ showed the following:

1. Respondents agreed that gun crimes were common in their communities and were mostly caused by
2. Respondents had many well-established relationships with the Police but considered as average the
Police handling of the current crime wave.
3. Respondents were divided on the issue of being more responsible for their own safety and protection
and actually were in favour of greater police presence in their community.
4. Respondents were in favour of the military involvement in fighting crime and were even supportive of
the Army's greater involvement.

A more detailed analysis is provided in the Report.

The members of the Steering Committee were aware that the level of desired response to the Public
consultations was not achieved as a few Target Groups, communities and elements in the body politic were
unresponsive despite an aggressive outreach and a coordinated publicity campaign involving the print and
electronic media, personal contacts and the mail.

In that context, it is the expectation of the Steering Committee that this Report would be seen as the initial
event in mobilizing Guyanese society to make the search for solutions to crime and violence a national

Page 6 of 62


The actual consultation commenced on Monday, 9th September 2002 with activities at thirteen locations
planned for the duration of that week. Fairly extensive radio and T.V. publicity was provided for the event and the
Implementation Unit hosted a pre-launch T.V. programme at which State and Government functionaries involved
in National Security were interviewed on state T.V. That interview was rebroadcast to the other Regions in

In the lst week, eight of the consultations were held without hitches but four of the five were rescheduled to
later dates. Participation was modest initially and video recording of the proceedings was discouraged. In that first
week, Target Groups consulted included retired officers of the Joint Services, religious organizations, the Private
Sector and operators in the public transportation sector. Consultations took place in four rural communities,
Mahaica, Strathspey, Annandale and Soesdyke, which were all in Administrative Region 4 in which the capital
Georgetown is located. In that first week, 150 recommendations were offered by participants and over 200
questionnaires were completed and submitted.

The second week of the Consultations, started on Monday 16th September during which daily consultations
were planned and completed. Those consultations were held in Administrative Regions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 10 at
twelve different locations. One consultation team overnighted in Region 2 and two live call-in television
programmes were aired in New Amsterdam, Berbice, Linden and Georgetown.

The Steering Committee, in reviewing the progress with the consultations decided to extend the activities for an
additional week during which the rescheduled consultations were held. Regrettably, the rescheduled consultation in
Buxton did not achieve a result any different from the initial failure.

There were 26 consultations held in the seven Regions. Five hundred and twenty-six recommendations were
provided by the participants. In addition, one thousand and seventy-three participants completed and submitted

The Implementation Unit and the Steering Committee collaborated fully in the execution of the Action Plan and
ensured that the entire process was completed.


The actual recommendations made at each consultation are provided in the appropriate Appendix.

The 526 recommendations were categorized into the following seven categories for the purpose of analysis.

1. Intelligence gathering and information handling considerations

This category dealt with issues related to the Police handling of confidential information and Intelligence
2. Law Enforcement Policy and Strategy considerations

These dealt with the long-term interventions goals and objectives that informed crime fighting policies.

3. Law Enforcement Operational and Tactical Considerations

These dealt with immediate and short term responses by Law Enforcement Agencies to acute criminal events.

Page 7 of 62

4. Socio-economic Considerations

These dealt with the socio-economic, political and cultural phenomena that were felt to influence criminal
5. Law Enforcement Organisational Considerations

These dealt with the rules, regulations and the policies of the Guyana Police Force as a crime-fighting
6. Civil and Human Rights/Governance Considerations

These dealt with the human, political and civil rights of Guyanese as those rights were influenced by Law
Enforcement interventions.
7. Police Relations with the Public and Communities
These dealt with the ways in which individuals and communities reacted to the attitudes, conduct and behaviour
of the law enforcement officers during official encounters.

The 526 recommendations were distributed in the seven (7) categories as outlined below:
22 recommendations dealt with Intelligence and Information
119 out of the 526 dealt with Strategy
72 of the 526 dealt with Police Operations and Tactics
79 of the 526 dealt with Sociological concerns
90 of the 526 dealt with Organisational concerns
62 of the 526 dealt with Civil and Human Rights.
82 of the 526 dealt with Police/Public Relations

During 17 of the 26 consultations, recommendations on Information Gathering and Intelligence
were provided.

During 23 of the 26 consultations, recommendations on Strategies were provided.

During 19 of the 26 consultations, recommendations on Operation and Tactics were provided

During 18 of the 26 consultations, recommendations about Sociological considerations were

During 22 of the 26 consultations, recommendations on Police Organisational concerns were

During 20 of the 26 consultations, recommendations on Human and Civil Rights were provided

During 23 out of the 26 consultations, recommendations on Police/Public Relations were

Page 8 of 62


Education Lecture
University of Guyana
Critchlow Labour
Legionnaires Hall 3 2 4 5 14
Red House 3 6 1 2 12
Mini-bus and Taxi 2 1 3 6
cabs Association -
Muslim Youth
Religious 1 6 5 1 4 8 25
Organizations -
Muslim Youth
Court House 2 5 2 1 10
Strathspey Primary 2 8 1 1 2 14
YMCA Georgetown 4 1 2 3 10
Annandale, ECD 1 12 2 2 18
Buxton, ECD
Timehri, EBD 2 4 5 2 13
Agricola, EBD 1 2 3 1 1 8
La Grange Masjid, 1 1 4 1 8 3 1 19
Lenora Secondary 1 10 1 2 2 16
School, WCD -
Rosignol Secondary 1 5 3 4 5 18
New Amsterdam, 1 1 3 3 4 4 16
Albion Community 1 2 4 7 2 3 19
Centre, East Berbice
Corriverton Civic 1 4 6 2 2 5 3 23

Page 9 of 62

Centre, East Berbice
Suddie Essequibo 1 8 4 2 2 1 18
Agriculture Extension 5 5 5 4 2 1 22
Charity, Essequibo
Hotel Castello, 2 13 2 11 4 2 6 40
Linmine 14 13 4 1 5 37
Constabulary Hall,
RDC Boardroom, 1 3 6 15 9 34
Anna Regina
Parika Community 12 1 12 3 6 4 38
High School
Critchlow Labour 1 4 1 1 5 2 2 16
Cliff Anderson Sports 1 10 0 5 4 4 6 30
Education Lecture 2 5 5 3 5 1 2 23
University of Guyana
Critchlow Labour 1 1 1 2 6 6 1 18

Five hundred and twenty six (526) recommendations were obtained during the twenty six (26) consultations
done by the Committee. Although there could be some statistical merit in analyzing the recommendations
according to the venues of origin, the committee recognized that such an undertaking should be the responsibility of
experts in the field to whom the Report is made available. Incidentally, it should be stated that similar or identical
recommendations were only recorded once at any one consultation. Overall the majority of the recommendations
dealt with proposals on actual Crime prevention, tactics and operations, although as many as 141 of them dealt with
addressing causes of Crime. Significantly, at 23 of the 26 consultations, recommendations were provided that
sought to address both the relationships between the Police and the public as well as the goals and objectives of
Crime fighting by the Police.

Page 10 of 62


Twenty two questions were included in the questionnaire and were intended to examine participants'
experiences, views and concerns and thus provide citizens' perspectives about crime to complement the official
positions. Specifically enquired into were matters classified into the following categories.


Classification of questions in the Questionnaire

Category 1
Questions 1, 2 and 3

I ,ii idiaul'(iril 'i n;, ii,,it, exposure to crimes involving arms

Category 2
Questions 4,5,15 and 19

I ,ii idial'( itril 'i i,,mirin relationship with Law enforcement

Category 3
Questions 8 and 21

Assessing police action in dealing with the current crime wave

Category 4
Questions 12, 13 and 14

Toughening penalties for convicted armed criminals

Category 5
Questions 6, 7, 16, 17 and 20

Indi~ idial '(tlllri i wiirl 11iiti responsibility for their own protection against crime

Category 6
Questions 18 ands 22

State accepting financial responsibilityfor supporting community anti-crime activities and victims of crime

Category 7
Questions 9 and 10

Assessing a Joint Services approach to crime fighting

Page 11 of 62


1 Have you or anyone in your family been a 126 x 100 895 x 100 = 83.41
victim of a gun crime within the last six (6) 1073 =11.7% 1073 =83.4%
2 Has a gun crime been committed in your 591 x 100 309 x 100 = 28.79%
community within the last six (6) months? 1073 55.1% 1073 = 29%
3 Has anyone been arrested for a gun crime 234 x 100 691 x 100 = 64.39
that occurred in your community within the 1073 = 21.9% 1073 =64.4%
last six (6) months?
4 Do you see the police on duty every day in 506 x 100 482 x 100 = 44.92
your community? 1073 =51.9% 1073 =45%
6 Do you know anyone in your community 568 x 100 449 x 100 = 41.75
who is a licensed firearm holder? 1073 =52.9% 1073 = 41.8%
7 Is there a Community Policing Group that 226 x 100 488 x 100 = 45.48 275 x 100 = 25.63
is active in your community? 1073 = 21.1% 1073 = 45.5% 1073 = 25.6%
9 Do you believe the army should be 713 x 100 216 x 100 = 20.13 75 x 100 = 6.99
involved in fighting crime? 1073 = 66.4% 1073 =20.1% 1073 = 6.9%
10 Should the army be more involved in 698 x 100 280 x 100 = 26.09 105 x 100 = 9.79
fighting crime? 1073 = 65.% 1073 = 26.1% 1073 = 9.8%
11 In any given period, do you think that traffic 302 x 100 378 x 100 = 35.23 267 x 100 = 24.88
deaths exceed those by violent crimes? 1073 = 28.1% 1073 = 35.2% 1073 = 24.9%
12 Should armed criminals be given harsher 809 x 100 = 75.40 73 x 100 100 x 100
prison sentences? 1073 =75.4% 1073 = 6.8% 1073 = 9.3%
13 Should armed criminals be given 499 x 100= 46.5 201 x 100 276 x 100
mandatory prison sentences? 1073 = 46.5% 1073 = 18.7% 1073 = 25.7%
14 Should flogging with the Cat-o-Nine tail be 621 x 100 123 x 100 228 x 100
re-introduced for armed criminals? 1073 = 57.9% 1073 =11.5% 1073
15 Should incitement against the police be 480 x 100 222 x 100 274 x 100
made a criminal offence? 1073 =44.7% 1073 = 20.7% 1073 =25.5%
16 Should racial incitement be used in civil 270 x 100 591 x 100 228 x 100
proceedings by victims? 1073 = 25.2% 1073 =55.1% 1073 = 21.3%
17 Should Guyanese have the right to bear 537 x 100 280 x 100 163 x 100
arms? 1073 =50.1 1073 =26.1% 1073 = 15.2%
18 Should Community Policing Groups be 540 X 100 184 x100 113 X 100
given public funds to equip themselves to 1073 = 50.3% 1073 = 17.2% 1073 = 10.5%
19 Do you think that more police patrols in 892 X 100 89 x 100 101 X 100
your community are needed? 1073 1073 = 8.3% 1073 = 9.4%
20 Do you feel that violent crimes in your 709 X 100 242 x 100
community are committed mostly by 1073 = 66.1% 1073 = 22.6%
strangers to your community?
21 Are you concerned that the police has 868 x 100 127 x 100
failed to protect the identity of citizens who 1073 = 80.9% 1073
provide confidential information? 11.84%
22 Should the Government legally provide 850 x 100 115 x 100
assistance for victims of certain crimes? 1073 = 79.2% 1073 = 10.7%

Page 12 of 62

Do you have a family member or friend in the 739 x 100 275 x 100 = 25.63
Police Force? 1073 =68.9% 1073 = 25.6%

Analysis of responses to Ouestionnaire

Category 1
Most respondents did not have personal encounters with criminals. Gun crimes were common in their communities
but arrests for those crimes were judged to be less frequent

Category 2
Respondents had very common encounters with the Law and representatives of the law. Respondents did not
support sanctions against critics of the police and expressed firm desires to have greater police presence in their

Category 3
Respondents were divided on the issue of the Police efforts in handing the current crime wave in general and their
handling of confidential information and intelligence gathering specifically.

Category 4
Respondents were supportive of harsher prison sentences for convicted armed criminals but were equivocal about
mandatory sentencing and use of Corporal punishment.

Category 5
Respondents were divided in their attitude to assuming greater responsibility for their own protection and that of
their communities against crime

Category 6
Respondents were in favour of the State assisting victims of Crime.
Respondents were less in favour of supporting community anticrime activities.

Category 7
Respondents were firmly supportive of military involvement in crime fighting and supported their greater

P.S. It should be noted that members of the Steering Committee were of the opinion that a disaggregated
analysis of the responses by venue inia provide even more important if 'i mui nt about the thinking of Guyanese
on Crime than the consolidated one done and reported in this series.

Page 13 of 62



Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Appendix 9


Terms of Reference of the Implementation Unit
Terms of Reference of the Steering Committee
Participants at 22nd August 2002 meeting
Draft Briefing Document and Action Plan
Lists of Resource Persons
Schedule of Public Consultations
Joint Services Brief.
Lists of Recommendations from each Venue

Appendix 1

Terms of Reference of the Implementation Unit

The Implementation Unit is established to consult Guyanese with a view of obtaining:

1. Their understanding of the role of the Law Enforcement Agencies and their handling of the current Crime
situation in the country
2. Their recommendations of new and additional measures to introduce in the fight against Crime

Appendix 2

Terms of Reference of the Steerin2 Committee

The Steering Committee is established to:

1. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Consultation on Crime
2. Support the implementation of the Consultation on Crime
3. Contribute to an analysis of the results of the Consultation on Crime
4. Contribute to the preparation of a Report of the Consultation on Crime

Page 14 of 62

Appendix 3

Participants and sponsoring organizations at 22nd August 2002 meeting.

> People's Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C)
r People's National Congress Reform (PNC R)
SGuyana Action Party/ Working People's Alliance (GAP/WPA)
r Trades Union Congress (TUC)
> Guyana Bar Association (GBA)
> Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG)
> Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS)
> Guyana Council of Churches (GCC)
r Private Sector Commission (PSC)
> Guyana Chamber of Commerce and Industry
> Guyana Manufacturers' Association (GMA)
r The United Force
r Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA)
r Private Security Firms

P.S. Rise, Organise and Rebuild (ROAR) was invited but did not send a representative.

Page 15 of 62

Appendix 4

Public Consultation: Draft Briefing Document and Action Plan.




Terms of Reference
Reporting Relationship


Identifying Geographic Locations
Identifying Resources
Mobilization Plan


Target Group
Community Base





Page 16 of 62


Terms of References

(1) Knowledgeable about key issues in Crime Fighting

(2) Understand the purpose of the Consultation

(3) Explain the Role of the participants


Terms of References

(1) Monitor implementation of the Process
(2) Support the Consultation Process
(3) Contribute to analysis of Reports/Recommendations arising from the


Representatives of State and Governmental Agencies active in Law

Representatives of Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organisations

Representatives of Parliamentary Political Parties


The Implementation of the Consultations along with the provisions of the resulting Report is the responsibility of the
Ministry of Home Affairs.

The Unit will be responsible for having written briefs/fact sheets prepared that summarise the key COMPONENTS

The key areas should include:

(1) Organisational Structure of the Guyana Police Force

Page 17 of 62

(2) Human Resource Management Policy

(3) Role of the Police Service Commission

(4) Role of the Police Complaints Authority

(5) Current Policy on Community Policing

(6) Current Policy on Firearm Licensing

(7) Relevant Crime Statistics National/Regional 2002

(8) Current Policy: Police-Army Collaboration in Crime Fighting

(9) Current Crime Initiatives including:

> Legislative Reform
> Police Welfare


A pre-questionnaire will solicit participants' views prior to the Consultation.

The questionnaire will be crafted to provide a citizen's view of matters related to Crime and violence


*. August 22, 2002


** September 1- October 31, 2002 CONSULTATIONS

** November 1 15, 2002



*: August 22, 2002


Page 18 of 62











13, 2002






18-19, 2002




Region 4 (East Bank)

Region 3

Region 5

Region 6

Region 10

Region 7

Region 2

Region 3

Region 4

Region 4

Each session/consultation should be resource with -

Steering Committee Members



Support Staff

Page 19 of 62

Appendix 5

Lists of Resource persons

Resource Persons from the Guvana Police Force

Assistant Commissioner
Assistant Commissioner
Senior Superintendent
Senior Superintendent
Deputy Superintendent

P. Slowe
D. George
P. Adams
C. Conway
C. Roberts
A. Crum-Ewing
M. Glasgow
I. Whittaker
L. Walters

(b) Resource Person from the Guvana Defence Force

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel

(c) Rapporteurs
Mrs. Jermin Clarke
Mrs. Maglen Harding

(d) Facilitators
Mrs. Elsie Croal

Page 20 of 62

C. King
Y. Smith
G. Lewis
R. Storm
A. Pompey
B. Lovell
R. Caesar
P. Bristol
C. Baird
D. Europe
G. Best
O. Daniels
P. West
N. Hussein
J. Persaud
L. Paul
J. Williams
M. Phillips
T. Ross

(e) Steering Committee Members
Mrs. Doreen De Caires representing the Guyana Manufacturers Association
Mr. Errol Van Nooten representing Georgetown Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Tallim Karimullah representing the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana
Bishop Juan Edghill representing the Guyana Council of Churches
Brig. Michael Atherly representing the Guyana Defence Force
Commissioner Floyd McDonald representing the Guyana Police Force
Mr. Grantley Culbard representing the Guyana Trade Union Congress

(f) Support Staff
Mr. Kweku Mc Donald, Office of the President
Mr. Michael Husbands, Ministry of Home Affairs
Mr. Carland Moore, Ministry of Home Affairs
Mr. Ovid Glasgow, Ministry of Home Affairs.

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U.G. 9th Sept. 3:15pm (Yes) Aborted Yes Yes

CLC 9th 1:00p.m. (No) Aborted No No

Legionnaires 10th 5.30p.m. Yes Yes Yes
Joint Services
Red House 11th 3.30p.m. Yes Yes Yes
Muslim Youth Org 11th 10.00a.m Yes No Yes
Public Transport
YMCA 12th 5.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Timehri 13th 1.00p.m. Yes Yes

Agricola 13th 3.30p.m. No (Aborted) Yes No

Strathspey 12th Yes

Annandale 13th 3.30p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Buxton 13th 1.00p.m. No (Aborted) Yes No

Mahaica 12th 1.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes



Legionnaire 16th Sept. 4.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Leonora 16th 4.00p.m. No Yes Yes

Rosignol 17th 4.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes

New Amsterdam 17th 1.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Rosehall Albion 17th 1.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Corriverton 17th 10.00a.m. Yes Yes Yes

Suddie 18th 2.30p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Charity 18th 10.00a.m. Yes Yes No

Bartica 18th 10.00a.m. Yes Yes Yes

Linden 18th 4.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Anna Regina 19th 2.45p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Parika 19th 3.30 Yes Yes Yes


Critchlow Labour 23rd Sept 10:00a.m. Yes Yes Yes
Sports Hall 24th 5.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes

Buxton 25t 1.00p.m No (Aborted) No No
University of 26h 4.00p.m. Yes Yes Yes
Critchlow Labour 26th 6.30p.m. No Yes No

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Appendix 7

Joint Services Brief


This document is intended to provide an overview of the Guyana Police Force's Organisation and current
strategies used in order to achieve its objective, including the minimising of the level of crime.


The objectives of the Guyana Police Force are outlined in the Police Act Chapter 16:01 Section 3 (2).
They are: -
a) The prevention and detection of crime
b) The preservation of law and order
c) The preservation of the peace
d) The repression of internal disturbances
e) The protection of property
f) The apprehension of offenders
g) The due enforcement of all laws and regulations with which it is directly charged, and
h) It shall perform such Military duties within Guyana as may be required of it by or under the
authority of the Minister.


It is the Mission of the Guyana Police Force in co-operation with the State, the Society and citizens of Guyana,
to provide service and protection by preventing and detecting crime, maintaining law and order, controlling
traffic, protecting and preserving the peace through the provision of the highest standard of professional Police
Service with absolute integrity and complete dedication.


The Force is managed by the Commissioner who is responsible to the Minister of Home Affairs for its efficient
and effective management. The Commissioner is advised by several Advisory Committees including Impact,
Traffic and National Community Policing Executives.

The Commissioner is assisted at Force Headquarters by several Senior Officers each of whom is responsible for
a Department. These Departments provide effective support for Officers and ranks dcplh i cd in the Divisions.
'A' Department

This Department is headed by the Assistant Commissioner 'Administration' who is responsible for several
areas of the Force as follows: -
a) Traffic
b) Overseas and Local training
c) General staff duties
d) Public relations
e) Welfare and Sports
f) Community Policing
g) Special Constabulary
h) Music and Culture

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'B' Department

This Department is headed by the Assistant Commissioner Finance and Stores. He is responsible for
Finance, Construction and the Quartermaster. His duties include managing and being accountable for the
current expenditure of the Force; purchases and issue of all stores, and the maintenance and repairs of all
Force buildings.

'C' Department

This Department is headed by the Head of the Department of Development who is responsible for the
research and planning aspects of the Force. This includes the publication of the Force's Annual Reports.

'D' Department

This Department is headed by the Deputy Commissioner 'Law Enforcement' who is responsible for the
investigation of all crimes throughout the country. His responsibility includes: -

a) Maintaining a Scientific/Forensic Laboratory which does the processing of
fingerprints, handwriting and photographic material

b) The maintenance and security of all criminal records

c) The management of the Canine Unit

d) Investigation of murders, frauds and other serious crimes

e) Juvenile Branch which is an enforcement arm against juvenile delinquency, and
provides activities aimed at reducing the level of juvenile delinquency.

f) C.I.D. Officers who head the Criminal Investigation Department in all Divisions
report daily to him

'E&F' Department

This Department is headed by the Deputy Commissioner 'Operations'. His responsibilities include riot
control, firearms maintenance, security of civilian firearms and ammunition, drill and musketry and
maintenance of vehicles, lighting plants and traffic control.

The following Branches/Sections report to him

a) Divisional Commanders i/c various Divisions

b) Tactical Services Unit drill musketry, riot control

c) Communication Branch maintenance of radio and wireless
Communication, electrical

d) Transport Branch maintenance of land and water transport

e) Traffic Branch traffic control

f) Force Control force communication and transmissions
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'G' Department Presidential Guard

This Department is now supervised by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat

'H' Department

This department is headed by the Head of the Special Branch who is responsible for the country's Internal

'J'. Department

The Immigration Department is headed by the Deputy Chief Immigration Officer who is responsible to the
Commissioner (Chief Immigration Officer) for the management of the Department. The Deputy Chief
Immigration Officer is responsible for the security and issue of passports and recording of all persons
entering or leaving Guyana.


In addition to Force Headquarters the Commissioner is assisted in maintaining law and order on a daily basis
throughout Guyana by Divisional Commanders. The country is divided into six (6) Divisions namely 'A', 'B'
'C', 'D', 'E&F', and 'G' Divisions.

a) 'A' Division: is headed by an Assistant Commissioner and comprises, Georgetown, East Bank
and Linden Highway.

b) 'B' Division: is headed by an Assistant Commissioner and comprises East and West Berbice

c) 'C' Division: is headed by an Assistant Commissioner and comprises the East Coast Demerara.

d) 'D' Division: is headed by a Senior Superintendent and comprise West Bank/West Coast
Demerara and one station in the Essequibo River Bonasika.

e) 'E&F' Division: is headed by a Senior Superintendent and comprises stations in Linden,
Kwakwani, Ituni and the interior of Guyana.

f) 'G' Division: is headed by a Superintendent and comprises the Essequibo Islands.

The Divisional Commanders are expected to report to the Deputy Commissioner 'Operations' on a daily basis
on the maintenance of law and order, including traffic related activities.

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a) Members of the Force are recruited and trained at the Felix Austin Police College, Georgetown,
Berbice and Essequibo. After training the ranks are dcplh-cd to work either at the Force
Headquarters or in a Division.

This deployment is based on three (3) policies:

i) The establishment and strength of a Department or Division

ii) The Human Resources needs at the time of posting.

iii) Human resources may be shifted to a particular Division for a special event or to satisfy an
emergency or related staff needs

b) Ranks with the relevant academic qualifications CXC or GCE, and other requisite requirements
may be appointed Cadet Officers

c) Transfers and postings of junior ranks are done by the Staff Officer 'Administration' 1. Postings of
Officers are done by Assistant Commissioner 'Administration'. Such transfers/postings may be
done at the request of an individual or direction of the Commissioner, and may be due to

d) Ranks with special skills such as electrical/radio technology are often posted to the
Communications Branch; ranks with mechanical skills to the Transport Branch; ranks with
previous training and experience are sometimes posted to the Tactical Services Unit.

e) Suffice it to say that the prevailing circumstances and relevant skills and experience determine our
Human Resources Policy.


The Police Complaints Authority is an independent body to which complaints of misconduct by Police ranks
may be made. Once a complaint is referred to the Commissioner by the Police Complaints Authority, it is a
requirement of the Act that on the conclusion of the investigation the Police Complaints Authority makes
comments which are to be taken into consideration when deciding on appropriate disciplinary action; and
subsequently, prior to deciding on appropriate punishment.


The Police Service Commission is an established Authority under the Constitution of Guyana and is mainly
responsible for promotions and discipline of police ranks from the rank of Inspector to Deputy Commissioner.


In principle, the Force gives priority of notice to applications for firearms licences made by Businessmen,
Farmers and Amerindians. In the case of farmers, the policy relates to those persons whose livelihood flows
from such efforts.
All applications received are sent to the relevant Divisional Commanders for processing. After initial
investigation a report is sent to Force Headquarters. Thereafter the Commissioner either refuses the application,
or forwards it with a recommendation to the Ministry of Home Affairs. The practice of sending such

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applications to the Ministry of Home Affairs devolved some time in the nineteen eighties though there is no
legal justification for such an exercise. The Ministry of Home Affairs would then approve the recommendation
and return same to the Commissioner. Letters of refusal or permission are then sent to the Ministry of Home
Affairs from where they are dispatched. This practice of returning letters to the Ministry of Home Affairs for
dispatch has been in practice for the past few years. Previously, the Commissioner dispatched the letters to the
applicants. Refusals lie within the purview of the Commissioner, and are usually based on the Divisional
Commanders reports.


Community policing activities are intended to reflect the objectives of the Police working in active association
with the Community. This is understood by the organization and operation of Community Policing Groups.


a) National Community Policing Executive

Community policing has evolved into a National Community Policing Executive which co-ordinates community
policing activities. This includes community policing day and exchange visits between Divisions.

This body works in close liaison with the Officer in Charge Community Policing Desk at Force Headquarters. It
meets once a month. It comprises two (2) representatives from each Divisional Community Policing Executive
and elected members of the National Community Policing Executive.

b) Divisional Community Policing Executive

This Divisional Community Policing Executive comprises elected members and representatives from various
Community Policing Groups and Divisions. They meet once a month at the relevant Divisional Headquarters
and work in close liaison with the Officer in Charge of the Community Policing Desk in each Division.

c) Community Policing Groups

These are spread throughout the various Divisions and coordinated by selected Subordinate Officers.

i) Operation

a) Generally Community Policing Groups would identify members to do patrol duties in various
Divisions. This is intended be in company with Police ranks. Shortages of law enforcement
personnel sometimes result in groups patrolling alone.

b) In order to alleviate the resulting difficulties, Divisional Commanders usually select suitable
persons to be appointed Rural Constables.

c) These ranks are trained properly in patrol and also in the use of firearms.

d) Those successful at firearm training are allowed to uplift firearms whenever they are available, at
station or the group purchases a firearm.

e) Rural Constables are also issued with limited kit such as Identification card, beret, baton and

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f) In addition, some persons usually volunteer the use of their vehicles on patrol.

g) If patrolling with one's personal vehicle is done with sufficient regularity, arrangements may be
made, on request, to provide petrol for those vehicles.

h) Community Policing Groups also meet regularly.

i) In all Divisions Impact Bases have been created to provide a base for Divisional Community
Policing Executive and mobilization of Community Policing Groups. Patrols tend to move off
from those bases or police stations.

11. Current Policy Police-Army Collaboration in Crime Fighting

1. General

i) The Guyana Defence Force by its official role is required to support the civil authorities with the
maintenance of law and order when requested to do so.

ii) However, maintenance of law and order is a Police responsibility. Military action should be
applied only when the Police are unable to deal with the situation or have exhausted their

iii) If Intelligence indicates that there is a sinister plan by elements known or unknown to appreciate a
more serious crisis by planned acts of violence, the military can be justifiably called out at an early
stage to supplement the Police.

iv) Once called out, military action must be both politically correct and socially acceptable. Public
confidence must be maintained.

2 Principles

i) Co-operation

The Guyana Defence Force and the Police should work together, as a single team and the Guyana
Defence Force should always operate in support of the Police.

ii) Military Development

The Guyana Defence Force is the Nation's final line of Force and therefore must achieve success
when dcpli I\ cd. Care must therefore be taken not to deploy prematurely.

3. Current Initiatives

i) The Guyana Defence Force maintains a patrol in the Buxton area

ii) Guyana Defence Force has been doing community work in Buxton to reduce tension

iii) Guyana Defence Force/Police roadblock exercises

iv) Guyana Defence Force/Police cordon and search exercises
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v) Joint patrols when necessary


The current initiatives to deal with crime include the following:

a) Uniform Task Forces established in all Divisions on a 24 hour basis

b) Plain clothes patrols in all Divisions

c) Tactical patrols on a 24 hour basis

d) Impact patrols on a 24 hour basis

e) Coastal patrols and Linden Highway during day time

f) Regular road block exercises

g) Cordon and search operations

h) Diligent investigation of crimes including processing of scientific and other evidence by
investigation teams

i) Crime Recording Unit doing daily analysis and assessment of crime countrywide, and co-
coordinating/disseminating information to Deputy Commissioner 'Law Enforcement' and relevant
Divisional Commanders.

Comparative analysis done to determine modus operandi of criminals.

a) Monitoring of deportees

b) Publication of deportees

c) Compiling and publication of wanted persons

d) Publication of Police action to deter crime

e) Publication of prosecution

f) Provision of body armour, effective weaponry and other equipment

g) Legislative Reform Head Presidential Secretariat

h) Police Welfare

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Current initiatives to protect police ranks who have been targeted by bandits include:-

i) Body armour acquisition

ii) Effective Tactical Training

iii) Arming with more effective weaponry and equipment

a) The upsurge in criminal activity and the recent direct attacks on Police Stations and Police ranks
has been a source of concern for the Police Administration. This has resulted in meetings between
the Police Administration and police ranks in all Divisions.

b) A fund has been established to compensate dependents of policemen killed in the line of duty.

c) Police ranks make monthly contributions towards a fund known as the Benevolent Fund from
which the spouses/children of Police ranks who die are allocated the sum of sixty thousand dollars
($60,000.00) to assist in defraying funeral expenses.

d) Each police rank who dies receives a military funeral with the appropriate military honours.

e) Current examination of group Insurance packages is being done with a view to asking Government
to finance such a package to cater for injury/death of police ranks in the line of duty.

f) Police ranks are given loans from the Welfare Fund and Credit Union, and credit at the Police
Consumers Co-operative Society.

g) The Welfare fund is also used to provide amenities and satisfy medical needs of sick ranks

h) Efforts to maintain stations, offices, and quarters where Police ranks work and reside are ongoing.
The provision of adequate sanitary and other comfort facilities is part of the policy of the Force.
The object is to make ranks comfortable at work so as to enable them to better concentrate on their


1. Accident causes

A careful analysis of accidents has shown that excessive speeding is the major contributory factor.
However, driving under the influence of alcohol, error of judgment, inattentiveness by pedestrians and
pedal cyclists are also contributory factors as well as animals on the roadways, defective motor vehicles
and inexperience on the part of drivers.

2. Department Focus

The focus of the department has been: -

i) To reduce accidents

ii) To reduce congestion on the roads

iii) The erection of road signs

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3. Problem Areas

The main problems encountered are:

I. Control of traffic during fire, accidents, riots and crime fighting initiatives

II. Excessive speeding by motorists

III. Careless use of the roads by pedal cyclist and pedestrians

IV. Defective traffic lights

V. Loud music in mini buses and hire cars

VI. Mini bus and hire car operations

VII. Traffic Congestion

VIII. Unattended animals on roadway

IX. Touting at the mini bus and hire car parks

X. Private cars operating for hire breaching insurance

XI. Motor vehicle causing obstruction to traffic mainly in Georgetown

XII. Unlighted bicycles and animal drawn vehicles at night

14. Traffic Enforcement

I. Regulation of traffic flow on foot and horses

II. Ensure free flow of traffic

III. Cars, motorcycle patrols

IV. Daily monitoring of traffic lights and obstruction on roadways

V. Radar gun exercises

15. Traffic Education and Training

I. Lectures to schools

II. School safety patrols

III. Traffic radio programme

IV. Learner/Driver programme

V. Maintenance of traffic light signals

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Appendix 8

Lists of meetings held with the Categories of Recommendations made:

National Consultations on Crime
Target Group Consultation University of Guyana September 9, 2002

1. Rescheduled and held on September 24th, 2002.

National Consultations on Crime
Target Group -Retired Officers of the Armed Forces September 10, 2002


1. Greater respect should have been demonstrated for the retired armed forces officers, through the presence
of higher ranking personnel than the team members assembled.

2. There should be continuous publicity by the police on matters concerning criminals, especially where
further information is required.

3. Programmes should be introduced, especially in the rural areas, to encourage youths to utilise our land
resources, conduct business etc. and generally employ their energies beneficially.

4. The National Service and Youth Corps should be re-introduced.

5. Efforts should be made to improve the image of the police force through continued use of programmes such
as Police Band concerts in rural areas etc.

6. The Police Complaints Authority Act should be reviewed to give the Authority independence and the
ability to investigate and to conclude their investigations directly through the DPP.

7. There should be a public awareness programme to re assure the public that there are no caller ID systems
on police telephones so there should be no fear that calls by persons providing information to the police can
be traced.

8. Police ranks should be advised not to require personal information from persons attempting to provide

9. A system could be implemented whereby persons could submit information on the wanted criminals to the
police through a public figure of excellent reputation using a personal code. This code could also be used
to claim rewards such as the $10 million offered by the police which has so far remained unclaimed.

10. The systems for handling information supplied by members of the public should be reviewed so that there
is no need for sensitive information to be passed through so many official layers before action can be taken.

11. The policy of sending police recruits to areas distant from their homes should be revived since this reduces
the possibility of his misuse of contacts with friends or relations. Improved accommodation for ranks
would need to be provided especially in the rural areas for this to be implemented.
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National Consultations on Crime
Target Group Mini bus and taxi cab owner/operators September 11, 2002


1. Efforts should be made to seal the leaks in the system if more information is to be gained from members of
the public.

2. Media leaks should be stopped, since the police often reach a crime scene after the media.

3. Police should be required to stop at accident scenes. It is perceived that they often fail to do so.

4. The police should piggy back on the current census, either through an additional questionnaire or a person,
to try to obtain information on the community perception of the police force and other information which
could assist in re building public confidence in the force.

5. The police should try to capture criminals rather than kill them.

6. There should be publications by the police to highlight positive actions and to assure the public that due
process has been undertaken, even with regard to known criminals.

National Consultations on Crime
Target Group Religious Organizations September 16, 2002


1. Persons need to feel secure when offering information to the police. A system of numbers identifiable only
to, perhaps a legal person, could be used for providing information and reporting results back to the person

2. There should be more publicity about the $10 million reward.

3. Collaboration should be invited from the private sector in handling the situation, perhaps raising the sum of
the $10 million reward with their help.

4. The army should increase the patrols on the East Bank.

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12. There is need for a new prison.

13. A review is needed of the penalties for various levels of crimes since there are inconsistencies in the current

14. The support of the magistracy and the judiciary is needed in the meting out of appropriate penalties for
crimes so that justice is seen to be done in all cases. There have been too many cases where petty crimes
seem to have been given harsher sentences that more serious crimes.

15. The places where policemen die while on duty should be enshrined.

5. Permanent patrols are needed at city exit points to intercept bandits attempting to leave after attacks.

6. There should be routine checks at police outposts, mot merely the random type.

7. There is a credibility crisis and it is perceived that government cannot keep up with small things like the
seat belt act, much less larger issues. In order to address this crisis government should demonstrate that law
enforcement applies to everyone.

8. There should be more campaigns such as anti littering.

9. There should be a more visible police presence at all times not only during national events such as

10. Police response to calls for assistance should be more timely.

11. The public perception is that there is inadequate collaboration between the police and the army and steps
should be taken to improve the collaboration or the public's perception of the situation.

12. There should be greater dissemination of information to the public on police activities.

13. Crime must be depoliticised and disassociated from the level of energy and legitimacy which it has been

14. The police are too reactive instead of being preventative, and should take steps to reverse this situation.

15. The police should involve community religious leaders in their planning and interact more with them. In
this way, and through visits to churches, mosques and temples, there would be a better chance to interact
with the people in less tense environments.

16. Bull horns should be used to warn citizens that a police activity is in progress and prevent injuries to
unwary citizens.

17. There should be continued publicity of police matters wanted criminals etc. through posters at bus parks
and other locations, and the listing of special telephone numbers for use by the public.

18. Ensure consistency in the penalties meted out to convicted persons.

19. Review the recommendations made by civilians to the Constitutional Reform Committee.

20. Resume executions and publicise them as a deterrent to crime. Crime will become unpopular if the
punishment outweighs the potential benefits.

21. There should be a review of existing sentencing policy and penalties.

22. A plea was made for greater protection of citizens, with specific reference to a resident at Annandale, who
was away from home during an attack, yet is now being targeted.

23. Citizens should be armed.

24. The joint patrols should be extended especially on special occasions.

25. The behaviour of junior ranks of the police is reprehensible and retired British police should be hired to
provide training for local recruits.

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National Consultations on Crime
Community Consultation Mahaica September 12, 2002


1. Soldiers should be based at the police stations and a more visible police presence is required along the East

2. Increased police/army collaboration would increase public confidence in the police force.

3. Undercover operations should be more efficiently conducted.

4. Civilians should be utilised to perform clerical duties and thus make more officers available for field work.

5. Ways and means should be sought to obtain more vehicles and weapons.

6. Internal security exercises should be conducted more regularly.

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National Consultations on Crime
Target Group the Private Sector September 11, 2002


1. Resume executions.

2. There should be more army activity in South Buxton.

3. Address the imbalance in the armed forces.

4. Designate the railway embankment road for use during funeral processions to avoid the current disruption
of traffic when such processions take place.

5. Check the system for claiming the bodies of convicted persons or escaped criminals and review if
necessary, to permit the state to withhold the bodies of these criminals, thus preventing their elevation to
the status of heroes at their funerals.

6. There should be more joint operations between the police and the army.

7. Take measures to improve the conduct of operatives at road blocks the calibre of the persons manning
such road blocks leaves much to be desired and is unlikely to instil confidence in the populace.

8. There is a need for more careful assessment of persons who are granted firearm licences.

9. The following suggestions were made to address the issue of crime between the present time and the
Christmas season.

SThe police should assist business people to review their security arrangements and offer assistance and
training where necessary to improve these.
r Undercover operations.
SImproved communication equipment for faster response to calls for help.

7. More backland patrols should be implemented to cut off the use of the backlands especially during the dry

8. Increase the number of telephone lines available at police stations, especially one way lines. Since the
police also conduct work on the available lines) they are often in use and members of the public find it
hard to get through to the stations by telephone.

9. Increase the involvement of the police with churches and other social groups and help organise youths in
more positive activities.

10. Implement closer monitoring of deportees.

National Consultations on Crime
Community Consultation Timehri September 13, 2002


1. Enforce the use of bicycle lights.

2. The police should improve their attitude to the public.

3. Government should examine the social ramifications of crime not merely concentrate on the use of force.

4. The police should conduct internal cleansing and eradicate linkages and collaboration with criminals.

5. Applicants to the force should be screened more carefully to prevent known criminals from joining the

6. Ensure that the police are adequately compensated to assist in stamping out corruption.

7. Improve the equipment provided for the armed forces.

8. Address the problem of media insensitivity and a lack of responsibility in the information published.

9. There should be a more visible police presence on the East Bank and more frequent patrols of all types, e.g.
foot patrols and bicycle patrols, especially at locations such as the Timehri docks.

10. Re-introduce National Service since it can provide education and training for youths.

11. Place more emphasis on training in morals, values and attitudes.

12. Re-examine the curricula in the Community High Schools to ensure that students who graduate from them
have been trained to earn a living.

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National Consultations on Crime
Leonora Consultation September 16, 2002


1. The Government should declare a period of amnesty during which the bandits should give themselves up.
Efforts should then be made to rehabilitate them through jobs etc. and encourage them to become
productive citizens. This would reduce the fear under which citizens are now living.

2. Investigate the causes such as the economic situation, which have led to this situation where criminals in
general are using the opportunity presented to commit criminal acts, since the five escapees are blamed for
every crime committed.

3. Improve communication between the police and village leaders.

4. Issue firearms to more persons.

5. Provide more training for community policing groups.

6. Pay members of community policing groups.

7. Provide arms and radio sets for community policing groups.

8. Make more vehicles available for community policing groups.

9. Permit firearms belonging to community policing groups to remain in the possession of the groups at all
times, (24x7), and to be lodged in nearby safe boxes, not necessarily at the police stations.

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National Consultations on Crime
Community Consultation Agricola September 13, 2002


1. Provide improved training opportunities for youths in fields such as agriculture.

2. The police should take steps to improve their attitude towards the public.

3. Police ranks should be permitted to carry firearms 24 hrs. through the granting of special permission which

should be reviewed on retirement or resignation, or making them all licensed firearm holders.

4. The intelligence structure needs strengthening.

5. There should be increased monitoring of deportees.

6. The formation of more community policing groups should be encouraged.

7. More Land Settlement Schemes should be implemented.

8. Speed up the time taken to acquire land through leases.

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10. Use the GDF to assist in providing security at all police stations.

11. Provide improved transportation for prisoners in the Leonora area.

12. The police and army should work with schools so that students can appreciate the role of the forces and
through this collaboration, use peer pressure to keep other students from wrong doing.

13. Issue each community policing group with documentation outlining their role.

14. Give the GDF powers of arrest similar to those of the police.

15. Police should make themselves more available to the public to receive complaints or information, perhaps
by having an open day for the public perhaps once a month.

16. The Police should make efforts to block leakages in the system.

National Consultations on Crime
New Amsterdam Consultation September 17, 2002


1. Provide increased salaries and more equipment for policemen

2. Redefine the role of the police and make them more people oriented such as by promoting greater
interaction between the police and the community especially youths.

3. Create opportunities to change the perception of young blacks that they are discriminated against by the
police because of their race and poverty.

4. Provide greater confidentiality for persons who give information to the police.

5. Establish Peace Councils in communities, with wide ranging membership police, civil society e.g.
Justices of the Peace, youth and use these councils to promote improved morals in society. Young people
through exposure to these councils can also learn about the role of the police.

6. There should be speedier investigation when complaints against policemen are made by members of the

7. Political leaders should strive for transparency in government and avoid giving the impression that they are
supporting only one group of persons as a government. This would lessen the current atmosphere of

8. There should be increased police patrols of certain areas where narcotics are used openly. e.g. Betsy

9. Changes in the society must be taken into consideration when dealing with crime

10. Efforts should be made to improve the standard of recruits to the police force and there should be improved
screening of potential recruits. This would help to restore the creditability of the force.

11. Members of the force should develop a more professional attitude when dealing with the public, especially
when being given information on a crime. Such citizens should not be treated with disrespect.

12. Government should address the problem of lack of employment for youths.

13. Re-introduce National Service.

14. Remedies against discrimination should be sought since this can cause many negative reactions, including

15. Review the judicial system and make attempts to address the overload of cases awaiting attention by
introducing night courts.

16. Upgrade the communications equipment used by the police, making communication between patrols and
stations easier, especially for the provision of back up and other support.

National Consultations on Crime
Rosignol Consultation September 17, 2002


1. Government should inform citizens on a regular basis of the progress made on the various initiatives
advertised as being undertaken in the fight against crime.

2. The NDCs should be incorporated into the crime fighting exercise.

3. Applications for firearm licences should be dealt with more speedily.

4. There should be greater collaboration between the intelligence units of the armed forces.

5. There should be strengthening of the operational forces in the army e.g. the military police.

6. More attention should be paid to the sociological aspects of the current situation, such as the social
instability which has led to political, ethnic and economic problems. These issues should be addressed
openly as part of the solution to the situation, not merely the use of a 'meeting force with force' approach.

7. Sociologists should be involved in this exercise. Youths would be unwilling to participate in the
consultation exercise unless the armed forces involved in making presentations are in civilian clothing and
civilians make presentations.

8. The crime situation should be addressed at the community level not only at the national level. Local
persons are aware of the local situations.

9. Programmes such as an educational one would help promote a better relationship between law enforcement
agencies and the public.

10. The presentation should be printed in the newspapers and sent to the Leader of the Opposition (other
parliamentary parties?).

11. Teachers who are also National Service officers should be recruited to assist in training police recruits

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National Consultations on Crime
Bartica Consultation September 18, 2002


1. An army presence is requested in Bartica

2. A check point should be established on the One Mile-Potaro road to check vehicles entering and leaving

3. The number of river patrols in the Essequibo river around Bartica should be increased.

4. Government should provide sufficient materials e.g. fuel to permit the river patrols by the Bartica police to
be done effectively, without the need to beg residents for fuel.

5. There is a need to ascertain the root causes of the situation e.g. the economy, lack of jobs etc. (3 persons)

6. More employment should be provided for youths.

7. Government should improve the conditions under which the police operate. The need for police at Bartica
to beg for a variety of items, pillows, beds, gasoline etc. leads to disrespect by the population. Long ago a
police with a baton could control an armed criminal but this is no longer the case because of disrespect by
the population..

8. More information should be provided to the public on reports and investigations of extra judicial killings.

9. The police force should be strengthened through the provision of improved equipment and vehicles to
prevent the need for borrowing from civilians, possibly from persons associated with crime, as has
happened in the past.

10. Improve the conditions at the Bartica station, which have already been condemned by the Prime Minister
and Minister Nokta.

11. Take emergency action to repair or replace the police station at Kurupung which is in danger of collapsing.
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during the August holidays.

12. Overseas assistance should be sought to deal with the crime situation.

13. Advance information on police operations should not be publicised.

14. More vehicles should be provided for the operations of the No. 3 (Blairmont, Fort Wellington, Weldaad)
Community Policing group.

15. Police should be given increased salaries and risk allowances.

16. A subvention should be provided to finance community policing groups.

17. Legal representation should be provided for members of community policing groups while they are on

18. A counsellor or social worker should be attached to each police station to assist with reports on domestic
violence which is rife in the West Coast Berbice area.

12. Ensure that the person who administers law and order in the country, the responsible Minister, is well
trained in security matters.

13. Provide improved salaries for policemen.

14. Increase the allowance for plain clothes policemen, which is currently two hundred and forty dollars
($240) per month.

15. Provide incentives to attract a higher quality of recruits into the police force. Long ago it was unnecessary
to advertise for recruits as is now necessary.

16. Do not retain retired police on strength but utilise them as advisors.

17. Provide better mobility and allowances for members of the force as an incentive.

18. Provide compensation for persons who have suffered as a result of the crime situation.

19. Improve the conditions in the jail, which could contribute to the attitudes of criminals after they complete
their sentences.

20. Replace the jail with a new one.

21. Improve the treatment given to persons in custody.

22. Provide opportunities and equipment for young people to use their energies in safe outlets such as sports.

23. Promote greater attention to religious concepts and morals in the society.

24. Control fornication, adultery, gambling, alcohol and other intoxicants.

25. Provide adequate education.

26. Government (political) officials should avoid interference with public officials in the performance of their
legal duties.

27. Review the implementation of the judicial system to avoid the situation where the poor are penalised to the
fullest extent of the law but those with money can easily pay to avoid punishment for their crimes.

28. Improve the conditions including the food at the Mazaruni prison.

29. Improve the conditions under which prison officers at the Mazaruni prison work.

30. Put systems in place to retrain and rehabilitate prisoners who otherwise emerge from prison as hard core

31. Improve the confidentiality of information provided to the police by citizens.

32. Provide more education for people as a means of stamping out corruption.

33. Ensure accountability by all persons in responsible positions.

34. Take action to avoid double standards.

35. Seek external help to cope with the situation.

36. Ensure that persons elected or appointed to hold public office are of strong moral character and competent.

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37. The Minister of Home Affairs should resign.

38. The President should visit Buxton since by visiting Rosehall and Soweto in South Africa, he has given the
impression that he does not care about some of his own people.

39. All workers should be entitled to land at low prices not only sugar workers.

40. The roles of the Police Management Committees and the Community Policing Groups should be clearly
defined and spelt out in law.

41. The Government should promote increased investment in the country so that the business climate can

42. There should be greater collaboration between the police and the army.

43. Action should be taken to prevent leakages in the system when civilians provide confidential information
to the police.

44. Prevent media distortion of facts about proposed police operations by denying them opportunities to obtain
such information, e.g. invitations to attend press conferences.

National Consultations on Crime
Parika Consultation September 19, 2002


1. Politicians should engage in more effective discussion on our political problems, using the parliament and
other fora.

2. Efforts should be made to reduce the marginalisation of the African people.

3. More employment should be provided for youths.

4. Restart the People's Militia and National Service.

5. Provide more equipment for the GDF

6. Utilise other strategies as well as force in dealing with the bandits.

7. Provide support for the people in Buxton such as food, hunger can lead to violence.

8. The government should assess the situation and then report to the people instead of on one hand denying
that there is a problem with crime and on the other trying to find solutions.

9. Efforts should be made to involve the entire society in this exercise the police cannot do it alone.

10. Improve the monetary compensation package offered to prospective police officers.

11. Provide jobs for youths.

12. Create an atmosphere to encourage the development of more enterprises such as the production of value
added products from agricultural produce.

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13. Government should address the problems in the rice industry.

14. Government should address the reasons for the closure of so many commercial entities which is increasing

15. The police should implement measures to monitor deportees with criminal records.

16. Government should give Guyanese the right to bear arms and arrange for efficient monitoring thereafter.

17. Efforts should be made to institute police welfare measures such as insurance.

18. A post retirement service should be implemented for retired police officers to help them obtain jobs etc.

19. The legal framework should be reviewed and adjusted as necessary to provide citizens with protection
against arbitrary arrest, confiscation of property, discrimination and reckless political campaigning.

20. Institute sanctions against wrongdoing by highly placed political persons.

21. Ensure the independence of the judiciary.

22. Government should provide resources and support the promotion of family values.

23. Provide education (vocational) as the key to employment for youths.

24. Encourage more groups from civil society to become involved in the crime fighting exercise.

25. Members of the police force should improve their attitude towards members of the public.

26. The Courts should focus more on restitution instead of incarceration, forcing persons to work to repay that
which they have stolen and to remain in prison until they have done so.

27. Institute training and rehabilitation in the penitentiaries.

28. Arm the populace.

29. Provide more resources for the populace.

30. Impose a limited state of emergency.

31. Take action to recruit a higher quality of police recruit, perhaps by raising the entry level qualifications.

32. There should be greater collaboration between the police and the army.

33. Strong action should be taken against persons as soon as criminal tendencies are demonstrated, before they
proceed to more serious acts of crime.

34. The community policing groups in the Leonora area need permission to retain their weapons during
daylight hours at approved strongboxes in the villages.

35. A breakdown in home and family is responsible for much of the current situation since all criminals come
from a home and a family. The churches have a vital role to play in restoring the position and importance
of home and family but churches and other such institutions require assistance and support from
Government in their efforts.

36. Implement a campaign for a friendlier attitude among the peoples of Guyana, with the aim of creating a
kinder and gentler society.

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National Consultations on Crime
Critchlow Labour College Consultation September 23, 2002

1. The GDF should become more involved in the crime situation.

2. The army should not become involved in fighting crime since that is the business of the police.

3. The police should use more up to date technology such as computers and forensic science techniques,
especially for personal checks such as are required for Police Clearances.

4. Efforts should be made to employ persons of higher intelligence in the police force.

5. The police force needs to 'clean up their act' and engage in internal cleansing if they are to regain the
respect of the public.

6. Put systems in place to stop the leakage of information.

7. Police should improve their manner of dress, speech and behaviour if they are to regain the confidence of
the populace.

8. The public should be better informed about what the police are doing.

9. Greater attention should be paid to 'white collar' crime, that is, crime by persons in high places.

10. The economic situation should be improved so that more job opportunities are made available for youths,
who will otherwise engage in illegal activities.

11. Make efforts to correct the current public perception that the police force is not independent and is
influenced by persons in authority.

12. More use should be made of undercover operatives.

13. More information should be sought by the government on the deportees from the American authorities.

14. Police should obtain search warrants before entering citizens' homes without warning.

15. Greater attention should be paid to the welfare of the dependants of police who are killed in the execution
of their duty.

16. The current situation whereby the gates of police stations are locked and citizens must shout their business
from the gates should cease.

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37. Government must take action to address the ethnic problems since this is the basic problem.

38. De-link the community policing groups from political affiliation and restore their independence.

39. Provide a clear definition of the role of the rural constables.

40. Government should clarify its aims in the proposed legislation on anti-terrorism since it is perceived that it
could be misused.

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17. The police should exhibit greater respect for themselves in their operations and behaviour and this would
encourage the public to have more respect for them.

18. More information should be given to the public.

19. Feed back should be given to members of the public when reports are made to the police.

20. Action should be taken to discipline police who have been reported for ill treating a child. The incident
mentioned involved a police rank threatening a child with his gun by cocking it several times in her face
when the occupants of a car were required to disembark. The terrified child first remained in the car and
attempted to run in the wrong direction when directed to leave the vehicle.

21. The weapons used by the police should be upgraded to be equivalent to those used by the bandits.

22. The timing of the four Bills being introduced in Parliament serve to make the holding of these consultations
meaningless, inferring that the government is not really interested in what the people say.

23. The police should institute a "Zero tolerance" campaign against petty crime"

24. The GDF should take precautions against having the army perceived as being in the same category as the

25. The police must take steps to reduce the alienation between the public and the police.

26. A member of the force should be asked to inform drivers who are delayed on the road during roadblocks,
that such an activity is being undertaken. This would reduce frustration and anger in drivers who are being

27. The Critchlow Labour College, perceiving the need for police ranks to obtain training in some areas which
are may not be covered in their six months training period, had offered to provide training in a number of
areas to broaden the ranks' knowledge, in subjects such as dealing with members of the public, leadership,
customer care, public communication, etc, free of cost. No reply to the offer has been received to date.
This offer is now repeated.

The students of Critchlow Labour College pledged to offer support to the police at all times and to be
a part of the solution of the current crime wave and not a part of the problem.

National Consultations on Crime
Community Consultation Sports Hall, Georgetown September 24, 2002


1. There should be an input from other sections of society in the consultations, such as the Race Relations
Commission and the politicians.

2. The police should improve their performance in terms of attitude to members of the public and enforcement
of the existing laws.

3. The social problems which are the cause of the situation cannot be solved by the police and army alone.

All must be involved, including the politicians.

4. Efforts must be made to break the stalemate between the political parties.

5. There should be greater support for the efforts of the police force.

6. The police need a mechanism for immediate response to negative media stories. "Unchecked propaganda
is dangerous"

7. Efforts should be made to modernize the police force equipment, communication systems, transport etc.
to bring it in line with modern technology.

8. More positive moves should be made to integrate the City Constabulary with the police force in the
metropolitan areas.

9. In the rural areas there is need for clarification of the role of the community policing groups to ensure that
they are limited to the maintenance of law and order.

10. Efforts should be made to prevent the spread of disorder to areas where there is currently none.

11. The police should defend themselves in cases where they are blamed for the mistakes of others, e.g.
unemployment, uncontrollable traffic in areas where central planning has been poor and streets are not
capable of the traffic demands made on them e.g. funerals in David Street when the street becomes
impassable to two way traffic.

12. The standards and systems formerly in use in the jail should be resuscitated, as far as security checks on
visitors are concerned.

13. The police force needs to conduct as assessment of its internal weaknesses and to take action to remedy

14. There is need to examine the root causes of this situation why have law and order broken down?

15. Social imbalance is the cause of many of today's problems. Persons in rural areas are controlled by rules in
Georgetown and can no longer make an adequate living utilising their produce because it is illegal to
process it without setting up a factory and all the expenses that this entails. As result much food is wasted.
There is therefore a need to change the laws to encourage cottage industries and cottage level food
processing, which can provide employment and reduce food wastage.

16. A group of persons should visit the rural areas such as Charity to see the degree of food wastage because of
the inability of persons to carry out cottage processing of food, and recommend action to improve this

17. The imbalances in the judicial system must be addressed to redress the situation where the penalties for
minor crimes are more onerous that those for greater crimes.

18. The quality and numerical size of the regional task forces should be improved.

19. The military should try to effect change in the legislation so that they can operate without being requested
to do so by the police and thus change the current public perception of their limited involvement.

20. This situation must be dealt with in a comprehensive fashion involving all the people not merely the police
and the army. The politicians, private sector and other groups should be seen to be represented and
involved in the consultations and the actions taken to improve the situation.

21. The level of illiteracy in the country should be addressed, and the raising of the public consciousness.

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National Consultations on Crime
Target Group Consultation University of Guyana September 24, 2002

1. The Government should recognize that everything is interconnected and use an appropriate systematic
approach in dealing with the situation. There is a connection between the quality of education given to a
person and their behaviour in life. Research would probably show that few Q.C., BHS or St. Stanislaus old
students are involved in violent crime. Improving the standard of education would help to reduce crime in
the long term. Therefore
SResearch should be conducted to determine the linkage between the level of education/training and
the crime figures.
SThere should be greater investment in the quality of schooling given to young people to minimise
the correlation between inadequate education and violent crime.
1. Steps should be taken to improve discipline in schools, to prevent situations where students confront and
even threaten with violence, teachers who try to discipline them.

2. Provide all businessmen with guns so that bandits are faced with not only one armed community member
but several, since this could serve as a deterrent.

3. Improve the salaries in the police force.

4. Place more officers on duty in sensitive locations at night.

5. There are numerous 'minor' incidents at night, especially traffic related ones, because it is perceived that
there are no, or few police around. There should therefore be increased visibility of the police between
4.00 p.m. and 8.00 a.m.

6. Recruitment of persons with a higher standard of education into the force would increase the number of
officers who can better assess situations and refuse to become involved in corruption, understanding that in
the long term this is dangerous behaviour. This action should be tied to an increase in salaries since the low
salaries paid to policemen encourage bribery.

7. Police officers should be dcpli I cd to more strategic positions e.g. Sheriff Street, East Bank.

8. Increase the salaries of police officers and provide insurance for them.

9. Pay more attention to the welfare of the families of police officers who are injured while on duty.

10. Society always adapts to situations by changing and the police must also adapt, particularly in their attitude
to members of the public. Particular notice was taken of police attitudes to motor cyclists, especially if the
police perceive that they are dealing with someone who has some knowledge of the law and of their rights.

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22. There should be greater representation of society at the consultations persons would be more interested in
attending if it was known that a wider cross section of the community, such as politicians, and more
members of the Steering Committee, would have been present.

23. Convicted criminals should be made to make restitution to their victims and should remain in penitentiaries
until they have worked off their debts.

24. The police force should utilise and pay retired officers to undertake covert operations.

25. The police force should target the buyers of stolen property especially jewellery in the drive against crime.

Harsher treatment is then meted out to such persons.

11. The systems for disciplining acts of misconduct by police ranks are perceived to be ineffective, since those
ranks with access to higher authorities ensure that no punishment is meted out to offenders. The
implementation of the systems therefore need to be tightened up.

12. The army should not be directly involved in crime fighting. Funds available should be channelled into
operations such as patrols for our borders, which are porous and through which narcotics, weapons and
ammunition are illegally imported. Cutting off this supply would help reduce crime.

13. Educated, committed and willing persons are needed to fight this situation.

14. Police officers are too easily recognisable through their low haircuts and 'bulbed' shoes. Police officers
need to go undercover more effectively and to coordinate their operations more effectively.

15. The army should be given the authority to do more, without the need to wait for a request from the police.

16. The police patrol/dragnet systems need to be improved. It should not be so difficult to catch criminals who
conduct a robbery in Georgetown since there are few exit points to the city.

17. The public lack respect for the police because, through their behavior, they are perceived as lacking in
respect for themselves; the vocabulary of many ranks seems to be restricted only to certain words. Police
therefore need to clean up their act and to be more involved with the community in activities such as sports.
This would help to improve their image in communities.

18. The police need to keep information provided to them by members of the public confidential and to avoid
targeting informants.

19. The leakages in the system need to be sealed since the police seem to be working hand in hand with the
criminals. It is appreciated that the smallness of the society has contributed to this situation but it still
needs to be addressed.

20. The crime situation is merely a symptom of a larger issue. It is this issue which needs to be addressed.
Dealing with the crime situation only is like putting a plaster on a sore, the problem will emerge later in a
different spot.

21. The country already has crime legislation but the legislation is not implemented. Improved implementation
is required, by strengthening the judiciary and changing the lethargic approach of the police to their work -
unwillingness to go to investigate crime etc.

22. There is a need for better education of police officers or the recruitment of better educated persons since
many police officers cannot write reports efficiently or take accurate statements.

23. There should be improved motivation to encourage recruitment into the force. Many persons only join the
police force because there is a shortage of other employment opportunities, and do not see it as a career,
rather simply as a method of earning a small salary, which they intend to 'top up' through corruption.

24. There is a need to build a different culture within sections of the society such as the university. Instead of
constantly lambasting the police, more analysis could be done about the problems and solutions developed.

25. There is need for anti-corruption legislation and effective implementation of such legislation.

26. The police force has lost credibility since persons known to have been involved in international crime (the
Carroll case with US visas) are still on the force and no action has been taken against them. The public
perception of such irregularities has contributed to the lack of confidence in the force and action needs to
be takes to reverse this perception.

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27. Government needs to improve its record in fulfilling promises made to the population. Its record so far has
been poor.

28. There seem to be leakages in the telephone system which contribute to the lack of confidentiality of
information given by citizens to the police and action should be taken to stop this.

29. A data base on the deportees should be started including photographs, fingerprints etc. and there should be
improved monitoring of their whereabouts.


1). A Police Outpost should be established in Canal, No. 2 Polder
2). Firearms should be issued to Community Policing Groups
3). Capital punishment should be re-introduced
4). Increase the salary of Police
5). GNS should be re-introduced
6). Confidentiality in the Police Force needs to be improved
7). As a tool for recruitment, the Police and Army should conduct exercises in communities
8). Stalls on roadside should be dismantled
9). Harsher penalties for criminals
10).Citizens should assist at Police Stations
11).There should be an increase in Police outposts since there are more housing schemes
12).Guyana Power and Light employees and Guyana Water Incorporated officials should have
identification cards
13).Police ranks should have academic qualifications
14).The Police Force and Army should have ethnic balance
15).Neighbourhood watch should be appointed
16).Community Police Group executives should be elected by the community
17).Employment should be created on the Police Force for persons over 55 years
18).Police patrols should make constant checks on roadside stalls
19).Police harassment of minibus and hire car drivers should be looked into.

3). 2002-09-18

1). Improved salaries for Police Force
2). More equipment and protective gears for the Police
3). Police should be more courteous and concerned whether on or off duty
4). Effective monitoring of deportees and ex-convicted criminals
5). Police Agents and Informers should be recruited
6). Cat-o-nine tail should be re-introduced
7). Death penalty should be enforced
8). Military base should be established on the Essequibo Coast
9). Create employment for youths
10). Issue firearms for businessmen
11). Create partnerships Police and Non-Governmental Organizations
12). Penalise businessmen who offer bribes to Policemen
13). The Police and Army should reflect the ethnic composition of Guyana
14). Police should be sent on training, once every two years to upgrade ideas and skills
15). Metropolitan police exchange programmes should be arranged. This will help with local police skills
16). Police Force Ranks must return to villages to keep unity between police and residents.
17). Re-employ able bodied ex-soldiers and policemen
18). Create unemployment where people can make a honest living
19). Discrimination and marginalisation should cease.
20). Integrity Bill must be drafted by all Guyanese
21). Constitution should be revisited
22). Political interference in the military and legal system should cease
23). Heavier penalties should be given for armed robberies and car-jacking.
24). Spiritual values should be focused on in schools
25). Police officers should spend no more than two (2) years at a police station
26). Heavily armed Tactical Service Unit Police must at all times guard the prisons
27). Speed up trials of remanded prisoners
28). Re-establish the GNS to take care of early school leavers
29). Police Complaints Authority should visit the area every two years to hold discussions with residents
pertaining to allegations made by residents.
30). Armed Police boats needed in Region 2

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31). Beat Duty Officers
32). Helicopter for the Guyana Police Force


1). Salary increase for the Armed Forces
2). Promotions on a regular basis
3). Protective gears and arms for the Police
4). Training information gathering
5). Improved relationships between Police and Communities
6). Searches should be carried out in areas alleged to have arms and ammunitions i.e. Buxton.
7). Better living conditions for Police Officers
8). Ranks with under two years' service should live in the Police barracks
9). Police Stations should be established at Rose Hall Town
10). A member of Government should visit Rose Hall Town to address the Community
11). Adequate protection should be given to community of Rose Hall
12). The Administration should stop blame game and address crime situation
13). Television stations must assist in the fight against crime
14). The members of the Police Force should be properly identified
15). The Police and Army should carry out a search in Buxton for criminals
16). Courts should dispense justice within partiality
17). Death penalty should be carried out
18). Government should finance Community Policing
19). Firearms should be granted expeditiously to eligible Guyanese
20). Branch of the Complaints Authority should be established in Berbice and Essequibo.
21). Group Insurance for Police should be paid by the Government
22). Civilians should assist the Police by taking statements at Police Stations
23). Telephones must be repaired
24). Springlands should be made a Port of Entry to Guyana
25). Drug rehabilitation centres should be established
26). Analysts should be gazetted and identified as experts
27). Dogs should be introduced in "B' Division

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28). Helicopters should be used to fight crime in outlying areas
29). Poverty and employment should be addressed
30). More ranks should be at Police Stations at night
31). Regional Police Force should be established
32). Confidentiality
33). Roadsides should be cleared of derelict vehicles
34). The Guyana Defence Force should assist with rehabilitation of drug addicts
35). The University of Guyana should introduce a finger-printing programme
36). Water cannons should be used when disturbances arise from protest marches


1). Government of Guyana should re-introduce the GNS
2). The GNS and Peoples Militia should assist in orienting youths
3). Proceeds of the lotto fund should be used to assist in orienting youths
4). The Narcotic Laws should be revised
5). Cat-O-Nine tails should be reintroduced
6). Regional Anti-Corruption Committee should be set up
7). More emphasis should be placed on Border issue since a large amount of weapons were being
smuggled through
8). the border with Venezuela.
9). More vehicles for Policemen
10).Prioritise unemployment
11).The Government and opposition should re-start dialogue process
12).Liquor restaurants should be closed at midnight
13).Increased salary for the Joint Services
14).Increased Police patrols
15).Remove Camp Street jail to an interior location or an island
16). Sensitize the public with regards to crime initiatives
17). Strengthen the Community Policing Groups
18).Improve response capabilities

19).Adequate salaries for members of the Joint Services
20).Outpost in Lower Pomeroon



1). Each village must be allowed to set up vigilante group
2). Police should investigate jewelers
3). Police presence should be visible in Stabroek Market area
4). Confidentiality
5). Accelerate applications for firearms
6). Coast Guard should be strengthened
7). Close monitoring of Deportees
8). Revision of the Laws of Guyana
9). Maximum penalty be implemented for armed robbery
10).The consultation team should have been balanced in ethnic composition
11).All citizens should be given the right to bear arms
12).Another road should be made from Crabwood Creek to Timehri
13).All trading should be done through Moleson Creek
14).Police should have training in Social Work
15).Police should develop a higher sense of professionalism
16).There should be a better relationship between the Police and the Public
17).Speedy Trials
18).Traffic ranks should strive to improve public confidence
19).Increase telephone lines at Police Stations
20).Poverty Reduction
21).Increased salaries for policemen
22).NDC's should set up constabularies
23).More police ranks at stations during the night
24).More effective public depiction of wanted criminals

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1). Police seem intimidated by the weaponry of bandits in current crime wave. This is acted out in response to
crime, which is slow.

2). Community Policing should be supported by Beat Duty Police
3). Make efforts to eliminate inciteful and inflammatory remarks of Talk Show Host
4). Twenty-four hour police patrols should be operational in some areas
5). Police ranks should be equipped with cellular phones
6). Aggressive Police officers should operate as beat duty offers
7). Police ranks should be able to make on the spot decisions
8). Meetings should be held with stakeholders of civic society, with a view to assisting in the crime situation
and to rebuild public confidence
9). Police should have knowledge of the areas where they work
10). A community Policing Group should be formed in Strathspey
11). More 911 lines should be made available
12). A more visible police presence should be seen in Strathspey
13). The level of education for admission to the Police Force should improved



1). Discrimination Committees should be set up to deal with discriminating practices
2). The Government should address unemployment
3). Police brutality should be reprimanded
4). An authority similar to the Police Complaints Authority should be set up to deal with complaints with
respect to members of the Guyana Defence Force
5). The passing of recent anti-crime bills should have been delayed
6). The attitude of the police should be addressed
7). Crime prevention should start with the Government

8). The Police Force must establish a sound intelligence system
9). Deportees should be monitored
10). Government Ministers should be investigated for corrupt practices
11). The Army should not be involved in crime fighting
12). The Army should be more involved in protecting the borders
13). Police training should be intensified
14). Government should release finance for projects and education in depressed areas
15). Retired officers should be re-hired for consultation with regard to policing
16). The academic level should be raised for recruitment of Police Officers
17). The inefficiency of the Justice system should be addressed
18). There should be an increase in Force establishment
19). A good follow-up mechanism should be introduced with regards to crime investigation
20). Better relationships should be fostered between the Guyana Defence Force and the Guyana Police Force


1). Improved publicity of Consultations
2). The Police must be respectful to members of the Public
3). Policemen involved in criminal activities should not be tolerated
4). Police brutality must cease
5). Improve public relations between Police and the public
6). Police Complaints Authority should be made up of Guyana Defence Force, Human Rights Association and
Guyana Police Force
7). Police Force must have special agents to improve intelligence gathering
8). Police stations should have more vehicles
9). Police Force must set up a special telephone line to accept information on Crime
10). Police station should have more ranks at night
11). Government and the Police should investigate big business
12). Implement activities for young school leaves
13). Re-introduce the Guyana National Service
14). Analyse various crimes and the cause
15). The Police Force should offer service and protection to the citizens
16). Crooked Policemen should be weeded out of the Force

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17). Confidentiality should be improved
18). Police should organize, supervise, and encourage operations of Community Policing Group
19). Police should stop using force excessively
20). Criticisms must be accepted by the police
21). Deportees should have rights
22). More security exercises of this nature
23). Improved salaries for Police Officers
24). Police should discontinue being abusive on telephones
25). More joint exercises between the Police and Army
26). Justice system should be improved (minimum delay)
27). Businessmen should be properly screened before given a firearm license
28). Police promotions should be dealt with urgently
29). Increased allowances
30). Live fire exercises should be conducted frequently for Police Officers
31). Greater publicity of wanted persons
32). Police should upgrade methods of investigation
33). Social economic policy to create employment and soft loans for qualified persons wishing to obtain jobs.
34). There must be improvement in the relationship between Police and Community Policing Group
35). Police ranks should undergo transfers every three years
36). Police should participate in more social activities
37). The Army and Police should set up a base along the Habura and Rockstone roads.
38). There should be security check point at Basmora.


1). The Joint Forces should place a curfew on the villagers of Buxton. Search should be carried out for arms
and ammunitions.
2). All policemen should be enlightened
3). Proper and confidential use of intelligence
4). Male population should be given military training
5). Firearm licenses should be given to Policing Groups and able-bodied men
6). More telephone lines should be available in police stations
7). Need for cordial relationship with police and community

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8). Police Service Commission should function and be operational to deal with promotion of policemen
9). Increased salary for the Joint Service
10). Coast Guard should patrol waterways more frequently
11). More under cover policemen
12). Accelerate the issuing of firearms
13). Police lecturers should be included on Education curriculum
14). Emphasis should be placed on the respectability of policemen
15). Resuscitation of all policing Groups
16). Increased penalties for certain crimes and re-introduction of Cat-O-Nine tails
17). More Policemen should be on duty at nights
18). Religious knowledge should be re-introduced in schools to aid morals


1). Wages of Disciplined services be improved by 100%
2). Police officers should improve relationship with the public
3). Larger and more effective public depiction of wanted criminals posters
4). Police should have more vehicles
5). Army patrols should increase in Annandale
6). Communication links should be set up for residents to contact army
7). A Police Outpost should be established between Annandale and Lusignan
8). Army should be stationed at the borderline between Buxton and Annandale
9). Buxton should be curfewed and search for arms and ammunition conducted
10). Telephone lines at vigilance should be left open for reports only
11). Army should conduct training in built-up areas
12). More telephone lines at stations
13). More joint patrols at the Backlands of Buxton
14). Heavier penalties should be meted out by the Courts
15). Bandits shot to death by Law Enforcement Officers should be buried by the state
16). Police must attend to radio set communication at all times
17). President should attend sessions
18). The Army should extend humanitarian services to Annandale

Appendix 9

Questionnaire on Crime and Violence







More than once One






Yes No


Yes No Don't know

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Good Average Poor Bad


No Don't know



No Don't know



No Don't know


Yes No Don't know


Yes No Don't know


Yes No Don't know


Yes No Don't know

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Yes No Don't know


Yes No Don't know


Yes No Don't know







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Classification of questions in the Questionnaire

Category 1
Individual/family/community exposure to crimes involving arms.

Category 2
Individual/family/community relationship with Law enforcement

Category 3
Assessing police action in dealing with the current crime wave

Category 4
Toughening penalties for convicted armed criminals

Category 5
Individual/family/community responsibility for their own protection against crime

Category 6
State accepting financial responsibility for supporting community anti-crime activities and victims of crime

Category 7
Assessing a Joint services approach to crime fighting

Matrix of meeting held with the classification of responses to the questionnaire

There were important observations to be made about consultation in a few locations. It was evident that pressures
were brought there to limit and even prevent participation.

(i) This was clearly evident in three locations: Buxton, East Coast of Demerara;
Agricola, East Bank Demerara and in Georgetown.

(ii) The Parliamentary political parties did not play any meaningful role as members of the Steering

It should also be noted that the classification scheme for the recommendations provided for categories that were not
mutually exclusive.

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