Title Page
 System used to process application...

Title: House lot allocations process
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00084196/00001
 Material Information
Title: House lot allocations process
Physical Description: Book
Creator: Guyana. Government Information Agency (GINA).
Publication Date: 2003
Subject: Housing
Caribbean   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: South America -- Guyana -- Georgetown
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00084196
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.


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Table of Contents
    Title Page
        Page 1
    System used to process application for house lots
        Page 2
        Page 3
        Page 4
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A GINA Publication

System used to process

application for house lots

The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) has in place spe-
cial administrative arrangements to facilitate the land allocation process.

Regional Housing Committees were established to facilitate the smooth
and expeditious operation of land development and the land alloca-
tion process for housing.
The Committees are established in most of the Administrative Re-
gions of Guyana to ensure that there is a common approach to the
development and allocation of lands for residential purposes.
The Committees compose a duly elected Councillor of the Regional
Democratic Council (RDC) who must be the Chairman of the Hous-
ing Committee; two Councillors from the RDC nominated by the
Council; the Regional Housing Officer who is employed by CH&PA
and two members of the Town Council or Neighbourhood Demo-
cratic Council (NDC) within which the portion of land is situated.
The Regional Chairman oversees the functioning of the Regional Hous-
ing Committee and reports to the Minister of Housing on a monthly
basis on the activities of the Committee.
Persons interested in applying for a house lot should complete the
specified application forms, which can be obtained from CH&PA.
The information provided by the applicants must be verified as far as
possible by the Regional Housing Committee.
The Regional Housing Officers in collaboration with the CH&PA, the
Local Authority and the Lands and Surveys Department have to verify
that the land applied for is available and suitable for residential use
and ensure that the land is not illegally occupied by squatters.
The Secretary of the Housing Committee or the Regional Executive
Officer (REO) is responsible for accepting the application forms.
The Regional Housing Committee is responsible for scheduling inter-
views for the applicants with the requisite information duly recorded
on the recommended Interview Conclusion Forms obtained from the

* Applicants would be short-listed based on the amount of points scored
in descending order of sequence by the Committee. Applicants with
the highest scores are the ones with greater need. A point system is
being used to evaluate the need of an applicant when interviewed.
* The list of persons recommended for allocation with information col-
lected is usually forwarded to the CH&PA.
* On confirmation, the CH&PAwill then issue instructions to the Re-
gional Housing Officer for the allocation process to proceed.
* Allocation letters are then issued and agreements are signed for sale.
The Regions are then authorized to accept payments for the lots, which
are forwarded to CH&PA. Some schemes have high, low and middle
income house lots while some areas have only low income or both
low and middle income house lots.
* All allocation letters in a particular Region must be signed by the Re-
gional Housing Officer working in the same Region and he/she will be
acting on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer of CH&PA, Ministry
of Housing and Water.

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Minister of Housing and Water Mr. Shaik Baksh (with yellow garland) poses with
some happy allottees of Belle West who received land titles in 2002.

False information tendered by applicants would render their alloca-
tion null and void. Allottees are expected to attest to non-ownership
of land or property by way of a sworn affidavit.
The Regional Housing Committee is responsible for investigating and
verifying the veracity of the information supplied by the applicant in
respect of non-ownership of property.
The Housing Committees are not allowed to engage in discussions or
decision-making, which are of a policy nature.
The Committees cannot enter into negotiations with private develop-
ers with respect to housing projects in the respective Region without
approval from the CH&PA.

In the case of Region Four (Demerara/Mahaica), all housing issues are
being addressed by the Ministry of Housing.

Published by the Government Information Agency (GINA)
Area'B' Homestretch Avenue
Durban Park Backlands, Georgetown.

Copyright C March 2003 GINA

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