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Prime Minister Designate
Samuel Archibald Hinds born December
27, 1943 in Alexander Village, Greater
Georgetown received his early education
at the Novar Canadian Mission School and
later at Queen's College.
In 1967 he graduated from the University
of New Brunswick, Canada with a B.SC in
Chemical Engineering. In 1994, he was
awarded an honorary DSC from the same
Hinds worked for 25 years (1967-1992)
with the Bauxite Company in Linden and
held positions as process engineer,
process superintendent, divisional
superintendent product quality, research
and development.
He served in the capacity of honorary
secretary of the McKenzie branch of the
Guyana Association of Professional
Engineers from 1967 1975.
Hewas a member oftheAmerican Institute
of Metallurgical Engineers from 1983 -
1992 until which time he became Prime
Minister of the Co-operative Republic of
From March 6 to December1997, Hinds
served as President of the Co-operative
Republic of Guyana and from then on to
August 2006, as Prime Minister and
Minister responsible for Public Works,
Energy and Mines.
He is married with four (4) children
Head of the Presidential Secretariat
Head of the Presidential Secretariat and
Head of the Presidential Secretariat and
Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Luncheon is also
Secretary of the Defence Board.
He served as a Consultant on Internal
Medicine at the Ministry of Health in 1980
and Senior Consultant in1983. In 1987,
he became Head of the Internal Medicine
In 1985, Dr. Luncheon became Associate
Professor for the Medical Practitioners
Programme at the University of Guyana.
Dr. Luncheon studied at the Howard
University, Washington D.C where he
obtained his Medical Doctor's Degree and
became a specialist in internal Medicine in
Dr. Luncheon is also a Member of the
Central Committee and Executive
Committee of the PPP.
Minister of Amerindian Affairs
Carolyn Rodrigues was born on
September 16, 1973 in Moruca, Region
One. Her early education began at the
Santa Rosa Primary School after which
she moved to Georgetown where she
attended a private school before going to
Canada to pursue her studies. She
successfully completed a programme in
Business Administration at the University
of Regina, Sasketchewan, Canada.
She returned to Guyana in 1993, and
shortly after was granted employment
with SIMAP Agency as Coordinator of the
Amerindian Projects Programme. She
served in this capacity until 2001 when
she began pursuing a Degree in Social
Work at the University of Guyana.
In the same year, Rodrigues was
appointed Minister of Amerindian Affairs,
a position she held untilAugust 2006.
She is married and has two children.
Minister of Public Service
Dr. Jennifer R A Westford was born in
Georgetown. She attended Dolphin
Primary and Charlestown Secondary
Schools after which she followed up the
medical profession in 1977 and
graduated as a SRN in 1980. She worked
with the Ministry of health until 1982
when she became a member of the
Guyana Defence Force's Medical Corps.
In 1984 she was awarded a Government
of Guyana Scholarship to study in Cuba
in the field of Medicine. She graduated as
a medical doctor in 1990 and was
attached to the Georgetown Hospital
until 1995 when she was appointed
Regional Health Officer of Regions 7 and
8. She served in this capacity until 2001
when she was appointed as Minister of
Public Service. Westford graduated from
the University of Guyana with a Post
Graduate Diploma in International
Relations in 2004. She continued her
studies and in July 2006 graduated with a
Master's Degree in International Studies
from the University of Canterbury, UK.
She is currently embarking on studies to
obtain a Master's Degree in International
Conflict Resolution.
Dr Westford also attained formal training
in Human Resource Management,
Conflict Resolution and Disaster
Management, both locally and overseas.
Minister of Finance
Dr. Ashni Singh functioned as Director of
Budget in the Ministry of Finance, an
appointment he held since November
2001. Prior to this, he held appointments
in the Office of the Auditor General as
Senior Deputy Auditor General from
February 2001 and as Deputy Auditor
General from November 1993.
Dr. Singh has also served in several other
senior public sector capacities, including
as a member of the Governing Board of
the Guyana Revenue Authority and the
Board of Directors of the Cheddi Jagan
International Airport Corporation. His
employment history also includes stints
as a Postgraduate Tutor at the University
of Lancaster in the United Kingdom, a
part-time Senior Associate Lecturer and
at the University of Guyana.
Over the years, Dr. Singh has
represented Guyana extensively in
international and regional capacities
including serving as a senior technical
representative in Guyana's engagement
with the major international financial
institutions and donor agencies such as
the International Monetary Fund, the World
Bank, the Inter-American Development
Bank, and the European Union, and in
various Commonwealth and CARICOM
activities. Dr. Singh is also currently a
Director of the Caribbean Public Finance
Dr. Singh received his higher education in
the United Kingdom, and has been
awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Degree in Accounting and Finance by the
University of Lancaster, a Master of
Science (MSc) Degree in Financial
Economics by the University of London,
and a Master of Arts (MA) Degree in
Accounting and Finance by the University
of Lancaster. He is also a Chartered
Minister in the Ministry of Education
Dr. Desrey Fox was born in Warmadong
Village, Kamarang Upper Mazaruni
District on January 2, 1955. She was
educated at the Warmadong Primary
School before moving to the city and
attending the Campbellville Government
School and later the Georgetown
She has a PhD in Linguistics from Rice
University, Houston Texas, 2003, a
Master's of Arts in Linguistics at the same
University, a MA in Environmental
Anthropology from the University of Kent
at Canterbury, U.K. and a B.Sc. Sociology,
University of Guyana
Dr. Fox has been an Associate
Researcher, University of Oregon. Locally,
she served in the capacity as Co-
coordinator of the Amerindian Research
Unit, University of Guyana and Curator of
the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology
and Lecturer in Linguistics and Amerindian
Studies at the University of Guyana
She was the recipient of numerous
scholarships and has written several
scholarly essays.
Dr. Fox has three children.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Rudy Insanally was born on January 23,
1936 in Georgetown and educated at
Queen's College and at the University
College of the West Indies London
University and at the Universities of Paris
and Brussels. His main areas of study
were Modern Languages and International
Prior to entering his country's diplomatic
service in 1966, he taught French and
Spanish at Kingston and Jamaica
Colleges, Jamaica, at Queen's College,
Guyana and at the University of Guyana.
From 1966 to 1969, he served as
Counsellor at the Guyana Embassy in
Washington, D.C. in 1970 and was
appointed Charg6 d'Affaires in Caracas,
Venezuela. In 1972, he was transferred to
Guyana's Permanent Mission to the United
Nations as Deputy Permanent
He returned as Ambassador to Venezuela
from 1972 to 1978 with concurrent
accreditation to Colombia, Ecuador and
Peru. During that period, he participated
in the work of various regional
organizations such as the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM), the Organisation
of American States (OAS) and the
Economic Commission for Latin America
and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
His next posting was as Permanent
Representative to the European Economic
Community in Brussels where he also
served as Ambassador to Belgium and on
a non-resident basis to Austria, Norway
and Sweden. He was elected Chairman
of the Sugar Sub-Committee on several
occasions and later Chairman of the Trade
Sub-Committee for the negotiation of a
Protocol to provide for the enlargement of
the Community. He was also appointed
Special Rapporteur for the Joint ACPEEC
Assembly on the implementation of the
Lom6 Convention.
Mr. Insanally subsequently returned to
Guyana as Head of the Political Division
covering the Western Hemisphere. At the
same time he served as roving High
Commissioner to several Caribbean
countries and as Ambassador to
Since 1987, he became Permanent
Representative to the United Nations and
in this capacity; he has led his country's
delegation to the General Assembly on
several occasions. He was elected Vice
President/Rapporteur for the Special
Session of the General Assembly on
International Economic Cooperation held
inApril 1990.
In 1993, he was elected President of 48th
Session of the United Nations General
Assembly and during that period served as
Chairman of the Working Group on the
Reform of the Security Council.
Insanally served also in 1999 as Chairman
of the Group of 77 and as Chairman of the
Preparatory Committee for the South
From 1994 to 2001, he served as
Chancellor of the University of Guyana
and upon completion he assumed the
position of Ministerof Foreign Affairs.
Minister of Agriculture
Robert Montgomery Persaud was born in
Berbice on May 9, 1974. The third of four
children, he received his early education at
Redeemer Primary School and St.
Joseph's High School.
He was awarded a Certificate through the
United States Agency for International
Development /Freedom Forum in
Washington, DC, USA and a Diploma in
News Agency Journalism from the Indian
Institute of Mass Communications in New
Delhi, India. Persaud is the holder of a
Bachelor's of Arts Degree from the
University of Guyana. He graduated from
the University of the West Indies in 2005
with a Master of Business Administration
Persaud is married and has a daughter.
At an early age his penchant for the media
was exposed as he began pursuing a
career in Journalism which he started at
the Catholic Standard newspaper. He later
became a Senior Reporter and then Editor
of the Mirror newspaper when he was only
23 years old.
Until his recent appointment as Minister of
Agriculture he held the prestigious
positions of Information Liaison to the
President of Guyana and Head of the
Government Information Agency (GINA).
He also served as Director of the Guyana
Broadcasting Corporation, Programme
Director/Editor of Multi-Technology Vision
Inc. and Chairman of the National
Communications Network (NCN)
overseeing the successful merger of GTV
and GBC.
Persaud is also the Government of
Guyana's Coordinator of the Information
Communications Technology Strategy
(ICT4D Strategy) which was recently
completed and launched.
In the political sphere, his activism from an
early age has seen him climbing the
ladder from being the Chairman of the
Progressive Youth Organisation (youth
arm of the PPP), to an elected member of
the Central Committee and at present,
Executive Committee Member of the PPP.
Persaud also serves as Public Relations
Secretary of the Party.
Minister of Human Services and
Social Security
Priya Devi Manichand, the youngest
member of the Cabinet received her early
education at Stella Maris Primary School
before moving on to Queen's College.
She then began pursuing a law
programme at the University of Guyana.
Manickchand's next step was to
complete the programme at the Hugh
Wooding Law School which she did in
She was admitted to the Bar on October
10, 2000 and was an Associate Attorney
at Khemraj Ramjattan & Associates'
Chambers from September 2000-
February, 2002.
She then began private practice up to the
time of her appointment as Minister.
Manichand served as a Senior
Supervising Attorney at the Georgetown
Legal Aid Clinic from January 2004 to
She has a wide range of experience in a
number of areas having served as a
member of several organizations
including the Guyana Association of
Women Lawyers, Guyana Medical
Council, Omai Bauxite Mining
Incorporated and the Guyana Rice
Producers Association.
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Minister of Housing and Water
Harry Narine Nawbatt was born on
December 19,1946.
He received his secondary education at the
Central High School in Georgetown and
because of his liking forAccounts; he began
pursuing studies in the field at the University
of Guyana where he graduated in 1981 with
a Diploma in Accountancy. He went further
in the field and in 1991 graduated with a
Bachelor of Social Science degree
majoring in Accountancy. He also gained a
Diploma in Transport Studies in 1995.
Nawbatt has served in several spheres of
work, from being a teacher at the
Annandale Primary School to a Public
Servant and a Chief Accountant in the
Accountant General's Department.
He also served in a number of other
positions such as Principal Auditor at the
Office of the Auditor General, Chief
Accountant, Guyana Airways Corporation,
Executive Director, Social Impact
Amelioration Programme and Project
Manager Poor Rural Communities Support
Services Project (PRCSSP).
He served as the Minister of Transport
and Hydraulics from 2005 to 2006.
He is married with three children
Minister in the Ministry of Finance
Born on January 19, 1962 in
Georgetown, Jennifer Webster was
educated at St. Gabriel's Convent of
the Good Shepherd School and
Queen's College. She later pursued
studies at the University of Guyana
and the University of the West Indies,
Cave Hill Campus. She is the holder
of a Bachelor's of Science Degree
majoring in Accountancy.
She also graduated from the
Queen's University of Canada with a
degree in Economics and at present
is pursuing the Executive MBA
programme. She was appointed
Permanent Secretary in the Office of
the President in December 1999 and
prior to that held several senior
positions in the Public Service. Ms.
Webster is a Professional
She served on the Board of Directors
of the National Communications
Network (NCN) and the Central
Bank, and up to the time of her
appointment as Minister in the
Ministry of Finance is the
Government's representative
responsible for the Reform
Strategies in the Public Service
being implemented under the Public
Management Modernisation
Minister in the Ministry of Health
Dr. Bheri Sygmond Ramsaran was born
on March 16, 1959. He graduated from
the Medical Faculty of the People's
Friendship University, Moscow, in 1987
and then proceeded on further post
graduate training at the same University
focusing on surgical skills.
Dr, Ramsaran began working at the
Georgetown Public Hospital in 1987 as a
Government Medical Officer and a year
later, was posted at the New Amsterdam
Hospital. He also served at the Skeldon
and Port Mourant hospitals. He
continued working in Berbice as a
medical practitioner until mid 1996 when
he returned to the Department of
Surgery at the Georgetown Hospital
where he attained the level of Medical
Registrar. He also worked for several
years at the hospital's Accident &
Emergency Department.
He was elected to the Central
Committee of the PPP and the Executive
Committee and has served as the
Party's Secretary for Education while
being a member of the Executive
He became a member of the National
Assembly in 1998. He also functioned
as a member of the Public Accounts
Committee and the Sectoral Committee
on the Social Sector.
Dr. Ramsaran was appointed Director of
Regional Health Services of the Ministry
of Health in 2003.
Minister of Foreign Trade and
International Co-operation
Henry Benfield Jeffrey received his early
education at the Beterverwagting
Government School and Tutorial High
School. He completed his undergraduate
and postgraduate studies in the United
Kingdom. Dr. Jeffrey graduated with his
BA (Hon) Politics from the University of
Warwick, while he did his Master's of
Science at the University of
Loughborough where he specialized in
Development Studies. He graduated
from University College, Cardiff and
Wales with his PHD in Management
Dr. Jeffrey began his career in the
academic sphere where he served as a
Lecturer and Principal of Kuru Kuru
College in Guyana from 1975 1978.
During 1984 1986 he performed the
duties of Temporary Lecturer at the
University College, Cardiff Wales. He was
a Senior Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty
of Social Sciences, University of Guyana
from 1988-1992. In 1992, he became the
Director of the Graduate School of Social
Dr. Jeffrey was Minister of Labour,
Housing, Human Services and Social
Security from 1992 -1997. From 1997 -
2001 he served as Minister of Health &
Labour. He assumed the post of Minister
of Education in 2001.
Dr. Jeffrey has written several
publications, which includes, inter-alia,
Guyana: Politics, Economics & Society
and Sustainable Development in the
Minister of Education
Shaik Kamrul Baksh has a Bachelor
of Social Science (B.Soc Sc.)
Degree in Economics and
Management from the University of
Guyana and a Master of Science (M.
Sc) in Management from the
University of London.
He worked his way up from a clerk in
the Ministry of Education to
Personnel Officer of the University of
Guyana before venturing out as a
Lecturer of the University.
He later became Head of the
Department of Management at the
Baksh served in several capacities
mainly in the area of management.
He was the Chief Executive Officer of
Guyana Stores Limited, Managing
Director of the Guyana Oil Company
Limited, Chairman of the Guyana
National Engineering Corporation,
President of Caribbean Management
Development Association and a
Member of Parliament in 1992.
He became the Minister of Housing
and Water in 1998 and served in that
position until August2006.
Minister of Labour
Born on November 14, 1955, Nadir first
served as in the 2001 -2006 Cabinet as the
Minister of Tourism, Industry and
He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business
from the University of Alberta, Canada and
a Master's Degree in Economics from the
University of Manchester, UK.
He first became involved in politics when he
contested the 1980 elections on the United
Force ticket. He became the Party's leader
in 1991.
Nadir served as a member of the University
of Guyana Council from 1981 to 1986. He
was marketing executive of the Guyana
Pharmaceutical Corporation from 1980 to
1984. Nadir served as Secretary General of
the eighteen countries of the Caribbean
Youth Institute from 1985 to 1995.
He was first elected to Parliament in 1992
and Nadir is now completing his 14th year
and beginning his fourth term as a Member
of Parliament. He is married to Maria and
they have three children
Minister of Home Affairs
Clement James Rohee was born on March
16, 1950. He was educated at the Lady of
Fatima School, the National Evening
College, the Accabre College of Social
Sciences and the Institute of Social Sciences
of Moscow.
His political career began in the Progressive
Youth Organization Youth Arm of the
People's Progressive Party and later he
became a member of the Education
Committee of the Party. He is a Member of
the Central and Executive Committees of the
He served as the Secretary of the Central
Committee responsible for International
Affairs and Executive Secretary and
Convenor Race Relations Committee, PPP.
Rohee served on the Editorial Board of
"Thunder", the PPP Journal.
Rohee represented his party at various
Conferences, Seminars and Round table
discussions held in Latin America, Asia,
Europe, The Middle East and the USA.
He was a Member of the Guyana Elections
Commission and a newspaper columnist
contributing to several International Journals
and Magazines.
He also held a numberof other positions such
as on the Board of Governors of the
University of Guyana, Director, Guyana
Import Export Limited and further afield in
Prague, Czechoslovakia as Permanent
Representative on the Editorial Board
Problems of Peace and Socialism. He was
an Executive Member of the Union of
Guyanese Journalists (MGJ).
In 1992, Rohee became the Minister of
Foreign Affairs and served in this position
until 2001 when he was appointed Minister of
Foreign Trade and International Cooperation.
He has also functioned as CARICOM's
Ministerial Spokesperson to superintend
negotiations at the World Trade Organization
from 2002 to 2006. From 2004-2006 he was
CARICOM'S Lead Ministerial Spokesperson
on matters relating to Sugar.
He also served as Facilitator for
Development Issues at the 6th WTO
MinisterialMeeting in Hong Kong December
He was also a Lecturer at Accabre College of
Social Sciences. Rohee has co-authored
"Guyana a Bed of Thorns".
*" I
Minister of Transport and Hydraulics
Brindley Robeson Benn was born on
January 7, 1953 in Georgetown.
He received his schooling at Graham's
Hall, Cummings Lodge and Queen's
College. He furthered his studies at the
Universities of Bergakademie in Freiberg,
Germany and at New Brunswick,
C a n a d a
Benn has a Bachelor's of Social Science
Degree in Geology, specializing in
Ig n e o u s P e t r o o g y.
He worked in the Geological Surveys
Department as a Field Assistant before
moving on to the Guyana Geology and
Mines Commission. There he served as
Senior Field Assistant and was a
Geologist in the petroleum unit of the
Mineral Resources Agency
Benn also served as Special Geologist at
the Guyana Mining Enterprise and held
various posts in the Linden Mining
Enterprise such as Chief Geologist,
General Manger, Mines and Production
and Chief Operations Officer.
He held positions on several government
boards such as Chairman-Guyana
Geology and Mines Commission, Director
Guyana Gold Board and Director-Guyana
Lands and Surveys Commission.
Prior to his appointment as Minister, he
was the Commissioner of the Guyana
Geology and Mines Commission.
He is married to Dina Sheridan Benn and
has Two children.
Minister of Health
Dr. Ramsammy is a Post Doctoral Fellow,
Neurochemistry, NY Institute
D e v e o p m e n t a
Disabilities and has a Ph.D in
Biochemistry and a M.Sc in Biology from
the St. John's University, N.Y. He is also
the holder of a B.Sc., Microbiology from
Pace University, N.Y.
He has held several posts prior to his
appointment. These include: Senior
Lecturer Chemical Pathology, University
of Guyana, President, Executive Council,
PAHO Chairman, Board of Directors,
Head, Health Sector Reform Unit, and
Director, Environmental Protection
He was a Member of the Parliamentary
Oversight and Accounts Committee and
has been serving as Minster of Health
since 2001.
Dr. Ramsammy has more than 70
scientific publications to his name.
Minister of Local Government
and Regional Development
Born in March 1953, at Rosehall,
Canje, Kellawan Lall attended the
Patrice Lumumba University in
Moscow. He graduated with a
Diploma in Journalism from the
international School of Journalism in
He worked as a journalist at the New
Guyana Company, as Editor of the
International Review Magazine,
Czechoslovakia and Political Advisor to
former Presidents Dr. Cheddi Jagan,
Samuel Hinds, Janet Jagan and His
Excellency BharratJagdeo.
Mr. Lall is thefatherof two. He joined the
People's Progressive Party in 1970 and
is a member of the Central and
Executive Committee of the party.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport
Dr. Frank Anthony is the holder of a
Master's Degree in Public Health from the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel
and Medical Degree from the Russian
Friendship University, Moscow, Russia.
He served as the Executive Director of the
Health Sector Development Unit, in the
Ministry of Health. He had the
responsibility to supervise a number of
major health programmes.
Dr Anthony previously served as the
national focal point person for the
Essential Public Health Functions, and
Chronic Non Communicable Disease, and
Health of the Elderly within the Ministry of
Health. He also severed as epidemiologist
within the Ministry of Health and
Government Medical Officer on the East
Coast of Demerara and at the
Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
He has tremendous expertise in
HIV/AIDS, and is the secretary of the
Presidential Commission on HIV/AIDS.
He was session chair at the recently
concluded international HIV/AIDS
Conference in Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Frank Anthony participated in
numerous youth programmes and
conferences both nationally and
internationally. He was Guyana's
representative in the United Nations,
World Youth Leadership Training
Summit, UN Headquarters,
Commonwealth Youth Exchange
Programme and the Caribbean Youth
Assembly in Trinidad and Tobago.
His involvement in politics started since
1979, In the Progressive Organization of
Pioneers, before moving on to the
Progressive Youth Organization and the
Among his most notable contributions
was the period when he served on the
Constitutional reform commission in 1998/
He is married to Dr. Shanti Singh, and has
two Children.
Attorney General and Minister
of Legal Affairs
Born on June 16, 1933, Doodnauth
Singh pursued a career in the legal
field. He was admitted to the Practice
in January 1959.
There began a distinguished career
thatwould see him climbing the ladder.
He started Private Practice in January
1961, and then joined the Attorney
General's Chambers. He served as
Legal Draftsman in the Attorney
General's Chambers Legal Council to
Income Tax and Customs and
Litigation Officer.
Singh was Police Legal Adviser and
Member of the DPP's Chambers after
which he returned to Private Practice in
1969. He has practiced in several
countries including Guyana, Trinidad &
Tobago, Grenada, Antigua and
His astuteness as a legal luminary saw
him being chosen as Special
Prosecutor against Patrick John,
former Prime Minister of Dominica and
Members of the Dominican Defence
Force in a Treason and Murder
Singh was also Special Prosecutor in
Grenada against Bernard Court and
others for the murder of Maurice
Bishop, former Grenadian Prime
Minister and others.
Appointed Senior Counsel in 1985, he
continued in private Practice until June
2001 when he was appointed Attorney
General and Minister of Legal Affairs.
Minister of Tourism, Industry
and Commerce
Manniram Prashad received his early
education at Cummings Lodge
Secondary School. A former school
teacher at the East La Penitence
Government School, he joined the
Insurance sector at an early age. He
obtained the LUTC Insurance, a
Canadian Examination written through
the Caribbean Association of Life
An established businessman, Prasad
has held several posts. He served in
managerial capacity at GTM and Hand
in Hand Insurance companies. Later he
set up an insurance brokerage for both
local and overseas clients.
Prashad also served as President of the
Georgetown Chamber of Commerce &
Industry, Chairman of the Private Sector
Commission, Director of the Pegasus
Hotel and the Guyana Airways
Corporation. He was also a member of
the University of Guyana Council.
Additionally, Prashad served as
Presidential Adviser on Investment &
Trade at the Office of the President,
Chairman of the Cheddi Jagan Int'l
Airport, Guyana National Shipping
Corporation and Property Holdings
(Guyana) Limited. He also was the Vice
Chairman of the Guyana Office for
Investment and Caribbean Export
DevelopmentAgency (Barbados).
Website: www.gina.gov.gy, Email: gina@gina.gov.gy
Area 'B' Homestretch Avenue
D'Urban Backlands
Georgetown, Guyana.
September, 2006
Tel: (592) 226-6715, 226-8849
Fax: (592) 226-4003