r ~~ -
page 2
r We are especially forluniale as a ilatiol to be
equipped % ill those resources (agricultural)
MiniTer S.an I llls .audicice .11 world d Food D.i /
ce. ll io .................................................... 2 3
"Gula. iii is moree fortiiinle liain nmain.
countries \ lien it comes to rood seclurilty..."
M illiiil.r S.I tli .11 lallllliinii (ol
.A ricilltircl lonll ...................................... ) 5
President Jagdeo charges Alliance to focus on
key issues for sustainable agriculture
Focuses too much on trade aspects...................pg 8
Trade Fair and Exhibition, an excellent
forum for promotion of Guyanese produce
President Jagdeo at opening.........................pg 12
Guyana ensuring food security............pg 14
International markets demand quality and
NARI provides support to farmers for
quality production.....................................pg 17
page 3
We are especially fortunate as a
nation to be equipped with these
resources (agricultural)
- Minister Sawh tells audience at World Food
Day celebrations
At a mini agricultural display in
observance of World Food Day
2003, Minister of Agriculture (Ag)
Satyadeow Sawh told the audience
that Guyana is fortunate as a nation
n to be equipped with enough re-
sources for production of our food.
This year's World Food Day
celebration, observed under the
team 'International Alliance
Against Hunger', was held on
October 16, 2003 in the Conference
Facility, Mon Repos.
Other guests speakers were United Nations Develop-
ment Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative Jan
Sand Sorensen, who spoke in the capacity of FAO
Resident Coordinator; Advisor Regional Transforma-
tion Programme for Agriculture of Caricom Sam Law-
rence; and Director of the National Agriculture Research
Institute (NARI) Dr. Oudho Homenauth.
In his address, Minister Sawh noted that as an
agricultural nation, Guyana is proud to be a part of
activities which put agriculture at the forefront and
highlight the need for this sector to be recognized as the
foundation for reducing malnutrition and increasing food
security nationally, regionally and worldwide.
He noted that there is need for the creation of policies
and funding which would allow for implementation of
programmes that target the alleviation of hunger and
He said Government has constantly been providing
support to the agriculture sector in terms of rehabilitation
and construction of drainage and irrigation infrastruc-
ture, the provision of loans for agricultural and micro-
enterprise activities and surveys for cattle pastures.
The Minister challenged local producers to support
page 4
thi Go\ c rainent in its commitment to revitalize the
,- ci itlulil sector.
Di Hoincnauth, in reiterating Minister Sawh's
clullhkiin, noted that hunger is intimately linked to
po\ c it anid policy initiatives designed to assist the
.ajiInuliul ii ctor, and will inevitably improve the social
and economic livelihood of Guyanese.
Hi noied that the recently celebrated Caribbean Week
of ALiciciieul in Guyana is a classic example of alliances
cn.in.ln in' in the Caribbean region.
Sain Li\ rence noted that Minister Sawh should be
coniiiLiuilt-d for being consistent in keeping the public
focusi on jii-lculture.
Hi. siatcd that although several economic opportuni-
Ilic.s aic \ a.iable through the agriculture sector, 25
pcicciin of tile world's population is classified as poor.
Fuiilll while hunger has not reached the proportion
of starvation, it is creeping up on the region.
The average annual food imports of the Caribbean
Region is US$3 billion. Mr. Lawrence noted that if the
region is serious about the
- creation of wealth, it must
.emphasis and promote
agriculture, since this is the
backbone of the reduction of
In a message to observe
,a World Food Day 2003,
Director General of the Food
and Agriculture Organisation
(FAO) stated that 840
million people worldwide
suffer from chronic hunger
and the majority of these live
III dtIC Clo l 'h COlllllIC'S
\\ Inl thi \\oild is silll far away from achieving its
I'""' \\oild Food Sumin goal, to half the world's
luniiilri .a i b\ 2-'15 ith message noted that technologies
can and la\ c aidcd in ince asking food production.
\\ lut is no\\ nicddid is the political will to produce
anid ile inl pi .ic ponllSibllity for reaching the goal lies
i\ iI licd Go\ ci .lllin i and the people.
In 2~.'" 1 \\ol Id Food Day was also celebrated in Mon
Rcpos In 2h' 11 ikhe obsI.il ances were held at the Uitvlugt
C omimuniti Cn( iicli Gioind, Region Three.
page 5
%"Gu ana is more fortunate than
lmany countries when it comes to
food security..."
Iliiiister San hi at launching of
Agriciultre Month
t "Guyana is more
fortunate than many
countries when it comes
to food security. Poverty
in Guyana is most
highly concentrated in
rural areas and among
small agricultural
producers; however
these persons are often
'" .. relatively self-sufficient
r in the production of
... their food requirements"
said Minister of Agricul-
ture (ag) Mr. Satyadeow Sawh at the launching of
Agriculture Month activities.
October is Agriculture Month in Guyana and several
activities are being planned this year. Caribbean Week of
Agriculture is also being hosted in Guyana for the first
time, which will witness a significant number of events
including a trade fair at the Sophia Exhibition site and a
series of discussions and workshops.
Agriculture Month 2003 was launched at the Na-
tional Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) at Mon
Repos on October 1.
The Minister noted, "Agriculture month every year
coincides with the FAO's World Food Day whose theme
this year is International Alliance Against Hunger. Thus
it is appropriate to review alliances within Guyana that
have been established to advance the cause of agriculture
and thus fight hunger."
This year Guyana's theme is 'Guyana's Alliance
Against Hunger.' The Minister pointed out that in rural
and interior communities the poverty rate is higher and
these communities are more vulnerable. To this end, the
Soc II Impact Amelioration Programme (SIMAP) has
bcii \\ oi king to provide aid in these areas. Minister
S~.\ li -.iscd, "The Government is totally committed to
iii.ullininw, hunger in these areas and within Guyana as
a \ hoki
Thli Minister noted that the Poverty Reduction
Slit.ai ., Paper is one of the most important instruments
in cooiditnting the alliances against hunger. "The aim of
this Strategy is to create a
better standard of living for
our people through the
creation of a stable environ-
ment that is conducive to the
reduction of poverty."
"Our Strategy recognizes
the importance of agricul-
ture in the fight against
poverty and hunger and also
emphasizes the need to
improve agricultural output
in rural areas, both on the
coast and interior," Minister
Saii\ h noted
Sc'\ liii Iiai\ i ciI hi\ c. been implemented to provide
aid to Ilic 1f .ICIluu community and aid in the alleviation
of pol ci'\ The Pool Ruial Communities Support Serv-
iccs I PR( SSP is onc such example, which aims at
icducicli' pol\ c ianld ihuner through improved agricul-
i.IIal ploducilon iand income generation in Regions Two
and Tliicc
Tlls pilo,'lnlllllll inIihlides extension services, train-
i,_ dtiiainat and iinnillon, credit facilities and other
Silon c Is o Cl.1i .Ic i l abling environment for increased
NMii.stlci Sa.\ l pointed out that plans are in the
pipcliic ol a. I _ijiitd N~ations Development Programme
I _iNDPI suLppoicid plo1icc for Regions One, Six and 10.
Tlls plo .ct is to st iic.nithllcn the skills base of small
1linncls LIllouh ductillon crop diversification, market-
in' aniid Iccihibolo- lina .r.
In thel .Iaic of Diainai.'. and Irrigation, the Minister
pointedii outl 11.11 u IIhoutl proper systems, agricultural
pioduiction is not possible so Government is working to
c ll.iancc t Is 11 II
N iisitci San i noted Unfortunately, as we are all
page 7
j,\\ ,in OI1 D&I system is currently unable to meet all of
Ihc niccd of our agricultural producers. The Ministry of
A-,'nlliLuic in collaboration with many other agencies,
Ilc udintlll' Iic National Drainage and Irrigation Board,
R c io iuI Dc nocratic Councils, Neighbourhood Demo-
clIll Councils, the Rice Producers Association and
oilc'i isi fully committed to the complete rehabilitation
of oMU coulUly's drainage and irrigation system."
Rcccinll Government signed an agreement with a
UK basicd consultant firm for an investment component
10o ilhc ai'nlcultural sector, the Agricultural Support
iScn icc- Piogramme (ASSP).
, Thli consultancy contract, which amounts to
$21' 'll I \\ s awarded to Mott MacDonald. The ASSP is
c\pcccitd to finance, among other components, the
cliabilitallon of nine selected areas totalling 120,934
The Minister stressed the need for cooperation in the
sector, saying that it is a vital component.
He also stressed the need for farmers to diversify,
since there is a wider market for non-traditional produce.
Minister Sawh pointed out that Government is
committed to helping farmers succeed, saying that the
entire nation salutes farmers for their work, since
"agriculture is the backbone of the economy."
Minister Sawh visited several agricultural projects
effected by NARI before attending the Agriculture Month
launching ceremony. The Minister and a team of officials
from the Ministry of Fisheries, Other Crops and Live-
stock and NARI visited a demonstration plot in the NARI
compound where they are experimenting with citrus,
mango, field corn, sorghum, papaws, antelope grass and
red beans. He also inspected a duck farm in Triumph
before proceeding to inspect NARI's duck farm, live-
stock, tilapia and prawns.
President Jagdeo charges
Alliance to focus on key issues
for sustainable agriculture
Focuses too imuchl on Itri(le asIpects
il Ntlon|l. N a eD J... Jlk ll l -
The ll i I Imn id s iad icscc h i oi k conhidlclcd onl
T01 1 '' Ii C Ll a iii1ii i i
IIl. R i .on ,iilhin lliw l scih oi Ii cn C oIii ll 1.iimi 'I I H.Ill1
oI ho' CIIil I'iC, Ip lof 1I folic tilt lc lli' l Ih ci nP lcl i 0(I
ic Hclli ol \\ l the.i lictIll s11% \lould b i l\ l Illo oII
tlllU'Tlilit! ihc fcaIlllc a ll C aL ilic Oflllll illi 0 O \\olk-
h is ofI\\ bo Illa niclc fidlLl topialnal h th is be Liken d into
collil(liC',llOI l s Ih' 111,1111 pI)l l Ihk ci11 of l 1I Il1l kl Ill
CIcOl!2 'lo\\ II 111.\ ll'l
T.ll s I li J l-'li lld ni ll l Ihto ( ilb \ :i lllll ( 1 hoI l llll111lI H Id
of CIOl lilll i li lIc lonsibl Ic .ll lll' O Ai l ll PICIslk lll o
toih:(lii Coo i ll\ R ptbl o l lII Bhil il Iii ,ic i ii. 1, 0o
The. H,.iI d of a 12.ic L ii cl hais % iii s kI. noicii n \ %hill
dhidll clln iii h i lc ,nc Piddl ss it (tic OpI inna o \\oik-
The Foo o-Iic \\ sho1I hch c Ol.cll.c i sol
sIt\\,in bl1 i '-ctioicu ll u ni Iha .c i (lf lOIl lln is biIIli, 0'
Ih Id A whI IO li PIoIollnwll2 Cjil'lll (-,ibbein
CoIll u'ell nelll ss lI NlIOnaw l R .onll indI Inl tlnllonil
Food Ilakets
\\' Ill Ih i R .mon h1lm\ so lI'l donl w\ ll A ll i 'll of
page 9
cooidillliiL various negotiating positions. What I am
"o\Olid about is that it is just trade focused.
\\c la\ c had less efforts in a consorted way on
RcoiuOlul aL-iculture and what we must do and where
jaIictilliic II the Region would be in five, ten or 20
\ caSi Iinc \\hat share of our economy would be coming
fioin jrIcultiliure? What are the sectors that would be
lsuslal.lblc and how much of our food do we want to
COinc fion1 Regional sources. There has never been that
Iclinpt Picsident Jagdeo said.
Accoidini- to the Head of the State, he had raised the
issue nil iIc. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation
on Ai.-ictuliic (IICA) and has requested help.
Pic'sid ii Jagdeo also noted that he has raised the
isuei of scpalate and regular meetings for the CARICOM
Ai ic I luii N ministers to further discuss pertinent mat-
iclS Tlls hlic aijsed at the level of the Heads of Govern-
ment Meetings.
The President said the time is ripe for Regional
players to concentrate heavily on the future of this
dynamic industry, which is the backbone of the Carib-
bean economy.
Accordingly President Jagdeo noted that the renewed
focus necessitates the Region
Prciticnt Bharrat Jg addressing several issues
mii-tiima nili tharmerts that were shelved for a long
time. The President noted
that the Alliance has a
crucial role to play, sensitis-
ing the Region to many of
these issues.
SHe charged participants
of the ongoing workshop to,
during their deliberations,
address a number of issues:
Better coordination
among Regional Institutions
Enihi.l1ici iln communication strategy
E iffcci1\ i Iformation market intelligence system
Actii\ c aiicultural financing system.
\\c inuisit i the Regional level set up a framework
fol fillhnicll' S ince we cannot promise financing from
ilic cotillnii S ticasuries. We have to find a system of
inci ti\ ciis o allow private capital and capital from
de\ clopilncliil institutions in the Region for agriculture,"
President Bharrat Jagdeo & Minsiter Sawh pose with Regional
Officials at Alliance workshop
he said. He noted that the banking sector has been
reluctant to lend to the agriculture industry because of
the many risks, but it is on the shoulders of countries to
come up with workable ways of having financing such as
crop financing and insurance.
Dissemination of new development such as Infor-
mation Technology, so as to modernize the sector and
make it more attractive, especially to eliminate the
impression that the sector is old fashioned. The President
said modernization will attract the attention of the young
generation in the agricultural sector.
Developing Regional standards so as to enhance
products for extra-regional competition. But at the same
eliminating any grounds for barriers to inter-Regional
The unfair pressure from private companies for
states to close certain sectors so that others could flour-
Making agricultural products attractive for market-
Minister of Fisheries, Other Crops and livestock Mr.
Satyadeow Sawh who warmly welcomed the delegates of
the workshop to Guyana, said the meeting comes at a
time when the Region's agricultural industry is both
confronting challenges and opening to opportunities.
page 11
Mi iilc i Sawh urged participants at the workshop to
ciisllt i i Iu their deliberations provide some answers and
-sohlIlont to the many existing questions and problems.
He iioicd that the outcome of this workshop is critical
to Ilo\ tli Region proceeds with its agriculture plans.
C AR IC OM's Deputy Secretary General Ms. Lollta
Applc\" lhili urged participants to re-examine the role of
,i ,nll uiiul in various member countries and the possible
iclpoSiiolinii,- of objectives.
She inocd with much approval that one of the items
to be dclibciated on is a Re\ ic\\ of countries agricultural
sccioil pci lormances against their potential. She said
tiu s \\i ill sc e as an ideal assessment.
s k Applewhaite urged the workshop to also examine
tih poicnii.II of linkages, especially in the area of agro-
Thli Diic actor General of IICA of Costa Rica Dr.
Chelston Braithwaite urged participants at the workshop
to clearly examine the challenges facing the sector and
devise workable solutions.
He told them that the industry must be treated with
priority, as its contribution to every citizen's life is
He renewed IICAs commitment to supporting Carib-
bean countries in making their products more competi-
The workshop is one of many activities to promote
the Fourth Caribbean Week of Agriculture, which is
being hosted by Guyana for the first time. A grand Trade
Fair and exhibition at the Sophia Exhibition Complex is
page 12
Trade Fair and Exhibition, an
excellent forum for promotion of
Guyanese produce
President Jagdeo at opening
President Bharrat Jagdeo opened
the Guyana Trade Fair and Exhibition
on Wednesday, October 8, 2003 at the
National Exhibition Centre, Sophia,
As part of celebrations for Carib-
bean Week of Agriculture, the trade
fair and exhibition was held from
October 8 to 12 and showcased a
variety of local products including art
and cill plt.l nuts, meat, fishes, and a variety of
PicsidnItii Ja,'deo noted that the trade fair is an
c\ccIllcni loiuiin for the promotion of locally grown and
imnufaii uiicIed products. He used the opportunity to
cnicouiaiJc continued co-operation within the Caribbean
Rciion sinci \ ith togetherness the countries can move
tic A.\ncultuiliic sctor forward.
Picr idtiin JaI'deo stated that if the Region does not
piodiucc qtul lll ,oods then it would not be able to export
to Il ci.niollOlul markets. He urged participants to regard
latldi. .s buliici s and work to develop it and form
lIii In .l hiilpS
PieSidcint Jail'deo noted that it is important to examine
Ili C(aiibben Single Market and Economy (CSME) and
called foi ile countries in the Region to be committed to
its iinpllnientilion. He noted that instead of referring to
ile indusines. as belonging to specific countries, they
lsiouni be \ ici ed as Regional industries.
GuL\ u.an ha been diversifying the agriculture sector to
iiukc it moic competitive on international markets and
tliui call c\\ia endorsed by President Jagdeo. He stated that
II pcisonis a.ii desirous of investing in Guyana the
Go\ cinmii in could make available lands in the Interme-
diate Si\a ,nnali for immediate cultivation.
MNhSiti.ic of Fisheries, Other Crops and Livestock and
page 13
.AinI'cultui Mr. Satyadeow Sawh in his address noted
iluLt ilc pinership between Government and the private
-sccioi \ l continue, while expressing the hope that
ipoplic ill recognize Guyana's potential and invest.
Picsidc int of the Guyana Manufacturers' Association
hi R.iillc.i Dookhoo noted that effort shows that
jGu\ .i lu.s much to offer. He noted that the business
coinuiniiNI is pleased with the actions taken to ensure
Sluit Li\\ and order is restored in Guyana and this brings a
difflccni climate to the investment arena as persons have
ic''liincd confidence in the country.
Hc c\picssed the hope that the strides taken so far
\\ II co ninu ie, while praising the efforts made by Presi-
dciin J.Ildco and Leader of the Opposition Mr. Robert
Coi bin it dialogue.
D cc to -General of the Inter-American Institute for
(oopctiilon on Agriculture (IICA) Dr. Chelston
Braithwaite said that working together is the key to a
better future and that the country cannot be developed by
external parties but by Guyanese. He congratulated the
stakeholders for the initiative, while pledging the contin-
ued support of IICA to the agriculture sector.
The trade fair and exhibition is
a collaborative effort between the
Ministry of Fisheries, Other Crops
and Livestock and Agriculture, and
OF the Guyana Manufacturers' Asso-
_ ciation.
Booths were set up by the New
Guyana Marketing Corporation
(NGMC), the National Agricultural
Research Institute (NARI), Hinter-
S land Extension Programme, the
Ministry of Fisheries, Other Crops
nd Li\ cistock .Anmal and Fisheries Departments, the
Food Polic Di\ iion of the Ministry of Health, the
jGui ,ai FoicSln (C commission, IICA, the Guyana Rice
Dc\ clopmcni Boid, the Guyana School of Agriculture,
and CGu\ .I Stocklfceds Inc.
Sc\ ci.l icin\ ilics were planned for Caribbean Week of
A ,inliulic including a two-day marketing policy
\oikshlop on ilhc Alliance for Sustainable Development
of .lAincultuic and the Rural Milieu at the Hotel Tower,
on c()lcobci xN 2111
Guyana ensuring food security
Go\ crnment has been working to ensure that
CGu\ jnlse receive proper social services and food. To
die illic achievements with regard to food security have
bccn nulnerous, since Guyana has been able to gain
.acess Io several international markets including Barba-
ldos C(a ada, the European Union, the United States of
.A m i ic Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Caricom
inc nbcil states and several other Caribbean countries.
S Food security is the capacity to provide enough
Spoducc for public consumption within the country and
ol C\l)ort.
The Minister of Fisheries, Other Crops and Livestock
aind .Ai culture (ag) Mr. Satyadeow Sawh noted at the
opening of Agriculture month "Guyana is more fortunate
than many countries when it comes to food security.
Poverty in Guyana is most highly concentrated in rural
areas among small agricultural producers; however, these
persons are often relatively self-sufficient in the produc-
tion of their food requirements."
The rice industry continues to make a significant
contribution to Guyana's economy despite many chal-
lenges on local and interna-
tional markets.
Rice exports recorded by
the Guyana Rice Develop-
ment Board (GRDB) from
January to August amount to
123,000 tonnes.
According to the GRDB,
Guyana exports rice to
l several countries, including
those in the Caricom Region
and the European Union,
and Haiti.
Salw$iic$ f'oi iicc c\ports for 2003 are:
(.icolll 4111l lornes
Euiopcin _i n0lon "1,161 tonnes
)O\ clSCa ( ounLsuiic and Territories 15, 186 tonnes
Otlci (ouniiuics including Haiti 5,381 tonnes.
Ricc piodiucion Iol this year is also significant and
page 14
page 15
luhs been recorded at 179,569 tonnes.
The table below shows rice production from 1992 to
Year Production (Tonnes)
1992 246,898
1993 246,522
1994 256,857
1995 253,837
1996 280,116
1997 276,392
1998 254,668
1999 321,438
2000 273,371
2001 284,475
2002 288,375
Non-traditional exports have been increasing over the
years and have done well. According to statistics from
the New Guyana Marketing Corporation's (NGMC's)
Central Packaging Facility for Barbados, the figures
show that the sector is progressing. The Ministry of
Fisheries, Other Crops and Livestock has been encourag-
ing farmers to diversify their produce, since there is an
increasing demand on international markets.
F ion 2001 to date the pattern of exports of fresh
ploduicc has been recorded at high levels. Produce
c. \polted includes plantains, watermelons, pineapples,
punLipkini limes, cucumbers, eddoes, eggplant, bora,
c ibbAxi- dry coconuts, hot peppers, avocados, tomatoes,
ol oi-'.s sweet peppers, squash, saeme, eschallot, ginger,
Spassion fiuit, cassava, papaws, ochroes, thyme and wiri
Major Commodities 2001 % Total 2002 % Total
tonness) (2001) tonness) (2002)
Heart of Palm 1888.20 56.6 1381.5 33.6
Coconuts (crude oil) 0.0 0.0 742 18.0
Copra 312.5 9.4 741.63 18.0
Plantain 371.16 11.1 371.67 9.0
Others 263.50 7.9 256.11 6.2
Mango 96.36 2.9 222.61 5.4
Pineapple 113.13 3.4 143.66 3.5
Watermelon 0.0 0.0 90.36 2.2
Lime 38.42 1.2 63.47 1.5
Pepper 186.63 5.6 46 1.1
Pumpkin 59.52 1.8 41.91 1.0
Pepper (wiri-wiri) 8.58 0.3 10.08 0.2
Total Non-Traditional 3,338 100 4,111 100
Agriculture Exports
(Volumes in tonnes)
Total Non-traditional 3,524 3,805
Agriculture Exports
(Value in US$ 000)
Volumes Exported of Major Non-Traditional
Agricultural Exports 2001 & 2002
page 17
International markets ldeml nd
quality and NARI provides
support to farmers
for quality production
A GIN\A reait re hb Rekhlui Bli/hll
A. A .rl itii tlliic MNl10i ti i\ a lii.'iI kick ofl 11 ii Ipcit-
nIIOC 1o Iliuitho Il lrlOtclON 1 1 c. of Ilih. s cii \t lille
noTll h. Illclll beinlli ll\J .llp i.ll.nl. llk IIO c\llh l In .lle
iioiii ilk" i.. Icin. t iciiip-lciii|dC t iii ctI>\ 10 ciilu ic llK
qtlill of po o icilon I ii mil i)io\ i ili.' nc.c. .il ild in
I 111s '11C .1
The NJlioiul A.li'tilinil Rcai.'-ci hlnislilic i NARI)
locaicdl t N ilo Rcpo_ Eait (CoaI Dcmciiial ".I csub-
liishcdl 11in i'.Is sciiii-,i oioiiionm ii.cs ,ic aicli iniililtie.
Ti heK .Jii of l Il insilltic iS 10 to phicin c.lop ianl
iilin Cillcni ic.lc h to Ii p litIicC tccihioloi.cnIad 6\ sicms
I ll ma ill aIllc li- nll lO llliic l ic_ i ll ll0'.lnc lndi c.\lO.li
(11.)11 \\III 111.i 1111 111 \ii O0lj. I ell-stll IK\ IJtl l .1 |01pol
TheIl iillin obicc\u c_ of NARI i_ 10 iaIInJII, a idl
council CI ilkc nilion _< _oil aind \\l .i iCOiincc lfoi _uible
ilnd piodULicl\ C ai'ciliculluiC in .C.,wiiC ,cicitific kiio'\ I-
Clt' atiC l li'iciilliti l pioduLtic lli piocc__in,_' mid num iket-
IIl!'- 11110 i \ SNCills \\ dluch 0 l)opillliC iC Oli ICC nllllla-"'Clllilt
n111d fiiiCi L ilic 11. liian lci of ilic Icchilolo t O u10t i
ilniiiiaiii antil nicinC pl odi cil lli ai111t (It liilll ini ciop
Iand u1111al production and achieve maximum use of
, niiciiiuLuial products for domestic and export purposes.
NARI provides several services to farmers
couniLn it.i in the areas of non-traditional crop cultiva-
11011 and ill rearing of animals for the local and interna-
1ioiul iiikiets.
F.iilni i producing non-traditional crops can now
accs i folirmnation, which will allow them to produce
bei uci qiulity crops that would be favoured on interna-
Siul nlu ik.ts. In recent years, Guyana has increased
c\poins >.specially Barbados.
Thlic i leasing demand for Guyanese produce on
l, initn rn ioiul markets has been recognized and quality
Sconliol is playing a major role. It is in this regard that
NAR I luh been providing extension services to farmers.
Local producers can request NARI's assistance in
dciliiii. \ ni problems or accessing information on how
to start cultivating other crops or rearing animals.
NARI is presently cultivating 40 acres of crops
including rough lemon, sorghum, field corn, papaw,
mango, antelope grass, and red beans.
The sorghum, which is a grain, is to be used as a feed
for ducks sheep and other livestock. The estimated
qluiiiL of seeds ii 1 \ would be harvested from the
dCmonsii.iiion plot is 2 5'") pounds. The field corn is also
bciii., cnill\ aid lo f'ccd animals so as to reduce the cost
ol piodluclonl
NARI is culi\ ali nnii Antelope grass for farmers who
iC. co\ \ l luclih ill i.nre better quality meat and
dairy products. This will
encourage farmers to expand
beef production, since
Guyana has been declared
free of the Foot and Mouth
SAt the duck farm, the
institute acquired ducks from
Denmark and China. Hens
and drakes are reared
separately but are brought
together to breed.
Thel InsiiLuti Ilo\ idcs hens and drakes but not eggs
10o lanls t.o stiaii icainit' ducks or expand their produc-
nion Fainlncs ha\ c bccin able to access assistance in
Itcluini tll.ll c.''s at til facility. Some farmers prefer to
page 19
do it themselves but NARI also provides this service.
NAI eThe institute also
breeds sheep, one of its
Outstanding successes.
Approximately 80
breeding stock are sold
annually. Presently the
breeding stock consists
of the Barbados Black
Belly and Virgin Island
For the first time in
Guyana's history
artificial insemination
of sheep is being done.
Ihniltci of 'Aill lclNi II h Satyadeow Sawh visited
ihC iI-idll\ on ()Ocobci I n clih he launched Agriculture
month and viewed a demonstration.
NARI embarked on the rearing of tilapia and prawns.
The tilapia is being bred in artificial ponds and has to be
about six months old to market. The demand on interna-
tional markets for fresh produce is rising and tilapia is
exported throulih the New Guyana Marketing Corpora-
tion i NGNI( KI
Thie curiicnt baiIch of tilapia will be ready for harvest
II No\ c.nbc ll. p. I of the activities for Agriculture
Month 2003, NARI hosted
training programmes to provide
farmers with information on
breeding and feeding practices of
tilapia, hassar and prawns, since
there is a greater demand for
these on local and international
Another significant activity is
the supporting of organic agricul-
ture with the successful produc-
tion of organic cocoa beans in
Region One (Barima/Waini),
\ Inch lii In internal ional market. Farmers are being
c icoLmji,_cd and assisted in producing a wide variety of
pilntins pincalpplcs limes pumpkins, watermelons,
olilans ixlslon flitii and tomatoes.
NAR I \\.is loinlcily known as the Central Agricul-
tIIl Sit.llon and \\.as located at Mon Repos. In 1955,
Go\ cnii intt acquicd til Lnd aInd the following year
\oik onil dk ci.lbhi.liiini of ilkl nation commenced. It
\.as coiiplccd and loirmalli oplind in 1962. The station
\\.a bull1 to Ipo\ idc ollficcS Iboialory facilities and
li.cdci.nil .ccominiod.iioi The GuCyana Rice Corpora-
noliio ad ih Gl \ ,1. Scliool of AL.' culture were also
SiJillOInd 1Jhe1e
NARI was also
created to rectify
problems of ineffi-
cient and ineffective
utilization of
scientific research
personnel. It was
further aimed at the
jd- development of
each region in
Guyana to increase
productivity in
agriculture. This
would support crops
and livestock and
Stlil.ll riodulclon foillit IIn ll o-based industries.
The isiiitiiiion pio\I idc, l' iccs which allow almost
Ixiillcl _io" III of iilc lainci mdin idually or co-opera-
ii\ %% \ill I de\ clopinlland o1f icclnologies for produc-
[lll JI id 111.l\lllll/l l 1011 o lc tlllllS
III l'"'5 Goli\ ci' cli' icco!ni'd lll/ the importance of
ilic csblishImcnll of a icciich l facility, equipped to
condtlict scicnitific iccicl in III aiea of rice cultivation.
Duriiiri I1.,i ci ili C uLi ,an. Ricc Development Board
Act No 1, \\.s piloicd III lic Natiional Assembly and
,i\ cin ascnl Io bi\ Clu\ ana Formcr President Dr. Cheddi
Publiihcd bI\ iIc Go\ crnlin ln Information Agency
.ici. B Homictictll Avenue
D Uilbin Bicklandsk Georgetown.
Emil i'na.I udnp org.gy
\\l\\\ LIllIJ 'O\ gy
Coo|i rihit < October 2003 GINA