Group Title: John & William Bartram specimen collection. Book 1 East Florida
Title: 36 - Soft-hair Coneflower? (or a Sunflower) 52 - Composite (Asteraceae)
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Title: 36 - Soft-hair Coneflower? (or a Sunflower) 52 - Composite (Asteraceae)
Series Title: John & William Bartram specimen collection. Book 1 East Florida
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: Bartram, William
Publisher: Natural History Museum (London)
Subjects / Keywords: Bartram herbarium specimens -- Florida
Botanical specimens -- Collection and preservation -- Florida
Botany -- Florida
Spatial Coverage: North America -- Florida
Abstract: Original identification: 36 (Joseph Ewan) Gaillardia lanceolata Michx.. Re-determination by Kent Perkins (KP) or J. Richard Abbott (JRA): 36 - this plant may be Rudbeckia mollis Elliott (Asteraceae); Ewan's name is for a plant with very different leaves, phyllaries, and flowers. Rudbeckia generally has a strongly conical central portion of the inflorescence, but a few specimens at FLAS herbarium, like this specimen, show it can be more depressed. the specimen needs to be studied directly. it could possibly be a sunflower (Helianthus), but the leaves don't match very well with any of the Florida species, based on material here at FLAS. 52 - unable to identify beyond family - Asteraceae; the inflorescence is mounted upside down and there are no leaves; comparison to herbarium material at FLAS didn't yield any match; the leafless scapose habit is similar to the tip of a branch of Helianthus heterophyllus, but the phyllaries do not match; the phyllaries seem most similar to a species of Coreopsis, but none of our species match. i sent a reduced copy of the photo to John Pruski (at MO), an Asteraceae specialist, and he suggested that both this plant and #36 might belong to the sunflower genus, Helianthus. the specimen needs to be studied directly. all i can say with certainty is that it is a composite (Asteraceae)
Funding: The Bartram images displayed as part of this collection reside in the collections of the Natural History Museum (London). They were digitized by the Museum and are being made available through this site for reference and research purposes only. All other rights are retained by the Museum.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00084157
Volume ID: VID00016
Source Institution: Natural History Museum (London)
Holding Location: Natural History Museum (London)
Rights Management: All rights reserved by Natural History Museum (London)
Resource Identifier: BMNH image: BM000894939
Bartram's ID: EF36_52

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