Group Title: John & William Bartram specimen collection. Book 1 East Florida
Title: 25 - uncertain 26 - Dog-tongue Wild Buckwheat 26a - Painted-leaf, Fire-on-the-Mountain
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Title: 25 - uncertain 26 - Dog-tongue Wild Buckwheat 26a - Painted-leaf, Fire-on-the-Mountain
Series Title: John & William Bartram specimen collection. Book 1 East Florida
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: Bartram, William
Publisher: Natural History Museum (London)
Subjects / Keywords: Bartram herbarium specimens -- Florida
Botanical specimens -- Collection and preservation -- Florida
Botany -- Florida
Spatial Coverage: North America -- Florida
Abstract: Original determination: 25 Polanisia angustifolia 26 (Joseph Ewan) Eriogonum tomentosum Michx. 26a (Joseph Ewan) Euphorbia (= Galarhoeus sensu Small) Re-determination by Kent Perkins (KP) or J. Richard Abbott (JRA): i suspect there may be a number mix-up here, as Ewan's annotation for 26a was probably meant for the plant closest to the number 25; if so, then the plant labelled as 26a must have been meant when someone wrote the name given here as 25 on the sheet (right below the number 25) 25 - this is a sterile stem that doesn't even have any leaves. there is nothing here to suggest any family, and i am not sure how well i am actually seeing the stem texture (vs. artefacts of the scanning process). from the photo, it is not clear if the stem is hairless or not, nor can i even be certain if i am seeing leaf scars. is this stem truly leafless? there might be small scale leaves that just don't show up well in the photo. from the photo, it seems very unlikely that this might be a Polanisia which has lost its leaves for two reasons: a) all of the specimens of Polanisia at the FLAS herbarium have dark purplish stems (this specimen is greenish), and b) Polanisia stems have capitate glandular hairs on the stem that, even under relatively low magnification, give it a somewhat warty appearance (with high magnification it is clear that they are glandular hairs; this specimen appears to have a smooth stem, although near the bottom of the photo (mid-stem of the plant) there might be hairs). the only nearly leafless stem that comes to mind is Polygala setacea (Polygalaceae), which does have green stems with similar striations, but three things appear to rule out P. setacea: a) P. setacea has tiny scale leaves, which can not be seen in this photo, b) P. setacea usually has a dark purplish band near the base of the stem, right above the paler root (this specimen fades from green right into the pale root), and c) P. setacea stems are glabrous, while this specimen may have some hairs. because i am not certain of these minute details from the photo, it could be that examination of the actual specimen and comparison to herbarium material might possibly shed more light on this, perhaps even changing how i interpret some of the features from the photo, but, with what i can see in the photo, this bare stem best remains nameless... if forced to guess, though, i would suggest Polygala setacea Michx., Coastalplain Milkwort (Polygalaceae), but the specimen needs to be studied directly - it could be many different things if it has truly lost all its leaves and flowers/fruits. 26 - ! Eriogonum tomentosum Michx. (Polygonaceae) 26a is Poinsettia cyathophora (Murray) Bartl. (Euphorbiaceae); this group is very distinctive and was recognized by Small as the genus Poinsettia; Ewan making such a relatively big blunder adds to my growing suspicions that he may not have actually had the specimens in hand (especially given the mix-ups with numbers and annotation labels); the plants that he was most 'wrong' with (i.e., his identifications were most distant from mine) tend to be ones for which i have had to rely on the highest magnification possible. Ewan would not have had the advantage of our 'modern' technology for images; perhaps he didn't even get to put the specimens under a scope. this might be something to look into before making any big deal out of how many he was wrong on...
Funding: The Bartram images displayed as part of this collection reside in the collections of the Natural History Museum (London). They were digitized by the Museum and are being made available through this site for reference and research purposes only. All other rights are retained by the Museum.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00084157
Volume ID: VID00011
Source Institution: Natural History Museum (London)
Holding Location: Natural History Museum (London)
Rights Management: All rights reserved by Natural History Museum (London)
Resource Identifier: BMNH image: BM000894934
Bartram ID: EF25_26_26A

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