Group Title: John & William Bartram specimen collection. Book 1 East Florida
Title: 8 - Southern Arrowwood 9 - Four-petal St. John's-wort
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 Material Information
Title: 8 - Southern Arrowwood 9 - Four-petal St. John's-wort
Series Title: John & William Bartram specimen collection. Book 1 East Florida
Physical Description: Herbarium specimen
Creator: Bartram, William
Publisher: Natural History Museum (London)
Subjects / Keywords: Bartram herbarium specimens -- Florida
Botanical specimens -- Collection and preservation -- Florida
Botany -- Florida
Spatial Coverage: North America -- Florida
Abstract: Original identification: 8 (Joseph Ewan) Viburnum rafinesquianum Schultes 9 (Joseph Ewan) Ascyrum tetrapetalum (Lam.) Vail Re-determination by Kent Perkins (KP) or J. Richard Abbott (JRA) 8 is Viburnum dentatum L., Southern arrowwood (Adoxaceae); Ewan's V. rafinesquianum is a more northern species found in the mountains and foothills. some treat V. dentatum as a variable species, including taxa like V. rafinesquianum, while others treat them as a complex of several closely related species. there is no single 'correct' answer. if one does choose to recognize V. rafinesquianum as distinct, then it does not occur in Florida; this specimen does not match the northern material either (petioles too long, stipules lacking, leaf shape wrong) 9 is probably Hypericum tetrapetalum Lam (Clusiaceae), which is the current name for Ascyrum tetrapetalum. Whoever put the strip across the flowers should be reprimanded. KP JRA - definitely H. tetrapetalum! the cordate-clasping leaves and the broadly ovate sepals clinch it. Ewan's Ascyrum is just an old name for the same thing (synonym
Funding: The Bartram images displayed as part of this collection reside in the collections of the Natural History Museum (London). They were digitized by the Museum and are being made available through this site for reference and research purposes only. All other rights are retained by the Museum.
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00084157
Volume ID: VID00003
Source Institution: Natural History Museum (London)
Holding Location: Natural History Museum (London)
Rights Management: All rights reserved by Natural History Museum (London)
Resource Identifier: BMNH image: BM000894926
Bartram ID: EF8_9

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